HOSIERY AND MERCERY DEPARTMENT WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT MACKINTOSH DEPARTMENT R E AD Y-M ADE DEPARTMENT I ob*#"e tjj ade an order fill AT AT MR. T. H. DODD, m l„s than £o *• t*V HOWSON & RE AY WINPENNY & SONS WINPENNY & SONS WINPENNY & SONS WINPENNY & SONS RESIDENT of tb« poor m Foi S Well Stuck-cl with Wool mid Mori 10 Unler- S tbo Largest, Choicest, and Best Selected Stock in OU get Good Value in Boys' aad Youths' Over­ trle qualifica • • S complete vi'.h Winter Suitings, Trouserings, Tlj Aro now Showing I Vests and P*n(t, Brace?, Gloves, K.its, Caps, . Overcoatings, and Ulster Cloths. [ the District. coats, Men's Overcoats and Cjvert Coats. DENTAL SURGEON £2o. i« cU Cardie»n Jackets. Y composition <'f Bi FIRST-CLASS TAILORING. Proofing Guaranteed, or Coats Exchanged. BOYS' AND YOUTnS' SUITS. Teeth Painlessly Extracted under NEW GOODS Birk'.r's Unshrinkable Shirts end Flannels. Nitrous-oxide Gas, or with Cocaine In all Departments. TTfce Teteran ar.i KOKEBT SCHOOL. SALE THIS DAY. Cleveland Arms Assembly Rooms, -in- 73. GALGATE, BARNARD CASTLE. lygen severely ill osj l^oit ASH r to hie bouse for at/ WANiED C CONCERT will be inven by the Children attend­ FARMERS' AUCTION MART, BARNARD Tee*dale. OOD Antique Gold and Silver Watches, Jewel. A ing the Day School, assisted by Friends, on HOS. SHAW will 8ell by Auction, o» SATURDAY, beet attention of r LARGE DELIVERY OF CASTLE. ood •<><* kind - FRIDAY, DEC. 2nd, 1892. Doors open at 0-30; T DECEMBER 3RD, 1842, the following Household e V lery, Coins, Medals, Sterling Silver Tea and Concert, at 7. Admission: Front Seats, Is.; Second AIRY COWS sold at !0 o'clock, Fat sold at 12 FURNITURE and Effects, comprising :—Painted MR. G. BEST travels bill and da] DRESS MATERIALS, CoEfeo Services, Tankard, Muffine;r», Spoons, Old Seats, Od. Proceeds for Day School. D o'clock. The Dairy Cows from the Breeders, press, 2 painted cheffonier bedsteads, 1 do. (new), 1 8URGEON DENTIST, calamity b»s befall and the Fat from the best Local Feeders. JJarningbam — dro« Sheffield Plate, Chippendale and Onk Furniture, walnut loo table, f> mahogany hair-seated chairs, 4 IN PLAIN AND FANCY DESIGNS. ATTENDS BARNARD CASTLE EVERY d brought hi* ll Will the People of Woodland and District kindly At 1 o'clock will be sold a Clever HACKNEY, 8 Windsor chairs, longsettle, 1 half-tester iron bedstead, an Clocks, China, Pictures, Bronzes, etc. 2 pairs straw mattresses, 1 spring mattress, 1 hair do, after bis condition! REMEMBER THE yean old, belonging to J. Archer, Esq., Rokeby Grove, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, quiet to ride and drive ; also a splendid Chesnut 2 good feather beds, a quantity of kitchen utensils, pride, and the gee] THE BEST PRICK GIVEN BY NTERTAINMENT of Vocal and Instrumental pots, pans, etc., and a host of other useful articles; AT reproduce a letter! Music to be given in the New Assembly Rooms, PONY, 7 years old, quiet to ride and drive;* good Double Width Meltons, Plain and E also a large consignment (from Staffordshire) of j^ilbat-k on the oei J. KENNEDY, Woodland, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7TII, 1892, by DOG CART, and a SILVER-MOUNTED SET OF BUCKLE'S FANCY REPOSITORY, HARNESS. CHINA and EARTHENWARE, dinner, tea, and park '- Monday, 211 Checked, 9-Jd., 1/1}, 1/4. WATCHMAK E"R AND JEWELLER, the MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE WESLEYAN No. 3, GALGATE are very glad inde CHOIR. See Bills. toilet sets. Messrs. TARN * BAINBRIDGE, Auctioneers. Other consignments received up to time of sale. care of jourself, 27, GALGATE, BARNARD CASTLE. When Dr Munro u. BARNARD CASTLE LOCAL BOARD OF Sale at 12-30 o'clock. TO CORRESPONDENTS. END for a DRESS of our TEESDALE SERGE, Horse Market, Middleton-in-Teesdale. tbe brougham fori HEALTH. FARMERS' MART, BARNARD CASTLE. Every contribution must be authenticated (in COBSIW— in Black and Navy Blue. Now in tuch demand. with the name of the writer. wanjt^^ Sir has r* S jou some move gr 1/3, 1/6, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6 per yard. These Goods are AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS. CHRISTMAS FAT. Maitland Cottage, Woodland. We decline to return reiected communications. TRY W. NEVISON, We cannot insert anonymous replies to letters th»t v. account of you fri FAST DT«, and can with ccn6denee recommend them. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that, pursuant R R. ARMSTRONG, honoured with instruc­ appeared with the real names and addresses of the • tt, friend, AI.ISE Ml to the " Public Health Act, 1875," the Accounts On WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14TH, 1892, the follow­ tions from Mrs J. Lowe, who is declining eiceptimr that when »u aaonvmoas oorro^poad«lt* MARKET PLACE; M Samaritan ism navel N ing SPECIAL PRIZES will be given, namely :— farming, will Sell by Auction, on SATURDAY, DEC. mtnees a discussion, he may continue to write anon*™ of the said Locil Board of Health, from the 25th day whether his opponents give their real names and add**' family to all deal B A RNARD CASTLE, For Best Fat Bullock - - - 20s. 10TH, 1892, the following FARMING STOCK, Crop a of March, 1891, to the 25th dav »f March, 1892, will or not. "SHi sincerity, I t»y toed New Fancy Black Materials, Second ..... 10s, and Implements of Husbandry, comprising:—3 For Hotii6 Made Shirts be Audited and Examined by CHARLES LDXMORE whole country. Ld For Best Fat Heifer .... 20s. young cows, spring calvers ; 2 heifer calves, G montbs HOCKIN, ESQ., Auditor of the Durham District, in THE and sffections of Ns] For Cheapest and Best Knit Stockings the Board Room, Witham Testimonial, Barnard Cas­ Second ..... 10s. old ; 2 bull calves, 6 months old; 2 twice-crossed For Best Pen of 10 Fat Shearlings - 20s. gimmer shearlings, 1 gnat, a good pony, rising 0 Splendid Choice in For Blankets, Rugs, Sheets, Flannels tle, on WEDNESDAY, THE 21ST'DAY OF DECEMBER, 1892, at 9-30 a.m. ; and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Second ..... 10s. years old, stands about 144 hands high, and stinted to WOOL WRAPS SHAWLS For Dress Materials, Corsets, Gloves that such Accounts will be Deposited at the Office of For Best Pork Pig .... 10s. Little Wonder; filly foal, by Little Wonder ; a young The Local Gove! cur dog, 16 hens and 2 cockerels. Implements : A FURS CORSET3 For Ladies' and Gents' Under-Clothing the Clerk of the said Local Board, 43, Galgate, Bar­ Second - - - 5s. themselves the tro« nard Castle, from and after the 10th day of December, ENTRIES AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. good coup cart, shelving*, new trap. sin^Ie-bor^e mow­ BARNARD CASTLE, NOV. 3UtbTi89a tbe urban sanitary SKIRTS UMBRELLAS For Stylish DRESSMAKING, and at Reason­ 1892, where the same may be Inspected, during Office ing machine, bay sweep, chaff cutter, wheelbarrow, 2 tbe subject of • •« ladders, grindstone, 2 saws and axes, 2 sets of harness, tbe sbo- making tra DENT'S KID & WOOLLEN GLOVES. able Prices. Fit and Stylo Guaranteed. Hours, up to the 21st dav of Decemher, 1892. W SALE THIS DAY. THE Local Government Board hjre set of cart gears, back-bands and traces, saddle and out »t Barnard CaJ MACHINE KNIT HOSIERY. JOHN NIXON, BARNARD CASTLE NEW AUCTION MART. decided that there shall be a new system of Clerk of the Barnard Castle Board of Health. bridle, ropes, chains, cow chains, churn, butter scales, be in manufacturing milk bowls, rakes, forks, gripes, spades, hay spade, drainage for the exceptionally healthy TiLW spread of disease bjl Barnard Castle, November 29tb, 1892. HE next Sale will be held on WEDNESDAY, 30rn ONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Barnard Castle, shovels, a quantiiy of fence rails and posts, also a new of Startforth. It will doubtless hereafterbe tbe system is prac'il ' Sunday Next, December 4'h, 1892.—Preacher, T NOVEMBER. From 140 to 160 New Calved and stack cover, and a variety of other useful articles. found that the mandate is more easily issued, Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary C J. DAWSON & SON, Calving Cows and Heifers, Fat and Store Cattle and REV. B. WILKINSON. Morning, 10-30; subject, Crop : 1 stack of well-won bay (about 6 tons) and a than carried into effect. That the conclusion Sheep. Provision for Cattle all night. stack of bedding, to be taken off the premises; 17 Tbe Sanitary Ci "Paul's Conversion." Evening, 0-30; subject, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS arrived at by the central authority it Woollen Underclothing. JOHN E. THOMPSON, Saoretary. acres