Index Figures in italic type refer to illustrations.

A Barnsley, Sidney Howard 38 Berlin, Abu Simbel, Egypt 81 Baroque 10, 31, 33, 33, 80, Neue Nationalgalerie 70 Adam, Robert 155–6, 157 157 Technical University of Aichhorn, August 79 Barr, Alfred 124 Berlin: Architecture Alexander, Hartley Burr 124 Barthes, Roland: ‘The Eiffel Faculty 173 Alison Brooks Architects 91 Tower’ 11 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 97 Alster River 169 basalt 23–4 Berry Bros & Rudd 141 American Civil War (1861–5) Bath, Beuys, Joseph: 7000 Oaks - 116 Adam’s plan for the new City Forestation Instead anamorphism 41, 46 town 155–6, 157 of City Administration André, Carl 181 Great Pulteney Street 160, 37 Anglo-Saxons 51, 96 161, 164, 166 ‘Big Bang’ deregulation of Anspach, Jules Victor 85 Holburne Museum of City financial markets Antonioni, Michelangelo Art (previously (1987) 57 63, 64 Hotel) 157–69 Bilbao Guggenheim Antwerp, Belgium: Oosters Pulteney Bridge 156 Museum, Spain 8 Huis 51 Sydney 151, 152, Birkenhead, Wirral 171 Architectural Association 9 152, 155–69 152 Architectural Forum 70, Sydney Place (No.4) 157, Blake, William 95 120, 120 159 Blohm+Voss shipbuilding Art Nouveau 89 Bath, William Pulteney, 1st firm 171 Arts and Crafts 38 Earl of 155 Blomfield, Reginald 143, asklepieion (healing temple) Bath stone 168 160–61, 162 154 Baumgarten, Paul 173 Blow-Up (film) 63 Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 39 Becket, Thomas 18 Bo Bardi, Lina 66–70, 68, , Greece 61 Beckford, William 159 69, 70 agora 122, 129 Bedford, Duke of 141 Bodenehr, Gabriel: Lisabon COPYRIGHTED British School 61 Bedford MATERIAL School Music oder Olyssipo 23 Parthenon 60, 61–2, 65 School, Bedfordshire borders 17–18, 19 Temple of Theseus 60 164 Borromini, Francesco 10, 97 Austen, Jane 157, 159 Beigel, Florian 22 Bosch, Hieronymus 148, 149, Autobahnen (Third Reich) 16 , : Imperial 154, 177, 179 Avon Canal 157 Palace, Forbidden City The Crowning with Thorns azulejo 24 16 149 B Benjamin, Walter 138 The Cure of Folly 149 Bagnaia, Italy: Villa Lante 153 Bentley, John Francis 38 The Epiphany (Adoration of Balat, Alphonse 85 Bergen, Norway: the Magi) 149 Baldwin, Thomas 157, 164 Tyskebryggen 51 The of Earthly

Eric Parry 185 Index Bosch, Hieronymus (cont.) Isle of Lewis, Scotland Como, Italy: Casa del Fascio Engineering 75 Delights 148, 149–51, 49 73 -Nord, Germany 149, 158 Cambridge Coram, Thomas 97 harbour complex 176 The Creation of the Accordia 91 Cosmati work 16, 37, 40, 41, Landschaftpark 148, World 150 Pembroke College 164 42–3, 42, 46 175–81 The Haywain 149 Campin, Robert 148 Coutts Bank 102 Piazza Metallica 181, 181 The Seven Deadly Sins 149 Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Craig-Martin, Michael 22 Dürrenmatt, Friedrich 171 The Temptation of St Canal) 153 Crossrail project 22, 96 E Anthony 149 The Thames from Somerset Cubism 49, 78, 90 East 22 Bow Street Runners 97 House Terrace towards Culm (now Chelmno, Poland) East