RODOS R-2-1997 RIS0-R-93O (EN) DK9700116 Coordination of Atmospheric Dispersion Activities for the Real-Time Decision Support System RODOS DECISION SUPPORT FOR NUCLEAR EMERGENCIES RODOS R-2-1997 RIS0-R-93O (EN) Coordination of Atmospheric Dispersion Activities for the Real-Time Decision Support System RODOS Torben Mikkelsen RIS0 National Laboratory Denmark July 1997 Secretariat of the RODOS Project: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Institut fur Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik P.O. Box 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany Phone: +49 7247 82 5507, Fax: +49 7247 82 5508 EMail:
[email protected], Internet: This work has been performed with the support of the European Commission Radiation Protection Research Action (DGXII-F-6) contract FI3P-CT92-0044 This report has been published as Report RIS0-R-93O (EN) (ISSN 0106-2840) (ISBN 87-550-2230-8) in May 1997 by RIS0 National Laboratory P.O. Box 49 DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Management Summary 1.1 Global Objectives: This projects task has been to coordinate activities among the RODOS Atmospheric Dispersion sub-group A participants (1) - (8), with the overall objective of developing and integrating an atmospheric transport and dispersion module for the joint European Real-time On- line DecisiOn Support system RODOS headed by FZK (formerly KfK), Germany. The projects final goal is the establishment of a fully operational, system-integrated atmospheric transport module for the RODOS system by year 2000, capable of consistent now- and forecasting of radioactive airborne spread over all types of terrain and on all scales of interest, including in particular complex terrain and the different scales of operation, such as the local, the national and the European scale.