San Luis Obispo County 2018 - 2020

SeniorINFORMATION GuideGuide A comprehensive guide to services for senior citizens and caregivers EMERGENCY SURVIVAL GUIDE for the Support OLDER PERSON Thanks for Your Support! The Area Agency on Aging is pleased to present this 2018 - 2020 edition of the Senior Information Guide to AAA provides a wide variety the San Luis Obispo County community. of supportive, nutrition and health promotion services Since 1975, the Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens has served San Luis Obispo County as the Area through funding from Agency on Aging. Hundreds of individuals have worked the Older Americans and together as members of the AAA Advisory Council, Older Californians Act. Board of Directors and many committees to improve • Home delivered meals our community’s response to the needs of older • Senior lunches persons and adults with functional impairments. • In-home support services Each year we ask for new volunteers to work on these Homemaker services important efforts. Volunteers can serve the community Visiting services through work with the Area Agency on Aging Board of • Respite for caregivers Directors, Advisory Council, Legislation / Advocacy task • Health Promotion force and many other committees. ARE YOU PREPARED FOR TOMORROW’S EMERGENCY? • Long Term Care Ombudsman Our vision is a community where its residents are • Information and Assistance mergencies are a fact of life in they cannot reach everyone immediately. assured a quality of life through services that are • Transportation services available, accessible and affordable. . For example, the state is You need to be prepared, because it • Legal Assistance Ecrisscrossed with numerous major could be hours or days before emergency Please consider joining us • Senior day care services active faults that cause earthquakes. As assistance arrives. An emergency itself may in achieving this mission. • Home repair citizens of the state, we must assume not cause injury or death. Most casualties • Elder Abuse prevention services the responsibility for our own survival result from partial building collapse or • Mental Health Services and self-reliance during and after a major falling objects, like chimneys, bricks, • Family Caregiver Support Services emergency. There are many things that can ceilings and light fixtures. Also, leaking gas be done to prepare for a safer response and improper use of electricity can cause 528 South Broadway and a more rapid, less traumatic recovery. fires. Many of these conditions are easily For more information: Santa Maria, CA 93454 During an emergency local officials and preventable, and you should take steps call 800-510-2020 (805) 925-9554 relief workers will be on the scene, but now to help protect you and your family. (805) 541-0384 E-mail: [email protected] LEARN THESE IMPORTANT STEPS NOW – BE PREPARED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 800-510-2020 Table of Contents 4 Acknowledgments 45 Financial Matters Social Security, County programs, financial 5 How to Use This Guide planning, bill paying, taxes, paying for health care, prescription drugs 6 Caregiving 56 Food and Nutrition Services Grocery shopping assistance, home delivered 8 Personal Needs Survey meals, hot meals, nutrition information, resources 9 Emergency Services 24-hour Crisis intervention, Victims of 61 Health Services violence, Immediate needs Clinics, hospitals, inpatient/outpatient services, inpatient transitional care, rehabilitation, 12 General Information physician referral, skilled nursing, urgent care & Case Management centers, special health programs Information and Assistance and Case Management 65 Housing Options Independent, Assisted Living, Reverse Mortgages, financing and subsidies, Home 14 Civic, Community and Repair, Tenant/Landlord, Utilities Consumer Voter registration, elected officials, 71 In-Home Care Solutions senior organizations, libraries, consumer Home health services, IV/enteral therapy, complaints federal and state agencies homemaker, companion, and personal care 20 Day Care & Respite Care for 78 Legal Affairs Frail Adults Services, Conservatorship, Durable powers, Adult Day Care and respite care options Medi-Cal planning, probate and estate planning 22 Education & Training 86 Long Term Care 24 Elder and Dependent Adult 89 Mental Health, Counseling and Abuse Prevention and Support Groups Reporting Investigations - Reporting 96 Recreation & Volunteer Opportunities 30 Employment 99 Senior Centers 32 End of Life Services Palliative Care, hospice, death certificate, 100 Technology organ donation and support groups 102 Transportation Services 40 Equipment and Special Need Services 108 Veterans Services Adaptive aids, emergency response systems, home health equipment, vision, hearing and 110 Index loan closet


THE CENTRAL COAST COMMISSION FOR In addition to the community’s financial generosity SENIOR CITIZENS-AREA AGENCY ON many individuals prepared the text of the Directory. AGING (AAA), the sponsor of the San Luis Obispo This task can be quite laborious and I would like County Senior Information Guide, is a non-profit to extend a special thanks to the following people organization responsible for allocating federal for taking the time to help make the information as dollars to local agencies to ensure that supportive, accurate as possible: nutrition and health promotion services to older adults and family caregivers in San Luis Obispo Stephanie Barclay, Senior Legal Services, SLOLAF County are available. Barry Johnson, Transitions-Mental Health Association The AAA is committed to the development of a comprehensive and coordinated continuum of care Karen Jones, LTC Ombudsman Program that will: Anya Kaufman, Senior Connection 1. Secure and maintain maximum independence Kris Kingston-Barker, Hospice and dignity in a home environment for older of San Luis Obispo County, Inc. persons capable of self care with appropriate supportive services Jerry Mihaic, Independent Living Resource Center 2. Remove individual and social barriers to Julie Posada, HICAP economic and personal independence for older Mary Schultz, Family Home Care persons Sarah Trauger, SLO Regional Rideshare 3. Develop a continuum of care for the vulnerable elderly. Brittany Venia, Peoples’ Self Help Housing The AAA also sponsors projects to address needs Mara Whitten, CAPSLO Adult Day Care identified in the community. The San Luis Obispo Laurie Wylie, MSW County Senior Information Guide is one such project. The San Luis Obispo County Senior Information Guide is a community project with many people We would like to thank the organizations and sharing their expertise and resources to help businesses for their generous financial contributions. professionals, family members and older adults This Directory would not be possible without their acquaint themselves with the resources available sponsorship. within our community. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

joyce ellen lippman Executive Director, Area Agency on Aging

4 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE How to Use this Guide Important Things to Consider: The first step in finding help for yourself or a 1. Determining your need. loved one is simply figuring out where and how to The Guide can help you consider a variety of start. options to meet your needs. If you call an agency Opening the Senior Information Guide is a you think may be able to help and they cannot, great choice! The guide is comprehensive and ask them for suggestions. will provide valuable information on a range of 2. Eligibility Requirements. Each agency has services available in San Luis Obispo County. different eligibility requirements. The most For a more personal approach, contact one of the common are age and income. If you are information and assistance programs in this Guide. assisting someone, it is important to find out Case management programs can further assist from the agency exactly what income and by providing a more individualized and in-depth asset information is required and what kind of approach to problem identification and problem- documentation must be provided. solving. 3. Waiting Lists. If there is a waiting list, get on it. Residents in San Luis Obispo County have a variety 4. Finally, cost will determine if you can afford of community services available. It is not always easy the service. Some agencies have a set cost, no to determine what services you or a loved one may matter what your income; others determine cost need. Equally difficult may be the task of locating based on income and use a ‘sliding scale’ fee; the appropriate agency. some services are free, and others ask only for a When a problem exists and you cannot easily donation. resolve the problem alone, it helps to talk with In Conclusion someone who is experienced in identifying specific Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy problem(s). No single source provides the complete of the information included within these pages. scope of services. You may need to secure different However, services and information change due services from different agencies. Get as much to many factors. Should you become aware of a information as possible. There are several agencies discrepancy, please let us know. Inclusion of a listing in San Luis Obispo County that provide Information or display ad does not imply an endorsement. and Assistance. See General Information and Support section for a listing of organizations that Your suggestions for improving the Guide, or provide Information and Assistance. any information revealing new and/or not listed information as well as your opinions, are welcome. You need time and energy to research what services Your comments would be greatly appreciated. Send may meet your needs. The most difficult time to try your comments to: to assess a need and investigate community resources is during a crisis. The Guide is an opportunity to Senior Information Guide familiarize yourself with the community resources that Area Agency on Aging may help. 528 South Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454


caregivers in a variety of ways. paid family leave? Paid sick leave? Caregiving for members of One may develop depression and Scheduling flexibility and pre- our family affects persons from anxiety, or a weakened immune dictability? Remember, getting all walks of life system causing more sick days adequate and timely support is Whether the care receiver is and slower recovery from ill- dependent upon making your over the age of 90 or in the final ness. There may be an increased needs known early in the caregiv- stages of Parkinson’s Disease, likelihood of obesity, especially in ing experience. women, increased risk for chron- has Alzheimer’s Disease or Assessing Needs some other physical or cognitive ic diseases, or problems with It is important to assess both impairment, the role of the short-term memory or attentive- the needs of the care receiver caregiver is a challenge. While ness skills. and the caregiver. This would it is a privilege to accept the Here is a message of importance include providing information responsibility to care for our to each and every caregiver. Make and training about the tasks mother, uncle or sister, caregiving time for yourself - to take care of that the caregiver will be has inherent challenges and yourself! Exercise is important expected to complete. Based stresses along its course, from – and try to do this with others. on the care receiver’s health logistical (where care is most Develop and nurture new friends condition and skilled care appropriate) and financial, and social activities. When safe needs, perhaps training can to emotional and spiritual. and practical, get your family be provided by a home health Caregiving truly affects the whole member moving- take a group nurse or physical therapist, as person in ways that no book or exercise class, join a mall walking ordered by the physician. It is article can fully explain. club or walk the dog together. important to inquire about all This introductory page is meant Your identity as caregiver potential resources at the outset to help the reader understand the needs to be recognized of becoming a caregiver to your impact of caregiving, learn how Both federal legislation and good loved one, so that appropriate to recognize changes (in either sense directs that the hospital care is given and mishaps the caregiver or care receiver) consider the caregiver as part avoided. that may affect health and safety of the team. Many physician Last, consider the issue of safety of both parties and discover how offices include the caregiver of the care receiver in their to address and access critical in the care receiver’s medical living environment. As physical resources. records and as part of the team. conditions change, it is important Taking care of yourself This is important for planning to re-evaluate the physical while caring for others to meet care needs, such as environment. This can be done It is important to recognize the bathing, eating and walking. It is through a home safety evaluation signs and symptoms of caregiver imperative that the caregiver have which, with a physician’s order, stress. This may include feeling access to appropriate medical can be conducted by a licensed overwhelmed and alone, isolated records and information, so physical and/or occupational or deserted by others, sleeping making this need known early therapist. They will help the too much or too little, gaining or in the caregiving experience is caregiver evaluate the following: losing a lot of weight, feeling tired critically important. does the environment need to most of the time or losing interest And, if you are a working care- be adapted; are there tripping in activities you used to enjoy. giver trying to balance employ- hazards; are any home or Caregiver stress may affect your ment and caregiving, ask your equipment repairs needed; is the physical and behavioral health. employer if they have any ben- house well lit, inside and out; is Studies show that stress can affect efits that fit your needs. Is there there clutter; is there carpeting

6 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Caregiving or safety grips on stairs? Making of action is underway. Reaching needed modifications at the out and getting support can help outset, or as needs change, will to ensure objectivity and a clear hopefully avoid injuries to the perspective and may also enable care receiver AND also help one to be a better caregiver. protect the caregiver. You may also want to consider Involve other People drafting a ‘CareMap’. A CareMap Involving other people in the is both a process and product – a caregiving responsibility is a visualization of the care receiver’s benefit for both the caregiver ecosystem. Our community and the care receiver. This has embraced care mapping as can be achieved by holding a designed by Atlas of Caregiving family conference, obtaining ( Several professional guidance and using agency’s social workers or the community resources. website can guide you through Although care may be provided the care mapping process. Not primarily by one person, all fam- a static document, but rather a ily members, friends and signifi- work in process, care mapping cant others should be involved in can be a valuable tool for the all aspects of caregiving. Holding caregiver. family conferences throughout San Luis Obispo County is a the process is the best way to community that is replete with maintain communication and ad- many resources for caregivers. dress issues as they occur. Being Check each section of this proactive rather than reactive can Directory to find resources that make the difference in the safety may fit the needs of the caregiver and well-being of all concerned. or care receiver. It may mean the difference be- tween keeping the loved one at home for as long as possible, ver- sus needing placement in a long term care facility. Remembering that Hospice care is a valuable resource to both the care receiver and the caregiver and is also great source of comfort and support at end-of-life, will enhance the capabilities of all involved in the circle of care. Bringing in an ob- jective third party may also help to deal with conflicts or stressful situations that might arise. Securing professional advice and assistance can help to reduce stress and ensure the ‘best’ course


Take a moment to answer the following questions. This information will give you a starting point from which to identify services that may be of most help to you. When contacting providers, share the needs that you have identified below:

1. Check those activities with which you require some assistance.

SECTION A  Dressing – including putting on shoes,  Eating – including holding silverware and buttoning, zipping, putting on stockings or cups, swallowing and chewing, or cutting up brace food  Bathing – including getting in and out of a tub  Toileting – including getting up from a chair or shower, washing hair, lower legs or feet or in and out of bed  Grooming – including brushing hair and  Walking – including getting from inside to teeth, shaving or fingernail and toenail care outside and back or using steps

SECTION B  Meal Preparation – including at least twice  Laundry – including getting laundry to and daily preparing raw food, using stove or from and in and out of machines, folding or microwave, or cleaning up sorting  Light Housework – including dusting and  Managing medications – including refilling picking up, washing off countertops, or prescriptions and taking at correct times and sweeping in correct amounts  Heavy Housework – including vacuuming,  Transportation – including day and night time washing floors, stripping or making beds, or driving or arranging for other transportation cleaning the bathroom  Using the telephone – including finding phone  Shopping – including making a list, bending, numbers, holding receiver, seeing buttons, or reaching and lifting groceries, hearing responses or putting items away

2. Are you concerned about your ability to live at home safely now or in the future?  Yes  No

3. Are you interested in services, or information to support your continued independent living?  Yes  No

If you answered YES to 1 or more, you may be in need of assistance. Please see sections on: Information and Case Management; Day Care & Respite Care; Equipment and Special Needs Services; Housing; or In Home Care Solutions.

8 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Emergency Services 24-Hour Crisis Arroyo Grande Community Fax 805‑226-5401 Hospital 855-886-7473 Toll Free Crisis Line Intervention 345 S. Halcyon Rd. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 DIAL -1-1 (V/TDD) for 805‑473-7626 A 24 hour toll free Crisis Line immediate emergency response or call 805‑489-4261, ask for ER staffed by CA State Certified by police, fire, paramedics Domestic Violence & Sexual and sheriff or highway patrol Assault Counselors. Counselors personnel. II. Agencies Addressing provide crisis intervention, SLO Hotline Physical Dangers support and referrals to other 800-783-0607 community resources and agencies. All calls are confidential. [email protected] Adult Protective Services (APS) County of San Luis Obispo The crisis line is available to all Department of Social Services survivors of sexual assault and Health crisis line staffed 24/7. 805‑781-1790 or intimate partner violence, as well Confidential telephone services 800-834-3002 as their friends and loved ones. for anyone in suicidal crisis 800-838-1381 (after hours) or emotional distress. Also 800-834-3002 (Toll Free) III. Shelter Services answers non-emergency calls Fax 781-1686 Maxine Lewis Memorial Shelter in need of emotional or mental 750 Orcutt Road health information or referrals. htm San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Client call-in: 805‑546-0776 Sponsored by Transitions-Mental The Adult Protective Services 805‑781-3993 Health Association. program protects dependent Fax 805‑541-5930 I. Hospital Emergency adults and seniors. It investigates Rooms allegations of abuse, intervenes Call 9-1-1 for response by when necessary, and provides Provides meals, showers, mail, community education. For ambulance phone and message services; emergencies call local law information and referrals; Twin Cities Community enforcement and Adult Protective specialized health screenings, and Hospital Services. access to case management. The 1100 Las Tablas Rd. Long Term Care (LTC) Shelter operates exclusively during Templeton the evening hours, with clients 805‑434-4550 or call Ombudsman 3232 S. Higuera St., #101B arriving after 5 pm and vacating 805‑434-3500 and ask for ER San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 the premises by 7:30 am. Shelter 805‑785-0132 clients receive a free hot evening Offers online service to choose the 800-231-4024 (24 hour crisis line) meal. next available time to see a health Fax 805‑785-0134 care professional. Shelter Services for Women [email protected] and Children Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center LTC Ombudsmen investigate Women’s Shelter Program 805‑781-6401 Office 1010 Murray Ave. reports of abuse or neglect of 805‑781-6400 Crisis Line 24 hour San Luis Obispo seniors or dependent adults hotline 805‑546-7650 in nursing or residential or call 805‑546-7600, ask for ER care facilities, as well as complaints about quality of Program offers emergency shelter, care. For emergencies call food, clothing and counseling Offers online service to choose the local law enforcement and the for women who are victims of next available time to see a health Ombudsman. domestic violence, sexual assault care professional. and other trauma, their children RISE (Respect-Inspire-Support- French Hospital Medical Center (boys to age 12 only), and 1911 Johnson Ave. Empower) 51 Zaca Lane, Ste. 140 transitional housing. San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑542-6621 805‑226-5400 Business Line or call 805‑543-5353, ask for ER 1030 Vine St (POB 630) Paso Robles, CA 93446

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 9 Emergency Services IV. County Department of 805‑238-9591 6370 Atascadero Ave. Social Services South County Atascadero, CA 93422 1550 W. Branch St. 805‑462-FOOD (3663) Call Department of Social Services Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 between 4:30 pm-6:30 pm or County of San Luis Obispo 805‑481-0278 leave a message San Luis Obispo Morro Bay, Cayucos & Los Osos/ [email protected] 3433 S. Higuera St. Baywood Park 805‑781-1600 540 Quintana Provides free meals daily from Fax 805‑81-1686 Morro Bay, C 93442 4:30-6 pm. Also provides Atascadero 805‑772-7062 overnight shelter and support 9415 El Camino Real M-Th 1-4 pm, Fri. 1 pm-3:30 pm services to the homeless and 805‑461-6000 hungry of Northern SLO County. Fax 805‑461-6036 Prado Day Center Provides case management, 43 Prado Rd. Paso Robles clothing vouchers, bus passes, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 406 Spring St. laundry vouchers and other 805‑786-0617 805‑237-3110 supportive services. Fax 546-8349 Fax 805‑237-3115 VI. Food Resources Arroyo Grande 1086 E. Grand Ave. Open daily. Provides a safe haven People’s Kitchen 805‑474-2000 for homeless individuals and 43 Prado Rd. Fax 805‑474-2025 their families. Also provides San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 805‑786-0617 Nipomo a hot meal at noon (Peoples 681 W. Tefft St., Ste 1 Kitchen), showers, washing machines available and play area 805‑931-1800 Provides a Noon meal to the Fax 805‑931-1804 for children, housing referrals, local phone access, lockers, VM hungry. and message service. Applicants 5 Cities Christian Women Food Call 800-834-3002 during regular screened daily at the Center from Bank business hours for information 8:30 am to 4 pm, 7 days a week. Community Bldg on general assistance, homeless Maxine Lewis Memorial Shelter 192-B S. 9th St. assistance, Calfresh, and Medi- 750 Orcutt Road Grover Beach, CA 93433 Cal. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑473-3368 805‑781-3993 V. Immediate Needs M-F 2-4 pm except legal holidays Clients can receive food twice a The agencies below help meet month. immediate needs for food Provides meals; showers; mail, assistance, clothing, homeless phone and message services; Loaves & Fishes assistance and utility assistance. information and referrals; and access Atascadero to case management. The Shelter 5411 El Camino Real Salvation Army operates exclusively during the 805‑461-1504 San Luis Obispo, Avila Beach and evening hours, with clients vacating Edna the premises by 7:30 am. Shelter [email protected] 815 Islay St clients receive a free hot evening San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 meal. Distribution M-F 1-3 pm 805‑544-2401 5 Cities Homeless Outreach Limited emergency food - serving POB 558 Atascadero, Templeton, Santa Margarita, Creston and California T-F 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Food Grover Beach, CA 93483 Valley. T,Th 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Clothing 805‑574-1638 Paso Robles closet 2650 Spring St Atascadero ECHO 805‑238-4742 8420 El Camino Real Unit G El Camino Homeless Organization Atascadero, CA 93422 First Baptist Church 805‑466-7201 PO Box 2077 Monday-Friday 2-4 pm Paso Robles Atascadero, CA 93423-2077 Tuesday & Thursday 5:30-7 pm 711 Paso Robles St. Services Paso Robles, CA 93446 10 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Emergency Services Food Bank Coalition of San Project Lifesaver Sponsored by the County Sheriff’s Luis Obispo County Project Lifesaver is a wristband Department, Sheriff’s Advisory 1180 Kendall Rd. transmitter that is worn by Council, Sheriff’s Citizens San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 the person with a proclivity to Volunteer Patrol, San Luis Obispo 805‑238-4664 Lions Club, and Senior Volunteer wander or become lost. Project Lifesaver relies on pulse-carrier Services. For more information Senior citizen specific programs wave radio-frequency technology, call 805‑548-0909. including Brown Bag program. complemented by a search-and- Direct Food Distribution rescue team that has received Programs special training. Please refer to the website or call the above numbers for further information and locations. USDA Commodities Program: Once-a-month distribution of food to qualified low-income SLO County residents. Various distribution sites throughout the county. Proof of county residency is required. Household income must be limited. VII. Locating Persons Who are Missing or Wandering MedicAlert/Safe Return The Alzheimer’s Association sponsors a nationwide, community-based program called Medic Alert/Safe Return. The program helps identify, locate and return individuals who are memory-impaired and Be prepared for an Emergency with become lost through wandering The Vial of Life Program or have a medical emergency. An ID bracelet and registration Emergency’s are never planned. And that’s why it’s in a national database offers a important to be as prepared as possible when one 24-hour toll-free number to does strike. Emergency medical personnel responding contact when an individual is to calls for assistance in the home need crucial and lost or found or when there immediate information. is a medical emergency. Key medical information can be The Vial of Life provides instant, detailed information relayed to emergency responders to emergency medical responders. Vial of Life is (24-hours). Care consultants are available free of charge. The labeled container has a also available 24-hours. Contact magnet on the back which is placed on the front of the Alzheimer’s Association at 805‑547-3830. the refrigerator. You can pick up a Vial of Life at the local senior center. For more information call the Area Agency on Aging 800-510-2020

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 11 General Information and Case Management Information and Assistance English and Spanish throughout Tri-Counties Regional Center San Luis Obispo County. 3450 Broad Street, Ste. 111 Information and Assistance Maintains information library for San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (I&A) services provide distribution and offers community 805‑543-2833 information and direction to education to groups and 800-456-4153 individuals about the variety community events. Free service. Fax 805‑543-8725 of health and human services Coast Caregiver Resource Provides I&A to people with available. Center developmental disabilities and Information and Assistance PO Box 6573 neurological handicaps. (I&A) programs can also provide Los Osos, CA 93412-6573 United Way of San Luis Obispo help in obtaining needed services 888-488-6555 County for older individuals and those [email protected] 2-1-1 acting on behalf of an older 24-hour social service Information individual. Provides comprehensive I&A and and Referral line for all ages The Information and Assistance ongoing follow-up to families of throughout the County. brain-impaired persons. (I&A) provider should advise Long-Distance Information all inquirers of the full range of Health Insurance Counseling & Assistance Resources assistance that is available. and Advocacy Program (HICAP) California I&A Programs Information and Assistance 528 South Broadway California Department of Aging (I&A) services include: Santa Maria, CA 93454 800-510-2020 • Information consists of up- 805‑928-5663 A call from anywhere in the to-date resources and services 800-434-0222 state will be directed to the local available to older individuals in [email protected] Area Agency on Aging senior the community. information and assistance program. • Assistance in the form Provides I&A regarding medical of helping individuals to billing problems, options for National I&A Programs determine needs and referring health insurance coverage and Eldercare Locator to available resources and appeals information for Medicare/ 800-677-1116 Medi-Cal/Private insurance claims www. services. Assistance may also problems and prescription drug include help with referrals, coverage through Medicare. A collaborative project from the and exploring little-known US Administration on Aging, resources. Independent Living Resource National Association of Area Center Agencies and the National • Follow-up to ensure that 1411 Marsh St # 109 Association of State Units on San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 necessary services are received. Aging, the Elder Care Locator 805‑462-1162 Information and Assistance provides I&A on senior services (I&A) may also include for callers anywhere in the US, community education and Long Term Care Ombudsman Puerto Rico and the US Virgin outreach. 3232 S. Higuera St., #101B Islands. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Case Management Services Information and 805‑785-0132 Assistance ‘Case management’ describes 800-231-4024 (24-hour state- a helping process between a Area Agency on Aging wide emergency service) person in need of assistance and Fax 805‑785-0134 Senior Connection a professional case manager - 528 South Broadway Provides I&A regarding nursing usually a social worker or nurse Santa Maria, CA 93454 facilities and residential care by training. 805‑541-0384 facilities including what is 800-510-2020 available, and how to choose Case managers work with older persons, their families [email protected] a facility. Also receives and investigates complaints. and support systems to encourage independence. Case Provides comprehensive management is also known as Information and Assistance, follow-up and advocacy in both 12 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE General Information and Case Management care management or geriatric and daily money management, on care management. a fee for service basis. Murray Care Management Case management involves: Jacquelyn Murray, BS, CMC • Assessing a person’s strengths 390 Rosina Dr. and limitations, and exploring Los Osos, CA 93402 health, social, psychological 471-2252 and environmental needs. [email protected] • Care Planning identifi es Provides professional care problem areas and potential management, assessments, care solutions. planning, care coordination, medication assistance, family • Service Coordination provides support and caregiver monitoring referral and implements for elder and disabled adults. Fee appropriate services. for service based. • Monitoring ensures that the Sweet Home California, Senior services and care plan are Solutions working and identifi es new PO Box 3542 problems as they arise. Pismo Beach, CA 93448 Case Management 805-540-0647 Shelly Jackson, CMC Age Alliance 805-975-8235 3940 Broad St., Ste. 7320 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 [email protected] 805-931-6001 Available for consultation, www/ assessment, care coordination and [email protected] advocacy for clients and their team to address challenges associated Geriatric case management with aging and disabilities. Fee and advocacy for older adults. based service. Coordinates resources. Fee based. Extended Family Associates Membership Service 3940 Broad St., Suite 7 SLO Village San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 A neighborhood Village on the 801-2512 Central Coast. Fax 473-5921 P.O. Box 15038 [email protected] San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 805-242-6440 A health and human service specialist who guides, advocates SLO Village is a community and cares for families and their -based membership organization loved ones. Fee based service. focused on empowering older LivHome adults to live happily, healthfully, 141 Suburban Rd and successfully in their own Los Osos, CA 93402 homes as they age. SLO Village 687-8766 provides easy access to a screened Fax 781-3725 network of volunteers and vetted local businesses, as well as organizing social events for Provides professional care members. management, medication assistance, placement and moving assistance, indepth assessment and care planning, oversight of caregiver duties, crisis intervention, memory screening


City of Pismo Beach 916-651-4017 Civic 760 Mattie Rd Fax 916-651-4917 An important tip to finding the Pismo Beach, CA 93449 [email protected] appropriate government office 805‑773-4657 is to refer to the front section 1026 Palm Street, Suite 201 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 of the local telephone directory. City of Paso Robles 805‑549-3784 It provides information on 1000 Spring St. Fax 805‑549-3779 Federal, State, County and City Paso Robles, CA 93446 Government Services. 805‑227-PASO (7276) State Assembly, 35th District Voter Registration P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0035 San Luis Obispo County Clerk City of San Luis Obispo 990 Palm St. 916-319-2035 Recorder Fax 916-319-2135 Election Division San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 assemblymember.cunningham@ 1055 Monterey St., D120 805‑781-7100 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 805‑781- 5080 444 Higuera Street, Ste. 100 Fax 781-1111 County Government San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑549-3381 6565 Capistrano Avenue Elected Representatives Fax 805‑549-3400 2nd Floor Atascadero Library Atascadero, CA 93422 Board of Supervisors Federal Government 805‑461-6041 1055 Monterey St., D-430 Fax 805‑461-6044 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Senate 805‑781-5450 Fax 805‑781-1350 Kamala D. Harris 501 “I” Street, Ste. 7-600 Registration forms are also available at the Post Office, Public Sacramento, CA 95814 Libraries and First District: John Peschong 916-448-2787 [email protected] Fax 202-228-3865 Municipalities Second District: Bruce Gibson City of Arroyo Grande [email protected] 2500 Tulare Street, Ste. 5290 300 E. Branch St. Fresno, CA 93721 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2706 Third District: Adam Hill [email protected] 559-497-5109 805‑473-5400 Fax 202-228-3864 Fax 805‑473-0386 Fourth District: Lynn Compton [email protected] Senator Dianne Feinstein 331 Hart Senate Office Building City of Atascadero Fifth District: Debbie Arnold Washington, D.C. 20510 6500 Palma Ave [email protected] 202-224-3841 Atascadero, CA 93422 County Assessor’s Office Fax 202-228-3954 805‑461-5000 1055 Monterey St., D-360 Fax 805‑461-7612 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 2500 Tulare St. #4290 805‑781-5643 Fresno, CA 93721 City of Grover Beach State Government 559-485-7430 154 S. 8th St. Fax 559-485-9689 Jerry Brown Grover Beach, CA 93433 Governor of California House of Representatives 805‑473-4550 State Capitol Fax 805‑473-4556 Congressman Sacramento, CA 95814 24th Congressional District 916-445-2841 212 Cannon House Office Building City of Morro Bay Fax 916-558-3160 Washington, D.C. 20515 595 Harbor St. 202-225-3601 Morro Bay, CA 93442 Bill Monning Fax 202-225-5632 805‑772-6200 State Senator 17th District [email protected] Fax 805‑772-7329 State Capitol, Rm #313 1411 Marsh St, Ste. 205 Sacramento, CA 95814 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


805‑546-8348 Area Agency on Aging (AAA) The Senior Legislature meets Fax 805‑439-3574 Central Coast Commission for annually in Sacramento to President Donald J. Trump Senior Citizens develop and promote legislation 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW 528 South Broadway which responds to the needs and Washington, DC 20500 Santa Maria, CA 93454 concerns of older Californians. 202-456-1111 805‑541-0384 Election of delegates held every 800-510-2020 four years by the Area Agency on [email protected] Aging. Contact the Area Agency [email protected] on Aging for the names and League of Women Voters contact information of current 4111 Broad St. Designated Area Agency on delegates. Aging to serve and represent San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 Retired State Employees 805‑782-4040 senior citizens in San Luis Obispo County. The AAA has CSEA Retirees, Inc. [email protected] the responsibility to distribute 1108 “O” Street, Suite 300 Older Americans Act monies to Sacramento, CA 95814 The League is a non-partisan support home and community 888-808-7197 (toll-free) organization which promotes based long term care services. 916-326-4292 political responsibility and informed Also provides information and Fax 916-326-4201 participation in government. assistance services. The Advisory Military Officer Association of Council provides information America Community and advocacy on senior issues CA Central Coast Chapter and sponsors the election of local President CAPT David Brandmey- Senior Organizations delegates to the California Senior er USMC (RET) 714-287-7601 There are organizations and Legislature. P.O. Box 5002 San Luis Obispo, CA groups which focus on the needs California Commission on 93403 and interests of seniors. Some are Aging for retired workers of a particular 1300 National Dr., #173 Military Order of the World profession, some are involved in Sacramento, CA 95834 Wars social or political advocacy and 916-419-7591 The General Hoyt S. Vandenberg yet others offer special benefits Fax 916-419-7596 Chapter for their members. Check the list [email protected] 805-528-7565 Maj James L. Murphy below for organizations that may USMC (Ret)-Adjutant, Sgt At Arms be of interest to you. Twenty five member Advisory Founded in 1919, the Military AARP (American Association Council to the state Department Order of the World Wars is the of Retired Persons) of Aging that advocates at the senior-most officers veterans AARP State Office - Volunteer state level on behalf of older group, dedicated to patriotic Program Californians. education, youth leadership and AARP California Office California Retired Teachers support of veteran’s activities. 200 S. Los Robles Ave., Ste. 400 Association Membership is open to all former, Pasadena, CA 91101-2422 800 Howe Avenue, Suite 630 retired, reserve, National Guard 866-448-3615 Sacramento, CA 95825 and active duty officers of all Fax 626-583-8500 916-923-2200 branches of the military. Fax 916-923-1910 The Chapter meets the third AARP California Office Wednesday at 11:30 am (social & 1415 “L” Street, Ste 960 Advocates to enhance the welfare lunch), September - June at the Sacramento, CA 95814 of and increase benefits to retired San Luis Obispo Elk’s Lodge. 866-448-3614 teachers in California. County Commission on Aging Fax 916-446-2223 California Senior Legislature San Luis Obispo County AARP provides educational and (CSL) Veterans Memorial Building social activities for members as 1020 N Street, Room 513 801 Grand Ave. well as offering group insurance. Sacramento, CA 95814 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Advocates for legislation that is 916-552-8056 805‑235-5779 beneficial to seniors on both state Fax 916- 552-8013 Kathleen Bellefontaine, Chair and national levels. Membership Promotes advocacy and acts as open to anyone over the age of 50. an advisory body to the County 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 15 Civic/Community/Consumer Board of Supervisors on the needs 230 Leeward Ave. Consumer of senior citizens. Shell Beach, CA 93449 Libraries 805‑773-2263 Consumer Complaints & 800 W. Branch St. 13080 Soda Lake Rd. Information Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Simmler, CA 93453 Several local agencies will speak 805‑473-7161 805‑475-2603 on your behalf, support or defend 6555 Capistrano Ave LGBT Organizations a case, or provide you with Atascadero, CA 93422 Gay And Lesbian Alliance of the information about your rights. 805‑461-6161 Central Coast (GALA) The agencies listed below will 13080 Soda Lake Rd. 1060 Palm Street help you to access consumer California Valley, CA 93453 San Luis Obispo CA 93401 protection, political action, and 805‑475-2603 805‑541-4252 other types of assistance. 1043 Main St. Senior Legal Services Project Cambria, CA 93428 Providing resources and a San Luis Obispo Legal Assistance 805‑927-4336 community center for Gay, Foundation 310 B St. Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender PO Box 585 Cayucos, CA 93430 persons. GALA brings people San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-4642 805‑995-3312 together helping with diversity 805‑543-5140 6290 Adams issues throughout the community. Creative Mediation Creston, CA 93432 Partial listing of groups associated 285 South St., Suite J 805‑237-3010 with the GALA Center. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑547-7025 240 N. 9th St. GALA Senior Advocacy Grover Beach, CA 93433 805‑440-2190 805‑481-4131 Mediators are neutral third parties 2075 Palisades Ave. groups/ccgala.seniors/ who will meet with you to help you discuss issues and come to Los Osos, CA 93402 Senior Advocacy works for 805‑528-1862 agreements. Household, business, LGBT seniors in many ways neighbor, workplace, and small- 625 Harbor St. throughout the central coast. claims disputes are among a few Morro Bay, CA 93442 Crisis intervention and referrals. of the issues for which mediation 805‑772-6394 Social activities, hiking. needs may be appropriate. 918 W. Tefft St. assessments, caring callers, SLO Village services (people helping Economic Crime Unit Nipomo, CA 93444 District Attorney’s Office 805‑929-3994 people), helping seniors to stay in community in their own homes. Co. Government Center 1551 17th St. Also provides in-service training 1050 Monterey Street Rm 223 Oceano, CA 93445 to meet State of California LGBT San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 805‑474-7478 Senior Cultural Competency 805‑781- 5040 1000 Spring St. requirements for caregivers and Provides small claims and Paso Robles, CA 93446 administrators. consumer counseling to all 805‑237-3870 TranzCentralCoast (TCC) residents at no cost. 995 Palm St. 805‑242-3821 Adult Protective Services San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 3343 S. Higuera St. 805‑781-5991 Weekly groups and ongoing San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 254 13th St. support services for anyone 805‑781-1790 San Miguel, CA 93451 identifying as transgender, their 800-838-1381 (after hours) 805‑467-3224 families, children and friends. Fax 788-2834 9630 Murphy Ave. Multi-disciplinary resource team Santa Margarita, CA 93453 is responsive to concerns about 805‑438-5622 elder abuse and exploitation. 240 East Centre St. Provides information, case Shandon, CA 93461 conferencing and community 805‑237-3009 education.


Housing DMV Offices $5,000 or less and a voluntary Paso Robles program for disputes involving Mobile Homes 841 Park Street damage allegations of between Golden State Mobile Home Paso Robles, CA 93446 $5,000 and $50,000. Owners League 800-777-0133 Medical Board of California 11021 Magnolia St. San Luis Obispo 2005 Evergreen St., Suite 1200 Garden Grove, CA 92841 3190 S Higuera St Sacramento, CA 95815 800-888-1727 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 800-633-2322 This organization lobbies statewide United States Consumer for appropriate legislation at the Product Safety Commission Complaints about physicians, state level. In addition, it works 4330 East West Hwy with local government to develop surgeons, dispensing opticians and Bethesda, MD 20814 PA’s and implement standards on such 800-638-2772 issues as rent control. Board of Optometry 2450 Del Paso Rd. #105 Office of the Mobile Home Sacramento, CA 95834 Ombudsman Investigates complaints of product Mobile Home Assistance Center safety, defects and hazards, as well 916-575-7170 CA Dept. of Housing and as product safety-related injuries. 866-585-2666 Community Development Professional Services PO Box 31 [email protected] Sacramento, CA 95812-0031 State Dept. of Consumer Affairs 1625 N. Market Blvd., Ste N112 Board of Pharmacy 916-263-4742 1625 N. Market Blvd. Ste 219 800-952-5275 Sacramento, CA 95834 800-952-5210 Sacramento, CA 95834 916-574-7900 Complaints to the California Fax 916-574-8617 Housing & Community This state department investigates Development consumer complaints, and has Professional Fiduciaries Bureau Division of Codes and Standards numerous boards specializing in 1625 N Market Blvd., S-209 Registration & Titling various areas that are responsible for Sacramento, CA 95834 800-952-8356 the investigations. These boards are: 916-574-7340 Complaints about dealers, sales Dental Board of California Fax 916-574-8645 agents, warranties, and residency 2005 Evergreen St., Suite 1550 [email protected] laws Sacramento, CA 95815 877-729-7789 Products and Services 916-263-2300 Board of Registered Nursing 1747 N Market Blvd., 150 Better Business Bureau of the Tri-Counties Sacramento, CA 95834 P O Box 129 Cemetery & Funeral Bureau 916-322-3350 213 Santa Barbara St. 1625 N. Market Blvd., South 208 Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0129 Sacramento, CA 95834 Bureau of Automotive Repairs 805‑963-8657 916-574-7870 Consumer Information Center 10949 North Mathes Blvd. Contractors State License Board Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Provides reliability reports and 9821 Business Park Drive 800-952-5210 processes complaints against Tri Sacramento, CA 95827 TTD 800-326-2297 County businesses. 800-321-2752 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) State Department of Financial Investigation Section Upon request, the CSLB provides Institutions 1732 Palma Dr., #202 information about a licensed 300 S. Spring St., #15513 Ventura, CA 93003 contractor’s license and bond Los Angeles, CA 90013 805‑654-4711 status, as well as pending 213-897-2085 and prior legal action. Offer 800-622-0620 two arbitration programs: A 916-322-5966 Handles complaints against mandatory program for disputes auto dealers, car contracts, auto involving alleged damages of advertising and warranties. 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 17 Civic/Community/Consumer Consumer complaints and improve the quality of their health Skilled Nursing Facilities inquiries about state chartered care, and provides free health financial institutions. information and referrals. Nursing Homes Department of Public Health Insurance Public Assistance/Public Licensing & Certification Division State Insurance Consumer Benefits 1889 N. Rice Ave., Ste. 200 Oxnard, CA 93036 Hotline National Federation of the 300 So. Spring St. 805‑604-2926 Blind of California 800-547-8267 9th Flr, South Tower 5530 Corbin Ave., Ste. 313 Fax 604-2997 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Tarzana, CA 91356 800-927-4357 (HELP) 818-342-6524 877-558-6524 This state agency is responsible for Fax 818-344-7930 This consumer hotline will licensing and inspecting skilled answer life, health, home and auto nursing facilities. Complaints about these facilities can be made (property-casualty) insurance Provides assistance with appeals to this agency. questions; will refer consumer in obtaining Social Security, complaints to appropriate sources disability, rehabilitation services, Long Term Care Ombudsman and will send consumer brochures and other benefits. 3232 S. Higuera St., #101B upon request. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 To apply for public assistance For complaints that you may have 805‑785-0132 and public benefits programs, see 800-231-4024 (24 hour crisis line) about a supplementary health FINANCIAL SERVICES. insurance policy, a company’s sales Fax 785-0134 tactics or other insurance related Residential Care Facilities ombudsman@ombudsmanslo. concerns. Assisted Living Facilities org Department of Corporations CA Department of Social This agency is responsible for HMO Help Center Services investigating complaints about 800-400-0815 Community Care Licensing residential care and skilled nursing Many other state departments 6500 Hollister Ave. Ste. 200 facilities. In addition, allegations of have complaint units. Call your Goleta, CA 93117 elder abuse in residential care and local legislator for information 805‑562-0400 skilled nursing facilities are reported about the appropriate state Fax 805‑685-1820 to and investigated by this agency. department to contact for your Social and Political particular need. This state agency is responsible A number of senior groups Health Insurance Counseling for licensing and inspecting advocate for legislation affecting and Advocacy Program residential care facilities. seniors or provide other forms of (HICAP) Complaints about these facilities social and political advocacy. 528 South Broadway can be made to this agency. Santa Maria, CA 93454 Na. Committee to Preserve 805‑928-5663 CA Department of Social Social Security and Medicare 800-434-0222 Services 10 “G” Street, #801 Community Care Licensing - Home Washington, DC 20004 [email protected] Care Organizations 800-966-1935 744 P St., MS T8-3-90 Information about Medicare. Sacramento, CA 95814 Assists with filing claims and 877-424-5778 Gray Panthers appeals for Medicare recipients National Office [email protected] 733 15th St. NW, #437 regarding Medicare, supplemental, managed care (HMO) and long Washington, DC 20005 term care insurance. No sales. Responsible for licensing 202-737-6637 Home Care Organizations and Lumetra maintenance of Home Care Aide 550 Kearny Street, Suite 300 registry and the implementation of San Francisco, CA 94108 the Home Care Act. 415-677-2000 Advocates for the rights of Medicare patients, works to


Area Agency on Aging Advisory 800-222-2225 Council TTY 800-222-4225 528 South Broadway Fax 301-496-1072 Santa Maria, CA 93454 805‑925-9554 800-510-2020 Federal Trade Commission 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW [email protected] Washington D.C. 20580 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357) Federal and National 866-653-4261 TTY Organizations Each of these organizations has The Federal Trade Commission information regarding older works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive persons. and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide 800-Fed-Info information to help consumers 800-333-4636 spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint or to get free information on consumer issues, Find government resources for visit website or call toll-free phone. seniors on money, housing, health, consumer protections and more Administration on Community Living (ACL) Office of External Affairs 330 “C” St., SW Washington, D.C. 20201 202-401-4634 AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) 601 “E” Street, NW Educating and Engaging Voters Washington, D.C. 20049 888-687-2277 Voting is a powerful way to have your voice heard and it is the core of our democracy. It’s your chance to stand up National Council on Aging for what matters most to you and have an impact on the (NCOA) issues that affect you, your community and your future. 251 18th St. South, Ste., 500 Arlington, VA 22202 The League of Women Voters (LWV) works all year, every 571-527-3900 year, to empower all eligible voters to participate in our political system. Local volunteer teams work year-round National Council on Patient to register, inform and mobilize hundreds in the lead up Information and Education to Election Day. The League also serves voters through 200 -A Monroe St., Ste 212 Rockville, MD 20850-4448 VOTE411.or, a one stop elections information hub. 301-340-3940 Fax 301-340-3944 Educated and informed voters are the key to our [email protected] democracy. LWV works to educate voters about candidates in federal, state and local races each year. National Institute on Aging The League also distributes educational materials about NIA Information Center state and local elections rules. In an effort to foster Building 31, Room 5C27 31 Center Dr., MSC 2292 civic engagement the LWV host candidate debates and Bethesda, MD 20892 forums.

