Reģionālais Ziņojums

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Reģionālais Ziņojums DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSIT ĀTE / DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSITY HUMANIT ĀRO UN SOCI ĀLO ZIN ĀTŅU INSTIT ŪTS / INSTITUTE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES REĢIONĀLAIS ZI ŅOJUMS REGIONAL REVIEW PĒTĪJUMU MATERI ĀLI RESEARCH PAPERS Nr. 11 (2015) DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSIT ĀTES AKAD ĒMISKAIS APG ĀDS “SAULE” 2015 1 Apstiprin āts Daugavpils Universit ātes Humanit āro un soci ālo zin ātņu instit ūta Zin ātnisk ās padomes s ēdē 2015. gada 30. novembr ī, protokols Nr. 9, un Daugavpils Universit ātes Zin ātnes padomes s ēdē 2015. gada 1. decembr ī, protokols Nr. 19. Confirmed at Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Daugavpils University, Scientific Board meeting on November 30, 2015, Minutes No 9, and Council for Researh of Daugavpils University on December 1, 2015, Minutes No 19. Jermolajeva E. (red.) Re ģion ālais zi ņojums. P ētījumu materi āli. Nr. 11 (2015). = Regional Review. Research papers. No. 11 (2015). Daugavpils: Daugavpils Universit ātes Akad ēmiskais apg āds “Saule”, 2015. 194 lpp. EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in Chief : Elita Jermolajeva Dr.oec., Assoc.Professor, Full Member of Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Member of Regional Studies Association (RSA) and Latvia Country Ambassador Assistant Editor : Vladimirs Me ņšikovs, Professor, Daugavpils University, Latvia Vilma Atkociuniene Dr., Professor (Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Lithuania) Valdis Avoti ņš Dr., Senior Researcher (Ventspils University College, Latvia) Jonathan C. Borg PhD., Professor (University of Malta, Malta) Tom Christoffel MSc. (Editor/Publisher of Regional Intelligence – Regional Communities, LLC; Regional Studies Association Fellow – FeRSA and U.S. Country Ambassador, USA) Anabela Dinis PhD. (University of Beira Interior, Portugal) Aija Egl īte Dr., Assoc.Professor (Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia) Mathias Ellger MSc. (Urban and Spatial Development, Germany) Martin Ferry Phd., Research Fellow (University of Strathclyde, European Policies Research Centre, UK) Andrew Francis Fieldsen Phd. (Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary) Denis Hanov Dr., Professor (Riga Stradi ņš University, Latvia) Jorn Holm-Hansen PhD, Senior Researcher (Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Norway) Sergejs Hi ļkevi čs Dr., Professor (Ventspils University College, Latvia) Igor Kabashkin Dr.hab., Professor (Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia) Katja Lahikainen MSc. (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Sweden) Iveta Mietule Dr., Assoc. Professor (Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Latvia) Olga Mrinska Dr. (EBRD, Evaluation Department, UK) Tatjana Muravska Dr., Professor (University of Latvia, Centre for European and Transition Studies Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Latvia) Voijceh Kosiedowski Dr., Professor (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland) Robert Pietrzykowski PhD. (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland) Garri Raagmaa PhD., Assoc. Professor (University of Tartu, Estonia; Regional Studies Association Member – MeRSA and Estonia Country Ambassador) Baiba Rivža Dr.hab., Professor, Full member of the Latvia Academy of Science (Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia) Aleksejs Ruža Dr., Assoc. Professor. (Daugavpils University, Latvia) Jānis Teiv āns-Treinovskis Dr., Assoc. Professor (Daugavpils University, Latvia) Henrihs Soms Dr., Professor (Daugavpils University, Research Institute of Latgale, Latvia) Voldem ārs Str īķ is Dr., Professor (Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia) Visvaldis Valtenbergs Dr., Assoc. Professor (Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia) Vladislav Volkov Dr., Researcher (University of Latvia, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Latvia) Viktor Voronov Dr., Researcher (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Russia; Daugavpils University, Latvia) EDITORIAL STAFF: Elita Jermolajeva (chairperson) Viktorija Šipilova (secretary) Dmitrijs O ļehnovi čs, Ludmila Aleksejeva, Ilze O ļehnovi ča (the English language editor), Inta Ostrovska (Latvian and Russian language editor) 2 Žurn āls “Re ģion ālais Zi ņojums” ir starptautisks re ģion ālistikai velt īts zin ātnisko p ētījumu materi ālu kr ājums ang ļu valod ā daž ādās soci ālo un humanit āro zin ātņu jom ās: ekonomik ā, sociolo ģij ā, soci ālaj ā psiholo ģij ā, vad ībzin ātn ēs, ties ību zin ātn ē, v ēstur ē, k ā ar ī saskarzin ātn ēs. Žurn āla raksti tiek anon īmi recenz ēti, un tas tiek izdots vienu vai divas reizes gad ā. Rakstu kopsavilkumi public ēti latviešu un krievu valod ā. The journal ‘Regional Review’ is an international collection of articles in English focused on the regional issues. The articles