of meadow and pasture eatage, until the Cth day JJocal Board of Heal "Beware of Covetousnets.'' Whorlton : RH.V. W. BARNARD CASTLE, of April, 1893. shameful hardship upon a hamlet "by u0 really useful work LADIES COMBINATIONS, UNDER VESTS RAISTRICK. YIT ILL be greatly obliged to their Friends for the means wealthy few will deny, whereas' the loads of ashes in • I * ™ RETURN, at their Earliest Convenience, of all Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. AND BODICES. GEORGE HARKER, means which have been adopted to brin? flltb is reeularly RIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH, Newgate, EMPTY SPIRIT JARS bearing their name and that - Langleydale, Barnard Castle. NATURAL WOOL FLANNELS & SHIRTINGS. AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ESTATE AND reform. Not only ( Barnard Ca-tle, Dec. 4:h, 189:.'.—Preacher, of Eeles and Thompson, in order to meet the require­ about such a result are notoriouslv question, P HOUSE AGENT, Horse Market Sale Rooms, Barnard Castle. should constantly REV. W. RAISTRICK. Morning, 10-30; subject, ments of the coming Season, able. No sooner, however, is the letter to observances, and tbJ "Old Testament Idea of Life." Evening, 0 30; BARNARD CASTLE. Sale of Household Appointments, Silver and Electro- J. D. & S. hold a Large arid Well-selected Stock of hand announcing the result of the lite in tbia respect. T»J subject, " New Testament Idea of Life." Plate, Glass, China, Bed and Table Linen, and Out­ BLANKETS, Wines and Spirits, and all Orders kindly entrusted to LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL COMMISSION door Effects. inquiry—which as everyone knows had bas been pointed them will have their prompt and careful attention. AGENT. ESSRS. W. C. & J. WETHERELL, favoured reference alone to the drainage of the Xortb. Martin : " These an On Monday, December 12tb, department io this 7/-, 9/6, 11/6, 13/9, 15/6, 17/9, All Goods forwarded carriage paid. Certificated Bailiff under the Agricultural Holdings with instructions from the Trustees of the late Riding village—then Darlington wilful mis. REV. J. G. BINNEY WILL LECTURE M Act. Miss E. Robinson, wdl Sell by Public Auction, on representation begins. The so-called pollu. to 30/- Pair. ON MONEY. Friday, December 2nd, 1892, the whole of the valuable An interesting Garfield : the Man and his Work. RESIDENCE :—8, BEDE TERRACE. Household FURNITURE, and other Effe-ts, removed tion of the Tees, which has again and a»aiii £T BENJAMIN, 17 Albert Road, Middlesbrough almost tame condiU Postal and Telegraph Address:—" DARKER, Acc- for convenience of sale to Mr Parkinson's Sale Roims, been magnified and intensified for a well, lit is now ready to make Advances from £10 to in tbe current numfc from the residence, 17, Galuate, Barnard Castle, cox- known commercial purpose, is once more GRAND DISPLAY OF CT7ESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPEL, Bernard .£500 upon Promissory Note alone to Farmers, Trade- TIOKEER, BARNARD CASTLE." Society's magazine, prising set of handsome mahogany dining tables, wi-h W Castle.—Sunday Next, Dec. 4th, 1892.— men, and others, in town or country, at the following raked-up. But, giving the critics all tether living in a but bet Sales, Commissions, and Valuations of every Descrip­ extra leaves ; very fins walnnt cheff >ni-r, with large Millinery, Ladies' and Chil­ Morning-, 10 30 ; Evening, G-30. Preacher, REV. rates :— to what does the whole thing amount ? The mouth of I>ocb tion undertaken. (Prompt Settlements). plate glass back, and centre pinel and marble slab ; J. MACKINTOSH. achieved this result. I £10, Interest 20s. 1 mahogany chiffonier, mahogany bookcase, mahogany hands of the Teesdale Sanitary Board—a dren's Jackets and Mantles, Resigned from the Karmers' Auction Mart Co., very young by a cal £15, Do. 30s. \ Larger amounts in Droportion; sofa, mahogany couch, in hair seating ; 8 mahogany body which has always been progressive- May 11th, 1892, at 12-15 p.m. whose hand it still r . etc. WESLEYAN CHURCH. £20, Do. 40s. J chairs, stuffed in bair ; mahogany sofa table, rosewood having been securely tied, an endeavour, br time in tbe woods an! SALE OF WORK will be held in the Music Easy repayments accepted, and no undue advantage work table, 2 