www. culturevannin.im www.manxmusic.com KIAULL MANNINAGH

Mee Houney 2014 November manx music today Norwegian-Manx Collaboration This month will see the return of the Norwegian Manx collaboration - a Culture Vannin project involving well-known Manx traditional musicians Tomas Callister, Ruth Keggin and David Kilgallon, plus Norwegian traditional musicians Erlend Apneseth and Margit Myhr. In conjunction with the IOM Department of Education and Children, Culture Vannin is bringing the Norwegian Manx Collaboration back together to deliver an educational tour to Manx schools, and to present an exciting public concert at the Peel Centenary Centre on Saturday 29th November at 8pm. Alongside the five musicians, there will be dazzling dance displays from Manx dancers Grainne Joughin and John Kilgallon, and Vetle Springgard – a top traditional dancer from Norway who is coming over to the Island especially to perform. Norwegian music and dance workshops will follow on Sunday afternoon from 2pm at the Philip Christian Centre in Peel [booking required]. The project celebrates the shared cultural heritage of our two countries in a vibrant, meaningful and creative way: it began in February 2013, when Manx fiddle player Tom and Manx Gaelic singer Ruth travelled to Western Norway to work with Erlend (hardanger fiddle) and Margit (voice). In this first stage, the four musicians worked with each other to explore the vocal and fiddle traditions of the other nation. The pilot stage of the project was completed in November 2013, when Margit and Erlend travelled to the and David Kilgallon (piano) became the fifth member of the collaboration. The group performed a sell-out concert in the Erin Arts Centre to rave reviews and have since performed at the Festival Interceltique de Lorient 2014 in Brittany. This month’s concert promises to be an equally exciting performance so grab your tickets soon! Tickets for the concert are £10 in advance (£12 on the door) and can be purchased from Celtic Gold, Shakti Man, Thompson Travel and Peter Norris.

Workshops in Norwegian song, fiddle music and dance will run In this month’s edition... at the Phillip Christian Centre during the afternoon of Sunday • “Tipperary” premiered in the IOM?! 30th November - access to each workshop costs £4. Places on the workshops are limited and must be booked online: • New EP from Erika Kelly Fiddle workshop: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/norwegian-fiddle-workshop- • The Song with-erlend-apneseth-tickets-13819475423 Dance workshop: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/norwegian-dance- workshop-with-vetle-springgard-tickets-13819984947?aff=eorg Song workshop: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/norwegian-song-workshop- with-margit-myhr-tickets-13819130391 kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin perform theirown song.perform for thecomposer necessary to isn't Please note: It December 2014. andEnglishinby inManx 31st andlyrics Music Mannin%20competition%20entry%20form.pdf Images%202014/10%20Arrane%20son%20 http://manxmusic.com/media/News%20 Friday 5thDecember 2014: form hereDownload andreturn theentry by competition here andthenmakeittwo inarow”. first timeever! “Let's seeif we canhave agood won thePan-Celtic competition NewSong for the Scoill's 'Tayrn Mee Jamieson Thie' withMichelle lastEaster amongsttheManx whenShenn in Derry Organiser Fiona McArdle says; was euphoria “There 9thinEasterApril week 2015. song at the44thPan-Celtic Festival on at Derry Culture Vannin that winning andalsoto perform winning newsongfor the£300prize sponsored by The songcompetition isheldannuallyto finda group Bock Yuan Fannee. butalso40years danceson Mannin oftheManx which willnotonlycelebrate 10 years ofArrane Freemasons' andceili ofaconcert Hallaspart at theDouglas held onSaturday 17thJanuary The competition 10thArrane son Mannin willbe news/coventry-news/irish-dance-championship-debuts-coventry-7902555 news/coventry-news/irish-dance-championship-debuts-coventry-7902555 more:Read http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/ Ireland championship. the firstprizes andqualifying for the All well,Sharon didvery claimingsomeof entrantsManx whotravelled over with IOMandIreland. ofthe Some the UK, and attracted over 350competitors from The competitions were heldinCoventry dancing inSeptember. Ellan Vannin Championship inIrish British Ellan Vannin successful organised avery Sharon ofScoillDaunse Rye Yernagh original Manx Gaelic song original Gaelic Manx Arrane - Mannin Son Irish dancingsuccess forIrish competition Manx pupils Manx businesses are celebrating tradition. theManx month! Great to seethat more andmore local their excellent Hoptunaawindow display last Well doneto The Copyshop inDouglasfor on [email protected] system maybeobtainedfromthe Acting Director Further particularsoftheawardandnomination dance. made ahugecontributiontoManxmusicand The 2014recipientwasClareKilgallonwhohas a further£500themselves. of £500fromCulture Vannin andtheywillreceive Manx culturalcausewhichwillreceiveadonation The winneroftheawardwillbeinvitedtonamea November 2014. to the Acting DirectornolaterthanFriday28th Isle ofMan.Completedformsshouldbereturned Director, Culture Vannin, POBox1986,Douglas, from www.culturevannin.im appropriate formwhichcanbeobtainedonline Nominations mustbesubmittedonthe Nominations arebeingsoughtinrelationto2014. Island’s culturalheritage. having providedthegreatestcontributionto or groupwhomtheCommitteeacknowledgeas an acceptablestandard)totheperson,persons, on anannualbasis(subjecttonominationsof Manannan’s Choiceofthe Year –isawarded The ReihBleeaney Vanannan Trophy – REIH BLEEANEY VANANNAN Cultural Award Nominations sought for 2014 TROPHY orfrom The Acting

