RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 VOL. 3 - ISSUE 17 :: PAGES 24 :: ` 2/-

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10 SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 02 Editorial

Dear Readers, Pateti is the perfect occasion to release our Issue. We get to hope you had a wonderful year behind you and that you step into the New Year with a tough spirit and a light heart! Last week we released a Special Issue that was well received and loved E\VRPDQ\RI\RX7KDQN\RXVRPXFKIRUWKHÁRRGRIHQFRXUDJHPHQW and the pile of contest answers that is still coming in! ‘Only 2 years old and in glossy paper!’ Yes! We especially love that comment! The weekend hunt for the best Suterfeni begins for me as I run home for a family celebration. I look forward to seeing our favourite and staple Special Occasion restaurant HDFKIDPLO\KDVRQH ÀOOHGZLWK3DUVLIDPLOLHVKROGLQJWKHKDQGVRIWKHLU*UDQQLHVDQG *UDQGSDV DQG VKDULQJ D ORYHO\ GD\ ZLWK HDFK RWKHU , KRSH HYHU\RQH LQ WKH VSLULW RI everything Zoroastrian and everything good, gathers with loved ones for a celebration with or without a meal. Plus don’t forget to send in your family pictures and win some Pransukhlal Asho Farohars! /RYHDQG*RG%OHVVIURPDOORIXVDW3DUVL7LPHV Check out our P.T. Special Contest Freyan on Page 7! ([email protected])


