United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress Table of Contents
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United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress Table of Contents 1. Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer 2. Human Rights Principles 3. Labour Principles 4. Anti-Corruption 5. Environmental Principles UN Global Compact | Table of Contents | 2 1. Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer As one of South Africa’s leading and This year marks our fifth Communication on Progress largest law firms, we acknowledge – a significant milestone for our firm. Such an occasion that our success goes hand-in-hand presents an opportunity to reflect on the commitment we first expressed in our letter dated 16 September 2011; with a responsibility to our people, our and an opportunity to assess, with as much objectively as communities and our country. possible, whether that commitment remains as strong. At the risk of sounding overly cynical, acknowledging Taking stock of the last few years and our progress such a responsibility is the easy part. Fulfilling it, on within each, I truly believe that our commitment to the the other hand, is rather difficult. To do so requires the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact is stronger than people working within the entity to take ownership it ever has been. Our actions and initiatives in the last of that duty too. How have we set about achieving 12 months support this opinion and the pages that this? At every opportunity, we have emphasised our follow document it. firm’s values, encouraging our people to rely on these principles to guide everything they do. Furthering the cause, we have celebrated value champions, identifying those who live our ideals, holding them up as examples worth emulating. In these efforts and many others, the weight of our collective responsibility to our people and “As one of South Africa’s our communities and our country has landed on the individuals that make this firm whole. Communicating our leading and largest law Brent Williams, Chief Executive Officer, commitment to the UN Global Compact and staying true firms, we acknowledge that Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc to its core tenets claims pride of place within this agenda. our success goes hand-in-hand with a responsibility to our people, our communities and our country.“ UN Global Compact | Statement of Continued Support by the Chief Executive Officer | 3 2. Human Rights Principles Assessment, policy and goals disadvantaged people to access justice and to forward human rights and constitutionalism through public As a responsible corporate citizen CDH is sensitive to interest work. The Pro Bono Policy provides that: the broader socio-economic context within which it conducts business and is committed to respecting • The firm has adopted and maintains a Pro Bono and promoting human rights both internally in its Policy independent of any legislation or regulation relations with its employees and externally through its requiring mandatory pro bono work. engagement with clients and communities. In 2013 as • The firm is committed to the involvement of its a manifestation of the firm’s commitment to human practitioners and staff members in pro bono work. rights CDH adopted a Human Rights Statement. In that • All CDH practitioners and staff members statement we record as follows: acknowledge that they have a role to play in • We are cognisant of the social context within which assisting and supporting the firm in fulfilling these we operate as a law firm, and we are committed to commitments. respecting the rights entrenched in the Constitution CDH has also adopted a Corporate Social Responsibility of the Republic of South Africa, 108 of 1996 (the (CSR) policy and has set up a Social and Ethics Constitution), and in particular the Bill of Rights. Committee, as well as a CSR Committee. • We confirm that we support upholding the rights entrenched in the United Nations Universal Implementation Declaration of Human Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the International Our work in promoting human rights Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and We strive on a continued basis to realise our human Cultural Rights and the core conventions of the rights commitments in various ways. International Labour Organisation (ILO). First, we dedicate significant time and effort to ensuring • We confirm our commitment to respecting the ten in our everyday conduct that we promote and respect principles of the United Nations Global Compact. the rights and interests of all of our employees by means • We communicate our commitments as set out in this of adherence to the precepts of our Constitution and Human Rights Statement to our clients, employees our domestic labour, employment equity, occupational and other stakeholders. health and safety and other relevant legislation. In this regard we recognise the need to continuously work at In 2011 as part of its commitment to human rights, promoting a more inclusive and diverse work culture in CDH adopted a Pro Bono Policy and set up a dedicated which the equal rights of all are advanced and employees Pro Bono and Human Rights Practice (the Pro Bono are encouraged to raise any grievances in accordance Practice) whose mandate is to assist vulnerable and UN Global Compact | Human Rights Principles | 4 with our grievance policy. Our ongoing progress in this Third, through the firm’s ongoing commitment regard is outlined in more detail below in the section of to corporate social responsibility, we continue to this COP dealing with the Labour Principles. dedicate significant financial and human resources to various social investment projects, vehicles and Second, through the implementation, as described causes. A summary of some of our key corporate social below, of our Pro Bono Policy. Our dedicated Pro Bono responsibility projects and activities for the period under Practice continues to provide thousands of hours of pro review is provided below. bono assistance each year in the implementation of this policy, to numerous people and organisations who are unable to afford to pay for these services. Pro Bono and Human Rights work in the period under review In the period under review our small but dedicated Pro Bono Practice has made a material contribution to We are proud to report that during the period under promoting social justice by providing access to legal review CDH as whole donated over 8,000 hours / in services to a number of people who would not have excess of R16 million in free legal services to deserving been in a position to enforce their rights without the aid individuals and organisations. of pro bono assistance. We summarise some of the highlights of our pro bono and human rights work below, and outline our CSR Through some of the new cases that it has taken on activities for the year. during the period under review, our Pro Bono Practice has also made an important contribution in advancing the human rights causes of some particularly vulnerable Human Rights awareness and training and marginalised groups of people and has worked initiatives to extend the boundaries of our human rights and constitutional protections. It has also contributed NSMCC towards advancing awareness and education on various Led by the Pro Bono Practice, CDH continued to provide human rights issues through the hosting of key events, extensive support for the National Schools Moot Court participation in other partner organisation / stakeholder Competition (NSMCC) in 2017. initiatives, and through special project work. The NSMCC is an annual schools moot court competition Our Pro Bono Practice has also encouraged and which began in 2011. It is a joint-initiative of the University assisted members in other practice areas in the firm of Pretoria, the Foundation for Human Rights, the to make pro bono contributions. Many practitioners in Department of Justice and the Department of Basic numerous different practice areas in our firm both at Education, amongst others. Learners from all secondary our Johannesburg and Cape Town offices have given schools in the country are encouraged to participate generously of their time over the 2017 year and have in the Competition which involves two stages – an provided invaluable assistance to countless clients. UN Global Compact | Human Rights Principles | 5 essay writing elimination round and various oral rounds The evening concluded with a dinner hosted at our culminating in a final round argued before a panel of offices. Many members of the firm also assisted with adjudicators at the Constitutional Court. the adjudication of the preliminary, quarter final and semi-final rounds of the Competition. The aim of the NSMCC is to create greater awareness and understanding among schools and communities As has been the case with previous years, the standard about the Constitution as well as the rights and values of learners participating in the national rounds of that it embodies. In addition, the Competition aims the Competition and the level of dedication and to provide young people with exposure to the legal determination displayed was impressive. CDH is once system and profession, and encourage them to consider again offering a generous bursary to the four learners of pursuing a career in law. Each year the moot problem the winning team (should they choose to study law). is one which involves fictional learners faced with a scenario in a school environment implicating various bill I DECIDE = I AM EXHIBIT of rights issues. CDH was proud to partner with the Centre for Human As part of CDH’s 2017 contribution, our firm in conjunction Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, in its with the University of Pretoria, facilitated a training initiative to reproduce the Exhibition “I Decide = I Am” by workshop for about 72 learners preparing for the oral the Bulgarian Centre for Not-For-Profit Law Foundation component of the Competition, together with their in South Africa.