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990113 035128 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 32pm Jan 13 , 1999 EST ( of 35135 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " During the impeachment trial of Judge Alcee L . Hastings , Senator Specter stated : [T]he impeachment process [] relies in significant measure on decisions of the court and the opinion of judges . . . [T]he decisions and interpretations of the courts should be highly instructive to us . In our system of Government , it has been the courts that through the years have been called upon to construe , define and apply the provisions of our Constitution . Their decisions reflect our values and our evolving notions of justice . . . Although we are a branch of Government coequal with the judiciary , and by the Constitution vested with the " sole " power to try impeachments , I believe that the words and reasoning of judges who have struggled with the meaning and application of the Constitution and its provisions ought to be given great heed because that jurisprudence embodies the values of fairness and justice that ought to be the polestar of our own determinations . S . Doc . 101-18 , 101st Cong . , 1st Sess . at 740-41 . As Senator Specter observed , judicial rules have been developed and refined over the years to assure that court proceedings are fair , and that an accused is assured the necessary tools to prepare a proper defense , including proper notice . 035129 00001 jakbert - 11 : 35pm Jan 13 , 1999 EST ( of 35135 ) > 00002 tnal : } 00003 *Therefore , your point , verbose as written , is moot . 035130 00001 hugsy - 11 : 37pm Jan 13 , 1999 EST ( of 35135 ) } 00002 *I can see once again someone is not getting enough attention , so he has decided to ruin the conversational environment for the rest of us with endless pastes . 035131 00001 searingtruth - 11 : 38pm Jan 13 , 1999 EST ( of 35135 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue > 00003 tna1pada3 1 / 13 / 99 11 : 32pm } 00004 *Ah , the rule of law . How the Republican party despises it . Thank you Ada ! . 035132 00001 padu329 - 11 : 39pm Jan 13 , 1999 EST ( of 35135 ) > 00002 tnalpada3 } 00003 *-----Thanks for your tireless efforts to illuminate the perjury issue ...... The Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee tried very hard to get the R ' s to be specific about allegedly perjurious statements . Hyde and his GOP comrades bent over backward to be nonspecific , because they couldn ' t construct articles of impeachment that would stand up to legal tests . The process has been , from the beginning , a POLITICAL one ...... the aim of House Republicans has been to stigmatize Clinton with the Scarlet " I " . They have known from Day 1 that removal is unlikely , yet they have persisted in prolonging the process . I suggest the remedy is political as well--- 2000 can not come soon enough ...... 035133 00001 hugsy - 11 : 40pm Jan 13 , 1999 EST ( of 35135 ) > 00002 dagwood , } 00003 *could you find my response in the middle of all that crap ? 035134 00001 searingtruth - 11 : 46pm Jan 13 , 1999 EST ( of 35135 ) } 00002 *Thanks for the debate everyone . My significant other is demanding attention , and I ' m going to give it to her ! . I wish you all a good evening . SearingTruth 035135 00001 hugsy - 11 : 48pm Jan 13 , 1999 EST ( of 35135 ) > 00002 searingtruth 1 / 13 / 99 11 : 46pm } 00003 *The real reason 75% of the country is too busy to pay any attention to this saga . 00004 +++ 990114 035749 00001 cruzjuan - 07 : 09pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36056 ) } 00002 *First it was the " right wing " conspiracy premiss . Then the " partisan politics " premiss . Be logical , not passionate , please make sure your premisses support that the citizen did not lie under oath , if so , then , and only then , your case will be proved . Lying under oath is a serious crime , many citizens have gone to jail for it . And nobody is indispensible . The U . S . will go its course no matter who is president , it ' s the dog that wags the tail , haven ' t you noticed ? 035750 00001 gregs68 - 07 : 11pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36056 ) } 00002 * I , too , thought Cong . Rogan made a great presentation . 035751 00001 willie-g - 07 : 11pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36056 ) } 00002 * I love it , Bill get`s impeached and Hillary has to write the check to Paula ! > 00003 324jk - 07 : 07pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35746 of 35747 ) I ' ve been travelling extesively overseas . The message I get are that the Republican members of congress are either naive , politically motivated , or idiotic . Will those who think that the president will be removed be willing to put there money where their big mouths are . You can get incredible odds in Vegas . REPLY : Don`t mislead , the odd in Vegas have moved tremendously since the 81 questions . Further your premise that he won`t be removed does not confront the evidence , which is is paramount . Libs are ok when they don`t have to deal with the facts . 035752 00001 dogbert85 - 07 : 14pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36056 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . If there is an impeachment vote , it will be almost straight party line - 55 to 45 . The repugs have already signed their death warrant in 2000 . I say good riddance to bad rubbish . HA HA HA ! ! ! ! 035753 00001 willie-g - 07 : 16pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36056 ) } 00002 *I love it , Bill get`s impeached and Hillary has to write the check to Paula ! > 00003 dogbert85 - 07 : 04pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35745 of 35751 ) } 00004 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . BC will skate easy , no prob . The WH lawyers will make mincemeat of the HOuse inquisitors " case " . One question - how can covering up an affair be considered obstruction of justice - what justice is being obstructed ? LOL The repugs are nitwits and are going to the unemployment line in 2000 . } 00005 *REPLY : Your bitterness is an indication of how well the managers did today . 035754 00001 heimbrock - 07 : 17pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36056 ) > 00002 dsurrette 1 / 14 / 99 6 : 51pm } 00003 *I am sooooo sick of this crap ! Republicans are a bunch of hypocritical self-servers who are wasting time , money and effort pursuing this whole issue . } 00004 *WJC is the de facto standard bearer of the democrat party . The democrats continue to support him as leader of their party , even though he tramples on the rights of citizens , subverts the constitution ruins blue dresses and brings disrepute to the nation and his party . Democrats are a bunch of hypocritical self-servers . } 00005 *Funny how they seem to " forget " that Reagan lied to the American people and Congress and that he illegally sold arms to the Contras against Congress ' wishes . But that ' s no big deal . . . he didn ' t have sex with an intern . . . . oooohhhhh . . . and they also don ' t seem to care about George Bush having a 10 year affair , their own nominee for Speaker of the House , Henry Hyde . . . oh yeah but that was a " youthful indiscretion " . . . . wasn ' t he about . . . oh say Clinton ' s age ? } 00006 *None of these people are being tried in the Senate . The self-serving democrats didn ' t move to impeach Reagan or Bush , Why ? Other than the fact the Boland Act was unconstitutional , their new demcrat , WJC , was hillary deep in Mena . } 00007 *And for the record . . . for all you mindless Republicans who are all up in arms about Clinton selling our " technology " to China . . . just so you know . . . it was a private American company not the government that sold the technology . . . but when it comes to Clinton no one seems to care about the facts or reality of the situation . . . . let ' s just get the Democratic bastard . . } 00008 *It was WJC who moved responsiblity for ascertaining the security risks of said private transactions from the State Department to the Commerce Department , consequently Ron Brown was able to put campaign contributions before national security . You called him a bastard . . . . guess it msut be so Wow things have changed , typing this from Miami U , the ' puter sux but the coeds seem freindlier , 035755 00001 dogbert85 - 07 : 18pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36056 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . > 00003 willy-nilly } 00004 * " Libs are ok when they don`t have to deal with the facts . " } 00005 *Repugs have no idea what the facts are , only their own delusions . 035756 00001 johnsdad1b - 07 : 20pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36056 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson BODY OF A LETTER TO MY SENATORS . . . . HI , TAYMAR . . . . . DAMN BUSY . . . EVEN TONIGHT : - ( As a constituent , I would appreciate your help . This past weekend , several Senators noted on / during interviews that they will vote not guilty after the trial of the President . Am I correct in the assumption that the Senators , all Senators , took an oath and the oath was that they would act fairly and impartially during the trial of the President ? If so , how , without reviewing the evidence can one be fair and impartial before the evidence is introduced ? I believe that any Senator , from either party , who reveals their choice prior to the trial , has violated his / hers oath of office and should be severely censured as was McCarthy some years ago . It is unacceptable behavior and highly unethical . Please forward to me , the reality and thinking of my thoughts on this matter . I would appreciate your assistance in this subject . Hopefully , these Senators will be exposed for their unethical actions . +++ 035757 00001 spinthis - 07 : 21pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *Nixon ' s advice to disheartened Republicans : " Always give your best , never get discouraged , never be petty ; always remember , others may hate you , but those who hate you don ' t win unless you hate them , and then you destroy yourself . " -Click here to hear Tricky Dick give the advice in his own words . Republicans should be sure to bookmark this sight and listen to it often as they drift lower and lower in the polls . 035758 00001 supkis - 07 : 22pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *Watching the pro republicans teeter between outrage at our President having sex and the desire to project themselves as sexy frat rats is very funny . 035759 00001 willie-g - 07 : 23pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *I love it , Bill get`s impeached and Hillary has to write the check to Paula ! > 00003 dogbert85 - 07 : 14pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35752 of 35753 ) } 00004 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . If there is an impeachment vote , it will be almost straight party line - 55 to 45 . The repugs have already signed their death warrant in 2000 . I say good riddance to bad rubbish . HA HA HA ! ! ! ! REPLY : " The presidents actions was the worst display of shameless arrogance that I have ever seen . -Robert Byrd D-WV . . . A very influential , impartial , and respected senator . 035760 00001 jolietjake1 - 07 : 25pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *Oh my god that presentation by Sensenbrenner was masterful ! Carefully laying out the facts , one after another , he built a prodigious wall of culpability that will soon teeter and fall on the Artful Dodger . Time to have another pep rally in front of the Bill ! KEep Betty close , I say she cracks first ! 035761 00001 klambal - 07 : 26pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *REPUBLICANS ARE WASTING THE COUNTRY ' S RESOURCES AND TIME WITH NOTHING NEW TO SAY . THEY HAVE BEEN TOTALLY NEGLECTING THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY AND INDULGING IN FILTHY POLITICS . 68% AMERICANS ARE SICK OF THEIR OBSESSION TO UNDO RESULTS OF TWO ELECTIONS . HYPOCRITS LIKE HYDE , BARR AND OTHERS ARE DRIVING THEM . TRENT LOTT SEEMS TO BE INCAPABLE OF FILLING THE LEADERSHIP GAP . GOP . 2000 IS NOT TOO FAR AND YOU WILL BE TAUGHT A LESSON . 035762 00001 heimbrock - 07 : 26pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) > 00002 Hey dogbert } 00003 *seen where the FDA just ok ' ed new Doggie Downers . Put a few on your . . . errrrrrrr . . belly , suck ' em up and head back for your doghouse . Or go bite at tires . . . . on moving 18 wheelers 035763 00001 svcarlson - 07 : 29pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *More than half of Americans polled by Gallup did NOT approve of the way the SENATE Republicans were handling this case as of YESTERDAY . Now we have people of low intelligence like Rogan , who ,

amazingly , was a judge ( now I see how people get such low opinions of politicians ) --people like Rogan who are going to try to make low-level , stupid arguments like the Constitution allows impeachment for these alleged charges . Probably even requires it . The American people are getting more and more aware of what is going on . THE SENATE REPUBLICANS HAVE THE POWER TO PULL THE PLUG AT ANYTIME ON THIS CHARADE . Will they ? Each day that they don ' t--and I ' m sure they ' re trying to test the public ' s reaction to this one more chance for the Republican managers defaming the President--they ' re sinking . I don ' t care if THEY sink . I do care if this Constitutional form of government sinks . I care deeply , and I am daily gauging the amount of effort I will put in to sinking the Republicans , according to what they do . 035764 00001 yippie7 - 07 : 30pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *QUESTIONS for the Ridiculous white right wing republican groupie so called house managers ! 1 ) Why are all of the so called house managers are republicans and white ? ( In nixon ' s case there was bipartisanship to impeach the idiot . Also that fat kissinger should be deported for his crimes ! ) 2 ) Why is there only one supreme court judge presiding over this so called case ? 3 ) Do the so called house managers think that Vernon Jordan and Michael Jordan had the same slave masters 400 years ago ? 035765 00001 hugsy - 07 : 31pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *Well , I decided today may be too volatile a time for that kind of discussion . Bye for now , and remember : Even if the unexpected happens , GORE WILL BE PRESIDENT , not anyone you didn ' t vote for . Till next , take care of yourself , and each other . 035766 00001 dogbert85 - 07 : 31pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36055 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . The delusional repugs actually think there is a chance for BC ' s removal . The is a chance for removal , a big one , for the repugs in 2000 . The repugs are like lemmings going over a cliff . Goodbyyyye . +++ 035767 00001 willie-g - 07 : 35pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 *I love it , Bill get`s impeached and Hillary has to write the check to Paula ! > 00003 dogbert85 } 00004 *Listen pal , the facts are not with you , the year 2000 is a long way off , and the only ones that count are the senators . The case is being laid out such that the defense will have to refute the facts , making sure that witnesses are called . It has been well organized and obviously frustrating to you . Let them make the case . 035768 00001 dogbert85 - 07 : 39pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . Show me a repug and I ' ll show you a racist . Show me a repug and I ' ll show you a gay-basher . Show me a repug and I ' ll show you the door . LOL 035769 00001 d-fendr - 07 : 39pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) > 00002 yippie : } 00003 *If all you have are racist comments , perhaps a chat room would be a more appropriate forum for you . 035770 00001 scott1581 - 07 : 40pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 *The Liberals who support President Clinton blindly are crawling into the sewer with him and his new found friend Larry Flynt . It is unblievable that the moral standards of these people have sunk so low . God save our country from this morally corrupt group of people and give those who would seek the truth the courage to do so even at the risk of short term loss . The American people are not stupid and truth will out in the long run . Bill 035771 00001 jolietjake1 - 07 : 40pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 *Man , > 00003 Heim } 00004 *the wacko ' s come out at night don ' they ? Was that Sensebrenner opening not beautiful ? Hey Redneck / Wanderer . . . uhhh . . . I mena " Dogbert , " -- what is this your twelth or thirteenth name , now ? I keep trying to tell you that your dumb comments give you away every time . Cute name this time though . 035772 00001 svcarlson - 07 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 *As all the Senate Democrats are saying now , people like Rogan argue out of one side of their mouth that they have overwhelming evidence that the Presdident must be impeached and removed . Out of the other side of their mouth , they argue that they can ' t win the case unless they call more witnesses ( although they did not call them in their own House , which they completely controlled ) . They don ' t make sense . Either they ' re up there smoking dope , or they think the whole country is out here smoking . They ' re circling and going down as we watch them . 035773 00001 lat_handyman - 07 : 47pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 * " You can best reward a liar by believing nothing of what he says . " ...... Aristippus > 00003 Bill : } 00004 *There are two races in America . The Liberal Race and the rest of us . I hate Liberals , therefore I am a racist . 035774 00001 d-fendr - 07 : 50pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 *Nothing but distraction , denigration , denial and delay from democrat defenders . When the evidence and the facts are against you , call names . Some debate , more like a food fight . On with the trial . 035775 00001 teririley - 07 : 50pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 *Neither Larry Flynt nor Howard Stern shove anything at you . Usage of their material is completely voluntary . In the case of Larry ' s material you have to go so far as to pay for it . Larry Flynt is shoving the crass hypocrisy and lies of the Republican party into our faces , but that ' s part of the US democratic process . I think Flynt ' s insistence on honesty and Stern ' s focus on humor are values I ' d favor much more than the Republican " family values " which seem to include a disrespect for democracy and an inability to loose with grace . I don ' t think cavorting with the KKK , as Lott and Barr have done , is a family value . Neither do I think opposition to the Family Leave Act shows " family values . " Leaving a Reganesque $4 trillion debt to future generations definitely isn ' t a family value . Republican ' s don ' t have family values : they ' ve consistently through this century been the party of hypocrisy , lies , dirty political tricks , and budgetary incompetence . They ' ve ruined good people during the McCarthy and Nixon years and have tried to ruin good people today , albeit unsuccessfully ( and , hopefully , ruining their own filthy party in the process ) . Republicans also consistently oppose true family-friendly government initiatives . 035776 00001 d-fendr - 07 : 51pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36054 ) } 00002 *Nothing but distraction , denigration , denial and delay from democrat defenders . When the evidence and the facts are against you , call names . Some debate , more like a food fight . On with the trial . +++ 035777 00001 dogbert85 - 07 : 52pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . > 00003 jolietjaked } 00004 *I ' m not sure who you are , but suspect you are one of the dim-witted repugs who used to post on this forum night and day . You should be happy , your hero repugs will be joining you in the unemployment line in 2001 . Make them feel welcome . 035778 00001 newpress - 07 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Clinton supporters : We have nothing to fear , but truth itself ! ! 035779 00001 jolietjake1 - 07 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Did you read any of the case today Carleson ? Did you catch any of Sensenbrenners presentation ? Take your head out of Walter Mondale land and read . Witnesses will be needed to prove the charges , but if the President will stipulate to the prior testimony ( which he won ' t ) the managers will be perfectly happy , believe me . 035780 00001 svcarlson - 07 : 54pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Here ' s Sensenbrenner ' s brilliant argument : " The President engaged in a conspiracy of crimes " to cover up his inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky . A CONSPIRACY OF CRIMES . The President has not been charged with , or convicted of ONE . Sensenbrenner is another individual of LOW INTELLIGENCE and no integrity . 035781 00001 searingtruth - 07 : 55pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue That ' s it ? . Do they actually need two more days ? . Fantastic . I knew their case was weak , but actually hearing them speak the words was really eye opening . It even sounds utterly ridiculous when their best lawyers and most piously hypocritical Christian Coalition agents give a " carefully studied " presentation . Reality is a knockin ' hard . I suggest they hire Johnny Cochrane quick . Can a political parties approval ratings go any lower than a third of the people ? . If it ' s the Republican party , I think so . 035782 00001 dickmorr - 07 : 56pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 svcarlson : } 00003 *Rogan looked real good - for a lawyer . So did Sensebrenner . Clinton looks worse than we thought - in otherwords , he should resign or say goodby the hardway by being forced out of office . Either way , Clinton loses . If he stays in office , he will be mocked continuously for the next two years and do exactly nothing for the nation . If he resigns , Gore can pardon him and he can get away from the heat of Washington - which despises him anyway . If the Senate forces him out ( which they will if they follow the Constitution ) , then he will live the same life as Nixon - which was very humilating . Do you really want to keep a loser in the White House ? If you are a Democrat , you better hope he loses the Senate fight and get rid of him . Ket Gore take a shot at the big job even if he makes us all nervous . Gore is going to become President ( unfortunately ) and so start looking for a VP . How about Maxine Waters ? Or maybe Barney Franks . The Dems . have been talking about minorities for centuries , now is the hour . 035783 00001 republicanok - 07 : 58pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 Dear Dogbut : } 00003 *I gather you are a fan of Bill Flynton . Are you jealous of Monica ? } 00004 *I gather you are going to get another sterling character in your corner tonight - Madonna . Flynton , Carvell , Flynt , Modonna , Alan Dirtbag , etc . such intelligence , such character , such leaders ! 035784 00001 spinthis - 07 : 58pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) Profiles in Hypocrisy : House Managers Voting Record of Rep . F . James Sensenbrenner , Jr . ( R-Wisconsin ) Abortion / Family Planning 1997-1998 On the votes that the National Right to Life Committee considered to be the most important in 1997-1998 , Representative Sensenbrenner voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time . 1997 On the votes that the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League considered to be the most important in 1997 , Representative Sensenbrenner voted their preferred position 0 percent of the time . 1993-1996 On the votes that the Planned Parenthood considered to be the most important in 1993-1996 , Representative Sensenbrenner voted their preferred position 6 percent of the time . 1991 On the votes that the Justlife Education Fund - Abortion considered to be the most important in 1991 , Representative Sensenbrenner voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time . On the votes that the Vietnam Veterans of America considered to be the most important in 1997-1998 , Representative Sensenbrenner voted their preferred position only 33 percent of the time . --> 035785 00001 southerndeb - 07 : 59pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 * " Hey , Boo . " Miss Jean Louise Finch I thought Hutchinson did a very credible job . He was probably the best of all , for my money . I followed his train of thought from beginning to end . Also , I think Rogan did a great job with the gift thing . . . I had never heard in the national media that Currie said of Monica , " Well , she might remember better than I , " on who asked for the gifts to be returned . I really hope they call witnesses . I would like to hear Currie refute the president ' s testimony in her own words . Maybe then you lefties might get a clue . She is closer to him than most , and if she won ' t lie for him then she will be an object lesson for the rest . 035786 00001 dogbert85 - 08 : 00pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . Taking a coverup of an affair to impeachment is the ultimate mockery of justice ever pulled on the American people . The repugs are trying to set the standard so low for impeachment that jay-walking would be grounds for removal . Vote these repug hooligans out in 2000 . +++ 035787 00001 newpress - 08 : 01pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Innocent men don ' t fear witnesses . 035788 00001 teririley - 08 : 01pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Barr swore in a deposition that he did not encourage his wife to seek an abortion when she says he , in fact , did . Granted it ' s really nobody ' s business . But it ' s also not anybody ' s where Clinton touched Lewinsky and visa-versa . So Barr would be guilty of perjury in a case stronger than Barr is charging Clinton in ( because for Clinton the entire " perjurious " testimony -- assuming it was perjury -- was ruled irrelevant and immaterial whereas for Barr it was the crux of the testimony ) . Ironically if it were up to Barr seeking an abortion would be illegal . So , is it safe to assume all you Republican ' s think an investigation should be opened with at least a few million spent to see whether Barr really did encourage his wife to seek an abortion ( or whether it was her idea ) ? I suppose the prosecutor ' s could ask friends , neighbors , and business associates . They could indict anybody who said anything that disagreed with their " facts " . They could kidnap witnesses and threaten to prosecute their parents . After all , we do have to " uphold the law " because " serious crimes " -- crimes " more severe than treason and bribery " -- have been committed . Right ? 035789 00001 svcarlson - 08 : 02pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 * I ' ve met Walter Mondale . Walter Mondale is a friend of mine . Mondale is a man of great intelligence , sincerity and ability . He served this President extremely well as Ambassador to Japan . He is an example of the kind of leadership this President has given . That ' s why he is doing quite well . Someday , if a Republican leader ever emerges , they will have a chance to show their ability . And if they do , I ' ll support them too , just like I supported and voted for George Bush Sr . 035790 00001 searingtruth - 08 : 03pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 * The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 lat_handyman 1 / 14 / 99 7 : 47pm } 00004 * " You can best reward a liar by believing nothing of what he says . " ...... Aristippus } 00005 *I guess you don ' t believe anything that Hyde , Barr , Lott , Livingston , Newt , Burton , Chenoweth , Bush , Reagan , etc . say either . Geez . Republican = Hypocrisy . 035791 00001 jerryhere - 08 : 04pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws From today ' s Times Opinion section : OP-ED CONTRIBUTORS The $10 Billion Man ? By STEVEN E . LANDSBURG Michael Jordan ' s impact on everything from game attendance to Nike ' s sales , has led Fortune Magazine to lable Jordan the " $10 Billion Man . " But does all that enrichment really add up to $10 billion ? What ' s the matter with the above paragraph ? Well , I guess us posters have trouble with our respective keyboards too , eh ? 035792 00001 dogbert85 - 08 : 08pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . Actually , the repugs would try to impeach BC for jay-walking if they could . Their reasoning would be as follows : Can we let this man set an example for all of American of disregarding lawful traffic signals ? What if everyone jaywalked ? There would be total chaos and anarchy in the streets . For the good of the nation , he must be removed from office . Sound familiar . LOL southerndeb - 08 : 09pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( §§035793 of 36053 ) " Hey , Boo . " Miss Jean Louise Finch dogbert85 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 00pm Hey Lucky / dogbert ! He only got caught lying and obstructing justice on sexual charges . Of all of this mess , the business over disturbs me the most . The fact that he and Monica only had oral sex would ( I think ) show a pattern of behavior . And since that is what Paula accused him of , might not it have made a difference to know that he had restricted himself to only that behavior on previous occasions ( with an employee ) ? The case was up for appeal ( which a lot of people think would have been granted ) , but it looks like it was thrown out because it was settled . . . . the appeal was never ajudicated . Forget the rest , it really bothers me that he screwed with the legal system over Paula Jones . He had no right to think he was above Paula where justice is concerned . If he goes , it should be for that . IMHO 035794 00001 hiphop2 - 08 : 11pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Best news I have heard out of all this was that Barr forced his wife to have an abortion . At least he helped us get rid of a right winged facist hypocrite before he got to foist his idiocy on the country like his daddy ( assuming it would have been a boy ) . Hey is Barr a target of the wacko assasination squad roaming the country murdering people who support abortion rights ? That would be cool ! 035795 00001 svcarlson - 08 : 12pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 Morris : } 00003 *I ' m watching Rogan again . He looks good ? His strongest argument is that the House was a Grand Jury ( another one , I ' m sure ) , and that witnesses should not be called at a Grand Jury . Is this true , Morris ? I don ' t know , because I just saw Charles Schumer , a major political figure unlike former D . A . Rogan , say that witnesses should be called in a Grand Jury , AND in the trial . Besides , I don ' t think the House of Representatives is a Grand Jury . Quite the contrary , they are supposed to be the legislative body closest to the people and therefore able to protect the people from REAL abuse of power by the President . Do you REALLY think , Dick , that the Founding Fathers would have taken away from the people ' s House the right to impeach and remove the President , subject to ratification by the Senate ? I don ' t . 035796 00001 persecution1 - 08 : 12pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 rtachner 1 / 14 / 99 6 : 07pm } 00003 *Yes well the haters in congress , after five years of trying , finally managed to label concealing a consensual bj a " felony " . May you be tripped by your " friends " and blessed with an equally abusive prosecutor who will take you into the abyss . I wish you nothing but the same you have wished Clinton ; - ) In the meantime , get out your pom poms and cheer on this constitutional debacle . Enjoy ! Enjoy ! +++ 035797 00001 jolietjake1 - 08 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 spinthis 1 / 14 / 99 7 : 58pm Dang it ! I ' m gonna have to get on that Sensenbrenner for that 6% gaff ! Hee hee ! Dogbert / Wanderer / Redneck-- under any name the malicious ignorance shines through , no worries , my friend . I was having a discussion the other night about those two creepy children ( a boy and girl ) under the robes of the Ghost of Christmas Present in Dickens ' A Christmas Carol . We thought it quite apt that the little boy ' s name was Ignorance ( the poor girl was Want ) and that Dickens ' ( in the ghost ' s words ) warned to be most careful of the boy , as he was the most dangerous . That boy is out in full flagrante on this forum tonight it appears . 035798 00001 newpress - 08 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Considering they depend on African American support to win elections , the real question is how many Blacks do the Dems put in the Senate ? That is where the real racism and hypocrisy lies . 035799 00001 d-fendr - 08 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 spinthis : } 00003 *You ' re slipping , you forgot to criticize Sensenbrenner on the basis of race , gender and religion . Oh , yeah , you did that earlier . Never mind . Delay , deny , distract , denigrate , attack the voting record of the prosecutor ? Now that ' s a new one . . . Try it on the judge next time you ' re in court . 035800 00001 flash . marara - 08 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *I am always baffled by the discrepancy between the pronouncements and the actions of our " representatives " . The Senators are the jurors in this Impeachment trial and the members of the House of Representatives are the " prosecutors " ascerting that Obstruction of Justice and Perjury in the Presidential sex testimonies are impeachable offences . The rule requires the Senators to be silent participants during during the process . Would someone explain to me how come nobody is raising an issue of impropriety on the know fact that the Procecutors ( members of the House of Representatives ) have met with the met with the Jurors ( Senators ) to discuss the issue of calling witnesses during these procedings ! ! ! If this process is said to be the trial of the President by the Senate , is it proper for members of the jury to meet with members of the procecution or defense for the matter ? I am not a lawyer but I am sure the majority of our " representatives are " and I would sure like to know what the Chief Justice ( the Judge ) thinks or should do about this . 035801 00001 d-fendr - 08 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 spinthis : } 00003 *You ' re slipping , you forgot to criticize Sensenbrenner on the basis of race , gender and religion . Oh , yeah , you did that earlier . Never mind . Delay , deny , distract , denigrate , attack the voting record of the prosecutor ? Now that ' s a new one . . . Try it on the judge next time you ' re in court . 035802 00001 jimmie50 - 08 : 14pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 05 : 12pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35687 of 35761 ) } 00003 *If I may interrupt the parodies for a moment : Here is Hutchinsons summary , which he supported in great detail with the testimony and evidence on record : " What did the President do that constitutes evidence of obstruction ? First , he personally encouraged a witness , , to provide false testimony from the time she first became a witness until he no longer had any control over her . } 00004 *What evidence has come forward that BC had ' control ' over ML at the time she became a witness or anytime after that . Looks like she had HIM over a barrel . } 00005 *Second , the President had direct involvement in assuring a job for a witness in a federal civil rights suit at the same time he personally encouraged

the filing of a false affidavit by that witness . } 00006 *What evidence shows that he encouraged the filing of a FALSE affidavit . } 00007 *Third , the President personally with corrupt intentions tampered with the testimony of a prospective witness , Betty Currie . } 00008 *What evidence shows that BC tampered or had ' corrupt intentions ' . Betty testifies that she did not feel intimidated or tampered with . } 00009 *Fourth , the President himself provided false statements under oath before the federal grand jury . } 00010 *What statements were false ? } 00011 *Fifth , by direct and circumstantial evidence the President directed the concealment of evidence under subpoena in a judicial proceeding . } 00012 *Again , what evidence ? Monica says it was Betty . Betty says it was Monica . } 00013 *Seventh , he intentionally provided false information to witnesses before a federal grand jury , knowing that those statements would be repeated with the intent to obstruct the proceedings of the federal grand jury . } 00014 *Where is evidence that the false statements should or would obstruct the proceedings ? He merely repeated the lie that was made on National TV . If that was enough for the Grand Jury , they would have never called those witnesses . 035803 00001 dogbert85 - 08 : 16pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . " this was in addition to the $15 million raised by the Family Research Council that Bauer heads ? The repug hack George Will never ceases to amaze me with his stupidity . He gives a favorable review to Bauer , an avowed gay-basher and racist . No wonder the repugs are so despicable , with nitwits like George Will supporting these freedom stompers they are a danger to society . 035804 00001 dickmorr - 08 : 19pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 southerndeb : } 00003 *It really doesn ' t matter if they call witnesses . If the President ' s people accept the testimony as it stands , the President is cooked by just what has been presented thus far . The President is in deep wazoo . Shiela Lee ( D ) Texas say that they should not have been so tough on poor old Jordan and Currie - even though they were inplicated as part of

the President ' s coverup plan . In fact Shiela is playing the good old race card - shades of OJ ' s lawyers . This will be a tragedy if this is played out . Sexual harassment in spades for the President and Jordan ' s involvement in finding Monica a job ! ! ! 035805 00001 spinthis - 08 : 20pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Right-wing panty sniffers who also are GOP leaders --> 00003 +++ 035806 00001 taymar8326 - 08 : 20pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 willie g re ; - 06 : 51pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( # of 35789 ) } 00003 * " I am sooooo sick of this crap ! " } 00004 *I agree completely ! } 00005 * " Republicans are a bunch of hypocritical self-servers who are wasting time , money and effort pursuing this whole issue . Funny how they seem to " forget " that Reagan lied to the American people and Congress and that he illegally sold arms to the Contras against Congress ' wishes . " } 00006 *Transgressions of past administrations do not constitute argument nor defense of the crimes perpetrated WJC . Just more partisan rhetoric . It ' s ancient history , get over it . > 00007 jlaing re ; - 07 : 01pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( # of 35789 ) } 00008 * " The polemic is rather heated , and I find that distressing . Neither side is being very nice ( calling the other side . . . Nazi ' s etc . ) I don ' t see what can cool it . Somebody should be working harder on selling this to the American people as the right thing to do , or we ' ll be the worse for it . " } 00009 *As you often do ' doc ' , you hit the nail squarely on the head . Just because it ' s embarrassing or distasteful does not mean it should be ignored . The constitution as the rule of law must be upheld lest anarchy reign . 035807 00001 probity1 - 08 : 23pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Is this server slow tonight or what ? Is everyone else having the same problem ? It really affects the fun of being able to sting the clintonista maggot defenders here ! 035808 00001 supkis - 08 : 23pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *As the stock market melts down again , and as Saddam plots to invade Kuwait again , and as the GOP once again tries to close down Washington , one must wonder about the sanity of the people who seem so determined to get a perfectly fine middle of the road President . . . insane . This is definitely insane . 035809 00001 lakeshore2 - 08 : 23pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Henry Hyde invokes the two words " I do " in his introduction to the GOP impeachment program , " I Do " says Hyde . Taking an oath and not violating it is the essence of the whole matter . . . he goes on or should I say drones on to cite Sir . Thomas Moore ( A man for all seasons , remember ? ) he says " when a man takes an oath he is holding his own life in his hands , etc . , etc . , ad nausea . You may recall that Holier than thou Henry is the same guy who also took an oath , to Mrs . Hyde . . . guess Henry felt that oath was okay to violate . These blue suited geeks are really pathetic ; when will Dilbert start doing congress instead of the workplace ? Then Sensenbrenner takes over and lies by misquoting the President ' s counsel . Boy , are these guys sharp ! Mr . dull followed by Mr . Duller . GOP in 2000 your majority is over ! goodbye . Newt you really reaped a whirlwind of mediocrity - that ' s your " sacred legacy . " Publicus . 035810 00001 searingtruth - 08 : 24pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 d-fendr 1 / 14 / 99 7 : 50pm } 00004 *Nothing but distraction , denigration , denial and delay from democrat defenders

. When the evidence and the facts are against you , call names . Some debate , more like a food fight . } 00005 *Oh , I thought I addressed the " evidence " in my first post this evening . Let me be more clear , lest you feel your request for commentary has been denied . The " evidence " is so far from what is required to prove perjury or obstruction of justice that it is embarrassing for the Republican party . All they have are innuendo and assertions , based upon the most generous derivations of the scant facts they have cited . } 00006 *On with the trial . } 00007 *Absolutely . Two things come to mind . One , the Republicans will gladly cut their own throats just so they can bleed on someone . Two , McCarthy cost them 40 years in the minority wilderness , this will have to be good for at least 60 years in the outlands . Stunningly silly . It ' s hard to believe that the Republican politicians are all the way through puberty . 035811 00001 persecution1 - 08 : 26pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 xjwhite 1 / 14 / 99 5 : 57pm } 00003 *Please spare me the " I am a Democrat " business . Your party affiliation is not my affair nor do I care to know about it . Who you do or do not vote for is not at issue here . For me it ' s not about party . It is about humiliating the POTUS . It is about ransacking a man ' s life . It is about toppling the leader of the free world . It is about badgering and his family for six years and counting at the tune of untold millions . But hey , I keep telling people like you to enjoy the show . Get out the popcorn and sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour ; - ) 035812 00001 svcarlson - 08 : 26pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *Oh yeah , spades , Morris . But no race card , right ? I understand that you are trying to paint the President , with no evidence . You ' ll have to wait until the Senate calls Jordan to prove your case . And that ' s not going to happen , because the House should have done it . But yes , I understand your argument against the President of the is based on prejudice against the government he has pulled together , and those people of color and other victims of prejudice who the American voters have sent to Washington . I ' m still waiting for your evidence , though . 035813 00001 dogbert85 - 08 : 27pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . > 00003 joliet Other than your usual insults you say nothing of note . I Find yUur Case kooKy and YOUr intelligence lacking . Keep up the good work . > 00004 Deb Sorry , the repugs have no CAse . Their case would be laughed out of a real court . Only in COngresses kangaroo court does it get a chance . 035814 00001 d-fendr - 08 : 28pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36053 ) > 00002 Flash : } 00003 *And , on the other side : One of the jurors is the mother of Hillary ' s sister in law ; Bill recently invited several of the jurors to dinner . Bill and Hillary worked to raise money to get several of the jurors a seat on the jury . Another juror already voted against impeachment in the House . . . This is far from a normal jury situation , but it ' s what we have , a combination political and judicial proceeding - which is I believe the founder ' s intent . I ' m with you though , the more judicial , the more evidence and the more it ' s based on the law and guilt or innocence , the better . +++ 035815 00001 yippie7 - 08 : 32pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36052 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 07 : 39pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( +++35769 of 35779 ) } 00003 *yippie : If all you have are racist comments , perhaps a chat room would be a more appropriate forum for you . } 00004 *YES , I am racist against those rediculous white wing so called house republican managers ! I hope History hunt their asses down ! 035816 00001 southerndeb - 08 : 34pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36052 ) } 00002 * " Hey , Boo . " Miss Jean Louise Finch > 00003 teririley 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 01pm } 00004 *Hi Teri , how are you ? I have two questions that come to mind when I hear the Barr abortion story : 1 ) Was the child his ? 2 ) Did they have a joint checking account ? I haven ' t been keeping track of the story because it was Flynt ' s doing . However , if it happened a long time ago , he might have felt differently at the time . I feel differently about a lot of things now than when I was in my 20 ' s . I think you know I used to not care one way or the other about abortion or the death penalty , but as I ' ve gotten older and have learned to appreciate life , I have drastically changed my view point . I ' m not defending him , because I think he is a little slimy around the edges . . . . has always appeared a little too self-righteous to me , but . . . as far as I know , he could not be prosecuted for anything that Flynt alleges . That ' s the difference between Bob and Billy . 035817 00001 dogbert85 - 08 : 35pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36052 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . It ' s sad that the repugs wasted their period of time in the majority on a ridiculous witchhunt . They could really have furthered some of their causes had they spent more time addressing them . Too late now , back to minority status they go in 2000 . LOL 035818 00001 persecution1 - 08 : 36pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36052 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 14 / 99 7 : 50pm }

00003 *On with the trial . } 00004 *Haters will pay for it in 2000 . But for the moment , I couldn ' t agree with you more . Bring on the ladies of the evening and let the world get a really close look at who brough us this witch hunt ; - ) 035819 00001 persecution1 - 08 : 38pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36052 ) > 00002 newpress 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 13pm } 00003 *I hear bob barr and trent lott are burning crosses immediately after tonight ' s festivities . You are invited . 035820 00001 searingtruth - 08 : 39pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36052 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 southerndeb 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 09pm } 00004 *My dear Southerndeb , the problems are thus . The President was only accused of making one pass at Paula Jones . It was also found that there was no retribution or threat of retribution on the job . Paula Jones did not bring any charges against the President until years after the alleged incident , once he became President , and bankrolled by right wing Clinton haters . Combine these facts with the fact that the President technically

avoided perjury , and the issue is moot . In any case , America wouldn ' t have cared if President Clinton had lied through his teeth in the face of such an obvious political smear campaign . The Republicans are truly shameless , and simply thought that the American people were a lot more stupid than they are . Nope , the Republicans were caught with their pants down . It ' s kind of funny , because they can ' t seem to pull them back up . 035821 00001 dickmorr - 08 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36052 ) > 00002 svcarlson : } 00003 *I really don ' t understand the impeachment process . Evidently , the Repubs ; think they need to follow the Johnson impeachment process , which goes back 130 years . The House did what they had to do - given the fact that they seemed compelled to finish before they lost a clear majority of their membership . It was a very Dem . vs Repub . type of hearing - and frankly bringing witnesses in front of those house manics would have been self destructive . Can you imagine Barney Franks and Maxine Waters drooling at the mouth calling every witness a communist right wing squirrel ? Although the Senators are falling into the Dems . vs ( based on comments some of them made today ) the world posturing after the first day of these hearings , I am hopeful that at the end of the trial , they will come to a role of true statepersons and do the right thing . They have to let go of their political party ' s holds however to make that a reality . The Senate is on trial as much as the President . 035822 00001 spinthis - 08 : 44pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36052 ) } 00002 *1997-98 Christian Coalition Voting Record of House GOP Impeachment Managers What follows is an evaluation stated as a percentage of 1997-1998 votes that the House Managers voted in line with the Christian Coalition on legislation that organization considered to be the most important Rep . Bob Barr ( R-Georgia ) Methodist , lawyer , white , male - 92% Rep . Ed Bryant ( R-Tennessee ) , Presbyterian , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Steve Buyer ( R-Indiana ) , Methodist , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Charles Canady ( R-Florida ) Presbyterian , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Christopher Cannon ( R-Utah ) , Mormon , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Steve Chabot ( R-Ohio ) , Roman Catholic , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . George Gekas ( R-Pennsylvania ) Greek Orthodox , lawyer , white , male - 93% Rep . Lindsey O . Graham ( R-South Carolina ) Southern Baptist , lawyer , white , male 93% Rep . William " Asa " Hutchinson ( R-Arkansas ) Baptist , lawyer , white , male - 93% Rep . Henry Hyde ( R-Illinois ) , Roman Catholic , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Bill McCollum ( R-Florida ) Episcopalian , lawyer , white , male 87% Rep . James E . Rogan ( R-California ) , Protestant , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . F . James Sensenbrenner ( R-Wisconsin ) , Episcopalian , lawyer , white , male - 100% Totals : Occupation : Lawyer ( 13 ) 100% Race : White ( 13 ) 100% Gender : Male ( 13 ) 100% Religion : Christian ( 13 ) 100% - [Baptist ( 1 ) , Episcopalian ( 2 ) , Greek Orthodox ( 1 ) , Methodist ( 2 ) , Mormon ( 1 ) , Presbyterian ( 2 ) , Protestant ( 1 ) , Roman Catholic ( 2 ) , Southern Baptist ( 1 ) ] +++ 035823 00001 donkirk - 08 : 44pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . House Republicans play fast and loose with facts in Senate impeachment presentation . . . . 035824 00001 persecution1 - 08 : 45pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *It ' s curious to me to see how few of you people who have been obsessively labouring to " get " President Clinton are here tonight . This should be a night for all republican haters to be dancing in the streets celebrating the fruits of their venomous labour . 035825 00001 dagwoodbumstead - 08 : 45pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *Blondie . I don ' t understand how one can forgive and demand punishment for a moral offense . Law and Church don ' t mix very well . 8 : 23 through 8 : 32 only one timid repelican appologist stuck its head ( I think its a head ) up to smear the first family by relations and association to the planet , I think . Right On Your Bad Selves . Blow ( oops , gonna get molested for that one ( oops , oops , sex is here to stay - all I can say ) the cousin ' s kids out of the hills . 035826 00001 hcrown1 - 08 : 46pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *For whatever reason that Clinton ' s moral control fell behind his responsibility as a ' defender of the faith ' , an icon , in his great office , in my humble opinion , there is no valid reason to remove him from that office and negate the will of the people as demonstrated by his elections and by current polls . What individual , cognizant of his moral lapse , would not fabricate to save a marriage and a family and more important , to continue the function as President of the United States where he has performed so competently . His first election centered around his slogan - " It ' s the economy - " The economy is well despite international economic chaos . Education , enlargement of police staffs , health , crime reduction - we have them all . Despite much obfuscation this has become a political manoevre on the part of the republicans and come 2000 they will rue the day . Hilliard Crown - Santa Fe , New Mexico 035827 00001 teririley - 08 : 48pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) > 00002 hey deb : - ) } 00003 *As far as I know they were married and the former Mrs . Barr was faithful to her husband and I think the other night LF had a photo-copy of the cancelled check with Rep . Barr ' s sig on it and it wasn ' t that long ago . He pled the 5th to avoid selfincrimination so no charges can be brought against him in a court of law , but in the court of public opinion , that ' s another matter . 035828 00001 dogbert85 - 08 : 49pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . George Bush Jr . is a member of racist and gay-bashing " clubs " . This makes him imminently qualified to be the repug standard bearer in 2000 . LOL 035829 00001 yippie7 - 08 : 51pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *mr . sex fiend bob barr , did you licked your mistress ' breasts today ? asa hutchinson , did you jacked off today , boy ? sensenbrenner , did you jacked off today , boy ? lindsey , did you jacked off today on the picture of President Bill Clinton ? hyde did you wrecked a marriage today , fat boy ? Inquiry minds want to know , when all of you dump assess opened the pandora ' s box to look at EVERY house and senators , and future presidents sexual history ! 035830 00001 southerndeb - 08 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 * " Hey , Boo . " Miss Jean Louise Finch > 00003 dickmorr 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 19pm } 00004 *Sorry dickmorr . . . the server is so slow , I just now saw your message . Certain lefty posters cry foul over Barr and others with their sexual hypocracies . . . . well Clinton and Jordan should be hoisted by their own petards by the Anita Hill crowd - instead , he is forgiven because he insincerely said he was " sorry " . Clinton and his sexual harassment practices just show the Democrats true laws to live by : Do what I say is good for you , not what I might want to do myself . > 00005 Searingtruth . . . } 00006 *No matter how you look at the matter , Clinton interfered with the justice system . . . whether it was a bogus suit or not . He allowed another witness to file a false affadavit , and then lied that yes the affadavit was true . Even Bennett has admitted as much by his letter to Judge Wright . At the time the affadavit was filed , nobody knew the suit would go to appeal did they ? He could not have known whether the false testimony would have helped or not . Point is , he knowingly allowed it to be entered in as evidence . He f*cked the justice system because he thought he was above it Searingtruth . . . and for that alone he should be jailed . 035831 00001 gabrial - 08 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *China denies US access to Panchen Lama 035832 00001 thermopylae1 - 08 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) > 00002 hcrown1 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 46pm } 00003 *What drivel , the man could care less about his wife and kid , he has been cheating on them for 25 years , but thats his business . It became my business when he indecently exposed himself to a 22 year old employee and then lied about it in a civil lawsuit . What flavor Kool Aid do you prefer ? +++ 035833 00001 svcarlson - 08 : 54pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *For all would-be lawyers . The first thing to learn in a trial practice is the word " cause of action " . What is the cause of action ? If you don ' t have a cause of action , even if you prove that what you charge is true , it fails because the complaint doesn ' t state a valid cause of action . To be valid it has to be based on statute ( or constitutional documents ) or on case law showing a cause of action . Conversely , case law can demonstrate that a stated cause of action should be dismissed . In this case , the cause of action amounts to this : Would the allegations , even if true , amount to a cause of action for impeachment ? The House is not a Grand Jury . They have a Constitutional duty to review allegations like ' s and to determine if there is a cause of action . They didn ' t do that , simply muttering that experts disagree on what ' s impeachable . Apparently , there is also disagreement on what are experts . Now they are explaining to the Senate why they thought they had a cause of action . The Senate , on reviewing this less than impressive showing of political and legal leadership in the lower body , are simply going to reject their actions , and that ' s it . The only reason the House managers of this weak showing are trying to get witnesses in is so they can whip up their hard-core minority of followers and possibly sway some who are not elected , and who have no idea of what an impeachable offense is or why it should

be important . Sorry . They should have done that in there own body . 035834 00001 erqil - 08 : 56pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *Did somebody hear the presentations of the Managers this afternoon ? After the congressman from Wisconsin utterred the first word , I turned away . This man began his presentation with a quote something like nobody is above the law . Duh ! ! ! but when it comes to president impeachment , Presidents sems above some laws . 035835 00001 searingtruth - 08 : 56pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *I ' m sorry , but I am having to skip responding to a lot of good posts , from both sides . The server is so slow that real time interaction is not possible . 035836 00001 dogbert85 - 08 : 57pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . " After House impeachment and Senate action , no high official will be tempted to lie under oath or obstruct justice again soon . " Bill Safire , the Nixonian hack who pretends to be a journalist , makes the mistake many RW journalist have made this last year in assuming guilt before a trial in this " scandal " . Safire has done everything in his power to keep this scandal buring short of setting DC on fire . It ' s time he retires to pasture where his " cud chewing " can be appreciated by other broken down bulls . 035837 00001 jolietjake1 - 08 : 58pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) > 00002 dogbert85 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 27pm > 00003 svcarlson 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 26pm } 00004 *And when they see that all their pon-tootling Drib drubbling , Flash-grubbling and outright swan-tootling , In the end all mean nothing and only the Truth will show you . . . When they see that their lies and obscurations are all through , And that they still havn ' t rescued Bill from his god-awful stew . . . Well , that ' s when all the libs down in Who-ville will all cry . . . Boo Hoooo ! -The Gingrinch 035838 00001 powerside1 - 08 : 59pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 searingtruth 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 39pm } 00004 *The President was only accused of making one pass at Paula Jones . } 00005 *ONLY one pass ? That ' s OK under the new liberal " one free grope " standard . Never mind that the President had his pants down when he made the pass . } 00006 *the Republicans were caught with their pants down . } 00007 *An infelicitous analogy on your part . The undisputable evidence is that the prevaricator-in-chief is the one with the problem of not being able to keep his pants up and getting caught with his pants down ! } 00008 *the President technically avoided perjury } 00009 *How comforting it must be to you to find solace in dubious arguments that " the President technically avoided perjury , " exactly the sort of pride proper to a criminal who would evade his just desserts through a technicality . How proud Clinton ' s defenders must be of their president , though such pride degrades them even beneath his level--for one can hardly be proud of someone who is less than oneself . But , in truth , the question of whether the president " technically " committed perjury has yet to be decided . 035839 00001 dickmorr - 09 : 02pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) > 00002 hcrown : } 00003 *Taking about elections , only about 40% of all eligible voters voted in the 1992 1nd 1996 elections as I recall . Clinton won the 1996 election with a 42% minority vote ( I was one of those dummys that voted for him both times ) . If a little pipsqueak fro m texas hadn ' t run , Bush would have won going away . In the second election , OJ could have pooled more votes than Dole . SAo you should not feel all that comfortable about Clinton ' s mandate to rule . Secondly , many of us that did vote are ashamed that we did vote and will certainly look elsewhere in the next election . Clinton is shameful - and the worse part of it all , he won ' t admit he really did wrong . All of this mess could have been headed off months ago if he had told the truth . People make mistakes , but when you cover the mistake up - like Nixon did , you must pay the penalty . Its really that simple . In the mean time , Clinton ' s attack mentality ( coined by Carville ) is making many loyal Democrats really mad - including me and my WWII , Korean War golfing buddies . We also do not like draft dodgers . Clinton ' s form of Democratic Party mentality is terrible and must be stopped before ir self destructs . 035840 00001 thermopylae1 - 09 : 02pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36051 ) > 00002 dogbert85 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 49pm } 00003 *Did they let all the race-baiting lying sacks of leftist dung out of the asylum at the same time or are they now on-line ? > 00004 yippie7 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 51pm Hey genius , the guy slappin the monkey on the womens desks in the oval office is your hero . +++ 035841 00001 erqil - 09 : 03pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36050 ) } 00002 *Did somebody hear the presentations of the Managers this afternoon ? After the congressman from Wisconsin utterred the first word , I turned away . This man began his presentation with a quote something like nobody is above the law . Duh ! ! ! But when it comes to president impeachment , like it or not , Presidents seems above some laws . 035842 00001 taymar8326 - 09 : 07pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36050 ) > 00002 dogbert85 re ; - 07 : 09pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( # of 35789 ) } 00003 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . " Many repugs are members of " Clubs " and Orgainzations that are either racist , gay bashing or both . This is a matter of public record , not private opinion . Their outright hatred for those not like themselves is directly reponsible for many of the " hate " crimes committed in America . Keep up the good work repugs . " I read someone on these boards compare the far left liberal socialist movement with the far right christian movement . Neither are representitive of the majority in either party . They simply make the most noise . I agree completely . BTW it seems to me that the liberal left through their policy of discredit , ridicule , and ignore are the hate mongers in this crowd . Now . . . would I mong you ? 00004 [Very sly grin] . > 00005 supkis re ; - 07 : 22pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( # of 35810 ) } 00006 * " Watching the pro republicans teeter between outrage at our President having sex and the desire to project themselves as sexy frat rats is very funny . " } 00007 *The funniest thing on these boards ' supi ' is you , and your off the wall and hateful opinion . > 00008 klambal re ; - 07 : 26pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( # of 35810 ) } 00009 * " REPUBLICANS ARE WASTING THE COUNTRY ' S RESOURCES AND TIME WITH NOTHING NEW TO SAY . THEY HAVE BEEN TOTALLY NEGLECTING THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY AND INDULGING IN FILTHY POLITICS . " The republicans and a few moderate dems are the only ones respectful of their constitutional duties . The rest are simply covering for the chief felon and company . " 68% AMERICANS ARE SICK OF THEIR OBSESSION TO UNDO RESULTS OF TWO ELECTIONS . HYPOCRITS LIKE HYDE , BARR AND OTHERS ARE DRIVING THEM . TRENT LOTT SEEMS TO BE INCAPABLE OF FILLING THE LEADERSHIP GAP . GOP . 2000 IS NOT TOO FAR AND YOU WILL BE TAUGHT A LESSON . " } 00010 * An overwelming 73% of Americans want witness ' s called . Curious no ? Falls under the heading . . . If there ' s nothing hide , there ' s nothing to fear . The president and his welps apparently have plenty to hide ! 035843 00001 beemer10 - 09 : 08pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36050 ) } 00002 *My , has this forum slid into the realm of afterbirth . It ' s hardly consoling that some of Clinton ' s supporters are now the reactionaries they so often love to hate . If he obstructed justice , he committed a felony . . . and I don ' t care much how he got there . He is , afterall , supposed to be special -a symbolic leader for America in -- his words -- " the most ethical Administration in history . " If he hadn ' t always been so doggone smug about his ability to lie his way out of an adulthood full of nonsense , he would never have testified . . . . But sad to say his abilities to pander to the intellectually challenged among the

electorate shows little sign of abating . Truly , he WAS set up . . . and not admirably . But the smelly ooze of the Arkansas days threatened all along . . . from Red Bone , to McDougal , to Hubble , Foster , Brown , to Willey , m ' gosh what a stench . He got so accustomed to outpacing the stink he assumed he could seduce a naive employee in the workplace and no one could ( or would ) catch him or care . . . and that he ' d be able to lie if detected -- like always . But this time he was wrong . . . . Emerald City is slime central . . . and it goes both ways . And the sun will come up tomorrow . Leadership in the federal government is only important in times of great national duress . Thankfully this is not one of those times . . . although Clinton may yet let or prompt its occurence . Can you imagine Monica ' s reputation today if she hadn ' t kept the dress ? Piece . 035844 00001 searingtruth - 09 : 08pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36050 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 donkirk 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 44pm } 00004 *Awesome Donkirk . It sure is amazing what bad liars the Republican politicians are . Smells like desperation . 035845 00001 thermopylae1 - 09 : 09pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36050 ) > 00002 erqil 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 03pm } 00003 *Yo Erkel , it didn ' t make any sense the first time , the second time really sucked . 035846 00001 southerndeb - 09 : 10pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36050 ) } 00002 * " Hey , Boo . " Miss Jean Louise Finch I can ' t stand this server . A closing statement . I think a very good job was done today by all involved . I think the seriousness and gravity of the situation was felt by all involved except for the tequila shooter party held by Frank , Waters , Jackson-Lee , Conyers et al while they were watching the proceedings . A little anesthesia as it were ...... Goodnight everybody . 035847 00001 jolietjake1 - 09 : 12pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36050 ) > 00002 erqil 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 03pm } 00003 *Okey-doke , Erquil . Whatever . The feeble-minded are humorous in small doses , but now they are beginning to bore me . Good night all . 035848 00001 rglisson - 09 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36050 ) } 00002 *I don ' t understand . I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat - if anything I am a " constitutional " libertarian . I don ' t think anyone is " dancing in the streets " because of this shameful business . Certainly not anyone I know . There is far too much changing of the subject going on . There is absolutely no point in namecalling or attacking the prosecutor . The case managers are not on trial . If they have committed crimes , they should be prosecuted , but that has nothing to do with the question that ' s on the table now . I don ' t see how WJC can be excused because his testimony concerned a " private " matter . I was in court on Monday testifying as a witness . If I could lie with impunity because I thought the other side had some invidious motive , or was connected with someone whose politics I disliked , or just because I thought the case was no good , what would my oath be worth ? What would the trial be worth ? The judges might just as well close the courts and go home if that is to be the standard . +++ 035849 00001 svcarlson - 09 : 14pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) } 00002 * I thought Sensenbrenner looked like he was reading a list of charges in a very cold , unconvincing and artificial style . I have argued cases before , with a good record . As a presenter , I can sense when I am connecting , usually because I am saying things that inspire belief in the listener . This connection was sadly lacking in S ' s presentation . The most Sensenbrenner did was to reach , stretch really , to argue that if a party lies to other people in events that are brought to a case , that is obstructing justice . It ' s an intriguing idea , but not one I see the country ' s leading lawmakers spending much time on . The whole purpose of a trial is to get at the truth , not to punish all parties involved for their behavior leading up to trial . As I said , the purpose of a trial is a cause of action . If there ' s no valid cause of action , parties and judges can ' t just manufacture one of the interactions of the parties leading to the determination of facts and rulings of law . This is the kind of spinning that the Republicans have been doing for four years , and especially since they discovered a ) they didn ' t have a case in Whitewater and b ) they had Monica Lewinsky , which might provide a good chance to confuse and misled the public . What a bunch of losers . 035850 00001 taymar8326 - 09 : 15pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) > 00002 donkirk - re ; 08 : 44pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35823 of 35845 ) } 00003 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . } 00004 * " House Republicans play fast and loose with facts in Senate impeachment presentation . . . . " } 00005 *The unmitigated balls . . . you make reference to republicans playing fast and loose with the truth ! Tell me Mr . Constitution . . . exactly what does [it] mean ? Your boy ' s don ' t ' wag the dog ' they shook it to death . 035851 00001 searingtruth - 09 : 16pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 persecution1 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 45pm } 00004 *It ' s curious to me to see how few of you people who have been obsessively labouring to " get " President Clinton are here tonight . This should be a night for all republican haters to be dancing in the streets celebrating the fruits of their venomous labour . } 00005 *No kidding . As I stated in my first post this evening , the Republicans presentation was dismal . The naked truth of their hollow charges was self evident . They even recognized this themselves , as evidenced by their constant statements for the need to " look at the whole picture " for a " pattern " of crime . In other words , we ain ' t got nothin ' , but if you bear with us we will lay out our case of innuendo and outrageously jumped to conclusions . Geez . I wouldn ' t be here if I were on their side either . 035852 00001 powerside1 - 09 : 17pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 svcarlson 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 54pm } 00004 *Your condescending legal-speak about no " cause of action " is not only misplaced , but also simply wrong . } 00005 *The concept of " cause of action " applies only in civil cases , not in criminal cases . If an impeachment proceding can be analogized to any other legal proceeding , it would be most similar to a criminal trial . But , indeed , an impeachment trial is neither a civil nor a criminal action . Thus , all your high-flown language is just inapposite hot air stinking up the discussion . Here are the words you need to focus on : US CONSTITUIION , ARTICLE I , SECTION 2 : } 00006 * " The House of Representatives . . . shall have sole Power of Impeachment . " } 00007 *It doesn ' t say , " The House shall share the impeachment power with a few hundred wide-reared liberal academicians and book lawyers . " Don ' t need a pseudo-expert to figure that one out . 035853 00001 thermopylae1 - 09 : 17pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) > 00002 rglisson 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 13pm } 00003 *EXACTLY , and with that touch of sanity I bid you all goodnight ( well the right of center posters anyway ) ( G ) 035854 00001 dickmorr - 09 : 17pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) > 00002 persecution1 : } 00003 *Dancing in the streets ? Hardly . That is something party people do . Impeachment is a very serious process , and is nothing to shout about . } 00004 *The republican impeachment managers have shown a very compelling case today - I watched every last bit of it and was quite surprised by the obstruction of justice facts against the President . Everyone agrees the President committed perjury , but there is considerable evidence about obstruction also . The thought of Al Gore running this country is unpleasant so that is another reason why people aren ' t partying . Our Senators will have a very difficult job ahead of them if they are truely impartial with their votes . Based on what was pesented today , the President looks very bad and getting worse . Do you think the President lawyers can save the Prez ? So far , they have proven to be incompetant . 035855 00001 52081 - 09 : 17pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) } 00002 *mrclinton commited perjury when he said he was not paying attention to his lawyer who offered monica ' s false affidavit , this was a lie , the jones deposition shows him being very attentive when his lawyer said he did not have sex with monica 035856 00001 wombat2b - 09 : 19pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) } 00002 *Why can ' t the networks spice up this BORING TRIAL ? Please Mr Pool Cameraman , watching Mr Senseinbrenner sic , or whoever , for what seems like endless droning hours is torture . Scan the jury . Viewers want to see reaction shots . Are the Senators worried , pensive , titulated , asleep , flirting with pages , drinking out of paperbags . . . . . what , what are they doing ? 035857 00001 yippie7 - 09 : 20pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36049 ) > 00002 thermopylae1 - 09 : 02pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35840 of 35846 ) > 00003 dogbert85 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 49pm } 00004 *Did they let all the race-baiting lying sacks of leftist dung out of the asylum at the same time or are they now on-line ? > 00005 yippie7 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 51pm } 00006 *Hey genius , the guy slappin the monkey on the womens desks in the oval office is your hero . I forgive the President . At LEAST , He had already admitted that the relationship was wrong numerous time and NO Divorce . Hyde and barr never will be humanly enough to admit that they ' re wrong in their sexual relationship and is judging the President . They should go to hell ! +++ 035858 00001 dnr10 - 09 : 22pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 * There is no doubt in any reasonable persons mind that Clinton is guilty of the Charges brought against him . Congress WILL do its job--they will answer to history not the polls that are a flash in the pan by comparison . Felonies are felonies no matter how they are spun by the guilty . 035859 00001 donkirk - 09 : 23pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . > 00003 RE : searingtruth 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 08pm } 00004 *The House case is so incredibly weak , I am really surprised that it has brought them this far . Wait until next Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday ( or maybe only Monday and Wednesday , if the President ' s lawyers take Tuesday off in deference to the State of the Union Address ) . They will absolutely bury these pathetic , trumped-up allegations . tna1pada ' s analysis of the House Manager ' s brief and that of the President ' s legal team was really informative . Stay tuned . It ' s really funny to see these Republicans trying to play King of the Mountain as they stand on their molehill . 035860 00001 bobby58 - 09 : 27pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 *WHY DO THE PEOPLE IN CONGRESS HATE CLINTON SO BAD - AND THE WORKING PEOPLE LOVE HIM 035861 00001 yippie7 - 09 : 28pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) > 00002 dnr10 - 09 : 22pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35858 of 35858 ) } 00003 *There is no doubt in any reasonable persons mind that Clinton is guilty of the Charges brought against him . Congress WILL do its job--they will answer to history not the polls that are a flash in the pan by comparison . Felonies are felonies no matter how they are spun by the guilty . What if the polls were reverse and favoring the white wing republican so called house managers ? You would jump for joy and say " SEE , LOOK at the POLLS ! 035862 00001 52081 - 09 : 28pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 *Mr . Clinton is insulting the intelligence of the American people . He asked the question it depends on what the definition of is , ( is ) ? He is trying to hoodwink us by using a play on words . He should be found guilty when the impeachment trial is over , because he allowed his laywer ( Robert Bennett ) to submit Ms . Lewinsky ' s false affidavit when he knew it was full of lies . He made his laywer look like a fool . 035863 00001 butler5555 - 09 : 28pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 *We have the facts related to the actions by the President and others ; and we have the connective tissue . There was plenty of connective tissue weaved by the GOP managers . But it depends so much on some giant leaps of faith , I don ' t think it will be enough to overcome the boredom factor . Many know the facts and find it difficult to accept the fabric in which the managers have woven . It will be the White House ' s turn to weave their web around the facts . I expect they ' ll be equally boring . The burden of the GOP is to make their case and to make it interesting enough so that a great many people will find it convincing and make it known to their senators . Sounds like an impossible quest ; these folks are kind of personally boring . You wouldn ' t invite them to your party to liven things up . Will the nets interrupt the soaps , Gerry , and Oprah again tomorrow ? 035864 00001 52081 - 09 : 29pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 *Mr . Clinton is insulting the intelligence of the American people . He asked the question it depends on what the definition of is , ( is ) ? He is trying to hoodwink us by using a play on words . He should be found guilty when the impeachment trial is over , because he allowed his laywer ( Robert Bennett ) to submit Ms . Lewinsky ' s false affidavit when he knew it was full of lies . He made his laywer look like a fool . 035865 00001 svcarlson - 09 : 30pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) > 00002 power - } 00003 *I find your argument that the structure of a criminal proceeding is more akin to impeachment than a civil trial to be extremely weak . In a criminal trial , only those actions which are clearly contemplated by a state are punishable by stated penalties . None of those elements , obviously , are present in this impeachment . A civil trial structure is much more appropriate , and I think we all know it . A cause of action is stated by the phrase high crimes and misdemeanours , with all its legislative intent . From this we are to determine if a cause of the action of impeachment can be found . All this rigamarole about depriving Paula Jones of a fair trial has nothing to do with impeachment . She can get justice through the courts , and apparently has . Impeachment is not Ms . Jones ' affair . It is ours , powerside , yours and mine . And your argument to impeach my President is indeed just so much hot air . 035866 00001 donkirk - 09 : 31pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . } 00003 *RE : taymar8326 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 15pm Follow the link , Doofus , and see that

it is the Associated Press which documents the Republicans ' factual inaccuracies , not me . duh* ( What ' s this you keep screaming about not killing the messenger ? ? ? ) 035867 00001 taymar8326 - 09 : 33pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) > 00002 donkirk - 09 : 23pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35859 of 35859 ) } 00003 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . } 00004 * " Wait until next Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday ( or maybe only Monday and Wednesday , if the President ' s lawyers take Tuesday off in deference to the State of the Union Address ) . They will absolutely bury these pathetic , trumped-up allegations . " } 00005 *No . . . I don ' t think so . The senate right or left , save the socialist factions have no more stomach for the man . If they vote their conscience and put partisanship aside your boy is toast . No pension , no Hillary [rats usually desert sinking ships] , no legacy save the outcome of the criminal prosecution . } 00006 * " tna1pada ' s analysis of the House Manager ' s brief and that of the President ' s legal team was really informative . Stay tuned . " } 00007 *More from the attorney turned gardener . Curious . To much fertilizer perhaps . } 00008 * " It ' s really funny to see these Republicans trying to play King of the Mountain as they stand on their molehill . " } 00009 *Molehill ? Just the tip of the iceberg . Best is yet to come ! +++ 035868 00001 searingtruth - 09 : 33pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 southerndeb 1 / 14 / 99 8 : 53pm } 00004 *Searingtruth . . . No matter how you look at the matter , Clinton interfered with the justice system . . . whether it was a bogus suit or not . He allowed another witness to file a false affadavit , and then lied that yes the affadavit was true . Even Bennett has admitted as much by his letter to Judge Wright . At the time the affadavit was filed , nobody knew the suit would go to appeal did they ? He could not have known whether the false testimony would have helped or not . Point is , he knowingly allowed it to be entered in as evidence . He f*cked the justice system because he thought he was above it Searingtruth . . . and for that alone he should be jailed . } 00005 *Huh ? . He didn ' t commit perjury , he just outsmarted the VRWC . Even if he had lied or committed perjury , inflated assertions that this would somehow affect the justice system or the " rule of law " are ludicrous . No one , except for the VRWC and their supporters , has ever fallen for any of this pious , hypocritical , and vehement rhetoric . It ' s interesting that you don ' t care if Paula Jones brought a false suit against the President , since this would also be illegal , and would have been the first crime . It ' s also interesting that none of the right wing supporters seem to mind that Ken Starr used known illegal evidence , the illegal recordings , in his pursuit of the President . It seems that violations of morality and law are very subjective to the right wing . If any of them do it , it ' s justifiable . If anyone else does it , they have destroyed the " rule of law " . This is exactly why the Republican party has no credibility anymore . Look at all the lies they told just today during their presentation . Honestly , it was pathetic . 035869 00001 gensec - 09 : 35pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 yippie7 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 20pm : } 00004 * I forgive the President . At LEAST , He had already admitted that the relationship was wrong numerous time and NO Divorce . } 00005 *Forgiving Bill for letting Monica have sex with him while he wasn ' t have sex with Monica is Hillary ' s business , not the Senate ' s business or mine . ( We can assume she will . After all these years , the First Doormat must surely be used to it . ) The Senate ' s business is Bill ' s crimes , not his frolics . } 00006 *Hyde and barr never will be humanly enough to admit that they ' re wrong in their sexual relationship and is judging the President . They should go to hell ! Again not my business ; I think that one ' s in God ' s jurisdiction . We have a government of laws , not a theocracy ( thank God ) , so dealing with violations of the law , not " sins against God " , is the Government ' s business . 035870 00001 dickmorr - 09 : 35pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) > 00002 bobby58 : } 00003 *Working people love him ? Not this old boy and all of my over 50 year buddies and relatives . Clinton has permitted the EEOC to permit all kinds of age , race , sex discrimination and he never speaks up against any of it . } 00004 *The white and blue collar people over 50 are dead meat . That is another reason why we dislike the turkey so much . You to will find out when you reach 50 and a week later you get your pink slip . Talk to the poor people in Flint michigan that worked their entire lives on an assembly line and ask them how much they like ) dislike ) the President . Ask the tomato pickers in Florida and Texas how much the President has done for them ? Try nothing . 035871 00001 taymar8326 - 09 : 38pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) > 00002 donkirk - 09 : 31pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35866 of 35867 ) } 00003 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . RE : taymar8326 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 15pm " Follow the link , Doofus , and see that it is the Associated Press which documents the Republicans ' factual inaccuracies , not me . " } 00004 *I read the link ' dick head ' . You choose to use it to support of your lame argument in defense of the first felon not me . 035872 00001 powerside1 - 09 : 41pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 svcarlson 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 14pm } 00004 *Yes , as always , you liberal residents of the brave new world prefer style over substance . Indeed , you are incapable of seeing substance--unless you make that all-important " connection " with your interlocutor . How touchy-feely . I see why you guys fall for that feel-your-pain crap . Instead , how about giving a try to making a connection with the truth ? For your improvement in that regard , focus your attention on a small but telling point that was brough out in today ' s proceedings and illustrates well how this president lacks a decent respect for truth : On November 15 , 1995 , Clinton and Lewinsky exchanged a few brief words for the first time . This was also the very first time they had ever met . Within a few hours of moment Bill Clinton first learned Monica ' s name , they had their first sexual encounter . Yet in his prepared grand jury statement , the president said that he was sorry that a relationship " that began in friendship came to include " sexual contact . Obviously , this relationship did not " begin in friendship , " unless you want to put a very trivial meaning on the concept of friendship ( which would not surprise me given the moral shallowness of Clinton ' s defenders ) . The relationship began with sex . So why would the president try to weave this " began in frienship " spin on the explantion of his conduct ? The answer is obvious : Clinton uses the " began in friendship " spin because he wants to steal the undeserved sympathy of those good souls who understand how the true feelings of warm friendship can sometimes translate into a more armorous passion . He uses the " began in friendship " spin to try to dignify and veil what can only be characterized as the most tawdry kind of sexual expediency . This is but a small snippet of a large and revolting picture . But this small bit of the story reveals exactly the kind of thought process that clouds the moral lights of this man whom you would defend . +++ 035873 00001 rodney54 - 09 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 * BELTWAY RUMORS : Monica will take the Fifth if supoened by the Prosecution . Bill AND Hillary will voluntarily testify as witnesses for the Defense . Comments ? 035874 00001 tolbach1 - 09 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) > 00002 52081 } 00003 *Lawyers don ' t need any help looking like fools . They do it gladly , as long as you pay them , like any prostitute . For further proof , you can look at the postings here of svcarlson . . . > 00004 dnr10 } 00005 *Would like to think you ' re correct about the Senate doing its duty , but does anyone believe the vote will be anything but partisan ? Have you seen Harkins ' statements ? Do you think Schumer suddenly transformed himself from a nasty , scheming , ideologically pure Socialist when he moved from the House to the Senate ? Do you think Kennedy will be impartial ( or sober ) ? No way . 035875 00001 gensec - 09 : 43pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 searingtruth 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 33pm : } 00004 *It ' s also interesting that none of the right wing supporters seem to mind that Ken Starr used known illegal evidence , the illegal Linda Tripp recordings , in his pursuit of the President . } 00005 *There ' s no legal problem or policy against that . If one person ' s criminal behavior unearths evidence against another criminal , and law enforcement gets a hold of it later , that evidence is perfectly admissable in court . It ' s only when evidence is acquired through a violation of law by law enforcement officers that it ' s inadmissable , and the tapes that were made by Ken ' s investigators were authorized by a court order . 035876 00001 artriot - 09 : 46pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 *Political forums are like throwing 666 chainsaws together at high speed . Scallywag ' s and Carpetbager ' s , what a joke . If those nut that put there whole political life on the line , if they just knew what " Fools " they are . It is sad , and to fall in political quicksand just because the Republican hardliners , like Hyde , If he jumped off a cliff they would jump also . Ok all you Right Wingers , how long does it take to get egg of your face ? Jump in here and let the Democrats chew on your leg a while . We want be to harsh on y ' a , If you will just tell us how wrong you are . Sucks don ' t it ? 035877 00001 svcarlson - 09 : 48pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) } 00002 * So what don ' t you like , Powerside , the President ' s style or the substance of these so-called impeachable offenses ? I don ' t know if what is in the referral is true or what they mean by a few hours or what they mean by sexual encounter . But I suppose you do ? I see where you ' re going with this , but first we ' re appalled at the sexual contact by Monica Lewinsky , then we ' re appalled that the President doesn ' t characterize it as a sexual relationship or affair ( would you so characterize what you ' ve just described ? ) and now we ' re appalled that the events happened too fast . Well , be appalled if you want , that ' s your right . But do you truly believe you ' re describing an impeachable cause of action ? I can ' t believe you do . 035878 00001 odin99 - 09 : 50pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36048 ) > 00002 searingtruth - 09 : 33pm } 00003 * " He ( Clinton ) didn ' t commit perjury , he just outsmarted the VRWC . " } 00004 * He also appears to have outsmarted you and the rest of the VLWC ( Vast Left Wing Coverup ) . } 00005 * " Even if he had lied or committed perjury , inflated assertions that this would somehow affect the justice system or the " rule of law " are ludicrous . " } 00006 *Not as ludicrous as those of you on the Left who see no problem with the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in America lying under oath before a Federal Grand Jury . By the way , that ' s FELONY PERJURY . . . and impeachable " high crime " . } 00007 * " No one , except for the VRWC and their supporters , has ever fallen for any of this pious , hypocritical , and vehement rhetoric . " } 00008 *You Vast Left Wing Cover-uppers , the so-called and self-styled champion of Womens ' Rights and the downtrodden , get in bed with Larry Flynt and Bill Clinton himself , two of the most abusive sex perverts and harassers in the world , and you call US hypocritical . Yyyyyyikes ! Just how many corners does your mouth have anyway ? } 00009 * " It ' s interesting that you don ' t care if Paula Jones brought a false suit against the President " } 00010 *Just as you donn ' t seem to care that Sexual Harassment is a crime these days . > 00011 yippie7 - 9 : 20pm : } 00012 *Forgiving Bill for letting Monica have sex with him while he wasn ' t have sex with Monica is Hillary ' s business , not the Senate ' s business or mine . " It became our business the moment he used our Oval Office and our federally employed intern for sexual purposes , then lied about it under oath before a Federal Grand Jury . You ' re too late , diversions and obfuscations won ' t help him . +++ 035879 00001 roger660 - 09 : 51pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *There were several points along the way where this travesty should have been halted : Starr should have been forced to stop after the Whitewater , Filegate , Travelgate etc . investigations failed to find wrongdoing . The U . S . Supreme Court should not have allowed Paula Jones to continue with a civil suit against a sitting president . Janet Reno should not have given Starr permission to investigate the Lewinski relationship . And then the House Judiciary Committee and the House should have refused to approve articles of impeachment . Now , the Senate should vote for dismissal as soon as possible . 035880 00001 dnr10 - 09 : 51pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) > 00002 yippie7 - 09 : 28pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35861 of 35872 } 00003 *Not really , because I don ' t have much faith in polls . If they are so good why don ' t use them instead of making everybody go out and vote . If polls were used to make all of our national decisions-- I doubt our society would benefit . ie where would civil rights be today if we went by the polls in the 60 ' s and 70 ' s . 035881 00001 dickmorr - 09 : 52pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *You say the President ' s ; awyers will blow ( sic ) the evidense presented by the Republican impeachment managers out of the water ? We shall see . They were given the opportunity to present witnesses in the House and all they brought in were stupes . If they sit there and argue that the President did commit perjury and slightly obstructed justice ( it was only sex ) and don ' t call witnesses , then they have not freed the President from the charges . The American public will consider the judicial process a sham and the Presidency will be slighted to approving the number of waste paper baskets in the third floor of the White House . Carville will then take over the running of the United States government . Great scenerio . We are all waiting with baited breaths for the President ' s lawyers to free him at last from these right wing charges . 035882 00001 searingtruth - 09 : 54pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 donkirk 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 23pm } 00004 * . . . Wait until next Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday ( or maybe only Monday and Wednesday , if the President ' s lawyers take Tuesday off in deference to the State of the Union Address ) . They will absolutely bury these pathetic , trumped-up allegations . . . . } 00005 *No kidding . It ' s going to be absolute murder . Especially after all the bald faced lies they told today . NYT Moderator What ' s with the server ? . It ' s been like this for a week now . 035883 00001 donkirk - 09 : 57pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . > 00003 RE : taymar8326 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 33pm } 00004 *You still don ' t have a clue . Nearly every one of those 100 United States Senators already knows exactly how he / she will vote at the end of this charade . And there are NOT 67 of them who will vote to convict the President and remove him from office . 035884 00001 newpress - 09 : 59pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *Hey Liberals , Counted the African American faces on the Democratic side of the Senate aisle lately ? 035885 00001 searingtruth - 10 : 05pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 taymar8326 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 33pm } 00004 * . . . Molehill ? Just the tip of the iceberg . Best is yet to come ! } 00005 *Now where have we heard this before ? . Wolf ! , Wolf ! , Wolf ! . 035886 00001 dogbert85 - 10 : 06pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . That BC will be acquitted is certain . This impeachment will be just a footnote of nasty partisan politics in the history books . Future generations will wonder how an affair coverup could ever have been trumped up to impeachment . Only we living thru it know the obseesion and hatred that have played such a role in this witchhunt . Power to the people . 035887 00001 jimmie50 - 10 : 06pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) > 00002 rodney54 - 09 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35873 of 35876 ) } 00003 *BELTWAY RUMORS : Monica will take the Fifth if supoened by the Prosecution . Bill AND Hillary will voluntarily testify as witnesses for the Defense . Comments ? } 00004 *Monica - has immunity - can ' t take the 5th . Hillary - What could she testify to ? Not likely . Bill - Only if things get desperate - he ' s still the odds on favorite . 035888 00001 powerside1 - 10 : 09pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 I find your argument that the structure of a criminal proceeding is more akin to impeachment than a civil trial to be extremely weak . ( 1 ) It is weak , but it ' s not my argument . Read more closely . The point you miss that it is not closely analogous to either . All this rigamarole about depriving Paula Jones of a fair trial has nothing to do with impeachment . You think that unlawfully depriving a citizen of her civil rights is not impeachable ? But where would draw the line ? Would it also be unimpeachable to unlawfully and maliciously deprive a citizen of her civil right to life and liberty , so long as it is a " private matter " ? I think that all such unlawful and malicious deprivations of civil rights are not only impeachable , but also tyranical : when government officers use their state power , as Clinton did in this case , to oppress a private citizen . She can get justice through the courts , and apparently has . Ms . Jones succeeded in her civil action only because Clinton ' s lies were exposed . Thank the special counsel for that ! Do you really think Clinton would have settled with Jones otherwise ? +++ 035889 00001 donkirk - 10 : 10pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . > 00003 RE : gensec 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 43pm } 00004 *You are correct , of course , that the exclusionary rule does not apply to evidence obtained illegally by private citizens , unless they are acting at the direction of law enforcement officials . But " . . . the tapes that were made by Ken ' s investigators were authorized by a court order . " I would appreciate some documentation to back up that assertion . Linda Tripp was wired by the FBI and tape-recorded her conversation with Monica Lewinsky on January 13 , 1998 , but Starr ' s jurisdiction was not expanded to include the Lewinsky matter until January 16 , 1998 . How could any Court authorize a tape-recording before Starr had authority to investigate Lewinsky ? ? ? 035890 00001 wmrohr - 10 : 11pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *Ya know what ? I think that the reason the American people are reluctant to remove the President from office is that they can identify with his unwillingness to disclose the details of his private matters . The vehicle doesn ' t matter in maintaining privacy . The concealing of his relationship with Monica Lewinsky was OK . The abuse of judical power through asking the President questions , soley to embarass or entrap him into " perjured " testimony is not acceptable to three quarters of the American people when there was no underlying crime hidden by the testimony . It may be time to reign in the excesses of the judicial process . 035891 00001 kapit - 10 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) }

00002 *Charles Schumer said it well today . These guys from the House keep saying the same things over and over again , hoping that will make a difference in people ' s opinions . It won ' t . The public already know exactly what Clinton did . And yet we think that worst for this nation has been done by the Republicans , not by the President . 035892 00001 powerside1 - 10 : 14pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 gensec 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 43pm } 00004 * There ' s no legal problem or policy against that . If one person ' s criminal behavior unearths evidence against another criminal , and law enforcement gets a hold of it later , that evidence is perfectly admissable in court . It ' s only when evidence is acquired through a violation of law by law enforcement officers that it ' s inadmissable , and the tapes that were made by Ken ' s investigators were authorized by a court order . } 00005 *Thank you so much for helping to put to rest another bit of deception that is constantly being bandied about by the Clinton defenders . By their pathetic logic , if a bank-robber ' s loot were stolen by another criminal , who then got caught with the cash , the money could not be used as evidence against the bank-robber because it was " illegally obtained " ! Such logic well explains how searingtruth so quickly and easily swallows the thinest of spin ejaculated from vile organs of this White House . 035893 00001 pgibeau - 10 : 19pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) This forum gives credibility to the term " STUPID AMERICANS " 035894 00001 jova99 - 10 : 20pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * To answer the main question , YES - Bill Clinton should be removed from office . He has committed perjury , obstruction of justice and abuse of power . The evidence is overwhelming . but he will not be removed because the Senate

does not have the courage to do what is right , and nobody wants to see Al Gore as president . This trial will serve as a form of censure and we will be done with it next month . 035895 00001 pgibeau - 10 : 22pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *This forum gives credibility to the term " STUPID AMERICANS " 035896 00001 searingtruth - 10 : 22pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 powerside1 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 41pm } 00004 *Obviously , this relationship did not " begin in friendship , " unless you want to put a very trivial meaning on the concept of friendship ( which would not surprise me given the moral shallowness of Clinton ' s defenders ) . The relationship began with sex . } 00005 *Well , maybe he does want to put a very trivial meaning on the concept of friendship in this case . So what ? . } 00006 *So why would the president try to weave this " began in frienship " spin on the explantion of his conduct ? The answer is obvious : Clinton uses the " began in friendship " spin because he wants to steal the undeserved sympathy of those good souls who understand how the true feelings of warm friendship can sometimes translate into a more armorous passion . } 00007 *Nobody , except the VRWC , cares about the Presidents sexual relationships . We don ' t care how they started , how they ended , etc . , etc . , etc . It does not affect the way we good souls view the President . That ' s just the reality of our existence . } 00008 *He uses the " began in friendship " spin to try to dignify and veil what can only be characterized as the most tawdry kind of sexual expediency . } 00009 *Oh please . It was a perfectly normal relationship between two consenting adults . } 00010 *This is but a small snippet of a large and revolting picture . } 00011 *No kidding . } 00012 *But this small bit of the story reveals exactly the kind of thought process that clouds the moral lights of this man whom you would defend . } 00013 *Wow . You have to be joking . +++ 035897 00001 dogbert85 - 10 : 24pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . George Bush Jr . is a member of racist and gay-bashing RW " clubs " . This makes him imminently qualified to be the standard bearer for the repugs in 2000 . LOL 035898 00001 donkirk - 10 : 24pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . > 00003 RE : powerside1 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 09pm } 00004 *Some would disagree that Ms . Jones ' civil action " succeeded , " since it was summarily dismissed as being " without merit . " The end result was that Paula Jones got a free nosejob and some lawyers got nearly a million bucks . And the nation was put through a partisan impeachment process by a bunch of dimwit Republicans . 035899 00001 tna1pada3 - 10 : 27pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Hi ! My name is Mr . Republican ! Please shoot me ! No , really ! Just shoot me ! Shotgun or rifle , a head-shot suits me ; but just shoot me ! Thanks . Oh , yeah ; about that impeachment thing ! Just shoot me ! 035900 00001 padu329 - 10 : 27pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) > 00002 wmrohr----} 00003 *Precisely ! If the private sexual conduct of elected officials is going to be fair game for future independent counsels , then we are in for a soap opera without end ...... forget social security reform , campaign finance reform and all the rest of it ...... which is exactly what the GOP is hoping for . Their lack of a viable political agenda is at the bottom of this . 035901 00001 jolietjake1 - 10 : 29pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) > 00002 donkirk 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 57pm } 00003 *How in the heck do you know that DonKirk ? Perhaps one of the Dem Senators told you ? Good to see tha at least an intelligent lefty is on , though . . . ; ) 035902 00001 2ncrdr - 10 : 29pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *This morning while I was CNNing , I noticed a clip featuring Henry Hyde , comic trainer of that pack of 13 dogs baying at the President . Anyway , the clip showed Henry saying in the case featuring the prominent rightwinger Col Oliver North , that everyone should obey the law , but that sometimes there were more important considerations . ( Remind anyone of the " higher law " argument in preCivil War United States ) . He seems to be saying something different now . Hyde , as featured in this clip , went on to say whine about how " onerous " his persecution of the president was ( no misspelling back there ) , and that how he ' d gladly trade in the cares and burdens of his office for a Hershey Bar . I ' d love to give him one , and I think millions of Americans would love to simply deluge him . Not that he needs anything with lots of calories . Hopefully in a few weeks , he and the comic troupe will have moved on , and we can all read the latest revelations concerning Bob Barr in peace and quiet . 035903 00001 albert-armagh1 - 10 : 31pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *``Top 10 Occupations to Be Grateful Kenneth Starr Doesn ' t Practice ' ' 10 . Heart surgeon : KS : ``The operation was a complete success ; the Patient ? Uh , I ' m sorry to have to tell you this . . . ' ' 09 . Hostage Rescue Team Leader : KS : Good News : All the `terrorists ' are dead ; Hostages ? Oh yeah , them too . ' ' 08 . ? ? ? 07 . ? ? ? etc . 035904 00001 svcarlson - 10 : 31pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) > 00002 Wmrohr , } 00003 *right , Americans do not think the President ' s efforts to protect his privacy are a legitimate cause of action giving rise to impeachment . DonKirk , agreed . I just said that the courts are there to give Paula Jones justice , and I think they did , when her case was dismissed on the merits . Otherwise she could have appealed . When she settled , that was through the courts , too , not through Congress . And I see it as the inevitable result of the political blackmail of Linda Tripp , Nixon agent , and the new Joe McCarthy , Ken Starr . 035905 00001 donkirk - 10 : 35pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . > 00003 RE : tna1pada3 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 27pm } 00004 *Sorry , all firearms are in use at the time , shooting other Republicans in the feet in rapid-fire order . > 00005 RE : jolietjake1 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 29pm } 00006 *Hi , Sweeney . Go to document files . You ' ll find Reno ' s petition to the three-jude special division , dated January 16th . Starr ' s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee is clear that Tripp was wired by the FBI and recorded her luncheon with Lewinsky on January 13th -three days before his jurisdiction was expanded to include an investigation into Lewinsky ' s statement on the Tripp telephone tapes that she intended to lie in her deposition in the Jones matter . Again , the transcripts of the House Judiciary Committee hearings prove this . Use the search engine on the Washington Post website . +++ 035907 00001 searingtruth - 10 : 38pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Republican party stands bare naked before the world , its pious hypocrisy and disdain for democracy dripping from its tongue . > 00003 powerside1 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 14pm } 00004 * . . . Such logic well explains how searingtruth so quickly and easily swallows the thinest of spin ejaculated from vile organs of this White House . } 00005 *Please see Donkirk ' s excellent response ( thanks my friend ) . > 00006 donkirk 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 10pm 035908 00001 donkirk - 10 : 40pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . > 00002 RE : svcarlson 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 31pm } 00003 *I ' m a bit confused . Paula Jones did appeal Judge Wright ' s summary dismissal of her action against Clinton . That appeal was pending before the Eighth Circuit Appeals Court when Jones and Clinton reached a settlement on November 8th ( ? ) . Wish I knew who Jones ' benefactor is who picked up the $8 , 000+ tab for her rhinoplasty . Perhaps his initials are RMS ? ? ? 035909 00001 tna1pada3 - 10 : 41pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Please ! I ' m a republican ! Just shoot me ! 035910 00001 wombat2b - 10 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *Hey Mr Republican . . . . . I suggest you pay a visit to the Gun Control Forum . DEFCON4 and the boys finish cleaning their weapons right about now and always crave a little target practice before turning in . 035911 00001 powerside1 - 10 : 44pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 donkirk 1 / 14 / 99 9 : 57pm } 00004 *Nearly every one of those 100 United States Senators already knows exactly how he / she will vote at the end of this charade . And there are NOT 67 of them who will vote to convict the President and remove him from office . } 00005 *It ain ' t over ' til it ' s over ( and it ain ' t over ) . You may be right .

But then again , you may be wrong . I have some faith that the Senators take seriously their oath to do impartial justice , and doing so , will approach the case with open minds and make themselves amenable to rational argument from all sides of the issue . To call it a charade is an insult to the Senate . I also am optimistic ( and naive ? ) enough to think that the Senators will be influenced not only by the presentation of the evidence ( which , though it may be repetitive of what is already known , nonetheless has not been presented to them in this concentrated manner until now ) and optimistic that the Senators will be influenced by the arguments and deliberations they share with each other at the end of the presentation of the evidence . Therefore , I would hesitate to predict how they will vote after hearing the evidence and engaging each other in sober deliberation . Though I personally have come to the conclusion that Clinton should be removed ( largely because of his conduct after January 26 , 1998 ) , that decision is not mine to make . I will respect the decision of the Senate . 035912 00001 svcarlson - 10 : 46pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *Sure , > 00003 Akbert - } 00004 *they each injected themselves in the Paula Jones private civil matter with knowledge of a private inappropriate relationship the President had had with Monica Lewinsky . They used this knowledge to try to blackmail the President into making some misstep so they could destroy his Presidency . Is this somehow vague and ambiguous ? It seems so obvious to anyone who cared to pay attention . 035913 00001 donkirk - 10 : 47pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 35922 ) } donkirk - 10 : 47pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . > *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . > 00003 RE : tna1pada3 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 41pm } RE : tna1pada3 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 41pm } 00004 * " In responding to my favorable comment regarding your excellent analysis of the House Manager ' s brief vis-a-vis the President ' s lawyers ' brief , Taymar referred to you an hour or so as a " lawyer turned gardner . Curious . Too much fertilizer . " Or words to that effect . " } *In responding to my favorable comment regarding your excellent analysis of the House Manager ' s brief vis-a-vis the President ' s lawyers ' brief , Taymar referred to you an hour or so as a " lawyer turned gardner . Curious . Too much fertilizer . " Or words to that effect . Just wanted you to know the low esteem in which you are held by yet another member of the " get-Clinton " gang . I know you are totally , absolutely crushed . *that ' s a big grin on my face . * 00005 *Kudo ' s Mr . Kirk your quote was quite accurate , thank you . Your position as chief of the forum police squad is secure . BTW , I see you missed a spot on ' ada ' s ' boots , get to it kid . 035914 00001 tna1pada3 - 10 : 49pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " DEFCON4 and the boys Black powder isn ' t enough . . . blunderbusses . . . 00003 Just shoot me ! Um . . . cause I ' m a republican ! In the foot ! 035915 00001 svcarlson - 10 : 49pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) > 00002 DonKirk , } 00003 *sorry for any confusion . My point to Powerside is that nothing to do with Paula Jones is the stuff of impeachment ( and so nothing about the way the parties conducted themselves in the process could be ) . My point is that the courts are available to give Paula Jones the justice she deserved . The fact that she appealed , still within the court system , not the Congress , underscores my point , that the courts are the appropriate channel . If there ever really was an impeachable offense , that is what should occupy the attention and time of Congress and of all the American people . That has not occurred , and certainly not in anything to do with the Paula Jones case . +++ 035916 00001 searingtruth - 10 : 49pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *Thanks for the debate everyone , it has been fun . I ' m going to take a break and watch my " Terminator 2 Judgment Day " DVD on the ol ' big screen . I don ' t know what else to say about today ' s events . I hope everyone has a great evening , and I ' ll expect you all back here tomorrow for more democracy in action and , of course , more SearingTruth ! .