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 19 Day Care and Respite Care for Frail Adults Day Care & Respite Care longer. A listing of Residential Hospice SLO provides volunteer Care facilities can be found by respite care for palliative care Respite Care is a term meaning and hospice patients. Volunteers “a break” or a “time away.” contacting the Long Term Care Ombudsman’s office at 805‑785- work with families to provide Respite gives caregivers of practical and emotional support disabled or older adults some 0132 or Senior Connection at 800-510-2020. as needed by the client or time to complete errands or their family. Services provided chores, pursue personal activities Respite care may also be offered include: companionship, light and interests or even maintain for terminally ill patients by one housekeeping. All services employment. It is essential for of the Hospice programs available provided at no charge. anyone providing care for an in San Luis Obispo County. older adult that they have some Please refer to the “End of Life” Adult Day Services and type of respite. Most family section for contact information Care caregivers will need care services for these agencies. Adult Day Services programs for their loved one while they get In Home Supportive Services offer day care and socialization a well deserved “break.” can also offer respite for a family to adults who may not be In San Luis Obispo county there caregiver while providing needed able to function safely and/or are several ways for caregivers to services for an adult with limited comfortably in a Senior Center access respite services. Respite income and specific care needs. setting. Adult Day Centers Care, of course, can be provided They also are listed in the “In- usually have several staff who by a family member. A number of Home Care Solutions” section of provide care and supervision for programs and agencies can also this guide participants while organizing social and physical activities, assist caregivers in finding respite Senior Centers may also be a help. meals, games and music. Adult resource for day activities for Day Services programs are In Home Care Agencies and functional adults and can provide especially helpful for persons Residential Care Facilities are information about other care with memory loss, cognitive two sources for respite care. In- resources. Locations and contact impairment and Alzheimer’s home care agencies typically information are listed in the disease. By providing a safe and send a care provider to provide Senior Center section. secure daytime setting, these care in your home for as little as Respite Care Services programs help families get two to four hours or up to any This program offers respite care respite, cope with the isolation number of days. Their services services for family caregivers who and resulting behavior problems can be ongoing or intermittent. are over the age of 60 years and associated with dementia and They usually charge by the hour whose care receiver meets certain postpone placement in a nursing and may include a charge for qualifications. home or similar institution. transportation if your home is in a remote area. A listing of in Coast Caregiver Resource Below is the Adult Day Center home care agencies can be found Center currently operating in San Luis 1528 Chapala Street, Suite 302 in the “In Home Care Solutions” Obispo County Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Community Action Partnership section of this guide. 888-488-6555 Adult Day Services/Center 805‑962-3600 ext.14 Residential Care Facilities 1345 Oak St./ POB 2381 sometimes have beds available [email protected] Paso Robles, CA 93447 for short term “respite stays” 805‑239-5679 that provide care for a loved Fax 805‑239-5729 Other Respite Care one outside of the family home. A residential care facility will Hospice of San Luis Obispo be licensed by the Community County (Hospice SLO) Paying for Respite Care Care Licensing Division of the 1304 Pacific Street A number of agencies and State Department of Social San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 services can assist caregivers by 805‑544-2266 Services and will assess your paying for respite care. Some family member before admission long-term care insurance policies to their facility. Stays may be [email protected] and Medi-Cal may fund various for a week-end, a few days, or respite services. 20 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Day Care and Respite Care for Frail Adults

Agencies listed below can provide information and/or respite grants Adult Day Care to caregivers. An adult day care center is a non-residential facility that Alzheimer’s Association supports the health, nutritional, social, and daily living 3232 S. Higuera St., Ste 101A needs of adults in professionally staffed, group settings. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 They provide adults with transitional care and short-term 805‑547-3830 rehabilitation following hospital discharge.[1][2] Many centers provide meals, meaningful activities, and general [email protected] supervision. The care they provide is often a social model Information and respite grants (focusing on socialization and prevention services) or a for caregivers of Alzheimer’s and medical model (including skilled assessment, treatment and dementia patients rehabilitation goals). Veteran’s Services Office Day care centers may focus on providing care only for 801 Grand Ave. persons with a specific chronic condition such as Alzheimer’s San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 disease and related forms of dementia, or their services may 805‑781-5766 be available for any adult with disabilities. Many centers maintain a nurse on-site and devote a room for participants Information, referral, home care to have vital signs checked, and receive other health services and health services for veterans from a medical assistant or nurse when needed. They may and their families also provide transportation and personal care as well as support groups for caregivers. Attending adult day centers may prevent people from being re-hospitalized and may delay their admission to residential long-term care. For participants who would otherwise stay at home alone, the social stimulation and recreational activities may improve or maintain physical and cognitive function. For caregivers, adult day centers may provide respite care, enabling caregivers to work or have a break from their caregiving responsibilities.

Community Action Partnership Adult Day Center Serving family caregivers and their loved ones at 1345 Oak Street, Paso Robles. Open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday Call today for more information, or to arrange a visit: (805) 239-5679 ASK US ABOUT OUR SERVICES FOR VETERANS! • Respite for caregivers • Socially stimulating and therapeutic activities • Caring staff and a safe environment • Serving all areas of San Luis Obispo County

Licensed by the State of California Community Care Licensing Division • License #405801854 A Non-Profit Organization • Donations Welcome


Central Coast Literacy Council Local non profit organization variety of educational Learning Resource Center provides enriching, personal 421 S. McClelland St. Aopportunities exist for seniors. growth and cultural opportunities Santa Maria, CA 93454 for retired and other mature Classes range from regular 805‑925-0951 ext 2837 adults. college courses to special physical Fax 805‑928-7432 fitness, English as a Second www.centralcoastliteracycouncil. Community Programs Language and Planning for org Highway 1/PO Box 8106 Retirement. There are a number San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 of different ways you can take Community Education 805‑546-3132 these courses. Some programs Programs Fax 805‑546-3107 offer special discounts for seniors. Community Education Programs Adult Public High Schools Road Scholar through the local colleges offer many courses of interest to seniors. Several school districts in San formerly known as Elderhostel Luis Obispo County provide Road Scholar, the not-for-profit Classes are free or have minimal fees and the selection of courses is courses to adults at convenient leader in educational travel since locations throughout the 1975, offers more than 7,000 quite extensive. Many offer courses specifically for seniors. community. Primarily vocational educational tours in all 50 states and some academic courses, and 150 countries. In 2010, Cal Poly State University these inexpensive courses are Elderhostel renamed its programs Extended Education San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 scheduled during evening hours Road Scholar. “Road’ connotes a on a quarterly basis. Ask about journey and real-life experiences 805‑756-2053 a possible senior discounts on and ‘Scholar’ reflects a deep course fees. appreciation for learning. Cuesta College Adult Public High Schools Road Scholar Program Community Programs 11 Avenue de Lafayette Highway 1/PO Box 8106 Lucia Mar Adult Education 1425-19th St. Boston, MA 02110-1746 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 Oceano, CA 93445-9364 800-454-5768 805‑546-3132 Fax 805‑546-3107 805‑474-3900 communityprograms@cuesta. Adult Literacy edu Atascadero Unified School Adult Literacy Programs provide District Adult Education trained volunteer tutors who will grams 4507 Del Rio Rd. teach adults to read, write and Career education, recreation Atascadero, CA 93422 speak English on a one-to-one opportunities and cultural 805‑462-4386 basis. The non-profit Literacy development. Councils help adults become Allan Hancock College Liberty High better readers and writers of Community Education, Bldg T 810 Niblick Rd. English by providing literacy 800 South College Drive Paso Robles, CA 93446 services to native speakers and Santa Maria, CA 93454 805‑769-1600 English as a Second Language 805‑922-6966 x3209 Fax 805‑237-3468 (ESL) services to non-native Fax 805‑352-1046 speakers. They also teach some San Luis Coastal Adult School math and other life skills. Provides lifelong learning, college 1500 Lizzie St. transfer and career preparation San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-3062 Literacy Councils opportunities and personal 805‑549-1222 Literacy for Life enrichment. Non credit classes. Fax 805‑544-0638 992 Monterey St. #C/POB 1023 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Lifelong Learners of the Central [email protected] 805‑541-4219 Coast P.O. Box 1606 Cooperative Extension 800-549-4219 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 UC Cooperative Extension [email protected] [email protected] provides informal education through delivery of information in areas of agriculture, natural 22 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Education and Training resources, home economics, Alzheimer’s Association marine sciences and youth 3232 S. Higuera St.,101A development. CE advisors San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 and staff work to bring the 805‑547-3830 University’s research based Info Fax 805‑784-9400 to Californians. [email protected] Cooperative Extensions/Farm & Home Advisor 2156 Sierra Way, Ste. C Avoid ID Theft San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Identity Theft is a serious crime. It occurs when your personal information is stolen and 805‑781-5940 used without your knowl3edge to commit fraud or other crimes. Identity theft can cost you Fax 805‑781-4316 time and money. It can destroy your credit and ruin your good name. www.cesanluisobispo.ucdavis. Deter identity thieves by safeguarding your information. edu • �Shred financial documents and paperwork with personal information before you discard Computer and Internet them. • �Protect your Social Security number. Don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet Classes or write your Social Security number on a check. Give it out only if absolutely necessary Several resources are available for or ask to use another identifier. learning to use the computer and • �Don’t give out personal information on the phone, through the mail, or over the Internet Internet, including local senior unless you know who you are dealing with. centers and classes through • �Never click on links sent in unsolicited emails; instead , type in a web address you know. Cuesta College. There are also Use firewalls, anti-spyware, and anti-virus software to protect your home computer; numerous private tutors and keep them up to date. Visit for more information. institutes teaching these classes. • �Don’t use an obvious password like your birthdate, your mother’s maiden name, or the Call Senior Connection at 800- last four digits of your Social Security number. 510-2020 for more information • �Keep your personal information in a secure place at home, especially if you have about resources in your area. roommates, employ outside help, or are having work done in your house. Detect suspicious activity by routinely monitoring your financial accounts and billing Training statements. Training is available from several local colleges and universities. • �Be alert to signs that require immediate attention: Additionally, local organizations • �Bills do not arrive as expected offer training in specific topic • �Unexpected credit cards or account statements areas that may be of Interest to • �Denials of credit for no apparent reason those working with the elderly. • �Calls or letters about purchases you did not make An example is the Elder Abuse • �Your financial statements. Review financial accounts and billing statements regularly, Prevention Council presents looking for charges you did not make. an annual training conference • �Close accounts. Close any accounts that have been tampered with or established to address skill building and fraudulently. knowledge to address this • �Call the security or fraud departments of each company where an account was important community concern. opened or changed without your okay. Follow up in writing, with copies of supporting documents. Caregiver Training • �Use the ID Theft Affidavit at to support your written statement. Alzheimer’s Association, • �Ask for verification that the disputed account has been closed and the fraudulent debts Central Coast Chapter provides discharged. specialized training for caregivers. • �Keep copies of documents and records of your conversations about the theft. The ‘What’s Now?’ courses are designed for caregivers • �File a Police Report. File a report with law enforcement officials to help you with creditors who may want proof of the crime. and include a two-hour class and appropriate coaching • �Report the theft to the Federal Trade Commission. Your report helps law enforcement officials across the country in their investigations. sessions. Additionally, one-on- Online: one training is available in the By phone: 877-438-4338 or TTY, 866-653-4261 family caregivers home or at the By mail: Identify Theft Clearinghouse, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580 Alzheimer’s Association office. Source: Federal Trade Commission

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 23 Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention and Reporting Investigating Elder and Dependent Adult buse or neglect may be done on purpose or by Abuse Aaccident. A caregiver may not be able to take good Adult Protective Services (APS) investigates care of an adult who needs help. Stress and poor reports of abuse to older adults (65 and older) and family relationships can cause abuse or neglect. dependent adults (18-64) who live in their own Abuse can happen anywhere–in the elder’s home, homes. A dependent adult has physical or mental in residential or convalescent facilities, or in some limitations and must depend on others to protect other place. his/her own interests. A dependent adult can also be Abuse of an Elder (over 65) or a Dependent Adult someone who was a patient in a hospital and abuse (18-64) happens when the person is physically occurred while they were hospitalized. hurt, or is not given the care they need. It can mean Elders and dependent adults are protected under a the person’s money or property is taken away, or special law. Caregivers, Health Practitioners, Adult they are stopped from seeing other people. It can Protective Services staff, Police, In-Home Support mean they are kidnapped or left completely alone Services, Mental Health Practitioners, Clergy, without someone to give them the help they need. Independent Living Centers, Alzheimer’s Day Care Abuse means the person has somehow been harmed Resource Centers, Financial institutions (banks), physically or mentally, or not given the help they Public Guardians and Court Investigators are need to be safe and happy. mandated reporters of all forms of abuse. Mandated Physical abuse means the person’s body is hurt reporters are required by law to report abuse. in some way. The person may be hit or beaten, or Guidelines for Investigations sexually assaulted. It can mean that the person is Adult Protective Services social workers visit the not given the food, or water or medicine they need. person in their home to see if abuse is occurring It can also mean that the person is given too much or has occurred in the past. With the person’s medicine as a way to control them. agreement, Adult Protective Services social workers Financial abuse means that a person who is trusted can take steps to stop the abuse and give supportive to take care of the person intentionally takes their services if needed. All referrals for Adult Protective money or other property. Services are confidential (private). Neglect means that a caregiver who is supposed Adult Protective Services social workers are to take care of the person does not do it. Neglect mandated reporters. If a crime is suspected, they can also mean that the person is not taking care must report to law enforcement. of himself or herself, for example, not taking the Adult Protective Services social workers cannot medicine they need or not eating. take an adult out of his/her home or force him/her Below are a few examples of neglect. There are other to accept services. Services will be provided only if situations that would also be seen as neglect: the person agrees to them. For example, if a person • A caregiver doesn’t help the person who needs understands that refusing medical care may hurt help with their personal grooming, or refuses to them, and they still choose to refuse care, they give them food, clothing and shelter. cannot be forced to accept medical care against their • The person is not getting medical care for their will. physical and mental health needs. (But it is Adults (18 and over) have full civil and legal rights not neglect if a person doesn’t get medical care to do what they want unless a judge orders a because of their religious beliefs, unless some conservatorship for them. A conservatorship could other kind of neglect is also present). be ordered by the court to make sure the person is • The person is at risk from health and safety safe, or to protect his or her money and property. To hazards. get a conservatorship, the court must find that the person cannot take care of getting their own food, • The person doesn’t have enough food and water. clothing or shelter, or are not able to resist undue • A caregiver cannot take care of someone who influence. needs help because of their own ignorance, illiteracy, incompetence, substance abuse or poor health.

24 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention and Reporting Reporting Elder or Dependent Adult • Specific details on the victimization Abuse • Email header(s) • Any other relevant information supporting the IF AN EMERGENCY, Call 9-1-1 complaint. If NOT an emergency and you suspect that an Common Frauds towards senior citizens: elder or dependent adult is being abused, contact the Adult Protective Services unit of the County of • Health Care fraud/health insurance fraud San Luis Obispo Department of Social Services at • Counterfeit prescription drugs 805‑781-1790 or Toll Free 844-729-8011. • Funeral and cemetery fraud If you think abuse occurred in a skilled nursing • Fraudulent ‘anti-aging’ products facility (convalescent hospital or nursing home) or in a community-care facility (residential-care home • Telemarketing fraud or board-and-care), contact the Long Term Care • Internet fraud Ombudsman Service of San Luis Obispo County at • Investment schemes 805‑785-0132. • Reverse mortgage scams Other Local Resources OnGuard Online San Luis Obispo Elder Abuse Advocacy & Outreach Project helps victims and families cope with the This site is an excellent source of information on cyber effects of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. They help safety. It is designed to help anyone from the novice crime victims understand and participate in the computer user to the expert. The Department of legal system. Their toll-free telephone number is Homeland Security, Department of Justice and many 866-781-5821. other government agencies have collaborated to create The Public Guardian is a Court-appointed Probate the site: Conservator for some county residents who are Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unable to manage their financial resources, resist 855-411-2372 fraud or undue influence, or are unable to take care www.Consumer of their own physical needs. The Public Guardian’s Office of Financial Protection for Older Americans telephone number is 805‑781-5845. receives and investigate consumer fraud complaints Probate Court hearings determine whether a person specifically related to mortgages, credit cards, banks, able to care for themselves or manage their own money loans and more. and property. Contact an attorney for additional Federal Trade Commission’s Complaint Assistant instructions on conservatorships and probate court. 877-382-4357 Other Resources Allows seniors to file a complaint in English and Spanish. Filing a complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force’s StopFraud. The site has many tips, such as tips to avoid Internet gov is a first stop when reporting a scam. The site also has numerous resources for seniors and family Auction Fraud, avoid non-delivery of merchandise, members. avoid credit card fraud, avoid investment fraud, avoid business fraud, and avoid the Nigerian letter Reporting Elder Financial Abuse of ‘419’ fraud. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Filing a complaint with the FBI IC3: (CFPB): The IC3 accepts online Internet crime complaints You can submit a compliant about an issue you from either the actual victim or from a third party have with a company about a consumer financial to the complainant. The following information is product or service. The CFPB receives complaints requested using the following website, about bank accounts or services, credit cards, credit • Victim’s name, address, telephone and email reporting, money transfers, mortgages, student loans, and vehicle or consumer loans. Contact • Financial transaction information the CFPB by visiting: • Subject’s name, address, telephone, email, website complaint. and IP address

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 25 Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention and Reporting Questionable Annuity or Insurance Practices: How you can prevent elder abuse: Contact the State Insurance Commissioner’s Do’s… Office at 1-800-927-4347 or visit If an attorney • Stay sociable as you age; stay in touch with your sold the annuity, file a complaint with the State network of friends and other people you know. Bar Association at 1-800-843-9053 or www. • Keep in contact with old friends and neighbors if you move to a new place. FilingaComplaint.aspx. • Develop a “buddy” system with a friend who does not Reverse Mortgage Scams: live with you. Meet with that friend at least once a week File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission to talk about how friends, family and caregivers are online or by phone, toll–free, at 1–877–FTC–HELP. treating you. If you believe that a real estate professional has • Ask friends to visit you at home; even a short visit committed fraud having to do with your reverse will let them check on your well-being. mortgage, file a complaint with the California • Try new activities. They can bring new friends. Department of Real Estate at www.yourhome. • Participate in community activities as long as you are able. To Request to Potentially Block Victims From • Volunteer or become a member or officer of an Sending Further Wire Transfers Through Money organization. Participate regularly. Transmitters: • Have your own telephone; send and open your Western Union own mail. If someone else is taking your mail, tell For Family Members: To block a sender (AKA: your post office. “interdiction”) from transferring funds to scammers: • Stay organized. Keep your belongings neat and If a family member or concerned third party orderly. Make sure others know that you know (including law enforcement and Adult Protective where everything is kept. Services) knows that someone is sending money • Take care of your personal needs. Keep regular to scammers, they may request that Western medical, dental, barber, hairdresser, and other Union stop and black list any future wire transfers personal appointments. by calling Western Union Fraud Hotline Service at 1-800-448-1492. Western Union will ask for • Have your Social Security or pension check the victim’s name and phone number(s). Request deposited directly to a bank account. should include variations of the victim’s name (ie. • Get legal advice about arrangements you may nicknames, abbreviations, misspellings) for the need in the future, including powers-of-attorney, black list. guardianships, or conservatorships. Update those arrangements at least once every two years. Money Gram For Family Members: To block a sender (AKA: • Have records, accounts, and property looked over “internal deny/watch list”) from transferring funds by someone you trust, even if you have someone to scammers: If a family member or concerned else who handles your money and property for third part (including police and APS) knows that you. someone is sending money to scammers, they may • Check your will periodically. request that Money Gram review and perhaps • Only give away your property or assets when you internally deny any future wire transfers. To do so, decide you cannot manage them by yourself. family members and other concerned third parties • Ask for help when you need it. Discuss your plans (including law enforcement and APS) can call with your attorney, physician, or family members. Money Gram Consumer Service at 1-800-926-9400 (select 5 “more options”, select 5 “fraud”) Money • Store medications, cash and credit/ATM cards Gram will ask for the victim’s name and phone in a locked drawer/cabinet whenever you have number(s). Request should include variations of caregivers or others helping you in your home. the victim’s name (ie. nicknames, abbreviations, misspellings) for the internal deny/watch list.

26 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention and Reporting Don’ts… Long Term Care Ombudsman Directory Services of SLO County • Don’t live with a person who 3232 S. Higuera St., #101B has a background of violent Adult Protective Services Department of Social Services San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 behavior or alcohol or drug 805‑785-0132 abuse. 3433 S. Higuera St. PO Box 8119 800-231-4024 (24 hour emer- • Don’t leave your home San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8119 gency services) unattended. Notify police if you 805‑781-1790 785-0134Fax are going to be away for a long Toll Free 844-729-8011 [email protected] period. Don’t leave messages on Fax 805‑788-2834 the door while you are away. Elder Abuse Advocacy and Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 • Don’t leave cash, jewelry, or Outreach Project pm prized possessions lying about. Victim/Witness Assistance Center Public Guardian San Luis Obispo County District • Don’t pay for personal care by PO B 1489 Attorney’s Office San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-1489 giving your property or assets Toll Free 866-781-5821 805‑781-5845 to another person unless a Fax 805‑781-5828 lawyer, advocate, or another trusted person acts as a witness Victim_Witness.htm to the transaction. • Don’t sign a document unless someone you trust has reviewed it. • Don’t allow anyone else to stop you from knowing the details of your finances or property management.

EldEr abusE is shamEful. so is not rEporting it.

If you suspect elder abuse call Adult Protective Services 805-781-1790 Long Term Care Ombudsman 805-785-0132

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 27 Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention and Reporting Basic Steps

to Protect Obtain a free copy of your credit report. Yourself 1 1-877-322-8228

Remove your name from direct mail lists. Send your name and address to: DMA Mail Preference Service (known as DMA Choice) P.O. Box 9008 2 Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008

Remove your name from telemarketing lists; sign-up for the National Do Not Call Registry. Register online at, or call toll-free 1-888-382-1222 (TTY 1-866-290-4236) 3 from the number you wish to register.

Remove the name of a deceased family member from direct mail lists. Sign up for Deceased Do Not Contact 4 at

Remove yourself from pre-approved offers of credit If you prefer not to receive pre-approved offers of credit, you can opt out of such offers by calling 1-888-5 OPT OUT (1-888-567-8688). 5 Or log onto:

Remove Unwanted E-mail and Internet Ads If you would like to remove your email address from unwanted e-mail 6 or Internet ads, log onto:

Prepared by Sharon Kennedy, Esq., Sharon Kennedy Estate Management, Updated June 2011

28 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention and Reporting

How to Stay Safe and Avoid Abuse and/or Neglect

Men and women of any race, Avoiding Financial Exploitation • “I shouldn’t have to send money economic level, and health and Abuse to get something that is free.” status can be a victim of abuse • Store medications, cash, credit • “I’d like some time to think or exploitation. The individual cards or debit cards in a locked trying to take advantage of you about this. Tell me how I can get drawer when caregivers or in touch with you.” could be a stranger or someone others are in your home you trust – even a son, daughter, • “I want to talk with my family or other family member. As an • Ask for references when hiring about this first. older adult, you need to be aware caregivers and check them out of precautions, behaviors, and carefully • “If you can’t mail me written actions that can help protect you information, I can’t talk to you.” from becoming a victim of abuse • Interview potential caregivers or or exploitation at the hands of housekeepers in a public place • Educate yourself about other others. and not in your home forms of fraud in advance, for example General Suggestions: • Be cautious when making new friends • Stay active and engage with • Door to door home repair sales others! Minimize isolation. • Keep photocopies of your credit • Foreign money offers Loneliness and aloneness will cards and ATM cards along with increase your vulnerability. the phone numbers to call if • Prizes/sweepstakes and lotteries you need to report lost or stolen • Make time for friendly visits and cards • Internet auctions phone calls with trusted friends • Don’t carry credit cards that you • Shop-at-home/catalog sales • Consider volunteering for won’t be using organizations like Retired • Tell a trusted person if anyone Senior Volunteers and AARP, • Consider running a periodic asks for transfer or assignment or for community events and credit check on yourself of property in exchange for the programs services they provide • Consider monitoring your bank • Maintain and increase accounts online • Trust your instincts! If something your network of friends, or someone makes you feel acquaintances, relatives and • Memorize your Social Security uneasy, ask for help from neighbors number and passwords; do not someone you trust. carry them with you. Do not use • If you receive services through your date of birth or name as a Resources a home healthcare agency, password. If you suspect you are being be sure the agency is insured abused or neglected, and you are and bonded, and that criminal • Shred or tear up unwanted living in a licensed care facility, background checks have been documents that contain contact the Long Term Care completed. personal information before you Ombudsman’s office at 785-0132 discard them • Talk with your loved ones about If you suspect you are being how you are spending your time • Let the Post Office know if you abused or neglected and you and who visits you. are not receiving bills or other are living at home, contact Adult mail Protective Services at 781.1790. • Tell someone if you feel unsafe with a caregiver or certain family • Educate yourself about members. telemarketing scams in advance and practice suggested scripts if • Ask for photo identification you suspect a scam, for example: from service, delivery or utility workers before letting them in • “I’m sorry, but I don’t give out your home. personal information on the telephone.


America’s Job Center Rehabilitation Department lder adults are sometimes Serving Central San Luis Obispo 3220 S. Higuera St., #102 O County San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 confronted with the need 880 Industrial Way 805‑549-3361 to change jobs, re-enter the San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑544-7367 TTY workforce because of a change 805‑903-1400 805‑542-4682 fax of status, or seek part-time Fax 805‑903-1401 employment to supplement a fixed income. Training and Placement National Federation of the Social Security Earnings The following programs are Blind designed to help you connect Provides varied services Test to meaningful employment, including assistance in finding You can work while you receive and/or provide specialized job employment through JOB (Job Social Security retirement training. There may be admission Opportunities for the Blind) benefits. While you are working, qualifications. and legal help for victims of your earnings will reduce your discrimination, and referrals for benefit amount only until you Goodwill 880 Industrial Way newly visually impaired. reach full retirement age. Full San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 National Federation of the retirement age has been 65 for 805‑788-2601 Blind many years. However, beginning California Office with people born in 1938 or later, 916-558-5480 Senior Community Service that age will gradually increase until it reaches 67 for people born Employment Program after 1959. No matter what your 315 South C St. Employment Referral full retirement age is, you may Oxnard, CA 93030 805‑240-7771 Employment Development start receiving benefits as early as Department (EDD) administers age 62. unemployment insurance, The Senior Community Service For the latest information and provides forms for State Employment Program (SCSEP) is Disability Insurance (SDI) and more details call the Social authorized by Title V of the Older Security Administration at 800- Americans Act. This program is paid family leave (PFL). 772-1213 or visit the Social designed to provide temporary Employment Development Security web site at part-time on-the-job training Department (EDD) You should also call to report for low-income persons over the 4111 Broad St., Ste. A when you begin or stop working age of 55 years. This on-the-job San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 and when your earnings are more training is provided at either 805‑788-2696 than your estimate. nonprofit or government agencies. Business and Career One- Rehabilitation Department CalJOBS Stop Centers State of California CalJOBS is an electronic job Serves persons with a physical or listing and referral system mental disability that constitutes developed by the State The Business and Career One- or results in a substantial Employment Development Stops are designed to provide handicap to employment, who Department to make customer a full range of assistance to job have a reasonable expectation self-service possible. CalJOBS seekers and employers. One- of finding gainful employment is a computer link between Stops were developed under the after receiving vocational employers and job seekers and is Workforce Investment Act. The rehabilitation. Also provides the primary matching tool for Job centers offer training referrals, services with learning disabilities Service. and with substance abuse issues. career counseling, job listings, You can access CalJOBS at www. Services include diagnosis, assessment of skills and placement and customer service treatment, vocational counseling, assistance as well as similar representatives are available to training and placement. employment related programs. All assist you at any One Stop Center. services are free.

30 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Employment Employment Unemployment Insurance Mission Community Services Discrimination Benefits Information Corp. Labor Standards Enforcement/ 800-300-5616 (English) Women’s Business Partners 800-326-8937 (Spanish) 71 Zaca Lane # 130 Industrial Relations enforces San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 laws covering wages, hours Online application 805‑595-1357 and working conditions. They 877-831-9377 investigate problems concerning [email protected] wage claims, minimum wage, overtime, hours and conditions and timely collection of final wages, including all unused accrued vacation at the time of termination. Fair Employment and Housing Department investigates allegations of discrimination Getting a Good Night’s Sleep on the basis of age, sex, color, national origin, marital status, Most people have occasional trouble falling asleep or sleeping creed, physical disability, medical through the night, but as we get older these difficulties may condition, pregnancy, and religion become more common. Sleep patterns change as we age. The when employment, housing, average infant sleeps 16-18 hours per day. Children usually need and public accommodations 10 hours of sleep per night. This gradually decreases until about are affected. Age discrimination age 20, when most of us need anywhere from 5 to 8 hours per complaints must be filed no later night. The quality of our sleep also changes as we get older. Sleep than two years from the date of awakenings increase from about twice per night for the average “harm.’’ All other complaints must 20 year old, to 7 times per night for the average 70 year old. be filed no later than one year Temporary sleep problems – those lasting no longer than a few from the date of “harm.’’ days – are often related to the stresses of life. Although annoying, Labor Standards Enforcement/ short-lived insomnia usually goes away on its own. The cause of Industrial Relations continued sleep problems includes factors such as illness (heart 411 E. Canon Perdido St., #3 disease, arthritis, depression), and medications (blood pressure Santa Barbara, CA 93101 medications, hormones, decongestants, nicotine and caffeine, 805‑568-1222 for example). However, contrary to popular belief, getting older doesn’t mean you have to suffer from insomnia. If you are unable Fair Employment & Housing to sleep, try these simple tips: Dept. • Establish a pattern of going to bed at the same time every night, 2570 N. First St., Ste. 480 San Jose, CA 95131 and prepare yourself for sleep with the same routine each night. 800-700-2320 • Wake at the same time each day – and avoid daytime naps, or limit them to no more than 30 minutes. [email protected] • Avoid eating late in the evening – and complete all exercise at Other Employment least 5-6 hours before bedtime. Resources • Although alcohol may help you fall off to sleep initially, it may PathPoint, Inc. actually interfere with the quality of your sleep. 11491 LOVR San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 • If sleep does not come in a reasonable time, get out of bed and 805‑782-8890 read with a dim light until sleepy again. Avoid television as its Fax 805‑547-9633 bright light increases alertness. 775 W. Grand Ave., #C Grover Beach, CA 93433 If these strategies do not resolve the problem, consult your 805‑473-9582 physician. Source: Kathleen Karle, Public Health Department, County of San Luis Obispo 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 31 End of Life Services

person has a limited time to live The goal of hospice care is more hen faced with making and comfort and quality of life and better living in the time aW decision about healthcare, it becomes the focus. remaining, no matter how long can be overwhelming. Having to It is important to note that it is. Instead of planning for a make decisions for someone else with end-of-life palliative care, test, treatment or hospital stay, can be confusing and downright a patient can receive care to individuals in hospice care may frightening. For many of us, prevent and relieve suffering instead focus on a trip they want discussions about end of life during their life limiting illness to take, visit with family, attend choices and death are avoided, while still receiving treatments events or simply spend time with often until they are no longer such as chemotherapy, radiation, loved ones at home. possible. There are actions you surgery, intravenous therapy and To be eligible for hospice services can take prior to an illness or dialysis. Palliative care allows paid for by Medicare and other catastrophic event to protect your patients to continue pursuing insurances, patients must be wishes and to understand those “curative” medical treatments certified by a physician to be of another. Information about while receiving symptom terminally ill with a life expectancy Advance Health Care Directives management if they choose. To of six months of less. Hospice care and POLST are provided in the be eligible for in-home palliative under Medicare includes both Legal Affairs section. care paid for by Medicare and home care and inpatient care, other insurances you must be when needed, and a variety of What’s The Difference “homebound” and a doctor must services not otherwise covered by between Palliative and certify that you’re homebound. Medicare. The focus is on care, not Hospice Care? To be homebound means the cure. The goal for both palliative following: Services can include: 24-hour medicine and hospice are to • Your condition keeps you from on-call nursing assistance; relieve suffering during the entire leaving home without help intermittent nursing visits; course of a serious or advanced (such as using a wheelchair management of pain and illness (palliative care) and at or walker, needing special symptoms; personal care (i.e. the end of life (hospice) while transportation, or getting help bathing, shampooing), physical helping the individuals retain an from another person). and other therapies; medical acceptable quality of life. • Leaving home takes a supplies and equipment; respite Palliative Care considerable and taxing effort. care; bereavement support; Palliative Care treats and medications related to terminal manages symptoms rather than Hospice Care diagnosis; medical case the disease. The focus of palliative Hospice Care is a shift from management and spiritual and care is assisting the individual curative treatment to comfort emotional support provided by in living as well as they can each care and emotional support for trained volunteers. day. Palliative Care is offered the patient and their family. When provided by a state under three circumstances. When medical treatments are licensed hospice, Medicare, unsuccessful, the patient and • Acute palliative care– to Medi-Cal and most private family are faced with a decision manage symptoms after an insurance plans provide benefits about quality of life for the illness, injury or surgery. This is for hospice services provided time remaining. It is important short term care. certain medical and eligibility however to remember that • Chronic palliative care– to requirements are met. Licensed hospice care is not giving up, hospice organizations will work manage symptoms related to losing hope, quitting or doing ongoing, serious or illness such with your insurance company nothing. Hospice care actively to coordinate coverage. In as congestive heart disease, seeks to provide relief from pain kidney or liver disease, ALS. cases where individuals are and other symptoms for patients uninsured or under-insured • End-of-Life palliative care – so they can do the things they other community programs and to manage symptoms when want and are capable of in the funding may be available under curative treatments aren’t time remaining. special circumstances. Wilshire working and based on the Hospice, Central Coast Hospice best of medical knowledge the 32 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE End of Life Services and Dignity Health are three families including local state is no physician or hospice state-licensed Medicare, Medi- licensed home health and nurse to call, contact the Cal certified hospice programs in hospice agencies. Services county coroner. (This will be San Luis Obispo County. include: in-home respite care, necessary to obtain a death End-of-Life Doula support, care certificate) Wilshire Hospice management, grief counseling; 277 South St., Suite R support groups and community 3. Notify family and friends. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 workshops and education You may want to consider 805‑782-8608 related to topics regarding end having family members 800-801-8019 of life, grief and recovery. All contact others to reduce some Fax 805‑782-8723 Hospice SLO County services of your time on the phone are provided without charge and during this difficult period. insurance is never billed. Dignity Health and Home 4. If appropriate, call your Health Hospice & Infusion Steps to take when a loved Clergy. This can be 504 E. Plaza Dr. comforting and supportive Santa Maria, CA 93454 one dies for you and family. 800-549-9609 What Do I Do Now? 5. If you have not already done 805‑739-3830 After the death of a spouse, so, choose a funeral home. partner, relative or friend the Give the funeral home the coast following is a list of points offered location of the deceased. as a guide. Please note this is Central Coast Hospice (This will be done by the 253 Granada, Suite D only a general list of suggestions hospital if the death did not San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 and all may not apply. You are occur at home) 805‑540-6020 encouraged to reach out to Fax 805‑540-6025 friends and family. They often 6. Locate the Living Will and [email protected] don’t know how to be helpful Trust and review. Or, call the and want to lend their support. attorney and request “upon death” instructions. Identify Other Hospice Programs Asking them to take over some of these tasks can be assisting for the executor for the will and Hospice of San Luis Obispo you and them. notify them of the death. County (Hospice SLO County) 1304 Pacific Street 1. If the death occurred by 7. Determine if the deceased San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 accident or in a hospital, you belonged to a burial or 805‑544-2266 will have hospital papers and memorial society that may releases to sign. You will be make special arrangements [email protected] asked to select a funeral home for the funeral, such as military honor guards. Hospice of SLO County, a if you have a preference. Volunteer hospice, provides in- (Even if cremation is chosen, 8. Contact the funeral home home hospice support to seriously the deceased will still need to to set an appointment to and terminally ill individuals who be transported to a funeral discuss burial or cremation have a greater than six months home initially) arrangements. prognosis, are continuing curative 2. If the death occurs at home, 9. Ask a close family member or care regardless of prognosis, call the physician or hospice friend to answer the phone, or have been discharged from nurse to certify death. respond to calls and take Medicare-reimbursed hospice agencies. Hospice SLO County Do not call 911. (If they messages for a couple of days. recognizes the critical importance are called, the responders 10. Start (or have some else do of emotional, practical and are required by law to do it) a list of phone calls and spiritual support for individuals everything possible to visitors, gifts and cards, food and families from time of attempt to resuscitate the and anyone who offers to help diagnosis through end of life. deceased person unless there and what they have offered to Hospice SLO frequently works is a DNR or P.O.L.S.T. on do. in concert with other healthcare site or the person is wearing agencies to provide respite a “Do Not Resuscitate” 11. Visit with funeral home staff care, practical and emotional bracelet or necklace. If there and discuss funeral, burial, support to patients and their cremation arrangements. 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 33 End of Life Services

