
DT Group:

Look after this booklet and store it in its plastic cover to keep it clean. It is your responsibility to make sure you bring the correct ingredients to every lesson.

Ingredients Equipment

500g lean minced beef White chopping board 2 level tsp dried herbs (use herbs from school) Sharp knife 1 small onion Fork 1 clove garlic Metal plate 400g can of tomatoes Saucepan 1 tsp basil (school to provide) Large mixing bowl FROM HOME٭ tbsp tomato puree hsid foorpnevO 1 FROM HOME٭ seasoning (school to provide) lioF oil for frying (school to provide)

N.B. This recipe does not work with Quorn (ask your teacher for an alternative recipe).


1. Preheat to 190°C. 2. Chop onion finely and crush garlic. 3. Heat a tablespoon of oil in the saucepan (medium heat) and fry onion and garlic gently until soft. 4. Add tomatoes, purée and seasoning and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for a couple of minutes. 5. Put the meat and herbs into a large bowl and break up with a fork/hands. 6. Make sure your hands are dry and not sticky, then pick up some of the mixture and roll it into a ball about the size of a table tennis ball. Aim to make about 8 in total and set them aside. 7. Arrange the meatballs in the ovenproof dish and carefully pour the tomato sauce over and around them. 8. Cook in the oven for about 25-30 minutes until the meat is brown in colour and piping hot. 9. At home – reheat thoroughly until piping hot and serve with pasta and grated cheese.

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 Medium sized plastic container from home

Ingredients Ingredients

200g feta cheese 250g couscous 2 small courgettes 4 large ripe tomatoes ½ green pepper ½ cucumber ½ red pepper ½ pepper 1 small red onion ½ - 1 red onion optional: cooked meat or fish e.g. 1 lamb steak, 3 black olives (about 10) slices of bacon, prawns, etc 2 tbsp olive oil dressing: 1 tbsp lemon juice 4 tbsp olive oil fresh basil 2 tbsp white wine vinegar black pepper to season grated rind and juice of 1 lemon 1 clove of garlic Equipment 2 tbsp fresh mint seasoning to taste Large mixing bowl White chopping board Equipment

Sharp knife Large mixing bowl Tablespoon White chopping board Sharp knife Method Tablespoon Lemon squeezer 1. Cube feta cheese and place in bowl. Kettle for boiling water 2. Roughly chop tomatoes, cucumber and Fork pepper and add to bowl.

3. Slice onion and add followed by lemon juice, oil, basil and pepper, to taste. Method 4. Toss all ingredients together to ensure they are evenly coated with the dressing. 1. Grate the zest of the lemon and remove the juice. 2. Put the couscous in a bowl along with the lemon zest and just cover with boiling water from the kettle. Leave until the water has been absorbed. 3. Finely chop the vegetables and mint and add the couscous as soon as it is ready. 4. Crush the garlic and then combine with the oil, lemon juice, vinegar and seasoning. Shake until it is well mixed and then pour over the salad. 5. Mix well before serving.

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Ingredients Equipment

200g chocolate (plain or milk) 2 large mixing bowls 125g butter Wooden spoon 1 tbsp golden syrup Saucepan 150g plain biscuits (digestives, rich tea, etc.) Chopping board 90g glace cherries or dried apricots Sharp knife 60g raisins Tablespoon extras: Plastic You may add an extra 80g approx of other bits, * BAKING TIN FROM HOME e.g. dried banana chips or other fruits, sweets, desiccated coconut, marshmallows, puffed rice…


1. Line tin with cling film. 2. Break the chocolate into a bowl and add the butter and syrup. 3. Bring half a pan of water to the boil. TURN OFF HEAT and place bowl containing chocolate, butter and syrup over the pan DO NOT ALLOW ANY STEAM OR WATER TO MAKE CONTACT WITH THE MIXTURE 4. Meanwhile break the biscuits in a small bowl with end of rolling pin and chop fruit into small pieces. 5. Remove the bowl of chocolate mixture from the heat with oven gloves and allow to cool slightly. 6. Stir in remaining ingredients. (Add the dry ingredients to the melted chocolate) 7. Spoon the mixture into the tin and press down firmly with the back of a metal spoon. 8. Fold the cling film over loosely and leave to set in the fridge until set.

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Ingredients Equipment

150g shortcrust or puff pastry – bought Chopping board (white) 75g brown sugar Sharp knife 1 tsp cinnamon Tablespoon 2-3 medium eating apples or pears Rolling pin

٭ mc02 .xorppa nit ekaC FROM HOME - must not have a loose bottom


1. Preheat oven to 180°C. 2. Grease and line the tin with a circle of silicone paper. 3. Spread the sugar over the base of the tin, pressing down evenly and firmly with a metal spoon. Sprinkle on the cinnamon. 4. Peel, core and thinly slice the apples or pears (peel can be left on if fruit is washed). 5. Neatly arrange the sliced fruit on top in a spiral pattern, pressing down firmly. 6. Roll out the pastry to a thickness of approx. 1cm that will fit into the tin (use another cake tin as a template) 7. Cover the fruit with the pastry circle and press down gently. Place tin on baking tray. 8. At home, bake in the oven for 30 minutes until pastry is golden. 9. When the tart is cold, loosen around the edges with a knife, cover with a plate and carefully turn upside down. Remove tin and silicone paper.

