
Neutral-Neutral Synthesis of Organic in Cometary Comae

M. A. Cordiner,1,2? and S. B. Charnley1 1Astrochemistry Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 8800 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA. 2Department of Physics, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, USA.

Accepted for publication in MNRAS on April 16th 2021


Remote and in-situ observations of cometary gases have revealed the presence of a wealth of complex organic molecules, including carbon chains, alcohols, imines and the amino acid . Such chemical complexity in cometary material implies that impacts by comets could have supplied reagents for prebiotic chemistry to young planetary surfaces. However, the assump- tion that some of the molecules observed in cometary comae at millimetre wavelengths originate from ices stored inside the nucleus has not yet been proven. In fact, the comae of moderately-active comets reach sufficient densities within a few thousand kilometers of the nucleus for an active (solar radiation-driven) photochemistry to ensue. Here we present results from our lat- est chemical-hydrodynamic models incorporating an updated reaction network, and show that the commonly-observed HC3N (cyanoacetylene) and NH2CHO () molecules can be efficiently produced in cometary comae as a result of two-body, neutral-neutral, gas-phase reactions involving well-known gases. In the presence of a near-nucleus distributed source of CN (similar to that observed by the Rosetta spacecraft at comet 67P), we find that sufficient HC3N and NH2CHO can be syn- thesized to match the abundances of these molecules in previous observations of Oort Cloud comets. The precise origin of these (and other) complex organic molecules in cometary comae can be verified through interferometric mapping observations, for example, using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Key words: Comets: general – – Methods: numerical

1 INTRODUCTION some ubiquitously-observed cometary molecules do not originate primarily from the nucleus, but instead arise in the coma, at dis- Cometary ices are some of the most pristine, ancient materials in tances of thousands to tens-of-thousands of kilometers from the nu- our Solar System. They have remained largely unaltered since they cleus. Coma “daughter” species are believed to be produced from the accreted during the birth of the planets (or earlier, in the interstellar breakdown of larger “parent” molecules (sublimated directly from medium), so their study provides unique information on the chemi- the nucleus), as a result of photodissociation. A plausible source cal conditions prevalent during the earliest history of our Solar Sys- for some of the observed distributed coma molecules is from the tem (Mumma & Charnley 2011; Altwegg et al. 2017). Comets are destruction of dust grains or large organic molecules in the coma also believed to have delivered volatiles and organics during impacts (Cottin & Fray 2008). Recently, the amino acid glycine was de- with planets, so understanding their compositions provides insight tected by the Rosetta spacecraft during its mission to comet 67P into the chemical regents that may have been present to drive prebi- Churyumov-Gerasimenko, with a radial density profile consistent otic chemistry on the surfaces of Solar System bodies (Ehrenfreund with a distributed source, from the sublimation of ice-coated dust & Charnley 2000; Martins & Sephton 2010). grains (Altwegg et al. 2016; Hadraoui et al. 2019). arXiv:2104.07577v1 [astro-ph.EP] 15 Apr 2021 Cometary ice abundances are derived primarily through multi- wavelength remote observations of their atmospheres/comae (Cochran et al. 2015), while in-situ spacecraft missions provide Millimetre-wave has emerged as the leading further details on select comets (e.g. Wyckoff et al. 1988; Ru- ground-based method for identifying new coma molecules (e.g. bin et al. 2019). Coma mapping observations reveal that several Bockelée-Morvan et al. 2000; Biver et al. 2014), including the first detections of cyanoacetylene (HC N), formamide (NH CHO), well-known cometary molecules (including C2, CN, HNC, H2CO 3 2 and others) have “distributed” sources, identified through their ex- (HCOOH), glycol (C2H6O2), and most re- tended, relatively flat spatial profiles (A’Hearn et al. 1995; Cottin cently: (C2H4O2) and (C2H5OH) (Biver & Fray 2008; Cordiner et al. 2014), compared with the strongly et al. 2015). It is commonly assumed that they originate from the centrally-peaked spatial profiles of species released directly from sublimation of ices stored inside the nucleus, but the presence of the nucleus. Interpreted within the Haser(1957) paradigm of an these species inside cometary nuclei is largely unproven. The major- isotropically-expanding, constant-velocity outflow, it is clear that ity of ground-based observations of organic molecules are made us- ing single-pointing observations with a single-dish millimetre-wave telescope (such as the IRAM 30 m, with its ∼ 1000-diameter angular ? E-mail: [email protected] resolution; corresponding to ∼ 7000 km at 1 au Geocentric distance),

