INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE POUR L’HISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS IAHR BULLETIN Tokyo Congress Edition Number 38 March 2005 The IAHR BULLETIN is the official bulletin of the International Association for the History of Reli- gions (IAHR) [] and is published by the IAHR. Copyright © 2005 by the IAHR Permission to use material in this bulletin with appropriate source reference by affiliates of the IAHR for information purposes is hereby granted. Armin W. Geertz, editor All announcements, manuscripts, advertising, and correspondence regarding sub- scriptions and address changes should be sent to Prof. Dr. Armin W. Geertz, Department of the Study of Religion, Faculty of Theology, Taasingegade 3, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark (Phone +45 89422306; Fax +45 86130490; e-mail
[email protected]; The IAHR is an international body of national and regional associations for the study of religion and a member of the Conseil international de la philosophie et des sciences humaines (CIPSH) under Unesco. Further information is provided in the last section of this bulletin and inquiries may be sent to the editor. This bulletin is published with the generous support of the Faculty of Theology, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. IAHR Bulletin 38, 2005 Editorial. 4 Announcement to all congress participants. 5 Members of the International Committee. 6 Agenda of the International Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Sunday, March 27, 2005 . 12 Agenda of the General Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, Wednesday, March 30, 2005. 13 Minutes of the International Committee meeting, Bergen, Norway, May 10, 2003.