www.culturevannin.im www.manxmusic.com Nollick Ghennal as Blein Vie Noa!! KIAULL MANNINAGH JIU

Mee ny Nollick 2018 December manx music today SCRAN LAUNCH DEBUT ALBUM!! Vibrant young band Scran have released their debut CD of Manx traditional music Their new album ‘Nane’ (Manx Gaelic for the number one) is a blend of lively Manx jigs and reels, beautiful airs such as “Dooraght” by Katie Lawrence, Gaelic song, new melodies by members of Scran and a few tunes from the other Celtic nations thrown into the mix. Scran consists of some of the most talented young traditional musicians in the , and the band has grown out of Culture Vannin’s Manx music youth movement, Bree. Guided by mentor, Paul Rogers (Mabon, Strengyn & The Fecktones), Scran members are aged between 13 and 18 and the group includes BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Musician of the Year 2018, Mera Royle on harp. Scran clinched second place in the Next Big Thing 2017 and they received glowing reviews when they performed along with Mera at the Cropredy Folk Festival this summer. Past members of Scran who feature on the Nane album include fiddle player Isla Callister, who is now studying traditional music at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and is finding musical success with her Celtic band, TRIP. The launched the CD with a live gig at the Mitre Hotel in Ramsey last week. The CD is £10.00 and is now available to buy from Culture Vannin and other local shops, or it can be downloaded as a digital album for £7.00 from bandcamp. More info about Scran and Bree: www.manxmusic.com In this month’s edition... • 25th Mollag Ghennal • MFDS summer visits • New Christmas songbook • Latest album releases kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin Manannan’s Winterfest–AMagicalManxChristmas! Valerie Caine©November2018(CourtesyofManxLife) Dickinson CharitableTrust, ticketspricedat£24/£20areavailablefrom Sponsored byYear ofOurIsland2018,CultureVannin, theIsleofManArtsCouncilandMalcolm reflects anoldManxcustomincludingdramaandcomedy. the stunningWhiteboysduringevening,which and theLawrencesisters.It’salsohopedtoinclude including DavidKilgallon,MalcolmStitt,JamieSmith as aworldrenownedcollectiveofCelticmusicians Manx Voices andGarethMooreonthepiano:aswell Ramsey Town Band,well-knowncarolsfromthechoir musical mixwillbesomerousingfestivesoundsfrom and thelegendaryMichaelPlayers.Alsowithin winning folkharpistMeraRoyle,AlexandraSlater of entertainerswillincludetheBBCRadio2award- Theatre. HostedbytheinimitableDotTilbury,list a greatnightoutatthebeautifulandhistoricGaiety an exciting,newexperienceforanyonelooking help offriendsandfamiliestheshowpromisestobe proved tobethecatalystforevent,andwith Christmas music.TheYear ofOurIslandinitiative memories andtheirsharedloveofperforming them astheyreminiscedabouttraditional,childhood synergistically fromseveralconversationsbetween firmly ontheManxcalendar.It’sanideawhichgrew old andthenewfixManannan’sWinterfest and MalcolmStitt,theiraimistocombineboththe The brainchildoflocalmusiciansDavidKilgallon choral music–toppedwithlocalhumouranddrama. Island’s finestexponentsofclassical,folk,brassand traditions, theeventwillbeacollaborationof Billed asauniqueconcertcelebratingManxChristmas event attheGaietyTheatreundertitleofManannan’sWinterfest–AMagicalManxChristmas! There’s somethingnewontheChristmascalendarthisyearwithintroductionofasparkling www.villagaiety.com

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin Victorian musichalland70’s Manxfolkclassics! We willalsotrysomecommunitysingingwithamixof a sortofmelodicMatisse... abstract imageformedthroughtheearsoflistener. Like lyrics areconnectedonlybyvagueassociation.Creatingan with themusicalequivalentofmodernart.Wheregroups And ofcourse, The Mollagswhohavebeenexperimenting Frank andJamieJoughin-Fathersonduet Skeddan Jiarg-asmalldancegroupofpeople! album “Nane” Scran - Talented youngtradbandwiththeirbrandnew Belgium Imbolc -Celticbandfreshfromtheirperformancesin Matt Kelly-Localsinger-songwriter with Mann. Sel Edwards-Welsh fiddleplayerwithafamilyassociation 2018 LINEUP: ……………………………………………………………………… hands ofthemightyMollagsandremainsapopulardateinculturalcalendar. event wascontinuedforacoupleofyearsby Yn Chruinnaght,butitwasreturnedtotheable Marina. TheMollagBandtookoverthespotfromCalorGasXmasceiliin1993. The historyoftheannualManxChristmaskneesupbeganinGardenRoomoldVilla Tickets: £15.00from Thomson Travel, CelticGold,Shaktiman,Peter Norris. 25th Anniversary MollagGhennal Concert -organised Society Music Concert by Ramsey Fri 28thDecember~ The ManxLegionClub,Douglas Chronicles Trumpeto &Organ Du Supper fromtheMollagkitchens [photo oforganiser, GregJoughinfromMG2017byVal Caine] about theirprogramme, arrangements of Manx arrangements ofManx Tickets andmore info December 2018 which includesmany St Paul’s Church ramseymusicsociety. Russell Gilmour David Kilgallon David Kilgallon org/gilmour.html (trumpet) & Friday, 28 at 19:30 melodies: (organ) www.

