chicago review press

chicago review press 2016

chicago review press 2016 814 north franklin street chicago, il 60610 *CR16* CONTENTS

NEW IN 2016 Chicago Review Press 1 Lawrence Hill Books 34 A Cappella 45 Ball Publishing 68 Academy Chicago 69 Chicago Review Press Children’s Books 78

Index 97 Information 99


ALGREN A Life Mary Wisniewski

The first new examination of the life of Nelson Algren in over 25 years, Algren is the definitive biography of one of the best-known writers of mid-20th-century America. Chicago journal- ist Mary Wisniewski interviewed dozens of Algren’s inner circle, including photographer Art Shay and the late Studs Terkel, and examined Algren’s unpublished writing and correspondence, including hundreds of letters he received from lover Simone de Beauvoir, to craft an account as entertaining as it is meticulously researched. Algren reveals new details about the writer’s life, work, personality, and habits, digging beneath the street-crawling man’s man stereotype to show a funny, sensitive, and romantic but self- destructive artist. Wisniewski shows how, initially celebrated then savaged by literary critics for his continued preoccupation with prostitutes and in 1981. This fresh look at the man whose tough drug addicts in his fiction, Algren was haunted but humorous style and compassionate mes- by insecurity about his work and practically gave sage enchanted fellow writers and whose boyish up writing fiction after 1956, and how he finally charm seduced many women is indispensable found a sense of community and acceptance in to anyone interested in 20th-century American the artist colony of Sag Harbor before his death literature.

biography / regional: Midwest Mary Wisniewski is a reporter at the Chicago Tribune 384 pages, 6 x 9 and former Reuters investigative reporter covering 25 b/w photos Midwest crime and politics. Previously a columnist cloth, $30.00, (CAN $40.00), 978-1-61373-532-9 for the Chicago Sun-Times and a reporter for Chicago Adobe PDF, $29.99 (CAN $39.99), 978-1-61373-533-6 Lawyer, Wisniewski has won numerous awards and EPUB, $29.99 (CAN $39.99), 978-1-61373-535-0 has also taught creative writing, published literary Kindle, $29.99 (CAN $39.99), 978-1-61373-534-3 reviews, and edited fiction and non-fiction books. She is Rights: World an active participant in the Nelson Algren Committee, October past president of the Chicago Headline Club, and appears frequently to talk about crime and politics on local television and radio. She lives in Chicago. 2 chicago review press

JUNK Digging Through America’s Love Affair with Stuff Alison Stewart

books they would likely never reread? Junk details Stewart’s three-year investigation into America’s stuff. Stewart rides along with junk removal teams like Trash Daddy, Annie Haul, and Junk Vets. She goes backstage to a taping of Antiques Roadshow, and learns what makes for compelling junk-based television with the executive producer of Pawn Stars. And she even investigates the growing prob- lem of space junk—23,000 pieces of manmade debris that threaten both satellites and human space exploration. Readers will also learn that there are creative solutions to America’s crushing consumer cul- ture. The author visits with Deron Beal, founder of FreeCyle, an online community of people who would rather give away than throw away their no-longer-needed possessions. She spends a day When journalist and author Alison Stewart at a Repair Café, where volunteer tinkerers bring was confronted with emptying her late parents’ new life to broken appliances, toys, and just about overloaded basement, a job that dragged on for anything. Junk is a delightful journey through months, it got her thinking: How did it come to 250-mile-long yard sales, resale shops, and packrat this? Why do smart, successful people hold on to dens, both human and rodent, that for most read- old Christmas bows, chipped knickknacks, and ers will look surprisingly familiar.

current events / sociology Alison Stewart is an award-winning journalist whose 304 pages, 6 x 9 20-year career includes anchoring and reporting for NBC 25 b/w photos News, ABC News, and CBS News. Stewart is the author of cloth, $26.99 (CAN $31.99) 978-1-61373-055-3 First Class and is currently the host of the Travel Channel Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-056-0 program, Follow My Past. EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-058-4 Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-057-7 Rights: World April NEW IN 2016 3

IMMUNITY How Elie Metchnikoff Changed the Course of Modern Medicine Luba Vikhanski

In October 1882, while peering through a micro- scope at starfish larvae in which he had inserted tiny thorns, Russian zoologist Elie Metchnikoff had a brilliant insight: what if the mobile cells he saw gathering around the thorns were the same as white blood cells that traveled to the site of an injury or infection in a human or other animal? Was this some form of cellular defense? Metch- nikoff’s theory of immunity, that phagocytes— white blood cells—formed the first line of defense against invading bacteria would eventually earn the scientist the unofficial moniker “Father of Nat- ural Immunity” and a Nobel Prize, but first he had to convince his colleagues, including the skeptical Louis Pasteur. Author Luba Vikhanski chronicles Metch- nikoff’s remarkable life, work, and discoveries in Immunity, the first modern biography of this hero neered research into probiotics and gerontology. of medicine. Metchnikoff was a towering figure Though largely forgotten today, Vikhanski makes in the scientific community, a tireless humanitar- a compelling case that his work on natural immu- ian who also worked to curb outbreaks of cholera, nity is finally receiving the long overdue attention rabies, syphilis, and other deadly diseases, and pio- it deserves.

science / biography Luba Vikhanski is an award-winning author with 25 years 336 pages, 6 x 9 of experience as a popular science journalist and writer. Her 4 color photos, 9 b/w photos work has appeared in , Nature Medicine, cloth, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-110-9 and the Jerusalem Post, and she has written two books: Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-112-3 A Well-Informed Patient’s Guide to Breast Surgery and In EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-113-0 Search of the Lost Cord. Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-111-6 Rights: World English April 4 chicago review press

THE LEPER SPY The Story of an Unlikely Hero of World War II Ben Montgomery

across enemy lines for Gen. Douglas MacArthur. As the Battle of Manila raged, young Josefina Guerrero walked through gunfire to bandage wounds and close the eyes of the dead. Her valor earned her the Medal of Freedom, but the thing that made her a good spy was a disease that was destroying her. Guerrero suffered from leprosy, which so horrified the Japanese they refused to search her. After the war, army chaplains found her in a nightmarish leper colony and campaigned for the US government to do something it had never done: welcome a foreigner with leprosy. The fight brought her celebrity, which she used on radio and television to speak for other sufferers. However, the notoriety haunted her after the disease was arrested, and she had to find a way to disappear. The GIs called her Joey. Hundreds owed their Author Ben Montgomery brings Guerrero’s lives to the tiny Filipina who was one of the top heroic and postwar accomplishments to light. The spies for the Allies during World War II, stashing Leper Spy also chronicles Guerrero’s starring role explosives in spare tires, tracking Japanese troop in the effort to destigmatize leprosy and build a movements, and smuggling maps of fortifications better life for the afflicted.

history /military Ben Montgomery is the author of the New York Times 288 pages, 6 x 9 bestseller Grandma Gatewood’s Walk and a staff writer at 15 b/w photos, 3 maps the Tampa Bay Times. He was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize cloth, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-430-8 in 2010 and has won many other national writing awards. Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-431-5 EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-433-9 Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-432-2 Rights: World October NEW IN 2016 5

LUCIE AUBRAC The French Resistance Heroine Who Outwitted the Gestapo Siân Rees

“Fascinating. . . . A calm, judicious, and gripping account of these tangled events.” —Sunday Times

Brilliant, intensely political, and inseparable for nearly 70 years, Lucie Aubrac and her husband, Raymond, are legendary figures of the French Resistance. Founding leaders of Libération-Sud, one of the most important resistance movements in France, they ran the underground newspaper Libération and served as couriers, arms carri- ers, and saboteurs. In 1943, when the Gestapo imprisoned Raymond, Lucie engineered a dar- ing escape plan that brought her face to face with feared Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie. When Raymond was arrested again, Lucie mounted a second astonishing rescue, ambushing the prison van that was transporting him. For the postwar was Lucie Aubrac? What did she really do in generation, the Aubracs were heroes. However, 1943? Siân Rees’s penetrating account—the first in 1983, Klaus Barbie made the bombshell claim English-language biography of this extraordinary that the Aubracs had become informers in 1943, woman—provides a long-needed corrective betraying their comrades. Although later dis- to Lucie Aubrac’s own admittedly “impres- credited, the allegations raised questions around sionistic” memoir and is a fascinating explora- the many embellishments and inconsistencies tion of the intersection of history, legend, and in the tales Lucie weaved around herself. Who mythologizing.

biography / history Siân Rees studied modern history at Magdalen College, 256 pages, 6 x 9 Oxford. She is the author of The Floating Brothel, which was 6 color photos, 6 b/w photos, 1 map made into a documentary of the same name on BBC2. She cloth, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-567-1 is also the author of The Shadows of Elisa Lynch, The Ship Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-568-8 Thieves, Moll: The Life and Times of Moll Flanders, and Sweet EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-570-1 Water and Bitter. Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-569-5 Rights: Not available June 6 chicago review press

THE CARNIVAL CAMPAIGN How the Rollicking 1840 Campaign of “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” Changed Presidential Elections Forever Ronald G. Shafer

nominated former Wall Street Journal reporter Ronald Shafer relates in a colorful, entertain- ing style how the campaign marked a series of “firsts” that changed presidential politicking forever: the first presidential campaign as mass entertainment; the first “image campaign,” in which strategists portrayed Harrison as a poor man living in a log cabin sipping alcoholic hard cider (in fact, he lived in a white mansion and drank only sweet cider); the first time big money was inserted in a presidential campaign; the first time women could openly participate; and more. Some of history’s most fascinating figures pass through this story, including Susan B. Anthony, Charles Dickens, Abraham Lincoln, Edgar Allan Poe, Thaddeus Stevens, and Walt Whitman. While today’s electorate has come to view cir- The Carnival Campaign tells the fascinating story cuslike, big-money campaigns that emphasize of the pivotal 1840 presidential campaign of Gen- style and image over substance as a matter of eral William Henry Harrison and John Tyler— course, The Carnival Campaign shows voters “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.” Pulitzer Prize– how it all began.

history / political science Ronald G. Shafer was an editor, reporter, and columnist at 288 pages, 6 x 9 the Wall Street Journal for 38 years in Chicago, Detroit, and 25 b/w photos Washington, where he was the political features editor. In cloth, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-540-4 1990 he was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for an article Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-541-1 on the drug-related death of his teenage son. He has also EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-543-5 contributed to People, Sports Illustrated, Reader’s Digest and Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-542-8 . His previous books include When the Rights: World Dodgers Were Bridegrooms. Shafer is now a freelance writer September and lives in Williamsburg, Virginia. NEW IN 2016 7

AMERICAN DAREDEVIL The Extraordinary Life of Richard Halliburton, the World’s First Celebrity Travel Writer Cathryn J.

With a polished walking stick and neatly pressed trousers, Richard Halliburton served as an intrepid globetrotting guide for millions of Americans in the 1920s and ’30s. Readers waited for each new article and book he wrote. Halliburton climbed the Matterhorn, nearly fell out of his plane while shooting the first aerial photographs of Mt. Everest, and became the first person to swim the full length of the Panama Canal. With matinee idol looks, the Tennessee native was a media darling in an era of optimism and increased social openness. But as the Great Depression and looming war pushed America toward social conservatism, Halliburton more actively worked to hide his homosexuality, bur- nishing his image as a masculine trailblazer. No middle ground existed regarding Halliburton—he was either adored or abhorred. Ernest Hemingway our age of the 24-hour news cycle, becoming the and F. Scott Fitzgerald called him a poseur, but first celebrity adventure journalist. And during the most found his daredevil persona irresistible. darkest hours of the Great Depression, Halliburton As chronicled in American Daredevil, Hal- did something remarkable: he inspired generations liburton harnessed the media of his day to gain of authors, journalists, and everyday people to and maintain a widespread following long before explore the world.

history / biography Cathryn J. Prince is the author of Death in the Baltic, Burn 304 pages, 6 x 9 the Town and Sack the Banks, and A Professor, a President, 20 b/w photos, 2 maps and a Meteor. She has worked as a correspondent for the cloth $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 978-1-61373-159-8 Christian Science Monitor and is a frequent contributor to Adobe PDF, $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 978-1-61373-161-1 The Times of Israel. EPUB, $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 978-1-61373162-8 Kindle, $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 978-1-61373-160-4 Rights: World English June 8 chicago review press

THE CURIOUS CASE OF KIRYAS JOEL The Rise of a Village Theocracy and the Battle to Defend the Separation of Church and State Louis Grumet and John M. Caher Foreword by Judith S. Kaye

insular group of Hasidic Jews. The sect had bought land in upstate New York, populated it solely with members of its faction, and created a village that exerted extraordinary political pres- sure over both political parties in the legislature. Marking the first time in American history that a governmental unit was established for a religious group, the legislature’s action prompted years of litigation that eventually went to the Supreme Court. The 1994 case, The Board of Education of the Village of Kiryas Joel v. Grumet, stands as the most important legal precedent in the fight to uphold the separation of church and state. In The Curious Case of Kiryas Joel, plaintiff Louis Grumet opens a window onto the Satmar Hasidic community and details the inside story of his fight for the First Amendment. This story—a Twenty years ago, on the last day of session, the blend of politics, religion, cultural clashes, and New York State Legislature created a publicly constitutional tension—is an object lesson in the funded school district to cater to the interests of ongoing debate over freedom of vs. freedom from a religious sect called Kiryas Joel, an extremely religion. political science / religion & theology Louis Grumet is the former executive director of the New 304 pages, 6 x 9 York State School Boards Association. He has previously cloth, $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 978-1-61373-500-8 held various positions including special assistant to then Adobe PDF, $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 978-1-61373-501-5 New York Secretary of State Mario Cuomo. John Caher is EPUB, $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 978-1-61373-503-9 an award-winning writer specializing in legal reportage. He Kindle, $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 978-1-61373-502-2 is the author or coauthor of five books including Personal Rights: World Bankruptcy Laws for Dummies, King of the Mountain, and A April Time for Reflection. Judith S. Kaye was the first woman to serve on New York’s highest court, the state’s chief judge for 15 years, and, at the time of her death in January 2016, of counsel to the Manhattan law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Leagher and Flom. NEW IN 2016 9

THE DEVIL’S DEFENDER My Odyssey Through American Criminal Justice from Ted Bundy to the Kandahar Massacre John Henry Browne

In the bestselling tradition of legal memoirs by Johnnie Cochran, F. Lee Bailey, Gerry Spence, and Alan Dershowitz, John Henry Browne’s autobiog- raphy recounts his tortuous education in what it means to be an advocate—and a human being. For the last four decades, the Seattle based criminal defense lawyer has defended the inde- fensible. From Facebook folk hero “the Barefoot Bandit” Colton Moore, to Benjamin Ng of the Wah Mee massacre, to Kandahar massacre culprit Sgt. Robert Bales, Browne has stood at the forefront of our national debate over the death penalty, putting on trial our most base and violent instincts—and the institutional deficiencies that let our most vulnerable fall through the cracks. His unceasing advocacy and the daring to take on some of the most unwinnable cases—and nearly win them all— has led 48 Hours’ Peter Van Sant to call him “the nearly 20 years, Bundy pursued Browne to rep- most famous lawyer in America.” resent him in court, in large part because Bundy But although the Browne that America has believed “they were the same.” Browne here come to know cuts a dashing and confident traces the roots of his discontent as well as his figure, the real John Henry has forever been dedication, asking of himself the question oth- haunted by being counsel to Ted Bundy, the most ers have asked him all along: does defending evil famous serial killer in American history. For make you evil, too?

memoir / law John Henry Browne, one of America’s leading criminal 256 pages, 6 x 9 defense attorneys, has practiced law out of his Seattle offices cloth, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-487-2 for nearly 40 years. Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-488-9 EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-490-2 Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-490-2 Rights: World August 10 chicago review press

THE AXEMAN OF NEW ORLEANS The True Story Miriam C. Davis

the full story of gruesome murders, sympathetic victims, accused innocents, public panic, the New Orleans Mafia, and a mysterious killer has never been written. Until now. The Axeman repeatedly broke into the homes of Italian grocers in the dead of night, leaving his victims in a pool of blood. Iorlando Jordano, an innocent Italian grocer, and his teenaged son Frank were wrongly accused of one of those murders; corrupt officials convicted them with coerced testimony. Miriam C. Davis here expertly tells the story of the search for the Axeman and of the eventual exoneration of the innocent Jor- danos. She proves that the person most widely suspected of being the Axeman was not the killer. She also shows what few have suspected—that the Axeman continued killing after leaving New From 1910 to 1919, New Orleans suffered at the Orleans in 1919. hands of its very own Jack the Ripper–style killer. Only 30 years after Jack the Ripper stalked The story has been the subject of websites, short the streets of Whitechapel, the Axeman of New stories, novels, a graphic novel, and most recently Orleans held an American city hostage. This book the FX television series American Horror Story. But tells that story.

true crime / history Miriam C. Davis has a PhD in history and is the author 304 pages, 6 x 9 of Dame Kathleen Kenyon, a life of the most important 12 b/w photos female archeologist of the 20th century. She lectures for cloth, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61374-868-8 Smithsonian Journeys and lives in Montgomery, Alabama. Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61374-869-5 EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61374-871-8 Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61374-870-1 Rights: World March 2017 NEW IN 2016 11

SHADOW WARRIORS OF WORLD WAR II The Daring Women of the OSS and SOE Gordon Thomas and Greg Lewis

They were told that the only crime they must never commit was to be caught. Women of enormous cunning and strength of will, the Shadow Warriors’ stories have remained largely untold until now. In a dramatically different tale of espionage and conspiracy in World War II, Shadow Warriors of World War II unveils the history of the courageous women who volunteered to work behind enemy lines. Sent into Nazi-occupied Europe by ’ Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and Brit- ain’s Special Operations Executive (SOE), these women helped establish a web of resistance groups across the continent. Their extraordinary heroism, initiative, and resourcefulness contributed to the Allied breakout of the Normandy beachheads and even infiltrated Nazi Germany at the height of the war, into the very heart of Hitler’s citadel—Berlin. effective did the female agents become in their Young and daring, the female agents accepted that efforts, the Germans placed a price of a million they could be captured, tortured, or killed, but francs on the heads of operatives who were suc- others were always readied to take their place. So cessfully disrupting their troops.

history / military Gordon Thomas is the author of Gideon’s Spies and 304 pages, 6 x 9 Operation Exodus, and the recipient of two Mark Twain 15 b/w photos Society Awards, an Edgar Allan Poe Award, and the Citizens cloth, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-086-7 Commission for Human Rights Lifetime Achievement Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-087-4 Award for Investigative Journalism. Greg Lewis is a journal- EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-089-8 ist, BAFTA-award winning producer, and author of several Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-088-1 books, including A Bullet Saved My Life and The Death of Rights: Not available Justice. January 2017 12 chicago review press


In the wake of World War II, the US automo- bile industry was fully unprepared to meet the growing demands of the public, for whom they had not made any cars for years. In stepped Preston Tucker, a salesman extraordinaire who announced the building of a revolutionary new car: the Tucker ’48, the first car in almost a decade to be built fresh from the ground up. Tucker’s car, which would include ingenious advances in design and engineering that other car companies could not match, captured the inter- est of the public, and automakers in Detroit took notice. Here, author Steve Lehto tackles Tucker’s amazing story, relying on a huge trove of docu- ments that has been used by no other writer to date. It is the first comprehensive, authoritative account of Tucker’s magnificent car and his battles with the government. And in this book, Lehto finally answers the questions automobile aficionados have wondered about for decades: exactly how and why the production of such an innovative car was killed.

transportation / history Steve Lehto is the author of Chrysler’s Turbine Car, Death’s 256 pages, 6 x 9 Door, Drawn to Injustice, and The Great American Jet Pack, 20 color photos, 50 b/w photos among others. His articles have been published by the cloth, $27.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-1-61374-953-1 Huffington Post, Michigan History, and other publications. Adobe PDF, $27.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-1-61374-954-8 He lives in Boca Raton, Florida. Jay Leno was the longtime EPUB, $27.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-1-61374-956-2 host of the Tonight Show. His extensive collection of classic Kindle, $27.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-1-61374-955-5 cars is world famous. Rights: World July NEW IN 2016 13

HOT SAUCE NATION America’s Burning Obsession Denver Nicks

Hot Sauce Nation is a red-hot ride through the story of hot sauce in America, from the humble South American plant that made its way to Mexico, the Caribbean, and via Columbus to Spain and beyond, to an excruciating encounter with a 3.3-million-Scoville scorpion-pepper tincture, one of the spiciest things on Earth. Why should the world’s most painful food have inspired such adoration in the United States? While chili pepper– based sauces have transformed cuisines worldwide, successive waves of immigrants landing in the New World have turned up the heat on the Ameri- can palette with their native pungent sauces. Today, the super-fast-growing hot sauce industry has made it into everything from salsa chips and dips to barbecue, buffalo wings, chocolates, and cock- tails, inspiring passionate romances and chang- ing people’s lives along the way. With fascinating detours into science, history, and current events, and sprinkled with the stories of the people who make, use, sell, love, and cook with hot sauce, this flavorful volume explores the unique hold the dark prince of condiments has on the American heart.

cooking Denver Nicks is a regular contributor to Time magazine 240 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 and a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate 15 color photos School of Journalism. He is the author of Private: Bradley paper, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-184-0 Manning, WikiLeaks, and the Biggest Exposure of Official Adobe PDF, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-186-4 Secrets in American History and his work has also appeared EPUB, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-187-1 in Money, Newsweek, National Geographic Traveler, The Kindle, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-185-7 Nation, The Daily Beast, and elsewhere. A native of Tulsa, Rights: World Oklahoma, he lives in New Orleans and Washington, DC. October 14 chicago review press

THE DOOMED CITY Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky Translated by Andrew Bromfield Foreword by Dmitry Glukhovsky

that readers worldwide have acclaimed as their magnum opus, has never before been published in English. The Doomed City was so politically risky that the Strugatsky brothers kept its existence a complete secret even from their closest friends for 16 years after its completion in 1972. It was only published in Russia during perestroika in the late 1980s, the last of their works to see publication. It now finally appears in English in a major new translation. The Doomed City is set in an experimental city whose sun gets switched on in the morning and switched off at night, bordered by an abyss on one side and an impossibly high wall on the other. Its sole inhabitants are people who were plucked from 20th-century history at various times and places and left to govern themselves under increasingly Arkady and Boris Strugatsky were the greatest nightmarish conditions. Boris Strugatsky wrote of Russian masters, and their that the task of writing The Doomed City “was most famous work, Roadside Picnic, has enjoyed genuinely delightful and fascinating work.” Read- great popularity worldwide. Yet the novel they ers will doubtless say the same of the experience of worked hardest on, that was their own favorite, reading it.

science fiction Arkady and Boris Strugatsky wrote more than 25 novels 416 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 and novellas, including Roadside Picnic, Hard to Be a God, paper, $18.99 (CAN $22.99) 978-1-61374-993-7 and The Inhabited Island. Andrew Bromfield has translated cloth, $27.99 (CAN $33.99), 9781613735961 into English works by Victor Pelevin, Mikhail Bulgakov, Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-994-4 Daniil Kharms, Leo Tolstoy, and the Strugatsky brothers. EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-996-8 Dmitry Glukhovsky is the author of Metro 2033. Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-995-1 Rights: Not available July NEW IN 2016 15

JACK OF SHADOWS Roger Zelazny Foreword by Joe Haldeman

“An evocative and original blend of science fic- tion and fantasy, written with the usual Zelazny panache. In Shadowjack he creates another memorable hero, and the world he inhabits is one of Roger’s most exotic and colorful landscapes. A must read for all fans of the master.” —George R. R. Martin

In a world half of light, half of darkness, there dwells a magical being who is friendly with nei- ther side. Jack, of the realm of shadows, is a thief who is unjustly punished. So he embarks on a vendetta. He wanders through strange realms, encountering witches, vampires, and his worst enemy: the Lord of Bats. He consults his friend Morningstar, a great dark angel. He is pursued by a monstrous creature called the Borshin. But to reveal any more would be to spoil some of the profound and mysterious books. Nominated for mindboggling surprises Jack of Shadows has in both a Hugo Award and a Locus Award, this dark store. and haunting classic deserves to take its place on First published in 1971 and long out of print, the same shelf as the imaginative masterpieces of Jack of Shadows is one of Roger Zelazny’s most Borges, Kafka, and the Strugatsky brothers.

fantasy / science fiction Roger Zelazny (1937–1995) is best known as the author of 216 pages, 5.5 x 8.25 the critically acclaimed Chronicles of Amber series, Lord paper, $15.99, 978-1-61373-524-4 of Light, and A Night in the Lonesome October; he won the Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61373-525-1 Nebula award three times and the Hugo award six. Joe EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61373-527-5 Haldeman is the author of The Forever War and many other Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61373-526-8 novels. Rights: Not available May 16 chicago review press

STARGATE Pauline Gedge

The Worldmaker, omnipotent creator of all life, has turned against his creations. One by one the ruling sun lords of each solar system have fallen, succumbing to the lure of forbidden knowledge, the gates connecting their worlds to the rest of the sealed off, their civilizations hope- lessly corrupted. The immortal sun people are condemned to languish with their subjects in an eternity of solitude. As Stargate opens, only four systems remain untouched: the aquatic world of Ixel; Ghaka, a mountainous planet inhabited by a cliff-dwelling winged race; the exquisite Shol, world of culture and learning; and Danar, serene center of the universe. With courageous and often desperate measures the sun lords prepare themselves and their subjects for a battle unlike any they have ever “Gedge has fashioned a remarkable blend of grip- imagined. The final struggle has begun . . . ping entertainment and haunting ideas that linger Unfolding with epic power, Stargate is con- long after the book has been put down.” ceived with a richness, subtlety, and depth that set —Globe and Mail it apart from most fantasy fiction. First published in 1982 but long out of print, it is destined to be rediscovered and treasured as a major classic of fantasy literature.

science fiction / fantasy From the publication in 1977 of Child of the Morning, her 352 pages, 6 x 9 prizewinning first novel, Pauline Gedge’s novels have found paper, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-508-4 millions of readers. Ten of the books are set in ancient Adobe PDF, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-509-1 Egypt, while The Eagle and the Raven is set in Roman EPUB, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-511-4 Britain. Kindle, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-510-7 Rights: World July NEW IN 2016 17

GRANDMA GATEWOOD’S WALK The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail Ben Montgomery

• Winner of the 2014 National Outdoor Book Award for History/Biography

Emma Gatewood told her family she was going on a walk and left her small Ohio hometown with a change of clothes and less than $200. The next anybody heard from her, this genteel, farm-reared, 67-year-old great- grandmother had walked 800 miles along the 2,050-mile Appalachian Trail. By Sep- tember 1955 she stood atop Maine’s Mount Katahdin, sang “America, the Beautiful,” and proclaimed, “I said I’ll do it, and I’ve done it.” Driven by a painful marriage, Grandma Gatewood became the first woman to hike the entire length of the Appalachian Trail, as well as the first person—man or woman—to walk it twice and three times. Gatewood Author Ben Montgomery interviewed surviv- became a hiking celebrity, and appeared on ing family members and hikers Gatewood met TV with Groucho Marx and Art Linkletter. along the trail, unearthed historic newspaper and The public attention she brought to the trail magazine articles, and was given unprecedented was unprecedented. Her vocal criticism of access to Gatewood’s own diaries, trail journals, the lousy, difficult stretches led to bolstered and correspondence. Grandma Gatewood’s Walk maintenance, and likely saved the trail from shines a fresh light on one of America’s most cel- extinction. ebrated pedestrians. biography / nature Ben Montgomery is a staff writer at the Tampa Bay Times 288 pages, 6 x 9 and cofounder of the Auburn Chautauqua, a Southern writ- 11 b/w photos, 20 maps ers’ collective. He was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 2010 paper, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-499-5 and has won many other national writing awards. He lives cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-718-6 in Florida. Adobe PDF, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-719-3 EPUB, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-721-6 Kindle, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-720-9 Rights: World April 18 chicago review press

READY THE CANNONS! Build Whiffle Ball Launchers, Marshmallow Bazookas, Hydro Swivel Guns, and Other Artisanal Artillery William Gurstelle

ball launchers and marshmallow bazookas to super-powered water guns and model culverins. It combines military history and physics with do-it-yourself projects. Now ordinary folks can construct a dozen awesome artillery devices in their garage or basement workshops using inexpensive household or hardware store materials and this step-by-step guide. Clear instructions, diagrams, and photographs show how to build projects ranging from the simple supersonic Ping-Pong ball shooter to the more complex replica of the Napoleon Cannon. With a strong emphasis on safety, the book also gives tips on troubleshooting, tells the history of how and when the artillery devices were used, and explains the physics behind the projects. This book will be From the author of Backyard Ballistics comes indispensable for the legions of backyard water- this new DIY handbook on building cannons gunners, model-rocket launchers, and fireworks and other fun things that shoot, from whiffle fanatics who wish every day was the fourth of July.

science / crafts & hobbies William Gurstelle is the author of Defending Your 256 pages, 7 x 10 Castle, Absinthe & Flamethrowers, The Art of the 40 b/w photos, 30 b/w illustrations Catapult, Backyard Ballistics, Building Bots, Notes from the paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-445-2 Technology Underground, and Whoosh, Boom, Splat. He is a Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-446-9 professional engineer who has been researching and build- EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-448-3 ing model catapults and ballistic devices for more than 30 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-447-6 years and is a contributing editor at Popular Mechanics, a Rights: World columnist for Make magazine, and writes frequently for October the Atlantic, Maxim, and Wired as well as other national magazines. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. NEW IN 2016 19

LAST-MINUTE TRAVEL SECRETS 121 Ingenious Tips to Endure Cramped Planes, Car Trouble, Awful Hotels, and Other Trips from Hell Joey Green

The golden days of complimentary in-flight cham- pagne and cushy sleeping car coaches on the Ori- ent Express are largely behind us. Say hello to $50 “leg room upgrade” fees and bedbug-infested hotels. What’s a weary, frustrated traveler to do? Ask Joey Green for advice, that’s what! A life- long world explorer, Green has collected more than a hundred of his best travel hacks to rescue your hard-earned vacation. Some of the tips in Last-Minute Travel Secrets seem goofy at first, but work in a pinch. Readers will discover a wide range of handy and unusual secrets to overcome obstacles and upgrade accommodations using common, easily found products. Green will show you how to use a bathtub as a washing machine, uncork a wine bottle with a sneaker, and stash you valuables in a variety of clever loca- tions, from neckties to potato chip bags. Tired you can enjoy reading this book’s numerous of scraping splattered bugs from your car’s hood entertaining sidebars and fascinating pieces of and front grill? Protect them with cooking spray. travel trivia, comforted in knowing that you Noisy baby on the airplane? Insert tampon ear will never see, or hear, those fellow passengers plugs and ignore the stares—enveloped in silence, ever again.

reference / travel Joey Green is the author of more than 50 books, including 240 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 Last-Minute Survival Secrets, Joey Green’s Fix-It Magic, and 210 color photos, four-color interior Polish Your Furniture with Panty Hose. He has written for paper, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-504-6 Rolling Stone, National Lampoon, Time, and more. He lives Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-505-3 in Southern California. EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-507-7 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-506-0 Rights: North American May 20 chicago review press

GOLDEN How Rod Blagojevich Talked Himself out of the Governor’s Office and into Prison Jeff Coen and John Chase

Rod Blagojevich made international headlines in 2008 when the 40th governor of Illinois was arrested by the FBI at his Chicago home, accused of running the state government as a criminal racket and, most shockingly, of trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama’s US Senate seat. Revealing evidence from the investigation never before made public, Golden is the definitive account of the Blagojevich story, written by two Chicago reporters who covered every step of his rise and fall and spent years sifting through evi- dence, compiling documents, and conducting over a hundred interviews with those who have known Blagojevich from his childhood to his time in the governor’s office. The authors dispense with the sensationalism around the case to present the facts about one of the nation’s most notorious politi- “[A] definitive account of one of America’s most cians, detailing the mechanics of the corruption morally reprehensible political-corruption sagas.” that brought him down and profiling a fascinating —Kirkus Reviews and frustrating character—serving a prison sen- tence since 2012—who embodies much of what is wrong with modern politics.

political science / current events Jeff Coen and John Chase each have spent more than a 496 pages, 6.25 x 9.25 decade on the staff of the Chicago Tribune. Coen’s back- 26 color photos ground is in crime reporting, and he spent time as a beat paper, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-669-2 reporter at Chicago’s Criminal Courts Building and its fed- cloth, $27.95 (CAN $30.95), 978-1-56976-339-1 eral courthouse. Chase has covered state and local politics, Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-524-3 reporting on Blagojevich from the start of his first campaign EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-526-7 for governor, and helped push the newspaper’s investiga- Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-525-0 tions of his questionable fundraising practices and oddball Rights: World political style. Coen, the author of Family Secrets, lives in September Chicago, and Chase lives in Riverside, Illinois. NEW IN 2016 21

MOB COP My Life of Crime in the Chicago Police Department Fred Pascente with Sam Reaves

“A tale from the underworld that’s rich in Outfit history and the characters that come with it. Pas- cente’s memories unspool like letters from a dark and fading Chicago.” —Jeff Coen, author of Family Secrets

Chicago police officer and Outfit associate Fred Pascente is the man who links the notorious mob figure Tony Spilotro to William Hanhardt, chief of detectives of the Chicago Police Department. Pascente and Spilotro grew up together and were rousted and shaken down by Hanhardt. Then, while Spilotro became one of the youngest made men in Chicago Outfit history, Pascente served as Hanhardt’s fixer and bagman on the department. But at the same time, he remained close to Spilotro, making frequent trips to Las Vegas to party with his old friend while helping to rob the casinos Mob Cop details the decline of traditional orga- blind. He led a double life, doing genuine police nized crime and reveals information about the work while keeping an eye out for opportunities for inner workings of the Outfit that has never been bribery and theft. His position on both sides of the publicly released. Fred Pascente’s colorful stories law gave him unrivaled knowledge of the workings of crooked cops and dangerous criminals make his of Chicago’s deeply rooted culture of corruption. memoir a matchless tell-all.

true crime / memoir Fred Pascente was a Chicago police officer for 26 years and 336 pages, 6 x 9 a professional thief with close ties to organized crime. He 25 b/w photos died in 2014. Sam Reaves is the author of 10 novels. He paper, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-683-8 lives in Evanston, Illinois. cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61373-134-5 Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-135-2 EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-137-6 Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-136-9 Rights: World September 22 chicago review press

THE MADMAN AND THE ASSASSIN The Strange Life of Boston Corbett, the Man Who Killed John Wilkes Booth Scott Martelle

liarities made him the object of fascination and of derision. Corbett was a hatter who was likely poisoned by the mercury used in the manufacturing pro- cess. A devout Christian, he castrated himself so that his sexual urges would not distract him from serving God as a street evangelist and preacher. He volunteered to join the US Army in the first days of the Civil War, a path that would in time land him in the notorious Andersonville prison camp. Eventually released, he would end up in the squadron that cornered Booth in a Virginia barn. The Madman and the Assassin is the first full- length biography of Boston Corbett, a man who was something of a prototypical modern Ameri- can, thrust into the spotlight by circumstance, an As thoroughly examined as the Civil War and the unwelcome transformation from anonymity to assassination of Abraham Lincoln have been, vir- celebrity. His story also encompasses tragedy—his tually no attention has been paid to the life of the wife died when he was young, and he struggled Union cavalryman who killed John Wilkes Booth, with poverty and his own mental health—as it an odd character named Boston Corbett. The kill- weaves through some of the biggest events in 19th- ing made Corbett an instant celebrity whose pecu- century America.

history / biography Scott Martelle is a professional journalist and the author 240 pages, 6 x 9 of The Admiral and the Ambassador, Detroit: A Biography, 12 b/w photos and The Fear Within, and is an editorial writer for the Los paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-649-4 Angeles Times. His website is cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61373-018-8 Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-019-5 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-021-8 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-020-1 Rights: World March 2017 NEW IN 2016 23

JANUARY 1973 Watergate, Roe v. Wade, Vietnam, and the Month That Changed America Forever James Robenalt Foreword by John W. Dean

American politics changed forever in Janu- ary 1973. In the span of 31 days, the Watergate burglars went on trial, the Nixon administra- tion negotiated an end to the Vietnam War, the Supreme Court issued its decision in Roe v. Wade, Lyndon Johnson died in Texas, and Richard Nixon was sworn in for his second term. The events had unlikely links and each worked along with the others to create a time of immense transformation. Roe in particular pushed politi- cal opponents to the outer reaches of each party, making compromise something that has become more and more difficult in our system of checks and balances. Using newly released Nixon tapes, author and historian James Robenalt provides readers a fly- on-the-Oval-Office-wall look at what happened in the White House, events fascinating and ter- hashed out its decision in Roe v. Wade. A foreword rifying, during this monumental month. He also by John W. Dean sets the stage for this unique, delves into the judge’s chambers and courtroom insider history. Though the events took place more drama during the Watergate break-in trial, and than 40 years ago, they’re key to understanding the inner sanctum of the US Supreme Court as it today’s political paralysis.

history / political science James Robenalt is a trial lawyer and the author of The 416 pages, 6 x 9 Harding Affair and Linking Rings. He, along with lecture 24 b/w photos partner John W. Dean, are sought-after speakers on the paper, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-652-4 Watergate scandal. John W. Dean was White House coun- cloth, $27.95 (CAN $33.95) 978-1-61374-965-4 sel under Richard Nixon and is a bestselling author, most Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61374-966-1 recently of The Nixon Defense. EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61374-967-8 Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61374-968-5 Rights: Not available January 2017 24 chicago review press

GENTLEMEN BOOTLEGGERS The True Story of Templeton Rye, Prohibition, and a Small Town in Cahoots Bryce T. Bauer

During Prohibition, while Al Capone was rising to worldwide prominence, the townspeople of rural Templeton, Iowa—population 428—were busy with a bootlegging empire of their own. Led by Joe Irlbeck, an outfit of farmers, small merchants, and even the church monsignor worked together to create a whiskey so excellent it was ordered by name: “Templeton rye.” A Prohibition agent from the adjacent county was ardent in his fight against alcohol, and he chased Irlbeck for over a decade. But Irlbeck was not Capone, and Templeton would not be ruled by violence like Chicago. Gentlemen Bootleggers tells a never-before-told tale of ingenuity, bootstrapping, and persever- ance in one small town, showcasing a group of immigrants and first-generation Americans who embraced the ideals of self-reliance, dynamism, “Bauer serves up history just the way I like it— and democratic justice. Unlike other Prohibition- straight and with a strong punch. Gentlemen era tales of big-city gangsters, it provides an Bootleggers is insightful, well-written, and highly important reminder that bootlegging wasn’t only entertaining.” about glory and riches, but could be in the ser- —Jonathan Eig, author of Get Capone vice of a higher goal: producing the best whiskey money could buy.

history Bryce T. Bauer is a Hearst Award–winning journalist who 320 pages, 6 x 9 has written for Saveur, the Daily Iowan, the Cedar Rapids 15 b/w photos Gazette, and other publications. He lives in . paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-522-0 cloth, $27.95 (CAN $33.95) 9781613748480 Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-849-7 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-851-0 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-850-3 Rights: World October NEW IN 2016 25

SWEET INVENTION A History of Dessert Michael Krondl

Sweet Invention is a social, cultural, and—above all—culinary history of dessert. It explores the world’s great dessert traditions, from ancient India to 21st-century Indiana. Each chapter begins in the present with the author tasting and analyzing one of the dessert icons of each tradition—bak- lava in the Middle East, or macarons in France for example—before spinning a more ancient tale. Readers will meet the sweet makers of Persia who gave us the first donuts, the sugar sculptors of Renaissance Italy whose creativity (by way of Paris and London) gave birth to the modern wedding cake; and the hardworking (and wildly inventive) home economists of the early 20th century who cooked up such unforgettable delights as chocolate chip cookies and rice crispy squares. A fun and enjoyable read that is groundbreaking in its schol- arship, Sweet Invention embraces the pleasures of dessert while elucidating the uses—social, politi- cal, religious, and even sexual—that societies have found for it.

cooking / history Michael Krondl is a food historian and the author of The 400 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 Taste of Conquest, The Great Little Pumpkin Cookbook, and paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-655-5 Around the American Table. He is an award-winning cook- cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-954-2 ing instructor, food writer, and former chef. His writing Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-952-2 credits include Gastronomica, New York Newsday, and EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-954-6 Nation’s Restaurant News as well as multiple contributions to Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-953-9 The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America. He Rights: World lives in New York City. Right sold: Italian, Chinese-Simple November 26 chicago review press

BETWEEN XX AND XY Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes Gerald N. Callahan, PhD

Between XX and XY provides a fascinating look at the science of sex and what makes people male or female. Is it external genitalia, internal sex organs, chromosomes, DNA, environment, or some combination? Not even doctors or scientists are entirely clear. What is clear is that sex is not an either-or proposition: not girl/boy, XX/XY, switching between two poles like an on-off switch on a radio. Rather, sex is like the bass and treble knobs on that radio. Explaining dozens of intersex conditions, such as hermaphroditism, Klinefelter syndrome, and androgen insensitivity syndrome, Between XX and XY includes personal interviews with people living with these conditions telling their surprising and often heartwrenching stories. Author Gerald N. Callahan looks at both the his- tory and the current treatment for intersex condi- tions and profiles the options that are available today for the ambiguous child.

science / gender studies Gerald N. Callahan, PhD, is an author and an immunolo- 208 pages, 6 x 9 gist/pathologist with more than 30 years of experience 10 b/w photos, 10 b/w illustrations in biomedical research. He is the author of Infection: The paper, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-654-8 Uninvited Universe and Faith, Madness, and Spontaneous cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-785-2 Combustion. He is currently an associate professor at Adobe PDF, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-289-9 Colorado State University. He lives in Fort Collins, EPUB, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-291-2 Colorado. Kindle, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-290-5 Rights: World November NEW IN 2016 27

THE CRIMINAL CONVERSATION OF MRS. NORTON Victorian England’s “Scandal of the Century” and the Fallen Socialite Who Changed Women’s Lives Forever Diane Atkinson

“Important and definitive, this beautifully written and extremely entertaining book resurrects a nineteenth- century heroine for the twenty-first century.” —Amanda Foreman, author of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire

During the summer of 1836, Caroline Nor- ton—respected poet and songwriter, witty and outrageous flirt, and unhappy wife—was accused of having an affair with the prime minister, spark- ing what was called “the scandal of the century.” Young newspaperman Charles Dickens covered the resulting “criminal conversation” (adultery) trial and fictionalized the events in The Pick- wick Papers. The jury’s not guilty verdict made Caroline’s husband a laughingstock. Angry and humiliated, he locked Caroline out of their home, seized her papers, clothes, jewels, and every penny Married Women’s Property Act (1870). These acts of her earnings, and refused to let her see their established legal rights for married (and divorced) three sons. Atkinson details the scintillating trial women, allowing them to inherit property and that rocked a nation and follows Norton’s tire- take court action on their own behalf—in effect, less campaign to help write and ensure passage establishing them for the first time as full-fledged of the Infant and Child Custody Act (1839), the human beings with a separate legal identity from Matrimonial Causes (Divorce) Act (1857), and the their husbands.

history / biography Diane Atkinson is the author of Suffragettes in Pictures, 496 pages, 6 x 9⅛ Funny Girls, Love and Dirt, and Elsie and Mairi Go to War. 23 b/w photos, 11 b/w illustrations paper, $17.99, 978-1-61373-668-5 cloth, $29.95, 978-1-61374-880-0 Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-61374-881-7 EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-61374-883-1 Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-61374-882-4 Rights: Not available September 28 chicago review press

A MYSTERIOUS SOMETHING IN THE LIGHT The Life of Raymond Chandler Tom Williams

drawing on new interviews, previously unpub- lished letters, and archives on both sides of the Atlantic, Tom Williams casts a new light on this most mysterious of writers. The Raymond Chandler revealed is a man trou- bled by loneliness and desertion. Born in Chicago in 1888, his childhood was overshadowed by his father’s alcohol-fueled violence, which forced the boy and his doting mother to leave for Ireland and later London. But class-bound England proved stifling, and Chandler, in his 20s and eager to forge a new life, returned to the United States where—in corruption-ridden Los Angeles—he met his one great love, Cissy Pascal, a married woman 18 years his senior. It was only during middle age, after his alcohol- ism wrecked a lucrative career as an oilman, that “Tom Williams is the third and best biographer of Chandler seriously turned to crime fiction. And Chandler. . . . [His] packed, insightful, entertaining his legacy—the lonely, ambiguous world of Philip biography will, I feel, be the last.” Marlowe—endures, compelling generations of —(London) Times crime writers to follow him. In this long-awaited new biography, Tom The life of Raymond Chandler has long been Williams shadows one of the true literary giants of obscured by secrets and half-truths as deceptive the 20th century and considers how crime writing as anything in his novel The Long Goodbye. Now, was raised to the level of art.

biography Tom Williams has spent six years investigating the life and 384 pages, 6 x 9.25 times of Raymond Chandler. This is his first book. 25 b/w photos paper, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-678-4 cloth, $29.95 (CAN $32.95) 978-1-61374-840-4 Adobe PDF, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-841-1 EPUB, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-843-5 Kindle, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-842-8 Rights: Not available September NEW IN 2016 29

INVISIBLE CHINA A Journey Through Ethnic Borderlands Colin Legerton and Jacob Rawson

In this eloquent and eye-opening adventure nar- rative, two Americans fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Korean, and Uyghur throw away the guidebook and bring a hitherto unexplored side of China to light. They journey over 14,000 miles by bus and train to reaches of the country to meet the minority peoples who dwell there, talking to farmers in their fields, monks in their monaster- ies, fishermen on their skiffs, and herders on the steppe. In Invisible China, they engage in a heated dis- cussion of human rights with Daur and Ewenki village cadres; celebrate Muhammad’s birthday with aging Dongxiang hajjis who recount the gov- ernment’s razing of their mosque; attend mass with old Catholic Kinh fishermen at a church that has been 40 years without a priest; hike around high- altitude Lugu Lake to farm with the matrilineal Mosuo women; and descend into a dry riverbed to hunt for jade with Muslim Uyghur merchants. As they uncover surprising facts about China’s hidden minorities and their complex position in Chinese society, they discover the social ramifications of inconsistent government policies—and some deep human truths as well. travel / Asian studies Jacob Rawson has served as a translator and editor for 256 pages, 6 x 9 Buddhist publications and works as a counselor for inter- 50 color photos, 5 maps national students. He lives in Washington state. Colin paper, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-671-5 Legerton translates from Uyghur and Chinese, edits for cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95) 978-1-55652-814-9 various publications, and has also produced Diamond in the Adobe PDF, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-261-5 Dunes, a documentary film about western China’s only base- EPUB, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-263-9 ball team. He lives in Southern California. Kindle, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-262-2 Rights: World September 30 chicago review press

THE PITTSBURGH COCAINE SEVEN How a Ragtag Group of Fans Took the Fall for Major League Baseball Aaron Skirboll

In terms of sheer dirt, three Major League Baseball scandals rise to the top: the 1919 Black Sox, the 1985 Pittsburgh drug trials, and the steroid era. The former and latter have been covered exten- sively. Yet there is only one book that details the biggest drug trials in baseball history. The MLB participants were among the game’s elite: Keith Hernandez, Dave Parker, Dusty Baker, Lonnie Smith, Joaquin Andujar, John Milner, Dale Berra, Willie Mays, Willie Stargell. But most of the guys who took the fall for these superstars were just average fans, not heavy hitters or major drug dealers, and this book reveals the often comic circumstances of how they set up deals—and how they got busted. In 1985, it seemed the league was poised to implement a drug-testing policy for the players. “A work of dazzling detail about an audacious and Of course, that didn’t happen, and because of this sordid decade in baseball, when cocaine blew inaction, the steroid era came along—and with freely through clubhouses and players’ parties.” it all of the broken records that transformed the —Steve Wilstein sport. The Pittsburgh Cocaine Seven is a prescient and compelling story and a necessary read for any baseball fan today.

sports / regional: mid-Atlantic Aaron Skirboll has built strong working relationships 288 pages, 6 x 9 with the participants of this case: from the FBI agents, US 12 b/w photos attorneys, defense lawyers, journalists, former baseball paper, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-675-3 executives, and doctors who were involved to the dealers cloth, $22.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-56976-288-2 themselves. He lives outside of Pittsburgh. Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-764-1 EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-766-5 Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-765-8 Rights: World February 2017 NEW IN 2016 31

UNCAGED My Life as a Champion MMA Fighter Frank Shamrock and Charles Fleming Foreword by Mickey Rourke

