Leeds City Council Site Allocations Plan Examination

Note on HS2 and potential effect on sites Doc No. EX7

Leeds Local Plan

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1.0 High Speed Rail Phase 2 (HS2) th 1.1. On the 16 November 2016 the Secretary of Transport announced the preferred HS2 route for Phase 2b “High Speed Two: Crewe to , West Midlands to Leeds and beyond”, November 2016 which includes the link from the West Midlands towards Leeds and the North East with a proposed station in Leeds. The 2016 route plans are shown in EB9/13A-C. The November 2016 announcement includes the Safeguarding Directive.

1.2. In preparing the SAP the area safeguarded by the Safeguarding Direction has been taken into account. The Safeguarding Direction will be represented on the Policies Map as required by Regulation 9 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) () Regulations 2012 (as amended).

1.3. It is important to note that the Safeguarding Direction has been made by the Secretary of State for Transport. These are not proposals of and the route in question will not be determined through the development plan process. The route will be considered in Parliament under hybrid Bill procedures, which will provide appropriate opportunities for petitions to be made to Parliament by those directly affected by the scheme.

1.4. Paragraph 4 of the Executive Summary to the “High Speed Two: Crewe to Manchester, West Midlands to Leeds and beyond”, November 2016 reads:

“The Secretary of State has today issued safeguarding directions along the whole of the Phase 2b route to protect it from conflicting development. The Government is also consulting on the property compensation schemes that will apply to owner-occupiers on the Phase 2b route based on what is already in place for the rest of HS2. However, we recognise the need to offer assistance as soon as possible, so with immediate effect we are today opening the Express Purchase and Need to Sell (NTS) schemes on an interim basis for eligible owner-occupiers living along the Phase 2b route”.

1.5. Paragraph 3 of the Executive Summary to the “High Speed Two: Crewe to Manchester, West Midlands to Leeds and beyond , 2016” reads:

“In most cases these refinements are relatively minor and do not result in impacts on new communities, or substantially different impacts on communities than the route proposed in the 2013 consultation. However, in seven areas where the proposed refinements are substantial the Secretary of State is launching a further consultation to seek the views of communities and other interested parties. The Secretary of State intends to confirm the full Phase 2b route after considering responses to this consultation in 2017”.

1.6. Leeds is not included in the seven areas where proposed refinements are subject to further consultation. The Secretary of State for Transport announced his decisions on these further refinements on 17 July 2017.

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July & August 2017 update

1.7. The Secretary of State for Transport published ‘High Speed Two: from Concept to Reality – Moving Britain Ahead’, July 2017. Section 5 of this considers Phase 2b (West Midlands to Leeds) and sets out in para 5.1 progress:

“The government has confirmed its preferred route for Phase 2b of HS2 and we plan to deposit legislation in Parliament by 2019 to seek the powers to build it. We aim to have Parliament’s approval by 2022 so that trains can run on the whole network from 2033”.

1.8. This document further states at paragraph 5.9 that:

“We recognise that for those living along the line of route there will be concern over how HS2 will affect their homes, communities and businesses. The government and HS2 Ltd will continue to engage extensively with everyone affected to reduce the impact of HS2, and ensure that people are treated with fairness, compassion and respect. The statutory compensation package provides those whose homes need to be acquired for HS2 unblighted market value plus 10 per cent, plus moving costs.

1.9. The Commons Library has also issued the briefing paper ‘High Speed 2 (HS2) Phase 2b and beyond’, 10th August 2017 (briefing paper number CBP08071) providing an overview of the proposed new high speed rail line between and the North of England, its costs, compensation arrangements and the preferred route. This can be viewed at:

EB9/33 - Briefing Paper High Speed 2 (HS2) Phase 2b and beyond, 10th August 2017

1.10. The above document and the updated July 2017 route plans have been added to the Evidence Base List EB9/13a – EB9/13e and EB9/33.

2.0. Potential effect on SAP

2.1. The HS2 route and revised station alignment could impact on nine sites in the SAP. The line runs directly through four sites: • HG6-2: Kiddacre Street, City Centre • HG2-179: Fleet Lane/Eshald Lane, Oulton • EG1-35: Phase 2 Hawks Park, North Newhold, and • EG1-36: Phase 2 Hawks Park, North Newhold

2.2. The route is adjacent to four sites: • MX2-34: Criterion Place, • EO1-36: Criterion Place, • EG2-22: Leathley Road and Cross Myrtle Street, and

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• HG2-180: Land between Fleet Lane and Methley Lane.