$\HDUROG3DUVL*LUOZLOOLQJWRVHWWOHDEURDG is looking for a Parsi Boy +HVKRXOGEHZHOOVHWWOHGLQOLIH by the fringe group is that Jashan, Navjot & Ashirwad &RQWDFWPHHUDBD#KRWPDLOFRP during such a performance, ceremonies. Possibly they non Parsis too would be may not be consider them as present. Is this fringe group religious ceremonies - HA HA trying to say that Uthamna HA . At least in the instant case ceremony is more sacred the venue did not belong to Dear Humdins, indirectly. Their aim is to hog scheduled to be performed than Jashans, Navjotes the local Punchayat whereas Our minuscule a few minutes of spotlight at a School Hall in South and Aashirwads which are in case of Uthamna of a non Community has the singular by reading their own names since the departed performed in presence of non Navjoted JRD Tata, it was the misfortune of having a small appear. soul considered it sagacious Parsis? If these Dhongies are Doongerwadi Bungli that was fringe group who miss no Recently, in cyber space, to have his mortal remains objecting to presence of non the venue. Was this Bungli opportunity to stir up hornet’s a controversy is sought to be cremated. Parsis during Uthamna why then ‘desecrated’ according to nests on matters which created about an Uthamna of The specious and utterly they observe stonic silence for this group? What punishment least affect them directly or a Parsi gentleman which was preposterous plea being taken other religious ceremonies like Contd. on Pg. 14 POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. We reserve only the right to ‘edit for quality’ and the right to not publish letters intended for WKLVVHFWLRQWKDWZHÀQGOHVVWKDQVXLWDEOHLQWRQHRUH[SUHVVLRQ,IDQ\RQHKDVDQ\GRXEWVDQGLVVXHVDERXWWKHFRQWHQWRIWKHOHWWHUVWKH\DUHUHTXHVWHGWRFRQWDFWWKHLQGLYLGXDODXWKRUVLIKLVKHUGHWDLOVDUHPHQWLRQHG SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 03 SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 04 Community Coverage AN APPEAL The Saronda Dispensary Charity Trust, established in 1919, Regd. No. E-144 [BOM] thanks to generous contribution of Rs. 1 Lakh given by Late Dhanbai Jiwanji Bhiladwalla has served the sick n 9th August every and the needy in and around the tiny village of Saronda (near Sanjan, year, the Central Bank Gujarat), for the past 94 years. The income from the meagre corpus is of India celebrates QRWVXIÀFLHQWWRPHHWWKHH[SHQVHVLQFXUUHGRQPHGLFDOUHOLHIJLYHQ O the birth anniversary of their This is an earnest appeal for funds to the corpus of the Trust so that it beloved founder Sir Sorabji can increase its efforts and services to the socio-economically derived Pochkhanawala. He had built sections of society. The donations may be marked as “Donations to up Central Bank of India the Corpus of the Trust”. almost single handedly, from Cheques may be drawn in favour of D ÁHGJOLQJ RUJDQL]DWLRQ LQWR “The Saronda Dispensary Charity Trust” addressed to: a mighty bank. Such was the MR. JAMSHED KATHOKE vision and faith of founder of Central bank of India that Dr. Piloo Hakim (Granddaughter of Sir Sorabji Pochkanwala) addressing the 9, Kavarana Building, Sant Gadge Maharaj Marg. gathering. Also, seen in the pic (L-R) Mr. B. K Singal (FGM, MMZO), Mr. Rajeev it could complete a century Dadar Cross Road, Mumbai – 400 014. Rishi (CMD, Central Bank of India), Mr. R. K Goyal (ED, Central Bank of India) of Survival from 20th to 21st and Mr. Animesh Chauhan (ED, Central Bank of India). Kindly mention your PAN No. On reverse of the cheque. century. Today Central Bank of total business of Rs 4.00 Lac events: For & on Behalf of Co-Trustess India is having 4300 plus Crores. On this auspicious Launch of Cent The Saronda Dispensary Charity Trust branches with a Pan India occasion the Central Bank of Matsyakanya Credit Card MS. ZARIN R. VIRJI (TRUSTEE) presence having crossed the India conducted the following (CMCC) for empowering Fisher women. Launch of Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala Memorial Death Relief scheme for our employees in memory of the Founder. Cancer awareness and CONGRATULATIONS! Detection Camp conducted by The N.K. Dhabhar Cancer 3rd AUGUST CONTESTS WINNERS Foundation for the lady Asfandiar Ardeshir Daroowala staff members free of cost. Mammograms were also Zishta Patel taken. :LQQHUVSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKH3DUVL7LPHV Health/Dental/Eye RIILFHIURPDPWRSP check-up conducted by Fortis From L-R Mr. M. Mittal (AGM) Mr. Mohit Kodnani (DGM) Mr. Sandeep Dasgupta 0RQGD\WR:HGQHVGD\ (GM), Mrs. Yasmin Sarkari (AGM) from Marketing Department, Central Bank of Health Care sponsored by India. Dr. Boman Dhabhar, Dr. Pouru Dhabhar and Ms Villie Daruvala from N. K. Cholamandalam free of cost Dhabhar Cancer Foundation for all staff members. Khordad Saal Mubarak Lets us once again celebrate “Khordad Saal”, Congratulations Afreen your birthday Afreen Thanevala, a resident of Behram Baug Parsi This time, praying for our survival, Colony, Mumbai and a student of let’s take an oath today International School (DAIS) has scored 94.7% (aggregate of all Do we all will, our very best, to revive it; subjects) in the ICSE Tenth Standard examination. Afreen’s endeavours Here we all pray. has been to achieve balanced development, to excel at academics on one hand and to develop her personality and social skills through extra Oh Nabi-O-Na-Nabi, Wisdom unto us grant, curricular activities on the other. In academics, she has consistently been along with will-power DPRQJVWWKHWRSÀYHLQKHUFODVV+HUH[WUDFXUULFXODULQWHUHVWVLQFOXGH So that, love, dedication and hard work upon it, singing, where she has won inter school awards, debating, MUN and social service. She has participated in several Model United National we can shower programs, including representing her school at The Hague International $QGQRWÀJKWRYHUWKLQJVELJRUVPDOO Model United Nations (THIMUN) at Singapore in 2011. Afreen believes that strong value Or O’ The “Silence De Tower” systems are a paramount importance in her life. She has currently taken up Arts at St. Xavier’s and would like to pursue Law studies in future. Faith, dedication, respect and peace Let us into ourselves inculcate Doing away with a culture, of having every thing Wishes from Priests upon a silver plate Marry a Parsi in our twenties, & having children 3, Ervad Hoshang Bhandara, Panchgani ERVAD MINOO KOTWAL we must contemplate. (Committee Member of BAZA) “On the pleasant morning of Boon this, today very important is; 1DYUR]H,DVN*RGWRPDNHRXU I am a Parsi Priest by For our very survival is a threat Parsi Community happy, make profession so my day will be Multiply should we, early in life, them smile, guide them safely very busy. I will spend most WKURXJKHYHU\PLOH*UDQWWKHP At a speed of the concord or jet of it by performing prayers health, wealth and most of all give Help us O! Mazda, in our mission, at the Mahim Fire Temple. them care, love and strength. To pay back unto you this massive debt As always I will also meet up Wish you all Happy & with my daughter for lunch in Armin Dutia Motashaw Prosperous New Year.” a restaurant or a movie. SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 05 SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 06 Community Coverage Western Classical Music fans… Are you listening? umbai-born maestro will be able VWULNH RII RQH RI KLV XQIXOÀOOHG DPELWLRQV IURP MKLV EXFNHW OLVW +LV GUHDP WR SHUIRUP LQ ,QGLD·V FRQÁLFWGULYHQ.DVKPLU9DOOH\PD\VRRQFRPHWUXH,QRQHRI KLVLQWHUYLHZVKHH[SUHVVHGKLVORYHZLWKWKH.DVKPLUUHJLRQ ZKHQKHDQGKLVZLIHWUDYHOOHGWKHUHLQWKHV.DVKPLU·V 7RXULVP 0LQLVWHU *KXODP $KPDG 0LU LQIRUPHG WKH ORFDO UHSRUWHUV WKDW 0HKWD ZLOO EH FRQGXFWLQJ D FRQFHUW QH[W PRQWKRQWKHSLFWXUHVTXHEDQNVRIWKH'DO/DNHLQ6ULQDJDU LQDJDUGHQFUHDWHGE\D0XJKDO(PSHURU ,W·VQRWMXVW.DVKPLUWKDWZLOOZLWQHVVWKHZRQGHUIXOZRUNVRI 0U0HKWD5HFHQWO\RXUGHDU0XPEDLNDUVH[KLELWHGWKHLUORYHIRUPXVLFE\SDWLHQWO\ZDLWLQJ LQ ORQJ TXHXHV WR SXUFKDVH WKH WLFNHWV RI KLV FRQFHUW

Actress Delnaz Irani LQKHUQHZUROHDVD3DUVLJLUO KHUÀUVWUROH SOD\LQJD3DUVLRQ79  :DWFK'HOQD]LQKehta Hai Dil Jee Le Zara on Sony TV from Monday - Thursday 9.30 p.m.