“Frank writes from the gut on how he was able to work and study to devise ways to defeat oppo- nents who were bigger or stronger.” —George Foreman

Frank Shamrock may be the toughest man alive— the only person to win a title in all three major North American fight promotions. As Ultimate Fighting Champion he was widely regarded as the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world. But Shamrock has led a life of profound dif- ficulty. Born Frank Alicio Juarez III, he suffered through a childhood of neglect and molestation before sliding into juvenile delinquency and petty crime. He was eventually taken in by Bob Shamrock, a Northern California man who had fostered hundreds of lost boys—among them Frank’s adoptive older brother, Ken, also In this riveting book Shamrock gives vivid a champion MMA fighter. But when Frank accounts of his fights, both in and out of the couldn’t afford to support his family, he turned ring. He details his beef with the UFC and the to burglary and wound up in state prison. When reasons behind his retirement. He tells all about he was released, Frank joined Ken in training as the violence, the injuries, the booze—and how he a cage fighter. For the next two decades he domi- overcame them all to become a champion in every nated the entire sport. sense of the word.

sports / autobiography Frank Shamrock wrote Mixed Martial Arts for Dummies, 272 pages, 6 x 9 worked as a Showtime sports announcer, created his own 29 b/w photos line of MMA training gyms, and works today as an entre- paper, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-672-2 preneur and public speaker. Charles Fleming is coauthor of cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-61374-465-9 several bestsellers. Adobe PDF, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-466-6 EPUB, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-468-0 Kindle, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-467-3 Rights: World September 32 chicago review press

BLOOD IN THE FIELDS Ten Years Inside California’s Nuestra Familia Gang Julia Reynolds

prisons of California in the late 1960s, Nuestra Familia expanded to control drug trafficking and extortion operations throughout the northern half of the state, and left a trail of bodies in its wake. Prize-winning journalist and Nieman Fellow Julia Reynolds tells the gang’s story from the inside out, following young men and women as they search for a new kind of family, quests that usually lead to murder and betrayal. Blood in the Fields, a final- ist for the International Latino Book Awards, also documents the history of Operation Black Widow, the FBI’s questionable decade-long effort to dis- mantle the Nuestra Familia, along with its com- promised informants and the turf wars it created with local law enforcement agencies. Written as narrative nonfiction, journalist Reynolds used her unprecedented access to gang members, both in The city of Salinas, California, is the birthplace of and out of prison, as well as undercover wire taps, John Steinbeck and the setting for East of Eden, depositions, and court documents to weave a grip- but it is also the home of Nuestra Familia, one of ping, comprehensive history of this brutal criminal the most violent gangs in America. Born in the organization and the lives it destroyed.

true crime / sociology Julia Reynolds coproduced and wrote the PBS documen- 368 pages, 6 x 9 tary Nuestra Familia, Our Family, and reported on the 1 map Northern California gang for more than a decade. She cur- paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-650-0 rently works as a staff writer at the Monterey County Herald, cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-969-2 and has reported for NPR, the Nation, Mother Jones, the San Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-970-8 Francisco Chronicle, and more. EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-972-2 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-971-5 Rights: World January 2017 NEW IN 2016 33


Issa Ibrahim’s memoir details in searing prose his development of severe mental illness leading to a horrific family tragedy, his acquittal by rea- son of insanity, and his subsequent commission to a mental hospital for nearly 20 years. Raised in an idyllic creative environment, mom and dad cultivating his talent, Issa watches his fam- ily’s descent into chaos in the drug-crazed late 1980s. Following his father’s death, Issa, grief- stricken and vulnerable, travels down a road that leads to psychosis—and to one of the most nightmarish scenarios conceivable. Issa receives the insanity plea and is committed to an insane asylum with no release date. But that is only the beginning of his odyssey. Institutional and sexual sins cause further punishments, culmi- nating in a heated legal battle for freedom. Writ- ten with great verve and immediacy, The Hos- pital Always Wins paints a detailed picture of a broken mental health system but also reveals the power of art, when nurtured in a benign environment, to provide a resource for recov- ery. Ultimately this is a story about survival and atonement through creativity and courage against almost insurmountable odds.

memoir / psychology Issa Ibrahim is a freelance artist and writer. He has been 288 pages, 6 x 9 featured in an HBO documentary, an award-winning NPR cloth, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-512-1 audio story, and in exhibitions the world over. He has cre- Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-513-8 ated numerous CD covers and merchandise designs, and his EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-515-2 award-winning musical documentary film, Patient’s Rites, Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-514-5 is showing in film festivals and has been embraced by the Rights: World mental health community. He lives in New York City. June 34 LAWRENCE HILL BOOKS

THE YEAR BEFORE THE FLOOD A Story of New Orleans Ned Sublette

In this eagerly awaited follow-up to The World That Made New Orleans, Ned Sublette’s award- winning history of the Crescent City’s colonial years, he traces an arc of his own experience, from the white supremacy of segregated 1950s Louisi- ana through the funky year of 2004–2005. By turns irreverent, joyous, darkly comic, passionate, and polemical, The Year Before the Flood juxtaposes the city’s crowded calendar of parties, festivals, and parades with the murderousness of its poverty and its legacy of racism. Along the way, Sublette opens up windows of American history: the trajectories of the city’s Mardi Gras celebrations, early rock and roll, housing projects, hip-hop scene, and sec- ond line parades. With a grand cast of musicians and barkeeps, scholars and thugs, vibrating with the sheer excitement of New Orleans, The Year “Ned Sublette is a literary Spirit Master, and The Before the Flood is an affirmation of the power of Year Before the Flood is his most personal and the city’s culture and a heartbreaking tale of loss astounding work, full of mad knowledge and that definitively establishes Ned Sublette as a great unorthodox insights about race, crime, history, American writer for the 21st century. politics, music, and all the other ingredients that flavor the righteous roux that is New Orleans.” —T. J. English, author of Havana Nocturne

autobiography / regional: South Ned Sublette, author of Cuba and Its Music and The World 496 pages, 6 x 9 That Made New Orleans and coauthor of The American Slave 24 color photos, 16 b/w photos Coast, is a critically acclaimed writer, historian, musician, paper, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-674-6 and photographer. He lives in New York City. cloth, $27.95 (CAN$ 30.95), 978-1-55652-824-8 Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-56976-321-6 EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-56976-323-0 Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-56976-322-3 Rights: Not available February 2017 NEW IN 2016 35

THIS FRAGILE LIFE A Mother’s Story of a Bipolar Son Charlotte Pierce-Baker

“Illuminating and brilliant, with poetry and prose, mother and son lay bare the ravages of bipolar dis- order and the journey toward growth and under- standing. A touching, lyrical memoir.” —Jewell Parker Rhodes, award-winning author, Voodoo Dreams and Douglass’ Women

Told in a mother’s own words, this is a moving story of a loving African American family that faces the daily crisis of an unpredictable mental disorder. Charlotte Pierce-Baker and her husband did everything right when raising their son Mark: providing emotional support, the best education possible, and the freedom to choose his own path. At age 25, Mark was pursuing a postgraduate degree in film, living with his fiancée, and seem- ingly in control of his life, so Pierce-Baker never imagined her high-achieving son would wind alcohol and drug relapses, and continuous disputes up handcuffed, barely clothed, dirty, mad, and in about how to live—and not live. This autobiogra- jail. Mark’s bipolar disorder manifested late and phy weaves a fascinating story of mental illness, included hospitalizations, calls in the night, pleas race, family, the drive of African Americans to for money, jail, lawyers, prescriptions, doctors, succeed, and a mother’s love for her son.

autobiography / psychology Charlotte Pierce-Baker is a professor of women’s studies, 256 pages, 6 x 9 gender studies, and English at Vanderbilt University and paper, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-670-8 the author of Surviving the Silence. She lives in Nashville, cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-61374-108-5 Tennessee. Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-110-8 EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-111-5 Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61374-109-2 Rights: World September 36 L aWRENCE H ill B ooks

RADICAL DISCIPLE Father Pfleger, St. Sabina Church, and the Fight for Social Justice Robert McClory

During the past 35 years, Reverend Michael Pfleger, a white Catholic priest who pastors a black Chicago parish, has never been far from the spotlight. His aggressive, innovative leadership has empowered thousands, making St. Sabina church one of the largest and most active black Catholic congregations in the country. At the same time, Pfleger has been continually criti- cized as a troublemaking maverick, a renegade cleric, and a publicity hound. This biography concentrates on Father Pfleger’s work at St. Sabina from his earliest days there and covers his efforts to build up the parish, his activism, his work to rejuvenate the community, his battles with church leaders, and his strong relationship with his parishioners. It provides a fascinating look at the inner workings of the Catholic Church, the traditions of the black pulpit, and what it takes to change the laws in a major American city. Radi- cal Disciple will be essential reading for anyone interested in social change and how a dynamic preacher and an involved church community can transform a city.

biography / religion & theology Robert McClory was an author, a journalist, a professor, 240 pages, 6 x 9 and a former Roman Catholic priest. He wrote six 20 color photos books, including As It Was in the Beginning: The paper, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-657-9 Coming Democratization of the Catholic Church, Faithful cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-528-9 Dissenters: Men and Women Who Loved and Changed the Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99) 978-1-56976-775-7 Church, and Turning Point: The Inside Story of the Papal EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99) 978-1-56976-777-1 Birth Control Commission. He was a former staff writer Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99) 978-1-56976-776-4 for the Chicago Defender and the Chicago Reader and a Rights: World regular contributor to Chicago Magazine, National Catholic September Reporter, and U.S. Catholic Magazine. NEW IN 2016 37

UNFINISHED REVOLUTION Daniel Ortega and Nicaragua’s Struggle for Liberation Kenneth E. Morris

“A valuable combination of scholarship, telling anecdote, and informed opinion.” —Stephen Kinzer

In 1979 Daniel Ortega largely masterminded the Nicaraguan Revolution—the only victorious Latin American revolution since Fidel Castro’s in Cuba. Ortega was named coordinator of the governing junta and then in 1984 was elected president by a landslide in the country’s first free presidential election. The future was full of promise. Yet the United States was soon training, equip- ping, and financing a counterrevolutionary force inside Nicaragua while sabotaging its crippled economy. The result was a decade-long war. In 1990, immediately after the United States invaded Panama, fearful Nicaraguans voted Ortega out his childhood in Nicaragua’s mountainous min- and the preferred candidate of the United States ing region, where his parents instilled into him a in. And Nicaraguans grew poorer and sicker. hatred of Yankee imperialism, through a current Then, in 2006, Daniel Ortega was reelected administration that has many of the earmarks of president. He was still defiantly left-wing and the authoritarianism he once opposed. Drawing deeply committed to reclaiming the lost promise from a wealth of untapped sources, it tells the of the revolution. story of Nicaragua’s continuing struggle for libera- Unfinished Revolution is the first full-length tion through the prism of the revolution’s most biography of Daniel Ortega. It traces his life from emblematic yet enigmatic hero.

biography / political science Kenneth E. Morris is the author of two previous political 304 pages, 6 x 9, 35 b/w photos biographies. He has taught and held research fellowships paper $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-673-9 at a number of major colleges and universities. He lives in cloth $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-808-8 Costa Rica. Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-56976-754-2 EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-56976-756-6 Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-56976-755-9 Rights: World October 38 L aWRENCE H ill B ooks

KILLING THE POORMASTER A Saga of Poverty, Corruption, and Murder in the Great Depression Holly Metz

denying Scutellaro money, Barck had suggested the man’s wife prostitute herself rather than ask the city of Hoboken, New Jersey, for aid. The men scuffled. Scutellaro insisted that Barck fell on his spike; the police claimed he grabbed the spike and stabbed Barck. News of the poormaster’s death brought national attention to the plight of 10 million unemployed living in desperate circumstances. A team led by celebrated attorney Samuel Leibowitz of “Scottsboro Boys” fame tried to save Scutellaro from the electric chair, arguing that Scutellaro’s struggle with the poormaster was a symbol of larger social ills. Leibowitz transformed the trial into an indictment, as he put it, “of a system which expects a man to live, in this great democracy, under such shameful circumstances.” In 1938, in the early days of the welfare system, the We live in a time where the issues examined in reviled poormaster Harry Barck—wielding power Killing the Poormaster—unemployment, endemic over who would and would not receive public poverty, and the inadequacy of public assistance— aid—died from a paper spike thrust into his heart. remain vital. With its insight into our social con- Barck was murdered, the prosecution asserted, by tract, and its gripping narrative, Killing the Poor- an unemployed mason named Joe Scutellaro. In master reads like today’s news.

history / true crime Holly Metz has written about law, culture, and social 320 pages, 6 x 9 issues for Labor History, Poets & Writers, Metropolis, The 17 b/w photos Progressive, the New York Times, and the American Bar paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-651-7 Association publication Student Lawyer. She lives in cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61374-418-5 Hoboken. Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-419-2 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-421-5 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-420-8 Rights: World January 2017 NEW IN 2016 39

A LIGHT SHINES IN HARLEM New York’s First Charter School and the Movement It Led Mary C. Bounds Foreword by Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker

• Winner of the Phillis Wheatley Book Award for Nonfiction

A Light Shines in Harlem tells the history of New York’s first charter school, the Sisulu-Walker Charter School of Harlem, providing a penetrat- ing look at the real world of education reform— the hundreds of small decisions and big risks that go into making a school succeed. It imparts an inside view of how a hero of the civil rights movement, a Wall Street star, inner-city activists, educators, parents, and students all came together to create a groundbreaking school that, in its best years, far outperformed public schools in the neighborhoods in which most of its children lived. But this book also discusses recent research and issues facing the charter movement today, answer- The result is not only a gripping narrative of how ing two fundamental questions: What makes a one school fought to succeed despite the odds but school succeed or fail? And how can these lessons also an illuminating glimpse into the future of be applied to other schools to make them better? American education.

education / African American Mary C. Bounds, an award-winning journalist, has 224 pages, 6 x 9 written for the New York Times, the Dallas Morning News, 18 color photos the Chicago Tribune, the Houston Chronicle, and other paper, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-749-1 publications. She lives in Chappaqua, New York. Dr. Wyatt cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61374-770-4 Tee Walker was chief of staff for Dr. Martin Luther King Adobe PDF, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-771-1 Jr., Virginia state director of the Congress of Racial Equality, EPUB, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-773-5 and executive director of the Southern Christian Leadership Kindle, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-772-8 Conference; he helped organize the 1963 March on Rights: Not available Washington. He lives in Chester, Virginia. September 40 L aWRENCE H ill B ooks

CURVEBALL The Remarkable Story of Toni Stone, the First Woman to Play Professional Baseball in the Negro League Martha Ackmann

the inspiring story of baseball’s “female Jackie Robinson,” a woman whose ambition, courage, and raw talent propelled her from ragtag teams barnstorming across the Dakotas to playing in front of large crowds at Yankee Stadium. Toni Stone was the first woman to play professional baseball on men’s teams. After Robinson inte- grated the major leagues and other black players slowly began to follow, Stone seized an unprec- edented opportunity to play professional baseball in the Negro League. She replaced Hank Aaron as the star infielder for the Indianapolis Clowns and later signed with the legendary Kansas City Monarchs. Playing alongside some of the premier athletes of all time including Ernie Banks, Wil- lie Mays, Buck O’Neil, and Satchel Paige, Toni let her talent speak for itself. Curveball chronicles From the time she was a girl growing up in the Toni Stone’s remarkable career facing down not shadow of Lexington Park in Saint Paul, Min- only fastballs, but jeers, sabotage, and Jim Crow nesota, Toni Stone knew she wanted to play pro- America as well. Her story reveals how far passion, fessional baseball. There was only one problem— pride, and determination can take one person in every card was stacked against her. Curveball tells pursuit of a dream.

sports / African American Martha Ackmann is a journalist and the author of the 288 pages, 6 x 9 award-winning The Mercury 13: The True Story of Thirteen 30 b/w photos Women and the Dream of Space Flight. Her sports commen- paper, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-656-2 tary has appeared in the New York Times, the San Francisco cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-796-8 Chronicle, and on National Public Radio’s Only a Game. She Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-670-5 has held fellowships and grants from the Guggenheim EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-684-2 Foundation, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-681-1 Harvard University, and the Society for American Baseball Rights: World Research. She teaches in the gender studies department at February 2017 Mount Holyoke College and lives in Leverett, Massachusetts. NEW IN 2016 41

RESCUING REGINA The Battle to Save a Friend from Deportation and Death Josephe Marie Flynn, SSND Foreword by Helen Prejean, CSJ

“Flynn patiently interweaves the story of one vic- tim of politically motivated rape from the Congo with the evolution of her own efforts to help [and] shows how grassroots pressure and oversight can force that system to protect some of those who need protection.” —Mark Dow, American Gulag: Inside U.S. Immigration Prisons

A decade after fleeing the Congo for America, Regina Bakala found herself locked in a US prison. She faced deportation to certain death despite having worked with an immigration lawyer to meet US asylum requirements. The knock on the door had come at night, years after she had reunited with her husband, had two children, and established the life of their dreams. Immigration agents burst in and, in front of her family, took what they learned in their battle: the injustice, Regina away. frightening harshness, and dangerous arbitrariness In Rescuing Regina, Sister Josephe Marie Flynn of US immigration and asylum policies. Not only tells how she joined forces with Regina’s family, a compelling story of a quest for justice, Rescuing grassroots volunteers, and a pit-bull lawyer to gal- Regina is also a tale of friendship, faith, and the vanize a movement to save Regina. Josephe reveals transformative journey of two friends.

social science Leader of the Save Regina Campaign, Sister Josephe 352 pages, 6 x 9 Marie Flynn is cofounder and chair of the Milwaukee paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-658-6 Archdiocesan Justice for Immigrants Committee and a cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-56976-624-8 member of the Global Justice and Peace Commission of the Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-910-2 School Sisters of Notre Dame. A retired teacher, she lives in EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-912-6 Milwaukee, where she is a spiritual director and an advocate Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-911-9 for immigration reform. Sister Helen Prejean is the author Rights: World of Dead Man Walking. A sister of the Congregation of St. October Joseph, she counsels death row inmates and families of murder victims. 42 L aWRENCE H ill B ooks

PIRATE STATE Inside Somalia’s Terrorism at Sea Peter Eichstaedt

Are the Somali pirates a legion of desperate fisher- men attacking cargo ships and ocean cruisers to reclaim their waters? Or is piracy connected to crime networks and the madness that grips Somalia? What threats do pirates pose to interna- tional security? To answer these questions, Peter Eichstaedt crisscrossed East Africa, meeting with pirates both in and out of prisons, talking with them about their lives, tactics, and motives. Pirate State explores the links between the pirates, global financiers, and extremists who control southern Somalia and whose influence extends across the Gulf of Aden into Yemen and connects to extrem- ists in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Somali pirates continue to be desperate and dangerous men who will do just about anything for money. Pirate State argues that turning a blind eye to “[A] compelling book . . . [Eichstaedt’s] even- piracy and the problems of Somalia is inviting a handed polished style, and impressive documen- disaster of horrific proportions. tation let the horrors and ramifications of piracy speak for themselves.” —Publishers Weekly

current events Peter Eichstaedt is an award-winning author and veteran 224 pages, 6 x 9 journalist who has reported from locations worldwide, 25 color photos, 1 map including Afghanistan, Albania, Somalia, the Sudans, paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-666-1 Uganda, Kenya, eastern DR Congo, Eastern Europe, and cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-311-7 the Caucasus. His book The Dangerous Divide: Peril Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-772-6 and Promise on the US-Mexico Border won the 2015 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-774-0 International Latino Book Award for best in current affairs. Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-773-3 He also is the author of Above the Din of War, Consuming Rights: World the Congo, First Kill Your Family, winner of the 2009 Rights sold: Korean Colorado Book Award; and If You Poison Us. He lives in October Denver, Colorado. NEW IN 2016 43

ABOVE THE DIN OF WAR Afghans Speak About Their Lives, Their Country, and Their Future— and Why America Should Listen Peter Eichstaedt

“These are vivid, mostly sympathetic portraits of Afghans who have weathered decades of chaos, and though a solution still seems far-off, Eichs- taedt has done a great service by bringing their perspectives to the American public. . . . illuminat- ing, timely, and necessary.” —Publishers Weekly

“A work of skilled and brutally honest journalism. Heartbreaking and spellbinding dispatches from a country descending into madness.” —Kirkus Reviews

Veteran journalist Peter Eichstaedt exposed him- self to grave dangers crisscrossing Afghanistan to interview an astonishing array of Afghans. Read- ers find emotional commentary from a former warlord; blunt talk from a Taliban judge; harrow- behind the calculated rhetoric of war, politics, and ing stories of abuse from teenage victims of self- diplomacy, and suggests a path forward toward a immolation; the economic realities of poppy grow- sustainable future for Afghanistan and southern ers; and many others. Eichstaedt reveals the truth Asia.

current events Peter Eichstaedt is an award-winning author and veteran 304 pages, 6 x 9 journalist who has reported from locations worldwide, 28 color photos including Afghanistan, Albania, Somalia, the Sudans, paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-664-7 Uganda, Kenya, eastern DR Congo, Eastern Europe, and cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61374-515-1 the Caucasus. His book The Dangerous Divide: Peril Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-516-8 and Promise on the US-Mexico Border won the 2015 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-518-2 International Latino Book Award for best in current affairs. Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61374-517-5 He also is the author of Consuming the Congo, Pirate State, Rights: World First Kill Your Family, winner of the 2009 Colorado Book October Award; and If You Poison Us. He lives in Denver, Colorado. 44 L aWRENCE H ill B ooks

CONSUMING THE CONGO War and Conflict Minerals in the World’s Deadliest Place Peter Eichstaedt

The remote and lawless eastern Congo is rich in resources critical to the circuitry in cell phones, computers, and other electronics—“conflict miner- als” mined under conditions of war and egregious human rights abuses. Veteran conflict journalist Peter Eichstaedt goes into these killing fields to unearth what is behind the bloodshed and to hear the stories of those who live this nightmarish real- ity. He talks with survivors of villages decimated by war and desperate miners slogging through muck while militias and renegade army units roam the jungles, killing and raping with impunity, taking the profits, and leaving villagers to grueling labor, brutality, and disease. Millions of Congolese have died, and the bloodletting continues at a frighten- ing pace. Consuming the Congo offers not only a view into the situation behind the headlines, but “Eichstaedt provides counterpoint and a glimmer examines how we, as part of the problem, can of hope in the form of possible reforms and leg- become part of the solution. islations that could restore order to a devastated region.” —Publishers Weekly

current events Peter Eichstaedt is an award-winning author and veteran 272 pages, 6 x 9 journalist who has reported from locations worldwide, 33 color photos including Afghanistan, Albania, Somalia, the Sudans, paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-665-4 Uganda, Kenya, eastern DR Congo, Eastern Europe, and cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-310-0 the Caucasus. His book The Dangerous Divide: Peril Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-898-3 and Promise on the US-Mexico Border won the 2015 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-900-3 International Latino Book Award for best in current affairs. Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-56976-899-0 He also is the author of Above the Din of War, Pirate State, Rights: World First Kill Your Family, winner of the 2009 Colorado Book October Award; and If You Poison Us. He lives in Denver, Colorado. A CAPPELLA 45

TRAVELING SOUL The Life of Curtis Mayfield Todd Mayfield with Travis Atria

Curtis Mayfield was one of the seminal vocalists and most talented guitarists of his era, and his music played a vital role in the civil rights movement. “People Get Ready” is the black anthem of the 1960s, likely one of Dr. King’s favorite songs. On his Superfly album, rather than glorifying the Blaxploitation imagery of the film, Mayfield wrote and sang a tour de force of incisive social commentary easily the equal of Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On? In Traveling Soul, Todd Mayfield tells his famously private father’s story in riveting detail. Born into dire poverty, raised in the slums of Chicago, Curtis became a musical prodigy, not only singing like a dream but growing into a bril- liant songwriter. In the 1960s he became a pioneer, opening his own label and production company; he worked with many other top artists, including received the long-awaited recognition of the music the Staple Singers and a young Chaka Khan. Cur- industry. Passionate, illuminating, vivid, and tis’s life was famously cut short by an accident that absorbing, Traveling Soul will doubtlessly take its left him paralyzed, but in his declining health he place among the classics of music biography.

biography / music Todd Mayfield is Curtis Mayfield’s second oldest son. He is 384 pages, 6 x 9 an entrepeneur and former financial services executive in 20 b/w photos Chicago, and manages and promotes his father’s music and cloth, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61373-679-1 legacy. Travis Atria has written over 300 articles for Paste, Adobe PDF, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61373-680-7 Wax Poetics, Glide, Home, US Weekly, People, and other EPUB, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61373-682-1 publications. He lives in Gainesville, Florida. Kindle, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61373-681-4 Rights: World October 46 A C apPella

SUPER FREAK The Life of Rick James Peter Benjaminson

became one of the biggest pop stars of the era, turned a young white woman named Teena Marie into an R&B superstar, displayed an outrageously sex- and drug-filled lifestyle, was tried and found guilty of assaulting and imprisoning a young woman, went on to record new music that was compared to ’ White Album, and ended his life as a punch line for Dave Chappelle. Few American superstar stories are richer, wilder, or more excessive than Rick James’s. And along the way, he scored a large number of major hits, sold tens of millions of albums, and became intimate with dozens of big-name celebrities. Rick James attempted to tell his own story—in two different books—but left out many incidents that reflected badly on his character. Nobody has written the full truth about his life. Now, based on Rick James led an amazing life. He played in a court records, newspaper archives, and extensive band with , spent years in jail, self- interviews with dozens of family members, band produced his first album (which was then picked members, friends, and lovers, here is the defini- up by Motown), crossed rock and funk to come tive biography of Motown’s most controversial up with one of the bestselling albums of the 1980s, superstar.

music / biography Peter Benjaminson is the author of The Lost Supreme, 384 pages, 6 x 9 Mary Wells, and The Story of Motown. He has written 25 b/w photos numerous stories for the Detroit Free Press, the Atlanta cloth, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61374-957-9 Journal-Constitution, and other publications. He lives in Adobe PDF, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61374-958-6 New York City. EPUB, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61374-960-9 Kindle, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61374-959-3 Rights: World January 2017 NEW IN 2016 47

STICK IT! My Life of Sex, Drums, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Carmine Appice with Ian Gittins Foreword by Rod Stewart

“If you want to know what life as a rock star is like, read this book!” —Max Weinberg

He ran with teenage gangs in Brooklyn before becoming a global rock star in the Summer of Love. He was managed by the Mob, hung with Hendrix, trashed thousands of hotel rooms, unwit- tingly paid for an unknown Led Zeppelin to sup- port him on tour, taught John Bonham (as well as Fred Astaire) a thing or two about drumming, and took part in Zeppelin’s infamous deflowering of a groupie with a mud shark. After enrolling in Rod Stewart’s Sex Police, he hung out with Kojak, accidentally shared a house with Prince, became blood brothers with Ozzy Osbourne, and got fired by Sharon. He formed an all-blond hair metal band, jammed with John McEnroe and Steven Carmine Appice has enjoyed a jaw-dropping Seagal, became a megastar in Japan, got married rock-and-roll life—and here he is telling his five times, slept with 4,500 groupies—and, along scarcely believable story. Stick It! is one of the most the way, became a rock legend by single-handedly extraordinary and outrageous rock-and-roll biog- reinventing hard rock drumming. raphies of our time.

music / biography Carmine Appice is one of the most revered and innovative 256 pages, 6 x 9 drummers in the history of rock. He has played with Vanilla 10 color photos, 25 b/w photos Fudge; Cactus; Beck, Bogert & Appice; Rod Stewart; Ted cloth, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-552-7 Nugent; Ozzy Osbourne; and Pink Floyd—among many Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-553-4 others. He lives in New York and Los Angeles. Ian Gittins is EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-555-8 the coauthor with Nikki Sixx of The Heroin Diaries. He lives Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $31.99), 978-1-61373-554-1 in London. Rights: Not available May 48 A C apPella

SWEET DREAMS AND FLYING MACHINES The Life and Music of James Taylor Mark Ribowsky

“Fire and Rain” and “You’ve Got a Friend,” and a new Southern California–fed branch of pop music. James Taylor was its reluctant leader. Remarkably, Taylor has survived: his 2015 release, Before This World, edged out Taylor Swift and went to No. 1 on the charts. Today he is in better physical (and probably mental) condition than during the whirlwind era when he influenced music so heavily, the decade when magazines and newspapers printed feverish stories about his gawky hunkiness, his love affair with Joni Mitchell, his glittery marriage to Carly Simon, his endlessly carried-out heroin habit, and sometimes even his music. Despite it all, Taylor has become the nearest thing to rock royalty in America. Based on fresh interviews with musicians, pro- ducers, record company executives, and music In 1970 a scraggly, antiheroic man from North journalists, as well as previously published inter- Carolina by way of Massachusetts began present- views, reviews, and profiles, Sweet Dreams and ing a comforting new sound. Within a year, when Flying Machines is the definitive biography of an young ears sought the latest in rock, there was elusive superstar.

music / biography Mark Ribowsky has written 13 books, including Whiskey 416 pages, 6 x 9 Bottles and Brand-New Cars and widely praised biographies 15 b/w photos of Tom Landry, Howard Cosell, Otis Redding, Phil Spector, cloth, $28.99 (CAN $34.99), 978-1-61373-376-9 and Satchel Paige. He has also contributed extensively to Adobe PDF, $28.99 (CAN $34.99), 978-1-61373-377-6 magazines including Playboy, Penthouse, and High Times. EPUB, $28.99 (CAN $34.99), 978-1-61373-377-6 He lives in Boca Raton, Florida. Kindle, $28.99 (CAN $34.99), 978-1-61373-378-3 Rights: World X Spanish June NEW IN 2016 49

MICHAEL BLOOMFIELD The Rise and Fall of an American Guitar Hero Ed Ward Foreword by Billy F. Gibbons

This is the definitive biography of the legendary guitarist whom eminent figures like Muddy Waters and B. B. King held in high esteem, and who cre- ated the prototype for Clapton, Hendrix, Page, and everyone who followed. Bloomfield was one of the first popular music superstars of the 1960s to earn his reputation almost entirely on his instrumental prowess. He was a member of the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, which inspired a generation of white blues players; he played with Bob Dylan in the mid- 1960s, when his guitar was a central component of Dylan’s new rock sound on “Like a Rolling Stone” and at his earthshaking 1965 Newport performance. He then founded the Electric Flag, recorded Super Session with Al Kooper, backed Janis Joplin, and released at least 20 other albums, despite debilitating substance abuse. He died of including an extensive discography and Bloom- a mysterious drug overdose in 1981. This book, field’s memorable 1968 Rolling Stone interview, is based on extensive interviews with Bloomfield an intimate portrait of one of the pioneers of rock himself and with those who knew him best, and guitar.

music / biography Ed Ward has been the “rock & roll historian” for Fresh Air 224 pages, 6 x 9 since its inception, and has contributed over 500 stories to 40 color photos it. He is also a founding director of the South by Southwest cloth, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-328-8 Music and Media Conference and was on one of the early Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-329-5 staffs at Rolling Stone. He lives in Austin, Texas. Billy F. EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-331-8 Gibbons is the guitarist and lead vocalist of ZZ Top. He Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-330-1 lives in Los Angeles. Rights: World September 50 A C apPella

JUDY AND I My Life with Judy Garland Sid Luft Afterword by Randy L. Schmidt

lot: producing her iconic, Oscar-nominated per- formance in A Star Is Born and expertly shaping her concert career. Previously unpublished, and only recently found, Sid Luft’s intimate autobiography tells his and Judy’s story. It begins on a fateful night in New York City when the not quite divorced Judy Gar- land and the not quite divorced Sid Luft meet at Billy Reed’s Little Club and fall for each other. The romance lasts Judy’s lifetime, despite the separa- tions, the reconciliations, and the divorce. Under Luft’s management, Judy Garland comes back, big- ger than ever, building a singing career that rivals Sinatra’s. However, Judy’s drug dependencies and suicidal tendencies put a tremendous strain on their relationship. Despite everything, Sid never stopped loving The third of Judy Garland’s five husbands, Sid Judy and never forgave himself for not being able Luft was the one man in her life who stuck to ultimately save her from the demons that drove around. He was chiefly responsible for the her to an early death at age 47 in 1969. Sid served final act of Judy’s meteoric career after she as chief conservator of the Garland legacy until his was unceremoniously booted off the MGM death at the age of 89 in 2005. This is his story.

autobiography Sid Luft was an amateur boxer, test pilot, Hollywood pro- 448 pages ducer, and impresario. He was married to Judy Garland 40 b/w photos from 1952 to 1965. Randy L. Schmidt edited Judy Garland cloth, $30.00 (CAN $40.00), 978-1-61373-583-1 on Judy Garland and wrote Little Girl Blue: The Life of Karen Adobe PDF, $29.99 (CAN $39.99), 978-1-61373-584-8 Carpenter. He lives in Denton, Texas. EPUB, $29.99 (CAN $39.99), 978-1-61373-586-2 Kindle, $29.99 (CAN $39.99), 978-1-61373-585-5 Rights: World February 2017 NEW IN 2016 51

MICHAEL AND ME The Untold Story of Michael Jackson’s Secret Romance Shana Mangatal

More than six years after his death, Michael Jackson continues to fascinate the world. Shana Mangatal was one of Jackson’s only constant and true rocks of stability for nearly two decades. Their relationship was quiet and sweet and real—a closely guarded secret, known only to a few trusted employees and friends. Shana is now coming for- ward to tell their love story. Sometimes strange, sometimes surprising, always fascinating, this is the story that Jackson fans have been waiting for. Shana has kept a very detailed diary since the age of 12. Her story is rich with every little detail. She witnessed the scandals, lawsuits, the release of groundbreaking albums and subsequent world tours, big-budget short films, and addictions. Michael and Me entertains and inspires, but above all, Shana continues to treat Michael (and his legacy) with respect. This is not an exploitative tell-all, but rather a book that shows the side of Michael people never knew. In it, Shana paints a more intimate picture of this beloved, yet very misunderstood man.

biography / music Shana Mangatal has over 25 years of experience in talent 240 pages, 6 x 9 and sports management, public relations, music, film, and 20 color photos television. She has worked with Michael Jackson, David cloth, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-617-3 Copperfield, Magic Johnson, Boyz II Men, Ruben Studdard, Adobe PDF, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-619-7 , Dwight Yoakam, and other entertainment leg- EPUB, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-620-3 ends. She has also appeared in a variety of films and televi- Kindle, $26.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-618-0 sion shows, including House Party, Hairspray, Family Matters, Rights: World A Different World, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Martin, and two of September Michael Jackson’s short films. She lives in Los Angeles. 52 A C apPella

THE REAL JAMES DEAN Intimate Memories from Those Who Knew Him Best Edited by Mr. Peter L. Winkler Foreword by George Stevens Jr.

ries of their first-person experiences with him in interviews and in the articles and autobiographies they wrote. Their recollections of Dean became lost in fragile back issues of movie magazines and newspapers and in out-of-print books that are extremely hard to find. Until now. The Real James Dean is the first book of its kind: a rich collection spanning six decades of writing in which many of the people whose lives were touched by Dean recall their indelible experi- ences with him in their own words. Here are the memorable personal accounts of Dean from his high school and college drama teachers; the girl he almost married; costars like Rock Hudson, Natalie Wood, Jim Backus, and Raymond Massey; direc- tors Elia Kazan, Nicholas Ray, and George Stevens; entertainer Eartha Kitt; gossip queen Hedda Hop- In the decades following his death, many of those per; the passenger who accompanied Dean on his who knew James Dean best—actors, directors, final, fatal road trip; and a host of his other friends friends, lovers (both men and women), photog- and colleagues who recorded their impressions of raphers, and Hollywood columnists—shared sto- him for posterity.

film / biography Peter Winkler is the author of Dennis Hopper. His writ- 384 pages, 6 x 9 ing has appeared in Filmfax, the Huffington Post, the Los 35 b/w photos Angeles Review of Books, and Playboy. He lives in Sun Valley, paper, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-472-8 California. George Stevens Jr. is a writer, director, and Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-471-1 producer who founded the American Film Institute. He has EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-474-2 won 17 Emmys, two Peabody Awards, and an Honorary Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-473-5 Academy Award. Rights: World August NEW IN 2016 53

SHOWSTOPPERS! The Surprising Backstage Stories of Broadway’s Most Remarkable Songs Gerald Nachman

When Robert Preston shouted “Ya got trouble!” in River City, when Carol Channing glided down a gilded staircase while waiters serenaded her with “Hello, Dolly!,” when Barbra Streisand defied us to rain on her parade in Funny Girl, audiences were instantly enchanted. After such indelible moments, musicals were never the same, and neither were we. These were all showstoppers, the numbers you think about that propel you to see the show again, the songs you recall whenever the show is mentioned—“Hey, Big Spender” in Sweet Charity, “Popular” in Wicked, “I Cain’t Say No” in Oklahoma! Showstoppers! is all about Broadway musicals’ most memorable numbers—why they were so effective, how they were created, and why they still resonate. Much of it is told through the eyes of the performers, songwriters, directors, and ing Patti LuPone, John Raitt, Jerry Herman, Edie choreographers who first built these explosive Adams, Dick Van Dyke, Joel Grey, Marvin Ham- numbers and lit the fuse. Gerald Nachman has lisch, John Kander, Tommy Tune, Sheldon Harnick, interviewed dozens of iconic musical theater fig- and Harold Prince, uncovering priceless untold ures to get their inside stories for this book, includ- anecdotes and details.

music / theater Gerald Nachman has been writing about musicals for over 384 pages, 6 x 9 50 years. His reviews and columns have been published 30 b/w photos in the New York Post, New York Daily News, San Francisco paper, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-102-4 Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, New York Times, Esquire, Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-104-8 GQ, Cosmopolitan, and Theater Week. He is the author of EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-105-5 six books, including Seriously Funny, Raised on Radio, and Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-103-1 Right Here on Our Stage Tonight! Rights: World November 54 A C apPella

FLEETWOOD MAC ON FLEETWOOD MAC Interviews and Encounters Edited by Sean Egan

band continuing was sacrilege—Lindsey Bucking- ham and Stevie Nicks joined, and the band’s 1977 album Rumours became one of history’s immortals, a true classic that remained in the charts for years and public affection forever. In the press, the ethereal Californian Stevie Nicks, the tormented rocker Lindsey Buckingham, the dignified English rose Christine McVie, the blunt-speaking John McVie, and the loquacious Mick Fleetwood have all regularly been astound- ingly candid. This collection of interviews across the entirety of Fleetwood Mac’s career features articles from such celebrated publications as Crawdaddy, New Musical Express, Circus, Creem, Mojo, Gold- mine, Classic Rock, Blender, and Elle, as well as interviews that have never previously appeared Fleetwood Mac was a triumph from the begin- in print. In it, readers will learn the Fleetwood ning—their first album was the UK’s bestselling Mac story from the band members’ own mouths, album of 1968. After some low points—when and experience it contemporaneously rather than founder Peter Green left, some fans felt that the through hindsight.

music Sean Egan is an author and journalist who has interviewed 464 pages, 6 x 9 members of Fleetwood Mac, the Beach Boys, the Beatles, cloth, $28.99 (CAN $34.99), 978-1-61373-234-2 the Kinks, Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, the Sex Pistols, Adobe PDF, $28.99 (CAN $34.99), 978-1-61373-235-9 the Velvet Underground, the Who, and many others. He EPUB, $28.99 (CAN $34.99), 978-1-61373-237-3 is the author or editor of Bowie on Bowie, Keith Richards Kindle, $28.99 (CAN $34.99), 978-1-61373-236-6 on Keith Richards, Jimi Hendrix and the Making of Are You Rights: World Experienced, and many others. July NEW IN 2016 55

LENNON ON LENNON Conversations with Edited by Jeff Burger

John Lennon was a highly opinionated and con- troversial figure with a commanding personality and quick wit. And he made a point of living his adventurous life as openly as possible. Whether he was experimenting with LSD, transcendental meditation, primal therapy, macrobiotic diets, or recording techniques, the public was on board every step of the way. He spoke candidly about his intense, sometimes tumultuous relationship with Yoko Ono, his split with the Beatles, his squabbles with Paul McCartney, and just about everything else, baring his emotional ups and downs for all to see. By the time he granted his—and this book’s—final interview, only hours before his death, he had become one of the most famous people on the planet and an articulate commentator on politics, human relations, and world peace. able in any format. Interspersed throughout the Lennon on Lennon is an authoritative, chrono- book are key quotes from dozens of additional logically arranged anthology of some of Lennon’s Q&As. Together, this material paints a revealing most illuminating interviews. The majority have picture of the artist in his own words while offer- not been previously available in print, and several ing a window into the cultural atmosphere of the of the most important have not been widely avail- 1960s and ’70s.

music Jeff Burger is the editor of Springsteen on Springsteen and 464 pages, 6 x 9 Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen. He has contributed to cloth, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61374-824-4 Barron’s, Family Circle, GQ, the Los Angeles Times, Reader’s Adobe PDF, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61374-825-1 Digest, and more than 75 other magazines, newspapers, and EPUB, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61374-827-5 books. He lives in Ridgewood, New Jersey. Kindle, $28.99 (CAN $38.99), 978-1-61374-826-8 Rights: World November 56 A C apPella

HENDRIX ON HENDRIX Interviews and Encounters with Jimi Hendrix Edited by Steven Roby

Hendrix on Hendrix includes the most important interviews from the peak of Jimi Hendrix’s career, 1966 to 1970, carefully selected by one of the world’s leading Jimi Hendrix historians. In this book Hendrix recalls his heartbreaking childhood and his grueling nights on the Chitlin’ Circuit. He jokes with the judge and the jury on the witness stand, telling them that the incense in his bag was for hiding bad kitchen odors. He explains to an American TV audience that his concept of “Electric Church Music” is intended to wash their souls. And in his final interview, just days before his death, he discloses that he wants to be remembered as not just another guitar player. In addition to interviews from mainstream publications, Hendrix on Hendrix includes new transcriptions from European papers, the African “Hendrix on Hendrix uncovers a wealth of material American press, and counterculture newspapers; that most diehard fans didn’t even suspect radio and television interviews; and previously existed. By focusing on Jimi’s own words, it gives unpublished court transcripts. us revealing insights into the idiosyncratic man behind the music.” —Richie Unterberger, author of The Unreleased Beatles

music Steven Roby is a respected Jimi Hendrix historian-archivist 384 pages, 6 x 9 and the author of Black Gold: The Lost Archives of Jimi 16 b/w photos Hendrix and Becoming Jimi Hendrix. He was the editor and paper, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-521-3 publisher of Straight Ahead: The International Jimi Hendrix cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-61374-322-5 Fanzine (1989–1996) and the editor of the Hendrix family’s Adobe PDF, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-323-2 authorized fanzine, Experience Hendrix. He lives in Hawaii. EPUB, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-324-9 Kindle, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-321-8 Rights: World November NEW IN 2016 57

JUDY GARLAND ON JUDY GARLAND Interviews and Encounters Edited by Randy L. Schmidt

“Judy Garland on Judy Garland is an insightful read into the life of an incredible woman whom I was lucky enough to call Mama.” —Lorna Luft, actress and singer

Judy Garland on Judy Garland is the closest we will likely come to experiencing and exploring the legend’s abandoned autobiography. Collect- ing and presenting the most important Garland interviews and encounters that took place between 1935 and 1969, this work opens with her first radio appearance under contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and concludes with her last known interview, one taped for Radio Den- mark just months before her death. What makes this collection unique and distinguishes it from the plethora of Garland biographies is that it places Judy in the role of storyteller. She wrote a number of essays for vari- ous publications and sat for countless print, radio, and television interviews. These and the other autobiographical efforts she made are proof that Judy Garland wanted her story told, and wanted it told in her own words. Finally, here it is.

music / film Randy L. Schmidt is the author of the acclaimed, bestsell- 440 pages, 6 x 9 ing biography Little Girl Blue: The Life of Karen Carpenter 29 b/w photos and the editor of Yesterday Once More: The Carpenters paper, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-546-6 Reader. He has also written articles for the Advocate and the cloth, $28.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-1-61374-945-6 Observer. He teaches music in Denton, Texas. Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-946-3 EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-948-7 Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-947-0 Rights: World June 58 A C apPella

STRANGE FASCINATION David Bowie: The Definitive Story Fully revised and updated edition David Buckley

Strange Fascination has long been the most com- plete account of David Bowie’s life, music, and impact on popular culture, and this new edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect the tri- umphs of his last years and his untimely death. David Buckley’s unique approach to unraveling the Bowie enigma, incorporating interviews with many of the singer’s closest associates into a bio- graphical and analytical framework, has made this book a classic for Bowie fans ever since its first publication in 1999. This revised edition captures exclusive details about the making of Bowie’s albums, his live appearances, his relationships with his bands, his composition process, and, most important, the man himself.