mahogany ottomans, mahogany and hook or by crook, was then made to hut among tbe p i Hall, Barnard Castle, on FRIDAY, DEC. 9TII, taken. JOHN PARKINSON, other easy chairs, walnut whatnot, 8 days' time­ A encompass an object which it is impartially fowls. It is shy li 1892, to be OPENED BY JAMES MONRO, ESQ., No Fees charged. Strictly confidential, and im­ piece, mahogany book shelves, mahogany card table, mediate attention given to all applicants. Distance AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. quite friendly to the I Ready-Made Clothing in all its M.D., J.P. Further particulars see next week's paper. dinner tray and stand, mahogany stools, fenders, irons, admitted can never be attained. It is the no object. Sale Rooms open for Stock or Furniture Sales. ash pans, coal boxes, ash tudor bedstead and banging*, pursuit of a : the inglorious bearing Branches. NOTE—H. B. having been established in Middles­ fSI OAfk TO LEND, on Freehold Security, EMIGRATION AGENT. Passengers booked to'any 3 iron bedsteads and mattresses, 5 feather beds, bol­ down of a wealthy corporation who, unlike brough for a great number of years and known for fair sters and pillows, very handsome mahogany gents' BOYS', YOOTHS' AND MEN'S S^lUvl/ in one or more lots.—Apply, R. part of the World. the whole of their neighbours around, decline STAINDRC dealings, wishes those who are in want of ad­ wardrobe, with drawers and sliding shelves ; mahogany BARKER, Barnard Castle. vances to write or apply personally before going ADDKESS :—HORSE MARKET, BAKXARD CASTLE. to carry out their duties and responsibilities and painted chests of drawers, mahogany and painted FKIDIT.—Before I OVERCOATS, SUITS, eleewhere. washstand and dressing tables, sets of chamber ware, —upon almost exclusively a handful of RICHARD C. PEARCE, J. H. Stanton. INGER'S SEWING MACHINES, admitted the dressing glasses, roe- wood couch, in bair ; box otto­ factory workers and impoverished datal ETC. UCTIONEER, VALUER, AND ESTATE mans and stools, oak painted winged wardrobe, cane- S Best and Cheapest for Domestic and Manufactur­ labourers. This piecemeal legislation, Jobo Wm. Alien, 1 ing use. Simple, Silent, Speedy. 700,000 sold AGENT, 19, HOUNDGATE, DARLINGTON, and seated and rush-bottomed chairs, fire guards, cornices THE WET SEASON! A craftily designed to disarm a united defence, fay Sergt. Hildretb ' annually, on easy ar.d just terms, or, for cash, a liberal MARKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE, and curtains, carpets and hearth rugs, sundry pictures fitaindrop, on the 21 UST CALL AT TEESDALE HOUSE if you discount allowed.—M. WILS'.IX, Collector Salesman, (Opposite King's Head Hotel.) and ornaments, very fine old timepiece and bracket, is the administration of local government in was fined 10s. iuclud want Good Value in all kinds of Drapery. Knox's Yard, Barnard Castle. Sales and Valuations of all kinds conducted. Secretary screens, glazed cupboard, mahogany desk, brats bound ; its worst form, and must inevitably bring J Darlington, Durham and North Riding Chamber of oian, Walkrrfeld, 1 MAKE THE BEST OF IT, BY GETTING ONE stag's head, umbrella stand, oilcloth, kitchen press, discredit upon the promoters, who, for the beusg drunk, at You will receive 5 per cent. Discount for OF Agriculture, Ac. oak dresser and delf rack, painted corner cupboard, 3 NORTH EASTERN COUNTY SCHOOL, nonce, are gloating over a seeming victory, including costs. Cash at dish covers, 2 copper pans, wringing machine, sundry Barnard Castle. Slazenjrer's Odourless EDWARD TARN, dinner and tea ware, all cooking and culinary utensils ; their opponents chiefly being precarious DICK ! Head Master - - - - E. H. PR EST, M.A. PPRAISER, ESTATE, HOUSE AND AGRI­ a quantity of bed and table linen, also glass and china, bread-winners and subscribers to clothing Wm. Kidd, farm*) HOWSON & RE AY'S, A CULTURAL AUCTIONEER. including very handsome and perfect blue and gold clubs ! Truly a magnificent spectacle in this Castle, who did no Fees for Board and Tuition, i.'31 per annum. Tailor-framed Waterproofs, Valuations for Probate and Legacy Duties. china dessert service, 24 pieces ; pair of china wine progressive age! But we have not heard the Barlow with being dt BARNARD CASTLE. coolers, very fine G bottle