Grade 6 - Lesson 18

Proclamation: The is the re-presentation of the death and Resurrection of Jesus. The first part of the Mass includes the Introductory Rites and the Liturgy of the Word.

Catechetical Points ● The Introductory Rites help prepare us for Mass. ● The Liturgy of the Word is the part of Mass when we listen to God’s Word in Scripture.

Materials ● Chaplet pamphlets ● YouTube (Please bring your own laptop or tablet) ○ Wi-Fi: StMichaelGuest ○ Password: 6084375348 ■ Why We Don’t Drink Coffee at Mass ● ■ 3 Reasons Why Catholics Genuflect ●

Before class starts: ● Students who arrive early can play Train Wreck with students from the other grades.

[5 min] Opening Prayer ​ ● Pray the Anima Christi (p. 151 in the student text / p. 262 in the teacher’s manual.) ​ ​ ○ This prayer is typically said silently after receiving .

[10 min] The Mass ​ ● What are some different forms of prayer? The , the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the ​ , Lectio Divina, Contemplative Prayer, etc. ● Which is the greatest form of prayer in the Catholic Faith? The celebration of the ​ Eucharist at Mass. ● Why is the Mass the most important prayer of the Church? The Eucharist is a ​ ​ participation in Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, by which he redeemed mankind. Christ presides over every Mass, through the priest, who acts (in the person ​ ​ of Christ). Mass is the perfect prayer because it uses all forms of prayer: adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, and supplication. ● How should we prepare to go to Mass? ○ Wear suitable clothes. What are examples of unsuitable clothes in Church? ​ ○ Fast an hour before Communion. ○ Respect the Church space: ■ Be quiet ■ Bless yourself with Holy Water when you enter (to remember our and to be protecting from evil). ■ Genuflect and make the before entering the pew. ○ Prepare our hearts and minds by understanding the reason for coming to Mass. ○ What is the reason for coming to Mass? To offer the Holy Sacrifice of the ​ ​ Mass with the priest and to be nourished by the Word of God and the precious Body and Blood of our Lord.

[10 min] Respectful Behavior at Church ​ ● Watch one or both of these videos by Fr. Mike Schmitz: ○ Why We Don’t Drink Coffee at Mass ■ ○ 3 Reasons Why Catholics Genuflect ■


[10 min] The Introductory Rites ​ ● The public worship of God is called the Sacred Liturgy. ● “Liturgy” means “work of the people”. ● The Mass is divided into 2 main parts: ○ Liturgy of the Word (reading from Sacred Scripture) ○ Liturgy of the Eucharist (offering and receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus). ● Before these 2 main parts there are the Introductory Rites: ​ ​ ○ Entrance Antiphon: The priest and servers enter while the Assembly sings. ○ The Penitential Rite: We recall our sins and our sorrow for them. ○ The : “I confess to almighty God…” ○ The Gloria: “Glory to God in the highest…” ○ The : Opening prayers said by the priest ● Read about these parts of the Introductory Rites on pages 97-98 (page 192 in the teacher’s manual). ● Discuss Liturgical colors using the chart on page 188 in the teacher’s manual.

[15 min] The Liturgy of the Word ​ ● After the Introductory Rites, we have the Liturgy of the Word, which is divided into these parts: ○ Scripture Readings ○ The ○ The ● At Sunday Mass, there are 4 readings from the Bible: ○ The First Reading (from the Old Testament) ○ The Responsorial Psalm (from the Book of Psalms, written by King David. These are usually sung) ○ The Second Reading (from the letters of the Apostles in the New Testament). ○ The (stories about the life of Jesus from the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) ● After the First and Second Readings, the Lector says: “The Word of the Lord”. What do ​ the people in the Assembly respond? Thanks be to God. ​ ​

2 ● Before the Gospel reading, the priest says: “The Lord be with you.” What do the people ​ in the Assembly respond? And with your Spirit. (We say this to acknowledge the Holy ​ Spirit at work in the priest, who is acting in persona Christi at Mass). ​ ​ ● The priest then say: “A reading from the holy Gospel according to (Matthew).” What ​ gesture do we make? We use our right thumb to make the Sign of the Cross on our ​ forehead, lips, and chest, to show that God’s Word is in our thoughts, in our words, and in our hearts. ● What response do we give while we make the sign of the Cross 3 times? Glory to ​ you, Lord. ● At the end of the Gospel reading, the priest says: “The Gospel of the Lord.” What do the ​ people in the Assembly respond? Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. ​ ● Read about the Liturgy of the Word on pages 100-101 (page 194 in the teacher’s manual). Note: If you’re short on time, start on the 4th paragraph on page 101 about the Homily.

[10 min] Stations of the Cross (Optional) ​ ​ ● Take the class into Church to reflect on the Stations of the Cross. These are listed on page 148 in the student text (page 261 in the teacher’s manual). Or you can use the pamphlets located on the cart. Next week, we’ll go through the stations with all grades together.

[15 min] Closing Prayer ​ ● Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. ● Encourage the teens to keep a special intention in mind while praying. The Chaplet is especially meant to be prayed for the conversion of sinners.