2.3. The line is proposed to tunnel under Woodlesfood and therefore lies underneath identified housing site HG1-399: Former White Hart hotel, Church Street (7 units) (now completed).

2.4. In addition the Publication draft site of EO1-18 – Hawks Park North Newhold Aberford Road (OSE) is entirely consumed by HS2 safeguarding area and therefore the site was deleted as a pre submission change (566) to respond to this.

2.5. In order to respond to the impact of the HS2, pre submission changes (571 and 572) were made to reduce capacities on sites EG1-35 and EG1-36 to account for the loss of land to the HS2 safeguarding area. No other capacity changes are proposed to the sites identified in paragraph 2.1 above as a result of the HS2 announcement as the route is not considered to impact on the deliverability of these sites, further explanation is provided below by Housing Market characteristic Area and the boundaries of the sites in relation to the HS2 Safeguarded Area have been appended in Appendix 1.

City Centre HMCA CD1/1c

2.6. The revised Phase 2b route includes a new recommended station layout which links from the south to the existing Leeds Station concourse which is based on the Sir David Higgins report “A Yorkshire Hub”, 30th November 2015. The revised route and safeguarding zone are shown on map 1 in Appendix 1 and can also be found on the HS2 website.

2.7. There are four City Centre sites potentially affected by the HS2 Phase 2b route. Three of these are adjacent to the HS2 line with the first two listed below also adjacent to the proposed new HS2 station:

• MX2-34 Criterion Place, (0.35Ha) (201units/2,310Sqm office)

• EO1-36 Criterion Place (0.59Ha) (12,596sqm office)

2.8. The third site lying adjacent to the route, is:

• EG2-22 Leathley Road and Cross Myrtle Street (0.16Ha)

2.9. The HS2 route runs directly through the fourth city centre site:

• HG6-2: Kiddacre Street (8 pitches) (0.77ha)

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2.10. The SAP considers the impact of HS2 on site HG6-2: Kiddacre Street in paragraph 2.70 of the SAP CD1/1a. However, it is considered that the Kiddacre Street site can contribute to meeting the Gypsy and traveller accommodation needs for most, if not all, of the plan period. In response to the HS2 proposals, a replacement site has been reserved at HG6-3: Tulip Street to replace the Kiddacre site when it is lost to high speed rail development CD1/1e.

Outer South HMCA CD1/1i

2.11. There are three sites in Outer South potentially affected by the HS2 Phase 2b route. The first of these (HG1-399: Former White Hart hotel, Church Street (7 units)) will be above the proposed HS2 as the route at this point is proposed to be in a tunnel under Woodlesford. Paragraph 36 (page 14) of the Secretary of Transports “High Speed Two: Crewe to Manchester, West Midlands to Leeds and beyond”, November 2016 confirms this in regard to the HS2 route approach to Leeds stating:

“today the Government is confirming that, after listening to consultation responses and considering alternatives to the previously proposed viaduct, the route will now pass under Woodlesford in a tunnel, reducing the environmental and visual impact on Woodlesford and the Aire and Calder Navigation”.

2.12. There are two further housing sites adjacent/near to the route: • HG2-179: Fleet Lane/Eshald Lane, Oulton (1.26ha) (40). The north eastern tip of site has a very small overlap with the safeguarding zone alongside the HS2 route (see plan 5 Appendix 1). This part of the site would likely be designed to accommodate Saved UPD Policy N24 in regard to sensitive treatment of green belt boundaries and greening the urban edge. Similar to where sites border onto existing railway lines or major roads the Council would expect the developer to mitigate the visual and noise impact through appropriate design and landscaping, for instance sound proofing homes or planting trees. These techniques could equally be applied to sites affected by HS2.

• HG2-180: Land between Fleet Lane and Methley Lane (322) (14.85ha) This is separated by a gap at the narrowest point between the north eastern corner of the site to the safeguarding area to the east of the HS2 line be 200ft approximately and likewise approximately 400ft to the route line itself, therefore, similar to HG2-179, the visual and noise impact would be expected to be dealt with through appropriate design and landscaping.

