Ijutiwlk Gazette. Weeks
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'nW j-jSK--*. 1 ^'•nJl^tl'lrti J-;V' - -' i sr'"Trr-'s iyp^w,»ir,rft icsartf!! ','H.S M* V . ' -v r V • • ,, ;("-.• . • £g^."$| ,r»a-« iS«fl ; 1 :,c::V J__ .t.*l jii± •*:-a-' siiA.ih*i t' fr •$>. 'i~t t ': •: . v ^ '**- <*«*w£v" - ?i.-j.K*9!;v: , -•:: '^.-jitjsi- isilji-:!;!-!:.? 'M ', •? ' » £&&*&&**••*rrrtei !»>*.,* •flMtnaf .-.•SS-Jil JiWj.il jst yyu. t.v.'-;s'si s| • f-*A£ ais • i-l i:V:' inh-'iCV -!•;H";f >i-'-f t/*V ',} X, t-j • TiSKi 3>»ss i&WAS-s** •jr. •lb* teaal« lh i -ft n*r && -4 — •>"?-<-''S- ' if -• -1" '*>" vpi<- fcl«5& NORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, APRIL 28,1868. VOLUME ll- 17. (prs# •i.'-w^a^-i jWsF-'- nm% 'A v :.; ' * I. GOOD HEW9! ' From fulntm't Magaziiu/or May. ered, and is called Brooks' Island. Isinlat ymi mtw ESTATE. Fralt Tree*! . Fralt Trees! marble, flanked on either side by a long shed Bishareen Arabs haris iio flre^nns, thus the L.i .... «•Home Again." ". ;:AX:XHS . FAMILIAR LETTERS FROM JTAPAN. 88® l?*, long.177*80' west from Cfreenwicb. • • : • -tfc *' » . Good News fer the JUkiles. of corrugated iron; the whole surrounded 80on4 <tfa gun was ai4a»ilrn to the game [ >Tfce second Oldest Paper in the State. 4.' ' • F«r Sale at a Barpin, :..HKW.CAHAA1V ISIOIT. The Paciflc Mail Co. propose using this ifor by a well-paved court, martelUnuiy dean and ,'Uia Aeewt • }|;V : IF APPLIED FMt: AT ONCE. i - Th« Whsciib^iti'take slewore'th iBiidnnchig to the I. VBOK SAN FBANCIBCO TO YOKOHAMA. COAL.!fa*! , COAL! ! COAL !!! a coaling' station ,and they have already sent neat. Icoold not he4>eayfa|g, "If this is bar Umd kiDed several wi&lgitae ftr break? f T ^ OFFIC* IN GAZETTE BUILDING. HREE or the moat desirable' Building Lota In OEAND XILl^EY 0PQHNG Stsahxb Gmr Bsrosua i* THspAomo,) one load of coal, and ten men there. Oure ftstfaa; tfc* ihMaarf Om» »Vn f.*?i , . >2#,i Ttown, near the Union Park, Will be aoldolieap for Fruit & Ornamental Trees,VineB, &c. r 1 Dee.U,18ff. / barism, save me from, civilisation." Enter I suddenly heard .the pecn^VKd^rtS Sif AT THE; cash or approved credit. Apply at GAZETTE OTITIC* pit is the first steamer that has passed it, and we - AT We left Ban Francisco on the 4tli with fifty' ing the anteroom pf the custom house, I was neigh of this, anhnal in ay tear; we had Wj ;;- ni> |coi, , ill must have created some excitement among accosted by an official who was perfectly passed them nnperceived, as they had been be s- ^N.-EiM. FOR SALE. otAPPLBTKEB8pwbeidtfiy,tabetiMlIarg«*(and MEW YORK i.J six cabin and eleven hundred and eighty ,Amr Steamboat Dock, South Norwalk. HE Residence of the late JAMK8 MOODY HOY?, Best ln- thta.ConatTt.- ;W"« are alaa paeltlvB that we the "coal garrison." We did not go nearer overwhelmingly polite, examined my bag- neath the surface. After a quick walk of about f situated in the town of Norwalk^ Conn,, is now at- canfttrnUh.TreCftlnnMtur 'dnalltjr, kMer order, and Chinamen passengers onboard and had two half a mile, during which time the cry of the ' •<: I .feredT for sale. The house is so feet square, with Kitch for less money than they can be obtained from diitaot Millinery and Faaoy Store, days of qilendid weather,after which had than ten miles, but with a glass could dis Sage in a manner that any nationon the face hippos had been several tines repeated, I ob Subscription £2.00 per vear in advance. en extension, and has all the. modern improvements, NVMllHr tinguish the flag quite plainly. These fel of the earth-would do wen to imitate,'and Single copies Scents. gas, hot and cold water, furnace, Ac., and is built in Thdeewlahlng to mirchaseTrees and Vines wUldo you been on board, I think your ideas of the served six of these cnrious animals standing the most elegant and substantial manner. There are weHiosend thw m«»eaity^-or8till better, visit our Mitchell's Building, corner of WaH aad Water Street, lows have been there four or five months aUowed us to pass on.after another excrucia- in the water about shoulder deep. There Adwrtblni Bates. fered, and at the lowest possible rates. Also about twenty acres of land, consisting of meadow ana NnrseH'iacF fnaketheifAwn SBlectfons. Norwalk, Conn. placid nature of the Pacific would have been p • STEPffiN HOYT* SONS, without any communication with the rest; of ting bow. On the other side we found the was no cover, therefore I could only advance -i ~ "^tfen1 SO cta. : 3 times, $1.00 WOOD OF ALIi DESCRIPTIONS. T : .wood land with the house. The grounds well laid out AttentionlsjsaBedto imr MILLINXSY.DXPABT- somewhat shaken. upon the sand without a dance oLstalking b !