Application to the Tribunal

And as replacement to 2015.010.21 Application UZA with ITNJ


Jurisdiction: Republic of

Court of origin (where appropriate): Constitutional Court of South Africa;

Appeal number (where appropriate): Date of filing: 23rd of October 2015 ITNJ File No: 2015.01 - UZA

Constitutional Court Case Number: CCT 200/15


Applicant’s agents: court of record: representative real action of we, the people; Unified Common-law Grand Jury of Southern Africa, hereinafter UZA or uza Respondent’s agents: The National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa

1. Details of the applicant

Applicant’s full name:

Unified Common Law Grand Jury of Southern Africa

Original status:

Claimant Defendant Intervener

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Petitioner Respondent

Agent (if applicable) Name: administrator: brother-thomas-graham:carlsson-rudman prosecutor : miss t bailiwick : jan:lohfeldt

Address: Telephone: skype: commonlawsa1 c/o Unified Grand Jury ZA Fax no: ------P.O. Box 166 DX no: ------Laezonia Ref: Pretoria Concourt: CCT: 200/15 South Africa, ZA ITNJ: 15.10.23 UZA: 2013/06/S11 Postcode: n/a (jurisdiction)

Email: [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected]

How would you prefer us to communicate with you?

Via email thank you;

Counsel (if applicable)

Name: miss t (attorney at law) attorney in fact in this case

Address: s/a/a Telephone no: Fax no: Postcode: DX no: Ref:

Email: [email protected]

How would you prefer us to communicate with you? Email

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2. Nature of the application

This applicant applies for:

Permission to intervene

Expedited hearing

3. Grounds on which application is made

On what grounds are you making this application?

We, the people on the Land of Southern Africa where the law of the case is natural law and by original jurisdiction living customary law, common-law, ancient maxims and precedents hereby declare and solemnly affirm under the pains and penalty of perjury the following to be our trueth:

Introduction: We say that we are a lawful superior original jurisdiction people’s court of record on the land and we are now taking representative administrative real action on behalf of thousands of people who have given us verbal special power-of-attorney-in-fact to represent them in this matter, with various complaints, of which the root of all complaints is briefly outlined herein;

We say that according to oral African custom a verbal agreement is binding; however, we are also in the process of declaring it formally in document form should the ITNJ accept our dispute and or require the necessary special power of attorney signed, sealed and affirmed; and, to grant us time up until the date required as increasing numbers of people are signing up, daily;

Whereas in our 5 yearlong in-depth legal investigation which is well-documented at and read by over 50 000 people, most being thankful for the education, we have come to the realization that the land of Southern Africa is still deemed to be under Sovereign rule of HM THE QUEEN as the highest ranking Justices of the COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA hold letters patent to the CROWN;

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We aver that this is confirmed by the fact that all LEGALESE such as BAR, BARRISTER, ESQUIRE, HIGH, LORD, PARLIAMENT, SUPREME, etc. are all terms from ADMIRALTY COURTS which are also MILITARY COURTS of a MILITARY STATE which Black’s Law 4th defines as: “The soldiery of the kingdom of Great Britain.”

We aver that our this fact is further confirmed in this regard by the enactment of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1916 and the accompanying Insolvency Act, 1916 and Appropriation Act, 1920 ; and, as a result we have been declared bankrupt and a conquered peoples;

We say that a Republic was formed to control the states under Sovereign CROWN rule as evidenced in Crown Liabilities Act, 1910 and Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961;

We aver that since 1994 we are still under “administration” as are described above;