There are a number of 18. Contact the Social Security • Retirement fund choices during this process Administration and any other • Pension fund that you will be asked to government agencies or benefit • Life Insurance make. It is advisable to have program that may be making someone with you. If you get payments to the deceased. • Credit Unions overwhelmed, stop. Let the (Note that payment for the • Trade Unions person with you ask clarifying month of death will not be 21. Notify and provide name questions and take notes. made by the Social Security changes for: Don’t make decisions on the Administration and others.) • Savings Accounts spot. Get a written estimate 19. Review the deceased’s before you leave and schedule financial affairs and locate • Checking Accounts a follow up visit to discuss estate planning documents, • Safe Deposit Boxes your decisions and make such as Wills and Trusts, • Trust Funds arrangements. and any other relevant • Money Market Accounts 12. Meet with family to reach documents, including: • Savings and Loans decisions about funeral, • Safe Deposit Agreements cremation, memorial services. and keys; • Credit Card Accounts 13. Hold a second meeting • Life Insurance Policies; • IRAs with funeral director to • Existence of Trust; • Other Account covey decisions and make arrangements. • Pension-retirement • Loans benefits; 14. If possible, designate a • Auto Insurance willing family member or • Old tax returns; • Health Insurance close friend to take the lead • Prior Gift Tax returns; • Property Insurance in organizing the memorial • Marriage, birth and death • Vehicle Registrationº with the assistance of the certificates; funeral director. You can still • Driver’s license cancellation be central in planning, having • Divorce documentation; • Title someone else take the lead • Computer records • Utility Companies will allow you to also attend regarding books of a 22. When handling the affairs to the many other things you business or personal assets; of a deceased, do not be too will need to. • Bank statements, quick to make distributions 15. Obtain six or more Certified checkbooks, similar to their family members or Death Certificates, which documents; friends. Important choices are required for official • Notes receivable; need to be made concerning notification for all securities • Titles to motor vehicles; distributions. They need to transfers and other reasons be in compliance with the • Leases; for proof of death. (The Will or other instructions funeral home will make • Securities and list of left by the deceased and any arrangements to have these securities; applicable tax laws. sent to you) • Any documentation of 23. The income taxes of the 16. Notify landlord. Review business ownership or deceased for the year of rental or lease agreements business interest; death need to be filed and and make any addendum • Health Insurance, make any tax due must be paid. If changes. If the person claims for the final illness there is a surviving spouse, lived alone, terminate the • Unpaid bills. the surviving spouse and agreement and arrange for deceased can file a joint moving and storage. 20. Notify the following return for the year of death. 17. Notify auto/life insurance of possible benefits for survivors: 24. If there is real estate that is companies and file request for insured, you should make premium refunds. • Retirement fund sure that the insurance


policies on the properties of The Cemetery and Funeral the cremated remains, and for the deceased are maintained. Bureau licenses, regulates and any other services desired. (If you 25. Veteran’s benefits or other investigates complaints against wish to arrange for your own “joint and survivor” California funeral establishments, cremation, you can legally sign benefits may be collected funeral directors, embalmers, the Declaration for Disposition by a surviving spouse. For apprentice embalmers, cemetery of Cremated Remains form questions and assistance, call brokers, cemetery salespersons, yourself.) In addition, a burial/ the County Veterans Service cremated remain disposers, cremation permit (Application Office at 781-5766. They crematories and nearly 200 and Permit for Disposition can help guide you in what fraternal and private cemeteries of Human Remains, VS 9) benefits you have. in the state. must be issued by the county health department. The funeral 26. Be deliberate and avoid hasty It is important to remember that you do not need to make establishment usually arranges decisions or distributions. to obtain this permit as part The death of someone, decisions about your options without taking time to consider of its services. California law particularly a family member does not prohibit the person or friend is difficult. There or discuss them with other family members. authorizing the cremation from may be disputes regarding the viewing the cremation process, treatment or other problems If you need help with a cemetery and some facilities may be able related to declining physical or funeral issue or would like a to accommodate more than one or mental abilities of the copy of the Consumer Guide to family member. Crematories deceased. Estate settlements Funeral & Cemetery Purchases, that do not allow viewing the can sometimes lead to log onto the Bureau’s website cremation process must disclose conflicts. Rifts between family at or call the that fact in writing prior to members during a time of Department of Consumer Affair’s signing any contract. There grieving and vulnerability can Consumer Information Center at may be a charge for attending lead to fractured relationships 800-952-5210. the cremation. Check with the that can last a long time. Embalming crematory for its policies. Funeral Homes/Cremation The law does not require A casket is not required for Services embalming. However, a funeral cremation by California law, If you have chosen a funeral establishment must refrigerate but a combustible cremation home, a meeting should take an unembalmed body in its container is. The container must place with the funeral director to possession if burial or cremation be one that can be closed and is discuss options for services, costs, does not take place within 24 leak-resistant. A cardboard box and the wishes of the deceased. hours. As a practical matter, constructed for this purpose The Funeral Rule, enforced by the you may wish to authorize is acceptable. You do not have FTC, requires a funeral home/ embalming if there will be a delay to buy the container from cremation service to provide before a public viewing. Please the funeral establishment or a price list upon discussing note that embalming does not crematory, but it does have to prices in person. A funeral prevent decomposition of a body. meet the standards set by the home/cremation service must Cremation crematory. disclose prices on the telephone All personal possessions of value, and offer a price list for review. If cremation is chosen, a written authorization must be signed such as jewelry or mementos, To be a conscious consumer, need to be removed before the shop around and ask questions before cremation can proceed. This must be done by the body is taken to the crematory. about the services you require. Pacemakers, most prostheses, and A professional funeral director person(s) who has the right to control the disposition of the mechanical or radioactive devices will be courteous, polite and or implants must be removed by informative so you have enough body. This authorization indicates the location, manner, and time funeral establishment or crematory information to make your staff prior to cremation. decisions. of disposition of the remains and includes an agreement to pay for the cremation, for disposition of


Disposition of Cremated department and they may not and services to be provided, Remains be disposed of in refuse. unless other directions have been In California, you may choose Cemetery and Funeral Bureau given by the decedent pursuant any of the following methods of Department of Consumer Affairs to Section 7100.1, vests in, and disposition of cremated remains: 1625 N. Market Blvd., South 208 the duty of disposition and the • Placement in a columbarium Sacramento, CA 95834 liability for the reasonable cost or mausoleum - There may 800-952-5210 of disposition of the remains 916-574-7870 be additional charges for devolves upon, the following in endowment care, opening or the order named: closing, recording, flower vase, Licenses and regulates the (1) An agent under a power of and nameplate. California funeral and cemetery attorney for health care who • Burial in a plot in a cemetery industries. Also investigates has the right and duty of complaints against funeral homes, disposition under Division - There may be additional crematories, state-licensed charges for endowment care, 4.7 (commencing with cemeteries and individual Section 4600) of the Probate opening or closing, recording, licensees. outer burial container, flower Code, except that the agent vase, and marker. Federal Trade Commission is liable for the costs of Consumer Response Center disposition only in either of • Retention at a residence - Washington, DC 20580 the following cases: The funeral establishment or 877-382-4357 crematory will have you sign a TDD 202-326-2502 (A) Where the agent makes a Permit for Disposition showing specific agreement to pay the costs of disposition. that the remains were released International Cemetery, to you and will file it with the Cremation & Funeral (B) Where, in the absence of local registrar of births and Association a specific agreement, the deaths. You may not remove 107 Carpenter Dr., Suite 100 agent makes decisions the cremated remains from the Sterling, VA 20164 concerning disposition container and you must arrange 800-645-7700 that incur costs, in which for their disposition upon your 703-391-8400 case the agent is liable death. only for the reasonable • Storing in a house of worship or The following information was costs incurred as a result religious shrine if local zoning taken directly from the website of the agent’s decisions, laws allow. of the Funeral Consumers to the extent that the decedent’s estate or • Scattering in areas of the State Alliance of Southern California & Surrounding Areas at the other appropriate fund is where no local prohibition sufficient. exists and with written following address: http://fcaslo. permission of the property org/index. This is a resource filled (2) The competent surviving owner or governing agency. website worth visiting. spouse. The cremated remains must be (3) The sole surviving competent removed from the container Your Funeral Consumer adult child of the decedent, and scattered in a manner so Rights in California or if there is more than one they are not distinguishable to The legal authority for competent adult child of the the public. Californians to care for their own decedent, the majority of the • Scattering in a cemetery dead is located in the California surviving competent adult scattering garden. statutes, Chapter 3, section 7100 children. However, less than (note there is nothing in these the majority of the surviving • Scattering at sea, at least 500 statutes that require you to use a competent adult children yards from shore. (This also funeral director): shall be vested with the right includes inland navigable The right to control the and duties of this section if waters, except for lakes and they have used reasonable streams.) Cremated remains disposition of the remains of a deceased person, the location efforts to notify all other may not be transported without surviving competent adult a permit from the county health and conditions of interment, and arrangements for funeral goods children of their instructions 36 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE End of Life Services and are not aware of competent adult persons of Find a Funeral Home that any opposition to those the same degree of kinship Posts their Prices Online instructions by the majority of their instructions and are We have indicated in our funeral of all surviving competent not aware of any opposition price survey whether or not a adult children. to those instructions by the funeral home posts their prices (4) The surviving competent majority of all surviving online. Having the ability to parent or parents of the competent adult persons of review a funeral home’s price decedent. If one of the the same degree of kinship. list without having to call or surviving competent parents Reduce Cost visit the funeral home provides is absent, the remaining If you are faced with needing a consumer with the ability to competent parent shall be to make funeral arrangements price comparison shop from vested with the rights and with limited funds, or are simply their home. This is especially duties of this section after interested in keeping the cost of important for home-bound elders reasonable efforts have been a funeral down to a reasonable and distant relations responsible unsuccessful in locating the amount, here are some options for making funeral arrangements. absent surviving parent. to consider. And remember, the Direct Cremation (5) The sole surviving competent amount of money you spend on In direct cremation, the body adult sibling of the decedent, a funeral is in no way reflective is cremated shortly after or if there is more than one of the amount of love you have death, without embalming. No surviving competent adult for someone; this is a myth that is viewing or visitation is involved, sibling of the decedent, the perpetuated by those that would although a memorial service majority of the surviving benefit from you spending large may be held, with or without the competent adult siblings. amounts of money on funeral cremated remains present, at the However, less than the products. convenience of the family and majority of the surviving Review our Funeral Price does not require the involvement competent adult siblings shall of a funeral director. The be vested with the rights and Survey Results cremated remains are placed in To determine relative costs duties of this section if they an urn or other container and of funeral homes in your have used reasonable efforts can be kept in the home, buried community and neighboring to notify all other surviving or placed in a crypt or niche in a communities, see our funeral competent adult siblings of cemetery, or buried or scattered price survey results. http://fcaslo. their instructions and are in a favorite spot (see disposition org/price-survey Our price not aware of any opposition of cremated remains below). survey shows the range of costs to those instructions by the Direct cremation is significantly and will help you determine majority of all surviving less expensive than a relative price differences between competent adult siblings. conventional funeral because funeral homes. Keep in mind it only incurs charges for basic (6) The surviving competent that price is not the only factor to service fees, transportation, care adult person or persons consider when choosing a funeral of the body, and crematory fee. respectively in the next home. Reputation and quality There is also generally a charge degrees of kinship, or if there of service are very important, for an urn or other container, is more than one surviving but are difficult to measure. although many providers may competent adult person of Therefore, the price survey provide a basic container in the the same degree of kinship, should be used as a resource and charge for a direct cremation. the majority of those persons. not as a substitute for conducting Less than the majority of independent research. Note Some crematories work surviving competent adult the price survey also assesses directly with the public and are persons of the same degree compliance of a funeral home’s equipped to handle all of the of kinship shall be vested general price list with the Federal tasks a funeral home would (for with the rights and duties of Trade Commission’s Funeral Rule example transportation of the this section if those persons to assist consumers. body to the crematory, death have used reasonable efforts certificate, etc.). Working directly to notify all other surviving with a crematory is usually less

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 37 End of Life Services expensive than working with this is something you would like this offer. Contact them at www. a funeral home. See our price to do, and generally results in a or call survey result for direct cremation significant cost savings. Also note them at 253-649-0567. Let them costs in your area. it is a violation of the Federal know what style of urn would Also, ashes are much less Trade Commission’s Funeral be appropriate (for example, expensive to bury in a cemetery Rule for a funeral home to charge masculine, feminine, child). They or can easily be buried for free you a fee for providing your own will select an urn and mail it to or scattered. See our page on casket. you free of charge. cremation for laws regarding Have Ceremonies Death Certificates scattering ashes in California. Somewhere Other than the If you utilize the service of Whole Body Donation Funeral Home a funeral home, the funeral Funeral homes charge several director (whether a mortuary or Many institutions that accept cremation service) will obtain whole body donation will return hundred dollars to use their facilities for a ceremony, funeral the signature and causes of the cremated remains back to the death from the physician on the family. Some of the institutions or vigil so consider holding these at a chapel or your home. original death certificate for you. and organizations this can be They will send in the application/ done through are: UCLA Medical order form for the number you Center, Science Care, Life Legacy Obituary Costs ObitsCalifornia charges a small will need for your estate, trust, or the University of Tennessee’s fee of $30.00 to post an obituary etc. The “Basic Service Fee” will Forensic Anthropology Center. that runs for one full week from likely include obtaining copies See our webpage onOrgan and the service date entered and are of permits and death certificates, Body Donation for details. thereafter available on-demand coordinating arrangements File Your Own Paperwork 24/7 in a searchable archive with a cemetery or crematory Another option is to bypass the indefinitely. The obituary can and writing and coordinating funeral home completely by include a life story, and a photo placement of obituary notices. applying for the Death Certificate or slide show of up to 4 photos. Social Security does not require a directly with the Vital Records In addition, all obituaries certified death certificate. Copies office of the county where the are indexed and linked by of death certificates can also be death occurred. See our death FamilySearch for family history obtained for a fee by contacting certificate instructions for a and genealogical purposes. the SLO County Public Health listing of county Vital Records’ If you are having the funeral Records Department. offices along with instructions. home place the obituary for you SLO County Public Health Vital Note that while it is your legal in a local newspaper, make sure Records right to file a death certificate to ask them if you are being 2191 Johnson Ave. without a funeral director, county charged for the cost to place San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 offices are not accustomed to their funeral home logo below 805‑781-5514 issuing death certificates directly the obituary. Many consumers to family members so you may are charged for this without their have to practice patience if you knowledge and there is currently Information required for a choose to take this route. no law in California that requires death certificate: a funeral home to notify you of 1. Full legal name Make or Buy a Casket this additional cost. Directly from a Vendor 2. Any AKA (Also Known As) that Sells Directly to the Free Urns for Those in Need— 3. Date of birth Memorial Gallery, a Seattle Public 4. Sex company that sells urns and You may want to make or buy 5. Place of birth a local casket or cardboard cremation/remembrance container (see our resources jewelry, is kindly offering 6. Social Security Number page for local and affordable free, slightly blemished urns 7. Marital status to those who can’t afford one. vendors.) Making or purchasing 8. Education (high school your own casket allows you time You must mention Funeral Consumers Alliance to receive graduate, associates, to decorate it with your family if bachelor’s, masters) 38 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE End of Life Services

9. Hispanic/Latino, Spanish support from anyone other than The Funeral Rule 10. Race family and friends. Most funeral providers are professionals 11. Occupation (do not put Support groups for individuals who strive to serve their clients’ needs retired) coping with a death, regardless and best interests. But some aren’t. of when the death occurred are 12. Kind of business or industry They may take advantage of their clients offered by Hospice of San Luis through inflated prices, overcharges, 13. Years in occupation Obispo County through locations double charges or unnecessary services. 14. Residence (street address, city in Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, Fortunately, there’s a federal law that state, zip) Arroyo Grande and Pismo makes it easier for you to choose only those goods and services you want 15. Years in county Beach. Support groups offered include: partner/widow support, or need and to pay only for those 16. Informant’s name (contact bereaved parents support, you select, whether you are making person: spouse, child, sister, suicide bereavement, pet loss arrangements pre-need or at need. etc.) support and general bereavement The Funeral Rule, enforced by the Federal 17. Informant’s address support. Trade Commission, requires funeral directors to give you itemized prices in 18. Full name of spouse (maiden Individual counseling is available person and, if you ask, over the phone. name if wife) for those who desire individual The Rule also requires funeral directors 19. Father’s full name and state or support. All counseling and to give you other information about country of birth support groups through Hospice their goods and services. For example, if of San Luis Obispo County are 20. Mother’s full name and state you ask about funeral arrangements in provided at no charge and there person, the funeral home must give you or country of birth is no restriction on the length of a written price list to keep that shows the 21. Phone number of next of kin time after a death has occurred for goods and services the home offers. If (for funeral director) services to be provided. For more you want to buy a casket or outer burial information call 805‑544-2266. container, the funeral provider must Social Security show you descriptions of the available Administration Central Coast Memorial Society selections and the prices before actually Death benefits, widow’s/ P.O. Box 679 showing you the caskets. widower’s and survivor’s benefits San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 805‑543-6133 Many funeral providers offer various may be available from your Social “packages” of commonly selected goods Security office. The telephone [email protected] and services that make up a funeral. numbers are 800-772-1213 centralcoastmemorial But when you arrange for a funeral, you A non-profit, non-sectarian form have the right to buy individual goods Veterans of consumer alliance dedicated and services. That is, you do not have to Benefits such as life insurance, to simplicity, dignity and accept a package that may include items burial expense reimbursement, economy in funeral and memorial you do not want. burial flag, burial in national arrangements. According to the Funeral Rule: cemeteries, headstones/markers The Society was established in • you have the right to choose the and certain widow’s/widower’s 1962 as a California non-profit funeral goods and services you want benefits may be available. Call corporation. Membership is open (with some exceptions). the Veterans Services Office at to all persons. The Society is not • the funeral provider must state this 805‑781-5766. an insurance plan, a mortuary, right in writing on the general price list. cremation firm, or other business. Counseling and Groups for Unlike commercial cremation • if state or local law requires you to buy Emotional Support societies, it is a volunteer any particular item, the funeral provider organization of people seeking must disclose it on the price list, with a No matter what the reference to the specific law. circumstances, dealing with a life access to simple and economical threatening illness death requires mortuary care. • the funeral provider may not refuse, or charge a fee, to handle a casket you time and support. There is no bought elsewhere. “right” way to grieve and people are unique in how they cope, • a funeral provider that offers cremations must make alternative what kind of support will benefit containers available. them, and when they need Source: Federal Trade Commission website

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 39 Equipment and Special Need Services Adaptive Aids and ‘team’ evaluations including input transmission. For information to Equipment, Purchase and from therapists, engineers and help you decide which device is Loan technologists. right for you and companies that Technology is revolutionizing Central Coast Assistive serve the Central Coast, contact life for persons with disabilities Technology Center the Senior Connection at 800- and frail, at-risk adults. Ranging 11491 Los Osos Valley Road 510-2020. Suite 202 from the simplest of ‘low tech’ Vial of Life Program devices which respond to San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑549-7420 A Vial of Life program is available functional challenges to the Fax 549-7423 to advise emergency responders of most sophisticated ‘high tech’ health status and relevant medical solutions, technology is making it information, such as prescription possible for people to transcend California Telephone Access drugs taken. The Vial is a container their disabilities and live Program (CTAP) 800-806-1191 English that holds medical information independently and experience cards for each person in the home more enjoyment out of life. 800-949-5650 Spanish 800-806-4474 TTY in the event of an emergency. It And the value of this technology has a magnet on the back which is also applicable to frail, at-risk Provides telephone is placed on the front of the persons and those with chronic communication access for all deaf and disabled refrigerator. Emergency responders illnesses. Consider the value Californians. Distributes free know to look for the Vial of Life on of anti-wandering devices or telecommunications equipment the front of the refrigerator. Vials devices that complete a search for and services for individuals of Life are available at local senior a wanderer in record time. certified as having functional centers and through the Area Assistive technology is any limitations of hearing, vision, Agency on Aging. device that restores function in mobility, speech and/or Area Agency on Aging an individual’s life and improves interpretation of information. 805‑541-0384 quality of life. Common examples CTAP Service Center 800-510-2020 of assistive technology are Independent Living Resource computers with adaptive software Center Home Health Equipment and hardware, communication 423 W. Victoria St Several companies provide devices, environmental Santa Barbara, CA 93101 medical supplies and equipment, control units and mobility aids Limited hours. Call 805‑963-0595 i.e. oxygen, hospital beds, (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.). for appt. wheelchairs, walking aids, bathroom safety equipment, There are increasing resources Emergency Response air mattresses, gauze dressing, available both locally and Systems ostomy, mastectomy products nationally. A local resource Seniors living alone often are and diabetes supplies. Many is the Central Coast Assistive concerned about how they will deliver to the home and will Technology Center which might let others know if they bill Medicare, Medi-Cal and provides comprehensive should need assistance or how to insurance companies. resources to individuals communicate important health with disabilities. The Center The following companies information in an emergency. provide medical supplies and offers professional advice, Emergency response systems assessment and referral services equipment, i.e. oxygen, hospital enable an individual to summon beds, wheelchairs, walking aids, concerning assistive technology emergency assistance by means of to individuals with disabilities, bathroom safety equipment, a simple device worn around the air mattresses, gauze dressing, families and service providers. neck or wrist. The Central Coast Assistive ostomy and diabetes supplies. The technology available in these Most will deliver to the home and Technology Center is a source devices is advancing rapidly. for technology and follow will bill Medicare, Medi-Cal and New devices are coming out insurance companies. up to ensure the proper and with options for GPS tracking, effective use of the technology. automatic fall detection, vital The Central Coast Assistive sign monitoring, medication Technology Center provides management and cellular 40 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Equipment and Special Need Services

A-1 Mobility Atascadero Senior Center Veterans Volunteer Services 5820 El Camino Real 9505 East Mall 805‑481-2622 Atascadero, CA 93422 Atascadero, CA 93422 Must be a veteran, or spouse of 805‑462-9925 805‑466-4674 veteran. Fax 805‑462-9927 Walkers, wheelchairs, Commodes Canes, walkers, wheelchairs, & shower benches. bedside commodes, shower chairs, Apria Health Care Cambria’s Anonymous and crutches. 705 Fiero Lane #10 Neighbors (CAN) San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑927-5673 Home Safety Evaluation Many accidents within the home 805‑783-7412 Loans of hospital equipment such Fax 805‑543-2865 as walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, can be avoided. Call one of the Bestcare Pharmacy & Home shower stools and bathroom local Home Health Agencies for Medical Equipment equipment for convalescing clients more information. If ordered by 1051 E. Grand Avenue in Cambria and San Simeon. your physician, Medicare may Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Elks Lodge #2504 pay for a home safety evaluation. 805‑481-5050 410 Air Park Drive Fax 805‑481-0040 Hearing Oceano, CA 93445-9652 Since hearing loss may be related 805‑489-2504 LinCare to a number of causes, before 2945 McMillan Ave., #144 [email protected] San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-6767 purchasing any equipment, 805‑543-2665 Wheelchairs, crutches, walkers you may want to begin with a visit to a licensed physician or a Morro Bay Senior Center 1001 Kennedy Way specialist in diseases of the ear Med World HME, Inc. 805‑772-4421 for a thorough examination. 2045 Preisker Lane, #H Must be 55 and over. An audiometric examination Santa Maria, CA 93454 will be an important part of the 805‑739-1700 Muscular Dystrophy procedure. In-depth audiological Fax 805‑739-1761 Association 866-594-8830 testing intended to evaluate the nature and degree of hearing Pacific Pulmonary Services loss may be reimbursable by 755 Fiero Ln., Ste. G Funding may be available to assist Medicare. in the repair or modification of San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Medicare does not cover 805‑594-1332 wheelchairs for persons registered 888-673-3702 with MDA. hearing aids or routine hearing examinations directly related Nipomo Senior Center 200 E. Dana St. to the prescribing, fitting or Templeton Hills Pharmacy Nipomo, CA 93444-5104 changing of hearing aids. Medi- 1050 Las Tablas Rd. 805‑929-1615 Cal may cover hearing testing by Templeton, CA 93465 an audiologist and any medically- 805‑434-1801 Members only. necessary hearing aids. Check Wallace Home Medical Supplies People Helping People with your nearest County Social 529 10th St. 2180 Palisades Ave. Services office. Paso Robles, CA 93446 Los Osos, CA 93402-2607 805‑238-3935 805‑528-2626 Definitions 12310 LOVR 9 am-1 pm Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) San Luis Obispo, CA Wheelchairs, canes, walkers, other physicians specialize in the 805‑439-4007 medical supplies. care of these areas of the body. Otolaryngologist and San Luis Obispo Senior Center otorhinolaryngologist are 1445 Santa Rosa Street, Loan of Medical San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 also technical terms for ENT Equipment 805‑781-7306 physicians. A number of agencies will loan Walkers, canes and wheelchairs. Audiologists have advanced equipment, such as wheelchairs, Must be a member of the senior training in testing and evaluation hospital beds and specialized center, limited donation requested. of hearing. They can prescribe equipment. individual hearing aids. Some 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 41 Equipment and Special Need Services audiologists also fill prescriptions Sonic Alert, Inc. the largest number of people who for hearing aids. Hearing aid 1407 Allen Dr.. are deaf-blind In the United States. company representatives often Troy, MI 48083 Often, these adults do not think offer free hearing tests; however, 248-577-5400 of themselves as ‘deaf-blind’ The they are usually not audiologists most common causes of vision and may have a selection limited loss in older adults are cataracts, Supplies amplified alarm clocks, glaucoma, macular degeneration to their own products. telephones, signals and personal and diabetes/diabetic retinopathy. According to State law, licensed listening devices. Specializes in If hearing loss also develops, the hearing aid dispensers must alert products that are geared for results can be devastating. provide a specified warranty the hearing impaired and the hard to wake. Call for a free brochure. Helen Keller National Center to customers covering the first for Deaf-Blind Youths and thirty days from the purchase Hearing Center Adults dates. Hearing aid consumers UCSB 141 Middle Neck Rd. should refer to their purchase Santa Barbara, CA 93117 Sands Point, NY 11050 805‑893-2684 contract to understand their 516-944-8900 rights. To obtain a complaint [email protected] [email protected] form or to ask further questions This department offers a full call the Hearing Aid Dispensers range of diagnostic testing and Publishes Identifying Vision & Bureau at 916-263-2666. rehabilitation services. They offer Hearing Problems Among Older specialized tests and will prescribe Persons: Strategies and Resources, Television Caption Decoding hearing aids as needed. It is open a booklet designed to help an Many prime-time television to the general public. individual identify symptoms of programs are now produced with Veterans Administration hearing and vision loss and the closed captions. This is written Outpatient Clinic steps necessary to properly diagnose dialogue which can be read on the 1288 Morro St., Ste. 200 the problem. The first booklet is TV screen. Televisions produced San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 free. The Center also publishes a in recent years include a closed 805‑543-1233 comprehensive list of organizations captioning option. A device can 1550 E. Main St. and companies who offer services be purchased and easily installed Santa Maria, CA 93454 and assistive devices for the hearing for older televisions to provide 805‑354-6000 impaired. It is available free of charge. the closed captioning. The audiologist at the V.A. clinic Has a senior adult specialist who Ear of the Lion offers evaluations and hearing can provide Information, resources 856 San Jose Ave # 115 aids when medically necessary for and training opportunities for Clovis, CA 93612-3496 eligible veterans. seniors as well as the professionals 800-327-8077 who work with them. 559-322-5466 Speech and Language Senior Adult Program Operated by the Lion’s Club, the Pathologists Coordinator 804-827-0920 (V/TTY) foundation provides hearing aids Lindamood-Bell Learning to people with limited finances. Processes [email protected] Household income must be below 416 Higuera St. $20,422. for one person. Charges San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Vision $150. per hearing aid; $300. for 805‑541-6383 Medicare is very specific about what two hearing aids. 800-300-1818 it will and will not cover in the area HARC Mercantile, Ltd. of eye care and vision correction. Routine testing directly related 5413 S. Westnedge Ave. Ste A Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau Portage, MI 49002 Department of Consumer Affairs to the prescribing or fitting of 800-445-9968 2005 Evergreen St., Suite 2100 eyeglasses, or the purchase of frames Sacramento, CA 95815 or lenses is not covered by Medicare. 916-263-2666 Medicare will pay for one set of Offers a comprehensive selection glasses following cataract surgery. of devices for individuals with www.speechand hearing problems. Catalog, Speak to an ophthalmologist or optometrist about conditions which Access Solutions for the Hearing Senior citizens with combined Disabled, is available free of vision and hearing loss comprise are covered. Medi-Cal and some charge. health maintenance organizations 42 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Equipment and Special Need Services

(HMO) will cover vision testing blind people in independent living magnification devices, instruction and any medically necessary glasses. skills, arts, crafts, music and general in the use of adaptive tools/devices Check with your nearest County education. The institute provides and environmental modifications Social Services office or check a consultant to demonstrate to help make the individual’s with your HMO. The Independent low vision aids (magnifiers) to living situation more suitable and Living Resource Center 805‑462- individuals with a doctor’s referral. comfortable. Check with the Braille 1162 can also assist in obtaining The aids are sold at cost. The Institute. The Independent Living frames and lenses through their Institute also provides the Talking Resource Center has a program Assistive Technology Advocate. Book service with county libraries. called OIB (Older Individuals In addition, the Noor Foundation Tape cassettes of books and who are Blind) that has expanded 805‑439-1797 has vision care for records of magazines, along with services for persons who are 55 or uninsured adults. the machines to play them, are older who are blind or low-vision. available. Machines are repaired on Eye Care America Definitions site. The Braille Institute provides Ophthalmologists - These are Helpline counseling and mobility training. 800-222-3937 physicians (medical doctors) who Mobile Solutions, a specialized van also specialize in the diseases equipped to bring Braille Institute’s of the eye. In addition to vision programs and services to people, Lions Sight Conservation Foundation exams, they can detect and treat is available at various locations other conditions of the eye. PO Box 6293 around the County. Santa Maria, CA 93456-6293 Optometrists - American Braille Institute of America 925-8022 Optometric Association–These 2031 De La Vina St. Assistance with vision testing and specialists have advanced Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3813 training in eye care but are not glasses free of cost for low income 805‑682-6222 families. Also collects old glasses, medical doctors. They provide 805‑462-1225 lenses and frames. comprehensive vision exams, 800-272-4553 including glaucoma testing, and Fax 805‑687-6141 American Council of the Blind (ACB) fill prescriptions for eyeglasses 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 650 and contact lenses. For additional information Arlington, VA 22201 Eye Care America about vision loss and the services 202-467-5081 Offers medical and surgical provided by ophthalmologists, 800-424-8666 (Call between 2:30- low vision specialists, and vision- 5:30 pm M-F, EST for 800 number) care and provides referrals to rehabilitation specialists, contact specialists who have agreed to your state rehabilitation agency or accept Medicare and insurance local agency serving people who Publishes free resource lists: reimbursement as payment in full are blind or visually impaired. Catalogs of Products for Blind for professional services. Patients and Visually-Impaired Persons, State Department of Low-Vision Aids and Large Print without insurance are treated Rehabilitation free. The Project is designed for Materials, Resource Handbooks 3220 S. Higuera St., #102 and Self Help Guides for Blind persons age 65 and older who are San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 US citizens or legal residents and and Visually-Impaired and 805‑549-3361 Newly-Blinded People, and Useful who do not have a personal eye 805‑544-7367 (TTY only) Publications for Older Individuals physician. It is specifically for the with Diminishing or Impaired early detection and treatment of Vision. eye diseases. It is also a resource Low Vision Program American Foundation for the for literature on eye diseases. Services Blind (AFB) Eyeglasses, prescriptions, hospital Helps adults live more successfully Product Center services and other medical services and efficiently with sudden 2 Penn Plaza, #1102 are not covered under the program. or long-term vision loss. The New York, NY 10001-2006 services are one-on-one with 800-232-5463 Braille Institute of America individuals and a person with This educational organization special training and experience serves San Luis Obispo County and AFB offers consumer products for in visual impairment issues. This people with impaired vision. The offers classes for all ages of legally includes training in the use of 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 43 Equipment and Special Need Services

catalog is available free of charge Provides free and reduced cost and can be requested in English, wigs. Also have breast prosthesis ILA publishes Can-do Products Braille, on audio formats. available. for your Independent Life and LS&S Group, Inc. Access to Recreation, Inc. distributes ABLEWARE. Both 145 River Rock Dr. 8 Sandra Ct. catalogs describe the selection of Buffalo, NY 14207 Newbury Park, CA 91320 devices and gadgets the company 800-468-4789 800-634-4351 offers. Copies are available free of 805‑498-7535 charge. Specializes in products for the Maxi-Aids visually- and hearing-impaired Publishes Access to Recreation: 42 Executive Blvd. person and its catalog is free of Adaptive Recreation Equipment PO Box 3209 charge. for the Physically Challenged. Farmingdale, NY 11735-0813 The catalog is free of charge and 800-522-6294 Lighthouse, International 631-752-0521 111 E. 59th Street describes the selection of devices New York, NY 10022-1202 and gadgets. 800-829-0500 Braille Institute of America Publishes Maxi-Aids: Aids and 2031 De La Vina St. Appliances and will send you a Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3813 copy free of charge. The catalog Specializes in aids and appliances 805‑682-6222 describes the selection of devices for the blind, visually-impaired 800-272-4553 and gadgets the company offers. and physically-challenged. Catalog is available free of charge. The Ability Center Provides free visual aides, 3548 Empleo St. Other resources consultations for magnification San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑549-7996 Independent Living Resource and special lighting, as well as low-vision aids at cost (e.g. canes, Brings mobility vans, wheelchair Center watches, clocks, cookware and accessible vehicles and handicap Independent Living Resource learning materials). Talking book van conversions. Local mobility Center has information and referral service available. dealer. services about assistive technology S&S Worldwide for persons with disabilities, as well PO Box 210 Using Cellular Technology as families and service providers. Hartford, CT 06141-0210 Cell phones as “Smart Phones” Also provides outreach. 800-288-9941 have changed access to communication and services Independent Living Resource Center tremendously. Seniors and 1401 Marsh Street, Suite 109 Publishes S+S Prime Life: Designs people with disabilities are San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 for Independent Living and will relying on such devices not only 805‑462-1162 send you a copy free of charge. The for communication and safety Fax 805‑752-1261 catalog describes the selection of reasons, but also for social, devices, gadgets and clothing the company offers. entertainment and educational State Department of purposes. With so many Apps Patterson Medical available and being developed on Rehabilitation 800-323-5547 3220 S. Higuera St., #102 a regular basis, there is bound to San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 be something useful for people 805‑549-3361 Patterson Medical publishes of all ages and abilities. Check 805‑544-7367 (TTY only) Products to Enhance Your Life with your local provider or with and will send you a copy free of the Independent Living Resource charge. The catalog describes the Center to see what options are Adaptive Aids and selection of devices and gadgets available. Equipment the company offers. American Cancer Society Independent Living Aids & 1540 Branch St. Sound Bites (ILA) Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 137 Rano St. 805‑473-2719 Buffalo, NY 14207 800-537-2118 44 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Financial Matters Social Security Administration A recipient must be a citizen or a permanent The Social Security Administration implements legal immigrant and reside within United States a number of programs that can offer financial boundaries. A person may be eligible for SSI benefits assistance: even if he or she receives a Social Security check. Contact your nearest Social Security office for Social Security Retirement Benefits information about eligibility and current benefits. Retirement benefits are payable as early as age 62 for a worker who has Social Security credit for at If a person is eligible for SSI benefits, s/he may also be least ten years of work. Benefits are permanently entitled to receive Medi-Cal and In-Home Supportive reduced for each month prior to full retirement age Services to help with personal care and meals. If you that benefits begin. The amount of a Social Security already receive SSI and have questions about Medi- benefit is based on earnings averaged over most of Cal or In-Home Supportive Services contact the the working years in jobs covered by Social Security. County Department of Social Services. Benefit amount is also affected by the age at the time When applying for SSI, a person should have the a person starts receiving benefits. following information: To assist in financial planning, a free benefit • Social Security card or a record of their Social estimate is available by calling Social Security and Security number. accessing Social Security online. Monthly benefits • Proof of age; a birth certificate or the oldest other are also paid to eligible spouses, divorced spouses (if proof of age available. the marriage lasted at least 10 years) and dependent • Information about any income and resources children of workers who have retired. such as payroll slips, copies of tax returns, bank Social Security Survivors Benefits books, insurance policies, car registration and Monthly benefits can be paid to survivors of burial fund records. (If applying for benefits for a deceased workers including a widow or widower, child, information about the parents’ income and divorced widow or widower (if the marriage lasted resources will be needed.) at least 10 years), children under 18 and adult • Information about the place s/he lives including children who were disabled before age 22. An the amount of the mortgage and property taxes on additional one-time death payment of $255 can be a home if owned, the lease and landlord’s name if paid to an eligible widow, widower or child. renting and the cost of food and utilities. Social Security Disability Benefits • If disabled or blind, medical records or the names, Disability insurance benefits are payable to addresses and telephone numbers of doctors, individuals who have worked in jobs or self- hospitals, and clinics that have treated the person employment covered by Social Security. To be are required. entitled to benefits a worker must have a disability • Proof of US Citizenship or alien status. which prevents that person from working and which A person should call the Social Security office is expected to last at least 12 months or result in before applying and the representative will make death. Benefits generally begin after six months of an appointment and help the person identify what disability, but applications should be filed as soon as records s/he needs to support the application. possible. Monthly benefits are also paid to eligible spouses and children of the disabled individual. Appeals Medicare Right of Appeal At age 65, or after two years of entitlement to If you feel that a decision about your benefits was disability benefits, most people are eligible for not correct, go to the Social Security office and Medicare coverage. Medicare health insurance will ask for a reconsideration. If you disagree with help pay for medical expenses including doctor and the reconsideration you have the right to request hospital charges. a hearing. Be mindful of deadlines. Your Social Security office can explain the process. There are Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI) also sources of legal help listed in the Legal section The Social Security Administration also handles a of this directory. Some private attorneys also help program that provides monthly financial assistance with Social Security problems for a fee. to needy persons who are 65 or older, blind or disabled. Eligibility is based on income and assets.