*: ikv »•»-•••'• -* 1.00 " wtth'.dl the irilrieties of (hade ana fruit trees. Larj P. S.—We take pleasure la shoytng persona through the world, andit seemed hard that we couldr houses of the officials all built of green mar _____ ". ***••:.' •'«»: ;.S5 13 '' 'V^ DAVID H. WEBB. and suitable oufttandlfigB, && For terms and pern our Nmnehta, "wnMhe^ deiiRnsorpiirchasing tree* About 1 o'clock on the morning of the 7th, them: this caused them to retreat A deeper toviewtheprope^gj^^to n't stop and give them a paper, if nothing ble,' and so scrupulously clean, that they water,r&nt up6h my arrival within about 3n*e square,Tlxmonths, r or not;' and vrtull ctrtdfiUly Invite allinterested to a heavy gale begun, and at 8 there was a " •' one vear—year—withti P"P« - J£xeCUtor,, vistt.thelltiraety. more| but the harbor had not been very wbll positively shone all over. It is not only the eighty yards. they raised their heads well up Two " 4t M " " 25.00 HOTT ft BA11HOKD, SAMUEL N. HOYT.; > tremendous sea running. It was almost im and snorted an impudent challenge. I had: : Three " „™™- 80.00 IS South Street, N. Y. call and fee th«rnejr styisi^ Jocfc»3MH)kta and Feath- possible to get any break&st, as the vessel sounded as yet, and as there was a coral reef absence of dirt that strikes a stranger so One quarter Column, one year. t>&ggf 50.00 } Hanuftcturers of of James Mitchell. Real Estate Agent, Norwalk Ck -/ul »EW <SOODS! e*ijl " " my Ceylon No. 10 double rifle, ud, taking OneI IT,- iT.lfhajf " " " .,8"-®® Saab, BUbIi, Doors, moulding*, Kew York, April, 818OT. 4rtS sJ rolled so that every thing was emptied either almost entirely around it, and a high sea pleasantly, but a certain polish and bright a steady aim at the temple of one that ap Full Column, one year, ,, , 150.00 Jnstreceh^d, a good-a«sortment of Slltneqr'Mtaouaninenfa . running, the captain did not like to risk it- ness about all their houses that we cannot Special Notices 25 per ccnt advance on the above. RACKETS, AC., Scroll, and Fancy Sawiryj, Turn on our laps or on thp floor. peared to be the largest, the ball cracked ing, and Matehi, Siding made to order. Win* Cottage for Sale. CMstamft and €Mtlng«9 kindly upon the sktuL Never had there Yearly advertisers restricted to the business con- dowB Ffttm£9t Pff&foff-f*'***!ill, cfcCyw(~j U1of every description! r BR¥ At 0 o'clock a heavy sea; struck the bar To-morrow we have to go through the cu approach at home. All: shoes are shaken off aemplated at the time of contract, sbniart permitted made plSiiiSflyftfad'warranted to 1HE Cottage occupied by the subscriber is offered HICH wlil be made into garments in the-moat rious operation of "throwing out a day." - at the door of a dwelling or store,and Icotdd been such-a commotion in the pool as now! ^ to make monthly changes of their advertisements. Ive satlsfacti^M _|_ ~for «deon acMininqda'ting terms. The lot is 1*0 Ohir Gieat Faihioniihle Bazaar, ilnow filled wlih a ber's shop just forward of the paddle, and At the report of the rifle, five heada sank andS - Please give us a call at the Steam Hill, west of the feet front by about ISO deep and the Cottage la nnsnN W' btiprOVAd MJle tod best miuiner. Also, s large obmplete' stoelr ia «lf#y depftrtment in dor line,— That is, we pass the 180° of longitude, and hardly persuade myself to enter without do not near the Nursery, Sonth Norwalk. passed In point of convenience. Possession lot of Paper Collar^ of tbe best make; will beawd ; knocked it into a "cocked hat" At 10, disappedTed like stones, but the sixth hippofe '7 E. N. UOYT,. («m*S) J. R. RAYMOND. : ' >rrCheapet..than ran be bought elsewhere in ooanstsof: consequently, although to-day is Saturday, ikemcnts. _ , x. _ _ j. whenever desired. (4tl6) JL H. BXINGTi iftr, toother with "a geneisl assortment of . Dtparlmtxt 1. Dress and Cloak Trimmings the things began to look fUnny. For an instant ing likewise.' There is one street entirely leaped half out of the water, and, felling: uarter of a Column, one time, $ 5.Q0 Btirit "NovBltlee. Dec. 31st, we shall have to jump Sunday, devoted to "Curio" stores, and the beauties backwards, commenced a series of violent- S ]» (i it (( *t" "ifl QQ Bemig' Double Foot-Power Pump Two Place* ftor Sale. Gents» Fmilrtlig Ooods, Dipt l Laces, Embroidety and'White Goods, afnl we seemed to be perfectly motionless; when struggles : now upon its back; then upon one% patented Aug.