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin http://www.knockaloe.im/page_556356.html as ticketsselloutfast! early Book Praetorius and Purcell. pieces from Altenburg, Ebeling, Rameau, instrumental musicfrom composers including We have some beautifulvocal selected and and Europe from the16th-18thcenturies. programmeOur includesmusicfrom Britain Night”, Night fallsonOldChristmas “Er Yn Oie Nollick” ~OnChristmas Ease concert Hartes more form: info andentry delegate,Contact Manx Fiona McArdle, for forManx thefirsttime! available, sodon’t beafraid ofsinging in Translation andpronunciation helpis www.manxmusic.com/news_story_548534.html More info here: song now. ortranslatepenning anewditty your original January, 7.30pminPeel Hall, Masonic sostart This heat willtakeplace onSaturday 12th will bechosento represent theIsleofMan. before that, Gaelic anoriginal songinManx place inLetterkenny 2019,but 23-28April The InternationalPan Celtic Festival willtake ARRANE SONMANNIN ARRANE Deadline: 7thDecember 2018 New inManx Song A few days to enter... left [email protected]

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin and share. December, from 6pmforchildren’s games, followed by dancingfrom 7pm.Bringsomethingto eat You’re alsowelcome inBallasallaVillage HallonSunday16th to jointhemfortheirChristmasParty byStation RushenSilver at 10.30amand11.15aminbetween performances Band. Saturday 22ndDecember at Railway Perree Museum, Manx Banewillbedancingon atAs the Concert well Christmas astheCracking TICKETS: www.villagaiety.comTICKETS: Manx FolkManx Dance Society Tues 4thDecember -7.30pm Teas/CoffeesMince & Pies Methodist Hall Onchan Methodist Dancing &Carols Christmas Social ALL WELCOME

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin Manx dance paperchain.HaveManx Christmas alookat theFestival of Trees inRamsey Town Hall. member, hasalsodesigned MacKenzie thisfab Rob version logo, oftheirdistinctive butcommittee FestivalChristmas of Trees withagiant festive Shennaghys JiuCeltic Festival have entered the Charles Guard https://celticlife.com/charles-guard/ About Charles: the Villa at 2.30pm. www.villagaiety.com Marina Orchestra onSunday 2ndDecember in concert himself,Charles oftheIOMSymphony ispart Legend ofSt ”,“The andnarrated by The premiere ofanewwork by called Charles lifetime-achievement-award-for-charles-guard/ www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/ Awards 15thNov). for Excellence (Thurs culture at thisyear's Newspapers’ IsleofMan for hislong-term contribution to life Manx and Foundation), Heritage (Manx was recognised producer andformer director ofCulture Vannin broadcaster,harpist, author, filmandmusic – Manx composer,– Manx

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin month. Performers includedClash Vooar,month. Performers [Photo Kipperceili &theManx Kissack thanks:Val Bard Annie Caine] ofYncourtesy Chruinnaghtwhoorganised a‘giense’ oftheCooish Manx language festival aspart last Manx speakers, young and old, and advanced, beginner enjoyed afantastic entertainment nightofGaelic on the Manx Music website: Music on theManx www.manxmusic.com forMore information lessonswithRachel Culture harp aboutClaasaghandManx Vannin canbefound www.culturevannin.im/video_story_556374.html Auldyn melodiesfrom RiverandamedleyofotherManx theconcert: AvenueDark for Culture Vannin, thefilms feature the group performing Paul Cringle’s lovely melody, Hairhavethe inter-Celtic specialist, Rachel harp beencaptured onfilm. Filmed by young filmmakers from featuringHighlights the2018Claasaghconcert, theyoungstudentsfrom harp wholearn Manx CLAASAGH HARPCONCERT ONFILM Christmas concert. PHOTO: apacked Caarjyn Cooidjaghoutaudience &Rachel Hairentertained attheannual aTaste Dalby of

