INSIDE: ‘Enemy combatants’ * Gender and the abuseMIM Notes story 302 • May * 15,Prisons 2004 • Page 1 MIM Notes May 15, 2004, Nº 302 The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) Free Abuse of Iraqi prisoners and U$ prisons MIM SCOOP: OF NAKED PRISONERS AMERIKAN ORIGINATED IN TORTURE PENNSYLVANIA PRISON OF IRAQIS by MC17 & MC5 n May 5 President Bush told the EXPOSED world that the torture of Iraqi prisoners at by MC12 and MC206 Ois not typical Amerikan behavior. He said n the run up to the Amerikan invasion, the soldiers who carried out the torture in February 2003, President Bush “don’t represent America” and stated declared: “The first to benefit from a “This is a free country. We do not tolerate Ifree Iraq would be the Iraqi people this kind of abuses.” Bush made these themselves. Today they live in scarcity statement in an interview aired on Al- and fear under a dictator who has brought Arabiya, a station widely viewed by Arab them nothing but war and misery and peoples. He also did an interview on the torture.”(1) Today, they live in scarcity Amerikan Arabic propaganda station Al- and fear under a FOREIGN dictator who Hurra, stating, “What took place in that has brought them nothing but war and prison does not represent the America misery, and—we can now confirm— that I know.”(1) NAKED HUMILIATION: The Amerikan torture tactic on display in Iraq (above) -- and following the torture. But what took place at Abu Ghraib does Despite valiant efforts by quick-acting represent Amerika. It is happening daily supression of the Attica prison uprising in New York in 1971, when prisoners were paraded around naked politicians and media apologists, it has not in prisons across the country, the country been possible to make the torture that has the highest imprisonment rate in in the mud (below right) and forced to lie prone for hours (above right). practiced by the Amerikan military in the the world. These statements by President Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq out to be the Bush are exposed as nothing more than work of a few lone, “sick” individuals. public image cleanup when we look at The story broke when the CBS news the conditions in Amerikan prisons. Imperialists spell relief: D-R-A-F-T program 60 Minutes released photos of Two of the first seven soldiers caught U$ soldiers gloating over naked and torturing Iraqis in Abu Ghraib prison Amerikan occupation U$ “force structure” in Iraq is an hooded Iraqi prisoners. However, the worked as U.$. prison guards before keeps looking to the accomplishment of the Iraqi proletariat most detailed description (to date) of going to Iraq. Staff Sgt. Ivan Frederick and oppressed launching armed struggle, torture, abuse and humiliation at the hands learned how to torture prisoners at future for relief without so much as the benefit of a Maoist of Amerikan soldiers, contractors and Buckingham Correctional Center in by MC5 and MC17 vanguard party (as far as we know). intelligence agents comes from a U$ Dillwyn Virginia, after working there six May 4—Amerikan Pentagon officials Since the time we have written articles army report on Abu Ghraib, which was years.(2) MIM Notes reported limitations announced recently their plan to keep on the draft, “Secretary of Defense” and leaked to the New Yorker magazine.(2) of prison visitation and thefts of prisoner Amerikan troops in Iraq at the current nutcase Donald Rumsfeld has reiterated The report details how soldiers property in Buckingham in 1997. level (about 135,000) through at least the opposition to the draft and said that he humiliated some of the prisoners by However, Virginia has imposed end of 2005.(1) Originally the United will find a way to rotate the 1.4 million forcing them to simulate sex acts. A photo censorship on MIM before and we do $tates had claimed it wanted to reduce people in the Amerikan military to find included in the report shows an Amerikan not have as many details about prison Amerikan occupation forces by 20,000. 135,000 soldiers for combat in Iraq.(2) womyn “giving a jaunty thumbs-up sign conditions as we would like. Again, it’s Uncle $am believed the transition to a Many of the 1.4 million are office and and pointing at the genitals of a young the same old story of cover-up. pseudo-autonomous Iraqi government on technical back-up personnel. Iraqi, who is naked except for a sandbag , another of the seven June 30th, 2004 would allow this. MIM reiterates that Rumsfeld (or a like- over his head, as he masturbates.” One caught torturing Iraqis worked in the Amerikan troops are needed to keep minded successor) might be able to pull soldier testifies, “I saw two naked Continued on page 4... the Iraqi population from rising up and that off. The United $tates is not in detainees, one masturbating to another You are not on a mailing list. You will not receive this paper again unless you take action. taking back their England’s position yet,(5) which is why kneeling with its [sic] mouth open.” country. And this will be a protracted war against U$ Although this soldier claims he refused MIM PRESORTED STANDARD Amerika is imperialism best handled by pan-Arab to participate in the abuse—”I just didn’t PO Box 29670 U.S. POSTAGE PAID willing to use nationalism and proletarian want to be part of anything that looked Los Angeles, CA 90029 PERMIT #56365 whatever force internationalism over a long haul. We must criminal”—he repeatedly refers to Iraqis Return Service Requested BOSTON, MA is necessary to steer away from seeing U$ imperialism as “it” and did little to stop the abuse (he achieve as about to fall, but also we must fully told his superiors, then assumed “the issue domination of credit the damage already done by the was taken care of”).(2) Iraq. Iraqi fighters fighting consciously and The army report makes it clear that the The increased Continued on page 7... Continued on page 6... On the web: MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 2 Letters Amerikan workers both bought-off and exploited? I was reading your revolutionary cannot produce surplus value. They are definitions page. Let me start off by “necessary” only because the capitalists saying thank you for making the need guards, advertising experts, ‘Hey, it’s not as easy as it looks... definitions easy to understand without salespeople and lawyers to keep making “talking down” to readers. However, I profits. As J Sakai points out in “Settlers: have one question, or perhaps reservation, the Mythology of the White Proletariat,” considering your definition of a labor already in the 1970s around a third of aristocracy. While I agree completely that Amerikan workers were police, prison workers in the United States benefit from guards, or employed by the military. imperialist exploitation abroad, and The key to understanding unproductive unfortunately this corrupts their sector workers via surplus-value is that consciousness, I have a question they can only preserve or appropriate it; regarding the statement that they are they cannot expand it. Without therefore no longer exploited. Isn’t a salespeople, capitalists can certainly blow portion of the surplus value of their labor their chance at obtaining surplus-value, still exploited by capitalists in the United but no matter how good or how many States? In other words, aren’t they still salespeople one employs, there is a limit exploited even though they benefit from to the price of a good. Without the imperialist exploitation, even if this commodities produced by the productive exploitation is to a lesser degree than the sector, the sales staff have nothing, even exploitation experienced in the third in the most elementary conditions. If world. Perhaps it is the contradiciton of everyone were a guard, soldier or lawyer, US workers being both an exploiter and everyone would die of starvation and exploited? Just a thought. I look forward exposure. Life without any guards, --MC12 to your response. soldiers or lawyers, however, is certainly —An internet reader possible. the majority of Amerikans is (and sees bribery helps secure the imperialists’ MIM responds: There’s one quick According to the definitions used by the itself as) “middle class.” interests in the “home country.” Any answer to the question of whether COMINTERN, the majority of For those Amerikan workers in Amerikan workers who are truly exploited Amerikan “workers” are still exploited, imperialist-country “workers” are at best productive sector jobs, we have are so few and isolated so as to not even though they do receive a part of the “semi-proletarian.” COMINTERN extensively documented that the amount constitute a class. surplus value the imperialists rob from the documents clearly consider the “urban of surplus value transferred to them from We recommend those interested in Third World: the majority of Amerikan petty bourgeoisie and broad layers of the the exploited Third World exceeds the these questions read MIM Theory 1, “A “workers” are in non-productive jobs. so-called middle class, of office workers value of their labor. Of course, on the White Proletariat?” J Sakai’s “Settlers,” They do not produce anything and hence etc.” to be non-proletarians. Of course, whole the capitalists must pay workers and our “Imperialism and its class less than the value of their product—but structure, 1997,” wich is available free Editor, MC206; Production, MC12 they can afford to bribe a small minority online: of workers, and, as Lenin’s Imperialism MIM/mt/imp97/index.html. MIM Notes points out by quoting Cecil Rhodes, such The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement ISSN 1540-8817 What is MIM? MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging Notes is the official Party voice; more complete statements are published in our journal, Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English- MIM Theory. Material in MIM Notes is the Party’s position unless noted. MIM Notes speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist accepts submissions and critiques from anyone. The editors reserve the right to edit parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking submissions unless permission is specifically denied by the author; submissions are Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire. published anonymously unless authors insist on identification (prisoners are never MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking identified by name). MIM is an underground party that does not publish the names of its parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology comrades in order to avoid the state surveillance and repression that have historically of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the been directed at communist parties and anti-imperialist movements. MCs, MIM comrades, vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all are members of the Party. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL) is an anti- groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by imperialist mass organization led by MIM (RCs are RAIL Comrades). MIM’s ten-point building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for program is available to anyone who sends in a SASE. North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government’s attempts to The paper is free to all prisoners, as long as they write to us every 90 days to confirm maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main their subsciptions. There are no individual subscriptions for people outside prison. questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within People who want to receive newspapers should become sponsors and distributors. the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the Sponsors pay for papers, distributors get them onto the streets, and officers do both death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao’s death and the overthrow of the “Gang distribution and financial support. Annual cost is: 12 copies (Priority Mail), $120; 25 of Four” in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance (Priority Mail), $150; 50 (Priority Mail), $280; 100, $380; 200, $750; 900 (Express of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has Mail), $3,840; 900 (8-10 days), $2,200. To become a sponor or distributor, send reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third anonymous money orders payable to “MIM.” Send to MIM, attn: Camb. branch, PO Box World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so- 400559, Cambridge, MA 02140. Or write [email protected]. called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty- Most back issues of MIM Notes are available free on our web site. The web site con- bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to tains thousands of documents, with ordering information for many more. advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on MIM grants explicit permission to copy all or part of this newspaper for any reason, as imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec, long as we are credited. the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland, For general correspondence, contact: Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as MIM members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system P.O. Box 29670 of majority rule, on other questions of party line. Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670 “The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of eMail: learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution.” WWW: - Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208. MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 3 Spain, Honduras, Dominican Rep. send their troops home by mousnonya, April 20, 2004 the puppet regime that comes to power Japan has seen its hostages in Iraq 3r41p.html $pain has decided to withdraw its troops June 30th when the U$ colonial regime released we expect to see Japan continue 2. Spain to Offer U.S. Non-Military Aid in Iraq, from Iraq as quickly as possible.(1) ends in favor of a neo-colonial regime. to lick the b.s.-encrusted cowboy boots Sun Apr 18, (Reuters) However $pain has also declared itself Despite the UN role, it still looks like other of Amerikan imperialists. Reactionary newsArticle.jhtml?type=t willing to send “humanitarian” relief to major powers such as Russia, India, Anglo solidarity will increasingly be opNews&storyID=4856690 Iraq.(2) So $pain is a two-faced France and Germany have not received stressed by “realities on the ground.” The 3. El Sadr fordert Stopp von Angriffen auf imperialist. However, despite the fact that a good enough deal from Uncle $am to United $tates will find itself increasingly Spanische Soldaten April 19, 2004, (AP) http:// the imperialists are treacherous, the send in their own troops. We have to isolated and overextended. This is exactly; Sadr international proletariat is patient. Iraqi distinguish between troops and diplomats. one of the preconditions MIM sees as veut épargner les Espagnols, qui accélèrent leur resistance leader Muqtada el Sadr has The situation with troops on the ground necessary to a revolution in Amerika. The retrait French Press Agency (AFP) http:// called on his troops not to attack Spanish has not changed and that’s what is truth is and will become increasingly soldiers and to allow them to return home important to the political climate in Iraq. obvious: imperialism means only death for 4. Honduras to Pull Its Troops Out of Iraq safely to their families where they People should not be confused by the you and me and riches for large Gustavo Palencia (Reuters) http:// belong.(3) meaning of the June 30th date Bush is corporations. Sadr’s action contradicts U$ talking about. Troops in Meanwhile U$ atrocities continue: U$ nm/20040420/wl_nm/ propaganda which calls Iraq’s resistance Germany and Japan have never left imperialists killed two more journalists in iraq_honduras_dc&cid=574&ncid=1480; Auch “bandits.” The recent release of Japanese since World War II. Probably the best Iraq.(8) “[A]t least 26 Iraqi and foreign Honduras zieht Truppen aus Irak ab April 20, hostages by the Iraqi resistance also thing that could happen to Amerika is that journalists and media workers have been 2004, (German Press Agency) http:// contradicts U$ lies. These facts should the Iraqis hand Amerika such a stunning killed” so far in Iraq.(9) So it’s no surprise; make people question whether Uncle military defeat that Bush pulls out the that Hosni Mubarak, U$ puppet leader of 5. L’OTAN pourrait jouer un rôle dans la $cam is a lying hypocrite or merely troops June 30th or shortly thereafter. Egypt, is even saying the U$ is now hated sécurité en Irak, selon le ministre australien de la deluded. MIM sees a practice and pattern The Iraqis will no doubt try to make it more than ever in the Arab world.(10) Défense April 20, 2004, (AP) http:// of U$ lies and calls it like it is: “your” happen, but we are still counting on a Once again, MIM is willing to use government, the capitalists, regards you protracted struggle running into the next scientific materialism to reach the painful 6. Michel Barnier et son homologue russe as expendable. They will lie to you. They Bush or Kerry term.] truth that no one else recognizes let alone appellent à l’intervention de l’ONU en Irak. AP, will tell you to kill. And if you die fighting Each defection of a U$ ally is a major says: the continuing murder of journalists April 20, 2004. the rich man’s war he will celebrate your victory for the anti-imperialists because in Iraq is no accident. The imperialists 7. Colin Powell craint que plusieurs pays ne making him rich with a 21 gun salute. it makes the illegal U$ occupation of Iraq want the press to report what is good for suivent l’exemple espagnol et se retirent d’Irak MIM sees the pull-out of $pain as all the more difficult. MIM does not imperialism and ignore the ugly truth. April 20, 2004, (AP) (Colin Powell fears that probably the first imperialist rat deserting expect a UN takeover of Iraq. In fact, MIM calls on mainstream journalists several countries will follow the Spanish the sinking ship of the U$ occupation of some neoconservatives probably wanted unwilling to be censored or to tolerate the example and withdraw from Iraq) http:// Iraq. Honduras, one more Spanish to use Iraq to destroy the UN which they murder of their colleagues: Avenge your MIM speaking country with a history of being saw as no longer useful in extending U$ colleagues’ deaths. Refuse to be asks the reader: Why can’t you read this in attacked by U$ imperialism, has also imperialism. Germany and France, both intimidated. Write for MIM Notes. English? declared that it will withdraw its soldiers NATO members, will likely oppose using Notes: 8. GIs Kill 2 Workers of U.S.-Funded Iraq TV from Iraq.