The Journal of Neuroscience, January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 • 423

Cellular/Molecular Modulation of Ether-a`-Go-Go Related Gene (ERG) Current Governs Intrinsic Persistent Activity in Rodent Neocortical Pyramidal Cells

Edward D. Cui and Ben W. Strowbridge Department of Neurosciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

While activation has long been known to dramatically enhance the excitability of cortical neurons, the cellular mechanisms responsible for this effect are not well understood. We used intracellular recordings in rat (both sexes) neocortical brain slices to assess the ionic mechanisms supporting persistent firing modes triggered by depolarizing stimuli following cholinergic receptor activation. We found multiple lines of evidence suggesting that a component of the underlying hyperexcitability associated with persis- tent firing reflects a reduction in the standing (leak) K ϩ current mediated by Ether-a-go-go-Related Gene (ERG) channels. Three chem- ically diverse ERG channel blockers (, ErgToxin-1, and E-4031) abolished persistent firing and the underlying increase in input resistance in deep pyramidal cells in temporal and prefrontal association neocortex. accumulation during triggering stimuli appears to attenuate ERG currents, leading to membrane potential depolarization and increased input resistance, two critical elements generating persistent firing. Our results also suggest that ERG current normally governs cortical neuron responses to depolar- izingstimulibyopposingprolongeddischargesandbyenhancingthepoststimulusrepolarization.ThebroadexpressionofERGchannels and the ability of ERG blocks to abolish persistent firing evoked by both synaptic and intracellular step stimuli suggest that modulation of ERG channels may underlie many forms of persistent activity observed in vivo. Key words: afterdepolarization; brain slice; cholinergic modulation; intrinsic persistent activity; patch clamp

Significance Statement Persistent activity, where spiking continues beyond the triggering stimulus, is a common phenomenon observed in many types of neurons. Identifying the mechanism underlying this elementary process of memory is a step forward in understanding higher cognitive function including short-term memory. Our results suggest that a reduction in the currents normally mediated by Ether-a-go-go-Related Gene (ERG) K ϩ channels contributes to persistent firing in neocortical pyramidal cells. ERG currents have been previously studied primarily in the heart; relatively little is known about ERG function in the brain, although mutations in ERG channels have recently been linked to schizophrenia. The present study is among the first to describe its role in neocortex in relation to biophysical correlates of memory function.

Introduction (VOR; Major et al., 2004), persistent responses play a central role Many brain regions contain neurons that generate long-lasting in maintaining a sensory-motor system in a stable state. In corti- spiking responses to brief stimuli. In some of these areas, such as cal brain regions, persistent activity is associated with encoding of the brainstem nuclei that mediate the vestibulo-ocular reflex short-term memories (e.g., delay period firing during working memory tasks; Fuster and Alexander, 1971) and in neuronal en- sembles that represent time intervals (Eichenbaum, 2014). Re- Received June 25, 2017; revised Oct. 28, 2017; accepted Nov. 17, 2017. cent work also demonstrates that persistent activity also occurs in Authorcontributions:E.D.C.andB.W.S.designedresearch;E.D.C.performedresearch;E.D.C.andB.W.S.analyzed hippocampal brain slices where mossy cells receive long-lasting data; E.D.C. and B.W.S. wrote the paper. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant R01-DC-04285 to B.W.S. We thank Todd Pressler synaptic barrages following brief stimuli (Larimer and Strow- and Hannah Arnson and for helpful discussions; and Chris Ford, Rodrigo Andrade, and Diana Kunze for providing bridge, 2010; Hyde and Strowbridge, 2012). Despite the wide- constructive comments on this manuscript. spread nature of persistent firing, the underlying mechanisms Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Ben W. Strowbridge, Department of Neurosciences, Case Western responsible for this firing mode have remained mysterious. Reserve University School of Medicine, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106. E-mail: [email protected]. DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1774-17.2017 While synaptic reverberation has long been proposed to un- Copyright © 2018 the authors 0270-6474/18/380423-18$15.00/0 derlie persistent spiking responses recorded in vivo, especially in 424 • J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing cortical regions (Hebb, 1949; Hopfield, 1982; Wang, 1999), there cognitive dysfunction. Whether the increase in excitability that is relatively little experimental support for this mechanism. By enables persistent responses to transient depolarizing stimuli is ϩ contrast, several decades of work using brain slices has demonstrated mediated by ICAN currents, the activation of subthreshold Na the ability of many cortical (Andrade, 1991; Haj-Dahmane and An- channels or attenuation of outward currents active near rest is not drade, 1996; Rahman and Berger, 2011) and olfactory (Pressler et known. In the present study, we used electrophysiological meth- al., 2007) neurons to generate persistent firing through cell- ods define the mechanism responsible for intrinsic persistent ac- autonomous biophysical mechanisms. These intrinsic forms of tivity in rodent neocortical slices. We find that ERG channel persistent activity can be initiated by bursts of action potentials blockers abolish persistent firing in pyramidal cells in both tem- (APs; Krnjevic´ et al., 1971; Andrade, 1991) and are typically stud- poral association neocortical neurons as well as in prefrontal ied using brain slices exposed to muscarinic receptor to neurons. Blockade of ERG channels also greatly attenuates the enhance excitability (Krnjevic´ et al., 1971; Andrade, 1991; Haj- increase in input resistance that underlies persistent firing, pre- Dahmane and Andrade, 1996; Haj-Dahmane and Andrade, 1998; sumably reflecting a Ca 2ϩ-dependent attenuation in the leak Rahman and Berger, 2011) that likely mimic the increase in the ERG current. The robustness of ERG-mediated persistent firing firing rate of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons during periods and the widespread expression of ERG channels across diverse of heightened attention (Richardson and DeLong, 1986). Under- cortical regions suggest that modulation of ERG current may standing the biophysical basis of persistent firing in brain slices underlie many forms of persistent firing reported in vivo. would likely provide new tools that could be used to determine the relative roles of intrinsic and circuit mechanisms to persistent Materials and Methods activity recorded in vivo. Slice preparation. Sprague Dawley rats of either sex from postnatal day 14 While most experimental work on the underlying mechanism (P14) to P25 were used in all experiments. Rats were anesthetized with 2ϩ is in agreement that an increase in intracellular Ca is required and decapitated. The brain was then dissected and transferred to trigger intrinsic persistent firing (Egorov et al., 2002; Franse´n into ice-cold (ϳ0°C) artificial CSF (ACSF) composed of the following et al., 2006; Pressler et al., 2007), the critical downstream ion (in mM): 124 NaCl, 2.54 KCl, 1.23 NaH2PO4, 6.2 MgSO4, 26 NaHCO3,10 2ϩ channels modulated by Ca have not been identified. Many dextrose, and 1 CaCl2, equilibrated with 95% O2/5% CO2. Horizontal studies (Egorov et al., 2002; Rahman and Berger, 2011; Jochems slices (300 ␮m) were prepared from temporal association cortex (TeA; at and Yoshida, 2013) have suggested that inward current mediated the same dorsal–ventral level as the ventral hippocampus) using a Leica 2ϩ VT1200 Vibratome. Recordings from prefrontal cortex (PFC) were per- by Ca -activated nonselective cation channels (ICAN) underlies ␮ intrinsic persistent firing. Since the molecular basis of I has formed on 300- m-thick coronal slices that included the medial PFC. CAN Slices were incubated at 30°C for ϳ30 min and then maintained at room remained elusive, this hypothesis has been difficult to test defini- temperature (ϳ25°C) until use. All experiments were performed under tively. Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, a likely compo- guidelines approved by the Case Western Reserve University Animal nent of ICAN (Haj-Dahmane and Andrade, 1996; Zhang et al., Care and Use Committee. This study, including pilot and ancillary ex- 2011), have few selective antagonists and there have been no periments, was based on intracellular recordings from 382 neurons from reports to date of TRP channel knockouts abolishing persistent 92 animals. The experimental data presented in the Results section were activity though expression of dominant negative canonical TRP based on recordings from 158 L5 neocortical neurons. (TRPC) subunits can attenuate neocortical afterdepolarization Electrophysiology. Intracellular and cell-attached recordings were per- (ADP) responses (Yan et al., 2009; but see Dasari et al., 2013). The formed in a submerged chamber maintained at 30°C and perfused con- ϳ ability of TRP proteins to form multimers (Nilius and Owsianik, tinuously ( 2 ml/min) with ACSF containing the following (in mM): 124 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.23 NaH PO , 1.2 MgSO , 26 NaHCO , 10 dextrose, 2.5 2011) complicates testing this hypothesis. 2 4 4 3 2ϩ CaCl2, equilibrated with 95% O2/5% CO2. Whole-cell and cell-attached In addition to ICAN-mediated Ca -sensitive currents, the recordings were made using an Axopatch 1D Amplifier (Molecular De- modulation of inward or outward currents active near rest have vices/Molecular Dynamics). Patch-clamp recording electrodes with re- been suggested to underlie intrinsic persistent activity. Yamada- sistances of 3–8 M⍀ were pulled from 1.5 mm outer diameter thin wall Hanff and Bean (2013) demonstrated that the biophysical prop- borosilicate glass tubing (WPI), using a micropipette puller (P-97, Sutter ϩ erties of subthreshold Na current could enable persistent firing. Instruments). The pipettes contained the following (in mM): 140 However, the absence of selective blockers of subthreshold Na ϩ K-methylsulfate (MP Biomedicals), 4 NaCl, 10 HEPES, 0.2 EGTA, 4 channel activity had precluded directly testing this model. Alter- MgATP, 0.3 Na3GTP, and 10 phosphocreatine. In some experiments, 10 ϩ Ј Ј natively, a decrease in a “leak” K current could underlie the mM bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N ,N -tetra-acetic acid (BAPTA) was substituted for EGTA in the internal solution to enhance Ca 2ϩ buff- enhanced excitability associated with persistent firing. Presumably, ␮ many muscarinic receptor agonists work through this mechanism ering. In several sets of experiments, 10 M E-4031 was added to the internal solution. Individual neurons were visualized under infrared dif- to enhance overall excitability by inhibiting KCNQ channels that ferential interference contrast (IR-DIC) video microscopy (Axioskop form the M current (IM; Schnee and Brown, 1998; Delmas and FS1, Zeiss). Recordings were low-pass filtered at 5 kHz (FLA-01, Cygnus Brown, 2005). Similarly, Ether-a-go-go-related gene (ERG) Technology) and acquired at 10 kHz using a simultaneously sampling channels can be modulated by second messenger cascades that 16-bit data acquisition system (ITC-18, InstruTech) operated by custom converge on protein kinase C (PKC; Cockerill et al., 2007). ERG is software written in VB.NET on a Windows-based PC. Unless specified highly expressed in neurons within the deep layers of neocortex otherwise, all membrane potentials presented in the text and contained (Saganich et al., 2001; Papa et al., 2003), among other regions, within the illustrations are not corrected for the liquid junction potential. We estimated this junction potential using standard software (Barry, and is known to influence the excitability of a variety of neurons ϩ 1994) to be 10.3 mV using ACSF with 3 mM K and 10.7 mV with the including midbrain neurons (Ji et al., 2012), brain- ϩ stem neurons (Hardman and Forsythe, 2009), and hippocampal ACSF used for voltage-clamp experiments (containing 10 mM K ; see below). Synaptic stimulation was performed using an insulated tungsten CA1 pyramidal cells (Fano et al., 2012). monopolar electrode placed in layer 3 (L3) near and connected to a Mutations in ERG have been linked to schizophrenia (Huf- constant current stimulus isolation unit (A360, WPI). faker et al., 2009; Atalar et al., 2010) and many common antipsy- In this study, we recorded exclusively from L5 neocortical pyramidal chotic medications are potent ERG blockers (Wible et al., 2005), cells that generated “regular spiking” responses to 2 s duration depolar- suggesting that altered ERG function may underlie some types of izing currents, as defined by previous neocortical studies (Connors and Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 • 425