India Company 110 Boyarsky, Alvin 9 the City 56, 57 51 Eastern Orthodox Church 40 Boyle Family 46 Vauxhall Gardens - The D Ebbw Vale, Wales: National Cobbles Study 14 Grand Walk 154 Danton, Georges 137 Garden Festival (1992) Holland Park Avenue Cannes, : Marché Danzig (now Gdan´sk, 177 Study, Series 14 international des Poland) 51 Edinburgh 152 ‘Journey to the Surface of professionels de Dasarathi, Rama 43 Edlund, Richard and the Earth’ exhibition l’immobilier 56 Deacon, Richard: Molander, Örjan: (Serpentine Gallery, Caruso, Adam 37 144, 144 drawings from London, 1975) 14, 15 Caruso St John Architects 17, Defoe, Daniel 95 Stortorget, från brunn Brangwyn, Frank 125 33, 34, 35, 35, 36, 37 Dekker, Thomas 155 till P-mätare 33 Braque, Georges 139 Carvalho e Melo, Sebastião Demaye, Georges 31 Egypt: Pyramids 50 Brassaï 139 José de (later Marquis of Demnig, Gunter: Elamites: ziggurats 50 Bremen, Germany 51 Pombal) 25–6 Stolpersteine project 16, Elbe River 169, 171 Brethren of the Bridge 18, 22 ‘cat skulls’ (kattskallar) 16, 43, 44, 45 Elbing (now Elbla˛g, Poland) Brick Gothic 55 (fossils) 36 Dernie, David 88 51 Bridge House Estates 22 Catherine of Portugal 110 Dessau, Germany: Bauhaus Eliot, TS: The Waste Land Bristol 152, 156 Cézanne, Paul 49 73 21–2 British new town building Mont Sainte-Victoire Deutsche Bank: Alfred Éluard, Paul 139 boom 130 ‘motif’ 49 Herrhausen Fund 8 Emberton, Joseph 143, 143 Brouillet, André: Une Leçon Chamberlin, Powell and Bon Deutscher Werkbund 172 Emscher River 179 clinique à la Salpêtrière 92, 92, 94 Dickens, Charles 84 encyclopédistes 137 81 Charcot, Dr 81 Our Mutual Friend 21 Engelman, Edmund 79, 80, brownstones 122 Charles, HRH The Prince of Documenta 7 (Kassel, 81, 82 Brummell, Beau 142 Wales 57 Germany, 1982) 37 English Heritage 57 Brussels, Belgium Charles, Martin 113 , : Msheireb 130 English pleasure gardens Académie des Beaux-Arts Charles I, King 101 Donne, Benjamin: A New 151–5, 151, 152–3, 154 85 Charles II, King 110 and Correct Plan of the Enlightenment 25, 25 Hôtel Solvay 85, 86 Charles X, King of France City of Bath... 156 Enna, Sicily 16 Hôtel Tassel 79, 85, 86–90, 131 dos Santos, Eugénio and Erfahrung 147 86, 87, 88 Chaucer, Geoffrey: Mardel, Carlos: Planta Eric Parry Architects 19, 20, Hôtel van Eetvelde 85 Canterbury Tales 53 Topographica da Cidade 38, 40, 42, 62, 63, 65, Buñuel, Luis 154 Chien andalou, Un (film) 154 de Lisboa 25, 26, 26 86, 96, 111, 116, 143, Bunyan, John 95 Chilean miners’ incarceration dry-stone walling 33 144, 163, 167, 174 Burdett, Ricky 9 (2010) 11 Dublin, Ireland 152 Erskine, Ralph 91 Burlington, Lord 153 Chippendale, Thomas 97 Denzille Lane 75 Escorial palace, El, near Busch, Wilhelm 81 Christo and Jean-Claude: oil- Henrietta Street 16 , Spain 148, 149 Byzantine style 39 barred-filled gasometer Trinity College: Department Esposizione Universale Roma C (art installation, of Mechanical and (EUR) (plan) 68 Callanish Stones, Calanais, Oberhausen) 176 Manufacturing Ezekiel, Book of 148