Federal RSA: It seems that since 1994 another “arm” to the “EMPIRE” was added in the form of “federal elements” and that we have been what can only be described as ‘assimilated’ by a Federal government as ‘The Washington University Manual of International Legal Citation’ states “…federal elements…” and as the following definition from Black’s Law 4th Edition, 1968 defines as: FEDERAL. American Law. Belonging to the general government or union of the states. Founded on or organized under the constitution or laws of the United States. The United States has been generally styled, in American political and judicial writings, a "federal government." The term has not been imposed by any specific constitutional authority, but only expresses the general sense and opinion upon the nature of the form of government. In recent years, there is observable a disposition to employ the term "national" in speaking of the government of the Union. Neither word settles anything as to the nature or powers of the government. "Federal" is somewhat more appropriate if the government is considered a union of the states; "national" is preferable if the view is adopted that the state governments and the Union are two distinct systems, each established by the people directly, one for local and the other for national purposes. See United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542, 23 L.Ed. 588; Abbott; Mills, Representative Government 301; Freeman, Fed. Gov't.

EMPEROR. The title of the sovereign ruler of an empire. This designation was adopted by the rulers of the Roman world after the decay of the republic, and was assumed by those who claimed to be their successors in the "Holy Roman Empire," as also by Napoleon. "The sovereigns of Japan and Morocco are often, though with little propriety, called emperors." 10 Encyc. Amer. (1929), p. 300. In western speech the former sovereigns of Turkey and China were called emperors. Cent. Diet.

The title "emperor" seems to denote a power and dignity superior to that of a "king." It appears to be the appropriate style of the executive head of a federal government, constructed on the monarchial principle, and comprising in its organization several distinct kingdoms or other quasi sovereign states; as was the case with the German empire from

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1871 to 1918. "The proper meaning of emperor is the chief of a confederation of states of which kings are members." Cent. Dict., quoting Encyc. Brit.

"In general, an emperor is the holder of a sovereignty extending over conquered or confederated peoples, a king is ruler of a single people. Thus the 'King of England' is 'Emperor of India.' " Webster's New Int. Dict. Before the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire in November, 1918, its monarch was known as the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary.

Whereas we now realize that we are still a ‘conquered people’s’ through the employment of semantic deceit by which method we were falsely led to believe the contrary;

We say that even our Judges were deceived as evidenced by the following extract from THE FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO JUST ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION: JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION IN THE DEMOCRATIC SOUTH AFRICA A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY of RHODES UNIVERSITY by CLIVE PLASKET (Now Dr Plasket and Justice of HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA): “The postscript to the interim Constitution made this clear when it said that this Constitution provided a ‘historic bridge between the past of a deeply divided society characterised by strife, conflict, untold suffering and injustice, and a future founded on the recognition of human rights, democracy and peaceful co-existence and development opportunities for all South Africans, irrespective of colour, race, class, belief or sex’. The preamble of the final Constitution speaks of it healing the ‘divisions of the past’, establishing a society ‘based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental rights’ and laying ‘the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by law’.” [emphasis added]

We say that on every occasion that we ask people: “Is the current system of governance based on the will of the people?” and thus far, out of over 20 000 people we have asked have answered a resounding “NO!”

DEMOCRACY: Whereas we wish for ITNJ to assist and give guidance on certain key definitions as there is confusion as to what we have been assuming words to mean and what the adopted definition is; for example, ‘Democracy’ has many definitions which could mean POLITICAL DEMOCRACY which, too is a HIERARCHY as the CITIZEN is subject to the SOVEREIGN STATE, both legal fictions; and, as opposed to a pure democracy wherein the people are sovereign and as peers are subject to no-one and only grant the state limited powers; even the definition of ‘human’ is questionable and could mean something other than ‘people’.

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We say that it is mainly because of the use of semantic deceit by Officials that we, the people can now safely say that the current system is increasingly notorious for not being based on the will of the people and as a result no further case evidence is required; Dr. Plasket continues:

ABSTRACT “For most of its existence South African administrative law has been shaped by the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty – the heart of the constitutional order from 1910 to 1994 – and a racist political system that favoured the white minority at the expense of the black majority. In these circumstances, the rules of administrative law were of limited use in protecting the individual from exercises of administrative power that infringed fundamental human rights, often on a grand scale. On 27 April 1994, however, a new political and constitutional order came into existence that swept away the very foundations of the old order: parliamentary sovereignty was replaced by constitutional supremacy and the racial exclusivity of the old order was replaced by a commitment to equality, freedom and dignity in a democratic state. A justiciable Bill of Rights was at centre stage in this new order. That Bill of Rights includes a fundamental right to just administrative action. It is both the new constitutional order and this rather unusual fundamental right that have changed the nature of South African administrative law.

