Name Teresa Forcades i Vila Perspective Theological Thematic Blocks KNOW THYSELF, SILENCE, FULFILMENT / SUFFERING, JOY, SOLITUDE

Benedictine at the monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat (Catalonien, Spain). Master of Divinity (Harvard University, 1997). Doctor in Medicine (University of , 2004) Doctor in Sacred Theology (Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya, 2007). School Principal at Sinclètica Monastic School.

EDUCATION 2007 Doctor of Theology (ThD in Fundamental Theology 2004-07, Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya). Title: The notion of ‘person’ in classical Trinitarian theology and its relationship to the modern notion of freedom as self-determination. 2005 Sacred Theology License (STL, Masters equivalent, Fundamental Theology Institute (St. Cugat). Title: The Unity of the : Substance, Relationship or Person? 2004 Doctor of Medicine (PhD in Public Health 2001-04, University of Barcelona). Title: Observational study of medical students in on the impact of alternative medicine. 2001 Diploma of Advanced Studies (Masters Equivalent). Public Health 2099-01, University of Barcelona). Title: Mortality from breast cancer among contemplative of the diocese of Barcelona from 1950-2000. 1997 Master of Divinity (1995-97, ). Title: The gap between theory and practice on the issue of multicultural dialogue at Harvard Divinity School.


1992-95 Resident in Internal Medicine. State University of New York at Buffalo (USA). 1984-90 Medical Doctor (MD). Medical School, University of Barcelona.

MONASTICS Benedictine Monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat

04/03 Final Vows 01/00 First Vows 09/97 Entered Monastery

CERTIFICATION 2005 American Board of Internal Medicine Examination Recertification. 1995 American Board of Internal Medicine Examination. 1990 Equivalence Certificate for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), Parts I and II.

TEACHING POSITIONS since 2011 Lecturer, Monestir de St. Benet (Montserrat) Theological anthropology, Trinity, Maximus the Confessor, queer theology, Simone Weil, Teresa of Ávila, Song of Songs, medicalization of society, bioethics. 2015-18 Lecturer at Bonnemaison Cultural Center (Barcelona) Trinity, Mary Magdalene. 2013-14: Visiting Professor for Theology and Gender Studies Theologische Fakultät Humboldt Universität, Berlin Feminist theology, Trinity, Simone Weil. 2009-10 Guest lecturer, Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt Universität, Berlin: Trinity, queer theology 2004-06 Lecturer, Institute Christianity and Justice, University of Barcelona: Core seminar for the Master in Theological Studies. Topic: Trinitarian theology.


2004-06 Lecturer, School of Theology, Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya, Barcelona Violence against women, Vatican II. 2004-06 Lecturer, Fundamental Theology Institute Sant Cugat, Barcelona Continuous Education Program: Mystery of God and the notion of Person.


THEOLOGY | Articles - Una perspectiva feminista dels Orígens Cristians (A Feminist Approach to the Christian

Origins), Espai Obert 2002 - La Funció dels Laics/ques a l’Església d’Avui (On the role of the laity in present day

Church), Qüestions de Vida Cristiana, January 2003. - Die christlichen Ursprünge aus einer feministischen Perspektive. Methodologische

Anmerkungen (The Christian origins from a feminist perspective), Der Apfel (65) 2003: 8-9.

- El repte de la diversitat cultural i religiosa de l’Europa d’avui (The challenge of cultural and religious diversity of today’s Europe), A Atrevir-se a la Diversitat. P. de Miguel i S. Amell

(ed.) 2004: 43-56. - La Salut com a religió. La religió com a teràpia (Health as religion. Religion as therapy),

Qüestions de Vida Cristiana n. 215, Religió i Salut, Agost 2004: 31-37. - Evangeli i sagraments (The gospel and the sacraments), Espai Obert. Centre d’estudis

Francesc Eiximenis. Ed. Claret, 2005. - La diversificación de la espiritualidad (The diversification of spirituality). Iglesia Viva 222,

April-June 2005: 41-52 ( - Feminist Freedom: a dialogue between the psychoanalytical insights of Jacques Lacan and

Nancy Chodorow and classical Trinitarian theology, ESWTR Journal 16, 2008: 99-115. - Iglesia e ideología de género. Hacia una sociedad de iguales (Church and gender ideology:

towards a society of equals), ESWTR Journal (18), 2010.