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin catchy andupbeat “Better I Try”, andthefinaltrack lights” “Red is andintricateA distinctive drives guitarriff through the very a stranger too, butyou are, butit'sthrough nofaultofyour own”. beautiful vocal harmonies “about be apersonwhoyou shouldn't contrast,In “Stranger” isamore intimate acoustic songfeaturing good songwhichshows offErika’s pure and warm vocals. eachother”.know An intricate intro harp makesway to afeel- relationship, whenit’s allnewandexciting asyou firstget to Erika’s newsingle “Talking thisOver” isabouta inanew “being www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd7is0qNzgE&feature=youtu.be 3FM Scotland. thevideohere: See andBBCRadio song hasbeenplayed extensivelyRadio, onManx Energy FM, stunning Gaiety Theatre, hasgained8000hitssofarandthe accompanyingcharts.The music video, whichwas filmedinthe reached number5intheiTunesit quickly singer/songwriter released herfirstsingleErika “Better I Try” this earlier year and now available to buyoniTunes now andsoononCD. release ofhereagerly-anticipated debutEP “Talking This Over” - Kellyisdelighted to announce Erika the singerandharpist Manx Erika Kelly –NewEPandsingle “Talking ThisOver” Liam Moorhouse-Troubled Lands an outandlove song: are no red lights“There inourlives, nostop www.isleofman.com/lifestyle/people/erika-kelly/ with Erika: aninterview Read Malcolm-Scott Dickinson Trust andCulture Vannin. thisrecordingCouncil inmaking possible, plusassistance from the Kellyisgrateful Arts oftheIsleMan forErika thegenerous support 1’sdiscovered onBBCRadio Erika Introducing website. plugging campaign London after basedcompany Pluggin' Baby “Talking This Over” willsoonbeboosted by anational UKradio CreerMatt alsoguestsontheEP. guitars andJoshuaRumbleonbass, keys andvocals. Local musician to heroriginal songs. Sheisjoinedby MalcolmStitt herco-writers on to hercovers quality distinctive popsongs, ofcontemporary andnow and playing Celtic have musicontheharp undoubtedly given a traditional musicat schoolinRamsey. songs SingingGaelic oldManx 21 year oldErika’s musicalbeginnings stem from performing signs, justfree rides”. troubled-lands-ep/id927119425 https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/ at Carlisle Uni. arts performing club!) butheiscurrently studying music Manx the BallaughSchool heisaformer memberof (in fact Liam isoriginally from his firstEP“Troubled Lands”. hasalsoreleasedLiam Moorhouse 21 year singer-songwriter oldManx