© 2021 M. A. Cordiner and S. B. Charnley 2 Cordiner & Charnley and are therefore lacking in spatial information required to constrain Table 1. Parent Abundances with Respect to H2O the nucleus vs. coma origins of these gases. Rodgers & Charnley(2001a) used a chemical /hydrodynamic Species Abundance Species Abundance model (upon which our present study is based), to investigate the possible coma synthesis of four organic molecules (HCOOH, H2O 1.00 CH4 0.01 HCOOCH3, HC3N and CH3CN), which were detected in comet CO2 0.10 NH3 0.01 −3 C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) using radio spectroscopy. They determined CO 0.05 H2CO 5.0 × 10 −3 O2 0.04 C2H2 3.0 × 10 that coma chemistry was insufficient to reproduce the observed −3 CH3OH 0.04 HCN 2.0 × 10 abundances of these species. However, our latest models — which −4 C2H6 0.01 N2 9.0 × 10 now include distributed sources of CN and H2CO in the coma — show that some molecules can, in fact, be produced rapidly as a result of gas-phase chemical reactions. Here we present chemical 5 × 1029 s−1 (released directly from the nucleus), which is represen- model calculations for HC3N and NH2CHO, demonstrating the syn- thesis of these species in detectable quantities. tative of a moderately active comet at Rh = 1 au. Our model has the ability to include distributed sources of molecules from the photolysis of (unidentified) parent species. In particular, we include distributed sources of H CO and CN (named 2 MODEL 2 P1 and P2, respectively), with photolysis rates of ΓP1 = 1.3 × −4 −1 −5 −1 The details of our coma model were described by Rodgers & Charn- 10 s and ΓP2 = 3.23 × 10 s . These rates were chosen to ley(2002), and the chemical network has been updated for carbon, be consistent with previous observations showing spatially-extended and -bearing species, as well as including negative distributions for these gases, with Haser parent scale lengths (at ion chemistry (see Cordiner & Charnley 2014). The number densi- Rh = 1 au) of Lp = 5000 km for H2CO (Biver et al. 2021) and 4 ties (ni) of 283 gas-phase species (i), and the temperatures (Tx) of Lp = 3.1 × 10 km for CN (Fray et al. 2005). An additional, inner- four fluids (neutrals, electrons and positive and negative ions) are coma CN source (P3) is also included in some of our models (see calculated as a function distance (r) from the nucleus, using the Section 3.1), based on a recent analysis of CN data from comet 67P DVODE package (Hindmarsh 2019) to solve the following set of (Hänni et al. 2020). differential equations: The synthesis of cyanoacetylene (HC3N) occurs in the coma via the following neutral-neutral, gas-phase reaction, measured in the dn K n dv 2n laboratory by Lichtin & Lin(1986) and Sims et al.(1993): i = i − i − i (1) dr v v dr r −→ ! CN + C2H2 HC3N + H (4) dTx (γx − 1)Tx Gx 2v dv Nx = − − − (2) Formamide (NH CHO) is produced by the neutral-neutral reac- dr v nxkBTx r dr (γx − 1)nx 2 tion: ! dv 1 2v F v − γ − G − M v2 γnk T = 2 s (( 1) )s s + ( B )s dr ρsv − (γnkBT)s r NH + H CO −→ NH CHO + H (5) (3) 2 2 2 The chemical source terms (Ki) are equal to the sum over all pro- This reaction was studied theoretically by Barone et al. 2015 and duction and loss rates for each species, v is the coma outflow ve- Skouteris et al. 2017, who calculated it to be efficient at the low locity, Tx and Nx are the respective temperature and density source (10–100 K) temperatures found in interstellar clouds and cometary terms for each fluid (x), and γx are the ratios of specific heat comae; we adopt the lower estimate for the rate coefficient (k = −15 −2.56 −4.9/T 3 −1 (Laplace’s coefficient) of the fluids. Gx are the thermal energy source 7.79 × 10 (T/300) e cm s ), from the latter study. terms, which include contributions due to the the chemical reaction enthalpies, collisions between ions, neutrals and electrons, radiative energy loss from H2O, and loss of fast H and H2 from the coma. M and F are the mass and momentum source terms, respectively, and 3 RESULTS ρ is the mass density; subscript s implies summation over all four 3.1 HC N and NH CHO fluids in the model. 3 2 Parent gases are released from the nucleus and undergo isotropic Figure1 shows the number densities ( ni(r)) of the molecules expansion into the vacuum, reaching v = 0.7 km s−1 by r = 1000 km. most relevant to this study, including parent species, photochemical The initial gas kinetic temperature was set to 100 K, with a nu- daughters and products of coma chemistry. Three modeling scenar- cleus radius of 2.5 km. The computed coma temperature and out- ios are shown — Model A (panels (a) and (b)) includes a distributed flow velocity evolve in a very similar way to Figure 1 of Rodgers & source of H2CO from the breakdown of a large (unidentified) organic Charnley(2002). Photodissociation of outflowing gases occurs due precursor P1 at distances r ∼ 5000 km from the nucleus to solar radiation (using a nominal heliocentric distance Rh = 1 au), (see Section2), as well as two distributed sources of CN ( P2 and and the ensuing photochemistry is calculated following a network P3), which give rise to peak gas-phase CN production at distances of 3842 reactions. Abundances of parent molecules are chosen for around r ∼ 104 km and r ∼ 100 km, respectively. Model B (pan- a typical “organic rich” comet (see Table1); based on observations els (c) and (d)) has a single distributed source of H2CO (P1) and a at infrared (Dello Russo et al. 2016) and radio (Bockelée-Morvan single, outer-coma distributed source of CN (P2). Model C (panels & Biver 2017) wavelengths, and supplemented by in-situ measure- (e) and (f)) has no additional distributed sources of H2CO or CN. In ments of O2 and N2 in comet 67P by Bieler et al.(2015) and Ru- model C, H2CO is a parent species (Table1) with a relatively short 4 bin et al.(2019), respectively. We adopt an H 2O production rate of photolysis scale-length of ∼ 10 km (due to its large photolysis rate Neutral-Neutral Synthesis in Cometary Comae 3

