Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

Vol. 593 Pretoria, 7 November 2014 No. 38160



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BUSINESS NOTICES...... 11 ...... 11 Free State...... 14 Mpumalanga...... 14 Western Cape...... 15

COMPANY NOTICES ...... 15 Gauteng...... 15


ORDERS OF THE COURT...... 17 Gauteng...... 17 Eastern Cape...... 28 Free State...... 41 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 45 Limpopo...... 48 Western Cape...... 48

GENERAL...... 50 Gauteng...... 50 Free State...... 64 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 64 Limpopo...... 65 Mpumalanga...... 65 North West...... 66 Western Cape...... 67

ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACTS NOTICES:...... 00 Form J 295: Curators and tutors: Masters’ notices ...... 68 Gauteng...... 68 Eastern Cape...... 68 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 68 Western Cape...... 69

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Page Form J 193: Notice to creditors in deceased estates...... 69 Gauteng...... 70 Eastern Cape...... 83 Free State...... 85 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 87 Limpopo...... 93 Northern Cape ...... 94 North West...... 95 Western Cape...... 96 Form J 187: Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection ...... 102 Gauteng...... 103 Eastern Cape...... 116 Free State...... 118 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 120 Limpopo...... 127 Northern Cape ...... 128 North West...... 129 Western Cape...... 130

INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES:...... 00 Form J 28: Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally ...... 138 Form J 29: First meetings of creditors, contributories, members of debenture-holders of sequestrated estates, companies being wound up or placed under provisional judicial management ...... 139 CLOSE CORPORATIONS: First meetings of creditors and members of close corporations being wound up ...... 145 Form 1: Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up...... 146 Form 2: Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up ...... 153 Form 4: Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up...... 158 Form 5: Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up ...... 167 Form 6: Applications for rehabilitation...... 175 Form 7: Notice of trustees...... 176 Form 8: Dates fixed for creditors to prove claims ...... 178 Form 9: Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate ...... 179

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BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ...... 11 Gauteng...... 11 Vrystaat...... 14 Mpumalanga...... 14 Wes-Kaap...... 15

MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS ...... 15 Gauteng...... 15


ORDERS VAN DIE HOF...... 17 Gauteng...... 17 Oos-Kaap ...... 28 Vrystaat...... 41 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 45 Limpopo...... 48 Wes-Kaap...... 48

ALGEMEEN ...... 50 Gauteng...... 50 Vrystaat...... 64 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 64 Limpopo...... 65 Mpumalanga...... 65 Noordwes ...... 66 Wes-Kaap...... 67

BOEDELWETTEKENNISGEWINGS: ...... 00 Vorm J 295: Kurators en voogde: Meesters se kennisgewings ...... 68 Gauteng...... 68 Oos-Kaap ...... 68 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 68 Wes-Kaap...... 69 Vorm J 193: Kennisgewing aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels ...... 69 Gauteng...... 70 Oos-Kaap ...... 83 Vrystaat...... 85 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 87 Limpopo...... 93 Noord-Kaap ...... 94 Noordwes ...... 95 Wes-Kaap...... 96

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Bladsy Vorm J 187: Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê ...... 102 Gauteng...... 103 Oos-Kaap ...... 116 Vrystaat...... 118 KwaZulu-Natal ...... 120 Limpopo...... 127 Noord-Kaap ...... 128 Noordwes ...... 129 Wes-Kaap...... 130

INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYWETTEKENNISGEWINGS...... 00 Vorm J 28: Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is...... 138 Vorm J 29: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van gesek westreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur ...... 139 BESLOTE KORPORASIES: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslote korporasies in likwidasie ...... 145 Vorm 1: Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ...... 146 Vorm 2: Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ..... 153 Vorm 4: Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maat- skappye in likwidasie ...... 158 Vorm 5: Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ...... 167 Vorm 6: Aansoeke om rehabilitasie...... 175 Vorm 7: Kennisgewing van kurators...... 176 Vorm 8: Datums vasgestel vir die bewys van eise deur skuldeisers ...... 178 Vorm 9: Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ’n skuldenaar se boedel...... 179

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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Closing times PRIOR TO PUBLIC HOLIDAYS for GOVERNMENT NOTICES, GENERAL NOTICES, REGULATION NOTICES AND PROCLAMATIONS 2014 The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days: 11 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 19 December 2014 15 December, Monday, for the issue of Wednesday 24 December 2014 ▼

▼▼ 19 December, Friday, for the issue of Friday 2 January 2015

Late notices will be published in the subsequent The copy for a SEPARATE Govern- issue, if under special circumstances, a late ment Gazette must be handed in not notice is accepted, a double tariff will be later than three calendar weeks before charged date of publication


11 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 19 Desember 2014 15 Desember, Maandag, vir die uitgawe van Woensdag 24 Desember 2014 ▼ 19 Desember, Vrydag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 2 Januarie 2015 ▼▼

Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende Wanneer ’n APARTE Staatskoerant uitgawe geplaas word. Indien ’n laat kennisgewing verlang word moet die kopie drie wel, onder spesiale omstandighede, aanvaar word, kalenderweke voor publikasie inge- sal ’n dubbeltarief gehef word dien word

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LIST OF FIXED RATES (In order to bring the cost of advertising of legal notices more in line with the cost New in the private sector, and to reduce the burden of cross subsidy by departments. rate per insertion

STANDARDISED NOTICES R ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACTS NOTICES: Forms J 297, J 295, J 193 and J 187 ...... 38,70 BUSINESS NOTICES ...... 89,10 INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANY ACT NOTICES: Forms J 28, J 29 and Forms 1 to 9...... 77,30 N.B.: Forms 2 and 9—additional statements according to the Word Count Table, added to the basic rate. LOST LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES: Form VL ...... 46,40 UNCLAIMED MONIES—Only in an Extraordinary Gazette. Closing date: 15 January (per entry of “name, address and amount”) ...... 27,05 NON-STANDARDISED NOTICES COMPANY NOTICES: Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offer of compromise, conversion of company, voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or member’s registers and/or declaration of dividends ...... 181,80 Declaration of dividend with profit statements, including notes ...... 398,50 Long notices: Transfers, changes with respect to shares or capital, redemptions, resolutions, voluntary liquidations ...... 618,90 LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES...... 143,10 LIQUOR LICENCE NOTICES in an Extraordinary Gazette. (All provinces appear on the first Friday of each month.) The closing date for acceptance is two weeks prior to date of publication...... 127,70 Gauteng Dranklisensies ...... 209,60 N-Kaap Dranklisensies...... 209,60

ORDERS OF THE COURT: Provisional and final liquidations or sequestrations ...... 232,10 Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offers of compromise...... 618,90 Judicial managements, curator bonus and similar and extensive rules nisi...... 618,90 Extension of return date...... 77,30 Supersessions and discharge of petitions (J 158)...... 77,30

SALES IN EXECUTION AND OTHER PUBLIC SALES: Sales in execution ...... 348,20 Public auctions, sales and tenders: Up to 75 words...... 104,30 76 to 250 words ...... 270,70 251 to 300 words ...... 437,25

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Number of words in copy One insertion Two insertions Three insertions

RRR 1– 100...... 131,25 181,40 204,50 101– 150...... 193,05 270,20 308,90 151– 200...... 258,60 358,90 412,95 201– 250...... 324,25 463,20 513,35 251– 300...... 386,00 540,50 617,60 301– 350...... 451,55 644,60 721,85 351– 400...... 513,45 733,50 818,35 401– 450...... 579,00 822,35 926,50 451– 500...... 644,55 914,90 1 030,65 501– 550...... 694,90 1 003,65 1 119,45 551– 600...... 772,05 1 094,60 1 223,65 601– 650...... 822,35 1 185,00 1 323,95 651– 700...... 899,55 1 273,90 1 428,30 701– 750...... 965,10 1 362,75 1 528,60 751– 800...... 1 015,40 1 451,45 1 632,85 801– 850...... 1 092,55 1 544,10 1 737,10 851– 900...... 1 142,60 1 644,45 1 837,50 901– 950...... 1 223,60 1 737,10 1 941,55 951–1000...... 1 273,90 1 826,00 2 045,95 1001–1300...... 1 659,95 2 364,30 2 648,05 1301–1600...... 2 043,95 2 906,60 3 265,65


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This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 11 BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intention of alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date. VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/of klandisie , goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars, soos daarin genoem, betrekking het. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.


NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT: MAGNOLIA BEAUTY EQUIPMENT CC Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors that Magnolia Beauty Equipment CC (Reg. No. CK2002/008402/23), a supplier of Beauty Equipment and Products at No. 8 Oscar Street, Hughes Extension 15, Boksburg, is of the intention of alienation of membership interest in Magnolia Beauty Equipment CC (Gauteng) as well as clientele, and liabilities and property of the said Magnolia Beauty Equipment CC from Jacqueline Sonette Crous, ID No. 5803010075085, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisement and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to business or parties or debtors, to Donald Lourens, ID No. 8508175042088, who will conduct business from corner of Oscar and Romea Streets, Hughes Extension 15, Boksburg. Wilma Ewest Attorneys Notaries and Conveyancers, Tel: (011) 894-4267. Wilma Ewest Attorneys Notaries and Conveyancers, 658 Trichardts Road, Beyers Park, Boksburg; PO Box 14568, Farrarmere, 1518. Tel: (011) 894-4267. Fax: 086 682 0197. CELLEM CC T/A MUGG & BEAN—CENTURION MALL NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, that it is the intention of Cellem CC, to sell the business trading as Mugg & Bean, conducted at Mugg & Bean from Shop 20A/21, Centurion Mall, Heuwel Avenue, Centurion, Gauteng, after a period of 30 (thirty) days from the last publication of this notice to a company to be formed which will thereafter conduct the business at the same address for own benefit and account. VFV Attorneys, Corporate Place, Block A, 39 Selati Street, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 460-8704. Ref: SVDM/NE/MAT53150. CELLEM CC T/A MUGG & BEAN—CENTURION MALL NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, that it is the intention of Cellem CC, to sell the business trading as Mugg & Bean, conducted at Mugg & Bean from Shop 20A/21, Centurion Mall, Heuwel Avenue, Centurion, Gauteng, after a period of 30 (thirty) days from the last publication of this notice to a company to be formed which will thereafter conduct the business at the same address for own benefit and account. VFV Attorneys, Corporate Place, Block A, 39 Selati Street, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 460-8704. Ref: SVDM/NE/MAT53150.

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SALE OF BUSINESS In terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, Pacific Star Trading 11 (Pty) Ltd (2003/020701/07), carrying on business as Noordwyk Spar, at Noordwyk Shopping Centre, 816 Lever Road, Noordwyk, Midrand, 1687, hereby gives notice of the sale of its business to Ydak Trading (Pty) Ltd (2014/192501/07), which business will be transferred 30 days after publication hereof. Interested parties should please contact BL Moss of Moss Marsh & Georgiev, 99 Langermann Drive, Kensington, , 2094. Tel: (011) 622-0852. NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intention of alienation of business and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of the business, after a period of thirty (30) days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to business or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein. Seller: John Henry Roselt, duly authorised hereto by a resolution of the Directors of B and R Compressor Services Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 2007/007215/07). Property: Erf 478, Jet Park Extension 20 Township, Registration Division I.R., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 3 316 (three thousand three hundred and sixteen) square metres, held by Certificate of Consolidated Title T33603/2009. Purchaser: Oakleaf Investment Holdings 9 Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 2007/034975/07). Advertiser: Calteaux & Partners, 165 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Eastleigh Ridge, Edenvale. Tel: (011) 452-9960—Mrs Annette Horwitz. NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 OF ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice is hereby given in terms or section 34 of Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that Maroelana Sentrum Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 1993/000513/07), have sold the business known as Maroelana Sentrum, situated at 27 Maroelana Street, Pretoria, Gauteng to Ozmik Property Investments Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 1999/010501/07), and intend transferring ownership of the business to the purchaser 30 (thirty) days from date of last publication hereof, the purchaser will carry on the businesses at the same address for their sole benefit and account under the same style. Dated at Pretoria on this 20th of October 2014. Signed C. Kritzinger, Jarvis Jacobs Raubenheimer Incorporated, Attorneys for the Seller, Woodpecker Place, Hillcrest Office Park, 177 Dyer Road, Hillcrest, Pretoria; PO Box 12622, Hatfield, 0028; Docex 48, Hatfield. Tel: (012) 362-5787. Ref: C. Kritzinger/MAR1/0001 (MAT8504). SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, that it is the intention of Brookfield Investments 315 (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 2011/004922/07), carrying on business as King Pie Palm Springs (Orang Farm), at Shop 24, Palm Springs Mall, cnr Welgevonden and Falcon Streets, Palm Springs, to dispose of the said business together with the assets on a date 30 days after the last appearance of this advertisement to Mzanzi School of Arts Close Corporation (Reg. No. 2008/128223/23) who will thereafter carry on the said business at the same address and under the same name for his own account and benefit. Signed at Midrand on 28 October 2014. SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, that it is the intention of Brookfield Investments 315 (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 2011/004922/07), carrying on business as King Pie East London Oxford Street at Shop 2A, Allied Building, Oxford Street, East London, and King Pie East London Terminus at Shop 2, Old Woolworths Building, cnr Oxford & Terminus Street, East London, to dispose of the said business together with the assets on a date 30 days after the last appearance of this advertisement to Carbun Enterprises (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 2012/068451/07) who will thereafter carry on the said business at the same address and under the same name for his own account and benefit. Signed at Midrand on 28 October 2014. SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, that it is the intention of Brookfield Investments 315 (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 2011/004922/07), carrying on business as King Pie Westgate at Shop L45, Westgate Shopping Centre, 120 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort, 1724, to dispose of the said business together with the assets on a date 30 days after the last appearance of this advertisement to K Khoza Enterprise (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 2012/110555/07) who will thereafter carry on the said business at the same address and under the same name for his own account and benefit. Signed at Midrand on 28 October 2014. SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, that it is the intention of Brookfield Investments 315 (Proprietary) Limited (Reg. No. 2011/004922/07), carrying on business as King Pie Benoni Lakeside Mall, at Shop L5A, Lakeside Mall, Tom Jones Street, Benoni, 1501, to dispose of the said business together with the assets on a date 30 days after the last appearance of this advertisement to Mankayane Filling Station and Projects Close Corporation (Reg. No. 2007/212318/23) who will thereafter carry on the said business at the same address and under the same name for his own account and benefit. Signed at Midrand on 28 October 2014.

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NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, 1936, AS AMENDED Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 (as amended), to interested parties and creditors that Troux Properties (Pty) Ltd (No. 2007/015301/07), intends selling major asset, a property known as Portion 66 of Erf 391, Springfield, situated at 22 Aloefield Crescent, Springfield, as a going concern, to Orionpack International CC (No. 1998/001852/23), which sale shall take effect on a date being not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days after the date of last publication of this notice. Enquiries to be made to: T Roux, 22 Aloefield Crescent, Springfield Park, 4043; PO Box 74462, Rochdale Park, 4034. Tel: (031) 579-1335. Gauteng, Johannesburg. (2) Consolidated Urban Acquisition 1 CC(2010/065121/23). (3) Seller: Consolidated Urban Acquisition 1 CC (2010/065121/23): Erf No. 1372—business/building name: Glo Bakeries; Erf 1364, 1365, 1366 and 5055— business/building name: U Save; Erf 1363—business/building name: Bree Street Mall; Erf 1369—business/building name: Cheryl Court; Erf 4590—business/building name: Film Trust House. (4) Sale. (5) Arrowhead Residential Limited (2013/226082/06). (6) —. (7) Brits van Rheede Muller Attorneys, 78 Iris Road, Norwood. Gauteng. (2) Sapphire Cove Investments 17 CC (2010/060256/23). (3) 320 Bree Street Building, 320 Bree Street, Johannesburg. (4) Sale. (5) Arrowhead Residential Limited. (6) —. (7) Brits van Rheede Muller Attorneys, 78 Iris Road, Norwood. SELL OF TACTICAL SOFTWARE SYSTEMS PROPRIETARY LIMITED PROPERTY TO ALL TIDE WAYS PROPS PROPRIETARY LIMITED NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1935 as amended, to all interested parties and creditors, that Tactical Software Systems Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 1997/004051/07), intends to dispose of a property being a unit consisting of: (a) Section No. 6, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS959/2007, in the scheme known as Sunninghill Gate, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Sunninghill Extension 115 Township, Local Authority, City of Johannesburg, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 2 428 (two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight) square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, with effect from a 21 October 2014 at a date not less than 30 (thirty) and not more than 60 (sixty) days after the publication of this notice, to All Tide Ways Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 2011/105086/07), who will thereafter own the said property. Dated at Roodepoort on 21 October 2014. CST Governance Pty Ltd, 381 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park Ext 3, 1709. Tel: (011) 475-5393. Fax: 086 601 5365. E-mail: [email protected] (Ref: CST/TSS.) t

NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 24/1936 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, Act 24/1936, that Socrasync Investments (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2009/016155/07, intends to alienate its business, which trades under the name of Lords Signature Hotel, at 53 Raymond Street, Risiville, Vereeniging, as a going concern on 15 December 2014, being not less than 30 (thirty) days and not more than 60 (sixty) days from the last date of publication of this notice, to LS Hotel (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2014/166634/07. Meise Nkaiseng Inc, PO Box 435, Vereeniging, 1930. Tel: (016) 420-2500. t

NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (as amended) to interested parties and creditors of the intention of KFC Properties Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 1983/004229/07), care of Lexicon Attorneys, cnr Westbourne and Clevedon Roads, Central, Port Elizabeth, to sell the business of owning and letting properties, to Propsky 3 Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 2014/133176/07), care of HR Levin Attorneys, No. 64 Kent Road, Dunkeld, Province of Gauteng, and that such sale and transfer shall take place not less than thirty days but not more than sixty days following the last publication of this notice. Dated at Johannesburg on this 31st day of October 2014. H R Levin Attorneys, Notaries & Conveyancers, Attorneys for the Purchaser, Kentgate, 64 Kent Road, cnr Oxford Road, Dunkeld, 2196. Tel: (011) 788-1628. (Ref: Mr Chris Boulle.)

This gazette is also available free online at 14 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency act No. 24 of 1936 as amended that Friedrich Wilheim Heinrich Dittrich, carrying on business under the style of Pizza Del Forno Blairgowrie (the business), at Shop No. 21, Blairgowrie Plaza, 70 Conrad Drive, Blairgowrie, Randburg, intends subject to fulfillment of certain suspensive conditions to sell and transfer its business to Laura Anne Da Silva (ID No. 8003310137084) in her capacity as Trustee on behalf of a company to be formed, in its entirety, as a going concern with effect from the 1st of November 2014. Lagoudis-Lamberti, 40 Santana, Lingerette avenue, Sunninghill Gardens. (011) 234-9856.


NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Dyvan Enterprises (Pty) Ltd, who conducts business in the name and style Caltex Star Stop Monte Vista, on 13 km north of Harrismith (both sides of N3 Highway) wishes to transfer the assets and goodwill of the above-mentioned business after the statutory period of 30 (thirty) days after the last publication of this notice, to Maputoland Petroleum CC, who will conduct the business under the name of Caltex Star Stop Monte Vista, at above address for his own account. Address of buyer: Maputoland Petroleum CC, PO Box 102217, Meerensee, 3901.


NOTICE OF THE SALE OF A BUSINESS IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act, 24 of 1936, as amended, that V Beach Properties (Pty) Ltd, carrying on business at the Remaining Extent of Portion 3 of Farm Cairn Farm No. 306, Registration Division JT, Mpumalanga, intends to dispose of the said business and the assets forming a substantial part thereof, after the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the last publication hereof, to Afri-Construction CC who will thereafter carry on business for its own account and benefit. Seymore Du Toit & Basson Attorneys, 14 Murray Street, Nelspruit. Tel: (013) 752-4459. Ref: VBE1/0001. E-mail: [email protected]

NOTICE OF THE SALE OF A BUSINESS IN TERMS OF SECTION 34 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that Frederick Erens Bezuidenhout, ID No. 3905115011089 and Maria Elizabeth Bezuidenhout, 4006140010086, carrying on a farming business at Portion 36 (a portion of Portion 1) of the farm Rietfontein, Farm Number 274, Registration Division JT, Mpumalanga, intends to dispose of the said business and the assets forming a substantial part thereof, after the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the last publication hereof, to K2014102291 (Pty) Ltd, Registration No. 2014/102291/07 who will thereafter carry on business for its own account and benefit. Seymore Du Toit & Basson Attorneys, 14 Murray Street, Nelspruit. Ref: BEZ25/0001. ——————————

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 34 VAN DIE INSOLVENSIE WET 24 VAN 1936 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat Frederick Erens Bezuidenhout, ID No. 390511501108 en Maria Elizabeth Bezuidenhout, ID No. 4006140010086, van voorneme is om die Boerdery besigheid en die bates van die besigheid welke besigheid bedryf word te Gedeelte 36 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 1) van die plaas Rietfontein, Plaas No. 274, Registrasie Afdeling JT, Mpumalanga, as ’n lopende saak te verkoop na ’n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing aan K2014102291 (Mkpy) Bpk, Registrasie No. 2014/102291/07 wat daarna die besigheid by dieselfde adres vir eie rekening en voordeel sal voortsit.

Seymore Du Toit & Basson Attorneys, 14 Murray Street, Nelspruit. Ref: BEZ25/0001.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 15


NOTICE OF THE SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, to all interested parties and creditors of the intention of Jona Ngxalezi General Traders CC, Reg. No. CK2010/130440/23, carrying on business as a total ser- vice station under the name of Total, Beverley Park, Eerste River, Western Cape, to dispose of the said business together with the assets, goodwill, goods or property forming part thereof as a going concern, on a date not being less than 30 (thirty) days nor more than 60 (sixty) days after the date of the last publication of this notice, to Nasheefa Gamieldien, in her capacity as trustee/agent for a company to be formed of 6 Thorn Street, Newlands, . Marais Muller Yekiso Inc., 58 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River. Tel: (021) 900-5300. Ref: P Niemann. Malmesbury. (2) JH Serdyn Goudklip Trust, Reg. No. IT1366/2011. (3) The Farm 1457. (4) Sale. (5) Werlex Properties Proprietary Limited, Reg. No. 1998/016751/07. (6) N/a. (7) Terblanche Slabber Pieter Incorporated, 8 Truter Street, Malmesbury, 7300. Moorreesburg.—(2) West Coast Petroleum Distributors Proprietary Limited, Registration No. 1997/018482/07. (3) Motorvehicle Letting Business, 68 River Street, Moorreesburg, 7310. (4) Sale. (5) Intelligent Fuel Solutions Proprietary Limited, Registration No. 2012/153150/07. (6) N/A. (7) Terblanche Slabber Pieters Incorporated, 8 Truter Street, Malmesbury, 7300.

NOTICE OF THE SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of Glasfit Southern Cape (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2006/014735/07) trading as Glasfit George and Glasfit Knysna, situated at 74 Knysna Road, George and 23 Nelson St, Knysna, to dispose of the business and transfer same to Pioen 1094 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2000/011223/07, who will carry on the said business at the same address and under the same style of his own account and benefit after a period of thirty (30) days from the last date of publication of this notice. Link Business Brokers, PO Box 10195, George, 6530. Contact: Karen Dorfling 083 226 9017. [email protected] ——————————

KENNISGEWING: VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis word hiermee gegee dat dit die voorneme is van Glasfit Southern Cape (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2006/014735/07) wat wat hancdel dryf as Glasfit George en Glasfit Knysna, te Knysnaweg 74, George, en Nelsonstraat 23, Knysna, om die besigheid te verkoop en oor te dra aan Pioen 10904 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2000/011223/07), wie die besigheid onder dieselfde naam en titel en vanaf dieselfde perseel vir sy eie voordeel sal voortsit na verloop van ’n periode van dertig (30) dae vanaf die laaste datum van die verskyning van hierdie kennisgewing. Link Business Brokers, Podbus 10195, George, 6530. Kontak: Karen Dorfling 083 226 9017. [email protected]



A HIGGS BRAKE & CLUTCH CC (in liquidation)

(Reg. No. 2009/112287/23)

NOTICE OF CREDITORS’ VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given that the above-mentioned insolvent close corporation passed a resolution by the members for the creditors’ voluntary winding up on 8 September 2014 and which was duly registered by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission on 28 October 2014. Graeme Palmer, Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., PO Box 1219, Umhlanga, 4320.

This gazette is also available free online at 16 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014


MASTER’S REFERENCE No. G20662/2014 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 356 (2) (b) of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, that the above named company has been voluntarily wound up in terms of a Special Resolution of members passed on 3 September 2014 and that Wendy Miller of Nexia Levitt Kirson, PO Box 225, Highlands North, 2037, has been nominated for appointment as Liquidator. Nexia Levitt Kirson, PO Box 225, Highlands North, 2037. t


Please take notice that N Matus intends making application to the Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission, for the re-instatement of Normat Investments (Pty) Ltd, 1983/005291/07.

Kindly note further that any objections to this application must be lodged with the Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission, PO boxs 429, Pretoria, 0001 within 21 (twenty-one) days of the date of this application.

Jackie van der Walt, Kaplan and Kaplan, 65 Fifth Avenue, Highlands North, 2192. Tel: (011) 887-8532; PO Box 64188, Highlands North, 2037. Fax: 086 6618 569.

LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors, of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc. LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees, kurators of voogde, van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens.


CAMECSA (PTY) LTD (Reg No. 2004/033621/07)

(In Voluntary Liquidation)

Master’s Reference No. G20250/2014

NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 375 (5) (b) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1973, AS AMENDED I, Marlene Retief, hereby give notice that by Certificate of appointment dated 14/10/2014, I have been appointed Liquidator of the above-mentioned Company by the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Marlene Retief, Platinum Financial Solutions, 24 Colwyn Drive, Sheffield Beach, 4420. Tel: (032) 525-4167. t


(In Voluntary Liquidation)

Master’s Reference No. G20033/2014

NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 375 (5) (b) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1973, AS AMENDED I, Marlene Retief, hereby give notice that by Certificate of appointment dated 7/10/2014, I have been appointed Liquidator of the above-mentioned Company by the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Marlene Retief, Platinum Financial Solutions, 24 Colwyn Drive, Sheffield Beach, 4420. Tel: (032) 525-4167.

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ZAMBEZI COAL (PTY) LTD (Reg No. 2005/011480/07) (In Voluntary Liquidation) Master’s Reference No. G20251/2014 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 375 (5) (b) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1973, AS AMENDED I, Marlene Retief, hereby give notice that by Certificate of appointment dated 14/10/2014, I have been appointed Liquidator of the above-mentioned Company by the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Marlene Retief, Platinum Financial Solutions, 24 Colwyn Drive, Sheffield Beach, 4420. Tel: (032) 525-4167.



Case No. 75280/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 21 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Louw, JW In the matter of: KUYANDA COMMODITIES 35 CC, t/a BAFANA PETROLEUM VERSPREIDERS, Applicant, and CLIFTON DUNES INV 90 (PTY) LTD, Reg. No. 2004/014069/07, address: 48 Iris Street, Heatherdale, Pretoria, Gauteng, Respondent Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on 2 December 2014 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. That a copy of this order be forthwith served on the respondent at its registered address. 4. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Beeld. 5. Transmittal of this Order to all known creditors by facsimile or registered mail. 6. That the costs of this application be costs in the winding up of the respondent. By the Court.—Registrar. Schabort Inc., 40 Weavind Street, Colbyn, Pretoria, Gauteng. t Case No. 1067A/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 29 September 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Phatudi In the matter of: ANNIE SIBUKOLOMBA MASUKU, Applicant, and MABJALA ROSINA KHUMALO, ID: 5609180810080, Savelkous Building, Suite 217, 256 Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria, Respondent Having heard counsel for the Applicant(s) and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record. It is Ordered: 1. That the Respondent be and is hereby provisionally sequestrated. 2. That a rule nisi is issued calling upon all interested parties to show cause on 28 November 2014 why the respondent should not be finally sequestrated. 3. That this Order must be served on the Respondent personally and her attorney of record. 4. That this Order must be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen newspaper, and further be served on the Master of the High Court and SARS. 5. Costs to be costs in the sequestration. By the Court.—Registrar. P. Venter, BDO Building, Ground Floor, 457 Rodericks Street, Lynnwood, Pretoria.

404594—B This gazette is also available free online at 18 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 46065A/2014

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA Gauteng Division, Pretoria Pretoria, 21 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Legodi In the ex parte application of: THABAZIMBI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FORUM NPC, Reg. No. 2005/040674/08, 2A Hamerkop Street, Thabazimbi, Limpopo, Applicant Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on 24 November 2014 why the applicant company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. That this Order be published forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and in a newspaper which is regularly circulated in the Thabazimbi District. 4. That a copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor of the applicant be registered post, facsimile or e-mail. By the Court.—Registrar CB. Attorney: Weavind, 573 Fehrsen Street, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria. t Case No. 75280/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 21 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Louw, JW In the matter of: KUYANDA COMMODITIES 35 CC, t/a BAFANA PETROLEUM VERSPREIDERS, Applicant, and CLIFTON DUNES INV 90 (PTY) LTD, Reg. No. 2004/014069/07, address: 48 Iris Street, Heatherdale, Pretoria, Gauteng, Respondent Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on 2 December 2014 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. That a copy of this order be forthwith served on the respondent at its registered address. 4. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Beeld. 5. Transmittal of this Order to all known creditors by facsimile or registered mail. 6. That the costs of this application be costs in the winding up of the respondent. By the Court.—Registrar. Schabort Inc., 40 Weavind Street, Colbyn, Pretoria, Gauteng. t

Case No. 46065A/2014

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA Gauteng Division, Pretoria Pretoria, 21 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Legodi In the ex parte application of: THABAZIMBI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FORUM NPC, Reg. No. 2005/040674/08, address: 2A Hamerkop Street, Thabazimbi, Limpopo, Applicant Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10:00 on 24 November 2014 why the applicant company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. That this Order be published forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and in a newspaper which is regularly circulated in the Thabazimbi District. 4. That a copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor of the applicant be registered post, facsimile or e-mail. By the Court.—Registrar CB. Attorney: Weavind, 573 Fehrsen Street, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria. t Case No. 60246/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 8 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Diederick (AJ) In the matter of: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant, and CORNELIUS FREDRICK SCHNEIDER, N.O. (in his capacity as trustee of the P & H ONTWIKKELINGSTRUST: IT3820/2003), Respondent Address: The Farm Zamekomst, Rysmierbult, Ventersdorp District, Northwest Province Having heard Counsel for the Applicant(s) and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the estate of P & H Ontwikkelingstrust (IT3820/2003) be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 21 November 2014 at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be made against their estate. 2. That a copy of this Order be forthwith served on the Respondent. 3. That a copy of this Order be published in the Government Gazette and in the local newspaper. 4. That a copy of this Order be delivered to the South African Revenue Service. 5. That the costs of this application be costs in the insolvent estate. By the Court.—Registrar. Van Zyl le Roux Inc., First Floor, Monument Office Park, corner of Steenbok Avenue and Elephant Street, Monument Park, Pretoria. t Case No. 77714/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) On 28 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice De Vos in chambers In the ex parte matter of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: The positive balance in account number 002378078001 held at the Brooklyn Cherrylane Branch of Bidvest Bank, which account is held in the name of TEMITOPE DAMILOLA DARAMOLA IN THE APPLICATION FOR A PRESERVATION ORDER IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 ORDER Having read the notice of motion, affidavits and annexures thereto, and having heard counsel for the Applicant. It is hereby Ordered that: The property 1. This Order relates to the positive balance in Account No. 002378078001, which account is held at the Brooklyn Cherrylane Branch of Bidvest Bank, in the name of Temitope Damilola Daramola (the property). Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property 2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, No. 121 of 1998 (“the Act”) all persons with knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from disposing of, interfering with or dealing in any other manner with the property to which this Order relates. 3. The property shall remain in the custody of Bidvest Bank until the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of the Act or until the matter is otherwise concluded.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Service and publication 4. The applicant shall, in terms of section 39 of the Act, cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A hereto: 4.1 Together with all the documents supporting the application to be served by the Sheriff on Mr Temitope Damilola Daramola at Stand No. 704 Fred Messenger Street, Andeon X22, Pretoria, 0005; 4.2 to be publicised in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted. Entry of appearance to oppose forfeited order 5. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 5.1 Opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or 5.2 Applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property; must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act. 6. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant: 6.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days after such service; and 6.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the Government Gazette. 7. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 7.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned. 7.2 Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order; 7.3 Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence; 7.4 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such application. 8. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration thereof. Such application shall be made upon 72 hours notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown) to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property, and must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the Act. By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 77714/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) In the ex parte matter of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Any positive balance in account number 002378078001 held at the Brooklyn Cherrylane Branch of Bidvest Bank, which account is held in the name of TEMITOPE DAMILOLA DARAMOLA IN THE APPLICATION FOR A PRESERVATION ORDER IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF ACT 121 OF 1998 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) (b) OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT, No. 121 OF 1998 (THE ACT) This notice is addressed to Mr Temitope Damilola Daramola; and all other persons who have an interest in the property representing such property or the proceeds of such property (the property). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the Act in respect of the property; 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it; 3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the Act for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the Act. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the Act. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the Order. 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, SALU Building, corner Andries and Schoeman Streets, Pretoria, 0001. Tel. (012) 309-1677. Fax: 086 572 4308. (Ref: Masekoameng 5217/2014/Z56.) Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number. t Case No. 72268/13 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 8 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Makgoba In the matter of: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant, and RAYMOND ANDERSON N.O., 1st Respondent, RENIER SCHALK VAN RENSBURG N.O., 2nd Respondent, PIETER HAMMAN HAMMAH N.O., 3rd Respondent (in their capacities as Trustees of THE ANDERSON FAMILY TRUST, IT7561/98), address: 265 Lyra Street, Waterkloofridge Having heard counsel for the Applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. Noeline Maureen Anderson N.O., is substituted as the First Respondent in the place of Renier Schalk van Rensburg N.O. 2. Jabov Bernard Engelbrecht N.O., is substituted as Second Respondent in the place of Pieter Hamman Hamman N.O. 3. That the estate of The Anderson Family Trust IT7561/98 be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 26 January 2015 at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be made against the estate. By the Court.—Registrar AJ. Attorney: Tim du Toit. Address: 433 Rodericks Road, cnr Susex Avenue, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 403. t Case No. 15722/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) On 7 August 2014 before the Honourable Justice Mavundlu In the matter of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: R235 004,90 held in the SAPS Suspense Account under Receipt No. 4303134 IN THE APPLICATION FOR A FORFEITURE ORDER IN TERMS OF SECTION 48 OF ACT 121 OF 1998 ORDER Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter, It is hereby Ordered: 1. An order is granted in terms of the provisions of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (the POCA), declaring forfeit to the State certain property (the property), which is presently subject to a preservation of property order granted by this Honourable Court under the above case number on 5 May 2014, namely, an amount of 235 004,90 held in the SAPS suspense account under Receipt No. 4303134.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. The property shall vest in the State upon the granting of the order. 3. The appointment of a curator bonis is dispensed with. 4. A duly authorised employee of the Asset Forfeiture Unit, Mbali Nhlangothi, is authorised to: 4.1 Assume control of the property and take it into her custody; 4.2 pay the cash into the Criminal Asset Recovery Account established under section 63 of the POCA, No. 80303056, held at the South African Reserve Bank, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria. 5. The Registrar of this Honourable Court must publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practical after the order is made. 6. Any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the forfeiture order, may within 20 days after he or she has acquired knowledge of such order, set the matter down for variation or rescission by the Court. By Order of the Court.—Registrar of the above High Court. t Case No. 14/34600 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of: BEST CANOPY HOLDING CC, Applicant DRAFT ORDER Having read the papers and having heard counsel, It is Ordered that: 1. The Applicant is placed under provisional winding up; 2. That all persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order the final winding-up of the Applicant on 14 November 2014 at 10:00. 3. That a copy of this Order be published in the Government Gazette and in the Star newspaper. 4. That a copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post. 5. Costs of this application to be costs in the liquidation. The Court. Counsel for Applicant: Thea Landman (Pitje Chambers). t Case No. 72463/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Dated at Pretoria, on 2014/10/07, before Honourable Judge AA Louw In the matter between: JOHAN VAN GREUNEN (in his capacity as the appointed business rescue practitioner of the Respondent), and MARTINEZ STUDIO CC (Reg. No. 2008/178392/23), 1st Respondent, and COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION, 2nd Respondent Having read the papers filed or record and having heard Counsel for the Applicant It is Ordered that: 1. That the First Respondent business rescue proceedings be terminated in terms of section 129 (5) (b) of the Act; 2. That the Rist Respondent be placed in provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master; 3. That a rule nisi be issued calling on the First Respondent and any other interested parties to show cause to this Honourable Court on or before 21 November 2014 why the First Respondent should not be placed under a Final Liquidation order; 4. That this Order be served forthwith on: 4.1.1. The First Respondent at its registered office; 4.1.2 the First Respondent’s employees, if any; 4.1.3 Trade Union, if known by the Applicant in terms of section 346 (2) read with 346 (1) (a) on the Companies Act; 4.1.4 the office of the South African Revenue Services; 4.1.5 all affected parties by electronic mail. 4.2 That the First Respondent be ordered to pay the cost of this Applicant on an attorney and own client scale. Date: 2014/10/27. Suzette Buissinne, 106 Panorama Road, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion. Tel: (012) 661-2065. [email protected]

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 76709/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Ex parte application of: MADILONGA, NDICHUDZANNYI, First Applicant, and KHONDOWE, VELAPHI THOMAS, Second Applicant Take notice that on the 28th day of November 2014 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the above- mentioned Applicants will apply to the above-mentioned Honourable Court, for an order in the following terms: 1. That the Applicants are given leave, in terms of section 88 of Act No. 47 of 1937, to effect the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is annexed to the application marked Annexure “NM6”, which contract will after registration thereof regulate their Matrimonial property system; 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract; 3. This Order— 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of deeds within 2 (two) months of the date of the granting of this Order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the right of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract. 4. Further and/or alternative relief. Applicants’ Attorney, Louise Dalton Attorney, 33 Zervista, Median Street, Elarduspark, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 345-3325. t Case No. 16357/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 21 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Tuchten In the matter of: ABSA BANK LIMITED (Reg. No. 1986/004794/06), Applicant, and HALIFAX SUPPLIES CC (Reg. No. 1997/014886/23), Respondent, address: John Vorster Avenue, Zwartkop Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Applicant close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional liquidation with the return date 03 December 2014. 2. That the provisional order is served on the registered office of the Respondent. 3. That the provisional order is to be advertised in the Government Gazette and the Beeld newspaper. 4. That the Applicant serve this Order upon all known creditors and employees of the Respondent and SARS. By the Court.—Registrar. Attorney: Smit Sewgoolam Inc. Address: 12 Avonwold Road, cnr Jan Smuts Avenue, Saxonwold. t Case No. 69334/2013


(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)

Pretoria, 17 October 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Potterill

In the matter between: WATERLAKE FARM HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION, Applicant, and SUZANNE STYLES, Respondent Having heard Counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the rule nisi issued out of this Court on 30 May 2014.

It is Ordered: 1. That this return date of the aforesaid rule nisi be and is hereby extended until 1 December 2014. 2. No order as to costs. By the Court.—Registrar. Attorney: EW Serfontein.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 69334/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 30 May 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Bam In the matter of: WATERLAKE FARM HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION, Applicant, and SUZANNE STYLES (ID: 6508130211085), Address: 53 Walden Crescent, Clearwater, Rietvalleirand, Centurion, Respondent Having heard Counsel for the Applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: it is Ordered: 1. That the estate of Suzanne Styles be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hand of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 11th of July 2014 at 10h00, why a final order of sequestration should not be made against Respondent estate. 2. That the Applicant is to serve the provisional sequestration order upon the Respondent at her domicilium et executandi address, being 606 Waterlake Farm, Boschkop, 0082. 3. That the Applicant is to publish the provisional sequestration order in the Government Gazette and the Pretoria News newspaper. 4. That the costs of this application will be costs in the sequestration. By the Court.—Registrar. Attorney: E W Serfontein, 15 Bond Street, Clydesdale, Pretoria. t Case No. 65274/2014 IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria) Pretoria, 23 Oktober 2014, voor sy Edele Regter Legodi In die saak tussen: STEPHANUS GERHARDUS DE BEER (ID: 4804055147080), Applikant, en ANDRE VAN VUUREN (ID: 5409225138088), Adres: Ysselstraat 29, Ventersdorp, Respondent Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikant(e) en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en ander dokumente geliasseer. Word Gelas: 1. Dat die boedel van Andre Van Vuuren, hierby in voorlopige sekwastrasie geplaas word in die hande van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof en dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word wat die Respondent oproep om redes, indien enige, voor hierdie Hof aan te voer om 10h00, op 2 September Desember, waarom ’n finale bevel van sekwestrasie nie teen sy boedel gemaak sal word nie. 2. Dat hierdie bevel op die Respondent persoonlik asook die ex-vrou beteken word en ge-adverteer word in die Staatskoerant. 3. Dat die koste van die aansoek deel van die sekwestrasie aansoek sal wees. Deur die Hof.—Griffier. Prokureur: Cassie Fourie, Witdoringlaan 724, Moreletapark, Pretoria. t Case No. 41597/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 9 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Botes (AJ) In the matter of: ELSABE FOURIE, Applicant, and MIDBANK RETAIL CITY (PTY) LTD (Reg No. 2008/006612/07), Address: 11 Neven Street, Emalahleni, Respondent Having heard Counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents field of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. That a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court at 10h00, on 21 November 2014, why the Respondent Company should not be placed under final winding-up order.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. That a copy of this Order be served on the Respondent Company at its registered office. 4. That service of this rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent Company at its registered office and by publication forth- with once in each of the Government Gazette and Beeld newspaper. 5. That the copy of this Order be forwarded to each known creditor by pre-paid registered post. 6. That a copy of this Order be served on the employees of the Respondent. 7. Costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. By the Court.—Registrar. Attorney: Deysel, Lyttelton Road, Clubview, Centurion. t Case No. 65275/14


(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)

Pretoria, 24 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Diedericks AJ

In the matter of: JOHAN PETRUS UYS, Applicant, and JACOBUS ALBERTUS JOHANNES SWANEPOEL (ID: 8504135082082), Address: 52 Villa Louanne, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom, 1st Respondent Having heard Counsel for the Applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered: 1. That the estate of Jacobus Albertus Johannes Swanepoel, be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 3 February 2014 at 10h00, why a final order of sequestration should not be made against his estate. 2. A copy of this Order shall be served personally on the Respondent. By the Court.—Registrar. Attorney: Cassie Fourie, 724 Witdoring Avenue, Moreleta Park, Pretoria. t Case No. 75469/2014


(Gauteng Division, Pretoria)

On this 17th day of October 2014, before His Honourable Judge Msemeki

In the ex-parte application of: PAUL SMITH DESIGNS CC (Reg No. 2002/0187616/23), Applicant

DRAFT ORDER Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents file of record, the following order is made:

It is Ordered: 1. That the Applicant be placed under a provisional winding-up order in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable Court. 2. That a rule nisi be issued calling upon all interested parties to furnish reasons, if any, to the above Honourable Court on a date on the 3rd of December 2014, as to why a final winding-up order should not be granted. 3. That this Order be published in the Times and the Government Gazette. 4. That the costs of this application should be cost of the liquidation. By the Court.—Registrar.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 74358/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) On 13 October 2014, before Justice Msimeki J., in chambers In the ex parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: An Isuzu bakkie with Registration Number BFP 064 MP and Chassis Number DMTFS55HHM767734 IN AN APPLICATION FOR A PRESERVATION ORDER IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT, ACT 121 OF 1998 DRAFT ORDER Having read the notice of motion and its related affidavits and annexures, and having heard counsel for the Applicant: It is hereby Ordered that: The property This order relates an Isuzu bakkie with Registration Number BFP 064 MP and Chassis Number ADMTFS55HHM767734 (“property”). Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property 1. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, No. 121 of 1998 (POCA), all persons with knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from: Removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with any of the movable property to which this Order relates; 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any person who has financial obligations in respect of any of the property is ordered to fulfil such obligations, including any obligations, vehicle finance, licences, and all interest accruing in respect of such obligations, pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings unless such person signs a consent to judgment in favour of the Applicant. 3. The Isuzu bakkie with Registration Number BFP 064 MP remains in custody of SAPS at the Charl Cilliers Police Station at the SAP 13 store until the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. Service and publication 4. The Applicant must in terms of section 39 of POCA: 4.1 Cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff on: 4.1.1 Dumisani Gift Kubheka, a South African adult male with Identity Number 8903165958080 residing at House Number 218, Viljoen Street, Charl Cilliers. Kubheka is currently incarcerated at Standerton Correctional Service where he will be served; and 4.2 cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A, to be published in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted. Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order 5. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State or applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter an appearance giving notice of his or her intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA. 6. Such notice must be delivered to the Applicant: 6.1 in the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days of service; and 6.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date when a notice of the order was published in the Government Gazette. 7. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 7.1 the full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 7.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 7.3 whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order; 7.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence; 7.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such an application.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

8. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall be made: 8.1 in instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown). 8.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property. 9. Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court. t

ANNEXURE A IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) In the ex parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: An Isuzu bakkie with Registration Number BFP 064 MP and Chassis Number ADMTFS55HHM767734 IN AN APPLICATION FOR A PRESERVATION ORDER IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT, ACT 121 OF 1998 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Dumisani Gift Kubheka and all other persons who have an interest in the property namely an Isuzu bakkie with Registration Number BFP 064 MP and Chassis Number ADMTFS55HHM767734 (Property). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“National Director”) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA in respect of the property; 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it; 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied; 4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements; 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above; 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property; 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of POCA; 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order; 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: Attorneys for the Applicant, cnr Andries Street and Schoeman Street, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 309-1500. Ref: 0536/14/Z56. Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 16357/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 21 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Tuchten In the matter of: ABSA BANK LIMITED (Reg. No. 1986/004794/06), Applicant, and HALIFAX SUPPLIES CC (Reg. No. 1997/014886/23), address: John Vorster Avenue, Zwartkop, Respondent Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That the above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation be and is hereby placed under provisional liquidation with the return date 3 December 2014. 2. That the provisional order is served on the registered office of the Respondent. 3. That the provisional order is to be advertised in the Government Gazette and the Beeld newspaper. 4. That the Applicant serve this order upon all known creditors and employees of the Respondent and SARS. By the Court.—Registrar. Attorney: Smit Sewgoolam Inc. Address: 12 Avonwold Road, cnr Jan Smuts Avenue, Saxonwold. t Saak No. 66173/2014 IN DIE HOË HOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria) Op hierdie 27ste dag van Oktober 2014, voor Sy Edele Regter Da Silva (WND) In die saak tussen: JACOBUS JOHANNES BOTES N.O., 1ste Applikant, EMMERENTIA JOHANNA BOTES N.O., 2de Applikant, en NKOLO DEVELOPMENTS (EDMS) BPK, h/a PROTEA HOTEL CHRISTIANA (Reg. No. 1983/007395/07), Respondent KONSEPBEVEL Na deurlees van die stukke hierin en na aanhoor van die Advokaat namens die Applikante: Word dit Gelas: 1. Dat die Respondent onder voorlopige likwidasie geplaas word in die hande van die Meester van die Hoë Hof. 2. Dat ’n bevel nisi uitgereik word in terme waarvan alle persone met ’n belang aangesê word om op 8 Desember 2014 om 10h00, redes by die Agbare Hof aan te voer waarom die Respondent nie finaal gelikwideer moet word nie. 3. Dat die Applikante gelas word om ’n afskrif van hierdie Bevel in die Beeld Koerant en die Staatskoerant te publiseer. 4. Dat die Applikante gelas word om hierdie Bevel op die Respondent te beteken by die Respondent se geregistreerde adres, sowel as die Respondent se hoofplek van besigheid. 5. Dat die Applikante gelas word om ’n afskrif van hierdie Bevel te beteken op alle bekende skuldeisers per voorafbetaalde geregistreerde pos of by wyse van e-pos. 6. Dat koste van die aansoek, koste in die likwidasie sal wees. Op Las.—Griffier.


Case No. 2969/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 28 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Chetty In the application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and ANTONIO TOCCO, First Respondent, GAETANO CANFORS, Second Respondent, VINCENZO OLISTERNO, Third Respondent, DIAMANTE GALLIANO, Fourth Respondent, ANTONIO GALLIANO, Fifth Respondent, GAETANO AVOLIO, Sixth Respondent In re: Cash of R385 284.50 foreign currency and power tools seized under Humewood CAS 81/8/2014. FORFEITURE ORDER Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

It is Ordered that: 1. An Order be and is hereby granted in terms of section 53 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), declaring forfeit to the State the R385 284,50 cash and foreign currency held, as well as the power tools seized under Humewood CAS81/8/2014 (the property). 2. In terms of section 50 (6) of POCA, paragraph 5 below shall take effect 45 days after publication of a notice thereof in the Government Gazette unless an Appeal is instituted before this time in which case this Order will take effect on the finalisation of such Appeal. 3. Glynn Fraser (Fraser), who was appointed in the Preservation Order to take care of the property, be and is hereby directed to continue acting as such for the purpose of this Order. 4. Pending the taking effect of this Order, the property shall remain in the custody of Fraser. 5. On the date on which this Order take effect, to wit 45 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, Fraser shall cause the tools to be sold (if possible) and the proceeds and cash to be deposited into the Criminal Asset Recovery Account after repayment of such victims as may have been instrumental in the apprehension of the Respondents and have indicated on oath that they would like to be repaid. (Payment to such victims will be regarded in lieu of to the State). 6. The Applicant is directed to cause notice of this Order to be served on the Respondents. 7. The Applicant is further directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable. By Order of the Court.—Registrar. The State Attorney. t Case No. 725/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Mthatha) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: White Ford Bantam with Registration No. DCR 949 EC used as an instrumentality of an offence (Property). Mthatha, 25 September 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Mjali, J Mr Nontswabu, Attorney for the Applicant Having read documents filed of record and hearing Attorney for the Applicant: It is Ordered that: 1. The White Ford Bantam with Registration No. DCR 949 EC (Property) is declared forfeit to the State in terms of section 53 of the Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998. 2. Kayaletu Ncula, the curator herein is authorized to sell the property and deposit the proceeds into the banking account of the National Treasury’s bank held at the South African Reserve Bank, No. 8033-281-1 within 45 days after this Order was granted. 3. The Registrar of this Honourable Court is directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is made. By the Court.—Registrar. t Case No. 3696/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) Grahamstown, Monday, 27 October 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice, Revelas In the ex parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and CAMEL ROCK SOCIAL HOUSING INSTITUTION, First Respondent, THANDUXOLO GILBERT ZUKA, Second Respondent, THOMAS MAXWELL MZAMO, Third Respondent, CWENGA DELAZOLA JOHAN PAKADE, Fourth Respondent, MBENGO INVESTMENTS CC, Fifth Respondent, VIVENDREN NAIDOO, Sixth Respondent, LULAMA BERNARD GWILIKANA, Seventh Respondent, NTHABISENG MAKENG-ZUKA, Eighth Respondent, MELVILLE MVELASE MROLELI, Ninth Respondent, THOZAMA MQALO, Tenth Respondent, SIZWE MABANDLA, Eleventh Respondent, SPRING FOREST 248 CC, Twelfth Respondent, THE SOCIAL HOUSING REGULATORY COUNCIL, Thirteenth Respondent, MEMBER OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FOR EASTERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS, Fourteenth Respondent, and MONGOATO MAVUSO & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS, CONVEYANCERS & ADMINI- STRATORS OF ESTATES, Fifteenth Respondent, Having on the 22nd May 2014 heard Adv. Kingsley, Counsel for the Applicant and Adv. Cole, Counsel for the 1st & 4th Respondents, and having read the documents filed of record: The Court reserved judgment; thereafter on this day: It is Ordered: 1. That the property referred to in the Applicant’s forfeiture application, with the exception of any funds in the banking account of the Sixth Respondent, is declared forfeit to the State on the terms set out in the draft order attached to the application filed on 13th May 2014.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That in terms of section 53 (1) (a) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), declaring forfeit to the State the proceeds in or of the following property (the property): (a) ABSA Account No. 9282204055; (b) ABSA Cheque/Operating Account No. 4080700830; (c) Business ABSA Account No. 9246277991; (d) ABSA Account No. 9110116558; (e) ABSA Account No. 9276896117; (f) ABSA Account No. 9232393244; (g) ABSA Account No. 4059263679; (h) First National Bank Account No. 62003264299; (i) First National Bank Account No. 62288230510; (j) First National Bank Account No. 62023390107, alternatively a white Mazda LDV with Registration No. CDY 954 EC (the Mazda); (k) Standard Bank Account No. 80093205; (l) Standard Bank Account No. 182124452; (m) Nedbank Account No. 1027196195; (n) Capitec Account No. 1165428693; and (o) A Chevrolet Trailblazer Station Wagon vehicle with Registration No. FZR 117 EC (the Trailblazer). 3. That in terms of section 50 (6) of POCA, paragraph 5 below shall take effect 45 days after publication of a notice thereof in the Government Gazette unless an appeal is instituted before this time in which case this Order will take effect on the finalisation of such appeal. 4. That Mr Kayalethu Ncula (Ncula), a Financial Investigator in the East London Asset Forfeiture Unit, who was appointed in the Preservation Order to take care of the property, be and is hereby directed to continue acting as such for the purposes of this Order. 5. That pending the taking effect of this order, the property shall remain in the control of Ncula, who shall have authority to sign all transfer and registration documents pertaining to the property. 6. That on the date on which this Order takes effect, to wit 45 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, Ncula, shall: (a) Sell, at reasonable market price, the Trailblazer and/or the Mazda by way of public auction or private treaty; and (b) cause the proceeds of such sales together with the funds in the bank accounts mentioned supra, less any payments made for bank charges and in relation to the auction’s fees and disbursements, to be deposited into the National Treasury’s (the Thirteenth Respondent, and the victim of the underlying offences herein) Revenue Bank Account 8030 2505 alternatively into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account No. 8030 3056 held at the Reserve Bank. 7. That payment to the National Treasury is deemed to be payment to the State. 8. That the Applicant is directed to cause notice of this Order to be served on the First, Second and Fourth Respondents. 9. The Applicant is further directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable. 10. The Second Respondent’s application for living and legal expenses is dismissed with costs. By Order of the Court.—P. M. Toyisi, Court Registrar. NN Dullabh & Co. t Case No. 2146/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Mthatha) In the matter between: MICHAEL JAMES RECROSIO, trading as TIMBERLAND MTHATHA, Applicant, and DEMO CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD, Respondent Mthatha, 2 October 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Mjali J Mr Botma, Counsel for the Applicant No appearance for the Respondent Having read documents filed of record and hearing Counsel for the Applicant: It is Ordered: 1. That Respondent’s Company be provisionally wound up in the hands of the Master of the High Court. 2. That a rule nisi order do issue calling upon the Respondent and all interested parties to show cause, if any, to this Court on or before Thursday, 30 October 2014 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be placed under final liquidation.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. That the Master of the High Court be directed to appoint a liquidator to the Respondent. 4. That service of this Order be effected. 4.1 Upon the Respondent at its principal place of business at Office No. 5, Myezo Park, Mthatha; 4.2 Upon the employees of the Respondent by fixing a copy to the employee notice board at the main entrance or in a prominent place at the principal place of business of the Respondent situated at Office No. 5, Myezo Park, Mthatha; 4.3 upon the Trade Union to which the employees of the Respondent belong, should same be applicable; 4.4 on the South African Revenue Services; 4.5 at the offices of Keightley, Sigadla & Nonkonyana Inc.; 4.6 by publication forthwith in the Daily Dispatch newspaper and the Government Gazette. 5. That the cost of the application be part of the cost for the liquidation. By the Court.—Registrar. t Case No. 3627/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, 28th October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Chetty In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Application in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), concerning immovable property described as Honeyville Farm, held under Deed of Transfer No. T27075/2007 registered at the Deeds Office, Cape Town. Having heard Advocate Hack, Counsel for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record: It is Ordered: The Property 1. That this Order relates to immovable property known as Honeyville Farm, held under Deed of Transfer No. T27075/2007, registered at the Deeds Office, Cape Town, and described as: 1.1 Division 1 of the farm Poplar Grove No. 303, measuring in extent 205 5683 hectares; 1.2 the Remaining Extent of the farm Poplar Grove No. 303, measuring in extent 317 0509 hectares; 1.3 the farm Honeyville No. 302, measuring in extent 696 3605 hectares; collectively referred to as the property herein. Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property 2. That in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) all persons with knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or dealing in any other manner with the property. Curator bonis 3. That in terms of section 42 (1) of POCA Mr Michael Timkoe of Timkoe Trustees CC be and is hereby appointed as curator bonis subject to the applicable provisions of the Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965, as well as the supervision of the Master of the High Court. 4. That he is authorised to assume control of the property and to take the property into his custody; take care of the property; administer the property and do anything necessary to preserve the property whilst the Order is in force. Service and publication 5. That the Applicant must in terms of section 39 of POCA: 1.1 cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure “A”, together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff: 1.1.1 on Mongezi Alfred MDE (in his personal capacity as well as in his representative capacity as director of CPAD Farm Holdings (Pty) Ltd; 1.1.2 at the last known registered address of CPAD Farm Holdings (Pty) Ltd, being 49 Worracker Street, Newton Park. 1.2 Cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure “A”, to be delivered (including by email) to: 5.2.1 The Land Bank (Ref: Mr JJP Delport—[email protected]); 5.2.2 Moore Stephens Attorneys (Ref: J. Viviers—[email protected]); 5.2.3 Groenewald Attorneys (Ref: A Groenewald—[email protected]);

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

5.2.4 Donald George Duke Jackson; 1.3 cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure “A”, to be published in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the Order is granted. The Registrar of Deeds 6. That the Registrar of Deeds is directed to endorse the title deed of the property with the following restriction, namely that the property shall not without the consent of this Court: 6.1 be mortgaged or otherwise encumbered; 6.2 be attached or sold in execution. Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order 7. That any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA. 8. That such notice must be delivered to the Applicant: 8.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days of service; and 8.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date when a notice of the Order was published in the Government Gazette. 9. That a notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 9.1 the full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 9.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 9.3 whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order; 9.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is proceeds of unlawful activities in terms of the provisions of POCA and the basis for such defence; 9.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such application. 10. That any person who is affected by the Order may on good cause shown apply for reconsideration. Such application shall be made: 10.1 In other instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown); 10.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property. 11. That such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying or reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the Order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of POCA. By Order of Court.—A. Erasmus (Ms), Registrar. State Attorneys. t Annexure “A” IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) In the ex parte application: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Application in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), concerning immovable property described as Honeyville Farm, held under Deed of Transfer No. T27075/2007, registered at the Deeds Office, Cape Town. NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) (b) OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to Mongezi Alfred Mde and other parties known to the Applicant to have an interest in the property subject to the Preservation Order. Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a Preservation Order (the Order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA in respect of immovable property known as Honeyville Farm, held under Deed of Transfer No. T27075/2007, registered at the Deeds Office, Cape Town and described as: 1.1 Division 1 of the farm Poplar Grove No. 303, measuring in extent 205 5683 hectares; 1.2 The Remaining Extent of the farm Poplar Grove No. 303, measuring in extent 317 0509 hectares; 1.3 the farm Honeyville No. 302, measuring in extent 696 3605 hectares; collectively referred to as the property herein.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. You should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 3. You are hereby notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice in the Government Gazette, apply to the High Court under section 48 of POCA for an Order declaring the property forfeit to the state. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA (summarised in the Order). An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice apply for reconsideration of the Order. 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the Order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 10. Whenever the Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Ref: 2696/2014/Y— Mr W. Myburgh, 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth; Private Bag X6046, Port Elizabeth, 6000. Tel: (041) 585-7921. Fax: (041) 585-2687. Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number. 11. Mr Michael Timkoe of Timkoe Trustees CC, of 1 Digby Road, Framsesby, Port Elizabeth (Tel. No.: 041 360-1865) has been appointed as curator bonis. He is authorised to assume control of the property and to take the property into his custody; take care of the property; administer the property and do anything necessary to preserve the property whilst the Order is in force. t Case No. 4293/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) 28 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Pickering In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and MSONGELLA MBHELE, Respondent In re: R1 600 in cash and a maroon Nissan Bakkie Having heard Mr Wolmarans, Attorney for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That in terms of section 38 of Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) an Order be and is hereby granted prohibiting any person from dealing in any manner with an amount of R1 600 in cash and a maroon Nissan Bakkie with Registration Number DLS 311 EC (the property) held by the police at Graaff-Reinet under case registered as CAS 257/11/2012. 2. That Glynn Fraser (Fraser) be and is hereby appointed to take control of the property pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of POCA or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. That the applicant be and is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after obtaining this Order. 4. That the applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of Schedule A, Annexure B to the papers and this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in the matter. 5. That the Respondent be and is hereby directed, should he wish to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, to file notice of his intention to do so in terms of section 39 (3) and (5) of POCA, within 14 days of being notified of this Order. 6. That any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 To oppose the application for an Order forfeiting the property to the State or 6.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance).

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

7. That such an appearance must be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of the Respondent, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of; POCA, after such service; 7.2 In the case of all other persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in the Government Gazette or after the date of service in terms of the rules upon them. 8. That an appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5), include full particulars of the address chosen for the delivery of the documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance; 8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; 8.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing a forfeiture order or supplying for the exclusion if his or her interests from the operation thereof. 9. That any person who is affected by this Order may apply for rescission or variation thereof in terms of section 47 of POCA. By Order of Court.—N. Bikitsha, Court Registrar. NN Dullabh & Co. t IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and MSONGELLA MBHELE, Respondent In re: R1 600 in cash and a maroon Nissan Bakkie

NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) OF ACT 121 OF 1998 1. This notice is addressed to the Respondent and to all persons who have an interest in the property listed in Schedule A. It is meant to advise such persons of some of the options available to them. Take notice that: 2. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (the National Director) has obtained a preservation of Property Order (the Order), in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) against the property listed in Schedule A. A copy of the Order is attached to this notice. 3. If you have an interest in the property you should understand that it is now at risk because the National Director intends applying to the Grahamstown High Court (the Court) for a Forfeiture Order within 90 days of the publication of the Order in the Government Gazette (the Gazette). The Order will remain in force until: 3.1 a Forfeiture Order granted by the Court in respect of the property subject to the Order remains unsatisfied; or 3.2 the National Director fails to apply for a Forfeiture Order within 90 days after publication of the Order in the Gazette; or 3.3 the Order is set aside by the Court before expiry of 90 days from date of its publication in the Gazette. 4. You are advised to obtain legal advice to ascertain if you can protect your interest and, if so, how to protect it. If you wish to oppose this Application, or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be made, you must give notice of such intention in terms of the Order attached to this notice. The requirements of such notice are dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. If this notice has been served on you or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date give notice of your inten- tion to oppose this Application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. If you fail to do so within that time your interest in the property may be defeated by a Forfeiture Order granted by default in terms of section 50 and 53 of POCA. 6. If this notice has not been served or delivered to you, you must within 14 days after the date of publication of the Preservation of the Preservation Order in the Gazette give notice of your intention to oppose this Application or to apply for an Order excluding your interest in the property from the operation of the Forfeiture Order that may be granted. 7. For a notice of intention to oppose this Application to be valid, you must: 7.1 serve or deliver the original to the Registrar of the Court; 7.2 serve or deliver a copy to N.N. Dullabh Attorneys at 5 Betram Street, Grahamstown; 7.3 state therein an address within 8 kilometres of the Court at which you will accept notice and service or delivery of all documents relating to this Application; and 7.4 attach to the notice an affidavit in which you set out: 7.4.1 full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 7.4.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

7.4.3 whether you intend to oppose the making of the Forfeiture Order, or to apply for an Order: 7.4.4 excluding your interest in that property from the operation from the Order; or 7.4.5 varying the operation of the Order in respect of that property; 7.4.6 whether you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities; 7.4.7 the facts: on which you intend to rely in opposing the making of a Forfeiture Order or applying for a rescission order; on the basis of which you admit or deny that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities. 8. If you give notice in terms of the Order and comply with the above requirements for the notice you will be entitled to be given 14 days’ notice of the application for the Forfeiture Order. 9. If you should fail to give notice of your intention to oppose validly and in good time, or if you should not have received or become aware of this notice, you may yet have grounds to apply in terms of section 49 of POCA for leave of the Court to give late notice of your intention to oppose. 10. Any person affected by the preservation Order may apply to the Court to have that Order set aside in the circumstances mentioned in section 47 (1) of POCA, in addition, the Court is obliged by the provisions of section 47 (1) (b) of the POCA to set aside of rescind the Preservation Order when the proceedings against the Defendant concerned are concluded. However, section 50 (4) of POCA also provides that the validity of a Forfeiture Order is not affected by the outcome of the criminal proceedings in respect of an offence with which the property is associated. 11. The Order in respect of immovable property may be rescinded or set aside by the Court at any time on the application by a person who is affected by it. 12. A Forteiture Order must also be published in the Gazette in terms of section 50 (5) of POCA. If a Forfeiture Order should have been made before you become aware that it is to be sought, you may have grounds on which to apply to this Court in terms of section 54 of POCA for the exclusion of your interest from the operation of the Forfeiture Order already made, or for an order varying the operation of the Forfeiture Order in respect of the property. You will then have to comply with the procedural requirements of section 54. You will have only 45 days from the date of publication of the Forfeiture Order in the Gazette in which to make an application to the Court for relief. 13. If a Forfeiture Order or any other Order under section 53 (1) (b) of POCA should be made by default, any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the Order wil have the right, within 20 days after acquiring knowledge of the Order, to set the matter down for variation or rescission of the Order by the Court and the Court is empowered, upon good cause shown, to vary or rescind the default Order or to give some other direction on such terms as it deems appropriate. t Case No. 1760/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) Before the Honourable Mr Justice Pickering 28th October 2014 In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Mercedes Benz Vito CA 279370 (the property) ORDER Having heard Mr Wolmarans, Attorney for the Applicant and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record and having considered the matter, It is Ordered: 1. That in terms of the provisions of section 50 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA), declaring forfeit to the State, a Mercedes Benz Vito motor vehicle with Registration No. CA 279370 (the property) which is currently under preservation in terms of the preservation of property order granted by this Court on 21st May 2014; 2. That the Registrar of this Court be and is hereby directed to publish this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as possible after the order is made. 3. That in terms of section 56 of POCA, Kayalethu Ncula (Ncula), a Special Investigator of the asset Forfeiture Unit in East London be and is hereby directed to deal with the property as follows: 3.1 Assume control of the property 3.2 sell the property in a public auction

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3.3 deposit the money into the Criminal Recovery asset Account established under section 63 of POCA, Account No. 80303056, held at South African Reserve Bank, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria. 4. That the property shall remain in the custody and control of Ncula pending the delivery thereof into Criminal Asset Recovery Account in terms of paragraph 3 herein above. 5. That any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the forfeiture order, may within 20 days after he or she has acquired knowledge of such order, set the matter down for variation or rescission by the Court. By Order of Court.—N. Bikitsha, Court Registrar. NN Dullabh & Co. t Case No. 2777/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: R41 011 in cash and the items listed in Annexure A attached to the order seized on 19 May 2014 in Nahoon ORDER Before the Honourable Mr Justice Pickering on the 28th day of October 2014. Having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record and having heard Mr Wolmarans, Attorney for the Applicant, It is Ordered: 1. That R41 011 (in cash (cash) and the items listed in Annexure A attached to the order seized on 19th May 2014 in Nahoon (Property) is declared forfeit to the state in terms of section 53 of the Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998. 2. That Nqabomzi Lucky Mdutyana, the curator appointed in terms of the preservation order be and is hereby authorized to deposit the cash, sell the property and deposit the proceeds into the banking account of the National Treasury’s bank held at the South African Reserve Bank, No. 8033-281-1 within 45 days after this Order was granted. 3. That the Registrar of this Honourable Court be and is hereby directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is made. By Order of Court.—N. Bikitsha, Court Registrar. NN Dullabh & Co. t EL Case No. EL1238/14 Case No. ECD2538/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (East London Circuit Local Division) 28 October 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Strech (J) In the matter between: GRANT GEORGE YOUNG, 1st Applicant, and GAIL JENI YOUNG, 2nd Applicant In the matter of an ex parte application for the deletion of certain restrictive conditions and insertion of certain restrictive conditions in Title of Erf 11150 Having heard Adv Mostert and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all interested parties to show cause to this Court on the 25th day of November 2014 at 09h30 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1.1 That the Registrar of Deeds King William’s Town is authorized to make the necessary amendments to Deed of Transfer No. T1551/2013 by deletion of the Title Deed conditions B4 (a), (b), (c), (d) and C (b) appearing in Deed of Transfer No. T155182013 in favour of the Applicants pertaining to Erf 11150, East London, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Division of East London, Province of the Eastern Cape and reading; B (4) (a) it shall not be subdivided, (b) it shall be used only for the purpose of erecting thereon one dwelling together with such outbuildings as are ordinarily required to be used therewith, (c) not more than half the area thereof shall be built upon.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

(d) no building or structure or any portion thereof, except boundary walls and fences, shall be erected nearer than 4,57 metres to the street line which forms a boundary of this erf, nor within 3,05 metres of the lateral or rear boundary common to any adjoining erf, provided that with the consent of the Local Authority an outbuilding not exceeding 3,05 metres in height, measured from the floor to the wall plate, may be erected within the above prescribed rear space and within the above pre- scribed lateral space for a distance of 9,14 metres reckoned from the rear boundary, on consolidation of any two or more erven, this condition shall apply to the consolidated erf as one erf. C (b) all building plans in respect of this erf shall be approved by the sellers duly appointed Agents. 1.2 That the Registrar of Deeds, King William’s Town is authorized to make the necessary amendments to Deed of Transfer No. T1551/2013 by insertion of the Title Deed Conditions B4 (a), (b) and (c) in favour of the Applicants pertaining to Erf 11150, East London, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Division of East London, Province of the Eastern Cape and reading: B (4) (a) No building or structure or any portion thereof, except boundary walls and fences, shall be erected nearer than 4,5 metres to the street line which forms a boundary of these erven, nor within 2 metres of the lateral or rear boundary or with- in 3,05 metres of the lateral or rear boundary common to any adjoining erf, (b) no structure exceeding a single storey in height may be erected thereon. (c) no more than 1 dwelling may be erected on Erf 11150, or on Portion A of Erf 11150, East London. 1.3 that the following conditions be generally adhered to: 1.3.1 The subdivision of the said Erf 11150, East London, shall be in accordance with the draft sub divisional plan annexed hereto marked “A” and further in accordance with such conditions as may be imposed by Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality on subdivision. 1.3.2 The construction on the subdivided portion of a dwelling shall be in accordance with building plans annexed hereto marked “B”. 2. Publication and service of this Order shall be effected in the following manner: 2.1 By one publication in each of: 2.1.1 The Daily Dispatch newspaper, 2.1.2 Die Burger newspaper, 2.1.3 The Government Gazette. 2.2 By service in the hands of the Sheriff on the following institutions: 2.2.1 The City Manager Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, 2.2.2 Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs, Bhisho, 2.2.3 The Premier, Province of the Eastern Cape Bhisho. 2.2.4 The Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Registry King William’s Town. 2.3 By pre-paid registered post to the following contiguous landowners of the following Erven: 2.3.1 Erf 11143; 2.3.2 Erf 11144; 2.3.3 Erf 11149; 2.3.4 Erf 11151; 2.3.5 Erf 11160; and 2.3.6 Erf 11162. 3. A true copy of this Order, the application and Annexures shall be available for inspection at the offices of the Applicants Attorney, Bax Kaplan Inc., Clevedon House, 2 Clevedon Road, Selborne, East London, from the date of this Order until the return day, being the 25th day of November 2014. By Order of Court.—Registrar. Bax Kaplan. t Case No. 3954/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) 28th October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Pickering In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and THUMEKA QONGQO, 1st Respondent, NYAMEKA QONGQO, 2nd Respondent, OGIYONKE CONSTRUCTION CC (2005/145398/23), 3rd Respondent In re: Immovable property at 8 Riverreed Place, Estuary Drive, Gonubie, East London, a VW Golf motor vehicle and other items (the property) Having heard Mr Wolmarans, Attorney for the Applicant and having read the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record:

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

It is Ordered: 1. That in terms of section 53 (1) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), declaring forfeit to the State, the following property: 1.1 Erf 5752, Gonubie, also known as 8 Riverreed Place, Estuary Drive, Gonubie, East London (the house); 1.2 R200 000 in the value/proceeds of a white VW Golf 7 2.OP-2061R DSG motor vehicle with Chassis or Vin No. WVWZZZAUZEW 224059, Register No. FWX313K, Engine No. CJX 007984, License No. HGK 853 EC (the Golf); 1.3 A Chesterfield Sleigh (brown leather sleigh bed); 1.4 A luxury poly shaggy (red carpet); 1.5 A 152 cm Sea cedar firm Mattress; 1.6 A 152 cm Sea Lifestyle Base Set; 1.7 A Samsung Dishwasher; 1.8 A Silver LG Microwave. 2. That paragraph 5 below shall take effect 20 days after publication of a notice thereof in the Government Gazette unless a variation or rescission or an appeal is instituted before this time in which case this Order will take effect on the finalisation or such variation, rescission or appeal. 3. That Mrs Samantha Vockerrodt of Fossa Trade and Invest (Pty) Ltd, t/a Integrity Solutions, who was appointed in the Preservation Order to take care of the property, be and is hereby directed to continue acting as such for the purpose of this Order. 4. That pending the taking effect of this Order, the property shall remain in the care and control of the curator, who shall have authority to sign all transfer and registration documents pertaining to the property. 5. That on the date on which this Order takes effect, to wit 20 weekdays after publication in the Government Gazette, the curator shall sell by publication auction or private treaty, at reasonable market price: 5.1 The house and cause the proceeds of such sale, less any payments in relation to her fees and disbursements as approved by the Master of this Court, to be deposited into the Interested Party’s First National Bank Account No. 53990137772; 5.2 The Golf and cause R200 000 of such sale, less any payments in relation to her fees and disbursements as approved by the Master of this Court, to be deposited into the Interested Party’s First National Bank Account No. 53990137772. The balance of the proceeds of the Golf’s sale shall be paid to ABSA Bank; 5.3 The furniture items and cause the proceeds of such sale, less any payments in relation to her fees and disbursements as approved by the Master of this Court, to also be deposited into the Interested Party’s First National Bank Account No. 53990137772. 6. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to cause notice of this Order to be served on the Respondents, the Interested Party and ABSA Bank. 7. That the Applicant is further directed to publish a notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable. 8. That the curator be and is hereby directed to file a report within 90 days of the coming into effect of this Order to this Court of what she has done. By Order of Court.—N. Bikitsha, Court Registrar. NN Dullabh & Co. t Case No. 4295/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) 28 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Pickering In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Mercedes Benz sedan with Reg. No. FRH 958 EC and R5 320 in cash that were seized by the Services on 9th December 2013 and held under East London CAS 225/12/2013 Having heard Mr Wolmarans, Attorney for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA) preserving one Mercedes Benz sedan with Reg. No. FRH 958 EC (the Benz) and R5 320 in cash (cash) that were seized by members of South African Police Services (SAPS) on 9th December 2013 and registered under East London CAS 225/12/2013. Prohibition on dealing in any manner with the property 2. That subject to the provision of this Order, all persons with knowledge of this Order are prohibited in terms of section 38 (1) of POCA from disposing of, dissipating, interfering with, taking possession of or control over, diminishing the value of, pledg- ing or otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with the property to which this Order relates.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. That the property shall remain under the effective control of Kayaletu Ncula a Senior Special Investigator in the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), East London, until the expiration of this Order in terms of section 40 of POCA or until the conclusion of a forfeiture application instituted by Applicant in respect of the property. Service and publication 4. That the Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the Act, cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted. 5. That the Applicant be and is hereby directed to give notice of this Order to all persons who become known to the Applicant to have interest in this matter. The application will be served to Madoda Churchill Qubeka. Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order 6. That any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 Opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State. 6.2 Applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property. Must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act. 7. That such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days after such service. 7.2 In the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the Government Gazette. 8. That a notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the persons giving notice. 8.2 The nature and extent of is or her interest in the property concerned. 8.3 Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order. 8.4 Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in schedule 1 to the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence. 8.5 If her or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such application. 9. That any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for the reconsideration thereof. Such application shall be made upon 72 hours notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown) to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property, and must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the Act. By Order of Court.—N. Bikitsha, Court Registrar. NN Dullabh & Co. t

ANNEXURE B Case No. 2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown) In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Mercedes Benz C240 sedan with Registration No. FRH 958 EC and R5 320 in cash that were seized by the South Africa Police Services on 9 December 2013 and held under East London CAS 225/12/2013 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) (b) OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT, No. 121 OF 1998 (“THE ACT”) This notice is addressed to Madoda Churchill Qubeka and any person who may have an interest in the Mercedes Benz C240 FRH 958 EC (the property): That was seized by the South African Police service (SAPS) on 9 December 2013 and held under East London CAS 225/12/2013. Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the Act, in respect of the property. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the Act for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the Act. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the Act. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Attorneys for Applicant, c/o NN Dullabh and Co, 5 Betram Street, Grahamstown. Tel: (046) 622-6611. (Ref: M Woolmarans/AFU.) Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number. t EL Case No. EL1238/14 Case No. ECD2538/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (East London Circuit Local Division) 28 October 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Strech (J) In the matter between: GRANT GEORGE YOUNG, 1st Applicant, and GAIL JENI YOUNG, 2nd Applicant (in the matter of an ex parte application for the deletion of certain restrictive conditions and insertion of certain restrictive condition in Title of Erf 11150) Having heard Adv Mostert and having read the papers filed of record: It is Ordered: 1. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon all interested parties to show cause to this Court on the 25th day of November 2014 at 09h30 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1.1 That the Registrar of Deeds King Williams Town is authorized to make the necessary amendments to Deed of Transfer No. T1551/2013, by Deletion of the Tile Deed Conditions B4 (a), (b), (c), (d) and c (b) appearing in Deed of Transfer No. T155182013 in favour of the Applicants pertaining to Erf 11150, East London, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Division of East London, Province of the Eastern Cape and reading: B (4) (a) It shall not be subdivided; (b) it shall be used only for the purpose of erecting thereon one dwelling together with such outbuildings as are ordinarily required to be used therewith; (c) not more than half the area thereof shall be built upon; (d) no building or structure or any portion thereof, except boundary walls and fences, shall be erected nearer than 4,57 metres to the street line which forms a boundary of this Erf, nor within 3,05 metres of the lateral or rear boundary common to any adjoining erf, provided that with the consent of the Local Authority an outbuilding not exceeding 3,05 metres in height, measuring from the floor to the wall plate, may be erected within the above prescribed rear space and within the above prescribed lateral space for a distance f 9,14 metres reckoned from the rear boundary, on consolidation of any two or more erven, this conditions shall apply to the consolidated erf as one erf. C (b) all building plans in respect of this erf shall be approved by the Sellers duly appointed Agents. 1.2 That the Registrar of Deeds, King Williams Town is authorized to make the necessary amendments to Deed of Transfer No. T1551/2013, by Insertion of the Title Deed Conditions B4 (a), (b) and (c) in favour of the Applicants pertaining to Erf 11150, East London, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Division of East London, Province of the Eastern Cape and reading: B (4) (a) No building or structure or any portion thereof, except boundary walls and fences, shall be erected nearer that 4,5 meters to the street line which forms a boundary of these erven, nor within 2 meters of the lateral or rear boundary or within 3,05 meters of the lateral or arear boundary common to any adjoining erf; (b) no structure exceeding a single story in heigh may be erected thereon; (c) no more than 1 dwelling may be erected on Erf 11150 or on portion A of Erf 11150, East London.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

1.3 That the following conditions be generally adhered to: 1.3.1 the subdivision of the said Erf 11150, East London, shall be in accordance with the draft sub divisional plan annexed hereto marked “A” and further in accordance with such conditions as may be imposed by Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality on subdivision. 1.3.2 the construction on the subdivided portion of a dwelling shall be in accordance with building plans annexed hereto marked “B”. 2. Publication and Service of this Order shall be effected in the following manner. 3. A true copy of this Order, the application and Annexures shall be available for inspection at the offices of the Applicants Attorney, Bax Kaplan Inc, Clevedon House 2 Clevedon Road, Selborne, East London, from the date of this Order until the return day, being the 25th day of November 2014. By Order of Court.—Registrar, Bax Kaplan.


Case No. 3818/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Free State Division, Bloemfontein) On the 28th day of August 2014, before the Honourable Acting Judge President MH Rampai In the ex-parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Toyota Hilux LDV HGR 906 MP seized on 27 May 2014 and held under Villiers CAS 59/05/2014 Having considered the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed of record and having heard counsel for applicant, It is Ordered that: The property: 1. This Order relates to one Toyota Hilux LDV with Reg. No. HGR 906 MP (“the property”). Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property: 2. In terms of Section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, No. 121 of 1998 (“the Act”) all persons with knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or dealing in any other manner with any of the movable property to which this Order relates. 3. The property shall remain under the effective control of Warrant Officer Gert Ludick (Ludick) of the Villiers SAP 13 Store Room. Living and legal expenses: 4. If any Respondent or any other person holding an interest in the property satisfies the Court that: 4.1 he or she is unable to meet his reasonable living expenses or those of his family or household; or 4.2 he or she is unable to meet his reasonable legal expenses in connection with any proceedings instituted against him in terms of the Act or any other related criminal proceedings; and 4.3 he or she cannot meet the expenses concerned out of his or her property that is not subject to this order. The Court may, after the granting of this Order, make appropriate provision for the payment of such expenses as in the Court’s determination are reasonable, out of the property subject to this Order; Provided further that no such provision for the payment of expenses may be made unless the person concerned has disclosed under oath all his interest in the property and has provided to the Court a full and sworn written statement of his or her assets and liabilities. Service and publication: 5. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the Act: 5.1 Cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A hereto, together with documents supporting the application, to be served personally or in terms of the Uniform Rules of Court by the Sheriff on: 5.1.1 Jacobus Stephanus Joubert, residing at 28 Dolemiet Street, Delmas. 5.2 Cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted. Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order: 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: 6.1 Opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

6.2 Applying for an order excluding his interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act. 7. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant: 7.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this order, within 14 calendar days after such service; and 7.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the Government Gazette. 8. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 8.2 The nature and extent of his interest in the property concerned; 8.3 Whether he intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he intends applying for an order excluding his interest in that property from the operation of the order; 8.4 Whether he admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence; 8.5 If he intends applying for the exclusion of his interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such application. 9. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration thereof. Such application shall be made upon 72 hours notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown) to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property, and must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the Act. By Order of this Court.—Court Registrar. State Attorney. t

FREE STATE HIGH COURT, BLOEMFONTEIN (Republic of South Africa) In the ex parte matter of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: TOYOTA HILUX LDV HGR 906 MP SEIZED ON 27 MAY 2014 AND HELD UNDER VILLIERS CAS 59/05/2014 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) (b) OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT, No. 121 OF 1998 (“THE ACT”) This notice is addressed to Jacobus Stephanus Joubert and to all other persons who have an interest in the Toyota Hilux LDV with Reg. No. HGR 906 MP (“the property”). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“National Director”) has obtained a preservation of property order (“the order”), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the Act in respect of the property. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the Act for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the Act. An appearance must comply with these requirements; 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above; 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property; 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the Act;

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Sharma Chetty, 11th Floor, Fedsure Building, Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. Tel: (051) 400-4300. Fax: (051) 400-4336. Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number. t Case No. 3817/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Free State Division, Bloemfontein) On the 28th day of August 2014, before the Honourable Acting Judge President MH Rampai In the ex parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: R43 800 seized on 1 October 2006 and held under Heidedal CAS 15/10/2006 Having considered the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record and having heard counsel for applicant: It is Ordered that: The property 1. This Order relates to the amount of R43 800 seized on 1 October 2006 and is currently held in an SAPS bank account under receipt number AK655677 and SAP 13/298/2006 as well as Heidedal CAS 15/10/2006 and has subsequently accrued interest and presently amounts to R52 670 (the property). Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property 2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, No. 121 of 1998 (POCA) all persons with knowledge of this Order be and are, other than as required and permitted by this order, hereby prohibited from removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or dealing in any other manner with any of the movable property to which this Order relates. 3. The property shall remain in the custody of the SAPS until the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section 48 of the Act or until the matter is otherwise concluded. 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any persons who has financial obligations in respect of the property is ordered to fulfill such obligations, pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings unless such person signs a consent ot judgment in favour of the Applicant. Service and publication 5. The applicant shall in terms of section 39 of POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure B to be published in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted. Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends: a. Opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or b. Applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act. 7. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant: a. In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days after such service; and b. in the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in the Government Gazette. 8. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: a. Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; b. The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned. c. Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

d. Whether he admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in Schedule 1 of the Act, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence; e. If he intends applying for the exclusion of his interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such application. 9. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration thereof. Such application shall be made upon 72 hours notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown) to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property, and must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the Act. By Order of Court.—Court Registrar. State Attorney. t Case No. 3817/2014 FREE STATE HIGH COURT, BLOEMFONTEIN (Republic of South Africa)) In the ex parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: R43 800 seized on 1 October 2006 and held under Heidedal CAS 15/10/2006 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 (1) (b) OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT, No. 121 of 1998 (“THE ACT”) This notice is addressed to Francis Rasoeu, Charles Mahlangu, Boyiki Louis Wolf and July Moleko or any person who has interest in the amount of R43 800 seized on 1 October 2006 is currently held in an SAPS bank account under receipt number AK655677 and SAP 13/298/2006 as well as Heidedal CAS 15/10/2006 and has subsequently accrued interest and presently amounts to R52 670 (the property). Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (“National Director”) has obtained a preservation of property order (‘the Order’), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the Act in respect of the property. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You would be well advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, how to protect it. 3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the Act for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the Act. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the Act. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order. 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Sharma Chetty, 11th Floor, Fedsure Building, Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. Tel: (051) 400-4300, Fax (051) 400-4336. Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2668/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Free State Division, Bloemfontein) On the 11th day of September 2014, before the Honourable Acting Judge President MH Rampai In the ex-parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant In re: Toyata Hilux with Reg No. FGX 961 FS and Chassis No. AHT33UNK408010676 and Nissan Primera with Reg No. DJY 337 FS and Chassis No. ADNP540000A004721, seized by the South Africa Police Service on 16 November 2013 Having considered the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record and having heard Counsel for Applicant: It is Ordered that: 1. An order is granted in terms of the provisions of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA), declaring forfeit to the State with immediate effect. 1.1 A silver Toyota Hilux (the Toyota) with Reg No. FGX 961 FS, Chassis No. AHT33UNK408010676, and Engine No. 3RZ2625448; and 1.2 A green Nissan Primera (the Nissan) with Reg No. DJY 337 FS, Chassis No. ADNP540000A004721, and Engine No. SR20360443Q, seized by the South African Police Service (the SAPS), on 16 November 2013, and held at Bloemfontein Vehicle Safe Guarding Section, under a criminal case registered as Builtfontein Cas 83/11/2013 and SAP 13 No. 946/2013 and 947/2013 respectively (the property), which is presently subject to the preservation of property order granted by this Honourable Court under the above named case number on 19 June 2014. 2. The appointment of a curator bonis be and is hereby dispensed with. The property shall vest in the State, and the Station Commander of the Bloemfontein Vehicle Safe Guarding Section or an officer of equal or higher rank, is directed to deal with the property as follows: 2.1 Assume control of the property and take it into his custody; and 2.2 Upon coming into effect to this Order, hand the property over to Nkosiphendule Mradla (Mradla), Financial Investigator, employed by the National Prosecuting Authority, in the Asset Forfeiture Unit (the AFU), Bloemfontein, who will: 2.2.1 Dispose of the property by public auction or private treaty; and 2.2.2 Deposit the proceeds of the sale of the property into the Criminal Asset Recovery Account established under section 63 of POCA, No. 80303056, held at the South African Reserve Bank, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria. 3. Mradla shall as soon as possible, but not later than within a period of 90 days of this Order coming into effect, file a report with the Applicant on the manner in which he: 3.1 Completed the administration of the property mentioned above; and 3.2 Complied with the terms of this Order. 4. Any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the forfeiture order, may within 20 days after he or she has acquired knowledge of such order, set the matter down for variation or rescission by the Court. 5. The Registrar be and is hereby directed to cause notice of this Order to be published in one copy of the Government Gazette as soon as it is practicable after this Order is granted. By Order of this Court.—Court Registrar. State Attorney.


Case No. 12065/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Kwazulu-Natal Local Division, Durban) At Durban, on this the 16th day of October 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Henriques In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant, and STYLE COLLECTION (PTY) LTD, Respondent Having heard counsel for the Applicant herein and having read the documents filed of record: It is Ordered that: 1. That the Respondent be and is hereby placed under provisional winding up order in the hands of the Master of the High Court.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That a Rule nisi do issue calling the Respondent to show cause, if any, to this Court on the 26th day of November 2014 at 09h30 am, why the aforesaid provisional winding up order should not be made final. 3. That a copy of this Order be published once in The Natal Mercury and once in the Government Gazette, such publication to take place by no later than the 19th day of November 2014. 4. The Master is requested to appoint a Liquidator as a matter of urgency. By Order of the Court.—Court Registrar, S.C. Luvela. Johnston & Partners. t Case No. 1094014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg) On the 6th day of October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Van Zÿl In the matter between: WESBANK, a division of FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF S.A., Applicant, and STARPLEX 269 CC, Registration No. 2004/123264/23, with its registered place of business at 33 Enniskillen Crescent, Morningside, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, Respondent Upon reading the Notice of Motion, and the other documents filed of record; and upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant: It is Ordered that: (a) Starplex 269 CC (Registration Number 2004/123264/23, be and is hereby placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the High Court; (b) A Rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon the Respondent Close Corporation and other interested persons to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on the 21st day of November 2014 at 09h30, why the Respondent Close Corporation should not be finally wound up; (c) This Order be served on the Respondent Close Corporation at its principal place of business situated at 33 Enniskillen Crescent, Morningside, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, and that the order be published on or before the 7th of November 2014, once in the Government Gazette and once in the Natal Witness. By Order of the Court.—R J Jooster, Registrar. Botha & Olivier Inc. t Case No. 1320/2013 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KwaZulu-Natal Local Division, Durban) At Durban, on 14th October 2014, before the Honourable Madam Justice Mokgohloa In the matter between: TARSUS TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and SNESA TECHNOLOGIES, Respondent Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed of record: It is Ordered: 1 A Rule nisi is issued calling upon the Respondent and all interested persons to show cause, if any, to the above Honourable Court on 25 November 2014 at 09h30, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be finally wound-up and why the costs of this application should not be costs in the liquidation. 2. This Order operate, with immediate effect, as a provisional order for the winding up on the Respondent. 3. This Order be served: 3.1 by publication once on or before 11 November 2014 in the Government Gazette and a daily newspaper and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal; 3.2 on the South African Revenue Service at the corner of Albany Grove and Victoria Embankment, Durban; 3.3 on the registered address of the Respondent; 3.4 on the Respondent’s employees, if any; 3.5 on the registered trade unions representing the Respondent’s employees if any By Order of the High Court.—L Bothma, Registrar

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 14549/2014


At Pinetown on the 29 October 2014

In the ex-parte application of: WIM SCHREINER, Applicant, and PUB SPECIALIST CC (Reg No. 1986/009813), Respondent

In an application in terms of s69 (2) and s69 (3) of the Insolvency Act, 24 of 1936 Upon the motion of the Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered: 1. That the forms and services provided for the Uniform Rules of Court and directing that the matter be dealt with as a matter of urgency in terms of Rule 55 (5) (a) be dispensed with. 2. That Pub Specialist CC (“the Respondent”) be placed under provisional liquidation. 3. That a rule nisi be issued calling upon all interested persons to show cause, if any, to this Honourable Court on the 19 day of November 2014 at 08h30, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why: 3.1 The Respondent should not be placed under final liquidation. 3.2 The costs of this application should not be costs in the liquidation. 4. That service of this Order be effected by: 4.1 Service on the Respondent at its registered office. 4.2 Publication in both the Government Gazette and a daily newspaper published and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. 4.3 Service on the South Africa Revenue Services, Durban. 4.4 Service on the Respondent’s employees at Unit 9B, 49/55 Westmead Road, Westmead, KwaZulu-Natal. By Order of the Court.—Clerk of the Court. Alexandercox. t

Case No. 9749/14

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg)

On the 16th day of October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Jappie, DJP

In the matter between: AFRICAN DUNE INVESTMENTS 150 (PTY) LTD, Applicant and SHELLEY JOY BLANE GARRATT, Respondent Having heard counsel for the Applicant, and having read the notice of motion and the other documents filed for record; It is Ordered that: 1. The estate of Shelley Joy Blane with ID No. 6812310277084, be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court. 2. A Rule nisi be issued, calling upon Respondent and all other interested parties to show cause, if any, on the 20th day of November 2014 at 09h30, why a final sequestration order should not be granted. 3. A copy of this Order be served on Respondent personally. By Order of the Court.—R J Jooste, Registrar. Hay & Scott Att.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)


Case No. 1226/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA (Functioning as Limpopo Division, Polokwane) Date: 14 October 2014, before the Honourable Judge Kgomo In the matter between: SUNGLIDE 74 (PTY) LTD t/a COASTAL TOOL HIRE, Reg. No. 2006/032466/07, First Applicant, and OSZ TAYOB TRADING PIETERSBURG (PTY) LTD t/a EH HASSIM, Reg. No. 2000/000311/07, Second Applicant, and ELIAS HOME (PTY) LTD, Reg. No. 2012/213165/07, Respondent COURT ORDER Having heard Counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record and considered the matter: It is Ordered that: 1. That the Respondent be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. That a Rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this Court on 24 November 2014 at 10:00, as to why the Respondent should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. That service of this Rule nisi be effected upon the Respondent at its registered address and by publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and Review and service must otherwise take place in accordance with the statutory provisions including service on SARS and the Respondent’s employees. 4. That service of this Rule nisi be effected upon all known creditors of the Respondent by prepaid registered post. 5. That the costs of the application be costs in the winding up. By Order of the Court.—Registrar. Att: Bresler & Becker Incorporated.