Corporate & Creativity that creative zing to your job, means electronic learning or then be smart and apply for in other words virtual/digital a gaming company. Imagine learning. Now you might the joy of creating a video wonder how writing about a game right from scratch. The company’s code of conduct, Parsi Community has a lot of making software training bankers, so you might think, programs, teaching students how do I add creativity when about the corporate world can For Khushnum Yezdi Mistry, I am doing bank work? Well be interesting. writing is much more than the the answer is that you can’t, Well e-learning according profession she has chosen, it but a bank jobs allows you or to me is a mix of a YouTube is truly her passion. This Bawi gives you the time to pursue video and an online click- is here to rock your world your hobbies. Hobbies keep based game. It involves with her musical words and you alive and they can always learner interaction, for better tuned in stories. You have become your alternate career. recall. Say for instance, if I had been warned! Happy reading! There are loads of people to teach children about Dandi who start making their March. An e-learning course here you are on the alternate careers their job. I would go as follows: same seat, doing the was in the airline industry ‡ A map will be seen on same job and you just T when I soon realised my screen. There will be a want to break away from calling was to be a writer. I zoom-in on Gujarat. the shackles of boredom and had some rosy ideas about my ‡ You will see an animated yell, “I want to do something ‘to-be’ life. I imagined myself version of Gandhiji and his different, something creative”. sitting on a bean bag, sipping followers walking down You feel like you chose the coffee all day long and typing the street. wrong path and that you can away on my laptop about never be that creative person the woes of life or imagine ‡ When Gandhiji comes to be developed for corporate you see on stage singing and a fantasy world and put it the pile of salt, the learner companies. Hence, writing dancing. Fret not! If you have down for people to read. will click on the piece of doesn’t only need to be writing that creative spurt in you, But I was quite shaken salt. ERRNVRUUXQQLQJEHKLQGÀOP there is always to be creative when I learnt the truth and ‡ On clicking the salt particle, stars. A corporate job can even in a boring four-walled dived into the corporate Gandhiji will break the rule bring you joy. So don’t give corporate company. world. I changed several and consume it. up on your dreams, unlock Say for instance, you are jobs, and ended up in an ‡ More information could the doors of boredom and step in an IT company working e-learning company. Now come on screen as pop-ups. into the light of creativity. as a Programmer, you are most people I meet ask The visual treatment helps writing the same codes day in me, “Te su vari, dikra?” learning, understanding and )HHG%DFN and day out. You want to add Well, e-learning simply recalling. These courses can FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 08 Lifestyle

Joining the Parsi Times Stars, Angels and higher pages with GoComics some fun, Do you enjoy your daily Spirituality are all part of interesting dose of Comics? Who $ VKRSDKROLF ZKR ÀOOV KHU being Kermeez Shroff. See what the week holds in and quirky doesn’t? GoComics is for cupboard with the spoils of things to do store for your root number. you! professional styling. Tushna online, is To get your root number Yazdi Tantra. It is a small app which Mehta has worked with add the digits of your birth A Chartered Accountant by helps you get your favorite the famous b:blunt hair date, till you arrive at a single digit number. training, Computer Consultant comic strips on your professionals for a while and is by Profession, Entrepreneur eg. 25-3-1988. Take 25 only- add 2 and 5 Developer by hobby and favorite, pet device - your ready to share her knowledge = 7. You will hence read number 7. Enjoy! cellphone. From iconic dƌĂŝŶĞƌŝŶŚŝƐůĞŝƐƵƌĞƟŵĞ͘ and passion for tresses! .HUPHH]6KURII9819221480 favorites like Calvin and Look up his latest blog www. [email protected] ConsumerResources.in for +REEHV 3HDQXWV *DUÀHOG onsoons make people want to pig out on some useful resources, and Doonesbury, Dilbert and their food! Monsoon makes people feel lazy This week will see you drained out emotionally. You on-lyne.blogspot.in for some will feel a lack of support and adequate attention Marmaduke to modern and just want to sit around watch the rains ŵŽƌĞŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƟŶŐdĞĐŚ^ƚƵī͘ M from your partner. Career wise you will be opposed and enjoy themselves. Working out in the rains gets favorites like FoxTrot, The for certain things, however you will fight it out and be Boondocks, Big Nate, Pearls Before Swine and Get lazed and hard! There is an advertisement which even victorious. Advice - Be a little less rigid in your actions. Fuzzy, you get the most diverse set of comic strips and says children should have school holidays in the rains Be a little childlike. panels in one single app for FREE. instead of summer! I Agree!! Try eating healthy and Lucky dates - 17th, 19th & 21st August 2013. something your hair could use considering the rains eat Things will move slowly however positively for your The contents are updated daily, you can set your up most of the moisture from your hair even! love life. Long term planning like a marriage is favorites, share the comics with your friends and family Hair is primarily made of protein so it makes sense to indicated. Career wise you will have a little mental and look for 20 year old archives too! anguish as the right kind of decisions will not be eat a protein-rich diet if you’re trying to maintain your made. Advice - Be more active. Run the extra mile. Have a blast! healthy hair. Stick Embrace change. to leaner proteins Lucky dates - 17th, 19th and 23rd August 2013. VXFKDVÀVKFKLFNHQ A choice of some kind concerning your love life would P\ IDYRULWH  ORZ have to be made this week. You will learn how to RECIPE fat cheese, eggs, deal with circumstances. Career wise you will charge kitchen cabinet. From almonds, beans, and through this week with a lot on your platter. Advice - TV anchor to educator Avoid petty arguments and disputes. ygyogurt. to author she is armed Lucky dates - 19th, 20th and 23rd August 2013. SSoyoy with culinary skills to put your tummy into You will feel unable to do anything to come out a hypnotic state. We mmilk and tofu are of a sticky situation in your love life. Tough week emotionally. Career wise it’s a good week as you will are proud to present also smart to add to your diet be happy with what you do. Advice - Have patience. to you her recipes Wait for your fruits to bear. which have the unique because they are Lucky dates - 20th, 21st, 22nd August 2013. Purveen Dubash is a distinction of being not high in protein chef with many knives only simple to follow anand low in bad fats. An excellent week for your emotions. You will feel in her pretty home happy and enriched by your better half. Holidays may but yummy to taste! If the monsoons be on the cards this week. Career wise you will feel are making your last as the direction will not be clear. Take guidance. KDLUIDOOWKHQHDWLQJDVWHDN UHGPHDW HYHU\GD\LVQ·W Advice - Every dark night has a sunrise. Do not feel Schezwan Chicken going to help you. High-fat diets will result in increased burdened by issues. Lucky dates - 18th, 21st, 22nd August 2013. Schezwan Sauce testosterone levels which can increase hair loss. Ingredients: Iron plays a key role in manufacturing hemoglobin, You will distance yourself from the mundane world in order to solve issues connected to your 1 cup celery (very the part of the blood that carries oxygen to your body’s emotions. Career wise it’s a great week. You will ÀQHO\FKRSSHG organs and tissues. When hemoglobin in your bodyis achieve wonders and would be recognised for the 1 cup capsicum at a healthy level, oxygen is properly dispersed. This same. Advice - Do not be confused whilst choosing YHU\ÀQHO\ Add the PHDQV\RXUVFDOSLVJHWWLQJDJRRGÁRZRIEORRGZKLFK something connected to your feelings. Prioritise. Lucky dates - 17th, 18th and 19th August 2013. FKRSSHG remaining ingredients and will stimulate and promote hair growth. When you’re A good week all in all. There will be positive movement ½ cup spring onion (very let the sauce boil. craving something sweet, remember that dried fruits in your love life. You will gain something you long ÀQHO\FKRSSHG Chicken: OLNH UDLVLQV  DQG FKHUU\ MXLFH DUH SDFNHG ZLWK LURQ wanted. Career wise also there will be a positive gain. 2 tablespoons ginger JUDPVERQHOHVV Cherry juice being Money will be relieved this week in several forms. DQGJDUOLF YHU\ÀQHO\ chicken my all time Advice - Wait patiently for the Universe to shower it’s blessings on you. FKRSSHG 2 tablespoons oil IDYRXULWH  (JJV Lucky dates - 19th, 20th and 22nd August 2013. ½ cup oil Salt to taste GDWHV UDLVLQV There will be trivial fights which would make you feel 1 cup tomato ketchup In a frying pan heat the oil. dark green, leafy low this week. An unnecessary exchange of words 1 tablespoon chili sauce Add the chicken and salt. vegetables such is seen with a loved one. Career wise you strike a balance and bring about a positive change. Advice 1 tablespoon sugar Sauté till the chicken is DV VSLQDFK DQG - Do not be overbearing towards your people or Salt & Pepper to taste golden brown. whole-grain cereals possessions. Directions: Add the prepared sauce are all high in iron. Lucky dates - 17th, 18th and 23rd August 2013. +HDWWKHRLO$GGWKHÀUVW DQGFRRNRYHUDORZÁDPH Vitamin C improves You will bring in effect of a lot of planning you did in four ingredients. Leave IRUÀYHPLQXWHV6HUYH the absorption of the past towards your love life. Important decisions RQDVORZÁDPHIRU immediately with noodles iron, so fruits such may be made this week. Career wise it’s a good time for you. You will find guidance and help from higher minutes. or rice. as oranges and source. Advice - Yes there are obstacles, but you are lemons (sold for a well equipped to tackle all of them. SHQQ\ VKRXOGEHRQ Lucky dates - 17th, 20th and 22nd August 2013. EXCELLENT your grocery list of foods this monsoon. -XVWDV\RXURYHUDOOKHDOWKZLOOEHQHÀWIURP TUTORIALS Food like bean sprouts and the skin of cucumbers, eating a balanced diet, so too should the health red and green peppers, and potatoes help your body of your hair. Once it’s gone, it’s gone, so don’t Answer: consume the vitamins and minerals eaten by you. put foods in your body that speed up hair Remember, when you eat these foods raw, as opposed loss. Try eating from every food group daily - to cooked, you’re getting more nutritional value out of concentrating on foods that are rich in protein Warren them. So try a small bowl of salad before your meal or and iron! Make good use of the monsoon with it! laziness! SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 Yummy for your tummy! 09

bread to a wide consumer base. The increase in demand for their delicious including hot favourites like ciabatta, word ‘artisanal’ is constantly used to breads, The Baker’s Dozen has upped brioche and the pain au levain with describe their breads but most people their supply! apricots and cherries, blueberries and don’t know what it means and think it The outlet at Kemp’s Corner is cranberries or then walnuts and raisins. just translates into expensive but that adorable, with white walls adorned They also stock some wonderful isn’t true. with some beautiful black and white sourdough paos which are available Artisanal means handmade and framed photographs of the bakers LQIXQN\ÁDYRXUVOLNHWKHPDOZDQLSDR Roxanne Bamboat is a pint sized girl who enjoys reading movies not machine made as most of the in action. The counters proudly which is spiced and a hot favourite travel and is obsessed with food. commercially available breads are. displaying their labour of love, and with many or even thecoriander pao. She expresses her love for all things Because it’s handmade it’s not uniform even a small counter serving wonderful It is an excellent twist to the famous edible in her food blog http://www. so no two breads will ever be identical. homemade sandwiches. The store thetinytaster.com A freelancer in 6RPH SHRSOH PLJKW ÀQG WKDW VWUDQJH has a wonderfully French, European 9, Jayant Apartment, her profession she’s able to spend but feel to it and is all about showcasing Opposite Century Bazaar, most of her time sampling the city’s their bread. In fact what is really Appasaheb Marathe Marg, food offereings and reviews them as impressive is that their staff is so Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400025. well as shares a few of her favourite well trained they answer all recipes. More often known as The your questions about the Contd. on Pg. 14 Tiny Taster, she’s decided to take the world by storm - one plate at a time. he city is dotted with newer bakeries and patisseries but Tthere aren’t to too many people devoting their baking skills solely to bread bread. Baking is always synonymous and how to with cake or pastry but hardly with store it etc. bread. People seem to be use to the I actually believe there is a certain They regular slice bread or laddi pao and charm in the art of handmade bread. currently couldn’t be bothered with fancy Also because you aren’t dependent on have 17 types ‘foreign na’ bread. The young trio machines there is a limit to the scale of breads behind the relatively new The Baker’s you can actually produce but it’s worth Dozen seems to think otherwise. it. A little trick to check if your bread During their travels abroad the is handmade is to cut inside and check husband wife duo Aditi and Sneh for air pockets. These can only be made realised by hand and no machine made bread therethere wwillill ever have air pockets. isi s TheT Baker’s Dozen does not use anyany chemical or preservatives of any kind. They stress on freshness aandn healthiness of their products. BBecause there is no added ppreservatives the shelf life is llimited and can be stored out sside for 2 days or else refrigerated aand stored but should be thawed nnaturally to eat it. The Baker’s ''R]HQ LV D ÁHGJOLQJ FRPSDQ\ wwhich started with deliveries on the 7th January 2013 and due to an entire world of delicious breads SRSXODU GHPDQG RSHQHG WKHLU ÀUVW and their availability was severely retail outlet on the 10th of March 2013 lacking in Mumbai. “If one wants in Pradhadevi. Their second outlet at to eat a different type of bread or Kemp’s Corner launched recently on VSHFLÀFDOO\DUWLVLQDOEUHDGWKHQLWZDV the 4th of August. I’ve hardly come only available in a 5 Star Hotel bakery” across a brand who’s expanding so says Sneh. The idea of The Bakers rapidly but in this instance its a simple Dozen is to provide case of supply and demand. Due to the healthy fresh artisanal It has only been a week since Bawaji Café opened the GRRUV RI LWV ÀUVW &DIp WR KRDUGV RI KXQJU\ VKRSSHUV DQG RIÀFHJRHUV LQ WKH /RZHU 3DUHO DUHD $OUHDG\ ZHDUHÀJKWLQJWREHÀUVWLQOLQH3DUVL7LPHVKLJKO\ UHFRPPHQGV WKH VLJQDWXUH %DZDML EUHDNIDVW KHUH« WKH W\SLFDO (HGX 3DY2WKHU VSHFLDOWLHV LQFOXGH WKHLU 3DUVL 'LVKHV DQG 5ROOV7KH DUW ZRUN LQ WKHLU ORJR LV WKH 3DUVL 8QFOH E\ WKH IDPRXV 0DULR0LUDQGD0DULR·VSDLQWLQJVDUHHYHQDYDLODEOHIRUVDOHDWWKH &DIp8OWLPDWHO\%DZDML&DIpLVDPXVWVHHDQGWU\SODFH SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 10 Community Coverage