186 F ‘Future Southwark’ European Green Capital I Faber and Faber 22 exhibition (1996) 22 (2011) 171 Impressionism 49 Fallada, Hans: Alone in G Grindelhochhäuser 173 Industrial Revolution 131 Berlin 84 G-3 development plan 122 Jewish Orphanage Ingres, Jean-Auguste- Farnsworth House (Plano, Gadamer, Hans-Georg: Truth (Jüdisches Waisenhaus), Dominique: Oedipus Illinois) 70 and Method 147 Martin-Luther-King- and the Sphinx 81 Farrell, Yvonne 75 Ganesh (Hindu god) 113 Platz 45, 46, 46 Internationale Fauves 90 Gasquet, Joachim 49 Landungsbrücken 171 Bauausstellung (IBA) Feilden Clegg Bradley Gateshead: National Garden Market Halls 173 Emscher Park, northern Studios 91 Festival (1990) 177 Planten un Blomen 148, Germany 176, 181 field stones 16, 33, 34, 35, Gehry, Frank 8 169–75 Emscher Park Building 36, 37 George III, King 101 Apothekergarten 175 Exhibition 176 Fielding, Henry 97 George IV, King 101, 102 Japanese Garden 172 Internationale Gartenbau- First World War 62 German Green Movement Narzissenhang 174–5 Ausstellung (IGA) 170, Fischer, Theodor 172 178 Rudolphus bastion 173 172, 172, 173, 174, 175 Fleischl-Marxow, Ernest Ghent, Belgium 85 Stolpersteine, Martin- Istanbul, von 81 Gibbs, James 97–8, 99, 99, Luther-King-Platz 16, Church of the Holy Florence, Italy: Ponte Vecchio 100, 100, 101 16, 44–5, 45 Apostles 39–41 156 Giedion, Sigfried: Space, Handel, George Frideric 97, Hagia Sofia 37, 38, 39, 40 Fontana, Carlo 97 Time and Architecture 154, 157 axonometric section 38 Fort Worth, Texas: Kimbell 129 Messiah 97 Byzantine floors 39 Art Museum 70, 71, 71 Gilbert, Alfred: Shaftesbury Hanseatic League 30, 51–4, Proconnesian marble Fosdick, Raymond B 128 Memorial Fountain 144 52, 53, 165 floor 16, 16, 39, 39, Foster, Richard: Patterns Giovannoni, Gustavo 68 Haussmann, Baron Georges- 41, 46 of Thought: The Glasgow 91 Eugène 85, 131, 132, Taksim Gezi Park protests Hidden Meaning of National Garden Festival 133, 135, 138 (2013-14) 146 the Great Pavement (1988) 177 Hawksmoor, Nicholas 100, J of Gotland 36 106 Jakobsweg 52 42, 43 Grafton Architects 71–2, 72, Hayman, Francis 153 James, John 106 Foster + Partners 58, 59 73–4, 73, 75, 75, 76 Hemmings, David 63 Jardner, Karlheinz 175 Fournier, Fortuné de: Le ‘Cuore di Cristallo per Henry II, King 18 ‘jaula’ pombalina 26–7 cabinet de travail Milano’ (‘Crystal Heart Henry VIII, King 96 Jermyn, Henry 141 de Napoléon III aux for Milan’) 73, 75 Hermkes, Bernard 172–4, Justinian I, Emperor 40 Tuileries 132 granite 24, 33, 36, 37, 43, 174 K Frampton, Kenneth 9 65, 66 Herrera, Juan de 148 Kahn, Louis 70–71, 71 Frankfurt, Germany 56, 57, Great Western Railway 158 Hogarth, William 97, 153, Kalmar, Kvarnholmen, 172 Greifswald, Germany 51, 155 Sweden 30–31 French Revolution (1789) 131 52, 53 Holburne, Sir William cathedral 31, 33, 34, 35, Freud, Anna 80 grisaille 149, 150 159–60, 164 37 Freud, Martha 80 Gropius, Walter 73 Holford, Lord 21 Stortorget 16, 17, 30, 31, Freud, Sigmund 79–81, 