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5 days 4 nights

Day One: Day Four: The group will depart from the school early in the morning The group will headed to . There will be quick stops for lunch & begin by visiting dinner along the way and the group will arrive at the hotel the Civil Rights Me- in the evening. morial Center, a memorial honoring Day Two: the achievements The group will begin and memory of their day at the those who died gravesite of Dr. during the Civil Martin Luther King, Rights Movement. Later this morning, the group will tour Jr., located just Alabama State University. After lunch, the group will depart down the street for Birmingham, AL. Upon arrival, the group will visit The Bir- from his boyhood mingham Civil Rights Insitute, highlighting Birmingham’s role home and in the Civil Rights Movement. After touring, the group will Ebeneezer Baptist depart for Nashville, TN, stopping for dinner along the way, Church (where Dr. and arriving at the hotel late in the evening. King preached is ministry of nonviolence). The group will Day Five: also visit The King Center, the official, living memorial dedi- cated to Dr. King and founded by his wife, Coretta Scott Today the group will tour Tennessee State University and King. For lunch, the group eat , the world’s larg- Fisk University. After touring, the group will depart for home, est drive-in restaurant and an Atlanta staple. After lunch, stopping for dinner along the way. the group will tour Clark Atlanta University, Spelman Col- *All college tours are pending availability. lege (girls only) and Morehouse College (boys only). Later, the group will visit the APEX , an “African American Panoramic Experience” presenting an overview of black history in Atlanta and elsewhere. Tonight, the group will Additional Tour Inclusions: Hemisphere Tour Director, enjoy dinner and arcade games before returning to the Step-On Guide, Private Hotel Security, PhotoVision hotel. Keepsake DVD Day Three: Alternate Sites/Attractions: Aquarium, World This morning the group will begin by visiting the Center for of Coca-Cola, , Inside CNN Atlanta, Civil and Human Rights, featuring interactive exhibits and Georgia Dome, Fernbank Museum of Natural History, true stories of the struggles of the civil rights movement and , Underground Atlanta tour, Atlanta Histo- other injustices around the world. After touring, the group ry Center, Atlanta Cyclorama and Civil War Museum, will depart for Tuskegee, AL to tour Tuskegee University. Turner Field (home of the Atlanta Braves), Fernbank After touring, the group will depart for Montgomery, AL. Science Center, Center for Disease Control Museum, Upon arrival, the group will visit the Rosa Parks Museum and College Football Hall of Fame, Six Flags Over Georgia the Legacy Museum. Tonight the group will enjoy dinner and free time for shopping. Optional Evening Activities: Ghost Tour of Atlanta, Cascade Family Skating Rink, Lasershow Spectacular at Stone Mountain (available on Saturday nights in *All college tours are pending availability. the summer months only)