(4) Then the Dominican NATO (supposedly a defensive alliance) 1. Spain withdrawal from Iraq deals new blow to Mon Apr 19, 2:44 PM ET (AP) http:// Republic pulled out its 300 and Thailand to occupy a country far from Europe. The US coalition Sun Apr 18, (AFP) http:// says it may be next. Imperialists of various U$ imperialists have painted themselves news?tmpl=story&cid=540& stripes are calling for NATO (5) or the into a corner. news?tmpl=story&cid=1515&ncid ncid=736&e=10&u=/ap/20040419/ UN (6) to take over the occupation of We’re sure the U$ imperialists are =1515&e=2&u=/afp/20040418/wl_mideast_afp/ ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_journalists_killed Iraq. But who wants to take over? No mad. MIM dares to ask something the iraq_worldwrap; Spanien beginnt mit 9. See note 8. one. Because any other imperialist mainstream press and imperialists are too Truppenauszug aus dem Irak (German Press 10. Mubarak: Arabs Hate U.S. More Than Ever coalition would face the same fate as the gutless to say out loud:(7) When will Agency) April 20, 2004, http:// 20 April 2004 (Reuters) http:// U$, being bogged down in an unpopular other U$ allies in Iraq such as Poland,; bloody war. Italy, Japan, Australia, and Britain send L’Espagne prépare le retrait de ses troupes news?tmpl=story&cid=574&ncid=72 [[email protected] interjects: The UN is their troops home? Britain also produces présentes en Irak, Andrew Marshall (Reuters) 19 1&e=1&u=/nm/20040420/wl_nm/ already taking a greater role in forming oil. Japan is oil dependent. So even though April 2004 mideast_egypt_usa_dc. Preparing for the all-round dictatorship of the proletariat is setting up a huge Liberal fight to divide love come from society. If we can COMBATING SUBJECTIVISM IN the party. We have to come up with a list question what is going on between two of bad things, but our attack has to be on people, we can also extend that to the ALL ARENAS the causes, not the bearers of those bad question of love in the whole society. lifestyles. With these warnings, I turn to Islamic cultures have to watch out for. This is the second in a series of several examples of subjectivism. V. Sex (Buddhism has a little better intellectual articles. The first (in MN310) covered For the sake of having a definition of material to work with on this question.) drugs, music and art; future IV. Love romance culture we’ve said that sex is a We Maoist scientists are interested in the installments will address the topics of Now let’s look at love. Many see it as component of romantic love. Going back underlying causes of behavior. tone, sectarianism and chauvinism. the one refuge from corruption all around. hundreds of years poets and even In all likelihood, the revolution will be I’m going to talk about subjectivism and Too many wimmin are looking for love preachers have said that womyn is a successful only through the efforts of its relationship to our communist goals by only from lone individuals instead of the creation to remind men of God’s power “hypocrites” envisioning future giving a bunch of examples of international proletariat. People in love and what Heaven could be. Milton was generations growing up with better social subjectivism—the belief that what one hope they won’t see their love stolen for even talking about the question of how influences than they had. Understanding feels or likes is true or supreme. What’s a pack of cigarettes, a bit of crack, a man men tempted by Satan would worship this is part of understanding materialism, most important is not the individual evils who has a higher paying job or a womyn wimmin. While some people say it is as when Lenin said revolution is always of subjectivism, but understanding the with bigger breasts. Ah, but here is the music, some say the rush they got from a made with the imperfect social material overall approach that we as Maoist sad part: for all the people who are looking particular drug —probably even more at hand, not by divine perfection of scientists apply to everything. We at MIM at this question, “love” itself is usually men would say that there is nothing more humyn consciousness first. are not saying we have some long list of thought of as a refuge of two people. Yet, subjectively profound than the experience No one is a 100% pure. Hence, MIM behaviors that we tack on to the end of where do all these challenges to love of seeing naked wimmin and then having has acted to push aside the politics of the “Ten Commandments.” It’s not our come from? People in love or pursuing sex. putting lifestyle first. Whoever comes up point to bring attention to hypocrisy in love but who do not ask this question are Again, MIM has no need to deny that with the idea that a party should set up a individual behavior—and this is something already guilty of another kind of there is a portion of society is that would list of lifestyles to condone or not condone that we from Christian, Jewish and subjectivism. The sources of problems in Continued on page 9... MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 4 Abuse of Iraqi prisoners and U$ prisons Continued from page 1... rehabilitation or education. infamous SCI-Greene Prison in An Army investigation that resulted in Pennsylvania holding Mumia Abu Jamal. criminal charges against six military police Graner is the guy smiling with arms folded officers found a number of specific abuses in the torture photos. SCI-Greene also at Abu Ghraib prison. Below we describe prohibits MIM Notes. On August 15, 1998, the findings and explain the similarity to MIM reported this about SCI-Greene in daily conditions in prisons across this Pennsylvania: “As a result of result of country. the brutal beatings inflicted upon prisoners Soldiers punched, slapped, kicked and (back here in the hole at SCI Greene) by otherwise physically beat Abu Ghraib guards, the grand wizard warden, Ben prisoners. This is typical day to day Varner had been terminated from his activity for prisons across Amerika where prestigious and luxurious position. guards regularly beat prisoners and then Unfortunately the same people who file false reports accusing the prisoners removed him from office decided to (often shackled and held down by several relocate him to another prison within guards) of attacking the guards to avoid Pennsylvania. So now he’s on the eastern any criminal charges for these actions. side of the state implementing the same Abu Ghraib prisoners were left naked dirty tactics. Only now he’s been demoted for days at a time. Some were videotaped back to Deputy Superintendent.”(3) and photographed. Some were arranged Thus, in 1998, we already reported the in sexually explicit positions or to perform important facts of life in Amerikan prisons: sex acts for the photos. Prisons in get slapped on the wrist and there is Amerika have video cameras throughout, always another prison willing to take you taping prisoners with and without their and if you don’t like that, then there is clothing on. Leaving prisoners naked is always the U.S. Armed Forces which will common practice, especially locked in take you for torture abroad. solitary confinement, but also outside in MIM reported what appears to be the cold temperatures. Full body cavity For President Bush to disciplining of someone referred to as searches are also daily practices in “Grainey” by prisoners in 1998. That’s Amerikan prisons serving only to claim that Amerikan not definitely a connection to “Graner” humiliate and degrade prisoners. and prison authorities say privacy rules One naked Abu Ghraib prisoner was doesn’t tolerate the kind prevent them from saying if Graner was forced to stand on a box with wires disciplined in 1998. attacked to his fingers, toes and penis. of abuses that happened On August 15, 1998, we reported the While we can’t describe specific at Abu Ghraib is a following about SCI-Greene: “Plus, instances of this same form of torture in according to the television news, 40 other Amerikan prisons, the idea is the boldfaced lie. guards/predators are supposed to be same everywhere, it is only the tools used FIRED! They have recovered videotapes to torture prisoners than vary. of inmates being beaten down while At Abu Ghraib a male police guard had NAKED! The inmates/POW’s never did sex with a female prisoner. Sexual abuse What is unusual about Abu Ghraib is anything to cause these pernicious by guards and by other prisoners is in severe physical and mental injuries to many prisoners and even some deaths. A not the torture of the prisoners there but predators to assault them.” Thus, the common in Amerikan prisons. Guards set that the torture was exposed and that naked video thing came from SCI- up situations where prisoners will be recent film from the California Youth Authority shows guards there brutally Amerikan officials are now forced to Greene and has now been exported to raped by another prisoner, if the guards disavow it and even punish some Iraq! Graner worked at SCI-Greene from themselves do not commit the rape. This beating and kicking kids locked up in a facility there. And this guard brutality is individuals for what happened there. But 1996 to today where he is still employed happens in both male and female prisons. punishment of individuals will not change there.