82, Guillotin, Joseph-Ignace 137 Holocaust 45, 46 31, 33–7, 33, 34, 35, 36 83, 83, 84 Gulf States 16 Hood, Raymond 119, 120, Kalmar Wars (1611-13) 30 Freud family 80 H 121, 123, 127, 128 Kalmar Läns Museum, Friedrich, Caspar David 51 , Germany 51 Horta, Victor 79, 85, 86, 87, Sweden: Stortorget, Greifswald im Mondschein Albert Schweitzer 88, 89, 90 frå brunn till P-mätare (Greifswald by Gymnasium 173 Huizinga, Johan: Homo (Main Square, from Well Moonlight) 52 Blankenese 171 Ludens 146–7 to Parking Metre) 31, 33 The Wanderer above the Dammtor 169 Kassel, Germany 37, 178 Sea of Fog 53 defensive ramparts 169, 170 Kent, William 153

Eric Parry 187 Kiel, Germany 51 Rual Nova do Almada 29 London, (cont.) London, England (cont.) Kilham, Walter H 128 152, 171 Generali 60 pleasure gardens 151, Kneller, Godfrey 97 National Garden Festival Globe theatre 19 152–4, 152–3 Königsberg (now (1984) 177 Golden Lane Estate 79, Potters Fields 22 Kaliningrad, Russia) 51 Livingstone, Ken 59 91–6, 92, 94 railway stations 131 kullersten (cobblestones) 36 Lloyds Bank 22 Golden Square 26 Ranelagh Gardens 152, Kuwait 147–8 Löfdahl, Eva 17, 33, 34, 35, Great Arthur House 93, 94 153, 153, 154 Kvarnholmen, Sweden 31, 31 35, 36, 37 Great Fire of London Regent Street 142, 143 L Löfgren, Nils-Isak 31, 33, 34 (1666) 56 Regent’s Park 100, 142, Laeken, Belgium 85 Londinium 62, 96 Hanover Square 26 159 land art 37 London, England 49, 156 Hatfield House 93 Ritz Hotel 142 Latz + Partner (Peter and Aldermanbury Square Haymarket 140 Roman walls 19 Anneliese Latz) 177–81 (No.5) 62, 63, 65–6, Haymarket theatre 97 Lawrie, Lee: Wisdom: A 65, 164 the Helter-Skelter 60 101, 143, 158 Voice from the Clouds Barbican Estate 57, 64, 65, the Heron 60 ‘Sensing Spaces’ 124, 125 93, 95, 106, 107 Houses of Parliament 140 exhibition (2012) 75 Le Corbusier 93 Borough High Street; Hyde Park 131 9 Towards a New repairing scheme 22 Islington Borough Council Royal College of Physicians Architecture 62 Brewers Hall 63 106 100 Le Sueur, Hubert 101 British Museum 39, 50, 142, 143, Royex House 62, 63 Lehmann, Professor Dr 100 144 St Alban’s church 64 Georg 170 Broadgate 17 Leadenhall Building (the St Bartholomew’s Hospital Lenin, Vladimir 125 Bunhill Fields 95, 107 ‘Cheesegrater’) 58, 95 Lethaby, WR 38 Canary Wharf 17, 57, 60 59, 60 St Christopher’s House 22 Architecture, Mysticism Carlton House 100, 142 Lincoln’s Inn Fields 26 St George Street 26 and Myth 39 Cenotaph, Whitehall 60, London Bridge 16, 18–19, St George’s Bloomsbury limestone 23–4, 43, 127, 129 62, 65 18, 20, 21–2, 21, 23, 56 church 100 line stones 33, 33, 34 the Charterhouse 95 London Bridge Station St James’s 140–42, 141 Lisbon, Portugal 46 Chiswick House 153 18, 22 St James’s Church, Bairro Alto 25 16, 19, 20, 59, 65, 95 Piccadilly 141 Baixa district 24, 25, 26, 27 21, 56, 57, 59–60, 59, Marylebone 152 St James’s Palace 142 Castelo de São Jorge 25 91, 92, 96, 106, 140 141–2 St James’s Square 26, 140, Castro & Melo building