Chapter 8 Natural Resources
Chapter 8 Natural Resources Natural Resources 2040 General Plan 8 NATURAL RESOURCES INTRODUCTION This chapter summarizes the natural resources for the County of Ventura. It is organized into the following sections: . Air Quality (Section 8.1) . Biological Resources and Habitat/Wildlife Corridors (Section 8.2) . Recreation and Open Space (Section 8.3) . Scenic Resources (Section 8.4) . Mineral Resources (Section 8.5) . Energy Resources (Section 8.6) . Cultural, Historical, Paleontological, and Archaeological Resources (Section 8.7) . Appendices (Section 8.8) SECTION 8.1 AIR QUALITY Introduction This section summarizes the existing air quality conditions and regulatory framework within Ventura County. Air quality is described as the concentration of various pollutants in the atmosphere for a specific location or area. Air quality conditions at a particular location are a function of the type and amount of air pollutants emitted into the atmosphere, the size and topography of the regional air basin, and the prevailing weather conditions. Air quality is an important natural resource that influences public health and welfare, the economy, and quality of life. Air pollutants have the potential to adversely impact public health, the production and quality of agricultural crops, native vegetation, visibility, buildings, and other structures and materials. Regarding public health impacts from poor air quality, some people are more sensitive to poor air quality than others. These people include children, the elderly, and persons with asthma and other respiratory conditions. Land uses where these people are likely to be located are defined as sensitive receptors. Sensitive receptors include long-term healthcare facilities, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, retirement homes, convalescent homes, residences, schools, childcare centers, and playgrounds.
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