−4 −1 ΓH2CO = 2.3 × 10 s ); however, there is still a significant contri- JFCs tend to be depleted relative to OCCs in some volatiles such as 5 bution to the coma H2CO abundance at distances r ∼ 10 km due to CH4,C2H2 and CO (Dello Russo et al. 2016), and before the Rosetta the photodissociation of (CH3OH + hν −→ H2CO + H2), mission to JFC 67P, there were no reported detections of HC3N or which occurs at a slower rate (Huebner & Mukherjee 2015). NH2CHO in any JFC. Both these molecules were detected early in A significant source of the CN radical in all models is via the pho- the Rosetta mission by Le Roy et al.(2015) around Rh = 3.1 au, todissociation reaction HCN + hν −→ CN + H. Indeed, this is the but a more useful comparison is with the values measured by Rubin dominant source of CN in Model C, but it was shown by Bockelee- et al.(2019) closer to perihelion ( Rh ∼ 1.5 au) when the comet was Morvan & Crovisier(1985), A’Hearn et al.(1995), Fray et al.(2005) more fully activated; these latter observations obtained HC3N/H2O −4 −3 and Dello Russo et al.(2016) that the observed abundances of CN = 4 × 10 % and NH2CHO/H2O = 4 × 10 %, respectively. Di- in comets are often inconsistent with a dominant origin from HCN rect comparison between our model results and the measurements photolysis. Furthermore, Fray et al.(2005) showed that the mean of comet 67P, however, requires the impact of the lower H2O pro- production scale length of CN in comets at Rh < 3 au is not con- duction rate of this comet to be considered (see Section4). sistent with HCN photolysis, so an additional coma source of CN is A more prominent increase is seen in our model for both indicated. Models A and B are therefore considered to better repre- HC3N and NH2CHO when including a second distributed source sent the chemistry of real comets. Using an initial abundance for the of CN in the inner coma (P3). The properties of this additional CN parent (P2) of 0.32 % with respect to H2O(A’Hearn et al. 1995), source were chosen to match in-situ measurements of comet 67P 3 −3 Model B reaches a peak CN density of nCN = 4.7 × 10 cm around (Churyumov-Gerasimenko) by the Rosetta spacecraft (Hänni et al. 800 km from the nucleus, whereas Model C (with no additional CN 2020). Throughout the mission to 67P, the ROSINA mass spectrom- 3 −3 parent) reaches only nCN = 1.0 × 10 cm . The elevated CN density eter detected a clear signal due to gas-phase CN at cometocentric translates almost linearly to a larger HC3N abundance via Equation distances 20–200 km, with a local abundance ratio of ∼ 0.01–0.1 (4). The distributed H2CO source (from the breakdown of parent with respect to HCN at dates around perihelion. The CN spatial dis- species P1) has a less noticeable impact on the overall coma H2CO tribution was observed to be relatively flat compared with H2O and 3 −3 4 number density, which reaches nH2CO = 1.3×10 cm at r = 10 km other parent species in the coma, consistent with a distributed source 3 −3 in Model B and nH2CO = 0.8 × 10 cm in Model C. of CN, with an abundance far in excess of what could be explained The total yield of HC3N and NH2CHO in our models is quanti- by photolysis of any known coma nitriles (see also Hänni et al. fied using an “effective production rate” Qe. This quantity is closely 2021). The observed excess CN signal was tentatively attributed by related to the observationally-derived production rate (Q), and is de- Hänni et al.(2020) to the breakdown of CN-bearing refractory par- fined as the production rate that would be measured from our model ticles, such as salts ( cyanide — NH4CN, for example), using a telescope beam diameter of 1000 (the beam size of the IRAM nitrogen-rich dust, or organic macromolecules. The production rate −3 −2 −1 30-m telescope at 250 GHz), at a cometocentric distance of ∆ = 1 au, (QP3/QH2O = 6 × 10 ) and photolysis rate (ΓP3 = 3.5 × 10 s ) of under the assumption that the molecule of interest originates from this additional (unidentified) CN parent were chosen in our model the nucleus. The latter assumption has been employed in all previ- to produce a maximum nCN/nHCN ratio of ≈ 0.05 between r = 100– ously published HC3N and NH2CHO production rates derived from 200 km from the nucleus, in line with the ROSINA measurements ground-based mm-wave observations, so Qe values allow our model close to perihelion. output to be compared directly with observations taken at a similar As a consequence of the increased CN density in the inner coma, cometocentric distance (∆ ∼ 1 au). The Qe values (Table2) are cal- Equation (4) proceeds more rapidly and the HC3N effective abun- culated by comparing our modeled column densities (averaged over dance in Model A increases to 0.018%. The presence of additional a 1000 beam) with a Haser parent model, using an outflow velocity CN has several other knock-on effects for the coma chemistry. In equal to the column density-weighted mean HCN outflow velocity particular, the CN radical quickly reacts with NH3 (sublimating from −1 from our model (hvi = 0.74 km s ), and photolysis rates from Hueb- the nucleus) to produce HCN + NH2 (Sims et al. 1994; Talbi & ner & Mukherjee(2015) and Heays et al.(2017). The HCN molecule Smith 2009). Some of this additional NH2 reacts with H2CO (via is used for this purpose since HCN is a common probe of the coma Equation 5) to produce NH2CHO, leading to a significant (factor outflow velocity at mm/sub-mm wavelengths, but use of other par- of 12) increase in the NH2CHO abundance, which then reaches ent molecules such as CH3OH and H2O to measure hvi produces ae = 0.012%. Consequently, in Model A, both HC3N and NH2CHO very similar results. The Qe values are then converted to effective attain abundances with respect to H2O that are well within the range abundances (ae) by taking the ratio with respect to the model H2O of values previously detected in Oort Cloud comets (0.002–0.068% 29 −1 production rate of 5 × 10 s . for HC3N and 0.008–0.021% for NH2CHO; Bockelée-Morvan & Upon inclusion of a distributed source of CN (P2), the effective Biver 2017), with no need for a nucleus (parent) source of either 24 −1 HC3N production rate increases by a factor of 5 from 1.5 × 10 s molecule. 24 −1 to 6.7 × 10 s , whereas a distributed H2CO source (P1) only re- sults in a modest, 4% increase to the NH CHO production rate. The 2 3.2 Other Molecules corresponding effective abundances for model B (see Table2) of −3 −3 1.4 × 10 % for HC3N and 1.0 × 10 % for NH2CHO are signif- The reaction between CN and O2 was studied in the laboratory by icant — indeed, potentially detectable — but are still less than the Sims et al.(1994), and found to proceed rapidly at low tempera- lowest values reported in the literature for these molecules in Oort tures. Feng & Hershberger 2009 determined OCN + O to be the Cloud comets (2 × 10−3 % and 8 × 10−3 %, respectively; Bockelée- dominant product channel, so large amounts of OCN are produced Morvan & Biver 2017). Oort Cloud comets (OCCs) have relatively in our models. The effective OCN abundance inside a 1000 beam is −3 long orbital periods, covering distances up to hundreds of thousands ae = 0.2% in Model A and ae = 4 × 10 % in Model B, assuming −5 −1 of astronomical units from the Sun. They are observationally distinct a generic photolysis rate of ΓOCS = 10 s . Gas-phase OCN was from the Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs), which orbit at distances detected by the Rosetta spacecraft in the coma of comet 67P dur- Rh . 10 au and are exposed to more frequent, repeated heating ing a dust impact event (Altwegg et al. 2020), but has not yet been during successive perihelion passages. Statistical studies show that detected in any other comets. It has a moderate dipole moment of 4 Cordiner & Charnley