Whereas we were totally unaware of exactly what kind of “political order” had come into existence in 1994 as Ronnie Kasrils explains in this extract from his book ‘Armed and Dangerous’:: “From 1991 to 1996 the battle for the ANC's soul got under way, and was eventually lost to corporate power: we were entrapped by the neoliberal economy – or, as some today cry out, we "sold our people down the river". What I call our Faustian moment came when we took an IMF loan on the eve of our first democratic election.”

“It was a dire error on my part to focus on my own responsibilities and leave the economic issues to the ANC's experts. However, at the time, most of us never quite knew what was happening with the top-level economic discussions. As s Sampie Terreblanche has revealed in his critique, Lost in Transformation, by late 1993 big business strategies – hatched in 1991 at the mining mogul Harry Oppenheimer's residence – were crystallising in secret late- night discussions at the Development Bank of South Africa. Present were South Africa's mineral and energy leaders, the bosses of US and British companies with a presence in South Africa – and young ANC economists schooled in western economics. They were reporting to Mandela, and were either outwitted or frightened into submission by hints of the dire consequences for South Africa should an ANC government prevail with what were considered ruinous economic policies.”

Whereas it is evident that there is an enormous discrepancy between what the people as the real public believe to be true and the reality of the situation on the ground; again, semantic deceit being the primary culprit;

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Brief History of Southern Africa from 1510 to 1910: Whereas in order to once and for all heal the divisions of the past we need to take a brief historical look at how we came to be in this situation; we say that since the time of Sumeria and Babylon when kings declared themselves the SUPREME HEAD of Church and State as a HIERARCHY, that system has prevailed through the Holy Roman Empire and was transliterated and “assumed” by numerous usurpers until this day;

We say that since the various LORDS OF ADMIRALTY, all in fealty at various times to the Pope, Vatican City and Curia, set foot on the land of Africa there was struggle and strife; the first recorded conflict that we are aware of happening in 1510: "The Portuguese looked down on the 'savages' of the African continent, but they paid dearly for their arrogance when Francisco de Almeida, Viceroy of Portuguese India, was returning to Portugal in 1510. When his crew kidnapped some Khoi children al Table Bay to force the people to bring cattle for barter, the Khoikhoi launched a full size attack on the cream of the Portuguese nobility, killing fifty of the crew, including Almeida himself." (Smith & Pheiffer 1993:11)

Whereas, with the arrival of the Dutch East India Company (V.O.C) and the arrival of mercantile law on the tip of Southern Africa, shipping “Bills of Laden” were ready adapted as “Deeds of Title” and fraudulently declared because of failure to take the local oral tradition into account and claiming their notices un-contested; and, by assuming that African land can be “owned” as the Europeans claimed by abrogating the sacred ancient African customs: ALL people’s and tribes knew that the land belongs to the Creator and we, the people merely have right of use until abandoned or passed on through ancestral use;

At no point in time right until present day was any treaty made between the First People and the unlawful occupiers of what came to be known as the Cape Colony; and, the Khoi-Khoi and San Clans, nor have they been recognized nor granted any land voluntarily by their own sovereignty by government to date; instead government assumes and claims to have jurisdiction over these people when non were granted;

Whereas the taking and abuse of slaves by the Dutch and British and the cruelty of their courts is well documented; and, the in-humane capital punishments such as the cutting off of noses and ears; and, when the Burghers complained then resorting to permanently scarring them by lashing and the taking of slaves;

And, whereas it is well documented how the Empire used the frontiersmen and Settlers and Missionaries as the ‘frontlines’ to pave the way for occupation and “civilizing the

