NEWTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1124 Clark Street Covington, GA 30014 Regular Meeting

June 2, 2015 Minutes

Present: Chairman Keith Ellis, Commissioners’ John Douglas, Lanier Sims, Nancy Schulz, J.C. Henderson, Levie Maddox, Attorney Tommy Craig, and Clerk Jackie Smith Citizens Covington News, Newton Citizen

Chairman Ellis called the meeting to order, extended a welcome, and read the thought for the day. The invocation was given by Pastor Ronny Brannen, Prospect United Methodist Church and E911 Director Mike Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to our great flag.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT  Recognized and honored Dr. Robert Faulkner with a proclamation honoring his service to the citizens of Newton County. Chairman Ellis read the proclamation and Dr. Faulkner was given a round of applause.  Summarized PowerPoint presentation which is made part of these minutes

OLD BUSINESS:  Library: Discussion regarding replacement of heating, ventilation & air conditioning system - (Tabled from May 19th meeting)

Newton County Library Board Trustee, Chairman Steve Whatley appeared before the board and presented this request.  Request to replace failing HVAC System  Discussed issue at length at previous work session  Time sensitive to receive the $100,000 grant funds. (Use by June 30, 2015)  Met with City of Covington and they will donate $10,000 (in-kind service) towards the project. (new , electrical equipment, possibly moving closer to building)  Estimated Cost: $850,000

Commissioner Maddox noted he had an intense discussion with Dr. Whatley regarding this two year journey regarding the HVAC system. He expressed appreciation to Dr. Whatley and his team. He was concerned that the library is at an emergency level and encouraged all board members to visit the library and see for themselves.

Motion by Commissioner Maddox, second by Commissioner Sims, to charge the Chairman to take the necessary steps to have Newton County Public Facilities, Inc. obtain financing for replacement of the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system at the Covington Branch of the Newton County Library in order to take advantage of the available e$100,000 State grant. Competitive proposals should be solicited from local financial institutions. Commissioner Schulz noted that she and Commissioner Sims met with Dr. Whatley regarding solutions to energy needs for the library that would be beneficial for all county building and asked that Commissioner Maddox consider adding the following as part of his motion.

“Explore strategies to address comprehensive energy efficiency of all our government facilities.”

Commissioner Maddox said he thought that was a good idea, but would like it in a separate motion. He said he would add to his original motion to encourage an energy utilization review for the two facilities operated by the library. (added to his original motion)

Final Motion: Motion by Commissioner Maddox, second by Commissioner Sims, to charge the Chairman to take the necessary steps to have Newton County Public Facilities, Inc. obtain financing for replacement of the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system at the Covington Branch of the Newton County Library in order to take advantage of the available e$100,000 State grant. Competitive proposals should be solicited from local financial institutions. Also, to encourage energy utilization review for the two facilities operated by the library. Motion carried unanimous (5-0)

CONSENT AGENDA County Clerk: BOC E/S Minutes dated May 19, 2015 Superior Court: Acceptance of the Adult Felony Drug Court Grant in the amount of $126,478.00 Superior Court: Acceptance of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Grant for the Resource Court in the amount of $198,159.00 Superior Court & Juvenile Court: Approval to apply for CJCC Transportation grant Juvenile Court: Acceptance of the CJCC Accountability Court Grant for the Drug Court Program in the amount of $33,292.00 BOC: District 4 Appointment to DFACS Board Sheriff’s Office: Approval to apply for FY15 Body-worn Camera Grant from the Bureau of Justice (Removed from consent agenda & added to regular agenda items for discussion purposes at the request of Commissioner Schulz) Sheriff’s Office: Approval to apply for FY16 General Mills Foundation Grant for operation of CHAMPS & Explorer Programs Facilities Management: Orkin Pest Control Renewal E911: Intergovernmental Agreement between Newton County and the City of Covington Senior Services: Approval to apply for the General Mills Grant $12,000.00) Human Resources: Life Insurance, Short- Term Insurance, Long- Term Insurance

Motion by Commissioner Sims, second by Commissioner Douglas, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the removal of the Body-Worn Camera Grant from the Bureau of Justice as requested by Commissioner SchulZ. Motion carried unanimously

SHERIFF’S OFFICE: APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR FY15 BODY-WORN CAMERA GRANT FROM THE BUREAU OF JUSTICE Commissioner Schulz requested that the Sheriff’s Office request to apply for the FY15 Body- worn Camera Grant be removed from the consent agenda and be added to the regular agenda for discussion purposes. Sheriff Brown addressed the board with the need of these cameras and how the information will be stored.