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Outer South East HMCA (CD1/1j)

2.13. There are two employment sites in Outer South East potentially affected by the HS2 Phase 2b route with the route running directly through the sites:

• EG1.35: Phase 1a Hawks Park, North Newhold Garforth (3.79Ha)

• EG1.36: Phase 2 Hawks Park, North Newhold (12.99 General Employment)

2.14. As stated above in Paragraph 2.5 the capacities of these two employment sites were reduced through pre-submission changes (571 and 572) to account for the loss of land to the HS2 safeguarding area.

Land Availability

2.15. The Council’s response to Matter 7, Main Issue 1, Question 1 provides clarification that developers/agents have been contacted to confirm availability of sites. None of the above sites raised HS2 as an availability concern.

Safeguarding Directive

2.16. The Secretary for State for Transport has issued ‘General notes on safeguarded area’, July 2017. This reads (introduction):

“Please note that the inclusion of land within safeguarding does not necessarily mean that it will ultimately be used by the project – safeguarding is a planning tool to help the Government and High Speed Two Ltd (HS2 Ltd) protect the land that may be needed to build and operate the railway from conflicting development.

The Secretary of State for Transport has issued safeguarding directions for Phase 2b. Safeguarding Directions require local planning authorities to consult HS2 Ltd on all relevant planning applications within the safeguarded area as set out in the Directions. HS2 Ltd then assesses whether the proposals conflict with plans for the railway. The aim of safeguarding is not to prevent development on the land that may be needed to build and operate the railway, but to ensure that no conflict is created. In addition, the safeguarding directions also trigger something known as ‘Statutory Blight’. This means that property owners within the safeguarded area may be eligible to serve a blight notice asking the Secretary of State to buy their property prior to it being needed for construction.

Please be aware that further work continues to be undertaken to develop the detail of the Phase 2b route. As such, the Safeguarding Directions will be reviewed at key future milestones to check whether

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the correct land is safeguarded and whether any changes to the safeguarding directions need to be made.”


2.17. The impact of HS2 Phase 2b on Leeds SAP has been considered and responded too where necessary through the Pre-Submission Changes as detailed above.

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APPENDIX 1: HS2 and SAP Site Plans

Plan 1 – Overview of HS2 and SAP sites

Plan 2 – detailed plan of EO1-36 and MX2-34

Plan 3 – detailed plan of HG6-2

Plan 4 – detailed plan of EG2-22

Plan 5 - detailed plan of HG2-179 and HG2-180

Plan 6 – detailed plan of EG1-35 and EG1-36

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Plan 1 – Overview of HS2 and SAP sites

Chapeltown Road Corner HG1-288 MX2-39

Harehills Lane HG1-288 EG1-35 & EG1-36 CC Parade Woodhouse Lane


Lincoln Green

CC Parade Great George Street EO1-36 & MX2-34

HG2-201 Halton


HG6-2 HG8-3k HG6-2k HG2-124 EG2-22


Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan Boundary Dewsbury Road HG6-3k Key Site Allocations EO1 - Identified office employment EO2 - Office allocation

Kippax EG1 - Identified general employment EG2 - General employment allocation

HG6-13k HG1 - Identified housing HG2 - Housing allocation W HG4 - Older persons housing/Independent living HG5 - Allocated for schools k HG6 - Gypsies and Travellers - sites safeguarded k HG7 - Gypsies and Travellers - new sites allocated k HG8 - Travelling Showpeople - sites allocated HG2-179 k k k k k k k k k kMX1 - Identified mixed use k k k k k MX2 - Mixed use allocation kGGGGGG k k k k Middleton (Ring Road) Rothwell kGGGGGG k k k kHG3 - Safeguarded land Circus GGGGGG HG5-7 GGGGGG HG2-180 Location of New Settlement Green Space Green Belt Town & Local Centres HG2-180 Local Convenience Centres

Other Information Leeds City Council Wards Housing Market Characteristic Areas Aire Valley AAP Boundary Sites affected by HS2 safeguarding area - July 2017 Thorp Arch Trading Estate Sites overlapped by HS2 safeguarding area: Core Strategy MAIN URBAN AREA EG1-35, EG1-36, HG2-179 & HG6-2 Core Strategy MAJOR SETTLEMENTS Core Strategy SMALL SETTLEMENTS

