Ford Graphic. Ford Golden Jubilee, 1904-1954 Ford Motor Company of Canada
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University of Windsor Scholarship at UWindsor SWODA: Windsor & Region Publications Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive 1954 Ford Graphic. Ford Golden Jubilee, 1904-1954 Ford Motor Company of Canada Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Canadian History Commons Recommended Citation Ford Motor Company of Canada, "Ford Graphic. Ford Golden Jubilee, 1904-1954" (1954). SWODA: Windsor & Region Publications. 63. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive at Scholarship at UWindsor. It has been accepted for inclusion in SWODA: Windsor & Region Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholarship at UWindsor. For more information, please contact [email protected]. P~e Two F'ORt BORN: ~o. e~, llw;. 17, 1904, lin !J~, Both 'k/e/J ''There is noiliing this city needs and John Curry were ~en eleeted leu than it doea a second telephone directora and ~e ahareholders' ayate.m." meeting was adjourned !or the Windsor never did get " socond directors to elect ~e officers of ~. telephone ayatem. But there waa new company. much more interest aroused by lbe The directors reported to ~. pn>posed telephone factory ilion by ahareholdera and 1hc rounding ~e new Ford venture In WinW.Or, meeting was closed. which was to make this city ~.e automotive capital of Canada. No News paper Excitement No Editorial Comment A report o! the meeting wu In !act, readel'!l of The Evening taken acroaa the strttt to The Record did not learn about lbe Evening Record, for publication In founding o! Ford of Canada until next day's newspaper. Augnat SO. And the announcement On August 30, a brief story in went unmarked by an editorial The Evening Record gave the bare comment. detai4 under a one-column head "There just wasn't very much line: "Company Organized-New Interest in ~e automobile," W, -Ford Automobile Company Ready Donald McGregor, bro~e r of ~e lor Bu.sin~u." late Gordon M. McGregor, first It was not quite ready for busi general manager of Ford of Can ness. But the first cars assembled 11 ado, recalled later . Everyone in Canada begnn to eomc out of ~e ~ought ~e auto was ju$t a 'rich old Walkerville Wagon Works a man's toy.'" !ew months later. But a score ~r more WinW.Orites G. M. McGregor There were years o! struggle did have !aitb in the future of ~e ahead, when seve•al of the original motor ear, or had been persuaded in her handsome Victoria, ~. 3harp shareholders (but not John Stod· by Gordon McGregor to back his tattoo of hooves on cedar-block gel!) lost faith. faith. paving echoing aharply on the 0:\LY S t:BVJVING ORIGINAL SIIAREBOLDER of Ford of Canada One or iliem was John StodgeU, evening air. Billy Chew, the little Yet even those who kept J aitb is John Stodgell, Strabane Avenue, ahown gazing at a long-ago picture who is believed to be the only aur- Englishman, waa replaeing earbona could scarcely have foreseen that of his family. J ohn and Emma Stodgell bo~ will celebrau their vlving original shareholder of Ford in the carbon arc light at the their quiet, prosaie bua:inea.s meet. bad 90th birthday this month, he on ~e 13th, and she on tho 21st. In o! Canada. On A>~gust 18 and 21, comer. ing in the Crawford House d<'Ciining to be photographed, Mrs. Stodgell commented: "l'm a little John and his wl!e, Emma, now liv- . launched a company which toda)' p:~Jt the photographing stage." ing at 200 Strabane, will celebrate Firtt Shareholders Meetmg employa 26,000, in Canada and O\'er \u.rn ~eir 90ili birthdays. ln a private dining room at the se"' and will soon out ita T was a bot, humid August, like Things Look Duk! Can't Sleep! Alter supper, on ~e evening of old Crawford House hotel, John and S,OOO,OOOth car ; a c:ompan)' whic:h has become one of Canada's great I 10 many olhera in Wincb.or be Reslleu and Worn Out! Ask August 29, 1904, John and his Charles met 23 o~ er shareholders to~ and since. your doctor to tell you all about brother, Charles J. Stodgell, board- and a representative or~. William est industrinl t'nterpriae•. A~ "The Sign oC ~e Golden AYER'S sARSAPARILLA" ed the belt-line <>lectric street car McGregor estate ! or the first ehare· Boot" (J. S. Edgar & Son, 25 Sand· Horseless Carriage Ne"• outaide ~elr store at the comer of holden meeting oC Ford Motor ..