Overpayments medical entitlements. For more information contact If you are sent a notice of overpayment, you can the Veterans Services Office of the County of San appeal the decision. Social Security may have made Luis Obispo. a mistake. If the notice is not in error, arrangements Credit Counseling can sometimes be made to have the amount of over- payment gradually deducted from future checks to SurePath is a non-profit agency providing avoid hardship. Request for reconsideration must be counseling to families and individuals who are filed promptly or Social Security will automatically unable to meet their debt obligations. Free services deduct the overpayment from your next check. Call are available by appointment. Also, Debtors your Social Security office for details. You may want Anonymous can provide support. You may want to get legal help. to check the Internet for other profit and/or nonprofit credit counseling services. If you choose To find out more about Social Security programs to seek counseling from an organization found on you may call, write, or visit any Social Security the Internet, ensure they are community-based, office. Social Security can be reached toll-free accredited, licensed, insured agencies and their anytime between 7 am and 7 pm by calling 800-772- counselors are certified. If there are fees associated 1213 or visit the web site at with the counseling they should be clearly stated You can apply for retirement and disability benefits and disclosed in advance of services. online. The best times to call are between 7 am and 9 am or Money Management/Bill Paying Service between 5 pm and 7 pm especially in the last half Call Area Agency on Aging for a list of individuals of each month. Service Representatives can answer who can provide basic bookkeeping and bill paying your questions, make an appointment for you and services for those persons who are having difficulty tell you what you will need to provide if you file an continuing to do this for themselves. application for benefits. If you are not yet receiving A professional fiduciary is a person who assumes benefits you may request a Social Security Statement responsibility for various positions of trust, serve which will show the Social Security work credits you by court appointment as guardians, conservators, have earned and the amount of future benefits you personal representatives of estates and trustees. They may be entitled to. Most Social Security business can also serve by agreement as trustees, representative be handled by telephone. payees or as agents under powers of attorney. Professional fiduciaries are licensed by the State of County Programs California. San Luis Obispo County Department of Social Services administers the General Relief, CalFresh Professional Fiduciaries Bureau 625 N. Market Blvd., S-209 and other programs. Sacramento, CA 95834 CalFresh 916-574-7340 Information in Food & Nutrition Section. [email protected] General Relief If you are of very low income but are not eligible The Professional Fiduciaries Bureau was created by for federally-funded assistance, you may qualify for legislation that passed and was enacted into law in 2007 to regulate non-family member professional General Relief. Information about this program can fiduciaries including conservators, guardians, trustees be obtained from the Department of Social Services. and agents under durable power of attorney as defined Other County Programs by the Professional Fiduciaries Act. Veterans Services Professional fiduciaries provide critical services to There are Veteran’s pensions for eligible veterans seniors, disabled persons and children. They manage who are disabled or over the age of 65. The pension matters for clients including daily care, housing and plan a veteran is eligible for depends on when s/ medical needs and also offer financial management services ranging from basic bill paying to estate and he was in the service. It is also based on assets and investment management. Requirements for licensing income. The Veterans Services Office advocates include passing an examination and completing thirty for veterans, their dependents and survivors by (30) hours of approved education courses and earning providing the latest information about services fifteen (15) hours of continuing education credit each in order for them to receive their monetary and year for renewal. Licensees must comply with reporting


requirements and must abide by the Professional go as far as paying medical bills from a client’s Fiduciaries Code of Ethics so that client matters are account? handled responsibly and without conflict. Processing & Reporting While there is no right or wrong answer, the following questions may help to determine what 18. On average, how much time lapses from when services/qualities are important to you regarding bill the company receives the claim to when the management. claim is processed and sent to the insurance company? Operations 19. Will the company follow-up on a problem at no 1. How long has the company been in business? charge? 2. What is the background/experience of the 20. Does the client receive the reimbursement check person(s) handling your finances? What types of directly or does the company first receive it from insurance are they familiar with handling? the insurance company? 3. Is the company willing to provide references? Be 21. Does the company provide regular reporting sure to check them. to clients on claims activity, e.g. monthly or 4. Does the company charge a flat rate, an hourly quarterly? Does it supply year-end summaries fee, or a percentage of what is being filed? Is for tax purposes? there an initial, one-time set-up charge or an annual fee? What are the charges to file past Guide to Financial Planning Assistance claims? Why Do I Need a Financial Planner? 5. Does the company guarantee confidentiality? The reasons people seek out a financial planner are 6. Does the company have a complaint process? many. A financial planner can help with questions that may include: Have I adequately planned for 7. Where will your financial records be kept? my elder years? Am I purchasing the right type 8. Are reports provided and are they easy to read? and amount of life, disability, long-term-care and 9. Are home visits a necessary/important service medical supplemental insurance? Are my life component? insurance beneficiary designations correct and advantageous? Are my investments right for me? 10. Does the company provide regular reporting Are my investment and tax planning programs to clients on claims activity, e.g. monthly or coordinated? Could I earn a higher rate of return quarterly? Does it supply year-end summaries without taking more risk? If I were to become for tax purposes? disabled or incompetent, who will keep my family 11. Are the company’s activity reports clear and informed about my financial affairs? What will my comprehensive to you? Ask for a sample. family’s financial obligations and resources be if I 12. Will the company keep on file all the paper die or become disabled? Are my estate planning documentation that it receives? documents in order and consistent with my wishes? 13. Ask the company detailed questions about their What Does a Financial Planner Do? fees and make sure you understand when, for Through a distinctive six-step process, the what and how much you will be billed. professional helps you to: 14. Will the company work with your current 1. Clarify your present situation through collecting financial system or use only the company’s and assessing all relevant financial data such as method? all assets, liabilities, insurance coverages, wills, Other Services You May Require etc. 15. Do you want access to a toll-free 800 number? 2. Identify both personal and financial goals and objectives. 16. Is it important that the company provide strong telephone support and assistance, i.e. take the 3. Identify financial problems which create time over the telephone to answer questions? obstacles to you reaching your goals and objectives. 17. Do you need the company to do more than just file claims, i.e. to analyze coverage and make 4. Provide a written plan and course of action. suggestions on improvements, if necessary, or to

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 47 Financial Matters 5. Implement or coordinate the implementation Government or Tax Assistance Programs of the strategy you decide is best to reach your goals. The professional may coordinate 1. Homeowner’s Property Tax Exemption the implementation of your plan with other Available if you own and occupy your home in professional advisors. California as a principal dwelling as of 12:01 am, January 1st. There are no age or income requirements. 6. Periodically review your plan to assure you that You will not be charged property tax on a portion of it is making progress toward the attainment of your home’s market value. To receive the full reduction your goals. you must file between January 1 and February 15. An How Do I Select a Professional Financial Planner? 80% reduction is available if you file between February You need to select someone you can work with 16 and December 10. There is no need to re-file for comfortably. It is your right and responsibility to this exemption (reduction) each year provided you fully investigate the person’s background, methods continue to own and occupy the same dwelling for six of practice, credentials, etc. continuous months. Information is available from the The following questions should help you obtain County Assessor’s office. information to help you make an informed decision: Veterans’ Exemption 1. What relevant education and/or credentials does To be eligible for a Veterans’ Exemption, a veteran the professional have in the financial planning must have been a resident of California as of field? January 1. Also, a single veteran or a non-remarried 2. How long has the professional been working in surviving spouse of a veteran must not have assets the field you need assistance in? valued at more than $5,000. A married veteran must not have assets valued at more than $10,000. 3. What did the professional do before becoming a financial planner? Disabled Veterans’ Exemption 4. Ask for references. To be eligible for a Disabled Veterans’ Exemption, a veteran must be rated 100% disabled, blind or a 5. What are the professional’s areas of expertise? paraplegic due to service-connected disability while 6. Verify that the professional has good working in the armed forces (or if a non-remarried surviving relationships with your accountant, attorney, and spouse of such a veteran or one who died of service- others who may be needed to implement your connected causes while on active duty). Disabled plan. veterans may be eligible for an exemption of up to 7. What type of clientele does the professional $150,000 off the assessed value of the home. serve? 2. Renter’s Credit 8. How will the professional keep you informed of You may receive Renter’s Tax Credit if you were a new financial information? California resident and rented your residence. Claim 9. How will the professional be compensated; on is filed with the State Franchise Tax Board. You a fee basis, charging an hourly rate, through may file even if you do not file an income tax form. commissions generated through the sale of Deadline is April 15 each year. Qualifications apply. financial products, or a combination? You must 3. Other Tax Assistance choose which method you are most comfortable with. • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Available at locations throughout San Luis Obispo 10. Talk with friends, business associates, and others County. Volunteers are trained by IRS and the who are involved in the financial services field. Franchise Tax Board to assist in the preparation of They can give insight into what to expect or your state and federal income tax and to answer perhaps a referral. questions regarding the various tax programs. An 11. Has the planner ever had any regulatory action appointment is usually necessary. taken against him/her? • 12. Has any client ever filed a claim or suit against This website provides free state and federal tax the planner you are considering? preparation & filing assistance for qualified 13. Has the planner ever had a claim filed against individuals. Sponsored by several organizations him/her involving employee relations? including the United Way of San Luis Obispo. Income qualifications. 48 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Financial Matters

• Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) with permanent kidney failure. Medicare may be Specially-trained volunteers are available in local purchased by people over age 65 who are not eligible communities during tax time to help taxpayers under these guidelines. Local Social Security offices 60+ complete their own federal tax forms. This take Medicare applications and provide information free program is sponsored by the Internal Revenue and assistance. You can also apply for Medicare Service. Services for individuals who are unable on-line at or by calling the to leave their homes are also available. To be national Social Security number (800–772-1213). connected to a database and web address that Medicare has Parts A, B, C & D which are described provides information on local tax aide sites, call in this section. Original Medicare includes Parts A 888-AARPNOW, 888-227-7669 or 800-510-2020. Or & B. You will be automatically enrolled in these if check the web site you are receiving Social Security benefits. If you are AARP Tax Aide Program is the largest provider not, you should apply for Parts A and/or B through of free income tax preparation in San Luis Obispo Social Security. Your initial enrollment period starts County, preparing both federal and state returns. three months prior to the month in which you reach There are five (5) sites available between February age 65 and continues until three months after your and April throughout the County by appointment birth month. only. Call 805-473-3238. Part C covers Medicare Advantage Plans and Part For any questions regarding California Personal D provides prescription drug coverage. After you Income Tax, Bank and Corporation Tax, are enrolled in Original Medicare, you can apply Homeowner’s and Renter’s Assistance or deductions for these optional plans through private insurance for Senior Citizens, Disabled or Blind, call the state companies. When you are new to Medicare you have Franchise Tax Board at 800-852-5711 or www.ftb. the same seven-month initial enrollment plan as Tax assistance if you have a visual, hearing or Part B. However, for both Part C and Part D plans, speech impairment: TDD number is 800-822-6268 enrollment is based on a calendar year and you can or California Relay Service at 800-735-2922. change plans each year during an Annual Election For questions regarding Federal Tax Forms, tax Period. This period is from October 15 to December information or problem resolution, call the Internal 7 during which you can enroll in a plan which Revenue Service or check the website begins in the new year (January 1st). or 800-829-1040. Be aware there may be medically-related procedures For questions regarding your property taxes, contact not covered by Medicare. It is best to ask your the County Assessor’s Office. physician if procedures that s/he recommends are • Special Income Tax Credit for the Elderly or covered. Disabled Local non-profit programs exist that can answer This tax credit is available only to US citizens who Medicare questions. The Health Insurance are at least 65 at the end of the taxable year OR Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) who are under 65 at the end of the taxable year has volunteer Medicare counselors available by and retired on permanent and total disability (you appointment throughout San Luis Obispo County. cannot have reached retirement age — as established These counselors can help you become more by your employer) and you must have received knowledgeable about Medicare and can assist you taxable disability benefits. Schedule “R’’ (Form 1040) in identifying and understanding your Medicare- “Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled’’ must be filed related options. HICAP counselors can also assist with your income tax return. with billing questions and Medicare or Medicare All eligibility requirements and a full explanation of Advantage Plan appeals. For information or the credit is described on Schedule “R.” To obtain appointments, contact HICAP at 800-434-0222 or Schedule “R,” call 800-829-3676. 805-928-5663. For additional information, Medicare has a free Paying for Health Care handbook entitled Medicare and You which is Medicare updated annually and can be picked up from your Medicare is the federal health insurance program nearest HICAP office. The Medicare Telephone which began in 1966. Medicare covers persons Hotline (800-MEDICARE/800-633-4227) is also age 65 and over who are entitled to Social Security a resource. To report suspected Medicare abuse or benefits, some disabled persons, and persons fraud call 800-447-8477. 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 49 Financial Matters Original Medicare some home health care, ambulance services, and some medical equipment and supplies. There is Medicare Part A - Hospital Inpatient an annual deductible for Part B of $183 in 2018. Part A is insurance intended to cover hospitalization After this has been met, Medicare pays 80% of the and certain other specified types of care. Everyone Medicare approved amount for a service and you are who has 40 quarters of Social Security coverage responsible for the remaining 20% if the provider qualifies for Medicare Part A; you can also qualify “accepts assignment.” Medicare physicians who do if your spouse is eligible. Generally, there is no not accept assignment may charge an additional premium for Part A, so it is a good idea to enroll as 15% which is also the patient’s responsibility. There soon as you are eligible. are many preventive services that are not subject If you are admitted to a hospital, there is an initial to the annual deductible or the co-insurance for deductible of $1,340 in 2018. Medicare pays in- doctors who accept assignment. patient hospital costs for up to 60 days after which Parts A & B Claims there is a daily co-insurance amount. Part A also covers the first 20 days in a Skilled Nursing Facility The standard Medicare coverage for beneficiaries following a hospitalization and from days 21 to who use Original Medicare (Parts A & B) is called 100 you are responsible for a daily co-insurance of fee-for-service. You may go to any Medicare provider $167.50 in 2018. Note that Medicare does not pay who accepts new patients. You are responsible for for custodial long-term care in a nursing home or Medicare deductibles and coinsurance payments. If other facility. And, it is Important to confirm that you have supplemental insurance, otherwise known one has been ‘admitted’ to hospital; ‘observational as Medigap Insurance, it may pay part or all of these status’ has financial consequences. deductible and co-payments. The government contracts with private insurers to Medicare Part B - Medical Outpatient handle Medicare claims. The hospital, doctor or other Part B covers physician and other outpatient provider must send claims for benefits under Parts A medical services. Part B is optional but a penalty & B to the Medicare Administrative Contractor. You could apply if you sign up at a later date. There is a will receive notice of payment to the provider. Be sure monthly premium for Part B. In 2018, the premium to furnish facilities and doctors with your Medicare is $134 for individuals with income $85,000 or less number and information about any other health ($170,000 for couples). Premiums are higher for insurance that you might have. You have the right people with higher incomes. to appeal a Medicare claim denial. Parts A & Part The premium is deducted from your Social Security B have different appeals processes. Your Medicare check if you are receiving benefits. Arrangements Summary Notice will explain your appeal rights. can be made to pay Part B premium payments Appealing Hospital Discharge directly to Medicare. If you have been automatically enrolled in Part B but wish to decline, you must The amount of time that you stay in the hospital notify Social Security by signing a form that is sent should be determined solely by your medical with your Medicare card. condition. If you are told that you will be discharged before you believe it is medically appropriate, Most people choose to enroll in Part B when they contact your doctor and your Quality Improvement turn 65. However, if you are working and have Organization (QIO) at 877-588-1123 immediately medical coverage through your place of employment, if you decide to appeal the discharge. Your hospital or your spouse’s employment, you may delay your social worker can give you more information about enrollment in Part B until the time you retire with no the appeals process. attached penalty provided the coverage is considered “creditable.” If you are not covered by an employer MediGap or Supplemental Medicare Insurance plan and delay enrolling in Part B, there is a 10% Policies penalty on the monthly premium for each 12 month These are standardized insurance plans sold by many period you delay. This penalty continues for as long insurance companies to cover some of your expenses as you remain on Medicare. after Medicare pays. There are ten standard plans Part B covers a portion of the Medicare approved to choose from, covering different portions of the costs for out-patient medical services such as expenses. Note that these policies only cover the “gaps” doctors’ services, outpatient hospital care, laboratory in Medicare A and B payments; if Medicare does not tests, outpatient physical and speech therapy, approve a service, the Medigap plan will not cover it. 50 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Financial Matters

Although Medigap plan benefits are standardized, facility outside the plan without a pre-approved the prices are not and they can vary widely from referral, you cannot use your HMO plan card or company to company. If you are exploring Medigap your Medicare card to pay for those services. plans, be sure to get price quotes from several Medicare Part D - Prescription Drug Coverage companies. A beneficiary has a right to buy a Medigap policy without medical underwriting 6 Prescription coverage is authorized under Medicare months from the effective date of their Medicare Part D. Part D plans are sold by contracted private Part B. There are also other special circumstances insurance companies who must follow Medicare where this right applies. standards. Enrollment is optional, but there is a penalty for late enrollment. Medicare Part C - Medicare Advantage A Medicare beneficiary may have prescription As an alternative to using Original Medicare fee- coverage through an active employer, retiree plan for-service, Medicare beneficiaries have the option or union plan. If these are equal to or better than to enroll in a Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan. the standard Medicare Part D requirements, they These are also referred to as Medicare Part C plans. are considered to be creditable coverage and a late Medicare pays private insurance companies to enrollment penalty will not apply at such time the provide health services to beneficiaries who have beneficiary chooses to enroll in a Part D plan. VA enrolled in these plans. Joining an MA plan is Benefits, Tricare-For-Life and most Federal retiree optional. plans are considered creditable coverage. To join an MA plan, you must be enrolled in both To enroll in a Part D plan, a beneficiary must have Medicare Part A and Part B and continue to pay either Medicare A or B. You can enroll in a stand- the Part B premium. There may be an additional alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) to accompany monthly premium paid to the plan. If you join an Original Medicare or a MA plan that does not have MA plan, you receive Medicare-covered benefits drug coverage. Another choice is to enroll in a MA through your plan. You are still on Medicare and plan that includes a Part D plan. still retain the full rights and protections entitled to all Medicare beneficiaries. Part D plans vary in monthly premium, deductible, co-payments and formulary (list of drugs included Medicare Advantage Plans are available in specific in the plan). You should choose a plan that covers geographic areas and zip codes. The types most all of your prescriptions at the lowest annual cost commonly available in our area are HMO plans while taking into account any restrictions. HICAP as described below. Many MA plans include provides a free service that assists in completing the prescription coverage. search and forwarding you results which outline Enrollment in an MA plan is based on a calendar the three least expensive plans for your specific year. Current plans may not be available the medications. following year and some new plans may be offered Part D plans can change every year. It is important for the next year. Beneficiaries have the option to review plans each year during the Annual of changing MA plans or returning to Original Election Period (October 15 - December 7) to Medicare each year during the Annual Election determine the best plan for you. You can enroll in Period (October 15 to December 7). a new plan during this time to be effective January Before signing an application for an MA plan, be 1 of the next year. For assistance in searching sure to understand all of the terms and conditions. for plans, complete a drug search on-line (www. In some cases, people thought they were signing up or contact HICAP at (800-434-0222, for one type of coverage when they were actually 805-928-5663). signing over all of their Medicare health coverage. Extra Help for Part D Costs Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) The law that established Medicare Part D also If you enroll in a Medicare Health Maintenance provides for financial assistance with the cost of Part Organization (HMO) in your area, all of your care is D Plan prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries provided through that HMO. You will be required to with low incomes who meet certain income and choose a primary care doctor who will manage your asset qualifications. The low-income subsidy care and who must approve referrals to specialists. helps pay for some of prescription drug plan costs Co-payments for hospitalization and out-patient including premiums, deductibles and co-payments. services will apply. If you see a doctor or use a Depending on your income and resources, you may 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 51 Financial Matters qualify for the full subsidy or a partial subsidy. To Two agencies, the Social Security Administration receive the subsidy, you must enroll in a Medicare and County Departments of Social Services, Part D plan or a Medicare Advantage prescription determine eligibility for Medi-Cal. This eligibility drug plan. If you qualify for a subsidy, you may is based on federal and state guidelines of income change plans once a month anytime during the year. and real and personal property limits. If you are If you qualify for Medi-Cal without a share of cost blind, disabled or age 65 or older and qualify for or any of the Medicare Savings Programs described Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medi-Cal below, you likely qualify for full subsidy. You can also coverage is automatic. To apply for SSI, contact the qualify with higher income and resources. In 2018 Social Security Administration office in your area. the upper income limits for partial subsidy are $1,518 (See the Financial Matters section for further detail (individuals) or $2,058 (couples); the resource limits on SSI.) are $14,100 for individuals and $28,150 for couples. There are additional ways to qualify for a Medi-Cal. To apply for this program, contact the Social Security To qualify for any Medi-Cal program, you can have Administration (800–772-1213) or call HICAP for up to $2,000 in assets as an individual, or $3,000 in assistance (800-434-0222, 805-928-5663). assets as a couple. Some assets including your home Preventing Medicare Fraud and one car are not counted when determining your eligibility. To determine your eligibility for Medi-Cal Medicare beneficiaries can help prevent Medicare under any of the following programs, contact your fraud that costs the taxpayers nearly $15 billion per county Department of Social Services. Be sure to year. If you believe that the billing for any services call ahead to learn what documents you will need paid by Medicare which you receive is fraudulent, to complete your application. (Note: Nursing home contact Senior Medicare Patrol (855-613-7080) or Medi-Cal is discussed in the section on Long Term HICAP at 800-434-0222 or 805-928-5663. Care.) Some tips to prevent fraud: Never give your Medicare number over the phone or Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level Program to people you don’t know. If you are over 65 or disabled and your assets meet Beware of suppliers and providers that use phone the limits but your income is higher than SSI limits calls and door-to-door selling as a way to sell you in California, you may qualify for Medi-Cal under goods or services. the Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level Program. In 2018, the monthly income limits to Be suspicious of companies that offer free medical qualify under this program are $1,235 (single) and equipment or offer to waive your co-payment $1,663 (couples). without first asking about your ability to pay. Beware of health care providers who say they Medi-Cal with Share of Cost represent Medicare or a branch of the Federal You may qualify for Medi-Cal with a “share of cost” Government, or providers who use pressure tactics (SOC) if you meet the asset limits but exceed these to get you to accept a service or product. income limits. The SOC is the amount you must pay each month before Medi-Cal will pay the remainder Beginning April 2018 new Medicare cards will be of your medical bills. The recent formula used to Issued that no longer use the person’s social security determine your SOC is to take your total income number as the Medicare number. It Is important and subtract $20 (this is called a disregard). This to protect both your Social Security and Medicare figure is your net income. Now subtract the Medi- numbers. Cal “Maintenance Need” ($600 for an individual, Medi-Cal $934 for a couple) from your net income. The Medi-Cal is the medical assistance program for remaining amount is your share-of-cost. Most persons with limited assets in the State of California. medical expenses as well as your Medicare Part B It is a joint federal and state program called premium can be used to reduce your share-of-cost. Medicaid in other states. People who have both Problems in Medi-Cal Application/Appeals Medicare and full Medi-Cal are referred to as “dual Process eligible.” If you qualify for both, you do not need If you have been told you do not meet the additional health insurance to pay medical costs. qualifications for any of these Medi-Cal benefits You will, however, need to enroll in a Medicare Part and you disagree, you should first discuss this D plan for prescription coverage. with a Social Worker at the Department of Social


Services. If you are still not satisfied, you have the of these activities when someone has physical or right to appeal your eligibility or any other decision cognitive impairment. This type of care is often about your Medi-Cal benefits. Information about provided by family members or nurse aides and is the appeals process should be included with any not the type of skilled care that nurses and doctors notice of denial; if not, contact the Department of are licensed to provide or that Medicare and other Social Services. For additional information, contact health insurance will usually pay for. In the past, this the State Department of Social Services at 800-952- kind of care was often referred to as “custodial care,” 5253. but now it is more often known as “personal care.” Medicare Savings Programs People often need long-term care services after an Medicare also has several programs called Medicare illness or injury such as a stroke or a broken hip, Savings Programs (MSP) that assist people with low because of a cognitive disorder such as dementia incomes and assets. Some beneficiaries qualify for or Alzheimer’s disease or as result of aging and the both Medi-Cal and a Medicare Savings Program, inability to take care of one’s self. Many people live whereas other beneficiaries qualify for one but not at home with help from family or paid caregivers. the other. Others go to a nursing home or other residential facility to receive this care. The asset limit for the following three programs is the same in 2018: $7,560 for individuals and Long-term care can be expensive. There are many $11,340 for couples. The 2018 income limits for each different ways to finance long-term care services program is described below. You can request your and there is no single answer for everyone. Each application for “Extra Help with Part D” described person’s needs and financial situations are different. above be shared with the state to apply for an MSP. Good financial advice and planning is important To directly apply for any of these programs, contact in considering long-term care. Consult your the county Department of Social Services. accountant, financial planner or an Elder Law attorney regarding your options. The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Some people will never need this kind of care. An individual with full Medi-Cal in addition to However, those who do are likely to use a Medicare is already receiving the QMB benefit. combination of payment sources including their Eligible individuals do not have to pay the monthly own resources to pay for this care. This section Medicare premium, deductibles for Part A discusses two of these sources: long-term care (Hospital) and Part B (Medical) or the coinsurance insurance and the public program under Medi-Cal. charges under Parts A & B. The monthly income limits are $1,012 for individuals and $1,372 for couples. The Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) This program pays the Part B premium for qualified Medicare beneficiaries with monthly income at or below $1,214 (individuals) or $1,646 (couples). The Qualified Individual (QI) This program allows for a higher income limit than the SLMB or QMB programs and it also helps people pay for the Part B premium. The monthly income limits are $1,386 (individuals) or $1,852 (couples). Planning for Long-term Care Long-term care is assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing and eating or supervision 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 53 Financial Matters

Long-Term Care Insurance Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program Insurance policies specifically designed to cover long- (HICAP) to meet with a HICAP Counselor to discuss term care are referred to as Long-Term Care (LTC) your individual questions. This is a free service and insurance. Individuals can purchase LTC insurance counseling is done by trained, registered HICAP from a number of companies through insurance volunteer Counselors in local communities. To make agents or a variety of groups or employers. Some an appointment, call 800-434-0222 or 805-928-5663. private employers sponsor this type of insurance and Medi-Cal and Long-term Care public employers like the Federal Employees Long Term Care Program (FLTCP) sponsor their own In California, Medi-Cal can help pay for long-term long-term care programs. Some associations like the care for people who fall within income and asset American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) limits. Medi-Cal, known as Medicaid in other states, is and fraternal and faith-based organizations also a joint federal-state program that provides health care sponsor LTC insurance programs. All long-term care services to those who cannot afford to pay for these policies marketed in California must meet certain services themselves. Medi-Cal is the most frequent consumer standards established by state law. payer of nursing home care in California. For people who qualify, Medi-Cal helps to pay for nursing home Policies in California are labeled according to where ben- care or can provide some home care under the In efits will be paid. General types are: Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program. Home Care Only To qualify for Medi-Cal, a single individual must Benefits are paid only for home health, adult day have $2,000 or less in countable resources or assets. health care, hospice, respite care, personal care and However, special rules apply for couples that are homemaker services designed to prevent the impoverishment of one Nursing Home and Residential Care Facility spouse when the other goes into a nursing home. As of 2018, the spouse remaining at home (also referred Benefits are paid only for a nursing home and in a to as the “community spouse”) can keep the couple’s place that is licensed as a Residential Care Facility income up to $2,981 per month. The community for the Elderly (RCFE) spouse may also obtain additional income through a Comprehensive “fair hearing,” or by court order. Benefits include both home care and nursing home/ The spouse in the nursing home is allowed to residential facility care keep $35 each month for personal needs. Any Partnership remaining amount of income not allocated to the community spouse is used to pay for a portion of These policies will allow you to keep more of the the nursing home cost and Medi-Cal pays the rest. assets you would otherwise have to spend to qualify The community spouse at home can also keep up to for Medi-Cal $123,600 in resources in 2018 and the spouse in the When you buy a LTC policy, you choose the type nursing home can keep up to $2,000. For specific of policy you want to buy, the amount of the daily Medi-Cal eligibility guidelines, contact your county benefit that will be paid, the number of years you Department of Social Services. want the policy to pay benefits, the number of days Note that when you apply for Medi-Cal your home before the company begins paying benefits after you will not be included as a countable asset. However, qualify and whether you want inflation protection. federal and state laws limit a person’s unencumbered These five factors combined with your age when you home equity to $750,000. While your home is not buy the policy determine the premium you will pay. counted as an asset in qualifying for Medi-Cal, the In general, premiums can range from a few hundred state could include your home’s value in any “estate dollars a year if you buy at age 45 years to several recovery” action after you pass away. A home is not thousand dollars a year if you buy at age 75. Many subject to estate recovery if a spouse or a disabled companies will not sell LTC insurance to people who child lives in it. are over 85 years old or who are deemed “uninsurable” due to a medical diagnosis. Some companies will Also note Medicaid is a federal and state program. insure you if you have a particular health condition, Each state sets its own rules based on federal but they may charge you a higher premium. minimums for income, assets and estate recovery. If you move outside of California, these rules may be Assessing your needs and ability to pay for long-term different in your new home state. care insurance is a complex process. Contact the


SurePath Financial Solutions Social Security Administration Directory 80 N. West Rd # 200 San Luis Obispo District Office The leading national industry Camarillo, CA 93010 3240 S. Higuera St., #A 877-615-7873 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 organizations that can offer 805-383-7700 855-207-4865 referrals for financial planning Fax 805-383-7722 800-772-1213 services are: Fax 544-7286 Financial Planning Association 7535 E. Hampden Ave. # 600 Free Counseling by appointment Denver, CO 80231 Santa Maria and Grover Beach Office Hours: 9 am-4 pm 800-322-4237 offices. Phone Hours: 10 am - Noon, 1-3 For appointment: 800-540-2227 pm Monday through Friday [email protected] Debtors Anonymous Support Taxes/Homeowner’s Group Certified Financial Planner General Services Office Federal Board of Standards, Inc. POB 920888 1425 K Street, NW, Suite 800 Needham, MA 02492 Internal Revenue Service 2384 Professional Parkway Washington, DC 20005 800-421-2383 - Information Ho- Santa Maria, CA 93455 800-487-1497 (Toll-Free) tline 202-379-2200 805-352-0355 800-829-3676 (tax forms) Peer group that follows the 12- 800-829-1040 (information and County Assessor’s Office step method for mutual help problem resolution) 1055 Monterey D 360 in recovering from compulsive 800-829-4059 (TTD) San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 indebtedness. 805-781-5643 Geriatric Care Managers & Pro- 6565 Capistrano 2nd Floor fessional Fiduciaries State Atascadero, CA 93422 Franchise Tax Board 805-461-6143 Aging Life Care Association Formerly National Association 3005 Spring St., Ste. 574 County Department of Social of Professional Geriatric Care Los Angeles, CA 90013 Services Managers 800-852-5711 For Supplemental Security Income, 3275 West Ina Rd. #130 800-822-6268 (TTD) CalFresh, Medi-Cal Tucson, AZ 85741 Offices are located at: 520-881-8008 State Controller 3433 S. Higuera St. Fax 520-325-7925 PO Box 942850 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Sacramento, CA 94250-5872 805-781-1600 800-952-5661 Fax 805-781-1846 Professional Fiduciary Bureau State of California Dept. of 9415 El Camino Real Consumer Affairs Atascadero, CA 93422 Veterans Service Office PO Box 989005 801 Grand Ave. 805-461-6000 West Sacramento, CA 95798- Fax 805-461-6036 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 9005 805-781-5766 1086 East Grand Ave. 916-574-7340 Fax 805-781-5769 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 [email protected] 805-474-2000 Fax 805-474-2134 HICAP 681 W. Tefft St. Suite 1 Health Insurance Counseling and Nipomo, CA 93444 Advocacy Program 805-931-1800 528 South Broadway 406 Spring St. Santa Maria, CA 93454 Paso Robles, CA 93446 805-928-5663 805-237-3110 800-434-0222 Fax 805-237-3115 Fax 805-925-9555 [email protected]

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 55 Food and Nutrition CalFresh ood nutrition enhances a person’s health and wellG being. A good diet can also prevent some CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps) chronic diseases and minimize the impact of others. A supplemental program that helps low-income These include: diabetes, high blood pressure, individuals and families buy the food they need in osteoporosis, heart disease, some kinds of cancer order to stay healthy. Benefits are provided on an and digestive problems. If getting groceries or electronic card that works like a bank debit card preparing a variety of healthy foods is a problem, the and is accepted at grocery stores and markets as well resources in this guide may be of help. as some Farmer’s Markets. The CalFresh Program can add to your food budget to put healthy and This section includes information on grocery nutritious food on the table. shopping assistance, lists of places to eat with others, information about home delivered meals, Who is eligible for CalFresh? In general, CalFresh supplemental food and food pantries, and sources is available to individuals and families with a gross of nutrition information. Senior Information and income of 130% or less of the federal poverty line, Assistance programs maintain a list of stores in but several factors can affect eligibility (such as your area that deliver, and of errand services that do net income, age, and other aid types received). your shopping for you. Homemaker Programs can The income level for age 60 and over or disabled sometimes assist with shopping. household is 200% of the federal poverty level. Again, there are numerous factors that are involved Hot lunches are available in San Luis Obispo County with eligibility and the level of benefits. to persons age 60 and older and their spouses. Sites provide a hot nutritious meal at lunch time. You can use a pre-screening tool (www. Reservations are required. Meals are available at no to see if you are likely to be cost; a donation is suggested. Transportation may be eligible. You must be a citizen or legal resident to available, call the nearest site. receive CalFresh. Home delivered meals are also available for frail, Medical deductions may Increase your monthly homebound persons age 60 and over. Services vary CalFresh benefit. Maximize the medical deduction so be sure to ask the provider agency if they provide by providing verification of out-of-pocket medical meals on weekends, holidays and what is their delivery expenses. Keep receipts, bills, and keep track of schedule. Some programs provide a second cold meal mileage to medical care and doctors’ appointments. when the hot meal is delivered. Some programs have a How can I apply? You can visit one of the set charge and others accept a donation. Some programs County Department of Social Service offices. The send weekend meals with the Friday delivery. department has a telecommunication device that Several local programs provide supplemental foods. is designed for use by deaf, hearing and/or speech Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County impaired individuals. Clients who are speech provides food for those in need by obtaining surplus impaired and have a similar devise in their home food for distribution through its member agencies. may communicate via this terminal by calling 805- No food is provided for individuals at Food Bank 543-3370. Check the offices in Atascadero, Paso offices. Call Food Bank for a referral to sites nearest Robles, Arroyo Grande, Nipomo, San Luis Obispo you. Many of the programs that provide groceries or Morro Bay. appreciate the donation of used grocery bags. Take Recent changes are designed to make It easier for your spare bags to the food distribution site nearest seniors with no earned income to apply for CalFresh you. benefits. They are: The Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo • Fewer verifications required. County operates a Brown Bag program. This • Interviews are conducted over the phone, unless program distributes food to low-income persons and In-person interview is requested. over the age of 60 with a limited income at sites • No annual recertification’s. Certification periods throughout the County. The Bags include nutritious have been extended to every 3 years. food items. A donation is accepted. • After 3 years a recertification application is due, but a recertification interview is not required. • A status report will be due at 12 and 24 months.

56 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Food and Nutrition Myths & Facts About CalFresh for Older Adults (ages 60 and over) Myth: CalFresh is welfare. Fact: CalFresh is a nutrition assistance program. It helps low-income people buy nutritious foods. It is not welfare. In fact, using CalFresh helps your community. Every $1 of CalFresh money spent returns $1.79 to your local economy and can lead IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to an increase in the number of jobs. TO QUIT SMOKING Myth: Older adults only receive $16 a month in CalFresh. Health benefits: Fact: Fifteen dollars is the smallest amount you can • In just 20 minutes, blood pressure and heart receive. The average amount of CalFresh for rate return to normal. older adults is much higher. And even $16/ • Within 24 hours, your heart attack risk begins month equals almost $200/year, which can really falling. help stretch your household budget. • In the first weeks after quitting, tiny cilia start Myth: Older adults cannot own or be buying a home. If back to work sweeping irritants out of the they own or are buying a home, the government lungs and your sense of taste and smell return. will take it. • Within a year, your risk of developing heart Fact: You can own or buy a home and have cars and disease drops to half that of people who still still get CalFresh. The CalFresh Program does smoke. not require a person to sign away their home. • And after 10 smoke-free years, you’re no more Myth: Older adults must go to the CalFresh office for an likely to die of lung cancer than someone who interview. never smoked. Fact: If you are not able to go to the CalFresh office, Did you know… you may request a telephone interview. You may • Smokers are more than twice as likely as also ask relative, pastor, neighbor, etc., to attend nonsmokers to develop Alzheimer's Disease. the interview as an authorized representative. If everyone in your CalFresh case is older than 60 • Cigarette smokers are 1.7 times more likely to years of age or is a person with a disability, then have hearing loss than nonsmokers. the county is required to waive the face-to-face • Smoking is the number one cause of fires that interview. The interview can be conducted by kill older persons. phone or, in some cases, the county can do a • One in three smokers will die 12-15 years home visit. prematurely as a result of tobacco use. Myth: You have to go to the CalFresh office every few • Smokers are more than two times more likely months to keep getting the benefits. to have a stroke than non-smokers. Fact: Households in which all adult members are • Giving up smoking reduces the risk of seniors may only have to recertify every 24 cataract. months, and counties must provide the option to waive the face-to-face interview if all household The San Luis Obispo County Tobacco Control members are 60 or older, or have a disability. You Program offers FREE quit smoking classes may want to ask for a telephone interview. Or a throughout the county. Call today to find out friend or family member can go for you. how you can join the 48 million Americans who have already quit! 781-5564. Myth: Older adults are only allowed $3,250 in resources. If you've tried to quit before and weren't successful, don't give up. Fact: In most cases, there is no resource limit for Keep trying. CalFresh. You may be eligible even if you have money in savings and retirement accounts It's never too late to quit.


Within city of San Luis Obispo Lunch & Evening meals 7 days a Directory only. week. Discount for seniors. Grocery Shopping Assistance Meals That Connect Meals in a Community 2180 Johnson Ave. Cambria’s Anonymous San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Setting Neighbors (CAN) 805‑541-3312 Peoples Kitchen 805‑927-5673 Fax 805‑541-5631 43 Prado Rd, Provides local shopping service [email protected] San Luis Obispo, CA 9340-1 for residents of Cambria and San 805‑544-8047 Simeon. 805‑786-0617 Provides free, hot, nutritious Home-Delivered Meals meals to seniors age 60 and older Free Noon meal in San Luis who meet eligibility requirements. Obispo; Noon Monday - Sunday. Cambria’s Anonymous Call the nearest site: South County Peoples Kitchen Neighbors (CAN) Shouts of Grace Church P.O. Box 1797 Atascadero 805‑466-2317 7th & Grand Ave. Cambria, CA 93428 Grover Beach, CA 93433 805‑927-5673 Cambria 805‑489-0982 805‑927-1268 Home-delivered meals to clients Free meal 12-1 pm Mon-Sat, 1-2 Los Osos in Cambria or San Simeon who pm on Sun. are in need or have recently been 805‑528-6923 released from a hospital or nursing Morro Bay Meals that Connect 2180 Johnson Ave. home on a short-term basis. 805‑772-4422 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Five Cities Meals on Wheels Nipomo 805‑541-3312 Mailing Address 805‑929-1066 Hot lunches are provided to PO Box 156 Oceano Pismo Beach, CA 93448-0156 seniors 60 and over at sites. A 805‑489-5149 suggested donation of $2.75 Site Address Paso Robles is requested but all seniors are 780 Bello St. 805‑238-4831 welcome regardless of ability to Pismo Beach, CA 93449 San Luis Obispo donate. Donations are voluntary, 805‑773-2053 anonymous and confidential. 805‑543-0469 Atascadero Delivers meals M-F in the Five Santa Margarita 805‑438-5854 Atascadero Senior Center Cities area. 5905-C East Mall HomeMade Healthy Meals Hospital Meal Programs Atascadero, CA 93422 805‑801-8176 805‑466-2317 French Hospital Medical Center Info@homemadehealthymeals. 1911 Johnson Ave Cambria com San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church www.HomemadeHealthymeals. 805‑543-5353 2700 Eton Rd. com Cambria, CA 93428 Evening meals 4-6 pm. 805‑927-1268 Creates and delivers meals based M-Thursday. Price varies with on a weekly menu. Delivery Is selection. Los Osos on Monday. Some special diets South Bay Community Center available. Fee based. Sierra Vista Hospital 2180 Palisades Ave. 1010 Murray Ave. San Luis Obispo Meals on Los Osos, CA 93402 San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 805‑528-6923 Wheels 805‑546-7600 1637 La Vineda Ct. Morro Bay San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Evening meals 5-6:30 pm Price Senior Citizen’s Center 805‑541-1336 varies with selection. Discount for 1001 Kennedy Blvd. seniors. Morro Bay, CA 93442 Delivers meals M-F to any 805‑772-4422 homebound person. Hot meals Twin Cities Hospital 1100 Las Tablas Rd. delivered daily including holidays Nipomo Templeton, CA 93465 except Thanksgiving and Senior Citizens Club 805‑434-4546 Kitchen Christmas. No age requirement. 200 E. Dana St. Nipomo, CA 93444

58 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE EMERGENCY SURVIVAL GUIDE for the Support OLDER PERSON Thanks for Your Support! The Area Agency on Aging is pleased to present this 2018 - 2020 edition of the Senior Information Guide to AAA provides a wide variety the San Luis Obispo County community. of supportive, nutrition and health promotion services Since 1975, the Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens has served San Luis Obispo County as the Area through funding from Agency on Aging. Hundreds of individuals have worked the Older Americans and together as members of the AAA Advisory Council, Older Californians Act. Board of Directors and many committees to improve • Home delivered meals our community’s response to the needs of older • Senior lunches persons and adults with functional impairments. • In-home support services Each year we ask for new volunteers to work on these Homemaker services important efforts. Volunteers can serve the community Visiting services through work with the Area Agency on Aging Board of • Respite for caregivers Directors, Advisory Council, Legislation / Advocacy task • Health Promotion force and many other committees. ARE YOU PREPARED FOR TOMORROW’S EMERGENCY? • Long Term Care Ombudsman Our vision is a community where its residents are • Information and Assistance mergencies are a fact of life in they cannot reach everyone immediately. assured a quality of life through services that are • Transportation services available, accessible and affordable. California. For example, the state is You need to be prepared, because it • Legal Assistance Ecrisscrossed with numerous major could be hours or days before emergency Please consider joining us • Senior day care services active faults that cause earthquakes. As assistance arrives. An emergency itself may in achieving this mission. • Home repair citizens of the state, we must assume not cause injury or death. Most casualties • Elder Abuse prevention services the responsibility for our own survival result from partial building collapse or • Mental Health Services and self-reliance during and after a major falling objects, like chimneys, bricks, • Family Caregiver Support Services emergency. There are many things that can ceilings and light fixtures. Also, leaking gas be done to prepare for a safer response and improper use of electricity can cause 528 South Broadway and a more rapid, less traumatic recovery. fires. Many of these conditions are easily For more information: Santa Maria, CA 93454 During an emergency local officials and preventable, and you should take steps call 800-510-2020 (805) 925-9554 relief workers will be on the scene, but now to help protect you and your family. (805) 541-0384 E-mail: [email protected] LEARN THESE IMPORTANT STEPS NOW – BE PREPARED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 800-510-2020 buildings, must also comply with CONTACT PERSON BEFORE THE EMERGENCY the law. Choose an out-of-state friend or relative evelop a family or immediate dehydrated food, powdered milk, nutri- BLANKETS or that separated family members can call af- neighborhood disaster plan and tion bars and canned juices can be ro- SLEEPING BAGS ter the emergency to report their where- Dsupply kit, addressing the items tated with your daily diet and replenished Have ready and available. abouts and condition. listed. Have an agreement with neighbors on a regular basis. Include eating utensils. SECURE WATER HEATER or friends to check up on each other in LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CAN OPENER If your life-support equipment requires elec- So that it will not rupture the utility line. case of an emergency. Prepare yourself, A hand-operated one. your family, and your home by completing tricity, purchasing an emergency generator CASH these following activities. FIRST AID KIT or alternative method is recommended. Some cash to purchase emergency With items such as: gauze, supplies until banks can reopen. WATER PHONE NUMBERS bandages, scissors, tape, Make a list of relatives or friends to call. CAREGIVER One gallon per person per day. disinfectants, antiseptics, Empty and refill with fresh water STURDY SHOES If you have a personal care attendant, work with first aid manual and non- that person to decide how you will communi- every six months. Use 2 liter plas- prescription medications. And a set of warm clothing. tic bottles. To purify water, add 1/8 Store shoes at bedside. cate with each other, such as by cell phone, if PRESCRIPTIONS you are separated during an emergency. teaspoon (or 8 drops) of regular PETS unscented liquid household bleach Medication for at least 7 MEDICARE & MEDICAL days and a list of medications Store a two week supply of for each gallon of water, stir it well water, food and plastic dis- INSURANCE CARDS and let it stand for 30 minutes before you that you take, time of day you need to be available. take them and name of phar- posal Bags. Replace food and use it. Store disinfected water in clean water once a year. Complete the Vial of Life. containers with covers. macy where you buy your pre- scriptions. TRASH BAGS SPECIAL NEEDS EQUIP- FLASHLIGHT Plastic bags and ties. MENT plus extra batteries. Do not EXTRA EYE GLASSES Information, such as style, serial number, use matches or candles after a In case one pair is broken. GAS AND WATER TURN-OFF VALVE operating information and instructions disaster until you are certain HEARING AIDS Locate and tape a wrench near valve. needs to be available. Hearing aid and extra Only turn off utilities if advised by no gas leaks exist. DUST MASK batteries. emergency officials or you detect RADIO a leak. To help filter contaminated air and plastic Battery powered or hand FIRE EXTINGUISHER sheeting and duct tape. multipurpose, STORE SUPPLIES cranked radio and extra IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS batteries so you can stay in labeled A-B-C. In sturdy container, under table, bed, or in a closet. such as copies of insurance policies, iden- touch with the Emergency SMOKE DETECTOR tification and bank account records in a Alert System (EAS). Also Have a smoke detector WHISTLE water proof, portable container. Consider consider a radio than can broadcast Na- and fire alarm system in- Available for calling for help. renting a safe deposit box. tional Weather Service information stalled. If you have some HYGIENIC SUPPLIES difficulty hearing, install DURING AN EARTHQUAKE Soap, toilet paper, moist the system that has flash- towelettes, personal hy- ing strobe lights to get your f indoors, stay there. In an earthquake get Stay inside until shaking is over. giene items. attention. Check batteries.Carbon Mon- under a desk, table or doorway or stand in If in a crowded public place, do not rush for oxide Poisoning Prevention Act requires Ia corner. Cover your head with your arms the doors. Move away from display shelves FOOD if you are not under a protective object. containing objects that could fall. Non-perishable food for at least 3-7 days. all single-family homes with an attached If outdoors, get into an open area away from Select foods that do not garage or a fossil fuel source to install If in a high-rise building, stay away from win- trees, buildings, walls, and power lines. require refrigeration, carbon monoxide alarms within the dows and outside walls. Get under a table. cooking or preparation. home. Owners of multi-family leased If driving, pull over to the side of the road Do not use elevators. Items such as canned or or rental dwellings, such as apartment and stop. Avoid overpasses and power lines. buildings, must also comply with CONTACT PERSON BEFORE THE EMERGENCY the law. Choose an out-of-state friend or relative evelop a family or immediate dehydrated food, powdered milk, nutri- BLANKETS or that separated family members can call af- neighborhood disaster plan and tion bars and canned juices can be ro- SLEEPING BAGS ter the emergency to report their where- Dsupply kit, addressing the items tated with your daily diet and replenished Have ready and available. abouts and condition. listed. Have an agreement with neighbors on a regular basis. Include eating utensils. SECURE WATER HEATER or friends to check up on each other in LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CAN OPENER If your life-support equipment requires elec- So that it will not rupture the utility line. case of an emergency. Prepare yourself, A hand-operated one. your family, and your home by completing tricity, purchasing an emergency generator CASH these following activities. FIRST AID KIT or alternative method is recommended. Some cash to purchase emergency With items such as: gauze, supplies until banks can reopen. WATER PHONE NUMBERS bandages, scissors, tape, Make a list of relatives or friends to call. CAREGIVER One gallon per person per day. disinfectants, antiseptics, Empty and refill with fresh water STURDY SHOES If you have a personal care attendant, work with first aid manual and non- that person to decide how you will communi- every six months. Use 2 liter plas- prescription medications. And a set of warm clothing. tic bottles. To purify water, add 1/8 Store shoes at bedside. cate with each other, such as by cell phone, if PRESCRIPTIONS you are separated during an emergency. teaspoon (or 8 drops) of regular PETS unscented liquid household bleach Medication for at least 7 MEDICARE & MEDICAL days and a list of medications Store a two week supply of for each gallon of water, stir it well water, food and plastic dis- INSURANCE CARDS and let it stand for 30 minutes before you that you take, time of day you need to be available. take them and name of phar- posal Bags. Replace food and use it. Store disinfected water in clean water once a year. Complete the Vial of Life. containers with covers. macy where you buy your pre- scriptions. TRASH BAGS SPECIAL NEEDS EQUIP- FLASHLIGHT Plastic bags and ties. MENT plus extra batteries. Do not EXTRA EYE GLASSES Information, such as style, serial number, use matches or candles after a In case one pair is broken. GAS AND WATER TURN-OFF VALVE operating information and instructions disaster until you are certain HEARING AIDS Locate and tape a wrench near valve. needs to be available. Hearing aid and extra Only turn off utilities if advised by no gas leaks exist. DUST MASK batteries. emergency officials or you detect RADIO a leak. To help filter contaminated air and plastic Battery powered or hand FIRE EXTINGUISHER sheeting and duct tape. multipurpose, STORE SUPPLIES cranked radio and extra IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS batteries so you can stay in labeled A-B-C. In sturdy container, under table, bed, or in a closet. such as copies of insurance policies, iden- touch with the Emergency SMOKE DETECTOR tification and bank account records in a Alert System (EAS). Also Have a smoke detector WHISTLE water proof, portable container. Consider consider a radio than can broadcast Na- and fire alarm system in- Available for calling for help. renting a safe deposit box. tional Weather Service information stalled. If you have some HYGIENIC SUPPLIES difficulty hearing, install DURING AN EARTHQUAKE Soap, toilet paper, moist the system that has flash- towelettes, personal hy- ing strobe lights to get your f indoors, stay there. In an earthquake get Stay inside until shaking is over. giene items. attention. Check batteries.Carbon Mon- under a desk, table or doorway or stand in If in a crowded public place, do not rush for oxide Poisoning Prevention Act requires Ia corner. Cover your head with your arms the doors. Move away from display shelves FOOD if you are not under a protective object. containing objects that could fall. Non-perishable food for at least 3-7 days. all single-family homes with an attached If outdoors, get into an open area away from Select foods that do not garage or a fossil fuel source to install If in a high-rise building, stay away from win- trees, buildings, walls, and power lines. require refrigeration, carbon monoxide alarms within the dows and outside walls. Get under a table. cooking or preparation. home. Owners of multi-family leased If driving, pull over to the side of the road Do not use elevators. Items such as canned or or rental dwellings, such as apartment and stop. Avoid overpasses and power lines. Senior Information and Assistance Program AFTER THE EMERGENCY Check for injuries. Turn on your portable Need referrals or have local resource Apply first aid. Do not radio for instructions move seriously injured and news reports. individuals unless Cooperate fully with they are in immediate public safety officials. Questions? danger. Various radio and Do not use the some TV stations may broadcast information telephone immediately unless there is a during an emergency; during disasters tune serious injury or fire. to a local radio station by scrolling through We Have the AM and FM dials or local TV stations to Hunt for hazards. find one that is broadcasting. Check for gas and water leaks, broken Do not use your vehicle when there is electrical wiring or sewage lines. If there an emergency. Keep the streets clear for is damage, turn utility off at the source. Answers! emergency vehicles. Check building for cracks and damage, Stay calm and lend a hand to others. including roof, chimneys, and foundation. If you evacuate, post Call, let a friendly voice help you Check food and water supplies. a message inside your fi nd the information you need. Emergency water may be obtained from home telling family water heaters, melted ice cubes, toilet members where you We’ll help you identify and connect with: tanks, and canned vegetables. can be found. · Long Term and Home Care Providers RESOURCES · Affordable Housing Information · Meals for Homebound Seniors American Red Cross County of San Luis Obispo 225 Prado Road Suite A Office of Emergency Website that provides infor- · Local Senior Transportation and San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Services mation with specifics for 805-543-0696 x18 1055 Monterey Street Room older Americans to: · Home Repair Assistance 1. Get a kit D430 · Legal Services Available San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 2. Make a plan Free Section on Disaster Prepared- 805-781-5011 3. Be informed and so much more. Call us! ness for Seniors by Seniors. Area Agency on Aging Includes a website www. 528 S. Broadway Confidential Vial of Life and a 22-week Be prepared for any health Santa Maria supply purchase plan. emergency with the free Vial 800-510-2020 of Life program, which pro- vides first responders with needed information. Pick up a Vial of Life at at your local senior center or at the Area Agency on Aging.