HG5-8 Sites adjacent to HS2 safeguarding area: HS2 Safeguarding Area - July 2017 EO1-36, EG2-22, HG2-180 and MX2-34 " Primary Schools East Ardsley ! Secondary Schools

© Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100019567

Path: \\Client\C$\_temp\SUBMISSIONS June 2016 Site Allocations A3_LEEDS MD WIDE.mxd Date: 22/08/2017 Plan 2 – detailed plan of EO1-36 and MX2-34

Pol Sta SL Junction City House 170

Subway 174 to 178

64 to 68

SL 14 6


SL 5

3 1

9 5 4

Leeds Station El Sub Sta 11 59 to 57


PH 15

Posts Tunnel BLAYD'S YARD Hotel


PH 20 22


28.2m 7 21

SL 1 12 28.0m Multistorey 18 16 Car Park Fountain 15

King Sovereign Place House MX2-34 Windsor 27.4m House EO1-36 TCB

1 Shelters 32 3

Sovereign Square BRIDGE END Drain SL

30 Prospect House

27.4m Key 28 1 to 12 Site Allocations Sovereign Quay Landing 14 to 62 Hilton Hotel River Aire Stage EO1 - Identified office employment 3 PITT ROW Royal

NEVILLE STREET House EO2 - Office allocation 22 to 20 STREET EG1 - Identified general employment

1 1 to 84 to 1 EG2 - General employment allocation CONCORDIA

LITTLE NEVILLE STREET HG13 - Identified housing

24 to 32 Waterman's Footbridge 1 EO1-36 SOVEREIGN STREET HG2 - Housing allocation

Place Sovereign House HG4 - Older persons housing/Independent living W Wharf

HG5 - Allocated for schools 36

27.1m LBs k HG6 - Gypsies and Travellers - sites safeguarded

k HG7 - Gypsies and Travellers - new44 sites allocated BRIDGE END 26.5m k HG8 - Travelling Showpeople - sites allocated 26.2m k k k k k k k k k kMX1 - Identified mixed use 25.9m k k k k k 1 MX2 - Mixed use allocation River Aire kGGGGGG k k k k kGGGGGG k k k k 29.3m 2 GGGGGG HG3 - Safeguarded landWATER LANE GGGGGG 2 Location of New Settlement The Embankment 3

Old Red Lion 4 GreenEl Sub Sta Space Green Belt Town & Local Centres FB Local Convenience Centres New Centaur House Other Information Leeds City Council Wards MEADOW LANE Housing Market Characteristic Areas Aire Valley AAP Boundary Victoria Bridge Sites affected by HS2 safeguarding area - July 2017 Thorp Arch Trading Estate25.9m Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan Boundary Sloping masonry Sites overlapped by HS2 safeguarding area: Multistorey Car ParkCore Strategy MAIN URBAN AREA Shelters EG1-35, EG1-36, HG2-179 & HG6-2 Core Strategy MAJOR SETTLEMENTS Core Strategy SMALL SETTLEMENTS

30.2m Sites adjacent to HS2 safeguarding area: HS2 Safeguarding25.8m Area - July 2017 EO1-36, EG2-22, HG2-180 and MX2-34 " Primary Schools ! Secondary Schools 27.1m © Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100019567

Path: \\Client\C$\_temp\SUBMISSIONS June 2016 Site Allocations A3_LEEDS MD WIDE.mxd Date: 22/08/2017 Plan 3 – detailed plan of HG6-2

5b 6a



Northern Gas 6b 26.5m

Sovereign Networks House L Twr

Pottery Field House 9 to 10

7 9a



Site Allocations L Twr EO1 - Identified office employment

27.2m EO2 - Office allocation kHG6-2 EG1 - Identified general employment EG2 - General employment allocation HG1 - Identified housing HG6-2 HG2 - Housing allocation W HG4 - Older persons housing/Independent living HG5 - Allocated for schools k HG6 - Gypsies and Travellers - sites safeguarded k HG7 - Gypsies and Travellers - new sites allocated WB k HG8 - Travelling Showpeople - sites allocated k k k k k k k k k kMX1 - Identified mixed use k k k k k MX2 - Mixed use allocation kGGGGGG k k k k kGGGGGG k k k k GGGGGG HG3 - Safeguarded land GGGGGG Location of New Settlement 28.8m Green Space Green Belt Works Town & Local Centres