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Ingredients Equipment

75g margarine Large mixing bowl 50g brown sugar 100g self-raising flour Small bowl 100g finely grated carrots 1 egg Wooden spoon 1 level tsp ground cinnamon Tablespoon ½ level tsp nutmeg Lemon squeezer 50g seedless raisins Metal/plastic plate 1tbsp milk or orange juice ٭ level tsp baking powder dna sesac niffum 6 xorppA 1 container from home.

Topping 1 tbsp icing sugar This can be made and added at home. Zest of 1 orange 100g cream cheese


1. Preheat oven to 180°. 2. Put muffin cases in muffin tin. 3. Cream margarine and sugar with a wooden spoon until light and fluffy. 4. Beat egg in small bowl and add gradually to mixture, beating well. 5. Gently fold in grated carrots followed by flour, spices and raisins, with a metal tablespoon. 6. Check for dropping consistency and add milk/juice if needed. 7. Put cake mixture evenly into muffin cases. 8. Bake in the oven for approx. 10-15 minutes until firm to the touch and light brown in colour. 9. Cool on wire rack. Cakes must be cold before adding topping. 10. Make topping by sieving the icing sugar into the cream cheese. 11. Mix together and add orange zest. 12. Spread evenly on cooled cakes and decorate as desired.

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Ingredients Equipment

150g plain/wholewheat flour Large mixing bowl 50g hard margarine Small bowl 25g white veg. fat or lard Fork cold water to mix (about 6 tsp) Tablespoon Filling: 2 eggs Rolling pin 150ml milk Round blade knife seasoning * 18cm flan/dish FROM HOME Extras: Not with a loose bottom e.g. 2 slices cooked bacon, ham, 50g grated cheese, spring onion, courgette, fresh herbs etc.


1. Preheat oven to 190°C. 2. Put flour into the large bowl. 3. Use your fingers to break fat into small pieces and rub into the flour until it looks like breadcrumbs. 4. Stir in 6 teaspoons of cold water with a table knife until the mixture forms a ball of dough. 5. Flour the surface and the rolling pin, then roll out pastry thinly in a rough circle shape. 6. Carefully line dish with pastry and trim off extra bits with a knife. 7. Set quiche dish onto baking tray. 8. Beat the egg in small bowl and add milk. Mix well. 9. Prepare all extra ingredients and add into the mixture with seasoning. 10. Carefully pour into pastry case and bake in the oven for approx 30 minutes until set and medium brown in colour.

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Ingredients Equipment

1 sheet of ready rolled flaky/puff pastry Baking tray & parchment (found in chilled cabinets at supermarket) Fork Choose 3 or 4 toppings: Table knife Tomato ( medium or 3 cherry) White chopping board 25g grated cheese Small sharp knife 4 tsp pesto Flour dredger 5 tsp tomato purée Fresh basil 100g pepperoni 12 olives Spring onion 2 slices cooked chicken/ham 2 rashers cooked bacon 1 small tin pineapple 1 pepper 2 tbsp sweetcorn 4 mushrooms 1 tsp paprika


1. Preheat oven at 200°C. 2. Line a baking tray with parchment. 3. Unroll pastry on to parchment. 4. Cut into 4 equal pieces 5. Score a 1cm border around each piece of pastry. 6. Evenly prick the inner part of the pastry with a fork. 7. Put toppings on in the centre – not the border. 8. Bake for 10-15 minutes until golden.

1. 2. 3.

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Ingredients Equipment

175g ginger biscuits Large mixing bowl 75g butter/margarine Saucepan 1 lemon Rolling pin 225g cream cheese Wooden spoon 170g (5 fl. oz) can of evaporated milk Grater 1 tbsp caster sugar Lemon squeezer grated chocolate or lemon peel for decorating Palette knife Small mixing bowl Metal or plastic plate Small sharp knife 20cm round flan tin/dish FROM HOME- NOT LOOSE BOTTOM


1. Break the biscuits in a small bowl with the end of a rolling pin. 2. Melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat. Add the biscuit crumbs and stir them in. 3. Press the mixture evenly into the flan dish with a spoon. Put in the fridge to harden. 4. Grate the lemon rind on the grater with the fine holes. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice using the squeezer. 5. Put the cream cheese in a large bowl and beat it with a wooden spoon until it is soft. Add the evaporated milk a little at a time and carry on beating until the mixture is smooth. 6. Quickly stir the sugar, lemon rind and juice into the cream cheese mixture. 7. When the mixture is smooth, pour it over the biscuit base. Flatten the top with a palette knife. 8. Put the cheesecake in the fridge to chill. When the middle has set, it can be decorated.

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