(4) These are just the abuses the military on top of the standard conditions in Amerikan prisons which include control the criminal injustice system. The more Perhaps if SCI-Greene had not is willing to admit to in a report. Additional than two million people locked behind bars censored MIM Notes in 1997(5) and given accounts of torture at Abu Ghraib include: units where prisoners are locked in solitary confinement for years at a time in this country know the truth of the daily us such a hard time and if the imperialist Guards threatened prisoners with guns, torture that Amerika endorses as a media were not so pig-headed beat them with brooms and chairs, in conditions that have been condemned by the United Nations as torture. condition of imprisonment. It will not reactionary, we could have struggled sodomized one with a chemical light, change until we dismantle imperialist successfully to prevent the 1998 events poured phosphoric liquid on prisoner, and For President Bush to claim that Amerikan doesn’t tolerate the kind of system that uses these prisons as a tool in SCI-Greene—and maybe even allowed military dogs to bite them. Again of social control. Graner’s role in Abu Ghraib, but the facts these are all common practices in abuses that happened at Abu Ghraib is a are that the U.S. prison authorities make Amerikan prisons. The form of torture boldfaced lie. The criminal injustice system in this country is built on a solid Notes: it extremely difficult for MIM to do its may differ from one prison to the next, 1. MSNBC, May 5, 2004 work. To this day, SCI-Greene is but the physical and mental abuse by the foundation of torture. It is used as a system of social control. Whether trying to extract 2. USA Today 7May 2004, p. 6a. censoring MIM. Documents from prison guards is common practice throughout this 3. authorities at SCI-Greene justifying this country’s prisons. confessions or information, or just trying to degrade and break the will of prisoners, Waynesburg.txt cover-up and isolation of prison conditions In California recent reports on the 4. http:// can be found at our website. There are prisons have exposed conditions very the tools used by the system include torture, humiliation, and degradation. about 50 different documents on SCI- similar to what was found at Abu Ghraib. charlesgraner.html Greene at the MIM website thanks to all These reports have even reached the Stories about these abuses can be found in the pages of MIM Notes every two 5. the horrors there.(6) mainstream media, with frequent stories ulk/ulk/ulk150.html In fact it should be no surprise that Abu appearing in the Los Angeles Times and weeks, in a section written by prisoners called Under Lock and Key. Occasionally 6. Ghraib prisoners were tortured, as this is San Francisco Chronicle describing the agitation/prisons/censor/archive/ To read common in the Amerikan prison system cover-up at the top of the California they reach the mainstream media where politicians scramble to explain away the detailed accounts of abuses of Amerikan in general where beatings, long term Department of Corrections that stopped prisons across the country visit: http:// isolation, medical neglect, sexual assault, investigators from looking in to brutal abuse as atypical and the fault of a few individuals (who often escape punishment and humiliation are all part of a system prison guards at Pelican Bay State Prison prisons. that doesn’t even pretend to offer among others. This brutality has resulted as soon as the publicity dies down). MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 5 A picture worth 10,000 words about gender Female biology but gender oppressor: The photo below shows U.S. military reservist Lynndie England mocking a row of naked Iraqi men with a leer on her face. In the other photos, the men are forced to perform sex acts for the cameras. A lot of people have a hard time thinking of gender as anything but biology. When MIM calls Amerikan females-by- biology “men,” we get a lot of blank stares and snickers. Yet the proof is that Lynndie England is no one special in Amerikkka. Any female-biology adult of the right age could have volunteered to take her place in the Amerikan Army. That’s the proof that it is a group thing about gender in Amerika. On the other hand, it is the Iraqi people with penises being gender oppressed in these pictures. Other phrases you will hear used for this is that Iraqis here are “social females” or “socially wimmin.” Lynndie England will be referred to as “socially- speaking a man” and other variations on the idea. There will be a lot of speculation whether the smile on Lynndie England’s face comes from something deep down in female biology or whether she is just going along in comradeship with her male peers in the U.S. Army. That’s a discussion for another day. For this once, MIM will let the pictures do the talking for why MIM is the only party of any kind with a line addressing how this got to be. U$ atrocities in Iraq guarantee U$ defeat Notes into a voice that the bourgeois World. The AFP does not say whether it remains so high that more recession is by mousnonya, April 16, 2004 media has to reckon with. was the U$ regular army, the national just about guaranteed—unless the U$ can This story was written two weeks U$ forces are indiscriminately killing guard, marines or private armies who squeeze oil out of Iraq or overthrow the before the Amerikan abuse of Iraqi even more Iraqis than usual in the wake killed Hassan. To MIM it does not matter government of Venezuela (the last time prisoners at Abu Ghraib became of the 80+ U$ soldiers killed last week. It which imperialist hatchet men bludgeoned the U$ tried that it failed). Since common knowledge. It goes to show is not surprising that the U$ press is Hassan’s skull to pulp. The fact is: capitalism guarantees recession it also that Abu Ghraib is not a case of a few ignoring this fact. Since the imperialists imperialism in its death spasms pointlessly promises us more pointless wars and more bad apples, as nutcase Don Rumsfeld are bickering about how best to exploit kills even more people. The imperialists’ needless death. These needless deaths and his posse of generals would have the Third World, the foreign press is not murderous rampages only hasten are inherent in imperialism, capitalism’s us believe. Further, it says something reluctant to report some of the facts. For imperialism’s doom. Expect more and highest stage. about the degree the U$ media toadies example, the Agence Presse France notes more resistance in Iraq, more and more Arab states are gambling that they can up to the Amerikan government. If that “At Fallujah, after more than a week repression from the United $tates and max out oil profits and justify it as resisting Amerikan abuses have been so obvious of bloody combat, young marines are not ultimately a defeat in Iraq—just like U$ imperialism. European imperialists are since the occupation began last April, hesitating to kill Iraqis to ‘avenge their Vietnam. gambling that they can expand eastward why are they only reporting about them comrades’” (1) — killing innocent people We are witnessing today a straight out into the Caucasus and thus at least avoid now? How many atrocities go for no reason at all other than their brown power grab: U$ imperialists bet that they energy dependency and possibly also unreported? Outside of the coastal skin. could seize Iraq’s oil. They bet they could come to denominate oil contracts in Euros cities where magazines like the New MIM credits AFP for pointing out the buy off the Iraqi ruling class. And they instead of dollars—which would drive the Yorker are actually read, how beating death of one Iraqi by U$ hoped to be able to threaten any other value of the dollar down by as much as successful is the Pentagon in selling soldiers.(2) Why did the soldiers kill Salem oil-dependent imperialist country like 40%. its line that these incidents of brutality Hassan? Because he refused to remove France or Japan by cutting off the Arab are just that: isolate incidents? a picture of a cleric Moqtada Sadr from oil. The fact that the war in Iraq is about Notes: MIM has been reporting on his car. These people call themselves the oil should be obvious to anyone who 1. 15 April, 2004 AFP, http:// Amerikan crimes committed in the name forces of freedom. MIM calls them lying thinks. U$ imperialism has already lost of the “war on terror” since September parasites. this gamble: the Iraqi ruling class is not 3qwhc.html 2001 (and we’re been reporting on the Some bourgeois journalists claim to be going to be bribed. Not only that, OPEC 2. Iraqi ‘beaten to death’ by US troops, atrocities committed in Amerikan concerned by mercenaries (a.k.a. has reacted: oil has gone over $35 per AFP April 14, 2004 prisons since we started publishing “contractors”) in Iraq. However the fact barrel. Even after devaluing the dollar common/story_page/ MIM Notes). With your help—financial is all imperialist soldiers are mercenary from 80 Euro cents to 1.20 euros (a 0,4057,9282015%255E1702,00.html and/or practical—we can make MIM vampires feeding off the blood of the Third devaluation of at least 20%) oil still MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 6 AMERIKAN TORTURE OF IRAQIS EXPOSED

Continued from page 1... a man beaten to death and smuggled out of the prison without ever being registered Amerikan torturers were acting at the in the prison’s records: “They [CIA or its direction of the CIA and military contractors] stressed him out so bad that intelligence agents who ran part of the the man passed away. They put his body prison. The abuse was intended to “loosen in a body bag and packed him in ice for up” the prisoners for interrogation. approximately twenty-four hours in the Although perhaps the most graphic case shower. ... The next day the medics came to come to light so far, this report should and put his body on a stretcher, placed a be seen in the context of widespread civil fake IV in his arm and took him rights violations since the so-called “war away.”(2) on terror” began. Already in October The Abu Ghraib prison was a notorious 2001 we reported, “the FBI has been site of torture under the formerly-U$- hinting it wants legal authority to use backed dictator Saddam Hussein. The torture tactics on ‘recalcitrant’ Amerikans put the prison back into suspects.”(7) operation, detaining thousands of Iraqis Not that there aren’t sick individuals with no due-process rights. In some cases involved, including Staff Sergeant Ivan L. prisoners were not even registered in Frederick II, known as “Chip,” who official logs.(2) previously worked for six years as a The prison was ostensibly run by prison guard at the Buckingham Brigadier Gen. Janis Karpinski, the Correctional Center in Dillwyn, highest-ranking Amerikan womyn Iraq. Virginia.