30.4m 31.3m IVORY STREETLocal Convenience Centres SM Other Information MP Leeds City Council Wards

30.9m Housing Market Characteristic Areas 28.7m Aire Valley AAP Boundary Sites affected by HS2 safeguarding area - July 2017 Thorp Arch Trading Estate Sites overlapped by HS2 safeguarding area: Core Strategy MAIN URBAN AREA EG1-35, EG1-36, HG2-179 & HG6-2 Core Strategy MAJOR SETTLEMENTS ESS 1 Warehouse Core Strategy SMALL SETTLEMENTS Sites adjacent to HS2 safeguarding area: WarehouseHS2 Safeguarding Area - July 2017 El Sub Sta Gas Holder EO1-36, EG2-22, HG2-180 and MX2-34 " Primary Schools ! Secondary Schools

© Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100019567

Path: \\Client\C$\_temp\SUBMISSIONS June 2016 Site Allocations A3_LEEDS MD WIDE.mxd Date: 22/08/2017 Plan 4 – detailed plan of EG2-22 k


ESS Warehouse

Warehouse Gas Holder 29.0m



Warehouse 29.2m

Gas Holder EG2-22 Warehouse Warehouse

Warehouse Key Site Allocations EO1 - Identified office employment EO2 - Office allocation EG1 - Identified general employment EG2 - General employment allocation HG1 - Identified housing LEATHLEY ROAD HG2 - Housing allocation W HG4 - Older persons housing/Independent living HG5 - Allocated for schools Pottery HG6 - Gypsies and Travellers - sites safeguarded 31.8m k Bridge k HG7 - Gypsies and Travellers - new sites allocated k HG8 - Travelling Showpeople - sites allocated k k k k k k k k k kMX1 - Identified mixed use k k k k k Depot MX2 - Mixed use allocation kGGGGGG k k k k kGGGGGG k k k k GGGGGG HG3 - Safeguarded land GGGGGG WB Location of New Settlement Green Space Green Belt Town & Local Centres Local Convenience Centres 31.6m Other Information

Leeds City Council Wards 82 Housing Market Characteristic Areas Works Aire Valley AAP Boundary Sites affected by HS2 safeguarding area - July 2017 Thorp Arch Trading Estate Sites overlapped by HS2 safeguarding area: Core Strategy MAIN URBAN AREA EG1-35, EG1-36, HG2-179 & HG6-2 Core Strategy MAJOR SETTLEMENTS 31.6m Core Strategy SMALL SETTLEMENTS

JACK LANE Sites adjacent to HS2 safeguarding area: HS2 Safeguarding Area - July 2017 EO1-36, EG2-22, HG2-180 and MX2-34 " Primary Schools 119 ! Secondary Schools

© Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance86 Survey 100019567

Path: \\Client\C$\_temp\SUBMISSIONS June 2016 Site Allocations A3_LEEDS MD WIDE.mxd Date: 22/08/2017 Plan 5 - detailed plan of HG2-179 and HG2-180

14 L Twr

Oulton QUA RRY HILL Institute 60

8 Church

4 1


29.4m 28.0m 6 1 El Sub Sta L Twr L Twr



11 13 8 15

War Memorial 9

12 15 1 L Twr L Twr

27.8m FLEET LANE Football Ground

23 9 The Old Masons 14

16 Arms 23 Mano r L ane

(PH) Shelter 6

11 Stand 2 28.4m


4 El Sub Sta

12 L Twr 5 L Twr 8 19 57 31 29.1m 55 53

51 27.2m 16

17 5 Shelter 1 L Col Path (um)

