Teresa Forcades i Vila, CV - 1

Curriculum vitae

Teresa Forcades i Vila Monestir de St. Benet de Montserrat 08199 – Montserrat SPAIN

Teresa Forcades i Vila, CV - 2

Teresa Forcades i Vila / DOB: 10.05.1966, Monestir de St. Benet de Montserrat 08199 – Montserrat (Spain) telf. 00 (34) 93 835 0078 [email protected]

Teresa Forcades i Vila


Doctoral Program in Fundamental Theology, summa cum laude 10/04 - 10/07 Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya Barcelona Title: The notion of ‘person’ in classical Trinitarian theology and its relationship to the modern notion of freedom as self-determination Advisor: JM Rovira Belloso

Sacred Theology License (Masters equivalent), with honors 4/05 Fundamental Theology Institute St. Cugat, Barcelona Title: The Unity of the : Substance, Relationship or Person? Advisor: JM Rovira Belloso

Doctoral Program in Public Health, summa cum laude 10/01 - 7/04 University of Barcelona Barcelona Title: Observational study of medical students in on the impact of alternative medicine. Advisor: A. Vallès Segalés

Diploma of Advanced Studies (Masters Equivalent) Public Health, with honors 09/99 – 10/01 University of Barcelona Barcelona Title: Mortality from breast cancer among contemplative of the diocese of Barcelona from 1950-2000 Advisor: A. Vallès Segalés

Master of Divinity 09/95 – 05/97 Boston, Massachusetts Title: The gap between theory and practice on the issue of multicultural dialogue at Harvard Divinity School Advisor: Bryan Heir and Allan Callaghan

Resident in Internal Medicine 07/92 – 06/95 State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, New York

Doctor of Medicine 09/84 – 06/90 Medical School, University of Barcelona Barcelona Teresa Forcades i Vila, CV - 3


Benedictine Monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat Final Vows 04/03 First Vows 01/00 Entered Monastery 09/97


2005 American Board of Internal Medicine Examination 1995 American Board of Internal Medicine Examination 1990 Equivalence Certificate for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), Parts I and II


2011 – 13 Lecturer at the Monestir de St. Benet Teaching courses on theological anthropology, the Trinity, the theology of Maximus the Confessor, queer theology and the medicalization of society

2009 – 10 Guest lecturer, Theologische Fakultät (Humboldt Universität, Berlin) Teaching a course on ‘the Trinitarian notion of person and freedom’ and a course together with professor U. Auga on ‘theology, gender studies and queer theory’ (see description below, at ‘courses taught’, n.11)

2004 – 06 Adjunct Position, Institute Christianity and Justice (University of Barcelona) Teaching a core seminar for the Master in Theological Studies. The seminar is open for credit to students from all the schools of the University of Barcelona. Topics: Trinitarian theology.

2004 – 06 Adjunct Position, School of Theology (Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya) Teaching a course for the Continuous Education Program.

2004 – 06 Adjunct Position, Fundamental Theology Institute Sant Cugat, Barcelona Teaching a course for the Continuous Education Program.


• Writing and speaking: English, Catalan, Spanish, German • Reading only: French, Italian • Hebrew: biblical (advanced) and modern (basic) • New Testament Greek (advanced) • Latin (advanced)

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Independent Study (Theology) 1999 – 2006 Professor Emeritus from the Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya Barcelona Topics: Trinity, christology, sacraments, theological anthropology

Biblical Studies and Theology 1997 – 1999 Benedictine Abbey of Sta. Maria de Montserrat

Studies in Theology 09/93 – 06/95 Christ the King Seminary in Buffalo, NY

Clinical Research, Department of Hospital Clinic i Provincial 10/90 – 06/92 Advisor: Prof. Josep M Miro Topic: Infective Endocarditis Barcelona


European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR) Vicepresident 08/09 – 08/11 Treasurer 08/11 – present

IGLESIA VIVA (in Spanish) member of the editorial board 10/10 – present

QÜESTIONS DE VIDA CRISTIANA (in Catalan) member of the editorial board 10/11 – present




1- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en los adictos a drogas por vía parenteral, en relación con la drogadicción activa y con el VIH-1/SIDA. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guia Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 2ª Edición. Editorial Masson-Salvat. Barcelona. 1992: 153-64.

2- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en varones homosexuales no relacionadas con el VIH. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guisa Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 2ª Edición. Editorial Masson-Salvat. Barcelona. 1992: 165-78.

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3- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en los adictos a drogas por vía parenteral, en relación con la drogadicción activa y con el VIH-1/SIDA. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds).Guisa Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 3ª Edición. Editorial Masson-Salvat. Barcelona. 1994: 189-202.

4- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en varones homosexuales no relacionadas con el VIH. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guía Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 3ª Edición. Editorial Masson-Salvat. Barcelona. 1994: 203-16.

5- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en los adictos a drogas por vía parenteral, en relación con la drogadicción activa y con el VIH-1/SIDA. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guisa Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 4ª Edición. Editorial Masson SA. Barcelona. 1996: 207-226.

6- Miró JM, Forcades T. Infecciones en varones homosexuales no relacionadas con el VIH. Gatell JM, Clotet B, Podzamczer D, Miró JM (Eds). Guía Práctica del SIDA: clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. 4ª Edición. Editorial Masson SA. Barcelona. 1996: 227-239.

7- Miró JM, Forcades T, Perez-Villa F. Tratamiento y profilaxis de la endocarditis infecciosa. Inf Ter Sist Nac Salud. 1991; 15:193-208.

8- Forcades T. Les vacunes i l’abús de confiança. Annals de Medicina. 2010; 93(1): 8-11.

9- Forcades i Vila T. Pandemia 2009-10 por Gripe A: la importancia de evitar que las alarmas sanitarias sean rentables. Salud Colectiva. 2010; 6(3):245-249.

10- Forcades i Vila T. Four other keywords to critically analyze a clinical trial: hypothesis, implementation, analysis and publication. [Debate]. Salud Colectiva. 2011; 7(2): 171-173.

11- Forcades T. La medicalización de los problemas sociales. Revista Cubana de Salud Pública. 2012; 38(5): 803-809.


1- Forcades T, Vallès A. Les anomenades medicines alternatives o complementàries: valor científic, ensenyament i regulació del seu exercici. XXV Congrés de la Sociedad Española de Educación Médica. Granada. October 2001.

2- Forcades T, Vallès A. Les anomenades medicines alternatives o complementàries: aplicació a l’àmbit català. II Trobada de Professors de Ciències de la Salut. Universitat de Barcelona. February 2002.

3- Forcades T. La vacuna pandémica de la gripe A. XI Jornadas Nacionales de Avances en Medicina Preventiva. Cartagena (España). Mayo 2010.

4- Forcades T. Evidència científica i principi d’autoritat en salut pública: el cas de les vacunes. X Col·loqui REDAM (red de antropología médica). De la evidencia científica a la narrativa en atención sanitaria: Biopoder y relatos de aflicción. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. June 7-8, 2010. Teresa Forcades i Vila, CV - 6



1- Foreword to the Spanish translation of Schüssler Fiorenza, E. But She Said. (Pero Ella Dijo. Ed. Trota: Madrid, 1996).

2- Una perspectiva feminista dels Orígens Cristians (A Feminist Approach to the Christian Origins), Espai Obert 2002

3- La Funció dels Laics/ques a l’Església d’Avui (On the role of the laity in present day Church) Qüestions de Vida Cristiana, January 2003.

4- Valors femenins emergents (Emerging femeninities). Espai Obert quadern 5 (2a etapa). Centre d’estudis Francesc Eiximenis. Ed. Claret, 2003.

5- Die christlichen Ursprünge aus einer feministischen Perspektive. Methodologische Anmerkungen. Der Apfel (65). 2003: 8-9.

6- El repte de la diversitat cultural i religiosa de l’Europa d’avui (The challenge of cultural and religious diversity of today’s Europe). A Atrevir-se a la Diversitat. P. de Miguel i S. Amell (ed.). 2004: 43-56.

7- La Salut com a religió. La religió com a teràpia (Health as religion. Religion as therapy). Qüestions de Vida Cristiana n. 215 (Religió i Salut). Agost 2004. pp 31-37.

8- Evangeli i sagraments (The gospel and the sacraments). Espai Obert. Centre d’estudis Francesc Eiximenis. Ed. Claret, 2005.

9- La diversificación de la espiritualidad (The diversification of spirituality). Iglesia Viva 222, April- June 2005, pp. 41-52 (www.iglesiaviva.org).

10- Forcades i Vila T. Feminist Freedom: a dialogue between the psychoanalytical insights of Jacques Lacan and Nancy Chodorow and classical Trinitarian theology. ESWTR Journal 16 (2008).

11- Forcades I Vila T. Iglesia e ideología de género. Hacia una sociedad de iguales. ESWTR Journal 18 (2010).

12- Forcades i Vila T. La construcción de una institución religiosa que no ahogue el Espíritu. Iglesia Viva n. 245, 2011: 49-60.

13- Forcades i Vila T. Klaus Mertes, sj: la opción por las víctimas. Iglesia Viva n. 245, 2011: 101- 116.

14- Forcades I Vila T. Cristianismo, género y cambio social: una perspectiva feminista católica. Iglesia Viva n. 251, 2012.