San Luis Obispo and Serving San Luis Obispo & Santa Barbara County Seniors 805-928-2552 Santa Barbara Counties through the Area Agency on Aging 805-541-0384 · 800-510-2020 Food and Nutrition

805‑929-1066 7:30 am to 8:30 am at the Joslyn Oceano Consumer Product Safety Recreation Center. Home delivery Central Coast Senior Center 800-638-2772 is available to “shut ins.” 1580 Railroad Ave. UC Cooperative Extension Five Cities Christian Women’s Oceano, CA 93445 Farm Home Advisor Food Bank 805‑489-5149 2156 Sierra Way, Suite C 192 B S. 9th St. Paso Robles San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PO Box 756 Paso Robles Senior Activity Cen- 805‑781-5940 Grover Beach, CA 93483-0756 ter Fax 805‑781-4316 805‑473-3368 (Site) 270 Scott St. Provides a free bag of groceries Paso Robles, CA 93446 for home cooking. 2-4 pm M-F, 805‑238-4831 Food Safety and Inspection except Memorial Day, July San Luis Obispo Service 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Meat and Poultry Hotline (USDA) Anderson Hotel Christmas & New Year’s. 888-674-6854 955 Monterey St. Food Bank Coalition of SLO San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 County 805‑543-0469 Food and Drug Administration 1180 Kendall Rd. San Luis Obispo Office Consumer Affairs San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 11245 LOVR 5600 Fishers Lane 805‑238-4664 San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Rockville, MD 20857 805‑541-1168 888-463-6332 Offers several programs to Santa Margarita Food and Nutrition distribute food to low-income Santa Margarita Senior Citizens Information Center residents in SLO County: Center 301-504-5414 2210 “H” St. Grass Roots II Mailing address Santa Margarita, CA 93453 PO Box 426 805‑438-5854 French Hospital Medical Center 1191 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-0426 Nutrition Information San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Site address 805‑543-5353 American Cancer Society 11545 Los Osos Valley Road 1540 W. Branch St. Diabetes Education for seniors. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Call for current program schedule. 805‑544-2333 805‑473-2719 Emergency food pantry, Community Fax 805‑473-5937 Hospital Dietitians clothes closet, Household items & Call your local hospital and ask furniture. Call for hours. to speak with a clinical dietitian. American Diabetes Assoc. Loaves and Fishes of Atascadero Ask about nutrition education 5411 El Camino Real 800-DIABETES services they offer. (800-342-2383) Atascadero, CA 93422 USDA/Center for Nutrition 805‑461-1504 Policy & Promotion Provides free groceries. 1-3 pm Academy of Nutrition & 3101 Park Center Dr., 10th Floor M-F. Dietetics Alexandria, VA 22302-1594 Consumer Nutrition Hotline 703-305-7600 Loaves and Fishes of Paso 800-877-1600 Fax 703-305-3300 Robles 2650 Spring St. Community Resources Paso Robles, CA 93446 805‑238-4742 Diabetes & Nutrition Education Cambria’s Anonymous Center Neighbors (CAN) Provides groceries. 2-4 pm M-Th; Education Program 805‑927-5673 Th 5:30-7 pm Closed major 295 Posada Lane, #C holidays. Templeton, CA 93465 Distribution of USDA and Food 805‑434-1166 Bank of SLO County surplus food The Salvation Army - Morro Bay to eligible families and individuals 540 Quintana Rd. American Heart Association in Cambria and San Simeon. Morro Bay, CA 93442-1938 212 W. Figueroa St. Distribution is scheduled on the 805‑772-7062 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 1st Thursday of each month from 805‑963-8862 Distributes groceries 1-4 pm M-F. 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 59 Food and Nutrition

The Salvation Army CalFresh Web Resources Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Application/Information Nipomo, Pismo Beach, Oceano 1550 W Branch St. Department of Social Services Administration on Aging website Atascadero Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 which provides information and 805‑461-6000 805‑481-0278 references for older adults. Paso Robles M-W 10-3 pm, Fri. 12-3 pm 805‑237-3110 Information and brochures such The Salvation Army - San Luis Arroyo Grande as ‘Growing Older, Eating Better,’ Obispo 805‑474-2000 815 Islay St ‘Eating for a Healthy Heart,’ ‘Keep Corner of Islay & Chorro Nipomo your Food Safe.’ 805‑931-1800 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑544-2401 San Luis Obispo 805‑781-1600 Website of the American Dietetic Distributes groceries. Limit Association with fact sheets, is a monthly food box. Need Morro Bay reading lists and nutrition Application, Drivers License & 805‑772-6405 information. Social Security Card to receive food. Is a USDA approved recipe and healthy living website available in English, Spanish and Chinese. Features 400+ cultural competent, low cost recipes, food discovery pages; healthy messaging pages; and Ask a Dietitian.

Determine Your Nutritional Health The warning signs of poor nutritional health are often overlooked. Use this checklist to find out if you or someone you know is at risk for a poor diet. Read the statements below. Circle the number in the Yes column for those that apply to you or someone you know. For each yes answer, score the number in the box. Total the nutritional score. YES I have an illness or condition that made me change the kind and/or amount of food I eat. 2 I eat fewer than 2 meals a day. 3 I eat few fruits or vegetables, or milk products. 2 I have 3 or more drinks of beer, liquor or wine almost every day. 2 I have tooth or mouth problems that make it hard for me to eat. 2 I don’t always have enough money to buy the food I need. 4 I eat alone most of the time. 1 I take 3 or more different prescribed or over-the-counter drugs a day. 1 Without wanting to, I have lost or gained 10 pounds in the last 6 months. 2 I am not always physically able to shop, cook and/or feed myself. 2 Total If your score is: 0-2 Good. Recheck your nutritional score in 6 months. 3-5 You are at a moderate nutritional risk. See what can be done to improve your eating habits and lifestyles. See services in this directory that may be of help. Recheck your score in 3 months. 6 or more You are at high nutritional risk. Bring this checklist the next time you see your doctor or other health care provider. Ask for help to improve your nutrition. This Nutritional Screening tool was developed by the Nutrition Screening Initiative, a project of the American Academy of Family Physicians, The American Dietetic Association and the National Council on the Aging.


It is important to get a thorough treatment. Services are generally lder adults are among the evaluation to determine correct available Monday through Friday, Ofastest growing age groups, and diagnosis and proper treatment. 8 am - 5 pm. the first baby boomers (adults Some mental deterioration can be Dignity Health born between 1946 and 1964) reversed or slowed. turned 65 in 2011. Older adults Types of Facilities for Medical Clinic at West Mall are at a high risk of developing Medical Care 5920 West Mall chronic illnesses and related Atascadero, CA 93422 disabilities including diabetes Acute Care Hospitals 805‑466-0676 melitus, arthritis, congestive These facilities provide the Medical Clinic at Peach heart failure and high blood highest level of care. They are 1250 Peach St Suite A pressure. The management of staffed 24-hours with physicians San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 chronic conditions requires and nurses. The cost for these 805‑543-4043 close coordination between the facilities is several hundred Medical Clinic at Casa patient and his or her physician, dollars-a-day and are usually paid 100 Casa St Suite B and education on topics for through Medicare, Medi-Cal San Luis Obispo,CA 93405 including exercise and nutrition, or private insurance. 805‑242-0614 appropriate use of medications, Arroyo Grande Community Medical Clinic at Bayview and techniques for dealing Hospital 2238 Bayview Heights, #G with fatigue, isolation, pain 345 S. Halcyon Rd. Los Osos, CA 93402 and depression. While the need Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805‑534-1305 for increased care often begins 805‑489-4261 Medical Clinic at Posada during a medical crisis, basic 265 Posada Lane information that should always Templeton, CA 93465 French Hospital Medical Center 805‑434-0900 be easily available includes: 1911 Johnson Ave. • Social Security number, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Urgent Care Centers • Medicare ID number, 805‑543-5353 These centers have extended • Insurance company names daytime hours every day of the policies and numbers, Sierra Vista Regional Medical week. Appointments are suggested Center but not required. These centers • Doctors’ names and numbers, 1010 Murray Ave. are designed to serve those with • Lists of medications and San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 urgent health problems not allergies, 805‑546-7600 needing the services of a hospital • Family medical history, emergency room. • Lifestyle information (smoking, Twin Cities Community Med-Stop alcohol use, caffeine, etc.). Hospital 283 Madonna Rd., Ste. B 1100 Las Tablas Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Frailty occurring in older adults Templeton, CA 93465 may be physical or mental. 805‑549-8880 805‑434-3500 Fax 805‑549-8743 Physical frailty can be a result of a stroke, a fall, or chronic MedPost Urgent Care disease. It can also be the result Clinics 500 First Street of a loss of hearing or vision. These health care sites are staffed Paso Robles, CA 93446 Mental deterioration can start by groups of doctors and other 805‑226-4222 with memory loss, confusion, health care professionals. Services Fax 805‑226-4240 diminished judgment, attention may include adult immunizations www. and learning. Diseases of the (diphtheria, tetanus boosters, brain, such as Alzheimer’s seasonal flu vaccine, pneumococcal Med-Works Care Center disease, Parkinson’s disease, vaccine and foreign travel 350 Posada Lane, Ste. 102 Templeton, CA 93465 brain tumors and conditions vaccines), cancer screening (Pap Smear), communicable disease 805‑434-3699 such as stroke, brain injury, and hydrocephalus can result in control, tuberculosis control and progressive loss of brain function. sexually-transmitted disease 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 61 Health Services

Community Health Centers Oceano Del Mar - After Hours Care www.communityhealthcenters. 2120 Cienaga St. Arroyo Grande org Oceano, CA 93445 1152 E. Grand Ave. 805‑994-2100 Provide comprehensive health Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 care services to all local residents Paso Robles 805‑489-4026 including primary medical care, 416 Spring St., Ste. 201 Fax 805‑489-7013 dental care and special programs. Paso Robles, CA 93446 San Luis Obispo County Public Federally-qualified health centers. 805‑238-7250 Health Department Fax 805‑238-0165 Pharmacy discount program for Immunizations, public health San Luis Obispo those on Medicare, as long as the issues, information and referral doctor is a Community Health 77 Casa Street, Ste. 201 San Luis Obispo Office Center physician. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 2191 Johnson Ave. Arroyo Grande (3 locations) 805‑269-1503 Fax 805‑269-1585 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 260 Station Way 805‑781-5500 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 San Luis Obispo Women’s Health Fax 805‑781-5543 805‑473-6201 1551 Bishop St, Ste B-240 Fax 805‑473-6291 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Paso Robles Office 723 Walnut Drive 1057 Grand Ave. 805‑549-0402 Fax 805‑549-0465 Paso Robles CA 93446 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805‑237-3050 805‑270-1700 San Miguel Fax 805‑237-3057 Fax 805‑481-7097 1385 Mission Street San Miguel, CA 93451 Grover Beach Office Walk-In 286 S. 16th St. 1205 E. Grand Ave. 805‑467-2344 Fax 805‑467-2334 Grover Beach, CA 93433 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 805‑473-7050 805‑994-2300 Templeton Fax 805‑474-7473 Fax 805‑994-2395 325 Posada Lane, Ste A Templeton, CA 93465 Morro Bay Atascadero 760 Morro Bay Blvd. 7512 Morro Road 805‑542-6703 Fax 805‑542-6791 Morro Bay, CA 93442 Atascadero, CA 93422 805‑781-5800 805‑792-1400 Templeton Women’s Health Fax 805‑792-1485 292 Posada Ln., Ste. A Veterans’ Outpatient Clinic Templeton, CA 93465 1288 Morro St., #200 Cambria San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 2515 Main St., # Ste B 805‑542-6701 Fax 805‑542-6794 805‑543-1233 Cambria, CA 93428 Fax 805‑547-1179 805‑927-5292 CHC Dental Services Fax 805‑927-0354 Sliding fee for low Income. Grover Beach CHC Nipomo Dental General Sources of Health 555 South 13th St., Ste. B 150 Tejas Place Information and Services Grover Beach, CA 93433 Nipomo, CA 93444 ACCESS Support Network 805‑473-4712 805‑929-3254 Fax 805‑473-1830 1320 Nipomo St. Fax 805‑931-2569 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Nipomo CHC Templeton 805‑781-3660 150 Tejas Place 325 Posada Lane, Ste. C 800-491-9141 Nipomo, CA 93444 Templeton, CA 93465 Fax 805‑781-3664 805‑929-3211 805‑542-6702 Fax 805‑929-6359 Community Action Partnership Alliance for Pharmaceutical Oceano Health Services Clinics 1941 & 1981 Cienaga St. Access Oceano, CA 93445 Provide Menopausal Services and San Luis Obispo County 805‑473-4712 Education 206-8236 Fax 805‑473-1830 San Luis Obispo Monday 1p.m. - 7 pm. 705 Grand Ave. SLO Noor Clinic San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Relocating to Los Osos) 805‑544-2478 805‑439-2272 Fax 805‑544-2478 62 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Health Services

Friday 1-5 p.m. Provides screenings for blood HICAP (Health Insurance Helps Individuals obtain pressure, anemia, hemoccult Counseling and Advocacy brand name medications from stool test, blood sugar levels, Program) Patient Assistance Programs, total cholesterol (lipid panels 528 South Broadway in collaboration with their by appointment only) and Santa Maria, CA 93454 physicians. Free service. Also has a nutritional counseling at locations 800-434-0222 low cost diabetes supply program. throughout the county. Health 805‑928-5663 education, nutrition information Fax 805‑925-9555 Alzheimer’s Association and supportive counseling and [email protected] 3232 S. Higuera St., Ste. 101A referrals are also available. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑547-3830 California Department of Provides one-on-one counseling Fax 805‑784-9400 Rehabilitation to understand Medicare and 3220 S. Higuera St., Ste. 102 health and long-term care San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 insurance policies. American Cancer Society 805‑549-3361 Santa Barbara Office TTY 544-7367 Hearing Loss Association of 805‑963-1577 Fax 805‑542-4682 America 800-227-2345 Central Coast Chapter 805‑543-6955 Job preparation and job [email protected] American Red Cross maintenance for disabled persons 225 Prado Rd., Ste. A includes supplying assistance Represents people with hearing San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 equipment as needed for daily loss. Provides assistance and 805‑543-0696 living when prescribed by an M.D. resources for people with hearing Fax 805‑544-1921 In home independent living skills loss and their families to learn how to adjust to living with are also taught for blind persons and seniors with disabling medical hearing loss. Arthritis Foundation conditions such as arthritis or Hearst Cancer Resource Center 2261 Las Positas Rd. diabetes. 1941 Johnson Ave., Suite 201 A Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Central Coast Dental Society San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑563-4685 805‑542-6234 Fax 805‑687-1094 1356 Marsh Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Fax 805‑524-6278 805‑544-1113 United Blood Services of Fax 805‑544-2197 Information on cancer and related Central Coast topics and family support services 4119 Broad St., Ste. 100 Referrals to dentists that offer such as counseling, coaching and San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 an Appearance Center. Affiliated 805‑543-4290 reduced rates for low income seniors. with French Hospital Medical Fax 805‑543-4926 Center. Donated Dental Services Independent Living Resource Braille Institutes of America Program Center Santa Barbara Regional Office Dental Lifeline Network 1411 Marsh St., #109 2031 De La Vina Street PO Box 994705 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Redding, CA 96099 Voice/Text 805‑462-1162 (TTY/ 805‑682-6222 877-357-8660 TDD) Fax 805‑687-6141 Fax 805‑752-1261 [email protected] Helps people with disabilities Community Action Partnership or who are elderly or medically Kidney Foundation, Central Senior Health Screening fragile and cannot afford needed Coast 805‑544-2484 x 1 dental care. Other qualifications 1344 Nipomo St. Fax 805‑595-1346 exist. Free if qualified. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑464-0915 For site locations, check CAPSLO Meets 1st Saturday of each month, Adult Wellness & Prevention 9:30 to 11:30 AM, at St. Stephen’s Calendar Episcopal Church.


Central Coast Medical Veterans Services Association 801 Grand Avenue Oral Health 3220 S. Higuera St., Ste. 305 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 as We Age San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑781-5766 805‑683-5333 Fax 805‑781-5769 Maintaining good oral health is Fax 805‑967-2871 essential for living well and aging htm well. More and more California seniors are keeping their teeth The Medical Association can refer Special Health Programs longer. To make sure your teeth you to physicians. You may call last as long as you do, consider your insurance carrier for a list of Central Coast Lymphedema the following: participating physicians on your Therapy plan. Most insurance companies Able Therapy Services • Brush twice a day with fluoride also have web sites with this 1061 Murray St. toothpaste to help prevent information. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 cavities in the soft roots of the 805‑782-9300 teeth, and around existing fill- National Multiple Sclerosis Fax 805‑782-9700 ings. Society 800-344-4867 • Clean in-between your teeth to keep the gums healthy and Sharps Disposal free of gum disease. Muscular Dystrophy State Law makes it illegal to Association dispose of home-generated • Fight dry mouth with frequent 1320 E. Shaw Ave., Ste. 135 hypodermic needles and other sips of water or by using a Fresno, CA 93710 medical sharps waste in the saliva substitute product. Avoid (559) 453-9822 trash, recycling or green waste sugary candy, beverages or [email protected] containers. Home generated alcohol based mouth rinses. needles pose a serious health risk • Have regular dental check-ups Nurse Advise Line to workers who collect and sort even if you have dentures. Poor 800-524-5222 waste and recycling as needles fitting dentures and partial- Health Information for Cen-Cal can poke through clothing, dentures can rub sores in your Health members. A registered including boots and heavy gloves mouth that can get infected. nurse is available to answer potentially exposing them to • Quit smoking. Smoking in- questions and provide up-to-date pathogens. State law requires creases the risk and severity of information home-generated sharps to be gum disease. placed in approved containers for Paralysis Resource Center • Eat healthy, nutritious foods Reeve Foundation transport and disposal. including fruits, vegetables 800-225-0292 In San Luis Obispo County, and dairy. Avoid sticky, sugary all 44 pharmacies provide free foods that can lead to cavities. Provides comprehensive approved sharps containers to Information and resources for the public. Additionally, when persons living with paralysis and sharps containers are full, they their families. Available by phone can be returned to the local and email in multiple languages. pharmacies for free disposal. For a Access Support Network complete list of drop-off locations 1320 Nipomo St. visit the SLO Integrated Waste San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Management Authority website at: 805‑781-3660 or call 805‑782- Fax 805‑781-3664 8530. Tobacco Prevention Services Public Health Department 2180 Johnson Ave - Annex San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑781-5564 Fax 805‑781-1235


One reason lists move quickly is that people ousing which is affordable, available and cannot be reached easily when there is a vacancy. Hadequate is extremely limited in San Luis Obispo 3. Check back regularly, but don’t be rude. Politely County. This section describes housing options, let them know you are still interested. levels of care, and programs available to assist you with your housing needs. Shared Housing Due to rising housing costs, a low vacancy rate, and Independent Living the physical difficulty of one person maintaining a Low-Cost Rentals home by himself or herself, home sharing by two Federally-Subsidized Housing or more people is becoming increasingly practical. The Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo develops Local resources to check include Cuesta College, Cal and manages federally-financed public housing Poly and HomeShareSLO. Consider some tips on projects and provides these units on a rental basis to finding a shared housing situation. eligible low-income persons and families. Tips on Shared Housing The Housing Authority also administers the 1. Spread the word among your friends that Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program you are looking for a roommate or a room in throughout the County of San Luis Obispo. This someone’s house. It’s possible that they know of program provides rental assistance to very low- someone who can help you. income individuals and families through either housing certificates or vouchers. The Housing 2. Look in the classified ads in your local newspaper Authority has a long waiting list for this program under “Roommates” or “Situations Wanted.” and enrollment is not always available. People are sometimes willing to exchange services such as cooking and cleaning for rent. Peoples’ Self-Help Housing (PSHH) provides affordable housing and programs leading to self- 3. If you choose to advertise for a roommate, use sufficiency for low-income families, seniors, and caution giving out your home address. It is wise to other special needs groups on California’s Central rent a post office box for replies from prospective Coast. PSHH’s Supportive Housing Program assists roommates. Ask for references and check them. all residents in their housing with gaining access to 4. Be clear with applicants about what lifestyles and community services and provides direct hands-on behavior are acceptable to you. assistance. For a list of rental properties, call PSHH at 5. For your legal protection, you should consider 805‑781-3088 or visit their website at drawing up a contract specifying when the rent There are other organizations that provide low- is due, cleaning deposit information, etc. If cost rentals and subsidized housing. A listing of you are exchanging services for rent, outline in those units and independent living facilities that are writing what services you expect, frequency, etc. targeted to older adults is available from the Area 6. The housing offices at the colleges sometimes Agency on Aging at 800-510-2020 or 805‑541-0384. have students listed who are offering a service Waiting List Tips in exchange for rent. They may also provide to Many apartment projects, both subsidized and student renters a list of persons who have rooms non-subsidized, have long waiting lists. Don’t be available in their home. Best time to call is prior discouraged! If they will take your name, give it. to the beginning of school terms. Occasionally Waiting lists sometimes move surprisingly fast. Being a foreign student looking for long-term housing number 400 on a list doesn’t necessarily mean that prefers living with a senior citizen for a stable there are actually 400 people ahead of you. Many and quiet atmosphere. people have already found a place to live, moved out of the area or are no longer interested in the apartment. Housing and Long-Term Care For information on housing options that include 1. There is no limit to the number of waiting lists retirement communities, assisted living, residential you can put your name on. It is best to sign up care or skilled nursing facilities, see Long Term Care on several lists to increase your likelihood of Section. receiving assistance. 2. Make sure that you keep the project informed Reverse Mortgages of your current address and telephone number. A Reverse Mortgage allows you to borrow against the equity in your home to provide you with tax-free 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 65 Housing Options income. You continue to own your home and live by the loan requirements, you can never lose your in it for the life of your loan. You typically make no home. loan payments, as the Reverse Mortgage becomes • You can never owe more than the value of your due only when you sell your home or move out of it. home. Although your debt grows larger the longer A Reverse Mortgage operates in an opposite manner your loan lasts, it can never grow larger than the from a conventional mortgage. With a conventional selling price of your home. mortgage, your equity grows and your debt shrinks as • You never have to repay your loan during the life you repay the lender. In a Reverse Mortgage, your equity of the loan. shrinks and your debt grows as the lender pays you. • Your income is not a consideration in obtaining Money obtained from a Reverse Mortgage can be the loan since you make no payments. distributed in a number of ways: • The money you receive is tax-free, since it is not • As a single lump sum of cash considered ‘income’. • As regular monthly payments Why NOT get One? • As a credit line that lets you decide how much and A Reverse Mortgage is not right for everyone. when to draw it It can have significant disadvantages for some • As a combination of these payment plans. homeowners. These disadvantages need to be carefully weighed against the advantages. Why Get One? A Reverse Mortgage makes sense for some Some reasons not to get a Reverse Mortgage include: homeowners. It’s a way of cashing in on equity that • It is more complicated than conventional you’ve been building over the years. It can provide mortgages and often not well understood, even by you with the extra income you need. loan and legal professionals. Some homeowners use the money to repair or remodel • It could have adverse tax consequences for some their homes. Some spend it on travel. Others use the homeowners. money to pay off debts, medical expenses or home • These are very expensive loans with very high fees care. Some want a line of credit they can draw upon as and consumers need to be aware of all the costs. needed for unplanned expenses or extra luxuries. • It could affect your eligibility for public assistance. A Reverse Mortgage provides other advantages for some homeowners, including: • It could have a negative impact on the estate your heirs will inherit. • You get to keep your home. As long as you abide • It could be a bad investment if you end up defaulting on the loan or need to move too soon (within a few years of the loan’s closing). Because a Reverse Mortgage has substantial start-up costs, the longer you delay repayment, the better your investment becomes. • Other solutions may be available and cost much less. How to Decide? One way to decide if a Reverse Mortgage is right for you is to consult a Reverse Mortgage professional. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can help you find a HUD-approved Reverse Mortgage counselor that you should consult before you contact a lender. This is so important that 66 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Housing Options it is required that you have a certifi cate showing that network. Th e network consists of exam-qualifi ed you have consulted with a counselor before a loan counselors in eight states including California. Th e can be approved. toll-free number for the NCOA counseling network is 800-510-0301. Th ere is a $125 counseling fee for HUD-approved reverse Mortgage counselors in the service. NCOA may waive the fee for seniors, and California are with SurePath Financial Solutions at for those with modest income (income below federal 800-540-2227. If you cannot locate a counselor within poverty levels). driving distance, you can consult one by telephone. Not all counselors are equally knowledgeable, so Other Housing-related Services it’s a good idea to ask them how long they have Services are available in the community to assist in been doing Reverse Mortgage counseling and how areas related to housing needs. Th ese include: many clients they have worked with. Th ere is a fee Anti-Discrimination required (usually around $225.00). However, what A landlord, manager or real estate agent cannot you learn from this service is, as the saying goes, refuse to rent, sell or negotiate with a potential “priceless.” tenant because of age, race, sex, national origin, A good counselor will: religion, marital status, sexual orientation, physical • Be unbiased, independent and protect your disability or the presence of children in the family. privacy. File complaints or inquire about your rights at • Disclose all your options and help you decide what the State Department of Fair Employment and is right for you. Th ere will be no pressure to apply Housing by calling one of the toll-free numbers. Th e for a Reverse Mortgage. department does not accept complaints through the internet or by mail. • Give you a ‘personal Reverse Mortgage Analysis’ and a written comparison of all the Reverse Homeless Shelters Mortgage programs available in your area. See Emergency Services section. • Provide you with a ‘HUD Certifi cate of HECM Homestead Declaration Counseling’ which some lenders will require Homeowners automatically gain a homestead before giving a Reverse Mortgage. interest in their primary residence by law which protects their equity in the event that some types Other Helpful Resources of creditors seek to place a lien on the home to As you are thinking about whether a Reverse satisfy unpaid debts. If you prepare and record Mortgage is right for you, here are additional a declaration of homestead, you may be able to sources of information. US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 451-7th Street, S.W. Enjoy More at Merrill Gardens Washington DC 20410-0002 800-569-4287 You’ve built a great life doing things you love. cfm Being with friends. Pursuing fun hobbies. Th is website includes information Choosing the way you spend your days. about HECM and other senior housing issues. It also lists HUD- Why should that have to change? approved counselors and lenders. National Council on Aging (NCOA) 800-510-0301 NCOA is also a national counseling intermediary for seniors approved Call today to schedule your personal visit. by HUD interested in a reverse mortgage. NCOA off ers telephonic counseling to clients nationwide (805) 863-9290 1220 Suey Road through its Reverse Mortgage Santa Maria, CA 93454 Lic #425801806 Counseling Services (RMCS)

2018-2020 SAN LUIS120816c_Santa_Maria_SB_Resource_Directory_EnjoyMore_B&W_A.indd OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 1 4/5/18 9:47 AM67 Housing Options prevent a forced sale of the home. A Homestead Tenant/Landlord Assistance Declaration will not protect your home from every If you find yourself in a dispute either as a tenant or type of creditor (mortgage on the property, etc.) landlord and both parties are willing to talk about It is important to do additional research if you are the matter with a neutral third party, you may want considering a Homestead Declaration. to contact Creative Mediation Services. Repair The California Department of Consumer Affairs Safety repairs and modifications are often needed provides publications to inform consumers. to maintain older persons in their home in a safe One publication is California Tenants: A Guide and secure environment. Home repair services are to Residential Tenants’ and Landlords’ Rights available under certain circumstances for older and Responsibilities. It is a 65-page summary of persons through the Community Action Partnership landlord-tenant law which is written in plain English of San Luis Obispo County (CAP). for easy understanding. The publication is available at no charge. CAP offers home repair services to persons aged 60 years of age or older. Provides general repairs, Utilities installing grab bars and wheelchair ramps, repairing Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo deteriorating porches and steps, and minor County operates the Home Energy Assistance plumbing and electrical repairs. Material costs and Program (HEAP) which provides low-income labor are provided on a donation basis due a federal households with a once-a-year payment toward grant. their utility bills (gas, electric or propane). Utility CAP offers an Applicant Repair and Replacement assistance is available throughout the County; Program in conjunction with Southern California however, it is limited to water bills in the City of San Gas Company. Qualifications include: Southern Luis Obispo. California Gas customer, homeowner and low TIP: income. The Program will repair or replace a furnace, hot water heater and/or stove at no charge. If you are ever in danger of having your source of ‘Senior Home Safety Solution’ is a program of energy cut off because you are unable to pay your Rebuild for Life. Provides home safety assessments bill, it is best to call the billing department of the by an Occupational Therapist. Call 805‑574-4062 or particular utility company before the service is visit . stopped and explain your situation. In many cases the utility will be willing to work out a payment plan. Utility Assistance PG&E Are you caring for a parent or spouse? 866 743-2273 Do you have a loved one living in a care facility? CARE Program Available to single-family, low- Are you considering facility income customers with accounts in their name. If your household placement? meets certain requirements, you can apply to receive a 20% discount Let the Ombudsman program help. on your energy bills each month. Services are FREE, confidential & provided without discrimination: Applications are required. • Information on choosing a care facility (including lists of facilities) Medical Baseline • Education on resident’s rights and facility regulations Additional energy baseline • Assistance with Advanced Health Care Directives amounts may be added with • Complaint investigation and resolution a lower rate if you qualify by • Consultations and referrals having life support equipment or • Assistance with care issues medically-necessary heating or Promoting the highest possible quality of life and care for all residents in long term care facilities. cooling needs. Application and 785-0132 | physician’s verification are required.


Southern California Gas/The Gas Company Service is dependent upon available funds. Requires 800-427-2200 English appointment and application. 800-342-4545 Spanish REACH Program-Salvation Army San Luis Obispo, Edna & Avila Beach Assistance programs other than those listed below 805‑544-2401 may be available in your area. Call the above phone Cambria number(s) to inquire. 805‑238-9591 Service Establishment Charge Discount Atascadero & Templeton Provides $15 discount on the Service 805‑466-7201 Establishment Charge if qualified within 90 days Morro Bay, Cayucos, Los Osos/Baywood Park of starting new gas service. Application required. 805‑772-7062 Paso Robles, Shandon, Bradley & San Miguel Level Pay Plan 805‑238-9591 Allows a customer to pay energy costs averaged over twelve months to cover increased usage in the Operated by the Salvation Army, it provides a once- winter months. a-year payment of past due electric, gas or water bill. REACH helps low-income customers who are Direct Assistance Program experiencing unplanned hardships and are unable to Provides energy-efficient home improvements pay for their energy needs. Sponsored by PG&E. Call: if qualified as low-income, aged or disabled. South County Salvation Army Improvements include repair and replacements 805‑481-0278 of faulty furnaces at no cost if qualified. Call 800- Serving Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, 331-7593. Oceano and Nipomo. Community Action Partnership of San Luis Operates a privately-funded utility assistance program, Obispo County not through PG&E. Limited assistance is available 805‑541-4122 800-495-0501, ext.10 or 14 City of San Luis Obispo 805‑781-7133 Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) The City of San Luis Obispo provides a 15% discount CAP operates HEAP which provides lower-income on the city water and sewer rate for low-income households with a once-a-year payment towards persons. Proof of low-income status must be provided. their utility bills (gas, electric or Call for more information. propane). Limited assistance is available for water bills. Weatherization Services Free home weatherization services designed to lower energy bills and increase comfort. Services include attic insulation, door weather- stripping, water heater blankets, and water saving devices. CAP crews Do You Know When Your Loved Ones also perform carbon monoxide Have Reached the Next Stage? testing of gas appliances and Senior Living Consultants Does. furnaces, and make minor repairs. We specialize in helping you find Services are provided at no cost to Independent, Assisted Living, qualified homeowners and renters. Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Homes Catholic Charities, SLO Charmaine Petersen 751 Palm Street Serving Seniors Certified Senior Advisor San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 and their families 805‑541-9110 Since 1997

Provides emergency assistance to 1998 Santa Barbara Ave Suite #100, SLO prevent cut-off of utility services. (805) 545-5901 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 69 Housing Options

Housing Subsidies and Public Home safety assessments, home Directory Housing Options modifications, fall prevention CA Dept. of Consumer Affairs strategies, aging In place Housing Authority of San Luis consultations. Education and Communications Obispo Division 487 Leff Street Shared Housing - Housing 1625 N. Market Blvd., N 112 PO Box 1289 Offices Sacramento, CA 95834 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 800-952-5210 805‑543-4478 Cal Poly Fax 805‑543-4992 Bldg. 31-Cal Poly 756-1226 Community Action Partnership [email protected] Weatherization and Utility Housing Authority of Paso Assistance Programs Robles 3970 Short St., Ste. 110 3201 Pine Street Off-campus information provided San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PO Box 817 as a resource for Cal Poly students, 805‑541-4122 Paso Robles, CA 93447-0817 faculty and staff. 800-495-0501 805‑238-4015 Cuesta College Fax 805‑541-4188 Fax 805‑238-4036 PO Box 8106 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8106 546-3289 Creative Mediation Services Peoples’ Self-Help Housing 285 South St.,#P 3533 Empleo Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 HomeShareSLO 805‑549-0442 805‑781-3088 P.O. Box 15034 Fax 549-0654 Fax 805‑544-1901 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 [email protected] 805‑215-5474 [email protected] Fair Employment and Housing Senior Home Safety Solutions [email protected] Dept. Rebuild for Life A local non-profit that facilitates Housing: 800- 884-1684 P.O. Box 376 home share matches between TTY: 800-700-2320 Grover Beach, CA 93483 those with an extra room and 805‑574-4062 those looking for affordable housing. Safe Parking Program Available through Prado Day Center. Provides five parking Elder Placement spots. Participants must undergo background check and participate Professionals listen… in case management. We listen to the needs of your loved one and personally tour you to the appropriate facility: Independent Living Assisted Living Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care

e decisions can be overwhelming Let our Skilled Professionals help you navigate through this process. 546-8777 70 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE In-Home Care Solutions

parenteral nutritional therapy, fluid replacement, ost older adults want to stay independent for pain management and home chemotherapy. Services asM long as possible. They want to stay in control of may be covered under insurance policies, Medicare their lives and live in their homes or apartments or Medi-Cal. among familiar surroundings and friends. Personal and Custodial Care Service Agencies Sometimes, in order to achieve this goal, additional Respite, Homemaker, Companion, Public and Private help in the home is needed. These services are considered non-medical and The range of available in-home services is non-skilled. Homemaker and personal care services extensive – meals, repairs, personal care, telephone include help with feeding, meal preparation, reassurance calls. For information about home- bathing, dressing, shaving, hair care, light delivered meals, see Food and Nutrition Services housework and grocery shopping. Respite is the care section. For information about home repairs, see of a frail senior to give the primary caregiver relief. Housing section. Hiring In-Home Help Home Care Generally, there are two ways to secure in-home help: purchase it through an agency or directly Skilled Service Certified Home Health Agencies hire an individual to provide the needed service(s). Home health agencies coordinate skilled nursing Purchasing services directly from agencies may save and personal care services for the homebound time, usually taken up by paperwork, recruitment senior. These agencies may be for-profit, non-profit, and supervisory tasks, and may provide reliable or an outpatient extension of a hospital. They must and trustworthy help. The cost, convenience and be certified by Medicare, licensed by the State, and risk factors must be balanced for your best interest. preferably accredited by the Joint Commission If you have Long-Term Care Insurance which on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations covers in-home help, be sure to check with your (JCAHO) or Community Health Accreditation Insurance regarding the requirements for receiving Program (CHAP). reimbursement for that care. To qualify for services you must have a doctor’s order, be homebound and require skilled care. You Hiring Your Own Home Care Providers can choose which agency to use. Your doctor can This component of the home services is expanding make recommendations. The hospital discharge and variations in the service model are developing. planner must provide you a list of available home There are several types of home care businesses. health agencies. Log onto or In California, effective January 2016, home care call 800-MEDICARE for Home Health Compare for consumer information. Payment options are: A Family Home Care • Medicare Part A (Hospital) for the homebound patient “We Make Home Care Work For You!” • Medicare Part B for some rehabilitative services if the 1 HOUR TO 24 patient is not homebound Call Now For Your Free • Medi-Cal for some home health Home Care Assessment HOUR CARE services from a certified agency • Private Insurance/Private Pay Assistance With: • Health Maintenance Alzheimers/Dementia - Personal Hygiene - Dressing/Grooming Organizations Hospice Care - Bathing/Showering - Incontinence Care Home IV/Enteral Therapy Facility Sitting - Meal Prep - Light Housekeeping Several local pharmacies work in cooperation with home health (805) 481-6081 agencies to provide intravenous antibiotic therapy, enteral and 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 71 In-Home Care Solutions organization is required to be licensed by the caregivers have been screened for qualifications, California Department of Social Services. A Home criminal background or quality of care. You can Care Organization is a licensed entity that arranges request information from the registry regarding the for home care services by an affiliated home care standards set for caregivers on the list. Remember, aide to a client. This entity can be an individual caregivers hired from a registry are generally who is 18 years of age or older, firm, partnership, considered your employee. Check with a legal corporation, Limited Liability Company, joint or accounting professional to confirm your legal venture, association etc. relationship and obligations. This information is also Check the CDSS Community Care Licensing available in the publication “Hiring In Home Help” website for more Information, e.g.Is the entity you from the Area Agency on Aging. are considering licensed. Finally, there are some businesses that offer caregiver CareFacilitySearch/Search/HomeCareorg referrals. They can make a recommendation of an The first type is Homecare companies that are independent caregiver who meets your criteria. The businesses that sell home care services. They screen, home care referral company may offer to coordinate hire, train and schedule caregivers as employees caregiver schedules and payment. They may charge a to fill the requests of their customers. Like any fee (one time or ongoing) for their services. Be aware business, a home care company should have a that you are the legal employer (even if they claim valid business license, general liability and workers that the caregiver is an independent contractor) of compensation insurance. In addition, many carry the caregiver and you are responsible for employment a fidelity bond to protect against employee theft or taxes, workers compensation and general liability. fraud. It is the consumer’s responsibility to ensure Check with a legal or accounting professional to that the company Is licensed and is In compliance confirm your legal relationship and obligations. with licensing requirements. You can inquire about A Guide has been prepared to assist you. It these issues with each company and request that contains information about contracts, questions they verify information when possible. to ask applicants, checking references, supervision The next type of home care businesses are Homecare and dismissal of employees, financial and legal registries which are places or organizations that responsibilities, or getting help through an agency. maintain lists of independent caregivers who are To obtain a copy of the free guide, “Hiring In- available for hire. The registry can help you get a Home Help: A Practical Guide for Seniors and their list of available caregivers to choose from. When Families,” call the Area Agency on Aging at 800-510- using a registry it should not be assumed that the 2020. There are several private Agencies offering home care. Public Agencies also offer homemaker services at no or low-cost to eligible seniors. See Directory for specific listings.


