A SOCIAL AND LEGAL HISTORY OF 466 MELBOURNE AVENUE, OTTAWA DAVID LAFRANCHISE AND MARC LOWELL 17 February 2019 A Social and legal history of 466 Melbourne Avenue, Ottawa © David LaFranchise and Marc Lowell, 2019 Website: http://househistory.tricolour.ca/ E-mail:
[email protected] David Lafranchise 3 Salisbury Place Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1G6
[email protected] Marc Lowell 208-215 Wurtemburg Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8T1
[email protected] Photographs on cover and page iv: 466 Melbourne Avenue, 2018, courtesy Richard Briggs The authors would like to record their thanks to the following people for their help in preparing this document: Claire Sutton of the City of Ottawa Archives Ottawa Room, Main Branch, Ottawa Public Library Robert Sandicott of the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department, City of Ottawa David Stranks for his e-mail with information on the Stranks family. E.G. Martin-Wirr for her photograph of Arthur and Berthe Sauvé and related message. Fraser Likely for his e-mail with information on his family’s time in the house. Richard Briggs for his photography and for information on the Stirrup family. !ii Table of Contents John Cole develops Highland Park 1 Charles Ogilvy builds 466 Melbourne 5 Early Residents: the Smiths buy and lose the house 10 The Highland Park Community in the 1930s 14 The Stranks Family move to 466 Melbourne 1934-1944 15 The Stranks, the Second Generation, 1944-1958 20 The Sauvé era 1958-1978, and renovations 23 Later Residents in a changing neighbourhood, 1978- 26 Sources for more information 30 Index of Names 32 Other Ottawa house histories by Marc Lowell and partners 34 !iii !iv !v !vi A Social and Legal History of 466 Melbourne Avenue A house history is a living document, it is always evolving.