- La construcción de una institución religiosa que no ahogue el Espíritu. (Building a religious

institution that does not choke the Spirit), Iglesia Viva n. 245, 2011: 49-60. - Klaus Mertes, SJ: la opción por las víctimas (Klaus Mertes, SJ: the option for the victims),

Iglesia Viva n. 245, 2011: 101-116. - Cristianismo, género y cambio social: una perspectiva feminista católica. (Christianity,

gender and social change), Iglesia Viva n. 251, 2012. - ¿En qué sentido puede considerarse la teología una propuesta de sanación? (In what sense

can theology be considered a healing proposal?), Iglesia Viva n. 252, 2012. - Gertrudis de Helfta y Teresa de Jesús: cuerpo y subjetividad en la experiencia mística.

(Revista Cistercium, 2012), 258; German translation in 2015: Gertrud von Helfta und Teresa von Ávila: Körper und Subjektivität in der mystischen Erfahrung. In Appelt E,

Grabner-Niel E, Jarosch M, Ralser M (ed.). Identitäten verhandeldn – Identitäten de/ konstruiren. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures III. Innsbruck University Press, 2015: 77-96.

- El silenci de la litúrgia (The silence of liturgy), Qüestions de Vida Cristiana (QVC), 2014. - Fake democracies and the political consequences of the Christian notion of Person,

ESWTR Journal, 2014. - Desigualdad natural y desigualdad social (Natural inequality and social inequality), Agenda

Latinoamericana, 2015.

- Feminist Ordination: a Trinitarian approach, WOW Conference Proceedings, 2016 (in

press). - María Magdalena en los primeros textos cristianos (Mary Magdalene in the early Christian

texts), Iglesia Viva, 2016 (in press).

THEOLOGY | Books - La Trinitat, avui (The Trinity today). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat (PAMSA),

November 2005. - La Teologia Feminista en la Història (Feminist Theology in History). Fragmenta, May 2007.


- Translated into Spanish (2008), Portuguese (2013) and Italian (2016). Also available as E-

book (Fragmenta, 2014). - Ser Persona, avui (To be a person, today). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat

(PAMSA), November 2011. - w. Volpini A. Una nova imatge de Déu i de l’ésser humà (A new image of God and the

human being). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat (PAMSA), 2012. Translated into Spanish (PPC, 2013) and also available as E-book (PPC, 2014).

- Tort E. Diàlegs amb Teresa Forcades (Conversations with Teresa Forcades). El Dau Edicions, 2012. The Catalan original has had 11 editions so far. Translated into Spanish

(2013). - Què és la llibertat? (What is freedom?) Proteus (Barcelona) 2013.

- w. Vivas E. Sense por (Without fear), Icaria (Barcelona) 2013. Translated into Spanish: Sin miedo (Icària, 2013) and Croatian: Bez straha (Algoritam, 2014).

- w. Lekshe Tsomo K. Mujeres, espiritualidad y cambio social (Women, spirituality and social change) , Plecs Budistes (Barcelona) 2013.

- És a les nostres mans (It is in our hands), Dau (Barcelona) 2014. - Por amor a la justicia: Dorothy Day y Simone Weil (For the love of justice: Dorothy Day and

Simone Weil), HOAC hermandad obrera de acción católica (Madrid) 2015; Catalan

translation: press house Viena (Barcelona) 2015.

- Faith and Freedom, Polity Press (London) 2016 (in press); Italian translation: Castellvecchi (Roma) 2017.

- w. Demetrio Velasco. Nazione e Compassione. Roma: Castellvecchi, 2017. - Los retos del Papa Francisco. Madrid: Akal, 2017.

- Il corpo, gioia di Dio: La materia come spazio di incontro tra divino e umano. Ed. Gabrielli, 2020.