Motion by Commissioner Douglas, second by Commissioner Henderson, to approve the request to apply for the FY15 Body-Worn Camera grant from the Bureau of Justice as presented by Sheriff Brown. Motion carried unanimously (5-0)

DISTRICT 4: BRIGHT FROM THE START AFTER-SCHOOL FOOD PROGRAM FOR NELSON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY CENTER/PRESENTATION Mr. Horace White, RCIV, Inc. appeared before the board to answer any questions regarding the Bright from the Start After-School Food Program for NHCC.  Sponsor of food service program for government agency (non-profit organization)  1 out of 16 state sponsors  Georgia became a participant of this program in 2012.  Prior only 28 states participated.  Job: To act as a representative of the state and provide training and process the application.  Money is available and there is no reason a child should go hungry even during the summer months.  Purchase food for a month and reimbursed within 30 days  Great and much needed program. Commissioner Henderson  Once we received the certification all money will go directly to the county.  Mr. White will be responsible to make sure all guidelines are followed.  Would like for county attorney’s office to assist Mr. White in our certification.

Motion by Commissioner Henderson, second by Commissioner Sims, to approve the county attorney assisting Mr. Horace White with the application process for the Bright from the Start program. Motion carried unanimously (5-0)

BOC: INTERIM COUNTY MANAGER POSITION  Contract is attached and made part of these minutes.

Motion by Commissioner Sims, second by Commissioner Henderson, to appoint Harry Owens as the Interim County Manager and to authorize the chairman to execute the contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously (5-0)

DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: UPDATE ON NSP PROJECT Scott Sirotkin provided the board an update/past history and PowerPoint presentation regarding the NSP (Neighborhood Stabilization Program) Project.  PowerPoint is attached and made part of these minutes.  Program that had never been done before in Newton Count  Grateful county was able to stabilize neighborhood (Fairview Estates)  Community very appreciative and today a thriving community  Board expressed appreciation to Mr. Sirotkin for the update.  No action necessary ATTORNEY: R060215 – A RESOLUTION TO INITIATE ROAD NAME AMENDMENT FOR BAXTER PARKWAY Attorney Jenny Carter presented this resolution for approval.

 Resolution R060215 is attached and made part of these minutes.

Motion by Commissioner Maddox, second by Commissioner Henderson, to approve R060215 – A resolution to initiate road name amendment for Baxter Parkway. Motion carried unanimously (5-0)

ATTORNEY: R060215A – A RESOLUTION PURSUE ABANDONMENT PROCEEDINGS FOR A PORTION OF AIRPORT ROAD Attorney Jenny Carter presented this resolution for approval.  Resolution R060215a is attached and made part of these minutes.

Motion by Commissioner Maddox, second by Commissioner Henderson, to approve R060215a – A resolution to pursue abandonment proceedings for a portion of Airport Road. Motion carried unanimously (5-0)

ATTORNEY: DISCUSSION OF DURDEN V. NEWTON COUNTY Attorney Jenny Carter presented this resolution for approval.  Settlement Agreement releases county from further liability.  Agreement made part of these minutes.

Motion by Commissioner Henderson, second by Commissioner Sims, to authorize the county attorney to move forward with the settlement agreement regarding Durden vs Newton County that is attached and made part of these minutes. Motion carried 3 to 2 with Commissioner’s Maddox and Douglas voting in opposition to the motion.

ALCOHOL LICENSE: Final Reading Murphy USA #7572 4230 Salem Road Covington, Georgia 30016 Applicant: Sandra Lynn Smith Property Owner: Murphy Oil USA, Inc. District Two

Motion by Commissioner Sims, second by Commissioner Schulz, to approve the Alcohol License for Murphy USA #7572, 4230 Salem Road, Covington, GA as requested. Motion carried 4-0 with 1 abstention by Commissioner Douglas

Final Reading Note: Request is for On-Premises Consumption of Alcohol Beverage by the drink Vindy Candela Restaurant (within Salem Overlay) 2465 Hwy. 81 South Covington, Georgia 30016 Applicant: Eliud Diaz Property Owner: The Peoples Bank District Five Motion by Commissioner Maddox, second by Commissioner Sims, to approve the Alcohol License for Vindy Candela Restaurant, 2465 Hwy. 81 South, Covington, GA as requested. Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Douglas voting in opposition to the motion

CITIZEN COMMENTS Dennis Taylor Oxford  Budget concerns Scott Jay Covington  Library equipment Ed Applewhite Covington  Disappointed in Baxter deal Karen Brooks Social Circle  Disappointed in legal fees  Recommends in-house attorney Flemmie Pitts Covington  Cousins Community Center Robert Foxworth Porterdale  July 4th Fireworks  Suggested naming a building (Admin Building) after former County Manager John Middleton or name a portion of Brown Bridge Road after Mr. Middleton  Appreciates Mr. Craig’s serve to Newton County Thomas Buckner Covington  Millage rate supposed to come down this year per promise by BOC.

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Douglas  71st Anniversary of D-Day  June 15th – 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta Commissioner Sims  Likes the idea of naming road after Mr. Middleton and would like to see board make a decision within 30-60 days.  Family Fun Day @ Turner Lake Park Saturday from noon-4pm Commissioner Henderson  Hopes we will preserve history of Cousins School

EXECUTIVE SESSION Time: 9:35 p.m. Motion by Commissioner Henderson, second by Commissioner Maddox, to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel and pending litigation. Motion carried unanimously There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Sims, second by Commissioner Henderson, the meeting adjourned @10:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

______Jackie Smith, County Clerk William K. Ellis, Chairman