a) b) 1012 1012 C H NH 2 2 3 10 HCN 10 H2CO 10 CN 10 NH 2 HC3N NH2CHO ) 108 ) 108 -3 -3

106 106

104 104

102 102 Number Density (cm Number Density (cm 100 100

10-2 10-2

10 100 1000 10000 100000 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Radius (km) Radius (km) c) d) 1012 1012 C H NH 2 2 3 10 HCN 10 H2CO 10 CN 10 NH 2 HC3N NH2CHO ) 108 ) 108 -3 -3

106 106

104 104

102 102 Number Density (cm Number Density (cm 100 100

10-2 10-2

10 100 1000 10000 100000 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Radius (km) Radius (km) e) f) 1012 1012 C H NH 2 2 3 10 HCN 10 H2CO 10 CN 10 NH 2 HC3N NH2CHO ) 108 ) 108 -3 -3

106 106

104 104

102 102 Number Density (cm Number Density (cm 100 100

10-2 10-2

10 100 1000 10000 100000 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Radius (km) Radius (km)

Figure 1. Coma model output showing molecular number densities as a function of radius. Parent species are shown with solid, colored curves, and photolysis products are shown with dot-dashed line styles. Thick black curves show HC3N (left column) and NH2CHO (right column), formed as a result of Equations (4) and (5), respectively. Results from Model A (panels (a) and (b); top row) include a distributed source of H2CO (P1) and two distributed sources of CN (P2 and P3). Model B are (panels (c) and (d); middle row), and have single distributed sources of CN (P2) and H2CO (P1). Panels (e) and (f) (bottom row) are for Model C, which is the base model, with no additional sources of CN or H2CO.

