/.~ \' ' n n Selling price • Verkoopprys: R2,50 Other countries • Buitelands: R3,25 DECEMBER -Vol. 5 PRETORIA, 22 DESEMBER 1999 No. 109 We all have the power to prevent AIDS n AIDS. HELPUNE Iosoo o12 322 I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Prevention is the cure 0517322-A 109-1 2 No. 109 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 22 DECEMBER 1999 GAUTENG PROVINCIAL GAZETTE TARIFFS FOR 1999 Effective from 1'April 1998 · Subscribers: o South Africa-R135,00 for 52 Issues. o Foreign countries-R167,00 for 52 Issues. o Payable strictly in advance, renewal only on receipt of payment. o All cheques payable to the Gauteng Provincial Government. o . Distribution through mail. ')- Sales per issue: o South Africa-R2,50 per Issue. o Foreign countries-R3,25 per Issue. : Placing of advertisements: o Initial and repeats: R125,00 per unit (one unit = 5 em double column).- Contact numbers and addresses: Physical address: Gauteng Provincial Government Building - 30 Simmonds Street Fifth Floor, East Wing JOHANNESBURG Postal address: Private Bag X61 MARSHALLTOWN 2107 - TeJephone numbers (for a// Inquiries- accounts and placements of advertisements): (011) 355-6808 or (011) 355-6238 Fax number: (011).355-6230 E-mail address:
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