Questions to Ask When Choosing a Homemaker 7. Will the company contact insurance carriers to and Personal Care Agency determine what services are covered and to directly 1. Are all caregiver’s background screened, bill the appropriate party? fi ngerprinted and tested for appropriate skills? 8. Will a written estimate of weekly costs be 2. Are all employees bonded and insured against provided before service starts? Is the client to malpractice, theft and injury while in the home? pay all or any portion of the costs? 3. Does the company provide employees with When in doubt, ask questions. Make sure you are ongoing education and training to ensure comfortable with the people providing your care. the highest quality professional standards are Additionally, in recent years both the State of maintained? California and the federal government have enacted 4. Are supervisory visits made by a registered legislation/regulations that Impact the home care nurse or supervisor to ensure your satisfaction Industry. Th ese include: and monitor client care? Is a supervisor available Domestic Worker Bill of Rights established that 24 hours to handle problems? home care agencies as well as consumers who hire 5. If the health care has been requested by your caregivers must pay their caregivers overtime aft er doctor, will the company discuss your case 9 hours worked per day and 45 hours worked per with the doctor and obtain medical records if work week. appropriate? Minimum Wage Law 6. Will a supervisor be sent to the hospital or your Changes are scheduled in upcoming years. Be sure home to meet the client and personally discuss to check the current minimum wage. the services to be provided?

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2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 73 In-Home Care Solutions Directory 805-461-5339 II. Personal Care Agencies - Fax 805-462-8518 Private Agencies I. Registries and Referral [email protected] A Family Home Care, Inc. Agencies 717 E. Grand Ave. Ste D II. Personal Care Agencies - Provides a listing of caregivers to Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Private Agencies those needing in-home care. 805-481-6081 Independent Living Resource Toll free 877-770-3737 III. Personal Care Agencies - Fax 805-481-9981 Public Agencies Center (ILRC) 1411 Marsh St.,#109 [email protected] IV. Skilled Home Health San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Agencies 805-462-1162 Fax 805-462-1166 Provides non-medical in-home V. Home IV/Enteral Th erapy care. VI. Home Visitors [email protected] Active Care In-Home Services VII. Postal Carrier Alert 1126 Nipomo Ave. Serves persons with disabilities, Los Osos, CA 93402 VIII. Telephone Reassurance including older persons, 805-772-7744 throughout San Luis Obispo Fax 805-772-7149 I. Registries and Referral County. ILRC staff recruits, [email protected] interviews, screens, and refers Agencies attendants who are able to provide A Better Care Provider Provides non-medical in-home 1988-11th Street personal care and other in-home care. Los Osos, CA 93402 supportive services. 805-528-7778 Pristine Home Services Aff ordable Home Care Senior Fax 805-528-7778 710 Fiero Lane # 6 Solutions, LLC 569 Diego Rivera Lane [email protected] San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-543-4663 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Provides a listing of caregivers to Fax 805-543-4617 805-295-5200 those needing in-home care. [email protected] Fax 805-801-4242 Central Coast Caregivers Aff ordableHomecareone@ Associates, Inc. 7395 El Camino Real, Provides non medical in home Ste 104, PMB 104 care. Atascadero, CA 93422 Amdal In-Home Care 8315 Morro Rd. Atascadero, CA 93422 805-464-0108 Toll free 888-798-0008 Fax 805-464-0157 [email protected] Home Health and Hospice Services Provides non-medical in-home care and transportation. • Locally owned & operated Brightstar 3220 S. Higuera St., Ste. 315 • Prompt start of care San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-548-8811 • Medical staff available 24/7 Fax 805-715-3460 • 100% covered through [email protected] qualified medicare benefit Provides non-medical in-home care. Home Health: (805) 543-2244 Hospice: (805) 540-6020


Comfort Keepers of San Luis personal care services. Services are Obispo County Provides non-medical in-home limited; donations are requested 660 Santa Ysabel Ave. care. but not required. Los Osos, CA 93402 805‑528-8862 Senior Helpers Fax 805‑528-1183 7305 Morro Rd., Ste. 206 Atascadero, CA 93422 [email protected] 805‑461-5892 Toll free 800-760-6389 Provides non-medical in-home Fax 805‑461-5894 care. Mmccurdy@ Home Instead Senior Care 180 N. 9th st. Grover Beach, CA 93433 Provides non-medical in-home 805‑473-5781 care. Toll free 866-772-3601 Fax 805‑773-4886 Sweet Home California, LLC 2 James Way, Ste 107 [email protected] Pismo Beach, CA 93449 805‑540-0647 Senior Solutions Fax 805‑481-5033 LivHOME Case Management 141 Suburban Rd. Ste A-3 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 focuses on clients’ 805‑708-4142 Synergy Homecare lifestyle wellness including 7305 Morro Rd., Suite 201 Toll free 866-373-1466 important areas such as: Fax 805‑563-1507 Atascadero, CA 93422 877-432-2692 medical, financial, legal, [email protected] Erniemadsen@synergyhomecare. social, environmental, com safety and end of life. Provides non-medical in-home care. Provides non-medical in-home Professional services Maxim Healthcare Services care. 735 Tank Farm Rd. Ste 135 for clients and their San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Visiting Angels care team include: 1317 Broad St. Ste B 805‑788-0456 assessments, advocacy, Fax 877-394-9426 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑546-2080 case planning and monitoring, sanluisobispooffice@maxhealth. Fax 805‑888-2856 guiding and coordinating com team efforts. Provides non medical in home care. Provides non-medical in-home care. For a FREE phone Monarch Home Care 3220 S. Higuera St., Ste. 225 Online Resources consultation, contact San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Shelly Jackson, CMC 805‑542-9740 805-975-8235 Fax 805‑542-9475 III. Personal Home Care [email protected] Agencies - Public Funded LifeSteps Foundation Provides non-medical in-home 71 Zaca Lane # 100 care. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 ResCare Home Care 805‑549-0150 x2 3220 S. Higuera St., Ste. 307 [email protected] San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑781-8156 Provides in-home services for Toll free 888-439-8800 persons aged 60 and over who Fax 805‑781-0879 have need for homemaking and


In-Home Supportive Services 800-834-4636 x1790 (Toll free Kindred at Home (IHSS) for San Luis Obispo South County) 3220 S. Higuera St., Ste 101 County Fax 772-6356 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 3433 S. Higuera St., #238 [email protected] 805-544-4402 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Toll free 800-491-4409 805-781-1790 Fax 805-544-8735 Provides domestic and personal 800-834-3002 x1790 (Toll free North County only) care services to enable aged, blind or disabled persons to remain in Maxim Healthcare Services their own homes, to help maintain 735 Tank Farm Rd.,Ste 135 and strengthen capability for self San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 care, and to safeguard functioning 805-788-0456 in their own homes. Services Fax 877-394-9426 include meal preparation, laundry, sanluisobispooffi ce@maxhealth. shopping, and personal care. com Persons eligible for IHSS are current recipients of SSI and those Wilshire Home Health who would otherwise be eligible 277 South St., Ste. W for SSI except for non-exempt San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 WE ARE HERE income. IHSS is provided through 805-782-8600 Individual Providers (IPs) who are 800-898-8060 TO SERVE YOU hired by the recipient, monitored Fax 805-782-8612 by the Department of Social 805-238-0538 Paso Robles Services, and paid by the State. 805-925-8694 Santa Maria Two Experts IV. Skilled Home Health [email protected] Working Agencies Collaboratively... Central Coast Home Health, V. Home IV/Enteral Together, we enhance your life by Inc. Therapy providing assistance in improving 253 Granada Dr., Ste. D your current home or moving you San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Crescent Health Care/ in to a new home. 805-543-2244 Walgreens Company Fax 805-543-2224 2995 McMillan Ave., #196 Decluttering & Trash Removal San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 [email protected] System Development 546-0208 Estate Dispersal 800-879-4872 Floor Planning & Staging Coastal Living Home Health, Packing & Unpacking LLC Real Estate Services 200 S. 13th St.,#211&212 Marian Home Infusion Grover Beach, CA 93433 506 E. Plaza.,Ste 6 805-335-8441 Santa Maria, CA 93454 Fax 805-980-5705 805-739-3810 Toll free 800-927-3878 [email protected] SENIOR MOVE MANAGER Fax 805-739-3852 PROFESSIONALS Dignity Home Care & Hospice Joanne Peters 4555 El Camino Real, #A VI. Home Visitors [email protected] Atascadero, CA 93422 805.610.6304 805-434-1427 Cambria Anonymous Neighbors (CAN) Fax 805-460-0937 805-927-5673 Volunteer in-home support 124 S. College Dr. Ste B services for residents of Cambria Santa Maria, CA 93454 and San Simeon. PROFESSIONAL HOME & 805-739-3830 Office Organizing Toll free 800-549-9609 Caring Callers 285 South St., Ste. J Claryce Knupper Fax 805-739-3838 [email protected] San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.602.1789 805-547-7025, ext.17 Fax 805-547-7029 76 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE In-Home Care Solutions

[email protected] Looking Out for Signs of Risky Behavior Screened volunteers make home You can ride along with a driver and look for signs of risky behind-the-wheel behavior. Here are some things visits to frail, socially isolated, and to look for: home bound seniors. Available 3 Does the driver neglect to buckle up? Going unbelted might be a bad habit or it may indicate a poor fit or countywide. trouble fastening a belt. 3 Does the driver have difficulty working the pedals? A driver who lifts his or her leg to move from the Hospice of San Luis Obispo accelerator to the brake, rather than keeping a heel on the floor and pressing with the toes, may be County signaling waning strength. 1304 Pacific St 3 Does the driver have difficulty merging on freeways or turning onto busy streets? Vision problems may San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 impair his or her ability to judge the speed and distance of approaching traffic. 805‑544-2266 3 When merging, changing lanes or backing up, does the driver rely only on the mirrors, rather than turning Fax 805‑544-6573 fully to check the blind spots over his or her shoulder? Failing to do so may be a bad habit, or may indicate the onset of stiffness in the neck and back. Provides respite and friendly 3 Does the driver have trouble seeing other vehicles, cyclists, or pedestrians, especially at night? Deteriorating night vision or sensitivity to glare may be the cause. visiting services for persons facing potentially life-threatening illness 3 Does the driver seem to ignore or “miss” stop signs and other traffic signals? Perhaps he or she is inattentive or cannot spot the signs in a crowded, constantly moving visual field. and for their families. 3 Does the driver react too slowly to sirens and flashing lights of emergency vehicles? VII. Postal Carrier Alert 3 Does the driver weave, straddle lanes, drift into other lanes, or change lanes without signaling? 3 Does the driver position the car improperly for turns (especially left turns), or attempt turns from the Cambria Anonymous wrong lane? Neighbors (CAN) 805‑927-5673 3 Do other drivers honk or pass frequently, even when the traffic stream is moving relatively slowly? This may indicate difficulty keeping pace with fast-changing conditions. Volunteer in-home support 3 Does the driver tend to park far from his or her destination? A problem judging distances or making tight services for residents of Cambria maneuvers may underlie the fear of closer parking spots. and San Simeon 3 Does the driver get lost or disoriented easily, even in familiar places? U. S. Postal Service 3 Do you find yourself giving directions or prompting the driver frequently? 1655 Dalidio Dr. 3 Has the driver been issued two or more traffic tickets or warnings in the past two years? Tickets can San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 predict greatest risk for accident. 805‑549-8352 3 Has the driver been involved in two or more accidents or “near-misses” in the past two years? Rear- 805-543-2605 enders, parking lot fender-benders, and side accidents while turning across traffic rank as the most Fax 805‑545-0812 common mishaps for drivers with diminishing skills, depth perception, or reaction time. VIII. Telephone Reassurance R-U-OK? ResCare HomeCare is here for 805‑772-6242 San Luis Obispo! Morro Bay Fire Department places calls to local residents to check on ResCare HomeCare off ers traditional and customized care, their safety and well-being. such as: • Personal Care • Transportation & Errands • Homemaking Services • Respite Care • Companionship • Medication Reminders Our caring and compassionate caregivers provide you with peace of mind knowing that your loved ones can stay safe and at home and help them to live their best life. We are licensed and insured, and our caregivers are screened. Call us for a complimentary in-home assessment! 866.737.2273 | 866.ResCare 805.781.8156

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 77 Legal Affairs Do You Need an Attorney? notary is also an attorney, the notary cannot explain Not all problems that arise require an attorney. to you the legal significance or consequence of Banks, real estate offices, accountants, financial signing the document or provide legal advice. advisors and social services departments, just to Finding an Attorney name a few, are often knowledgeable about and able A personal referral is not a guarantee, but it is a to answer your questions in their fields. good place to start. If you have utilized the services The city-county library contains a number of of an attorney in the past, even for an unrelated reference books, as does the county law library, matter, and were satisfied with her/his services, start which are open to all county residents during there. Ask that attorney for a recommendation of an regular business hours. These books include “how- attorney who practices in the area of law you need to” manuals on a variety of topics. Both libraries help with. A recommendation from a friend or co- have reference librarians, copy machines and on-line worker with a similar problem may be helpful. It is computers available. a good practice to explore at least three referrals. Alternative Dispute Resolution - Mediation You can check each attorney’s license status, profile, Most problems are better solved through non- and history by calling the California State Bar adversarial procedures, such as mediation. Litigation Association or on-line at The should be the parties’ last resort for solving a problem State Bar also publishes a pamphlet, “How Can because it is expensive, time consuming and stressful. I Find and Hire the Right Lawyer” which can be Creative Mediation is your local Community read or downloaded at Mediation Center, providing conflict coaching, Portals/0/documents/publications/Find-Lawyer_ mediation, communication and conflict resolution English.pdf. training. Some problems Creative Mediation can help Many attorneys advertise in the newspaper, senior with include problems between neighbors over noise, magazines, and the Yellow Pages. Some offer parking, trash, parties, trees, dogs; problems between free or low-cost initial consultation so you can landlords and tenants about security deposits, lease interview them before committing to paying their agreements; problems between family members fees. Attorneys are bound by a strict code of ethical or roommates around communications, life style responsibility not to reveal a client’s confidences. expectations, and financial concerns. The initial interview binds them to secrecy about Other mediation providers are listed in the Yellow your problem, even if you never go back to that Pages. attorney. In mediation, both parties to a dispute agree to The Lawyer Referral and Information Services work with a neutral mediator, who confidentially (LRIS) is a program sponsored by the San Luis helps the parties reach their own resolution of the Obispo County Bar Association. LRIS performs problem in a confidential setting. Unlike litigation, intakes and provides referrals to attorneys on their the parties are in control of the outcome. Problems panel in the areas of: appellate law, bankruptcy, which are resolved through mediation more often business, collection, criminal defense, employment, stay resolved, because both parties have had the estate planning, family law, litigation, landlord- opportunity to fully explore the full range of options tenant, malpractice, personal injury, and real and agree on a solution. property. LRIS also offers refers callers to other local resources. LRIS charges a $40.00 fee for its referral Locating a Notary Public service. Attorney’s regular fee will apply following Notary publics can be found at many banks, UPS the initial appointment. stores, real estate offices, title companies and in the Yellow Pages of the phone book under “Notaries.” Free or Low-Cost Civil Services There is a small fee to have a document notarized. The Senior Legal Services Project provides services With the exception of travel fees, the fees to have to San Luis Obispo County residents age 60 documents notarized are set by law and should not and older. Free legal consultations are held, by vary depending on where you go. Some notaries will appointment only, at the San Luis Obispo Senior travel to your home for an additional fee. A notary Center, Paso Robles Activity Center, Nipomo Senior public verifies only the identity of the individual Center and Morro Bay Senior Center and at the who signed the document, not the truthfulness, main office in San Luis Obispo. Clients receive accuracy, or validity of the document. Unless a legal advice and representation on a case-by-case

78 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Legal Affairs basis, with emphasis on problems with housing and Discussion of Some Legal Areas of evictions, Powers of Attorney (financial or health), Concern to Senior Citizens creditor problems, or elder abuse. Probate California Rural Legal Assistance provides free Probate is the process by which title to your assets is services to low-income residents. transferred after your death to the persons entitled San Luis Obispo Legal Assistance Foundation to them. The court reviews your estate’s assets and provides free legal services for people who qualify your wishes (if expressed) and makes sure the for a mortgage modification, as well as for seniors distribution abides by the rules of law. The court and disabled people with social security, Medicare, issues orders that will permit title to property to be and Medi-Cal benefit issues. legally changed to the new owner. At the time of your death, the person who has the Small Claims original of your prepared Will should file it with the If you have a civil complaint involving a relatively probate court in the county of your residence. The small amount of money you may file your own court will make a determination if it is valid and su- lawsuit in small claims court. You may seek up to pervise the distribution of assets. The court will also $10,000 (with a few exceptions) per claim. Parties ensure that the estate first complies with all federal, represent themselves without an attorney in Small state and local tax requirements and pays your re- Claims Court. maining creditors. Clerks at the SLO county courthouse can provide Probate proceedings take time and money. Fees al- the forms necessary but may not give legal advice. lowed by law will be deducted from your assets for Information and forms are also available at the the executor of your Will and for the attorney who California Courts Self Help Center: http://www. handles the probate proceeding in court. All the Small Claims Advisor provides transactions are public record and formal record assistance completing the forms, answers procedural keeping and accounting procedures are required. questions and provides referrals to legal resources and publications. The office hours are 9-12 M-F There are simplified procedures for an estate with for telephone calls or walk-ins and is located in the a value of $150,000 or less and for transferring real courthouse building, 1050 Monterey Street, 2nd property with a value of $50,000 or less. Floor, Room 223. Wills and Intestate Succession Criminal A will is simply a document that specifies how you If you are accused of a crime which carries a wish to have your assets distributed after you die potential sentence of imprisonment, no matter how and designates who will carry out your wishes. short (e.g., DUI - 48 hours in jail) and you cannot If you die without having prepared a will, your afford to pay for the services of an attorney, the property will be probated and will be distributed by court is required to appoint one for you. As soon as operation of law. This is called intestate succession. possible after arrest, ask for a referral to the Public If you have prepared a will, but it is ruled not valid Defender. for any number of reasons, the law presumes you The Public Defender services in San Luis Obispo had no will and will cause your property to be County are coordinated through the law offices of distributed by intestate succession to those the state San Luis Obispo Defenders. has designated as your bheirs. If you are a crime victim, or witness a situation California is one of only a few states that recognize in which others are being seriously threatened or the holographic will, a term used to describe a will abused, immediately call 9-1-1 for law enforcement. totally handwritten and hand-dated. No part of You may also contact the Victim and Witness this document can be typed and it must be written Assistance Services Office of the District Attorney’s entirely in the person’s own hand. It is important office for continuing assistance during the to state that the document is intended as a will and prosecution of your case. It is a crime to commit that it is properly dated and signed. It must name an elder abuse. See Elder Abuse for more details. executor. In an effort to provide a simple means of preparing a will without the help of an attorney, the State of California developed the “California Statutory Will.’’ It includes all of the necessary language required 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 79 Legal Affairs and its use can avoid many of the pitfalls of a to the beneficiaries you have named in the trust holographic will. The ”California Statutory Will’’ can document. The trust document can also be designed be obtained on the California State Bar Association to continue beyond your death, with the trustee website at continuing to manage your assets for the benefit of documents/forms/2014_CAStatutoryWillForm_ the named beneficiaries. ab_1986_bill_20100715.pdf. Your chosen The trust does not require court supervision or beneficiaries must exactly match the choices allowed permission to operate and is administered privately, by the form. If you have any unique or special which protects the privacy of your family members. desires about your estate, this form may not be The RLT also avoids court proceedings to establish a sufficient to meet your needs. conservatorship of the estate for you if you become The Revocable Living Trust (“RLT”) incapacitated because you have already appointed a While the RLT can also be used to distribute assets trustee to take care of your assets. after death without probate, it is also an important However, there are some disadvantages to the tool in managing your assets during your lifetime, if RLT. The first is that it covers only the property and when you become incapacitated. you transfer into it. The trustee has no power to The RLT is a trust created by you, the settlor, into dispose of assets held jointly with someone else, or which you transfer title of your assets, so that the to manage your personal affairs not covered in the trust, not you, becomes the owner. You may add to trust. and subtract assets at any time, while you are still Secondly, because this option avoids court scrutiny, competent, and may amend or revoke the trust entirely. it is extremely important you name a trustee you can Any property or assets you own anywhere in the world trust. There are procedures to petition the court if may be transferred into the trust. one suspects overreaching or abuse by the trustee; You may create the trust and “fund” it immediately, however, this process seeks to remedy damage after by preparing documents which transfer to the it has occurred when it may already be too late. trust your title in property. Alternatively, you may Third, creation of this document may be a time- draft the trust document and provide for the trust consuming, complex and expensive task. The to be funded, and thereby created, at a later date; attorney fees alone may be several thousand dollars. for instance, upon a finding of your incapacity, the Besides the attorney fees, there are transfer fees, death of any named person, or the passage of a brokerage fees, recording fees, trustee fees, etc. specific amount of time. Additionally, in the event you require Medi-Cal Selection of the trustee to manage the trust is very benefits, the property in the trust is deemed to be important, as the trustee has complete power to available to you and may have to be spent first before dispose of all assets. Most often, the settlor, the you become eligible for Medi-Cal. person creating the trust, is also the initial trustee, with a named successor trustee to take over in the Joint Tenancy of Assets event of the settlor’s incapacity or death. Banks and Joint tenancy is a form of ownership whereby two financial institutions, family members and friends, or more people own equal undivided interests in business associates, are all possible trustees or property. If one of the owners dies, the remaining successor trustees. owners continue to own the property without court approval or transfer documentation. While Creation of a trust raises no tax problems at the time joint tenancy is efficient as a means of distributing of creation, because you, the settlor, keep control assets to the co-owners at death, there are pitfalls. of the existence of the trust and can revoke it at any The consent of all owners is required for any action time. However, tax consequences do arise at the involving the property. If friction develops between time the trust becomes irrevocable or upon your joint owners, it may be difficult or impossible to death. These tax consequences should be discussed utilize the resource. A jointly-held bank account with your attorney or tax accountant at the time you may be attached by the creditor of any of the establish the trust. owners, or a joint owner may take all the funds out The RLT avoids probate proceedings at your of the account without consulting the other owners. death because the title to your assets has already There also may be adverse tax consequences if a passed to the trust and are then passed directly child’s or spouse’s name is added as a joint tenant to real property.


Planning for Incapacity important to check with your financial institution to While seniors are familiar with traditional estate determine what they will require. planning, many have not considered what to do if Advance Health Care Directive they become disabled or incapacitated during their The California legislature established the Advance lifetime. The consequence can be loss of control over Health Care Directive (AHCD) which permits you what decisions will be made and who will be making to make decisions now regarding your future health them. Planning will allow you to make financial and care. Medical technology has progressed to the health care decisions without court intervention, point that we now have much more control over the ease the financial and emotional burden on your dying process. This document allows you to make family, protect your resources if nursing home those decisions or appoint someone you trust to do care is needed and give you control over decisions it for you. Today patients are encouraged to make affecting your estate. these decisions themselves, before they become Durable Power of Attorney for Assets incapacitated. A patient’s own personal view and The state legislature created a statutory form for values should determine how much life-prolonging Durable Power of Attorney (DPA). This document treatment he or she receives. When there is no hope allows you to name a person to manage your of recovery, deciding whether to use life-sustaining affairs for you in the event you become incapable technology is not really a clinical decision that the of doing so yourself, without formally transferring physician alone should make, but a philosophical title to your assets and without the requirement of one that the patient should determine. court approval. This document can be as simple An AHCD enables an individual to give another or as complex as you desire. You keep control over person legal authority to make medical decisions in your assets until such time as you no longer can. the event of incapacity. It also allows one the ability The DPA must be created and may be amended or to specify how he or she wants these decisions to be revoked at any time while you are still competent. made. A person must be legally competent when The document should carefully define under what creating this document; however, it will remain circumstances it will come into effect, e.g., who is to in effect throughout a person’s mental or physical determine if and when you become incompetent. impairments. It is recommended that you discuss The DPA is a private document and requires no court your AHCD with your agent(s). A copy of your supervision. The person you name as your agent will AHCD should be given to your agent(s) and your have complete control over your assets and affairs, medical care providers. Its location should be listed and no formal accounting procedures are required. in your Vial of Life or in a readily accessible place. Therefore, while the DPA is easy, cheap and flexible, Free copies of the Advance Health Care Directive you should be careful in selecting your agent. The are available from the Area Agency on Aging. Senior court does have authority to revoke the DPA if it Legal Services Project can discuss your particular determines that there has been mismanagement. choices with you and draft a Statutory AHCD at no However, revocation may be too late to recover assets. cost to San Luis Obispo County senior residents. Thus, it is important to consult an attorney regarding POLST the utilization of the DPA, even though it can be The Physician’s Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment utilized without an attorney’s assistance. (POLST) is a bright pink form that clearly states While form DPAs are available from stationery and what kinds of specific medical treatment a person web sites, caution is advised if you use one of these, wants toward the end of life, based on a discussion because they do not necessarily take into account with his or her doctor about the implication of the specific needs of your family or the unique certain treatments in light of the individual’s requirements of your assets. Senior Legal Services particular condition and circumstances. Signed by a Project can discuss your particular needs and draft physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant a Uniform Statutory Form DPA, as appropriate, at working under the supervision of a physician it no cost to San Luis Obispo County senior residents is a physician’s order, and is intended to prevent age 60 and over. Care should also be used in relying unwanted or medically ineffective treatment, solely on any one bank’s DPA form. Unless you reduce patient and family suffering and ensure the have a Uniform Statutory Form DPA, financial patient’s specific wishes are honored. California law institutions may reject another bank’s DPA as requires that the doctor’s orders in a POLST must not having their specific, required language. It is

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 81 Legal Affairs be followed by health care providers. The POLST where a relative or other person is not able or complements the AHCD; it does not replace it. An willing. This usually happens if Adult Protective AHCD appoints a legal heath care decision-maker Services brings a suspected elder abuse situation and is recommended for all adults, regardless of to the court’s attention, or where a conservatorship health status. A POLST form is recommended for a petition is brought under the provisions of the seriously ill person. As with your AHCD, you also mental health code. should discuss your POLST with your agent(s). A Conservatorship of the Person copy of your POLST should be given to each of your This petition seeks control over an incapacitated medical care providers and frequented hospitals, individual’s personal life. The conservator is and posted with your Vial of Life, in order to responsible for making sure the conservatee accompany you to each care facility necessary. is properly fed, clothed and housed. The Conservatorship of Estate and Person conservatorship is usually the last alternative If no trust, AHCD or DPA is in place, a considered, but may be necessary if the person conservatorship may become necessary. This is a is already unable to manage his/her own court proceeding in which a conservator is named activities of daily living. If conservatorship of the to become responsible for managing the affairs person is requested, it is usually combined with of someone else (the conservatee) who has been conservatorship of the estate. A very strict definition deemed incompetent to handle property and of “incompetence” applies. sometimes to make daily living decisions. The conservator must make a strict formal accounting Representative Payee to the probate court of all actions taken on behalf of If you are unable to handle your own money, but the conservatee. not so incapacitated as to require a conservator, and The potential conservatee has the right to have an your only income is from Social Security, you may attorney appointed to contest the proceeding. You appoint or have appointed, a Representative Payee. may execute a written nomination of a particular This person must be approved by the Social Security conservator now, while you are competent, which Administration. This person will receive your check, the court must consider if and when the petition for deposit it, and give you what funds he or she feels is conservatorship is ever filed. However, the court has appropriate. That person is also responsible to pay broad discretion to select a conservator in the best your legitimate bills and make sure you have the interest of the proposed conservatee. You may also basic necessities, such as a place to live, food, health, spell out your preferences regarding management clothing, etc. Call Social Security Administration for and disposition of your assets by the proposed further information. conservator. The court supervises the actions of If you are caring for an incapacitated person without the conservator who is required to act for your documentation, call Coast Caregiver Resource benefit and for those for whom you have a support Center. obligation. Immigration The proceeding is supervised by the court, which With the passage of welfare reform in 1996, the must approve all actions taken by the conservator. citizenship status of individuals is an important This provides protection for the conservatee, but has determinant of eligibility for publicly-funded some drawbacks. There are delays, waiting for the programs. Programs which are means tested may be formalities to be completed and the court to hear restricted to citizens and green card holders only. the matter. There are substantial costs to pay for all As a result, many elderly and disabled non-citizens the court required services. All the proceedings are may not be eligible for these benefits, unless they a matter of public record and many individual rights are legal immigrants or under certain limited are lost to the conservatee. circumstances. To retain eligibility for some There are private professional fiduciaries who will programs persons with legal status should consider manage an estate for a fee. A list of professional citizenship. The citizenship process includes exams, fiduciaries in San Luis Obispo County is provided processing, interview and an oath ceremony. at the end of this section. The probate clerk at the Superior Court has a listing of private conservators Agency Resources for Victims of Violence that are registered with the Court. The public The following agencies are available for further guardian may also be available to act as conservator assistance and services:


Adult Protective Services (APS) Victim and Witness Assistance Program APS investigates reports of abuse, neglect and self- Staff are available during regular business hours neglect of dependent adult (age 18-64) and elder to provide services to victims of and witnesses to abuse (65+) except when the abuse occurs in skilled violent and property crimes, including: nursing and residential care facilities (see LTC • crisis intervention Ombudsman). • referrals Rise • information about the criminal justice system Rise serves victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and provides assistance with obtaining • support through the court process temporary restraining orders, counseling, shelter • intervention with employers and creditors when services, advocacy and court accompaniment. All problems created by the crime are involved services are confidential and available in Spanish. • assistance in applying for reimbursement for medical and counseling expenses, lost wages or loss of support, and funeral expenses for victims of violent crime • assisting in return of lost property Stand Strong Women’s Shelter Program provides counseling and shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children.

10 Tips to Make Sure Your Contractor Measures Up 1. Hire only state –licensed contractors. 2. Check a contractor’s license number online at or by calling 800- 321-CSLB (2752). 3. Get at least three bids. 4. Get three references from each bidder and review past work in person. 5. Make sure all project expectations are in writing and only sign the contract if you completely understand the terms. 6. Confirm that the contractor has worker’s compensation insurance for employees. 7. Never pay more than 10% down or $1,000.whichever is less. Don’t pay in cash. 8. Don’t let payments get ahead of the work. 9. Keep a job file of all papers relating to your project, including all payments. 10. Don’t make the final payment until you’re satisfied with the job. Source: Contractors State License Board or 800-321-2752

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 83 Legal Affairs Directory Disability Rights of California Services: Free assistance in divorce, legal separation, nullity, paternity, restraining orders, AARP Legal Services Network Bay Area Regional 866-330-0753 guardianship and name change 1330 Broadway, Ste.500 cases. Help obtain and modify Oakland, CA 94612 child custody, visitation and 510-267-1200 support orders. Fax 510-267-1201 Maintains a list of lawyers Health Insurance Counseling nationwide for persons aged 50 Los Angeles Regional 350 South Bixel St, Suite 290 and Advocacy Program and older. Need not be an AARP (HICAP) member; AARP members get free Los Angeles, CA 90017 528 South Broadway initial consultations and reduced 213-213-8000 Santa Maria, CA 93454 fees. Fax 213-213-8001 805‑928-5663 Adult Protective Services Fresno Office Fax 805-925-9555 County of San Luis Obispo 567 West Shaw, Ste. C-3 Department of Social Services Fresno, CA 93704 805‑781-1790 Regular Business 559-476-2000 HICAP offers counseling Hours Fax 559-476-2001 appointments at various senior centers throughout the county. A (844) 729-8011. (after hours, District Attorney Victim and weekends, and holidays) list of these locations can be found Witness Assistance Services on their website. California State Bar County of San Luis Obispo District Attorney’s Office Assists with Medicare, related 1035 Palm St. Room 384 Insurance and Long Term Care California Bar complaint hot- San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Insurance issues. line 805‑781-5821 800-843-9053 Immigration 866-781-5821 California Courts Online Self- Fax 805‑781-5828 Catholic Charities 3592 Broad Street, Suite 104 Help Center San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Departments/District-Attorney/ 805‑541-9110 California Rural Legal Assis- Victim-Witness-Assistance-Center. tance aspx Assist in immigration and housing 175 Santa Rosa Street cases. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Domestic Partnership Registry Secretary of State United States Dept. of Justice 805‑544-7997 PO Box 942870 312 North Spring Street, Suite Fax 805‑544-3904 Sacramento, CA 94277-2870 1200 Coast Caregiver Resource 916-653-3984 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-894-2400 Center Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital Fax 213-894-0141 2415 De La Vina Family Law Facilitator Santa Barbara, CA 93105 1035 Palm Street 3rd Floor This office provides information 805‑543-9234 Atrium and assistance on obtaining 805‑569-8950 Ext 1 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 901 Park St. Rm. 112 needed forms, changing your Paso Robles, CA 93446 status, becoming a permanent Creative Mediation Services 805‑788-3418 Recorded resident, and filing a visa petition 285 South St. Ste.J Information for a relative. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 This office can advise you of the 805‑549-0442 law status of a pending application. Fax 805‑549-0654 Provide date of birth, date of filing, Office Hours: By appointment [email protected] and alien registration number. after visiting legal clinic or Offers small claims and workshops Law Library community mediation services. County Courthouse Annex Walk-in Legal Clinics in Paso 1050 Monterey Street, Rm. 125 Robles and SLO: Monday - San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 805‑781-5855 Fax 805‑781-4172


[email protected] Senior Legal Services Project 3437 Empresa Drive Suite D Lawyer Referral & Information San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Service 805‑543-5140 SLO County Bar Association [email protected] PO Box 585 By appointment only for seniors San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-4840 age 60+ who reside in San Luis 805‑541-5502 Obispo County . Call the main [email protected] number for an appointment with an attorney in the main office, or Probate Clerk at Superior Court at the senior centers located in San 805‑781-5677 Luis Obispo, Nipomo, Morro Bay or Paso Robles. To secure a private conservator from their registry. Small Claims Advisor San Luis Obispo Courthouse Public Defender Services 1050 Monterey St., Rm 223 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408-2006 San Luis Obispo Defenders 805‑781-5856 Ext. 3 991 Osos Street, Ste. A Fax 805‑781-1173 805‑541-5715 Fax 805‑781-3064 Departments/District-Attorney/ Public Guardian Special-Prosecutions/Services/ PO Box 1489 Small-Claims-Court-Advisory. San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 aspx 805‑781-5845 Fax: 781-5566 See also California Court Online Self help Center: http://slocourts. Rise net/self_help/small_claims 51 Zaca Lane, Suite 100 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Social Security Admistration 1030 Vine Street San Luis Obispo District Office Paso Robles, CA 93446 3240 S. Higuera St. 855-886-RISE (7473) toll free, 24- San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 hour crisis line 1-855-207-4865 TTY 800-325-0778 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 630 Paso Robles, CA 93447 [email protected] Stand Strong Senior Legal Hotline 805‑781-6401 800-222-1753. 805‑781-6400 24 hour hotline 805‑781-6418 Legal Assistance Free state-wide hotline providing counsel and advice on most civil matters for seniors age 60+ for Stand Strong offers services such issues related to: public benefits, as counseling, legal assistance, grandparents raising grandkids, support groups, and transitional consumer problems, advance housing for those affected by health care directives, housing, domestic violence. elder abuse (including financial, senior scams, etc.). Bi-lingual receptionist available M-F 9-noon and noon-4:00. Available until 8 P.M. on Thursdays. Best to call early in the morning to ensure a same-day telephone appointment.


pharmacy and personal care as prescribed by he housing industry has responded to the the patient’s physician. In addition, physical, Tneed for enhanced housing services, such as dining occupational, and therapies can be provided. These room meals, housekeeping and transportation, by facilities are licensed by the California Department developing housing facilities that provide these of Public Health and inspected annually. In amenities. There are differing degrees of amenities addition, the Long Term Care Ombudsman providing options for consideration. program visits the facilities regularly to monitor the health, safety and quality of life of the residents. Some people will stay in their own homes and have home care services brought to them. Other When Facility Residents Have Complaints, Who individuals will choose to relocate to housing Will Solve Them? facilities that provide the services desired. In even the most reputable facilities, residents have complaints about services or living conditions. The Retirement Communities resident and/or a family member should first discuss Retirement Communities are apartment complexes the complaint with the facility’s administration. for active seniors who are interested in group and Often the problem can be resolved quickly. If not, social events, but do not need personal or medical contact the local Long Term Care Ombudsman care. Often, home maintenance, housekeeping and (805‑785-0132), whose role it is to investigate and meals are provided. resolve complaints made on behalf of care facility Assisted Living Communities residents. A special combination of housing and personalized Another source of help may be the state agency supportive services offered in a residential setting. responsible for licensing the nursing home or Supportive services may include meals, laundry, residential care facility. The State Department housekeeping, transportation and activities. of Public Health is responsible for licensing and Residents live in apartments but enjoy group dining certifying Medicare/Medi-Cal skilled nursing and other activities. facilities. The State Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division, is responsible Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly for licensing and inspecting residential care Residential care facilities for the elderly are licensed facilities. facilities that can be single family homes where residents rent out a room, or apartment style What to Look for in a Nursing Home locations with 20 - 200 individual rooms/apartments. You cannot gauge the quality of a nursing home Also known as “rest homes,” “board and care,” without making at least one, and preferably several, or “retirement homes,” residential care refers to personal visits. Walk around the facility and the facilities which do not provide medical or grounds to see how well they are maintained, how nursing care but which offer room, board, and daily comfortable the residents seem, and how the staff assistance with dressing, eating, personal hygiene, interacts with them. You may want to review and health maintenance, supervision of prescribed take a checklist when you visit the nursing home or medication, transportation and other activities. call the staff for more information. The facilities are licensed and inspected by the Find Out What the Experts Say California Department of Social Services. They When considering any nursing home, ask to see are visited regularly by the Long-Term Care the most recent annual state licensing report on Ombudsman Services of San Luis Obispo County. the facility. You can also get information regarding To receive a list of residential care facilities in the facility’s licensing history at www.medicare. San Luis Obispo County, call the Ombudsman gov (click on Nursing Home Compare) or call program at 805‑785-0132 or check their website at 800-Medicare. The reports and any citations are also (resources). available at the Long Term Care Ombudsman office Nursing Homes/Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) for all San Luis Obispo County facilities. Also known as “nursing homes” or “convalescent Placement Assistance hospitals,” skilled nursing facilities are required Long Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Services to provide continuous (24-hour-a-day) nursing provides information and assistance to persons who supervision by registered or licensed vocational are faced with making decisions about appropriate nurses. SNFs provide medical, nursing, dietary,

86 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Long Term Care levels of care, available facilities and other concerns your long term care insurance policy. Contact having to do with placement of a friend or family them for free one on one counseling. HICAP member. This service is free of charge and available has counseling sites throughout San Luis Obispo for both skilled nursing facilities and residential County. HICAP can be reached at 800-434-0222 or care facilities for the elderly. Ombudsman can 805‑928-5663. answer questions that you may have about long- term care, provide a list of care facilities in San Luis What Happens If the Money Runs Out? Obispo County, and give referrals to other counties Nursing homes that are licensed for Medicare and and special care facilities state-wide. The LTC Medi-Cal cannot require residents to move out if Ombudsman service also provides advocacy for savings are exhausted and the resident now qualifies facility residents, information about Advance Health for Medi-Cal. It is wise to contact your local social Care Directives and witnesses the forms for care services office as soon as possible to find out the facility residents. Please note that the Ombudsman requirements for Medi-Cal eligibility. To learn more program Is not able to provide opinions regarding about eligibility for Medicare/Medi-Cal coverage of the facilities. nursing homes, see Financial Matters section. If you or a loved one is being evicted from a care facility As much as possible, it is important to involve the for changing pay sources or other reasons, LTC older person in the decision-making process. If a care Ombudsman can help with improper evictions. facility is the best solution, enlist the help of your physician and any friends or relatives who have used Admission Agreement nursing home services in your area. Call the Long Know the Contents of Your Contract Term Care Ombudsman or the Area Agency on Aging The admission agreement between a nursing home (805‑541-0384) for lists of all facilities in SLO County and its residents constitutes a legal contract. Older as well as a checklist to use in making a selection. LTC persons and their families should understand fully Ombudsman can be reached at 805‑785-0132 or via all of the agreement’s provisions, including the right their website at to negotiate new terms and their right to sue if the Local businesses are available that provide free agreed terms are violated. A lawyer’s review of any placement assistance through tours of local facilities nursing home agreement before it is signed can and provision of a Guide for Senior Living. The point out possible future problems. placement agencies are private businesses and do Nursing homes usually require that someone sign as receive a commission from the facilities when they Responsible Party for the resident. This is generally place a client. the person checking the resident into the nursing home. This person can be the resident, a spouse or Uncover Any Hidden Costs other member of the family, a friend or an associate. Nursing homes bill residents for two types of The Responsible Party is usually the first person charges: daily rates for room, board and some contacted if the resident has a change in condition nursing services; and extra charges for any service or an emergency. This is not the same as Cosigning. not included in the basic rate, such as therapies, Generally, the Responsible Party is not required to wheelchairs, dental care, hand-feeding or care for pay any costs to the facility. Review the admissions incontinent residents. agreement to be certain that you are not also signing It is important to know that federal regulations as a Cosigner which is not a legal requirement in require any nursing home that participates in California. Signing as a Cosigner may obligate you Medicare or Medi-Cal to provide complete to pay for any costs not covered by insurance or the information about basic rates and all extra charges. resident’s private funds. Find out whether your private health or long term care insurance covers any or all of the costs of Questions or Complaints? In even the most reputable nursing homes, residents nursing- home care; most do not. If, however, you have complaints about services or living conditions. are counting strictly on Medicare or Medi-Cal, be The resident and/or a family member should first certain you know exactly what services will and will discuss the complaint with the nursing home’s staff. not be covered before you sign a contract with any Often the complaint can be resolved quickly. If not, nursing home. contact the local LTC Ombudsman whose role is HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and to investigate concerns and resolve problems in the Advocacy Program) can assist you in understanding nursing home.