“X” Case No. 18733/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) Cape Town, 23 October 2014, before the Honourable Mr Justice Desai In the ex parte application: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and LINDA ANN GREYLING, First Respondent, and TARN GREYLING, Second Respondent In re: R49 180 in cash seized by members of the South African Police Service at 14 Seagull Close, Harbour Heights, Hout Bay on 23 May 2014 ORDER Having read the notice of motion, affidavits and annexures thereto and having heard counsel for the Applicant: It is hereby Ordered that: 1. A preservation of property order (preservation order) is hereby made in terms of section 38 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) preserving R49 180, in cash (property) that was seized from the Respondents by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) on 23 May 2014 at the residential premises of the Respondents situated at No. 14 Seagull Close, Harbour Heights, Hout Bay. 2. The property shall remain in the possession of the SAPS under the custody and control of Lieutenant Colonel Theodorus Rocco Olaf Kriel (Kriel), a member thereof, in the SAPS Bank Account No. 4054522787, held at ABSA Bank until the expiration of this Order in terms of section 40 of the POCA or until the conclusion of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted by the Applicant in respect of the property under section 48 of the POCA, or until this matter is otherwise concluded. 3. In terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, all persons with knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permitted by this Order, prohibited from removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, pledging or otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with the property to which this Order relates.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4. The Applicant shall cause a copy of this Order to be published in one issue of the Government Gazette as soon as is practicable after obtaining the order. 5. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the POCA cause notice of this Order, together with the founding papers supporting the application, to be served by the sheriff on the Respondents and any other person who becomes known to the applicant to have an interest in the matter. A copy of the notice in terms of section 39 of the POCA is annexed to this Order marked annexure “A”. 6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State or applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter an appearance giving notice of his or her intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the POCA. 7. Such notice must be delivered to the Applicant’s attorneys of record in the following manner: 7.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calendar days of service; and 7.2 in the case of any other person, within 14 calendar days after the date when a notice of the order was published in the Government Gazette. 8. The said notice, must, in terms of section 39 of the POCA, contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out: 8.1 The full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice; 8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; 8.3 whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order, or whether he or she intends applying for an order excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order; 8.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is the proceeds of unlawful activities or an instrumentality of an offence and the basis for such defence; 8.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basis for such an application. 9. Any person who is affected by this Order may, on good cause shown, apply for its reconsideration. Such application shall be made: 9.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days-notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown). 9.2 In other instances, upon at least 7 days-notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as being persons who may have an interest in the property. 10. Such an application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the POCA. By Order of Court.—Registrar of the High Court. t ANNEXURE A Case No. 18733/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) In the ex parte application of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and LINDA ANN GREYLING, First Respondent, and TARN GREYLING, Second Respondent In re: R49 180 in cash seized by members of the South African Police Service at 14 Seagull Close, Harbour Heights, Hout Bay on 23 May 2014 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) This notice is addressed to the Respondents and all other persons who have an interest in R49 180, in cash (the property) seized by members of the South African Police Service from the above named Respondents on 23 May 2014 at their residential address situated at 14 Seagull Close, Harbour Heights, Hout Bay. Take notice that: 1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (preser- vation Order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the POCA, in respect of the property. 2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 3. You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.

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ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4. If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 4 above. 6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the Applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA. 8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the preservation order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr M. Kagee, 4th Floor, 22 Long Street, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 441-9229. Fax: (021) 421-9364. Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.



OLD MUTUAL SUPERFUND PROVIDENT FUND: PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER: NATIONAL PEACE ACCORD TRUST (PF No. 12/8/20246/1978) DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating employer: National Peace Accord Trust, will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria. 2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: National Peace Accord Trust: Orion Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (fund’s registered office). 3. Master of the High Court, Cape Town, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town, 8001. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 14 days after expiration of the above-mentioned 30 day period. Liquidator: GM Hendrickse, GQH Accounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600. t

OLD MUTUAL SUPERFUND PROVIDENT FUND: PARTICIPATING EMPLOYER: VANDERBIJLPARK TRUCKS AND TRAILERS CC (PF No. 12/8/20246/9847) DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating employer: Vanderbijlpark Trucks and Trailers CC, will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria.

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2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Vanderbijlpark Trucks and Trailers CC: Orion Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (fund’s registered office). 3. Master of the High Court, Cape Town, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town, 8001. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 14 days after expiration of the above-mentioned 30 day period. Liquidator: GM Hendrickse, GQH Accounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600. t

LOST DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Regulation sixty-eight made under Deed of Registries Act, 1937, that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of General Notarial Bond No. BN122603/2007, dated 26 July 2007, passed by Main Street 550 Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 2007/003421/07) for the amount of R1 224 054 000,00 (one billion two hundred and twenty four million and fifty four thousand rand), in favour of Micawber 560 Proprietary Limited (Reg. No. 2007/006661/07), which company is now known as Micawber 560 (RF) Proprietary Limited, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such mortgage bond are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Johannesburg this 16th day of October 2014. Desiree De Oliveira, Conveyancer, Webber Wentzel. t

LOST TITLE DEED [By virtue of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act 47 of 1937)] Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a certificate of registered title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. T119447/2007 dated 31 August 2007, passed by Pieter Frederick Pretorius, in his capacity as a Trustee of The Palmaris Investment Trust, No. IT14838/06, acting under Letters of Authority grated to him by the Master of the High Court at Pretoria on 20 December 2006 and duly authorised by a resolution of the Trustees, in respect of Erf 3940, Thabazimbi Extension 30 Township, Registration Division K.Q., Limpopo Province, measuring 500 (five hundred) square metres, which has been lost, destroyed, incomplete or unserviceable. All persons having objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria this 24 day of October 2014. Registrar of Deeds. t

NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION ADVIDATA TRADING 430 CC, T/A THE GRILL MASTER DISSOLUTION OF PENSION/PROVIDENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of FundsAtWork Umbrella Provident Fund: Advidata Trading 430CC, t/a The Grill Master, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014 at the offices of: 1. The registered office of the fund, Momentum, 268 West Avenue, Centurion. 2. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashley Gardens Extension 6, Pretoria. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than on 21 December 2014. t

NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION LABOUR EQUITY GENERAL WORKERS UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA (LEWUSA) DISSOLUTION OF PENSION/PROVIDENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of FundsAtWork Umbrella Provident Fund: Labour Equity General Workers Union of South Africa (LEWUSA) will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014 at the offices of:

This gazette is also available free online at 52 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

1. The registered office of the fund, Momentum, 268 West Avenue, Centurion. 2. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashley Gardens Extension 6, Pretoria. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than on 21 December 2014. t


DISSOLUTION OF PROVIDENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating employer: Mercy Civils and Building CC, will lie open for inspection for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria. 2. Old Mutual Superfund Provident Fund: Participating Employer: Mercy Civils and Building CC, Orion Services, Block 5L, Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405 (fund’s registered office). 3. Master of the High Court, Cape Town, 45 Castle Street, Cape Town, 8001. Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing with the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 14 days after expiration of the above-mentioned 30 day period. Liquidator: GM Hendrickse, GQH Accounting and Administration Services CC, 27 Moses Street, Idas Valley, Stellenbosch, 7600. t

NOTICE IN TERMS OF REGULATION 68 OF THE REGULATIONS MADE UNDER THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 (No. 47/1937) Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Regulation 68 of the Regulations made under the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of Mortgage Bond B11035/1989 passed by Martin Jacobus Vermeulen, born on 10th March 1940, married out of community of property, and Michael Selipas, ID No. 4611055003008, married out of community of property and Sophocles George Selipas, ID No. 3910085011002, married out of community of property and Clifford Barrington Daines, ID No. 4407025038103, married in community of property to Martha Elizabeth Daines, ID No. 4606230047003, and Leon Golante, ID No. 4101255084008, married out of community of property in favour of Nedbank Limited, Reg. No. 1951/000009/06, in respect of Erf 1550, Primrose Township, Registration Division I.R., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 1 041 square metres, and in respect of Erf 1551, Primrose Township, Registration Division I.R., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 1 041 square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Johannesburg within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Johannesburg this 24th day of October 2014. Mqingwana & Partners Inc., 15 Smith Street, Bedfordview, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 615-6613. Ref: NN6562BC. t Take notice that on 28 November 2014 at 10:00 the following Applicants Vicky Dique, ID No. 8106230006089 and Gerhard Dique, ID No. 7409045270085, will apply to the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, corner of Pritchard and Von Brandis Street, Johannesburg, under Case No. 37624/2014 for an order in the following terms: 1. The Applicants are given leave in terms of section 21 (1) of Act 88 of 1984, to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage by the execution and registration of a notarial contract a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s supporting affidavit and which contract after registration thereof will regulate their property system. 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the notarial contract. 3. This order— 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within three months of the date of the granting of this order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at the date of registration of the contract.

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Case No. 71295/2014 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (North Gauteng High Court at Pretoria) In the ex parte application of: PIETER WILLEM LUUS, ID No. 8212075004088, 1st Applicant, and MADELEINE LUUS (previously BOTHA), ID No. 8601030112087, 2nd Applicant FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THEIR MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY REGIME NOTICE OF MOTION Kindly take notice that application will be made ex parte to the above Honourable Court at the corner of Paul Kruger and Madiba Streets (previously Vermeulen) on the 5th day of December 2014 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That leave will be granted to the 1st and 2nd Applicant to revise and amend their matrimonial property from a marriage in community of property, to a marriage out of community of property with the application of the accrual system, by way of registration of a post-nuptial contract, as per Annexure “D”, which contract after registration thereof will determine the matrimonial property and accordingly the division of their estate. 2. That the Registrar of Deeds be authorised to register the post-nuptial contract (as per Annexure “D”). 3. This order— 3.1 lapse should the notarial contract not be registered within a period of three (3) months from date of final order. 3.2 Does not effect and/or negatively effect the rights of any creditors of either the 1st or 2nd Applicant. 4. That further and/or alternative relief will be provided to the 1st and 2nd Applicants. Kindly take further notice that the annexed affidavit, Annexure “A”, of Pieter Willem Luus and Annexure “A1” Madeleine Luus together with the annexures thereto, will be used in support of this application. Take further notice that the Applicants hereby appoint the address of their attorneys Seymore Du Toit Basson, c/o Rooth & Wessels Attorneys, Walker Creek Office Park, Second Floor, Walker Creek 2, 90 Florence Ribeiro Street, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, as the address where the applicants will accept service of all further process in this application. Seymore Du Toit & Basson Attorneys, Attorney for both the 1st and 2nd Applicants. Tel: (013) 752-4459. Ref: W Basson/jd/LUU1/0001. C/o Rooth & Wessels, Walker Creek Office Park, 90 Florence Rebeiro Avenue, Muckleneuk, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 452-4053. Fax: 086 619 6752. Ref: Q Badenhorst/KC12/608. t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED MORTGAGE BOND Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of a lost Mortgage Bond B88655/2007, passed by Johnny Seena Visser, ID No. 6704285069085 and Annet Angelique Visser, ID No. 7304260155089, married in community of property to each other in favour of ABSA Bank Limited, Reg. No. 1986/004794/06 for the amount of R330 000,00 (sixty six thousand rand) in respect of certain Erf 1288, Blairgowrie Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, measuring 816 (eight hundred and sixteen) square metres, which mortgage bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to such cancellation of the registration are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, within six (6) weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Sandton on this 30 day of October 2014. For and on behalf of ABSA Bank Limited. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a certificate of registered title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T28541/2001, in favour of the Republic of South Africa, in respect of Erf 1288, Blairgowrie Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, measuring 816 (eight hundred and sixteen) square metres, which deed together with the registry duplicate thereof have been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, within six weeks from the date of the first publication in the Government Gazette. Dated at Sandton on this 30 day of October 2014. Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria.

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JG HORN INGELYF VERLORE AKTE ADVERTENSIE KENNISGEWING AAN PERSONE Enige persoon wat enige beswaar het teen die uitreiking van ’n Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titelakte No. T126325/2007 word hiermee versoek om hulle besware in te lewer, binne ’n tydperk van 10 (tien) dae, gereken vanaf Vrydag, 31 Oktober 2014. Titelakte No. T126325/2007. Aktekantoor: Pretoria. Naam van eienaar: Crimson King Prop 310 (Pty) Ltd. Eiendom: Erf 1278, Montana Tuine Extension 47. JG Horn Ing, Posbus 13500, Hatfield, 0028. Tel: (012) 362-7578. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, intend to issue a certificate of registered sectional title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. ST410/2007 passed by the Executor in the estate late Mopetloana Caroline Mathe, Estate No. 5162/2005, in favour of Lebogang Mavis Mabuza, ID No. 1 8502140796084, unmarried, in respect of –2 (one half) share in and to a unit consisting of: (a) Section No. 29, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS 372/1985, in the scheme known as Read Towers, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Pretoria, Local Authority: City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 56 (fifty six) square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, which title deed has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Deeds Office, Pretoria, Private Bag X183, Pretoria, 0001, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria on this 28th day of October 2014. Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, intend to issue a certificate of registered sectional title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. ST410/2007 passed by the Executor in the estate late Mopetloana Caroline Mathe, Estate No. 5162/2005, in favour of Lebogang Mavis Mabuza, ID No. 1 8502140796084, unmarried, in respect of –2 (one half) share in and to a unit consisting of: (a) Section No. 29, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS 372/1985, in the scheme known as Read Towers, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Pretoria, Local Authority: City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 56 (fifty six) square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, which title deed has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Deeds Office, Pretoria, Private Bag X183, Pretoria, 0001, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria on this 28th day of October 2014. Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria. t Case No. 37859/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) In the ex parte between: JULIUS MARLON GILBERT (ID No. 7507025063089), First Applicant and JULIUS, CHANTILLE JANINE (ID No. 7703260132081), Second Applicant Kindly take notice that application will be made to the above Honourable Court on Tuesday, the 28 November 2014, at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an order in the following terms: 1. That the Applicants be and are hereby granted leave to change the matrimonial property system which presently applies to their marriage, from one in community of property, to one out of community of property, with th exclusion of the accrual system, in terms of section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984. 2. That the Applicants be and are hereby authorised to enter into a notarial contract, a draft of which is marked Annexure “ANC” to the First Applicant’s affidavit, in terms of which the future matrimonial property system of the Applicants will be governed as from the date of registration of the said notarial contract in the Deeds office, Johannesburg.

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3. That the aforesaid change in the parties matrimonial regime shall not in any way prejudice the right of the Creditors of their joint estate whose claims arose before registration of the aforesaid notarial contract. 4. That the Registrar of Deeds, Johannesburg, be and is hereby authorised to register the aforesaid notarial contract within three months of this Order in terms of the provisions of section 86 and 89 (1) (b) of Act No. 47 of 1937, as amended. 5. That the costs of this application are to be paid by the Applicants Alternatively by any unsuccessful party opposing the granting of this Order. 6. Further and/or Alternative relief. Kindly take notice that anyone who wishes to object to the proposed order to change the matrimonial property regime, or to make any representations in that regard, such person can do so by writing to the Registrar of the Court and sending a copy to the Applicant’s attorney, or by appearing in Court on the day of the hearing. Kindly take notice further that the application and the contract which it is proposed to register are available for inspection at the office of the Registrar of the Court and at the office of the Applicants’ attorney, Bregmans Attorneys, Suite 314, Killarney Office Towers, 60 Riviera Road, Killarney, Johannesburg [Telephone No. (011) 646-0335. Reference R Bregman]. t Case No. 71006/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) In the ex parte application of: MEHDI DAOUD, First Applicant and DESRAY DAOUD, Second Applicant NOTICE OF MOTION Be please to take notice that the First and Second Applicant will apply to the above Honourable Court on 20/11/2014 at 10h00, in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the Applicant’s counsel may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system that applies to their marriage, by the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s founding affidavit and is marked Annexure “F”, and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their property system. 2. That the Registrar of Deeds be authorised and ordered, subject to any requirements by the Registrar, to register a notarial contract, a copy of which is annexed hereto marked Annexure “F”. 3. This Order: 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 3 months of the date of granting of this Order and; 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any Creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract. 4. Further and/or alternative relief as the Honourable Court may deem fit. Dems Nel, Le Roux & Du Plessis, 1007 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Tel: (012) 654-2994. Fax: (012) 654-8030. E-mail: [email protected], Website: t

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) In the ex parte application of MODIBA, MAISHE DARIUS, 1st Applicant and MODIBA, MAUREEN KEITUMETSE, 2nd Applicant Be pleased to take notice that the above-mentioned Applicants intend to apply to the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg on 4 December 2014 at 10:00, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for an order that: 1. That Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage (i.e. that of in community of property) by the execution and registration of a notarial contract which after registration, will regulate their matrimonial property system; 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the said notarial contract; 3. This Order: 3.1 will lapse if the said notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the date of the granting of this Order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any Creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the said notarial contract; 4. Further and/or alternative relief. And further take notice that any interested party may make representations in writing to the Registrar of the High Court, Gauteng Local Division, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg, and may send a copy of their representation to the Applicants attorneys, Jordaan L Jordaan Inc., P.O. Box 3434, Benoni, 1500, Docex 14, Benoni, 1 Forster Street, Rynfield, Benoni. Tel: 748-4500, or may appear in Court on the said date, and that the proposed notarial contract is available for inspection at the office of the Registrar and at the offices of the Applicants attorneys.

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(Registrasie No. 2003/031649/07)

(Meestersverwysing: N216/11) Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pietermaritzburg, op Vrydag, 21 November 2014 om 10h00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. JZH Muller, A Pillay & NSZ Mabaso, Mede Likwidateurs, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. t



(Meestersverwysing: T2455/12) Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in likwidasie gehou sal word op 26 November 2014 om 10h00 voor die Meester van die Hoë Hof, Pretoria. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die Maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo, Izak Johannes Boshoff, Willie Enrico Prince, Mede-Likwidateurs, p/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), Arcadiastraat 825, Arcadia, 0083. t

LOST TITLE DEED (IN TERMS OF SECTION THIRTY-EIGHT OF THE ACT) Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a certificate of registered title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T86298/2007, dated 3 July 2007, passed by Juliana Cloete, ID No. 4701050058089, unmarried in favour of Shaun Pretorius, ID No. 8109305168081, unmarried, in respect of Erf 47, Rothdene Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province Gauteng, measuring 1 115 (one thousand one hundred and fifteen) square metres, which has been lost. All persons having objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Registrar of Deeds. t


Ontbinding van Fastvents Fifteen CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/6481 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Fastvents Fifteen CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/6481, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 December 2014 (vir insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. Die Landdros, cnr K146 Road and Palm Ridge Road, Alberton, 1458. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 December 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

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KENNISGEWING VAN ’N VERGADERING VAN LEDE GEHOU KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 386 (1) VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYWET EN REGULASIE 8 (1) VAN BYLAE III VAN DIE MAATSKAPPYEWET CONSOLATA (EDMS) BPK (IN LIKWIDASIE) (Reg No. 2005/023562/07) Geregistreerde adres: Lex Numeri Gebou, Peacestraat 32, Tzaneen, Limpopo Meestersverwysing: T20762/14 Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in likwidasie gehou sal word voor die Landdros te Tzaneen op Maandag, 24 November 2014 om 09h00. die doel van die vergadering is om die magte soos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen. Aviwe Ntandazo Ndyamara, Eugene Januarie, Jan Smit Venter, Nano Abram Matlala, Mede Likwidateurs, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. t

NOTICE IN TERMS OF REGULATION 68 OF THE REGULATIONS MADE UNDER THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 (No. 47/1937) Notice is hereby given in terms of the provision of Regulation 68 of the Regulations made under the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, that it is intention to apply for the cancellation of Mortgage Bond B11035/1989 passed by Martin Jacobus Vermeulen, born on 10th March 1940, married out of community of property, and Michael Selipas (ID: 4611055003008), married out of community of property and Sophocles George Selipas (ID: 3910085011002), married out of community of property and Clifford Barrington Daines (ID: 4407025038103) and Martha Elizabeth Daines (ID: 4606230047003), married in community of property to each other and Leon Golante (ID: 4101255084008), married out of community of property in favour of Nedbank Limited, Reg No. 1951/000009/06, in respect of Erf 1550, Primrose Township, Registration Division I.R., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 1 041 square metres, and in respect of Erf 1551, Primrose Township, Registration Division I.R., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 1 041 square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Johannesburg within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Johannesburg this 24th day of October 2014. Mqingwana & Partners Inc., 15 Smith Street, Bedfordview, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 615-6613 (Ref: NN6562BC). t

SALAMAX 1694 (PTY) LTD Dissolution of Salamax 1694 (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/2848 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Salamax 1694 (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/2848, will be open for inspec- tion for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The High Court, 66 Marshall Street, Marshalltown Street, Johannesburg, 2107. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014. t

BOMAR PROJECTS (PTY) LTD Dissolution of Bomar Projects (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1808 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Bomar Projects (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1808, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate Court, 18 Shepherd Avenue, Bryanbrink, Randburg, 2194. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014.

This gazette is also available free online at 58 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

FASTVENTS FIFTEEN CC Dissolution of Fastvents Fifteen CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/6481 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Fastvents Fifteen CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/6481, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate’s Court, cnr K146 Road and Palm Ridge Road, Alberton, 1458. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014. t

WAVELENGTHS 144 (PTY) LTD Ontbinding van Wavelengths 144 (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/369 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Wavelengths 144 (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/369, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 December 2014 (vir insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. Die Landdros, c/o Stanger & Somtseustraat, Durban, 4001. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lawens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 December 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t

WRIGHT INVESTMENT HOLDING (PTY) LTD Dissolution of Wright Investment Holding (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/1509 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Wright Investment Holding (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/1509, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate’s Court, 584 Goven Mbeki Street, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014. t

WRIGHT INVESTMENT HOLDING (PTY) LTD Ontbinding van Wright Investment Holding (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/1509 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Wright Investment Holding (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/1509, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 December 2014 (vir insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 59

2. Die Landdros, Govan Mbekistraat 584, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 December 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t

ARIOCEL (PTY) LTD t/a ROYAL LEGEND SAFARI LODGE Dissolution of Ariocel (Pty) Ltd t/a Royal Legend Safari Lodge, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1656 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Ariocel (Pty) Ltd t/a Royal Legend Safari Lodge, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1656, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The High Court, c/o Schoeman & Schubart Streets, Pretoria, 0002, Estate Section. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014. t

ARIOCEL (PTY) LTD t/a ROYAL LEGEND SAFARI LODGE Ontbinding van Ariocel (Pty) Ltd t/a Royal Legend Safari Lodge, a participant in the Corporate Selection Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1656 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Ariocel (Pty) Ltd t/a Royal Legend Safari Lodge, a participant in the Corporate Selection Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1656, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 December 2014 (vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. Die Hooggeregshof, c/o Schoeman & Schubart Street, Pretoria, 0002, Estate Section. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 December 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t

WAVELENGTHS 144 (PTY) LTD Dissolution of Wavelengths 144 (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/369 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Wavelengths 144 (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/369, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate’s Court, c/o Stanger & Somtseu Street, Durban, 4001. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014.

This gazette is also available free online at 60 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

BOMAR PROJECTS (PTY) LTD Ontbinding van Bomar Projects (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1808 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Bomar Projects (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Pension Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36006/1808, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 December 2014 (vir insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. Die Landdros, Shepherdlaan 18, Bryanbrink, Randburg, 2194. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 Desember 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t

AJ CRESSWELL t/a INTABA Dissolution of AJ Cresswell t/a Intaba, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/6759 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of AJ Cresswell t/a Intaba, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/6759, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate’s Court, Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Drive, White River, 1240. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014. t

AJ CRESSWELL t/a INTABA Ontbinding van AJ Cresswell t/a Intaba, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/6759 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die AJ Cresswell t/a Intaba, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/6759, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 December 2014 (vir insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. Die Landdros, Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Drive, White River, 1240. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 Desember 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t

ONICA TRAVEL CC Ontbinding van Onica Travel CC Corporate Selection Retirement Fund Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Onica Travel CC Corporate Selection Retirement PF No. 12/8/27024/4371, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 5 Desember 2014, vir insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 61

2. Die Landdros, h/v Van Emmins & J Smorokastraat, Modimolle, Limpopo, 0510, en 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 Desember 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t

ANKO PACKERS (PTY) LTD Dissolution of Anko Packers (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/5089 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Anko Packers (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/5089, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrate’s Court, 36 Pres Steyn Street, Westonaria, 1779. 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014. t

ANKO PACKERS (PTY) LTD Ontbinding van Anko Packers (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/5089 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Anko Packers (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/5089, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 December 2014 vir insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. Die Hooggeregshof, Pres Steynstraat 36, Westonaria, 1779. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 December 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t

LOST TITLE DEED [Form of Publication in terms of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (No. 47 of 1937)] Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a Deed of Transfer T112519/2007, passed by Echoeka Developments (Reg No. 2006/219716/23), in respect of Erf 228, Jan Niemandpark Township, Registration Division J.R., Province of Gauteng, measuring 1 487 (one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T112519/2007, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the issue of such Deed of Transfer are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within 6 (six) weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. This done and executed at the office of the Registrar of Deeds of Pretoria on. Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria. t

SALAMAX 1694 (PTY) LTD Ontbinding van Salamax 1694 (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/2848 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Salamax 1694 (Pty) Ltd, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/2848, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 December 2014 vir insae beskikbaar wees by die kantore van:

This gazette is also available free online at 62 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. Die Hoogeregshof, 66 Marshall Street, cnr Sauer & Marshallstraat, Johannesburg, 2107. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by the Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshoffstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 December 2014, asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t DISSOLUTION OF ONICA TRAVEL CC CORPORATE SELECTION RETIREMENT FUND Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Onica Travel CC Corporate Selection Retirement Fund PF No. 12/8/27024/4371, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 5 December 2014, at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Pretoria, and 2. The Magistrate’s Court, cnr Van Emmins & J Smoroka Street, Modimolle, Limpopo, 0510, and 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life. The address is currently 25 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014. t IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) In the ex-parte application of: PRATZ, DIETMAR KARL, 1st Applicant, and PRATZ, LEA STACEY, 2nd Applicant Be pleased to take notice that the above-mentioned Applicants intend to apply to the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, on 4 December 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for an order that: 1. The Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage (i.e. that of in community of property), by the execution and registration of a notarial contract which after registration, will regulate their matromonial property system. 2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the said notarial contract. 3. This Order: 3.1 will lapse the said notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the date of the grant- ing of this Order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the said notarial contract. 4. Further and/or alternative relief. And further take notice that any interested party may make representations in writing ot the Registrar of the High Court, Gauteng Local Division, Pritchard Street, Johannesburg, and may send a copy of their representation to the Applicant’s attorneys, Jordaan L Jordaan Inc., P.O. Box 3434, Benoni, 1500 (Docex 14, Benoni), 1 Forster Street, Rynfield, Benoni, Tel: 748-4500, or may appear in Court on the said date, and that the proposed notarial contract is available for inspection at the office of the Registrar and at the offices of the Applicants attorneys. t NOTICE OF CHANGING OF MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY In terms of section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial Property Act we hereby alert all creditors of the spouses that Johannes Cornelius Maartens and Elmi Maartens, intend on changing their matrimonial property system from in community of property to out of community of property with the accrual by way of application to the South Gauteng High Court on the 25 November 2014 at 10h00. Any creditor who may feel prejudiced by the above-mentioned change must inform Richard Blignaut of Brian Blignaut Attorneys alternatively approach the South Gauteng High Court on 25 November 2014. Richard Blignaut Attorney, Brian Blignaut Attorneys & Conveyancers. Tel: (011) 724-5670. Direct line: (011) 724-5661. Fax: 086 542 4277. E-mail: [email protected] Website: t ONTBINDING VAN SELECT MUSIC (PTY) LTD CORPORATE SELECTION RETIREMENT FUND No. 2 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956) gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van Select Music (Pty) Ltd Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2, PF No. 12/8/36438/2188, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 5 Desember 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 63

1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Pretoria. 2. Die Landdros, Marshallstraat 66, Johannesburg, 2107. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshofstraat 25, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 Desember 2014 asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102. t

DISSOLUTION OF SELECT MUSIC (PTY) LTD CORPORATE SELECTION RETIREMENT FUND No. 2 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Select Music (Pty) Ltd Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2, PF No. 12/8/36438/2188 will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 5 December 2014 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court, 66 Marshall Street, Johannesburg, 2107. 3. The registered office of the fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life. The address is currently 25 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 December 2014. t

KELFAB ENGINEERING CC DISSOLUTION OF KELFAB ENGINEERING CC, A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION UMBRELLA RETIREMENT FUND No. 2 (IN LIQUIDATION), FUND PF 12/8/36438/1863 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Kelfab Engineering CC, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/1863, will be open for inspection for the period 7 November 2014 to 7 December 2014 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court, c/o Van Velden and Court Streets, Brits, 0250. 3. The registered office of the fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 22 November 2014. t

KELFAB ENGINEERING CC ONTBINDING VAN KELFAB ENGINEERING CC, A PARTICIPANT IN THE CORPORATE SELECTION RETIREMENT FUND No. 2 (IN LIQUIDATION), FUND PF 12/8/36438/1863 Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956) gegee dat ’n voorlopige balansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Kelfab Engineering CC, a partici- pant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund No. 2 (in liquidation), Fund PF 12/8/36438/1863, gedurende die tydperk van 7 November 2014 tot 7 Desember 2014 vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van: 1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. Die Hooggeregshof, c/o Van Velden- en Courtstraat, Brits, 0250. 3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by die Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat huidiglik Ameshofstraat 1, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is. Enige belanghebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 22 Desember 2014 asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.

This gazette is also available free online at 64 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED BOND Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of Mortgage Bond No. B1954/1996 dated 11th December 1996 and passed by Godfrey Gaetsewe, ID No. 6710085125084 and Kelebogile Violet Gaetsewe, ID No. 7603031322088, married in community of property to each other, for the amount of R59 500,00 (fifty nine thousand five hundred rand) in favour of Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Reg. No. 1962/000738/06, in respect of certain Erf 3343, Selosesha Unit 1, District Thaba Nchu, Province Free State, in extent 310 (three hundred and ten) square metres which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the Deeds Registry in which the bond is registered, within 6 (six) weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Johannesburg on this 8th day of October 2014.


Case No. 5830/2014

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KwaZulu-Natal Local Division, Durban)

In the matter between: BARRY HINDSON, First Applicant, and CHANTAL HINDSON, Second Applicant

NOTICE Take notice that on the 24th day of November 2014 at 09h00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Barry John Hindson, ID No. 8205256104081, and Chantal Cilla Hindson, ID No. 8303210045084 (hereinafter referred to as “the Applicants”) will apply to the High Court of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal Local Division, Durban), at Masonic Grove, Durban, for an order in the following terms: (1) The Applicants are authorised to execute a notarial contract having the effect of an ante-nuptial contract, in the terms set out in the notarial contract annexed hereto and marked “A” (hereinafter referred to as the “notarial contract”). (2) The Registrar of Deeds, KwaZulu-Natal is authorised and directed to register the contract within one (1) month of the date of execution thereof. (3) Upon registration of the notarial contract, the immovable property described as a unit consisting of— (a) Section No. 53 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS428/85, in the Scheme Park Lodge Mansions, in respect of land and building or buildings situated at Durban, City of Durban, of which section the floor area, according to the sectional plan, is 85 (eighty-five) square metres in extent; and (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, held by Deed of Transfer No. ST23851/10, purchased by the First Applicant on 13 October 2009 and registered on 22 July 2010, will vest in the First Applicant alone in terms of section 45bis of the Deeds Registries Act No. 47 of 1937. (4) The registration of the notarial contract will not affect the rights of any persons who are creditors of the First and Second Applicants before the date of registration of the notarial contract other than those in paragraph 3 above. Take notice further that any person who wishes to object to the proposed change, or make representations in this regard, can do so by writing to the Registrar of the Court and by sending a copy to the Applicants’ attorney, or by appearing in Court on the day of the hearing. Take notice further that the proposed notarial contract can be inspected at the office of the Registrar of the Court and at the office of the Applicants’ attorney. Dated at Durban on the 29th day of October 2014. Livingston Leandy Incorporated, Applicants’ Attorneys. (Ref: Mr R Monk.) Physical address: 1st Floor, Building 3, Glass House Office Park, 309 Umhlanga Rocks Drive, La Lucia Ridge, 4051. Postal address: P.O. Box 4107, The Square, 4021.

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LOST TITLE DEED [By virtue of section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 (Act 47 of 1937)] Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. T119447/2007, dated 31 August 2007 passed by Pieter Frederick Pretorius, in his capacity as a Trustee of The Palmaris Investment Trust No. IT14838/06 acting under Letters of Authority grated to him by the Master of the High Court at Pretoria on 20 December 2006, and duly authorised by a resolution of the Trustees, in respect of Erf 3940, Thabazimbi Extension 30 Township, Registration Division K.Q., Limpopo Province, measuring 500 (five hundred) square metres, which has been lost, destroyed, incomplete or unserviceable. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria this 24th day of October 2014. Registrar of Deeds. t

LOST TITLE DEED (In terms of section thirty-eight of the Act) Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T18437/2009, dated 7 April 2009, passed by Ferdinand Jacobs, ID No. 6110205025084, and Jane Georgina Jacobs, ID No. 6310130041087, married in community of property to each other, in favour of Petrus Johannes Grobler, ID No. 5908015107088, unmarried, in respect of certain Erf 214, Ellisras Extension 2 Township, Registration Division L.Q., Limpopo Province, measuring 1 485 (one thousand four hundred and eighty-five) square metres, which is lost or incomplete. All persons having objection to the issue of such certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria during 2014. Registrar of Deeds. t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR CANCELLATION OF LOST/DESTROYED MORTGAGE BOND Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for registration of the cancellation Mortgage Bond Deed No. BG6458/1997GZ, passed by Pauline Nxumalo for the amount of R78 580,00, in favour of Saambou Bank Limited, now Firstrand Finance Company Limited, in respect of: Certain of: Erf 1172, Giyani-E Township, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province, measuring 455 (four hundred and fifty-five) square metres, held by Deed of Grant No. TG22644/1997GZ, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objections to the registration of such bond cancellation are hereby required to lodge their objections in writing with the Office of the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Pretoria on 23 October 2014. Advertiser: Hopane Attorneys, P.O. Box 108, Persequor Park. Tel: 086 146 7263. Fax: 086 683 5934. (Ref: MAT4232.)


LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. T30747/1997, passed by Govan Mbeki Local Municipality, in favour of Willem Korkie, ID No. 4504065007087, married out of community of property, in respect of Erf 1230, Kinross Extension 6 Township, Registration Division I.S., Province of Mpumlanga, measuring 1 132 (one thousand one hundred and thirty-two) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T30747/1977, which Title Deed has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Deeds Office Mpumalanga, at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Nelspruit on this the 11th day of March 2014.

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LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga at Nelspruit, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title lieu of Deed of Transfer No. T101391/2007 dated 31 July 2007, passed by Elizabeth Helen Makaleni, ID No. 5403300059087, unmarried, in favour of Nomasonto Elizabeth Mokoena, ID No. 6903020690086, unmarried, in respect of certain Portion 8 of Erf 91, Kellysville Extension 1 Township, Registration Division J.T., Province of Mpumalanga, measuring 375 (three hundred and seventy-five) square metres, which has been lost. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, at Nelspruit, at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, 1200, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. Dated at Mpumalanga this 30th day of September 2014. Registrar of Deeds. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga at Nelspruit, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T69795/2007, dated 25 May 2007, passed by Happy Nomlindo Simhle Khoza, Identity No. 7112090324084, unmarried, in favour of Zwelibanzi Solly Peace Ndlovu, ID No. 7106255587089, unmarried, in respect of: Certain: Erf 377, Hazyview-Vakansiedorp, Registration Division JU, Mpumalanga Province, measuring 576 (five hundred and seventy-six) square metres. All persons having objection to the issue of Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of the Deeds, Mpumalanga at Nelspruit at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in Gazette. Dated at Mbombela this 13th day of October 2014. Registrar of Deeds.—Mpumalanga at Nelspruit.


VERLORE TITELBEWYS (Kragtens artikel agt-en-dertig van die Wet) Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel 38 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937, ek, die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria, van voornemens is om ’n Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van Akte van Transport T89825/2007, gepasseer deur Gabriel Johannes Stols, ID No. 4903305049083, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, en Rudolf Johannes Hendrik Stols, ID No. 6209045085082, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, ten gunste van Gabriel Johannes Stols, ID No. 4903305049083, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, en Rudolf Johannes Hendrik Stols, ID No. 6209045085082, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, ten aansien van: Sekere Erf 1223, Flamwood Uitbreiding 7 Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.P., Provinsie van Noordwes, groot 1 533 (eenduisend vyfhonderd drie-en-dertig) vierkante meter, wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is. Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Sertifikaat beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria binne ses (6) weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant. Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 29ste dag van September 2014. Registrateur van Aktes. t

KENNISGEWING VAN INTENSIE OM AANSOEK TE DOEN VIR DIE KANSELLASIE VAN ’N VERLORE VERBANDAKTE Hierby word kennis gegee dat dit beplan word om aansoek te doen vir die kansellasie van die registrasie van Akte van Verband B 88852/2007, datum onbekend, gepasseer deur die Trustees vir tyd-en-wyl van Henriette Groenewald Trust, Reg. No. IT755/2004, vir die bedrag van R100 000,00 (eenhonderd duisend rand) en die bykomende bedrag van R20 000,00 (twintigduisend rand) ten gunste van ABSA Bank Beperk (Reg. No. 1986/00474/06), ten opsigte van Gedeelte 20 van Erf 2661, Potchefstroom Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling IQ, Provinsie Noordwes, wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is. Alle persone wat enige beswaar teen die kansellasie van die registrasie van sodanige verband het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant.

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Case No. 18536/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) In the ex-parte application of: KENNETH EDWARD CALVERT (ID: 4008115116013), First Applicant, and CECELIA FRANCES JOHANSEN (ID: 5312210124081), Second Applicant In an application for authorisation in terms of section 88 of the Deeds Registries Act, 47 of 1937, of the postnuptial execution of a notarial contract having the effect of an ante-nuptial contract NOTICE OF MOTION Be pleased to take notice that application will be made on behalf of the Applicants to the above Honourable Court on 24 November 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as Counsel for the Applicant may be heard for an order in the following terms: a. That the Applicants be authorised to execute the notarial contract annexed to the First Applicant’s Founding Affidavit. b. That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town, be authorised and directed to register the said postnuptial contract within three (3) months of the date of execution thereof. c. That the Order as granted herein shall not have the effect of prejudicing the rights of any of the pre-existing creditors of the parties. d. Further and/or alternative relief. Take notice further that the Applicants have appointed the offices of their attorneys Hendricks Incorporated, Suite 11, 1st Floor, 22 Ottery Road, Wynberg, as the address at which they will accept notice and service of all process in these proceedings. t Case No. 18537/14 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) In the ex-parte application of: ANDRE CROUCH (ID: 7611205188086), First Applicant, and GLENDOR CROUCH (Born MOOSA) (ID: 6202140148012), Second Applicant In an application for authorisation in terms of section 88 of the Deeds Registries Act, 47 of 1937, of the postnuptial execution of a notarial contract having the effect of an ante-nuptial contract NOTICE OF MOTION Be pleased to take notice that application will be made on behalf of the Applicants to the above Honourable Court on 24 November 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as Counsel for the Applicant may be heard for an order in the following terms: a. That the Applicants be authorised to execute the notarial contract annexed to the First Applicant’s Founding Affidavitt. b. That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town, be authorised and directed to register the said postnuptial contract within three (3) months of the date of execution thereof. c. That the Order as granted herein shall not have the effect of prejudicing the rights of any of the pre-existing creditors of the parties. d. Further and/or alternative relief. Take notice further that the Applicants have appointed the offices of their attorneys Hendricks Incorporated, Suite 11, 1st Floor, 220 Ottery Road, Wynberg, as the address at which they will accept notice and service of all process in these proceedings. t

APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECT 21 (1), ACT 88 OF 1984 In the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division), Cape Town Notice is hereby given by Budelani Hapyness Skaap and Annette Nonkululelo Skaap of 33 Sole Street, Summerville, Kuilsrivier, Western Cape, who were married in community of property on 22 February 2014, that they intend making application on 28 November 2014, to the above Honourable Court, for an order to change their present matrimonial property dispensation. Further for an order to enter into a notarial contract in terms of which their future matrimonial property dispensation will be regulated.

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Take notice that the proposed notarial contract and the application will be open for inspection at the offices of Van Graan Attorneys, 20 Monte Vista Boulevard, Monte Vista, and at the offices of the Registrar of the High Court, Cape Town, 40 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town. Objections against the application can be lodged by delivering a written notice setting out the reason for the objection to Van Graan Attorneys and the Registrar at the above addresses, not later than 16h30, on 24 November 2014. Objector may also appear in person at the hearing on 28 November 2014. Van Graan Attorneys. Tel: (021) 558-0067. Fax: (086) 608-2830 (E-mail: [email protected]).


Form/Vorm J 295 CURATORS AND TUTORS: MASTERS’ NOTICES In terms of section 75 of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators or tutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity. The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, and address; name and address of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of the High Court.

KURATORS EN VOOGDE: MEESTERS SE KENNISGEWINGS Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van saak; persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en adres; naam en adres van kurator of voog; of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van die Hooggeregshof.


Robert Eugene Fraciscus Nicholaas Hagenaar, Cresset House, 141 Hampton Road, Glen Austin Ext. 1, Midrand. Administrator, Carolina Adriana Johanna Kartus (previously Hagenaar), 11 Owl Close, Blouvalk Road, Randpark Ridge. Appointment, 29/09/2014. MC21094/04—Mabisoe Isaac Maila, ID: 6007065802083. Kurator, Constant Wilsnach. Beëindiging, 18 October 2014. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. MC485/13—Nkhumbuleni Mavundadavhi, ID: 8608185702083. Kurator, Constant Wilsnach, Aanstelling, 23 Mei 2014. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. MC169/2011—Trevor George Beach, ID: 5508115134006. Kurator, Constant Wilsnach. Beëindiging, 31 Augustus 2014. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg.


M/C 15/2009—Khulile Mjekula, 219 Gaba Street, Motherwell NU2, Port Elizabeth. Curator/Tutor, Hermanus Maritz, c/o Klerck & Maritz Trustees CC, 81 Mangold Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045; PO Box 7615, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055. Ceased as curator bonis on 8 October 2014. Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth.


CR17/2013/DBN—Marcel William Antoine Ewan, 5 Caister Lodge, 264 Musgrave Road, Durban, 4001. Curator, Timothy Kenneth Pearce, 8th Floor, Mercury House, 320 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000. Termination, 5 July 2014. Master of the High Court, Durban. 017583/2013—Marie Florence Bobisch, 28 Ocean View, Musgrave, Durban. Curator/Tutor, Peter John Strydom, 18 Baines Road, Glenmoore, Durban. Appointment/Termination, 16/01/2014. Master of the High Court, Durban.

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017583/2013—Marie Florence Bobisch, 28 Ocean View, Musgrave, Durban. Curator/Tutor, Peter John Strydom, 18 Baines Road, Glenmoore, Durban. Appointment/Termination, 16/01/2014. Master of the High Court, Durban. CR25/2013/DBN—Gianmauro Davide Bresolin, 18 Garden Terrace, Uvongo, 4270. Curator/Tutor: Gianpaolo Tiziano Bresolin, 18 Garden Terrace, Uvongo, 4270. Appointment, 5 November 20123. Master of the High Court, Durban.


CR220148/2014—Gillian Freeman, Sea Park Centre, Melkbosstrand, Cape Town. Curator, Johann Francois Vos, Visagie Vos Attorneys, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood. Appointment, 18 September 2014. Master of the Supreme Court, Cape Town. CR258/2011—Petrus Johannes de la Guerre, Stikland Hospital, De Lay Hay Avenue, Bellville. Administrator, Johann Francois Vos, Visagie Vos Attorneys, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood. Appointment: 27 August 2014. Master of the Supreme Court, Cape Town. CR82/2014—Daphne Rose Edwards, 10 Warrenside, Square Hill, Retreat, 7945. Curator, Nasley Abrahams, 16B Civic Road, Lansdowne, 7779. Appointment, 2014-05-09. Master of the High Court, Cape Town. CR21/2012—John Richard Thomas, Sencit Resthaven Old Age Home, Strand. Curator, Deon Oliver, p/a Village Trustees, Posbus 869, Kuilsrivier, 7579. Termination, 3 Oktober 2014. Master of the High Court, Kaapstad. CR331/2008—Jacomina Maria Oosthuizen, Huis Andre van der Walt, Durbanweg, Bellville. Curator, Johann Francois Vos, Visagie Vos Attorneys, 181 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood. Termination, 25 Mei 2014. Master of the Supreme Court, Cape Town. NOTICE

In the curatorship estate of: Patricia Hewitt-Dales, born on 16 January 1926, ID No. 2601160049089, Onrus Manor Frail Care, Onrustriver. Estate No. CR20169/2014 Kindly take notice that Johan Pienaar van Rooyen of the firm Guthrie & Theron at Hermanus, has been duly appointed by the Master of the Western Cape High Court as curator bonis in terms of section 75 of the Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965 as from 4 September 2014. Debtors and creditors in the above estate are requested to pay their debts and lodge their claims with the undersigned within a period of 30 (thirty) days from date of publication of this notice. Dated at Hermanus on this 27th day of October 2014. Guthrie & Theron, 77 Main Road, Hermanus. Tel: (028) 312-3626. Ref: JVR/aif/VH0327.)

KENNISGEWING VAN KURATOR BONIS IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 75 VAN WET 66 VAN 1965 KURATORSKAP: BASIL CHAUNE MANUEL MEESTER VERWYSINGS No. CR139/2013 In terme van artikel 75 van Wet 66 van 1965 word hiermee kennis gegee van die aanstelling van: Cyril Alfred George Langley, p/a Van der Spuy & Vennote (Kaapstad en Bellville Ingelyf), h/a VanderSpuy, Kaapstad, 4de Vloer, Langstraat 14, Kaapstad, 8000, as kurator bonis 23 September kuratele boedel Basil Chaune Manuel van Plettenbergstraat 10, Brooklyn, Kaapstad. Meester van die Hoë Hof, Kaapstad. CR52/2013—Isak Johannes van der Westhuizen, Huis Genot, Algoa Park. Curator, Renél Oliver, p/a Vilalge Trustees, Posbus 869, Kuislrivier, 7579. Termination, 10 September 2014. Master of the High Court, Kaapstad.

Form/Vorm J 193


All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby called upon to lodge their claims with the executors concerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity number; name and address of executor and authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days.

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Alle persone wat vorderinge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hul vorderinge by die betrokke eksekuteurs en binne ’n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent, tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.


Goose, Magdalena Marlene, 1950-03-28, 5003280103085, Pretoria North, 2013-08-20. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. Voges, Francois Jacobus, 1941-07-04, 4107045424081, Die Wilgers Care Centre, 374 Erlon Street, Die Wilgers, 2014-09-15. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 29167/2014—Viljoen, Anna Magritha, 1949-07-26, 4907260057080, 708 Greyhound Street, Garsfontein, 2014-08-21. Sanlam Trust (Pty) Ltd, Sanlynn Building, Block B, Ground Floor. 30 days. De Leeuw, Hendrik Jacobus Christoffel, 1953-03-11, 5303115004080, 57 Oranje Street, Oberholzer, Carletonville, 2014-09-06; Emerentia Johanna Hester de Leeuw, 1953-04-01, 5304010014083. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. Hattingh, Hendrikus Johannes, 1954-11-28, 5411285722082, 5 Saturnus Street, Westonaria, 2014-08-05; Juline Hattingh, 1959-07-05, 5907050098087. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1658. 30 days. Lombard, Andries Cornelius, 1948-06-24, 4806245094087, Doornhof 5, Horingbek Street, Helikonpark, 2014-09-09; Thysina Wilhelmina Lombard, 1948-10-28, 4810280110089. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X37, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. Zanoli, Anna Catharina Magarietha, 1946-07-10, 4607100038080, 157 Bosduif Singel, Wierda Park, Centurion, 2014-08-28; Frits, Zanoli, 1945-07-01, 4507015044084. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. Schrader, Johannes Adriaan, 1950-10-24, 5010245028083, 914 Bloedhand Street, Garsfontein, 2014-07-31. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 021525/2014—Smit, Philippus Gerhardus, 1947-08-12, 470815108088, 10 Renoster Street, Kanonkop, Middelburg, Mpumalanga, 1050, 20-06-2014. M. Davel, c.o. Van Rensburg Kruger Rakwena Inc, PO Box 5, Witbank, 1035. 000454/2014—Mgwenya, Mokgaetsi Norah, 1967-06-10, 6706100897087, Newskom, Bhushbuckridge, Mpumalanga Province, 2014-02-02. Manzini Mdladla Attorneys, 302 3rd Floor, Kamkholo Building, 26 Brown Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province. 021861/2014—Daniel Johannes Marthinus Bekker, 4609285007088, manlike persoon, Gedeelte 49 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 11) van die plaas Highlands 240, Claremont, Nelspruit, 14 Augustus 2014; Magdalena Catharina Maria Bekker, 5406200026080. Seymore Du Toit & Basson Prokureurs, Posbus 8997, Nelspruit, 1200. 30 dae. 36230/2014—Steyn, Johanna Magritha, 1952-01-31, 5201310046080, 15 Sesde Street, Boksburg, 2014-09-07; Lukas Cornelius Steyn, 1949-07-08, 4907085082081. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 28431/2014—Theron, Thomas Philippus Theron, 1933-06-30, St Peters Garden A104, Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 2014-09-06. Erika Isabel Theron, St Peters Garden A104, Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria. 29303/2014—Kok, Martha Maria Magdalena, 1939-06-07, 3906070030080, Harmoniehof Mears Street No. 129, Sunnyside, 2014-09-17. Jaco Burmeister Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 24933/2014—Ramaboa, Sophy Onica Gamongwe, 1957/06/30, 5706300910087, 9926 Phala Street, Sunrisepark, Ext. 9, Rustenburg, 2014/06/11. Hechter Hansen, Rentbel Towers, 7th Floor, Church Square, c/o Bureau Lane & Paul Kruger Street, Pta. 34476/2014—Wintgen, Brenda Joan, 1928-04-04, 2804040035084, 1 Hildebrand Street, Darling, 7345, 9/8/2014. Theresa Catherine Labuschagne, 36 Chopin Street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911. 30 days. 33789/2014—Kietzman, Ronald Leonard Kietzman, 1921/10/23, 2110235026080, 118 Rennissance Village, Glenvista, Johannesburg, 2091, 23/6/2014. Gregory Kietzman, 36 Chopin Street, Vanderbijlpark, 191. 30 days. 36338/2014—Mbele Ndabambi Lawrence, 04/08/1956, 5608045742082, Erf 164, Zone 10, Sebokeng, 16/04/2014; Lesabane Elizabeth Mbele, 13/01/1958, 5801130176080. John William Alfonso Cumming Zurcher, Postnet Suite 143, Private Bag X068, Vanderbijlpark, 1900. Marule, Ntsiboseng Johannah, 1974-09-12, 7409120536087, 11632 Stand, Block-X, Mabopane, 0190, 2014-10-03. Karen van Niekerk, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072. 32973/2014—Dutton, Agnes Anne, 1940-07-05, 4007050021089, Unit 382, Waterfall Hills, Mature Lifestyle Estate, Maxwell Drive, Sunninghill, Pretoria, 2013-12-02. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet, Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.

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28785/2014—Burger, Helena Susanna, 1938-04-02, 3804020007086, 30A Kwartz Street Ext. 13, Nelspruit, 2014-05-16. FNB Trust Services, c/o MOC & RGT, PO Box 3, Mossel Bay, 6500. 30 days. 22753/2014—Steyn, Joey, 9 Januarie 1935, 3501095037085, Lodewykstraat 48, Promosa, Potchefstroom, 13 Mei 2014. Kok & Van Staden, Posbus 2546, Potchefstroom, 2520. 28649/2014—Grobler, Kasper Johannes, 1940-12-04, 4012045058089, Gedeelte 17 van die plaas Vaalkop, Noordwes Provinsie, 2014-08-30; Aletha Johanna Grobler, 1944-03-25, 4403250031087. Weavind & Weavind Inc., PO Box 34, Pretoria, 0001. 29431/2014—Hope, Magdalena Jozina, 30 May 1938, 3805300071080, Plot 136, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria, Gauteng, 28 December 2012. Mr S F Stadler, c/o Duvenhage Incorporated, PO Box 952, Richards Bay, 3900. 29188/2014—Nordeje, Berend Petrus, 1933-08-10, 3308105014082, Standerton Old Age Home, Standerton, 2430, 2014-09-23. Nel, Prenzler & Potgieter, 32 Kerk Street, Standerton, 2430. 30 days. 36067/2014—Allen, Brian Harrod, 1938-08-05, 3808055035086, Unit 159, Village of Golden Harvest, Bromhof, Randburg, 2014-08-17. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 27857/2014—Balkwill; Glyn, 1953-03-23, 5303235072082, 30 Bubble Road, Kemeeldrift West, Pretoria, Gauteng, 2014-08-16. Kallie Wolvaardt of Shapiro & Ledwaba Inc., Shapiro Chambers, Bureau Lane 20, PO Box 196, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days. 27179/2014—Wakeford, Susara Johanna, 17 Januarie 1933, 3301170009087 Kingfisher 48, Melodie, Hartbeespoort, 12 Mei 2014. Prokureurs Borman Snyman & Barnard Ingelyf, Thabo Mbeki Rylaan 100 (Posbus 42), Mokopane, 0600. 27885/2014—Human, Willem Johannes Gerhardus, 28 November 1956, 5611285035084, Generaal Beyerstraat 403, Pretoria-Noord, 17 Julie 2014. Prokureurs Borman Snyman & Barnard Ingelyf, Thabo Mbekirylaan 100 (Posbus 42), Mokopane, 0600. 25533/2014—Steenkamp, Johanna Carolina, 1935-12-16, 3512160059086, Dullstroomstraat 346, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 2014-07-05. Harry Solomon, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 25533/2014—Steenkamp, Johanna Carolina, 1935-12-16, 3512160059086, Dullstroomstraat 346, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 2014-07-05. Harry Solomon, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 34406/2014—Masenya, Merika Mathews, 1936-03-07, 3603075254084, 2565 Meadowlands, Soweto, 2014-07-07. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 36226/2014—Du Rand, Magdalena, 1946-05-10, 4605100113085, 11 Hansom Strubenvale, Springs, 2014-06-21; Emaneul du Rand, 1956-01-24, 5601245094081. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 29571/2014—Heyneke, Roeloff Jacobus, 1920-08-22, 2008225022087, Loskop Vallei Rusoord, Japonicastraat 801, Marble Hall, 2014-08-30. Harry Solomon, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 29571/2014—Heyneke, Roeloff Jacobus, 1920-08-22, 2008225022087, Loskop Vallei Rusoord, Japonicastraat 801, Marble Hall, 2014-08-30. Harry Solomon, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 27228/2014—Palm, Hendrik Stefanus, 1947-04-14, 4704145085083, 97 Level Street, Wentworth Park, Krugersdorp, 2014-08-04. FAA Palm, 97 Level Street, Wentworth Park, 1739. 36146/2014—Adams, Llewellyn Abraham, 1940-11-08, 4011085041088, 1 St Helena, St Aubyn Street, 52 N.R.R. Alberton, 2014-10-05; Anna Petronella Adams, 1950-05-20, 5005200037087. TJ Botha, PO Box 393, Alberton, 1450. 30 days. 36143/2013—Mangelsdorf, Martha Jacoba, 1924-04-03, 2404030013082, Cliftweg 16, Malvern East, 2013-02-05. AJ Spangenberg, PO Box 393, Alberton, 1450. 30 days. 26390/2014—De Villiers, Mitha, 23 Desember 1927, 2712230043083, Harmoniehof, Steve Bikorylaan 129, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 25 Junie 2014. Prokureurs Borman Snyman & Barnard Ingelyf, Thabo Mbekiryaan 100 (Posbus 42), Mokopane, 0600. 23159/2014—Robbertze, Strauss Hermias, 1938-09-22, 3809225026088, Pistoriuslaan 10, Brits, 0250, 2013-09-17. Lood Pretorius en Erasmus, Ludortstraat 49, Posbus 2787, Brits, 0250. 29289/2014—Pohl, Annake, 1977/11/11, 7711110023087, Henry Nettman 66, Barberton, 2014/07/10. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 29431/2014—Hope, Magdalena Jozina, 30 May 1938, 3805300071080, Plot 136, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria, Gauteng, 28 December 2012. Mr SF Stadler, c/o Duvenage Incorporated, PO Box 952, Richards Bay, 3900. 15316/2013—Simon Mfanzana Maseko, 4611055201081, 3171 Section “K”, Mamelodi West, 26 August 2013; Joyce Thandiwe Maseko. Motloba Attorneys, P.O. Box 11329, Tramshed, 0126. 30 days. 6141/2012—Samson Mphithizeli Mafa, 5304135354083, unmarried, House No. 15, 14th Avenue, Alexandra Township, 4 February 2012. Motloba Attorneys, P.O. Box 11329, Tramshed, 0126. 30 days. 29449/2014—Kritzinger, Pieter Johannes, 1945/07/18, 4507185475084, 5 Stinkwood Road, Monte Vista, Barberton, 1300, 2014/08/24; Dawn Anne Kritzinger, 1956/02/20, 5602200819082. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 27278/2014—Van der Merwe, Wouter Jacobus, 1944/09/01, 4409015087082, 18 Olifant Street, Middelburg, 1070, 2014/07/24; Jacoba Elizabetha Erasmus van der Merwe, 1948/07/01, 4409015087082. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 24001/14—Duke Raymond Brodrick, 430808006180, 14 Palm Road, Freeland Park, Scottburgh, 4180. Natasja Jordaan, Pentagon House, 5 Neven Street, Model Park, 1035, Witbank. 30 days. 29277/2014—Thorrold, Trevor Malcolm, 22/5/1940, 4005225028088, 86 Jubilado Retirement Village, 32 Blouberg Street, Noordheuwel, 11/6/2014. MacRobert Ingelyf, Privaatsak X18, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 30 dae. 035951/2014—Bezuidenhout, Gert, 24 Junie 1928, 2806245005085, 41 Third Avenue, Westdene, Johannesburg, 17 June 2014; Gertruida Susanna Bezuidenhout, 18 February 1935, 3502180030084. Jan Abraham Coetsee, 161A Kloppers Street, Rustenburg, 0299. 36069/2014—Van Staden, Susanna Antoinetta, 1962/04/06, 6204060066083, 120 Gerrit Maritz Avenue, Dalview, Brakpan, 2014/01/14; Christoffel Gerhardus van Staden, 1959/01/26, 5901265043087. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days.

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11152/02—Bloom, Louisa Ellen, 1915/09/04, 1509040032087, 90 Jan Smuts Avenue, 2014/08/06. Clemens Maria Theresia Goemans, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 34419/2014—Chita, Ramubhai, 1940/08/09, 4008095080080, 40 Headford Avenue, Crosby, Johannesburg, 2092, 2014/08/06. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 20803/2014—Sema, Ridhwaana, 1979/09/26, 7909260253088, 06 U Amajuba Street, Volksrust, Mpumalanga, 2013/12/29. Ismail Essop Dawjee, 06 Greaves Street, Newcastle. 35215/2014—Jordan, John Stephen, 1956/12/04, 5612045099089, 289 Pebble Beach Drive, Eagle Canyon Golf Estate, Honeydew Manor, 2, 2014/08/13; Linda Rose Jordan, 1958/04/12, 5804120113089. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 33840/2014—Taylor, Elizabeth Margaret, 1931/10/20, 3110200028086, Montgomery Haven Retirement Village, 14 Langenhoven Street, Montg, 2014/08/06. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30 days. 26531/14—Ntakwende Mandla Victor, 05/04/1972, 7204055368089, Ext 2680, Kriel Extension 11, Pakon Crescent, Kriel; Badanile Maria Ntakwende, 21/01/1971, 7101210535083. Ngomana Attorneys, 110 Mandela Street, Witbank. 36523/2014—Steyn, Elizabeth Johanna Christina, 1956/09/07, 5609070015089 59 Marlowe Street, Orkney, 2014/07/30; Andries Francois Steyn, 1950/09/23, 5009235086085. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 33632/2014—Van der Merwe, Adriaan Johannes, 1949/11/06, 4911065077087, 48 Second Avenue, Walkerville, 2014/08/27. AJ Spangenberg, PO Box 393, Alberton, 1450. 30 days. 27381/2014—Sirakis, Earl Jassy, 27/06/1941, 4106275026087, 398 Colorado Road, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 30/07/2014. Lumina Executor Services, PO Box 75455, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. 12760/2013—Pieterse, Anna Margaretha, 2 September 1938, 3809020002086, Yolandastraat 18, Klerksdorp, 21 Junie 2013. Viviers Ing., Posbus 71, Potchefstroom, 2520. 24783/2014—Venter, August Johannes Nicolaus von Staden, 20 Oktober 1927, 2710205014089, Alwynstraat 25, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom, 30 Mei 2014. Viviers Ing., Posbus 71, Potchefstroom, 2520. 24783/2014—Venter, August Johannes Nicolaus von Staden, 20 Oktober 1927, 2710205014089, Alwynstraat 25, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom, 30 Mei 2014. Viviers Ing., Posbus 71, Potchefstroom, 2520. 24763/2014—De Klerk, Maria, 18 Februarie 1918, 1802180001081, Huis Eikelaan 609, Steve Biko Avenue, Potchefstroom, 21 Junie 2014. Viviers Ing., Posbus 71, Potchefstroom, 2520. 28973/2014—Wilson, Maria, 1929/02/10, 2902100044085, 7 Greenacres, Mountainview Road, Northcliff, 2014/07/24. Jacques van Wyk, PO Box 2238, Florida Hills, 1716. 28971/2014—De Wet, Hendrik Christoffel, 1925/06/19, 2506195024082, 24 Noleen Street, Constantiakloof, Florida, 204/09/09. Sanet Ras Attorneys, 101 Peter Mokaba Avenue, Potchefstroom. 28039/2014—Van Aswegen, Okker Jacobus, 1923/10/31, 2310315007089, 62 Louw Street, Potchefstroom, 2014/08/28; Louisa Jacoba van Aswegen, 923/06/05, 2306050029080. Sanet Ras, 101 Peter Mokaba Avenue, Potchefstroom. 7811/2013—Ferreira, Rosa Maria Alves, 9 Julie 1962, 6207090141081, Dougls Harrisrylaan 44, Meyersdal, 13 April 2009; Amilcar Pessoa Ferreira, 5811245029081. Surita Marais, Surita Marais Prokureurs, Parkstraat 755, Arcadia, Pretoria. Francis, Robert Graham, 19389/07/02, 3807025004081, Ons Herberg, c/o 1st Street & Mark Street, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020, 2014/10/01. Karen van Niekerk, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072. 21851/2014—Vermaak, Georgene Agnes, 1930/03/09, 3003090011082, Rusoord Old Age Home, Chris Hani Street, Bela- Bela (Warmbaths), 2013/11/07. Tobias Vermaak, No. 6 Ground Floor, South Block, Menlyn Square, 1126 Lois Avenue. 29223/2014—Schön, Peter Paul, 1942/01/17, 4201175065085, Ruimsigstraat 27, Witrivier, 2014/09/23. Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. 30 days. 36239/2014—McKeown, Valerie Agnes, 1938/07/09, 3807090096087, 12 Gaunt Road, Bryanston Extension 5, 2014/09/15. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 29205/14—Cronje, Cherrial Ann, 1950/05/11, 5005110157082, Amberfielde Gardens 33, Rooihuiskraal, 2014/08/03; Johannes Jacob Cronje, 1947/01/12, 4701125071083. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 33835/2014—Khunou, Rosy Ntshadi, 1958/09/19, 5809190776087, 39 Humewood Links, Panners Lane, River Club, Sandton, 2191, 2014/07/11. Denis B Phatshwane, 1st Floor, Block E, The Estuaries, Century City, 7441. 11900/2012—Mononyane, Boya Samuel, 10 March 1964, 6403106010085, House 558, Block XX, Soshanguve, Pretoria, 0152, 12 February 2012; Sana Kgaogelo Makapo, 9 December 1975, 7512090998086. Sana Kgaogelo Makapo, House 558, Block XX, Soshanguve, Pretoria, 0152. 36516/2014—Van Vuuren, Margaretha Gertruida, 1960/07/26, 6007250020087, 66 Calla Avenue, Witfield, Boksburg, 2014/07/14. Sanlam Trust Limited, PO Box 27828, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 2802/2013—De Villiers, Gertruida, 25 June 1936, 3606250003085, Brittany Appartments 42, 290 Florence Ribeiri, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 7 July 2012. Elanie Hugo, situated at 215 Orient Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 30 dae. 3163/2012—De Villiers, Pieter Kuyper, 9 August 1933, 3308095080085, Bloukeurlaan 30, Newlands, Pretoria, 27 January 2012. Elanie Hugo, situated at 215 Orient Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 30 dae. 29425/2014—Greger, Janet Rosemary, 21/12/1948, 4812210093088, 230 Anderson Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0081, 08/09/2014. Christoffel Johannes Erasmus, 1039 Pretorius Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083. 30 days. 3739/2014—Möller, Hendrik Petrus Johannes, 1948/01/05, 4801055025081, Hortensiastraat No. 10, Grimbeeckpark, Potchefstroom. Mev. CP Möller, Hortensiastraat No. 10, Grimbeeckpark, Potchefstroom.

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28361/2014—Badenhorst, Hendrika Johanna, 1936/02/23, 3602230067084, Plot 21, Elandsfontein, Pretoria-Wes, Gauteng, 0183, 2014/08/18; Johannes Jacobus Badenhorst, 1931/05/22, 3105225031081. Le Roux Rekenmeesters, Sefako Makgathorylaan 154, Sinoville, 0129. 30 days. 25243/2014—Pike, Graham John, 1935/10/14, 3510145025081, 80 Trauw Street, Capital Park, 0084, 2014/06/17; Maria Hendrina Pike, 1949/03/29, 4903290013086. Rob Garner, PO Box 733, Cape Gate, 7562. 29349/2014—Van Zyl, Gert Johannes Jacobus, 1939/05/14, 3905145003080, Theuns van Niekerkstraat 361, Wierda Park, Pretoria, 2014/09/04; Leona van Zyl, gebore Swart, 1943/06/14, 4306140052082. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Stabilitas Chambers, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 29398/2014—Wentzel, Andries Jacobus, 1967/12/29, 6712295045086, Camelialaan 42, Arconpark, Vereeniging, 2014/08/31; Hester Johanna Yolanda Wentzel, gebore Grobler, 1970/02/17, 7002170202088. Roeline le Roux, Stabilitas Chambers, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 28909/2014—Kaier, Elvira, gebore Gallina, 1935/12/11, 3512110020188, 116 Kruinpark Retirement Village, Umgeni Road, Wilropark, 2014/07/06. Stabilitas Chambers, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 28059/14—Keyser, Stefan, 1963/02/26, 6302265192082, Wembley Crescents 4, Elladun Woonstelle, Unigray, Johannesburg, 2014/08/15. Roeline le Roux, Stabilitas Chambers, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194. 28671/14—Teixeira, Margaret Elizabeth, gebore Newman, voorheen Armstrong, 1944/05/12, 4405120024085, Brunelstraat 16, CE2, Vanderbijlpark, 2014/08/16. Anri van der Walt, Stabilitas Chambers, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194. 26631/14—Barnard, Hester, gebore Niemandt, 1936/02/24, 3602240041087, Hillstraat 78, Claremont, Johannesburg, 2014/07/03. Anri van der Walt, Stabilitas Chambers, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194. 29105/2014—Blignaut, Daniel Esais, 1940/05/05, 4005055102086, Kilmorelaan-Wes 31, Crosby, Johannesburg, 2014/08/01; Hermina Blignaut, gebore Nel, 1951/08/01, 5108010134084. Anri van der Walt, Stabilitas Chambers, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg, 2194. 22/2014—Thompson, Margaret Mary, 1956/09/14, 5609140018089, 8 Fairview Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800, 2013/04/23. Rob Garner, PO Box 733, Cape Gate, 7562. 26759/2014—Pieterse, Maruis, Plot 52, Vaalbank, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020, 25/06/2014; Amanda Pieterse, 24/06/1979, 7906240023086. Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet Suite #631, Privaatsak X10, Elarduspark, 0047. 27391/2014—Mofokeng, Thokozile Muriel, 1950/04/13, 5004130684084, 145 Moekoena Street, Everest, Tokoza, 1426, 2014/06/06. Rynhart Kruger, of Rynhart Kruger Attorneys, Postnet Suite #631, Private Bag X10, Elarduspark, 0047. 27732/2014—Sauls, Alexander, 1928/04/24, 2804245036085, Room 7, Frail Care, Rynpark 6, Parker Street, Benoni, 1501, 2014/07/08. Neil Sauls, PO Box 46, Bothas Hill, 3660. 29060/14—Basson, Maria Magdalena, 9 November 1918, 1811090001081, Unit No. 12, Upper Waterkloof, 173 Regulas Street, Waterkloof Ridge, 17 September 2014. Solly Gross, PO Box 9316, Pretoria. 36516/2014—Van Vuuren, Margaretha Gertruida, 1960/07/25, 6007250020087, 66 Calla Avenue, Witfield, Boksburg, 2014/07/14. Sanlam Trust Limited, PO Box 27828, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 021796/2014—Ngwenya, Gladys Alice, 08/07/1963, 6307080359089, Stand 66, Long Homes, Umjindi, 1300, 04/03/2014; Mathayi Andrias Shadrack Ngwenya, 17/04/1955, 5504175721089. M.A.S. Ngwenga, Stand 66, Long Homes, Umjindi, 1300. 000133/2014—Scheepers, Cornelia Maria, 22/11/1950, 5011220008082, 41 Norman Nader Street, Barberton, 1300, 28/01/2013. Renier Johan Oelofsen, 12 Judge Street, Barberton. 21598/2014—Drotsky, Cornelius Judini, 1948/05/09, 4805095017081, 54 Van Outshoornstroom, 261 Farm, Ermelo, 2013/09/05; Katharina Johanna Magarieta Drotsky, 1952/02/24, 5202240007085. Marius Bernardus Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 22053/2014—De Jager, Magdalena Petronella, 1937/02/04, 3702040009084, Rusoord Kantoor Street ST7, Lydenburg, 2014/05/23. Marius Bernardus Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 35731/2014—Economides, Ethel, 1930-09-05, 3009050075082, 100 8th Street, Parkmore, Sandton, 2014-07-27. Deborah Lee Byrne, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 26842/2014—Piek, Andries Chistoffel, 1930-09-27, 3009275012084, 21 MT Noonmark Crescent, Retire@Midstream, Midstream Estate X42, 2014-05-30; Maria Johanna Catharina Piek, 1934-03-16, 3403160045087. Karin Piek, PO Box 351, Midstream Estate, 1692. 24959/2014—Bezuidenhout, Albertus Markus, 1938-10-07, 3810075040088, Gedeelte 11, plaas Doornhoek, Thabazimbi, 2014-06-28; Johanna Magrieta Bezuidenhout, 1936-10-10, 3610100009086. Engelbrecht Attorneys, 664 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein. 9796/2012—Mosia, Buti Lazurus, 1936/09/02, 3609025168084, 3657 Owen Mlisa Street, Ackerville, Emalahleni, 2009/01/28; Badanile Margaret Mosia, 1944/04/09, 4404090260084. Harvey Nortje Wagner & Motimele, 1st Floor, WCMAS Building, cnr Susanna & OR Tambo Streets, Witbank. 28590/14—Du Plessis, Matthys Johannes Petrus, 13 November 1940, 4011135013087, 5 Nestadt Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 4 September 2014. Willem Jacobus Human, Human Attorneys, 31 Devon Avenue, Dalview, Brakpan. 28566/2014—Retief, Martha Christina Retief, 12 November 1928, 2811120040082, 124 Von Gesau Street, Nigel, Gauteng, 5 September 2014. Willem Jacobus Human, Human Attorneys, 31 Devon Avenue, Dalview, Brakpan. 16738/2013—Van Heerden, Hendrina Aletta Magareta, 1932-12-03, 3212030084089 Lort Milner School Settlers, 2010-04-25; Petrus Willem Jacobus van Heerden, 1923-12-29, 2312295021080. Suzette van Niekerk, 328 John Holland Street, Montana Gardens.

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21071/2014—Bodenstein, Helena Maria Johanna, 1923-03-27, 2303270004084, 59 Motwa Haven, Booysen Street, Pretoria, 0002, 2014-02-07. Roxzanne Hamel, 409 Braam Pretorius Street, Magalieskruin, Pretoria. 30 days. 7000/00—Storm, Helena Hester, 6112060102081, 1152 Enterprise Road, Suiderberg, Pretoria, 2000-05-06; Jacob Abraham Storm, 5207125001004. Amanda Booysen van Couzyn, Hertzog & Horak In, 321 Middel Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0181. 36096/2014—Bersiks, Morris, 15 May 1931, 3105155001088, Sandringham Gardens, Jewish Aged Home, 85 George Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg, 12 August 2014. J J le Roux, c/o JCB Inc, PO Box 265397, Three Rivers, 1935. 29205/14—Cronje, Cherrial Ann, 1950-05-11, 5005110157082, Amberfield Gardens 33, Rooihuiskraal, 2014-08-03; Johannes Jacob Cronje, 1947-01-12, 4701125071083. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 036325/2014—Fourie, Lorna Edith, 10 December 1947, 4712105143081, Unit 1, BK Reed Village, Coronationville, 26 December 2008; Lorna Edith Fourie, 31 July 1948, 4807310158088. Gani and Koor Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Aslam Center, 82 Mint Road, Fordsburg. 036321/2014—Omarjee, Gafoor Adam, 18 February 1952, 5202185150080, 10 Trilby Street, Oaklands, 15 June 2014. Gani and Koor Attonreys, 2nd Floor, Aslam Centre, 82 Mint Road, Fordsburg. 031067/2014—Walter, Klaus Hermann Theodor, 1945-01-03, 4501035038085, 30 15th Street, Orange Grove, 2192, Johannesburg, 2014-06-23. Isaac Dave Miller, 35 Summerway, Glenhazel, 2192. 036429/2014—Daniel, Allan, 1941-02-01, 4102015014087, 83 5th Street, Northmead, Benoni, 1501, 2014-08-31. Estate Administration Services, PO Box 478, Benoni, 1500. 30 days. 036418/2014—Edwards, Elizabeth Susan, 1952-12-04, 5212040025088, 47 Hanekam Street, Northmead, Benoni, 1501, 2014-08-16. Estate Administration Services, PO Box 478, Benoni, 1500. 30 days. 27632/2014—Brink, Müller, 1968-11-10, 6811105002087, Sauer Oord 24, Faerie Glen, 2014-08-04. Chrystélle Brink, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfweghuis, 1685. 30 days. 289556/2014—Kruger, Anna Magdalena, 23 November 1925, 2511230017083, 716B Bendor Street, Elarduspark, 0153, 12 April 2014. D.P.J. Kruger (p/a Albert Hibbert Prokureurs), Posbus 31696, Waverley. 29713/2014—De Gavino Dias, Antonio Paulo, 1951-12-07, 5112075202182, 91 Jagluiperd Street, Pretoria, 2014-05-25; Anna Maria de Gavino Dias, 1953-01-27, 5301270547182. Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30 days. 22553/2014—Briel, Maria Catharina, 1933-10-09, 3310090010083, Brits Rusoord Ouetehuis, Noordwes, 2014-01-09. Lourens Stephanus Briel, PO Box 2434, Brits, 0250. 29202/2014—Eilers, Maria Elizabeth, 1915-03-11, 1503110037084, Arizonasingel 222, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0043, 2014-10-03. Christo Eilers, Wassenaarweg 74, Seemeeupark, Hartenbos, 6520. 19900/2013—Garda, Moosa, 1938-08-12, 3808125006083, 17 Rutland Road, Parkwood, Gauteng, 2013-07-06. M Garda, FZ Mayet, Z.T. Garda, Patel & Totos Attorneys, 22nd Floor, Golden Acre Building, C/T. 30 days. 30076/2014—Hattingh, Johannes Hendrik, 1956/04/18, 5604185151085, Koffieboomstraat 25, Casa Valde Aftree-oord, Rustenburg, 0299. 2014/04/04. Cornelius Labuchagne, 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001. 033813/2014—Thothela, Tsie Joshua, 05/05/1936, 3605055397080, Stand 2940, Extension 2, Boipatong, 04/09/2013. John William Alfonso Cumming Zurcher, Postnet Suite 143, Private Bag X068, Vanderbijlpark, 1900. 36946/2014—Browning, Lance Reeves, 1944-09-04, 4509045115082, 6-3rd Street, Roodepoort, 24 July 2014. A J Janse van Rensburg Attorney, 90 Lange Avenue, Florida Glen. 2929446/2014—Van der Merwe, Johannes Jacobus Izak Stefanus, 1930-05-30, 3005305013084, No. 22A SAVF Te Huis, Fouriestraat, Ermelo, 2351, 2014-07-25; Johanna Lodewica Christina van der Merwe, 1934-03-22, 3403220026085. Andry Elfranko Roux, Lloyd & Jansen Auditors, Janloy Building, 20 De Jager Street, Ermelo, 2351. 4920/2008—Musa Willie Ngwenyama, 25 December 1967, 6712255302089, Stand No. 285, Matsulu-A, 1203, 2 September 2006. JG Adolph Inc. Attonreys, PO Box 7608, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days. 36134/2014—Cronje, Martha Johanna Elizabeth, 24 December 1963, 6312240019086, 31 Korhaan Street, Birch Acres, Kempton Park, 1619, 31 August 2014. M G Willemse, Attorneys McKenzie Van der Merwe & Willemse, PO Box 2004, Kempton Park, 1620. 27638/2014—Khumalo, Velepi Maria, 1946-08-27, 4608270498088, 42 Afrikaborwa Street, Ethafeni, 2005-11-11. Louise A. Ellis, 1 Shelanti Street, Centurion; P.O. Box 66787, Highveld, 0169. 29190/2014—Bothma, Petrus Christiaan Gerhardus, 1923-06-18, 2306185005088, 6 Glevera Haven, View Street, Rietvalleirand, 0056, 2014-09-25; Margaretha Wilhelmina Bothma, 1931-06-20, 3106200005082. Louise A Ellis, 1 Shelanti Street, Centurion; PO Box 14199, Club View, 0014. 21713/2014—Kekana, Maesela William, 1950/09/10, 5009105739086, 95 Section C, Ekangala (1021), 2014/05/04; Madikadike Deborah Kekana, 1959/01/01, 5901011756081. Madikadike Deborah, 95 Section C, Ekangala, 1021. 6447/13—Mampye, Johnson Mpho, 1979/09/01, 7909015633089, 05 Putter Street, The Orchards, Pretoria, 2013/04/20; Phumzile Pertunia Mampye, 1983/09/12, 8309121109083. Phumzile Pertunia Mampye, 05 Putter Street, The Orchards, Pretoria. 25480/2008—Manale, Martha Makeletso, 3 October 1931, 3110030131084, widow. Erf 11364, Orlando West 2 Township, Soweto, 3 July 2008. Peter Mhangwami Attorneys, 310 Centenary Building, 23 Bureau Lane, Pretoria. 28790/2014—Havercheck, George, 1922-05-30, 37 Resthaven Randjes Estate, Highlands North, 2014-09-18. PA Coetzee, 14 Mc Nulty Ave, Silverlakes. 30 days.

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7619/2014—Petrus Johannes Esterhuizen, 2012135006081, wewenaar, Impalaweg 35, Ardenwold, Loch Vaal, Vanderbijlpark. MTS Venter & Gresse, Posbus 281, Roodepoort, 1725; Meyerstraat 47, Roodepoort, 1724. 30 dae. 22541/2014—Booysen, Elma Cornelia, 1932-04-29, 3204290015085, 1 Jubilee Ave, Dawnview, Germiston, 2012-09-14. PA Coetzee, PO Box 11102, Silverlakes. 30 days. 29620/2014—Pietersen, Johan Christian, 1935-05-01, 3505015002087, 301 Cabana Glen, 377, 2014-09-18. PA Coetzee, 14 Mc Nulty Ave, Silverlakes. 30 days. 27669/2014—De Freitas, Manuel Gabriel, 18 March 1947, 4703185008187, 30 Perel Street, Rayton, 9 April 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001. 3901/2014—Olivier, Johannes Christian, 1934-03-09, 3403095020080, 42 Retreat at Hazeldean, Top Flight Avenue, Lynnwood Ridge, 2013-12-16; Margaretha Elizabeth Olivier, 1936-09-22, 3609220013085. A J Janse van Rensburg Attorney, 90 Lange Avenue, Florida Glen, 1709. 22553/2014—Briel, Maria Catharina, 1933-10-09, 3310090010083, Brits Rusoord Ouetehuis, Noordwes, 2014-01-09. Lourens Stephanus Briel, PO Box 2434, Brits, 0250. 16738/2013—Van Heerden, Hendrina Aletta Magareta, 1932-12-03, 3212030084089, Lort Milner School, Settlers, 2010-04-25; Petrus Willem Jacobus van Heerden, 1923-12-29, 2312295021080. Suzette van Niekerk, 328 John Holland Street, Montana Gardens. 10477/2012—Mahlangu, Johannes Sibusiso, 21 January 1970, 7001215436081, Stand No. 6176, Extension 22, Hlalamnandi, Middelburg, Mpumalanga Province, 1 Jun 2012; Jane Nomsa Mahlangu, 10 November 1978, 7811100776080. Tony Maphanga, p/a Van Deventer & Campher Ing., Posbus 2125, Middelburg, 1050. 11966/2012—Madolo, Fanyana Samuel, 15 November 1961, 6111155275083, Stand No. 250, Hornbill Street, Extension 1, Komati No. 2, Middelburg, Mpumalanga Province, 21 June 2012; Fikile Joyce Madolo, 8 September 1967, 6709080783087. Tony Maphanga, p/a Van Deventer & Campher Ing, Posbus 2125, Middelburg, 1050. 10077/2013—Mabogoane, Peter Sipho, 16 November 1972, 7211165358082, Stand No. 6605 S, Komane Street Extension 10, KwaGuqa, Witbank, Mpumalanga Province, 10 June 2013; Margaret Regina Mabogoane, 19 Februarie 1979, 7902190407080. Tony Maphanga, p/a Van Deventer & Camper Ing., Posbus 2125, Middelburg, 1050. 1272/2013—Shabangu, Bangelwa Edward, 20 April 1953, 5304205361083, Stand No. 2152, Extension 4, Chief Masango Street, KwaGuqa, Mpumalanga Province, 19 October 2012. Tony Maphanga, p/a Van Deventer & Camper Ing., Posbus 2125, Middelburg, 1050. 12803/2012—Magagula, Innocent Vinky, 22 August 1980, 8008225204085, Stand No. 2779, Morris Phala Street, KwaGuqa, Witbank, Mpumalanga Province, 12 May 2012; Nonhlanhla Paulette Magagula, 8 March 1983, 8303080674088. Tony Maphanga, p/a Van Deventer & Campher Ing, Posbus 2125, Middelburg, 1050. 2715/2012—Mthembu, Simon Fana, 28 June 1960, 6006285586088, Stand No. 2565, Extension 3, Kwazamokuhle, Mpumalanga Province, 11 November 2011. Tony Maphanga, p/a Van Deventer & Camper Ing., Posbus 2125, Middelburg, 1050. 11966/2012—Madolo, Fanyana Samuel, 15 November 1961, 6111155275083, Stand No. 250, Hornbill Street, Extension 1, Komati No. 2, Middelburg, Mpumalanga Province, 21 June 2012; Fikile Joyce Madolo, 8 September 1967, 6709080783087. Tony Maphanga, p/a Van Deventer & Campher Ing, Posbus 2125, Middelburg, 1050. 024428/2014—Saludo, Sangrado Adams, 4008055064082, 801 Tafelberg Avenue, Bosmont, Johannesburg, 18 July 2013. Executor—R. M. Adams, G.D. Ficq Attorneys, 11 Dieperink Street, Roodepoort; P.O. Box 6120, Westgate. 36270/2014—Thwala, Happy Vusi, 1950-08-03, 5008035485083, 2336 Hospital View Ext. 6, Tembisa, 2014-04-29; Velaphi Martha Thwala, 1958-05-24, 5805240755089. Vanessa Hanekom, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days. 4481/2011—Priemaier, Pamela Diana, 1946-07-06, 4607060032081, 31 Palm Glen West Road, Sonneveld, Brakpan, 2010-11-27; Hermann Herbert Priemaier, 1941-03-29, 4103295048183. Vanessa Hanekom, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days. 36265/2014—Manaka, Motlhabane Bookeditswe, 1968-01-06, ZAF/6801065909, 942 Keurboom Cresent, Noordwyk, Midrand, 2013-09-12. Marius Bernardus Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 26372/2014—Van der Merwe, Gerhard Albert du Toit, 1939-12-11, 3912115047089, 78 Flemming Avenue, Krugersdorp West, 1739, 2014-07-18; Martha Lowiza van der Merwe, 1948-02-07, 4802070042085. Martha Lowiza van der Merwe, 78 Flemming Avenue, Krugersdorp West, 1739. 34095/2014—Jansen van Rensburg, Isabella Catherina Elizabeth, 01-08-1941, 4108010121082, 23 Verster Street, Minnebron, Brakpan, 16 February 2014. Donovan Frederick Higginson, 28 Mussel Cracker Street, Meer En See, Richards Bay. 28597/2014—Cromwell, William Roy, 1920-04-08, 2004085066082, Glyn Anwen 26, Gainsborough Drive, New Port, England, 2013-10-11. Universal Administration, P.O. Box 2326, Wilropark, 1731. 023954/2014—Petrus Johannes Hendriks, 3202265022086, Kampstraat 78, Sandri Hof 6, Potchefstroom, 5 Oktober 2014; Leonora Vera Hendriks, 4903210033081. L. V. Hendriks, Posbus 5086, Doringkruin, Klerksdorp. 30 dae. 7924/13—Nzama, Desmond Derrick Pitsoe, 28-11-1960, 6011285673084, 12 Olie Street, Daspoort, Pretoria, 28-11-2012; Duduzane Patricia Nzama, 22-06-1963, 6306220430081. Naudes Attorneys, 913–33rd Avenue, Pretoria. 023931/2014—Anna Magdalena Elizabeth Kruger, 241115002084, 20 Somerset Way, Amanzimtoti, 4125, 21 August 2014. M. E. Nieman, Posbus 5086, Doringkruin, Klerksdorp. 30 dae. 33435/2014—Bornman, Richardo Augustino, 1939-07-29, 3907295002086, 6 Clifford Road, Chancliff, Krugersdorp, 2014-08-12; Megan Bornman, 1945-09-25, 4509250063084. Dykes van Heerden Inc, P.O. Box 21755, Helderkruin, 1733. 26215/2014—Victor, Aubrey Leonard, 20-09-1952, 5209205066089, Selikats Causeway 409, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 12-05-2014. Glenda Victor, Selikats Causeway 409, Faerie Glen, Pretoria. 033835/2014—Khunou, Rosy Ntshadi, 1958-09-19, 5809190776087, 39 Humewood Links, Panners Lane, River Clud, Sandton, 21910, 2014-07-11. Denis B. Phatshwane, 1st Floor, Block E, Oxbow Lane, The Esturies, Century City.

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034364/2014—Madumo, Nothemba, 7 May 1957, 570507689087, 255 azalea Avenue, Century View, Midrand, 15 August 2014. Mafelo Sibanyoni & Ass, No. 233 Columbine Avenue, Mondeor, Johannesburg, 2091. 32628/2014—Melville, Edward Joseph, 1953-05-12, 5305125106086, Robbenstraat 13, Groeneweide, Elsburg, 2014-08-12; Hermina Anna Catharina Melville, 1956-05-25, 5605250027084. Legatus Trust, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie. 030802/2014—Spies, Maria Martha, 1937-05-01, 3705010043082, Goldreef Aftree-Oord, Eenheid 51, Lower Road, Brakpan; Andries Francois Spies, 1935-07-01, 3507015049084. Legatus Trust, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie. 31525/2014—Fraser, Lizette Catheline, 1965-07-11, 6507110147087, Anglo Goldlaan 1833, Strubenvale, Springs, 2014-07-06. Legatus Trust, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie. 021605/2013—Saville, Cecil John, 1975/02/02, 7502025026087, 35 7th Avenue, Geduld, Springs, 06/06/2013. Johan Herselman van Heerden, 88 8th Street, Springs. 27308/2014—Castelyn, Christine Berindina, 1971-04-19, 7104190271083, 1 Medelin 1102, Michael Brink Street, Villieria, Pretoria, 0186, 2014-07-14. Jan Erasmus, 356 Rosemary Street, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0181. 30 days. 3795/2014—Martha Aletta Marais, 2603060014080, Harmonie Hof 712, Pretoria, 2014-01-20, weduwee. Pretoria Boedel Administrateurs, Posbus 14341, Sinoville, 0129. 30 days. 33162/2014—Hefer, Ammarensia Jaster Hefer, 1939/10/23, 3910230022086, 118 Germains Avenue, Brakpan, 2014-02- 14. Johan Herselman van Heerden, 88 8th Street, Springs. 8246/08—Mandla Stanely Hlongwane, 5410315669081, 207 Pretville, Mayville, Pretoria, 2007-08-11, ongetroud. Pretoria Boedel Administrateurs, Posbus 14341, Sinoville, 0129. 30 days. 28332/14—Wagner, Hendrik Jacobus, 1966-03-15, 6603155160083, 62 Van Ryneveldstraat Dan, Pienaarville, Krugersdorp, 2014-01-19; Monique Wagner, 1970-07-24, 7007240247088. Le Roux-Wagenaar, Posbus 470, Krugersdorp, 1740. 28906/14—Krumland, Lucia Beatrix, 1939-01-15, 3901150060107, Villa La Salle No. 39, Adderleystraat 3, Roodepoort, 1724, 2014-08-12. Le Roux-Wagenaar, Posbus 470, Krugersdorp, 1740. Van Staden, Christo, 20/03/1962, 6203205157088, Olienthoutboomweg 809, Doornpoort, 0017, 21/09/2014; Sandra Wendy van Staden, 24/09/1964, 6409240109089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Van Zyl, Melinda, 18/02/1965, 6502180117086, Plot 106, Rikasrus, Randfontein, 1764, 01/04/2014; Jacobus Albertus van Zyl, 24/07/1967, 6707245008085. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 29693/2014—Weldhagen, Willem Frederick, 06/06/1964, 6406065078084, Evanderstraat 89, Wierdapark, 0157, 29/07/2014; Nelmarie Weldhagen, 03/10/1967, 6710030133084. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Lumsden, Delma Vernon, 27/03/1929, 2903270024089, 227 Sherbourne Place, Quartz Street, Jukskeipark, 2188, 06/08/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Muller, Ernest Robert, 01/08/1940, 4008015046088, 40 Aster Road, Northmead Ext 4, Benoni, 1501, 19/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Pooe, Elizabeth, 02/01/1949, 4901020587080, 1657 Manotshe Street, Mapetla, Soweto, 1818, 18/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Prinsloo, Nicolaas Johannes, 28/08/1925, 2508285039087, Drie Riviere Aftree-Oord, Laventelstraat 14, Drie Riviere, 1929, 29/07/2014; Prinsloo, 01/05/1928, 2805010019081. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Richards, Marion Leslie, 09/01/1935, 3501090045083, Beansgate Old Age Home, 21 Herto Road, Craighall Park, 2196, 14/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Schafer, Adriana Cecilia, 05/11/1963, 6311050131080, 7 Bellotuno Road, Freeway Park, Boksburg, 1459, 02/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 35486/2014—Sithole, Johannes, 03/12/1920, 2012035072084, 8535 Moeketsi Street, Duduza, 1496, 30/06/2014; Sithole, 04/07/1941, 4107040239088. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 35487/2014—Steyn, Gertruida Johanna, 27/06/1942, 4206270068082, Malboro Gardens 05, Leipoldstraat, Farramere, 1501, 16/06/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Van Wyk, Christopher Clinton, 19/07/1957, 5707195086082, 03/10/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Beets, Peter Johannes, 06/03/1924, 2403065030086, Van Broekhuizenstraat 253, Danville, Pretoria, 0183, 04/09/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Cloete, Patrick Hendrik, 21/03/1940, 4003215070087, Panorama Landgoed 68, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp, 1739, 13/09/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. De Beer, Margorie Elaine, 29/03/1943, 4303290011083, 464 15de Laan, Rietfontein, 0084, 15/06/2014; Rudolph Johannes Frederik De Beer, 17/01/1942, 4201175095082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Fleischman, Johanna, 21/04/1948, 4804210083086, Tugelastraat 79, Meyerton, 1961, 22/07/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Frese, Biagio, 22/07/1936, 3607225045185, 41 Lourie Street, Greenhills, Randfontein, 1759, 03/07/2014; Maria Louisa Frese, 11/12/1933, 3312110012081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Le Roux, Jan Johannes Petrus, 09/04/1933, 3304095022086, Cunninghamlaan 1189, Waverley, 0186, 29/05/2014; Hester Susanna Le Roux, 17/09/1935, 3509170026089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

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Lotter, Wessel Johan, 01/06/1930, 3006015015088, Hoewe 16, Leoka Villa, Pretoria, 0002, 13/09/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Lotz, Johannes Hendrik, 06/08/1934, 3408065029086, Willoughbystraat 105, Kenmare, Krugersdorp, 1739, 10/09/2014; Johanna Maria Lotz, 20/01/1952, 5201200140084. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Marx, Helena Petronella, 7/05/1928, 2805070059084, Witpoortjie Senior Park, 69 Dromedaris Street, Witpoortjie, 1724, 14/09/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Mogale, Nduku Abednog, 04/08/2014, 4908045537081, X2261 Mosime Street, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 2574, 28/08/2014; Dipuo Sannah Mogale, 23/01/1953, 5301230328087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Monthato, Mmaniki Gert, 08/04/1946, 4604085210081, 904 Phatudi Street, Kagiso, 1754, 10/08/2014; Dineo Gertrude Monthato, 19/09/1947, 4709190218083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 29410/2014—Nienaber, Jacobus Johannes Daniel, 05/12/1937, 3712055060088, Dannhauserlaan 210, Danville, Pretoria, 0183, 30/08/2014; Susanna Magrieta Nienaber, 20/05/1940, 4005200033087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Oosthuizen, Christian, 09/11/1926, 2611095024081, Rennaisance Sekuriteits Oord, Eenheid 44, Baileystraat, Randpoort, 1763, 08/09/2014; Magaritha Jacoba Oosthuizen, 06/01/1930, 3001060040008. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Oosthuizen, Jan, 16/04/1950, 5004165017085, Forest Farm Centre, Cerebral Palsy Residential Hom, Bryanston, 2191, 05/07/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 313600—Rogers, Eurina Joyce, 25/05/1921, 2105250013088, 10 Berg Street, Panorama Estate, Krugersdorp, 1718, 30/07/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 29670/2014—Roux, Jan Christiaan, 04/07/1942, 4207045080089, Stasiestraat 9, Rayton, 1001, 15/09/2014; Cornelia Johanna Roux, 06/02/1947, 4702060075089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Van der Craght, Daniel, 19/01/1942, 4201195045083, Perseel E 51, Marblehall, 0450, 07/09/2014; Johanna Marthina van der Craght, 28/11/1943, 4311280023083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 28181/2014—Van der walt, Stephanus Tjaart, 10/01/1927, 2701105011085, Doringkraalstraat 34, Ladanna, Pietersburg, 0699, 01/08/2014; Anna Catharina van der Walt, 02/05/1934, 3405020010086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Ceronio, Sarel Frederik, 22/11/1956, 5611225050086, Tiervisstraat 1, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park, 1619, 29/08/2014; Ceronio, 14/05/1958, 5805140048080. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Du Preez, Anna Magdalena, 23/09/1934, 3409230050080, 4 Putney Road, Rossmore, Johannesburg, 2092, 13/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Ebrahim, Gulum, 20/11/1941, 4111205135081, 55 Mahanadi Avenue X11B, Lenasia, 1827, 05/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Enslin, Suzan May, 05/07/1922, 2207050017002, 15 Trioby Road, Oakdene, 2196, 05/02/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 36633/2014—Gaylard, Michael John, 01/07/1952, 5207015030089, 16 Suikerboshoek, Gaiety Avenue, Robindale, Johannesburg, 2194, 14/08/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Gerber, Daniel Benjamin, 19/10/1947, 4710195605084, Botanua Hof 11, Meyerton, 1961, 09/08/2014; Gerber, 03/10/1950, 5010030016087. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Jonker, Jacobus Petrus Lodewikus, 30/07/1935, 3507305015084, Bokmakieriestraat 24, Daggafontein, 1559, 04/08/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 034096/2014—Lekiba, Majane Bernardina, 1967-05-23, 6705230729087, 12143 Juventas Street, Ext 7 Randfontein, 2014-09-06. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 8th Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. 21954/2012—Mazibulo, Nomalanga Nancy, 1967-01-11, 6701110220081, 12799 Setholemoru Street, Extension 23, Vosloorus, 2012-04-21; Boy Jeffrey Mazibuko Mazibuko, 1966-08-12, 6608125677082. 036618/2014—Madala, Mosa Bridget, 1956-05-02, 5605020730082, 1276 Mackay Road, Evaton, 2014-09-27. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 8th Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. 034364/2014—Madumo, Nothemba, 7 May 1957, 5705070689087, 255 Azalea Avenue, Century View, Midrand, 15 August 2014. Matela Sibanyoni & Ass, No. 233 Columbine Avenue, Mondeor, Johannesburg, 2091. 16690/2012—Pillay, Mudramuthu Moonsamy, 15 February 1962, 5 Marie Street, Praegville, 1 June 2012. Aashia Saloojee Inc., PO Box 2277, Lenasia, 1820. 25309/2013—Sibiya, Nomhle Violet, 07/01/1941, 4101070219086, 2558 Orange Farm, Extension 1, Gauteng, 11 December 2011. BM Kolisi Incorporated Attorneys, 60 Elston Avenue, Benoni, 1501. 25317/2013—Sibiya, Simiso, 06/01/1936, 3601065176086, 2558 Orange Farm Extension 1, Gauteng, 17 July 2014. BM Kolisi Incorporated Attorneys, 60 Elston Avenue, Benoni, 1501. 28244/2013—Makofane, Isiah Thapishi, 1961-03-15, 6103155898089, 23 McCullum Street, Brakpan North, Brakpan, Gauteng Province, 2013-07-21; Evah Makofane. 23 McCullum Street, Brakpan North, Brakpan. 8232/2013—Ngcani, Madala Kenny, 1946-10-29, 4610295473088, 431 Maokeng Section Tembisa, Gauteng, 2013-03-07; Hlomolani Lorinta Ngcani, 1963-06-12, 6306120362087. Jenny Wenhold Attorneys, PO Box 10141, Aston Manor, 1630. 30 days. 035572/2014—Bohloa, Katleho Sylvia, 1985-12-20, 8512201318181, 386 Oak Avenue, Stand No/Portion 78, Acorn Ridge, Ferndale, 13 July 2014. TM Serage Attorneys, 62 Marshall Str, Khotso House, 4th Floor-402, Johannesburg.

