Diamond Jubilee 75Th Anniversary

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Diamond Jubilee 75Th Anniversary Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific l<nowledge, policies, or practices. : Nasturtiums Double G/eam Hybrids This is a collection of gorgeously colored, double, sweet-scented flowers of dazzling beauty. One of the most impor- tant introductions of the plant-world, and one that is assured universal popu- larity. Pkt. 25 cts. Also available in the two separate colors listed below Double Golden Gleam. Golden yellow. Pkt. 10 cts. Double Scarlet Gleam. Fiery scarlet. Gold Medal Ail-American Selection, 1934. Pkt. 25 cts. CATALOGUE •48« TDiamondJubilee 75th Anniversary 6o GRIFFITH ScTURNERCO. ;05-2l5 N.PacaSr.(Bi-anch:30S.CalveKl-Sh.) BALTIMOP£,MD. TELEPHONE CAL. 1300 Keep your Law 71 growing luxuriantly by applying our Special Grass Fertilizer each spring and jail 5 lbs. 35 cts. 10 lbs. 60 cts. 25 lbs. $1.25 50 lbs. $2.00 100 lbs. $3.50 Gross Seed Mixtures GRIFFITH & TURNER CO.'S IMPERIAL TURF MIXTURE. This superb quality of grass seed is correctly proportioned to give that Old English effect and is noted for its complete adaptability to variations in soil, climate, and other conditions. Weighs over 25 pounds to the measured bushel, which is an exceptional weight for lawn seed, and heavy seed means pure seed of highest quality free from weeds and chaff. Lb. 55 cts.; 3 lbs. SI. 55; 5 lbs. S2.50; 10 lbs. S4.75; 20 lbs. S9; 100 lbs. S42. GRIFFITH & TURNER CO.'S EVERGREEN LAWN GRASS. We recommend this lor large areas and on small places where the extreme fineness of the turf is not so important. It is composed of fme recleaned grasses and White Dutch Clover of the highest purity and vitality, carefully proportioned to give a green lawn throughout the summer. Weighs 22 pounds to the measured bushel. Lb. 40 cts.; 3 lbs. SI. 15; 5 lbs. SI. 85; 10 lbs. S3.60; 20 lbs. S7; 100 lbs. S32.50. GRIFFITH & TURNER CO.'S BENT FORMULA. This is composed of varieties which will make a permanent, luxuriant turf, finer in te.xture than a lawn of the ordinary type. Con- taining a liberal proportion of Creeping Bent Grass, it is deep, rich green in color and produces the effect of a soft rug, endur- ing from early spring until covered by snow. Weighs 28 pounds to the measured bushel. Lb. 75 cts.; 3 lbs. S2.15; 5 lbs. S3. 50; 10 lbs. S6.75; 20 lbs. S13; 100 lbs. S62.50. GRIFFITH & TURNER CO.'S TERRACE SOD MIXTURE. A mixture of grasses that will produce strong, spreading roots, Making and withstanding drought and sun, and thriving on shallow soils. If slope is very severe, sow along with each pound of seed 1 quart of oats for every 100 square feet of lawn, to help Maintaining a Lawn prevent washing by heavy rains. Lb. 55 cts.; 3 lbs. $1.55; Early spring and late summer arc most lavorablc 5 lbs. S2.50; 10 lbs. S4.75; 20 lbs. S^; 100 lbs. S42. for making or renovating a lawn. Dig the soil to a GRIFFITH & TURNER CO.'S SHADY NOOK GRASS. A inches, thoroughly pulverize same. mixture of the shade-tolerant grasses, properly blended, that depth of 6 and will do well under trees and other shady nooks in the garden. Apply Griffith & Turner Co.'s Grass Fertilizer at the Sow seed at the rate of one pound to every 200 square feet, rate of 100 pounds per 2,000 square feet, and rake and apply lime, 50 pounds to every 1,000 : quare feet. In in well. Sow one of our Special Lawn Formulas at very stubborn cases it may be necessary to renovate for several the rate of 1 pound for every 200 square feet, and years to obtain fall, a rich green sward. If so, add lime each then rake very lightly, after which roll. Under as directed above, and sow seed at the rate of one pound to favorable conditions the grass should germinate in every 300 square feet. Lb. 55 cts.; 3 lbs. SI. 55; 5 lbs. S2.50; about 10 days. Do not sprinkle a new lawn with 10 lbs. S4.75; 20 lbs. S9; 100 lbs. S42. first weeks, unless the seeding GRIFFITH & TURNER CO.'S SEASHORE LAWN GRASS. water for the three is followed hot, dry weather, but after this A mixture of grasses that are especially suitable for lawns by very required. applica- at the seashore. In preparing the soil, work in a liberal amount time it should be watered as An of sheep manure and top-dress with about 4 