3 L Twr 26

Ash Willow 43 HG2-179 Tree Cottage 7 Cottage NORFOLK CLOSE

45 ABER FORD R OAD 29.6m

32 28 47 L Col

NORFOLK DRIVE 11 32 L Col TCB Football Pitches 1





4 L Col Beech Grove 38

37 52 Path

46 Gardens

48 L Col


26.4m 2


10 FLEET LANE 2 22


12 1 23.2m L Col 31



17 15 11


36 34

39 28b



2 1



Oulton 4


4 30

32 GREENLAND COURT 24.5m 2 56

FB 54 52 Croft 35

35 El Sub Sta 39 Bridge Oulton Beck FARR ER LANE HG2-180

58 20

18 26a


Path (um) Ppg Sta Drain Path (um) Key 21.2m FB Path (um) Site Allocations

5 7 33 29 11 19 EO1 - Identified office employment 17 23

9 13


22 9a 24 Pipe 15 Line Oulton Beck 21 EO2 - Office allocation

1 10

1 4 1 2 EG1 - Identified general employment




6 EG2 - General employment allocation 5

18 The Elms 2

Path (um)

2 HG1 - Identified housing



3 12


WOODLAND HG2 - Housing allocation

7 11


14 HG4 - Older persons housing/Independent living FB

15 W 14 HG5 - Allocated for schools k HG6 - Gypsies and Travellers - sites safeguarded k HG7 - Gypsies and Travellers - new sites allocated

Path (um) k HG8 - Travelling Showpeople - sites allocated HG2-180 k k k k k Oulton Beck k k k k kMX1 - Identified mixed use Path (um) k k k k k MX2 - Mixed use allocation kGGGGGG k k k k kGGGGGG k k k k GGGGGG HG3 - Safeguarded land GGGGGG Location of New Settlement Green Space

The Grove (PH) Green Belt Oulton Beck Town & Local Centres Local Convenience Centres

Path (um)

Hotel Other Information Leeds City Council Wards Housing Market Characteristic Areas Aire Valley AAP Boundary METH LEY LA NE Sites affected by HS2 safeguarding area - July 2017 Thorp Arch Trading Estate Drain 26.3m Sports Court Sites overlapped by HS2 safeguarding area: Core Strategy MAIN URBAN AREA

Track EG1-35, EG1-36, HG2-179 & HG6-2 Core Strategy MAJOR SETTLEMENTS Core Strategy SMALL SETTLEMENTS Rugby Ground

METH LEY LA NE Rothwell Sports Centre Sites adjacent to HS2 safeguarding area: HS2 Safeguarding Area - July 2017 25.8m EO1-36, EG2-22, HG2-180 and MX2-34 " Primary Schools ! Secondary Schools

© Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100019567

Path: \\Client\C$\_temp\SUBMISSIONS June 2016 Site Allocations A3_LEEDS MD WIDE.mxd Date: 22/08/2017 Plan 6 – detailed plan of EG1-35 and EG1-36 Gantry

M 1

Track Ward Bdy Def Water Def Issues

EG1-35 EG1-36



A 656

Key Site Allocations EO1 - Identified office employment

A 642 EO2 - Office allocation EG1 - Identified general employment EG2 - General employment allocation HG1 - Identified housing HG2 - Housing allocation W HG4 - Older persons housing/Independent living 81.4m HG5 - Allocated for schools k HG6 - Gypsies and Travellers - sites safeguarded k HG7 - Gypsies and Travellers - new sites allocated k HG8 - Travelling Showpeople - sites allocated k k k k k k k k k kMX1 - Identified mixed use k k k k k MX2 - Mixed use allocation kGGGGGG k k k k kGGGGGG k k k k GGGGGG HG3 - Safeguarded land GGGGGG Location of New Settlement Green Space

ABERFORD ROAD Green Belt Town & Local Centres Local Convenience Centres The Other Information Weigh House ETL Leeds City Council Wards 86.9m Warehouses Housing Market Characteristic Areas LB Aire Valley AAP Boundary Sites affected by HS2 safeguarding area - July 2017

2 Thorp Arch Trading Estate

4 1 Sites overlapped by HS2 safeguarding area: Core Strategy MAIN URBAN AREA El Sub EG1-35,Sta EG1-36, HG2-179 & HG6-2 Core Strategy MAJOR SETTLEMENTS Tank 2 2 5



1 4 1

Sites adjacent to HS2 safeguarding9 area: HS2 Safeguarding Area - July 2017 6 "

MOULE RISE 6 Primary Schools

Tank EO1-36, EG2-22, HG2-180 and MX2-34

5 12 1


A 642 SILKSTONE CLOSE 8 3 ! 11 11 Secondary Schools

Works 5 7


Posts 5 11 © Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100019567 9 1 9 3 15

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