“One of the most authoritative Bowie books you’re ever likely to read.” —Mojo

music/ biography David Buckley is the author of eight well-received books, 624 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 including Elton, Kraftwerk, R.E.M. Fiction, and The Thrill of 54 color photos It All. He lives in Munich. paper, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-762-0 Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), Rights: Not available November NEW IN 2016 59

DIRTY BLVD The Life and Music of Lou Reed Aidan Levy

“Aidan Levy shines a light into unexamined corners of this singular life and enlarges our sense of his subject’s spiky, unforgettable character.” —Peter Blauner, author of Slipping into Darkness

Lou Reed made it his mission to rub people the wrong way, from the noise rock he produced with the Velvet Underground in the late 1960s to his polarizing work with Metallica that would prove to be his swan song. On a personal level, too, he seemed to take pleasure in insulting everyone who crossed his path. How did this Jewish boy from Long Island, an adolescent doo-wop singer, rise to the status of Godfather of Punk? And how did he maintain that status for decades? Dirty Blvd.—the first new biography of Reed since his death in 2013—digs deep to answer those questions. And along the way it shows us notoriously uncompromising rock poet who wrote the tender side of his prickly personality. Draw- “Heroin,” “Sweet Jane,” “Walk on the Wild Side,” ing from new interviews with many of his artistic and “Street Hassle”—songs that transcended their collaborators, friends, and romantic partners, as genre and established Lou Reed as one of the most well as from archival material, concert footage, and influential and enigmatic American artists of the unreleased bootlegs of live performances, author past half-century. Aidan Levy paints an intimate portrait of the

biography/music Aidan Levy has written for the New York Times, the Village 448 pages, 6 x 9 Voice, JazzTimes, and the Daily Forward, among others. He 15 b/w photos, 18 color photos lives in New York City. paper $18.99 (CAN $25.99), 978‑1‑61373‑736‑1 cloth, $28.95 (CAN $34.95), 978‑1‑61373‑106‑2 Adobe PDF, $18.99 (CAN $25.99), 978‑1‑61373‑108‑6 EPUB, $18.99 (CAN $25.99), 978‑1‑61373‑109‑3 Kindle, $18.99 (CAN $25.99), 978‑1‑61373‑107‑9 rights: World October 60 A C apPella

LICK ME How I Became Cherry Vanilla Cherry Vanilla Foreword by Rufus Wainwright

most electrifying era, with memorable detours through the sexual revolution, the women’s libera- tion movement, and the Theater of the Ridiculous. A wunderkind on Madison Avenue in the swingin ’60s, Cherry soon found fame as a DJ in clubs in Manhattan and on the French Riviera. She starred in Andy Warhol’s play Pork in London while gaining notoriety as a groupie, sleeping with musicians including Leon Russell and Kris Kristofferson. Working as David Bowie’s PR rep (and occasional lover), she played a major part in introducing him to the US market. She was on the front lines when punk broke, one of the few suc- cessful women in the genre; her backing band was the Police, and she released two raunchy albums on RCA. But Cherry’s life wasn’t all excitement and high “A swinging romp with one swinging gal! This juicy times. From unwanted pregnancies to poverty page-turner will have rock gossip tongues wagging and public ridicule, Lick Me also takes us through their tales!” —Kate Pierson of the B-52’s Cherry’s own problems, including sex addiction and OCD, and reveals how she dealt with them. Cherry Vanilla’s memoir takes us on a journey from Lick Me reveals the thrilling life of a woman who the birth of rock to the explosion of punk, explor- pulled herself up from humble beginnings and ing every aspect of the music industry during its fearlessly lived her dreams. autobiography / music Cherry Vanilla has written for magazines worldwide 288 pages, 6 x 9 and had one of the first phone-sex services in America. 50 b/w photos She lives in Hollywood. paper, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-677-7 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-943-6 Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-801-3 EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-803-7 Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-56976-802-0 Rights: Not available October NEW IN 2016 61

DANCING BAREFOOT The Patti Smith Story Dave Thompson

“Dave Thompson knows how to tell a gripping, carefully researched story. This one is about a young woman who became one of the major American poetic champions of her generation.” —Stephen Davis, author of Hammer of the Gods

Dancing Barefoot is the full story of Patti Smith, one of the most significant American artists of the rock ’n’ roll era, a performer whose audience and appeal reach far beyond the parameters of rock. Patti Smith soared from an ugly-duckling child- hood in postwar New Jersey to become queen of the New York arts scene in the 1970s. This book traces the brilliant trajectory of her career, includ- ing the 15 reclusive years she spent in Detroit in the 1980s and ’90s, as well as her triumphant return to New York. But it is primarily the story of a performer growing up in New York City in the Richard Lloyd, John Cale, and Jim Carroll—it early and mid-1970s. relies most of all on Patti’s own words. This is Guided by interviews with those who have Patti’s story, told as she might have seen it, had known her—including Ivan Kral, Tom Verlaine, she been on the outside looking in.

biography / music Dave Thompson is the author of music biographies of art- 330 pages, 6 x 9 ists such as David Bowie, Cream, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 32 b/w photos and , as well as the bestselling Kurt Cobain biography, paper, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-551-0 Never Fade Away, and the story of 1970s punk, London’s Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-919-5 Burning. He lives in Newark, Delaware. EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-921-8 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-56976-920-1 Rights: World Rights sold: Italian April 62 A C apPella

ROOM 1219 The Life of Fatty Arbuckle, the Mysterious Death of Virginia Rappe, and the Scandal That Changed Hollywood Greg Merritt

the original “trial of the century,” and a wave of censorship that altered the course of Hollywood filmmaking. It began on Labor Day, when comic actor Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle, then at the pinnacle of his fame and fortune, hosted a party in San Francisco’s best hotel. As the party raged, he was alone in room 1219 with Virginia Rappe, a little- known actress. Four days later, she died, and he was charged with her murder. Room 1219 tells the story of Arbuckle’s improbable rise and stunning fall—from one of Hollywood’s first true superstars to its first pariah. It explores how the earliest silent film experiments evolved into a studio-based system capable of making and, ultimately, breaking a beloved superstar. Simultaneously, it presents “Admirably evenhanded, meticulously researched, the sensational crime story from the day of the and compelling.” —New York Times Book Review “orgy” through Arbuckle’s three trials. Relying on a careful examination of documents, the In 1921, one of the biggest movie stars in the world book finally reveals, after almost a century of was accused of killing a woman. What followed wild speculation, what most likely occurred in was an unprecedented avalanche of press coverage, room 1219.

film / true crime Greg Merritt is the author of Film Production and Celluloid 440 pages, 6 x 9 Mavericks. He has written hundreds of feature articles for 15 b/w photos numerous magazines and holds an MFA from the American paper, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-520-6 Film Institute. cloth, $29.95 (CAN $32.95), 978-1-61374-792-6 Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-793-3 EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-795-7 Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-794-0 Rights: World April NEW IN 2016 63

MARY WELLS The Tumultuous Life of Motown’s First Superstar Peter Benjaminson

“When you finish this book, you will mourn Mary Wells, sure, and be grateful for the music she left. But don’t be surprised if you find that . . . you are more than a little in love with her as well.” —Wall Street Journal

Mary Wells was the first Motown solo superstar, the internationally popular songstress who sang the megahit “My Guy.” Her songs reached huge audiences in America and England, both black and white. She captivated the Beatles, toured with them, and was briefly more popular than they were on the pop charts. Wells left Motown at age 21 and spent the rest of her life trying to fight her way back to the top. Though she never managed to do so, she never gave up her struggle. She also had a series of tumultuous affairs and marital attachments with an amazingly detailed unreleased taped interview several well-known singers and songwriters. And with Wells herself. In Mary Wells, he tells her near the end of her life, Wells fought a drawn-out whole story, complete with never-before-revealed and courageous battle with throat cancer, giving details about the sex, the violence, and the drugs perhaps her gutsiest performance. in her life—and about her Motown hits that capti- Peter Benjaminson spent years interviewing vated the world. Wells’s friends, lovers, and husbands, and obtained

biography / music Peter Benjaminson is the author of The Lost Supreme and 320 pages, 6 x 9 Super Freak. He has written numerous stories for the Detroit 20 b/w photos Free Press, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and other publi- paper, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-486-5 cations. He lives in New York City. cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95)978-1-56976-248-6 Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-527-4 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-529-8 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-528-1 Rights: World April 64 A C apPella

98% FUNKY STUFF My Life in Music Maceo Parker

Maceo Parker became the linchpin of James Brown’s band when he and his brother Melvin joined in 1964. His signature style helped define Brown’s brand of funk, and the phrase “Maceo, I want you to blow!” became part of the lexicon of black music. He took time off from Brown’s band to play with George Clinton’s P-Funk collective; he also formed his own group, Maceo and All the King’s Men, whose records are cult favorites among funk aficionados. His music remains a major source of inspiration from jazz to hip-hop. Here Maceo tells his own warm and astonish- ing story, from his southern upbringing to his career touring the world and playing to adoring fans. Maceo coined the phrase “2% jazz, 98% funky stuff” to describe his live shows. Celebrating over 70 years on Planet Groove and 60 on the road, “With a prose style as direct and engaging as one here is the definitive story of one of the funkiest of his trademark sax solos, Maceo Parker brings us musicians alive. deep into the world of funk with memorable stories of life with James Brown, Parliament/ Funkadelic, and his own indelible bands.” —Nelson George

music / biography Maceo Parker is arguably the world’s most famous living 208 pages, 6 x 9 saxophone player. He has collaborated with James Brown, 21 b/w photos George Clinton, Prince, Ray Charles, Ani DiFranco, James paper, $15.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-61373-545-9 Taylor, De La Soul, the Dave Matthews Band, the Red Hot cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-61374-346-1 Chili Peppers, and many others. He lives in Kinston, North Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-61374-347-8 Carolina. EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-61374-349-2 Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-61374-348-5 Rights: World English May NEW IN 2016 65

COLD SWEAT My Father James Brown and Me Yamma Brown with Robin Gaby Fisher

“One of the best books to emerge since [James Brown’s] death in 2006. If you want to know what the real private life was like for James Brown and his family . . . get this book. It’s definitely an eye- opener.” —Augusta Chronicle

Being the child of a global superstar is never easy. Being the daughter of the Godfather of Soul— that’s a category unto itself. Like every little girl, Yamma Brown wanted her father’s attention, but fame, drugs, jail, and the complicated women in James Brown’s life set the stage for an uncommon childhood. Cold Sweat is about how Yamma rose to meet every challenge. Though packed with celebrity appearances ranging from Michael Jackson to Al Sharpton, Cold Sweat is not just a celebrity book. It focuses on an everyday issue faced by millions of women— domestic violence—and in this book Yamma faces it in an honest and powerfully moving way. The struggles she went through, both as a child and as an adult, make for a gripping read and, in the end, a profound examination of the nature of celebrity, violence, and survival.

memoir / music Dr. Yamma Brown is the vice president of the James Brown 208 pages, 6 x 9 Family Foundation and president and founder of Daughter 23 b/w photos of Soul Productions. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia. Robin paper, $15.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-61373-544-2 Gaby Fisher is the author of the New York Times bestseller cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-883052-85-0 After the Fire and Boys of the Dark and coauthor of Fields of Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-883052-86-7 Grace and The Woman Who Wasn’t There. She is a two-time EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-883052-88-1 finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Feature Writing. She teaches Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-883052-87-4 narrative journalism at Rutgers University in Newark, New Rights: World Jersey. May 66 A C apPella


This is the first biography of Ralph Peer, the revo- lutionary A&R man and music publisher who saw the universal power locked in regional roots music and tapped it, changing the breadth and flavor of popular music around the world. It is the story of the life and 50-year career, from the age of cylinder recordings to the stereo era, of the man who pio- neered the recording, marketing, and publishing of blues, jazz, country, gospel, and Latin music. The book tracks Peer’s role in such break- through events as the recording of Mamie Smith’s “Crazy Blues” (the record that sparked the blues craze), the first country recording sessions with Fiddlin’ John Carson, his discovery of Jimmie Rod- gers and the Carter Family at the famed Bristol ses- sions, the popularizing of Latin American music during World War II, and the postwar transforma- “An overwhelming book about an overwhelming tion of music on the airwaves that set the stage for character in the music field. . . . We owe Barry the dominance of R&B, country, and rock ’n’ roll. Mazor a debt of gratitude for telling Peer’s incred- Ralph Peer changed our very notions of what ible life story.” —Bob Dylan pop music can be. Finally, this is his story.

biography / music Barry Mazor is the author of Meeting Jimmie Rodgers. He 320 pages, 6 x 9 has written for the Wall Street Journal, No Depression, the 30 b/w photos Oxford American, the Washington Post, the Village Voice, paper, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-653-1 Nashville Scene, American Songwriter, and the Journal of cloth, $28.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-1-61374-021-7 Country Music. He lives in Nashville. Enhanced e-book: $34.99 (CAN $41.99), 978-1-61373-388-2 Adobe PDF, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-022-4 EPUB, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-022-4 Kindle, $17.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61374-022-4 Rights: World September NEW IN 2016 67

STILL ON THE ROAD The Songs of Bob Dylan, 1974–2006 Clinton Heylin

“Clinton Heylin, master explicator of the Dylan canon, has, however improbably, sorted it all out for us. . . . The book is essential.” —Jonathan Lethem

The second of two volumes, this companion to every song that Bob Dylan ever wrote is the most comprehensive book on the words of America’s greatest songwriter. Clinton Heylin is the world’s leading Dylan biographer and expert, and he has arranged the songs—including a number that have never been performed—in a continually surpris- ing chronology of when they were actually written rather than when they appeared on albums. Using newly discovered manuscripts, anecdotal evidence, and a seemingly limitless knowledge of every Bob Dylan live performance, he has uncovered a wealth of information, leaving no stone unturned in his burys, why he left “Blind Willie McTell” off of Infi- research. dels and “Series of Dreams” off of Oh Mercy, what Here we learn the details of the various women broke the long dry spell he had in the 1990s, what who inspired the songs on Blood on the Tracks and material he appropriated from other sources for Desire, Dylan’s contributions to the Traveling Wil- Love and Theft and Modern Times, and much more.

music Clinton Heylin is the author of Revolution in the Air: The 544 pages, 6 x 9 Songs of Bob Dylan, 1957–1973; Bob Dylan: Behind the paper, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-676-0 Shades Revisited; Can You Feel the Silence: Van Morrison; cloth, $29.95 (CAN $32.95), 978-1-55652-844-6 From the Velvets to the Voidoids: The Birth of American Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-56976-714-6 Punk; Despite the System: Orson Welles Versus the Hollywood EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-56976-759-7 Studios; and others. Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-56976-758-0 Rights: Not available September 68 BALL PUBLISHING

HEIRLOOM PLANTS A Complete Compendium of Heritage Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs & Flowers Lorraine Harrison and Thomas Etty

ons, Turk’s Turban squash, Scarlet Emperor running beans, and Jefferson plums—and many growers claim that their taste is unsurpassed. Beyond the classic appeal, however, lies the far more important issue of biodiversity. Unless these unique seeds are grown and saved, they will not only be forgotten, but lost forever. Based on the extensive seed catalogs of Thomas Etty, the popular heirloom seeds- man, Heirloom Plants includes information on almost 500 exciting cultivars to be grown and harvested, along with detailed profiles and cultivation tips for each plant—responsible gardening with more than a hint of romance. In addition to edibles, the book also has chapters on antique herbs and flowers—Cup and Saucer It’s nearly impossible for gardeners to resist the vines, Sweet William carnations, Empress of allure of heirloom plants. Their names alone India nasturtiums, and more. Trowel and book sound inviting—Flanders Purple kale, Golden in hand, let your motto be, “Growing the past, Marconi sweet peppers, Moon & Stars watermel- saving the future.”

gardening / reference Thomas Etty dealt in seeds in the 19th century and is the 224 pages, 6.5 x 8.75 namesake behind the heirloom seed company Thomas Etty 120 color illustrations, 260 b/w illustrations Esq., created and run by dedicated seedsman and Etty’s four-color interior great-great-grandson, Ray Warner. Today the company cloth, $29.99 (CAN $35.99), 978-1-61373-575-6 dispenses seeds and expertise to home growers keen to keep Rights: Not available heirloom varieties alive. Lorraine Harrison has a master’s April degree in garden history and a sizeable garden to cultivate her collection. She writes for the gardening quarterly Hortus and has authored a number of books on horticulture, including Latin for Gardeners. ACADEMY CHICAGO 69

DEATH OF A SIREN A Novel William S. Schaill

Death of a Siren is a fast-paced mystery set in the otherworldly Galápagos Islands in 1938 during the lead-up to World War II. A fugitive New York City cop is on the run from both the law and the Mafia after killing a local thug. Trying to make his escape in a boat he stole from his uncle, castaway Fred Freiman, a German American, comes ashore on the islands and stumbles upon the body of a beau- tiful, enigmatic German baroness with a hatchet in her head. The next day the baroness’s two strange companions are also found murdered. Freiman soon finds himself trapped into tracking down the murderer, or murderers, by a corrupt local official. International politics, local intrigues, and personal passions swirl around Fred as he learns more about the murdered woman, who is described by some as a monster and by others as a lost soul. Early in his investigation Freiman meets Ana de Freiman puzzles over the baroness’s shady past Guzmán, a young, wealthy Ecuadorian woman and begins to wonder: Do sirens sing intentionally who teams up with him to unravel the tangled to trap sailors, or do they sing because it is their mysteries. As he struggles to solve the murders, nature to sing?

fiction / mystery William S. Schaill is the author of seven nautical thrill- 256 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 ers, including Cabot Station, Seaglow, The Wreck of the paper, $14.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-426-1 Misericordia, and MacHugh and the Faithless Pirate. He Adobe PDF, $11.99 (CAN $14.99), 978-1-61373-427-8 spent a month living on the Galápagos Islands in 1961. EPUB, $11.99 (CAN $14.99), 978-1-61373-429-2 Kindle, $11.99 (CAN $14.99), 978-1-61373-428-5 Rights: World April 70 A cADEMY C hicago

ONE MAN’S WAR A Novel P. M. Kippert

One Man’s War is a gripping novel that follows the journey of one man, Bob Kafak, through his experiences as a rifleman in a frontline company during World War II. It makes visceral the fear, the filth, and the cold that were his constant compan- ions. Kafak is a reluctant hero who intentionally pisses off the brass to avoid promotion because he has seen too many of his commanding officers get blown to pieces and he doesn’t want to be next. He fights from the beaches of Anzio in Italy and battles up through the South of France toward Germany, facing one terrible heart-pounding encounter after another. Seen through Kafak’s thick-lensed army-issued glasses, the wider impli- cations of the war remain blurry while he focuses on the simple, urgent needs of survival: keep your head down, keep your feet dry, gain the next six feet of ground, and concentrate on what tomorrow will bring.

fiction P. M. Kippert is an attorney whose father fought on the 272 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 beaches of Anzio in Italy during World War II in the paper, $14.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-356-1 famous Third Infantry Division, Fifteenth Regiment, L Adobe PDF, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-427-8 Company. His father never talked about the war until he EPUB, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-429-2 was on his deathbed and then he told his son the stories Kindle, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-428-5 that inspired this novel. Kippert has published numerous Rights: World short stories; this is his debut novel. He lives in Santa Fe, May New Mexico NEW IN 2016 71

BUT YOU SCARED ME THE MOST And Other Short Stories John Manderino

This collection of 26 dark but often humorous short stories features a pantheon of disturbed and disturbing characters, human and otherwise. Many of the stories are modern takes on classic monsters crafted with twisted plots. For example, “Wolf- man and Janice” is about a werewolf who is doing the best he can under very trying circumstances, especially when confronted with eating his elderly neighbor’s cat. There’s an adolescent vampire- wannabe who is suffering badly: in love for the first time. “Frankenstein and His Mother” is a terrifying story of a grown man who wears a Fran- kenstein mask and lives with his mother, watching TV and eating corn chips all day while being afraid of work. “Dracula’s Daughter” turns a pretentious hippie into an honest ghost. And Bigfoot—lonely, sexually frustrated—tells all. Other stories feature characters who seem perfectly normal until they’re “Bob and Todd” tells the story of a hitchhiking ride alone. Phil, for instance, is never so happy as when gone bad that will have readers squirming in their he’s with his inflatable girlfriend Vanessa—until seats. More than just standard monster stories, the she tells him the devastating truth about himself. tales in But You Scared Me the Most reveal much Elderly Ellen is running out of patience with her more about about human nature and will appeal to dead husband George, who’s turned prankish. a wide range of fans of smart, funny short fiction.

fiction John Manderino is the author of The H-Bomb and the Jesus 224 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 Rock, The Man Who Played Catch with Nellie Fox, Sam and paper, $14.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-475-9 His Brother Len, Crying at the Movies, and Reason for Living. Adobe PDF, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-476-6 He lives in Scarborough, Maine. EPUB, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-478-0 Kindle, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-477-3 Rights: World June 72 A cADEMY C hicago

FIRE ANGELS A Novel Elizabeth Kern

Three weeks before Christmas on December 1, 1958, one of the deadliest fires in America took place at Our Lady of the Angels school in Chicago, claiming the lives of 92 children and three nuns. Fire Angels is a fictional account of that fire. Fire is a central character in this story. A cunning observer, Fire comes to life whenever a match is lit. Pffft. It’s a story of arson (a troubled 10-year-old boy admits to starting the fire), of bravery by parents, nuns, firefighters, and medics who come to the rescue; of a falsely accused janitor; of cover-up within the Catholic Church; of a judge who, in having to determine the juvenile arsonist’s fate, is torn between loyalty to his church and justice; of a tight-knit community changed forever; and of a romance between two survivors who fall in love, and marry—at Our Lady of the Angels church.

fiction Elizabeth Kern, author of Wanting to Be Jackie Kennedy, 304 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 and Mercy Goodhue: A Puritan Woman’s Story of Betrayal, paper, $14.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-629-6 Witchcraft and Madness, is a former manager of corpo- Adobe PDF, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-631-9 rate communications at Apple, a native of Chicago, and a EPUB, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-632-6 graduate of Stanford University where she developed her Kindle, $11.99 (CAN $15.99), 978-1-61373-630-2 passion for writing historical fiction. She lives in Petaluma, Rights: World California. November NEW IN 2016 73

HEY, LIBERAL! A Novel Shawn Shiflett

In this honest novel set in the racial tinderbox of Chicago in 1969, 13-year-old Simon Fleming, the white son of a civil rights activist minister, is sent to a predominately African American high school, feeling charged by his parents to carry out the fam- ily’s commitment to the community and school integration. Here, he is dropped into a world where gang warfare, drug abuse, and violence are rampant. Simon’s quest for survival brings him into conflict with a Cobra Stone gangbanger, takes him through a failed student boycott organized by community leaders, and also through numer- ous race riots. Along his way, he meets Clyde, a former gangbanger turned black political militant; Louis, a brilliant, self-destructive boy; Juan, who perilously chooses to belong to a white gang, Corp, instead of the more powerful Latin Kings; Clark, an intimidating racist police officer who vies awkward crush to maturity. Hey, Liberal! exposes for Simon’s allegiance in return for protection at an out-of-touch education system and the univer- school; John, a communist biology teacher who sality of racial violence amidst a nation moving, educates Simon as much about politics as about inch by hard-fought inch, toward a more culturally science; and Dia, the object of his affections from diverse and inclusive future.

fiction Shawn Shiflett is an associate professor of creative writing 400 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 at Columbia College in Chicago. He is the author of Hidden paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-560-2 Place, which was included in Library Journal’s 2004 Adobe PDF, $13.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-61373-561-9 “Summer Highs, Fall Firsts” list of “most successful debuts.” EPUB, $13.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-61373-563-3 He lives in Chicago. Kindle, $13.99 (CAN $18.99), 978-1-61373-562-6 Rights: World September 74 A cADEMY C hicago


trial and its dramatic conclusion. Though told in a journalistic style with a liberal use of flashbacks, the novel presents Brown’s story almost exclusively from his point of view, giving readers a complete picture of the man who has too often been dismissed as mentally deranged or hopelessly fanatical. Blending meticulous historical detail with dramatic personal descriptions, Karl focuses on critical episodes in Brown’s life, illuminating his character and the motives that lead up to the Harpers Ferry invasion. Brown’s fascinating friendship with Frederick Douglass and their ongoing debate on how to end slavery, his loving wife and devoted children who stand by him despite his danger, his struggles to secure funding and political favor for his cause, the role that journalists and A compelling historical novel, The Insurrection- newspapers played in his plan, along with the ist follows the militant abolitionist John Brown entrenchment of politicians and the lopsided- during the last three and a half years of his life— ness of a government, makes for a surprisingly from his involvement in Bleeding Kansas to the contemporary story of family, passion, race, and invasion of Harpers Ferry and his subsequent politics.

fiction Herb Karl is an emeritus faculty member from the 336 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 University of South Florida St. Petersburg. He is the paper $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-633-3 author of a YA novel, The Toom County Mud Race that was Adobe PDF, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-635-7 published as an honor book by Delacorte; a version of the EPUB, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-636-4 novel had been named earlier as a winner of the Florida Kindle, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-634-0 Screenwriters Competition. He is also the author of a short Rights: World story selected for publication in From One Experience to February 2017 Another, a collection of stories written by award-winning authors sharing real-life experiences through fiction. He lives in Burnsville, North Carolina. NEW IN 2016 75

MAIDEN FLIGHT A Novel Harry Haskell

Maiden Flight is the true-life story of the Wright sister who in 1926 left her world-famous and intensely possessive older brother to marry news- paper editor Harry Haskell, the man she loved, and suffered the unhappy consequences. An international celebrity in her own right, Katharine embodied the worldly, independent, and self- fulfilled New Woman of the early 20th century. Yet she remained in many ways a Victorian. Torn between duty and love, she agonized for months before making her devastating break with Orville at age 52. Written by the grandson of Harry Haskell, Maiden Flight is cast in the form of three inter- woven first-person memoirs, imaginatively reconstructed from personal letters, newspaper reports, and other documents of the period—in particular, Katharine’s lively and extraordinarily tific work. Above all, the book celebrates Katha- revealing love letters to Harry. In allowing Katha- rine’s abundant store of what she called “human rine to step outside of Wilbur and Orville’s shadow, nature”—her lively and perceptive outlook on Maiden Flight sheds new light on the central role life, her great capacity for both love and indig- she played in their private lives, as well as on her nation, and her acute and sometimes crippling often misunderstood contribution to their scien- self-awareness.

fiction Harry Haskell is the grandson of Henry J. Haskell. He is the 304 pages author of Boss-Busters and Sin Hounds: Kansas City and Its paper $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-637-1 Star, The Early Music Revival: A History, and editor of The Adobe PDF, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-639-5 Attentive Listener: Three Centuries of Music Criticism. He EPUB, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-640-1 lives in Guilford, Connecticut. Kindle, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-638-8 Rights: World October 76 A cADEMY C hicago

ALL THE CLEAN ONES ARE MARRIED And Other Everyday Calamities in Moscow Lori Cidylo

apartments, coping with the daily calamities of life in Russia. Fluent in Russian, she rode public transportation, did her own shopping and cook- ing, and shared the typical Musovite’s life—unlike most Westerners who were sequestered in heavily guarded compounds reserved for diplomats and journalists. As the country experienced its most dramatic transformation since the Bolshevik Revo- lution, she realized she had stepped into a fantasti- cal and absurd adventure. Cidylo’s wry, insightful account of what it was like for an American woman living in Russia is a dramatic tale full of insouciant laughter, in which vividness and immediacy shine on every page. With the sharp eye of an acute observer, she cap- tures both the momentous events and the everyday trivia: how do Russians address one another now In 1991, Lori Cidylo shocked her Ukrainian that the familiar “comrade” is passé; or, how do Polish-born parents when she told them she was you find your way home in a city where the streets leaving her reporter’s job in upstate New York keep getting new names? As Russia even now to live and work in the rapidly dissolving Soviet continues to struggle with the Cold War’s after- Union. For the next six years she lived on a math, Cidylo gives a delightful surprising, warmly shoestring budget in Moscow, in tiny, run-down human view of post-Soviet life.

autobiography / travel Lori Cidylo is a freelance journalist whose work has 254 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 appeared in the Boston Herald, the Chicago Tribune, paper $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-0-89733-745-8 the Economist, the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, and other Adobe PDF, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-462-9 publications. EPUB, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-463-6 Kindle, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-464-3 Rights: World April NEW IN 2016 77

I, SAMI Samuel Silverman Illustrations by Jeremy Blatchley

Sam Silverman’s autobiography tells how a poor boy from Pinsk built a thriving business in Chi- cago; weathered two World Wars, the Depression, and the vagaries of fashion; raised a large, talented family; and made the force of his shrewd and happy personality felt from coast to coast. Sam Silverman, super salesman, was one of the last of a dying breed. His story is extremely funny and often touching. It is also a genuine contribution to American history.

memoir Sam Silverman was a Jewish traveling salesmen from Pinsk 208 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 who built a thriving business in Chicago. paper, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-0-89733-742-7 Rights: World April 78 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS

LABCRAFT WIZARDS Magical Projects and Experiments John Austin

Being a wizard takes training, practice, and a few tips from an expert. Author and professional toy designer John Austin, creator of the popular Mini- Weapons of Mass Destruction series, provides doz- ens of projects for up-and-coming sorcerers. Each of the 35 projects in Labcraft Wizards is explained through step-by-step instructions with illustrations using easy-to-locate, everyday materi- als. Build an Enchanted Hourglass out of empty soda bottles, plastic hangers, and sand. Transform a chicken egg into a colorful, bouncy Dragon Egg using vinegar and food coloring. Capture a cloud in a glass jar, or mix up a batch of Ogre Snot with corn syrup and gelatin. Through its creative activities, Labcraft Wizards also helps eager minds explore basic concepts in chemistry and physics through experimentation, encourages scientific observation, and fuels young imaginations.

science / crafts & hobbies, ages 9 and up John Austin is a professional toy designer and author of the 256 pages, 6 x 9 MiniWeapons of Mass Destruction series, as well as So Now 200 b/w illustrations, two-color interior You’re a Zombie. He lives in Chicago. paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-621-0 Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-623-4 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-622-7 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-624-1 Rights: World October NEW IN 2016 79

A GIRL CALLED VINCENT The Life of Poet Edna St. Vincent Millay Krystyna Poray Goddu

• A Junior Library Guild Selection

A Girl Called Vincent introduces middle-grade read- ers to the important American poet Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892–1950). Millay captivated Americans with her beauty, talent, and panache and embodied the modern, liberated woman in the first half of the 20th century. The first woman ever to win the Pulit- zer Prize for Poetry, Millay lived a celebrated and sensational life; her volumes of poetry were enor- mous bestsellers even during the Depression, and audiences nationwide went wild when she recited her works on stage. Known as America’s greatest love poet, in the 1940s she became an ardent voice against the atrocities of war. Throughout her life until she died in October 1950, she was famous for both her passions and her poetry. Author Krystyna Poray Goddu traces her life’s journey from the photos, full-length poems, plentiful letter and diary irrepressible energy and independence of her youth excerpts, a time line, source notes, and bibliography, in Maine to the bohemian fervor of her early adult- this is an indispensable resource for any young per- hood in Greenwich Village and Paris to the demand- son interested in poetry, literature, or biographies of ing existence of a public personality. Including remarkable people in American history.

nonfiction / biography, ages 10 and up Krystyna Poray Goddu holds a degree in comparative 224 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 literature from Brown University. Author of Dollmakers 25 b/w photos and Their Stories: Women Who Changed the World of Play, cloth, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-172-7 she has contributed to American Girl magazine, the New Adobe PDF, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-174-1 York Times Book Review, and the Riverbank Review of Books EPUB, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-175-8 for Young Readers and is a regular reviewer of children’s Kindle, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-173-4 books and writer for Publishers Weekly. She has worked at Rights: World Woman’s Day magazine and was founding editor of Dolls April magazine and cofounder of Reverie Publishing Company, which publishes books on dolls and toys for collectors and children. She has also worked in school libraries and taught writing to middle-school students in independent schools in New York City. 80 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

KRYSIA A Polish Girl’s Stolen Childhood During World War II Krystyna Mihulka with Krystyna Poray Goddu

Few people are aware of the tragic fate of the Pol- ish victims of the Hitler-Stalin pact of August 1939. In the aftermath of German and Soviet invasions and division of Poland, more than 1.5 million people were deported from their homes in Eastern Poland to remote parts of Russia. Half of them died in labor camps and prisons or simply vanished, some were drafted into the Russian army, and a small number returned to Poland after the war. Those who made it out of Russia alive were lucky—and nine-year-old Krystyna Mihulka was among them. In this childhood memoir, Mihulka (now in her 80s) tells the story of her family’s deportation, under cover of darkness and at gun- point, by the Soviets, and their subsequent life as prisoners on a Soviet communal farm in Kazakh- stan, where they lived in deplorable conditions, enduring starvation and illness, and witnessing death, for more than two years. This untold history is revealed through the eyes of a young girl strug- gling to survive and to understand the increasingly harsh world in which she finds herself.

nonfiction / memoir, ages 10 and up Born in 1930, Krystyna Mihulka was forcibly deported 192 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 from Poland to Kazakhstan in 1940 and spent eight years 20 b/w photos, 1 map in concentration, labor, and refugee camps in Russia, Iran, cloth, $18.99 (CAN $25.99), 978-1-61373-441-4 and Africa, before settling in Zambia, where she married Adobe PDF, $18.99 (CAN $25.99), 978-1-61373-442-1 and had three children. In 1969 she and her family migrated EPUB, $18.99 (CAN $25.99), 978-1-61373-442-1 to the United States. She lives in Pleasant Hill, California. Kindle, $18.99 (CAN $25.99), 978-1-61373-443-8 Krystyna Poray Goddu is the author of A Girl Called Rights: World Vincent and Dollmakers and Their Stories. She has contrib- January 2017 uted to American Girl magazine, the New York Times Book Review, Publishers Weekly, and other publications. She lives in New York City. NEW IN 2016 81

ALEXANDRA THE GREAT The Story of the Record-Breaking Filly Who Ruled the Racetrack Deb Aronson

Alexandra the Great tells the gripping story of underdog filly Rachel Alexandra. A thoroughbred rejected by her mother at birth, Rachel Alexandra grew up to become one of the most remarkable racehorses in history. Despite dominating every filly her age, her owner refused to let her compete against male horses. When a new owner saw her potential and raced her against bigger, stronger males, Rachel Alexandra thrived and went on to win the 2009 Preakness, the first filly to do so in 85 years, and the Woodward, again against older male horses, a feat never before achieved. A strong, muscular, dominating athlete, Rachel Alexandra epitomizes the “run like a girl” celebra- tory attitude toward girl empowerment today. She was named 2009 Horse of the Year, broke records, and was featured in Vogue magazine. Appealing to horse-obsessed upper elementary and middle details informed by the author’s interviews with school kids, Alexandra the Great is written in Rachel Alexandra’s owners, jockey, veterinarian, an exciting, suspenseful way and includes vivid and more.

nonfiction / sports, ages 9 and up Deb Aronson is the author of E. B. White (Library of 176 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 Author Biographies series) and has written articles for Muse 25 color photos, four-color interior magazine, a science magazine for middle-grade readers. She cloth, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-645-6 lives in Urbana, Illinois. Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-646-3 EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-648-7 Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-647-0 Rights: World March 2017 82 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

THE BRAID BOOK 20 Fun and Easy Styles Sarah Hiscox and Willa Burton

Ever lusted for a cool braid style, but just can’t figure out how? Thanks to The Braid Book, now you can! Sarah Hiscox and Willa Burton, founders of London’s hip The Braid Bar, show you how to style both simple and intricate braids in your own hair or a friend’s, using clear, easy-to-follow direc- tions and plenty of photos. The up-to-the-minute designs include braids from a plaited halo or an elaborate fishtail to a Cara Delevingne–inspired braid. You’ll get ideas to adorn your hair with clips, pompoms, and bands, as well as other stylish tools such as hair chalk and glitter. There are secret tips, tricks, and advice on caring for your braids, as well as answers to frequently asked questions, to ensure you can get your braid on.

fashion & appearance Sarah Hiscox and Willa Burton are partner-owners of 128 pages, 61/16 x 7⅞ The Braid Bar, “a place where people of all ages can go and 250 color photos, 25 color illustrations, four-color interior choose a braid from a visual style menu. No appointments, cloth, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-720-0 no hair wash, and no big bill!” Sarah has worked in and Rights: Not available around the fashion business for more than 25 years, most October recently as a personal stylist. Willa, formerly Sarah’s family’s babysitter, is young with a great sense of style and under- standing of current trends. NEW IN 2016 83

WOMEN HEROES OF WORLD WAR II—THE PACIFIC THEATER 15 Stories of Resistance, Rescue, Sabotage, and Survival Kathryn J. Atwood

• Over 25,000 copies of Women Heroes of World War II sold

Women Heroes of World War II—The Pacific The- ater is a collective biography featuring 15 women who were involved with and affected by the Pacific Theater of Operations during World War II. Their stories cover the period from 1932, shortly after the Japanese seizure of Manchuria, when the Japanese navy and the Chinese army clashed in Shanghai, through 1945, the last year of the war, when US Marines landed on Japanese-held Iwo Jima. Readers are introduced to the variety of roles women filled in this part of the war. Profiles include journalists, resisters, a spy, an OSS agent, and a relief worker. Also covered are more chal- lenging topics, such as the plight of the so-called comfort women. Atwood provides appropriate cussion questions and a guide for further study context and framing for readers in this age group assist readers and educators in learning about this to grapple with the harsh realities of war. Dis- important period of history.

WOMEN OF ACTION SERIES Women of Action is a lively, accessible biography series that introduces young adults to women and girls of courage and conviction throughout the ages.

nonfiction / history, ages 14 and up Kathryn J. Atwood is the author of Women Heroes of World 240 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 War II, Women Heroes of World War I, and the editor of 20 b/w photos, 1 map Code Name Pauline: Memoirs of a World War II Special cloth, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-168-0 Agent. She has contributed to War, Literature, and the Arts; Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-170-3; and Women’s Independent Press. She lives EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-171-0 near Chicago. Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-61373-169-7 Rights: World October 84 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

WOMEN IN BLUE 16 Brave Officers, Forensics Experts, Police Chiefs, and More Cheryl Mullenbach

to today’s dedicated police officers and chiefs, FBI agents, and forensic scientists. Balancing deeply researched stories of trailblazers from the past with those of contemporary women, Women in Blue serves as both a historical reference and a career exploration resource. Original interviews reveal details of the daily challenges, rewards, and life on the job of various law enforcement positions, as well as practical advice from these remarkable women in the trenches. The chronological progres- sion puts current issues like police brutality and race relations into historic context and shows how many women in law enforcement today are work- ing to challenge and improve their field. Packed with photos, sidebars on related topics, excerpts from primary sources, and including a bibliogra- phy, source notes, and list of organizations young This collection of informative, inspiring, and women can explore to learn more about the entertaining biographies traces the evolu- world of law enforcement, this is an indispensable tion of women in policing, from the earliest resource for aspiring sleuths, officers, and agents, “copettes,” “matrons,” and “police in petticoats” CSI enthusiasts, and more.

nonfiction / history, ages 12 and up Cheryl Mullenbach is the author of The Industrial 240 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 Revolution for Kids, winner of the 2015 International 20 b/w photos Literacy Association Award for Intermediate Nonfiction, cloth, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-422-3 The Great Depression for Kids, and Double Victory. She is a Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-423-0 former history teacher, librarian, public television project EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-425-4 manager, and social studies consultant. She lives in Panora, Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-424-7 Iowa. Visit her online at Rights: World May NEW IN 2016 85

COURAGEOUS WOMEN OF THE CIVIL WAR Soldiers, Spies, Medics, and More M. R. Cordell

Every student has heard of Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant. Far fewer know about a young enslaved woman named Maria Lewis, who escaped to the Union Army in 1863 and “put the fear of Hell” into Confederate enemies as she fought, scouted, and skirmished along with her fellow cavalrymen—who knew her as the handsome white soldier George Harris. Few have heard of Kady Brownell, a vivandière who supported her husband’s Rhode Island regiment, training with the soldiers, fighting in battle, helping the injured, and holding the flag high in the face of flying bul- lets. M. R. Cordell gives Maria, Kady, and 13 other remarkable women the spotlight they deserve in this lively collection of biographical profiles. These women took action in many ways: disguised as soldiers, working as field medics, as spies risking death to secure or pass along information, and woven seamlessly throughout, giving students a more. Courageous Women of the Civil War brings clear overview of the war in addition to spotlight- a fresh new perspective to their stories result- ing often overlooked women’s roles. Also included ing from in-depth research, and features ample are numerous historic photos, source notes, and a excerpts from primary source documents. Con- bibliography, making this an invaluable resource textualizing sidebars and Civil War history are for any student’s or history buff’s bookshelf.

nonfiction / history, ages 12 and up M. R. Cordell earned a master’s in writing for children from 256 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 Hamline University. She has contributed to Cicada, Cricket, 40 b/w photos, 1 map Highlights, Read, The Horn Book, and more. cloth, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-200-7 Adobe PDF, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-201-4 EPUB, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-203-8 Kindle, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-61373-202-1 Rights: World August 86 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

WOMEN HEROES OF WORLD WAR I 16 Remarkable Resisters, Soldiers, Spies, and Medics Kathryn J. Atwood

This collection of short biographies brings to life the brave and often surprising exploits of 16 fascinating women who served their countries at a time when most of them didn’t even have the right to vote. Readers meet 17-year-old French- woman Emilienne Moreau, who assisted the Allies as a guide and set up a first-aid post in her home to attend to the wounded; Russian peas- ant Maria Bochkareva, who joined the Imperial Russian Army, was twice wounded in battle and decorated for bravery, and created and led the all-women combat unit the Women’s Battalion of Death on the eastern front; and American journalist Madeleine Zabriskie Doty, who risked her life to travel twice to Germany during the war in order to report back the truth, whatever the cost. These and other suspense-filled stories “A fine survey of major events in WWI and a case of brave girls and women are told through the study in the types of social changes that often use of engaging narrative, dialogue, direct quotes, occur because of war, this book is an ideal candi- and document and diary excerpts. Each profile date for both research and recreational reading.” includes informative sidebars and “Learn More” —Booklist lists of relevant books and websites, making this a fabulous resource for students, teachers, parents, libraries, and homeschoolers.

nonfiction / history, ages 12 and up Kathryn J. Atwood is the author of Women Heroes of World 256 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 War II, Women Heroes of World War II—The Pacific Theater, 41 b/w photos, 1 map and the editor of Code Name Pauline: Memoirs of a World paper, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-595-4 War II Special Agent. She has contributed to War, Literature, cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-61374-686-8 and the Arts;; and Women’s Independent Adobe PDF, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-687-5 Press. She lives near Chicago. EPUB, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-689-9 Kindle, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-688-2 Rights: World May NEW IN 2016 87

DOUBLE VICTORY How African American Women Broke Race and Gender Barriers to Help Win World War II Cheryl Mullenbach

• An Amelia Bloomer Top Ten Title

“An excellent title for expanding students’ view of the Civil Rights Movement.” —School Library Journal

“A must read for anyone interested in World War II, women’s history, or African American history.” —Reading Lark

Double Victory tells the stories of African Ameri- can women who did extraordinary things to help their country during World War II. As they fought discrimination at home and abroad, these women helped lay the foundation for the civil rights move- ment of the 1950s and ’60s. Includes source notes and bibliography.

nonfiction / history, ages 12 and up Cheryl Mullenbach is the author of Women in Blue; 272 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 The Industrial Revolution for Kids, winner of the 2015 43 b/w photos International Literacy Association Award for Intermediate paper, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-523-7 Nonfiction; and The Great Depression for Kids. She is a cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-56976-808-2 former history teacher, librarian, public television project Adobe PDF, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-533-5 manager, and social studies consultant. Visit her online at EPUB, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-535-9 Kindle, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-534-2 Rights: World February 2017 88 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

WOMEN OF STEEL AND STONE 22 Inspirational Architects, Engineers, and Landscape Designers Anna M. Lewis

Women of Steel and Stone tells the stories of 22 determined women who helped build the world we live in. Thoroughly researched and engag- ing profiles of architects, engineers, and land- scape designers describe these groundbreakers’ strengths, interests, and challenges as they were growing up and starting their careers, and what they achieved. Inspiring a new generation of girls who are increasingly engaged in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) edu- cation and professions, the biographies stress hard work, perseverance, and creativity. Set against the backdrop of landmark events such as the women’s suffrage and civil rights move- ments, the industrial revolution, and more, the profiles offer not only important historical context but also a look at some of the celebrated “A truly inspirational read, this is the kind of book architects and engineers working today. Side- that will motivate young readers to learn more bars on related topics, source notes, and a bib- about a field they may not have thought about liography make this an invaluable resource for much before.” —VOYA further study.

nonfiction / architecture, ages 12 and up Anna M. Lewis is an award-winning toy inventor and cre- 272 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 ativity advocate. Her company, Ideasplash, promotes child 40 b/w photos creativity through her writing, websites, and classes and paper, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-667-8 presentations in schools. She has contributed to Appleseeds, cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-508-3 Odyssey, and Toy Design Monthly and currently teaches for Adobe PDF, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-509-0 Young Rembrandts, an after-school art program, as well as EPUB, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-511-3 classes on cartooning, game design, arts and crafts, monster Kindle, $12.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61374-510-6 making, and painting. Rights: World March 2017 NEW IN 2016 89

WARNING SIGNS How to Protect Your Kids from Becoming Victims or Perpetrators of Violence and Aggression Brian D. Johnson, PhD, and Laurie D. Berdahl, MD

The first comprehensive parenting guide to vio- lence and aggression in youth, Warning Signs provides practical methods to reduce harm to and by children. Doctors Johnson and Berdahl pres- ent the most common risk factors and warning signs, along with practical advice and strategies for raising strong, safe kids and protecting them from becoming either perpetrators or victims. They explain and illustrate how the “old” risk factors— child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, sexual assault, and poverty—have been compounded by new ones in the past 20 years, such as violent media, kids’ entitled attitudes, parents’ fear of intervention, and increases in childhood mental illness, disrupted families, substance use, bullying, access to weapons, and social media. The authors provide sample language for tough conversations with kids and with other adults, such as approach- who is fed up with a world in which hyperviolent ing the parents of a child exhibiting risk factors kids’ media, unsafe public spaces for our children, and expressing concerns in a productive, support- social media bullying, and youth suicide are all on ive way. Full of specific, practical ideas, strategies, the rise, and those who want to raise kind, com- tips, and data, this book will appeal to any adult passionate children of their own.

parenting & family care / social science Brian D. Johnson, PhD, is a licensed child psychologist. 304 pages, 6 x 9 Now a professor at the University of Northern Colorado, paper, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-042-3 Dr. Johnson has been teaching graduate students as well Adobe PDF, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-043-0 as seeing children and families in private sessions for 20 EPUB, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-045-4 years. He also trains community mental health profession- Kindle, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-044-7 als and educators in how to assist students with mental and Rights: Not available emotional illness. Laurie Berdahl, MD, is a board certified August obstetrician-gynecologist. She writes and speaks about parenting as well as adolescent and women’s health. Drs. Johnson and Berdahl have two children and together are the authors of 7 Skills for Parenting Success. 90 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

THREE-DIMENSIONAL ART ADVENTURES 36 Creative, Artist-Inspired Projects in Sculpture, Ceramics, Textiles, and More Maja Pitamic and Jill Laidlaw

loose. Each chapter covers a particular movement or category of three-dimensional art: Early Sculp- ture, Modern Sculpture, Installation, Ceramics, Collage, and Textiles. Projects begin with a story of a famous work—Louise Bourgeois’s Maman, Claes Oldenburg’s Trowel, Ai Weiwei’s Forever Bicycles— followed by a question-and-answer section. Then it’s time to hit the brushes, or charcoal, or scissors. Children create two artworks based on the tech- niques and visual effects of each piece. The projects cover a wide range of media, from themed collages to clay sculptures to Cubist-inspired tapestries, with a variety of difficulty levels, always encouraging and expanding the child’s natural creative abilities. Authors and educators Maja Pitamic and Jill Laidlaw explore the stories and meanings behind Three-dimensional art is bold, tactile, and fun—in 18 well-known works of three-dimensional art as other words, perfect for children who love to get inspiration for these kid-tested, exciting, and cre- their hands dirty. Three-Dimensional Art Adven- ative projects. No prior art knowledge is required, tures introduces young artists to groundbreaking just enthusiasm for the subject and a willingness masterpieces and fresh techniques, then lets them to discover.

nonfiction / art, ages 6 and up Maja Pitamic is the coauthor of Modern Art Adventures 144 pages, 8.75 x 7.75 and the popular Art in Action books. She has over 20 years’ 300 color photos, four-color interior experience teaching young children, and holds degrees in paper, $19.99, 978-1-61373-659-3 art history and Montessori teacher training. Jill Laidlaw Rights: Not available has been writing and editing children’s and adult nonfiction September since 1990, including Modern Art Adventures. She has a degree in art history from the University of St. Andrews. NEW IN 2016 91

TREECOLOGY 30 Activities and Observations for Exploring the World of Trees and Forests Monica Russo Photographs by Kevin Byron

An engaging introduction to the ecology of trees and forests, Treecology contains 30 activities and over 100 beautiful color images of trees, leaves, blooms, forest wildlife, and more. Kids learn about the interwoven lives of plants and animals making up the forest community: the food, nesting sites, and safe roosting and resting places that trees and forests provide to wildlife, even dead and decay- ing trees! In addition to forest and woodland trees, this useful book also includes “street trees” com- monly seen along city streets and parks, allowing any child to learn about their local tree communi- crafts, and observation skills. Kids measure the ties. Through the simple and fun activities, young circumference of a tree trunk, maintain an obser- readers learn how to observe the diversity of leaf vation journal, count a fascicle of pine needles, shapes, the textures of tree bark, and evidence of use a hand lens to examine the underside of a leaf, forest creatures. The varied activities promote the and more. Also included are a glossary and list of development of science, writing, math, arts and teacher topics for classroom use.

activity / outdoor, ages 7 and up Monica Russo is the author and illustrator of children’s 144 pages, 11 x 8.5 nature books including Birdology, Chilly Creatures, Amazing 80 color photos, 30 color illustrations, four-color interior Insects, Tree Almanac, and others. She is an experienced paper, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-396-7 birdwatcher, leaf collector, and founding member of the Adobe PDF, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-397-4 Maine Entomological Society, and has studied field and lab EPUB, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-399-8 botany. Kevin Byron is a photographer who specializes Kindle, $15.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-398-1 in nature and wildlife images. His work has appeared in Rights: World Watching Nature, BirdScope magazine, the New York Times, September the Kennebunk Post, and other publications. They live in Kennebunk, Maine. 92 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

GANDHI FOR KIDS His Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities Ellen Mahoney

movement, and more. Author Ellen Mahoney follows the spiritual and political leader from his childhood in India to college years in England to work as a lawyer and activist in South Africa to his eventual return to India in midlife. A final chapter devoted to Gandhi’s legacy explores how his teach- ings have endured in the lives and work of such figures as Martin Luther King Jr., Aung San Suu Kyi, Malala Yousafzai, and others. Mahoney paints a refreshingly nuanced portrait of Gandhi, show- ing how this revered world leader was also a com- With his wire rim glasses, homespun clothes, and plex man who struggled with personal conflicts, walking stick, Mohandas Gandhi is an unforget- disappointments, and idiosyncrasies. Anecdotes table symbol of nonviolence, freedom, simplicity, focusing on family members and friends help pres- and peace who worked tirelessly to help India ent a more personal portrayal of this iconic figure. achieve independence from England. Much writ- Packed with historic images, the book includes ten about, Gandhi has never been made as relevant informative sidebars; a time line, glossary, and to today’s kids as in Gandhi for Kids, which makes resource section; and 21 activities that illuminate clear connections between Gandhi’s ideas and Gandhi’s life, environment, and ideas. Kids can contemporary issues such as bullying and conflict make a traditional Indian lamp called a diya, cre- resolution, healthful eating from local sources, ate a henna hand design, practice anticonsumer- civil rights and diversity, the “reduce, reuse, recycle” ism or vegetarianism for a day, and much more.