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin Article from www.manxradio.comArticle the-wren-christmas-card-coin-gift-pack-/ https://www.iompost.com/stamps-coins/product/hunt- Card Christmas &CoinPack: Gift £22.50 Coin is£8.50 All canbepurchased products at www.iompost.com. anda2018Huntunique postmark the Wren £2 Coin. complete witha ‘Hunt the Wren’ stamp, firstday ofissue taken from Folk theManx Traditions stampcollection Cardsof 1000beautifulChristmas featuring imagery coins areIt alsoavailable inaspeciallimited edition around adecorated wren poleusinganimitation bird. travel around singing atraditional songanddancing off evilinthe coming year .butnowadays a groups fastened to apole, theirfeathers thought to ward Originally thewren were hunted down,and killed, St Stephen's outevery Daycarried (26th). The thewell-knowncustom whichis coin depicts Wren" coin. The Post IsleofMan is Office releasinga£2"Hunt the on acoin thisfestive season. traditionAn iconicChristmas isbeingcelebrated Manx Manx Traditions Calendar 2019-£5.00 CardsChristmas (pack of10includingenvelopes) -£4.00 Available to buyintheCrossroad Care theCooish shopsandduring languagefestival. Manx Steaoin, St Stephen's Day, hasbeendesigned from December. the year, andeachmonth hasbeencreated from custom. anoldManx This year's card, Christmas Laa traditions throughoutbased onManx The Manx Traditions Calendar 2019is also created acalendarfor 2019. past fifteen years and we are she thrilled Crossroads Care's cards Christmas for the style. Shehasbeenproducingmodern enjoys developing theseshapesinto a Felicity hasalove for and Celtic knots andceramicist Felicitylocal artist Wood. have beendesigned andcreated by available. thecards Both andcalendar Manx Traditions Calendar 2019are Crossroads Care's cards Christmas and £2 coin celebrates ancient CHRISTMAS CARDS Manx Christmas tradition Christmas Manx HUNT THE WREN

More info: http://www.crossroadsiom.org/

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin ages andabilities welcome! and dance. Musicians, singersanddancers of all the oldtradition of Hunt the Wren through song Join revellers around to theIsleofMan celebrate replica!) special pole(thebird inthewren poletoday isa and thendanced through thestreets ona ofallbirds," king on awren, "the whichishunted practice, dating backto Pagan times, iscentred toMan dance andsingaround thestreets. The communities come together across theIsleof On St. Stephen's Day (26thDecember) today. yet more traditions inpractice unusualManx Hunt the Wren isoneofthemostpopularand birds" whoisparaded around onapole... ofall king Dancing onthestreets around a"the Photo ofwren bush by Fiona McArdle above fromArticle www.visitisleofman.com the winter. * Trad inthe musicsessionafterwards Tynwald Inn* onHunt the Cammag seasonstarted Historically Wren Day and was played by men (ofallages)during 21st century. around theintroduction ofassociation 1900after football, thoughithasexperienced arevival inthe itceased ofhurling. onMan, tois similarto beplayed Once theIrish game themostwidespread sport originating ontheIsland, closelyCammag is related ateam sport to and theScottish gameofshinty Following the annualCammag orspectate match! that, visitSTJOHNSto takepart Singing anddancinghunting thewren mustbeover by 12noonto avoid badluck! playing aninstrument)! theHouses'.10.30am 'Round All welcome, needed(unlessyou're knowledge noprior DOUGLAS -meetoutsidethe Woodbourne Pub, Alexander Drive. 10.15for Meet 11.20amandSULBY GlenPub at 11.40am. KIRK MICHAEL-meetat pub, 11amoutside the Mitre thenonto The Raven Pub in carpark. STMARYPORT -meetat 10amintheScoillPurt-le-Moirrey Arboretum car park. ST JOHNS-meetat 10.30aminthe at 10.30am. -meetoutsideSt Paul'sRAMSEY Church WHERE OH WHERE? Fiona McArdle &David Fisher theancient explain about tradition: Gaelic inManx Hunt the More info onHunt the Wren anddownload music, lyrics, etc.: https://www.culturevannin.im/manx_year.html Wren Mollag Band singHunt Band Mollag the Wren: https://vimeo.com/195925636 https://vimeo.com/247774280

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin Facebook. youIf are interested infindingoutmore Manx dancingormusic aboutcontact Perree Baneon inviting usandfinallyallthemusiciansdancers. Councilusfinancially, forThanks gotoArts supporting theIsleofMan the Lowender Peran Festival for flights home. ofdancingaswe School allwaited fordance ourdelayed display withtheHegarty at Newquay airport Despite anexhausting schedulemuchfunwas hadby all, culminating inanunofficialsessionand danceManx floorwithpeopledancingceilis. themedsession,adancemusicians inaManx workshop teaching Dance for Five the andpacking a group ofyoung peoplewithspecialeducational needs, ourtraditional sharing tuneswithother andGilnoCarswell Hair(harp) musicians Rachel Highlights (flute).includeda ceilianddisplay for Whilst inCornwall ourmusiciansPaul, Beccy, Kirsty, Patrick andRussellwere alsojoinedat timesby Scotland, Brittany and Wales for a4day extravaganza ofceilis, workshops, dance displays andsessions. Picture by Gorrie Charles Tribute : byharmonies Dale: Sophia unaccompanied version song oftraditional Manx “Padjer Colum Killey” improvised withglorious Here isabeautiful with theband. recorded several albums sound, andshehad ofSkeeal’sintegral part voicedistinctive was an the pastfew years. Her where shehadlived for away lastmonth inUist Skeeal sadlypassed band singer withManx Gale, Gaelic Sophia Dale Sophia Tributes to Harrish y Cheayn - Across theSea yCheayn-Across Harrish www.welovebarraandvatersay.com/index.php/88-welcome/12044-tributes-to-artist-musician-sophia https://soundcloud.com/breesha/padjer-colum-killey-st-columbas-prayer-by-skeeal from Cornwall, , joined performers and eleven dancers Five musicians Manx music andculture. celebrating Celtic Peran festival; the 40thLowender travel to Newquay for group Perree Bane November saw Manx The first weekend in Hopkinson by FernReport AT LOWENDER PERREE BANE PERAN PERAN