(3) In the photos, Frederick is She’s now claiming that military shown leering at naked Iraqi prisoners intelligence officers were in charge, and who are set in humiliating sexual poses. she didn’t even know what was happening Of course, “sick” needn’t mean in the prison.(4) She had no trouble “unusual.” Any average Amerikan Joe claiming credit for the prison, though, in This Iraqi men was killed during interrogation, then smuggled out of the prison could have volunteered, taken “Chip’s” an interview she gave to the St. disguised as a medical patient, according to the Taguba report. place, and done more or less the same. Petersburg Times last December, when know that this is another war of May 2004 on In fact, the exception in this case was she said that her prisoners found that aggression waged by U$ imperialists in 3. Associated Press 29 April 2004. the soldier who blew the whistle on the “living conditions now [in Abu Ghraib] are their continued quest to bring the labor, 4. NYTimes 2 May 2004, p. A1. beatings. That says something about the better in prison than at home. At one point land and resources of the world under 5. 60 Minutes, 4 Dec. 2003 (http:// consciousness of Amerikans as a group. we were concerned that they wouldn’t their control. That doesn’t exonerate the Witnesses at an Army hearing also want to leave.”(2) people with blood literally on their hands 60minutes/main586841.shtml). testified that Frederick repeatedly beat That interview was right around the in this case (or others, like in the Virginia 6. Associate Press 2 May 2004. prisoners under his command. Taking a time Karpinski was interviewed on 60 prisons), but it’s what we need to 7. MIM Notes 246. See also: http:// page from the playbook of Nazi Minutes, in which she insisted prison understand if we are to successfully concentration camp officers during their conditions were better at Abu Ghraib now combat this system. 1022-01.htm. war-crimes trials, Frederick’s uncle than they were under the Iraqis. She Notes: 8. E.g. “AWOL youth challenges William Lawson told the Associate Press, claimed that no one was held in the prison 1. NYTimes 27 Feb. 2003, p. A 10. Amerikan military” in MIM Notes 280 “They’re trying to portray him as a without charges and that prisoners were 2. New Yorker 10 May 2004; posted 5 and “ conscientious objector monster ... He’s just the guy they put in allowed visits from family members and sentenced to prison” in MIM Notes 288. charge of the prison.”(3) their lawyers. When given contradictory For Frederick’s defense, his lawyers details on an individual case, however, she have released letters he previously sent admitted that some prisoners were denied to his family, telling them that military all visitors and there were not formal What is militarism? intelligence and the CIA were behind the charges against everyone, but, she said, torture acts he was performing.(2) The “there’s nobody being held for no reason,” Militarism is war-mongering or the It is important not to let capitalists letters are arguably a self-serving attempt referring to suspects who may have to create a paper trail that could be used advocacy of war or actual carrying out risk our lives in their ideas about war committed “crimes against the coalition,” of war or its preparations. and peace or the environment. They to pass blame up the chain of command. whatever that means.(5) While we find his tale credible, that does While true pacifists condemn all have already had two world wars Some Amerikan politicians and the violence as equally repugnant, we admitted by themselves in the last 100 not exonerate him. Others who joined the media were up in arms about the torture Amerikan military (perhaps for naïve Maoists do not consider self-defense years and they are conducting a third reports — because they hurt the or the violence of oppressed nations right now against the Third World. reasons like tuition money or “for a Amerikan image, and the battle for the challenge”) have refused to serve once against imperialism to be militarism. Even a one percent annual chance of “hearts and minds” of the Iraqis. Militarism is mostly caused by nuclear war destruction caused by they come to realize their role as Democratic Senator Joseph Biden, oppressors.(8) imperialism at this time. Imperialism capitalist aggressiveness or “greed” as expressing this outrage, “This is the single is the highest stage of capitalism— the people call it should not be tolerated Frederick supposedly wrote: “I most significant undermining act that’s questioned some of the things that I saw seen in countries like the United by the proletariat. After playing occurred in a decade in that region of the $tates, England and France. Russian Roulette (in which the bullet ... such things as leaving inmates in their world in terms of our standing.”(6) Boo cell with no clothes or in female Under capitalism, capitalists often chamber is different each time and not hoo — poor Amerikan image. Before this, profit from war or its preparations. related at all to the one that came up in underpants, handcuffing them to the door it was going so well! of their cell—and the answer I got was, Yet, it is the proletariat that does the previous spins) with 100 chambers and MIM is quite willing to pass blame up dying in the wars. The proletariat one bullet, the chance of survival is ‘This is how military intelligence (MI) the chain of command, from Frederick wants it done.’ ... . MI has also instructed wants a system in which people do not only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other and Karpinski up to the CIA and beyond. have self-interest on the side of war- words, a seemingly small one percent us to place a prisoner in an isolation cell We’ll pass it all the way up to the with little or no clothes, no toilet or running profiteering or war for imperialism. annual chance of world war means imperialist system, which is ultimately the Militarism is one of the most eventual doom. After 100 years or turns water, no ventilation or window, for as driving force behind Amerika’s latest grab much as three days. ... [The military- important reasons to overthrow of Russian Roulette, the chances of in the Middle East. We didn’t need proof capitalism. It even infects oppressed survival are only 36.6%. After 200 intelligence officers] encouraged and told of Amerikans reopening the “torture us, ‘Great job,’ they were now getting nations and causes them to fight each years, survival has only a 13.4% chambers” that Bush and so many others other. chance. positive results and information.”(2) decried in the build-up to the invasion to In his letters, home, he also described MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 7 Labor aristocracy sends children to die for the SUV by [email protected] conducted the polls, and still gas prices On April 12, the campaign to elect were the top concern out of all issues for George W. Bush president ran ads on five percent of the public. We know that network television in New Hampshire presidential campaigns do not spend their pointing out that opponent Senator Kerry campaign money on television advertising voted to raise taxes on gasoline in the past. unless they have tested the ad and believe A number of papers reported that Bush it to work to change the minds of ran the same ad in 19 states. The ad significant numbers of voters. It says a showed quaint footage of someone lot about Amerikans at this time that pushing a car without gasoline. gasoline is such a big issue. This is very significant. Bush is Here’s the ad’s message to the voters: obviously worried that the labor support the Iraq War or else you may end aristocracy is going to blame him for the up pushing your car. This does succeed obvious rise in price of gasoline at the with rural voters who are going to have pump, now setting records (in nominal to decide if they can get their gas any terms, not inflation-adjusted prices). The other way. Arkansas for instance, “uses public will not be able to help wondering more gasoline per capita than all but one if the price rise is connected to Iraq or or two other states. That’s because of angering the other Arab countries. the farm-to-market culture and the Bush’s solution consistent, with his absence of mass transit in the population ideology, is to point to how his opponent centers where people drive to work one supported raising gasoline taxes—even human being per every SUV.”(3) From the though the price rise we see now is not MIM is one of the few parties calling collection of connected to taxes. itself communist in Amerika willing to take posters at Meanwhile, astonishing figures show on the pickup-and-SUV driving crowd of that fully one in twenty Amerikkkans the rural areas. It is not a good idea for mention gasoline prices as the number the communists and anti-war movement one issue facing Amerika today. That is to oink with the Amerikans about gasoline manufacturers dominate. sure that the imperialists would have what they offered in an open-ended prices. It’s an example of how the “In an unprecedented blitz [six months succeeded in justifying the war without question, when they could pick anything economic demands of the petty- after 911] the auto industry set out to the rural racist lifestyle dependent on they wanted. Others picked “war,” bourgeoisie allied with imperialism are a terrify rural America, claiming that if fuel- gasoline. “terrorism” and the “economy.”(1) dead-end. Not all popular economic efficiency standards were increased, Another poll by CNN/USA Today/ demands are good ideas. Even when we SUVs and pick-ups would vanish from Notes: Gallup “finds nearly 7 in 10 Americans offer solar energy or whatever their production lines. Enough voters were 1. saying the cost of gasoline represents a alternatives, we should not complain about panicked to produce the requisite ‘flood’ washington/artic les/2004/04/14/ crisis or major problem for the United gasoline prices and stir up people already of telephone calls to senators from rural concerns_over_war_rise_poll_says/ States.”