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And whereas the local African tribes were brutally subdued as well evidenced in the Xhosa Frontier wars since the first contact with Europeans as well as the later Zulu wars of Natal;

And whereas even the European Settlers were wishing to remove the yoke of CROWN supremacy military rule as documented in the following extract from: "The war in South Africa: The struggle between England and the associated peasant republics of Transvaal and Orange Free State outlined in his course." – 3rd war in South Africa - S. J. P. KRUGER. - President of the Republic of South Africa. Introduction. “The battle has fallen - the fuse is lit! In the same year that the great Peace Conference was held, the Power will, which it so loudly spoke for humanity and compassion, a small and brave nation of Farmers, whose only crime is that it stands up for its rights and independence, crushed under their shells and dum-dum bullets. Our hearts beat faster, because farmers are a descendent from the Former Netherlands Chen tribe; they are our flesh and our blood, and with fluttering eyes stares the Dutch virgin to sunny South.

They are our brothers! We cannot deny it, and with anxious hearts the fearful battle beholding, we pray to the Almighty God, that He may be the strong shield of the weak people, and we will cry - no, we'll cry as a cry of anger and anguish, so the sound will land to country, from ocean to ocean, and where once the Dutch tricolor has flown with honour, "England does killers work!"

Chamberlain, The Ahab craved the vineyard of Naboth without thought; and called up false witnesses against Naboth and Naboth must die, because he wants his vineyard, his paternal inheritance, not give it up.

It's ancient history; and while Chamberlain and his are rubbing their hands, the farmers will have to fight the beast that is called goldthirst and landhunger! And if God prevents it not, then the Transvaal and the Orange Free State will be wiped off the map; and a voice will rise in the weeping of the vast fields of South Africa by mourning-coloured widows and surviving orphans, a weeping that will be drowned out by the clapping and cheering on the Thames! However, the blood of the awake Farmer people will be splashed against the throne of Queen Victoria; England will cover themselves with eternal shame, and unto God judgments shall come up from the cry of the earth on this innocent shed blood!

Actually, the British army in South Africa mainly used the hollow-pointed bullet, known as model No. Q., but since that designation is lesser known and used and does not have the fear inducing effect of the dum-dum, I kept this name.

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The heart of the Boers is full of bitterness against England. The grudge is deep, and resentment is old. And since the rock of Slachtersnek cast her sombre shadow in the souls of the Dutch- Afrikaans people, there is a true, genuine reconciliation between the two white races, representing Christianity and civilization in South Africa, no question anymore.”

Brief History of Southern Africa from 1910 to 1994:

The continuous sell-out of the people of Southern Africa by our own people involving all colours and affiliations working hand-in-glove has thankfully been documented albeit from only a few; the following extracts are from a translation from Chapter 5 of “Volksverraad” (Folk Treason) by Adv. P.J. Pretorius who worked for 25 years for the National Intelligence Agency during the apartheid era: CHAPTER FIVE - BIRTH OF WHITE SOUTH AFRICA UNDER BRITISH RULE AS PAX BRITANNICA-EVENT FOREWORD “We know that the Illuminati manifested itself through the Pax Britannica and we learnt in the previous chapter that the Illuminati also took control of the Boere Republic and the Afrikanerdom. We will find in this Chapter that the Illuminati with its influence in the Freemasons as the driving force in the creation of the Union of White South Africa. We will learn that Pax Britannica manifests itself as a ‘United South Africa in the form of White South Africa and British rule. The Illuminati did not see the United South Africa (Union of South Africa) in isolation, but evaluated it against the background of a toll union (or governing body) between the then South Africa, Rhodesia and the Protectorates. This policy endured until 1948. Two important issues developed alongside Pax Britannica that created major political changes in South Africa, namely the re-awakening of Afrikaner Nationalism and the realization of a non- racial democracy (Pax Americana realization). Union creation in 1910 is interpreted in the South African political history as the result of a long and deep ideal towards Union between the Brit and Boer that stems from Cecil Rhodes’ Pax Britannica dream. Although the Illuminati did attempt to accommodate multi-racialism as part of South Africa’s constitutional development, it failed and White South Africa was born – a united South Africa. We know that the Freemasons yearning towards White unity had its origins before the Anglo-Boer- War and that both General Botha and Smuts were won over before this war for the Illuminati or British ideal of a united South Africa under British rule.”