This gazette is also available free online at 78 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

035468/2014—Seraga, Makhulela Amos, 09-03-1968, 6803095601085, 830 Mnini Street, Mabuya Park, Vosloorus, 1475, 10-05-2002. TM Serage Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Khotso House, 4th Floor, Suite 402, Johannesburg. 9728/2010—Mahlake, Monica Celiwe, 1965-12-05, 6512050888088, 14 Seri Street, Stand No./Portion 9756, Dobsonville Extension 3, 21 November 2004. TM Serage Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Khotso House, 4th Floor, Suite 402, Johannesburg. 003879/2014—Van Zyl, Thomas Johannes, 1957-01-17, 5701175013083, Porges Street 8, Randfontein, 27-05-2012; Aletta Elizabeth van Zyl, 1964-01-21, 6401210082081. TG Bosch-Naik Attorneys, PO Box 166, Roodepoort, 1725. 30 days. 020353/2014—Pheme, Pertunia Tiatia, 2 July 1971, 7107020444085, 8475 Wiehman Crescent Extension 2, Daveyton Gauteng, 30 March 2014. JM Rankeng Attorneys, 30742 Maqhina Street, Extension 6 Daveyton, Benoni. 03617/2014—Dladla-Mavuso, Lindiwe Joyce, 1972-10-11, 7210110439088, 3175 Engwe Street, Vosloorus Extension 28, Phasei, 2014-06-20; Mtembeni Nhlanhla Mavuso, 1964-03-1, 6403185298080. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 34993/2014—Giane, Lucy, 1938-09-08, 3809080297089, 199 Steytler Street, Extension 3 Westbury, 2014-08-09. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 35411/2014—Hlophe, Ntombi Nora, 1955-08-29, 5508290325080, 1389 Huis G Street, Vukuzakhe, 2014-08-17. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 35012/2014—Khumalo, Daphne Dolly, 1957-08-15, 5708155525085, 7104 Statford Extension 4, 2014-09-15; Daphne Dolly Khumalo, 1957-11-15, 5711150845086. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 35027/2014—Lesito, Ramotsoela Reuben, 1945-05-05, 4505055255081, 5642 Sharpville A, 2014-09-26; Mankone Florinah Lesito, 1948-08-14, 4808140646086. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 02971/2014—Machaba, Kwena Martina, 1977-03-08, 7703080847082, 73 Olive Street, Protea Glen Extension 28, 2014-06-15. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 32659/2014—Molapo, Florence Oumanyana, 1977-05-04, 7705040496082, 69 Blouberg Street, Finsberg, Krugersdorp, 2014-08-28. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 34108/2014—Mosia, Joseph, 1944-05-11, 4405115349083, Stand 0207, Moroka North, 2014-08-23; Aliwe Ester Mosia, 1950-11-28, 5011280320088. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 35493/2014—Nkabinde, Bupense Wellington, 1943-08-02, 4308025403083, 1550-B Zola, 2014-09-22; Shiela Thulile Nkabide, 1950-07-23, 5007230639080. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 35417/2014—Petlele, Ditiro Phillip, 1984-03-02, 8403025427087, c/o Unit 24, 204 Dorset Square Berea, 2014-09-03. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 35738/2014—Segodi, Dulegang Herfson, 1953-05-03, 5305035421088, 2014-09-04; Nomvula Tryzer Segodi, 1956-07-01, 5607010379086. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 36786/2014—Masilo, Oupaki Isaac, 1962-03-03, 6203036742082, 2014-08-07; Lekgari-Masilo Mmabotseng Gloria. Rebone Komane, 62 Marshall Street, 4th Floor, Office 404, Khotso House. 35728/2014—Zoellner, Ivy Kathleen, 1924-08-09, 2408090045181, Westinghouse Boulevard 81, Vanderbijlpark, 2014-07-01. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 35795/2014—Daffonchio, Vincenzo Teresio Giuseppe, 1929-02-26, 2902265008081, 14 Eton Park, 6 Eton Road, Sandhurst, 2014-08-06; Lidia Renata Daffonchio, 1934-02-04, YA0631291. Enrico M Daffonchio, Unit 25, Oxford Mews, 63 Oxford Road, Saxonwold, 2193. 36550/2014—Phirie, Beverley, 1967-11-15, 6711150099089, 28 Pansy Street, Villa Lisa, Boksburg, 1459, 2014-06-10. Tuckers Incorporated, 84 Trichardts Road, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1460. 36553/2014—Phirie, Ragendra Didi, 1965-01-08, 6501085200088, 28 Pansy Street, Villa Lisa, Boksburg, 1459, 2014-06-10. Tuckers Incorporated, 84 Trichardts Road, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1460. 7879/2014—Sibisi, Audrey Thandi, 1964-10-14, 6410140589081, 1274 Spruitview Extension 1, Magagula Crescent, Katlehong, 1431, 04-01-2014. Sibusiso Cliff Sibisi, c/o Paternostro-Fienberg Attorneys, PO Box 149, Bruma, 2026. 30 days. 23909/2008—Selongoana, Abiel, 1976-03-30, 7603305645081, 10 Leerdam Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, 14 August 2008; Faith Nomawethu Ndiki, 1976-02-16, 7602160059081. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016. 36776/2014—Tshabalala, Natwala Judith, 1922-03-15, 2203150124087, 238 Isivana Section, Tembisa, 2013-10-20. Andrew Lishivha Inc., Attorney & Conveyancers, 8th Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. 034711/2014—Morgenrood, Coleen Joyce, 1954-04-03, 5404030002082, 17 Piet My Vrou Ave, Helikonpark, Randfontein, 1760, 2014-06-24. Chantelle Klassen, 17 Piet My Vrou Ave, Helikonpark, Randfontein, 1760. 35160/2014—Palmer, Philip Malcolm, 1942-10-06, 4210065026180, 80 Ballyclare Drive, Riverclub, San Johannesburg, 2014-08-13. Rekha Chetty, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 35735/2014—Davey, Athony Christopher, 1931-01-03, 3101035095085, 48 Consuenol Dew, Blairgowrie, Johannesburg, 2014-08-18; Helena Lubbe, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 35162/2014—Troskie, Johanna Elizabeth, 29-09-1933, 3309290011081, 1797 Ewelme Road, Henley on Klip; Johan Christiaan Pretoria, 19-03-1930, 3003195066080. Rekha Chetty, First National Trust, P. O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 035616/14—Zwane, Jabulane Eltas, 1933-11-28, 3311285113088, Stand No 01124, Zone No. 00001, Meadowlands, 1852. 2014-08-05; Zwane, 1960-05-08, 6005080936084. Mashudu David Nets Hitunulu, 208 Jeppe Street, 1st Floor, Marble Towers, Johannesburg. 30 days. 035718/2014—Low, Lorna Elizabeth Coutts, 26-09-1930, 3009260043086, 5 Somersby, Poplar Street, Marais Steyn Park, 23-07-2014. Andrew Edward Goodall, P O Box 571, Bedfordview, 2008.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 79

33274/2014—Van Gend, Ashley, 23/10/1963, Zimbabwean Passport No. BN509648, 12 Greenhithe Lane, Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe, 12-04-2008. Sandra Lilian de Jager, De Jager du Plessis, P O Box 4192, Randburg, 2125. 25275/2014—Jooma-Peerbhay Ayesha, 04/01/1923, 2301040067084, 143 Shalimar Park, 25/09/2008. Ayoob Kaka Attorneys, P.O. Box 62083, Marshalltown, 2107. 15873/2013—Rampho, Bojang Selina, 1967-06-15, 6706155130087, 19 Bottlebrush Crescent, Ebony Park, 2013-04-08. Martin Charles Pike, 571 7th Road, Halfway Gardens, Midrand; P O Box 31623, Kyalami, 1685. 036586/2014—Bowes, Mark Anthony, 1958-05-07, 5805075202082, 30 North Street, Oakdene, 3 October 2014. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016. 031584/2014—Bvirakare, Bruno, 1973-04-30, Passport: BN982550, 11, 212 Bellairs, Bellairs Drive, Sharon Lea, 2014-06-14; Rufaro Gladys Marowa, 1976-01-22, BN274277. RG Marowa c/o Tracy Lee Nagle, PO Box 2454, Saxonwold, 2132. 34800/2014—Smal, Petronella Magdalena, 1937-04-07, 3704070020080, Panoramapark Afreedorp, Beststraat, Klerksdorp, 2014-09-09. Telfer & Associates, P O Box 70693, Bryanston, 2021. 023955/2014—Khumalo, Jabulani, 05/01/1970, 7001057215080, Unit 138, Preston Place, 34 Alexandra Street, Berea, 2198, 2 May 2014; Dorah Kedibone Khumalo, 01/11/1970, 7011010268084. Smit & Booysen Attorneys, 59 Linksfield Road, Dowerglen, Edenvale, 1612. 3360/2012—Ramsammy, Magonie, 1937-06-29, 3706290221083, 5 Lawrence Road, Dalpark Ext 9, Brakpan, 2005-06-16. Rajen V. Naidoo Inc., Attorneys, 81 Amothill Avenue, Suite 101, Westwing, Benoni. 36670/2014—Blom, Charl Jacob, 12/08/1967, 6708125095085, Plot 145, Indaba Lane, Rietfontein, Roodepoort, 22 August 2014. Profin Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 861, Glenvista, 2058. 34584/2014—Nxumalo, Fikile Bettie, 1951-02-11, 51021101860, 6446 Orange Farm Extension 2, Johannesburg, 16-07-2013; Hununu Percy Nxumalo, 1948-01-29, 4801295221086. Galeng Attorneys, 1st Floor, Azar Building, 14 Beaumont Street, Booysens, 2016. 035069/2014—Tselana, Phaliwe Anna, 1959-09-02, 5909020414089, Heidelpark Hostel, Room No. 20, Linksfield, Johannesburg, 2000, 2014-08-28; Phaliwe Anna Tselana, 1959-09-02, 5909020414089. TM Serage Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Khotso House, 4th Floor, Suite H02, Johannesburg. 17388/2009—Masakale, Teboho Johnson, 1940-12-25, 4012255410087, 51 Thulare Street, Stand No. 2759, Mapetla Extension 1, 2009-07-04; Esther Sylvia Masakale, 1949-03-08, 4903080541080. TM Serage Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, Khotso House, 4th Floor 402, Johannesburg. 26342/2014—Vasconcelos, Ida Wilhemina, 1938-10-17, 3810170027089, 36 George Street, Rosettenville, Johannesburg, 2190, 2014-05-05; Agostinho Sivestre Berenguer Vasconcelos, 1951-12-31, 5112315115186. ASB Vasconcelos, c/o Nexus Consultants CC, PO Box 3515, Cresta, 2118. 31057/2014—Faure, Rene Charles, 1949-03-19, 4903195096087, Unit 13, Sashan, 80 Victoria, Oakdene, 2014-06-26. Bruce Dale Pattison-Gerings Attorneys, 79 Hamlin Street, Highlands North Ext 7. 15714/2014—Masinyane, Mande Isaac, 19 July 1958, 5807195593083, No. 51 South Boundry Road, Rondebult, Germiston, 1438, 2 June 2013; Motlale Alinah Masinyane, 19 May 1958, 5805190858081. Matlala Keith Attorneys, Office No. 8, 71 Woburn Avenue, Benoni, 1500. 28445/2014—Nunes, Antonio Nunes, 13 November 1943, 4311135091087, 47C Juniper Drive, Dowerglen Ext 4, Edenvale, 1609, 24 July 2011; Julia Domingos Simoes, 11 January 1945, 4501110072082. MS Catarino & CO, P.O. Box 5071, Delmenville, 1403. 24822/2014—Nkabinde, Victor, 1958-07-28, 5807285813088, Erf No. 10170, Mamelodi East, Pretoria, 2014-07-05; Eustace Judith Nkabinde, 1963-03-09, 6303090635089. Motimele Inc., 304 Third Floor, Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria, 0001. 035900/2014—Patel, Ebrahim Mohammed, 16 June 1944, 4406165165080, No. 58 Langerman Street, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 6 July 2014; Hasina Patel, 11 December 1950, 5012110176088. Aysha Bhabha Attorneys, P.O. Box 279, Lenasia. 032266/2014—Moosa, Sullaiman, 28 April 1931, 3104285041081, No. 46 Tagore Drive, Roshnee, Vereeniging, 18 October 2013. Aysha Bhabha Attorneys, P.O. Box 279, Lenasia. 17897/2013—Mokotedi, Nicholas, 1965-08-18, 6508185680085, 22 Van Lil Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, 2013-10-03; Glenda Kelebogile Mokotedi, 1976-09-05, 7609050414086. Alan Jose Incorporated 2 Squirrel Turn, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort. 034134/2014—Massiceti, Valeria, 15/11/1963, 6311150070089, No. 1 Buckland Place, cnr. Allen Grove & Kings Road, Bedfordview, 07/07/2014. Giuliana Rizzi Attorney, Unit 14, Eden Gardens, Lewis Road, Elma Park, 1609. 36245/2014—Verweerdt, Gerrit Jan, 29/06/1929, 2906295079186, 32 Winchester Street, Westdene, Johannesburg, 19/09/2014; Henriette Wilhelmina Verweerdt, 04/03/1932, 3203040065184. Henriette Verweerdt, 32 Winchester Street, Westdene, Johannesburg. 034326/2014—Mthembu, Lizzy Lindiwe, 1967-06-12, 6706120675083, 4 Marathon Street, Malvern, 2094, 2014-09-19. Clement Mosa Mokoena, 9571 Pimville, Zone 6, Bester. 26213/2014—McKellar, Heather, 1941-05-07, 4105070032084, 41 Douglasdale Retirement Village, 28 Galloway Road, Douglasdale, 2014-04-28. Daniel JR Schutte, PO Box 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. 33254/2014—Mbele, Richard Sonane, 27 July 1942, 4207275198080, 3 Mmila Road, Stand No. 46, Mofolo North, 3 January 1994; Mashau Naledzani Attorneys, 3rd Floor, Marble Towers, 208-212 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. 3624/2014—Motshabi, Nofikile Maria, 1955/05/31, 5505310524080, 1189 Ngculu Street, Orlando East, 1804, 07/10/2014; Monti Daniel Motshabi, 1946/01/07, 460107075430083. L.P. Molope Attorneys, 151 Commissioner Street, Suite 413, Klamson Towers, Johannesburg, 2000. 30 days. 035463/2014—Else Flaten, Adcock, 1939/09/04, 3909040047085, 1 Sandpiper Village, Nieweveld Road, Quellerina, 2014/08/25. Robin Drummond Twaddle, Unit 6, Constantia Park, 546 - 16th Road, Midrand.

This gazette is also available free online at 80 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

31767/2014—Monyela, Alfred Obbie, 1940/01/08, 4001085262081, 484 Oupa Moetsi Road, Tembisa, 2011/12/28. Robin Drummond Twaddle, Unit 6, Constantia Park, 546 - 16th Road, Midrand. 18534/2013—Mabena, Beauty Tomzandile, 11-10-1928, 2810110181088, 3457 Swazi Street, Daveyton, 1520, 02/03/2009. M.J. Shneier, 56 Elston Ave, Benoni, 1500. 23321/2004—Silva, Benjamin Dos Santos, 17 February 1948, 4802175613186, 205 St Frusquin Street, Malvern, 2094, 1 September 2003; Maria Do Rosario Franca Dos Santos Silva, 11 October 1961, 6110110099083. E Da C Luiz Attorney, PO Box 75962, Gardenview, 2047, 1st Floor, 5 Grays Terrace Rd, off Langermann Drive, Johannesburg. 16581/2011—Davis, Agnes Margaret, 1930-12-07, 706429189, 11 La Provence von Damn Street, Little Falls, Roodepoort, 2008-03-26. NL Administration, First Floor, TMC House, Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge, 2156. 16578/2011—Davis, Carl Glaholm, 1927-04-21, 706429188, 11 La Provence Von Damn Street, Little Falls, Roodepoort, 2010-12-25. NL Administration, First Floor, TMC House, Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge, 2156. 31672/2014—Lategan, Johannes Stephanus, 1947-05-23, 4705235023082, 163 Pruimbos Street, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort, 2014-07-29. NL Administration, First Floor, TMC House, Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge, 2156. 35053/2014—Berkal, Ethel, 1927-01-13, 2701130032080, Unit D206, Golden Acres, George Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg, 2014-08-22. Russel Wolpe, RWFC Financial Consultants, P.O. Box 1364, Houghton, 2041. 36095/2014—Coetzee, Antoinette, 1941-11-02, 4111020037082, 143 Vincent Road, Linmeyer, Johannesburg, 2014-09-28. Liam Greeff Attorneys, P.O. Box 600, Park South, 1910. 30 days. 36665/2014—Mbewe, Nyson Biton, 1945-05-25, 4505255503082, 2488 Unity Street, Rabie Ridge, Tembisa, 21-09-2014. L. P. Molope Attorneys, 151 Commissioner Street, Suite 413, Klamson Towers, Johannesburg, 2000. 30 days. 16347/2014—Ngcobo, Tseko Joseph, 1930-06-10, 3006105434082, 59 Mosalo Street, Atteridgeville, Pretoria, 2013-06-15; Cathrine Ngcobo, 1938-11-25, 3811250241087. Cathrine Ngcobo, Office No. 5, 2nd Floor, 476 Kings Highway, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 034679/2014—Vermaak, Paul, 1960-05-19, 6005195014082, 6829 Sunningdale Crescent, Copperleaf Golf Estate, Centurion, 0157, 2014-08-22; Louisa Hendrina Maria Magdalena Vermaak, 1958-03-21, 5803210088086. Stephen C Smith, P.O. Box 319, Vereeniging, 1930 or 40 Senator Marks Avenue, Vereeniging, 1939. 28794/2014—Vorster, Willem Johannes, 1927-07-11, 2707115031088, Kronendal Aftree-oord, 650 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, 0083, 2014-08-25; Catharina Beatrice Vorster, 1925-01-02, 2501020024084. Snyman de Jager Attorneys, P.O. Box 8365, Centurion, 0046. 36176/2014—Sherman, Maurice, 11 May 1948, 4805115051086, 310 Norwich Hall, Kernick Road, Melrose, Johannesburg, 29 August 2014. David Fordyce Anderson, P.O. Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074. 30 days. 7945/2014—Small, Jan Johannes Jacobus, 20 November 1946, 4611205001084, 4 Shippard Street, Meyerton, 1 June 2013; Maria Magdalena Small, 3 October 1950, 5010030003085. L. A. Kruger, SPS Attorneys, P.O. Box 278, Vereeniging, 1930. 32846/2014—Tanner, Richard James, 6 October 1957, 5710065067083, 11 Wieliewalie Street, Atlasville, Boksburg, 24 August 2014. I. M. Hutchesson, I M Hutchesson Attorneys, P.O. Box 2405, Benoni, 1500. 36760/2014—Ter Morshuizen, Christina, 1921-06-07, 2106070044089, Roodepoort Sentrum vir Bejaardes, 5 Robinson Avenue, Discovery, 2014-09-16. Mr G. Bowen, 352 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort. 23008/2013—Timoti, Dorcas Agnes, 1943-06-20, 4306200349089, 6030 Riverside, Kagiso 2, 23-08-2012. M. Nemakanga, 61 Von Brandis Street, Krugersdorp, 1740. 30 days. 033594/2014—Charles Tobias, 29 June 1916, 1606295029089, 301 Aston Villa, St Andrews Street, Birdhaven, Johannesburg, 5 August 2014. Anthony Jossel, P.O. Box 84367, Greenside, 2034. 023066/2014—Mamonchonyana Agnes Seleke, 1933-08-22, 3308220181089, 853 Dzara Street, Dobsonville, 1865. Alchemy Hub (Pty) Ltd, 6796 Fregatvoel Street, Celtisdal, Gauteng. 29226/2014—Dibonwa Paulus Sekotlong, 1958-09-09, 5809095864087, 3751 Section D, Ekangala, 16 September 2014. Makwena Ema Sekotlong, c/o Govender Attorneys, 46 Kruger Street (P.O. Box 1120), Bronkhorstspruit, 1020. 36656/2014—Schoultz, Moria Jane, 23 January 1949, 4901230126083, 39 Orion Street, Kensington, Johannesburg, 2094, 18 August 2014. Jason Christiaan Schoultz, c/o P.O. Box 130258, Bryanston 2074. 30 days. 28211/2014—Scrooby, Henrietta Dolffina, 4 February 1934, 3402040029089, The Farm, Garth Forth, Scheerpoort, Brits, North-West Province, 16 July 2014. Klagsburn Edelstein Bosman De Vries Inc, P.O. Box 178, Groenkloof, Pretoria, 0027. 35623/14—Raal, Frederick Anton, 26 May 1923, 2305265016080, Erica 204, San Sereno, 30 Fleming Street, Bryanston, 20 August 2014; Mary Antoinette Raal, 18 September 1925, 2509180022186. Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 582, Johannesburg, 2000. 036333/2014—Pushpanathan Pillay, 07-08-1962, 6 Witdoring Avenue, Palm Ridge; Moganambal Pillay, 6504120242081, 24-06-2014. Chiba-Jiran Inc., P.O. Box 163, Crown Mines, 2025. 032382/2014—Lydia Katherine Parimal, 26-10-1942, 4210260330080, 196 Paarl Street, Actonville Extension 1, Benoni, 1500, 13 April 2014. Bham & Dahya Attorneys, 9 Lakeside Place, First Floor, Kleinfontein, Lake Office Park, Benoni, 1500. 36286/2014—Michael Landy Nuttall, 5501295063087, 10 September 2014; married out of community of property. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc., Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days. 036764/2014—Nel, Philippus Wilhelmus Nel, 1943/09/28, 4309285007085, Clivia Care Centre, Witbeeck, 2014/09/20. Zacharias Andreas Schickerling, 352 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort. 28598/2014–Modubu, Lovely Tsholofelo, 1984/11/28, 8411280564080, Bon Courage 81, Basden Street, Centurion, 0157, 2014/08/11. Snyman De Jager Attorneys, PO Box 8365, Centurion, 0046. 036466/2014—Mona, Nomasonto Maria, 1928/10/07, 2810070181086, 25 Nxumalo Street, Zola North, Soweto, 2010/07/28. C/o Attorney John Broido, 17th Floor, Marble Towers, 206214, Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. 21 days. 036269/2014—Moshe, Sydney, 17 December 1960, 6012175589083, 11691 Pulana Street, Daveyton, 21 December 2007. Evelyn Thembi Qunta, c/o B.P. Ndaba Incorporated, 1st Floor, Central House, 81 Ampthill Avenue, Benoni.

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29573/2014—Muller, Helgaard Wilhelmus, 1938/12/15, 3812155013084, 86 Protea Retirement Village, 80 Swoordleke Avenue, Die Wilgers, Pretoria, 2014/10/08; Anna Ilonka Muller, 1942/09/02, 4209020020080. Snyman De Jager Attorneys, PO Box 8365, Centurion, 0046. 036710/2014—Rashid Ahmed Cassim Patel, 18/07/1959, 5907185066082, 262 Baker Street, Lenasia South Extension 1, South of Johannesburg, 04/09/2014. Mafenya Attorneys, 23 Loveday Street, Howard House, Suite 402, cnr Main Street, Johannesburg, 2001. 30 days. 29575/2014—McNear, William James, 1926/05/22, 2605225003080, 25 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Lyttelton, Pretoria, 2014/09/09; Laura Yvonne Lavinia McNear, 1929/07/31, 2907310003003. Snyman De Jager Attorneys, PO Box 8365, Centurion, 0046. 033132/2014—Beverley Ann McDonald, 5805020018088, 18 President Brand Street, Boksburg South, 10 July 2014; an adult female married out of community of property. P de Jager, De Jager Kruger Van Blerk Attorneys, PO Box 1078, Springs, 1560. 30 days. 035786/2014—McNulty, Charles, 1933/08/04, 3308045069089, 10 Jenmere, Spey Drive, Three Rivers, Vereeniging, 1929, 2014/08/27; Carolyn Diane McNulty, 1945/01/04, 4501040094081. Stephen C Smith, PO Box 319, Vereeniging, 1930, or 40 Senator Marks Avenue, Vereeniging, 1939. 032990/2014—Alan Peter Meerholz, 1952/03/19, 5203195104083, 26 Cloudy Street, Farrarmere, Benoni, Gauteng, 16 May 2014. W.F. Pohle CA (S.A.), 111 Market Street, Boksburg, 1459; PO Box 240, Boksburg, 1460. 30 days. 036567/2014—Maymoonisa Baba Mia, 20 March 1923, 2303200049084, 28 Bird Street, Crown Mines Extension 2, Johannesburg, 22 March 2014. N.G. Patel & Partners, 1st Floor, East Wing, 63 Dolly Rathebe Road, Fordsburg, 2092, Johannesburg. 30 days. 035985/2014—Maseko, Sipho Nicholas, 1957/07/05, 5707055783083, 956 Chiawelo Extension 3, Gauteng, 2014/08/11. M Nemakanga, 61 Von Brandis Street, Krugersdorp, 1740. 30 days. 34768/2014—Malan, Johannes Jurie, 1951/08/20, 5108205201086, 9 Riley Road, Germiston, Johannesburg, 2014/09/10. Capital Legacy Fid SVC, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 22724/2013—Mare, Petrus Ignatius, 1934/08/19, 3408195018082, Box 1082, Barberton, 1300, 2012/08/18. Sarie van Zyl, Box 1941, White River, 1240. 1580/2013—Pani Andries Mahoete, 2007235115089, unmarried, 7678 Mokwapane Street, Daveyton, 7 June 2006. Gishen-Gilchrist Inc., 209 Elston Avenue, Western Extension, Benoni; PO Box 900, Benoni, 1500. 30 days. 31187/2014—Lawant, Cornelia, 30 March 1920, 2003300060185, Gold Reef Village, Brakpan, 2 July 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000. 28774/2014—Kohler, Anneliese, 1923/06/27, 2306270037186, Care Unit 04, Glenhaven, 282 Alet van Zyl Street, Garsfontein, 0081, 2014/07/18. Snyman De Jager Attorneys, PO Box 8365, Centurion, 0046. 36319/2014—Gerhardus Gouws, 1953/12/03, 5312035055080, 6 Rynglen Gardens, Benoni, 15/09/2014; Frederika Elizabeth Gouws, 5604270076080. Trevor Bouwer–Bouwer, Cardona Inc., 59 7th Avenue, North. 30 days. 16912/2010—Hoehler, Monica, 1929/09/23, 2909230076085, 13 Grosvenor Place, Grosvenor Street, Braynston, 2010/06/24. Anthony Hinds, Block B1, La Rocca Office Park, 321 Main Road, Bryanston. 6853/2012—Hoehler, Walter, 1920-02-01, 2002015019080, 13 Grosvenor Place, Grosvenor Street, Bryanston, 2010-10-22. Anthony Hinds, Block B1 La Rocca Office Park, 321 Main Road, Bryanston. 27538/2014—Gerken, Isabella Petronella, 1924-01-27, 2401270014085, 786 Volksrust Str, Brittany 12, Faerie Glen, 0181, 2014-08-08. Snyman De Jager Attorneys, PO Box 8365, Centurion 0046. 26920/2014—Geldenhuys, Susara Magdalena, 1920-09-26, 2009260011084, Abenruhe, Sinagogeweg 696, Kameeldrift- Oos, Pretoria, Gauteng, 2014-08-13. Nicolien Perry, 206 Lange Street, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria. 34893/2014—Dippenaar, Carol-Ann, 1961-11-28, 6211280028082, Unit 48, Valriche Estate, Broadacres Drive, Johannesburg, 2014-09-06. Capital Legacy Fid SVC, Wrighley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 35614/14—Doeleman, Herbert, 29 September 1936, 3609295062181, 12 Gordon Crest, 5th Street, Bergbron, Roodepoort, 12 August 2014. Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1007, Johannesburg. 2000. 34971/2014—De Kock Samuel, 3911265061080, 13 Oaklands, Pine Street, Northmead, Benoni, 05/08/2014. Jan L Jordaan Inc, P.O. Box 3434, Benoni, 1500. 30 days. 026623/2014—Coutts, Elaine Elizabeth, 3 April 1933, 3304030093085, Unit 6 Carrington, 4 Albany Road, New Redruth, 1450, 30 April 2014. H.C. Pretorius, Ruimsig Office Estate, Block 3, 193 Hole in One Street, Ruimsig, 1732. 030888/2014—Nicholaas Cornelius Claassen, 1933-10-06, 3310065001083, divorced, 38 Boom Street, Parys, 9585, 21 June 2014. John Edwin Staples, 2 Karen Place, Constantiakloof, Florida, 1709. 0352742014—Chetty, Alicia Ann, 1979-01-15, 7901150147082, 11 Le Connoisseur Patrick Duncan and Stallard, Florida Park, 1709, 2014-08-15. Govender George, PO Box 130644, Bryanston, 2021. 30 days. 32000/2014—Arnolds, Marjorie Elizabeth, 24-10-1938, 3810240109081, 15 Topaas Ave, Eldorado Park, 1811, 15-03-2014; Henry Harrold Simond Arnolds, 27-08-1937, 3708275129083. Wynand Viljoen, P.O. Box 762, Auckland Park, 2006. 36178/2014—Avery, Gertrudia Francina, 27 November 1921, 2111270040085, 128 Waterval Village, Florida Hills, Florida, Roodepoort, 20 July 2014. Marilyn Naidoo, c/o PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074. 30 days. 33994/2014—Ballasur, Barlow, 1964-09-28, 6409285149081, 31 Michelle Avenue, Alberton, Johannesburg, 2014-08-14; Rookmoney Ballasur, 1964-07-06, 6407060090082. Capital Legacy Fid SVC, Wrighley Field The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021.

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29305/2014—Lewis, James Henry, 1932-08-18, 3208185040082, Islingtonstraat 50, Midstream Estate, Centurion, 1692, 2014-05-22. André Kitshoff, Veritas Eksekuteurskamer SA (Edms) Bpk, Van Ryneveldweg 70, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion, 0045. 30 dae. 36119/2014—Price, John Benjamin, 1948-10-05, 4810055142085, 62 Christiaan de Wet Street, Witbank, 2014-08-09; Noldene Jacoba Price, 1950-09-19, 5009190021085. Willem Francois Bouwer, 1225 Justice Mahomed Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria, Gauteng. 29413/2014—Bates, Edward, 1967-06-05, 6706055019083, 68 Colambia Street, Clubview, Centurion, 2014-08-10. Willem Francois Bouwer, 1225 Justice Mahomed Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 36212/2014—Cameron, Robert Balmer, 1938-11-04, 3811045117188, 15 Blue Street, Cason, 2014-09-13; Gloria Dawn Cameron, 1940-04-14, 4004140472083. Cecilia Merckel, 15 Vernon Road, Morningill, Bedfordview, 2007. 28432/14—Emms Mervyn, 1924-04-05, 2404055001087, 70 Skilpad Road, Monument Park, Pretoria, 2014-09-09. Haasbroek & Boezaart Ingelyf, HB Forum, 13 Stamvrug Street, Val de. 30 days. 27199/2014—Beukes, Cornelius, 1941-07-16, 4107165126003, Eikenhof, 2014-04-19. PJ Kleynhans Attorneys, 1116 Hertzog Street, Waverley Plaza, Villieria, Pretoria. 26667/2014—Fuls, Johannes, 1944-09-17, 4409175004083, 1406 Collins Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria, 2014-08-13. Wilhelm Franz Fuls, p/a 107 Nicolson Street, Brooklyn Office Park, Block B, 1st Floor, Unit B90, Brooklyn. 26667/2014—Fuls, Johannes, 1944-09-17, 4409175004083, 1406 Collins Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria, 2014-08-13. Wilhelm Franz Fuls, p/a 107 Nicolson Street, Brooklyn Office Park, Block B, 1st Floor, Unit B90, Brooklyn. 20440/2011—Mokoena, Mangaka Maria, 28 May 1946, 4605280534084, 430 Zone 7 Extension 1, Sebokeng, 22 April 2011. Wilna du Plessis, P.O. Box 1146, Vereeniging, 1930. 20440/2011—Mokoena, Mangaka Maria, 28 May 1946, 4605280534084, 430 Zone 7 Extension 1, Sebokeng, 22 April 2011. Wilna du Plessis, P.O. Box 1146, Vereeniging, 1930. 28443/2014—Raper, Matilda Amelia Raper, 1932/10/15, 3210150027086, 22 Kestrel Street, Fourways, Gauteng, 11/10/2013. Victor and Partners Attorneys, First Floor, The Ridge Shopping Centre, cnr of Paul Kruger and Abel Erasmus, Honeydew, Roodepoort. 30 days. 35742/2014—Lloyd, Raymond, 1950-12-13, 5012135081081, 35 St Nicholas Avenue, Klipspruit West, Ext. 2, 2013-10-29; Lena Violet Lloyd, 1958-09-23, 5809230075086. Deborah Lee Byrne, c/o FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 27721/14—De Jager, David, 12/12/1951, 5112125033082, 25 Pongola Street, Secunda, 30/08/2014. AJG Viljoen, Vos, Viljoen & Becker Inc, PO Box 1750, Secunda, 2302. 0344182014—Lewis, Philip Douglas, 1925-08-29, 2508295001085, 25 Renaissance Village, Glen Vista, 2058, 2014-08-02; Olive Marie Lewis, 1933-01-22, 3301220048085. Noel Gwyllyn Lewis, 2 Clarke Street, Rynfield, Benoni. Danile Daniel Foko, 4301215259084, 8 S 1637 Dubula Street, Sharpeville, 14 December 2011. DF Fouché, Fouche Prokureurs-Attorneys, P.O. Box 643, Vereeniging, 1930. 30 days. 36735/2014—Du Preez, Johanna Hendrika Susanna, 19 Februarie 1937, 3702190026086, Huis Meyerton, Shippardstraat, Meyerton, Gauteng, 16 September 2014. Wilna du Plessis, Posbus 1146, Vereeniging, 1930. 22915/2014—Hebbard, Patricia May Geddes, 1926-07-12, 2607120030085, 73 St Michaels Retirement Village, Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort, 2014-03-09. Linda Bode, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. Goosen, Pieter Johannes, 16/06/1924, 2406165008084, Spoorlynweg 51, Rhodesfield Uitbreiding 1, Kempton Park, 1620, 15/05/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Duffey, Amanda Marie, 11/06/1968, 6806110113085, Andromedastraat 5, Witbank, 1034, 31/07/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. De Villiers, Josua Jacobus, 26/01/1954, 5401265136080, Solly Zwanestraat 25, Evander, 2280, 12/09/2014; De Villiers, 14/03/1955, 5503140025089. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Phillips, Shawn Christopher, 06/03/1968, 6803065131089, Petrastraat 18, Hazyview, 1242, 09/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Peterson, Johannes Willem, 26/10/1940, 4010265095088, 3 Suikerbekkie, Kriel, 2271, 29/08/2014; Peterson, 12/02/1950, 5002120061081. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. Peterson, Susanna Magdalena Elizabeth, 12/02/1950, 5002120061081, Suikerbekkiestraat 3, Kriel, 0002, 05/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300. 21576/2014—Mashigo, Elfas Dumanyane, 1950-03-10, 5003105584089, Stand 1646, Kabokweni-A, Mpumalanga, 2014-07-08; Fina Duduzile Mashigo, 1959-06-28, 5906280278089. Fina Duduzile Mashigo, Du Toit-Smuts & Mathews Phosa, Van Niekerk Street, Nelspruit. 021853/2014—Venter, Amalia Wilhelmina Venter, 14/03/1940, 4003140033085, Plot 14, Avocado Lane, Witrivier, 25/07/2014; Johannes Venter, 04/05/1934, 3405045002082. FB Pretorius, c/o Pretorius Attorneys, PO Box 536, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 24516/2014—Madiba, Matome Jonas, 05/05/1965, 6505055585089, 21 Ketwayo Street, Esiziba Section, Thembisa, Gauteng Province, 01/03/2014. Mashabane Incorporated Attorneys, 151 Commissioner Street, 6th Floor, Suite 610/11 Klamson Towers, Johannesburg. 27314/2014—Lebohang Cornelius, 05/12/1938, 3812055187087, 8617 Le Revise Crescent, Paradise Park, 1475, 5 May 2014. Paul Antohnie & Associates, PO Box 11545, Vorna Valley, 1686. 30 days. 22941/2006—McKeown, Anthony John, 25/09/1955, 5509255250180, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 09/10/2006. Willie-Brown Van der Walt Prokureurs, Posbus 1752, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

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033704/2014—Milstein, Mimi, 1935-05-09, 3505090029187, 44 Hayes Road, Protea Ridge, Krugersdorp, 2014-08-10; Eylon Jehuda Milstein, 1940-08-16, 4008165050086. Vincent F. Laubscher, 63 Main Street, Bordeaux, Randburg. 21 days. 26230/2014—Fingar Mitchell, 15 August 1939, 3908155067086, 15 Frere Avenue, Anzac, Brakpan, 3 May 2014. Jonker & Blignaut Inc, 19 Helston Street, New Redruth, Alberton, 1449; PO Box 548, Alberton, 1450. 30 days. 16264/2009—Sindane, Buti Piet, 1952-08-27, 5208275674087, Erf 978, Lurhele Street, Phola Township, 2233, 2009-08-10; Maria Sindane, 1959-05-23, 5905230396082. MLM Kutumela Inc, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West. 30 days. 29580/2014—Mazantsana, Isaac Libalele, 1965-04-20, 6504205495083, Erf 361 Block UU Soshanguve Township, 2014-07-23; Sarah Mmabatho Mazantsana, 1969-07-04, 6907040808081. MLM Kutumela Inc, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West. 30 days. 29494/2014—Masenyana, Ndiyazi Dorah, 1948-12-27, 4812270638087, Erf 1409, Ekangala-D Township, 2012-11-08. MLM Kutumela Inc, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West. 30 days. 29154/2014—Roos, Louisa Frederika, 19 April 1949, 4904190070085, Bougainvillea Retirement Village, Montana, Pretoria, 13 Augustus 2014. Johanna Jordaan, p/a Hereditas Trust, Posbus 11392, Queenswood, 0121.


581/98—Cooper, Kathleen, 1929-08-27, 2908270231089, 94 Scholtz Road, Bloemendal, Port Elizabeth, 1997-12-31. Urmila Soni, 35A 3rd Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 1997-12-31. Urmila Soni, 35A 3rd Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 30 days. 22548/2014—Stander, Jacobus Johannes, 1956-10-02, 5610025050080, 6 Solomon Street, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 2014-08-31; Vanessa Stander, 1960-07-29, 6007290055085. Vanessa Stander, 35A 3rd Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 30 days. 022485/2014—Horn, Eskin Tertius, 26 October 1926, 2610105008084, Huis Genot, Dyke Road, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth, 21 August 2014. Lourens Slabbert, 401 Cape Road, Cotswold, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 023199/2014—Mntwini, Tembeka Mildred, 1947-10-24, 4710240095083, 490 Msobomvu Township, Butterworth, 2014-08-31. Keightley & Sigadla Nonkonyana Inc., 60 Cumberland Street, Mthatha. 2042/2007—Green, Patricia Henrietta, 1950-09-13, 5009130001080, 6 Lemans, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 6070, 17 July 2006; Raymond Gilbert Green (subsequently deceased), 25-07-1948, 4807255124087. Goldberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth. 022452/2014—Campbell, Sandra, 1955-08-20, 5508200125083, 6 Brister Crescent, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth, 6001, 2014-08-21. Rista Botha, 92 Mangold Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 022945/2014—Burger, Sandra Doris, 1946-10-09, 4610090059082, 406 Fernkloof, Park Drive, St Georges Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001, 2014-02-14. Sanlam Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 021146/2014—Park, James Henry, 1955-11-17, 5511175168088, 27 High Street, Westbank, East London, 30 June 2014. Cumberlege Attorneys, 28 Tecoma Street, Berea, East London. 30 days. 1025/2014—Tsilana, Mrobi Neighbour, 1949-05-04, 4905045144082, Msendo Location, Willowvale, 2013-12-10; Nongenile Tsilana, 1959-09-09, 5909090179083. Mvume Vitshima, No. 101 King Street, Dutywa. 022886/201—Reddie, Frank Michael, 1944-10-25, 4410255012087, 31 Durham Avenue, Rowallan Park, Port Elizabeth, 2014-08-11. Deborah Lee Byrne, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 21775/2014—Ingram, Margaret Catherine, 1922-01-10, 2201100017187, Cottage 8, Fairlands Home for the Aged, Camridge West, East London, 2014-08-05. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 005194/2013—Joseph Sandile Bambiso, 29 March 1987 (ID No. 8703295759089), Bomela Location, Dutywa, Eastern Cape, 6 August 2013.—Messrs Mboto Attorneys, PO Box 140, Butterworth, 4960. 005194/2013—Joseph Sandile Bambiso, 29 March 1987 (ID No. 8703295759089), Bomela Location, Dutywa, Eastern Cape, 6 August 2013.—Messrs Mboto Attorneys, PO Box 140, Butterworth, 4960. 022049/2014—Landman, Wallace, 3 Januarie 1949, 4901035020085, 16 Conrad Street, Rowallan Park, Port Elizabeth, 25-09-2014. Paul Landman, 9 Cathcart Street, Aberdeen, 6270. 22024/2014—Banks, Nancy, 07-06-1914, 1406070016082, Frail Care, Damant Lodge, 14 Pike Lane, Port Alfred, 6170, 30 August 2014. JD Haydock Attorney, Executor, Room 4, Eskom Building, 110 High Street, Grahamstown, 6139. 021931/14—Burbidge, Aubrey, 1946-12-17, 4612175003084, 11 East Bend, Beacon Bay, East London, 2014-09-08; Amanda Burbidge, 1950-06-24, 5006240003089. Deborah Anne Godwin, Independent Executor & Trust, Box 8081, Nahoon, 5210. 21974/2014—Hartslief, Clyde, 21-03-1930, 3003215028086, 17 Harburn Road, Abbotsford, East London, 17 July 2014. Robert John Richards, PO Box 19272, Tecoma, 5214. 021841/2014—Smit, Maria Elizabeth, 16-06-1917, 1606170022084, Room 10, Pat Davis Wing, Stirling Lodge, Epsom Road, Stirling, East London, 03-09-2014. Stephen Bax, 48 Epsom Road, Stirling, East London. 22456/2014—Mbasane, Sukavele Marlon, 17 April 1961, 6104175112089, Mvuzi Location, Mount Frere, 8 January 2014. Mr Mawande Firstborn Nokwali, Dandala Attorneys, 10 Tshezi Building, 42 Madeira Street, Mthatha.

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022035/2014—Meyer, Gabriël Du Preez, 1926-03-04, 2603045004081, Staal Wing Lilly Kirchmann Complex, Berea Gardens Retirement Complex, Jarvis Road, Berea East London, 2014-09-10. Jonathan Clark, 18 Stewart Drive, Berea East London. 023193/2014—Kotze, Jan, 21/03/1934, 3403215058085, 13 Alandale Retirement Village, Alan Drive, Walmer Downs, Port Elizabeth, 6070, 18/09/2014; Veronica Kotze, 27/10/1944, 4410270072082. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 020978/2014—Titus, Klaas, 30/04/1968, 6804305093089, 6 Jansenville Road, Bridgemead, Port ELizabeth, 6025, 12/06/2014; Rina Titus, 18/07/1969, 6907180189086. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 023177/2014—Merritt, Eileen Hope, 02/02/1923, 2302020033088, Munro Kirk, Seymore Road, South End, Port Elizabeth, 6001, 19/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 021951/2014—Dustan, Robert Gregor, 27/04/1938, 3804275026088, 17 Meier Street, Gonubie, 5256, 23/07/2014; Lynette Gail Dunstan, 16/08/1939, 3908160014081. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 023142/2014—Kotze, Barend Frederik, 21/11/1935, 3511215062087, Waldorf Villas 10, Bullbrigweg, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6000, 06/09/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 023028/2014—Strydom, Matthys Johannes, 01/12/1932, 3212015103086, Hugostraat 24, Humansdorp, 6300, 20/08/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 022734/2014—Alberts, Ivan Deryck, 19/09/1935, 3509195031080, Gemoedsfontein, Seaview, Port Elizabeth, 6001, 12/07/2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 020572/2014—Peo, Leonie, 1922-08-06, 2208060038087, 6 Kenmare, Cape Road, Linton Grange, Port Elizabeth, 2014-04-23. Leon Peo, 14 Wykeham Crossing, Cape Road, Cotswold, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 684/2013—Raath, Sophia Catharina, 1940-10-21, 4010210064080, Leliestraat 4, Melkhoutkruin, Stilbaai, 2012-10-30. Jan Louis Raath, Posbus 11755, Universitas, 9321. 20912/2014—Ntla, Agnes Nosipho, 1954-10-24, 5410240838082, 21 Amatola Crescent, Bisho, 5607, 2014-07-24. Smith Tabata Inc, PO Box 529, King William’s Town, 5600. 336/2014—Bokwe, Pakamile Vuyani, 1/06/1956, 5606016014085, 256 Zone 2, Zwelitsha, Eastern Cape, 19/02/2014. Sentinel International Trust Company, PO Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006. 20221/2014—Marsh, Aubrey Clement, 29/08/1930, 3008295032080, 181 Rock Shell Lane, Christmas Rock, Kidds Beach, 26/07/2009; Anna Emmerentia Agnes Marsh, 24/08/1937, 3708240109087. Webb Incorporated, 16 Smartt Road, Nahoon, East London, 5241. 1249/2008—Damane, Xolani, 30 April 1966, 6604305715081, 6907 NU 3, Mdantsane, East London, 3 December 2007; Patricia Nombuyiseko Damane, 1 April 1966, 6604010854084. Drake Flemmer and Orsmond (E.L.) Inc., PO Box 44, East London, 5200. 22079/2014—Browne, Emily Frances, 1928-11-07, 2811070009087, 77 10th Avenue, East London, 2014-08-14; Colin Browne, 1931-02-25, 3102255051089. Deborah Lee Byrne, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 445/2010—Tayi, Kulukazi Elsie, 6 June 1930, 3006060687088, 18 Somi Street, Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, 31 October 2009. Rob McWilliams Attorneys, 11 Lenox Street, Glendinningvale, Port Elizabeth. 30 days. 020997/2014—Albany, Patricia Emily, 31 Jan 1949, 4901310603084, 55 Flame Lily Road, Sanctor, Port Elizabeth, 14 July 2011. CHS Attorneys, Suite 4, 3rd Floor, Africa House, 6 Graham Street, North End, Port Elizabeth. 360/2014—Tete, Tobile Archibald, 1957-04-03, 5704030192084, 4 Pendla Street, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, 2014-01-18; Ntabiseng Nancy Tete, 1957-01-02, 5701020864086. BLC Attorneys, 4 Cape Road, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 21898/2014—Turner, Godwin, 11 Mei 1933, 3305115015083, Eugene Maraisstraat 8, Uitenhage, 6229, 28 Junie 2014; Dorothea Johanna Turner, 01/08/1941, 4108010048087. Kitchings incorporated, 48 Cannon Street (PO Box 136), Uitenhage, 6230. 022078/2014—Bauman, Elisea, 1960-09-25, 6009250073082, 113 Nojoli Street, Somerset-East, 5850, 29-08-2014; Paul Hendrik Cornelis Bauman, 1959-03-17, 5903175094085. André van der Lingen, 8 Nojoli Street (PO Box 27), Somerset East, 5850. 023040/2014—Cuyler, Hilda, 1921-06-16, 2106160050087, 85 Van der Kemp Street, Parkside, Port Elizabeth, 2010-10-30. Moerida Louis, 158 Standford Road, Korsten, Port Elizabeth. 21446/2014—Verna Emma Breytenbach, 4112120010086, No. 9 Briar Glen Briar Road, Bonza Bay, East London, 1 August 2014, unmarried. Wylde & Runchman Inc Attorneys, PO Box 1987, East London, Suite 4, Norvia House, 34 Western Avenue, Vincent, East London. 30 days. 3669/2012—Msusa, Alfee Mxolisi, 04-08-1948, 4808045565084, No. 624 Ibika Township, Butterworth, 4960, 12-04-2012; Nomazwe Msusa, 03-09-1956, 5609030206083. G.S. Magazi Attorneys, 67 Blakeway Road, Mthatha, 5099. 02334/2014—Guyan, Norma, 1936-05-16, 3605160078187, 55 Honeysuckle Avenue, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth, 2014-09-12. Wynand Du Preez, PO Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055. 021221/2014—Siphelo Edward Lutya, 7403145844089, 45 Maluti Road, Wesbank, King William’s Town, 14 November 2012, unmarried. Malusi & Co Attorneys, 7 Tecoma Street, Berea, East London. 30 days. 3073/2013—Geswindt, Hilary Lilian, 1951-01-30, 5101300127082, 18 Goldman Street, Palmridge, Port Elizabeth, 2013-04-09; Reginald Geswindt, 1956-03-13, 5603135099089. Norma Jones, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days.

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023489/2014—Dick Sabelo Makola, 10 January 1926, 2601105338084, 2775 Cuba Township, Butterworth, Eastern Cape, 22 September 2014. Messrs Mboto Attorneys, PO Box 140, Butterworth, 4960. 30 days. 020997/2014—Albany, Patricia Emily, 31 January 1949, 4901310603084, 55 Flame Lily Road, Sanctor, Port Elizabeth, 14 July 2014. CHS Attorneys, Suite 4, 3rd Floor, Africa House, 6 Graham Street, North End, Port Elizabeth. 21671/2014—Wilson, Ian Blair, 09-12-2014, 3712095040082, 4 Gum Ave, Jeffreys Bay, 6330, 11-06-2014. Ernst Philippus Blignaut, Blignaut & Vennote, Posbus 1500, Jeffreysbaai, 6330. 023096/2014—Arnold, Desmond Edward Hermann, 02-08-1949, 4908025065087, 11 Cape Road Villas, 403 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, 1 October 2014. Robert Montgomery, Rushmere Noach Incorporated, PO Box 100, Port Elizabeth, 6000. 023372/2014—Faba, Babsie Adelaide, 18-03-1932, 3203180212083, 3 Ceru Street, Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, 19 May 2014. Robert Montgomery, Rushmere Noach Incorporated, PO Box 100, Port Elizabeth, 6000. 021406/2014—Ngaphi, Msimeleli Clifford, 1966-09-04, 6609045678085, 14 Brown Road, Breidbach, King William’s Town, 2014-09-23; Ntombifikile Ngaphi, 1982-09-03, 8209030759087. Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town. 30 days. 021515/2014—Lalisile, Sopinki James, 1958-04-15, 5804155315088, Qonqotha Location, King William’s Town, 2014-10-25; Notiti Langatyi, 1959-08-11, 5908110308086. Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town. 30 days. 021514/2014—Velani, Mandla Aaron, 1944-06-22, 4406225364087, Gubevu Location, King William’s Town, 2014-10-20. Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town. 30 days. 023306/14—Ferreira, Adriaan Daniel Johannes, 9 Junie 1960, 6006095156080, 13 Shelley Crescent, Kensington, Port Elizabeth, 21 September 2014. Conradie Campher & Kemp Ing., Hoofstraat 20, Despatch. 30 dae. 21446/2014—Vera Emma Breytenbach, 4112120010086, No. 9 Briar Glen Briar Road, Bonza Bay, East London, 1 August 2014, unmarried. Wylde & Runchman Inc Attorneys, PO Box 1987, East London, Suite 4, Norvia House, 34 Western Avenue, Vincent, East London. 30 days. 022441/2014—Mzazi, Luthando Lumko Luvuyo, 1978-05-06, 7805065326089, 435 Zone 1 Ezibeleni, 5326, 28 June 2014. Lungisa Mzazi, 27A Prince Alfred Street, Queenstown, 5320. 34229/2014—Arp, Wolfgang Hans, 1943-06-12, 4306125004181, 18 Darley Avenue, Boskruin, Ext 5, Johannesburg, 2001-03-14. Sentinel International Trust Company, PO Box 27726, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 023383/2014—Sember, Cynthia Maud, 1945-02-12, 4502120034088, 42 Fairham Street, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth, 2014-08-31. Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27428, Greenacres, 6056. 30 days. 020980/2014—Mbonda, Similo, 1954-03-20, 5403205199087, 62 V.N. Maninjwa Street, North Crest, Mthatha, 2011-07-23. Sangoni & Associates, 69 Leeds Road, Mthatha, 5097. 30 days. 022170/2014—Du Plessis, Tertia, 1928-09-13, 2809130013081, Karoo Lodge, Meintjies Street, Middelburg, Eastern Cape, 2014-03-23. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 022473/2014—Strydom, Anna Gertrud, 1921-04-10, 2104100012085, Flat No. 4, Valleihof, Whytes Road, Kirkwood, 2014-05-20. Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 23376/2014—Scott, Rex Walter, 1927-07-13, 2707135032082, 7 Sheila Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045, 2014-10-13. Nolands PE, PO Box 28302, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth, 6008. 23140/2014—Basson, Jurie George, 02-09-1951, 5109025168083, 12 Nicholl Street, Uitenhage, 6229, 22 September 2014. J.S. Levy & Levy Attorneys, PO Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230. 3048/2013—Krisman, Elsa, 5 June 1957, 5706050032082, Spriggstraat 3, Uitenhage, 6229, 19 April 2013. Kitchings Incorporated, 48 Cannon Street (PO Box 136), Uitenhage, 6230. 023209/14—Dajee, Luxmi Shantilal, 15/04/1934, 3404150348085, 105 Winterhoek Drive, Vanes Estates, Uitenhage, 6229, 19/05/2014. Trevor Wait (Uitenhage), PO Box 477, Uitenhage, 6230. 022241/2014—Frier, Stephanus Jacobus Daniel, 20/11/1952, 5211205035080, 9 Paul Roos Street, Despatch, 6220, 04/07/2014. Trevor Wait (Uitenhage), PO Box 477, Uitenhage, 6230. 020859/2014—Hayes, Tyrone Henry, 23/03/1958, 5803235117084, 11 Sonneblom Avenue, Despatch, 6220, 13/05/2014; Jeanette Hayes, 06/06/1962, 6206060155089. Trevor Wait (Uitenhage), PO Box 477, Uitenhage, 6230.


026150/2014—Bredenkamp, James Milne, 19-05-1929, 2905195028087, 96 Striata Retirement Village, Dawfre Roode Street, Bloemfontein, 11-10-2014; Elizabeth Christina Bredenkamp, 26-04-1931, 3104260029084. Margaretha Emmarentia Bredenkamp, PO Box 29102, Danhof, 9310. 025565/2014—Viljoen, Anna Isabella Johanna, 20-03-1930, 3003200003086, Wilgers Aftree-Oord, Frankfort, 9830, 18-09-2014. Mnr WS Botha, p/a S-Bro/Finansiële Adviseurs, Posbus 2689, Bethlehem, 9700. 25719/2014—Gerber, Johan, 25 Junie 1956, 5606255067083, Laubsherstraat 9A, Bethlehem, 6 September 2014. Bindeman Prokureurs, Posbus 43663, Heuwelsig, Bloemfontein, 9332. 001732/2014—Maleke, Tankiso Max, 15 August 1937, 3708155291086, 1583 E Section, Botshabelo, 10 August 2013; Magdelena Modieni Maleke, 14 December 1943, 4312140365086. Tseleng Theresia Lengau, Shop 9, OK Complex, Botshabelo. 30 days. 021802/2014—Tsiloane, Moferefere Kortman, 9 May 1925, 2505095115081, 4 Majozi Street, Zastron, 27 May 2014. Tseleng Theresia Lengau. 30 days.

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025019/2014—Smith, Benjamin James, 02-07-1954, 5402075173081, Mooihawe Ouetehuis, Bloemfontein, 9301, 23-03-2014. S Nel, p/a Phatshoane Henney, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26244/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Garth Derrick, 1979-04-28, 7904285011082, Koringspruitstraat 27, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein, 9301, 2014-09-27; Hendriena Johanna Magrieta van der Westhuizen, 1966-09-29, 6308245040085. Andries Louis Visser, Kramer Weihmann & Joubert, Posbus 12322, Brandhof, 9324. 861/2013—Phike, Vuyane Hans, 1 September 1950, 5009015144088, 4564 Station View, Thaba Nchu, 20 Januarie 2013. CJ Raath, p/a Rothmann Prokureurs Ing, Posbus 11649, Bloemfontein. 24131/2014—Louw, Judy, 1956-09-26, 5609260708089, Dr Belcherweg 253, Heidedal, Bloemfontein, 19 Julie 2014. Anton Herbert Taute, Schoeman Maree Ingelyf, Posbus 3293, Bloemfontein, 9300. 24478/2014—Viljoen, Anna Maria Elizabeth, 26-03-1926, 2603260077085, 126 Steenbok Road, Martindale, Bloemspruit, Bloemfontein, 9301, 25 June 2014. LF Els and FJ du Toit, c/o Pro-Sure Brokers, 13 Water Sisule Road, Bloemfontein. 022302/2014—Marx, Christina Johanna, 18 Januarie 1930, 3001180022084, plaas Sonskyn, distrik Marquard, Vrystaat, 8 April 2014. C.F. Grobbelaar, Posbus 20053, Willows, 9320. 022121/2014—Moll, Eliza Mary Caroline, 1 Julie 1917, 1707010012085, Imperanipark Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Ficksburg, Vrystaat, 30 Desember 2013. C.F. Grobbelaar, Posbus 20053, Willows, 9320. 26108/2014—Hutchinson, Yvonne Deirdre, 19 November 1933, 3311190052082, Danie Erasmusrylaan 212, Merriespruit, Virginia, 9430, 29 Augustus 2014. Pieter Jacobus Haasbroek, Posbus 876, Virginia, 9430. 21704/2014—Els, Isabella Elizabeth Magrieta, 14 Desember 1936, 3612140007088, Ben Mervisstraat 14, Kroonstad, 12 Mei 2014. CJ Raath, p/a Rothmann Prokureurs Ingelyf, Posbus 11649, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9321. Isabella Elizabeth Magrieta Els, ID No. 3612140007088, Ben Mervisstraat 14, Kroonstad, 12 Mei 2014. CJ Raath, Eksekuteur, Rothmann Prokureurs, Eerstestraat 17, Labrihofgebou, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, 9301; Posbus 11649, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9321. 25431/2014—Iakovidou, Vasiliki, 14 October 1926, 2610140045000, 123 Highlands Avenue, Virginia, 9430, 25 August 2013. Piet Haasbroek Attorneys, PO Box 876, Virginia, 9430. 25444/2014—Petterson, Elizabeth Elsie, 2 Desember 1938, 3812020016080, Danie Erasmusrylaan 155, Merriespruit, Virginia, 9430, 4 September 2014; Cornelius Lourens Petterson, 19 Februarie 1938, 3802195010083. Pieter Jacobus Haasbroek, Posbus 876, Virginia, 9430. 26185/2014—Maree, Leon Pieter, 10-04-1948, 4804105158084, die plaas bekend as Diepwater, Bloemfontein, 9301, 07-10-2014. Mev H.J.C. du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, Derdestraat 6, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26194/2014—Beckmann, Pieter Eduard, 09-08-1962, 6208095059088, Dot Serfonteinstraat 9, Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein, 9301, 06-10-2014. Mev H.J.C. du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, Derdestraat 6, Bloemfontein, 9300. 3715/2013—Mkhwanazi, Matuka Merriam, 29 Julie 1932, 3207290163086, Perseel No. 59, Ntha, Lindley, 12 Februarie 2013. Christie van Wyk, Sarel Cilliersstraat 26, Posbus 98, Reitz, 9810. 026338/2014—Tait, Pieter Johannes, 28 Augustus 1929, 2908285011085, Westerbloem Fase 7 No. 185, Bloemfontein, 9301, 19 Oktober 2014. Mnr FRR Neethling, Posbus 260, Bloemfontein, 9300. 25832/2014—Giuleas, Konstantinos, 31 January 1960, 6001315232084, 4 Cambell Street, Jan Cilliers Park, Welkom, 9459, 23 August 2014. Piet Haasbroek Attorneys, PO Box 876, Virginia, 9430. 026135/2014—Botha, Ignatius Marthinus, 1952-06-16, 5206165008085, Hudsonrylaan 69, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein, 2014-09-25. SC Botha, p/a: EG Cooper Majiedt Ing., Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein. 30 days. 25911/2014—Albertze, Anna Jacoba Sophia, 05-02-1936, 3602050040088, 8 Jubilate Aftreeoord, Leechstraat 61, Winburg, 9420, 25-08-2014. George Michalakis, Posbus 303, Winburg, 9420. 26361/2014—Potgieter, Riaan, 1970-03-05, 7003055073081, Max M’Rel Gardens 10, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, 2014-09-20. EE Pohl, Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324. 022283/2014—Fourie, Susanna Cornelia Magdalena, 1923-03-12, 2303120035080, Hoopstadse Huis vir Bejaardes, Hoofd Street, Hoopstad, Free State, 9479, 2014-06-11. Nicolas Petrus Maree, authorised agent, 35 Van Zyl Street, Hoopstad, Free State, 9479. 021325/14—Tau, Raphuroane Zaccheus, 1964-10-31, 6410315596085, 15499 Snake Park, Maoekng, Kroonstad, 2014-04-26. Grimbeek van Rooyen, PO Box 1282, Kroonstad, 9500. 24594/2014—Jooste, Jan Blackie, 22-08-1927, 2708225051081, Swartstraat 21, Ventersburg, 9450, 22-07-2014. Van Biljon Prokureur, Posbus 317, Markstraat 70, Bloemhof, 2660. 30 dae. 025535/201—Coleman, Willem Jacobus, 1950-02-01, 5002015054084, Dirkie Uysstraat 26, Wilgehof, Bloemfontein, 9301, 2014-08-31. Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days. 25637/2014—Van der Merwe, Alida Hendrina, 6 Maart 1931, 3103060063087, Najaarsrus Aftree-Oord, Parys, 9585, 17 Augustus 2014. Mnr E. Kriek, p/a Kriek & Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585. 24478/2014—Viljoen, Anna Maria Elizabeth, 26-03-1926, 2603260077085, 126 Steenbok Road, Martindale, Bloemspruit, Bloemfontein, 9301, 25 June 2014. LF Els and FJ du Toit, c/o Pro-Sure Brokers, 13 Water Sisule Road, Bloemfontein. 24478/2014—Viljoen, Anna Maria Elizabeth, 26-03-1926, 2603260077085, 126 Steenbok Road, Martindale, Bloemspruit, Bloemfontein, 9301, 25 June 2014. LF Els and FJ du Toit, c/o Pro-Sure Brokers, 13 Water Sisule Road, Bloemfontein.

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25915/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Johannes Jacobus, 15-09-1942, 4209155021085, Bermudasingel 49, Uitsig, Bloemfontein, 9301, 21-07-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26331/2014—De Jongh, Hendrik Albertus, 21-08-1950, 5008215119080, Kilkennystraat 16, Allanridge, 9490, 29-08-2014; De Jongh, 21-04-1954, 5404210116082. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 021715/2014—Tloome, Pitso Essau, 08-06-1950, 5006085280081, 13325 Thabong, Welkom, 9459, 31-05-2014; Tloome, 27-02-1950, 5002270649081. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26115/2014—Farmer, Michael Richard, 23-07-1950, 5007235131083, Raubenheimerstraat 82, Heilbron, 9650, 31-08-2014; Farmer, 13-08-1959, 5908130015083. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 25493/2014—Vermeulen, Johanna Hendrika Petronella, 05-11-1916, 1611050036089, Generaal Hartzogweg 95, Dan Pienaar, 9301, 04-08-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26141/2014—Moloabi, Abel Dingoko Oneilwe, 06-03-1946, 4603065579085, 7 Curlewis Street, Heuwelsig, Bloemfontein, 9300, 07-09-2014; Moloabi, 18-08-1951, 5108180604080. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26115/2014—Farmer, Michael Richard, 23-07-1950, 5007235131083, Raubenheimerstraat 82, Heilbron, 9650, 31-08-2014; Farmer, 13-08-1959, 5908130015083. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 25493/2014—Vermeulen, Johanna Hendrika Petronella, 05-11-1916, 1611050036089, Generaal Hartzogweg 95, Dan Pienaar, 9301, 04-08-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26328/2014—Verrall, Elene, 18-09-1937, 3709180046081, Koistraat No. 6, Soneike, Kuilsrivier, 8410, 17-07-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26364/2014—Van der Walt, Elizabeth Catharina, 26-10-1919, 1910260007082, Najaarsrus, Dolfstraat, Parys, 9585, 28-08-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 26112/2014—Strydom, Willem Howard, 22-06-1964, 6406225073082, D”Almeidastraat 73, Dagbreek, Welkom, 9459, 06-06-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.


28987/2014 DBN—Lavarack, Indrani, 1956-03-11, 5603110866080, 17 Leighglen, Glendale Garden, Malvern, 2014-09-28. Sarojini Munsami, 17 Krantzview Place, Croftdene, Chatsworth. 27170/2014 DBN—Sughrim, Rasamee, 22 November 1930, 3011220243087, 2 Evengreen Circle, Greenbury, Phoenix, 4068, 9 August 2014. K Mahomed Attorney, Suite 2, First Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary Road, Umzinto, 4200. 28599/2014 DBN—Simbu Rajdhun, 03-05-1940, 4005035084081, Portion 9 of Erf 154, Umzinto, 4200, 8 July 2014. Singh & Gharbaharan, First Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary Road, Umzinto, 4200. 60/2013—Smith, Cyprian William, 5 May 1946, 4605055128088, 45 Richardwinn Road, Austerville, Durban, 12 December 2012. Lee Angelo Smith, 45 Richardwinn Road, Austerville, Wentworth, Durban, 4052. 25326/2014—Hadebe, Bongani Thomas, 1952-11-09, 5211095719082, 4 Cassia Avenue, Estcourt, 3310, 2014-08-17; Patricia Nomusa Hadebe, 1956-09-09, 5609090828081. Jordaan Geldenhuys, PO Box 865, Estcourt, 3310. 30 days. 28040/2014 DBN—Manickum, Nesamah, 1946-01-01, 4601010085083, 12 Crowfern Place, Redfern, Phoenix, 4068, 2014-09-03; Moonsamy Manickum, 1939-06-05, 3906055079088. Miten Naran and Associates, P.O. Box 60375, Phoenix, 4080. 30 days. 025185/2014/PMB—De Laborde (formally Da Costa), Carol Ann, 1967-11-08, 6711080078088, 14 Willow Oak Gardens, Oak Park, Pietermaritzburg, 2014-09-08. Mason Incorporated, P.O. Box 100, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 18912/2011/DBN—Sookoo, Ramesh, 25 February 1972, 7202255274081, House 4, Lot 82020, Bellgate, Tongaat, 28 March 2011; Namashini Sookoo, 30 April 1972, 7204300088086. Sanjay Lorick & Partners, 89 Juniper Road, Essenwood, Durban. 02591/2014—Ntlali, Ntomboxolo Beatrice, 26-01-1941, 4101260085081, 33 Hawthorne Street, Kokstad, 4700, 06-09-2014. Elliot & Walker, PO Box 17, Kokstad, 4700. 28740/2014—Gebhardt, Neville Raymond Ernest, 1936-04-13, 3604135050082, 1 Puzzle Bush Lane, Simbithi, Ballito, 24-08-2014. Lisa Rea, 1 Puzzle Bush Lane, Simbiti/HP Steenkamp, 25 Sandra Road, Ballito. 21529/2014/PMB—Hayler, Carol, 1942-11-19, 4211190003185, 27-02-2014. Authorised Agent: E.M. Luiz Chartered Accountants, Suite 4A Mahogany Court, Redlands Estate, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 21529/2014/PMB—Hayler, Carol, 1942-11-19, 4211190003185, 18 Marshall Road, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti, 4126, 27-02-2014. Authorised Agent: E.M. Luiz Chartered Accountants, Suite 4A Mahogany Court, Redlands Estate, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 024879/2014—Van Heerden, Willem, 26-06-1942, 4206265016088, 1 Inman Place, Montrose, Pietermaritzburg, 13-08-2014; Barbara Watson van Heerden, 20-05-1942, 4205200018084. P.G.W. Gould, PWC, P.O. Box 13884, Cascades, 3202. 23099/2014/PMB—Shirley Elaine Kay, 22 January 1937, 3701220031082, 504 Jan Richter Centre, New England Road, Pietermaritzburg, KZN, 20 July 2014. Hepburn Inc., PO Box 11324, Dorpspruit, 3206. 30 days. 23099/2014/PMB—Kay, Shirley Elaine, 22 January 1937, 3701220031082, 504 Jan Richter Centre, New England Road, Pietermaritzburg, KZN, 20 July 2014. Hepburn Incorporated, PO Box 11324, Dorpspruit, 3206. 29295/2014 DBN—Barry, John Augustus, 8 August 1935, 3508085016086, 15 Roberts Road, Pennington, 4184, 3 October 2014. Aulo Del Vecchio Attorney, 35 Milner Street, Umkomaas, 4170. 29295/2014 DBN—Barry, John Augustus, 8 August 1935, 3508085016086, 15 Roberts Road, Pennington, 4184, 3 October 2014. Aulo Del Vecchio Attorney, 35 Milner Street, Umkomaas, 4170. 21529/2014/PMB—Hayler, Carol, 1942-11-19, 4211190003185, 18 Marshall Road, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti, 4126, 27-02-2014. Authorised Agent: E.M. Luiz Chartered Accountants, Suite 4A Mahogany Court, Redlands Estate, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

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28314/2014—Pretorius, Cornelia Petronella Pualine, 1941-08-16, 4108160015084, 114 Mangosuthu Buthelezi Street, Eshowe, Durban, 2014-08-03. Deborah Lee Byrne, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 28441/2014—Moodley, Dhanarajoo, 04-06-1943, 4306045085088, 41 Zinnia Street, Stanger Manor, KwaDukuza, 30-08-2014; Rajamah Moodley, 1 January 1949, 4901010117088. Jay Pundit & Co, Suite 1, Jay Krishna Centre (P.O. Box 170), Stanger, 4450. 025176/2014/PMB—Msibi, Boy Stanley, 02-11-1950, 5011025625080, 2269 Tsakane, Steadville, 3373, 26-08-2014; Gugu Gloria Msibi, 24-12-1952, 5212240978086, Maree & Pace, Mpulo, 18 Hunter Road, P.O. Box 200, Ladysmith, 3370. Maree & Pace, Mpulo, P.O. Box 200, Ladysmith, 3370. 28441/2014—Moodley, Dhanarajoo, 04-06-1943, 4306045085088, 41 Zinnia Street, Stanger Manor, KwaDukuza, 30-08-2014; Rajamah Moodley, 1 January 1949, 4901010117088. Jay Pundit & Co., Suite 1, Jay Krishna Centre, P.O. Box 170, Stanger, 4450. 12477/2013/DBN—Mzindle, Themba Christopher, 30-04-1949, 4904305472085, 14 Bilbery Road, Welbedacht, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 03-09-2013; Pilisiwe Beatrice Mzindle, 18-04-1949, 4904180220088. Buthelezi Incorporated, 16 Bute Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 21502/2014—Sithole, Jabulephiwe Sibongile, 1958-07-19, 5807190846082, Eshane Area, District of Umvoti, KwaZulu- Natal, 2013-09-30. Nel & Stevens Attorney, PO BOx 60, Greytown, 3250. 28202/2014/DBN—Govender, Muthamma, 19 October 1954, 5410190144085, 123 Road 710, Chatsworth, 29 December 2010; Logan Govender, 6 November 1956, 5611065112087. P Ramjathan & Associates, 273 Lenny Naidu (formerly Pelican) Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092. 024911/2014/PMB—Singh, Dhayanand Sahadeo, 18-11-1952, 5211185178082, 10 Aloe Grove Road, Glencoe, 2930, 06-09-2014; Anitha Ramkisson Esery Singh, 23-08-1957, 5708230123088. Rafiq Khan & Co, 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000. 28274/2014/DBN—Maistry, Kubandran Kasavelu, 1954-11-21, 5411215012083, 318 Clare Road, Clare Estate, Durban, 2014-09-05; Palambal Maistry, 1962-04-17, 6204170135083. Palambal Maistry, 318 Clare Road, Clare Estate, Durban. 021785/2014/PMB—Minima Naicker, 2305240071085, 139 Erna Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. Govindasamy, Ndzingi & Govender Inc. (GNG Incorporated), Attorneys for Executor, 211 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 30 days. 021785/2014/PMB—Minima Naicker, 2305240071085, 139 Erna Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. Govindasamy, Ndzingi & Govender Inc. (GNG Incorporated), Attorneys for Executor, 211 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 30 days. 23862/2014—Kandhai, Lalitha, 16 August 1969, 6908160167084, 5 Reedhaven Place, Foresthaven, Phoenix, Durban, 4068, 28 March 2014; Ashock Lalli Kandhai, 30 July 1966, 6607305221083. Arthie Maharaj & Associates, 42 Turners Avenue, Berea, Durban, 4001. 29124/2014—Myeni, Florence Thuli, 1972 March 24, 7203240765084, KwaMsane Area Ward 02, Mtubatuba, 3935, KwaZulu-Natal, 27 September 2013; Makhi Jameson Myeni, 1969 December 09, 6912095582086, KwaMsane, area next to Induna, Ward 02, Mtubatuba, KZN. Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc., P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3935, KwaZulu-Natal. 29124/2014—Myeni, Florence Thuli, 1972 March 24, 7203240765084, KwaMsane Area Ward 02, Mtubatuba, 3935, KwaZulu-Natal, 27 September 2013; Makhi Jameson Myeni, 1969 December 09, 6912095582086, KwaMsane, area next to Induna, Ward 02, Mtubatuba, KZN. Scheepers Spies Mdaka Inc., P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3935, KwaZulu-Natal. 8360/2013—Caulfield, George Ernest, 17-02-1935, 3502175079088, 14 Moffat Ave, Westville, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 22-05-2013. Raymond Wartski, 16th Floor, Southern Life Building, Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001. 24029/2014/PMB—Mbatha, Kwazi Emmanuel, 03-03-1978, 7803036353084, 128 De Waal Place, Southgate, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 01-06-2014. Buthelezi Incorporated, 16 Bute Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 25502/2014—Ibrahim, Ameer Hoosen, 1928-03-24, 2803245060087, 87 Warangal Road, Merebank, 2014-08-02; Zohra Ibrahim, 1927-12-20, 2712200047080. Sham & Meer, P.O. Box 393, Stanger, 4450. 025130/2014—De Jager, Leon, 16 January 1942, 4201165025081, 8 “Q: Gardens, Uvongo, 20 September 2014; Esme Louise de Jager, 16 January 1943, 4301160077085. Barry, Botha & Breytenbach, PO Box 1, Port Shepstone, 4240. 023057/2014—Taylor, Maria Francina, 22 August 1922, 2208070064081, 4 Wilkes Road, Prestbury, Pietermaritzburg, 19 July 2014. Joan Louisa Hibbert, P.O. Box 28180, Sunridge Park, 6045. 023371/2014/PMB—Evans, Gareth Mark, 24 February 1958, 5802245032085, 384 Blackburn Road, Broadway, Durban North, 22 July 2014. Paterson & Jones, PO Box 618, Hillcrest, 3650. 025151/2014—Moodley, Devika, 1945-10-16, 4510160512087, 74 Rosehill Road, Shakaskraal, 4430, 2014-07-31; Davarajhan Nagamuthu Moodley, 1940-11-02, 4011025439087. Davarajhan N Moodley, c/o C J Cogan Attorneys, P.O. Box 837, Umhlali, 4390. 0986/08/DBN—Maistry, Krishna, 1963-05-03, 6305035037057, 15 Dhubri Road, Merebank, Durban, 2008-01-10; Jennet Maistry, 1964-01-29, 6401290079080. Maistry, Jennet, 51 Hunt Road, Berea, Durban. 8933/1993/PMB—Maistry, Maga Lutchmy, 1930-11-04, 3011040174082, 15 Dhubri Road, Merebank, Durban, 1993-11-07. Maistry, Jennet, 51 Hunt Road, Berea, Durban. 28496/2014/DBN—Poovathee Narasimulu, 19-07-1928, 2807190179081, 347 - Road 706, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092, 06-09-2014; unmarried. Beharie and Company, 275 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092, Tel. No. (031) 400-8004, Telefax No. (031) 400-8090, Reference: Mr Beharie/Nicole/E0891, E-mail address: [email protected]. 30 days. 022420/2014—Dlamuka, Bekisisa, 11-10-1939, 3910115268085, 30155 KwaSwayimane, Pinetown, 3610, 12-02-2014; Buselaphi Badabukelani Dlamuka 09-07-1951, 5107090422088. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 26566/2014—Bowen, Shelagh, 7 November 1924, 2411070048084, 13 Gifford Crescent, Salt Rock, KwaZulu-Natal, 17 May 2014. Justin Malherbe, Norton Rose Fulbright, 15 Alice Lane, 2196, Gauteng. 30 days. 27833/2014/DBN—Naidoo, Rosemary Cecilia, 13-07-1942, 4207130335083, 98 Sailkot Crescent, Merebank, 4052, 20-03-2012; Munsami Naidoo, 08-06-1938, 3806085311089. Paul Naidoo, 107 Regent Street, Bellview East, Johannesburg, 2198.

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26540/2014/DBN—Naidoo, Govindamma, 17-11-1927, 2711170050082, 54 Indore Road, Merebank, 4052, 21-05-2012. Sivandra Naidoo, 54 Indore Road, Merebank, 4052. 16672/2013 DBN—Mthembu, Benson Xolani, 1970-01-06, 7001065667082, 3 Lira Link, Richards Bay, 29 September 2013; Love-Joy Zinhle Mthembu, 1976-03-01, 7603010742082. Rakesh Maharaj & Co, Box 219, Stanger. 23553/2014/PMB—Findlater, Lynda Barbara, 1947-05-04, Passport No. 706426890, 9 Gaynor Road, Chisipite Highlands, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2014-07-16. Mason Incorporated, P.O. Box 100, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 28759/2014—Naicker, Papamma, 28-07-1948, 4807280163084, 110 Naicker Road, Shallcross, Durban, 01-01-2014; Kundapa Naicker, 06-12-1940, 4012065141088. J.D. Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, 4093. 28755/2014—Charles, Goonaseelan Nathamuniar, 12-04-1937, 3704125096085, 110 Naicker Road, Shallcross, Durban, 17-08-2014; Joyce Catherine Charles, 30-12-1937, 3712300081087. J.D. Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, 4093. 28289/2014—Sewpersadh, Budhram, 19-03-1945, 4503195077085, 32 Saffron Drive, Shallcross, Durban, 12-04-2010; Nirmala Sewpersadh, 05-03-1954, 5403050036087. J.D. Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, 4093. 25308/2014—Mkhize, Zanele Alzinah, 03-09-1939, 3909030369085, 625 Mshyeni Road, Sobantu Village, Pietermaritzburg, 20 March 2013. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 25370/2014—Mkhize, Vusumuzi Christopher, 06-01-1935, 3501065149084, 625 Mshyeni Road, Sobtantu Village, 9 September 2014. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 25211/2014—Beazley, Christopher John, 1944-08-05, 4408055157086, 113 Lagoon Drive, Tinley Manor Beach, 2014-07-15. HH Schulz, Shulz Wiesinger O’Dwyer, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233. 25443/2014/PMB—Ridgway, Leigh Lawrence, 05-06-1970, 7006055027080, Ridgway Farm, Manderston, 26-09-2014. Executor: A P Smith & Co, PO Box 20209, Ashburton, 3213. 25338/2014—Straeuli, Werner Eugen August, 1924-11-09, 2411095008089, 11A Ridge Road, Wartburg, 2014-09-24. HH Schulz, Shulz Wiesinger O’Dwyer, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233. 24796/2014—Mkhulisi, Fundamina Raphael, 1948-05-02, 4805025388081, 3135 Ndlovu Road, Stage 2, Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2014-08-27; Ntombiza Dorah Mkhulizi, 1949-12-29, 4912290663089. Subhash Maikoo & Ass., 484 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, KwaZulu-Natal. 30 days. 25441/2014—Chetty, Soundarajan, 1965-06-29, 6506295172084, Road 723, House 104, Montford, Chatsworth, 2014-09-15; Kanniamma Chetty, 1969-03-05, 6903050205086. Hayley Candice Pillay, 165 Pietermaritzburg Street, Pietermaritzburg. 25434/2014—Booysen, Vincent, 1937-04-16, 3704165047089, 43 John Dory Drive, Newlands East, KwaZulu-Natal, 2012-11-06; Thembile Ruth Booysen, 1935-04-27, 3504270165085. Hayley Candice Pillay, 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg. 025167/2014/PMB—Buchanan, Lillian, 1920-11-29, 2011290051080, Marion Home, 282 Alexander Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2014-09-26. Austen Smith, PO Box 37, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 27803/2014—Puren, Gary Edwin, 1953/09/10, 5309105136089, 18 Buller Road, Montclair, KwaZulu-Natal, 2014/08/23. Judd Reid, 2 Ncondo Place, cnr of Umhlanga Rocks Drive, Level P2, 4320. 025160/2014—Biyela, Pauline June, 1926/03/18, 2603180157082, C126 Mpumalanga Township, 11 Hadebe Road, Hammarsdale, 2014/07/05. Austen Smith, PO Box 37, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 023222/2014/PMB—Brand, Foy Frank, 13/4/1931, 3104135006085, Seslsdon Park Farm, Marina Beach, 4275, 17 July 2014. CV Elliott, PO Box 805, Shelly Beach, 4265. 11754/2011/DBN—Anderson, John Raymond, 12/9/1944, 4409125025089, 264 Marine Drive, Bluff, Durban, 4/9/2011. Daphne Anderson, c/o Anthony Dolphin and Associates, 3 St Stevens, 278 Clark Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 027593/2014 DBN—Median Mbuyiseni Halalisani Magubane, 19/05/1974, 7405195486083, 953 KwaMakhutha, Durban, 26 August 2014. Mbatha & Associates, 101C Doone House, 379 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days. 29559/2014—Narasimaloo, Parvatheammah, 1927/11/11, 2711110531084, House 14, Road 713, Montford, Chatsworth, 4092, 2014/10/19. SAL Govender & Associates, PO Box 48120, Qualbert, Durban, 4078. 30 days. 29199/2014—Robbs, Muriel, 28/11/1922, 2211280036089, 2 Paros, 48 Ipahla Lane, Chakas Rock, KwaZulu-Natal, 29/09/2014; Veronica Anne O’Dwyer, P.O. Box 6500, Zimbali, 4418. 28864/2014—Shutt, Arlene Molly, 21/02/1936, 3602210023081, Caister Lodge, Durban, 4000, 22 September 2014. B.M. Sandison, P.O. Box 677, Kloof, 3640. 21410/2014—Pillay, Rajendran, 1968/11/21, 6811215390083, 50 Coleus Road, Crossmoor, Chatsworth, 4092, 2014/04/14. SAL Govender & Associates, PO Box 48120, Qualbert, Durban, 4078. 30 days. 26597/2014 DBN—Duma, Tunyiwe Lucia, 1/07/1945, 4507010104081, 34 Slovo Avenue, Chesterville, Durban, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, 29/10/2013. Tees Attorneys, 45 Steel Road, Durban. 4313/2014 (DBN)—Landman, Gerhardus Johannes, 16/08/1940, 4008165067082, 69 Cannon Road, Hillary, Durban, 10/04/2014. Karin Williams, PO Box 89, Century City, 7446. 029612/2014/DBN—Mooruth, Yashoda, 5 March 1929, 2903050054082, 86 Fullham Road, Reservoir Hills, 4091, 15 September 2014; Baruth Mooruth, 3 January 1928, 2801035080083. Baruth Mooruth, 86 Fullham Road, Reservoir Hills, 4091. 15986/2010/DBN—Mbhele, Bhekinkosi Victor Mbhele, 25 December 1948, 4812255768081, Lot 237, Marburg, Province of KwaZulu-Natal, 4 April 2010; Tryphina Ntombizeziwe Mbhele, 5809200845088. Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240.