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin Prices start at £2.25forPrices smalland£2.95for start large cards, plusthere are someA4printsalsoavailable. andAeratedGaslight Water Co. inCastletown, andsoonat shops. inPort Erin Museum Bookshop Bridge Currently available at ShaleeinRamsey, Presence Peter of Mann, Norris, Sayle Gallery, Celtic Gold, seascape for thefront andbackcovers ofthebook”. theoldseaand boating themefrom my unidaysthe Islandandre-started becauseIneededaboat and andwithhernewnovella that willbeoutlater thisyear, whichis herself) “set intheboating scene on oftheimagesfitinwithRuth’sMost popularbook “Finlo andthe Kings” Fairy (whichsheillustrated there”. photographs into acomputer andthenplaced themusicontop addingsong words here inManx and andsince'Musical Seas' Iwrite withmusic, why withittoo. notcreate imagery Iscannedmy painting or to create backthen.So, thissummerIspent my days up resist painting making theseaandcouldn't Part ofmy soIhadtime degree was art front oftheimagesandprintCeltic swirls. to place photocopied musicacetate in – ofboats andtheseaIused “lots look nice!” Ruthpainted alotat university made work completed by 4year olds 4 year oldsandputtingupdisplays that that outlet for art painting with “wasn't Ghaelgagh, Ruthfelt sheneededan As thereception teacher at theBunscoill and musicthemes. maritime, localimagery, language Manx range of greetings cards of withamixture Ruth Blindellhasjustlaunchedanew *Christmas giftShopping* from 6pm(before the Norwegian bargains from the Culture Vannin Centre onSat 29th November and Yn Chruinnaght Christmas Gooityn yNollick Come alongto the Centenary Manx concert) to grab some clothing andmuch more at Manx books, CDs,DVDs, special festive prices gift stalls! NEW Manx music greetings cards Manxmusicgreetings NEW

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin 460224. at ortel. [email protected] Alison Burton from theBandSecretary Tickets are £10eachandare available andDaniel Robertson Chris Thomas. College - ofMusic the Royal Northern two guestEuphonium players from Groarke ascourse -Booth tutor, and Ramsey Town Bandwelcome Sarah 1474147414741)." I gotitabitwrong andit’s actually midst ofcompound time(though back’ appearsasadupletmotifinthe searching for ideas…). The ‘1471’ ‘ring a broken window catch whilstIwas a themefor thetrombones (we had Spectrum Windows ‘817777’ becomes ‘686535’ appearsinanswer and ofthejig. at thestart ‘Music Services’ ‘441624’ over ‘999’then ‘7624’ joinsin fanfare isentirely basedaround from thekeyofmusic. Thus the numbers basedaround theintervals the mainthemesare alltelephone youIf are ofamusicalbent then ofasingleglobalculturalsmaller andourIslandmore identity. andmore part 3. Fanfare andJig:Landlinesrecognises globaltelecoms thatmarch ever onward ourworld in making while much neededhousingsprang up. asacommunity to recognise thelossesofgreen fieldsthattheIslandwashad anopportunity witnessing developed. why Iunderstood ithadto doneforthesake Whilst be agrowing Ifeltthatwe population, hadn’t For2. Lament: Iwrote thefieldsisamelody when,inthe1980s, Corner thefieldsatSignpost were decades. It’s irritatinglyhappy andfullofendlesssunny daysandplenty. wasof how everything before good 2011whentheUKwithdrew theVAT receipts we hadenjoyed forseveral thecoffers When 1. Dance: were fullisasarcastic athow look we have already to begun make amyth other bandsmight choseto play. Ihave So pickedonthree thingsthat speakto meaboutthat ‘shift’. identity. Manx modern Ialsowanted to write musicthat was ‘easy ontheear’, fullofmelodyandthat aboutthe began. Something ‘Shift’ that really that hasoccurreddefine –andthecultural artefacts years orsosince the I decidedto write somethingaboutthelastthirty years’‘boom ofthemid ‘80s secretly flattered. Iwas askedby Culture"When Vannin to write somethingfor IslandofCulture 2014Iwas excited and composed by theband’s Quane. Director Musical Robert where theywillpremiere whichwas commissioned anewsuite by called"Shift" Culture Vannin and On the16thofNovember, Ramsey Town Bandwillhave at Bunscoill Rhumsaa, theirannualgalaconcert Premiere ofnew brass bandpiece “Shift” eu: Auldyn Infant School Venue: Sarah Groarke Booth Director:Course Chris Robertson, Dan Thomas Guest Euphonium Soloists Tickets: £10 and £6 for under 16s available from from available 16s under for £6 and £10 Tickets: Ramsey Town Band Ramsey Town Sunday 16 November, 7:15pm 7:15pm November, Sunday16  Alison Burton, Tel: 460224 Tel: 460224 Burton, Alison Presents… Presents…  

