Annual Review2013/2014
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FOR NOW AND THE FUTURE ANNUAL REVIEW 2013/2014 FOR NOW AND THE FUTURE CONTENTS FOREWORDS Forewords During 2013/2014 Action Cancer celebrated its I firmly believe that the wonderful support This year was the first of our 3 year Corporate 02 40th Anniversary, quite a milestone for a local we receive is down to the services the charity Plan 'For Now and the Future'. I am pleased Northern Ireland charity wholly dependent on provides, services that are proven to make a real to report that all of the actions and targets 03 Detection the support and generosity of local people. difference in 'Saving Lives Supporting People'. set for the year were achieved and many positive changes made to our services, There is no doubt that without the As you will read in this Annual Review, our fundraising activities and our internal Prevention commitment of our staff, volunteers, local 2013/2014 was yet another excellent year, processes and procedures. 04 group members, corporate supporters and with the number of women screened for many individuals, we would not be in the breast cancer, the number of people in As you read through this Annual Review I would Chairman excellent position we are in today. To everyone receipt of health checks and, the number of hope that you are encouraged and inspired to 05 Support Norman Carson who has helped and supported the charity, therapeutic support sessions made available, continue to help Action Cancer deliver on its thank you so much. Your hard work and all at record levels. Mission of 'saving lives and supporting people 06 Changing Attitudes contribution are never taken for granted. in Northern Ireland affected by cancer'. Raising Awareness 07 Following on from previous years, 2013/2014 measure every action against our Values. This is shops were opened in Belfast, Cookstown and was another very good year for Action Cancer. particularly true in relation to the recruitment, Lurgan and, new services and interventions Investing in Staff It was a year of change, innovation, and new retention, training and development of developed including the introduction of 08 Investing in Volunteers developments, a year when the number of our staff and volunteers. We were therefore Acupuncture, Bowen and Emmett Techniques and Members people using our prevention and support delighted when in December 2013 we were and the 'Action Man Club'. services was the highest ever, an online awarded Investors in People at Gold Standard. appointment booking system was successfully Such a year just doesn’t happen but is Research and Evaluation introduced, income generated through our We are always looking to the future and achieved through the hard work, effort and 09 Retail retail shops exceeded £1.0m and a surplus of considering how to provide our current support of many dedicated people. So, thank Chief Executive £89,541 was transferred to reserves. services better and more efficiently, assessing you to everyone for making Action Cancer the Gareth Kirk new service opportunities, developing charity it is today. 10 Fundraising Our 2013-16 Strategic Plan sets out clearly innovative fundraising activities and what we plan do and how and when we plan improving our systems and controls. Much We look forward to building on the success to achieve it. Whilst we are very focused on work was undertaken during the year; our of 2013/2014 so that we may make our Financial Performance 11 ensuring the 'What' and 'When' are achieved, IT system for the management of client Vision of a future where cancer risk is Review the 'How' is also of uttermost importance to information was further developed, new reduced, cancers detected early, successfully us. As a 'Values' led charity that 'puts people fundraising events were held including a treated and the people impacted supported first' we try as far as possible to assess and most successful Ladies Lunch, three new and empowered, a reality. 02 ANNUAL REVIEW 2013/2014 BCAM 2013 We launched a new online booking system in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month; this has been a most significant development for DETECTION all at Action Cancer but in particular for breast screening. Women can now book their screening appointment from their phone, tablet or computer In October 2013 we had a very successful in minutes at anytime day or night. With most inspection from The Regulation and Quality people leading such busy lifestyles, not having Improvement Authority (RQIA) who are Northern to phone during office hours has proved very Ireland's independent health and social care popular and encouraged women aged 40-49 who regulator. They have the responsibility for had never been for screening to come forward. assessing compliance with and enforcing the During the launch month of October 1,280 Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations appointments were made this way alone! (Northern Ireland) IR(ME)R, to protect staff, visitors NEW SPONSORSHIPS FOR BIG BUS and service users against the dangers of ionising 2013/2014 proved to be another successful year radiation in medical settings. The inspectors