If loving fashion is a crime, we plead guilty. Activity High School hosted its fourth Annual Fashion Show on 10th August in absolute glitz and glamour. Parsi Times had fabulous front row seats!

n an endeavour to give the best exposure The creativity of to the students of Activity High School, the students was seenen IMrs. Perin Bagli, Principal, organizes in the designing of thehe various activities throughout the year which RXWÀWV EHÀWWLQJ WKHKH contribute to the holistic development of the themes they were given,iven, child. She believes that academic and creative like Global Doll Parade,ade, development are both necessary for integrated Zodiac signs, Magicalical growth of the child. Monsoon, Hollywood,od, Activity High School is famous for its Band Baaja Baraat,at, Annual Musical Shows, Concerts, One-Act Egyptians, Womanan Plays and the Fashion Show is another feather Abuse, Damier, in its cap. Carnvial and the So on 10th August 2013, the School had most remarkable organized its Fourth Annual Inter-House being Industrial Fashion Show. It was an event entirely Fashion, where the conceived and directed by the students and VWXGHQWV GHVLJQHG RXWÀWV IURP LQGXVWULDO UDZ teachers. material. The makeup, tattooing and body painting was beautifully done by the students of Class I to X. Multi-tasking, out of the box thinking, organization of thought and ideas and their systematic application instilled self- FRQÀGHQFH WHDPZRUN UHVSRQVLELOLW\ and leadership skills in students. The fashion show was judged by Mrs. Khushnuma Jamasji - Deputy General – Marketing Communications, Interio Division, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. 7KHVWXGHQWVVKRZHGUHPDUNDEOHFRQÀGHQFH Co. Ltd. and poise as showcased their boundless talent Ms. Priyanka Palkar – Professional Make-up on the ramp. They seemed completely in control Artist. of themselves and with great panaché they Mrs. Shazneen Engineer - Fashion Designer. posed before the amazed audience. The Sub- Junior group of class I to IV were outstanding. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP

arsi Times is always proud of seek around them. young Parsis who are part of Jamsheed’s impressive Pprogress! lists of accomplishments Spare a minute this week to go online which bring him to this and vote for Jamsheed Master. This cross road in his life are all second year student of K. C. College and listed on the site when you part time journalist is in the running to vote!! be chosen as part of the ‘I Lead India Brigade’. The brigade will consist of 5 people who will then take up tasks of critical relevance to each city, inspiring young citizens to be the change they SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 11

FUN FACT An average person has over 1,460 dreams a year!

Access Bars Class 24 August 2013; Hotel Karl Residency, Andheri West Learn an amazing system to let go of your judgments and past conditioning, mental cobwebs, self sabotaging beliefs and recreate your life. Fees Apply. Contact: Parvez J. Daruwala 9819127764/ [email protected]. Listing An Approaching Event Is Free! Submit information by post/delivery to 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai-1, E-mail: contribute@parsi- times.com or Fax: 66330406. Include details of event, dates, timings, address, telephone number and entry fee. Deadline for information is Wednesday 12 pm of every week. Parsi Times is a weekly publication available on every Saturday, all over India. Listings are free but inclusion cannot be guaranteed due to limited space. SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 12 Revv-verence! Th e E-Class has been Mercedes-Benz’s ‘bread and butter’ car for decades. We take you through all the generations of the E-Class to fi nd out whether the newest boy on the block is the best E-Class yet!