-kh East), men's $1 straw sallora Devonshire Road and Sandwich Compnny of Cll!lada, Limited. Complains: No Gears were on sale !o2' .25c, and you could At ~e Walkerville Wagon Works Street E":"t, and n>de downtown. Henry Ford, erect, apnre, gaunt, buy a .25c straw sailor for .10c. on Sandwi~h Street, West, a group Do~ "''er•. ~ey could seo a sail- his piercing eyes- twinkling with To Move SI'deways Albert Scott, up ttl his coal and of men heard the newa they had lng sbtp toWing 11everal consorts. enthueiasm, wearing a bow tie and wood )"nrd on Ouellette Avenue, was been waiting for: their new eom.. Behind them chu8"ged one o! the sailor at-raw a gold watch chain in U abe ie atilt ali"e, Penelope ad,·ertlsing: "As Winter Is Coming pany had been incorporated under "cigar boats" which were noveiUes his vest, sttode In a few minutes Snowball must be either a pationt -:Sow Is The Time to Fill Your a Province o! Ontario charter to on .the Great !Akes at that Ume-- before eight o'clock, accompanied or a disappointed woman. Coal Bin." lAunch an exciting new business- r!"'tghters butlt In ~e shape of by John s. Gray, hia grey-bearded, Fo-·-one ea- a she made a 0 lkach "SpOOninc" Banned the malting of horselea carriages Clg&I'J Wlili round docb. balcllng banker and partner; Gray'a ••>. Y •a ll' in Canada for the flnt time. As they stepped o.ff ~e t ram at nephew, Alex Y. Mnlcolmson, the sugge~t•~n to Ford of Canada,. a_nd The E,·ening Record o! August Nex~ day-August 18, 1904-The the corner o! Sandw1ch and Ferry, former coal merchant, with mutton automottvc manufacturers, \\htch 17 1904, front-paged a story thnt Evening Record carried a bold Oscar Flemming's mother drove by chop whiskers and long nose ; John has not yet been acted upon. th~ Mayor of Atlantic City had headline on its front page: "Big ------- W. Anderson, Malcolmson's lawyer, " ... as an improvement I would bannod "spoomnp;" on the beach Factory For WinW.Or." and Charlea H. Bennett, who had sugg<at that while you have gears but the )laror :added that be didn't But ~e story was not about ~e REMEMBER WHEN • • • · invested part o! hia esmings from to make It go forward and baek, intend to onUa..,- hand-holding. Gu, founding o! the Ford Motor Com- The late Joe Isaacs, who laur the Dnlsv Air Rifte in ~e Ford you have none to make it go side- oal and water wrr~ said to hove pan)• of Canada, Limited, on ~e became a Ford dealer in London, ' " been struck in boring for a well previous day. The "Big Factory" Ont., in the early days had the Motor Company of the U.S.A. ways. b at Michael Robinson's, Sandwich was planned to make telephones responsibility of getting auto parts Other shareholders present were h Penelope's improvement mtg t South. !or an independent company which !rom the old Piquette plant or ~e Gordon McGregor, W. L. McG,..gor, ave saved,b at thatd ':"!ny ~hty Whut was ..mng for $1 in was seeking 8 c,barter In Windsor Ford Motor Company in Detroit! Malcolm McGregor, S. C. Robinson, comm~nts J!, o~t '!,d .J:vtn~ ; er 0. troit. but it ...·as $1.07 in Toronto and Walkerville to compete with He used a Ford of Canada Model C, A. D. Bowlby, Homer Walters, R. ~"- · u\od 0 g k e~~:ngowa~ r and $1.08 in New York. Charl<a the Bell Telephone Co. And ~. which was familiarly known by J . Walters, J. 0. Reaume, C. M. 8 ee~ng 8 y ma es. pa ld way; 8 0 Hawtrer, the !amoua English actor, Evening Record wnrned sternly: everyone in the plant as "Sappho". Walker, R. A. Holland, J. H. Lux- mos as e 38Y as movtng • :and Miss Sabel Johnson, ''lhe In the beginning, all parta !or cars ford, Dr. F. E. Zumstein, Wm. R. / ~ •·orld'a highest soprano," shared I IJ _, Remember When •... assembled at Ford o! Canadn were Kales, Burton B. Bennett, A. W. _ the bill with "Kinetograph" at the imported from the 'U.S.A., and it a Chaffee, David D. .Allen, W. T. Temple Theatre In Detroit. The The Detroit river "'as a handy part was damaged or lost, ~e whole Connor and John Curry. Japanese were making iliings hot refuse bin !or defective parts or an)' other bothersome objeet em usembly had to be held up until !or the Russian warships in Port Joe brought the required part !rom Shnreholdera represented by Arthur Harbour. ployees in the machine shop wished prosy were: E. N. Bartle\, Herbert ' to dispose o!? aero&$ the river. M & ll Exposition Waltera, Joseph Maw, H. Kennis Betty, Robert Gray, Charles Hac Sllopkeepera and !a<toT)' ownera kett, E.