Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1996 Daily Egyptian 1996 11-21-1996 The Daily Egyptian, November 21, 1996 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 82, Issue 66 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1996 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1996 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. .,Inside: Glyph inY,estiga~es Stµdem: Progra,mrping Council's campLis'entertainment Ii. November Thu rs~-. _YB_ ~-. _Daily gyptian . 1996 &:, iL Southern llhno1s University at Carbondale · : . ···· · ~-- · Vol. 82, No. 66, 12 pages H· I Prov:ost finalists vie for position during meeting ·By William Hatfield· "We have to ask;our.;clv1!$ what Daily Ei;yplian Reporter' we have lo offer lo freshmen:• Winters said. "We need lo explain the differ S1udcn1 Affairs anti Academic ences from our competitors 1ha1 Affairs should work 1ogc1hcr lo should make the Uni\·crsily anmc• solve University-wide problems. ti\·c lo undergraduates and their par• two canditlalc.s fo~ SIUC vice chan cnls." - ccl ltir of Academic ,\ffairs and Jackson agreed that Stutlenl provost said as they were inlcr Affairs and Academic Affairs need vicwcJ in an open meeting to work togc1hcr much more olicn. Wednesday · •·Mv views arc we have become Margaret E. Winlers. a.ssucialc J1..-cornpa1tmen1alizl-tl. and I vice cham:ellor for- Academic think Student Affairs and Academic Affairs. anti John S. Jackson Ill. Affairs have pn:11y much gone their dean oflhe College of LihcrJI Ans.