nonfiction / biography, ages 9 and up Ellen Mahoney is the author of Nellie Bly and Investigative 144 pages, 11 x 8.5 Journalism for Kids and coauthor with late astronaut Edgar 50 b/w photos, 20 b/w illustrations, two-color interior Mitchell of Earthrise: My Life as an Apollo 14 Astronaut. She paper, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-122-2 holds a BA in journalism from Syracuse University and an Adobe PDF, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-124-6 MS in education from the University of Southern California. EPUB, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-125-3 She has worked for Walt Disney Imagineering as a staff Kindle, $17.99 (CAN $21.99), 978-1-61373-123-9 writer, Columbia Pictures Home Video as a creative man- Rights: World ager, and the George Lucas Company as a freelance writer. August She is currently an instructor of journalism and technical communication at Metro State University of Denver. NEW IN 2016 93

MICHELANGELO FOR KIDS His Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities Simonetta Carr

Sculptor, painter, poet, architect, engineer, Michel- angelo has been called the greatest artist who has ever lived. His massive masterpieces astonished his contemporaries and remain some of today’s most famous works. There is, however, much more to explore about this cultural giant. In Michelangelo for Kids, young art buffs will discover and appreci- ate the various aspects of Michelangelo’s life and work. Award-winning author Simonetta Carr follows him from his childhood in rural Italy to his emergence as a rather egotistical teenager to a humble and caring old man. She draws on recent artistic legacy has continued to inspire artists and scholarship that challenges the traditional view of viewers all over the world. Lavish photos, informa- Michelangelo as a recluse, giving evidence that he tive sidebars, a time line, glossary, and suggestions worked well, even with humor, with others both for further readings add value, while 21 hands-on in the quarry and in his workshop. Readers also activities help young readers identify with the learn about the complex and fluid era of the Ital- artist and his work. Kids will make homemade ian Renaissance and how the times affected his life paint, apply the cross-hatching technique used by and work. Finally, they will see how Michelangelo’s Michelangelo, make an “antique” statue, and more.

nonfiction / art, ages 9 and up Simonetta Carr studied secondary education at Liceo 144 pages, 11 x 8.5 Classico and art at the School for Applied Arts at Castello 50 color photos, 20 color illustrations, 30 b/w illustrations Sforzesco, both in Milan, Italy. She has translated sev- four-color interior eral books from English into Italian and has written for paper, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-193-2 newspapers and magazines around the world, including Adobe PDF, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-195-6 Cosmopolitan Italy, the Jordan Times, Bangkok Post, Arab- EPUB, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-196-3 American Business, and Modern Reformation. She is the Kindle, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-194-9 author of the Christian Biographies for Young Readers Rights: World series, which includes John Calvin, Augustine of Hippo, and July others. 94 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

MARIE CURIE FOR KIDS Her Life and Scientific Discoveries, with 21 Activities and Experiments Amy M. O’Quinn

Poland to her tireless work ethic as she supported herself through college to meeting her ideal match in scientist Pierre Curie to her revolution- ary research and discoveries over several decades. Kids learn how Curie quietly flouted societal norms of the age, working in full partnership with her husband while also teaching and raising two daughters; how she eschewed wealth and fame; made valuable contributions during World War I; and was celebrated around the world despite her desire to live a private life. The book does not shy One of the world’s most famous scientists, Marie away from more difficult aspects of Curie’s life, Curie is renowned for her work on radioactivity. such as her bouts of depression and the prejudices She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the and heartaches she coped with during her life. Sci- first person to win in two fields (chemistry and entific concepts are presented in a clear, accessible physics), and the first woman to hold a chair posi- way, and a range of activities—from making Polish tion at the Sorbonne. Marie Curie for Kids details pierogies to exploring magnetism to using electrol- Curie’s remarkable life, from her childhood liv- ysis to split water—allow for exploration of Curie’s ing under a repressive Russian czar in her native life, times, and work for any interest or aptitude.

activity / science, ages 9 and up Amy M. O’Quinn is a former teacher and a freelance writer 144 pages, 11 x 8.5 who has contributed to many educational publications, 50 b/w photos, 1 map, two-color interior including Jack and Jill, Learning Through History, Guideposts paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 9781613733202 for Kids, Highlights for Children, The Old Schoolhouse Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-321-9 Magazine, Homeschooling Today, and others. She lives in EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-323-3 Irwinville, Georgia. Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-61373-322-6 Rights: World November NEW IN 2016 95

WASHINGTON, DC, HISTORY FOR KIDS The Making of a Capital City, with 21 Activities Richard Panchyk

On July 9, 1790, after seven years of heated debate, the Continental Congress approved the Residence Act that established the new nation’s official capital. The site, selected by President George Washing- ton, was a barely populated swamp straddling the Potomac River, a square plot of land donated by Maryland and Virginia, 10 miles on a side. Ten years later, on November 17, 1800, Congress gaveled in its first session in the federal city—Washington—in what was then called the Territory of Columbia. Author Richard Panchyk chronicles the rich and fascinating history of Washington, DC, stretching Readers of Washington, DC, History for Kids back more than two centuries. Though the British will also learn about the city’s remarkable past burned the White House, Treasury Building, and through 21 hands-on activities. Children will the half-built Capitol Building in 1814, the city sur- gather items for a building cornerstone’s time vived and flourished. Over the years, District resi- capsule, design a memorial for a favorite presi- dents endured the Civil War at the front lines, wit- dent, take a walking tour of the National Mall, and nessed the assassination of two presidents, erected much more. The book also includes a time line and national monuments, and worked to overcome the list of books, websites, and places to visit. city’s shameful racial segregation.

nonfiction / regional: mid-Atlantic, ages 9 and up Richard Panchyk is the author of World War II for Kids, 144 pages, 11 x 8.5 Our Supreme Court, and New York City History for Kids. He 50 b/w photos, 3 maps, two-color interior lives on Long Island in New York. paper, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-006-5 Adobe PDF, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-007-2 EPUB, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-009-6 Kindle, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61373-008-9 Rights: World July 96 Chicago R eview P ress C hildren’s B ooks

KNIT, HOOK, AND SPIN A Kid’s Activity Guide to Fiber Arts and Crafts Laurie Carlson

clear instructions and illustrations for creating cute, useful crafts along with informative and entertaining background information on the fiber arts. Kids will engage their senses, improve focus and attention skills, express their creativity, enjoy a sense of relaxation and satisfaction, and build confidence as they learn to felt a bag, braid a rug, weave a tapestry, knit comfy slippers, crochet a belt, make and use natural dyes, and make dozens of other projects. Along the way they’ll learn about Viking ships’ woolen sails, the history of rope Kids are introduced to the wonderful and creative bridges, Japan’s yearly Straw Festival, the invention world of fiber arts and crafts in this easy-to-follow of the spinning machine, and much more. Fun activity book packed with over 70 projects across for younger kids to explore with a caregiver or a variety of fiber arts including knitting, felting, older kids to dive into alone, Knit, Hook, and Spin knotting and braiding, spinning, weaving, crochet- belongs in the home or classroom of every craft- ing, and dyeing. Knit, Hook, and Spin provides loving kid.

crafts & hobbies, ages 9 and up Laurie Carlson is the author of over 20 nonfiction books for 144 pages, 11 x 8.5 children and adults including Colonial Kids, Days of Knights 150 b/w illustrations and Damsels, More Than Moccasins, Westward Ho!, and oth- paper, $14.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-400-1 ers. After several years operating a prize-winning goat dairy, Adobe PDF, $14.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-401-8 she turned to raising Shetland sheep and mohair goats on EPUB, $14.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-403-2 her small farm in Oregon. She operates an artisanal yarn Kindle, $14.99 (CAN $17.99), 978-1-61373-402-5 store on her farm and speaks to local groups about goats, Rights: World sheep, and fiber arts. June CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST 97

ABE & FIDO ALL ABOARD Lincoln’s Love of Animals and the Touching Story of The Complete North American Train Travel Guide His Favorite Canine Companion Fourth Edition Matthew Algeo Jim Loomis history / pets, 176 pages, 5½ × 8½, 22 b & w photos travel, 384 pages, 5½ × 8½, 50 b & w photos, 15 b & w illustrations, cloth, $22.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-222-2 3 maps Adobe PDF, $18.99, 978-1-55652-276-5 paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-56976-176-2 EPUB, $18.99, 978-1-55652-383-0 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-177-9 Kindle, $18.99, 978-1-55652-296-3 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-189-2 rights: World Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-182-3 rights: World ABSINTHE & FLAMETHROWERS Projects and Ruminations on the Art of Living THE ALL-AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL MOTEL Dangerously A Memoir William Gurstelle Doug Crandell • A Selection of the Scientific American Book Club “Here is a truly unique voice from the post-industrialist “When it comes to the theory and practice of making your landscape.” —Dean Bakopoulos, author, own noisy, mildly dangerous fun in the backyard, America Please Don’t Come Back from the Moon has a new poet laureate. His name is William Gurstelle.” autobiography, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½ —New York Times cloth, $22.95 (CAN $30.95), 978-1-55652-616-9 science, 224 pages, 6 × 9, 33 b & w photos, 62 diagrams Adobe PDF, $18.99, 978-1-55652-742-5 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-822-4 EPUB, $18.99, 978-1-56976-221-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-274-5 Kindle, $18.99, 978-1-55652-907-8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-307-0 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-308-7 rights: World English ALL OF ME How I Learned to Live with the Many Personalities THE ADMIRAL AND THE AMBASSADOR Sharing My Body One Man’s Obsessive Search for the Body of John Paul Kim Noble Jones “A remarkable portrait of a fractured world slowly pieced Scott Martelle together by a tenacious set of people.” —Publishers Weekly “History buffs will enjoy this fast-paced, well-told addition “[A] powerful memoir . . . deeply moving.” —Kirkus Reviews to the literature on Lincoln and the Civil War.” autobiography, 384 pages, 5¼ × 8½, 14 four-color illustrations —Library Journal paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-470-3 history / military, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 11 b & w photos, Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-471-0 1 illustration, 1 diagram EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-473-4 cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-730-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-472-7 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-731-5 rights: US & CAN EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-733-9 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-732-2 AMERICA 1844 rights: World Religious Fervor, Westward Expansion, and the Presidential Election That Transformed the Nation ADVISE & DISSENT John Bicknell Memoirs of South Dakota and the U.S. Senate “Bicknell . . . ties in a number of disparate people, events, James Abourezk and movements from the year into a cohesive narrative. autobiography, 304 pages, 6 × 9 And in the process, shows how a single 12-month cycle 170 Adobe PDF, $14.95, 978-1-56976-360-5 years ago helped shape what the United States is today.” EPUB, $14.95, 978-1-56976-362-9 —Houston Press/Village Voice Media Kindle, $14.95, 978-1-56976-361-2 history / political science, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 14 b & w illustrations cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61373-010-2 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61373-011-9 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61373-013-3 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61373-012-6 rights: World 98 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

AMERICAN WINE THE AUDACITY OF HOPS A Coming-of-Age Story The History of America’s Craft Beer Revolution Tom Acitelli Tom Acitelli · 2016 James Beard Foundation Book Award nominee beverages: beer / history, 416 pages, 6 × 9, 29 b & w photos “A tasty combination of commercial and culinary history paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-388-1 reflecting the maturations of the wine business and Ameri- Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-391-1 cans’ taste buds.” —Kirkus Reviews EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-396-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-389-8 cooking / history, 352 pages, 6 × 9, 22 b & w photos rights: World cloth, $29.95 (CAN $35.95), 978-1-56976-167-0 Adobe PDF, $23.99, 978-1-56976-168-7 BACKYARD BALLISTICS EPUB, $23.99, 978-1-56976-175-5 Kindle, $23.99, 978-1-56976-169-4 Build Potato Cannons, Paper Match Rockets, rights: Not available Cincinnati Fire Kites, Tennis Ball Mortars, and More Dynamite Devices ANSWER THEM NOTHING Second Edition Bringing Down the Polygamous Empire of Warren Jeffs William Gurstelle Debra Weyermann “How is it possible not to love a book with chapter titles like ‘Back Porch Rocketry’ and ‘Greek Fire and the Catapult?’ I “Weyermann’s well-researched muckracking is colorful and devoured this prodigious account of all things explosive.” gripping . . . a disturbing account of how a religious quasi- —Homer Hickam, author of Rocket Boys dictatorship can flourish on American soil.” —Publishers Weekly science, 240 pages, 7 × 10 28 b & w photos, 3 b & w illustrations, 36 diagrams history / true crime paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-064-4 304 pages, 6 × 9, 8-page color photo insert, 1 map Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-353-9 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-531-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-354-6 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-913-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-355-3 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-915-7 rights: World Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-914-0 rights: World THE BADGER ARREST-PROOF YOURSELF The Life of Bernard Hinault and the Legacy of French Cycling Second Edition William Fotheringham Dale C. Carson and Wes Denham “[A]n enjoyable read with tantalizing detail.” law / self-help, 384 pages, 5½ × 8¼, 60 b & w photos, 13 b & w —Library Journal illustrations, 5 line drawings, 13 charts paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-804-6 sports: cycling / biography, 384 pages, 5¼ × 8½ Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-805-3 24 b & w photos, 9 color photos EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-807-7 paper, $18.95, 978-1-61373-418-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-806-0 Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-61373-419-3 rights: World EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-61373-421-6 Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-61373-420-9 ARRESTED rights: Not available What to Do When Your Loved One’s in Jail BASEBALL’S BEST SHORT STORIES Wes Denham Expanded Edition “A comprehensive, witty, and practical guide. . . . A product Edited by Paul D. Staudohar of acquired wisdom, it is invaluable for the families and friends of the accused and the incarcerated.” “Staudohar has hit it out of the park.” —Publishers Weekly —Stephen A. Mosca, Esq., criminal defense attorney “This outstanding anthology is a testament to baseball’s law, 272 pages, 7 × 10, 12 b & w illustrations, 9 line drawings, enduring drawing power as subject matter for some of our 8 diagrams, 21 reproducibles most renowned authors.” —Booklist paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-834-7 fiction, 448 pages, 6 × 9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-740-5 paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-61374-376-8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-742-9 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-741-2 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 99

A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO 3D PRINTING BOOM TOWN 14 Simple Toy Designs to Get You Started How Wal-Mart Transformed an All-American Town Mike Rigsby into an International Community technology / computers, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 25 b & w photos, Marjorie Rosen 760 b & w illustrations “In this important work, Rosen’s elegant writing style, repor- paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-56976-197-7 torial skills, and storytelling ability combine to transform the Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-56976-198-4 story of one small town—a fascinating tale in its own right— EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-56976-976-8 into a profound commentary on the recent multicultural Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-566-1 trends that are shaping America’s future.” rights: World —Doris Kearns Goodwin, author, No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt THE BEST DOG STORIES social science / business, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 20 b & w photos Edited by Paul D. Staudohar cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-948-1 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-368-1 “An anthology that does not give lie to its title.” —New York Post EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-370-4 fiction / pets, 448 pages, 6 × 9 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-369-8 cloth, $19.95 (CAN $24.95), 978-1-55652-667-1 rights: World rights: Not available THE BRIDE’S ETIQUETTE GUIDE BET THE HOUSE Etiquette Made Easy How I Gambled Over a Grand a Day for 30 Days on Second Edition Sports, Poker, and Games of Chance Pamela A. Lach Richard Roeper weddings, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½ games / autobiography, 272 pages, 5½ × 8½, 15 b & w photos paper, $10.95 (CAN $11.95), 978-1-55652-940-5 cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-56976-247-9 Adobe PDF, $8.99, 978-1-56976-292-9 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-609-5 EPUB, $8.99, 978-1-56976-294-3 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-611-8 Kindle, $8.99, 978-1-56976-293-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-610-1 rights: World rights: World THE BRIDE’S THANK-YOU GUIDE BLASPHEMY Thank-You Writing Made Easy A Memoir: Sentenced to Death Over a Cup of Water Second Edition Asia Bibi with Anne-Isabelle Tollet Pamela A. Lach autobiography / religion & theology, 160 pages, 5¼ × 8¼ weddings, 96 pages, 5½ × 8½ paper, $16.95, 978-1-61374-889-3 paper, $8.95 (CAN $9.95), 978-1-56976-283-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-890-9 Adobe PDF, $7.99, 978-1-56976-612-5 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-892-3 EPUB, $7.99, 978-1-56976-614-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-891-6 Kindle, $7.99, 978-1-56976-613-2 rights: Not available rights: World BLOGS, WIKIS, FACEBOOK, AND MORE BROTHERHOOD OF CORRUPTION Everything You Want to Know About Using Today’s A Cop Breaks the Silence on Police Abuse, Brutality, Internet but Are Afraid to Ask and Racial Profiling Second Edition, Revised & Updated Juan Antonio Juarez Terry Burrows “A starkly revealing look at how urban policing oversteps computers, 224 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ¼, 450 b & w illustrations the bounds of the law in the so-called war on drugs.” paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-327-0 —Booklist rights: Not available autobiography, 320 pages, 6 × 9 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $37.95), 978-1-55652-536-0 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-140-5 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-141-2 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-55652-852-1 rights: World 100 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

BUILDING ATLANTA CHASING LOLITA How I Broke Through Segregation to Launch a How Popular Culture Corrupted Nabokov’s Little Girl Business Empire All Over Again Hermann J. Russell with Bob Andelman Graham Vickers Foreword by Andrew Young “[An] eye-opening field guide to some of mass culture’s “A candid, straightforward account of one man and his rise more corrosive absurdities.” from rags to riches.” —Kirkus Reviews —Ellen Pifer, author of Demon or Doll autobiography / African American, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 11 b & w literary criticism / entertainment, 256 pages, 6 × 9, 28 b & w photos photos, 15 color photos cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-682-4 cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-694-3 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-55652-963-4 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-695-0 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-55652-968-9 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-697-4 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-55652-967-2 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-696-7 rights: World rights: World THE CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS NCLEX-PN PRACTICE TEST BUILDING BOTS AND REVIEW Designing and Building Warrior Robots Third Edition William Gurstelle Linda Waide, MSN, MEd, RN, and Berta Roland, MSN, RN • A selection of the Scientific American Book Club and test prep / reference, 400 pages, 8½ × 11 Computer Books Direct Includes CD, 20 diagrams, 4 screen shots paper, $22.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-528-5 “Handy how-to guide for turning your garage into a robot Adobe PDF, $17.95, 978-1-56976-600-2 war zone.” —The New Yorker EPUB, $17.95, 978-1-56976-602-6 science, 256 pages, 8½ × 11 Kindle, $17.95, 978-1-56976-601-9 32 color photos, 31 b & w photos, 40 line drawings rights: World paper, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-55652-459-2 rights sold: India Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-142-9 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-144-3 THE CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS NCLEX-RN Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-143-6 PRACTICE TEST AND REVIEW rights: World Third Edition BY REASON OF INSANITY Linda Waide, MSN, MEd, RN, and Berta Roland, MSN, RN test prep / reference, 400 pages, 8½ × 11 Shane Stevens Includes CD, 20 diagrams, 4 screen shots “One of the finest novels ever written about perfect evil. . . . I paper, $22.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-1-55652-529-2 recommend it unreservedly.” —Stephen King rights: World fiction, 512 pages, 6 × 9 rights sold: India paper, $17.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-662-6 rights: Not available CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS PHARMACOLOGY MADE EASY FOR NCLEX-PN REVIEW AND STUDY GUIDE CALICO PALACE Linda Waide, MSN, MEd, RN, and Berta Roland, MSN, RN Gwen Bristow • A selection of the Nurse’s Book Society book club fiction, 608 pages, 5½ × 8, 1 map reference, 240 pages, 8½ × 11, Includes disk paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-984-9 paper, $21.95 (CAN $24.95), 978-1-55652-392-2 rights: Not available Kindle, $16.95, 978-1-55652-855-2 rights: World CELIA GARTH rights sold: India Gwen Bristow CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS PHARMACOLOGY MADE EASY FOR Foreword by Sara Donati NCLEX-RN REVIEW AND STUDY GUIDE “An exciting tale of love and war in the tradition of Gone Linda Waide and Berta Roland with the Wind. . . . The kind of story that keeps readers tingling.” —Chicago Tribune reference, 240 pages, 8½ × 11, Includes disk paper, $21.95 (CAN $32.95), 978-1-55652-391-5 fiction, 416 pages, 5¼ × 8, 1 line drawing Adobe PDF, $16.95, 978-1-56976-414-5 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-787-6 EPUB, $16.95, 978-1-56976-415-2 rights: World Kindle, $16.95, 978-1-55652-853-8 NOW AVAILABLE 101

rights: World THE COOLEST RACE ON EARTH rights sold: India Mud, Madmen, Glaciers, and Grannies at the Antarctica Marathon CHILD OF THE MORNING John Hanc A Novel • Winner of the 2010 American Society of Journalists and Pauline Gedge Authors Award for memoir/biography Foreword by Michelle Moran “Sharp, fun, and funny.”—Publishers Weekly starred review “A rich pageant, satisfying on more levels than simply that of sports / travel, 192 pages, 6 × 9, 12 b & w photos narrative.” —Wall Street Journal cloth, $22.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-738-8 fiction, 416 pages, 6 × 9 Adobe PDF, $18.99, 978-1-56976-410-7 paper, $16.95, 978-1-56976-324-7 EPUB, $18.99, 978-1-56976-418-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-653-0 Kindle, $18.99, 978-1-55652-917-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-655-4 rights: Not available Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-654-7 rights: US CULINARY REACTIONS The Everyday Chemistry of Cooking CHRYSLER’S TURBINE CAR Simon Quellen Field The Rise and Fall of Detroit’s Coolest Creation “With information advanced enough to interest the well- Steve Lehto seasoned, hard-boiled home cook, the information in this Foreword by Jay Leno book is written in such a friendly and approachable manner • A 2011 Michigan Notable Book selection that even beginner kitchen-chemists will be delighted to learn from it.” —San Francisco Book Review “A detailed, entertaining meander through the history of ‘Detroit’s Coolest Car.’” —New York Times science / cooking 288 pages, 6 × 9 “Fascinating.” —Vanity Fair 60 b & w photos, 40 b & w illustrations, 5 tables transportation: automotive / antique & classic, 240 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-706-1 12 four-color photos, 20 b & w photos, 2 line drawings Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-958-4 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-345-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-960-7 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-549-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-959-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-769-6 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-771-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-770-2 CYCLOPEDIA rights: World It’s All About the Bike THE CITIZEN’S GUIDE TO LOBBYING CONGRESS William Fotheringham Revised and Updated “[A] thorough, well-written, and absorbing love tome to the bicycle.” —Austin Chronicle Donald E. deKieffer sports: cycling / reference, 440 pages, 6 × 8½ “An invaluable reference for political action and change.” 44 b & w illustrations, 25 diagrams —Midwest Book Review paper, $18.95, 978-1-61373-412-4 politics / reference, 208 pages, 6 × 9 Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-61373-413-1 Adobe PDF, $13.95, 978-1-56976-416-9 EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-61373-415-5 EPUB, $13.95, 978-1-56976-417-6 Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-61373-414-8 Kindle, $13.95, 978-1-55652-916-0 rights: Not available rights: World THE DANGEROUS DIVIDE THE COLONEL Peril and Promise on the US Mexico Border The Extraordinary Story of and Peter Eichstaedt current events / regional: Southwest, 256 pages, 6 × 9, Alanna Nash 30 color photos, 2 maps • Belmont Book Award for Best Book on Country Music cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-836-7 “A classic of music industry reporting.” —Billboard Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-837-4 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-839-8 biography, 416 pages, 6 × 9, 45 b & w photos Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-838-1 paper, $16.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-546-9 rights: World rights: Not available 102 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

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HER NEXT CHAPTER 2 b & w photos, 3 line drawings, 4 diagrams, 4 maps How Mother-Daughter Book Clubs Can Help Girls paper, $15.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-61374-442-0 Navigate Malicious Media, Risky Relationships, Girl Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61374-443-7 Gossip, and So Much More EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61374-445-1 Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61374-444-4 Lori Day, M.Ed., with Charlotte Kugler rights: Not available parenting / social science, 272 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-856-5 HOUSE DIVIDED Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-857-2 Ben Ames Williams EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-859-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-858-9 fiction, 1,536 pages, 5½ × 8¼, 1 map rights: World paper, $24.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-1-55652-619-0 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-200-6 HEROES IN THE NIGHT EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-202-0 Inside the Real Life Superhero Movement Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-201-3 rights: World English Tea Krulos pop culture / social science, 288 pages, 5½ × 8½ HOW THE GRINGOS STOLE TEQUILA 22 b & w photos, 25 four-color photos, 10 b & w illustrations The Modern Age of Mexico’s Most Traditional Spirit paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-775-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-776-6 Chantal Martineau EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-778-0 “A lively exploration of the heritage, culture, practices and Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-777-3 politics that shape Mexico’s most famous export.” rights: World —Kansas City Star cooking / history, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 30 color photos HOLLYWOOD ON LAKE MICHIGAN cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-905-0 100+ Years of Chicago and the Movies Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-906-7 Second Edition EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-908-1 Michael Corcoran and Arnie Bernstein Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-907-4 rights: World film / regional: Midwest, 400 pages, 5½ × 8½, 159 b & w photos paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-61374-575-5 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-576-2 HOW TO BE A GENIUS EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-578-6 A Handbook for the Aspiring Smarty-Pants Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-577-9 André de Guillaume rights: World humor, 144 pages, 5 × 7¼, four-color illustrations throughout cloth, $15, 978-1-55652-673-2 HORSEPLAYERS rights: Not available Life at the Track Ted McClelland HOW TO BE HAPPY, THOUGH MARRIED “Everything a horse-racing book should be.” —Kirkus Reviews A Tender Compendium of Good and Bad Advice sports, 272 pages, 6 × 9 Michelle Lovric paper, $16.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-675-6 relationships / weddings, 96 pages, 4⅝ × 6¼ cloth, $24.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-1-55652-567-4 cloth, $12.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-699-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-623-7 rights: Not available EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-229-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-868-2 HOW TO MAKE MONEY AS AN ARTIST rights: World The 7 Winning Strategies of Successful Fine Artists HOSTAGE Sean Moore A Year at Gunpoint with Somali Pirates art, 160 pages, 5½ × 8½ Paul and Rachel Chandler with Sarah Edworthy paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-413-4 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-443-5 “A brutal saga, of course, but also an uplifting one, a story EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-444-2 of hope and determination in the face of a seemingly inevi- Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-869-9 table outcome.” —Booklist rights: World “A noteworthy account of this century’s version of crime on the high seas.” — current events / travel, 384 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½, 18 four-color photos, 108 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

HOW TO RAP writing, 248 pages, 6 × 9 The Art and Science of the Hip-Hop MC paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-318-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-445-9 Paul Edwards EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-446-6 Foreword by Kool G Rap Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-871-2 “A good read even for nonartists interested in learning more rights: World about hip-hop creativity, personalities, and history. . . . Highly recommended.” —Library Journal Xpress Reviews IN PLAIN SIGHT The Startling Truth Behind the Elizabeth Smart music, 352 pages, 5½ × 8½, 20 b & w photos Investigation paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-55652-816-3 Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-56976-375-9 Tom Smart and Lee Benson EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-56976-377-3 crime / current events, 408 pages, 6 × 9, 8-page color insert Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-56976-376-6 paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-55652-621-3 rights: North American, US and possessions cloth, $24.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-1-55652-579-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-209-9 HOW TO RAP 2 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-210-5 Advanced Flow & Delivery Techniques Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-870-5 Paul Edwards rights: World Foreword by Gift of Gab THE IVY TREE music, 272 pages, 5½ × 8½ Mary Stewart paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-61374-401-7 fiction, 224 pages, 5½ × 8¼ Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-61374-402-4 paper, $14.95, 978-1-55652-726-5 EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-61374-404-8 rights: Not available Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-61374-403-1 rights: World JUBILEE TRAIL HOW TO RULE THE WORLD Gwen Bristow A Handbook for the Aspiring Dictator Forewords by Nancy E. Turner and André de Guillaume Sandra Dallas humor, 144 pages, 5 × 7½, color illustrations throughout fiction, 576 pages, 5¼ × 8 paper, $12.95 (CAN $15.95), 978-1-55652-587-2 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-601-5 rights: Not available rights: Not available HOW TO START YOUR OWN THEATER COMPANY KENTUCKY CLAY Eleven Generations of a Southern Dynasty Reginald Nelson Katherine Bateman Foreword by David Schwimmer history / autobiography, 256 pages, 6 × 9 performing arts, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½ 33 b & w photos, 1 chart, 1 map paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-813-2 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-795-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-615-6 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-271-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-617-0 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-273-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-616-3 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-272-1 rights: World rights: World HOW TO WRITE LOVE LETTERS KLANDESTINE Michelle Lovric How a Klan Lawyer and a Checkbook Journalist relationships / writing, 100 pages, 6½ × 7 Helped James Earl Ray Cover Up His Crime 1 b & w photo, 64 b & w illustrations, 72 color illustrations Pate McMichael cloth, $14.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-531-5 “A worthwhile contribution to most civil rights collections.” rights: Not available —Booklist HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN LIFE STORY history, 336 pages, 6 × 9, 30 b & w photos The Classic Guide for the Nonprofessional Writer cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61373-070-6 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61373-072-0 Fourth edition EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61373-073-7 Lois Daniel Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61373-071-3 • A selection of Writers Digest Book Club rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 109

LA BELLE CRÉOLE LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN The Cuban Countess Who Captivated Havana, Madrid, Ben Ames Williams and Paris fiction, 432 pages, 5 × 7½ Alina García-Lapuerta paper, $14.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-725-8 “Beautifully written.” —Publishers Weekly Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-226-6 biography / history, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 20 color photos, 2 maps EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-228-0 cloth, $29.95 (CAN $35.95), 978-1-61374-536-6 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-227-3 Adobe PDF, $23.99, 978-1-61374-537-3 rights: Not available EPUB, $23.99, 978-1-61374-539-7 Kindle, $23.99, 978-1-61374-538-0 LEAVING MUNDANIA rights: World English Inside the Transformative World of Live Action Role-Playing Games LADY Q Lizzie Stark The Rise and Fall of a Latin Queen “Rich, unexpected and compelling . . . Stark’s keen observa- Reymundo Sanchez and Sonia Rodriguez tional skills and crisp writing style successfully cut through autobiography, 288 pages, 6 × 9 those hackneyed stereotypes to reveal the very real people paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-285-1 who are drawn to deeply imaginary worlds.”—Kirkus Reviews cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-722-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-447-3 social science / games, 272 pages, 5½ × 8½ EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-448-0 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-605-7 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-872-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-065-1 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-067-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-066-8 LAST-MINUTE SURVIVAL SECRETS rights: World 128 Ingenious Tips to Endure the Coming Apocalypse and Other Minor Inconveniences MADAM, WILL YOU TALK? Joey Green Mary Stewart reference / house & home, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½, four-color interior, Foreword by Katherine Hall Page 290 color photos “A neatly contrived chase story [with] a most satisfactory paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-985-2 burst of violence at the end.” —The New Yorker Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-986-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-988-3 fiction, 264 pages, 5 × 8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-987-6 paper, $12.95, 978-1-61373-163-5 rights: Not available rights: Not available LAST TEAM STANDING THE MAN WITH THE BIONIC BRAIN How the Steelers and the Eagles—“The Steagles”— And Other Victories over Paralysis Saved Pro Football During World War II Jon Mukand, MD, PhD Matthew Algeo “In addition to the science and technology associated with sports / history, 288 pages, 6 × 9, 13 b & w photos the treatment of central nervous-system injuries, the author paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-885-5 deftly explores what it means to be disabled, including the Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-886-2 loss of body control, dependence on others, and the colli- EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-888-6 sion of hope with realistic expectations for possibly inad- Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-887-9 equate healing.” —Booklist rights: World medical: neurology / science, 368 pages, 6 × 9, 19 four-color photos, THE LAST WARLORD 5 four-color illustrations, 2 b & w photos, 1 chart The Life and Legend of Dostum, the Afghan Warrior cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61374-055-2 Who Led US Special Forces to Topple the Taliban Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-056-9 Regime EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-058-3 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-057-6 Brian Glyn Williams, PhD rights: World history / military, 352 pages, 6 × 9, 25 four-color photos cloth, $28.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-800-8 Adobe PDF, $23.99, 978-1-61374-801-5 EPUB, $23.99, 978-1-61374-803-9 Kindle, $23.99, 978-1-61374-802-2 rights: World 110 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

MAYA ROADS MINIWEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: BUILD IMPLEMENTS OF One Woman’s Journey Among the People of the SPITBALL WARFARE Rainforest John Austin Mary Jo McConahay “We love this MacGyverization of office supplies.” —Wired “[An] extraordinary travel memoir.” science / crafts & hobbies —Laura Fraser, author of An Italian Affair 256 pages, 6 × 9, 150 b & w illustrations and All Over the Map paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-953-5 travel literature / social science Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-381-0 272 pages, 6 × 9, 13 b & w illustrations, 1 map EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-830-3 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-548-7 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-829-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-922-5 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-924-9 rights sold: German, Russian Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-923-2 rights: World x Spanish MINIWEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: BUILD MIDDLING FOLK SIEGE WEAPONS OF THE DARK AGES Three Seas, Three Centuries, One Scots-Irish Family John Austin Linda H. Matthews science: experiments & projects, 256 pages, 6 × 9 “A fascinating, gracefully written portrait of the founding 250 b & w illustrations of a country as seen through the eyes of its middle-class paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-548-9 citizens.” —Booklist Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-549-6 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-551-9 history / biography, 384 pages, 6 × 9, 30 b & w photos Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-550-2 cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-969-6 rights: World Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-378-0 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-380-3 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-379-7 MINIWEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION TARGETS: rights: World 100+ TEAR-OUT TARGETS, PLUS 5 NEW MINIWEAPONS John Austin MIDWEST GARDENS science: experiments & projects, 240 pages, 8 ½ × 11 Pamela Wolfe 140 b & w illustrations Photographs by Gary Irving paper, $9.95 (CAN $10.95), 978-1-61374-013-2 regional: Midwest, 224 pages, 10 × 10, 178 color photos rights: World cloth, $39.95 (CAN $59.95), 978-1-55652-138-6 rights: World THE MISTLETOE AND SWORD A Story of Roman Britain MINIWEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: BUILD A Anya Seton SECRET AGENT ARSENAL fiction, ages 12 & up, 256 pages, 5¼ × 8 John Austin paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-56976-340-7 • Selection of the Scientific American Book Club rights: US & CA popular science / hobby 256 pages, 6 × 9, 250 b & w illustrations THE MOLE PEOPLE paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-716-0 Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York City Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-949-2 Jennifer Toth EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-951-5 “Toth pulls the reader into this netherworld. Highly recom- Kindle, $13.99, 978-156976-950-8 mended.” —Library Journal rights: World social science, 280 pages, 6 × 9, 7 b & w photos MINIWEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION: BUILD AND MASTER paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-241-3 NINJA WEAPONS Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-451-0 John Austin EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-452-7 science: experiments & projects, 256 pages, 6 × 9, 250 b & w Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-925-2 illustrations rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-924-1 rights sold: Czech, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-925-8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-927-2 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-926-5 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 111

MONDO MAGNETS MUSIC LESSONS 40 Attractive (and Repulsive) Devices and Guide Your Child to Play a Musical Instrument Demonstrations (and Enjoy It!) Fred Jeffers Stephanie Stein Crease science, 160 pages, 7 × 10, 110 b & w photos, 20 diagrams parenting / family care, education resource Adobe PDF, $11.95, 978-1-56976-398-8 216 pages, 5½ × 8½, 8 b & w photos rights: World paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-604-6 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-455-8 MONSTER HUNTERS EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-456-5 On the Trail with Ghost Hunters, Bigfooters, Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-875-0 Ufologists, and Other Paranormal Investigators rights: World Tea Krulos MY BLOODY LIFE popular culture / folklore & mythology, 320 pages, 5½ × 8½ The Making of a Latin King 17 color photos, 10 b & w photos, 12 b & w illustrations paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-981-4 Reymundo Sanchez Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-982-1 “A survivor who turned his life around, Sanchez writes EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-984-5 plainly and powerfully.” —Booklist Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-983-8 “A slow-motion riot of drugs, sex and gunplay.” rights: World —Publishers Weekly autobiography, 320 pages, 6 × 9 THE MOON-SPINNERS paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-427-1 Mary Stewart Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-739-5 “[Stewart’s] narrative construction is masterly. Once you EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-232-5 can accept Nicola’s unquenchable heartiness, her escapades Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-876-7 pyramid into a suspenseful thriller.” rights: World —New York Times Book Review rights sold: Italian fiction 320 pages, 5½ × 8 MY BROTHER MICHAEL paper, $14.95, 978-1-56976-712-2 Mary Stewart rights: Unavailable fiction, 256 pages, 5½ × 8¼ MURDER IN BAKER COMPANY paper, $12.95, 978-1-55652-983-2 rights: Not available How Four American Soldiers Killed One of Their Own Cilla McCain MY KID’S ALLERGIC TO EVERYTHING DESSERT COOKBOOK “A raw and compelling overview of a shocking killing, its More Than 100 Recipes for Sweets and Treats the aftermath, and a military ignoring its soldiers’ needs.” Whole Family Will Enjoy —Publishers Weekly Second Edition true crime / military, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 24 b & w photos Mary Harris and Wilma Selzer Nachsin cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-947-4 Forewords by Dr. Rebecca S. Hoffman and Dr. Ida Mary S. Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-553-1 Thoma EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-555-5 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-554-8 cooking / health, 224 pages, 8 × 8 rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-533-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-809-9 MURDER SHORT & SWEET EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-077-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-810-5 Edited by Paul D. Staudohar rights: World “Rich collection of crime stories . . . not a single clunker in the bunch.” —Booklist A MYTHIC OBSESSION mystery / fiction, 384 pages, 6 × 9, 25 b & w illustrations The World of Dr. Evermor cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-797-5 Tom Kupsh rights: Not available “Quirky, brilliant, colorful, mysterious.” —Wisconsin State Journal art / biography, 208 pages, 6 × 9 125 b & w photos, 25 color photos 112 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-760-9 Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-61373-393-6 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-56976-459-6 EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-61373-395-0 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-56976-460-2 Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-61373-394-3 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-55652-849-1 rights: Not available rights: World NO TIME FOR TEARS NEAL CASSADY Coping with Grief in a Busy World The Fast Life of a Beat Hero Second Edition, Revised and Updated David Sandison and Graham Vickers Judy Heath, psychotherapist (LISW-CP) “The story clips along steadily and the prose is consistently Foreword by Bernie Siegel, MD s h ar p.” — Publishers Weekly self-help, 288 pages, 6 × 9 “A swarm of freshly stinging facts and newly minted remi- paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61373-164-2 niscences.” —Booklist Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-165-9 biography, 352 pages, 6 × 9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61373-166-6 Adobe PDF, $19.95, 978-1-55652-691-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-167-3 EPUB, $19.95, 978-1-56976-233-2 rights: World Kindle, $19.95, 978-1-55652-878-1 rights: World NOT SO FAST rights sold: UK Parenting Your Teen Through the Dangers of Driving NERD GIRL ROCKS PARADISE CITY Tim Hollister A True Story of Faking It in Hair Metal L.A. Foreword by Sandy Spavone Anne Thomas Soffee parenting / transportation, 144 pages, 5½ × 8½ “Funny, trashy and smart.” —New York Times Book Review paper, $12.95 (CAN $ 13.95), 978-1-61374-872-5 Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-61374-873-2 “A laugh-out-loud charmer.” —Bust EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-61374-875-6 autobiography, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½ Kindle, $10.99, 978-61374-874-9 cloth, $22.95 (CAN $30.95), 978-1-55652-586-5 rights: Not available Adobe PDF, $18.99, 978-1-55652-638-1 EPUB, $18.99, 978-1-55652-989-4 OCCUPANTS Kindle, $18.99, 978-1-55652-879-8 rights: World Henry Rollins “Punk-rock icon. Spoken word poet. Actor. Author. DJ. Is A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER there anything this guy can’t do?” —Entertainment Weekly Roger Zelazny photography , 176 pages, 11¼ × 9 Illustrated by Gahan Wilson four-color photographs throughout cloth, $35 (CAN $39), 978-1-56976-815-0 fiction, 288 pages, 5½ × 8½, 33 b & w illustrations Adobe PDF, $28, 978-1-56976-961-4 paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-560-5 EPUB, $28, 978-1-56976-963-8 rights: Not available Kindle, $28, 978-1-56976-962-1 rights: Unavailable NINE COACHES WAITING Mary Stewart ODDBALL COLORADO Foreword by Sandra Brown A Guide to Some Really Strange Places fiction, 352 pages, 5¼ × 8 Jerome Pohlen paper, $16.95, 978-1-55652-618-3 “This is not your parents’ travel book, but in the new mil- rights: Not available lenium, all guides will be written like this.” —Chuck Shepherd, author of News of the Weird NO TAN RÁPIDO travel, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½, 64 b & w photos Comó orientar a sus adolescentes acerca de los peligros paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-460-8 de onducer Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-461-9 Tim Hollister EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-462-6 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-880-4 Prologue by Sandy Spavone rights: World children’s: parenting & family care / libros en español 160 pages, 5½ × 8½ paper, $12.95 (CAN $15.95), 978-1-61373-392-9 NOW AVAILABLE 113

ODDBALL FLORIDA ODDBALL MINNESOTA A Guide to Some Really Strange Places A Guide to Some Really Strange Places Jerome Pohlen Jerome Pohlen “Pohlen’s witty descriptions and love of the bizarre make every “Boasts enough oddball sites to attract even the most jaded site seem worth visiting.” — New York Daily News tourist.” —Library Journal travel, 320 pages, 5½ × 8½, 60 b & w photos, 6 maps travel, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½, 60 b & w photos paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-503-2 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-478-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-463-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-469-5 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-464-0 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-470-1 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-881-1 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-885-9 rights: World rights: World ODDBALL ILLINOIS ODDBALL OHIO A Guide to 450 Really Strange Places A Guide to Some Really Strange Places Second Edition Jerome Pohlen Jerome Pohlen “An interesting read, full of trivia, facts and unusual destina- “One irresistible guidebook.” —Chicago Tribune tions.” —Columbus Dispatch travel, 400 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½, 91 b & w photos, 4 maps travel, 288 pages, 5½ × 8½, 60 b & w photos, 4 maps paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-032-3 paper, $14.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-523-0 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-033-0 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-55652-686-2 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-035-4 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-234-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-034-7 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-887-3 rights: World rights: World ODDBALL INDIANA ODDBALL TEXAS A Guide to Some Really Strange Places A Guide to Some Really Strange Places Jerome Pohlen Jerome Pohlen “Travel with a twist.” —Bloomsbury Review “If you hanker for offbeat adventure, this is a guidebook to travel, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½, 50 b & w photos stick under the front seat of your pickup.” paper, $14.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-438-7 —The Enterprise Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-517-3 travel, 400 pages, 5½ × 8½, 70 b & w photos, 6 maps EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-518-0 paper, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-55652-583-4 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-883-5 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-471-8 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-472-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-886-6 ODDBALL IOWA rights: World A Guide to Some Really Strange Places Jerome Pohlen ODDBALL WISCONSIN A Guide to 400 Really Strange Places “He unearths places worth exploring.”—Chicago Sun-Times Second Edition travel, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½, 50 b & w photos, 4 maps Jerome Pohlen paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-564-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-467-1 regional: Midwest / travel, 336 pages, 5½ × 8½, 75 b & w photos EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-468-8 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-666-0 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-884-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-667-7 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-669-1 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-668-4 ODDBALL MICHIGAN rights: World A Guide to 450 Really Strange Places ODYSSEY TO USHUAIA Jerome Pohlen A Motorcycling Adventure from New York to Tierra travel, 352 pages, 5½ × 8½, 80 b & w photos del Fuego paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-893-0 Andrés Carlstein Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-894-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-896-1 “More fun than I’ve had sitting down in a long time.” Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-895-4 —Washington Post Book World rights: World 114 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

travel / outdoor, 368 pages, 6 × 9, 25 b & w photos, 15 maps OUTDOOR SURVIVAL SKILLS paper, $18.95 (CAN $28.95), 978-1-55652-440-0 Sixth Edition Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-475-6 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-476-3 Larry Dean Olsen Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-55652-889-7 Foreword by Robert Redford rights: World outdoor / nature, 272 pages, 6 × 9 96 color photos, 200 b & w photos, 10 line drawings OFF THE BEATEN PAGE paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-323-6 The Best Trips for Lit Lovers, Book Clubs, and Girls Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-477-0 on Getaways EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-478-7 Terri Peterson Smith Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-55652-891-0 rights: World travel, 304 pages, 5½ × 8½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-426-0 OUTSIDER BASEBALL Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-427-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-429-1 The Weird World of Hardball on the Fringe, 1876–1950 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-428-4 Scott Simkus rights: World baseball / history, 336 pages, 6 × 9 21 b & w photos, 19 b & w illustrations, 51 charts OFF THE MAP cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61374-816-9 A Journey Through the Amazonian Wild Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-817-6 John Harrison EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-819-0 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-818-3 travel, 352 pages, 5 × 7¾, 24 color photos, 1 map rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-519-3 rights: Not available OUTWITTING SQUIRRELS ONCE A KING, ALWAYS A KING 101 Cunning Stratagems to Reduce Dramatically the Egregious Misappropriation of Seed from Your The Unmaking of a Latin King Birdfeeder by Squirrels Reymundo Sanchez Third Edition “Courageously honest.” —Washington Post Book World Bill Adler Jr. autobiography, 304 pages, 6 × 9 nature / humor, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½, 20 b & w photos paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-553-7 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-941-8 cloth, $24 (CAN $37), 978-1-55652-505-6 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-942-5 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-740-1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-944-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-235-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-943-2 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-890-3 rights: World rights: World rights sold: UK ONE FOR THE AGES PANDORA’S DNA Jack Nicklaus and the 1986 Masters Tracing the Breast Cancer Genes Through History, Tom Clavin Science, and One Family Tree “This book makes you feel like you were there, smelling the Lizzie Stark azaleas and hearing the patrons cheering.” —Gary Player • A 2015 ALA Notable Book sports & recreation / golf, 240 pages, 6 × 9, 17 b & w photos • A 2015 Medals for Excellence in Fiction cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-705-4 and Nonfiction longlist selection Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-853-2 “With her remarkable memoir, Stark gives us medical his- EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-855-6 tory and personal testament that intelligently balances Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-854-9 hard-edged science with boundless hope.” rights: World —Publishers Weekly (starred review) medical history / autobiography, 336 pages, 6 × 9 cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-860-2 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-861-9 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-863-3 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-862-6 rights: Not available NOW AVAILABLE 115

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PRIVATE RESCUING JULIA TWICE Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks, and the Biggest A Mother’s Tale of Russian Adoption and Overcoming Exposure of Official Secrets in American History Reactive Attachment Disorder Denver Nicks Tina Traster biography / political science, 288 pages, 6 × 9, 22 b & w photos Foreword by Melissa Fay Greene cloth, $24.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-61374-068-2 “This title is indispensable for adoptive parents, relatives, Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-069-9 and teachers.” —Library Journal EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-071-2 autobiography / parenting / adoption, 264 pages, 6 × 9 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-070-5 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61374-678-3 rights: World Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-679-0 PUBLISHING FOR PROFIT EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-681-3 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-680-6 Successful Bottom-Line Management for Book rights: World Publishers Fifth Edition RETURN OF GONZO GIZMOS Thomas Woll More Projects & Devices to Channel Your Inner Geek Foreword by Dominique Raccah Simon Quellen Field business / reference, 400 pages, 6 × 9, 30 charts, 5 graphs • A Scientific American Book Club selection paper, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-973-9 science / hobbies, 160 pages, 7 × 10 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-974-6 180 b & w photos, 12 diagrams, 6 b & w illustrations, 1 table EPUB, $21.99, 978-4-61374-976-0 paper, $16.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-610-7 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-975-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-702-9 rights: Not available EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-049-1 RAINTREE COUNTY Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-267-9 rights: World Ross Lockridge Jr. Foreword by Herman Wouk THE ROAD TO AVALON “Raintree County remains an achievement of art and pur- Joan Wolf pose, a cosmically brooding book full of significance and Foreword by Mary Jo Putney b e aut y.” — New York Times “Historical fiction at its finest.” —Publishers Weekly fiction, 1,088 pages, 5½ × 8¼ fiction, 368 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $19.95 (CAN $24.95), 978-1-55652-710-4 paper, $14.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-658-9 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-734-4 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-736-8 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-735-1 ROADSIDE PICNIC rights: Not available Arkady and Boris Strugatsky Foreword by Ursula K. LeGuin THE REMARKABLE RISE OF ELIZA JUMEL Afterword by Boris Strugatsky A Story of Marriage and Money in the Early Republic “As this vivid new translation demonstrates, [Roadside Pic- Margaret A. Oppenheimer nic] remains a powerful study of human behavior in the “Ms. Oppenheimer . . . imaginatively fills the gaps in the presence of superhuman power. . . . It has survived trium- biographical record of that rare woman involved in finan- phantly as a classic.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) cial affairs by invoking romantic literature and the ribald fiction, 224 pages, 5½× 8½ gossip of the day.” —New York Times paper, $15.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-61374-341-6 biography / history, 352 pages, 6 × 9, 20 colors photos Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61374-343-0 cloth, $29.95 (CAN $35.95), 978-1-61373-380-6 EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61374-344-7 Adobe PDF, $23.99, 978-1-61373-381-3 Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61374-342-3 EPUB, $23.99, 978-1-61373-383-7 rights: Not available Kindle, $23.99, 978-1-61373-382-0 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 117