cruet, mahogany case of AT APPOINTED AUCTIONEER UNDER THE last of it yet. Staindrop, on tbe IS HE NEX T TERM begins on TUESDAY, JANUARY AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS' ACT. ivory handled cutlery, &c.: a small quantity of silver the day in question T 17TII, 1893. PARKINSON'S, THE CLOTHIER. OFFICES :—TARN'S AUCTION OFFICE, BANK, and electro plate: tea pot, cream jug, sugar basin, riding • pony furioa An Examination for Entre.nce will be held on BARNARD CASTLE. spoons, forks, Ac, All Out-door Effects, Garden He caught bold of tbJ OST, at Bowes, on Oct. 27tb, a Black Bnd Tan Tuesday, January 3rd, 1893, at Newcastle and Bar­ PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. Tools and other sundries. THE complaint of certain members of the aip. Fined 40>., loch] nard Castle. CUR DOG, answers to " Bruce."—Apply, 8PECIAL LINE IN GENTS, AT 15/0. Howgill Grange, , Darlington, Teesdale Board of Guardians of the want of IL JonLs COATES, Lang Green, Barningham. The School olTers peculiar facilities for the study of Sale to commence at One o'clock prompt. Agriculture, a* the classes are under the direction of a On View Morning of Sale Day, magistrates in the two petty sessional John Wm. Allen, I specially qualified Master. 20, Western Hill, Durham. Nov. 22nd, 1892. divisions environing Barnard Castle is were charged by Serg OST, Two 8COTCH EWES, Tar Mark on Side. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND ANTHONY STEELE, A Scholarship of £10 yearly value is rlrVred for untenable, if not ungracious. At the last Fishery Board with Finder Rewarded.—CORNER, Gainford. OTHERS. AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, ESTATE, HOUSE, Sudburn Beck, Stund L competition every term to boys who, having entered NOTICE. sitting of the Greta Bridge "Police Court no the School before attaining 12 years of a^e, have EMIGRATION, INSURANCE, AND GENERAL Dodds prosecuted, fewer than seven justices were present, who OST, from Doe Park, Cotherstone, a HALF- remained two years as boarders. GEORGE METCALFE & CO., COMMISSION AJENT. Langton Grange, wfc CHAS. THOMPSON & Co., was with bis br the BRED EWE. Tar mark, 1, on near side, and Prospectus upon application to EDWIN WELLS. NEWGATE STREET, BARNARD CASTLE, Sates of Farming Stock, Agricultural Produce, and were on the bench for several consecutive L the direction of tbe I pop on far shoulder. Finder will be rewarded.—T. EG to announce that tbey have commenced Implements, conducted in any part of the country. GENERAL ENGINEERS AND REPAIRERS hours disposing of cases all more or less IRELAND. op close to tbe water-side business as Also valuations for Probate and Legacy Duties. important. At the last justice meeting held CHRISTMAS, 1892. B NGINES, Boilers, Pumps, Valves, Steam and wards throw sometb Capital Dry Warehouses now ready for Storage of at Barnard Castle, by a curious coincidence, Witness went to tbe t ANTED, a Good GENERAL SERVANT. A GENERAL SMITHS and WHITESMITHS, Water Cocks. Also Washing, Wringing, UTOGRAPH CHRISTMAS CARDS. Printed Furniture and Stock-in-Trade. Also several good E there were also seven magistrates present, and called defendant country girl preferred.—Apply MRS. AIREY, At the above address (under the management of Mr Sewing and Agricultural Machinery. W to order or in Is. Boxes. roomy Warehouses to let. lying on tbe grass, Railway Hotel, Barnard Castle. \ James Stephenson, who has had 26 years practical and, so heavy was the business, that the EAUTIFUL ALBUMS. Suitable for Christmas experience), and can undertake to execute, at moderate Offices: Steele* Auction Rooms, Newgate, Barnard C VOLES REPAIRED. court had to adjourn for luncheon, and the before the Bencb. Presents. charges, any order that may be placed with them. Castle. • receiving the salmon ANTED, a Good General SERVANT. A Nurse­ B justices did not leave their seats until Good Workmanship and quick dispatch guaranteed Prompt Dispatch of all work that is put into their pounds, and app maid kept. Small family.—Apply by letter, HRISTMAS CARDS. 50,1s.; 25,6d.; 18,1s.; N.B.