0.64 D, with several rotational transitions in the millimetre and sub- abundances in the inner coma of future comets, thus providing an millimetre range. Consequently, if the coma CN and O2 abundances indirect measurement of the O2 abundance, which has so-far been are similar to those measured in comet 67P close to perihelion, OCN impossible to obtain with ground-based observations. may be bright enough to be detectable in a sufficiently active Oort A smaller, but still significant, amount of NO is also produced as Cloud comet. Indeed, since CN + O is the main pathway to OCN 2 a result of the alternative product channel CN + O −→ CO + NO. in our model (other pathways are negligible), a measurement of the 2 The resulting NO goes on to react with OCN to produce N O and OCN production rate could be used to infer the product of CN × O 2 2 CO. Neutral-Neutral Synthesis in Cometary Comae 5

Table 2. Effective Production Rates (Qe) and Abundances (ae = Qe/QH2O) from our Coma Models

Model A Model B Model C

Species Qe ae Qe ae Qe ae (1024 s−1) (%) (1024 s−1) (%) (1024 s−1) (%)

−2 −3 −4 HC3N 87.3 1.8 × 10 6.7 1.4 × 10 1.5 2.9 × 10 −2 −3 −4 NH2CHO 58.1 1.2 × 10 4.9 1.0 × 10 4.7 9.4 × 10

In addition to the main product channel (leading to NH2 + HCN), HC3N Model Coma: Parent Source the reaction between CN + NH3 was suggested by Herbst et al. (1994) as a possible source of NH CN () in the in- 2 6 terstellar medium. If this reaction proceeds with reasonable effi- 70 ciency, NH2CN could reach detectable abundances in the inner coma 4 60

(0.08% in Model A, assuming an NH2CN product branching ratio of ) 1

1/3). More recent quantum calculations by Talbi & Smith(2009), ) m m 2

50 b k

however, indicate that this product channel may be negligible in 1 3 0 s comparison to the NH + HCN channel. 1 2 (

0 40 m k e

c y n J a m t ( s

i 2 30 x D u

3.3 Synthetic Coma Maps l ALMA F 4 20 Our predictions regarding the origins of cometary HC3N and NH2CHO (and other molecules) in comets, may be tested through IRAM 30m 10 mapping observations of their spatial distributions with respect to the 6 nucleus. Parent molecules (released directly from the nucleus) have 0 compact brightness distributions that fall rapidly as ∼ 1/ρ, where ρ is 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 the nucleocentric distance projected in the plane of the sky. Daughter Distance (103 km) species (or products of coma chemistry), on the other hand, have flat- ter, more extended distributions. These two scenarios can be readily HC3N Model Coma: Distributed Source (CN + C2H2) distinguished through interferometric millimetre/submillimetre ob- servations (for example, using the ALMA telescope; Cordiner et al. 6 1.0 2014), or using a single-dish facility, in the case of an unusually close-up apparition (such as 252P/Linear in 2016, which reached a 4

0.8 ) Geocentric distance of only 0.04 au; Coulson et al. 2017). Detailed 1 ) m m 2 b coma mapping observations can also provide crucial information on k

1 3 production scale-lengths for comparison with numerical models, to 0 0.6 s 1 ( help elucidate the specific production pathway for the species in 0 m k e

c y n question. J a m t ( s

Synthetic mm-wave flux maps are shown for the case of HC3N as i 2 0.4 x D u l

a parent molecule in Figure2 (top panel), and for HC 3N produced F from the reaction of CN with C2H2 according to Model B (bottom 4 panel). These maps were constructed for the J = 26 − 25 transition 0.2 by raytracing the 3D projection of our model density output along 6 the observer-comet sightline, using the RATRAN Sky code (Hoger- 0.0 heijde & van der Tak 2000). An excitation temperature of 50 K and 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 Geocentric distance ∆ = 1 au were assumed, and the resulting maps Distance (103 km) were integrated along the spectral axis, then convolved with a Gaus- sian beam of FWHM = 100, similar to ALMA’s lowest resolution at this frequency. Distributed sources with parent scale lengths less Figure 2. Simulated HC3N coma images (flux maps) for the J = 26−25 tran- than a few thousand kilometers are difficult to map reliably using a sition at 236.5 GHz, assuming an excitation temperature of 50 K, smoothed 00 single-dish facility such as the IRAM 30 m telescope, as shown by to an angular resolution (beam FWHM) of 1 . The top panel is for HC3N as 26 −1 the extent of the scale bars relative to the synthetic brightness dis- a parent (sublimating directly from the nucleus with Q(HC3N) = 10 s ). tributions in Figure2. ALMA observations, on the other hand, are Bottom panel is for HC3N produced via Equation (4), according to the model readily able to distinguish between the two scenarios, and can there- density profile in Figure1 (panel c). Horizontal scale bars in the top panel fore provide proof of a nucleus or coma origin for HC N, NH CHO indicate the characteristic spatial resolution of the ALMA and IRAM 30-m 3 2 telescopes (100 and 1000, respectively). and other species. Previous analyses of observational data obtained using radio in- terferometry of cometary gases have relied on simple Haser models to interpret the observed spatial profiles for distributed coma species such as H2CO, HNC and CS (Boissier et al. 2007; Cordiner et al. 6 Cordiner & Charnley