THEOLOGY | Book Chapters and Other Contributions

- Foreword to the Spanish translation of Schüssler Fiorenza, E. But She Said. (Pero Ella Dijo, ed) Trotta: (Madrid) 1996.

- ‘Die Sakramente sind für die Menschen gemacht’ – Heilende Spiritualität. In Wuckelt A, Pithan A, Beuers C (ed). ‘Was mein Sehnen sucht …’ – Spiritualität und Alltag. Comenius-

Institut: Münster, 2009: 57-70. - w. Escós J, Foix Ll, Rigol J. El Concili Vaticà II, avui. Taula rodona. In Font, Pere Lluís (ed.), El

Concili Vaticà II, 50 anys després. Fundació Joan Maragall, ed. Cruïlla, 2012: 205-226. - Coll-Planas G, Vidal M. Dibuixant el gènere. Pròleg de Teresa Forcades. Edicions 96, 2013:

10-13. Spanish translation Dibujando el género. Egales editorial, 2013: 10-13. - Angela Volpini. Capire Maria (To understand Mary). Prologue to Spanish translation, 2014.

- Saint Gertrude of Helfta and the Forgiving of Sins, CTEWC Book Series, 2013. Chapter in Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church: Linda Hogan and

Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, eds, Orbis Books (New York) 2014. - Gertrud von Helfta und Teresa von Ávila: Körper und Subjektivität in der mystischen

Erfahrung. In Appelt E, Grabner-Niel E, Jarosch M, Ralser M (ed.). Identitäten verhandeldn – Identitäten de/konstruiren. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures III. Innsbruck University Press,

2015: 77-96.

- Gerard Coll et al. (eds). Cicatrius invisibles (Invisible scars). A book about breast cancer.

Epíleg de Teresa Forcades. Eumo Editorial (Vic University) 2016. - Providence and Prayer: Beyond the interventionist God. In Julia Enxing et al. (eds.).

Gebetslogik (The logic of prayer). Potsdam University, 2016. - Identitat nacional i feminisme: pertinença, comunitat i llibertat. In Rodó de Zárate, Maria /

Jorba Grau, Marta / Foradada Villar, Mireia / Batlle Manonelles, Ares (eds). Terra de Ningú. Perspectives feministes sobre la independència. Barcelona: Edicions Pol·len, 2017.

- Legalism. In Wooden, Cindy / McElwee, Joshua (eds). A Pope Francis Lexicon. Collegeville (USA): Liturgical Press, 2018.


- Women Religious as Vanguard of Women Participation in Church and Society. In Prüller-

Jagenteufel, Gunter/Bong, Sharon/ Perintfalvi Rita (eds.). Towards Just Gender Relations: Rethinking the Role of Women in Church and Society. The Asian and European

Conferences of the INSeCT Research Project 2014-17 (Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, vol.13), Göttingen: V&R unipress 2018.

- Vom Kampf der Geschlechter zu einer geschwisterlichkeit der Geschlechter. In Groos, Maria / Surzykiewicz, Janusz (eds.). Kann man so lieben? Beiträge der 3. Internationalen

Tagung zur Theologie des Leibes in Eichstätt. EOS Verlag, 2018. - Un doble proceso en Euskadi y Catalunya sería imparable si fuera

coordinado. In Zallo, Ramon / García, Txema (ed.). Miradas en torno al Procés. Portuetxe (Donostia): Editorial Txertoa, 2018.

- To make the world a better and safer place. In Ali, Tariq / Ratner Kunstler, Margaret (ed.). In Defense of Julian Assange. OR Books, 2019.

- Aktuelle Ansätze zur Sexuellen Vielfalt. In Fischer I, Poplutz U, Fuchs O (ed.). Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie 33. Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, 2019.

- Body, Desire and Identity: Reflections on the Notion of κόλπος as applied to the Father and the Son. In Ruhstorfer, Karlheinz (ed.). Zwischen Progression und Regression: Streit

um den Weg der katholischen Kirche. Herder, 2019.

THEOLOGY | Translations - But She Said by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (Beacon Press, 1992). Translated from

English into Catalan in 1993 (unpublished). - The Call of the Desert: A biography of Little Sister Magdeleine of Jesus by Kathryn Spink

(Darton, Longman & Todd 1994). Translated from English into Catalan: 'La Crida del Desert', Ed. Claret, 2001 (Barcelona).

