OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting FINAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Warsaw, 22 September - 3 October 2014 OSCE Delegations / Partners for Co-operation Albania Mrs. Shpresa KURETA Embassy of the Republic of Albania Ambassador Altowa 1; 02-386 Warsaw; Poland E-Mail:
[email protected] Tel:+48-22-824 14 27 Mr. Shkëlzen MACUKULLI Embassy of the Republic of Albania First Secretary Altowa 1; 02-386 Warsaw; Poland E-Mail:
[email protected] Tel:+48-22-824 14 27 Fax:+48-22-824 14 26 Mrs. Vasilika HYSI Parliament of Albania Member of Albanian Parliament Blvd "Deshmoret e Kombit", Nr. 4; Tirana; Albania E-Mail:
[email protected] Tel:+355-692-09 02 07 Fax:+355-42-22 79 49 Germany Amb. Ruediger LUEDEKING Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OSCE Head of Mission Gauermanngasse 2-4; 1010 Vienna; Austria E-Mail:
[email protected] Tel:+43-1-711 54 171 Fax:+43-1-711 54 268 Website: http://www.osze.diplo.de Mrs. Christine WEIL Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OSCE Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative Gauermanngasse 2-4; 1010 Vienna; Austria E-Mail:
[email protected] Tel:+43-1-711 54 191 Fax:+43-1-711 54 268 Website: http://www.osze.diplo.de Mr. Julian Matthias LUBBERT Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OSCE First Secretary Gauermanngasse 2-4; 1010 Vienna; Austria E-Mail:
[email protected] Tel:+43-1-711 54 136 Fax:+43-1-711 54 268 Website: http://www.osze.diplo.de Mrs.