Gutnick, 1990; Schubert et al., 2001; De´gene`tais et al., 2002). Cells were then report a corrected change in input resistance of ϩ40 M⍀ (150–110 selected using IR-DIC visualization and were confirmed to be pyramidal M⍀) at that time point. We repeated this procedure using at least three cells using two-photon imaging in a subset of recordings. The average ADP trials in each cell and at each time point, and report the mean Ϫ Ϯ ϭ Ϯ resting membrane potential of TeA L5 neurons was 66.1 0.25 (N corrected delta RIn values. Summary time plots show the mean SEM Ϫ Ϫ 149; range, 60 to 70 mV). The average input resistance (RIn) value of across multiple experiments of these single-cell corrected delta RIn these neurons was 107 Ϯ 3.7 M⍀. Recordings from neurons with resting estimates. Ϫ Ͻ ⍀ membrane potentials of more than 60 mV or RIn 60 M were We calculated the probability of triggering persistent firing by exam- excluded. Persistent firing was evoked in most experiments in this study ining three to five consecutive responses to standard 2 s duration depo- using a standardized protocol described in the study by Yoshida and larizing conditioning steps (1–2 min between trials; persistent firing was Hasselmo (2009) (2 s duration depolarizing step that generated ϳ10 Hz terminated by manually hyperpolarizing the bias current—moving the continuous firing from Ϫ70 mV). While several recent studies (Dem- membrane potential to less than Ϫ80 mV and then gradually reducing brow et al., 2010; Groh et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2015) have identified the bias current to restore the standard Ϫ70 mV holding potential). subtypes of L5 regular spiking pyramidal cells, prefrontal cortex-based Except for experiments designed to measure dynamic changes in RIn,we axonal targets, and intrinsic properties, we are not aware of any compa- determined whether the neuron continued to fire for at least 5 s following rable analysis performed in temporal association cortex. From their pro- the offset of the depolarizing conditioning step to assess whether persis- nounced spike frequency adaptation, both the TeA and mPFC cells tent firing occurred. Summary persistent firing probabilities presented in included in our study resemble more closely the commissural-projecting the figures (see Fig. 2E) reflect the average of the probabilities computed subtype L5 pyramidal cells more than the corticopontine projection cells from each neuron tested. Membrane potential sag ratios were assessed (Dembrow et al., 2010; Dembrow and Johnston, 2014). from responses to 2 s duration current steps that evoked ϳ20 mV hyper- Except for experiments using intracellularly applied E-4031, all drugs polarization from a Ϫ60 mV holding potential. Sag ratio was computed were applied by switching the bath perfusion reservoir. Unless specified, by dividing the estimated RIn at the end of the step from the RIn estimated all drugs were purchased from Tocris Bioscience. Drugs used included 50 ms following step onset. The action potential threshold was calculated the following: carbamoylcholine chloride [CCh ()] used at 2 as the voltage at which the rate of voltage change over time (dV/dt) was ␮M (10 ␮M in one experiment) with 10 mM stock solutions of CCh in Ͼ10% of maximum dV/dt during the rising phase of the AP. The AP water were prepared each day; gabazine (SR 95531, used at 10 ␮M); half-width was calculated from the duration at the voltage halfway be- 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfonyl-benzo[f]quinoxaline (NBQX; used at tween AP threshold and AP peak. We the calculated I–V relationships 10 ␮M); 4-aminopyridine (4-AP; used at 100 ␮M and purchased from shown in Figure 8 using current-clamp recordings by determining the Sigma-Aldrich); (TEA; used at 1 mM and pur- injected current required to reach each membrane potential during ramp chased from Sigma-Aldrich); ZD7288 (used at 10 ␮M); (20 stimuli acquired in control and experimental conditions. Data presented ␮M); D-APV (used at 10 ␮M); N-(3,4-difluorophenyl)-NЈ-(3-methyl-1- represent the difference in estimated whole-cell current between the ex- phenyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)urea (ML297 used at 0.67 ␮M); terfenadine perimental and control conditions at each voltage. (Terf; used at 10 ␮M); E-4031 dihydrochloride (used at 10 ␮M); fexofe- Voltage-clamp analysis of ERG current (see Figs. 4, 8F) used a modi- ϩ ϩ nadine (used 30 ␮M); dihydrochloride (used at 30 ␮M); fied ACSF with higher [K ] (10 mM, replacing equimolar Na ; Sturm et ϩ XE991 (used at 10 ␮M); pirenzepine dihydrochloride (used at 10 ␮M); al., 2005) and a set of pharmacological blockers to attenuate other K and ErgToxin-1 (used at 50 nM) was purchased from Alomone Labs and currents in cortical pyramidal cells. This drug cocktail included 1 mM dissolved in ACSF. TEA, 100 ␮M 4-AP, 10 ␮M ZD7288 (to block hyperpolarization-activated ␮ ␮ Experimental design and statistical analysis. We estimated input resis- current [IH]), 10 M XE991 (to block IM), and 1 M (TTX). tance under both static and time-varying conditions. For static tests, (XE991 was not included in the experiment shown in Fig. 4A.) ERG- which were performed when we were able to hold the membrane at a related tail currents were assayed using the protocol in Figure 4B except in the experiments shown in Figure 4E–G where the tail step potential constant potential for extended periods, we estimated RIn from the max- imal voltage deflection elicited by a standard (typically Ϫ50 pA for 2 s) was varied. We quantified the ERG-related tail current by subtracting steady state (the mean current from 1750 to 2000 ms within the tail response) from injected current step. To estimate RIn changes underlying persistent ac- tivity (see Fig. 6B,C), we hyperpolarized the membrane potential 500 ms the mean current measured between 25 and 30 ms (slightly delayed from the following the offset of a depolarizing step to abolish persistent firing and tail step onset to attenuate contributions from the capacitive transient). Half- then injected a series of small hyperpolarizing test pulses (Ϫ50 pA, 300 maximal activation voltages were estimated by fitting to the Boltzmann equation. Series resistance was compensated by 80% (using 10 ␮s lag) in ms duration) to assay input resistance every 600 ms. By delaying the RIn assay procedure by 500 ms, we could ensure that the depolarizing step voltage-clamp recording experiments. We monitored access resistance con- was effective in triggering persistent activity since in all experiments the first tinuously through each experiment by analyzing transient responses to weak poststep AP was elicited within 500 ms. We then used a two-stage correction hyperpolarizing steps. We excluded experiments with initial access resis- process to account for the effect of the changing membrane potential during tances Ͼ5M⍀ or if the access resistance increased by Ͼ1M⍀ during the the ADP and the voltage dependence of input resistance in neocortical experiment. The average access resistance in the voltage-clamp experiments pyramidal cells (McCormick and Prince, 1985). First, we detrended each presented in this study was 4.05 Ϯ 0.12 M⍀. response to the 300 ms hyperpolarizing pulses by subtracting the regres- Data were expressed as the mean Ϯ SEM. Significance level with p Ͻ sion line fit between the mean potential during 10 ms periods acquired 0.05 was used. Multiple comparisons using t tests were Bonferroni cor- immediately before and 290 ms following each step. We then calculated a rected; comparisons among large groups of data (Ͼ5) were based on the raw input resistance estimate from the voltage deflection elicited by each Tukey’s HSD test. We used the Fisher’s exact test for comparisons of step calculated from the mean potential during the final 50 ms of the binary proportions. We indicate the statistical test that was used within the figure legends. We also conducted an additional analysis of compar- detrended step response. Finally, we compared this RIn estimate to cali- isons that did not appear to be statistically significant to verify that the bration RIn measurements acquired in interleaved trials where RIn was measured under static conditions. We used linear regression fits of this specific N values included in the experiment were sufficient to reach a calibration data to determine the expected input resistance at any arbi- power of at least 0.8. Data analysis used custom programs written in trary voltage within the calibrated range (Ϫ75 to Ϫ60 mV; R 2 ϭ 0.76 Ϯ Python 3.6 and Matlab 2015b. Statistical tests were performed in Python Ϯ and R. 0.029 for RIn estimates in ACSF and 0.83 0.063 in CCh). Our final “corrected” delta input resistance measurement reflected the difference Results between the measured RIn and the expected RIn at that particular mem- brane potential. For example, in one experiment the static input resis- As reported by others [Egorov et al., 2002 (entorhinal cortical tance recorded at Ϫ70 mV was 100 M⍀, which increased to 110 M⍀ at a neurons); Rahman and Berger, 2011 (neocortical neurons)], the Ϫ65 mV holding potential. If the peak ADP response occurred at Ϫ65 activation of muscarinic receptors attenuated the hyperpolariz- ⍀ mV in that cell, generating a detrended RIn estimate of 150 M , we would ing afterpotential that normally follows a burst of APs and re- 426 • J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing vealed an ADP that can trigger persistent A firing (Fig. 1A). Throughout this study, 8.8 Hz 13.3 Hz 13.0 Hz 4.2 Hz 3.9 Hz we refer to the depolarizing current injec- ACSF tion that initiates the persistent firing as the “conditioning” step to differentiate it from other current stimuli used to mea- 20 mV sure input resistance and to assay intrinsic 2s excitability in experiments described be- low. In addition to enabling persistent fir- -71 ing, the cholinergic receptor CCh 400 pA CCh + ML297 (10’) CCh + ML297 (50’) (2 ␮M) depolarized pyramidal cells and triggered spontaneous firing by itself in most cells within 20–30 min. To compen- CCh + ML297 B C n.s. sate for this second effect of CCh, we in- 1.0 *** cluded a low concentration (0.67 ␮M)of b