035917 00001 donkirk - 10 : 50pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . It is strange , is it not , that there are so few members of hte dark side in here this evening . One would think they would be overjoyed at the fine show put on today in the Senate chamber by the House Managers . It ' s funny , though : I didn ' t hear the Chief Justice , in his Gilbert & Sullivan operetta costume , singing " Send in the Clowns " before the Republicans ' entrance . Maybe I was in the latrine . 035918 00001 powerside1 - 10 : 51pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 searingtruth 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 22pm } 00004 *Well , maybe he does want to put a very trivial meaning on the concept of friendship in this case . So what ? . } 00005 * " So what ? " That is the answer the liberal residents of this brave new world give to every trivialization of every priceless moral concept : Friendship : So what ? Truth : So what ? Self-respect : So what ? Respect for women : So what ? But you think you save your soul with the words " in this case , " as chanted by the " situational ethicist " as he excuses himself one more time for the one-thousandth time . The moral midget does not realize " this case " starts the moment one falls into this life and only ends with one ' s departure . It was a perfectly normal relationship between two consenting adults Please forward that observation to Hillary and Chelsea , who must find it very comforting ! Don ' t get me wrong : I do not quibble with your use of " normal " as to the mechanics of the relationship ( the cigar offends me not at all ) . But it hardly seems " normal " to me that a married man of more than fifty--who happens to be the president--would risk not only his family happiness , but his political goals , for a tawdry tryst with a spacey girl half his age . . . unless , you include in the meaning of " normal " all the unfortunate events which happen too often these days . By that definition , I guess , child abuse is " normal , " too . As to whether the president ' s conduct was " normal , " I suggest you review Mike McCurry ' s recent candid remarks . No , I don ' t care so much about the president ' s sex life . I do care about his perjury . And his personal relations--the way he uses others for his own convenience , the way he debases his relationships with his fellow human beings--do have value as indicating the character of the man to whom we trust not only decisions of cold policy , but also life and death questions of critical moral import . This is the man who sends our sons and daughters to die in battle . I hope his is not the character of one who thinks things like honesty and friendship are so trivial that they should be respected only when expedient to one ' s own momentary gains . Yet I know this falls on deaf ears , because the words " moral " and " character " have become for you mere trivialities . Ask yourself : So what ? 035919 00001 donkirk - 10 : 52pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . I ' m off to watch another exciting episode of that number one nighttime soap opera , " ER . " Take very good care of one another , folks . Sleep safe and warm . Good night . 035920 00001 tna1pada3 - 10 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 Taymar , } 00004 *sadly , suffers from drain bamage . It truely is a sad situation . But . . . not to worry . . . taymar ' s missed the circular firing squad . Maybe . 035921 00001 zebulon13 - 10 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *Day 361 : America Held Hostage by the Republicans > 00003 donkirk 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 47pm } 00004 *As it is written , he / she who is without sin , let them cast the first stone . By 2000 there won ' t be a Republican left that hasn ' t had the truth come out about their hypocracy . . . The clock is ticking Gingrich , Livingston , Barr , Burton , tick ticktick 035922 00001 hugsy - 10 : 58pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 *get help . 035923 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 01pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " get help , you worthless liberal sh1t ! Thanks . 035924 00001 jolietjake1 - 11 : 01pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36046 ) > 00002 donkirk 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 35pm } 00003 *You missed my reference Don , I wasn ' t questioning Starr ' s use of prosecutor ' s judgement on deciding to pursue the Lewinsku matter in follow up tp the Webb Hubbell bribery , I was referring to your knowledge of the Dem Senator ' s voting choice beforehand . Perhaps it is just your hope ? Oh , and BTW , I am very happy-- even content to the point of being smug ( But that would be rude ) after today ' s veritable windfall . I almost gasped in wonder seeing Clinton ' s crimes laid out in all their perfidy . I can even let you and Ada have your fun , ' cause it ' s going down , and soon . Justice will out , gentlemen . Bill ' s game is coming to a close . Also , the AP article you posted ? It was nice to see them put one little anti-Dem reference at the way way way back ( perhaps figuring that part won ' t get read by our Ritalin-dependent hoi polloi ? ) . I guess that was the balance ? dogbert85 - 10 : 37pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( §§035906 of 36046 ) The republicans only chance for redemption is to end this witchhunt quickly in the Senate , otherwise 2000 looms as their return to minority status . The repug party has the daunting task of trying to prove to the public that is composed of anything more than religious zealots , racists , and gay bashers . Moderate repugs will try to change this image , but a few rotten apples can poison a very large barrel . +++ 035925 00001 descarham - 11 : 03pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) } 00002 *The partisan impeachment of Clinton by the House has so angered Senate Democrats that there is not a chance in hell that he will be found guilty . The Republicans encouraged by Newt ' s predictions prior to the elections that the GOP would probably pick up 30 to 40 seats in the House and as many as 10 to 12 seats in the Senate figured that impeachment and removal was very do-able . What they did not count on was the election results , least of all Newt . ( and he paid the price ) But by that time the impeachment train had already left the station . Realizing there were not enough votes in the Senate for removal , but already committed , they felt they had no choice but to move on . Having found themselves in a " catch 22 " - damned if they do and damned if they don ' t , the rest of the country sits here waiting for them to get a grip on reality . And that reality is very simple . Regardless of Clintons crimes there are two simple truths . 1 . The American people do not want him removed from office . ( think what you want but politicians are sensitive to polls ) 2 . There are not enough votes in the Senate for removal . 035926 00001 hugsy - 11 : 03pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) > 00002 ada , } 00003 *you really are losing it . what ' s wrong ? 035927 00001 taymar8326 - 11 : 04pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) > 00002 donkirk re ; - 09 : 57pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( # of 35910 ) } 00003 *The Independent Counsel Statute is an insult to the Constitution . RE : " You still don ' t have a clue . Nearly every one of those 100 United States Senators already knows exactly how he / she will vote at the end of this charade . And there are NOT 67 of them who will vote to convict the President and remove him from office . " } 00004 *Wrong Mr . Kirk . I am not in the habit of deluding myself . That however doesn ' t make it right does it ? Or does it in your eye ' s ? Perhaps if you had the opportunity , some may even call it the privilege of enforcing the law on a daily basis , on many occasions at the risk of your own life you would not be so cavalier in your attitudes and opinions regarding the perversion of the law . Curious that you consider yourself a student of the constitution yet have absolutely no respect for the rule of law . You continually defend the man with no regard for the law . I assure you Mr . Kirk , if you were facing charges of felony perjury and obstruction of justice and did not have the full weight of the federal government in your corner I feel this cavalier attitude would soon turn to genuine fear and remorse . After all Mr . Kirk , you would not have the same privileges we are apparently willing to afford this obviously corrupt administration . 035928 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 05pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " get help , you worthless liberal sh1t ! Thanks , Mr > 00003 gdmfnyt . } 00004 *Tell the switchboard operator , " Hello " for me . 035929 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 06pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00002 taymar8326 1 / 14 / 99 11 : 04pm } 00003 *Kiss my grits . 035930 00001 fbowden1 - 11 : 09pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) } 00002 *I like that message about Republicans shooting themselves in the feet . No matter how serious and weighty CNN and other media pudits say the House manager ' s presentation is , the fact that reaches the public , and helps bolster Clinton ' s poll numbers , is that there are no Democrats on the team . They were specifically excluded by Republicans , so this is perceived as a Republican political attempt to overthrow the duely elected government . In a more unkempt country , they would have done it with guns , here they try subterfuge . The big difference between this affair and the Nixon scandal is that then , there were almost as many Republicans as Democrats calling for Nixon to step aside . There was a bi-partisan revulsion at Nixon ' s heavy handed activities and paranoia and cover up a clear criminal act against another political party stress political party . Nixon was to have been impeached , not for the Ellsburg break-in which really should have been of more concerned to private citizens but for using governmental power to subvert the most significant opposing political party . ( I don ' t want to give Republicans any undue credit for some moral principle there either , they probably wanted to get rid of Nixon because the break-in was so stupid . After all , he was facing McGovern ! ) Not so here . The mystery here is not Clinton ' s actions , but that of the Republicans . Wonder if they have a Democrat or Socialist advising them or perhaps the Iyotollah ' s spirit is . 035931 00001 powerside1 - 11 : 10pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 The Democrats have embraced moral bankruptcy and political expediency--the politics of personal and moral self-destruction . It is now in danger of becoming a party without principles . 035932 00001 johnsdad1b - 11 : 11pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson > 00002 zebulon13 1 / 14 / 99 10 : 53pm Clinton , Clinton , Clinton . . . . . tick tock , tick tock ...... : - ) And his poll numbers are already 9 pts down ...... Hi , > 00003 Taymar ! 035933 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36047 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 gdmfnyt - 06 : 29pm Apr 30 , 1998 EST ( §§09082 of 9085 ) } 00004 *go shoot some GDMF puppies you worthless liberal sh1t . First liberalism , then cancer . +++ 035934 00001 jolietjake1 - 11 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 1 / 14 / 99 11 : 05pm } 00003 *Why do you keep posting that ? Izzit some kind of weird liberal masochism ? The same that spurs you onto ever greater levels of Clinonitial abasement nightly ? 035935 00001 lostingotham - 11 : 13pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) } 00002 *It ain ' t over ' til it ' s over . No matter how much Clinton wishes it were . " If these charges prove to be true , then that ' s very serious . " - Hilary Rodham Clinton " My conduct was indefensible . " - William Jefferson Clinton ( unless he was lying again ) " It isn ' t a lie if nobody believes you . " - James Carville 035936 00001 taymar8326 - 11 : 14pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 - 11 : 06pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( #35929 of 35929 ) } 00003 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00004 taymar8326 1 / 14 / 99 11 : 04pm } 00005 * " Kiss my grits . " } 00006 *You obviously have me confused with someone else , Mr . Kirk perhaps . He seems to be willing to lick your boots clean at any and every opportunity . Or maybe our sociopathic president . Seems to me thats the same offer he made to Ms . Jones . Carefull councilor , look what that got Bill into . No matter . 035937 00001 hugsy - 11 : 14pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) > 00002 ada , } 00003 *I don ' t think you know who your friends are . You think they ' re the ones who condone your behavior ? You used to be interesting , but read your posts now ? pull it together . 035938 00001 rtwing1 - 11 : 17pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) > 00002 zebulon13 } 00003 *I find it unfortunate that , despite you yellow commies contempt of the Bible and the institutions it represents , you are quick to pull a quote ( usually out of context ) from thin air and , with orgasmic support from your fellow Maoists , toss it in the face of a conservative to validate your weak points . I doubt you own a Bible , and I am most certain you cannot ( or will not ! ) quote scripture and verse . By the way . . . in 2000 , once you socialist leeches have marched the very last Republican into the sea , who will be left to pay the freight on all the " recipients " you insist having on the dole ? After all , you can ' t get " blood from a turnip . " Hehe . 035939 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 11 : 18pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) } 00002 *Good evening , everybody . . . I see the fur is flying . 035940 00001 johnsdad1b - 11 : 18pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson The big difference between this affair and the Nixon scandal is that then , there were almost as many Republicans as Democrats calling for Nixon to step aside . There was a bi-partisan revulsion at Nixon ' s heavy handed activities and paranoia and cover up a clear criminal act against another political party - stress political party . What you miss is that the republicans then , as today , find criminal and unethical behavior unacceptable . It is the Democrats of the 1990 ' s that have changed ! They now accept it ! 035941 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 19pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 taymar8326 1 / 14 / 99 11 : 14pm } 00004 * No confusion . 035942 00001 taymar8326 - 11 : 20pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) } 00002 *Hi ' jd ' , looks like we ' ve been playing criss cross all day . 00003 Sorry I have to run , lives to save , property and citizenry to protect . I ' ll catch up later . Be well . 035943 00001 jolietjake1 - 11 : 21pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36045 ) > 00002 rtwing1 1 / 14 / 99 11 : 17pm } 00003 * Now that , my friends , was funny ! Hey > 00004 Ada , } 00005 *you hittin ' the SoCo again , buddy ? +++ 035954 00001 svcarlson - 11 : 34pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) } 00002 *Rule of law , not of men . But the Republicans are seeking to impose their own novel laws on their political opposition . And our law , the Constitution , specifically prohibits this as part of our rule of law . And no matter how much spin the men in the media put on this fact , it remains unshakable that the rule of law fashioned by our magna carta , by great men and the hand of God , cannot long be overthrown by a partisan cabal . Even with Gilbert and Sullivan , Barr-num and Bailey , Starr chambers , Lucy Goldberg , , Henry Hyde . . . . 035955 00001 rmwestjr - 11 : 34pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) > 00002 ADA , } 00003 *I though of you today and your frequent lyric posts . Have you ever posted " Let It Be " ? Certainly an appropriate plea for the democrats . 035956 00001 descarham - 11 : 34pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) } 00002 * I have a question for my Republican friends . The Senate voted 100-0 in agreement on trial procedures . The Republican leaders then had a secret meeting with the House Managers which I ' m sure the Democrats are not too happy about . I ' ve never heard of a jury meeting with the prosecutor while the trial is in session . My question ; The Republicans need 12 Democratic votes for removal . How in hell do they expect to get them when they pull these sort of stunts ? ? 035957 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 35pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 gdmfnyt [hugsncuddles / hugsy] - 06 : 29pm Apr 30 , 1998 EST ( §§09082 of 9085 ) go shoot some GDMF puppies you worthless liberal sh1t . First liberalism , then cancer . 035958 00001 rmwestjr - 11 : 38pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) > 00002 svcarlson , } 00003 * " And no matter how much spin the men in the media put on this fact , it remains unshakable that the rule of law fashioned by our magna carta , by great men and the hand of God , cannot long be overthrown by a partisan cabal . " } 00004 *That is true . It will take some nonpartisan democrats . 035959 00001 arian35 - 11 : 39pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) } 00002 *From shadows and symbols into the truth ! - John Cardinal Newman ( Epitaph ) Hi ! It was the best of times . It was the worst of times . The best ? As rikus would say , 4 of the " magnificence " 13 started the Trial of the Century off with professionalism , honor , thoroughness , respect , and did a darn good job ! The " worst " has to be the two " impartial " jurors , Schumer and Torricelli , Clinton boot lickers , who made spectacles of themselves when exiting Senate chambers , claiming there was nothing " new . " Gosh , I wonder if they ' ve already made their minds up ? But the kicker came as both left the camera area and--in the background--Torricelli was greeted by Mr . Clinton ' s mouthpiece , Greg Craig , who patted Torricelli ' s shoulder before he ( Craig ) made his way toward the reporters . Half expected them to " bump chests . " 035960 00001 rmetzner - 11 : 40pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) } 00002 *I believe that Clinton has issued a statement to all the world to see that , when confronted with the choice of the truth and with lying to protect oneself from a personal shame that lying is the way to go . Oath or no oath . Those of us who do so , probably also do not laugh at ourself when some dumb thing or act comes upon ourself , brought on by ourself . Trust , is earned by actions and expressions . Once that trust is lost , it is difficult if not impossible to regain . 035961 00001 rtwing1 - 11 : 41pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) > 00002 dickburke1 } 00003 *FYI : Marshall Applewhite and your cool-aid sipping cowboys from the Heaven ' s Gate starship are hovering overhead , waiting for the signal from you to be picked up . Go dim the lights , put on your new sneakers and uniform , quietly sit on the bed , and wait for your boarding call . It ' ll be over soon . Nite-Nite ! 035962 00001 latifat - 11 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) } 00002 * It seems to me that the media is bent on portraying the Clinton impeachment trial as an event that the public is eager to have drag on when in fact when the topic is brought up in most homes , the only response is that of disgust . if the senate wants to impeach the president , fine , but dont put it on the heads of the american people . 035963 00001 lostingotham - 11 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36044 ) } 00002 *Lying before a grand jury would be indefensible . -Senator John Kerry ( 35933 previous messages ) 035964 00001 richnews3 - 11 : 42pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *When this Monica Lewitsky thing began 54% wanted Clinton removed from office . Today only 34% want him out . I want the Grand Old Repuglians to stop playing pocket pool and let go of it These House managers are better than seconal . 035965 00001 hugsy - 11 : 43pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) > 00002 ada , } 00003 *that is so vulgar . I have never had such a wish on anyone . everyone knows this . > 00004 dsmits1 - 07 : 16pm May 8 , 1998 EST ( #15156 of 33523 ) > 00005 gdmfnyt- } 00006 *I think the misinterpretation of your words is not unusual . But I am surprised that people can hound you for a week about THEIR mistake . I have often had to spell such things out to people in a very painstakingly meticulous manner , but why I should have to still boggles the mind . > 00007 redneck13 - 02 : 11pm May 11 , 1998 EST ( #16835 of 16841 ) > 00008 gdmfnyt } 00009 * " note : one of the ' lefty ' s ' falsly accused me of posting a death wish , and they did not admonish him for it . Seems it ' s ok for them to smear even to the level of death . Is there a bottom to their behavior ? " } 00010 *I myself did not agree with the smear run against you , having been the victim of a little smear campaign myself . HOwever , you have to admit you ' ve been a little heavy handed against some LWers , including me , at times . > 00011 gdmfnyt - 02 : 17pm May 11 , 1998 EST ( #16840 of 16841 ) } 00012 * I can typo with hte best of thm red ,

I agree I can have a heavy hand . But I really think y ' all can take it . Thanks for the statement that ada was wrong . You are the first lefty to say so , and you get my respect for that . I suspect that I don ' t actually differ on too many issues with the ' left ' . But I realize my greater interest in WHY folks still support BC as apposed to what is actually going to happen regarding impeachment etc , leads me to subject matter that irks some folks . Feel free to let me know if you think I get out of bounds , I will consider them seriously . It is very sad to me if you really think this . I do not understand why you would want to introduce such eronious negativity into your life , but that is out of my control . I think though you know you are just smearing , and that is very low . Anyway , if you want to use this forum for the purposes of your smearing that is your business . No one can force you to choose the truth , you have to do it on your own . 035966 00001 lostingotham - 11 : 46pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *It ain ' t over ' til it ' s over . No matter how much Clinton wishes it were . " Now , it ' s commonplace to say that most of us believe that there ' s too much indiscriminate violence , too much indiscriminate sex and too much sort of callous degradation of women and sometimes of other people in various parts of our media today . I believe that the question is , so what ? What we ought to be talking about today is , so what are we all going to do about that ? Because our ability to change things , I think , consists most importantly in our ability to affirmative steps . At this talk at Georgetown , I made a commitment that I would try to set an example for what I thought our political leaders ought to be doing . " - William Jefferson Clinton , July 10 , 1995 Thanks for the example , Bill . 035967 00001 rmwestjr - 11 : 50pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) > 00002 descarham , } 00003 * " I have a question for my Republican friends . " } 00004 *For a democrat or liberal , isn ' t ' republican friends ' an oxymoron ? } 00005 * " The Republican leaders then had a secret meeting with the House Managers which I ' m sure the Democrats are not too happy about . " } 00006 *In comparison to their secret meeting with the WH defense . . . } 00007 * " I ' ve never heard of a jury meeting with the prosecutor while the trial is in session . " } 00008 *True , true . . . I have heard of juries partying with the defendents after aquittal . How about partying and celebrating impeachment ? A true picture of our ' contrite ' and ' apologetic ' president . } 00009 * " My question ; The Republicans need 12 Democratic votes for removal . How in hell do they expect to get them when they pull these sort of stunts ? ? " } 00010 *Clear and convincing evidence would be a good start . 035968 00001 hugsy - 11 : 50pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *So , did anyone actually see any of the trial . Was it worth watching , or same old stuff . 035969 00001 arian35 - 11 : 51pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *From shadows and symbols into the truth ! - John Cardinal Newman ( Epitaph ) My NOW favorite ditty ( imagine Ray Charles singing ) : Tell your momma Tell your paw I ' m gonna send you back to Ar-kan-saw O yeah ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Wave bye-bye to Bill ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 035970 00001 johnsdad1b - 11 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson Obviously , the President is in a world of hurt . The question is , even though in the polls , he ' s down 9% , that when it comes to the State of the Union speech , how political will he make it ? How far will he go in selling the rest of his soul ? What will he give away and how much to who . Without having to humiliate himself anymore , this is his last chance to go before the American people , lie to them , give them something , promise to keep their belly ' s full , lie about what he has done for the economy and hold on for two more years . He ' ll do it for the children , honesty and our families . For the future of America , I Bill Clinton , will save you all ! 035971 00001 hugsy - 11 : 53pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) > 00002 arian35 1 / 14 / 99 11 : 51pm } 00003 *Was the presentation that good , or are you just ' supporting your team ' . 035972 00001 rmwestjr - 11 : 55pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) > 00002 lostingotham , } 00003 * " At this talk at Georgetown , I made a commitment that I would try to set an example for what I thought our political leaders ought to be doing . " - William Jefferson Clinton , July 10 , 1995 Thanks for the example , Bill . Why then are the democrats using certain republican youthful indiscretions if Bill is leading the way to that end ? I take it all back . Clinton is a leader ! 035973 00001 jeremh15b - 11 : 56pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *The democratic senators met with Clinton ' s attorneys after todays session . Why arn ' t you complaining about that ? ? ? +++ 035974 00001 richnews3 - 11 : 59pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 * It was the same flaccid argument from the same tired old REPUGS . There is no Viagra here . 035975 00001 allentac - 11 : 59pm Jan 14 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *In next week ' s episode on " Sliders " on the Sci-Fi Channel : Our heroes enter a parallel world very similar to their home dimension . In it , two years ago , President Clinton and his wife Hillary got a divorce . According to the property settlement , a disputed set of china was awarded to Hillary , but the china turned up missing . The tabloid press picked up on the incident , eliciting numerous responses from Bill that he didn ' t take " that china . " Ken Starr , whose floundering run-on investigation of Whitewater and other scandals had turned up nothing , acted on a hot tip and uncovered a trail of lies by the White House domestic staff and eventually uncovered the china in a rental storage unit in Bethesda under Bill ' s name . In the following months , Starr had dragged every staff member before a grand jury and Clinton himself who used careful legalisms to deny he knew the china was placed there . Despite the Hillary ' s dropping the matter once the china was recovered , Starr issued his report claiming enough evidence to charge the President with theft of private property , perjury while testifying before the grand jury , and obstruction of justice . As our heroes enter this parallel universe , Clinton has been impeached by the House who claim that the rule of law insists that a thief and liar must not occupy the Oval Office . " Crime is crime , " House Republicans have thundered , " all these charges are serious no matter under what circumstances they arose . " House Democrats voted uniformly against impeachment , favoring censure , or better yet to just drop the whole thing . As the Sliders read the papers and watch the news with the same stunned incredulity that has hit them on many a visit to a strange world , the effect soon turns to shared disgust , annoyance , and ridicule of the China-gate saga in tune with 2 / 3 of the nation ' s public , particularly for the Republicans who will stop at nothing to get rid of Clinton . Luckily they only have to endure this world for a few hours before the next slide occurs . The citizens of this universe , however , don ' t have that easy-escape option . 990151 035976 00001 glaswrks - 12 : 01am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *Stop the campain of personal attacks , lets bring back DUELLING TO FIRST BLOOD and make it legit . 035977 00001 tna1pada3 - 12 : 02am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 gdmfnyt [hugsncuddles / hugsy] - 06 : 29pm Apr 30 , 1998 EST ( #09082 of 9085 } 00004 *go shoot some GDMF puppies you worthless liberal sh1t . First liberalism , then cancer . " you worthless liberal sh1t . " Uh , kinda hard to misinterpret that sentiment , ain ' t it ? First liberalism , then cancer Not much mystery what that comment means either . Yep . Compassion and goodwill ; all wrapped up in a bow ; with a poison tipped arrow at the end . Thanks for your good wishes ; with any luck death will spare me for a few . 035978 00001 jeremh15b - 12 : 02am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *Anyone who watched the entire session today , as I did , has to come to the conclusion that every charge against Clinton is true , and he must be found guilty . The only question remaining is whether it rises to the level of an impeachable offense . I say YES IT MUST ! ! ! Because . . . . How will we ever throw out any future president who commits crimes that are not directly against the government if this senate sets such a precedent . It must throw him out to protect the constitution , the country , and our legal system . 035979 00001 hugsy - 12 : 02am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) > 00002 richnews3 1 / 14 / 99 11 : 59pm } 00003 *Is that the truth , or are you just supporting ' your team ' . 035980 00001 jeremh15b - 12 : 03am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *Anyone who watched the entire session today , as I did , has to come to the conclusion that every charge against Clinton is true , and he must be found guilty . The only question remaining is whether it rises to the level of an impeachable offense . I say YES IT MUST ! ! ! Because . . . . How will we ever throw out any future president who commits crimes that are not directly against the government if this senate sets such a precedent . It must throw him out to protect the constitution , the country , and our legal system . 035981 00001 glaswrks - 12 : 03am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *Stop the campain of personal attacks , lets bring back DUELLING TO FIRST BLOOD and make it legit . 035982 00001 dickburke1 - 12 : 07am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) > 00002 rmwestjr : } 00003 * " Republican friends " means the circular firing squad . Next week Barr struts the boards of the Senate trying to keep up a front with Flynt slime oozing off his suit . Republican weapon of choice : the U-shaped shotgun . I did a news search on " Barr . " Got a very detailed story from the South China Morning Post , also New Zealand , Sweden , all points of the globe and USA . Larry Flynt clones are springing up all over the landscape . Why should he make all the money ? We have three or four more circles of Hell to descend before all sides start waving white flags . Just think , anyone in Darjeeling can know everything about us now . The Soviets are appealing to Lewinsky for proportion . 035983 00001 arian35 - 12 : 11am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36043 ) } 00002 *From shadows and symbols into the truth ! - John Cardinal Newman ( Epitaph ) > 00003 Hugsy §§035971 } 00004 *Was the presentation that good , or are you just ' supporting your team ' . 00005 } 00006 *Little of both ? Couldn ' t watch all six hours , but was impressed by what I did see . Sensenbrenner was good . Eloquent . Of course , the dems had to quibble about something he said about one of Ruff ' s answers during the hearings regarding Mr . Clinton ' s truthfulness . But Hutchinson and Rogan stole the show . Absolutely meticulous in attending to the " time line . " Even tho I--and the whole world ! --heard all this before , I was pleased with the presentation ( with charts ! ) and how it all came together . Forgive me the ditty . The devil made me do it . Guess I ' m just tired and sick of shoveling snow . Supposed to see the sun tomorrow . A welcome change . 990115 035984 00001 allentac - 12 : 17am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) } 00002 * . . . As the heroes open the slide portal , the last bit they catch on the news is the revelation of the 18th Republican member of Congress with a ex-wife who came forward with news and evidence that her husband scammed her in the divorce settlement . And this Republican like every other who has been exposed responded , " Hey , at least I didn ' t lie about it to the American public . This , in no way , relates to the serious matters of impeachment we are considering against the President . " 035985 00001 richnews3 - 12 : 17am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) } 00002 *Dear Hugsy , man , woman , or whatever you are and whoever you do yes . I heard it right from the mouth of Ted Kopel . 035986 00001 rmwestjr - 12 : 18am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) > 00002 jeremh15b , } 00003 * " The only question remaining is whether it rises to the level of an impeachable offense . " } 00004 *The house already decided the sentence in their articles of impeachment . If the senate finds him guilty , he will be removed ( probably forceably ) . The senate has no obligation to change the bill if found not guilty . 035987 00001 rineyd - 12 : 18am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) } 00002 *I was so proud of my white race today - those gentlemen to presented their case against an unholy white devil were on song . 035988 00001 allentac - 12 : 18am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) . . . As the heroes open the slide portal , the last bit they catch on the news is the revelation of the 18th Republican member of Congress with a ex-wife who came forward with news and evidence that her husband scammed her in the divorce settlement . And this Republican like every other who has been exposed responded , " Hey , at least I didn ' t lie about it to the American public . This , in no way , relates to the serious matters of impeachment we are considering against the President . " 035989 00001 rmwestjr - 12 : 18am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) > 00002 jeremh15b , } 00003 * " The only question remaining is whether it rises to the level of an impeachable offense . " } 00004 *The house already decided the sentence in their articles of impeachment . If the senate finds him guilty , he will be removed ( probably forceably ) . The senate has no obligation to change the bill if found not guilty . 035990 00001 rineyd - 12 : 19am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) } 00002 *I was so proud of my white race today - those gentlemen to presented their case against an unholy white devil were on song . 035991 00001 lashlaru1 - 12 : 20am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) } 00002 *My dear Republicans : I must say that Republican prosecutors Hutchinson and Rogan were excellent today in presenting their evidence . But , we have heard the same arguments before . . . ( he said , she said ) . . . what else is new ? Where is the smoking gun ? Despite their immense talents , it ' s still much ado about nothing . If this is the best you Republicans can do , the Comeback Kid will win again . 035992 00001 rineyd - 12 : 29am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) } 00002 *Resign ! Resign ! Resign ! The Evidance is so compelling . No one but the devil could make a body ( dysfunctional body ) come up with such satanic verses . His TRI-LAT buddies may be tweaking the markets to have take the hint - take a walk . 035993 00001 hugsy - 12 : 29am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36042 ) > 00002 ada , } 00003 *you really need to relax . I was a ' liberal ' in every sense of the word for a very long time . I have told you many times that ' first liberalsim then cancer ' was a phrase I heard on the radio from Ken hamblin . It is just political speak raising ' liberalism ' to the level of cancer of things we need to find cures for . It is for health , not the lack there of . If you don ' t like the phrase , so be it , but your mischaracterization of it ' s meaning is 180 degrees incorrect . I suggest you re-read dismits and rednecks post , and then choose truth , peace , and honesty . When you do , perhaps you will no longer post things that ellicit responses like these . > 00004 mconley22 - 06 : 06pm Oct 11 , 1998 EST 9616 of 10595 ) } 00005 *What I can ' t understand , Adap1ant , is how somebody who makes such offensive posts as this one ( in which you suggest I am a candidate for physician assisted suicide ) , avoids the necessity of changing screen names . What kind of deal have you struck with the NYT to allow you to be as offensive as you want to be , while nice people get banned and must sneak back on under new names ? Suggesting fellow posters commit suicide is over the line , jerk . I suggest you seek professional help . > 00006 johnsdad1b - 06 : 16pm Oct 11 , 1998 EST > 00007 adap1ant 10 / 11 / 98 6 : 01pm } 00008 *After all you have said about how people should act and post and you wrote the above mentioned ...... As I logged on , it was the first post I saw . . . . . I believe , ADA , that you gave yourself the " Hypocrite " of the day award . . . . CONGRATULATIONS ! Hangover , your team loosing . . or what ? Later folks . . . . There is a ball game on ! > 00009 Ada , } 00010 *I no longer want to let you drag me into these absurd exchanges , they do not belong on the NY Times forums . I only extended the olive branch this evening because I saw your ' davidduke ' post today and figured something was bothering you . But if you are just hanging on to that old lie of yours , well , all I can say is by embracing the truth you will find peace . G ' night +++ 035994 00001 elbee - 12 : 30am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36041 ) } 00002 *An editorialist on NPR today had a good point to keep in mind . A " juror " typically tries issues of fact only , not issues of law . A " judge " , on the other hand , can try issues of fact and law . The Senate is more appropriately referred to as a " panel of judges " than as a " jury " , contrary to the usual media protrayal . This has impact on the perception of the case in the public mind . A jury is passive and lay , a judge is active and professional . The Senate can and should take control of the case . The Chief Justice as presiding officer is not really a " judge " at all in this case , but only a presiding officer . 035995 00001 rtwing1 - 12 : 39am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36041 ) > 00002 lashlaru1 } 00003 *It is plain , from your posting , that your DNC fax came through and you are following the script to the letter . Same old stuff . President lied to a grand jury . Suborned perjury . Misused a government employee . Misused government resources . Is that all ? ho - hum . Uh . . . the smoking gun will come next week , Tuesday or Wednesday , when ABC , CBS , and NBC all report ( much to the chagrin of Jeraldough ) the link between a upper level WH staffer and old Captain Colostomy Flynt . 035996 00001 lostingotham - 12 : 54am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36041 ) } 00002 * " Let us remember our responsibilities to children and do everything in our power to inspire in them the moral and ethical standards that will , in turn , help them to become productive , integral members of our society . " - William Jefferson Clinton in an address proclaiming " National Character Counts Week , " October 16 , 1995 [whatever happened to National Character Counts Week ? ] +++ 035997 00001 lostingotham - 12 : 54am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 * " I believe that one of the biggest problems that this country always has is trying to close the gap between what we say and what we do . " - William Jefferson Clinton , October 21 , 1993 [the gap ain ' t closing , Bill] 035998 00001 lashlaru1 - 12 : 55am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) > 00002 rtwing1 : } 00003 *Ok , I will follow your suggestion and look for the smoking gun in the hands of Larry Flynt next week . . . But , ah . . . ahem . . . I think the gun will be smoking because Flynt will have shot another Republican big fish . . . 035999 00001 lostingotham - 12 : 58am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 * " After all , the American people own this place . They are our employers , as well as our customers . They deserve the same honesty and efficiency from their government they demand from the private sector . They should settle for nothing less . " - William Jefferson Clinton , October 13 , 1994 036000 00001 hugsy - 01 : 01am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) > 00002 arian35 1 / 15 / 99 12 : 11am } 00003 *does anyone really believe that BC will be convicted and removed because of the evidence ? 036001 00001 mscherer62 - 01 : 02am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 *After reading Clinton ' s lawyers response to the impeachment articles I do not understand how anyone can accuse him of Perjury . It seems obvious that he never knowingly gave false information that was material to the grand jury . Furthermore , no specific instances of perjury or obstruction were given . How can he be impeached for a general pattern of behavior if no instances are given ? 036002 00001 hugsy - 01 : 10am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) > 00002 mscherer62 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 02am } 00003 *I dunno . Although I do not give much credence to BC ' s lawyers integrity , I am sure that they are crafty , and will exploit all of the ' uncertainty ' they can regarding BC ' s definitions of words etc , to get him to skate on the perjury stuff . However , I think BC ' s contrived definitions illustrates that he was in fact knowingly finding ways to lie that would leave him an ' arguable ' out . I am sure that it will be a tough case TO CHANGE ANYONE ' s MIND ON . It seems to me , that for both sides , there is more than enough evidence for them to hold on to the ' truth ' they want . 036003 00001 lancelot007 - 01 : 13am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 *It is not an issue whether the Republicans lose seats in the next election . What is the singular issue here is the Constitution of The United States . Our laws must be enforced regardless that the Jerry Springer and Oprah crowd respond favorably about the president to the surveys . The Republicans must do their duty and uphold the constitution , even though it may mean that the ignorant public rewards the democrats 100 seats in the senate and 435 seats in the house . The Constitution must stand ; democrats will not assist in that . They see in the constitution . . . A right to kill the unborn ( nowhere to be found ) , , , but do not see the 2nd amendment ( Clearly and precisely written ) . The " Gen X ' ers " think a saxaphone playing , sleazy , dope smokin , white trash president is cool , but the law must prevail . Remove this pariah from public office , he has reversed roles . . . He thinks the public is supposed to serve him . . . 036004 00001 jakbert - 01 : 14am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) > 00002 mscherer : } 00003 *All of the specific instances of perjury and obstruction of justice were spelled out in today ' s proceedings . You can probably catch a rehash on C-Span . 036005 00001 skunkbear1 - 01 : 15am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 *My equally dear > 00003 lashlaru1 : } 00004 *How nice to hear a cogently observed assessment of the first day ' s proceedings from the left . But the conclusion needs some work . Clinton might beat the rap , but his presidency is as dead as a kipper . If these

managers maintain this demeanor through to the end , aquittal will be a travesty . Everyone will know it . The Democrats will have had what ' s left of their tattered legitimacy stripped away . Clinton is a walking corpse . He simply lacks the good grace to lie down . Arrogant to the end , he insists on taking his party , his friends , to the grave with him . 036006 00001 gensec - 01 : 26am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 hugsy 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 01am : } 00004 * does anyone really believe that BC will be convicted and removed because of the evidence ? } 00005 *No hugsy , I think most of the Democrats will march in partisan lockstep with the mantra that the Felon in Chief should not be removed from office for the same crime that they voted to remove Judge Nixon for ( no relation I presume ) . Despite the intensity shown by both sides here , I don ' t think anything else that happens with this has much consequence for Bill , other than the highly unlikely event of conviction . I favor having witnesses just to maintain the integrity of the Constitutional process of the impeachment trial , and oppose censure as an affront ( however trivial ) to the separation of powers . Still , whatever happens on witnesses or censure is unlikely to have any effect on Bill now , or on his pathetic legacy as a bug squashed between the pages of history . The bottom line is that Clinton ' s legacy has been sealed by his impeachment - a caretaker Presidency that nobody will remember for anything besides its scandals , sort of like Warren Harding . I think that should be a significant deterrent to any future Presidents contemplating comitting felonies , or even dancing in the grey area of felonious conduct . If I had the misfortune to be a Senator casting the deciding vote , I would feel compelled to vote to convict by my oath of impartiality . However , I would much rather have Bill as President than Al . Bill believes in nothing , and will do whatever it takes to promote his own interests , even in those cases where that means doing the right thing . He pretty much lets Alan Greenspan keep the economy humming , and eventually came around to the Republican demands for welfare reform and a balanced budget after extracting some pork-barrel concessions . Al on the other hand , actually believes the liberal nonsense , and would still be fighting for higher gas taxes to make us all ride the bus . +++ 036007 00001 mrjdh - 01 : 30am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 *Let ' s not be fooled by all of this high-minded rhetoric about how a trial cannot be held without witnesses . The same right-wing zealots who are " managing " the prosecution had every opportunity to call fact witness ( as is regularly done in even the most mundane house committee hearings ) . Insted they chose to rehash the grand inquisitor ' s salacious report and make pious statements about the sanctity of truthfulness ( as if they were a troop of boy scouts -- oops sorry Ms . Bono ) . It is truly a sad day when a neo-Nazi like Bob Barr and Henry " the homewrecker " Hyde are setting the nation ' s agenda . But is there anything more smarmy than Hyde reciting Shakespeare ? 036008 00001 jakbert - 01 : 31am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 *I ' ve heard conflicting opinions and would like more information . Is it within a senator ' s right to vote not guilty if he believes the crime was committed but does not justify removal from office ? 036009 00001 hugsy - 01 : 38am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) > 00002 gensec 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 26am } 00003 *I think you are right . I think there is enough stuff for both sides to just see what they want to see and vote they way the want . > 00004 jakbert 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 31am I wondered this too . I don ' t think they can , but I think they will . It gets to the root of the question , does the House ' s passage of the Impeachment charges and their recommendation that BC be removed , bind the Senate . I asked if the senators could vote guilty , but change the penalty to allow him to stay in office awhile ago , but got no answer . 036010 00001 ether14 - 01 : 38am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 *Trials are funny things . You can never account for how an individual witness is received and perceived by the jury . Oliver North is a perfect example . He was to have been the entre - bit of mustard to be added by the committee - and ended being the predator eating the committee for breakfast . Trials and public appearances are never controllable . The Republicans made a good start today . The White Ho ' House is going to have to rebut specific charges not conduct a beauty contest among academics and constitutional liars ooops , Freudian slip , meant " lawyers . " Well , maybe not , eh ? I expect that Billy Jeff Buttafuoco will be bombing some small sovereign nation by this time next week . Change any travel plans which include Baghdad , eh ? I also expect him to promise another hambone to any special interest group who can muster attendance greater than 6 persons . He ' s only promised $6 . 8 Billion so far this week and it ' s only Thursday . Helpful if the beneficiaries cannot read or write , no ? Hey , we ' ll pay for it all with with with with - yeah , a tax on tobacco - hell , that ' s Al Gore ' s problem , eh ? Yeah , that ' s the ticket . Trials are funny things . 036011 00001 ether14 - 01 : 43am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) > 00002 julian} 00003 *Yeah , those Boy Scouts , who the hell do they think they are ? Helping old bags across streets and smarmy sh*t like that , eh ? They should be real men like Billy Jeff Buttafuoco - guys who really know to use women and interns and other cool stuff like that , eh ? Yeah , those damn Boy Scouts , who do they think they are ? That ' s what ' s wrong with America , huh ? Well , Arkansas anyway , no ? 036012 00001 vrwcarea51b - 01 : 44am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 *I See little Willy Flynton continued his Impeachment Payolla tour 99 ! What was it today , something like 6 Billion dollars ! So much for that Grand standing in September when he said " I will not approve any additional spending until the SSI Crisis is resolved ! " 036013 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 45am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 rineyd 1 / 15 / 99 12 : 19am } 00004 *Hey , pal , what ' s your drift with these racists terms - my white race , white devil ? 036014 00001 gensec - 01 : 47am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 jakbert 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 31am > 00004 hugsy 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 38am } 00005 *I asked if the senators could vote guilty , but change the penalty to allow him to stay in office awhile ago , but got no answer The talking heads and my reading of the Constitution , " shall be removed " on conviction after impeachment , agree that conviction means automatic removal . Since the Constitution leaves the Senators as final arbiters of the process , nothing can stop them from voting on whatever basis motivates them . Someone can disagree with the logic or ethics of their reasoning , but its their call . 036015 00001 ether14 - 01 : 48am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36034 ) > 00002 51b} 00003 *The Grand Payola Tour only became a reality when Billy Jeff Buttafuoco had all those tour venues and dates he had booked for the Tour de Apologia World Tour going to waste . Look for the tour to bomb shortly - well Baghdad anyway , no ? Where is Hillary ? I get nervous when Hillary goes into hiding . She ' s probably tying to help OJ find the

killers and the whereabouts of the billing records , no ? Though I did notice a bit of a fluctuation in the cattle futures market today , yes ? ( 35996 previous messages ) 036016 00001 hugsy - 01 : 49am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) > 00002 gensec 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 26am } 00003 *my response did not do the sanity of your post justice . You put up a very good one there . I think we are on the same plane , except I may be quicker to take Al Gore over BC ( because of the divisiveness he causes ) , even though your assertion about the bus riding may very well be on the money . 036017 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 50am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency

of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 vrwcarea51b 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 44am } 00004 *Hey , vast , you can lay what happened last Sept right at the feet of the departed Newt Gingrich , with an assist from Bob Livingston . Seems I learned some of that addl spending went right into Newt ' s district where he spent an ungodly amount on his own re-election campaign . I don ' t know what Flynton promised today but very little he propposes goes anywhere . He ' s the lamest d*mn duck in my lifetime . 036018 00001 hugsy - 01 : 51am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) > 00002 gensec 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 47am } 00003 *so the jury votes not guilty because they think the punishment is too harsh , even if they think he did commit the acts . yes ? 036019 00001 lashlaru1 - 01 : 53am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) > 00002 My dear skunkbear1 : } 00003 *Yes , many americans share your view that Clinton ' s aquittal in the senate trial may be only a pyrrhic victory . . . with disastrous impact on his leadership . But , don ' t count the Comeback Kid out . The corpse you see on the political landscape is not his . . . it is Gingrich ' s , who had also thought that Clinton was politically dead when this scandal broke a year ago , remember ? And , as even his most ardent critics have said , he is the greatest political counter-puncher in our country ' s history . So . . . we shall see . 036020 00001 hugsy - 01 : 55am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) > 00002 lashlaru1 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 53am } 00003 *wouldn ' t it be better to have a leader , than a political counter-puncher ? 036021 00001 gensec - 01 : 59am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 hugsy 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 51am } 00004 *They can rationalize that he really isn ' t guilty , because they say even if he comitted the specific acts alleged , those acts don ' t fit the definition of the crime . ( Heard that one before ? ) That kind of issue occasionally comes into play in other trials . There could be a video of someone being attacked and killing his attacker . No dispute about the facts , but the jury would have to decide the legal issue whether the threat posed by the attacker constituted enough of a danger to justify the homicide as self-defense . Of course , even if the facts and law were clear enough to make the case unambiguous , a biased juror could still rationalize his way into voting his bias in contradiction to the law and facts . 036022 00001 hugsy - 02 : 02am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) > 00002 gensec 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 59am } 00003 *So once again , our justice system is the worst , except for all the others . 036023 00001 gensec - 02 : 05am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 lashlaru1 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 53am : } 00004 *And , as even his most ardent critics have said , he is the greatest political counter-puncher in our country ' s history . You may well be right , and managing to hang on to office despite his crimes demonstrates that skill . Unfortunately for Bill , his Presidency will not be remembered for any accomplishment bigger than managing to finish his term . 036024 00001 hugsy - 02 : 06am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) } 00002 *g ' night > 00003 Gensec .

036025 00001 lashlaru1 - 02 : 09am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36033 ) > 00002 hugsy : } 00003 *Preferably , a president should be both leader , and counter-puncher . Why ? Because unless a president responds quickly to his political opponents , he risks losing his presidency despite his abilities as a leader . For example , Carter was a great leader . . . so was George Bush , but they were poor counter-punchers . . . that ' s why both them failed to be re-elected to second terms . That ' s why . +++ 036026 00001 thewolf1 - 02 : 10am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36031 ) } 00002 * Congress put President Clinton on trial before the eyes of the world Thursday , but much of the international audience was looking the other way -- at its own problems . Turmoil in financial markets following Brazil ' s dramatic currency devaluation grabbed headlines and overshadowed the opening of Clinton ' s impeachment trial . Mexican news media

, occupied with economic woes , paid little attention to the president ' s . The daily newspaper Excelsior published Clinton ' s trial memorandum on its front page , but with little comment . Austrian radio ignored the Washington spectacle to focus on the big European Union story -- a vote of confidence over allegations of fraud and nepotism within the European Commission , the EU ' s executive agency . While Clinton ' s impeachment got under way , the 20-member commission underwent -and survived -- a vote in the European Parliament that could have forced its dismissal . Britain , a member of the EU , was watching too , and most evening TV news broadcasts played up the impeachment . By Friday morning , a day after the Brazilian debacle , the impeachment trial grabbed the lead-story position in many British dailies . The Times of London ' s headline read , ``Battle begins for Clinton ' s survival , ' ' while the Daily Telegraph ' s story took up half of the front page . The Independent ' s display swallowed the entire front page with the headline , ``January 14 , 1999 . The day a President went on trial . ' ' Sky TV ' s all-day news program Thursday ran some live segments from Congress . And Channel 4 led its main news program with ``the extraordinary proceedings ' ' in Washington , which anchorman Jon Snow called a ``bizarre partisan trial of strength . ' ' The network ' s Washington correspondent , David Smith , called it a yearlong ``political soap opera ' ' and posed the question : ``Who over the next few days is going to test the patience of the United States Senate and the American public more ? Will it be the Republicans or . . . the presidents ' lawyers ? ' ' 036027 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 15am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36031 ) } 00002 *I was very disappointed when the major networks left the coverage when the factual presentation began . I ' ll wait to see if they do the same thing to the president ' s lawyers . Impeachment trial is on in the senate , and all I get on the ' public ' s airwaves ' is Oprah , Jenny Jones and Judge Judy . Ironic . 036028 00001 hugsy - 02 : 15am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36031 ) > 00002 lashlaru1 1 / 15 / 99 2 : 09am } 00003 *I don ' t think Carter or Bush were great leaders . Good guys , but basically steady-freddies . Reagan , although I did not support him at the time , I have to admit was a great leader . Clinton cannot accomplish anything he cannot buy people ' s cooperation for . That is why he is quite useless in dealing with Iraq and N . Korea , but good at things like paying Isreal and Yassir arafat as an inducement for them to start cooperating . ( unfortuneatly , I don ' t think the cooperations lasts after the final payment is made ) BC is not a leader , precicely do to his counter-punching . He only succeeds in dividing , not leading . IMHO . 036029 00001 thewolf1 - 02 : 16am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36031 ) Congress put President Clinton on trial before the eyes of the world Thursday , but much of the international audience was looking the other way -- at its own problems . Turmoil in financial markets following Brazil ' s dramatic currency devaluation grabbed headlines and overshadowed the opening of Clinton ' s impeachment trial . Mexican news media , occupied with economic woes , paid little attention to the president ' s . The daily newspaper Excelsior published Clinton ' s trial memorandum on its front page , but with little comment . Austrian radio ignored the Washington spectacle to focus on the big European Union story -- a vote of confidence over allegations of fraud and nepotism within the European Commission , the EU ' s executive agency . While Clinton ' s impeachment got under way , the 20-member commission underwent -and survived -- a vote in the European Parliament that could have forced its dismissal . Britain , a member of the EU , was watching too , and most evening TV news broadcasts played up the impeachment . By Friday morning , a day after the Brazilian debacle , the impeachment trial grabbed the lead-story position in many British dailies . The Times of London ' s headline read , ``Battle begins for Clinton ' s survival , ' ' while the

Daily Telegraph ' s story took up half of the front page . The Independent ' s display swallowed the entire front page with the headline , ``January 14 , 1999 . The day a President went on trial . ' ' Sky TV ' s all-day news program Thursday ran some live segments from Congress . And Channel 4 led its main news program with ``the extraordinary proceedings ' ' in Washington , which anchorman Jon Snow called a ``bizarre partisan trial of strength . ' ' The network ' s Washington correspondent , David Smith , called it a yearlong ``political soap opera ' ' and posed the question : ``Who over the next few days is going to test the patience of the United States Senate and the American public more ? Will it be the Republicans or . . . the presidents ' lawyers ? ' ' 036030 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 16am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36031 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 lashlaru1 1 / 15 / 99 2 : 09am } 00004 *Neither Carter , Bush , nor Clinton have been great leaders . FDR , Truman , Ike , JFK , Johnson , and Reagan were leaders . They jknew how to carry the ball . 036031 00001 gensec - 02 : 17am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 36031 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 hugsy 1 / 15 / 99 1 : 49am : } 00004 *I think we are on the same plane , except I may be quicker to take Al Gore over BC ( because of the divisiveness he causes ) I think Al could be as committed to the politics of personal destruction as his Big Brother is . He certainly shows the same proclivity for characterizing disagreement with him on policy as immorality . I still remember election night 1992 , where Bill at least had enough sense ( whether or not he was sincere ) to make conciliatory remarks in his victory speech after the election was over , while Al on the other hand couldn ' t help launching into another angry round of personal denunciations . I think Bill is motivated by self-centered arrogance , while Al may really be consumed by hate . 036038 00001 lashlaru1 - 02 : 27am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) > 00002 My dear gensec : } 00003 *Hmnnn , all may not be lost for bad boy Billy from the standpoint of history . If

Clinton lifts the embargo and renews normal relations with Cuba , makes a breakthrough on international nuclear disarmament , or achieves some other notable accomplishment of international consequences , he might well be remembered more for such a feat than for the mere fact that he is only the second president to be impeached in our country ' s history . After all , don ' t you agree that historians remember Nixon not only for his Watergate resignation for also for enabling our country to resume normal relations with China ? 036039 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 27am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) } 00002 *Al has had one idea in his whole life . And it was wrong . 036040 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 28am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) } 00002 *Well , Clinton may be remembered for China too , though in a quite different way . 036041 00001 gensec - 02 : 29am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in

the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 hugsy 1 / 15 / 99 2 : 21am } 00004 *You could be right about Bill ' s motivation . But it still includes Bill doing whatever he needs to do to get what he wants . I think when he trashes innocent peoples ' lives , like the Travel Office employees , its because they ' re in his way , not because he has anything against them . I think Al sees anyone who disagrees with him as a force of evil . 036042 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 33am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 hugsy 1 / 15 / 99 2 : 26am } 00004 *Abortion like gun control is one of those non-issues , hun . Like very little is ever going to happen on those fronts . But I too would certainly welcome Al and Tipper into the WH . Al probably had to tape her mouth over the Larry Flynt coziness ! Decent SOUTHERN people . 00005 And you ' re right , of course , about the need for a uniter in place of a divider . Always liked Al ' s dad too . 036043 00001 hugsy - 02 : 34am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) > 00002 lashlaru1 1 / 15 / 99 2 : 27am } 00003 *you are much more interesting late at night . Keep it up . What concerns me with Clinton over the next two years ( I have always believed he would not be ousted unless the truth was discovered regarding campaign finance , etc ) is that he is so concerned about his legacy that he will shoot the wad just to achieve something like you said . Some kind of grandiouse international ' acheivement ' . This Pollard thing really concerns me . I think BC would be motivated to sell out the long term interests of the nation in order to do something to counter-act the impeachment . A leader is not more concerned with their legacy than with doing what is best . I have no confidence Bill Clinton can ' t rationalize anything to himself , and would let Pollard go if he thought he could make some political hay out of it . Well , nice typing at you . It ' s wayyyyy late . Goodnight . 036044 00001 vrwcarea51b - 02 : 36am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) } 00002 *I wish ole AL was here , His speeches on global warming would really hit home 00003 Wind Chills in the -20 to -40 the past two weeks , 2 1 / 2 ft . of Snow . Yea , Al tell me about it ! 036045 00001 gensec - 02 : 37am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 lashlaru1 1 / 15 / 99 2 : 27am : } 00004 *After all , don ' t you agree that historians remember Nixon not only for his Watergate resignation for also for enabling our country to resume normal relations with China ? } 00005 * You ' re right about that . The difference is that Nixon was a brilliant international statesman in addition to being a sleazy criminal . Bill on the other hand is a brilliant politician in addition to being a sleazy criminal , but hasn ' t shown any talent for serious policy achievements . Nixon ' s opening to the Chinese dictatator ' s significantly improved the balance of power for America in the Cold War . When Clinton sucks up to dictators , he doesn ' t get much in return . Nixon had some accomplishments significant enough to be remembered along with his crimes . Bill has only his crimes . 036046 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 39am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 gensec 1 / 15 / 99 2 : 29am } 00004 *Travelgate and Filegate are all Hillary . But Bill certainly trashes folks who get in his way . > 00005 vrwcarea51b 1 / 15 / 99 2 : 25am } 00006 *Once more with feeling . Newt broke the budget spending limits at the last minute after he wasted the whole year on Monicagate instead of doing his job as Speaker . 036047 00001 thewolf1 - 02 : 44am Jan 15 , 1999 EST ( of 37330 ) } 00002 *Just a month after forming a presidential exploratory committee , former New Jersey Sen . Bill Bradley officially stepped into the race for the White House today by filing a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission . The Bill Bradley Presidential Exploratory Committee thus becomes the Bill Bradley for President Campaign , and Bradley joins Vice President Al Gore in the race for the Democratic nomination . For now , it ' s a two-person field . Two other prospective candidates on the Democratic side , Sens . Bob Kerrey of Nebraska and Paul Wellstone of Minnesota , have decided not to run . House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt , D-Mo . , has not decided whether to run and may choose to remain in the House in hopes of becoming speaker should Democrats take back the majority in 2000 . +++ 990118 038754 00001 dougeaton - 01 : 54am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) } 00002 *Re public opinion polls : " Ain ' t we got all the fools in town on our side , and ain ' t that a majority in any town ? " Mark Twain > 00003 tboucher4 1 / 18 / 99 1 : 46am } 00004 *No breaks for the terminally corrupt . 00005 And even if you ' re right , the fact that it ' s even viewed as plausible by a great number of very knowledgeable people , suggests he ' s unfit to serve . Good night . 038755 00001 allterra - 01 : 55am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 18 / 99 1 : 43am } 00003 *I ' ll say it again . It doesn ' t matter how you or I feel about it . As a female , I feel he ' s a total sleaze and can ' t believe any woman with self-respect could support that womanizing , sperm-bag-for-a-brain creton , but as a logical person I will look at facts and hope that truth and justice prevail . 038756 00001 gensec - 01 : 57am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) } 00002 * " I ' m out on bail the check is in the mail , They can sentence me to life but I won ' t go to jail " - beastie boys " Time to Get Ill " > 00003 chinagirlz1 1 / 18 / 99 1 : 43am : } 00004 *I also never felt Paula Jones had a legitimate lawsuit , and since it was thrown out in court , and denied again as an Article of Impeachment . . . If you take out all of the Paula Jones stuff in this trial -- there is no case . Since the House managers mentioned the Paula Jones case many times , I feel that they have no case since the Paula Jones case was not a valid case . Get this ? } 00005 *You ' re showing a very poor grasp of logic tonight . Much of Bill ' s perjury in the Grand Jury consisted of denying lying in the Paula Jones case . The obstruction of justice article of impeachment includes influencing Monica to lie in her affadavit and withhold evidence . Bringing up the Jones case is a necessary part of arguing Bill ' s guilt . Of course pointing out the truth about Bill is what bothers you isn ' t it ? } 00006 * As far as sexual harassment lawsuits go , she grossly misused the laws that allow you to sue for sexual harassment . } 00007 *If Bill didn ' t like the law , he could try to change it . But as long as it is the law ( The Supreme Court unanimously agreed he could be sued under it . ) , Bill has to obey it . When the judge in the case overruled his objection about immateriality , and ordered Bill to answer the Monica questions , Bill was required by the law to answer truthfully , whether or not he agreed with the Judge ' s decision . 038757 00001 ether14 - 01 : 59am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) } 00002 *You are dreaming . You must not read real newspapers . The next President is going to be George W . Bush of Texas . When he first ran in 1994 against Ann Richards there were no Statewide Republican office holders in Texas . When he crushed Garry Mauro in 1998 , there are now no Democratic Statewide office holders in Texas . Bush almost won El Paso with 45% of the vote . Republicans had previously never cracked 20% . Oh , yeah , George W . speaks Spanish . George W . got 70% of the vote . That ' s right 70% . He raised almost $20 , 000 , 000 for the governor ' s race . He has to raise $25 , 000 , 000 to run for President . He can raise the money in an instant . His brother will chip in Florida . The Texas Republicans know how to run a campaign . They are experienced , rested and ready . It ain ' t gonna be close in 2000 . Bush / Dole 2000 038758 00001 tboucher4 - 01 : 59am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) > 00002 dickburke1 } 00003 *I ' m a faithful reader of Charlie . He was on C-span friday morning , excellent colomnist . 038759 00001 chinagirlz1 - 02 : 00am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) > 00002 dickburke1 } 00003 *Since I once worked for the Orlando Sentinal Star , I hope you realize that it ' s a right wing paper you are quoting -not some liberal piece of garbage . . . but a REAL RIGHT WING PAPER ! ! ! ! Also , since that part of Florida is highly Republican , I think old Charlie Reese is actually trying to set the Republicans up so they don ' t feel so bad when they lose . ( It ' s all a mind game ! ) If they think that their loss is a bigger loss for the Democrats , they will be happy . If they actually knew . . . 038760 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 02am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 stars142 1 / 18 / 99 12 : 02am } 00004 *Sorry , this is a political proceeding , not a criminal trial . Absolute proof is not necessary . It ' s whatever each Senator decides . Plain and simple . That ' s why all these word-parsing , legal hair-splitting arguments are close to worthless . 038761 00001 tboucher4 - 02 : 04am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) > 00002 dougeaton It was an attempt ( aparently , not a cood one ) at sarcasm . 038762 00001 ether14 - 02 : 04am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) } 00002 *Polls , ain ' t they a funny thing ? When the White Ho ' House wants to bolster the Billy Jeff Buttafuoco myth , they recite with great pomposity the " job approval " ratings which seem to be slipping a bit , folks - while ignoring the character issue ones which indicate that basically America doesn ' t trust Billy Jeff Butt with our women folk - babies , girls , adolescents , young ladies , old ladies or wives . Then they embrace the polls which seem to indicate that America is fed up with this whole process while ignoring the vast majority who overwhelmingly believe that Billy Jeff Buttafuoco committed perjury , obstructed justice and should appear in person at his trial . Polls , funny things , eh ? Nixon ' s polls were solid until the very end . Then they crashed . If one attempts to live by the polls , one may have to die by the polls , no ? 038763 00001 chinagirlz1 - 02 : 06am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38774 ) > 00002 allterra } 00003 *I am also a woman , but I feel that I am a bit older than you . ( Getting a master ' s in computer science was just starting to get popular when I was getting out of college . ) I still support Clinton and I am looking at the facts . Hopefully , as you said , truth will prevail . +++ 038764 00001 allterra - 02 : 08am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) > 00002 havnaer 1 / 18 / 99 1 : 47am } 00003 *Thanks for responding to my question . I don ' t think anyone else accepted the challenge . 038765 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 10am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 searingtruth 1 / 18 / 99 12 : 17am } 00004 *Muncrief , my friend , you were coherent , but way off target . Sexual harassment and related civil rights laws allow plaintiffs to bring into court a defendant ' s behavior in similar situations . The defendant does not have a right ro refuse to answer questions about those situations when the court rules them admissible . BTW no one has investigated the President ' s sex life . We really have not learned anything of his day to day sexual activites , and neither has Ken Starr for that matter . 038766 00001 allterra - 02 : 11am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 18 / 99 2 : 06am } 00003 *I heartily agree and with that note I ' ll say goodnight . This stuff can get addictive ! I ' ve still got wet sheets in my washing machine . . . 038767 00001 esamax - 02 : 11am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) } 00002 *Message to President Clinton : It ' s the principle , stupid . 038768 00001 baronmunchausen - 02 : 14am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) } 00002 *Its a choice between between red-neck aryan white supremacist trailer-trash , ku klux klan members ( republicans ) and raciall-gender wise inclusive democrats . The choice is yours . America is in grave danger the ku klux klan , the the white male republican party wants to try anything to get the klan bakc into power . 038769 00001 tboucher4 - 02 : 15am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) } 00002 *Night y ' all and thanks , it ' s been a hoot . Munch , bigots come in all flavors . 038770 00001 jefflief - 02 : 18am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) } 00002 *If the scumbag is not thrown out , just wait and see what our country will be like with our young people getting the message : It ' s okay to lie ( particularly under oath ) and it ' s okay to cheat on your wife if you only have oral sex ( and if you ' re " only [being] a man " ) . Our young people WILL be running our corporations , legislatures etc . LOOK OUT ! Instead of having FOB ' s we ' ll be having lots of SOBs . 038771 00001 dickburke1 - 02 : 19am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) > 00002 chinagirlz . . . > 00003 tboucher . . . } 00004 *Charley Reese tore up his political affiliation cards and is now party-homeless and blabbing what he knows before they fire him like Bullworth . RE : Orlando . . I agree . . the town is far right of 1939 Berlin . I used to live around Lake Eola . Both Democrats & Republicans are finished . The future belongs to something new . Neither party can address current problems . Who knows , maybe politics itself is dead . 038772 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 20am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 baronmunchausen 1 / 18 / 99 2 : 14am } 00004 *Looks like the Forum filter is broken again . ( BTW if you were speaking of the racists of the right and missing the racists of the left , you need to get rid of yor own lens filter ? ) 038773 00001 jefflief - 02 : 21am Jan 18 , 1999 EST ( of 38773 ) } 00002 *If the scumbag is not thrown out , just wait and see what our country will be like with our young people getting the message : It ' s okay to lie ( particularly under oath ) and it ' s okay to cheat on your wife if you only have oral sex ( and if you ' re " only [being] a man " ) . Our young people WILL be running our corporations , legislatures etc . LOOK OUT ! Instead of having FOB ' s we ' ll be having lots of SOBs . +++ 990122 046235 00001 acer5 - 11 : 57pm Jan 22 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ . . . moderator ? . . . must ' ve had a nice friday evening scheduled . . . did anyone complain about the lack of crayons ? . . . 046236 00001 rtwing1 - 11 : 58pm Jan 22 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) > 00002 republicanok } 00003 *hopefully I can get this off before the midnight cut-off . . . yes . I agree . Today , a well-known radio host pointed out two great observations : the best and worst of the Clinton admin . The worst : Health Care . The best : Monica . Health care cost Bubba the Congress . Monica , on the other hand , pushed his approval 20 points . Go figure . But what a legacy . . . 046237 00001 rodney54 - 11 : 58pm Jan 22 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) > 00002 DONKIRK : } 00003 *You are much more fascile with the written word than I . I appeal to you to send these thoughts of yours to Democratic senators such as Harkin , Daschle , Kennedy , and yes , Byrd ( perhaps he the best recipient ) so that this question can be posed on the floor of the Senate . Re : Tripp and Goldberg . Should witnesses be voted in , I would certainly hope that the defense would call both of them as material witnesses . They could use a good grilling as to the collusion that existed between them and Starr ' s legal firm that got Starr ' s nose into Clinton ' s crotch in the first place . 046238 00001 bigdogpgh - 11 : 59pm Jan 22 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) > 00002 hershbjw2 1 / 22 / 99 11 : 43pm } 00003 *Yeah , give the money to the poor like they told us we have been for the last 80 years . If I could personally give my modest tax dollars to the poor , I would . The problem is that the government uses the poor as an excuse to continuously raise our taxes , while the poor get poorer . I don ' t like to see people suffer . We do live in a welfare-capitalistic state . Wealth is redistributed about as much as it possibly can be already . 990123 046239 00001 lashlaru1 - 12 : 14am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) } 00002 *My dear Republicans : Oh my ! Your goody two shoes , Pat Robertson , is now being eaten alive by your conservatives . . . cause he said that this impeachment circus is over . Hahahaha . . . the Comeback Kid wins again . 046240 00001 acer5 - 12 : 14am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) } 00002 * ~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ . . . ohh-kaaay . . . just trying to add a little color to this " pale , highly predictable dead horse " we ' re beatin ' on here . . . WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN WASHINGTON The President absolutely did not engage in any sexual conduct with Miss Lewinsky and will vigorously defend himself against such claims . However the President would like to state that it is possible that a perfectly innocent incident has been twisted by right wing Republicans in order to undermine his administration . Mr . Clinton has said that there was an occasion when it was necessary for him to adjust his clothing he noticed with some embarrassment that his fly was undone . The President said that he unfortunately had some difficulty with his clothing as his zipper got stuck . Because Mr . Clinton has slight arthritis in his hands he found he could not get the zipper up . He therefore , for medical reasons , was forced to enlist the assistance of one of his staffers , who was Miss Lewinsky . In the course of assisting Mr . Clinton , Miss Lewinsky had to kneel in front of him to facilitate the operation of the zipper . For medical reasons Mr . Clinton has been advised to wear no undergarments and it so happened , that in their anxiety to end the embarrassment and rectify the fly problem , that Mr . Clinton ' s pen ! $ may have fallen out of his trousers . As Miss Lewinsky was grappling with his fly and felt sure that she nearly had it , and did not want Mr . Clinton to be seen with his penis hanging out , she took the presidential pen ! $ into her mouth so that it would not be visible should anyone enter the room . Mr . Clinton was unable to use his own hands for this purpose as he was assisting Miss Lewinsky by holding her hair out of her face so she could properly visualize his fly . It took some minutes for Miss Lewinsky to fix Mr . Clinton ' s fly , and it was during this time that another staff member entered the room and apparently completely misconstrued the situation . Mr . Clinton would like to reiterate that there was nothing unusual about his working relationship with Miss Lewinsky . He did say however that as he had trouble with his fly on a number of occasions , necessitating Miss Lewinsky ' s repeated assistance , he was considering changing his tailor . 046241 00001 acer5 - 12 : 18am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ . . . i guess it ' ll be awhile before you guys see > 00003 " acer5 " } 00004 *again . . . : : : : : : gulp : : : : : : . . . 046242 00001 dickmorr - 12 : 18am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) > 00002 cfalbert : } 00003 *I do agree that there is far too much persecution of high ranking congress .

But some of it is deserved . I remember ( you forgot ) the beating the Dems . and Repubs . gave Senator Packwood who was a republican . Senator Packwood was accused of hugging women , plus a few other wrongly placed unwanted kisses . You can ' t even compare what Packwood did ( he was removed ) versus the President ' s actions with Monica ( doubtful removal - but its not over until the fat lady sings ) . We would all go to heck if we had to give up hugging . But just the same , we must enforce sexual harassment laws - and as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow somwewhere in this world , the President is guilty of sexual harassment . Over 80% of Americans and even members of the President ' s party say he has lied , committed perjury , and obstructed justice . So if all this is true ( reminds me of the OJ trial ) , why don ' t we throw the bum out ? Yeah , I see the polls as well as you do that say 66% of this misguided population say the President is doing a good job ( I think based strickly on the economy ) , but more than that point , those numbers reflect the slipping morality and values of Americans . As a former Demo that voted for Clinton twice , I don ' t like what I see the democrats doing . Basically they are defending Clinton using another form of the race card which freed a killer , and this card is the economy . In other words , the means ( economy ) justifys the end result ( free a guilty President ) . So sad ! 046243 00001 littlebigsys - 12 : 20am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46330 ) } 00002 * . . . the poor get poorer . . . . Wealth is redistributed about as much as it possibly can be already . Sounds self-contradictory to me . +++ 046244 00001 janetlb - 12 : 39am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46327 ) } 00002 *If you want to see what happens to a community that thinks morals don ' t matter , go into the Black ghetto areas . No wonder Clinton loves these people . But , look at what our nation will degenerate into if the rule of law gives way to community opinion . After all , Hitler was popular and did a lot for the German people through their economy , especially . Do you all know that part of the job of the electors is supposed to be to screen a candidate ' s moral behavior , because the people could be hoodwinked by some smooth talking liar and vote him into office ? Guess all the electors in these past elections should definitely be replaced for not doing their job . Hope the Senate doesn ' t fail so miserably . 046245 00001 tranthien - 12 : 41am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46327 ) } 00002 *Witnesses needed ( ) for the Impeachment Trial ? Could anyone explain why the Republicans at the House didn ' t call any witness but rushed to impeach Clinton and now at the Senate floor , they want witnesses so badly ? . I wish the Senate will decide to call witnesses before the jurors . Could witnesses change the Senators mind ? Do you think if witnesses were called , the politically motivated Special Prosecutor Starr would have to answer some very , very hard questions ? ? It might turn out as if Starr were on trial , not Clinton . 046246 00001 9 . 17 . 1787 - 12 : 49am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46327 ) } 00002 *Definition of the Liberal : ( Political ) ( 1 ) The iron clad , spastic , genetically encoded adherence to the belief that purpose of the government and all of its laws , protections , liberties , freedoms and privileges is for the free usurpation and thus utilization of the liberal will . Get out of it everything you can . For the liberal will to become self-perpetuating , it must TAKE ADVANTAGE of every opportunity available to it to manipulate every aspect of the constitution and the American form of government so as to create a liberal utopia where the only direction , the only principles , the only truth that is binding to the liberal is the one that it makes for itself through the sheer will of its liberalism . ( Personal ) ( 2 ) The personification of that common opaque dream of the poor little whining imbecile who sits among the crowd and pisses his pants in front of all , and is utterly powerless to stop it . Partly because he lacks the intestinal fortitude to pinch off a turd , much less a wizz . Partly because he enjoys the warm feeling of being so different , so ignorant , so pathetic . . . Liberal manifesto : 1 ) The word lie is a misnomer and does not exist , only the free exercise of liberal will 2 ) Laws are tools to be used for the creative and semantic reconstruction and subsequent obliteration of the inherent obstacles that the weaker conservative influence has on the effective proliferation of the liberal will . 3 ) Liberal Will is literal truth 5am -- January 22 , 1999 By Greg Pierce THE WASHINGTON TIMES THE VERY SCUMBAGS THAT ARE HIS ATTORNEYS ARE AS GOOD AN EXAMPLE AS YOU HAVE ? WHAT KIND OF carville LIKE SCUM BAG WOULD DEFEND A SCUM BAG LIKE CLINTON ? --Greg Craig . Craig coordinates the president ' s impeachment defense inside the White House and is the lead spokesman on the issue . Craig was an aide to Sen . Edward Kennedy , D-Mass . , and helped represent John Hinckley Jr . after he attempted to assassinate President Reagan in 1981 . Deputy White House Counsel Cheryl D . Mills was lionized in the media Thursday for her performance in defending the president before the Senate on Wednesday . But almost no one mentioned that a House committee has accused Miss Mills of the same type of misbehavior attributed to Mr . Clinton -- lying and obstruction of an investigation . The charges have been forwarded to the Justice Department . The House Committee on Reform and Oversight , in a 1998 report on its investigation of possible misuse of the White House database , had this to say about Miss Mills : " The committee found substantial evidence that Deputy White House Counsel Cheryl Mills perjured herself in testimony before the committee about her decision , made in concert with White House Counsel Jack Quinn , to withhold important documents responsive to the committee ' s requests . " The report added : " The President ' s involvement in the plan to convert government property to the [Democratic National Committee] and the ultimate accomplishment of that plan [represented by the transfer of these lists and data to the DNC and the Clinton-Gore campaign] motivated the White House to mount an extraordinary effort to delay and impede the investigation . Incriminating documents were withheld until after the 1996 election -- in one case , for more than a year . The White House refused to respond for months to repeated requests for documents and information . Most significantly , when called before the committee to explain the withholding of documents , Deputy Counsel to the President Cheryl Mills chose to give demonstrably false testimony . This matter has been referred to the Department of Justice for investigation of possible perjury and obstruction of the investigation . " Rep . David M . McIntosh , Indiana Republican and chairman of one of the Reform and Oversight subcommittees , sought a criminal investigation of Miss Mills in a letter to the Justice Depa 046247 00001 clsi1 - 12 : 50am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46327 ) } 00002 *I hope someone our there understands that the President has not been convicted of any crime and the House Managers can ' t seem to convince a " jury " of Senator beyond a reasonable doubt he committed a crime . Although that wouldn ' t be a criminal conviction , they can ' t even do that . Remember , convincing 2 / 3 of jury in a criminal court would result in either acquittal or hung jury . There you need 100% . I suspect Mr . Starr will suffer the same fate if he ever indicts Mr . Clinton . You can say you think he comitted a crime but you can ' t call him a perjurer or obstructor . The Constitution forbids it . In fact , the house Managers should be saying we believe he did so and so rather than saying he did . No doubt he is a liar , but a liar about what is also relevent question . No doubt he is a breathtaking fool for doing what he did with Ms . Lewinski . However , our system of justice presumes innocence until and unless a jury in a court convicts you . That is Constitutional . That is the rule of law . 046248 00001 cliper - 12 : 55am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46327 ) } 00002 *I have heard several times that President Clinton can be held accountable

after he leaves office like any citizen for Perjury and Obstruction of Justice . What I haven ' t heard , however , is how to prevent what happened to President Nixon from happening to President Clinton . What I mean is this . President Ford pardoned Nixon shortly after Nixon left office . Nixon was then out of reach of the law and home free . If Clinton ' s successor also pardons him , he will have escaped punishment from the US Senate . . . and the pardon also takes him out of reach of the law as well . If that happens , there is nothing anyone can do to him and he will have made a complete mockery of our way of life and justice . +++ 046250 00001 cliper - 01 : 01am Jan 23 , 1999 EST (

of 46324 ) } 00002 *I have heard several times that President Clinton can be held accountable after he leaves office like any citizen for Perjury and Obstruction of Justice . What I haven ' t heard , however , is how to prevent what happened to President Nixon from happening to President Clinton . What I mean is this . President Ford pardoned Nixon shortly after Nixon left office . Nixon was then out of reach of the law and home free . If Clinton ' s successor also pardons him , he will have escaped punishment from the US Senate . . . and the pardon also takes him out of reach of the law as well . If that happens , there is nothing anyone can do to him and he will have made a complete mockery of our way of life and justice . 046251 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 01am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46324 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 cliper 1 / 23 / 99 12 : 55am } 00004 *President Clinton and the country are paying dearly already . Clinton ' s dubious place in history is assured , and his administration is in shambles . 046252 00001 cliper - 01 : 02am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46324 ) } 00002 *I have heard several times that President Clinton can be held accountable after he leaves office like any citizen for Perjury and Obstruction of Justice . What I haven ' t heard , however , is how to prevent what happened to President Nixon from happening to President Clinton . What I mean is this . President Ford pardoned Nixon shortly after Nixon left office . Nixon was then out of reach of the law and home free . If Clinton ' s successor also pardons him , he will have escaped punishment from the US Senate . . . and the pardon also takes him out of reach of the law as well . If that happens , there is nothing anyone can do to him and he will have made a complete mockery of our way of life and justice . 046253 00001 marc_vatter - 01 : 03am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46324 ) } 00002 *If Monica was such a gullible kid , why did Starr ' s boys rough her up ? If this is about the letter of the law , then Clinton ' s hairsplitting is appropriate . If this is about the spirit of the law , then Clinton is definitely innocent , having fallen for a politically-motivated perjury trap set by The Republican Party who approached Paula ( it wasn ' t her idea to sue ) , paid for it , and coordinated with Starr in their desperate attempt to get SOMETHING , ANYTHING ! on The President of the United States . 046254 00001 cliper - 01 : 03am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46324 ) } 00002 *I have heard several times that President Clinton can be held accountable after he leaves office like any citizen for Perjury and Obstruction of Justice . What I haven ' t heard , however , is how to prevent what happened to President Nixon from happening to President Clinton . What I mean is this . President Ford pardoned Nixon shortly after Nixon left office . Nixon was then out of reach of the law and home free . If Clinton ' s successor also pardons him , he will have escaped punishment from the US Senate . . . and the pardon also takes him out of reach of the law as well . If that happens , there is nothing anyone can do to him and he will have made a complete mockery of our way of life and justice . 046255 00001 larrypim - 01 : 04am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46324 ) } 00002 *Endgame They ' re coming undone . The House Republicans , certain they are right , convinced God is on their side , are facing not just defeat in the Senate trial . Humiliation is a better term . They bet the farm and their spare change on convincing the Senate that our President is such a rotter he MUST be removed from office . Then the President ' s defense team , the dean of the Senate , the cornerstone of the Religious Right , and the few Congressional Republicans who can still think sanely about Bill Clinton spoke out--it ' s over . The gambit has failed . Trying to whip the body politic into a righteous rage , the House Republicans and their allies in the press have instead succeeded in alternately boring and disgusting the rest of us . Did they really believe that Clinton ' s lapses of moral judgement could equal the evils of Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson ' falsehoods about Vietnam , or Ronald Reagan ' s whoppers about Iran-Contra ? Can Henry Hyde continue to twist logic , excusing lies and lawbreaking when " national security " is involved but bellowing about The Rule of Law when the lies are about private transgressions of which Hyde himself is guilty ? We have reached the defining moment of this manufactured Constitutional Crisis and found the prosecution ' s arguments are built on froth and sand . In a way , we must feel some empathy for the House Managers . They believe our nation should be governed by those who are judged worthy by the " right " sort of people . Liberals and libertines need not apply . Unfortunately , our elections don ' t always produce those results . But that is democracy . If you want to throw leaders out of office for immoral behavior , go to Indonesia . The House Managers also have to play footsie with the minority of Americans that seem to believe due process and privacy are fine as long as you aren ' t breaking the Sixth Commandment . This minority is ever ready to drive elected officials from office for moral failings , so long as their political ends are served . Usually these ends match the " anti " agenda of the Religious Right . Cynicism isn ' t a trait confined to Liberals . In future history of this episode , we will learn how the Paula Jones matter was created and financed by men and women whose one goal was to destroy the Clintons . These people cared not for law , justice , or even the U . S . Constitution if these institutions protected Bill and Hilary Clinton from their wrath . They subverted Civil Rights , ual Harrassment laws , and finally the Impeachment process in order to bring Clinton down . Now , the endgame has begun . Those whose hatred of our President knows no rational civil or legal bounds are facing only the first of many , many defeats . +++ 046256 00001 johnsdad1b - 01 : 05am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson > 00003 dickmorr 1 / 23 / 99 12 : 18am } 00004 *What ' s amazing is that the President , any President according to the economics guru Dr . Tyson . . . attractive and very smart lady , isn ' t really responsible for the economy . She was asked what credit the President should get and she said " none " . . . . . Which if one understands the facts of economics , is correct ! I , for one , always thought that the administration controlled the economy , but have been educated since and can only say that the real economic well being of the country is the perception of how the people feel and if it means a full stomach , then everything is good ! The extreme of how that works is that when using the economic indicators , there were worse times in America in the area of 1936 than in 1929 . Things were so bad , nobody felt worse and the already loved Roosevelt stayed loved . The war got us out and the bad times of the latter 70 ' s and the first part of the 80 ' s was the result of Vietnam and what got us out was the technological revolution that went into high gear and allowed production per man hour of work to increase substantially . . . . . Reagan , Bush and Clinton has absolutely nothing to do with it . 046257 00001 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 06am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) > 00002 cliper 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 01am } 00003 *I would take issue with two things in your post . Any official pardons at his peril . Even if Gore becomes President , a pardon would probably doom a second term . My guess , never will happen . The other is more serious . The " escaped punishment in the Senate " . The Senate ( and impeachment ) are not there for punishment . The purpose is to protect the country from a President that is doing damage ( or likely to do damage ) to the system . 046258 00001 johnsdad1b - 01 : 08am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson > 00003 collioure1 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 01am } 00004 * Nice to see you . . . just back from a party and going to bed . . . . Night all ! 046259 00001 tamerlane2 - 01 : 09am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 *Cliper . . . Well , there ' s always the Parralex Corp . 046260 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 11am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 larrypim 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 04am } 00004 *Look at the mirror to see someone else acting self-righteously . These Clintons are far from innocent . Way too much smoke in Whitewater , Filegate , campaign finance abuse , Travelgate . 046261 00001 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 11am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) > 00002 larrypim 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 04am } 00003 *Be careful not to celebrate too soon . The Constitution is still in danger . Sen . Hatch is already floating a " compromise " that validates the House case . Such an agreement could be appealing to Dems . The Devil is in the details , if you validate an illegitimate impeachment everyone loses . The Reps don ' t " get him " and Constitution is still violated . 046262 00001 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 17am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) > 00002 collioure1 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 11am } 00003 *That ' s a nice list of the Top Four Things No Evidence Exists For . 046263 00001 ramzfan1 - 01 : 21am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) > 00002 tranthien , } 00003 *to state it simply , in the impeachment the House acted as a Grand Jury to charge the president based on the credible evidence gathered , tested and presented by the Independent Counsel , under the monitor of the U . S . Justice Department . The Independent Counsel used a Grand Jury to examine , take depositions and examine credible witnesses all year long and delivered a report based on the law to Congress . A majority of the House acted on the report of Articles of Impeachment prepared by the House Judiciary Committee , who tested the findings of the Starr Report and found sufficient cause to believe in this case that the president violated the law . The Senate acts as a trial court to decide whether to convict or not . In a trial witnesses already deposed and examined in the Independent Counsel investigation are called to testify and be cross-examined to determine the guilt or innocence of the president . This long tedious process is done to make sure there is no miscarriage of justice . Do you understand that Grand Juries don ' t try cases and then have them retried in a trial court ? They act to indict if there is sufficient cause to believe a crime was committed . It does not mean the accused will be convicted , that is what the trial process determines through a sometimes long examination and cross-examination of witnesses before a jury . As for Starr , he was expected to be grilled in the Judiciary Committee hearing but surprisingly defied the " Conventional Wisdom " and accounted for himself well according to Time Magazine who made him co- Man of the Year along with his adversary the First Liar . +++ 046264 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 23am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 r4rw3r4 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 17am } 00004 *There ' s plenty of evidence - much of it leads to Hillary . But if you want to applaud the illegal review of 900 FBI files , go right ahead . Or campaign contributions from China , or the Buddhist temple fund-rasing scam Or the abuse of the IRS and Dept of Justice in Travelgate Or the raiding of a federally insured S & L by the Little Rock elite . 046265 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 26am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 johnsdad1b 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 08am } 00004 *Hi , Bill . Looks like censure for sure now . I think that ' s about right . I do wish the whole truth would come out , but I doubt it will . Bring on campaign 2000 . Does either party have a program ? 046266 00001 ramzfan1 - 01 : 32am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 *Drudge reports Monica is back in Clinton ' s camp and refuses to cooperate with the House managers so Starr has gone to Judge Johnson to revoke Monica ' s immunity and charge her with mutiple felonies ! 046267 00001 ramzfan1 - 01 : 34am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 *Monica has gone Susan McDougal ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 046268 00001 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 41am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) > 00002 collioure1 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 23am } 00003 * " No evidence of misuse of FBI files " - Ken Starr " No charges referred to Justice on campaign finance " - Fred Thompson " No charges of wrongdoing in the Travel Office firings " - Ken Starr Now if you want to get into S&Ls that is the third rail of politics . If you fleshed that out , there ' d be no goverment left . Do a search for Hyde and Clyde sometime ( I know , sounds like vaudeville ) 046269 00001 klambert4 - 01 : 44am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 §046270 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 45am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) > 00003 ramzfan1 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 34am } 00004 *Monica could go either way . No way to predict . If she does end up in an orange jumpsuit , who knows ? Can ' t wait to see how Byrd reacts to the fact that the US Senate is at the mercy of Ken Starr . 046271 00001 zimtoons1 - 01 : 57am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) } 00002 *In the end , Clinton will end up with a censure of some kind . That will be considered a victory by his apologists . The victory being that he was not thrown out of office . How many more wins like that do the Democrats want ? How many more victories like that can they be proud of ? 046272 00001 janetlb - 02 : 01am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46323 ) +++ 046273 00001 powerside1 - 02 : 01am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46322 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 klambert4 1 / 23 / 99 1 : 44am } 00004 *Senators who have cut Medicare reimbursements } 00005 *Do you mean to tell me that President Clinton vetoed medicare cost cuts , but those evil Senators re-passed the legislation cutting medicare and overcame his veto ? Of course not . In fact , here is an excerpt of PRESIDENT CLINTON ' S SPEECH IN WHICH HE TAKES CREDIT FOR CUTTING MEDICARE REIMBURSEMENTS : " In addition to the discretionary spending cuts , our budget did reduce entitlements , making reductions in agricultural subsidies , asking upper-income recipients of Social Security to pay more tax on their income , lowering reimbursements to Medicare providers , making other adjustments in Medicaid and in veterans ' benefits . Now , all these cuts are already on the books . We are also cutting -- with the help of the Vice President ' s National Performance Review -- over 250 , 000 positions from the federal payrolls , largely by attrition and early retirement over the next five years . We ' re finally attempting to reform the system in ways that will permit us to save billions of more dollars in discretionary spending through reform of personnel budgeting and , most importantly , procurement systems -- if the Congress will authorize all three of those systematic reforms . " December 13 , 1993 , REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT IN ADDRESSING THE FUTURE OF ENTITLEMENTS CONFERENCE , , Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr , Pennsylvania If you don ' t believe Clinton made this speech , here ' s the link . Why do you Clinton apologists always want to blame the things you don ' t like on the GOP , and give Clinton credit for hanging the moon ? How does it feel to be a foot-soldier in the Clinton dis-information campaign ? --> 00006 triton76 - 02 : 01am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( §§046274 of 46322 ) The GOP House Managers have managed to piss off everyone they come in contact with . They are remorseless , something like termites who keep gnawing away at concepts of " due process " and other concepts necessary for an orderly society to thrive ; and utterly humorless as typified by Rep . Barr of Georgia fame . Rep . Barr is enough to make decent people vomit whenever he comes into view . A more egregious Tartuffe it would be difficult to find . And those are only the " good " things to say about him . In addition , the GOP House Managers are trying exceedingly hard to make sure that noone with an IQ over 38 would ever vote for any of GOP candidate every again , and that the national GOP will be in the remorseless grip of the religious far right , a more disgusting group it would be quite hard to asemble--all led by the stupefyingly stupid Rev . Falwell who thinks the world is going to end as foretold by a fake Messiah , some Jew now living on Earth . With nut cases like that walking around giving guidance to the GOP , who in his or her right mind would ever vote for a GOP candidate ever again ? The GOP is slowly describing itself as the party of bigots , a terrible legacy for the party of the blessed Abraham Lincoln . 046275 00001 janetlb - 02 : 09am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46322 ) } 00002 *TRITION The Democrats are establishing themselves as the evil party with no morals . It ' s like that here in Hawaii . The dems are mostly Japanese-Americans who really do a lot of illegal things , but on the outside , everyone is supposed to follow traditiions and put on a ' proper ' face . You ' re scolded if you bring up in public some illegal or unethical thing they did . But , they would deny rights to others , etc . to get what they want ; they just don ' t want to talk about it . But , they want to be able to do it . Same as Bill and Hill . . I just look at Democrats and cring . Can you believe they defend such sleaze and have no ethics ? 046276 00001 powerside1 - 02 : 11am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46322 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 triton76 1 / 23 / 99 2 : 01am } 00004 *termites who keep gnawing away at concepts of " due process " } 00005 *Speaking of due process , are a citizen ' s due process rights somehow advanced when the chief law-enforcement officer in the land lies under oath to prevent that citizen from pursuing a civil right claim which the U . S . Supreme Court unanimously said she had a right to pursue in court ? 046277 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 12am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46322 ) > 00002 triton , } 00003 *I deduce then that you have missed Manager Grahams presentations and rebuttals . Here a taste for you : http : / / www . c-span . org / ram / trial012299 / q30 . ram Your post indicates you are unaware of Manager Hutchinson as well , so here ' s a link to get to know him too : http : / / www . house . gov / judiciary / hutsenate . htm 046278 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 19am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46322 ) } 00002 *I don ' t think we ' ll see censure . It does no good to pass some paper that says how wretchedly horrible this president is but we accept that as long we can say we think he ' s really a scum . And , I don ' t think the republicans as a whole will support censure . Their position is going to be ( IMHO ) : " Yeah , we know he ' s really horrible , we don ' t accept it , that ' s why we voted to remove him , you had your chance but you didn ' t have the guts or the honor . If you want try to fool people otherwise , go ahead . " 046279 00001 baba108 - 02 : 25am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46322 ) } 00002 *New York Times , January 22 , 1999 : " With an increasingly important number of Republicans expressing reservations about the wisdom of calling witnesses , Sen . Robert C . Byrd said on Friday that President Clinton ' s impeachment trial should come to a swift end . " 72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72% 72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72% 72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72% 72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72% 72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72%72% . . . Get it ? Good ! +++ 046280 00001 baba108 - 02 : 30am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) } 00002 *Bob Byrd obviously gets it ! Pat Robertson gets it ! Even Jerry Falwell gets it ! This could become a stampede ! 046281 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 30am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 baba , } 00003 *I don ' t think those IQ scores of yours are anything to be bragging about , much less repeating 58 times . 046282 00001 tiger410 - 02 : 32am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) } 00002 *yesterdays rebuttal by WH defence council was very poor , at the very begining charles ruff has to apologise for mis-leading the senate regards to betty currie issue . the follow questions were either not answered by WH defence council or were vaguely responded : 1 . to the question as to why WJC should have ordered for polls just after when WJC jad perjured himself in PJ deposition . ? ? 2 . would the defence council convict federal judges for the same crimes the president is accused of . ? ? 3 . why there is a contradiction in WJC testimony & Monica ' s one regard the return of gifts- as to who took initiative ? ? 4 . the legal hairspliting of words by WJC ? ? so many questions remained unanswered , instead the WH decided to question the Rep . as if they are the accused ? ? what a pity ? in a great democracy such as of United States of America . 046283 00001 baba108 - 02 : 35am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) } 00002 *Oh well ! I suppose it would be asking a bit much to hope that everyone would get it . 046284 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 36am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 tiger , } 00003 *The president ' s lawyers ( which we ' re paying for by the way ) have yet to give anything approaching a credible defense on coaching of witnesses / obstruction . But they could have said the President was actually a robot and the dems would have said , " see , he ' s been defended . " I think the dems and the media lost sight of the evidence some time back . That ' s what Harkins objection was all about : " Wait a minute , we don ' t have to make a decision based on the evidence if we don ' t want to . " It ' s the OJ trial on a grander scale . Complete with race card . 046285 00001 baba108 - 02 : 40am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 23 / 99 2 : 38am } 00003 *And then there are those precious few who may never get it ! 046286 00001 baba108 - 02 : 46am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) } 00002 *Its awfully quiet . . . maybe he got it . 046287 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 47am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 baba , } 00003 *Get it ? You mean get that there are those who think that justice and guilt or innocence should be determined by a popularity poll ? You mean get that although three out of four Americans think Clinton lied under oath and obstructed justice , the Senate should vote to acquit him of the same charges , cause they don ' t want him removed from office ? You mean get that some would only apply the law and the constitution to people they don ' t like and would give charming criminals a pass ? You mean get it that some think as long as they think someone is doing a good job , criminal offenses should be overlooked ? You mean get that some are happy to be on what the think is the winning side never caring whether they are on the right side ? Is that what you mean by " get it " ? I get it . Get it ? 046288 00001 baba108 - 02 : 51am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 23 / 99 2 : 47am} 00003 *No . No . He hasn ' t got it . 046289 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 53am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 baba , } 00003 *I don ' t have time to educate you on our representative form of government , take a civics course . Perhaps there is a remedial one offered near you . +++ 046290 00001 baba108 - 02 : 56am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 23 / 99 2 : 53am } 00003 * " reprentative " } 00004 *Oh well . . . we ' re none of us perfect . 046291 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 00am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 baba , } 00003 *Sorry , you are referring to your misspelling ? You brag about the darndest things . Low IQ scores , lack of knowledge of government systems and now spelling errors . 046292 00001 mcrademd - 03 : 05am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) } 00002 *who is on the annoying one cent stamps ? monica of course . You provide the reasons : she ' s cheap , boxy , and easy to lick ? 046293 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 10am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 baba , } 00003 *Maybe it ' s the drugs kicking in on you again . Well , baba , it ' s been fun , not very enlightening and certainly not what I ' d call a substantive debate , but a bit humorous anyway . Goodnight posters and lurkers . Peace 046294 00001 snoop42 - 03 : 18am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 d-fendr , } 00003 *You ' re assuming that Clinton is guilty . Look at it the other way , that what he did isn ' t our business or the business of the congress and that the schmuck Republicans in congress are exploiting it for political reasons and in the process making our country the laughing stock of the world . Take a reality check . What ' s important here ? We elect congress yet congress completely ignores us goes ahead with a trial to remove from office a President with a 73% popularity rating . Is that your idea of representative govt ? ? ? ? 046295 00001 baba108 - 03 : 20am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 23 / 99 2 : 59am } 00003 *Perhaps if I tried to explain it . . . Once there was a President of the United States who pissed off a really lot of people . So they went after him . They tried ever so many " gates , " but just never could corner him . Then they discovered that he had been very naughty with ML and had even stretched the truth pretty much to new limits in his effort to hide it . Now they had him ! But wait ! Unbelievable ! Most of the people who elected him thought he was doing a fine job as President of the United States and just plain didn ' t go for the idea that his transgressions really ought to be described as " high crimes and misdemeanors . " Eventually some of his pursuers began to GET IT and drew away from the pack . Eventually almost everyone -with a few exceptions- GOT IT and the whole matter simply faded into history . ( Please pardon my lapse at the end of this tale . As the man said , " It ain ' t over ' til its over ! " Just a guess . We ' ll see , won ' t we ? 046296 00001 snoop42 - 03 : 28am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 baba108 } 00003 *That ' s exactly right . The irony in the whole thing is the conservatives who are supposed to be so righteous , when actually they ' re just as adulterous as Clinton and are straining the limits of democratic govt to achieve their own political agenda . The end justifies the means and democracy goes in the trash . 046297 00001 baba108 - 03 : 32am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 snoop42 1 / 23 / 99 3 : 28am } 00003 * " and democracy goes in the trash . " } 00004 *Being from Boulder , I prefer to think of it as a recycling bin . 046298 00001 tiger410 - 03 : 41am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 d-fendr ! } 00003 *it requires commonsense , sincerity , will to uphold justice & then to punish the guilty . the american people are so excited in leting WJC get away with his high crimes that they are blindfolded by WJC salessmanship his charm that they care a damn for democracy , justice , equality & principle of truth . one do

hope that the polls are manipulated one by WH as had been proved beyond doubt that when WJC perjured himself in Jones deposition , the first thing he did was ask Dick Morris to condict the polls . I think WJC & his WH staff , his friends are manipulating and are setting things in media . How can one explain that a Lleading Dem already deciding that the trial should be dismissed without going to its ligical conclusion & completing the process ? ? DEM are applying bi-partisanship methods . It is plain simple fact that WJC committed perjury & obstructed justice . Does ' nt the polls themselves suggest that overwhelming majority of the people believes that WJC lies under oath , obstructed justice . The polls conducted by Dick Morris at WJC instance themselves proves the charges leveled against WJC . It altogether a different thing that few emotionally blackmailed WJC fans does not want to remove him come what may crime had been committed by WJC . pity for democracy , equality , justice 7 the people who are in jail for such & other petty crimes . 046299 00001 baba108 - 03 : 44am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46321 ) > 00002 tiger410 1 / 23 / 99 3 : 41am }

