SINCLÈTICA ESCOLA MONÀSTICA 2020-2022 Knowledge Art Interiority | MASTER'S DEGREE Name Teresa Forcades i Vila Perspective Theological Thematic Blocks KNOW THYSELF, SILENCE, FULFILMENT / SUFFERING, JOY, SOLITUDE Benedictine nun at the monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat (Catalonien, Spain). Master of Divinity (Harvard University, 1997). Doctor in Medicine (University of Barcelona, 2004) Doctor in Sacred Theology (Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya, 2007). School Principal at Sinclètica Monastic School. EDUCATION 2007 Doctor of Theology (ThD in Fundamental Theology 2004-07, Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya). Title: The notion of ‘person’ in classical Trinitarian theology and its relationship to the modern notion of freedom as self-determination. 2005 Sacred Theology License (STL, Masters equivalent, Fundamental Theology Institute (St. Cugat). Title: The Unity of the Trinity: Substance, Relationship or Person? 2004 Doctor of Medicine (PhD in Public Health 2001-04, University of Barcelona). Title: Observational study of medical students in Catalonia on the impact of alternative medicine. 2001 Diploma of Advanced Studies (Masters Equivalent). Public Health 2099-01, University of Barcelona). Title: Mortality from breast cancer among contemplative nuns of the diocese of Barcelona from 1950-2000. 1997 Master of Divinity (1995-97, Harvard Divinity School). Title: The gap between theory and practice on the issue of multicultural dialogue at Harvard Divinity School. SINCLÈTICA ESCOLA MONÀSTICA 2020-2022 Knowledge Art Interiority | MASTER'S DEGREE 1992-95 Resident in Internal Medicine. State University of New York at Buffalo (USA). 1984-90 Medical Doctor (MD). Medical School, University of Barcelona. MONASTICS Benedictine Monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat 04/03 Final Vows 01/00 First Vows 09/97 Entered Monastery CERTIFICATION 2005 American Board of Internal Medicine Examination Recertification. 1995 American Board of Internal Medicine Examination. 1990 Equivalence Certificate for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), Parts I and II. TEACHING POSITIONS since 2011 Lecturer, Monestir de St. Benet (Montserrat) Theological anthropology, Trinity, Maximus the Confessor, queer theology, Simone Weil, Teresa of Ávila, Song of Songs, medicalization of society, bioethics. 2015-18 Lecturer at Bonnemaison Cultural Center (Barcelona) Trinity, Mary Magdalene. 2013-14: Visiting Professor for Theology and Gender Studies Theologische Fakultät Humboldt Universität, Berlin Feminist theology, Trinity, Simone Weil. 2009-10 Guest lecturer, Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt Universität, Berlin: Trinity, queer theology 2004-06 Lecturer, Institute Christianity and Justice, University of Barcelona: Core seminar for the Master in Theological Studies. Topic: Trinitarian theology. SINCLÈTICA ESCOLA MONÀSTICA 2020-2022 Knowledge Art Interiority | MASTER'S DEGREE 2004-06 Lecturer, School of Theology, Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya, Barcelona Violence against women, Vatican II. 2004-06 Lecturer, Fundamental Theology Institute Sant Cugat, Barcelona Continuous Education Program: Mystery of God and the notion of Person. PUBLICATIONS THEOLOGY | Articles - Una perspectiva feminista dels Orígens Cristians (A Feminist Approach to the Christian Origins), Espai Obert 2002 - La Funció dels Laics/ques a l’Església d’Avui (On the role of the laity in present day Church), Qüestions de Vida Cristiana, January 2003. - Die christlichen Ursprünge aus einer feministischen Perspektive. Methodologische Anmerkungen (The Christian origins from a feminist perspective), Der Apfel (65) 2003: 8-9. - El repte de la diversitat cultural i religiosa de l’Europa d’avui (The challenge of cultural and religious diversity of today’s Europe), A Atrevir-se a la Diversitat. P. de Miguel i S. Amell (ed.) 2004: 43-56. - La Salut com a religió. La religió com a teràpia (Health as religion. Religion as therapy), Qüestions de Vida Cristiana n. 215, Religió i Salut, Agost 2004: 31-37. - Evangeli i sagraments (The gospel and the sacraments), Espai Obert. Centre d’estudis Francesc Eiximenis. Ed. Claret, 2005. - La diversificación de la espiritualidad (The diversification of spirituality). Iglesia Viva 222, April-June 2005: 41-52 (iviva.org). - Feminist Freedom: a dialogue between the psychoanalytical insights of Jacques Lacan and Nancy Chodorow and classical Trinitarian theology, ESWTR Journal 16, 2008: 99-115. - Iglesia e ideología de género. Hacia una sociedad de iguales (Church and gender ideology: towards a society of equals), ESWTR Journal (18), 2010. SINCLÈTICA ESCOLA MONÀSTICA 2020-2022 Knowledge Art Interiority | MASTER'S DEGREE - La construcción de una institución religiosa que no ahogue el Espíritu. (Building a religious institution that does not choke the Spirit), Iglesia Viva n. 245, 