- Chapters 61, 62, 63 from The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, 2002. Translated English to Spanish): 'Nuevo Comentario Bíblico San Jerónimo', Ed. Verbo Divino, 2004 (Pamplona).


MEDICINE | Articles

- Miró JM, Forcades T, Perez-Villa F. Tratamiento y profilaxis de la endocarditis infecciosa. Inf Ter Sist Nac Salud. 1991; 15:193-208.

- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en los adictos a drogas por vía parenteral, en relación con la drogadicción activa y con el VIH-1/SIDA. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM

(Eds). Guia Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 2ª Edición. Editorial Masson-Salvat. Barcelona. 1992: 153-64.

- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en varones homosexuales no relacionadas con el VIH. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guisa Práctica del SIDA: clínica,

diagnóstico y tratamiento. 2ª Edición. Editorial Masson-Salvat. Barcelona. 1992: 165-78. - Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en los adictos a drogas por vía parenteral, en relación con

la drogadicción activa y con el VIH-1/SIDA. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guisa Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 3ª Edición. Editorial

Masson-Salvat. Barcelona. 1994: 189-202. - Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en varones homosexuales no relacionadas con el VIH.

Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guía Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 3ª Edición. Editorial Masson-Salvat. Barcelona. 1994: 203-16.

- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en los adictos a drogas por vía parenteral, en relación con

la drogadicción activa y con el VIH-1/SIDA. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM

(Eds). Guisa Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 4ª Edición. Editorial Masson SA. Barcelona. 1996: 207-226.

- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en varones homosexuales no relacionadas con el VIH. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guía Práctica del SIDA: clínica,

diagnóstico y tratamiento. 4ª Edición. Editorial Masson SA. Barcelona. 1996: 227-239. - Forcades T. Les vacunes i l’abús de confiança. Annals de Medicina. 2010; 93(1): 8-11.

- Forcades i Vila T. Pandemia 2009-10 por Gripe A: la importancia de evitar que las alarmas sanitarias sean rentables. Salud Colectiva. 2010; 6(3):245-249.


- Forcades i Vila T. Four other keywords to critically analyze a clinical trial: hypothesis,

implementation, analysis and publication. [Debate]. Salud Colectiva. 2011; 7(2): 171-173. - Forcades T. La medicalización de los problemas sociales. Revista Cubana de Salud Pública.

2012; 38(5): 803-809. - Forcades T. Women and Capitalism: The case of the Vaccine against the Human Papilloma

Virus, Feminist Theology , 2015: 23 (3), 269-83. DOI: 10.1177/0966735015576882 - Forcades T. Flu Vaccination: The Gap between Evidence and Public Policy. International

Journal of Health Services , 2015: 45, 453 - 70. DOI: 10.1177/0020731415585976

MEDICINE | Booklet Forcades T i Vila. Els crims de les grans companyies farmacèutiques (The crimes of the big pharmaceutical companies). Quaderns Cristianisme i Justícia. June 2006. Translated into Spanish (2006) and English (2006).

MEDICINE | Book Chapters

Forcades T. Evidència científica i principi d'autoritat en salut pública: el cas de les vacunes (Scientific evidence and the authority principle: the case of vaccines). In ' Evidencias y narrativas en la atención sanitaria:una perspectiva antropológica' (Evidence and narrative in health care: an anthropological approach), Martínez-Hernáez, Masana, DiGiacomo

(eds), Rovira Virgili University, 2013 (Tarragona).

MEDICINE | Congresses - w. Vallès A. Les anomenades medicines alternatives o complementàries: valor científic,

ensenyament i regulació del seu exercici. XXV Congrés de la Sociedad Española de Educación Médica. Granada. October 2001.

- w. Vallès A. Les anomenades medicines alternatives o complementàries: aplicació a l’àmbit català. II Trobada de Professors de Ciències de la Salut. U. de Barcelona. February 2002.