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15- Forcades I Vila T. ¿En qué sentido puede considerarse la teología una propuesta de sanación?. Iglesia Viva n. 252, 2012.

16- Forcades I Vila T. Saint Gertrude of Helfta and the Forgiving of Sins. CTEWC Book Series, 2013 (in press).


1- La Trinitat, avui (The Trinity today). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, November 2005. Translated into Spanish (2013, in press).

2- Els crims de les grans companyies farmacèutiques (The crimes of the pharmaceutical companies). Quaderns Cristianisme i Justícia. June 2006. Translated into Spanish (2006) and English (2006).

3- La Teologia Feminista en la Història (Feminist Theology in History). Fragmenta, May 2007. Translated into Spanish (2008) and Portuguese (in press).

4- Ser Persona, avui (To be a person, today). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, November 2011.

5- Forcades T, Volpini A. Una nova imatge de Déu i de l’ésser humà (A new image of God and the human being). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2012. Translated into Spanish (2013, in press).

6- Tort E. Diàlegs amb Teresa Forcades (Conversations with Teresa Forcades). El Dau Edicions, 2012. The original Catalan has had 11 editions so far. Translated into Spanish (2013).


1-But She Said by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, unpublished, 1993 (English to Catalan)

2-The Call of the Desert by Kathryn Spink, 2001 (English to Catalan)

3-Chapters 61, 62, 63 from The New Jerome Biblical Commentary, 2002 (English to Spanish)

Courses taught:

1. Women’s Health at EBECC (East Boston Ecumenical Community Council, Boston, MA) with Latino-immigrants (www.ebecc.org). 1998-99.

2. On violence against women, at the Continuous Education program of the Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya (www.teologia-catalunya.org). October 2004.

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3. Emerging femeninities in Church and society. Centre d’Estudis Francesc Eiximenis (www.eiximenis.org). Spring 2004.

4. On the Mistery of God I, at Cristianisme i Justícia (www.fespinal.com). Spring semester 2005.

5. On the Mistery of God II, at the Continuous Education program of the Institut de Teologia Fonamental de Sant Cugat (www.jesuites.net/centreborja/itf.htm). Spring semester 2005.

6. Vatican II, at the Continued Education program of the Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya (www.teologia-catalunya.org). October 2005.

7. Theological anthropology, at Comunitat Cristiana Barceloneta. Spring semester 2006.

8. On the Trinity, at Cristianisme i Justícia (www.fespinal.com). Spring semester 2006.

9. On the concept of Person, at the Continuous Education program of the Institut de Teologia Fonamental de Sant Cugat (www.jesuites.net/centreborja/itf.htm). Spring semester 2006.

10. Göttliche Person, menschliche Person, at the Theologische Fakultät from Humboldt University, Berlin. Winter semester 2009.

11. Seminar: Theologie – Geschlechterforschung – Queer Theory (for GS/HS – H,M,L, RMÖ; MRC; Gebder Studies BA Modul 3/2 in conjunction with the lecture Prof. Dr. Ulrike Auga, Theologie Geschlechterforschung – Queer Theory) within the lecture series on: Psychology, Gender and Theology and Genetics, Gender and Theology. Theologische Fakultät from Humboldt University, Berlin. Spring semester 2010.

12. The Trinity as foundation of human personal freedom, at the Monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat. Winter and spring semesters 2011-12 and 2012-13.

13. The theology of Maximus the Confessor in dialogue with queer theory, at the Monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat. Winter and spring semesters 2012-13.

14. The medicalization of society, at the Monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat. Winter and spring semesters 2012-13.

Key-note addresses in congresses:

1. The challenge of cultural and religious diversity of today’s Europe. II European Women’s Synod (www.synodalia.net). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. August 5-8, 2003.

2. How to build a religious institution which does not choke the Spirit?. IV Congress Cristianisme s. XXI (www.cristianismexxi.org ). Barcelona. October 28-31, 2005.

3. Feminist Freedom. XV Congress ESWTR (European Society of Women in Theological Research). Naples, August 2007. Teresa Forcades i Vila, CV - 9

4. Feminist Subjectivity. XVI Congress ESWTR (European Society of Women in Theological Research). Winchester, August 2009.

5. Christian spirituality and social change. Congress in Liberation Theology. Caracas, Venezuela. August 2012.

6. Present and Future of the Welfare State, XXXVIII Congress of Culture. Eivissa, Spain. November 12-17, 2012.

7. Ethik und Kapitalismus. Vortragsreihe: Stimmen der Veränderung: Überlegungen über Krise und Kapitalismus, organisiert vom Kulturprojekte GROC, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin und Vertretung der Regierung von Katalonien in Deutschland. May 24-25, 2013.

June 2013