00003 *another one who doesn ' t get it ! Hello ! 72% of us are trying to say something ! +++ 046300 00001 baba108 - 03 : 55am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) > 00002 tiger410 1 / 23 / 99 3 : 41am } 00003 *Perhaps if I tried to explain it . . . Once there was a President of the United States who pissed off a really lot of people . So they went after him . They tried ever so many " gates , " but just never could corner him . Then they discovered that he had been very naughty with ML and had even stretched the truth pretty much to new limits in his effort to hide it . Now they had him ! But wait ! Unbelievable ! Most of the people who elected him thought he was doing a fine job as President of the United States and just plain didn ' t go for the idea that his transgressions really ought to be described as " high crimes and misdemeanors . " Eventually some of his pursuers began to GET IT and drew away from the pack . Eventually almost everyone -with a few exceptions- GOT IT and the whole matter simply faded into history . ( Please pardon my lapse at the end of this tale . As the man said , " It ain ' t over ' til its over ! " Just a guess . We ' ll see , won ' t we ? ( I could try explaining some of the more difficult points if you like . But I think that if you kind of ruminate on the 72% part it might eventually come clear . ) 046301 00001 tiger410 - 04 : 02am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) > 00002 baba108 ! } 00003 *72% of what 72% of minority vote ( 2% ) who jumps to conclusion at the drop of hat ? ? the silent majority ( 98% ) don ' t so give it easily they wait till the whole & clear picture comes out . don ' t be so easily swayed away by WJC big talks ( lies to coverup & get away ) what happen to Iraq ? ? what happened to Saddham ? ? WJC tried & is trying all tricks to fool people like you who do not apply their own mind . You are putting things in the silent majority ' s mouth , who by the way won ' t accept it . the bottomline is do America needs a president who had lied under oath , who had committed such henious acts at place of work , who had obstructed justice & who had used UN to coverup ? what are the americans like you telling the world ? ? are ' nt people like you already embarraced by WJC Iraq ' s mis-adventur ? ? surpassing the UN ? ? ( when infact the security council was in session ) WJC used Richard Buttler to give report which suited WJC to order attack on Irag on the same day the vote on impeachment was to take place . did not WJC was trying to play to the & with galary & american

people ' s emotion ? By the way let ' s be clear nobody , to repeat nobody supported WJC in his Iraq mis-adventure , america has to support as it had to accept the blunderof its president 046302 00001 baba108 - 04 : 06am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) tiger410 1 / 23 / 99 4 : 02am Oh well . . . I tried . 046303 00001 tiger410 - 04 : 06am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) > 00002 baba , } 00003 *don ' t be evasive as WJC is , don ' t tell cock& bull stories . be straight & to the point . remember no DEM nor Starr told WJC to do what he did in white house with a govt employee , nor did anyone advised to lie under oath , to perjured himself before grand jury , to lie to the american people so bluntly , to follow such course of action so as to coverup without caring for the rule of law , justice & caring for truth & without thinking that he is the president of united states . 046304 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 26am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " } 00003 *They just want to win too much . Pathetic efforts to prolong the agony not just of President Clinton and of his family but also of the nation must convince all persons of conscience and goodwill the house managers are desperate to continue a process which they know in their hearts is lost . 046305 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 36am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " The emerging bitterness and harsh language used not just by the house managers and the White House counsel in the well of the Senate chamber but also of the individual senators in the hallway press conferences was presaged by the press release issued by Senator Robert C . Byrd . The conscience of the senate has determined the institutions of the presidency and of the senate demand the dismissal of the articles . Prior to his announcement even republican senators honored the wisdom and integrity of Senator Byrd . Now . . . 046306 00001 jlaing11 - 11 : 37am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) > 00002 hi ada . } 00003 *how is it gooing ? 046307 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 41am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 jlaing11 1 / 23 / 99 11 : 37am } 00004 *Fine , Doc . Hows by you ? Did you know images and sounds can ' t be posted any more ? That is , I can ' t get a post containing either to post . Wonder what gives . . . 046308 00001 dogbert85 - 11 : 44am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) } 00002 *Conservative definition : A lower primate with a Bible in one hand and a bomb in the other . I ' m tired of the right-wing ' s use of the word " liberal " as a derisive term when it is the " conservative " label that currently deserves derision . This republican-only impeachment only serves to show how out-of-touch and obsessed these reactionaries are with " getting Clinton " , while leaving the nation ' s business undone . The arguments in this 2-bit scandal have been bandied about for over a year now , and still no minds have been changed on either side . If Clinton were truly guilty of impeachable crimes , the Democrats would have climbed aboard the impeachment express long ago . Ken Starr continues his strong arm tactics in the Kathleen Willey " scandal " and it appears he will be investigating Clinton until both are old men . The American public is tired of the G ( et ) O ( urs ) P ( arty ) of inquisition that does nothing but run obsessed witchhunts . They will pay the price in 2000 by going to minority status in Congress , and losing the presidency again . Power to the people . 046309 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 46am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46320 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " +++ 046310 00001 butler5555 - 11 : 47am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) } 00002 *Anti-conviction senators are working with pro-impeachment senators to help them find a face-saving way to exit . I think it only right that anti-conviction posters to help pro-conviction posters in a similar way . One idea comes to mind : The anti-Clinton folks can magnify the House impeachment as a black mark on Clinton ' s record . 046311 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 49am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Impeachment is as dead as a doornail Republican Don ' t Know Which Direction to Go ! Unless Republicans agree to censure , there will be no punishment --> 046312 00001 jlaing11 - 11 : 49am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 1 / 23 / 99 11 : 46am } 00003 *True , what a bummer . Probably saving bandwidth . : - ( 046313 00001 dogbert85 - 11 : 51am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) } 00002 *Conservative definition : A lower primate with a Bible in one hand and a bomb in the other . We may have 2 history books out of this " Scandal " . One highlighting the RWers view and one highlighting everyone else ' s . 046314 00001 empeegee - 11 : 52am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) } 00002 *So how does everyone feel about the House Managers calling Ken Starr ( chamber ) into the fray ? 046315 00001 jlaing11 - 11 : 57am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) > 00002 empeegee 1 / 23 / 99 11 : 52am } 00003 *The house should have gotten their ducks in a row before presenting their case . 046316 00001 dogbert85 - 11 : 57am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) } 00002 *Conservative definition : A lower primate with a Bible in one hand and a bomb in the other . > 00003 empeegee } 00004 * " So how does everyone feel about the House Managers calling Ken Starr ( chamber ) into the fray ? " } 00005 *The House managers appear to be petty , obsessed nitwits that keep shooting themselves in the foot . Reno should fire Starr after the trial is over and put him and everyone else out of thier misery . 046317 00001 southerndeb - 11 : 59am Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) } 00002 * " Hey , Boo . " Miss Jean Louise Finch I just read Judge Wright is compelling Monica to cooperate with Starr one more time . This is getting beyond a joke . 046318 00001 5085201814 - 12 : 00pm Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) } 00002 *I hope that Hillary and Chelsie understand that their husband and dad did nothing that millions of other husbands and dads have done . The big difference was there was no scum bag like Ken Star to publish the revoltng details of the other philandering husbands and fathers . We all know he shouldn ' t have done it . We all know he was wrong . He even admitted and apologized . What the hell more does the party of hate and divisivness want . The reason most of us stood by him was because of the rotten forces that were working to oust him . They are a lot more dangerous than Bill Clinton ' s sexual transgressions , and the majority of the American people understand that . 046319 00001 dogbert85 - 12 : 00pm Jan 23 , 1999 EST ( of 46319 ) } 00002 *Conservative definition : A lower primate with a Bible in one hand and a bomb in the other . > 00003 Deb ! } 00004 *Can anyone talk sense into the House managers ? Maybe you should give it a go , Hyde has an eye for a pretty face . LOL +++ 990125 049297 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 15am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) > 00002 baba , baba108 1 / 25 / 99 3 : 13am } 00003 *Yes , indeedy , touché . 049298 00001 dbashaggy - 03 : 16am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) } 00002 *Sorry , got booted out off by my isp . Back again . Well , one site you may think by the URL is pinko , but oh well , here are two I still have . http : / / www . thegrid . net / clear / domestic . htm#domestic http : / / www . webcom . com / pinknoiz / covert / irancontra . html If you ' ll note , the first has links for Clinton scandals too , just for equal time . 049299 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 18am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) > 00002 baba , }

00003 *You might find this hard to believe , but I really don ' t hate Clinton . I hate that he ' s done the damage he ' s done , and that he ' s in the position of power that he ' s in , and that justice will not be done . all that I hate . But honestly , I think he ' s , from all I can tell a quite likeable person . I have lots of friends who have weaknesses , I got lots myself . I have been a lout and friends with louts . I think I would really love to have dinner and beers with Bill . But I wouldn ' t want him near my sister , or my White House . : ) 049300 00001 dbashaggy - 03 : 19am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) } 00002 *You can also use Thomas on the internet , and search for Iran-Contra documents through the government , if you don ' t trust independent sites . That way you can pull up the Walsh report itself , but trust me , it is the same as on those sites . 049301 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 21am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) > 00002 dbashaggy , } 00003 *Thanks , bookmarked them both to look at later . Hey , one of them even had a section on " Scandals Under Clinton " Can ' t be an all bad site . . : ) 049302 00001 brainweather - 03 : 21am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) } 00002 *I ' d might sit down for a beer with K . Starr just out of morbid curiosity , but I ' d do everything possible to talk him out of running for elected or appointed government office . 049303 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 23am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) > 00002 baba , } 00003 *But Hillary ? hmm , something tells me she ' s not the kind of person I ' d want to go out partying with . It even makes me feel a bit sorry for Bill , except that she ' s likely saved his rear on many an occasion , this one for example . 049304 00001 bernierd - 03 : 23am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) } 00002 *source : http : / / abcnews . go . com / sections / us / dailynews / clinton_testimony_1 . html QUESTION : Did you talk with Ms . Lewinsky about what she meant to write in her affidavit ? CLINTON : I didn ' t talk to her about her definition . I did not know what was in this affidavit before it was filled out , specifically . I did not know what words was used-were used specifically before it was filled out or what meaning she gave to them . But I ' m just telling you that it ' s certainly true what she says here , that we didn ' t have-there was no employment or benefit in exchange . There was nothing having anything to do with sexual harassment . And if she defined sexual relationship in the way I think most Americans do , meaning intercourse , then she told the truth . I say : Question NOT answered at all . David 049305 00001 dbashaggy - 03 : 25am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) > 00002 brainweather . . . } 00003 *No , but hey that consortiumnews site brought tears to this just approaching middle age liberal ' s eyes . Hard to believe that there are actually some of us around that love the X-Files connection thing . 049306 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 26am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49340 ) > 00002 brainweather : } 00003 *I think Starr would not be a fun running buddy at all , and likely quite boring , I also hear he ' s quite uptight . Nah , not someone I ' d want to hang with . I think I would want him as a judge though . He ' s honorable enough for that , and judgemental enough , without being megalomaniacal . We likely disagree , but I ' d vote for him for judge . Not pres or rep or senator , but judge . And definitely no invites to him to the keg party . +++ 049307 00001 baba108 - 03 : 27am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 25 / 99 3 : 13am } 00003 *I can ' t help thinking that a simple resolution that we all agree that however reprehensible his actions may have been , there can be no doubt that in the minds of a sufficient number of duly elected senators and in the voices of a large majority of the American people , these actions were judged not to be sufficient cause to remove the President from office . Is that not after all the crux of the argument ? 049308 00001 brainweather - 03 : 29am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 dbashaggy : } 00003 *Your quite welcome . I picked it up for the Henry Can ' t Hyde article . 049309 00001 dbashaggy - 03 : 33am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fender } 00003 *Just so you know where I am coming from , my mother , as part of the NEA ( teacher ' s association ) helped campaign for Clinton , met many people involved , and my mom and dad met Clinton at the inauguration . My dad went to the University of Chicago in the early sixties , and his advisor there was George Shultz , yes , the same Secretary of State . My dad worked with the Indiana government for a while , but mainly taught college and did consulting work . In the meantime , he met and knew many political people , and much of my background comes from the characterizations I heard from these two very intelligent people that raised me . I don ' t suppose you would want to know what a friend of my mom ' s said about Reagan . . . . but they both agree that Clinton is very intelligent , and also very sincere about helping ordinary people . As far as the scandal , I wouldn ' t want to be the one to debate with my dad on where Clinton ' s fits with the others in history . . . . he was a great debater in school also . 049310 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 34am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 bernierd , } 00003 *I ' d say question answered in part , great attempt at wiggle room . I ' d say a jury would have to say the president intended to convey that he did not discuss her affadavit and that he considered her statement about sex to be true according to his view of what most americans think ' sexual relationship ' means . He ' s a good liar . That ' s why they gave the definition of ' sexual relations ' and referred him to it so often . Cuts down on the wiggle room . Problem for him is ( besides it being obvious that he is trying to say he hardly knew her in the first testimony and that he had an intimate relationship with her in the second ) the problem is that under any definition of ' sexual relationship ' he ' s caught in his lie . That ' s further on in the testimony . But yeah , that ' s about as close to not answering as an answer can get . but there ' s ' enough there to say he was denying coaching her on her affadavit , and that if she meant sexual intercourse , her statement was true . 049311 00001 brainweather - 03 : 39am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 dbashaggy wrote : I don ' t suppose you would want to know what a friend of my mom ' s said about Reagan . . . I do , I do . 049312 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 40am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 dbashaggy , } 00003 *Thanks for the background . I ' ve been close to politicians too , and I had to bail , it ' s stinks a lot , and many of those in it are required to become quite the prostitute , not to mention phoney . There is also great power , so the temptation and potential for corrumption is very great and often succumbed too . I guess were we differ in this thread so far is whatever Reagan or Bush did , though I do like their philosophy , whatever they did should be prosecuted the same as Clinton . And if they did worse , that does not excuse Clinton . He ' s responsible for his wrongs , and they theirs . It ' s just not good to excuse someone because others did the same , or worse , no matter how much I like them or how much I wish I were the one who got to decide who has follow the law . These guys have enough power , exempting them from the laws is way too much . Sometimes it ' s all we got to protect us . 049313 00001 dbashaggy - 03 : 42am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 brainweather . . . } 00003 *Well , OK , but it really isn ' t too nice now that he has problems , but here it is . Her friend lived in Los Angeles at the time , and this was just before he was running for governor of California . She said that he was one of the dumbest people she met out there , and was only a fair actor . She said though he was best when he had a script to follow . 049314 00001 brainweather - 03 : 48am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 dbashaggy : } 00003 *Thanks , g ' nite all . 049315 00001 baba108 - 03 : 50am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 25 / 99 3 : 40am } 00003 *These guys have enough power , exempting them from the laws is way too much Sometimes it ' s all we got to protect us . Absolutely ! And what have we been watching through all the posturing and hype and media bs but the slow , inevitable process of law . And indeed , the highest law of this land , the US Constitution . Set aside everything else ( even including the polls ) and we still stand in the same place . Guilty ? Perhaps . But not sufficient cause to remove from office . The law will speak . How many will accept it is my question . 049316 00001 dbashaggy - 03 : 51am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fender } 00003 *I think the real problem is we are seeing politicians still used to the old order that whatever they do , it is in the interest of national security to leave alone . Now that scandals pop up right and left ( like the analogy ) I think we need to come up with nationally a way of dealing with politicians who do things that may be against the law , may be questionable , or may be borderline treasonous . But so far all we can come up with as a nation is to call the other side names , drag people through the mud , and twist things around so much ordinary people don ' t want anything to do with government , or in the future , don ' t enter politics because they did something in the past that is questionable , yet they are still a decent person . No one is without sin . This independent counsel thing is ridiculous , they are not independent . What we need to do , who knows , because I for one do believe that some things that the president does do need to be secret . We need someone in power we not only trust , but that makes decisions that are necessary that will not be second guessed after the fact . After all , these guys make decisions on people ' s lives every day . How much of it should be public . . . I don ' t believe all should be . And this thing about personal lives . Either all or nothing , either everyone ' s in the public eye should be OK to view , or no ones . +++ 049317 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 52am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 baba , baba108 1 / 25 / 99 3 : 27am } 00003 *I think if there were a way , legally , constitutionally it would have been found by now . It ' s a quandry . I think a lot , maybe a majority would like to say , yep , he ' s guilty , but let him finish his term . Problem is if he ' s guilty of perjury before a federal grand jury and obstruction of justice multiple counts - those are heavy duty felonies , even if it was all done to cover up a traffic ticket or whatever . It ' s the gravity of these crimes that the problem , regardless of why he did it . Once it gets to this level , the best a judge could do , if the defendant was guilty , the best the judge could do would be give the minimum sentence . But in this case , the minimum sentence is removal from office . It ' s not really a sentence , but . . Anyway , that ' s the quandry . The other way is basically jury nullification : to say , yeah he ' s guilty but I don ' t want him removed ( or the prosecution was grossly malfeasant ) so I ' m gonna say not guilty , even though I think he is guilty as charged . And then you have a real problem he next time you try to impeach a president or a judge , cause it ' s now relavant whether you want to remove him , whether he ' s popular , and whether the underlying motive was big or small . Not to mention the next president who wishes to push the envelope a bit further . You know where I stand , but I think something that is most obvious to me is that a good leader would resign rather than cause such damage to increase and continue . I ' m assuming that if he resigned the Senate would vote to adjurn , a safe assumption I think . . it could even be agreed to beforehand . He ' s certainly disgraced himself enough to warrant it , and he could do so and even come out a hero , make bucks , even run again for president or another office . To me , resignation is the best way to go for everybody involved . That would be the best of a bad situation . 049318 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 54am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 dbashaggy , } 00003 *I think we ' re even agreeing . The OIC is a necessary evil , but needs to be greatly revised . You can ' t leave everything to the AG , the fox guarding the henhouse , but the OIC is too easy to abuse . It ' s too carte blanche . Maybe something good will actually come out of all this . 049319 00001 brainweather - 03 : 59am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) } 00002 *Last comment . If something good comes of all this , I hope it is a trend away from what has been happening in the Grand Jury system in the last thirty years . That is an insideous creeping civil liberties threat of the highest order for this century . 049320 00001 lkhays - 03 : 59am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) } 00002 *Keith Hays , Country Lawyer > 00003 trajan12 1 / 24 / 99 5 : 05pm } 00004 *And that , Ladies and Gents , is another predictable use of the boring " Nazi Germany " analogy that liberals throw at Conservatives when they don ' t have anything to say in response to a comment they disagree with . Don ' t deal with the details and respond , just suggest they ' re a Hitler-loving " Fascist " . Our thanks to Keith Hays , Country Village Idiot . He didn ' t deal with the topic , but he sure is quick with those leftwing cliches . Thanks , dude Ok , Trajan12 , lets deal with the topic to which I was responding , which was your comment , your words as follows : The day they let that psycho [Hinckley] out is the day I take my Beretta out and use it on something other than a paper target . He ' ll never get outta that nuthouse , not alive anyway . No shooter of an American President should EVER walk out again . But if someone shoots Clinton , and I would never do so of course , they should pin some Vietnam Veteran ' s Purple Heart on him , as a token on behalf of all the men and women who answered their nation ' s call and took a bullet Clinton didn ' t have the guts to risk taking himself Is it reasoned discourse to so openly call for a political assassination ? Do you really arrogate to yourself the right to execute John Hinckley ? Trajan 12 or Wulfgar99 or what ever new imperial or Teutonic pseudonym you choose to hide behind , is this truly what you wish America to become ? Big deal you had a brother who didn ' t like squatting in the rice paddies in ' Nam . So felt a lot of other peoples ' brothers . Did they all write home and whine about it too ? Tell your brother I ' m truly sorry he had to do his duty and fight against a Communist enemy that made the raiding of small rural villages and the murder of innocent hill people a daily occurrence . I ' m sure he ' s right , WE are the real enemy , aren ' t we . Also tell him I ' m ashamed our government wasn ' t smart and enlightened enough to realize your brother should have been the country ' s #1 source for expertise on Foreign Policy , what a dern shame , what a loss for America ! Your brother had ALL the answers , and we didn ' t listen to him ? OH GOD NO ! The whining of America , that too is a legacy of Vietnam . No , son , I have a brother who went to war and who wrote home because he found out that the war he was asked to fight was too often against women and children in a quest for body counts . I have a brother who put his life on the line repeatedly and who was decorated for his bravery . I have a brother who volunteered for a second hitch not because he believed in the war he was fighting but because he did not feel he could come home when his buddies had to stay . I have a brother who is a hero but who recognized that the war he was called upon to fight bore no resemblance to the wars his uncles had fought at Bastogne and the Philippines or that his cousins had fought at the Chosin Reservoir . I ' m proud of my brother . He is a patriot , a quality that you will never understand or appreciate . So you go on pointing your pistol at imagined enemies and continue to fantasize about murdering those you dislike . Its good exercise for your superior intellect . +++ 049321 00001 wernergraf - 04 : 01am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fendr : } 00003 * " Problem is if he ' s guilty of perjury before a federal grand jury and obstruction of justice " } 00004 *WRONG ! ! ! There can be no " guilty " before a Grand Jury ! A Grand Jury hands down an indicment . In this case , the Grand Jury even handed down nothing . All that resulted from the Grand Jury investigation , was the Starr " referral " . Until convicted by a jury of peers in a court of law , nobody is " guilty " . The Grand Jury is not that court of law . Only if the Senate convicts , then he would be " guilty " . Stop distorting the facts ! ! 049322 00001 baba108 - 04 : 01am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 25 / 99 3 : 52am } 00003 * " It ' s the gravity of these crimes that ' s the problem , regardless of why he did it . " } 00004 *And isn ' t that exactly the question ? High crimes and misdemeanors ? Yes . . . he ' s out . No . . . he stays . To get a ' yes ' requires more votes than are there apparently . So its ' no . ' End of discussion . What ' s next ? 049323 00001 wernergraf - 04 : 06am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fendr : } 00003 *I ' ll be waiting for your answer . I ' ll check back later . 049324 00001 d-fendr - 04 : 12am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 baba , } 00003 *It ' s obvious that many are having a problem saying ' not guilty ' and letting that be it . If he were obviously not guilty ( I ' d argue he ' s obviously guilty ) , then it would be easy , we wouldn ' t have all this side show , Byrd would have said he ' s not guilty , many Repubs would say he ' s not guilty , they ' d move for a vote and it ' s over . But , to your point . It looks likely that there will be enough votes saying ' not guilty ' Some senators will feel comfortable with saying Bill didn ' t do anything that wrong , shame on you for trying to hurt him . but a lot of senators will have a problem , political or otherwise , with just letting Clinton off the hook . . . that ' s where censure comes in . . and the Repubs , if they are smart IMHO , will say , ' hey , we knew he was all those terrible things you ' re putting in the censure , that ' s why we voted to throw the bum out - you had your chance , no deal . ' so the direction will be to make the censure tougher and tougher to get the Republicans on board . But then any censure that punishes runs into the problem of being a bill of attainder expressly prohibited under the constitution . And if it is sleazed around by making it ' voluntary ' then you have the problem of Bill ' s not gonna admit to anything or take any punishmet , why should he ? He can win an acquital . It ' s gonna be interesting to see how it works out . I still say , resignation is the best of a bad situation . Everybody can win , even Bill - he ' s a hero , doin for the good of the country , Al ' s in and Bill ' s still got a bud in the big house , he and Hillary retire to start some foundation and continue the good fight , run for office again , whatever . . 049325 00001 jwarrilow - 04 : 14am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fendr } 00003 * ( or the prosecution was grossly malfeasant ) Perhaps not necessarily malfeasance as we were discussing last night-- But certainly negligent for the lack of foresight the HJC Republicans gave to several considerations hovering barely beyond the end of their collective noses . With this particular brand of intellect-- I can assure you that one thought will be running through my mind when I pull the levers in Y2K : It is now and forever impossible for me to trust Republicans with a majority in the House . And depending on their actions in the Senate this week ( God forbid they continue to listen to Hyde ! ) -- I ' ll render my personal judgement on the upper chamber regarding same . JW 049326 00001 d-fendr - 04 : 18am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 wernergraf : } 00003 *Clinton is charged under the articles of impeachment with ' perjury before a federal grand jury ' A federal judge was removed from office for this offense ( many of the dems currently in he senate voted to remove him ) for this offense . So , to focus on my point . Perjury before a grand jury is a major no-no , and has been grounds for impeachment and removal before . My point was this is a serious offense in the eyes of the senate , no matter the underlying case - in judge Nixon ' s case it was also about a civil suit . It is considered so serious that several top democrats warned Clinton before his testimony , not to lie , that if he did there would be serious consequences . And thank you for your discussion . 049327 00001 klambal - 04 : 22am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) } 00002 *STARR ' S ACTION TO COLLABORATE WITH HOUSE MANAGERS TO QUESTION MONICA LEWINSKY POSES A THREAT TO RULE OF LAW . AND WHY DID RENQUIST AVOID ACTION ON SEN . HARKIN ' S LETTER ? MONICA AND HER ATTORNEY ASSERT SHE GAVE NOTHING NEW , WHILE THE CROOKED MANAGERS LIKE MCCULLEM AND HUTCHINSON CLAIM THEY GOT A LOT . SENATE MUST ASSERT ITS CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY AND ADMONISH THE GUILTY MANAGERS . DOJ MUST ALSO PUNISH STARR IF NOT REMOVE THIS " JUDGE " WHO IS VIOLATING LAW OF THE LAND . 049328 00001 baba108 - 04 : 23am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 25 / 99 4 : 12am } 00003 * ( I ' d argue he ' s obviously guilty ) Maybe i ' m missing something here : Ofcourse he ' s guilty ! But is my question irrelevant : Is he guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors as defined by the Constitution ? NO ! He is not . Why not ? Because the US Senate is about to say he is not . Let Ken take him to court . Who really gives a damn . But he cannot be removed from office if the verdict is NOT GUILTY . If this doesn ' t make sense help me out . 049329 00001 d-fendr - 04 : 24am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 jwarrilo , } 00003 *I think you are on the right track as far as the democrats are concerned . I think they , and the WH , are doing as much as possible to give the democrats that cover . The OIC was so full of misconduct you can vote not guilty , er , legally , even though the evidence stinks . And I think that will help many democrats . Some don ' t even need that much , but it will help several others justify a not guilty vote . But I don ' t think it will help all of them enough , politically or otherwise . And then you have the leadership which has to take the national view , and most americans think Clinton is guilty of perjury and obstruction and deserves some kind of punishment ( not removal ) and if he gets off free and starts celebrating , well . . You ' re back to censure again . . +++ 049330 00001 jwarrilow - 04 : 26am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 ikhays } 00003 *Don ' t indulge him . He festers and oozes-- the only way to contract the illness is to come in contact with it . This disease is contained with pith and pity . So , hey , ikhays , stop by , have something to drink-He ' ll rant for awhile in dissonant tones and eventually disperse into the ether . JW 049331 00001 d-fendr - 04 : 30am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > 00002 baba , I understand your point . } 00003 *High crimes and misdemeanors is what the senate says they are . but they already said - many of the same ones - that these charges are high crimes and misdemeanors that warrant removal . I know your point , that this particular set of perjury and obstruction of justice is not a high crime . But that ' s a really tough argument to make , it would have to be a teeeny tiny obstruction of justice , and for a really overriding moral cause . I don ' t think you have that here . I think the evidence that the senators don ' t think so either is all the huff and puff to distract and turn away from the evidence , and rush it all through . I think it ' s obvious , to me anyway , that the argument under the law , the evidence and the constitution is causing them quite a problem . But yes , they can do whatever they want with it , and say whatever they want . I ' m arguing that it ' s not quite that easy for them to do and explain it later . And I think the dems actions illustrate that point . 049332 00001 jcondo1 - 04 : 30am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) } 00002 *Henry Hyde is ready to walk into the political " Jaws of Death , " over this ? That says Kamikaze zealot to me . I ' ve got the salt . We woludn ' t want the jaws of death to have to take that tasteless mess without it . 049333 00001 d-fendr - 04 : 32am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) } 00002 *I really have to go to bed . I greatly appreciate the tone and quality of the discussion here tonight . Thank you very much . It will be an interesting week . Hope to see y ' all around . Peace . 049334 00001 jwarrilow - 04 : 37am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > chinagirlz1 - 05 : 26am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) > 00002 d-fendr } Supkis } 00003 *Can ' t stay long-- but I think the HJC Republicans have already missed the censure boat . Whether or not the full Senate would like to offer censure as an alternative ( it may be the face-saving olive branch Senate Dems offer the infamous 13 ) -- at this point it is a last resort from the right . The bungling of this case by the HJC and the 13 must be considered as well . In light of that-- I contend they don ' t deserve a soft landing . Also-- I ' m not convinced of perjury . Lying under oath , perhaps-- but not perjury ( the materialism of perjury being debatable ) . Obstruction ? Wow . . . hard to say . But were it as it is described by the 13-- Then they should be able to convict on the basis of the record as it sits-- and they cannot . So , IMHO , acquittal is a fair result . The Right only got 8 ounces of flesh as opposed to a pound-but there are dozens of bite marks in the Clinton presidency as a result . G ' night JW *I think the problem is that they ' ve all been shopping together at the Washington D . C . Goodwill . And they ask each other for the other ' s opinion on how they look . And you know what a Republican ' s opinion is worth these days ! Ha ! 049335 00001 acald1b - 04 : 40am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) } jammerbirdi - 05 : 28am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) > 00002 *the republicans have been attacking my President since before he won the first election . remember back when The Presidentwas running for re-election ? The gop didn ' tbelieve Mr . Clinton would be re-elected , sothey passed the line item veto , believing thatthey would win the presidency back . Well , whenmy President got re-elected , te gop then cried that the line item veto was unconstitutional ! what a crock ! they were sore that Mr . Clintongot re-elected . SO now they say he perjuredhimself to the grand jury . AND they WILL NOT SAY WHAT EXACTLY HE SAID TO PERJURE HIMSELF ! BILL CLINTON IS THE BEST PRESIDENT SINCE JFK ! WHAT A RAILROAD JOB THIS IMPEACHMENT TRIAL IS ! AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED , ALL YOU REPUBLICANS ARE NOTHING BUT STINKING DRUNKS ! supkis - 05 : 07am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( #49339 of 49339 ) } 00003 * It ' s the fashion of least intimidation . No gray suits . But I wonder how the Beverly Hills brat felt with all those pink and pudgy republicans coming at her in their K-mart duds . That would scare the living hell out of me . 049336 00001 baba108 - 04 : 44am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > chinagirlz1 - 05 : 31am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) } 00002 d-fendr 1 / 25 / 99 4 : 30am } *Who had on the green sweater ? It looked really bad ! ! ! ! 00003 * " I know your point , that this particular set of perjury and obstruction of justice is not a high crime . But that ' s a really tough argument to make , it would have to be a teeeny tiny obstruction of justice , and for a really overriding moral cause . } 00004 *OK ! Now I think we ' ve connected . You think it would be a " tough argument to make " and I think its not only defensible , but in accord with what a large majority of Americans already believe . That may bother Henry Hyde and his ilk , that America ' s morals are going to hell in a hand basket , but lets please not lay responsibity for that on any one person ' s shoulders . 049337 00001 jwarrilow - 04 : 45am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > jammerbirdi - 05 : 33am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) > 00002 acald1b } chinagirlz1 - 05 : 31am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( #49342 of 49342 ) } 00003 *Now , now ! At least be accurate when flinging casual insults around ! Repeat after me-- They are not stinking drunks . They ARE philandering , hypocritical , stinking drunks . There , doesn ' t that feel better ? JW *I think that was Asa Huckleberry . 049338 00001 baba108 - 04 : 53am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) > chinagirlz1 - 05 : 34am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) } 00002 acald1b 1 / 25 / 99 4 : 40am } *Maybe she didn ' t tell them anything , but she offered them fashion advice -- and that was why she said she said nothing , but they thought the meeting was informative . . . 00003 *Well ! It certainly is a relief to get back to basics ! Thanks and good night . 049339 00001 supkis - 05 : 07am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 49339 ) Goodmorning , AMERICA ! Lets get down to basics : did you see the ridiculous clothes the Republicans wore when they interviewed Monica ? No wonder she was laughing her head off as she left ! Starr was dress tastlessly in a checkered shirt from Walmart ' s that made him look like the character from " Home Improvement " . . . he looked like he was properly dressed to go get the trash or to muck the garden . Two of the other GOPers dressed like they were going to play golf for crying out loud ! This is a serious problem but Clinton has declared Washington DC a satorial disaster area and the government will offer low interest loans to the GOP so they can buy clothes and Starr will get clothing from the Red Cross . +++ supkis - 05 : 36am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) } 00002 *First it was that incredible ugly tie Hyde wore Saturday then the melt down came on Sunday . Remember how Starr claimed Clinton ' t choice of a tie was a secret message ? The message the GOP is sending is " we are retiring and playing golf and puttering around the house " . 049340 00001 chinagirlz1 - 05 : 40am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) } 00002 *I thought the secret message was " We ' ll support the poor by shopping at Goodwill , but no more welfare ! " 049341 00001 tiger410 - 05 : 41am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) } 00002 *acalb ! it requires simple commonsence to judge where WJC COMMITTED perjury &

the fact is he did not said anything true & what he did said was vague replies . no one can expect the president to forget that he is the president but a professional lier ( being a lawer himself ) goods in playing with words . pls

remember even if your arguement of rep being after WJC is assumed to be correct , pls note REP did not ask WJC to do what he did with MONICA / PAULA JONES & many other harrased victims of his lust . nor did anyone ask him to lie to court , grand jury & infact to the entire nation so bluntly . to correct your adjectives for WJC , he is a very good salesman ( who can sell anything , lies too ) but a very bad president . 049342 00001 supkis - 05 : 42am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) } 00002 *The GOP wants to continue this ordeal . They figure they can gross us out . Just listening to them fume about Monica is enough to turn anyone away . Did you see Paula Jones on CBS last night ? She went to Beebe , Arkansas , and said after looking over the tornado damage , that she would love to live there ! They are praying for another tornado and hope a house will drop . 049343 00001 jammerbirdi - 05 : 43am Jan 25 , 1999 EST ( of 51143 ) } 00002 *Can you imagine the conversation that must have taken place during which it was decided to dress casually today ? " Gee , Bob . How should we dress tommorow ? " " Dorky , Asa . " " That ' s nice . I like dorky Bob . " +++ 990126 051967 00001 collioure1 - 07 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) I know all of you cost-consicous lefties out there were really concerned about the expense of Monica ' s Presidential suite at the Mayflower . It was offered gratis . That means FREE for those of you who missed our Latin refresher this afternoon . Pax vobiscum . 051968 00001 masonr333 - 07 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 roger660 - 07 : 06pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #51964 of 51964 ) } 00003 *Rog , Emotion and PArties asides Has Mr . Clinton sullied the office of the President ? Have the Republicans disgraced themselves ? The Democrats ? Shouldn ' t we all be ashamed of the debacle ? 051969 00001 desinasue - 07 : 09pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 *The business of this country has pretty much been in limbo for the past year except for the impeachment issue . We have on this forum , after more than 50 thousand posts , sunk to the level of not much more than name calling and pointing out how ignorant the other side is . I somehow have the feeling that most of the posters are not even keeping up with the trial but rather spend their time here bickering with each other . I have seen very few posts here that deal with what occurred today in the Senate . Kinda thought I could learn something on this forum . 051970 00001 collioure1 - 07 : 09pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) Teri , you ' ve been watching way too much Geraldo . 051971 00001 arkie10 - 07 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 macer , } 00003 *unfortunately , most of your candidates are not fact witnesses , the only ones who will be called . The only one who comes close is Linda Tripp . What facts are in dispute , though , that she could clear up ? Unclear . Anyway , the President shouldn ' t waste witnesses on attacking the people who exposed him . He should call witnesses who will vindicate him . If there are any . 051972 00001 xjwhite - 07 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 * 00003 roger660 1 / 26 / 99 7 : 06pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *> 00006 he Republicans have ruined their own case . They have pointed out conflicting testimony at several points in the trial . A case that is based on conflicting testimony is usually settled in favor of the defendant . Isn ' t that why the president settled the Jones case ? ? 051973 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 desinasue : } 00003 *sorry to disappoint you . 051974 00001 shotokan5 - 07 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 *I sure hope you aren ' t claiming to be a christian rineyd . . . 051975 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 12pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 desinasue : } 00003 *if you listen closely , you can hear the sounds of spinning wheels . It starts with a few keystrokes , and ends with the click of the mouse . 051976 00001 emtwo - 07 : 12pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 * ...... 00003 collioure1 1 / 26 / 99 7 : 07pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *hmmm . . . that ' s what bothers most of us . . . that it was free . As a government employee , I cannot even accept a free meal while on government business . Wonder what the house managers and company promised for the use of a $5000 . 00 inquisition chamber ? Inquiring minds ? +++ 051977 00001 roger660 - 07 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 masonr333 } 00003 *Yes , there is plenty of shame and disgrace for all to share . Clinton was stupid for having an affair with an intern , and the Republicans were dangerous partisans for turning it into a coup attempt . So the question is which evil is the lesser of two evils ? Right now , it ' s Clinton . There will be another election in 2000 . The public should try to elect better people . 051978 00001 hugsy - 07 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 * 00003 desinasue 1 / 26 / 99 7 : 09pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *I have found some posters to be good sources of info , but you are right about the name calling . It seems unavoidable , and is perhaps testement to politics being one of the two taboo subjects to discuss at dinner . 00006 Also , this debate has been going on for the past year , and it is clear that this issue offers enough excuses for both sides to see what they want to see . But don ' t be discouraged , serious posts actually do sometimes get serious responses . 051979 00001 arkie10 - 07 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 desinasue , } 00003 *I used to feel like you do . The name calling was worse , however , before today , when the House managers have argued so persuasively for witnesses that some Democrat Senators are said to have been persuaded . I agree with you ( I think , if I ' m reading you ) that it sinks below comment when anyone with a liberal viewpoint is labeled a commie , or anyone with a conservative viewpoint is labeled a homophobe , racist or nazi . With a few exceptions , we are all Americans with similar goals for our people and our country -- just different views , which can be debated pro and con , about how to get there . For a more serious discussion , I used to go to the NPR discussion . However , lately , it has been just as bad as this one . You can find some amusement in all of them , however , if you let loose with something outrageous and see what reactions transpire . 051980 00001 shotokan5 - 07 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 collioure1 - 07 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #51967 of 51976 ) } 00003 *lefties aren ' t cost conscious remember ? Such a scandal this gratis . . . . . ooohhhh ! 051981 00001 roger660 - 07 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 xjwhite } 00003 *Conflicted testimony results in " reasonable doubt . " If there is reasonable doubt , the defendant walks . There ' s plenty of doubt in this case . Try to look at it objectively , instead of with a political slant . 051982 00001 Vegetius - 07 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) > 00002 damon_y2k - 07 : 02pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #51960 of 51964 ) } 00003 *Vegetius : I am relieved that there are advocates like you out there , who concern themselves so intimately with the interest of our country . I am a MPA student in Florida . I am not a communist , socialist , anarchist or any other -ist . But you and that other guy taught me more about cold war ideological conflicts in 10 minutes , than I learned in 2 semesters . Thank you gentlemen for the blast from the past . I can see we have gotten nowhere in the past 50 years . } 00004 *I assumed you where a student . I was also pretty liberal before I got my assed kicked . P . S . I betcha I give more time and money to charity then you or your liberty loathing liberal Prof ever considered . Most just talk the game . PEACE . YOu still have time my friend . 051983 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 *Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil . 051984 00001 vrwcarea51g - 07 : 18pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 *Gotta go , but before I do , You all should go to Drudge before too long , just so you don ' t have a massive heart attack , when it hits the light of day . Averaging Every 2 1 / 2 months a scandal arises in the " Most Ethical Administration , EVER " . 051985 00001 tryonsencabalar - 07 : 18pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) } 00002 *SENTINELS ; STAND ERECT , RAISE YOUR TRUMPETS , SOUND " MARCH FOR THE HOLY GRAIL " . This is the moment ! The march has begun ! Our wives are properly secured with chastity belts . Centuries ago , in the past , our forefathers set out on a simular mission . They believed it was the ordained right of the invaders to ; Rob , Rape , Pillage , Steal , Lie , Cheat and Murder anything in their destructive pathway as they marched forward in search of the elusive Holy Grail ( Much like General Sherman ' s path through Georgia ) . Where is this Holy Grail ? Does it really exist ? Are the Republicans jousting with windmills , emulating Don Quixote . Will our stalwart and popular President Clinton prove undaunted in the face of the vicious Republican attack . Like David , will he victorious over Goliath . The Republican ' s deceptive Trojan Horse masquerade has fooled our popular President Clinton as well as the voters . Now we can say , " Fool me once , shame on you , fool me twice , shame on me " . If we vote for attacking Republicans in the next National Election , that ' s twice we have been fooled . Winston Churchill rallied England and their Allies by exhorting them with immortal words , Never before in the history of mankind have so few , done so much for so many " . Over the radio , I heard those memorable words when he spoke them and even today they still ring in my ears . Perhaps Winston Churchill will forgive me when I replace the word " for " with the word " to " and switch a few words around . As it applies to the Republican attack upon President Clinton ; his changed words now read , " Never before in the history of mankind have so many ( with so little common sense ) done so much TO so few . " Friends ; please forgive me for including my own personal opinion in the previous sentence . In concluding I will add an experssion from a German Soldier ' s belt buckle " GOTT MIT UNS " . This buckle also bears the German Eagle clutching the swastika . I know this expression is correct , because at this moment , I am looking at the buckle , for I picked it up off the ground of a battlefield in Northern Italy in 1945 . I include this information to show you , that , like the right wing Republicans , Hitler ' s soldiers believed that GOD was with them also . But in the end they lost , just as Napoleon met his waterloo , so will the abusive and attacting Republican ' s be defeated in the next National Election . Q . E . D . 051986 00001 vrwcarea51g - 07 : 20pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52475 ) >

00002 hugsy - 07 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #51978 of 51985 ) } 00003 *But don ' t be discouraged , serious posts actually do sometimes get serious responses . Well , hugs bout that bra ? ? ? 00004 +++ 051987 00001 shotokan5 - 07 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) > 00002 Vegetius - 07 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #51982 of 51985 ) } 00003 *probably not by other liberals . . . . eh ? If ya can ' t beat em join em . 051988 00001 bueno7m - 07 : 23pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) } 00002 *t O BE B LUNT I HAVE THE HOLY GRAIL right here between my legs . 051989 00001 roger660 - 07 : 23pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) > 00002 tryonsencabalar } 00003 *While I agree with your sentiments , I wonder : Are you really Henry Hyde ? I recognize some of the hyperbole . 051990 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) > 00002 Vegetius : } 00003 *I guess some people cannot see value / or a lack of value unless they apply a label to others . I do not consider myself a liberal or a moderate or a conservative . I am not a communist , socialist anarchist , nihlist , oligarchist , despotist . . . I do not plan on getting my but kicked any time soon . I am very happy that you give so much to charity . But do you give just to win the praises of others ? Or do you give because it is the right thing to do ? Your bucket of stones is almost empty Mr . Vegetius . Aim a little higher , you may hit me yet . 051991 00001 Vegetius - 07 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) > 00002 damon_y2k - 07 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§051983 of 51983 ) } 00003 *Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil . Your search for Utopia will prove frustrating and futile . Life and society will never be perfect . Capitalism and democracy are not perfect but , all other forms of government have worked in theory only . They all exclude human nature and the urge to compete and improve ones individual lot in life . 051992 00001 alanlawr - 07 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) > 00002 55555bdz . } 00003 *Your 51847 . Go to your room . 051993 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) > 00002 Mr . Vegetius : } 00003 *I am NOT striving for utopia . I understand human utility . I have read Adam Smith , Keynes , and monetarist theory . I understand human shortcomings and frailties . I also understand the " iron law of oligarchy " and the " tragedy of the commons " . My interest here , is the hypocracy behind these hearings . Forgiveness would be my plan of action . Do you know how to forgive ? We should all try . 051994 00001 mrjimcasey38 - 07 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) } 00002 * 00003 Ya ' ll I told you JP weren ' t none too happy .

00004 And I told you that when he got back over here he was goin to have a set to with some folks .

00005 Well now , as if frickaseed Bill Clinton weren ' t enough , he ' s goin after Rosa Parks .

00006 I ' m tellin you all you better straighten up .

00007 00008 [ MORE ]< / a> 00009 < / B> 051995 00001 shotokan5 - 07 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) } 00002 *So does anyone expect more votes of any kind to measure partisanship ? Does anyone have an opinion on what the intent of the closed meetings in the Senate are for ? 051996 00001 Vegetius - 07 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52474 ) > 00002 damon_y2k - 07 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #51991 of 51992 ) > 00003 Vegetius : } 00004 *I guess some people cannot see value / or a lack of value unless they apply a label to others . I do not consider myself a liberal or a moderate or a conservative . I am not a communist , socialist anarchist , nihlist , oligarchist , despotist . . . I do not plan on getting my but kicked any time soon . I am very happy that you give so much to charity . But do you give just to win the praises of others ? Or do you give because it is the right thing to do ? Your bucket of stones is almost empty Mr . Vegetius . Aim a little higher , you may hit me yet . I do not want to hurt you -just knock some sense into you . 00005 P . S . I give in aninimity for the vert reason you point out . I live in a very liberal town ( ) where people just talk a good game . I my seem to be bragging here but , my real name is not MR . Vegetius . 00006 +++ 051997 00001 jerryhere - 07 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws Notice how the libs are holding forth frantic ? ? ? Why should they worry if the Republicans / Conservatives get smashed in 2000 ? ? ? ( Maybe they ' ll look like the immoral , spineless sh@ts that they are . ) The web server / crossing thing is having trouble posting my message , so I ' ll add this : I am truly proud to see the 1st piece-of- . . . up there visiting the Pope --- ugh ? ? ? 051998 00001 vrwcarea51g - 07 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) > 00002 damon_y2k - 07 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #51991 of 519 } 00003 *Vegetius : Or do you give because it is the right thing to do ? Your bucket of stones is almost empty Mr . Vegetius . Aim a little higher , you may hit me yet . } 00004 *Vegetius-Since when do you deserve to be blessed with a open communication with none other than that Great Being , that ALL knowing , all encompassing , GOD . . . . . Way too many chemicals on the open market LMAO 051999 00001 Vegetius - 07 : 32pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) > 00002 shotokan5 - 07 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§051996 of 51997 ) } 00003 *So does anyone expect more votes of any kind to measure partisanship ? Does anyone have an opinion on what the intent of the closed meetings in the Senate are for ? The idea is that there will be no partisan grandstanding to the cameras . 052000 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) > 00002 Vegetius : " I do not want to hurt you -just knock some sense into you . 00003 } 00004 *Sounds like US foriegn and economic policy . 052001 00001 arkie10 - 07 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) } 00002 *Forgiveness , yes . Impeachment , yes . Removal , yes . 052002 00001 snide7 - 07 : 36pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) } 00002 *You can always judge a man by the company he keeps . Larry Flint ? 052003 00001 roger660 - 07 : 36pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) > 00002 shotokan5 } 00003 *The real reason it ' s closed is so they can act like silly asses and nobody can see . So far the silliest are Gramm , Lott and Strom . 052004 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) > 00002 arkie10 : } 00003 *the last two are not in my hands . Glad I am not in that position as well . 052005 00001 Vegetius - 07 : 38pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) > 00002 damon_y2k - 07 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§051993 of 51999 ) } 00003 *I think this is interesting : I used to be conservative , but was converted to liberalism after reading the insightful comments of DOn Kirk and others on this site . I thought it was going to be profitable , but my tax advisor has advised me not to commit perjury on this years return or I will go to jail . So much for that . I thought perjury was no big deal ? I thought it would be fun , too , but it ' s not . All of my friends are conservatives , except one , and the only opinion she has for keeping Clinton in office is that Gore is more of an idiot than Clinton is ( depending on one ' s definition of " is " ) . Since I am new at this , I need some advice from fellow liberals on how to respond to my right-wing , hate-mongering friends on the following topics : 1 . They say that it ' s not about private sex , but about Clinton trying to " fix " a Civil Rights law suit , in which he was the defendant . My response so far has been that Paula Jones is trailer park trash , and a right-wing operative . I also say that Sexual Harassment laws were never intended to protect or apply to people like Jones , but only to upstanding , decent women like Anita Hill . I remind them of what Clinton friend and advisor James Carville said on TV " Drag a $100 bill through a trailer park , and you never know what you ' ll come up with " . 2 . I tell my conservative friends that I agree with the DNC ' s position that Clinton has lied and misled the nation , his advisors , his attorneys , his wife , his friends , etc . , and that his acts were " reprehensible , disgusting , misleading and indefensible " . I also agree that Clinton is not trust worthy , because that ' s what the main stream polls show the majority of Americans think ( and we Democrats believe these polls should rule our Government ) . My problem is that my conservative friends ask " with these things being true , how can we trust Clinton as Commander in Chief of our armed forces , with the power to arbitrarily launch our nuclear arsenal ? 3 . I have supported Clinton ' s statement that he did not try to coach his secretary , Betty Currie , but that he was simply trying to refresh his memory . Now , the hate mongering extremists in the Senate have asked " How do you refresh your memory by making statements you know to be false " . My conservative friends have asked me to explain this , and I don ' t know what to say . I implore you , my new Liberal friends on this site , please tell me how to respond to these issues . Many of you have more experience at this than do I , and need your advice . I must receive it quickly , before I lose the respect of my friends . As always , Ken Starr is a mad man and Rush Limbo is a big fat jerk ! ! P . S . If I don ' t get some advice quick , I ' m back to being a conservative 052006 00001 arkie10 - 07 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52473 ) > 00002 Roger , } 00003 *Talk about partisan ! Only Republicans listed as grandstanders ! Red-herring Harkin , Change-the-topic Toricelli and Woeful " I ' m a social studies teacher " Wellstone hold their own supremely in the grandstanding department . +++ 052007 00001 macer235 - 07 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 arkie10 } 00003 *says : 1 . the President shouldn ' t waste witnesses on attacking the people who exposed him . } 00004 *Exposed ? Poor word choice . The issue is entrapment and dirty politics ( that Smith spent $82 , 000 since l992 to find some sexual material to use against the President is relevant ) . If the case is tainted , the evidence is tainted . If the evidence is tainted , it can ' t be taken serious . Hence relevance . } 00005 * 2 . He should call witnesses who will vindicate him . If there are any . } 00006 *He doesn ' t need any . He has been vindicated . The evidence proves none of the charges . Finally , you forget : this is a political process as well as a trial . If its ends have been political from the start , then that contradicts claims that it concerns upholding the " rule of law " ( an outright lie . The case is being argued in front of the American public , the unseen jurors . They would surely consider the witnesses I mentioned to be relevant . They surely would regard evidence of any " get Clinton " conspiracy as relevant . In fact , Hillary brought this charge earlier and was accused of creating a spin . As I said , if it ' s only a " spin " the White House looks foolish and Clinton ' s critics benefit . But if not . . . Let ' s face it . You KNOW the evidence is there . Your real objection is to having it brought before the Senate , the television cameras and the public . You fear the consequences . 052008 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 Mr . Vegetius : } 00003 *I am sorry . I am about as familier with the liberal platform as you are ( if

not less since I have never been one and you are recovering from being one ) . Starr , I am sure has ulterior motives , Rush L always seem to be selling his books and stroking his own ego . Is Chomsky a liberal ? 052009 00001 sportly - 07 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *I see where the Senate Republicans voted again to keep the proceedings / debates closed to public view . What are they so afraid of ? That we ' ll see this for what it really is : the highly partisan railroading of a duly elected president based on charges that should never have seen the light of day . What a game this is . No one can win . Thank you , Mr . Starr . You may now go back and crawl under whatever rock it is you came out from under . ( Don ' t get me wrong , Ken . If the charges you brought forth could be accepted or believed by anyone other than those who already hate Bill Clinton or who are out to get him , we might have a base to build on . What you have isn ' t flying for a whole bunch of reasons . Understand ? ) Trumped-up charges stemming from simple private consensual sexual behavior , if brought , should be trashed . Especially if those charges come from a biased prosecutor whose only purpose for the last five years has been to destroy a president he hates . 052010 00001 littlebigsys - 07 : 44pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *Actually , shaking hands with the Pope was a huge mistake on Clinton ' s part . They don ' t like Papists way down there in the southren part of the country . This was the last straw much worse than bj ' s 052011 00001 shotokan5 - 07 : 44pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) I can answer #2 easily , Clinton is a lover not a fighter . . . . 052012 00001 dfenwick1 - 07 : 45pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 roger660 } 00003 *So far the silliest are Gramm , Lott and Strom . For balance I would add Schumer , Harkin and Wellstone who have managed to sell both their intellectual and moral integrity . 052013 00001 Vegetius - 07 : 46pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 DAMON } 00003 * . Is Chomsky a liberal ? Yes . As is Keynes . 052014 00001 butler5555 - 07 : 47pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *From the very beginning , people have been predicting the end result is that Clinton doesn ' t get the boots . That has never changed -- except for a few Clinton opponents . In between then and now , there have been reports , even hopes expressed by the Clinton proponents , that since this is heading toward a dead end , why waste the time and money . Find a way out . In actuality , there have been many Republicans who have encouraged that kind of talk . But , I think momentum is too strong . This may be a wrong way for the GOP to go , but it ' s really too late . Despite all the complaints from the public , this has got to come to a trial with discovery , with depositions , with witness testimony , with cross examination , with closing arguments , with deliberations . . . . and with a verdict . The GOP has stepped over the edge and there is nothing they can grab to stop the fall . Their only hope now is to go through all of it , then try to convince the American public they were right to do it , and then focus on their political agenda in the hope they will not be remembered as the party who did what the electorate didn ' t want them to do . 052015 00001 rcuteri - 07 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *Strom ' s not silly . He is my Senator , and I assure you he is *not* silly . He ' s far too senile to be silly . 052016 00001 arkie10 - 07 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 macer , } 00003 *your last sentence doesn ' t gel with the rest of your post . I DO want the facts to come out . All of them . I couldn ' t care less if Tripp et al are called . I actually think they ' d help the prosecution ' s case , because their vilification has been so skillfully orchestrated by the White House that if they could testify , that WH spin would be exposed for the fabrication it is . I just don ' t think they WILL be called because of the rules with which the Senate has bound its own hands . Logic flaw . Just because someone is out to get Clinton doesn ' t mean he doesn ' t deserve to be got . People have come to despise him for a reason . The facts about Clinton are there , from his earliest Arkansas days . The sins of Tripp , Starr and the " right wing conspiracy " pale in comparison . You just don ' t want to know . +++ 052017 00001 Vegetius - 07 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 butler5555 - 07 : 47pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52014 of 52014 ) } 00003 *Politically Republicans will flourish if Flynton survives ( He Will ) . The backlash against Klintoon once he survives will be a raising tide of contempt and embarrassment . 052018 00001 damon_y2k - 07 : 54pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 Mr . Vegetius : } 00003 *I am reading a book by Alfred E ECkes " Opening America ' s MArkets " . I am attracted to the pre-New Deal policies of the GOP ( protected home markets , less bureaucracy ) Does this mean I am conservative . I am also attracted to Chomsky ' s views on global capitalism and the free market . Does this mean I am liberal ? Am I politcaly schitso ? I come to my own conclussions . Labels ? I don ' t need no stinking label ! 052019 00001 tna1pada3 - 07 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " ' get-Clinton ' mobsters have the onus ; their anus is already established . 052020 00001 teririley - 07 : 58pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . Like the plumbers of the Nixon era , Joe McCarthy ' s regime ( last time Republicans had control of Congress , BTW ) , and other radical right wing movements before them they ' re just trying to bully us . To insult us , to push their way through , to villify any dissent . Well , at least for the public , it doesn ' t work anymore . The days of Lee Atwater having George Bush wrap himself in a flag and coin the card-carrying member of the ACLU ( or Communist party , or whatever ) insults are dead . You Republican ' s have burnt the electorate out . They know you ' re nothing but a bunch of mean-spirited , selfish , do-nothing , corporate-welfare supporting windbags and we ' re not gonna ' fall for it . I hope the Senate calls witnesses and extends this fiasco . This will just be more ammunition to use against maggots like Rod Grams that are infesting the Republican majorities stranglehold on our country . 052021 00001 arkie10 - 07 : 59pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 Jeeze , tnalpada3 . } 00003 *Toilet talk ? Go to your room for a timeout . 052022 00001 shotokan5 - 08 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *I don ' t know if Einstein was liberal cause he believed in God . . . . . 052023 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 - 07 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52020 of 52020 ) } 00003 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " ' get-Clinton ' mobsters have the onus ; their anus is already established } 00004 *Poor Ada hasn ' t yet established an anus ...... That would explain why he is full of *#@$ 052024 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 02pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " 00003 arkie10 1 / 26 / 99 7 : 59pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Sorry , I meant to talk about my Prez-e-dent . Just call me Asa . 052025 00001 arkie10 - 08 : 02pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *Who the heck is > 00003 Ada ? 052026 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 02pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 shotokan5 - 08 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52024 of 52025 ) I don ' t know if Einstein was liberal cause he believed in God . . . . . Good point . +++ 052027 00001 garrisonmd1 - 08 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 * " BEWARE THE TYRRANY OF IGNORANCE AND INDIFFERENCE ! " ME . Clinton is at his best ( politically ) when he is in trouble . After all this is said and done and he is left in office , which he probably will be , he will be emboldened . He always gets into trouble when he is on top . It will be interesting to see what genie comes out of the bottle next . And the beat goes on ! 052028 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 garrisonmd1 - 08 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§052028 of 52028 ) } 00003 * " BEWARE THE TYRRANY OF IGNORANCE AND INDIFFERENCE ! " ME . } 00004 *Clinton is at his best ( politically ) when he is in trouble . After all this is said and done and he is left in office , which he probably will be , he will be emboldened . He always gets into trouble when he is on top . It will be interesting to see what genie comes out of the bottle next . And the beat goes on ! He will be filling his coffers and accepting all offers . 052029 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " 00003 arkie10 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 02pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *That ' s for everybody else to know and you to find out ! 052030 00001 jerryhere - 08 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws > 00003 ho the heck is > 00004 Ada ? } 00005 *The flack in the WH basement . 052031 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *I am reminded of the story from the ancient book of Hebrew lore , about a king by the name of David . David had an affair with a woman then killed her husband to conceal the relationship . Much can be gleaned from this . Sex , cover-up , murder . The God of Isreal did not throw David from his office . Instead , if I recall correctly , the people of Israel were punished for the sins of their king . Is this what is happening today ? Is the GOP punishing the American voter for electing such a leader ? Or is our king punishing his own beloved electorate ? 052032 00001 arkie10 - 08 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 Thanks , tnalpada , } 00003 *that was helpful . 052033 00001 svcarlson - 08 : 09pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *The Republican Senate has at this moment gone too far . It is now time to campaign for the year 2000 elections . Remove every Republican Senator that voted to establish a secret Senate . It ' s just another way they ' re acting like the Republican party that attacked Andrew Johnson . They will not weaken the Presidency because Bill Clinton is not Andrew Johnson and this is not 19th Century America , rather soon-to-be 21st Century America . We will weaken the Republican Senate , and therefore the Senate itself until decent Senators are elected . We will rally behind the President and sweep out the House in 2000 . Senators who have gone too far will be systematically targeted for defeat in 2000 , 2004 and 2006 . No amount of money from tobacco or anybody else will change this , so save your money that you intend to donate to the pathetic Republican party . Back to the post-Nixon days , and no Iran to help you this time . 052034 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 09pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 damon_y2k - 08 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52031 of 52031 ) } 00003 *OH Brother 052035 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *I am reminded of the story from the ancient book of Hebrew lore , about a king by the name of David . David had an affair with a woman then killed her husband to conceal the relationship . Much can be gleaned from this . Sex , cover-up , murder . The God of Isreal did not throw David from his office . Instead , if I recall correctly , the people of Israel were punished for the sins of their king . Is this what is happening today ? Is the GOP punishing the American voter for electing such a leader ? Or is our king punishing his own beloved electorate ? 052036 00001 alanlawr - 08 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 Crimson 14 : } 00003 *Just saw your 50251 . We beg to differ . I find impeachment a very serious process with immense constitutional implications . It should not be used for petty things like sexual liaisons . Let me ask you a question . Do you think Kennneth Starr pursued his quest in the spirit of blind justice ? If you doubt it , even a little bit , don ' t you think this whole event reeks of the Star Chamber of Henry VIII ? +++ 052037 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) oops , sorry for the double post 052038 00001 sportly - 08 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) Well , at least our guy doesn ' t need Viagra . 052039 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 svcarlson - 08 : 09pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52033 of 52034 ) } 00003 *Established ? It has been the rule since inception . THe G . O . P . came along 60 years later . 052040 00001 donkirk - 08 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " It seems to me that every American should be alarmed at multiple violations of the Constitution and severe weakening of its inherent principle of separation of powers in the current impeachment farce .

We have seen politicization of the judicial branch and investiture of nearly unlimited power in an extra-constitutional zealot who grossly abused the grand jury process and aligned himself with an extremely partisan faction in Congress , which is determined to remove from office a duly elected President . There has been abnegation of Constitutionally-mandated Congressional responsibility and delegation of " sole power " to an unelected third party . The due process rights of witnesses and targets have been trampled , the presumption of innocence has been ignored and the principle of fundamental fairness in the administration of justice has been violated repeatedly . There is grave danger to our system of justice when secret grand jury information is divulged by prosecutors , in violation of Federal law , to poison the public mind against the subject of an investigation . Use of the impeachment process as a weapon against a political opponent cripples the chief executive and upsets the delicate balance of powers among the branches of government . It is especially disturbing when votes for impeachment are extorted by party leaders who threaten to withhold campaign funds from those who waiver from the party position . These transgressions by the Independent Counsel and the Republicans in Congress greatly outweigh the misdeeds of President Clinton and pose far greater dangers to the Constitution , the rights of individuals and the vaunted " rule of law " than anything the President is alleged to have done . That all of this might be part of a wide-ranging conspiracy to subvert the democratic electoral process chills one to the bone . 052041 00001 arkie10 - 08 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 damon , } 00003 *Gosh , so Clinton IS king . Interesting . I thought that ' s what we got rid of the British for . 052042 00001 john66c - 08 : 12pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *Let ' s keep the House out of the Senate ! The best way for the Senate to let Henry Hyde know that he ' s gone far enough already and for the Senate to modify the impeachment process so that everybody will know that it ' s been through the Senate is to NOT call witnesses and do what was earlier suggested , and that ' s to just take depositions from all the very people who are written down on the witness list . This way , the Senate is deciding on their own but doing with depositions from people that the House selected . Then , the best way to determine if they ' ve got a two-thirds majority to convict is to look at see how many senators threw their copies of the depositions away in the trash can because they already had their mind made up . Man ! I wish I was a janitor up on Capitol Hill ! 052043 00001 jerryhere - 08 : 12pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws At least . 052044 00001 teririley - 08 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . If we are to infact remove the President of the United States from office , shouldn ' t there be something other than circumstancial evidence -- like someones interpretation of what a phone call might be about -- to prove it ? If we already have hours and hours of testimony from Jordon , Lewinsky , Currie , the executives at Revlon and the other places she applied , shouldn ' t the weight of those testimonies have greater weight over the obviously partisian interpretation of phone records which offer ONLY speculation ? The point being , we need real facts . It makes no sense to continue to talk about Willey , Jones , Filegate , Whitewater , Foster or any of the other wild accusations that have flown around these last few years . It ' s now time to prove the legal case against the President . That means that someone needs to quote here the line in Clinton ' s Grand jury testimony where he lied about the affair . I want to see someone show an answer he gave in his grand jury testimony wherein he lied about the affair . Secondly , please tell us exactly what the conversations were between the President and Vernon Jordon , that prove that Clinton told Jordon to find Lewinsky a job . Show us the testimony from Jordon that substanciates that . Or show us testimony from the Revlon executives that show that Jordon put pressure on them to hire the girl . Or show us testimony from Currie or Monica that say at any time that Clinton was supposed to get a job for her . Do those two things , and the whole trial is over . Simple as that . 052045 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) > 00002 sportly - 08 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52038 of 52039 ) Well , at least our guy doesn ' t need Viagra . Ted Kennedy sprinkles Viagra into every other jigger of CHIVAS . 052046 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52472 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " The poor ' get-Clinton ' mobsters , veggie , jerry , all the rest , have to be apopletic knowing their hated enemy is going to skate and they ' re going to be left , like a spurned suitor , alone at the altar , while everybody else is dancing in the streets . Sad , sad . Still , one gets what one deserves ! They deserve nothing . And they ' ll get it . Enjoy . +++ 052047 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) > 00002 Mr . Vegetius : } 00003 *I am reading a book by Alfred E ECkes " Opening America ' s MArkets " . I am attracted to the pre-New Deal policies of the GOP ( protected home markets , less bureaucracy ) Does this mean I am conservative . I am also attracted to Chomsky ' s views on global capitalism and the free market . Does this mean I am liberal ? Am I politcaly schitso ? I come to my own conclussions . Labels ? I don ' t need no stinking label ! 052048 00001 arkie10 - 08 : 15pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) } 00002 *Think what you ' re saying , pad . The Democrats deserve Clinton ? PLEASE ! 052049 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) > 00002 teririley - 08 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52044 of 52045 ) } 00003 *Who gave you the end of the limbo stick ? 052050 00001 fatladysinging - 08 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) } 00002 *Republican Radical Right anthem " God , let ' s impeach the Man . . . . " . Sung by lemmings Delay and Barr . Einstein also petitioned to have the bomb outlawed , was an advocate for the United Nations , and did other ' nutty ' liberal things . Together with Chomsky and Keynes we have a well theorized corn-spire-a-see for relativism , positivism , and internationalism . So Klean Kut Kristians , whatcha gonna do when we prove it to you ? Calculate another answer ? Even Kant Kant do that . Use a slide rule to figger it out ? Its a slippery slope ! ! 052051 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) > 00002 arkie10 : } 00003 *if they really did not want to be like the British there would be no presidency , or bicamiral legislator . Istead we got a watered down kingship and more powerful house of lords . Good day to you mate . Howabout some tea ? 052052 00001 donkirk - 08 : 18pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 teririley 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 13pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Gosh , Terri . . . . it appears you want clear and convincing evidence based on stubborn FACTS . There ain ' t so such aminal in the current farce . It ' s conclusions , speculations , extrapolations , surmises and guesswork . Seems more than enough to negate a presidential election , doesn ' t it ? ? 052053 00001 john66c - 08 : 18pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) } 00002 *I think it ' s all pretty much in the hands of the Senate anyway . I don ' t think they ' ll call for witnesses , and if they do , it ' ll be for something specific and limited . At least , by doing this , they give the impression that they don ' t want to take up too much time . Then they ' ll drag this thing to God knows when ! 052054 00001 alanlawr - 08 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) > 00002 Svcarlson : } 00003 *Your post regarding secrecy in the Senate of ten minutes or so ago . It may be premature to start calling out the Crusaders . Evidently , or according to today ' s major papers , the Senate is required by the arcane and hoary laws governing impeachment to meet in camera . I have now answered my own post on this of yesterday . 052055 00001 padu329 - 08 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) > 00002 svcarlson--} 00003 *Worst of all , the present ruckus over the issue of calling witnesses is rubbish----nobody , not even the most rabid of the House managers , expects any new or illuminating testimony to come forth . We are simply watching the GOP engage in damage control---the Republican Senators don ' t want to dump the case too hastily , for fear of offending the House Republicans , particularly Henry the Hypocrite and his 12 accomplices . So in order to save face , they hope to bring a few witnesses to create the illusion that the Senate did it ' s job thoroughly . It could backfire-----the Counsels for WJC are surely going to fight over every last millimeter of legal turf , and we might end up with a dramatically extended proceeding ...... 052056 00001 macer235 - 08 : 21pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52471 ) > 00002 arkie : } 00003 * " Just because someone is out to get Clinton doesn ' t mean he doesn ' t deserve to be got . " I agree providing : a . the means are legitimate . Entrapment , illegal search and seizure , beating confessions out of people are not legitimate . In this case , these are several instances of " entrapment " in Linda ' s case , including some that were mentioned during the trial . ( Also consider how Tripp refused immunity deals until Starr threatened to indict and jail her mother ; how he indicted Judith Steele and threatened to take away her child unless she committed perjury by changing testimony that supported Clinton in the Wylie case ) . b . as for whether Clinton " deserves " to be got , deserves on what basis ? For following policies unpopular with the religious right ? That has even been suggested by anti-Clinton posts as a valid reason for impeaching the " Antichrist " as they love to call him . It clearly was the motive in the Paula Jones conspiracy . " What is the case about ? " is a legitimate question that has been raised by BOTH sides during the trial . Is it about sex ? Is it about perjury and obstruction of justice ? I say it is about differences over policy and the witnesses cited can provide evidence to prove it . It is a motive that had also been posited by the White House a few months ago . The question goes to motive . Motives of those provided the evidence are as relevant as motives of the accused . Courts allow such questions . +++ 052057 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 21pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 - 08 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52046 of 52051 ) } 00003 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " The poor ' get-Clinton ' mobsters , veggie , jerry , all the rest , have to be apopletic knowing their hated enemy is going to skate and they ' re going to be left , like a spurned suitor , alone at the altar , while everybody else is dancing in the streets . I desperately hope that Flynton survives this vote . I do want witness and each senator to vote for the record . My dream is for him to be one vote shy of expulsion . AH yes , that would be beautiful . 052058 00001 flashmonster - 08 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) } 00002 *My son is twelve years old . He weighs in that the President should not be removed from office . Now let ' s get it together ! ! ! ! 052059 00001 donkirk - 08 : 23pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " RE : 00003 padu329 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 19pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Padu -The insinuation today by David Kendall that the President ' s lawyers might summon Paula Jones ' lawyers could REALLY open this thing up , especially in light of the story in both the NY TIMES and the Washington POST about Porter , Marcus and Rosenweizg and their apparent collusion against the President . ( Porter was a member of Starr ' s law firm , Marcus was ( according to Lucianne Goldberg ) a " cut-out " and Rosenweizg was / is a member of Starr ' s IC staff . A little sunshine on that cabal would certainly be interesting . 052060 00001 desinasue - 08 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) } 00002 *I am not the most politically savvy person in this world but I ' m trying to learn . I have a question that maybe someone out there smarter than me could answer . It concerns witnesses . I read somewhere that prior to the last election Mr . Gingrich predicted that the Republicans would gain 20 or more seats in the House and possibly a few seats in the Senate . If Mr Gingrich ' s predictions had materialized the House Judicary Committee would have been in no hurry to finish the Impeachment Inquiry before the 106th Congress was seated and would have probably called wittnesses . Because the Republicans lost 5 seats in the House and gained none in the Senate it became urgent for the Judicary Committee to finish the Impeachment process before the 106th Congress was seated for the fear of not having the necessary votes in the House . In other words did the election results have any influence on The House Judicary Committee as to whether or not to call wittnesses ? ? ? 052061 00001 donkirk - 08 : 25pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 flashmonster 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 22pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Flashmonster == Smart young man . Takes after his dad , does he ? ? tna1pada3 - 08 : 25pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§052062 of 52470 ) " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " The buck stops at the president ' s desk . Fair or not , deserved or not , the president gets credit for almost everything that happens during his administration . Like Reagan and the fall of the Soviet Union . Unfair ? You betcha ! Look at the economy ! President Clinton gets the credit ! You don ' t like it ? Doesn ' t matter ! He gets it anyway ! Tough , ain ' t it ? BWAhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahah ahahahahahahh

ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah ahhahahahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahuthi9 nkIcare ? 052063 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 25pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) } 00002 *Is this a moral crusade ? George Kennan warned about turning small issues into all out moral crusades . The wake of such an endeavor would be catastrophic . Is the United States prepared for such a prolong " cold civil-war " ? Instead of blue vs grey , myopic elephants vs a bunch of jackasses ? 052064 00001 krasyesno - 08 : 26pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) } 00002 *When elected people representing states try to overturn a national election based on politics , maybe it is time to establish a new amendment to the constitution . Often when senority rules , so do fools . Krasnoyes 052065 00001 jerryhere - 08 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws I don ' t think that he ' ll skate in regards to his legacy . Nor , will all the pusilanimous dweebs ? 052066 00001 teririley - 08 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52470 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . Don , it would be enough to negate an election if we lived in a Central-American Banana Republic with an nosey Imperial Overlord selling drugs to furnish the opposition with arms to depose an elected leader . . . . . +++ 052067 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *These will be the witnesses : Sid Blumenthal is the primary target in all this . This guy holds the key to obstruction . Monica acting like a Valley Girl will add little . Vernon will be interesting but , he will not be pinned down .

052068 00001 svcarlson - 08 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *No , the committee meetings used to be secret , and they were not democratically elected like today . Now the committee meetings are all opened . It ' s part of a movement of congressional reform that occured after the people got rid of Nixon , Lucianne Goldberg ' s buddy . Now they are reversing this practice , not just attacking Clinton . They would bring us back to the Dark Ages and Star Chamber justice if we allowed it . The Republicans cannot hide behind the early practice in 1999 . It ' s too late . The crusade WILL begin . Indeed , Jesse Jackson already started it this week . Republicans started it by registering Democrat . They believe by enforcing silence they diminish public reaction . But I think they have gone too far . A series of events has already exposed their motives and methods . Now , after this is settled , the story of the three dirty lawyers , including Starr ' s partner ( I ' m not even talking about Starr himself in the three dirty lawyers ) will be exposed for history to see and to sit as judges . They will be condemned by all right-thinking Americans . Even the religious right will judge them harshly , because they will see that they were hypocrites who used the religious-thinking people who did not suspect there would be slime like Marcus , Rosenzweig and Porter behind this . 052069 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Oh ! I forgot to say : And there ' s nothing you can do to change it ! BWahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahhahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahah ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahaahahah ahahahahahahahcausemos tpeopledon ' tre adtheseboards2bad ! 052070 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) > 00002 teririley - 08 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52066 of 52067 ) } 00003 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . } 00004 *Don , it would be enough to negate an election if we lived in a Central-American Banana Republic with an nosey Imperial Overlord selling drugs to furnish the opposition with arms to depose an elected leader . . . . . How does one negate an election ? 052071 00001 shotokan5 - 08 : 28pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) > 00002 alanlawr - 08 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52054 of 52058 ) } 00003 *Are they required to deliberate in public . How come they are not and why did they vote for closed sessions if it is not the rule ? 052072 00001 flashmonster - 08 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) > 00002 Donkirk . } 00003 *Cospiracies everywhere hunh ? ? ? Nope my paranoid fellow American , the lad loves his country , is tremendously insightful , undeterred by parochial , and party affiliations , and seems to be able to smell a cabal like he can find an open goal . Please don ' t call Ken Starr on him ...... 052073 00001 donkirk - 08 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 desinasue 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 24pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Desinasue -The answer is " probably . " Starr sent his pornographic " referral " to the House of Representatives on Septemer 9th , two months before the November election when Representatives were distracted by the need to campaign . Nothing much happened in the Judiciary Committee until after the November election . The results were a shock to the Republicans and they wanted to get the Articles of Impeachment voted on before the opening of the new Congress in January , when their number was reduced in the House of Represenatives . 052074 00001 john66c - 08 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *I just don ' t want to see the Senate floor turned into like Senator Snowe said , the Jerry Springer show . And I think she gained a lot of respect amongst her colleagues when she said that ! There was another moderate Republican who said that unless they can make a real good case that witnesses would add any thing more of value to the trial that he didn ' t want to see witnesses either . So as long as we have moderate Republicans talking like that and as long as its true that there isn ' t too much more that can be added by having the Jerry Springer show on the Senate floor , then I don ' t think that they ' ll call for witnesses . I ' m sure that whatever it is , it ' ll be somewhere between having witnesses and not having witnesses . They seem to be halving everything so far , so maybe they ' ll cut this in half too ! 052075 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 - 08 : 25pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52062 of 52070 ) } 00003 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " The buck stops at the president ' s desk . Fair or not , deserved or not , the president gets credit for almost everything that happens during his administration . Like Reagan and the fall of the Soviet Union . Unfair ? You betcha ! Look at the economy ! THe Soviet Union fell during the Bush administration . Yet Reagan gets the credit ? ? 052076 00001 jerryhere - 08 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws Vote again without R . Perot ? +++ 052077 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 32pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) > 00002 john66c - 08 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52074 of 52075 ) } 00003 *3 witnesses Sid Blum , Vernon Jordan , Monica Take it to the Bank . 052078 00001 jolietjake1 - 08 : 32pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 * 00003 tna1pada3 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 14pm< / a> 00004 00005 *The poor ' get-Clinton ' mobsters , veggie , jerry , all the rest , have to be apopletic knowing their hated enemy is going to skate . . . < / i> 00006 The only thing Jerry , Veggie , myself and the rest of the " mobsters " will be sad about , dear Ada , is the loss of you , DonnyK , the Jwattster , Crazy Elizabeth , Luckly / Wanderer / Redneck and the remaining dregs of your posse as a consitantly fresh , bubbling spring of amusements . Ahhh , but all good things must come to an end at some point , I expect , and we must all return to the real world some day . 052079 00001 john66c - 08 : 33pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *God those conservatives must be breathing down those Senators necks ! 052080 00001 jolietjake1 - 08 : 33pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *Damn , THAT and the failure of the html . ! 052081 00001 john66c - 08 : 34pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *Just as sure as there shouldn ' t be a state-sponsored religion , then there shouldn ' t be a state-sponsored moral system either ! 052082 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 34pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) Maybe its the Bilderburgers , or the Illuminist showing their ugly selves again . Turning our benevolent 50 states against one another , all in an attempt to establish global hegemony . " One world , one nation ? " Is this the next step ? Dividing the American people against one another ? All it took was one simple intern ? They could have done that 100 years ago . Jeez . With the US out of the way what ' s to stop the secular humanist ? Repent , the end is near ! 052083 00001 padu329 - 08 : 34pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) > 00002 donkirk--} 00003 *I ' ve always felt that the sooner this is over , the better---- But I ' m starting to wonder if a long , drawn-out bloody war wouldn ' t serve the dual purpose of giving the GOP the opportunity to dig itself an even deeper hole , and allowing for some serious digging into the whole chain of events that brought us here ( the cabal of lawyers , Starr ' s tactics , etc . . . . . ) 052084 00001 sportly - 08 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) > 00002 Vegetius - 08 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52045 of 52067 ) } 00003 *Ted Kennedy sprinkles Viagra into every other jigger of CHIVAS . ------Vege tius , if Ted has been spiking drinks at the WH with the big V , I say he ' s responsible for all this . I think we should drive him off a . . . No , I ' m not going to say that . What ' s Bill ' s problem ? With Monica , he must have had " A Bridge Too Far . " He ' s been pegged by the FW with something like , get this , 30 mysterious deaths . What ' s one more ? Monica is one lucky lady . jerryhere - 08 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§052085 of 52468 ) Bill has flaws Will bill take credit for all of the links that don ' t work tonite ? His Watch , eh ? 052086 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 36pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) > 00002 john66c - 08 : 33pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52079 of 52080 ) } 00003 *God and those conservatives must be breathing down those Senators necks ! And those red-deviled liberals will be over the other shoulder . 00004 +++ 052087 00001 macer235 - 08 : 36pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *Choamsky and Keynes ? These two don ' t belong together . The only thing they have in common is that they are geniuses who made revolutionary contributions within their specialities . For Choamsky , that means linguistics ; for Keynes , economics . Having had a course in linguistics , I have to admire Choamsky ' s contributions there . However , if I were a fan of Ed Asner as actor , it would not mean I think him qualified to make judgements on the Abdul Jamal murder case in Philadelphia . Michael Jordan ' s words are very relevant in discussing basketball , much less so in discussing the merits of various sneakers ( particulary when paid by a specific manufacturer ) and totally irrelevant when discussing after shave for which he

is no more suited than you or I . I despise the political views of Choamsky , Asner and Jane Fonda . Of those three , only Choamsky assumes that his talents in an unrelated field qualify him to write books about foreign policy ( charging , for example , a CIA conspiracy against Allende in Chile which even a liberal committee failed to prove ) . Fortunately , those three have no great say in the Democratic Party . They may vote for Democrats , but their influence is non-existent . The same , alas , is not true in the Republican Party today , where the right-wing counterparts to Choamsky , Asner and Fonda dictate . Thus people like me leave . We ' ve heard from a few " liberal " democrats who have gone the opposite way as a result of this crisis . They are in a minority . I suspect they are the types who like Democrat programs but prefer Social Conservatism . The irony is that the Republicans today have two factions : the true conservatives ( who oppose Big Government ) and the " Big Brother Is Watching You , " Social Conservatives who have no qualms about using the power of big government to meddle in people ' s lives , especially their sex lives . PS . --It ought to be self-evident that I ' m no liberal . 052088 00001 svcarlson - 08 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *The Senate voted to adopt its own rules for impeachment . They did not have to make it secret . Once they voted for the rules , they needed a two-thirds vote to suspend them to open it up . This was part of the unanimous deal 100-0 . There was an effort to protect the Senate from what the House radicals were bringing in . There was the understanding that the issues could be voted on later . But the lines have hardened , as Republicans are forced to cower before the religious right . The religious people are making a very serious mistake . I was struck by a comment of a Latino women this morning on the visit of the Pope today . She said something to the effect that the Pope teaches us that we are all one human family . How different from the message of the Republican radicals and their pseudo-religious supporters ! 052089 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Legacy , shemagcy . Historians will pick over the bones of this administration and of every other administration , revising , modifying , elevating , denigrating , long after any here today have gone to feed the worms with their once proud body . Can ' t help it . C ' est la vie . C ' est la morte . 052090 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 39pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *Maybe its the Bilderburgers , or the Illuminist showing their ugly selves again . Turning our benevolent 50 states against one another , all in an attempt to establish global hegemony . " One world , one nation ? " Is this the next step ? Dividing the American people against one another ? All it took was one simple intern ? They could have done that 100 years ago . Adam Wiesupt is probably proclaimiming , " Jeez , that was easy ! " With the US out of the way what ' s to stop the secular humanist ? Repent my fellow Americans , the end is near ! 052091 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 39pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) > 00002 sportly - 08 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52084 of 52087 ) } 00003 *What ' s Bill ' s problem ? With Monica , he must have had " A Bridge Too Far . " He ' s been pegged by the FW with something like , get this , 30 mysterious deaths . What ' s one more ? Monica is one lucky lady . According to her testimony she said to Vernon Jordan _ " I don ' t want to end up like Mary Mahoney ( Intern killed at the Georgetown Starbuck ' s- no money taken ) 052092 00001 dayrell1 - 08 : 40pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) > 00002 donkirk - 08 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52040 } 00003 *It never ceases to amaze me the lengths to which the arrogant apologists for the " in your face " debauchery and corruptive power politics of the Clinton regime will go in order to spread their paranoid message of " Constitutional betrayal " by the Republican Party . Civil libertarians steadfast and honest in their examination of the perjury and obstruction of justice charges leveled against WJC and his cohorts know without reservation that the Clinton " mean machine " of slander , obstruction and lies was projected solely at Paula Jones ( an ordinary American citizen ) in the ultimately futile hope of restricting her Constitutionally mandated access to due process and all in an attempt to thwart her right as a citizen to have her day in court . The Republican " political coup d ' état de conspiracy " fantasy bandied around lately in hollow minds is pure bunk . Your Chief is walking the plank and it seems you could care less what his crimes are just so long as he doesn ' t abandon your need to serve him . 052093 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 Toiletank1 : } 00004 *I keep a cake of clorine in mine for ya ! Clean up your act ( and your smell ) doncha know . Doofus ! 052094 00001 donkirk - 08 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 padu329 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 34pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Padu . . . . No chance of a congressional investigation into this mess so long as the Republicans remain in the majority of both houses . That , of course , could change in January 2001 . If the Democrats were to regain control of both houses of Congress , perhaps the Senate Judiciary Committee under Chairman Patrick Leahy and the House Judiciary Committee under Chairman John Conyers could conduct full , comprehensive investigations of this . Better yet , a Joint Senate-House Committee on Independent Counsel Activities with broad investigatory powers could expose this farce right down to its roots . I think America needs it to see just how much damage has been done to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights . +++ 052095 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *Maybe its the Bilderburgers , or the Illuminist showing their ugly selves again . Turning our benevolent 50 states against one another , all in an attempt to establish global hegemony . " One world , one nation ? " Is this the next step ? Dividing the American people against one another ? All it took was one simple intern ? They could have done that 100 years ago . Adam Wiesupt is probably proclaimiming , " Jeez , that was easy ! " With the US out of the way what ' s to stop the secular humanist ? Repent my fellow Americans , the end is near ! At the very gates ! Repent ! 052096 00001 teririley - 08 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . Veg , I didn ' t vote for AlGore nor do I think that anybody that voted for WJC did . My vote would have changed if I had known that Gore had more then a remote chance of accending to the presidency . I voted for the leadership and vision I feel that William jefferson Clinton brings to the White House . it is a mistake to conclude that just because gore is a democrat that the parts are interchangable . Would Danny-boy be an adequate replacement for George Bush ? ? ? ? Agnew Nixon ? ? ? ? We are able to see through history what VP ' s have done when they have replaced the elected president . Ford pardoned Nixon , Johnson gave us the Gulf of Tonkin , Truman dropped the Bomb , Coolidge was not nearly as corrupt as Harding but he did set the stage by his hands off policy for the Great depression , Arthur . . . . graff and corruption , Andrew Johnson was impeached , Tyler set the stage for the Civil War . . . . . the only VP that exceeded his head was Teddy Roosevelt ( my favourite republican leader ever , even more so than Abe ) so you see history shows us that removal and conviction does the country greater harm than good , why rock the boat . 052097 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 Andmyotherbrotherdarrlyl : } 00004 *Overheated rhetoric for sale ! Get your overheated rhetoric here ! 052098 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *ANN COULTER : The High Crime of Being Republican Human Events 1-22-99 Ann Coulter What really drives Democrats crazy about President Clinton ' s impeachment is that they can ' t just come out and say that the only thing they think is really impeachable is being a Republican . 052099 00001 donkirk - 08 : 45pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 dayrell1 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 40pm< / a> 00004 Dayrell . . . } 00005 *Wipe the foam from the corner of your mouth , drag the drool off your chin and take your medication . You ' re babbling again . The orderly will be there in a minute or two . Just stay there . 052100 00001 fatladysinging - 08 : 45pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *Republican Radical Right anthem " God ,

let ' s impeach the Man . . . . " . Sung by lemmings Delay and Barr . Manager : " Mista Blum-in-thal , Is it trew that the Pres-ee-dent tole you he didn ' t have any relationship of a sexual na-tur with Ms . Lew-in-skia ? " " Whey do you think he tole you that ? " Blum : " Yes , he told me he had no relationship with Ms Lewinski of a sexual nature . He told me that because I am closely associated with Mrs . Clinton . He didn ' t want her to find out ! " " I don ' t think he cared whether I testified to that or not . Whatever I said about what he said is hearsay . " I told the GJ that I had no independent knowledge of a relationship between Mr . Clinton and Ms . Lewinski . " Senators ( laughing ) : " We hope Mr . Manager , you have better evidence of obstruction than this ! " 052101 00001 svcarlson - 08 : 46pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 *I know Noam Chomsky , having met him several times at the university . I would consider him a friend , although not a close personal friend . There is nothing at all despicable about his political views . He is in fact one of the leading experts in the world about politics . Politics is language , symbolism , imagery , debate and discussion . Chomsky is immensely relevant because he has scientifically proven that all human beings ( not whites , Asians or anybody else in greater or lesser degree ) have a basic human legacy of a linguistic faculty , which allows us all to learn one or more languages without any instruction at all , based on our genetic design . The meaning is that freedom is a basic human legacy , not even anything given to us through millenia of struggle . This basic human legacy is what drives us to attain freedom , not the result of it . Politically , this means the world is upside down . The elites are using a faculty that we all possess , to lead . According to natural scientific law , they must base their leadership on this state of affairs . Much of what Chomsky writes and talks about on politics is the ways in which political manipulation by current elites is contrary to the human

tendency toward freedom and reason . The current situation in Washington would be an excellent example of this . 052102 00001 padu329 - 08 : 46pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) > 00002 donkirk---} 00003 *I was thinking of a Justice Dep ' t . inquiry-----that wouldn ' t require approval from the GOP . This would be a great chance for J . Reno to redeem herself for letting Starr get so out of control in the first place . . . . 052103 00001 amiante - 08 : 47pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52469 ) } 00002 * " It seems to me that every American should be alarmed at multiple violations of the Constitution and severe weakening of its inherent principle of separation of powers in the current impeachment farce . " The Republicans are actively working to subvert the principles of the Constitution because a democracy does not favor those who are a minority . They will stop at nothing , not even , I am convinced , at violence . It is obvious that they do not have the votes to convict and the only thing they can do is trash the place before they go . Every day they push the envelope farther . Destroying President Clinton is certainly not the end of their agenda . He is only the beginning . The sloppiness and incompetence with which they presented their pitiful case shows their disregard for Constitutional processes . They operate by force and by iolence , not by democratic means . Many here have very disingenuously admitted that they are not the least interested in the validity of the charges , which they admit are false and pretextuous . These are people who will stop at nothing to achieve their agenda . +++ 052104 00001 donkirk - 08 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 Vegetius 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 43pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Vegetius . . . Ann Coulter , the ditzy flaming right-wing nutcase ? Member of the Independent Women ' s Forum which commissioned Kenneth Starr to write the amicus brief for Paula Jones ? Ann Coulter who came from nowhere to be a talking head on Fox News and will go right back to nowhere any time now ? THAT Ann Coulter ? Gimme a break . 052105 00001 macer235 - 08 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *SHOULD THE PRESIDENT BE A MORAL EXEMPLAR ? Someone posed that question on MSNBC in noting the disparity between polls giving the president a 16 percent rating in that regard while the same pollsters revealed the public giving him 60%+ for presidential performance . Bernie Frank suggested--now don ' t get ad hominem folks ! --that perhaps it ' s a sign of public maturity rather than public confusion . Jimmy Carter was one of the most truely " moral " presidents in terms being applied negatively to Clinton , yet he was also one of the worst in terms of performance--a reputation that won ' t benefit from historical revisionism . Yet one can cite a half-dozen good to outstanding presidents who sexual behavior was equal to Clinton ' s if not worse . The two things don ' t connect . Frank suggested that perhaps we shouldn ' t expect our president ' s to be morale exemplars ( Now watch the rebuttal via fallacy of degree in which we will hear of murderers , thugs , etc ) . The old approach will remain especially popular out in the sticks where they believe in Scientific Creationism , devils residing inside your computer , absolute morality ( which NOBODY truely practices thanks to common sense ) and so on . 052106 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) > 00002 teririley - 08 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52096 of 52098 ) } 00003 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good I never said I wanted him removed for political reasons . I would like him to stay in office for strictly political reasons but , I do find him repulsive as a moral leader . This country is on auto-pilot with big business the closest thing to having a grasp on the compass . We were blessed that Klintoon was president during a time of relative peace . 052107 00001 ivkog - 08 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of

52468 ) } 00002 *I analyzed Messages of Clinton supporters . All are for abolishing the justice . Even no one has told this directly . Maybe they are right ? No courts , no prosecutors , all prisoners are realized . Stop wasting money for these unnecessary things ! Why majority is bored ? Because the main question for the public opinion searching is like : " Is relation with Monica a family deal ? " No one should be removed from office for driving above 80 miles , even if one told that it was only 40 . But if one told under oath that it was 40 he should be removed from office to the prison . If it will necessary to spend fifty million and five years to prove this , the time and the money were not thrown out . It would be good to make that one to return them ! 052108 00001 rdemarc1 - 08 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *This entire matter defies common sense . I feel like I am living in BIZZARO WORLD . The House made a mountain out of a mole hill , and the Senate is trying to dig itself from under . In the meantime the President still can ' t figure out what he did wrong . However , it seems most of the people feel it was a venial sin and not a mortal sin that the fellow committed . Everyone knows that a lie is a lie , that sex is sex , that political knives are razor sharp . In the meantime , the USA has been made a laughing-stock . . . and the repercussions--no matter how the mess in Washington turns out . . . will be long term . These adverse reactions will come from just about every other country in the world . . . and they will be blackmailing us in every conceivable manner . . . money , arms , alliances , civil unrest infiltration , and Lord only knows what else . America ' s Achilles Heel seems to be the lingering Puritanism manifested by the hypocritial religious right ; a free-sex social order that maintains a prim and proper exterior ; and all sorts of religious nuts who do not have the word " forgiveness " in their vocabularies if it includes any foreplay or sex . The President is completely guilty of poor judgement in his personal affairs . That is not an impeachable offense unless it can be proven that the Nation was put at risk by his nonsense . It may well have been ; but that is not the subject of the investigation . His stupidity in the handling of this case may be a cause to doubt his ability to lead . One would have thought that the Senate would have called a psychiatrist as a witness , or , at least the President ' s medical team , if he has such a thing . God willing , we

will all wake up one morning next week and BIZARRO WORLD will have imploded . Then all the pundits trying to make careers out of this matter at the expense of the nation will have to find a new way to make a living . It is good to be able to laugh at one ' s foibles -- but it should not be at the expense of a Nation . 052109 00001 amiante - 08 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 *I admire Clinton for being serious in giving minorities and women a chance . He has surrounded himself by blacks and women whom he has placed in positions of power . It ' s kind of a " put your money where your mouth is " thing . But Janet Reno is undoubtedly the worst of his appointments . She is without any substance , without courage , without the character to make a decent attorney general . And her lack of backbone has contributed much to our present crisis . 052110 00001 jolietjake1 - 08 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52468 ) } 00002 * 00003 macer235 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 36pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 * Mr Macer : Please . . . spare us your " look homeward angel " lurch-to-the-left sob story . At least the bulk of the wacky libs we joust with on these forums are openly Marxist in their orientation , and will even go as far as blithering on about it . . . But you sir , are purporting that , although you are NOT a liberal ( hmmm ) -- you are ready to join up with the Third Wave / Progressive / Socialist / Appropriately Jackass-symboled Party because you feel the GOP has been giving the Chief Jackass too much of a hard time ? ? PUUUUUUHHHH--LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE ! +++ 052111 00001 damon_y2k - 08 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 *Thank you svcarlson for your post . Well stated . I am the one who brought up Chomsky asking whether he was a liberal . I minored in anthropology so I was introduced to his work as an undergrad . I do not see eye to eye on all of his opinions , but his views on global capitalism are fascinating . 052112 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Annie " The Harridan " Coulter is a member of the " creepy little cabal " of rabid right-wing lawyers of which the NYT has finally taken notice . Her book , published by Regnery , funded by Scaife , was propelled to a best seller list by strategic purchases by her firends in the " cabal " . I asked my local bookseller , Bookends , how sales of the book were going in her store ( we ' re in republican territory ) ; her answer , " No one buys the book at retail because returns ( where the intial orders don ' t sell ) are runnin three to one ! Annie " Harridan " Coulter , b1tch of the ' get-Clinton ' mob , is a joke to the world and doesn ' t even know it . Par for the group . 052113 00001 fatladysinging - 08 : 52pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 *Republican Radical Right anthem " God , let ' s impeach the Man . . . . " . Sung by lemmings Delay and Barr . > 00003 Vegie : } 00004 *You gotta have better souces than Ann Coulter , emaciated hair and face , et . al . This pollster , becomes Repelican talking pointy head , becomes socalled constitutional impeachment authority , becomes undone . How about Repelicans following lead of Clinton haters bring government to a halt so panties can be sniffed by everyone . Not Impeachable ? 052114 00001 jerryhere - 08 : 52pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws > 00003 he Republicans are actively working to subvert the principles of the Constitution because a democracy does not favor those who are a minority . Where ' d you get your copy ? Flynt bookstore ? Destroying President Clinton . . . A joke . 052115 00001 hugsy - 08 : 52pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 *HEY , they call it exorcism , but even the Pope and Cardinals are for conviction and removal . John Paul has denounced the devil in a series of recent homilies as a ``cosmic liar and murderer . ' ' In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' ( LOL ) 052116 00001 jerryhere - 08 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws Frantic libs , eh ? 052117 00001 sportly - 08 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 *DeWayne Wickham in USA Today ( 1 / 26 / 99 ) : . . . Four years ago , Republicans appeared to be on their way to becoming the dominant force in U . S . politics . With Clinton ' s approval rating in free fall and congressional Democrats in disarray , the GOP used its " Contract With America " pledge of lower taxes , higher defense spending and less government to win majorities in the House and Senate . Just 100 days after the Republican ' s current reign began , Congress ' approval rating rose to 42% , double that which Democrats registered on the eve of the 1994 elections . But on their way to turning that success into a political dynasty , congressional Republicans lost their way . They got sidetracked by the rabid conservatives who infest their party ' s ranks . They were derailed by the evangelicals of the religious right who hope to use the GOP to turn our democracy into a theocracy . Instead of forging a legislative agenda that moved it beyond the gimmicky " Contract With America " and closer to the political middle , the GOP became an instrument of the right wing , which has spent the past five years trying to bring the Clinton presidency to an early end . . . . Check it out at : http : / / www