for the Big Bus. A total of 211 visits were completed examined and reported upon our processes and over the course of the year, providing 3,641 breast procedures in place around the management screenings and 3,005 health checks. and control of our screening service. They concluded that practice in Action Cancer is We were delighted to welcome SDC Trailers, Irish in keeping with the principles of IR(ME)R. The Waste, A One Tyres and Manfreight Limited as radiological practices were found to be safe and new supporters of the Big Bus. SDC Trailers have effective and many areas of good practice were provided ongoing servicing, maintenance and highlighted and commended. No enforcements repairs for the Big Bus trailer since December or requirements were given in the report. 2013, similar to the partnership with Dennison Commercials, who look after the BIG BUS cab’s maintenance and servicing. A One Tyres will be providing free tyre cover, Irish Waste are providing Breast Screening at Action Cancer environmentally friendly waste disposal and Manfreight Limited will now provide free overnight Total number screened: 8,296 accommodation and washing facilities. BREAST SCREENING AT ACTION CANCER Action Cancer House: 4,655 It has been another record breaking year at Big Bus: 3,641 The Big Bus will celebrate its eighth birthday in Action Cancer with 8,296 women screened. We September 2014, these new partnerships, along have extended opening hours to include early Breast cancers detected 2013/2014: 41 with the continued support from main sponsor retail Pictured Above: Action Cancer Ambassador Fiona morning clinics from 8am and late clinics ending group SuperValu and its independent retail partners Cochrane launches the online booking service for at 8pm, this flexibility has facilitated working will ensure that it is kept roadworthy and ready to breast screening with Action Cancer’s Consultant women who can now book appointments for Pictured Left: Radiographers and Clinical deliver its life saving services across the county for Radiographer Joanna Currie and Gordons Chemists’ before or after work. Admin Staff pictured at Action Cancer House. many more years to come. Pharmacist, Fiona McQuillan. For more information on our services or to support our work call us on 028 9080 3344 or visit 03 FOR NOW AND THE FUTURE ACTION MAN CLUB There have been exciting developments within Health Promotion’s Action Man programme. Based on positive feedback from participants PREVENTION we have extended our direct contact time. We have also strengthened the information and advice available in the 12 week programme by producing an attractive and accessible publication that educates and motivates men to make lifestyle choices to improve their health and wellbeing. This resource book is full of very simple and practical advice on the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise and contains a wealth of information on the importance of self examination as well as how to do this. This programme has been delivered in workplaces across Northern Ireland to positive acclaim and repeat bookings. SCHOOLS Participant quote; 2013/2014 was another busy year for our Primary “I am fit and healthy, regularly exercise and Secondary Health Action Programmes and our Health Action Heroes Puppet Shows, WHY WEIGHT and have a balanced diet, or at least I supported by Centra. Delivered to over 18,000 Female staff in Child Support Agency Belfast, employees. Last year a group of our children and young people these programmes Cookstown District and Ballymoney Borough thought I did. Only as a result of this present health messages in fun and interactive Councils took part in Action Cancer’s 12 week male employees completed the Action programme did I realise that I had high ways, explaining the importance of exercise and weight management and healthy lifestyle Man programme with a number of eating healthily, the dangers of smoking and how programme. Each group received full body cholesterol and a high resting heart rate to be safe in the sun. Our Lunch Box sessions also composition analysis and regular activity sessions. participants being able to achieve so I was able to take corrective action; supported parents through practical hands on The lunch time programme empowered the weight loss, reduce cholesterol and learning and taster sessions to understand the women to make positive changes to improve without the programme, I would have importance of packing a healthy lunch for their their long term health while reducing their risk of blood pressure levels and raise been unaware of these issues and they growing children. diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. awareness of male cancers. We are may have worsened over time.” Siobhan Stewart from Ballymoney Borough delighted that this pilot for ladies has Council said, had the same positive impact on our “As a local employer we have a focus female staff with tremendous results, on the health and well being of our losing a total of almost six stone.” 04 ANNUAL REVIEW 2013/2014 HEREDITARY CANCER SUPPORT This year we have begun to offer additional support to people undergoing genetic cancer testing.