ROSE COTTAGE SILENT WITNESSES Mary Stewart The Often Gruesome but Always Fascinating History of Forensic Science “A rare treat . . . charming . . . delightful. . . . There is just enough suspense to keep you turning the pages well into Nigel McCrery the night.” —Denver Post science / true crime, 288 pages, 6 × 9¼, 15 color photos, fiction, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½ 20 b & w photos paper $12.95, 978-1-56976-806-8 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61373-002-7 rights: Unavailable Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-003-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61373-005-8 THE ROUGHEST RIDERS Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-004-1 rights: Not available The Untold Story of the Black Soldiers in the Spanish- American War SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK Jerome Tuccille The Best of the Mommybloggers Including Amalah, “It is a page turner, a clear view of a pivotal piece of Ameri- Finslippy, Fussy, Woulda Coulda Shoulda, Mom-101, ca’s past.” —Maryland Capital Gazette and More! history / military, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 17 b & w photos, 3 maps Edited by Rita Arens cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61373-046-1 Foreword by Stacy Morrison Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61373-047-8 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61373-049-2 “A sparkling collection of essays.” —Scholastic Parent & Child Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61373-048-5 parenting / family care, 224 pages, 5½ × 8½ rights: World English paper, $11.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-1-55652-772-2 Adobe PDF, $9.99, 978-1-56976-486-2 SALLY HEMINGS EPUB, $9.99, 978-1-56976-487-9 A Novel Kindle, $9.99, 978-1-55652-899-6 rights: World Barbara Chase-Riboud fiction, 384 pages, 6 × 9 THE SMART DIVORCE paper, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-55652-945-0 Proven Strategies and Valuable Advice from 100 Top Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-793-1 Divorce Lawyers, Financial Advisers, Counselors, and EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-679-8 Other Experts Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-657-6 rights: World English Deborah Moskovitch “Comprehensive and well done. Highly recommended.” THE SCREENWRITER’S SOURCEBOOK —Library Journal A Comprehensive Marketing Guide for Screen and relationships / self-help, 224 pages, 6 × 9 Television Writers paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-672-5 Michael Haddad Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-488-6 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-489-3 reference / film / writing, 384 pages, 6 × 9 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-928-3 paper, $16.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-550-6 rights: World Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-485-5 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-516-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-927-6 SMOULDERING FIRES rights: World Anya Seton fiction, 160 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 SEVENTEEN FATHOMS DEEP paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-56976-347-6 The Saga of the Submarine S-4 Disaster rights: US & CA Joseph A. Williams “[Williams’] recreation of the S-4 disaster is absorbing, lucid SNAKE HIPS and paced like a novel.” —The Day Belly Dancing and How I Found True Love military / history, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 20 b & w photos Anne Thomas Soffee cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61373-138-3 “Toss the Prozac and grab a tambourine—I very much like Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61373-139-0 Soffee’s idea that a woman can belly dance her way out of EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61373-141-3 heartache.” Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61373-140-6 —Tom Robbins, author of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues rights: Not available “Her prose sparkles and teases.” —Boston Globe 118 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

autobiography, 288 pages, 5½ × 8½ EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-238-7 paper, $16.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-522-3 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-902-3 cloth, $22.95 (CAN $37), 978-1-55652-458-5 rights: World Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-490-9 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-491-6 SPECIAL AGENT MAN Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-900-9 My Life in the FBI as a Terrorist Hunter, Helicopter rights: World Pilot, and Certified Sniper rights sold: UK Steve Moore SO NOW YOU’RE A ZOMBIE “If you ever wondered ‘what it would be like to be FBI,’ this A Handbook for the Newly Undead is your book.” —Library Journal John Austin “A love letter to a dangerous career.” —Kirkus Reviews autobiography / true crime: espionage, 336 pages, 6 × 9, 16 four- “Brilliantly tongue-in-cheek . . . a must for all fans of spoof color photos, 1 b & w photo manuals and zombies alike.” paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-914090-70-0 —New York Journal of Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-914090-73-1 humor, 224 pages, 6 × 9, 150 illustrations, two-color interior EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-914090-88-5 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-342-1 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-914090-80-9 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-799-3 rights: World EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-286-0 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-800-6 SPIRIT OF PLACE rights: World Scotland’s Great Whisky Distilleries rights sold: Japanese Charles MacLean SO YOU WANT TO START A BREWERY? Photographs by Lara Platman and Allan MacDonald The Lagunitas Story “This is armchair travel at its best.” —Wall Street Journal Tony Magee cooking / travel, 288 pages, 10 × 11½, 288 color photos four-color interior business / beer, 224 pages, 6 × 9, 20 b & w photos cloth, $39.95 (CAN $47.95), 978-1-61373-183-3 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-562-9 rights: Not available Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61373-188-8 EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-55652-606-0 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-55652-860-6 STAN LEE AND THE RISE AND FALL OF rights: World THE AMERICAN COMIC BOOK Jordan Raphael and Tom Spurgeon SODA-POP ROCKETS “Evenhanded and readable biography . . . the definitive his- 20 Sensational Rockets to Make from Plastic Bottles tory of this particular slice of American popular culture.” Paul Jarvis —Kirkus Reviews science / crafts & hobbies, 112 pages, 5¾ × 7¾ biography / entertainment, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 12 b & w photos 150 color photos, 80 color illustrations, four-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-541-4 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-960-3 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $37.95), 978-1-55652-506-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-463-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-290-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-55652-485-1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-292-1 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-486-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-291-4 rights: Not available rights: World SOX AND THE CITY THE STAY-AT-HOME DAD HANDBOOK A Fan’s Love Affair with the White Sox from the Peter Baylies with Jessica Toonkel Heartbreak of ’67 to the Wizards of Oz “Provides the tools, knowledge, and support that no stay-at-home Richard Roeper dad should be without.” —Armin Brott, author of The Expectant “This one-team book . . . should find a wider readership Father and The New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the First Year thanks to Roeper’s name recognition, the newsworthiness parenting, 240 pages, 6 × 9 of the subject, and the book’s unexpected pleasures.” paper, $16.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-534-6 —Booklist Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-494-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-495-4 sports / history, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½ Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-929-0 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-679-4 rights: World cloth, $19.95 (CAN $26.95), 978-1-55652-650-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-55652-688-6 NOW AVAILABLE 119

STYLE ME VINTAGE: WEDDINGS Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-689-7 An Inspirational Guide to Styling the Perfect Vintage EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-691-0 Wedding Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-690-3 rights: US & CA Annabel Beeforth weddings, 176 pages, 8 × 8, 30 b & w photos TESTIMONY OF TWO MEN 220 four-color photos, four-color interior A Novel cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-61374-811-4 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-814-5 Taylor Caldwell Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-813-8 fiction, 624 pages, 6 × 9 rights: Not available paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-56976-327-8 rights: US & CA THE SUPPER CLUB BOOK A Celebration of a Midwest Tradition THINK LIKE A BABY Dave Hoekstra 33 Simple Research Experiments You Can Do at Home to Better Understand Your Foreword by Garrison Keillor Child’s Developing Mind regional: Midwest / travel, 304 pages, 8¼ × 8¼ Amber Ankowski, PhD, and Andy Ankowki 190 four-color photos, 1 map, four-color interior cloth, $34.99 (CAN $41.99), 978-1-61374-368-3 “A valuable addition to the parenting literature.” Adobe PDF, $23.99, 978-1-61374-369-0 —Library Journal EPUB, $23.99, 978-1-61374-371-3 childrens: parenting & family care, 224 pages, 6 x 9, 33 b & w Kindle, $23.99, 978-1-61374-370-6 illustrations rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61373-063-8 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-064-5 SURVIVAL SKILLS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61373-066-9 Second edition Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-065-2 Peter Goodchild rights: World rights sold: India (English), Korean “This is the most comprehensive skills book I’ve found.” —Tamarack Song, author of Journey to the Ancestral Self THE THIRD COAST outdoor, 256 pages, 7 × 10, 10 b & w photos, 145 line drawings Sailors, Strippers, Fishermen, Folksingers, Long- paper, $21.95 (CAN $24.95), 978-1-55652-345-8 Haired Ojibway Painters, and God-Save-the-Queen Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-56976-502-9 Monarchists of the Great Lakes EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-56976-503-6 Ted McClelland Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-55652-906-1 rights: World “The author struts an extensive knowledge of the area that makes this a must for fans of travel literature.” SWORD AT SUNSET —Kirkus Reviews Rosemary Sutcliff travel, 352 pages, 6 × 9, 40 b & w photos cloth, $24.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-55652-721-0 Foreword by Jack Whyte Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-504-3 “Rich and sumptuous.” —New York Times Book Review EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-505-0 fiction, 512 pages, 5½ × 8¼ Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-55652-930-6 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-759-3 rights: World Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-300-3 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-302-7 THIS ROUGH MAGIC Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-301-0 Mary Stewart rights: Not available fiction, 352 pages, 5¼ × 8 paper, $14.95, 978-1-61374-450-5 TEA AND DOG BISCUITS rights: Not available Our First Topsy-Turvy Year Fostering Orphan Dogs Barrie Hawkins THORNYHOLD “Tea and Dog Biscuits offers good-natured storytelling, judi- Mary Stewart cious use of self-deprecating humor and a genuine love of Foreword by Meg Cabot its subject.” —Washington Post fiction, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½, 6 line drawings pets, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½ paper, $12.95, 978-1-55652-793-7 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-341-4 rights: Not available 120 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

TICKED THE UPSET A Medical Miracle, a Friendship, and the Weird World Jack Fleck’s Incredible Victory over Ben Hogan at the of Tourette Syndrome U.S. Open James A. Fussell and Jeffrey P. Matovic Al Barkow Foreword by Jeff Foxworthy “If Al Barkow hit the golf ball as straight as he writes about biography / health, 272 pages, 6 × 9 the game he’d be playing the Tour.” —Lee Trevino cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61374-380-5 sports & recreation: golf, 240 pages, 5.5 × 8.5, 12 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-382-9 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-61374-075-0 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-381-2 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-081-1 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-383-6 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-082-8 rights: World Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-080-4 rights: World TINY WHITTLING More Than 20 Projects to Make THE VOICE BOOK Steve Tomashek Caring For, Protecting, and Improving Your Voice “A comprehensive book on a tiny subject.” Kate DeVore and Starr Cookman —Publishers Weekly reference, 248 pages, 5½ × 8½, includes CD crafts & hobbies: woodwork, 112 pages, 7 ½ × 9 39 b &w photos, 25 b & w illustrations 350 four-color photos, four-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-829-3 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-496-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-304-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-497-0 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-306-3 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-499-4 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-305-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-498-7 enhanced editions: rights: US & CAN Adobe PDF with MP3s, $13.99, 978-1-56976-979-9 EPUB with MP3s, $13.99, 978-1-56976-981-2 TOUR:SMART Kindle with MP3s, $13.99, 978-1-56976-980-5 And Break the Band rights: World Martin Atkins “Martin Atkins combines the erudition of an educator with VOLUNTEER VACATIONS the bombast, flash, and bang of a punk rock drummer.” Short-Term Adventures That Will Benefit You —Ken Lopez, associate director, Music Industry and Others Program, University of Southern California 11th Edition music / business, 592 pages, 8½ × 11, photos throughout Bill McMillon, Doug Cutchins, and Anne Geissinger paper, $29.95 ($37.95), 978-0-97973-130-3 Foreword by Ed Asner Adobe PDF, $23.99, 978-1-55652-966-5 “The definitive sourcebook for service-oriented escapades.” EPUB, $23.99, 978-1-55652-974-0 —Outside Kindle, $23.99, 978-1-55652-973-3, $23.95 rights: World travel 464 pages, 5½ × 8½, 25 b & w photos THE TURQUOISE paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-56976-841-9 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-970-6 Anya Seton EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-972-0 fiction, 384 pages, 5¼ × 8 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-971-3 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-803-3 rights: World rights: Not available WANTON WEST UNSCREWED Madams, Money, Murder, and the Wild Women of Salvage and Reuse Motors, Gears, Switches, and More Montana’s Frontier from Your Old Electronics Lael Morgan Ed Sobey “A fascinating history.” —BUST • Selection of the Scientific American Book Club “With a well expressed appreciation for her subject, Mor- science / activity, 224 pages, 6 × 9, 200 b & w photos gan reveals how the prostitutes who followed the hordes paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-604-0 of miners and soldiers paved the way for more traditional Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-892-1 female settlers.” —Publishers Weekly EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-894-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-893-8 US history / women’s studies rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 121

320 pages, 6 × 9, 21 b & w photos WILDFIRE AT MIDNIGHT cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-338-4 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-895-2 Mary Stewart EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-897-6 “[Here] is another of Miss Stewart’s captivatingly spirited Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-896-9 heroines, and the story is rich in uncertainty, excitement, rights: World and sheer narrative flow.” —New York Times fiction, 224 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 THE WAY KITCHENS WORK paper, $14.95, 978-1-61374-446-8 The Science Behind the Microwave, Teflon Pan, Garbage Disposal, and More rights: Not available Ed Sobey WILL MY KID GROW OUT OF IT? “For the cook that loves new gadgets, and likes to know the A Child Psychologist’s Guide to Understanding ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the kitchen, this is the perfect gift!” Worrisome Behavior —Cookbook Digest Bonny J. Forrest, JD, PhD science / cooking, 192 pages, 7 × 10 parenting / psychology, 288 pages, 6 × 9 175 b & w photos, 100 b & w illustrations paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-61374-762-9 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-281-3 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-763-6 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-702-3 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-765-0 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-307-2 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-764-3 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-703-0 rights: World rights: World WOMEN’S WICKED WIT THE WAY TOYS WORK From Jane Austen to Rosanne Barr The Science Behind the Magic 8 Ball, Etch A Sketch, Michelle Lovric Boomerang, and More “There is something for everyone in these pithy, funny, out- Ed Sobey and Woody Sobey rageous, enigmatic, feminist, antifeminist, arrogant, self- • A Scientific American Book Club selection mocking quotations.” —Publishers Weekly science / technology, 160 pages, 7 × 10 humor, 320 pages, 5 × 7 100 b & w photos and drawings paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-55652-451-6 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-745-6 rights: Not available Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-402-2 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-309-6 WONDER WOMAN UNBOUND Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-308-9 The Curious History of the World’s Most Famous rights: World Heroine Tim Hanley THE WEED RUNNERS • A 2015 Amelia Bloomer Project List selection Travels with the Outlaw Capitalists of America’s Medical Marijuana Trade “A useful companion history that’s good at placing the char- acter in the setting of her comic-franchise peers.” Nicholas Schou —The New York Review of Books social science, 224 pages, 6 × 9 comics / literary criticism, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 35 color photos, paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-410-9 7 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-411-6 paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-61374-909-8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-413-0 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-910-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-412-3 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-912-8 rights: US, CAN & MX Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-911-1 WHY THERE’S ANTIFREEZE IN YOUR TOOTHPASTE rights: World The Chemistry of Household Ingredients THE WORLD DON’T OWE ME NOTHING Simon Quellen Field The Life and Times of Delta Bluesman Honeyboy • A Scientific American Book Club selection Edwards science, 288 pages, 6 × 9, 200 b & w illustrations David Honeyboy Edwards paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-697-8 • David Honeyboy Edwards received a Lifetime Achieve- Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-312-6 ment Award at the 2010 Grammy Awards EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-682-8 “This is a deeply moving memoir.” —Studs Terkel Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-663-7 rights: World African American / autobiography 122 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS BACKLIST

304 pages, 6 × 9, 41 b & w photos, 1 map paper, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-368-7 Adobe PDF, $21, 978-1-55652-980-1 EPUB, $21, 978-1-55652-982-5 Kindle, $21, 978-1-55652-981-8 rights: World THE WRITING GROUP BOOK Creating and Sustaining a Successful Writing Group Edited by Lisa Rosenthal “This book’s cheer is Write on! Read it and you will.” —Rita Mae Brown “The Writing Group Bookbrims with useful information and anecdotes that are anything but dry.” — Writer’s Digest writing, 304 pages, 5½ × 8½ Adobe PDF, $11.95, 978-1-56976-514-2 EPUB, $11.95, 978-1-56976-515-9 Kindle, $11.95, 978-1-55652-931-3 rights: World YOGA MADE EASY A Personal Yoga Program That Will Transform Your Daily Life Howard health / medical, 160 pages, 7½ × 10½, 300 color photos paper, $18.95 (CAN $28.95), 978-1-55652-421-9 rights: Not available YOU CALL THIS THE FUTURE? The Greatest Inventions Sci-Fi Imagined and Science Promised Nick Sagan, Mark Frary, and Andy Walker “A delightful ‘expedition in search of the future.’” —Publishers Weekly science / technology, 160 pages, 6¼ × 8 66 color photos, 25 color illustrations, 13 diagrams paper, $14.95, 978-1-55652-685-5 rights: Not available YOUR SECOND PREGNANCY What to Expect This Time Katie Tamony parenting / family care, 244 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-234-5 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-316-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-317-1 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-938-2 rights: World rights sold: Russian CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS 123 BACKLIST

ABRAHAM LINCOLN FOR KIDS AMAZING RUBBER BAND CARS His Life and Times with 21 Activities Easy-to-Build Wind-Up Racers, Models, and Toys Janis Herbert Mike Rigsby “Provides a fresh perspective on one of the most beloved “Finally, an engineer writes a book for kids! Mike Rigsby presidents of all time.” — School Library Journal realizes that you learn more by building than by buying.” activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ —Cliff Stoll, author, The Cuckoo’s Egg 100 b & w photos, two-color interior “Filled with fun projects.” —Island Family Magazine paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-656-5 activity, ages 9 & up, 136 pages, 7 × 10 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-830-9 150 b & w photos, 70 diagrams EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-025-5 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-736-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-628-6 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-382-7 rights: World EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-117-7 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-116-0 AFRICA FOR KIDS rights: World Exploring a Vibrant Continent 19 Activities AMERICA’S BLACK FOUNDERS Harvey Croze Revolutionary Heroes and Early Leaders “Beautifully designed.” —Home Education Magazine with 21 Activities “Fun, vigorous.” —KLIATT Nancy I. Sanders activity, 208 pages, 11 × 8½, 70 color photos, 50 line drawings, • Award winner in the Children’s Nonfiction category of the 8 maps, 5 charts, four-color interior “Best Books 2010” Awards, sponsored by USA Book News paper, $19.99 (CAN $26.99), 978-1-55652-598-8 • Honorable mention for Children’s Books in the New Eng- Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-55652-703-6 land Book Festival EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-038-5 “Sanders includes well-known figures such as Phillis Wheat- Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-627-9 ley, Crispus Attucks, and James Forten in her narrative, but rights: World also enriches traditional accounts of the period by explain- ing the contributions of lesser-known patriots. . . . A solid AFRICAN CRAFTS resource.” —School Library Journal Fun Things to Make and Do from West Africa African American interest / nonfiction, Lynne Garner ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ activity, ages 8–12, 48 pages, 7⅞ × 8½ 100 b & w illustrations, two-color interior 135 color photos, four-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-811-8 cloth, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-55652-748-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-536-4 rights: Not available EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-121-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-120-7 ALBERT EINSTEIN AND RELATIVITY FOR KIDS rights: World His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities and Thought Experiments AMERICAN FOLK ART FOR KIDS with 21 Activities Jerome Pohlen Richard Panchyk • A 2013 Bank Street College Best Children’s Books of the Year Selection Forewords by William Ketchum Jr. and Mr. Imagination • A 2013 VOYA Nonfiction Honor List title “This is a unique resource that will encourage a wide range of students to reconsider what makes an object art and “Motivated readers will be rewarded with a better under- perhaps to reconnect with their own cultural heritage.” standing of the theories behind the science used today.” —Booklist —School Library Journal activity, ages 9 & up, 128 pages, 11 × 8½ nonfiction / science, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8 ½ four-color illustrations, 100 color photos 70 b & w photos, 45 b & w illustrations, two-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-499-8 paper, $16.95 ($18.95), 978-1-61374-028-6 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-519-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-029-3 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-119-1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-031-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-118-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-030-9 rights: World rights: World rights sold: Japanese, Turkish 124 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION FOR KIDS THE ART OF CONSTRUCTION A History with 21 Activities Projects and Principles for Beginning Engineers and Janis Herbert Architects • A Smithsonian Notable Book for Children Mario Salvadori “The dramatic events that lay behind the Founding Fathers’ • Winner of the New York Academy of Sciences Children’s struggle for liberty are vividly recounted in Herbert’s lively Science Book Award and the Boston Globe-Horn Book survey.” —Smithsonian Award for Nonfiction activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ “An extraordinary book.” —Chicago Tribune 50 b & w photos, 1 line drawing, 2 maps, two-color interior activity / design, ages 10 & up, paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-456-1 160 pages, 7 × 10, 160 b & w illustrations throughout Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-841-5 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-080-8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-050-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-127-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-629-3 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-676-7 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-632-3 rights: World ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND THEIR NEIGHBORS rights sold: Korean An Activity Guide Marian Broida THE ART OF THE CATAPULT Foreword by Gary Beckman, professor, University of Build Greek Ballistae, Roman Onagers, English Michigan Trebuchets, and More Ancient Artillery • A Smithsonian Notable Book for Children William Gurstelle activity, ages 9 & up, 176 pages, 11 × 8½ • A Selection of the Scientific American Book Club 25 b & w photos, two-color interior “This book is a hoot.” —Natural History paper, $18.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-55652-360-1 activity, ages 10 & up, 192 pages, 7 × 10, b & w illustrations throughout Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-55652-622-0 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-526-1 EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-61374-039-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-687-9 Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-56976-631-6 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-677-4 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-633-0 rights sold: Portuguese (Brazil) rights: World ANCIENT ISRAELITES AND THEIR NEIGHBORS rights sold: Korean An Activity Guide AWESOME SNAKE SCIENCE Marian Broida 40 Activities for Learning About Snakes Foreword by Scott Noegel, professor of Biblical and ancient Cindy Blobaum Near East studies, University of Washington “This book goes a long way to helping the average student • Winner of the 2003 Sydney Taylor Honor Book Award understand reptiles and support their interests. The simula- activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, 40 b & w photos tions, models, and facts will be appreciated by both young 125 b & w illustrations, 4 maps, two-color interior readers and their teachers.” paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-457-8 —National Science Teachers Association Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-520-3 nonfiction / biology, ages 9–12, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-123-8 45 b & w photos, 46 b & w illustrations, 3 tables Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-122-1 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-807-5 rights: World Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-318-8 ARCHAEOLOGY FOR KIDS EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-319-5 Uncovering the Mysteries of Our Past, 25 Activities Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-320-1 rights: World Richard Panchyk “An enjoyable history lesson and science project all in one.” —Today’s Librarian activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ 60 b & w photos, 19 line drawings, 4 maps, two-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-395-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-842-2 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-026-2 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-630-9 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 125

BASEBALL HISTORY FOR KIDS BIG TOP BURNING America at Bat from 1900 to Today, with 19 Activities The True Story of an Arsonist, a Missing Girl, and The Richard Panchyk Greatest Show On Earth “[A]n informative title that should be a hit among sports- Laura A. Woollett minded readers.” —School Library Journal “This is nonfiction at its very best.” —Tulsa Book Review children’s nonfiction / history, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, 90 b & w photos children’s nonfiction / history, 176 pages, 5½ × 8½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-779-7 25 b & w photos, 1 map Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-780-3 cloth, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-61373-114-7 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-782-7 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61373-116-1 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-781-0 EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61373-117-8 rights: World Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61373-115-4 rights: World BEETHOVEN FOR KIDS His Life and Music with 21 Activities BIRDOLOGY Helen Bauer 30 Activities and Observations for Exploring the World of Birds nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, 50 b & w photos, two-color interior Monica Russo paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-711-5 Photographs by Kevin Byron Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-943-0 nonfiction / science & nature, 128 pages, 11 × 8½, four-color EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-945-4 interior, 60 color photos, 30 color illustrations Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-944-7 paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-949-4 rights: World Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61374-950-0 EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61374-952-4 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, AMERICAN GENIUS Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61374-951-7 His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities rights: World Brandon Marie Miller • A 2009 VOYA Nonfiction Honor List title BITE-SIZED SCIENCE Activities for Children in 15 Minutes or Less “Miller does an excellent job of presenting a synopsis of Franklin’s life in a highly readable manner.” John H. Falk and Kristi S. Rosenberg —School Library Journal • Parent Council Approved Seal nonfiction / activity, ages 9–12, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ activity, ages 3–8, 128 pages, 9¼ × 7, b & w illustrations throughout 60 b & w illustrations, 35 line drawings., two-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-348-9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-757-9 rights: World Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-367-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-130-6 BREAK THESE RULES Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-129-0 35 YA Authors On Speaking Up, Standing Out, and rights: World Being Yourself BEYOND THE SOLAR SYSTEM Edited by Luke Reynolds Exploring Galaxies, Black Holes, Alien Planets, and nonfiction / essays, 224 pages, 5½ × 8½ More, A History with 21 Activities paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-61374-784-1 Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-61374-785-8 Mary Kay Carson EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-61374-787-2 • A National Science Teachers Association 2014 Outstand- Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-61374-786-5 ing Science Trade Books for Students K–12 title rights: World nonfiction, science, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ 80 four-color photos, 20 b & w illustrations, four-color interior CALIFORNIA HISTORY FOR KIDS paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-61374-544-1 Missions, Miners, and Moviemakers in the Golden Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-545-8 State, Includes 21 Activities EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-547-2 Katy S. Duffield Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-546-5 rights: World “Covers all of the state’s history and places it within the rights sold: Japanese larger context of American history, making it a good class- room or library resource.” —School Library Journal nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ 45 b & w photos, 25 b & w illustrations, 3 maps, two-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-532-6 126 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-964-5 THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT FOR KIDS EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-966-9 A History with 21 Activities Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-965-2 rights: World Mary C. Turck “It is wonderful to see such a comprehensive guide to civil CHARTING THE WORLD rights education for young people.” Geography and Maps from Cave Paintings to GPS —Kweisi Mfume, President, NAACP with 21 Activities activity, ages 9 & up, 208 pages, 11 × 8½, 24 b & w photos Richard Panchyk paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-370-0 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-846-0 nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-051-4 15 color photos, 15 color illustrations, 60 maps, four-color interior Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-635-4 paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-56976-344-5 rights: World Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-916-4 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-918-8 THE CIVIL WAR FOR KIDS Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-917-1 rights: World A History with 21 Activities Janis Herbert CHICAGO HISTORY FOR KIDS “This book provides a look at the Civil War and its leaders Triumphs and Tragedies of the Windy City, Includes and includes activities such as battle reenactments and 21 Activities recipes for soldiers’ rations. . . . Ideal for classrooms.” Owen Hurd —School Library Journal Foreword by Gary Johnson activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ 50 b & w photos, two-color interior • A Chicago Public Library Best of the Best Book paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-355-7 “A fun, fact-filled tome for our pintsized history buffs.” Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-521-0 —Chicago Social EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-153-5 activity, ages 9 & up, 192 pages, 11 × 8½ Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-636-1 130 b & w photos, two-color interior rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-654-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-831-6 CLASSICAL KIDS EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-040-8 An Activity Guide to Life in Ancient Greece and Rome Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-634-7 Laurie Carlson rights: World • Parent’s Guide to Children’s Media Award CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS AND THE AGE OF EXPLORATION FOR KIDS “A treasure trove for teachers.” —Childrens’ Literature With 21 Activities activity, ages 5–12, 200 pages, 11 × 8½, 100 line drawings Ronald A. Reis paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-290-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-569-2 • Selected as one of the National Council for Social Studies EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-779-5 2014 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-637-8 nonfiction / nature, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, 50 b & w rights: World photos, two-color interior rights sold: German paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-674-5 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-675-2 CODE NAME PAULINE EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-677-6 Memoirs of a World War II Special Agent Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-676-9 rights: World Pearl Witherington Cornioley Edited by Kathryn J. Atwood THE CIRCUS OF WORDS · A 2014 NCSS-CBC Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Acrobatic Anagrams, Parading Palindromes, Young People selection Wonderful Words on a Wire, and More Lively “A gripping, true story of a courageous secret agent fighting Letter Play behind enemy lines, as riveting as any work of historical Richard Lederer fiction.” —Kirkus Reviews Illustrations by Dave Morice young adult nonfiction / autobiography, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½ activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 8 × 8, 28 line drawings 28 b & w photos, 3 maps paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-380-9 paper, $12.95 (CAN $15.95), 978-1-61373-158-1 rights: World cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-487-1 NOW AVAILABLE 127

Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-488-8 b & w illustrations throughout EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-490-1 Adobe PDF, $11.95, 978-1-56976-522-7 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-489-5 rights: World rights: World DOABLE RENEWABLES COLONIAL KIDS 16 Alternative Energy Projects for Young Scientists An Activity Guide to Life in the New World Mike Rigsby Laurie Carlson “Full of hands-on ways to help students understand the • A Scholastic and Newbridge Book Club selection principles of alternative energy and have fun doing it.” • Parents’ Choice Approved Seal —Curriculum Review “Colonial American life comes to life in this attractive and nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 224 pages, 7 × 10 easy-to-use book.” —School Library Journal 180 b & w photos, 15 b & w illustrations activity, ages 5–12, 152 pages, 11 × 8½, 200 line drawings paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-343-8 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-322-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-767-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-780-1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-076-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-781-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-768-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-638-5 rights: World rights: World rights sold: German A DOG’S BEST FRIEND An Activity Book for Kids and Their Dogs DARWIN AND EVOLUTION FOR KIDS Lisa Rosenthal His Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities Foreword by John Caruso, The Anti-Cruelty Society Kristan Lawson • American Booksellers Association Children’s Pick of the • Selected by the Children’s Book Council and the National List Science Teachers Association as an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K–12, 2004 “Gives ideas for fun safe activities for you and your dog to do together.” —Boston Globe “The best book on Darwin for young students we have found!” —Classical Home Education activity, ages 6–12, 192 pages, 9 ¼ × 7 b & w illustrations throughout “A thorough introduction.” —School Library Journal paper, $10.99 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-362-5 activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, 20 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-56976-598-2 100 b & w illustrations, 20 line drawings, 3 maps, two-color interior EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-61374-160-3 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-502-5 Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-61374-159-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-847-7 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-041-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-639-2 DON’T TOUCH THAT! rights: World The Book of Gross, Poisonous, and Downright Icky rights sold: Serbian Plants and Critters DAYS OF KNIGHTS AND DAMSELS Jeff Day, MD An Activity Guide nonfiction, ages 7 to 9, 112 pages, 6 × 9, four-color interior Laurie Carlson paper, $9.95 (CAN $10.95), 978-1-55652-711-1 Adobe PDF, $7.99, 978-1-55652-965-8 activity, ages 5–12, 184 pages, 11 × 8½, line drawings throughout EPUB, $7.99, 978-1-55652-972-6 paper, $15.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-55652-291-8 Kindle, $7.99, 978-1-55652-971-9 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-56976-782-5 rights: World EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-56976-783-2 Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-56976-640-8 THE DREAMER’S COMPANION rights: World A Young Person’s Guide to Understanding Dreams rights sold: German, Russian and Using Them Creatively DESERTS Stephen Phillip Policoff An Activity Guide for Ages 6–9 “Fun and useful.” —KLIATT Nancy F. Castaldo activity, ages 12 & up, 224 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ “This guide, like others by the same publisher, imparts an paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-280-2 impressive amount of information about the subject in a rights: World way that appeals to youngsters.” — Science News activity, ages 6–9, 128 pages, 10 × 8 128 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

DUKE ELLINGTON ENGINEERING THE CITY His Life in Jazz, 21 Activities How Infrastructure Works: Projects and Stephanie Stein Crease Principles for Beginners “A thorough look at Ellington’s musical life and legacy.” Matthys Levy and Richard Panchyk —School Library Journal activity, ages 9 & up, 132 pages, 7 × 10 activity, ages 9 & up, 140 pages, 11 × 8½ b & w illustrations throughout 50 b & w photos, two-color interior paper, $14.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-419-6 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-724-1 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-537-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-242-4 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-165-8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-162-7 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-737-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-161-0 rights: World rights: World EXPLORING THE SOLAR SYSTEM EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOES, AND TSUNAMIS A History with 22 Activities Projects and Principles for Beginning Geologists Revised edition Matthys Levy and Mario Salvadori Mary Kay Carson activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 7 × 10 • Awarded the 2009 Children’s Literature Award by the 125 b & w illustrations American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-801-9 activity, ages 9 & up, 176 pages, 11 × 8½ Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-255-4 120 color photos, 40 b & w photos, four-color interior EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-164-1 paper, $17.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-715-9 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-163-4 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-55652-838-5 rights: World EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-042-2 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-641-5 EARTHRISE rights: World My Adventures as an Apollo 14 Astronaut rights sold: Japanese Edgar Mitchell with Ellen Mahoney AN EYE FOR ART Foreword by Dr. Brian Cox Focusing on Great Artists and Their Work “This fascinating insider account of astronaut training and Presented by the National Gallery of Art the transformative experience of traveling to the moon will especially appeal to readers with an interest in astronomy art, ages 7–12, 180 pages, 9 × 11 and space travel.” —Kirkus Reviews 230 four-color photos, four-color interior paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95) 978-1-61374-897-8 autobiography / young adult nonfiction, 192 pages, 5½ × 8½, Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-898-5 14 color photos, 6 b & w photos EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-900-5 cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-61374-901-2 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-899-2 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-902-9 rights: World EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-904-3 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-903-6 FAMILY FUN NIGHTS rights: World 140 Activities the Whole Family Will Enjoy ELIZABETH I, THE PEOPLE’S QUEEN Lisa Bany-Winters Her Life and Times, 21 Activities activity, 160 pages, 10 × 8, illustrations throughout Kerrie Logan Hollihan Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-599-9 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-169-6 “This well-organized book succeeds at being interesting and Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-642-2 scholarly at the same time.” —School Library Journal rights: World nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ 10 b & w photos, 60 b & w illustrations, two-color interior THE FLYING MACHINE BOOK paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-349-0 Build and Launch 35 Rockets, Gliders, Helicopters, Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-883-9 Boomerangs, and More EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-885-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-884-6 Bobby Mercer rights: World • Winner of the Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award “Hands-on activities that encourage imaginations to soar.” —Kirkus Reviews NOW AVAILABLE 129

nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 208 pages, 8 × 8 FREEDOM SONG 270 b & w photos, 6 b & w illustrations Young Voices and the Struggle for Civil Rights paper, $16.99 (CAN $19.99), 978-1-61374-086-6 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-088-0 Mary C. Turck EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-089-7 “Freedom Song is a beautiful and accessible history of the Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-087-3 American civil rights movement and the South African rights: World antiapartheid movement.” —Ysaye M. Barnwell, Sweet Honey in the Rock FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT FOR KIDS African American interest / activity His Life and Ideas ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ Second Edition 50 b & w illustrations, two-color interior Kathleen Thorne-Thomsen Includes CD paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-773-9 nonfiction / history, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, two-color interior, Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-352-0 50 b & w photos EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-326-3 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-474-1 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-325-6 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-475-8 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-477-2 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-476-5 FRIDA KAHLO AND DIEGO RIVERA rights: World Their Lives and Ideas, 24 Activities FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT FOR KIDS Carol Sabbeth His Life and Times, with 21 Activities “Vibrant insights into the colorful artist couple.” Richard Panchyk —Curriculum Review Forewords by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. and Senator activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ Edward M. Kennedy 50 color photos, 12 b & w photos, 13 b & w illustrations four-color interior “Information about the Roosevelts [is] presented in a lively, paper, $17.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-569-8 engaging manner. —School Library Journal Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61374-181-8 activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-183-2 61 b & w photos, two-color interior Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61374-182-5 paper, $14.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-657-2 rights: World Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-55652-832-3 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-043-9 FRIENDS OF THE EARTH Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-180-1 A History of American Environmentalism, with rights: World 21 Activities FREDERICK DOUGLASS FOR KIDS Pat McCarthy His Life and Times, with 21 Activities nonfiction / biology, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ 40 b & w photos, 20 b & w illustrations, two-color interior Nancy I. Sanders paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-718-4 • A 2012 National Parenting Publications Awards silver Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-973-7 winner EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-975-1 “Thoughtful and well-researched . . . a thorough and involv- Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-974-4 ing examination of a great man, equally suited to individual rights: World immersion and classroom collaboration.” —Booklist nonfiction / history, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8 ½ FUNNY BONES 60 b & w photos, 60 b & w illustrations, two-color interior Comedy Games and Activities for Kids paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-717-7 Lisa Bany-Winters Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-356-0 • A Smithsonian Notable Book for Children EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-357-7 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-358-4 “A primer on the art of humor.” —Dallas Morning News rights: World activity, ages 9–12, 176 pages, 11 × 8½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-444-8 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-184-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-186-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-185-6 rights: World 130 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

GALILEO FOR KIDS paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61373-051-5 His Life and Ideas, 25 Activities Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-052-3 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61373-054-6 Richard Panchyk Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-053-9 Foreword by Buzz Aldrin rights: World “A must-have.” —KLIATT GREEN THUMBS “Fascinating . . . full of useful and insightful information.” A Kid’s Activity Guide to Indoor and Outdoor —Science Books & Films Gardening activity, ages 9 & up, 184 pages, 11 × 8½ Laurie Carlson two-color interior, 50 b & w photos “Wonderful projects for discovering nature.” paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-566-7 —Appraisal magazine Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-374-2 activity, ages 5–12, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, 250 line drawings EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-188-7 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-238-3 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-187-0 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-785-6 rights: World EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-786-3 rights sold: Japanese, Croatian Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-645-3 rights: World GAY & LESBIAN HISTORY FOR KIDS The Century-Long Struggle for LGBT Rights, HARRY HOUDINI FOR KIDS with 21 Activities His Life and Adventures with 21 Magic Tricks and Jerome Pohlen Illusions • A 2016 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young Laurie Carlson People selection “Even for those familiar with Houdini’s fascinating story, • A Lambda Literary Award finalist Carlson’s snappy writing gives it new life.” —Booklist “This is an important resource that belongs in every activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ collection.” —Booklist 50 b & w photos, two-color interior children’s nonfiction / history, 192 pages, 11 × 8½, 70 b & w photos, paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-782-1 two-color interior Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-220-2 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61373-082-9 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-195-5 Adobe PDF, $16.99, 978-1-61373-083-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-194-8 EPUB, $16.99, 978-1-61373-085-0 rights: World Kindle, $16.99, 978-1-61373-084-3 rights: World HEADING WEST GEORGE WASHINGTON FOR KIDS Life with the Pioneers, 21 Activities His Life and Times with 21 Activities Pat McCarthy Brandon Marie Miller nonfiction / activity, ages 9–12, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ “Provides a wealth of biographical detail and historical 50 b & w photos, 50 b & w illustrations, two-color interior background information.” — Home Education Magazine paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-809-5 activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½w Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-333-9 two-color interior, 50 b & w illustrations EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-199-3 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-655-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-198-6 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-836-1 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-044-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-189-4 HEALTHY ME rights: World Fun Ways to Develop Good Health and Safety Habits THE GREAT DEPRESSION FOR KIDS Michelle O’Brien-Palmer Hardship and Hope in 1930s America, with 21 • Children’s Literature Top Choice Activities • A selection of Early Childhood Teacher’s Book Club Cheryl Mullenbach activity, ages 5–8, 160 pages, 9¼ × 7, line drawings throughout • A 2016 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young paper, $12.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-172-0 People selection rights: World “The information is solid, and Mullenbach provides facts not usually found elsewhere.” —School Library Journal children’s nonfiction / history, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, two-color interior, 50 b & w photos NOW AVAILABLE 131

HENRY DAVID THOREAU FOR KIDS Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-098-9 His Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-099-6 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-097-2 Corrine Hosfeld Smith rights: World “Well organized and with plenty of grist for both minds and hands.” —Kirkus Reviews HOW THE EARTH WORKS children’s nonfiction / history, 128 pages, 11 × 8½ 60 Fun Activities for Exploring Volcanoes, Fossils, 30 b & w photos, 20 b & w illustrations, 2 maps, two-color interior Earthquakes, and More paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61373-146-8 Michelle O’Brien-Palmer Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-148-2 • A selection of Primary Teacher’s Book Club EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61373-149-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-147-5 activity, 192 pages, 9¼ × 7, 10 b & w photos, 50 line drawings rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-442-4 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-722-1 HENRY FORD FOR KIDS EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-724-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-723-8 His Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities rights: World Ronald A. Reis rights sold: India “This entry in the broad-ranging For Kids series does an impressive job of offering a multidimensional perspective HOW TO TALK TO CHILDREN ABOUT ART on a giant of industry.” —Booklist Françoise Barbe-Gall children’s nonfiction / biography, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, 50 b & w “An excellent resource for art gallery or museum visits.” photos, 20 b & w illustrations —B.C. Parent paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61373-090-4 parenting / education resource, ages 5 and up Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-092-8 208 pages, 5½ × 8½, four-color throughout EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-093-5 paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-580-3 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-091-1 rights: Not available rights: World THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION FOR KIDS HOME FRONT GIRL The People and Technology That Changed the World, A Diary of Love, Literature, and Growing Up in with 21 Activities Wartime America Cheryl Mullenbach Joan Wehlen Morrison • A 2015 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young Edited by Susan Signe Morrison People selection • A 2013 Bank Street College Best Children’s Books of the nonfiction / history, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, two-color interior, Year Selection 50 b & w photos “These diaries are a treasure on a scale with Anne Frank’s. paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-690-5 They tell the remarkable story of a real girl in a momentous Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-691-2 time in history, from a unique viewpoint full of humor, EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-693-6 insight, and emotional highs and lows on both a personal Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61364-692-9 and an international level.” —BlogCritics rights: World autobiography, ages 12 & up, 272 pages, 5½ × 8½ 17 b & w photos, 46 b & w illustrations IN THE FIELDS AND THE TRENCHES cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-457-4 The Famous and the Forgotten on the Battlefields of Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-458-1 World War I EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-460-4 Kerrie Logan Hollihan Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-459-8 young adult nonfiction / history, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½, rights: World 50 b & w photos cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-61373-130-7 THE HOT AIR BALLOON BOOK Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-61373-131-4 Build and Launch Kongming Lanterns, Solar EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-61373-133-8 Tetroons, and More Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-61373-132-1 Clive Catterall rights: World activity / science, ages 9 & up, 240 pages, 8 × 8 400 b & w illustrations paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95) 978-1-61374-096-5 132 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

INSECTIGATIONS EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-214-3 40 Hands-on Activities to Explore the Insect World Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-213-6 rights: World Cindy Blobaum activity, ages 7–10, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, 100 b & w illustrations KIDS CAMP! paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-568-1 Activities for the Backyard or Wilderness Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-556525-624-4 Laurie Carlson and Judith Dammel EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-045-3 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-211-2 activity, ages 5–12, 924 pages, 11 × 8½, 180 line drawings rights: World paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-55652-237-6 Adobe PDF, $16.99, 978-1-56976-787-0 ISAAC NEWTON AND PHYSICS FOR KIDS EPUB, $16.99, 978-1-56976-788-7 His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities Kindle, $16.99, 978-1-56976-647-7 rights: World Kerrie Logan Hollihan “This book gives readers a clear picture of Newton’s impact KIDS CELEBRATE! on the study of physics and astronomy.” —Booklist Activities for Special Days Throughout the Year nonfiction / activity, ages 9–12 Maria Bonfanti Esche and Clare Bonfanti Braham 144 pages, 11 × 8½, 80 b & w illustrations, two-color interior • Parent Council Approved Seal paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-778-4 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-317-9 • A Newbridge Book Club selection EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-212-9 activity, ages 3–9, 312 pages, 11 × 8½, line drawings throughout Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-646-0 paper, $17.95 (CAN $26.95), 978-1-55652-292-5 rights: World Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61374-215-0 rights sold: Croatian, Japanese EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-217-4 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61374-216-7 JUNK DRAWER CHEMISTRY rights: World 50 Awesome Experiments That Don’t Cost a Thing Bobby Mercer A KID’S GUIDE TO AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY More than 70 Activities children’s nonfiction / activity, 224 pages, 6 × 9, 230 b & w photos, Second edition 5 b & w illustrations paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-61373-179-6 Nancy I. Sanders Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-180-2 “A fascinating look at an aspect of American history that is EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61373-182-6 often left out of history books.”— Washington Sun Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-181-9 activity, ages 7–9, 256 pages, 11 × 8½ rights: World b & w illustrations throughout paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-653-4 JUNK DRAWER PHYSICS Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-839-2 50 Awesome Experiments That Don’t Cost a Thing EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-036-1 Bobby Mercer Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-648-4 activity / science, 208 pages, 6 × 9, 230 b & w photos rights: World paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-61374-920-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-921-0 A KID’S GUIDE TO ARAB AMERICAN HISTORY EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-923-4 More Than 50 Activities Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-922-7 Yvonne Wakim Dennis and Maha Addasi rights: World • A 2014 Arab American Book Award winner in the Chil- KEYS TO AMERICAN HISTORY dren/YA category Understanding Our Most Important Historic “Chock-full of fascinating insights into a vibrant, inspiring Documents community, punctuated by fun (even delicious) activities, this book taught me so much! Every American kid should Richard Panchyk read it, and every American grown-up, too.” “A one-of-a-kind, easy-to-use resource.” —Kirkus Reviews —Cynthia Leitich Smith, author of Jingle Dancer history / reference, ages 12 & up, 224 pages, 8½ × 11 nonfiction / history, ages 7–9, 224 pages, 11 × 8 ½ 80 b & w photos, two-color interior 19 b & w photos, 98 b & w illustrations paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-804-0 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-017-0 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-716-6 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-018-7 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-523-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-020-0 NOW AVAILABLE 133

Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-019-4 LEONARDO DA VINCI FOR KIDS rights: World His Life and Ideas, 21 Activities A KID’S GUIDE TO ASIAN AMERICAN HISTORY Janis Herbert More than 70 Activities • Selected by the Children’s Book Council and the National Council for Social Studies as a Notable Social Studies Trade Valerie Petrillo Book for Young People “Offers an exciting way for parents or teachers to teach kids “Thoroughly illustrated and well designed, this is a fine pur- about their own heritage or the culture of those around chase that rises above the current bounty of available books them.” —Parents Express on the subject.” —Booklist activity, ages 7–9, 256 pages, 11 × 8½, 150 b & w illustrations activity, ages 8 & up, 104 pages, 11 × 8½, four-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-634-3 paper, $17.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-298-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-840-8 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-56976-524-1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-037-8 EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-229-7 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-218-1 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-649-1 rights: World rights: World rights sold: Portuguese (Brazil) A KID’S GUIDE TO LATINO HISTORY More than 50 Activities LEWIS AND CLARK FOR KIDS Their Journey of Discovery with 21 Activities Valerie Petrillo Janis Herbert “Petrillo does an outstanding job of illustrating the rich “This book invites readers to join Lewis and Clark’s epic variety within Latino cultures. . . . An excellent resource for journey and helps them make their own discoveries along enriching children’s understanding of these cultures.” the way.” —Dayton Duncan, cowriter and coproducer of —School Library Journal the PBS documentary Lewis and Clark: activity, ages 7–9, 224 pages, 11 × 8½ The Journey of the Corps of Discovery paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-771-5 activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, 50 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-334-6 two-color interior EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-220-4 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-374-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-219-8 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-356-8 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-231-0 A KID’S GUIDE TO NATIVE AMERICAN HISTORY Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-230-3 rights: World More than 70 Activities Yvonne Wakim Dennis and Arlene Hirschfelder LIGHTHOUSES FOR KIDS • A 2010 Independent Publisher Book Awards silver medal- History, Science, and Lore with 21 Activities ist in the Children’s Interactive Category Katherine L. House • A 2010 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award gold medalist “Noteworthy for the way in which the activities are related activity, ages 7–9, 240 pages, 11 × 8½ to the information in the text. The opening stories about keepers’ kids will engage readers.” —School Library Journal paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-802-6 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-351-3 activity, ages 9 & up, 128 pages, 11 × 8½, 75 b & w photos EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-222-8 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-720-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-221-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-837-8 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-046-0 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-232-7 KINETIC CONTRAPTIONS rights: World Build a Hovercraft, Airboat, and More with LOAVES OF FUN a Hobby Motor A History of Bread with Activities and Recipes from Curt Gabrielson Around the World nonfiction / activity, ages 12 & up, 192 pages, 7 × 10, 300 b & w photos Elizabeth M. Harbison paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-957-3 Illustrations by John Harbison Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-538-8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-224-2 • Family Channel Seal of Quality Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-223-5 activity, ages 6–12, 112 pages, 9¼ × 7, 85 b & w illustrations rights: World paper, $14.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-311-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-574-6 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-790-0 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-789-4 rights: World 134 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