- La vacuna pandémica de la gripe A. XI Jornadas Nacionales de Avances en Medicina

Preventiva. Cartagena (España). Mayo 2010. - Evidència científica i principi d’autoritat en salut pública: el cas de les vacunes. X Col·loqui

REDAM (red de antropología médica). De la evidencia científica a la narrativa en atención sanitaria: Biopoder y relatos de aflicción. Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. June 7-8, 2010.


- The challenge of cultural and religious diversity of today’s Europe. II European Women’s Synod ( Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. August 5-8, 2003.

- How to build a religious institution which does not choke the Spirit? IV Congress Cristianisme s. XXI ( ). Barcelona. October 28-31, 2005.

- Feminist Freedom. XV Congress ESWTR (European Society of Women in Theological Research). Naples, August 2007.

- Feminist Subjectivity. XVI Congress ESWTR (European Society of Women in Theological Research). Winchester, August 2009.

- Christian spirituality and social change. Congress in Liberation Theology. Caracas, Venezuela. August 201

- Present and Future of the Welfare State, XXXVIII Congress of Culture. Eivissa, Spain.

November 12-17, 2012.

- Ethik und Kapitalismus (Ethics and Capitalism). Cycle of conferences: Stimmen der Veränderung: Überlegungen über Krise und Kapitalismus (Voices for Social Change:

Reflexions about Crisis and Capitalism), organized by Kulturprojekte GROC, Humboldt University in Berlin and Representatives of the Catalan Government in Germany. May

24-25, 2013. - False democracies and the political consequences of the Christian notion of person.

Lisabon (Portugal) III International Colloquium on Feminist Theology; Associaçao Portuguesa de Teologias Feministas. November 2013.


- Macht als Uniformität: eine queere trinitarische Perspektive. (Power as Uniformity: a queer

Trinitarian approach), Vienna University (Austria). May 2014. - Women and Capitalism: the case of the vaccine against the papilloma virus. BISFT (British

Institute for the Study of Feminist Theology) summer school‚ North Wales (UK). August 2014.

- Scientific evidence on the therapeutic use of sodium chlorite, Congress‚ Spirit of Health, Kassel (Germany). April 2015.


11/2013 Lisbon (Portugal): Associaçao Portuguesa de Teologias Feministas “False democracies and the political consequences of the Christian notion of person” 03/2014 Baltimore (USA): Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health “Flu-vaccination: The gap between evidence and public policy” 04/2014 Innsbruck (Austria): Innsbruck University, Innsbrucker Gender Lecture “Gertrude of Helfta und Teresa von Ávila: Köper/Leib und Subjektivität in der mystischenErfahrung” (Gertrudis of Helfta and Teresa of Ávila: Body and Subjectivity in the Mystical Experience) 05/2014 London (UK): Queen Mary University (organized by “The Catalan Political Process of Independence” 05/2014 London (UK): London School of Economics “Faith and Politics” 08/2014 North Wales (UK): British Institute for the Study of Feminist Theology (BISFT) “Women and Capitalism: the case of the vaccine against the papilloma virus” 08/2014 Ratzeburg (Germany): New Testament Tagung in Ratzeburg, University of Hamburg, “Benediktinische Askese: Gemeinschaft anstatt individuelle Weg zur Vollkommenheit” (Benedictine Ascesis: Community instead of individual pursue of perfection) 09/2014 Sibenik (Croatia): Falis Festival “Ethical critique of Capitalism”