Whatever you do to Cyrus Dhabhar, you just can’t slam the brakes on his passionate and unbridled enthusiasm for automobiles. 1958-1960 W120 ‘Ponton’ 1961-1967 W110 ‘Fintail’ 1968-1975 W115 1976-1985 W123 Chief Correspondent for 5HJDUGHG E\ PDQ\ DV WKH ÀUVW 7KH ¶)LQWDLO· LV D IDQ IDYRXULWH 7KH WLPHOHVV YHUWLFDOO\ 7KHOHJHQGDU\:UHDOO\SXW Auto India Magazine, Cyrus XQRIÀFLDO  (&ODVV WKH : ERWK LQ ,QGLD DQG WKH ZRUOG VWDFNHG KHDGODPSV ZHUH WKH 0HUFHGHV%HQ] RQ WKH PDS shifts gear to include Parsi ZLWK LWV FXUYDFHRXV ERG\ ZDV RYHU $ WLPHOHVV GHVLJQ DQG GHÀQLQJ IHDWXUH RI WKH : /LWHUDOO\ $IULFD DQG HDVWHUQ Times Readers into his world 0HUF·V ÀUVW UHDO DWWHPSW DW D GHSHQGDEDOH PHFKDQLFDOV ,QFLGHQWDOO\WKLV PRGHO LV DOVR (XURSH LV VWLOO OLWWHUHG ZLWK of all things on wheels! All PLGVL]H DIIRUGDEOH VDORRQ PDNHVLWDQLGHDOFODVVLF \RXU VFULEH·V IDYRXULWH (&ODVV WKHVH FDUV WKDW UHIXVH WR GLH car and bike enthusiasts can too owned one when HYHU 0DGH IDPRXV LQ ,QGLD 6RPH KDYH EHHQ NQRZQ WR live vicariously through his KHZDVDW&RUQHOO8QLYHUVLW\ E\ )LUR]H .KDQ LQ WKH PRYLH GR  PLOOLRQ PLOHV ZLWKRXW column as he travels across 4XUEDQL SXWWLQJXSDIXVV the globe, seeking out the best in class machines. Catch more of Car Crazy Cyrus on twitter @cyrusdhabhar

2013 Mercedes E-250 CDI

With a heavily redesigned front fascia, the new E-Class is quite a stunning looking car. With new age LED headlamps and tail lamps and a modern prominent grille, this car exudes road presence. The 1995-2001 W210 2002-2008 W211 2009-current W212 diesel engine that does duty $ UDGLFDO QHZ UHGHVLJQ 8QYHLOHG WR WKH ZRUOG WKURXJK ,QWURGXFHG LQ ,QGLD VRRQ DIWHU in the new E is robust and DOWKRXJKQRWDVEHDXWLIXODVLWV WKH PRYLH ¶0HQ LQ %ODFN ,,· WKH JOREDO ODXQFK WKH QHZ SUHGHFHVVRU 7KH : LV DOVR WKH:DOWKRXJKPRUHWKDQ JHQHUDWLRQ:ZDVDUDGLFDO powerful. Mated to a smooth (XURSH·V PRVW SRSXODU 7D[L D GHFDGH ROG VWLOO ORRNV FODVV\ GHSDUWXUHIURPWKHFXUYDFHRXV yet sporty 7-speed automatic HVSHFLDOO\LQ*HUPDQ\7KLVFDU 6RXWK 0XPEDL LV ÀOOHG ZLWK GHVLJQV$IDQWDVWLFDOOURXQGHU gearbox, driving the E-Class ZDVDOVRWKHPRVWH[SHQVLYHFDU WKHVHOX[XU\EDUJHV LQ HYHU\ VHQVH WKH IDFHOLIWHG is a pleasure. The E-Class VROGLQ,QGLDDWWKHWLPH YHUVLRQ RI WKH : ZDV feels special on the inside ODXQFKHG D IHZ PRQWKV DJR too with it’s DNLQJLWHYHQEHWWHU leather seats and wooden trim panels WKDW GHÀQH luxury. As a package, the new E-Class is almost unbeatable and considering the fact that Mercedes has a strong presence in India, after sales service is a breeze too. Although technically the new E-Class is by far the best E-Class ever, I personally would take one from the 60’s or 70’s any day! SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 13 SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 14 Continued...

Our Religion is very old and diverse. What changes would you like to see in our Religion?

Nilufer Sethna, 50 years, Pune. Faranaaz Karbhari, 38 years, Godrej Baug. I would like to change the rigidity. We are not willing to be I follow my religion but I am modern and I feel we should open minded. We have a revered religion and we respect be more open minded and accept change specially about it but people do need to change with the times. If there is conversion. Double standards should also be avoided. rigidity we are sure to rebel.

Khorshed Panthaky, 65 years, Dadar Parsi Colony. Ruksheen Mehta, 16 years, Gamdia Colony. The old ideas should go and new ones should come. Why must we discriminate I would like to change the fact that Parsi women’s children who marry between boys and girls? If a woman marries outside the Community her child outside the Community should be allowed in our faith. They should be is not allowed but if a man does, his child is allowed. Such discrimination considered as Parsis. should be done away with. Also, I believe even when you are cremated there should be prayers for you and not just at the Dokhmas. Sanae Daruwalla, 16 years, Rustom Baug. I feel we need to stop being hypocritical and have double standards. We Thrity Khambatta, 69 years, Pune. No changes are necessary because we should be proud of what we have got need to believe strongly in what is right and what is not. and it is not meant to be changed. There are reasons why things are the way they are and they need not be changed. If we do not change only then can we Jenaina Irani, 19 years, Dadar Parsi Colony. stand the tests of time. Parsi men marry outside the religion and their children are considered as Parsis but the same does not apply to the women. There should be no Firdosh Kapadia, 47 years, Nasik. discrimination based on gender. Being more broad minded is the need of the hour. Accepting inevitable changes and growing is essential. I feel when women marry outside the religion; their children should be allowed in the caste. Only then will we grow. Jenifer Karai, 21 years, Dadar Parsi Colony. People should be given diffferent options to dispose of their mortal remains. Behroze Sethna, Thane. Not allowing alternative means restricts it to our debatable Dokhmenashini I feel it is up to an individual whether they want to get cremated or burnt or not. system which not many are comfortable with anymore. There are many controversies over the Dokhmenashini which must be avoided.