2014, 2017). This approach assumes the detected molecules arise molecular grain component in comets, and detailed models show only as a result of photodissociation of a single parent species, and that POM could explain the distributed H2CO sources in comets that the parent species (as well as the daughter species in question) 1P/Halley and C/1995 O1 (Hale–Bopp) (Cottin et al. 2004; Fray does not have any additional sources or sinks as a result of chem- et al. 2006). ical reactions or dust sources in the coma. Coma chemistry results Hänni et al.(2020) also considered the dissociation of NH 4CN in radial density profiles that can be distinctly different from Haser- as a plausible source of CN in the inner coma of comet 67P. The + − model density profiles (see Figure1), so su fficiently detailed (high NH4CN salt (also known as NH4 CN ) is unstable in the gas phase, signal-to-noise) ALMA observations should have the ability to dis- but could be carried into the coma as a solid embedded in (or ad- tinguish between different chemical production scenarios, as well as sorbed on the surface of) dust grains, before sublimating and disso- photodissociation, production from icy grains, and sublimation from ciating. The possibility of ammoniated salts as a reservoir of HCN the nucleus (or a combination these mechanisms). and NH3 in comets was first discussed by Mumma et al.(2018). Altwegg et al.(2020) reported the likely presence of five di fferent + − − ammonium salts (NH4 X , where X is a deprotonated acid, such as Cl−, NCO− or HCOO−) in the coma of comet 67P, based on ROSINA 4 DISCUSSION mass spectrometry during a dust impact event. Evidence for abun-