(2) That poll shows that gasoline in an impossible bind. states.”(4) It’s just another example of 2. is the biggest single issue in 2004 for Too racist to drive small cars they how capitalist advertising found a ready- ?ci=11257 Amerikans and one of the biggest overall believe are from Japan and too practical made audience in Amerikkka. 3. in the last 10 years. to want cars that break down (like We find nothing admirable in the labor archive/2004/04/04/JohnBrummett/ Thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of Amerikan ones), the rural labor aristocracy’s driving ridiculous vehicles 170847.html Amerikans had died and were in the aristocracy chose wholesale to buy ever- while sending their children to die in Iraq. 4. process of dying when the bourgeoisie bigger vehicles that Amerikkkan None of these SUV drivers can say for feature2.cfm/ID/5258/view/print Imperialists spell relief: D-R-A-F-T Continued from page 1... unconsciously against exploitation and Rumsfeld over the Iraqi torture matter. starting to get in on the act of criticizing The question of the draft is political— oppression. According to Hagel, the United $tates Rumsfeld. That’s not to mention the unity whether one believes that the rulers of Afraid that the public and youth in should fight a protracted war against the of the Democrats and New York Times the United $tates will settle down at the particular will wake up and oppose the world and draft everyone in their late in calling for Rumsfeld to step down. current level of its military aspirations. war, the Bush administration has thrown teenage years for two years, perhaps with There is even a leak from the Bush Even if U$ imperialism stands still, the out a new bone of hope. After elections one year for training as some suggest: administration that Rumsfeld is not a oppressed nations learn to fight better in 2005, they muse, Iraqis will simmer “this is a generational—probably 25-year personal friend of Bush who he will keep each year, so we see the draft coming. down and U$ troops can scale back —war.”(2) at any campaign cost.(4) All this means somewhat. MIM counsels the youth to To be sure, Rumsfeld’s position is that Rumsfeld will be politically weaker Notes: ignore the illusions spread by Democrats popular among Republicans, as it is and the chances for a draft increased just 1. Pacifica News, March 30, 2004; see about the UN and the Republicans about merely an extreme statement of by that. also, elections. The time to oppose this war is Reagan’s position. It won’t be effortless 76% of Amerikans polled in October 2004/05/05/iraq/main615669.shtml on the now. for the Bush administration to turn to the 2001 favored the draft to get tough in the change to 135,000 Donald Rumsfeld’s analysis of the draft, but we can expect that loving “war on terrorism.” Only 18% opposed. 2. Vietnam War has offended many sympathy for a senile ex-president will Now 52% of registered voters oppose the washington/2004-04-22-rumsfeld- Vietnam veterans. According to not prevent them from forwarding their draft, which is why MIM said in its MIM draft_x.htm Rumsfeld, draftees “added no value, no sinister plans for world domination through Notes 301 article that both Bush and 3. advantage, really, to the United States a massive draft. Kerry will sidestep the draft this year, with opinion/ny- armed services over any sustained period There is no doubt that the prison ample leeway through the reshuffling of vppag203764923apr20,0,2339687.story?coll=ny- of time, because (of) the churning that debacle in Iraq has strengthened Senator 1.4 million troops that Rumsfeld is talking viewpoints-headlines took place. It took (an) enormous amount Hagel’s hand and thus sped up the about. The fact that support for the draft 4. of effort in terms of training - and then possibility of a draft: “‘What is our policy? is now down to 41% proves that it is 2004/05/09/iraq/main616398.shtml they were gone.”(3) This despite the What are we doing? What is the possibility important to link the draft to Iraq. On the 5. Namely, not having enough troops to deaths of 20,000 draftees. of us winning? That’s all still in question,’ other hand, it also shows that the rulers fight all the battles they are currently Addressing these criticisms is Senator said Hagel, a member of the Senate may adjust tactics or come up with engaged in. See MIM Notes 290, 1 Nov Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, who is also Foreign Relations Committee.”(4) another war to whip up U$ public opinion. 2003. the Republican Senator most critical of Republicans and military media are MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 8 Supreme Court hears “enemy combatant” and civil liberties cases ACTIVISTS FEAR COURT- to hear their claims. ... According to the formally charged him. Until shortly before Supreme Court is expected to issue rulings Court of Appeals, the principle is: the the argument at the Supreme Court, he in all three cases by June or July, and SANCTIONED FASCISM Executive can do what it wishes to aliens never even met with his lawyers. The U$ MIM will continue to report new abroad—even innocent aliens—because monitored and tape-recorded that developments. By MC32 and MC206 no law protects them and no court may meeting, leaving the attorneys no choice If you are as outraged as MIM is about The U$ Supreme Court recently heard hear their pleas.”(1) The brief correctly but to give their client a lesson on the laws the Amerikan government’s assault on three major cases related to the “war on goes on to emphatically reject this at issue, while avoiding all discussion of civil liberties, get involved and join us in terror”. “stunning proposition.” any facts or evidence in Padilla’s favor. our fight against the injustice system! Visit The first oral argument, heard on April The brief notes that “in addition to the Yaser Hamdi was arrested in the our civil liberties agitation page on the web 20, 2004, was the case of Rasul v. Bush, Petitioners’ claims of non-combatancy, it weeks after 9/11, and the government (5) for news, flyers and petitions! brought on behalf of 16 detainees at is clear that some detainees were says he was fighting with the Taliban Notes: Guantanamo Bay. The issue in this case apprehended far from battlefields against Amerikan forces in Afghanistan. 1. ACLU, et al amicus brief in Rasul v. Bush, 03- was whether so-called “enemy [contrary to government claims]. For He was born in Louisiana and is a U$ 334, pp. 5, 7, 9, 23-24, at combatants” are entitled to any due instance, Guantanamo holds six Bosnians citizen. Hamdi also did not have access court/court.cfm?ID=14741&c=261. process in either a U$ civil court or a and Algerians who were arrested by to an attorney until shortly before his case 2. The Boston Globe, 25 April 2004, http:// military tribunal. The plaintiffs are from Bosnian police in Bosnia and then handed went to the Supreme Court. Shortly after Britain, Australia, and Kuwait. The Bush over to U.S. troops at the request of the Hamdi was arrested his father filed a articles/2004/04/25/ administration—assuming what has to be United States.”(1) petition for writ of habeas corpus, asking us_to_hold_detainees_at_guantanamo_indefinitely/ proven under the Amerikan “innocent- Paul W. Butler, special assistant to that Hamdi be allowed to appear before 3. until-proven-guilty” legal system—argued Donald Rumsfeld, spoke to the Boston a tribunal to rebut the evidence against ap/20040428/ap_on_go_su_co/ that these detainees have no due process Globe about the detainees at Guantanamo, him. The district court that received the scotus_enemy_combatants_7. rights because they were waging war and acknowledged that “[m]ost of the 595 petition did not grant the writ but did order 4. ACLU, et al amicus brief in Hamdi v. against the United $tates and were not suspected terrorists detained by the Hamdi to have access to counsel. The Rumsfeld, 03-6696, at following the rules of the Geneva United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, government appealed that order, and the news/NewsPrint.cfm?ID=15039&c=261. Convention and international law. will be held indefinitely, even though there Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit 5. ( The other two cases, Hamdi v. is not yet enough evidence to charge them (among the most reactionary of the civlib/index.html. Rumsfeld and Rumsfeld v. Padilla, were with crimes...”(2) Unless the U$ federal courts) said that the case had to heard on April 28, 2004. Yaser Hamdi and Supreme court intervenes in its decision be sent back to the district court for it to Straight from the Jose Padilla are both citizens of the United in the Rasul case, the Bush administration consider the “implications of allowing $tates. The issue in these cases is plans to continue to hold these prisoners Hamdi to meet with counsel...”(4) whether the president has unchecked as they have been for more than two In other words, a federal circuit court horses’ mouths executive power to detain U$ citizens as years. Only two of the 595 prisoners have was saying that a U$ citizen should not We couldn’t make this shit up— “enemy combatants” with no access to been actually charged with crimes to even be allowed to see a lawyer, let alone imperialist bigwigs’ and mid-level lawyers or the courts. Jose Padilla got a date.