o the GIRK channel activator ML297 in a r 0.8 0.87 0.86 subset of experiments. (Drugs used in each P


n experiment are specified in the related figure -64 i

r 0.6 legend.) At this concentration, the tonic i

F hyperpolarization produced by ML297 t +Pir n 0.4


compensated for the depolarizing effect of t

s CCh, leading to relatively stable mem- 20 mV i s 0.2 brane potential while retaining the ability 2s r e (5) (3) -66 of CCh to enable persistent firing in re- P 00(9) (9) 0 sponse to depolarizing current steps over ACSF CCh CCh 300 pA CCh multiple trials (Fig. 1A). As reported by ML297 ML297 others (Egorov et al., 2002; Gulledge et al., Pir 2009), the ability of cholinergic receptor agonists to facilitate persistent firing re- D 0.2 mM EGTA (40 min) E F n.s. sponses to depolarizing stimuli was largely 1.0 *** 40 mediated by actions of the m1 subclass of b

o muscarinic receptors. In our experiments, r 0.8

s P 0.84 30 32.1 33.2


the m1 pirenzepine g

A -65 n abolished persistent firing responses (Fig. i

r 0.6




1B,C). The effectiveness of standard de- F t 20

t polarizing step responses (2 s duration S 10 mM BAPTA n 0.4

ϳ Ϫ e

m triggering firing at 8–12 Hz from 70 (40 min) t


u mV) was similar in CCh and CCh ϩ 20 mV i 10

s 0.2 N 1s r 0.08

ML297 (Fig. 1C). Persistent firing re- -65 e

P (9) (6) (9) (6) sponses did not occur in control ACSF so- 0 0 lution (0 of 5 experiments interleaved 150 pA CCh 0.2 mM 10 mM 0.2 mM 10 mM with CCh experiments where persistent EGTA BAPTA EGTA BAPTA firing was reliably evoked) and never oc- curred when ML297 was presented with- Figure 1. Cholinergic receptor activation enables persistent firing following depolarizing stimuli A, Bath application of 2 ␮M CCh (blue traces) reveals persistent spiking following depolarizing steps in L5 pyramidal cells from rat TeA neocortex. Firing rates out CCh (0 of 8 cells). Ͼ Persistent firing in L5 neocortical neu- during the step response and during the poststep persistent spiking period were stable 45 min (the right panel acquired following 50 min exposure to CCh; firing rates indicated above traces). The GIRK activator ML297 (0.67 ␮M) was included in the rons following cholinergic stimulation bath solution to compensate for the tendency of CCh to depolarize pyramidal cells (for details, see Materials and Methods). required an increase in intracellular cal- B, Blockade of persistent firing by 10 ␮M pirenzepine (Pir). C, Summary of the probability of triggering persistent firing in ACSF, cium. We rarely observed persistent firing CCh, CCh ϩ ML297, and Pir (and CCh ϩ ML297). ***p ϭ 6.49E-05, T ϭ 7.62, df ϭ 9, two-sample t test; n.s., p ϭ 1.00, T ϭ following depolarizing test stimuli when 0.0879, df ϭ 15, two-sample t test. Group means and N values are indicated inside each bar. D, Persistent firing in response to 2ϩ the intracellular Ca concentration was depolarizingstepstimulicouldbeevokedusinganinternalsolutioncontaining0.2mM EGTA(withCChϩML297,toptrace)butnot strongly buffered using 10 mM BAPTA withaninternalsolutioncontaining10mM BAPTA(bottomtrace).E,Summaryplotoftheprobabilityoftriggeringpersistentfiring (8% of experiments; Fig. 1D–F). In paral- in 0.2 mM EGTA and 10 mM BAPTA. ***p ϭ 2.36E-06, T ϭ 7.96, df ϭ 13, two-sample t test. F, Plot of the number of APs evoked lel experiments in which the time since by the depolarizing step in EGTA- and BAPTA-based internal solution. n.s., p ϭ 0.862, T ϭϪ0.178, df ϭ 13, two-sample t test. breakthrough to whole-cell recording mode was similar (40 min), we were able to evoke persistent firing autonomous processes since this response could be evoked fol- in Ͼ80% of experiments using our standard internal solution lowing blockade of ionotropic glutamate and GABA receptors ␮ ␮ ␮ ϭ that contained 0.2 mM EGTA (Fig. 1D). The spiking response to with NBQX (10 M), APV (25 M), and gabazine (10 M; N 3 the conditioning depolarizing step was similar in both recording experiments; data not shown). conditions (Fig. 1F). These results suggest that persistent firing is triggered by an increase in intracellular Ca 2ϩ and are consistent ERG channel blockers abolish persistent firing with previous work testing Ca 2ϩ chelators in neocortical neurons While previous reports (Winograd et al., 2008; Rahman and (Rahman and Berger, 2011). Persistent firing also reflected cell- Berger, 2011; Knauer et al., 2013; Yamada-Hanff and Bean, 2013) Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 • 427 have suggested multiple potential biophysical channels that could ERG-mediated responses in L5 pyramidal cells contribute to the increased excitability responsible for persistent The ability of three different ERG channel blockers to abolish ϩ firing in a variety of cortical pyramidal cells, the underlying persistent firing suggests that this subtype of K channel may mechanism has not been clearly demonstrated. A common ex- play a critical role in regulating excitability in pyramidal cells. To planation for increased excitability associated with an increase in our knowledge, there are no published reports addressing prop- input resistance is a reduction in a subpopulation of K ϩ channels erties of ERG currents in neocortical neurons. We tested the role that are open near the resting membrane potential (McCormick of ERG currents in these neurons by using a set of previously and Prince, 1986; Greene et al., 1994). As part of a survey of established tests of ERG channel function (Hardman and For- potential leak K ϩ channel mechanisms, we found that three chem- sythe, 2009; Ji et al., 2012; Niculescu et al., 2013). First, we found ically diverse ERG (comprising Kv11/KCNH2 channels; Shepard that blockade of ERG channels with Terf increased the number of et al., 2007; Atalar et al., 2010) channel antagonists abolished spikes evoked by a standard depolarizing step when tested in persistent firing in L5 neocortical pyramidal cells. ERG currents control ACSF (Fig. 3A). Over 14 similar experiments, attenuation help set the resting membrane potential in many CNS cells (Sacco of ERG currents with Terf increased the number of spikes evoked et al., 2003; Hardman and Forsythe, 2009; Fano et al., 2012; Ji et by 2 s depolarizing steps by 23.5% (Fig. 3B). The increased excit- ability generated by Terf likely reflected a reduction in the resting al., 2012) and ERG1 and ERG3 subunits are expressed at high ϩ levels in neocortical neurons (Saganich et al., 2001). (leak) K conductance mediated by ERG channels since Terf Terfenadine (10 ␮M), a histamine H1 receptor antagonist that increased the apparent input resistance by 21.1% in L5 pyramidal Ϫ also commonly is used to attenuate ERG currents (Wible et al., cells maintained at 70 mV (via adjusting the bias current in- 2005; Hill et al., 2007) eliminated persistent firing evoked by jected; Fig. 3C). In separate experiments where the membrane depolarizing step stimuli (5 of 5 experiments in CCh ϩ ML297 potential was not manually clamped, Terf depolarized L5 pyra- ϳ and 6 of 6 experiments in CCh alone; Fig. 2A; tested at Ϫ70 mV in midal cells by 10 mV (Fig. 3D), consistent with a reduction in a all experiments). This effect of Terf appeared to be independent tonically open ERG channels. Activation of muscarinic receptors did not occlude the ability of Terf to attenuate a component of the of its action on histamine receptors since another H1 receptor- ϩ specific antagonist that is structurally similar to Terf (fexofena- leak K current since Terf was still able to depolarize pyramidal dine; Scherer et al., 2002) had no effect on persistent firing even cells (Fig. 3E) and increased apparent input resistance (Fig. 3F) even in the presence of 2 ␮M CCh. With cholinergic receptor when tested at a three times higher concentration (30 ␮M; N ϭ 3 stimulation via CCh, Terf was able to depolarize L5 pyramidal experiments). Terfenadine also did not appear to abolish persis- cells sufficiently to induce spontaneous firing (Fig. 3E, orange tent firing by attenuating the depolarizing stimulus since there trace), demonstrating that a reduction in the steady-state ERG was no significant reduction in the number of spikes evoked by current is sufficient to induce persistent firing. the depolarizing step in CCh (22.8 Ϯ 1.4 vs 23.0 Ϯ 1.4 spikes in ERG current functions to help repolarize APs in cardiac cells, Terf; p ϭ 0.945; paired t test; N ϭ 10 experiments). Terfenadine where Ether-a-go-go-Related Gene channels are most frequently also abolished persistent firing evoked in higher concentrations studied (Vandenberg et al., 2004). ERG currents appear to play a of CCh (10 ␮M; N ϭ 1) without decreasing the number of APs similar role in neocortical neurons since Terf reduced the mem- triggered by the depolarizing step. brane potential repolarization following both subthreshold (Fig. While Terf required at least 20 min to block persistent firing in 3G, top) and suprathreshold depolarizing steps (Fig. 3G, bot- our experiments, this time course is consistent with the intracel- tom). In five pyramidal cells tested, Terf eliminated approxi- lular binding site on ERG channels for this antagonist (Spector et mately one-third of the repolarization following both types of al., 1996; Kamiya et al., 2006). ErgToxin1, by contrast, blocked steps (Fig. 3H, repolarization measured relative to the prestep Ͻ persistent firing in 20 min (Fig. 2B; 4 of 4 experiments). This membrane potential). These results suggest that neocortical py- ERG-specific peptide toxin produced endogenously by scorpions ramidal cells express ERG channels that are tonically active near binds to extracellular sites on ERG channel subunits (Pardo- the normal resting potential, which function both to dampen Lo´pez et al., 2002; Milnes et al., 2003; Vandenberg et al., 2004; excitability in response to depolarizing stimuli and to enhance Chtcheglova et al., 2008), accounting for the more rapid time the poststimulus repolarization. course of blockade. We also tested a third ERG channel antago- Using previously established voltage-clamp recording proto- nist, E-4031, which binds to an intracellular domain on ERG cols for assaying ERG currents (Sacco et al., 2003; Hardman and channel subunits (Spector et al., 1996; Kamiya et al., 2006; Hard- Forsythe, 2009; Niculescu et al., 2013), Terf selectively attenuated man and Forsythe, 2009). This compound was effective when a late-developing, voltage-sensitive outward current (Fig. 4A). applied both in the extracellular bathing media (Fig. 2C;5of5 We analyzed the voltage dependence and kinetics of ERG cur- experiments) and rapidly blocked persistent firing when we re- rents using tail current protocols developed in these previous corded from L5 pyramidal cells using an internal solution con- studies with slightly elevated extracellular [K ϩ] and a series of taining 10 ␮M E-4031 (Fig. 2D; 5 of 5 experiments). The ability of pharmacological blockers to attenuate other K ϩ currents active ERG channel blockers to abolish persistent firing was unlikely to at similar membrane potentials. Under these conditions, Terf be attributable to run-down in these experiments because Terf typically blocked almost all of the tail current responses evoked abolished persistent firing within the 20–30 min time frame by steps from Ϫ90 to Ϫ10 mV (Fig. 4B). Both the peak steady- when persistent firing could be reliably evoked in interleaved state Terf-sensitive outward current and the maximal tail current control experiments (Fig. 2E). Terfenadine also abolished persis- amplitude increased with larger amplitude depolarizing steps as tent firing evoked by extracellular synaptic stimulation and as- expected for ERG currents. When assayed using steps from Ϫ50 sayed through cell-attached recordings from L5 pyramidal cells mV, Terf blocked 79% of the tail current recorded under our