We say that the oppression of the unlawful apartheid government during the 1950’s was rejected as evidenced by the Defiance Campaign and the declaration of the people in the 1955 Freedom Charter: The Freedom Charter is a unique document in that for the first time ever, the people were actively involved in formulating their own vision of an alternative society. The existing order of

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State oppression and exploitation which was prevalent in the 1950's (and earlier) was totally rejected.

The notion of a Charter was first mooted at the annual Congress of the African National Congress in August 1953. Prof Z K Mathews formally suggested convening a Congress of the People (C.O.P.) to draw up the Freedom Charter. The idea was adopted by the allies of the ANC, the South African Indian Congress, the South African Coloured People's Organisation and the South African Congress of Democrats.

The Congress of the People was not a single event but a series of campaigns and rallies, huge and small, held in houses, flats, factories, kraals, on farms and in the open. The National Action Council enlisted volunteers to publicise the C.O.P, educate the people, note their grievances and embark on a "million signatures campaign".

Thus when the people met on the 25th and 26th June 1955, the Congress of the People that was convened in Kliptown, near Johannesburg, represented a crucial historical moment in establishing a new order based on the will of the people. It brought together 2,844 delegates from all over the country. The Freedom Charter proclaims that ''South Africa belongs to all whom live in it" and that "all shall be equal before the law". It pledged to continue the struggle until a new democratic order was put into place. Hence, the Charter is a significant document because it embodies the hopes and aspirations of the people. The Charter was subsequently endorsed by the C.O.P.

1955 Freedom Charter Preamble: “We, The people of South Africa, declare for all our country and the world to know: That South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the People; That our people have been robbed of their birthright to land, liberty and peace by a form of government founded on injustice and inequality; That our country will never be prosperous or free until all our people live in brotherhood, enjoying equal rights and opportunities; That only a democratic state, based on the will of all the people, can secure to all their birthright without distinction of colour, race, sex or belief; And therefore we, the People of South Africa, black and white together - equals, countrymen and brothers - adopt this Freedom Charter. And we pledge ourselves to strive together, sparing neither strength nor courage, until the democratic changes here set out have been won.”

We say that we declare the same to be true; we are currently preparing a 2015/2016 Freedom Charter to embody our hopes and aspirations. History is merely repeating itself; the 1955 Freedom Charter is applicable today under the current system of governance too; only this time we do not need to incite violence or go to jail for 20 years

ITNJ Form 1 – Application to the Tribunal Page 10 of 21 before the government heeds to the will of the people; by now our rights ought to have been established once and for all; alas, it seems not;

Since 1994 to Present Day:

Whereas we say that it seems that sine 1994 we have increasingly become a FEDERAL system as evidenced by the growing numbers of government departments we find registered on Dunn & Bradstreet Corporation search site; and, as evidence by the growing numbers of Corporations registered in the U.S. Department of State under New York and Washington D.C. with the derivatives SOUTH AFRICA or PARLIAMENT;

US SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION: We aver that since the agreement made between United States Securities and Exchange Commission and The Financial Services Board and The Securities Regulation Panel of The Republic of South Africa on March 2nd 1995 and the banks placed in charge of RSA with the governing law New York and Joint Lead Managers: Barclays Capital, Citigroup; Co-Managers: Nedbank Capital, Rand Merchant Bank B&D: Citigroup we have been under FEDERAL and CORPORATION assimilation; this information is freely available from documents off the US SEC website; This brings to mind the following quote: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Re- charter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA: Whereas we are finding numerous “companies” listed as “Justice” which leads us to believe they are now operating for profit; the reason we say this is that our experience thus far has been that every original court order that we have requested from the COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA in question was found to be “missing” and could not be accounted for; often within 48 hours of the time from which said court order was issued; in which case, we believe the court orders to be traded as negotiable instruments and further investigation is warranted; we say that if this is the case then there is no valid record of law which invalidates all rulings in question and thereby invalidating their own ‘law’;