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 87 Long Term Care Directory Mission View Health Center 1425 Woodside Drive Website to help consumers see Skilled Nursing Facilities San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 long term care planning options 805-543-0210 for their age group, Including Arroyo Grande Care Center Fax 805-545-8216 1212 Farroll Ave. material on Medicaid eligibility Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 www.missionviewhealthcenter. for long term care. Sponsored by 805-489-8137 com the U.S. Department of Health Fax 805-481-1534 San Luis Transitional Care and Human Services State of California Care Facility Licensing 1575 Bishop Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Agencies Bayside Care Center 805-545-7575 Department of Public Health 1405 Teresa Drive Fax 545-7584 Morro Bay, CA 93442 Licensing & Certifi cation Program 805-772-2237 San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Fax 805-772-2536 Vineyard Hills Health Center Ventura Counties 1889 N. Rice Ave., Ste. 200 290 Heather Court Templeton, CA 93465 Oxnard, CA 93030 Bella Vista Transitional Care 805-434-3035 805-604-2926 3033 Augusta Street Fax 805-434-3065 800-547-8267 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Fax 805-604-2997 805-544-5100 Fax 805-544- 7209 Care facility advocacy and assistance to residents. Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing Danish Care Center Consumer Information 6500 Hollister Ave., Ste. 200 10805 El Camino Real Long Term Care Ombudsman Goleta, CA 93117 Atascadero, CA 93422 Services of SLO County 805-562-0400 805-466-9254 3232 S. Higuera St., Ste. 101B Fax 805-685-1820 Fax 805-466-6007 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-785-0132 Fax 805-785-0134 [email protected]

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88120816c_Santa_Maria_SB_Resource_Directory_MC_B&W_A.indd 2018-2020 SAN LUIS 1 OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR3/13/18 INFORMATION 9:45 AM GUIDE Mental Health/Counseling/Support Groups

diagnosing depression. Symptoms of depression are ood mental health is more than the absence often misdiagnosed or mistaken for the everyday ofG mental illness. Mental health is a state/condition problems of the aged. For example, the memory characterized by a general sense of well-being and loss, confused thinking, or apathy symptomatic of satisfying relationships with other people. dementias may be due to depression. On the other hand, the early awakening and reduced appetite Growing older certainly involves a variety of life typical of depression are also evident among many stressors that can lead to depression. Some people persons who are not depressed. Further complicating have trouble making the transition from full time diagnosis, elderly persons rarely admit feelings of productive careers to retirement. Others have been depression, even though they may have cause to forced to retire because of chronic health problems be depressed. Often they incorrectly attribute their or disability. For some, mounting medical bills depressive symptoms to physical ailments, and either threaten their future financial stability. The loss of a ignore them or seek inappropriate treatment. loved one, or serious illness in a lifelong friend, or in your life’s partner, can add tremendous caretaking Depression does accompany many of the illnesses responsibilities, and also creates much sadness. Lack that afflict older persons, such as Parkinson’s disease, of mobility, either due to physical illness, or loss of cancer, arthritis, and the early stages of Alzheimer’s driving privileges, can result in social isolation and disease. Treating depression in these situations can loneliness. All these factors can lead to depression. reduce unnecessary suffering and help afflicted individuals cope with their medical problems. Some Depression medications or inadequate diets can also cause Depression should not be confused with the transient depression. feelings of unhappiness that everyone experiences, Careful observation by a knowledgeable person, in such as the periods of sadness associated with unhappy addition to sophisticated medical evaluation, may be events and failures, or the emotional letdowns that necessary to recognize the depressed older person. occur commonly around holidays. Nor should A physician attempting to differentiate between depression be confused with the intense grief brought dementia and depression may call on family members about by the loss of a loved one. Sadness and grief are or longtime friends for information on the patient’s normal and temporary reactions to life’s stresses; time history, since the onset of depression is usually more heals, the mood lifts, and people continue to function. sudden than the slow and gradual process of dementia. Depression is not normal, at any age. Also, the individual with organic problems typically Individuals with true clinical depression do not minimizes loss of mental function such as memory, feel better for weeks or months. Depression affects while the depressed person exaggerates the loss. feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Symptoms of a Appropriate treatment of the depressed older person, clinical depression may include: as with younger individuals, can bring significant • Persistent sad, anxious or “empty” feelings relief and offer a new lease on life and renewed • Decreased energy, fatigue, being “slowed down’’ productivity. There is no justification for anyone of • Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities any age to suffer needlessly from depression because of lack of treatment. • Sleep disturbances, (insomnia, early-morning waking, or oversleeping) The Grieving Process • Appetite and weight changes (either loss or gain) Grief is a natural accompaniment to any significant loss in our lives. The grieving process may include • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness feelings of shock or numbness, anger or irritation, • Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts fear or anxiety in addition to sadness. Having these • Difficulty in concentrating, remembering, making feelings after the loss of a loved one is natural. decisions Feelings associated with grieving are also common • Chronic aches or persistent bodily symptoms that with other losses as well; for example, retirement are not caused by physical disease. (loss of job, social status, role as provider, level of Estimates of the occurrence vary widely; from income, etc.) or illness (loss of ability to function 10 percent to 65 percent of the population report as before, loss of mobility, of physical stamina or being depressed at some point in their lives. energy, loss of certain activities and social contacts). These varied estimates attest to the difficulties of Taking on the role of becoming a caregiver to a

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 89 Mental Health/Counseling/Support Groups disabled or ill spouse or other family member can (3) intrinsic appeal (It is beautiful). Hoarding may also trigger feelings of anger, fear or sadness. As be accompanied by one or more of a host of mental the caregiver copes with the loss of the kind of conditions such as depression, obsessive compulsive relationship s/he used to have with the person, disorder, dementia, and attention deficit disorder. many feelings may arise, some unwelcome or even Who is the typical hoarder? Men are twice as overwhelming. likely as women to hoard. The condition knows no Even though feelings of grief may be normal, there boundaries, it effects people of all ages, educational is support available which can prevent these feelings levels and economic classes. from becoming a more serious depression or What are the consequences of hoarding? In its affecting an individual’s ability to function. Research benign manifestation, it is not threatening and may (and common sense) has shown that there are only be a topic of family joking. But as bags of used certain steps that can be taken to enhance mental tissues, old newspapers and garbage amass to crowd and emotional well-being. Primary among these is out living space and vermin begin to nest in the peer support. We need other people with whom we clutter, the residents begin to face health and safety interact and connect and from whom we can give issues. and receive care. Getting together with others who share your concerns and commit to taking positive Why is hoarding of concern to caregivers? Besides steps to support each other can be very powerful the health and safety issues related to a residence medicine. overrun with litter, a caregiver may use the chronic collecting behavior as an opportunity for a dialogue Treatment with the collector who may gain insight into and As with all illness, there are a variety of ways to treat perhaps control of the behavior. While cognitive mental illness. If the illness has gone untreated for therapy has been a useful technique, hoarders are a long period or the symptoms of the illness are often stubbornly resistant to any changes. threatening an individual’s safety, hospitalization How do you respond to hoarding? Chronic may be the best course to assess the need, stabilize compulsive collecting is a complicated behavior the individual, and determine a follow-up out- because the collector may be ashamed, feels patient treatment plan. overwhelmed, has a cognitive impairment or a Another course of treatment may be individual, personality disorder. Avoid blaming or taking couple, group, or family counseling with a trained responsibility for the collector. Instead, educate professional. Within San Luis Obispo County there yourself and talk with mental health experts and are many fine counseling agencies and private find sources of emotional support for yourself if you therapists. There are many kinds of counselors and are distressed by the hoarding behavior. When a therapists in California. clear danger exists for residents of the living space, Psychiatrists are M.D.s who usually (though contact Adult Protective Servient. A coordinated not always) treat psychological symptoms with thoughtful intervention by professionals from medication. Psychologists (Ph.D.) are more likely mental health and public safety usually works best. to use individual or group therapy as a means of Support Groups treatment and Marriage Family Therapist (MFT) are Support groups consist of people with similar specially trained to view the individual within the needs or goals who have come together to share context of his/her family or environment. Licensed information, coping skills and offer each other Clinical Social Workers (LCSW) are also trained to emotional support. Some support groups are “self- provide psychotherapy. help” and do not include professional helpers. Hoarding These groups depend exclusively on the expertise What is hoarding? Hoarding is the acquisition of developed by the people involved in the group, and failure to discard possessions that appear to be or people who have experienced a particular life useless or of limited value. This chronic compulsive challenge in common. Other groups are organized collecting can overrun a living space and create by professional organizations, and meetings are significant distress for the collector or other facilitated by staff. household residents. Often, collectors remark that Support groups have grown in popularity with the items have (1) “sentimental” value or attachment, or idea that people who have experienced a similar (2) instrumental value (I may need it someday.), or difficulty, problem or challenge can most effectively

90 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Mental Health/Counseling/Support Groups help others in the same situation. As the value of frustrations or anxieties that you may find yourself support groups has become more widely known and feeling. Very often someone in the group has appreciated, groups that address a variety of issues discovered a resolution or effective coping tool and have evolved. There are groups for persons dealing they are happy to share with everyone what has with a wide range of life challenges, or for the people worked for them and what may work for you too. who support or care for them. Support groups will help you feel less isolated and Support groups can be a valuable emotional support alone. It may be helpful just knowing that others network. In the right group, you will find many understand your difficulties and can be there to offer people who have experienced the same problems, encouragement and support.

Family Therapy Family therapy is based on the belief that the family is a handle problems makes them more likely to develop unique social system with its own structure and patterns symptoms. of communication. These patterns are determined by many During therapy sessions, the family’s strengths are used to things, including the parents’ beliefs and values, the personal- help them handle their problems. All members take respon- ities of all family members, and the influence of the extended sibility for problems. Some family members may need to family (grandparents, aunts, and uncles). As a result of these change their behavior more than others. variables, each family develops its own unique personality, which is powerful and affects all of its members. Family therapy is a very active type of therapy, and fam- ily members are often given assignments. The number of Family therapy is based on the following concepts as well. sessions required varies, depending on the severity of the • Illness in one family member may be a symptom of a problems and the willingness of the members to participate larger family problem. To treat only the member who is in therapy. The family and the therapist set mutual goals and identified as ill is like treating the symptom of a disease discuss the length of time expected to achieve the goals. Not but not the disease itself. It is possible that if the person all members of the family attend each session. with the illness is treated but the family is not, another People who participate in family therapy sessions learn more member of the family will become ill. This cycle will about themselves and about how their family functions. Any- continue until the problems are examined and treated. one who has a condition that interferes with his or her life and • Any change in one member of the family affects both the the lives of family members may benefit from family therapy. family structure and each member individually. Usually, the better the family functions, the lower the stress Health professionals who use the family systems model in level for the person with the health problem. caring for people always consider the whole family. They Family therapy has been used successfully to treat many dif- view any problem in one member as a symptom of change or ferent types of families in many different conflict in the group. Family therapy is useful in dealing with relationship problems A family therapist: within the family and may help reduce symptoms such as • Teaches family members about how families function in eating disorders or alcohol use problems. But more specific general and, in particular, how their own functions. types of therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or medicines, may be needed too. • Helps the family focus less on the member who has been identified as ill and focus more on the family as a whole. Family therapy can make some problems worse if it is not guided appropriately by a well-trained counselor. Therapy may not suffi- • Helps to identify conflicts and anxieties and helps the ciently resolve issues if it is stopped too soon. Family therapy may family develop strategies to resolve them. be less effective if one family member refuses to participate. • Strengthens all family members so they can work on their For the best results, all family members need to work together problems together. with the therapist toward common goals. But if one member • Teaches ways to handle conflicts and changes within the refuses to attend sessions, other family members can still family differently. Sometimes the way family members benefit by attending

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 91 Mental Health/Counseling/Support Groups

Paso Robles Office 805‑461-6060 Directory 517 13th Street South County The Directory is presented in Paso Robles, CA 93446 354 S. Halcyon Rd. sections that reflect the type of 805‑226-5641 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2565 service available. Provides individual and family 805‑473-7060 This includes: counseling for anyone dealing Medi-Cal accepted at County with the loss of a friend or family clinics. I. Crisis Intervention and member, or for a person with Mental Health Support a serious or life threatening Transitions-Mental Health As- sociation II. Volunteer Hospice Services illness, or their family members. Counseling is offered for children, Mailing Address III. Outpatient Services teens and adults. There is no fee PO Box 15408 IV. Low Cost Services for any of the counseling services. San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 V. Support Organizations Na. Hospice & Palliative Care Physical Address 784 High Street VI. Addiction/Substance Abuse Organization 1731 King, Ste 100 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Services Alexandria, VA 22314 805‑540-6500 VII. Support Groups 703-837-1500 Fax 805‑540-6501 Fax 703-837-1233 I. Crisis Intervention and Community based mental health Mental Health Support Provides free consumer support groups, classes, and SLO Hotline information on hospice care and activities for adults and seniors, 800-783-0607 puts the public in direct contact provided at Wellness Centers with hospice program. located in Arroyo Grande, San Luis 24-hour crisis intervention, and Obispo, and Atascadero. Education information. III. Outpatient Services and support for family members San Luis Obispo County Mental is also available. Public education, Health Services Calm, Clear and Connected including Mental Health First Aid 800-838-1381 PO Box 15101 and suicide intervention training, San Luis Obispo CA 93406 Call for psychiatric care and provided throughout area. No cost; 805‑544-2273 no referral necessary. evaluation for treatment. A central 805‑466-4681 access point for all Medi-Cal mental health services is provided IV. Low Cost Services through this 24-hour number. Psychotherapy/counseling of Cal Poly Community The Friendship Line adults, children and families. Counseling Service Crisis Intervention Program for the Community Health Centers 756-1532 Fax 805‑756-6525 Elderly www.communityhealthcenters. 800-971-0016 org Offers short-term counseling 24-hour telephone Hotline and consultation for individuals, CHC operates 28 state-licensed couples, child and family to San Confidential telephone clinical sites in San Luis Obispo Luis Obispo County residents who discussion for people 60+ who and northern Santa Barbara do not qualify for County Mental may be lonely,Isolated, grieving, counties. Health Services or who cannot depressed, anxious, and/or To contact a specific Community afford private psychotherapy. thinking about death or suicide, Health Center site, please call Services are provided by graduate their caregivers and/or younger our Navigation Center toll-free at students pursuing the Master of disabled adults. 1-866-614-4636. Science Degree in Psychology and II. Volunteer Hospice San Luis Obispo County Mental MFT license under supervision of licensed faculty. Services Health Clinics 2178 Johnson Avenue Community Counseling Center Hospice of San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 1129 Marsh St. County (Hospice SLO) 805‑781-4700 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 1304 Pacific Street North County 805‑543-7969 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 5575 Hospital Drive Fax 805‑543-0859 805‑544-2266 Atascadero, CA 93422-4264 92 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Mental Health/Counseling/Support Groups Low cost short-term counseling for other and advocate for better VI. Addiction / Substance individuals, couples and families. understanding, treatment and care Abuse Services Bilingual counselors available. of people with mental illness. Wilshire Community Services Alzheimer Association SLO County Drug & Alcohol Senior Peer Counseling Program 3232 S. Higuera St., Ste 101A Services 285 South St., #J San Luis Obispo, CA. 93401 805‑781-4275 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑547-3830 The San Luis Obispo County 805‑547-7025 ext. 14 Fax 805‑784-9400 Drug & Alcohol Services Division Fax 805‑547-7030 offers a variety of services and programs to help people with drug [email protected] Provides education and support and alcohol problems, including services for individuals, families public walk-in clinics, outpatient Provides supervised trained and caregivers. Has a 24/7 treatment, and court-mandated volunteers 55 and over for Helpline, consultation services and programs. confidential, free, in -home peer support groups. Balance Treatment of San Luis counseling and emotional support Coast Caregiver Resource to seniors. Obispo Center 1551 Bishop Street, Ste. 130-A Wilshire Community Services - Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Clearings Program 1528 Chapala Street, Ste. 302 805‑548-2200 805‑547-7025 Ext. 14. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Cottage Outpatient Center 805‑962-3600 ext.14 888-488-6555 1035 Peach Street #203 Early depression screening for San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 [email protected] seniors. 805‑541-9113 www. Still Blooming Offering a comprehensive range of 3940-7 Broad St. Service directed to families of structured services in an outpatient San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 brain- impaired adults, such as setting that allows the patient to 818-554-0326 Alzheimer’s, stroke, Parkinsons, remain at home and continue Betsy Bloombaum, MSW,LCSW head injury, etc. Also has special with work during treatment. program for family caregivers [email protected] Services include: Free Initial Assessments; Intensive Outpatient Program; Case Management; Providing affordable concierge Family Involvement; Back to Work In-home therapy and counseling Programs; Women’s Groups. services for long-term and crisis concerns to individuals, couples and families. Specializing in older adults and their caregivers. STILL BLOOMING Social work resources and linkage services available. Senior discount Affordable Concierge Therapy and sliding scale. Betsy Bloombaum, MSW, LCSW V. Support Organizations In-Home Therapy & Counseling Services to Older National Alliance on Mental Illness Adults & Caregivers PO Box 3158 San Luis Obispo SENIOR DISCOUNT and SLIDING SCALE 805‑543-1825 [email protected] 818-554-0326 Grief & Loss Issues, NAMI SLOCO is a charitable non- Acute & Chronic Concerns, Mood Changes, profit organization of consumers Social Work Linkages and families and friends of people with severe mental illnesses. Members provide educational website: and emotional support for each email: [email protected]

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 93 Mental Health/Counseling/Support Groups

Cottage Residential Center [email protected] Anticipatory Grief: An 316 W. Montecito A clinical support group for Educational Support group Santa Barbara those who have tested positive 277 South St., Ste R 805‑569-7422 to the AIDS antibody test, or San Luis Obispo Offers residents a reasonable who have HIV or AIDS. Not a 805‑269-0141 cost alternative to recovery in a drop-in group. Also have benefits This group is for anyone who is hospital setting, with the resources counselor, housing services experiencing the anticipated loss of a major medical center close by. and health counselor. Call for of a loved one nearing death, The program provides medically information. and the complex emotions that supervised care and is open to Al-Anon Family Groups may emerge. Monthly meetings. men and women 18 years and (682) 400-3033 Sponsored by Wilshire Center for older. Grief Education and Healing. Ken Starr, MD - Wellness Group Arthritis Foundation 107 Nelson Street A fellowship of relatives and 2261 Las Positas Road Arroyo Grande,CA 93420 friends of alcoholics. Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805‑242-1360 Alcoholics Anonymous 805‑563-4685 1137 Pacific St., Ste. B, Fax 805‑687-1094 San Luis Obispo Addiction San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Recovery Center 1223 Higuera St, 805‑541-3211 24-hour answering machine The Arthritis Foundation provides San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 support/education groups, 805‑541-0632 Arthritis Self Help Courses, Offering medically assisted detox, Over 200 meetings held each PACE (People With Arthritis Can outpatient services, and group week in San Luis Obispo. For Exercise) classes, Twinges in the therapy. information call numbers abov Hinges (warm water exercise) to ALS Support Group all who are affected with arthritis. VII. Support Groups 1-866-750-2572 This includes the person with The following is a list of support [email protected] arthritis, family members, spouses groups throughout San Luis Obispo and friends. Call for a class Support group for those who schedule or for information. County. Sometimes the day, time have Lou Gehrig’s Disease or location of a meeting changes, (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) Caregivers of Cancer Patients & so it’s best to call the contact person and their families and caregivers. Survivors for current information; sometimes Meets at Sierra Vista Hospital 1941 Johnson Ave., STE 201A the contact person changes, but you Auditorium. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805‑542-6234 can still find the group at the place, Alzheimer’s Support Group day and time listed. All groups listed 800.272.3900 1st and 3rd Thursday 6-7:30 p.m. at Hearst Cancer Resource Center offer free or low-cost services. New For family members and other groups are always forming. caregivers of people with Cancer Support Community of Adult Children of Aging Alzheimer’s disease or related the California Central Coast Parents dementias. Trained staff available 1051 Las Tablas Rd. 805‑543-7969 for impaired person while Templeton, CA 93465 805‑238-4411 Support group, sponsored by caregiver attends group by calling Community Counseling Center. in advance. Several groups meet Provides emotional support and Call for meeting times. monthly throughout the County. education to help people with cancer and their loved ones. Adult Children of Alcoholics American Lung Association http://www.meetings.adultchil- 800-586-4872 Family Ties Fax 805‑546-0892 6850 Morro Road Sponsors self-help programs for Atascadero, CA 93422 Support groups throughout 805‑434-2449 County, check website for meeting those wishing to stop smoking and times. support groups for those suffering from chronic lung diseases. ACCESS Support Network Support groups for relatives 805‑781-3660 raising children 800-491-9141 Fax 805‑781-3664

94 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Mental Health/Counseling/Support Groups

Hospice of San Luis Obispo Respiratory Care Center of Widowhood Ministry of the County Arroyo Grande Hospital Central Coast 1304 Pacific St 345 S. Halcyon Rd. Mission San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 751 Palm St. 544-2266 805‑489-4261 x4276 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 [email protected] Meetings provide support and 805‑781-8220 information for those with Bringing widows and widowers Provides support groups to those emphysema and other chronic together in an Inter-faith who have are experiencing or obstructive pulmonary diseases. environment. have experienced the death of a Meets at Arroyo Grande Hospital. loved one. Support groups include: Stroke Support Group What YOU Can Do to Prevent Falls partner/widow bereavement 805‑471-8102 Falls are not just the result of getting older. support, bereaved parents support, Many falls can be prevented. Falls are usually Discussion of medical issues, caused by a number of things. By changing suicide bereavement, general coping strategies, and physical bereavement and support pet loss some of these things, you can lower your and emotional changes. For stroke chances of falling. support. There is no fee. victims, their families, friends and You can reduce your chances of falling Huntington’s Disease caregivers. by following these tips: 800-345-HDSA Survivors of Suicide 888-HDSA-506 1. Begin a regular exercise program. 805‑544-2266 Hospice of SLO 2. Make your home safer. Support group. Also contact the County 3. Have your health care provider review Huntington’s Disease Society of Take Off Pounds Sensibly your medicines. America at 800-345-HDSA. (TOPS) 4. Have your vision checked. Muscular Dystrophy 805‑466-1697 Self Assessment for Fall Risk: Association Support group for people trying to 1. Have you fallen one or more times in 805‑560-7651 lose weight. the past six months? Provides support groups and YES NO Transitions-Mental Health If so, how many times______diagnostic tests are provided to Association patients who may have MD. 2. Are you afraid of falling? P O Box 15408 YES NO National Multiple Sclerosis San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-5408 3. Do you feel unsteady when walking Society 805‑540-6500 outdoors? 805‑682-8783 YES NO Fax 805‑563-1489 4. Do you get dizzy when you move your Support groups for people head quickly or sit up in bed? experiencing depression, bi-polar YES NO Provides support group for clients disorder, anxiety, and other forms 5. Do you have any loss of feeling/tingling and families, counseling for newly of mental illness. Weekly family in your feet? diagnosed, respite care, equipment support groups and orientation YES NO loan and exercise classes. classes. Individual support and 6. Do you difficulty performing daily Local support group system navigation for adults and household chores? Arroyo Grande family members. No cost; no YES NO 805‑343-6094 referral necessary. 7. Do you have problems with your vision? Tri County G.L.A.D. YES NO Overeaters Anonymous 805‑644-6322 If yes, do you get regular vision check- 805‑596-5033 805‑644-6323 TTY ups? Fax 644-6324 YES NO 8. Are you currently taking more than 4 Parkinson’s Central Coast prescription medications? Support Group Provides free services to deaf YES NO 805‑543-7717 and hard-of-hearing individuals 9. Do you take medication to help you 805‑541-1342 residing in San Luis Obispo. sleep, calm you down? www.parkinsons. org Services include: peer counseling, YES NO Local support Group info available sign language classes, community If you answered yes to two or more of these via Facebook: Parkinson’s Central education and advocacy. questions you make be at risk for falling. Please talk to your Physician about a fall risk Coast Support Group assessment. Source: CDC website

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 95 Recreation and Volunteer Opportunities Camping here are many special recreation activities. A San Luis Obispo County Parks (781-5930) may be Tgood place to begin finding out about these activities used on a first-come, first-served basis. There are is your nearest senior center, City Recreation senior rates. Reservations are available at the county Department or local YMCA. parks for large groups. Senior Centers may offer a variety of recreational A variety of discount passes are available. A Golden activities. Call the center nearest you for specific Bear Pass is issued at any state park for a $5 fee and information. See Senior Centers section of this is valid for day-use only and must be renewed yearly. Guide. The YMCA offers various physical recreation To qualify for the Golden Bear Pass you must be 62 and therapeutic exercise programs geared to the or older and be an SSI recipient or have a monthly needs of persons with physical disabilities and income of no more than $935 (single) or $1,751 persons of all ages. Call to get information about (couple). State Park day use fees range from $5.00 classes and fees. to $10.00. Seniors 62+ receive a $1.00 discount Adult education classes offered through the high for vehicle parking. Both Federal and State Park school districts, the community colleges and local camping reservations are made through Reserve universities are other sources of activities. California at 800-444-7275. Travel Options Disabled Discount Pass Amtrak, Greyhound, the airlines, and others have This pass is issued at San Luis Obispo Coast District special discounts for senior citizens. Check with Office or can be applied for by mail. The pass is your travel agent or check directly regarding special $3.50 and good for life. The form can be found tours and rates for seniors. See Transportation online at and entitles you to section. a 50% discount on all park uses, all year (except already reduced fees). Does not include Hearst Eldertreks provides exotic adventure for travelers Castle (San Simeon). aged 50 and over who are in good health. It provides small group departures to worldwide destinations. More information can be obtained by calling 927- Trips include the services of experienced guides and 2065, the District Office for California State Parks. naturalists. Some trips are operated in association An Access Pass may be issued to U.S. citizens or with Elderhostel Canada. or permanent residents that have been medically call 800-741-7956 for information. determined to have a permanent disability that Organizations that offer group travel for seniors or severely limits one or more major life activities. handicapped persons are available. This is a pass, valid for the lifetime of the pass owner, and is free. This pass is honored by The Fishing Licenses Forest Service, The National Park Service, Fish and Yearly California fishing licenses are available Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and from California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Bureau of Reclamation, where entrance or standard Discounts are available to seniors who are age 65 amenity fees are charged. You may obtain the pass in and over, on SSI, or on a limited income. If on SSI, person at any Federal Park where the official issuing application must be accompanied by Form 2458, the Access Pass reviews the documentation of your completed by Social Security, to verify income. Last disability and verifies your residency. The pass can year’s license can serve as proof of eligibility. Also also be ordered online, with proper documentation. available at several locales in San Luis Obispo- check See for more . information and application forms. The licensing period is January 1 through December Disabled Veterans Pass 31. Reduced-fee fishing license applications may Pick up the application at the District Office or be obtained from the State Department of Fish and online at It must be completed Wildlife at A fishing license and forwarded to Sacramento. If approved, you are may also be purchased from any tackle or sporting eligible for free camping. Pass is free to veterans. goods store. Senior discounts are not offered at store More information can be obtained by calling 927- locations. 2065, the District Office for California State Parks.

96 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Recreation and Volunteer Opportunities Senior Pass which you have training, talent or interest. Almost When you visit a National Park you may request all of the programs in this Guide use volunteers. a Senior Pass. A Senior Pass is available to U.S. Senior Volunteers Services/RSVP (Retired & Citizens and permanent residents who are 62 and Senior Volunteer Program) is a non-profit agency older. It provides access to recreation areas managed for persons 55 and older who want to use their by five Federal agencies. The cost is $10 and it is lifetime of experience in useful service to others in valid for the lifetime of the pass owner. The pass the community. They will match your special skills must be obtained in person because you must with organizations in your area that can utilize your verify your age and residency. The Senior Pass gives abilities. Examples of involvement include: grocery you free admission to the national parks and may shopping for frail older persons, data processing, provide a 50% discount on camping fees. More working with police and sheriff’s departments, information can be obtained online at services to veterans, as well as city and government or by calling 481-1280 for the Arroyo Grande U.S. agencies. Food Banks and Senior Nutrition Forest Station. Programs, schools, libraries, environmental Fitness Resource Guide agencies, museums, and parks departments always need volunteers, and short-term assignments are The Active Aging Task Force of San Luis Obispo available too. County has prepared a Fitness Resource Guide, ‘Be Active For Life’, to promote physical activity There are no dues to pay and benefits such as among those 50 and over by increasing awareness supplemental insurance coverage in the areas of the many fitness programs and activities offered of accident and personal liability are offered throughout the County. The Guide is available in to RSVP volunteers who regularly report their both English and Spanish. You can pick up the hours of service to RSVP. There is no cost to the guide at a senior center, city recreation program, volunteers or the agencies being served. Three on the web (www. or by informative newsletters throughout the year, telephoning the Area Agency on Aging at 800-510- weekly e-mail contact (for those who prefer), and 2020. an annual recognition event are ways that ongoing communication is fostered. Call 544-8740 or go Special Needs Recreation online to for more Many recreational activities are available to people information. with special physical, psychological or neurological You may also want to consider auxiliary services at a circumstances. These activities are often sponsored hospital or medical clinic, or docent opportunities at by specific disease associations such as the Ostomy most libraries; or contact the organization that is of Association through Rehabilitation Programs or most interest to you and ask if they have a need for through senior centers. For assistance in finding a volunteers. club, sport, or other activity to meet your needs, call Senior Connection at 800-510-2020. Check with the city recreation departments, local YMCA’s and private health clubs to see if they offer adaptive programs (specially designed programs for the disabled and the individual recovering from an illness). Additionally, a recreational and therapeutic horseback riding program exists in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara for handicapped persons of all ages. Volunteer Options Everyone is a winner when seniors volunteer; benefits accrue to both individual volunteers and the organizations that receive their services. A wide variety of human service programs, non-profit and public agencies, rely on volunteers, to accomplish their stated mission or expand the services provided to clients. Opportunities exist in almost any field in

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 97 Recreation and Volunteer Opportunities

600 Nickerson Dr. YMCA DIRECTORY Paso Robles, CA 93446 Young Men’s Christian Association 805-237-3988 1020 Southwood Dr. Recreation 760 Mattie Rd San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-543-8235 CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Pismo Beach, CA 93449 1416-9th Street, 12th Floor 805-773-7039 Sacramento, CA 95814 1341 Nipomo St Volunteer 916-445-0411 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-781-7300 Senior Volunteer Services/RSVP 660 Pismo St. CA Parks and Recreation ElderTreks San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 26 Clinton St. District Offi ce 805-544-8740 San Luis Obispo Coast District Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6J2N9 800-741-7956 O ffi c e Countywide clearinghouse for 750 Hearst Castle Road volunteer opportunities. Matches San Simeon, CA 93452-9741 Travel Medicine & persons aged 55 and over with 805-927-2065 Immunization Center volunteer opportunities in over City Recreation Departments Center for Disease Control 180 service agencies. Will match 1221 Ash St. 800-232-4636 your skills, interest and experience Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 with the needs of an organization 805-473-5474 to fi nd a satisfying match. No fee Free information available on to the agency(ies) or the volunteer. 6500 Palma immunization requirements. Atascadero, CA 93422 U.S. Forest Service 805-461-5000 800-832-1355 154 South 8th St. Grover Beach, CA 93433 805-473-4580 Call for information about special passes for seniors, disabled and 1001 Kennedy Wy. veterans. Morro Bay, CA 93442 805-772-6278

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98120816c_Santa_Maria_SB_Resource_Directory_LiveHappy_B&W_A.indd 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO 1 COUNTY SENIOR4/5/18 INFORMATION 9:50 AM GUIDE Senior Centers

enior Centers serve as focal points of informationS and services for older persons. Senior Centers are owned and operated by separate and disparate organizations. Some are operated by cities and others by non-profit organizations. As a result, each senior center has a unique array of services and means to respond to the needs of the community. Services that are available may include: senior lunch services, information, community education, recreation activities, socialization, music, health screening, arts and crafts, and health insurance counseling. Additionally, many senior centers have computer classes and have computers available that provide access to the Internet. Other services may include loans of medical equipment. The philosophy of the senior center movement is based on the following premises: that aging is a normal developmental process; that human beings need peers with whom they can interact and who are available as a source of encouragement and support; and that adults have the right to a voice in determining matters in which they have a vital interest.

Directory Atascadero Senior Center Nipomo Area Senior Center Shandon Community Center 5905 East Mall 200 E. Dana St. 101 W. Centre St Atascadero, CA 93422 Nipomo, CA 93444-5104 Shandon, CA 93461 466-4674 929-1615 South Bay Community Center, Cayucos Senior Citizen Center Paso Robles Activity Center Inc. 200 South Ocean Ave. 270 Scott St. 2180 Palisades Ave. PO Box 134 Paso Robles, CA 93446-3500 Los Osos, CA 93402-2607 Cayucos, CA 93430-0134 237-3880 PO Box 6387 995-3543 Santa Margarita Senior Center Los Osos, CA 93412-6387 Central Coast Senior Center 2210 “H” St. 528-4169 1580 Railroad Ave. PO Box 507 Templeton Community Services Oceano, CA 93445-9634 Santa Margarita, CA 93453-0507 District 481-7886 438-5854 420 Crocker St. Heritage Ranch Senior Center San Luis Obispo Senior Center Templeton, CA 93465-5303 Heritage Ranch Rd. 1445 Santa Rosa St. PO Box 780 Paso Robles, CA 93446 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Templeton, CA 93465-0780 238-0306 (public phone/library) 781-7306 434-4900 Morro Bay Senior Center Senior Citizens’ Center 1001 Kennedy Way 601 Twelfth St. Morro Bay, CA 93442-1954 San Miguel, CA 93451 PO Box 603 467-3445 Morro Bay, CA 93443-0603 772-4421 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 99 Technology Medical screenings pollutants and allergens are now n the last few years, there Technology has made big in the market at competitive haveI been many life-changing inroads in maintaining medical prices. Improved air quality in innovations introduced in the information easier to access hospitals, nursing homes, offices, marketplace, and technology is and track. Improvements in and any location where filters playing a bigger role in all aspects this field will make things more are needed can benefit from new of our lives. efficient for both the doctor filtration technology. Although technology can be and the patient, especially when several specialists are involved in Self-driving cars daunting for some, the key is to This technology will greatly any type of treatment. Genetic use it to our advantage. Here are a increase mobility for many screenings, weight loss planning, few examples of how technology seniors and people with blood testing, and many medical is being used to increase disabilities who cannot drive. As and dental procedures are now efficiency, safety, improve health, the infrastructure continues to benefitting from new technology. and help us have more fun: be developed and vehicles not Smart Pill Dispensers requiring a driver are improved, These devices provide greater Smart Home Assistants cars will evolve as another tool Devices such as Amazon Echo independence, security and peace to increase the independence and Google Home have come a of mind by using technology to of millions of individuals. long way in recent years. They make it easier to load, dispense Taxi services such as Uber can play your favorite song, order and use medications. Remote and Lyft that use smart phone food, tell the weather, dim your manageability can provide applications continue to increase lights or call for help. There are caregivers a better way to in popularity for seniors looking new innovations on the horizon ensure individuals are taking for quick, convenient and reliable that will “humanize” these “smart their prescriptions as intended. transportation. speakers” and improve their Advanced technology and performance. As technology increased competition has made Smart clothing becomes more widespread, such these devices more accessible for Although not yet mainstream, devices will be more affordable home use. technology incorporated into and easier to obtain. Smart Home Glasses that give sight clothing started taking some Assistants can be a great option baby steps in 2015 and the health For millions of people who are for individuals who are isolated industry is taking advantage of legally blind, navigation is a or lonely. these innovations which range routine challenge. Technology is from drug-releasing medical making some big contributions Smarter smart phones textiles, to clothing that monitors Cells Phones have become larger in addressing this issue as a better the wearer’s condition by and more powerful. Voice and option compared to support providing biometric data such as face recognition software has canes and guide dogs since there physical movement, pulse rate, greatly improved, making it are new devices in the horizon temperature, heart rhythm, etc. easier for individuals with visual, that can mimic actual vision. Data is transmitted via Bluetooth hearing, or speech limitations Many of these devices are still technology to a computer or to communicate faster and being tested, but institutions smart phone in real time. more effectively. Technological such as Johns Hopkins University improvem it possible to integrate and the University of Michigan Virtual Reality great computer processing power have already clinically validated Since loneliness and isolation into such small devices. Cell some versions. The cost is still can be a serious problem for phones are quickly becoming prohibitive but as with other many seniors, virtual reality the preferred way to check technology, costs go down with devices that provide life-like emails, connect with others on time and increased competition. experiences can be very helpful. social media, surf the Internet, Air Filters Technological advances in the listen to music, watch videos, last couple of years have made Technology is playing a big role use navigation programs, find such devices more accessible. in this area as well, since new restaurants, check the weather, Users will be able to experience devices that use innovations shop, etc. activities they enjoy, such as that more effectively remove 100 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Technology travel, sports, dancing, music up message, Locked screen on open source searching. Phone events, performing arts, festivals, a device, and Phishing e-mail numbers listed in a “sponsored” etc.… all in the comfort of their warning. results section are likely own homes. Once the fraudulent tech support boosted as a result of Search San Luis Obispo County has a company representative makes Engine Advertising. great resource that is making ad- verbal contact with the victim, • Recognize fraudulent attempts vancements in all the above areas: the criminal tries to convince and cease all communication Cal Polytechnic University with the victim to provide remote with the criminal. its engineering and kinesiology access to the victim’s device. • Resist the pressure to act departments are on the forefront Once remotely connected, the quickly. Criminals will urge of technology and how it can im- criminal claims to find expired the victim to act fast to protect prove lives. For more information licenses, viruses, malware, or their device. The criminals contact the Independent Living scareware. The criminal will create a sense of urgency to Resource Center or the Central inform the victim the issue can produce fear and lure the Coast Assistive T echnology Cen- be removed for a fee. Criminals victim into immediate action. ter in San Luis Obispo. usually request payment through • Do not give unknown, personal/electronic check, bank/ unverified persons remote Tech Support Fraud wire transfer, debit/credit card, access to devices or accounts. The Internet Crime Complaint prepaid card, or virtual currency. Center (IC3) is providing • Ensure all computer anti- Another widespread issue is “the updated guidance regarding virus, security, and malware fake refund.” In this scheme, technical support fraud. Tech protection is up to date. Some the criminal contacts the victim Support Fraud involves a victims report their anti-virus offering a refund for tech support criminal claiming to provide software provided warnings services previously rendered. The customer, security, or technical prior to attempt. support in an effort to defraud criminal requests access to the unwitting individuals. This victim’s device and instructs the File a Complaint type of fraud continues to be a victim to login to their online Individuals who believe they may widespread scam. bank account to process a refund. be a victim of an online scam As a result, the criminal gains Criminals may pose as a security, (regardless of dollar amount) control of the victim’s device and should file a complaint with customer, or technical support bank account. representative offering to resolve the IC3 at The such issues as a compromised Tech support fraud was originally more often fraud and scams are e-mail or bank account, a virus an attempt by criminals to reported, the better equipped law on a computer, or to assist with gain access to devices to extort enforcement can be to address a software license renewal. Some payment for fraudulent services. the issues. recent scams involve criminals However, criminals are creating Because scams and fraudulent posing as technical support new techniques and versions Web sites appear very quickly, representatives for GPS, printer, of the scheme to advance and individuals are encouraged to or cable companies, or support perpetuate the fraud. report possible Internet scams for virtual currency exchangers. Suggestions for Protection and fraudulent Web sites by Criminals have started to pose as filing a complaint with the IC3 at • Remember that legitimate government agents, even offering To view previously customer, security, or tech to recover supposed losses related released PSAs and Scam Alerts, support companies will not to tech support fraud schemes visit the IC3 Press Room at www. initiate unsolicited contact with or to request financial assistance individuals. with “apprehending” criminals. Source: FBI website • Install ad-blocking software How the Fraud Occurs that eliminates or reduces pop- Initial contact with the victim ups and malvertising (online typically occurs through the advertising to spread malware). following methods: Telephone, • Be cautious of customer Search Engine Advertising, Pop- support numbers obtained via