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin polished andnotsuitableforadanceperformance,butJoshuaClarksonwasallowedto perform was timetohavespeachesandpresentgifts,thewoodenfloorinReceptionhall highly Dinner, hostedbytheCultureChairman,shegaveusawarmwelcomeandaftermealthere part oftheCelebrationsweallparadedto The CityofMalmὃ Town HallforaReceptionand performance inthesameparkafewdayslaterbutdifferentarea,whichwasnotso dry rising above,aseveryonedancedpolka,intheblazingsunandheatat30degrees,wehad a there hadbeennorainforthelastthreemonths,fromstageyoucouldseeacloudof dust did saythedancingwouldbeongrass,butunfortunatelyallgrasshaddiedoffbecause The programfortheweekwasactionpacked,beginningwithworkshopsinFolketsPark, they chat toallourfriends. other groupsarrived,andtherewasawelcomeeveningwehadchancetocatchup and taken toScandicStJὂrgenHotelwhichwasrightinthecenteroftown,andshortlyafter the welcomed byourhostsand Skane, Sweden. We were between Denmarkand spanning acrossthewaters over theOresundBridge approx. 10minutesbytrain There isashortjourney, the Manxieshavearrived. an entranceandwarnthem visited, wellweliketomake just likethelasttimewe localised Thunderstorm, in Copenhagenwasa from Germany. Ourarrival Volkstanzgruppe Besse from Birminghamand joined with The Wayfarers 2018. They werealso in Malmὃ,Sweden August invitation tojointheirfriends Society hadaveryspecial The ManxFolkDance 1918-2018 Hembygdgillet100years It’s beenaBusysummerfortheManxFolkDanceSociety... report byMoRobinson . As

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin this visit. Roberta (Bobby) Evans for organising A goodtime washadbyall,thanksto and lotsofmusic dancing. all metintheVillage hallforSupper Leeks andHam. Onthelastnightwe Welsh traditionalstewmadewith diners, andenjoyedaHome-made evenings attheGoldenGrovefor We alsodancedononeofthe performed on3daystolargecrowds. domed glassatrium,bothgroups Garden centre,wherethereisalarge performed attheNationalBotanical though -wetookthesaferoptionand even atonepointupintotheBell/clocktowerandontoroof! We didnotdanceontheroof The houseis,atpresent,undergoingrestoration,anditwasanexperiencetostayin explore, Llandeilo Carmarthenshire. country housestyledina Tudor/Scottish BaronialstylesituatedinaDeerparkcalledGelli Aur, in Bank Holidayweekend. We stayedinaGothicMansion, calledGoldenGrove,whichisalarge The folkdancerstooktheir2ndtripin August tovisittheWelsh group Tipyn OBopethforthe report byMoRobinson Manx FolkDanceSocietytakearoadtriptoWales everyone again,maybeontheIsleofMan,butIthinkjustonegroupatatime. celebration. The weekwasovertooquickly, andwehopeitwillnotbetoolongbeforesee moment andsospecialitbroughtateartoyoureye,justbetherepartof100years local choir, togetherwithaparadeandslowdancingbytheSwedishGroup,itwasanincredible service withhighmass,inLimhamnskyrka, therewasbeautifulmusicplayedandsingingbythe of Ystad andhadsometimetotakealookaroundthetown. OnlastdayweChurch a swimandthewaterwasamazinglywarminBalticSea. We travelledbackviathe town through anappleorchard,andviathewoodsdowntobeach,therewasachancetake The followingdaywasanexcursionday, whereweweretakentotheEastofSkane, walked the jiginhissoftpumps,thiswasaveryspecialmomentforhim.