. usatoday . com / news / comment / ncwick . htm 052118 00001 doolin1 - 08 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 *Does anyone think for one minute that President Clinton would not be so secure if American greed was not running near record levels ? Give him a recession and watch the rats leave his political ship . Greed is the key . Americans will tolerate a lot for more money . 052119 00001 dfenwick1 - 08 : 54pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) > 00002 teririley } 00003 *While I disagree with you on whether this President should be impeached I concur with you that we are talking bout overturning an election . While I once supported Clinton , I would never have voted for Gore . Likewise there are hosts of Vice Presidents ( Quale and Agnew in particular ) who would not be in the same league as the Presidents who chose them ( generally for one cynical reason or another ) as their running mates . Still , Clinton ought to go and Gore is just part of the price we have to pay . 052120 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) > 00002 DON KIRK } 00003 *1-22-99 Ann Coulter What really drives Democrats crazy about President Clinton ' s impeachment is that they can ' t just come out and say that the only thing they think is really impeachable is being a Republican . They hint at it , but can ' t admit it outright . Here are the hints : " Finally , consider President Nixon , whose extremely ' high crimes ' and gross abuses of official power posed a threat 40 our basic constitutional system . Although Nixon was elected by the people , his own unprecedented use of political espionage and sabotage tainted his mandate . . . " Akil Amar New Republic , Jan . 18 , 1999 " If we weaken the independence of the presidency , who knows ? The next President may want to change the rules on Cuba . And they say , ' We ' ll indict you for that or impeach you for that , ' ' and he has been intimidated . " The Rev . Robert Drinan Former Democratic House member from " To set the record straight , isn ' t it fair to say that President Clinton ' s conduct doesn ' t even hold a candle to President Nixon and what he did ? " Rep . Martin T . Mahone ( D . -Mass . ) The minority report of the House Judiciary Committee objected to the articles of impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice as failing to meet the " historically rooted prerequisite for impeaching a President , " which is : conduct that " amounts to the abuse of official power . " +++ 052121 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 *President Nixon faced impeachment charges , and deservedly , because he lied to the public . Don ' t believe the nonsense you hear about Nixon ' s grand treacheries and " official abuse " of the CIA , FBI and the IRS . A President who can get the IRS to audit his enemies doesn ' t get audited himself , as President Nixon did . Nixon faced impeachment charges because he lied . And we know that because that ' s what his accusers said at the time . The first item in the first article of impeachment against Nixon accused him simply of " making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States " Elliot Richardson , the attorney general Nixon fired in the " Saturday Night Massacre ; ' ' said politicians would now know that " honesty is the best politics . " Nixon counselor Pat Buchanan said Nixon had to go because " the President can ' t lead a country he has deliberately misled for a year and the material world , refer to Nixon ' s use of " the Plumbers " to plug national security leaks . That , along with his defense of Whittaker Chambers is what drove , and still drives , Nixon ' s antagonists to distraction . But that ' s not why he almost got himself impeached , and resigned , instead . His anticommunism is , however , what got him elected 052122 00001 tna1pada3 - 08 : 56pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Stuffed merrlitons are ready ! Eat your hearts out while I devour my meal . Ciao ! 052123 00001 amiante - 08 : 56pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) > 00002 rdemarc : } 00003 *don ' t count on waking up next week and finding this over . There is a virulent , and violent right wing which controls the Republican party and who will stop at nothing to achieve their ends . They are profoundly anti-democratic , and therefore anti-tolerant , and they have been favored by the well-being that lulled democrats and independents into complacency . We ' ve always heard how lucky we are to be living in a democracy . The Republican party teaches us exactly what can happen when the majority of the country neglects to vote and tunes out on the political discourse . I am one of those people who was too busy with my own life and my own ambitions to get interested in politics while a fanatical minority set about trying to destroy the foundations of democracy . Not anymore . 052124 00001 hbmiller1 - 08 : 56pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 * " I think America needs it [a full-scale investigation of Starr ' s conduct] to see just how much damage has been done to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights . " Amen , brother . And there ' d be plenty of support for it . " It ' s high time that Starr himself was seriously investigated . The ongoing judicial inquiry into leaks and other possible illegalities by his office should be extended to include the ideologically driven politics and conflicts of interest that contaminate Starr ' s enterprise . 052125 00001 Vegetius - 08 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) . } 00002 *Kennedy Wiretapped Journalists President Kennedy never faced impeachment , though he and his brother , the attorney general , directed the FBI and the CIA to install dozens of wiretaps of steel executives , lobbyists , journalists , and congressmen ( among other egregious and now well-established civil rights abuses ) . No Supreme Court justice has ever been impeached for usurping the prerogatives of the states upon their discovering novel constitutional rights located in " penumbras " and " emanations " of the Constitution unnoticed for 200 years . President Truman didn ' t face impeachment for seizing the steel mills during the ( undeclared ) Korean war . Clinton has not been impeached for his unconstitutional placement of Bill Lann Lee as head of the civil rights division at the Department of Justice , when the Senate would not confirm Lee . Clinton was not impeached for his official act of declaring 1 . 7 million acres of undistinguished land mass as a " national monument " in Utah , usurping the Congress ' s authority to declare national wilderness areas . Indeed , the last President who was impeached for an " official act " was President Andrew Johnson , and history has not been kind to the Congress that impeached him . Perhaps it is for that reason that official acts even official acts that look a lot like abuses of power-have historically not been deemed impeachable in this country . ( Neither treason nor bribery , by the way , is an " official act . " ) Or perhaps it is because even the Framers didn ' t want to hear Harvard lawyers shrieking that every " official act " of a Republican President is a " high crime and misdemeanor . " 052126 00001 macer235 - 08 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) > 00002 svcarlson : } 00003 *Sorry , for the Democrats to start listening to Choamsky on foreign affairs will be to go back to the successes of Jimmy Carter in that area . It will be equivalent to listening to that crackpot from Berkeley , Ron Dellums . Saddam would now control the oil of Saudi Arabia and the OAR as well as Kuwait . I ' m sure he ' d use it to promote worthy and humane causes . Choamsky ' s contributions are concerned with the stucture of language . When he strays into the relation between language and politics he becomes subjective , akin to Asante ' s Afrocentric history , in which we learn about mono-racial levitating Egyptians who invented computers and flew to the moon . When the Democrats cede authority to Asner , Choamsky , Fonda , McKinnon , Dellums , etc . , I can ' t threaten to defect to the Republicans , whose total subservience to the religious right and whose almost absolute support for the current charade has turned me off forever . I guess I ' ll either have to stay home on election day or move to New Zealand . 052127 00001 arian35 - 09 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52466 ) } 00002 * " Socialism is only a transitory phase on the road to communism . " --Balint Vazsonyi 00003 johnsdad1b 1 / 26 / 99 2 : 10pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Appreciate the response , but permit me to clarify . I wasn ' t finding fault with " the planter ' s " language . Just silly me trying to be funny . Must agree , however , with your assessment , especially since I had 2 years of Latin--mandatory at my Catholic H . S . I was unaware of its comeback . +++ 052128 00001 teririley - 09 : 01pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . Veg , Nixon was elected because of George Wallace , not because he was an " anti-communist " and the reason he was forced to resign was not because he lied or was even caught but he circumvented the investigation and fired his AG who wouldn ' t do his bidding . Trust me , if Nixon wouldn ' t have organized the Saturday Night Massacre , Reno would have been gone long ago . 052129 00001 ripper66 - 09 : 01pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) } 00002 * 00003 sportly 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 53pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 * And does the article end : " . . . but even though the republican party has slipped off course and become a daily target for democrats , they have managed to keep control of both branches of Congress and garner a larger percentage of votes than democrats in the most recent election " ? 052130 00001 hugsy - 09 : 02pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) } 00002 *http : / / search . washingtonpost . com / wp-srv / WAPO / 19990126 / V000587-012699-idx . html see for yourself , The Pope gives instructions to the House managers . ( I think it ' s really funny , so bear with me . . 052131 00001 clsi1 - 09 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) } 00002 *Oddly enough I believe the Presidents counsel knew , expected , and actually wanted witnesses to be called . The Republicans have acted predictably from step 1 if one is a trial attorney . The Presidents counsel simply wanted to 1 ) Make it a Republican " spoiled child " Demand for the record so they will continue to be the adults in this trial . Then , as with the Lewinski hijacking this weekend the House Managers look like even greater extremists , and fools . It is a setup for the classic " I told you so " The Republicans are like a big dumd guy named " Uhh " . . . throw a cape and here they come . . . Remember , for the first time these witnesses will be cross examined and will be able to answer questions framed specifically to exonerate the President . Starr ' s inquest was just the opposite . The quality and polish of the President ' s legal counsel dwarfs the 13 stooges sent from the House . . I believe they in really in over their collective heads now . . . Additionaly when the President Counsel calls Starr , Tripp , and others in the party to establish acquiring evidence illegally and prosecutorial misconduct they will not have been the ones to start it . . . 052132 00001 roger660 - 09 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) } 00002 *The GOP makes much of inferences to prove their case . Inferences are only as good as the basis upon which they are made . Making wild inferential leaps proves nothing . Vernon Jordan sought to find Monica a job -- presto , an inference this was done to keep her silent . What other wild leaps could be made ? Jordan was being blackmailed by Monica to find her a job . . . Jordan and Monica were having an affair . . . and the madness goes on . Insane persons have difficulty with inferences -- they become paranoid , delusional . . . they lose touch with reality . 052133 00001 hugsy - 09 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) } 00002 *In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' hmmm hmmmm hmmmm , now who could that be . . . . . 052134 00001 hbmiller1 - 09 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) > 00002 amiante : } 00003 *Good for you . And there are millions like you . Distressing as the current episode is , in the long run I ' m optimistic about the health of the American polity . Most Americans throughout our history have shown they want no truck with fanatics . The Know-Nothings and the KKK and Huey Long and Father Coughlin and Joe McCarthy had their day , but they were ultimately repudiated by the public and disgraced by the verdict of history . Ken Starr , Tom DeLay , Bob Barr , Henry Hyde and the rest of the GOP Parade of Horrors will share the same fate . 052135 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) } 00002 * 00003 macer235 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 57pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 * Macer , I have absolutely no alliegence to the religious Right just as my liberal friends have ties to N . O . W . , the ACLU or the Homosexual agenda . In fact , of the few gays I know , one is conservative and the other while liberal despises much of what organized gay groups have to say . I think that this religous Right crap is way overblown . What Jerry Falwell or Pat Robinson have to say means as much to me as some guy on the street---probably less . 052136 00001 supkis - 09 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) } 00002 *Round and round the Senate well the monkey chased the weasel . . . like the nursery rhyme , the weasel always wins . During the evolution of homo sapiens , the clever alsways bested the boorishly stupid . This is why we have

brains that are big , not tiny , though there are people who appear to have brains but really don ' t . Brawn was useful but the brains and the ability to lie and finagle are of supremest importance to all humanity . One of the things we racked out massive brains about was how to get the best sex . This lead to the evolution of females who are always in heat . The males competed like crazy for these females . The males who didn ' t care about this have few descendants to represent the " I hate sex " genes . Today , in the modern world , we admire and follow sexy leaders . Even Reagan worked hard to appear at least reasonably sexy even if he was ancient and dottering . We instinctively shuddered around Dole because we sensed that his sex life probably stank and lo and behold , it did ! He needed medicine just to hump ! So why are we impeaching our President ? Because we are insane . 052137 00001 padu329 - 09 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52465 ) > 00002 hbmiller--- } 00003 *I suspect that at this very moment there are some nervous right-wing lawyers engaged in document-shredding and otherwise covering their tracks . . . . . they have to be anticipating that an investiagtion is forthcoming ...... I hope there ' s a little evidence of their chicanery left for the Feds to uncover . . . . +++ 052138 00001 jerryhere - 09 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws > 00003 terri--} 00004 *Whaddabout bill ' s best friends Flynt & carVile ? 052139 00001 donkirk - 09 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 padu329 1 / 26 / 99 8 : 46pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Padu . . . I don ' t think Reno will do diddly against Starr . She has ample reason : the leaks of grand jury material ; denial of Lewinsky ' s request to contact her lawyer for several hours ; " aggressive " advocacy of impeachment that caused Sam Dash to resign ; Starr ' s involvement with the House Managers in forcing Lewinsky to come to DC for a " sitdown , " in apparent violation of Senate Resolution 16 , adopted by a vote of 100-0 ; threats of imprisonment for Lewinsky and her parents ; Starr ' s involvement with Jones ' attorneys , and on and on and on . There ' s plenty to investigate Starr for , even to fire his ass . Reno simply won ' t do it . A Congressional investigation could be conducted in addition to or in concert with a Justice Department investigation , of course . But the sad truth is that the " Office of Professional Responsibility " ( Ehtics ) at the Justice Department is very similar to the " Internal Affairs Bureau " of most police departments . The goal is to protect insiders ( like Starr and rouge cops ) and not to protect the public interest by bringing felons who thwart justice to account . 052140 00001 svcarlson - 09 : 09pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) > 00002 Damon , Macer - } 00003 *I think it is not correct to say that Chomsky is concerned with any structure of language . He is leading linguistics as a discipline in a massive research effort to prove and to document the existence of a genetic-based human language faculty ( he ' s also interested in the theory of vision , and I think would be interested in the number line reported in Science last year , a natural mathematical faculty ) . His theory of deep structure was a step along the path of leading this linguistics-wide theory building which toppled behaviorism , a reactionary and misguided theory of linguistics whose strongest psychological advocate was B . F . Skinner . A liberal ? He did his famous early research reported in Syntactic Structures for the Air Force , Navy and Army , I believe , under a DOD contract . I think , like me , he would identify himself as both a liberal and a conservative . If liberalism and conservatism are two choices we are taught by a behaviorist language learning regime , then choose we must . We ' re taught they ' re mutually exclusive , ultimately at war with each other . But if , as Chomsky suggests , language is innate , then these two words , liberalism and conservatism , must have some intrinsic meaning in human behavior reflected in all of our lives . IMO it becomes improper to force the embrace of one and the expulsion of the other . It ' s irrational . 052141 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) > 00002 teririley - 09 : 01pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52128 of 52135 ) } 00003 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . I

disagree . Nixon got great support from his anti-communist stance . He also despised by liberals for proving Hiss a communist spy . Many liberals today refuse to admit that Hiss was guilty despite the evidence found in Moscow in 1991 . 052142 00001 spinthis - 09 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 *1997-98 Christian Coalition Voting Record of House GOP Impeachment Managers What follows is an evaluation stated as a percentage of 1997-1998 votes that the House Managers voted in line with the Christian Coalition on legislation that organization considered to be the most important Rep . Bob Barr ( R-Georgia ) Methodist , lawyer , white , male - 92% Rep . Ed Bryant ( R-Tennessee ) , Presbyterian , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Steve Buyer ( R-Indiana ) , Methodist , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Charles Canady ( R-Florida ) Presbyterian , lawyer , white , male - 100%
00003 Rep . Christopher Cannon ( R-Utah ) , Mormon , lawyer , white , male - 100%
00004 Rep . Steve Chabot ( R-Ohio ) , Roman Catholic , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Gekas ( R-Pennsylvania ) Greek Orthodox , lawyer , white , male - 93% Rep . Lindsey O . Graham ( R-South Carolina ) Southern Baptist , lawyer , white , male 93% Rep . William " Asa " Hutchinson ( R-Arkansas ) Baptist , lawyer , white , male - 93% Rep . Henry Hyde ( R-Illinois ) , Roman Catholic , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . Bill McCollum ( R-Florida ) Episcopalian , lawyer , white , male 87% Rep . James E . Rogan ( R-California ) , Protestant , lawyer , white , male - 100% Rep . F . James Sensenbrenner ( R-Wisconsin ) , Episcopalian , lawyer , white , male - 100% Totals : Occupation : Lawyer ( 13 ) 100% Race : White ( 13 ) 100% Gender : Male ( 13 ) 100% Religion : Christian ( 13 ) 100% - [Baptist ( 1 ) , Episcopalian ( 2 ) , Greek Orthodox ( 1 ) , Methodist ( 2 ) , Mormon ( 1 ) , Presbyterian ( 2 ) , Protestant ( 1 ) , Roman Catholic ( 2 ) , Southern Baptist ( 1 ) ] 052143 00001 mikerose2 - 09 : 12pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 00003 oah , poah pubbies ...... < / b> 00004 The further they go into freefall , the more they blame everything and anything else . Seems they missed their sermons on personal responsibility . . . . Let ' s see , they ' ve blamed : 1 ) The Economy ( if it stunk , people would blame Clinton ) 2 ) The polls ( they lie -- except the polls they conduct among their white-sheeted friends , of course ) 3 ) The Communists ( no kidding -- it working in the glorious 50 ' s and they ' ll try anything ) 4 ) Larry Flynt ( never mind Ken Starr has published more porn than Larry ever did ) 5 ) Wimmin ' -- the danged critters jes ' don ' t listen to their menfolk anymore . . . . . 6 ) The financially poah ( as opposed to the intellectually poah , obviously ) . . . . 7 ) And anyone who isn ' t a member of the religious reich ( never mind the fiounding father ' s weren ' t -- details like that don ' t matter to real patriots ) . . . . Oh , well . . . . The pubbies scamper up the mast of a sinking ship to be the last to drown . I love it . 052144 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) > 00002 spinthis - 09 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52142 of 52142 ) What are the specific issues that they voted on ? +++ 052145 00001 macer235 - 09 : 13pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) > 00002 jolietjake1 : } 00003 * " you are ready to join up with the Third Wave / Progressive / Socialist . You claim mind-reading skills . Where is your evidence for that conclusion ? Feel free to read every post I ' ve ever made and you will find nothing to support it . What make you think the only people disgusted with this tainted investigation and impeachment process are liberals ? Do you think conservatives have no concern for the law or the Constitution ? Religious Right folks read the latter in the same spirit in which such Fundamentalists read the Bible . Their interpretation is the ONLY legitimate interpretation . . . absolutely ! In both cases , they see the fixity despite all ambiguities or vagueness . The biggest problem between Religious Right folks and conservatives concerns Big Government . True conservatives oppose it ; you folks see it as a tool for forcing your social ideas on everyone : electric chairs for doctors who provide abortions ; ditto for Kevorkian ; put homosexuals in jail ; use the coercive powers of government to investigate the sexual behavior of anyone you don ' t like ; bring obstruction of justice charges against private individuals who " out " Holy Hypocrites in reverse ( Barr actually proposed this " treatment " for Larry Flynt ) , prosecute Playboy publishers as pornographers , and so on . Using your logic , Barry Goldwater , known as the " Conscience of Conservatism , " was a flaming liberal or a filthy traitor ( he warned the GOP against alliance with the religious right ) . In your absolutism , you confuse any kind of tolerance with left-wing radicalism . Shame on you ! 052146 00001 overlord21 - 09 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) > 00002 spinthis - 05 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 } 00003 * " bird_33 : Reagan skyrocketed the deficit . " } 00004 *You do have brown eyes , somehow I just knew it . Go ask Tip O ' Neill who gave you that deficit . Then ask Jesse Jackson and the rest of the Congressional Black Panther Caucus . Then ask the American Association of Retired Persons , the ones who like 7% raises every year when the COLA ' s about half that . Whereever you turn trying to understand how the national debt compiled like this , you ' ll see the face of a snickering pinko Democrud pointing the stink finger of blame at us to cover up for their tax and spend conspiracy of shame . } 00005 * " Clinton ' s ' 93 budget created the surplus . " } 00006 *Hmmm . Brown eyes , AND a Lobotomy too ? Wow . The very FIRST thing Bill Clintstone , the Modern Stone Age Liberal Pothead , did was propose the INFAMOUS 16 Billion Dollar " Stimulus Package " ? Or maybe you were counting on us forgetting all about that , right ? Riiight . Yeah , dollars for this program , dollars for that program , Midnight Basketball , Needle Exchanges , Publicly Funded Abortions , ya know , just what Ozzie and Harriet , Abe and Mary , George and Martha all had in mind . America the Ugly . And if those outrages weren ' t enough , Taxula and his wench wife tried to SOCIALIZE our national healthcare delivery system . . . ONE FULL SEVENTH OF THE ENTIRE FRICKIN ' ECONOMY ! ! ! ! Yup , just socialize the hell out of one of our very brightest stars in the American Economic System . And then watch it fall to pieces from abuse like it has over in that socialist sinkhole called " Europe " . And I just LOVE all those bucks Clinton promised like the economic Santa Klutz he is for more teachers , more cops , more this , more that . . . right out of the bottomless goodie bag you commie lib simpletons all see when you look at that thing called " Federal Budget " . When you ' re through whacking your monkey , come up for some air and tell us again how this Spendaholic Taxmaster Clinton gave us that " surplus " . The only surplus he created was that surplus spermwave he ' s squirtin ' all over MY damn Oval Office which he won ' t be occupy much longer ! } 00007 * " Clinton / Morris triangulated the GOP into the right-wing corner they now find themselves . " Gee , if they were such an effective team , why did Morris have to leave with the same kind of morality problems his Sex Therapist boss has , and end up trash-talking his butt all over the FOX TV talk shows ( Hannity , O ' Reilly , etc . ) all but admitting he ' s a louse and an overrated idiot too stupid to know we ' re all watching every move , and every groin jerk , every head job bob , every intern ' s hair stroke he makes in that office . } 00008 * " The GOP is now controlled by the Christian Coalition . " } 00009 *I ' ve never met ' em , but I wouldn ' t mind , if you ' re the alternative . Besides , you should stop worrying about them . They ' re tame . It ' s Republicans like me you should be sweatin ' . We ' re the ones with the in-yo ' -face attitude . God help you if the whole GOP side of the Congress ends up being people like me . Your boys and girls wouldn ' t get out of the first finance committee meeting with life in their carcasses , guaranteed . } 00010 * " That is why they lose in 2000 . " } 00011 *Why don ' t you presumptuous leftist big mouths stuff it on that 2000 election prediction crap . You don ' t know what those freaky , inconsistent voters out there are gonna do or react to all this like any more than we do . Or maybe you just need that cheerleading like that , after all , you ' ve lost 3 straight elections , hey , I can feel that pain , no sweat . Feels great too ! Cuz it ' s YOURS ! A-hahahah ! That is why Gore will able to successfully appoint Clinton to } 00012 * " the Supreme Court because Congress will be controlled by Dems " } 00013 *What kind of blithering idiot would even DREAM of making THAT prediction . Who says anyone on that Court ' s aiming for retirement , at least on our side . YOUR side ' s got the number one ranked geezer , and that ' s John Paul Stevens . And he usually votes on the LOSING side , the dissenters like Darth Bader Gins 052147 00001 teririley - 09 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . > 00003 Jerryherek , } 00004 *I have more respect for Carvelle and even Flyntt than I do Dewy , Cheatim and Howe otherwise known as Starr ( s ) and Barr ( s ) ----how fitting------with a little Hyde tarred for good measure . 052148 00001 spinthis - 09 : 15pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 *TALE OF TWO CITIES DEMOCRATIC AGENDA save Social Security more teachers more police officers lower crime rate campaign finance reform Patient ' s Bill of Rights higher minimum wage 50% reduction in welfare rolls 4 . 8% unemployment rate clean air and water anti-Tobacco gun control term limits balanced budget free trade equal opportunity for all equal pay regardless of gender GOP AGENDA tax breaks for the rich Impeachment +++ 052149 00001 supkis - 09 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 *Back to brains vs brawn . Lets pretend we are cavemen during the ice age . I happen to see a huge cave bear go into this cave to sleep . I want to get rid of Oog the Ugly because he is messing around with a fine female called Moogica and so I can ' t fight him for he is built like a linebacker on steroids so I say , " Oog , that cave looks real neat . It would make a perfect home for Moogica ! " Oog the Ugly grunts and takes his club and goes inside . He battles the cave bear to death but he is badly wounded . You dispatch him with a quick blow to the head . Moogica is estatic about your nifty cave ! Children follow . . . their descendants trod the streets of America . 052150 00001 jerryhere - 09 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws I agree w / the lib t8rds , I ' m sick of this . . . Let ' s get rid of the most dishonorable prez of all time , of all of the Americas . Forthwith . ( are there any presidents anywhere else ? ah , yes , cigars ! ) Let ' s don ' t screw up Super Bowl Weekend --- get rid of the chump . And let ' s behave like the moral decrepits with our wives and family , eh ? 052151 00001 donkirk - 09 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " > 00003 Vegetius - 08 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52121 of 52140 ) } 00004 *President Nixon faced impeachment charges , and deservedly , because he lied to the public . Don ' t believe the nonsense you hear about Nixon ' s grand treacheries and " official abuse " of the CIA , FBI and the IRS . A President who can get the IRS to audit his enemies doesn ' t get audited himself , as President Nixon did . Nixon faced impeachment charges because he lied . And we know that because that ' s what his accusers said at the time . The first item in the first article of impeachment against Nixon accused him simply of " making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States " As usual , Veggie , you don ' t have any idea of what you ' re talking about : ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT EXHIBITED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN THE NAME OF ITSELF AND OF ALL OF THE PEOPLE

OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , AGAINST RICHARD M . NIXON , PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , IN MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT OF ITS IMPEACHMENT AGAINST HIM FOR HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANOURS . ARTICLE 1 In his conduct of the office of President of the United States , Richard M . Nixon , in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and , to the best of his ability , preserve , protect , and defend the Constitution of the United States , and in violation of his consitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed , has prevented , obstructed , and impeded the administration of justice , in that : On June 17 , 1972 , and prior thereto , agents of the Committee for the Re-election of the President committed unlawful entry of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington , District of Columbia , for the purpose of securing political intelligence . Subsequent thereto , Richard M . Nixon , using the powers of his high office , engaged personally and through his close subordinates and agents , in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay , impede , and obstruct the investigation of such illegal entry ; to cover up , conceal and protect those responsible ; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities . The means used to implement this course of conduct or plan included one or more of the following : 1 . making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States ; 2 . withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States ; 3 . approving , condoning , acquiescing in , and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings ; 4 . interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States , the Federal Bureau of Investigation , the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force , and Congressional Committees ; 5 . approving , condoning , and acquiescing in , the surreptitious payment of substantial sums of money for the purpose of obtaining the silence or influencing the testimony of witnesses , potential witnesses or individuals who participated in such unlawful entry and other illegal activities ; 6 . endeavouring to misuse the Central Intelligence Agency , an agency of the United States ; 7 . disseminating information received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States to subjects of investigations conducted by lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States , for th 052152 00001 jolietjake1 - 09 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 * 00003 supkis 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 07pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Speak for yourself , supkis , you crazy muthah . 00006 donkirk 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 08pm< / a> 00007 } 00008 *DonkDon ' t you think another possible explanation could be Reno ' s fear of irritating a Congress already massing for contempt charges against her for refusing to launch YET ANOTHER Special Prosecutor against ol Slippery Bill regarding his campaign finance abuses ? NAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH . . . . . 052153 00001 bjhamel - 09 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) > 00002 Spinthis . . . . . You completely misrepresented the Republican Agenda . Where is flag burning ? 052154 00001 hugsy - 09 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52464 ) } 00002 *In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' Gee , I thought those were programs Clinton proposed during his State of the Union Address . +++ 052155 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 18pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 teririley - 09 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52147 of 52149 ) } 00003 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . Jerryherek , I have more respect for Carvelle and even Flyntt than I do Dewy , Cheatim and Howe otherwise known as Starr ( s ) and Barr ( s ) ----how fitting------with a little Hyde tarred for good measure . } 00004 *Don ' t indict yourself to prove a point . THis is an embarrassment . 052156 00001 sportly - 09 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Hey , my crystal ball is working again . I see something . It says , " There will be a great many Democratic victories in the year 2000 . " " What , " I say . " How can this be ? Who ' s responsible ? " Oh , I see a face coming in now , coming in , and , uh , . . . it looks to be , why , yes , it ' s Judge Starr . Why he ' s a closet Democrat . Who would have thought ? Well , unlike the rest of you , I have a life . So , I ' m outta here . Keep your britches zipped , and always hang your holly high . 052157 00001 supkis - 09 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Looks like Oog the Ugly had more descendants before he met the fatal cave bear . Some of the postings here are of his caliber . 052158 00001 padu329 - 09 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 Donkirk--} 00003 *Perhaps we can hope that the private sector will do the job----- ( do I sound too much like a Republican ? ) ...... Maybe a Woodward / Bernstein team will emerge to take up the cause . . . . If I were an enterprising young journalist , I couldn ' t imagine a juicier prospect . . . . . Larry Flynt could finance the operation ...... 052159 00001 dayrell1 - 09 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 donkirk - 08 : 45pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52099 } 00003 *Once again you and your idiotic cohort in the marshlands of Dixie stoop to the lowest level of ad hominem assault . As far as what you call my " drooling " and " foaming " is concerned . . . I ' m only watching with complete bewilderment you and the " failed epicure " stew in the hypocrisy of your hateful diatribes . Oh yes , and also watching with amazement your chief and his significant other sheepishly cringe before John Paul , while all the time in the back of his mind trying to define the meaning of . . . . uh , what was it ? SEXUAL RELATIONS ? 052160 00001 hbmiller1 - 09 : 20pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 * " . . . when the President Counsel calls Starr , Tripp , and others in the party to establish acquiring evidence illegally and prosecutorial misconduct they will not have been the ones to start it . . . " I doubt the Republican Senate majority will allow the president ' s lawyers to call those witnesses . So the American people will see the Clinton defense denied a fair chance to put on its witnesses by another party-line vote , underlining once again the unfairness and illegality of the whole process . If the Republican majority does allow those witnesses to be called , of course , Clinton ' s lawyers will rip them to shreds in full view of a national television audience . So no matter what the Republicans do , they ' re right royally screwed . Almost makes me feel sorry for them . . . NOT ! ! 052161 00001 roger660 - 09 : 20pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 spinthis : } 00003 * " GOP AGENDA tax breaks for the rich Impeachment " That seems to be pretty much the agenda . Except I think I would reverse them and put impeachment first , and then tax breaks for the rich . 052162 00001 teririley - 09 : 21pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . > 00003 veg , } 00004 *no way would a republican have ever carried the south in 68 . . . and the election in 72 was a wash , expect for us that live in Mass ( ya know hat I ' m talking about , the old VW ' s with the bumper stickers saying don ' t blame me I ' m from Mass : ) ) because McGovern was to far to the left , whatever that means : - ) 052163 00001 jerryhere - 09 : 21pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws FLASH ! ! ! Engel ( D-NY ) just admitted that the big " he " lied under oath . ( Hannity and Colmes ) Is this to be deemed a ' crack in the wall ' ? 052164 00001 51206b - 09 : 21pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 * ( THE ) OBJECT ALL SUBLIME WE SHALL ACHIEVE IN TIME TO MAKE THE PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME , THE PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME . . . . . A SOURCE OF INNOCENT MERRIMENT , OF INNOCENT MERRIMENT ! ...... WHAT FOOLS WE MORTALS BE ! So much for the rule of law . There is nothing in the Constitution requiring that Congress employ common sense or for that matter any sense . We must keep in mind that the original Senate was not elected by the unwashed masses but by the state legislatures . If that were still the case who knows how long this trial might take . They could even depose or otherwise examine Monica behind those mysterious " closed doors " and who would care , especially without the polls to tell us what to think . +++ 052165 00001 arian35 - 09 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 * " Socialism is only a transitory phase on the road to communism . " --Balint Vazsonyi 00003 upkis 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 07pm< / a> 00004 > 00005 supkis } 00006 *That whirring sound you hear is Darwin spinning in his grave ! ! ! ! 052166 00001 supkis - 09 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Oog the Ugly being big and strong but not very cunning , had many descendents . They are everywhere . They always are horrified and amazed that anyone lies . Especially about sex . They also lie about sex but the vital difference is they THINK they are telling the truth . This is due to a lack of sufficient brain power . Hyde perfectly represents this ability . 052167 00001 donkirk - 09 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " > 00003 egetius . . . } 00004 * ( continued ) 7 . disseminating information received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States to subjects of investigations conducted by lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States , for the purpose of aiding and assisting such subjects in their attempts to avoid criminal liability ; 8 . making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President , and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct : or 9 . endeavouring to cause prospective defendants , and individuals duly tried and convicted , to expect favoured treatment and consideration in return for their silence or false testimony , or rewarding individuals for their silence or false testimony . In all of this , Richard M . Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government , to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States . Now , > 00005 Veggie , } 00006 *take a look at Article II : 1 . He has , acting personally and through his subordinates and agents , endeavoured to obtain from the , in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens , confidential

information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law , and to cause , in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens , income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be intitiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner . 2 . He misued the Federal Bureau of Investigation , the Secret Service , and other executive personnel , in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens , by directing or authorizing such agencies or personnel to conduct or continue electronic surveillance or other investigations for purposes unrelated to national security , the enforcement of laws , or any other lawful function of his office ; he did direct , authorize , or permit the use of information obtained thereby for purposes unrelated to national security , the enforcement of laws , or any other lawful function of his office ; and he did direct the concealment of certain records made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of electronic surveillance . 3 . He has , acting personally and through his subordinates and agents , in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens , authorized and permitted to be maintained a secret investigative unit within the office of the President , financed in part with money derived from campaign contributions , which unlawfully utilized the resources of the Central Intelligence Agency , engaged in covert and unlawful activities , and attempted to prejudice the constitutional right of an accused to a fair trial . 4 . He has failed to take care that the laws were faithfully executed by failing to act when he knew or had reason to know that his close subordinates endeavoured to impede and frustrate lawful inquiries by duly constituted executive , judicial and legislative entities concerning the unlawful entry into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee , and the cover-up thereof , and concerning other unlawful activities including those relating to the confirmation of Richard Kleindienst as Attorney General of the United States , the electronic surveillance of private citizens , the break-in in 052168 00001 hbmiller1 - 09 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 * " I ' m only watching with complete bewilderment you and the " failed epicure " stew in the hypocrisy of your hateful diatribes . " Watch out , there , > 00003 dayrell , } 00004 *you ' re foamin ' agin . BTW do you have a twin brother named dayrell2 ? 052169 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 donkirk - 09 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52151 of 52155 ) } 00003 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " Did all the Articles Pass ? It is hard to take you seriouly with that caption . 052170 00001 bjhamel - 09 : 23pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 roger660 . . . . } 00003 *You also have distorted the Republican Agenda . Flag burning is still on their list . They will need something to do after this , and flag burning has been their only contribution to our culture . 052171 00001 teririley - 09 : 23pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . > 00003 Veg , } 00004 *from zero respect to the smallest possible measure is still more . I never said to what degree . . . . 052172 00001 supkis - 09 : 26pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Darwin would approve of my study of Oog ' s descendants . They are the " missing link " . Proof of Oog the Ugly is Hyde ' s incredibly ugly tie he wore on Saturday . It was an irresistably Oogish moment , that loud tie . Oogians are easy prey for used car salesmen or home siding guys . 052173 00001 hugsy - 09 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *The wide spread acceptance of lies and deceit , hmmm hmm hmmmm , now which side of this BC debate does that sound like . . . . . +++ 052174 00001 padu329 - 09 : 28pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 bmiller---} 00003 *Agreed . . . . . as soon as it starts going badly for the House Managers , the GOPer ' s in the Senate will pull the plug on the trial . The R ' s have been doing everything they can to prolong this circus----I can ' t wait to watch them declare that it ' s time to fold the tent when it suits their public relations purpose . 052175 00001 supkis - 09 : 28pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Well , Bill Clinton isn ' t knuckle walking around the Senate well , last I saw , but some GOPers certainly were . 052176 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 29pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 teririley - 09 : 23pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52171 of 52172 ) } 00003 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . Veg , from zero respect to the smallest possible measure is still more . I never said to what degree } 00004 *A feminist with even an iota of respect for Larry Flynt is a disgrace . 052177 00001 roger660 - 09 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Through all the nonsense , smokescreens and political garbage , the American public continue to have a clear picture of what is happening . Most consider Clinton ' s case involves private sexual affair , and they approve of the way he is handling his job . They agree with the president on a wide range of issues . 052178 00001 jolietjake1 - 09 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 * 00003 upkis 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 26pm< / a> 00004 Socialists are easy prey for . . . what ? Flatterers ? 052179 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Looking back , the Watergate era seems by comparison a golden age of civility . The difference doesn ' t lie in the Republicans ' conduct ; then and now , they have been partisan , but within reason . It ' s the Democrats who have changed . During the Watergate hearings , there was no Republican Barney Frank or Maxine Waters in the House . There was no Republican James Carville smearing special prosecutor Leon Jaworski . A Republican Larry Flynt , digging up dirt on Democratic congressmen , was not even imaginable . Nixonite " dirty tricks " were the subject of investigation ; they weren ' t part of the process of investigation itself . Nixon ' s congressional defenders never became accessories to his crimes . By the same token , there has been no Democratic Howard Baker setting aside partisan interests to pursue the facts , no Democratic Barry Goldwater scorching his own party ' s president for lying and urging him to resign . Just as we no longer expect Clinton to behave honorably , we no longer expect the Democrats to transcend the narrowly partisan . So we already take for granted that the Senate Democrats will follow the lead of the House Democrats , though perhaps with a slightly loftier sense of decorum befitting the dignity of the chamber . Nobody assumes that they will convict their president even if the evidence shows that he has committed serious crimes . In the memorable phrase of New York ' s senior Democratic senator , Daniel Patrick Moynihan , the congressional Democrats , like their president , have " defined deviancy down . " joe sobran 052180 00001 macer235 - 09 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) > 00002 Vegetius : } 00003 * " I have absolutely no alliegence to the religious Right . " } 00004 *Nor have I seen evidence of such in your case . I can ' t figure if your positions are due to a lifetime party allegiance , particularly since--under Clinton--the Democratic leaderships position on many issues ( except those dear to the Religious Right ) has moved closer to that of moderate republicans . In foreign affairs , it has shifted far away from the old Vietnam syndrome and pacifistic stuff . Don ' t forget the Republicans have always had their isolationist wing . You may recall the comments of Pat Robertson and Pat Buchanan opposing Bush ' s proposal to undo Sadam ' s invasion of Kuwait . I predict that one of the effects of massive defections by the non-religious right as a result of this fiasco will be that the Democrats may move even further from their Far Left faction , while a small influx of Social Conservatives into the Republican ranks may increase their problems . } 00005 * " Moderate " Republicans have complained , behind the scenes , of the power of the fanatics . Visit a few rural areas of the South and see what I mean . I had that experience for the first time a few months ago . The hate is visceral . } 00006 *Some moderates will tell you they voted against impeachment mainly because they feared that to do otherwise would bring the wrath of the religious right upon them in the primaries . To my mind , that ' s no excuse . If their conscience dictated a " no " vote , they could have defected . They ' d have become unbeatable as Democrats and even strengthened that party ' s centrism or center / right tendencies . However , they made their choice and the public will render judgement . 052181 00001 bjhamel - 09 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *To all of you who wonder why the Rabid House Republicans are trying so hard to prolong this . . . think of the alternative . They would actually have to govern , a skill they don ' t have a clue about . Better a 2 year old try to drive a car . 052182 00001 carldenis - 09 : 32pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52462 ) } 00002 *Hi ! This forum is getting boring . Most posters have remained unaltered in their thinking , pouring forth the same arguments and name brandings . Yet there are many basic issues that should force reflexion . Obviously , morality should be one of them but since attitudes are so biased one way or the other , there is no point in bringing it about . Let ' s discuss the influence of the Press and more to the point , its attitude . The NYT posts three editorials everyday . There is at least one in favor of Mr Clinton ' s permanence on the Job , unless the others are dedicated to the same subject , in which case , all three will favor Mr . Clinton and fustigate its opposition . CNN headline news will not air an opinion unless it is dedicated to oppose Mr . Clinton ' s removal from office . It goes on the same way , ad infinitum and at nauseam . Is nobody concerned by the shifting role of the Fourth Power ? Or is it that the real power , money , has managed to engulf all others ? Most major media today are the property of business moguls with other interests to foster . Manipulating public opinion in order to keep in power the most reckless dispenser of pork barrel ' s laddlings would be very fit and proper to those interests . How can such a blatantly demagogueric state of the Union address be acclaimed by intelligent people as even feasible ? Think about this : According to polls , Mr . Clinton is a liar ( 70% of the population ) . Yet , a majority of Americans beleive in the lies of Mr . Clinton ' s Address . Seems a majority in America truly believes in Santa . Even if he is a proven liar . +++ 052183 00001 hugsy - 09 : 32pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52461 ) > 00002 Vegetius - 09 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST } 00003 *Seems you are saying , that during the watergate era , there was no wide spread acceptance of lies and deceit . 052184 00001 supkis - 09 : 34pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52461 ) } 00002 *Flynt descended from the clever clever cave man who persuaded Moogica to pose for his statue " Willendorf Venus " . He then showed his statue to the other cave men and this is how the first sex investigation began . " Oook . What dis ? " 052185 00001 jimmie50 - 09 : 34pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52461 ) > 00002 amiante - 08 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52109 of 52142 ) } 00003 *But Janet Reno is undoubtedly the worst of his appointments . She is without any substance , without courage , without the character to make a decent attorney general . And her lack of backbone has contributed much to our present crisis . } 00004 *I think you are much too hard on Janet . It was the Democratic Congress that passed and Bill who signed the re-authorization of the OIC statute . She got stuck with the job of trying to honestly implement it . The law itself stinks . I think she is doing just what the Republicans are charging she ' s stonewalling on the appointment of any new OIC ' s . She now realizes that the OIC statute is bad for the country . If she were to resign , any new AG candidate would be ' required ' by the Senate Republicans to appoint OIC ' s as a condition for confirmation . Similiar to

what happened to Richardson in the Nixon era . He had to promise not to interfere with a Special Prosecutor . That ' s why he resigned when Dick wanted him fired . 052186 00001 jerryhere - 09 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52461 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws > 00003 terri--} 00004 *2 faced ? For what ? Abortion ? Glass ceiling ? Some women shouldn ' t have the right to vote . Some women shouldn ' t have the ' privilege ' to drive . 052187 00001 overlord21 - 09 : 36pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52461 ) > 00002 k0cxc0 - 05 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 } 00003 * " DEMOCRATIC AGENDA : save Social Security " } 00004 *It ' s hard to save Social Security , at a time when people are living longer than ever , and the Democrats under the Tip O ' Neills of the world ( and other drunk sailors turned Democrat ward hack politicians of course ) are giving them annual Social Security pay raises twice the rate of the annual Cost of Living . } 00005 * " more teachers . . . more police officers " } 00006 *This Democrud prank and vote-buying scheme is similar to that stunt they pulled with the " 100 , 000 Cops " a few years , and a few scaremongerings ago . They propose something having no conception of the fact that just hiring new teachers by itself won ' t help save the public education system . Kids and their bad attitudes , parents and their bad attitudes , teen pregnancy , illiteracy , there are so many problems to fix , NO amount of money by itself could fix it . But throwing good money after bad is what Democrat Party politics is all about . Don ' t think a problem through , just deluge it with money and hope the Ouija board was right when it said the problem will magically disappear . Democrats ALWAYS take the easy way out , then make us ALL pay for it later . Just roll the dice , pray to Baal , sacrifice a child here and a dove there , and run like hell when the whole house of cards falls apart . Democrats , what a bunch of losers . } 00007 * " campaign finance reform " } 00008 *Those Liberals have Buddhist monks and Chinese agents falling out of the trees right and all over hell and back , have given back 3 MILLION in illegal contributions already , and are being indicted so frequently it looks like their NEXT spending program had better be to build new courthouses just to put those Chinese alone on trial . } 00009 * " Patient ' s Bill of Rights---socialized health care . } 00010 *They tried it once , and got killed in the media blitz . If they try it again and I hope they do , they ' ll lose in 2000 by a landslide . We ' ve already got the Tax Cut issue to nail ' em on , so go ahead Libs , make our day . . . AGAIN . } 00011 * " higher minimum wage---destroy all small businesses " . } 00012 *Never gonna happen , not with us in charge . Let the burger flippers and the toilet cleaners give THEMSELVES a raise , by getting an education then getting a better job . } 00013 *And screw the Teamster Gangsters . They ' ve been getting way too much press on that as it is . I don ' t care WHAT those Big Mob-Controlled Labor stiffs want . Let all those labor union crooks rot for all I care . } 00014 * " 50% reduction in welfare rolls---bold faced lie . " } 00015 *We ' ve given ' em 2 straight years , no more than 5 lifetime . After that , if they ' re still lying around getting fatter while the rest of us have to work , hey , let ' s just gas the SOBs . hehe . } 00016 * " clean air and water---good one . " } 00017 *Yeah , and how ' bout some nice cozy habitats for those dumbassed Spotted Owls . . . and who cares about the 30 , 000 Oregonians who lost jobs because that damn bug-eyed bird couldn ' t figure out that a Chain Saw ' s a really bad omen . } 00018 * " anti-Tobacco---if it ' s so evil , MAKE IT ILLEGAL . Hypocrite . " } 00019 *What are they gonna do if Big Tobacco gets peed off and opens a Black Market and cuts into Tax Revenues ? Won ' t that be interesting , less money in the Treasury and all . Who will take the blame for the deficit then . } 00020 * " gun control---sue the gun manufacturers just like tobacco . " } 00021 *How ' bout Liberal Population Control . Is there some place where I can go to be one of Uncle Bill ' s " Volunteers " for urban liberal population control ? LOL ! } 00022 * " term limits---I can only pray . " } 00023 *Thank God he ' s gone in 2001 . Gore can ' t possibly be that bad . } 00024 * " balanced budget----another bold faced lie . " } 00025 *The Congress spends the money . . . or doesn ' t . It didn ' t , and now it ' s a black ink budget for the first time since Nixon , no thanks to Gephardt and Daschle . } 00026 * " free trade---open trade with China , so they ' ll donate to the DNC . " } 00027 *Hey , we paid ' em back . Now they can lob Scuds into my backyard . Let ' s add Treason to the list of charges Clintstone ' s facing . +++ 052188 00001 tmocars1 - 09 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *used car salesmen and home siding guys . . . Now there , at last is an apt description of Clinton and his gang 052189 00001 supkis - 09 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *The Democrats are keeping Starr in because he is stupid . He is singlehandedly , with a little help from the " worst dressed " Linda Tripp , totally destroying the Republican Party . This is so wonderful , the Democrats can ' t believe their good fortune . 052190 00001 supkis - 09 : 39pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *Oog is slack jawed . He is stupid so he gets bested when brains must be used , not brawn . He has his uses which is why his genes are stil in the human pool , but I wouldn ' t follow him very far--he might run into another cave bear . 052191 00001 hugsy - 09 : 39pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 tmocars1 - 09 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 } 00003 *anythink interesting happen today during with the trial ? Some said Web Hubble is in-a-trouble again . True ? 052192 00001 padu329 - 09 : 40pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 bjhamel---} 00003 *I am saddened to admit that my Representative to Congress , Gerald B . Solomon , was the chief sponsor of the flag-burning amendment in the House . Insofar as I am aware , flag-burning is not a pressing national issue . . . . have you noticed any in your neighborhood ? It is another shameless , patronizing GOP stunt to appeal to the good ol ' boy American Legion types who love this sort of symbolic theatre . The most amazing aspect of their folly is that a flag-burning amendment is going to antagonize the 1st-amendment zealots , who are going to respond by doing guess what ? . . . . Burning more flags ! 052193 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 40pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 macer235 - 09 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52180 of 52182 ) } 00003 *I was until October 1998 , a life long democrat . I worked for ( The Late ) Paul Tsongas in 1992 . The campaign was an eye opener . Late nights beers with McCurry ( worked for Bob Kerry ) and meeting Bill Press and Pat Buchanon . BIll Press thinks Pat Buchanon is the greatest guy he wouldn ' t vote for EVER . I found most democrats clueless , anti-American and elitist . At that point I started to wake up . I finally switched parties which is strictly symbolic ( and stupid ) in Taxachusetts . 052194 00001 overlord21 - 09 : 40pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 upkis - 09 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 } 00003 * " The Democrats are keeping Starr in because he is stupid . " } 00004 *Funny , I could have sworn he was totally ignoring you Democrats . } 00005 * " He is singlehandedly , with a little help from the " worst dressed " Linda Tripp , totally destroying the Republican Party . " } 00006 *That sounds like a desperate attempt at reverse logic in hopes we ' ll actually do what you REALLY want us to do . . . get him to stop convicting half the state of Arkansas , while Clinton and his wench go scot free . } 00007 * " This is so wonderful , the Democrats can ' t believe their good fortune . " } 00008 *Yeah , if you think being the Minority Party , and having no hope of NOT being the Minority Party after 2000 , is " good fortune " . Hey guy , " good fortune " to you for MANY , MANY centuries to come ! LOL ! 052195 00001 roger660 - 09 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 carldenis : } 00003 * " Is nobody concerned by the shifting role of the Fourth Power ? " } 00004 *The news media are changing . They are not so much political as they are entertainment-oriented . They are driven more by ratings , circulation and profit than anything else . News is conflict , controversy , celebrity -- the unusual and odd and startling . Sober , reflective , in-depth reports that try to inform are lost . There ' s an escalation in tabloid journalism . . . what ' s coming after this ? What can top the president of the United States in a sordid sex scandal ? A president as a serial murderer stalking the streets of Washington , D . C . ? +++ 052196 00001 hugsy - 09 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 Vegetius - 09 : 40pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST } 00003 *I liked Tsongas . You think he was clueless ? 052197 00001 bjhamel - 09 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 supkis . . . . . } 00003 *You hit the nail on the head . One of the better things that Clinton has always had going for him is the sheer , unbelievable stupidity of his enemies . From King Stupid himself , Ken Starr , to Dan Burton , Dan Quayle , Bob Barr , Henry Hyde , Tom Delay , Dick Armey , etc . The total IQ of this list cannot add up to 100 . I say , let them continue to go on . The longer these clowns have the stage , the more likely a compete Democratic victory in 2000 is . 052198 00001 tmocars1 - 09 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *Everybody Sing Now ! His baloney has a first name , It ' s " I did not inhale . " His baloney has a second name , " I wasn ' t getting tail . " He loves to sing it every day , The White House people all just saaaaaaay , That Billy Clinton has a way , Of making bull*&%* sound ok ! ! ! ! ! 052199 00001 donkirk - 09 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 immie50 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 34pm< / a> 00004 > 00005 Jimmie -} 00006 *Thankfully , the Independent Counsel Statute expires on June 30 , 1999 -- just five months from now . Even so , Reno should immediately FIRE Starr for " cause . " The finding of a prima facie case by Chief Judge Johnson that he leaked grand jury information in violation of Rule 6 ( e ) is sufficient grounds , in my view . My earlier post on the matter details other grounds , including what Sam Dash called Starr ' s " unlawful and unconstitutional " entry into the impeachment arena and Starr ' s being " an aggressive advocate " for impeachment instead of an unbiased finder of fact . Whaddaya think ? 052200 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 44pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 hugsy - 09 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52196 of 52197 ) } 00003 *Vegetius - 09 : 40pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST I liked Tsongas . You think he was clueless ? } 00004 *NO , I think he was a great man . In a different state he may have been more of a libertarian . 052201 00001 svcarlson - 09 : 44pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 Don Kirk - } 00003 *Did you say the Post covered the three dirty lawyers ? Which article ? Did they put it in their " timeline " ? 052202 00001 tmocars1 - 09 : 45pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 ugsy . . . } 00003 *Of course nothing interesting happened in the trial today . the Democrats are remaining just as stupid as ever , or blind , or partisan , or all three . 052203 00001 hugsy - 09 : 46pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 * 00003 egetius 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 44pm< / a> 00004 he certainly had Clinton nailed early , said his middle class tax cuts were bull and that he was just pandering in order to win the primaries . Tsongas would have been good , IMUHO . 052204 00001 overlord21 - 09 : 47pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 egetius - 09 : 40pm Jan 26 , 1999 } 00003 * " I was until October 1998 , a life long democrat . " } 00004 *Hey , dude . . . welcome to the " Right " side . We ' ve always got a place for someone willing to face the truth like that . Personally , if I ' d been a Democrat , I ' d have asked for a gun and a single bullet to remove the shame . But that ' s just me , I ' m a 2nd Amendment kinda guy ! LOL ! } 00005 * " I found most democrats clueless , anti-American and elitist . " } 00006 * I ' d like to find them all being shipped to China where they belong . . . or maybe Bikini Atoll . Hey , aren ' t we overdue for a nuke test ? hehe . } 00007 * " At that point I started to wake up " } 00008 *I can ' t imagine anyone falling asleep in the company of all those swell , photogenic , ideas-laden Democrats . lol ! } 00009 * " I finally switched parties which is strictly symbolic ( and stupid ) in Taxachusetts . " } 00010 *Massachussetts . . . don ' t they have LSD in the public water system ? I can ' t imagine any other explanation for Ted Kennedy . Uh , that is , of course , THIRTY-SIX YEARS AS MASSACHUSSETTS SENATOR Ted Kennedy . What a nice state though , I ' d never have to be afraid of being a totally perverted drunk , and I wouldn ' t have to worry if I happen to drive off a bridge and get some nice chick killed . And I could be a flaming gay too . Gee , what a nice state ! Oooh ! rotflmao ! 052205 00001 hugsy - 09 : 47pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 tmocars1 - 09 : 45pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST } 00003 *you see the Cardinal ' s advice on how to recognize the force of evil ? ( it really cracks me up , I ' ve been posting it for awhile ) +++ 052206 00001 tmocars1 - 09 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *dirty lawyers You mean kendall and mills ain ' t been taking baths again ? I was wondering what that stink from the east coast was . 052207 00001 teririley - 09 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . >

00003 Jerryhere ...... } 00004 *I ' m lost now ...... was the post directed for Terri ment for me ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? > 00005 Veg , } 00006 *I never really considered myself a feminest , maybe a post-fem but certainly not one of those men haiting types ...... but if you being for equal protection under the law and having dominion over my own body and maybe even voting AND driving , I guess I am : - ) 052208 00001 tmocars1 - 09 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 hugsy } 00003 *haven ' t seen the Cardinal ' s advice . . . email it to me , I gotta go off line for a while . . . 052209 00001 home4 - 09 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *It doesn ' t seem right to refer to our president as Slick Willie and to the first lady by some of the things I ' ve heard her called . These nicknames take away from the dignity of the office of the presidency . Maybe we should take a cue from our British brethren who refer to their first couple as His Highness and Her Majesty , or from the Catholics who refer to the Pope as His Holiness . Perhaps refering to our president and first lady as His Lubricity and Her Duplicity would help , in a small way , to restore the dignity to the office . The Lord knows it could use some . 052210 00001 supkis - 09 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *Oogians are busy tonight , I see . > 00003 Veggie , } 00004 *are you really in Mass ? It could be dangerous what with all those vegetarians running around in Birkenstocks there ! Surprized you are still alive , or are you a vegetable literally since you are now a Republican ? 052211 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 donkirk - 09 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52199 of 52200 ) } 00003 *My earlier post on the matter details other grounds , including what Sam Dash called Starr ' s " unlawful and unconstitutional " entry into the impeachment arena and Starr ' s being " an aggressive advocate " for impeachment instead of an unbiased finder of fact . Whaddaya think ? What Sam Dash did was disgrace and in an earlier and less amoral time , would have been chastized as an unprofessional , opportunistic disgraceful act . Dash new that dignity had died and that democrats would ignore what was once considered an unthinkable action from any man of character . 052212 00001 carldenis - 09 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) > 00002 roger660 } 00003 *Do you mean to say that two more years of BC are going to foster media ratings ? 052213 00001 arian35 - 09 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 * " Socialism is only a transitory phase on the road to communism . " --Balint Vazsonyi Slack jawed . Hmmmmm . Oog ' s genes perfectly evident in BC ' s silly grin ! The bubba look ! Especially when he beats the bongo . Bubba-loo ! 052214 00001 sks3146 - 09 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 *It ' s amazing , The same G . O . P . led congress can claim " We ' re all moralistic " , we ' re the leaders in providing the purity that makes America beautiful . Bull ...... That ' s what I say . This trial is not about who broke the law . This is just another Republican tactic ( as stupid as they are ) to tide public opinion towards them . They ' ll never win in a court of law . If they could let off a scoundrel like Reagan , that dumb-witted fool , what thinks that they are capable of impeaching a president who admittely is not respecting his marriage correctly , but at least has done more for this country than a former president who doesn ' t know right from left . Dan 052215 00001 johnsdad1b - 09 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52460 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson > 00003 roger660 - 09 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52195 of 52202 ) } 00004 *Watched McGlauflin ( SP ? ) tonight on TV . . . you are right about the 4th estate . Hadn ' t seen that show since the very late 80 ' s when at my buddy ' s , and his wife watched it . Tonight , it was a comedy ! +++ 052216 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 52pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 supkis - 09 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52210 of 52211 ) } 00003 *Oogians are busy tonight , I see . Veggie , are you really in Mass ? It could be dangerous what with all those vegetarians running around in Birkenstocks there ! Surprized you are still alive , or are you a vegetable literally since you are now a Republican ? It is too cold for Birkenstocks so I am safe until spring . 052217 00001 donkirk - 09 : 52pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 00003 vcarlson 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 44pm< / a> 00004 > 00005 svcarlson-} 00006 *Yes , both the NY TIMES and the Washington POST carried the story in yesterday ' s editions . It was a rewrite / update of an AP story by Peter Yost . You might wish to check the archives at the Washington POST . I couldn ' t find the article in the archives of the NY TIMES . Geraldo had the story on his show last night and , of course , he claims to have revealed the same thing in October . ( Showed videotape of his show on October 13 , 1998 . ) 052218 00001 hugsy - 09 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 tmcors , } 00003 *you ' ll have to catch it here : In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' LOL ! 052219 00001 supkis - 09 : 54pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 *You guy ' s just don ' t get it , but I forgive you since Oogians tend to be a little dense , you know . This is why the impeachment is so surreal . You have to sweat real hard to hate the Democrats in this matter , especially since the female you have representing your side is uglier than the usual Oogian . So let us relax and lay on our cave bear hides and enjoy life . 052220 00001 jolietjake1 - 09 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 * 00003 arldenis 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 32pm< / a> 00004 Good stuff . Righto . Cheers . The rest of you fibs are boring tonight . . . . Bring back the mildly amusing drunk from Mississippi ! ( Hey , BTW Ada , how come you ' re not taking any of these elitist troglodyte know-nothing lib friends of yours to task for bashing Southerners and country-folk in their best attempt at pseudo-intellectual flatulence ? ) You ' re not one of them SELF-HATING Southerners are ya ? 052221 00001 carldenis - 09 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 Home4 } 00003 *I loved that ! " His Lubricity " , " Her Duplicity " . Should we add ; " Her Ugliness " 052222 00001 roger660 - 09 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 carldenis There ' s a whole growth industry now in news talk shows , so-called journalists discussing the case 24-hours a day , everybody desperate for the latest tidbit to up their ratings or circulation , hordes of reporters , cameras , microphones hounding Monica Lewinski . . . it is a media circus . Two more years of this spectacle would great for ratings , if they can keep the story fresh . New bimbos , new Jane Does , or whatever . 052223 00001 hugsy - 09 : 56pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 home4 - 09 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST LOL , good one . 052224 00001 tmocars1 - 09 : 56pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 Got it hugsy , } 00003 *thanks bye all you clintonista lemings remember Republicans may suck , but Democrats swallow ! 052225 00001 Vegetius - 09 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 teririley - 09 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52207 of 52217 ) } 00003 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . > 00004 Jerryhere ...... } 00005 *I ' m lost now ...... was the post directed for Terri ment for me ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? > 00006 Veg , } 00007 *I never really considered myself a feminest , maybe a post-fem but certainly not one of those men haiting types ...... but if you being for equal protection under the law and having dominion over my own body and maybe even voting AND driving , I guess I am : - ) > 00008 Teri , } 00009 *you never lose control of your body -unless you are raped-of course . VOting is close but , I am definitely against females drivers ! Especiallly when in a rotary in Newton . 00010 +++ 052226 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 09 : 58pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 *Good evening , everybody . . . Two days and the momentum certainly has changed . Last time here I heard the same old tune sung by Mr . Clinton ' s devoted cultists , " It ' s All Over Now " . Well , not just yet . It looks like there may be a trial after all . Al Gore is so happy , but he ' s trying not to show it . 052227 00001 overlord21 - 09 : 58pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 donkirk - 09 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 } 00003 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " } 00004 *Your head , apparently , should be quickly removed from your ass before you suffocate . } 00005 * " Thankfully , the Independent Counsel Statute expires on June 30 , 1999 -- just five months from now . " } 00006 *I hope the GOP votes to extend it by 10 years just to tick you Liberals off . } 00007 * " Even so , Reno should immediately FIRE Starr for cause . " } 00008 *She ' ll be lucky if we don ' t fire HER , for even better " cause " . } 00009 * " The finding of a prima facie case by Chief Judge Johnson that he leaked grand jury information in violation of Rule 6 ( e ) is sufficient grounds , in my view . " } 00010 *I doubt Ken Starr will lose any sleep worrying about your dubious little " view " . } 00011 * " My earlier post on the matter details other grounds , including what Sam Dash called Starr ' s . . . being " an aggressive advocate " for impeachment instead of an unbiased finder of fact . " } 00012 * I wouldn ' t want a Prosecutor who wasn ' t " an aggressive advocate " in pursuing his case against a KNOWN criminal like Clinton . Hell , the more cranky an advocate he is the better , as far as I ' m concerned . } 00013 * " Whaddaya think ? " } 00014 *I think it ' s entirely unclear as to whether or not you DO think . . . at all , especially on these matters . And you call us partisan ? Bwaaahahaha ! 052228 00001 overlord21 - 10 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 smparker1 . 2 - 09 : 58pm Jan 26 , 1999 } 00003 * " It looks like there may be a trial after all . Al Gore is so happy , but he ' s trying not to show it . " } 00004 *If I was Al Bore , the Vice Perpetrator , I ' d stuff those snickers and start looking for my own good team of lawyers . If Clinton DOES die the political death , we ' ll be chasing after Gore ' s ass next . He ' s got his own scandals to worry over . 052229 00001 Vegetius - 10 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 *Good Night . 052230 00001 supkis - 10 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 *We are going into the OJ trial stage now ! The notorious manila envelope ! The bloody glove ! In this case , the envelope is twenty boxes stuffed with paper which features lots of references to a certain body part males possess and females want to have possession of ( will not say what the females want to do with this part of the male---can ' t be so viciously graphic ) . Anyway , the " bloody glove " will be a used you know what , the latex protector of the male thingie that was in the previous paragraph . Hyde demands that Clinton put it on to see if it fits . He tries but it doesn ' t fit . TV ratings shoot through the roof . 052231 00001 jolietjake1 - 10 : 01pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 * 00003 egetius 1 / 26 / 99 9 : 57pm< / a> 00004 Aaaargh ! Those farging Eastern Mass rotaries ! A fitting if ironic curse on the worst state drivers in the Union ! 052232 00001 svcarlson - 10 : 01pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 Don Kirk - } 00003 *Oh , you ' re talking about the story where Starr wouldn ' t accept Lewinsky ' s proffer because she told him the truth ? I mean that Clinton ' s discussion about her alibi for coming to see him was said BEFORE the Paula Jones subpoena , and therefore just a way of sexual cover-up , not legal cover-up ? 052233 00001 teririley - 10 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 *Our government is a progressive instrument for the common good . I drive ok Veg aslong as I don ' t drive my mother ' s Range Rover : - ) For the other part I would never go against my Church or my father , I ' m not sure which I would get the greater punishment from . 052234 00001 roger660 - 10 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 supkis If it doesn ' t fit , you must acquit ! 052235 00001 hugsy - 10 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 Vegetius - 09 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST } 00003 *Rules of Rotary ( and Boston driving in general ) 1 ) you are responsible to avoid collisions / sideswipes involving the driver door and car parts forward , they are responsible to avoid same from your passanger door and car parts backwards . 2 ) The dude with the Mercedes better think twice about taking their right of way , yielding is the better move since no one else cares much about dents and scratches . 3 ) Most important rule , never , and I mean NEVER , acknowlege you know they are there by looking them in the eyes . +++ 052236 00001 jerryhere - 10 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws > 00003 Veg of ( #52225 of 52225 ) } 00004 *I have no reason to direct towards you , The lnks are letting us down . I think that I ' m with you . You speak well . 052237 00001 Vegetius - 10 : 04pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 supkis - 10 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52230 of 52230 ) } 00003 *We are going into the OJ trial stage now ! The notorious manila envelope ! The bloody glove ! In this case , the envelope is twenty boxes stuffed with paper which features lots of references to a certain body part males possess and females want to have possession of ( will not say what the females want to do with this part of the male---can ' t be so viciously graphic ) . Anyway , the " bloody glove " will be a used you know what , the latex protector of the male thingie that was in the previous paragraph . Hyde demands that Clinton put it on to see if it fits . He tries but it doesn ' t fit . TV ratings shoot through the roof . What are you saying " If she sucked then spit you must aquit ? . . I shouldn ' t have come back . 052238 00001 johnsdad1b - 10 : 04pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson , " but at least has done more for this country than a former president who doesn ' t know right from left . " I personally , would like you to explain what this President has accomplished ! For starters his own economics guru from the first term said that he can take no credit for the economy . . . . On TV ! His 1998 State of the Union among other things , proposed 6 major legislative programs . For the entire year , overall , he was the 6th lowest in 46 years in passing bills that he supported and zero for six for the 6 major proposals . In actuality , for the entire Presidency , he has accomplished nothing . Would you like to discuss his foreign policy ? Bosnia , China , India , Pakistan , Israel , the entire continent of Africa and we haven ' t even got to much of Asia or Europe . He did well in appointing George Mitchell who did a wonderful job in Ireland . . . . but then that was George that did that , not Bill . . . . . 052239 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 10 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 * 00003 verlord21 1 / 26 / 99 10 : 00pm< / a> 00004 Al will point to the Big He and say he was forced to do whatever it was he did . And how about that prime-time slugger , Mr . Starr ? There he goes again ,

knocking the ball right out of the park . Poor old " A " Team ; their . 077 average against Mr . Starr in court cases won ' t suffer , though , because Webb wasn ' t being represented by any of them . 052240 00001 supkis - 10 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 *In NY you eyeball EVERYONE . It helps to look insane . Wave a squeegee and threaten to clean their windows ! 052241 00001 carldenis - 10 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 roger660 } 00003 *You mentionned the word " desperate " . This is precisely the quality I find in the NYT editos . There is a frantic quality to their editorial approach and that of many others that doesn ' t bid well for the system . What are they afraid of ? Does it have to do with the 900 FBI files floating around ? Or is Larry of concern ? 052242 00001 roger660 - 10 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 vegetius } 00003 *If the cigar wasn ' t lit , then you

must acquit ! 052243 00001 supkis - 10 : 07pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 * " If she swallowed , we should have followed " ? 052244 00001 jimmie50 - 10 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) > 00002 donkirk - 09 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§052199 of 52202 ) } 00003 *Even so , Reno should immediately FIRE Starr for " cause . " } 00004 * I don ' t think Bill wants anybody rocking the boat just now . He thinks he ' s ahead . Maybe after the ' Trial ' is over , but then again , I don ' t think he wants to go out of his way to get impeached again . The finding of a prima facie case by Chief Judge Johnson that he leaked grand jury information in violation of Rule 6 ( e ) is sufficient grounds , in my view . The way I understand the prima facie case , is that it ' s pretty easy to establish . I don ' t think most people would accept it . I think she needs more . The Catch 22 is that Ken thinks it would be a conflict for the DOJ to investigate him , and considering the point of the statute , he has a point . Without the investigation , you can ' t build the case for discharge . That ' s the ' black hole ' of logic caused by the statute . I once supported the OIC , but am now convinced that the Founding Fathers would be against it . The Special Prosecutor worked just fine in the Nixon case . The House and Senate really provide the ' checks and balances ' needed . I don ' t think the Founding Fathers worried about whether or not Nixon could cheat on his taxes , or Bill on his wife . They were concerned about liberty ! I agree on the Dash thing , but most media portrayed Dash as ' pissed ' because Starr went BEFORE the HJC . They missed the whole point , so it was a futile effort on Sam ' s part , except for his personal integrity . 052245 00001 jackgar - 10 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52458 ) } 00002 *The Justice Dept , under attack by the public for pursueing their quarry relentlessly , didn ' t give up . Having proof of unlawful activities , but not enough to convince a jury because of disappearing witnesses , people falling on their swords , smart lawyers , local corruption of judges and courts finally found a way to get their man . INCOME TAX EVASION . . I ' m not suggesting President Clinton is in Old Al Capones league or as corrupt but he sure is as arrogant . Old Al should have paid his income taxes . . Young Bill could have kept his sex urges in check . So Right has won out again . It wasn ' t Bill ' s enemies that got him . It was his own Justice Dept . +++ 052246 00001 hugsy - 10 : 09pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) } 00002 *The rules sound crazy but when your syphoning 6 lanes down to 2 in order to go through the tunnel to Logan , they really work wonderfully . 052247 00001 donreeves - 10 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) } 00002 *In case anyone doesn ' t know , LOL is an acronym for Loser On Line . 052248 00001 supkis - 10 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) } 00002 *Monica certainly has improved on the old cucumber routine . You can always get a good cigar . . . 052249 00001 jerryhere - 10 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws From my observation since May 15 , or there abouts , I ' ve noticed that Ada , Donkirk , Yucky / Spinthis are obdurate ( Buckly ' s term ) in their defense of the 1st piece-of-sh@t . Why ? Extraorridinarily stupid ? 052250 00001 home4 - 10 : 15pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) } 00002 *Bill Clinton has about as much responsibility for the present state of our economy as Hoover had for bringing on the Great Depression . Ending the Cold War and having a foreign policy which persuaded our NATO allies pick up a large a large share of the cost of the Gulf War had more positive effect on the economy than anything which has been done the last six years . 052251 00001 donkirk - 10 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " > 00003 Jimmie50 -} 00004 *Of course , we have yet to hear the report of the Special Master that Judge Johnson appointed to investigate the grand jury leaks . Whether he / she has yet reported , we don ' t know . I agree that everything should be kept " cool " until after the impeachment trial is concluded . The day that ' s done , I would advise the President to issue pardons for Monica , Hillary , Webb Hubbell , Susan MacDougal , Julie Hiatt Steele ( especially her ) and everyone else who has run afoul of Starr ' s inquisition . And I also would advise the President to order Reno to fire Starr ' s ass . If that p . o . ' s the Republicans in Congress , let ' em impeach him again . 052252 00001 supkis - 10 : 18pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) > 00002 Jerry , } 00003 *darling , what are you , limp ? 052253 00001 jerryhere - 10 : 18pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws To all : The HTML doesn ' t work . NYT Worried too ? 052254 00001 hugsy - 10 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) > 00002 jerryhere - 10 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST } 00003 *obdurate . Excellent word . 052255 00001 supkis - 10 : 20pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52456 ) > 00002 Jerry , } 00003 *maybe both you and your dear computer are suffering from pre-y2k syndrome . This is like AIDS . Contagious . . . . eek . +++ 052256 00001 supkis - 10 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) > 00002 Hugsy , } 00003 *Obdurate means stiff or hard or firm . Like I said before , thou art limp , as in soggy or unmanned . 052257 00001 funbarwebtv . ne - 10 : 23pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) }

00002 *BILL CLINTON AND AL GORE ARE LIARS . THEY CLAIM TO BE ENVIRONMENTALISTS BUT THEY HAVE USED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO REINSITUTE WORLD-WIDE WHALE KILLING USING A TRIBE OF INDIANS IN WASHINGTON AS PROXIES . MORE THAN A DOZEN INDIAN TRIBES ALONG THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST COAST ALONE ARE POISED TO MOVE AHEAD WITH SIMILAR CLAIMS FOR ' CULTURAL WHALING ' RIGHTS IF THE BLOODTHIRSTY CLINTON ADMINSTRATION IS SUCCESSFUL IN SHATTERING THE WORLD WIDE MORATORIUM THAT HAS BEEN IN EFFECT FOR 17 YEARS ! JAPAN AND NORWAY WHALE KILLING INDUSTRY HAS FRONTED MONEY TO RESTART WORLDWIDE COMMERCIAL WHALING , AND WANT TO USE THEIR DEATH FLEETS TO KILL THE WHALES ' CONTRACTING " FOR THE NUMEROUS INDIAN TRIBES , VILLAGES AND NATIONS THAT CLAIM WHALING AS A " CULTURAL RIGHT . " donreeves spammed the site last night . He is such a Clinton loyalist he is willing to sacrifice the international moratorium on whaling to promote Clinton . Here is a rebuttal to his misinformatio he had the gall to post last night . 1 . The Makah Indian tribes want to preserve a tradition . . . wrong donny , they haven ' t killed a harmless whale in over 70 years ! 2 . The Makah wish to slaughter 4 whales . . . wrong again donny , they wish to slaughter 20 gray whales , that is at a rate of 4 per year spam breath . 3 . The gray whales just came off the endangered species list this decade after being decimated by bloodthirsty whalers . TRIBES AND NATIONS ARE LINING UP TO FOLLOW THE MAKAH LEAD . 4 . The Makah ' s treaty with the United States is superceded by the International Whaling Commission ' s agreement . The Makah have no right to hunt whales . If they had hunted whales for 00003 subsistence < / b> 00004 purposes they would be allowed under the 1982 IWC moratorium agreement to continue to kill whales . But they stopped their barbaric practices decades earlier . 5 . The Clinton / Gore enviro-phony administratio was absolutely wrong to waste $320 , 000 in taxpayers money subsidizing the Makah effort to apply to the IWC to slaughter whales for non-subsistence purposes . 6 . 052258 00001 jerryhere - 10 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws > 00003 Dork : } 00004 *I think that the Senate has the last word . 052259 00001 arkie10 - 10 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) } 00002 *Gosh , let ' s have Prez Bill pardon Adolf Hitler while we ' re at it . He improved the economy , was popular with the people , and was [or would have been] hard done by at Nuremburg . They have so much in common ! 052260 00001 hugsy - 10 : 25pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) > 00002 supkis , } 00003 *not in the physical sense . But I will give you credit for trying to make a sexual joke . Here , learn somthing Main Entry : ob·du·rate Function : adjective 1 a : stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing b : hardened in feelings 2 : resistant to persuasion or softening influences 052261 00001 carldenis - 10 : 25pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) } 00002 *I truly believe republicans made a tactical error : They should have impeached Reno first . Then with the real obstructor of justice out of the picture , the public might have gotten a fairer view of the mobsters in the WH . 052262 00001 spinthis - 10 : 26pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) } 00002 *The Media is the Message Does anyone here believe that Impeachment-Gate would be where is it today if it were not the fact that it provides ratings ( and revenues ) to cable channels that otherwise would be covering El Nino ? McLuhan was right . The Media is driving the news rather than visa a versa . Would that he were here today to condemn this bullsh*t ! ! ! 052263 00001 supkis - 10 : 26pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) > 00002 Jerry , } 00003 *dear , only an oogian descendant ( see much earlier postings about the adventures of Oog the Ugly ) would think that calling someone a name is funny . " Dork " must be refering to your alter ego . 052264 00001 svcarlson - 10 : 26pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) } 00002 *Most of the impeachment enthusiasts have no clue . But the pope put his finger on it today . The guilt-ridden Southerners ( over slavery , a Civil War which caused so much destruction ) are being made to feel the guilt of abortions justified by law . Their righteous guilt is redirected toward Bill Clinton as a symbol of the law allowing abortion . The Pope said it is a Civil War . But , the war is not really over this . Many , though not all , who spout hatred over abortion , spout hate in general . The war is about continuing to try to enslave people in hopelessness and lack of opportunity , and lack of heart for poor , abandoned communities , including many babies . As Jesse Jackson says , Lott is leading these abortion-haters who focus on Clinton , but his state is number one - in infant mortality . How can the Clinton bashers care about the unborn , but not about the barely born ? Furthermore , to bash women as only suitable for bearing children and looking good--does not seem to be the Pope ' s message either . Yet Clinton-haters hate him in part for advancing women ' s rights . And yes , most advancing women don ' t think a woman ' s body is dirty , as was so evident in Monica ' s testimony . I don ' t think the Pope thinks woman is dirty , he thinks a woman ' s body is God ' s temple . Not to be ridiculed or intimidated . The Pope ' s message , in the middle of all this destructive hate and oppression--deserves to heard for a long time . 052265 00001 donkirk - 10 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52455 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " > 00003 supkis - 10 : 22pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§052257 of 52258 ) } 00004 *I think you ' re a mite horny , ma ' am . With all due respect . *teehee* +++ 052266 00001 home4 - 10 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) > 00002 carldenis , } 00003 *glad you mentioned the 900 FBI files . This proves the superiority of the Democrats . They got a lot better information and on more people than than the GOP got in the Watergate breakin , and , so far , have gotten away with it . 052267 00001 sbode2 - 10 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 *hunting for susbsistence is a barbaric practice ? is the way you aquire food more noble ? 052268 00001 arkie10 - 10 : 28pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) > 00002 Yes , carldenis . } 00003 *With Ms . Reno in charge , we have " Buckley ' s " chance of getting the truth . 052269 00001 supkis - 10 : 28pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 *This must mean that you are still sitting here listening because you don ' t even have a cucumber ? Isn ' t that a bit sad ? About being limp . . . 052270 00001 dayrell1 - 10 : 29pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) > 00002 donkirk - 10 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52252 } 00003 *You ' ve outlined just a few of the reasons why your chief won ' t beat this rap and why the votes will narrowly be there for conviction with the possibility of no removal . Conviction will prevent the politically suicidal antics you describe and will also assure the American voter that the likes of WJC will never be able to hold public office or the public trust again . 052271 00001 arkie10 - 10 : 30pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 *Glad to see Prez Bill so worshipful at the temple of Monica ' s body . They should make him a saint . 052272 00001 donkirk - 10 : 32pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " > 00003 svcarlson - 10 : 26pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52265 of 52266 ) } 00004 *No , the story to which I refer concerned a group of right-wing lawyers and had nothing to do with Lewinsky ' s correction in her proffer of February 1 and 3 . Three attorneys , whose names are Porter ( from Starr ' s law firm ) , Marcus ( a " cut-out , " according to Lucianne Goldberg ) and Rosenweing ( a member of Starr ' s staff ) apparently worked in collusion against the President in the Jones case . Somehow , Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg were involved , also . This perhaps sheds a little light on Starr ' s refusal to answer Zoe Lofgren ' s questions in the House Judiciary Committee hearing about when he first learned of a tape recording of a woman -any woman -- having a relationship with the President . If Starr knew about this well before Starr approached him about January 8th , things could get very sticky , indeed . 052273 00001 supkis - 10 : 33pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 *Where is Gildenstern ? 052274 00001 jimmie50 - 10 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) > 00002 donkirk - 10 : 16pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52252 of 52252 ) } 00003 *The day that ' s done , I would advise the President to issue pardons for Monica , Hillary , Webb Hubbell , Susan MacDougal , Julie Hiatt Steele ( especially her ) and everyone else who has run afoul of Starr ' s inquisition . } 00004 *The Steele situation is the most outrageous . Linda Tripp and another Willey friend ( Cardoza ? ) contradict Willey also . The John Doe who Ken has , says he found out in 97 . That seems to support Steele . The only thing he really has on her is appearing on Larry King Live . But I think the American people will forgive her for that . 00005 The fact that the DC GJ apparently found her ' believable ' didn ' t faze Ken at all . After all , these were the same GJ that ' allowed ' Monica to say that nobody told her to lie . Ken just went to Virginia and tried again . He ' s nothing if not persistent . I ' ll bet she doesn ' t volunteer to sign any affidavits in the future . I don ' t think I will either . This could have a chilling affect on the ' rule of law ' , but I doubt that the Republicans will ' notice ' that . 052275 00001 svcarlson - 10 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 *The tactic by the Republicans of splitting the vote into conviction , then removal , will be correctly understood by history as another craven effort by Republicans to downplay the seriousness of their assault on American democracy . At each step they justify their wreckless actions by minimizing its consequences . At the same time , Republican tacticians know that with each step , they push America closer to the brink which they hope to push us over , but will only fall over themselves . We will not cut the President loose to fall over the cliff . We will say good-bye to the Republican party . They have had their chance to lead , and they have squandered it . Lucky we had a leader in the White House , we could have been in serious trouble . It costs us little to dismantle the Republicans , because we will not lack for leadership at the national level . Republican governors will have to work with Clinton given the utter paucity of leadership ability on the Hill from the same Republican party . Don ' t forget , Clinton led the governors when he led Arkansas . And he began to lead the country . It ' s time for the Democrats to search their souls and lead this nation . 052276 00001 lkhays - 10 : 36pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 I suggest that the problem is that he was a 052277 00001 johnsdad1b - 10 : 36pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson > 00003 supkis - 10 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( +++52240 of 52270 ) } 00004 *On the issue of New York DRIVING , you are 100% right ! My wife had a friend at the AMNH , where my wife worked , who had a husband who was a limo driver . . . . . Almost his exact words . . . . . and it works ! I might add that to yield , is a sign of weakness ! 052278 00001 d-fendr - 10 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 *You can learn more of Clinton ' s sterling record of foreign policy and human rights on PBS Frontline ' s program , " Triumph of Evil " It ' s on now in my area , check your own listings . I hope Cheryl Mills watches this . 052279 00001 carldenis - 10 : 38pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) > 00002 supkis } 00003 *Sad that you would be limp when viagras are a few bucks away , the WH pays high fares to its defenders and there are interns around . 052280 00001 johnsdad1b - 10 : 39pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson lkhays - 10 : 36pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§052276 of 52277 ) Keith Hays , Country Lawyer The socialist Party meeting is down the hall . . . . . Where is Henry when you need him ? 052281 00001 donkirk - 10 : 40pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52454 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " > 00003 dayrell1 - 10 : 29pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52270 of 52273 ) } 00004 *Wipe off your chin . There is a considerable body of constitutional opinion which holds that " conviction " without " removal " is impossible , given the clear language that " The

President , Vice President and all civil officers of the United States SHALL BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE upon impeachment for and conviction of treason , bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors . " Try to stay calm . The orderlies will be there soon to give you your bath and put you to bed . Take your pills . All of them . +++ 052282 00001 funbarwebtv . ne - 10 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 *6 . CLINTON AND GORE LIED TO US ENVIRONMENTALISTS ABOUT CARING ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT TO GET OUR VOTES . THEY CAN ' T EVEN MAIMTAIN THE MORATORIUM IN PLACE 17 YEARS THAT ' ENEMY OF THE ENVIRONMENT ' RONALD REAGAN AND GEORGE BUSH AGREED TO AND ENFORCED SINCE 1982 . REAGAN AND THE REPUBLICANS ARE MORE FRIENDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT THAN THIS LYING PHONY . ONLY THE MEDIA REFUSE TO TOUCH THIS STORY BECAUSE THEY ARE AFRAID IT IS AN ' INDIANS RIGHTS ' ISSUE AND THEY ALWAYS THINK THE INDIANS ARE RIGHT . THERE ARE PLENTY OF INDIANS THAT OPPOSE THIS BUT THEY ARE INTIMIDATED BY THE GREEDY INDIANS RUNNING THE TRIBE WHOWANT TO MAKE , BY THEIR OWN ESTIMATES , $500 , 000 a whale or $2 million a year plus the government subsidizing the whole operation including building them a new marina for exactly this whale slaughter . 7 . The Clinton / Gore administration will not be confused with tree huggers once the oceans fill with the blood of harpooned and gutted whales ! The Nuu-chah-nuth India tribe of Vancouver Island British Cloumba is already pressing Canada to kill whales now that the United States has abruptly become a whale killer nation , shocking Australia and our old whale protecting allies . As Makah fisheries manager Dave Sones told a Seattle Times colmnist in May of 1995 , " The tribe hopes , in the future , to do some commercial whaling . There are markets overseas for meat and oil . " Is this what Clinton meant in his State of the Union message when he said wanted to " expand rapid response teams to help all towns which have been hurt when businesses close " ? ? ? Whaling been closed for 70 years but here comes Clinton and Gore with federal money and subsidies to resume whale slaughtering ! Impeach the liar Whale Killer ! 052283 00001 johnsdad1b - 10 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson > 00003 svcarlson - 10 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52275 of 52280 ) That proposal was origionally made by Barbara Boxer , , , , Did she switch parties ? 052284 00001 svcarlson - 10 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52288 ) } svcarlson - 10 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) > 00002 *Thanks for the additional information . I didn ' t see all of the story ( and couldn ' t find it in the WP archives . Sorry . ) The investigation being conducted by the Justice Department into Starr ' s misdeeds , I fear , will simply be an effort to cover them up . Don Kirk - } 00003 *I don ' t know if you saw my post last night about Geraldo . But I think he ' s got to give Abrahamson and the other reporter ( not yet household names ) credit for going to the source , the billing records . I watched the original Geraldo show on October 13 and could not give credibility to Lucianne Goldberg as a source . Indeed by calling Marcus a cover , she misled the American people . He was not just a cover for Porter , a channel into Starr ' s office ( his own law partner , what deception ) . He was the brains behind directing the project . For all those airheads who say " Why did he settle with Paula Jones ? " , here ' s a brilliant reason . They set the bait for these rats , Jerome Marcus , Paul Rosenzweig and Richard Porter . Ultimately Ken Starr . When this is done , the Justice Department investigation ( already underway ) must be stepped up . But BTW I still don ' t see the story at the Washington Post . 052285 00001 hugsy - 10 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) > 00002 svcarlson - 10 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST } 00003 *And what will the search of their souls turn up ? Having to be arm-twisted into fulfilling promise to reform welfare and balance the budget ? Women friendly workplaces ? Most ethical administrations in history ? 1000+ FBI files in the possession of someone that no one knows who hired ? Two year old subpoenaed documents in their private quarters ? Respect for language and telling the truth ? What is left of the soul of the democratic party ? 052286 00001 spinthis - 10 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 *The longer Impeachment-Gate continues , the better for for the Dems . The more witnesses the GOP calls the better . Dashle knows that . The GOP has 13 seats up for election in 2000 in states which President William Jefferson Clinton carried in his landslide electoral victory in ' 96 . Clinton ' s strategy of triagulation has pushed the GOP so far to the right that Impeachment-Gate will guarantee Gore ' s victory , Dem control of Congress , and WJC ' s entry into the Supreme Court . So call Monica to the witness stand you brain dead Republicans . 052287 00001 funbarwebtv . ne - 10 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 *For more information on the Liar Clinton , using William daley ' s Commerce department to set up the slaughter of whales worldwide , check seashepherd . org and get involved before the killers start this summer in Neah Bay Washington state . 052288 00001 thermopylae1 - 10 : 44pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * 00003 vcarlson 1 / 26 / 99 10 : 42pm< / a> 00004 Why did he rape Juanita Broderick ? 052289 00001 tna1pada3 - 10 : 46pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Puhleeze , Brer Bear ! Don ' t throw me in that briar patch ! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahaahahahhaahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahathatai n ' tnobluebirdonyourshoulder , birdbrain ! 052290 00001 tna1pada3 - 10 : 47pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Any body seen Danny Williams ? 052291 00001 tna1pada3 - 10 : 47pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " He looks just like Sam Donaldson ! +++ 052292 00001 johnsdad1b - 10 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson It ' s time for the Democrats to search their souls and lead this nation The biggest problem with that is that they have no soul , and their leadership is worse off than the Republicans . In addition , they haven ' t a clue about foreign policy . 052293 00001 spinthis - 10 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 *A TALE OF TWO CITIES " But I must say , despite massive and relentless efforts to change the subject , the case before you , Senators , is not about sexual misconduct , infidelity , adultery . Those are private acts and are none of our business . It ' s not even a question of lying about sex . The matter before this body is a question of lying under oath . This is a public act . The matter before you is a question of the willful , premeditated , deliberate corruption of the nation ' s system of justice through perjury and obstruction of justice . " --House Manager Henry Hyde - 1 / 16 / 99 " It is a sex scandal . H . L . Mencken one time said , ' When you hear somebody say , ' This is not about money , ' it ' s about money . ' And when you hear somebody say , ' This is not about sex ' it ' s about sex . ' " --Dale Bumpers - 1 / 21 / 99 052294 00001 carldenis - 10 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) > 00002 ikhays } 00003 *You are right ! Bill Clinton is being impeached for what he is : A criminal , a liar , a demagogue , a rogue and an antisocial misfit . 052295 00001 d-fendr - 10 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 *ahhh , now we see , that most intelligent woman in America , , paid $375 , 000 , NOT to get her philandering husband out of a jam , again , NO , she was baiting a trap for the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy . Such a clever ploy , no doubt master-minded by Sid " he told me she was a stalker " Blumenthal . I hope she has a lot more bait money left , I hear Bill is dating again . 052296 00001 tna1pada3 - 10 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " GHWB is begging the GOP not to go too deep into Chinagate . Bob Dole is restive too . Wonder what that ' s all about ! 052297 00001 donkirk - 10 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " 052298 00001 funbarwebtv . ne - 10 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 *Afterthe lies of Clinton and gore I will never vote Democratic again . GREEN PARTY FOREVER ! 052299 00001 thermopylae1 - 10 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 * 00003 pinthis 1 / 26 / 99 10 : 43pm< / a> 00004 Keep your advice to yourself . How many people do you think will tune in to hear how the President ministered to the 21 year old intern while his unit was enflagrante delecto ? Or better yet , how many will tune in to hear Sidney tell us how the President schemed to make the 21 year old intern into a nutcase ? Or how the 21 year old intern was swallowing the sword while Clinton was discussing sending our sons and daughters to a combat zone ? Or how the president was worried about being blackmailed by a foreign country yet continued to make unsecured phone calls to the intern ? We can only hope , huh ? 052300 00001 dmblum - 10 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52453 ) } 00002 *More evidence Republicans are so possessed by hatred that they ' re simply foolish : Can you much imagine Barr and McCollum and Hyde asking Monica probing details about " where the touching occured and when did the President begin it . " The very scene will inspire mass vommitting everywhere ! Impeachment ' 99 = Democratic White House and Congress 2000 Woo Hoo ! svcarlson - 10 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§052301 of 52453 ) In this case , Hugsy , the Republicans have blindly walked away from democracy . The Democrats must resuscitate ( sp ? ) it . They must maintain a balance , a centrist approach to rev up the economy by developing our most precious resource . Our people . To do this , Democrats must motivate people , nurture people and give them opportunity , the opportunity that comes from excellent leadership . From leadership in families , in schools , in workplaces and companies , in communities , in religious institutions , in political meetings and movements . They must reach out ( as the CCC warns Republicans NOT to do ) to invite and involve everybody in America , and must involve the world as a partner . And we must not we stopped by single-minded zealots who don ' t understand or respect democratic institutions in the first place . They now must follow , for they have forfeited their leadership . +++ 052302 00001 donkirk - 10 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " > 00003 tna1pada3 - 10 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52296 of 52299 ) } 00004 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " GHWB is begging the GOP not to go too deep into Chinagate . Bob Dole is restive too . Wonder what that ' s all about ! ______Which former Director of the CIA was Ambassador to the People ' s Republic of China and argued strongly for its status as MFN ? ? Think about it . 052303 00001 clsi1 - 10 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *Isn ' t this interesting . . . The Whitehouse now has the proper venue to get Starr and Tripp under oath to determine if eveeedence ( as Asa Hutchison says ) was gather improperly . And . . . they can not be accused of starting it or dragging it out . . . Gee , maybe the Presidents Counsel aint so dumd after all . . . They will get an " I told you so " again to show the House muppet characters are overzealous fanatics that whined to get witnesses . Remember , the House witnesses have never been cross examined by trial attorneys that frame questions meant to exonerate the President . The Republican Party get lot ' s more bad press , and Starr is finally going to be THE issue . . . legally . . . sounds like a legal version if the Schtiffel plan . . . let the opponent march right into your middle while you are doing a pincer movement around his flanks and the rear . . . and the White House tried to avoid ( ha ha ) it but they have to be able to defend themselves . . . 052304 00001 ccdiviv1 - 10 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 * It seems that as sick as wjc was to do what he did , the republican congress is even sicker knowing that the process they are forcing will bring them down too . 052305 00001 arkie10 - 10 : 54pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) > 00002 thermopylae , } 00003 *Cuz he came from a poor , underprivileged , abused background and as such is a persecuted minority , and that excuses all ( apologies to the millions of poor , uderprivileged and abused and minorities who grow up decent people ) . 052306 00001 stonewall2c - 10 : 54pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *My , my , oh my , the Washinton Post is breaking bad news tomorow for Billy Boy .

