With Israel S
·,· ~~ ... -~ ' ... ,\._ ,., .. ., ., / i Page Eight THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursday, January 13, 1955 Slaler1 Mrs. Harry Sokolov, Dave America and tho American Jewish torial comment on security risks took PATRONS LISTED TEACHER AVAILABLE (Continued from pogo 1) Stall, Mr, and Mrs. Harry St<lnberg, Congress, and has travelled' o:,:ten- ·. up the Ladejlnsky case and noted West Mourns Passing Frank Marantz, Mr. iind Mrs/ Joseph John Sternberg, Nathan Sures, Dr. slvely, that, 11 when his strongly anti-Com WIii teach children ond odol,1eonll Dave Swartz, Barry Tessler, 0. Wein He has served as editor or the munist writings are cited in his de of all oge• and claun. Alto Bar Mnrgulius1 I. Manzer,. Israel Miller, Mltavahs, Full •atisfocllon ouuNI. Sil. Morantz, Mr. o.nd Mrs. Morris stein and ~- Welsonthnl. Jewish Day for 25 years. fence, the department 1Securlty1 Of Moses Backun, 71 Make YO•.UR 'Boftd' With Israel S. M. Selchcn wllrpreslde at Sun officer Infers that they _must show 144 LUXTON AVE. · Neri.man, A, Ostry, I. Portnoy, Dr. MOOSE JAW, (Special)-One of this city's leading citizens and a Leonard Portnoy, Nathan Portnoy, day llight's lecture and Dr. C. S. Ladcjlncky was in league with the PHONE 52-6557 CLINIC AUXILIARY prhminent member of the Jewish community here tor 34 years, Mose!! Young women's auxiliary of Mount Hershfield at the Monday night lee, Communists. Would pro-Communis~ Louis Rablnovltch, Mrs. Dove Rosen Backun passed away suddenly in Moose Jaw Wednesday, Jan. 5. at berg, Mrs. Ben Roscnblot, A. O. Carmel Clinic will hold n social 8 lure.
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