Contd. from Pg. 02 fuss in Fire Temples locally in trampling basic Contd. from Pg. 09 designed to keep the bread the hero of the dish. From was meted out to the Priests in Mumbai. Why then human and fundamental local pao. Most people believe coleslaw, aloo tikki, nutella who recited the sacraments raise such controversies, rights of our decent but that ‘sourdough’ is a type of and banana there is a great at that time. Are their doles particularly when premises dissenting Humdeens. bread when in fact it is actually choice of sandwiches but my from Mobed Amelioration where such a ceremony is It is for the Community a technique to making bread. personal favourite is their discontinued? History can conducted does not belong to decide whether to Sourdough bread contains a green apple and cheddar not be buried to mislead to the local Punchayat? If allow such violation of lesser yeast content therefore sandwich which is lightly the younger generation. At presence of non Parsis human rights to continue PDNLQJLWPRUHÁDYRXUIXO dusted with cinnamon and that time, due to ‘sanction’ is the issue, then these to go unchallenged or My personal favourites in my humble opinion an of self styled High Priests, days almost all nursing be ready to initiate are the Pain Au Levains (all H[FHOOHQWO\ ÀOOLQJ VDQGZLFK no objection was raised staff and even certifying criminal proceedings for three types) the malwani The crispness and sweetness by the same elements Medical Practitioners are infringement of human pao (its spiced and you don’t of the green apple along with who remained in a state non-Parsis whose services and fundamental rights by even need any additional the cheese with a mild hit of somniferous silence. are sought for for ailing tactics such as blackmail of chutney, infact put a vada in cinnamon is a must try! Bawas. Besides, even in the priestly class. between and it’s a great snack) All these years, the plea The store is extremely Fire Temples most of the This type of oppression and their ragi crackers. TBD of exclusion of non Parsis inviting and the little baskets cleaning functions are has to be put an end to makes these excellent baked to view the departed was dangling on the side entice performed by those who and the silent majority can ragi chips which are perfect taken on the pretext of you to load them up and buy can hardly claim to be off not allow itself to be held to munch on and a great vitiating the sacredness all the breads available. In fact springs of both parents hostage by a handful of alternative to say wafers or of Sachkar. But in the I think even if you do end up being Parsis. Will those who chauvinistic, insensitive even lays or any processed instance in question, when buying half the store you’ll be raise such controversies elements. Else their next snacks. the deceased opted for pleasantly surprised as each DQG7UXVWHHVRI%33DIÀUP move would be to question At their new Kemps cremation, there is no one is so different from the in writing, certifying that how we lead our lives in Corner store they’ve taken it question of Sachkar. In other in terms or texture and all Corpse bearers are our own homes. The least a notch further by introducing fact, the cremation would ÁDYRXU7KHVDQGZLFKHVPDNH off springs of both their one expects is respect for a special range of sandwiches have been conducted by D ÀOOLQJ VQDFN DQG WKH EUHDG parents being practicing the event called Death and which show case their delicious Municipal employees. can be used however you wish Parsi Zoroastrians? regards for sentiments breads. Saee Khandekar who Many Parsi Zoroastrians to mop up that curry or a base For long, this fringe of close bereaved family is a well known food writer who are settled abroad to pile up your spicy kheema group has tormented members not being hurt by and consultant has created a are invariably cremated or even just to nibble on and the silent majority by such sadistic interference. special sandwich menu with in foreign lands and slather some cheese or butter. their arm twisting tactics XQXVXDOO\ GLIIHUHQW ÁDYRXU obsequies of such persons Homi Dalal After all - All you Knead is and have succeeded combinations that really work are performed without any bread! on the breads and is in fact SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 15

hat originated as a passionate Jayati Bhatia. He was also the one-man reverie, culminated into army responsible for pro-ducing and WIndia’s progressive theatre orga-nizing the Mumbai Theatre Utsav. revolution. A company driven by From the current productions, Blame quality, consistency, diversity and it on Yashraj, based on big fat Indian creativity in serving entertainment, weddings is a very fun and dazzling Ashvin Gidwani Productions was set- play with lots of music and dances while up in the year 1995. AGP is celebrating 50 houseful shows of $Q HIÀFDFLRXV GLVFRYHU\ RI WKH ‘History of India’ in Mumbai alone. contemporary doyen of the Indian Ashvin Gidvani’s Quick Fixes For theatre industry, Ashvin Gidwani Budding Th eatre branched out to establish his very own Aspirants theatre production company ‘Ashvin For Artistes: Gidwani Productions’ (AGP) after It is a path of learning the ropes of the business and discipline honing his skills with Laser Productions. to greater AGP has invigorated art, theatre and ex- music through exclusive experiences pression. across India, UK, USA, Middle East, Sri For Lanka and Europe. Directors: Some of the famed productions of Experience AGP are Misal Pao, City of Dreams, and experi- Circus, Oh No! Not Again!!, Monkey ment, but Business, Funny Thing Called Love, don’t steer too Double Deal, Mad About Money, far from what Punch-a-Tantra, Walking On Broken people enjoy. Das. Some of the current running For Writers: productions of AGP are Blame It On Believe in the Yashraj, The Big Fat City, 2 To Tango 3 originality of To Jive and History Of India. thought and Ashvin Gidvani’senduring appetite don’t give your for theatre, encyclopedic business ideas easily unless acumen, eye for perfection and contracted and steadfast aspiration to initiate a creative given your true movement enabled the company to value. achieve triumph with representation For Producers: across 17 cities in India and 12 countries Minimize globally. risk and use A graduate of science from St. alliances to strengthen your business. Xaviers College, Mumbai, Ashvin Gidwani has provided a steadfast 55, Maker Chamber VI, Nariman Point, impetus to directors of the likes of Bharat Mumbai 400021. Dabholkar, Sam Kerawala, Karla Singh, # 022-61794400 Vijay Kenkre, Mahesh Dattani, Saurabh @ [email protected]/ Shukla, late Prof. Vasant Kanetkar and [email protected] actors of the likes of Vir Das, Achint Ticket booking: Book on Kaur, Nassir Khan, Ananth Mahadevan, www.bookmyshow.com SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 16 Classifieds


Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at Dangat Media Private Limited, Mehra Centre, Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\

SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 Community Wishes 21 :LVKHVIURPWKH&RPPXQLW\ P.T. Writer Roxanne Bamboat Perin Bagli Mumbai is great for discovering new food and different cuisine. This beautifully bustling metro has dozens of Khau galli’s or eat streets 3$7(7, ² ´GD\ RI SHQLWHQFHµ SDWHW  and either a Sandwich or Bhel or Vada Pav stall on almost every street FRQIHVVLRQµ KHQFH DOVR UHSHQWDQFH DQG corner. Of course we can’t leave out the thousands of restaurants SHQLWHQFH  7KH ÀUVW WKLQJ LQ WKH PRUQLQJ in all various price ranges and cuisines. However, for me the real discovery is in , YLVLW  )LUH 7HPSOHV LQ 0XPEDL DQG DVN ÀQGLQJSODFHVWKDWÀWLQDEXGJHW,W·VEHHQRYHUD\HDUWKDW,·YHEHHQGRFXPHQWLQJ for forgiveness of the mistakes and wrong VRPH RI WKH FLW\·V UHVWDXUDQWV IRU 3DUVL 7LPHV DQG , WKRXJKW LW RQO\ IDLU WR VKDUH GRLQJV ZKLFK , KDYH FRPPLWWHG NQRZLQJO\ some of my top favourites. However the point to note is that all these favourites are RU XQNQRZLQJO\ 2Q 1HZ

SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 Live a Little 23

The Apple Blossom The Apple Blossom was used as a symbol of invitation in the olden days and hence can be linked with love. Also symbolizes peace and general contentment. Represents success as well. The Roman goddess Pomona is associated with the apple blossom. She represents abundance and What is a group of fertility. Hanging apple blossoms around the periphery of rabbits called? your home is said to bring in growth and abundance.

Do you love your Wheels Answer on Pg.-08 Tip - Add these beautiful orchards to your bath to aid in relaxation. more than your Wife? Send us your automotive queries on: and Cyrus Dhabhar will answer them for you.

)HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP NAME ... Roxan Aspi Driver I WORK AT... Parsiana Publications. I WORK AS... One of the Senior Editors. Perhaps you THAT BASICALLY MEANS... Writing, Proofing, Sending pages to the can do little press. MY WORK DAY BEGINS WITH... A Prayer. with faith I LOVE THIS ABOUT MY JOB... – but you Everything. I WISH THIS WOULD CHANGE ABOUT MY JOB... certainly can Nothing. do nothing I HAVE BEEN WORKING HERE FOR… 26 years. I HEAD TO OFFICE AND HEAD BACK HOME AT THESE without it . TIMES... Flexible timings. Any 4 hours. SOME OF THE THINGS THAT MAKE UP MY WORK DAY… Meeting my colleagues. SOMEONE I THINK HAS AN INTERESTING JOB IS… God. When we say a ‘SMILE speaks louder than words’.... this is what we mean! Parsi Times visited an Old Age Home and brings to you an insight of the many ‘young at heart’ souls who live there. There are so many emotions, stories and history of the amazing lives each individual has led and P.T. is glad to make our readers meet them and know them! Not just tables and chairs... They are Stories! Faredoon Kuka Name : Nargis M. Sidhwa Faredoon Kuka is the Managing Director & CEO Age : 83 years. of the RMA Group which is “India’s Leading Advertising Representatives for International Media,” and represents over 180 international titles, forever 30 years. We are always inspired by our Faredoon Kuka became the CEO of RMA Pvt. Ltd. Under HOGHUV2QHLPSRUWDQWWKLQJWKDWWRGD\·V the able guidance of Ronny Mistry, he set upon his dream of generation lacks is the quality of ‘being making the organization into a “Global Media Communications ZKRZHUHDOO\DUH·6RKHUHLVDSUL1DUJLV Specialists.” He assists and guided various Publishers like Aunty who all her life has been and still Newsweek International, to start an India advertising edition manages to be true to herself! and International Herald Tribune, to strengthen its presence in 1DUJLV6LGKZDZDVDVWXGHQWRI6LU--6FKRROLQ0XPEDL India. Kuka took over as the Managing Director & CEO of the DQG WKH 6HFUHWDU\ WR WKH 0DQDJLQJ 'LUHFWRU RI D WRS HQG RMA Group and started the expansion of the organization, with shipping agency in India for most of her working life. When further investments in human resources, enterprise software, asked how she is loving the Old Age Home she replied, “I feel WHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ DQG PRUH RIÀFHV LQ ,QGLD ,Q )HEUXDU\ completely relaxed here. I have led a normal life and now I am 2006, Kuka won the Award as “Super Achiever” brought out happy and at peace.” by the Indira Group of institutes which is rated among the top B-schools in India. Kuka has turned RMA media into “India’s Like any other fellow mates at the Home even she loves to Leading Advertising Representatives for International Media. play a game of cards and a round of carrom. Anyone up for a Kuka’s success statement: Be passionate in our job, innovative, competition? creative and serving all with honesty and integrity. He believes in a harmonious balance between work and life, and adores his family. Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2013 Regd. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14. Published on 17th August, 2013, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK 24 on every Saturday.