00003 rian Williams told Schumer the idiot tonight that there is more bad news for Clinton that is breaking soon and it is going to get worse fast .

00004 uanita Broadrick ( Jane Doe # 5 ) is now terrified after giving her story to Lisa Meyers of ABC .

00005 he war room at the white House is threatning real war if ABC breaks the story . a very weird , snaky looking Cue ball was seen drunk as a lord in a DC bar and was rambling on about , this is wahr , wahr and we have been nuked . A Freeper told him to wahr this and kiss his ( _ ! _ ) .

00006 b> 00007 KABAR , GOD IS GREAT TO GIVE US THE LIKES OF KLINTOON AND HIS IDIOT KOOL AID DRINKERS FOR SPORT AND PLEASURE< / B> 052307 00001 dayrell1 - 10 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) > 00002 svcarlson - 10 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52275 } 00003 *Wrong my friend , it is you who have a leader who lied paternalistically wagging his finger ( one year ago today ) in our faces and saying " now I want you to listen . . . I ' m going to say this one more time . . . . I did not have sexual relations with that woman . . . Ms Lewinsky . " He did it with Hillary and Senator Diane Feinstein at his side . Give me a physical break ! Your chief is an unabashed liar . . . an impeached and about to be convicted unabashed L I A R . Or are you to tunnel visioned in your personality cult worship to see that ? The dismantling of the Republican Party is a figment of your very active imagination . The Republican Party is stronger than ever and reaching even further for the " moral high ground " in the fight for America ' s political future . Remember Marian Barry and Clinton - Jessie and Teddy and you will have invisioned the future Democart Party you so frantically hold up as legitimate and trustworthy . 052308 00001 ccdiviv1 - 10 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *It seems that as sick as wjc was to do what he did , the republican congress is even sicker knowing that the process they are forcing will bring them down too . 052309 00001 donkirk - 10 : 56pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 * " The President did not commit perjury . The President did not obstruct justice . He must not be removed from office . " Good night , good people . Sleep safe and warm . Defend the Constitution . 052310 00001 d-fendr - 10 : 56pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *Whether you think Clinton ' s ' apology ' for " misleading " his wife , family , cabinet and nation was sincere or hollow and self-serving , watch his ' apology ' for the holocaust in Rwanda . PBS Frontline this week . Watch " Triumph of Evil " or view the material on it at www . pbs . org . I hope a few Clinton supporters will have the courage to learn about it . 052311 00001 hugsy - 10 : 56pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) > 00002 svcarlson - 10 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST } 00003 *Well , this might be an interesting discussion , but I think we will stale mate very soon . I see the democrats as walking away from the separations of powers and the rule of law . They have forfeigted the right to stand for anything by abandoning so many ' liberal ' issues in order to look the other way for their present POTUS , instead of doing the emminently better thing of replacing him with their own VP . If you ever find a party as you describe , let me know and I ' ll probably vote for them . But your description is not today ' s democratic party . Alas . +++ 052312 00001 thermopylae1 - 10 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *http : / / forums . nytimes . com / webin / WebX ? 224@^276950@13a625@ . efa32a7 You must be the 1 in 10 who doesn ' t think the President lied or obstructed justice . Careful on the horizon , its a steep drop . 052313 00001 dmblum - 10 : 58pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *Wasn ' t it laughable today , seeing folks like Gary Bauer and Dan Quayle speaking to that conservative group , promising to rescue the Republican party . Bauer has the just plain nutty glow in his eyes , and while Quayle speaks in that flat wittless voice , one has only one thought : the guy is as dumb as a bag of hammers . If these guys are gonna rescue the Republican party , I bet Dennis Rodmann could rescue the Clippers . 052314 00001 jlaing10 - 10 : 59pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 * 00003 tonewall2c 1 / 26 / 99 10 : 54pm< / a> 00004 It ' s good this ain ' t about sex . Somebody might think a culture war is going on . 052315 00001 clsi1 - 10 : 59pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *The only people that ignore the Constitution are the Republicans . . . Article III , section 1 - Judges serve during good behavior Article II , Section 1 - The President serves four year terms - specifically NOT during a good behavior standard . Gee why are Judges held to a much different standard than the elected President ? ? ? ? Duh . . . . 052316 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 11 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) > 00002 > 00003 cdiviv1 - 10 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52308 of 52308 ) } 00004 *> 00005 t seems that as sick as wjc was to do what he did , the republican congress is even sicker knowing that the process they are forcing will bring them down too . " Great parties stand for great principles . " Mark Helperin . 052317 00001 jlaing10 - 11 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *Gimme back my HTML ! 052318 00001 arkie10 - 11 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *Prez Bill was telling the truth when he wagged his finger at us . Only it was a coded message . He wasn ' t saying " I didn ' t have sexual relations with that woman -- Ms . Lewinsky . " He was saying , " I didn ' t have sexual relations with that woman , Ms . Lewinsky . " He was talking to Ms . Lewinsky , and the " that woman " he was referring to was Hillary . No flies on him ! 052319 00001 nefec - 11 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *If you were included in the Senate , what question would you ask to render a verdict ? 052320 00001 supkis - 11 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 *The worst thing about most of the " I hate the President " posters here is they are mostly humorless and boring . This is why we funnier people leave periodically . It is very depressing here . I wonder who you all are arguing with ? How out of step with reality , but then that is the new definition of the GOP ! By the way , I got a letter published upstate that tears apart the editor of the NYT editorial page , Raines ! I just submitted something humorous to New York magazine mocking him again . He is crazy , man . His editorials make no sense . Wierd . 052321 00001 thermopylae1 - 11 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52451 ) } 00002 * 00003 lsi1 1 / 26 / 99 10 : 53pm< / a> 00004 The last lawyer to cross examine Starr was Abbe Lowell . He has since been relegated to the sh*theap of lawyer dung by the oh so empathetic White House . Next> 00005 +++ 052322 00001 jlaing10 - 11 : 02pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *< ! - 00003 a href= " / webin / WebX ? 14@^276934@ . efa32a7 / 54201 " > 00004 laing10 1 / 26 / 99 11 : 00pm< / a> 00005 p> 00006 I agree< / HTML>

052323 00001 jlaing10 - 11 : 02pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *I want my HTML ! 052324 00001 hugsy - 11 : 03pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 dmblum - 10 : 58pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST } 00003 *I don ' t know about the Clippers , but Dennis Rodman probably would be more effective than Quayle in trying to win the WH for the republicans in 2000 . 052325 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 04pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 jlaing10 } 00004 *E-mail sysop . 052326 00001 hugsy - 11 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 jg , } 00003 *yeah , must cramp you link-style . You could just post the URL . 052327 00001 dmblum - 11 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 Hugsy : } 00003 *Yeah , Rodman could be both the Prez and the 1st lady , saving on travel expenses . And he can spell to a 4th grade level ! 052328 00001 d-fendr - 11 : 05pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *January 25 , 1999 ZOGBY AMERICA POLL The poll of 993 likely voters throughout the United States was conducted January 19-21 , 1999 . The poll has a margin of sampling error of + / - 3 . 2% . Are you proud or ashamed that Bill Clinton is President ? Proud 40 . 1 Ashamed 42 . 2 Not sure 17 . 7 Who do you blame most for this case - the President or the Republicans in Congress ? President 44 . 5 Republicans 30 . 7 Both 18 . 4 Neither 4 . 3 Not sure 2 . 2 Because of the Clinton-Lewinsky case , do you plan to change your party registration ? Yes 3 . 0 No 95 . 8 Not sure 1 . 2 If yes , what party will you be switching to ? Democrat 50 . 0 Republican 27 . 0 Independent 10 . 9 Not sure 12 . 1 This poll was taken to include the SOTU charming-Billy-bounce . Even with the bounce , the evidence for some major party switch , or republican loss is non-existent . 052329 00001 hugsy - 11 : 06pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 * 00003 mblum 1 / 26 / 99 11 : 05pm< / a> 00004 . . . prez and first lady , save on travel . . . . LOL ! good one . ( thanks for the chuckle ) 052330 00001 spennin - 11 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *Gee , why don ' t we get down to the truth . Clinton lied under oath ; that is perjury . He attempted to influence people to give false testimony ; that is witness tampering and obstruction of justice . The Democrats and the occupants of the White House are afraid of witnesses . Remember , these people are friends and intimates of the President - what is to fear if he is innocent as he claims ? Let the Constitution be followed and the trial run it ' s course . We are a strong nation and will survive whatever the outcome . The Republicans have put a lot at risk in this trial . It is not popular , but having principles is not about doing what is always popular . 052331 00001 major-tom - 11 : 08pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 Starjumper } 00003 *Take your HTML and shove it up your 00004 < / INVISIBLE> 00005 +++ 052332 00001 hugsy - 11 : 09pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 major , } 00003 *do they have HTML on your planet ? 052333 00001 arkie10 - 11 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *Oh , I don ' t know , supkis . I find posts on both sides pretty amusing . 052334 00001 carldenis - 11 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 supkis } 00003 *re ur pseudonym would it stand for : " Superior Kiss " ? are you in contention with a certain Monica ? 052335 00001 dillard2 - 11 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *I think Bill Maher is right when he calls it " just another version of a vicious political power play . " 052336 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 10pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 supkis } 00004 *NPR had a piece this week talking about how the marketing and advertising departments now have a seat on the NYT editorial board . The paper of record is now just another tabloid with a better pedigree . Didja see Hyde ' s tie today ? ; - ) 052337 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 11 : 11pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *The last lawyer to cross examine Starr was Abbe Lowell . He has since been relegated to the sh*theap of lawyer dung by the oh so empathetic White House . Oh , yeah . Now if the Clintons would only replace David Kendall , habitual " A " Team loser , with Alan Dershowitz we ' d really have some fun . Alan is begging to be flogged by his betters . What a masochist . 052338 00001 jlaing10 - 11 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 - 11 : 04pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52325 of 52328 ) } 00003 * Okie-dokie 052339 00001 major-tom - 11 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *Starjumper The last time I was there we were using HTML++ . They were working on a TURBO model but hadn ' t quite perfected it yet . It kept burning the toast . 052340 00001 skeegan1 - 11 : 15pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *For their role in the impeachment trial so far , a couple of Senators have been " honored " . Find out who they are and why by going here : http : / / pw1 . netcom . com / ~rpage3

00003 f you visit read also the " open letter to Sen . Lott " on the issue of calling witnesses and / or follow the " cartoons " link to the always provocative " thinking man " cartoon series . Thank you . 052341 00001 helaman2 - 11 : 17pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *No , I don ' t suppose Republicans would find much to laugh about re Clinton and his scandals . +++ 052342 00001 dayrell1 - 11 : 18pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 supkis - 11 : 00pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52320 } 00003 *The reason for your depression and lassitude here in the most lively and spirited Forum in the world is because you , in your narrow view of reality blame all your ( and everyone else ' s ) troubles on the Republicans and their Party . Morose cynicism is the decease that affects all the Clintonistas I ' m afraid . And , that is purely a result of the nature of their leadership ( cynical , morose , dishonest and dishonorable ) . With that pedigree of virtue to hold on to . . . it really is no surprise to me why you ' re " under the covers from it all " most of the time . 052343 00001 dbowman6 - 11 : 19pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *Good evening , nefec : Good question . However , I prefer to ask ( if dreams are possible ? ) the following question , " Mr . Hamilton , what did you have in mind when you employed the words , ' High crimes . . . etc ? " The good news seems to be that this chapter in our nation ' s history is drawing to a conclusion . While Clinton is not a Nixon , he is certainly not a Washington--so much for the proof of evolution . 052344 00001 flashmonster - 11 : 20pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *FIRST OFF . . . . READ THE WARNING ATOP c c c . IT SAYS People who engage in personal attacks on other forum participants , at any level or in any form , risk removal of their forums privileges . This policy applies to all who engage in personal attacks , whether or not they initiated them . SO YOU fVE GOT TO BE ABLE TO READ TO PLAY THE GAME FAIRLY . Next , and I mean this most earnestly , you have to know how to spell . If you find these first two problematic or inconsistent , wipe the gruel off your bib , and chill for a while . Ask yourself gwhat am I doing here h ? is that my beautiful wife ? . . I fve just spent a considerable amount of my precious time reading the last three hundred profoundly insightful ravings in this chain . I fve fed them all into my gBig Red g computer , and have managed to distill some truths . Ergo the important players ( as they fve been

invoked by you , our leave no stone unturned citizenry ) , or points of reference in this absurd peckerdillo , are , and not in order of relevance c c . . Dr . Jack . ( I assume this is not Bill Walton fs coach ) c c c c . B . F . Skinner ( I think he wrote gFree Bird h ) c cthe monkey chased the weasel ( I won ft go there c c c . . ) Ozzie & Harriet ( I fm sure if they were demos , their son would not have been involved in controlled substances ) c c c c cPlutarch ( Omitting the oracle of Apollo at Delphi , seems somewhat sacrilegious ) c c c c . . Noah gtell it like it is h Chomsky c c c c c . . The Pope c c c . MJ ( gItsssss Good h ) c c cAl Capone ( I think he played for Chicago too ) c c Alger Hiss c c c . Shakespeare c c . GOD ( Which one is your call ) c c c . Dirty lawyers c c cBirkenstocks c c c . . Nixon ( Now more than ever ! ) c c c The worst drivers in the country c . Disraeli ( He invented the ggears h c c c c . Cigars c . . Those who suck or swallow c c c c c And almost lastly , those gfreaky inconsistent voters h that are thrusting my main man , Overlord 21 into a nearlife experience c . He gets the gPut down the thick crayon , you fre about to hurt yourself g award this evening . Now in closing I want this to be a kinder and gentler forum . c c . . Even if all of us have to go out and meet people , and act civil . Good luck America ! ! ! 052345 00001 devereaux3 - 11 : 21pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 *Save America and the Constitution . Convict and remove Clinton now . Too bad for Hillary that Web ' s indictment has been reinstated . As a one time loser , what is he looking at for tax evasion conviction ( s ) . How do you think the Clinton ' s will arrange for Web to die in custody ( ala ' Jim McDougal . Dying alone , in solitary confinement , without his medicine ) . 052346 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " This ain ' t no disco This ain ' t no party This ain ' t no fooling around ! 052347 00001 hugsy - 11 : 26pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' 052348 00001 jlaing10 - 11 : 27pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 major-tom - 11 : 14pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52339 of 52346 ) } 00003 *You need BTML for that 052349 00001 dayrell1 - 11 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 - 11 : 24pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52346 } 00003 *Yeah right ! Like your sycophant intercessor for debauchery the " gargoyle married to a Republican " says . . . " this is wahr , wahr . . . I tell ya ' . . . wahr . " 052350 00001 hugsy - 11 : 32pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 * " I did not have sexual relations with that woman , Ms . Lewinski . " 052351 00001 hugsy - 11 : 32pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52448 ) } 00002 * " everybody does it " +++ 052352 00001 hugsy - 11 : 33pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 * " This is all about sex , sex , sex " 052353 00001 jlaing10 - 11 : 33pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *too slow and no HTML , I ' m going to have to find another place to procrastinate . Later all 052354 00001 mmpeel - 11 : 34pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *www . geocities . com / Athens / Thebes / 4809 / chart1 . html www . pfaw . org www . rain . org / %7eopenmind / stopcoup . html www . moveon . org > 00003 d-fendr - 10 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52295 of 52345 ) that most intelligent woman in America , Hillary Clinton , paid $375 , 000 . . . she was baiting a trap for the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy . m : It does seem to have had that effect . : - ) The NYT " Quietly " article leads with her VWRC quote , then starts naming names that show up in the fine print in the legal bills , as PJ ' s backers try to divvy the settlement . Somehow , I suspect the Vast Clinton Coverup Conspiracy can afford it . : - ) 052355 00001 hugsy - 11 : 34pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 * " I will never be out-spent in an election again " 052356 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 dayrell1 - 11 : 31pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( #52349of 52349 ) } 00004 *How ' s your brother daryll ? And your other brother daryll ? Cool your overheated rhetoric , bubba , you ' ll blow a fuse . 052357 00001 dbowman6 - 11 : 37pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *Good night , sweet princes ; may legions of newscasters sing thee to thy rest . Thanks for the evening ' s interaction . 052358 00001 nefec - 11 : 39pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *I ' ve never kept up with the trial but I would like to know , if you were in the Senate , what question would you ask to render a vedict ? 052359 00001 hugsy - 11 : 39pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' 052360 00001 ether14 - 11 : 39pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *Hey , I think that it ' s sacrilegious to refer to Billy Jeff Buttafuoco ' s seance with the Pope today as his " Rope a Pope " strategy . Those pundits are gonna burn in Hell - well , Arkansas , anyway , no ? Remember that it was during the Pope ' s visit to Cuba that the entire sorry Billy Jeff Buttafuoco Adulterer in Chief and love of Monica ' s life " relationship " was revealed . Now the Pope comes to town again and NBC is getting ready to go public with an interview with Jane Doe #5 Chiquita Juanita . Juanita says she ' s afraid for her life she ' s one smart cookie , no ? What do you think was going through the Pope ' s mind as he shook the hand of Billy Jeff Buttafuoco and looked at the abortionist First Lady ? Hint : " I hope they wash their hands frequently . " 052361 00001 carldenis - 11 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) > 00002 China : } 00003 *you are not there yet . And yet I await the rise of the morning star . Supkis is gone or so it seems . Where are you , o champion of the rightly accused ? I mourn your candor , your naivete , your " innocence " . Please , come enliven this forum . give us a bone to bury . Please , china don ' t make us wait any more ! The other staffers are gone . we miss their prose and should I say their " obduratedeness " . Come shine , morning star , so we can rejoice in your presence and have something to feed onto ! +++ 052362 00001 dayrell1 - 11 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 - 11 : 35pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( §§052356 } 00003 *One ' s a Judge ( Superior ) and the other is a world class painter of renown and fame living in Paris . And how are your brothers ? ( And sisters ) . 052363 00001 rosimki - 11 : 41pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *After reviewing the thread of messages over the last few weeks , it would seem they are overwhelmingly anti-Clinton which flys in the face of these so-called will of the people polls . Kind of makes you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ? ? ! ! ! Or is it that New York Times readers tend to be brighter . . . 052364 00001 nela21 - 11 : 42pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) > 00002 Yellmonger } 00003 *All that this world can be is staying alive . If the President did so does ' nt it set an example ? How many in this big bad world can set their sights to even say that they set an example . If he ' s accepting that he did " it " . So can anyone be able make a comment on such a " high " crime and misdemenor . Not for me . Correct-to-be-odd 052365 00001 ether14 - 11 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) > 00002 rosimki} 00003 *NY Times forumers are brighter ? You ain ' t taken a real close look at adaplant , eh ? 00004 Hehehehehehehehe ...... 052366 00001 arkie10 - 11 : 43pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *If the Pope doesn ' t mind his Ps and Qs , Larry Flynt will publish icky stuff about him . 052367 00001 skeegan1 - 11 : 44pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *For their role in the impeachment trial so far , a couple of Senators have been " honored " . Find out who they are and why by going here : http : / / pw1 . netcom . com / ~rpage3 If you visit , read also the " open letter to Sen . Lott " on the issue of calling witnesses and / or follow the " cartoons " link to the always provocative " thinking man " cartoon series . Thanks . 052368 00001 jpinky2 - 11 : 45pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *Speaking of the pope , I would like to hear what he has to say about What clinton is going through . It could be very interesting . 052369 00001 ether14 - 11 : 45pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) > 00002 arkie10} 00003 *The Pope would rather have " ickie " stuff from Larry Flynt than " stickie " stuff from Billy Jeff Buttafuoco , eh ? 052370 00001 sendero3 - 11 : 47pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) } 00002 *Clinton should at least pay to have Monica ' s dress cleaned . 052371 00001 major-tom - 11 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52447 ) Starjumper > 00002 Ok jlaing10 , } 00003 *I ' ll bite . What is BTML ? +++ 052372 00001 arkie10 - 11 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) > 00002 ether14 } 00003 *Gee whiz , so to speak , I hope so . 052373 00001 jpinky2 - 11 : 48pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) > 00002 ether14 } 00003 *Personaly , I think the pope wouldn ' t want to have much to do with either of them . 052374 00001 nela21 - 11 : 49pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) > 00002 Yellmonger } 00003 *I cannot tell you how it was for the President to have taken to sin . It ' s a sin or not is not with us alone there ' s a higher pronouncement than that . I feel everyone knows it and would rather ignore it . Correct . . . . 052375 00001 carldenis - 11 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) } 00002 *Am signing off , you know ? No dems on this forum . No quarry , hunters gone . 052376 00001 ether14 - 11 : 50pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) > 00002 sendero} 00003 *On a very serious note , Billy Flynton should be required to pay all the legal fees of anyone who is called as a witness , who had to testify at the Starr grand jury as a result of Billy Jeff Buttafuoco ' s behavior or who was lied to by Pinnochio Jefferson Clinton , no ? Did you know that since the Pred was impeached , the US Gummit pays his legal bills . Sooooooo , that obnoxious David Kendall is being paid by you , ace . How ' s that for fair ? 052377 00001 hugsy - 11 : 51pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) > 00002 major , } 00003 *I don ' t know what that is either , but it reminded me of a BLT , and then I started getting hungery . oh well . 052378 00001 jpinky2 - 11 : 52pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) } 00002 *I ' ve got to admit that I haven ' t been paying a whole lot of attention to what has been going on with the trial recently , but I do believe that he probably won ' t get kicked out of office . Most of them don ' t have the guts to do it . I don ' t know that it would be good for us if he was kicked out at this point in time . 052379 00001 sendero3 - 11 : 52pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) } 00002 *didn ' t some little devils get into monastaries ? 052380 00001 ether14 - 11 : 53pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) } 00002 *The following is a test : Billy Jeff Buttafuoco The Pope Larry Flynt James Carville Lanny Davis Who is not a scumbag ? Only one correct answer tonight , boys and girls , eh ? 052381 00001 sendero3 - 11 : 55pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52446 ) > 00002 ether : : : } 00003 *what you say ? +++ 052382 00001 sendero3 - 11 : 57pm Jan 26 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) ether : : : : come on over to the fence and say that 990127 052383 00001 arkie10 - 12 : 04am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *Goodnight , boys and girls . It ' s been a blast . Can ' t wait for tomorrow ' s installment . 052384 00001 sks3146 - 12 : 12am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *It ' s amazing , The same G . O . P . led congress can claim " We ' re all moralistic " , we ' re the leaders in providing the purity that makes America beautiful . Bull ...... That ' s what I say . This trial is not about who broke the law . This is just another Republican tactic ( as stupid as they are ) to tide public opinion towards them . They ' ll never win in a court of law . If they could let off a scoundrel like Reagan , that dumb-witted fool , what thinks that they are capable of impeaching a president who admittely is not respecting his marriage correctly , but at least has done more for this country than a former president who doesn ' t know right from left . Dan 052385 00001 sks3146 - 12 : 13am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *It ' s amazing , The same G . O . P . led congress can claim " We ' re all moralistic " , we ' re the leaders in providing the purity that makes America beautiful . Bull ...... That ' s what I say . This trial is not about who broke the law . This is just another Republican tactic ( as stupid as they are ) to tide public opinion towards them . They ' ll never win in a court of law . If they could let off a scoundrel like Reagan , that dumb-witted fool , what thinks that they are capable of impeaching a president who admittely is not respecting his marriage correctly , but at least has done more for this country than a former president who doesn ' t know right from left . Dan 052386 00001 324jk - 12 : 51am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *Thi whole fiasco has gone far enough . We are not paying Congress to play there hypocritical and political games on our time . Is the Legislature ' s purpose so insignificant that they can devote most of there effort on a wild goose chase rather than tending to the needs of the country . One solution is for the Democrats to issue a statement that there minds are made up and to call them when they are ready to vote , and walk out of the chamber leaving the Republicans to play there stupid game . The issue will then become clear to the American people . Comments . 052387 00001 hugsy - 12 : 52am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *OPEN Q : If this alleged rape / assault of ' jane Doe #5 ' comes to light , will the BC defenders say : A ) . . . all right that is enough , it ' s time for Gore . B ) . . . everybody does it . C ) . . . that ' s a personal matter , between BC and Hiliary . D ) . . . you have to look at the whole man . . . . . E ) . . . to bring that up is unfair , we must have fairness ! F ) . . . a 20 year old assault and rape does not rise to an impeach / removable offense . G ) . . . Jane Doe #5 is a lying slut . H ) . . . boy do I hate Ken Starr ! I ) . . . ______( other ) 052388 00001 hugsy - 12 : 56am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) > 00002 324jk - 12 : 51am Jan 27 , 1999 EST } 00003 *or , maybe the dems should stop stonewalling for their Prez and admit he must go and let Al Gore take his place . or , maybe BC should put the country first and resign . comments . 052389 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 12 : 57am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 * 00003 ugsy 1 / 27 / 99 12 : 52am< / a> 00004 I . " So what ? " 052390 00001 hugsy - 12 : 58am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) > 00002 smparker1 . 2 - 12 : 57am Jan 27 , 1999 EST } 00003 *that is brutal ! you bad ! 052391 00001 jakbert - 01 : 01am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) > 00002 hugsy : } 00003 *I . She was actually attacked by a vast right wing conspiracy , wearing Clinton masks . +++ 052392 00001 hugsy - 01 : 04am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) > 00002 jakbert , } 00003 *looks like everyone turned in . maybe have to re-post question tomorrow , or do you think it is too prevocative . 052393 00001 spennin - 01 : 04am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *You know , I bet the Democrats would say that even though Adolf Hitler did all the terrible things he did , we should forgive him and leave him in charge of the Reich . 052394 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 04am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) Good evening , enablers . Bill Clinton , with the lip-bite , in a Little Rock hotel room . ( Also good evening to those who can ' t bear to watch Whoraldo ) 052395 00001 spennin - 01 : 05am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *You know , I bet the Democrats would say that even though Adolf Hitler did all the terrible things he did , we should forgive him and leave him in charge of the Reich . 052396 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 05am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *I . It ' s all about sex . 052397 00001 hugsy - 01 : 06am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) ok , so far the ' I ' s have it . 052398 00001 spennin - 01 : 08am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *It is truly sad that the Democratic Party has lost its compass . It can no longer determine what is right and what is wrong . It has slid into a morass of lawlessness and relativism . 052399 00001 hugsy - 01 : 08am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *spennin , } 00003 *I don ' t think so . maybe if the choice was between Adolf and Newt Gingrich , but even then they may still choose Newt . 052400 00001 angelbo - 01 : 09am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *WHY DO THE WHITE HOUSE LAWYERS NOT WANT WITNESSES ? Pardon me , but I really don ' t know why they use the lame excuses that since the House didn ' t want them why should we ? I am nuetral but , this seems like they are hiding something . Their other arguement that it would take too long , but if you bring the witnesses , then we will delay the process . Does anyone want to help me understand ? 052401 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 10am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52443 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) 00003 ther14 1 / 26 / 99 11 : 53pm< / a> 00004 Lanny Davis is not a scumbag . ( Whatchyou got on the Pope ? ) 00005 +++ 052402 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 10am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) > 00002 Hi , Hugsy , > 00003 SmParker , } 00004 *and all keepers of the truth . . . Sorry , our area on-ramp to the ' Net was overloaded this evening , and I ' m sure I missed some good , stimulating , intelligent discussion , as usual . As predicted , all the liberal bilge from the NYTimes writers on Monday and all the CNN and CBS reporters did not sway the House and the Senate from the Constitutional way : Full Impeachment Trial of William Jefferson Clinton , witnesses soon at the Senate , then a full vote by each Senator , up or down , to convict Clinton of Perjury and / or Obstruction of Justice . Removal would be the just result of conviction . . . but if a neutered Clinton limps through his last two years of office , we ' ll be ready to clean out 1600Pennsylvania Ave . and the Vice-Prez ' s offices entirely in 2000 . The Demos just may set the table for the Republican sweep in 2000 , yet ! 052403 00001 spennin - 01 : 10am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) > 00002 Well , Hugsy , } 00003 *your first three words say it all . 052404 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 11am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) > 00002 Oh , Hi Collioure , } 00003 *also ! 052405 00001 hugsy - 01 : 11am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) > 00002 angelbo - 01 : 09am Jan 27 , 1999 EST } 00003 *maybe they are counting on the fact that they have the votes now , so why dalay and risk anyone changing their minds . 052406 00001 spennin - 01 : 12am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) } 00002 *Both parties are corrupt , but the Democratic party is bankrupt . 052407 00001 hugsy - 01 : 13am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) > 00002 tatufr and > 00003 collioure , } 00004 *what say you ? ABCDEFGH or I ? 052408 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 13am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) } 00002 *Legal Misconcepttions : 1 ) The Constitution sets out 2 very different legal standards for which a Judge and the President may be removed . . Art . II , Sec 1 - Judges=good behiour , ArtII sec 1 - President specifically not a good behaviour standard . 2 ) Private lies in private suits under oath even if provable , which the House agrees it cannot do - Are not Impeachable 3 ) Bill Clinton could tell Sindey Bloomenthal that Monica Lewinski was a red eyed maniac and it is not obstruction , regardless if Mr . Bloomenthat was going to the grand jury , the park , or to have dinner with Renquist . . The problem is that by any legal standard there is no crime here , period . The House knows it , Starr knows it , and that is why they figure a Kangaroo Court and public humiliation is their only shot . . . 052409 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 13am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency

of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) 00003 ngelbo 1 / 27 / 99 1 : 09am< / a> 00004 Doesn ' t sound as if you need any help , just reassurance . They don ' t want any witnesses because they don ' t want any more turth to come out . The House did not need witnesses to indict , but witnesses are par for the course at the trial . It won ' t take very long because the WH will not call any witnesses . They have had myriad opportunities to call them . spurning all . 052410 00001 spennin - 01 : 14am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) } 00002 *What is it so difficult for the Democrats to admit that their party leader is guilty of crimes against the state ? His removal would put another Democrat in the White House . Do they think that Al Gore is incompetent ? dangerous ? What is their problem ? 052411 00001 jakbert - 01 : 15am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52441 ) } 00002 *Since when can the White House defense offer to have the president answer written questions , then say the defense team will answer and then refuse to answer any questions ? Misleading , aren ' t they ? +++ 052412 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 15am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) } 00002 *excuse me - Judges Art . III , sec 1 052413 00001 hugsy - 01 : 15am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) > 00002 clsi1 - 01 : 13am Jan 27 , 1999 EST } 00003 *ABCDEFGH or I ? 052414 00001 angelbo - 01 : 17am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) } 00002 *They do have the votes to avoid conviction by 2 / 3 . But they don ' t have the votes for a majority vote for conviction . And that would please me more than a dismissal of the charges . Let the public know that his party refused to condem him even though the evidence was overwhelming . 052415 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 17am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) > 00002 Dfender , } 00003 *you know the funny thing is about the Clintonista spinners who keep saying the lies " are just about sex " . . . is that Billy Jeff said it wasn ' t sex . They ' d better get their story straight , eh ? Before Monica gets to the Senate and calmly reiterates her testimony , and also elucidates upon the today-disclosed 54-minute phone call from Clinton to her Watergate Hotel apt . when he was setting up the Big Lie / Obstruction of Justice . 052416 00001 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 18am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) } 00002 * 00003 akbert 1 / 27 / 99 1 : 15am< / a> 00004 Not quite factually correct . 052417 00001 hugsy - 01 : 18am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52422 } hugsy - 01 : 18am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) } 00002 *Isn ' t it obvious ? J All of the above ( and a few more - e . g . , he only has two years left in office ) *OPEN Q : If this alleged rape / assault of ' jane Doe #5 ' comes to light , will the BC defenders say : A ) . . . all right that is enough , it ' s time for Gore . B ) . . . everybody does it . C ) . . . that ' s a personal matter , between BC and Hiliary . D ) . . . you have to look at the whole man . . . . . E ) . . . to bring that up is unfair , we must have fairness ! F ) . . . a 20 year old assault and rape does not rise to an impeach / removable offense . G ) . . . Jane Doe #5 is a lying slut . H ) . . . boy do I hate Ken Starr ! I ) . . . ______( other ) 052418 00001 jtmlx - 01 : 19am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) } 00002 *THE REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS JUST DON ' T CARE . 052419 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 19am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) } 00002 *I just thought that since everyone seems to be talking about " The Constitution " as though they were experts it might be nice to read it and find out what it says . One does not seem to be able to trust the 13 stooges to acurately communicate what it says . . . 052420 00001 jakbert - 01 : 19am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) > 00002 r4 : } 00003 *Please explain . 052421 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 20am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52433 ) > 00002 Clsil . } 00003 *dream on , about no crimes committed . . . . . sounds like you ' re ready to drink the Clinton Kool-aid . . . +++ 052422 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 20am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 clsi1 - 01 : 13am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #52408 of 52417 ) } 00004 *I see you know a lot about obstruction . 052423 00001 jtmlx - 01 : 20am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) } 00002 *MANY OTHER REPUBLICANS DON ' T CARE , EITHER . 052424 00001 dooxy1 - 01 : 21am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) } 00002 *Our felon Prez , Bill Flynton gets off because 69% of those polled say they favor weeds and termites because Wall Street is doing well . Can you imagine those fat , cigar-chewing , millionaire , Rockefeller and Kennedy Democratic Senators responding honestly to the devastating case against WJC ? The same who spewed hatred at Clarence Thomas ? Can you imagine these tax-raising hypocrites listening honestly to the tip of the iceberg charges against their king ? Yea , the impeachment trial-- it ' s a " charade " alright . 052425 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 01 : 21am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) } 00002 *I ) . . . " I think your shoe ' s untied " ______( other ) 052426 00001 jtmlx - 01 : 22am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) } 00002 *The terrible thing is , it really isn ' t helping them politically , as they thought it would , when they began the whole impeachment thing . 052427 00001 hugsy - 01 : 22am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) > 00002 smparker1 . 2 - 01 : 21am Jan 27 , 1999 EST } 00003 *LOL ! you are brutal ! 052428 00001 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 22am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) > 00002 jakbert } 00003 *Craig said happy to have Senators submit question to them . They will " consult with the President " then they will answer them . When questions were sent they made it clear they wanted personal answers from President or nothing . They got nothing , as per their request . 052429 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 22am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) } 00002 *I - Whoever brought it up is a lying ____ . And they could then say aside from being more baldface lies brought by the Republicans the statute has run long ago . . . it has no legal force so why now ? 052430 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 23am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) 052431 00001 jtmlx - 01 : 23am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52431 ) } 00002 *For example , the Republican fundraisers are finding it necessary to use strong-arm tactics on corporations . +++ 052432 00001 jtmlx - 01 : 24am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52439 ) } 00002 *And if there were a trickle of losses by Republicans in 1998 , there will be a flood in 2000 . 052433 00001 hugsy - 01 : 25am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52439 ) > 00002 clsi1 - 01 : 22am Jan 27 , 1999 EST } 00003 *that ' s choice G ) Jane Doe #5 is a lying slut . yeah , that was my guess too . 052434 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 25am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52439 ) > 00002 Hugsy , . . . } 00003 *choice " I " : " Those wascally vast white wing conspewators , strike again ! " And , is " is " is ? } 00004 * As Barney Fwank would say , " Simply wep-we-hensible ! " 052435 00001 jakbert - 01 : 25am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52439 ) > 00002 r4 : } 00003 *Thank you for clarifying . I watched that exchange and needed some clarification . 052436 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 01 : 25am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52439 ) > 00002 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 22am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #52428 of 52428 ) } 00003 *jakbert Craig said happy to have Senators submit question to them . They will " consult with the President " then they will answer them . When questions were sent they made it clear they wanted personal answers from President or nothing . They got nothing , as per their request . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ } 00004 *Absolutely false , as Joe Lockhart made clear . He stated that the Senate would receive no answers to the Senate ' s questions from either Mr . Clinton or his lawyers . 052437 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 26am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52439 ) } 00002 *Let me follow that answer up . . . . given the Republicans lack of proportation , talent for making the trivial the last great emergency of our decade . . . . it probably started as the woman came on to him and he kissed her . . Remember , Monica admitted in the Grand Jury and the Tripp tapes she came on to him and at first he didn ' t get involved . . . 052438 00001 r4rw3r4 - 01 : 26am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52439 ) > 00002 hugsy } 00003 *The correct answer is an extremely modified H . WH will not confirm or deny that #5 was a slut during that difficult period of her life . Her recollections vary dramatically from the facts , however it is not our place to accuse her of lying . 052439 00001 hugsy - 01 : 26am Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 52439 ) > 00002 collioure1 - 01 : 23am Jan 27 , 1999 EST } 00003 *well , they would have to omit choice A ) , or would they ? Consistancy , it appears , has not been required for some time now . +++ 054005 00001 Vegetius - 10 : 43pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54020 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON > 00003 hugsy - 10 : 37pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #53998 of 54002 ) } 00004 *Where did the great tormenter go ? } 00005 *Right now I think he is flopping round on the floor , like a goldfish out of water , having one of his fits , ( boy , I hope he put in a mouth piece this time ) slobberin himself silly , banging his head on the hard floor ONLY TO RISE AGAIN AS______SEARINGNONSENSE / BOBBondrugs / ADAdefficient Must have been that round he took when he was in Vietnam when he was a LAwyer in the Navy at the age of 15 00006 > 00007 Veg : } 00008 *Regarding FAT @ssed TEDDY , Atleast Packwoods Victims survived ! 054014 00001 Vegetius - 10 : 49pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON > 00003 vrwcarea51g - 10 : 43pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054006 of 54006 ) } 00004 *Teddy K thinks Perjury is not an impeachable offense for a president nor manslaughter for a senator . How can this guy sit in judgement of anyone ? Packwood must have been pissed looking across at those gin blossoms exploding across his that monsterous squash of his--- " This guy is judging me ? 054015 00001 dayrell1 - 10 : 49pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) > 00002 mikerose2 - 10 : 38pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( ' 54001 } 00003 *Don ' t you know that Aaron has been accused of being a " pathological liar " in the past . Why would you bring up his ad hominem and completely juvenile assault on a poster with a simple political point of view to air . The two of you are seething because you lost your vote in the Senate today - and the " in your face " debauched Chief that you defend with dogged and tunnel visioned idolatry is now going to be judged by those he used to thwart and circumvent the law i . e . live witnesses . It ' s called facing the music - and we know at least how you and the guilt ridden incompetent Judge face anything - by hurling filthy labels and insulting people who simply and enthusiastically express their opinions . 054016 00001 bgshafer - 10 : 50pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet then they do in the population , thank God ! Yes , some of the Democratic themes could be seen as Socialism such as in " Social " Security , but to accuse them of being " Bolsheviks " is laughable . If you want to see how the Soviet Court system used

to work , watch next weeks republican Senate " show " trial . Settle on a verdict and then hold a trial . republicans are the real Bolsheviks . The Soviet Union was also a place where a tiny minority ran the country . Kinda how the religious right runs this country . Bolsheviks never considered the rights or opinions of any non-Bolsheviks . Kinda like today ' s republican Congress . They don ' t represent their electorate , they don ' t even represent the common every-day variety republican , they only represent the so-called " religious " right . Bolsheviks were arrogant , the republicans are arrogant . Bolsheviks were callous , republicans are callous . Bolsheviks were communist zealots , republicans are Christian zealots . Henry Hyde and his ilk have more in common with the Stalin than any Democrat . I ' ll leave you with this last thing : Jon Stewart , the new host of Comedy Central ' s Daily Show , was interviewed on Nightline . The premise of the piece was to get opinions on the impeachment proceedings from people other than the usual talking heads . At the end of the piece , Jon was asked if he had any other observation he ' d like to share . Jon said , " The makeup of the House Judiciary Committee was interesting . The Democrats looked like America--whites , blacks , men , women , they even had a fat guy and a gay guy . The republicans looked like every men that ever fired my father . " 054017 00001 jlaing11 - 10 : 50pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 *Hi-by all . Don ' t have the energy for this . 054018 00001 _spammy_ - 10 : 52pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) > 00002 comcargru } 00003 *And remember folks . . . More people died by Ted Kennedy ' s car than by my handgun . . . . at last count . 054019 00001 hugsy - 10 : 52pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) > 00002 jg , } 00003 *it ' s lost a lot of its lustor , hasn ' t it . 054020 00001 clsi1 - 10 : 52pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 *The felons I know that regularly were in the White House are : Casper Wienberger - Pardoned by a republican Oliver North - A Republican Richard Nixon - Pardoned by a Republican Admiral Pondexter - A republican - A Republican John Erhlichman - A republican G Gordan Liddy - A republican Gosh my hand are tired from typing republican . . . I got to quit for now . Hey , arn ' t two of these talk show radio hosts very popular with Republicans . . what is it with Republicans and felons . . 054021 00001 comcargru - 10 : 54pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 *Let ' s put it this way , jlaing11 : Let ' s look at the hypocrites in the Democratic Party : Ted Kennedy is pro-gun control -but sought clemency for his armed gaurds that broke federal law when they entered the Capitol with sub-machine guns . Chuck Schumer is pro-gun control -- but never travels without an armed security detail . Diane Fienstien is pro-gun control -- but has a concealed weapons permit and travels with an armed detail . Bill Clinton is pro gun control -- EXCEPT when it comes to allowing CHINESE semi-auto rifle imports into the U . S . HYPOCRITES HYPOCRITES HYPOCRITES HYPOCRITES HYPOCRITES 054022 00001 comcargru - 10 : 56pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) > 00002 To : clsi1 - 10 : 52pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54020 of 54021 ) } 00003 *-- blah , blah blah . . . Let ' s hand it to people like you and the DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED HOUSE AND SENATE of the 1980s that ALLOWED Cuban and Russian forces to enter Central America to " train " the Nicaraguan forces . 054023 00001 Vegetius - 10 : 56pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON > 00003 bgshafer - 10 : 50pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54016 of 54017 ) } 00004 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet then they do in the population , thank God ! Come to Boston I ' ll show you some Arrogant democrats who are also Bolsheviks . What is the difference ? +++ 054024 00001 comcargru - 10 : 56pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) > 00002 To : clsi1 - 10 : 52pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054020 of 54021 ) --} 00003 * blah , blah blah . . . Let ' s hand it to people like you and the DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED HOUSE AND SENATE of the 1980s that ALLOWED Cuban and Russian forces to enter Central America to " train " the Nicaraguan forces . 054025 00001 clsi1 - 10 : 56pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 *Gun control means keeping guns out of the hands of extremists and felons , you know Republicans . It OK for responsible people to have them . 054026 00001 clsi1 - 10 : 59pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54035 ) } clsi1 - 10 : 59pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 *Oh---I understand it ' s OK to break the Law and have private little wars or try to fix elections with burglars and illegal hush money . . . if you are a Republican . But don ' t lie about having a affair . . boy that ' s dangerous . Private WARS ? Are you refering to Bill and Janet ' s Great Waco Conquest ? Hmmm , When was that Delared a war ? And What ever happened to those Automatic Weapons Janet the Shakey said they had ? NONE EVER SHOWED UP AT TRIAL ! Breaking the LAW ? And Tell me , Did you shead any tears when the FEDS shot Vickie Weaver ( unarmed ) while caring a baby ? Don ' t give me your RESPONSIBLE FED . GOVERNMENT SH ! T . Talk about a set up , the feds . spend Hundreds of thousands to buy property next to Randy Weavers place , they spied on him , Assuming he did something wrong , when they could find NO wrong doing , THEY-THE FEDS . talked him into sawing of a Shotgun that they THEN ARRESTED HIM FOR . They then changed his court date without telling him . That is What started the standoff . And I bet you felt real safe when the FEDS SMeared Richard Jewell . Remember him , Yea the Patsy of Olympic Park Fame . There is YOUR RESPONSABLE GUN OWNERS ! No thanks , I prefer mine right where they are ! *Oh---I understand it ' s OK to break the Law and have private little wars or try to fix elections with burglars and illegal hush money . . . if you are a Republican . But don ' t lie about having a affair . . boy that ' s dangerous . 054027 00001 magnificent77d - 11 : 00pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) > 00002 bgschafer } 00003 * Any two bit historian worth his salt would tell you of the necessity to demonize the Religeous right as the cornerstone of the Bolshivek " divide and conquer " strategy . A very telling quote of your comprehension level . . " Bolsheviks were communist zealots , republicans are Christian zealots " Wrong . Dead wrong . Like 60 million dead wrong 054028 00001 Vegetius - 11 : 01pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON THE REVIEW LIST Things that have happened to women who thought they were just having consensual sex with Bill Clinton Death threats A state police captain assigned to make sure you don ' t talk to reporters Being induced or coerced into signing false affidavits Coming back from testifying in a civil trial and finding an animal skull on your front porch Having nails put into your tires and your cat stolen Being trashed on national TV by the White House and media Finding your car window smashed a bullet on the front seat Having your apartment ransacked Getting anonymous harassing phone calls . Having your mother and children threatened Being the target of private investigators paid large sums to dig up dirt on you and coerce you into silence . 054029 00001 nela21 - 11 : 01pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 *poetterrier Hi by sigh to make the world cry is tears of a crocodile that are there for me to see on the demise of Presidency or is it shame that ' s reeking in the form of tears for not finding anyone but Big Boss as a wicked witch . By ratedcomic Dem ( eanin ) to the clan Crat 054030 00001 clsi1 - 11 : 03pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) } 00002 *Wow . . . . . These posts are getting a little too wierd for even me . . . 054031 00001 vrwcarea51g - 11 : 03pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) 054032 00001 _spammy_ - 11 : 04pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) > 00002 bgschafer , } 00003 *interesting post . 054033 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 04pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54141 ) " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00002 vspelman 08 : 47pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #53875 of 54021 ) } 00003 *If you are a " liberal dem " as you say you are , you surely noticed prior to the waxing of Monica ' s media moon ' s lunar epoch some 371 days ago Bill Clinton was not a standard bearer for your political philosophy ? +++ 054034 00001 comcargru - 11 : 05pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) > 00002 To : clsi1 - 10 : 56pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054025 of 54025 ) : } 00003 *Don ' t make me laugh . Go tell the families of the 40 dead Vietnam veterans from Arkansas that you support Clinton and gun control . You ' d probably end up where Jim MacDougal is right now . 054035 00001 sportly - 11 : 06pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) > 00002 clsi1 - 10 : 56pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54025 of 54027 ) } 00003 *Gun control means keeping guns out of the hands of extremists and felons , you know Republicans . It OK for responsible people to have them . Oh---I understand it ' s OK to break the Law and have private little wars or try to fix elections with burglars and illegal hush money . . . if you are a Republican . But don ' t lie about having a affair . . boy that ' s dangerous . ------Clsi1 , excellent points that bear repeating . Thanks . Goodnight all . 054036 00001 johnsdad1b - 11 : 08pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 * " There can be no high civility without a deep morality . " . . . . . Ralph Waldo Emerson > 00003 ackwood must have been pissed looking across at those gin blossoms exploding across his that monstrous squash of his--- " This guy is judging me ? Can you imagine being Thomas or Anita Hill , looking at Joe Biden who quit his run for the presidency because of his own plagiarism , on his left was Tedddy the Killer Kennedy , also kicked out of Harvard for cheating , womanizer and verbal abuser of his wife . . . . and on the right , the Senator Strom Thurmond . . . . now Republican before Democrat and 1948 candidate on the States Rights ticket for President actually a segregationist party . . . . . 3 of a kind ! 054037 00001 jim30b - 11 : 08pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) > 00002 to : dayrell1 : re 51015 : } 00003 *Lost the vote today ? ? ? Correct me if I ' m wrong , but it would take 67 votes to convict and remove Clinton . Today ' s vote proves conclucivly that 44+ senators think that the case is a bogus partisan power grab that warrants no further discussion . Whitness testimony won ' t change that a bit . Unless you think that anyone , but a few self deluding partisans , give a damn what Clinton did with a more than willing little wench . 054038 00001 dayrell1 - 11 : 10pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) > 00002 vrwcarea51g - 11 : 03pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54031 } 00003 *You forgot to add the infamous and hatefully misinformation spewing torquemada2 - he is none other than the despicable " fifteen year old " A D A P L A N T in putrid disguise once again , in my opinion . 054039 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 11 : 11pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 *Bolsheviks believe . . . " Party Above Principle " ---always . " Deny , deny , deny " ---when confronted by the truth . Bill Clinton " never lied , never obstructed " . Absolute conformity to the Party line . Democrats have become America ' s Bolsheviks . 054040 00001 hugsy - 11 : 12pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 *So the vote for having witnesses had bi-partisan support , and the vote against having witnesses was 100% partisan . 054041 00001 magnificent77d - 11 : 13pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 *Every Israeli has his uzi . This is the true guarantor of peace in a hostile world . Without the guns , Israel would not exist . 054042 00001 comcargru - 11 : 13pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) > 00002 TO : smparker1 . 2 - 11 : 11pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054039 of 54039 ) : } 00003 *How about : EIN VOLK ! EIN REICH ! EIN CLINTON ! 054043 00001 macer235 - 11 : 13pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) > 00002 Vegetius : } 00003 *I thought you claimed you weren ' t from the religious right . Your comment deploring anti-Christian posts says otherwise . It isn ' t Christianity per se that has been criticized , it is the fundamentalit variety that believes in using Big Government to push its religious beliefs upon everyone else . You also review extreme ignorance of history that verges on the laughable in saying : " Thomas Jefferson was a christian in fact , his version of the new testament is a great read . " In fact ? Where do you get that ? He was a Deist , the closest enlightenment equivalent to a non-believer . It ' s well-known God as watchmaker theory assigns a divinity no intervening role in human affairs . Jefferson shared Voltaire ' s disdain for organized religion based on the inquisition , the wars of religion ( read up on them sometime if you want to learn about horrors , witch trials , etc . The attitudes and policies he despised were identical to those expressed / advocated here by the religious right . Sorry , Vegetius , on the subject of Jefferson ' s attitude toward religion , you are clueless . Don ' t believe me . Read any reputatable biography ( Malone is one of the tops ) , or visit a local university and talk with any legitimate American historian . I exclude the staff of Oral Roberts University or the alleged seats of learning where folks consider " scientific creationism " as legitimate as the law of gravity . or the theory of relativity . +++ 054044 00001 Vegetius - 11 : 13pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON > 00003 jim30b - 11 : 08pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054037 of 54037 ) } 00004 *Today ' s vote proves conclucivly that

44+ senators are bogus partisans 054045 00001 mikerose2 - 11 : 13pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 00003 ubbie " Logic " -- the adventures of the Starship Enterprise . . . . < / b> 00004 > 00005

    00006 tt> 00007 arlstilessunde - 04 : 22pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #53460 of 53983 ) } 00008 *

    00009 bmiller

    00010 oesn ' t wash . The Senators may or may not vote to have witnesses . But when the witnesses are necessary to clear up discrepancies , they would be derelict in the oath they have taken to be fair and impartial if they vote NOT to have witnesses . They would only NOT have to call witnesses if there were no serious discrepancies in the testimony .

    00011 ll of the Republicans saw discrepancies and voted for witnesses to clear the matter up . All of the Democrats ( but one ) saw discrepancies and voted to cover the matter up .

    00012 ELL ? < / tt> 00013 / ol> 00014 } 00015 *Uh , bubba , there seem to be two aspects :

    1. 00017 he perception of inconsistencies
    2. 00018 he desire to clear them < / ol> 00019 Now let ' s consider your first assertion -- that all of the pubbies saw discrepencies . . . . } 00020 *
        00021 don ' t doubt it -- there is the evidence on one hand and the claims of the 13 white guys on the other . Why , barring political concern for their own irrascible younger siblings , would the Senate pubbies opt to give the idiots a chance / ( Unbless , of course , you beieve any conspiracy that can be envisioned must be disproved or accepted as true -- certainly an option , given Danny Williams and then Jane Doe #5 ) ? < / ol> 00022 } 00023 *Now lets look at the willingness to investigate . . . . } 00024 *
          00025 our premise is that any doubt must be resolved . While this is fundamental faith amog conspiracy theorists , the law of the land and any attorney knows the level of proof is " beyond a reasonable doubt " , not " beyond any doubt " -- absolute faith is for the fundamentalists , and they think the world was created in 6 days and Eve was taken from Adam ' s rib . This nation ' s criminal level of proof is the highest ( civil cases are based on the preponderance of evidence ) . There is alsways some bubba who figures the whole world is out of step except him ( we seem to have plethora of them , who figure every poll that doesn ' t agree with them is fixed ) . < / ol> 00026 } 00027 *But don ' t worry . We love ya . . . . You remind us how far we ' ve come since Oog the Dim ...... 054046 00001 comcargru - 11 : 14pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 *Clinton wants to take away guns from Americans -- except , of course , the ones the Secret Service use protecting his sorry ass . 054047 00001 rineyd - 11 : 14pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54053 ) } rineyd - 11 : 14pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 *Fein~gold is " the man " of the day . His vote , if based on conscience is very welcome . ------" As the family goes so goes the nation , " a welcome phrase uttered by the Pope . He like those who clapped so gaily for Flynton at the UN know where their bread is buttered . Zebraites attribute such levels of affection as proof of the esteem in which the porn prez is held . ------The NYT picture of the pope and Slynton holding his heart as our national anthem was being played did little for my stomach - as I thought of those millions who fought and died ( including my ancestors from ) for this hoped for experiment which is now in the hands of communists . Mc~Carthy was ahead of his time - its a pity he and his team hadn ' t used more tact . Around fifty percent of those who fought to wrest our lands from the Lion ' s paw with Washington were the sons of Erin . Revisionist historians try to hide these facts . Facts are stubborn things . ------The NYT picture in today ' s newspaper could not but , make a body think . ( macer : Thus we learn that Joe McCarthy was a terrific man whose only failing was a lack of tact . We are really in Yahoo land tonight , boys and girls . ) +++ *Fein~gold is " the man " of the day . His vote , if based on conscience is very welcome . ------" As the family goes so goes the nation , " a welcome phrase uttered by the Pope . He like those who clapped so gaily for Flynton at the UN know where their bread is buttered . Zebraites attribute such levels of affection as proof of the esteem in which the porn prez is held . ------The NYT picture of the pope and Slynton holding his heart as our national anthem was being played did little for my stomach - as I thought of those millions who fought and died ( including my ancestors from Maryland ) for this hoped for experiment which is now in the hands of communists . Mc~Carthy was ahead of his time - its a pity he and his team hadn ' t used more tact . Around fifty percent of those who fought to wrest our lands from the Lion ' s paw with Washington were the sons of Erin . Revisionist historians try to hide these facts . Facts are stubborn things . ------The NYT picture in today ' s newspaper could not but , make a body think . 054048 00001 mikerose2 - 11 : 15pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 > 00003 tna1pada3 - 04 : 28pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #53468 of 54021 ) } 00004 *> 00005 re you and Mr . Malaprop brothers ? Your delusional thinking indicates a possible kinship with the boards ' other delusional defamer . I suspect brothers , first cousins and parents-in-law of each other . It ' s an inbred group , what can I say ? 054049 00001 bgshafer - 11 : 16pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet then they do in the population , thank God ! one of those conservative wrote : > 00003 " bgshafer } 00004 *Any two bit historian worth his salt would tell you of the necessity to demonize the Religeous right as the cornerstone of the Bolshivek " divide and conquer " strategy . A very telling quote of your comprehension level . . " Bolsheviks were communist zealots , republicans are Christian zealots " Wrong . Dead wrong . Like 60 million dead wrong " Is it just me or does everybody notice how Americans , such as myself , talk about issues and the conservative / republicans stoop to personal attacks . BTW , I decided to exclude them from the term " Americans " , they no longer represent us nor deserve a place with us . In fact , I don ' t like their use of the word " republic " an . They have soiled that beautiful word . Although Nazi , wacho , nutcase , right-wing fanatic , religious zealot are acceptable and much more accurate ; ) 054050 00001 _spammy_ - 11 : 16pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54140 ) > 00002 agnificent77d - 11 : 13pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54041 of 54044 ) } 00003 *Every Israeli has his uzi . This is the true guarantor of peace in a hostile world . Without the guns , Israel would not exist . . . . and so if there is germ warfare on israel they can shoot the germs , right ? +++ 054051 00001 comcargru - 11 : 17pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Go back to your computer room persona non grata . . . Better yet , hang out in CT with Sen . Dodd . . . I ' m sure he has a couple of bar whores you can have along with Ted " The Swimmer " Kennedy . 054052 00001 comcargru - 11 : 18pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *You wouldn ' t last five minutes in boot camp spammy . . . let alone in Israel . 054053 00001 macer235 - 11 : 18pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 magnificent77 } 00003 *says : " Any two bit historian worth his salt would tell you of the necessity to demonize the Religeous right as the cornerstone of the Bolshivek " divide and conquer " strategy . " } 00004 *Another guy who would cite history while knowing zilch on the subject . Can you tell me where I might find these historians ? I ' d be really interested . 054054 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 11 : 19pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Sen . Russ Feingold , D-WI . . . This grovelling , gun-loving , wife-beating , adulterous , tobacco-chewing , redneck imbecile shot down his chances for Democrat glory . I wonder if the Party has begun the " silent treatment " on this traitor ? 054055 00001 asylum32 - 11 : 20pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " It ' s a consequence , first and foremost , of the president ' s appalling behavior . And you can ' t get around it and you can ' t explain it . " ----Mike McCurry Don ' t you love it ? 44 Democrat Senators , in their role as ' judge ' , vote to dismiss the case after opening arguements but before the prosecution has had a chance to make its case or call a single witness . Then , wearing their ' juror ' hats , they declare the defendant innocent , the prosecution having failed to make its case . No partisanship here . Um huh . No way . Give ' em credit . They are the masters of spin . Imagine a year ago anyone even pretending to have serious discussion about the calling of witnesses in a trial . Only with Clinton and the partisan Dems do the defendants presume to dictate the rules and the punishment . 054056 00001 vrwcarea51g - 11 : 20pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 clsi1 - 10 : 56pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54025 of 54035 ) } 00003 *Gun control means keeping guns out of the hands of extremists and felons , you know Republicans . It OK for responsible people to have them . 054057 00001 Vegetius - 11 : 21pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON > 00003 macer235 - 11 : 13pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54043 of 54044 ) } 00004 *Jefferson was a deeply religous man who started a project late in his first term as president which had him cutting out the pieces of the new testament that he revered . He used a King James version as well as pasting in the greek , latin and french texts . He took up the project again in 1816 when he was 78 and he titled his " wee little book " -- " The Life And Morals of Jesus of Nazereth which remained in his family until 1904 and was published by order of the 51st congress and passed out to each member . 054058 00001 mikerose2 - 11 : 21pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 > 00003 Vegetable - 04 : 36pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #53478 of 54048 ) } 00004 *> 00005 ow About " Will Clinton Get some in 99 ? " } 00006 *Bubba , it may come as a surprise to you , but most folks care more about if they will than if Clinton will . I understand that folks who know they won ' t gte upset worrying if POTUS is doing better than they are , but deal with that one kneeling before the throne . . . . .

          054059 00001 rikus4 - 11 : 21pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * [[[[[####****<> 00003 > 00004 You show me a open minded Liberal and I will show you one that is dead . There is no such thing as a open minded Liberal that is alive . They are all conceded if you don ' t believe me take a good look at the white house and the DemocRATS congress . You can disgree with one of them and they will cuss you out . Real sinceable people aren ' t they . SLICK WILLY and MuchoHillery think they know it all . If they were so smart they would not be in troulbe all of the time . They are pretty stupid if you ask me . They ( LIBERALS ) do not base thier concluses on any subsistence . Just look at Clinton lawyer in thier presentation when they were trying to defend the president . It was without any subsistence . Just blaming some one else for Clinton troubles . Your LIberals don ' t know what is is . You LIBERALS don ' t know

          what SEX is . Pretty dumb if you ask me . The LIBERALS was so stupid in SODOM that they got it destroy . Real jimdaney when you haven ' t got enough sense to keep from destroy your own country . That is what you liberals are doing to our AMERICA destroying it and you don ' t have enough sense to know it . I am telling you the truth but you won ' t like it . The LIBERALS didn ' t like it when NOAH told them that it was coming a flood they didn ' t believe him eather . May GOD help us all . +++ 054060 00001 _spammy_ - 11 : 21pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 comcargru - 11 : 18pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54052 of 54054 ) } 00003 *You wouldn ' t last five minutes in boot camp spammy . . . let alone in Israel . . . . and your point is ? Is Denmark ok ? 054061 00001 asylum32 - 11 : 23pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " It ' s a consequence , first and foremost , of the president ' s appalling behavior . And you can ' t get around it and you can ' t explain it . " ----Mike McCurry > 00003 smparker : } 00004 *As a matter of fact the Dem caucus is already discussing a resolution condemning Feingold for not dancing to the White House ' s tune like the other tin soldiers . No partisanship here . Um huh . No way . 054062 00001 spennin - 11 : 24pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *To all the facist Democrats out there , The truth and facts are difficult things to ignore . Your party , true to the form of Joseph Goebels , continues to tell big lies and tells them often . Your party seeks to rob the American people of their rights of life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness by imposing its values and programs on evrybody . If I wanted to support a bunch of people on welfare or pay for midnight basketball , I would dig the money out of my own pocket . I don ' t need the government with its hand in my pocket all the time . I believe the Constitution allowed the government to coin money , promote commerce and provide for the common defense . Nowhere in there does it mention feeding the homeless , paying welfare to pregnant teens , funding abortions or rewarding those who choose to be slackers . These are all things that citizens should take the initiative to do for themselves . If anybody wants any of the above , all I ask is that they pay for it by themselves . The quicker people realize that Clinton and his ilk have the " Invisible Hand " stuffed deep into their pockets , the quicker they will rid us of him . He plays fast and loose with the truth and he treats are hard earned dollars with the same disregard . BTW , I am an independent with Libertarian leanings . I think that the entire system has been corrupted by a new class of royalty - the political elites . 054063 00001 jim30b - 11 : 25pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 to : vegitus : } 00003 *Or , conversly , it means that 55 senators are partisans , the result will be the same . To dayrell1 : Bolsheviks ? ? OHHHHHHHH I thought MC Carthy was dead . try something new for a change , Like

          THINKING . 054064 00001 Vegetius - 11 : 26pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON > 00003 asylum32 - 11 : 23pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54061 of 54061 ) } 00004 * " It ' s a consequence , first and foremost , of the president ' s appalling behavior . And you can ' t get around it and you can ' t explain it . " ----Mike McCurry } 00005 *smparker : As a matter of fact the Dem caucus is already discussing a resolution condemning Feingold for not dancing to the White House ' s tune like the other tin soldiers . } 00006 *No partisanship here . Um huh . No way I also heard that the Big House was all over him . Mr . President Don ' t tamper with this jury " What a crock of SH ! t from that theif Robert Byrd . 054065 00001 bgshafer - 11 : 27pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet then they do in the population , thank God ! Night all , Last parting shot : Comcargru , you ' re a small man , I don ' t mean little in size , I mean in character . ( I know . I know . I ' m doing the same thing to him that I criticized him for , but when I lie down with the dogs , I expect to get fleas . ) Just because you couldn ' t get a date in high school is no reason to take it out on us . Wait a minute , I ' m on to something here . Did you think the amount of dates ones has in high school has a correlation to membership in the republican party ? Interesting : ) 054066 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 11 : 27pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 asylum32 . . . } 00003 *Is that true ? I hadn ' t heard . If so it ' s more proof that Democrats are the New Bolsheviks . No dissent and no recognition of the truth allowed ! That ' s Rule #1 . Poor Russ will pay for having a conscience . The Dem / Bols have to fine tune their screening mechanism , I suppose . 054067 00001 macer235 - 11 : 29pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 rineyd : } 00003 *I sent a copy of your post praising Senator Feinstein . I noted that I ' m sure he ' s proud to have won the admiration of folks like you . Here ' s rineyd ' s post ( which seems to have become par for the course among the Clinton-haters here ) : 054068 00001 dayrell1 - 11 : 30pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 jim30b - 11 : 08pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054037 } 00003 *You show all that you know nothing about Washington politics and by your ending statement ( " the little wench " thing referring to Lewinsky ) you show a callous disdain for what ' s humane with a misogynist tone in your rhetoric . The vote today was a " show " of unity by the Democrats on the issue of witnesses only - and all knew before hand ( including the media ) it would not go in favor of the White House . The 44 votes mean nothing in terms of a " flag " of the worthiness or worthlessness of the case House ' s case against the President . The witnesses and their testimony will be devastating to the cause of the Clinton defenders of the indefensible however . The human face on the proceedings will turn the already ebbing tide against the President completely . The trial will also enter into a phase that will produce new allegations and new evidence of witness tampering , obstruction of justice on the part of WJC and his cohorts . The Senate will have no choice but to make a deal ( a deal that has been on the drawing boards for a long time ) . Clinton will go - and Gore will take charge . And , the healing process will begin . Encapsulated but true . 054069 00001 Vegetius - 11 : 30pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON > 00003 jim30b - 11 : 25pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054063 of 54064 ) } 00004 *to : vegitus : Or , conversly , it means that 55 senators are partisans , the result will be the same . Don ' t you find it funny that all 44 say the same thing " It is indefensible but , it is not impeachable " ? So they all think he is a rat but , they ALL think he is THEIR Rat . 054070 00001 jimbrown55 - 11 : 32pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Hey , we can tolerate 1 maverick out of 45 . It is interesting the G . O . P . kept all 55 of theirs in lock step . 054071 00001 svcarlson - 11 : 33pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Well , now it boils down to how far the President ' s lawyers want to go to expose the right wing conspiracy on the Senate floor . They may not want to go very far . They have an outcome they want out of this , too , for the good of the country . The Republicans are wheelin ' and dealin ' . They may get off the Senate floor without Starr ' s cabal being exposed beyond the New York Times story . It ' s possible . But they they may be in trouble when the Democrats release bomb shells of spin to the public to explain how this Paula Jones case was maintained for five years , then slipped into the Ken Starr office just when Bob Barr was going public with his calls for impeachment , in November 1997 . The Republicans will look slimier and slimier , until they are forced to divorce themselves from this coup attempt that

          was doomed to failure from its inception because of its rottenness . 054072 00001 _spammy_ - 11 : 33pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 jim30b - 11 : 25pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54063 of 54064 ) } 00003 *to : vegitus : Or , conversly , it means that 55 senators are partisans , the result will be the same . Don ' t you find it funny that all 44 say the same thing " It is indefensible but , it is not impeachable " ? So they all think he is a rat but , they ALL think he is THEIR Rat . Actually I don ' t think they give a rats ass what he did . 054073 00001 dbowman6 - 11 : 34pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *I an a 54 year old male who has only once voted for a republican ( a distrinct court judge ) . I have voted in every election . I have never voted for Clinton in a demo . primary . He is not my idea of a perfect reflection of my values . However , I did vote for him as President on two occasions . Maybe , we " liberals " are partly responsible for this mess ? But we did not give Star 50 FBI agents and an unlimited expense account to investage something so petty--small--and reprehensible as a private relationship . What Bill did was wrong ; but it is not a fundmental attack upon the democatric intstutitions or processes . As an honnest to god liberal , I am in a delemia . I do not like Clintin but I am absolutely opposed to his enemies . Are the opponites of my ememies my friend ? any advise ? 054074 00001 mikerose2 - 11 : 34pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 > 00003 00004 avlovausa - 04 : 37pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #53480 of 54058 ) } 00005 *

          00006 s an American living abroad and watching the Impeachment process , I am filled with sadness . I fear that the American Constitutional process and Congress have been hijacked by the Right Wing of the Republican Party , and future generations may well curse the Republicans who have set such a frightening precedent of using the Constitution to settle political scores and to achieve a purely political agenda . < / tt> 00007 } 00008 *Don ' t . And this is a serious answer . The idea that we ( the US ) is without flaw is a delusion . We are lucky enough to live in the prime of the nation , but as the Egyptian , Greek , Roman and Bitish empires declined , so will ours , eventually . ( Ant that ' s a Euro-centric view , withonly a nodding recognition of the Asia minor / Africa contributions ) -analogies can be found in the Far East , as well . No society is perfect and each contains the seeds of its own demise . Those of us who love our country enough to love it with its warts know that it is not perfect and that , eventually it , too , shall be eclipsed . History isn[ ' t excatly neat , but the trend is progress -- and the demise of natins of founded in their failure to progress and so be supplanted . occasionally , the know-nothings prvail for for a period -- and we have relative dark ages . But enlightenment wins in the end . The path is better explained by chaos theory than divine inspriation , but it is there . We enter the period of millienialist ferver . ( Who can trust someone who thinks , to start with the millenium ends at the start of 2000 rather than 2001 ? ) OK . . . the point : the nation is . It will survive . Those who sadden you won ' t . +++ 054075 00001 comcargru - 11 : 34pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 To : bgshafer - 11 : 27pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054065 of 54066 ) : } 00003 *Very cute post . . . I found myself laughing . The only reason why you resort to lame humor is because you have no defense for a man who : RAN AWAY WHILE MEN DIED IN VIETNAM LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ABOUT HIS DRUG USE LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ABOUT HIS ADULTUROUS LIFE LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ABOUT HEALTH CARE . . . I would rather have you laugh at me for standing up for some form of decency than stand beside you with a whoremaster and a liar . 054076 00001 macer235 - 11 : 36pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 Vegetius : } 00003 *That Jefferson had respect for Christ does not mean he had respect for organized religion , including Christianity . Jefferson ' s attitudes on that subject were close to those of Voltaire , who once said--regarding the Catholic Church : " Ecrasez l ' infame . " ( Crush the infamous thing ) . Voltaire was just as hostile to Protestant Churches , although--to the degree they were less organized and had a shorter history in which to accumulate atrocities--he feared them less . The spirit that drives fundamentalists here is the same spirit which drove the Klan to use Christian emblems . Other religions , to the degree their beliefs are strongly held , absolutists , literal-minded and fundamentalist tend to be sources of hate and violence as well . 054077 00001 asylum32 - 11 : 37pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " It ' s a consequence , first and foremost , of the president ' s appalling behavior . And you can ' t get around it and you can ' t explain it . " ----Mike McCurry > 00003 bgshafer : } 00004 *That ' s ' cause , as Winston Churchill once said . . . . " At 19 , every boy with a heart is a liberal . At 45 , every man with a brain is a conservative . " ...... > 00005 vegetius : } 00006 *John Glenn got his payoff for stonewalling Sen . Thompson ' s committee . . can you imagine what sly old " king of pork " Robert Byrd extorted from the White House for the little manuever he stage managed ? > 00007 smparker : } 00008 *Feingold won his last election by only 40 , 000 votes . I imagine Hillary et al are already plotting his downfall . 054078 00001 rineyd - 11 : 38pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Appreciate macer ' s relay of my posting - to think I was in the devil ' s camp pre Aug 17 , 1998 until Flynton indicated he had lied to me . Better late than never - thank G-d . 054079 00001 jerryhere - 11 : 40pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws Christopher Shays ( R-Vmt ) Is an absoloute and total idiot . Got beat up by an 8th grader . He ' s a clinton flack . 054080 00001 hugsy - 11 : 41pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' 054081 00001 hershbjw2 - 11 : 42pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 comcargu post §§054075 : } 00003 *I just got back into this forum . Are you referring to Dan Quayle ? I think you should go easy on Dan . Even though he used his rich Dad to get him out of Vietnam , and even though he used to be a real hound for the old maryjane , we need to cut him slack . He may drool , but he drools Republican saliva . What do you say . . . can we forgive him ? 054082 00001 mikerose2 - 11 : 42pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 > 00003 bobbo52 - 04 : 37pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #53481 of 54058 ) } 00004 *> 00005 bviously you are ill-read but on the off chance that you ran across a poem that reads , in part , > 00006 No man is an island , entire to itself > 00007 nyone ' s specious impeachment diminishes me . . . " } 00008 * I knew I liked John Dunne -- even if I was subjected to the expurgated version . . . . 054083 00001 rikus4 - 11 : 42pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * [[[[[[####***<> 00003 > 00004 YOU LIBERALS are just like your daddy Bill Clinton you all can ' t tell when you are lying anymore . You all have lied so much you think you are telling the truth . You LIBERALS call bad good and good bad . The bible said that in the last days that they would call EVIL good and good EVIL , if the shoe fits ware it . You DemocRATS lie and then turn around and blame it on the Republicans . That is all you LIBERALS are fit for is just to blame some one else for your own stupidness . +++ 054084 00001 vrwcarea51g - 11 : 43pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 bgshafer - 11 : 16pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54049 of 54063 ) } 00003 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet then they do in the population , thank God ! } 00004 *Is it just me or does everybody notice how Americans , such as myself , talk

          about issues and the conservative / republicans stoop to personal attacks . BTW , I decided to exclude them from the term " Americans " , they no longer represent us nor deserve a place with us . In fact , I don ' t like their use of the word " republic " an . They have soiled that beautiful word . Although Nazi , wacho , nutcase , right-wing fanatic , religious zealot are acceptable and much more accurate ; ) It is amazing to me that little whores of Willy make thes kind of comments . Evidently while the rest of us , learned about the American Revolution these shills were still being molested by their parents or their personal version of Uncle Teddy The F@T @SS Kennedy . Let me guess , your ancestors were the P~ssy ' s that hide in the attic while the Right wing fanatics , religious zealots were out kicking the Willy Flynton ' s back to England or planting there overbearing @sses in the dirt . Yeap , and when it was over they rolled around in the mud , tore their clothes and LIED threw their teeth claimed they were war hero ' s . Yeah , Cowards , one and ALL ! 054085 00001 jimbrown55 - 11 : 43pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *We can stand one maverick , Feingold . The G . O . P . had all 55 of their senators in lock step . 054086 00001 comcargru - 11 : 44pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 Yeah . . . macer , } 00003 *persona non grata , supkis . . . . It must make you folks feel good that Clinton shoved cigars up Lewinsky and then read the Night Before Christmas to a bunch of kids at the White House , huh ? 054087 00001 drhodez - 11 : 44pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Why don ' t you give it a rest . The Republicans pointing out the mendacity of the Dems is not going to change the mind of one Dem . Conversely , the Dems constant barage of lying , trying to defend a proven liar , will never change

          the mind of one Republican . When you realize this is not about right or wrong , but good vs . evil , then you will have a better understanding . The Democrats , by virture of just breathing , represent the good , and the Republicans , by virture of just being , cannot be anything but evil . After all , they are the ones who are starving children , and taking health care from the elderly . Get a grip and sit back and watch the show . 054088 00001 comcargru - 11 : 45pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * Heil Clinton ! 054089 00001 wjmonahan - 11 : 45pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *We knew who Bill Clinton was in 1992 and again in 1996 . We voted for him -- quite a few of us that is -- because the alternatives -- George Bush and Bob Dole with an increasing growing right wing movement -- would have been intolerable . The party of small government and low taxes to camp out in our closets , control our bodies and minds . Oh , if they only had the chance . Lord I pray , never let them get it . 054090 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 45pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 dbowman6 } 00004 *The weapons aimed against President Clinton , if successfully wielded , will be used against anyone who might dare stand against those successfully wielding those weapons . What threatens one of us threatens all of us ; republicans understand the potential power attendant upon success thus risk all for a grab at the brass ring . 054091 00001 _spammy_ - 11 : 45pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 dbowman6 , } 00003 *Vote for Gore ? ; - ) I dunno . I don ' t think that the way a person conducts his / her private life is directly relevant to fitness for office , so the republicans are in the wrong on this one . What he did is repugnant , but it is his and Hillarys private life . 054092 00001 Vegetius - 11 : 46pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON > 00003 macer235 - 11 : 36pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054076 of 54082 ) } 00004 *Vegetius : That Jefferson had respect for Christ does not mean he had respect for organized religion , including Christianity . Jefferson ' s attitudes on that subject were close to those of Voltaire , who once said--regarding the Catholic Church : " Ecrasez l ' infame . " ( Crush the infamous thing ) . Voltaire was just as hostile to Protestant Churches , although--to the degree they were less organized and had a shorter history in which to accumulate atrocities--he feared them less } 00005 *What is the point ? 054093 00001 asylum32 - 11 : 47pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " It ' s a consequence , first and foremost , of the president ' s appalling behavior . And you can ' t get around it and you can ' t explain it . " ----Mike McCurry > 00003 svcarlson : } 00004 *Same old song , thirty seventh ( or is it 3000th ) verse ...... When will a Clintonista get a new tune ? Next thing you know we ' ll be bombing Iraq ! You can talk in your paranoid fashion ( talk about black helicopters . . . . I ' ll bet you still worry about Bush ' s membership in Skull and Bones at Yale and the Trilateral Commission ) all day but that doesn ' t change the essential facts . No Bubba sex with an employee no Ken Starr . No perjury no impeachment . No obstruction of justice no impeachment . No wagging finger no impeachment . Bubba ' s just a big ' ole redneck con man . And you and the other Clintonistas just prove P . T . Barnum right . +++ 054094 00001 jerryhere - 11 : 47pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws It ain ' t over : no impeachement ? ? ? no trial ? ? ? no witnesses ? ? ? no conviction ? ? ? 054095 00001 hershbjw2 - 11 : 47pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 jimbrown : } 00003 *The impressive thing about Feingold is he got elected without DNC campaign funds or PAC money . His GOP opponents had scads of RNC money , but Feingold won by a narrow margin . Pretty cool guy . I will be interested in seeing where he comes down on the removal issue . 054096 00001 ether14 - 11 : 48pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Hey , man , it ain ' t partisan if 44 / 45 Democrats move in lock step but it ' s partisan if 55 / 55 Republicans and 1 Democrat vote together , right ? Like Teddy the Ken said : " Bill , you shoulda killed the b*tch ! " 054097 00001 comcargru - 11 : 48pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 To : drhodez - 11 : 44pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( §§054088 of 54089 ) : } 00003 *Please name the children who have died of malnutrition or the elderly who have died because of no health care based on Republican policies . } 00004 *What a stupid statement . 054098 00001 jim30b - 11 : 49pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 TO : DAYRELL1 : } 00003 *HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL IN THE IMPEACHMENT FANTASY . 44+ senators , today said they don ' t give a rat ' s ass what Clinton did in the " peckergate " affair . It is too inconsequential a matter to take seriously . Whatever other little tortious , tedious , crimes can be ascribed to the private conduct of the president , it won ' t matter , just like it doesn ' t matter to over 2 / 3rds of the rest of us . As far a a full fledged trial , be careful what you ask for . 054099 00001 mikerose2 - 11 : 50pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 Bulletin . . . . Bulletin . . . . Bulletin ...... Bullettin . . . . Libby Dole has denied rumors she was raised on the public dole , pointing out that Bob ' s viagra prescription did not take effect until he lost the election ...... 054100 00001 Vegetius - 11 : 51pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 Strategy #6 : Congress should allow +++ 054101 00001 magnificent77d - 11 : 52pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * 00003 asylum32 1 / 27 / 99 11 : 47pm< / a> 00004 } 00005 *Barnum ? How about Freud ! ( The massas are *sses ) 054102 00001 ether14 - 11 : 52pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 sada} 00003 * " What threatens one threatens all of us . . . " } 00004 *I am personally not planning on placing my lance of love into the mouth of any interns less than half my age ; nor , lying to the American public , my staff , my Cabinet , a Federal Court or a Federal criminal grand jury . . . . . I will also be passing on obstructing justice and witness tampering to say nothing of suborning perjury ...... SO LEAVE ME OUT OF YOUR GROUP , ( . ) ! 054103 00001 d-fendr - 11 : 52pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Clinton , the helpless victim . . of his own actions . . I think there ' s a psychological term for such thinking . . . 054104 00001 jammerbirdi - 11 : 54pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *I heard one more blathering idiot last night ( on Nightline during a voice from the soapbox segment near the end ) repeat the often heard argument that removing Bill Clinton from office is not coup-like because , if it were , Bob Dole would then be president . The fact that Al Gore is of the president ' s party and shares his agenda seems to appease the coup fears of those who undoubtedly never voted for Clinton in the first place and would like nothing more than to see the will of the people undone . Let me enlighten anyone who is naive enough to be sucked in by this particular gobbledy-goop Beyond the fact that every action in this proccess has been undertaken on a strictly partisan basis , by the members of the party opposite that of the president ' s , Al Gore is simply not Bill Clinton and he was no more elected by the people to the office of the presidency than Bob Dole was . The one and only individual , of the entire five or six million strong who make up the Executive Branch of our government , who was elected by the people is William Jefferson Clinton . THE VICE-PRESIDENT IS CHOSEN BY THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND / OR HIS PARTY AT THE CONVENTION . Pick a president , the VP comes with the package . The notion that , because Al Gore shares the president ' s passions for a great number of programs , his administration would be , in effect , Clinton cont . requires the belief that a president is only the interchangeable leader of his party , chief advocate of their agenda , and nothing more . Bill Clinton is not interchangeable with anyone . He is by far , the most intelligent and effective president in my lifetime . We have lived through crooks , clutzes , wusses , a doddering old windbag who wasn ' t even good at his original occupation ( acting ) , and a completely ineffective warmonger who murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and , when he had a chance , would not go after the real enemy because he didn ' t want to " destabalize the region . " No one knows what kind of president Al Gore would be and , who knows , the American people may never elect him as president and we may never know . But to say that he could step into the job and do so without a substantive change in leadership is like saying that Lyndon Johnson was no different than JFK because he managed to push the dead president ' s programs through Congress . 054105 00001 wjmonahan - 11 : 54pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Don ' t worry about Bill getting off in the Senate . Henry Hyde and his Judiuciary dozen ( where is little Mary Bono these days ? ? ) are just waiting to start up the hearings again on those items Ken Starr didn ' t report on . And if the President is removed from office , Henry and his tidy men will take on Al Gore and campaign financing . Perhaps that ' s why they didn ' t want campaignreforms last session . " If we keep the flood gates open , somethng will happen . " 054106 00001 Vegetius - 11 : 55pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " I AM THE APOSTLE OF HOPE " -----St . Billy Jeff FLYNTOON " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 dbowman6 } 00004 *The weapons aimed against President Clinton , if successfully wielded , will be used against anyone who might dare stand against those successfully wielding those weapons . What threatens one of us threatens all of us Where was this logic in 1973 ? . . Or for Judge Thomas ? You have to be on the payroll . 054107 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 11 : 58pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *It took the election of Bill Clinton to show America and the world that the Democratic Party is without soul and principles . All the talk about the demise of the Republican Party is just that---talk . " Great parties stand for great principles . " Democrats have conclusively shown over the past year that all their alleged " principles " were merely political talking points to alleviate their acute pangs of " gavel envy " . +++ 990128 054108 00001 d-fendr - 11 : 58pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Let ' s see , Clinton and Dole opposed each other for president . Clinton won . If we were to overturn that election , who would win ? Gore ? Oh , ok . yeah , then impeachment is overturning an election . All of which has nothing to to with the topic - the impeachment trial - a constitutional procedure to remove a ' duly elected ' president upon conviction by the senate . 054109 00001 hugsy - 11 : 59pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' 054110 00001 vrwcarea51g - 12 : 01am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 jimbrown55 - 11 : 43pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54085 of 54099 ) } 00003 *We can stand one maverick , Feingold . The G . O . P . had all 55 of their senators in lock step . Oh yeah , Now voting for witnesses in a IMPEACHMENT TRIAL , is called being a maverick or being in lock step . . . . Hmmmmm . MR . HIGH I . Q . , Just how many Grad . classes did you have to take to come up with that statement ? Think about that for just one MINUTE ! IDIOT 054111 00001 magnificent77d - 12 : 01am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *WEBSTER ' S DICTIONARY TRIES TO REDEFINE FELONY AS . . . . A federal appeals court yesterday reinstated tax-evasion charges against former Associate Attorney General Webster L . Hubbell , his wife and two advisers , saying a federal judge who threw out the case overstepped his authority . In a major victory for independent counsel Kenneth W . Starr , a three-judge panel of the U . S . Circuit Court of Appeals for the D . C . Circuit ruled 2-1 that U . S . District Judge James Robertson erred when he said Mr . Starr lacked authority to bring the case and had improperly used records turned over in an immunity deal to prosecute the former Justice Department official . 054112 00001 d-fendr - 12 : 02am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Quite proud of the holy father too . Peace and good health to him . His ' don ' t believe their lies ' speech yesterday was very inspiring . 054113 00001 hugsy - 12 : 02am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *In today ' s world , the cardinal said , the devil ' s force comes through widespread acceptance of ``lies and deceit . . . the idolatry of money . . . the idolatry of sex . ' ' 054114 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 12 : 05am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Split in the Democrat Party . . . Old Line Democrats who have a conscience , and Kneepad Democrats , who now have the party in their iron grip . 054115 00001 mikerose2 - 12 : 13am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 > 00003 atrickjquinn - 04 : 59pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #53521 of 54111 ) } 00004 * > 00005 ou know , I always bust a gut everytime I hear Larry King and Phil Donohue state that they are " registered Independents " ! ! ! } 00006 * remind me not to underwite your medical insurance ...... 054116 00001 rikus4 - 12 : 13am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * [[[[[[[####***<> 00003 > 00004 You LIBERALS are so stupid that you think the Republicans are going to vote like you want them to . You LIBERALS didn ' t vote them in the first place we conseritive did and they vote like conseritive . Why should they vote like the DemocRATS wants them to , is it that they just want them to cut thier own feet off . They are not that stupid think GOD or as of now they are not . Clinton is trying to take ever thing over and you LIBERALS do not believe me . Why don ' t you Democrates get some body like Bill Bradly or Sam Nunn . They are good people . No you all are corrupt so you need somebody that is corrupt . I guess it is so you can say he is just like me he is my father and I am his son . ONLY 13% of the reg . voter voting for Clinton this don ' t sound like the AMERICA people voting Clinton in . 054117 00001 jammerbirdi - 12 : 13am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 11 : 58pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54109 of 54109 ) } 00003 * " If we were to overturn that election , who would win ? " } 00004 *The answer is in your question : If WE . . . . You guys would win . You would then have chosen who , at least for two years , would be president . The party of Bob Dole would have undone the election of Bill Clinton and it doesn ' t matter if Hillary took over , it still isn ' t the person elected by the people . The party of Bob Dole would have hounded Bill Clinton from office , either by impeachment or resignation . Nothing to do with this topic ? It may not be ultimately pertinent to the outcome but as long as the pres ' s enemies bring up the argument someone has to beeatch slap them . +++ 054118 00001 dbowman6 - 12 : 18am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 Spammy : } 00003 *thanks for responding . Gore is not my candidate . I would prefer someone who said , " a job is the entitlement of every american . I resolve to build a public educational system which will equip the graduate to find employment ;

          and if he or she is unemployable ; then the Federal system will put them to work . Tnalpada3 : thanks for responding . You maybe right . I have a 23 year old daughter in graduate school--political science . If the president inititated a relationship with her , then I would have offered the president the opportunity to reslove this situation under some tale oaks at day break . However , this does not resolve our current difficulty . 054119 00001 dayrell1 - 12 : 30am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *dbowman6 - 11 : 34pm Jan 27 , 1999 EST ( #54073 Don ' t buy the rhetoric of the those who would defend the indefensible with dogged fanaticism . Bill Clinton paternalistically wagged his finger in your face and unabashedly lied to all of us at once . Not only did he lie about the true nature of his sexual relationship with his underling intern but also distorted the meaning of that relationship in a strained and skewed definition of what constitutes a " sexual " relationship in our culture and selfishly ignored its profound impact on our legal system and our young people . This of course is not an impeachable offense per say but it does indicate the extent to which the so-called leader and Chief Law Enforcement Officer of our country would go in order to skew the truth and save his hide ( not his family - they have been subject to his misogyny for years ) . The fact of the matter is that Bill Clinton orchestrated an elaborate scheme to circumvent and politicize a lawsuit brought by an ordinary American citizen Paula Jones in order to thwart the rule of law and block her Constitutionally mandated access to due process . For this he should and will be removed from office by the Senate . The Republican Party has been demonized by the fear mongering radicals that permeate this Forum . They see any Republican as a twisted , distorted devil like image ferrying through their paranoid and active imaginations . Don ' t buy into it - the " blood " of the polarization of the Nation is purely on the hands of the radical Democrats whose prime interest is in disrupting the American political process ( 60 ' s style ) in order to get their way ( hey they think it worked before - and it ' s all they know ) and creating confusion and chaos by their shear rhetoric and " radical street theater " seething stratagems . They will lose - big time - this time . Don ' t be part of the extremism . The Constitution allows for the removal of a President under guidelines that are succinct the process will go smoothly - the Senate will be

          forever held to its decisions on the matter of Clinton ' s crimes - let the history books write the legacy of Clinton and the future of the Democrats . Even Clinton himself quoting the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam said : The moving finger writes . . . and having writ moves on . . . . nor all your piety nor wit can change half a line . . . nor all your tears wash out a word of it . Or better yet , " if it twer done when twer done . . . twer well . " ( Shakespear ) 054120 00001 magnificent77d - 12 : 35am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Webster Hubbell is convicted of tax evasion and mail fraud involving the theft of nearly a half million dollars from his partners at the Rose firm and

          failing to pay nearly $150 , 000 in taxes . After quitting the Justice Department and before going to jail , Hubbell is a busy man . He meets with Hillary Clinton , and follows up by getting together with major scandal figures John Huang , James Riady , and Ng Lapseng . Riady and Huang go to the White House every day from June 21 to June 25 , 1994 according to White House records . Hubbell had breakfast and lunch with Riady on June 23 . Four days later -- and one week after Hubbell ' s meeting with Hillary -- the Hong Kong Chinese Bank , jointly owed by Lippo and the Chinese intelligence services , sends $100 , 000 to Hubbell . Huang , incidentally , formerly worked for the Hong Kong Chinese Bank . Hubbell also receives $400 , 000 from other sources . Three weeks later , according to the Washington Weekly , Huang began working for the Commerce Department , receiving numerous top secret intelligence briefings and making extraordinary use of the fax machine at a Stephens Inc office across the street from Commerce 054121 00001 james . beckwith - 12 : 38am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * " The witnesses and their testimony will be devastating to the cause of the Clinton defenders of the indefensible however . The human face on the proceedings will turn the already ebbing tide against the President completely . " } 00003 *The " human face " that the American public has seen is that of Asa Hutchinson smirking about winning the witness battle or Tom DeLay almost jumping up and down in glee after the articles of impeachment passed . Talk about party discipline and whipping ! The tide turned for most of the American public when Starr presented his preposterous report to the House , and those of us who remembered Lawrence Walsh ' s report as independent prosecutor and were able to compare it to the Starr report . Walsh was as honorable as Starr ' s behaviour has been despicible . On the one hand , we had clearly documented and provable examples of President Reagan lying to the American people and President-to-be Bush lying *under oath* to Congress . On the other , President Clinton lied to the public , his family and associates when he was caught with his pants down ( so to speak . ) It is clear to me which offenses should have resulted in impeachment . It is just as clear that the Clinton impeachment came about because of immoral behaviour on the part of the Republican House leadership , and the allegations stink of an abuse of the power of a blindly partisan Congressional majority . It is this abuse that has me feeling frustrated and powerless , and to me this is the outstanding example of the moral decline of this republic . In response to the comments about the NYT forum moderator allowing attacks on participants , I ' m impressed that the NYT has most likely provided this forum as a public service , a place where we can vent . Nobody reads this except ourselves , those of us who feel powerless and frustrated ( about either side of the question ) can post to our heart ' s delight , and all of us are able to see a small sample of the type of hate that must be received in the White House each day . But I am pleasantly surprised to see that the hate here is spewed by a small handful of fools who seem to have an infinite amount of time for haunting this forum . They are such a small number , show such hate and express it with so little imagination that maybe there is hope for the United States after all . +++ 054122 00001 rikus4 - 12 : 49am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * [[[[[[[####****<> 00003 > 00004 TO smparker1 . 2<<> 00005 Good point about the kneepads . The DemocRATS can sell thier ASS and get a pair of kneepads and kiss Clinton ' s you know and be known as the KNEEPAD PARTY right on . 054123 00001 dbowman6 - 12 : 55am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 Dayrell1 : } 00003 *thank you for thoughtful reponse . I also like Shakespear==in my own way . In

          high school I was forced to read McBeth ; I hated it but I remember a line , " If it most be done , let it be done sweftly . " ( sorry about the spelling ) . 054124 00001 d-fendr - 12 : 59am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *from my seat , I see the hate - as well as the overblown rhetoric - about equal on both sides . sorta follows the federal equal opportunity guidelines for hate , foolishness and jerk behaviour . It ' s a bipartisan agreement I think . 054125 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 03am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) G ' d evening , fellow posters . Looks like we ' re headed for separate votes on guilty and removal . Gives just about everybody an out . 054126 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 04am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *collioure , Say it ain ' t so ! how is this constitutional ? 054127 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 01 : 04am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *WASHINGTON ( AP ) -- In newly unsealed court papers in the Monica Lewinsky investigation , Kenneth Starr says the White House and defense lawyers -- not the prosecutor ' s office -were the prime suspects in a flood of leaks to the news media . Starr ' s court papers focus on the sharing of sensitive information between attorneys for key witnesses and the Clinton White House starting in the initial stages of the Lewinsky scandal . Clinton ' s attorneys scoffed at the suggestion the White House was the source of the leaks , accusing the prosecutor ' s office of ``trying to deflect attention from itself . ' ' Early in the inquiry