—Charges strictly moderate and prompt eettle- approaching night. Besides this many or W All kinds of Agricultural Implements made and re­ Fined 30s. each, inclu MRS. PniLForr, Forest Vicarage, Middleton-in-Tees- 12, Is.; 12, 01.; 12, 31.; 9, 2d. Boxed. ments. bands. C paired. Washing and Mangling Machines, and all the magistrates are Income Tax Com­ daie. MODERATE PRICES. IARIES FOR 1893. Pettitt's, Blackwood's, types of Weighing and other Machines repaired on missioners, some are on the Assessment D Crane's and Renslnw's. the shortest notice. THOS. SHAW, Address— Committee, one is Chairman of the Rural Ralph BUvckett, ino| ANTED, an APPRENTICE to the Wheelwright R. W. ATKINSON, Teesdale Mercury " AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. miner, both of Wba W and Joinery Buisness.—Apply T. CLARK, Bridge THORN GATE MILL, Sanitary Authority, and, again, others attend Sergt. Elliott with eosj Office, Barnard Castle. ALES of Property, Farming Stock, Crops, the School Attendance Committee. The End, Barnard Castle. BARNARD CASTLE. by fighting with each S Implements, Furniture, Stcck-in-Trade, con­ direct complaint preferred against the morning, tbe 30th Oe RICHMOND PARLIAMENTARY DIVISION. C. PEACOCK, ducted in any part of the Country, on the most peace for 6 months, i AY.—10 Tons For Sale, well-won.—Apply to magistracy would appear to resolve itself reasonable terms. Prompt Settlements. MOTLEY & GREEN, D. FIXLAY, Barnard Castle. JOINER, CABINETMAKER, UNDERTAKER, into one of laxity in regard to regular H Cotherstone and Micklston Polling Districts OFFICE: HORSE MAREET, MIDDLETON-IN- ST. GEORGE'S WORKS, LEEDS. Conservative Association. ETC., attendance at the meetings of the poor la* John Lawson, fa TEESDALE. Established 1840. AY.—10 TONS OLD HAY, 1890 (got without 72, GALGATE, BARNARD CASTLE, guardians. In respect to this accusation Dowson, farmer, We! H a shower), for Sale.—Apply, D. BADCOCK, PUBLIC MEETING and DINNER wiil be there are men to be found who will Elliott with allowing I Barnard Cattle. JAMES MATTHEW TEWARD, A beld at Mrs Harper's, Rose and Crown Inn, that even a justice of the peace would be Lane, on tbe 1st Nov.. AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Dowson 8«., includin Romaldkirk, on THURSDAY KVESISG, DEC. lam, 1892. clever indeed to get a word in edgeways at AY AND STRAW FOR SAL B.— EGS to announce that be is prepared to undertake G. W. ELLIOT, ESQ., M.P., the recurring fortnightly gathering Apply to GEORGE DALSTON ; also a constant the Sale of Farming Stock, Implements, House­ H JOHN HUTTON, ESQ., B although, perhaps, it is true they might witn James Dickinson, •apply of Cumberland Bacon. hold Furniture, Property, Stock-in-Trade, etc., in any CALV4MIZE.0 WIRE FEHCPJC W. H. RALSTON, ESQ'., part of the country. Prompt Settlements. stricter attention discharge in turn the duties Staindrop, were eba MR. WM. ROLLEY, children regularly IRST-CLASS HAY AND STRAW FOR SALE. CALIFORNIA ROW, MIDDLETON-IN- devolving upon them as ex-officio guardians, And other Gentlemen have promised to attend. appearance, Wiles' F—Apply, JOHN GEORSB JOHNSON, Barnard Castle. TEESDALE. especially in relation to the functions of the Tickets, 2s. each. For particulars see bills. each. :=^MP=f III Visiting Committee. Lord Eipon and the OR SALE—1 STACK OF WELL-WON HAY. R. RAINE, Sec, Romaldkirk. MESSRS THOMPSON & RAINE, Earl of Durham, both with admirable tact, —Apply to Miss LONGMIRE, 08, 9algate, Barnard F O Ol F SPECIE AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, have met every public requirement in pa Castle. DURHAM COUNTY LIBERAL UNIONIST EG to announce that they are prepared to under­ ? 1 1 HI district in the appointment of justices of tne Startforth School, t ASSOCIATION. TO STRENGTHEN FAILING SIGHT B take Sales by Public Auction, &c. peace, and what is more, the inhabitant!, w** the result of tbisl ARROTS! CARROTS!! Fine ENGLISH •--j ./-/r;. J5HF;:• :: ;TAW,i^^i^«- know it. park adjoining the fl CARROTS, suitable for Soup purposes or PRESIDENT - LORD DURHAM. USE ONLY TermB moderate. Settlements prompt. C »AT£h BAfiRCW afternoon last. Mesa 1 Horses, 3s, per cwt. bag.—Apply, BURN and SON, A MEETING of LIBERAL UNIONISTS wil HENRY LATJRANCE'S IMPROVED OFFICES :— MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. •*»pectiTely as captaii potato merchants, Barnard Castle, • \ be held in the HALL of the MECHANICS' SPECTACLES, Woodland v. Tbe< INSTITUTION, BARNARD CASTLE, on WEDNES­ BARNARD CASTLE. STRAY ARROWS. 