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29471/2014—Holmes, Compton Eugene, 1924/11/10, 2411105046087, Twilanga, 89 Herrwood Drive, Umhlanga, 2014/10/05. Ronika Maharaj, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 28353/2014—Thomas, Marie Iona, 1937/10/17, 3710170023080, Dooneside Retirement Village, 2014/09/18. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban. 30 days. 28354/2014–Haripersad, Anandpaul, 1940/05/22, 4005225100085, 1 Petal Walk, Bayview, Chatsworth, 2014/09/04; Premshila Haripersad, 1940/07/01, 4007010103084. Standard Trust Limited, Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban. 30 days. 29129/2014—Naicker, Devasundree, 1938/11/06, 3811060216089, 36 Road 715, Montford, Chatsworth, 2005/05/17. Ronika Maharaj, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001. 30 days. 29130/2014—Mudaly, Dayanandan, 1948/04/29, 4804295080080, 11B Barvale Drive, Bakerville Gardens, Durban, 2014/09/16; Villalutchmee Mudaly, 1956/12/08, 5612080151084, Ronika Maharaj. Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 4694/13—Bhekumuzi Lawrence Makhanya, 1972/11/17, 7211175468087, B1397 Folweni Township, Isipingo, 4110, 2013/04/01, Amended and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—SW Khanyile & Associates, Suite 205, 2nd Floor, Durban Bay House, 333 Anton Lembede Street, Durban; P.O. Box 3681, Durban, 4000. 00263/2014—Gulston, Norah Elizabeth, 1928/11/28, 2811280071083, 3 Harrison Road, Westville, Durban, KwaZulu- Natal, 3629, 2012/08/31; Rollin Phillip Gulston, 1932/09/01, 3209015073087. Godfrey Gulston, 23 Fiona Street, Ridgeway Ext 4, Johannesburg. 30 days. 025699/2014/DBN—Nyameka Peza, 7503031768084, unmarried, KwaMachi Location, Harding, died intestate on 4 April 2014. Attorney Neil Bowles, 6 Hawkins Street, Harding, 4680. 30 days. 025699/2014/DBN—Nyameka Peza, 7503031768084, unmarried, KwaMachi Location, Harding, died intestate on 4 April 2014. Attorney Neil Bowles, 6 Hawkins Street, Harding, 4680. 30 days. 21593/2014—Dave, Dinesh Goenee, 1954/11/28, 5411285022087, 11 Bertha Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, 2014/09/07. Sergie Brimiah, 510 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg. 26687/2014DBN—Wondergem, Daniel Frederick, 1954/02/06, 5402065079082, 44 Jabulani Flats, 6 Saturn Road, Amanzimtoti, 2014/08/31. Dykes van Heerden (KZN) Inc., Block 1, Seadoone Office Park, 34 Seadoone Road, Amanzimtoti. 30 days. 024187/201—Cant, Joyce Reid, 1926/07/21, 2607210048088, 21 Tracey Mews, 4 Stedway Place, Montclair, Durban, 2014/08/13. Roy Quinton Beck, 19 Lynton Road, Kloof, 3610. 25367/2014/PMB—Bure, Franz Friedrich Heinrich, 18/03/1931, 3103185035085, 38 Boundary Road, Wartburg, 14/08/2014. Sanlam Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 25922/2014/DBN—Brown, Herbert Winston, 6 August 1940, 4008065019084, 4 Cherry Road, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti, 4126, 20 March 2014. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. 24665/2014—Beaver, Audrey, 1932/02/25, 3202250006185, Hibiscus Retirement Villages, 1 North Drive, Margate, 4275, 2013/11/01. Yvonne Lee Boden, 7 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia. 30 days. 25365/2014/PMB—Holden, Mary Elizabeth, 3/07/1930, 3007030023180, Victora Memorial Home, 257 Retief Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 20/07/2014. Sanlam Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 12479/2010—Khan, Kathoon Bee, 1934/11/10, 3411100015086, No. 1 9th Avenue, Estcourt, 2010/05/14. Patel & Associates, Suite 3, 9 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga. 28575/2014—Fink, Norman Allan, 09/10/1947, 4710095129086, 50 Kiora Road, Fynnland, 4052, 16/06/2014. Accensis Inc., PO Box 1582, Mount Edgecombe, 4301. 23604/2014—Fallows, Enid Rosemary, 1942/04/06, 4204060595182, 304 Windermere Road, Morningside, Durban, 2014/05/31. Michael, 7 Naboom Close, Glen Anil. 29202/2014/DBN—De Jager, Johan, 31 January 1956, 5601315157081, 5 Kissin Lane, Amanzimtoti, KwaZulu-Natal, 4 September 2014; Annemarie Cecilia Magdalena de Jager, 5802100048085. Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. Cazalet, Pearl Elaine, 1926/02/02, 2612020036083, Evelyn House, Richmond, 3780, 2014/10/01. ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 24666/2014 DBN—Kenneth Cecil Riggs, 13 March 1921, 4A Fuchsia Grove, Glenhills, Durban North, 4051, 18 June 2014. Yvonne Lee Boden, P.O. Box 1219, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 0256368/2014—Rajkumar, Vikramchund, 26/06/1949, 4905265136081, 3 Sastri Road, Glencoe, 07/09/2014; Savithaadevi Kasiram Rajkumar, 10/08/1952, 5208100164080. Sanlam Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 2706/2012/PMB—Nkomonde, Rainie Nomvula, 7 January 1960, 6001070342086, House 290, Madadeni, 2951, 10 September 2011. Woodhead Bigby, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000. 33012—Naidoo, Krishna Mirriam, 1948/01/18, 4801185156087, 33 Extensa Anglo, Brackenhan, Richards Bay, 2014/08/29; Shanthiwathi Naidoo, 1945/05/05, 4505050192057. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. Nel, Phillippus Adriaan, 1940/12/05, 4012055082086, 31 Pepe Fish, Meer en See, Richards Bay, 3900, 2014/08/25; Loiwisa Fredrika Nel, 1942/04/11, 4204110090085. ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 29200/2014/DBN—Ward, Dennis Edmond, 31 August 1937, 3708315065081, 4 Forrest Hill, 165 St Thomas Road, Durban, 15 September 2014; Joan Blanche Ward, 3706070016083. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

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29630/2014/DBN—Sewsanker, Dayanand, 1/12/1951, 5112015091083, 6 Sandfern Gardens, Redfern, Phoenix, 4/10/2014. Sanlam Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 017583/2013—Bobisch, Marie Florence, 09/05/1936, 28 Ocean View, Musgrave, Durban, 11/12/2013. Peter John Strydom, 18 Baines Road, Glenmore, Durban, 4001. 21 days. 017583/2013—Bobisch, Marie Florence, 09/05/1936, 28 Ocean View, Musgrave, Durban, 11/12/2013. Peter John Strydom, 18 Baines Road, Glenmore, Durban, 4001. 21 days. 024854/2014—Naidoo, Russell Aldrin, 15 July 1969, 6907155070089, 16 Troon Terrace, Muswell Hill, Pietermaritzburg, 15 July 2014; Annette Loreen Naidoo, 22 December 1967, 6712220048080. Kooben Chetty and Associates, 444 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 024763/2014—Howell, Peter Gilbert, 13 October 1930, 3010135032080, 384 Amberglen, Karkloof Road, Howick, 3290, KwaZulu-Natal, 17 August 2014. June Rose Theron–Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street, and Pearce Road, Claremont, Western Cape. 28592/2014DBN—Medwell, William Alfred Godbehere, 1930/02/13, 3002135024084, 11 Rapson Road, Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal, 2014/09/23. Peter Stuart Lowe, PO Box 1570, Hillcrest, 3650. 25340/2014—Jara, Nomonde, 01/08/1975, 7508010970080, Lot 2072, Livingstone Road Extension 3, Margate, Province of KwaZulu-Natal 15 July 2014. Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240. 29386/2014—Byrne, Isabel Wilhelmina, 1923/07/11, 2307110055081, 12 Hillier Road, Umbilo, Durban, 2014/08/13. Keshnie Reddy, PO Box 212, Westville, 3630. 025345/2014/PMB—Nkwahla, Hutchinson, 2012/07/03, 1207035090083, House No. C4408, Section 3, Madadeni, 1996/05/10. DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 30 days. 29698/14—Dolly Moodley, 3908190104084, 38 Emerald Avenue, Moorton, Chatsworth, 03/06/2013. Yvonne Singh & Assoc, Shop 64, Whitehouse Complex, 3333 Chris Hani Road, Phoenix. 025327/2014—Richardson, John Alan, 1940/02/28, 4002285027084, 14 La Belle Vie, 61 Bird Street, Newcastle, 2014/01/24. DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 30 days. 28042/2014 DBN—Small, Sheila Elizabeth, 1926/05/13, 2605130001088, B16 Mooi Hawens, 3 Middleton Road, Winklespruit, 2005/08/14. Sentinel International Trust Company, PO Box 27726, Greenacres, 6057. 30 days. 880212005/PMB—Vengatasamy, Shunmugam, 1941/11/20, 4111205123087, 116 Swallow Haven Road, Forest Haven, Phoenix, 2005/04/30. M. Nagouran & Associates, 3C Wick Street, Verulam. 28726/2014—Simelane, Mandlenkosi Patrick, 04/03/1929, 2903045334086, Gwengweni Area, Nkandla, 3855, 29/06/2014; Simelane Lindiwe Bettina, 16/04/1938, 3804166408086. N.S. Ntanzi Attorneys, Lot 668, P.O. Box 51, Nkandla. 025345/2014/PMB—Nkwahla, Hutchison, 2012/07/03, 1207035090083, House No. C4408, Section 3, Madadeni, 1996/05/10. DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 30 days. 24037/2014—Dalziel, Cameron Douglas, 1971/04/25, 7104255377080, Lot 2496, Taman Bayshore, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia & 27 The Oval, Umhlali Country Club, KwaZulu-Natal, 2014/07/17. Leigh Derryl Jepson, 3B The Ridge, 8 Torsvale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge, 4019. 24622/2014—Hassan, Faizel Mahomed, 1962/12/08, 6212085001084, 18 Amanaat Flat, St Bruno Street, Newcastle, 2014/09/02; Shainaaz Banoo Mahomed, 1966/09/04, 6609040054084, KM Chetty Attorney, 98 Harding Street, Newcastle. 025285/2014—Pieterse, David Johannes, 470522, 4705225051085, 1325 Barbel Place, Club Marina, 2014/07/18; Francina Magrieta Pieterse, 1952/03/24, 5203240120084. Francina Pieterse, 1325 Barbel Place, Club Marina. 29458/2014 DBN—Osborne, Evelyn Beatrice, 1929/02/12, 2902120076182, Cottage 51, Ramsgate Retirement Village, Margate, 4280, 2014/10/04. Ian Smith and John David Osborne, PO Box 1301, Port Shepstone, 4240. 30 days. 025348/2014—Heymans, Douglas Hercules, 28/07/1956, 5607285042088, Diamond Vlei Farm, Franklin, KwaZulu-Natal, 2 October 2014. Gillian Heymans, c/o PO Box 805, Shelly Beach, 4265. 62/09 DBN—Maphumulo Sithembiso Vincent, 20 March 1967, 6703205513081, B21092 Mafukuzela Road, Umlazi, 4031, 1 October 2008. Khathi & Mkhize Attorneys, Suite 301B, 3rd Floor, Denor House, Durban, 356 Smith Streets, Durban. 30 days. 027729/2014—Maphumulo, Mbani Edward, 1956/02/18, 5602185749080, F44 New City Ezimbokodweni, 4126, 1 September 2014; Bazondani Mavis Maphumulo, 1959/02/20, 5902200785089, and Happy Sylvia Maphumulo, 1960/03/25, 600325053208. Bazondani M. and Happy Sylvia Maphumule, c/o MB Gumede and Associates, H108 Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. 023525/2014 PMB—Van der Linde, Andre, 1 February 1945, 4502015063085, 23 Umzimkulu Avenue, Ncandu Park, Newcastle, 23 July 2014; Laetitia Lorraine van der Linde, 14 April 1947, 4704140129084. Acutt & Worthington Inc., PO Box 42, Dundee, 3000. 025213/2014/PMB—Simon Sipho Mavundla, 5701295740086, Ladysmith, 2 August 2014. Vishnu Moodley and Company, Attorneys for Executor, Suite 1, Hillside Park, 74 Alexandra Street, Ladysmith, 3370. 30 days. 025108/2014/PMB—Schulze, Hanna, 1924/06/20, 2406200025085, Protea Retirement Village, Die Wilgers, cnr of 105 Swaart Lelie Avenue, 2014/07/01. J. Leslie Smith & Company, PO Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 30 days. 023008/2014/PMB—Suleman Ismail, 4002285469088, Ladysmith, 2 August 2013. Vishnu Moodley and Company, Attorneys for Executor, Suite 1, Hillside Park, 74 Alexandra Street, Ladysmith, 3370. 30 days. 6604/2013—Mkwanazi, Sabelo, 10/12/1960, 6012105769086, 25 Long Island Avenue, Parkgate, Verulam, Durban, 10/05/2013; Bathabile Happy Mkwanazi, 01/02/1970, 7002010486081. Bathabile Happy Mkwanazi, 25 Long Island Avenue, Parkgate, Verulam, Durban. 30 days.

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17501/2009—Pillay, Sarojini, 13/04/1942, 4204130077088, Section 6, Uppinham Palace, 34 Uppingham Grove, Westham, Phoenix, Durban, 13/06/2009. Sivagandhie Moodley, 2 Cecilia Close, Ballito, Durban. 30 days. 27515/2014 DBN—Nusboonisa Mahomed Ismail, 1953/08/06, 5308060055086, 169 Oaklands Drive, Dawncrest, Verulam, 2014/05/10. Aggie Govender Attorneys, Attorneys for Executor. 30 days. 26988/2014/DBN—Chetty, Dhevan, 1967/04/25, 6704255216088, 14 Stanton Street, Reservoir Hills, 2014/09/03. Jenny Naidoo, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 024181/2014/PMB—Page, Malcolm Moodie, 1939/07/07, 3907075107089, 5 Upfold Road, Merrival, Howick, 2014/07/07. Jenny Naidoo, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 26182/2014/DBN—Pather, Velliamma, 1938/09/02, 3809025078081, 8 Temple Road, Umkomaas, 2014/03/24; Velliama Pather, 1939/06/03, 3906030067081. Jenny Naidoo, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 025003/2014/PMB—Kumalo, Mikie Namhla, 1980/12/09, 8012090461085, 13 Remington Park, 555 Alexandra Road, Pietermaritzburg, 2014/08/21. Jenny Naidoo, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000. 30 days. 23799/2014—Weekes, Ulick Irvine, 1952/02/01, 5202015734186, 3 Waverly Court, Sunnyside Lane, Pinetown, 2014/05/29. Jivan and Co., S11 Equinox, 12 Millennium Boulevard, Umhlanga Ridge, 4319. 24070/2014/DBN—Ramkisson, Kailas, 1926/05/09, 2605090150081, 04 Satara Road, Merebank, 2014/06/14. Monogran Pillay, Suite 101, Umdoni Centre, 28 Crompton Street, Pinetown, 3610. 30 days. 21718/2014/PMB—Sibiya, Witness Thandi, 1958/11/20, 5811200784085, 1538 Bhekuzulu Township, Vryheid, 19 June 2013. Ndaba Mnyambo Attorneys, Suite 5, Bloemnel Centre, 121 High Street, Vryheid. 30 days. 1562/2014/PMB—Govender, Jayapala, 22/04/1960, 6004225202080, 785 Lotus Drive, Dannhauser, 3080, 02/01/2014; Lily Govender, 05/11/1961, 6111050140085. Rafiq Khan & Co., 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000. 2232/2014 DBN—Chetty, Nolene Daisy, 03/12/1979, 7912030227085, 65 Lantern Heath, 380 Gale Street, Umbilo, Durban, 10 January 2014. Daisy Ramdayal, ID No. 4102230120081, 65 Lantern Heath, 380 Gale Street, Umbilo, Durban. 025506/2014/PMB—Piperis, Phillip, 11 April 1970, 7004115198082, 9 Jesmond Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 30 December 2014. Venns Inc. Attorneys and Agents for Executor Dative, PO Box 600, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 12584/09—Tsekeletsa, Ngani Philomena, 01/08/1922, 2208010122080, 590 Smith Drive, Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg, 23/10/2009. LB Majola Incorporated, 232 Boom Street, Pietermaritzburg. 22860/2014—Ramautar, Babu Mansingh Ramgopaul, 1958/03/25, 5803255160089, 53 Hammerwood Road, Woodview, Phoenix, 4068, 2 June 2014; Pramakanthie Ramautar, 1964/10/13, 6410130231082. Nivesh Hiralall Attorneys, P.O. Box 60271, Phoenix, 4080. 025327/2014—Richardson, John Alan, 1940/02/28, 4002285027084, 14 La Belle Vie, 61 Bird Street, Newcastle, 2014/01/24. DBM Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 30 days. 11892/2012/DBN—Chetty, Munsamy, 07/01/1937, 3701075097089, 43 Syringa Drive, Kharwastan, Durban, 10/07/2012; Govindamma Chetty, 29/12/1945, 4512290126085. Himal Tugh & Co., Attorneys, Notaries, Conveyancer, 346 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth, KZN. 28726/2014—Simelane, Mandlenkosi Patrick, 04/03/1929, 2903045334086, Gwegweni Area, Nkandla, 3855, 29/06/2014; Simelane Lindiwe Bettina, 16/04/1938, 3804166408086. N.S. Ntanzi Attorneys, Lot 668, P.O. Box 51, Nkandla. 24284/2014/PMB—Nyandeni, Vincent Simanga Nyandeni, 29 July 1952, 5207295725085, House No. 9804, Section 4, Madadeni, 2951, 8 August 2014; Bertha Miemie Somana, 9 September 1963, 6309090742080. Bertha Miemie Somana, House No. 9804, Section 4, Madadeni, 2951. 023503/2014 PMB—Ntincane Petros Khambule, 14 March 1939, 3903145191088, 9 August 2014. SS Ngubane, Attorneys for Executor Dative, P.O. Box 100217, Scottsville, 3209. 30 days. 28110/2014/DBN—Ferguson, Lorraine Mary, 1954/11/03, 5411030130185, 30 Saddle Road, Moseley Park, Pinetown, 3610, 14 July 2014. Charles Pillai, Liasides and Associates, 37 Overport Drive, Berea, Durban, 4291. 4172/2014/DBN—Eason, Audrey Gladys Thelma, 21 July 1922, 2207210011085, 1 San Raphael Avenue, Warner Beach, Amanzimtoti, 20 October 2013. Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630. 28300/2014 DBN—Olivier, Louis Garth, 1957/06/14, 5706145063084, 160 Soofie Sahed Drive, Durban North, 2014/09/09. Livingston Leandy Inc., PO Box 4107, The Square, 4021. 30 days. 29378/2014—Bhagwandin, Harry, 1933/02/01, 3302015043083, 68 Cope Road, Overport, 4091, 2014/09/03; Gayathri Devi Bhagwandin. Livingston Leandy Inc., PO Box 4107, The Square, 4021. 30 days. 2709/2014/DBN—Holtman, Leonard William Sinclair, 20/10/1930, 3010205005081, Hillcrest Home Care, No. 14 Bialdon Drive, Waterfall, KZN, 13/08/2012. John Adrian Allan, c/o Goodrickes Attorneys, 6th Floor, 6 Durban Club Place, Durban, 4001. 25206/2014—Mthalane, Thokozani Zithulele, 23/02/1988, 8802235547081, KwaMagwaza Hospital, Melmoth, 30 June 2014. Venns Attorneys, Attorneys and Agents for Executor Testamentary, PO Box 600, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 3239/2014/DBN—Ngwane, Smithembile Stanley, 1969/01/02, 6901026155088, PO Box 12831, Port Shepstone, 4240, 2013/12/12; Khanyisile Virginia Ngwane, 1977/01/09, 7701090507084. Khanyisile Virginia Ngwane, PO Box 73, Port Shepstone, 4240. 30 days.

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9000/2013—Ramadumetja Salminah Phihlela, 7301300511081, 19 Peet van der Schyff Street, Modimolle, 2013/04/08. P.M.K. Tladi & Associates, 20 Schoeman Street, Justice Palace (P.O. Box 849), Polokwane, 0700. 30 days. 020702/2014—Van Heerden, Geraldine, 1938/01/16, 3801160011084, 9 Edenhof, Murry Street, Ermelo, 15 April 2014. Dr T C Botha Inc, 16 Jan van Riebeeck Street, PO Box 894, Ermelo, 2350. 023979/2014—Lekalakala, Maluse Jack Lekalakala, 1934-01-30, 3401305133081; Ramadumeja Stephina Lekalakala, 1942-03-05, 4203050272083. Sello Sethosa, No. 06 Korhaan Street, Fauna Park, Polokwane, 0699. 521/2012—Negogogo, Mususumeli Sarah, 1960-02-03, 6002030200083, Tshaanda, Dzimauli, Mutale, Limpopo, 2012-07-24. Adv A.D. Ramagalela, P.O. Box 267, Mutale, 0950. 24289/2014—Machimane, Ben Gidja, 1921-07-31, 2107315093089, 971A Vongani Street, Nkowankowa, 2014-08-09; Nyaele Salvah Machimana, 1925-07-01, 2507010133082. Joubert & May Attorney, 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850. 24610/2014—Rampja, Ngwako Mathews, 18 March 1956, 5603185195084, Stand No. 1342, Modubung Village, Modjadji, Limpopo Province, 28 September 2014; Molatelo Miranda Rampja, 15 December 1963, 6312150561085. Molatelo, Stand No. 1342, Modubung Village, Modjadji, Limpopo Province. 22652/2014—Kellermann, Magdalena Susannah, 25 Februarie 1932, 3202250052080, Frangipani No. 7, Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis, Hoogstraat 9, Polokwane, 3 Mei 2014; Johannes Louis Kellermann, 28 Februarie 1929, 2902285006081. T F Pretorius, Niland & Pretorius Ing, Albatrossentrum 2, Markstraat 21, Polokwane, 0699. 24916/2014—Kellermann, Johannes Louis, 28 Februarie 1929, 2902285006081, Frangipani No. 7, Martha Hofmeyr Tehuis, Hoogstraat 9, Polokwane, 11 Augustus 2014. T F Pretorius, Niland & Pretorius Ing, Albatrossentrum 2, Markstraat 21, Polokwane, 0699. 7276/2013—Rammutla, Moswane Phineas, 1954-07-15, 5407155558085, Stand 8, Wuppetoe, Blourg Municipality, Senwabarwana, 2013-09-15; Rammutla Rosina Matlala. J and R Accountants, Office No. 1D, 41 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, 0699. 023979/2014—Lekalakala, Maluse Jack Lekalakala, 1934-01-30, 3401305133081, Teberius Howe No. 010316, Tiberius, 1944-04-18; Ramadumeja Stephina Lekalakala, 1942-03-05, 4203050272083. Sello Sethosa, No. 06 Korhaan Street, Fauna Park, Polokwane, 0699. 24717/2014—Koen, Andries Christoffel, 1931-11-14, 3111145079085, Kiepersol 9, Rabestraat 59, Mokopane, 0601, 2014-08-10. Adv. Wet, as nominee of PSG Trust, Kerkstraat 10, Chroompark, Mokopane, 0601. 24839/14—Manamela, Thantji William, 22 September 1982, 8209225833085, Stand No. 0302553, Mapela Magope Village, Limpopo Province, 17 August 2014; Stephina Kgadi Manamela, 6309010629086. Manamela Stephina Kgadi, c/o DS Sello Attorneys, P.O. Box 5693, Polokwane-North, 0750; 18 Bok Street, Polokwane, 0699. 3018/2013—Rasebotsa, Rapitsi Frans, 1956-04-06, 5604065921086, House No. 09, Ga-Kgapane, 2013-04-14. Munyai of NR Munyai Att, Office 1, Eurasia Building, 91 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane. Van Jaarsveldt, Andries Jacobus, 08/12/1931, 3112085022085, Chuenelaan 29, Peninapark, 0699, 11/06/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk,Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Soundy, Flora, 10/07/1930, 3007100084088, 16 Cycad Street, Flora Park, Tzaneen, 0850, 10/03/2014; Keystone Soundy, 13/05/1930, 3005135089080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 3990/2012—Mogoba, Maudi James, 04/11/1942, 4211045288080, Stand 008863, Zone AX1, Seshego, Polokwane, 0699, 07/05/2012. ABSA Trust Bpk,Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 24292/2014—Jansen van Vuuren, Hester Aletta, 18/03/1932, 3203180005081, Villa Lezanne 4, Naboomspruit, 0560, 08/07/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Van Jaarsveldt, Jacoba Dorathea, 30/01/1936, 3601300039080, Chuenelaan 29, Peninapark, 0699, 01/05/2014. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 20770/2014—Netshiungani, 8007295471087, Limpopo Province, 2014-07-17. Takalani Netshiungani Lwamondo, Limpopo Province. 20770/2014—Fhumulani Joyce Netshiungani, 5705060189080, Lwamondo Village, 17-07-2014. Danie van Ryneveld Attorneys, Attorneys for Executrix, Room 201, Thohoyandou, 0950; PO Box 2697, Thohoyandou, 0950. 30 days. 2781/2013—Le Roux, Maxmillion Georg, 29 May 1962, 62052951820, 59/6 Bosbok Street, Highbury, Meyerton, 21 June 2012; Yolanda le Roux, 23 September 1961, 61092300590. L A Kruger, SPS Attorneys, PO Box 278, Vereeniging, 1930. 24868/2014—Bapela, Matshetla Violet, 1951-02-25, 5102250357083, 242 Moletlane, Zebediela, 2014-06-25; Shiba Hebert Bapela, 1942-01-04, 4201045344082. Dikgati Mphahlele Attorneys & Administrators of Estates, No. 10A Landros Maree Street, Polokwane. 4941/2013—Mampane, Kwena Johanna, 1952-01-07, 5201070693089, Stand 150, Juno, 0748, 2013-06-14. Tumelo Chuene Magwai, Espag Magwai Attorneys, 26 Jorissen Street, Polokwane, 0700. 24956/2014—Brown, Anna Sophia, 1949-12-17, 4912170012084, 25 Vorster Street, Makhado (Louis Trichardt), 0920, 2009-04-12. Chanel Brown, 25 Vorster Street, Makhado (Louis Trichardt), 0920. 27098/2014—Maphutha, Avhapfani, 17 Mei 1976, 7605175587087, Princestraat 46 Ivy Park, Polokwane, Limpopo, 14 Augustus 2014. Ina Eksteen, p/a M Wentzel Prokureurs, Posbus 1088, Groblersdal, 0470. 30 dae.

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23992/2014—Scholtz, Willem Frederick, 1968-11-06, 6811065051082, Rabestraat 211, Mokopane, 0600, 2014-03-26. AJ Coetzer, 19 Van Riebeeck Road, Mokopane, 0600. 23448/2014—Pakgadi, Lesiba Daniel, 1942-12-04, 4212045340087, 1157 Zone B, Mahwelereng, Mokopan, Limpopo, 2014-05-01. Marius Bernardus Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 23151/2014—Venter, Elsie Maria, 1939-01-16, 3901160079089, Coraalbasis, Unit 8, Die Koraal Een, Polokwane, 2013-06-01. Marius Bernardus Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 24032/2014—Scheepers, Frederick Johannes Jacobus, 1940-07-21, 4007215017089, Piet Potgieter Monument Huis, Mokopane, 2014-04-29. Marius Bernardus Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 23589/2014—O’Donovan, Herbert Richard, 1942-05-12, 4205125061086, 16 Siesta Bham Street, Bela Bela, 2014-05-13. Marius Bernardus Calitz, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 022255/2014—Selota, Lesiba Hendrick Selota, 5908195271084, No. 59A/010305 Hans Village, Mapela, 30-06-2014; Mina Lesebo Selota. Madlanato Attorneys, PO Box 1742, Mokopane, 0600.


021724/2014—Human, Johannes Jurie Petrus, 14-02-1931, 3102145009081, Vierdelaan 12, Prieska, 8940, 10-09-2014. AT van Heerden, Van Riebeecklaan 9, Posbus 73, Prieska, 8940. 020637/2014—Poss, Joseph, 28-06-1956, 5606285157086, Makolanestraat 20, Greenpoint, Kimberley, 24-06-2014; Dipuo Gladys Poss, 6004190716080. Frankel Engelbrecht, p/a Engelsman, Magabane Ing., Du Toitspanweg 80, Kimberley. 30 dae. 021724/2014—Human, Johannes Jurie Petrus, 14-02-1931, 3102145009081, Vierdelaan 12, Prieska, 8940, 10-09-2014. AT van Heerden, Van Riebeecklaan 9, Posbus 73, Prieska, 8940. 515/2014—Daniels, Beatrice Sabina, 30-12-1927, 2712300049085, 2 Ash Road, Florianville, Kimberley, 8301, 13-10-2009. Hugo Mathewson & Oosthuizen Inc., 3A Bean Street, Kimberley, 8301. 1956/2012—Van den Heerver, Petrus, 01-11-1930, 3011015038080, Skietbaanstraat 1477, Concordia, 8271, 20 Junie 2011. Bouwer & Kie/Co., Posbus 693, Springbok. 2803/11—Diergaardt, Joseph Jacobus, 23-09-1977, 7709235194080, Oudastraat 1751, Concordia, 8271, 19 Mei 2011. Bouwer & Kie/Co., Posbus 693, Springbok, 8240. 21727/2014—De Jongh, Frederik Christiaan, 1944-09-17, 4409175108082, 27 Lang Street, Warrenton, 2014-06-15; Jacomina Hendrina Christina de Jongh, 1946-08-15, 4608150073084. Slinda Bode, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 21764/2014—Steyn, Susara Hendrina, 14 September 1929, 2909140015082, Woonstelnommer 40, Stillerweë, Dennisstraat, Hadison Park, Kimberley, 8301, 15 Oktober 2014; Theunis Lodewyk Steyn, 12 Junie 1921, 2106125011083. CM de Bruyn & Vennote, 1ste Vloer, Quinn Huis, Villiersstraat 20-22, Kimberley, 8301. 21764/2014—Steyn, Susara Hendrina, 14 September 1929, 2909140015082, Woonstelnommer 40, Stillerweë, Dennisstraat, Hadison Park, Kimberley, 8301, 15 Oktober 2014; Theunis Lodewyk Steyn, 12 Junie 1921, 2106125011083. CM de Bruyn & Vennote, 1ste Vloer, Quinn Huis, Villiersstraat 20-22, Kimberley, 8301. 021484/2014—Groenewald, Jacob Johannes, 1947-02-28, 4702285053085, Southridge Heights 1, Bedommestraat 34, Kimberley, 8301; Hester Elizabeth Gertruida Groenewald, 1953-05-21, 5305210083083. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 21826/2014—Van den Heever, Evangeline, 10-03-1956, 5603100195086, Hibiscusstraat 55, Okiep, 8270, 25-08-2014; Van den Heever, 19-09-1953, 5309195020086. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 021815/2014—Van Eeden, Susanna Helena Maria, 05-02-1932, 3202050050086, Conradstraat 28, Albertynshof, Kimberley, 8300, 17-08-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 0206052014—Prestes, Carlos Gouveia, 1945-11-20, 4511205146089, Van Riebeeckstraat 23, Springbok, 8240, 2010-10-12. Christiaan Dippenaar, Posbus 120, Springbok, 8240. 30 days. 0210472014—Van Niekerk, Hermanus Albertus Rossouw, 1925-06-08, 2506085007080, Bergstraat 14, Springbok, 2014-07-06. Christiaan Dippenaar, Posbus 120, Springbok, 8240. 30 days. 20945/2014—Fourie, Hendrina Johanna, 05-12-1940, 4012050014084, Casper Venterstraat 14, Postmasburg, 8420, 29-06-2014. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300. 021473/2014—Rens, Martha Louisa, 20-12-1922, 2212200042082, Mimosahof Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Kuruman, 15-08-2014. Nicolaas Jacobus Bosman Rens, Posbus 193, Kuruman, 8460. 021894/2014—Louw, Willem Jacobus Nicolaas, 25-12-1931, 3112255018087, plaas Loog Kolkjes, Kenardt, 8900, 07-09-2014. Mnr WS Botha, p/a S-Bro/Finansiële Adviseurs, Posbus 2689, Bethlehem, 9700. 021528/2014—Nel, Elias Albertus, 8 Julie 1945, 4507085072080, Rietfontein, Posbus 125, Calvinia, 8190, 21 Augustus 2014. Hester Helena Nel, Rietfontein, Posbus 125, Calvinia, 8190. 30 dae. 020392/2014—Elizabeth Ellen Jarvis, 2812060013089, Plaas Ellendale, Postmasburg, 21 Januarie 2014. Mnr William James Jarvis, Maranatalaan 3, Jennhaven, Postmasburg, 8420. 30 dae.

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021488/201—O’Brien, Henry Joseph, 1934-03-16, 3403165025084, Room 11, Angelier, Acacia Park, Kimberley Retirement Home, 2014-01-26. Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X11, Suite 22, Brandhof, 9324. 30 days. 021701/2014—Van Zyl, Johannes Albertus Jacobus van Zyl, 03-11-1937, 3711035028082, Cillierstraat No. 5, Marydale, 05-06-2014. Lange Carr & Wessels Ingelyf, Posbus 6, Upington. 26194/2014—Nel, Maria Elizabeth, 09-02-1948, 4802090069084, Postmastraat 8, Postmasburg, 21-08-2014. HJC du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, Derdestraat 6, Bloemfontein, 9300.


Erasmus, Frederick Jacobus, 1941-06-20, 4106205012082, Portion 35, Brakspruit, Swartruggens, Rustenburg, 2835, 2014-08-23; Maria Dorothea Magdalena Erasmus, 1943-01-13, 4301130028085. Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 30 days. 021815/2014—Du Toit, Louisa Dorothea, 23 May 1959, 5905230035086, Witstinkhoutlaan 2, Proteapark, Rustenburg, 11 Junie 2014. Monique du Toit, Witstinkhoutlaan 2, Proteapark. Moloto-Weiss Inc., 230 Joubert Street, Rustenburg. 021398/2014—Cloete, Gideon Nico, 1944-01-26, 4401265022083, De Wahlrylaan 33, Vryburg, Noordwes, 2014-04-12; Anna Dorothea Sophia Cloete, 1965-12-29, 6512290150083. Lorinda Kriel, Bus 244, Gemsbokweg 33, Vryburg, Noordwes, 8600. 022922/201—Engelenberg, Theo Leon, 1934-01-31, 3401315066081, 214B Lyeds Street, Bo-Dorp, Rustenburg, 2014-05-07. Deborah Lee Byrne, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 23358/14—Steyn, Josef Daniel, 14 February 1953, 5302145003088, Plot 67, Shylock, Rustenburg, 0299, 18 May 2014; Anna Elsabe Steyn, 27 August 1952, 5208270019080. Jan Abraham Coetsee, 161A Kloppers Street, Rustenburg, 0299. 1710/2012—Beukes, Johannes Andries, 1936-12-22, 3612225065084, Good Hope Retirement Village, Franklin Avenue 8, Safari Gardens, Rustenburg, 2011-11-11; Dina Christina Beukes, 1943-11-25, 4311250074082 (North West).—Volker Helmut Johannes Krüger, Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, 67 Brink Street, Rustenburg, 0299. 30 days. 11381/2013—Lefakane, Mokone Maria, 28 Augustus 1918, 1808280121083, Kolobestraat 2241, Ikageng, Potchefstroom, 5 Julie 2009. Kok & Van Staden, Posbus 2546, Potchefstroom, 2520. 024118/2014—Mosweu, Ntwampe Elias, 7007205404088, House No. 20134, Dikweipi new stand and House No. 9746, Paardekraal Extension 03, Dinokwe Street, Rustenburg, North West Province, 20 July 2014. Katlego Ivan Sepeng, Office No. 12, Marlite Building, corner Warren and Shippard Street, Mahikeng, 2745. 4325/2012—Leshage, Olebogeng Alfred, 8112115427085, 2151 Ext 2 Boihutso Location, Lichtenburg, 30 May 2012. Christiaan Jacobus Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. 024187/2014—Thontsi, Nomonde Priscillah, 6212252086082, 5374 Thepe Street, Unit 13, Mmabatho, 9 September 2014. Christiaan Jacobus Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. 023735/2014—Oosthuizen, Daniel Jacobus, 1928-03-01, 2803015019081, Huis Eikelaan, Potchefstroom, 2014-09-12; Anna Jacoba Oosthuizen, 1930-11-14, 3011140010087. Adv. H. Lamprecht, Posbus 1725, Potchefstroom, 2520. 23271/2014—Smit, Engela Serlina Petronella Elizabeth Susanna, 02-05-1924, 2405020004080, Edith Smith Te Huis, Christiana, 13-07-2014. Van Biljon Prokureur, Posbus 317, Markstraat 70, Bloemhof, 2660. 30 dae. Nieuwoudt, Gert Hermias, 06-10-1929, 2910065010082, Janettesingel 2, Flamwood Landgoed, Klerksdorp, 2571, 10-09-2014; Marthina Hester Nieuwoudt, 14-06-1933, 3306140008085. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. Mogoiwa, Eva Kegaisamang, 22-02-1965, 6502220836083, 42 Warran Road, Vryburg, 8601, 23-11-2011; Oagile Jeremiah Mogoiwa, 05-12-1965, 6512055975088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001. 1936/2014—Barnard, Hendrik Frederik Johannes, 1961-11-23, 6111235004081, plaas Mooivallei, distrik Potchefstroom, 2014-01-08; Johanna Susanna Barnard, 1967-12-18, 6712180122081. Saambou Eksekuteurskamer, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie. 30 days. 22279/2014—Hattingh, Beryl Maude, 1932-02-23, 3202230021080, Huis vir Bejaardes, Kokstraat 58, Wolmaranstad, 2630, 2014-02-15. Cordiers Attorneys, 53B Barnes Street, Bloemfontein. 24201/2014—Maritz, Susanna Maria, 13 Julie 1946, 4607130093089, Irisstraat 28, Hartbeesfontein, 1 Oktober 2014. CP Vermaas & Cronje Prokureurs, Van Niekerkstraat 7, Hartbeesfontein, 2600. 024274/2014—Fourie, Stephanus Petrus, 2 Februarie 1936, 3602025003088, plaas Soetdoring, distrik Vryburg, 11 Oktober 2014. Kotzé Low & Swanepoel, Posbus 123, Vryburg. 22309/2014—Zamile Wilson Oompie, 5710155784084, married, 139 Extension 6, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 20 August 2006. Waks Silent Inc., Attorneys for Executor, 1st Floor, WS Chambers, 17 North Street, PO Box 1861, Klerksdorp, 2570. 30 days. 22309/2014—Zamile Wilson Oompie, 5710155784084, married, 139 Extension 6, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 20 August 2006. Waks Silent Inc., Attorneys for Executor, 1st Floor, WS Chambers, 17 North Street, PO Box 1861, Klerksdorp, 2570. 30 days.

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22314/2014—Sizakele Sarah Oompie, ID No. 5911130814083, 139 Ext 6, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 10 April 2014. Waks Silent Inc., Attorneys for Executor, 1st Floor, WS Chambers, 17 North Street, PO Box 1861, Klerksdorp, 2570. 30 days. 10502/2013—Maropefela, Batho Benjamin, 44010455270881, 10402 Bokone Village, Mafikeng, 2 September 2013. Christiaan Jacobus Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. 023010/2014—Korff, Willem Louwrens, 1938-05-29, 3805295019086, Popelaan 5, Orkney, 2619, 2014-07-20. Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 1983/2005—Motsumi, Clifford Momphuti, 1968-03-26, 6803265073081, Erf 7703, Mmabatho, Unit 15, Registration Division JO, North West Province, held by T2119/2000, 23 August 2005. Bontle Beauty Motsumi, Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng. 023146/2014—Ramokoka, Diratsagae Joel, 1945-05-03, 4505035515083, 194 Thabeng Section, Ramokoka Stad, 0195, 21 July 2014. Bobedi Ziphora Ramokoka, Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng. 024010/2014—Kgabi, Thapelo Obed, 1960-11-19, 6011195867081, 3497 Unit 10, Mmabatho, 2735, 2014-09-26; Yvonne Rebaone Kgabi, 1971-11-18, 7111180721084. Rebaone Yvonne Kgabi, 21 Main Road, Noordhoek Building, Mafikeng. 30 days. 021069/2014—Nachane, Mokgweetsi Driver, 1961-08-30, 6108305750080, 70 Reitz Street, Rustenburg North, Rustenburg, 15th January 2014; Osenotse Lettie Nachane, 1967-03-10, 6703101081084. SC Mosito Attorneys, PO Box 2426, Rustenburg, 0300. 021069/2014—Nachane, Mokgweetsi Driver, 1961-08-30, 6108305750080, 70 Reitz Street, Rustenburg North, Rustenburg, 15th January 2014; Osenotse Lettie Nachane, 1967-03-10, 6703101081084. SC Mosito Attorneys, PO Box 2426, Rustenburg, 0300.


3239/2014—Grobler, Dennis Edward, 1952/06/17, 5206175078086, Cambridgestraat 168, Vasco. Heyns & Vennote Ing, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood. 5247/2011—Kruger, Nicholas, 03/12/1959, 5912035201087, Primrosesingel 22, Louwville, Vredenburg, 7380, 19/03/2011; Aletta Kruger, 11/12/1957, 5712110156085. Schoeman & Hamman Ingelyf, Posbus 710, Vredenburg, 7380. 27178/2014—Nqolobe, Lorraine, 1959/03/10, 5903100895085, 4 Ithekwana Road, Tembokwezi, Khayelitsha, 7784, 2014/04/10. Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 470 on Strand, Strand Street. 027638/2014—Karsten, Johannes Hermanus Magdalis, 22 Junie 1940, 4006225065088, Joubertstraat 132, Strand, 17 Augustus 2014. J H van Zyl Eksekuteur, Miller Bosman Le Roux, Parc Du Links, Niblickweg 9, Somerset-Wes. 028623/2014—Van Ster, Susan Ellen, 1928-10-09, 2810090231085, No. 22 Kleinbegin Flat, Kuils River, 2014-08-29. Roderick van Ster, No. 7 Karen Street, Gaylee, Blackheath. 29601/2014—Warwick, Dennis, 1930-10-11, 3010115034080, 80 Longships Drive, Plettenberg Bay, 6600, 2014-09-24; Sylvia Joyce Warwick, 1934-11-26, 3411260040080. Ursula M Claassen, FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 28496/2014—Francis, Dudley Leonard Albert, 1946-05-20, 4605025071087, 1st Davids Road, Claremont, 7708, 2014-05-26. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 026347/2014—Mathys Wilhelm Christiaan Beeslaar, 4011115044086, Blouboslaan 4, Denneoord, George, 18 Julie 2014. WS van der Merwe/Andre Kleynhans Inc, Simonslaan 15, George, 6529. 30 dae. 26509/2014—Serfontein, Christian Jacobus, 08/04/1974, 7404085034087, 8 Creon Close, Uitzicht, Kraaifontein, 7570, 2014/07/25. Louw & Coetzee Trust (Pty) Ltd, 35 Main Road, Durbanville, 7550. 26509/2014—Serfontein, Christian Jacobus, 08/04/1974, 7404085034087, 8 Creon Close, Uitzicht, Kraaifontein, 7570, 2014/07/25. Louw & Coetzee Trust (Pty) Ltd, 35 Main Road, Durbanville, 7550. 27178/2014—Nqolobe, Lorraine, 1959/03/10, 5903100895085, 4 Ithekwana Road, Tembokwezi, Khayelitsha, 7784, 2014/04/10. Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 470 on Strand, Strand Street. 029191/2014—Shunmugan, Mathew, 26-07-1972, 7207265177083, 35 Waterlilly Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain, 15-09-0214; Leylanie Ynita Shunmugan, 26-05-1973, 7305260025081. Mbalo & Partners, 47 Strand Street, 7th Floor, Suite 712, Cape Town. 25050/2014—Ndiki, Jane Spitsi, 1922/05/05, 2205050174088, NY44 No. 24, Gugulethu, 2014/05/08; widow. Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street. 29584/2014—September, Robert Esau, 1962-07-19, 6207195227082, 3 Schilder Street, Oudtshoorn, 2014-09-11; Cynthia September, 1964-04-24, 6404240154086. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 544, George, 6530. 29621/2014—Kent, Lindsay Raymond, 1958-09-03, 5809035118081, Portion 23 a portion of Portion 5, Rondavlei Heights, George, 2014-10-05; Avril Cecilia Kent, 1949-04-01, 4904010497187. FNB Trust services, PO Box 544, George, 6530. 028140/2014—Martin Andre Du Toit, 4001255075081, Esseboomlaan 9, Kleinmond, 30 Junie 2014. Wilna Roux Prokureurs, Baringstraat 27, Worcester, 6850. 30 dae.

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028623/2014—Van Ster, Susan Ellen, 1928-10-09, 2810090231085, No. 22 Kleinbegin Flat, Kuils River, 2014-08-29. Roderick van Ster, No. 7 Karen Street, Gaylee, Blackheath. 25700/2014—Hartzenberg, Andrew James Daniel, 1926-08-24, 2608245168081, E1, No. 7, Sopraan Street, Macasser, 7130, 2009-10-19. Wybrand Albert Barnard, W A Barnard & Associates, 20 Conradie Street, Strand, 7140. 27976/2014—Birkenbach, Ursula Christine, 1950-03-01, 5003010739182, 42 San Bernardo, De Lorentz Str, Tamboerskloof, 8001, 2014-08-28. J K W Crowhurst, 11th Floor, Triangle Hse, 22 Riebeek Street, Cape Town, 8001. 27677/2014—Salman, Thoba Johnson, 10 September 1953, 5309105860084, 59 Vietnam Drive, Vietnam Philippi, Cape Town, 15 August 2012/ Noluthando Lorraine Mahote, 22 Auric Street, Delft. 21285/2014—Ricketts, Desmond, 1941-07-23, 4107235053088, 3 Willco Park, Gardener Street, Vredekloof, Cape Town, 2013-11-25. FJ Ricketts, 9 Glenluce Crescent, Edgemead, 7441. 30 days. 25491/2014—Werth, Maria Elizabeth, 1929-07-01, 2907010093080, Impalastraat 16, Rocklands, Mitchells Plein, 7798, 2013-07-06, weduwee. Legatus Trust, Cascades I, Tygerwaterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530; PO Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7535. 29711/2014—Heunis, Jan Christiaan, 15 September 1937, 3709155041083, 202 Santos Haven, Mossel Bay, 27 September 2014. Kotze Attorneys, PO Box 934, Little Brak River. 23639/2014—Burgess, William John, 1935-08-12, 3508125013184, 213 Riverside Place, Diep River, Cape Town, 2014-05-27. Jonathan Phillip Burgess, 2 Cranko Avenue, Kirstenhof, 7945. 7342/2012—Japhta, Samuel, 14 Maart 1952, 5203145136086, 41 Oklahoma Street, Macassar, Somerset West, 7130, 8 April 2011. Saunders Venter van der Watt, P.O. Box 569, Somerset West, 7129. 23809/2014—Von Willing, Cyprian, 03-07-1973, 7307035121088, Saliestraat 5, Uitsig, Ravensmead, 01-05-2014; Charmaine Petronella von Willing, 19-04-1971, 7104190181084. Botha Pretorius (agents namens Eksekuteur), Botha Pretorius & Andrews Ingelyf, Gert Kotzestraat 4, Brackenfell. 21105/2014—De Clercq, Hein Emil, 1960-10-01, 6010015025086, No. 12, Bergsig Woonstelle, Da Nova, Mosselbaai, 2013-01-14. Dr T C Botha Ing., 16 Jan van Riebeeck Street, Ermelo, 2351. 28028/2014—Wentzel (Richards), Christina Wilhelmina, 11-03-1950, 5003110704086, Blandstraat 30, Mosselbaai, 19-04-2014. Lizel Conradie, p/a Van Niekerk Conradie Prokureurs, Van Niekerk Conradie Prokureurs, Posbus 342, Mosselbaai, 6500. 27351/2014—Visser, Maryna Susanna Botha, 1922-02-12, 2202120036082, Rusoord Tehuis, Devinestraat, Paarl, 2014-07-08. Leon Martin, Posbus 348, Paarl, 7620. 14309/2012—Hayder, Gameeda, 1961-11-24, 6111240120088, 54 Athburg Walk, Hanover Park, 2011-11-14; Isgak Hayder, 1960-07-20, 6007205016081. Isgak Hayder, 54 Athburg Walk, Hanover Park. 3500/2014—Kriek, Maria Johanna, 1954-10-12, 5410120089087, Eloradostraat 1, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 2013-12-02. DJR Schutte, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. 1286/2014—Dagmar Wendy Hughes, 8 September 1930, Formosa Garden Village, Plettenberg Bay, 6600, 2 December 2013, widow. GPS de Villiers, PO Box 2015, Plettenberg Bay, 6600. 30 days. 028012/2014—Stevens, Michael John, 29 August 1937, 3708295008184, 242 Villa Cortona, Durbanville, Cape Town, 7550, 11 July 2014. Alastair James Mackie: Executor, c/o J A Day Attorney, 33 Soetvlei Avenue, Constantia, 7806. 028046/2014—Tannenbaum, Ivan, 1934-10-08, 3410085061081, 903 Horizons, Three Anchor Bay Rd, Thee Anchor Bay, 2014-08-15. Lucas Steyn, c/o Vorster & Steyn Attorneys, 16 Mitchells Street, Hermanus, 7210. 27466/2014—Brown, Isobel Jean, 1912-04-12, 1204120013088, 20 Brown & Annie Lawrence Home, 7 Broadwalk Road, Pinelands, 7405, 2014-07-15. Linda Bode, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 11429/2012—Samboer, Anne, 21 June 1924, 2406210175086, 80 Musica Avenue, Macassar, 19 July 2012; Mintoor Samboer, 18 July 1936, 3607185343083. Andre Bester Attorneys, PO Box 55, Parow. 029196/2014—Carstens, Matthys Louis, 7 July 1948, 4807075015085, 20 Companje Street, Somerset West, 10 September 2014. Jacobus Christiaan Kruger, c/o Morkel & De Villiers Inc., PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129. 026356/201—Kohlberg, Alice Mary, 1923-10-25, 23102500044089, Erf 7798, Valley Road, Hout Bay, 7806, 2014-07-20. Dale Kohlberg, c/o Moore Stephens, PO Box 1955, Cape Town, 8000. 13744/2012—Van Staden, Jan, 18 Augustus 1955, 5508185258081, Juliet Jonesstraat 4, Restvale, Nelspoort, 6973, 16 September 2012. Mitchell Andreas Crawfords, Beaufort-Wes. 14947/2013—Mohamed, Mogamed Shakier, 1 November 1957, 5711015173088, 74 Ottery Road, Wynberg, 7800, 27 May 2013. De Klerk & Van Gend Inc., PO Box 23844, Claremont, 7735. 027800/2014—Rand, Pamela Esme Mildred, 19 January 19298, 2801190025089, 5 Constantia Place, Southern Cross Drive, Constantia, 7806. Schnetlers Inc., Suite 205, Foyer 3, Colosseum, Century Boulevard, Century City, 77441. 23509/2014—Taljaard, Ernest John, 1918/10/26, 1810265066085, 2 Central Circle, Fish Hoek, Cape Town, 2014/05/25. Felicie Tillemans, PO Box 319, Somerset West, 7129. 28439/2014—Basson, Robert, 1924/08/14, 2408145125087, D6 Panorama Palms, Panorama, Cape Town, 2014/08/19. Christopher Murphy, Legacy FS, PO Box 23685, Claremont, 7735. 28440/2014—Black, Maureen, 1929/05/22, 2905220020083, Frail Care Woodside, Rondebosch, 2014/08/09. Christopher Murphy, Legacy FS, PO Box 23685, Claremont, 7735. 25643/2014—Tipps, Clifford, 19/9/1946, 4609195039080, Pieter Wiumstraat 19, Paarl, 7646, 21/6/2014. Faure & Faure Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227 (Posbus 20), Paarl, 7620. 7137/2013—Langeveldt, Maria Susanna, 29 Julie 1936, 3607290296085, Klipbokstraat 2, Scottsdene, Kraaifontein, 20 Maart 2001; Willem Langeveldt, 28 Maart 1936, 3603285104087. Roelien Roodt Inc., PO Box 1579, Brackenfell, 7561.

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3522/2014—Pretorius, Jacoba, 10/04/1935, 3504100078086, Schilderstraat 5, Bridgton, Oudtshoorn, 6625, 16/11/2011; Nico Stephanus Pretorius, 14/07/1942, 4207145121080. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045. 24053/2014—Rumbelow, Mary Eleanor, 30/09/1947, 4709300307180, 20 De Mist Street, Swellendam, 6740, 6 June 2014. Craig Schneider, 3 De Lorentz Street, Gardens, 8001. 25432/2014—Morkel, Dawn Patricia, 1959/06/21, 5906210064088, 79 Baviaanskloof Street, Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain, 7785, 2013/08/18. Sentinel International Trust Company, 6th Floor, Mariendahl House, Newlands on Main, Newlands, 7700. 30 days. 027675/2014—Rudman, George Theunissen, 23 April 1931, 3104235019087, Rosenhof Woonstelle 13, Koninginstraat, Ladismith, 6655, 10 Julie 2014. Barry & Mouton, Posbus 15, Calitzdorp, 6660. 24053/2014—Rumbelow, Mary Eleanor, 30/09/1947, 4709300307180, 20 De Mist Street, Swellendam, 6740, 6 June 2014. Craig Schneider, 3 De Lorentz Street, Gardens, 8001. 27735/2014—Kriel, Susanna Maria, 1925/05/04, 2505040002087, St Tropez 510, Kusweg, Strand, 2014/08/08. Anna Kotze Consult, PO Box 946, Stellenbosch, 7599. 30 dae. 3059/2014—Cloete, Anna Aletta Dorathea, 23/09/1937, 3709230042080, 6 Walleye Street, Soneike,, Kuilsriver, 7580, 22/11/2013; Christie Hermanus Cloete, 03/12/1943, 4312035059083. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029452/2014—Gideons, Ernest Elias, 28/05/1938, 3805285016084, Du Plessisstraat 4, Kuilsrivier, 7580, 08/07/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 26772/2014—Carolus, Cathrina Cornelia, 17/06/1950, 5006170140083, 19 Pioneer Road, Lansdowne, Cape Town, 7780, 01/06/2010; Adam Christiaan Carolus, 02/05/1948, 4805025136084. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 22587/2014—Losch, Beryl Maud, 07/12/1925, 2512070003084, Room C3–35, Panorama Palms, Panorama, 7500, 28/03/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 12111/2013—Marwick, Patricia Wilhelmina, 1951/08/28, 5108280098084, 85 Chester Road, Woodstock, 19 June 2013. De Waal Inc., 44 Oxford Street, PO Box 3934, Durbanville, 7551. 025976/2014—Adriaanse, Rosaline Florence, 1941/08/12, 4108120057085, 10 Gibson Avenue, Athlone, Western Cape, 7764, 2014/06/01; Norman David Carl Adriaanse, 1937/06/30, 3706305064080. Norman David Carl Adriaanse, 10 Gibson Avenue, Athlone, Cape, 7764. 26029/2014—Petersen, Cassiem, 20 March 1943, 4303205103082, 89 Nerine Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plainn, 7785, 13 July 2014; Fouzia Petesen 1 March 1948, 4803010176082. C de Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785. 28342/2014—Abelse, Rosy Johanna, 1929/03/09, 2903090074082, Sedertstraat 3, Kuilsrivier, 2014/06/09. Marais Muller Yekiso, Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier. 025572/2014—De Klerk, Chrisjan, 20 June 1939, 3906205057081, married, 30 Oakdale Street, Voorbrug, Delft, Cape Town, 8 June 2013. Vanderspuy Cape Town, 4th Floor, 14 Long Street, Cape Town. 30 days. 027712/2014—De Jager, Caroline, 1933/01/09, 3301090061085, 29A Goliath Street, Kensington, Western Cape, 7405, 2014/08/02. Bradley John De Jager, 29A Goliath Street, Kensington, Cape, 7405. 26099/2014—Wolfsohn, Rene, 1918-03-17, 1803170032086, “EL Dejo” 13 Brommaert Avenue, Constantia, 7806, Western Cape, 2014-07-02. Freegro Financial Mgmt, P.O. Box 221, Cape Town, 8000. 17859/2010—Witbooi, Eleanore Loretta, 1963-07-25, 6307255853080, Kingsburylaan 21, Highbury, 7580, 2009-01-23; Eleanore Loretta Witbooi, 1965-03-22, 6503220164088. Marina Clift Prokureur, Posbus 295, Paarl, 7620. 29373/2014—Hazel Joyce Lotter, 2503250024081, 23 Hunter Estate Retirement Centre, Marlin Drive, Knysna, 27 Augustus 2014. (Get) E Loots, Oosthuizen Du Plooy, Owenslaan 13, Potchefstroom, 2531; Posbus 20 / Docex 18, Potchefstroom. 30 dae. 29373/2014—Hazel Joyce Lotter, 2503250024081, 23 Hunter Estate Retirement Centre, Marlin Drive, Knysna, 27 Augustus 2014. (Get) E Loots, Oosthuizen Du Plooy, Owenslaan 13, Potchefstroom, 2531; Posbus 20 / Docex 18, Potchefstroom. 30 dae. 20555/2014—Watson, Pieter Meiring, 1963-10-21, 6310215105088, 9 Kilmore, Bailey View, Dalkey Dublin, Ireland, 2014-03-20. Jacobus Cornelius Watson, Postnet Suite 644, Private Bag X10, Elarduspark, 0047. 606/2003—Sallie, Abdul Ajies, 10 July 1935, 3507105083084, 42 Viola Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain, 7785, 20 September 2002; 10 July 1937, 3507105083084. C de Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785. 026839/2014—Chetty, Wendy Deidre, 26 August 1969, 6908260504087, 14 Rosendal, Rondebosch, 7700, 29 August 2012. K.B. Gangen & Co., Church Square House, 2nd Floor, 5 Spin Street, Cape Town, 8001. 29373/2014—Hazel Joyce Lotter, 2503250024081, 23 Hunter Estate Retirement Centre, Marlin Drive, Knysna, 27 Augustus 2014. (Get) E Loots, Oosthuizen Du Plooy, Owenslaan 13, Potchefstroom, 2531; Posbus 20 / Docex 18, Potchefstroom. 30 dae. 29373/2014—Hazel Joyce Lotter, 2503250024081, 23 Hunter Estate Retirement Centre, Marlin Drive, Knysna, 27 Augustus 2014. (Get) E Loots, Oosthuizen Du Plooy, Owenslaan 13, Potchefstroom, 2531; Posbus 20 / Docex 18, Potchefstroom. 30 dae. 21586/2014—Moletsana, Ponki Patricia, 1943-03-03, 4303030485084, E1549 Sihlanu Avenue, Zwelitsha Drive, Nyanga Street, 2014-04-13. Godla and Partners Inc. Attorneys, Waalburg Building, 2nd Floor, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8000. 027946/2014—Smit, Dirk Jakobus, 1939/05/15, 3905155065086, Panorama Palms, Panorama. Heyns & Vennote Ing., Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.

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28324/14—Myburgh, Pieter Gerhardus, 18/05/61, 6105185070084, Spruitstraat 15, George, 26/08/14. Johan Sloet en Burger Prokureurs, Langenhovenstraat 31, George. 028591/2014—Abduraghman, Joolay, 23 May 1936, 3605235072082, 23 Gideon Road, Newfields, 12 February 2012. Bawa Abrahams & Associates, 16B Civic Road, Lansdowne, 7779. 5137/2012—Nel, Anna Maria Nel, 1914-09-26, 1409260045085, Condestraat 35, Stellenbosch, 7600, 2002-04-08; Adriaan Hermanus Louw Nel, 1924-07-16, 2407165025086. Claudius Claassen, Posbus 936, Stellenbosch, 7599. 028591/2014—Abduraghman, Joolay, 23 May 1936, 3605235072082, 23 Gideon Road, Newfields, 12 February 2012. Bawa Abrahams & Associates, 16B Civic Road, Lansdowne, 7779. 20728/14—Valley, Moosa, 1968/01/28, 6801285132085, 11 Ryan Street, Parow, 7500, 1 March 2014. Nadia Mouton, Office 2, 4th Floor, 63 Hout Street, Cape Town, 8000. 26668/2014—Du Plessis, Margaretha Wilhelmina Hendrika, 1929-11-01, 2911010050082, 9 Loeloeraai Street, Kuils River, 7580, 2014-07-24. L C V Beyleveld, P.O. Box 444, Soneike, 7583. 14983/2013—Przybylska, Elizabeth Ann, 1923-11-22, 2311220047087, 4A Lionel Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 8000, 2013-10-05. PJ Blankenberg, Tannery Park, 21 Belmont Road, Ronderbosch, Cape Town, 8000. 028202/2014—Van Breda, Mara Elizabeth, 08/10/1938, 3810080110082, Huis Mostert Hoek, Wolseley, 6830, 02/05/2014; Johannes van Breda, 28/06/1935, 3506285076082. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 028893/2014—Van Zyl, Willem Andries, 2 Oktober 1920, 2010025033082, Herfsvreugde Ouetehuis, Van Zylstraat 29, Bonnievale, 6730, 13 September 2014. TJ Boshoff, Posbus 207, Villiersdorp, 6848. 28195/2014—Willemse, Douw Gerbrand, 28 March 1935, 3503285017083, 9 Van Eck Street, Van der Stel, 27 August 2014; Susarah Willemse, 8 July 1941, 4107080012080. Rowany Pullen, PO Box 85, Strand, 1739. 27010/2014—Gideon Hendrik Jacobus, 39/05/16, 3905165048080, No. 52 Victoria Street, Goodwood, 29 July 2014. Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, No. 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 21981/2014—Robbertse, Pieter Paul, 1930-03-31, 3003315019084, Unit C19, Welverdiend Retirement Village, 1 De Oewer Street, Oak Glen, 2014-04-21. Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 024555/2014—Davis, Heather Pentz, 07/09/1933, 3309070045085, G11 Anchusa Court, 7 Wren Way, Meadowridge, 26/03/2014. Neil Bartan Attorneys, 10 Ebenezer Road, Wynberg. 30 days. 29736/2014—Jonas, Esmirelda, 08/03/1935, 3503080031081, 65 Hofmeyerstr, Parow Vallei, 7500, 24/06/2014; Michael Johannes Jonas, 27/10/1929, 2910275042081. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 29225/2014—Gruber, Elli, 08-07-1920, 2007080023180, Retirement Centre, Uys Krige Street, Panorama, 17-09-2014. Sybrand Smit, Optimum Centre, 10 Main Road, Onrus River, 7201. 15274/2010—Malcolmson, Garth John, 1 June 1956, 5606015068082, Spanish Mat Cottage, Spaanschemat River Road, Constantia, 3 September 2010. Francois Medalie and Company, 2nd Floor Wearcheck House, 16 School Road, Pinetown, 3610. 029392/2014—Warwick Frederick Andrew, 5 May 1940, 4005055083088, 13 Hilton Road, Clovelly, 7975, 1 September 2014; Dawn Anita Warwick, 23 February 1941, 4102230065088. Neil Parker (Agent foor the Executor), c/o Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 26 1st Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975. 29238/2014—Hiscock, John, 24/09/1929, 2809245026085, 43 Robyn Road, Langeberg Ridge, Cape Town, 7550, 07/11/2011. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 29695/2014—Issel, Johannes Adriaan, 13/12/1939, 3912135081084, Van Huyssteenlaan 115, Worcester, 6850, 26/07/2014; Elaine Vivienne Issel, 21/10/1944, 4410210104086. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029093/2014—Southey, Arnoldus Johannes, 25/11/1955, 5511255163082, Arra Vineyards, Klapmuts, 7625, 14/07/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029056/2014—Gildenhuys, Leslie Bernard, 10/12/1935, 3512105059084, 45 Sheldon Square, Edgemead, Cape Town, 7441, 15/07/2014; Audrey Jean Gildenhuys, 16/09/1938, 3809160050085. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029105/2014—Gradwell, Maryan Johanna, 05/11/1926, 2611050033085, Longifoliastraat 35, Paradyskloof, Stellenbosch, 7600, 31/07/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029086/2014—Williams, Graham Isaac, 06/05/1959, 5905065127081, Bishopstoneweg 9, Ottery, 7800, 08/06/2014; Stenel Williams, 03/05/1960, 6005030088085. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 25296/2014—Oberholzer, Joseph Fourie, 24/03/1951, 5103245034084, Minnaarlaan 49, Redelinghuys, 8105, 19/05/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029091/2014—Kroon, Christina Petronella, 31-03-1956, 5603310039082, Texelstraat 45, Ryterswacht, 7460, 27/07/2014; Willem Johannes Kroon, 02/07/1962, 6207025123089. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 28927/2014—Hayes, Susara Carolina, 01/06/1949, 4906010053084, 109 Seven Oaks, Main Street, Newlands, 06/09/2014. Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, 40 Wellington Road, Durbanville, 7550. 026502/14—Slabbert, Jacoba Margaretha Visser, 1935/09/15, 3509150007083, Huis van Niekerk, Benadehof, 2014/07/27. Johannes Petrus Pretorius, 49 Reitz Street, Somerset West, 7140. 21 days. 29559/2014—Myburgh, Andries, 28 Desember 1936, 3612285002084, Koringspruitlaan 9, Hartenbos, distrik Mosselbaai, 13 September 2014. Raubenheimers Ing., Posbus 21, George, 6530. 029176/2014—Bredenkamp, Brenda, 1950-10-02, 5010020097089, 27 Tobruk Road, Plumstead, 7800, 2014-08-18. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 28952/2014—Bodenstein, Lizel, 1968-12-28, 6812280166085, 65 Sleigh Street, Langebaan, Western Cape, 2014-08-14; Andries Jacobus Laubser Bodenstein, 1948-03-08, 4803085075086. Walkers Inc, PO Box 254, Cape Town, 8000.

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027212/2014—Van der Berg, Stephanus, 1958-11-03, 5811035237085, Balfourstraat 33, Windsor Park, Kraaifontein, 7560, 2014-07-12; Johanna Alida van der Berg, 1963-12-01, 6312010056086. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 7468/2010—Barends, Dean, 1 January 1961, 6101015088081, 8 Magnolia Crescent, Soneike, Kuilsriver, 3 March 2010; Glynis Geraldine Barends, 22 March 1961, 6103220206086. Marjorie Bingham Attorneys, 23-54 Villa Italia, Ratanga Road, Century City, 7441. 6511/2013—Kotze, Maria Dorothea Margaretha Kotze, 4 Junie 1933, 3306040068080, Kogelpark Kliniek, Kleinmond, 8 April 2013. Deon Oliver, p/a Village Trustees, Posbus 869, Kuilsrivier, 7579. 28194/2014—Auckland, Hugh, 1939-04-04, 3904045101185, 17 Frogmore Road, Norfolk Park, Kirstenhof, 2014-08-12. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801. 029082/2014—Hartnick, Jerry, 1951-09-22, 5109225140080, 111 7th Avenue, Kensington, 7405, 2014-07-14; Pamela Ann Hartnick, 1956-10-18, 5610180159080. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 029363/2014—Hough, Alice Petronella Maria, 1934-01-13, 3401130031088, No. 412 Libertas Aftree-Oord, Wallacestraat, Goodwood, 7460, 2014-08-13. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 0290756/2014—Malherbe, Jacobus Petrus, 1945-01-27, 4501275101080, Nerinastraat 15, Wolseley, 6830, 2014-07-12. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 028443/2014—Dias, Thomas James, 1947-11-14, 4711145069082, 15 Rotterdam Street, Monte Vista, 7460, 2014-06-22. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 030017/2014—Wiese, Johannes Willem Stephanus, 1940-01-01, 4001015084084, Fulmarstraat 9, Vermont, 7201, 2014-08-28. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 26735/2014—Lane, Joan Nanette, 1925-04-28, 2504280071183, 30 Forest Glade, Tokai Road, Tokai, 7945, 2014-06-26. Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 029508/14—Lorenzen, Louise Henriette Adeline, 1924-12-13, 2412130068187, Fairmed Frailcare Centre, Van der Bijlstraat, Durbanville, 7550, 2014-08-22. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 262/2014—Lewis, Keith Arundel, 03-07-1924, 2407035036081, Huis Silverkruin, Fontein Street, Wellington, 7655, 08-12-2013. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029502/2014—Kroon, Hendrik Cornelis, 06-01-1928, 2801065070087, 65 Eerste Avenue, Kraaifontein, 7570, 12-07-2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. De Villiers, Renee Margot, 29-08-1942, 4208290005086, Manatokalaan 24, Kuilsrivier, 7580, 11-08-2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029707/2014—Williams, Charles Japie, 04-05-1964, 640504221087, 66 4th Street, Elsiesriver, 7493, 06-08-2014; Christina Williams, 15-12-1952, 5212150008080. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 029722—Nel, Marianne, 10-09-1944, 4409100029080, Unit 4156, Greenways, Beach Road, Strand, 7140, 08-08-2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 028306/2014—Victor, William James Stephens, 10-07-1941, 4107105002082, C22 Chrismar Villas, Jessiestraat 25, Bellville, 7530, 08-08-2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 29821/14—Koert, Colin George, 1949-06-09, 4906095094086, Swaardleliestraat 31, Levalia, George, 6529, 2014-08-29; Vivian Cecelia Koert, 1957-01-04, 5701040086082. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 25884/2014—Von Hoesslin, Edward Robert Balthasar, 29/08/1924, 2408295013083, Unit 81, Oudewesthof Retirement Village, Bellville, 05/06/2014. Neil Barton Attorneys, 305 House Vincent, Wynberg Mews, 10 Ebenezer Road, Wynberg. 30 days. 28739/2014—Boll, Hans-Jurgen Ernst Werner Herbert, 10/07/1928, 2807105304188, La Vie Est Belle, Frail Care, Marimba Crescent, Sonstraal, Durbanville, 10/08/2014. FHBC Rekenmeesters, Posbus 899, Wellington, 7654. 28815/2014—Lisle, Royston Ambrose, 22/05/1959, 5905225115083, 12 Harbour Lights Lane, Atlantic Beach, Melkbosstrand, 31/07/2014. FHBC Rekenmeesters, Posbus 899, Wellington, 7654. 029025/2014—Nel, Freda Mitchell, 23-09-1923, 2309230097084, 40 Chavonne Street, Welgemoed, Cape Town, 7530, 7 September 2014. Paul Mitchell Nel, 9 Hauptville Circle, Constantia, Cape Town, 7806. 029450/2014—Kotze, Servaas, 12/02/1954, 5402125120082, 33 Chrismar Street, Bellville, 7530, 27/09/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 28656/2014—Mc Nicoll, Susanna Maria, 14 February 1926, 2602140110082, 14 Suikerbos Street, Durbanville, 7550, 2 September 2014. Alwyn Vermeulen, PO Box 2681, Durbanville, 7551. 23551/2014—Jordaan, Maria Magdalena, 02/05/1960, 6005020267087, 25 Winterhoek Street, Tafelsig, Mitchell’s Plain, 08/06/2012; subdeceased spouse: Solomon Peter Jordaan, 30/01/1960, 6101305082083. Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, No. 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 027115/14—Nomdee, Mark Bernard, 1956-11-20, 5611205133084, 17 Windsor Way, Northpine, Brackenfell, 7560, 2014-06-13; Althea Myrtle Nomdee, 1957-08-05, 5708050174088. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 29369/2014—Gombert, Arthur Alfred, 1928-03-26, 2803265009089, 326 Elft Street, Brenton on Lake, Knysna, 2014-07-30. Louis Nel, 15 Tide Street, Knysna, 6570. 027808/2014—Barnett, Myer Max, 1924-12-07, 2412075008081, Sea Point Place, Flat 535, 183 Beach Road, Three Anchor Bay, 14 August 2014. Shargey Inc Attorneys, Suite 11, 2nd Floor, 25 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood; PO Box 689, Goodwood, 7459. 25718/2014—Heckrath, James Ronald, 1928-07-04, 2807045063084, 3 Coral Close, Elsies Rivier, 9 April 2014. Van Eeden Berowski Inc Attorneys, Suite 201B, 2nd Floor, 25 Voortrekker Road, Goodwood; PO Box 170, Goodwood, 7459. 25792/2014—Van Louw, Singho, 1945-02-27, 4502270464085, 39 Glenhaven Avenue, Glenhaven, 2013-09-11. Miltons Matsemela, PO Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443. 30 days.

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028741/2014—Eksteen, Bernardus Johannes Jacobus, 22/06/1957, 5706225028080, 35 Sarel Cilliers Street, Riebeek Kasteel, 7307, 31/08/2014; Karin Eksteen, 18/10/1964, 6410180021086. HJA van der Westhuizen, Nexus Legal Consultants, PO Box 164, Cape Gate, 7562. 22429/2014—Fiela Hendricks, 5509270090082, 9 Atalante Way, Dennemere, Western Cape, 6 April 2014. Adams Carew Keyster Attorneys, PO Box 611, Kasselsvlei, 7533, 28 Vreda Street, Bellville, 7530. 30 days. 29112/2014—September, Catherine Irene, 1946-10-05, 4610050091083, 25 Akker Street, Blanco, George, 2014-09-11. Isabel Buhr Attorneys, PO Box 1072, George, 6530. 029453/2014—Feyt, Jacoba Maryna Helena, 1934-10-16, 3410160029086, 6de Laan 162, Kraaifontein, 7570, 2014-08-08. Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 30 days. 029033/2014—Els, Jacoba Petronella, 30/11/1936, 3611300043081, Huis Jan Swarts, Lourensrivierstraat, Strand, 7140, 05/08/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 20200/2014—Jordaan, Solomon Peter, 1961/01/30, 6101305082083, No. 25 Winterhoek Street, Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain, 17 February 2014. Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, No. 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 028928/2014—Olive Mathilda Carelse, 28 October 1937, 23 Francis Road, Lotus River, 31 August 2014. AV Dawson & Co., 7 Link Road, De la Haye, Bellville. 30 days. 029870/2014—Stilborg, Beni, 03-04-1940, 4004035124088, 17 Langfontein Street, Darling, Western Cape, 02-09-2014; Maria Jensen, 04-04-1943, 20721380. Elmarie Hancke, Unit 7, The Planet Art 1, 32 Jamieson Street, Cape Town, 8001. 30 days. 23167/2014—Miller, Marjorie Edith, 23/07/1916, 1607230046089, 308 Grosvenor Square, 21 College Road, Rondebosch, Western Cape, 23/04/2014. Geoff Rudman & Associates, PO Box 26835, Hout Bay 7872. 23167/2014—Miller, Marjorie Edith, 23/07/1916, 1607230046089, 308 Grosvenor Square, 21 College Road, Rondebosch, Western Cape, 23/04/2014. Geoff Rudman & Associates, PO Box 26835, Hout Bay 7872. 027030/2014—Freeman, Stephen Haughton, 1951-04-10, 5104105085083, 177 Princess Beach, Princess Street, Hout Bay, 8001, 2014-07-18. Malcolm Black & Associates, PO Box 45099, Claremont, 7735. 30 days. 028004/2014—Chicken, Marion Gail, 21 July 1948, 4807210093088, 29 Perth Road, Tokai, Cape Town, 8000, 26 September 2014. Maitland Executors Limited, River Park, Gloucester Road, Mowbray, 7700. 028823/14—Mortimer, Jacqueline Frances, 1923-05-07, 2305070054185, 51 Hof Street, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001, 2014-09-09. Carol May Barry, PO Box 12230, Mill Street, 8010. 14895/2010—Joseph Benjamin, Van Tonder, 1952/08/06, 5208065152088, No. 1 Bird Street, Brackenfell, Cape Town, 4 October 2010; Ann Elizabeth, 1961/09/22, 6109220061082. Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, No. 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 029578/2014—Pepe, Ellen Porchia, 28-03-1968, 6803285648086, 5 Thornhill Close, Highbury Park, Kuilsriver, 30 June 2014; Modupe August Pepe, 11-03-1968, 6803110570083. Mbalo & Morake Inc, 47 Strand Street, 7th Floor, Suite 712, Cape Town. 028094/2014—Boyton, Janet Ayliff, 1922-07-08, 2207080012080, Marina Gardens, Fish Hoek, 2014-08-22. Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 25983/2014—Pearson, Louisa Sarah, 14 June 1926, 2606140084080, 23 Grase Street, Bontehewel, 14 July 2011. Agent: J M B Gillan Attorneys, Lutomberg Building, 2 Leeuwen Street, Cape Town, 8001. 30 days. 20289/2014—Links, Vernon Arther, 23 November 1969, 6911235232081, 86 Andrew Street, Heather Park, Eerste River, 27 February 2014. Sannie Links, 96 Andrew Street, Heather Park, Eerste River. 028025/2014—Jonker, David Benjamin, 08/10/1942, 4210085019082, Voortrekkerstraat 26, Uniondale, 6460, 11/08/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 028030/2014—McManus, Pamela, 04/08/1936, 3608040025089, 51 Emerald Crescent, Fish Hoek, 7975, 04/08/2014. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 4045/2014—Peters, Bernhard Dirk, 23 March 1956, E24 Dolphin Beach, Marine Drive, Table View, Western Cape, AM Vaterhaus 2, 47807, Krefield, Germany, 19 February 2014. Pamela Mary Waters, Attorneys Lindsay & Waters, 54 Blaauwberg Road, Table View, 7441. 028175/2014—Vadas, Rosamond Mary, 29 May 1918, 1805290017087, 64 Belvidere Park, Knysna, 6579, Western Cape Province, 8 August 2014. Anton Jordaan Jordaan, Van Wyk Attorneys, 65 Main Road, Sedgefield, 6573. 028177/2014—De Lange, Teunis, 12 December 1951, 5112125138089, 38 Charles te Water Street, Sedgefield, 6573 Western Cape Province, 25 August 2014. Anton Jordaan Jordaan, Van Wyk Attorneys, 65 Main Road, Sedgefield, 6573. 25289/2014—Marais, Catharina Boonzaaier, 1934-04-28, 3404280067084, Vergenoegd, Paarl. 2014-06-08. Standard Trust Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 30 days. 902/2014—Oliver, Sharifa, 1948-08-08, 4808080152087, 3 Awie Joseph Close, Strand, 7140, 2013-10-08. LVP Attorneys, 34 Michau Street, Strand 7140. 026699/2014—Goldberg, Johanna Elisabeth, 21 January 1923, 2303210006181, Cottage 44, Kronendal Retirement Village, Victoria Road, Hout Bay, Western Cape, 26 July 2014. June Rose Theron–Smit Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street and Pearce Road, Claremont, 7700. 027553/2014—Ward, Jean Elaine, 1950-02-26, 5002260015087, 25 Eksteen Avenue, Bergvliet, 7945, 2014-06-22. Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 29387/2014—Anderson, Chester Malcolm, 1972-01-16, 7201165089084, 61 Afrikander Road, Murdock, Simonstown, 2014-08-26. Nedgroup Trust Ltd, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

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28067/2014—Potgieter, Hans Jurgens, 1939-09-11, 3909115030081, Constantiastraat 19, Moorreesburg, 2014-05-09; Susanna Catherina Potgieter, 1939-07-28, 3907280044085. Ou Mutual Trust, Posbus 86, Kaapstad, 8000. 16856/2012—Pietersen, Johanna Francis, 19-09-1952, 5209190656084, 5 Denne Close, Westridge, Mitchell’s Plain, 1-06-2012. Norman Attorneys, 6 Cedars Avenue, Rocklands, Mitchell’s Plain. 29572/2014—Human, Johannes Francois, 8 April 1934, 3404085020080, Homeriastraat 12, Riversdal, 6670, 29 Augustus 2014. S A Hofmeyr & Seun, Robertsonstraat 6, Riversdal, 6670. 24859/2014—Philander, Eileen Thelma, 1940-07-12, 4007120567087, 1 Ivy Road, Parkwood Estate, Cape Town, 2007-01-11; John Christain Philander (now deceased Ref: 10974/2012), 1945-11-14, 4511145103083. Mary Elienora Titus, Cecil Kamilie Attorney, 9 Fifth Avenue, Grassy Park. 028585/2014—Engelbrecht, Sophia Doreen, 2 January 1921, 2101020058081, 35 Chatham Road, Heathfield, 7945, 11 September 2012. Clinton George, 16 Oscar Close, Westgate, Mitchells Plain, 7785. 028585/2014—Engelbrecht, Sophia Doreen, 2 January 1921, 2101020058081, 35 Chatham Road, Heathfield, 7945, 11 September 2012. Clinton George, 16 Oscar Close, Westgate, Mitchells Plain, 7785. 02472/2014—Gordon, Freda, 1930-11-14, 3011140003082, 122 Oasis Centre, 7 Century Way, Century City, Cape Town, 7441, 2014-05-25. Demetri Kakiades, 14 Ivy Road Gardens, Cape Town, 8001; PO Box 27412, Rhine Road, 8050. 28933/2014—Luke, Betty Helen, 8 September 1928, 2809080048087, 49 Oude Westhof Village, Bellville, 7530, 26 August 2014. IJ Smith, c/o IJ Smith & Co, PO Box 93, Durbanville, 7551. 24443/2014—Van Rooyen, Lukas Johannes Jakobus, 30 Januarie 1959, 5901305158085, 48 Bella Vista Proteaweg, Brackenfell, 7 Junie 2014. CD Atterbury, p/a Hennie Oosthuizen Prokureurs, Posbus 3116, Tygervallei, 7536. 26916/2014—Moolman, Juliana, 1969-10-13, 6910130140084, 62 Vredeveld Street, Sonkring, Brackenfell, 2014-07-11. Marina Clift Prokureur, Posbus 295, Paarl, 7620. 026927/2014—Broomfield, Anthony Redvers, 5 February 1934, 3402055066083, 35 Pinoak Crescent, Peers Hill, Fish Hoek, 19 July 2014. Guthrie & Colananni, 102 Fish Hoek Centre, Main Road, Fish Hoek, 7975. 27318/2014—Heathfield-Elliot, Millicent Mavis, 1925-01-05, 2501050049084, 14 Leerdam Street, Bothasig, Cape Town, 2014-07-24. Beatrix Avice Landman, Lache House, 120 York Street, George, 6529. 25173/2014—Voigt, Willem Godlieb Jacob, 8 Julie 1931, 3107085014082, Fichatstraat 24, George, 6529, 17 Junie 2014; Maria Elizabeth Voigt, 29 Desember 1934, 3412290020084. Kobus Wolmarans, Moore Stephens (MO) Incorporated (voorheen Meyerotto Ingelyf), Posbus 1195, George, 6530. 026817/2014—Rossouw, Anton de Wet, 17-05-1955, 5505175106080, Voorsorg, Vredendal, 8160, 11 Junlie 2014. Louise Rossouw, Posbus 142, Vredendal, 8160. 28424/2014—Otto, Johannes, 23 Desember 1948, 4812235051087, Ground Rose 6, Proteavallei, Bellville, 7530, 4 September 2014; Johanna Margaretha Otto, 11 September 1945, 4509110023088. Pieter Otto, Posbus 1195, George, 6530. 27389/2014—Shirley, Margaret Ellen, 5 August 1936, 3608050071189, 33 Tre Donne, Sir Lowry’s Pass, near Somerset West, 29 July 2014. Johan Venter, 206 Pinehurst, Somerset Links Office Park, De Beers Avenue, Somerset West, 7130. 026928/2014—Barnard, Magdalena Catharina Pieterneila Christina, 27-05-1929, 2905270015082, 16 Seesigweg, Gouritsmond, Suid-Kaap, 6696, 28-05-2014. J J Smit & Associates Attorneys (JJ Smith). 026928/2014—Barnard, Magdalena Catharina Pieterneila Christina, 27-05-1929, 2905270015082, 16 Seesigweg, Gouritsmond, Suid-Kaap, 6696, 28-05-2014. J J Smit & Associates Attorneys (JJ Smith). 177/2012—Patrick Avontuur, 3909045077087, Swigelaarstraat 2148, Bridgton, Oudtshoorn. Clyde Alex Shaun Avontuur, Avontuur & Genote Ing, Van der Rietstraat 20A, Oudtshoorn. 30 dae. 5721024—Louw, Andries Cornelis, 31 October 1948, 4810315040087, 15 Perlemoen Street, Blouberg Strand, Blouberg Strand, 23 July 2014; Johanna Catharina Louw, 31 December 1948, 4812310025089. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 23rd Floor, Portside, 5 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town. 024465/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Mattheus Jacobus, 28/04/1932, 3204285038084, 11 Sonnet Crescent, Arauna, Brackenfell, 16/06/2014; Margaret Beatrice van der Westhuizen, 06/04/1933, 3304060033084. HJA van der Westhuizen, Nexus Legal Consultants, PO Box 164, Cape Gate, 7562.

Form/Vorm J 187 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distri- bution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate’s Office.

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LIKWIDASIE- EN DISTRIBUSIEREKENINGS IN BESTORWE BOEDELS WAT TER INSAE LÊ Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie- en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor.


23495/2013—Ballot, Eugene Johan, 4503265009083, 63 Viljoen, Hendrina, 1095, Amended First and Final; Katharina Jacoba Ballot, 5010240103089 (Hendrina; Johannaesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 25495/2014—Moolman, Johannes Zacharias, 3708055018084, Roodepoort Old Age Centre, 5 Totius Streets, Florida, First and Final (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 33490/2014—Du Plessis, Stefanus, 4104285070088, 27 Van Eeden Ave, Risiville, Vereeniging; Johanna Catharina Petronella du Plessis, 4411230055084 (Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 20983/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Patricia, 5205260050083, Jabulani 4, 243 Pietersestraat, Celtical Ext 1 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 23173/2014—De Klerk, Susanna Elizabeth, 3306010050084, Amandasig Retirement Village, 1855 Berg Avenue, Akasia, First and Final (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 12278/2013—Masuilane, Violet, 701100688084. A.J. Masingi Attorneys, 7998, Pretoria, 0001. 10500/2010—Matjeke, Thomson Yingwane, 1914-09-19, Portion 2, Farm 236, Winterveldt, Pretoria, Liquidation & Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).—Phukubye Attorneys, 380 Bosman Street, cnr. Bosman & Visage Streets, Lapa Building, Pretoria. 10498/2010—Matjeke, Martha Huza, 8/2460253-1, Portion 2, Farm 236, Winterveldt, Pretoria, Liquidation & Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).—Phukubye Attorneys, 380 Bosman Street, cnr. Bosman- & Visagiestraat, Lapa Buil. 23370/2014—Sadie, Anitademarus, 3610260080083, Blombosweg 2, Birch Acres, Kempton Park; Hermanus Izak Johannes Sadie, 3712225050084 (Johannesburg).—CW Malan Jeffreysbaai Ing., Posbus 273, Jeffreysbaai, 6330. 484/2014—Basson, Frederik Andries, 3112035014083, 61B Somerset Street, Nigel, Gauteng Provinsie (Nigel; Pretoria).—WL Sekretarisse en Trust Mpy (Edms) Bpk, PO Box 549, Ermelo, 2350. 27407/2014—Grobler, Edmund Jacobus, 4010095015082, 490 Missouri Street, Faerie Glen, First and Final (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 1537/2013—Latib, Hawa, 4004270061086 (Middeburg; Nelspruit).—Van Deventer & Campher Inc., P O Box 2125, Middelburg, 1050. 4203/2014—Rademeyer, Nerethe, 4808070040086, 55 Middle Road, Rand Collieries, Brakpan (Brakpan; Pretoria).— PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, 296 Glenwood Road, Lynnwood Park. 14561/2010—Heenop, Petrus Johannes, 4403105035085, 2 Gosforth Court, 19 Java Crescent, Gosforth Park, Germiston (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Du Plessis De Heus & Van Wyk, 72 Woburn Avenue, Benoni. 20224/2012—Delsport, Rainier, 5611015013088, 31 San Giro Avenue, Elandspark, First and Final; Phillis Magarett Delport, 5804230080087 (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 21985/2013—Nicholls, Engela Hermina, 39040300590, 49 Kerk Street, Elsburg, Germiston; Digby Harrop Beresford Nicholls, 47040551640 (Germiston; Pretoria).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 14244/10—Van der Merwe, Johan Louis, 6512205080086 (Pretoria).—Potgieter, Penzhorn & Taute Inc., 118 Paul Kruger Street, Woltemadebuilding, 1st Floor. 3252/2013—Sekome, Alfred Thumele, 8004135364085; Hlaudi Kgaogelo Disegoane, 8808201226089 (Witbank; Pretoria).—Suite 411-413 Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria; P O Box 13972, The Tramshed, 0126. 18766/2013—Minty, Andrew John, 4906245122084, 21 Melles Village, 5 Hilton Street, Eldoraigne, Pretoria (Pretoria).— Weavind & Weaving Inc., P O Box 34, Pretoria, 0001. 2532/14—Radebe, 6009130713089, 162 Block K, Soshanguve, 0152 (Pretoria).—T. Sikhala Attorneys, Office No. 303, 3rd Floor, Premium Towers, 296 Pretorius Street. 2541/2014—Radebe, Mabutana Ephraim, 5402205600086, 162 Block K, Soshanguve, 0152 (Pretoria).—T Sikhala Attorneys, Office No. 303, 3rd Floor, Premium Towers, 296 Pretorius Street.

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18205/10—Omar Dawood, 44091850151089, date of death: 26 September 2010, FIrst and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).—Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, P.O. Box 1003, Pretoria, 0001. 32418/2014—De Sousa, Carminda Coutinho, 3811090043081, 30 Greyvillea Street, Meyersdal, 1448, First and Final (Alberton North; Southern Gauteng).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 07426/2014—Hendricks, Feroza, 6206210002082, 4 Iowa Avenue, Extension 7, Eldorado Park, 1811, First and Final (Eldorado Park; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustee, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 24327/2014—Fuller, Donald Walter, 2808315048185, Fairleads Village Unit 30, 25 James Road, Fairleads, Benoni, First and Final (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 369/2013—Haines, Donald William, 2904145008083, 1 Dassie Road, Timsville, Minandi, Dainfern, 2191, Supplementary First and Final (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 30766/2013—Hobson, Keith Joseph William, 3812065075082, Panorama Frailcare, Panorama Estates, Robert Broome Drive, First and Final (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 24765/2014—Devlin, Phillip Percy Devlin, 3106065013189, 2 Rose Haven, Retirement Village, Willow Place, Sandton (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, 296 Glenwood Road, Lynnwood Park. 026973/2014—Koch, Ingrid Annemarie, 5709050020081, Unit 3, 51 Hornhill Street, Douglasdale, Bryanston, First and Final (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 26350/2014—Marnewick, Johan George, 3705185006088, 1221 Bottril Ave, Queenswood, Pretoria, First and Final (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 21546/2014—James-Everett, Brian Walter, 4902265171085, 29 Villa, Zenobia, Vedalaan 795, Montanapark (Pretoria).— Mare Prokureurs, Roderickstraat 457, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 020207/2014—Erasmus, Gertrude Isabell, 1812050009080, Rubbicon Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, First and Final (Nelspruit; Mbombela/Nelspruit).—Seymore, du Toit & Basson Attorneys, PO Box 8997, Nelspruit, 1200. 26815/2013—Sam, Clara Maria, 2604120013088, 27 Winnie Street, Regents Park, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—PWA Jansen van Vuuren, PO Box 1498, Fontainebleau, 2032. 1534/2014—Henrico, Wilhelm Christiaan, 5808235035087, Robertstraat 73, Meyerville, Standerton, 2430 (Standerton; Pretoria).—Van Heerden Schoeman, Posbus 39, Standerton, 2430. 21303/2014—Mentz, Pieter Kruger, 3110305015087, Care Unit No. 24, Huis Eikelaan, Potchefstroom; Anna Magdalena Mentz, 3101200014085 (Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—Sanet Ras Attorneys, Peter Mokaba Ave 101, Potchefstroom. 3028/2013/PMB—Jansen van Vuuren, Herman Jacobus, 4202125044089, 104 First Street, Rant en Dal, Krugersdorp,First and Final (Krugersdorp; Pietersmaritzburg).—DMB Attorneys, PO Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 22083/2014—Marx, Carel Cebastian, 2902255005089, Fleurenville Retirement Haven, 675 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; Martha Maria Max, 3110140040084 (Pretoria).—Cornel Botha Attorneys, Posbus 74035, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. 26325/2014—Becker, Elma, 2312270008086, 313 Willow Haven, Die Wilgers, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Alta van Goeverden, P O Box 12129, Aston Manor, 1630. 021425/2014—Bester, Maria Magdalena Susanna, 4402070074087, 51 Suid Street, Volksrust, 2470, First and Final; Eric Bester, 4102025016080 (Volksrust; Nelspruit).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27438, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 19875/2013—Wallace, Elizabeth Magdalena, 4306230081082, Liquidation & Distribution Account (Springs; Johannesburg).—Charles Sherman Kruger & Prosser Inc., 90/92 Sixth Street, Springs, Gauteng, 1559; P O Box 886, Springs, 1560. 24741/2011—Wallace, Norman Edward, 4109035106082, Liquidation & Distribution Account; Elizabeth Magdalena Wallace, 4306230081082 (Springs; Johannesburg).—Charles Sherman Kruger & Prosser Inc., 90/92 Sixth Street, Springs, Gauteng, 1559; P O Box 886, Springs, 1560. 12044/2012—Hoffmann, Dietrich Werner, 4110125025083, 92 Oosthuizen Street, Ermelo, Second Amended (Ermelo; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 27223/2014—Naidoo, Mangarain, 5001105022084, 37 Kashmir Street, Eastdene, Middelburg, 1050, First and Final; Savitry Naidoo, 5208280802087 (Middelburg; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 4445/2013—Moses, Anne Primrose, 5706220098088, 64 Vista Valley, Timbavathi Street, Moreleta Park, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Couzyn Hertzog & Horak, Posbus 2509, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 2771/2014—Wynford, Reginald George, 2611235076082, 52, 5th Avenue, Kensington, 7405. Schnetlers Inc., Suite 205, Foyer 3, Colosseum, Century Boulevard, Century, 7441. 22740/2012—De Bruyn, Pieter Sarel, 5512175051084 (Johannesburg).—John William Alfonso Cumming Zurcher, Postnet Suite #143, Private Bag X068, Vanderbijlpark, 1960. 19072/2007—Msiza, Njengane Amos, 4603245210080, 3061 Kudube Unit 2, First and Final; Tana Sarah Msiza, 5004110226088 (Pretoria).—Hannes Gouws Attorneys, 1st Floor, Lobby 3, Brooklyn Forum Building, Veale Street, New Muckleneuk, 0181. 8131/2013—Botha, Gideon Johannes, 3809175026088, Naboomstraat 15, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg, 1561, Second Amended First and Final (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 31900/2013—Eybers, Francois Johannes, 5905215019089, Simondiumstraat 1, Secunda, Gewysidge Eerste en Finale; Gertruida Jacoba Eybers, 6705180173088 (Evander; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 20237/2014—Grabe, Evelyn Alice, 5012110030087, Plot 263, Mooiplaats, Donkerhoek, Amended First and Final (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway Hosue, 1685. 33486/2014—Landsberg, Pieter Guillaume, 3601295007084, 1 Geneva Avenue, Lakefield, First and Final (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 25460/2014—Tshabalala, Mshengu Alfred, 4509165359080, 1268 Eastern Road, Everton, 1984, First and Final (Sebokeng).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 1835/2013—Kemp, Erica Matilda, 2710120035086, First & Final, 21 days (Witbank; Nelspruit).—Krugel Heinsen Incorporated, Proffice Building, 23 Corridor Crescent, Route N4, Business Park, Witbank, 1035.

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22325/2014—Erasmus, Louis Paul Michael, 4210255008089, 10 Adelaide Street, Evander, Second and Final; Jacoba Johanna Susanna Erasmus, 4406150002082 (Highveld Ridge, Secunda; Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 488/2012—Wilkens, Victor, 3212255037085, Heidelberg Farm, White River District, White River, 1240, First and Final, 21 days (Nelspruit; Nelspruit).—Stabilis Ingelyf, Proforum, Van Rensburgstraat 5, Nelspruit 1200; Posbus 358, Nelspruit, 1200. 1819/2013—Sarther, Tor, 4401185167182; Brit Margrete Seldal (Nelspruit; Nelspruit).—M.L. Japhet, 7 Eden Reserve, R37 Brondal, Nelspruit. 1517/2013—Viviers, Josias Johannes, 4607065088088, First & Final, 21 days (Witbank; Nelspruit).—Krugel Heinsen Incorporated, Proffice Building, 23 Corridor Crescent, Route N4, Business Park, Witbank, 1035. 23537/2014—Meyer, Wayne Alan, 6811075016083, 30 Augusta Road, Regents Park, First (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 28406/2014—Senekal, Margaret Susan, 4110190048085, Panoramaweg 27, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion, Eerste en Finale; Theodorus Cornelis Senekal, 4006115042080 (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 14082/2007—Ndlovu, Jabu Steven Ndlovu, 7512295499088, First & Final, 21 days; Nokulinda Laticia Ndlovu, 8106060604086 (Witbank; Pretoria).—Krugel Heinsen Incoporated, Proffice Building, 23 Corridor, Route N4, Business Park, Witbank, 1035. 289/2011—Viljoen, Jacobus Andries, 4207235095087, Plot 80, Dalmada, Polokwane Distrik, Gewysigde Derde en Finale (Polokwane; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685. 2114/2012—Landsberg, Willem Johannes, 4304105022083, Goodman Street 4, Lydenburg, 1120, Eerste en Finale (Lydenburg; Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 27426/14—Schoeman, Maria Elizabeth, 2701180020084, 78 Von Geusau Street, Nigel, First and Final (Nigel).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 30089/2014—Redeker Theodorus, 5304115058183, 13 Fleming Street, Stilfontein, 2551, First and Final (Stilfontein; South Gauteng).—A G Jenkins Attorneys, Postnet Suite 285, Private Bag X6, Cascades, 3202. 11045/12—Chauke, Magomani Edward, 4510275279085, 222 Block M, Soshanguve, 0152; Nolanga Evelyn Chauke, 5308140357080 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Mavhungu-Masibigiri Inc., Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, 0007. 28562/2012—Tlhapane David, 7505055419080, Erf 6115, Kagiso, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Vezi & De Beer Inc., Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 5358/2013—Van Wyk, Phumzile Ronnah, 6811265286082, Erf 10677, Protea Glen Ext 12, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Vezi & De Beer Inc., Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 1916/2014—Ruguva, Tivaone, 6604125300080, Erf 1100, Cosmo City, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Vezi & de Beer Inc. Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 14360/2013—Cornelius, Thomas Hendrik, 3804125015083, 11 Andries Bruyn Street, Horison, Roodepoort, 1724; Cornelia Maria Cornelius, 4609200029084 (Pretoria).—Cornelia Maria Cornelius, 11 Andries Bruyn Street, Horison. 7104/2013—Rammy John Maseko, 4311305439082, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).—Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, P.O. Box 1003, Pretoria, 0001. 23826/2014—Sylvia Ruth Daniels, 5607290137089, 24 Fitter Road, Cresslawn, Kempton Park, Gauteng, datum van dood: 1 February 2014, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Wilfred John Daniels, c/o Struwig Attorneys, PO Box 82, Alberton, 1450. 27922/2014—Selier, Johannes Jacobus Gerrit Bernardus, 1507235003087, 8ste Straat 98, Linden, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (EDMS) Beperk- A. Strydom, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kent Laan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 26078/2014—Havenkamp (gebore de Greef), Paula Nicole Theresia Leopold Maria, 5512200154184, Ringweg 112, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging (Vereeniging; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (EDMS) Beperk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125. 25806/14—Thyssen, Riaan Bernardus, 4906235113085, 25 Mars Street, Westonaria, 1779 (Westonaria; Johannesburg).—Sherine Jansen as nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, p/a Schumann, Van der Heever & Slabbert Inc. Ref: JJ Slabbert, 32 Kempton Road/Weg, Kempton Park, 1619. 25906/2014—Vosloo, Andre, 4806285003089 (Johannesburg).—Smith and Van Aswegen Inc., P.O. Box 2402, Florida Hills, 1716. 543/2014—Du Plessis, Johanna Susanna, 3106270025085, Rusoord Sentrum, Centurion, Gauteng (Pretoria;Johannesburg).—Smof Beetge Prokureur, Posbus 706, Stilbaai, 6674. 23470/2014—Forbes, John, 4407285110089, Slegtkampstraat 345, Pretoria, 0082, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Pretoria Noord; Pretoria Noord).—Duke Parker van Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Postnet Suite #631, Private Bag X10, Elarduspark, 0047. 28122/2014—Roos, Amelia Louisa, 2012160059088, Witfield Ouetehuis, Boksburg, Gauteng (Boksburg; Pretoria).— Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, 62 Hesketh Street, Moreleta Park, 0044. 404/2014—Van Blerk, Dorothea Magdalena Wilhelmina, 4601160092087, Diamandstraat 1048, Silverfields, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, 62 Hesketh Street, Moreleta Park, 0044. 25478/2014—Ford, Lena, 4212210024086, 18 Audi Street, Edenpark, Alberton; Lucas Ford, 4311055141086 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—Sherina Jansen as nominee of ABSA Trust Limited, p/a Schumann, Van den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road/Weg, Kempton Park, 1619. 4858/2013—Mokoena, Madiela Vitalias, 5001225429086, 9170 Phungwane Street, Zone 7A Sebokeng; Jabhisa Joyce Mokoena, 5501130293089 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Seepe Attorneys, No. 5 Soutpansberg Crescent, SE 8, Vanderbijlpark. 27732/2014—Sauls, Alexander, 5804245036085, Room 7 Frail Care, Rynpark 6, Parker Street, Benoni, 1501.—Neil Sauls, P.O. Box 46, Bothas Hill, 3660.