(Fig. 2F), demonstrating that ERG channel antagonists were ef- experimental conditions (including IM and IH blockers; Fig. 4C). fective under relatively physiological conditions that that did not We obtained estimates of the voltage required to elicit the half- involve a whole-cell recording configuration. maximal ERG current analyzing Terf-sensitive difference cur- 428 • J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing

A CCh 3.6 Hz CCh 4.3 Hz + Terf (22’) + Terf (32’) + Terf (33’)

20 mV 1 s


200 pA

B CCh + ErgToxin1 C CCh + E-4031 (extracell)

20 mV 20 mV 2 s 2 s

-69 -71 200 pA 300 pA

D E-4031 (intracell 6’) E-4031 (8’) E-4031 (10’) E-4031 (12’) E-4031 (14’) 4.1 Hz 6.9 Hz 6.4 Hz

20 mV 2 s


300 pA

E CCh +Terf CCh CCh F n.s. CCh + ML297 + Terf (13’) 1.0 ** 1.0

b 1.00


r 0.91 0.87 0.86 P 0.8 0.8 20 pA


n i 0.6 2 s r 0.6



t 20 mV n 0.4 0.4


t 0.13 1 s


i -66 0.2 0.2 s 200 pA r L3 Stim e (5) 0.00 (8) ** ** (following break-through) P 0.0 0.0 CCh +Terf +Terf CCh CCh CCh (20’) (40’) (+ 20’) (+ 40’)

Figure 2. ERG blockers abolish persistent firing in neocortical neurons. A, Terf (10 ␮M; orange traces) abolished persistent firing evoked by depolarizing steps in CCh ϩ ML297. Terfenadine exposuretimeareindicatedaboveeachtrace.B,ThepeptideERGchannelblockerErgToxin1(50nM)alsoabolishedpersistentfiring.C,ExtracellularapplicationofE-4031(10␮M)blockedpersistent firing recorded under the same conditions as in A and B. D, Intracellular perfusion with E-4031 (10 ␮M) abolished persistent firing within 12 min. Persistent firing continued to be evoked by test stimuli in interleaved control experiments without intracellular E-4031 for Ͼ40 min (N ϭ 6). E, Left, Plot of the probability of evoking persistent firing Ͼ10 s before and after exposure to terfenadine. At 20 min: **p ϭ 0.0029, T ϭ 6.50, df ϭ 4, paired t test; at 40 min: p ϭ 0.0079, Fisher’s exact test. Right, Persistent activity could be stably evoked in parallel experiments extending through the same duration without Terf (0 min vs 20 min: p ϭ 0.44; 20 min vs 40 min: p ϭ 0.98; 0 min vs 40 min: p ϭ 0.39, Tukey’s HSD test for multiple comparison). F, Terfenadine abolished persistentfiringassayedinacell-attachedrecordingfromanL5neocorticalneuron.ResponsetriggeredbytwoextracellularstimuliinL3(asterisks).Terfenadineabolishedthesynapticallytriggered persistent firing (orange trace). Intracellular recordings from the same neuron following a breakthrough to whole-cell mode demonstrated physiological normal step responses after synaptically evoked persistent firing was abolished (inset). rents evoked by steps from Ϫ90 to Ϫ10 mV (Ϫ47.7 mV; Fig. 4D, recordings was Ϫ37 mV. This estimate falls between the pre- orange symbols and Boltzmann fit) and also applying the same viously reported V1/2 estimates for the two ERG subunits ex- methods to the control traces (without subtracting Terf re- pressed in neocortical neurons (ERG1, Ϫ23.0 mV; ERG3, sponses, Ϫ48.1 mV; Fig. 4D, black curve). After correcting for the Ϫ45.1 mV; Papa et al., 2003; Sturm et al., 2005; Gustina and 10.7 mV liquid junction potential using ACSF containing 10 mM Trudeau, 2013), raising the possibility that L5 pyramidal cells ϩ [K ], the V1/2 for neocortical ERG current estimated from our express heteromultimers containing both ERG1 and ERG3. Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 • 429

A B *** C -71 5mV D ACSF (14 APs) 25 ACSF −55 200 ms Terfenadine Terf 23.1 50 pA ) 20 V −60

m 18.7 160 (




o e 15 ***


P -70 i 120 −65 Terf (19 APs) p

e M 120






r i 99.1 m 10


u R 80 −70





e 20 mV t


M 5 t 40 (N=3 expts)

S −75 -70 (14) 300 pA (14) −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 500 ms 0 0 ACSF Terf ACSF Terf Time (min)

E F G H ACSF 5mV Terf Subthresh Suprathresh -70 CCh 200 ms ACSFTerf ACSF Terf + Terf 0 +Terf ACSF 5mV (5) (5)

-70 200 ms ) -1.6 160 Subthresh V

** Terf m ( −2

* n -2.8



120 i

t m 125 5mV




( 112

z 2 ACSF 500 ms i -4.1

r n −4 i **


80 l



c 72.5






t -62 40 R S -69 Terf −6 -6.5 -73 Suprathresh CCh (6) 0 500 ms ACSF CCh + Terf 250 pA ** ACSF

Figure3. ERG-mediatedresponsesinneocorticalpyramidalcells.A,Terfenadineincreasesthenumberofspikesevokedbydepolarizingcurrentstimuli(comparisonfromACSFtoTerf).B,Plotof results from 14 experiments similar to A. ***p ϭ 2.93E-04, T ϭ 4.89, df ϭ 13, paired t test. C, Terfenadine increases input resistance assayed from similar reference membrane potentials (approximatelyϪ70mV).***pϭ1.50E-04,Tϭ5.28,dfϭ13,pairedttest.D,PlotofmeanmembranedepolarizationevokedbyTerfinthreepyramidalcells.E,Followingcholinergicstimulation with CCh (blue trace), the same concentration of Terf elicited spontaneous firing (orange trace). F, Plot of input resistance assayed at Ϫ70 mV in ACSF, following CCh and with CCh ϩ Terf. *p ϭ 0.027, T ϭ 3.74, df ϭ 5; **p ϭ 0.0058, T ϭ 5.4253, df ϭ 5, paired t test. G, Terfenadine attenuates poststep repolarization to both subthreshold (top) and suprathreshold (bottom) responses to depolarizingsteps.Enlargementsofrepolarizationshownontheright.H,Plotoftheattenuationofthepoststeprepolarization.Subthreshold:**pϭ0.00787,Tϭ4.93,dfϭ4;**Suprathreshold: p ϭ 0.00167, T ϭ 7.53, df ϭ 4. Both paired t tests.