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin Used online Recorded inaradio or • Commercially released by arecord company (otherthanarecord company you own) • • unpublished orselfpublishedandyour musicis: music isreproduced. You may want to consider joiningMCPSasawriter to receive royalties ifyou are played inpublic Otherwise MCPS (Mechanical-Copyright royalties Limited) Protection collects Society for memberswhentheir Performed live inconcert • Used online • Broadcast onradio/TV • • currently: performed. You shouldjoinPRSasawriter to receive royalties ifthemusicyou have written is royalties Limited) collects PRS (Performing Society Right for memberswhentheirmusicispublicly basicterms:In You canbecome amemberofPRSorMCPS(orboth)-£50eachfor life membership. record company to join. earningmoneyfrom your music.start You donotneedto have asignedcontract withamusic publisheror you writeDo your own so, songsormusic? If you andtheyare can performed, being joinPRSforMusicand music scene. return to theIslandinfuture to develop linksandprovide to theIsland’s more support thriving and theyhadn’t considered joiningPRSand/orMCPSbefore. Stephen andJohnfrom PRSare keento musicians were unaware that theyare eligible royalties to collect theirown material for performing the evening that there isareal needfor more information Many aboutPRSintheIsleofMan. local audience. The evening was well attended by musiciansfrom variousgenres, butitbecameclearduring Full reportandmorepicsinnextmonth’s KMJ... mayhem, culminatinginanaction-packed concertforfamilyandfriends. Young musicians,singers,dancersand actorsgatheredfortwodays ofcreative November kicksoffwithanother fantasticBreeweekend!! www.prsformusic.com/joinus/Pages/joinus.aspx programme TV Member) joined Mike Reaney for Reaney questionsandanswers joinedMike Member) from the (Airstate/Valentine andRuthKeggin Music) (IOMPRSfor Music PRSfor Geoghegan Fleming Music, Morris Kirsty &JohnHywel can makealivingfrom theirmusic”. Apanelconsisting ofStephen for Islandmusicians entitled andRoyalties:“Rights How songwriters inaninformal seminar [PRS]took part Society Performing Rights ofGuitarFestAs part 2014lastmonth, representatives from the PRS forum -report

