Study Guide Test 3, Pages 275-400

Ezekiel: 19 The divine commission of the priests Prince :28 "Smeared whitewash" Davidic kingdom symbolized by what? Ezekiel 22:30 "Build up the wall, stand in the gap" The length of Jehoahaz's reign "Uncovered their fathers' nakedness" is a Jehoiachin came to the throne at what age? reference to what? The nation of under and Solomon The twentieth and final king of Ezekiel: 23 The king who was involved in foolish building Oholah represented what city? projects The name Oholah means? Meaning of qinah Number of years Israel spent in exile in :29, "bare" should be understood as? Ezekiel: 20 "Forgotten Me and cast Me behind your back" God's blessings and man's obedience God's covenant with Israel, symbolized as what? Meaning of statutes Two prominent cities of Israel and Judah Identifying mark separating Israel from the other The name Oholibah means? nations Meaning of to "judge" Deuteronomy 30:15—19 Results of choosing The most efficient military in the ancient world to follow or not to follow God's commands The golden calf was a result of what? Ezekiel: 24 :19; Statutes and ordinances Date on which the siege of began After entering the Promised Land, God's The siege of Jerusalem lasted how many months? people became guilty of what? Death of Ezekiel's wife The year Jerusalem was captured and burned Ezekiel instructed not to mourn for the death of A deluding influence his wife Bamah, a place for what? What the "rod" represented in the Ezekiel: 25 God condemned exactly how many nations? Ezekiel: 21 Rabbah was the capital of what nation? He served as God's instrument of destruction What would become a "pasture for camels?" against Israel They were known as the "sea people" How Ezekiel described the sword of the Lord The last record of the Philistines "Strike your thigh" was a gesture of what? What were household idols? Ezekiel: 26 He succeeded in destroying the chief Ammonite Tyre, a key city in trade and commerce city of Rabbah God said He would "Scrape her debris from her Battering rams served what purpose? and make her a bare rock" Distance from Jerusalem to Tyre Ezekiel: 22 What convinced the other nations to give up? "The bloody city" Concerning Tyre the coastlands would "shake at The god Molech the sound of her fall" What primarily destroyed the relationship between God and His people? Meaning of dross