Using data transmission to retrieve data from remote sites

Matthew Ellison [email protected] Tel 01452 751940 30th January 2019 Introduction

Brief history Differences in satellite offerings Two popular commercial global satellite networks High data volume Broadband Future directions Brief History of Satellite Communications

1946 - Geostationary Orbit Proposed by Arthur C. Clarke. Suggested 3 could be used to provide Global Communications Relays.

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Brief History of Satellite Communications

1957 - USSR Launches Sputnik 1 The First Man Made Satellite Orbited For 3 Months.

1962 - Skynet/NASA Launch Telstar 1. The first Trans-Atlantic .

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Brief History of Satellite Communications

1964 - The Japanese Olympic Games is the First International Event to be Televised Live via satellite

2011 – Launches KaSat providing Broadband services 2018 – Nano Satellite consolations for IOT and M2M

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Types of Satellite Orbits

LEO – Low Earth Orbit 600-1500km i.e. International Space agency, Iridium, & Orbcomm 10’s to 100’s of satellites create mesh networks

MEO Medium Earth Orbit 10-20,000km i.e. GPS, ICO, Geostationary Orbit 35,700km i.e. ,Eutelsat, Astra (Sky). Inmarsat have only 13 satellites in orbit

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Why use satellite communication?

Monitoring beyond the “easy win” installations in areas of no GSM/poor coverage Collect data without compromising its value by using an alternative monitoring location Requirement for 2 way communications Minimal disruption to customers and the environment

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Commercial offers

• Iridium – Short Burst Data (SBD)

• Inmarsat – Broadband Area Global Area Network (BGAN)M2M

• TSAT and Ka SAT (Telemetry Over Satellite)

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Iridium Short Bust Data

Cheaper to deploy, more numerous, lower latency, Less power required Low Earth Orbiting(LEO) Satellites Small data volumes Operate as a mesh network, transmitting between each other before data is transmitted to a .

Modems are small and low power Small, low profile omnidirectional antennas Suitable to mobile applications Low skill deployment

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Iridium Short Burst Data“Satellite SMS”

Complete Global Coverage - LEO Network of 66 satellites plus 9 spares LEO satellite needs less powerful amplifiers for successful transmission SBD Messages are sent and received in a very similar process to GSM SMS SBD is billed per KB with single global data rate SBD airtime can become expensive Typical rates are £1 per KB, which equates to £1,000 per MB Best suited for data volumes < 0.5MB per day Larger Message size than SMS – 340 Bytes (150 Bytes SMS) – Priced “Per Byte” (Not Per Message)

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Iridium Devices for integration Iridium SBD Modems – Low capital cost – 340 bytes maximum data transmit – SBD only – multiple applications

Iridium 9523 and 9522B Transceivers – Short Burst Data (SBD) capable – Voice, Circuit Switched Data – 1980 Bytes maximum message transmit size

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Iridium Edge SBD modem and Rock 7 Rock Fleet, IOT enabling devices

Hardware-Ready Device for simple, low risk integration Low-Cost Device for affordable customer adoption (RRP £450.00) Satellite Add-On for truly global coverage Ready-To-Install for quick time-to-market Robust Power Supply for industrial installations Certified in key geographic markets 180° Line of Sight for compromised, partially blocked locations

January 19 Commercial In Confidence BGAN M2M,GPRS in the Sky

Broadband Global Area Network, BGAN 13 Satellites in Geostationary orbit Modems require directional antenna Greater distance from Earth the LEO Larger volumes of data than SBD Provides GPRS/3G type service via satellite Low volume services specifically optimised for unmanned applications Best suited to IP based data services 2Mb – 20Mb/Month Suitable for WITS and DNP3 over IP

January 19 Commercial In Confidence BGAN M2M and 2G/3G Compatibility Small Form, Ruggedised Unit – Only 20cm * 20cm (inc. Antenna) – 1.6Kgs Wide DC input range: – 10.5 to 32VDC Low Power Consumption – Sleep mode 21mW – Transmit 19W Basic Components for remote station

IP Datalogger

Solar charge regulator

12V Battery

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Inmarsat Infrastructure

I-4 Satellite

Internet L-Band Satellite Link C- Band Satellite Link BURUM HOUSTON or LONDON

BGAN M2M Terminal MPLS

Inmarsat SAS GGSN BGAN M2M Gateway

VPN IPSEC Or MPLS Network Topology Wireless Innovation can provide each SIM with a Private Static IP which will be accessible via an IPSEC VPN or MPLS connection into the BGAN M2M Network Gateway. If required access can be included to the internet.

SCADA System

January 19 Commercial In Confidence TSAT Private Network

Secure closed private network TSAT Hub Satellite bandwidth efficient – fixed low at private location communication cost Modular and scalable to meet network requirements Data rates supported from 16kbps to 160kbps Application protocol independent suitable for WITS Supports TCP/ IP as well as RS232 applications Provides a fully routed IP Infrastructure supporting Peer to Peer connections Enhanced security – 256 AES encryption (option)

January 19 Commercial In Confidence KaSat High Speed service Broadband internet access via satellite Speeds of up to 22Mbps/6MBps

Satellite VPN Broadband Solution

KaSat Satellite Network – Tooway VPN Option Earth Station

Tooway PoP

Remote Internet VPN Client

Eth Interface 0/1

Central VPN Host

Customer LAN Public Access LAN


Customer HQ Traffic via IPSEC Tunnel to Customer HQ “Direct” Internet Route WAN

January 19 Commercial In Confidence Nano Satellites, M2M and IOT Nano Satellites, LEO, weighing less than 10Kg

January 19 Commercial In Confidence And on that note, its lunchtime!

Thank you

Presented by Matthew Ellison Business Development Manager for Wireless Innovation

Tel +44 (0) 1452 751940 Mob +44 (0) 7741 665643 E-mail [email protected] Web: