TSR 1017B DM's Guide to Immortals.Pdf
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e Gam e Adventur y Fantas s Immortal o t e Guid s Master' n Dungeo By Frank Mentzer Editing: Anne Gray McCready TABLE OF CONTENTS Development: Harold Johnson Cover Art: Larry Elmore Illustrations: Jeff Easley Larry Elmore The Multiverse .................................................... 2 Typesetting: Linda Bakk Physical Characteristics ............................................ 5 Kim Lindau Other Notes on Dimensions ......................................... 12 C 1986 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. e CampaigTh n .................................................... 14 Goals of the Immortals ............................................. 15 Immortal Justice .................................................. 18 This book has been designed for use with the , Expert , Basic ® DRAGONS & S DUNGEON New Magic ..................................................... 19 n explai t no s doe t I . Sets r Maste d an , Companion The Sphere of Entropy ............................................. 23 , Basic e th e hav t mus u Yo . game e th y pla o t w ho Experience Points ................................................. 23 Expert, Companion, and Masters rules before you Adventure Planning ............................................... 25 can use this set. Reference Guide ......................................... center of book Creatures ......................................................... 27 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® and D&D® are registered Introduction ...................................................... 27 trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. BATTLESYSTEM and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. ®1986 Creature Descriptions .............................................. 28 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Bibliography ...................................................... 51 This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained Spells of Entropy ..................................... inside back cover herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR, Inc. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Printed in the U.S.A. First Printing —June, 1986 TSR, Inc. TSR UK, Ltd. PO Box 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road Lake Geneva, WI Cambridge, UK 53147 CB14AD The Multiverse desire, fond this hope, pleasing this "Whence This longing after Immortality?" Cato Joseph Addison (1672-1719) e b d shoul u yo , section s thi y stud u yo e Befor six plane, s of numbers existence—th r thei h e replenis Prime n ca s , Ether, Immortal y wa familia- r witcollec h e the notes Planes—ar i nl the D&DElementa ®r Com-fou e th d an to maintain their commanding positions as panion Set which describ. e Planes th r e EthereaInne e th d l ancalle d y tivel controllers of all of existence, is by finding, Elemental Planes, vortices, and wormholes The Inner Planes are surrounded by the encouraging, and testing exceptional mortals e b o als d shoul u Yo . 18-19) s page C (DM - Ele e th o t d connecte s i h whic , Plane l Astra who wish to achieve Immortality. s a , Power f o s Sphere e fiv e th h wit r familia mental and Ethereal Planes but not to the Breeding experiments have not improved w ne k brea e w e Befor . set s thi n i d describe Prime- . Ear beyonImmor n dwhe s the Inneoccasion r e Planesrar e th , n acrosO . s odds e th ground, a brief review is in order, and some this vast "astral ocean," are other planes of tals have masqueraded as mortals (as docu- new detaild an ss are addeImmortal d e toth thesf o s e now-familiahome e th , r existence mented by dozens of ancient myths), their topics. other r beingsno e . mor Thesr e otheneithe d ran s planes mortal are e comwer g - offsprin l provincia a , Planes r Oute e th d calle y monl r othe n tha y Immortalit e achiev o t y likel s les and relativ- med e h termSuc . that isorigin nevertheles l morta y s inpurel comf o s - human e Existenc f o s Plane mon use eth becausf o e e of balanc th e e th Prime-plana o t s danger r origis pose n g dlin of mosd t Immortalsabandone e . wer s attempt h suc t tha e Prim - exist f o e "plan e phras e th , terms e gam n I - exist f o s plane n know e th f o e thre y Onl long ago. ence" (or simply Plane) refers to an area seen ence are infinitd e in discovere size—th n ofte e e ar Prime s , EtheImmortal -l Potentia by mortal beings as a three-dimensional vol- real, and Astral. All others are limited, or in planes other than the Prime, but few of t differen s i s Thi . size e unmeasurabl f o e um . universes t pocke r o , planes " "bounded e Thos . Immortality g reachin n i d succee e thes t fla a s i e plan a h whic n i , geometry n i n tha Togetherr neve , ale l theshav y e planes, boundeImmortalit h dreac an o dd o wh two-dimensional area. One Plane contains infinite, Inner and Outer, is collectively achieved greatness within the Immortal hier- , moons , planets r othe , homeworlds C P e th . Multiverse e th d calle archy. Immortals believe that this is because stars, other objects, and vast distances e th n i s imbalance e th y b d cause s flaw e th f o between them in which there is almost noth- . creatures h suc f o s plane e nativ r (o e Plan e Prim e th d calle s i e plan s Thi . ing The Importance of the Prime . Prime) e th y merel The Prime Plane is special in several ways. It Dimensions e spac s thi o t d en n a g findin t a t attemp y An is the only one in which the five Spheres of will faild , an fo , r it extendThought , s withouTime , t endEnergy i, n all nor(Matter -r Powe - multi e th n gover s Sphere e fiv e th s a t Jus mal directions (height, width, etc.). Any such Entropy) all blend together perfectly, in pre- verse, five dimensions govern each plane of plane of infinite size is tailed a universe. cisely - equamea lf o proportions y wa a s i n . It is alsdimensio oh theEac onl. y existence One, otheAir f r o plane s , theelement Ethereal r fou e ,th touche h whic s thn i e e plan suring physical size or distance. Each dimen- Prime n at alagai l , points. perfectly Mos d t adventurerblen r Wate d an s , fromFire , Earth sion is a real direction perpendicular to every the Primf o ee are plan quit r e othe familia y Ever r . with the Etherproportions l , equa n i other. Time, often mistakenly called the l magica s variou g usin y b d entere e b n ca t i r fo existence contains some imbalance in ele- fourth dimension, is not a direction, but one effects and devices. The Ether is also an area ments, Spheres, or both. of the Spheres. through whic, h characterEntropy f o e s musthos g t pass includin to , reach Immortals l Al e lin t straigh a s a n dimensio e on e Imagin the nearb- bal y e planeth b s of distur th o et t founo rl elementscarefu y . The extremel e ar on a piece of paper. Another line crossing it at Primer andThei Elementa. Plane e l planePrim e th s n ari es connectething l al f do e anc a 90 degree angle shows a second direction, - form , Ether e th h throug h reac t tha s tube y b cautiona id s ad in o theiT . r owpaper n e self-interestth n o n sig s , foplu r a th g e formin ing a branchinw ne h gwhic networm fro e k verplan y y similaonl e th s ri te o thPlan e e Prim - imag , both o t r perpendicula n directio d thir roots os f a tree. Immortal r Fo . arise y consistentl s Immortal e th f o r cente e th h throug g passin e lin a e in f o p grou s thi , perspective r greate a m Fro cannot create Immortal offspring. The only plus, leading above and below the fiat paper 2 The Multiverse Easy so far, for most of us. But the next line to have any real location or meaning, it explorations of the dimensions. o t r perpendicula n directio a n i s i n dimensio r large r o l two-dimensiona a n withi t exis t mus They found a barrier they cannot pene- all three of those lines, a direction that we as space. The line itself describes only one trate. players are simply not equipped to see. We dimension, but its location must be described can, however, assume that our Immortal by two. The Secret of the characters can see, use, live within, and even Similarly, a two-dimensional plus sign can o d e w s a y naturall s a n dimensio s thi e ignor certainly exist alone, but to have real mean- Multiverse . three t firs e th a n withi d locate e b t mus t i , ing Immortals have imagined much of the follow- a s a d define y simpl e b n ca l morta a , Thus three-dimensionae th f o t lmos spacd e frodeduce mt whicfac n i he it hav ma d yan , ing being who is equipped to perceive only three be observed.