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We say that even Basson of the HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA was necessitated to decree and issue a directive early 2015 that representatives of the Master's Offices must sit in on every hearing relative to liquidations and sequestrations obviously with the purpose of governing these hearings. We applaud him. Advocate Basson has a huge task on his hands as the syndicates have been making an extremely comfortable living from their R 180 billion per year lifestyle; and that is only what was reported; the corruption runs right through; even the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa was suspended for improper conduct in 2014 which means the cancer is throughout the legislative body;

And, whereas in over 30 court appearances the COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA have refused common-law venue outright; And, whereas we have first-hand witnesses of how on occasion the Judges in court openly display their disdain, sneer, jeer, disregard, refuse, coerce, entrap and without conscience proceed against us in favour of the banks and fsps and in total disregard of our substantive counter-claims, instead, working hand-in-glove and judging in favour of the banks or corporations, notwithstanding the glaring facts; only a conquered people’s and slaves get this type of derision; we have become denizens on the land;

As a result, the Government, Police, Sheriffs and Military merely follow orders of the court in favour of the sovereign corporate state, which is obviously their duty; however, this leads us to no recourse or redress especially in cases where we can prove the fraud; and, when we do eventually set the banks down the entire court abandons the case so as not to change precedent; and, thus far, not a single Judge is willing to change the status quo;

As there are only ‘Judges’ and no ‘Judex’ in the COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, we can clearly see that there is no court on the land that will to give venue to people who do not deem themselves to be “subjects”, “citizens”, “persons” to a state which now deems itself sovereign and therefore enforces its ‘will’ on those innocently claiming to be a legal fiction by misunderstanding LEGALESE to be English and in most cases employed by known and deceitful use of semantics aka capitis diminution maxima; and, unless this is remedied immediately, it could be construed as an unjust legal system and by deduction could imply slavery as this is not to the will of we, the people; we say that UZA is there to fill this vacuum which has formed with respect to living law and for the COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA to respect our courts as well as our judgements on cases transferred for good cause;


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Whereas there are now rapidly growing numbers of we, the people on the land of Southern Africa who have declared that these CORPORATIONS DO NOT EXIST and if we believe them to be merely imaginary then so it is;

And, whereas after hundreds of years of being under the yoke of Pax Britannica and Pax Romana and now Pax Americana we have now finally accepted the duty which the act of sovereignty requires under onerous title in order to govern ourselves;

Intervention by the International Tribunal for Natural Justice:

Whereas the first matter to address is the current locus standi of the Justices as well as the ‘Constitutional Court of South Africa’ and ‘Republic of South Africa’ and all derivatives thereof;

Therefore, we wish for the ITNJ to act as Referees in order to properly determine our relationship with the above-named, specifically, by assessing from the 2015.10.29 UZA v. RSA INC. Bill of Plaint and to write a locus standi report based on our concerns and to separate fact from misconceptions with possible recommendations on how to proceed in order to find remedy in this dispute; and to do it in such a way so as not to prejudice your integrity, but that we be sufficiently informed of the reality in the minds of the herein-named Justices so as to have the same congruent truth regarding the herein;

This is a basic tenet which is required before we can proceed in the matter; Additionally, the Defendants have been stonewalling us because of this very issue and hence we have been unable to determine the facts; the Justices will more than likely only respond to a recognized peer such as the Chief Justice of the ITNJ;

Therefore, we wish to grant the ITNJ special power of attorney to act on our behalf as granted by UZA and to enter into communications with the herein-named if necessary in order to compile a sufficient report which will enable us to make a lawful determination on how to proceed and as to what remedies are available in order to seek redress;