09/2014 Chillán / Santiago de Chile (Chile): Congress Spirituality and Citizenship organized by the Dominican Friars 04/2015 Kassel (Germany): Kongress ‚Spirit of Health’ “Scientific evidence on the therapeutic use of sodium chlorite” 04/2015 Hannover (Germany): Evangelische Kirche Frauenmahl (Symposium organized by the German Protestant Church) “Aus der Rolle fallen – aus der Falle rollen” (To fall out of the stereotype – to get out of the trap) 05/2015 Dublin (Ireland): James Connolly Festival, organized by Communist Party of Ireland “Ethical Critique of Capitalism” 05/2015 Rijeka (Croatia): University of Rijeka “Christianity, Catholicism and Social Issues” 09/2015 Philadelphia (USA): Women’s Ordination Worldwide (WOW Conference) “Feminist Ordination: a Trinitarian perspective” 09/2015 Princeton (USA): University of Princeton “Catalan Politics and the Process of Independence” 10/2015 Berlin (Germany): Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt University Der Stellenwert von Religion für die Gesellschaft am Beispiel des Freiheitskonzepts “Tradition – Moderne – Postmoderne” (Tradition, Modern and Post- modern) 11/2015 Berlin (Germany): HAU Theater (Hebbel auf Uffer) “Marx’s Gespenster” (Spectres of Democracy) 11/2015 Genova (Italy): Palazzo Ducale, presentation of the Italian translation of my book Feminist Theology in History (original published in 2007) 04/2016 Wroclaw-Bratislava, (Poland): Evangelical School of Theology “Faith and Gender” 05/2016 Viena (Austria): DiEM25 Europa’s Duty to the Refugees, Europa’s Duty to itself participation in the third Roundtable with the topic of “Solidarity beyond borders” 07/2016 Tagytay (Philippines): Joint Symposium of DAKATEO and ET with participation of other INSeCT- Asia and ESWTR members Gender and Ecclesiology: An Intercultural Dialogue; my conference was entitled “Women Religious as Vanguard of Women’s Participation”


08/2016 Cali (Colombia): Universidad Javeriana Lección Inaugural y Seminario en el Master de Salud Pública “La creciente e indebida influencia de las grandes compañías farmacéuticas” 08/2016 Puebla (México): Instituto para los derechos humanos Ignacio Ellacuría, “Desafíos para construir el buen vivir y restaurar el tejido social en tiempos de neoliberalismo” 08/2016 Ciudad de México (México): Universidad Iberoamericana “La teología feminista en la historia” 09/2016 Innsbruck (Austria): Herbstsymposium “Drei Arte der Liebe” 10/2016 Torino (Italy): Turin Spirituality Festival “Women and the Serpent” 10/2016 Cività di Bagnoregio (Italy): Festival ‘La Parola che non muore’ “La parola creatice (The creative Word)” 02/2017 Berlin (Germany): Humboldt University “Religion: Bridging Gaps and Breaking Paths “Religion, Gender and Theologies” 03/2017 Toronto (Canada): Forum on Theology and Education “Faith and Freedom” 04/2017 Zagreb (Croatia): Philosophical Theatre conversation with Srecko Horvat 04/2017 Belgrad (Serbia): Philosophical Theatre conversation with Maja Pelevic 04/2017 Cologne (Germany): Akademie der Kunste der Welt “The Extreme Center” 04/2017 Berlin (Germany): Predigtreihe Sankt Matthäus Kirche “Worum es geht” “Das Goldene Kalb (Ex 32: 1-6)” (The Golden Calf) 05/2017 Berlin (Germany): Canisius Gemainde “Kloster und Stadt”(Monastery and City) 05/2017 Zagreb (Croatia): Zagreb Book Festival “Fragility: Jesuschrist the communist and different regimes”


06/2017 Milano (Italy): Fiesta of Radio Popolare “Who is stealing the Commons? The right to health, food and water” 06/2017 Milano (Italy): Noi siamo chiesa “Vita di preghiera, teologia femminista, etica e politica” 07/2017 Wittenberg (Germany): Weltausstellung Reformation Reformationsjubiläum 2017 e.V. “Faith and Freedom” (book presentation) 06/2017 Berlin (Germany): Katholische Akademie CTEWC Seminar: ‘Identity politics and the resurgence of the right; immigration, bioethics and sustainability’ “Bioethics in Spain” 08/2017 Boughton House (UK): Greenbelt Festival “A nun’s eye view of the state of Europe” 09/2017 Strasburg (France): ESCT Symposium Challenges of fraternity in Gender and Education Issues “From the Battle of the Sexes to Gender Fraternity” 09/2017 Toscana (Italy): Fraternità di Romena “Un nuovo inizio” 10/2017 Berlin (Germany): Tagung im Dom 11/2017 Eichstätt (Germany): Theologisches Forum ‘Kann man so lieben?’ “Heutige Herausforderungen einer Theologie des Leibes und der Ansatz von Amoris Laetitia” 12/2017 Mönchengladbach (Germany): Edmund Erlemann-Forum; “Ethische Kritik an Kapitalismus” 01/2018 Dublin (Ireland): New Monasticisms Ireland “God and Sexuality” 01/2018 Reggio Emilia (Italy): Amici dell’unità Pastorale Regina Pacis / Associazione Cammini di Speranza / Teologia delle Donne “Siamo tutti diversi!” 03/2018 Rome (Italy): Jesuit Curia Presentation of the Book ‘A Lexicon of Pope Francis’