City of London Moor House 59 141, 142 (89-101 Rua Nova do Corporation 18, 22 Museum of London 95 St James’s Street 140, 141, Almada 28 City Police Station 64 NatWest Tower 57 142 Chiado department store Clerkenwell 152 New Zealand House 99 St Luke’s Old Street 106 28 Colechurch House 22 Old Spring Gardens, St Martin-in-the-Fields Chiado district 16, 17, Cornhill 18 Charing Cross 152 church 79, 96, 97, 23–4, 26, 27–9, 28, Covent Garden 26, 141 One Eagle Place building 99–102, 99, 100, 140 29, 31 Cremorne Gardens 152–3 143–4, 144 St Martin’s Lane Academy Convento do Carmo 28, 31 Crescent House 93 97 97, 153 earthquake (1755) 23, 23, Duke Hill Street, Pall Mall 140 St Paul’s Cathedral 56, 57, 25, 26, 28 Southwark 18 Paternoster Square 95, 122 58, 59, 95, 122 fire (1988) 17, 23, 26, 27, Economist Plaza, St James’s Peabody Estate 92, 95, Salters’ Hall 65 28, 29 63 107, 107 Shakespeare pub 93 Grandella department Finsbury Square (No.30) Piccadilly 140, 141, 142–3, the Shard 60 store 28, 31 65, 164 143, 144 Slaughter’s Coffee House Largo do Carmo 29 Fortune Park 95 Piccadilly Circus 142, 143, 97 Rua do Carmo 28, 29, 31 Foundling Hospital 97 144 Smithfield 95

188 London, England (cont.) London, England (cont.) City: Bombay Lost and 101, 102, 142, 159 Soho 63, 97, 137 107, 107, 108, 108 Found 112 National Broadcasting South Africa House 101 market 95, 106, 107, Memel (now Klaipéda, Corporation (NBC) 123 South Bank 19, 21, 21, 22 107, 108 Lithuania) 51 National Garden Festivals Southwark, London Wolseley restaurant 142 Meyer, Jonathan 142 177 Borough of 19, 22, 60 Wood Street 64, 65, 65 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig National Socialism, Nazis 16, Southwark Gateway: light London School of Economics 70, 71 45, 79, 173 pavement 20 8, 72 Milan, Italy Nattes, John Claude 157 Southwark Gateway: London Docklands Corso di Porta Ticinese 16 158 needle 19 Development Università Commerciale Nedderdüütsch 51 Southwark Street: Corporation 57 Luigi Bocconi, School of neo-Byzantine style 38 Groundswell scheme 22 Louis XIV, King 130 Economics 71–5, 72, 73, neo-Gothic style 64 Stalhof 51 Louis-Philippe, King of 75, 76 Neolithic settlement 49 Standard Chartered France 131 Aula Magna 72, 73, 74 New York, USA 108 bank headquarters, Lower Kingswood, Surrey: Modern Movement 73 51st Street and Fifth Aldermanbury Square Church of the Holy Molander, Örjan 33 Avenue 118 65 Wisdom 38–9 Monamy, Peter 153 American Radiator Building Stanley Cohen House 93 Lübeck, Germany 51, 52, 54 Mondrian, Piet 95 128 Swiss Re building (‘The Lubetkin, Berthold 147 Morini, Mario 51 Center Theatre 123 Gherkin’) 58 Lüneburg, Germany 51 Morris, Benjamin Wistar 121 the Channel (La Manche) Theatre Royal, Drury Lane Lutyens, Edwin 60, 62, 65 mosaics 24, 40, 88, 129 125, 128 97 M Muf 22 Christie’s exhibition and Tooley Street, Southwark Maccreanor Lavington 91 Mumbai, India (formerly auction rooms 119, 127 18 McCulloch, Robert 21 Bombay) 110, 115 –16 Columbia