(2) confront his accusers! Not that MIM lackeys’ own words indict them. favorable ruling from the 2nd Circuit Posters in Arabic with sayings like, completely agrees with the solutions “‘If you have no idea what’s going to federal court, which the government then “Daddy, please tell them what you know Amerika’s “founding fathers” came up happen to you, that’s extremely stressful. appealed to the Supreme Court. and come home” adorn the interrogation with, but at least they saw the problem ... But if the mission is to collect The ACLU, along with many other civil stations at Guantanamo. The government with this sort of thing. Perhaps the Court intelligence and get information that is liberties organizations, filed “friend of the rates the detainees according to of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit needs beneficial to our side, then despair and court” briefs in all three cases. While intelligence value, threat, and potential for to go back to school to learn how to read; depression may be a good thing.’” MIM has some fundamental prosecution.(2) The government we suggest they start with the Sixth —John VanNatta, warden of a disagreements with the ACLU on matters continues to try to “gather intelligence” Amendment to the U$ Constitution. maximum-security prison in Indiana, of Amerikan “democracy,” we applaud (i.e. use physical and psychological torture The more decadent, parasitic, and serving at Guantanamo and its efforts to hold Bush and his cronies to get any information) about “terrorist” exploitative Amerikan imperialism describing the prisoners’ high rate of responsible for the massive assaults on activities, and then decides what to do becomes, the more it is forced to turn its suicide attempts there.(1) In case there civil liberties since September 11, 2001. with these prisoners. The ones who have back on the anti-colonial and anti- was any doubt that the incidents at Abu been milked of all useful information, or monarchical principles of the original Ghraib were not exceptions... Guantanamo case deemed to be less dangerous, may be sent American revolutionaries. All fair-minded “The sessions are not videotaped or Formally, the Guantanamo case may back to their countries of origin. But the people, and especially political activists, tape recorded. ... The interrogations are turn on the issue of jurisdiction. U$ government wants assurance from should be very alarmed by the designed primarily to yield intelligence, not Substantively, the case is about whether these other governments that the government’s latest moves to do away evidence for a court. ... taping ‘causes Amerikan “liberty and justice” really is Guantanamo prisoners will not then be with bourgeois democratic rights. In us legal problems.’ Detainees might gain “for all,” or just whomever the president released in their home countries. The U$ practice, the Amerikan government can access to tapes through court thinks deserves it. either tries to insist that the prisoners be now detain whomever it wants, call him proceedings. ‘Then, it becomes Although Guantanamo Bay is detained in those countries, or at least tried or her an “enemy combatant”, and throw exculpatory.’” technically within Cuban borders, it is there.(2) The irony is that the closer the away the key! —U$ Army General Geoffrey D. leased to the United $tates. The lawyers legal system in those countries is to the “If the government’s position were Miller, until recently the commander of for the detainees argued that this lease Amerikan system (including Miranda-type accepted,” argued Padilla’s lawyers, “it the detention operation at effectively means that the prisoners— rights, rules about evidence gathering, due would mean that for the foreseeable Guantanamo.(1) Heaven forbid the held there under Amerikan authority— process, etc.), the less likely it is that those future, any citizen, anywhere, at any time, detainees use these “interviews” to should be given the benefit of Amerikan prisoners will be prosecutable with the would be subject to indefinite military prove their innocence... due process. The Bush lawyers argued information gathered at Guantanamo. detention on the unilateral order of the “‘What I’m saying is that there is a that the United $tates is at war, and president.”(3) large percentage right now who are either granting the Guantanamo detainees rights Padilla and Hamdi A few of the Supreme Court justices high threat or high intelligence value, that to prove their innocence then every The Amerikan government has held asked questions during the arguments of right now there’s no intention to try them “enemy” would want that right. Jose Padilla for more than two years and all three cases that suggest they are before a military commission. ... [W]e The “friends of the court” brief in this has yet to charge him with a crime! He concerned about letting Bush continue to have a responsibility, both to our forces case pointed out that the detainees claim was arrested in Chicago, held in the have the power to hold so-called “enemy ... and the rest of the world, to not let that they “never engaged in hostilities custody of civilian authorities, and then combatants” for as long as he says those people back out.’ against America.”(1) “They say they are transferred to military detention in June Amerika is “waging war on terror”. As —Paul W. Butler, special assistant to innocents caught up in the fog of war, 2002. He is currently held in near isolation the justices pointed out, no one has any Secretary of Defense Donald and they have now been imprisoned for in a military brig in South Carolina.(3) The idea how long that will be, and the Rumsfeld.(2) more than a year and a half. Yet government has publicly accused Padilla government is asking to hold these Notes according to the Court of Appeals, [for of planning to detonate a radioactive “dirty prisoners at Guantanamo and military 1. The Washington Post, 2 May 2004. the D.C. Circuit] no court has jurisdiction bomb” in the United $tates but has not brigs in the United $tates indefinitely. The 2. The Boston Globe, 25 April 2004. MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 9 Preparing for the all-round dictatorship of the proletariat Continued from page 3... be like the smoking parent who gave his/ is that it is much better to be an amorphous her kids cigarettes to avoid being a character that serves various corporate VI. Friends say some kind of sexual experience is the hypocrite. interests to win elections. For a Maoist Another one of those subjective areas most profound, emotion-stirring Since the 1980s, we’ve had multiple party, the question is different, because is friends. Mao already addressed this in experience. Still, whether this pleasure is comrades disappear out of we’re not saying the solution to gender “Combat Liberalism.” Who in the United 100% natural or if it is totally constructed embarrassment over sex questions. We oppression is for the masses to abstain $tates does not have high school by for-profit pornography or something even had one comrade disappear for from sex. The masses can’t abstain from classmates as friends that did not later else social, MIM asks, is it is good for something no one was opposed to! In their jobs and end exploitation either. go on to be police or serve in some country wimmin? Would we rather live in a society most cases, MIM does not cast people We’re saying that for party members, we killing people? No, the point is not that in which pornography was not such an out of our circles for sexual practice out expect them to put aside their persynal 100% of the cops and military personnel overwhelming subjective experience for of synch with our line. What happens is feelings about social behavior and dig to we all have as neighbors in the U$A are many men? people treat it like Christianity as if the their causes. Otherwise, they can’t join “bad.” Nonetheless, when it comes time What heroin does to people is also lifestyle itself were the goal and since they and have a vote on scientific matters. If for a communist party, we need to know “natural.” It takes advantage of failed the supposed goal, they should give people think sex in society in general is that politics goes above those old something in humyns’ biological wiring. up politics they imagine. This is wrong above the dictatorship of the proletariat, classmates. The fact that we like our That does not mean it is necessary and and we must fight to expunge Christian, because s/he thinks it’s the most profound friends can be another source of good. We can conquer heroin and we Jewish and Islamic thinking on this from and best subjective experience as is, then reticence and paralysis on the behalf of should. our circles by an active fight. And by the we don’t want them in our party. We can’t revolutionaries, because we are the Just as “art for its own sake” is poison, way, our challenge stands to any let anything get in the way of our mission underdog and more often than not people so too is “sex for its own sake” when comrades who left in the midst of sexual to end oppression and exploitation. will not be able to take their ordinary raised against the party and the embarrassment to come back to party If an “illegal alien” migrant farm- friends from apolitical circles and have dictatorship of the proletariat. In the circles. Just send us a letter or even join worker says he had a “nice day at work” things work out OK for revolutionary communist future they may be able to our struggle anonymously as many do. picking oranges or tomatoes, OK, that’s politics. So we have to be objective about have both or maybe the very thought of The struggle against gender oppression his subjectivity for the day. It does not the sources of some feelings around the both will disappear, but right now and for does not advance by people giving up mean he was not super-exploited, U$A. As Sakai pointed out, it’s virtually a foreseeable stage of time, the politics. If the