00 tbe ground of tL DAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 30rn, 1892, at 2 o'clock ffTHICH have proved beneficial to thousands, and O LET, a COMFORTABLE BEDROOM end W are used and recommended by the leading '•anas played their fuj SITTING-ROOM, for one or two gentlemen or SPEAKERS: LORD BARNARD, Raby Castle- Br SENTINEL. T gentlemen of the TO BE SOLD BR PUBLIC AUCTION, "me resulted io a w ladies. Terms moderate.—Apply, 10, King Street, J. E. BACKHOUSE, ESQ.; S. CDNNINGHAME! Nor set down aught in malice."—OtM^*- ml. Tbe back divisio. ESQ., Parnell Commissioner, and other Gentlemen. MEDICAL PROFESSION At the WITHAM TESTIMONIAL, Barnard Castle, on The winter exhibition of sketches *ai'^'^Z Barnard Castle. THURSDAY, THE 8rn DAY OF DECEMBER, 1892, at 7 Every description of IRON and WIRE FENCING, excellent defensive gal All Liberal Unionists in the Parliamentary Division As a boon to those suffering from Failing or Imperfect under the au.picee of the R->j«l Society of o'clock in the Evening precisely, subject to such , Hall Street A. F. O LET, FURNISHED HOUSE, in Beds Terrace are cordially invited to attend. Vision. These Spectacles are clear and cool, nevor CORRUGATED IRON ROOFS ETC. conditions as will then be read, in Water Colours—was opened to the pubhe. "> Played oo Saturday! West, Barnard Castle. Terms moderate.— JONATHAN BACKHOUSE, Secretary. tire the eye, and whilst subduing all inflammatory Illuatrated Caialogue Free on application. don, on Monday. It is certain to meet "'t°_'J T MESSRS. WM. C. WETHERELL AND JOHN ffl>nT •eather. After a ooe Apply, Teesdale Mercury Office. WM. HARDING, Treasurer. ymptoms, assist, strengthen and preserve the sight. Please mention this paper. b WKTHERELL, AUCTIONEERS, amount of popular favour. There are a eood ^ J 6 goals to niL WM. WIGHT, Agent. HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS northern icenea depicted, and, conspicuously, io ^ O LET, a BEDROOM and SITTING-ROOM, for A LL that Valuable FREEHOLD DWELLING- MILLING PRODUCE. Butterknowle Harrij Have been received from persons whose sight has been CA. HOUSE, with the Outbuildings and Large that there is a pleasant representation of ** Harriers' ground on 8J T One or Two Gentlemen,—Apply MRS. DALSTON OSEPH PARKIN, MONUMENTAL MASON benefited by their use, when all others have failed. A W . A . HALL, Caalle, by Mr William Callow. Horse Market, Barnard Castle. Garden behind, situate in and numbered 17, Galgate •or the home team, byl J and BUILDER, MICKLETON, begs to thank lengthened list gratis, on application to Street, Barnard Castle, la'e in the occupation of Miss WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOUR, CORN Copley ». Mickletoi his numerous Friends for having entrusted to him in AND CAKE MERCHANT, Jane Wetherell, deceased. Lord Roaebery baa, through Mr Ald««>» ^°Ptey on Saturdav OUSE.—TO LET OR SELL, No. 10, Montalbo the past the Setting of upwards of 200 Headstones, J. T. YOUNG, AND GENERAL MILLER'S FACTOR. en Spicer, intimated bii intention to present _ ded in a draw of 11 Terrace. The tenant, Mr Wm. Dent, will and wishes to remind the Public that he has always JEWELLER 4 OPTICIAN, "The Property commands a good position in the fJTULL, Cotton, and American Linseed Cake kept H Governors of the Borough Polytechnic a rtr ^ •how the House, which contains Kitchen, Scullery, oa Hand an ASSORTMENT OF STONES, CHEAP, GREENWICH HOUSE, MARKET PLACE. best part of the Town, and, at a small outlay, could be A~i in Stock. Sole Agent for Bibby's Feeding' p'.ete technical library. Al the teaching »» ' ^ TwoSitting-rooms, Five Bed-roams,and Conveniences, Ready for Setting. All Kinds of Stone Worked in made into excellent business premises. From whom only in BARNARD CASTLE these Cakes and Calf Rearing Meals. Bridgegate, Barnard stitute is largely technical, the gift will oosD. . with Garden front Bnd back.—Apply, MR BENJAMIN Marble, Granite, or Freestone, on the shortest notice. There is a large and productive Garden behind, n Spectacles can be obtained. Castle. highly appreciated by the three thousand w Bowes Branch u HETWORTII, Spring Grove, Barnard Castle. Gravekirbing Worked and Set, Old Headstones Reno­ containing 747 Square Yards or thereabouta. N.B.