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Index Figures in italic type refer to illustrations. A Barnsley, Sidney Howard 38 Berlin, Germany Abu Simbel, Egypt 81 Baroque 10, 31, 33, 33, 80, Neue Nationalgalerie 70 Adam, Robert 155–6, 157 157 Technical University of Aichhorn, August 79 Barr, Alfred 124 Berlin: Architecture Alexander, Hartley Burr 124 Barthes, Roland: ‘The Eiffel Faculty 173 Alison Brooks Architects 91 Tower’ 11 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 97 Alster River 169 basalt 23–4 Berry Bros & Rudd 141 American Civil War (1861–5) Bath, Somerset Beuys, Joseph: 7000 Oaks - 116 Adam’s plan for the new City Forestation Instead anamorphism 41, 46 town 155–6, 157 of City Administration André, Carl 181 Great Pulteney Street 160, 37 Anglo-Saxons 51, 96 161, 164, 166 ‘Big Bang’ deregulation of Anspach, Jules Victor 85 Holburne Museum of City financial markets Antonioni, Michelangelo Art (previously Sydney (1987) 57 63, 64 Hotel) 157–69 Bilbao Guggenheim Antwerp, Belgium: Oosters Pulteney Bridge 156 Museum, Spain 8 Huis 51 Sydney Gardens 151, 152, Birkenhead, Wirral 171 Architectural Association 9 152, 155–69 Birmingham 152 Architectural Forum 70, Sydney Place (No.4) 157, Blake, William 95 120, 120 159 Blohm+Voss shipbuilding Art Nouveau 89 Bath, William Pulteney, 1st firm 171 Arts and Crafts 38 Earl of 155 Blomfield, Reginald 143, asklepieion (healing temple) Bath stone 168 160–61, 162 154 Baumgarten, Paul 173 Blow-Up (film) 63 Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 39 Becket, Thomas 18 Bo Bardi, Lina 66–70, 68, Athens, Greece 61 Beckford, William 159 69, 70 agora 122, 129 Bedford, Duke of 141 Bodenehr,
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