We confirmed that ERG current is active near the resting po- active at subthreshold membrane potentials in CNS neurons tential of L5 neurons by comparing the magnitude of tail current [ϳ20 ms decay ␶ at Ϫ100 mV (equivalent to our uncorrected responses following steps to Ϫ70 mV versus maintaining a Ϫ90 Ϫ110 mV membrane potential) and 125–140 ms decay ␶ at Ϫ40 mV holding potential. Both the tail current recorded under con- mV; Wang et al., 1998; Prole et al., 2003; Pattnaik and Hughes, trol conditions and Terf-sensitive tail currents were significantly 2012]. larger following steps to Ϫ70 than to Ϫ90 mV (control ACSF: p ϭ Neocortical pyramidal cells express a wide variety of K ϩ chan- 2.72 ϫ 10 Ϫ4,Tϭ 7.59, df ϭ 6; Terf-sensitive: p ϭ 0.0016, T ϭ nels, which also could affect excitability following depolarizing

5.43; both paired t tests). Consistent with previous voltage-clamp conditioning steps in CCh. IH often triggers rebound hyperexcit- studies of ERG current in other neurons (Hardman and Forsythe, ability (Robinson and Siegelbaum, 2003) and is expressed in L5

2009) and in expression systems (Wang et al., 1997; Zhou et al., pyramidal cells (Fig. 5A–C; Notomi and Shigemoto, 2004). IH 1998), we find relatively slow deactivation kinetics, especially therefore could potentially contribute to persistent activity. How- when assayed at moderately depolarizing potentials (approxi- ever, the selective IH blocker ZD7288 failed to abolish persistent mately Ϫ50 mV). While ERG-related tail currents relaxed with a firing in six of six cells tested (Fig. 5B) while consistently time course that was well fit by a single decaying exponential attenuating the membrane potential “sag” in responses to hy- ␶ ϭ Ϯ Ϫ ϭ function ( 236 28 ms at 110 mV, N 7 based on Terf- perpolarizing steps mediated by IH (Fig. 5C). In a separate set of subtracted responses), the decay kinetics of responses recorded at experiments, we were able to evoke typical persistent firing responses more depolarizing potentials (Ϫ50 mV) were more complex and from our standard depolarizing test responses in slices pretreated Ͼ ϩ did not recover completely until 1 s [observed in both Terf- with ZD7288 (Fig. 5D) or in the nonselective IH blocker Cs (10 ϭ sensitive tail currents (Fig. 4E) and in control responses recorded mM; N 3; data not shown), suggesting that modulation of IH in ACSF (Fig. 4F)]. Over seven experiments, empirical estimates was not responsible for persistent firing in L5 neurons. Even with of decay kinetics consistently demonstrated slower kinetics in tail IH blocked with ZD7288, Terf was still able to abolish persistent Ϫ ϭ ␮ current responses recorded at 50 mV than those recorded at firing (Fig. 5D; N 4). The selective IM blockers XE991 (10 M; Ϫ110 mV (decay time to 1–1/e: 351 Ϯ 25 vs 167 Ϯ 24 ms, Fig. 4G; Wang et al., 1998; Fig. 5E) and linopirdine (30 ␮M; Schnee and percentage of initial tail current remaining after 300 ms: 38.7 Ϯ Brown, 1998; Fig. 5F) also failed to abolish persistent firing in 1.7% vs 20.8 Ϯ 2.5%; p ϭ 0.0015, T ϭ 5.48, df ϭ 6). The relatively four of four cells tested independently. We verified that pharma- slow kinetics of ERG currents we and other investigators are cological M current attenuation was effective by determining that markedly slower that observed for IM, another intrinsic current the number of APs evoked by the depolarizing step was increased 430 • J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing by treatment, both under control condi- A Terf-sensitive B tions (Fig. 5F) and in CCh (Fig. 5G). The -10 dihydropyridine Ca 2ϩ channel antagonist nimodipine also did not prevent persis- 100 pA tent firing (N ϭ 6; 20 ␮M), suggesting that -90 1s persistent firing did not result from an in- -110 ϩ 2ϩ teraction between K and L-type Ca Control channels. Control

Transient increase in input resistance + Terf 1nA associated with persistent activity 100 pA 200 ms The results presented thus far suggest that 0 the hyperexcitability underlying persis- -80 Terf -120 tent activity could reflect a transient atten- 1s uation in the component of the leak K ϩ current mediated by ERG channels. We C D 1 next tested this hypothesis by assaying the *** Control

) change in intrinsic properties immedi- 0.5 . Terf-sensitive





ately following depolarizing step stimuli. o


0.4 n



When assayed using brief depolarizing o



n ( 0.5 steps, the depolarizing conditioning step 0.3 e





u converted just subthreshold responses e


C r 0.2



into suprathreshold responses (Fig. 6A), i




l which is consistent with either an increase i 0.1 (N=7 cells)

a in inward current (e.g., ICAN) or a reduc- T Step to -50 mV 0 tion in a leak K ϩ current like ERG. We 0 assayed input resistance using trains of Control Terf -80 -60 -40 -20 Step Pot. (mV) brief (300 ms) hyperpolarizing current pulses to discriminate between these pos- 250 pA sibilities. In these experiments, we in- F -50 E 500 ms jected a steady hyperpolarizing current -10 starting 0.5 s after the offset of the condi- tioning depolarizing step to prevent con- -50 -110 tinuous persistent firing; the train of -90 hyperpolarizing test pulses was applied on 1s -110 ** G 500


top of this steady hyperpolarization (Fig. -50 s

m 400 6B). By delaying the steady hyperpolariza- (

Terf-sensitive e tion by 0.5 s, we could verify that the con- 300


i ditioning step stimulus was effective in t y 200

a initiating persistent firing (see example c

e 100 200 pA trace in Fig. 6B with a single spike follow- D ing the conditioning step). 500 ms 0 -110 -110 -50 Simply assaying RIn based on the mem- Tail step pot. (mV) brane potential change elicited by hyper- polarizing current pulses following the Figure4. Voltage-clampanalysisofERGcurrentsinneocorticalpyramidalcells.A,IsolationofTerf-sensitivecurrentinresponse conditioning step suggested that the input to steps to 0 mV. Raw responses (not leak subtracted; shown in middle); the top trace represents subtraction of the Terf response ϩ resistance increased by ϳ34 M⍀ during from the control response shown below. Responses acquired with external K increased from 3 to 10 mM. B, Terfenadine blocked the ADP (from 130 Ϯ 25.6 to 164 Ϯ 30.3 most of the tail current response assayed in steps from Ϫ90 to Ϫ10 mV [responses acquired in Terf (orange traces) shown below Ϫ M⍀; p ϭ 4 ϫ 10 4,Tϭ 8.32, df ϭ 5; control responses (black traces)]. ERG responses were recorded in 1 ␮M TTX, 1 mM TEA, 100 ␮M 4-AP, 10 ␮M ZD7288, and 10 ␮M paired t test; N ϭ 6). This estimate, how- XE991 (and in subsequent panels). C, Estimation of voltage required for half-maximal Erg current activation (V1/2). Each orange Ϯ ever, is subject to several potential arti- symbol represents the mean SEM from 7 experiments in which responses in Terf were subtracted from control responses. The V estimated from Terf-sensitive tail currents (Ϫ48.1 mV, slope ϭ 7.9, orange curve) was similar to the V estimated from tail facts. First, the membrane potential is 1/2 1/2 currentresponsesundercontrolconditions(withoutsubtractresponsesinTerf;Ϫ47.7mV;slopeϭ7.2;blackcurve).D,Plotofthe continuously hyperpolarizing following reduction in ERG tail current by Terf; **p ϭ 4.66 ϫ 10 Ϫ4,Tϭ 6.877, df ϭ 6. Results plotted reflect ERG current evoked by the conditioning step, especially during depolarizing steps to Ϫ50 mV normalized to the maximal ERG current elicited by steps to Ϫ10 mV, but a similar reduction (by Ϫ5 first few RIn test pulses. We corrected for 68%) also was evident following the raw tail current without normalization (p ϭ 3.59 ϫ 10 ,Tϭ 10.87). Access resistance this effect by detrending the membrane changedbyϽ15%duringTerfexposure.E,VoltagesensitivityofERGtailcurrents.Toptracesillustratethevoltage-clampprotocol; potential before calculating the voltage green area represents response time period shown in orange Terf-sensitive (Terf Ϫ control) traces below. Arrows indicate decay deflection elicited by each test pulse (for time estimates (time required for ERG tail current to decline to 1–1/e). F, Slower, nonexponential decay kinetics of ERG currents details, see Materials and Methods). The assayed at Ϫ50 vs Ϫ110 mV also were apparent in raw control traces (before Terf was applied). G, Plot of ERG current decay time second complication is that input resis- (time to 1–1/e) in tail current responses recorded at Ϫ50 and Ϫ110 mV in control conditions; ***p ϭ 0.0015, T ϭ 5.483, df ϭ Ϫ Ϫ ϭ ϫ tance in L5 pyramidal cells varies depend- 6. Similar results observed when analyzing Terf-sensitive tail currents; 244.9 ms ( 110) vs 334.2 ms ( 50 mV), p 4.75 Ϫ4 ϭ ing on the membrane potential, with 10 ,T 6.854. higher RIn estimates at more depolarized Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 • 431

A B C -61 + ZD7288 −65 ZD7288

) 10 mV 1.25 * V 500 ms m CCh ( 1.19

. −70 t 100 pA






a e −75

CCh R n + ZD7288 1.00


g 0.99





m −80


M TTX (N = 4) −85 20 mV (5) -64 -67 0.75 1s CCh + ZD7288 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 200 pA Time (min) D E CCh + ZD7288 + Terf CCh + XE991