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin [Thanks to [Thanks Wendy Hurstfor thephotos above] Murphy. andAnn-marie Knight Here’s sessions! aglimpseofsomethemighty weekend ofgiant musicsessionsanddance workshops, Molloy, organised by Mary SusanCoyle, Pat Tons oflocaland visitingmusiciansgathered invariouspubs, clubsandhomeslastmonth for a website: Culture Vanninhavefilmed theshowandsnippetswillsoonbeavailable towatchthroughtheir and ChloeWoolley MaximKellyandtheDhoonSchoolpupils and staff. Howard Caine,BobCarswell, ClareChristian,AnneCraine,Marinda Fargher,ClareKilgallon,Sue about Maughold!(see transcriptionofthemonth).Performersincluded PaulBradford,Chrisand Dhoon Schoolchildren,thestoryandsongof localwitchBerreeDhoneandacomicalnewsong by AlexBrindley.TherewasalsotheDirkDance, amusicalplayabouttheSigurdStoneby Archibald Knox,StMaugholdandWilliamKennish, allagainstabackdropofimagescompiled Brown, KathleenFaragher,CushagandJuan Noa, andfeaturesaboutHallCaine,PMCKermode, new poemsabouttheparishbyJayneCorteen andFinlayHill,recitationsofthepoetryTE The evening’sentertainmentincludedsongs collectedinMaugholdbyMonaDouglas,winning particular linkstotheparish. concert andexhibitionexploredaspectsofthe Island’srichculturalheritagewhichhave A jointventurebetweenMaugholdSocialClubandtheDhoonSchool,their‘IslandofCulture’ and mysticismoftheparish. Maughold putonaspectacularshowlastmonth,celebratingthepeople,poetry,music www.culturevannin.im MAUGHOLD -THESHOW

Kermode byKermode DrJohnClague. was from collected Tom The folk original Manx tune orchestra.string weIndies were bound)for ShennLaair”“Yn (To theEast an arrangement ofthetune Viola player, Roy Bakerwrote for theoccasion. workManx speciallywritten anew orchestra performed the andDvorak, Mozart As well asworks by Haydn, weekend (1stofNovember). 43 years ofthevenue this incelebrationconcert of Orchestra helda Concert CentreThe Arts Erin Chamber music weekend Isle of Man trad Isle ofMan PREMIERED AT EAC NEW NEW WORK

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin out variousarrangement ideas. tune “Michael Turner’s Waltz”, tried participants Bree students andadultmusicians. Using the gave two excellent workshops lastmonth for Visiting Englishfolk duoGilmore &Roberts SUNDAY 9THNOVEMBER Gilmore &Roberts share tunes&tips if you needaveggie option. To aseatGillyon844031stating pleasering reserve catering, only. admissionis£15.00by booking prior ofthisevent toDue thepopularity andthelevel of past andthepeace ofaslower way oflife. fareChristmas itcaptures thesenseofChristmas’ and ballads, stories and recitations, hotpunchand setsin. the busynessofChristmas With carols Manx fire ,itoffers asenseofpeace before and tranquillity Caarjyn Cooidjagh by candlelight setaround the a tradition inDalby. With thehaunting harmony of gatheringhasbecome Christmas abitof This pre- Rusty Jam bandRusty RevolutionManx : Check outtheofficialvideo for Song”“Bee from and buytheirnewalbum ‘Live at Club’ Dub in find outmore at http://rustyjamrevolution.co.uk/ Youtube/video corner Saturday 29thofNovember at 7.30pm watch?v=4XjrDKC82QY&app=desktop A Taste ofChristmas Shakti Man, Ramsey Shakti Man, www.youtube.com/