03/2018 Paris (France): International People’s Court Member of the Observatory Committe 05/2018 Berlin (Germany): Kunstbauplan at Humboldt University “Das Herz in der christlichen Tradition: Teresa von Avila” 07/2018 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina): School of Theology A Critical Time for Bridge-Building: Catholic Theological Ethics Today The Third International Conference of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (CTEWC) “Ethics and Public Discourse” 08/2018 Ciudad de México (México): Universidad Iberoamericana Opening Lecture for the Doctorate in Critical Gender Studies “Normatividad sexual y salud: una crítica a la despolitización del cuerpo” 08/2018 Ciudad de México (México): Universidad Iberoamericana Seminario: “Teología trinitaria patrística y escolástica” 08/2018 Cali (Colombia): Universidad Javeriana Congreso Internacional del Departamento de Salud Pública: Autoridad Sanitaria y Derecho a la Salud “Colisión de derechos y primacía de la vida y la dignidad de la persona” 09/2018 Bruges (Belgium): John Main Seminar (with Laurence Freeman) A contemplative Response to the Crisis of Change “Faith and Belonging” 12/2018 Freiburg (Germany): Katholische Akademie der Erzdiöcese Freiburg; Tagung der Deutsche Sektion ET: Zwischen Progression und Regression: die katholische Kirche in postfaktischen Zeiten “Körper, Begierden, Identitäten: eine an der Dreifaltigkeit inspirierte theologische Anthropologie” 01/2019 Manila (Philippines): Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia (ICLA) ICLA Symposium 2019: DIscernment for Mission for Religious“Christian Mission from a Trinitarian Perspective: Erotism, Mystic and Social Transformation” 01/2019 Cologne (Germany): Universität zu Köln Tagung: “Gegenwart und Zukunft Politischer Theologie(n)”.


05/2019 Berlin (Germany): Katholische Akademie “Der Fortzetzung der Verwundungn widerstehen. Neu und anders von Sexualität sprechen”. 05/2019 Berlin (Germany): Katholische Akademie “Ewigkeit und Alltag: Simone Weil”. 06/2019 Berlin (Germany): Humboldt Universität “Die Stadt in der monastischen Tradition: jenseits der ‘fuga mundi’”. 06/2019 Dortmund (Germany): Evangelische Kirchentag UM/BRUCH: genötigt, gewollt, gelungen? ABLAUFSKIZZE: Wie übernimmt Deutschland Verantwortung? PROJEKTSKIZZE: Utopie Fest, Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst! 09/2019 Leuven (Belgium): ESWTR Congress Critical response to Anya Topolski’s Paper: “Race, Religion, Sex: Hidden Histories, Concealed Constellations, Invisible Injustice”. 10/2019 Rome (Italy): MACRO Museum, organized by Castelvecchi Editore & Filosofia in Movimento. Ciclo di Incontri: Ripensare la Comunità. “Cos`è la Teologia queer?” (what is queer theology?) 10/2019 Rome (Italy): Voices of Faith Event “And You Sister, What Do You Say?”. 10/2019 Washington (USA): All Souls Church, Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC) “Radicals and the Rule: a conversation between Sr. Joan Chittister OSB and Sr. Teresa Forcades OSB”. 11/2019 Baltimore (USA): Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; “The Medicalization of Social Problems”.