And, once the determinations are made to then perfect the Application for judicial review in regards to this case;

Whereas we firmly believe that at least 90% of the people would no longer wish to participate in the system if they knew they were operating as conquered peoples under rule of a foreign sovereign power defined as a HIERARCHY if they were educated in the truth;

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PROPERTY OF HM THE QUEEN: And, in the event that we are deemed property of Pax Britannica and or Pax Romana and or Pax Americana then we wish for ITNJ to assist us in determining who the authorized agents of the creditors and claimants are in order that we may offer to settle by resolution, payment or duel in the event that an act of war is declared on us;

Resolution: In the event of a resolution, we, the people are preparing an interim representative declaration on remedies according to the ‘old authorities’ and in accordance with the lawful original jurisdiction definitions, objects, purport, interpretation and spirit of the Republic of South Africa and its limited authority granted by the independent and sovereign states with town forms of public de jure municipal forms of government;

Payment: In the event that a debt is owed, as in the case of the IMF, in which case we wish a True Bill so as to contract, settle and close the books on the account according to GAAP;

Audit before Payment: In the event that a payment is required, in which case we wish for a comprehensive, independent audit by a commission of our choice on all collateral wealth which was extracted from Southern Africa, taking into account that there is no limitation on fraud and taking into account that the Bank of England declared money to merely be an IOU in their 2014 quarterly report;

War: and, in the event the respective claimant wishes to declare war, in which case brother- thomas will abandon his title as brother to all people by ancestor to Adam, and, under onerous title enter into servitude scut as freemen-knight of we, the people and challenge the male heir to the throne of the respective kingdom in question in a Court of Chivalry to a duel by mutual consent in order to settle the dispute with honour and so as to avoid any further bloodshed;

We solemnly affirm under the pains and penalty of perjury that the herein is deemed to be true and correct to the best of our knowledge unless proven otherwise in which case we will withdraw the erroneous charge and humbly reconcile and amend our ways;

Sincerely, ex causa onerosa, Administrator UZA

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4. Consent to application

The following parties consent to the application:

562 people consented and made a vote of no confidence in the current system of governance: vOjz1xO6eqRlkzQ/edit?pli=1#gid=0

In addition, we have over 8 000 wet ink autographs of people who made a vote of no confidence in the current system from 2013;

We have recently been approached by an association of at least 50 000 people who will vote in support of our action which is constitutionally sufficient to declare, endorse and implement the remedies which are finally accepted should the ITNJ rule in our favour;

Letters remitted via email: dated:

Notice of Motion - UZA 2015.10.20 Founding Affidavit - UZA 2015.10.20 Invitation from UZA 2015.10.20 SAPS Notice 2015.10.19

The following parties object to this application:

We are awaiting response from the herein-named in this matter; none since 24th of June 2013;

See attached letter(s) dated:

5. Other relevant information

More information on our Constitutional Court actions and documents posted at:

Annexures and herein are also posted at

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Respondent’s full name: REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA and SOUTH AFRICA and PARLIAMENT and ALL REGISTERED derivatives thereof; Original status: Respondent


Name: Chief Justice Deputy Chief Justice Justice Justice Justice Justice Justice Johann van der Westhuizen Justice Justice Justice

Firm Name: Constitutional Court of South Africa

Address: Telephone no: Private Bag X 1 Fax no: Constitution Hill DX no: Braamfontein Ref: 1 Hospital Street Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng Constitution Hill Tel: +27 11 359-7414 Braamfontein Fax: +27 11 403-8898 Fax to Email: 0866493304

