Ref. Ares(2014)1826103 - 04/06/2014

Bluetongue re-emergence in

Follow-up report no 1 (Situation as at 3 June 2014)

As of 30/05/2014 Bluetongue (BT) has been confirmed in the Prefecture of Lakonia (Region of Peloponissos, southern part of mainland Greece), the first event of this kind in Lakonia and the wider region of Peloponnisos.

Following the confirmation of the disease as above the following restricted zones have been established around the confirmed outbreak in accordance with Dir 2000/75/EC & Reg (EC) 1266/2007 and relevant measures prescribed therein [ for the time being no use is made of any of the derogations provided in Reg (EC) 1266/2007 , regarding the ban on the exit of live ruminants from the surveillance or the protection zone].

Geographical boundaries of the zones are described as follows (also see Maps 1 and 2):



• Prefecture of Lakonia (entire) • Prefecture of Messinia (entire) • Prefecture of (entire) • Prefecture of Argolida (entire) • Prefecture of Korinthia (part) − Municipality of − Localities of Feneos and Stymphalia (part of municipality Sikionion) − Localities of Tenea and Solygia (part of municipality of Korinth) • Prefecture of Ilia (part) − Municipalities of Zaharo-Figalia & - − Localities of Aspra Spitia, Xirokampos, Vasilakio & Ypsilo (within the municipality of Archaia Olympia)

Regional unit of Islands Islands of Kythera, Hydra, Poros and Spetses & municipality of Troizinia.


Peloponnisos • Prefecture of Korinthia (entire, excluding the areas included in the Protection zone) • Prefecture of Achaia (entire) • Prefecture of Ilia (entire, excluding the areas included in the Protection zone)


Regional unit of West Attiki • Locality of Vilia (within the municipality of Mandra –Eidylia) • Municipality of Megara

Regional unit of Islands Islands of Agistri, Aegina, Salamina, Antikythera.

Note: In accordance with the latest administrative reform of Greece prefectures of Ilia and Achaia belong to the Region of , and all islands listed in the above zones (under Regional Unit of Islands) as well as the municipality of Troizinia belong to the Region of Attiki.


In addition to the above restricted (= surveillance and protection zone) a 20km-radius temporary control zone has been established around the outbreak with additional measures (precautionary standstill of all ruminants), on top of those prescribed for BT protection zones, which includes the following areas:

Prefecture of Lakonia • Municipality of Sparta, • Localities of Krokees, Grammousa, Ag. Anargyroi, Dafni, Stefania, Lagio, Vrontamas of the Municipality • Localities of Sidirokastro, Platanos, Limni. Aigies, Krini, Kokkina Louria, Petrina, Pleovrisi, Kastania, Selegoudi, Poliaravos, Ag. Nicolaos, Melissa, Lygereas, Lemonia, Arhontiko of the Municipality.

Prefecture of Messinia • Municipality of Dytiki Mani, excluding localities of Lagada, Thalames & Nomitsi.

Other remarks As already stated in our previous short communication Greece retains its position of a non- vaccination policy against the disease.


Further evolution of the epidemic

Since the 1st outbreak another 4 outbreaks have been confirmed in its direct vicinity, within a radius of ~ 3-4 km (information already submitted through the ADNS system).

In these new outbreaks the overall morbidity and mortality, remain low too and the type of BT-virus has been identified as BTV-4 (at least in two of them where typing has taken place).

Another 2 suspicions of the disease have been reported and are currently under investigation (close to one another), these are in located ~ 29 km north of the primary outbreak.

The following table summarizes all confirmed outbreaks of BT so far (all within the prefecture of Lakonia , within the municipality of Sparta).

Sheep Goats ADNS no Suspicion Confirmation (2014/) Date Date Susceptible Affected Dead Susceptible Affected Dead

1 29/5/2014 30/5/2014 63 4 1 5 0 0 2 28/5/2014 30/5/2014 172 3 1 3 0 0 3 29/5/2014 30/5/2014 150 10 3 50 0 0 4 29/5/2014 30/5/2014 53 13 1 0 0 0 5 29/5/2014 30/5/2014 50 10 3 0 0 0

TOTALS 488 40 9 58 0 0

Overall Morbidity 7,33% Overall Mortality 1,65%

3 Map 1. Location of confirmed outbreaks

1,5 km (approximately)

150 km

100 km

20 km

4 Map 2. Location - Administrative boundaries of Protection and Surveillance Zones

Free Areas

Areas within the Protection Zone

Areas within the surveillance zone

Restricted areas due to BT occurrence in past years

Prefecture Boundaries

Achaia Attiki Korinthia

Ilia Argolida Arcadia