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23243/10—Hancock, Clelio Buddy, 4911165026083, 17 Blue Jay Street, Reyno Ridge, Witbank, First and Final (Witbank; Pretoria).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 22719/2014—Motsoko, Flora, 6108020485087; 6405060893083 (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—Mathye Attorneys, 403 Bank Towers Building, 190 Andries Street, Pretoria, 0002. 3127/14—Masango, Johannes Frank, 5406115617080 (Mdujana/Kwa-Mhlanga; Pretoria).—Mathye Attorneys, 403 Bank Towers Building, 190 Andries Street, Pretoria, 0002. 7219/12—Esther Maseko, 4805160624084, 424 Mofolo Village, Soweto, date of death: 8 January 2012, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (North Gauteng Division).—Verryn Matlhare Incorporated, 1st Floor, Block 7, Atterbury Estate, 19 Frikkie De Beer Street, Menlyn, 0181. 31185/2014—Louisa Maria Berger, 5006160036085, 15 Acacia Circle, Dowerglen, Ext 3, date of death: 3/07/2014, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Werner Dieter Berger, 3804265038184, 21 days (Germiston; Johannesburg).— Ellen Julia Nel in her capacity as a nominee of Standard Trust Limited (CKV Tanna by virtue of Power of Attorney dated 1 September 2014), c/o Chunilal & Tanna, P.O. Box 42650, Fordsburg, 2033. 28907/2013—Lucienne Gabrielle Verch, date of birth: 30 January 1917, 55 Witney Road, Bryanston, Johannesburg, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Kuilman Mundell & Arlow Attorneys for Executor, Delta House, 39A Kingfisher Drive, Fourways; P.O. Box 4471, Rivonia, 2128. 20517/2014—Mac Lean (Born Walker), Karen Mary, 6403130097082, 1 Fourth Avenue, Northmead, Benoni, First and Final, 7 November 2014 (Benoni; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 31968/2013—Ter Morshuizen, Hurworth Eric John, 2110135013089; Christina Ter Morshuizen, 2106070044089 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Schickerling, Bowen & Hesselink Inc., 352 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park, Roodepoort; P.O. Box 6431, Westgate, 1734. 22564/2010—Sahabadien, Durrieya, 5505030069085, 71 Liverman Crescent, Extension 9, Ennerdale, 7 November 2014 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Chiba-Jivan Inc., 53 Church Street, Mayfair Johannesburg, 2091. 021342/2013—Vermeulen, John Gabriel, 4101235046085, First and Final, 21 days (Alberton; Johannesburg).—Matt Larkins Attorney, P.O. Box 22066, Helderkruin. 11520/2006—Venter, Elizabeth Catharina, 5909210005085, 352 Eldoraigne, Centurion; Philipus Venter, 5712215046082 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. 15354/2012—De Lange, Johannes Hendrik, 5002065031081, Plaas Witklip, Lydenburg, Mpumalanga (Lydenburg; Pretoria).—Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. 22807/2014—Dreyer, Christina Oranje, 3809070046082, 857 Tiptol Street, Silverton, Pretoria; Jacobus Barend Dreyer, 3609055050087 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. 10276/2012—Gunter, Elizabeth, 3308270017084, Steenkampsrus, Viljoenskroon, 9520, 24219 (Viljoenskroon; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 4378/2014—Nkopodi, Johanna Maleso, 6712180862082 (Pretoria; North Gauteng).—Kutumela Attorneys, Erf 283, Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 17056/2013—Gill, Andrew, 7806035029084, 206 Tinza Lifestyle Estate, Lonehill, Gauteng, First and Final (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 22667/2014—Macmillan, Gilbert Ernest, 4307235041089, 501 22nd Avenue, Villieria, Pretoria, First and Final.—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 026660/201—Edwards, Kathleen Alice, 465826247UKPa, 590 Verdi Steret, Constantiapark, Pretoria, First and Final (Pretoria).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 164/2014—Van der Merwe, Rossouw, 8708195059084 (Witbank; Nelspruit).—Johan Coetzee Inc., P.O. Box 913, Witbank, 1035. 434/2014—Hattingh, Johannes Hendrik, 2809285001089, Volksstraat 42, Volksrust, 2470; Wilhelmina Johanna Hattingh, 3704100064082 (Volksrust; Nelspruit).—Harper Attorneys, P O Box 1217, Volksrust, 2470. 1807/2013—Naidoo, Shamima, 5202200274089 (White River, Mpumalanga Province; Nelspruit, Mpumalanga).—Zahira Khan (Executrix), c/o A S Moola & Associates, 3a Voortrekker Street, P O Box 1915, Nelspruit, 1200, Mpumalanga. 26001/2014—Van Zyl, Alberta Susanna, 5109300023086, Vanilla Court 20, Griffithsweg, Equestria, Pretoria (Pretoria).— SBP Prokureurs, Allcockstraat 181, Colbyn, Pretoria. 22941/2006—McKeown, Anthony John, 5509255250180, Coco’s Place, 9 Garsfontein, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Willie-Brown Van der Walt Prokureurs, Posbus 1752, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 21481/2014—Swart, Michael Percy, 57100650380, 15 Suntropez Kirschener Road, Benoni (Benoni; Johannesburg).— FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 21431/2014—Horring, Elizabeth Christina, 5210030128086, Ulundistraat 162, Mountain View, Pretoria; Petrus Salomon Horring, 4609055083087 (Pretoria).—Eksekuteur, B/W E.C. Horring, Pretorius Le Roux Ing., 3de Vloer, Hilda Law Chambers, Hildastraat 339, Hatfield, 0028. 2845/2005—Barnardt, Pieter Schalk, 2709065020087, 24 Tenth Street, Newlands, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Louw & Heyl Attorneys, P O Box 360, Roodepoort, 1725. 21314/2013—Jordaan, Jan, 2209285072083, 16 Keith Avenue, Florida North (Roodepoort; South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—K C Trustees (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor North, 366 Pretoria Ave, Ferndale, Randburg; P O Box 731302, Fairland, 2030. 20222/2014—Booysen, Willem Marthinus Christoffel, 3810155002081, 12 Jubilee Ave, Danview, Germiston, First and Final (Germiston; Pretoria).—PA Coetzee, PO Box 11102, Silverlakes, 0054.

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20268/2014—Gouws, Lodewyk Jacobus, 3203045041081, 57B Laver Street, Nigel; Marieta Meyerine Gouws, 3405240039089 (Nigel; South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—K C Trustees (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor North, 366 Pretoria Ave, Ferndale, Randburg; P O Box 731302, Fairland, 2030. 26779/2013—Peyper, Aquila, 4003180130080, Amended First and Final (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—J Badenhorst & Associates Attorneys, P.O. Box 8105, Westgate, 1734, 10 Bert Close, Helderkruin, Roodepoort. 22055/14—Rantho, Modikoe Augustine Peter, 5808015910087, 541 Mirage Steet, Elardus Park, Pretoria, First; Mampina Patricia Rantho (Pretoria).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001. 3981/2014—Erasmus, Jacobus Andreas Johannes, 4010105083088, 172 Club Avenue, Ashlea Gardens, Second and Final (Pretoria).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, 172 Club Avenue, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria. 22672/2014—Poole, Susan Kathleen, 6303190090087, 28 Craven Street, Rooihuiskraal; Colin Poole (Pretoria).— Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001. 10188/02—Diederiks, Salmon Jacobus, 4208035016083, Heeferstraat 36, Rustenburg, Amended First and Final (Rustenburg; Pretoria).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007. 026469/2012—Poole, Margaret Jean, 4109080031086, 20 Lake Longmere Estate, White River (White River; Johannesburg).—Nolan Flemmer Attorneys, P.O. Box 11227, Southernwood, 5213. 2857/11—Rogers, Lettie Susan Rogers, 3101220075082, 2685 Unit 9, Mmabatho; Russel William Frank John Rogers, 3710135104082 (Pretoria).—JG Horn Ing, 1195 Prospect Street, Hatfield. 1289/09—Simelane, Musa Moses, 5909235350086, Erf 2471, Manyathi Street, Wesselton, Mpumalanga; Dudu Elizabeth Simelane, 6204190818080 (Ermelo; Pretoria).—Noltes Inc., 34 Smuts Street, Ermelo, 2350. 1289/09—Simelane, Musa Moses, 5909235350086, Erf 2741, Manyathi Street, Wesselton, Mpumalanga; Dudu Elizabeth Simelane, 6204190818080 (Ermelo; Pretoria).—Noltes Inc., 34 Smuts Street, Ermelo, 2350. 2853/11—Rogers, Russel William Frank John, 3710135104082, 2685 Unit 9, Mmabatho (Pretoria).—JG Horn Ing., 1195 Prospect Street, Hatfield. 4130/2013—Verster, Anna Jesina Isabella, 21040200080,1 Roodepoort Street, Bela-Bela (Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 22830/2014—Van der Walt, Margaretha Swanepoel, 3010040009082, Old People’s Home, 112 Woburn Ave, Benoni (Benoni; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102. 31354/2013—Spagna, Giorgio Rocco, 3509125050184, 37 Maughan Road, West Porges, Randfontein, 1759 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 8800/2013—Pretorius, Jan Jonathan, 2709095009084, 251 Sherringham Crescent, Leisure Bay, KwaZulu-Natal, Eerste Likwidasie & Distribusie (Port Shepstone; Johannesburg).—Mr W H Pretorius, 235 Carinus Street, Meyerspark, Pretoria, 0184. 5912/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Hester Getruida, 3511190026081, Glevera Haven Retirement Village, 480 View Street, Rietvallei Rand, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Sentinel International Trust Company-Pretoira, PO Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028. 031227/2014—Barnes, Pearl Anne, 261206004082, 1 Parkmore Place, 3 Van Oordt Street, Monument Ext 1, Monument, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company-Pretoria, P O Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028. 4268/2014—Farrell, David Michael, 7512105403080, 23 Stellenzicht Estate, Kingfisher Crescent, Meyersdal Ext 22 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company-Pretoria, PO Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028. 24017/2014—King, Anthony Anderson, 4209305044086, 23 Doringboom Street, Kempton Park (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company-Pretoria, PO Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028. 8123/2014—Ndweni, Mamolulela Bettie, 4503100221083; Mjoni Piet Ndweni, 4907015236088 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Jaco Hill & Piet Voges Attorneys, PO Box 10, Park South, 1910. 21308/14—De Jager, Erika, Schmidtstraat 157, Danville, Pretoria (Pretoria).—G Horn Ing., 1195 Prospect Street, Hatfield. 19460/2010—Naidoo, Vadivaloo, 5901205111085, Erf 89, Kelvin, Sandton; Patricia Naidoo, 6307250213082 (Johannesburg).—Rorich Wolmarans & Luderitz Attorneys, Block C, Equity Park, 257 Brooklyn Road, Pretoria. 12942/2012—Felaman, Venus, 1510250020085, Roosendal Retirement Centre, 585 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Rooth & Wessels Inc., PO Box 2265, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 28618/2014—Lindeque, Hendrik Christiaan Marx, 7409135027080 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Jaco Hill & Piet Voges Attorneys, PO Box 10, Park South, 1910. 007251/2013—Ranhlagoe, Nomasonto Emma, 4804070565081, 1706 A George Goch Street, Molapo, 1818 (Johannesburg).—66 Marshall Street, Marshalltown (Master of the High Court). 030603/2013—Karp, Johanna Sylvia, 2702080043085, 102 Barnarto Place, Tudhope Ave, Berea (Johannesbrug).— Granko Card & Ass, 66 Marshall Street, Marshalltown. 5442/2013—Scott, Le Vonne, 4908280033085, Unit 49, 247 Schroder Street, Groenkloof (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Savage Jooste & Adams Attorneys, 141 Boshoff Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk. 3925/2014—Terry, Estelle Lorraine, 3208250004088, 10 St Peter Gardens Estate, 457 Jacquline Street, Garsfontein. Savage Jooste & Adams Attorneys, PO Box 745, Pretoria, 0001. 32184/2013—Msibi, Nomusa Emina, 6106120485080, 2920 Cornwell Street, Geluksdal Extension 2 (Brakpan; Johannesburg).—Ged Isserow & T L Friedman Inc., 28 - 31st Street, Malvern, Johannesburg. 021682/2014—Albertyn, Christian George, 2012135044082, Eridge Road, Forest Town, Gauteng, First and Final (Johannesburg).—BDO Wealth Advisers (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 95438, Waterkloof, 0145. 021682/2014—Albertyn, Christian George, 2012135044082, Eridge Road, Forest Town, Gauteng, First and Final (Johannesburg).—BDO Wealth Advisers (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 95438, Waterkloof, 0145. 2715/2014—Meyer, Theunis Johannes, 6102035052081 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—Marie Victor Attorneys, 248 Danie Theron Street, Pretoria North, Pretoria. 2715/2014—Meyer, Theunis Johannes, 6102035052081 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—Marie Victor Attorneys, 248 Danie Theron Street, Pretoria North, Pretoria.

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021520/2014—Hassall, Rae Owen, 3104265002086, Cottage 6, Stirling Lodge, East London, First and Final (East London; Grahamstown).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 21347/2014—Payne, Mavis Magdelene, 2409160041084, 72 Dan Pienaar Avenue, Florida Hills, 1709, First and Final (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121. 22516/2014—Van de Langenberg, Gerardus Wilhelmus, 2610145067181, 74 Newlands Aftree-Oord, Gloxinialaan, Newlands, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Karen van Niekerk Prokureurs, Candlewood Close 10, Woodlands Lifestyle Estate, Pretoria. 7072/2013—Jacobs, Jerry Dikgang, 7510275367085, Erf 122, Berea, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Vezi & De Beer Inc. Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 11296/2013—Mothibi, Mokete Sam, 7602065255081, Erf 54, Webber, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Vezi & De Beer Inc. Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 3218/2014—Mwelase, Bongani Maoda Philip Robinson, 6810115436087, Erf 1649, Piet Retief, Mpumalanga (Piet Retief; Pretoria).—Vezi & De Beer Inc. Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 3218/2014—Mwelase, Bongani Maoda Philip Robinson, 6810115436087, Erf 1649, Piet Retief, Mpumalanga (Piet Retief; Pretoria).—Vezi & De Beer Inc. Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 16478/2012—Hooper, Rosheen Mary, 4703110100083, Erf 152, Kew, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Vezi & De Beer Inc., Attorneys, 319 Alpine Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 25254/2014—Stoltz, Aubyn Malcolm, 3612305017088, 18 Olienhout Street, Miederpark, Potchefstroom; Margaret Yvonne Stoltz, 4006140029086 (Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—Couzyn Hertzog & Horak (Amanda Booysen), Posbus 2509, Brooklyn Square, 0075. Thorburn John Jacob Frank, 13 Julie 1950, 5007135071082, datum van afsterwe: 17 November 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Nigel; Johannesburg). 26239/2013—Nkosi, Dudu Rosen, 5411250344086, Liquidation and Distribution Account (South Gauteng).—Nozuko Nxusani Inc., 69 Jan Smuts Avenue, Westcliff. 2707/2013—Mogane, Gorden Alios, 5611025566083 (Mapulaneng; Pretoria).—Baatseba Trust, P O Box 13441, The Tramshed, 0126. 24192/2014—Mohapeloa, Khitsane Andrew, 3311075164082; Masesi Hendrietta Mohapeloa, 3808060315085 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Baatseba Trust, P O Box 13441, The Tramshed, 0126. 30255/2013—Goldberg, Abraham Meyer, 2107085041086, 120 Carlingford, Randjeslaagte, Highlands North (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Vivienne Korria, PO Box 1280, Highlands North, 2037. 19175/2013—Miller, Monty, 2106135057084, 83 Thirteenth Ave, Sydenham, 2192, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Isaac Dave Miller, 35 Summerway, Glenhazel, 2192. 3891/2012—Booysen, Hermanus Bernardus, 4408305066087, 32 Schoeman Street, Verwoerdpark, Alberton; Magrietha Wilhelmina Booysen, 4505130126083 (Palm Ridge (Alberton); Johannesburg).—AMM Van der Merwe, c/o Attorneys McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse; P O Box 2004, Kempton Park, 1620. 15939/12—Kloppers, George Frederik, 7407115116089, 1096 Deborah Street, Claremont, Pretoria Tuine; Sharnelle Kloppers, 7502140006089 (Pretoria).—C Wilsnach, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007. 25254/2014—Stoltz, Aubyn Malcolm, 3612305017088, 18 Olienhout Street, Miederpark, Potchefstroom; Margaret Yvonne Stoltz, 4006140029086 (Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—Couzyn Hertzog & Horak (Amanda Booysen), Posbus 2509, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 18513/2013—Beukes, Johanna Magdalena, 2602230014087, First and Final, 21 days (Pretoria; North Gauteng, Pretoria).—De Meyer Attorneys, PO Box 11416, Die Hoewes, 0163; Unit 2, Benchrisan, 85 Sonja Street, Doringkloof, Centurion. 22402/2014—Moffatt, Francina Cecilia, 4504070017089, 37 Frangrpani Park, La Montagne, Silverton, 0184; John James Moffat, 4702175053088 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 21337/2014—Kamper, Elmar Bernhard, 4211045034187, 27 Shelly Drive, Kloofendal Ext. 3, Johannesburg, 1759 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Certified Master Auditors Inc, Private Bag X168, Galfway House, 1685. 5731/2013—Robert Campbell, 2407055015080, retired manager, 31 Village of Golden Harvest Two, Tin Road, Bromhof, Randburg, Gauteng, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Randburg).—CMT Goemans, Executor, PostNet Northcliff, Suite 147, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. 19683/2010—Viljoen, Aletta Maria, 4611150090082 (Brakpan; Pretoria).—Beukes & Sonja Nel Attorneys, 17 Athlone Avenue, Dalview, Brakpan. 22791/2013—Elliott, May, 2604130053082, Cosmos Old Age Home Vandyk Park, Boksburg, First and Final (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Brooks Wepener Attorneys, PO Box 19139, Sunward Park 1470. 29625/2011—Keyi, Sipho Sydwell, 5003025564088, 12 C Masingafi Street, Stand 2453, Jabulani, 1868; Tembisa Letticia Keyi, 4809040211088 (Protea Magistrate Court, Soweto; Johannesburg).—Dykes van Heerden Inc–Andriette Vosloo, 19 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort, 1740. 27221/2012—Rheeders, Dianna Jennifer, 5102010055084, 128 Rooiels Road, Sharonlea Extension 3, Randburg (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Dykes van Heerden Inc–Andriette Vosloo, 19 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort, 1740. 2877/2014—Jacobs, Alida, 7805110104085, First and Final, 21 days (Nigel; Johannesburg).—Brits Attorney, 27 Kingsway, Nigel. Alfred James White, 4212035016085, 10 Glen Eden, Klerksdorp, 2572, datum van afsterwe, 26 Junie 2014, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Riana White, 4310030026081 (Klerksdorp, Stasiestraat; Johannesburg).—Riana White, Posbus 5086 Doringkruin, Klerksdorp, 2576. 000583/2014—Wallach Greeff, 2509265138089, Samuel Broadbent Old Age Home, Potchefstroom, datum van afsterwe: 20 Julie 2014, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Klerksdorp Stasiestraat; Johannesburg).—GK Austin, Posbus 5086, Doringkruin, Klerksdorp, 2576.

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26957/2014—Docking, Alfred Joey, 7 November 1935, 64 Sederburg Avenue, Bosmont, Johannesburg (Johannes- burg).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc, Mr MB Jackson, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010. 21812/2014—Murray, Grace Florence, 3903250055086, 23 Uranium Street, Carletonville (Carletonville; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 23616/2014—Botha, Stephen, 5402255134085, St Peters Garden Estate, Flat A2, Garsfontein, Pretoria (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—BDO Wealth Advisers, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041. 21064/2014—Liebenberg, Hendrik Johannes, 5009095052086, Schonlandstraat 4, Vanderbijlpark, SW2, First and Final; Annetta Liebenberg, 5603300067085, 21 days (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 17, Pinegowrie. 20550/2013—Berling, Günther Ernst, 2508265112185, De Wittebrug 34, Leliestraat, Florida Park, Roodepoort, Eerste en Finale (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 17, Pinegowrie, 2123. 8023/2014—Van Wijk, Isaac, 2701175033183, 212 Old Road, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, Eerste en Finale; Catrina Theodora van Wijk, 2807180029189 (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 17, Pinegowrie, 2123. 32253/2012—Vrey, Anna Maria Alberta, 4406260126086, Huis Hoëveld 13, Pleinstraat, Albertville, 2195, Eerste en Finale (Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 17, Pinegowrie, 2123. 20077/14—Grabie, Andre Rudolf, 5612215020089 (Pretoria).—Adv. D.J. Müller, P.O. Box 32, Persequor Park, Pretoria, 0020. 1158/2013 (Nelspruit)—Wilhelm Gerhardt Hanekom, ID 4803025060081, wewenaar en pensioenaris, Oaklaan 63, Pullenshope, oorlede 25 Junie 2013, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Middelburg; Pretoria).— C J Alberts, Johan Alberts Prokureurs, Posbus 2957, Middelburg, 1050. 24311/2011—Johanna Maria Phlippina Bosch, 4501030068087, Stasiestraat 586, Pretoria-Noord, Eerste en Finale Likwidaise- en Distribusierekneing; getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Gerhardus Jacobus Bosch, 45104225011085, 21 dae (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Pretoria Boedel Administrateurs BK, Posbus 14341, Sinoville, 0129. 030984/2013—Anna Maria Salva van Zyl, 1712190023084, Huis Herfsblaar, Webbweg 12244, Queenswood, Pretoria, oorlede 22 November 2013, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Pretoria; Suid Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg).—U Hiley, PricewaterhouseCoopersgebou, Idastraat 32, Menlo Park (Posbus 55799), Arcadia, 0007. 16467/2013—Alida Matilda de Bruyn, 4210270032080, Johannesstraat 259, Fairland, Johannesburg, oorlede 13 Februarie 2013. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, (Suid-Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg).— Chantelle van Niekerk, Pricewaterhousecoopersgebou, Iastraat 32, Menlo Park (Posbus 55799), Arcadia, 0007. 16447/2013—Fernehough, Anna Maria Cecilia, 3611090001083, A241 Twee Riviere Retirement Village, Montana Park, Pretoria (North Gauteng, Pretoria).—Johann Grobler Prokureurs, Posbus 6721, Westgate, 1734. 27328/2014—Van Rooyen, Petrus Hendrik, 3407025011085, Main Reefweg 14, Witpoortjie, 1724; Jacoba Elizabeth van Rooyen, 3801080007089 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 28563/2014—Van Sittert, Francois Petrus, 6410055110089, Yolandastraat 22, Flamwood, 2571 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 1598/14—Van Staden, Janetta, 4404120012083, Rooidaghstraat 14, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020; Petrus Johannes van Staden, 3704275037087 (Bronkhorstspruit; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 2083/2014—Viviers, Andre, 5902125109084, Fredalaan 8, Mooinooi, 0325 (Brits; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 26239/2014—Voges, George Jacob, 4802025072088, Plot 82, Michaelstraat, Oaktree, Krugersdorp, 1739; Syvia Voges, 5203120106088 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 24184/2014—Whittingham, Ronald, 4712035099080, 10 Ciliaris Avenue, Florida Glen, 1709; Florance Senelia Whittingham, 6410050080089 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. Liebenberg, Cornelia Elizabeth, 4307300038085, Stevenstraat 7, Elsburg, 1407, 49252 (Germiston; Johannesburg).— ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 33971/2014—Menegazzi, Ugo Gregorio, 4312225014088, 407 Kingsborough, c/o Regant & Bradfort Road, Bedford Gardens, 49110 (Edenvale; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 024305/2013—Mokhine, Motshabi Christinah, 7001110611085, 144 Sycamore Ave, Alveda X2, Kiblerpark, 47112 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620.

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32087/2014—Moore, Peter John, 4306255136183, 1 Denice Road, c/o 5 Ackerplace, Beclue, Sandton, 49046; Zahida Moore, G0799514 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620, ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park 1620. 1337/2012—Ndala, Vanaveli Evelyn, 4302170324087, 1218 Kalipa Crescent, Etwatwa West, Daveyton, 43689 (Benoni; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 5598/2014—Neophytou, Neophytos, 4704265145089, 55 Casa Vista, Brakpan Avenue, Brakpan, 47903 (Johannesburg; Johannesbug).—ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 20085/2014—Ngcikiza, Nopasege Victress, 4606190531087, 2638 Lusaka Street, Katlehong South, 1431, 48245 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 33936/2014—Oberholzer, Izak David, 3608125020088, 54 Oleander Avenue, Edleen, Kempton Park, 49124; Cornelia Elizabeth Oberholzer, 3912210018084 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 30450/2014—Phadu, Betty Agnes, 4911290322084, 2978 Klaas Modikoe Street, Volsloorus, 1475, 48905 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 14260/2012—Pietroiusti, Celestino Francesco Emilio, 4312115037082, 213 Elston Avenue, Western Ext., Benoni, 44497, Supplementary Liquidation and Distribution Account; Luderitz Gonsalves Pietroiusti, 4911060023086 (Benoni; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 25434/2014—Potgieter, Floris Johannes, 5912145011087, 18 Van der Bosch Street, Springs, 1559, 48505; Catharina Potgieter Susanna Maria, 5805190118080 (Springs; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 1060/2011—Rautenbach, Brian John, 4509275019087, 15 Kannabas Rynpark 2, Rynfield, Benoni, 41378; Lynette Heather Rautenbach, 4710080014087 (Benoni; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 26333/2014—Richardson, David James, 4910175016183, 39 Finchley Road, Dinwiddie, Germiston, 48613; Hazel Kathleen Richardson, 4210010020080, Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Germiston; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 6842/2014—Richardson, Rachel Helletje Bantjies, 2812070057084, No. 36 Hillcrest Cottages, 55 Fairfield Road, The Hill, Alberton, 47916 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 2282/2014—Roetz, Theunis Jacobus, 3112245021084, Eenheid 3, Villa Ferreira, 6de Laan 39, Alberton, 47822; Elizabeth Roetz, 3202210020086 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 6823/2014—Sidwell, Mary Janet, 3805260079081, Fairland 240, Willson Street, Fairland, 47982 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 028036/2013—Sikhosana, Absalom Nqishi, 3709175234080, 2722 Ext 4, eMbalenhle, 2285, 47131 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 33925/2014—Smith, Frederik Johannes, 3403165001085, Pierpontrylaan 33, Kiblerpark, 2091, 49037 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 902/2013—Strydom, Stephanus Boshoff, 5907185141083, 125 Hastings Avenue, Brakpan, 1540, 45534 (Brakpan; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 5446/2012—Swanepoel, Cornelius Johannes, 5712315142088, 49 Tetief Street, Geduld Extension, Springs, 43900 (Springs; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 32090/2014—Swanepoel, Douw Gerbrandt, 4108195082083, 378 De Costa Street, Bredell, 1619, 48970 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 30420/2014—Swarts, Susara Johanna Magdalena, 1506230048089, Protea Old Age Home, Primrose, Germiston, 48821 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 32098/2014—Van der Heever, Walter, 3912035002081, Ernaweg 1, Albemarle, Germiston, 48877 (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. Van der Merwe, Philippus Lodewykus, 4002115005086, 17 Hamilton Avenue, Golf Park, Meyerton, 49182; Melanie Sophia van der Merwe, 4006210038082 (Meyerton; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620.

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32092/2014—Van der Venter, Michael Paul, 5710215041087, 18 Hennop Street, Brackendowns, Alberton, 48995; Vivienne Penny van der Venter, 5809060095089 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 34513/2014—Van Jaarsveld, Izak Schalk, 3309065038087, 14 Protea Glen, Kina Street, Weltevreden Park, 49144; Anna Cecilia van Jaarsveld, 3610120028082 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 46/2010—Young, Robert Boyd, 4411145154188, 9 Galahead Crescent, Edleen Ext, Kempton Park, 39470, Supplementary (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 4696/14—Bezuidenhout, Jan Louis, 3909245085088, 32 Kameeldrif 313, Kameeldrif-Wes, 0068; Catharina Maria Bezuidenhout, 4403190076085 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 5085/2014—Botha, Maria Magrietha, 3709280008080, Apexlaan 201, Sinoville, Pretoria-Noord, 0182 (Pretoria-North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27980/2014—Breytenbach, Hendrik Gerhardus, 2811035022084, Montagustraat 805, Daspoort, Pretoria, 0082; Johanna Magrietha Thresia Breytenbach, 3003230047087 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27864/2014—Du Preez, Jan Antonie, 5605245012084, Christiaanstraat 845, Daspoort, 0082; Susara Cornelia du Preez, 5303170063088 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 28066/14—Els, Ruth, 3707160033087, Horingweglaan 46, Helikonpark, Randfontein, 1759; Charel Jacobus Els, 360822507083 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27619/2014—Gunter, Christiaan Frans, 2412255028081, Village Haven 42, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0081; Anna Hermina Aletta Gunter, 2812220031088 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 5182/2013—Louw, Anna Catharina, 4109230036084, Van Vollenhovenstraat 184, Danville, Pretoria, 0183, Amended First and Final (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 26415/14—Mmankgeli, Letlhoo Alice, 5305150539086, 320 Unit, Winterveldt, Mabopane, 0198 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27141/2014—Motau, Martha Maseipe, 3109080145085, 3743 Block B, Mabopane, 0190 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 26318/2014—Mphahlele, Eyetoa James, 4405165442085, Stand No. 48, Mamlemati Lekurung, Mphahlele, 0736; Mphahlele Raesibe Rosinah, 4809240408088 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 26054/14—Natorp, Paul, 2701115050081, 3 Larmenier Village, Milnerstraat 170, Waterkloof, 0181 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 23903/14—Nel, Fransie, 5802050092083, Tambotiestraat 23, Magalieskruin, 0182 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27492/2014—Niemand, Annie Magdalena, 4202050021086 Alaricweg 2, Valhalla, 0185 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 24363/2014—Pretorius, Hendrik Vermaak, 2801035061083, Ons Herberg Ouetehuis, Eerste Laan, Bronkhorstspruit, 1020 (Bronkhorstspruit; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. Ranwell, Johanna Alida, 3505230007085, Walter Sisulustraat, Lanquedoc 301, Potchefstroom, 2531 (Potchefstroom; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 15961/2013—Sakellaropoulos, Sofia, 2704280080081, 98 Karee Street, Proclamation Hill, Pretoria West, 0183 (Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27569/2014—Sechel, Wilhelmina Katrina Johanna, 5010260133081, Jupiterstraat 370, Toekomsrus, 1760 (Randfontein; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 2655/2014—Sekati, Phibi Jacob, 4403045224088, 171 Zone 16, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208 (Ga-Rankuwa; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 16482/2013—Terry, Charles Christian, 5203285040080, Karriboomstraat 1191, Môregloed, Pretoria, 0186 (Pretoria).— ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.

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15770/2013—Van den Bergh, Cornelius Johannes, 6008205023085, Shawlaan 6, The Reeds, 0157 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 25007/2014—Berardelli, Aldo, 4804125028085, 5 Mondon Place, Glen Erasmia Ext. 1, Kempton Park, 48427 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 28455/2014–Breedt, Hendrik Stephanus, 5210195035084, Oribiweg 7, Verwoerdpark, Alberton, 48728; Marie Magdalena Breedt, 5303190118086 (Alberton; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, P.O. Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Avenue, Kempton Park, 1620. 25804/2014—Burnett, Emner Rencia, 2310110053080, Allanpark Old Age Home, Cactus Street, Kempton Park, 48550 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 30828/2014—Costa, Catterina Pasqua, 3203280006187, 14 Tulbach Street, Alberante, Alberton, 48331 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. Cousins, Marlin Grant, 6302155216082, 14 Regina Street, Elladoone, Johannesburg, 49272; Martha Elizabeth Cousins, 6501080079081 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 31569/2014—Eastes, James Hawkins, 3512315044082, 202 Olienhof, Olienhofstraat, Birschleigh, Kempton Park, 48879; Maria Francis Eastes, 4605070058088 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 33419/2014—Erasmus, Jan Hendrik, 2607275014082, Graaffreinetstraat 86, Nigel, 1491, 49030; Janeta Gezinz Johanna Erasmus, 3108190052082 (Nigel; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 33939/2014—Espag, Philippis Jeremeas, 3606165055089, 23 Lifeland Street, Sunward Park, Boksburg, 49106; Maria Elizabeth Espag, 4704050030082 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 35578/2014—Esterhuizen, Petrus Hendrik, 4202265027084, Rietfonteinweg 54, Boksburg-Wes, 1459, 49214; Edna Lucille Esterhuizen, 4602150027083 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. Fokkema, Lambertus Henk, 6108255073087, Avonlaan 2, Drie Riviere-Oos, Vereeniging, 48785; Johanna Christina Fokkema, 6403310094081 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 30422/2014—Geldenhuys, Susarah Johanna, 2208130012088, Retire at Midstream, Midrand Estates, Midrand, 48919 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 31588/2014—Gill, Joy Cora, 4610150089086, Denys Conradie, Railway Lane, Benoni, 49022 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 24984/2014—Hendricks, Gert, 4708085101081, 15 Delhi Street, Mackenzieville Uit. 1, Nigel, 48361; Roselina Hendricks, 5104020166083 (Nigel; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 30516/2014—Ives, Reginald Charles, 2211195040085, 10 Louisianna, Mozart Road, Honeydew, 48865 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 33415/2014—Jordaan, Johanna Helena Josina, 2901090019081, Tehuis van Bejaardes, Nigel, 1491, 49096 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 33909/2014—Knoetze, Hendrik Gerhardus, 2408265055080, Allinstraat 51, Haddon, 2190, 49156 (Johannesburg).— ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave, Kempton Park, 1620. 31775/2013—Singh, Somlall, 6309305193087, 19 Adam Tas Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort, First and Final; Trisha Singh, 8810190296081 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Truter Crous & Wiggill Incorporated, PO Box 6629, Greenhills, Randfontein, 1759. 18128/2011—Moon, Pullen, 5001015248084, 633 Peach Street, Toekomsrus, Randfontein, First and Final; Lena Johanna Poppie Moon, 5910050064083 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—Truter Crous & Wiggill Incorporated, PO Box 6629, Greenhills, Randfontein, 1759. 26375/2014—Nortier, Tobias, 7603045018086, widower, 63 Langerman Street, Randgate, Randfontein (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—Truter Crous & Wiggill Incorporated, PO Box 6629, Greenhills, Randfontein, 1759. 31394/2014—Mpshe, Malose Peter, 3510285167081, 4807 Simelane Street, Mohlakeng E Ext 3, Randfontein, First and Final; Yvonne Mpshe, 5104090356085 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—Truter Crous & Wiggill Incorporated, PO Box 6629, Greenhills, Randfontein, 1759. 12136/13—Porter, Anna Christina Magdalena, 5903050097088, 10 Canyon View, Zebrina Close, Breaunanda, Krugersdorp, 21 days (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Van Schalkwyk & Partners, PO Box 849, Paardekraal, 1752. 23084/2012—Johannes Hendrik Lodewikus, 5601025017088, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Charmaine Jordaan, 5605130131080, 21 dae (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Charne van den Berg, PO Box 1163, Ridgeway, Johannesburg, 2099.

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31090/2009—Kubeka, Khatide Alpheus, 3709125276082, 2013 Dlamini Township, Extension 2; Phindile Daphne Kubeka, 4703110630089 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—KG. Mashigo Attorneys, 58 Marshall Street, Marshalltown, Johannesburg. 029064/2013—Ngcokwane, Madoda Josiah, 3610025175087, 9793 Sebe Street, Zone 7B, Sebokeng, First and Final, 21 days (Sebokeng Court; Johannesburg).—Jose & Associates, 62 Marshall Street, 105 Khotso House. 020738/2014—Swarts, Charles, 6806055144087, 24 Kerk Street, Elsburg, First & Final; Wilhelmina Petronella Swarts, 6605240107086, 21 days (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Jose & Associates, 62 Marshall Street, 105 Khotso House. 18707/2013—Bonginkosi Thembinkosi, 6505305493084 (South Gauteng).—Derrocks Attorneys, PO Box 38048, Booysens, 2016. 30262/2009—Hlongwane, Phillemon Mthobi, 6403225411081, 31 Kamaal Crescent, Aazadville, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Andrew Lishivha Inc, Attorney & Conveyancers, 8th Floor, Samancor Building, 83 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. 9687/2012—Nkosi, Mlungu Thomas, 4304045491083, 370 Makhulong Section, Tembisa (Tembisa; Johannesburg).— Andrew Lishivha Inc, Attorney & Conveyancers, 8th Floor, Samancor Building, 83 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; PO Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107. 18820/2012—Sebati, Matlhodi Ernestina, 1808090150082, 4515 Section N, Mamelodi West, Pretoria, First and Final, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Mphokane Attorneys, Office 518, Rentbel Towers, Pretoria. 22109/2013—Maimane, Manase Mavis, 3303280193082, unmarried, No. 7782, Zone 2, Diepkloof, Soweto, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution, 21 days (Johannesburg).—Thomas TR Attorneys, Main and Loveday Streets, 23 Howard House, 1st Floor, Suite 101, Marshalltown. 32822/2009—Silver, Alan Charles, 3202235030185, 18 Hildreen Avenue, Fairmount Ext, Johannesburg, 2192 (Johannesburg).—Arnold Shapiro, Hogan Lovells, SA, PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146. 10571/2012—Ash, Roma Roslin, 2109180012087, Dioy Golden Acres, Sandringham, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Hogan Lovells (SA), PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146. 23286/2009—Dal Maso, Bruno, 2901205007088, 28 Second Street, Abbotsford, Johannesburg, Gauteng (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—BBM Inc, 112 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate. 16522/08—Wilson, John, 1510225051082, Unit 36, Garden Village, 72 Garden Road, Bordeaux, Randburg (Johannesburg).—BDO Wealth Advisers (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041. 18851/2013—Jordaan, Anne Elizabeth, 5207020042087, 33 Ronkettie Circle, Petersfield, Springs, First and Final; Louis Johannes Adriaan, 5004165054088 (Johannesburg).—O’Donoghue Attorneys, PO Box 14039, Dersley, 1596. 21077/2011—Rambau, Pearl, 6503070495087, 718 Protea Glen, Township, Johannesburg; Geofrey Rambau, 5501055334082 (15 Market Street, Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Aashia Saloojee Inc, PO Box 2277, Lenasia, 1820. 6479/2014—Davies, Elaine Doreen, 34011900250, 945 Moss Road, Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 816/2012—Ferris, Johannes Albertus, 60100950890, 2067 Nahoonrivier Street, Toekomsrus, Randfontein; Doris Rina Ferris, 62032700130 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 26076/2014—Fraser, William Edgar, 34051050710, 169 Wilropark Retirement Village, Wilropark; Daphne Elizabeth Fraser, 3708310111088 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 33666/2014—Johnson, Olive Jane, 3606100418186, 63 Glenrus Park, Adrea Street, Glenmarais, Kempton Park (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 27984/2013—Prigge, Bernhard Friedrich Peter, 3709155052080, Passport: 26-09-2013, 19 Swemmer Road, Silvanonte, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 31424/2012—Steenkamp, Antoinette Maria, 7011270288087, 51 Baker Street, Estera, Germiston, First and Final; Charles Rudolph Anthony Steenkamp, 6802255004080, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 24179/2014—Stols, Gabriel Jacobus, 4411265017082, 14 Richmond Ave., Craighall Park (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 23249/2013—Wadman, Christine Ann, 5501020092088, 1219 Polo Avenue, Weltevreden Park, Florida, Roodepoort (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 27834/2013—Ragunanan, Harry, 2202225089085; Sarusmoney Ragunanan, 350202092088 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys, PO Box 6039, Lenasia North, 1838. 18898/2013—Dovey, Tracy Lee, 11 May 1972, 7205110253083, 10A Bute Avenue, Hurlingham (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Nerina Wessels Attorney, PO Box 3423, Pinegowrie, 2123. 9815/2013—Dadamia, Rabia, 3008250076080, 40 Hottentotsholland Avenue, Bosmont, Johannesburg, 2092, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg; South Gauteng High Court).—Abduragman Peck, 40 Sipres Street, Bosmont, Johannesburg, 2092. 12612/2007—Joseph, Jogra, 0706210063089, 18 Polack Avenue, Newclare, Johannesburg, 2092, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg; South Gauteng High Court).—A & A Accounting Services, 40 Sipres Street, Bosmont, Johannesburg, 2092. 31496/2014—Peense, Martha Magdalena, 5403260200085, 19 Beechcraft Avenue, Impala Park, Boksburg, 1460; Francois Peense, 5508215152080 (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Tuckers Inc., 84 Trichards Road, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1460. 000108/2014—Parag, Balloo, 4609175086085, 2 Statice Street, Ext. 3, Lenasia, 1827 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).— DK Motirau & Co., PO Box 42123, Fordsburg, 2033. 30685/2013—Essop, Mohamed Faru, 5606265078088, Unit 1, 23 Lawley Avenue, Northcliff, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Master of the High Court, Johannesburg).—Hawa Ismail, Unit 1, 23 Lawley Avenue, Northcliff, Johannesburg.

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5052/2014—Reichman, Rhoda Clare, 2409120070082, 29 The Ridge Road, Linksfield Ridge, Johannesburg (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Levitt Kirson, PO Box 225, Highlands North, 2037. 25424/2013—Medupe, Keni Petrus, 4111285422086, First and Final L & D Account; Gloria Medupe, 4905110558083 (Johannesburg).—Mokonyane Inc. Attorneys, PO Box 136, North Riding. 14111/2010—Wall, Heidrun Gerda, 4402070424183 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—W Kohler & Co., PO Box 33611, Jeppestown, 2043. 023875/2014—Ruddock, Marie, 2508060047081 (Randburg; Johannesburg).—W Kohler & Co., PO Box 33611, Jeppestown, 2043. 2337/2014—Moloi, Samson, 5203275565088, First and Final L & D Account (Johannesburg).—Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, PO Box 61855, Marshalltown, 2107. 20819/2013—Vosloo, Sarel, 3503295056089, 31 Bertha Street, Triomf; Maria Magdalena Vosloo, 3711190054089 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Delia Kruger Attorneys, 92 Totius Street, Poortview, Roodepoort. 25097/2012—Visagie, Maria Susanna, 2907130019080, Flat 209, Kruinpark Retirement Village, Wilropark, Roodepoort (Johannesburg Master; Johannesburg).—Tuckers Incorporated, 84 Trichardts Road, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1460. 28184/2013—Bichara, Olga Giovanna, 2504070023188, 52 Bambi Road, Rispark, Johannesburg, First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Lazzara Leicher Inc., 76 Corlett Drive, Melrose North, 2196. 29687/2014—Strime, Phyllis Thora, 3510130010080, 31 Olympic Road, Blairgworie, Johannesburg (South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—Fluxmans Inc., Private Bag X41, Saxonwold, 2132. 1982/2013—Esterhuyse, Martha Helena Jacoba, 2705190015083, SAVF Rustige Ouetehuis 156, Chief Mgeveni Khumalo Rylaan, Witrivier, 47523, Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Witrivier; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave., Kempton Park, 1620. 021011/2014—Dippenaar, Andre, 4907085046086, Kleinstraat 70, Ermelo, 2350, 48460; Clara Isabella Dippenaar, 5712200015084 (Ermelo; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave., Kempton Park, 1620. 021470/2014—Venter, Pierre Theo, 3801035017084, Edelvalk Plek 21, Bankenveld, Witbank, 48413 (Witbank; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave., Kempton Park, 1620. Van Niekerk, Leonardus Hendrik, 3410305022087, 27 Dan Pienaar, Volksrust, 2470, 49286; Anna Maria Elizabeth van Niekerk, 4305160079082 (Volksrust; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave., Kempton Park, 1620. 021580/2014—Van der Linde, Christo, 6906195033081, Jebadine Garens 15, Smitstraat, Ermelo, 49027; Cisca van der Linde, 6907030033088 (Ermelo; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave., Kempton Park, 1620. Morgan, Albert Seymour, 2610225035181, 5 3rd Avenue, Juba Park, Volksrust, 49319 (Volksrust; Nelspruit).—ABSA Trust Bpk, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; ABSA Trust Bpk, 8th Floor, ABSA Building, 16A Central Ave., Kempton Park, 1620. 31647/2014—Dique, Annette Margaret, 3807060021081, 2 Francious Street, Edenvale, First and Final (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Rubicon Trust Company Limited, 208 Barry Hertzog Avenue, Greenside, 2196. 30820/2014—Norval, Petrus Cornelis, 3301285019088, 8A 5th Avenue, Parktown North, 2193, First and Final (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Rubicon Trust Company Limited, 208 Barry Hertzog Avenue, Greenside, 2196. 18563/11—Rabie, Olivia Maria, 3205290049081 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Wynand du Plessis Attorneys, 30 Resc Street, Rockpoort. 10297/2011—Van Wyngaardt, Jacobus Phillipus, 3203285007081, Eden 6, Ottosdal-Oord, Faerie Glen, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Van Zyl Hertenberger Inc., Box 48370, Roosevelt Park, 2129. 4000/2013—Black, Charles David, 4104215046083, 9 Hakskeen Street, Brackendowns Ext. 5, 1448 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Susan B Cohen Attorneys, PO Box 781622, Sandton, 2146. 14923/2012—Paterson, Margaret-Ann Natalie, 7007300059084, 32 Highlands Estate, 5th Street, Erand Gardens, 1600 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Susan B. Cohen Attorneys, PO Box 78122, Sandton, 2146. 8816/2013—Grayson, Ann Winifred, 3012290005083, 53 Klaradyn Gypsium Street, Elarduspark, Pretoria (Pretoria/Tshwane; Pretoria – Northern Province).—Almeida-Grobler Attorneys, 2 Silver Mist, 142 Libertas Avenue. 2770/2014—Hopf, Trevor Douglas, 5707025109089, 109 Yonder Hill View Street, Elarduspark, 0181 (Pretoria; North Gauteng, Pretoria).—Almeida-Grobler Attorneys, 2 Silver Mist, 142 Libertas Avenue. 14175/12—Dreyer, Petrus Adriaan Johannes, 3906145020082 (Pretoria).—Jackie Outhoff (Executrix), PO Box 74393, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, 0040. 12527/2013—Zitha George David, 3804245200086, Erf 13261 Seyiso Street, Daveyton, 1520, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Zitha Flora Mulalo, 5501070762085, 21 days (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Moruo Trust & Estates Planning, 16-20 New South Street, Renaissance Centre, Gandhi Square, 3rd Floor, Suite 5. 6727/2014—Varachia, Ahmed Essop, 400428540087, 6 Acorn Avenue, Extension 6, Lenasia (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Mahmood Mia Attorneys, 3rd Floor, ESB Centre, 37 Mint Road, Fordsburg. 22594/2014—Van der Schyff, Jan Johannes, 4004215083088, 018 Wege Street, Mindalore, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannes, 2000. 21509/2010—Tuck, Stanley Jack, 2401085042180, Sandringham Gardens, 85 George Avenue, Sandringham, Johannesburg, Second & Final, 21 days (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—DF Anderson, c/o PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074. 23424/2013—Kalabathee Supersath, 3409100102086, 222 Caledon Street, Actonville, Benoni, 1501, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Bham and Dalya, PO Box 2413, Benoni, 1500. 22206/2013—Symington, Jacobus Philadelvius, 4401115080083, 92 Caledon Street, Nigel, 1491 (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.

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12635/08—Schultz, Victor Gordon, 4610205106083, 2 Rankdoring Avenue, Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort, First and Final; Gita Schultz (born Engelman, previously Maitland), 5901010050080, 21 days (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 24397/2014—Percival, Edward Thomas, 3909105124183, 36 Montana, Rooitou Avenue, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort (Roodepoort; South Gauteng).—Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191. 028411/2014—Hira Naran, 3309085063081, 19 Magaliesberg Street, Winchester Hills, Johannesburg, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Premi Hira Naran, 3512160070083, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—N.G. Patel & Partners, 1st Floor, East Wing, 63 Dolly Rathebe Road, Fordsburg, 2092, Johannesburg. 20182/2010—Moshabane, Mamogodi Bernard, 3111165141088 (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—M.C. Kruger Attorney, 5th Floor, Mentone Media Centre, 1 Park Road, Richmond, Johannesburg. 34151/2014—Mendes Dos Santos, José, 2803225047088, 15 Sandilands Road, Malvern East, Extension 1 Germiston, 2007; Madalena Soares Mendes Dos Santos, 3109290064084 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Mercantile Bank Limited, PO Box 782699, Sandton, 2146. 20117/2013—Mohlala, Nozipho Margaret, 2509090205087, 10049 Eiselen Street, Daveyton (Daveyton; Johannesburg).—Thabeka Cecilia Yako, c/o B.P. Ndaba Incorporated, 81 Ampthill Avenue, 10th Floor, Central House, Benoni. 19787/2013—Mokgoadi, Materase Isaac, 5807115736087, No. 100 Major Road, Clayville, Gauteng Province; Kwetepe Florah Mokgoadi, 6209200861087 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—Kubayi Attorneys, No. 11 Monument Road, Kempton Park. 13728/2013—Maseko Simon Melamu, 5709105373089, 16193 Kagiso Extension 12, Krugersdorp, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Krugersdorp).—Swart Redelinghuys Nel & Partners, 245 Voortrekker Road, Monument, Krugersdorp. 17419/2012—Asharef McPherson, 7102065049089, 29 Blouklip Avenue, Bassonia, Johannesburg, the First And Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Luisa Paula McPherson, 6803080134084, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).— Nomably Inc, PO Box 61907, Marshalltown, 2107. 7675/2012—Manaswe, Reshoketswe Pearl, 5905180481082, 401 Sunnycrest, 75 Quartz Street, , Johannesburg, 2000, First and Final (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—De Wet-Van der Watt (Sandton), PO Box 78159, Sandton, 2146. 25286/2014—Marchington, Dennis Edwin, 2904255041080, 28 San Sereno, Private Bag X14, Bryanston, First and Final; Trevelyn Dorris Marchington, 3107260051081 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000. 2403/2014—Moosa Adamjee Loonat, 3212205173089, 432 Ellemdeen Street, Actonville, Benoni, 1501, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Sham and Dahya, PO Box 2413, Benoni, 1500. 22444/2014—Koen, Gene Mervyn, 7708255042088, 23 Brookfield Manor, Falcon Street, Meyersdal (Palm Ridge; South Gauteng).—Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus; 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191. 10208/2013—Khoza, Johannes Dikgang, 6305175897088, No. 232 Steward Ndoda Street, Extension 11 Kagiso; Sylvia Nonhlanhla Khoza, 6505100516089 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Kubayi Attorneys, No. 11 Monument Road, Kempton Park. 031454/2013—Kesten, Yasmin, 6202270139088, 2 Welman Avenue, Newclare, Johannesburg, 2093; Anthony Roland Kesten, 5805075063088 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000. 28114/2014—Hundermark, Helena Gertruida, 6012010024080; Joseph Hundermark, 6211035018081 (Krugersdorp; Johannesburg).—Erasmus Motaung Inc., Suite T2, Cats Corner Building, 39 Kroton Street, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort. 31886/2014—Harmse, Christian Johannes Jacobus, 3609095060088, 23 Amanzimtoti Street, Careltonville, 2499; Anna Catharina Harmse, 4009090046084 (Careltonville; Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000. 8911/2012—Goode, Leonard Bryan, 3210045054089, 232 Waterfall Hills, 2 Waterfall Hills Lane, Sunninghill, 2091, First and Final; Wendy Goode, 3406300038086, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Vincent Frans Laubscher, 63 Main Street, Bordeaux, Randburg. 26870/2012—Hoori Essop, 1610210037052, 2 Dahlia Street, Zinniaville, Rustenburg, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Vally Chagan & Associates, PO Box 61902, Marshalltown, 2107. 466/2014/DBN—Jean Margaret Dale, 3507090027088, 1577 Sarnia Road, Hillary, 4094, 14 December 2013, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. 11741/2013—Dalton, Errol Benjamin, 3608045075089, 47 Janet Street, Florida, Roodepoort, Johannesburg, 1709 (Roodepoort; South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000. 18063/2013—Antonio Mana Oos Ramos, 4005255047081, 27 Honeybush, Aspen Hills Extension 1; Maria Jose Dos Ramos, 4506100065087, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).— Caldeira & Associates, Portuguese House, 11 Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma. 20932/2014—Ellis, Stephanus Phillipus, 3305125029082, 46 Riverside Manor, 101 Leeukop Road, Sunninghill; Rosemary Anne Ellis, 3112250041084, First (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—JB Hunkin, PO Box 149, Cresta, 2118. 2789/2008—Buckley, Hetty Lepine, British Citizen (Johannesburg).—Christodoulou and Mavrikis Inc., P.O. Box 413163, Craighall, Johannesburg.

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2668/2008—Buckley, John William Watkinson, British Citizen (Johannesburg).—Christodoulou and Mavrikis Inc., P.O. Box 413163, Craighall, Johannesburg. 24245/2014—Capazorio, Maria Teresa, 2604070021081; Manuel Domingos Capazorio, 2611075046088 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Etienne Cloete, 1st Floor, Law Chambers, Southdale Shopping Centre, Alamein Road, Southdale, Johannesburg. 4806/2013—Correia, Maria Adelaide (born De Pontes Mort), 4504040050087, Amended (Johannesburg; Pretoria).— Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty), PO Box 3673, Randburg, 2125. 21893/2013—Banks, John David Miller, 3911035073183, 38 Willie Walie Street, Atlasville, Johannesburg; Diane Banks, 4206020065180 (Johannesburg).—Attorney John Edward Broido, 1724 Marble Towers 205, 214 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg. 1550/2014—Botha, André, 6412235087088, Paul Krugerstraat 27, Lydenburg, 1120, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae [Mashishing (Lydenburg); Pretoria].—Veritas Eksekuteurskamer SA (Edms) Bpk, Van Ryneveldweg 70, Pierre van Ryneveld, 0045. 17324/2013—Malan, Anna Maria, 3909170068083, Moerbeistraat 19, Visagie Park, Nigel, 1490 (Nigel; Pretoria).—Ted Groenewald Prokureurs, Vyfdelaan 29, Geduld, Springs, 1559 (Posbus 188, Springs, 1560). 15965/2010—Rall, Jan Tielman, 4708225002082, 810 Barnard Street, Wingate Park, Pretoria, First and Final (Pretoria).— WF Bouwer Attorneys, 1225 Justice Mahomed Street, Menlo Park. 30239/2014—Park, Maryna Petronella, 4903270068084, 75 West Street, Westonaria (Westonaria; Johannesburg).—Van Wyk Oosthuizen Attorneys, Unit 4, Nashet Building, corner Kenneth and Convent Street, Greenhills, Randfontein. 1652/2011—Taetsane Isaiah Sekonyela, 5708235649087, Stand No. 2750, 28 Thugela Street, Extension 4 Embalenhle, 2285, 29-10-2010, the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days [Highveld Ridge (Evander)].—Van Schalkwyk-Le Roux Venter Inc., 2 Janson Street, Secunda; PO Box 6299, Secunda, 2302. 2715/2014—Meyer, Theunis Johannes, 6102035052081 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—Marie Victor Attorneys, 248 Danie Theron Street, Pretoria North, Pretoria. 23374/2012—Du Plooy, Rudolph Arnoldus, 3205125004087; Anna Gezina Du Plooy, 5709110164085 (Oberholzer; Johannesburg).—JJ Tubb, MHI Attorneys, 295 Durban Road, Bellville, 7530. 27997/2013—Lavarinhas, Faustino da Cunha, 3311195043086, 22D Lavin Road, Bedfordview, Johannesburg; Fernanda Gomes Lavarinhas, 3303220017086 (Johannesburg).—Capvest Wealth Management-Anton Meyer, 25 Culcross Road, Bryanston, Johannesburg, 2152. 31673/10—Ebden-Hitzeroth Marlon Loring, 6602065046085, 21 Ninth Avenue, Melville, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale; Nasirodien Ebden-Hitzeroth, 6706265120085 (Johannesburg).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 1237/2014—Mashila, Linda Ida, 3612290267086, Stand 5585, Mamelodi Township, Gauteng, First and Final (Pretoria).— Karen van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 42, Woodlands, 0072. 14648/2013—Robinson, Edward John, 5803285019081, 817 Monte Dora Avenue, Strubens Valley, Roodepoort, 1735, First (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Grant Thornton, Private Bag X28, Benmore, 2010. 20550/2014—Zylka, Ruth, 5110220014080, Alaricweg 46, Valhalla, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 549/08—Myerson, Nathan, 0910205037088, 1401 Majestic Towers, 38 Empire Road, Parktown, First (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Tuch Brothers & Company. 20550/2014—Zylka Ruth, 5110220014080, Alaricweg 46, Valhalla, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150. 15793/12—Mashaba, Samson Joseph, 5405295711085, 293 Sofasonke Street, Stand 1457, Orlando East; Ntombizanele Sylvia Mashaba (Msebe), 5505170747086 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Estate Experts (Pty) Ltd, 766 Norman Street, Montana Park, 0159. 21913/2014—Leader, Alfred George, 2706045009081 (Johannesburg).—SG Sharpe, PO Box 491, Gallo Manor, 2052.


1828/2010—Yawa, Koti Petros, 6309275710084, First and Final; Elina Yawa, 7412070375084, 21 days (Dordrecht; Grahamstown).—Van Niekerk & Co, P.O. Box 230, Dordrecht, 5435. 20044/2014—Johnson, Ivor Malcolm, 2902275037088, The Valley, Lily Kirchmann, 72 Jarvis Road, Berea, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Bax Kaplan Incorporated, 2 Clevedon Road, Selborne, East London. 4931/2010—Jantjies, Nkosazana Lillian, 2802080185082 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Joubert Galpin Searle, 173 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 380/2009—Mzobe, Mboniswa, 5005185193087, Liquidation and Distribution Account as from the date of publication (Lusikisiki; Mthatha).—Chitha, Sikhunyana & Partners, 16 Stanford Street, Embassy Building, Office No. 5, Lusikisiki. 105/2014—Gemetane, Beauty, 6809251074082, Mfundweni A/A, Sdanda Location, Ngqeleni, 21 days (Ngqeleni; Mthatha).—Z. N. Dumalisile Attorneys, No. 7 Craister Street, Mthatha.

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20899/2014—Mahintsho, Vincent, 3506305081088, Jambeni A/A, Lusikisiki, 21 days; Mahintsho Ndgxiyana, 3404020340080 (Lusikisiki; Mthatha).—Z. N. Dumalisile Attorneys, No. 7 Craister Street, Mthatha. 353/2014—Ludidi, Manzezulu, 3704185124082, Maqhubeni A/A, Qumbu, 21 days (Qumbu; Mthatha).—Z. N. Dumalisile Attorneys, No. 7 Craister Street, Mthatha. 023069/2014—Mbilini, Cebo Nhlanhla Euticus, 8307235290088, No. 26 Mlonyeni Street, Southridge Park, Mthatha, 21 days (Mthatha; Mthatha).—Fikile Ntayiya & Associates, Sanlam Building, Mthatha. 3238/2013MTH—Fikeni, Mzomkhulu, 3703165133089, Mount Ayliff Village (Mount Ayliff; Mthatha).—Elliot & Walker, P.O. Box 17, Kokstad, 4700. 3238/2013MTH—Fikeni, Mzomkhulu, 3703165133089, Mount Ayliff Village (Mount Ayliff; Mthatha).—Elliot & Walker, P.O. Box 17, Kokstad, 4700. 1781/2010—Mzizi, Pindiwe Veronica, 6008160616089, 9 Jamela Street, Grahamstown, 6139 (Grahamstown).— Leon Keyter Attorneys, P.O. Box 720, Grahamstown, 6140. 932/2013—O’Reilly, Hans, 3812275037088, 4 St John Street, New Rest, Queenstown, 5319, First and Final (Queenstown; Grahamstown).—Bowes McDougall Inc, P.O. Box 639, Queenstown, 5320. 310/2014—Botha, Blanche Threasia Dawn, 3210220080081; Michael Coenrad Botha, 2911055067082 (East London; Grahamstown).—Cooper Conroy Bell & Richards Inc, P.O. Box 19272, Tecoma, 5214. 020050/2014—Botha, Lucille Carol, 4908010086080, 6 Keerom Street, Bothasrus, Despatch, 6220, First and Final (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Standard Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057. 3917/2013—Scheepers, Bertie, 4204205495082, Laer Drostdystraat 42, Sentraal, Uitenhage; Julinda Scheepers, 3911080273084 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—G.P van Rhyn Minnaar & Kie Ing., Posbus 192, Rhymin-gebou, Republiekplein, Uitenhage, 6230. 022073/2014—Wilken, Erasmus Johannes, 4603265006087, 41 Relton Road, Sidwell, Port Elizabeth, 6001, First and Final; Brenda Wilken, 5005010109084 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 022264/2014—Grové, Adrian Gerhardus, 6306035143085, 37 Rubin Crescent, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, First and Final; Wanda Grové, 7205290001088 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 021645/2014—Ristow, Basil Eric, 5206155010083, 30 Highfield Road, Beacon Bay, East London, 5241, First and Final (East London; Grahamstown).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 022067/2014—Van Coller, Andries Lukas, 3004105029085, Dolphinrylaan 17, Astonbaai, 6332, 20819, Eerste; Elizabeth Susanna Magdalena van Coller, 3208080062082 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 021616/2014—Smith, Herbert Brian, 3305125055087, 35 Flamingo Crescent, Beacon Bay, East London, 20827 (East London; Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 4712/2013—Govender, Krishna, 5612145107089, 55 Calendula Drive, Malabar, Port Elizabeth, 20151; Angela Gail Govender, 5308240071086 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 3539/2013—Delport, Eileen Louisa Cathrina, 3512300008084, 34 Western Avenue, East London, 5200, 20348 (East London; Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 022064/2014—Daniel, Naomi, 1910110028080, Munro Kirk, Pier Street, South End, Port Elizabeth, 6001 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 3526/2011—Gxekwa, Mandisi Welcome, 4306245131088, 57 Tapson Street, Cambridge, 5247, 18789, Amended First and Final (East London; Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 725/2012—Pitout, Michel, 5811275109085, Scottstraat 6, Somerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 19056 (Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 021123/2014—Fuller, Leon Leonard, 5705125133081, 8 Dippenaar Circle, Buffalo Flats, East London, 20727 (East London; Grahamstown).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 020455/2014—Ranger, Roslyn Ann, 6201090046085, 8 Palm Heights, Andre Street, Valleisig, Uitenhage, 6229 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 020481/2014—Van Rensburg, Dawid Benjamin, 3703045042088, Sonneblomstraat 6, Despatch, 6220; Cornelia Janse van Rensburg, 4410160066087 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 20186/2014—Gous, Fay Margery Christina, 2909210008082, Fernglen Frail Care Centre, Ralston Road, Fernglen, Port Elizabeth, 6045 (Port Elizabeth).—Nelson Attorneys, 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 021655/2014—Pillay, Gordon Thomas, 3311205069089, 95 Bell Road, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth, First & Final (Port Elizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 4191/2012–Pearse, John, 2512155143185, 26 Ralston Road, Fernglen, Port Elizabeth, Supplementary (Port Elizabeth).— FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057. 3885/2013—Ferreira, Frances, 3407170061083, Elizabeth Jordaan Home for the Aged, Protea Street, Cradock, First and Final (Cradock; Grahamstown).—Pagdens Inc., 18 Castle Hill, Central, Port Elizabeth.

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5948/2013—Sapier, Nathan Victor, 3308085020083, 217 The Orchard Village 2, Thionville Road, Lorraine, PE, 6070 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Kevlar Financial Services, PO Box 27971, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057; 126 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 5770/2013—Muller, Geoffrey, 3702275008082 (Kirkwood; Port Elizabeth).—Moore Stephens WK Inc., PO Box 1635, Jeffreys Bay, 6330. 001100/2014—Thomas, Ian, 4612055088080; Anthonette Thomas, 5212070113085 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).— Moore Stephens WK Inc., PO Box 1635, Jeffreys Bay, 6330. 001240/2014—Vorster, Charl, 4609225015084 (Pretoria; Port Elizabeth).—Moore Stephens WK Inc., PO Box 1635, Jeffreys Bay, 6330. 4074/2013—Ferreira, Sara, 3701280085085; Barnard Jacobus Ferreira, 2806275021085 (Port Elizabeth).—Barnard Jakobus Ferreira, 13 McLuckie Street, Francis Evatt Park, Port Elizabeth. 022311/2014—Botes, Anna Elizabeth Catharina, 3801180025080, Flat 18, Valleihof, Kirkwood, 6120, First and Final; Johannes Jurgens Botes, 3603135029088 (Kirkwood; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 6771/2009—Mtshotana, Nontuthuzelo Virginia, 5608070725085, 13 Faleni Street, KwaMagxaki, Port Elizabeth, First and Final, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—PQ Naidoo Attorney, 39—5th Avenue, cnr of 5th Avenue & Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 0569/2013—Scovell, Geesje Maria, 4803190068083 (Port Elizabeth).—Nolands PE, PO Box 28302, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth, 6008. 021399/2014—Venter, Margot Doreen, 2202210001087, Cradock Old Age Home, Cradock, First and Final (Cradock; Grahamstown).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 5848/2009—Dodo, Zamuxolo, 6406106216081; Cicilia Dodo, 6403170761084 (Mount Frere; Mthatha).—Smith Van der Watt Inc., PO Box 399, Paardekraal, Krugersdorp, 1752. 5615/2013—Lessing, Petrus Arnoldus, 4812305058087, Pride of India 60, Jeffreysbaai; S Lessing, 4803220105087 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—Jan Visser Prokureurs, Posbus 400, Jeffreysbaai, 6330. 5229/2013—Goliath, Monica Patricia, 6605040202087, 60 Conifer Street, Bloemendal, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).— Burman Katz Attorneys, 214 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth. 1585/2011–Sithetho, Mandlakapheli Sam, 4012205482087, 589 Dimbaza, 5618, First and Final (King William’s Town; Bhisho).—Elwyn Lentz, PO Box 1159, King William’s Town, 5600. 1292/2011—Ponono, Gcina Gcinumzi Xhala, 5807155309084, 11 McCullum Street, Alice, Amended First & Final (Alice; Bhisho).—FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 020588/2014—Maleza, Mphumezi Prescot, 7201106299081, 605 Zone 16, Mdantsane, First and Final; Nomakhosazana Qeqe, 6712270971082 (Mdantsne; Bhisho).—Elwyn Lentz, PO Box 1159, King William’s Town, 5600. 4073/2013—Van der Walt, Izak Hendrik, 5403195050084, Dunnweg 71, Uitenhage, 6229; Audrey Lynette van der Walt, 5807170078086 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Kitchings Ingelyf, Kanonstraat 48 (Posbus 136), Uitenhage, 6230. 647/2014—Pienaar, Pierre, 5701295009086, First and Final Account (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Surietha Meyer Attorneys, PO Box 32165, Summerstrand, 6019. 1519/2014—Telfer, Lorena Ceresa, 5809010058088, First and Final Account (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Surietha Meyer Attorneys, PO Box 32165, Summerstrand, 6019. 2015/2012—Daley, Gilbert Joseline, 4605255620082; Nirmala Giblert Daley, 5110030150082 (King William’s Town; Bisho).—Hutton & Cook Attorneys, Sutton Square, Queens Road, King William’s Town. 20723/2014—Verwey, Johannes Hendrik Verwey, 4206015018087, Kerkstraat 66, Despatch; Wilma Hermina Verwey, 4509060031081 (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Conradie Campher & Kemp, Hoofstraat 20, Despatch. 1513/2012—Flugel, Constance Zenobia, 3006290024086; Alfred Carl Flugel, 2106135034083 (King Williams Town; Bisho).—Hutton & Cook Attorneys, Sutton Square, Queens Road, King William’s Town. 1200/2013—Chandler, Pauline, 3011250048080 (King William’s Town; Bisho).—Hutton & Cook Attorneys, Sutton Square, Queens Road, King William’s Town. 1200/2013—Chandler, Pauline, 3011250040080 (King William’s Town; Bisho).—Hutton & Cook Attorneys, Sutton Square, Queens Road, King William’s Town. 3893-2011—Mkhize, Bukelwa Enid Rita, 4401180109080, Esikobeni Administrative Area, Cofimvaba; deceased (Cafimvaba; Mthatha).—S. Booi & Sons Attorneys, 75 Prince Alfred Street, Queenstown. 021707/2014—Meiring, Martha Maria, 5104110139081, 26 Gustav Preller Street, Retief, Despatch, 6220, First and Final (Uitenhage; Port Elizabeth).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth, 6057.


1183/2014—Germishuizen, Jan Andries, 5405195112087, 6 Dot Serfontein Street, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—Old Mutual Trust, Po Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 25449/2014—Oosthuizen, Susanna Johanna Magrietha, 5202060070080, Buchananstraat 16, Sasolburg; Benjamin Kehl Oosthuizen, 4611275069086 (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 5666/2013—Pelesa, Matseliso Alinah, 5407080232087, 67 Walvis Avenue, Bloemside, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein; Free State).

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1726/2014—Hill, Jan Lowies, 430601566084, Danluhof 7, Douglasstraat, Bloemfontein, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—CJ Raath, p/a Rothmann Prokureur Ing., Posbus 11649, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9321. 9846/2013—Van der Merwe, Willem Jacobus Cornelis, 5112035060084, Driekuil, distrik Philippolis (Philippolis; Bloemfontein).—Raubenheimers Ing., Posbus 21, George, 6530. 7827/2013—Botha, Cornelia Dina, 5405090067089, Caledonstraat 11, Ficksburg, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale (Ficksburg; Bloemfontein).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 020742/2014—Le Roux, Jacobus Johannes, 2606135003087, Spes Bona Old Age Home, Douglas, First (Herbert; Kimberley).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 1822/2013—Moselantja Elisa Lekitlane, 4909190605089, ongetroud en woonagtig te 6672,Constantia, Kroonstad, 9500, oorlede op: 06-02-2013, Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—JI Roos, Maree Gouws, Prokureurs vir die Eksekuteur, Arraratweg 83 (Posbus 3823), Welkom, 9460. 20866/2014—Mboyiya, Lebohang Elis, 8701145261082, 16078 Seeisoville, Kroonstad (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—Du Randt & Louw Ing., PO Box 26, Kroonstad. 4917/2013—Selokoma, Rammorokhoane Jacob, 4702285131188, Shipmentstraat 9, Wepener, 9944, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Damaris Matlhoiso Selokoma, RA560320 (Dewetsdorp; Bloemfontein).—Carroll van de Wall & Joubert, Posbus 10, Dewetsdorp, 9940. 2664/2013—Mokhunoana, Malefane Samuel, 5409255756080, 7685 Constantia, Maokeng, Kroonstad, 9499; Motlalepule Cynthia Agnes Mokhunoana, 5710010760089.—Du Randt & Louw Incorporated, 25 President Street, Kroonstad. 10079/2013—Nonguzela, Zandise, 6202125887089, 25294 Thabong, Welkom (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—Neumann van Rooyen, Posbus 4, Welkom, 9460. 1536/2014—Thinane, Sabata Abrahama, 5307235219080, 8100 Constantia, Maokeng, Kroonstad, 9499; Josephine Thinane, 5508080594085.—Du Randt & Louw Incorproated, 25 President Street, Kroonstad. 5387/2013—Maruping, Arabang Potlako, born: 18-08-1944, Lesotho Passport: RA417841, 1 Chemin Mesanges, Chêne- Bourg, 1225 Geneve, Switzerland; Anthony Mothae Maruping, born: 30-05-1944, Lesotho Passport: RA498899 (Ladybrand; Bloemfontein).—K Smit, Christo Dippenaar Ingelyf, MBE 214, Privaatsak X03, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 861/2013—Vuyane Hans Phike, 5009015144088, 4564 Station View, Thaba Nchu, 21 dae (Thaba Nchu; Bloemfontein).— CJ Raath (Eksekuteur), Rothmann Prokureurs, Eersterstraat 17, Labrihof Gebou, Arboretum, Bloemfontein, 9301; Posbus 11649, Bloemfontein, 9321. 3450/2013—Pretorius, Anna Sophia, 2808180015087, Stanleyweg 16, Noordhoek, Bloemfontein, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Bloemfontein).—Schoeman Maree Ingelyf (A H Taute), Posbus 3292, Bloemfontein, 9300. 263/2014—Wessels, Jacobus Lambrecht, 2709055009082, Stellenryk 27, Maartensstraat, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—E Gouws, p/a Hill McHardy & Herbst, Posbus 93, Bfn, 9300. 23069/2014—Pieterse, Nicolaas Johannes Pieterse, 4205235010080; Elaine Sylvia Pieterse, 4604130055085 (Parys; Bloemfontein).—Mnre Coetzees Ingelyf, Posbus 5, Buitenstraat 25, Parys, 9585. 23594/2014—Le Roux, Rina, 2812080002088, Kamer 131, Gang N, Najaarsrus Kliniek, Dolfstraat, Parys, 9585 (Parys; Bloemfontein).—Mnre Coetzees Ing., Buitenstraat 25 (Posbus 5), Parys, 9585. 6395/2012—Mandries, Mosidi Caroline, 7308010876084, Huis; Kgositsile Stephen Mandries (Bloemfontein).—Bock & Van Es Prokureurs, Kellnerstraat 61, Bloemfontein, 9301. 20747/2014—Booker, George Thomas David, 4201065009086, 5 Dykman Street, Kroonstad (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—Du Randt & Louw Ing, PO Box 26, Kroonstad. 24548/2014—Theron, Magrietha Cornelia, 5009190042081, Nebostraat 7, Morelig, Bethlehem, 9701; Theron, Stephanus Johannes, 5708135070087 (Bloemfontein).—Bindeman Prokureurs, Posbus 43663, Heuwelsig, 9332; Bompartstraat 6, Bloemfontein, 9301. 25653/2014—Lebusho, Kebogile Diana, 6910281122089, 18478 Grassland 2, Bloemfontein, 9306, First and Final; Moshobane Solom Lebusho, 6103026019089 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 2467/2014—Bouwer, Martha Magrittha, 3805220012081, 30 Pretorius Street, Sasolburg, First and Final; Nicholas Hendrik Bouwer, 4503185063087 (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 24548/2014—Theron, Magrietha Cornelia, 5009190042081, Nebostraat 7, Morelig, Bethlehem, 9701; Theron, Stephanus Johannes, 5708135070087 (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein).—BindemanProkureurs, Posbus 43663, Heuwelsig, 9332; Bompartstraat 6, Bloemfontein, 9301. 20560/2014—Meintjies, Juanita, 4012070011086, Striata 66, Universitas, Bloemfontein, Distribution Account (Bloemfontein).—Lovius-Block, Eerste Laan 31, Westdene, Bloemfontein; Posbus 12196, Brandhof. 20481/2014—Calitz, Hester Magdalena, 4609280136080 (Bloemfontein).—Kramer Weihmann & Joubert, PO Box 12322, Brandhof, 9324. 12399/2013—Beyers, Jacobus Nicholas Boshoff, 4307305015088, plaas Mooigelegen 863, distrik Harrismith, 9880, Eerste en Finale (Harrismith; Bloemfontein).—FRR Neethling, Posbus 260, Bloemfontein, 9300. 020725/2014—Wilkie, Kathleen, 3004030013089, 28B Bayswater Village, Bayswater, Bloemfontein, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—EM van Wyk, EG Cooper Majiedt Ing, Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein. 25765/2014—De Jager, Henry Adolph, 3812245039081, Albuweg 4, Flamingo Park, Welkom, 25189; Engela Maria de Jager, 4112080057085 (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 25915/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Johannes Jacobus, 4209155021085, Bermudasingel 49, Uitsig, Bloemfontein, 25184 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

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23529/2014—Van Wyk, Elsie Johanna, 2410120015085, Sentrum van Bejaardes, Haldonweg 16, Bloemfontein, 25133, Gewysigde (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 25230/2014—Mosala, Elias Lephoi, 4712045554082, 18119 Johannes Motloung Street, Kagisanong, Bloemfontein, 25157; Maria Kedineetswe Mosala, 5306210713083 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 25581/2014—Grobler, Johannes Frederick, 2212225051084, Mooihawe Tehuis, Mevillerylaan 100, Brandwag, 25277; Naomi Grobler, 3002210040088 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 25463/2014—Claassens, Gezina Elizabeth, 3407150050080, Samfred 3, Pagasisstraat 11, Heliconhoogte, Bloemfontein, 25272; Jacob Arnoldus Claassens, 3101305058086 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 20109/2014—Tshabalala, Shingana Moses Abednego, 7001145459088, 3661 New Location, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, 24883 (Bethlehem; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 21432/14—Pienaar, Wynand Cornelius Jacobus, 4201205087083, Amie Pretoriusstraat 96, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein, 9301; Anneleze Pienaar, 4604280518080 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Piet Kotzè & Vennote, Posbus 81, Winburg, 9420. 4334/2013—Breedt, Johannes Jacobus, 4308095016088, Serenitas 91, Genl Hertzogrylaan, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale, 21 days (Bloemfontein).—Sanlam Trust (Bloemfontein), Posbus 4235, Bloemfontein, 9300. 024576/20—Louw, Johannes Barend, 3702025040088, Onse Gryse Jeug, Van Eck Street, Sasolburg, First and Final (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 020469/2014—Nkhi, Kharametsane Stephen, 6012275838083, 8088 Lusaka Section, Tumahole, Parys; Luwisa Nokwezani Nkhi, 6301270433085 (Bloemfontein).—R. M. Makhalemele & Associates Inc Attorneys, No. 7 Riemland Corner Park, Riemland Street, Sasolburg, 1947. 24497/2014—Olivier, Adriaan Jacobus Jeremias, 3502125072084, Vyfde Straat 14, Koppies, 9540, 25169; Petronella Dorothea Johanna Olivier, 5206150173084 (Koppies; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- & Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 26328/2014—Verrall, Elene, 3709180046081, Koistraat No. 6, Soneike, Kuilsrivier, 8410, 25179 (Kuilsrivier; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- & Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 26364/2014—Van der Walt, Elizabeth Catharina, 1910260007082, Najaarsrus, Dolfstraat, Parys, 25327 (Parys; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron- & Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 4951/2013—Abel Fernandes Alexandre, 5806156111085, Zingabellastraat 4, Harmony, Virginia, 9459, oorlede op 27-04-2013, Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Ana Gomes Goncalves Alexandre, 6910310492081, 21 dae (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—J. I. Roos, Maree Gouws, Prokureur vir die Eksekuteur, Arraratweg 83 (Posbus 3823), Welkom, 9460. 7922/2013—Nkoja, Jason, 9012245276080, 302 Ipopeng P, Luckhoff (Fauresmith; Bloemfontein).—L. C. J. Kruger, Posbus 38, Koffiefontein, 9986. 8061/2013—Smith, Maggie Amy, 4207280062081, plaas Rietkuil, Senekal, Senekal (Senekal; Free State).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 25480/2014—Hoffman, Lukas Petrus Johannes, 2807125022083, 3 Haveman Street, Frankfort (Frankfort; Free State).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 11989/2013—Joubert, Pieter Johannes, 4007225022087, Colensostraat 2, Sasolburg (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).— De Hart Prokureurs, Posbus 250, Kroonstad. 001335/2014—Dreyer, Paul Roux, 4304175059080, 8B Morris Street, Hillsboro, Bloemfontein, 9301 (Bloemfontein).— PricewaterhouseCoopers—Bloemfontein, Posbus 818, Bloemfontein, 9300. 5989/2012—De Kock, Daniel Johannes, 5504055067082, Prosperostraat 4, Bedelia, Welkom, 9459, Supplementêre (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—Legatus Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 17, Pinegowrie, 2123. 020469/2014—Nkhi, Kharametsane Stephen, 6012275838083, 8088 Lusaka Section, Tumahole, Parys; Luwisa Nokwezani, 6301270433085 (Master of the Hgh Court; Bloemfontein).—R. M. Makhalemele & Associates Inc Attorneys, No. 7 Riemland Corner Park, Riemland Street, Sasolburg, 1949. 6383/2012—Mafumekwane, Liphaphang Sidwell, 5801235207087, 754 Meqheleng, Ficksburg, Free State; Litlhare Dorah Mafumekwane, 5908190193085 (Ficksburg; Free State). 4951/2013—Abel Fernandes Alexandre, 5806156111085, Zingabellastraat 4, Harmony, Virginia, 9459, oorlede op 27-04-2013, Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Ana Gomes Goncalves Alexandre, 6910310492081, 21 dae (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—J. I. Roos, Maree Gouws, Prokureur vir die Eksekuteur, Arraratweg 83 (Posbus 3823), Welkom, 9460. 22418/2014—Du Plooy, Magdalena Wilhelmina, 4406130075083; Erick du Plooy, 4212115073089.—Kriek & Van Wyk Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585. 23591/2014—Stofberg, Kenneth Louis, 3703075036083, AGS Retirement Village, Fowler Street, Hospital Park, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—Claude Reid Inc, 165 St Andrew Street, Bloemfontein.


17352/2014—Ramballee, Mathanlal, 410601508208, 27 Peargreen Place, Greenbury, Phoenix, 4068; Bendoo Ramballee, 4310280083089 (Verulam; Durban).—First Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary Road, Umzinto, 4200. 16928/2012—Sahadeo, Jagmohan, 6208145187087, 19 Dick King Road, Kwa-Duguza; Roshilla Sahadeo, 7408230151084 (Stanger; Durban).—Rakesh Maharaj & Co. Tel: (032) 551-1055. 30 days.

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8457/2011/PMB—Makhoba, Zilo, 7310045545080, P.O. Box 215, Paulpietersburg, 3180; Thembi Roselina Makhoba, 7703160457083 (Paulspietersburg; Pietermaritzburg).—B.M. Thusini Attorneys, P.O. Box 2104, Vryheid, 3100. 23723/2014 DBN—Pillay, Gopal, 5105165064082, 1557 Penguin Lane, Ghandinagar, Umzinto, 4200; Mayadevi Pillay, 5705200131083 (Scottburgh; Durban).—Singh & Gharbaharan, First Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary Rood, Umzinto, 4200. 10261/2011 PMB—Pillay, Thiravangidum Subroyen, 4104105087080 (Scottburgh; Pietermaritzburg).—Singh & Gharbaharan, First Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary Road, Umzinto, 4200. 9141/2012/PMB—Gilbert Thulani Mchunu, 5306066447083, 1 Springfield Avenue, Lynnfield Park, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Asad Ameen & Company, P.O. Box 3494, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 16994/2013/DBN—Anita Florence Marshall, 2611300026087, Zululand Home for the Aged, Mangosuthu Buthelezi Drive, Eshowe, 3815, 25 September 2013, First and Final Account, Three weeks (Eshowe; Durban).—RN Hamann of C & H Accounting Inc., P.O. Box 4, Eshowe, 3815. 25081/2014 DBN—Syed Nazim Nafiza Bibi, 6302170141083, 42 Granada Street, Shallcross, KwaZulu-Natal (Chatsworth; Durban).—L.A. Khan Attorneys, Suite 118, Queen City, 54 Denis Hurley Street, Durban. 11954/2013DBN—Simpson, Anthony Allen, 4606305149080, 117 Kangela Street, Eshowe, 3815; Predeceased (Eshowe; Durban).—W E White Attorneys, 12 Osborn Road, Eshowe, 3815. 11954/2013DBN—Simpson, Anthony Allen, 4606305149080, 117 Kangela Street, Eshowe, 3815; Predeceased (Eshowe; Durban).—W E White Attorneys, 12 Osborn Road, Eshowe, 3815. 11955/2013DBN—Simpson, Gail, 4806020116089, 117 Kangela Street, Eshowe, 3815; Anthony Allen Simpson, 4606305149080 (Eshowe; Durban).—W E White Attorneys, 12 Osborn Road, Eshowe, 3815. 26382/2014—O’Brien, Dawn Maureen, 2906050028089, 16 Bathany Gardens, 22 Hoogvorst Road, Pinetown, 3610 (Durban; KwaZulu-Natal, Durban). 24577/2014DBN—Crawford, Peter, 4708055118180, Plettenberg No. 19 Xaxasa, Caravan Park, Mtunzini (Eshowe; Durban).—W E White Attorneys, 12 Osborn Road, Eshowe, 3815. 22340/14 DBN—Zuma, Bonginkosi, 4609295230084, First and Final; Mamzeni Dorothy Zuma and Vuyiswa Ezmy Nzimande, 4907180468086, 21 days (Empangeni; Durban).—Mthiyane and Partners, No. 14 Bellersham Park, Penny Lane, Richards Bay. 891/2014—Herholdt, Pieter Frederick De Wit, 1505155002089, Plot 34, Pongola, KwaZulu-Natal (Pongola; Pietermaritzburg).—WL Sekretarisse en Trust Mpy (Edms) Bpk, P.O. Box 549, Ermelo, 2350. 8624/2013 DBN—Naidu, Nundagopaul Morgan, 4304195129087, 317 Grove End Drive, Grove End, Phoenix, 4068, First and Final, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Victor Goundenand Associates, Suite 9, Raza Oriental Plaza, 56 Pandora Street, Phoenix, 4068; P.O. Box 60375, Phoenix, 4080. 22323/2014/PMB—Bannister, Joyce Pollard, 2407150037088, No. 2 The Studios, The Camphors, 30 Fisher Road, Hillcrest, 3650, First and Final (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, P.O. Box 235, Howick, 3290. 001861/14 PMB—Van Wijk, Wilma Nicoline, 5209040111082, 24 Beverley Road, Prestbury, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg).—Pretorius Du Plessis Inc., P.O. Box 536, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 8624/2013 DBN—Naidu, Nundagopaul Morgan, 4304195129087, 317 Grove End Drive, Grove End, Phoenix, 4068, First and Final, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Victor Goundenand Associates, Suite 9, Raza Oriental Plaza, 56 Pandora Street, Phoenix, 4068; P.O. Box 60375, Phoenix, 4080. 3962/2014 DBN—Winn, Arthur Brian, 3811065019082 (Durban; Durban).—PA Daley, 382 Currie Road, Durban, 4001. 6453/2003/PMB—Pillay, Patrick Rajagopaul, 5711045266084, No. 67 Lotus Drive, Lotus Park, Isipingo, Durban, First and Final, 21 days; Dhanalutchee Pillay, 6109090196059, 21 days (Durban Magistrate’s Office; Pietermaritzburg).—Ashieka Naidoo and Company, P.O. Box 39962, Queensburgh, 4093. 21694/2014/PMB—Cresswell, Dermot Willoughby, 3005245218082, 13 Champagne Village, Le Domaine, Hillcrest (Pietermaritzburg).—For the Executor, Christopher Walton & Tatham Inc, 133 Murchison Street (P.O. Box 126), Ladysmith, 3370. 1426/2014/pmb—Pillay, Vadivalu Pillay, 2606235067081, 13 Dowdray Park, 1 Leinster Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, First and Final (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, P.O. Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 20478/2014—Vermaak, Abraham Johannes, 4409275022084, 387 President Street, Louwsburg; Cielia Johanna Vermaak, 5002060037083 (Louwsburg; Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 1836/2013/DBN—Papayya, Sylvester Benedict Papayya, 5002205110084; Dhollama Papayya, 4510310103084 (KwaDukuza/Stanger; Durban). 24073/2014-DBN—Vadia, Ayesha, 3909160116082, No. 3–2nd Street, Stanger, 4450 (Stanger; Durban).—M. S. Mall Incorporated, P.O. Box 1333, Stanger, 4450. 24073/2014-DBN—Vadia, Ayesha, 3909160116082, No. 3–2nd Street, Stanger, 4450 (Stanger; Durban).—M. S. Mall Incorporated, P.O. Box 1333, Stanger, 4450. 1836/2013/DBN—Papayya, Sylvester Benedict Papayya, 5002205110084; Dhollama Papayya, 4510310103084 (KwaDukuza/Stanger; Durban). 4421/2000/PMB—Rudolph, Walter Frank, 4102115107089, 18 Joseph Chamberlain Avenue, Hilton (Pietermaritzburg).— M. C. Wilkinson Attorneys, P.O. Box 868, Hilton, 3245. 16768/2012—Nagel, Johanna Sophia Susanna, 3703050044086, Xaxaza Park, 25 Dronga Drive, 112 Mimosa Ave, Mtunzini, Natal, Supplementary First and Final; Charles Gilbert Biddulph Nagel, 3905165039089 (Mtunzini; Durban).—Cornel Botha Attorneys, Posbus 74035, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. 17268/2013—Dredge, Norma Lauraine, 3308120026087, 14 Sea Breeze Retirement Homes, Anerley, 4230, First and Final (Port Shepstone; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

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20927/2014/PMB—Mbatha, Lindiwe Mirriam, 5207100829080, House No. E8004, Section 5, Madadeni, First and Final; Mthandeni Joseph Mbatha, 4307285325085 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—DBM Attorneys, P.O. Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 12849/2013/DBN—Courier, John Cyril, 5406065277083 (Durban; Durban).—John Hudson & Company, 303 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban. 22631/2014—Raybould, Jill Sandra Delve, 3805160024088, 36 Howick Road, Athlone, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final (Pietermaritzburg).—Tatham Wilkes Attorneys, P.O. Box 161, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 21040/2014 DBN—Valayudam, Kamatchi, 5308070149085, 128 Riversdale Road, Silverglen, Chatsworth (Chatsworth; Durban).—M Chetty and Associates, 290 Arena Park Drive, Arena Park, Chatsworth. 2702/2012 DBN—Ntombela, Petronella, 5107160294086, J1543, Siphamathi Road, Section J, Esikhawini, Amended Liquidation and Distribution Account (Empangeni; Durban).—Ngwenya & Zwane Inc., P.O. Box 4003, Empangeni, 3880. 9835/2013/PMB—Elliott, Irvin Loton, 3003015051080, 3 Brittany, Le Domaine, Hillcrest (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).— PWC, P.O. Box 13884, Cascades, 3202. 22358/2014/PMB—Drinkwater, Pieter Gabriel, 2707055008088 (Vereeniging; Pietermaritzburg).—Paterson & Jones, P.O. Box 618, Hillcrest, 3650. 2702/2012 DBN—Ntombela, Petronella, 5107160294086, J1543, Siphamathi Road, Section J, Esikhawini, Amended Liquidation and Distribution Account (Empangeni; Durban).—Ngwenya & Zwane Inc., P.O. Box 4003, Empangeni, 3880. 25093/2014DBN—Naidu, Moonsamy, 2810025060088, 21 Newclay Square, Clayfield, Phoenix, 4068 (Verulam; Durban).—Attorneys R. Maharaj and Company, P.O. Box 60353, Phoenix, 4068/Suite 7, Gem City, M56-62 Parthenon Street, Starwood, Phoenix. 12097/2013DBN—Sunder, Nanpathi, 3407180056081, 25/24th Avenue, Umhlatuzana, Chatsworth (Chatsworth; Durban).—Seelan Pillay & Associates, 18 Caston Grove, Musgrave, Durban, 4001. 021878/2014/PMB—Cormack, Kathleen Margaret Ann, 3308010079089, Unit 205, 7 Anwick Lane, Amberglen, Howick, 3290, First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, P.O. Box 235, Howick, 3290. 20237/2008—Stampfl, Mamie Petronell, 4002080025085; Nikolai Berhard Stampfl, 4102135070183 (Durban; Durban).— Berkowitz Cohen Wartski Attorneys, 17th/18th Floor, Southern Life Building, 88 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001. 3303/2014/DBN—Naidoo, Loganathan, 4409065165085, 72 Rawalpindi Road, Merebank, 4052; Rookmani Selvarani Naidoo, 5212140187085 (Durban; Durban).—Netisha Pannalall Attorneys, P.O. Box 31373, Merebank, 4059. 15044/2012/DBN—Murrray, Ophelia, 2402200065189, No. 1 Chartham, 180 Brand Road, Durban, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Durban; Durban).—E R Browne & Sons, 73 Musgrave Road, Durban. 282/2014/PMB—Chilliba, Stoffel Delekile Chiliba, 7004126429088, 19 Cottonwood Lane, Panorama Gardens, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 23195/2014/PMB—Moodley, Dickie Maganathan, 3310145063087, 21 Minerva Road, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final; Ethel Jeevum Moodley, 3310145063087, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 6900/2005—Nkosi, Jane Regina, 3303030930080, 6872, Osizweni, Newcastle, First and Final, 21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—Veritasboe, Van Ryneveldweg 70, Centurion. 7806/2013/PMB—Msindo, Jefrey Sithembele Msindo, 4802105743087, 976 Longhomes, Bhongweni, Kokstad, First and Final; Nocawe Delicious Msindo, 5302120203083, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 20927/2014/PMB—Mbatha, Lindiwe Mirriam, 5207100829080, House No. E8004, Section 5, Madadeni, First and Final; Mthandeni Joseph Mbatha, 4307285325085 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—DBM Attorneys, P.O. Box 117, Newcastle, 2940. 024107/2014—Otto, Johann Frederich, 3001135009087, 22 Kingsway, Bergville, First and Final (Bergville; Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 12505/2011 DBN—Knox, Alan Guy, 3406265042081, 4 Palms Royale, 94 Round the Gren, Sunningdale, First and Final (Durban; Durban).—Grant Thornton, P.O. Box 752, Durban, 4000. 5317/2008 PMB—Govender, Venketas, 4702025106086; Dharema Pothenee Govender, 4908150082089 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Manoj Heripersad & Associates, Wearcheck House, 16 School Road (P.O. Box 2783), Pinetown, 3600. 7126/2013/PMB—Argall, Susanna Margritha, 3202105042080; Arthur Normand Argall, 3105215042080 (Estcourt; Pietermaritzburg).—Macaulay & Riddell, P.O. Box 107, Ladysmith, 3370. 5264/2011/PMB—Harris, Beryl, 1609060062186, Frail Care, Amberfield, Howick, 3290, Supplementary First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Austen Smith, P.O. Box 37, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 5264/2011/PMB—Harris, Beryl, 1609060062186, Frail Care, Amberfield, Howick, 3290, Supplementary First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Austen Smith, P.O. Box 37, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 14451/2013 DBN—Mandla Marc Mngomezulu, 7412255925083, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Esikhawini; Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900. 16117/2010 DBN—Shoik, Mariam Bibi, 5205150205086; Yunus Shaik, 4803055163086 (Durban; Durban).— Manoj Heripersad & Associates, 2nd Floor, Wearcheck House, 16 School Road. 1824/2013/PMB—Mbuzeleni Bethuel Buthelezi, born on 13 July 1956, 5607135524087, House No. 81322, Osizweni A, 2951, date of death: 10 January 2013, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—T. J. Mphela, Southey-Mphela Inc, 80 Harding Street (P.O. Box 3108), Newcastle. Docex 4. 3126/2014/DBN—Woodhouse, Vivienne Estelle, 4312200010085, 44 Glunning Road, Malvern, Queensburgh (Pinetown; Durban).—Advocate A O Cook SC, Private Bag X9967, Sandton, 2146. 21314/2014/pmb—Judd, Malcolm Stuart, 3010155074087, 1 Warbler Close, Amberfield, Mare Street, Howick, 3290, First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—A G Jenkins Attorneys, Postnet Suite 285, Private Bag X6, Cascades, 3202.