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin Clague, however, whenwriting totheDeemsterhad madehisopinionclear: recorded nowhereelsebut intheIslandandsotherebywereManx alone. know whatyoumakeof it.” This wastobecomeoneof hisobsessions,theneedtofindtuneswhich were Scotch haveappropriated it,and,aswelaymensay, ‘possessionispointsofthe law.’ Ishallbecurious to Gill wentontowritethat “itisacapitaldancetuneandIshouldbesorry tohaveexcludeit.Butthe that name? What doesitmean?andarethereanyManxwordstoit? Melodies.” ButperhapstheDoctorcantellussomething ofitshistory. IthasaManxname.Howcameitby Scotch Songs.Iamafraidwehavenotalegtostand on,especiallyasthetunedoesnotappearin“Mona It isanicepointforyoutosettle,viz.IsitManx or Scotch?Ifinditnoteforinabookofprofessedly […] youmightdeliberatewiththeDoctorasto fateofthetunewithtitle“KiarkCatreeneyMarroo.” Catreeny Marroo”attheendofNovember: Clague wasrespondingtoaquerypassedonhim bytheDeemster’s brother, W.H. Gillconcerning“Kiark Much olderthan‘Huntthe Wren’ &the‘WhiteBoys.’” Marroo’ procession—bythebyetomorrowisdayforit—isone oftheoldestournationalcustoms. 5 December1894,showsitverymuchstillhappeningasdescribed:“Ibelievethatthe‘KiarkCatreeny a memoryfromwhenhewasgrowingupthere.However, aletterfromClaguetoDeemsterGill were stillcurrentorarebeingrecalledbytheirinformants.OrinClague’s case,bornashewasin , Both RoederandClague’s commentsraisetheproblemwithsuchdescriptionsastowhetherthesepractices hen.” Any onewhowenttothepublic-house(tavern)ondayafterfair, peoplesaid“Heisgoingtopeelthe the feetwerecutoff, andtheywereburied.Itgavethemanopportunitytogetalittledroponthenextday. A wakewaskept(held)overthehen,andearlynextdaymenwentto“peelhen.” The headand He added,“theywouldthengotothepublic-houseandgetplentyofale.” This wasnottheendhowever: we shallputherundertheground.” would beatafuneral,andsing,“Katherine’s henisdead.| You taketheheadandIshallfeet,| And between them,andotherpersonswouldwalktwothroughthefairwiththeirhatsoff, asifthey young boysoftheneighbourhoodwouldkillahen,andtheywalktwotwo,holding hen I haveheardanoldmansaythathismotherkeptapublichouse,andshehadtoldhimthemen and Dr JohnClaguearoundthesametimewastoprovideafullerdescriptionofproceedings day: […].” over themugitwassaidofhim:‘Renehpluckyynkiarkmieriyr’ (‘Hepluckedthegoodhenlastnight’) maroo, |Gowussnycassyn,asgoym’s ynkione,| As vermaydeefo’nthalloo.’ And ifamangottoojolly involved: “TheshortdittywhichusedtobesungatColbyfairwasgivenmethus:‘KiarkCatreeney There wasmorethandancinggoingonatthefair, KarlRoederrecorded inthe1890sasongtooasbeing Colby. this beingareferenceto“La’alCatreeney”orStCatherine’s Day, celebratedon6Decemberwithafairat and fondofDancing&c,particularlyatfairs[…].” This isundatedbuttheparishandmonthpointsto The diaryhasasoneofitsentries“Kirk Arbory nearPortMary&Ironpeoplearevery hospitable of thebesteventhenornowbutthispartywasnotcontent—orwriteratleast—tostayputinDouglas. part oftheIrishcommunitythenlivingthere. A visitweather-wise atthattimeoftheyearwasprobablynot card gameinDouglashereferstohimselfas“beingaStrangeIrishman,”strangethesenseofbeingnot then lefton22DecemberforLiverpool. The identityofthewriterremainsunknownbutintryingtojoina Man in1799. The author, togetherwithothers,sailedfortheIslandfromDublin,28November 1799,and Amongst thecollectionsofManxNationalHeritageLibraryisadiarykeptbyvisitortoIsle RESEARCH NEWS THE FEAST OFSAINT CATHERINE (6DECEMBER) “KIARK CATREENEY MAROO”