20 mV m

0 1s 2

-65 -67 200 pA 300 pA 2s

F G H * CCh + Linopirdine ** 30 30 26.7

s 28.5 s 23.5

e e 20



i 20 i



S 17.9 S






u 10


2 10

N -64 N 2s 300 pA (5) (5) (3) (3) 0 0 ACSF +Lino CCh +Lino

␮ Ϯ Figure 5. IH and IM currents are not required for persistent firing. A, Bath application of the specific IH blocker ZD7288 (10 M) hyperpolarized L5 pyramidal cells. Symbols represent the mean SEM. B, Blockade of IH by ZD7288 eliminated the membrane potential sag evident in responses to hyperpolarizing current steps (top) but did not abolish persistent firing evoked by a depolarizing step (bottom, both representative of 5 of 5 cells tested). C, ZD7288 significantly reduced sag ratio. *p ϭ 0.0257, T ϭ 3.464, df ϭ 4, paired t test; for details of sag ratio analysis, see Materials and ϭ Methods). ZD7288 did not block persistent firing in 5 of 5 cells tested (n.s., p 1.00, Fisher’s exact test). D, Blockade of IH by ZD7288 did not occlude the ability of Terf to abolish persistent firing ␮ ϩ ␮ (representative of 4 of 4 experiments). E, Attenuation of IM current with XE991 (10 M) did not occlude persistent firing in CCh. F, Linopirdine (30 M), another M current blocker, also failed to abolish persistent firing. G, Plot of the increase in number of spikes evoked during the depolarizing step before and after ϩ Linopirdine. **p ϭ 0.0087, T ϭ 4.797, df ϭ 4. H, Plot of the increase in number of spikes with linopridine following CCh treatment. *p ϭ 0.020, T ϭ 7.024, df ϭ 2. Both paired t tests. membrane potentials. To compensate for this effect, we deter- 6C, orange trace). We found similar results in three experiments mined the RIn vs. membrane potential relationship over the rel- using ErgToxin1 where most of the increase in RIn was eliminated evant voltage range in each neuron (and in each drug condition; after ERG channels were blocked. Figure 6D summarizes the re-

Fig. 6C, inset) and present our results as changes in RIn following duction in elevation in apparent RIn values in separate sets of the conditioning step relative to the steady-state RIn measured at experiments with Terf and ErgToxin1. We also repeated the same that particular membrane potential before the conditioning step. procedure in five neurons recorded with the intracellular ERG Following these two correction procedures, we still find a large E-4031 added to the internal solution and ⍀ ϳ ⍀ (35–38 M ) increase in input resistance following the condition- observed only a small ( 4M ) increase in apparent RIn. The ing step that decays with a time constant of 4.3 s (Fig. 6C, blue modest residual increase in apparent RIn following ERG channel trace). (The similarity between RIn estimates with and without blockade was similar to (or less than) the peak RIn increase ob- correction procedures reflects the opposing effects of the two served when intracellular Ca 2ϩ was strongly buffered with a types of artifacts when using hyperpolarizing test pulses.) During BAPTA-containing internal solution (Fig. 6D, green bar). ϩ the same time period, we find no change in apparent RIn follow- Neocortical pyramidal cells express large subthreshold Na ing conditioning depolarizing step responses in control ACSF currents that can contribute to persistent firing (Yamada-Hanff

(Fig. 6C, black trace). and Bean, 2013; Crill, 1996) and can influence RIn estimates. To In CCh, the ERG channel blocker Terf attenuated most of the determine whether the effects of ERG blockers were independent ϩ increase in input resistance following the conditioning step (Fig. of voltage-gated Na channels, we applied TTX (1 ␮M) along 432 • J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing

A with 4-AP and CCh to increase excitabil- ity. In this drug combination, depolariz- ing conditioning steps reliably triggered a 20 mV series of Ca 2ϩ-mediated spikes (Fig. 7A). 1s At similar membrane potentials used throughout this study (approximately Ϫ70 mV), conditioning steps that evoked 2ϩ -80 CCh repeated Ca spikes triggered persistent 2ϩ 100 pA firing (spontaneous Ca spikes follow- ing of the offset of the depolarizing cur- rent injection), which were abolished by Pre-step Post-step Terf (Fig. 7B,C). Even with voltage-gated Na ϩ channels blocked with TTX, Terf in- creased steady-state input resistance (Fig. 7D), which is consistent with a primary B action on ERG channels rather than indi- rectly affecting excitability via interac- 20 mV tions with Na ϩ channels. The effect of ϩ -65 Terf on persistent Ca 2 spiking did not reflect a diminished stimulus since there 1s 2ϩ -63 was no reduction in the number of Ca spikes evoked by the conditioning step 0.5 s delay CCh (Fig. 7E). In TTX and CCh, depolarizing 2s 200 pA conditioning steps still evoked a large transient increase in input resistance that Hyperpolarization was greatly attenuated by Terf (Fig. 7F,G). We found a similar effect of Terf in reducing the transient increase in input C 5s resistance assayed with trains of both pos- 50 220 100 pA (N=5 expts) itive and negative current test pulses (Fig. ) 180 40 7H), arguing that this experiment reflected


CCh ( 140 the underlying neuronal input resistance

n 30 i 100 rather than rectification properties of other R currents triggered by the conditioning step M 60 ( 20 −75 −70 −65 −60 −55 (Inoue and Isenberg, 1990a,b) or artifacts

n i CCh MP (mV) related to the detrending procedure we R 10 + Terf used. 0 Our results suggest that ERG channel ACSF blockers are effective in abolishing per- −10 sistent firing because the conditioning −5 0 5 10 15 20 depolarizing step functioned to reduce the Time (s) steady-state ERG current, leading to a transient hyperexcitable period following * D * the step. This hypothesis would explain 50 *** *** the Terf-sensitive increase in input re- * sistance following the conditioning step 40

M 37.6 (Figs. 6B,C, 7F–H) and the enhanced

( 30 34.9 responses to depolarizing test pulses in

n i Figure 6A. We next sought to test this hy-

R 20 11.3 pothesis by using a slow current-clamp

p 7.8 (5)

e ramp protocol (Fig. 8A–E) to reveal how t 10 CCh 3.8

s 11.3

- the I–V relationship was altered by the

t (5) (5) (5) (3) s 0 conditioning depolarizing step. In control o CCh CChCCh CCh CCh CCh -0.8 P +BAPTA +Terf +ErgTx +E4031 −10 ACSF 4

Figure 6. Time course of ERG-mediated change in input resistance. A, Demonstration of increased excitability following a T ϭ 6.23, df ϭ 11, two-sample t test; *CCh/BAPTA vs CCh: depolarizing conditioning step in CCh. Brief test pulses that were subthreshold before the conditioning step become suprathresh- p ϭ 0.0171, T ϭ 3.46, df ϭ 8, two sample t test; *CCh/ old following the step. Neuron maintained at Ϫ80 mV to prevent persistent firing between test pulses. B, Example response to a CChϩTerf: p ϭ 0.022, T ϭ 4.49, df ϭ 4, paired t test; *CCh/ train of hyperpolarizing test pulses used to assay input resistance. Additional continuous hyperpolarizing bias current was applied CChϩErgTx: p ϭ 0.029, T ϭ 5.79, df ϭ 2, paired t test; 500 ms following the offset of the depolarizing conditioning step. Without this bias current, the neuron fired persistently in ***CCh vs CCh/E4031: p ϭ 3.29E-04, T ϭ 5.58, df ϭ 11, responsetotheconditioningstep(inset).C,PlotofthechangeininputresistanceassayedbyhyperpolarizingpulsesinACSF(black two-sample t test. Two independent CCh datasets (N ϭ 3 and plot),CCh(blue),andCChϩTerf(orange).SeeMaterialsandMethodsfordetails.Insetshowsexampleinputresistancecalibration 5) were combined when computing two-sample t test response. D, Summary of change input resistance following the depolarizing conditioning step. ***ACSF/CCh: p ϭ 1.29E-04, statistics. Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 • 433

ϩ 2ϩ Figure 7. Terfenadine-sensitive persistent firing in the absence of voltage-gated Na channels. A,Ca spikes evoked by depolarizing steps following application of 1 ␮M TTX, 100 ␮M 4-AP, 2ϩ 2ϩ and 2 ␮M CCh. B, Terfenadine blocks persistent Ca spiking activity triggered by a depolarizing step. C, Plot of the probability of triggering persistent Ca spikes before and after Terf treatment. ***p ϭ 1.41E-06, T ϭ 15, df ϭ 7, paired t test. D, Plot of input resistance assayed using a single hyperpolarizing step in TTX ϩ 4-AP, following CCh treatment (blue) and following the subsequent addition of Terf (orange). Example step responses shown above plot. *TTX/CCh: p ϭ 0.0463, T ϭ 2.89, df ϭ 7; *CCh/CChϩTerf: p ϭ 0.0458, T ϭ 2.90, df ϭ 7; paired t test. E, Plot of the number ofCa 2ϩ spikesevokedbytheconditioningstepbeforeandafterTerf(pϭ0.36;pairedttest).F,TheunderlyingADPresponseinTTXϩ4-APϩCChisassociatedwithanincreaseininputresistance assayedusingtrainsofpositivecurrentpulses.TerfenadineattenuatesboththeADPandtherelatedincreaseininputresistance.ExampleRIn estimatesindicatedinFaredetrended.G,Summaryplot of the change in input resistance from 4 experiments similar to F using positive current test pulses. H, Summary of change in input resistance following conditioning depolarizing step using both trains of positive and negative current pulses. *Positive pulses: p ϭ 0.023, T ϭ 4.31, df ϭ 3; **negative pulses: p ϭ 0.015, T ϭ 5.12, df ϭ 3; paired t test.