Postcode: 2017 Deputy Chief Justice Moseneke

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Tel: +27 11 359-7442 Fax: +27 11 403-8883 Switchboard: Fax to Email: 0866492855 +27 11 359-7400 Email: [email protected] Justice Cameron Tel: +27 11 359-7444 Director of the Constitutional Court: Fax: +27 11 403-8888 Tel: +27 11 359-7459 Fax to Email: 0866499143 Fax: +27 11 339-5098 Fax: 0866491253 Justice Froneman Email: [email protected] Tel: +27 11 359-7417 Fax: +27 11 403-9131 Registrar of the Constitutional Court: Fax to Email: 0866494025 Tel: +27 11 359-7400 Fax: +27 11 339-5098 Justice Jafta Fax: 0866493626 Tel: +27 11 359-7445 Email: [email protected] Fax: +27 11 359- 8743 Fax to Email: 0866493304 General office: of the Constitutional Court (Court Justice Khampepe cases): Tel: +27 11 359-7410 Tel: +27 11 359-7468 Fax to Email: 0866492828 Fax: +27 11 403-6524

Fax: 0866492466 Justice Nkabinde Email: [email protected] Tel: +27 11 359-7482

Fax: +27 11 403-9130 Library of the Constitutional Court: Fax to Email: 0866493531 Tel: +27 11 359-7400

Fax: +27 11 403-4640 Justice Madlanga Fax: 0866493626 Tel: +27 11 359-7540 Email: [email protected] Fax: +27 11 403-9131

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Fax to Email: 0866491062

Justice van der Westhuizen Tel: +27 11 359-7427 Fax: +27 11 403-9132 Fax to Email: 0866490680

Justice Zondo Tel: +27 11 359-7480 Fax: +27 11 359-7449 Fax to Email: 0865296511


How would you prefer us to communicate with you?

Email Post Other (please specify):


Respondent’s full name: Judicial Service Commision Original status: Co-Respondent

Agent (if applicable)

Name: Mr Sello Chiloane

Address: Telephone no: +27 +11 838 2010 Private Bag X 1 Fax no: 086 619 0944 Constitution Hill DX no: Braamfontein Ref: 1 Hospital Street Constitution Hill Braamfontein

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Postcode: 2017

Email: [email protected]

How would you prefer us to communicate with you?

Email Post Other (please specify):


Co-Respondent’s full name: Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Original status: Co-Respondent

Agent (if applicable)

Name: Minister TM Masutha, MP Minister’s PA: Ms. Shoneez Africa

Address: Telephone no: +27 +12 406 4719 Private Bag X276 Fax no: +27 +12 406 4680 PRETORIA, 0001 +27 +12 315 1749 SALU Building, 28th Floor, DX no: 316 Thabo Sehume Street Ref:

Postcode: 0001

Email: [email protected]


Respondent’s full name: Deputy Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development Original status: Co-Respondent

Agent (if applicable)

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Name: Deputy Minister J Jeffery, MP

Address: Telephone no: +27 +12 406 4854 Private Bag X395 Fax no: +27 +12 406 4878 PRETORIA DX no: Ref: SALU Building, 26th Floor, 316 Thabo Sehume Street

Postcode: 0001

Email: [email protected]

How would you prefer us to communicate with you?

Email Post Other (please specify):


Name: The National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa

HEAD OFFICE: Victoria & Griffiths Telephone no: +27 (0)12-845-6000 Mxenge (VGM Building) Fax no: none given DX no: Physical Address: Ref: VGM Building (Corner Westlake & Hartley) 123 Westlake Avenue Weavind Park, Silverton Pretoria, 0184

Postal Address:

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P/Bag X752 Pretoria 0001

Email: [email protected]

How would you prefer us to communicate with you?

Email Post Other (please specify):

Please return this completed form electronically to each of the following:

Andrea Jacques, Interim Registrar:

[email protected]

Julie-Anne Pho, Associate Lawyer to Sir John Walsh of Brannagh:

[email protected]

Please return this completed form in hard copy via registered mail to:

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice Julie-Anne Pho Associate Lawyer to Sir John Walsh of Brannagh Owen Dixon Chambers 205 William St Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 Australia

Please note that this application form may be submitted electronically with hard copy to follow; the hard copy form may be later included in the same envelope with all required notarized Affidavits of Service, to be sent to the ITNJ via registered mail.

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