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin https://www.facebook.com/clashvooar/ Follow thebandon Facebookandlookoutforlive gigs: https://clashvooar.bandcamp.com/releases buy asaCDor download: Vooar hasbeen officiallylaunchedandis now availableto The longawaitedalbumfrom Manx Gaelicgypsy-jazzersClash Don yourDon festive loaghtan wool jumperandlisten music!: alongtoChristmas someManx https://soundcloud.com/culture-vannin/sets/manx-christmas kiaull noa Music & Dance onFacebookMusic &Dance to findoutwhenit’s released. Follow www.manxmusic.com orCulture Vannin NEWS orManx C translated into by Manx variouscontributors. the nativity, aswell favourites aswell-knownChristmas andsongsof carvals melodies, Gaelic Manx oldManx CarswellBob andH.P. Kelly, setto newlyrics traditional the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh,songsby composers suchas Claguefor andAalin teachers Annie students Kissack of togetherbrings songscomposed original Christmas by carols Christmas Gaelic. inManx known The collection 40new,Nollick Ghennalisabookofnearly oldandwell- hit theshelves later andCarol thismonth! Services suitable for bothschools andthegeneral public, anditwill Culture Vannin songs hascompiled anewbookofGaelic Dr Chloe Woolley, Development Music Manx Officer for Culture Vannin to bereleased soon! OMING SOON!!! Look outfor anewpublication from Manx ChristmasManx Songs NOLLICK GHENNAL www.manxmusic.com/publications.html Vannin shoponline: dance presents Christmas from Culture There are lotsoftemptingmusic& Manx FORGET!!! DON’T RUMOURS OFUNEASE Young, award harpist winningManx www.fatea-records.co.uk/magazine/ Mera RoyleMera appearsonthelatest Fatea Winter Showcase album: news/WinterEagle/

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin PEDDYR CUBBERLEY Biskee Brisht intheGlen https://youtu.be/FO4qFP2W-kg And listenon Youtube com/track/see-amid-the-winters-snow https://peddyrcubberley.bandcamp. Available frommyBandcamppage: Lucy Gilmore~CelticHarp Peddyr Cubberley~IrishFlute you willenjoyit.:) Manx Celtictreatmentandtheyhope & Peddyrgavethiscarolabitofthe As Manxtraditionalmusicians,Lucy Winter's Snow"onDecember1st. of theChristmasCarol"See Amid The release anewManx Trad arrangement J Marr & Karen PHennessyhere &Karen : https://youtu.be/RN-zSX63uyoJ Marr have written anoriginal songabouttheIsleof Man. You canlisten to the track Isle ofMan”“The by Chris Chris andKaren Rewind will www.soundoftheglen.com As mentioned inaprevious KMJ, amusicalduofrom Columbia British com/apps/webstore/ christamccartneymusic. www. online £12.99 IOM shopsorto buy isnowand harpist in singer from Gaelic Manx The newalbumShee McCartney Christa

and to watch more videos: getting involved intheproject Gretsch). More information on violin) andCosmo’s dad(shiny (trombone), (bassand Matt (trumpet),ColinDjango line upofJohn(accordion), and familyto makethecurrent who pulledtogether friends fronted by Ruby Biscoe-Taylor, forManx ‘Broken Biscuit’ are https://youtu.be/Rq5Cw3L-QrQ Fall' Glen. inPort Soderick 'NotAgain' &'The performs band Manx This funky

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin soon directto buyfromJamys. Physical CDswillbeavailable http://jamyswoolley.bandcamp.com/album/turn-to-face-the-strange The EPisavailable asadigital download for £5: EP photography isby hislong-timefriendand fellow skateboarder ElliotMcMahon. ‘TurnThe title to Face the Strange’ isanobliqueallusion to the David Bowie song‘Changes’, andthe should have practised more”! causing Jamys to comment years later: “I now famous fiddle player Tom Callister, Youth Orchestra where hesat next to the by playing classical violinwiththeManx His love ofheavy metal was balanced Ben Barlow. Meso Soup,alongwithJoeKneale and guitarist, fronting theheavy metal band year oldprecociously-talented electric Jamys’s musical journey began asa14 soundtrack: ‘Live ItUp’. also recognise one ofthesongsfrom the ‘Mad Manx will andtheSoapBox Derby’ Audiences whoenjoyed SamWaters’ film original intheirown right. no mere Dylan-copies –they are very Velvet Underground. Undoubtedly though,hisgreatest inspiration hasbeenBobDylan;buttheseare here by Jig. Grainne Joughindancing aManx and Cornwall.between theIsleofMan They are joined Dance “Melyndowr” (water mill)to celebrate thelinks Lowender Peran 2014 Kemysk choreograph Cornish Bunnymen, Captain Beefheart, TheDoors andThe artists suchasNickCave, Joy Division, Echo andthe Jamys’ musical style hasbeencompared with wordsmith”. beautiful strangeness... Jamys really isanincredible I’ve ever worked on;it’s amagical mystical rideof Gyp saidtheEPwas “one ofthemost enjoyable records collaboration withproducer Gyp Buggane. a Great Companion’, have beenshapedandhonedin EP, suchas‘Live itUp(Tropical Trees)’ and‘Trust made usually performs acoustically. Thoseselected for his live musicscene.Hehaswritten many songs,whichhe Jamys, 28,isafamiliar andpopularfigure onthelocal years. at theBallagroove Recording Studiosover thepast two ‘Turn to Face theStrange’ comprises five songs recorded first EPoforiginalsongsintime forChristmas. Prolific singer-songwriter Jamys Woolley has released his debut EPrelease by Jamys Woolley https://youtu.be/ngQOCMonC94 ‘Turn to Face theStrange’ Youtube/ videocorner