THE MANY FACES OF JOSEPHINE BAKER MAROONED IN THE ARCTIC Dancer, Singer, Activist, Spy The True Story of Ada Blackjack, the “Female Peggy Caravantes Robinson Crusoe” “A fascinating, compelling story of a remarkably resilient Peggy Caravantes woman who overcame poverty and racial prejudice to “A fascinating portrait of a young woman who showed become an international celebrity.” —Kirkus Reviews strength and fortitude when thrust into a perilous environ- biography / history, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½, 20 b & w photos ment.” —Publishers Weekly cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-61373-034-8 young adult nonfiction / biography, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½, Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-035-5 20 b & w photos EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-037-9 cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-61373-098-0 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-036-2 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-100-0 rights: World EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-101-7 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-099-7 MARCO POLO FOR KIDS rights: World His Marvelous Journey to China 21 Activities MATH GAMES AND ACTIVITIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD Janis Herbert Claudia Zaslavsky “[A] handsome volume.” —Publishers Weekly “Connects youngsters with ‘friends’ around the globe and activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ through time in compelling math play.” 50 b & w photos, 7 line drawings, two-color interior —Dr. Lorraine Whitman, Executive Director, Salvadori Center paper, $17.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-377-9 “If I were able to buy only one resource . . . I would choose Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61374-233-4 this book.” —Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-234-1 activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-650-7 10 b & w photos, line drawings throughout rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-287-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-238-9 THE MARK OF THE HORSE LORD EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-239-6 Rosemary Sutcliff Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-651-4 Afterword by Scott O’Dell rights: World rights sold: Complex Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, “All that has been so much admired in Miss Sutcliff’s writ- Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Hungarian ing—her concern with the nature of courage, the marvel- ous ease with which she moves within an historical situa- MATH GAMES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL tion, the power and beauty of her style—flower together to produce a single astonishing experience.” —Guardian Challenges and Skill-Builders for Students at Every Level juvenile fiction, 296 pages, 5¼ × 8¼ paper, $12.95, 978-1-61373-154-3 Mario Salvadori and Joseph P. Wright Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-61373-155-0 As taught in selected public schools through the Salvadori EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-61373-157-4 Educational Center for the Built Environment Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-61373-156-7 activity, ages 11–14, 184 pages, 7 × 10, 20 line drawings, 20 tables rights: Not Available paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-288-8 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-725-2 MARK TWAIN FOR KIDS EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-727-6 His Life and Times, 21 Activities Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-726-9 R. Kent Rasmussen rights: World rights sold: Korean “A fun companion to the works of Mr. Twain.” —Dallas Morning News MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ A Fiesta of Cultures, Crafts, and Activities for Ages 8–12 two-color illustrations throughout, 100 b & w photos Mary C. Turck paper, $14.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-527-8 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-235-8 • A Selection of Scholastic’s Club Leo EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-237-2 “[This book] should be in every school library.” Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-236-5 —Rockford Register Star rights: World activity, ages 8–12, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, b & w illustrations throughout, 12 b & w photos, two-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-525-4 NOW AVAILABLE 135

Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-240-2 Adobe PDF, $11.95, 978-1-56976-791-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-242-6 EPUB, $11.95, 978-1-56976-792-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-241-9 Kindle, $11.95, 978-1-56976-653-8 rights: World rights: World rights sold: Russian MODERN ART ADVENTURES THE MOTORBOAT BOOK 36 Creative, Hands-On Projects Inspired by Artists from Monet to Banksy Build & Launch 20 Jet Boats, Paddle-Wheelers, Electric Submarines & More Maja Pitamic and Jill Laidlaw Ed Sobey “A standout resource for artists in the making.” —Publishers Weekly nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 224 pages, 8 × 8, 200 b & w photos paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-61374-447-5 children’s activity / art, 160 pages, 8¾ × 7¾, Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-448-2 300 color illustrations, four-color interior EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-451-2 paper, $19.95, 978-1-61373-177-2 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-449-9 rights: Not Available rights: World NATIVE AMERICAN HISTORY FOR KIDS MONET AND THE IMPRESSIONISTS FOR KIDS With 21 Activities Their Lives and Ideas, 21 Activities Karen Bush Gibson Carol Sabbeth “An excellent introduction to a vast and often ignored his- • A selection of Scholastic Book Clubs t or y.” — School Library Journal • Selected by the Children’s Book Council and the National nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ Council for Social Studies as a Notable Social Studies Trade 50 b & w photos, 30 b & w illustrations, two-color interior Book for Young People paper, $17.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-56976-280-6 “An indispensable learning resource.” Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-56976-749-8 —The Artist’s Magazine EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-245-7 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-750-4 activity, ages 9 & up, 152 pages, 11 × 8½ rights: World 50 color photos, 2 line drawings, four-color interior paper, $17.95 (CAN $26.95), 978-1-55652-397-7 NATURE’S PLAYGROUND Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-55652-625-1 Activities, Crafts, and Games to Encourage Children EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-048-4 to Get Outdoors Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-652-1 rights: World Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield activity, ages 7–9, 192 pages, 7½ × 9¾, 220 color photos MORE MATH GAMES AND ACTIVITIES FROM paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-723-4 AROUND THE WORLD rights: Not available Claudia Zaslavsky “Creative teachers and parents will find ideas to stimulate NELLIE BLY AND INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM FOR KIDS inquiring young minds.” — School Library Journal Mighty Muckrakers from the Golden Age to Today, with 21 Activities activity, ages 9 & up, 176 pages, 11 × 8½ b & w illustrations throughout Ellen Mahoney paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-501-8 • A 2016 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-728-3 People selection EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-730-6 “With excellent content, an appealing layout, and an excit- Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-729-0 ing topic, this book is a joy to read and explore.” —Booklist rights: World children’s nonfiction / media & journalism, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ rights sold: Complex Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Turkish, 50 b & w photos, two-color interior Hungarian paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-997-5 MORE THAN MOCCASINS Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-998-2 A Kid’s Activity Guide to Traditional North American EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-914090-03-8 Indian Life Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-999-9 rights: World Laurie Carlson activity, ages 5–12, 200 pages, 11 × 8½, 350 line drawings paper, $16.99 (CAN $22.99), 978-1-55652-213-0 136 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

NEW YORK CITY HISTORY FOR KIDS rights: World From New Amsterdam to the Big Apple with 21 rights sold: Korean Activities ORGANIC CRAFTS Richard Panchyk Earth-Friendly Art Activities for Ages 3–9 “A compelling history of the city that never sleeps.” Kimberly Monaghan —Kirkus Reviews “A wealth of creative accessible ideas.” —Booklist nonfiction / history, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8 ½ 40 b & w photos, 50 b & w illustrations, 5 maps, two-color interior activity, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, 75 b & w illustrations paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-883052-93-5 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-640-4 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-883052-94-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-399-5 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-883052-96-6 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-255-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-883052-95-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-254-9 rights: World rights: World NUMBER SENSE AND NONSENSE OUR SUPREME COURT A History with 14 Activities Building Math Creativity and Confidence Through Number Play Richard Panchyk Claudia Zaslavsky Foreword by Senator John Kerry Introduction by Nadine Strossen “An innovative approach to teaching the properties and rela- tionships of numbers and their relevance in the everyday Afterword by James Baker III world.” —School Library Journal “An outstanding foray into the workings of the Supreme activity, ages 8 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, 50 line drawings Court.” —Nashville Parent paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-378-6 activity, 208 pages, 11 × 8½, 60 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-883052-78-2 paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-607-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-883052-80-5 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-55652-709-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-883052-79-9 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-047-7 rights: World Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-256-3 rights sold: Complex Chinese, Portuguese rights: World OLD TESTAMENT DAYS THE PAPER BOOMERANG BOOK Build Them, Throw Them, and Get Them to Return An Activity Guide Every Time Nancy I. Sanders Mark Latno “An appealing book, with lots of variety, and it gives chil- “The boomerangs actually work, and I say it’s the coolest toy dren some good insights into what life was like during Old made out of paper ever.” —Newsday Testament days.” —Booklist nonfiction / science, 9 & up, 160 pages, 8 × 8 activity, ages 5–12, 176 pages, 11 × 8½ 90 b & w photos, 30 b & w illustrations b & w illustrations throughout paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-56976-282-0 paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-354-0 Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-56976-695-8 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-252-5 EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-61374-257-0 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-253-2 Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-56976-696-5 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-654-5 rights: World rights: World POLAR EXPLORERS FOR KIDS ON STAGE Historic Expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic with Theater Games and Activities for Kids 21 Activities Second Edition Maxine Snowden Lisa Bany-Winters “There is a lot of interesting and often fascinating informa- “Plenty of ideas for warm-up exercises, pantomime, impro- tion here.” —School Library Journal visation, making masks, and other activities geared to turn activity, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ stage fright into stage fun.” —Publishers Weekly 54 b & w photos, 15 line drawings, 20 maps two-color interior nonfiction / performing arts, ages 7–12, 240 pages 11 × 8 ½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-500-1 116 b & w illustrations Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-261-7 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-073-6 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-263-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-090-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-262-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-091-0 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-079-8 rights sold: Japanese NOW AVAILABLE 137

PUN AND GAMES nonfiction / history, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½, 20 b & w photos Jokes, Riddles, Daffynitions, Tairy Fales, Rhymes, and cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-61374-710-0 More Wordplay for Kids Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-711-7 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-713-1 Richard Lederer Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-712-4 Illustrations by Dave Morice rights: World activity, ages 10 & up, 112 pages 5½ × 8½ paper, $10.95 (CAN $11.95), 978-1-55652-264-2 RIGHTFULLY OURS Adobe PDF, $8.99, 978-1-61374-626-4 How Women Won the Vote, 21 Activities EPUB, $8.99, 978-1-61374-628-8 Kerrie Logan Hollihan Kindle, $8.99, 978-1-61374-627-1 rights: World • A 2013 Amelia Bloomer Project List selection • A 2013 Bank Street College Best Children’s Books of the THE RACECAR BOOK Year Selection Build and Race Mousetrap Cars, Dragsters, Tri-Can • A 2013 VOYA Nonfiction Honor List title Haulers & More “[A] fine history of how women got the vote in the United Bobby Mercer States . . . [it] offers a powerful lesson in the vindication of the rights of women.” —Kirkus Reviews activity / science, ages 9 & up, 216 pages, 8 × 8 200 b & w photos, 20 b & w illustrations nonfiction / history, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8 ½ paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95) 978-1-61374-714-8 66 b & w photos, 62 b & w illustrations, two-color interior Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-715-5 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-883052-89-8 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-717-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-883052-90-4 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-716-2 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-883052-92-8 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-883052-91-1 rights: World RAINFORESTS An Activity Guide for Ages 6–9 THE ROBOT BOOK Nancy F. Castaldo Build & Control 20 Electric Gizmos, Moving • Named a 2003 Best Book for Children by Science Books Machines, and Hacked Toys and Films Bobby Mercer “A potpourri of resources and activity ideas.” activity / science, 208 pages, 8 × 8, 197 b & w photos —School Library Journal paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-55652-407-3 activity, ages 6–9, 144 pages, 10 × 8, b & w illustrations throughout Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-55652-435-6 paper, $14.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-476-9 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-55652-437-0 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-264-8 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-436-3 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-266-2 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-265-5 rights: World SAILORS, WHALERS, FANTASTIC SEA VOYAGES An Activity Guide to North American Sailing Life REDEFINING GIRLY Valerie Petrillo How Parents Can Fight the Stereotyping and Sexualizing of Girlhood, from Birth to Tween activity, ages 9 & up, 224 pages, 11 × 8½ 20 b & w photos, 50 b & w illustrations Melissa Atkins Wardy paper, $14.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-475-2 Foreword by Jennifer Siebel Newsom Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-271-6 parenting / social science, 256 pages, 6 × 9 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-273-0 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-552-6 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-272-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-553-3 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-555-7 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-554-0 SALVADOR DALÍ AND THE SURREALISTS rights: World Their Lives and Ideas, 21 Activities REPORTING UNDER FIRE Michael Elsohn Ross 16 Daring Women War Correspondents and Foreword by Peter Tush, Curator of Education, Salvador Photojournalists Dalí Museum Kerri Logan Hollihan “This visually stunning work enhances the body of mate- • A 2015 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young rial on the artist and his contemporaries. Eminently read- People selection able, the crisply written text is detailed and thorough.” —School Library Journal 138 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

activity, ages 10 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ SHE TAKES A STAND 42 color photos, 12 b & w photos, 13 b & w illustrations 16 Fearless Activists Who Have Changed the World four-color interior paper, $17.95 (CAN $26.95), 978-1-55652-479-0 Michael Elsohn Ross Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-56976-400-8 “A thoroughly researched book full of inspiring stories that EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-275-4 will appeal to young readers.” —VOYA Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61374-274-7 young adult nonfiction / biography, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½, rights: World 20 b & w photos cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-61373-026-3 SANDBOX SCIENTIST Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-027-0 Real Science Activities for Little Kids EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-029-4 Michael E. Ross Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-028-7 rights: World Illustrations by Mary Anne Lloyd • A Smithsonian Notable Book for Children SHOW TIME! • A Scholastic and Newbridge Book Club selection Music, Dance, and Drama Activities for Kids activity, ages 2–8, 208 pages, 9 × 7 Lisa Bany-Winters paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-248-2 “Useful for teachers, directors working with young actors, Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-578-4 and children looking for direction in theatrical ventures.” EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-795-5 —School Library Journal Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-794-8 activity, ages 6–12, 208 pages, 11 × 8½, 100 color illustrations rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-361-8 THE SCIENCE OF LIFE Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-284-6 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-285-3 Projects and Principles for Beginning Biologists Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-659-0 Frank G. Bottone, Jr. rights: World • A Smithsonian Notable Book for Children activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 7 × 10, 26 line drawings STOMP ROCKETS, CATAPULTS, AND KALEIDOSCOPES paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-382-3 30+ Amazing Science Projects You Can Build for Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-276-1 Less than $1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-278-5 Curt Gabrielson Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-777-8 activity, ages 9 & up, 176 pages, 7 × 10, 150 b & w photos rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-737-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-401-5 SENSE-ABILITIES EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-296-9 Fun Ways to Explore the Senses Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-738-2 Michelle O’Brien-Palmer rights: World • Children’s Literature Top Choice SURVIVOR KID “These great ideas should be welcomed by teachers.” A Practical Guide to Wilderness Survival —School Library Journal Denise Long activity, ages 4–8, 176 pages, 9 ¼ × 7, 100 line drawings paper, $12.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-327-4 “This practical book by a veteran search and rescue volunteer rights: World offers excellent tips on coping with potentially dangerous situ- ations in the backcountry. . . . A great book for anyone, young SHAKESPEARE FOR KIDS or old, who spends time in remote areas.” —Denver Post His Life and Times, 21 Activities nonfiction, 240 pages, 5 × 7, 125 line drawings paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-56976-708-5 Colleen Aagesen and Margie Blumberg Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-56976-877-8 • A Stage and Screen Book Club selection EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-56976-879-2 activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-56976-878-5 paper, $17.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-347-2 rights: World rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 139

TEXAS HISTORY FOR KIDS THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD FOR KIDS Lone Star Lives and Legends, with 21 Activities From Slavery to Freedom with 21 Activities Karen Bush Gibson Mary Kay Carson nonfiction / history, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, two-color interior, “Carson’s primary source–enriched narrative will provide 50 b & w photos, 20 b & w illustrations motivated readers with a palpable sense of the diversity of paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-989-0 the Railroad’s participants.” —Booklist Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-990-6 activity, ages 9 & up, 176 pages, 11 × 8½ EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-992-0 30 illustrations, 30 photos, two-color interior Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-991-3 paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-554-4 rights: World Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-55652-628-2 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-052-1 THEODORE ROOSEVELT FOR KIDS Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-305-8 His Life and Times, 21 Activities rights: World Kerrie Logan Hollihan “[An] attractive, well-written volume.” —Kirkus Reviews THE US CONGRESS FOR KIDS Over 200 Years of Lawmaking, Deal-Breaking, and nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ Compromising, with 21 Activities 60 b & w photos, 30 b & w illustrations, 5 maps, two-color interior paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-955-9 Ronald A. Reis Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-700-9 Foreword by Rep. Henry A. Waxman EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-303-4 Afterword by Rep. Kristi Noem Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-701-6 nonfiction / history, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, two-color interior, rights: World 50 b & w photos, 20 b & w illustrations THOMAS EDISON FOR KIDS paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-977-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-978-4 His Life and Ideas, 21 Activities EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-980-7 Laurie Carlson Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-979-1 • Winner of AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in rights: World Science Books “Makes a solid addition to the Edison shelf.” VAN GOGH AND THE POST-IMPRESSIONISTS FOR KIDS —Kirkus Reviews Their Lives and Ideas, 21 Activities activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ Carol Sabbeth 50 b & w photos, 50 b & w illustrations, two-color interior “An excellent resource for students and teachers. The exten- paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-584-1 sive biographical information not only provides solid mate- Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-269-1 rial for school reports, but also makes for a truly fascinating EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-304-1 read.” —School Library Journal Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-661-3 nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ rights: World 50 color photos, four-color interior rights sold: Japanese, Croatian paper, $17.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-56976-275-2 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-56976-880-8 THOMAS JEFFERSON FOR KIDS EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-56976-882-2 His Life and Times with 21 Activities Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-881-5 Brandon Marie Miller rights: World “Altogether admirable. . . . a concise, graceful, and accessible biography.” —R. B. Bernstein, author of Thomas Jefferson VERDI FOR KIDS and The Founding Fathers Reconsidered His Life and Music, with 21 Activities nonfiction / activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ Helen Bauer 60 b & w illustrations, two-color interior Foreword by Deborah Voigt paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-348-3 nonfiction / music, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ Adobe PDF, $11.95, 978-1-56976-940-9 50 b & w photos, two-color interior EPUB, $11.95, 978-1-56976-942-3 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-500-7 Kindle, $11.95, 978-1-56976-941-6 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-501-4 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-503-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-502-1 rights: World 140 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

WEATHER PROJECTS FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS THE WIND AT WORK Experiments and Science Fair Ideas An Activity Guide to Windmills Mary Kay Carson Second Edition, Revised & Updated “[An] engaging book.” —Science News Gretchen Woelfle “A useful addition to the earth science section.” “A wonderful resource for teachers and students. . . . A —Kirkus Reviews learning-friendly approach and superb material for science activity, 144 pages, 7 × 10 fair or for teachers and students who wish to break loose 40 b & w illustrations, 30 b & w photos, 15 charts from textbooks.” —KLIATT paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-629-9 nonfiction / science, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-55652-956-6 80 b & w photos, 30 b & w illustrations EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-311-9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-100-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-310-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-103-0 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-102-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-101-6 WESTWARD HO! rights: World An Activity Guide to the Wild West WOMEN AVIATORS Laurie Carlson 26 Stories of Pioneer Flights, Daring Missions, and “Crafts, recipes, songs, and games teamed with an engag- Record-Setting Journeys ing text will have young readers convinced that they’re just Karen Bush Gibson having fun.” —School Library Journal • Selected as one of the National Council for Social Studies activity, ages 5–12, 160 pages, 11 × 8½, 185 line drawings 2014 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-271-0 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-582-1 nonfiction / history, ages 12 & up, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½ EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-798-6 33 b & w photos Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-797-9 cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-540-3 rights: World Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-541-0 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-543-4 THE WHITE HOUSE FOR KIDS Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-542-7 A History of a Home, Office, and National Symbol, rights: World with 21 Activities WOMEN HEROES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Katherine L. House 20 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Defiance, and • A 2015 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young Rescue People selection Susan Casey nonfiction / history, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 11 × 8½ nonfiction / history, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½, 40 b & w photos 50 b & w photos, two-color interior cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23. 95), 978-1-61374-583-0 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-461-1 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-584-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-462-8 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-586-1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-464-2 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-585-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-463-5 rights: World rights: World WOMEN HEROES OF WORLD WAR II WHY IS MILK WHITE? 26 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, & 200 Other Curious Chemistry Questions Resistance, and Rescue Alexa Coelho and Simon Quellen Field Kathryn J. Atwood “Many of Coelho’s questions are things that other adoles- • A 2012 Bank Street College Best Children’s Book of the cents (and adults) may have wondered, and here they are Year selection answered by a knowledgeable scientist who gives readers all • An Amelia Bloomer List Recommended Title the tools they may need to understand the complex chem- istry of the everyday world.” —Booklist • A VOYA Nonfiction Honor List Selection nonfiction / chemistry, ages 9 & up, 288 pages, 6 × 9 history, ages 12 & up, 272 pages, 5½ × 8½, 40 b & w photos 50 b & w photos, 100 b & w illustrations paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-61374-523-6 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-61374-452-9 cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-961-0 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-453-6 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-850-1 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-455-0 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-852-5 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-454-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-851-8 rights: World rights: World rights sold: Turkish rights sold: Spanish NOW AVAILABLE 141

WOMEN IN SPACE A WORLD OF HER OWN 23 Stories of First Flights, Scientific Missions, 24 Amazing Women Explorers and Adventurers and Gravity-Breaking Adventures Michael Elsohn Ross Karen Bush Gibson nonfiction / nature, ages 12 & up, 224 pages, 5½ × 8½ nonfiction / history, ages 12 & up, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½ 40 b & w photos 30 b & w photos cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-438-3 cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-844-2 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-439-0 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-845-9 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-441-3 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-847-3 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-440-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-846-6 rights: World rights: World WORLD WAR I FOR KIDS WOMEN INVENT! A History with 21 Activities Two Centuries of Discoveries That Have Shaped Our World R. Kent Rasmussen Susan Casey nonfiction / history, 192 pages, 11 × 8½, two-color interior, “Pays tribute to the scores of women who, in the last 200 50 b & w photos years, have solved thousands of problems in business, ecol- paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-556-4 ogy, manufacturing, and daily life with their original ideas.” Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61374-557-1 —Chicago Tribune EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-559-5 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61374-558-8 activity, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 6 × 9 rights: World 20 b & w photos, 15 b & w illustrations paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-317-5 WORLD WAR II FOR KIDS Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-510-4 A History with 21 Activities EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-511-1 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-937-5 Richard Panchyk rights: World Foreword by Senator John McCain • Selected by the Children’s Book Council and the National WOMEN OF COLONIAL AMERICA Council for Social Studies as a Notable Social Studies Trade 13 Stories of Courage and Survival in the New World Book for Young People Brandon Marie Miller “Jam-packed with information that kids will find fascinating.” “[A] valuable and entertaining resource.” —Kirkus Reviews —Today’s Parent young adult nonfiction / history, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½, 35 b & w activity, ages 9 & up, 176 pages, 11 × 8½ illustrations 65 b & w photos, 10 line drawings, 2 maps, two-color interior cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-1-55652-487-5 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-455-4 Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-55652-488-2 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-55652-626-8 EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-55652-539-1 EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-027-9 Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-55652-489-9 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-664-4 rights: World rights: World THE WRIGHT BROTHERS FOR KIDS WOMEN OF THE FRONTIER How They Invented the Airplane, with 21 Activities 16 Tales of Trailblazing Homesteaders, Entrepreneurs, Exploring the Science and History of Flight and Rabble-Rousers Mary Kay Carson Brandon Marie Miller • Winner of the American Institute of Aeronautics and • Selected as one of the National Council for Social Studies Astronautics 2011 Children’s Literature Award 2014 Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People “A terrific book.” —Washington Post • 2014 YALSA Nonfiction Award Nominee “A treasure trove of activities awaits readers of this won- “Gripping . . . [a] strong, engaging narrative.” —Booklist derfully executed survey of the Wright brothers and their nonfiction / history, ages 12 & up, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½ invention.” —School Library Journal 40 b & w photos activity, ages 9 & up, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ cloth, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-883052-97-3 68 b & w photos, 75 b & w illustrations, two-color interior Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-883052-98-0 paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-477-6 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-000-2 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-313-3 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-883052-99-7 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-315-7 rights: World Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-314-0 rights: World 142 CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS CHILDREN’S BOOKS BACKLIST

THE YOUNG INVESTOR Projects and Activities for Making Your Money Grow Second Edition Katherine R. Bateman nonfiction, ages 9 & up, 144 pages, 7 × 10 15 b & w photos, 13 charts paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-546-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-804-4 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-054-5 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-805-1 rights: World rights sold: Russian ZOOLOGY FOR KIDS Understanding and Working with Animals, with 21 Activities Josh and Bethanie Hestermann Foreword by The Kratt Brothers “The husband-and-wife team of the Hestermanns present an accessible introduction to zoology, filled with vivid photo- graphs and written in lively, enthusiastic prose.” —Publishers Weekly nonfiction / science & nature, 144 pages, 11 × 8½, four-color interior, 50 color photos paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-61374-961-6 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-962-3 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-964-7 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-963-0 rights: World A CAPPELLA BACKLIST 143

ANOTHER FINE MESS Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-928-9 A History of American Film Comedy EPUB, $13.99, 9781-61374-929-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-930-2 Saul Austerlitz rights: World “An ambitious canonizing gesture . . . [A] highly readable critical volume.” —Film Comment BIG STAR film, 528 pages, 6 × 9, 32 b & w photos The Short Life, Painful Death, and Unexpected paper, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-951-1 Resurrection of the Kings of Power Pop Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-761-0 Rob Jovanovic EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-763-4 “Entertaining and informative.” —Time Out Chicago Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-762-7 rights: US & CA music, 352 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-596-4 BAD MOON RISING rights: Not available The Unauthorized History of Creedence Clearwater Revival THE BOOK OF KLEZMER Hank Bordowitz The History, the Music, the Folklore “Bordowitz brings CCR’s complex story to life. . . . [He] Yale Strom never takes sides or passes judgment yet brilliantly illumi- “Just about everything you could ever want to know about nates the tragedy of CCR’s lost potential.” — Library Journal klezmer is supplied in the book.” music, 368 pages, 6 × 9, 50 b & w photos —San Diego Union-Tribune paper, $16.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-661-9 music, 400 pages, 6 × 9, 44 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-982-9 paper, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-61374-063-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-984-3 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-137-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-983-6 EPUB, $19.99, 9781-61374-139-9 rights: World Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-138-2 rights: World THE BEATLES IN HAMBURG The Stories, the Scene, and How It All Began BOSSA NOVA Spencer Leigh The Story of the Brazilian Music That Seduced the World “Revelatory . . . required for any Beatles aficionados.” Ruy Castro —Under the Radar Foreword by Julian Dibbell music, 128 pages, 9½ × 8¼ “Makes a golden era . . . accessible to a generation who never 20 color photos, 180 b & w photos, four-color interior knew the poet pioneers of this Brazilian jazz form.” paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-56976-816-7 —New York Times rights: Unavailable music / performing arts, 400 pages, 6 × 9 35 b & w photos, 3 maps THE BEATLES IN LIVERPOOL paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-494-3 The Stories, the Scene, and the Path to Stardom Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61374-572-4 Spencer Leigh EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61374-574-8 “Just when it looks like there’s really, truly, absolutely noth- Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61374-573-1 ing new to say about the Beatles, along comes The Beatles in rights: World English Liverpool, a slender but meaty volume packed with photos, anecdotes, biography and gossip that documents the Fab BOWIE ON BOWIE Four’s formative years.” — Interviews and Encounters with David Bowie music, 128 pages, 8¼ × 9½ Edited by Sean Egan 200 four-color photos, four-color interior • 206 Over the Rainbow list paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-409-3 “A must for Bowie fans.” —Booklist rights: Not available music, 432 pages, 6 × 9 THE BEST FILM YOU’VE NEVER SEEN cloth, $28.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-1-56976-977-5 35 Directors Champion the Forgotten or Critically Adobe PDF, $23.99, 978-1-56976-978-2 Savaged Movies They Love EPUB, $23.99, 978-1-61373-001-0 Kindle, $23.99, 978-1-61373-000-3 Robert K. Elder rights: World film, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 16 b & w photos rights sold: UK paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-838-9 144 A CAPPELLA BACKLIST

THE BOY IN THE SONG COLTRANE ON COLTRANE The True Stories Behind 50 Rock Classics The John Coltrane Interviews Frank Hopkinson and Michael Heatley Edited by Chris DeVito music, 144 pages, 5 ¼ × 7 ¾ “A fascinating and important compendium of the jazz icon’s 150 four-color photos, four color interior own words. . . . Certainly one of the best music books of paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-61374-331-7 the year.” —Library Journal rights: Not available music, 416 pages, 6 × 9, 20 b & w photos paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-004-4 BUCK OWENS rights: World x Japan, Italy The Biography Eileen Sisk COUNTRY MUSIC CHANGED MY LIFE “If you like your music biography as gritty and lowdown as a Tales of Tough Times and Triumph from Country’s saloon floor at 2 a.m., this is your book.” Legends —Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Ken Burke biography / music, 400 pages, 6 × 9, 36 b & w photos music, 352 pages, 5½ × 8½, 44 b & w photos paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-335-5 Adobe PDF, $9.95, 978-1-55652-990-0 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-768-5 EPUB, $9.95, 978-1-55652-991-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-743-6 Kindle, $9.95, 978-1-55652-854-5 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-745-0 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-744-3 rights: World CUBA AND ITS MUSIC From the First Drums to the Mambo CAN YOU FEEL THE SILENCE? Ned Sublette Van Morrison: A New Biography • Named a 2004 Outstanding Academic Title by Choice Clinton Heylin Magazine “A meticulously researched account of Morrison’s life and “The most daring, thorough and lively social history of work.” —Rolling Stone music ever attempted.” —Rolling Stone music / biography, 576 pages, 6 × 9, 29 b & w photos “A magnificent labor of love and advocacy. . . . Remarkably paper, $18.95 (CAN $28.95), 978-1-55652-542-1 thorough yet genially readable.” —New York Times cloth, $28 (CAN $42), 978-1-55652-517-9 rights: Not available “If you buy only one book on Cuba in your life . . . this is the on e .” — The Nation THE CARTOON MUSIC BOOK history / music, 688 pages, 6 × 9, 60 b & w photos, 15 musical examples paper, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-55652-632-9 Edited by Daniel Goldmark and Yuval Taylor cloth, $36 (CAN $54), 978-1-55652-516-2 Foreword by Leonard Maltin Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-56976-419-0 “Ably outlines the breadth of emerging scholarship in this EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-56976-420-6 field. . . . A handy anthology.” — Chicago Reader Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-55652-856-9 rights: World music, 336 pages, 6 × 9, 11 b & w photos, 22 line drawings rights sold: German paper, $18.95 (CAN $28.95), 978-1-55652-473-8 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-411-4 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-412-1 CURLY Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-55652-914-6 An Illustrated Biography of the Superstooge rights: World Joan Howard Maurer Foreword by Michael Jackson COBAIN ON COBAIN film / biography, 224 pages, 8½ × 11, 300 b & w photos Interviews and Encounters paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61374-746-9 Edited by Nick Soulsby Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-747-6 music, 592 pages, 6 × 9 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-749-0 cloth, $28.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-1-61373-094-2 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-748-3 Adobe PDF, $26.99, 978-1-61373-096-6 rights: World English EPUB, $26.99, 978-1-61373-097-3 Kindle, $26.99, 978-1-61373-095-9 rights: World rights sold: UK NOW AVAILABLE 145

DANCE OF DEATH ELTON The Life of John Fahey, American Guitarist The Biography Steve Lowenthal David Buckley Foreword by David Fricke “The pop-music icon revealed as never before.” “An essential read for anyone interested in the unlikely —Kirkus Reviews places an inventive instrumentalist can take the acoustic biography / music 432 pages, 6 × 9, 15 color photos, 13 b & w photos guitar.” —Acoustic Guitar paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-794-4 music / biography, 240 pages, 6 × 9, 15 b & w photos rights: Not available cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-519-9 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-520-5 THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DEAD ROCK STARS EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-522-9 Heroin, Handguns, and Ham Sandwiches Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-521-2 Second Edition rights: World Jeremy Simmonds “A cheekily informal and entertaining account.” DEEP IN A DREAM —Library Journal The Long Night of Chet Baker music, 768 pages, 7 ½ × 9 ¼, 220 b & w photos James Gavin paper, $24.95, 978-1-61374-478-9 “Almost unbearably vivid. . . . James Gavin has brought us as Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-530-4 close as life to his subject.” EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-532-8 —David Hajdu, New York Times Book Review Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-531-1 music / biography, 440 pages, 6 × 9, 64 b & w photos rights: Not available paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-56976-757-3 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-901-0 THE ESSENTIAL IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-903-4 A Scene-by-Scene Guide to the Classic Film Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-902-7 Michael Willian rights: Not available film, 160 pages, 6 × 9 13 b & w photos, 2 b & w illustrations, 2 maps DIRTY SOUTH paper, $14.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-636-7 OutKast, Lil Wayne, Soulja Boy, and the Southern Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-427-5 Rappers Who Reinvented Hip-Hop EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-428-2 Ben Westhoff Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-55652-919-1 “Dirty South is packed with lively reporting and colorful rights: World social history. But [it] doesn’t shy away from the bigger questions.” —Rolling Stone EVERY NIGHT THE TREES DISAPPEAR music, 304 pages, 5½ × 8½, 27 four-color photos Werner Herzog and the Making of Heart of Glass paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-606-4 Alan Greenberg Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-865-5 Foreword, Afterword, and Scenario by Werner Herzog EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-867-9 “You know from seeing it that Herzog was up to something Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-866-2 strange in filming Heart of Glass. Now the mystery is clari- rights: World fied. Alan Greenberg peers into the heart of darkness of the ECHOES great artist.” —Roger Ebert The Complete History of Pink Floyd film, 224 pages, 6 × 9, 11 four-color photos, 6 b & w photos cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-607-1 Glenn Povey Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-350-8 “A remarkable achievement.” —Mojo EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-352-2 music, 368 pages, 9¼ × 11½ Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-351-5 382 color photos, 155 b & w photos, four-color interior rights: World paper, $39.95 (CAN $43.95), 978-1-56976-313-1 rights: US & CA 146 A CAPPELLA BACKLIST

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GROWERTALKS ON PLUGS 3 PLANT PROTECTION Edited by Jayne VanderVelde Managing Greenhouse Insect and Mite Pests gardening, 210 pages, 6 × 9 Raymond A. Cloyd 50 b & w photos, 6 line drawings, 6 charts, 18 tables gardening, 96 pages, 7 × 9 paper $32.95 (CAN $49.95), 978-1-88305-224-9 cloth $30 (CAN $33), 978-1-88305-260-7 rights: World rights: World GROWING AND SELLING FRESH-CUT HERBS THE TWILIGHT GARDEN Sandie Shores Creating a Garden That Entrances by Day and Comes Alive at Night gardening / business, 492 pages, 6 × 9 b & w photos throughout, line drawings throughout Lia Leendertz cloth $34.95 (CAN $52.95), 978-1-88305-236-2 “Most of us are too busy during daylight hours to tend our rights: World borders and beds, much less to sit and enjoy them . . . The Twilight Garden is a comprehensive guide to making this HOW TO PROPAGATE magic possible on any scale.” —BookPage Techniques and Tips for Over 1,000 Plants gardening, 208 pages, 7½ × 10 ¼ John Cushnie 200 color photos, four-color interior cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-56976-529-6 gardening, 256 pages, 8 ½ × 9 ½ rights: US & CA 324 color photos, four-color interior cloth $34.95 (CAN $43.95), 978-1-88305-257-7 rights: US & CA WOMEN AND THEIR GARDENS A History from the Elizabethan Era to Today KIDS’ CONTAINER GARDENING Catherine Horwood Year-Round Projects for Inside and Out “Delightful and impeccably researched.” —Library Journal Second Edition gardening / history, 448 pages, 6 × 8 ½ Cindy Krezel 31 b & w photos, 38 b & w illustrations Photography by Bruce Curtis cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-61374-337-9 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-339-3 children’s nonfiction / gardening, 88 pages, 8 × 8 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-340-9 four-color interior Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-338-6 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-883052-75-1 rights: US & CAN Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-620-2 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-622-6 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-621-9 YARD AND GARDEN MAKEOVERS rights: World Your Guide to Creating a Beautiful, Logical Landscape MANEJO INTEGRADO DE LOS INSECTOS, ÁCAROS, Y George Kay, Brian Kay, and Jennifer Derryberry Mann ENFERMEDADES EN LOS CULTIVOS ORNAMEN gardening, 174 pages, 8 × 10 Richard K. Lindquist, PhD, and Charles C. Powell, PhD cloth $39.95 (CAN $43.95), 978-1-88305-264-5 rights: World gardening / libros en español, 128 pages, 6 × 9 paper $28.95 (CAN $43.95), 978-1-88305-206-5 rights: World PALMS AND CYCADS A Complete Guide to Selecting, Growing, and Propagating David Squire gardening, 160 pages, 8½ × 11, 260 color photos, four-color interior cloth, $29.95 (CAN $37.95), 978-1-88305-256-0 rights: US & CA ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST 157

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CHARLIE CHAN CARRIES ON THE CHINESE PARROT A Charlie Chan Mystery A Charlie Chan Mystery Earl Derr Biggers Earl Derr Biggers mystery, 334 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 mystery, 260 pages, 5 × 8 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-594-2 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-578-2 rights: World rights: World CHICAGO BY GASLIGHT CIRCLING EDEN A History of Chicago’s Netherworld: 1880–1920 A Novel of Israel in Stories Richard Lindberg Carol Magun Illustrated by Bob Deckert fiction, 200 pages, 5 × 8 history, 280 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 ¼ cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-412-9 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-206-9 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-421-1 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-207-6 rights: World Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-208-3 rights: World CHICAGO FLASHBULBS A Quarter Century of News, Politics, Sports, and CLEAN START Show Business (1987–2012) A Novel of Paris in the 1960s Cory Franklin Patricia Margaret Page history/media & journalism, 306 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ fiction/history, 324 pages, 5 × 8 paper, $22.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-0-89733-718-2 paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-591-1 Adobe PDF, $18.99, 978-0-89733-839-4 rights: Not available EPUB, $18.99, 978-0-89733-741-0 Kindle, $18.99, 978-0-89733-740-3 THE COMMON STREAM rights: World Two Thousand Years of the English Village A CHILD OF THE JAGO Rowland Parker A Novel Set in the London Slums in the 1890s history, 252 pages, 5 × 7 ¾ Arthur Morrison paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-391-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-943-8 fiction, 208 pages, 5 × 8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-942-1 paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-392-4 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-944-5 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-899-8 rights: Not available EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-653-6 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-900-1 THE COMPLETE TRANSCRIPTS OF CLARENCE THOMAS–ANITA rights: Not available HILL HEARINGS THE CHILDREN OF DICKENS October 11, 12, 13, 1991 Nina Totenberg Samuel McChord Crothers Edited by Anita Miller Edited by Jessie Willcox Smith law, 496 pages, 6 × 9 literary criticism, 150 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $34.95 (CAN $41.95), 978-0-89733-408-2 paper, $14.95, 978-0-89733-475-4 Adobe PDF, $27.99, 978-1-61373-231-1 rights: Not available EPUB, $27.99, 978-1-61373-232-8 Kindle, $27.99, 978-1-61373-233-5 THE CHILDREN’S SHAKESPEARE rights: World Edith Nesbit Illustrations by Rolf Klep THE CONDITION OF THE WORKING CLASS IN ENGLAND Academy Victorian Classics drama, 117 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-485-3 Frederich Engels Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-363-9 Edited by Eric Hobsbawn EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-628-4 history, 344 pages, 5 × 8 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-364-6 paper, $17.95, 978-0-89733-137-1 rights: Not available rights: Not available NOW AVAILABLE 161

COOK COUNTY ICU THE DAVE STORE MASSACRE 30 Years of Unforgettable Patients and Odd Cases Ron Ebest Cory Franklin, MD fiction, 219 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ “[A] deeply humanist collection.” —Publishers Weekly paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-614-7 autobiography / medical, 240 pages, 6 × 9 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-800-4 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-925-4 EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-634-5 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-926-1 Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-801-1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-928-5 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-927-8 rights: World DEAD MAN’S SHOES A Carolus Deene Mystery COUNTY Leo Bruce Life, Death, and Politics at Chicago’s Public Hospital mystery, 216 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 David A. Ansell, M.D. paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-271-2 Introduction by Quentin Young Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-266-3 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-267-0 autobiography/medical, 256 pages, 6 × 9 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-268-7 paper, $22.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-0-89733-719-9 rights: World cloth, $29.95 (CAN $35.95), 978-0-89733-620-8 Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-0-89733-833-2 DEATH AND BLINTZES EPUB, $17.99, 978-0-89733-632-1 Kindle, $17.99, 978-0-89733-834-9 Dorothy Rosen rights: World Edited by Sidney Rosen mystery, 180 pages, 5 × 8 CRYING AT MOVIES paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-450-1 A Memoir rights: World Second Edition John Mandarino DEATH AND STRUDEL memoir, 200 pages, 5 × 8 A Belle Appleman Mystery paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-580-5 Dorothy Rosen Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-770-0 Edited by Sidney Rosen EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-768-7 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-769-4 mystery, 225 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ rights: World cloth, $23.00 (CAN $28.00), 978-0-89733-478-5 rights: World CUTTER’S ISLAND Caesar in Captivity DEATH AT HALLOWS END A Carolus Deene Mystery Vincent Panella Leo Bruce history, 197 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ¼ paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-588-1 mystery, 220 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-817-2 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-574-4 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-818-9 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-269-4 Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-819-6 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-270-0 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-271-7 rights: World DANCING CLOCK And Other Childhood Memories DEATH AT ST. ASPREY’S SCHOOL A Carolus Deene Mystery Helen H. Perlman Leo Bruce autobiography, 216 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 ¼ mystery, 220 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 cloth, $22.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-0-89733-343-6 paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-094-7 rights: World Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-272-4 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-273-1 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-274-8 rights: World 162 ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST

DEATH IN ALBERT PARK paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-2927 A Carolus Deene Mystery Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-281-6 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-282-3 Leo Bruce Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-283-0 mystery, 238 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 rights: World paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-073-2 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-311-0 DEATH WITH BLUE RIBBON EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-312-7 A Carolus Deene Mystery Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-313-4 Leo Bruce rights: World mystery, 176 pages, 4¼ × 7 DEATH IN THE MIDDLE WATCH paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-345-0 A Carolus Deene Mystery Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-284-7 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-285-4 Leo Bruce Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-286-1 mystery, 192 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 rights: World cloth, $21.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-0-89733-523-2 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-275-5 DESIGN FOR THE REAL WORLD EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-276-2 Human Ecology and Social Change Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-277-9 Victor Papanek rights: World design/environmental studies, 416 pages, 5½ × 8½ DEATH IN THE PINES paper, $24.95, 978-0-89733-153-1 An Oakley Tyler Novel rights: World × UK rights sold: Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Complex, Spanish, Thom Hartmann Polish, Russian fiction, 224 pages, 5½ × 8½ cloth, $30.00 (CAN $36.00), 978-1-89733-761-8 THE DIARY OF A PROVINCIAL LADY trade paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-89733-749-6 E. M. Delafield Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-752-6 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-751-9 Illustrations by Arthur Watts Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-750-2 autobiography/literary criticism, 588 pages, 5 × 8 in rights: World paper, $16.95, 978-0-89733-053-4 rights: Not available DEATH OF A BOVVER BOY A Carolus Deene Mystery DIE ALL, DIE MERRILY Leo Bruce A Carolus Deene Mystery Leo Bruce fiction, 160 pages, 5½ × 8½ paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-733-5 mystery, 192 pages, 4¼ × 7 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-248-9 paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-253-8 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-250-2 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-287-8 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-249-6 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-288-5 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-289-2 rights: World DEATH OF A COMMUTER A Carolus Deene Mystery EMPIRE SETTINGS Leo Bruce A Novel of South Africa David Schmahmann mystery, 192 pages, 4¼ × 7 paper, $7.95 (CAN $9.95), 978-0-89733-326-9 fiction, 326 pages, 5 ½ × 8 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-278-6 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-605-5 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-279-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-945-2 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-280-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-946-9 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-947-6 rights: World DEATH ON ALLHALLOWE’EN A Carolus Deene Mystery Leo Bruce mystery, 176 pages, 4¼ × 7 NOW AVAILABLE 163

ENGLISH HISTORY MADE BRIEF, IRREVERENT AND FAREWELL TO DEJLA PLEASURABLE Stories of Iraqi Jews at Home and in Exile Lacey Baldwin Smith Tova Sadka fiction, 250 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ history, 274 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-581-2 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-547-8 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-985-8 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-670-3 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-986-5 EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-630-7 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-987-2 Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-663-5 rights: World rights: World THE FAT WOMAN’S JOKE ENGLISH LAWS FOR WOMEN IN THE 19TH CENTURY Fay Weldon Caroline Norton fiction, 336 pages, 5 × 8 Introduction by Joan Huddleston paper, $12.95, 978-0-89733-2361 law, 208 pages, 5 ½ × 5 ½ rights: World paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-622-2 rights: World ¡FEMINISMO! The Woman’s Movement in Argentina EUROPE AND THE JEWS Marifran Carlson The Pressure of Christendom on the People of Israel for 1,900 Years women’s studies/social science, 240 pages, 5 × 8 paper, $13.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-0-89733-168-5 Malcolm Hay Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-61373-336-3 Edited by Walter Kaufmann EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-61373-337-0 Jewish studies, 352 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-61373-338-7 paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-359-7 rights: World Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-979-7 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-980-3 FEVER AND THIRST Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-981-0 An American Doctor Among the Tribes of Kurdistan, rights: Not available 1835–1844 Gordon Taylor THE FAIR WOMEN medical/memoir, 354 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ The Story of the Woman’s Building at the World’s paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-572-0 Columbian Exposition of 1893 rights: World Jeanne M. Weimann and Anita Miller history, 610 pages, 9 × 10 ½ FILMI, FILMI, INSPECTOR GHOTE paper, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-0-89733-025-1 Inspector Ghote Series rights: World H. R. F. Keating FALL RIVER AND OTHER UNCOLLECTED STORIES mystery, 192 pages, 4 ½ × 7 paper, $7.95, 978-0-89733-138-8 John Cheever rights: Not available George W. Hunt Edited by Franklin Dennis THE FINAL GLASS fiction, 226 pages, 5 × 7 Laurence Henderson paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-596-6 mystery, 302 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-838-7 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-399-3 EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-656-7 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-901-8 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-840-0 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-902-5 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-903-2 rights: World FAMILY WEB A Story of India Sarah Hobson social science, 284 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-050-3 rights: Not available 164 ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST

FIVE CHIMNEYS A GATHERING OF HEROES A Survivor’s True Story of Auschwitz Reflections on Rage and Responsibility Olga Lengyel GregAlan Williams memoir/history, 232 pages, 5½ × 8½ history, 200 pages, 5 ½ × 7 ½ paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-376-4 cloth, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-404-4 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-787-8 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-425-9 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-631-4 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-788-5 rights: Not available A GENTEEL LITTLE MURDER FOOD AND DRINK IN BRITAIN Philip Daniels From the Stone Age to the 19th Century mystery, 192 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 paper, $7.95 (CAN $9.95), 978-0-89733-192-0 C. Anne Wilson rights: Not available history/cooking, 452 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $21.95, 978-0-89733-487-7 GEORGE EVANS rights: Not available A. F. Gillotti FOUR CLASSIC GHOST TALES fiction, 216 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ cloth, $35.00 (CAN $42.00), 978-0-89733-679-6 Edited by Anita Miller paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-723-6 fiction/horror, 250 pages, 5 × 8 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-797-7 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-398-6 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-728-1 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-844-8 Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-729-8 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-845-5 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-843-1 rights: Not available GEORGE W. BUSH VS. THE U.S. CONSTITUTION The Downing Street Memos and Deception, FROM ANIMAL HOUSE TO OUR HOUSE Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, Cover-ups in the A Love Story Iraq War and Illegal Domestic Spying Ron Tanner Edited by Anita Miller autobiography, 286 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Foreword by John Conyers Jr. cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-0-89733-624-6 Introduction by Joseph C. Wilson paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-720-5 political science, 286 pages, 6 × 9 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61373-342-4 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-550-8 EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-683-3 rights: World Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-685-7 rights: World GLASS HEARTS THE FUN OF IT Terri Paul Amelia Earhart fiction, 322 pages, 6 × 9 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-0-89733-470-9 autobiography, 219 pages, 5 × 7 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-636-9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-915864-55-3 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-811-0 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-785-4 EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-696-3 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-658-1 Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-697-0 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-786-1 rights: World rights: Not available FURIOUS OLD WOMEN GOLDEN MEDINA A Carolus Deene Mystery Jack LaZebnik mystery, 190 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 fiction, 226 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-084-8 paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-526-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-290-8 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-089733-847-9 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-291-5 EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-848-6 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-292-2 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-849-3 rights: World rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 165