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Bheka Emmanuel Phakathi, 6507225341088, formerly L902 Umlazi Township, PO Umlazi, 4031, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days [Umlazi (V1318 Mangosuthu High Way V Section, Umlazi); Durban (2nd Floor, Devonshire Place, Anton Lembede Street, Durban)].—Mbatha & Associates, 101C Doone House, 379 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 2084/2014 (DBN)—Mayhew, Penelope Dawn, 3110160028084, 53A South Road, Escombe, Natal, First and Final, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—C/o Phipson De Villiers, 74 Madeline Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 4694/13—Bhekumuzi Lawrence Makhanya, 1972-11-17, 7211175468087, B1397 Folweni Township, Isipingo, 4110, 2013-04-01. Amended and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban).—S. W. Khanyile & Associates, Suite 205, 2nd Floor, Durban Bay House, 333 Anton Lembede Street, Durban; P.O. Box 3681, Durban, 4000. 21632/2014—Pietersen, Laurence Ronald, 3804235025089, 27 Arne Crescent, Montclair, Durban (Durban; Durban).— Gloria Rosemary Pietersen, 27 Arne Crescent, Montclair, Durban. 2084/2014(DBN)—Mayhew, Penelope Dawn, 3110160028084, 53A South Road, Escombe, Natal (Durban; Durban).— C/o Phipson De Villiers, 74 Madeline Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001. 11180/2012/PMB—Niven, Cynthia Mary, 2010270014084, The Village, Pinetown Nursing Home, 5 Fairlea Close, Pinetown, 3610 (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—DGE Wimble, P.O. Box 13728, Cascades, 3202. 14600/2011 DBN—Singh, Sudir, 7409305016087, 9 Zinnia Street, Stanger Manor, Stanger; Amended First & Final, 21 days (Stanger; Durban).—C/o Laurie C. Smith Inc, 22 Gizenga Street, Stanger. 20237/2008—Stampfl, Mamie Petronell, 4002080025085; Nikolai Berhard Stampfl, 4102135070183 (Verulam; Durban).—Berkowitz Cohen Wartski Attorneys, 17th/18th Floor, Southern Life Building, 88 Joe Slovo Street, Durban, 4001. 2885/2014 (DBN).—Dube, Cynthia Makhosazana, 6404240760080, 208 Risegate Drive, Southgate, Phoenix, 4068 (Verulam; Durban).—Attorney Vinay Yetwaru, Suite 901, 9th Floor, Denor House, cnr Smith & Field Streets, Durban, 4001. 28218/14DB—Moodley, Kaliappen, 3509145187081, 10 Azad Avenue, Belvedere, Tongaat, 4399; Visalatchmee Moodley, 4908140615089 (Durban; Durban).—Kasmeera Budhoo, P.O. Box 2174, Durban. 6195/2013DBN—Gcwabaza, Jabulani Alfred, 3902025599089, 43 Maponya Street, Umlazi N; Duduzile Winefred Gcwabaza, 4912160909083 (Port Shepstone; Durban).—C/o Junaid Khamissa Attorneys, 16 Bazley Street, Port Shepstone, 4240. 11949/2011/DBN—Sahadu, Balkissoon, 3209125117089, 29 Road 730, Montford, Chatsworth; Mahadai Sahadu, 3307250096084 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Shashi Marajh & Company, 128 Florence Nightingdale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 20330/2014—Kisi, Nkomayitshi, 4012045359081, Mthamvuna A/A, Mount Ayliff, 4735; Nothandekisa Khisi, 4703250177081 (Mount Ayliff, Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 13527, Cascades, Pietermaritzburg. 11949/2011/DBN—Sahadu, Balkissoon, 3209125117089, 29 Road, 730 Montford, Chatsworth; Mahadai Sahadu, 3307250096084 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Shashi Marajh & Company, 128 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. 405/2014/P—Klingenberg, Elly Meta, 4110190007081, 95 President Street, Vryheid, 3100 (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).— J. M. Steenkamp & Kie, Posbus 863, P.O. Box Vryheid, 3100. 4679/2012 DBN—Molefe, Sikhumbuzo Billy, 3503035408087; Bongiwe Maryjane Molefe, 3806290178083 (Ntuzuma; Durban).—T. E. Mlambo Attorneys, Suite 500, Tower B, Salisbury Centre, 347-351 Dr Pixley Kaseme Street, Durban. 26381/14D—Moodley, Jayaseelan, 6507145202089, 6 Oteniqua Street, Shallcross, Queensburgh, 4093; Munsamy Moodley, 6706140177086 (Durban; Durban).—Kasmeera Budhoo, P.O. Box 2174, Durban. 24650/14PM—Bonnet, Hermanus Johannes, 2812305058089, 22 Tambotistraat, Newcastle, 2940 (Durban; DBN).— Kasmeera Budhoo, P.O. Box 2174, Durban. 27895/14DB—Mc Manus, Ruth Nora, 2211170040084, Flat 6, Myrtle Mansions, 246 Frere Road, Glenwood (Durban; DBN).—Kasmeera Budhoo, P.O. Box 2174, Durban. 3577/2013/Durban—Patricia Margaret Dean, 4810290225083, 34 – 5th Avenue, Pinetown, First and Final, 21 days (Pinetown; Durban).—King-Essack and Associates Incorporated, P.O. Box 82, Pinetown, 3600. 7575/2009-DBN—Gumede, Xolani Thambani-Frederick, 7104225608085, N-1509, Umlazi Township, 39 Springs Avenue, P.O. Umlazi, 4066, First & Final Account , 21 days (Umlazi; Durban).—Nompumelelo Radebe Incorporated, Suite 1202, Metlife Blds, 391 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 4679/2012 DBN—Molefe, Sikhumbuzo Billy, 3503035408087; Bongiwe Maryjane Molefe, 3806290178083 (Ntuzuma; Durban).—T.E. Mlambo Attorneys, Suite 500, Tower B, Salisbury Centre, 347-351 Dr. Pixley Kaseme Street, Durban. 14725/2007/PMB—Lurie, Solomon Bear, 2211105036082, 19 Wessel Street, Montagu, 6720, Amended First and Final (Montagu Western Cape; Pietermaritzburg).—Wade Shapiro Attorneys, P.O. Box 639, Durban, 4000. 10844/2012 DBN—Muthu Mariammah Naidoo, date of birth: 15 August 1942, 4208150381080, No. 3 Yellowwood Place, Trenance Park, Verulam, date of death: 11 October 2011, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Krishna Naidoo, date of birth: 24 July 1946, 4607245155088, three weeks (Verulam; Durban).—Shun Pillay Attorneys, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Agents for Executrix Dative, 1217 Durdoc Centre, 460 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. 13711/2010 DBN—Mzikayise Shozi, date of birth: 1944/08/08, 4408085239086, Kwa-Owabe, Ward 17, Ndwedwe, date of death: 2010/08/05, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Velephi Peggy Shangase, date of birth: 1971/09/15, 7109151034081, three weeks (Durban; Durban).—Standard Bank Rosebank, 29 Trywhitt Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2196. 24101/2014/PMB—Johnson, Boryl Jossio, 2306040009085, Greendale House, Amber Avenue, Howick (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Eckhard Volker CA (SA), P.O. Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630. 23306/2014/PMB—Schwogmann, Brian Richard, Passport No. 801280598, 13 Ocean Point, 40 Chartwell Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—Eckhard Volker CA (SA), P.O. Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630. 10450/2013/PMB—Hardman, Reginald James, 3308285013086, Haymanthus, Ashburton, Amended First and Final (Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, P.O. Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

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18396/2012 (DBN)—Hirasen, Bernard Sathasivam, 6711145193088, 6 Citrine Avenue, Arena Park, Chatsworth, 4092 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Attorney Vinay Yetwaru, Suite 901, 9th Floor, Donor House, cnr Smith & Field Streets, Durban, 4001. 20115/2014 DBN—Spratt, Philip Brookes, 4712195160086; Janet Graceilda Spratt, 4705190049080 (Scottburgh; Durban).—Singh & Gharbaheron, First Floor, Allybro Centre, Centenary Road, Umzinto. 13182/2012 (DBN)—Naicker, Loganathan, 5210175138080, 35 Garnet Place, Lotus Park, Isipingo, 4113, First and Final; Rookmoney Naicker, 5701060180088 (Durban; Durban).—Attorney Vinay Yetwaru, Suite 901, 9th Floor, Denor House, cnr Smith & Field Streets, Durban, 4001. 10883/2013 DBN—Marshall, Dawn Joan, 3109070008087, 6 Harrowgate Village, 2 Hanbury Close, Umlanga Manor, KZN [Inanda (Verulam); Durban].—Mr J Marshall, c/o JV Hart CC, P.O. Box 11751, Dorpspruit, 3206. 017583/2013—Bobisch, Marie Florence, 3605090049084 (Durban; Durban). 017583/2013—Bobisch, Marie Florence, 3605090049084 (Durban; Durban). 22534/2014 (PMB)—Uys, Adam Marthinus, 4410085069083 (Pietermaritzburg).—Johannes Z Viviers, P.O. Box 11013, Dorpspruit, 3206. 17464/2013 DBN—Andre Michael de Wet, 5610175087080, 9 Oosterland Road, Umgeni Park, 4051, 24-10-2013, Liquidation and Distribution; Michelle Lisa de Wet, 710290078087, three weeks (Durban).—Delgado Velosa Kenworthy & Associates Inc, 2nd Floor, Bridge House, Boundary Terraces, Newlands, 7700. 17464/2013 DBN—Andre Michael de Wet, 5610175087080, 9 Oosterland Road, Umgeni Park, 4051, 24-10-2013, Liquidation and Distribution; Michelle Lisa de Wet, 710290078087, three weeks (Durban).—Delgado Velosa Kenworthy & Associates Inc, 2nd Floor, Bridge House, Boundary Terraces, Newlands, 7700. 5485/2013/DBN—Padayachee, Sivy, 6710045447081, 15 Shampally Mews, 10 Pampally Way, Reservoir Hills, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal; Prabashni Padayachee, 7301230111085 (Pinetown; Durban).—Peacock, Liebenberg & Dickinson Inc, 4 Pastoli Road, Pinetown. 24729/2014/DBN—Thandixolo Lington Situkuza, 5302025945085, Erf 197/2 Keate Street, Harding, 26 June 2014, Liquidation and Distribution Account; Thembisile Florence Situkuza, 6903032252081, 21 days (Harding; Durban).—Attorney Neil Bowles, 6 Hawkins Street, Harding, 4680. 8163/2012—Gray, Arthur Llewellyn, 4312135093081, 11 Villiers Drive, Clarendon, Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg).— FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 212, Westville, 3630. 2051/2011/PMB—Olivier, Pieter van Rooyen, 7009225020084, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).—MM Olivier–Executor, 180 Hlobane Street, Vryheid, 3100; PO Box 832, Vryheid, 3100. 1179/2012/PMB—Swanepoel, Pieter Andries, 3407165061080, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Petronella Hendrika Anna Swanepoel, 4101120068087, 21 days (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).—MS Lens–Executor, 180 Hlobane Street, Vryheid, 3100; PO Box 832, Vryheid, 3100. 3880/2012/PMB—Claassen, Theunia Christobelle, 4403260020088, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).—GH Claassen–Executor, 180 Hlobane Street, Vryheid, 3100; PO Box 832, Vryheid, 3100. 1297/2014—Lutchman, Amichand, 5102135031085; Rajwanthia Lutchman, 5104280035085 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240. 24211/2014—Malliah, Thomas, 3909015064081, 39 Kentgate Close, Southgate, Phoenix, Durban; Sheila Malliah, 4901160132085 (Phoenix; Pietermaritzburg).—Green Attorneys, PO Box 4214, Pietermaritzburg. 10297/2013 DBN—Daniels, Freddy, 4007155155086, 19 Redfern Cresent, Redfern, Phoenix; Kistamah Daniels, 4505140124086 (Verulam; Durban).—Chris Gounden and Associates, 12 Acropolis Street, Suite 9, 2nd Floor, Starwood. 20728/2014/DBN—Naicker, Venketsamy, 3703025089083; Govinammah Naicker, 4209150083080 (Durban; Durban).— Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 22800/2014/DBN—Richards, Ivy Rosmund, 3109030076083 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 020159/2014/PMB—Pretorius, Catherina Gertruida, 1906160006083 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 3230/2014/DBN—Mabuto, Frans, 3106175173089 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 010649/2013/DBN—Lloyd, Brian Phillip, 4102145011086 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 20727/2014/DBN—Singh, Sookdaw, 3909185115085; Parvathee Singh, 3909185115085 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 6141/2013/DBN—Verwoerd, Michael Ridley, 5402055074085 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 4498/2014/DBN—Singh, Mahesh, 5610015146088; Shirley Singh, 5501230146088 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 23586/DBN—Augustine, Ronald Benedict, 5005085066086; Patricica Ernestine Augustine, 5507180749086 (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, KZN Branch, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.

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22337/2014/PMB—Van der Schyff, Elzabe Alice, 3205120002086 (Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal; Pietermaritzburg).—C.F. Torlage c/o Greenhough McHardy and Jones, P.O. Box 78, Dundee, 3000. 22208/2014/DBN—Pillai, Parvathy, 4101210110088, 72 Cillagrove Crescent, Grove-End, Phoenix, KwaZulu-Natal (Verulam; Durban).—Perumauls Attorneys, P.O. Box 60890, Phoenix, 4080. 355/2013/DBN—Bengu, Philpina Marrie, 5905290387088, Motana Pre-School, Ginga, near Verulam; Goodwin Sipho Bengu (Verulam; Durban).—Burne & Burne, PO Box 20832, Durban North, 4016. 15987/2011—Naicker, Soobramaniyen, 4112275388089, Liquidation and Distribution (Durban; Durban).—A Lalbahadur & Associates, Unti 6, 11 Cranbrook Park, Douglas Saunders Drive, La Lucia Ridge. 9011/2011—Kok, Dennis Cecil Kok, 3708255101086, 39 Kentgate Close, Southgate, Phoenix, Durban; Catherine Katie Kok, 4301110120084 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—University Law Clinic, Private Bag X01, Scottsville. 717/2012—Mayekiso, Thokozile Joyce, 6002040877086 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—Mr KM Chetty Attorneys, 98 Harding Street, Newcastle. 12068/2013—Gebhardt, Lynette, 3809140042087 (Durban; Durban).—Kohler Inc Attorneys, Suite 2, FNB Building, 6 Westville Road, Westville. 24165/2014—Raninarain, Sherwyn, 8205135011085; Rolene Sue Ramnarain, 8702160141084 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—KM Chetty Attorney, 98 Harding Street, Newcastle. 21283/2014—Singh, Chumpa Devi, 4610190020083; Raikumar Singh, 4304255043087 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).— KM Chetty Attorney, 98 Harding Street, Newcastle. 4748/2012—Young, Adolf Diedirik, 5505315030083; Martha Magdalina Young, 5901010014086 (Utrecht; Pietermaritzburg).—KM Chetty Attorney, 98 Harding Street, Newcastle. 20051/2014—Autar, Anesh, 7606285251085 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—KM Chetty Attorney, 98 Harding Street, Newcastle. 10420/2009/DBN—Mshengu, Busisiwe Harriet, 2712040121087, House 4913, West Mount, Orient Hills, Durban, Amended Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—ITI Administration Trust, 2nd Floor, Lornegrey Medical Centre, 280 DR. Yusuf Dadoo Street, Durban, 4001; P.O. Box 3104, Durban, 4000. 12068/2013—Gebhardt, Lynette, 3809140042087, Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Durban).— Kohler Inc Attorneys, Suite 2, FNB Building, 6 Westville Road, Westville. 4614/2013 DBN—Mqhubusheni Russel Ncube, 5205215338088, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Empangeni; Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900. 23051/2014/PMB—Duke, Elaine Coralie, 4308160390186, 7 Begonia Road, Cleland, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final; Graham Norman Wigman Duke, 3802225255088 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Peter Brown Attorneys, PO Box 12052, Dorpspruit, 3206. 17473/2011 (DBN)—Nirhoo, Lukia, 2310290047084, 20 Madrona Drive, Trenance Park, Verulam (Verulam; Durban).— Mervyn Gounden & Associates, P.O. Box 2051, Verulam, 4340. 15522/2012 DBN—Zamekile Tryphina Ngubane, 2408210174085, Thandisiwe Ward, Manguzi Village, KwaNgwanase, 3973, date of death: 2012-08-20, Supplementary Account, 3 weeks (Manguzi; Durban).—56 Helen Joseph Road, Glenwood (Davenport), Durban, 4000. 24520/2014—Padayachee, Anand Sathananthan, 6310135252085, 137 Brixhami Road, Orient Heights, Pietermaritzburg; Pria Padayachee, 6607310040080 (Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 14451/2013DBN—Mandla Marc Mngomezulu, 7412255925083, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days Esikhawini; Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900. 4614/2013 DBN—Mqhubusheni Russel Ncube, 5205215338088, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Empangeni; Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900. 12385/2010DBN—Odendaal, Johannes Jacobus, 6907085300085, Second and Final (Richards Bay; KwaZulu-Natal High Court).—Martins Attorneys, Die Stalle, c/o Aliwal 79 & Third Street, Bloemfontein. 4198/2013DBN—Majozi, Citowake, 3403125150089, Amended Liquidation & Distribution Account (Mahlabathini; Durban).—Krish Naidoo & Associates, Suite 1115, 11th Floor, Commercial City, 40 Dr A.B. Xuma Street, Durban, 4001. 8802/2005/PMB—Vencatasamy Shunmugam, 4111205123087, 116 Swallow Haven Road, Forest Haven, Phoenix (Verulam; Pietermaritzburg).—M. Nagouran & Associates, 36 Wick Street, Verulam. 3449/2012 PMB—Van Rensburg, Kathleen Winifred, 3004290063089, 8 Violet Road, Sunwich Port, KwaZulu-Natal; Gilfred John van Rensburg; 3710045080083 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Jennifer Mower Attorneys, P.O. Box 248, Uvongo, 4270. 3452/2014 DBN—Naicker, Savitri Rajr, 3310180055089, 14 Spencer Road, Clare Estate, Durban (Durban; Durban).— Peter Naicker Incorporated, Suite 911, 09th Floor, Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street (formerly Smith Street), Durban, 4000. 24862/2014—Kelly, Ann Luise Bold, 5503230101089 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, P O Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240. 21817/2014—Maritz, Kyle Steven, 5910275103088; Sharlene Vinetta Maritz, 5912100031005 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Van Zyl Retief Incorporated, PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240. 430/2014/DBN—Roberts, Marleen, 4710160120085, 330 Cato Road, Glenwood, Durban (Durban; Durban).—Mooney Ford Attorney, P O Box 442, Durban. 24344/2014—Naidoo, Chinna, 5108275143085, 114 Shannon Drive, Reservoir Hills, First and Final (Pinetown; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban,4000.

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23982/2014—Gill, Richard, 5108045198187, 175 Brixham Avenue, Bluff, 4052, First and Final (Durban; Durban).— Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 11617/13—Bradley, Mary Winifred, 1509170055106, Frail Care Centre, Sandown Village, 27 Harvey Road, Pinetown, First and Final (Pinetown; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durbann, 4000. 14260/13—Murray, Alan Christopher, 5201255692187, 150 Barrington, Gazelle Road, Ballito. First (Stanger; Durban).— Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 5991/2007—Simpson, George William, 4512015139082, 65 Quinton Smythe Road, Kloof, Durban, Supplementary First and Final (Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 26167/14—Peate, Helen Gordon, 2603310035083, 9 Knoll Road, Westville, First and Final (Pinetown; Durban).— Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 25164/2014—Deacon, Merle, 2609060083082, 42 Tafta Park, Bellair, First and Final (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 22042/2014—Allanson, Donald Graham, 3311295014086, 4 Burnside Place, Durban North, First and Final (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 4377/2013—Gar, Rose Dinah, 2203050015088, Beth Shalom, 85 Vause Road, Durban, First and Final (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 16347/2013/DBN—Stranack, Michele Louise, 5402180159181, 5a Alexander Drive, Winston Park, Gillitts, KwaZulu- Natal; Barry Brian Frederick Stranack, 4504015092080 (Pinetown; Durban). 000263/2014—Gulston, Norah Elizabeth, 2811280071083, 3 Harrison Road, Westville, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 3629, First and Final; Rollin Phillip Gulston, 3209015073087, 21 days (Durban).—Private Bag X54325, Durban, 4000. 20972/2014/PMB—Stretton-Barry, David, 3009235036082, Marsabit Farm, Empangeni Rail, 3910, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Empangeni; Pietermaritzburg).—Denis Soldat, Hills Howard & Associates (Pty) Ltd. 22436/14—Nauhaus, Charlotte Henrietta Frieda, 1704290023080, 141 Sahara Sands, Playfair Road, North Beach, First (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000. 15207/2013—Innocent Nhlanhlakhe Ngcobo, 8 February 1978, 7802085509083, 130 Grantdene Road, Newlands, 4037, date of death, 15 October 2013, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban).—Siza Khumalo Attorneys, Suite 307, Doone House, 3rd Floor, 379 Anton Lembede (Smith) Street, Durban, 4001; P.O. Box 3060, Durban, 4000. 1008/2014/PMB`—Nanni, Phyllis Maud, 2407070037085, No. 1 Shafton Road, Howick, 3290, First and Final (Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290. 022830/2014—Farrant, Major Leslie, 2912015071081, 6 Adrienne Avenue, Pennington (Scottsburgh; Pietermaritz- burg).—Morkel & De Villiers Inc/Ing, Posbus/PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129. 15779/2013/DBN—Galloway, Joan Malcolm, 2601170073087, Kloof Rest Home, 40 Abelia Road, Kloof (Pinetown; Durban).—Old Mutual Trust Limtied, Ridgeside Campus, No.2 Ncondo Place, uMhlanga Rocks, 4320. 31891—Botha, Tertia, 2504210024088, 80 Clair Ave, Manor Gardens, Durban, Amended (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 32901—Brune, Ian John, 4910295106088, 4 Palm Court, 20 Ibis Road, Umtentweni (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 33033—Botha, Anna, Cathrina Jacoba, 3405100083086, 28 Armstrong Road, Fynland, Bluff (Durban; Durban).— ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 16864/2013/DBN—Borland, Bernard Victor Borland, 2409255034085, 130 Riverside Park, 81 Anthony Road, Umgeni Heights, Durban North (Durban).—Woodhead Bigby Inc, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000. 26726/14—Gattingh, Shirley Dianne, 4106150040088, Unit 117, Tafta Park, 28 Greenwhich Avenue, Bellair, 4094, Amended, 21 days (Pinetown; Durban).—ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 21574/2014/DBN—Hodges, Trevor James, 6509075071088, 23 Castle Road, Assagay, Hillcrest (Durban).— Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. 32911—Harper, Terence Johnson, 3007095052082, Mooi Havens 3, Middleton Road, Winklespruit (Durban; Durban).— ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 024500/14—Grobler, Fiona Dorothy, 4501050026080, 40 New Scotland Road, PMB, 3201, 21 days (PMB; PMB).— ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 16979/2013/DBN—Gumede, Moses, 3307145130080, N1237, Umlazi; Mayvis Thandiwe Gumede, 6102090582089 [Umlazi (previously known as Umlazi); Durban].—Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. 26390/2014/DBN—Gets, Beryl May, 2909200054088, 5 Fairlea Close Road, Pinetown (Pinetown; Durban).— Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. 20368/14—Nkosi, Sydney Bhekizazi, 6206075557089, A481 Section 1, Madadeni, 2951.—Deena Reddy, PO Box 2174, Durban. 7828/2006 DBN—Paruk, Dawood, 3405235089081, 21 Esmail Crescent, Parlock, Durban, Amended First and Final (Durban; Durban).—Lockhat & Associates, Suite 700, 7th Floor, Nedbank House, 30 Ingcuce (Albert) Street, Durban. 2561/2014/DBN—Pearmain, Richard Ernest, 4303115080081, 75 Krewelkring, Meerensee, Richards Bay (Richards Bay; Durban).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. 21273/14—Mthethwa, Lindinkosi Mlungisi, 5701035747086, Ntuthunga No. 1, Empangeni, 3887.—Deena Reddy, PO Box 2174, Durban.

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27267/14DB—Moodley, Parvathiamal, 3505080102085, 33 Greenview Road, Silverglen, 4092; Govindaraju Moodley, 2711055079081 (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 33009—Mc Intosh, Stephen Magnus, 1106155031085, 152 Currie Road, Berea, Durban (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 9808/10—Lawrence, Beryl Lillian Smullins, 2612290037084, 5 Jayce Graham Place, Bill Buchanan Road, Durban, 4001, Second Account, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 25362/2014/DBN—Jolliffe, Tom Henry William Fred, 1910175049088, 4 Reid Road, Margate (Durban).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. 17277/2013 DBN—Gladys Jacobs, 2905020070080, 34 Pufaro Place, Newlands East, 4037, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 4237/2013—Wood, Paulette Sonia, 4303270116084, Sharron Farm, R56 Richmond, KwaZulu-Natal, First and Final, 21 days (Richmond; Pietermaritzburg).—Garlicke & Bousfield Inc, PO Box 1219, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 8231/98—Van der Riet, Frederick Wesley Bevry, 3305105024087, 106 Connemaria, Sol Harris Avenue.—Deena Reddy, PO Box 2174, Durban. 2660/2014—Thompson Stanley Harold, 5007185064086, 2 Oyster Lodge, Umhlanga Rocks, First and Final, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Garlicke & Bousfield Inc, PO Box 1219, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 16042/2013—Douglas Jamieson Shaw, 2604185033088, 128 Lamont Road, Glenwood, Durban, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Durban).—Garlicke & Bousfield Inc, PO Box 1219, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. 2096/14—Small, Phillipus le Roux, 2711225038082, 14 Surrey Road, Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, Amended, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 8462/11 DBN—Smit, Hendrina Petronella, 2007300037085, 604 Marsden Manor, 65 Clarence Road, Morningside, 28989 (Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. 8212/2013/DBN—Ramkelawan, Bhoola, 4902065094081, 62 Fieldhaven Avenue, Foresthaven, Phoenix; Shiela Ramkelawan, 5203150122088 (Verulam; Durban).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062. 22689/14 DBN—Rampersad, Praveen, 5403055145081, 5 Methven Mews, 99 Methven Road, Westville, 32690 (Pinetown; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. 20383/2014 DBN—Mohan Sewdarsen, 7 June 1946, 4606075043083, 99 Francois Road, Glenwood Durban, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Pravina Sewdarsen, 5110020114080, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Leon Pillay & Associates, 150B Mansion House, 12 Joe Slovo (Field) Street, Durban.


020061/2014—Sello Peter Mashao, 6906205815089, House No. 3789, Zone-2, Seshego, Polokwane, Limpopo Province, died 11 February 2014, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Seshego; Polokwane).—Maboku Mangena Attorneys, 22 Paul Kruger Street, Polokwane. 20956/2014—Moufhe Nyamuneiwa Essie, 2106042130078, died on 15 August 2014, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Thohoyandou).—M.G. Mathe Attorneys, Office No. 44, Limdev Building, NPDC Block D, 2nd Floor, Thohoyandou, 0950; P.O. Box 1984, Elim Hospital, 0960. 20742/2014—Makhado Nomavundo Maria, 4301080475088, died on 16 July 2014, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Thohoyandou).—M.G. Mathe Attorneys, Office No. 44, LIMDEV Building, NPDC Block D, 2nd Floor, Thohoyandou, 0950; P.O. Box 1984, Elim Hospital, 0960. 7479/2013—Kgomo Phuti Bethuel, 4310145196084, 1147 Zone A, Marule Street, Mahwelereng, Mokerong, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Magistrate’s Court Mokerong at Mahwelereng; Polokwane).—Maribe Mamabolo & Associates, 83 Thabo Mbeki Drive, Office No. 83, Bosveld Centre, Mokopane; PO Box 3859, Mokopane, 0600. 20792/2014—Jorgensen, Sophia Caherina, 3711110058087, 7de Straat 99, Naboomspruit; Robert Thomas Borg Jorgensen, 3410205022088 (Naboomspruit; Polokwane).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 6691/2011—Mane, Solomon Ramotsudi, 6308145736089, 28 Khartoum, Nirvana, Polokwane, 0699; Moloko Irene Mane, 6810180548089 (Polokwane; Polokwane).—J S Talane Attonreys, 30 Jorissen Street, Polokwane, 0699. 20548/2014—Khangale, Petrus Ndwa, 4404035246081, Tshilwavhusiku Western; Shagawo Maria Khangale, 5010160661082 (Tshilwavhusiku; Thohoyandhou).—Sigwavhulimu Attorneys, Office No. 06, 08 & 09, First Floor, Limdev Building, Thohoyandou. 20732/2014—Muthakhi, Tshavhungwe, 3402100100085, Ha-Budeli Village District of Thohoyandou (Thohoyandou; Thohoyandou).—Sigwavhulimu Attorneys, Office No. 06, 08 & 09, First Floor, Limdev Building, Thohoyandou. 22178/2014—Parker, William Henry, 5405155156082, 1 Kanaal Street, Modimolle, Amended First and Final; Debbie-Lee Parker, 6507010109088 (Modimolle; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

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7178/2013—Lourens Wepener van Aswegen, 17 Maart 1952, 5203175055081, plaas Doorndraai, Modimolle, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Modimolle; Polokwane).—Geyser & Ferreira Ingelyf, Posbus 877, Modimolle, 0510. 2166/2011—Maluleke, Marubini Nancy, 6806020472084 (Watervaal; Thohoyandou). 1791/2014—Marakalala, Phuti Ezekiel, 5211245742083, First and Final, 21 days (Seshego Magistrate; Polokwane).— Makobane Attorneys, 04 Church Street, Polokwane. 2278/2014—Makgae, Rakoo Charles, 5509205378081, First and Final, 21 days (Phalala Magistrate; Polokwane).— Mokobane Attorneys, 04 Church Street, Polokwane. 8492/2013—Chelopo, Akile Clifford, 7012245665086, First and Final, 21 days (Polokwane; Polokwane).—Mokobane Attorneys, 04 Church Street, Polokwane. 2410/2013—Botha, Louis Johannes, 3409225043082, Rooibos Singel No. 13 Fase 2, Bosveldsig, Modimolle (Modimolle; Polokwane).—Anne-Marie Kotzee Prokureurs, Posbus 4254, Nylstroom, 0510. 21156/2014—Venter, Johanna Maria Venter, 3203250026082, First and Final, 21 days (Louis Trichardt; Thohoyandou).— Kern & Dekker Inc, 105 Krogh Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920. 5621/2013—Zwarts, Frans Cornelius, 3911275013089, 43 Akker Street, Vandyk Park, Boksburg; Louisa Cathrina Zwarts, 4403310004082 (Boksburg; Polokwane).—Espag Magwai Attorneys, Yolandie van Staden, 26 Jorissen Street, Adam Tas Forum Building, 1st Floor, Polokwane, 0699. 308/2014—Munyadziwa Elsinah Matshoko, 4312130193084, Stand No. 376 Tshakhuma Luvhalani Village, died at Tshilidzini Hospital, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accoun, 21 days (Thoyoyandou; Thohoyandou).—Foroma Attorneys, Office 9 & 10, Style Centre, 668 Mphephu Drive, Thohoyandou; P.O. Box 986, 0904. 7178/2103—Lourens Wepener van Aswegen, 17 Maart 1952, 5203175055081, plaas Doorndraai, Modimolle, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Modimolle; Polokwane).—Geyser & Ferreira Ingelyf, Posbus 877, Modimolle, 0510. 5680/2013—Madime, Masesane Joseph, 23 Julie 1933, 3307235217087, plaas Morgenzon, Glen Cowie, Nebo, Limpopo, 9 Julie 2013, 21 dae (Nebo; Polokwane).—M Wentzel Prokureurs, Konstabelstraat 1, Groblersdal. 20964/2014—Nembilwi, Thabelo, 7009250944083, P.O. Box 291, Sibasa, 0971 (Thohoyandou; Thohoyandou).— Anton Ramaano Inc, P.O. Box 2246, Tyohoyandou, 0950. 20441/2014—Du Toit, Hulda, 3303130085082, Plot No. 9, Farm Rondebosch, Louis Trichardt (Louis Trichardt; Thohoyandou).—Liebenberg Attorneys, 124 President Street, Louis Trichardt, 0920. Netshituni, Thivhulani Nelson, 6704215676082; Takalani Netshituni, 7003090961084 (Thohoyandou; Thohoandou).— Anton Ramaano Inc, P.O. Box 2246, Thohoyandou, 0950. 8835/2013—Malemela, Mosilo Abbiot, 3405165203082, 21 days; Shokane Lucy Malemela, 6401021172082 (Polokwane; Polokwane).—51 Landross Mare Street, Pioneer Building, Office No 312, 3rd Floor, Polokwane. 5935/2013—Komana, Modupi William, 6803175466086; Mapula Hermina Komana, 7109210457083 (Polokwane; Polokwane).—Mpho Mokhithi Inc, PO Box 4123, Polokwane, 0700. 23144/2014—Troskie, Albertus Jakobus Johannes, 3110035049082, Macadamia Aftree-oord Huis 32, Aqualaan Aqua Park, Tzaneen, 0850; Magdalena Hendrika Troskie, 3612030046089 (Tzaneen; Polokwane).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 3237/2012—Meyer, Irene Gerina, 3303120005082, plaas Kleindrif 143, Swartwater, 0622 (Polokwane).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 15765/13—Jansen vawn Rensburg, Martienis Gerthardis, 4207195080087, farm Rietkuil, Portion 50 of 397, Klerksdorp, 2571 (Klerksdorp; Polokwane).—ABSA Trust Beperk, P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road, and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 9252/2012—Van Rhyn, Leon, 3112135028082; Maria Magdelena van Rhyn, 3705140024085, First and Final (Polokwane; Polokwane).—Corrie Nel & Kie, 25 Bodenstein Street, Polokwane, 0699.


629/2014—Myburgh, Alwyn Abraham, 450919504081, Georgestraat 135, Newton, Kimberley; Gesina Aletha Margaretha, 4803310016087 (Kimberley).—Van de Wall & Vennote, Posbus 294, Kimberley, 8300. 20267/2014—Jacobs, Hester, 5301060785083, 44 Tritonia Street, Roodepan Kimberley (Kimberley).—H P A Venter, p/a Duncan & Rothman, Chapelstraat 39– 43, Kimberley, 8301. 20268/2014—Jacobs, Hans, 3807045169080, 44 Tritonia Street, Roodepan, Kimberley; Hester Jacobs, 5301060785083 (Kimberley).—H P A Venter, p/a Duncan & Rothman, Chapelstraat 39–43, Kimberley, 8301. 20123/2014—Van der Merwe, Willem Petrus Lubbe, 2905255014084, De Villiersstraat 15, Calvinia (Calvinia; Kimberley).—FJ van der Merwe Prokureur, Waterstraat 20, Posbus 292, Calvinia, 8190.

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1054/2013—Van Dyk, John Peter, 3811075002086 (Douglas; Kimberley).—De Villiers & Bredenkamp Attorneys, PO Box 9, Douglas, 8730. 441/2014—Botma, Gertruida Sophia, 2602050006080, Queensweg 7, Hadison Park, Kimberley, 8300 (Kimberley).— Cornelia Adriana Fourie, p/a C M de Bruyn & Partners, 9 Campbell Street, Barkley West, 8375. 2290/2012—Townsend, Charles, 3309235093087, Botterblomstraat 884, Barkly-Wes, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Elizabeth Johanna Townsend, ID onbekend (Barkly-Wes; Kimberley).—Engelsman, Magabane Ing, Du Toitspanweg 80, Kimberley, 8300. 2454/2013—Strydom, Stefanus Johannes, 3108315001089, Aandblom Tuiste, Strydenburg (Hopetown; Kimberley).— Joseph & Van Rensburg Attorneys, 41 Church Street, PO Box 139, De Aar, 7000. 021815/2014—Van Eeden, Susanna Helena Maria, 3202050050086, Conradstraat 28, Albertynshof, Kimberley, 25283 (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 21826/2014—Van den Heever, Evangeline, 5603100195086, Hibiscusstraat 55, Okiep, 8270, 25340; Clifford Duncan van den Heever, 5309195020086 (Okiep; Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 021009/2014—Fouche, Maryann Daisy Blanche, 2402160025082, Sonder Sorge Tehuis, Visser Street, De Aar, First and Final (De Aar; Kimberley).—Standard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324. 362/2014—Jacobs, Jacobus Cornelius, 5201085082088, Dennegeur, Carnarvon; Maria Elizabeth, 5101050066084 (Carnarvon).—G B Kempen & De Wet Nel, Victoriastraat 9 (Posbus 4), Carnarvon. 4173/2011—Keeton, Irene Martha, 2312060032080, Farm 3K14, Magogong, 8575, First (Hartswater; Kimberley).— Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 20945/2014—Fourie, Hendrina Johanna, 4012050014084, Casper Venterstraat 14, Postmasburg, 8420, 25103 (Postmasburg; Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, h/v Zastron & Donald Murray Rylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301. 20885/2014—Laubscher, Eben, 4009035009080, Strausslaan 6, Calvinia; Anna Helena Laubscher, 4402230005088 (Calvinia; Northern Cape).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 20822/2014—Lubbe, Aletta Martina, 3611070020087, 8 Heuning Street, Jan Kempdorp; Andries Libbe, 3312075008082 (Jan Kempdorp; Northern Cape).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.


3991/2014—Hills, Sarel Petrus, 5901125023089, No. 35 Little Italy, Extension 3, Waterval East, Rustenburg, First and Final; Anna Louisa Hills, 6005110055087 (Rustenburg; Pretoria).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 4251/13—Makgwa, Lapologang Ellen, 5001160805084, 6345 Tloung Village, Mafikeng, (Mafikeng).—Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bax 2103, Mafikeng, 2745. 021931/2014—Kusumane, Lekang Edward, 4312165587085, 3773 Bodibe Kgoro Section; Suzan Bonyanjie Kusumane, 5503190802080 (Ditsobotla; Mafikeng).—Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. 3991/2014—Hills, Sarel Petrus, 5901125023089, No. 35 Little Italy, Extension 3, Waterval East, Rustenburg, First and Final; Anna Louisa Hills, 6005110055087 (Rustenburg; Pretoria).—Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028. 4229/2012—Rapoo, Iga Daniel, 1903145156083, 3455 Mokale Street, Tlhabane, First and Final (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300. 7165/2012—Coetsee, Maria Elizabeth, 3312090032083; Andries Jakobus Coetsee, 3302245051088 (Rustenburg; Mahikeng).—Coetsee’s Attorneys, PO Box 765, Waterfall Mall, 0323. 9593/2010—Matsomela, Mothusieman Johanna Jane, 5905170849082 (Mmabatho; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 235/2002—Phawe, Jonathan Moremogolo, 5812115429089; Johanna Mapoulo Phawe, 5909091226081 (Mmabatho, Molopo; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 11034/2013—Motlhale, Gaetlhoboge Mirriam, 5006240819088 (Molopo, Mmabatho; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 12154/2013—Makgotloe, Margaret Nuku, 5306190785085, never married (Molopo, Mmabatho; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. 11629/2013—Mosimane, Ramohibidi Shadrack, 6010025748081, 7309 Unit 15, Mmabatho (Mafikeng).—Chris Maritz Attorney, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745. 20911/2014—Potgieter, Jurgens Johannes, 3106255040083, 25 Hoof St, Deben (Deben; North West).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 22580/2014—Venter, Pieter Johannes Lodevicus, ZAF/4710175020080, 19 Waterberry Avenue, Protea Park, Rustenburg; Magda Annett Venter, 4905220001081 (Rustenburg; North West).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.

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956/2006—Phiri, Michael Mosotja Phiri, 5811286012088, Erf 8646, Phase 6, Sunvalley, Mabopane, Gauteng Province, date of death: 20 August 1995; Nkake Paulinah Evelyn Phiri, 5904101039087 (Mahikeng).—Malebye, Maleho Attorneys, Suite 310, Barend van Erkom Building, 217 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0010; PO Box 911753, Rosslyn, 0200. 21917/2014—Human, Matthys Gerhardus, 30082050089, 16 Kloofzicht, Juniper Street, Proteapark, Rustenburg; Rachel Francina Human, 3011020037085 (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132. 20683/2014—Stander, Frederick Petrus, 4407185105080, Vyfdestraat 36, Lichtenburg, Noordwes Provinsie (Lichtenburg; Mmabatho).—Bosman & Bosman Prokureurs, Posbus 1, Lichtenburg, 2740. 12482/2013—Kgwadibana, Suping Alpheus, 4406215511085, Brakkuil Village, Madikwe (Madikwe; Johannesburg).— Joubert Scholtz Incorporated, 11 Heide Road, Kempton Park. 8580/2013—Nduweni, Sello Johannes, 8505245769088, never married (Molopo; Mafikeng).—Baikanne Mathobela Attorneys, Office No. 4, Merlite Building, 11 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745. Anna Susanna Hartzer, 21 September 1945, 4509210047086, Wolmaransstad, oorlede: 9 Julie 2014, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Wolmaransstad; Mmabatho).—D.J. Fourie, Professionele Rekenmeester (SA), Posbus 51, Schweizer Reneke, 2780. 4953/2014—Britz, Christo Mathys, 5603135084081, KF 28 Kleinfontein, Brits, Aletta Catharina Britz, 6211080025080 (Brits; Pretoria).—PSG Trust Pty Ltd, 296 Glenwood Road, Lynnwood Park. 12753/2013—Setshedi, Sebonta Agnes, 4410220414087, 2 Homer Street, Rustenburg (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 23001/2014—Mosetlhe, Miga Michael, 4106125555087, 731 Zone 1, Itsosent, 2744 (Lichtenburg; Mafikeng).—ABSA Trust Beperk, PO Box 383, Pretoria, 0001; Ground Floor, ABSA Beatrix Building, c/o Soutpansberg Road and 79 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.


791/2014—Bailey, Menicia, 8306260226082, 10 Napier Close, Portlands, Mitchells Plain; Monray Ricardo Bailey, 8309065203082 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Picus Matz Attorneys, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg. 9796/2013—Marais, Hendrina Johanna Fransina, 3811030060081 (Hermanus; Cape Town).—H Marais, PO Box 2165, Knysna, 6570. 4596/2014—Wells, Eve Gertrude Geraldine, GBR090377772, 8 Bowtie Drive, Plettenberg Bay (Knysna; Cape Town).— Mosdell, Pama & Cox, 15 Tide Street, Knysna, 6570. 21510/2014—Lock, Alton Richard, 4512135041085, 12 Typhoon Avenue, Plettenberg Bay, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Knysna; Cape Town).—Logan–Martin Inc., 20 Woodmill Lane, Main Street, Knysna. 2282/13—Lucas, Malcolm James, 6208095229087, 8 Elm Close, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785, Liquidation and Distribution; Joannie Magda Lucas, 5902200077081, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Bessiek Legal Advice, 55 Kweker Street, Westridge, Mitchells Plain. 6241/11—Carstens, Thelma Doreen, 4510250537085, 24 Keeromsberg Road, Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain, 7785, 1st & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Bessiek Legal Advice, 55 Kweker Street, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785. 16783/12—Simons, Richard William Joseph, 5105275072082, 2 Hertzog Street, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785, Liquidation & Distribution Account; Sophia Simons, 5506150016088, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Bessiek Legal Advice, 55 Kweker Street, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785. 20364/2014—Venter, Susara Maryna, 2603040014085, Respytafdeling, Kamer 2, Huis Jan Lange, Wardenstraat, Riversdal, Eerste en Finale (Riversdal; Kaapstad).—Claude Reid Ing., Posbus 277, Bloemfontein, 9300. 13212/2013—Kotzé, Willem Daniel, 3101175006082, Wavecrest 501, Kusweg 305, Seepunt, 8005 (Kaapstad; Kaapstad).—Van Niekerk Groenewoud & Van Zyl Inc., Posbus 11164, Bloubergrant, 7441. 26125/2014—De Jager, Edward William, 2804255022082, Panorama Palms C4, Kamer 55, Panorama, Parow (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Nielen Marais Inc., McIntyrestraat 16, Parow, 7500. 17124/2011—Cupido, Cedric, 6301265106084, 6 Rembrandt Circle, Eerste River, Second and Final; Hilda Elizabeth Cupido, 6211120080087 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Tontine Executors and Administrators (Pty) Limited, 5 Centurion, Kasteelberg Street, Durbanville. 4568/2014—Voges, Christian Petrus Johannes, 440203504108/0; Elizabeth Catharina Voges, 4302170039081 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Andrew Frylinck, PO Box 15311, Panorama, 7506. 23343/2014—Wicomb, Maria Elizabeth, 2604110051080, Sesde Laan 8, Colridge Uitsig, Oudtshoorn, 6625; Adam Frederick Wicomb, 2012205035085 (Oudtshoorn; Kaapstad).—Duvenage Keyser & Jonck Ing., Baron van Reedestraat 84, Oudtshoorn 6625. 24050/2014—Zeeman, Cornelius Grobbelaar, 3707265062080, Krijt Versorgingsoord, Maraisstraat 20, Strand, 7140, First and Final (Strand; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

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2464/2014—Satchel, Christine Janice, 4204160083089, 24 Bucksburn Road, Newlands, 7700, First and Final, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Personal Trust, PO Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701. 24359/2014—Dean, Terence Denman, 5404085061082, 53 Chudleigh Road, Plumstead, 7800 (Wynberg; Cape Town).— Curr Vivier Inc., PO Box 3866, Cape Town. 100/2012—Gallow, Ganief, 4209085105081, 60 Burgundy Crescent, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, Cape Town, First and Final; Faiza Gallow (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Citadel Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 152, Bloemfontein, 9300. 23826/2014—Hotz, Johanna Elizabeth Margaretha Steenkamp, 4305310094080, 7 Chardonnay, Cabernet Close, Vergesig, Durbanville, 7550, First; Anthony Hotz, 4305310094080 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 26124/2014—Rossouw, Gertruida Cornelia, 2505010026082, Parkweg 8, Lutzville, 8165, Eerste (Vredendal; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 20878/2014—Herselman, Koleskie, 5103245054082, Richelieustraat 37, Wellington, 7655, First and Final (Wellington; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 2464/2014—Satche, Christine Janice, 4204160083089, 24 Bucksburn Road, Newlands, 7700, First and Final, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Personal Trust, PO Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701. 24359/2014—Dean, Terence Denman, 5404085061082, 53 Chudleigh Road, Plumstead, 7800 (Wynberg; Cape Town).— Curr Vivier Inc., PO Box 3866, Cape Town. 11339/2008—Claassen, Esther Marina, 3506200039082, 24 Amandel Court, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, Cape, Amended First and Final (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Tontine Executors and Administrators (Pty) Limited, 5 Centurion, Kasteelberg Street, Durbanville. 15872/2013—Barendse, Liesbet, 2808100070089, 148 Pinedene, Ravensmead, 7493 (Cape Town).—Mbalo & Partners, 47 Strand Street, 7th Floor, Smit 712, Cape Town. 27460/2013—Crompton, John, 4611195040084, 8 Foyle Road, Claremont, Cape Town, First and Final, 21 days (Wynberg; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Private Wealth, PO Box 414085, Craighall, 2024. 17433/2012—Uys, Cecil Henry, 5608055145085, 14 Syblom Crescent, Roosendaal, Delft, First and Final; Washela Uys, 6512180163089, 21 days (Bellville; Cape Town).—Schrueder Inc. Attorneys, 168 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, Cape Town, 8000. 3434/2014—Ernstzen, Helen Margurite, born on 2 September 1942, 16 Elpark Road, Athlone, 7764, First and Final; Beresford Allister Winstone Ernstzen (subsequently deceased), 3909295116080, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—L.A. Dalvie & Associates, Unit 1, Rabat Village, Vangate City, Athlone, 7764. 14247/2013—Van Heerden, Carolina Martina, 3302190006087, 29 Pendeen Crescent, Plettenberg Bay (George; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 544, George, 6530. 50/2014—Van Zyl, Louis Hosea, 4511135014084, Bultstraat No. 10, Denneoord, George; Reinette van Zyl, 4708300007089 (George; Kaapstad).—Cilliers Odendaal Prokureurs, Posbus 1079, George, 6530. 026479/2014—Van Zyl, Maria Catharina, 4104250091085, Avoca Travel, Posbus 40, Trawal, 8147 (Van Rhynsdorp; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 791/2014—Bailey, Menicia, 8306260226082, 10 Napier Close, Portlands, Mitchells Plain; Monray Ricardo Bailey, 8309065203082 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Picus Matz Attorneys, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg. 2610/2014—Poole, Royden Gordon, 3503045024080, 4A Cornwall Street, Simonstown (Simonstown; Cape Town).— L Hollings, Hollings Attorneys, PO Box 15753, Vlaeberg, 8018. 2358/2013—Nieuwoudt, Jacobus Frederik, 3207195008089; Jacoba Elizabeth Nieuwoudt, 3801200028080 (Vredendal; Cape Town).—Human Attorneys, 2 Street Waterkant, Vredendal, 8160. 23023/2014—Van Zijl, Dorothea Johanna, 5502230002081, 59 Gustav Preller Street, Parow North, First and Final (Bellville; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 11658/2013—Gysenberg, Christian Abraham John, Palmboomstraat 28, Malmesbury (Malmesbury; Kaapstad).— Mnr Du Plessis & Mostert, Posbus 5, Malmesbury. 10722/2013—Fourie, Aileen, 2310060006088, 23 Gydosig, c/o Kerk & Breë Streets, Prince Alfred Hamlet (Ceres; Cape Town).—CW de Jager, PO Box 920, Stellenbosch, 7600. 10733/2001—Phillips, Margaret, 1604120163082 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Fourie Basson & Veldtman, 219 Voortrekker Road, Parow, 7500. 1917/2014—Bunton, Marguerite, 2608310034085, George and Annie Starck Home, Frans Conradie Drive, Bellville (Bellville; Cape Town).—Swemmer & Levin, 83 Main Road, Saldanha. 21670/2014—Pietersen, Catherine, 5004140029080, 1536 Stilwaney Cresent, Bellville South (Bellville; Cape Town).— FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 20822/2014—Joubert, Agatha Johanna, 1703100024080, Piet Retiefstraat, Montagu (Montagu; Kaapstad).—Van Zyl & Hofmeyr, Posbus 8, Montagu. 25650/2014—Du Plessis, Philippina Johanna, 5607295012089 (Paarl; Cape Town).—ML van Zyl, 62 Main Road, Wellington, 7655. 4481/2014—Jordaan, Jean Jeremie de Villiers, 4205245055083, Rodeohof 2, Fagan Street, Strand (Strand; Cape Town).—Malan Lourens Viljoen Ingelyf, Posbus 1029, Strand, 7140.

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24944/2014—Eksteen, Jacobus Johannes, 2601265017080, Hartenrus Aftree-Oord, Hartenbos, distrik Mosselbaai (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—Raubenheimers Ing., Posbus 21, George, 6530. 208/2006—Benjamin, Abraham Solomon, 5003315117084 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Hendricks Incorporated Attorneys, Suite 11, 220 Ottery Road, Ottery, Cape Town. 4159/2014—Steyl, Clifford Abraham, 3103235017083; Edythe Joan Steyl, 3302190068087 (Kuils River; Cape Town).— Roelin Roodt Inc., Fonteinlaan 6, Brackenfell, 7560. 208/2006—Benjamin, Abraham Solomon, 5003315117084 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Hendricks Incorporated Attorneys, Suite 11, 220 Ottery Road, Ottery, Cape Town. 13957/2011—Olivier, Karl Albert, 5001025045082 (Caledon; Cape Town).—Smit Kruger Incorporated, 32 Wellington Road, Durbanville, 7550. 4678/14—Coetzee, Gladys Kathleen Maud, date of birth: 2 June 1923, 2306020022082, 10, 11th Avenue, Fish Hoek (Simonstown; Cape Town).—N A L D Parker, Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 26 1st Avenue, Fish Hoek (Executor). 8741/2013—Isaac Alaart, 5902165155088, Clara Louise Alaart, Nerinasingel 118, Mitchells Plain, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Mitchells Plain; Kaapstad).—Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, D J Smit & Niehaus, Clevelandstraat 4, Bellville, 7530. 4373/2014—Human, Susanna Maria, 2103110014081, Eenheid 58, Hartenrus Aftree-Oord, Hartenbos, distrik Mosselbaai (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—Raubenheimers Ing., Posbus 21, George, 6530. 25809/2014—Conradie, Johannes Stephanus, 4507165064080, Buitesingel 38, Bonnievale, 6730 (Bonnievale; Kaapstad).—Van Niekerk & Linde Prokureurs, Posbus 49, Bonnievale, 6730. 2143/2013—John Jacobus Brinkhuis, 5704055176087, Somerset-Wes, oorlede op: 22 Oktober 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekeing, 21 dae (Strand; Kaapstad).—R M Johnson, Johnson & Genote, Jailhouse Square Worcesterstraat 14, Grabouw. 11128/2012—Lategan, Cornelia Susanna, 2805200028082, Huis Malan Jacobs, Laingsburg (Laingsburg; Kaapstad).— Crawfords, Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes, 6970. 7824/2012—Petrie, Natalie Joanne, 6303140212087, 8 Proter Way, Constantia Hills (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Esau Shapiro, Burman & Tinkler Inc., 5th Floor, Sunclare, Dreyer Street, Claremont, 7708. 16250/2013—Venter, Elizabeth Catharina, 7207220139087, Santa Rosastraat 1, Denneburg, Paarl, 7646; Jacobus Karel Petrus Venter, 6404085125084 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—Faure & Faure Prokureurs, Hoofstraat 227 (Posbus 20), Paarl, 7620. 13536/2013—Storm, Derrick Malan, 2910215046085, 154 Woodside Village, Norton Road, Rondebosch, 7700, Amended (Wynberg; Cape Town).—P.A.D. Jerome, 151 Main Road, Plumstead, 7800. 3292/2013—Van Graan, Susanna, 2101140050083, Pinestraat 27, Pniel, Stellenbosch, Eerste & Finale, 21 dae (Stellenbosch; Kaapstad).—Jordaan Prokureurs namens die Eksekutrise Marieke van Rooyen, Posbus 1157, Stellenbosch, 7599. 14153/2013—Meyer, Agnes Winifred, 2210120011088, Tuiniqua, Kerkstraat, George, 6530 (George; Cape Town).— ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 025232/2014—Rheeder, Jacob Salomon, 4904105111081, Bruwerstraat 18, Oudtshoorn, 6625, 20744; Martha Ivy Rheeder, 4609170127082 (Oudtshoorn; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 9391/2013—Glover, Elizabeth, 3501190035083 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Baldwin Prinsloo Attorneys, 19 10th Street, Linden, Johannesburg. 2358/2013—Nieuwoudt, Jacobus Frederik, 3207195008089; Jacoba Elizabeth Nieuwoudt, 3801200028080 (Vredendal; Cape Town).—Human Attorneys, 2 Street Waterkant, Vredendal, 8160. 2773/2014—Wynford, Isobel Mary, 3310050074087, 52 5th Avenue, Kensington, 7405; Reginald George Wynford, 2611235076082 (Cape Town).—Schnetlers Inc., Suite 205, Foyer 3, Colosseum, Century Boulevard Century City, 7441. 25618/2014—Bergh, Olaf Ferdinand, 5309255002081, 57 Templeman Drive, Knysna Heights, Knysna, 6570 (Knysna; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1st Floor, Block C, Metropolitan Centre, 277 Cape Road, Greenacres, 6045. 9726/2013—Theron, Gert Albertus, 4410155067082 (Strand; Cape Town).—AJ Visser, PO Box 1574, Strand. 12525/2013—Gerber, Elizabeth Johanna, 6609160041085 (Mossel Bay; Cape Town).—FJ Lordan, FJ Lordan Attorneys, PO Box 1100, Hartenbos, 6520. 16402/2013—Kurten, Raymond Wallace, 3205095031086 (Riversdal; Cape Town).—FJ Lordan, FJ Lordan Attorneys, PO Box 1100, Hartenbos, 6520. 14199/2004—Samuels, Johanna, 3609160116088, 31 Cradock Road, Steenberg (Wynberg; Cape Town).—E.W. Domingo & Associates, 10 Market Street, Grassy Park, 7945. 17302/2008—Chiddy, Peter, 2205175009086, Unit 20, Pinewood Village, University Drive, Pinelands, Western Cape, Second Supplementary (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Aliwal Road Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 53279, Kenilworth, 7745. 16269/2008—Le Roes, Catharina Cornelia, 2411280018083, Stark Homes, Mary Port, Frans Conradierylaan, Bellville, 7530, Supplementêre Eerste en Finale (Bellville; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 2720/2014—Neethling, Colin Wilfred, 5710165008086, Fabriekstraat 28, Ceres, 6835 (Ceres; Kaapstad).—Hauptfleisch & Kotze Ingelyf, Posbus 6, Ceres, 6835. 12111/2013—Marwick, Patricia Wilhelmina, 5108280098084 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—De Waal Inc., 44 Oxford Street, PO Box 3934, Durbanville, 7551.

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10677/2013—Koopman, Edward Joseph, 5711135001086; Magdalene Koopman, 5610010145085 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Andre Bester Attorneys, PO Box 55, Parow, 7499. 17832/2013—Willey, Bernardus Hermanus Broens, 5310235093083, Mountainviewrylaan 25, Ridgeworth, Bellville (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Visagie Vos, Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459. 25799/2014—Adonis, Hendrik, 4409135125085; Maria Adonis, 4711260122088 (Vredenburg; Kaapstad).—F.W. Edwards Inc., Posbus 217, 14 Da Gamastraat, Saldanha. 1635/2013—Marks, Leslie Frank, 3307135077085, 8 Paul Road, Bishop Lavis, 7490; Madge Priscilla Marks, 2606290074089 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Matz Watermeyer, PO Box 522, Plumstead, 7801. 12917/2013—Bonthuys, Anna, 2012010007089, First and Final, 21 days (Strand; Cape Town).—Braganza Pretorius, PO Box 1322, Sun Valley. 12812/2013–Wannenburg, Wilbur, 2507175028085, 5 Arabella Road, Augusta Place, Sunningdale, Milnerton (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Shepstone & Wylie, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town. 3752/2013—Ndaliso, Tsitsi, 4607130499088 (Paarl; Cape Town).—Godla and Partners Inc Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Waalburg Building, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8000. 4304/2014—Mulcaire, Sandra Mary, 6909210057085, 401 High Level Road, Pringle Bay, Cape Province (Cape Town).— FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 689/2012—Masiwana, Tshimangadzo Caiphus, 6101155797087, 12P Schapra Street, Dana Bay, 6510, Amended First and Final (Mossel Bay; Cape Town).—L. Theart, FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 21865/2014—Alexander, Emanuel, 2106215006084, Preoteaweg 12, Heatherpark, George (George; Kaapstad).—Johan Sloet en Burger Prokureurs, Langenhovenweg, George. 11576/2013—Pretorius, Izak Johannes, 3607225024081, Kannabas 9, Vredekloof, 7560; Melvina Marita Pretorius, 3712280032084 (Mosselbay; Cape Town).—Johan Nel Prokureurs, Montagustraat 113, Mosselbay. 7709/2013—Makin, Rosemary Helen, 3402260086082, 11 White Road, Plumstead (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Gavin Kruse & Associates, P.O. Box 31120, Tokai. 20154/2014—Kruger, Joan Magdelene, 3501050040082, 9 Lock Road, Kalk Bay, First and Final (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 8251/2013—Van Dyk, Lourens, 5706155037085, Acshmanstraat 17, Oudtshoorn, 6620, Eerste en Finale (Kaapstad).— Cluver Markotter Ing., Posbus 12, Stellenbosch, 7599. 22144/2014—Vivier, Rielle Louise, 3605260040087 (Bellville; Cape Town).—APBCO Auditors, 19A Electron Street, Cap Du Mont Building, Techno Park, Stellenbosch, 7600. 8251/2013—Van Dyk, Lourens, 5706155037085, Acshmanstraat 17, Oudtshoorn, 6620, Eerste en Finale (Kaapstad).— Cluver Markotter Ing., Posbus 12, Stellenbosch, 7599. 332/2014—Sharpe, Gordon Stuart, 2211145051182 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—S. G. Sharpe, P.O. Box 491, Gallo Manor, 2052. 23600/2014—Van Zyl, Paul Hendrik Stephanus, 3402055041086, 134 Upper Orange Street, Somerset West, 29 May 2014 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Morkel & De Villiers Inc, P.O. Box 43, Somerset West, 7129. 2900/2013—Maswatti, Tina, 6008150111083, First and Final; Reuter Maswatti, 5908085119088 (Oudtshoorn; Cape Town).—Coetzee & Van der Bergh, Posbus 695, Oudtshoorn, 6625. 2647/2013—Leak, Patricia Margaret, 5201230677089, 134 Victoria Road, Grassy Park (Wynberg; Western Cape).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 135, Cape Town. 10531/2010—Judd, Harry Bertham Hallam, 1807185029086, 2 Duiker Avenue, Kommetjie, 7976, Supplementary (Simonstown; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 135, Cape Town, 8001. 1750/2014—Groenewald, Heather, 3106120001088, G04 Palm Grove Oasis Retirement Resort, Century Way, Century City, First (Cape Town).—Warwick Trust, Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801. 027591/2014—Rhoda, Mugammad Muhsin, 4512185087087, 3 Orchid Street, Firgrove, 7130; Latifa Rhoda, 5301020137086 (Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 23566/14—Lamprecht, Christiaan, 4805215013085, Merlot Crescent 18, De Oude Winyerd, Paarl, 7646; Erica Hedwig Lamprecht, 4907100087081 (Paarl; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 027594/2014—Herring, Sandra Rebecca, 6608260201086, Shelleystraat 42, Windsor Park, Kraaifontein, 1911; Anthony Marlon Herring (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 4481/2008—Peterson, Keith John, 5403015104087, 9 Lodewyk Road, Newfields, Athlone, 7764; Pamela Grace Peterson, 4903110019081, Supplementary First & Final (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 11056/2013—Louw, Alfred Gordon, 2610195028083 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Keith Jenkings Attorneys, 7 Sunninghill Road, Wynberg, 7800. 5699/2010—Laan Rudolf Johannes, 3408045093087 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Smit Kruger Incorporated, 32 Wellington Road, Durbanville, 7550. 25529/2014—Hindle, Derek, 3011295077188, 92 Heritage Manor, Heritage Park, Somerset West (Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—Morkel & De Villiers Inc, PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129. 22502/2014—Vosloo, Andre, 4612245068083, 15 Selborne Road, Claremont, 7708, First and Final, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Kenneth White, Van der Meulen & Co, PO Box 30526, Tokai, 7966.

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11663/2011—Liebenberg, Johanna Juliana, 20071300198, Karasburg, Namibia (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Avenant Rappoport Attorneys, 10 Pasita Street, 21 Pasita Park, Bellville. 17764/2012—Frater, Suna, 4409210051081, 30 Frater Street, Paarl (Paarl; Cape Town).—Marina Clift Prokureur, Posbus 295, Paarl, 7620. 8251/2013—Van Dyk, Lourens, 5706155037085, Acshmanstraat 17, Oudtshoorn, 6620, Eerste en Finale (Kaapstad).— Cluver Markotter Ing, Posbus 12, Stellenbosch, 7599. 13174/2010—Maria Johanna Christina Botes, 14 Januarie 1947, 4701140043083, ’n pensioenaris, Firlaan 2, Bredasdorp, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Bredasdorp; Kaapstad).—Peru du Toit Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, S.P. Tredouxsentrum, Hoofstraat, Klawer, 8145. 13394/2013—Santon, Sandra Cecilia, 5009300729080, Etnasingel No. 1, Tafelsig, Gewysigde (Mitchell’s Plain; Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood. 2083/2011—Hough, Kevin Peter, 5606055432081, 33 Nuwe Street, Prince Albert, First and Final, 21 (Prince Albert; Cape Town).—Riaan Coetzee Attorneys, PO Box 234, Prince Albert, 6930. 16325/2013—Du Preez, Elise Evangeline, 2009100013084, 7 Kreef Street, George, First and Final (George; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 15290/2013—Moore, Helen, 5906280068084, 14 Lancelot Terraces, Fichar Street, George, 6529, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (George; Cape Town).—Moore Stephens (MO) Incorporated (previously MeyerOtto Inc.), PO Box 1195, George, 6530. 5595/2006—Kopke, Stannley Bernard, 4207315081080, Ryk Tulbaghstraat 6, Bellville (Bellville; Cape Town).—Hennie Oosthuizen Attorneys, 28 Bella Rosa Street, 7 Mountain View Office Park, Rosenpark, Bellville, 7530. 13925/2012—Walters, Carl Jacobus, 4611105551089; Clarina Magdalena Walters, 4811160569089 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Clarina Magdalena Walters, c/o Village Trustees, 16 Bosman Street, Kuils River, 7579. 949/2013—Hans, Caroline Frances Hans, 61102010106085; Christian Lawrence Hans, 5706045069082 (Kuilsriver; Cape Town).—JJ Tubb, MHI Attorneys, 295 Durban Road, Bellville, 7530. 21168/2014—Robson, Stella, 3908030095088 (Bellville; Cape Town).—JJ Tubb, MHI Attorneys, 295 Durban Road, Bellville, 7530. 12368/1999—Jacobs, Abraham, 3405105112088 (Wynberg and Simonstown; Cape Town).—JJ Tubb, MHI Attorneys, 295 Durban Road, Bellville, 7530. 9737/2012—Christine Jacobs, 6/1/1934, 198 6t Avenue, Grassy Park, Cape, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; since predeceased spouse: Isaac Jacobs, 3005275074082, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Herold Gie Attorneys, Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town, 8001. 9737/2012—Isaac Jacobs, 3005275074082, 198 6th Avenue, Grassy Park, Cape, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Herold Gie Attorneys, Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town, 8001. 22437/2014—Golozana, Xolani Tolly, 5311135503080, 191 Masemola Street, Sunndale, Masiphumelele, Fish Hoek- Noordhoek (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street. 3100/2014—Lucwaba, Priscilla Nomsa, 5701080812082 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street. 3100/2014—Lucwaba, Priscilla Nomsa, 4901125650080, NY10, No. 44 Gugulethu, 7784 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street. 16771/2013—Van der Merwe, Anna Danielina Johanna, 3802150015085, Onse Rus Ouetehuis, Fraserburg, 6960, Eerste en Finale (Fraserburg; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 4024/2014—Kent, Eileen Wilson, 1403110039083 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Twinoaks Investment Management, P.O. Box 44937, Claremont, 7735. 27010/2014—Van Greunen, Gideon Hendrik Jacobus, 3905165048080, 52 Victoria Street, Goodwood, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 11069/2013—Olsen, Eileen, 1910300041083, Huis Nuweland Old Age Home, Newlands, First and Final (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 22338/2014—Dicks, Cyril Neville, 3810275044088, Villa Cortona Retirement Village, Unit 74, Via Nazionale Street, First (Bellville; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 22411/2014—Staniforth, John Ernest, 4407035033185; Iris Doreen Staniforth, 4701180034083 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Morne Binedell Attorney & Conveyancer, Suite 28, Nobel Park, Old Paarl Road, Bellville, 7530. 7294/2013—Fortuin, Aubrey Christo, 6609165031081, Dennestraat 12, Caledon, 7230; Petula Chantal Fortuin, 7210120043086 (Caledon; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 20087/2014—Rossouw, Martin, 4501055054087, 42 Buccaneer Way, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Louisa Christina Rossouw, 4706260051089, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).— Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 17892/2011—Madela, Mxolisi, 8701035880082, No. 8 Zone 21, Langa, 7764 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Sidyiyo Attorneys, P.O. Box 23312, Claremont, 7735. 11841/2013—Van Niekerk, Vernice Louise, 3509120055089, 4 Beyers Road, Onrusrivier, Hermanus, First and Final (Hermanus; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 12009/2013—Brown, John, 2310095030186, 4 Kirkton Avenue, Lochcarron, Scotland, First and Final (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

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16918/2010—Elias, Jan, 4506015182084, 32 Uranus Crescent, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 028500/2014—Bruwer, Susanna Elizabeth, 3907190004088, Somerkoelte Tehuis, Lambertsbaai, 8130, Eerste en Finale (Clanwilliam; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 15657/2008—Brink, Abraham Thomas Jacobus, 3612215087080, Amended First and Final; Moira Cynthia Brink, 3905270269084 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Abrahams Kiewitz Incorporated, Penthouse, 6th Floor, Imperial Terraces, Carl Cronje Drive, Tyger Waterfront, Tygervalley, Bellville. 9644/2011—Snyder, Agatha Marcha, 5902030178083, 14 Lakeman Crescent, Dennemer, Blackheath, 7580, Amended First and Final; Gerald David Snyder, 5710015139081 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 24738/2014—Newman, Henry, 6111245125082, Sonneblomweg 27, Uitsig, 7493; Ladonna Newman, 5910190212089 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 23551/2014—Jordaan, Maria Magdalena, 6005020267087, 25 Winterhoek Street, Tafelsig, Mitchell’s Plain, First and Final Account; Subsequent deceased spouse Solomon Peter Jordaan, 6101305082083, 21 days (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape Town).— Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 21882/2014—Pearce, Ernest, 3005215050085; Joyce Judith Pearce, 3112120034087 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Private Client Trust (Pty) Ltd, 46 Main Road, Claremont, 7708. 13208/2013—Lotterie, Abraham, 4110105095080, No. 46 Honeysuckle Street, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain, Cape Town, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Maria Lotterie, 4009120064081, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).— Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 3129/2014—Van Vuuren, Cecil, 5106185098084 (Parow; Cape Town).—PSA Hendricks & Associates, 122 Frankfort Street, Churchill Estate, Parow. 13048/2004—Sherratt, Malcolm John, 3804185051085, Outeniqua Frail Care Old Age Home (George; Cape Town).— Schliemann Incorporated, 15 Fairview Centre, Caledon Street, Somerset West. 16817/2012—Ratzinger, Peter Jurgen, Passport 951637974, 17 & 19 Felicia Crescent, Gordons Bay (Strand; Cape Town).—Hickman Van Eeden Phillips, 96 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuils River, 7580. 13048/2004—Sherratt, Malcolm John, 3804185051085, Outeniqua Frail Care Old Age Home (George; Cape Town).— Schiemann Incorporated, 15 Fairview Centre, Caledon Street, Somerset West. 26133/2014—Ferreira, Hermanus Gerhardus, 5206065096081, Avondalestraat 31, Oakdale, Bellville, 7530 (Bellville; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 3425/2014—Dunn, William King, 3112165067083, 15 Upper Towers Road, Muizenberg, Cape Town (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Walkers Inc., PO Box 254, Cape Town, 8000. 10150/2013—Janse van Rensburg, Hendrina Magdalena, 3303260046086, Millenium Park 211/138, Noord Street, Oudtshoorn (Oudtshoorn; Cape Town).—James King & Badenhorst Inc., 144 St John Street, Oudtshoorn, 6625. 21570/2014—Momplé, Doreen Evelyn, 2608180070086, 23 A Larmenier Retirement Village, 1 Derry Road, Vredehoek, Cape Town, 8000 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Butler Blanckenberg Nielsen Safodien Inc., Tannery Park, 21 Belmont Road, Rondebosch, 7700, Cape Town. 27207/2014—Vosloo, Charl Gavin, 5710245075089, Dorreystraat 42, Proteahoogte, Brackenfell, 7560, First and Final; Marcelle Tersia Vosloo, 6902160239084 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 25586/2014—Cartwright, David Norman, 3903035039082, Kleinkaap 5, Buitekantstraat, Brackenfell, 7560 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 21008/14—Le Roux, Larion, 6409215039089, 7 Cradock Street, Worcester, 6850 (Worcester; Kaapstad).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 2026/2014—Van der Westhuizen, Frans, 6309145289087, Koorstraat 24, Groenheuwel, Paarl, 7646; Cornelia van der Westhuizen, 7107010527089, only 21 days (Paarl; Cape Town).—Gerschwin Ontong Attorney, 92 Breda Street, Paarl, 7646. 17607/2013—Kreel, Pamela Yvonne, 4201090040080, 205 Palm Beach, Cassel Road, Sea Point, Western Cape, date of death: 23 November 2013, Amended First and Final (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, Buchanan’s Chambers, cnr Warwick Street & Pearce Road, Claremont. 2016—Majerrie, Gerrit Johannes, 5510055180080; Wilma Magdalena Majerrie, 6801030841089 (Piketberg; Kaapstad).—Jacques Ehlers Prokureurs, Langstraat 50B (Posbus 125), Piketberg, 7320. 23065/2014—Bircher, Linda Margaret, 5012110169182, 35 Van Riebeek Street, Riebeek Kasteel, First and Final (Malmesbury; Cape Town).—Reillys, PO Box 18006, Wynberg, 7824. 17305/2012—Klaasen, Susanna Catharina, 7106060204086; Cornelius Jacobus Klaasen, 7402125110082 (Piketberg; Kaapstad).—Jacques Ehlers Prokureurs, Langstraat 50B (Posbus 125), Piketberg, 7320. 24587/2014—Wyngaard, Ronald Alfred, 4012225067082, 2 Robin Street, Montague Gifts Estate, Grassy Park, First and Final; Ursula Jean Henrietta Wyngaard, 4406300040081 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 21215/2014—Fortuin, Michael Charles, 2705255065080, 31 St Johns Road, Lansdowne, First and Final (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

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20200/2014—Jordaan, Solomon Peter, 6101305082083, 25 Winterhoek Street, Tafelsig, Mitchells Plain, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 2608/2013—Edminson, Bertha, 2405070054084, E15 Anchusa Court, Wren Road, Meadowridge, First and Final (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 15401/2013—Denyssen, Thomas Charles Godfrey, 4704275126087, 6 Selekta Street, Jamestown, Stellenbosch; Carole Cecilia Denyssen, 4612190132082 (Stellenbosch; Cape Town).—Raymond McCrecth Attorneys, 24 Bright Street, Somerset West. 11000/2012—Terblanche, Stephanus, 3903295049086, 3054 Sea View Drive, Betty’s Bay, First and Final, 21 days (Hermanus; Cape Town).—E Scheepers, 10 Constantia Road, Oranjezicht, 8001. 22985/2014—Van Rooyen, Dirk Ernest, 4105175062085, Springfonteinweg 46, Stellenrijk, 7550 (Wellington; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, c/o Eteinne Genis Prokureurs, No. 2 7de Laan, Melkbosstrand, 7441. 4646/2010—Andries, Peter, 3805235067088 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town). 16639/2013—Susan Margaret Mitchell, 3812050093082, 56 St Vincent Drive, Belhar, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Bellville; Cape Town).—AV Dawson & Co., 7 Link Road, De la Haye, Bellville. 9744/2012—Opperman, Christopher Peter, 6004275218085; Cheron Magdalene Joy Opperman, 6306100199087 (Strand; Cape Town). 2222/2014—Mtiti, Nomaledi Evelyn, 4010090392080 (Wynberg; Cape Town). 703/2011—Smith, Stephen Dean, 7010085035089, 27 Gulden Road, Vierlanden, Durbanville, 7550, Second and Final (Bellville; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 14254/2013—Sherwood, Bruce Edward, 5711175074084, 49 Riesling Street, Heldervue, Somerset West, First and Final (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd—Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735. 22985/2014—Van Rooyen, Dirk Ernest, 4105175062085, Springfonteinweg 46, Stellenrijk, 7550 (Wellington; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, c/o Eteinne Genis Prokureurs, No. 2 7de Laan, Melkbosstrand, 7441. 026270/2014—Van Niekerk, Andre Carl, 580655128081 (Cape Town).—Executrix: Alda Maria Smith, c/o Von Lieres Cooper Barlow & Hangone, PO Box 4353, Cape Town, 8001; 6th Floor, 71 Loop Street, Cape Town. 12050/2013—Ferreira, Sarah Edna Johanna, 3410050030087, Bourbonstraat 14, Evergreen, 7550 (Bellville; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530. 3148/2014—Gente, Mildred Helena, 2208120051088, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Terence Rex Attorneys, Ground Floor, Capitol Corner, 25 Church Street, Wynberg, 7800. 16935/2013—De Villiers, Charles Dennis, 2910315006088 (Somerset West; Cape Town). 21979/2014—Elias, Michael, 4603255164185, 23 Breamar Road, Parklands, First and Final (Cape Town).—Proactive Wills and Estates, PO Box 300, Milnerton, 7435. 21978/2014—Elias, Hazel Dawn, 4807210176180, 23 Breamar Road, Parklands, First and Final (Cape Town).—Proactive Wills and Estates, PO Box 300, Milnerton, 7435. 14895/2010—Van Tonder, Joseph Benjamin, 5208065152088, 1 Bird Street, Brackenfell, Cape Town, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Ann Elizabeth van Tonder, 6109220061082, 21 days (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550. 20856/2014—Le Riche, Stephanus Carl, 2202255052086 (Caledon; Cape Town).—JJ Tubb, MHI Attorneys, 295 Durban Road, Bellville, 7530. 13374/2013—Daniels, Azazia, 5406130014081, 39 Sirius Road, Surrey Estate, Athlone, 7764; Ebrahim Daniels, 5111305131088 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Rabia Achmat, 168 Silversands Avenue, Westridge, Mitchells Plain. 22437/2014—Golozana, Xolani Tolly, 5311135503080, 191 Masemola Street, Sunndale, Masiphumelele: Fish Hoek— Noordhoek (Simon’s Town Magistrate’s Court; Cape Town).—Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street. 3100/2014—Lucwaba, Priscilla Nomsa, 5701080812082, NY10, No. 44 Gugulethu, 7784 (Wynberg Magistrate’s Court; Cape Town).—Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street. 3100/2014—Lucwaba, Priscilla Nomsa, 4901125650080, NY10, No. 44 Gugulethu, 7784 (Wynberg Magistrate’s Court; Cape Town).—Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street. 21659/2014—Maboee, Moses, 5807145851088, widower, 11 Sierra Way, Mandalay, Khayelitsha (Mitchell’s Plain Magistrate’s Court; Cape Town).—Pinini Attorneys, Suite 707, 7th Floor, 47 On Strand, Strand Street. 1291/2013—Huskisson, Denis Cyril, 2001125048088, Suite 71, Cottage 2, St James Retirement Hotel, St James, 7945, Amended First & Final (Simons Town; Cape Town).—Fairheads International Trust, Block E, Estuaries Century City. 24689/2014—Heneke, Brian Graham, 4412285099084, First (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Alcock & Associates, P.O. Box 53580, Kenilworth, 7745. 1237/2013—Fredericks, Deana Mina Martha, 5302060187080, Hendriksestraat 2, Noblepark, Worcester, Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Worcester; Kaapstad).—Wilna Roux Prokureurs, Baringstraat 27, Worcester, 6850. 20852/2014—Van Schalkwyk, Philippus Lodewickus, 2103225009083, Groenkloof Aftree-oord, Groot Brakrivier Distrik, Mosselbaai, 6500; Catharina Wilhelmina Johanna van Schalkwyk, 2209180012085 (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—Mnr. D. L. R. Moolman, Diedericks Ingelyf, Da Gamastraat 62, Da Nova, Mosselbaai, 6500. 3525/2014—Lambrechts, Susanna Katherina, 4110040006085, Duthiestraat 23B, Malmesbury, 7300; Johannes Petrus Lambrechts, 3911255064086 (Malmesbury; Kaapstad).—J. H. Rossouw, p/a Coetzee Rossouw & Viljoen, Voortrekkerweg 99, Privaatsak X10, Malmesbury, 7300. 1498/2012—Cornelius, Cedric Ivan, 4109095116088; Dianne Pearl Cornelius, 5504210086084 (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape Town).—K G Druker & Associates Inc., 19th Floor, SA Reserve Bank Building, 60 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.

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1238/2014—Vaughan, Daniel Johannes, 2510195015082, Santos Haven 148, Schoemanstraat, Heiderand, Mosselbaai (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—Mnr. D. L. R. Moolman, Diedericks Ingelyf, Da Gamastraat 62, Da Nova, Mosselbaai, 6500. 20329/2014—Shephard, James Henry, 3404055011085 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—Moore Stephens BKV Inc., P.O. Box 1955, Cape Town, 8000. 1635/2013—Marks, Leslie Frank, 3307135077085, 8 Paul Road, Bishop Lavis, 7490; Madge Priscilla Marks, 2606290074089 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Matz Watermeyer, P.O. Box 522, Plumstead, 7801. 16949/2013—Bradley, Brian, 3104085091186, 4 Resthaven Drive, Tokai, First and Final (Wynberg; Cape Town).— Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 17343/09—Erasmus, Annett Vironica, 7205120152085; Abraham Petrus Erasmus (Bellville; Cape Town).—Delgado Velosa Kenworthy & Associates Inc., 2nd Floor, Boundary Terraces, Newlands, 7700. 21517/2014—Boyder, Herbert Garth, 3812315047089, 143 Circke Road, Table View, First and Final; Gwendoline Boyder, 3906110037087 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 26278/2014—Bates, Elizabeth Carswell Crawford, 2806020022081, 31 Boundary Road, Gordons Bay (Bellville; Western Cape).—Averil Moses, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 24260/2014—Vlak, Dominicus, 2205125035082, 18 Erica La Provence, Graniet Street, Welgelegen, 7500 (Bellville; Western Cape).—Averil Moses, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 14229/2013—Kirstein, Christine Margaret Macausland, 3006250026089, House 72, Heritage Manor, Somerset West, First and Final (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 10680/2013—Purcell, Michael Leslie, 3812075038088, 29 Camp Street, Gardens, Second and Final (Cape Town).— Nedgroup Trust Limited, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 4336/2014—Rushburne, Jack Leonard, 707023481, 32 Seafield Road, Hove East, Sussex, United Kingdom (Cape Town; Western Cape).—Averil Moses, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 1887/2014—Biegale, Hubert Georg, 4104285061186, 5 Antose Court, Delheim Road, Table View, First and Final (Cape Town).—Nedgroup Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town. 24368/2014—Le Roux, Jane Levina, 2209190057088, Huis Klippe Drif, Napier, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Bredasdorp; Kaapstad).—Nedgroup Trust Bpk, Posbus 86, Kaapstad, 8000. 5747/2011—Coetzee, Izak Eric, 5711185005086, 24 Monte Carlo, Hebronstraat, Durbanville, Second and Final (Bellville; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 24086/2014—Le Roux, Catharina Wilhelmina, 4706280624089, Proteastraat 3, Goodwood; Gerhard le Roux, 5306215142080, First and Final (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 13164/2013—Manuel, Norma Alice, 5407140688088, 5 Lovedale Avenue, Athlone, 7764, First and Final; Neville William Manuel, 5106205111081 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town. 26203/2014—Van Wyk, Catherine Lavinia, 3008240083089, Constantia Place, Southern Cross Drive, Constantia, 7800, First and Final; Catherine Lavinia van Wyk, 3008240083089 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Ltd, P.O. Box 86, Cape Town. 24 913/2014—Pienaar, Zurejah Lucia, 2209280065082, Bellinganhoff, Condorstraat, Oudtshoorn (Oudtshoorn; Kaapstad).—Esaias Engelbertus Pienaar, Albertstraat 51, Ladismith, 6685. 10308/2012—De Wet-Roos, Christian Rudolf, 3011195012087; Maria Magdalena De Wet-Roos, 4212150003082 (Atlantis; Cape Town).—Delgado Velosa Kenworthy & Associates Inc, 2nd Floor, Bridge House, Boundary Terraces, Newlands, 7700. 123/2014—Tomlinson, Michael Edward John, 4902045091082, 11 Coral Tree Road, Thornton, First (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 20627/2014—Harding, Henry William, 3202265086081, 159 Lawson Road, Crawford, Lansdowne, Eerste en Finale, 21 days (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Jordaan Attorneys, P.O. Box 1157, Stellenbosch, 7599. 20835/2014—Damon, Francina Wilhelmina, 5606120182083, Edgarlaan 28, Struisbaai, 7285; Wynand Damon, 5107245624083 (Bredasdorp; Kaapstad).—LBF Prokureurs, Posbus 21, Bredasdorp, 7280. 4740/2014—Jacobus Everhardus van Niekerk, 12-07-1926, 2607125025080, Hoogstraat 10, Piketberg, datum van afsterwe: 04-03-2014, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Piketberg; Kaapstad).—Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (Identity No. 5607195060089), as nominee of Standard Trust Limited (previously Standard Bank Executors and Trustees Ltd), c/o Roopa Potgieter, Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536. 24364/2014—Graham Vivian Hall, 14-11-1927, 2711145051082, 103 Evremonde Road, Plumstead, datum van afsterwe; 27-03-2014, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (Identity No. 5607195060089), as nominee of Standard Trust Limited (previously Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd), c/o Roopa Potgieter, Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536. 645/2014—Mieta George, 12-07-1960, 6007120163083, Appiesstraat 6, Vredenburg, 7380, datum van afsterwe: 13-09-2013, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Vredenburg; Kaapstad).—Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (Identity No. 5607195060089), as nominee of Standard Trust Limited (previously Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd), c/o Roopa Potgieter, Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536. 24366/2014—Magdalena Susanna Johanna Laas, 18-04-1927, 2704180032083, Huis Izak van Tonder, Ladismith, datum van afsterwe: 18-03-2014, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Ladismitth; Kaapstad).— Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (Identity No. 5607195060089), as nominee of Standard Trust Limited (previously Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd), c/o Roopa Potgieter, Posbus 4434, Tygervallei, 7536. 12643/2013—Greenblo, Anita, 2208110021083, 8 Woodlands Close, Constantia, Cape Town (Wynberg; Cape Town).— Ashersons Attorneys, Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town. 4035/2012—Asherson, Jonathan Dudley, 4404295038087, 40 Duckitt Avenue, Constantia, Cape Town (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Ashersons Attorneys, Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town. 18203/2012—Christian, Vincent Davaraj, 3405135183083, 18 Rue Robert, Glenhaven, Bellville, 7530, Amended First & Final (Bellville; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529.

This gazette is also available free online at 138 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

13701/2007—Hector, Annie Angelena, 3105190071088, Bo Vlei Farm, Nooiensfontein Road, Kuils River, 7580, Amended First and Final; Jacobus Andreq Hector, 2904035110080 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529. 5448/2013—Prince, Jacobus, 3903025060080, 8 Sonata Street, Steenberg; Margaret Elizabeth Prince, 4012300068088 (Wynberg Court; Cape Town).—Cecil Kamalie Attorney, 9 Fifth Avenue, Grassy Park. 6700/2013—Mollica, Catherine Sophia, 2412300043085, 47 Bougaard Street, Paarl (Wynberg Court; Cape Town).— Cecil Kamalie Attorney, 9 Fifth Avenue, Grassy Park. 21572/2014—Wentzel, Adrian Ricardo, 7612065063088, 84 Fisher Street, Goodwood; Lezil Belinda Wentzel, 7511170191083 (Goodwood Court; Cape Town).—Cecil Kamalie Attorney, 9 Fifth Avenue, Grassy Park. 9120/2013—Bardin, Robert Louwrens, 2211085014083, 129 Bridgewater Manor, 1 Andries Pretorius Street, Somerset West, 7130; Aletta Petronella Susanna Bardin, 2804140040083 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Aletta Petronella Susanna Bardin, 129 Bridgewater Manor, 1 Andries Pretorius Street, Somerset West, 7130. 4271/2014—Witte, Martha Magdalena, 4302200043087; Johan Lawrence Witte, 3812175028088 (Cape Town).—David Lombaard, 2 Mossie Street, Amandelsig, Kuilsriver, 7580. 11014/2013—Mona May, Cupido, 2805160058087, 12 Viooltjie Street, Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, George, 29 June 2012 (George; Cape Town)—Marjorie Bingham Attorneys, 23-54 Villa Italia, Ratanga Road, Century City, 7441. 2992/2014—Ussher, Mary Louise, 3212040053082, 66 Trianon Retirement Residence, Francis Road, Plumstead (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Warwick Trust, Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801. 23134/2014—Nuthall, Dennis Edward, 3104195047086, 13 Bato Way, Melkbosstrand, 7441, First (Malmesbury; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000. 27702/2014—Lefevre, Arthur Octave, 2712185006185; Micheline Lefevre, 29092900060188 (Hermanus; Cape Town).— Guthrie & Theron, 77 Main Road, Hermanus, 7200. 16686/2009—Wilfred Robertson, 3008095224085, 46 Eland Plein, Factreton, Maitland, 7405, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Cape Town; Office of the Resident Magistrate at Cape Town).—C. de Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchell’s Plain. 028493/2014—Van Heerden, Johannes Frederick, 4606085097087, Gannaboslaan 10, Denneoord, George, 6539, Eerste en Finale; Georgina van Heerden, 5310290084084 (George, Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.


Form/Vorm J 28


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date upon which and division of court by which order is made and upon the application of.

BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE WAT VOORLOPIG GESEKWESTREER OF GELIKWIDEER IS Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van. C20416/2014—Hendrik Oostenwald Eksteen, 8301135282089, 29 Strand Mews, Vredenhof Street, Strand, Western Cape. 6 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Solid Base Trading 112 CC. C20398/2014—Gene Francois & Mercia Madelein Plaatjies, 7909185071086 & 8511080173089, 1 Petunia Street, Pacaltsdorp, George, Western Cape. 18 September 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Ex parte. C958/2013—Jacobus Lodewickus van Zyl & Angeline Edna Lambert-Van Zyl, 7812045023083 & 6809220287088, 4 Oak Street, Wesbank, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape. 5 September 2014, Eastern Circuit Local Division, George. Ex parte. B20061/2014—B & R Verspreiders BK (Reg. No. 2003/081327/23), met hoofplek van besigheid te President Swartstraat 36, Bultfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 17 Oktober 2014, Landdros vir die Distrik van Bultfontein. Christiaan van Zyl. G20388/14—Accelerator Fund 2 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No.: 2006/015444/07) (member’s voluntary liquidation). 31-07-2014, Johannesburg.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 139

B20040/2014—Casparus Marthinus Knoetze, ID No. 6804285098082, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Erika Knoetze, ID No. 6612200091086, woonagtig te Torontoweg 43, St. Helena, Welkom, Vrystaat Provinsie. 14-08-2014, Vrystaatse Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Barend Daniël Knoetze. M20052/2014—Chiloane Technologies & Management CC (Reg. No. 2003/079028/23), 1585 Kgoleng Cresent, Unit 6, Mmabatho, North West Province. 16 October 2014, North West High Court, Mahikeng. Amos Chiloane Kekana. C20489/2014—Elle Dee Agency CC (Reg. No. 2000/012598/23), 53 Mountain Road, Somerset West, Western Cape. 17 September 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Pitt Promotions CC. E20017/2014—Michael Johannes Cilliers, 6602145103088, residing at 29A Bokmakierie Place, Gonubie, East London. 15 April 2014, Eastern Cape, East London. Ex parte. E20018/2014—Tokozile Vivien Boboyi, 5604101011082, residing at Melton Gardens, Queenstown. 30 September 2014, Eastern Cape Division, Grahamstown. ABSA Bank Limited. C20295/14—Frederika Skinner, 6804290066082, residing address: Prootstraat 22, Avondale, Parow, Western Cape. 7 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Voluntary surrender. C20485/2014—David Bowen, 6408025271082, residing address: 13 Karee Street, Heldervue, Somerset West and Western Cape. 7 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Dewald van Schalkwyk. C20495/2014—Heunis Law Group Inc (Reg. No. 1997/007767/21), residing address: 10 Huising Street, Somerset, Western Cape. 10 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Casper Jacobus Heunis. T1318/2014—Vrey, Annemarie, 7810020130089, 21ste Laan 483, Villieria, Pretoria. 6 Oktober 2014, Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria. John Louis Kemp. C20091/2014—Dream World Investments 4 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2003/024676/07), 502 Valderama Building, Somerset Links Office Park, De Beers Avenue, Somerset West. 25 April 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Born Free Investments 16 (Pty) Ltd. B20029/2014—CMW Livestock (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2008/014561/07), geregistreerde adres te Dan Pienaarstraat 19, Ladybrand, Vrystaat Provinsie. 19-08-2014, CIPRO: Pretoria. Vrywillige likwidasie. K29/2014—Johan Schreuder Boerdery (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2010/018056/07), met geregistreerde adres te Cambellstraat 18, Douglas, Noord-Kaap Provinsie. 12-09-2014, Northern Cape. Johan Schreuder Boerdery (Edms) Bpk.

Form/Vorm J 29 FIRST MEETINGS OF CREDITORS, CONTRIBUTORIES, MEMBERS OR DEBENTURE- HOLDERS OF SEQUESTRATED ESTATES, COMPANIES BEING WOUND-UP OR PLACED UNDER PROVISIONAL JUDICIAL MANAGEMENT The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order is made, and date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

EERSTE BYEENKOMSTE VAN SKULDEISERS, KONTRIBUANTE, LEDE OF SKULD- BRIEFHOUERS VAN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS, MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE OF ONDER VOORLOPIGE GEREGTELIKE BESTUUR Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word.

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Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

C20422/14—Isogenix Dry Ice Blast Cleaning (Pty) Ltd, 2009/007034/07, Trident Park 1, Niblick Way, The Triangle, Somerset West. 2 September 2014—7 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 20 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West. C958/2013—Jacobus Lodewickus van Zyl and Angeline Edna Lambert-Van Zyl, 7812045023083 and 6809220287088, 4 Oak Street, Wesbank, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape. Final order: 5 September 2014, Eastern Circuit Local Division, George. 19 November 2014, 09:00, Oudtshoorne Magistrate’s Court. C20398/2014—Gene Francois and Mercia Madelein Plaatjies, 7909185071086 and 8511080173089, 1 Petunia Street, Pacaltsdorp, George, Western Cape. Final order: 18 September 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 21 November 2014, 09:00, George Magistrate’s Court. C20416/2014—Hendrik Oostenwald Eksteen, 8301135282089, 29 Strand Mews, Vredenhof Street, Strand, Western Cape. 29 August 2014—6 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 19 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Strand. B16/2014—Leon Bondesio, ID No. 4703235012080, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, woonagtig adres te Plaas Daisielea, Bethlehem, Vrystaat Provinsie. 14-02-2014—13-03-2014, Vrystaatse Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 26-09-2014, 09h30, Bethlehem. B20012/2014—Philippus Georg Campher, ID No. 7708255057086, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, woonagtig te Kiepersolstraat 5, Jordania, Kroonstad, Vrystaat Provinsie. 5 Junie 2014–7 Augustus 2014, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 08-10-2014, 09h30, Landdros, Kroonstad. 3/2011—Ryan Hosking, 7712195076081, residing at 2 Granton Manor, Granton Road, East London. 25 January 2011— 22 February 2011, East London Circuit Local Division. 21 November 2014, 10:00, East London. B32/2014—RCIR Valuations (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2002/021728/07, met geregistreerde adres te Andries Pretorius- straat 65, Navalsig, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 2 April 2014—14 Augustus 2014, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 19 November 2014, 10:00, Bloemfontein. M20011/2014—Africa Waste (Pty) Ltd, 2006/023801/07, First Floor, DVS Suite, 2 Landros Street, Rustenburg, North West Province. Registered on 13 May 2014, Voluntary Liquidation. 21 November 2014, 08h30, Master, Mahikeng, M02/2014—Swanepoel Marco, 7702225058088, 31 Koekoe Avenue, Cashan Extension 33, Rustenburg, North West Province. Final order: 12 December 2013, North West High Court, Mahikeng. 21 November 2014, 08h30, Master, Mahikeng. M20022/2014—David Handrik Jeremia van der Lith, 5806125042080, 234A Beyers Naude Drive, Rustenburg, North West Province. Final order: 24-07-2014, North West High Court, Mafikeng. 19-11-2014, 08:30, Magistrate, Rustenburg. M20051/2014—Nico and Aletta Maria Greyling, 7402115002082 and 7402270121081, 181C Kerk Street, Rustenburg, North West Province. Final order: 09-10-2014, North West High Court, Mafikeng. 19-11-2014, 08:30, Magistrate, Rustenburg. M20054/2014—Tienie Jakobus and Zelna Britz, 8301085258089 and 7212050229081, De Brough Landgoed, Waterkloof, Rustenburg, North West Province. Final order: 31-07-2014, North West High Court, Mafikeng. 19-11-2014, 08:30, Magistrate, Rustenburg. M20055/2014—Panaviotis Floudiotis, 6801265128087, 1 Lark Avenue, Safari Gardens, Rustenburg, North West Province. Final order: 28-08-2014, North West High Court, Mafikeng. 19-11-2014, 08:30, Magistrate, Rustenburg. M20053/2014—Alexandra Catherine and Casper Jan Hendrik van Wyk, 8711050022080 and 8204215006081, Plot 469, Elandskraal, Kroondal, District Rustenburg, North West Province. Final order: 16-10-2014, North West High Court, Mafikeng. 19-11-2014, 08:30, Magistrate, Rustenburg. G20451/2014—Nicholas Valasis, 4701305043084, c/o 5 Perval Centre, 1 Muller Street, Yeoville. Final order: 20 August 2014, South Gauteng High Court. 17 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20693/2014—Gravel Construction (Pty) Ltd, 1959/000850/07, c/o 213 Rondebult Road, Farrar Park, Boksburg. Final order: 29 August 2014, South Gauteng High Court. 20 November 2014, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. G20543/2014—Jacobus Lodewyk du Plessis, 4603035012084, c/o 47A Senator Marks Avenue, Vereeniging. Final order: 21 August 2014, South Gauteng High Court. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. M03/2014—Nastasia Deysel, 8908310006081, 70 Zendeling Street, Rustenburg, North West Province. Final order: 12 December 2013, North West High Court, Mahikeng. 21 November 2014, 08h30, Master, Mahikeng. C20418/2014—Miriam Dorena Visser, 7810200133085, 7 Napa Valley Estate, Durbanville, Western Cape. 3 September 2014–15 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 21 November 2014, 10:00, Bellville Magistrate’s Court. E20017/2014—Michael, Johannes Cilliers, 6602145103088, Residing at 29A Bokmakierie Place, Gonubie, East London. 15 April 2014—15 April 2014, Eastern Cape, East London. 21 November 2014, 10:00, East London. B20020/2014—Nu-Pro Vervoer (Edms) Bpk, Reg No. 2008/010736/07, geregistreerde adres te: 3 President Boshoff Street, Bethlehem, Vrystaat Provinsie. 19/06/2014—02/10/2014, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 26/11/2014, 10h00, Bloemfontein.

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D20086/2014—South African Retail Stores (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2012/195650/07, 1214 Charles Strachan, Mayville, KwaZulu-Natal. Resolutions registered on 26 September 2014. 03/12/14, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban. C20205/2014—Dr David Bowden Urologist Inc., 2005/037787/21, Parc du Cap, Building No. 3, 2nd Floor, Mispel Road, Bellville, W.C. 21 May 2014 Resolution—Creditors Voluntary Surrender, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 21 November 2014, 11h00, Magistrate’s Office, Bellville. D20073/2014—Madamu Technologies (Pty) Ltd, 2004/0121270/07, 1A Pineside, Pineside Road, New Germany. 18/08/2014—22/09/2014, Durban & Coastal Local Division. 27/11/2014, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Pinetown. D151/2011—Craig Patric and Lynette Shirley Botha, 6501175154088 & 6505240143083, 27 Sandpiper Road, Yellow Wood Park, Durban. Voluntary surrender granted on 18/08/2010, Durban & Coast Local Division. 26/11/2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban. D20021/2014—La Lucia Property Investment Limited, 1968/011249/06, unknown. 23/05/2014—10/07/2014, Durban & Coast Local Division. 26/11/2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban. D20070/2014—Magic Communications & Events Consultants (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2002/017806/07, 9 Cordia, 70 Campbell Road, Umhlanga, KwaZulu-Natal. 11/09/2014—13/10/2014, KwaZulu-Natal Local Division, Durban. 03/12/14, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban. D20080/2014—Caryn Jo-Anne Smith, 7210050004082, 09 Emerald Gardens, 42 Furness Avenue, Berea, Durban. Voluntary surrender on: 22 July 2014, KwaZulu-Natal Local Division. 03/12/14, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban. C776/2012—Pierre Thomas Reyneke & Brenda Reyneke, 5705035083087 & 5802260032085, 16 Crawberry Close, Green Pastures, Knysna, W.C. 7 September 2012. Final order: 26 November 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 21 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Knysna. S20058/2014—Lazlodox CC t/a Eiro Designs (in liquidation), CK 2010/085059/23, Business Trade in Engineering Industry. 23/09/2014—21/10/2014, Magistrate’s Court. 19 November 2014, 14h00, Master, Port Elizabeth. T833/2007—Paradigm Mining Construction (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). unknown, 8 Claerhout Street, Secunda. 10-09-2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T20550/14—Shaun & Francina Wilhelmina Johanna Keogh, ID Nos. 6605125162081 & 6312170056082, Presidentstraat 458, Silverton, Pretoria. Final order: 29 August 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA, Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T21550/14—Andre Jacques & Johanna Magdalena Elizabeth Kunst, 60055225098080 & 6101210004081, 10 Juta Street, C E S Vanderbijlpark, 1911. Final order: 17 September 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA, Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T21460/14—Daniel Christoffel & Chantell Havenga, ID: 7205025072081 & 8005260102083, 2 Brooke Avenue, The Boulders, Lydenburg. Final order: 12 September 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA, Pretoria. 24 November 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Lydenburg. T20960/14—Anne-Marie Wiid, 7403030103080, 10 Du Preez Street, Nelspruit. Final order: 18 September 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA, Pretoria. 28 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T21440/14—Kobus & Wildrie Davids, 6507085074080 & 6807030112082, 41 Doringboom Street, Kempton Park. Final order: 13 August 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA, Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T21470/14—Susanna Catharina Petronella van der Riet, 8304290001081, 31 Deo Favere, Parsley Street, Annlin, Pretoria North. Final order: 9 September 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA, Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North. T0510/14—Gerhardt & Amanda van Nieuwenhuizen, 5201095036089 & 8705120099086, Donaldsonstraat 48, Strubenvale, Springs. Final order: 25 March 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA, Pretoria. 28 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Springs. T0259/14—Nirocel (Pty) Ltd, 2009/017425/07, Block N, Crystal Park, 249 Basden Street, Lyttleton. Final order: 13 February 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA, Pretoria. 24 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1739/13—Shaun van der Berg, ID No. 8012075027083, Chrishougaardstraat 334, Wierdapark, Pretoria. Final order: 26 July 2013, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T21599/14—Vaalharts Bemestingsdienste (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2004/016766/07, Lytteltonweg 80, Clubview, Centurion. Final order: 27 august 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T20419/14—Marian Charlene Dalziel, ID No. 7608310252088, 22 Diemersdal Street, Alberton. Final order: 7 August 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. T20039/14—Anitta Christina Le Roux, ID No. 7401030103082, 26 Lincoln Street, Alberton. Final order: 9 May 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. T5079/12—Heidi Weir, ID No. 7112120060088, 9 Glen Douglas, Joseph Crescent, Douglasdale, Randburg. Final order: 11 January 2013, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T21469/14—Steven & Johanna Sophia Rolfe, ID No’s: 7407255033086 & 7711060149080, Holding 106, Rikasrus, Randfontein. Final order: 10 September 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein. T20579/14—Anelie Mostert, ID No. 8304120098080, 117 Kock Street, Villa Shalom No. 3, Potchefstroom. Final order: 3 July 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom. T21079/14—Lerato Juliet Motloung, ID No. 8611020371080, 1794 Sereni Street, Mapetla, Johannesburg. Final order: 19 September 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 09h00, Master, Johannesburg.

This gazette is also available free online at 142 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

T5329/10—Adrian Edgar Wayne & Alida Jacoba van Tonder, ID No’s: 6705205074089 & 6009260047084, Von Wielligstraat 10, SE1, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 5 April 2012, Gauteng Division of the High Court of SA – Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T20678/14—Christoffel Francois Ayres and Henriette Ayres, ID No’s: 7901155023080 and 7906120138087, 1 Clydesdale, Crescent Hills, Randfontein. Final order: 7 July 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27-11-2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Randfontein. T748/14—Neil Swart and Simantha Ishmarelda Duffield, ID No’s: 7705155013086 and 7907230010083, Martha Smitstraat 429, Garsfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 5 May 2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27-11-2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria. T20638/14—Tebogo Rebecca Motsepa, ID No. 7211230390086, 614 Silver Stonehomeowners, Perdeblom Street, Monavoni X6, Centurion, Pretoria. Final order: 30-06-14, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27-11-2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria. T1358/13—Daniel Hendrik Chrispadis and Dianne Janse van Rensburg, 7306225039084 and 7610020107081, 3 Jan Kemp Avenue, Duncanville, Vereeniging. Final order: 15 August 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 28-11-2014, 10:00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. T1858/11—Vuyani Godfrey Mhlauli, ID No. 7803185139086, 64 Roylize Gardens, Uitzicht Avenue, Royglen, Kimberley. Final order: 11 February 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27-11-14, Master’s Office, Kimberley. T177/14—Rene Butler, ID No. 7301040010089, 106 Reddersburg Street, Rooihuiskraal, Pretoria. Final order: 28-02-14, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27-11-2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria. T4577/12—Ernest Lodewyk Koekemoer, ID No. 6209275131085, 199 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley. Final order: 10-12-12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27-11-14, 09:00, Master’s Office, Kimberley. T767/13—Anstey Moniz and Candice Lisa Moniz, 6406015230082 and 7106200137089, 22 Berg Street, Waverley, Pretoria. Final order: 19 April 2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27-11-2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria. T3437/12—Margaretha Fourie, ID No. 7305200003081, 1004 Galjoen Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. 13-11-2012— 18-01-2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 26-11-2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T4237/12—Hendrik Gerhardus Stephanus & Josina Ignata Phillippina Kotze, ID No’s: 5011305044085 & 6111270039083, plaas Witpan, Schweizer-Reneke. Final order: 10-10-2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 26-11-2014, 10:00, Master Pretoria.. T1607/12—Frederik Hendrik Kotze & Engela Kotze, ID No’s: 7508135026081 & 7511280039081, 7 Paul Kruger Street, Cartonville. Final order: 05-05-2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 25-11-2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T337/13—Elizabeth Norman, 8005030150081, 368 Maitland Street, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion. Final order: 07/03/2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 25/11/2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T0516/12—Hermanus Petrus de Jager, 7904025101086, Athloneweg 21, Kenmore 4, Gauteng. Final order: 7 May 2012, Gauteng Division, Pretoria. 20 November 2014, 09:00, Magistrate, Randfontein. T20826/14—Tarryn du Toit, 8310170045087, 17 Glenhove Road, cnr Cecil Avenue, Melrose Estate, Rosebank, Johannesburg. Final order: 22 July 2014, Gauteng Division, Pretoria. 20 November 2014, 10:00, Master, South Gauteng High Court. T1726/13–Liesl Louise Rossouw, 7001100001081, 826 5de Laan, Wonderboom-Suid. Final order: 4 July 2013, Gauteng Division, Pretoria. 19 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T20926/14—Edward Lewellin Jonkers, 8311055039088, 68 Pine Place, Eersterus, Pretoria. Final order: 31 July 2014, Gauteng Division, Pretoria. 19 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T2425/12—Lucien Francois & Grace Josephine van Staden, 6605075054080 & 5908010127081, 45 Garlicke Crescent, Pierre van Ryneveld, Centurion. Final order: 30 December 2013, Gauteng Division, Pretoria. 19 November 2014, 10:00. Master, Pretoria. T21034/14—Nkhahle, Pearl Bo Itumelo & Thabo Ernie, 7202080629087 & 7303045704088, Unit 505, Phumlani Gardens, Gerald Sekoto Street, Newtown, Johannesburg. Final order: 5 August 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 26 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T0714/13—Petrus Johannes Joubert, 7510135069087, 195 Fish Eagle Street, Silverlakes, Pretoria. Final order: 17 May 2013, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T20434/14—Moshadi Thapedi Kekana, 8502270866087, 41 Jorrisen Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria. Final order: 14 August 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T21023/14—Minah Dikeledi Bahlekazi, 7009170822088, 431 Francina Street, Pretoria West, Pretoria. Final order: 5 August 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T553/14—Tshwalane Mary Nkadimeng, 7105160398087, 249 Moroe Street, Atteridgeville, Gauteng. Final order: 14 August 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T20533/14—Elizabeth Cornelia White, 5512040212085, 1406C Dunwoodie Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria. Final order: 26 June 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0743/14—Celest van Wyk, 8409040826084, 830 Barnard Street, Wingate Park, Pretoria. Final order: 17 April 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0753/14—Verinthea Geraldean Foster, 8205050108080, 62 Pearlbush Crescent, Karenpark, Akasia. Final order: 25 April 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1063/13—Engelina Elizabeth Hall, 5501160125086, Nobel Oak Landgoed 41, Blackwood Street, Bryanston. Final order: 28 March 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T673/14—Dennis Charles Riekert, 6302175023088, Plot 1, Highlands Uitkykpad, Nelspruit. 24/02/2014—15/09/2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 24/11/2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

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T203/13—Shawn Strumpher, 7902135004083, 7 Woodpecker Avenue, Helikonpark, Randfontein. Final order: 21/02/2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27/11/2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. T20343/14—Inter Africa Carriers (Pty) Limited (2012/013675/07), Dorantis Building, 8 Kudu Road, Robin Hills, Randburg. Final order: 25/04/2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 03/12/2014, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg. T2713/12—Jacobus Casparus Kkoen & Chantell Cecilia Koen, 8105265078088 & 8602070047084, De Villiersstraat 961, Daspoort, Pretoria. Final order: 26 July 2012, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T20413/14—Bester, William Alexander & Martha Ccatharina, 7208165054083 & 7601190058089, 1133 Deysel Street, Booysens, Pretoria. Final order: 14 August 2014, High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria). 24 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2613/12—Jacques Fourie, 7705315002086, 70 Delawair Street, Lynnwood Glen. Final order: 20 February 2012, In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T21992/14—Johanna & Hazel van Zyl, 7204245041083 & 7412050094081, 18 Apricot Avenue, Primrose, Germiston. Final order: 7 October 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 28 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T20472/14—Christiaan Mark Ferreira, 8206015095081, Kerkstraat 63, Johannesburg Noord, Randburg. Final order: 26 June 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T4772/08—Thosetje Ernest Mashwene, 7807185655082, 102 College Mansions, Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 6 November 2008, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T0592/11—Hendrik Lodewyk du Plessis, 6810115048080, 414 Lindique Street, Silverton Ridge, Pretoria. Final order: 15 June 2011, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T21432/14—Tecseal Hydraulic & Mining Supplies (Pty) Ltd (2005/013670/07), 167 Bergsering Street, Extension 3, Steelpoort, Mpumalanga. Final order: 11 August 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 28 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T2072/09—Under the Boardwalk Properties 10 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2006/016333/07), 287 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria. Final order: 23 April 2009. 24-11-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T432/12—Jan Cornelius Venter, 6611115172080, 79 Hadida Street, Hoedspruit, Limpopo. Final order: 20-10-2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 26-11-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3371/13—Stanford Moeketsi & Tsele Lydia Thoothe, 7508175289086 & 8403280643089, 1 Willem Avenue, The Orchards, Pretoria. Final order: 7 November 2013, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 28 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0161/14—Valecia Frances Supra, 5309290082080, Roodepoort. Final order: 13 February 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T3881/11—Johanna Cecilia Katharina Brignaut, 6902070052080, 51/1 Johem Street, Rietvalleyrand, Pretoria. Final order: 28 November 2011, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T1931/13—Hermina Christina Winter, 7105110180080, De Beerstraat 197, Capital Park, Pretoria. Final order: 8 August 2013, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa. 27 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T0741/14—Vernon & Maritza van der Watt, 7206175063086 & 7410220016087, 47 Belladonna Street, Nelspruit. Final order: 14 April 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 28 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T0471/14—Jane Sandra Jansen van Vuuren, 7312030263083, Plot 170, corner De Villiers & Third Street, Hillside, Randfontein. Final order: 24 March 2014, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 27 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein. T4131/11—Dave Brown, 6512295014086, 35 Apiesdoring Street, Bela-Bela, 4 November 2011, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Warmbad. T2591/12—Focko Hans & Antonella Krol, 6201315150084 & 6211300081087, 29 Mitchell Street, Discovery, Roodepoort. 18 July 2012, Gauteng Division of the High Court of South Africa, Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T3741/12—Paul Andries De Jager, 6203155178084, 4 Hillview, 680 Lievaart Street, Proclamation Hill, Pretoria. Final order: 26 September 2012. 24-11-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T3031/09—Lorinda-Lizelle da Silva, 7011100082080, 1068 Deborah Street, Pretoria Gardens. Final order: 25 June 2009. 24-11-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T21501/14—Jacobus Christian Jonck & Rene van Rooyen Jonck, 5510085068081 & 5902070102084, 15 Swart Street, Kempton Park. Final order: 15-09-2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 26-11-2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T251/14—Madi Information Technology (Pty) Limited (Reg. No. 2008/003949/07), 13525 Bongani Street, Mzamo, Vosloorus. Final order: 13-12-2013, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 25-11-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. N51/14—Evans Cycles BK; K Van der Westhuizen / A Pillay, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Durban. T20628/2014—PDW Props No. 8 BK, Reg No. 2002/064205/23. Finale Bevel: 4 Junie 201, Hofbevel, Hooggeregshof, Pretoria-Noord. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T20801/14—Yeoman Properties 157 CC (in likwidasie); JH Du Plessis & M Haywood, JH Du Plessis Trustees, Posbus 49, Fontainebleau, 2032. 20 November 2014, 10h00, Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T20343/14—Inter Africa Carriers (Pty) Limited, Reg No. 2012/013675/07, Dorantis Building, 8 Kudu Road, Robin Hills, Randburg. Final Order: 25/04/2014, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 03/12/2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T2472/13—Loots, J (ID: 6102285178081). Final Order: 4 March 2014, North Gauteng High Court. 20 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

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G1279/2011—Lefatshe Technologies (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2005/030239/07, c/o Second Floor, Central House, 70 Central Avenue, Mayfair. Final Order: 21 August 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20720/2014—Quvora (RF) (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2004/028497/07, c/o 23 Fricker Road, Ground Floor, Suite 2, Illovo. Final Order: 26 September 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20489/2014—Campbell Belman (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 1982/003593/07, c/o 228 Athol Road, Highlands North, Johannesburg. Final Order: 6 August 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20619/2014—Vac-Kopano (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2001/020004/07, c/o Suite 7, Denavo House, 15 York Street, Kensington. Final Order: 10 October 2012, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20426/2014—Gap Finance 1 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2002/017289/07, c/o 23 Fricker Road, Ground Floor, Suite 11, Illovo Boulevard, Illovo. Final Order: 17 July 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20399/2014—Icolor Technology (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2005/017702/07, c/o 10 Bradford Road, Bedfordview. Final Order: 28 June 2013, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G563/2012—Four Rivers Trading 26 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2004/005609/07, c/o Illovo Edge, 4th Floor, Building 1, Fricker Road, corner Harries Road. Final Order: 18 October 2013, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G1173/2012—New Nerd Order (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2008/005549/07, c/o Unit 19, Hazelwood, 5 George Ave, Glensan. Final Order: 31 July 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G172/2009—Procprops 21 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 1999/022297/07, c/o 11B Riley Road, Bedfordview. Final Order: 12 February 2009, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G925/2013—Utajiri Secfin (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2004/035851/07, c/o 230 Jan Smuts Avenue, Dunkeld. Final Order: 19 October 2012, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G216/2014—Oniserve (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2009/019533/07, c/o 23 Fricker Road, Ground Floor, Suite 2, Illovo. Final Order: 26 February 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20719/2014—Brunilda (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2011/148396/07, c/o 23 Fricker Road, Ground Floor, Suite 2, Illovo. Final Order: 26 September 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20718/2014—HY Investments 2B (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2002/022690/07, c/o 23 Fricker Road, Ground Floor, Suite 2, Illovo. Final Order: 26 September 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20717/2014—Dotrix Finance (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2005/030315/07, c/o 23 Fricker Road, Ground Floor, Suite 2, Illovo. Final Order: 26 September 2014, Special Resolution. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T2289/12—Centinel Corporate Solutions CC, Reg No. 2000/035478/23 (in likwidasie) Petrus Jacobus Maryn Van Staden en Beatric Linda Mills (co: MJD Breytenbach), p/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. Finale Bevel: 16/05/2012, Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling. 21-11-2014, 09h00, Landdros, Nelspruit. G20728/14—Movak – Pac BK, Registration No. 1992/033008/23, in likwidasie; Mari Haywood en Mkhacani Noel Chauke (co: JS Koka), p/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 06-10-2014, Spesiale Resolusie. 27-11-2014, 09:00, Landdros, Boksburg. C20200/14—Christiaan Crause, ID No. 5712295018084, 23 George Lily Road, George. 6 June 2014—9 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 21 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrates’ Court, George. T2289/12—Centinel Corporate Solutions CC, Registrasie No. 2000/035478/23; Petrus Jacobus Maryn van Staden en Beatrice Linda Mills (co: MJD Breytenbach, p/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 21-11-2014, 09:00, Landdros, Nelspruit. G686/2013—Lucky Moo (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2010/010279/07, c/o 61 Corlett Drive. Final order: 7 August 2014, South Gauteng High Court. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G148/2014—Riaan du Plessis Inc., Reg. No. 2013/094832/07, c/o Derde Verdieping, Nedbank Park, Girtonlaan 13. Final order: 24 January 2014, Special Resolution. 20 November 2014, 10h00 Master, Johannesburg. G20607/2014—Mozi Venture Capital (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2013/094832/07, c/o The Slug & Lettuce Shop LG02, The Court in Melville, 76 4th Ave., Melville. 27 August 2014, Special Resolution. Final order: 21 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. N50/2014—Inkosi Corporate Services (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2003/022130/07, 901 Dyster Cove, 41 North Beach Road, Umhloti, 4350, KwaZulu-Natal. Provisional order: Special Resolution. 27-11-2014, 10h00, Verulam Magistrate’s Court. C20091/2014—Dream World Investments 4 (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2003/024676/07, 502 Valderama Building, Somerset Links Office Park, De Beers Avenue, Somerset West. 25 April 2014—16 October 2014, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 20 November 2014, 09:00, Somerset Magistrate’s Court, WC. G20700/14—Sizadawn Marketing CC, 2003/078811/23, in liquidation; Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever and Ahmed Hassan Jaffer, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 28 November 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. N20058/2014—Fast Track Shopfitters Gauteng CC, in liquidation. 26 November 2014, at 10h00, at the Master’s Office, 2 Devonshire Place, Durban. G317/2014—Pen Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd, 1988/004719/07, c/o 44 A Boundary Road, Inanda. Final order: 25 March 2014, Special Resolution. 20 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. G20558/2014—Rhoms Timberworld Johannesburg (Pty) Ltd, 1979/006308/07, c/o 70 St John Road, Houghton. Final order: 21 August 2014, Special Resolution. 20 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. K13/2014—Peter John Burnett Cupido, ID No. 8504245250082, married in community of property with Chantell Shirlene Cupido, ID No. 8406050177089, both residing at 24 Middle Road, Wrenchville, Kuruman. Final order: 30-05-2014, Northern Cape High Court. 06-11-2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Kuruman. B32/2014—RCIR Valuation (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2002/021728/07, met geregistreerde adres te: Andries Pretoriusstraat 65, Navalsig, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 2 April 2014—14 August 2014, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 08-10-2014, 10h00, Meester, Bloemfontein.

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K17/2014—Leatoy (Pty) Ltd, with registered office at Hanmar Building, 32 Stewart Street, Kuruman. Final order: 29-04-2014, Northern Cape. 16-10-2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Kuruman. B20029/2014—CMW Livestock (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2008/014561/07, geregistreerde adres te: Dan Pienaarstraat 19, Ladybrand, Vrystaat Provinsie, Vrywillige Likwidasie—19-08-2014, CIPRO: Pretoria. 15-10-2014, 11h00, Ladybrand.

Form J 29—Close Corporations


The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of South Africa or the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No. 69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 412 and 356 of the Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the under- mentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the following purposes: (i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High Court; (ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation; (iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the nomination of a person for appointment; (iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of Close Corporation; name and description of Close Corporation; name and address of liquidator; date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debts must be paid, if this is not done forthwith.

Vorm J 29—Beslote Korporasies EERSTE BYEENKOMSTE VAN SKULDEISERS EN LEDE VAN BESLOTE KORPORASIES IN LIKWIDASIE Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 412 en 356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die volgende doeleindes: (i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die Hooggeregshof ingedien is te oorweeg; (ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys; (iii) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir aanstelling; (iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang of te verkry. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; naam en beskrywing van Beslote Korporasie; naam en adres van likwidateur; datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.

T21304/14—BG Agri-Services CC, Reg. No. 2004/023417/23, registered address: 49 Ferreira Street, Nelspruit, 1200. Final order: 4 July 2014—Special Resolution. 21 November 2014, 09:00, the Magistrate, Nelspruit. G974/12—Bravoprop 607 CC, Reg. No. 2011/095580/23, Plot 140, 4th Street, Avenue, Walkerville, 1876, 28-06-2011; SAG Khammissa & NM Chauke, c/o Khammissa Attorneys, PO Box 11056, Queenswood, 0121, Friday, 28 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

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G20692/2014—C E W Logistics CC, 20 Fountain Road, Fordsburg, 2092. Final order: 15-09-2014; G.H.J. Venter – Z. Kajee, PO Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. 20 November 2014, 10h00, the Master in the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. C20383/2014—Inyameko Trading 1495 CC, Reg. No. 2010/055469/23, Unit 9B – N1 City Mews, Frans Conradie Drive, Goodwood, 7460. Final order: 12-08-2014; G.H.J. Venter – X.E. Daku, Po Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. 19 November 2014, 09h00, the Magistrate Court, Goodwood G20743/2014—Jameya Investments Projects CC, Reg. No. 2001/016560/23, in liquidation; JR Galloway and R R Brink (c/o RF Lutchman), c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, KPMG Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, 2193. 21 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. G1346/2013—Sanga Films CC, Reg. No. 2006/043300/23, 43 St Margaret Road, Hurlyvale, 1610. Final order: 18 July 2013, Special Resolution. 18 November 2014, 10:00, the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T2453/13—Tanzanite Hair Optics CC, 2007/121102/23, in liquidation; Mr H Draht, Colvan Trust CC, No. 3, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T1135/13—Stella Nova Investment 602 BK, Reg. No. 2008/023767/23, in likwidasie, Grond Vloer Gebou C, Lyttelton, Shemtistraat 1, Centurion, 27 Maart 2013; Johannes Jurie Beetge & Khashane LA Mmapowana Manamela, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 2101, Pretoria, 0001. Woensdag, 26 November 2014, at 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G1419/12—One Touch Technologies BK Reg. No. 2006/073292/23, in likwidasie, 94 Crestwood Drive, Lonehill, Sandton; AN Ndyamara, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 2101, Pretoria, 0001. 26 November 2014, at 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T3300/13—Acacia Way Trading 27 BK, Reg. No. 2006/035601/23, in likwidasie, 103 Eeufees Street, Pretoria North; JZH Muller, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 2101, Pretoria, 0001. 27 November 2014, om 09:00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord. T0586/14—JD Le Roux Boerdery CC, CK2009/055173/23, in liquidation. 28 February 2014—28 February 2014, Special Resolution. Monday, 24 November 2015, 10:00, Presiding Officer, Magistrate, Brits. G20476/2014—Blaze Equestrian Products CC; Bennie Keevy & Hashim Yunus Ismail, c/o Zaheer Cassim, c/o Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000. South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg—Special Resolution. Friday, 21 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. G20491/2014—Lamozana Trading CC; Bennie Keevy & Mhlopeki Abbey Dlavane, c/o Commonwealth Trust, PO Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000. Final order: 31 July 2014, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. Wednesday, 19 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. T21494/14—Conrical Building & Electrical Projects CC, Reg. No. 2010/011436/23, in liquidation; AD McQuarrie & MW Kets, Matsepes Inc., Sunnyside Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. 4 December 2014, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T21116/14—Power Rush Trading 37 CC, Reg. No. 2003/100354/23, in liquidation; AD McQuarrie & A Wagner, Matsepes Inc., Sunnyside Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. 2 December 2014, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. C20456/2014—Gary Rowan CC t/a Table Bay Meats, in liquidation; Christian Findlay Bester & Ronald Deon Petersen, c/o Progressive Administration, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. Friday, 21 November 2014, 9:00 am, the Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

Form/Vorm 1


Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

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AANSTELLING VAN KURATORS EN LIKWIDATEURS EN BEWYS VAN VORDERINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld, onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

C326/2011—Just A Wish 62 CC (in liquidation); F. Salie Attorneys & Joey Sass, 66 Lang Street, Kuils River, 7580. 21 November 2014, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville. C34/2014—Insolvent estate: Deonette Trust; SM Gore & TS Mohamed, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. Wednesday, 26 November 2014 at 10h00, the Magistrate’s Court, Strand. C70/2014—Resource Ballast Technologies (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). S Moodliar, CC de Wet & AN Ndyamara, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. Friday, 28 November 2014 at 09h00, the Master, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. C20240/2014—SA Investment Laboratories (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); TP Glaum & MS Rampoporo, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. Friday, 12 December 2014 at 11h00, the Magistrate’s Court, Bellville. C20241/2014—Sterling Benefit Consulting (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); TP Glaum & F Safodien, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 10h00, the Magistrate’s Court, Stellenbosch. N09/2014—28 Lady Ellen Crescent CC (in liquidation); Marlene Retief, Platinum Financial Solutions, 24 Colwyn Drive, Sheffield Beach, 4420. Friday, 21 November 2014 at 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. D35/2012—Bhekishowe Farming (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Rowan Ashley Long, PO Box 2042, Hillcrest, 3650, Cornelia Maria Cloete, PO Box 12535, The Tramshed, Pretoria, 0126. 04-12-2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Eshowe. C662/2010—MFLV Trading (Pty) Limited (in liquidation); Eugene Nel, Berrangé Inc., Suite 1, The Mews, Redlands Estate, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. Thursday, 27 November, 10:00 am, Magistrate Court, Wynberg. C20130/2014—Eagle Creek Investments 10 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). R Engelbrecht & EG Sebastiaan, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 27/11/2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West. C20344/2014—Lerosec Proprietary Ltd (in liquidation); SE Le Roux-Marx & F Safodien, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 26/11/2014, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Stellenbosch. T4478/2010—Insolvent estate: A Fouche; C P van Zyl & K L Manamela, Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, PO Box 134, Century City, 7446. 28 November 2014, 09h30, the Magistrate’s Court, Krugersdorp. C20130/2014—Eagle Creek Investments 10 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); R Engelbrecht & EG Sebastiaan, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 27/11/2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West. C20344/2014—Lerosec Proprietary Ltd (in liquidation); SE Le Roux-Marx & F Safodien, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 26/11/2014, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Stellenbosch. C20130/2014—Eagle Creek Investments 10 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); R Engelbrecht & EG Sebastiaan, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 27/11/2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West. C20344/2014—Lerosec Proprietary Ltd (in liquidation); SE Le Roux-Marx & F Safodien, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 26/11/2014, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Stellenbosch. C20344/2014—Lerosec Proprietary Ltd (in liquidation); SE Le Roux-Marx & F Safodien, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 26/11/2014, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Stellenbosh. C20130/2014—Eagle Creek Investments 10 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); R Engelbrecht & EG Sebastiaan, c/o Planet Adminstrators CC, 4th Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 27/11/2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West. T0672/14—Insolvent estate: D M & S M Foord; A Pillay, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 25 November 2014, 10:00 am, Master, Pretoria.

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D12/2014—Insolvent estate: D & K John; N Moodley & J Mashamba, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 26 November 2014, 10:00 am, Master, Durban. D176/2013—Insolvent estate: P & D Ramjathan; N Moodley & M D Maharaj, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 3 December 2014, 10:00 am, Master, Durban. T0487/13—Insolvente boedel: Leslie Phillip en Carolina Frederika Stoffelina Stewart; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Louisa Selina Kgatle, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 3 Desember 2014, 09h00, die Landdroshof, Roodepoort. T738/14—Insolvente boedel: Louis Carel Schluter; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Kgashane Christopher Monyela, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 2 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G1346/2013—Sanga Films CC (in liquidation); G Ramalho & E G Sebastian, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Tuesday, 18 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T20074/14—Insolvente boedel: Sharon Roleen Rossouw; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Aviwe Ntandazo Ndyamara, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 4 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G20294/2014—Retfin 229 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Liezel Venter/CKV Tanna/Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates, PO Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. On the 21st November 2014 at 10h00, the Master in the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T20660/14—Insolvente boedel: Leon Potgieter; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Rina Elaine Ströh, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 2 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T1967/13—Insolvente boedel: Ludwig & Marianda Otto; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Nakedi Mathews Phosa, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 1 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Landdroshof, Brits. T2117/12—Insolvent estate: Jan Hendrik and Yolandi Oelofse; JJ de Gama, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 20 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein. T746/14—Insolvente boedel: Johanna Evelina Nell; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Charles Isaacs Lehoka, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 4 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T2423/13—Insolvente boedel: Corneluis Riaan Myburgh; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Yusuf Ebrahim, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 2 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T3180/12—Insolvente boedel: Daniel Rudolf and Audrey Diane Mieny; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Kobus van der Westhuizen & Hendriette Marie Muller, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 5 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Landdroshof, Witbank. T0009/13—Matuma Agri Holdings Pty Ltd; SAG Khammissa & PD Berman, c/o Khammissa Attorneys, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Hatfield. Monday, 1 December 2014, 09h00, Magistrate Court, Tzaneen. T2037/07—Malentino Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); R. Miller & N.M. Phosa, RMG Trust CC, PO Box 783601, Sandton, 2146. 27-11-14, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria. T1070/13—Insolvente boedel: Adri Louw; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Gladys Nkateko Ngobeni, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 3 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G20264/14—Kylilinx (Pty) Ltd; JM Oelofsen, ZH Ngogodo. 18 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. T3062/13—Insolvente boedel: Aileen Linda Kokke; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Mary Sebaetseng Ramogotswa (CO: Adriaan Willem van Rooyen), p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 5 Desember 2014, 09h30, die Landdroshof, Krugersdorp. G20743/2014—Jameya Investments Projects CC, Ref No. 2001/016560/23 (in liquidation); JR Galloway and RR Brink (c/o RF Lutchman), c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, Wanooka Place, 1 Albany Road, Parktown, Johannesburg. 21 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T0728/14—Insolvente boedel: Charles Phillip Human; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Selby Musa Wenkosi Ntsibande, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 2 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T2513/13—Insolvente boedel: Anita Hesketh; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Anton Strydom en Phahlaphahla Humphrey Lebepe, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 3 Desember 2014, 09h00, die Landdroshof, Randburg. T1747/13—Insolvente boedel: Rodney Manuel David en Annette Yolanda Fransiena Harris; Johanna Willemia Yzel en Zelda Magrieta van Rensburg (Co: Esaias Johannes Janse van Rensburg), p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 5 Desember 2014, 10h00, die Landdroshof, Witbank. D130/2013—BJP Cars CC (in liqudation); N. Moodley & M C K Dludlu, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 3 December 2014, 10:00 am, Master, Durban. D40/2014—KDM Carriers CC (in liquidation); A Pillay, PMG Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. 3 December 2014, 10h00, Master, Durban. T427/2013—Mayborn Investments 75 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). C F De Wet & N J Mzimba, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 27 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. G334/2014—Insolvent estate: Jan Hendrik Coetzee; G L S De Wet & L F Kaaba, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. T4975/2011—Insolvent estate: Norman Shane Duke & Maria Magdalena Duke; C F De Wet & J Muthanyi, c/o Kaap-Vaal Trust, P.O. Box 16185, Doornfontein, 2028. 28 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. C0572/13—Your Life (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Norman Klein for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 18/11/2014, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. G20388/14—Accelerator Fund 2 (Pty) Ltd (members voluntary liquidation); Monica Cowin for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 22/10/2014.

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C20383/2014—(Reg No. 2010/055469/23); G.H.J. Venter, X.E. Daku/Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice Schwarts, Venter & Associates, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. 19 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood. T0208/13—Insolvente boedel: Andre Van Staden; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Tseke Johannes Mphahlele, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 3 Desember 2014, 09h00, Landdroshof, Middelburg. G335/14—Anna Francina Van der Westhuizen; J M Oelofsen, NMD Mahlafonya, M S Mphahlele. 21 November 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. G2166/09—Touchdown Africa Communications (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); E.M. Motala and Yab Ismail, c/o SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3119, Parklands, 2121. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, Further proof of claims and adoption of resolutions as per attached Annexure. In the matter of: TOUCHDOWN AFRICA COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) Master’s Reference Number: G2166/09 Notice is hereby given that the General Meeting of Creditors and Contributories, is to be convened, and will be held before the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, on Wednesday, 26 November 2014 at 10h00, for purpose of: (a) Further proof of claims. (b) Considering and if thought fit, adopting the Resolutions. 5. The Joint Liquidators are authorised, at the cost of the estate, and in their sole discretion: To investigate further avenues of recovery, take any legal opinion that may be considered necessary, institute or defend on behalf of the estate any action or other legal proceedings (including sequestration proceedings) and to proceed to the final end or determination of any such proceedings, or abondon the same at any time, arrange for proper documentation and information management and analysis of estate documents, hold enquiries and examinations conduct such investigations, investigate any apparent or suspected voidable and/or undue preference from whatsoever cause arising, trace assets, make investories and take possession of assets. For purposes of the above or any other purpose, the Joint Liquidators are authorised to appoint service providers (including for example accountants, auditors, attorneys, counsel, consultants, auctioneers, investigators or other persons, including service providers who may be nominated by Creditors or who may have rendered estate related service to Creditors) and pay their estate related costs and fees as costs of administration as and when the services are rendered. Provided that such costs and fees be limited to those for work done after commencement of the winding-up and that any work done before the winding-up only to be allowed if taxed and approved by the Master or authorised by specific resolu- tions of Creditors or proved in the normal course as a claim against the estate. 9. The Joint Liquidators are authorised and instructed to pay the reasonable charges of service providers who assisted Creditors in preparing and providing their claims against the estate. 12. The Joint Liquidators are authorised and instructed to pay a reasonable charges of service providers who assisted Creditors in preparing and proving their claims against the estate. That the Joint Liquidators or Liquidators be, and is/are hereby authorised, to sell or in any other way dispose of any immovable or movable assets of the Insolvent Estate, whether as going concern, or otherwise or whether separately or jointly, with and other person of corporate entity, and on such terms and conditions as they, in their sole discretion, may decide on and particularly, in their sole discretion, should they decide to sell or otherwise dispose of any such assets, jointly with any other person or corporate entity, on the method and quantum, of division, of total consideration, by the public auction, tender or private treaty, and on such terms and conditions as they, the Joint Liquidators/Liquidators, in their sole discretion may deem fit and any other costs thereof which they, in their sole discretion cannot pass over, to be cost of sequestration. That the Joint Liquidators/Liquidators are furthermore authorised, in their sole discretion, to abandon any assets for which they can find no purchaser or which is not practical to sell, the cost of which are not costs of liquidation. The Joint Liquidators Report and Resolutions for adoption by Creditors were present and proved. Adopted on behalf of Creditors______Presiding Officer:______Adopted on behalf of contributories:______Presiding Officer:______T0355/14—Insolvente boedel: Rachel Christina Haasbroek; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Franz Serithi, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 5 Desember 2014, 09h30, Landdroshof, Krugersdorp. T0319/12—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Bastiaan Greeff; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Tania Oosthuizen, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 3 Desember 2014, 09h00, Landdroshof, Middelburg. T4719/12—Jan Hendrik Graaff (ID: 5809175060085); PD Buwa, c/o Khammissa Attorneys, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Hatfield. Wednesday, 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Alberton. T20729/14—Insolvente boedel: Carl Edward & Lelanie Fourie; Johanna Willemia Yzel, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 4 Desember 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G357/2013—Fiftyway Consulting (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2004/010223/07) (in liquidation); Liezel Venter / M.S. Phambane, Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice Schwartz, Venter & Associates, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. 20 November 2014, 10h00, Master in the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

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T1343/13—Insolvente boedel: Jacob Barend & Sandra Lachelle Engelbrecht; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Hanlie Henning, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 1 Desember 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T4573/12—Insolvente boedel: Sheldon Henry Elsley; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Zaheer Cassim, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 5 Desember 2014, 09h00, Landdroshof, Germiston. T1168/13—Insolvente boedel: Carel Pieter & Anna Catherina Du Rand; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Ntshengedzeni Anthony Michael Tshivhase, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 2 Desember 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G20692/2014—C E W Logistics CC (in liquidation); G.H.J. Venter / Z. Kajee, Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice Schwartz, Venter & Associates, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. 20 November 2014, 10h00, Master in the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T20554/14—Broadbrush Investments 60 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); S Trakman & M S Motimele, c/o Highveld Trust & Management CC, P.O. Box 652550, Benmore, 2010. 2014/11/19, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G974/12—Bravopro 607 CC (in liquidation); SAG Khammissa & MN Chauke, c/o Khammissa Attorneys, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Hatfield. Friday, 28 November 2014, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T2746/13—Insolvente boedel: Riaan Bosman; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Aviwe Ntandazo Ndyamara, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 5 Desember 2014, 09h30, Landdroshof, Krugersdorp. C687/2013—BMDM Consultants CC (in liquidation); G Ramalho & T S Mahomed, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. G1342/2013—Blue Berry Trading & Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); G D S Ramalho & F Seriti, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 20 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T21304/14—BG Agri-Services CC (in liquidation); G Ramalho & H J De Beer, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Friday, 21 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. T0093/14—Insolvente boedel: Carryn Colleen Bell; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Ahmed Moosa Gani Suliman, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 4 Desember 2014, 09h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. T888/13—Insolvente boedel: Andre Barnard; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Sello Mashao Rasethaba, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 4 Desember 2014, 11h30, Landdroshof, Boksburg. T5412/10—insolvente boedel: Alec Edward & Suzette Willemina Steyn; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Gerda Maryke Van Tonder, p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 3 Desember 2014, 09h00, Landdroshof, Middelburg. T5937/09—Derek Garth Udemans (ID: 6006135090083); SAG Khammissa, M Haywood, c/o Khammissa Attorneys, 98 Doreen Street, Colbyn, Hatfield. Wednesday, 26 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park. T21494/14—Conrical Building & Electrical Projects CC (Reg No. 2010/011436/23) (in liquidation); AD McQuarrie & MW Kets, Matsepes Inc., 2nd Floor, Building C, Sunnyside Office Park, 4 Carse ‘Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. 4 December 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T21116/14—Power Rush Trading 37 CC (Reg No. 2003/100354/23) (in liquidation); AD McQuarrie & A Wagner, Matsepes Inc., 2nd Floor, Building C, Sunnyside Office Park, 4 Carse ‘Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. 2 December 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. C20249/2014—Umnyama Paints (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Mr MB Beginsel, c/o Beginsel Trustees, P.O. Box 728, Edgemead, 7409. 3 December 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood. C20322/2014—MAB One Mechanical and Civil Contractors CC (in liquidation); Mr MB Beginsel, c/o Beginsel Trustees, P.O. Box 728, Edgemead, 7409. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. S70/2011—RBR Plant & Equipment CC (in liquidation); Michael Timkoe, c/o Mike Timkoe Trustees CC, P.O. Box 28773, Sunridge Park, 6008 and Ashraf M. Limbada, c/o Limbada Attorneys, 94 Stanford Road, Kosten, 6001. 26 November 2014, 14h00, Master of the High Court, 523 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, Port Elizabeth. C715/2013—Powermount Development (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Johnny Basson & Mtutuzeli Paulos Ntloko, 5th Floor, 36 Long Street, Cape Town, 8000. 21 November 2014, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C20195/2014—Vusela Asset Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); JL Krynauw, Neil Gore & TS Mahomed, c/o Independent Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. 28 November 2014, 11:00 am, Magistrate, Bellville. S2/2014—Insolvent estate: Genevieve Wakefield; E. Dorfling, Klerck & Maritz Trustee CC, P.O. Box 7615, Newton Park, P.E, 6055. 19/11/2014, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth. G20700/14—Sizadawn Marketing CC (Reg No. 2003/078811/23) (in liquidation); Theodor Wilhelm Van Den Heever and Ahmed Hassan Jaffer, P.O. Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 28 November 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T5636/11(J)—Insolvent estate: Derik De Jager (ID: 6612095174088); Corne Van den Heever and Adriaan Willem Van Rooyen, P.O. Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 20 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T2279/13—Insolvent estate: Diederick Arnoldus Myburgh (ID: 8805275039083); Melita Meisel and Heiko Draht, P.O. Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. C866/2013—Insolvent estate: Christelle Bester; Kevin Titus of Titus & Associates, 7th Floor, 85 St George’s Mall, Cape Town. Thursday, 20 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West. T1494/12—Insolvent estate: Riaan Du Plessis (ID: 8108215001085); R Stockhoff/ LM Moloto, P.O. Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 2014-11-28, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. N20058/2014—Fast Track Shopfitters Gauteng CC (in liquidation); K R Vengadesan, Vengadesan & Associates, P.O. Box 48680, Qualbert, 4078. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Master’s Office, 2 Devonshire Place, Durban. C20383/2014—Inyameko Trading 1495 CC (Reg No. 2010/055469/23); G.H.J. Venter / X.E. Daku / Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice Schwartz, Venter & Associates, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. 19 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.

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T189/13—Insolvente boedel: Frederick Johannes & Sterna Kruger; Johanna Willemia Yzel & Nkagiseng Matshediso Millicent Moduka, (CO: Mpoyana Lazarus Ledwaba), p/a Yzel Trustees, Posbus 30122, Wonderboompoort, 0033. 5 Desember 2014, 09h00, Landdroshof, Nelspruit. G20476/2014—Blaze Equestrian Products CC; Bennie Keevy & Hashim Yunus Ismail, c/o Zaheer Cassim, Commonwealth Trust, P.O. Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000; 97 Michelle Avenue, Randhart, Alberton, 1449. Friday, 21 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T0586/14—JD Le Roux Boedery Bk (Reg No. 2009/055173/23) (in liquidation); J H Botha, JD Pema, p/a Sechaba Trust, P.O. Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. Monday, 24 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits. T20628/14—PDW Props No 8 Bk (Reg No. 2002/064205/23), met geregistreerde hoofplek van besigheid te Eenhein S3 Executive City, Corner Cross & Charmainelaan, President Ridge; Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, p/a Matsepes Prokureurs, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300, Mustufa Mohamed, p/a Vezi & De Beer, Posbus 13461, Hatfield, 0028. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T20628/14—PDW Props No 8 Bk (Reg No. 2002/064205/23), met geregistreerde hoofplek van besigheid te Eenhein S3 Executive City, Corner Cross & Charmainelaan, President Ridge; Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, p/a Matsepes Prokureurs, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300, Mustufa Mohamed, p/a Vezi & De Beer, Posbus 13461, Hatfield, 0028. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T2080/14—Yeoman Properties 157 CC, in likwidasie; JH du Plessis & M Haywood, p/a JH du Plessis Trustees, Posbus 49, Fontainebleau, 2032. 20 November 2014, 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T477012—Insolvent estate: Anderw Andy du Plessis, ID: 8009055099082, residing at 641 Simon Mentor Street, Reiger Park, Boksburg, Gauteng; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Patrick Dumisani Buwa (co: Sumaiya Abdool Gafaar Khammisa, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27 November 2014, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T3919/12—Insolvent estate: Japie Qhekoana Mtembu, ID: 7007145399081, residing at: Cnr Sunstone and Brookhill Road, Castleview Ext. 9, Johannesburg; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Ntshengedzeni Anthony Michael Tshivhase, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 28 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. T4547/12—Insolvent estate: Duane & Yolande Venter, ID’s: 7904255030080 & 7810010130081, residing at: 57 Boskop Street, Newlands, Pretoria; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Retha Stockhoff (co: Glen William Harris), Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T5517/09—Insolvent estate: Kwame Amoa Mensah, ID: 8001025673088, residing at: Petwinda Flat, 26 Schoeman Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Sandile Osborn Beauchamp, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 27 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T2455/12—Protone Transport (Pty) Limited, Reg. No. 2007/009609/07, in liquidation, reg. address: 2nd Floor, 476 Kings Highway, Lynnwood, Pretoria; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Izak Johannes Boshoff & Willie Enrico Prince, p/a Bureau Trust, 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0084. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T7739/09—Insolvente boedel: Andries Nathaniel Viljoen, ID No. 5105205083084, residing at No. 4, Alto Moda, 50 Swartberg Avenue, Glenvista; C.C. Mienie & M.W. Kets, p/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), Arcadiastraat 825, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 28 November 2014, 10:00, Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg. T662/10—Insolvente boedel: Sandra Christina Aveleira Viljoen, ID No. 7101250066080, residing at Alto Moda 4, 50 Swartberg Road, Glenvista; C.C. Mienie & K. Keevyt, p/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), Arcadiastraat 825, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 25 November 2014, 10:00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T1135/13—Stella Nova Investment 602 BK, Reg. No. 2008/023767/23, in likwidasie, reg. adres: Grond Vloer Gebou C, Lyttelton, Shemtistraat 1, Centurion; Johannes Jurie Beetge & Khashane LA Mmapowana Manamela, p/a Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria. Woensdag, 26 November 2014 at 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T1233/13—Insolvente boedel: Willem Albertus Smit, ID: No. 9207095011088, woonagtig te Metropolitanstraat 6B, Highveld, Centurion; Johannes Jurie Beetge & Tirhani Sitos de Sitos Mathebula, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Dinsdag, 25 November 2014 om 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T5015/12—Insolvente boedel: PM Schutte, ID No. 6802120021086, woonagtig te: 6 Lamba Street, St Barnard, Garsfontein Ext. 10; A N Ndyamara, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. G1419/12—One Touch Technologies BK, Reg. No. 2006/073292/23, in likwidasie, reg. adres: 94 Crestwood Drive, Lonehill, Sandton; AN Ndyamara, p/a Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. T0359/14—Insolvente boedel: SP Mutch, ID No (British Passport: 402092522), woonagtig te Bergsering Avenue 12, Glen Marais Ext. 1, Kempton Park; O R Sekati, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T0064/14—Insolvente boedel: PJ & AME Lategan, ID No. 7812295047089 & 8709260022080, woonagtig te House 2, Plot 43, Boundary Road, Knoppieslaagte, Centurion; AN Ndyamara, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T20762/14—Consolata (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2005/023562/07, in likwidasie, gereg. adres: Lex Numeri Gebou, Peacestraat 32, Tzaneen, Limpopo; Aviwe Ntandazo Ndyamara & Eugene Januarie & Jan Smit Venter & Nano Abram Matlala, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Maandag, 24 November 2014 om 09h00, voor die Landdros te Tzaneen. N216/11—Blue Serenity Investments (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2003/031649/07, in likwidasie, gereg. adres: Harvard House, 3 Harvard Street, Howick, 3290; J Z H Mülller; A Pillay & N S Z Mabaso, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. Vrydag, 21 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pietermaritzburg. T5368/11—Insolvente boedel: E C Brummer, ID No. 7504280208087, Woonagtig te 205 Douglas Road, Glen Austin, Midrand; A van Wyk, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. 25 November 2014, 09h00, Landdros, Kempton Park.

This gazette is also available free online at 152 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

T3300/13—Acacia Way Trading 27 BK, Reg. No. 2006/035601/23, in likwidasie, reg. adres: 103 Eeufees Street, Pretoria North; JZH Muller, p/a Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria. 27 November 2014 om 09h00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord. T0915/13—Insolvent estate: JS & DL Pulvenis; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T2419/11—Insolvent estate: RW Beukes; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Germiston. T4487/14—Insolvent estate: Swart, C. A.; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 27 November 2014 at 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T3099/13—Insolvent estate: Methula, E.; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate,Emalahleni. T415/14—Insolvent estate: Bellingan, F. E.; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 November 2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Evander. T1245/10—Insolvent estate: Sibanyoni, S. L.; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friay, 28 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan. T619/14—Insolvent estate: Hare, M.; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T20070/14—Insolvent estate: Van Wyk, M. J.; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 4 December 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T197/14—Insolvent estate: Rademeyer E & P J, Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 10h00, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T0158/10—Insolvent estate: S C Ness; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T0508/11—Insolvent estate: D van Rooyen; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T1299/12—Insolvent estate: M E Grobler; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 28 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T2475/13—Insolvent estate: C J H Fourie; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Thursday, 27 ovember 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria-North. T2453/13—Tanzanite Hair Optics CC (Liquidation); Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Tuesday, 25 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. G231/2010—Full Swing Trading 751 CC, in liquidation; Y A B Ismail; T L Ngobeni, L A Loubser, c/o Cassim Trust, PO Box 2596, Brookyn Square, 0075. 26 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. C205/2014—Riverspray Lifestyle Estate (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Z Cassim, CBSC Cooper & A Moollajie, c/o Cassim Trust, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. 28 November 2014, 11:00, Magistrate, Bellville. T1452/12—Insolvent estate: Hein & Maria Cornelia Arnold, 6103065019081 & 6203020106088. Second meeting, proof of claims, submission of the Trustee’s Report, Adoption of resolution. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. G783/2013—Premiums At Play (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; R K Pollock and P T Mudzusi, c/o Harvard, PO Box 1671, oughton, 2041. 26-11-14, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg. T2300/13—Insolvent estate: Barouch Trust (IT 1911/05), Eastenplats, The Heads, Lydenburg; F Langford/ N E Ramapuputla, p/a Ardbeg Trustees (Edms) Bpk, 162 Maria Bronkhorst Street, Ashley Gardens, 0181. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. C145/2014—Showmaster (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Sedick Zhaun Ahmed, PO Box 475, Cape Town, 8000, and Sylvan Cornelius Africa. 27 November 2014, Magistrate, Wynberg. C20192/2014—Skweez Products CC, in liquidation; Ernest David James, Republi Trustees, 3rd Floor, House Vincent, Brodie Street, Wynberg, and A T Lapoorta. 21 November 2014, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. T2300/13—Insolvent estate: Barouch Trust (IT 1911/05), Eastenplats, The Heads, Lydenburg; F Langford/ N E Ramapuputla, p/a Ardbeg Trustees (Edms) Bpk, 162 Maria Bronkhorst Street, Ashley Gardens, 0181. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T2300/13—Insolvent estate: Barouch Trust, IT1911/05, address: Easternplats, The Heads, Lydenburg; F. Langford/N.E. Ramapuputla, p/a Ardbeg Trustees (Edms) Bpk, 162 Maria Bronkhorst Street, Ashlea Gardens, 0181. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. C20234/2014—Heinrich Abrahams Transport CC, in liquidation; Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr L Phantshwa, c/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. 03-12-2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Kuils River. C20225/2014—Majormatic 106 (Pty) ltd, in liquidation; Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr A A Parker, c/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, Fifth Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. C139/2013—Insolvent estate: Monica Doman; Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr N A M Tshivhase, c/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8000. 04-12-14, 09h00, Magistrate, Malmesbury. C631/2013—Insolvent estate: Magdel Elizabeth Londt; Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr M Mohamed, c/o Muller Terblanche Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8000. 05-12-14, 11h00, Magistrate, Bellville. M40/13—M & SC Thompson; K van der Westhuizen/MV Morobane, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 28 November 2014, 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Mafikeng. T5312/10—SS Marais; K van der Westhuizen/DT Majiedt, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 28 November 2014, 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T2208/13—DL Bruttomesso; K van der Westhuizen & MB Beginsel, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 26 November 2014, 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

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G1021/13—Iron Man Contractors and Engineering Supplies (Pty) Ltd; K van der Westhuizen/ZA Dlamini, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 28 November 2014, 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. T3089/13—A Coetzee; JP Fourie/OM Mahomed (co. te Morrison), Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 28 November 2014, 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. N51/14—Evans Cycles BK; K van der Westhuizen & A Pillay, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 26 November 2014, 10:00, die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. T0311/14—Pather, CP & M; C van Diggelen, PB Lebepe, Forum Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. 27 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Suid-Gauteng Hoë Hof, Johannesburg. C20209/2014—Insolvent estate: Hendrik Johannes Nel, ID No. 6507285141089; DT Majiedt & TS Mohamed, CK Trust, P.O. Box 3065, Tyger Valley, 7536. 2014-11-21, 11:00, Magistrates Court, Bellville. CK Trust, PO Box 3065, Tygervalley, 7536. C227/2014—Article Circle Design (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1999/012140/07, in liquidation; CB St Clair Cooper & Nolundi Brenda Nyati, CK Trust, PO Box 3065, Tyger Valley, 7536. 2014-11-21, 11:00, Magistrates Court, Bellville. C20275/2014—Mould Shop (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1996/008678/07, in liquidation; CB St Clair Cooper, R Engelbrecht & DB Davids, CK Trust, PO Box 3065, Tyger Valley, 7536. 2014-11-26, 10:00, Magistrates Court, Strand. G20728/14—Movac-Pac BK, Registrasie No. 1992/033008/23; Mari Haywood en Mkhacani Noel Chauke (co: JS Koka), p/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 27-11-2014, 09:00, Landdros, Boksburg. T2401/13—Insolvente boedel: CL Rutherford, ID: 7508040019080; Milani Becker & Ana Pua de Oliveira, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. Donderdag, 5 Desember 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Gauteng-Noord, Pretoria. T20990/14—Insolvente boedel: SCJ Bronkhorst, ID: 8309085149083; Petrus Jacobus Corne van Staden & Ngoatlana John Mzimba, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. Donderdag, 4 Desember 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Gauteng-Noord, Pretoria. T3324/13—Insolvent estate: Heyns Familie Trust, Reg. No. IT3738/2009; M Becker & ADM Mohasoa, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. Donderdag, 27-11-2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Gauteng North, Pretoria. T696/13—Insolvent estate: CJJ & LD Swanepoel; M Haywood & C M Ndekwe (co: KLM Manamela), p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T919/12—Insolvent estate: FPRK Lebethe; R Steynsburg, E Makhese (co: CF de Wet), p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T2274/13—Insolvent estate: Cyril Harold Ryder; M Haywood & V Naude (co: CL Stander), p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 20 November 2014, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg. G20205/14—Limosa Investments 105 (Pty) Ltd, Reg. 2001/016067/07, in liquidation; PJC van Staden & MG Lukhele, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 26-11-2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. T10141/14—Montana Forum CC, Reg. No. 2002/093275/23, in liquidation; PJC van Staden & MW Kets, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 25-11-2014, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. T20373/14—AJC Distributors CC, Reg. No. 2007/250778/23, in liquidation; PJC van Staden & B Ngutshane, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 19-11-2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. 20499/14—Insolvent estate: Madeleine Susan Hattingh; PJC van Staden & AD McQuarrie, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 25 November 2014, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. T3620/10—Insolvent estate: MD van Wyk; M Haywood, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 27 November 2014, 10900, Landdros, Randfontein.

Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number of estate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the purposes of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

BYEENKOMS VAN SKULDEISERS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuld - eisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms.

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In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou. G1158/12—Insolvent estate: Nove-Josserand, Fabien Jacques Michel. 20-11-2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. N107/2010—Dawood Desai Motors CC, in liquidation. 19 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Durban. Proof of claims. D18/2013—GLV Freight Services CC. 19 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Durban. Proof of claims. D151/2013—Hweba E Solutions (Pty) Limited. 19-11-2014,10:00, Master, Durban. Proof of claims. D6/2012—Insolvent estate: K Chetty Family Trust. 26 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Durban. Proof of claims. D182/2013—Insolvent estate: Ranie Govender. 26 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Durban. Proof of claims. G1344/12—Southnet Wilderness (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 10 December 2014, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. Final proof of claims. C845/2013—Monoceros Trading 111 CC. 26-11-2014, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. Further proof of claims. S97/2012—Insolvent estate: Cheryl Miller. 26 November 2014, 14h00, Master of the High Court, 523 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, Port Elizabeth. Proof of claims. S42/2013—Cormeg Projects CC, in liquidation. 26 November 2014, 14h00, Master of the High Court, 523 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, Port Elizabeth. Proof of claims. S97/2012—Insolvent estate: Cheryl Miller. 26 November 2014, 14h00, Master of the High Court, 523 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, Port Elizabeth. Proof of claims. S96/2011—Insolvent estate: Julian Alexander Holmes, ID 4609275088080. 18 November 2014, 09h30, Master’s Office, Port Elizabeth. Further proof of claims and interrogation. G2166/09—Touchdown Africa Communication (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims. T2948/11—Insolvent estate: E. P. Kruger. 27-11-14, 10h00, Master’s Office, Pretoria. Further proof of claim(s). G678/13—David Johannes & Elizabeth Maria Kruger. 18 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Johannesburg. Further proving of claims. G259/14—Electrical Power Accessories CC, in creditors’ voluntary liquidation. Friday, 28 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Claims to prove. T1540/12—Qinisomed (Edms) Bpk, in likwidasie. 27 November 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Om resolusies nommers 1, 2, 3 en 8 te aanvaar: 1. That the report of the Liquidator(s) and his/their actions as referred to therein be and are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. 2. All actions of whatsoever nature hereto before taken by the provisional Liquidator(s) and/or Liquidator(s) be and are hereby confirmed, ratified and approved. 3. That the actions of the provisional Liquidator(s) and Liquidator(s) in engaging the services of attorneys and/or counsel on such matters as he/they found necessary in the administration of the estate to date, are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed and the costs thereof be paid out of the funds of the estate as part of the costs of administration. 8. That the Liquidator(s) be and is/are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of whatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner, upon such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he/they may deem fit. T1540/12—Qinisomed (Edms) Bpk, in likwidasie. 20 November 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Bewys van eise. T3431/09—HP Electroplating & Trading BK. 27 November 2014, 10:00, Landdros, Pretoria-Noord. Bewys van eise. T7129/10—P du Plessis. 27 November 2014, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Om resolusies nommers 8 te aanvaar: 8. Dat die kurator(s) gemagtig word om enige roerende of onroerende eiendom van die boedel van watter beskrywing ookal en insluitende uitstaande skulde per publieke veiling, tender of uit die hand te verkoop op sodanige wyse en voorwaardes as wat hy/hulle mag goeddink. T3271/09—Makgatho Phella Macdol, 15 December 1963, ID No. 6312155589081. 24th November 2014, 10h00, Master of High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims. G786/11—Insolvent estate: Truck Solution Trust (IT 8255/2002). 19-11-2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort. Proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses. T1099/11—Aakuna Matata Cleaning CC, Reg. No. 2002/106119/23, in liquidation. 14 November 2014, 10h00, Pretoria. 1. Proving of claims; and 2. Adopting of the following resolution: 7. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised and empowered to dispose of the assets of the estate by public auction, and/or private treaty, and/or private tender, as they in their sole discretion may deem fit. 15. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised and empowered, in their discretion to compromise or admit any claim against the company, whether liquidated or unliquidated as a liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors. T1099/11—Aakuna Matata Cleaning CC, Reg. No. 2002/106119/23, in liquidation. 14 November 2014, 10h00, Pretoria. 1. Proving of claims; and 2. Adopting of the following resolutions: 7. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised and empowered to dispose of the assets of the estate by public auction, and/or private treaty, and/or private tender, as they in their sole discretion may deem fit. 15. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised and empowered, in their discretion to compromise or admit any claim against the company, whether liquidated or unliquidated as a liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors.

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C1355/2011—Insolvent estate: Boplaas Trust. 19-11-14, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Stellenbosch. Special meeting to prove claims. C786/2013—Awarding Trading 21 (Pty) Ltd, t/a Weskus Electrical (in liquidation). 14-11-14, 11h00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville. Special meeting to prove claims. C1029/2010—Insolvent estate: John L’Amour Penderis. 14-11-14, 11h00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville. Special meeting to prove claims. C42/2014—Paolo Plumbing CC (in liquidation). 21 November 2014, 09h00, at the Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims. T1997/10—Insolvent estate: Daniels, Francois, ID No. 6410275027089. Thursday, 4 December 2014, 11h30, the Magistrate, Boksburg. Proof of claim. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T4135/11—Insolvent estate: Claasen, Karel, ID No. 7702145019083. Friday, 5 December 2014, 10:00, the Magistrate Court, Witbank. Proof of claim. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. D170/2012—Peter Dean Wholesalers (Pty) Limited, Reg. No. 2001/013228/07 (in liquidation). 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. For proof of further claims. D103/2010—Insolvent estate: Mahamed Salim Hoosen & Yasmin Bibi Hoosen Akbar, ID No. 6310145247083 and ID No. 6001160128080. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. For proof of further claims. N48/2013—Cobblestone Trading (Pty) Limited, Reg. No. 1998/020349/07. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. For proof of further claims. C628/2010—Insolvent estate: Willem Adriaan Liebenberg and Lizette Liebenberg. 24-11-2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Paarl. Proof of claims. C628/2010—Insolvent estate: Willem Adriaan Liebenberg and Lizette Liebenberg. 24-11-2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Paarl. Proof of claims. D56/2012—Insolvent estate: JF Hatcher, ID No. 7405285013086. 19 November 2014 at 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. Special meeting for the proving of late claims. T5602/2010—Insolvent estate: December Selby Mambane. Friday, 28 November 2014 at 09h00, before the Magistrate, Barberton. To prove claims. T5018/11—B and B Refractory Services (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). Op Donderdag, 27 November 2014 om 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise. T20460/14—Ceglo Printers BK, Reg. No. 2001/016928/23 (in likwidasie), reg. adres: Main Road, Acornhoek, 1360. Maandag, 24 November 2014 om 10h00 voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise. T0966/13—Insolvent estate: PJ and CP du Preez. Op Woensdag, 26 November 2014 om 10h00, Landdros, Bela-Bela. Verdere bewys van eise. T0710/13—Insolvente boedel: CG & EL Hobson. Vrydag, 28 November 2014, 09:00, Landdros, Germiston. Bewys van verdere eise. T5185/11—Insolvente boedel: Leonard Arthur Gustav & Elizabeth Magdalena Anna Roodt. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise. T3802/11—Insolvente boedel: Gillian du Toit (Pettit). 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise. T4344/12—Insolvente boedel: Johannes Gerhardus & Retha Blignaut. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise. T2849/10—Insolvente boedel: Anna Aletta Elizabeth Brand. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise. T2135/13—Insolvente boedel: Pierre Rutgers. 27 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise. T1538/12—Insolvente boedel: Daniel Christoffel Lourens & Allison Louisa Wessels. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria. Verdere bewys van eise. C16/2014—South African Threads & Cottons (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Friday, 21 November 2014, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Further proof of claims. C968/2013—Insolvent estate: Mark John Sears Willies. Friday, 21 November 2014, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Special & general for the following purpose: 1. Further proof of claims. 2. Resolution that the joint trustee are hereby authorized to effect payment of a monthly subsistence allowance to the insolvent as a first charge against the proceed of the assets of the insolvent estate. T4023/12—PS & CH de Bruyn. Wednesday, 26 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. A special meeting to be held for proof of claims. T270912—PS Fourie. Wednesday, 26 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. A special meeting to be held for proof of claims. B8/2013—SC Consulting Engineers (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2010/012789/07) met geregistreerde plek van besigheid te c/o Cantebury Park, Suite 1, 67 President Reitz Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein. Woensdag, 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meesterskantoor, Bloemfontein. Spesiale vergadering.

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B8/2013—SC Consulting Engineers (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 2010/012789/07) met geregistreerde plek van besigheid te c/o Cantebury Park, Suite 1, 67 President Reitz Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 26 November 2014, 10h00, Meesterskantoor, Bloemfontein. Algemene vergadering vir die passering van resolusies en ontvang van verdere opdragte van krediteure. T719/11—Insolvent estate: Nel, Johannes Willem, ID 5507235025086. 21 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. Proof of claims. C16/2014—South African Threads & Cottons (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Friday, 21 November 2014, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Further proof of claims. N13/10—Palmer Rubber (Pty) Limited, in liquidation. 14 November 2014, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. Proof of claims. C968/2013—Insolvent estate: Mark John Sears Willies. Friday, 21 November 2014, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Special & general for the following purpose: 1. Further proof of claims. 2. Resolution that the joint trustee are hereby authorized to effect payment of a monthly subsistence allowance to the insolvent as a first charge against the proceed of the assets of the insolvent estate. G878/2012—Jan Andries Botha CC. Wednesday, 19 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. Further proof of claims. T2308/12—Insolvent estate: DD Fourie. 11 December 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claim(s). T2308/12—Insolvent estate: DD Fourie. 11 December 2014, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Adoption of the following resolutions: Insolvent estate: DANIEL DUNCAN FOURIE (Master’s Ref. T2308/12) RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED AT THE SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS, IN TERMS OF SECTION 81 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, No. 24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED, TO BE HELD BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA, ON 10 APRIL 2014 AT 10:00 Resolved: 1. That all actions of whatsoever nature heretofore taken by the Trustee and also as set out in the report to which these Resolutions are attached, be and are hereby confirmed ratified and approved. 2. That the Trustee be and is hereby granted the authority and shall be vested with all the powers mentioned in the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, of 1973, as amended. 8. That the Trustee be, and is hereby authorised, to sell or in any other way dispose of any immovable or movable assets of the Insolvent Estate, whether as going concerns, or otherwise, or whether separately or jointly, with any other person or corporate entity, and on such terms and conditions as the Trustee, in his sole discretion, may decide on and particularly, in his sole discretion, should they decide to sell or otherwise dispose of any such asset, jointly with any other person or corporate entity, on the method and quantum, of division, of the total consideration, by public auction, tender or private treaty, and on such terms and conditions as he, the Trustee, in his sole discretion may deem fit and any other costs thereof which he in his sole discretion cannot pass over, to be costs of sequestration. That the Trustee is furthermore authorised, in his sole discretion, to abandon any assets for which he can find no purchaser or which is not practical to sell, the costs of which are the costs of sequestration. 11. That the said Trustee be and is hereby authorised and empowered, in his sole discretion, to compromise or admit any claim against the Insolvent Estate, whether liquidated, or unliquidated, arising from any guarantee, damages claim or any other cause whatsoever, as a Liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon by both the creditor concerned and the Trustee, and to accept payment of any claims due to the Insolvent Estate. 12. That the Trustee be authorised to sell to the Insolvent, a member of his family or anyone else, household furniture and firearms at valuation thereof, on such terms and conditions as the Trustee may determine, or alternatively sell the assets by Public Auction or private treaty. That the sale of the movable assets by public auction prior to the holding of the second meeting and without the Master’s consent, be hereby ratified. That the Trustee is authorised to return to the Insolvent such essential wherewithal or as much thereof as he, in his sole discretion, deems necessary to sustain living. 13. That the action of the Trustee in maintaining, conserving and realising any assets of the Estate, be and is hereby confirmed and that such costs be costs of administration and/or costs in terms of section 89 of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, if applicable and payable by the Estate or the creditors, as the case may be. 17. That the further administration of the affairs of the Insolvent be left entirely in the hands and at the discretion of the Trustee. The Trustee’s Resolutions for adoption by Creditors were presented and approved of. T2508/12—Insolvent estate: R Abrahams. 4 December 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria North. Late proof of claim(s).

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T2508/12—Insolvent estate: R Abrahams. 4 December 2014, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria North. Adoption of the following resolutions:. Insolvent estate: REARD ABRAHAMS (Master’s Ref. T2508/12) RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED AT THE SECOND MEETING OF CREDITORS, IN TERMS OF SECTION 81 OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, No. 24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED, TO BE HELD BEFORE THE PRESIDING OFFICER, THE MAGISTRATE, PRETORIA NORTH ON 11 JULY 2013 AT 09:00 Resolved: 1. That all actions of whatsoever nature heretofore taken by the Trustee and also as set out in the report to which these Resolutions are attached, be and are hereby confirmed ratified and approved. 2. That the Trustee be and is hereby granted the authority and shall be vested with all the powers mentioned in the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, of 1973, as amended. 8. That the Trustee be, and is hereby authorised, to sell or in any other way dispose of any immovable or movable assets of the Insolvent Estate, whether as going concerns, or otherwise, or whether separately or jointly, with any other person or corporate entity, and on such terms and conditions as the Trustee, in his sole discretion, may decide on and particularly, in his sole discretion, should they decide to sell or otherwise dispose of any such asset, jointly with any other person or corporate entity, on the method and quantum, of division, of the total consideration, by public auction, tender or private treaty, and on such terms and conditions as he, the Trustee, in his sole discretion may deem fit and any other costs thereof which he in his sole discretion cannot pass over, to be costs of sequestration. That the Trustee is furthermore authorised, in his sole discretion, to abandon any assets for which he can find no purchaser or which is not practical to sell, the costs of which are the costs of sequestration. 11. That the said Trustee be and is hereby authorised and empowered, in his sole discretion, to compromise or admit any claim against the Insolvent Estate, whether liquidated, or unliquidated, arising from any guarantee, damages claim or any other cause whatsoever, as a Liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, at such amount as may be agreed upon by both the creditor concerned and the Trustee, and to accept payment of any claims due to the Insolvent Estate. 12. That the Trustee be authorised to sell to the Insolvent, a member of his family or anyone else, household furniture and firearms at valuation thereof, on such terms and conditions as the Trustee may determine, or alternatively sell the assets by Public Auction or private treaty. That the sale of the movable assets by public auction prior to the holding of the second meeting and without the Master’s consent, be hereby ratified. That the Trustee is authorised to return to the Insolvent such essential wherewithal or as much thereof as he, in his sole discretion, deems necessary to sustain living. 13. That the action of the Trustee in maintaining, conserving and realising any assets of the Estate, be and is hereby confirmed and that such costs be costs of administration and/or costs in terms of section 89 of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, if applicable and payable by the Estate or the creditors, as the case may be. 17. The Trustee be authorised to dispose of the movable assets at valuation. 18. That the further administration of the affairs of the Insolvent be left entirely in the hands and at the discretion of the Trustee. The Trustee’s Resolutions for adoption by Creditors were presented and approved of. T1379/10—Insolvent estate: Keith Arnold Lawrence. 27-11-14, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claims. T3504/12—Insolvent estate: Hendrik Jacobus Muller. 25-11-2014, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claims. T1379/10—Insolvent estate: Keith Arnold Lawrence. 27-11-14, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claims. C459/2013—Insolvent estate: P T Munemo. 21 November 2014, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims. T4883/10—JN & F Magalefa. Tuesday, 25 November 2014, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claim. C1127/2012—Insolvent estate: Dries Bezuidenhout Trust. 26 November 2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Mossel Bay. Proof of claims. T4492/11—Insolvent estate: Lethabo Rachel Lekalakala. 20 November 2014, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. Proof of claims. T221/13—Insolvent estate: Melanie Ann Leppan, ID 6312290008088. 2014-11-14, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. Proof of claims. T1855/13—Chantal Miles, 8107170175082. 2014-11-14, 10:00, Master, Pretoria. Proof of claims. D64/11—Ingede Mineral Holdings (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2006/014734/07), in liquidation. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Master, Durban. Proving of claims. E4/2014—Insolvent estate: Graeme Keir Walker, in liquidation. 21 November 2014, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, No. 4 Buffalo Street, East London. Proof of claims. G811/10—Caitlin Investments CC, in liquidation. 21-11-2014, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit. Further proof of claims. T2994/08—Insolvent estate: HJ & JSE Venter. 21-11-2014, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging. Further proof of claims.

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T3716/09—Insolvent estate: RP Nel. 21-11-2014, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. Purpose of meeting: 1. Adoption of the following resolution number 6, tabled at the Second Meeting of Creditor. “Resolved: 6. That the Provisional Trustee/Trustee be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the moveable assets as well as the immovable assets of the estate by public auction, private treaty or public tender in his sole discretion and that the mode of sale for any one or more of the assets shall be determined by the Provisional Trustee/Trustee and that all costs incurred in relation thereto, be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. The Provisional Trustee/Trustee is further authorised to sign all documents required and after such advertisement as he in his sole discretion deems fit, all costs incurred in relation thereto, to be costs in the sequestration. The Provisional Trustee/Trustee is further authorised to sign all documents required to effect registration of the transfer of the said property.” B121/2010—Insolvente boedel: Pieter Ockert Duvenhage, ID 6903065138082. 19 November 2014, 10h00, Meesterskantoor, Bloemfontein. Spesiale vergadering vir die verdere bewys van eise.

Form/Vorm 4


Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/ company; description of account; account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, date, period (if longer than 14 days).

LIKWIDASIE-, DISTRIBUSIE- OF KONTRIBUSIEREKENINGS IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, datum, tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae). G374/2011—Insolvent estate: Suzette Volschenk (born on: 9 September 1969) (ID: 6909090047081). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Office, Krugersdorp, 7/11/2014. G376/2011—Insolvent estate: Ernest Cornelius Volschenk (born on: 27 December 1967) (ID: 6712275112088). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Office, Krugersdorp, 07/11/2014. T3336/10—Insolvent estate: Visagie; Eduard Walter & Sharon Ann. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Kempton Park. G241/14—Vega Projects Management CC. First and Final Account. Master, Johannesburg. T2190/12—E H & S C Van der Merwe. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Lydenburg. G468/2012—Thabo-Thabang and Associates CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Roodepoort, 07/11/2014 to 21/11/2014. T0744/09—Insolvent estate: T Siamer. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. G675/2011—Insolvent estate: M.D. Muller. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master in the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, 7 November 2014.

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T5544/2011—Insolvent estate: J.S. Mosomane (ID: 7410015330081). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, North Gauteng, Pretoria, 7 November 2014. T5545/2011—Insolvent estate: A Mosomane (ID: 6710100497088). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, North Gauteng, Pretoria, 7 November 2014. G239/11—Leopont 251 Properties (Pty) Ltd. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Roodepoort. G82/2014—Joburg Set Company (Pty) Ltd (in creditors’ voluntary liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T2440/13—Insolvent estate: I C Grobler. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg. G81/13—Green Stone Dragon Two (Pty) Ltd (in creditors’ voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G597/2013—Insolvent estate: Estevao Ricardo Veloza. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Palm Ridge, 07/11/2014 to 21/11/2014. T4806/10—Digitl Product Specialist (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, 07/11/2014 to 21/11/2014. T4670/08—Corrie Hatting Motors CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria. M24/2013—Chillco SA CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Mafikeng; Magistrate, Koster. G20424/2014—Canadian Harambee Investments CC (Reg No. 2006/048377/23) (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Office, Krugersdorp, 7/11/2014. T4725/11—Insolvent estate: C W Batten. First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria. G148/05—Alohmec (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Krugersdorp. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg, Johannesburg, Polokwane; Magistrate, Wynberg, Roodepoort, Germiston, Pretoria North, Bloemfontein, Durban. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Port Elizabeth, East London, Kimberley, George, Kuils River, Bellville, Mitchells Plain, Goodwood, Paarl, Somerset West, Benoni, Boksburg. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Randburg, Port Shepstone, Krugersdorp, Middelburg, Alberton, Nelspruit, Potchefstroom, Rustenburg, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging, Verulam, Pinetown, Empangeni. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Worcester, Stellenbosch. G33/04—Darwin Mansions (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Johannesburg, 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg, Johannesburg, Polokwane; Magistrate, Wynberg, Roodepoort, Germiston, Pretoria North, Bloemfontein, Durban. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Port Elizabeth, East London, Kimberley, George, Kuils River, Bellville, Mitchells Plain, Goodwood, Paarl, Somerset West, Benoni, Boksburg. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Randburg, Port Shepstone, Krugersdorp, Middelburg, Alberton, Nelspruit, Potchefstroom, Rustenburg, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging, Verulam, Pinetown, Empangeni. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Worcester, Stellenbosch. C278/2011—VZL Assets (Pty) Ltd. Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Port Elizabeth, East London, Kimberley, George, Kuils River, Bellville, Mitchells Plain, Goodwood, Paarl, Somerset West, Benoni, Boksburg. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Randburg, Port Shepstone, Krugersdorp, Middelburg, Alberton, Nelspruit, Potchefstroom, Rustenburg, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging, Verulam, Pinetown, Empangeni. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Magistrate, Worcester, Stellenbosch. C1033/2000—Leisurenet Limited (in liquidation). Sixth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town, Pietermaritzburg, Johannesburg, Polokwane; Magistrate, Wynberg, Roodepoort, Germiston, Pretoria North, Bloemfontein, Durban. N194/2012—Inkoleko Trading 157 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Howick, 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014, T E Mshengu, Mshengu Insolvency Practitioners, Liquidator. B148/2011—In die insolvente boedel van Willem Jacob Serfontein De Wet (ID: 6311065042009), geskei, Lavenderstraat 24, Gardeniapark, Bloemfontein, Provinsie Vrystaat. Die Eerste & Finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein. G1359/13—Volta Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

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C20385/2014—Mikwysta Two (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Cape Town. C20386/2014—Discover Africa Group (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Cape Town. T1093/11—Arabella Trading (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. E1/2013—Insolvent estate: William George Alexander Gratz (ID: 7209295302087), who resides at 14 Newman Crescent, Cambridge West, East London. Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Office, East London. D084/2011—O & F Marinover CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Durban, 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. C346/2010—Insolvent estate: A E Potgieter. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Piketberg. S113/2012—Evening Flame Trading 449 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth. T3241/11—Fikile Lettie Monene. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, 7 November 2014, for 14 days. D177/2010—Ababophi Wharf Services (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Master, Durban. N46/2013—Insolvent estate: S. Pillbrough. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Pinetown. N87/2013—Extractor Man CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Pinetown. G1879/2010—Insolvent estate: Adele de Necker. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Benoni, 7 November 2014. G379/2012—Insolvent estate: Bluemoon Property Trust (IT4352/05). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, 7 November 2014. T619/2009—Three Kings Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, White River, 7 November 2014. G948/2007—Born Free Investments 297 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, 7 November 2014. G1044/2012—Purple Box Trading 15 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 7 November 2014. T0470/10—Insolvent estate: Nkosi, Joshua Nkosinathi & Patience Theresa. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and Pretoria. G0431/13—Insolvent estate: Visser, Riaan & Alydia Magdalena. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T8068/09—Insolvent estate: Bronner, Cornelia Susanna Maria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Vereeniging. G0811/12—Insolvent estate: Viljoen, Cornelia Catharina Adriana. Second Amended First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort. G0233/11—Evoucha (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G1148/06—EFCO Furnaces SA (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Palm Ridge. G0604/13—Carpet Colour Centre CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. G0659/13—Lindsay Engineering & Manufacturing CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Springs. T1942/13—FT Construction (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and Pretoria. T2937/13—Powerhouse Utilities (Edms) Bpk (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and Pretoria. G1270/13—Garnards Projects Management CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G1432/12—Sterimed (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G1316/09—Furniture and Bedding World (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Supplementary Second & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G0556/11—Pivot Franchise Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T4578/03—Tilca Infrastructure Corporation (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Third and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.


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T3471/99—N T S Wire Producers (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Palm Ridge. T2840/10—Cargo Africa Driver Empowerment No 354 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 7 November 2014 till 21 November 2014. S56/2008—Insolvent estate: Hilton Alberto Sharrock & Geniene Sharrock. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, 523 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, Port Elizabeth. S34/2013—Openscor Twenty Three CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Contribution and Distribution Account. Master, Port Elizabeth. C656/2013—Insolvent estate: Jeanette Gosling. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Cape Town; Magistrate, Mossel Bay. C1235/2012—Immortal Safety Products (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Offices, Simonstown and Somerset West. T5115/12—Always Trading 18 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Nelspruit. T1855/13—Insolvent estate: C. Miles. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Pretoria. T2743/11—G-Worx Eight (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Vereeniging. T3009/11—Insolvent estate: R.A.C. Coetser. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Pretoria North. T3158/12—ACT Ferreira Eiendomme (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Vanderbijlpark. T2259/12—Insolvent estate: J W & J Woolley. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Springs, 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. T4578/12—Insolvent estate: A H Meyer. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Springs, 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. T1121/12—Insolvent estate: M Z Camara. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Springs, 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. C756/2012—Insolvent estate: D J Theron. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Worcester. C1208/2011—Insolvent estate: Daniel Bartholomeus Walters. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Paarl. C192/2011—Insolvent estate: Ejaz Saeed. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. C659/2013—Eco-Green Insulation CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Bellville & Goodwood. C948/2011—Insolvent estate: Hendrik De Villiers Laubscher. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Strand. C1103/2012—Nikado 131 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Cape Town; Magistrate, Oudtshoorn. C404/2012—Vector Construction CC (in liquidation). Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville, B N Shaw & P Carolus. G575/04—Insolvent estate: Estelle Swart. Supplementary Account to the First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg. C192/2011—Insolvent estate: Ejaz Saeed. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River. C659/2013—Eco-Green Insulation CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Bellville & Goodwood. C948/2011—Insolvent estate: Hendrik De Villiers Laubscher. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Strand. C1208/2011—Insolvent estate: Daniel Bartholomeus Walters. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Paarl. C144/2011—Four Arrows Investments 111 (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2004/022261/07). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Cape Town; Magistrate, Somerset West. C233/2011—Golf and Leisure Joint Ownership (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Wynberg. C139/2014—Vision Spares and Battery Warehouse CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Wynberg. N48/2010—Aryan Asphalt (Pty) Ltd. Second Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Master of the High Court, Durban; Magistrate’s Office, Verulam. N194/2010—Emerald Fire Trading 296 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Contribution & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Empangeni. T3393/10—Erf 1497-R Pretoria-Noord CC (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. C96/2013—Insolvent deceased estate: Sean Robert Fraser. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Strand.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 163

B226/2010—Aralella Holding (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Supplementary Fourth & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Bloemfontein. G811/10—Caitlin Investments CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Nelspruit and Randburg. T4719/11—Tai Ross Financial & Asset Management Services (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3207/13—Aeterno Investments 138 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T58/07—Insolvent estate: BL Vermeulen. Amended Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1162/05—Insolvent estate: GJ Brand. Amended First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Palm Ridge, Alberton. T2184/13—Insolvent estate: A Nthangeni. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston. T4594/09—Insolvent estate: S & MB Kekana. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2356/10—Insolvent estate: JH Van den Berg. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T33/14—Insolvent estate: CR Vermeulen. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Roodepoort. T3314/13—Insolvent estate: TF & SM Blom. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2100/11—Insolvent estate: TWJ & GF Adlam. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. C11/2013—Panther Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West. C1047/2012—Insolvent estate: Johannes Nicolaas & Serina Vermeulen. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Worcester. C268/2012—Quanteq Three (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Knysna and Bellville. C1089/2011—T3 Properties II CC (in liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Bellville. T732/12—Insolvent estate: SM & M Wilson. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Benoni, 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. T2172/09—Insolvent estate: Shawn Smit. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Witbank, 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. D114/2010—Twin Cities Trading 114 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Contribution & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Durban; Magistrate’s Office, Port Shepstone. N99/09—Insolvent estate: Muriel Jacolene Oosthuizen. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Office, Vryheid. D151/2012—Tuscan Mood 244 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Durban. N54/09—Insolvent estate: J J R Laurens. First Liquidation, Contribution & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrates Court, Empangeni. M21/2012—Insolvente boedel: RA & MM Smith. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Mafikeng; Landdros, Rustenburg, 7 November 2014. M57/2011—Deshelf 6 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Mafikeng, from 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. G746/12—Land Grow Property CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, 7 November 2014 to 21 November 2014. B27/2014—Theron and Olivier Suspended Ceilings & Partitioning BK (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie & Kontribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein, 07/11/2014. B28/2014—Echo Canyon Trading 39 BK (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. Meester, Bloemfontein, 07/11/2014. C209/2013—Nova Zembla Steel Construction CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate’s Court, Paarl. C607/2012—Insolvent estate: Kevin Ralph Bouah. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate, Wynberg. D76/2007—Avax SA 44 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Masters Office, Durban. C174/2014—Savanna Trading CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court Court, Cape Town and Magistrate Court, Strand, 7 November 2014, 14 days. C1393/2010—Vortex Mining CC (in liquidation). Third Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town and Bellville Magistrate’s Court, 7 November 2014, 14 days. T5628/2011—Insolvent estate: BP Kumwenda. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.

