“I love the Jennifer Flay, Director of FIAC , speaks to MODERN PAINTERS about her favorite places to resilience admire art, eat, shop and stay in Paris and infinite beauty of Paris” Magazine m Museu d

An art aficionado doesn’t need a reason to visit the , the world’s largest and most visited museum an Dennington Charlie

52 modern painters october 2017 Blouinartinfo.com blouinartinfo.com october 2017 Modern Painters 53 Come October19, collectors and art lovers from around the world will once again convene in Paris for the latest in contemporary art, thanks to FIAC, the annual International Contemporary Art Fair. “The Lafayette sector this year is particularly exciting, with 10 galleries from eight countries including Kosovo, Eygpt and India,” said Jennifer Flay, who has been the director of the festival since 2003. Flay, a native of New Zealand, has a long Chistory in the field. Born in 1959 in Auckland, she began her art history studies in New Zealand and pursued her education in France from 1980 thanks to a scholarship from the French government. From 1982 to 1987, she worked in several contemporary art galleries (Galerie Catherine Issert, Daniel Templon et Ghislaine Hussenot) and took an active part in the participation of these galleries in international fairs in Paris, Clockwise from bottom, Basel, Chicago, Madrid, Los Angeles and What are some interesting artworks we far left: Jennifer Flay, the director of FIAC; Amsterdam. During this period, Flay can look forward to at FIAC 2017? , collaborated, notably, with Carl André, There are many things that I am particularly the venue Flay recom- mends for all those with a Jean-Michel Basquiat, Christian Boltanski, looking forward to, for example Henry classical taste in music. Keith Haring, Richard Serra, Lawrence Taylor’s solo exhibition at Blum and Poe. His The Jean Nouvel-de- Weiner and Franz West. paintings, for which the subject matter signed building is a work of art in itself; she also In 1990, Flay founded her own gallery in consists of social and political issues recommends Sainte Paris. La Galerie Jennifer Flay (1990-2003) affecting African Americans today, have Chapelle as a must-visit destination in Paris for the

represented in France Claude Closky, John incredible power and painterly virtuosity. et; deep spirituality it Currin, Willie Doherty, Michel François, [Also] Corita Kent’s work at Galerie Allen: d

ar resonates; a concert in Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Felix Her brightly colored, silkscreen text works c progress at Philharmonie Gonzalez-Torres, Karen Kilimnik, Sean occupy an important but much overlooked de Paris

m beau Landers, Liz Larner, Zoe Leonard, Christian place in the history of Pop art on the West m Marclay, Anselm Reyle and Xavier Veilhan. Coast. Orlan and Lea Lublin at Espaivisor After she was named the artistic director of will be an interesting juxtaposition of the FIAC in 2003, she formed a partnership with contextualizing of both artists. Selma Martin Bethenod from November 2004 to Feriani from Tunis will be showing at FIAC May 2010 to reposition FIAC on the for the first time with works by Ismaïl Bahri harles platiau/ afp international scene,redevelop the sites of the and Massinissa Selmani respectively from , the Cour Carrée of the Louvre Tunisia and Algeria, and Imanes Farès, also n; c , far left: henri willia garat;

Museum and the in the showing for the first time, will present , far left: henri willia garat; m m

center of Paris and especially to revitalize Sammy Baloji from the Democratic Republic harles platiau/ afp

the event, which today is recognized as one of of Congo. n; c ier cm plowy/ m botto m botto d

the most prestigious of its kind. Since June The year 2017 will also mark the return of i 2010, Flay has been managing director of a design sector to the Grand Palais with five et; d et; FIAC. galleries showing masterpieces of modernist d ar kwise fro kwise fro c c ier cm plowy/ Following are edited excerpts from her and contemporary design. c d i Clo d Clo interview with MODERN PAINTERS: Oscar Tuazon’s site-specific installation on beau

