Surseon Generalus of United Sta Es
Treasury Department, United States Marine-Hospital Service. Published in accordance with vct of Congress approved February 15,1893. VOL. XIV. WASHINGTON, D. C., OCTOBER 27, 1899. No. 43. SURSEON GENERALUS OF UNITED STA ES. THE QUARANTINE CLOSE SEASON TO TENATE NOVEMBER 1. Amendments to quarantine regulations-Inpection of certain vesels and baggage on and after April 1 and until iNovember 1. [Department Circular No. 126.-Marine-Hospital Service.] TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Washington, D. C., October 20, 1899. To officers of the Treasury Department, State and local quarantine officers, consular officers, and others concerned: The following amendments to the quarantine regulations, to be observed at ports and on the frontiers of the United States, are hereby promulgated: Article II, paragraph 2, exception 1, is amended to read as follows: Vessels arriving during certain seasons of the year, to wit, November 1 to April 1, may be admitted to entry. Article II, paragraph 2, exception 2, is amended to read as follows: Vessels arriving during the season of close quarantine, to wit, from April 1 to November 1, shall be subject to inspection, and if necesary, to disinfection. NoTE.-The extension of inspection to November 15, under the pro- visions of Department Circular 190, of October 22, 1898, was demanded by the exigencies of war, now no longer existent. 0. L. SPAULDING, Acting Secretary. 138 127 Ootober 27, 1899 1828 [Reports to the Surgeon-General United States Marine-Hospital Service.] Yellowfever in Key West, Fla., and other pkaces. [Continued from last PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTs.] FLORIDA. Key West.-The following cases and deaths have been officially reported: October 18, 2 cases; October 19, 7 cases, no deaths; October 20, 4 cases, no deaths.
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