—All spectacles stamped " H.L." without which now enrolled. *o». 19th, 1892 —No.L November 9th, 18'JJ. vated, and Lettering of all kinds done on Reasonable The Premises may be viewed, and further particu­ ae none are genuine. Posited, £209 10s. 7^ Terms. Designs submitted and Estimates given. lars obtained on application to the AUCTIONEERS, R. BARKER, • . /laintt the Durham and Richmond ; or to AGREEMENT FOR SEPARATION. HORSE MARKET and DEMESNES MILLS, A living crocodile was exhibited m ^,t*r> the Mr E. R w. JNO. W. B, HESLOP, Solicitor, other day, and as one beheld ^^""g.jtherfori GRAND CONCERT will be given io the Music PICTURE FRAMES BARNARD CASTLE, and BOWES MILL, •f Bowes) has suceew Barnard Castle and Richmond. ordinary observer was reminded of Dv »fHe» * on E, the Undersigned, Man and Wife. HEREBY A Hall, Barnard Castle, on THURSDAY, THE 15TH Made to Order in La*eft Patterns and Style. YiyHERE may be had—For Beet Value—Linseed Harris, the secretary of the British ^ , i" . at Bt. Bees lbs GIVE NOTICE that we have AGREED to 22nd November, 1892. "•""J he a candidate i W DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT, when Gaul's Sacred Cantata, '* and Cotton Cakes, Linseed, Barley, Indian Company, who is now in England. pj,. LIVE SEPARATE and APART FROM EACH "THE HOLY CITY," MOUNTS CUT any Hire or Shape, Plain or Gilt and Bean Meals, Split Beans, Indian Corn, whole thrilling adventure in Masbonaland "JJ, sJis- LANI OTHER : that I, the said Tnompson Bowman Young, D. BERRY AND SON, Edged, at Shortest Notice. or split; White Peas, Bran and Pollard, and Fnme porting himself in a pool a short distsnce » ffl0W. On Sundav, the] will be performed by a specially selected Band and HOLESALE AND RETAIL GENERAL have made a Proper Allowance for the Maintenance of Old Scotch Oats, whole or crushed. Also the famed bury in the cool of the evening, he ""''^L^iles." "°me Fe.tis.1 1 Chorus, numbering from 70 to 80 Performers. The DRAPERS. my Wife and her Children, which she bas accepted ; OVAL OR SQUARE ENGLISH GOLD FRAMES, W HUNGARIAN PATENT, SUPER, and HOUSE­ ment among some reeds, and murmured ^ so V* room was beaut aad that I, the said Mary Young, have no authority Cantata to be followed by a short Miscellaneous Various Siies and Patterns to order. Dealers in Bee-hive Fingerings, German Woreted, Programme. HOLD FLOURS ; Scotch and English 0*tmeal, Ac. without think ng that one of these cresjures^ ^ .'•»•• of com, ad, whatsoever hereafter to Pledge the Credit of the said Alloa Yarn and four and five fold best quality »oicb were supplied bjl SOLOISTS: The Finest K.M. Linseed Cake is ground at the near. Toe next moment Le was seiMd (b( Thompson Bowman Young, either for Myself or for A large selection of Picture Frame Mouldings Worsted, All Wool Union and Regatta Shirtings, wai.t, a.,d required ro further e,,*rneL to 2rT'«e in the aiteroo my said Children, in respect of aoy matter or thing Soprano, MISS ERSKINS (Wjcliffe Rectory); Dacca Twist Calicoes, Grey, White, and Scoured ; Mills and sold at 8,9 per c*t., or 1 2 per stone. NBg at various prices, always on hand at proximity of the dresdful mons'er. He JJJJi ^ y- Lipscomb, vies soever. Contralto, MISS E. BARKER; Tenor, MR Linens, Sheets, Quilts and Ticks, White and Scarlet rt WHOLE BREAD MEAL, his feet, but was again srippel- « ''"' ^ bt "ening y the Lay As witness Our Hands thii 29:h day of November, JENNINGS (Darlington) ; Baritone, AIR HOP- Flannels, Dress Goods, Prints, Men's Ties, Scarfi b W. ATKINSON'S, So highly recommended by the Medical Faculty, is maHe a leap for the bank, which he only re.^ ^ »nd b,/pb 1892. K1NSON ; Leader of the Band, MR A. T. and Collars, Ac, &c. Hosiery, Cutlery and Electro­ 1 R Manufactured on the Premises, from the Finest sheer desperation, for the crocod" * •• ™|'L-RT until PIPER; Pianoforte, MR F. W. RAPER; Harmo­ CORNER OF STATION ROAD AND GALQATE, •«"'<*• were THOMPSON BOWMAN YOUNG. plated Goods, Household Brushes in great variety. Wheats, being greatly superior and more nutritious of one of the doctor's legs, and did not oep- nium, MISS BROWN; Conductor, MR RAPER. appreciative congrega MARY YOUNG. HORSE MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE. ot BARNARD CASTLB than the ordinary bread meals now sold, its teeth had made their mark. * ° the school fund.