          , Clinton lawyer David Kendall kicked off a behind-the-scenes court battle by accusing Starr ' s office of leaking damaging information about the president to the news media . The result is an investigation in which an appointee of U . S . District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson is trying to determine whether Starr ' s office fed grand jury information to reporters in 24 different news stories . After Kendall publicly suggested Feb . 6 that the source for a New York Times story was Starr ' s office , prosecutor Robert Bittman responded with a two-page document filed in federal court pointing to the White House and the lawyer for presidential secretary Betty Currie as the likely sources . Mrs . Currie ' s lawyer , Lawrence Wechsler , says he wasn ' t the source of the story . The newspaper revealed Clinton ' s Jan . 18 discussion with Mrs . Currie about Ms . Lewinsky , a central piece of the perjury and obstruction impeachment charges against Clinton . In the Jan . 18 discussion and a second conversation a few days later , the president made comments to his secretary such as ``Monica came on to me , and I never touched her , right ? ' ' and ``We were never really alone . ' ' Bittman ' s newly unsealed declaration from last February says that ``Lawrence H . Wechsler , private counsel to Ms . Currie , told me ' ' he is ``a longtime friend of Charles F . C . Ruff , White House counsel ' ' and that ``Mr . Ruff referred Ms . Currie to Mr . Wechsler when she ``consulted with Mr . Ruff about getting an attorney . ' ' Bittman said Wechsler ``confirmed to me that the president ' s defense attorneys had been provided the substance of Ms . Currie ' s information in advance of the publication ' ' of the Times article . In the newly unsealed court papers , Starr asserted that ``this White House previously has employed a concentrated strategy of leaking harmful material to the media at an early stage to reduce long-term damage . . . . There is a strong prima facie case that the president and his agents . . . are responsible for many of the alleged `leaks . ' ' ' ``Starr has this habit of pointing fingers at other people to masquerade his own wrongdoing , and this is just another example of that sleight of hand , ' ' White House spokesman Jim Kennedy said Wednesday . In some of the newly unsealed court papers , Kendall stated that ``assuming only for the present that the White House was privy to the Currie information in the ( New York Times ) article , the White House had no interest in early disclosure of the information . ' ' 054128 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 10am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 d-fendr - 01 : 04am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( #54126 } 00004 *Very astute , fendr . I understand the vote on guilty would refer to " certain offenses . " 054129 00001 magnificent77d - 01 : 12am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *The Washington Times reports that Clinton has pardoned without fanfare a gambling pal of his mother . Jack Pakis was convicted under the Organized Crime Control Act , sentenced to two years in prison , but the sentence was suspended . He was fined and put on probation . Pakis had been arrested as part of an FBI sting operation against illegal gambling in Hot Springs . According to the Washington Times , " his trial judge described Mr . Pakis as a professional gambler , part owner of an illegal casino and an illegal bookmaker for football and horse-racing bets . " US District Judge Oren Harris , remarked that the FBI had " reached into Hot Springs to put a stop to gambling that has existed here since the 1920s . " But he suspends the sentence , saying that since local acceptance of gambling was so widespread it would be unfair to send Pakis and his co-defendants to jail . Pakis , incidentally , once owned a piece of the Southern Club -- Al Capone ' s favorite -- in Hot Springs where , as Clinton ' s mom put it in her autobiography , " gangsters were cool and the rules were meant to be bent . " +++ 054130 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 01 : 12am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Good night , all . . . I ' m sorry we don ' t have HTML , but maybe it ' s for the best . It ' s handy for posting articles and linking other posts . Unfortunately there were some who merely used it for posting repeated inanities of sight and sound , and their conspicuous absence since HTML was deleted demonstrates their lack of ideas . Perhaps the NYT has a way to allow links to other news stories only ? I hope so . See you all later . 054131 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 12am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *``Starr has this habit of pointing fingers at other people to masquerade his own wrongdoing . . . ' ' White House spokesman Jim Kennedy said Wednesday . A textbook example of standing truth on its head . 054132 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 13am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 smparker , } 00003 *very true , now I feel better about losing it . 054133 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 14am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 smparker1 . 2 - 01 : 04am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( #54127 } 00004 *That ' s what I ' ve been saying all along . The WH did most of the leaking . Late in this scandal we got insight into situations where the IC could ( and perhaps should ) have leaked to defend itself and didn ' t . The WH had gone public with known lies full well-knowing they wouldn ' t be challenged by the IC . 054134 00001 rikus4 - 01 : 16am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 * [[[[[[[###***<> 00003 > 00004 Clinton , Hubbell , Huang and servel more have committ treason and it is a matter of time until they are caught with it . China has broken the international law but Clinton don ' t care because that is where he gets his money from . Clinton is going down . Before it is over he proable be court martial for treason . He has alreadly committ treason aginst he U . S . of A . and Carter pardon him for it . Tis a real good kneepad party don ' t you think 054135 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 16am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *collioure , in other words , they still haven ' t voted on the articles of impeachment then , if they can vote guilty and not remove , the articles of impeachment logically cannot be the same offenses he is guilty of . what could be clearer : " shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for and Conviction of , Treason , Bribery , or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors " 054136 00001 dayrell1 - 01 : 18am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 ames . beckwith - 12 : 38am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( #54121 } 00003 *Stick around James and you will see the " darker side " of your comrades on the left . Their twisted agenda is clear to all now - their " game plan " for America ' s future is written on the tablets of this Forum for all to see . Unfortunately you buy into the simplistic lock step defense of the indefensible and the floundering apologetics for the " in your face " debauchery of WJC . The rest of America doesn ' t . The Senate also will have no choice but to sound the call to the Sargent of Arms at the White House to escort Bill to the limo for his ride the Helicopter pad and onto the pages of history . No one should take glee in this fact however . This is a tragic page in our Nation ' s history - and unfortunately for Bill those who urged him to " fight to the bitter end " will desert him in the end . You see James there is no real loyalty among those who need to WIN at any cost the sustain of that one more day in afterglow power . The friends you make in those circles are in the end strange strangers indeed . When the phone stops ringing at the Clinton White House - the real spiral into the abyss will begin and because you urged him on with your rhetoric you did him a grave disservice . You should have urged him to tell the truth and admit he lied under oath but , instead you urged him to continue to dig in his heels which eventually became mired in quicksand . Shame on all of you - who selfishly used his fall from grace to garner your own pathetic agendas . 054137 00001 havnaer - 01 : 22am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) > 00002 ollioure1 - } 00003 *RE : i " Looks like we ' re headed for separate votes on guilty and removal . " } 00004 *How can they vote on removal if they don ' t get 2 / 3 guilty ? ? New rule ? ? smparker1 . 2 Nice article , but it provides only an accusation that the WH leaked info based on hearsay evidence that that they may have known the information before it was leaked . Helpful for criminal defense ( reasonable doubt that Starr ' s team leaked ) , but wholly unsuitable as " proof " that WH leaked info to the press . Of course , this is the logic of the Starr team ; if the Prez MIGHT have had the opportunity to do something wrong , it proves that he SURELY DID do something wrong . Guilty until proven innocent . 054138 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 28am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 54138 ) } 00002 *the logic of this attempt seems to infer that redefining character , honesty and justice have not proved enough to save Bill ' s hide , we must now start on the constitution itself . to tear down the tree in order to get the apple you want . why not just pass a constitutional amendment making William Jefferson Clinton exempt from the constraints of the constitution ? +++ 054142 00001 meristar - 01 : 39am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) } 00002 *What is with Clinton ? He bombs a country while he is being impeached and tried ? This man can bomb away to save his face and get away with it . Get away with murder . I am afraid too . I am human and I have fears . I would not like to stand up to this man who has the power to lie in a civil rights lawsuit and then turn around and bomb a whole country to deflect attention from his lie . Did you hear his excuse about the timing ? One of his excuses was he had to bomb the Muslims before Ramadan ! I bet the Muslims were very thankful for his kindness . That is sort of like the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor just before Christmas ! Of course , he kept on bombing after Ramadan too . Ramadan made no difference to him . This is an imperial presidency . Clinton bombed and killed those people as a grandstand for his own power . Hardly anyone around anymore is criticizing the military and imperial presidency . Clinton needs to go . I would like a smaller government with more personal freedom . 054143 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 39am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) > 00002 clsi : } 00003 *And what is the " good behaviour standard for Judges " ? What is the criteria to remove a judge who has not lived up to that ' good behaviour standard ? 054144 00001 magnificent77d - 01 : 41am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) } 00002 *By John McCaslin THE WASHINGTON TIMES Last May , when President and Mrs . Clinton hosted a state dinner honoring Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi , most invited guests had last names ending in " a , " " i " or " o . " Among the exceptions : CNN legal analyst Greta Van Susteren , co- host of " Burden of Proof , " and her lawyer-husband , John P . Coale . Italian or not , the Clintons were happy to greet the couple . Mrs . Van Susteren , fairly or not , was about to be crowned President Clinton ' s " chief cheerleader . " And as for Mr . Coale , an anti-tobacco lawyer and chief negotiator of the 1997 tobacco settlement between the states and the tobacco companies , he was contributing another way . In the past year alone , Federal Election Commission records reveal , Mr . Coale has been a big contributor to the Democratic Party . Among his donations : March 16 , 1998 -- $10 , 000 to the Democratic National Committee May 8 , 1998 -- $5 , 000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee . June 30 , 1998 -- $5 , 000 to Friends of Albert Gore Jr . Sept . 23 , 1998 -- $10 , 000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee . " Yes , I contributed to the Democratic Party , " Mr . Coale tells this column , quick to add , however , that each contribution was made in his name alone . " We file separate tax returns , and our finances are separate , " he says of Mrs . Van Susteren . Furthermore , Mr . Coale says his wife couldn ' t contribute if she wanted to . " They have rules at CNN against that kind of stuff , " he tells us . Sure enough , FEC records we examined show Mrs . Van Susteren made her last political contribution on Sept . 1 , 1994 -- $1 , 000 to Joel Hyatt of Hyatt Legal Services , an unsuccessful Democratic nominee for the Senate seat vacated by his father-in-law , Howard Metzenbaum . 054145 00001 dayrell1 - 01 : 43am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) > 00002 clsi1 - 01 : 35am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( #54140 } 00003 *Well , they got their witnesses didn ' t they ? So what next are you poised to " trash " the witnesses if they burst your self absorbed bubble of pure bunk ? Go ahead , continue to circumvent the rule of law and continue to distort the Constitution - in the end you will be left stranded on your obscure isle of delusion - alone and distitute . 054146 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 43am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) } 00002 *Specificall . . . " The Judges , both of the supreme and inferior Courts , shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour , and shall , at stated Times , receive for their Services a Compensation , which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office " Article III , section 1 054147 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 44am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) } 00002 *About the two votes , conviction and removal . If the Demos want to go on record keeping a convicted Perjuror and Obstructor in the highest office in the land . . . so be it . It will be on them , about the scum they support . Meanwhile , full steam ahead for the Republican agenda and campaign machines . Algore ' s going to get the kind of Global Warming he didn ' t plan on . . . 054148 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 45am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) } 00002 *yes , > 00003 clsi , } 00004 *yes , you repeat , that is how they " shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour " but , let ' s say a judge does not exhibit ' good behaviour . ' How then is he / she removed ? what are the constitution methods and criteria to remove said judge ? 054149 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 50am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) } 00002 *I happen to still have my Constitutional Law text / case book and it is close at hand if anyone actually is curious . I would also suggest that all of the Materials I mentioned are on the Web . Look , I do not believe that because one is a Republican or Democrat they are either unreasonable or irrational . I simply believe that we get so much distorted crap thrown at us by unscrupulous people with political agenda ' s that if anyone really wants to know the answer to something they need to read it for themsleves . Reading the Constitution , The Federalist Papers , The anti-Federalist Papers , a Criminal Law Case book , etc . will really help one develop their own thoughts on this issue , their governement in general , and their civic place . . . 054150 00001 puckstein - 01 : 50am Jan 28 , 1999 EST ( of 55761 ) } 00002 *What is it with those who have recently posted stuff ? Are you all under 40 ? The Viet Nam war was an event that those in power - Kennedy , Johnson and Nixon - deceived us all and should have been tried for high crimes and misdemeanors . Now a lot of you get totally hung up on a sexual cover up . Just remember a lot of Americans died for their lies . Boy all of you should get a clue . This country needs to get beyond this BS ! There is no honesty in all of Wahington at ALL ! ! ! +++ 990129 055644 00001 d-fendr - 12 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55767 ) } 00002 *January 25 , 1999 ZOGBY AMERICA POLL The poll of 993 likely voters throughout the United States was conducted January 19-21 , 1999 . Who do you blame most for this case - the President or the Republicans in Congress ? President 44 . 5 Republicans 30 . 7 Both 18 . 4 Neither 4 . 3 Not sure 2 . 2 055645 00001 tna1pada3 - 12 : 56am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55767 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 dentedfender } 00004 *Hijack . 055646 00001 willie_the_worm - 12 : 56am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55767 ) } 00002 *Geez ! , now it has been revealed that tom delay , clinton ' s stauchest opponent , has been found to have fudged the facts and most likely commited perjury in a business deal in 1994 and lied under oath . And this paragon of morality has the audacity to point the finger at Clinton ? What rocks do these republicans crawl out from under ? See the New Republic articles . 055647 00001 d-fendr - 12 : 59am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55767 ) } 00002 *Are the Republicans frightened ? Jan . 27 , 1999 William Buckley Republican legislators need a little cheer . What is being said is that they will be punished by the voters -Republican congressmen , for voting impeachment ; Republican senators , for voting conviction . The line of defense being used by party officials is what you would expect : The Constitution provides an avenue for disqualifying a president from continued office ; this president has offended the Constitution by lying and attempting to subvert justice ; for that reason he was impeached ; and for that reason , Republican senators will vote to convict . So you don ' t like that ? Well , madam , put it in your pipe and smoke it . The whole thing has become tiresome , as certainly newspaper columnists will attest . But one wonders at this point not so much whether the apparent endlessness of it all is going to put us all to sleep . The more interesting question is whether , in the days before the next election in the year 2000 , it will be possible to acknowledge the motives of what Republican congressmen , and a few Democrats , actually did . They reacted to what President Clinton did and said . How would you describe what he did and said ? Well , why not quote from his most eloquent defender , former senator Dale Bumpers , who brought the whole country to a standstill in admiration of his plea not to convict his old friend . What Clinton did , Bumpers said , was " indefensible , outrageous , unforgivable , shameless . " Bumpers means by indefensible , we deduce , something which you can defend -after all , Clinton was only trying to cover up a sex thing . He means by unforgivable , something you can forgive . After all , Clinton was only , well , only trying to cover up a sex thing . That leaves us with only outrageous and shameless . And what do you do when you behave outrageously and shamelessly ? You call your lawyers . Time magazine ' s Nancy Gibbs neatly describes Clinton ' s hectic activity during that uproarious week at the end of which what seemed the entire country celebrated the survival of Mr . Clinton . Included in the charts of public opinion is the answer to the question , " All things considered , 25 years from now do you think Bill Clinton will be remembered more for : His accomplishments as president ? -- 18 percent . Controversies over his personal life and financial dealings ? -- 72 percent . " And the GOP is supposed to worry about November , 22 months from now ? 055648 00001 tamerlane2 - 01 : 00am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55767 ) } 00002 *You republicans have always wrapped yourselves in ' Old Glory ' . Well , this time the flag is your winding sheet . You ' ve dug the hole , garbed yourselves in the shroud of a scoundrel and two weeks from now the earth will cover your treason . 055649 00001 smparker1 . 2 - 01 : 02am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55767 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 29 / 99 12 : 47am } 00003 *You must keep in mind that cult of personality worship leads people to believe the most brazenly outlandish stories---promoted and perpetuated by aparatchiks like Cheryl Mills---that put the object of their worship into god-like mythology . In the 1960 ' s a famous photo of Mao pictured him swimming in the Yangtse River with several commrades . The story filed by the China News Agency stated that Mao covered the distance between two points ( about 4 miles ) in a time that would have shattered every existing world swimming record . Quite a feat for a man in his late ' 60 ' s , at the very least . These are part and parcel of the descent into cult of personality worship that turns otherwise normal ( although weak-minded ) individuals into Stepford clones . 055650 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 02am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55767 ) } 00002 *Are the Republicans frightened ? ( CONT ' D ) Jan . 27 , 1999 William Buckley Here is the nature of the frustration being felt by those who do really believe that what Mr . Clinton did was indefensible and outrageous . It is that in our culture , it is simply not possible to give to a president authority as a detached political technician . It is a part of human nature to admire and even to love people who exercise great power . Ivan the Terrible was cheered by the crowds and beseeched not to give up his crown . Stalin and Hitler brought on thunderous public approval . One day after Mr . Clinton ' s State of the Union address , one week after 20 hours ' enumeration of the deeds and words that caused Dale Bumpers to assert the need to forgive the unforgivable , Clinton was in Buffalo , speaking at a great rally . The minister who gave the invocation called him " the greatest president for our people of all time . " Twenty-five years from now , will they be saying that he was the greatest president because of his political ability to surmount the consequences of his own conduct ? By that standard , is O . J . Simpson a considerable historical figure for surmounting the evidence against him ? Well , yes , he is , in a way . But he isn ' t a hero when he travels to Buffalo . Will the Republicans who stand by the moral and constitutional imperatives be assaulted , in November 2000 , for having kept open the question of Mr . Clinton ' s removal ? But what will the opponents of the GOP incumbents say ? That it just plain does not matter if a president ' s conduct is unforgivable and outrageous and indefensible ? " There were those , " Whittaker Chambers once wrote , " who at the great nightfall , took pains to preserve the tokens of hope and truth . " Republicans apprehensive about the stand they have taken , one suspects , will have much less difficulty than is supposed , when they frame the question to the voters as the question should be framed . And if the marginal voters actually discharge a representative for acting as the majority in the House have acted , that representative can be forgiven if he answers that his separation from presumptive ties with his constituency is a development not only bearable , but welcome . +++ 055651 00001 thermopylae1 - 01 : 03am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55766 ) } 00002 §055652 spinthis - 01 : 04am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55766 ) } 00003 *Greenspan Reacts to GOP Deja-Voodoo Tax Plan . I always find it curious when I read the GOP posts on this forum . They must all be very wealthy folks or else they did not pass 3rd grade math . Exhibit A : 62 Percent of GOP ' s Tax Cut Would Benefit Wealthiest One-Tenth of Taxpayers . This week , Congressional GOP leaders touted their support for an across-the-board 10 percent income tax cut , saying that hard working families need tax relief . But according to an analysis by Citizens for Tax Justice , 62 percent of the proposed GOP tax cuts would go to the wealthiest one-tenth of taxpayers : For taxpayers making less than $38 , 000 -- 60 percent of all taxpayers -- the average tax cut would be less than $99 a year . But for taxpayers making more than $301 , 000 -- only 1 percent of all taxpayers -- the average tax cut would be $20 , 697 a year . [Citizens For Tax Justice Press Release , 1 / 20 / 99] 055653 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 07am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55766 ) } 00002 *A View Into The Logical Mind of > 00003 Spinthis } 00004 *1 ) Richer people make more money , pay a higher tax rate , pay more taxes . 2 ) Too many taxes were paid , we were over charged , hence a surplus . 3 ) Paying back more of the overcharges to those were overcharged more is unfair . Voilá , through the magic of bad logic , liberal media and a gullible uninformed public we have : GOP ' s Tax Cut Would Benefit Wealthiest One-Tenth of Taxpayers 055654 00001 lashlaru1 - 01 : 09am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55766 ) } 00002 *My dear Republicans : Look . . . it ' s simple . The main reason why Monica doesn ' t want to testify is because she will lose some big bucks if she does . If she tells her story now as a senate witness , her planned paid TV interview with Barbara Walters would be dumped . After all , as even the tabloids can tell you , old stories don ' t sell . 055655 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 11am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55766 ) > 00002 lashlaru : } 00003 *Imagine the advances for a book co-authored by Monica and Jane Doe #5 . 055656 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 14am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55766 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 thermopylae1 1 / 29 / 99 1 : 03am } 00004 *TWO Clinton votes , Mr . Rosenthal ? Hey , all you ' re looking for now is absolution ! +++ 055657 00001 eaglehill1 - 01 : 14am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) } 00002 *So the venerable Wm . F . Buckley has finally stated the obvious : The whole thing has become tiresome I quess the rest of the country knew that right along . A game forced on us by yahoo Republican zanies to convince their donors that although they couldn ' t pass Newt ' s Contract , they ' d get the bogeyman . Its politics , not principles . My favorite House Manager : Lindsay Graham- what a gas ! He ' s dopey , yet non-threatening . Dobie Gillis but , sheesh , Mc Collum made me squirm- hope this is his only day in the sun . What a voice . 055658 00001 thermopylae1 - 01 : 14am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 29 / 99 1 : 11am } 00003 *When ole Webb goes back to the clink he can make a few bucks by selling a gallon of blood to the Canadians . Bill will make the arrangements , just like old times . 055659 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 16am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) } 00002 *whoa > 00003 Thermo , } 00004 *Tainted Blood . . my , the only problem with investigating Clinton ' s corruption is where to stop . 055660 00001 thermopylae1 - 01 : 17am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 collioure1 1 / 29 / 99 1 : 14am } 00003 *AM Rosnethal , et al , are like the British General who built the Bridge Over the River Kwai . They are finally realizing just what the hell they have done . 055661 00001 vlombardi - 01 : 18am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 lashlaru1 1 / 29 / 99 1 : 09am } 00003 *The main reason why Monica doesn ' t want to testify is because she will lose some big bucks if she does . Not so fast : Monica ' s immunity from prosecution only holds if she tells the truth . Therefore , she can ' t have all kinds of revelations later . . . not in a book and not to Barbara Walters ! 055662 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 18am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) } 00002 *Speaking of Rep Graham , a view from Chicago . . . Chicago Sun Times 1 / 27 / 99 Dennis Byrne Graham is proving to have one of the clearest minds and most eloquent voices in the Senate chamber , including those hide-bound senators who prattle on about their superior dignity . To those who insist the president didn ' t lie or obstruct justice , Graham asked : Do you really believe the president ' s story that his memory was so poor that he had to ask his secretary twice if he actually had been alone with Monica Lewinsky ? 055663 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 20am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 Spinner . . . } 00003 * " Bill Clinton is an unusually good liar , unusually good , do you understand ? " ( Kerry , D , Nebraska ) } 00004 *So , your posted attempts to divert attention away from the root of the cancer---your hero Clinton----are failing miserably . Drink the grape kool-aid . Your neutered man ' s toast . But , you have a right to free speech , too . . . just don ' t get so obviously hysterical , OK ? 055664 00001 thermopylae1 - 01 : 22am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) } 00002 ++ 055665 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 23am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 dfender - } 00003 *It ' s me . . . have you thought about what we discussed ? Each Article has it ' s own standards for " removal " . Legislative - Article 1 , sec . 4 . 2 - The standard and means to expel a Senator or Congressman . Judicial - Article III , sec . 1 , the standard by which a judge can be removed . HHe is removed by the Senate who also confirms him . Executive Article II , sec 4 - The " Impeachment Clause " for the Executive . 055666 00001 lashlaru1 - 01 : 23am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) } 00002 *My dear Republicans : Wow ! . . . a news story is now breaking about Tom DeLay . . . an allegation that he has committed perjury in a previous dealing . . . stay tuned . Hmnn , isn ' t Larry Flynt about ready to dump doo doo on him and Dick Armey ? Oh my ! . . . when it rains , it pours . 055667 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 23am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 d-fendr - 01 : 18am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55662 } 00004 *Yep , fendr , Graham has shined brilliantly throughout this process - clear , independent thinker . Sen Gordon Smith ( R , Ore ) unleashed a good one on the Hardball I am just watching now The Democrats are giving us sex and lies with no videotape ! 055668 00001 thermopylae1 - 01 : 23am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) } 00002 *And now for the rest of the story . . . " . . . If we were in other countries , we would all right now , all of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death and we ' d go to their homes [of impeachment advocates] and we ' d kill their wives and children . " Currently , media superstar James Carville is the " New " Democrat ' s principal spokesman -- and President Clinton ' s strongest defender . In his own words , Carville is " waging a war of retribution " against all conservative Republicans . In the 18th century , Edmund Burke , the British father of modern conservatism , noted that " for tyranny to prevail simply requires that enough good men do nothing . " Today , I am a constituent of Sen . Joseph Lieberman -- who as a founder of the " New Democrats " also holds himself out to be piously religious . I am disappointed that he ( like Sen . Dodd ) remains smilingly silent and " does nothing " to disassociate himself from those of his , and my , fellow Democrats who have become hate mongers . Is there now no voice among the " New Democrats " that will speak out to denounce the hate-mongering of the likes of Dershowitz , Baldwin and Carville ? Jerome Zeifman served as chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the Nixon impeachment proceedings . A retired lawyer , he is now writing a book titled " Twice in a Lifetime : The impeachments of Richard Nixon and William J . Clinton " about his role in both . 055669 00001 jammerbirdi - 01 : 24am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 12 : 47am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55637 of 55642 ) } 00003 *That ' s all very interesting d . but where did you get this stuff ? How does anyone go back to any of the principles in this to refute or confirm any of this very slanted take on some old information ? Let me ask you : did you follow Bill Clinton around back in Arkansas ? Did you conduct an investigation yourself ? Or did you get this from a publication that can be said to be unfriendly to Bill Clinton ? I was around state and local politics and politicians even as a child , and if there is one thing that has been omni-present in American politics forever it is cronyism ( spelling ? ) . That BC promoted his lover over someone else ( whose qualifications we do not know ) is not a surprise ( unless your viewpoint on politics is from the naive periphery ) nor should it be considered unusual because , believe me , it isn ' t . But what is alarming is that some cretin taped the conversation so that what is commonplace and unpleasant ( like bathroom activities ) can then be revealed for all of us to shudder at . And leave the guy ' s dead mother alone . You ' re better than that . 055670 00001 thermopylae1 - 01 : 25am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 lashlaru1 1 / 29 / 99 1 : 23am } 00003 *You are pathetic . 055671 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 26am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 clsi : } 00003 *Kindly quote for me the section in the constitution that defines the term of office of judges . Kindly quote for me the section in the constitution that defines the criteria for removing a judge before the end of said term of office . 055672 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 27am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55765 ) > 00002 dfendr - } 00003 *I spoke about this with a friend of mine who is a Judge . He concurrs . +++ 055673 00001 thermopylae1 - 01 : 28am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *THE CLINTON DEFENSE ? E . Telegraph 01 / 22 / 99 Mark Steyn SPEAKING OF LIES : Here ' s my favorite " take " ( so far ) on the White House Defense : By Mark Steyn , London : Consulting my own notes , I find Clinton attorney Greg Craig ' s defiant evisceration of the perjury charge : the President " did not deny he had misled his aides ; he said , in fact , he had misled his aides . So the President wasn ' t lying about telling the truth ; he was telling the truth about lying . If , instead of telling the truth about not telling the truth , he ' d lied about lying , then he wouldn ' t have been telling the truth . " But , just as he ' d got that cleared up , Greg complicated things : " He never said that he told them only true things . " So the President hadn ' t lied when he said he ' d told the truth because , although he lied , he hadn ' t exclusively lied , so therefore he was telling the truth about telling the truth , although he ' d also have been telling the truth if he ' d said he ' d lied , and , although he ' d have been lying if he said he hadn ' t lied , he ' d have been lying if he said he hadn ' t told the truth . 055674 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 29am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *yes , > 00003 jammerbird , } 00004 *let ' s let John Gotti go . That mobster that helped tape him discussing murdering his opponents was just horrible . 055675 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 31am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 thermopylae1 - 01 : 17am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55660 } 00004 *A . M . Rosenthal is a pretty crusty cookie . Tough on crime , Iraq , Palestinians - think he was editor at one time . But anybody who voted for Clinton a second time after all the revelations ( by Woodward , Maraniss . . . ) deserved exatly what they got . They ran the WH like a college fraternity for the first two years . Clinton ' s lack of focus on world affairs was evident to anyone over the age of 5 . . . All the rope-a-dope stuff from the ' 96 campaign . The funny money exposed before election day . . . The lack of direction and soul . 055676 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 31am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *Then have your judge friend call the senate fast , they ' ve been impeaching judges under Article II Section 4 for almost two centuries . 055677 00001 thermopylae1 - 01 : 32am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *The infidels have scattered to the four winds , I bid you all goodnight . 055678 00001 carldenis - 01 : 33am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Recently , Mr . C has taken to laying his best red carpets to visiting dignitaries , going out of his way to be obsequious . He seems to need foreigners approvals to spin his way into the next two years . As a result of his courting outside votes , budding dictators have shed the lambs clothing and are sporting claws . To wit : The Dom . Rep . and Haiti . Yet , articles are being suppressed , specially about Haiti where Mr . C ' s influence was greatest . Why the blackout ? Another spin ? What kind of undue concessions are being made in exchange for an endorsement by an impeached Prez ? It ' s give and take . Food for thought . What concessions is he granting that he otherwise would have not ? 055679 00001 lelande1 - 01 : 34am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *For those of you who support Clinton , if you don ' t remember anything , remember this : I ' m an American before I ' m a Republican . And , had the democrats controlled Congress the past six years , we would have had an Imperial President the likes of which we would have never experienced in our short history as a nation . Guess who has the goods on Democrats as well as Republicans ? And , guess who is using it ? The shocker to me is that there are so many people on that payroll . History will undoubtedly prove them to be disloyal to the system we call , The United States of America . These are indeed perilous times . I have heard that the DNC along with the liberal elite in the Democrat Party have come out with a platform that excelerates the march toward socialism . Get the plan and read it . I am curious to know how many of you posters , on this site , agree with the plan . Is it just Republicans ' right to free speach that Clinton supporters want to condemn and eliminate or is it also the American people ' s rights ? Hm ! 055680 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 34am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 thermopylae1 - 01 : 28am Jan 29 , 1999

          EST ( §§055673 } 00004 *Thanks for clearing that up for us . 00005 Better than Abbott and Costello doing " Who ' s on First ? " 055681 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 35am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 dfendr - } 00003 *Look . You are obviously a little more intelligent than the average bear . We both went through this last night and I just pointed to the precise language . Please , put aside republicans and democrats as niether wrote the Constitution and think about it . This is really interesting . Hey , niether side is bothering to explain the issue in detail , and in truth , because they both think the population is too stupid and lazy to even try to understand . It hit me today that the greatest danger to the Republic is that we stop being thinkers involved with system . We just belive that the issues are what big brother tells us they are . Remember , the Federalist papers were published in the news papers in New York for public consumption and debate . The people were deeply interested in their system of government and thought about it criticaly . We have lost that and that is why we are here . . 055682 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 36am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *I ' d be interested in your friend ' s response to this : From the Watergate staff 1974 : Does Article III , Section 1 of the Constitution , which states that judges " shall hold their Offices during good behavior , " limit the relevance of the ten impeachments of judges with respect to presidential impeachment standards as has been argued by some ? It does not . . . [T]he only impeachment provision . . . included in the Constitution . . . applies to all civil officers , including judges , and defines impeachment offenses as " Treason , Bribery , and other high Crimes and Misdemeanors . " ( 1974 Judiciary Committee Report , page 17 ) +++ 055683 00001 jammerbirdi - 01 : 36am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 thermopylae1 - 01 : 23am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55668 of 55669 ) } 00003 *In the 18th century , Edmund Burke , the British father of modern conservatism , noted that " for tyranny to prevail simply requires that enough good men do nothing . This quote makes a point that weakens your position . Carville , Dershowitz , and Baldwin ( what did he say ? ) are outraged , as am I , as are many other Americans , that a strictly partisan effort is being made to remove a president . Why should they cool their anger before lashing out ? Many Americans have given their lives in ugly wars to protect our political processes . You call it hate mongering but I see it as a political and cultural war of oppression and power being waged over the expressed will of most Americans . When the republicans call off the dogs then those defending the president will put away the sticks and stones . 055684 00001 lashlaru1 - 01 : 36am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 vlombardi : } 00003 *Exactly . According to several professional press agents discussing the issue on a radio talk show today , if Monica tells her story as a witness , her worth as a subsequent paid TV guest is nil , since no one would pay to hear the same story . . . one already told , knowing that there would be no new revelations . The only thing new that Monica has at this point in time is the sound of her voice ; and once the world has heard her voice as she testifies , she has nothing left to sell . . . 055685 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 38am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *Ask yourself this : Am I trying to find a way to achieve an outcome or am I honestly looking at the rules of the process ? If the constitution ' s articles you cite as the ones defining how judges are impeached , then where is the constitutional definition on how long a judge shall serve ? 055686 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 39am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *OK . . . this is rather pointless . I suppose it is more effective to trade meaningless one line barbs . Kind political elevator music . . 055687 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 40am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *To simplify , please quote from the constitution : the length of the term of office for judges . What are the words from the constitution that tell us how long a judge shall serve ? 055688 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 43am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 clsil } 00004 *The people were deeply interested in their system of government and thought about it criticaly . We have lost that and that is why we are here . . No . We are here because we have a very political administration headed by a President who acted recklessly and thought the could thumb his nose at the law . Do not forget his statement . " Well then , we ' ll just have to win . " 055689 00001 eaglehill1 - 01 : 45am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *yep , I ' m a knee-jerk liberal who thinks BC lied to a grand jury in that his answers were at best misleading and incredulous , especially the Betty Currie conversation , and probably obstructed justice . So why not throw da bum out ? Look at the setting- he was set up by Starr and the Jones team , they knew he ' d either lie or obfuscate in some manner and that gave Starr his big break ( 5 years , $50Million ) , but no one made him lie about a stupid affair that deep down he knew he ' d get caught at . And , oy , when Mamma Hillary finds out . . . The guy ' s out of control in the zipper department . So why do I want to see him go free ? Because Bubba is battlin ' the zanies ! The Zanies who fought every piece of gender equality legislation and now want to help Paula Jones get justice . The Zanies who even now have soft and not-so-soft ties to the Klan and other race supremicists and now want to tout their reverence to the " rule of law " The Zanies and their heirs who fought the Social Security act back in the 30 ' s and even now want to eviscerate it and yet get up to defend " the sacred trust " The Zanies who claim to revere the Constitution and yet continually try to make America a " Christian " country . ya , Bill ' s a liar and obstructor ( ? ) I don ' t care , keep fighting . The right-wing can claim moral victory but you ' ll be there to fight them on the big moral issues . 055690 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 46am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Another curious fact of the media spin : Did you guys notice how everything was soooo " Bipartisan " when it was going Clinton ' s way , right about the State of the Union Showtime ? If the Demos were defecting ( bless Feingold ) , would it be deemed " Bipartisan " by the press ? No way . It ' s only " bipartisan " if the Republicans are giving Clinton what he wants in his playpen , with his binky and his blanket . . . No more " bipartisan " ( read : Enable Clinton ) antics will do . The Republicans are not afraid of those hoky polls , which have been documented now to skip 11 states altogether because those states are " too conservative " . . . Onward with the trial . And bring Monica , Sidney , and Vernon to the well of the Senate . What is Clinton so afraid of ? ? ? 055691 00001 jammerbirdi - 01 : 47am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 01 : 29am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55674 of 55685 ) } 00003 *yes , jammerbird , let ' s let John Gotti go . That mobster that helped tape him discussing murdering his opponents was just horrible . } 00004 *Surely d . you don ' t compare common political sugar-daddy cronyism to murder , extortion and racketeering ? And you ' re not comparing one mobster taping another with the help of the feds to some girlfriend taping common conversations with no one ' s interests but her own in mind ? 055692 00001 lashlaru1 - 01 : 47am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Nite nite , my fellow sophists : Remember . . . stay tuned for the story about Tom DeLay ' s perjury . Byeeee +++ 055693 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 47am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Look impeachment itself is a generic term . I impeached a witness . I was impeached by the trial court . The " Impeachment Clause " in the Article II applies to the subject of the Article , The Executive . It even says so . . President , Vice President , a dn Civil Offices . A Judge is a Judicial Officer . The Judiciary is defined in Article III . In section 1 of that Article it states a judge may serve during a term of good behaviour . Article I which defined the Congress , defines the standard of bevhaviour for Senators and Congressmen i . e . may be punished for disorderly behaviour and with the Concurrance of two thirds , expelled . In Article II the standard to impeach the President is high crimes and misdeamors . Misdeamors means literally misdeeds . The word high

          modifies both words . High crimes and ( high ) misdeeds . . . When a judge has been impeached that is in the generic sence of the word . . like you have been sued . Clearer . . . 055694 00001 dickburke1 - 01 : 49am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *I was interested in the Libertarian view until I realized 45 million people can ' t get health care in the richest nation . I looked at Democrats until I saw they thought nothing was wrong with 700$ toilet seats . I looked at Republicans until I realized they only wanted small government so they could make the world safe for RePubliCorp , a single monster corporation controlling all prices , and Big Government to determine personal choices , very Big Government . So what is left . . Stalin ? Ho Chi Minh ? Pol Pot ? Clinton the Barr-barian ? I don ' t see any point worshipping office holders . 055695 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 50am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *It would be really helpful to take 30 minutes and carefully read through the Constitution . 055696 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 52am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 jammerbird , } 00003 *I was just using your logic . Abuse of power isn ' t so bad , what we should really abhor is taping one friends . Even if it ' s a friend that is trying to get you to commit perjury . Just applying your logic . 055697 00001 jammerbirdi - 01 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 collioure1 - 01 : 43am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55688 of 55691 ) } 00003 *Do not forget his statement . " Well then , we ' ll just have to win . " Don ' t forget the source of this alleged statement , that paragon of truth and justice , Dick Morris . It is amazing how you guys hang the stars on the most refutable testimony . Dick Morris ? Really . 055698 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *I have . And I appreciate you doing so as well , wish more would . Where we disagree is not that folks should read the constitution , but on what it clearly states . No offense , but I think your conclusions are only possible if you wish a certain outcome , and look for any way to justify it . And , you come up with a very weak logical case . The logical problem with your argument is that there is only one place , one phrase in the constitution that describes the length of office for judges . And it is the one you wish to turn into a constitutional provision for removing judges . There is only one place in the constitution that provides for the removal of all civil officers , including judges , and defines impeachment offenses as Treason , Bribery , and other high Crimes and Misdemeanors . And you wish to create a second one for judges . To have a separate provision for judges to be removed you cite the provision on the length of a judges term . Impeachment is about removing a judge before his term is up . You maintain there are two standards : one for removing judges and one for removing the president . If there were , you could cite it . There is only one . The same one that has been used to remove over a dozen judges . I appreciate your reading and your efforts , but it goes nowhere and was properly abandoned , even by the president ' s lawyers . 055699 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 dickburke1 - 01 : 49am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( §§055694 } 00004 *REAING COMP BUZZER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 45 million can ' t get health care ? WRONG ! DEAD WRONG ! 45 million do not have health care INSURANCE . EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY HAS HEALTH CARE EVERYONE ! ! ! ! 055700 00001 tatufr1 - 01 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Eaglehill , about the " voices " of the airwaves . . . my two un-favorites are tied for first place : Lanny Davis ( like fingernails on a chalkboard ) and Greta Van Sustern , O . J . and Clintonapologist-extraordinaire . . . 055701 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Remember folks . . . the house has given up on the perjury charge . Can ' t prove it . So under the Constitution we love he isn ' t a perjurer . They were at deaths door with obstuction because the fact don ' t prove it . . . so lets get more facts . . . so he ' s not an obstructor . . Now he lied about sex with Monica and probably about the same stuff every other President has lied to us about . . . That ' s about it . . . 055702 00001 clsi1 - 01 : 57am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Boy is that Health statement an living example of social darwinism . Long Live Marie Antoinette -- Let them eat cake ! ! ! ! ! +++ 055703 00001 collioure1 - 01 : 58am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 jammerbirdi - 01 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55697 } 00004 *I listen to Dick Morris for his unparalleled political wisdom . Miscalled the ' 98 election . Any others ? 055704 00001 carldenis - 01 : 59am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *ciao ! Sleep is claiming me 055705 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 01am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 clsil } 00004 *Look before you leap , honey . I ' m one of the 45 million without health insurance . Haven ' t had it for 3 years . Wanted it and didn ' t have it for major operation in ' 97 . Once more with feeling Everyone in this country has health care . Everyone ! 055706 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 01am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *as to exposing both perjury and obstruction in one tight little question , quoting Rep . Graham : " Do you really believe the president ' s story that his memory was so poor that he had to ask his secretary twice if he actually had been alone with Monica Lewinsky ? " 055707 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 02am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 dfndr - } 00003 *A term in any contract may defined my some future action . . i . e . until you don ' t behave good . The word term is actually used in that section . . . a term of good behaviour . . . that is the term . . . . what happens when they don ' t behave good ? The people that appointed them say their term is up . Now , get an emanuel Law Outlines for Constitutional Law . It is used in all Law Schools to actually prepare for exams . They have one for every standard law class one must take ( They also have Blacks ) . I got mine out to make sure I was accurate . . . I really am . . . 055708 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 04am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 clsil } 00004 *The House hasn ' t given up on the perjury charge . The obstruction is and always was the biggie , and it avoids difficult subjects . Don ' t leave so soon . You still could get one right . 055709 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 05am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 clsil } 00004 *You ' re a lawyer-enabler ? 055710 00001 dickburke1 - 02 : 05am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *I found a long form letter in my mailbox from Linda R . Tripp asking for money . She presents herself as a powerless , victimized whistleblower . I read the whole thing . It seems she cannot pay her legal bills . She still works for the Pentagon but they set up a terminal at home so she doesn ' t have to set foot in the place . She says she can ' t do normal things any more , like go to the store or gas station . She left out reference to book deals etc . Nothing about Goldberg , Foster etc . Just asking for money . She got in over her head and knows it . 055711 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 05am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *No . . . I think Clinton asked that question primaraly to find out what Betty Curry would say . . . . which isn ' t abstruction . . . . So is it poerjury because he didn ' t say that ? No , can anyone ever prove that he didn ' t also " forget " some things ? Nope . . That is why perjury must really be substanative to stick . . . ex : " I have never seen the murder weapon " . Then we find a sales reciept for the gun in his name and signed by him AND the salesperson says he sold it to him . 055712 00001 jammerbirdi - 02 : 07am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 collioure1 - 01 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55699 of 55701 ) } 00003 *EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY HAS HEALTH CARE EVERYONE ! ! ! ! You so obviously are incorrect . There are other forms of health care besides EMERGENCY health care . And free clinics don ' t begin to address the health care of millions of Americans without insurance . And even if you have insurance , the insurance companies ' mismanagement of their customer ' s coverages are fast becoming legend in this country . Can ' t pay for an operation that someone else can , too bad . Just go ahead and DIE ! Wake up , pal . You could be next . +++ 055713 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 08am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *re your post : } 00004 * " A term in any contract may defined my some future action . . i . e . until you don ' t behave good The word term is actually used in that section . . . a term of good behaviour . . . that is the term . " } 00005 *sorry , but its : " The Judges , both of the supreme and inferior Courts , shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour . . " However , for the president it is : " He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years . . " so , you got it right , just backwards . : ) 055714 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 09am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *OK . . . have you been to Appliachia lately ? Watts ? The Huff district in Cleveland ? These areas have an infant mortality rate on par with Senegal . . . No everyone does not have health care , or the understanding when it is needed , or the means to even get to it . . . 055715 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 09am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 clsil } 00004 *Vying for this Forum ' s Naivete Award of the Month ? It ' s amazing how you enablers allow that a guy with a no-fault memory would have so many lapses . Just amazing . 055716 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 10am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *I stand corrected ! ! Although the result is the same . . . 055717 00001 tatufr1 - 02 : 11am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 Jammerbirdie . . . } 00003 *Love him or hate him , Dick Morris is usually on-target with his predictions of the Emperor With No Clothes moves . . . . 055718 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 11am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 * " I was trying to refresh my memory " is perjury about a crime . Lying about an attempt to coach a witness . Unless of course you really believe that his memory was so poor that he had to ask his secretary twice if he actually had been alone with Monica Lewinsky ? 055719 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 12am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *The enabler is the Bill of Rights . . . . the accuser must meet it ' s burden of proof . . . for all of us . . . 055720 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 12am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 jammerbirdi } 00004 *Once more with feeling EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY HAS HEALTH CARE EVERYONE ! ! ! ! However Skid Row bums probably won ' t be first in line for heart transplants , much as you bleeding hearts would like them to be . 055721 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 13am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *so you are wrong about it but you are right . You have a future with this administration . : ) 055722 00001 jammerbirdi - 02 : 13am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55764 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 01 : 52am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( §§055696 of 55712 ) } 00003 *jammerbird , Just applying your logic . } 00004 *You ' re obviously much more intelligent than anyone gives you credit for so you needn ' t lower yourself to my level . The logic that you applied was your own . +++ 055723 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 14am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *And some folks wonder why the house managers keep calling on the senate to have some common sense . . . 055724 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 15am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *The point is not what one suspects , or even believes . The issue is what one can prove beyond a reasonable doubt . If this meets that threshold for you . . . proof beyond a reasonable doubt . . then thats fine . . . I suspect he wasn ' t being quite so truthful . . . but I can ' t prove it . I wouldn ' t convict you or him on that . . . 055725 00001 dickburke1 - 02 : 16am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *We yammer about Clinton ' s gonads while accountants determine who lives , who dies . A LAWYER died recently in LA who was covered by Aetna . They denied care and buried him in red tape until he died . His wife sued and won 121 million . Aetna claimed it was unjust . After they killed him . Unjust . But we talk about Clinton ' s gonads . The guy Aetna killed was an attorney with stomach cancer , a fairly young attorney , not a typical HMO victim . Clinton ' s gonads uber alles . 055726 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 17am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) > 00002 Jammerbird , } 00003 *I quoted an article that used tape recordings of Clinton abusing power , your reply basically was , ' isn ' t it

          horrible that someone would tape record their phone conversation . ' Your logic : Clinton suborning perjury ? , no problem , Monica suborning perjuy ? no big deal ; it ' s all these folks that record these illegal actions that we

          should really be wary of . 055727 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 18am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 clsil } 00004 *No , I think the enabler is you , honey . It ' s patently obvious from some of your remarks here this evening . You want the case proven ? Hey , most of the Senators agree that he perjured himself and obstructed justice - and you will eventually hear this voice loud and clear . I hope that ' s enough for you - like 70 or more votes for guilty , censure . . . 055728 00001 tatufr1 - 02 : 18am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) > 00002 Clsil , } 00003 *most of thinking America refuses to do the mental gymnastics it takes to believe ANYTHING Clinton says . He ' s neutered , he ' s limping to the finish line , and he ' s taking Algore down with him . As the Elizabeth Dole and George W . Bush campaigns get very organized , well- funded , and ready to take on Algore and anyone else the Demos may want to sacrifice in 2000 . . . 055729 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 20am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *Yes I was right that the term a judge serves is during period of good behaviour . . . the term a President serves is four years . . . Your other comment is somewhat germane . . . I wouldn ' t run but I trying to talk a friend of mine , a former republican judge turned democrat , into running for a retiring republican congressional seat next term . . . who knows . . . 055730 00001 jammerbirdi - 02 : 21am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) > 00002 tatufr1 - 02 : 11am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55717 of 55722 ) } 00003 *Jammerbirdie . . . Love him or hate him , Dick Morris is usually on-target with his predictions of the Emperor With No Clothes moves . . . . } 00004 *I ' m not questioning his ability to predict , just his ability to be credible . I wonder how his wife would rate his truthfullness . Didn ' t he used to converse with his wife in the presence of the call girl ? I wonder how he responded when his wife asked him what he was doing ? Dick Morris is a man of integrity . We can give great credo to his testimony in our efforts to , for the first time in our nation ' s history , remove from office an elected president . You guys are really scary . 055731 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 21am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 dickburke } 00004 *Gee , if only Clintoncare had passed , all our ills would be taken care of . NOT ! This administration implementing Clintoncare ? It ' s a scary thought . They can ' t even keep FBI files where they belong . 055732 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 22am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *Do you really believe the president ' s story that his memory was so poor that he had to ask his secretary twice if he actually had been alone with Monica Lewinsky ? Twice . Once the day after he had lied in his deposition . The second time after Betty had been subponead as a witness . And both times he tried to ' refresh his memory ' with statements that were lies according to his own later testimony . How does one refresh one ' s memory by repeating facts one knows are false ? To not say this is evidence beyond a reasonable doubt is just not possible , IMHO . +++ 055733 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 25am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 tatufr1 - 01 : 46am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55690 } 00004 *What is Clinton so afraid of ? ? ? Same old thing . The truth . 055734 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 27am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 d-fendr - 02 : 22am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55732 } 00004 *The WH does not even dispute this part of the record . 055735 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 27am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *It might be for you . . . now . . . is it impeachable under Article II section 4 ? If so why ? What Supreme Court desicions can you cite that help us understand what a high crime or high misdeed is ? How do we protect ourselves in the future from tyranny of a majority faction that may set out to clandestinly create a way to entrap and evict the political figure of YOUR choice ? 055736 00001 tatufr1 - 02 : 28am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) > 00002 Csil , } 00003 * " proof beyond a reasonable doubt " is not the threshold to be met by the Senate in this case . It ' s only the spin that the likes of Torricelli ( D , NJ ) wanted to put on the case . } 00004 *Csil , do you really want to keep defending a despicable , mocking , finger-pointing common criminal in the White House ? Come on . Even Gore could play out the next two years better than your Lyin ' King hero . Let ' s get real . 055737 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 30am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *Look . . . I am not defending Bill Clinton . . . I think he is a fool for ever getting here . . . . I am concerned about our form of governement . . . the Constitutional form Hamilton and Madison so carefully crafted and gave to us . . . 055738 00001 dickburke1 - 02 : 31am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) > 00002 collioure1 } 00003 *HealthCare is a corporate cash cow . I don ' t know what Clintoncare would have done . We will never find out . The impeachment effort and everything sourcing from it is a smokescreen over healthcare and other on-going criminal enterprises . We wouldn ' t know a real scandal if it ran over us . HMO ' s are organized . The victims get picked off one at a time . We get something interesting to talk about . . Clinton ' s gonads . 055739 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 31am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) > 00002 Jammerbird , } 00003 *Clinton discussed sending americans into a battleground with a member of congress while his mistress was between his knees . Would you also wonder what he said when the congressman asked him what he was doing ? Would you apply the same standard to Clinton now that you just applied to Morris ? 055740 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 32am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 jammerbirdi } 00004 *Same old thing . Ayone who ' s not on the Clinton team is not a reliable witness / source . A kind of political correctness we ' ve been seeing all along . Dick Morris is a very reliable source in my opinion . But in yours where does he rank with the Blumenthals , Carvilles , Begalas , Lanny Davises and Ann Lewises ? 055741 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 34am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) Think I ' d better leave now . Posts coming in from Mars . 055742 00001 jammerbirdi - 02 : 35am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55763 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 02 : 22am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55732 of 55732 ) } 00003 *People who tape their phone conversations without the knowledge of those on the other line are commiting a far more egregious ( and clear ) violation ( in my book ) than those who YOU ( d-fendr ) choose to convict of the blanket charge of subourning perjury which describes an ambiguous conversation that occurred decades ago . Was the president ever charged in this matter ? Do you not think that the very anal Mr . Starr would have not included this clear-cut to you ( d-fendr ) case of subourning perjury ? +++ 055743 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 35am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 dfendr- } 00003 *I do respect your thoughtfullness and it is possible for reasonable minds to disagree . . . . Good Night . got to sleep . . maybe some one else will logon that fill in as the other side of the ping pong match . . . . 055744 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 36am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *Your every argument for not convicting and removing Clinton based on the evidence , the law and the constitution has gone down in flames . Yet you still want to keep him in office . You wish the outcome to be : acquit Bill , you work backwards from there to whatever it takes . Constitution , law , evidence , logic , common sense be damned . 055745 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 37am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 clsi , } 00003 *Same here , and I appreciate the civility of your discussion . Til next time . Sleep well . 055746 00001 clsi1 - 02 : 38am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *If you say so . . . . however . . . have a good day tomorrow anyway . . . Maybe the market will go up again . . . 055747 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 39am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *LOL > 00003 collioure1 ! 055748 00001 tatufr1 - 02 : 40am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 Clsil . . . } 00003 *so glad to hear that you are not defending The First Crook . Our Constitution is safe , is working , and no election would be overturned if Clinton is removed . Bob Dole won ' t become Prez . Algore will . This is the American way . Nixon was elected twice . Rather than put the nation and himself through an Impeachment trial and trial by the bashing press towards him , he resigned . Much more honorable a man than Clinton could ever dream of being . The Constitution was safe . We got Ford . Then , we voted in Carter . Then we wised-up , and voted in Reagan , the best President in decades . The Constitution is safe , still . 055749 00001 dickburke1 - 02 : 40am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *Even if Clinton stays in office what can he do ? The enmity between the branches is so thick I fail to see how they can work together to do anything but have endless shoot-outs . 055750 00001 sendero3 - 02 : 43am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *You may have heard that a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich . Starr thinks he can call two pieces of bread a sandwich , and charge it with a lack of taste . 055751 00001 tatufr1 - 02 : 46am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *Right on , > 00003 Dickburke . . . } 00004 *Clinton would be impotent to get anything done , if he stays in . And the Demos are setting it up this way , if you can believe it . They all could get more done with Algore in . . . but somehow , it is refreshing NOT to have the government legislating our money away , anyway . . . 055752 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 46am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *well , > 00003 jammerbird , } 00004 *your previous post just illustrates a point you don ' t want to make : Starr only investigated what was authorized by the three judge panel and the AG . Besides , if you start investigating Clinton and follow all the leads , you ' d never stop . You could start with Kendall , go to bimbo affadavits and intimidation , follow that money , slide over to Riady , half owned by chinese defense elite , look at who backed Clinton ' s media blitz , follow over to John Huang , then to the commerce dept , follow over to buddhist temple contributions , follow to Maria , convicted of hiding illegal contributions , look at her lawyer , and you ' ve come full circle back to Betty Currie , then . . well , like I said , that ' s the biggest problem with investigating Clinton ' s corruption : where do you stop ? +++ 055753 00001 sendero3 - 02 : 47am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 dickburke : } 00003 *He can start by having Reno investigate the OIC and their abusive tactics . 055754 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 49am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 well , sender , } 00003 *Starr ' s also got 14 felony convictions - and counting including a sitting governor . Quite a batting record on his indictments , lot ' s of ham sandwich convictions . 055755 00001 jammerbirdi - 02 : 50am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 02 : 31am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55739 of 55743 ) } 00003 *Jammerbird , Clinton discussed sending americans into a battleground with a member of congress while his mistress was between his knees . } 00004 *And he might have thought about doing the same later when he was having a bowel movement . My point is , do we really have to know this ? What does it really mean ? That he doesn ' t take his job or the thought of sending troops into battle seriously ? C ' mon . You can ' t possibly believe that kind of gloop . He ' s the president . He takes his job seriously . He didn ' t have the chick in a closet so he could pull her out whenever it was convenient . He got some head . So what ? He most certainly deserves it . We all do . ( Some more than others . ) " A girl half your age on her knees in front of you : it ' s a good thing . " - Martha Stewart 055756 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 51am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *given Starr ' s record , I ' d hate to be at the other end of an indictment . 055757 00001 sendero3 - 02 : 53am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 d-fendr : } 00003 *There are no leads and never were . Starr knew it and the Hyde dancers know it . It ' s called trumped up charges . 055758 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 53am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 jammerbird , } 00003 *I would hope to have a president ' s full attention and concentration when my countrymen ' s life is at a stake . I know , that ' s a bit too much to expect from this one . 055759 00001 tatufr1 - 02 : 53am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *Nighty-nights , all . We inch closer and closer to the truth . Get those spiritual advisors-a-trois over to Billy Jeff fast . Clinton ' s worst nightmare is about to unfold before our eyes : Monica Lewinsky , Sidney , and Vernon in the well of the Senate . You watch . . . Clinton is probably cooking up the most sinister Wag-the- Dog foreign-soil folly , yet . Will it be launched next week , or when Monica actually arrives at the Senate in person the following week ? See you all soon . Take care , all . 055760 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 54am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) } 00002 *sender , keep telling yourself that . . tell it to the recipients of 14 felony convictions - and counting . . 055761 00001 jammerbirdi - 02 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 02 : 46am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #55752 of 55755 ) } 00003 *well , jammerbird , your previous post just illustrates a point you don ' t want to make : Starr only investigated what was authorized by the three judge panel and the AG . Besides , if you start investigating Clinton and follow all the leads , you ' d never stop . You could start with Kendall , go to bimbo affadavits and intimidation , follow that money , slide over to Riady , half owned by chinese defense elite , look at who backed Clinton ' s media blitz , follow over to John Huang , then to the commerce dept , follow over to buddhist temple contributions , follow to Maria , convicted of hiding illegal contributions , look at her lawyer , and you ' ve come full circle back to Betty Currie , then . . well , like I said , that ' s the biggest problem with investigating Clinton ' s corruption : where do you stop ? I ' ll tell you where to stop , d-fendr . Stop reading the anti-Clinton propoganda and stop watching the right-wing media machine that has filled your mind with boogers about Bill Clinton . And find a girl half your age to ease your boredom . 055762 00001 sendero3 - 02 : 57am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 55762 ) > 00002 d-fendr : } 00003 *The prosecutor here gets $50K a year and does better than that 14 in a *year* ! And he doesn ' t accost and threaten young women , either . 056236 00001 chinagirlz1 - 10 : 50am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56305 ) > 00002 mikerose2 } 00003 *The RW ' s play up to the small percentage of the population who makes their living solely off of investments . These are not true capitalists . } 00004 *Nah . Bubba isn ' t an investor . Bubba ' s sending all his spare cash to Jerry Falwell , who assures Bubba he can buy his way into heaven , he doesn ' t have to earn it . 056282 00001 amspec - 11 : 21am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56313 ) > 00002 willy - g : } 00003 *You just trashed the otherwise sub-par reputation of scum everywhere . } 00004 *REPLY : I got a good laugh at your response , thanks . I didn`t have much time to write a post but wanted to log in quickly on my regard for the idiot in the white house and ' Bill Clinton is scum ' , seemed to encapsulate the feeling that most ' real ' americans have for him . Thanks to all who defined the word for me ! Have a good weekend to all my right-wing , mean-spirited , elderly hating , milk-robbing , religious zealots , who wish to imposes a facist , white , christian , regime on all . ( smile . ) 056314 00001 gregk13 - 11 : 45am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) > 00002 amspec , } 00003 *Re : " gregk13 : Please , oh great sage , provide us with your definition of bipartisan . And if you could , indicate which , if any , of the articles received a bipartisan vote . " } 00004 *I guess bi-partisan is anything you wish it to be . For me , it ' s not two or three folks out of hundreds changing sides that make it bi-partisan . It ' s a disingenuous arguement . For example , you can say Feingold ' s crossover vote the other day made the dismissal vote lost by the Dems bipartisan . One out of 45 . A pretty trifling and desparate way to describe bi-partisan . The same went for the articel votes in the House . You can use bi-partisan , but you know it ' s a crock and you know you ' re just spinning . If you really believe it then I have a bridge for sale . 056315 00001 magnificent77d - 11 : 45am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) } 00002 *All the experts agree with Sir Winston Churchill ; If you are not a liberal by age 19 , you have no heart . If you are not conservative by age 45 , you have no brain . 056316 00001 vrwcarea51e - 11 : 46am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) } 00002 *The President has kept all the Promises he Intends to keep ! macer235 - 11 : 40am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #56308 of 56308 ) } 00003 *vrwcarea51 : You , Vegetius , garrisonsound1 all have that " whistling in the dark " aura that reminds me so much of the l964 electoral campaign following Barry Goldwater ' s , " Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice " acceptance speech . " } 00004 *The parallels are eerie . Coming soon to a poll near you : Dies Irae . ABANDON SHIP ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN PUNISH THE INQUISITION . For a point of reference check out Zogby ' s latest polls . . . Republican Base still supports Removal INDEPENDANTS BLAME WHITE HOUSE Now look in that crystal ball and tell me how many of those Independent Voters will Support Al ( Bill ' s MY MAN ) Gore in 2000 ? 056317 00001 mercenary4 - 11 : 46am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) > 00002 collocate : } 00003 *It ' s one thing to duck my questions because you ' re a craven Clinton supporter ( a redundancy ) who , like donkirk , adaplant and a few others like to quote the Constitution and judicial opinions but haven ' t the slightest idea what they ' re saying , it ' s quite another to do so by throwing softballs such as the following in response : " . . . why did the Republican Hypocrites quash a censure effort in the House on the ground that the Constitution is ( arguably ) SILENT with respect to censure , and yet they are now debating SEPARATE votes on Guilt and Removal in PLAIN DEFIANCE of the EXPRESS WORDS of the Constitution ? " First of all , you ' re confusing the House of Representatives , which voted down a censure resolution , with the Senate , which is contemplating separate votes on the facts and removal . The House has the sole power to impeach the President , the Senate has the sole power to try the President . In other words , the Republicans in the House are NOT NOW contemplating the separate votes , so they are not hypocrites . It appears you don ' t only need to learn how to read , but to write as well . Second of all , the Republicans doing this are wrong . There . Now , enough of your Clinton-like , cowardly attempts at avoiding MY question regarding YOUR use of the Marshall quote . Please inform the rest of us as to when Bill Clinton will be subject to the voters ' judgment at the polls for his second-term misdeeds and where perjury and obstruction of justice are classified by Marshall as political acts . Take your time . 056318 00001 patrickjquinn - 11 : 46am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) } 00002 * " Bipartisan " to the Liberal / Democrats means that the GOP give in to the wishes of the Democrats . " Fair " is what the Liberal / Democrat defines it to be . And the National Media says , . . . whatever the Liberal / Democrats say ! Ahhhh , . . . ain ' t America great ? 056319 00001 bobby551 - 11 : 47am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) > 00002 macer235 : } 00003 *A little off the topic , but the ' 64 election you mentioned was a stunning example of the perpetual moral bankrupcy of both parties . My favorite quote on that election comes from Gore Vidal , who said , " The last time I voted was in 1964 . I voted for the peace candidate . Lyndon Johnson . " I spent a year in the jungle in ' 68 under that regime , and then voted for the other peace candidate , Richard Nixon . The war intensified , and I ' m grateful to be alive . Now I ' m a registered Independent . 056320 00001 magnificent77d - 11 : 48am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) } 00002 *Bi- partisanship is the code word for National Socialism . ( Nazi Party ) 056321 00001 k0cxc0 - 11 : 48am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) } 00002 * " A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take everything you have . " Ronald Reagan > 00003 lucky085 , } 00004 *With that kind of babble , I KNOW I ' M BETTER THAN YOU ! 056322 00001 mikerose2 - 11 : 48am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 056323 00001 sun_tzu2 - 11 : 49am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56394 ) > 00002 lucky085 } 00003 *Reno and a panel of three appellate judges would disagree with your statement that the Independent Counsel exceeded the scope of its authority when Mr . Starr investigated allegations of Presidential perjury and obstruction of justice . The U . S . Supreme Court respectfully disagrees with arguments that Paula Jones should not have been allowed to bring her civil rights action against the President . Is everyone part of the conspiracy ? Perhaps this is a plot to get Gore in for a ten year term of service ! +++ 056324 00001 bayamon2000 - 11 : 49am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *The only person responsible for this " Mess " is William Jefferson Clinton , . . no one else but WJC . Ken Starr , Monica , Tripp , and everyone else involved are not at fault . The only person to blame is the one who said : " Listen to me , . . . I did not have sexual relations with that woman , Miss Lewinski " I agree with one recent post : " Clinton is scum " . 056325 00001 gregk13 - 11 : 51am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) > 00002 Ada and > 00003 macer 235 } 00004 *From : } 00005 * " sun_tzu2 - 11 : 44am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( §§056312 of 56316 ) } 00006 * tna1pada3 & macer 235 Do you believe a President who commits perjury and obstruction of justice should be removed ? ( We will discuss the facts of this particular case later . I just want to know where to start ) . " } 00007 *Okay class now pay attention and I will get back to you later . Sheesh . ( LOL ) Don ' t you just love this forum ? ? 056326 00001 magnificent77d - 11 : 53am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *BABSY SPEAKS ! " I have to say , as one U . S . Senator who is going to vote on how to dispose of this matter in a fair and just fashion to all concerned , I do not want to base my vote on a stack of papers . " That ' s what Sen . Barbara Boxer ( D . , Calif . ) said about deposing witnesses--in the Packwood case in 1995 . 056327 00001 mercenary4 - 11 : 54am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *I have an alternate plan for saving Social Security : Pull the plug on the retiring babyboomers who support Bill Clinton . They ' re all brain dead , anyway . 056328 00001 willy-g- - 11 : 54am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *Bill Flinton- You are impeached ( cheers ! ) , 76% think you will be remembered for corruption . You are ruined ! 056329 00001 tmocars - 11 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) > 00002 gregk } 00003 *You ' re forgetting that the sheep will say " of course , a president should be removed for perjury ond ooj , but not THIS president . " 056330 00001 gregk13 - 11 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) > 00002 sun_tzu2 , } 00003 *Re : " lucky085 Reno and a panel of three appellate judges would disagree with your statement that the Independent Counsel exceeded the scope of its authority when Mr . Starr investigated allegations of Presidential perjury and obstruction of justice . " } 00004 *Bawahahahahahahahaaaaaa ! ! ! ! ! ! } 00005 *RE : " The U . S . Supreme Court respectfully disagrees with arguments that Paula Jones should not have been allowed to bring her civil rights action against the President . " } 00006 *Bawahahahahahahahaaaaaa ! ! ! ! ! ! } 00007 *RE : " Is everyone part of the conspiracy ? Perhaps this is a plot to get Gore in for a ten year term of service ! " } 00008 *Yes . Especially that Blumenthal guy . 056331 00001 willy-g- - 11 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *Bill Flinton- You are impeached ( cheers ! ) , 76% think you will be remembered for corruption . You are ruined ! As far as the GOP is concerned , I believe the right move is to depose the witnsses and release the tapes . If it has the same outcome as releasing the impeached presidents grand jury testimony , the democrats should be happy . Although many believe that releasing the g / j testimony was a bad move , I was glad to see Clinton exposed as the rat that he is and I believe that while it may have polarized the democrats , they too were able to see what an utter disgrace this impeached president is . I think it also leads to public apathy towards Clinton , meaning that after they saw his testimony the public may not want him removed but they sure weren`t going to take to the streets to defend him . I find it interesting that the democrats , led by Tom Harkin , fought for OPEN proceedures , and now are scared to death that these tapes will be released . It boils down to this : the rats know he is guilty and are doing everything they can to avoid evidence that COMPELLS them to do their job . They want so badly to censure him to avoid the appearence of covering for him . If the rats refuse to do their job by removing him , the GOP should not proceed with censure because it is unconstitutional , the matter should simply be settled by a vote up or down . Let the rats scramble to censure him , that along with the house impeachement will be regarded as a bipartisian rebuke on a sorry , disgraceful , and corrupt president and it will ensure his place in history as a failed and shamed president . The democrats don`t know it yet but they have a major problem in 2000 . 056332 00001 patrickjquinn - 11 : 55am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) > 00002 macer , } 00003 *What do YOU know of the ' 64 presidential election or the factors that

          contributed to the outcome ? H&ll , I ' ll bet you weren ' t even alive yet ! So please , spare us your " expert " analysis , . . . won ' t you ? 056333 00001 lucky085 - 11 : 57am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *Repuglican epitaph : WE ARE RIGHT BECAUSE WE ' RE BETTER THAN YOU k0cxc0 You need to get a new handle that is not jumbled up like your brain . +++ 056334 00001 spdave - 11 : 58am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *Now that the Republicans have proven their partisan priorities , it is logical that the whole process has been so from the start ( the appointment of Starr ) . And since that is obviously the case , all attempts to " get this President " have been done illegally - witness testamonies , if not favorable to Starr , they get threatened and some case have gone to jail . These tactics are similar to the reports coming out lately about snitches , children , mothers , whoever being tricked into saying what they have to appease the prosecution , even when they don ' t really agree with what they have been pressured to testify . Shame on these policies sponsored by the tag-team Senator and House manager interviewed on the PBS Fronline show , " SNITCH " . No wonder the South and Midwest bemoan the government . The root of all " evil " here seems to stem from the Christians in charge who are sitting back watching this happen to our Republic without speaking out about its injustice . This trial against Clinton is just such an injustice . 056335 00001 magnificent77d - 11 : 58am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *THE DEMOCRATIC BILLIONAIRE REALLY BELIEVES . . . Sen . John Kerry ( D . , Mass . ) : " It may help [the defendant] to have some of these people asked questions publicly , to have the full measure of these accusations judged by the American people , not off paper that everybody knows they will never read , but in the full light of day . That is what this is really about . Staff doing a deposition is not a Senator asking a question within public scrutiny of the hearing process . " 056336 00001 mikecleo - 11 : 58am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) > 00002 vrwcare51e } 00003 *Learn to spell before you post your next diatribe ! It ' s hard to follow your " logic " when every other word is indecipherable . The closer WJC gets beating this bum rap the more strident your posts become . He ' s going to finish his term---DEAL WITH IT ! I have this vision of you sitting in front of your computer foaming at the mouth while you " compose " your posts . 056337 00001 bobby551 - 11 : 59am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *The best plan to save Social Security is to take it off budget so both parties will stop supplementing the general fund with tens of billions of dollars of FICA money every year . 056338 00001 tna1pada3 - 11 : 59am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 sun_tzu2 1 / 29 / 99 11 : 44am } 00004 *I think the president should only be removed upon conviction of " treason , bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors " against the state . Whether any particular allegation against the president meets that standard depends upon a number of factors . The decision is too important in impeachment , removal of an elected president serving a fixed term , to reduce it to any simplistic formulaic approach . While allegations of perjury and obstruction of justice may justify removal in some instances , depending , inter alia , upon the context out of which the alleged behavior arose , such allegations would not always or necessarily justify conviction and removal . 056339 00001 magnificent77d - 11 : 59am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *LIEBERMAN AGREES WITH KERRY ! ! ! ! Sen . Joseph Lieberman ( D . , Conn . ) : " I believe that I , as one Senator , will not be able to reach the kind of informed decision that I want to reach on the serious allegations that have been made . . . without the benefit of testimony from the witnesses live . . . subject to examination [by both sides] . " 056340 00001 gregk13 - 12 : 00pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) > 00002 tmocars , } 00003 *RE : gregk You ' re forgetting that the sheep will say " of course , a president should be removed for perjury ond ooj , but not THIS president . " } 00004 *So now you know talking sheep ? We ' re suppose to take you seriously ? 056341 00001 vastrwc - 12 : 01pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 * " He came in here and he trashed the place , " says Washington Post columnist David Broder , " and it ' s not his place . " Well good morning everybody . I see the Bubba Bashin forum is still going strong . Looks like the Democrats got their panties all in a little bunch over the idea of the finding of fact vote . I ' m dying to see how the Dems are going to weasel out of this . All those who ' ve been saying how reprehensible is the President ' s conduct but it doesn ' t rise to the level of removal from office . They ' ll be using both sides of the mouth for sure to protect their Number One Fund Raiser . 056342 00001 sun_tzu2 - 12 : 02pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) > 00002 gregk13 } 00003 *Sorry , I had assumed we could find some common ground to discuss this issue . However , again , my hopes to engage in rational discourse with Clinton defenders such as yourself are dashed . " tmocars " may have hit on the truth : President ' s should be removed for perjury and obstruction of justice- just not THIS President ! I find it curious that George Bush was castigated for going back on his " No new taxes ! " promise . The Dems were merciless in their attack although the tax proposal was one of your much vaunted " bipartisan " proposals . Apparently only Republicans are expected to say what they mean and do what they say . 056343 00001 magnificent77d - 12 : 02pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56390 ) } 00002 *WHAT ' S GOOD FOR THE GOOSE IS GOOD FOR THE . . . . Sen . Barbara Mikulski ( D . , Md . ) : " It is that history and tradition that I believe that calls us now , as we get ready to vote , to honor the precedent of public hearings , for cross-examination of witnesses , to resolve discrepancies in testimony , to have a fair format . " On Wednesday , Sens . Boxer , Bryan , Kerry , Lieberman , and Mikulski all voted against witness deposition Oh yes , it ' s all about fairness to the president and the spirit of bi partisanship and justice . +++ 056344 00001 lucky085 - 12 : 03pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 *Repuglican epitaph : WE ARE RIGHT BECAUSE WE ' RE BETTER THAN YOU > 00003 baywatch } 00004 * " The only person responsible for this " Mess " is William Jefferson Clinton " } 00005 *I forgot to mention that idiots like you are also responsible for contributing to the hate-filled rhetoric spewed out by the RW that has helped fuel the fires for this " scandal " . Ken Starr should be singing the prison blues . 056345 00001 lucky085 - 12 : 04pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 *Repuglican epitaph : WE ARE RIGHT BECAUSE WE ' RE BETTER THAN YOU For the RWers , all crimes are impeachable , if committed by BC . Raygun could have murdered the pope and they would have looked the other way . 056346 00001 socfbc1 - 12 : 04pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 *Now that the Republicans have proven their partisan priorities , it is logical that the whole process has been so from the start ( the appointment of Starr ) . And since that is obviously the case , all attempts to " get this President " have been done illegally yadayadayada . . . > 00003 spdave 1 / 29 / 99 11 : 58am } 00004 *Well , h*ll , let ' s just get some rocks , march on down to the Senate , and stone them suckers to death . 056347 00001 magnificent77d - 12 : 05pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 *Sen . Joseph Lieberman ( D . , Conn . ) : " I believe that I , as one Senator , will not be able to reach the kind of informed decision that I want to reach on the serious allegations that have been made . . . without the benefit of testimony from the witnesses live . . . subject to examination [by both sides] . " . . . In light of this blatent hypocrasy , who are the real nazis ? 056348 00001 k0cxc0 - 12 : 05pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 * " A government that is big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take everything you have . " Ronald Reagan > 00003 lucky085 , } 00004 *good comeback . Is this where I write " Up your nose with a rubber hose " ? 056349 00001 tlkaminski - 12 : 06pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) > 00002 vrwcarea51e , } 00003 *Per your post : " Coming soon to a poll near you : Dies Irae . " } 00004 *Dies Irae , indeed ! Dies Irae , dies illa solvet saeclum in favilla , teste David cum Sybilla . Quantus tremor est futurus , quando judex est venturus , cuncta stricte discussurus .

          056350 00001 royal_coachman - 12 : 06pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 *Since this impeachment thing is about over , what are we going to talk about next ? 056351 00001 bobby551 - 12 : 07pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 *Benjamen Ladner , President of American University in today ' s Washington Post : " In the end , the president is daring the country to affirm , by a formal act of Congress , that the moral demands inherent in the office of the president are higher than the man who holds the office . Relying upon his personal popularity and charisma to blur the delicate but vital connection between the person and the office , he ' s betting we will not risk such an affirmation , on the penalty of losing him . Indeed , there is a strong chance that we will fail to hear the echoes of the values and aspirations embodied symbodically in this singular office since , alas , they no longer resonate through him personally . " 056352 00001 socfbc1 - 12 : 07pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 *For the RWers , all crimes are impeachable , if committed by BC . Raygun could have murdered the pope and they would have looked the other way . > 00003 lucky085 1 / 29 / 99 12 : 04pm } 00004 *And you libs would still be screaming " it ' s about sex " if BC had boinked the Pope . 056353 00001 mikerose2 - 12 : 07pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56388 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 > 00003 Vegetius - 11 : 02am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #56257 of 56325 ) } 00004 *mikerose2 - 10 : 57am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #56248 of 56249 ) Mr . educated , You know any conservatives ? People who spent their lives in education should know better than that last weak effort of yours . Perhaps if you did not spend all your time with career students you would not make such asinine observation of people you never interect with other than in books . Good luck this semester . } 00005 *uh , veggie , I spend zero time with career students . Another sign of your lack of knowledge doing nothing to hamper your complete certainty -- if more examples of either were needed . +++ 056354 00001 gregk13 - 12 : 07pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) > 00002 sun_tzu2 , } 00003 * RE : " gregk13 Sorry , I had assumed we could find some common ground to discuss this issue . " } 00004 *It becomes quite difficult to find common ground when you have already identified and labled folks . And to assume can bring about uncomfortable consequences . } 00005 *RE : " However , again , my hopes to engage in rational discourse with Clinton defenders such as yourself are dashed . " } 00006 *See what I mean ? You ' ve concluded that I am a Clinton defender . 056355 00001 johnsixtysix - 12 : 08pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) } 00002 * " Closing ranks along party lines , Senate Republicans Thursday forced through a plan to finish President Clinton ' s impeachment trial that opens the door for Monica S . Lewinsky , or her videotaped image , to appear before the Senate . " NYTimes So there you have it ! And as long as it STAYS along party lines , they ' ll never have a chance ! Really , it ' s not a vote between Republicans and Democrats . It ' s really a vote between the Moralists and the Pragmatists . Moralism has to be maintained and MUST have a two-thirds majority to pass , while pragmatism just needs to defend itself and is maintenance free ! The framers of the United States Constitution wanted an impeachment process that could withstand changes in moral values . To say otherwise would have been like saying that the framers didn ' t expect ANY changes in moral values , and that is preposterous ! 056356 00001 sapka - 12 : 08pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) } 00002 *A third presidential term for Bill Clinton ! Long live our beloved President ! 056357 00001 thepeanut - 12 : 09pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) } 00002 * " Ahhhh , . . . ain ' t America great ? " Yes , as long as the conservative christian wing of the republicans is kept in check . 056358 00001 gregk13 - 12 : 10pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) } 00002 *Hey > 00003 Vast , } 00004 *How ya been ? 056359 00001 socfbc1 - 12 : 11pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) } 00002 *Dies Irae , dies illa solvet saeclum in favilla , teste David cum Sybilla .

          Quantus tremor est futurus , quando judex est venturus , cuncta stricte discussurus . > 00003 tlkaminski 1 / 29 / 99 12 : 06pm } 00004 *Whattay thetay hellay issay thissay crappay ? 056360 00001 vastrwc - 12 : 11pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) } 00002 * " He came in here and he trashed the place , " says Washington Post columnist David Broder , " and it ' s not his place . " I see the usual sniveling about the Republicans being so partisan . Incompetent , yes . But partisan , I don ' t think so . Yesterday the Senate leadership spent the entire day trying to come to agreement with the Democrats on how to depose witnesses . The starting point in the negotiations included compromises to appease the Democrats . Democrats couldn ' t agree so it was taken to the floor for a vote . Majority wins when that happens right ? Well what do the Republicans do , knowing they won ' t get any support from the Democrats anyway ? They vote on the same motion that included the compromises , and at the last minute even added language requested by Daschle . Then all the Dems voted against it anyway . My question : If you know all the Democrats are going to vote against you anyway , why put any language in the motion to accomodate them ? Come on Trent , get with the program . 056361 00001 bayamon2000 - 12 : 14pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) } 00002 *A great story for those supporting more

          social programs to " assist " the " POOR " . Yersterday while waiting in line at a 7 / 11 store , there were three kids in front of me , each holding in their little hands one piece of candy valued at $0 . 01 . Each kid paid individualy for the candy with a $1 . 00 food stamp . Each received approximatelly 95 cents in change . After leaving the store , they got into a 1998 Toyota Camry . The adult occupant in the car ( I assume she was the kid ' s mother ) got the change from the kids , entered the store and purshased a pack of Marlboros . Is America great or what ! ! ! ! What did I do ? ? I got a little upset , got into my 88 Honda Civic and drove off to my $6 . 00 an hour job . These abuses of the system occur everyday all over the country . Keep supporting the " Parasites " ! ! But hey ! This is America ! ! ! ! ! Right ? 056362 00001 ayorra - 12 : 15pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) } 00002 *Guess there is no one in the entire Hemispherewho does not know that Clinton lied about hisliaison with Monica . He lied to country , family , public , associates , friends . U name it . But , lying is not necessarily perjury . No one , especially Starr or the House , has yet proven Clinton committed perjury . Speculation ( which constitutes 99 . 9% of the case ) is not a substitute for proof . No one can prove perjury in a court room unless theyestablish , beyond reasonable doubt , the accused knew he was lying . If he , in good conscience , felt he did not lie , he cannot be convicted of perjury . That is where we aretoday . Since the obstruction of justice chargeis ridiculous beyond imagination ( any futurepresident could not lie to friends or associates w / o exposing himself to the prospect of impeachment ) , Clinton is not guilty of any provable crime . The country , injustice and compassion owe all the Clintonsan apology for our rush to judgement and for dragging their name , reputation , and integrity thru the mud these last 5years . Remember ! Starr couldn ' t find evidence of Clinton wrongdoing . And it sure wasn ' t for lack of trying .