2011: 49-60. - Klaus Mertes, SJ: la opción por las víctimas (Klaus Mertes, SJ: the option for the victims), Iglesia Viva n. 245, 2011: 101-116. - Cristianismo, género y cambio social: una perspectiva feminista católica. (Christianity, gender and social change), Iglesia Viva n. 251, 2012. - ¿En qué sentido puede considerarse la teología una propuesta de sanación? (In what sense can theology be considered a healing proposal?), Iglesia Viva n. 252, 2012. - Gertrudis de Helfta y Teresa de Jesús: cuerpo y subjetividad en la experiencia mística. (Revista Cistercium, 2012), 258; German translation in 2015: Gertrud von Helfta und Teresa von Ávila: Körper und Subjektivität in der mystischen Erfahrung. In Appelt E, Grabner-Niel E, Jarosch M, Ralser M (ed.). Identitäten verhandeldn – Identitäten de/ konstruiren. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures III. Innsbruck University Press, 2015: 77-96. - El silenci de la litúrgia (The silence of liturgy), Qüestions de Vida Cristiana (QVC), 2014. - Fake democracies and the political consequences of the Christian notion of Person, ESWTR Journal, 2014. - Desigualdad natural y desigualdad social (Natural inequality and social inequality), Agenda Latinoamericana, 2015. - Feminist Ordination: a Trinitarian approach, WOW Conference Proceedings, 2016 (in press). - María Magdalena en los primeros textos cristianos (Mary Magdalene in the early Christian texts), Iglesia Viva, 2016 (in press). THEOLOGY | Books - La Trinitat, avui (The Trinity today). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat (PAMSA), November 2005. - La Teologia Feminista en la Història (Feminist Theology in History). Fragmenta, May 2007. SINCLÈTICA ESCOLA MONÀSTICA 2020-2022 Knowledge Art Interiority | MASTER'S DEGREE - Translated into Spanish (2008), Portuguese (2013) and Italian (2016). Also available as E- book (Fragmenta, 2014). - Ser Persona, avui (To be a person, today). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat (PAMSA), November 2011. - w. Volpini A. Una nova imatge de Déu i de l’ésser humà (A new image of God and the human being). Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat (PAMSA), 2012. Translated into Spanish (PPC, 2013) and also available as E-book (PPC, 2014). - Tort E. Diàlegs amb Teresa Forcades (Conversations with Teresa Forcades). El Dau Edicions, 2012. The Catalan original has had 11 editions so far. Translated into Spanish (2013). - Què és la llibertat? (What is freedom?) Proteus (Barcelona) 2013. - w. Vivas E. Sense por (Without fear), Icaria (Barcelona) 2013. Translated into Spanish: Sin miedo (Icària, 2013) and Croatian: Bez straha (Algoritam, 2014). - w. Lekshe Tsomo K. Mujeres, espiritualidad y cambio social (Women, spirituality and social change) , Plecs Budistes (Barcelona) 2013. - És a les nostres mans (It is in our hands), Dau (Barcelona) 2014. - Por amor a la justicia: Dorothy Day y Simone Weil (For the love of justice: Dorothy Day and Simone Weil), HOAC hermandad obrera de acción católica (Madrid) 2015; Catalan translation: press house Viena (Barcelona) 2015. - Faith and Freedom, Polity Press (London) 2016 (in press); Italian translation: Castellvecchi (Roma) 2017. - w. Demetrio Velasco. Nazione e Compassione. Roma: Castellvecchi, 2017. - Los retos del Papa Francisco. Madrid: Akal, 2017. - Il corpo, gioia di Dio: La materia come spazio di incontro tra divino e umano. Ed. Gabrielli, 2020. SINCLÈTICA ESCOLA MONÀSTICA 2020-2022 Knowledge Art Interiority | MASTER'S DEGREE THEOLOGY | Book Chapters and Other Contributions - Foreword to the Spanish translation of Schüssler Fiorenza, E. But She Said. (Pero Ella Dijo, ed) Trotta: (Madrid) 1996. - ‘Die Sakramente sind für die Menschen gemacht’ – Heilende Spiritualität. In Wuckelt A, Pithan A, Beuers C (ed). ‘Was mein Sehnen sucht …’ – Spiritualität und Alltag. Comenius- Institut: Münster, 2009: 57-70. - w. Escós J, Foix Ll, Rigol J. El Concili Vaticà II, avui. Taula rodona. In Font, Pere Lluís (ed.), El Concili Vaticà II, 50 anys després. Fundació Joan Maragall, ed. Cruïlla, 2012: 205-226. - Coll-Planas G, Vidal M. Dibuixant el gènere. Pròleg de Teresa Forcades. Edicions 96, 2013: 10-13. Spanish translation Dibujando el género. Egales editorial, 2013: 10-13. - Angela Volpini. Capire Maria (To understand Mary). Prologue to Spanish translation, 2014. - Saint Gertrude of Helfta and the Forgiving of Sins, CTEWC Book Series, 2013. Chapter in Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church: Linda Hogan and Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, eds, Orbis Books (New York) 2014. - Gertrud von Helfta und Teresa von Ávila: Körper und Subjektivität in der mystischen Erfahrung. In Appelt E, Grabner-Niel E, Jarosch M, Ralser M (ed.). Identitäten verhandeldn – Identitäten de/konstruiren. Innsbrucker Gender Lectures III. Innsbruck University Press, 2015: 77-96. - Gerard Coll et
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