College 120 Tower Bridge 21 McMorran & Whitby 64 Bhuleshwar 16, 108, Fifth Avenue Baptist Trafalgar Square 79, 100, McNamara, Shelley 75 110 –115, 111, 113, 140 Church 151 100, 101, 102, 140 Madrid, Spain: Prado Bhuleshwar Road (No.148) Lincoln Center and Plaza Union Club 100 museum 148 112–15, 114, 116 122 Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, Magritte, René: The Empire Bombay Castle 110 Manhattan 115, 116 Kennington 20, 152, of Lights 162 Esplanade 110 Metropolitan Opera 120, 153, 153, 154 91 Mahadevi temple complex 121, 122 Victoria and Albert Mann, Thomas: 112 Museum of Modern Art Museum 99 Buddenbrooks 52, 84 , Germany 124–5 the Walkie-Talkie (20 Manship, Paul: Prometheus Munich University Faculty NBC studios 119, 123, 123, ) 60 124, 126, 128 of Landscape Studies 124, 126 Waterloo Bridge 58 Manson, Fred 22 178 New York Subway system (formerly Marat, Jean-Paul 137 Munich-Weihenstephan 125–6 Simpsons of Piccadilly) marble 24, 43, 88 178 Observation Deck 124 143, 143 Proconnesian 16, 16, 39, Munro, Bruce: Field of Light Radio City Music Hall 121, Westminster 100, 140 39, 46 installation 168, 169 122, 123, 126, 127 Westminster Abbey 140 Mardel, Carlos 25, 26, 26 Mussolini, Benito 68, 72 Rainbow Room 124 Edward the Confessor’s Mareuil, Simone 154 N RCA Building (now GE Chapel 40 Martin, St, Bishop of Tours Nairn, Ian 91–2 Building) 124, 125 sanctuary 16, 40 96 Naples, Italy 24 Rock Center Café 127, 128 Cosmati Pavement 16, Masters, Charles Harcourt Napoleon Bonaparte 131, Rockefeller Center 56, 115, 37, 40, 41, 42–3, 42 157, 164 134 118, 119, 120–29 Westminster Cathedral Maupassant, Guy de 11 Napoleon III, Emperor 131, Sea Grill restaurant 127 38, 40 May, Ernest 172 132, 132 US Post Office 127 Whitecross Street 106, Mehta, Suketu: Maximum Nash, John 62, 100, 100, Williamsburg 122

Eric Parry 189 Index New York, USA (cont.) La Hune bookshop 139 Placentini, Marcello 68 Partners 58, 59 Zoning ordinance (1916) Maisons Jaoul 93 Planta, Joseph von 50 Romans 18, 96 118 Parc des Buttes-Chaumont Plato Rome, Italy 45, 66, 97, Newcastle upon Tyne 152 131 Ion 147 129–30 Byker Wall 91 Parc Montsouris 131 Phaedrus 147 Baths of Caracalla 27 Niederdeutsche Gartenschau rue de l’Université 134 Symposium 147 Borgo district 108 (Low German Garden Saint-Germain-des-Près Plattdüütsch 51 Forum 129 Show) (1935) 172 136–7, 139 Plomin, Karl 172 La Sapienza university 68 Nixon, John 157 Park, Jonathan 180, 181 Ponte, Antonio da 156 Nolli’s 1748 plan 17 Sydney Gardens 159 Parry, Eric 46, 54, 59–60, 59, Portland stone 19, 62, 64, 99 Obelisco della Minerva 10 Nolli, Giambattista: plan of 88, 94, 114, 128, 138, Powell, Geoffry 92, 94 Pantheon 10, 99 Rome (1748) 17 139, 165, 166 Proconnesus (present-day Piazza della Minerva 10 Norman invasion (1066) 18 Patel Taylor 22 Marmara Adasi), Turkey Sabaudia project 68 Norwich, Norfolk 152 Paul the Silentiary 38, 39, 41 39 , Germany 51, 54 Novgorod, Russia: Peterhof Pearce, Zachariah 100 Pulteney family 