          056363 00001 dickmorr - 12 : 15pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56386 ) > 00002 milkerose and > 00003 donkirk : } 00004 *As I said , you two , and the rest of America have been brainwashed by the White House on numerous matters . If you are young , it will come back and haunt you when you are ready for retirement . Even Allan Greenspan noted in testimony yesterday that there were huge problems with the President ' s plan for Social Security reform . The biggest issue is , who really knows where this economy will turn three to ten years don the road ? The second one is that the White House must not play the shell game with the American public and tell the truth for a change . You just keep believing the White House spin and you will be in deep trouble - on a lot of matters . +++ 056364 00001 socfbc1 - 12 : 15pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56383 ) } 00002 *A third presidential term for Bill Clinton ! > 00003 sapka 1 / 29 / 99 12 : 08pm } 00004 *Why stop there - let ' s make him the Suprene Ruler of All He Surveys for All Perpetutity . Yeah , I could go for that - or we could just throw the bum out . 056365 00001 lucky085 - 12 : 16pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56383 ) } 00002 *Repuglican epitaph : WE ARE RIGHT BECAUSE WE ' RE BETTER THAN YOU > 00003 halfvastrwc } 00004 * " Incompetent , yes . " } 00005 *At least you said one thing correctly . Since witnesses are a complete waste of time and money , the repugs cannot be called thrifty either . 056366 00001 sun_tzu2 - 12 : 18pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56383 ) > 00002 tna1pada3 } 00003 *Your answer does you no justice . An answer of " it depends " on whether a President should be removed for perjury and obstruction of justice is deplorable . I assume you are saying that , if the lies and obstruction are regarding some trivial matter , then the lies and obstruction of justice is , well , justified . Tell me counselor , how does anyone , particularly the DEFENDANT , know a priori what is worthy of the truth ? That is , that the subject matter is material or , in layman ' s terms , " important " ? The U . S . Supreme Court ruled that Ms . Jones may bring her civil rights action against the President . If questions during that testimony were irrelevant ( " unimportant " or overly prejudicial ) , the President could have and should have made the argument . The

          President and his defense team are no Babes in the Courtroom . So please , don ' t say that truthful testimony is optional in court if the Defendant believes the subject matter isn ' t " important " or is " trivial . " Both Plaintiffs and Defendants deserve truthful testimony . Indeed , our system of justice depends upon it . 056367 00001 louis134 - 12 : 19pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56383 ) } 00002 *REPUBLICAN BEHAVIOR IN THE IMPEACHMENT TRAIL IS TYPICAL REPUBLICAN BEHAVIOR MARKED BY PARTISANSHIP , POLITICAL BULLYING , HYPOCROSY AND CATERING TO EXTREME MINORITIES AND THE EXPENSE OF THE MAJORITY FOR WHICH THEY DO NOTHING : The Republicans take over the House and Senate in a stunning victory heralding a new conservative era . The contract with America follows then the Republicans go back to being what they always were and will be : 1 : They shut down the government 2 : They do all they can to make sure there in no campaign finance reform even though it corrupts the system 3 : They do nothing to reform and improve health care thumbing their noses at the more than 40 million uninsured Americans 4 : They let the tobacco companies pick up and walk away from negotitians over monetary damages for the extraordinaty and wilfull public harm they caused-5 : They decide to do nothing about education 6 : They decide to side with a small lobbying group called the NRA and oppose even minimal control on assault and automatic weapons 7 : They insist on a capital gains tax cut to stimulate investment even while people are putting record amounts of dollars into the stock markets 8 : They ignore the enviroment despite the dire signs that global warming and ozone layer depletion are progressing and threaten an enviromental dispaster 9 : In the House they proceed to impeach a President at the behest of an extreme coalition of christian coalition zealots in a procees that will take more than a year for a relatively minor crime ; in the House they actually stand up and applaud the partisan prosecutor whose involvement in setting up the President in a prejury trap slowly comes to light . Again , the government nearly is , for all intents and purposes , shut down . 10 : They prolong the process to try and do as much damage as they can to the President and say that opinion polls showing the people are against it are irrelevant . 11 : To avoid embarrasment , they hold important meetings in Senate regarding the fate of a popularly elected President BEHIND CLOSED DOORS from which they emerge and then vote on partisan lines to call witnesses to clarify minor details--witnesses who have been questioned time and time again by professional prosecutors WHATEVER CLINTON HAS DONE , IT PALES IN COMPARISON TO THE RECORD OF THIS PARTY WHO HAS DONE MORE TO CREATE DIVISION THAN CLINTON ' S ENCOUNTER WITH LEWINSKY COULD EVER HAVE . THIS IS TYPE OF COUP D ' ETAT BY A GROUP OF REPUBLICANS WHO REPRESENT AN EXTREME MINORITY WHO DISDAINS THE PEOPLE OF OUR COUNTRY AND WANT TO EXERT AS MUCH CONTROL AS THEY CAN . END THE IMPEACHMENT AND VOTE THE REPUBLICANS OUT . I CAN ' T BELIEVE I EVER CONTEMPLATED VOTED FOR ONE . 056368 00001 mikerose2 - 12 : 21pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56383 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 > 00003 gregk13 - 11 : 23am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #56284 of 56348 ) } 00004 *mikerose2 RE : " chertx - 10 : 39am Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( §§056214 of 56260 ) Just one more example of the LCD in effect , folks . . . . . " Did you mean LSD in effect ? ? Seems more plausible 00005 } 00006 * I feel a song coming on . . . . The LCD tripped on LSD down to 4th Street , USA When they got there what did they see ? The fools of America -- the GOP LCD , GOP ...... LSD , CCC ...... That was how it went , wasn ' t it ? 056369 00001 socfbc1 - 12 : 21pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56383 ) } 00002 *Since witnesses are a complete waste of time and money , the repugs cannot be called thrifty either . > 00003 lucky085 1 / 29 / 99 12 : 16pm }

          00004 *Since when are witnesses a waste of time ? 056370 00001 d-generationx1 - 12 : 22pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56383 ) > 00002 bayamon2000 wrote } 00003 * " Yersterday while waiting in line at a 7 / 11 store , there were three kids in front of me , each holding in their little hands one piece of candy valued at $0 . 01 . Each kid paid individualy for the candy with a $1 . 00 food stamp . Each received approximatelly 95 cents in change . After leaving the store , they got into a 1998 Toyota Camry . The adult occupant in the car ( I assume she was the kid ' s mother ) got the change from the kids , entered the store and purshased a pack of Marlboros . " Vyou can thank the Democrats for that ! ! ! The Democrats love , and live , to support those who will not support themselves . +++ 056371 00001 vastrwc - 12 : 24pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56378 ) } 00002 * " He came in here and he trashed the place , " says Washington Post columnist David Broder , " and it ' s not his place . " > 00003 gregk13 1 / 29 / 99 12 : 10pm } 00004 *Hi Greg . Well I ' ve been doing pretty good , thankyou . Been getting a lot of productive work done instead of fooling around on this silly forum . But just can ' t resist popping off now and then . Good to see your still here banging away . It never concerned me too much before , because it was expected . But Byrd ' s motion to dismiss the trial really bothers me now . It seems that ever since that happened the Democrats have laid down the line that the trial is over and they don ' t intend to see the process through in a fair manner . It just seems to me that until both sides rest their cases , we should listen to what they have to say as long as they stay on the topic . 056372 00001 dmblum - 12 : 24pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56378 ) > 00002 bayamon2000 : } 00003 *I hear a lot of conservatives complain of " class warfare " . Yet , if one carefully checked this thread , one would mainly find right wingers complaining about the oh so luxurious lives those who receive food stamps lead . Now , these observations are based in bitter anecdotal commments that have no basis whatever in fact , but the gist is this : conservatives hate poor people because they ' re lazy . What you ' re missing is that 30 million poor people in this country work hard , wash your dishes , mow your lawns , and sell you crap at the 7-11 , and can ' t afford health insurance to make sure the children receive proper medical care . 056373 00001 louis134 - 12 : 24pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56378 ) } 00002 *REPUBLICAN BEHAVIOR IN THE IMPEACHMENT TRAIL IS TYPICAL REPUBLICAN BEHAVIOR MARKED BY PARTISANSHIP , POLITICAL BULLYING , HYPOCROSY AND CATERING TO EXTREME MINORITIES AND THE EXPENSE OF THE MAJORITY FOR WHICH THEY DO NOTHING : The Republicans take over the House and Senate in a stunning victory heralding a new conservative era . The contract with America follows then the Republicans go back to being what they always were and will be : 1 : They shut down the government 2 : They do all they can to make sure there in no campaign finance reform even though it corrupts the system 3 : They do nothing to reform and improve health care thumbing their noses at the more than 40 million uninsured Americans 4 : They let the tobacco companies pick up and walk away from negotitians over monetary damages for the extraordinaty and wilfull public harm they caused-5 : They decide to do nothing about education 6 : They decide to side with a small lobbying group called the NRA and oppose even minimal control on assault and automatic weapons 7 : They insist on a capital gains tax cut to stimulate investment even while people are putting record amounts of dollars into the stock markets 8 : They ignore the enviroment despite the dire signs that global warming and ozone layer depletion are progressing and threaten an enviromental dispaster 9 : In the House they proceed to impeach a President at the behest of an extreme coalition of christian coalition zealots in a procees that will take more than a year for a relatively minor crime ; in the House they actually stand up and applaud the partisan prosecutor whose involvement in setting

          up the President in a prejury trap slowly comes to light . Again , the government nearly is , for all intents and purposes , shut down . 10 : They prolong the process to try and do as much damage as they can to the President and say that opinion polls showing the people are against it are irrelevant . 11 : To avoid embarrasment , they hold important meetings in Senate regarding the fate of a popularly elected President BEHIND CLOSED DOORS from which they emerge and then vote on partisan lines to call witnesses to clarify minor details--witnesses who have been questioned time and time again by professional prosecutors WHATEVER CLINTON HAS DONE , IT PALES IN COMPARISON TO THE RECORD OF THIS PARTY WHO HAS DONE MORE TO CREATE DIVISION THAN CLINTON ' S ENCOUNTER WITH LEWINSKY COULD EVER HAVE . THIS IS TYPE OF COUP D ' ETAT BY A GROUP OF REPUBLICANS WHO REPRESENT AN EXTREME MINORITY WHO DISDAINS THE PEOPLE OF OUR COUNTRY AND WANT TO EXERT AS MUCH CONTROL AS THEY CAN . END THE IMPEACHMENT AND VOTE THE REPUBLICANS OUT . I CAN ' T BELIEVE I EVER CONTEMPLATED VOTED FOR ONE . 056374 00001 tlkaminski - 12 : 27pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56378 ) > 00002 socfbc1 , } 00003 * " Dies Irae , dies illa solvet saeclum in favilla , teste David cum Sybilla . Quantus tremor est futurus , quando judex est venturus , cuncta stricte discussurus . " " Whattay thetay hellay issay thissay crappay ? " } 00004 *Hah ! It ' s from Mozart ' s Requiem . The translation I have is : " The day of wrath , that day of grief shall change the world to glowing ash , as David and Sibyl tell . How great a quaking shall there be , when on that day the judge shall come , to weigh man ' s deeds in each detail . " 056375 00001 lucky085 - 12 : 27pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56378 ) } 00002 *Repuglican epitaph : WE ARE RIGHT BECAUSE WE ' RE BETTER THAN YOU Ken STarr should be prosecuted and convicted for a multitude of crimes . Putting us thru night after night of Chris Matthews is crime enough . 056376 00001 gregk13 - 12 : 30pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56378 ) } 00002 *Hey > 00003 Vast , } 00004 *How ya been ? 056377 00001 bobby551 - 12 : 30pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56378 ) } 00002 *Clinton at yesterday ' s memorial service for Lawton Chiles : " He ( Chiles ) just didn ' t want everybody to have to spend all their time raising money . . . He didn ' t go around telling you how much better he was than everybody else because he only took $100 . " The Washington Post suggests this was a cheap shot at Russell Feingold , the only Democratic Senator who voted with the Republicans . Feingold sponsored with John McCain the unsuccessful effort at campaign finance reform , part of which would limit contributions to $100 or less . Who but WJC would use a guy ' s memorial service for a cheap political shot . 056378 00001 samsmith7 - 12 : 31pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( of 56378 ) } 00002 * " I revere the law ! " - American hero and patriot , Kenneth Starr The following is an example of the drivel that has spewed down America ' s streets ever since the Ejaculation Proclamation of March 17 , 1998 ( before which the only thing anyone said was " He denied the relationship " or " there is no evidence of a relationship " : WHATEVER CLINTON HAS DONE , IT PALES IN COMPARISON TO THE RECORD OF THIS PARTY WHO HAS DONE MORE TO CREATE DIVISION THAN CLINTON ' S ENCOUNTER WITH LEWINSKY COULD EVER HAVE . THIS IS TYPE OF COUP D ' ETAT BY A GROUP OF REPUBLICANS WHO REPRESENT AN EXTREME MINORITY WHO DISDAINS THE PEOPLE OF OUR COUNTRY AND WANT TO EXERT AS MUCH CONTROL AS THEY CAN . END THE IMPEACHMENT AND VOTE THE REPUBLICANS OUT . I CAN ' T BELIEVE I EVER CONTEMPLATED VOTED FOR ONE . +++ 990130 057614 00001 jim30b - 12 : 44am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57616 ) } 00002 *I have the distinct misfortune to live in the BUGGMAN ' S district ( sugarland Tx ) outside Houston . As such the travails of #2 hypocrate is the grist of local politics . And You survived ? 00003 I ' ll be sure to let ole Tom know he needs to try some stonger stuff ! LOL ( sorry couldn ' t resist ) 057621 00001 ramzfan1 - 12 : 51am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) > 00002 jaberwocky } 00003 *worry about your own country , we don ' t need you Aussies telling us about how we should deal with corruption in our government . Reading all those liberal books has deadened your sense of smell to stinking politicians like BJ Clinton . If it wasn ' t for us in WWII you ' d Aussies would be a Japanese colony right now ! 057622 00001 d-fendr - 12 : 51am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) > 00002 dickburke , } 00003 * " spiritual desert ? " I thought it was the deomcrats who were objecting to calls to higher values in this , er , affair . 057623 00001 acer5 - 12 : 51am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ > 00003 d-fendr 1 / 30 / 99 12 : 48am} 00004 * . . . makes it difficult to enjoy a movie sometimes doesn ' t it ? . . . 057624 00001 mikerose2 - 12 : 52am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 > 00003 ramzfan1 - 11 : 13pm Jan 29 , 1999 EST ( #57476 of 57610 ) } 00004 *I ' m amazed by the outrageous and bold

          misstatements posted by Clinton apologists . Now they are even taking on Lincoln ! For shame ! } 00005 *And I ' m amazed by the depths of ignorance by the Clinton-haters . ( nah , I ' m not really -- just re-enforces my opinion of the idiots . ) 057625 00001 vrwcarea51g - 12 : 53am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 acer5 - 12 : 35am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( §§057603 of 57615 ) } 00004 * ~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ " The Bill C . Secretary , Fully automated , flexible , self-correcting , expandable , limited memory and never skips a perio . . . " } 00005 *you can say goodbye to acer5 after this one for sure . . . Looks like a real Spit and Shine Girl ! 057626 00001 d-fendr - 12 : 53am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) } 00002 *too true acer . . too true . And you guys lay offa jabberwocky , I hear it ' s preferred in Australia to have your highest elected official commit perjury and obstruction of justice . Traditional I think . 057627 00001 jammerbirdi - 12 : 54am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) > 00002 vrwcarea51g - 12 : 39am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57609 of 57615 ) } 00003 *I ' ve been out for dinner , where are you getting this stuff from ? Is it anywhere that I can access it ? But how many times have we heard this kind of bunk passed around as fact ? Let ' s just see if this PI implicates a real client with a name . Will there ultimately be any substance to these allegation or will they end up as just more folklore for the anti-Clinton nutcase base of the right wing ? 057628 00001 d-fendr - 12 : 55am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) } 00002 *Lincoln ? Somebody say , Lincoln ? " Let every American , every lover of liberty , every well-wisher to his posterity , swear by the blood of the Revolution , never to violate in the least particular , the laws of the country ; and never to tolerate their violation by others . As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence , so to the support of the Constitution and Laws , let every American pledge his life , his property , and his sacred honor ; let every man remember that to violate the law , is to trample on the blood of his father , and to tear the character of his own , and his children ' s liberty . Let reverence for the laws , be breathed by every American mother , to the lisping babe , that prattles on her lap--let it be taught in schools , in seminaries , and in colleges ; let it be written in Primers , spelling books , and in Almanacs ; --let it be preached from the pulpit , proclaimed in legislative halls , and enforced in courts of justice . And , in short , let it become the political religion of the nation ; and let the old and the young , the rich and the poor , the grave and the gay , of all sexes and tongues , and colors and conditions , sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars . " - Abraham Lincoln 057629 00001 carldenis - 12 : 55am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) } 00002 *mikerose2 was looking at you frontispice . You have a word too many . " Virtue " BC has talent but no virtue . 057630 00001 jerryhere - 12 : 56am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57743 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws > 00003 jim30b 1 / 30 / 99 12 : 44am } 00004 *Didja ever consider ta movin ta WashDC with the rest of the egg-suckin ' democraps ? +++ 057631 00001 dickburke1 - 12 : 57am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57640 ) } dickburke1 - 12 : 57am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *Hey , we aint all blessed with the ability to invest 1 , 000 in pork Futures to walk away with 100 , 000 . . . . But then again I don ' t bill for work I DON ' T DO ! +++ *Sooner or later pet food companies will stumble onto the lawyer & Republican glut . Everyone will be pleased with their dividend checks . 057632 00001 jim30b - 12 : 59am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *T ' WAS BRILLIG , AND THE FRITHY TOVES , DID ' ST GYRE AND GYMBLE IN THE WABE . ( from an earlier political satire . ) ( made distinctly more sense than some of the posts on this " forum " ) 057633 00001 powerside1 - 12 : 59am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 jabberwocky11 1 / 30 / 99 12 : 42am } 00004 *I ' m in Australia . . . braying self-righteously } 00005 *Three little dots , et voila : The gist of your post is revealed . 057634 00001 powerside1 - 01 : 01am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 amzfan1 1 / 30 / 99 12 : 51am } 00004 *It is a Japanese colony . 057635 00001 jammerbirdi - 01 : 01am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 d-fendr - 12 : 51am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57622 of 57627 ) } 00003 *I thought it was the deomcrats who were objecting to calls to higher values in this , er , affair . You thought wrong , my friend . The repub values of sanctimonious phony postering stink like that whale carcass down in Palos Verdes . That is , all the way to high heaven . That ' s what the dems are objecting to . 057636 00001 vrwcarea51g - 01 : 01am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral > 00003 ADA ! > 00004 Jammer-ABCNEWS . com > 00005 Mikerose : } 00006 *The myth of Lincoldm , the great Emancipator didn ' t arise until after his death -in spite of the fact he was very public and very consistant in his view . . . And so will the myth of the ability of William Clinton to tell the Truth ! Funny what those pesky Liberal Revisionist Historians can do ! 057637 00001 acer5 - 01 : 01am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ THE FOOT-SANDWICH , Breakfast Of Liberals . . . " > 00003 . 057638 00001 acer5 - 01 : 03am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ would you like bunions with that ? . . . 057639 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 04am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *So , what ' s all the bleating about tonight ? We should be thinking about something else , like : since the Senate will acquit Clinton in about 10 days , what will we talk about after that ? 057640 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 04am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * ( CBS ) The Clinton White House is using everything and everybody to influence - to spin historians who ' ll have the final say about the Clinton presidency , reports CBS News Correspondent Phil Jones . Vice President Al Gore has been used to denounce President Clinton ' s impeachment . " . . . this does a great disservice to a man I believe will be regarded in the history books as one of our greatest presidents , " Gore said . Other White House lobbying of historians has been more subtle . Two have slept in the Lincoln bedroom . Historians were recruited by the White House to testify against impeachment before the House Judiciary Committee . And four historians have been honored at the White House , including Stephen Ambrose . " I would say the Clinton White House has been more aggressive and more sustained in the impression that it wants to leave reporters with - and historians - than those that went before , " Ambrose said . But is the spin working ? " He ' s not going to go down as a great president , " Ambrose said . Ambrose , who has written about presidents since Harry Truman , argues that Bill Clinton cannot be a " great president " because he has not been faced with big events . " Wars are big . Depressions are big . Bill Clinton ' s stuck at a time when the presidency doesn ' t really matter that much . The Congress is more important than the presidency , and even Congress doesn ' t matter all that much , " he said . Douglas Brinkley , another respected presidential historian , predicts Bill Clinton will spend the rest of his life seeking political vindication . " I think Bill Clinton ' s final seduction is going to be history and historians , " Brinkley said , " and to try and somehow say that , ' I had a great administration . I had to ward off this sexual McCarthyism , the attack on the lunatic right ' - try to somehow start spinning his accomplishments to get above the mediocre . " Brinkley noted that a strong economic factor separates the Clinton presidency from the fate suffered by Richard Nixon . " From the beginning of the to the time Nixon resigned , the Dow Jones went down 20 percent , " he said . " From the beginning of the Lewinsky scandal to today , the Dow Jones has gone up 20 percent . " The opening paragraphs on the Clinton presidency are already written : It ' s how a sex scandal led to the president ' s impeachment . Nothing can change this . It ' s the rest of the history that Bill Clinton wants to spin . ( c ) 1999 CBS Worldwide Corp . All rights reserved . +++ 057641 00001 powerside1 - 01 : 05am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 d-fendr 1 / 30 / 99 12 : 55am } 00004 *Nobly spoken ! Still the standard of honor of the Grand Old Party , to which I am ever prouder to belong . Let the truth ring forth across the land ! 057642 00001 carldenis - 01 : 07am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Acer5 } 00003 *Whoever made that foot sadwich could have washed the foot a little better . 057643 00001 mikerose2 - 01 : 09am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 Dang it . . . . . I just noticed something about my mouse icon and links . . . . . When it passes over the name of Clinton supporter it uses the index finger . When passes over the name of a RWN , it uses the next finger to the right . . . . . 057644 00001 powerside1 - 01 : 09am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 royal_coachman 1 / 30 / 99 1 : 04am } 00004 *Perhaps we will soon be talking about how Clinton was the only President to be impeached twice . The White House spin will be : ( 1 ) Rape is only sex . ( 2 ) Rape is not a high crime or misdemeanor . 057645 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 10am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *After Apple-picking MY long two-pointed ladder ' s sticking through a tree Toward heaven still , And there ' s a barrel that I didn ' t fill Beside it , and there may be two or three Apples I didn ' t pick upon some bough . But I am done with apple-picking now . Essence of winter sleep is on the night , The scent of apples : I am drowsing off . I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight I got from looking through a pane of glass I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough And held against the world of hoary grass . It melted , and I let it fall and break . But I was well Upon my way to sleep before it fell , And I could tell What form my dreaming was about to take . Magnified apples appear and disappear , Stem end and blossom end , And every fleck of russet showing clear . My instep arch not only keeps the ache , It keeps the pressure of a ladder-round . I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend . And I keep hearing from the cellar bin The rumbling sound Of load on load of apples coming in . For I have had too much Of apple-picking : I am overtired Of the great harvest I myself desired . There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch , Cherish in hand , lift down , and not let fall . For all That struck the earth , No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble , Went surely to the cider-apple heap As of no worth . One can see what will trouble This sleep of mine , whatever sleep it is . Were he not gone , The woodchuck could say whether it ' s like his Long sleep , as I describe its coming on , Or just some human sleep . 057646 00001 jerryhere - 01 : 11am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *Bill has flaws > 00003 vrwcarea51g 1 / 30 / 99 12 : 53am } 00004 *We ' ve got bugs down here . But , we know an a**hole when we see one . Long Live King Jon ! ! ! Eh ? 057647 00001 jim30b - 01 : 11am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 to : d-fender re : #57628 } 00003 *WOW , Thanks for the post , I haden ' t realized what a right wing , inflexible zealot , Linclon was . No wonder more innocent americans died in his war , than in WWI , WWII , Korea , and Vietnam combined . If I had been there , I would have done what I did during Vietnam , +++ 057648 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 11am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *LORAL teams with Russia LORAL SPACE SYSTEMS Loral ' s Globalstar to launch from Baikonur New York- Jan . 28 , 1999 Globalstar announced today that it expects a Soyuz launch of four Globalstar Satellites to occur by or before mid February , following today ' s signing of the TECHNOLOGY SAFEGUARDS AGREEMENT ( TSA ) by the United States , Russian and Kazahkstan . The TSA is a comprehensive , trilateral agreement governing the conditions upon which U . S . satellites can be launched from Baikonur . " We ' re pleased that the TSA is now in place , " said Bernard L . Schwartz , chairman and chief executive officer of Globalstar . " This allows us to resume our launch campaign with our first Soyuz launch . Our satellites have been fueled and mated to the dispenser , and the launch readiness review team , which includes outside experts , reports a ' go ' condition for the Soyuz - IKAR vehicle . Does this mean that Schwartz , the #1 Democratic campaign contributor , figures the chinese missles are improved enough for a while ? Or did the heat get to high on that operation ? 057649 00001 dickburke1 - 01 : 12am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *We should have kept the Russians around as sparring partners . When a war-like people has no enemy , it goes to war with itself . Laura Ingrham as war correspondent . With each expose Blonde Republican skirts grow shorter and new desks are rolled in front of the cameras made of glass . . . so we can keep our minds on the " news . " 057650 00001 vrwcarea51g - 01 : 13am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 acer5 - 01 : 03am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57638 of 57641 ) } 00004 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ } 00005 *would you like bunions with that ? . . . LOL 057651 00001 ramzfan1 - 01 : 13am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Mike rose , } 00003 *the Thirteenth Amendment was proposed by Senator John Henderson in January of 1864 . Congress passed it in January 1865 , pushing it to the states for ratification . President Lincoln had said that no state could expect legitimate status in the union without ratification , forcing Southern states to acquiesce . This all happened before Ford ' s theater ! ! ! ! Secretary of State William Seward got the required certification of 27 states on December 18 , 1865 . Lincoln overruled Fremont because he was stationed in hostile territory and he didn ' t want to alienate the locals . Lincoln had a difficult job of keeping a nation together despite hatred of blacks both in the North and South . That made people at both extremes hate him at times . The anti-slavery people of Lincoln ' s time like abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas appreciated his brave , unpopular acts in 1863 , not later as you try to revise . Lincoln knew his opposition to slavery wasn ' t a mere private belief , but had real-life consequences , saying in 1863 that the Old South " must be destroyed and replaced by new propositions and ideas . " Maybe your history background explains your support for the Great Misleader . 057652 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 14am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *So links but no graphics ? 057653 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 15am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 jim30b , } 00003 *I see , now the Civil War is Lincoln ' s war , and Lincoln is a " right wing , inflexible zealot . " No wonder you love Clinton . When the goin gets tough , the tough get goin . To Canada , England . . . But , I don ' t think you ' re even sincere in your bragging . I think you know you just look for excuses for your cowardice , and hope to elevate yourself by bringing others down . Then I could be wrong . You could just be joking . 057654 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 17am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Powerside . . . } 00003 *I don ' t think you ' ve been around the forums long enough . It used to be that Clinton was going to be impeached for Travelgate , Filegate and , my favorite , having 51 people killed over the last 20 years . If you have a new pet theory for impeachment . . . well . . . take a number . 057655 00001 jammerbirdi - 01 : 18am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 vrwcarea51g - 01 : 01am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57636 of 57642 ) } 00003 *Too many degrees of seperation in this story . What EVIDENCE links any of this to the President ? The piece plainly states that Starr will have a hard time making a case against any of the individuals named in the article . I ' m afraid this one ' s ultimately going to be relegated to the fringe , just like everything else . ( well , maybe not afraid . ) 057656 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 19am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal_coachman - 01 : 17am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57654 of 57654 ) } 00003 *Jeesh , Clinton ' s gonna be impeached on general principal . ; - ) 057657 00001 vrwcarea51g - 01 : 20am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 jerryhere - 01 : 11am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57646 of 57652 ) } 00004 *Long Live King Jon ! ! ! Eh ? Yeap , Better that the panty waist that was there before him , A MEA lap dog . Thought he was just a bit to good for us commoners ! Notice where he went to work when we kicked his @ss out ? +++ 057658 00001 carldenis - 01 : 21am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *Oh ! , noble Clintonistas : How much money is the WH spending on spinning , spying , arm twisting , private ivestigators hiring , witness tampering , smear campaigns , cruise missiles and smart bombs ! 75 cruises alone at 850k / ea cost already $148 , 000 , 000 . 00 over Irak . Plus Soudan , plus Afghanistan ( not included ) . Plus all the rest . Is in in the budget ? 057659 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 21am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *oh , royal > 00003 coachman , } 00004 *You can go back further than that : Clinton didn ' t do it . He didn ' t lie . You can ' t prove he lied . It wasn ' t perjury . He won ' t be impeached . Now you wanna try for he won ' t be convicted . Well , based on the record of correct predictions so far . . . Now , let ' s have a trial . 057660 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 21am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Jlaing . . . } 00003 *Is that like Victoria Principal ? I had no idea . . . hmmm . . . I may have to change my opinion of him . 057661 00001 acer5 - 01 : 22am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ um , i have a dilemma , i can ' t pick the best caption for this pic . . . i have a few listed below . . . " > 00003 . 1 : " Madge , take this and soak it ! " , 2 : " This little piggie went to Uranus . " or 3 : " People get pretty cheeky when they know they have a Do Not Resuscitate order . " 057662 00001 tinytee111 - 01 : 22am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *I am putting the GOP of New York on notice that if the President is impeached they will have to accept the consequences of the November elections with dignity . They will pay a very high price because of the Senates stupidity . Leave the President alone and let him finish his term . After all the testimony taken by Starr during the Grand Jury hearings Monica Lewinsky , Currie and Jordan are now faced with the necessity to repeat the same testimony again . Isn ' t this foolish . All the Senators have to do is read the transcripts . I can see it as wasting taxpapers money with all this nonsense . I am one Ameican Fed up with all of this . I can ' t wait for it to end . But I will never forget what harm this has caused our Country and the people in it . 057663 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 23am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 D-fendr . . . } 00003 *You haven ' t been around long enough either . All of the cries for impeachment pre-date anything to do with a Monica in its name . Oh , and you think he ' s going to be convicted ? How so ? 057664 00001 jim30b - 01 : 24am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 o : vrwcarea51g : re#57650 } 00003 *It ' s easy , ( p . s . it was $10 , 000 . 00 ) . I can get you an online account to trade futures and options . Remember to SHORT pork bellies , since the dismanteling of price supports has given us back a 1930 ' s style bust in agriculture . Kinda like the NEED Regan had to deregugate the S & L ' s . 057665 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 24am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 acer , } 00003 *How about : " Here ' s yer Social Security plan , Mr . President . " 057666 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 25am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal_coachman 1 / 30 / 99 1 : 21am } 00003 *True Victoria is general principal , an honorific imho . 057667 00001 acer5 - 01 : 26am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ d-fendr . . . that ' s it ! . . . thanks bud . . . # 057668 00001 tinytee111 - 01 : 28am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *I am putting the GOP of New York on notice that if the President is impeached they will have to accept the consequences of the November elections with dignity . They will pay a very high price because of the Senates stupidity . Leave the President alone and let him finish his term . After all the testimony taken by Starr during the Grand Jury hearings Monica Lewinsky , Currie and Jordan are now faced with the necessity to repeat the same testimony again . Isn ' t this foolish . All the Senators have to do is read the transcripts . I can see it as wasting taxpapers money with all this nonsense . I am one American Fed up with all of this . I can ' t wait for it to end . But I will never forget what harm this has caused our Country and the people in it . 057669 00001 jackgar - 01 : 29am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *If the pro Clinton crowd are so sure that the American public do not want him removed from office , why don ' t we have a SUPER POLL . . For an event that hasn ' t happened in over a hundred years , it wouldn ' t be too much to ask for a special election to let all the people decide instead of the supposed scientific polls we are getting now . If the pro clintom crowd is so sure that the American public do not want him removed from office , why don ' t we have a Super poll ? . For an event that hasn ' t happened in over a hundred years , it wouldn ' t be too much to ask for a Special election and really let the people decide . We should publish a notice two weeks in advance asking registered voters to vote Yes or No [ based on the facts that has been impeached for lying and obstruction of justice . ]on whether he should be convicted and removed from office . . The results should settle the matter once and for all . The pro Clinton crowd keep saying the people want him to stay . Well lets see . I can live with the results . Can they ? 057670 00001 jammerbirdi - 01 : 30am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 acer5 - 01 : 26am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57667 of 57667 ) ~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ } 00003 *Might I suggest , " swab here for Ken Starr ' s DNA . " 057671 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 30am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *More poetry-by yeats On a Political Prisoner She that but little patience knew , From childhood on , had now so much A grey gull lost its fear and flew Down to her cell and there alit , And there endured her fingers touch And from her fingers ate its bit . Did she in touching that lone wing Recall the years before her mind Became a bitter , an abstract thing , Her thought some popular enmity : Blind and leader of the blind Drinking the foul ditch where they lie ? When long ago I saw her ride Under Ben Bulban to the meet , The beauty of her country-side With all youth ' s lonely wildness stirred , She seemed to have grown clean and sweet Like any rock-bred , sea-borne bird : Sea-borne , or balanced on the air When first it sprang out of the nest Upon some lofty rock to stare Upon the cloudy canopy , While under its storm-beaten breast Cried out the hollows of the sea . 057672 00001 havnaer - 01 : 30am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * ( I posted this Thursday mid-day . Thought you night-owls might like it ) Aha ! ! So now we have more new legislative history in the making . Instead of the 2 / 3-majority vote required by the Constitution to remove the President , the Republicans are proposing to circumvent the highest law of the land by breaking the vote into two parts : First , a simple majority vote finds the Prez guilty in a " finding of fact " . Next , a simple majority ( 55 : 45 ) demands the removal of the President . Will CJ Rehnquist rule this to be Unconstitutional ? Has he made ANY rulings of substance in this case ? Has he done anyhing more than read the pieces of paper placed in his hand by the Senate clerks ? What ' s REALLY exciting is that there is NO APPEAL process to the Supreme Court to dispute this unconstitutional action . The Republicans MIGHT JUST WIN AFTER ALL , by violating the intent of the Constitution , though not the letter of the highest law in the land . With this kind of precedent set , we can expect this kind of pitched battle to be repeated endlessly throughout the next century whenever the political party of the President differs from the majority in Congress . Don ' t like the way the Election went ? Just Impeach the Prez and Veep , and you ' ll get the Speaker of the House as your party ' s Executive . O Brave New World . . . 057673 00001 powerside1 - 01 : 31am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 royal_coachman 1 / 30 / 99 1 : 17am } 00004 *It ' ll be well worth the wait . 057674 00001 dickburke1 - 01 : 32am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *Republicans can whine , they can cry , they can hug the sides of the drain , but sooner or later The Vote will go down . . . and they will go down . . . screeching piously " rule of law , " . . oh please please please , it wasn ' t about sex honest go God ! The presence of certain death clears the mind wonderfully . 057675 00001 havnaer - 01 : 32am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * ( This is today ' s mid-day post . ) WHOOPEE ! ! ! And so the United States Senate , " the greatest deliberative body in the world " , continues to degenerate into a kangaroo court . Today ' s NYTimes lead story reveals that the Republican majority are able to ramrod through any proposal they want and the Democrats are powerless to stop them . Daschle thinks he ' s made a bipartisan coup by getting Lott to agree to limit witnesses unless proposed by the both of them . This gives him virtual veto power over further Manager witnesses , but it gives Lott veto power over any White House witnesses . Think the Repubs will play fair and allow the President to defend himself in this court ? ? FAT CHANCE ! And who actually believes that Lott will stick to this backroom agreement when push comes to shove ? He ' s got a voting majority , fer chrissakes ! ! He ' ll renege for certain ! Of course , the White House is threatening to drag this out if live witnesses are called to testify . The Senate Republicans won ' t allow them to take control of the trial , though and give them only three days to investigate . The trial will still drag out until April , however , as the Managers call witness after witness recounting lurid stories of sex and cigars , retelling the same facts over and over again . Naturally , this will work to Bill ' s advantage , as the longer the Republicans drag this out , the more popular he becomes and the less popular they become . Eventually , even the Right ' s most ardent supporters will grow disgusted . +++ 057676 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 34am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Jlaing . . . } 00003 *For Christ ' s sake . . . Yeats Schmeats ! . . . post some Seamus Heaney , will you ? 057677 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 34am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 havnaer - 01 : 32am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57675 of 57675 ) } 00003 *interesting posts 057678 00001 vrwcarea51g - 01 : 35am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 Acer-} 00004 *I was thinking a little Jeff Foxworthy song lyric about IMPOTUS . . . . to the Song , Here ' s Your SIGN ! 057679 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 35am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Royal , } 00003 *I think conviction has at least as good a chance as acquital . Not least of all because he ' s so obviously guilty . If he weren ' t this would be over . But the solution , the only solution I see , that meets the most win / win requirements is resignation . And , the more that becomes known , the more people support removal . The best solution would satisfy the law based on the evidence , the constitution and public opinion . But there ' s a big contradiction between those factors hence the dilemna . You name the outcome , I ' ll point out the dilemna or problem or reason why it can ' t be done . . Resignation has the fewest , followed by conviction . 057680 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 35am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Powerside . . . } 00003 *Psssst . . . he ' ll be out of office in less than two years anyway . . . pass it along ! 057681 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 37am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 D-fendr . . . } 00003 *Ok . You think it ' s 50-50 ? I ' ll bet a hundred the Senate doesn ' t remove him . You up for it ?

          057682 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 37am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal_coachman - 01 : 34am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57676 of 57677 ) } 00003 *I ' m too lazy , I ' d have to retype it . 057683 00001 jim30b - 01 : 39am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 to : d-fender : re#57653 } 00003 *Sorry to disapoint , but I ' m deadly serious . the only of the aforementioned wars , I would have Volunteered for , was WWII . Let the warmongers , have to deal with annother vast , civil disobedience like Vietnam , and they will be much less likely to squander the blood of their brethren in the future . Note the evolution of american warefare . Can you imagine anyone stupid enough to foist annother Vietnam on this country agian ? ? I THINK NOT , the real heroes of the Vietnam era , were those of us with BALLS ENOUGH TO REFUSE . 057684 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 39am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Jlaing . . . } 00003 *Actually , I was getting ready to do that myself ( re-type it ) , when I thought it would just be easier to shame you into doing it . Well , it was worth a try . 057685 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 40am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal_coachman - 01 : 37am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57681 of 57682 ) } 00003 *I ' m beting the vote is 61-39 to convict , what ' s your bet ? +++ 057686 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 40am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal , } 00003 *nah , 100 must mean a lot more to me than to you . I ' d go maybe $10 , but I ' d want to re-structure the bet . Senate doesn ' t remove gives you too many of the options to win with . You ' d win if he resigned for example . . Lemme think . . . 057687 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 41am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal_coachman 1 / 30 / 99 1 : 39am } 00003 *lol 057688 00001 powerside1 - 01 : 42am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 havnaer 1 / 30 / 99 1 : 30am } 00004 *Has he made ANY rulings of substance in this case ? } 00005 *Yes , he overruled Harkin ' s objection to the House Managers ' interviewing Lewinsky . And he has issued a ruling on

          each occassion on which one was requested . You see , it is not the judge ' s job to make rulings sua sponte . Unless someone objects , or requests a ruling , he is basically supposed to just sit there and watch . Moreover , because the Senate has the sole power to try impeachments , the Chief Justice really only has the power of moral suassion , which he must carefully reserve in the event he is called upon to make some ruling of extreme significance ( assuming one of the parties or a Senator were to call upon him to do so ) . If he were to inject himself into the proceedings without very good cause , the disappointed party would inevitably assail him as " partisan " ( where have were heard that word before ) , which would diminish the credibility and independence of the judiciary . Unlike some people , who can ' t pass a camera without striking a pose , the Chief Justice has conducted himself precisely in the right manner . 057689 00001 jammerbirdi - 01 : 42am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 dickburke1 - 01 : 32am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57674 of 57674 ) } 00003 *Aren ' t you worried about this " finding of fact " cow patty that the

          repubs are rubbing all over themselves these days ? And isn ' t it funny how following the strict course outlined in the Constitution has become very unattractive now that the repubs have gotten their big booties reamed by the White House attorneys ? 057690 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 43am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Jlaing . . . } 00003 *I think it will be 53-47-1 to acquit ( the 1 being Mascian , who will just vote that everyone else is a moronic Communist apologist , a shoddy thinker , and a poor speller to boot ) . 057691 00001 powerside1 - 01 : 45am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 royal_coachman 1 / 30 / 99 1 : 35am } 00004 *Pssst . That ' s not the point . Pass it along . 057692 00001 pittaway - 01 : 46am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *The President is going to be removed . 23 , 000 , 000 Ditto Heads cann ' t be wrong . 057693 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 46am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal , } 00003 *50-50 odds is not enough for me to bet much on . I ' d bet that more than one democrat vote to convict if it gets that far . I like those odds . I ' d bet that a strong censure doesn ' t happen . Strong censure meaning meaning he must admit he lied , can not hold future office and can be held accountable for prosecution after he leaves office . I like those odds a lot . 057694 00001 vrwcarea51g - 01 : 46am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral > 00003 ADA ! > 00004 dickburke1 - 01 : 32am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57674 of 57679 ) } 00005 *Republicans can whine , they can cry , they can hug the sides of the drain , but sooner or later The Vote will go down . . . and they will go down . . . screeching piously " rule of law , " . . oh please please please , it wasn ' t about sex honest go God ! The presence of certain death clears the mind wonderfully . Just arrived from planet Uranus I see , Meanwhile here on planet earth it has been the Cover-up Fiberals , that have been whining , screaming , crying about the rules , but these SAME fiberals want to change the rules at every turn . They wanted Censure in the House , no rule ! They Wanted Witnesses in the House , they got em , 15 NOt ONE addressed any of the Evidence ! NOT ONE . They wanted to delay the final decisions of the rules , when the time came they complained they didn ' t get their way . The Fiberal Attorney stands in the Well of the senate a claims they weren ' t given ANY chance to call witnesses in the HOUSE . They wanted to short Circuit the Trial , they wanted to have a trial WITHOUT witnesses . Please , Please , it was All about the Cover-up IN THE FIRST PLACE ! The Only sex going on is the Democrats SCR*WING the Constitution and the Rules ! 057695 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 47am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Powerside . . . } 00003 *Oh , little fella , when you talk about impeaching Clinton again . . . it ' s exactly the point . You don ' t even have the time , even if you say you have the issue . +++ 057696 00001 dickburke1 - 01 : 48am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 havnaer } 00003 *Brother have you got it right . The Republicans want Stalingrad . . they will get it . I opt for an October end

          date . There is not a solitary soul in this fiasco with enough brains to end this . So it will grind on . . and on . . and on . Here we are , a public with barely the patience to sit thru a commercial , faced with a political Viet

          Nam , no exit in sight , no intelligence on either side . . . like two jackasses trapped in a narrow corridor . Stupidity of this magnitude has got to crash . Only a near-death experience is going to let some light in . I foresee mental illness & cardiac outfall in these Senators on the margins . 057697 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 48am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Acer , } 00003 *Run again in 2000 or Flynt gets this picture . 057698 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 49am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal_coachman - 01 : 43am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( §§057691 of 57691 ) } 00003 *Mascian ' s a RW hack , he couldn ' t do the gymnastics to be neutral 057699 00001 carldenis - 01 : 49am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 acer5 } 00003 *Greaaaaaat ! 057700 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 50am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal , } 00003 *You ' d bet only 53 votes to convict ? I ' ll bet ten against that . And go out tomorrow and spend it . : ) 057701 00001 jlaing10 - 01 : 50am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *later 057702 00001 acer5 - 01 : 50am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ > 00003 d-fendr} 00004 * . . . hmmm , i ' ll have run that by the wife . . . ; ) 057703 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 52am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *seems when the majority rules , the minority these days thinks it ' s a coup . Where were they for the 40 years of democrat majorities . 057704 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 53am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 D-fendr . . } 00003 *Well , I don ' t care about the amount , honestly . And I ' d take that bet . . . but it has to be all 3 : admit he lied , no office , and no pardon ? Is that the bet ? 057705 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 53am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Acer , } 00003 *How about : " Say , that ' s a lovely blue dress , can I borrow it for a friend ? " +++ 057706 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 54am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *yes , all three to qualify for strong censure . I bet it won ' t happen , you bet it will . $10 ? 057707 00001 carldenis - 01 : 56am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *Am signing off . Got to hit the sack . See u soon 057708 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 57am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 D-fendr . . } 00003 *Wait , I thought I was betting strong censure wouldn ' t happen . Yikes . 057709 00001 tna1pada3 - 01 : 57am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " The Early Purges by Seamus Heaney I was six when I first saw kittens drown . Dan Taggart pitched them , ' the scraggy wee sh*ts ' , Into a bucket ; a frail metal sound , Soft paws scraping like mad . But their tiny din Was soon soused . They were slung on the snout Of the pump and the water pumped in . ' Sure isn ' t it better for them now ? ' Dan said . Like wet gloves they bobbed and shone till he sluiced Them out on the dunghill , glossy and dead . Suddenly frightened , for days I sadly hung Round the yard , watching the three sogged remains Turn mealy and crisp as old summer dung Until I forgot them . But the fear came back When Dan trapped big rats , snared rabbits , shot crows Or , with a sickening tug , pulled old hens ' necks . Still , living displaces false sentiments And now , when shrill pups are prodded to drown I just shrug , ' Bloody pups ' . It makes sense : ' Prevention of cruelty ' talk cuts ice in town Where they consider death unnatural , But on well-run farms pests have to be kept down . 057710 00001 powerside1 - 01 : 58am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 jim30b 1 / 30 / 99 1 : 39am } 00004 *the real heroes of the Vietnam era , were those of us with BALLS ENOUGH TO REFUSE . } 00005 *Even if you could convince every one else , you still have to live with yourself . When their country called . . Some faught . Some turned their backs and ran . And now those cowards now seek solace in their excuses . But the heroes stand silent , because they don ' t have to explain . 057711 00001 vrwcarea51g - 01 : 58am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 jim : } 00004 *I THINK NOT , the real heroes of the Vietnam era , were those of us with BALLS ENOUGH TO REFUSE . } 00005 *I bet you felt like a real MAN when you saw some of those boys come home and get spat on and called baby Killers because they Honored their Duty to Their Country . 057712 00001 d-fendr - 01 : 58am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal , } 00003 *rats , hopin you ' d fall for that one , unconstitutional . . back to the drawing board . . 057713 00001 royal_coachman - 01 : 59am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 Adaplant . . . } 00003 *Thanks . 057714 00001 tna1pada3 - 02 : 00am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Where can we find a bucket for the managers ? Adieu . 057715 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 00am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57741 ) > 00002 royal , } 00003 *I ' d bet there will be more than 53 votes to convict on the obstruction article . +++ 057716 00001 dickburke1 - 02 : 01am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *ada } 00003 *Great poem ada . That was a fitting & true rhapsody to the Republican End-Time . The Gutterdammerung they are lusting for . 057717 00001 tna1pada3 - 02 : 02am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " > 00003 royal_coachman 1 / 30 / 99 1 : 59am } 00004 *SEAMUS HEANEY Enjoy ! Goodnight . 057718 00001 royal_coachman - 02 : 02am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) > 00002 D-fendr . . . } 00003 *Hmmm . You may be right . That ' s tough bet . 057719 00001 acer5 - 02 : 03am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz . . . huh ? . . . 057720 00001 vrwcarea51g - 02 : 03am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral > 00003 ADA ! > 00004 jim : } 00005 *How would you have felt if the military told Bill to stick it when he issued a order to Bomb Iraq , because they loathed Him ? 057721 00001 powerside1 - 02 : 06am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 tna1pada3 1 / 30 / 99 2 : 00am } 00004 *Where can we find a bucket for the managers ? } 00005 *It won ' t be easy to find one . . . large enough to clean up all the BS spilling from this White House . It ' s a dirty job , but somebody ' s gotta do it ! 057722 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 08am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) > 00002 royal , } 00003 *yep . I think anything less than 55-56 is starting to look like a good bet even now , and I think it will move in the direction of more as the trial continues . it ' s publicly easy for a lot more democrats to vote guilty ( agreeing with constituents in many many cases ) . The downside for many comes from within their party , affecting their future effectiveness in the senate . But , the tough part would be if it gets towards 66-67 , that would bring hellish pressure . 057723 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 09am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 pdomingo 1 / 29 / 99 10 : 38pm } 00004 *The Jane Doe #5 story has legs - i . e . , timely conversations with acquaintances . 057724 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 11am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) > 00002 royal : } 00003 *consider these numbers ( during the SOTU bounce ) Recently , one congressman has suggested that the Senate can convict the President and choose to not remove him from office . Would you agree or disagree with this approach ? Agree 33 . 4 Disagree 56 . 3 Not sure 10 . 2 Do you agree or disagree that lying before a Grand Jury is an impeachable offense ? Agree 54 . 6 Disagree 16 . 0 It depends 25 . 7 Not sure 3 . 7 Do you agree or disagree that obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense ? Agree 58 . 7 Disagree 11 . 6 It depends 26 . 0 Not sure 3 . 7 Do you agree or disagree that President Clinton has lied before a Grand Jury ? Agree 62 . 9 Disagree 19 . 8 It depends 17 . 2 057725 00001 acer5 - 02 : 11am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ nice looking legs too i ' m sure . . . . sorry > 00003 collioure1 , } 00004 *i couldn ' t resist . . . +++ 057726 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 13am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) > 00002 royal , } 00003 *course the disconnect comes when you look at the numbers who want the prez removed . He ' s guilty , if he ' s guilty he should be removed , we don ' t want him removed . That I think is the microcosm of the dilemna . . 057727 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 14am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 mikerose2 1 / 29 / 99 10 : 42pm } 00004 *I understand the dichotomy between Jews as an ethnic group and Jews as those who have adopted Judiasm as a religion . It is one that bedevils the American Jews . I brought it up in the context of whether Jews discouraging interfaith marriages was racist . ( no doubt we ' ll hear from elizabeth on this one sooner or later . ) 057728 00001 powerside1 - 02 : 14am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 CLINTON GOON HIRED TO INTIMIDATE WILEY W A S H I N G T O N , Jan . 29 - ABCNEWS has learned that a private investigator has become a key witness in the investigation of whether someone tried to scare Kathleen Willey into remaining silent about allegations President Clinton made an unwanted sexual advance . Sources now say Starr ' s investigation is focused on Jarrett Stern , a private investigator with ties to prominent Democratic fund-raiser Nathan Landow . Asked whether he has been working on a project related to Willey , Stern said , " It is true . The specifics of it , I don ' t want to get into . " Landow Investigated Willey Sources familiar with Stern ' s work say he was hired by Saul Schwartzbach , a lawyer for Landow . Willey has testified that Landow , who has brought in several hundred thousand dollars for the Clinton-Gore campaigns , pressured her to deny that Clinton made a sexual advance toward her at the White House . The same sources say Landow had Willey investigated at a time when she was a witness in both the Paula Jones sexual harassment case and the Starr criminal investigation . Landow himself told ABCNEWS last fall that he had asked the lawyer to draw up " a chronology " detailing Willey ' s story . Sources say Stern was asked to pull Willey ' s phone records , to find out what medications Willey might be taking and to conduct a " noisy " investigation aimed at making sure Willey knew she was being watched . Stern ' s lawyer , Edward Bouquet , said the private investigator began to feel uneasy with the Willey project . " I think that he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do something he wasn ' t comfortable with , " Bouquet said . Bouquet claims Stern was so uncomfortable that he called Willey and left a message - using an alias - warning her that someone wanted to do her harm . What investigators want to know is whether Stern has knowledge of " the jogger , " a man Willey claims tried to scare her . Willey says that two days before her deposition in the Jones case , a jogger - a stranger approached her , asked about her children , and said , " Don ' t you get the message ? " Stern insists he is not the jogger but also says he believes " wholeheartedly " that Willey is telling the truth about the incident . A spokesman for Landow says he will be " completely exonerated . " Indeed , Starr has a difficult case to make as sources say Landow and Schwartzbach have refused to answer prosecutors ' questions . --> 057729 00001 rogerfgay - 02 : 15am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *Lower your flags ; US to have a King . Senate Democrats vowed yesterday to change the president ' s Constitutional status as " first citizen " by making him exempt from impeachment and the common law . It is a coup d ' etet against the Constitution that will effect the country deeply . The impeachment clause will remain in the Constitution but with a new meaning that effectively exempts the president from criminal prosecution and removal from office . In direct Constitutional interpretation , the standard applies as well to the vice president and all civil officers of the United States , including federal judges . Congress makes its own rules for disciplining members , including expulsion if the cause is sufficient . But their rules have been in reasonable correspondence with those of the other two branches of government . There ' s no reason to suspect that the legislative branch will not over time bring itself