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin Teare. Carswell plusPhil KellyandMarion (Junior) Carswell Senior, David Fisher, Jerry, Cristl Bob The were: actors , Elsie&Bob Carswell RBV. dressed for incharacter aplay devisedby Bob Bwoie &dance Doal group Bock Yuan Fannee magazine are musicgroup membersofManx Pictured above andrightina1977Manx Life and theWhiteBoys othercuriousManxtraditionsassociatedwith Christmas-time: Read abouttheMollag Band, CarvalsingingontheOie’llVerrey, Christmasfiddlers, Huntthe Wren (now 21stDecember)and endedonTwelfth Night(6thJanuaryorOldChristmasDay). began ontheshortestday, BlackThomas’Eve Manx Gaelic,‘Yn Kegeesh Ommidjagh’,andthis routine wascalledthe‘FoolishFortnight’orin This holidayfromtheusualhardandrelentless in past-timeswastakingabreakfromroutine. In theIsleofMan,akeyelementChristmas Nollick GhennalasBleinVieNoa Merry Christmas&HappyNewYear ‘At Christmasplayandmakegood cheer, ForChristmascomes but onceayear’ www.manxmusic.com/news_story_505045.html RESEARCH NEWS

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin Marroo [but n.d. Backwell, readily settle, viz. Is it Manx or Scotch? or Manx it Is viz. settle, the to as Doctor the with deliberate might On dated dated

Associated with Colby Fair held held Fair Colby with Associated that: add to on went He collection original the Gill devised a simple code, as he explained to his brother in May May in brother his to explained he as code, simple a devised Gill h they tunes the other transcript, the trio of tunes mentioned above are transcribed unarranged and as collected as and unarranged transcribed are above mentioned tunes of trio the transcript, source. another from comes Gill to sent version Society Antiquarian and History Letter from W.H. Gill to Deemster Gill, Gill, Deemster to Gill W.H. from Letter nolonger source this from only

note in a book of professedly Scotch Songs. I am afraid we have not a leg to stand on, especially as the tune does not appear not does tune the as especially on, stand to leg a not have we afraid am I Songs. Scotch professedly of book a in note hand bot hand of Hunt the Wren ( Wren the Hunt of completed in 1895 & 1896 & 1895 in completed ‘Mona Melodies,’ ‘Mona Deemster. A Deemster. Tammy. from recognisable was Clague from material Ballad ofBuster Ballad Scruggs Man?" Towards theendof movie, sings "Hasanyone acharacter here seenMolly, from Molly theIsleof features asongcalled from‘Molly theIsleofMan’. www.netflix.com/im/title/80200267 and in a letter to the Deemster from early December commented that: commented December early from Deemster the to letter a in and Deemster Gill, Gill, Deemster hlt h G the Whilst Miller Stephen

This This 27 o’er my daddie. my o’er customs. Much older than “ than older Much customs. I believe that the the that believe I t the seen have collec I Scotch. and Irish is it as Manx much as is and tune Gaelic old an is it think I Marroo Catreeny Kiark to As 11

November November , , read up in Clague’s own own Clague’s in up read “

September September 1 tom co tom it Turning to Clague’s own tune books, now in the the in now books, tune own Clague’s to Turning “ st lot st tion of Irish airs as well as of Scotch airs, the Irish title being being title Irish the airs, Scotch of as well as airs Irish of tion

deliberate with the Doctor the with deliberate came from Clague, and the Deemster made a copy copy a made Deemster the and Clague, from came s it contains Kiark Catreeney Marroo Catreeney Kiark contains it s ” 5

rner refer to the Sources the to refer rner

consists of fourteen tunes, tunes, fourteen of consists l bohr hd odce to olcig or i te sad tha Island the in tours collecting two conducted had brothers ill December December ” Mona Melodies Mona 1894, 1894,

” 1911 continuing, continuing,


c.1.9 “ .

ad collected, the difference being that that being difference the collected, ad Kiark Catreeny Marroo Catreeny Kiark The structure and composition of t of composition and structure The ]) ]) .

W.H. Gill wrote to his brother, Deemster J.F. Gill, and in the course of the letter mentioned that that mentioned letter the of course the in and Gill, J.F. Deemster brother, his to wrote Gill W.H. )

(as (as mnhl, ms 09702, 09702, ms mnhl, . . | 43

As regards Hunt the Wren ([ Wren the Hunt regards As of of

1894 evidently in in evidently Anne Margaret Crellin, she was t was she Crellin, Margaret Anne & & | Hunt the Wren the Hunt

45 manx folk music music folk manx “ ” , , ) [b]ut perhaps the Doctor can tell us something of something us tell can Doctor the perhaps [b]ut

each year year each , but with the tune itself. itself. tune the with but , . . mnhl By Doctor was meant Dr John Clague, and Gill Gill and Clague, John Dr meant was Doctor By ( oiahy Mniah Mn Rmnsecs y h Lt D Jh Clague John Dr Late the By Reminiscences Manx Manninagh: Cooinaghtyn 1820 If this is the date he obtained it from her, as opposed to entering it in the tune book, then the the then book, tune the in it entering to opposed as her, from it obtained he date the is this If ”

directly, there is the Deemster’s transcript that can be used be can that transcript Deemster’s the is there directly, – anewCoen Brothers filmaboutthe American Frontier onNetflix ) , , , , ” ms