ACSF, we found essentially no difference in the I–V relationship the same protocol revealed a negative slope in the I–V relation- following the conditioning step (Fig. 8A, black trace) shows the ship in four of four experiments. This negative slope response subtraction of the ramp response following the conditioning step likely reflected a reduction in a leak K ϩ current—rather than an (“step”) from the response to an identical ramp stimulus pre- inward current—given its reversal near the K ϩ equilibrium po- sented in isolation; “no step”). In CCh (and without TTX/TEA), tential. In separate experiments, we applied the GIRK activator 434 • J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing

A B ACSF ML297 (unclamped) No Step Step -62 5mV -66 -66 2s Vm 50 mV C ACSF ML297 (clamped) Inj cur 1nA 2s -65 -65 5s

Step - No Step Step - No Step ML297 - ACSF (ACSF) 10 (CCh) 10 60

) −100 )

A 0 0 40 A




MP (

−80 t −120 −100 −80 −120 t


(mV) n

−10 −10 e 20







−120 u

C −20 −20 0 C MP −100 −80 −30 −30 (mV) −20


) ** 4 0 0.6


Step ML297 )


m S ***

3 ( (CCh)









t −40 2 n

c 0.4








n t 1 Step




r (CCh) P

u ML297 −80 r


d 0 u

a 0.2





r Step l


−1 e



(ACSF) v

−120 T e Stepto-50mV −2 R n.s. 0 * Control CCh

ACSF CCh + Terf G H 8 *


e 6 6.4






20 mV r




2s t 4








Δ 2 1.6 -79 -80 0.0 (6) 200 pA 0 ACSF CCh CCh pre post +Terf

(same pulse) (same pulse)

I CCh Depolarization ERG Persistent [Ca]i activity RIn

Increased excitability

Figure 8. Reduction in leak ERG current contributes to increased excitability following depolarizing step. A, Example responses to ramp current injections with and without a preceding depolarizingcurrentstep.Bottom,DifferenceinI–Vresponsesobtainedbysubtractingthestepϩrampresponsefromtherampresponsealone(fordetails,seeMaterialsandMethods).Blackcurve recorded under control (ACSF) conditions, and blue curve in CCh. B, Bath application of the GIRK activator ML297 (0.67 ␮M) hyperpolarizes L5 pyramidal cells. C, Difference I–V response calculated bysubtractingrampresponseinML297fromrampresponserecordedinACSF.InitialholdingpotentialadjustedtoϪ65mVunderbothconditions.CurrentinjectionprotocolshownaboveI–Vplot. D, Summary of estimated conductance evoked by depolarizing current steps in control (black symbols), in CCh (blue) and following ML297 application (green). *Step ACSF/CCh: p ϭ 0.0123, T ϭ 3.69, df ϭ 8; ***ML297: p ϭ 1.45E-05, T ϭ 10.21, df ϭ 8; two-sample t test. E, Plot of reversal potential of difference I–V plots. n.s., p ϭ 0.77, two-sample t test. F, Plot of the reduction in ERG-related tail current by CCh. Responses normalized to maximal tail current response evoked by 4 s duration depolarizing steps from Ϫ90 to Ϫ10 mV (tail current reduction p ϭ 9.1 ϫ 10 Ϫ4, T ϭ 5.50, df ϭ 7). We found a similar reduction in raw (not normalized) tail current (120 Ϯ 25 to 76.5 Ϯ 27.0 pA; p ϭ 2.9 ϫ 10 Ϫ4,Tϭ 6.67, df ϭ 7). (Figure legend continues.) Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 • 435

ML297 (0.67 ␮M; without CCh), which generated an outward cur- most of our experiments, we applied a hyperpolarizing bias cur- rent in the difference I/V relationship that reversed polarity at ap- rent soon after the conditioning step to prevent prolonged peri- proximately the same potential. Results from these experiments are ods of persistent firing. Without this intervention, the period of summarized in Figure 8, D and E, and are consistent with a transient postconditioning step hyperexcitability presumably would last reduction in ERG current contributing to the hyperexcitability fol- longer as Ca 2ϩ accumulations triggered by additional Na ϩ spikes lowing the conditioning depolarizing step in CCh. The ability of re-engages the same modulatory mechanism, likely leading to the depolarizing conditioning steps to transiently reduce ERG current persistently attenuated ERG current. only in the presence of CCh and not in control ACSF suggests that the activation of muscarinic receptors is a critical step both to in- ERG-mediated hyperexcitability in prefrontal crease overall excitability and to enable modulatory mechanisms. cortical neurons One prediction of this model is that tonic activation of mAChRs by Finally, we tested whether leak ERG channels contribute to the CCh should decrease the ERG current active at subthreshold mem- intrinsic excitability of pyramidal cells in medial prefrontal cortex, brane potentials. We tested that prediction by determining the effect where persistent firing is commonly recorded during working mem- of CCh ERG-mediated tail currents following moderate depolariz- ory tasks in both rodents and primates (Fuster and Alexander, ing voltage-clamp steps. As shown in Figure 8F, CCh reduced the 1971; Miyashita and Chang, 1988; Young et al., 1997; Liu et al., leak ERG current activated by steps to Ϫ50 mV by ϳ50% without 2014). Blockade of ERG current with Terf increased the number affecting access resistance (mean change in access resistance was of APs evoked by depolarizing steps in L5 mPFC pyramidal cells 0.12 Ϯ 0.17 M⍀ (2.8% change). held at approximately Ϫ70 mV (Fig. 9A). As with TeA neocortical As a final test of the role of ERG modulation in contributing to neurons, Terf increased both the average number of spikes (by poststep hyperexcitability, we applied two identical just-subthres- 40%; Fig. 9B) and the resting input resistance (by 36%; Fig. 9C)in hold depolarizing test pulses, one before the conditioning step L5 mPFC pyramidal cells. Terfenadine also abolished persistent and the other 0.5 s following the conditioning step. In control firing evoked in 2 ␮m CCh in six of six experiments (Fig. 9D,E). conditions (ACSF), the response to the second test step (“post”) Using the same protocol presented in Figure 6, B and C, we found was slightly diminished compared with the first test step (“pre”; a similar increase in input resistance following the conditioning Fig. 8G, black trace). In CCh, the response to the second test step depolarizing step, which was greatly reduced by Terf in four of was enhanced and generated a train of APs (Fig. 8G, blue trace). four experiments (Fig. 9F,G; results reflecting the same dual RIn When Terf was applied in combination with CCh, the previously correction procedure outlined above). The maximal increase in subthreshold first test step triggered a train of APs, which was apparent input resistance was somewhat smaller in mPFC than only slightly increased following the conditioning step (8 spikes in TeA L5 pyramidal cells (ϳ36 vs 25 M⍀), suggesting that ERG- on the poststep vs 7 spikes in response to the initial test stimulus; mediated persistent firing may be more robust in TeA than PFC Fig. 8G, orange trace). Figure 8G summarizes six experiments neurons. In both TeA and PFC neurons, Terf abolished persistent similar to the one shown in Figure 8G and suggests that blockade firing without affecting either the AP threshold (Fig. 9H)orthe of ERG current with Terf not only increases the steady-state ex- AP half-width (Fig. 9I), which is consistent with a relatively spe- citability of neocortical pyramidal cells (accounting for the in- cific action of this agent on a slowly activating K ϩ current. creased response to the first test step) but also occludes the ability of the conditioning depolarizing step to transiently increase in- Discussion trinsic excitability. We make three principal conclusions in this report, all of which A proposed mechanism for postconditioning step hyperexcit- we believe have not been reported previously. First, we find that ability is diagrammed in Figure 8I and postulates that increases in tonically active ERG currents contribute to both setting the rest- intracellular Ca 2ϩ generated in response to the conditioning step ing membrane potential and regulating the number of APs trig- leads to a reduction in the component of leak K ϩ current medi- gered in response to depolarizing stimuli in neocortical neurons. ated by ERG channels. The increased postconditioning step ex- This result, observed in both TeA and PFC pyramidal cells, sup- citability results from both the steady-state depolarization as well ports the hypothesis that leak ERG K ϩ currents play an impor- as the increased input resistance, reflecting decreased ERG cur- tant role in shaping the intrinsic physiology of cortical neurons. rent (when muscarinic receptors are activated). Pharmacological Second, using both biophysical and pharmacological assays, we blockage of ERG increases steady-state excitability (neocortical find that a reduction in leak ERG current appears to play a central neurons depolarize and have higher input resistance) whether or role in mediating persistent firing in neocortical neurons. Appar- not muscarinic receptors are activated (Fig. 3), likely due to the ent input resistance increases during the ADP that underlies per- reduction in the ERG component of the leak conductance. When sistent firing—a result that is inconsistent with the expected tested with both muscarinic receptor agonists and ERG blockers, decrease in input resistance in ICAN-mediated afterdepolariza- conditioning steps no longer can increase excitability because the tions (Haj-Dahmane and Andrade, 1998; Egorov et al., 2002; steady-state ERG current is already attenuated (by the ERG Franse´n et al., 2006). Finally, we find that depolarizing stimuli blocker) and likely cannot be substantially reduced further. In when presented in combination with m1 receptor activation trig- gers a transient increase in excitability by attenuating leak ERG 4 currents through a Ca 2ϩ-dependent mechanism. Together, these results point to the modulation of leak ERG current as a central (Figure legend continued.) G, Modulation of responses to weak test depolarizing pulses by con- underlying mechanism responsible for persistent firing in neo- ditioningdepolarizingstepresponse.ModulationinACSFassayedinseparateexperimentsthan cortical neurons and a novel therapeutic target for neurological CCh/CChϩTerf. H, Summary plot of the change in the number of spikes evoked by two test pulses under each condition (poststep Ϫ pre-step). *p ϭ 0.0199, T ϭ 3.37, df ϭ 5; paired t and psychiatric diseases. test. I, Diagram of potential cascade evoked by the conditioning depolarizing step that leads to areductioninthecomponentoftheleakK ϩ currentmediatedbyERGchannels.Thelossofpart Potential mechanism of poststimulus hyperexcitability of the standing K ϩ current can account for both the depolarization of pyramidal cells and the Our results suggests that a component of the increased excitabil- transient increase in input resistance. ity responsible for persistent firing modes in neocortical neurons 436 • J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing

ACSF (16 APs) A B 25 C ACSF 5mV *** -71 Terf 200 ms 20 19.5


mPFC e *

k 120 i 15 -71 p 116 Terf (23 APs) 14.0



( m 10 80 84.9





20 mV R


5 i 40




-71 (4) S (4) 350 pA 0 0 ACSF +Terf ACSF +Terf 500 ms

D E CCh +Terf CCh +Terf ***

b 1.0

o 0.97


P 0.8






V 0.6





n 2 0.4


2s t



s 0.2 mPFC r e (6)

-65 P 0.00 300 pA 0.0 CCh Terf (20’)

F 40 G mPFC 30 30 ** 25 M 25.3

20 (

CCh n


i 20


10 R

n i 15

R 0 p


CCh t 10



−10 +Terf t

(N=4 expts) s 5 o (4) 4.2

−20 P 0 −5 0 5 10 15 20 CCh +Terf Time (s)

CCh CCh I mPFC H CCh + Terf CCh + Terf n.s. 0 (10) (6) TeA

) ) 1.6 1.7

s V n.s. −10 1.5




( 1.2 1.2 h 1.2


t l −20






W 0.8


e −30






T H 0.4 −40 -43.4 -44.1 P -45.1

-45.6 P

A A (10) (6) −50 n.s. 0.0 n.s. CCh CCh CCh CCh TeA mPFC +Terf + Terf

Figure 9. ERG-mediated persistent activity in prefrontal cortical neurons. A, Terfenadine increases the number of APs evoked by depolarizing steps in L5 mPFC pyramidal cells. B, Summary plot of number of APs evoked by the conditioning step in ACSF and Terf. *p ϭ 0.0131, T ϭ 5.30, df ϭ 3, paired t test. C, Plot of the increase in input resistance with Terf. Example responses above plot. ***p ϭ 8.52E-05, T ϭ 29.54, df ϭ 3, paired t test. D, Terfenadine abolishes persistent firing evoked in CCh. E, Summary plot of effectiveness of Terf in blocking persistent firing in CCh in 6 experiments.***pϭ3.62E-07,Tϭ34.93,dfϭ5,pairedttest.F,Plotofthechangeininputresistancein4mPFCpyramidalcellsfollowingconditioningdepolarizingstepsinCChandCChϩTerf. Experimental protocol is the same as shown in Figure 6, B and C. G, Summary plot of maximal increase in input resistance observed during ADP response. **p ϭ 0.00163, T ϭ 10.95, df ϭ 3; paired t test. H, Plot of AP threshold in CCh before and after Terf. Left column pair in TeA neocortex and right pair in medial prefrontal cortex. TeA: p ϭ 0.25; PFC: p ϭ 0.40; paired t test. I, Plot of AP half-width calculated at the half-maximal AP amplitude. Same column order as H. TeA: p ϭ 0.78; PFC: p ϭ 0.33, paired t test. Cui and Strowbridge • ERG-Mediated Persistent Firing J. Neurosci., January 10, 2018 • 38(2):423–440 • 437 arises from a rapid attenuation in ERG K ϩ currents that contribute While our results suggest that attenuation of leak ERG current to the leak conductance in pyramidal cells. Following cholinergic appears to be a critical component in intrinsic persistent spiking receptor activation, depolarizing stimuli appear to attenuate leak responses, we did not attempt to define the specific biophysical ERG current, leading to both membrane depolarizing and an mechanisms responsible for ERG modulation. In other systems, increase in input resistance. Our results provide the following ERG currents are inhibited both by PKC-mediated phosphoryla- three principal lines of evidence for ERG contributing to the ADP tion (Cockerill et al., 2007) and by depleting phosphatidylinositol that underlies persistent firing in neocortical neurons: (1) we 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2; Bian et al., 2001). Activation of musca- directly assayed input resistance during the ADP response and rinic m1 receptors activates phospholipase C, which hydrolyzes observed a large (30–40%) increase even after compensating for PIP2 into diacylglycerol and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate, poten- artifacts related to variable RIn estimates at different voltages and tially enabling both PIP2 and PKC mechanisms. Understanding ϩ 2ϩ the ability of subthreshold Na channels to influence RIn mea- how the transient elevation of intracellular Ca concentration surements; (2) the I–V relationship assayed during the ADP during the conditioning step decreases ERG current is a central reversed near the K ϩ equilibrium potential; and (3) three chem- but difficult question to resolve. The rapid onset of persistent ically diverse ERG blockers abolished persistent firing while at- firing (and the underlying ADP) would suggest a dominant role tenuating both the underlying ADP and the increase in apparent of PIP2-mediated modulation since FRET-based measurements ϳ input resistance following the conditioning step. suggest that that process can operate within 1s(Jensen et al., The ERG-based model of persistent firing is reminiscent of 2009). It is possible that PIP2 depletion leads to the initial post- classic studies of the mechanism of cholinergic hyperexcitability conditioning step increase in excitability, which is reinforced by (Krnjevic´ et al., 1971; McCormick and Prince, 1985, 1986), which subsequent PKC-mediated phosphorylation of ERG channels. suggested a central role for attenuated leak K ϩ current in pro- Alternatively, the normally slow actions of protein kinases could moting persistent firing. This explanation was supplanted by the be accelerated if they were “primed” via scaffolding proteins such as caveolin (Isshiki and Anderson, 1999; Gallego et al., 2014). ICAN model when Egorov et al. (2002) and Rahman and Berger (2011) found that the TRP blocker (FFA) abol- Human ERG channels can interact with caveolin (Lin et al., 2008; ished persistent firing while it attenuated the underlying ADP in Ma et al., 2014), providing another potentially rapid pathway for a variety of neurons. Unfortunately, FFA affects many ionic cur- G-protein-stimulated phosphorylation. It is also possible that the rents, including ERG (Malykhina et al., 2002; Guinamard et al., modulation of ERG affects primarily gating properties rather 2013), making it less useful in discriminating between potential than reducing channel conductance, as suggested by previous work (Bian et al., 2001; Hirdes et al., 2004; Cockerill et al., 2007). mechanisms. Another commonly used TRP channel blocker, Discriminating between these potential mechanisms and reveal- SKF-96365, blocks heterologously expressed ERG channels (Liu ϩ ing how Ca 2 transients function to trigger persistent firing et al., 2016). when combined with muscarinic receptor activation will likely Our results from assays of input resistance and the I–V prop- require the development of new rapid FRET-based tools that are erties of the ADP response are inconsistent with recent I - CAN beyond the scope of the present study. based models of persistent activity (Franse´n et al., 2006; Rahman Molecular genetic tests of the role of ERG channels in neocor- and Berger, 2011; Zhang et al., 2011; Jochems and Yoshida, 2013; tical neurons will likely require conditional knockouts of one or Knauer et al., 2013), which predict that persistent firing should be more ERG genes as permanent deletion of these proteins is lethal accompanied by a decrease (rather than an increase) in input in mice at embryonic day 11.5 (Teng et al., 2008; Vijayaraj et al., resistance during the ADP. However, several previous investiga- 2012). To our knowledge, conditional ERG knock-out mice have tors observed increases in apparent input resistance during the not been generated. ERG channels are also a frequent nonspecific ADP (Haj-Dahmane and Andrade, 1998), which they attributed target of pharmacological agents, including many antipsychotic to rectification properties of TRP channels (Inoue and Isenberg, agents (Wible et al., 2005). ERG channels are permeable to Cs ϩ 1990a,b). This prior result provided the motivation for our two- ions (Zhang et al., 2003), further complicating conventional volt- step RIn correction procedure and for assays of input resistance age clamp-based current analysis. using both positive- and negative-going current steps that were ϩ feasible once voltage-gated Na channels were blocked, as in the Functional significance of ERG-mediated intrinsic experiments shown in Figure 7. Haj-Dahmane and Andrade ϩ persistent firing (1998) observed that Cs ions failed to abolish persistent activity. While the origin of persistent activity associated with short-term While we confirmed this result, this finding is difficult to inter- memory and other cognitive functions (Fuster and Alexander, pret since ERG channels—unlike most voltage-gated K ϩ chan- ϩ 1971; Eichenbaum, 2014; Zylberberg and Strowbridge, 2017) has nels—are not blocked by Cs (Zhang et al., 2003). Nevertheless, not been determined, the identification of ERG modulation as a without further experiments we cannot exclude that subthresh- ϩ potential intrinsic mechanism should facilitate determination of old Na channel and ICAN mechanisms contribute to persistent the role of intrinsic versus recurrent network mechanisms. The firing, along with ERG, since we consistently find a residual small availability of highly specific ERG channel blockers (e.g., Erg- ADP following treatment with ERG blockers. However, our re- Toxin1) makes it feasible to directly test to what extent intrinsic sults suggest that in 2 ␮M CCh, attenuating ERG using Terf is biophysical properties contribute to commonly observed persis- sufficient to trigger persistent firing from Ϫ70 mV. Based on tent firing modes such as the delay period firing working memory previous studies using heterologously-expressed ERG channels, tasks. ERG blocking agents also could be used to determine whether we expect that our pharmacological treatments blocked 50–80% persistently active subcortical circuits (e.g., the VOR) rely on the of whole-cell ERG current (e.g., the IC50 for ErgToxin1 is 10–60 modulation of ERG current. nM; Pardo-Lo´pez et al., 2002; Hill et al., 2007). 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