Our chemical models show that significant quantities of HC3N, dant ammonium salts on 67P’s surface (including NH4CN) was also NH2CHO and other molecules can be synthesized in the coma found with Rosetta infrared spectroscopy (Poch et al. 2020). through neutral-neutral reactions involving simple chemical precur- While HCN + NH3 is believed to be the dominant dissociation sor species (CN, C2H2, NH2,O2 and H2CO), already known to be channel of NH4CN, other products are possible (Altwegg et al. 2020; abundant from previous comet observations. The presence of a dis- Hänni et al. 2020). By analogy with the dissociation of NH4Cl, tributed source of CN in the inner coma (as observed by Hänni et al. which has been studied using ab-initio methods, as well as in the 2020 for comet 67P), strongly enhances the efficiency of both re- laboratory (see Hänni et al. 2019 and references therein), it is sug- − actions (4) and (5), bringing the effective abundances for Model A gested that CN and CN could be products of NH4CN dissociation. (see Table2) into the range of previously observed values for these Our models show that the majority of CN− produced in the inner + molecules. The presence of such an additional CN source is con- coma from the spontaneous dissociation reaction NH4CN −→ NH4 sistent not only with Rosetta measurements of comet 67P, but also + CN− would be converted almost immediately to neutral CN (+ H) + with previous studies regarding the (still unidentified) source of the upon collision with NH4 (see Harada & Herbst 2008). This there- closely-related HNC molecule in comets (see Cordiner et al. 2017, fore represents another possible source of CN to drive the neutral- and references therein). neutral synthesis of HC3N and NH2CHO. More laboratory studies of When HNC was first detected in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), NH4CN dissociation products are needed to confirm this hypothesis. the large HNC/HCN mixing ratio (similar to the value found in In light of the recent detections of salts in comet 67P, the results of the ) was taken as evidence that pristine (un- Hänni et al.(2019) and Altwegg et al.(2020) imply a possible con- processed) interstellar material may be incorporated into cometary tribution to the NH2CHO coma abundance from NH4COOH (am- nuclei. However, maps of the HNC spatial distribution in comet monium formate) salt dissociation. Our models show that the pres- Hale-Bopp (Blake et al. 1999), as well as strong variability of the ence of additional sources of molecules in the inner coma (such as HNC/HCN ratio with heliocentric distance in a sample of 14 comets NH3 and HCN), from the dissociation of salts including ammonium (Lis et al. 2008), pointed towards a distributed (coma) source of formate, ammonium cyanide and ammonium cyanate (see Altwegg HNC, which was hypothesized to originate from the breakdown et al. 2020), lead to increased abundances of complex organics as of macromolecular or dust precursor material (see also Rodgers a result of subsequent gas-phase reactions. Further investigations of & Charnley 2001b). Detailed interferometric mapping using the the coma chemistry arising from such reactions are therefore war- Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) provided ranted. The injection of ions, radicals and other reactive neutrals definitive evidence for a distributed source of HNC at distances of into the inner coma, following the dissociation of ammonium salts, a few hundred kilometers from the nucleus of comet C/2013 S1 would give rise to further, previously unstudied chemical processes (ISON), leading to the conclusion that this molecule most likely in the outflowing cometary gas. To model this in detail, however, originates from the degradation of nitrogen-rich organic refractory would require improved knowledge of the initial salt abundances and material (Cordiner et al. 2014, 2017). their full range of dissociation products, as well as the inclusion of a Low-mass, refractory organic particles (CHON grains) were de- population of outflowing, sublimating grains into our model, which tected in large abundances in comet 1P/Halley by the Giotto mis- is beyond the scope of the present study. sion (Kissel et al. 1986), and Wyckoff et al.(1991) determined that Our findings for HC3N are in contrast to Rodgers & Charnley 90% of this comet’s nitrogen budget was contained within the re- (2001a), whose model predicted a low HC3N/H2O abundance ratio fractory dust component. More recent in-situ work on comet 67P us- (averaged inside an 1100 beam) of 7 × 10−4 % for Hale-Bopp, com- −2 ing the Rosetta COSIMA instrument revealed the presence of very pared with the observed value of 1.7×10 %. In their model, HC3N large macromolecular compounds in the cometary dust, analogous formation was driven by the CN + C2H2 reaction (4), with CN pro- to the insoluble organic matter present in carbonaceous meteorites duced photolytically from HCN released directly from the nucleus. (Fray et al. 2016). With a mean N/C ratio of 3.5% (Fray et al. 2017), Consequently, they concluded that the observed HC3N could not be this material presents a plausible source of additional CN radicals in synthesized in the coma by Equation (4) alone, and is therefore likely the coma, among other small N-bearing organics. Macromolecules to be present in the nuclear ice. The Rodgers & Charnley(2001a) such as HCN polymer or hexamethylenetetramine (HMT, recently model should have been more efficient than ours at producing HC3N detected in meteorites by Oba et al. 2020) present another possible due to the omission of the (experimentally observed) 20 K activation source of coma CN, but these specific compounds are yet to be found energy barrier in Equation (4), allowing the reaction to proceed more in cometary samples. Polyoxymethylene (POM, or rapidly at low temperatures in their model. The ability of our new polymer) has been studied extensively as another plausible macro- model to effectively reproduce the HC3N observations is attributed Neutral-Neutral Synthesis in Cometary Comae 7 primarily to the inclusion of the two distributed sources of CN (P2 present in cometary nuclei at abundances that are significantly less and P3) in the coma for Model A, which were not considered by than implied by previous (ground-based) observations. There is Rodgers & Charnley(2001a). some evidence that the abundances of HC3N and NH2CHO are en- It is interesting to note that HC3N/H2O ratio in comet 67P (4 × hanced in typical cometary comae compared with the warm en- 10−4; Rubin et al. 2019) is significantly lower than in the sample of velope of the solar-type protostar IRAS 16293-2422, which is rich Oort Cloud comets observed to-date (2×10−3—6.8×10−4; Bockelée- in the sublimated interstellar ices believed to be a major con- Morvan & Biver 2017). Our modeling work provides a natural