.. Gill’s W.H. Deemster J.F. Gill Papers, Box Box Papers, Gill J.F. Deemster and the remaining three are are three remaining the and

and as an illustration, illustration, an as and but but

on on

” 22 22 fate of the tune with the title ‘Kiark Catreeney Marroo.’ It is a nice point for you to to you for point nice a is It Marroo.’ Catreeney ‘Kiark title the with tune the of fate 09702 ”


& the the & 5 May numbers eleven and twelve, however, however, twelve, and eleven numbers

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“ “ ( 1894 White Boys. White c. DR CLAGUE I : 8. : I CLAGUE DR

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] ] he Clague tune books has yet to be fully understood fully be to yet has books tune Clague he side the issue of the of issue the side , the subject of the letter dated dated letter the of subject the , W.H. Gill to Deemster Gill, Gill, Deemster to Gill W.H. The Dr J Dr The

mnhl made by by made 49 while while he Secretary of the Folk Lore Committee of the Isle of Man Natural Natural Man of Isle the of Committee Lore Folk the of Secretary he /3 ” ), ), of it a it of 1 L “ * , they are all present there but as arrangements arrangements as but there present all are they ,

C.I = Dr Clague’s Clague’s Dr = C.I

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s shown here shown s Car y Phoosee, Kiark Catreeney Marroo, and Ree Ben Juan Juan Ben Ree and Marroo, Catreeney Kiark Phoosee, y Car . Bound up and paginated in in paginated and up Bound . , , Clague tune books are are books tune Clague “ [i]n the transcripts I sent you the referencing at the left left the at referencing the you sent I transcripts the [i]n

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1912 1912 Clague and the Gills passed each each passed Gills the and Clague

Clague was quick with his reply, reply, his with quick was Clague instead hat are present, nine are titles titles are nine present, are hat Annie Crellin of Orrisdale and and Orrisdale of Crellin Annie by Mrs Lucinda Gill. Lucinda Mrs by | , , in the transcript made by the the by made transcript the in

and as such are known now now known are such as and ms mr w.h. gill & dr. clague clague dr. & gill w.h. mr 1894

as here as 448

1894, 1894, titles

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Kiark Catreeney Catreeney Kiark I find it note for for note it find I a a and and did did

whilst we can can we whilst first batch of of batch first une in a a in une not. W.H. W.H. not.


449 “ you you

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kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin www.manxmusic.com/media/History%20photos/Hop-dy-Naa%20Prof%20John%20Rhys%201890%20GB.pdf 1886-1893. the IsleofMan HOP-DY-NAA Fragments by collected Prof. JohnRhys, University ofOxford, hisvisitsto in1890during by DrGeorge Broderick abouttheHoptunaasonghasalsobeadded: A newarticle www.manxmusic.com/media/History%20photos/Manx%20Traditional%20Ballads%20D%20Speers%202016%20small.pdf 84(2016) Bealoideas Manx Traditional Ballads-theBroadside Revealed Connections by David Speers. First publishedin There are two papersby David Speerswhichwere originally publishedby Beodeoideas: Thanks to theauthors. www.manxmusic.com/media/History%20photos/Speers%20historical%20references%20Manx%20music.pdf by David Speers. (1996/1997) The historical References to Manx Traditional Music, andDance: Song Areappraisal andaChronology Collections intheIsleofMan ‘Print isMuchSafer thanMS’: The FateofFolklore andFolkSong Read thefullpaper: record hasconsequences inresearchingwhatdoesnowsurvive. of theirpapers,butthisdid littletopreventthelossofcollectionsthey amassed.Suchafragmented Society between1905and 1913.Severalcollectorsexpressedconcernin theirlifetimeaboutthesurvival in thisarticle. The mostsignificantlosswasthatofthe cylinderrecordingsmadebytheManxLanguage by theCelticRevival.Muchofmaterialcollected hasnowbeenlostforavarietyofreasonsdetailed English andManxGaelic. This wasfollowedbyafurtherwaveofcollectorsin thenextdecade,enthused The IsleofManinthe1890ssawremarkableactivity inthecollectingoffolkloreandfolksong,both *More articles concerning*More musichistory articles Manx https://kula.uvic.ca/articles/10.5334/kula.26/ added to manxmusic.com Research page www.culturevannin.im/manx_year_event_505782.html by StephenMiller here: watch thefilms Boys tradition and about The White Find outmore performances. filmed theoriginal John Dowling who online. Big thanks to available to watch digitised andare have now been around Peel in2000 at variousspots dance performed mummers’ play and of Some VHS films digitised films Boys 2000 The White