inches of good tion of our Grass Fertilizer each year, using hali the top soil, as grasses will not grow well in pure sand. Lb. 50 cts.; quantity suggested above, will keep your grass in a 3 lbs. S1.40; 5 lbs. S2.25; 10 lbs. S4.25; 20 lbs. S8.25; 100 lbs. healthy condition. S33.50. mixture of PARK LAWN GRASS (Low-priced Mixture). A WHITE DUTCH CLOVER, 'i^h. 20 cts.; li^h. 30 less Suitable where La^vn Grass expensive than our Evergreen. cts.; lb. 50 cts.; 10 lbs. S4.50. a fine lawn is not required. Lb. 30 cts.; 100 lbs. S25. Separate varieties of grasses described on page 40 GRIFFITH & TURNER CO., 205 N. PACA ST., BALTIMORE, MP. 1 FERTILIZER FOR FARM LAWN AND GARDEN ESSKAY QUALITY Vigoro nourishes plants properly be- PLANTFOOD cause it is the com- GORO plete plant A complete organic fertilizer con- food, sisting of blood, bonemeal, tankage containing all of the blended for T;ss/G4ytg and potash scientifically elements scientists Flowers, Lawns, Vegetables, Trees J- QUALITY-/ have proved plants ^ and Shrubs. It is economical, NON Beauty in Aum^ cunA 3ilo\ovii BURNING, and pleasant to use. It must get from the PLANT soil leaves no acid FOOH builds up the and soil. Use at the rate r A COMPLETE FERTILIZERFOR^ residue. Approved and recommended lAWNS. SHRUBBERY, TBEES.FLOWEmS by Florists, Nurserymen, and Gar- of 1 lb. to 50 sq. ft. ; ANP VEGETABLE CARDENS ^ deners everywhere. Prices: SOIL-PREP Prices P. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS :g 100-lb. Bag_83.00 10-Ib. Bag_-$0.65 L WITROGEN S0OX = 50-lb. Bag__ 2.00 2-lb. Bag_ .20 Soil-Prep, a scientific soil condition- 100-lb. bag r AWIUBIE PHOSPHDWCACID a0O»-^ 25-lb. Bag— 1.25 er, rich in humus and plant food value. 50-lb. bag "Will texturize light sandy and heavy 25-lb. bag THE WM. SCM[»°IJ.I(|)|(IIUiB clay soils. > 10-lb. bag BALTIMORE, m. LOMA 5-lb. bag_..$0.30 50-lb. bag_.$1.75 10-lb. bag.... .50 100-lb. 5-lb. pkg l-lb. Can_...90.15 25-lb. Bag....$1.50 bag_ 2.50 25-lb. bag._. 1.00 12-oz. pkg 5-lb. Can ... .50 50-lb. Bag_ 2.50 10-lb. Bag.... .85 100-lb. Bag__ 4.00 HYPER-HUMUS G. & T. CO.'S GARDEN FERTILIZER Fine for Lawns, Shrubbery and Flowers. It conserves moisture, puts organic matter in the soil and cultivates bac- A complete fertilizer for Flowers, Shrubbery, Vegetables, teria. 100 lb. bag $2.00, 500 lbs. $8.75, 1,000 lbs. $15.00. etc. Use at the rate of 1 pound to 50 square feet. 5 lbs. 35c, 10 lbs. 60c, 25 lbs. $1.25, 50 lbs. $2.00, 100 lbs. $3.50. NEW VIGORO SPREADER Little Vigoro, G. Cr T. CO.'S GRASS FERTILIZER 14 -in. $1.20 A well balanced fertilizer that will keep your lawn in a Model B Vigoro, healthy condition. For new lawns use 100 lbs. for every 2,000 14-in. 2.70 square feet. For renovating old lawns use 100 lbs. for every Junior V 1 ^o r o, 4,000 square feet, mixed with several times its bulk of top soil. 16-in. L 5.60 5 lbs, 35c, 10 lbs. 60c, 25 lbs. $1.25, 50 lbs. $2.00, 100 lbs. $3.50. Standard Vigoro, 24-in. I- 10.55 G. & T. CO.'S ROSE FOOD Special Vigoro, 3 6-in. 17.25 A fertilizer specially prepared for the proper growth of Use a Vigoro Spreader Roses and for the control of root pests. Use a trowelful, thor- for results. oughly mixed with the soil, before setting out new bushes and apply a liberal dusting each Spring and Fall. 5 lbs. SOc, 10 lbs. 85o, 25 lbs. $1.50, 50 lbs. $2.50, 100 lbs. $4.00. PULVERIZED SHEEP MANURE HAS NO RIVAL Valuable in a run-down city garden, as it adds humus and SOFT GBOTTS'D BONE—The old standby. Made from softer vegetable matter which are essential for all vegetation. It material than the regular ground bone. Contains some meat may also be used at the rate of 40 to 50 pounds to every 1,000 and blood. Fine for lawns, roses, shrubbery, and flowers. square feet in a dry form, or 500 to 1,000 pounds per acre. Price, 5 lbs, 25c, 10 lbs, 45c, 25 lbs, $1.00, 50 lbs. $1.50, Makes the richest and safest liquid manure, using 1 pound 100 lb. bag $2.50, 167 lb. bag' $4.00. to 5 gallons of water once a week. PXTBE BONE MEAIk—A good article for lawns, shrubbery, For Greenhouse Plants mix one part to about 10 parts of etc soil. Price, 5 lbs. SOc, 10 lbs. 50c, 25 lbs. $1.25, 50 lbs. $1.75, Price, 5 lbs. 25c, 10 lbs. 45c, 25 lbs. 85c, 50 lbs. $1.25, 100 100 lbs. $2.50, 167 lb.
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