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin uppermost intheirminds…. chance ofpeelingthehennextday, licensedexcesseverafeatureofcalendarcustoms,wasmorelikely One doubtsifthosewhoturnedouton6December1894fortheprocessionthatyearweresoworried—the comeing [sic]fromnobodyknowswherestillareoursbyadoption.” that areeitherimitationortranslationsofEnglishwordsonlyshowssuchtunesthoughvagrantsand of comfort:“butthefactthatsomanyourmostadmiredtuneshavebeensunginManntoManxwords this istobeexpectedandothersimilarcaseswillsurelyfollow.” There was,however, tobeasmallnote found withinatwomileradiusofmyhouseMelodieswhichIhadfondlyclaimedasManx!Ofcourse to Englishwords)andshallnotbesurprisedfindmanymore.” in 1911, hewrotetoSophiaMorrison“alreadyIhavediscovered, closeby, threeofours(sungcourse Gill wasnevertolosethisopinionthoughobsessionisthebetterwordforit. When collectinginSussex dang mydaddie”—theScotchone“Thedeuksgango’erdaddie.” I haveseenthetuneinacollectionofIrishairsaswellScotchairs,titlebeing“Theducks As toKiarkCatreenyMarrooIthinkitisanoldGaelictuneandasmuchManxIrishScotch. the bowler hat! Her Great Grandad in JohnCorlett isonleft in 1915from Caroline Helps. Here isaphoto oftheCastletown Band Met is dated at around 1828,printed inLondon. David Read Speers’ about thesonghere: article example ofabroadside Oneearly balladpopularinBritain. from containing a19thcentury thisballad BakerBetsy that isanexample takesitstitle intheIsleofMan ofoneanumber oftunescollected Histories and Mysteries 9–thesecret life oftraditional musicinthe Isle ofMan CASTLETOWN MET BAND MET http://manxmusic.com/news_story_343824.html http://manxmusic.com/news_story_343817.html New evidence isdiscussedby Powell Maurice inthisarticle: their marching songayear before World War Iwas declared? first soldiersanywhere inthe world to adopt as Tipperary 2. Were thisperiod, soldiersontheIslandduring the serving 1913? thesummerseasonof toduring theIsleofMan Tipperary 1. Didthegreat chorussingerFlorrie Forde introduce in time: though, dorequire definitive answers even at thisdistance to thisday, andneednotconcern ushere. Two questions, written is well even known, if some details are disputed even ofhow It’sThe story ALong Way to cameto be Tipperary Tipperary andtheIsle ofMan: new evidence To William Cubbon:“AlreadyIhave Stephen Miller, Vienna

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin Chorus Maughold’s theone for me. Les says Kneale theymakegoodcurry And ifyou’re inahurry Then how aboutananny orabilly? andthechild, Not theMrs youIf love your wildlife wild, Chorus Maughold’s theonefor me. And thenstrugglebackagain You canniprightdown theglen From Port Lewaigue andtheDhoon andCorony Up thetrees andinthebushes We’ve Caines, andKerruishes Christians Chorus Maughold’s theonefor me. Just don’t visitheralone Dhone Her nameisBerry You spookily heard may’ve hercackle Barrule And shelives upNorth We’ve awitch who’s pretty cool Chorus Maughold’s theonefor me. We won’t leave you inthelurch Just nipupto theChurch Or to thebestCeltic Google monastery There’s noneedto seetheboss you’reIf for aCross looking Maughold’s theoneforme. Then you haven’t Maughold tackled youIf feelthatyou’ve shackled been That’s theplace to be Maughold, Maughold Chorus It’s thebitthat’s in-between... But theplace Ilove bestisnotsouth eastorwest And by from thesea Ramsey Now, I’ve beenonthebusupfrom Laxey, TRANSCRIPTION OFTHEMONTH see www.manxmusic.com ~ written for The Show 2014~ Maughold 3rd Oct Maughold Song Maughold By Chris andHoward Chris By Caine formoreprintablepiecesofManxmusic Chorus We putthe ‘T’ inCommunity! And ifyou have athirstto slake For we inMaughold eat cake We cantakeyou from thehillsdown to thesea Or to bus, ride tram orbike ifyouSo liketo hike Chorus Maughold’s theonefor me. canbequiteAnd pretty, Berlin Although London’s quite acity We hopethat you’ll allsooncome to agree Called Gary, ChalseorHerman orGerman Whether English,Manx Chorus Maughold’s theonefor you! lessthanpretty Douglas Once you’re bored andfind ofsunsetcity We’re sure that you’ll soonfindit to betrue, For justaday orfor awhile ifyouSo visitourFair Isle Chorus Maughold’s theonefor me. ‘Cause she’s handywiththewhip In Tynwald she’ll takenolip And shejudgesbeastsinbattle at Cronky For theplough,notracing courses We have alady, whobreeds horses, Chorus Maughold’s theonefor me. Maughold, there’sIn more gold! clueswe’reWith cryptic told egghidbyA Golden thecemetery, But here’s thebigconundrum maySome thinkthat it’s humdrum YOU’LL SOON BEABLETO SEE&HEARTHECAINE INA DITTY BROTHERS SINGING THISLITTLE FORTHCOMING VIDEO CLIPONTHE CULTURE VANNIN WEBSITE...