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin TRANSCRIPTION OFTHEMONTH 9 5 forthcoming bookbyforthcoming Culture Vannin, NollickGhennal. as well asby herchoir, Caarjyn Cooidjagh. This songisoneofmany songsinthe Christmas Gaelic Kissack. “Arrane Cadlee” by children oftheBunscoill isperformed Ghaelgaghwhere Annie teaches, carol Gaelic basedonanoldmelodyfromA Manx by withnewlyrics theClague/GillCollection Annie & &

b b & b b C houds œ œ m O b b 4 4 see www.manxmusic.com œ ta œ œ Go chree, y dty w œ ain œ œ œ - © Culture Vannin andtheindividual composers andtranslators 2018 leyn my œ œ œ lhian my aash œ œ 3. 2. 1. A gh dug Na S a beefemeayderramar Ch F mychr O mychr O C ta'nchiaullcurfasteedooin. As C A ytraa Er sol œ an oik eihll asslayntdhyt,shendyliooa eeu da’nreeaynscashtalmooa yns dtychleannylhiedychiune, œ o-chiaull: houds taainleynsollyskiaulley gh aynsmanjoorfeayr ascreoie, œ Ta dtylhiabbeesouyras meein, a jeanymcurmoodeaddaghstoamey Ch G - ow dtyaashmylhiannoovillish, - lys A œ œ œ rrane gh, hieeh kiaul ee, myoikanveen. ee, myoikanvillish, - Y œ noo vil œ œ eesey llab Lu - - formoreprintablepiecesofManxmusic ley lish, vil œ œ œ Ca , - eest echionebeg, Cr y dy lhie. lish, œ As dlee œ m O œ ™ A yns œ œ gid, c ta'n chree, y J œ c dty œ œ hiaull r, , œ hlean

r. œ my œ K e fast cur œ iaull -tradishoonagh œ ny œ , œ an oik œ œ lhie œ cklyn - Fo - - œ œ ayns œ veen. dooin. ˙ shee. ˙ A (Ma ˙ ssack Ki nnin)

kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin Port ErinRailwayStation,afternoon. 22nd PerreeBaneandRushenSilverBand, 26th HunttheWren-Island-wide! at KirkChristMalew,3pm,free 16th CaarjynCooidjaghChristmasService 16th PerreeBaneChristmasParty,6pm Museum, 12pm(seeposter) 16th CrackingChristmasConcert,Manx (see poster) 14th LeshSheeasGraih,StNinian’sChurch 7.30pm, free(donationswelcomed) aid ofMESupport,RushenParishChurch, 7th CaarjynCooidjaghChristmassongsin 7.30pm £24/20villagaiety.com 7th Manannan’sWinterfest,GaietyTheatre, Masonic Hall 6th ShennaghysJiubingonight,Ramsey Methodist Hall7.30pm 4th MFDSChristmasSocial,Onchan Maughold, VillaMarina2.30pm premiere ofCharlesGuard’sLegendSt 2nd IOMSymphonyOrchestraconcertwith of M.Esupportgroup. would beverywelcome.Collectioninaid like tojoininfrom3til4p.m.singcarols from 2p.mtil4p.m. Anysingerswhowould 1st CaarjynCooidjagh atTynwaldMills DECEMBER CALENDAR PRESS: please feelfreetopickuparticles withoutnamedauthors tospreadtheword aboutManxculture Call: or writeto:

~ SESSIONS ~ Manx MusicDevelopmentOfficer The Editorwelcomes submissionsbut reservestherighttoedit forstyleandspace

Occasional SAT10pmManxsessionatTheWhiteHouse, Peel Chloë: 01624694758 Culture Vannin,POBox 1986,Douglas,IsleofManIM991SR Last FRIofmonth9pm,KiaullasGaelg,Albert,PortStMary THURS 8pmSingingsessionatTheMitre,Ramsey For informationonManxmusic&dance contact: TUES 8pmSingaroundatTheManor,Douglas Written andeditedbyChloë WoolleyforCultureVannin WED 8.30pmSessionatO’Donnells,Douglas Monthly SUN12.30pmTradsessioninLaxey FRI 8pmTradsessionatTheMitre,Ramsey FRI TradsessionattheManor,Willaston www.manxmusic.com culture vannin Dr ChloëWoolley Douglas, 10.30am Caarjyn Cooidjagh,StMatthew’sChurch, 3rd AnnieKissack’sManxMasssungby FEBRUARY 7.30pm 12th ArranesonMannin,PeelMasonicHall, Knockaloe 6th HartesEaseOldChristmasConcert, JANUARY 2019 Square, Ramsey Christmas ConcertSt.PaulsChurch,Market Kilgallon OrganRamsey,MusicSociety 28th RussellGilmourTrumpet,David Douglas, seearticle 28th MollagGhennal,LegionClub, Please sendindatessothatwecan publicise eventshere&online: www.manxmusic.com

: [email protected]


kiaull manninagh jiu 12/18 culture vannin