54 modern painters october 2017 Blouinartinfo.com blouinartinfo.com october 2017 Modern Painters 55 56 modern p modern ainters ainters october 2017 poetry reading in the auditorium of the of the auditorium the in reading poetry a give will Giorno John poet American iconic the and France in time first for the Corps” “A piece le his present Bras will Ballet Opera Paris the of Paul Nicholas choreographer young year, the away while who this passed choreographer great work to of this homage pay will “Parades,” Festival of our context Portzamparc! de by Christian space museum modular and anomad and brothers Campana the by aPavillion Lieshout, van by Atelier house Müller, by Hans-Walter artist’s an dwelling autopian Prouvé, by Jean houses modernist including projects architectural six with together installations, worksand sculptural ensemble of 26 exceptional an present will Museum, Louvre the with collaboration in organized Gardens, Tuileries The Petit of the Palais. façade on the displayed be will 1986 from banners Mullican’s Matt Avenue of the Churchill; esplanade Winston pedestrianized for the work imagined alarge-scale present will Nonas Richard Vendôme exceptional; Place be the will Trisha Brown’s performances, held in the the held in Brown’s performances, Trisha Blouinartinfo.com

All the aforementioned museums, but also museums, aforementioned the All why? and Paris in places must-visit for recommendations your are What felt. be still can occupants previous of the presence the if as is Moreau. It Gustave Musée or the Delacroix Eugène Musée the as such of artists, studios homes or former the in housed are which for museums affection have aparticular I of FIAC. occasion on the rehung be will Pompidou, Centre at the which Art Modern of Museum National of the collections the of course and Vie de Romantique la Musée the of fashion; history the retracing couture and of costumes collections Galliera’s Palais the premiers, of art collections its unparalleled and Branly du Quai Musée the art, of Asian treasures incredible class institutions. The Musée Guimet’s world- many so boast world the in can city my say No is which favorite! to Impossible why? and Paris in museum favorite your is Which Museum. Louvre

is always nice to go with friends. with go to always nice is where it and ago, ayear arrondissement 12th the in opened which place inspired Italian Tondo, agreat Iwould recommend Finally, 2). Racines and Catelan Pré Athénée, Plaza (ex- Navarro by Alexandre chef run address new asophisticated Près, des Racines the also is There traditions. Meditteranean and Arabic up Jewish, mixing dishes fusion with Vendôme. cuisine, Jerusalem Modern-day Paris Renaissance the Hôtel floor of ground on the located arestaurant I love Balagan, why? and Paris in you recommend would cafés and bars, restaurants, What the season. during week of the night each perpetuated is it which embodies dance and of opera field the in excellence the because Garnier city, of the Opera bustle the and hustle and the within quiet and of peace havens little miraculous and unsuspected such are both because Petit the Palais and Delacroix Eugène Musée of the gardens the it resonates; spirituality deep for the the inside Chapelle Sainte the

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participating galleries in FIAC 2017 FIAC in are galleries participating out 193 of the Fifty-four galleries. world-class of concentration exceptional an offers Paris Paris? in art buy and see to places best the are What magic. pure is rooftop on the terrace apanoramic with suite Gardens. Tuileries the opposite just on the Meurice Hôtel the recommend Ican experience, unforgettable For atruly Paris. stay in to places charming and of beautiful variety incredible an is There Paris? when they visit stay people you would recommend Where solution ideal for schedules. an busy of what available; is overview agreat provides experience àporter.” shopping “prêt The and designers younger affordable more and interesting with together present, are houses major the fashion where all Lafayette Galeries at the of “one shopping” stop possibility expressed. best is française” à la The refined elegance of the“Belle Étoile” Étoile” the“Belle of elegance refined The Ienjoy the basis, But on regular amore which never cease to inspire me. inspire to neverwhich cease beauty, ofboth its infinite and Its resilience do you loveWhat about Paris? most for. it known is program great the with reopened has Bataclan —the lives lost their who of those memory for the —and mergitur nec fluctuat motto Paris’ with keeping in but and not(very) least, Last nights. late conducive to ambiance an in line-up great a has centuries, of previous salons European the by inspired and Lynch David by conceived aclub Silencio, The repertoire. avaried with orchestras and ensembles musicians, class of world- program exceptional an has Paris de new Philharmonie the vein, aclassical In why? and Paris in musicians or live bands see to places best the are What these. of 100 around discover to opportunity an is FIAC, during 20 October held be on Thursday to Night, Gallery The capital. the in found venues be reputed to of highly number large of the part asmall only represent they art, contemporary and modern of sectors the in Concentrated Parisian. blouinartinfo.com MP belong to another era era toanother belong to seems which P la de modern P I place; one in present are as all major brands P in time enough have don’t you if toshop place best the G F rom left: F left: rom october 2017 aleries L lace Dauphine, Dauphine, lace n the heart of of heart n the aris is S afayette is lay says says lay M odern Painters odern quare aris aris