LANGUAGES - Catalan, Spanish, English, German, Italian - Hebrew: biblical (advanced) and modern (basic) - New Testament Greek (advanced) - Latin (advanced)


OTHER RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES 1999-06 Theology Independent Study with Prof. Dr. Josep M. Rovira Belloso. Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya/Barcelona Topics: Trinity, Christology, sacraments, theological anthropology 1997-99 Biblical Studies and Theology Benedictine Abbey of Sta. Maria de Montserrat 1993-95 Studies in Theology Christ the King Seminary, Buffalo, New York 1990-92 Clinical Research, Department of Hospital Clinic i Provincial Advisor: Prof. Josep M Miro / Topic: Infective Endocarditis, Barcelona

SERVICE RESPONSIBILITY and EDITORIAL BOARDS - European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR) Vice President (08/09 – 08/11) | Treasurer (08/11 – 09/13) - IGLESIA VIVA (Spanish) Member of the Editorial Board (10/10 – 03/17) | Director (04/17—present) - QÜESTIONS DE VIDA CRISTIANA (Catalan) Member of the Editorial Board (10/11 – present)

COURSES TAUGHT 1998-99 “Women’s Health” at East Boston Ecumenical Community Council (EBECC) with Latino-immigrants ( 2004 “Emerging Femininities in Church and Society,” Centre d’Estudis Francesc Eiximenis ( “On Violence against Women,” Continuous Education Program, Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya ( 2005 “On the Mystery of God I” Cristianisme i Justícia ( “On the Mystery of God II,” at the Continuous Education Program, Institut de Teologia Fonamental de Sant Cugat ( “Vatican II,” at the Continued Education Program, Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya (


2006 “Theological Anthropology,” Comunitat Cristiana Barceloneta. “On the Trinity,” Cristianisme i Justícia ( “On the Concept of Person,” Continuous Education Program, Institut de Teologia Fonamental de Sant Cugat ( 2009 “Göttliche Person, menschliche Person,” Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt U (Berlin). 2010 “Seminar: Theologie – Geschlechterforschung – Queer Theory” (for GS/HS – H,M,L, RMÖ; MRC; Gebder Studies BA Modul 3/2 in conjunction with Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga, Theologie Geschlechterforschung – Queer Theory) within the lecture series on: Psychology, Gender and Theology and Genetics, Gender an d Theology. Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt University (Berlin). 2011-13 “The Trinity as Foundation of Human Personal Freedom,” Monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat. 2012-13 “The Theology of Maximus the Confessor in Dialogue with Queer Theory,” Monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat. “The Medicalization of Society,” Monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat. Conferencia de Religiosas/os: “The Theology of the Trinity,” Perú 2013-14 “Divine Person, Human Person,” Humboldt University (Berlin) “Feminist Theology in History,” Humboldt University (Berlin) “Feminist Trinitarian Theology,” Humboldt University (Berlin) “Simone Weil: Mystical Experience and Social Commitment,” Humboldt Univ (Berlin) “Simone Weil: Mystical Experience and Social Commitment,” Monestir de St Benet “The Medicalization of Society,” Monestir de Sant Benet “The Trinity and Human Freedom,” Monestir de Sant Benet 2014-15 “Revolution, Today,” Monestir de Sant Benet “Feminist Theology of the Trinity,” Monestir de Sant Benet 2015-16 “The Trinity and Human Freedom,” Bonnemaison Cultural Center “Mary Magdalene in the Early Christian Texts,” Bonnemaison Cultural Center 2016-17 “Simone Weil: The Necessities of the Soul”, Monestir de Sant Benet “Feminist Theology in History, part one”, Monestir de Sant Benet 2017-18 “Burning Issues in Bioethics”, Monestir de Sant Benet “Feminist Theology in History, part two”, Monestir de Sant Benet


2018-19 “Theosis (divinization)”, Monestir de Sant Benet “Bodies, desires and identities”, Monestir de Sant Benet “The Trinity”, Cátedra deTeología Feminista, Univ Iberoamericana,Ciudad de México “Bodies, desires and identities”, PhD program in Critical Gender Studies Univesidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México (curso on-line) 2019-20 “The Song of Songs: A Love Poem”, Monestir de Sant Benet “Teresa of Avila: a free woman”, Monestir de Sant Benet