155 Rothafel, Samuel L (‘Roxy’) 51 Pembrokeshire coast, Wales Q 123 O 50 qanats (tunnels) 130 Roubiliac, Louis-François Oberhausen, Germany 176 Pennethorne, John 61–2 R 153–4, 157 ‘Oilcan City’ cartoon (New ‘The Measured Horizontal Radio Corporation of Rowlandson, Thomas 155 York Evening Journal) Curvature of the Lines America 123 Rügen, Germany 54 56, 129 in the Upper Step Rakhmani 113 region, northern Olympia, Greece: temple of and Architrave of the Ramses II 81 Germany 175 Zeus 39 Partenon and Temple Ransohoff, Rita 81 Rykwert, Joseph 138–9 optical calibration 61 of Theseus, observed Rees, Peter 58 The Idea of a Town 129–30 opus sectile 16, 43 by Mr Penrose’ (in The Reinhard & Hofmeister 122 S Ordnance Survey 159, 160 Geometry and Optics of Renaissance architecture 160 St Jakobi (St James), churches P Ancient Architecture) 60 Rennie, John 20, 21 of 52 Pagano, Giuseppe 72–3 Penrose, Francis Cranmer Repton, Humphry 100 Sampaio, Jorge 27 Palaggiu, Corsica 49 61, 62 Restoration 20, 152 Santiago de Compostela, Palestine Archaeological Pepys, Samuel 20, 155 Rhine River 179 northern Spain 52 Museum 122 Perec, Georges: Species of Ribeiro Telles, Gonçalo 174 São Paulo, : Museu Palladio, Andrea 156 Spaces 79 Richard Rogers Partnership de Arte de São Paulu , France 108, 130–31 Pereira, Emilio 74 64 (MASP) 66, 67, 68, Bastille fortress prison 131 Pergamon, Turkey 154 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 66–7 69–70, 69, 70 Bois de Boulogne 131 Pericles 61 Rivera, Diego 125 Sartre, Jean-Paul 139 Bois de Vincennes 131 Peter de Colechurch 18 Man at the Crossroads Scharf, George 100 boulevard Saint-Germain Philip II, King of Spain 148, Looking with Schultz, Robert Weir 38 133, 134, 135–6, 136 149 Uncertainty but with Schultz, Robert Weir and Café de Flore 137, 138, 139 Philips Tower (Hermkes) 172 Hope and High Vision Barnsley, Sidney Les Deux Magots café 136, Piano, Renzo 60 to the Choosing of a Howard: The Monastery 138, 138, 139–40, 139 Picasso, Pablo 125, 139 Course Leading to a of Saint Luke of Stiris, Le Divan bookstore 137 Piccirilli, Attilio: Advance New and Better Future in Phocis, and the École nationale supérieure Forever Eternal Youth, 125 Dependent Monastery des Beaux-Arts 137–8 Art is Labor, Labor is Rockefeller, John D, Jr 122, of Saint Nicolas in the Eiffel Tower 11, 78–9, 138 Art 125 124, 127 Fields near Skripou in Faubourg Saint-Germain Pietro da Cortona 97 Rockefeller, Nelson 124 Boeotia 38 135, 135 Pikionis, Dimitris 174 Rockefeller Foundation 122 Schweitzer and Davidson 142 Haussmann in 85 pilgrim routes 16, 43–4, Rocque, John 100 Second Empire (France) 131, La Défense 56 44, 52 Rogers Stirk Harbour + 173