          into correspondence with the new standard , which will act as de facto statement of fundamental law . It ' s been no secret that a strong " political class " has been establishing itself in the US , but has been frustrated by the western basis of US law . It ' s difficult to have a true class system when basic law demands that everyone is equal . The declaration by the Democrats yesterday sets the nation on a new course , reversing more than 200 years of political progress . Lower your flags . The US is to have a king . The fight for freedom and democracy has not been finally won after all . 057730 00001 vrwcarea51g - 02 : 18am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral > 00003 ADA ! > 00004 collioure1 - 02 : 09am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57723 of 57725 ) } 00005 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) } 00006 *Oh no , Haven ' t you heard . The fiberals have already embarked on the Lieing Sl*t , Smear the B ! tch Defense . Hugs called it ! +++ 057731 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 19am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 powerside1 1 / 30 / 99 2 : 14am } 00004 *Excellent . We knew this investigation was hot . Let ' s make sure teririley sees this . And this administration is favored by women . 057732 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 20am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 vrwcarea51g 1 / 30 / 99 2 : 18am } 00004 *Against whom ? Lewinsky ? 057733 00001 havnaer - 02 : 21am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *Here ' s a funny idea . I was thinking about what the guys on the Right wing of the auditorium have been saying that the Impeachment isn ' t about SEX ( even though everyone else in the country thinks it is ) . I ' m a bipartisan kind of guy , so I thought I ' d try to see this from their point of view . Okay , let ' s concede that the Impeachment isn ' t about SEX . It ' s about perjury and obstruction of justice . Let ' s look at the perjury . Bill is accused of making false statements under oath to a federal grand jury . What were those statements ? He claimed he did not have sex , as he knew the term , with Monica L . and that when he presented his deposition in the Paula Jones civil case , he stated that he had no relationship with Ms . L . But wait ! This isn ' t about SEX , right ? If it isn ' t about sex , then Bill COULDN ' T have had sex with anyone . This means his statement about not having sex HAD TO BE THE TRUTH ! ! Since excluding the sex makes the relationship between Mon and Bill purely a professional one , this means the deposition as presented had to be the truth as well ! ! So , by definition , there could not possibly be any perjury committed ! This leaves the charge of obstruction of justice . This charge is predicated on the assumption that Bill was improperly influencing others to testify incorrectly before the grand jury in order to avoid conflicting and incriminating testimony and subsequent criminal charges . The key is the alleged motive - concealing criminal perjury . Yet we have already established that there was no possibility of perjury as Bill had to be telling the truth since this isn ' t about sex , right ? This eliminates any motive for obstruction of justice , casting serious doubt about whether he was even trying to influence anyone at all . In fact , when taken together or individually , the statements cited as used to influence witnesses are now absolutely truthful ( not about sex ) and the President is in fact encouraging them to be as accurate as possible . Again , by definition there cannot be obstruction of justice when Bill is encouraging witnesses to be as helpful as possible . In conclusion , if we continue to maintain that the Impeachment is not about SEX , then there cannot have been any crimes committed , and there are NO GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT . If , however , the grounds for Impeachment are made as charged , THEN THIS HAS TO BE ABOUT SEX ! ! ! ! ! Ha ! 057734 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 21am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 vrwcarea51g 1 / 30 / 99 2 : 18am } 00004 *Never mind . I ' m sure it ' s Broaddrick . 057735 00001 rogerfgay - 02 : 23am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) > 00002 havnaer - 02 : 21am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( #57733 of 57733 ) } 00003 *Bill is accused of making false statements under oath to a federal grand jury . What were those statements ? He claimed he did not have sex , as he knew the term , . . . . . zzzzzzzzzzzzzz - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 057736 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 24am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 havnaer 1 / 30 / 99 2 : 21am } 00004 *Congratulations . You ' ve just been ugraded from defender to enabler ! 057737 00001 vrwcarea51g - 02 : 25am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 Collioure : } 00004 *NO , Jane Doe #5 , here in the forum . . . . . about 10 : 30 or so . . And there is a Nice post by Teririley about it forgot the time of her post ! She says if he did it , she wants Justice . . . . . 057738 00001 acer5 - 02 : 26am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 *~ http : / / mysp . com / p / acer / ~ look , this monica thing is merely a case of " What We Know " . . . there are probably alot of women out there that haven ' t come forward to admit even " casual " sex with b . c . . . . why you ask ? . . . because they are scared . . . not to insinuate that any personal threat hes been made but , the guy is a powerful man . . . b . c defenders open your eyes . . . it ' s not about sex , or even monica . . . there seems to be an obvious trend here . . . 057739 00001 tna1pada3 - 02 : 27am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) } 00002 * " It ain ' t over til it ' s over " Lisa Myers / Jane Doe#5 Story a Hoax ! 057740 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 27am Jan 30 , 1999 EST ( of 57740 ) > 00002 havnaer : } 00003 * ' twas a sex case . Perjury in a sex case is usually about sex . Perjury in a banking case is usually about banking . If one were to discuss the specifics of the perjury in a sex case , ( say because the defendant feigned ignorance about what sexual relations meant for example ) , one would be discussing the underlying facts versus testimony . In an offense of perjury concerning sex in a sex case , one would necessarily be discussing sex . The sex discussed could be ruled admissable in a sexual harrassment case , a divorce case or a child molestation case . If one were to require no sex could be discussed in these cases , truth-finding would be next to impossible . " Wait a minute , you can ' t discuss sex here , this is all about sex . " Sounds kinda silly doesn ' t it ? Can ' t believe the remedial work I do on this forum . +++ 990131 059166 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 46am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) > 00002 chinagirlz : } 00003 *Odd that they would emphasize that one and not the other isn ' t it . Most polls show about the same number want him convicted removed as want him acquited and left alone . Both of those numbers go up and down a bit , around 30% each . Goes up and down , both do , but not much 5-6% at most . But you won ' t hear : " The percentage of Americans who feel Clinton should be acquited and left alone went down to its lowest level this week . " in the mainstream meadia usually . Here ' s an interesting exercise for you . Next time you hear or read a poll look for the breakdown , see if they break it down that way . 059167 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 48am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 r4rw3r4 1 / 31 / 99 2 : 43am } 00004 *Hopeless nitpicker . Hopeless . A majority of the American people believe that Clinton perjured himself and obstructed justice . 059168 00001 r4rw3r4 - 02 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) > 00002 collioure1 1 / 31 / 99 2 : 40am } 00003 *I ' ll look directly at any facts you want to offer . As is the US Senate with disasterous consequences for your case . But unfounded accusation , speculation , inference , name calling , moralizing , and the other tactics used by those who don ' t have the goods are just subtler forms of lying . Thank goodness you ' re just mainly lying to yourselves . 059169 00001 magnificent77d - 02 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) } 00002 *Pollster John Zogby : " Republicans are still favored by voters over 65 ( 43 . 4% to 38 . 4% ) , voters over 30 , Protestants ( 47 . 6% to 29 . 5% ) , and Independents ( 32 . 2% to 30 . 0% ) . Catholics now slightly favor the Republicans ( 41 . 4% to 37% ) . ( Democrats lead among 18-29 year olds ( 45% to 30 . 1% ) , all voters earning less than $35 , 000 , and women ( 40% to 35 . 7% ) . There is a gender gap with men supporting Republicans 44% to 38 . 1% ) . " " Neither party seems to have lost ground " . Zogby International Press Release 059170 00001 vrwcarea51g - 02 : 51am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00002 r4rw3r4 - 02 : 43am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( #59161 of 59162 ) } 00003 *collioure1 1 / 31 / 99 2 : 36am Is that the same Schippers who lied to the HJC ? " on the morning of Dec . 11th the judge ' s decision came down " } 00004 *Sorry Shippy , it was the evening of the 11th . Long after the sinister phone calls you claim it prompted . Wellllllllllllllllllll Would you like to compare to the LIEING B@ST@RDS in the White HOUSE representing the Congenital LIAR ? David Kendall on the floor of the Senate : We were NEVER given the chance to present witnesses in the partisan House impeachment hearings ...... That is why they Brought in 15 , ALL of which NEVER addressed any FACTS in the case Or Chuckie Ruff- Ms . Currie was not on any WITNESS list ...... knowing Full well that hours before FLyntons second " fact finding " with Ms . Currie she had been supenaed by the Jones Attorneys ! OH Well , Back to GERKALDO FOR YOU ! 059171 00001 chinagirlz1 - 02 : 51am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) > 00002 d-fendr } 00003 *It was on an all news radio station . They didn ' t state the number was the lowest ever -they just recited statistics . ( They don ' t editorialize on this station . ) I think they did have a percentage for acquittal . They also had some numbers on the idea of Starr indicting Clinton . I just don ' t remember all of it . 059172 00001 r4rw3r4 - 02 : 52am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) > 00002 collioure1 1 / 31 / 99 2 : 48am I didn ' t think you were interested in what a majority of Americans think ? Nuff said . 059173 00001 powerside1 - 02 : 52am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 Gotta sleep . Night all . But before I go , just a quick reminder to the Clinton enablers : You can stay on your knees with your eyes closed , gulping and regurgitating the Clinton spin , humiliating yourselves , moaning your words of praise , for the man who says he feels your pain , while he hollows out your soul , and fills your brain with cynical lies , or . . . you can stand up and face the truth . Sleep well . 059174 00001 magnificent77d - 02 : 53am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) } 00002 *Yes , and how bout the social democrats that were screaming about what a trial would do to the economy ? Dow is at an all time high and is totally unaffected by it . 059175 00001 collioure1 - 02 : 53am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59275 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 trajan12 1 / 31 / 99 2 : 45am } 00004 *I don ' t think the Republicans in Congress can afford any more investigations / hearings until they produce some legislative results . And they can ' t seem to handle them very well anyway . Muffed campaign finance ( Burton ) , Sudan bombing and others . Twas interesting to hear the Hubbell conversations again , here a few days after the charges of tax evasion recionnected this week . Reinforces my opinion that Susie Hubbell will crack sooner or later . +++ 059176 00001 sendero3 - 02 : 54am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) > 00002 trajan ; } 00003 *-- you are certainly a stellar example of the right-wing . Yes , go out and tell everyone your message and what you plan to do . Post it everywhere , so all citizens can read it and get the picture . 059177 00001 chinagirlz1 - 02 : 56am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) } 00002 *Here ' s an interesting question for you : Since women over 65 outnumber men by a large percentage , who are the women for ? Just curious . . . 059178 00001 d-fendr - 02 : 57am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) > 00002 chinagirlz : } 00003 *But , I ' ve seen it lower than the 29% even . 24% is the lowest I remember . The impeachment hearings start gave it a bump up . Since the initial breaking of the story , the trend was up , reached a peak during about this time last year , then down with the spin / denials / Starr attacks , bump up when hearings started , since then it ' s settled in the 20-30 range . Hard core , don ' t remove , not guilty has stayed in the 25-30 range . 059179 00001 powerside1 - 02 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) } 00002 * " This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor . . . . It reminds us of the importance of family . . and the duty we owe to each other . . . . let us all pledge by our devotion to God and family " BILL CLINTON , 10-30-96 > 00003 r4rw3r4 1 / 31 / 99 2 : 50am } 00004 *You can stay on your knees with your eyes closed , gulping and regurgitating the Clinton spin , humiliating yourselves , moaning your words of praise , for the man who says he feels your pain , while he hollows out your soul , and fills your brain with cynical lies , or . . . you can stand up and face the truth . 059180 00001 furtive1 - 02 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) } 00002 *If we criminalize politics , only criminals will be politicians . 059181 00001 trajan12 - 03 : 00am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) > 00002 dorotango - 12 : 23am Jan 31 , 1999 } 00003 * " rfman : Gingrich did get off the hook . " } 00004 *Think again , Gumby . He paid a $300 , 000 fine for that GOPAC biz down in that Georgia school . So far , between the two co-Presidents and their legal ups and downs , Hillary ' s the only one paying any legal fees , and her cash-poor , pants-dropping half-husband is grabbing bongo drums in Florida every time you turn around , blowin ' on party poppers and whooping it up on the town whenever he wins a cheap , temporary legal victory of some sort . " The investigation should have continued . " It is continuing , just not the one you prayed for , to whatever you pray to , and I ' m afraid to ask what that is . 059182 00001 collioure1 - 03 : 00am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 r4rw3r4 1 / 31 / 99 2 : 50am } 00004 *Only enablers ( like you apparently ) refuse to connect the dots and draw the logical inferences . " I noticed that you jog a lot . " " We ' d hate to see those nice legs of yours get harmed . " ( A message from the White House obviously ) Sleep on it . 059183 00001 comcargru - 03 : 00am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) > 00002 RE : furtive1 - 02 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( #59180 of 59180 ) ; } 00003 *THAT is hilarious ! ! ! 059184 00001 jim30b - 03 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) > 00002 to colliourel : } 00003 *The irony of Starr ' s timming , is that most will now argue , that Clinton should not face conviction in the senate , since it would unduly prejudice a later criminal charge . Since Starr ' s credibility in the legal community is lower than whale sh*t , and considering his track record , all he does at this point , is seen as pure politics . KEYHOLE KENNY has done more to politicze , ( and thus undermine ) the judicary in this country , than any other single person . 059185 00001 trajan12 - 03 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) > 00002 jova99 - 12 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 } 00003 * " Clinton has pushed through GOP legislation that Richard Nixon could only dream about . " } 00004 *The only thing he ' s " pushed through " is a cheap cigar into some young intern ' s pleasure box . The GOP ' s running the government , not Clinton . } 00005 * " He has increased the power of the FBI and the survaillance of citizens . " } 00006 *Oh , yay . Sure is nice knowing we ' re getting close to 1984 again . Thanks , Mr . Orwell . } 00007 * " More gays were removed from the military last year than in over a decade . " } 00008 *Don ' t Ask / Don ' t Tell was a Republican initiative asked for by the Military . Clinton fought it until he knew he couldn ' t muster the votes in Congress to stop it . Then , as usual and right on queue , he realized WE were right about it all along anyway , and that the public was on OUR side from the get-go . } 00009 * " He helped congress balance the budget while promising to reduce the size of the government . " } 00010 *It isn ' t hard to reduce the size of government when you ' re attacking the military and scaling down its numbers , and closing bases all over hell and back . } 00011 *He raided the Social Security Trust Fund and trashed the Military in order to help get a Balanced Budget . We could have done it without that sneaky bs . } 00012 * " He helped lower the capital gains tax . " } 00013 *Nonsense . He LIVES by taxes like that . WE helped lower it , and WE will lower it again ! } 00014 * " He bombed Africa . " } 00015 * And not a single member of the Congressional Black Panther Caucus said anything about it , did they . I ' m sure they ' d have supported Reagan and Bush on that score too , right ? Riiiight . } 00016 * " He bombed Iraq . " } 00017 *The day before the House was to vote on Articles of Impeachment . . . nice timing , eh . Now , I JUST wonder . . . } 00018 * " He bombed Afganistan . " } 00019 *And missed the target , Omar Bin Laden , completely . He should have called the Mossad , they ' d have gotten his ass . } 00020 * " increased the military budget this year . " } 00021 *For the first time in his term of office , thus admitting his previous cuts in Military funding were a bonehead liberal disaster . } 00022 * " He is advancing our Star Wars defense program . " } 00023 *I hope he ' s preparing a written apology to Ronald Reagan . } 00024 * " He cut welfare benefits . " } 00025 *The GOP had to send that Welfare Reform stuff to his desk THREE TIMES in order to get ONE of those bills signed . Wanna to venture a guess as to what he did to ' em the FIRST and SECOND times ? I ' ll help ya : VETO ! } 00026 * " The GOP should be embracing the best republican president since Reagan . " } 00027 *If he ever gets close enough to me for that , I ' ll be glad to embrace him , just as hard as I can squeeze . +++ 059186 00001 ebersson - 03 : 02am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) > 00002 furtive1 1 / 31 / 99 2 : 59am } 00003 *If we criminalize politics , only criminals will be politicians . } 00004 *Is that how we got Slick ? 059187 00001 trajan12 - 03 : 02am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) > 00002 jova99 - 12 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 } 00003 * " Clinton has pushed through GOP legislation that Richard Nixon could only dream about . " } 00004 *The only thing he ' s " pushed through " is a cheap cigar into some young intern ' s pleasure box . The GOP ' s running the government , not Clinton . } 00005 * " He has increased the power of the FBI and the survaillance of citizens . " } 00006 *Oh , yay . Sure is nice knowing we ' re getting close to 1984 again . Thanks , Mr . Orwell . } 00007 * " More gays were removed from the military last year than in over a decade . " } 00008 *Don ' t Ask / Don ' t Tell was a Republican initiative asked for by the Military . Clinton fought it until he knew he couldn ' t muster the votes in Congress to stop it . Then , as usual and right on queue , he realized WE were right about it all along anyway , and that the public was on OUR side from the get-go . } 00009 * " He helped congress balance the budget while promising to reduce the size of the government . " } 00010 *It isn ' t hard to reduce the size of government when you ' re attacking the military and scaling down its numbers , and closing bases all over hell and back . He raided the Social Security Trust Fund and trashed the Military in order to help get a Balanced Budget . We could have done it without that sneaky bs . } 00011 * " He helped lower the capital gains tax . " } 00012 *Nonsense . He LIVES by taxes like that . WE helped lower it , and WE will lower it again ! } 00013 * " He bombed Africa . " } 00014 *And not a single member of the Congressional Black Panther Caucus said anything about it , did they . I ' m sure they ' d have supported Reagan and Bush on that score too , right ? Riiiight . } 00015 * " He bombed Iraq . " } 00016 *The day before the House was to vote on Articles of Impeachment . . . nice timing , eh . Now , I JUST wonder . . . } 00017 * " He bombed Afganistan . " } 00018 *And missed the target , Omar Bin Laden , completely . He should have called the Mossad , they ' d have gotten his ass . } 00019 * " increased the military budget this year . " } 00020 *For the first time in his term of office , thus admitting his previous cuts in Military funding were a bonehead liberal disaster . } 00021 * " He is advancing our Star Wars defense program . " } 00022 *I hope he ' s preparing a written apology to Ronald Reagan . } 00023 * " He cut welfare benefits . " } 00024 *The GOP had to send that Welfare Reform stuff to his desk THREE TIMES in order to get ONE of those bills signed . Wanna venture a guess as to what he did to ' em the FIRST and SECOND times ? I ' ll help ya : VETO ! } 00025 * " The GOP should be embracing the best republican president since Reagan . " } 00026 *If he ever gets close enough to me for that , I ' ll be glad to embrace him , just as hard as I can squeeze . 059188 00001 magnificent77d - 03 : 03am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) } 00002 *Because of the Clinton-Lewinsky case , do you plan to change your party registration ? Yes 3 . 0 No 95 . 8 Not sure 1 . 2 . . . . . Boy , that is going to swing a lot of elections . . . : - ) ) Because of the Clinton-Lewinsky case , do you plan to change your party registration ? Yes 3 . 0 No 95 . 8 Not sure 1 . 2 If yes , what party will you be switching to ? Democrat 50 . 0 Republican 27 . 0 Independent 10 . 9 Not sure 12 . 1 059189 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 04am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) } 00002 *Did they say tonight was a FULL MOON or a BLUE MOON ? ? Seems like some of you are doing a lot of howling ! 059190 00001 magnificent77d - 03 : 06am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59274 ) } 00002 *taff Sgt . Brian Haney Clinton bodyguard Marine Sgt . Tim Sabel Clinton bodyguard Maj . William Barkley Clinton bodyguard Capt . Scott Reynolds Clinton bodyguard died : 5 / 19 / 93 All four men died when their helicopter crashed in the woods near Quantico , Va . - Reporters were barred from the site , and the head of the fire department responding to the crash described it by saying , " Security was tight , " with " lots of Marines with guns . " A videotape made by a firefighter was seized by the Marines . All four men had escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier Roosevelt shortly before their deaths . +++ 059191 00001 collioure1 - 03 : 07am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 jim30b 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 01am } 00004 *I await Starr ' s actions which usually speak for themselves . As noted earlier , if Starr ' s about to indict , he ' d better have some new and even more damning incidents . 059192 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 07am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) > 00002 chinagirlz : } 00003 *The most deceptive thing about the polls is they give what is likely a false choice and then group it looking like the majority are ' for ' the president . It goes something like this - the breakdown asked will be to choose between : not guilty / leave alone . . . . . guilty / don ' t remove . . . . guilty / remove . Then they lump the first two , and say the majority don ' t want him removed , the minority do . Which is ( to borrow from Clinton ) ' technically ' true . However that ' s not the choices available . The choices are : not guilty / leave alone and guilty / remove . The polls do not ask : If guilty means he ' s removed , and not guilty means no punishment , would you vote guilty or not guilty ? They don ' t make those " guilty / don ' t remove " choose from the real choices available . So , I think most polls you see are not accurate . I ' d even go so far as to say they are biased by the way they frame the questions . 059193 00001 magnificent77d - 03 : 09am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) > 00002 Ed Willey Real Estate Attorney , Clinton Fund Raisor died : 11 / 30 / 93 - Died of gunshot to the head . Body found in deep woods in Virginia . Ruled a suicide , no note was found , nor was any motive identified . - Intimately involved in several Clinton fund raising events . 059194 00001 carver1b - 03 : 09am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) } 00002 *Is it not time for Mr . Starr to go ? I think it is . He has spent over 40 million dollars and has come up with very little substantial criminal activity . Think how many hungry that money could have fed ; how many homeless could have been sheltered . It boggles the mind when we consider that we have millions to spend in fruitless investigations , but not enough to feed all the Americans who are hungry or to provide decent shelters for Americans who sleep in the cold streets . One more example of the fear by conservatives that someone might get something for nothing . 059195 00001 collioure1 - 03 : 09am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 04am } 00004 *Moons ? Check that passageway next to the Oval Office . 059196 00001 magnificent77d - 03 : 10am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) } 00002 *More Zogby Who do you blame most for this case - the President or the Republicans in Congress ? President 44 . 5 Republicans 30 . 7 Both 18 . 4 Neither 4 . 3 Not sure 2 . 2 059197 00001 vrwcarea51g - 03 : 11am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! Looks like the heat is being turned up . . . . . here is a post to a Democratic Senator . . . . 1 / 31 / 99 1 : 46 : 38 AM EST -XXXXXX Prevent the removal of Clinton from office and become his bed fellow in the history books . 059198 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 11am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) > 00002 carver : } 00003 *Starr ' s record : 14 felony convictions including a sitting governor - and still counting . 059199 00001 ebersson - 03 : 12am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) > 00002 carver1b 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 09am } 00003 *He has spent over 40 million dollars and has come up with very little substantial criminal activity . } 00004 *Huebble , Turner and McDougle might not see it the same as you . Nor Clinton . 059200 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 12am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59273 ) > 00002 d-fendr } 00003 *The worst part about polls is that they frame everything in terms of percentages . You and I both know that 1% of 100 is different from 1% of 1000 . The 66 , 000 signatures that vwcarea mentioned above , sounds like a lot until you think of the U . S . population being 72 , 000 , 000 . So they collected signatures from less than 1% of the population . Not even 10% of 1% . . . Percentages can be very deceptive . +++ 059201 00001 trajan12 - 03 : 13am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 dayrell1 - 11 : 40pm Jan 30 , 1999 } 00003 * " The American victory over the horrors of Soviet Russia and Bolshevism was a very profound victory indeed . " } 00004 *Well said , all of it . I doubt the commie libs will ever get around to admitting it was done on OUR watch , not theirs . > 00005 jondavwal - 11 : 42pm Jan 30 , 1999 } 00006 * " I just know better . This whole thing is about sex , and about the fact that Clinton gets to have it with someone other than his hand . " } 00007 *How eloquently slugs like you make jokes about EXTRAMARITAL sex YOUR half-President has behind his idiot wife ' s back downstairs . Thanks for making it clear you ' re as big a pathetic moral pig as he is . Yeah , that Bill and his swell ability to " get some ! " on the side , with the family right upstairs , he sure makes ME feel small ! LOL ! } 00008 * " Once you ask inappropriate questions , Clinton had no obligation to tell the truth . " } 00009 *I have a VERY appropriate question : What the hell are you good for , pal . Resign YOUR citizenship , that ' s more important to me than 2 years of a lame-duck Democrud President . You ' re more dangerous than he is , YOU put people like him in office in the first place , a-hole ! > 00010 chrismctae - 11 : 43pm Jan 30 , 1999 } 00011 * " Watergate . . . you do remember that REAL crime " } 00012 *Crime ? Yeah , I remember the REAL crime , Numbnuts Rodino trying to look pious at the head of a Democrap Judiciary . } 00013 *Breaking into a Democrud headquarters when you know they ' re no threat to your boss ' reelection prospects and you ' re gonna bury McGovern no matter WHAT he says or does , then getting your goofy ass caught and ending up as a clear threat to your boss ' Presidency , and the zips in Hanoi finally getting the chance to wait out the political demise of an accomplished commie crusher like Nixon and take on Gerald Ford , Superwimp , instead and capture Saigon in violation of the Paris Peace Accords . . . now THAT is all the REAL crime ! } 00014 * " One thing this absolutely isn ' t about . . . the good of the American people and the continuation of the government doing it ' s REAL job . " } 00015 *Cleaning the Liberal Feces out of the Oval Office is a BIG part of that job , Beavis . 059202 00001 ebersson - 03 : 14am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 12am } 00003 *until you think of the U . S . population being 72 , 000 , 000 } 00004 *Huh ? 059203 00001 trajan12 - 03 : 17am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 Somebody wanna explain to " chinagirlz " that there are nearly 270 MILLION people living in America , and that there are over 100 MILLION eligible voters ? She must have signed up for Louis Farrakhan ' s Seminar : Million Man Math Made Easy . > 00003 mhammer4 - 11 : 56pm Jan 30 , 1999 } 00004 * " Nixon ' s real problem was he made tapes in the Oval Office . " > 00005 Pretty damn dumb and arrogant , no doubt . From day one of that scandal , I ' d have burned every stinkin ' one of those tapes , and roasted some of those camped out D . C . war protesters over ' em . > 00006 " Clinton would be gone now had he kept tapes , unless of course , he could have explained the slurping sounds as pizza being eaten . " } 00007 *LOL ! 059204 00001 trajan12 - 03 : 20am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *Maybe > 00003 " chinagirlz " } 00004 *is only counting the illegal aliens ? Red Chinese Clinton Campaign Fund contributors ? Number of people in Arkansas since 1900 to have an IQ no bigger than their shoe size ? Number of illegitimate American kids who have a big nose and can ' t keep their pants on ? Number of brain dead public school kids who don ' t know there are 270 MILLION people living in America ? LOL ! 059205 00001 jim30b - 03 : 20am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 to ; Colliourel : } 00003 *This Starr noise , might just be a way to inject the Willey , Jane Doe#5 inuendo into the impeachment trial . At this point , any hope of a future career , for Starr seems to depend on ligitimizing the current , very weak case . Trouble is , the Willey , Jane Doe sewer could explode into a full scale senate trial on the Lewinsky affair . If it happens , so be it , maybe its about time the whole sorry conspiracy got a good dose of sunlight . GO FOR IT , LET ' S RUMBLE . . . . . 059206 00001 vrwcarea51g - 03 : 20am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! A Poll all you Fiberals need to SEE : go to www . senatevote . com But be sure to change your depends first . . . . 059207 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 21am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *Whoops ! That was an error on my part ! The population is 272 , 000 , 000 . I ' ve got the flu and I ' m not thinking straight . . . poor excuse , I know ! 059208 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 23am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 chinagirlz , } 00003 *true . that ' s particularly true of petitions . not valuable for anything in terms of an opinion survey , other than perhaps to get some vague idea of depth of feeling . Yet polls ( I used to do them ) go to great lengths to be accurate , to get a true taste , by balancing the sample to reflect the total ' universe ' The theory is , if it ' s done right , you don ' t have to eat all the soup to know if it ' s salty , just a spoonfull ( if it ' s stirred properly ) . The way to bias a poll is usually by the way the question is asked , you can also rig it by the order you ask it in , and the options you offer for response . A huge hidden credibility problem with today ' s polls is the number of ' no responses ' those who refuse to answer . People who are just no longer cooperate with pollsters , for whatever reason , has skyrocketed . The higher this number , non response rate , the less credible the poll , the greater the evidence of ' self selection ' . . you ' re getting more and more of those who feel strongly about the issue . . it tends to warp the poll towards the extremes . The percentage of ' non responses ' in many polls today ( if you can pry the information from the pollster ) can be as high as 45% , a really shocking number . I even saw one poll , I believe it was USA Today with a non response rate of 65% . I woulda thrown it out and asked for my money back had I been the client . 059209 00001 ebersson - 03 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 21am } 00003 *I ' ve got the flu and I ' m not thinking straight } 00004 *Glad it was the flu . Clinton would ' ve tried to redefine the numbering system . +++ 059210 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 26am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 d-fendr } 00003 *Focus groups usually have better answers and more in-depth study behind them . Unfortunately , companies don ' t seem to use these as often . 059211 00001 vrwcarea51g - 03 : 27am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 trajan12 - 03 : 20am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( #59204 of 59206 ) } 00004 *Maybe " chinagirlz " is only counting the illegal aliens ? Red Chinese Clinton Campaign Fund contributors ? Number of people in Arkansas since 1900 to have an IQ no bigger than their shoe size ? Number of illegitimate American kids who have a big nose and can ' t keep their pants on ? Number of brain dead public school kids who don ' t know there are 270 MILLION people living in America ? LOL ! LMAO ! ! ! 059212 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 30am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *You know , the one thing that a lot of you Clinton-haters seem to forget is that a lot of us aren ' t apologizing for Clinton . We just don ' t think this is a good reason to remove a president -- not just Clinton , any president ! I definitely feel that there needs to be a crime against the country or something as wrong as treason or bribery before you remove a president . What Nixon did with the FBI and CIA falls into that category . And this goes for all other liars too ( including Tom DeLay and everyone else ) . They can all keep their jobs . 059213 00001 bgshafer - 03 : 31am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! Hahahaha Senatevote . com polls internet users . The vast majority of the internet users are white and male . And the vast majority of white males are born-again Clinton-haters . The only purpose senatevote serves is for all those wackos that can ' t stand the results of the scientific polls . 059214 00001 dorotango - 03 : 31am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 trajan12 } 00003 *Gingrich lied and then recanted and admitted guilt to the ethics committee and was allowed to serve as speaker and the investigation was ended prematurely . But I am not bitter , Newt has been neutered , Livingston bit the dust , Paula J . was thrown out of court , republikans had to resort to entrapment and illegal wiretaps after all else had failed , Lucianne Goldberg coordinated information betweeen OIC office and Paula Jones attorneys , Ken Starr ' s office is being investigated for illegal leaks of Grand Jury , on and on I personally can ' t wait to see it all resolved . But I will make your day , I don ' t pray , never went in for superstition , it only distracts one from seeking truth . 059215 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 33am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *Don ' t women outnumber men in the U . S . anyway ? Make abortion the issue again , and more women will be out to vote ! 059216 00001 ebersson - 03 : 34am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 30am } 00003 *I don ' t consider myself a Clinton-hater but will respond nevertheless . You should apologize for him . Look what he ' s done to this country . Somebody should apologize . Except Clinton of course . His sham contrition is getting disgusting . 059217 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 36am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *I ' ve read some of the stuff Newt wrote and I actually thought he was an intelligent man . I ' m sorry you radical right-wingers chased him out of Congress . He wasn ' t any worse than the rest of them -- and at least he had some ideas ! Shame on you ! 059218 00001 vrwcarea51g - 03 : 36am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 dorotango : . } 00004 *But I will make your day , I don ' t pray , never went in for superstition , it only distracts one from seeking truth . Hillary and Elanor DISAGREE 059219 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 36am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59272 ) > 00002 chinagirlz : } 00003 *Focus groups are excellent tools , and you get much more data , but it takes talent to do them properly . they are for a bit differnt purpose than opinion polls though . Most elections , national ones if they are competitive matchups are determined by a very small percentage of voters , 55% is considered a landslide . You have 30% hard core on each side ( where turnout is the key - whip up your base into a frenzy ) , 30% split into two halves leaning half to one side half to another , and will usually fall the way they are leaning . Leaving about 10% to decide it . Unfortunately , this 10% tends to be the ones paying the least attention and caring the least about the election or politics - the least informed voter . They are easily swayed by last minute emotion , tv advertising , last minute appeals and allegations . Which is a major factor in the incredibly stupid state of political campaign advertising . Gee , I ' m remembering now why I hate politics . +++ 059220 00001 ebersson - 03 : 38am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 bgshafer 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 31am } 00003 *And the vast majority of white males are born-again Clinton-haters . > 00004 You ' re too hung up on race . Perhaps putting some effort into logic might yield some benefit . 059221 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 40am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 ebersson } 00003 *Whoa ! Apologize ? That ' s like saying the iceberg should apologize to the Titanic ! ( Someone else said it the other night , and I think it ' s a good analogy . ) Do you think Susan McDougal should apologize for the stupid trial that was held out here in Los Angeles ? It wasn ' t her idea ! ( And , boy , were those jurors pissed -- they kept waiting for the crime to show up ! The prosecutors had nothing ! ! ) 059222 00001 r4rw3r4 - 03 : 41am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 bgshafer 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 31am } 00003 *This is true of all online polls , but its worse than that . Every online or phone-in ( self selecting ) poll is corrupted by freerepublic and other groups who campaign to skew the results . Emails and posts go out to " like minded " people to go vote as often as you can . The daily polls on MSNBC are hilarious . No matter what the question , the results are 80-85 to 15-20 . Except one day when they got a 60-40ish poll . The reason was they asked a question on the air and forgot to change the phone recording question from the day before . 059223 00001 ebersson - 03 : 42am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 36am } 00003 *I thought Newt was okay too . Shot his mouth off too much though . And had to eventually bear the consequences . 059224 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 42am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 d-fendr } 00003 *I hope you read the article on the post-mortem for Dan Lungren ' s campaign in the LA Times . It was interesting . Advertising had a lot to do with his loss . Wrong issues , etc . I think it ran last week . 059225 00001 d-fendr - 03 : 43am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 chinagirlz : } 00003 *Thanks for the ref . , I ' ll try to find the article . . Gonna run before we get too deep into " Joan of Arkansas . " Good to see you . Hang in there til your reinforcements arrive . Good night posters . Peace . 059226 00001 bgshafer - 03 : 45am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! Not only did he write well , but Newt spoke will too . He could really articulate the conservative agenda . But I don ' t really think that he , or Livingston for that matter , should have resigned . It was extremely arrogant towards the people that voted for them . Unfortunately , arrogance seems to pretty common among conservatives . 059227 00001 vrwcarea51g - 03 : 46am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 bgshafer - 03 : 31am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( #59213 of 59221 ) } 00004 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! Hahahaha Senatevote . com polls internet users . The vast majority of the internet users are white and male . And the vast majority of white males are born-again Clinton-haters . The only purpose senatevote serves is for all those wackos that can ' t stand the results of the scientific polls . BOO WHOO I warned you to changer your diaper ! 059228 00001 dorotango - 03 : 47am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 vrwcarea51g } 00003 * " Hillary and Elanor disagree " Perhaps , but I admire them anyway . Sorry but my isp server is gona be down at the top of the hour . Good nite people . 059229 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 49am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 ebersson } 00003 *There are a lot of Republicans shooting their mouths off now and I ' m sure some will have to pay the consequences sooner or later . I still remember listening to Dick Armey the day after the elections when he said " Well , they made us keep talking about Monica Lewinsky . They never let us talk about the issues ! " like it was all some Democratic plan ! I kept wondering what planet he lived on ! Any way this whole impeachment process goes down , it ' s not going to be pretty for the Republican party . If they manage to remove Clinton , a large marjority of voters who didn ' t want him removed will remember . If they don ' t remove Clinton , their " core " voters will be upset . They are stuck between a rock and hard place . Heads will roll at the end of this -- and I keep wondering which ones will be gone ? +++ 059230 00001 r4rw3r4 - 03 : 49am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 d-fendr 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 36am } 00003 *Anything you ' ve read indicate a particular increase in non-respondents about this issue ( lewinsky / impeachment ) . I ' ve had a theory about it , that I have no way to confirm . The election results coming as a surprise to so many poll watchers was some indication to me but has anyone tried to guage people ' s tendency to respond on one issue or another ? 059231 00001 bgshafer - 03 : 49am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! > 00003 ebersson } 00004 *What didn ' t you understand ? That the majority of internet users are white males or that the majority of white males hate Clinton ? Both are true . You can look it up ! 059232 00001 vrwcarea51g - 03 : 51am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 *My Rifle protects your Freedom ! Even you , Admiral ADA ! > 00003 bgshafer - 03 : 45am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( #59226 of 59227 ) } 00004 *Unfortunately , arrogance seems to pretty common among conservatives . Maybe true , but I think that gullibility is " Supporting a congenital Liar " You waste you energy supporting a fraud , he stands before you telling you what you WANT to here , not what needs to be said . So after he leads you over the cliff , blame no one but your self . For you have enabled it ! night y ' all ! 059233 00001 collioure1 - 03 : 51am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 36am } 00004 *Newt did have some good ideas , and he was a good Speaker for six months - and then his flaws took over . 059234 00001 bgshafer - 03 : 52am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! eberson write " I thought Newt was okay too . Shot his mouth off too much though . And had to eventually bear the consequences . " Further proof that conservatives eat their young . LOL , such loyalty ! 059235 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 53am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 *So that ' s why this forum gets so many Clinton-haters ! ( Some of them I prefer to think of as paranoid schizophrenics who forgot to take their medications ! ) 059236 00001 collioure1 - 03 : 56am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 42am } 00004 *Lungren never had a chance . Davis ran two great races in 1998 , and Wilson had already alienated the Hispanic vote . Calif is a Clinton-loving , Democratic state for quite a while into the future . 059237 00001 ebersson - 03 : 57am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 40am } 00003 *Whoa ! Apologize ? That ' s like saying the iceberg should apologize to the Titanic ! ( Someone else said it the other night , and I think it ' s a good analogy . ) } 00004 *Chinagirlz , are you still alleging the defendant is guilt-free ? After all the evidence of perjury , subornation of perjury , etc . ? And the character assassination ? And the prior corruption ? You yourself mentioned McDougal . This guy doesn ' t cultivate criminals as friends for nothing . ( They provide campaign funds . ) The useless appeals that weakened the presidency for years to come ? Just to cover up a third-rate affair . The debauching of everything - from the constitution to the presidential oath of office - not to mention the oval office ? But about Wag The Dog I and II ? Surely that concerns you ? } 00005 *Do you think Susan McDougal should apologize for the stupid trial that was held out here in Los Angeles ? } 00006 *Can ' t comment . I don ' t know enough about her alleged embezzlement . 059238 00001 chinagirlz1 - 03 : 58am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) > 00002 bgshafer } 00003 *I think vwcarea was right : younger conservatives seem to be much more arrogant that older ones . I attribute that to the Gen-X syndrome : Always be arrogant about things you know nothing about . That way you won ' t look stupid or be taken advantage of . 059239 00001 ltaylor7 - 03 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59271 ) } 00002 * " You know , the one thing that a lot of you Clinton-haters seem to forget is that a lot of us aren ' t apologizing for Clinton . We just don ' t think this is a good reason to remove a president -- not just Clinton , any president ! I definitely feel that there needs to be a crime against the country or something as wrong as treason or bribery before you remove a president . What Nixon did with the FBI and CIA falls into that category . " } 00003 *Yeah , Clinton didn ' t really hurt the country . He just thumbed his nose at the judicial branch , opened the White House to the possibility of blackmail ( foreign and domestic ) , and screwed one woman ' s rights as far as civil court are concerned . That ' s no big deal , he really only hurt one person . What does one person ' s rights matter so long as the Dow is up ? } 00004 * " . . . And this goes for all other liars too ( including Tom DeLay and everyone else ) . They can all keep their jobs . " } 00005 *There ' s a big difference between lying and perjury . Try to keep that in mind lest you end up behind bars someday . +++ 059240 00001 bgshafer - 03 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! Why do you think the polls show 65 to 35 in support of Clinton , yet this forum is about the reverse . White males dominate the internet . Also notice how angry and acrimonious their posts tend to be . They don ' t like their superior position threatened . 059241 00001 ltaylor7 - 04 : 00am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) } 00002 * " Hahahaha Senatevote . com polls internet users . . . . The only purpose senatevote serves is for all those wackos that can ' t stand the results of the scientific polls . " Yeah , I ' m sure ABC and CNN polls are completely unbiased and totally scientific . They don ' t pick their names along any demographic lines . They don ' t phrase their questions with any ideological bias or purpose . They don ' t tell us the results of some questions , like approval rating , and hide the results of others , like should the bum be removed any way . Nahhh , they don ' t do that . Just like they report the news in a totally unbiased fashion and stick just to the facts , right ? Yeah , we ' ve all learned to trust U . S . reporters . They ' re so wonderful . : - / 059242 00001 chinagirlz1 - 04 : 00am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) > 00002 collioure1 } 00003 *Wilson allienated everyone ! Democrats , Republicans , everyone ! Davis ran with less money than everyone else also , which makes the feat more astounding ! 059243 00001 collioure1 - 04 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 bgshafer 1 / 31 / 99 3 : 59am } 00004 *Yeah , facts are nasty things . Even mean-spirited at times . ( but usually true 059244 00001 ltaylor7 - 04 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) } 00002 * " Gingrich lied and then recanted and admitted guilt to the ethics committee and was allowed to serve as speaker and the investigation was ended prematurely . But I am not bitter , Newt has been neutered , Livingston bit the dust , Paula J . was thrown out of court , republikans had to resort to entrapment and illegal wiretaps after all else had failed , Lucianne Goldberg coordinated information betweeen OIC office and Paula Jones attorneys , Ken Starr ' s office is being investigated for illegal leaks of Grand Jury , on and on I personally can ' t wait to see it all resolved . But I will make your day , I don ' t pray , never went in for superstition , it only distracts one from seeking truth . " And when you ignore the question of Clinton ' s felony crimes by focusing on minor transgressions of political enemies are you seeking truth or blowing smoke ( screen ) ? I ' ll support just punishment for conservatives who commit crimes if you support just punishment for liberals who commit crimes . 059245 00001 chinagirlz1 - 04 : 03am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) > 00002 ebersson } 00003 *The L . A . Times quoted the jurors on the front page of the Times as being furious they had to sit through that trial . There was no case . The trial was a total waste of time and money . If you get a chance , read the articles in the Times . You will learn something -- I guarantee ! 059246 00001 collioure1 - 04 : 04am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 4 : 00am } 00004 *Yes , Davis ran two superior races . My Republican son in San mateo is still complaining about it . 059247 00001 chinagirlz1 - 04 : 05am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) > 00002 ltaylor7 } 00003 *Tom DeLay committed perjury -- if you aren ' t too blinded by partisanship to recognize it ! Check out the recent news stories regarding his business . 059248 00001 ltaylor7 - 04 : 13am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) } 00002 *I will forever laugh at Democrats who make statements regarding " women ' s rights " . When it came time to back their statements and choose between a womanizer in power and a couple women without power , the Democratic party folded . I guess women ' s rights and equality before law and in the workplace aren ' t all that important as long as you can give good speeches and bring money into the DNC . Maybe these aren ' t impeachable crimes . But the Democrats have never even wanted to hear about or consider them . " End the investigation NOW ! " was their cry from day one , until it came time for Congress to consider the matter , when the cry changed to " End the trial NOW ! " . Never has the Democratic party at large called for or supported a serious look into these matters . Never have they taken a balanced position . Never have they called for the truth . Never have they asked Clinton for full disclosure and confession ( which , ironically , would have put this matter to rest and spared him impeachment ) . Instead of seeking truth they went on the attack , tried to shut everyone up and save the image of their man . Maybe Republicans aren ' t 100% unbiased and fair in this matter ( although they do have the stronger position ) . But for Democrats to point any fingers is hypocrisy at its finest . How sad that the Democrats have sacrificed so many ideals for this one man Clinton . Republicans may be tarnished by this , but Democrats are shattered . I , for one , will never take Democrats seriously again . 059249 00001 ebersson - 04 : 13am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59270 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 4 : 00am } 00003 *Wilson took your state from a potential economic disaster ( military bases and defense industry drastically reduced ) to a great economy . +++ 059250 00001 bgshafer - 04 : 17am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! OK , back to the subject at hand . Clinton runs for President and defeats an incumbant republicans . Conservatives are even more angry because he won using some of their ideas . The conservative core hates Clinton with the same intensity that liberals hated Nixon . Clinton has an affair , which is a private matter until Linda Tripp gets involved . After spending $40 million on a crusade to " get " Clinton , Starr finds nothing except lying about the affair . Nothing on Whitewater , nothing on travel gate , nothing on Foster ' s suicide . That brings us to today . Yes , a vast majority of the people don ' t want him to be impeached . A greater majority than elected him . Also a majority thinks he lied and a majority don ' t admire him . So why do so many people support him ? Because he is the underdog . Because people believe Linda Tripp ' s actions were more evil than Clinton ' s . Because they believe Starr and the House republicans are on a witch hunt . Because people can ' t understand why this mess continues when only a small group of people support it . But , the best answer is because if conservatives can do it to the President , they can do it to anyone , including you or me . Conservatives always seem to take the low road . Like Jon Stewart said , " The house democrats looked like America , the house republicans looked like every man that ever fired my father . " 059251 00001 chinagirlz1 - 04 : 18am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 ltaylor7 } 00003 *Please don ' t forget that a lot of " women ' s issues " hinge around something called " pro-choice . " The Republican party platform is " no-choice . " Since this is a major issue to most women , the Democratic party is doing quite well . 059252 00001 ltaylor7 - 04 : 18am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 * " Tom DeLay committed perjury -- if you aren ' t too blinded by partisanship to recognize it ! Check out the recent news stories regarding his business . " I believe I said this : " I ' ll support just punishment for conservatives who commit crimes if you support just punishment for liberals who commit crimes . " I ' m willing to lock Delay away for a few years for a felony . Are you willing to lock Clinton away ? When Republican congressmen have been found guilty of using their office for womanizing , I ' ve wanted them out . Do any Democrats , the party of NOW and women ' s rights , want Clinton out ? Do they even want him to disclose the truth and apologize ? No , that ' s mean spirited and Republican : - / 059253 00001 bgshafer - 04 : 21am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! > 00003 ltaylor7 } 00004 *writes : " Republicans may be tarnished by this , but Democrats are shattered . " } 00005 *Oh , really ? And how are things are planet Bizzarro ? 059254 00001 chinagirlz1 - 04 : 22am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 ebersson } 00003 *The very last thing Wilson did was offend everyone . He took all the bills that all the state senators had worked hard on ( some of them had worked on these bills for years ) and vetoed every one of them . He offended Democrats and Republicans alike . I ' m hoping Gray Davis is going to do a good job in this state . I have a feeling that he will . He ' s a fiscally conservative ( but pro-choice ) Democrat . 059255 00001 lkhays - 04 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Keith Hays , Country Lawyer > 00003 magnificent77d 1 / 31 / 99 1 : 55am } 00004 *An attractive 25 year old woman , Mary was a former White House Intern for Bill Clinton working as the Assistant Manager at a Starbuck ' s Coffee shop in Georgetown . In the pre-trial publicity surrounding Paula Jones lawsuit , and mere days after ' s Mike Isikoff had dropped hints that a " former White House staffer " was about to go public with her story of sexual harassement at 1600 Pennsylvania , gunmen entered the Starbuck ' s while the crew was cleaning up after closing . Mary ' s two associates were taken to a room and shot . Mary herself had five bullets in her . No money was taken . As of this writing , Mike Isikoff ' s " former White House staffer " has never appeared . See : Linda Tripp , Lucianne Goldberg . 059256 00001 bgshafer - 04 : 26am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! a feel a long post coming 059257 00001 ebersson - 04 : 29am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 bgshafer 1 / 31 / 99 4 : 17am } 00003 *Because people believe Linda Tripp ' s actions were more evil than . . . } 00004 *That ' s where you went wrong . Right there . The majority of Americans probably couldn ' t care less about Linda Tripp . } 00005 * " The house democrats looked like America , the house republicans looked like every man that ever fired my father . " } 00006 *If Conyers , Frank , Waters , Wexler , etc . looked like America in their food fighting and media-circus antics , then we ' ve got a problem . Even you might agree . 059258 00001 chinagirlz1 - 04 : 29am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 ltaylor7 } 00003 *Well , stand up to your words . Start working on getting Tom DeLay out . If you remember , I said Tom DeLay could stay in my books . In fact , I want Tom & Bill to stay so I am not being hypocritical at all . The reason why women did not stand up for the Paula Jones case was because it was a stupid case -- hardly an example of an ideal women ' s rights case . I ' ve had worse things than that happen to me on the job and I never thought of suing . " Sexual Harassment " is not what Paula Jones suffered from . I firmly believe that the courts are allowing women to sue for trivial offenses that shouldn ' t even be brought into court and it is cheapening the women ' s rights movement ( by trying to turn us into " fragile little flowers . . . " ) It ' s a bunch of B . S . Women want equal rights , not special rights . When was the last time a man sued because a woman bared her breasts in front of him ? 059259 00001 r4rw3r4 - 04 : 30am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 ebersson } 00003 * " are you still alleging the defendant is guilt-free ? " From any real evidence I ' ve seen the defendant is still closer to " guilt free " than " guilt ridden " . I think chinagirlz point was to be honest about assigning blame . When someone makes a mountain out of a mole hill , you don ' t blame the mole . The rest of your post just strike me as a rant , but if you ' d like to try to support any of your conclusions , fire away . +++ 059260 00001 bgshafer - 04 : 31am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! a feel a long post coming 059261 00001 ltaylor7 - 04 : 34am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 " ltaylor7 } 00003 *Please don ' t forget that a lot of " women ' s issues " hinge around something called " pro-choice . " The Republican party platform is " no-choice . " " Irrelevant . I was pointing out the amazing hypocrisy of the Democratic party . They folded when it came time to choose between a woman ' s rights and a man in power . They would fold as well if Clinton forcibly prevented his daughter from getting an abortion , because it ' s Clinton . The Democrats have shown their true colors , and they ' re all fluff . Oh , there are Republican hypocrits as well . But the party as a whole is more straight forward . That ' s why it was shocking when it was revealed that one Republican Congressmen had been party to an abortion . That ' s rare . But it ' s not rare for Democrats to fold . They ' ve done it time and time again with Clinton . Almost the whole party has done it on the Monica affair and PJ trial . My how far the party has fallen since the days of Roosevelt and Kennedy . . . . 059262 00001 chinagirlz1 - 04 : 35am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 ebersson } 00003 *Linda Tripp is pond scum . Who would pretend to be someone ' s friend ( like she did ) and then tape record their conversations so she could use it ( for whatever reasons ) later ? Also , all those people may not remind you of your father , but they would have stood up for him when things got bad -- something a lot of Republicans wouldn ' t do ! ( " Oh , you lost your job ? Well , if you just worked harder and tried not to be such a drag on society . . . etc . " ) 059263 00001 ebersson - 04 : 36am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 chinagirlz1 1 / 31 / 99 4 : 22am } 00003 *You don ' t like vetos ? Good thing you don ' t live in New Mexico . Now there ' s a governor who knows how to govern - in my opinion . 059264 00001 bgshafer - 04 : 36am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Conservatives make up a much higher % of users on the internet than they do in the population , thank God ! > 00003 ebersson , } 00004 *thanks for posting Jon Stewart ' s quote again . I really love that one . Nobody cares about Linda Tripp ? I hear someone say they were " tripped " by a coworker . " Tripped " as in betraying a friend . Linda Tripp is the new Benedict Arnold ! I ' d love to see her indicted for treason . 059265 00001 chinagirlz1 - 04 : 38am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) > 00002 ltaylor7 } 00003 *Since you claim not to be a hypocrit , I suggest you start working now on getting Tom DeLay , the perjurer , removed . Then we will see that you are not " just another liar . " 059266 00001 collioure1 - 04 : 38am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 r4rw3r4 1 / 31 / 99 4 : 30am } 00004 *Still enabling ? 059267 00001 ebersson - 04 : 39am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Sorry folks , I came here to discuss Clinton - not Tripp . Why don ' t you have a conversation amongst yourselves about Tripp . Goodnight . 059268 00001 d-fendr - 04 : 43am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *just had to take a quick look back before bed . . . If you think Delay committed perjury , you ' re the victim of bad reporting . The article itself relies on your ignorance of what it claims to report , then manipulates that into a charge that it doesn ' t support . Here ' s the ' charge ' ( read closely to see the hit ) : " DeLay made conflicting statements in congressional disclosure statements and a 1994 lawsuit filed against him , the Houston Chronicle said Saturday . DeLay , a Republican from Houston , listed himself in 1994 financial disclosure statements as chairman of a Houston pest control company but denied in a deposition taken three months before that he was an officer of the business . " He testified he wasn ' t an " officer " of the company . The paper claims it conflicts with him listing himself as " chairman . " What they seem to be either foolishly or maliciously ignoring is that : " officer " and " chairman " are two different things . They are very clearly defined official titles in businesses . One can be both on the board and an officer , however they are not necessarily so . One can also be chairman and not an officer of the company . The article goes on to give evidence that DeLay was president until 1988 - supporting the credibility of his statement in 1994 that he was not an officer of the company . Thus discrediting it ' s own intial charge . There ' s a big difference between being an officer of a company and serving on the board of the company . Any business writer should know that . The charges that lead off the piece are not even illustrated by the facts reported in the piece . They whole affair relies on ignorance of the reader to do it ' s damage . It ' s either shoddy reporting or a conscious attempt at a hit piece . But , I ' m sure we ' ll see ( on this forum as well no doubt ) , claims from here on out , that Delay committed perjury . 059269 00001 collioure1 - 04 : 44am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59269 ) } 00002 *Truth and honesty are not the currency of the Clinton administration ( Chinese money is preferred ) > 00003 d-fendr 1 / 31 / 99 4 : 41am } 00004 *If Delay lied to the House , the ethics process will out him . In any case , Delay is one of the finest examples of what ' s wrong in Washington today . +++ 059329 00001 carldenis - 08 : 18am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) > 00002 Hal } 00003 * Tks for the suggestion . Made for some interesting reading . WWI started over the Balkans . Probably Serb air defenses are better than those of Irak . As far as Ground troops are concerned , expect the Serbs and the Albanians to be hard bones to chew . In its " Centuries " , Nostradamus singles out the year 1999 plus seven months for the start of WWIII . It is to be hoped that decisions concerning the involvement of troops will not be taken lightly or to favor personal political gains as was the case of the recent bombings on Irak , Sudan and Afghanistan . 059330 00001 halmbrown - 08 : 19am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) } 00002 * " Hal " you might be a right-winger if you think that the only people who believe in G*d are Christians 059331 00001 prismq - 08 : 22am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) } 00002 *You might be a left-winger if you think punishment as in bill of attainder is more appropriate than the Constitutional framer ' s opinion , which was impeachment and removal from office . 059332 00001 krsna108 - 08 : 23am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) > 00002 Hal , } 00003 *You must be joking when you say our political forefathers were not sex addicts . Jefferson had sex with at least one slave-this is immoral on so many levels . Adam Smith had an affair , Most of the our Presidents got some on the side , but somehow Clinton is the lowlife . I agree what Clinton did was morally unacceptable , but let ' s not pretend that the other polititians are any different . I don ' t mean to castigate all polititians , I am sure there are some that are faithfull to their marriage vows , but people are making Clinton out to be a anomoly-like he is Satan personified 059333 00001 rivenq - 08 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) } 00002 *To protect our beloved President against an indictment by Prosecutor Starr , an amendment to the Constitution will allow him to be elected for a third mandate . Do not dramatize . He will not become a Roman Emperor because he is already acting as one . 059334 00001 prismq - 08 : 26am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) } 00002 *You might be a left-winger if Eisenhower ' s addition to the United States ' Pledge of Allegiance , the words " under God " is offensive to you during this impeachment trial . 059335 00001 carldenis - 08 : 26am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) > 00002 krsna108 } 00003 *Sure , But in those days there were no S&Ls , the Mena Airport did not exist and campaign funds were of small magnitude . 059336 00001 halmbrown - 08 : 27am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) } 00002 * " Hal " > 00003 Carl , } 00004 *Good chance we will be in a ground war in the Balkans , and it will be horrible . . . since it will be a NATO action , it could be construed as a world war . . . not at the level of WWI or WWII , but it you add the worldwide war against terrorists , the cummulative war footing of the democracies will amount to a world war . All the more reason to get this Senate trial over with as quickly as possible . If there is a major NATO action involving ground forces , I think the President should devote himself fulltime to his duties as American Commander in Chief and leave his Senate defense entirely to his lawyers . He shouldn ' t even get updates from them . He shouldn ' t resign because that would be too disruptive . 059337 00001 gabrial - 08 : 27am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) } 00002 *WH hates witnesses ! Wonder Why ? Hear CBS ! 059338 00001 krsna108 - 08 : 30am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61897 ) > 00002 Carldenis , } 00003 *You bring up the s&l scam , but the 2 bush brothers have been involved in that far more thatn Clinton-should they be investigated also ? +++ 059339 00001 carldenis - 08 : 30am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) > 00002 Hal , } 00003 *Why so disruptive ? Al Gore has been a closer associate to BC than most VPs were in the past . Of course he will have to replace Reno which I do not think he will do , lest he also be impeached . In which case it is imperative to have the Congress Majority Leader briefed as fully as possible as he is the next in line . 059340 00001 halmbrown - 08 : 31am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) } 00002 * " Hal " > 00003 krsna : } 00004 *hate to " hit and run " but this will be my last post for today since we ' re going out now . I don ' t think the sexual affairs of those you mention " rise to the level of " sexual addiction . Bye all , " talk " to you later . 059341 00001 carldenis - 08 : 32am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) > 00002 krsna108 } 00003 *Why not ? 059342 00001 frostop - 08 : 34am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) } 00002 *Is this a real trial or what ? I thought in a court of law no juror knew how a trial would come out until AFTER the case was heard and juror had an opportunity to weigh the facts . You ' d think the Democrats had already heard the witnesses as they answer Senate questions the way they ' re talking about there ' s no way to convict Clinton . Of course we know if this issue were reversed and the culprit were a Repub , the Democrats would be doing just the opposite . It ' s a shame our country has come to such a state as we ' re in . I like think Mr Clinton should admit he lied under oath and accept the consequences . frostop 059343 00001 krsna108 - 08 : 35am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) > 00002 Cardenis , } 00003 *because the right wing is protecting them . Two people can do the exact same thing . In the first case they excuse is as an innocent mistake , the other case they look at it as a sinister plot . 059344 00001 carldenis - 08 : 37am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) } 00002 *If BC cared for " his " country and its citizen ' s he would step down asap . 059345 00001 jffurne - 08 : 39am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) } 00002 *The NY Times editorial page today makes it clear that this is all about money . The pressure put on moderate Republicans was that their funding in the next election would be removed if they do not adhere to the party mission : get the President at all costs . Unfortunately for the GOP , the public at large understands what it is all about , too . That a moderate representative or senator can be cowed by the managers of the money sends a chilling message to us all . Forget principle , law , justice . Stick to the Party line and perserve your chances for re-election . Well , it won ' t wash . We need people who will listen to the will of the people , not just push through their own agenda against any real chance of succeeding . We certainly don ' t have it in the GOP . That is the message that comes screaming through in all of this . That is why the House prosecutors are scared silly of the eventual outcome . They will be exposed as having wasted millions of dollars , a year when nothing else moved forward and the patience of the entire country on a legally trivial matter that could not rise to the Constitutional standard . Why they don ' t understand that they should cut their losses and run is beyond comprehension . 059346 00001 gabrial - 08 : 40am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) } 00002 *JUST WHAT ARE THESE WITNESSES HIDING THAT THE WH IS SO DESPERATE TO SQUASH ? . 059347 00001 carldenis - 08 : 42am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) > 00002 Jffurne } 00003 *Must be stated that the WH is really imaginative . Conspiracy , only sexual pecadillos , and now : " it ' s all about money " . Probably Chinese money . 059348 00001 krsna108 - 08 : 44am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61902 ) > 00002 Gabrial , } 00003 *they don ' t want witnesses , because they don ' t want the President to be more embarrased than he already has . Would you want people talking about how you got oral sex , or what part of the vagina you fingers were carresing ? +++ 059349 00001 jffurne - 08 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) } 00002 *No , > 00003 Carldenis , } 00004 *that is not a response . No one is talking about the Chinese money thing . If we explore that , we would also explore the contributors to the GOP . This impeachment is NOT about contributions . It is about an attempt by religious right Congresmen , all male , all Causcasion , attempting a Presidential coup d ' etat , over trivial matters which have already been fully revealed , discussed and dismissed in the minds of most of us . However , the GOP thought ( mistakenly ) that they could use the scandal to drive down the President ' s approvals and force him to resign . That has not happened . The public has seen through it . The more they strive to push it down our throats , the more we gag . The more resolved to oppose it we become . That is it . Respond to this issue , if you can . 059350 00001 spinthis - 08 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) } 00002 *DEMOCRATIC AGENDA : save Social Security more teachers more police officers lower crime rate campaign finance reform Patient ' s Bill of Rights higher minimum wage 50% reduction in welfare rolls 4 . 8% unemployment rate schools wired for Internet clean air and water anti-Tobacco gun control term limits balanced budget free trade equal opportunity for all equal pay regardless of gender Soccer Moms and apple pie GOP AGENDA : tax breaks for the rich Impeachment 059351 00001 prismq - 08 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) > 00002 carldenis : } 00003 *agreed . BC would , if he cared for this country , step down . That is not the agenda . BC and his staffers must smokescreen every point in the Constitution in order to protect the quicksand the Democratic party is standing on at this moment . Some citizens ARE outraged enough not to allow the Framer ' s Constitution and the American public to be bamboozled with all manner of deceitful interventions . 059352 00001 carldenis - 08 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) } 00002 *Hate to run , Gotta have breakfast . See you later . 059353 00001 spinthis - 08 : 55am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) } 00002 *GOP Afraid of calling their star Witness > 00003 gabrial 1 / 31 / 99 8 : 40am } 00004 *The House Managers for months have built their obstruction case against the twice popularly elected President William Jefferson Clinton around Bettie Currie . Well , where is Ms . Currie on the witness list ? Why is the GOP afraid of calling the one witness they say could doom our beloved President ? Could it be because she is Satan ? Hmmm ? 059354 00001 prismq - 08 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) > 00002 Spinthis : } 00003 *thanks for providing us a perfect example of Judas ' excuses for getting rid of the Lord . Judas , too , wanted justice right now for the poor of the world . He was mad when all that expensive perfume went to washing the Lord ' s feet . So mad , he went to the spinners of the day and handed over the Way to those who were sick of hearing the truth and the right . Just like the spinners in the white house want to be rid of the Constitution , that imposing , inconvenient document that is in the way of all the social agendas they want to make right in society . Spinners are following the well-beaten road Judas walked on . 059355 00001 jffurne - 09 : 00am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) > 00002 Prismq : } 00003 *Yeah , sure . The President should resign , should he ? He is THIS CLOSE to winning : a total of 34 Dem . senators have to vote against a guilty finding . He has a possible 45 and a secure 44 . Would YOU resign under those circumstances ? Besides , the GOP is doing fine at shooting themselves in the foot at every opportunity . They make the President look like a giant among men compared to their desperate attempts and their apparent lack of understanding of the Constitution . To suggest that they could find him guilty but allow him to remain in office shows that they cannot even read the Constitution , which requires that the President SHALL be removed on a guilty finding . So , do your worst ! While Clinton looks his best . It is the same priciple as standing next to the ugliest person at a dance . You look good in comparison . 059356 00001 phreek1 - 09 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) > 00002 PRSMQ : } 00003 *WOW ! ! ! 059357 00001 spinthis - 09 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) > 00002 prismq 1 / 31 / 99 8 : 59am } 00003 *Judas was in favor of saving Social Security ? Wow ! ! ! What Bible are you reading from ? 059358 00001 prismq - 09 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61903 ) } 00002 *Farewell to the left and farewell to the right . It ' s time for me to do my Bible studies on this day of our Lord . Best wishes for a wonderful week , all . Beware the Judas excuse for scrubbing out the Constitution . Love ya ' . +++ 059359 00001 krsna108 - 09 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 Spinthis , } 00003 *I also find this strange-why they did not call Madame Currie . Perhaps it is because they know that they will exhonerate the president 059360 00001 rglisson - 09 : 02am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 Spinthis : } 00003 *Democratic Agenda : 1 . Save world ' s largest Ponzi scheme . 2 . More $$$$ for failed government schools with no accountability or quality review . 3 . More strings attached to local law enforcement . 4 . Lower crime rates via doctored crime stats ( in Phila . and Atlanta ) 5 . More unenforceable rules on campaign donations to join the ones that are already not enforced . 6 . More government interference in health care , more snooping into your private medical records , and more $$$$ for plaintiffs ' lawyers . 7 . Higher minimum wages so more folks can lose their jobs . 8 . Welfare reform -- only when forced to do so . 9 . More small businesses forced under by excessive regulation . 10 . Confiscating $$$ from ( but not outlawing ) a legal business in order to fund government ventures ( see # 1 ) 11 . Disarming citizens in violation of the Second Amendment . Still more unenforceable laws to join those that are not enforced . ( see # 5 ) 12 . Term limits ? The White House has endorsed the proposal to repeal the term limit on the Presidency ! 13 . Fraudulent shell game with social security and budget ( see # 1 ) 14 . OK , I ' ll give you free trade . 15 . Equal opportunity only for those who agree with us . 16 . Equal treatment regardless of gender , except for those who disagree with us , interns , and trailer trash . 17 . National ID card for soccer moms AND apple pie . 059361 00001 spinthis - 09 : 04am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #9 - Build all of your case about obstruction of justice around one individual ( e . g . Betty Currie ) , but then wimp out by not calling her as witness when presented with the opportunity . krsna108 1 / 31 / 99 9 : 01am 059362 00001 spinthis - 09 : 06am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 rglisson 1 / 31 / 99 9 : 02am } 00003 *I can see we disagree on the Democratic agenda . But maybe you can help me out . What is the GOP agenda besides tax cuts for the rich and impeaching WJC ? 059363 00001 spinthis - 09 : 08am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #1 - Hire a pollster to test the popular sentiment about what should me done , and then do the complete opposite . 059364 00001 bottomsup - 09 : 10am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *To some of the contributors to his forum that think this impeachment a " trivial matter . " Well let me see if I can help you with your misunderstanding : It is a felony to obstruct justice , lie to a grand jury under oath as these are very serious criminal charges and if some of you would just read the transcripts of some of the testimony the House Managers have a very solid case . Just forget about " public opinion polls " which mean nothing in a criminal proceeding and remember if we made our laws based on " public opinion polls " we would have no Civil Rights laws and many other laws that we all have to abide by . What we are all seeing is politicians reading something into our Constitution that simply is not there and to say the above mentioned crimes " do not rise to the level of impeachment " is political cowardice at its worst . 059365 00001 jimpitt - 09 : 12am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *Excerpts of my letter to members of the Senate follows . Use it , or modify it , to reflect your thoughts and feelings on the subject . What ' s important is that you let YOUR Senators know that you are watching how they vote . Please do it now ! ------There is NO DOUBT in my mind that William Jefferson Clinton is GUILTY of serial perjury and multiple obstructions of justice in connection with the Paula Jones civil litigation and with regard to the Monica Lewinski Grand Jury debacle . Add to that , whatever crimes are eventually disclosed related to the multiple scandals of this administration , which are too numerous to mention . What it all adds up to is : The president is a felon . He is not fit to hold the office of President of the United States . The first lady may also eventually be indicted for crimes she allegedly committed related to the Castle Grande , FBI Files and Travel Office fiascoes . Shame means nothing to the Clintons . They are devoid of character , integrity , honesty and honor . The only thing that matters to them is that William Jefferson Clinton remains as president through to the end of his term . NOTHING else is as important to them , whatever the cost to the nation , the individuals involved . . . or , even to you , the members of Congress . The two Clintons are , without question , the sleaziest SOBs ever to occupy the White House . Furthermore , they are being supported and enabled in their crimes by the sleaziest SOBs ever to occupy both Houses of Congress . If that weren ' t enough , I believe that Janet Reno , our Attorney General , is either grossly incompetent or , she is as corrupt as the two people who appointed her . If Clinton is NOT removed from office , the consequences will affect the long term health and viability of this nation . There are 260 million people in this country who NEED to witness Clinton suffering the consequences of his crimes . YOU are tampering with the very essence of this Republic ; it ' s Rule of Law . Crimes without consequences result in chaos and anarchy . High profile crimes such as those committed by the President of the United States , require high profile consequences . The citizens of this nation will NOT long endure a two tiered Justice System ; one for the masses and another for the politically elite . Your votes on these matters will be noted with much interest . +++ 059366 00001 spinthis - 09 : 14am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *A TALE OF TWO CITIES " The rule of law is no pious aspiration from a civics textbook . The rule of law is what stands between us and the arbitrary exercise of power by the state . The rule of law is the safeguard of our liberties . The rule of law is what allows us to live our freedom in ways that honor the freedom of others while strengthening the common good . " --House Manager Henry Hyde 1 / 16 / 99 " Mr . Chairman , we have also learned that the rule of law includes Presidential elections . That is a part of the rule of law in this country . We have an event , a quadrennial event , in this country which we call a Presidential election , and that is the day when we reach across this aisle and hold hands , Democrats and Republicans , and we say , win or lose , we will abide by the decision . It is a solemn event , a Presidential election , and it should not be undone lightly or just because one side has the clout and the other one doesn ' t . " --Dale Bumpers - 1 / 21 / 99 059367 00001 spinthis - 09 : 15am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #2 - Stop all legislative action in Congress to pursue the GOP jihad of impeaching a twice popularly elected President . 059368 00001 jffurne - 09 : 17am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) With respect to impeachable offenses , consider this : A . The President shoots an aide because the aide threatens to expose some flaw in a program being espoused by the Executive branch . B . The President , on vacation , drives his own car and inadvertantly runs over and kills a pedestrian . Are both these events impeachable ? Legal scholars say No . A would be because it involves the government function . B would not because it was a private act . While the President could be sued in civil court for damages and might face criminal charges AFTER he leaves office for his actions in example B , the President ' s term should not be disrupted because of this event . This is not my personal analysis , but one I watched from an Impeachment discussion at a law school discussion on the matter . 059369 00001 8003752292 - 09 : 17am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *And now Starr is considering inditing Clinton ? Where is all of this going to stop ? I would suggest it is time for Congress to act . If Congress has the authority to disband Starr and his office they should do so immediately . But they probably won ' t , look who they are . What we need I propose is what Gerry Spence proposes in his new book " Give Me Liberty " http : / / www . amazon . com / exec / obidos / ASIN / 0312192673 / o / qid=917790535 / sr=2-1 / 002-95260046711055 Select our Representatives / Judges by Random Lot . Then they would be us . What do you think ? Will Decker wdecker@wans . net http : / / www . angelfire . com / mo / freedom 059370 00001 rivenq - 09 : 21am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) After reading the book by Walter Reich about political hubris , one may wish its author to analyse the chasm developing now in the US lansdcape and explain in terms of interactions between the man and the people the " Loyalty Mystery " ( William Safire ' s terms ) ? 059371 00001 rglisson - 09 : 22am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 Spinthis } 00003 *I ' m not a republican - I ' m a constitutional libertarian , since before it became fashionable . But I see some republican agenda items that I can support - tax cuts ( and before you say it ' s " for the rich " , look at how the Dems define " rich " , including the hypothetical rental value of the house you own . Dems are afraid of across-the-board tax cuts because the meat of the tax digest comes from the middle class , not the rich , and that would take $$$$ away from their pet programs . ) Serious tax reform - removal of the marriage tax , abolition of estate tax ( this would save small family businesses by the 100s ) . Perhaps institution of a national sales tax ( needs thorough investigation ) . Devolution of government from Washington to state and local government . Abolition of make-work government departments like commerce and education . Reorganization of the military with more funding for the grunts on the ground - and for the pilots who are quitting in droves and less for the Pentagon ' s expensive ineffective toys . School vouchers ( our local school system here is impossible ) . My bottom line is that government should be providing for the national defense and other constitutional functions first . THEN , if there ' s money left over and the people are willing , other functions . But over 40% of my paycheck is being sucked up into various government programs , and that ' s just plain wrong . 059372 00001 jffurne - 09 : 23am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *Well , Starr is at it again ! ! No let up , no surcease from this man ! ! ! Maybe the nation can petition a competent court somewhere and get a gag order for him . Actually , he is making me gag every time I read about yet another expensive and hapless thing he is doing . Give it up , Ken , you failed ! ! You are not a judge , but a zealot . Stop wasting my money ! ! +++ 059373 00001 mikerose2 - 09 : 23am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 And the Washington Post ' s latest poll . . . . 4 . At the end of the trial the Senate will vote to decide whether or not Clinton should be removed from office . Do you think the Senate should or should not remove Clinton from office ? Remove Don ' t remove No opin . 1 / 30 / 99 33 64 3 1 / 19 / 99 36 60 4 1 / 13 / 99* 33 64 3 12 / 19 / 99* 34 65 1 * " Again , the House of Representatives has voted to impeach Clinton and next the Senate will hold a trial to decide whether or not he should be removed from office . . " Oh well , the folks on the chairs in front of Billie Bob ' s Gas ' n Gunz aren ' t going to be happy about this one . . . . . 059374 00001 97649 - 09 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *I agree with jffurne that most people think that congress is nuts , out of control , dead in the saddle with the right rein tied firmly around the saddle horn ; that no ' trial ' is worth $50 , 000 , 000 ; that the Senate is not the place for a trial on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice ; that none of the money that is being fought over or for will put any ' shoes ' on the children ; that both parties look stupid , crass , inept , one brick short of a full load . Wouldn ' t it be refreshing to have about 20 Senators from third parties and about 75 representatives similarly from third parties ? The inedible rhetoric that our majority parties have been stuffing down my throat has stuck in my craw . I ' m fed-up . And I ain ' t taking it anymore . This soap opera isn ' t about sex or justice . It ' s about politics . So , all we have to do to limit these valueless congressional spectacles is vote out a good number of the ideologues . Of course , that will take money . 059375 00001 spinthis - 09 : 26am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *Rule #3 - Totally alienate your star witness by producing a videotape of her explaining her techniques for giving a POTUS a hummer , and make that tape available for all people and for all time . IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #4 - Stack your panel of House Managers with individuals all of the same race , religion and gender . 059376 00001 jujuzuju - 09 : 27am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) Interesting to see spinthis defending someone who lied under oath and disgraced the office of the president . Perhaps its comfortable to defend in others what we see in ourselves . Two different sets of rules here ; If Republicans are merely accused of wrongs ( ala Flynt ) they are guilty . If we actually see the president insulting us with his personal definitions of words , and with his perjury , than he is innocent . 059377 00001 spinthis - 09 : 28am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 rglisson 1 / 31 / 99 9 : 22am } 00003 *GOP Deja-Voodoo Tax Plan . } 00004 *I always find it curious when I read the GOP posts on this forum . They must all be very wealthy folks or else they did not pass 3rd grade math . Exhibit A : 62 Percent of GOP ' s Tax Cut Would Benefit Wealthiest One-Tenth of Taxpayers . This week , Congressional GOP leaders touted their support for an across-the-board 10 percent income tax cut , saying that hard working families need tax relief . But according to an analysis by Citizens for Tax Justice , 62 percent of the proposed GOP tax cuts would go to the wealthiest one-tenth of taxpayers : For taxpayers making less than $38 , 000 -- 60 percent of all taxpayers -- the average tax cut would be less than $99 a year . But for taxpayers making more than $301 , 000 -- only 1 percent of all taxpayers -- the average tax cut would be $20 , 697 a year . [Citizens For Tax Justice Press Release , 1 / 20 / 99] 059378 00001 rglisson - 09 : 28am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 jffurne , } 00003 *let ' s add a few facts to that second hypothetical : The pres . runs over and kills a pedestrian . He then persuades or hints to an aide to tell the cops that the aide was the one who was driving the car . He ( or his aide ) gives a false police report . His staff gives " spin " to the press that the pedestrian was a notorious alcoholic who was blind drunk at the time and fell into the path of the car . Then , when the pres . gives his deposition in the civil action , he raises his right hand , swears to tell the truth , and repeats the lies he has arranged with his staff . The aide gives a false affidavit , which the president acknowledges as " absolutely true and accurate . " Then let ' s say this was the tenth or eleventh road wreck case involving the pres . But we knew when we elected him he was a bad driver . . . . 059379 00001 gabrial - 09 : 31am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *Just what is that these witnesses conceal ? 059380 00001 jffurne - 09 : 32am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 jujuzuju : } 00003 *If the Republicans who were publicized by Flynt as being adulterers and worse are innocent of the charges , they have a legal remedy : sue him in a court of law for defamation . However , those cases are decided on whether the statements made were true . If true , no defamation occurred . So , they were true . Why cannot we know how the leaders who appear outraged that someone else had sex outside of marriage are " guilty " of the same behavior ? It exposes them as bigots . +++ 059381 00001 rglisson - 09 : 33am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 spinthis , } 00003 *There is no way to avoid giving a larger tax cut to those who make more money . Ten percent of a larger amount is always going to be a larger amount than ten percent of a smaller amount . But what is wrong with this ? ( unless you just hate folks who make more money because they make more money . there is nothing to prevent you joining them . ) Freedom to prosper necessarily includes a downside risk of not prospering . My point was that the number of " super-wealthy " individuals is numerically small . Sure there are a few at the top of the heap who will get a lot , and those under $38 , 000 p . a . are not going to get a lot . But that ' s just anecdotal . Where is the bell curve on income ? How about all those folks in the middle , from say about $75K to $150K ? The " doctoring " of tax rates to make it " progressive " or " fair " is what has got us into the mess we ' re in . 059382 00001 rglisson - 09 : 35am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 jffurne } 00003 *Sorry , you ' re misinformed on this one . Thanks to a pretty well-known defamation case , New York Times v . Sullivan , it is virtually impossible for a " public figure " - i . e . anyone in public life - to sue for slander or libel . A senator or congressman would have an uphill fight to bring an action against Larry the Hutt . 059383 00001 spinthis - 09 : 36am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *GOP Senate Scorecard The following is a list of GOP Senate seats up for election in 2000 . An " X " after a Senator ' s name indicates Clinton carried that state in the ' 96 election . The percentages in the parenthesis after each Senator ' s name represents how often that Senator voted in accordance with the Christian Coalition on votes that organization considered to be the most important in 1997-1998 ( Source : Vote-Smart ) . Jon Kyl ( R-Arizona ) X ( 100% ) William Roth ( R-Del . ) X ( 55% ) Connie Mack ( R-Florida ) X ( 82% ) Richard Lugar ( R-Indiana ) ( 82% ) Olympia J . Snowe ( R-Maine ) X ( 36% ) Spencer Abraham ( R-Mich . ) X ( 91% ) Rod Grams ( R-Minnesota ) X ( 100% ) Trent Lott ( R-Mississippi ) ( 100% ) John Ashcroft ( R-Missouri ) X ( 100% ) Conrad Burns ( R-Montana ) ( 91% ) Mike Dewine ( R-Ohio ) X ( 91% ) Rick Santorum ( R-Penn . ) X ( 91% ) John H . Chafee ( R-R . I . ) X ( 20% ) Bill Frist ( R-Tenn . ) X ( 82% ) Kay Bailey Hutchison ( R-Tex . ) ( 91% ) Orrin G . Hatch ( R-Utah ) ( 82% ) Jim Leffords ( R-Vermont ) X ( 9% ) Slade Gorton ( R-Wash . ) X ( 82% ) Craig Thomas ( R-Wyo . ) ( 91% ) Keep this list handy when it come time for votes in the Impeachment Hearings in the Senate . 059384 00001 macer235 - 09 : 38am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) > 00002 frostop } 00003 *asks : " Is this a real trial or what ? I thought in a court of law no juror knew how a trial would come out until AFTER the case was heard and juror had an opportunity to weigh the facts . You ' d think the Democrats . " } 00004 *Funny , isn ' t it ? The Republicans want it both ways . They repeat that point when they argue for witnesses , for more witnesses and for live witnesses . However , when they wish to defend elements of this Inquisition which no normal trial would allow , the observe : " It ' s not a real trial , it ' s a political process . " That was the widespread answer by defenders of the Linda Tripp / Holy Hypocrites Party when the following observations appeared : --the lack of voir dire in the choice of jurors in either House ( what defendant would be required to accept jurors who clamored for conviction long before the alleged " crimes " occured . --the use of HEARSAY AND INNUENDO rejected even by Ken Starr regarding Clinton having an illegitate child , Clinton committing murder , Clinton committing rape ) . --Restricting the above to Republican " jurors " only . It was feared Democrats in the House might have caused a storm of unfavorable publicity for the Inquisition Party and its impeachment process if they were allowed to see the " information " in that secret room . --the use of evidence based on entrapment ( Tripp urged Monica to do things which were not a crime at the time but would appear to be " obstruction of justice " when the investigation got started ) . --jurors threatening other jurors unless they voted for impeachment ( House ) or no dismissal / witnesses , etc . ( Senate ) . The threats : no primary financing , a religious right opponent in the primary . As a post just below yours noted : " The NY Times editorial page today makes it clear that this is all about money . The pressure put on moderate Republicans was that their funding in the next election would be removed if they do not adhere to the party mission : get the President at all costs . " Who would want to be a defendant with " due process " like that ? How can anyone call this Holy Hypocrite Party process a trial ? Given the above details , give me one good reason why Democrats should not balk ? Most of the American population balks for the same reasons , plus the tainted origins of the investigation . The Republicans have acted far below the law in the way they ' ve run this Kangaroo Court . THERE IS A RUMOR THAT A MODERATE REPUBLICAN HOUSE MEMBER HAVING IS ABOUT TO RESIGN IN PROTEST . SUPPOSEDLY HE WILL EXPRESS HIS THOUGHTS REGARDING THE USE OF PRIMARY THREATS AND " SECRET ROOM " EVIDENCE TO SECURE IMPEACHMENT . Now that could really produce some red faces . Abandon Ship ! Vote Anti-Republican Punish the Inquistion . . . Republican entrapment , Republican , Inquiry , Republican trial , and soon a Republican way to " cheat " around the Constitution in order to find Clinton guilty in this tainted Sleaze Process Americans despise . 059385 00001 roger660 - 09 : 39am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61904 ) } 00002 *The Impeachment Super Bowl . Coach Hyde tries to rally his team . COACH HYDE : Men , this is the big one ! This is for all the marbles , and we ' re losing -we need to make something happen . We ' ve got to go for the big play . We ' ve had too many fumbles , dropped balls -- we ' ve got to go for salacious details ! BARR : But , Coach , I didn ' t think we were going for salacious details . COACH HYDE : We lied ! It ' s the old double-reverse . This is personal and nasty . We ' ve got to get our respect back . They ' ve called us partisan hypocrites and self-righteous kooks ! ASA : What do we do , Coach ? They ' re killing us . Cheryl Mills and Dale Bumpers ran our asses off ! COACH HYDE : Jordan and Blumenthal are too tough . We ' ve got to go after Monica . Play for the discrepancy , the slight contradiction , the grimace , the body language -- the videotape is our last chance ! ED BRYANT : The perjury play has flopped ; they ' re killing us , Coach . What do we do ? COACH HYDE : They ' ve made us look stupid . There ' s only one thing left to do -- we ' ve got to send in Kenneth Starr ! ! ! MEN IN UNISON : You ' re right , Coach Henry ! You ' re a genius ! The End 059386 00001 spinthis - 09 : 39am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #5 - Have your right-wing fanatic , disguised as an Independent ( sic ) Counsel , browbeat your star witness ' s mother in front of a Grand Jury . 059387 00001 mikerose2 - 09 : 39am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 Latest Polls , Pt II The LA Times : Should the Senate vote to convict President Clinton and remove him from office or not ? Don ' t know : 6% Yes , convict : 29% No , do not convict : 65% Since this was a telephone poll , it inevitably missed the boys on the chairs in front of Billy Bob ' s Gas ' n Gunz 059388 00001 spinthis - 09 : 40am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 rglisson 1 / 31 / 99 9 : 33am } 00003 *The " doctoring " of tax rates to make it " progressive " or " fair " is what has got us into the mess we ' re in . The mess we are in ? Oh you must mean the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years . ? 059389 00001 jffurne - 09 : 41am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 rglisson : } 00003 *it would still be a private matter , not involving the running of the government . He would be subject , after leaving office , not only for involuntary manslaughter , the civil case for compensating the family for its loss , but for perjury and subjornation of perjury . These would be criminal matters , brought in the jurisdiction where they occurred , but he should not be removed from office for the crime of involuntary manslaughter . That is not treason , bribery or other high crimes or misdemeanors . the business of governing must go forward . What your hypothosis goes to is the character of the president . It is for history to assess character . many presidents , including Truman , were unpopular and detested by the press during their Presidency . But history will judge him , this president and this proceeding . 059390 00001 macer235 - 09 : 42am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *STARR ANNOUNCES HE MAY PROSECUTE CLINTON " BEFORE " HE LEAVES OFFICE This was on the news today . Talk about a loose cannon ! The extreme right will love Clinton for this while the other Republicans will groan . What a great way to make sure voters don ' t forget ? Starr , who has close ties with the party crazies , will become the most hated man in America if he does , joining Linda Tripp as the most hated woman . Those election campaign protest signs MUST include references to both of the above . How ' s this ? Reward Linda Tripp ! Reware Ken Starr ! Vote Entrapment / Inquisition Party 059391 00001 rglisson - 09 : 43am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *No , I mean the situation in which nearly half the income of productive people is being siphoned off . Many folks have two-income households just to pay the taxes . That makes the economy look good for the time being , but the consequences will come home to roost in the future . You can ' t snapshot the economy now as a true indication of conditions now . There ' s a considerable lag , which WJC took advantage of in his first election . 059392 00001 spinthis - 09 : 43am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #6 - Coin the phrase " document dump " by dumping the report of your right-wing fanatic , disguised as an Independent ( sic ) Counsel , to the media before you yourself have read its supporting documentation . 059393 00001 spinthis - 09 : 46am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 rglisson 1 / 31 / 99 9 : 43am } 00003 *With regard to the surpluses do you prefer that they be used to save Social Security , or to provide tax cuts ? 059394 00001 rglisson - 09 : 46am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 jjfurne , } 00003 *Once the president involves the machinery of his office and the federal government in covering up or deflecting the consequences of his private actions , THEN it becomes a public matter . That was my point . You may or may not be old enough to recall that JFK was involved in a motor vehicle collision during his presidency . It was handled separately from the WH , by privately retained counsel as I recall , and settled . TR was involved in a road wreck too , but I can ' t recall the details ( since I wasn ' t alive then 00004 . A SS agent was killed , though . 059395 00001 spinthis - 09 : 47am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #7 - Rush to impeach the POTUS as a " lame-duck / do-nothing " House of Rep . Congress against the will of the people without calling any witnesses . Then when you see your case in the Senate melting away , demand witnesses to save your sorry butts . +++ 059396 00001 rglisson - 09 : 49am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 Spinthis } 00003 *Two false premises : 1 . There is no surplus . It was stolen from the so-called Social Security Trust Fund in the first place . 2 . " Save Social Security " is a mantra . It has no basis in fact . Notice the WJC recites it at every opportunity but gives no details . You can ' t save a Ponzi scheme without bringing in new suckers . So long as the tax system discourages both hard work and savings , there will be no new suckers . 059397 00001 comcargru - 09 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 SPINTHIS : } 00003 *Surprise , big boy -- the Independent Counsel was authorized and approved by the JANET RENO . . . Your propaganda and TOTAL DISREGARD FOR REALITY is deliberate . . . Your make it sound as if **POOF** Starr magically appeared and began investigating Clinton . 059398 00001 jffurne - 09 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 Roger660 : } 00003 *There is one unfortunate difference between the Superbowl and this charade . By this evening , the Superbowl will be over . 059399 00001 gabrial - 09 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *WH Strategy : Blame all on reps W . A . Clinton=666 059400 00001 imphilonous - 09 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 * " Starr Is Sure He Has Constitutional Authority to Indict Clinton in Office " Somebody wake me up from this nightmare . Separation of powers ? Tampering with a Senate trial ? Do these things mean anything to this zealot and his ilk ? What kills me the most is the way Starr , Hyde , Hatch , and the other individuals of the same race , party , and gender profess no enmity towards the President , simply saying that ' the law is the law ' . Well , if OJ didn ' t convince you , I think Ken Starr might : in turn-of-the-milennium America , the law is very much the instrument of men and not the other way around . Almost no one gets prosecuted for perjury or obstruction of justice in America , unless you ' re the President and the opposing party has a majority in both houses . And to those unfortunates still whining that the President ' lied ' to them about Monica ( and think all this is justified punishment ) : he didn ' t owe you or me an answer to a question 1 ) he should never have been asked in the first place 2 ) in a trial that was ( conveniently , once the damage had been done ) found to have ' no merit whatsoever ' by the same Republican judge who had been listening to it for months . Still think we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave ? mikerose2 - 09 : 51am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( §§059401 of 61905 ) I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 059402 00001 spinthis - 09 : 54am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 rglisson 1 / 31 / 99 9 : 49am } 00003 *You did not answer my question . I know that the surplus represents funds from Social Security . And that is the very reason it should not be the basis for tax cuts . It should be preserved for Social Security 059403 00001 comcargru - 09 : 54am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *Since Clinton and a Democrat House and Senate RAMRODDED the largest and only RETROACTIVE tax increase in HISTORY , why wouldn ' t there be some talk of a " surplus . " The Republican-led House and Senate has time and time again blocked any more Clinton TAX AND SPEND bills . It ' s amazing . . . the Clinton Administration wants to shut down military baseses . . . when ' s the last time you heard them shutting down useless government offices ? 059404 00001 comcargru - 09 : 56am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *I don ' t need the government to TELL ME how to save and spend my money . It ' s a FACT an individual could earn 3 TIMES the money investing privately than letting it get pumped down a government-run rat hole . 059405 00001 mikea48 - 09 : 57am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *If perjury and obstruction are not high crimes or misdemeanors , what is ? # 059406 00001 rglisson - 09 : 33am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59412 ) > comcargru - 09 : 58am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 spinthis , } RE : imphilonous - 09 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( §§059425 of 59429 ) : } 00003 *There is no way to avoid giving a larger tax cut to those who make more money . Ten percent of a larger amount is always going to be a larger amount than ten percent of a smaller amount . } *There ' s 115 people in jail for perjury before a grand jury . What are you talking about ? 00004 *Without arguing the merits of the distribution of a tax cut , this is untrue . . . . The simplest way , under our graduated system -- by calculating the tax as done currently and then giving a fixed credit against the computed liability , one gives the same dollar benefit to everyone who would have to have paid at least as much as the credit . 059407 00001 macer235 - 09 : 58am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *CHARLES GRODIN WAS A RIOT LAST NIGHT HE SLYLY PUT BARR ON THE SPOT Grodin had a hilarious ten-minute introduction in which he parodied several of the arguments used by the Republicans , including the one that seeing those witnesses in person and watching their faces would help jurors decide who is telling the truth . Grodin asked : " Do you think someone telling a lie looks any different from anyone telling the truth . " Furrowing his brow and rolling his eyes sneakily to the right and left , he imitated one of the three witnesses saying something akin to , " No , we didn ' t cover up anything . " Folks in the background laughed as he said , " Do you think people really lie like this . " He imitated Republicans lying about being fair-minded and concerned with the rule of law ( more laughter ) Finally , he observed Clinton ' s famous , " I didn ' t have sex with that woman , " as a example of how people on BOTH sides really lie ( laughter again ) . It was a funny way to demolish that argument for witnesses . On BOB BARR : With a straight face , Grodin praised Barr several times for his " sincerity . " Several times he asked Barr , in reference to his concern with moral exemplars , whether he thought it appropriate and a matter for public concern for elected officials to have sex outside marriage . Barr would answer the question and Grodin would bring it up again . Despite the obvious double meaning in that question ( Barr dumped his cancer-stricken wife for his current bimbo ) Grodin sounded so sincere that Barr couldn ' t protest . Although he obviously had Barr in mind , he never made it explicit . Thus Barr would hardly protest without making more people aware of his checkered past . I ' ll like to have seen what happened to all that bottled-up rage after he left the program . It was the funniest interview I ' ve seen yet . 059408 00001 mikea48 - 09 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *If perjury and obstruction are not high crimes or misdemeanors , what is ? 059409 00001 rglisson - 09 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *But > 00003 mike , } 00004 *that ' s what I was complaining about - the graduated or so-called " progessive " tax scale . It causes more problems than it solves . People in government use it for social engineering rather than revenue production , based on their ideas of who is " deserving " or not . That ' s as bad as the Victorians and their " deserving poor " - although these days that idea is looking better . There are also unintended consequences . Back when I was in private practice , I represented a boat builder on the Georgia coast . Business was booming - he was hiring and paying three shifts in an economically depressed county - just a one-man business ( with his wife as bookkeeper ) and he was a major employer in the town . Then Congress decided to " punish " the evil rich by instituting a " luxury tax " on what they called " yachts " but actually covered most middle of the line pleasure boats . His business dropped to virtually nothing , he had to lay off two of his shifts , and eventually he went out of business . So about a hundred ordinary working stiffs who were fiberglassing and painting went on unemployment . The rich just kept their old yachts a few years longer . . . 059410 00001 spinthis - 10 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #8 - Attempt to slime your target by releasing rumors to ( and his ilk ) about Jane Does whose testimony even your right-wing fanatic , disguised as an Independent ( sic ) Counsel did not include in his referral . 059411 00001 imphilonous - 10 : 01am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 mikea48 : } 00003 *In answer to your question , history suggests the following : 1 ) Hiring men to break into the headquarters of the opposing party to ' get an edge ' in the upcoming election . 2 ) Hiring men to break into the office of someone ' s psychiatrist to dig up some dirty laundry . 3 ) Using the FBI and White House staff to delay and attempt to stop discovery of all evidence of the above . Any questions ? 059412 00001 rglisson - 10 : 02am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 Spin , } 00003 *you ' re assuming that the economy has a fixed amount of $$ to be distributed . The $$ from social security doesn ' t have to be " allocated " to tax cuts . The tax cuts will generate more revenue on their own . Don ' t fuss about distributing the existing pie -- bake a bigger pie . 059413 00001 spinthis - 10 : 02am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 comcargru 1 / 31 / 99 9 : 50am } 00003 *Ken Starr is under investigation by a federal district court judge for his leaks and multiple abuses of power . Why did his ethics lawyer , Sam Dash , resign ? Because he was doing such a great job ? Because he was in cahoots to the Jnoes lawyers ? Because his agents lied to Monica Lewinsky when she asked to speak to her personal attorney and they told her he was not a " criminal " attorney ( a lie ) . Because his hatred against Clinton manifested itself when he spoke before the House Judiciary Committee . Hmmm ? 059414 00001 spinthis - 10 : 03am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #9 - Build all of your case about obstruction of justice around one individual ( e . g . Betty Currie ) , but then wimp out by not calling her as witness when presented with the opportunity . 059415 00001 comcargru - 10 : 03am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61905 ) > 00002 RE : mikea48 - 09 : 57am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( #59430 of 59431 ) : } 00003 *The term " high crimes and misdemeanors " dates back to English law of the 14th Century . By the time of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 , over 400 people in England were " convicted " under " high crimes and misdemeanors " for theft , perjury , obstruction of justice , and bringing disrepute to the government . The debate notes from the Convention were recorded and later REPEATED in the Judiciary Committee report by one HILLARY CLINTON as one of the key reasons why President Nixon should be impeached . But , of course , the Democrats will LIE and tell you something different . +++ 059416 00001 imphilonous - 10 : 04am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) > 00002 comcargru : } 00003 *the key word ( I know , it just flies by so fast ) is ALMOST . Thanks for the attention . 059417 00001 macer235 - 10 : 05am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) > 00002 comcargu } 00003 *says : " There ' s 115 people in jail for perjury before a grand jury . What are you talking about ? " } 00004 *Yet it ' s estimated that there are more than 10 , 000 instances of perjury a year , many of them both more blatant and concerned with more serious matters than a probe into someone ' s consensual sexual behavior Why are they not all investigated and prosecuted ? The kind of " perjury " alleged in this instance is never charged and prosecuted . Our prosecutors would have time for nothing else , if that were the case . So what ' s the motive ? Politics ! The religious right is determined to get Clinton and is squeezing cojones to get it done . Too bad there aren ' t 67 Republican senators or we ' d get further examples of justice in the style of the Linda Tripp / Ken Starr Party . ( Talk about having albatrosses around one ' s neck ) . ABANDON SHIP ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN PUNISH THE INQUISITION 059418 00001 rglisson - 10 : 05am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) } 00002 *Sorry , guys , this is really interesting , but I gotta go to choir practice . See ya later . 059419 00001 spinthis - 10 : 05am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) } 00002 *IMPEACHMENT FOR DUMMIES Rule #10 - When all else has failed and your case in the Senate is going down in flames , espouse an unconstitutional " finding of fact " procedure to try to save your sorry as* . 059420 00001 comcargru - 10 : 06am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) > 00002 spinthis : } 00003 *All you are doing is spewing Democrat propaganda-I have never seen ONE LETTER OF HISTORICAL OR JUDICIAL PROOF from you ever . Which leads me to conclude : You ' re full of hot air . You ' re laughable and hopelessly ignorant of history . 059421 00001 comcargru - 10 : 08am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) > 00002 SPINTHIS ' } 00003 *MEANS OF DEBATING : NUMBER ONE RULE : LIE , LIE , LIE 059422 00001 imphilonous - 10 : 11am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) > 00002 Spin : } 00003 *I think you ' re getting to the right wing on this page . Job well done . 059423 00001 comcargru - 10 : 13am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) } 00002 *AND THE COVER-UPS AND LIES CONTINUE . . . . Bill Clinton , Hillary Rodham Clinton and members of the Clinton / Gore administration have invoked or tried to claim and expand executive privilege at least 15 times to block information about his activities and those of the Clinton / Gore administration in relation to several possible illegalities and controversial administration actions . On May 21 , 1998 , the House of Representatives twice voted to demand Clinton to make public all legal papers involved in his fight to invoke executive privilege in the Monica Lewinsky scandal and to show more cooperation with a widening array of congressional investigations . With bipartisan support ( 259-157 and 342-69 respectively ) , the House passed the two non-binding resolutions after years of stonewalling by the Clinton / Gore administration . ( source : The Washington Post , 5 / 22 / 98 ) Clinton and his colleagues have either claimed , attempted to claim and expanded executive privilege dealing with the following : The inspection of then-Deputy Counsel ' s office ; Whitewater notes regarding a conversation between Hillary Clinton and her lawyers ; an FBI drug memo criticizing the Clinton / Gore administration ' s policies ; a 1994 ethics review of then-Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy ; documents relating to arms shipments to Bosnia ; travel office documents relating to Travelgate ; documents relating to the cancellation of an Indian casino ; documents relating to Ambassador Larry Lawrence ' s Arlington National Cemetery waiver ; documents on political violence in Haiti ; subpoenaed records pertaining to the House campaign finance investigation ; testimony by Clinton aide Bruce Lindsey regarding controversial Democrat contributor James Riady ; testimony by Clinton aide Paul Begala regarding Filegate ; testimony relating to Clinton ' s possible perjury during the Paula Jones grand jury and obstruction of justice in the Monica Lewinsky investigation ; testimony by Hillary Clinton relating to conversations about Whitewater ; and testimony by the Secret Service about Clinton ' s relationship with Monica Lewinsky . Clinton / Gore administration ' s abuse of the executive privilege : 1 . Vince Foster Documents : In 1993 , Clinton , through White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum , invoked both executive privilege and attorney-client privilege to block an inspection of Clinton files in deputy counsel Vince Foster ' s office after his apparent suicide . ( source : USA Today , 8 / 9 / 95 ) 2 . Mike Espy Documents : In October 1994 , the Clinton / Gore administration claimed executive privilege in refusing to turn over documents from its 1994 ethics review of trips , sport tickets and other gifts that then-Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy accepted from large food producers that did business with the department . In 1997 , an appeals court ordered the documents be turned over . However , Judge Patricia Wald of the U . S . Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a broad interpretation on executive privilege , ruling that privilege protected communications among White House advisers as well as discussions and written correspondences with the president . Note : An independent counsel was appointed on Sept . 9 , 1994 . ( sources : The Associated Press , 5 / 15 / 97 ; editorial , USA Today , 5 / 6 / 98 ; The New York Times , 2 / 20 / 98 ) 3 . Whitewater Notes / Hillary Clinton : In December 1995 , Clinton tried to argue t 059424 00001 spinthis - 10 : 13am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61906 ) . +++ 059425 00001 comcargru - 10 : 16am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) } 00002 *AND THE COVER-UPS AND LIES CONTINUE . . . . Bill Clinton , Hillary Rodham Clinton and members of the Clinton / Gore administration have invoked or tried to claim and expand executive privilege at least 15 times to block information about his activities and those of the Clinton / Gore administration in relation to several possible illegalities and controversial administration actions . On May 21 , 1998 , the House of Representatives twice voted to demand Clinton to make public all legal papers involved in his fight to invoke executive privilege in the Monica Lewinsky scandal and to show more cooperation with a widening array of congressional investigations . With bipartisan support ( 259-157 and 342-69 respectively ) , the House passed the two non-binding resolutions after years of stonewalling by the Clinton / Gore administration . ( source : The Washington Post , 5 / 22 / 98 ) Clinton and his colleagues have either claimed , attempted to claim and expanded executive privilege dealing with the following : The inspection of then-Deputy Counsel Vince Foster ' s office ; Whitewater notes regarding a conversation between Hillary Clinton and her lawyers ; an FBI drug memo criticizing the Clinton / Gore administration ' s policies ; a 1994 ethics review of then-Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy ; documents relating to arms shipments to Bosnia ; travel office documents relating to Travelgate ; documents relating to the cancellation of an Indian casino ; documents relating to Ambassador Larry Lawrence ' s Arlington National Cemetery waiver ; documents on political violence in Haiti ; subpoenaed records pertaining to the House campaign finance investigation ; testimony by Clinton aide Bruce Lindsey regarding controversial Democrat contributor James Riady ; testimony by Clinton aide Paul Begala regarding Filegate ; testimony relating to Clinton ' s possible perjury during the Paula Jones grand jury and obstruction of justice in the Monica Lewinsky investigation ; testimony by Hillary Clinton relating to conversations about Whitewater ; and testimony by the Secret Service about Clinton ' s relationship with Monica Lewinsky . Clinton / Gore administration ' s abuse of the executive privilege : 1 . Vince Foster Documents : In 1993 , Clinton , through White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum , invoked both executive privilege and attorney-client privilege to block an inspection of Clinton files in deputy counsel Vince Foster ' s office after his apparent suicide . ( source : USA Today , 8 / 9 / 95 ) 2 . Mike Espy Documents : In October 1994 , the Clinton / Gore administration claimed executive privilege in refusing to turn over documents from its 1994 ethics review of trips , sport tickets and other gifts that then-Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy accepted from large food producers that did business with the department . In 1997 , an appeals court ordered the documents be turned over . However , Judge Patricia Wald of the U . S . Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a broad interpretation on executive privilege , ruling that privilege protected communications among White House advisers as well as discussions and written correspondences with the president . Note : An independent counsel was appointed on Sept . 9 , 1994 . ( sources : The Associated Press , 5 / 15 / 97 ; editorial , USA Today , 5 / 6 / 98 ; The New York Times , 2 / 20 / 98 ) 3 . Whitewater Notes / Hillary Clinton : In December 1995 , Clinton tried to argue t 059426 00001 denile - 10 : 17am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) } 00002 *Not just a river in Egypt ! 00003 imphilemus---WRONG ! ! ! 059427 00001 spinthis - 10 : 17am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) > 00002 imphilonous 1 / 31 / 99 10 : 11am } 00003 *Nixon ' s advice to comcargru " Always give your best , never get discouraged , never be petty ; always remember , others may hate you , but those who hate you don ' t win unless you hate them , and then you destroy yourself . " 059428 00001 spinthis - 10 : 20am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) } 00002 *A TALE OF TWO CITIES " We must never tolerate one law for the ruler and another for the ruled . If we do , we break faith with our ancestors from Bunker Hill , Lexington , Concord to Flanders Fields , Normandy , Hiroshima , Panmunjom , Saigon and Desert Storm " . --House Manager Henry Hyde 1 / 16 / 99 " And if you want to know what men fought for in World War II , for example , in Vietnam , ask Senator Inouye . He left an arm in Italy . He and I were with the Presidents at Normandy , on the 50th anniversary , but we started off in Anzio . Senator Domenici , were you with us ? It was one of the most awesome experiences I have ever had in my life . Certified war hero . I think his relatives were in an internment camp . So ask him , what was he fighting for ? Or ask Bob Kerrey , certified Medal of Honor winner , what was he fighting for ? Probably get a quite different answer . Or Senator Chafee , one of the finest men ever to grace this body and certified Marine hero of Guadalcanal , ask him . And Senator McCain , a genuine hero , ask him . You don ' t have to guess ; they are with us , and they are living , and they can tell you . And one who is not with us in the Senate anymore , Robert Dole , ask Senator Dole what he was fighting for . Senator Dole had what I thought was a very reasonable solution to this whole thing that would handle it fairly and expeditiously . " --Dale Bumpers 1 / 21 / 99 +++ 059429 00001 macer235 - 10 : 20am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) > 00002 comcargu } 00003 *says : " SPINTHIS : Surprise , big boy -- the Independent Counsel was authorized and approved by the JANET RENO . . . } 00004 *After the Republican majority in Congress , led by Newt Gingrich , has made it clear that they would charge coverup forever if she did otherwise . That appointment was made under political duress . The same goes for Clinton ' s " grand jury " testimony whose only purpose was to embarass him by exposing his sexual pecadilloes ( the same purpose in having witneses in the Senate ) . The Linda Tripp / Ken Starr Party doesn ' t get it . This isn ' t the fifties . Americans are more sophisticated ( See " The Trickster President " by Richard Goldstein in www . salonmagazine . com for good insights . Even it you are anti-Clinton , it provides good insights into what your up against and why those firecrackers sputter ) . Once he went before the Grand Jury , Clinton had four choices : a . Take the Fifth , a political impossibility ; b . tell the truth , a political impossibility ( Bill himself wasn ' t aware of how sophisticated the non-hillbilly element of the population had become since the l950s ) ; c . lie outright ( true perjury ) ; d . Be evasive ( infuriating , understandable , and deliberately misconstrued by the Inquistion Party as perjury , obstruction of justice ) . REPUBLICAN ENTRAPMENT ( Linda Tripp , Peter Smith , Federalist Society ) REPUBLICAN INQUISTION ( Cooperate or we ' ll get your mamma , Monica ) REPUBLICAN IMPEACHMENT ( innuendo evidence / threating moderate jurors ) REPUBLICAN TRIAL REPUBLICAN " CONVICTION " ( by inventing a way to " cheat " on constitutional 2 / 3rds requirement for conviction ) . 059430 00001 comcargru - 10 : 21am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) } mikea48 - 09 : 57am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 59434 ) } 00002 *Post all the LAME pictures you want , > * " If perjury and obstruction are not high crimes or misdemeanors , what is ? " > 00003 SPINTHIS} Mike , } 00004 * . . . you ' ll have your butt kicked off here come Monday Meanwhile , the lies are exposed Mike Espy Documents : In October 1994 , the Clinton / Gore administration claimed executive privilege in refusing to turn over documents from its 1994 ethics review of trips , sport tickets and other gifts that then-Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy accepted from large food producers that did business with the department . In 1997 , an appeals court ordered the documents be turned over . However , Judge Patricia Wald of the U . S . Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a broad interpretation on executive privilege , ruling that privilege protected communications among White House advisers as well as discussions and written correspondences with the president . Note : An independent counsel was appointed on Sept . 9 , 1994 . ( sources : The Associated Press , 5 / 15 / 97 ; editorial , USA Today , 5 / 6 / 98 ; The New York Times , 2 / 20 / 98 ) Whitewater Notes / Hillary Clinton : In December 1995 , Clinton tried to argue that lawyers ' notes from conversations with Hillary Clinton in regard to Whitewater issues were protected by attorney-client privilege . The White House also made claims of executive privilege and attorney work product privilege . The U . S . Supreme Court ruled that the notes had to be turned over to the grand jury investigating Whitewater . Note : An independent counsel investigation was appointed on Jan . 20 , 1994 ( later taken over by Kenneth Starr on Aug . 5 , 1994 ) . ( sources : The Associated Press , 5 / 5 / 97 , 5 / 26 / 97 ) } *to answer your question , it depends on what the senate says it is . Impeachment is both a political and judicial , if only to remove the president from office , undertaking and in the senate they will judge the case on the facts and the underlying reasons , in this case to cover up a consensual mutual sexual affair , SEX , and will reach a verdict or judgement accordingly . Each impeachment trial is unique in that the constitution allows the senate to pretty much make the rules as it goes along , as you have been witnessing the last couple weeks . The senate can even overrule a judgement by the chief justice by vote if need be . This is real power . It is not even close to being a regular court though it may seem so . If the POTUS had perjured and obstructed justice on something like selling military secrets then his ass would be in the hoosegow , since selling military secrets would do the country harm . Since impeaching a president means overturning an election the constitution allows the senate to judge each trial and determine if the underlying facts caused harm to the constitution or to the United States and since the underlying facts in this case is the president lying and obstructing justice to cover up a sexual affair , SEX , and didn ' t cause harm to the constitution or to the United States , then the senate can find the president not guilty , EVEN THOUGH EVERYBODY AND HIS DOG KNOWS HE BROKE THE LAW EVEN UNDER OATH , and he remains president . And this is whats happening . This doesn ' t mean the president gets of scot free . He can still be prosecuted after he leave ' s office but I doubt any prosecuter would bring charges in this case , unless of course your $tarr . 00005 *Arms Shipments to Bosnia Documents : The Clinton / Gore administration claimed executive privilege when it refused to release a document relating to arm shipments from Iran to Bosnia . The document was an internal review that showed the administration broke no laws in giving a " green light " to the shipments from Iran . ( source : editorial , The San Francisco Examiner , 4 / 22 / 96 ) FBI Drug Memo : In 1996 , Clinton claimed executive privilege when the chairman of a subcommittee of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee wanted a memo written by FBI director Louis Freeh and DEA director Thomas Constantine criticizing the Clinton / Gore administration ' s drug policy . ( source : editorial , The Washington Times , 10 / 4 / 96 ) Haiti Documents : In 1996 , Clinton claimed executive privilege in relation to documents dealing with Haiti . The administration refused to turn over documents subpoenaed by the House International Relations Committee investigating political violence in Haiti and claimed executive privilege in its refusal to do so . ( source : Legal Times , 10 / 14 / 96 ) } 00006 *Travel Office Documents : In May 1996 , White House counsel Jack Quinn and White House aides David Watkins and were found in contempt of Congress for withholding 3 , 000 Travel Office documents under the guise of executive privilege invoked in January 1996 . Shortly thereafter , the administration turned over 1 , 000 documents but refused to produce the remaining 2 , 000 documents which caused another contempt vote . ( sources : letter to Ruff from House Government Reform and Oversight Committee Chairman Dan Burton [R-Ind . ] , 2 / 25 / 98 ; Jennifer Hickey op-ed , The Washington Times , 12 / 1 / 97 ) Campaign Finance Scandal : In May 1997 , White House counsel Charles Ruff notified the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee that Clinton would not turn over subpoenaed records pertaining to the campaign finance investigation by arguing that t 059431 00001 comcargru - 10 : 23am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) } 00002 *Yeah > 00003 macer} 00004 * . . . . Starr entrapped Clinton by putting a gun to Clinton ' s head and forcing Lewinsky to give him oral . You ' re so lame . . . 059432 00001 fbeduhn - 10 : 23am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) } 00002 *Bill Clinton ' s ESCALATING misdeeds lead me to believe he would like to serve a 3rd term . Unfortunately , he would serve as a DICTATOR of our nation--continuing to abuse his office , interpreting / reinterpreting existing law as he chooses and writing new law for us ! Citizens have read a great deal of the evidence , and the Senate has even more detail that was NOT released to the public . It ' s my opinion Senators are obligated to fulfill THEIR oaths of office and remove Bill Clinton from Presidency to evidence this Nation enforces its laws equally ! And the federal courts should award him a 3rd term--in a federal prison without conjugal rights--for his actions--perjury and obstruction of justice . 059433 00001 comcargru - 10 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61909 ) } 00002 *Hey > 00003 Macer} 00004 * . . . go back to junior high school and learn about what entrapment is , versus your warped interpretation . HA , HA , HA ! ! ! ! +++ 059434 00001 JadedMarty - 10 : 27am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *Who in the hell does this pompous , self-righteous , sanctimonious windbag IDIOT Ken Starr think he is ? ( Starr Is Weighing Whether to Indict Clinton ) . Hey , all you hypocritical , bible thumping religious right-wing whackos you lost - GET OVER IT ! ! ! You lost 6 years ago , you lost two years ago , you lost the last elections - and you ' ve lost this idiotic attempt to impeach a popular sitting president . Three questions - when will the investigation into Starr ' s questionable activities begin , when will Linda Tripp be put on trial for her illegal and immoral taping of private conversations , and when will an investigation into Lucianne Goldbergs ' role in all this begin ? 059435 00001 spinthis - 10 : 27am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *Dan Quayle Flaps his Lips . " We offer the party as a big tent . How we do that within the platform , the preamble to the platform , or what not , that remains to be seen . But that message will have to be articulated with great clarity . " 059436 00001 mikerose2 - 10 : 28am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *I agree with you that there is a natural arostocracy among men . The grounds for this are virtue and talents . Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi . But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missle death , bodily strength , like beauty , good humor , politeness and other accomplishments , has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction and accomplishment . - T . Jefferson , Oct 28 , 1813 Folks , Ask yourself one simple question : Against whom did Clinton " sin " ? If you believe he sinned against God , then that is between Clinton and the diety . If you believe he sinned against his family , that is between Clinton and his family . If you believe he sinned against the American people , then you have to ask yourself how ? Why do only 1 in 3 people agree with you ? And where do you get the authority to claim you are correct and the majority wrong ? This is the hubris of the " Get Clinton " brigade . Our Constitution , protects the minority from the majority ( in theory , at least ) , but it does not make the minority dominant over the majority . Like PJ , the Clinton haters have no case to make . Starr and the Republicans have done more damage to the Constitution than any President ( including Nixon during Watergate or Reagan during Iran-Contra ) , but it intersting to note that this short-circuiting process is a repetitive theme on the right . Two thirds of America understand this . DeLay is hoping they forget . They will not . 059437 00001 comcargru - 10 : 28am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) > 00002 RE : fbeduhn - 10 : 23am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( §§059457 of 59458 ) } 00003 *Here ! Here ! fbeduhn ! Just think , when Nixon was in office , the leading Democrats plotted to overthrow the Constitution by blocking installation Ford with their Democrat Speaker of the House . 059438 00001 rebelyell5 - 10 : 28am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *A Washington Post poll finds the public remains against calling witnesses and removing the president from office . 059439 00001 spinthis - 10 : 29am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *Clinton refused to do the work of Paula Jones ' attorneys Source : Clinton Grand Jury Testimony CLINTON : No , sir , but I think we might as well put this out on the table . You tried to get me to give a broader interpretation to my oath than just my obligation to tell the truth . In other words , you tried to say even though these people were treating you in an illegal manner and illegally leaking these depositions , you should be a good lawyer for them . And if they don ' t have enough sense to ask a question , and even if Mr . Bennett invited them to ask follow-up questions , if they didn ' t do it , you should have done all their work for them . So I will admit this , sir . My goal in this deposition was to be truthful , but not particularly helpful . I did not wish to do the work of the Jones ' lawyers . I deplored what they were doing . I deplored the innocent people they were tormenting and traumatizing . I deplored their illegal leaking . I deplored the fact that they knew -- once they knew our evidence , that this was a bogus lawsuit , and that because of the funding they had from my political enemies , they were putting ahead . I deplored it . But I was determined to walk through the mine field of this deposition without violating the law . And I believe I did . 059440 00001 comcargru - 10 : 30am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *Reagan and Iran-Contra ? ? What a hoot ! They were all in on it ! Especially then-GOVERNOR CLINTON who approved the use of Mena Airport to run the stuff to Central America . +++ 059441 00001 rebelyell5 - 10 : 30am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 * ? ) ------Approve------Disapprove------No NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opin . 1 / 30 / 99 65 43 22 33 7 26 2 1 / 19 / 99 66 NA NA 32 NA NA 2 1 / 13 / 99 63 NA NA 34 NA NA 3 1 / 10 / 99 62 NA NA 36 NA NA 1 12 / 20 / 98 67 48 20 30 6 23 3 12 / 19 / 98 66 47 19 31 7 24 3 12 / 13 / 98 64 43 21 35 10 25 2 12 / 11 / 98 60 NA NA 37 NA NA 3 11 / 22 / 98 61 NA NA 34 NA NA 5 11 / 7 / 98 63 NA NA 36 NA NA 1 11 / 1 / 98 65 41 25 33 10 23 1 11 / 1 / 98 LV 58 40 18 41 10 31 1 10 / 10 / 98 67 48 19 30 8 23 3 10 / 10 / 98LV 61 47 14 38 8 30 1 10 / 25 / 98 62 40 22 32 8 23 6 10 / 25 / 98 LV 58 42 15 40 8 32 2 10 / 18 / 98 62 40 22 34 9 25 4 10 / 18 / 98 LV 57 39 18 41 7 34 2 9 / 28 / 98 63 42 21 35 8 26 2 9 / 28 / 98 LV 57 43 14 43 6 37 1 9 / 21 / 98 60 NA NA 39 NA NA 1 9 / 14 / 98 59 NA NA 37 NA NA 4 9 / 13 / 98 eve 60 NA NA 38 NA NA 2 9 / 13 / 98 day 59 NA NA 37 NA NA 3 9 / 12 / 98 59 NA NA 39 NA NA 3 9 / 11 / 98 56 NA NA 42 NA NA 3 9 / 9 / 98 57 NA NA 40 NA NA 3 8 / 23 / 98 64 NA NA 33 NA NA 3 8 / 21 / 98 66 41 25 31 10 21 3 8 / 20 / 98 65 NA NA 32 NA NA 3 8 / 19 / 98 60 NA NA 38 NA NA 2 8 / 17 / 98 61 NA NA 36 NA NA 3 8 / 16 / 98 62 NA NA 33 NA NA 4 7 / 29 / 98 63 NA NA 33 NA NA 4 7 / 12 / 98 63 34 29 31 11 20 6 6 / 18 / 98 59 NA NA 34 NA NA 7 6 / 2 / 98 61 NA NA 34 NA NA 5 5 / 12 / 98 64 NA NA 32 NA NA 4 4 / 4 / 98 65 NA NA 31 NA NA 4 4 / 1 / 98 66 NA NA 29 NA NA 4 3 / 17 / 98 66 NA NA 30 NA NA 4 3 / 16 / 98 63 NA NA 34 NA NA 3 2 / 18 / 98 67 NA NA 30 NA NA 3 1 / 31 / 98 67 42 24 29 10 19 4 1 / 30 / 98 69 NA NA 27 NA NA 4 1 / 29 / 98 68 NA NA 27 NA NA 5 1 / 26 / 98 60 NA NA 35 NA NA 4 1 / 25 / 98 59 31 28 37 13 25 4 1 / 24 / 98 57 30 26 40 13 27 3 1 / 19 / 98 60 24 36 35 15 19 5 1 / 13 / 98 62 NA NA 31 NA NA 7 11 / 12 / 97 59 NA NA 35 NA NA 6 10 / 13 / 97 59 NA NA 36 NA NA 6 059442 00001 comcargru - 10 : 33am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *Pure opinion , spinthis . No legal or scholarly citation . . . no proof . You failed moot court for the day . Go back and read your text . . . Or are you goinf to put up one of your stupid pictures since you can ' t find any facts ? 059443 00001 macer235 - 10 : 33am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) > 00002 comcargu : } 00003 *You provide a long list of issues for which Clinton ' s administration has claimed " executive priviledge . " Score = zero . What ' s your point ? It is that you intend to defend a six-year , $50 million fishing expedition in which Ken Starr searches every possible area of Clinton ' s life in what is obviously a " get Clinton " mission . Originally , it was only supposed to be a probe into a 20-year-old real estate deal back in Arkansas . When that failed , Starr turned to an " every possible avenue " approach . Since we all know that there is not a single politician in Washington who could remain unscathed in the face of such unlimited , " no holes barred " barred effort , THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS ARE MORE UPSET WITH THE INVESTIGATOR THAN HIS TARGET . If Tripp is the most hated woman in America , Starr is on the verge of becoming the most hated man in America ( Yesterday SLEAZEBALL announced that he is thinking of prosecuting Clinton BEFORE he leaves office ) . ABANDON SHIP ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN PUNISH THE INQUISITION PUNISH THE LINDA TRIPP / KEN STARR PARTY ( Isn ' t it wonderful to have one ' s party identified with the two most hated people in America ? ) 059444 00001 comcargru - 10 : 33am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *Pure opinion , spinthis . No legal or scholarly citation . . . no proof . You failed moot court for the day . Go back and read your text . . . Or are you going to put up one of your stupid pictures since you can ' t find any facts ? 059445 00001 comcargru - 10 : 38am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61911 ) } 00002 *Starr did screw up Whitewater . . . like the Nazis burned records as the Allies approached , so did the Rose Law Firm . Starr was too late . . . he should have secured the building with Federal Marshalls and obtained the documents before the shredding party began . +++ 059446 00001 yeshwah - 10 : 38am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61912 ) } 00002 *The impeachment process currently under way is a right-wing attempt at a coup d ' etat that does not seek to remove the president so much as cripple the Office of the President and insert the House of Reprsentatives as the arbiter of policy in these United States . The shutdown of government by Newt and crew was an unconstitutional attempt by Congress to subvert the authority of the Executive branch . Henry Hyde and his crew thought that they would come out of the 1998 Congressional elections with a nearly veto proof majority in both houses that would have guarenteed the impeachment and conviction of Clintion or any President whose policies they did not like . When they didn ' t they were left with saving face by moving forward in the hope that somehow their brethren in the Senate would save them . The Senate Republicans have surrendered to the narrow ideological actions of the House managers and their own leadership in the foolish belief that they can still cover themselves in glory . It is partisan . It has al 059447 00001 spinthis - 10 : 39am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61912 ) } 00002 *WJC salutes spinthis and his excellent posts . spinthis - 10 : 40am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( §§059448 of 61912 ) A TALE OF TWO CITIES " But I must say , despite massive and relentless efforts to change the subject , the case before you , Senators , is not about sexual misconduct , infidelity , adultery . Those are private acts and are none of our business . It ' s not even a question of lying about sex . The matter before this body is a question of lying under oath . This is a public act . The matter before you is a question of the willful , premeditated , deliberate corruption of the nation ' s system of justice through perjury and obstruction of justice . " --House Manager Henry Hyde - 1 / 16 / 99 " It is a sex scandal . H . L . Mencken one time said , ' When you hear somebody say , ' This is not about money , ' it ' s about money . ' And when you hear somebody say , ' This is not about sex , ' it ' s about sex . " --Dale Bumpers - 1 / 21 / 99 059449 00001 bobbye1 - 10 : 40am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61912 ) } 00002 *I read in one of the posts that Monica ' s mother said she was young for her age - yeah right , the first time she was ever with the President she flashed her thong underwear - those are her words - I think she is what Bill Clinton said - a stalker . She also said she had been taught to lie and she had lied all her life . Did anyone catch tom delay ' s spokesman last night in front of the bank of mikes ? I noticed tom was there , but didn ' t speak for himself . This is all political , according to him - well , what about the documents he signed under penalty of fine and imprisonment just three months after the court deposition was taken , which by the way , contradict each other and both are records - not hearsay . Dems are afraid of tax cuts ? - BS - the democrats want tax cuts for the people who need it - not the rich where the repugnicans want to give it . The repugnicans complain about the give-aways that the democrats always sponsor - the give-aways for welfare , medicaid etc . can ' t compare with what the repugs give to corporate American - and I for one am sick of it . kenneth ( evil ) starr is at it again - going to indict our President while he is still in office - I say let ' s get it on - go ahead and tie up this government for the rest of Clinton ' s term because it ' s dead anyway - The President ' s lawyers should call in Richard Scaife , kenneth ( evil ) starr , paula ( trailer trash ) jones , linda ( hippo ) tripp , lucianne ( Heide Fliess ) goldberg , and all those lawyers who are associated with starr who have been working behind the scenes to be sure that Clinton is killed politically . Then lets see how high Clinton ' s marks go - probably to 100% and then we will be rid of the repugs for the rest of our lives when it is brought to the light of day all their little rat infested dirty work . Get it on Mr . President - turn your lawyers loose on these bags of sleeze . Don ' t let the henry ( the great adulterer , liar ) hyde ' s , tom ( thief-liar ) delay ' s , dan ( scumbag-adulterer ) burton ' s , dick ( pervert - child molester ) armey ' s , dan ( haha ) livingston ' s , etc . etc . get away with this great " search for the truth " , fiasco they have put this country through . 059450 00001 yeshwah - 10 : 41am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61912 ) } 00002 *It is partisan . It has always been partisan . It is a war with the future of this nation at stake . Do we allow a narrowly focussed group of people to decide what we are to think or do we continue with our messy version of democracy that allows a free exchange of disparate ideas ? The religious right are as zealous and as dangerous as the Muslim fundamentalists . One need look no further than Ken Starr to understand how dangerous these ideological zealots are to the liberties enjoyed by the citizens of this nation . 059451 00001 roger660 - 10 : 41am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61912 ) } 00002 *Sometime in the future . . . Q : When did the Independent Counsel become all-powerful , all-knowing ? A : It happened sometime in the late 1990s when Kenneth Starr , the wisest , most-moral man who ever lived , was Independent Counsel . Q : What happened then ? A : IC Starr and his Republican rightwing toadies , in particular the glorious 13 House managers , shredded the Constitution and took over . We used to have separation of powers -- the executive , the judicial and the legislative branches . But this separation was destroyed , and all-power was given to the office of independent counsel . He could charge anybody with anything at any time . Q : Did the people object ? A : They kept trying to maintain the old system , but every president was immediately impeached upon election and the old order collapsed . The people were worn down by endless investigations , turmoil , chaos . They finally gave up . The independent counsel could not be stopped -- he was truly independent ! No controls ! It was glorious ! 059452 00001 mencken5 - 10 : 44am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61912 ) > 00002 spin ( 59472 ) : } 00003 *Film at 11 : 00 ? +++ 059453 00001 macer235 - 10 : 44am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) > 00002 Comcargu } 00003 *confesses : THE TRIAL IS ABOUT SEX AFTER ALL ! " macer . . . . Starr entrapped Clinton by putting a gun to Clinton ' s head and forcing Lewinsky to give him oral . You ' re so lame . . . " } 00004 *Response : Is that a crime ? What caused all this trouble is the determination of the Linda Tripp / Ken Starr party to discover any sort of sexual behavior on the part of the president that might offend the public , then to hold an Inquisition in order to embarass the President . Who wouldn ' t be evasive ? Even if he had lied outright : So what ? ( under the circumstances . comcargu discredits himself , displays frustration in the face of what is irretulable . a . See : " You ' re so lame b . See , in large letters and boldface his subsequent post : Hey Macer . . . go back to junior high school and learn about what entrapment is , versus your warped interpretation . HA , HA , HA ! ! ! ! Further response : Ad hominem argument . Great rebuttal , comcargu . You got me ! ABANDON SHIP ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN PUNISH THE INQUISITION MAKE THE LINDA TRIPP / KEN STARR PARTY PAY 059454 00001 rdemarc1 - 10 : 44am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *Rep . Bob Barr , a spear-heading House manager in the Senate Trial , appeared on a talk show last evening and he kept a straight face all the time , defending the House ' s impeachment and the Senate trial . . . . despite some cutting edge questions as to whether or not the accuser should be held to task for the same or worse behavior . I was amazed , I am amazed , that the questions were not asked of him : Would you have lied under oath about your own behavior ? Is not the marriage vow the under scrutiny of the highest law --God ' s ? ? 059455 00001 comcargru - 10 : 45am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *Hey > 00003 macer-boy . . . } 00004 *Why did gangsters plead the Fifth during Senate hearings in the 1950s ? , -- THEY WERE GUILTY ! Why did the Clintons claim executive privilege ? -THEY WERE GUILTY ! Why did the crooks run from the police when ordered to stop ? -- THEY WERE GUILTY ! If you have nothing to hide , you should let the world see . . . unless you ' re HIDING SOMETHING 059456 00001 gabrial - 10 : 46am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *An appeal to the US Senate : PLEASE DO NOT END TRIAL ON 12TH ! THE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW . THEY NEED LIVE WITNESSES ! 059457 00001 macer235 - 10 : 47am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) > 00002 Comcargu } 00003 *confesses : THE TRIAL IS ABOUT SEX AFTER ALL ! " macer . . . . Starr entrapped Clinton by putting a gun to Clinton ' s head and forcing Lewinsky to give him oral . You ' re so lame . . . " } 00004 *Response : Is that a crime ? What caused all this trouble is the determination of the Linda Tripp / Ken Starr party to discover any sort of sexual behavior on the part of the president that might offend the public , then to hold an Inquisition in order to embarass the President . Who wouldn ' t be evasive ? Even if he had lied outright : So what ? ( under the circumstances . comcargu discredits himself , displays frustration in the face of what is irretulable . a . See : " You ' re so lame b . See ( in large letters and boldface ) his subsequent post : } 00005 * " Hey Macer . . . go back to junior high school and learn about what entrapment is , versus your warped interpretation . } 00006 *HA , HA , HA ! ! ! ! " Ad hominem argument . Masterful rebuttal ! You got me ! ABANDON SHIP ! DEFECT ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN PUNISH THE INQUISITION GIVE THE LINDA TRIPP / KEN STARR PARTY YOUR FEEDBACK 059458 00001 spinthis - 10 : 49am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *Payback in 2000 for GOP jihadists The GOP will pay a high price at the polls in 2000 for Impeachment-gate . Among the most vulnerable are : Rep . Rogan , Rep . Steve Chabot ( R-Ohio ) and , to a lesser extent , Reps . Robert L . Barr Jr . ( R-Ga . ) and Asa Hutchinson ( R-Ark . ) . Go to http : / / www . washingtonpost . com / wp-srv / politics / special / clinton / stories / managers013199 . htm to read " Voters Pledging Payback in 2000 " by Juliet Eilperin , Washington Post Staff Writer , Sunday , January 31 , 1999 059459 00001 amthegreat1 - 10 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *I am not accustomed to writing my feelings except to my family . However I will try . Regarding the Impeachment Trials . . . I have heard too many times that " This is about sex and it cost the tax payers 40 million dollars . " I always think there is another side to think about and consider . What has our President caused and cost us ? All of the Millions that is blamed on Prosecutor Starr . What the Congress has had to spend is all because of our President and what he did in the Oval Office ( and who knows what and where else things happened ) . He is a disgrace to his office and I would like to see a profesional writer say it loud and clear . I don ' t think it takes too much grey matter to get this message to the Polls . Please think about it . Is our country so weak that we must keep him in office or we will collaspe ? We need a leader in either party to JUST SAY IT AS IT IS . amthegreat1 +++ 059460 00001 stars142 - 10 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *Goodmorning everyone ! Go Falcons . 059461 00001 macer235 - 10 : 50am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) > 00002 gabriel } 00003 *goes berzerk : You too ? Like comcargu : bold face and caps ? Are these screams for rescue ? Ah , well , desperate times require desperate measures . SOS . . . Linda Tripp / Ken Starr Party in danger . Somebody please help . 059462 00001 gabrial - 10 : 51am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) > 00002 gabrial 1 / 31 / 99 10 : 46am 059463 00001 pat23b - 10 : 53am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *I hope the GOP pays dearly for this fiasco in the next elections . I personally am scared to death to vote for another republican . Who knows to what lengths they will go in the future to get what they want ? I don ' t trust them -- they are totally out of touch with the will of the majority of people who elected them . Mr . Hyde has even said that he was elected to do what he thought was best , not follow the polls . That ' s not how I understand the meaning of the word " representative " . I don ' t want the government legislating my morals or anyone else ' s for that matter . Obviously , the GOP ' s fear of " big government " running our lives doesn ' t extend to personal conduct . 059464 00001 gabrial - 10 : 54am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *W . A . Clinton=666 ! 059465 00001 macer235 - 10 : 55am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) > 00002 stars142 : } 00003 * " He can still be prosecuted after he leave ' s office but I doubt any prosecuter would bring charges in this case , unless of course your $tarr . " } 00004 *Starr announced yesterday that he is considering prosecuting Clinton BEFORE he leaves office . The party that exploited the president ' s sexual pecadilloes and impeached him for them wishes this will go away . They hope the electorate will have a short memory . Starr will make sure that doesn ' t happen . ABANDON SHIP ! DEFECT ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN PUNISH THE INQUISITION 059466 00001 spinthis - 10 : 57am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) > 00002 gabrial 1 / 31 / 99 10 : 54am } 00003 * " 666 " - is that the speed dial code for your shrink ? If so , dial it now . Pleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssse 059467 00001 paulnolan - 10 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *Its time to stick this impeachment trial to the Republicans . The President and Democrats should use the process offensively to expose the unfairness and cabal of anti-clintonites who have pursued him since he was elected to office . The simple fact is that Republicans can ' t get out of this process without recognizing that they need the Democrats . If the Republicans don ' t come to their senses and drop the trial , witnesses and findings of fact , the President should call Linda Tripp , Starr and others to the stand to give testimony about their illicit activities . The defense of the President should develop a theory that there has been collusion by Kenneth Starr , Linda Tripp and Paula Jones attorneys to set Bill Clinton up . The defense should take this unholy trinity down . If there is going to be a slash and burn prosecution , its time to settle the score . Like they say at Burger King , " ave it your way " . 059468 00001 gabrial - 10 : 59am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *Dick Morris says Judiciary Committee investigators are afraid of physical violence ! 059469 00001 spinthis - 11 : 00am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61913 ) } 00002 *Sex-Gate H . L . Mencken one time said , ' When you hear somebody say , ' This is not about money , ' it ' s about money . ' And when you hear somebody say , ' This is not about sex , ' it ' s about sex . " --Dale Bumpers - 1 / 21 / 99 +++ 059470 00001 roger660 - 11 : 03am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Lewinski : " No one ever asked me to lie , and I was never promised a job for my silence . " House prosecutors are working today to come up with questions that will clarify this statement . Seems clear to me . 059471 00001 spinthis - 11 : 06am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *House Manager Rep . James Rogan Votes His Conscience On the votes that the Vietnam Veterans of America considered to be the most important in 1997-1998 , Representative Rogan voted their preferred position 17 percent of the time . On the votes that the American Association of University Women considered to be the most important in 1997-1998 , Representative Rogan voted their preferred position 0 percent of the time . On the votes that the Christian Coalition considered to be the most important in 1997-1998 , Representative Rogan voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time . Source : Vote-Smart 059472 00001 macer235 - 11 : 08am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *ROGAN LOOKS LIKE THE IGNITION MAN FOR AN AUTO-DE-FE ( Inquisition practice of burning heretics alive in town square ) POLLS SUGGEST ROGAN WILL NEVER SERVE ANOTHER TERM : " . . . the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee commissioned a poll in Rogan ' s district asking likely voters from both parties how his role in impeachment would affect their votes . According to the results , 44 percent of voters said they are less likely to vote for Rogan because he is a House manager , compared with 23 percent who say they are more likely to vote for him for that fact . Rogan won reelection this past November with less than 51 percent of the vote . " --From the Washington post , thanks to link provided by spinthis ( Doesn ' t the Post have Republican leanings ? ) Note : I read a story yesterday that observed a steep decline in the polls for Henry Hyde in one of the allegedly " safest " Republican districts in the country . It ' s happening folks ! And Ken Starr will assist in keeping memories alive ( as will a probable conspiracy probe regarding the Federalist Society roots of the whole Inquisition ) . ABANDON SHIP ! DEFECT ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN PUNISH THE INQUISITION SEND THE LINDA TRIPP / KEN STARR PARTY A MESSAGE . 059473 00001 mabrown7 - 11 : 10am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Well , comparisons have been made between America ' s rabid right-wingers and Nazis and other n ' er-do-wells . These comparisons are appropriate , but another occurs to me : Kenneth Starr thinks he ' s Oliver Cromwell leading his puritanical , sexually-repressed , and generally-screwy minions to lop off the King ' s head . These moralizing fools may seem laughable , but they are a threat to our country and it ' s democratic tradition . I hope for the day some of these folks will be tried . Oh , well , we can take solace in the ultimate fate of the British Puritans . Does anyone know how much boatfare to New Zealand might be ? 059474 00001 stars142 - 11 : 10am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) > 00002 gabrial 1 / 31 / 99 10 : 54am } 00003 *Isn ' t it about time you head for church ? And BTW , who ' s W . A . Clinton ? Don ' t you mean W . J . Clinton ? > 00004 macer235 1 / 31 / 99 10 : 55am } 00005 * " Starr announced yesterday that he is considering prosecuting Clinton BEFORE he leaves office . " } 00006 *Im not sure , I ' ll start surfing around and find out , this is legal . I think $tarr has to wait until he leave ' s office . I don ' t think a setting president can be indicted . I think he has to be impeached and removed from office before he can be indicted . And then $tarr would have to produce evidence to the house judicuary committee to start impeachment hearings . $tarr has just gone over the edge , anybody who doesn ' t see this as a partinsan attack to get our president at any cost is a complete moron . Im going to go research this . I don ' t think he has the constitutional authority . 059475 00001 kirr1 - 11 : 17am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *When will we learn that lying is wrong . That lying in some if not most instances is a sin and lying under oath is a crime . Who cares how many women Clinton , the man had sex with and what cheap trills he enjoys . The legal issuses are that he lied under oath , the moral issuse is that he lied to the American people on the record and television and he knew that he was lying . We hold teachers , police officers , govermental officials . . . those individuals with a public trust to a higher standard , because the position and the role they have . That ' s a standard of acceptance or of responsibility we have always place on our role models . . . . and how much higher is that standard then the represenative of our country and the trust we place on his shoulders to lead us . Did he fail in that trust and responsibility . . . . of course he did ; after lying about it and getting caught , he admitted he had . And he has done so repeatedly , whenever the polls or a congressional hearing was set to make an important decision to his standing . Like most liar ' s he is only trying to get past the last lie by continuing his show of business as usual . . . but have we forgot all his past lies to the American people . How can we as Americans , as christians , who are trying to instill values in our children . . . . so readyly accept such immoral actions from one who took an oath to up hold all that we hold dear in our country . Did he commit a crime . . . did he lie under oath , did he violate the trust of his office and the faith of the American people . . . . . yes , he did and he has so said he has . Can we forgive . . . . sure , why not , its the christian thing to do . But must we forget , no , we must never forget . Because by doing so we tempt faith and repeat the errors of the past . In looking back to the past . . . Rome the greatest power in its day . Began its long slide to distruction , not because of outside forces , but because the decline of moral leadership of Rome ' s leaders . . . . the excesses became accepted and moral decline of the leadership became the norm , so in the end Rome was destroyed from within and not able to defend itself from outside forces . Have we come so far not to see the past and learn that if we accept the immoral , criminal actions of our leaders as an acceptable way of life , we condem ourselfs to walk the same path to our own decline . In closing , it is my belief that no matter what his position , no man is above the law . . . . and it shouldn ' t matter what he has or has not done , to give the impression of wellness or doing the countrys business . . . . . if he violated the law . . . he should be responsible for his action , as are all of us , and let him be convicted and sentense to a jail time compensary to all the others who have lied under oath and are now in jail . +++ 059476 00001 spinthis - 11 : 17am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) > 00002 macer235 1 / 31 / 99 11 : 08am } 00003 *Thanks for reading this article . All GOP jihadists should read it as well . Then let them decide if Impeachment-gate is a viable political strategy for the GOP in 2000 . Go to http : / / www . washingtonpost . com / wp-srv / politics / special / clinton / stories / managers013199 . htm to read " Voters Pledging Payback in 2000 " by Juliet Eilperin , Washington Post Staff Writer , Sunday , January 31 , 1999 059477 00001 macer235 - 11 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *POST REPORTS DEMS BENEFITING VIA RECRUITMENT , FUND-RAISING 1 . " House Democrats also say impeachment is already helping them in the crucial areas that define the beginning of an election season : recruiting and fund-raising . Democratic strategists said anger at House Republicans has helped the DCCC reap double the amount of money from its January direct-mail drive than it did four years ago during the same period . " I ' ve never given to a political party on the theory that they are all alike . Linda Tripp , Ken Starr and those virtually unanimous Republicans have taught me differently I ' m retired and recently refinanced my home with an eye to buying a second home . I ' ve decided not to buy . I plan to contribute some of the that money to the Democratic Campaign . It is vitally important that the Linda Tripp / Ken Starr Party be severely punished for this outrage . It must NEVER try something like this again . Anything less than a " severe " punishment will never do . We learned that in November . ( Isn ' t it interesting that it is the Republicans who have been / will be punished rather than Clinton in the end ? Again , I recomd " The Trickster President " at www . salonmagazine . com to understand why ) 2 . " Several interest groups , meanwhile , plan to help any anti-impeachment candidates by reminding voters about the controversy long after the trial has finished . " This former Reagan ( l984 ) and Bush ( 1988 ) voter will be involved . I helped in an election campaign thirty years ago but nothing has inspired me to do so again until NOW . This investigation isn ' t just an outrage ; it is a CRIME AGAINST DEMOCRACY . ABANDON SHIP ! DEFECT ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN ! CONTRIBUTE AND WORK FOR ANTI-REPUBLICANS ! PUNISH THE INQUISITION 059478 00001 spinthis - 11 : 25am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Factoid Ms . Lewinsky has given 10 different accounts of her conversations with the President about the gifts . In none of those conversations did the President instruct Ms . Lewinsky to conceal the gifts . 059479 00001 spinthis - 11 : 27am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Founding Fathers Lest we forget , the " Founding Fathers " -most of whom the Republican right wing has lately deified -were , in many ways , not the sort of individuals our nation should be proud of . Most were powermongers , slaveholders and bigots -- yet the conservative movement , headed by cretins like Tom DeLay , Gary Bauer , Trent Lott and telepreacher Pat Robertson , would like you to forget that the founders gave the vote only to men , only to white men , only to white men who owned property . People of color , especially blacks and native Americans , were left out of the Constitution -- or at least were neither mentioned nor protected by the earliest Supreme Courts . And women -- they were chattel . 059480 00001 spinthis - 11 : 28am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) > 00002 maurice122 1 / 31 / 99 11 : 25am } 00003 *Res ipsa loquitor 059481 00001 spinthis - 11 : 30am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *The Bible has replaced the Constitution in many conservative minds , and God is the shield behind which they hide their hatred and mistrust of anything not White , Christian and straight . 059482 00001 spinthis - 11 : 34am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Home , Sweet Home for POTUS The White House is NOT the people ' s house , as our GOP friends would have you believe . If it was , you could come and go as you please . No -- it ' s the President ' s House , and what goes on within is , as a matter of fact , his own business . 059483 00001 atonra - 11 : 35am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Not one Democrat has a clear head . Rallying around this albatross will wreak havoc in the future . W . F . Clinton has not followed the ideals of his party . See NAFTA , the welfare reform , invasion of privacy . Sure he can be indicted . As I see it , even if convicted he is would still be pres . unless convicted of impeachment . The ultimate question : does he have the authority to pardon himself if convicted ? The logical answer is yes . Would W . F . Clinton do it ? Yes . Sentence : probation with 50 hours community service work or house confinement with a worldwide-working ankle bracelet , after all he ould be in custody of the ss . Would the USSC rule on presidential authority to commute sentences of Federal prisoners ? Why are the Democrats sooo Partisan ? 059484 00001 brian470 - 11 : 35am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Let us get to more serious violations that Bill Clinton has committed . . . like letting Loral Corp give our missile technology to the damn Chinese . By the way . . . Jeff Gerth of the NY Times has reported in April of 1998 that in 1997 , when the Loral waiver was signed by Clinton , the CEO of Loral Benard Schwartz was the top single contributor to the DNC . Am I the only one who finds this alarming ? ? ? ? The Lewinsky matter seems like a complex smoke screen to me . 059485 00001 halmij - 11 : 37am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *I say , let him bring it on . Indict him now . This will result in him being tried before a jury of his peers , and we will see how this railroad job will hold up in a court of law . I personally think there isn ' t a jury in the country that would convict him on anything that this so called OIC could or would bring against him . Impeachment proceedings , i . e . having politicians arguing pro and con the merits of lies , perjury , ethics etc . is an oxymoron , at best . +++ 059486 00001 blowfish7 - 11 : 39am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Ahhh , the whining continues . 059487 00001 macer235 - 11 : 40am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) > 00002 MACER } 00003 *DISAGREES WITH SPINTHIS : You recently posted a photo of Clinton thanking you for your excellent posts ! Although they have been excellent , you got it wrong , Clinton was thanking me . ( I would disagree with your remark about the Founding Fathers to the degree that moral anachronism is involved , which lets stand any reference to some of their land deals however ) . I loved the following post , which recalls Gabriel ' s reference to old " 666 " and others referring to Bill the Galatic Hero as " the Antichrist . " " The Bible has replaced the Constitution in many conservative minds , and God is the shield behind which they hide their hatred and mistrust of anything not White , Christian and straight . " These are the same folk who assist Eric Rudolph in hiding out . If Clinton is the devil , Rudolph is there here . All he did was set off an anti-personnel bomb in the midst of innocent celebrants at the Atlanta convention , killing a black women . All he did was bomb an abortion clinic and then , watching firemen and policemen reporting on the scene , coldly set off a remote control bomb with an eye to killing as many as possible . Rudoph and those heroes who bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City represent role models of the religious right today . 059488 00001 stars142 - 11 : 41am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Came upon this little tidbit . FEDERALIST PAPERS Federalist No . 65 " A well-constituted court for the trial of impeachments is an object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained in a government wholly elective . The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men , or , in other words , from the abuse or violation of some public trust . They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL , as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself . The prosecution of them , for this reason , will seldom fail to agitate the passions of the whole community , and to divide it into parties more or less friendly or inimical to the accused . In many cases it will connect itself with the pre-existing factions , and will enlist all their animosities , partialities , influence , and interest on one side or on the other ; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties , than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt . " Alexander Hamilton was once wise and forseeing revolutionary dude ! ( grin ) " The delicacy and magnitude of a trust which so deeply concerns the political reputation and existence of every man engaged in the administration of public affairs , speak for themselves . The difficulty of placing it rightly , in a government resting entirely on the basis of periodical elections , will as readily be perceived , when it is considered that the most conspicuous characters in it will , from that circumstance , be too often the leaders or the tools of the most cunning or the most numerous faction , ( christian conservatives ) , and on this account , can hardly be expected to possess the requisite neutrality towards those whose conduct may be the subject of scrutiny . ( Bill Clinton ) . HOLY MOLY ! Hamilton could have been talking about todays christian conservatives ! This is fascinating stuff ! Here ' s the web page : http : / / lcweb2 . loc . gov / const / fed / fed_65 . html 059489 00001 astaart - 11 : 44am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Do all Democrats feel that if Bill Clinton is acquitted of the Monica charges it ' s over ? There are other charges pending which could generate another round of articles of impeachment . The Hubbell affair is certainly one . Why don ' t the Democrats just insist that the Resident resign ? Do they really believe we coudn ' t get along with Al Gore ? Come on , force the sleezebag to resign . This tial is not the end . It is like a wave on the ocean , more to follow . 059490 00001 spinthis - 11 : 47am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) > 00002 stars142 1 / 31 / 99 11 : 41am } 00003 * " Alexander Hamilton was once wise and forseeing revolutionary dude ! ( grin ) " } 00004 *Federalist Propaganda I hate to break your illusion dude , but the Federalist Papers are not the law of the land . It was propaganda written in large part by Alexander Hamilton who advocated life time tenure for Senators , and an heriditary chief executive . Oh , and by the way . . . Hamilton was an adulterer ! ! ! . . 059491 00001 macer235 - 11 : 51am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *SPEAKING OF ALBATROSSES > 00003 Atonra } 00004 *tells us : " Not one Democrat has a clear head . Rallying around this albatross will wreak havoc in the future . } 00005 *Speaking of albatrosses : Linda Tripp Ken Starr STRATEGIC NOTE ( File under : " We should have thought of this " ) : --On the Democratic side , the trial could only have hurt Clinton in theory ( to some degree it ' s actually made him a hero ) . It is stupid to expect that the public would hold other incumbent Democrats responsible for this individual actions . --On the Republic side : the Inquisition , Republican Impeachment and Republican trial can only hurt Republicans if seen as wrongdoing . Given their virtually unanious positions , it is fair for the public to hold them unanimously guilty . Conclusion : the Republicans can only lose as the Linda Tripp / Ken Starr Party . They already have lost quite a bit . They are losing members and contributions , while the Democrats gain . They will lose more at the next election . The longest memories will belong to ex-Republicans and offended conservatives like myself . We will never forgive . ABANDON SHIP ! DEFECT ! VOTE ANTI-REPUBLICAN PUNISH THE INQUISITION 059492 00001 spinthis - 11 : 51am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) > 00002 brian470 1 / 31 / 99 11 : 35am } 00003 *Repeat after me : " Arms for hostages " 059493 00001 denile - 11 : 54am Jan 31 , 1999 EST ( of 61914 ) } 00002 *Not just a river in Egypt ! 00003 > 00004 BRIAN} 00005 *---The " Monicagate " is a gigantic smoke screen ! ! ! Good deduction ! ! ! 00006 +++