present the results of scientific research in various fields of social sciences and the humanities: economics, managment, sociology, social psychology, law, history and interdisciplinary research. This is a double-blind peer reviewed journal published once or twice a year. Summaries of articles are provided in Latvian and Russian. Журнал “ Региональный Вестник ” – международный сборник научных статей по регионалистике на английском языке , который отражает результаты исследований в области социальных и гуманитарных наук : экономики , социологии , менеджмента , социальной психологии , права , истории , а также междисциплинарных направлений . В журнале поддерживается двойное “слепое ” рецензирование статей , журнал издается один или два раза в год . Резюме опубликованных материалов – на латышском и русском языках . In the articles published in ‘Regional Review’ the authors’ style has been preserved and they are responsible for the facts and opinions reflected and the terminology used in their articles. No part of this Collection of Articles may be reproduced in any form, by print, photo print, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from Daugavpils University. If quoted the reference to this edition is obligatory. This volume is supported by the National Research Program 5.2. “Economic Transformation, Smart Growth, Governance and Legal Framework for the State and Society for Sustainable Development – a New Approach to the Creation of a Sustainable Learning Community (EKOSOC-LV)” Regional Review is included in the EBSCO Academic Search Complete international database and ProQuest database, World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR) Issues of the ‘Regional Review’ are publicly available at: Address: Daugavpils University Faculty of Social Sciences Par ādes Street 1 – 421, Daugavpils LV-5400, Latvia phone (+371) 654 22163, (+371) 654 20032 e-mail: [email protected] Publisher: Daugavpils University Registration No. 000703163 Registration certificate No. M 000814 Established in 2004 ISSN 1691-6115 © Daugavpils University, 2015 3 CONTENTS Viktorija Zaluksne, Baiba Rivza, Maiga Kruzmetra FORECASTS OF ECONOMIC PROFILE DEVELOPMENT OF THE URBAN GROUPS OF LATGALE REGION ON THE SCALE OF THE LATVIAN URBAN SYSTEM – CRITICAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERALISATION ..................................................................................... 5 Baiba Rivza, Elita Jermolajeva, Maiga Kruzmetra IMPLEMENTATION OF COHESION POLICY AT RURAL AREAS – THE ROLE OF THE HELIX MODEL: THE EXAMPLE OF ZEMGALE REGION IN LATVIA ........................... 22 Viktorija Aleksejeva, Ludmila Aleksejeva ANALYSIS OF INTERCONNECTION BETWEEN SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN LATVIA FROM 2009 TO 2014 ........................... 29 Līga Kar čevska, Ludmila Aleksejeva, Inta Ostrovska LEADER PROGRAMME – FOR BUSINESS PROMOTION IN RURAL AREAS IN LATVIA: THE CASE STUDY OF LATGALE REGION ........................................................... 44 Anna Broka PATHWAY OF YOUNG PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES TO ADULTHOOD THROUGH SCHOOL-TO-WORK TRANSITION: THE CASE STUDY OF VIDZEME REGION (LATVIA) .......................................................................................................................................... 56 Christiane Gaul WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A PROFITABLE FRANCHISEE: CHARACTERISTICS SUPPORTING SUCCESS ................................................................................................................. 74 Ligita Simanskiene, Jurgita Pauzuoliene, Biruta Sloka THE ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATIONS: LITHUANIAN CASE ..................................................................................... 95 Daniela Grignoli, Margherita di Paolo, Tinie Kardol, Liesbeth De Donder, Dorien Brosens, Maurice de Greef, Dieter Zisenis, Rosemarie Klein, Sanja Cesar, Anamarija Tkal čec, Radu Constantinescu, Alina Vl ădu ț, Avram Sorin, Titela Vilceanu, Liesbeth Goossens, Ilze Buligina, Biruta Sloka, Petra Herre THE DEVELOPMENT OF A EUROPEAN LEARNING MODEL FOR INTERGENERATIONAL LEARNING: GUTS (GENERATIONS USING TRAINING FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION IN 2020) ....................................................................................................... 109 Arnoldas Petrulis, Biruta Sloka INTERRELATIONS BETWEEN MANAGEMENT ETHICS AND INTERNAL MARKETING .. 126 Tom Sander, Biruta Sloka INFORMATION EXCHANGE REGARDING RECRUITING AGENCIES VIA ONLINE AND OFFLINE CHANNELS ............................................................................................................ 140 Julija Lukjanova, Inta Ostrovska THE IMPORTANCE OF SEX EDUCATION AS VIEWED BY THE LATVIAN POPULATION (SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS) ............................................................................. 152 Inese Aleksejeva,
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