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T2559/11—Insolvent estate: Enslin, Hendrik Lourens Marthinus, ID: 5302222134084. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2072/10—Insolvent estate: Joubert, Anna Maria Bruwer, ID No. 8308170035082. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3838/11—Insolvent estate: Le Cordier, Marie Desire Norbert & Jennifer Yvonne, ID No. 6302285917088/ 6411080186086. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Benoni. G20134/14—Worldwide Procument Services (Africa) CC (in likwidasie). Eerste & Finale Likwidasierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. M85/08—Ignatius Bell Investments (Pty) Ltd Reg No. 2004/013885/07, (in liquidation), Reg address: CJF du Plessis Centre, Meiderpark, Potchefstroom. Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Mmabatho; Landdros, Potchefstroom. T4310/11—Insolvent estate: Cornelius Johannes Daniel van der Westhuizen, ID No. 5710225039089, residing at 4789B Dickonson Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. T4286/11—Insolvent estate: Anna Magaretha van der Westhuizen, ID No. 6202280085081, residing at 4789B Dickonson Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. T6656/09—Insolvent estate: Radhika Bhairo Venn, ID No. 6507060143086, residing at 1192 Sunflower Street, Roodekrans, Roodepoort. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Roodepoort. T2366/13—Insolvent estate: Gerhardus Cornelius Johannes du Plessis, ID No. 5904045002084, residing at 842 Stonechat Street, Featherbrook Estates, Krugersdorp. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T301/07—Republic National Securities Corporation (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2002/009967/07) (in liquidation), Reg address: 17 Philirene Avenue, Raslouw Estates, Centurion. Third Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria. T3610/10—Insolvent estate: Janet Sharmaine Sardinha, ID No. 5710080017089, residing at 77A Beaconfield Road, Primrose, Germiston. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston. T1198/12—Insolvent estate: Charles George Vorster, ID No. 7412155022080, residing at 198 Monument Road, Monument Park, Pretoria. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. C607/2012—Insolvent estate: Kevin Ralph Bouah. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate, Wynberg. C209/2013—Nova Zembla Steel Construction CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Cape Town and the Magistrate’s Court, Paarl. T5066/09—Insolvent estate: Allan Eugene Minaar, ID No. 5507095072087. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master, Pretoria. T836/11—Insolvente boedel: Leani Pretorius. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria; Landdros te Germiston. T342/14—Rax CC (in liquidation). Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- & Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria. T4586/10—Insolvente boedel: D & CJ Meyer. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria. T3917/11—Insolvent estate: Dirk Petrus Stephanus & Stefanie Petronella Badenhorst. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as well as the Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T4531/97—Islamic Bank Ltd (in liquidation). Ninth & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Master, Johannesburg. T5614/11—Insolvent estate: Jaco Venter, ID No. 7709265032085. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Middelburg. T0098/13—Insolvent estate: Maruane Simon and Mathume Nelly Mashianoke. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark, from 7 November 2014. T4581/11—Insolvent estate: Phillipus Petrus and Marieet Bronkhorst. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and the Magistrate, Nigel, from 7 November 2014. T3214/08—Insolvent estate: Reno Patrick Gericke. First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014. T456/13—Insolvent estate: Stephanus Beukes. First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Before the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014. T1478/10—Insolvent estate: Petro Gertruida Durand. First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014. T1207/12—Insolvent estate: Ibrahim Mohamed Al Mahdi. First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014. T4974/12—Insolvent estate: Torben Sten Anderson. First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014. T6836/09—Insolvent estate: Kathuthelo Mavhungu. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Kempton Park, from 7 November 2014. D27/2013—Damana CC, t/a Andcor, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Durban; Magistrate’s Court, Pinetown. T57/2013—Insolvent estate: LC van der Linde. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Kempton Park.

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C978/2010—Insolvent estate: DC Moon. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Bredasdorp. T2101/09—Bo-Ven Management CC. First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria. T1809/2011—Cronje, CP. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Rustenburg. C692/2012—Insolvent estate: Barbara Magrieta Schmidt. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Paarl. T2184/12—Insolvent estate: Witbank Vehicle Brokers CC (Reg. No. 2007/139733/23) (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Witbank, as from 21 November 2014. T5271/09—Insolvent estate: Sambo, Julius & Nombo, ID No. 6708045305085 & 6404070758089. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston, as from 21 November 2014. T2717/10—Insolvent estate: Botha, Cornelis Johannes & Esnia, ID No. 7401255029087 & 7709130228082. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Roodepoort, as from 21 November 2014. T930/12—Insolvent estate: Gouws, Leon Adriaan, ID No. 7207205019080. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Kempton Park, as from 21 November 2014. M11/12—Insolvent estate: Kriel, Melanie, ID No. 6608200022089. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Mafikeng, as from 21 November 2014. T0022/12—Insolvent estate: Snyman, Cornelius Frederick, ID No. 7008145241085. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 21 November 2014. T706/13—Insolvent estate: N Claasen, ID No. 5704075204083. First and Final Liquidation Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as from 7 November 2014. T1890/10—Insolvent estate: Brainbooks Bloemfontein (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2003/027988/07). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as from 7 November 2014. T6534/09—Insolvent estate: Koen, Schalk Johannes. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Fochville, as from 7 November 2014 for 14 days. T4721/08—Insolvent estate: Follwell, DW & HSM. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Kriel (Ga-Nala), as from 7 November 2014 for 14 days. T0828/14—Gavriela Spinners (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation; Liquidators: CM Cloete & NA Tshivhase, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria, as from 7 November 2014 for 14 days. T1635/12—Insolvent estate: Theron Sarel Cornelius; Trustees: CM Cloete & M Meisel, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria, as from 7 November 2014 for 14 days. T0106/10—Insolvent estate: Persenet Business Solution. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3379/11—Bio-Crop Agrochemicals (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3122/12—LR Big Brain Construction CC, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T4893/10—Insolvent estate: EM van der Merwe. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T5199/10—Insolvent estate: SF & AC Ungerer. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T2279/12—Insolvent estate: P & HM Swart. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T743/11—Insolvent estate: Shiyaphansi Trust. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T1532/12—Insolvent estate: IA Rautenbach. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T2454/11—Propatique Investments 1017 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T5196/10—Insolvent estate: D O’Toole. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T3846/11—Insolvent estate: RH Moolman. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T1398/13—Megaphase Trading 272 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Mokopane, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T3040/09—Insolvent estate: JJ Mbokazi. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014.

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T3347/08—Insolvent estate: RM Mazibuko. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Brakpan, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T4178/10—Insolvent estate: G Marais. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T3311/10—Insolvent estate: EB Kock. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. G1132/13—Igams Marketing (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T4607/10—Insolvent estate: GW Holder. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T3305/08—Insolvent estate: G & GE Gaggia. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T294/13—Full Sail 1054 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. G155/13—Engelaw Property Investments No. 77 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Randburg, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T5458/10—Insolvent estate: M du Plooy. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Krugersdorp, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T4637/09—Dotcom Trading 719 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Bronkhorstspruit, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. G920/11—Culvic Investments (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T479/12—Continuous Business Improvements CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T3141/11—Insolvent estate: J Cloete. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T682/14—Ziyawa Automotive Services CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Middelburg, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T2364/13—Van den Bout Beleggings CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. G151/13—Reochron (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T3333/13—Paper Pilot 1 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Pretoria North, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. G846/13—L and J Scrap Metal CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Springs, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. G184/14—King and Queen Tours and Coaches CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Krugersdorp, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. G103/09—Hall Real Estate Consolidated (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T3421/13—Enrico Cupido Fast Foods CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T1772/11—Insolvent estate: E Dungia. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T4965/11—C9 Civils CC, in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T3420/13—Africa Environmental Management Services CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 7 November 2014 until 21 November 2014. T771/14—Tecco Engineering CC. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Middelburg, 7 November 2014. M63/2013—Miles of Africa Safaris CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North West High Court, Mafikeng; Magistrate, Potchefstroom. M139/10—Dreamveldt Authentic Lifestyle Development CC. Amendment First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North West High Court, Mafikeng; Magistrate, Delareyville. M74/2005—Macru Farming CC. Third and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North West High Court, Mafikeng; Magistrate, Lichtenburg. T1770/11—WTK Logistics (Pty) Ltd. Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T4346/12—DVB Transport CC. Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.

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T3241/12—Mashamaite Property Investment (Pty) Ltd. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Pretoria North. T5136/08—Silpros 112 CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T3512/10—Millenium Granite CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. T2294/11—Dusty Moon Investments 103 (Pty) Ltd. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T1182/10—PP & PJ Bothma. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T4758/09—MTA Bambo. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston. T674/08—F Vazques. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Randburg.


The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company and account; date when account confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator.

UITKEER VAN DIVIDENDE EN INSAMELING VAN KONTRIBUSIES IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy en rekening; datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.

T54/11—F N Ramasala. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 15-10-14. Dividends paid and contribution collected. J. M. Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. G1255/2013—NAAF RFID (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 22-10-2014. Liezel Venter, H. Y. Ismail, Joint Liquidators, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. G1114/2013—Mountain Rock Construction and Projects 28 CC (in liquidation). 22-10-2014. First and Final Liquidation Account. G. H. J. Venter/Liquidator, c/o Maurice Schwartz Venter & Associates (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 50861, West Beach, 7449. T803/12—Theunis Johannes Jacobus Hugo (Identity No. 6504105132083) (born 4 October 1965) and Linda Maria Hugo (Identity No. 6611120200082) (born 11 December 1966). 06-08-2014. Dividends paid and contribution collected. C. J. Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745 and A. P. Maralack, P.O. Box 15545, Vlaeberg, 8018, and B. Petersen, P.O. Box 15545, Vlaeberg, 8018. C12/2008—Insolvent estate: Pierre Marius Langenhoven. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 13 October 2014. Award to secured creditor only. A. C. van Heerden, Bedford Trust, P.O. Box 421, Cape Town, 8000.

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T4407/12—Safrichem Bricks (Pty) Ltd. First & Final Liquidation Account. 24-10-2014. Shortfall in estate. S. J. McKenzie, L. J. Strydom, 8 Essex Gardens, 5 Rotherfield Avenue, Essexwold, Bedfordview, 2007. G2397/04—Wentworth Mining (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 31-01-2013. Contribution to be collected. K. R. Vengadesan, Vengadesan & Associates, P.O. Box 48680, Qualbert, 4078. T1957/12—Midmar Project Management (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 10 October 2014. Dividends payable. C. M. Hartzenberg & A. D. McQuarrie, c/o Hartzenberg Attorneys, P.O. Box 4018, Witbeeck, 1729. G632/2011—Media Blue Communications (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 14-10-2014. No dividens paid and no contributions levied. Liquidator, O. M. Makgato, Makgato Trustees, P.O. Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. G941/12—Joyco Comfort Furnishers (Pty) Ltd (in creditor’s voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 19-09-2014. Contribution to be waived. Mr M. Schmidt, c/o Resolutions Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198. T2191/10—W A Janse van Rensburg. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 17-10-14. Dividends paid. J. M. Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. G51/11—Ink Dynamix CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 15-10-2014. No dividends paid and no contribution levied. Joint Liquidators’: O. M. Makgato & K. L. M. Manamela, Makgato Trustees, P.O. Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. G179/2012—Insolvent estate: Anthea de Abreu. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 17-10-2014. Dividends being paid and contribution levied. Joint Trustees’: L. T. Cordero & F. Sharief, Taxfin Trust, P.O. Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. T2126/10—Casero Beleggings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 15 October 2014. No dividend paid or contribution collected. G. D. S. Ramalho, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. G1323/2011—Insolvent estate: Ryno Botha. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14-10-2014. Dividends being paid and contribution levied. Joint Trustees’: L. T. Cordero & N. A. M. Tshivhase, Taxfin Trust, P.O. Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. G0706/13—Charmond Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14-10-2014. Monica Cowin, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G1521/08—Arch Residential Projects CC (in liquidation). Sixth and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 22-09-2014. Secured. Peter Bothomley and Sumaiya Abdool Gafaar Khammissa, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0451/10—SDK Grand Optical Incorporated (in liquidation). Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 17-09-2014. Peter Bothomley and Lindiwe Florence Kaaba, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G0663/10—5 Wessels Road Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15-10-2014. Secured. Allan Pellow and Mpoyana Lazarus Ledwaba, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G1576/11—Mansep Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 15-10-2014. Norman Klein and Chetan Kumar Venilal, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. G1216/13—Stannic Fleet Management (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 15-10-2014. Monica Cowin, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. C982/2012—Insolvent estate: Michael Ross Marques. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 3 October 2014. Secured dividends payable. D. Acker & M. Dowries, Rauch Gertenbach Inc., Lache House, 120 York Street, George, 6529; P.O. Box 3, Mossel Bay, 6500. N91/2011—Insolvent estate: A. R. Arnulphy. First & Final Account. 01-10-2014. Secured award & contribution levied. A. Pillay & T. S. S. Khumalo, PMG Trust P/L, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. N68/2013—Let’s Trade 1163 C.C. (in liquidation). First & Final Account. 22-09-2014. Secured and preferent awards. N. Moodley & R. Khan, PMG Trust P/L, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. D07/2013—Bay City Trading 541 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Account. 06-10-2014. Secured and preferent awards. A. Pillay, PMG Trust P/L, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. D148/2011—Qhubeka Protection CC (in liquidation). First & Final Account. 08-10-2014. Preferent award. A. Pillay & R. Choonilal, PMG Trust P/L, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. D47/2011—Insolvent estate: I. I. A. & N. Patel. Second & Final Account. 02-04-2014. Secured & preferent award. N. Moodley, N. Maharaj, PMG Trust P/L, P.O. Box 1050, Durban, 4000. C1146/2012—Insolvent estate: A C & A C Kruger. 25 August 2014. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. L. van Zyl & Q. Josephs, c/o Peninsula Trustees, P.O. Box 264, Woodstock, 7915. C794/2011—Insolvent estate: Nadia Janse van Rensburg. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 20 October 2014. Contribution levied. The Trustee, S. Moodliar, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. C117/2012—Konti Industries (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 11 September 2014. Secured & preferent awards. The Liquidators: T. P. Glaum & N. Gore & P. Carolus, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. B81/2013—In die insolvente boedel van: MG Strydom (ID No. 6811285029082), getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en tydens sekwestrasie woonagtig te die plaas Gertjie, distrik Verkeerdevlei, Bloemfontein, provinsie Vrystaat. Tweede en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 27-10-2014. Preferente en konkurrente dividende toegeken. DR Henney, p/a Phatshoane Henney Ing., Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300; en D. T. Majiedt, p/a EG Cooper, Majiedt Ing., Posbus 246, Bloemfontein, 9300. T229/10—Insolvent estate: W von Borstel. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14 Augustus 2014. Dividends payable. C. M. Hartzenberg & B. Petersen, c/o Hartzenberg Attorneys, P.O. Box 4018, Witbeeck, 1729.

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G1126/08—Insolvent estate: Charl Vogel. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 21-10-2014. Dividends being paid and contribution levied. Joint Trustee’s: O. M. Makgato & M. W. Essop, Makgato Trustees, P.O. Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. G94/13—A & M J van der Riel. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15-10-14. Dividends paid. J. M. Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734. G951/09—Sunplant Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 28-10-2014. Dividends being paid and contribution levied. Joint Liquidators: L. T. Cordero & A. M. Nonyongo, Taxfin Trust, P.O. Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. T1731/12—DJ & L Taljaard. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 22 October 2014. Dividends to be paid and contribution to be collected. DM Botha & PL Seriti, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. T579/13—Let’s Trade 1215 CC. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 14 August 2014. Dividends to be paid. DM Botha & C V D. Heever, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. T136/09—E England. Amended Fifth and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 5 September 2014. Dividends to be paid and contribution to be collected. DM Botha & C Wilsnach & PD Berman, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. T2290/11—Gerhard Visser Vervoer CC. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 7 October 2014. Dividends to be paid. DM Botha & L Venter, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132. T3260/12—Ceba Financial Services CC, Reg. No. 2000/009607/23 (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 22/10/2014. Dividends payable. EW Prinsloo, MS Mphahlele, Wilbecar Likwidateurs t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. G524/12—Colmec Carriers CC, Reg. No. 1995/048984/23 (in liquidation). Amended Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 24/10/2014. Dividends payable. CC Mienie, KC Monyela, MM Malowa, Wilbecar Likwidateurs, t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. T4414/10—Insolvent estate: Jordaan, Mariette, ID No. 8207230181086. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 23/10/2014. Both. EW Prinsloo, Y Ebrahim, Wilbecar Likwidateurs t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. T3853/10—Insolvent estate: Badenhorst Paul David & Katinka, ID Nos. 5908125044080, 6511010022085. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 23/10/2014. Both. EW Prinsloo, Wilbecar Likwidateurs t/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. B111/2013—Hansie Potgieter Boerdery BK, Reg. 1999/030731/23 (in likwidasie), met geregistreerde adres te Louw de Wetstraat 3, Winburg, 9420. Eerste Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. 24 Oktober 2014. Dividende uitgekeer. Elrich Ruwayne Smith, p/a Symington & De Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof, 9324 & Chavonnes Badenhorst St, Clair Cooper, p/a Coopers Trust, Reidstraat 14, Bloemfontein, 9301. T1651/07—Pima Plant CC, in liquidation. Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 14/08/2013. Dividends paid. PJC van Staden, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T1950/11—Insolvent estate: Shaun le Grange. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 22/10/2014. Dividends paid and contribution to be collected. A van Jaarsveldt, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T2857/11—Insolvent estate: Hansie Viljoen. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 22/10/2014. Dividends paid. M Haywood, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T3259/08—Insolvent estate: AS & C Ramsai. Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 22/10/2014. Dividends paid and contribution to be collected. JS Koka, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T997/11—Wisakahle Trading Enterprise CC. First & Final Liquidation Account. 23/10/2014. None. PJM van Staden, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T3811/11—Planforge (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 22/10/2014. Dividends paid. R Steynsburg, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T234/10—Insolvent estate: PG Anker. Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 24/10/2014. Dividends paid and contribution to be collected. R Steynsburg, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T3711/12—Insolvent estate: L & A de Jager. First & Final Liquidation Account. 22/10/2014. None. TI Maenetja, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T2200/2009—Insolvent estate: Petro van Tonder. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 22/10/2014. Dividends to be paid out. Hanlie Henning, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300. G633/2012—Insolvent estate: Ronald Campbell Smith. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 30/10/2014. Dividends to be paid out. H Kaplan & ST Kekana, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300. B137/2007—Magnificent Mile Trading 111 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Constribution Account. 27/10/2014. Contribution to be collected. CBStC Cooper & SM Rampoporo, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300. M90/2011—Insolvent estate: Erich Weiss. 16 October 2014. No dividend payable, contribution collected. Selby Musawenkosi Ntsibande, Strauss Daly Inc, Postnet Suite 638, Private Bag X9, Benmore, 2010. T1164/09—Insolvent estate: Cohn Louis Willem. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 15/10/2014. Dividends & Contribution. C M Cloete & R Masoanganye, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T2553/13—Vortex Steel Africa & Associates CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 20 October 2014. Both. NJ Mzimba, PO Box 36375, Menlo Park, 0001.

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T4434/11—Insolvent estate: Tshepo Edwin Manaka. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15 October 2014. Dividends are being paid and surplus to Guardian’s fund collected. I Hogewind, H Draht & J Stroh (Co: E W Prinsloo), PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041. T2397/13—Classic Real Estate CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 2014-10-22. Concurrent. M Romanos (Co: MJD Breytenbach)/T Hill, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. G20014/14—Zoi Safety (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 2014-10-28. None. MJD Breytenbach/ Y Abrahim, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. G1185/12—Berplati (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 2014-10-28. Preferent. MJD Breytenbach/KC Monyela/MF Kganyago, Breytenbach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. C735/2013—Venfin Financial Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 24 October 2014. Contribution been collected. C M Penderis, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. C582/2013—Hip Hop Shops (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 20 October 2014. Contribution being levied. HA Plaatjies & AA Parker, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. C532/2013—Hip Hop Fashion (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23 October 2014. Secured & pro rata preferent dividends being paid. JF Klopper, R Willoughby & MI Higgins, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. C1113/2012—Victor Ship Chandlers (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1983/007/054/07 (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 21 October 2014. Dividends being paid. E.D. James, Republic Trustees, PO Box 4300, Cape Town, 8000, and D.T. Majiedt, E.G. Cooper, Majiedt Inc, 77 Kellner Street, Bloemfontein, 9301. C503/2010—Queensgate Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 09/10/2014. Contribution levied. B N Shaw & D T Majiedt, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C959/2011—Twee Jonge Gezellen (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 09/10/2014. Payment of section 98A preferent awards and concurrent dividend of 28,1311 cents in the rand. B N Shaw, A M Maralack and T E Mshengu, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C641/2012—Joffe Switchboards CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 01/10/2014. Payment of secured awards only. D Terblanche & J S N Sewanyana, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. G193/2010—D’S Discount Tyres CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 27/02/2014. Contribution levied. C P van Zyl & L C Mabaso, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. C613/2012—Southern Greetings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 09/10/2014. Contribution levied. C P van Zyl & T M Pasiwe, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C798/2013—Jack Wellsted & Company (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 13/10/2014. Payment of secured awards only. T C van Zyl & M Baliso, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. C677/2011—Don Diamonds (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 8/10/2014. Payment of concurrent dividend of 0,0091 cents in the rand. B M Shaw & L M Padayachi c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. C1039/2011—Insolvent deceased estate: Nicolas Charles Krone. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15/10/2014. Payment of concurrent dividend of 6,6868 cents in the rand. C P van Zyl & A Johannes, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C872/2013—Zanco Engineering Services CC (in liquidation). Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15/10/2014. Payment of concurrent dividend of 6,6868 cents in the rand. T C van Zyl & A P Patience, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C1170/2012—Blue Age Properties 13 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 16-10-2014. Contribution levied. T.C. van Zyl & A. Ayub, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C185/2013—Roelita Interiors (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 26 September 2014. Secured dividends payable and contribution to be collected. D. Acker & V.L. Matikinca Rauch Gertenbach Inc., Lache House, 120 York Street, George, 6529, PO Box 3, Mossel Bay, 6500. T4410/10—Insolvent estate: Innocentia Olga Hlongwane. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 22 Oktober 2014. Distribution and contribution. E. Rautenbach & J.J. Makama (Co: KLM Manamela), Saftrust, PO Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032. S59/2013—Paradox Investments (Pty) Ltd, 1994/008808/07 (in liquidation). 27 October 2014. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Michelle Pay, c/o Brink & Thomas Inc., PO Box 7451, Newton Park, 6055.

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T1172/13—Insolvent estate: Daniel Stephanus Du Toit. Amended First and Final Liquidation Account. 6th October 2014. Ex parte application. A.D. McQuarrie & T.R. Ndebele, Matsepes Inc, Sunnyside Office Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. T2666/09—Insolvent estate: Johan Abraham and Johanna Helena Petronella le Grange. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 6th October 2014. Dividend being accrued. I.C.M. Shirilele, Matsepes Inc, Sunnyside Office Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. C673/2011—Insolvent estate: Zak Walt Nolan. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 14-10-2014. Secured dividend only. L. Groenewald & S.Z. Ahmed, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C275/2011—Insolvent estate: Kevin David and Theresa Eleanor Coetzee. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 17-10-2014. Secured awards and contribution levied upon applicant. G.D. Wallace, A.V. Dawson, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C916/2013—Insolvent estate: Howard Deary. First and Final Liquidation Account. 17-10-2014. No Distribution. G.D. Wallace and P. Carolus, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C208/2012—Insolvent estate: Francunette Barlow. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 20-10-2014. Secured awards and balance to guardian’s fund. G.D. Wallace, A. Strydom and G.H. Philander, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C786/2009—Insolvent estate: Ebrahiem Armien. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 17-10-2014. Secured awards. G.D. Wallace and M.I. Patel, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C1050/2009—Insolvent estate: Wendell Gerswin Lawrence. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 20-10-2014. Secured awards. G.D. Wallace, J.F. Klopper and A.B. October, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C1206/2011—Insolvent estate: Nicoleen Geldenhuys. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 20-10-2014. Contribution levied upon applicant. G.D. Wallace and J.S.N. Sewanyana, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. G1327/12—Goudis Carriers (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23rd October 2014. Dividends being paid to preferent creditors. Terence Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, PO Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132. C637/2012—Insolvent estate: Eugene Theron. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 7 October 2014. Contribution payable. D. Acker & A.D. Draai, Rauch Gertenbach Inc., Lache House, 120 York Street, George, 6529; PO Box 3, Mossel Bay, 6500. C1022/2012—Insolvent estate: LM Samuels. 27 October 2014. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. L. van Zyl and B. Raziya, c/o Peninsula Trustees, PO Box 264, Woodstock, 7915. C673/2011—Insolvent estate: Zak Walt Nolan. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 14-10-2014. Secured dividend only. L. Groenewald and S.Z. Ahmed, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C275/2011—Insolvent estate: Kevin David and Theresa Eleanor Coetzee. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 17-10-2014. Secured awards and contribution levied upon applicant. G.D. Wallace and A.V. Dawson, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C916/2013—Insolvent estate: Howard Deary. First and Final Liquidation Account. 17-10-2014. No distribution. G.D. Wallace and P. Carolus, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C208/2012—Insolvent estate: Francunette Barlow. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 20-10-2014. Secured awards and balance to guardian’s fund. G.D. Wallace, A. Strydom and G.H. Philander, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C786/2009—Insolvent estate: Ebrahiem Armien. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 17-10-2014. Secured awards. G D Wallace & M I Patel, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C1050/2009—Insolvent estate: Wendell Gerswin Lawrence. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 20-10-2014. Secured awards. G D Wallace, J F Klopper & A B October, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. C1206/2011—Insolvent estate: Nicoleen Geldenhuys. First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 20-10-2014. Contribution levied upon applicant. G D Wallace & J S N Sewanyana, c/o Wallace Trusst, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville, 7551. G848/09—The Blockhouse Trading Post (Pty) Ltd. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 10/10/2014. Dividend to be paid to concurrent creditors. S J Mc Kenzie, T J Mphalele, 8 Essex Gardens, Bedfordview, 2007. T1091/13—Insolvent estate: R R Richards. 23 October 2014. Contribution & dividends payable. M E Symes & D Ismail, c/o Zeena Insolvencies, PO Box 32512, Glenstantia, 0010. T2267/11—Insolvent estate: S Fleischman. 23 October 2014. Contribution & dividends payable. M E Symes, C F de Wet & D A M Mohasoa, c/o Zeena Insolvencies, PO Box 32512, Glenstantia, 0010. T4073/12—Insolvent estate: N A & H L Britz. 23 October 2014. Contribution & dividends payable. M E Symes, C M Cloete & M M Sambo, c/o Zeena Insolvencies, PO Box 32512, Glenstantia, 0010.

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C682/2012—Insolvent estate: N Venter. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 23/10/2014. D Terblanche & K Kiewitz, c/o Mazars Recovery and Restructuring, PO Box 134, Century City, 7446. C904/2011—Insolvent estate: A J & R C Stuart. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 20/10/2014. D Terblanche, B N Shaw & N A M Tshivhase, c/o Mazars Recovery and Restructuring, PO Box 134, Century City, 7446. T700/13—J Botha. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 22/10/2014. C van Diggelen, NJ van Blerk, Forum Trust (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 3127, Pretoria, 0001. T1852/12—Insolvent estate: N E Vos. First and Final Liquidation Account. 6 October 2014. Guardians fund. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3740/11—Insolvent estate: H van Zyl. First and Final Liquidation Account. 7 October 2014. Guardians fund. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T6784/09—Insolvent estate: S van Niekerk. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 29 September 2014. Dividends. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3139/11—Insolvent estate: R van den Berg. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2 October 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4138/10—Insolvent estate: H M Swart. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 1 October 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2189/09—Insolvent estate: C Smit. First and Final Liquidation Account. 1 October 2014. Shortfall. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4554/11—SCG Industrial Projects CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 10 September 2014. Dividends. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1340/12—Insolvent estate: R Rauch. First and Final Liquidation Account. 6 October 2014. Guardiands fund. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T818/10—Insolvent estate: V Minnaar. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1 October 2014. Dividends. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T347/10—Insolvent estate: I & M Mazambara. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 29 September 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T6499/09—Insolvent estate: P V Matloga. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 18 September 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1168/10—Insolvent estate: N J & M M Masenya. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 7 October 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4489/10—Insolvent estate: J F Lemmen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 7 October 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2259/09—Insolvent estate: J Jordaan. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2 October 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. Elsie Wagner, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T218/13—Insolvent estate: J J & H Jansen. First and Final Liquidation Account. 18 September 2014. Guardians fund. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T208/07—Insolvent estate: S J & S Jacobs. Second Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 6 October 2014. Dividends. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1628/11—Insolvent estate: D J & S J E Grobler. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 18 September 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. M14/11—Insolvent estate: J L & R Erasmus. First Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 8 October 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T7034/09—Insolvent estate: J C A & S Els. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 30 September 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T8084/09—Insolvent estate: J de Lange. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 1 April 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. F van Zyl, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3228/11—Insolvent estate: H W de Jager. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1 October 2014. Dividends. K van der westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3571/10—Insolvent estate: S D & B Downey. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 15 September 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2490/07—Insolvent estate: N Brink. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 7 October 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T694/12—Insolvent estate: H P van Niekerk. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 22 September 2014. Contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T188/10—Insolvent estate: J T & A van der Merwe. First and Final Liquidation Account. 6 October 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2050/07—Insolvent estate: D J Theron. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 6 October 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T22/13—Insolvent estate: U Rablekessan. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 12 September 2014. Contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

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T1684/13—Prospect SA Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 10 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T5699/09—Insolvent estate: M Prinsloo. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 5 September 2014. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2047/08—Insolvent estate: A A Pretorius. Amended First and Final Liquidation Account. 29 September 2014. Shortfall. Elsie Wagner, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T6900/09—Insolvent estate: W J Pieterse. First and Final Liquidation Account. 4 September 2014. Shortfall. Anton Strydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T6445/09—Insolvent estate: T R & C J Nel. First and Final Liquidation Account. 25 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4074/12—Insolvent estate: J & J A Nel. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 22 September 2014. Contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. G297/12—Laage Eiendoms Belleggins (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 18 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3874/10—Insolvent estate: C J & C M Kok. First and Final Liquidation Account. 30 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4143/08—Insolvent estate: T C Kemp. First and Final Liquidation Account. 23 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1108/13—ET Labour Hire CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 18 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T200/11—Insolvent estate: P H Doyle. First and Final Liquidation Account. 7 October 2014. Shortfall. J P Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. G151/12—Decogen CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 4 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3047/09—Insolvent estate: A de Bruyn. First and Final Liquidation Account. 18 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1400/11—CS Jacobs Kontrakteurs CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 6 October 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. G1133/13—Cotonix Trading CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 17 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3332/13—Beat Flavours of Africa (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 12 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1488/13—Bapsfontein Boerdery CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 18 September 2014. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2556/10—Jomarica CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Constribution Account. 24/10/2014. Contribution. CM Cloete & N Sansom, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. C165/2013—MCB Switchboards (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 28/10/2014. Dividends. De Steyn & CAS Avontuur, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T276/11—Insolvent estate: Noeth Bernard. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2014-10-24. Dividends and contribution. CM Cloete & AD McQuarrie, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T3147/09—Insolvent estate: Stander Johannes and Tersia. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2014-10-28. Dividends and contribution. CM Cloete & A van Wyk, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T534/11—Insolvent estate: Liebenberg Yolanda. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 2014-10-20. Dividends. CM Cloete & R Marx, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T1016/09—Insolvent estate: Magerat, MMWGG & VJ. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2014-10-24. Dividends & contribution. EM Edwards, Xirimele Trustees, PO Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T6279/09—Insolvent estate: Roos, Marius. First and Final Liquidation Account. 2014-10-23. None. EM Edwards, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. T1710/08—Insolvent estate: De Villiers, Pamela Marilyn. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 2014-10-22. None. E M Edwards & S T Kekana, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 495, Garsfontein, 0042. M25/2013—Insolvent estate: Sumandie Muir. 19 September 2014. Dividend payable and no contributions to be made. Karabo Anzer Moetsi, c/o Strauss Daly Inc., Postnet Suite 638, Private Bag X9, Benmore, 2010. T3215/10—Philco Family Trust, IT No. 8809/97. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 28/10/2014. Dividends were paid. Contribution to be collected from Creditors, Contribution to be paid at the office of the Gravato Trust, 120 River Road, Brisen Office Park, Suite 2, Lyttelton Manor, Centurion. B121/2012—Crosspoint Trading 315 (EDMS) Bpk (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasie & Distribusierekening. 27/10/2014. Dividende word betaal. DJ Majiedt, EG Cooper Majiedt Ing., Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301. N131/11—Edjays CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 21-10-2014. Distribution to Creditors. Pierre Berrangé, Berrangé Incorporated, PO Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. N139/2011—HM Plywood (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Confirmed: 10-10-2014. Distribution to Creditors. Pierre Berrange, Berrange Incorporated, P O Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

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C326/2010—Insolvent estate John Levey. Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 24/10/2014. Awards paid to Secured & Concurrent Creditors. L Von W Bester & T S D S Mathebula, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. C26/2013—Insolvent estate: Oswald Colin Lawson. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 22/10/2014. Awards paid to Secured Creditors. C F Bester, J Basson & M H Ricciardi, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 08/9104—Newtown Housing Co-operative Limited (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 7 Augusts 2014. Dividend payable to Secured Creditors. Lebogang Michael Moloto, c/o Commonwealth Trust, P O Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000. T2770/12—Sievwright, Andrew Rutherford & Bettina Dorethea. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution. 22 October 2014. Dividend to be paid to secured, preferent and Concurrent Creditors. B Keevy & L M Mundalamo, Commonwealth Trust, P O Box 8005, Johannesburg, 2000. C890/2013—Cost Saving Investments Africa CC, 2006/034625/23 (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 20 October 2014. JV Thomas c/o Brink & Thomas Inc., PO Box 7451, Newton Park, 6055 & BN Shaw c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. T1866/09—Insolvent estate: H Pentz. First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 24/10/2014. Dividends payable. J Z H Müller & B I Mohale, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001. T4011/10—Insolvent estate: C Lahoud. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution and Account. 29 October 2014. Collection of Contribution and payment of Dividends. Z Cassim, c/o Cassim Trust, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T686/04—Insolvent estate: Brink, Henk, ID No. None, Date of birth: 22/09/1943. 24 Octobr 2014. Dividend payable. C. Murray, L A Loubser, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T1801/12—Insolvent estate: De Lange, Leon Marthinus, ID No. 6403035013085. 23 October 2014. Dividends payable. Botha, JH Ledwaba, CM, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T4120/11—Scarlet Ibis Investments 143 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2006/027625/07 (in liquidation). 22 October 2014. Dividend and Contribution payable. C. Murray, Y A B Ismail, P J M van Staden, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T1941/12—Insolvent estate: Truter, Johanna Catharina, ID No. 7203140027080. 30 October 2014. Dividend payable. C. Murray, c/o Sechaba Trust, P O Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. T3456/08—Insolvent estate: Van der Merwe, Dawid Schalk & Maria Elizabeth, ID No. 6803105112081/7006160163085. 21 October 2014. Dividends payable. Botha, JH Karsten, R, c/o Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. C326/2010—Insolvent estate: John Levey. Second & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 24/10/2014. Awards paid to Secured & Concurrent Creditors. L Von W Bester & S D S Mathebula, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. C26/2013—Insolvent estate: Oswald Colin Lawson. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. 22-10-2014. Awards paid to secured creditors. C F Bester, J Basson & M H Ricciardi, c/o Mazars Recovery & Restructuring, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. T5631/09—Insolvent estate: DJ & SE Pretorius. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 22 October 2014. Collection of contribution and payment of dividends. Z Cassim, c/o Cassim Trust, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T0446/2013—Insolvent estate: S Gumbi. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution and Account. 24 October 2014. Collection of contribution and payment of dividends. Z Cassi, c/o Cassim Trust, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T5326/2011—Insolvent estate: JL Lucas. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 24 October 2014. Collection of contribution and payment of dividends. Z Cassim, c/o Cassim Trust, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. T1386/2012—Insolvent estate: HS & C Linde. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 24 October 2014. Collection of contribution and payment of dividends. Z Cassim, c/o Cassim Trust, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. C853/2013—Columbia DBL (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 29 October 2014. Secured and preferent dividends paid partially. Johan Gijsbers, Ernest James and Tasneem Mohamed, c/o Gijsbers Attorneys, PO Box 3379, Durbanville, 7551. T257/08—TJ & AL Kraft, ID 8403025297084/8503200175086. First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. 22-10-2014. Claims were proved and dividends will be paid to proved creditors only. T1941/08—Adrian Roelof van Niekerk. 13 December 2010. Dividend paid. Equitrust, PO Box 7867, Centurion, 0046. T4211/08—JP & E Vincent, ID 7004235543084/8001150220085. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 15-08-2014. Dividends were paid. Contribution to be collected from creditors. Contribution to be paid at the office of Gravato Trust, 120 River Road, Brisen Office Park, Suite 2, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion. T83/11—Paul Wynand Marais, ID 8706285067084. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2014-10-06. Dividends payable & contribution payable. T6695/09—Kotze, LJ & LP, ID 7604215048084/7703120113081. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2014-10-03. Dividends and contribution. T1241/11—PBN Prinsloo, ID 7202105085083. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2014-10-01. Dividends and contribution. T1204/10—H J Herman, ID 7710115044080. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2014-09-22. Dividends and contribution. T5624/11—Insolvent estate: Morrison, George Campbell & Hannelie, ID 6504115005089 & 7010160034080. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 24-10-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.

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T1996/10—Insolvent estate: Duffey, Arnold, ID 6304055115083. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 24-10-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T676/10—Insolvent estate: Becker, Jacobus Casparus & Chantel Louise, ID 7803195024088 & 7511190276088. First and Final Liquidation Account. 24-10-2014. No dividends payable, no contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T1333/13—Insolvent estate: Ontong Romano Maxwell, ID 8004265109086. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 24-10-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T0676/10—Insolvent estate: Bodenstein Leon & Francina Aletta, ID 63100110081088 & 6611135191003. First and Final Liquidaiton, Distribution & Contribution Account. 22-10-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. M25/2011—Insolvent estate: Steyn, Johannes Jurgens Reneke & Amoree, ID 7704155029085 & 6603080112084. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 13-10-2014. Dividends payable, contribution levied. Investrust, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. N09/2009—Insolvent estate: Rory Patric Milbank, ID 5412175017088. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 17 October 2014. Dividend being paid. John Douglas Michau, Stowell Estate, Administration Trust, 295 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Vedhini Reddy, Docex 263, Durban; and Rikesh Sewgoolam, PO Box 181, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. T828/09—Innoflair CC (Reg. No. 2002/026911/23), in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 13 October 2014. Dividends being paid to secured creditors. GM van Tonder & IB Mohale, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T1248/13—TNJ Timber and Board CC (Reg. No. 1995/0460071/23), in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 18-09-2014. None. Gerda Maryke van Tonder & R Pieters, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T4722/10—Cyndara 71 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2002/023765/07), in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 30 September 2014. None. GM van Tonder & JJ de Gama, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. G1473/10—Fast Pulse Trading 154 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 18-09-2014. Both. GM van Tonder & T Medupe, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T8295/09—Ntshonalanga Safari’s CC (Reg. No. 1986/015466/23), in liquidation. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation Account. 16-09-2014. Both. Gerda Maryke van Tonder and MI Patel, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T2938/11—Friendcorp 250 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 16-09-2014. Dividend to preferent creditor. Gerda Maryke van Tonder and K Keevy, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T2313/13—Atprac Trading (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2008/011691/07), in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 23-09-2014. No dividends being paid. Gerda Maryke van Tonder & Anna Wagner, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. G113/04—Insolvent estate: Nicolaas Marthinus Prinsloo Jooste, ID No. 4910175026083. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 17-09-2014. Dividend to concurrent creditor. Jerry Sekete Koka, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028.

Form/Vorm 6 APPLICATION FOR REHABILITATION Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; ground of application.

AANSOEK OM REHABILITASIE Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om hul rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedel; volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatum en persoonsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en adres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek.

C1349/2010—Terence Alan Dimmock, 17 Desember 1960, 6012175240182, ’n haarstilis, Windblomstraat 10, Blouberg- strand, Wes-Kaap Provinsie. 23 November 2010, Restostraat 12, Blouberg Hills Landgoed, Bigbay, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, haarstilis, was getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en tye van sekwestrasie. Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad, 9 Desember 2014. Artikel 124 (2) (a). C1349/2010—Terence Alan Dimmock, 17 Desember 1960, 6012175240182, ’n haarstilis, Windblomstraat 10, Blouberg- strand, Wes-Kaap Provinsie. 23 November 2010, Restostraat 12, Blouberg Hills Landgoed, Bigbay, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, haarstilis, was getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en tye van sekwestrasie. Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad, 9 Desember 2014. Artikel 124 (2) (a).

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T4733/09—Lemmer, Christiaan Immelman Lemmer, 5 Augustus 1965, 6508055116087, contractor, and Lemmer, Anna Maria Petronella Lemmer, 29 September 1967, 6709290142082, secretary, both from 81A Glenwood Road, Lynnwood Glen, Pretoria. 7 August 2009, 41 Brick Avenue, Elardus Park, Pretoria, married in community of property. Division of the Supreme Court, Pretoria, 22 January 2015, 10h00. Want to rehabilitate to become directors of a company. G631/2012—De Beer, Nicholaas Jacobus, 27 June 1957, ID No. 5706275046081, adult male, electrical engineering technologist & De Beer, Johanna Edwardina, 27 April 1958, 5804270011083, admin clerk, married in community of property and residing at 2 Leopard Rock, 61 Eeuwfees Street, Southcrest, Alberton. 8 May 2012, residing at 61 Eeufees Street, South Crest, Alberton, adult male product manager, adult female admin assistant, married in community of property. South Gauteng High Court, 28 November 2014, 09h30. Act 124 (5). T1547/08—Christison, Douglas, 21 May 1963, 6305215141083, credit control manager for RAM Hand-To-Hand Couriers, divorced, resident at Unit 8, La Paradise, Laubscher Street, Glenvista, Johannesburg. 04/06/2008, resident at Unit 8, La Paradise, Laubscher Street, Glenvista, Johannesburg, credit control manager for RAM Hand-To-Hand Couriers. High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Pretoria), 12 January 2015, 10h00. Section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936. T0322/11—Pillay, Shunmugam, 20 October 1975, 7510205100085, team leader—employed by Wesbank (work address), and Pillay, Nilo, 23 January 1976, 7601230131086, housewife, both—14 Alphen Crescent, The Reeds Ext 20, Centurion, Gauteng (physical address). 24 February 2011, both—14 Alphen Crescent, The Reeds Ext 20, Centurion, Gauteng (physical address), consultant programmer—employed by Golden Rule Technologies (Pty) Ltd, and housewife. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 12 December 2014, 10h00. Section 124 (2) (a). T244/08—Bester, Marthinus Johannes, 1969/03/31, ID No. 6903315073089, meerderjarige manlike werkswinkel voorman, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met: Bester, Magdalena Susanna, 1972/05/24, ID No. 7205240044089, ’n meerderjarige vroulike tuisteskepper, beide woonagtig te Plot 70, Hallegate Hoewes, Nigel, Gauteng. 20 Februarie 2008, beide woonagtig te Kareeweg 11, Brits, Noordwes Provinsie, meerderjarige manlike spesialis tegnikus, en meerderjarige vroulike tuisteskepper. North Gauteng High Court, 21 Januarie 2015, 10h00. Section 124 (2) (a). T0164/2011—Botha, Franscois, 1981/08/15, ID No. 8108155211081, meerderjarige manlike bestuurder, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed met Anneline Fracsina Botha, en woonagtig te 31ste Laan 553, Villieria, Pretoria, Gauteng. 8 Augustus 2012, woonagtig te 23ste Laan 833, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng, meerderjarige manlike projekbestuurder, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed met Anneline Fracsina Botha. Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 21 Januarie 2015, 10h00. Section 124 (5). T1847/09—Loggenberg, Gideon Jakobus, 1965/05/27, ID No. 6505275066084, meerderjarige manlike ketelmaker, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Loggenberg, Queenie Julita, 1958/02/26, ID No. 5802260054089, meerderjarige werklose vroulike persoon, beide woonagtig te Houstonstraat 26, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng. 23 April 2009, beide woonagtig te Keatslaan 64, Orkney, Noordwes, meerderjarige manlike ketelmaker, en meerderjarige werklose vroulike persoon. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 22 Januarie 2015, 10h00. Section 124 (3). T2207/11—Geldenhuys, Rudi Rex, 1982/11/09, ID No. 8211095309089, ’n meerderjarige manlike koste konsultant, ongetroud en woonagtig te Daisystraat 45, Arconpark, Vereeniging, Gauteng. 30 Augustus 2011, woonagtig te Daisystraat 45, Arconpark, Vereeniging, Gauteng, ’n meerderjarige manlike koste konsultant, ongetroud. North Gauteng High Court, 22 Januarie 2015, 10h00. Section 124 (3). T1547/08—Christison, Douglas, 21 May 1963, 6305215141083, credit control manager for RAM Hand-To-Hand Couriers, divorced, resident at Unit 8, La Paradise, Laubscher Street, Glenvista, Johannesburg. 04/06/2008, resident at Unit 8, La Paradise, Laubscher Street, Glenvista, Johannesburg, credit control manager for RAM Hand-To-Hand Couriers. High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Pretoria), 1 December 2014, 10h00. Section 124 (2) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936. C588/2010—Moroff, Nikolai Peter, 11-02-1969, 6902115235088, civil engineer, Suite 307, The Regent, 19-33 Regent Road, Sea Point, 8005. 3 June 2010, 19 Burnard Street, Strand, Western Cape, 7140, civil engineer. Western Cape High Court, Tuesday, 23 Desember 2014. Section 124 (2) (a) of Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, more than four years have lapsed from the date of Insolvency.

Form/Vorm 7


Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’ accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate; name and description of estate; date of sequestration order; division of the Supreme Court by which order is made; date of confirmation of final account, and name and address of curator.

KENNISGEWING VAN KURATORS Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig.

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Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boedel; datum van sekwestrasiebevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van bekragtiging van finale rekening, en naam en adres van kurator. T3174/08—Insolvent estate: Yvonne van Rooyen. 02/07/2008, North Gauteng High Court. 13/06/2013. OM Makgato & R Karsten, Makgato Trustees, PO Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. C655/2011—Michael Dudley Toerien. 28/06/2011, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 09/04/2014. JJ Steenkamp, and H Daniels, c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000. G1231/10—Insolvent estate: Ashley Claude & Marilyn Carmen Bindeman. 27/07/2010, South Gauteng High Court. 26/03/2014. LT Cordero & L Masutha, Taxfin Trust, PO Box 1941, Southdale, 2135. B138/2012—Insolvente boedel: SSS Strydom. 22/11/2012, Free State Provincial Division. 26/03/2014. TV Matsepe, DT Majiedt, p/a Matsepes Inc., PO Box 256, Bloemfontein. T1489/10—Leboa Investment 2 (Pty) Ltd. 2010/01/25, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2012/06/25. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4649/1—L and M Staalwerke CC. 2011/09/23, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/04/24. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3731/11—Great Northern Diver Properties (Pty) Ltd. 2011/08/15, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/03/31. Anton Strydom, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1905/12—Golden Rewards 277 CC. 2012/04/18, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/06/09. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T459/11—Fishof 1090 CC. 2011/01/31, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2013/04/03. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. C565/12—Erf 18 Somerset-Wes CC. 2012/05/15, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/06/20. Anton Strydom, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T245/10—Dimo Engineering CC. 2009/11/16, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2013/11/28. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T4272/12—Dessertworks CC. 2012/06/21, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2013/11/12. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1367/11—DCCK Cycling and Health Worx CC. 2011/03/09, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2013/10/16. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2798/13—Dairy Smid KZN CC. 2013/07/12, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/07/09. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T2675/10—Cherry Creek Trading 11 (Pty) Ltd. 2009/12/03, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/06/05. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T3448/11—Aviair Freight Logistics CC. 2011/07/28, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/07/09. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T364/12—L Botha Construction (2008/0006048/23), in liquidation. 20/07/2012. 10/05/2013. GM van Tonder & F Sharief, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T3059/08—Silver Falcon Trading (Pty) Ltd (2003/024315/07), in liquidation. By way of Special Resolution, registered on 08/08/2008. 26/04/2012. GM van Tonder & B Ceylon, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T234/2012—Kilo Volt Electrical CC (2001/073041/23), in liquidation. By way of Special Resolution, registered on 16/09/2011. 25/03/2013. AP Maralack & B Ceylon, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T1311/11—BWCUR Trading CC (1996/028424/23), in liquidation. By way of Special Resolution dated 26/11/2010, registered on 23/11/2010. 27/10/2011. GM van Tonder & JJ Makama, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T5305/10—Insolvent estate: M Kamukama. 8 December 2010, North Gauteng High Court. 25 April 2014. D Enslin & HM Hamman, p/a Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 30 Canberra Road, Impala Park, 1459. T6045/09—Insolvent estate: E Goena. 23 September 2009, North Gauteng High Court. 22 April 2014. CKV Tanna, p/a Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 30 Canberra Road, Impala Park, 1459. G1184/04—Insolvent estate: AS Swart. 20/4/2004. 13/2/2012. JN Bekker & MJ Bekker, c/o Nicolaas Bekker Trust CC, PO Box 8550, Pretoria, 0001. T4148/10—Insolvent estate: JT Labuschagne. 15/12/2010. 13/6/2013. MJ Bekker & DT Majiedt, c/o Nicolaas Bekker Trustees CC, PO Box 8550, Pretoria, 0001. T8326/09—Insolvent estate: Mokhine LM. 08/06/2010. 04/09/2012. Mari Haywood, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T1925/08—Insolvent estate: Bosher T. 27/06/2008. 03/11/2011. Mari Haywood, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. G442/10—Endura Road Freight CC (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07). 16/10/2009. 22/05/2012. EP Maenetja, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T4356/11—Menlo Beauty Clinic CC (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07). 17/07/2010. 19/09/2013. Mari Haywood, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

This gazette is also available free online at 178 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

M103/07—Upward Spiral 1075 CC (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07). 17/08/2007. 27/06/2011. WN Jacobs, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T1003/09—Insolvent estate: Human NG. 25/03/2009. 23/04/2013. Mari Haywood, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T4816/08—Hanmag 177 (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07). 17/11/2008. 06/05/2010. PJM van Staden, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. G437/13—Circle Seven Trading 984 CC, in liquidation. 2013/03/07. 2014/04/07. MJD Breytenbach/WS Masilela, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. G1197/12—Promac Panelbeaters Spraypainters CC, in liquidation. 2012/10/17. 2014/04/07. MJD Breytenbach/ WN Jacobs, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T5157/10—Suping Consulting (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 2010/05/25. 2012/04/26. R Stockhoff/M Roux, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. G504/12—Waterwheel Investments 106 Pty Ltd, in liquidation. 2012/03/26. 2014/03/31. MJD Breytenbach/ MG Rabyanyana (co MJ Montsho), PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. G805/11—Pacific Consulting (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 2011/04/15. 2014/03/31. MJD Breytenbach/KS Mahlangu, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T1014/10—Insolvent estate: J & MI Louw. 2010/03/24. 2014/03/11. MJD Breytenbach/RF Lutchman, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. G486/13—Zyleo Technical and Construction Services CC, in liquidation. 2013/04/16. 2014/04/07. MJD Breytenbach/ B Ceylon, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T3940/12—D.M. Joubert. 2012/09/14. 2014/03/05. KC Monyela, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T4557/11—Overtal Labour Solutions CC. 2011/09/14, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/02/20. Anton Strydom, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T1527/07—Consky Trading CC (1997/02791/23), in liquidation. By way of Special Resolutioon dated 10/08/2007, registered on 10/08/2007. 20/04/2011. CE Oosthuizen, JM Damons & EW Prinsloo, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T823/07—Canoni Trading CC (2005/028258/23), in liquidation. By way of Special Resolution, registered on 30/04/2007. 09/03/2012. GM van Tonder & R Maoanganye, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. G124/05—Bertacco Engineering (SA) (Pty) Ltd (2002/011830/07), in liquidation. By way of Special Resolution dated 11/02/2005, registered on 11/02/2005. 10/09/2010. CE Oosthuizen & JS Koka, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T298/10—Brixtra CC (2008/012770/23), in liquidation. 7/06/2010. 18/01/2013. CE Oosthuizen, PO Box 11343, Hatfield, 0028. T240/12—Automotive Restration & Licensing Pretoria North CC. 2011/08/02, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2012/12/13. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. T875/13—Aurocia (Pty) Ltd. 2012/10/19, Registrar of Companies & of Close Corporations. 2014/08/22. Kobus vd Westhuizen, p/a Tutor Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.

Form/Vorm 8


Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given of the dates or times fixed by Masters of the High Court by which creditors of companies in liquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise be excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved. The particulars are given in the following order: Number of company in liquidation; name and description of company; date or time fixed by the Master; name and address of liquidator.

DATUMS VASGESTEL VIR DIE BEWYS VAN EISE DEUR SKULDEISERS Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee van die datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneer skuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet bewys of anders van die voordeel van ’n distribusie kragtens ’n rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgesluit word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; naam en beskrywing van maatskappy; datum of termyn deur Meester vasgestel; naam en adres van likwidateur. G259/14—Electrical Power Accessories CC, in creditors’ voluntary liquidation. 28/11/2014. Mr M. Schmidt & Mr T.H. Nonyane, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198; P.O. Box 2190, Johannesburg, 2000.

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G1344/12—Southnet Wilderness (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. 10 December 2014. TA Morrison, c/o Terry Morrison & Associates CC, PO Box 2823, Saxonwold, 2132. T2308/12—Insolvent estate: DD Fourie. 11 December 2014. AD McQuarrie, K van der Westhuizen, R Parbhoo, Sunnyside Office Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. T2508/12—Insolvent estate: Reard Abrahams. 4 December 2014. TV Matsepe, Sunnyside Office Park, 2nd Floor, Broll Place, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193. T3686/11—DJ Putter, ID No. 6102245043086. 05/12/2014, 10:00, Master, Prretoria. VMF Gravato, Gravato Trust, 120 River Road, Brisen Office Park, Lyttleton Manor, Centurion.

Form/Vorm 9


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner of his making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date.

KENNISGEWINGS VAN OORGAWE VAN ’N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker kennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van die intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) on the 4th day of December 2014 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Tracy Andrea Kachelhoffer (born Sterver) (ID No. 7312110019082), an adult female currently working at Lombard Insurance Company Limited at Ground Floor, Building C, Sunnyside Office Park, 2 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, 2193, Johannesburg, and residing at 9 Crescent Avenue, Parkwood, and that a statement of her affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Johannesburg for a period of fourteen days as from the 10th day of November 2014. Frese Moll and Partners, Applicants’ Attorneys, 129 Beyers Naudé Drive, corner of Mendelssohn Road, Roosevelt Park, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 888-2300. Fax: (011) 888-2333. Ref: Mr IP Gurovich/KAC1.1. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ’N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL [ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG] Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Noord Gauteng Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op Dinsdag, 2 Desember 2014, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Len Lotter met ID No. 7303205045082, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Elandstraat 2, Kanonkop, Middelburg, 1050, Mpumalanga. Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die vermoëstaat van die Applikante ter insae sal lê vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, sowel as die Landdroskantoor te Middelburg, Mpumalanga, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae, gereken vanaf Vrydag, 14 November 2014 tot en met Vrydag, 28 November 2014. Geteken te Middelburg op hede 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. Van den Berg en Koekemoer, Posbus 35, Middelburg, 1050. Tel: (013) 243-1073. Verw: D. Koekemoer/ Eliouse/GLD084.

This gazette is also available free online at 180 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ’N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL [ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG] Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Noord Gauteng Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op Dinsdag, 2 Desember 2014, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Leonora Lotter met ID No. 7404230067081, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Elandstraat 2, Kanonkop, Middelburg, 1050, Mpumalanga. Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die vermoëstaat van die Applikante ter insae sal lê vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, sowel as die Landdroskantoor te Middelburg, Mpumalanga, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae, gereken vanaf Vrydag, 14 November 2014 tot en met Vrydag, 28 November 2014. Geteken te Middelburg op hede 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. Van den Berg en Koekemoer, Posbus 35, Middelburg, 1050. Tel: (013) 243-1073. Verw: D. Koekemoer/ Eliouse/GLD085. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the High Court of the South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, on the 5th day of December 2014 at 10h00 in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Umfaan Family Trust, Trust No. I Trust 1345/03 with main place of business at 1231 Ben Swart Street, Môregloed, Pretoria, Gauteng Province, and that its statement of affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, at SALU Building, 316 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days from 7th day of November 2014. Dated and signed at Pretoria on this 23rd day of October 2014. Steyn Attorneys, 41 Vindhella Street, Pretoria. (012) 654-7306. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ’N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL [ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET, WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG] Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Noord Gauteng Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika op Donderdag, 4 Desember 2014, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Johannes Eben Human met ID No. 6103245117086, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Visrivierstraat 13A, Aerorand, Middelburg, 1050. Geliewe verder kennis te neem dat die vermoëstaat van die Applikant ter insae sal lê vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, sowel as die Landdroskantoor te Middelburg, Mpumalanga, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae, gereken vanaf Vrydag, 7 November 2014 tot en met Vrydag, 21 November 2014. Geteken te Middelburg op hede die 27ste dag van Oktober 2014. Van den Berg en Koekemoer, 30 OR Tambo, Middelburg, 1050; Posbus 35, Middelburg, 1050. Tel: (013) 243-1073. Verw: V Janse van Noordwyk/GHV003. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1), ACT 24 OF 1936] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) on Friday, 28 November 2014 at 10h00 or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Naresh Beosumbar, an adult, unemployed male (ID No. 6912015205081) and Simmi Beosumbar, an adult female teacher (ID No. 7107050146089), married in community of property, of 4 Wychwood Road, Simmerfield, and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, for a period of fourteen days as from the 12th November 2014. Morris Pokroy Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicants, Ground Floor, Brooklyn Forum, 259 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0002. Tel: (012) 362-2631. Fax: (012) 362-2611. Ref: M. Moolla/MB1011. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE IN TERMS OF SECTION 4 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT OF 24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED Notice is hereby given that application will be made at the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa, Johannesburg, on 28 November 2014, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Chantel Assad, ID No. 8005080023089, an adult female administrator, married out of community of property and residing at Plot 21B, Noelene Street, Sonnedal, Roodepoort, and that the statement of debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Johannesburg and at the Magistrate’s Office of Roodepoort for a period of fourteen (14) days from 7 November 2014. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE IN TERMS OF SECTION 4 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT OF 24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED Notice is hereby given that application will be made at the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa, Johannesburg, on 28 November 2014, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Frederik Johannes Dalton, ID No. 6809265144087, an adult male tradesman, unmarried and residing at 18 Hatfield Avenue, Dinwiddie, Germiston, and that the statement of debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court at Johannesburg and at the Magistrate’s Office of Germiston for a period of fourteen (14) days from 7 November 2014.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 181

NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1), ACT 24 OF 1936] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) on Friday, 5 December 2014 at 10h00 or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Benita de Beer (ID No. 5802040066080), an adult female, unemployed, married out of community of property of 62 Lombaard Street, Raceview, Alberton, and that a statement of her affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, for a period of fourteen days as from 12 November 2014. Morris Pokroy Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicants, Ground Floor, Brooklyn Forum, 259 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0002. Tel: (012) 362-2631. Fax: (012) 362-2611. Ref: M. Moolla/014. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1), ACT 24 OF 1936] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) on Friday, 28 November 2014 at 10h00 or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for acceptance of the surrender of the estate of John van Rensburg, an adult male, skills development facilitator (ID No. 7712045959080), and Nonala Fikile Makhanya, an adult female executive professional assistant (ID No. 8301041029087), married in community of property, of Section 19, Olienhof Birchleigh, 18 Olienhout Avenue, Birchleigh Extension 9, Kempton Park, and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, for a period of fourteen days as from the 12th November 2014. Morris Pokroy Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicants, Ground Floor, Brooklyn Forum, 259 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0002. Tel: (012) 362-2631. Fax: (012) 362-2611. Ref: M. Moolla/MV1010. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORS ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1), ACT 24 OF 1936] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) on Friday, 5 December 2014 at 10h00 or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Jeanette Bakgeru Mohlala, an adult female (ID No. 6904130449082) and Moses Tsietsi Mohlala, an adult male (ID No. 7609225743088), married to each other in community of property, of 46 Sabie Avenue, Leachville, Brakpan, and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria and Magistrate’s Court, Brakpan, for a period of fourteen days as from the 12 November 2014. Morris Pokroy Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicants, Ground Floor, Brooklyn Forum, 259 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0002. Tel: (012) 362-2631. Fax: (012) 362-2611. Ref: M. Moolla/MM1003. Ndileka Lerato Manana, ID No. 7210150354080, divorced, self employed, 14 Villa Nova, 25 Willow Avenue, Craigavon, Gauteng. (2) In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 1 December 2014. (3) 17 November 2014, Masters Office, Johannesburg. (4) Moyo Inc., 086 568 4778. Tendani Eunice Mufamadi, ID No. 6211020437080, school teacher, married in community of property to N.J. Mufamadi, ID No. 5702225307087, pastor, 740 Khupa Street, Nkwe Estates, Rosslyn, Gauteng. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 1 December 2014. (3) 17 November 2014, Masters Office, Pretoria. (4) —. Nicola Narbonese, ID No. 700105525089, a business man, trading as Nicron Services and residing at 236 Vonkprop Street, Samcorpark, Waltloo, Pretoria, Gauteng. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 10h00. (3) From 10 November 2014 to 24 November 2014 for a period of 14 days, statement of affairs is open for inspection at the Master of the High Court, Pretoria. (4) Dawie de Beer Attorneys, Garsfontein Officepark #5, 645 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE IN TERMS OF SECTION 4 (1) OF ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) on Tuesday, 2nd of December 2014 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Errol Edward Goetsch, ID No. 6302015232089, a major male, unemployed, married in community of property with Lorraine Goetsch, ID No. 7704070151089, a major female, an administrator, married in community of property and residing at 13 Basalt Road, Wilropark Extension 2, Roodepoort, that the statement of debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the Master of the High Court of Johannesburg and at the Magistrate Court, Roodepoort, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days as from 7 November 2014. Dated at Roodepoort on the 30th day of November 2014. G.D. Ficq Attorney, Attorney for the Applicant. Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. Ref: Mr Ficq/NDT/7394. C/o AD Hertzberg, Commerce Square Office Park, Building 3, 2nd Floor (Suite 3), 39 Rivonia Road, corner Helling and Rivonia Road, Sandhurst. NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE IN TERMS OF SECTION 4 (1) OF ACT 24 OF 1936 Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) on Tuesday, 2 December 2014 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Jacobus Coenraad Vorster, ID No. 7706035045082, a major male, constructions manager, married out of community of property and residing at No. 7 Die Denne, Denne Avenue, Dal Fouche, Springs, that the statement of debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the Master of the High Court of Johannesburg and at the Magistrate Court, Springs, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days as from 7 November 2014. Dated at Roodepoort on the 30th day of October 2014. G.D. Ficq Attorney, Attorney for the Applicant. Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. Ref: Mr Ficq/NDT/7386. C/o AD Hertzberg, Commerce Square Office Park, Building 3, 2nd Floor (Suite 3), 39 Rivonia Road, corner Helling and Rivonia Road, Sandhurst.

This gazette is also available free online at 182 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

Hermanus Johannes Izak Oosthuizen, ID No. 7310195117086, unmarried, unemployed, Plot 26, Firolaz, Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng. (2) In the High Court of South Africa, North Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 5 December 2014. (3) Master of the High Court, Pretoria from 10 November 2014 until 24 November 2014. (4) Machobane Kriel Inc., 179 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria, Gauteng. Stephan Venter (ID No. 6103205043082), ’n meerderjarige geskeide manspersoon, werksaam as ’n elektrisieen, woonagtig te Dillestraat 336, Annlin, Pretoria, Gauteng. (2) Aansoek, Hoëhof van Suid-Afrika (Noord-Gauteng, Pretoria) op die 4 Desember 2014 om 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, asook die Landdroshof, Wonderboom. (4) Scheepers Prokureurs, Jack Hindonstraat 261, Pretoria-Noord, 0182.



(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)

In die ex-parte aansoek van: MARIA ELIZABETH PETRONELLA STEYN, ID No. 7607260034082, Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Maria Elizabeth Petronella Steyn, ongetroud en woonagtig te Homanstraat 83, Woonstel No. 3, Oudorp, Klerksdorp. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU gebou, Thabo Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 31ste dag van Oktober 2014. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. [Tel: (012) 362-2556.] (Verw: Mnr T Viljoen.)



(Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria)

In die ex-parte aansoek van: CHRISTINA GERTRUIDA LOMBARD, ID No. 6604290046088, Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Christina Gertruida Lombard, geskei en woonagtig te Clarencestraat 1, Corliawoonstelle No. 2, Piet Retief. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU gebou, Thabo Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Piet Retief ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 31ste dag van Oktober 2014. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. [Tel: (012) 362-2556.] (Verw: Mnr T Viljoen.) KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ’N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 SOOS GEWYSIG IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria) In die ex-parte aansoek van: GUSTAV DIEDRICH HERMANN OPPERMAN, ID No. 6608285073080, Eerste Applikant, en MARIAN MAGDALENA OPPERMAN, ID No. 6507210113088, Tweede Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Gustav Diedrich Hermann en Marian Magdalena Opperman, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te Jan van Riebeeck 63, Stilfontein. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo Sehumestraat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 31ste dag van Oktober 2014. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 183

KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ’N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 SOOS GEWYSIG IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria) In die ex-parte aansoek van: SHANE FRANS BAKSELEROWICZ, ID No. 74031151002088, Eerste Applikant, en KARIN BAKSELEROWICZ, ID No. 7909060161085, Tweede Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Shane Frans Bakselerowicz en Karin Bakselerowicz, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te Hobson 7, La Hoff, Klerksdorp. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo Sehume- straat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 31ste dag van Oktober 2014. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.

KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN ’N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET 24 VAN 1936 SOOS GEWYSIG IN DIE HOOGGEREGSHOF VAN SUID-AFRIKA (Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria) In die ex-parte aansoek van: PETRUS LODEWICUS MIENIE, ID No. 8601165090082, Eerste Applikant, en MONIQUE MIENIE, ID No. 9110150023081, Tweede Applikant Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Petrus Lodewicus en Monique Mienie, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te Hartbeesfonteinweg 24, Stilfontein. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te SALU-gebou, Thabo Sehume- straat 316, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Gedateer te Pretoria op die 31ste dag van Oktober 2014. Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Tel. (012) 362-2556. Verw. Mnr T Viljoen.

Martin Phil van Tonder, junior PCO and Jacolene Fransonette van Tonder, unemployed, 9 Simcast, Elandsrand, Brits, married in community of property. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 2 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Masters Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Brits. Daniel Jacobus von Weilligh, unemployed and Sandra von Weilligh, unemployed, 20 Kweek Street, Kwaggastrand, Pretoria, married in community of property. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 4 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Masters Office, Pretoria. Michiel Daniel Nel, farmer, married in community of property to Charmaine Nel, secretary, Piet Retief Hostel, Mac Street, Piet Retief. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 4 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Piet Retief. Christiaan Johannes Yssel, BFG consultants, married in community of property to Amanda Petronella Yssel, administration clerk, 17A Paul Kruger Street, Horrison, Roodepoort. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 2 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Roodepoort. Rodrick Arthur Quarmby, processor, married in community of property to Maria Petronella Quarmby, customer service liaison officer, 16 Dolomite Street, West Acres, Nelspruit. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 2 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Nelspruit. Clifford George Strickler, technician, married in community of property to Natasha Strickler, administrator, 82 – 3rd Avenue, Northmead, Benoni. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 4 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Benoni. Ganif Ebrahim Khan, unemployed, married out of community of property, 44 Good Street, Sophiatown, Johannesburg. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 4 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Johannesburg. Louis Christiaan Koch, sales rep, married in community of property to Su-Ann Kock, receptionist, 113 Herman Street, Flat 1, Fauna Park, Polokwane. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 4 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Polokwane. Andre Marais, warehouse manager, married in community of property to Vivian Marais, sales executive, 242 Stedt Avenue, Queenswood, Pretoria. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 2 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria. Melato Meshack Rantho, unemployed, married in community of property to Dineo Patience Rantho, cleaner, 7437 Motsomi Street, Mohlakeng, Randfontein. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 4 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Randfontein.

This gazette is also available free online at 184 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)] Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Gauteng High Court, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, on 2 December 2014 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Christo Mare (ID: 8206245142083), a plant manager, single, presently residing at 24 Michael Brink Street, and that a statement of affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the Gauteng High Court, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, and the Magistrate, Krugersdorp, for a period of 14 days as from 10 November 2014. Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorney for the Applicant. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: (E-mail: [email protected]), Ref: DR Lamprecht. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 2 Desember 2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Sandra Nicolette Van Zyl, werkloos, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed van 4 Octo Quay, Marlowestraat, Meyerton, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Meyerton, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. LSS Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 1 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Desmond Strydom, boekhouer, ongetroud van Naboomweg 10, Meyerton, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Meyerton, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. LSS Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 2 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Gert Jacobus Johannes Myburgh, tegnikus, getroud binne gemeenskap, van goed met Estelle Myburgh, werkloos, van Henie Mullerstraat 8, Vereeniging, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Vereeniging, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. LSS Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Joachim Marthinus Grady, diesel werktuigkundige, ongetroud van Kitchenerstraat 19, Duncanville, Vereeniging, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Vereeniging, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. LSS Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 1 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Jacobus Jeremias Rabie, werktuigkundige, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Esther Susan Rabie, werkloos, van Violastraat 5, Meyerton, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Meyerton, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. LSS Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 185

KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 2 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Hendrik Johannes Erasmus, getroud buite gemeenskap van goede en ’n besigheidsman van beroep, woonagtig te 105 Hartebeespoort Golf Estate, Hartebeespoort, Gauteng, en dat hullhaar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria asook die Landdroshof te Brits gedurende kantoorure sal ter insae lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 4 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Marius Hugo Pretorius, ’n verkoopsman van beroep getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Yolandi Pretorius, ’n boekhouer, en woonagtig te Roetsstraat 51, Beyerspark, Boksburg, Gauteng, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 4 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Jaco Coetzee, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en ’n bestuurder van beroep, woonagtig te 2685B Lammergeyerstraat 2685B, Thatchfield, The Reeds, Centurion, Gauteng, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te Pretoria, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 5 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Johannes Arnoldus Viljoen, werkloos en getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Guillaine Viljoen, ’n tikster, woonagtig, te Witzenbergstraat 5, Secunda, Mpumalanga, en dat hul vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te Pretoria, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 5 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Majakate Erens Radingwana, ’n tegnikus van beroep, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Lerato Gwendollyn Radingwana, ’n opsigter, woonagtig te Louis Trichardtstraat 877, Mayville, Pretoria, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te Pretoria, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 5 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gebou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Michael van Dyk, ’n geskeide menslike Hulbron bestuurder van beroep, woonagtig te 11 Agean House, Centrallaan 21, Edevale, Gauteng, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggereshof, te Pretoria, asook die Landdroshof Germiston, gedurende kantoorure sal ter lê insae gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 9de dag van September 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at 186 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 5 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Getruida Christina Esterhuizen, ’n geskeide tegnikus van beroep, woonagtig te Klopperstraat 34, Rustenburg, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te Pretoria, asook die Landdros Rustenburg, gedurende kantoorure sal ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoruisstraat 875, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Faradiba Morton, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, woonagtig te SS Corvus Court, Eenheid 1, Maxgoodman Park, Bezuidenhout Valley, Johannesburg, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te Pretoria, asook die Landdroshof Johannesburg, gedurende kantoorure sal ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 10de November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 9de dag van September 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoruisstraat 875, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 2 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Bianca van Niekerk, ’n geskeide konsultant van beroep, woonagtig te Plot 27, Bashewa AH, Pretoria, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te Pretoria, gedurende kantoorure sal ter insae lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 10de November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 9de dag van September 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoeding moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Andries Maakgraaff, ’n geskeide bestuurder van boroep, woonagtig te Kasuurstraat 6, Roodekrans, Roodepoort, Gauteng, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Roodeport ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehou te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Dikabelo Gladys Shabangu, ’n geskeide tegnikus van beroep, woonagtig te 318 Cheverny, Joanlaan 30, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat tydens kantoorure by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te Pretoria, sal ter insae lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van November 2014. HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 27 November 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Noord Gautengse Hoë Hof (gehout te Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Andre Venter, ’n geskeide besigheidsman van beroep, woonagtig te 11 Die Solder, Oliviastraa 610, Garsfonteiin, Pretoria, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeresghof te Pretoria, gedurende kantoorure sal ter insae lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 10de November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 20ste dag van Oktober 2014. Hes Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 187

KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 24 November 2014 om 10h00 of so spoeding moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Carolyn Yvonne Matscheke, ’n geskeide sektretaresse van beroep, woonagtig te Vlamboomstraat 18, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Vanderbijlpark ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 2 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoeding moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Zacharias Coetzee, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en ’n program bestuurder van beroep, woonagtig te Ouhoutlaan 5, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, Gauteng, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Kempton Park ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 5 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoeding moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Maxine Badenhorst, ’n geskeide grafiese ontwerper, woongtig te Zaleni Unit 20, The Straight Street, Lonehill, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Johannesburg ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 4 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoeding moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Yolandi Roberts, ’n ongetroude assistant van beroep, woonagtig te Sodiumstraat 13, Dersely Park, Springs, Gauteng, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Springs ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. HES Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 3 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Karel Nicolaas Jooste, werkloos, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Aletta Johanna Jooste, werkloos van Plot 29, Nanescol, Vanderbijlpark, en dat hulle vermoënstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die Distrik van Vanderbijlpark ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. LSS Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 4 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Andries Jacobus Nel, werkloos, ongetroud van Bokmakieriestraat 31, Randvaal, Meyerton, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die Distrik van Meyerton, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. LSS Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at 188 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIEWET No. 24 VAN 1936 (SOOS GEWYSIG) Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 5 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Hooggeregshof van Noord-Gauteng (Pretoria), aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Collin Jacques Watson, ketelmaker, ongetroud, van Reineckestraat 127, Carletonville, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, te Pretoria, en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof vir die Distrik van Oberholzer ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op die 29ste dag van Oktober 2014. LSS Prokureurs, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria. Ferdinand Petrus van der Bank, ID: 8105255014085, working as a code 10 driver, at Cold sure Distribution, and Melanie van der Bank, ID: 7704190038083, unemployed, married in community of property, 27 Wilkion Street, CE1, Vanderbijlpark. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (RSA), 2 December 2014 at 10:00. (3) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Vanderbijlpark. Jason Gene Erasmus Germeshuys, ID: 7604125056087, working as a sales representative at Woodstock Boards, single, 14 Poole Street, Centurion, Pretoria. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (RSA), 2 December 2014. (3) 10 November 2014 for 14 days; Master of the High Court, Pretoria. (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 284 Von Willich Street, Loanlink Park, Centurion, Pretoria.

FREE STATE HIGH COURT, BLOEMFONTEIN In the ex parte application of ANDRIES ADRIAAN GROVE, born 16 January 1962, First Applicant, and ANNA FRANCINA GROVE, born 21 April 1961, Second Applicant Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Free State High Court, Bloemfontein, on 27 November 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Andries Adriaan Grove, born 16 January 1962 and Anna Francina Grove, born 21 April 1961. Mr Grove is currently employed and residing at Die Pastorie, NG Kerk, Waterbron, 27 Vergezoght Road, Waterbron, Bloemfontein and Mrs Grove is currently unemployed and residing at NG Kerk Waterbron, 27 Vergezoght Road, Waterbron, Bloemfontein. A statement of the Debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court at Bloemfontein, for a period of fourteen days as from 10 November 2014 to 24 November 2014. Du Plessis & Partners, 23 John Gainsford Street, Brackenfell, 7580, Cape Town. C/o Bock van Es Attorneys, Kellner Street, Bloemfontein. IN SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG In the ex parte application of CECILIA ELIZABETH VAN ZANTEN SOLLEVELD, born 2 December 1961, First Applicant, and FRANK ROELOF VAN ZANTEN SOLLEVELD, born 20 April 1951, Second Applicant Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, of the High Court on 28 November 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Cecilia Elizabeth van Zanten Solleveld, born 2 December 1961. Mrs Van Zanten Solleveld is currently unemployed and residing at 358 Dungaven Avenue, Winchester Hills, Johannesburg and Mr Van Zanten Solleveld is currently employed and residing at 358 Dungaven Avenue, Winchester Hills. A statement of the Debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the o ffice of the Master of the High Court at Johannesburg, for a period of fourteen days as from 10 November 2014 to 24 November 2014. Du Plessis & Partners, Attorneys for Applicant, 23 John Gainsford Street, Brackenfell, 7580, Cape Town. C/o Naomie Marais Attorneys, 298 Castellet Estate, cnr Lombardi & Saringa Road, Fourways, Johannesburg. IN KWAZULU-NATAL HIGH COURT, DURBAN In the ex parte application of DENNIS THABANI SIMELANE, born 27 May 1966, First Applicant, and NOZINHLE KHISIMUZILE SIMELANE, born 31 December 1967, Second Applicant Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban on 4 December 2014 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Dennis Thabani Simelani, born 27 May 1966, and Nozinhle Khisimuzile Simelane, born 31 December 1967. Mr Simelane is currently employed and residing at Matholunjeni, Ward 10, Kwa-Dlansezwa and Mrs Simelane, is currently employed and residing at Matholunjeni, Ward 10, Kwa-Dlansezwa. A statement of the Debtor’s affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court at KwaZulu-Natal Division, for a period of fourteen days as from 10 November 2014 to 24 November 2014. Du Plessis & Partners, 23 John Gainsford Street, Brackenfell, 7580, Cape Town. C/o J H Nicolson Stiller & Geshen Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave. AANSOEK OM BOEDELOORGAWE Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord-Gauteng Hoër Hof te Pretoria op Maandag, 1 Desember 2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van die boedeloorgawe van Chemorne Kemp (ID: 8407160033089), ongetroud en woonagtig te Greenfields 39, Harrisweg, Edenglen, Edenvale, en dat haar vermoëstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggereghof, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof Edenvale vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 7 November 2014. Datum: 31/10/2014. Deysel Prokureurs, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Tel. (012) 326-3233.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 189

AANSOEK OM BOEDELOORGAWE Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord-Gauteng Hoër Hof te Pretoria op Maandag, 1 Desember 2014 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van die boedeloorgawe van Christo Carel de Bruin (ID: 7106055065088) en Maria Hendrina Christina de Bruin (ID: 7406270279088), getroud binne gemeenskap van goed, en woonagtig te Generaal Louis Bothastraat 86, Bronkhorstspruit en dat hulle vermoëstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggereghof, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof Bronkhorstspruit vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 7 November 2014. Datum: 31/10/2014. Deysel Prokureurs, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Tel. (012) 326-3233. Willem Johannes Joubert, ID: 5804275089084, working for the Sheriff Office, 352 Peerboom Street, Doornpoort, married out of community of property. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of SA), 2 December 2014 at 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014 for 14 days, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. (4) Bezuidenhout Inc, 992 Justice Mahomed Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Roelf Johannes Pretorius, ID: 8103255009080, woonagtig te Wesselstraat 69, Meiringspark, Klerksdorp, ongetroud. (2) Hooggeregshof Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, Dinsdag, 9 Desember 2014 om 10h00. (3) Vanaf 10 November 2014, Pretoria en Landdroshof, Klerksdorp, vanaf 10 November 2014. (4) Stopforth Swanepoel en Brewis Ing, Parkstraat 729, Arcadia, Pretoria. Tanja Claassens, ID: 7009190165088, werksaam as bestuurder by Digital Auto en woonagtig te Rottanburgstraat 23, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Petrus Cornelius Roedolph Claassens, ID: 6611205162082, woonagtig te Rottanburgstraat 23, Flamwood, Klerksdorp. (2) Hooggeregshof Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, Dinsdag, 9 Desember 2014 om 10h00. (3) Vanaf 10 November 2014, Pretoria en Landdros, Klerksdorp. (4) Theron Jordaan en Smit Ing, p/a Stopforth Swanepoel en Brew Ing, Parkstraat 729, Arcadia, Pretoria. Yolandie van der Bergh, ID: 8209090045088, met beroep as ’n krediteur by Klerksdorp Stadsraad, woonagtig te 1 Brandweerhuis, Viljoenstraat, Pienaarsdorp, ongetroud. (2) Hooggeregshof Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, Dinsdag, 9 Desember 2014 om 10h00. (3) Vanaf 10 November 2014, Pretoria en Landdros, Klerksdorp. (4) Theron Jordaan en Smit Ing, p/a Stopforth Swanepoel en Brew Ing, Parkstraat 729, Arcadia, Pretoria. Petrus Cornelius Roedolph Claassens, ID: 6611205162082, met beroep as ’n ketelmaker, woonagtig te Rottanburgstraat 23, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met Tanja Claassens, ID: 7009190165088, werksaam as bestuurder by Digital Auto, en woonagtig te Rottanburgstraat 23, Flamwood, Klerksdorp. (3) Hooggeregshof Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria, Dinsdag, 9 Desember 2014 om 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014, Pretoria, en Landdroshof, Klerksdorp. (4) Stopforth Swanepoel en Brew Ing, Parkstraat 729, Arcadia, Pretoria. Cheryl Ann Goldblatt, secretary married out of community of property, 9 Weenen Road, Milnerton. (2) In the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Cape Town. (4) 31 October 2014. Jon Ripley Groom, manager, married out of community of property, 1 Phoenix Crest, Arista Village, Kraaifontein. (2) In the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 3 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office Cape Town. (4) 31 October 2014. Dianne Fowler, accounts clerk, unmarried, 55 Costa Mews, Costa da Gama, Muizenberg. (2) In the High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 2 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Cape Town. (4) 31 October 2014. Sharon Venter, administration clerk (unmarried), 6 Corriedale Place, 16 Margaret Street, Margate, Durban. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg), 2 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Durban. (4) 31 October 2014. IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town) In the ex parte application of: LENNOX TWELVE RABA, ID No. 4701075304088, 1st Applicant, and NTHABISENG RABA, ID No. 4711090815082 (married in community of property), 2nd Applicant NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE, IN TERMS OF SECTION 4 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, ACT 29 OF 1936 Take notice that on Friday, 5 December 2014 at 10h00, or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, application will be made at the Western Cape High Court, of South Africa, for the surrender of the estate of Lennox Twelve Raba (ID 7401075304088) and Nthabiseng Raba (ID: 5711090815082), married in community of property, and residing at 65 Oasis Street, Riverton, Goodwood, Western Cape Province, and that their statement of affairs will lie for inspection at the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and the Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the 7th of November 2014. Signed at Somerset West on the 31st of October 2014. G J Jordana, Jordaan & Ferreira Inc, 104 Wentworth, Somerset Links Office Park, De Beers Avenue, Somerset West. Tel. (021) 851-8274. (Ref: CON9/0001). C/o Rapp & Van Zyl, 2nd Floor, The White House, 34 Bree Street, Cape Town. To: The Registrar, High Court, Cape Town. And to; The Master of the High Court, High Court, Cape Town. And to: The Clerk, Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.

This gazette is also available free online at 190 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

Mthandazo Physician Mofokeng, theatre manager, unmarried, 8 Kildare Flat, 81 Botanic Road, Durban. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg), 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Durban. (4) 31 October 2014. Zane Cronjé, bulk handling operator, unmarried, 43 Vlei Weigelia Road, Richards Bay, Empangeni. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal Division, Pietermaritzburg), 3 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Empangeni. (4) 31 October 2014. Sarojoni Reddy, project coordinator, unmarried, 99 Monte Carlo Vale Road, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort. (4) 31 October 2014. Willem Johannes Strydom, bond processing clerk, married in community of property to Jiovana Marianne Strydom, unemployed, Plot 129, 2nd Avenue, Bredell, Kempton Park. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 3 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park. (4) 31 October 2014. Leazel Charlene White, scheduling officer, unmarried, 74 Bella Vie, Lovemore Road, Boksburg. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg. (4) 31 October 2014. Jade Volkwyn, training coordinator (unmarried), 34 Stormberg Avenue, Bosmont, Johannesburg. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 31 October 2014. John Henry Elmsley Murray, diesel mechanic, and Beverely Murray, unemployed (married in community of property), 18 Albetros Street, Airfield, Benoni. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Benoni. (4) 31 October 2014. Rodney Ritchie, telecommunication officer (unmarried), 1 Maple Views, Oak Street, Lindhaven, Roodepoort. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort. (4) 31 October 2014. Gavin Hermem Krauser, stock controller, and Juanita Michelle Krauser, services coordinator (married in community of property), 3 Mondeor Village, 268 Columbine Avenue, Mondeor. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 31 October 2014. Poovendhran Reddy, unemployed, and Prinisha Reddy, bookkeeper (married in community of property), 69 Lyndhurst Estate, 412 Corlett Drive, Bramley, Johannesburg. (2) In the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg. (4) 31 October 2014. Stephanus Johannes Griesel, employed with Sanlam, Linda Griesel, employed with Sanlam (married in community of property), 58 Mulberry Street, Allen Grove, Kempton Park. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg), 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park. (4) 31 October 2014. Mariana Hugo, senior technician (unmarried), No. 77 2nd Avenue, Gerhardsville. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Brits. (4) 30 October 2014. Martha Louiza van der Walt, scientists (married out of community of property), No. 70 Enkeldoorn Sprokieslaan, Faerie Glen, Pretoria. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) 30 October 2014. Pieter Viljoen, self-employed (married out of community of property), 18 Jacaranda Street, Thabazimbi. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Thabazimbi. (4) 30 October 2014. Pieter Ernst Potgieter, rolling operator, Elenor Lee-Ann Potgieter, unemployed (married in community of property), 1052 Elephant Road, Monumentpark. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 4 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) 30 October 2014. Mavis Bongekile Mahlangu, employed (unmarried), House No. 1855, Tokologo, Mhluzi, Middelburg. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Middelburg. (4) 30 October 2014. Michael Wayne Sampson Geach, maintenance fitter, Tracey Lorraine Geach, sales representative (married in community of property), 23 Ethyias Village, 6th Street, Montana, Pretoria North. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Pretoria North. (4) 30 October 2014. Johannes Petrus Byleveld, motor mechanic, Susanna Elizabeth Byleveld, housewife (married in community of property), Fred Messenger Street, Andeon, Pretoria. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) 30 October 2014. Samantha King, senior clerk (unmarried), 403 Primrose Park, Exeter Road, Plumstead. (2) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town), 5 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Cape Town. (4) 31 October 2014. Jon Ripley Groom, manager (married out of community of property), 1 Phoenix Crest, Arista Village, Kraaifontein. (2) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town), 3 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Kuilsrivier. (4) 31 October 2014. Carl Hendrik Frederik Struwig, director (married out of community of property), 2 Cresswell Street, Pierre van Reyneveld, Centurion. (2) High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), 3 December 2014. (3) 7 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) 31 October 2014.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38160 191

KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM BOEDEL OOR TE GEE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 4 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Judith Elizabeth Cloete, ID No. 5905260047084, ’n meerderjarige werklose vrou, weduwee, woonagtig te Fairburnstraat 17, Secunda, Mpumalanga. Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria, sowel as Landdroshof Secunda, vanaf 10 November 2014, vir ’n periode van 14 dae. Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneukl. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134.

KENNISGEWING VAN VOORNEME OM BOEDEL OOR TE GEE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936, SOOS GEWYSIG Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, op 4 Desember 2014 om 10h00 of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word vir die oorgawe van die boedel van Floris Johannes van der Walt, ID No. 7909075038088, ’n meerderjarige werklose man, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Elmarie van der Walt, ID No. 8311280097083, ’n meerderjarige tuisteskepper, woonagtig te Gedeelte 20, plaas Schuurpoort, Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng. Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria, sowel as Landdroshof Breonkhorstspruit, vanaf 10 November 2014, vir ’n periode van 14 dae. Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat No. 555, Muckleneukl. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Fax: (018) 787-3134.

NOORD GAUTENG HOË HOF, PRETORIA (Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling)

In die ex parte-aansoek van; BENJAMIN MATHYS BEUKES DUMINY N.O. (in sy hoedanigheid as Trustee van die Boschkop Trust, Meestersverwysing No. IT3807/1995), Applikant

KENNISGEWING VAN VRYWILLIGE BOEDELOORGAWE Neem kennis dat die Applikant, Benjamin Mathys Beukes Duminty N.O., in sy hoedanigheid as Trustee van die Boschkop Trust, Meestersverwysing No. IT3807/1995, met hoofplek van besigheid te Normanstraat 766, Montana Park, Pretoria, Gauteng, van voornemens is om op 4 Desember 2014 om 10:00 by die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof aansoek te doen vir die aanname van die Boschkop Trust se boedeloorgawe. Neem verder kennis dat die Boschkop Trust se vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantore van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof Pretoria, sowel as Landdroshof, Pretoria-Noord, vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae vanaf 10 November 2014. Geteken te Pretoria op 31 Oktober 2014. Etienne Slabbert Prokureurs, Walkerstraat 555, Muckleneuk, Pretoria. Tel: (018) 787-4126. Faks: (018) 787-3134. Verw: KE Slabbert/tvj.

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Western Cape Division, Cape Town)

In the ex parte application of: LENNOX TWELVE RABA, ID No. 4701075304088, 1st Applicant, and NTHABISENG RABA, ID No. 5711090815082 (married in community of property), 2nd Applicant

NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE, IN TERMS OF SECTION 4 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT, ACT 29 OF 1936 Take notice that on Friday, 5 December 2014 at 10h00, or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, application will be made at the Western Cape High Court, of South Africa, for the surrender of the estate of Lennox Twelve Raba (ID No. 7401075304088) and Nthabiseng Raba (ID No. 5711090815082), married in community of property, and residing at 65 Oasis Street, Riverton, Goodwood, Western Cape Province, and that their statement of affairs will lie for inspection at the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, and the Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the 7th of November 2014. Signed at Somerset West on the 31st of October 2014. GJ Jordaan, Jordaan & Ferreira Inc., 104 Wentworth, Somerset Links Office Park, De Beers Avenue, Somerset West. Tel: (021) 851-8274. (Ref: CON9/0001.) C/o Rapp & Van Zyl, 2nd Floor, The White House, 34 Bree Street, Cape Town. To: The Registrar, High Court Cape Town. And to: The Master of the High Court, High Court Cape Town. And to: The Clerk, Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.

This gazette is also available free online at 192 No. 38160 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014

NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTORS ESTATE IN TERMS OF SECTION 4 (1) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT No. 24 OF 1936 (AS AMENDED) In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division, Pretoria), on Monday, 1 December 2014 at 10:00 or soon thereafter as the matter can be heard for the acceptance of the Surrender of the estate: Pieter Andries Nell, an adult male, employed as a design draughtsman, currently divorced from No. 806 Hoewe Street, Elarduspark, Pretoria, and that a copy of his statement of Debtors affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, for a period of fourteen days as from 10 November 2014. Signed at Pretoria on this 31st day of October 2014. DJVH Inc., Tel: (012) 430-4701. Ref: T de Jongh. Asaif Haniff, ID: 8511285236087, divorced, 3 Sabie Road, Bardene, Boksburg, Gauteng, debtor’s clerk. (2) Voluntary Surrender of Estate: The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 4 December 2014 at 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014, Masters Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Boksburg, period of 14 days. (4) Michael Senekal Attorneys. Tel. (012) 542-5205. F. (012) 542-5215. [email protected]; Pieter Matthys Johannes Jacobus Fourie, ID: 8903145096084, unmarried, 13 Limpopo Street, Marlands, Germiston, Gauteng, electrical technician. (2) Voluntary Surrender of Estate: The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 4 December 2014 at 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014, Masters Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston, period of 14 days. (4) Michael Senekal Attorneys. Tel. (012) 542-5205. F. (012) 542-5215. [email protected]; Ryan Mark Maraz, ID: 7204015069082, unmarried, 9 Olivier Street, Elsburg, Gauteng, unemployed. (2) Voluntary Surrender of Estate: The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 4 December 2014 at 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014, Masters Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Germiston, period of 14 days. (4) Michael Senekal Attorneys. Tel. (012) 542-5205. F. (012) 542-5215. [email protected]; Letitia Stephanie Dames, ID: 5606130032088, assistant accountant, divorced, 34 Delheim, 56 Glover Street, Centurion, Gauteng. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 5 December 2014, 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014, Master, Pretoria. (4) PO Box 8315, Centurion, 0046. André Petrus van den Berg, ID: 6109075060080 and Maria Magdalena van den Berg, ID: 6302010219081, married in community of property, 2 Leeumannetjie Street, Orkney, North West, unemployed. (2) Voluntary Surrender of Estate: The High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 4 December 2014 at 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014, Masters Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Klerksdorp, period of 14 days. (4) Michael Senekal Attorneys. Tel. (012) 542-5205. F. (012) 542-5215. [email protected]; Elizabeth Maria Catharina Wihelmina Annandale (ID: 6411170019080), assistant, divorced, 6 Kareehof, 9th Street, Naboomspruit, Limpopo. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 5 December 2014, 10h00. (3) 10 November 2014, Master, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Mookgophong. (4) Address of attorneys: P.O. Box 8315, Centurion, 0046. Karin Taljaard (ID: 6808060038080), ’n eiendomskonsultant, geskei, Milkwood Estate 39, Onrus, Wes-Kaap. (2) In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaapse Afdeling), Kaapstad, 5 Desember 2014, 10h00. (3) 7 November 2014 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Hermanus. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap. Vernon Ryan Manus (ID: 6805155092089), ’n senior marine bewaringsinspekteur, getroud binne gemeenskaap van goed met Catherin Manus (ID: 6611170046088), ’n werklose vrou, Hoofweg 27, Lambersbaai, Wes-Kaap. (2) In die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaapse Afdeling), Kaapstad, 5 Desember 2014, 10h00. (3) 7 November 2014 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Clanwilliam. (4) Etienne Genis & Kie Ing., 7de Laan No. 2, Melkbosstrand, Wes-Kaap. Gert Cornelius Victor, maintance assistant, unmarried, 23 Little Street, Ermelo. (2) Application: North Gauteng High Court, 2 December 2014. 10 November 2014, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Ermelo.

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