43 CFR 3174 – Measurement Of

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43 CFR 3174 – Measurement Of § 3174.1 43 CFR Ch. II (10–1–17 Edition) Subpart 3174—Measurement of conditions where a series of meter fac- Oil tors have been determined over a range of normal operating conditions. Event log means an electronic record SOURCE: 81 FR 81504, Nov. 17, 2016, unless otherwise noted. of all exceptions and changes to the flow parameters contained within the § 3174.1 Definitions and acronyms. configuration log that occur and have (a) As used in this subpart, the term: an impact on a quantity transaction Barrel (bbl) means 42 standard United record. States gallons. Gross standard volume means a vol- Base pressure means 14.696 pounds per ume of oil corrected to base pressure square inch, absolute (psia). and temperature. Base temperature means 60 °F. Indicated volume means the uncor- Certificate of calibration means a docu- rected volume indicated by the meter ment stating the base prover volume in a lease automatic custody transfer and other physical data required for system or the Coriolis meter in a CMS. the calibration of flow meters. For a positive displacement meter, the Composite meter factor means a meter indicated volume is represented by the factor corrected from normal operating non-resettable totalizer on the meter pressure to base pressure. The com- head. For Coriolis meters, the indi- posite meter factor is determined by cated volume is the uncorrected (with- proving operations where the pressure out the meter factor) mass of liquid di- is considered constant during the vided by the density. measurement period between provings. Innage gauging means the level of a Configuration log means the list of liquid in a tank measured from the constant flow parameters, calculation datum plate or tank bottom to the sur- methods, alarm set points, and other face of the liquid. values that are programmed into the Lease automatic custody transfer flow computer in a CMS. means a system of com- Coriolis meter means a device which (LACT) system by means of the interaction between a ponents designed to provide for the un- flowing fluid and oscillation of tube(s) attended custody transfer of oil pro- infers a mass flow rate. The meter also duced from a lease(s), unit PA(s), or infers the density by measuring the CA(s) to the transporting carrier while natural frequency of the oscillating providing a proper and accurate means tubes. The Coriolis meter consists of for determining the net standard vol- sensors and a transmitter, which con- ume and quality, and fail-safe and tam- vert the output from the sensors to sig- per-proof operations. nals representing volume and density. Master meter prover means a positive Coriolis measurement system (CMS) displacement meter or Coriolis meter means a metering system using a Cor- that is selected, maintained, and oper- iolis meter in conjunction with a ter- ated to serve as the reference device tiary device, pressure transducer, and for the proving of another meter. A temperature transducer in order to de- comparison of the master meter to the rive and report gross standard oil vol- Facility Measurement Point (FMP) ume. A CMS system provides real-time, line meter output is the basis of the on-line measurement of oil. master-meter method. Displacement prover means a prover Meter factor means a ratio obtained consisting of a pipe or pipes with by dividing the measured volume of known capacities, a displacement de- liquid that passed through a prover or vice, and detector switches, which master meter during the proving by sense when the displacement device has the measured volume of liquid that reached the beginning and ending passed through the line meter during points of the calibrated section of pipe. the proving, corrected to base pressure Displacement provers can be portable and temperature. or fixed. Net standard volume means the gross Dynamic meter factor means a kinetic standard volume corrected for quan- meter factor derived by linear inter- tities of non-merchantable substances polation or polynomial fit, used for such as sediment and water. 534 VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:07 Nov 21, 2017 Jkt 241198 PO 00000 Frm 00544 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\241198.XXX 241198 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR Bureau of Land Management, Interior § 3174.2 Outage gauging means the distance § 3174.2 General requirements. from the surface of the liquid in a tank (a) Oil may be stored only in tanks to the reference gauge point of the that meet the requirements of tank. § 3174.5(b) of this subpart. Positive displacement meter means a meter that registers the volume pass- (b) Oil must be measured on the ing through the meter using a system lease, unit PA, or CA, unless approval which constantly and mechanically for off-lease measurement is obtained isolates the flowing liquid into seg- under §§ 3173.22 and 3173.23 of this part. ments of known volume. (c) Oil produced from a lease, unit Quantity transaction record (QTR) PA, or CA may not be commingled means a report generated by CMS with production from other leases, unit equipment that summarizes the daily PAs, or CAs or non-Federal properties and hourly gross standard volume cal- before the point of royalty measure- culated by the flow computer and the ment, unless prior approval is obtained average or totals of the dynamic data under §§ 3173.14 and 3173.15 of this part. that is used in the calculation of gross (d) An operator must obtain a BLM- standard volume. approved FMP number under §§ 3173.12 Tertiary device means, for a CMS, the and 3173.13 of this part for each oil flow computer and associated memory, measurement facility where the meas- calculation, and display functions. urement affects the calculation of the Transducer means an electronic de- volume or quality of production on vice that converts a physical property, which royalty is owed (i.e., oil tank such as pressure, temperature, or elec- used for tank gauging, LACT system, trical resistance, into an electrical CMS, or other approved metering de- output signal that varies proportion- vice), except as provided in paragraph ally with the magnitude of the physical (h) of this section. property. Typical output signals are in (e) Except as provided in paragraph the form of electrical potential (volts), (h) of this section, all equipment used current (milliamps), or digital pressure to measure the volume of oil for roy- or temperature readings. The term alty purposes installed after January transducer includes devices commonly 17, 2017 must comply with the require- referred to as transmitters. ments of this subpart. Vapor tight means capable of holding (f) Except as provided in paragraph pressure differential only slightly high- (h) of this section, measuring proce- er than that of installed pressure-re- dures and equipment used to measure lieving or vapor recovery devices. oil for royalty purposes, that is in use (b) As used in this subpart, the fol- on January 17, 2017, must comply with lowing acronyms carry the meaning the requirements of this subpart on or prescribed: before the date the operator is required API means American Petroleum In- to apply for an FMP number under stitute. 3173.12(e) of this part. Prior to that CA has the meaning set forth in date, measuring procedures and equip- § 3170.3 of this part. ment used to measure oil for royalty COA has the meaning set forth in purposes, that is in use on January 17, § 3170.3 of this part. 2017 must continue to comply with the CPL means correction for the effect requirements of Onshore Oil and Gas of pressure on a liquid. Order No. 4, Measurement of oil, CTL means correction for the effect § 3164.1(b) as contained in 43 CFR part of temperature on a liquid. 3160, (revised October 1, 2016), and any NIST means National Institute of COAs and written orders applicable to Standards and Technology. that equipment. PA has the meaning set forth in (g) The requirement to follow the ap- § 3170.3 of this part. proved equipment lists identified in PMT means Production Measurement §§ 3174.6(b)(5)(ii)(A), 3174.6(b)(5)(iii), Team. 3174.8(a)(1), and 3174.9(a) does not apply PSIA means pounds per square inch, until January 17, 2019. The operator or absolute. manufacturer must obtain approval of S&W means sediment and water. a particular make, model, and size by 535 VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:07 Nov 21, 2017 Jkt 241198 PO 00000 Frm 00545 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\241198.XXX 241198 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR § 3174.3 43 CFR Ch. II (10–1–17 Edition) submitting the test data used to de- ary 2013 (‘‘API 2.2B’’), IBR approved for velop performance specifications to the § 3174.5(c). PMT to review. (3) API MPMS Chapter 2—Tank Cali- (h) Meters used for allocation under a bration, Section 2C, Calibration of Up- commingling and allocation approval right Cylindrical Tanks Using the Opti- under § 3173.14 are not required to meet cal-triangulation Method; First Edi- the requirements of this subpart. tion, January 2002; Reaffirmed May 2008 (‘‘API 2.2C’’), IBR approved for § 3174.3 Incorporation by reference § 3174.5(c). (IBR). (4) API MPMS Chapter 3, Section 1A, (a) Certain material specified in this Standard Practice for the Manual section is incorporated by reference Gauging of Petroleum and Petroleum into this part with the approval of the Products; Third Edition, August 2013 Director of the Federal Register under (‘‘API 3.1A’’), IBR approved for 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Oper- §§ 3174.5(b), 3174.6(b). ators must comply with all incor- (5) API MPMS Chapter 3—Tank porated standards and material, as Gauging, Section 1B, Standard Prac- they are listed in this section.
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