Hot Springs Resort, and KOA for multiple rides and multiple an Luis Obispo County offers campground) and various resort operators can be purchased at manyS transportation choices to hotels in Shell Beach and Pismo various walk-up pass outlets seniors including fixed route bus Beach. For questions regarding throughout the county and online service, shuttles, dial-a-rides, and their service, call 805‑541-2228. at For a full volunteer drivers. list of walk-up bus pass outlets Old SLO Trolley please go to or Know How to Go! The Old SLO Trolley serves call 5-1-1. Seniors aged 65 - 79, Know How to Go! is a program Downtown and upper Monterey are eligible for discounted bus that can help you navigate the Street. Days and times of service passes. Seniors aged 80 and older transportation options available vary depending on the time of are eligible for a VIP Pass. A VIP in SLO County. Staff at Know year as follows: Thursdays, 5:00 pass allows you to ride free on all How to Go! can help you with PM - 9:00 PM, Year Round; SLO County fixed route buses. personalized trip planning by Fridays, 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM, June To apply for the VIP pass, seniors phone, one-on-one or group - Labor Day; Saturdays, 5:00 PM must have a picture ID, complete transit travel training, print - 9:00 PM, April - October. For a short form, and have their transportation information (e.g., questions regarding their service, photo taken at the RTA Main bus schedules and pamphlets), call 805‑541-2877. Office at 179 Cross Street, Suite organized group field trips, Paso Express A, San Luis Obispo, 93401 or at mobility training to become a Paso Express is a bus that the San Luis Obispo Council of travel trainer for your clients, and operates within the City of Paso Governments (SLOCOG) at 1114 application and distribution of Robles. For questions regarding Marsh Street, San Luis Obispo, VIP bus passes. their service, call 805‑541-2228. CA, 93401. The RTA Main Office The three digit phone is open Monday - Friday, 8:00 number, 5-1-1, that provides Regional Transit Authority AM to 4:30 PM. The SLOCOG transportation information (RTA) Office is open Monday - Friday, on road conditions, public The Regional Transit Authority 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and is transportation, ridesharing, (RTA) operates bus service closed for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 and roadside assistance in connecting cities throughout PM. English and Spanish and the San Luis Obispo County (and website are also beyond), including Arroyo Travel Training useful tools when looking for Grande, Atascadero, Grover Need help navigating all these transportation information in Beach, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, transit options? Call 5-1-1. SLO County. For any questions Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo SLO County has a travel trainer about Know How to Go! or and more. For questions regarding available to teach you how to use transportation services in their service, call 805‑541-2228. public transit. Learn how to ride our region, please visit www. one-on-one with the trainer or in SLO Transit a group. or call SLO Transit is a bus that operates 805‑781-1385. within the City of San Luis Runabout Fixed Route Bus Service Obispo. For questions regarding Runabout is the complementary their service, call 805‑541-2877. ADA (Americans with There are multiple fixed route Disabilities Act) paratransit buses available throughout the South County Transit service to all fixed route bus San Luis Obispo County region. (SoCoTransit) operations in the county; it is an South County Transit or Avila Beach Trolley option for people who are unable SoCoTransit is a bus that operates The Avila Beach Trolley is a free to use the fixed route service in the Five Cities area of Shell trolley service available during because of a disability. Pick-up Beach, Pismo Beach, Grover the Spring, Summer, and Fall. The and destination points are within Beach, Oceano, and Arroyo Avila Beach Trolley connects you 3/4 mile of the regular fixed Grande. For questions regarding from the Pismo Beach Premium route bus lines. Trips are offered their service, call 805‑541-2228. Outlets to Port San Luis via during the regular fixed route bus Avila Beach, Avila Valley (Avila Bus fare can be paid with exact service time span. Reservations Barn, Bob Jones Bike Trail, Avila change on each bus. Bus passes must be made at least 24 hours

102 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Transportation in advance. To use this service shuttle reservation. After making Veteran’s Shuttles you must be ADA certified. To your doctor’s appointment, call The Veteran’s Shuttle is a curb- be ADA certified, contact the (855) 659-4600 to make your to-curb service, with pick-up Mobility Specialist at 805‑781- shuttle reservation. from their home and drop off 1170. For questions about this at the local VA Clinics in San service or to make a reservation, CHC Transportation Services Luis Obispo or Santa Maria. It call 805‑541-2544. If you are a CHC patient, and is for Veteran’s going to their need a ride to your appointment VA Clinic appointments only. Medical Transportation at the CHC, shuttle service or Veterans will need to arrange for an RTA bus pass is available the transportation through their CenCal/Medi-Cal Shuttle for qualifying patients. The If you are a CenCal/Medi-Cal local VA Clinic while they are CHC Shuttle is a door-to-door making their appointment at least patient and you do not have service, with pick-up from your any way to get to your doctor’s five working days in advance of home and drop off at the clinic. their appointment. For San Luis appointment, the CenCal/Medi- Eligible patients should have an Cal Shuttle can come pick you up, Obispo VA Clinic, call 805‑543- appointment and live in the area 1233. For the Santa Maria VA take you to your appointment, of the clinic site’s location. For and bring you home. If you plan Clinic, call 805‑354-6000. This questions about this service or service is free. on having the doctor write you a to make a reservation, call (877) prescription at your appointment, 743-3242. A representative will Ride-on also operates a Veteran’s the shuttle can stop at the call you back within 24 hours Shuttle. Their Veteran’s Shuttle pharmacy on your way home. To after verifying your appointment is a door-to-door service, with use this service, you must make and to confirm your request. pick-up from home and drop a reservation at least 3 days in A minimum 48 hour notice is off at the local VA Clinics in San advance. If you plan to stop at required. Luis Obispo or Santa Maria. The the pharmacy, you must mention fare is $3.00 each way. It operates this while you are making your Monday - Friday, 6:30 AM to


5:00 PM. Reservations must be residents of Cayucos. Passengers 6:30 PM. The fare is $2.25 per made at least 2 days in advance. must be able to get in and out one-way trip for adults and $1.75 You will be required to present of the van without assistance. for seniors, individuals with your VA card to the driver when Ride requests must be in San disabilities, and children. Same- you are picked up. To make a Luis Obispo County, Monday day service must be arranged at reservation, call 805‑541-8747. - Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. least 2 hours before your pick-up Reservations for this service time. For questions about this Shuttles/Curb-to-Curb must be made at least 48 hours service, or to book a ride, call Service in advance. All appointments 805‑929-2881. There are multiple shuttles/ are subject to van and volunteer Paso Robles Dial-A-Ride curb-to-curb services available driver availability. For fare The Paso Robles Dial-A-Ride throughout San Luis Obispo information, or to book a ride, offers riders curb-to-curb County. call 805‑995-3543. transportation within Paso Atascadero Dial-A-Ride Five Cities Senior Shuttle Robles Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM The Atascadero Dial-A-Ride The Five Cities Senior Shuttle to 1:00 PM. The fare is $5.00 per offers riders curb-to-curb is offered to seniors aged 65 one-way trip for adults and $2.50 transportation within the and older. It operates in the for seniors and individuals with City of Atascadero. For more Five Cities area of Shell Beach, disabilities. Same-day service information about the fare, hours Pismo Beach, Grover Beach, must be arranged at least 2 hours of operation, or to book a ride, Oceano, and Arroyo Grande before your pick-up time. For call 805‑466-7433. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and questions about this service, or to Cambria Community Bus Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 book a ride, call 805‑239-8747. PM. Reservations for this service The Cambria Community Bus Senior Go! should be made by 12:00 noon operates one bus locally on Senior Go! is a door-to-door or the day before your trip. The fare weekdays, Monday - Friday, curb-to-curb service available is $3.00 per one-way trip. For 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. A second 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday questions about this service, or to bus makes a day trip to San Luis through Friday. Senior go! is book a ride, call 805‑473-3333. Obispo once a week on Tuesdays. available to seniors aged 65 and Medical appointments have Morro Bay Call-A-Ride older. It operates throughout San priority seating. This second Morro Bay Call-A-Ride is a Luis Obispo County. Reservations bus also makes a day trip to curb-to-curb service available to for this service should be made Paso Robles and Templeton on everyone. The fixed route bus will 3-4 days in advance. The fare is the fourth Thursday of each flex off route up to 3/4 of a mile $2.50 when traveling 0-5.0 mi, month. Both buses are ADA to pick-up/drop-off the rider, $4.00 when traveling 5.1-10 mi, equipped. Drivers will provide then return on route before the $5.00 when traveling 10.1-20 mi, assistance if necessary for riders next scheduled stop. Be ready and $10 when traveling 20.1+ mi. entering and exiting the bus as when the bus arrives by being The service can be used up to 4 well as transporting packages out at the curb at your scheduled times per month. For questions and groceries into the rider’s pick-up time. The fare is $2.50 about this service, or to book a home. All drivers are volunteers per one-way trip. For questions ride, call 511. from the community and all about this service, or to book a Shandon-Paso Robles Dial-A- rides are free. Multiple stops are ride, call 805‑772-2744 between Ride encouraged. Reservations for this 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM, Monday The Shandon-Paso Robles Dial- service should be made at least - Friday. Saturday and Monday A-Ride is a curb-to-curb service one day in advance. For questions trips will need to be scheduled on that operates between Shandon about this service, or to book a the Friday before. ride, call 805‑927-4173 between and Paso Robles on Monday, 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM, Monday Nipomo Dial-A-Ride Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 - Friday. The Nipomo Dial-A-Ride AM to 5:00 PM. Reservations offers riders curb-to-curb must be made at least one in Cayucos Senior Van transportation within Nipomo advance. The fare is $5.00 per The Cayucos Senior Van is a Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM to one-way trip. For questions about curb-to-curb service for senior 104 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Transportation this service, or to book a ride, call Services also offers in-home care users can call to schedule rides 805‑541-2544. providers and/or during transport when needed. Volunteers not service. Amdal offers an option to only drive their passenger to their Templeton-Paso Robles Dial-A- have a Personal Care Attendant appointments, they are also on Ride available to assist and care for hand to be a companion and aide The Templeton-Paso Robles Dial- clients who may have specific if needed. To schedule a ride, call A-Ride is a curb-to-curb service requests that may incur during 805‑547-7025 Ext. 17. that operates between Templeton transport, or when they return and Paso Robles on Tuesday and home. For questions about this Long Distance Travel Thursday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 service, cost, or to book transport Amtrak Train PM. Reservations must be made services, call (877) 943-5503. at least one in advance. The fare Amtrak is a nationwide train is $2.50 per one-way trip. For Volunteer Driver service. The Pacific Surfliner runs questions about this service, or to from San Luis Obispo to San book a ride, call 805‑541-2544. Wilshire Good Neighbors Diego with stops on the Central Program Coast in San Luis Obispo, Grover Specialized Transportation The Wilshire Good Neighbors Beach, and Guadalupe. The Coast Services program assists seniors and Starlight runs from Los Angles individuals with disabilities to Seattle, Washington with stops Amdal Transport Services with every day needs, including on the Central Coast in San Luis Amdal Transport Services transportation. An application Obispo and Paso Robles. specializes in non-emergency process is required. Prior to Accessible space is available medical transportation, including needing a ride, individuals should hospital discharges and medical on all trains for passengers call Wilshire Community Services with disabilities and mobility appointments especially for at 805‑547-7025 Ext. 17, to wheelchair and gurney bound impairments. Often referred complete the application process. to as Transfer Seats, accessible passengers. Amdal Transport Once registration is complete,

2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 105 Transportation seats offer extra room making it region that have commercial 1. When you enter or leave a easier for a passenger to transfer airline services, vehicle, watch for slippery or from a wheelchair into the seat, 1. San Luis Obispo County uneven pavement and other a passenger who uses a walker, Regional Airport (SBP) hazards that could cause a passenger with a leg in a cast - Alaska, American, and injury. that doesn’t bend and thereby United Airlines operate at 2. Have your bus fare ready in requires additional legroom or SBP. There are direct flights to advance of boarding to avoid a passenger with a large service Los Angeles (LAX); Phoenix, losing your balance while animal, etc. There is room nearby AZ (PHX); Denver, CO looking for correct change. to store a passenger’s folded (DEN); Seattle, WA (SEA); 3. When you board or leave a wheelchair. There is no seat in and San Francisco (SFO). For bus, be sure to “mind the gap” the wheelchair space area, but more information about the and watch your step. passengers may park, and remain airport, call 805‑781-5205 or in, an occupied wheelchair here. go to 4. Do not carry too many There is no wheelchair lockdown packages; always leave one device. 2. Santa Maria Public Airport hand free to grasp handles. (SMX) - Allegiant Air and Amtrak travelers 62 years of age Mokulele Airlines operate at 5. Allow extra time to cross and over are eligible to receive SMX. There are direct flights streets, especially in bad a 15% discount on the lowest to Los Angeles (LAX) and weather. available rail fare on most Amtrak Las Vegas, NV (LAS). For 6. When you take a taxi, buckle trains. On cross-border services more information about the up. operated jointly by Amtrak and airport, call 805‑922-1726 or Getting Around VIA Rail Canada, a 10% senior go to www.santamariaairport. For many seniors, transportation discount is applicable to travelers com. aged 60 and over. For questions is a critical concern. Many about this service, or to make a Caltrans Hotline people consider driving essential reservation, call 800-872-7245. The Caltrans hotline at 800- to maintain an independent 427-7623 will provide you lifestyle, especially those in rural Greyhound Bus with information on freeway areas who rely on driving for The Greyhound bus is a conditions and closures. many of their needs. However, nationwide bus service. There at some point in life, driving are two primary bus stops in our Walking As A Way of Life may be curtailed. Talk with your region in Paso Robles and Santa “Use it or Lose it” - According doctor about vision, hearing and Maria. Greyhound passengers to Dr. Michael Pratt, a member reaction time, as well as medical aged 62 and older can ask for a of the “Partnership for a changes. There may be a need to 5% discount on passenger fares. Walkable America” and the make decisions about driving – You will need to show photo Centers for Disease Control and such as not driving at night, in identification to prove your age. Prevention in Atlanta, walking heavy traffic, or having to make Drivers can help passengers is a tremendously good activity the decision to stop driving with wheelchairs or mobility for senior citizens. It is cheap, it altogether. scooters. There is a 50% discount is simple, and almost anybody for Personal Care Attendants can do it. Walking also helps Driver Safety traveling with Greyhound seniors maintain mobility and For a refresher course in driving, passengers with disabilities. independence. check out AARP’s Smart Driver For questions regarding ADA program. The program covers services for the Greyhound bus, Safety Tips and Other Ways information on the effects of call 800-752-4841. For more to Get Around medication on driving, preventive information about this service, By following these helpful measures to reduce driver or to make a reservation, call tips and taking a few simple distractions, state-specific rules 800-231-2222 or go to www. precautions, you can enjoy and regulations for construction independence and the zones, child safety seats, school economical travel options that buses, cellphone use and more. Airports and Airlines public transportation offers: Some car insurance companies There are two airports in our 106 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Transportation offer a discount to seniors who have completed the course. Non-Emergency Medical & Non-Medical Check with your insurance Transportation Services Reference Guide company or agent prior to taking Effective January 1, 2018 Ventura Transit System (VTS) will arrange the course for any additional and coordinate all covered transportation services for CenCal Health requirements for eligibility. The members. course is offered in-person or online. For more information Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) about the program or to sign-up, • Covered service when a member’s medical and physical condition contact AARP at 800-424-3410 is such that transport by ordinary means of public or private or go to conveyance is contraindicated and transportation is required for Senior DMV Ombudsman obtaining medically necessary covered services The California Department of • Scheduled transportation covered when prescribed in writing by Motor Vehicles has created a a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or mental health or substance use Senior Ombudsman Program. disorder provider The primary function is to Non-Medical Transportation (NMT) represent the interest of public safety for all Californians with • Covered service for members to obtain transportation to medically a special interest in addressing necessary Medi-Cal covered services, including but not limited to, the concerns of senior citizens. specialty mental health, substance use disorder, dental, pharmacy The ombudsman can assist pick-up, medical supply pick-up as a ‘go-between’ to ensure • Scheduled transportation of members to medical services by that senior drivers are treated bus, passenger car, taxicabs, or other forms of public or private fairly, consistent with laws and conveyances regulations, and with the dignity and respect they deserve. For Authorization Requirements more information about this • All NEMT services will require an authorization from CenCal program, call (310) 615-3552. Health Car Safety Guides • NEMT Authorization approval must be initiated through a The Hartford Center for Mature Physician Certification Statement (“PCS”) Form, completed by the Market Excellence and the MIT member’s Referring Physician. This form can be printed through Age Lab have developd several our website at Guides to help families initiate • Existing prescriptions for NEMT will be honored by CenCal/VTS productive conversations with and reviewed upon their expiration date older adults about driving • NMT services do NOT require an authorization, and providers are safety. They Include: ‘Families NOT expected to complete a PCS form fro NMT Conversations About Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia & Driving’ Eligibility and ‘Family Conversations with • Members must be eligible at the time of service Older Drivers’. Access at www. • Transportation must be requested 5/7 business days in advance of . the trip to ensure time to process the authorization and coordinate transportation • The transportation provided must be the least costly method that meets the member’s needs • VTS and CenCal will coordinate along with the Member’s Physician to determine the type of transportation required. A screening will be completed upon request to ensure the level of need • Members may contact VTS at (855) 659-4600 or CenCal Health’s Member Services Department at 1-877-814-1861 for covered transportation services.


veterans who served in Russia, Veterans Service Office ver the years, federal April 6, 1917, through April 1, 801 Grand Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 benefitsO for veterans have evolved. 1920; extended through July 1, 1921, for veterans who had at 781-5766 Veterans of the United States Fax 781-5769 armed forces may be eligible for least one day of service between a broad range of programs and April 6, 1917, and Nov. 11, 1918; services provided by the federal World War II: Dec. 7, 1941, This office was established by the Department of Veterans Affairs through Dec. 31, 1946; Korean Board of Supervisors of San Luis (VA). These benefits are legislated War: June 27, 1950, through Jan. Obispo County to assist veterans in Title 38 of the United States 31, 1955, and more recent wars. and their dependents in obtaining Code. For additional information, veterans’ benefits from federal and Important Documents state agencies. They will assist in visit the VA Web page at www. Those seeking a VA benefit for submitting claims and provide the first time must submit a copy follow-up service, if needed, to Eligibility for most VA benefits of their service discharge form assure that you receive the benefits is based upon discharge from (DD-214, DD-215, or for WWII to which you are entitled. They active military service under veterans, a WD form), which can provide you with information other than dishonorable documents service dates and type and assistance with any claim conditions. Active service of discharge, or give their full to the Veterans Administration. means full-time service, other In addition to main office, name, military service number, appointments are available in than active duty for training, as and branch and dates of service. Arroyo Grande and Paso Robles. a member of the Army, Navy, The veteran’s service discharge Health Care Benefits for Veterans Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast form should be kept in a safe VA provides a Medical Benefits Guard, or as a commissioned location accessible to the veteran package and a standard enhanced officer of the Public Health and next of kin or designated health benefits plan available Service, Environmental Science representative. to all enrolled veterans. This Services Administration There are benefits such as or National Oceanic and plan emphasizes preventive and life insurance, burial expense primary care and offers a full range Atmospheric Administration, reimbursement, burial flag, or its predecessor, the Coast and of outpatient and inpatient services burial in national cemeteries, within VA health care system. Geodetic Survey. Generally, men headstones/markers and certain A priority system ensures that and women veterans with similar widow’s/widowers benefits. The veterans with service-connected service may be entitled to the following documents will be disabilities and those below the same VA benefits. needed for claims processing low-income threshold are able Dishonorable and bad conduct related to a veteran’s death: discharges issued by general to be enrolled in VA’s health care 1. Veteran’s marriage certificate system. court-martial may bar VA for claims of a surviving VA enrollment allows health benefits. Veterans in prison spouse or children. and parolees must contact a care benefits to be portable VA regional office to determine 2. Veteran’s death certificate if throughout the entire VA system. eligibility. VA benefits will not the veteran did not die in a Enrolled veterans who are be provided to any veteran VA health care facility. traveling or who spend time away or dependent wanted for an 3. Children’s birth certificates or from their primary treatment outstanding felony warrant. adoption papers to determine facility may obtain care at any VA Certain VA benefits require children’s benefits. health care facility. wartime service. Under the law, 4. Veteran’s birth certificate to Eligibility for most veterans’ VA recognizes these war periods: determine parents’ benefits. health care benefits is based Mexican Border Period: May 9, Veterans Administration solely on active military service 1916, through April 5, 1917, for 800-827-1000 in the Army, Navy, Air Force, veterans who served in Mexico, You can call the VA office for Marines, or Coast Guard (or on its borders or in adjacent information on death-related and Merchant Marines during WW waters; World War I: April 6, other services available to veterans II), and discharged under other 1917, through Nov. 11, 1918; for and their families. than dishonorable conditions.


Health Care eligibility is not just in Santa Maria and San Luis other members of the household for those who served in combat. Obispo are available. Also based on an assessment of their Other groups may be eligible for available is a connection to a needs and individualized housing some health benefits. Veterans’ shuttle bus to Santa Barbara and stability plan. Participation in case health care is not just for service- Los Angeles VA clinics. These management is required. connected injuries or medical options are available through the conditions. Veterans’ health care Veterans’ Express operated by facilities are not just for men only. Ride On Transportation through VA offers full-service health care donations and a cost per trip. to women veterans. For VA reservations from Santa Veterans Health Benefits Maria south call 683-1491. Veterans Outpatient Clinic For transportation to VA Clinic 1288 Morro Street, #200 in San Luis Obispo or Santa San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Maria call 541-8747. Cost is $3.00 543-1233 each way. Santa Maria Community Based VA Office of Geriatrics & Outpatient Clinic Extended Care 1550 E. Main St. Geriatrics and Extended Care’s Santa Maria, CA 93454 354-6000 functional service lines are: Community-Based Long-Term Veterans, their widows, widowers Care, Nursing Home Care, or dependents may call for Geriatric Care, and Residential information or walk in for Rehabilitation Care. assistance with veterans’ benefits. VA Aid and Attendant program Counseling Services is supplemental income to San Luis Obispo Vet Center help qualified veterans and/or 1070 Southwood Dr. spouse pay for in-home care or San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 assisted living facilities. There 782-9101 are significant qualifying criteria, Vet Centers are a program of the including income. Telephone VA’s Readjustment Counseling 877-814-8387 for information Service. Vet Centers provide services or contact the Veterans Services to all war zone Vets and to those Office. that experienced military sexual VA Caregiver Line harassment/assault while on active 855-260-3274 duty. Counseling services include: Individual, group, as well as marital Homeless Veterans and family. Other services include: education/outreach, assistance with Supportive Services for Veterans applying for VA benefits, referral Families program (SSVF) to medical services, alcohol/drug CAPSLO treatment referral, employment 534-1698 for San Luis Obispo and referral and referral to community Coastal area resources. The Vet Center also 237-0352 for North County furnishes bereavement counseling to surviving family of service members Provides a range of supportive who die of any cause while on active services to address barriers duty. to stable housing for veterans with low income and at risk of Transportation to VA becoming homeless; and, to assist Clinics veterans who are homeless make a Transportation to medical successful transition to permanent appointments at the VA Clinics housing. Supportive services are available to eligible veterans and 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 109 Index Symbols American Diabetes Assoc 59 California Commission on Aging 15 5 Cities Christian Women American Dietetic Food Bank at Coast Baptist Association 59 California Courts Online Self- Church 10 American Heart Association 59 Help Center 84 5 Cities Homeless Outreach 10 American Lung Association 94 California Retired Teachers Association 15 American Red Cross 63 California Senior Legislature A Americas Job Center 30 (CSL) 15 AARP 15 Anticipatory Grief 94 California State Bar 84 AARP (American Association of Anti-Discrimination 67 CalJOBS 30 Retired Persons) 15 Area Agency on Aging (AAA) 15 Call 5-1-1 103 AARP California Office 15 Arroyo Grande Care Center 88 Calm, Clear and Connected 92 AARP Legal Services Network 84 Arroyo Grande Community Cal Poly Community Counseling A Better Care Provider 74 Hospital 9 Service 92 ACCESS Support Network 62 Arthritis Foundation 63 Cal Poly State University 22 Active Care In-Home Services 74 Assisted Living Communities 86 Caltrans Hotline 106 Admission Agreement 87 Assisted Living Facilities 18 Cambria Anonymous Adult Children of Aging Atascadero Dial-A-Ride 104, Neighbors 77 Parents 94 105, 106 Cambria Community Bus 104 Adult Children of Alcoholics 94 Atascadero Senior Center 99 Cambria’s Anonymous Adult Day Services/Center 20 Avila Beach Trolley 102 Neighbors 58 Adult Literacy 22 Camping 96 Adult Protective Services B Cancer Support Comm 94 (APS) 9 Bathing 8 CAP Adult Day Center 21 Adult Public High Schools 22 Bayside Care Center 88 CA Parks and Recreation District Advance Health Care Bella Vista Transitional Care 88 Office 98 Directive 81 Better Business Bureau of the Tri- Caregivers of Cancer Patients 94 A Family Home Care 71 Counties 17 CareMap 7 A Family Home Care, Inc. 74 Bill Monning 14 CARE Program 68 Affordable Home Care Bill Paying Service 46 Caring Callers 76 Alternative Inc. 74 Board of Optometry 17 Cayucos Senior Citizen Aging Life Care Association 55 Board of Pharmacy 17 Center 99 Al-Anon Family Groups 94 Board of Registered Nursing 17 Cayucos Senior Van 104 Alcoholics Anonymous 94 Board of Supervisors 14 Cemetery and Funeral Bureau 36 Allan Hancock College 22 Braille Institutes of America 63 Cemetery & Funeral Bureau 17 Alliance for Pharmaceutical CenCal 103 Access 62 Brightstar 74 Bureau of Automotive Repairs 17 Central Coast Caregivers ALS Support Group 94 Associates, Inc. 74 Alternative Dispute Resolution - Central Coast Commission for Mediation 78 C Senior Citizens 15 Alzheimer<0092>s Support CA Department of Social Central Coast Dental Society 63 Group 94 Services 18 Central Coast Hospice 33 Alzheimers Association 21 CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife 98 Central Coast Lymphedema Amdal 105 CalFresh 56 Therapy 64 Amdal In-Home Care 74 California Bar complaint Central Coast Memorial American Cancer Society 59 hotline 84 Society 39 110 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Index

Central Coast Senior Center 99 Creative Mediation 16 Elder Placement Professionals, Certified Financial Planner Board Cremation 35 Inc. 70 of Standards, Inc 55 Crescent Health Care 76 ElderTreks 98 Certified Home Health Cuesta College 22 Embalming 35 Agencies 71 Emeritus Classes 22 CHC Dental Services 62 D Employment Development CHC Transportation Department 30 Services 103 Danish Care Center 88 City of Arroyo Grande 14 Day Care 20 F Debtors Anonymous Support 55 City of Atascadero 14 Fair Employment & Housing City of Grover Beach 14 Dental Board of California 17 Dept. 31 City of Morro Bay 14 Dental Lifeline Network 63 Family Law Facilitator 84 City of Paso Robles 14 Department of Corporations 18 Family Therapy 91 City of Pismo Beach 14 Department of Motor Family Ties 94 Vehicles 17 City of San Luis Obispo 14 Federal Bureau of Investigations Department of Public Health 18 (FBI) 25 City Recreation Departments 98 Department of Social Services 10 Federally-Subsidized Housing 65 Clearings Program 93 Depression 89 Federal Trade Commission 19 Clinics 61 Diabetes & Nutrition Education Federal Trade Commissions Coastal Living Home Health 76 Center 59 Complaint Assistant 25 Coast Caregiver Resource Dial-A-Rides 104 Financial Planning Center 20 Dignity Health and Home Health Association 55 Comfort Keepers of San Luis Hospice & Infusion 33 Fishing Licenses 96 Obispo County 75 Dignity Home Care & Fitness Resource Guide 97 Community Action Partnership Hospice 76 Health Services Clinics 62 Five Cities Meals on Wheels 58 Disability Benefits 45 Community Care Licensing 18 Five Cities Senior Shuttle 104 Disability Rights of California 84 Community Care Licensing - Food and Drug Home Care Organizations 18 Disabled Discount Pass 96 Administration 59 Community Counseling Disabled Veterans Pass 96 Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Center 92 District Attorney Victim and Obispo County 11 Community Health Centers 62 Witness Assistance Services 84 Franchise Tax Board 55 Congresswoman 14 DMV Ombudsman 107 French Hospital Medical Center 9 Conservatorship of Estate and Domestic Partnership Person 82 Registry 84 Funeral Homes/Cremation Services 35 Consumer Complaints & Dressing 8 Information 16 Driver Safety 106, 107 Consumer Financial Protection Durable Power of Attorney for G Bureau 25 Assets 81 GALA 16 Contractors State License GALA Senior Advocacy 16 Board 17 E Gay And Lesbian Alliance of the Cooperative Extension 22 60 Central Coast 16 Cottage Residential Center 94 ECHO 10 Gentiva Health Services 76 County Assessors Office 55 El Camino Homeless Golden State Mobile Home County Commission on Organization 10 Owners League 17 Aging 15 Elder Abuse Advocacy & Grass Roots II 59 Outreach Project 25 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 111 Index

Gray Panthers 18 Joint Tenancy of Assets 80 Medi-Cal Shuttle 103 Grieving Process 89 Medical Transportation 103 Grooming 8 K MedPost Urgent Care 61 Katcho Achadjian 14 Med-Stop 61 H Kidney Foundation, Central Med-Works Care Center 61 Coast 63 Health Insurance Counseling and Merrill Gardens 67, 88, 98 Advocacy Program 18 Military Officer Association of Hearing Loss Association of L America 15 America 63 Labor Standards Enforcement/ Military Order of the World Hearst Cancer Resource Industrial Relations 31 Wars 15 Center 63 Laundry 8 Mission Business Information Heritage Ranch Senior Center 99 Law Library 84 Center 31 HICAP 18 Lawyer Referral & Information Mission View Health Center 88 Hiring In Home Help 71 Service 85 Mobile Home Ombudsman 17 HMO Help Center 18 League of Women Voters 15 Monarch Home Care 75 Hoarding 90 Legal Affairs 83, 84 Money Gram 26 Home Energy Assistance LGBT Organizations 16 Morro Bay Call-A-Ride 104 Program (HEAP) 69 Libraries 16 Morro Bay Senior Center 99 Home Instead 73 LifeSteps Foundation 75 Murray Care Management 93 Home Instead Senior Care 75 LivHOME 75 Muscular Dystrophy Homeless Veterans 109 Loaves and Fishes of Association 64 HomeMade Healthy Meals 58 Atascadero 59 HomeShareSLO 70 Loaves and Fishes of Paso N Robles 59 Homestead Declaration 67 Na. Committee to Preserve Social Loaves & Fishes 10 Hospice Care 32 Security and Medicare 18 Locating a Notary Public 78 Hospice of San Luis Obispo NAMI 93 County 20 Long Term Care 86 National Alliance on Mental Hospice of San Luis Obispo Long-Term Care Insurance 54 Illness 93 County (Hospice SLO) 33 Long Term Care (LTC) National Association of Huntingtonís Disease 95 Ombudsman 9 Professional Geriatric Care Managers 55 Long Term Care Ombudsman 27, 68 National Council on Aging I (NCOA) 19 Immediate Needs 10 Long Term Care Ombudsman Services of SLO County 88 National Council on Patient Immigration 82 Information and Education 19 Low-Cost Rentals 65 Independent Living 65 National Do Not Call Registry 28 Lumetra 18 In-Home Care Solutions 71 National Federation of the Blind In-Home Supportive Services 76 M of California 18 National Institute on Aging 19 Internal Revenue Service 55 Marian Home Infusion 76 National Multiple Sclerosis International Cemetery, Maxim Healthcare Services 75 Cremation & Funeral Society 64 Association 36 Meal Preparation 8 Neglect 24 Medical Baseline 68 Nipomo Area Senior Center 99 J Medical Board of California 17 Nipomo Dial-A-Ride 104 Jerry Brown 14 MedicAlert/Safe Return 11 Nutritional Health 60 Medical screenings 100 112 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Index O Reverse Mortgages 65 Senior Legal Hotline 85 Old SLO Trolley 102 Reverse Mortgage Scams 26 Senior Legal Services Project 85 Overeaters Anonymous 95 Ride-on 103 Senior Living Consultants 69 RISE (Respect-Inspire-Support- Senior Nutrition Program of San P Empower) 9 Luis Obispo County 58 Road Scholar 22 Senior Peer Counseling Palliative Care 32 RTA 102 Program 93 Paralysis Resource Center 64 Runabout 102 Senior Volunteer Services/ Parkinson<0092>s Disease RSVP 98 R-U-OK? 77 Support Group 95 Shandon Community Center 99 Paso Express 102 Shandon-Paso Robles Dial-A- Paso Robles Activity Center 99 S Ride 104 Paso Robles Dial-A-Ride 104 Safe Parking Program 70 Shared Housing 65 PathPoint, Inc. 31 Salvation Army 10 Sharps Disposal 64 Peoples Kitchen 10 San Luis Obispo Addiction Shelter Services for Women 9 Recovery Center 94 Peoples’ Self-Help Housing 70 Shopping 8 San Luis Obispo County Clerk PG&E 68 Recorder 14 Shoreline Workforce Development Services 30 Placement Assistance 86 San Luis Obispo County Medical POLST 81 Association 64 Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center 9 Postal Carrier Alert 77 San Luis Obispo County Mental Health Services 92 SLOCOG 103 Prado Day Center 10 San Luis Obispo County Public SLO County Drug & Alcohol Pristine Home Services 74 Health Department 62 Services 93 Professional Fiduciaries San Luis Obispo Legal Assistance SLO County Public Health Vital Bureau 17 Foundation 85 Records 38 Project Lifesaver 11, 13 San Luis Obispo Literacy SLO Hotline 9 Public Defender Services 85 Council 22 SLO Noor Clinic 62 Public Guardian 25, 27, 85 San Luis Obispo Meals on SLO Regional Rideshare 102 Wheels 58 SLO Transit 102 San Luis Obispo Senior Q Small Claims 79 Qualified Individual (QI) 53 Center 99 San Luis Transitional Care 88 Small Claims Advisor 85 Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Smart Home Assistants 100 (QMB) 53 Santa Margarita Senior Smart Phones 100 Quality Senior Placement 66 Center 99 Santa Maria Community Based Social Security R Outpatient Clinic 109 Administration 55 Self-driving cars 100 Social Security Earnings Test 30 REACH 69 Senator Barbara Boxer 14 South Bay Community Center, Rehabilitation Department 30 Senator Dianne Feinstein 14 Inc. 99 Representative Payee 82 Senior Centers 99 South County Transit 102 ResCare Home Care 75, 77 Senior Citizens’ Center 99 Southern California Gas 69 Residential Care Facilities for the Special Needs Recreation 97 Elderly 86 Senior Community Service Employment Program 30 Specified Low-Income Medicare Respiratory Care Center 95 Senior Go! 104 Beneficiary (SLMB) 53 Respite Care 20 Senior Health Screening 63 Stand Strong 85 Retired State Employees 15 Senior Helpers 75 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE 113 Index State Controller 55 Urgent Care Centers 61 Tips State Department of Financial U.S. Forest Service 98 10 Tips to Make Sure Your Institutions 17 U. S. Postal Service 77 Contractor Measures Up 83 State Dept. of Consumer Utility Assistance 68 Adult Day Care 21 Affairs 17 Avoid ID Theft 23 State Insurance Consumer Hotline 18 V Basic Steps to Protect Yourself 28 Still Blooming 93 VA Caregiver Line 109 Determine Your Nutritional Health 60 Stroke Support Group 95 Veterans Administration 108 Veterans Express 109 Educating and Engaging Support Groups 90, 94 Voters 19 Veterans Health Benefits 109 SurePath Financial Solutions 55 Family Therapy 91 Survivors Benefits 45 Veterans Outpatient Clinic 62, 109 Funeral Rule 39 Survivors of Suicide 95 Veterans Service Office 55, 108 Getting a Good Night’s Sleep 31 Susan Polk Insurance 53 Veteran’s Services 108 How to Stay Safe and Avoid Sweet Home California 75 Abuse and/or Neglect 29 Veteran’s Shuttles 103 Synergy Homecare 75 It’s Never Too Late to Quit Vial of Life 11 Smoking 57 T Vineyard Hills Health Center 88 Looking Out for Signs of Risky Virtual Reality 100 Behavior 77 Take Off Pounds Sensibly 95 Visiting Angels 75 Myths & Facts About CalFresh Templeton Community Services Voter Registration 14 for Older Adults (ages 60 and District 99 over) 57 Templeton-Paso Robles Dial-A- Non-Emergency Medical & Ride 105 W Non-Medical Transportation Tenant/Landlord Assistance 68 Waiting List Tips 65 Services Reference Guide 107 The Gas Company 69 Walking 8 Oral Health as We Age 64 The Revocable Living Trust Walking As A Way of Life 106 Personal Needs Survey 8 (RLT) 80 Weatherization Services 69 Vial of Life 11 Tidy Liv’n by Claryce 76 Wellness Community of the What You Can Do to Prevent Toileting 8 California Central Coast 95 Falls 95 Transitions-Mental Health Western Union 26 Association 92 Widowhood Ministry of the Transportation 102 Central Coast 95 TranzCentralCoast (TCC) 16 Wills and Intestate Succession 79 Travel Medicine & Immunization Wilshire Good Neighbors Center 98 Program 105 Travel Options 96 Wilshire Home Health 76 Travel Training 102 Wilshire Hospice 33 Tri County G.L.A.D. 95 Womens Shelter Program 9 Twin Cities Community 60 Hospital 9 60 U Y United States Consumer Product YMCA 98 Safety Commission 17 United States Dept. of Justice 84

114 2018-2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SENIOR INFORMATION GUIDE Senior Information and Assistance Program AFTER THE EMERGENCY Check for injuries. Turn on your portable Need referrals or have local resource Apply first aid. Do not radio for instructions move seriously injured and news reports. individuals unless Cooperate fully with they are in immediate public safety officials. Questions? danger. Various radio and Do not use the some TV stations may broadcast information telephone immediately unless there is a during an emergency; during disasters tune serious injury or fire. to a local radio station by scrolling through We Have the AM and FM dials or local TV stations to Hunt for hazards. find one that is broadcasting. Check for gas and water leaks, broken Do not use your vehicle when there is electrical wiring or sewage lines. If there an emergency. Keep the streets clear for is damage, turn utility off at the source. Answers! emergency vehicles. Check building for cracks and damage, Stay calm and lend a hand to others. including roof, chimneys, and foundation. If you evacuate, post Call, let a friendly voice help you Check food and water supplies. a message inside your fi nd the information you need. Emergency water may be obtained from home telling family water heaters, melted ice cubes, toilet members where you We’ll help you identify and connect with: tanks, and canned vegetables. can be found. · Long Term and Home Care Providers RESOURCES · Affordable Housing Information · Meals for Homebound Seniors American Red Cross County of San Luis Obispo 225 Prado Road Suite A Office of Emergency Website that provides infor- · Local Senior Transportation and San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Services mation with specifics for 805-543-0696 x18 1055 Monterey Street Room older Americans to: · Home Repair Assistance 1. Get a kit D430 · Legal Services Available San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 2. Make a plan Free Section on Disaster Prepared- 805-781-5011 3. Be informed and so much more. Call us! ness for Seniors by Seniors. Area Agency on Aging Includes a website www. 528 S. Broadway Confidential Vial of Life and a 22-week Be prepared for any health Santa Maria supply purchase plan. emergency with the free Vial 800-510-2020 of Life program, which pro- vides first responders with needed information. Pick up a Vial of Life at at your local senior center or at the Area Agency on Aging.

San Luis Obispo and Serving San Luis Obispo & Santa Barbara County Seniors 805-928-2552 Santa Barbara Counties through the Area Agency on Aging 805-541-0384 · 800-510-2020 Questions aboutMEDICARE HICAP can help! · Understand Medicare coverage · Compare Supplemental Insurance and Medicare Advantage Plans policies · Identify the most cost-effective Prescription Drug Plans for their needs · Learn about help available with paying for prescriptions · File Medicare and Medicare Advantage appeals · Understand Long Term Care Insurance options

FREE and unbiased assistance for PMSpeople 15-3919 on TCX Medicare ?

HICAP provides information about Medicare & related information so you can make informed decisions.

HICAP is a program of the 805-928-5663 Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens. 1-800-434-0222 Funded by the 528 South Broadway, Santa Maria, CA 93454 Public Presentations & Individual Counseling Available The production of this document was supported by federal grant from the Administration for Community Living (ACL). Its contents are solely the responsibility of HICAP and do not necessarily represent the o cial views of ACL.