The Man from Snowy River, and Other Verses
I 11 illI 1 fflumdl Hmmisiitg JitatJg THE GIFT OF IaMjjL. ^-HflWitoaovi ,15- Ai.-e.m 5 15 5/ix| 97J4 Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER AND OTHER VERSES PRINTED BT Websdale, Shoosmixh & Co. FOR ANGUS AND ROBERTSON, Ltd., SYDNEY, Publishers to the University. London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd. Edinburgh : Douglas and Foulis. Glasgow : James MacLehose and Sons, Calcutta : Thaeker, Spink and Co. Bombay : Thacker and Co. , Lid. Capetown: T. Maskew Miller. ^ _^4^/3^^aJ.^C/iyO^-iTn- THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER AND OTHER VERSES BY A. B. gATERSON ("The banjo") with preface by rolp boldbewood 4f<<'>^r '-*' SYDNEY ANGUS AND KOBBRTSON, Ltd. LONDON : MACMILLAN AND 00. LIMITED 1908 Fortiz-ihird Thousand K n 5 1 b First Edition Sydney, 17th Oct, 189S, 1260 Copiei Second Impression 1st Nov., 1895, 1000 Third Impression 7th Dec, 1895, 1000 Fourth Impression ISth Jtm., 1896, 1760 Fi/th Impression London, 17th Mar., 1896, 1140 aixth Impression Sydney, 17th AprU, 1896, 1000 Seventh Impression eoth June, 1896, 2000 Eighth Impression list Oct., 1896, 2000 Ninth Impression 10th Hay, 1897, 1000 Tenth Impression 7th Oct., 1897, lOOO Eleventh Impression 10th Jan., 1898, 1000 Twelfth Impression London, SOlh Aug., 1898, 600 Thirteenth Impression Sydney, Sith Aug., 1898, 2000 Fourteenth Impression London, mth April, 1899, 1360 Fifteenth Impression mnd May, 1899. 2000 Sixteenth Impression SOth Sept., 1900, 6000 Seventeenth impression London, SOth Sept., 1902, 1000 Eighteenth Impression nnd Dec, 1901,, 600 Nineteenth Impression ZSrd Feb., 1906, 1000 Second Edition (from new type with slight corrections), Sydney, 1st Nov., 1902, 6000 Second Impression 19th June, 1906, 6000 Third Impression London nth Mar., 1908, 1000 Fourth Impression Sydney, nth Oa., 1908, 4600 ' PREFACE It is not so easy to write ballads descriptive of the busUand of Australia as on light consideration would appear.
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