A GOOD YEAR FOR MURDER A HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR Albert J. Tretheway Series 1914–1918 A. E. Eddenden C. R. M. F. Cruttwell mystery, 186 pages, 5 × 8 history, 688 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $12.00 (CAN $15.00), 978-0-89733-476-1 paper, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-0-89733-315-3 Adobe PDF, $9.99, 978-1-61373-308-0 Adobe PDF, $18.99, 978-1-61373-367-7 EPUB, $9.99, 978-1-61373-309-7 EPUB, $18.99, 978-0-89733-660-4 Kindle, $9.99, 978-1-61373-310-3 Kindle, $18.99, 978-1-61373-368-4 rights: World rights: Not available GOODBYE, AUNT ELVA HITLER Elizabeth Fenwick The Man and the Military Leader fiction/mystery, 184 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 Percy Ernst Schramm paper, $12.95 (CAN $15.95), 978-0-89733-270-5 Edited by Donald S. Detwiler rights: Not available history, 226 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $16.00 (CAN $19.00), 978-0-89733-480-8 GREAT BRITISH DETECTIVES Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-904-9 Academy Mystery Novellas EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-905-6 Edited by Edward D. Hoch and Martin Greenberg Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-906-3 rights: World English mystery, 240 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 paper, $11.00, 978-0-89733-266-8 rights: World HIWASSEE A Novel of the Civil War THE H-BOMB AND THE JESUS ROCK Charles F. Price John Manderino fiction/history, 190 pages, 5 ½ × 8 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-517-1 fiction, 186 pages, 5 × 8 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-837-0 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-611-6 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-836-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-780-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-837-0 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-640-6 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-686-4 rights: World THE HOME-MAKER HELD AT A DISTANCE Dorothy Canfield and Mark J. Madigan My Rediscovery of Ethiopia fiction, 328 pages, 5 × 7 ¼ Rebecca G. Haile paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-0695 rights: Not available autobiography/history, 194 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-556-0 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-021-3 THE HONEYWOOD FILE EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-659-8 An Adventure in Building Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-022-0 H. B. Creswell rights: World fiction/humor, 230 pages, 5 ½ × 8 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-473-0 HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-962-9 Eluding the Nazis in Occupied France EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-661-1 Sarah Lew Miller and Joyce B. Lazarus Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-705-2 rights: World memoir, 162 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-721-2 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-712-0 THE HONEYWOOD SETTLEMENT Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-713-7 H. B. Creswell rights: World fiction/humor, 232 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-566-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-214-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-662-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-706-9 rights: World 166 ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST

THE HOUSE WITHOUT A KEY INDIANA A Charlie Chan Mystery George Sand Earl Derr Biggers classics, 326 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ mystery, 286 pages, 5 × 8 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-915864-57-7 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-579-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-850-9 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-851-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-852-3 I WISH SOMEONE HAD TOLD ME rights: World English A Realistic Guide to Motherhood Nina Barrett INSPECTOR GHOTE BREAKS AN EGG family & relationships, 252 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ H. R. F. Keating paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-442-6 mystery, 190 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-360-8 paper, $7.95, 978-0-89733-177-7 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-361-5 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-362-2 rights: World INSPECTOR GHOTE CAUGHT IN MESHES IMPRESARIO An Academy Mystery The Zelzer Era, 1930–1990 H. R. F. Keating Sarah S. Zelzer and Phyllis Dreazen mystery, 226 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 paper, $12.95, 978-0-89733178-4 biography, 346 pages, 6 × 9 rights: World English cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-0-89733-351-1 rights: World INSPECTOR GHOTE DRAWS A LINE IN A DARK WOOD WANDERING H. R. F. Keating A Novel of the Middle Ages mystery, 198 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 Hella S. Haasse paper, $7.95, 978-0-89733-139-5 rights: World English Edited by Anita Miller fiction/history, 592 pages, 6 × 9 INSPECTOR GHOTE HUNTS THE PEACOCK paper, $21.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-0-89733-356-6 H. R. F. Keating Adobe PDF, $17.99, 978-1-61373-449-0 EPUB, $17.99, 978-1-61373-450-6 mystery, 226 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 Kindle, $17.99, 978-1-61373-451-3 paper, $12.95, 978-0-89733-179-1 rights: World English rights: World English IN PRAISE OF ANGELS INTELLECTUALS AND THE MASSES A Novel of the Reconstruction Era Pride and Prejudice Among the Literary Intelligentsia Richard Smolev John Carey fiction/history, 274 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ literary criticisms, 246 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ cloth, $35.00 (CAN $42.00), 978-0-89733-709-0 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-507-2 paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-725-0 rights: Not available EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-710-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-711-3 THE INTIMATE JOURNAL rights: World George Sand INDIA BRITANNICA classics, 210 pages, 5 × 7 ½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-915864-50-8 A Vivid Introduction to the History of British India rights: World English Geoffrey Moorhouse history, 260 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-482-2 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 167

IRELAND Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-794-6 A History from the Twelfth Century to the Present rights: World Day KEEPER OF THE KEYS Paul Johnson A Charlie Chan Mystery history, 272 pages, 5 × 8 Earl Derr Biggers paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-123-4 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61373-251-9 mystery, 250 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61373-252-6 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-595-9 Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61373-253-3 rights: World rights: World KINGS AND QUEENS OF EARLY BRITAIN IRON GATES OF SANTO TOMAS Geoffrey Ashe The Finished Account of an American Couple history, 280 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Interned by the Japanese in Manila, 1942–1945 paper, $17.95, 978-0-89733-469-3 Emily Van Sickle Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61373-372-1 memoir, 370 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61373-3738 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-554-6 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61373-3745 rights: World rights: Not available IVORY FROM PARADISE LADY MOLLY OF SCOTLAND YARD David Schmahmann Baroness Orczy fiction, 346 pages, 6 × 9 fiction/mystery, 250 pages, 5 × 8 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-0-89733-612-3 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-603-1 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-0-89733-621-5 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-806-6 EPUB, $19.99, 978-0-89733-026-8 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-805-9 Kindle, $19.99, 978-0-89733-129-6 Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-807-3 rights: World rights: Not available JACK ON THE GALLOWS TREE A LAND WITHOUT TIME Leo Bruce A Peace Corps Volunteer in Afghanistan John Sumser mystery, 188 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-072-5 memoir/history, 204 pages, 6 ¼ × 8 ½ Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-293-9 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-543-0 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-294-6 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-295-3 rights: World LARCENY AND OLD LEATHER The Mischievous Legacy of Major League JOE BLACK Eldon L. Ham More than a Dodger sports, 260 pages, 6 × 9 Martha Jo Black and Chuck Schoffner cloth, $25.00 (CAN $30.00), 978-0-89733-533-1 sports / biography, 392 pages, 6 × 9,14 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-0-89733-808-0 cloth, $27.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-0-89733-753-3 EPUB, $19.99, 978-0-89733-809-7 Adobe PDF, $22.99, 978-0-89733-756-4 Kindle, $19.99, 978-0-89733-810-3 EPUB, $22.99, 978-0-89733-755-7 rights: World Kindle, $22.99, 978-0-89733-754-0 rights: World LAST POEMS OF ELINOR WYLIE Elinor Wylie JOURNEY TO CHERNOBYL Edited by Anita Miller Encounters in a Radioactive Zone Foreword by William Rose Benet Glenn Cheney poetry, 110 pages, 5 ½ × 8 history, 194 pages, 5 × 8 paper, $10.00 (CAN $12.00), 978-0-89733-011-4 cloth, $20.00 (CAN $24.00), 978-0-89733-418-1 rights: Not available paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-552-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-793-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-792-2 168 ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST

LEONE LEONI Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-951-3 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-952-0 George Sand Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-953-7 classics, 174 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ rights: Not available paper, $12 (CAN $15), 978-0-915864-61-4 Adobe PDF, $9.99, 978-0-89733-982-7 LONDON LIFE IN THE 18TH CENTURY EPUB, $9.99, 978-0-89733-983-4 M. Dorothy George Kindle, $9.99, 978-0-89733-984-1 rights: Not available history, 458 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $19.95, 978-0-89733-147-0 LETTERS FROM PRAGUE rights: Not available 1939–1941 THE LONG JOURNEY HOME Compiled by Raya C. Schapiro and Helga Weinberg A Novel of the Post–Civil War Plains biography/literary collections, 256 pages, 5 × 8 Laurel Means paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-545-4 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-343-1 fiction/history, 250 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Epub, $13.99, 978-1-61373-344-8 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-569-0 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-345-5 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-916-2 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-917-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-918-6 LETTERS IN THE ATTIC rights: World Bonnie Shimko LOOKING BACKWARD fiction, 226 pages, 6 ½ × 9 True Stories from Chicago’s Jewish Past cloth, $23.50 (CAN $28.95), 978-0-89733-511-9 Walter Roth paper, $15.95, 978-0-89733-563-8 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-687-1 history, Jewish studies, 272 pages, 6 × 9 EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-664-2 cloth, $27.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-0-89733-513-3 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-687-1 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-540-9 rights: World Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-826-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-827-1 LIFE FOR A LIFE Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-828-8 A DCI Gilchrist Investigation rights: World T. Frank Muir THE LORDS OF FOLLY “A tense, fast-paced crime novel.” —Scottish Review of Books A Novel fiction / mystery, 400 pages, 5½ × 8½ Gene Logsdon paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-1-61373-324-0 fiction, 284 pages, 6 × 9 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-325-7 cloth, $28.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-0-89733-560-7 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-327-1 paper, $16.95, 978-0-89733-557-7 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-326-4 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-855-4 rights: Not available EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-856-1 THE LODGER Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-857-8 rights: World Marie Belloc-Lowndes fiction, 252 pages, 5 × 8 LOST IN THE FOG: MEMOIR OF A BASTARD paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-604-8 A Belgian Recalls the War, the Nazis, Her Fractured Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-853-0 Life EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-666-6 Second Edition Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-854-7 Rachel Van Meers rights: Not available Edited by Daniel Chase LOLLY WILLOWES memoir/history, 224 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Or, The Loving Huntsman paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-571-3 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61373-389-9 Sylvia Townsend Warner EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61373-390-5 fiction, 264 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61373-391-2 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-915864-91-1 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 169

THE LOST WORLD THE MARQUISE AND PAULINE Arthur Conan Doyle Two Novellas classics, 226 pages, 5 × 8 George Sand paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-331-3 Translated by Sylvie Charron and Sue Huseman Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-858-5 classics, 200 pages, 5 × 8 EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-859-2 cloth, $23.00 (CAN $28.00), 978-0-89733-449-5 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-860-8 rights: World English rights: Not available MAUPRAT LOVE OF WORKER BEES George Sand Alexandra Kollontai classics, 450 pages, 5 × 8 ½ Translated by Cathy Porter paper, $10.00 (CAN $12.00), 978-0-915864-43-0 Afterword by Sheila Rowbotham Adobe PDF, $9.99, 978-0-89733-866-0 EPUB, $9.99, 978-0-89733-867-7 fiction, 232 pages, 5 × 8 Kindle, $9.99, 978-0-89733-868-4 paper, $16.95, 978-0-89733-001-5 rights: Not available Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-954-4 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-955-1 A MEDDLER AND HER MURDER Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-956-8 rights: Not available Joyce Porter mystery, 192 pages, 4 × 7 LOVES OF YULIAN paper, $14.95, 978-0-89733-322-1 Mother and Me, Part III rights: Not available Julian Padowicz A MIRROR FOR WITCHES autobiography, 254 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-616-1 Esther Forbes Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-796-0 fiction, 214 pages, 5 × 8 EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-667-3 paper, $16.95 978-0-89733-154-8 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-698-7 rights: Not available rights: World THE MONKEY’S PAW AND OTHER TALES LUCREZIA FLORIANI W. W. Jacobs George Sand Compiled by Gary Hoppenstand Translated by Julius Eker fiction, 256 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ classics, 230 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-441-9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-397-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-346-2 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-863-9 Epub, $13.99, 978-0-89733-668-0 EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-864-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-347-9 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-865-3 rights: World rights: World English MOTHER AND ME THE MAN WHO ONCE PLAYED CATCH WITH NELLIE FOX Escape from Warsaw 1939 A Novel Julian Padowicz John Manderino autobiography, 410 pages, 5 × 8 paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-570-6 fiction, 262 pages, 5 ½ × 7 ½ Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-784-7 cloth, $22.50 (CAN $27.50), 978-0-89733-448-8 EPUB, $9.99, 978-0-89733-669-7 paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-597-3 Kindle, $9.99, 978-0-89733-783-0 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-772-4 rights: World EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-771-7 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-772-4 MURDER AT HEARTBREAK HOSPITAL rights: World Henry Slesar mystery, 252 pages, 5 ½ × 8 cloth, $21 (CAN $25), 978-0-89733-463-1 paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-486-0 rights: World 170 ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST

MURDER AT THE MOVIES NO TEARS FOR MAO A. E. Eddenden Growing Up in the Cultural Revolution mystery, 176 pages, 6 × 9 Niu-Niu cloth, $20 (CAN $24.95), 978-0-89733-428-0 Translated by Peter Amann Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-317-2 memoir/history, 288 pages, 5 ¾ × 8 ¾ EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-318-9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-493-8 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-319-6 rights: World English rights: World NOTES FROM NETHERS MURDER IN MINIATURE Growing Up in a Sixties Commune And Other Stories Sandra Lee Eugster Leo Bruce memoir, 320 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ mystery, 262 pages, 5 × 7 ½ paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-561-4 cloth, $20.00 (CAN $24.00), 978-0-89733-367-2 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-907-0 paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-559-1 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-908-7 rights: World Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-909-4 rights: World MURDER ON THE THIRTEENTH A. E. Eddenden NOTHING LIKE BLOOD mystery, 166 pages, 5 × 8 A Carolus Deene Mystery cloth, $20.00 (CAN $24.00), 978-0-89733-380-1 Leo Bruce Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-314-1 mystery, 194 pages, 5 × 8 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-315-8 paper, $12.95 (CAN $15.95), 978-0-89733-127-2 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-316-5 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-296-0 rights: World EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-297-7 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-298-4 MY LADY LUDLOW rights: World Elizabeth Gaskell fiction, 240 pages, 5 × 8 THE NOTORIOUS ABBESS paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-409-9 Vera Chapman Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-869-1 fiction/fantasy, 248 pages, 5 × 7 ½ EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-870-7 paper, $12.95, 978-0-89733-447-1 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-871-4 rights: Not available rights: Not available NIBBLE & KUHN OFFERINGS A Novel A Novel David Schmahmann Richard Smolev fiction, 272 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ fiction, 278 pages, 6 × 9 cloth, $26.50 (CAN $31.50), 978-0-89733-682-6 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-0-89733-592-8 EPUB, $16.99, 978-0-89733-707-6 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-0-89733-957-5 Kindle, $16.99, 978-0-89733-708-3 EPUB, $19.99, 978-0-89733-958-2 rights: World Kindle, $19.99, 978-0-89733-959-9 rights: World THE OLD WIVES’ TALE NIGHT WITCHES Arnold Bennett The Amazing Story of Russia’s Women Pilots in WWII fiction, 586 pages, 6 × 9 Bruce Myles paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-915864-77-5 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-872-1 history, 272 pages, 5 × 8 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-873-8 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-288-0 Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-874-5 rights: Not available rights: Not available NOW AVAILABLE 171

ONLY MY DREAMS PECULIAR PEOPLE An English Girlhood The Story of My Life Hilda Ann Salubury Augustus Hare and Julia Anderson-Miller autobiography, 280 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Edited by Anita Miller cloth, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-276-7 autobiography, 302 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-241-0 cloth, $26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-0-89733-388-7 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-243-4 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-549-2 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-244-1 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61373-215-1 rights: World EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61373-216-8 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61373-217-5 THE OTHER REBECCA rights: Not available Maureen Freely fiction, 308 pages, 6 × 9 THE PERFECT MURDER cloth, $23.00 (CAN $28.00), 978-0-89733-477-8 H. R. F. Keating rights: Not available mystery, 256 pages, 5 × 8 paper, $14.95, 978-0-89733-078-7 OUR JUBILEE IS DEATH rights: Not available Leo Bruce PERSONAL FOUL mystery, 188 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 Coach Joe Moore vs. the University of Notre Dame paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-229-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-299-1 Richard Lieberman EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-300-4 sports, 278 pages, 5 × 9 ½ Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-301-1 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-0-89733-489-1 rights: World rights: World OUT CAME THE SUN PILGRIMAGE One Family’s Triumph over a Rare Genetic Syndrome Tales from the Open Road Judith Scott Patrick Pfister memoir/medical, 270 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ travel, 222 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-582-9 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-472-3 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-798-4 rights: World EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-671-0 Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-799-1 POETS, MARTYRS, AND SATYRS rights: World New and Selected Poems, 1959–2001 OVER SAND AND SEA Jordan Miller A Traveler’s Tales poetry, 76 pages, 6 ½ × 9 cloth, 14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-941702-54-6 Patrick Pfister rights: World travel, 296 pages, 6 × 9 cloth, $25 (CAN $30), 978-0-89733-497-6 THE PRE-RAPHAELITES rights: World An Anthology of Poetry by Dante Gabriel Rosetti and Others PAGAN CELTIC BRITAIN Edited by Jerome H. Buckley Anne Ross poetry, 544 pages, 5 × 8 history, 540 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $22.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-89733-237-8 paper, $22, 978-0-89733-435-8 rights: World rights: Not available PRISONERS PATHWAYS TO THE GODS A Jewish Guard in a Nazi POW Camp The Mystery of the Andes Lines Burt Zollo Tony Morrison history, 274 pages, 6 × 9 history, 254 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 ¼ cloth, $22.50 (CAN $27.50), 978-0-89733-515-7 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-282-8 paper, $ 16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-600-0 rights: Not available rights: World 172 ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST

THE PROVINCIAL LADY IN AMERICA Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61373-369-1 EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61373-370-7 E. M. Delafield Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61373-371-4 autobiography, 250 pages, 5 × 8 rights: World paper, $16.95, 978-0-89733-110-4 rights: Not available REASON FOR LEAVING Job Stories THE PROVINCIAL LADY IN LONDON John Manderino E. M. Delafield fiction, 178 pages, 6 × 9 autobiography, 344 pages, 5 × 8 cloth, $22.50 (CAN $27.50), 978-0-89733-499-0 paper, $16.95, 978-0-89733-085-5 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-635-2 rights: Not available Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-776-2 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-774-8 THE PROVINCIAL LADY IN RUSSIA Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-775-5 E. M. Delafield rights: World autobiography, 344 pages, 5 × 8 RELATIVE STRANGERS paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-156-2 Italian Protestants in the Catholic World rights: World English Frank Cicero Jr. THE PROVINCIAL LADY IN WARTIME autobiography/religion & theology, 288 pages, 6 × 9 E. M. Delafield cloth, $32.50 (CAN $39.50), 978-0-89733-615-4 Adobe PDF, $25.99, 978-0-89733-673-4 autobiography, 344 pages, 5 × 8 EPUB, $25.99, 978-0-89733-731-1 paper, $16.95, 978-0-89733-210-1 Kindle, $25.99, 978-0-89733-730-4 rights: Not available rights: World PUTTERING ABOUT IN A SMALL LAND RESISTING ELEGY Philip K. Dick On Grief and Recovery fiction, 290 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Joel Peckham paper, $14.95, 978-0-89733-384-9 body/mind/spirit, 144 pages, 5 × 7 rights: Not available cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-625-3 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-7359 QUEEN ELIZABETH I EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-6475 J. E. Neale Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-6888 rights: World biography, 446 pages, 5 × 8 ½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-362-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-960-5 ROLL ON EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-672-7 A Trucker’s Life on the Road Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-961-2 Fred Afflerback rights: Not available autobiography, 272 pages, 6 × 8 ½ paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-623-9 THE QUEST FOR ARTHUR’S BRITAIN Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-795-3 Geoffrey Ashe EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-700-7 Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-701-4 history, 318 pages, 6 × 9 rights: World paper, $17.95, 978-0-89733-287-3 Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61373-333-2 EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-61373-334-9 SADIKA’S WAY Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-61373-341-7 A Novel of Pakistan and America rights: Not available Hina Haq fiction, 302 pages, 6 × 9 REALITY cloth, $23.95 (CAN $28.95), 978-0-89733-518-8 The Novel Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-0-89733-814-1 Jeff Havens EPUB, $19.99, 978-0-89733-815-8 Kindle, $19.99, 978-0-89733-816-5 fiction, 310 pages, 6 × 8 ½ rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-548-5 NOW AVAILABLE 173

SAGA Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-991-9 A Novel of Medieval Iceland EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-992-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-993-3 Jeff Janoda rights: World fiction/history, 376 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-568-3 THE SIGNALMAN Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-812-7 And Other Ghost Stories EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-674-1 Charles Dickens Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-813-4 rights: World fiction/horror, 146 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 paper, $12.95, 978-0-89733-307-8 SAM AND HIS BROTHER LEN rights: World John Manderino SKIM fiction, 238 pages, 5 × 8 A Novel of International Banking Intrigue cloth, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-407-5 A. F. Gillotti Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-779-3 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-777-9 fiction, 260 pages, 5 × 8 Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-778-6 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-607-9 rights: World Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-988-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-989-6 THE SCARLET CITY Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-990-2 A Novel of 16th Century Italy rights: World Hella S. Haasse SUCH IS DEATH fiction/history, 368 pages, 6 × 9 Leo Bruce paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-372-6 Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61373-452-0 mystery, 192 pages, 4 ¼ × 7 EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61373-453-7 paper, $10.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-0-89733-160-9 Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61373-454-4 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-302-8 rights: World English EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-303-5 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-304-2 SHARON rights: World Israel’s Warrior-Politician TAKE THEM AT THEIR WORDS Anita Miller, Jordan Miller, & Sigalit Zetouni Startling, Amusing, and Baffling Quotations from the biography, 613 pages, 5 ½ × 9 GOP and Their Friends, 1994–2004 cloth, $32.50 (CAN $39.50), 978-0-89733-531-7 Bruce J. Miller and Diana Maio paper, $22.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-0-89733-496-9 Adobe PDF, $18.99, 978-1-61373-339-4 Illustrations by Mike Luckovich EPUB, $18.99, 978-1-61373-340-0 Introduction by Sidney Blumenthal Kindle, $18.99, 978-1-61373-341-7 political science, 368 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ rights: World paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-521-8 SHE AIN’T HEAVY rights: World A Novel TALES FOR A WINTER’S NIGHT Arnine Cumsky Weiss Arthur Conan Doyle fiction, 256 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ fiction/mystery, 208 pages, 5 × 8 cloth, $35 (CAN $42), 978-0-89733-681-9 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-309-2 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-714-4 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-890-5 Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-715-1 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-891-2 rights: World Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-892-9 A SHIP IN THE HARBOR rights: Not available Mother and Me, Part II Julian Padowicz autobiography, 204 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-598-0 174 ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST

TALES OF MEAN STREETS THRESHOLD OF FIRE Arthur Morrison A Novel of Fifth-Century Rome fiction, 166 pages, 5 × 8 Hella S. Haasse paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-440-2 Translated by Anita Miller and Nini Blinstrub Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-910-0 fiction/history, 256 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-911-7 paper, $13.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-0-89733-426-6 Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-912-4 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61373-455-1 rights: Not available EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61373-456-8 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61373-457-5 TEA & ANTIPATHY rights: World English An American Family in Swinging London Anita Miller TINDER BOX memoir / travel, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½ The Iroquois Theater Disaster 1903 paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-743-4 Anthony P. Hatch Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-762-5 history, 250 pages, 5 ½ × 9 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-763-2 cloth, $25 (CAN $30), 978-0-89733-514-0 Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-764-9 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-609-3 rights: World Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-803-5 EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-802-8 THAT UNDENIABLE LONGING Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-804-2 My Road to and from the Priesthood rights: World Mark Tedesco autobiography/religion & theology, 197 pages, 6 × 9 TITANIC cloth, $23.95 (CAN $28.95), 978-0-89733-542-3 A Survivor’s Story & the Sinking of the S.S. Titanic paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-599-7 Colonel Archibald Gracie and John B. Thayer Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-767-0 memoir/history, 356 pages, 5 × 7 ½ EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-765-6 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-452-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-766-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-861-5 rights: World EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-675-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-862-2 THEODORA rights: Not available Portrait in a Byzantine Landscape Anthony Bridge TOO LATE FOR THE FESTIVAL biography, 214 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ An American Salary Woman in Japan paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-394-8 Rhiannon Paine Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-1-61373-479-7 autobiography, 200 pages, 5 ¼ × 8 ¼ EPUB, $12.99, 978-1-61373-480-3 cloth, $22.50 (CAN $27.95), 978-0-89733-471-6 Kindle, $12.99, 978-1-61373-481-0 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-617-8 rights: Not available Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-0-89733-994-0 EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-995-7 A THEORY OF GREAT MEN Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-996-4 Daniel Greenstone rights: World fiction, 286 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-0-89733-613-0 THE TRIAL OF LEVI WEEKS Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-61373-221-2 Or the Manhattan Well Mystery EPUB, $14.99, 978-0-89733-337-5 Estelle Fox Klieger Kindle, $14.99, 978-0-89733-424-2 history/law, 258 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-492-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-875-2 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-876-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-877-6 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 175

UNCOLLECTING CHEEVER VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY The Family of John Cheever vs. Academy Chicago Captain James Cook Publishers Introduction by Robert Welsch Revised and Updated travel, 528 pages, 5 × 8 Anita Miller paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-316-0 law, 362 pages, 6 ½ × 8 ½ Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-881-3 paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-593-5 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-882-0 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-878-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-883-7 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-879-0 rights: Not available Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-880-6 rights: World WAVE OF TERROR A Novel VALENTINE Theodore Odrach George Sand Translated by Emma Odrach classics, 354 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Introduction by T. F. Rigelhof paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-915864-59-1 fiction, 326 pages, 6 × 8 ½ rights: World paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-562-1 rights: Not available Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-225-0 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-226-7 VICTORIAN LADY TRAVELLERS Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-227-4 Dorothy Middleton rights: World history, 210 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ THE WHALE CHASER paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-063-3 A Novel rights: World Tony Ardizzone VINNIE REAM “Impressively well written from beginning to end.” An American Sculptor —Midwest Book Review Edward S. Cooper fiction, 384 pages, 5½ × 8½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-923-0 art, 300 pages, 5 × 8 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-0-89733-610-9 paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-589-8 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-782-3 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-0-89733-963-6 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-633-8 EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-964-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-781-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-965-0 rights: World rights: World WHAT WENT WRONG IN OHIO VIRGINS AND VIRAGOS The Conyers Report on the 2004 Presidential Election A History of Women in Scotland from 1080–1980 John Conyers and Gore Vidal Rosalind K. Marshall Edited by Anita Miller history, 374 pages, 6 × 9 political science, 156 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $15.95, 978-0-89733-075-6 paper, $14.95 (CAN $17.95), 978-0-89733-535-5 rights: World rights: World VISIONS AND IMAGININGS WHEN THE DIAMONDS WERE GONE Classic Fantasy Fiction A Jewish Refugee Comes of Age in America in the Kenneth J. Zahorski 1940s Julian Padowicz Edited by Robert H. Boyer “A sad and curious memoir that will make others with fiction/fantasy, 374 pages, 5 × 8 unhappy childhoods know they’re not alone.” paper, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-361-0 —Kirkus Reviews Adobe PDF, $12.99, 978-0-89733-913-1 EPUB, $12.99, 978-0-89733-914-8 autobiography / Jewish studies, 224 pages, 5½ × 8½ Kindle, $12.99, 978-0-89733-915-5 paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-0-89733-919-3 rights: Not available Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-0-89733-920-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-0-89733-921-6 Kindle, $13.99, 978-0-89733-922-3 rights: World 176 ACADEMY CHICAGO BACKLIST

WHO SHALL LIVE WOMEN OF PRIVILEGE The Wilhelm Bachner Story 100 Years of Love & Loss in a Family of the Hudson Samuel Oliner and Kathleen Lee River Valley history, 284 pages, 6 × 9 Susan Gillotti cloth, $25.00 (CAN $30.00), 978-0-89733-437-2 biography, 285 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ paper, $18.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-0-89733-601-7 cloth, $35 (CAN $42), 978-0-89733-680-2 rights: World paper, $22.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-0-89733-724-3 EPUB, $17.99, 978-0-89733-727-4 WHOM GOD HATH JOINED Kindle, $17.99, 978-0-89733-726-7 rights: World Arnold Bennett fiction, 256 pages, 5 × 8 WOMEN WITH WINGS paper, $7 (CAN $9), 978-0-86299-207-1 Female Flyers in Fact and Fiction Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-884-4 EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-885-1 Mary Cadogan Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-886-8 women’s studies, 278 pages, 6 × 9 rights: Not available paper, $16.95, 978-0-89733-512-6 rights: Not available WHY WE REMAIN JEWS The Path to Faith A WRITER OF BOOKS Vladimir Tsesis, MD George Patson Jewish studies, 256 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ Introduction by Margaret D. Stetz cloth, $32.50 (CAN $39.95), 978-0-89733-732-8 Afterword by Anita Miller paper, $19.95 (CAN $23.95), 978-0-89733-717-5 fiction/women’s studies, 280 pages, 5 ½ × 8 ½ EPUB, $15.99, 978-0-89733-747-2 paper, $15.00 (CAN $18.00), 978-0-89733-465-5 Kindle, $15.99, 978-0-89733-748-9 rights: Not available rights: World THE WIND IN THE ROSE BUSH THE YOUNG VISITERS And Other Stories of the Supernatural Daisy Ashford Mary E. Wilkins Freeman Introduction by Walter Kendrick Afterword by Alfred Bendixen Illustrations by Julia Anderson-Miller fiction/horror, 255 pages, 4 × 7 fiction, 104 pages, 5 × 7 ½ cloth, $15.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-0-89733-232-3 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-0-89733-790-8 rights: Not available EPUB, $11.99, 978-0-89733-789-2 Kindle, $11.99, 978-0-89733-791-5 A WOMAN NAMED ANNE rights: Not available Henry Cecil fiction/mystery, 224 pages, 4 ½ × 7 paper, $7.95, 978-0-89733-338-2 rights: Not available LAWRENCE HILL BOOKS BACKLIST 177

AFRAID OF THE DARK AFROFUTURISM What Whites and Blacks Need to Know About The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture Each Other Ytasha L. Womack Jim Myers • A 2014 Locus Awards finalist Foreword by Jesse Jackson African American / social science, 224 pages, 5½ × 8½ African American / social science, 360 pages, 6 × 9 13 b & w illustrations 19 tables, 11 graphs paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-796-4 paper, $16.95 (CAN $25.95), 978-1-55652-388-5 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-797-1 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-586-9 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-799-5 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-588-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-798-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-587-6 rights: World rights: World rights sold: French, Korean AGAINST THE WALL The Art of Resistance in Palestine AFRICA COUNTS William Parry Number and Pattern in African Cultures Third Edition “Elegantly realized.” —Publishers Weekly Claudia Zaslavsky art / politics, 192 pages, 8¼ × 10¼ 404 four-color illustrations, 4 maps, four-color interior African American / mathematics, 368 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-704-7 80 b & w photos, 68 line drawings, 11 tables, 7 maps Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-856-3 paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-350-2 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-858-7 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-114-6 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-857-0 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-115-3 rights: Not available Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-666-8 rights: World THE ALMIGHTY BLACK P STONE NATION AFRICAN AMERICAN HUMOR The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of an American Gang The Best Black Comedy from Slavery to Today Natalie Y. Moore and Lance Williams Edited by Mel Watkins “This well-researched book . . . digs out the truth, finds the humanity in urban legend and shows how church, state and Foreword by Dick Gregory community together created the most powerful, and con- African American / humor, 400 pages, 6 × 9, 2 line drawings tradictory, of street organizations.” —Ebony paper, $19.99 (CAN $23.99), 978-1-55652-431-8 social science / history, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 8 b & w photos rights: World paper, $17.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61374-491-8 cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-845-3 AFRICAN MUSIC Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-56976-844-0 A People’s Art EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-56976-846-4 Francis Bebey Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-845-7 rights: World “A concise, well-illustrated introduction to traditional Afri- can music, musicians, and instruments.” —Booklist THE AMERICAN SLAVE COAST African American / music, 192 pages, 6 × 9 A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry paper, $19.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-128-7 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-659-2 Ned and Constance Sublette EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-661-5 “A massive story of impressive research.” —Kirkus Reviews Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-660-8 history / American studies, 752 pages, 6 × 9 rights: Not available 63 b & w photos, 8 maps cloth, $35.00 (CAN $42.00), 978-1-61374-820-6 THE AFRICAN ORIGIN OF CIVILIZATION Adobe PDF, $31.99, 978-1-61374-821-3 Myth or Reality EPUB, $31.99, 978-1-61374-823-7 Cheikh Anta Diop Kindle, $31.99, 978-1-61374-822-0 rights: World African American, 336 pages, 5½ × 8½ paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-072-3 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-734-6 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-736-0 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-735-3 rights: Not available 178 LAWRENCE HILL BOOKS BACKLIST

AND THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING DOWN BIG BLACK PENIS An Autobiography Misadventures in Race and Masculinity Ralph David Abernathy Shawn Taylor biography / African American, 672 pages, 6 × 9, 29 b & w photos African American / social science paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-56976-279-0 208 pages, 5½ × 8½ rights: US & CA paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-734-0 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-383-4 ASHAMED TO DIE EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-385-8 Silence, Denial, and the AIDS Epidemic in the South Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-384-1 rights: World Andrew J. Skerritt “A powerful debut. . . . The author makes a strong case that BLACK AFRICA the shame is not with the dying but with those who turn The Economic and Cultural Basis for a Federated State away from the reality of this epidemic.” —Kirkus Reviews Cheikh Anta Diop health / social science, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 24 b & w photos cloth, $24.95, (CAN $27.95) 978-1-56976-814-3 African American, 144 pages, 5½ × 8½ Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-955-3 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-061-7 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-957-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-737-7 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-956-0 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-739-1 rights: World Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-738-4 rights: Not available THE ASSASSINATION OF FRED HAMPTON How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a BY ANY GREENS NECESSARY Black Panther A Revolutionary Guide for Black Women Who Want to Eat Great, Get Healthy, Lose Weight, and Look Phat Jeffrey Haas Tracye Lynn McQuirter, MPH “A riveting account of the assassination, the plot behind it, the attempted cover-up, the denouement, and the lessons “If you’re ready to take the plunge into eating well and eat- that we should draw from this shocking tale of government ing right, then By Any Greens Necessary is a good first step.” iniquity.” —Noam Chomsky, author and political activist —Ebony true crime / African American, 384 pages, 6 × 9, 18 b & w photos health / nutrition, 240 pages, 5½ × 8½, 16 color photos, 3 charts paper $16.95, (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-709-2 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-998-6 cloth $26.95, (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-765-4 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-662-0 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-363-6 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-668-2 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-365-0 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-667-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-364-3 rights: World rights: World CARRYING JACKIE’S TORCH ASSATA The Players Who Integrated Baseball—and America An Autobiography Steve Jacobson Assata Shakur “A significant piece of baseball and American history. Forewords by Angela Davis and Lennox S. Hinds Revealing, moving, and long overdue.” —Bob Costas African American, 320 pages, 6 × 9 sports / African American, 288 pages, 6 × 9, 20 b & w photos paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-074-7 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-791-3 rights: Not available cloth, $24.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-1-55652-639-8 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-386-5 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LEROI JONES EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-388-9 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-387-2 Amiri Baraka rights: World “The story of Baraka’s metamorphosis is itself part of the story of contemporary literature’s development.” CHILDREN OF THE MOVEMENT —Publishers Weekly The sons and daughters of Martin Luther King Jr., African American, 496 pages, 6 × 9 Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, George Wallace, paper, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-231-4 Andrew Young, Julian Bond, Stokely Carmichael, Bob Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-587-8 Moses, James Chaney, Elaine Brown, and others reveal EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-589-2 how the civil rights movement tested and transformed Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-588-5 their families rights: Not available John Blake NOW AVAILABLE 179

“A revealing look at how the movement affected the per- THE COOL GENT sonal lives of activists and the legacy inherited by their The Nine Lives of Radio Legend Herb Kent children.” —Booklist Herb Kent and David Smallwood history / biography, 288 pages, 6 × 9, 65 b & w photos Foreword by Mayor Richard M. Daley cloth, $24.95 (CAN $37.95), 978-1-55652-537-7 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-592-0 “A remarkable collection of historical facts in radio, music EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-594-4 and Blackness incorporated with Kent history.” Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-593-7 —Chicago Defender rights: World autobiography / African American 272 pages, 6 × 9, 35 b & w photos CITIZEN LANE cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-55652-774-6 Defending Our Rights in the Courts, the Capitol, and Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-252-3 the Streets EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-254-7 Mark Lane Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-253-0 rights: World Foreword by Martin Sheen “I regret the attempts to destroy Mr. Lane.” —David Atlee THE DEATH SHIP Phillips, Director of the CIA for the Western Hemisphere B. Traven autobiography / law: civil rights, 384 pages, 6 × 9, 15 b & w photos “The greatest of Traven’s works, it is a good-humored but cloth, $26.95 (CAN $ 29.95), 978-1-61374-001-9 devastating attack on bureaucracy and the state.” Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-002-6 —Los Angeles Times EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-004-0 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-003-3 fiction, 384 pages, 5¼ × 8½ rights: World paper, $16.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-110-2 rights: Not available CIVILIZATION OR BARBARISM An Authentic Anthropology DESMOND TUTU Rabble-Rouser for Peace: The Authorized Biography Cheikh Anta Diop John Allen Translated by Yaa-Lengi Meema Ngemi “This book gives remarkable insights into how Tutu’s spiri- African American, 464 pages, 6 × 9, 76 b & w photos tual worldview and discipline molded him into the pre- paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-55652-048-8 eminent religious leader in South Africa’s struggle against Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-740-7 racism and a passionate advocate of human rights interna- EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-742-1 tionally.” —Jimmy Carter, Thirty-ninth President of Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-741-4 the United States and Nobel Laureate rights: Not available biography / politics, 496 pages, 6 × 9, 35 b & w photos THE COLORS OF LOVE paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-798-2 The Black Person’s Guide to Interracial Relationships rights: Not available Kimberly Hohman DEVIL’S SANCTUARY African American, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½ An Eyewitness History of Mississippi Hate Crimes paper, $14.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-467-7 Alex A. Alston Jr. and James L. Dickerson Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-595-1 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-597-5 “[A] vivid, often shocking look at the state’s legacy of rac- Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-596-8 ism.” —Publishers Weekly rights: World history / African American, 384 pages, 6 × 9, 20 b & w photos cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-763-0 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-56976-314-8 CONVERSATE IS NOT A WORD EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-56976-316-2 Getting Away from Ghetto Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-56976-315-5 Jam Donaldson rights: World African American / humor, 208 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-780-7 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-550-0 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-552-4 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-551-7 rights: World 180 LAWRENCE HILL BOOKS BACKLIST

DIE NIGGER DIE! EYE OF THE HURRICANE A Political Autobiography My Path from Darkness to Freedom H. Rap Brown (Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin) Dr. Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, LL.D. with Ken Klonsky Foreword by Ekwueme Michael Thelwell Foreword by Nelson Mandela Introduction by Don L. Lee African American / autobiography, 352 pages, 59⁄16 × 811⁄16 The inflammatory memoir of one of America’s most elo- paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-815-2 quent black revolutionaries. cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-56976-568-5 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-820-4 African American / autobiography, 192 pages, 5½ × 8¼, 12 b & w photos EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-822-8 paper, $14.95 (CAN $22.95), 978-1-55652-452-3 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-821-1 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-156-6 rights: World EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-158-0 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-157-3 FELA rights: World This Bitch of a Life DIVINE REBELS Carlos Moore American Christian Activists for Social Justice Foreword by Gilberto Gil Deena Guzder Introduction by Margaret Busby Foreword by Shane Claiborne • The basis for the Broadway musical Fela! Afterword by Roger S. Gottlieb “Fela’s biography is important to us all now because it sounds like he is speaking to us from the world beyond. It goes with “Divine Rebels offers a much-needed corrective to the our aphorism, which says that Fela Lives.” —Femi Kuti wrathful voices on the Religious Right by showcasing the underreported heroism of politically progressive Christians music / biography, 288 pages, 5¼ × 8½, 55 b & w photos who reject power and privilege in favor of compassion and paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-835-4 reconciliation.” Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-988-1 —Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-989-8 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-669-9 religion / social science, 320 pages, 6 × 9 rights: World x French, German, Japanese, Nigeria, Portuguese, and paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-264-6 Spanish Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-868-6 rights sold: UK, Italian EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-870-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-869-3 rights: Unavailable FIERCE ANGELS Living with a Legacy from the Sacred Dark Feminine DO I LOOK LIKE AN ATM? to the Strong Black Woman Six Steps to Raising Financially Responsible African Sheri Parks, PhD American Children Foreword by Marcia Ann Gillespie Sabrina Lamb African American / women’s studies, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 21 b & w photos parenting / personal finance, 224 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-61374-504-5 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-61374-405-5 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-505-2 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-407-9 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-507-6 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-408-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-506-9 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-406-2 rights: UK territories rights: World FIGHTING THE DEVIL IN DIXIE EGO-TRIPPING AND OTHER POEMS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE How Civil Rights Activists Took on the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama Nikki Giovanni Foreword by Virginia Hamilton Wayne Greenhaw Illustrations by George Ford “[C]hronicles one of the great victories in America’s ongoing children’s: African American struggle for social justice.” —BookPage 72 pages, 6 × 9, b & w line drawings throughout history / African American, 336 pages, 6 × 9, 35 b & w photos paper, $10.95 (CAN $11.95), 978-1-55652-189-8 paper, $17.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-61373-416-2 Adobe PDF, $8.99, 978-1-61374-617-2 cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-56976-345-2 EPUB, $8.99, 978-1-61374-619-7 Adobe PDF, $16.99, 978-1-56976-823-5 Kindle, $8.99, 978-1-61374-618-9 EPUB, $16.99, 978-1-56976-825-9 rights: Not available Kindle, $16.99, 978-1-56976-824-2 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 181

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GROWING UP IN SLAVERY I DARE TO SAY Stories of Young Slaves as Told By Themselves African Women Share Their Stories of Hope and Survival Edited by Yuval Taylor Edited by Hilda Twongyeirwe, FEMRITE, Uganda Women • Selection for American Library Association’s Best Books Writers’ Association for Young Adults in 2005 “A testimony to the glaring atrocities that women have “Riveting. . . . Raw, rich history lessons without a dull text- encountered and overcome.” —Maya Angelou book.” —Detroit Free Press women’s studies / biography / autobiography, 336 pages, 6 × 9 young adult, ages 14 & up, 256 pages, 5½ × 8¼ paper, $17.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-56976-842-6 10 b & w illustrations Adobe PDF, $14.99, 978-1-56976-967-6 paper, $11.95 (CAN $12.95), 978-1-55652-635-0 EPUB, $14.99, 978-1-56976-969-0 cloth, $22.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-1-55652-548-3 Kindle, $14.99, 978-1-56976-968-3 Adobe PDF, $9.99, 978-1-61374-190-0 rights: World EPUB, $9.99, 978-1-56976-685-9 Kindle, $9.99, 978-1-56976-671-2 I DIDN’T WORK THIS HARD JUST rights: World TO GET MARRIED Successful Single Black Women Speak Out A HEALING GROVE Nika C. Beamon African Tree Remedies and Rituals for the Body and Spirit Foreword by Dr. Bella DePaulo Stephanie Rose Bird “Though written from black women’s perspectives, this book has appeal for all women looking for a fresh take on “Here we find a myriad of alternatives, as well as sophisti- being single.” —Booklist cated treatments, from the indigenous cultures of Africa—a medicinal system whose roots stretch back to the very African American / self-help, 208 pages, 6 × 9 dawn of time.” —Awareness Magazine paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-819-4 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-353-7 body / mind / spirit , African American EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-355-1 272 pages, 7½ × 9, 30 b & w illustrations Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-354-4 paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-764-7 rights: World Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-326-1 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-329-2 I KILLED SCHEHERAZADE Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-328-5 Confessions of an Angry Arab Woman rights: World Joumana Haddad HOUSE OF STONE “A provocative new book [that] lifts the veil on love, sex— The True Story of a Family Divided in War-Torn and what the ‘Arab Spring’ really means for women.” Zimbabwe —Marie Claire Christina Lamb women’s studies / Middle Eastern studies, 160 pages, 5½ × 8½ “[A] riveting account.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-840-2 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-931-7 history / current events, 320 pages, 5¼ × 8½, 62 b & w photos EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-933-1 paper, $14.95, 978-1-55652-792-0 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-932-4 rights: Not available rights: Unavailable HOW TO RENT A NEGRO I WAS BORN A SLAVE damali ayo An Anthology of Classic Slave Narratives “A must-read book that gleefully blows past the boundaries of tentative talk on current race relations.” —Bust Edited by Yuval Taylor “Witty, empathetic, unsettling, hilarious. A kind of Miss Foreword by Charles Johnson Manners for the racially isolated yet yearning to connect.” African American, 832 pages, 6 × 9, 10 b & w illustrations —The Nation Vol. 1 paper, $32.95 (CAN $46.95), 978-1-55652-331-1 “Biting satire.” —Seattle Times Vol. 2 paper, $34.95 (CAN $41.99), 978-1-55652-332-8 rights: World social science / African American rights sold: UK 160 pages, 5½ × 8½, 12 b & w photos throughout, two-color interior paper, $14.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-573-5 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-55652-645-9 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-231-8 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-230-1 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 183

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family and relationships / women’s studies / law, 512 pages, 6 × 9 NOT ALL BLACK GIRLS KNOW HOW TO EAT paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-999-3 A Story of Bulimia Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-907-2 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-909-6 Stephanie Covington Armstrong Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-908-9 “Enriches the genre of eating disorder narratives by diver- rights: World sifying the chorus of voices. Covington Armstrong’s story emboldens women of all colors who might otherwise have MUSIC IS THE WEAPON OF THE FUTURE remained quiet to voice their lived experiences with food.” Fifty Years of African Popular Music —Ms. magazine Frank Tenaille health / African American, 256 pages, 6 × 9 Photographs by Akwa Betote paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-786-9 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-318-6 “Highly readable and informative.” EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-320-9 —Banning Eyre, Afropop Worldwide Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-319-3 music, 304 pages, 6 × 9, 40 b & w photos rights: World paper, $18.95 (CAN $28.95), 978-1-55652-450-9 rights: World English OBAMISTAN! LAND WITHOUT RACISM Your Guide to the New America MY TIMES IN BLACK AND WHITE damali ayo Race and Power at the New York Times “This is an intriguing guiding framework that gives the Gerald M. Boyd readers a new look at a long-discussed topic and allows the Afterword by Robin D. Stone author’s sharp wit to deliver a commentary that is at once “Boyd’s perspective is crucial to understanding the crisis sad, funny, and revealing.” —Sacramento Book Review that unfolded at the Times in 2003.” — Publishers Weekly humor / political science, 208 pages, 5½ × 8½ media & journalism / African American 6 b & w photos, 6 b & w illustrations, 1 chart 416 pages, 6 × 9, 12 b & w photos paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-243-1 cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-952-8 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-621-7 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-56976-556-2 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-623-1 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-56976-558-6 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-622-4 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-56976-557-9 rights: World rights: World ON THE REAL SIDE NINE LIVES OF A BLACK PANTHER A History of African American Comedy A Story of Survival Mel Watkins Wayne Pharr “A penetrating and immensely enjoyable history.” memoir / African American, 320 pages, 6 x 9, 33 b & w photos —The New Yorker cloth, $ 26.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-61374-916-6 African American, 672 pages, 6 × 9, 21 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-61374-917-3 paper, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-55652-351-9 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-61374-919-7 Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-883052-81-2 Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-61374-918-0 EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-56976-760-3 rights: World Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-883052-82-9 NO FEAR rights: Not available A Whistleblower’s Triumph Over Corruption and Retaliation at the EPA OUR WAY TO FIGHT Israeli and Palestinian Activists for Peace Marsha Coleman-Adebayo Michael Riordon Foreword by Noam Chomsky “Riordon offers an important corrective to the standard tale Afterword by Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy of an intractable conflict.” “This is an inspiring and worthwhile trek through one —Publishers Weekly, starred review woman’s brave battle against a system favoring the power- Middle Eastern studies / cultural studies, 256 pages, 6 × 9 f u l .” — Kirkus Reviews paper, $16.95, 978-1-56976-778-8 political science / autobiography, 480 pages, 6 × 9, 16 b & w photos Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-871-6 cloth, $27.95 (CAN $30.95), 978-1-55652-818-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-873-0 Adobe PDF, $22.99, 978-1-56976-937-9 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-872-3 EPUB, $22.99, 978-1-56976-939-3 rights: Not available Kindle, $22.99, 978-1-56976-938-6 rights: World NOW AVAILABLE 185