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin advance £15inc.food.Tel.844031 Christmas”, StJames,Dalby,7.30.Ticketsin 29th CaarjynCooidjaghat“ATasteof usual outlets(or£12ondoor) Centenary Centre,Peel,8pm,£10from 29th Norwegian-ManxProjectConcert, concert (seebelow) from 6pm,duringtheintervalandafter in theAthollRoom,PeelCentenaryCentre sale fromCultureVannin&YnChruinnaght 29th “GiootynyNollick”-Christmasgiftsfor Mary TownHall£5/£1(moredetailsinKMJ) 25th CeiliinaidofPortErinLifeboat,St Rhumsaa, £10(seefeatureinKMJ) Ramsey TownBandGalaconcert,Bunscoill 16th Premiereof“Shift”byRobertQuane, tedxdouglas.im/ TedEx, YouthArtsCentre.From£30http:// (Culture Vannin)aboutManxlanguageat talk aboutManxmusicandAdrianCain 10th BluesguitaristDavyKnowleswill of Manannan,Peel3pm 9th NewManxdancegroupstartsinHouse Hill, Douglas,8pm. Cooidjagh jointconcert,StMarys,Church 8th IOMWindOrchestra&Caarjyn 4th BarruleattheGreenNote,London£10. NOVEMBER PRESS: please feelfreetopickuparticles withoutnamedauthors tospreadtheword aboutManxculture Call: or writeto:

Shoh Slaynt(1st/2ndFriofmonth),8.30pm,Highwayman,Peel Last FRIofmonth9pm,KiaullasGaelg, Albert,PortStMary The Editorwelcomes submissionsbut reservestherighttoedit forstyleandspace

Manx MusicSpecialistDrChloëWoolley Chloë: 01624695787 Centre, OldCastletown Road,Douglas,IsleofManIM21QB Music Team,Culture Vannin,TheStableBuilding,University CALENDAR THURS 8pmSingingsessionatTheMitre,Ramsey WED 8.30pmSessionatO’Donnells,Douglas FRI 8.30-11pmGreen’sTeaRooms,StJohns SAT 10pmManxatTheWhiteHouse, Peel For informationonManxmusic&dance contact: Written andeditedbyChloë WoolleyforCultureVannin FRI9pmIrishatTheMitre,Ramsey www.manxmusic.com ~ SESSIONS culture vannin dance group. the 40thanniversaryofBockYuanFannee 17th ArraneSonMannincompetitionPLUS JANUARY 2015 26th HUNTTHEWREN-Island-wide!!! Catherine’s Church,7pm. 18th CaarjynCooidjagh,CarolService,St Shopping Centre,Douglas 13th BreeChristmasbusking2-3pm,Strand Christmas Concert,VillaMarina Kilgallon attheManxYouthOrchestra 6th PremiereofManxpiecebyDavid ,7.30pm ME Awareness,StCatherine’sChurch, 5th CaarjynCooidjaghConcertinaidof DECEMBER manxmusic.com 2-4.15pm. £5fromEventbrite.www. workshops, PhilipChristianCentre 30th Norwegianmusicanddance course. Justsendsomethinginifyou want to share itwithhundreds KMJreaders ofdirect musings - all on Manx musicanddance,musings -allonManx of We welcome your stories, photos, reports, Please sendindatessothatwecan worldwide andthousandsmore online! : [email protected] publicise eventshere&online: www.manxmusic.com

kiaull manninagh jiu 11/14 culture vannin