190 Second World War 57 Church of St James 54, 55 U Walkeshwar, Mumbai, India: Seifert, Richard 57, 62 Church of St Mary 54, 55 UNESCO 57 Banganga Tank 16, Seine River 136, 138 Church of St Nicholas University of North 43–4, 44, 112 Semper, Gottfried 171 54–5, 54 London (now White, John 159 Serpentine Gallery, London: Holy Ghost hospice and London Metropolitan Whiteread, Rachael 181 ‘Journey to the Surface convent of St Catherine University): Architecture windows of the Earth’ exhibition 54, 55 Research Unit 22 bay 87, 88 (1975) 14, 15 Rathaus 54, 54 Ur-Bild (ur-picture; ’original dormer 133 Serra, Richard 181 Su Nuraxi, Sardinia 50 picture’) 147 lantern 40 Bramme für das Ruhrgebiet Sudjic, Deyan: The 100 Mile Urban Age project 8 punched 128 181 City 8, 56 V Serlian 161 Sert, Josep Maria 125 Swedish Arts Council 33 Valckenburgh, Johan van 169 stained-glass 87 sfumato 150 Swiss Re 58 Valéry, Paul 147 strip 65 Shakespeare, William 19 Switzerland: languages 50 Van der Weyden, Rogier 148 tripartite 87 Shaw, Richard Norman 143 Symbolism 86, 89 Van Eyck, Jan 148 Wismar, Germany 51 Situationists 17 T Van Peursen, Cornelius A 49 Wood, John, the Elder 155, Siza, Álvaro 17, 23, 27, Tagus River 25 Venice, Italy 153 157 28, 31 Tassel, Émile 86, 89 Corderie 9 Wood, John, the Younger Smirke, Robert 100 Taut, Bruno: House of Rialto Bridge 156 155, 157 Smith, Zadie 84 Heaven project 120 San Giorgio Maggiore 16 Wren, Sir Christopher 56, Smithson, Alison and Peter Telford, Thomas 21 Venice Architecture Biennale 141 95 Terragni, Giuseppe 73 2010 9 Wroth, Warwick: The London Smithson, Robert: Spiral terrazzo 22 2012 75 Pleasure Gardens of Jetty 37 tessellation 23, 31, 88 Versailles, France 130 the Eighteenth Century Soane, Sir John 100, 155, Tessin, Nicodemus, the Elder Vesely, Dalibor 9, 78–9 151, 152 159 31, 33 , 169 Y Sodingen, Herne, Germany: Thames River 18, 19, 20, 96 Freud’s home and office, Yazd, Iran 130 Mont-Cenis training Thiepval, northern France 62 Berggasse (No.19) Z centre and photovoltaic Third Reich 16 79–81, 80, 82, 83, 83, Zacharias, Eduard 175 solar power generator Thirty Years’ War (1618-48) 84, 84, 85 Zeiler, Martin 170 176 169 University of Vienna 79, 83 Zervos, Christian and Yvonne Solomon’s Temple 148 Thornhill, James 97 Vignola, Giacomo Barozzi 139 Solvay Society 86 tiles da 153 zinc 133–5 Sophocles: Oedipus Tyrannus azulejo 24 Viñoly, Rafael 60 Zollverein mining complex, 83 terracotta 100 Vishnu (Hindu god) 43, 44, Germany 176 Southwark London Borough Timm, Uwe: The Invention of 113 Council 18 Curried Sausage 84 Visscher, Claes Janszoon: Sporley, Richard 42–3 Tindall, Gillian View of London from stock market crash (1929) City of Gold 110 –111 South Bank 18–19, 122 The Fields Beneath 152 21, 56 Stoke-on-Trent, Today Show 127 Vitruvius 61 Staffordshire: National Todd, John R 122, 127 Voltaire 27 Garden Festival (1986) Torun´, Poland 51 Candide 25 177 Toulouse, France: Université On the Lisbon Disaster Stone, Edward Durell 123 Toulouse 1 Capitole 75 (or: An Examination of Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Turner, Henry: Lighters the Axiom ‘All is Well’) Wiltshire 50 moored in the King’s 25, 25 Stralsund, Germany 51, Reach 58 W 54, 55 Tyers, Jonathan 153 Wailly, Charles de 131

Eric Parry 191 Index