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SIMEON’S STORY SOMEBODY’S DAUGHTER An Eyewitness Account of the Kidnapping of The Hidden Story of America’s Prostituted Children Emmett Till and the Battle to Save Them Simeon Wright with Herb Boyd Julian Sher • Winner of the 2011 Carter G. Woodson Honor Book (sec- sociology / women’s studies, 352 pages, 6 × 9 ondary level) paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-61374-808-4 • Winner of the 2010 Skipping Stones Honor Award Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-934-0 • Nominee of the 2011 YALSA Excellence in Non-fiction for EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-935-7 Young Adults Award Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-936-4 “Fascinating . . . [Wright’s] perspective and proximity are rights: World critical to a full understanding [of the Emmett Till story].” —Chicago Tribune SPEAKING OUT African American history / autobiography A Congressman’s Lifelong Fight Against Bigotry, 160 pages, 5½ × 8½, 10 b & w photos, 1 chart, 1 map Famine, and War paper, $12.95 (CAN $13.95), 978-1-56976-819-8 Paul Findley Adobe PDF, $10.99, 978-1-56976-542-5 Foreword by Helen Thomas EPUB, $10.99, 978-1-56976-544-9 Kindle, $10.99, 978-1-56976-543-2 “Paul has given us a lively recollection of a robust and hon- rights: World orable life in public service, grounded in a patriot’s devo- tion to the country he loves.” —Bill Moyers THE SIXTEENTH ROUND autobiography / political science, 344 pages, 6 × 9 From Number 1 Contender to Number 45472 8 four-color photos, 8 b & w photos cloth, $26.95 (CAN $29.95), 978-1-56976-625-5 Rubin “Hurricane” Carter Adobe PDF, $21.99, 978-1-56976-889-1 “A document of life lived in the center of hell.” EPUB, $21.99, 978-1-56976-891-4 —Sports Illustrated Kindle, $21.99, 978-1-56976-890-7 autobiography / African American, 368 pages, 6 × 9, 14 b & w photos rights: World x Arabic paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-567-8 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-859-4 SPIRIT OF THE PHOENIX EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-861-7 Beirut and the Story of Lebanon Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-860-0 rights: World Tim Llewellyn Middle Eastern studies, 288 pages, 6 × 9 SOLEDAD BROTHER paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95) 978-1-56976-603-3 The Prison Letters of George Jackson rights: US, CA, & PH George Jackson STOKELY SPEAKS Foreword by Jonathan Jackson Jr. From Black Power to Pan-Africanism Introduction by Jean Genet Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) “The most important single volume from a black since The “Replete with insights of brilliance.” Autobiography of Malcolm X.” —Julius Lester, New York Times Book Review —Julius Lester, New York Times Book Review paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-55652-649-7 African American, 368 pages, 6 × 9 African American / history, 256 pages, 5½ × 8¼ paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-55652-230-7 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-293-8 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-287-7 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-295-2 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-289-1 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-294-5 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-288-4 rights: World rights: Not available NOW AVAILABLE 187

A SWAMP FULL OF DOLLARS THURGOOD MARSHALL Pipelines and Paramilitaries at Nigeria’s Oil Frontier His Speeches, Writings, Arguments, Opinions, and Michael Peel Reminiscences “Peel does a terrific job of exploring the oil economy’s global Edited by Mark V. Tushnet ties to Nigeria.” —Sacramento Book Review Foreword by Randall Kennedy current events / African studies, 256 pages, 5½ × 8½ African American, 552 pages, 6 × 9 20 b & w photos paper, $24.95 (CAN $37.95), 978-1-55652-386-1 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $27.95), 978-1-56976-286-8 cloth, $40 (CAN $60), 978-1-55652-385-4 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-56976-697-2 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-638-7 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-56976-699-6 EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-640-0 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-56976-698-9 Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-639-4 rights: US, CA, & PH rights: World SWEET THUNDER THE WAR ON CIVIL LIBERTIES The Life and Times of Sugar Ray Robinson How Bush and Ashcroft Have Dismantled the Bill of Wil Haygood Rights “A literary knockout.” —Sports Illustrated Elaine Cassel biography / sports, 480 pages, 6 × 9, 18 b & w photos “Eye-opening and chilling.” —Publishers Weekly paper, $18.95 (CAN $20.95), 978-1-56976-608-8 politics / current affairs, 224 pages, 6 × 9 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-862-4 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-55652-743-2 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-864-8 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-053-8 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-863-1 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-306-5 rights: Unavailable rights: World THEY DARE TO SPEAK OUT WOMAN’S INHUMANITY TO WOMAN People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby Phyllis Chesler Third Edition With a new introduction by the author Paul Findley “Important and brilliant.” —Erica Jong “In Congress and in the White House, in the Pentagon and in the university, [Findley] finds the pro-Israel forces wield- “Wonderful, great, and generally divine.” —Kate Millett ing remarkable power to suppress free debate, compromise “Groundbreaking . . . highly recommended.” national secrets and shape American foreign policy.” —Library Journal —Booklist women’s studies / psychology, 576 pages, 8 × 5¼ politics, 416 pages, 6 × 9 paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-946-7 paper, $18.95 (CAN $28.95), 978-1-55652-482-0 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-276-9 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-614-1 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-278-3 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-616-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-56976-277-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-615-8 rights: Not available rights: World rights sold: Farsi WORKING WHILE BLACK The Black Person’s Guide to Success in the White THE THUNDER OF ANGELS Workplace The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the People Who Second Edition Broke the Back of Jim Crow Michelle T. Johnson Donnie Williams with Wayne Greenhaw Foreword by Julianne Malveaux “This revelatory book tells the bone-deep truth of the Mont- “This book examines in an insightful way a delicate and gomery Bus Boycott, a pivotal moment in the civil rights difficult issue—the triumph and tragedies of black upward struggle. . . . An essential book.” —Studs Terkel mobility. Don’t miss it!” history / African American, 320 pages, 6 × 9, 30 b & w photos —Cornel West, author of Race Matters paper, $14.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-676-3 career / African American, 288 pages, 5½ × 8½ cloth, $24.95 (CAN $33.95), 978-1-55652-590-2 paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-56976-346-9 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-55652-641-1 Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-56976-834-1 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-239-4 EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-56976-836-5 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-240-0 Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-56976-835-8 rights: World rights: World 188 LAWRENCE HILL BOOKS BACKLIST

THE WORLD THAT MADE NEW ORLEANS XALA From Spanish Silver to Congo Square Ousmane Sembène Ned Sublette fiction, 112 pages, 5½ × 8½ • 2009 Humanities Book of the Year award from the Louisi- paper, $14.95 (CAN $16.95), 978-1-55652-070-9 ana Endowment for the Humanities Adobe PDF, $11.99, 978-1-61374-650-9 • Named one of the Top 10 Books of 2008 by The Times- EPUB, $11.99, 978-1-61374-652-3 Picayune Kindle, $11.99, 978-1-61374-651-6 rights: Not available • New Orleans Gulf South Booksellers Association Book of the Year Award for 2008 “Cultural studies and history do not get much better than this, a must read for anyone who wonders why this city must be saved.” —Booklist, starred review history, 368 pages, 6 × 9, 23 b & w photos, 7 maps paper, $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-55652-958-0 cloth, $24.95 (CAN $31.95), 978-1-55652-730-2 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-56976-512-8 EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-56976-513-5 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-55652-939-9 rights: Not available ZEPHYR PRESS BACKLIST 189

ARCHITECTURE EVERYWHERE paper, $19.95 (CAN $24.95), 978-1-56976-212-7 Investigating the Built Environment of Your Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-131-3 Community EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-133-7 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-132-0 Joseph A. Weber rights: World educational resource, 224 pages, 8½ × 11 rights sold: Portuguese 200 b & w photos, 11 line drawings, 3 charts, 2 tables paper, $32 (CAN $48), 978-1-56976-107-6 BIG IDEAS FOR SMALL MATHEMATICIANS rights: World Kids Discovering the Beauty of Math with 22 Ready- to-Go Activities ART IS EVERY DAY Ann Kajander Activities for the Home, Park, Museum, and City education resource / math, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ Eileen Prince 60 b & w photos, 50 line drawings “Just add water (and a little paper, some crayons and pen- Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-134-4 cils) for instant and inspiring art projects.” EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-136-8 —Kirkus Reviews Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-135-1 art / activity, 224 pages, 7 × 10 rights: World 50 b & w photos, 16 four-color illustrations rights sold: Portuguese paper $16.95 (CAN $18.95), 978-1-56976-715-3 Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61374-362-1 BRINGING MATH HOME EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61374-363-8 A Parents’ Guide to Elementary School Math: Games, Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61374-364-5 Activities, Projects rights: World Suzanne Churchman ART IS FUNDAMENTAL education resource / mathematics ages 5–12, 240 pages, 8 × 10, 100 diagrams, 20 tables Teaching the Elements and Principles of Art in paper, $19.95 (CAN $26.95), 978-1-56976-203-5 Elementary School Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-56976-218-9 Eileen S. Prince EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-56976-688-0 educational reference, 200 pages, 8½ × 11 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-56976-674-3 15 color illustrations, 70 b & w illustrations rights: World paper, $19.95 (CAN $21.95), 978-1-56976-216-5 rights sold: Korean Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-124-5 EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-126-9 THE COMPASSIONATE CLASSROOM Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-125-2 Lessons That Nurture Wisdom and Empathy rights: World Jane Dalton and Lyn Fairchild rights sold: Korean education resource / character development ART MATTERS 176 pages, 8 × 10, 16 line drawings paper, $29.95 (CAN $44.95), 978-1-56976-173-6 Strategies, Ideas, and Activities to Strengthen rights: World Learning across the Curriculum rights sold: Malaysian Eileen S. Prince educational resource, 192 pages, 8½ × 11 CURIOUS MINDS 35 b & w photos, 3 line drawings 40 Hands-on Activities to Inspire a Love of Learning paper, $27.95 (CAN $41.95), 978-1-56976-129-8 Ty Kolstedt and Dr. Azeem Z. Vasi Adobe PDF, $22.99, 978-1-61374-629-5 “A convenient resource for educators, activity leaders, and EPUB, $22.99, 978-1-61374-631-8 parents alike.” —Booklist Online Kindle, $22.99, 978-1-61374-630-1 rights: World childrens: education resource 160 pages, 7 × 10, 50 b & w illustrations BIG IDEAS FOR GROWING MATHEMATICIANS paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61373-150-5 Exploring Elementary Math with 20 Ready-to-Go Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61373-152-9 Activities EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61373-153-6 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61373-151-2 Ann Kajander rights: World education resource / math, 160 pages, 11 × 8½ 10 b & w photos, 50 line drawings 190 ZEPHYR PRESS BACKLIST

DISCOVERING THE NATURALIST INTELLIGENCE childrens: nonfiction / crafts and hobbies, 112 pages, 7 × 10 Science in the Schoolyard 23 color photos, 100 b & w illustrations paper, $16.95 (CAN $19.95), 978-1-61373-030-0 Jenna Glock, Susan Wertz, and Maggie Meyer Adobe PDF, $13.99, 978-1-61373-031-7 Foreword by Thomas R. Hoerr EPUB, $13.99, 978-1-61373-033-1 educational resource, 144 pages, 8½ × 11 Kindle, $13.99, 978-1-61373-032-4 56 line drawings, 45 charts rights: World paper, $32.95 (CAN $49.95), 978-1-56976-089-5 rights: World THE MEDIA-SAVVY STUDENT Teaching Media Literacy Skills INTELLIGENCE BUILDERS FOR EVERY STUDENT Dr. Guofang Wan and Dr. Hong Cheng 44 Exercises to Expand Multiple Intelligences in Your media / education resource, grades 2–6 Classroom 176 pages, 8½ × 11, 30 line drawings David Lazear paper, $24.95 (CAN $37.95), 978-1-56976-170-0 educational resource, 144 pages, 8½ × 11 rights: World 5 line drawings, 15 charts, 15 tables, 15 graphs paper, $25 (CAN $37.95), 978-1-56976-069-7 THE MI STRATEGY BANK rights: World 800+ Multiple Intelligence Ideas for the Elementary rights sold: Malaysian Classroom Second Edition INVENTING TOYS Ellen Arnold Kids Having Fun Learning Science education resource, 176 pages, 5½ × 8½, 10 line drawings Ed Sobey paper, $19.95 (CAN $26.95), 978-1-56976-210-3 educational resource, 144 pages, 8½ × 11 Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-569-4 14 b&w photos, 40 line drawings, 14 charts EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-571-7 paper, $24.95 (CAN $37.95), 978-1-56976-124-3 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-570-0 Adobe PDF, $19.99, 978-1-61374-635-6 rights: World EPUB, $19.99, 978-1-61374-637-0 rights sold: Danish, German Kindle, $19.99, 978-1-61374-636-3 rights: World MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE APPROACHES TO ASSESSMENT Solving the Assessment Conundrum LEARNING ABOUT FALL WITH CHILDREN’S LITERATURE David Lazear LEARNING ABOUT SPRING WITH CHILDREN’S LITERATURE Foreword by Grant Wiggins, EdD LEARNING ABOUT WINTER WITH CHILDREN’S LITERATURE educational resource, 208 pages, 8½ × 11 Margaret A. Bryant, Marjorie Keiper, and Anne Petit 200 line drawings, 40 charts, 30 graphs education resource, 160 pages, 8½ × 11 (for each) paper, $42.95 (CAN $63.95), 978-0-91370-595-7 paper, $14.95 (CAN $20.95) rights: World 978-1-56976-204-2 (Learning About Fall with Children’s Literature) rights sold: UK 978-1-56976-206-6 (Learning About Spring with Children’s Literature) 978-1-56976-205-9 (Learning About Winter with Children’s Literature) MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES MADE EASY rights: World Strategies for Your Curriculum Bonita DeAmicis LOCO-MOTION educational resource, 256 pages, 8½ × 11 Physics Models for the Classroom paper, $32.95 (CAN $49.95), 978-1-56976-101-4 Ed Sobey rights: World education resource / activity, ages 10 and up, 224 pages, 8½ × 11 70 b & w photos and illustrations THE PARENT-TEACHER PARTNERSHIP paper, $24.95 (CAN $34.95), 978-1-56976-193-9 How to Work Together for Student Achievement rights: World Scott Mandel educational resource, 144 pages, 8 × 10, 7 b & w illustrations MAKE IT! WRITE IT! READ IT! paper, $19.95 (CAN $24.95), 978-1-56976-217-2 Simple Bookmaking Projects to Engage Kids in Art Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-258-7 and Literacy EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-260-0 Wendy M. L. Libby Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-259-4 rights: World · A 2015 Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award Winner NOW AVAILABLE 191

READY, SET, READ SCIENCE THROUGH MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Building a Love of Letters and Literacy Through Fun Patterns That Inspire Inquiry Phonics Activities Robert Barkman Janet Chambers educational resource, 180 pages, 8½ × 11 educational resource, 240 pages, 11 × 8½ 4 b&w photos, 60 line drawings, 20 charts paper, $34.95 (CAN $36.95), 978-1-56976-151-9 paper, $35 (CAN $48), 978-1-56976-096-3 Adobe PDF, $27.99, 978-1-61374-641-7 rights: World EPUB, $27.99, 978-1-61374-643-1 Kindle, $27.99, 978-1-61374-642-4 STOP! THINK! CHOOSE! rights: World Building Emotional Intelligence in Young People RESTAURANT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE Katta Mapes Exploring the Wonderment of the World Through educational resource, 192 pages, 8½ × 11 Physics 7 line drawings, 40 tables, 7 11 × 17 posters paper, $47.95 (CAN $71.95), 978-1-56976-109-0 Anthony P. Pitucco and Shawn Agut rights: World educational resource, 160 page, 8½ × 11, 8 line drawings paper, $26.95 (CAN $40.95), 978-1-56976-056-7 TANGLERS, TOO rights: World 50 More Cooperative Problem-Solving Puzzles RHYTHMS OF LEARNING Paul Fleisher Creative Tools for Developing Lifelong Skills educational resource, 96 pages, 8½ × 11 paper, $17.95 (CAN $26.95), 978-1-56976-166-3 Chris Brewer and Don G. Campbell rights: World Foreword by Dee Dickinson educational resource, 320 pages, 7 × 9 TEAM CHALLENGES 4 b&w photos, 10 line drawings, 14 charts, 10 graphs 170+ Group Activities to Build Cooperation, paper, $24.95 (CAN $37.95), 978-0-91370-559-9 Communication, and Creativity rights: World Kris Bordessa education resource, grades K–8 THE RUBRICS WAY 256 pages, 8½ × 11, 60 b & w illustrations Using Multiple Intelligences to Assess Understanding paper, $19.95 (CAN $26.95), 978-1-56976-201-1 David Lazear Adobe PDF, $15.99, 978-1-61374-566-3 educational resource, 224 pages, 8½ × 11, 20 line drawings EPUB, $15.99, 978-1-61374-568-7 paper, $35.95 (CAN $53.95), 978-1-56976-087-1 Kindle, $15.99, 978-1-61374-567-0 rights: World rights: World 192 INDEX

101 Kid-Friendly Plants, 139 Architecture Everywhere, 154 98% Funky Stuff, 107 Arrested, 64 Arrest-Proof Yourself, 64 Abe & Fido, 1 Art Is Every Day, 154 Above the Din of War, 141 Art Is Fundamental, 154 Abraham Lincoln for Kids, 89 Art Matters, 154 Absinthe & Flamethrowers, 63 Art of Construction, The, 90 Accidental Anarchist, An, 119 Art of the Catapult, The, 90 Admiral and the Ambassador, The, 9 Ashamed to Die, 142 Advise & Dissent, 63 Assassination of Fred Hampton, The, 142 Aesthetes and Decadents of the 1890s, 119 Assata, 142 Afraid of the Dark, 141 Aurora Leigh, 119 Africa Counts, 141 Avalon, 64 Africa for Kids, 89 Avengers and Defenders, 119 African American Humor, 141 Awesome Snake Science, 90 African Crafts, 89 African Music, 141 Backstabbers, 120 African Origin of Civilization, The, 141 Backyard Ballistics, 64 Afrofuturism, 141 Bad Karma, 120 Against the Wall, 141 Bad Moon Rising, 107 Age of Agony, The, 119 Badger, The, 24 Age of Miracles, The, 119 Ball Perennial Manual, 139 Albert Einstein and Relativity for Kids, 89 Baseball History for Kids, 60 Album of the Damned, 119 Baseball’s Best Short Stories, 64 Alex, 119 Bats Fly Up for Inspector Ghote, 120 All Aboard, 63 Bauhaus Ideal Then and Now, The, 120 All of Me, 63 Beatles in Hamburg, The, 107 All the Clean Ones Are Married, 119 Beatles in Liverpool, The, 107 All This, and Heaven Too, 63 Beethoven for Kids, 90 All-American Industrial Motel, The, 63 Before and After Zachariah, 120 Almighty Black P Stone Nation, The, 141 Beginner’s Guide to 3D Printing, A, 64 Alpana Pours, 119 Behind That Curtain, 120 Amazing Rubber Band Cars, 89 Benjamin Franklin, American Genius, 91 America 1844, 12 Best Dog Stories, The, 64 America’s Black Founders, 89 Best Film You’ve Never Seen, The, 107 American Folk Art for Kids, 89 Best Horror Stories of Arthur Conan Doyle, The, 120 American Revolution for Kids, The, 90 Bet the House, 65 American Slave Coast, The 27 Between XX and XY, 65 American Wine, 2 Beyond the Camellia Belt, 139 Ancient Egyptians and Their Neighbors, 90 Beyond the Solar System, 91 Ancient Israelites and Their Neighbors, 90 Big Black Penis, 142 And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, 142 Big Ideas for Growing Mathematicians, 154 Another Fine Mess, 107 Big Ideas for Small Mathematicians, 154 Answer Them Nothing, 64 Big Star, 107 Appalachian Mountain Girl, 119 Big Top Burning, 48 Archaeology for Kids, 90 Biocontrol in Protected Culture, 139 INDEX 193

Birdology, 60 Charlie Chan Carries On, 121 Bite-Sized Science, 91 Charting the World, 91 Black Africa, 142 Chasing Lolita, 66 Black Camel, The, 120 Chicago by Gaslight, 122 Blank Wall, The, 120 Chicago Flashbulbs, 122 Blasphemy, 65 Chicago History for Kids, 91 Blogs, Wikis, Facebook, and More, 65 Chicago Review Press NCLEX-PN Practice Test and Blood in the Fields, 65 Review, The, 66 Blue Jesus, 120 Chicago Review Press NCLEX-RN Practice Test and Blue Trout and Black Truffles, 120 Review, The, 66 Book of Klezmer, The, 107 Chicago Review Press Pharmacology Made Easy for Boom Town, 65 NCLEX-PN Review and Study Guide, 67 Boombox, 120 Chicago Review Press Pharmacology Made Easy for Bossa Nova, 107 NCLEX-RN Review and Study Guide, 67 Bowie on Bowie, 36 Child of the Jago, A, 122 Box Wine Sailors, The, 43 Child of the Morning, 67 Boy in the Song, The, 108 Children of Dickens, The, 122 Break These Rules, 91 Children of the Movement, 143 Breaking the Spell of Binge-Eating, 120 Children’s Shakespeare, The, 122 Bride’s Etiquette Guide, The, 65 Chinese Parrot, The, 122 Bride’s Thank-You Guide, The, 65 Christopher Columbus and the Age of Exploration Bringing Back Eight, 121 for Kids, 92 Bringing Math Home, 154 Chrysler’s Turbine Car, 67 Brotherhood of Corruption, 66 Circling Eden, 122 Buck Owens, 108 Circus of Words, The, 92 Building Atlanta, 66 Citizen Lane, 143 Building Bots, 66 Citizen’s Guide to Lobbying Congress, The, 67 By Any Greens Necessary, 142 Civil Rights Movement for Kids, The, 92 By Reason of Insanity, 66 Civil War for Kids, The, 92 Civilization or Barbarism, 143 Cacti and Succulents, 139 Classical Kids, 92 Calico Palace, 66 Clean Start, 122 California History for Kids, 91 Cobain on Cobain, 37 Can You Feel the Silence? 108 Code Name Pauline, 53 Caroline Norton’s Defense, 121 Cold Sweat, 108 Carrying Jackie’s Torch, 142 Colonel, The, 67 Cartoon Music Book, The, 108 Colonial Kids, 92 Case for Sergeant Beef, 121 Colors of Love, The, 143 Case for Three Detectives, 121 Coltrane on Coltrane, 108 Case with Four Clowns, 121 Common Stream, The, 122 Case with No Conclusion, 121 Compassionate Classroom, The, 154 Case without a Corpse, 121 Complete Transcripts of Clarence Thomas–Anita Hill Celia Garth, 66 Hearings, The, 122 Celtic and Scandinavian Religions, The, 121 Condition of the Working Class in England, The, 122 Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance, 121 Consuming the Congo, 143 Celtic Mythology, 121 Continuous Bloom, 139 194 INDEX

Continuous Color, 139 Devil Water, 68 Conversate Is Not a Word, 143 Devil’s Sanctuary, 144 Cook County ICU, 44 Diary of a Provincial Lady, The, 124 Cool Gent, The, 143 Die All, Die Merrily, 124 Coolest Race on Earth, The, 67 Die Nigger Die! 144 Country Music Changed My Life, 108 Dirty Blvd., 32 County, 122 Dirty South, 109 Criminal Conversation of Mrs. Norton, The, 67 Discovering the Naturalist Intelligence, 155 Crying at Movies, 123 Divine Rebels, 144 Cuba and Its Music, 108 Do I Look Like an ATM? 144 Culinary Reactions, 67 Doable Renewables, 93 Curious Minds, 41 Does My Child Have a Speech Problem? 68 Curly, 108 Dog’s Best Friend, A, 93 Curveball, 143 Doing Simple Math in Your Head, 68 Cutter’s Island, 123 Don’t Touch That! 93 Cutting Propagation, 139 Donut, The, 68 Cyclopedia, 25 Double Victory, 93 Dreamer’s Companion, The, 93 Dance of Death, 109 Duke Ellington, 93 Dancing Barefoot, 109 Dancing Clock, 123 Eagle and the Raven, The, 68 Dangerous Divide, The, 68 Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis, 93 Darwin and Evolution for Kids, 92 Earthrise, 94 Dave Store Massacre, The, 123 Eating Appalachia, 8 Days of Knights and Damsels, 92 Echoes, 109 Dead Man’s Shoes, 123 Ego-Tripping and Other Poems for Young People, 144 Deadly Valentines, 23 Electronics for Artists, 69 Death and Blintzes, 123 Elizabeth I, the People’s Queen, 94 Death and Strudel, 123 Elton, 109 Death at Hallows End, 123 Empire Settings, 124 Death at St. Asprey’s School, 123 Encyclopedia of Dead Rock Stars, The, 109 Death in Albert Park, 123 Engineering the City, 94 Death in the Middle Watch, 123 English History Made Brief, Irreverent and Death in the Pines, 123 Pleasurable, 124 Death of a Bovver Boy, 124 English Laws for Women in the 19th Century, 124 Death of a Commuter, 1124 Escape Points, 6 Death on Allhallowe’en, 124 Essential It’s a Wonderful Life, The, 109 Death Ship, The, 144 Europe and the Jews, 125 Death with Blue Ribbon, 124 Every Day Is Election Day, 69 Debunked! 68 Every Night the Trees Disappear, 109 Deep in a Dream, 109 Everything Oz, 69 Defending Your Castle, 68 Ex-Etiquette for Holidays and Other Family Deserts, 93 Celebrations, 69 Design for the Real World, 124 Ex-Etiquette for Parents, 69 Desmond Tutu, 144 Ex-Etiquette for Weddings, 69 Detroit, 68 Exploring the Solar System, 94 INDEX 195

Eye for Art, An, 94 Franklin Delano Roosevelt for Kids, 94 Eye of the Hurricane, 144 Frederick Douglass for Kids, 95 Frederick Douglass, 145 Fair Women, The, 125 Freedom Song, 95 Fall River and Other Uncollected Stories, 125 Freedom’s Journey, 145 Family Fun Nights, 94 Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, 95 Family Secrets, 69 Friends of the Earth, 95 Family Web, 125 From Animal House to Our House, 126 Farewell to Dejla, 125 From the Velvets to the Voidoids, 110 Fat Woman’s Joke, The, 125 Fun of It, The, 126 Feeding Back, 110 Funniest One in the Room, The, 71 Fela, 144 Funny Bones, 95 ¡Feminismo! 125 Furious Old Women, 126 Feral Cities, 10 Futile and Stupid Gesture, A, 71 Fever and Thirst, 125 Few Kind Words and a Loaded Gun, A, 69 Galileo for Kids, 95 Field Guide to Automotive Technology, A, 69 Gathering of Heroes, A, 126 Field Guide to Household Technology, A, 70 Gay and Lesbian History for Kids, 55 Field Guide to Office Technology, A, 70 Genteel Little Murder, A, 126 Field Guide to Roadside Technology, A, 70 Gentlemen Bootleggers, 71 Fierce Angels, 145 George Evans, 126 Fighting the Devil in Dixie, 29 George W. Bush vs. the U.S. Constitution, 126 Fighting to Serve, 70 George Washington for Kids, 95 Film That Changed My Life, The, 110 Gift of You, The, 71 Filmi, Filmi, Inspector Ghote, 125 Gil Evans: Out of the Cool, 110 Final Glass, The, 125 Girl with Three Legs, The, 145 Financial Intimacy, 70 Glass Hearts, 126 Fire of Origins, The, 145 Golden, 71 First Class, 28 Golden Medina, 126 First Kill Your Family, 145 Golf ’s Best Short Stories, 71 First King of Hollywood, The, 30 Gonzo Gizmos, 72 First Rasta, The, 145 Good Year for Murder, A, 126 Fishing’s Best Short Stories, 70 Goodbye, Aunt Elva, 126 Five Chimneys, 125 Grandma Gatewood’s Walk, 72 Five Smooth Stones, 70 Grasses and Bamboos, 139 Fizz, 70 Great American Jet Pack, The, 72 Flicker, 70 Great British Detectives, 126 Flickipedia, 110 Great Depression for Kids, The, 56 Flying Machine Book, The, 94 Great Flowering Landscape Shrubs, 139 Food and Drink in Britain, 125 Great Flowering Landscape Trees, 139 Football’s Best Short Stories, 71 Great Landscape Evergreens, 139 Forever Amber, 71 Green Profit on Retailing, 139 Four Classic Ghost Tales, 125 Green Thumbs, 96 Foxfire, 71 Grit Cookbook, The, 72 Framing of Mumia Abu-Jamal, The, 145 GrowerTalks on Plugs 3, 140 Frank Lloyd Wright for Kids, 94 Growing and Selling Fresh-Cut Herbs, 140 196 INDEX

Growing Up in Slavery, 146 How to Propagate, 140 Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants, 72 How to Rap, 74 How to Rap 2, 74 Half Man, Half Bike, 72 How to Rent a Negro, 146 Hand Me My Travelin’ Shoes, 110 How to Rule the World, 74 Hard to Be a God, 72 How to Start Your Own Theater Company, 74 Harold and Maude, 20 How to Talk to Children About Art, 96 Harry Houdini for Kids, 96 How to Write Love Letters, 74 Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure, 72 How to Write Your Own Life Story, 74 Haywired, 72 H-Bomb and the Jesus Rock, The, 127 I Dare to Say, 146 Heading West, 96 I Didn’t Work This Hard Just to Get Married, 146 Healing Grove, A, 146 I Killed Scheherazade, 146 Healthy Me, 96 I Stooged to Conquer, 111 Heart of Iron, 73 I Was Born a Slave, 146 Hearth and Eagle, The, 73 I Wish Someone Had Told Me, 127 Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB’s, The, 110 I, Doll, 111 Held at a Distance, 127 I, Sami, 127 Hemingway Cookbook, The, 73 I’d Rather Be the Devil, 111 Hendrix on Hendrix, 111 I’m with the Band, 111 Henry David Thoreau for Kids, 58 Ice Cream Blonde, The, 31 Henry Ford for Kids, 57 Impresario, 128 Her Next Chapter, 73 In a Dark Wood Wandering, 128 Here Comes Everybody, 111 In Plain Sight, 74 Heroes in the Night, 73 In Praise of Angels, 128 Hiding in Plain Sight, 127 In the All-Night Café, 35 History of the Great War, A, 127 In the Fields and the Trenches, 54 Hitler, 127 In the Lion’s Den, 147 Hiwassee, 127 Independent Filmmaker’s Law and Business Guide, Hollywood on Lake Michigan, 73 The, 111 Home Front Girl, 96 India Britannica, 128 Home-Maker, The, 127 Indiana, 128 Honeywood File, The, 127 Industrial Revolution for Kids, The, 96 Honeywood Settlement, The, 127 Insectigations, 97 Honky Tonk Angel, 111 Inside America’s Concentration Camps, 146 Horseplayers, 73 Inspector Ghote Breaks an Egg, 128 Hostage, 73 Inspector Ghote Caught in Meshes, 128 Hot Air Balloon Book, The, 96 Inspector Ghote Draws a Line, 128 House Divided, 73 Inspector Ghote Hunts the Peacock, 128 House of Stone, 146 Intellectuals and the Masses, 128 House without a Key, The, 127 Intelligence Builders for Every Student, 155 How the Earth Works, 96 Intimate Journal, The, 128 How the Gringos Stole Tequila, 3 Inventing Toys, 155 How to Be a Genius, 74 Investigating Lois Lane, 40 How to Be Happy, Though Married, 74 Invisible China, 74 How to Make Money as an Artist, 74 Ireland, 128 INDEX 197

Iron Gates of Santo Tomas, 128 Last-Minute Survival Secrets, 75 Iron Heel, The, 147 Lay This Body Down, 147 Isaac Newton and Physics for Kids, 97 Learning about Fall with Children’s Literature, 155 Ivory from Paradise, 128 Learning about Spring with Children’s Literature, 155 Ivy Tree, The, 75 Learning about Winter with Children’s Literature, 155 Leave Her to Heaven, 75 Jack on the Gallows Tree, 129 Leaving Mundania, 75 James Dean: The Mutant King, 112 Led Zeppelin on Led Zeppelin, 112 January 1973, 16 Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen, 38 Jazz Book, The, 147 Leonardo da Vinci for Kids, 98 Joe Black, 129 Leone Leoni, 129 John Peel, 112 Let’s Spend the Night Together, 112 Joss Whedon, 39 Letters from Prague, 129 Journey to Chernobyl, 129 Letters in the Attic, 130 Jubilee Trail, 75 Lewis and Clark for Kids, 98 Judy Garland on Judy Garland, 12 Lick Me, 112 Junk Drawer Chemistry, 61 Life for a Life, 46 Junk Drawer Physics, 97 Lifting My Voice, 112 Light Shines in Harlem, A, 147 Keep On Pushing, 147 Lighthouses for Kids, 98 Keeper of the Keys, 129 Lightnin’ Hopkins, 113 Keith Richards on Keith Richards, 112 Little Girl Blue, 113 Kentucky Clay, 75 Lives of John Lennon, The, 113 Keys to American History, 97 Loaves of Fun, 98 Kid’s Guide to African American History, A, 97 Loco-Motion, 155 Kid’s Guide to Arab American History, A, 97 Lodger, The, 130 Kid’s Guide to Asian American History, A, 98 Lolly Willowes, 121 Kid’s Guide to Latino History, A, 98 London Life in the 18th Century, 130 Kid’s Guide to Native American History, A, 98 London’s Burning, 113 Kids Camp! 97 Long Journey Home, The, 130 Kids Celebrate! 97 Looking Backward, 130 Kids’ Container Gardening, 140 Lords of Folly, The, 130 Killing the Poormaster, 147 Lost in the Fog, 130 Kinetic Contraptions, 98 Lost Supreme, The, 148 Kings and Queens of Early Britain, 129 Lost World, The, 130 Klandestine, 14 Love Becomes a Funeral Pyre, 33 Love Him Madly, 113 La Belle Créole, 75 Love of Worker Bees, 130 Lady Molly of Scotland Yard, 129 Loves of Yulian, 130 Lady Q, 75 Lucrezia Floriani, 131 Land without Time, A, 129 Larceny and Old Leather, 129 Madam, Will You Talk? 21 Last Chance for Justice, 147 Madman and the Assassin, 4 Last Poems of Elinor Wylie, 129 Make It! Write It! Read It! 42 Last Team Standing, 75 Making of The Wizard of Oz, The, 113 Last Warlord, The, 75 Man Who Once Played Catch with Nellie Fox, The, 131 198 INDEX

Man Who Seduced Hollywood, The, 113 Mothers on Trial, 148 Man with the Bionic Brain, The, 75 Motorboat Book, The, 100 Manejo integrado de los ansectos, ácaros, y Movie Wars, 114 enfermedades en los cultivos ornamen, 140 Multiple Intelligence Approaches to Assessment, 155 Many Faces of Josephine Baker, The, 99 Multiple Intelligences Made Easy, 155 Marco Polo for Kids, 99 Murder at Heartbreak Hospital, 131 Mark of the Horse Lord, 49 Murder at the Movies, 131 Mark Twain for Kids, 99 Murder in Baker Company, 77 Marooned in the Arctic, 50 Murder in Miniature, 131 Marquise and Pauline, The, 131 Murder on the Thirteenth, 131 Mary Wells, 113 Murder Short & Sweet, 77 Math Games and Activities from Around the World, Music Festival Guide, The, 114 99 Music Is the Weapon of the Future, 148 Math Games for Middle School, 99 Music Lessons, 77 Mauprat, 131 My Bloody Life, 77 Maya Roads, 76 My Brother Michael, 77 Meddler and Her Murder, A, 131 My Kid’s Allergic to Everything Dessert Cookbook, Media-Savvy Student, The, 155 77 Mexico & Central America, 99 My Lady Ludlow, 132 MI Strategy Bank, The, 155 My Theodosia, 77 Middling Folk, 76 My Times in Black and White, 148 Midwest Gardens, 76 Mysterious Something in the Light, A, 77 Miles on Miles, 148 Mythic Obsession, A, 78 MiniWeapons of Mass Destruction: Build a Secret Agent Arsenal, 76 Native American History for Kids, 100 MiniWeapons of Mass Destruction: Build and Master Nature’s Playground, 100 Ninja Weapons, 76 Neal Cassady, 78 MiniWeapons of Mass Destruction: Build Nellie Bly and Investigative Journalism for Kids, 59 Implements of Spitball Warfare, 76 Nerd Girl Rocks Paradise City, 78 MiniWeapons of Mass Destruction: Build Siege New York City History for Kids, 100 Weapons of the Dark Ages, 76 Nibble & Kuhn, 132 MiniWeapons of Mass Destruction Targets, 76 Night in the Lonesome October, A, 78 Mirror for Witches, A, 131 Night Witches, 132 Mistletoe and Sword, The, 76 Nine Coaches Waiting, 78 Mob Cop, 17 Nine Lives of a Black Panther, 148 Modern Art Adventures, 62 No Fear, 148 Mole People, The, 76 No Regrets, 114 Mondo Magnets, 77 No tan rápido, 22 Monet and the Impressionists for Kids, 99 No Tears for Mao, 132 Monkey’s Paw and Other Tales, The, 131 No Time for Tears, 13 Monster Hunters, 11 Not All Black Girls Know How to Eat, 148 Moon-Spinners, The, 77 Not So Fast, 78 More Math Games and Activities from Around the Notes from Nethers, 132 World, 99 Nothing Like Blood, 132 More than Moccasins, 100 Notorious Abbess, The, 132 Mother and Me, 131 Number Sense and Nonsense, 100 INDEX 199

Obamistan! Land Without Racism, 148 Perfect Murder, The, 133 Occupants, 78 Perishable, 81 Oddball Colorado, 78 Personal Foul, 133 Oddball Florida, 78 Phallic Frenzy, 114 Oddball Illinois, 78 Pig Boy’s Wicked Bird, 81 Oddball Indiana, 79 Pilgrimage, 133 Oddball Iowa, 79 Pirate State, 149 Oddball Michigan, 79 Pittsburgh Cocaine Seven, The, 81 Oddball Minnesota, 79 Plant Protection, 140 Oddball Ohio, 79 Poets, Martyrs, and Satyrs, 133 Oddball Texas, 79 Polar Explorers for Kids, 101 Oddball Wisconsin, 79 Politics of Cocaine, The, 149 Odyssey to Ushuaia, 79 Politics of Heroin, The, 149 Off the Beaten Page, 79 Post Black, 149 Off the Map, 80 Practical Pyromaniac, The, 81 Offerings, 132 Precolonial Black Africa, 149 Official Dick Van Dyke Show Book, The, 114 Pre-Raphaelites, The, 133 Old Testament Days, 100 President Is a Sick Man, The, 81 Old Wives’ Tale, The, 132 President’s Daughter, The, 81 On Some Faraway Beach, 114 Preston Tucker and His Battle to Build the Car of On Stage, 100 Tomorrow, 5 On the Real Side, 149 Pretty Vacant, 114 Once a King, Always a King, 80 Prisoners, 133 One for the Ages, 80 Private, 81 Only My Dreams, 132 Progressive Nation, 81 Organic Crafts, 100 Provincial Lady in America, The, 133 Other Rebecca, The, 132 Provincial Lady in London, The, 133 Our Jubilee Is Death, 132 Provincial Lady in Russia, The, 133 Our Supreme Court, 101 Provincial Lady in Wartime, The, 133 Our Way to Fight, 149 Publishing for Profit, 82 Out Came the Sun, 132 Pun and Games, 101 Outdoor Survival Skills, 80 Puttering About in a Small Land, 133 Outsider Baseball, 80 Outwitting Squirrels, 80 Queen Elizabeth I, 134 Over Sand and Sea, 133 Quest for Arthur’s Britain, The, 131

Pagan Celtic Britain, 133 Racecar Book, The, 101 Palms and Cycads, 140 Rachel Rude Rowdy, 155 Pandora’s DNA, 80 Radical Disciple, 150 Paper Boomerang Book, The, 101 Rainforests, 101 Parent-Teacher Partnership, The, 155 Raintree County, 82 Party Music, 149 Ralph Peer and the Making of Popular Roots Music, Pathways to the Gods, 133 114 Peculiar People, 133 Rape Is Rape, 150 Pedestrianism, 80 Ready, Set, Read, 155 People’s Place, The, 9 Reality, 134 200 INDEX

Reason for Leaving, 134 Show Time! 102 Redefining Girly, 101 Signalman, The, 135 Relative Strangers, 134 Silent Witnesses, 83 Remarkable Rise of Eliza Jumel, The, 7 Simeon’s Story, 150 Reporting Under Fire, 101 Sitcom, 115 Rescuing Julia Twice, 82 Sixteenth Round, The, 150 Rescuing Regina, 150 Skim, 135 Resisting Elegy, 134 Sleep Is for the Weak, 83 Restaurant at the Beginning of the Universe, 156 Smart Divorce, The, 83 Return of Gonzo Gizmos, 82 Smouldering Fires, 83 Revolution in the Air, 115 Snake Hips, 83 Revolution in the Head, 115 So Now You’re a Zombie, 83 Rhythms of Learning, 156 So You Want to Start a Brewery? 83 Rightfully Ours, 102 Soda-Pop Rockets, 83 Road to Avalon, The, 82 Soledad Brother, 150 Roadside Picnic, 82 Somebody’s Daughter, 151 Robot Book, The, 102 Songs in the Key of Z, 115 Rock en Español, 115 Sox and the City, 83 Roll On, 134 Speaking Out, 151 Room 1219, 115 Special Agent Man, 84 Rooted in the Earth, 150 Spirit of Place, 26 Rose Cottage, 82 Spirit of the Phoenix, 151 Roughest Riders, The, 18 Springsteen on Springsteen, 115 Rubrics Way, The, 156 Stan Lee and the Rise and Fall of the American Comic, 84 Sadika’s Way, 134 Stardust Melodies, 116 Saga, 134 Stars & Guitars, 116 Sailors, Whalers, Fantastic Sea Voyages, 102 Stay-at-Home Dad Handbook, The, 84 Sally Hemings, 82 Still on the Road, 116 Salvador Dalí and the Surrealists, 102 Stokely Speaks, 151 Sam and His Brother Len, 134 Stomp and Swerve, 116 Sandbox Scientist, 102 Stomp Rockets, Catapults, and Kaleidoscopes, Scarlet City, The, 134 103 Science of Life, The, 102 Stop! Think! Choose! 156 Science Through Multiple Intelligences, 156 Storms, 116 Screenwriter’s Sourcebook, The, 82 Style Me Vintage: Weddings, 84 Sense-Abilities, 102 Such Is Death, 135 Sessions with Sinatra, 115 Superman vs. Hollywood, 116 Seventeen Fathoms Deep, 19 Supper Club Book, The, 84 Sexism in America, 150 Survival Skills of the North American Indians, Shakespeare for Kids, 102 84 Shaltiel, 135 Survivor Kid, 103 Sharon, 135 Swamp Full of Dollars, 151 She Ain’t Heavy, 135 Sweet Invention, 84 She Takes a Stand, 51 Sweet Thunder, 151 Ship in the Harbor, A, 135 Sword at Sunset, 84 INDEX 201

Take Another Little Piece of My Heart, 116 Underground Railroad for Kids, The, 103 Take Me to the River, 116 Unfinished Revolution, 152 Take Them at Their Words, 135 Unscrewed, 86 Tales for a Winter’s Night, 135 Untold Gold, 117 Tales of Mean Streets, 135 Upset, The, 86 Tanglers, Too, 156 US Congress for Kids, The, 104 Tea & Antipathy, 135 Tea and Dog Biscuits, 84 Valentine, 136 Team Challenges, 156 Van Gogh and the Post-Impressionists for Kids, 104 Testimony of Two Men, 85 Vanilla Pop, 117 Texas History for Kids, 103 Verdi for Kids, 104 That Old Black Magic, 116 Victorian Lady Travellers, 136 That Undeniable Longing, 135 Vinnie Ream, 136 Theodora, 136 Virgins and Viragos, 137 Theodore Roosevelt for Kids, 103 Visions and Imaginings, 137 Theory of Great Men, A, 136 Voice Book, The, 86 They Dare to Speak Out, 151 Volunteer Vacations, 86 Think Like a Baby, 12 Voyages of Discovery,137 Third Coast, The, 85 This Fragile Life, 151 Wanton West, 86 This Rough Magic, 85 War on Civil Liberties, The, 152 This Wheel’s on Fire, 117 Wave of Terror, 137 Thomas Edison for Kids, 103 Way Kitchens Work, The, 86 Thomas Jefferson for Kids, 103 Way Toys Work, The, 86 Thornyhold, 85 Waylon, 117 Three Stooges Scrapbook, The, 117 Weather Projects for Young Scientists, 104 Threshold of Fire,136 Weed Runners, The, 86 Thunder of Angels, The, 152 Westward Ho! 104 Thurgood Marshall, 152 Whale Chaser, The, 47 Ticked, 85 What Went Wrong in Ohio, 137 Tinder Box, 136 When the Diamonds Were Gone, 45 Tiny Whittling, 85 Whiskey Bottles and Brand-New Cars, 34 Titanic, 136 White House for Kids, The, 104 Tom Waits on Tom Waits, 117 Who Shall Live, 137 Too Late for the Festival, 136 Whom God Hath Joined, 137 Touch Me, I’m Sick, 117 Why Is Milk White? 104 Tour:Smart, 85 Why There’s Antifreeze in Your Toothpaste, 87 Trial of Levi Weeks, The, 136 Why We Remain Jews, 137 Tropical Foliage Plants, 140 Wildfire at Midnight, 87 True Adventures of the Rolling Stones, The, 117 Will My Kid Grow Out of It? 87 Turquoise, The, 85 Wind at Work, The, 104 TV-a-Go-Go, 117 Wind in the Rose Bush, The, 137 Twilight Garden, The, 140 Winthrop Woman, The, 87 Woman Named Anne, A, 137 Uncaged, 85 Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman, 152 Uncollecting Cheever, 136 Women and Their Gardens, 140 202 INDEX

Women Aviators, 105 World War II for Kids, 106 Women Heroes of the American Revolution, 105 Wright Brothers for Kids, The, 106 Women Heroes of World War I, 105 Writer of Books, A, 138 Women Heroes of World War II, 105 Writing Group Book, The, 87 Women in Space, 105 Women Invent! 105 Xala, 153 Women of Colonial America, 52 Women of Privilege, 137 Yard and Garden Makeovers, 140 Women of Steel and Stone, 105 Year Before the Flood, The, 153 Women of the Frontier, 105 Yesterday Once More, 118 Women with Wings, 137 Yoga Made Easy, 87 Women’s Wicked Wit, 87 You Call This the Future? 88 Wonder Woman Unbound,87 Young Investor, The, 106 Working While Black, 152 Young Visiters, The, 138 World Don’t Owe Me Nothing, The, 87 Your Second Pregnancy, 88 World of Her Own, A, 106 World That Made New Orleans, The, 152 Zombie Movies, 118 World War I for Kids, 106 Zoology for Kids, 106 Chicago Review Press 814 North Franklin Street Chicago, Illinois 60610 tel (312) 337–0747 fax (312) 337–5110 All titles can be viewed on the Chicago Review Press website

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