expla- stituent of comets (Kahane et al. 2013; Jaber Al-Edhari et al. nations for this, without requiring peculiar/anomalously-low HC3N 2017; Drozdovskaya et al. 2019). On the other hand, the protostel- abundances in 67P’s nucleus compared with OCCs. To investigate lar HC3N/HCN ratio (which is easier to measure from the ground the production of HC3N (and NH2CHO) in lower-density coma en- than the ratio with respect to H2O) is only marginally smaller vironments such as that of 67P, we ran additional model calcula- in IRAS 16293-2422 (0.36%; Drozdovskaya et al. 2019) than in 27 tions spanning a range of production rates QH2O = 3 × 10 – 67P (0.44%; Hänni et al. 2021; full Rosetta mission). Gas-phase 30 −1 5 × 10 s (covering the range of values observed in typical HC3N/HCN ratios may be even larger in protoplanetary disks (3– cometary apparitions). The chemical reaction rates for formation and 134%, depending on the assumed temperature; Bergner et al. 2018), destruction of the species of interest in our study vary as nonlinear so it is likely that HC3N can be incorporated into cometary nuclei functions of the coma density and temperature, so the changes in during their accretion out of ice in the disk mid-plane. Compari- their coma abundances in response to QH2O is nontrivial. The results son between cometary and interstellar/protostellar/disk abundances 29 −1 of our tests show that for QH2O above a few times 10 s , the HC3N is nontrivial due to the possibility of chemical alteration during the and NH2CHO abundances with respect to water are not strongly de- passage of interstellar ices into the protoplanetary disk mid-plane pendent on the production rate (they vary by < 15% in this QH2O and ultimately, into cometary nuclei. Indeed, HC3N abundances are 29 −1 range). For QH2O . 10 s , the size of the region dense enough for subject to significant modification by gas-phase processing in the rapid neutral-neutral reactions to occur shrinks considerably, lead- warm regions surrounding the protostar (Walsh et al. 2014). Never- ing to significant reductions in the yields of HC3N and NH2CHO theless, our results show that chemical processing in the coma can via reactions (4) and (5). lead to elevated abundances of some organic molecules, and this pos- To simulate comet 67P for comparison with Rosetta mass spec- sibility should be taken into account when comparing abundances 27 −1 between interstellar ices and cometary comae, as a means for ob- trometry measurements, we ran the QH2O = 3 × 10 s model at Rh = 1.5 au, using Rubin et al.(2019)’s measured parent abun- taining insights into the origin of cometary matter. dances and observational circumstances (C2H2 was not measured by Rubin et al. 2019, so we adopt the mean JFC mixing ratio of 0.07% for this species, from Dello Russo et al. 2016). The inner- Impacts between comets and planets were common during the coma CN production rate was scaled to reproduce the CN/HCN early history of the Solar System, and may have allowed the delivery ratio measured by Hänni et al.(2020) around the time of the Ru- of organic molecules to planetary surfaces (e.g. Pierazzo & Chyba bin et al.(2019) measurements, and our modeled abundances ( a(X), 1999; McCaffrey et al. 2014; Todd & Öberg 2020). Both HC N and with respect to H O) were extracted at a distance of 220 km from 3 2 NH CHO have been implicated in the prebiotic synthesis of amino the nucleus, which is close to the average distance at which the Ru- 2 acids and DNA nucleobases on the primordial Earth (Ferris et al. bin et al.(2019) measurements were obtained. For Model A, we find 1968; Saladino et al. 2012; Patel et al. 2015). Our finding that these a(HC N) = 3.0×10−4 % and a(NH CHO) = 1.5×10−5 %; for model 3 2 molecules may be less abundant in cometary ices than previously B: a(HC N) = 5.5×10−6 % and a(NH CHO) = 1.1×10−5 %; and for 3 2 believed could therefore be of importance for theories concerning model C: a(HC N) = 8.9×10−7 % and a(NH CHO) = 1.1×10−5 %. 3 2 the chemical inventory of material available for the origin of . These values can be compared with the Rosetta measurements of −4 −3 a(HC3N) = (4±2)×10 % and a(NH2CHO) = (4±2)×10 %. The agreement for HC3N (within the observational uncertainties) using Model A is surprisingly good considering the uncertain radial den- An important caveat concerning the extent of HC3N and sity profile of the inner-coma CN source. Our HC3N/HCN ratio of NH2CHO synthesis in comets as a result of gas-phase coma chem- 2.1 × 10−3 is also in agreement with the value of (2.9 ± 1.9) × 10−3 istry is the uncertainty regarding the additional distributed CN from Rubin et al.(2019), but is somewhat less that the mean value sources (P2 and P3). The survey of Dello Russo et al.(2016) identi- of (4.6 ± 0.8) × 10−3 measured by Hänni et al.(2021) between fied variability in the importance of the primary extended source of Rh = 1.24–1.74 au. This discrepancy could be accounted for by vari- CN (P2) throughout the comet population, and the inner-coma CN ability in the CN, HCN and C2H2 abundances during the extended source (P3) has only been detected in a single comet to-date (67P, (5 month) time period covered by the Hänni et al.(2021) study. We although we are not aware of any dedicated attempts to detect a dis- note, however, that purely gas-phase chemistry would be expected tinct, inner-coma CN source in any other comets). In our Model A, to give rise to a steeper slope in the HC3N/HCN ratio as a function P3 was introduced as a photochemical source of CN, with a produc- of heliocentric distance than observed in 67P, so some contribution tion rate and scale length tailored to reproduce the CN/HCN ratio from an additional (nucleus) source seems likely. For NH2CHO, the measured by Hänni et al.(2020) in comet 67P. However, the de- failure of all our models to reproduce the measured abundance in tailed radial behaviour of this CN source is not yet well constrained, comet 67P by more than two orders of magnitude implies the pres- and it remains to be determined how well the CN abundance in Oort ence of an additional source for this molecule — for example, from Cloud comets may be represented by the CN/HCN ratio in 67P. Con- the dissociation of NH4COOH salt (Hänni et al. 2019), of from sub- sequently, although we believe our models represent plausible sce- limation of NH2CHO ice directly from the nucleus, albeit with a narios for moderately-active OCCs, the specific, numerical results substantially lower abundance than found previously in Oort Cloud remain uncertain until inner-coma CN measurements are made in a comets (Bockelée-Morvan & Biver 2017). larger sample of comets, and the properties of the dominant coma Our modeling work implies that HC3N and NH2CHO could be CN sources are fully elucidated. 8 Cordiner & Charnley

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