People’s Wars have to use whether he thinks so or not. If someone impossible to be white in Amerika and subjectivism of art or sex for its own sake bullets and bombs to feed, clothe and experiences pleasure in sex, it does not not know some police-affiliated neighbor. is a weapon in the arsenal of the enemy. shelter the people, we in the imperialist mean there is no gender oppression Then when we consider the millions who We had a womyn quit the party’s circles countries can stand a little embarrassment interconnected with that. MIM is have gone through the armed services, a solely on the basis of the line that with each other over subjective trifles. definitely going to lose some support for picture adds up. People we knew as kids monogamy is second-best to asexuality. It could even be the case that what is saying that, but so be it. We are are now active agents of the state. That’s She claimed to agree with every other hurtful for one persyn is uplifting for communists and we only want people not to say there is not revolutionary single line of the party, but wanted multiple another because of how subjectivities are voting in our party who are going to put struggle in the Army. There most partners. She asked us to change the line. constructed currently. That’s why Mao science of ending oppression above the assuredly is. On the whole though, The womyn recruiting her came back with called it steering and they used that subjective experiences of all kinds. The veterans of an undefeated imperialist this sad news to the party and pointed “helmsman” image in China. A party can only proper way to oppose the party line military power are a negative political out, yeah, but if she would break with us never steer in such a way as not to is with evidence for entire groups of influence—something that even the “just for that,” she could not have been depress somebody. Individualists can try people, not by persynal experience alone. bourgeois revolutionaries and veterans of serious about the rest. Indeed, that’s how to adjust everything in their private lives, If someone wants to provide evidence 1776 recognized. we look at it: the stands on subjective but scientific bodies including vanguard that pornography improved the reading matters relative to the party often tell us parties have to take votes and go one way comprehension, vocabulary and grammar a lot about ourselves and our overall line. or another. Trotsky and the Liberals try of both girls and boys exposed to Did you know? Supposing that for this womyn, the most to make it appear contrary, but it just isn’t pornography in high school—such being profound subjective experience in life— There are more true. It is better to make decisions in the a fanciful assumption but raised to than 200 back more profound than the subjective thrill open through a vanguard party vote than illustrate a point of principle— then the of everything else MIM stood for—was by individuals in private life or corporate party would have to consider that. The issues of MIM having multiple sexual partners. Then we boardrooms. fact that pornography has completely Notes available might think that what MIM was doing to It is well known that MIM is willing to taken over the last two generations of men on the MIM her with this monogamy line was take “extreme” stands by U$ public in the United $tates and that men like it is website? Not only “depressing.” This is actually a very standards. We even appreciate some of not an argument against having no important point. The truth may hurt and can you browse what Gandhi said that first people ignore pornography corporations under more than 15 be depressing. It does not mean we can you; then they laugh at you; then they socialism. That would be supporting the afford to do without the truth of imprison you and then they join you. Black subjectivism of patriarchy. years of the oppression and exploitation. We have bourgeois Nelson Mandela even When it comes to the party pointing the newspaper, you always said that if people do not find the experienced the last part of this where road to revolution, the task has to be can also keep up current reality depressing and hurtful, then the white rulers put him in prison and then conceived differently. The “all sex is with the very there is something wrong with them. They decided capitalism will survive if it has a rape” line lays it down hard and firmly, need to be taken out of the “Matrix.” latest on MIM Black face leading it. and to be blunt, especially for men who agitation What is worse, of course, in theory the Countless opportunists have asked us are hopping hot for sex, that there is party can make mistakes and worsen that why we are willing to take such a public nothing, nothing at all that MIM holds campaigns, depression and hurt for some people. A opinion beating on our position that “all above analytical scrutiny. And when we prisoner news, all comrade wanting multiple sex partners sex is rape.” Of course we know it is get done taking down the profit system, the latest on the might think that having the line in her face unpopular. However, there are two kinds it’s going to be the same way: we’re going U$ war, and much all the time would make her a hypocrite, of unpopularity in politics relevant to to be there looking at what it takes to get because she did not feel it emotionally. more. MIM’s MIM: 1) lost popularity because the road done with battering, rape and even just website is an Yet it’s guaranteed that we are all to communism is difficult 2) popularity lost hurt feelings, because Marx said that hypocrites, because the party can never because we surrendered our political when the species takes over its destiny indispensable tool be 100% in line with people subjectively. credibility. No matter what anyone might people will know not even to fall in love for the Another troublesome issue is what to say, the two reasons for surrendering with the wrong persyn and thus avoid hurt revolutionary do with comrades when they fail in popularity are not the same. feelings. Granted, that’s quite a while movement. Get practice in their lifestyles. We’re not going Anybody with the “all sex is rape” line down the line, but the point is that we to get into all of it here, but merely involved! is not going to be elected president of the communists are relentless in nailing down avoiding MIM, because one line or even United $tates any time soon. Reflexive the underlying problems in society and several would make someone a hypocrite and hardened reformists are going to moving forward to a happy and Politics/MIM subjectively speaking is wrong. It would dismiss us on that account alone. The truth harmonious one. MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 10

telephone calls we place are both heavily Join the fight against taxed. Currently, 33 percent is deducted from the injustice system all incoming moneys—which will increase to Under Lock & Key an astounding 55 percent in mid-2004. All of it under the guise of restitution. The telephone While we fight to end the criminal service providers have been awarded the injustice system MIM engages in News from Prisons & Prisoners lucrative California prison contract without reformist battles to improve the lives even having to place a bid—with the CDC of prisoners. Below are some of the receiving tens of millions in kickbacks. We campaigns we are currently waging, receive the worst deal imaginable due to this and ways people behind the bars and California Prisoncrat large and the union representing the 29,000 “no-bid” arrangement. prison guards too powerful. A number of These are merely a few examples. Welcome on the outside can get involved. More Governor Schwarzenegger campaigned on info can be found on our prison web things have to happen if the CDC is ever to to the world of the California state prisoner the platform of cleaning up how politics are where cumulative injustices are inflicted on site: conducted in California. Due to a budget assume their place alongside, not above, other state agencies. the entire population who simply have no MIM/agitation/prisons deficit of $14 billion, no state agency will be 1. All nonviolent drug offenders, including voice, no rights, no representation. Stop Censorship in Prison: Prisons able to escape across-the-board cut-backs. As state prisoners in the California prison However, corrections has an unholy second and third strikers, need to be placed frequently censor books, newspapers in community-based treatment facilities. system, we are mere fodder. We are the king’s advantage over all other segments of state and magazines coming from MIM’s Incarcerating drug offenders in $30,000 a year peasants and treated accordingly. Taxation books for prisoners program. We need government. without representation has a renewed The California Department of Corrections prison beds for lengthy and life sentences help from lawyers, paralegals and needs to come to an end. meaning for 160,000 of us and our loved ones. (CDC) is an unmanageable conglomerate of jailhouse lawyers to fight this 2. Change the state’s recidivist sentencing Oppression comes to mind. 32 state prisons, with a $5.3 billion budget. This is not just about budget problems, censorship. The Schwarzenegger administration has schemes so that lengthy and life sentences are only given to violent criminals and sexual pork barrel politics, and spending cuts—this Books for Prisoners: This program offered a number of cost-cutting ideas—from focuses on political education of predators. is about people. This is about society. As a releasing inmates early, revamping the parole member of a voiceless population, I speak for prisoners. Send donations of books and system, and closing down prisons. 3. Permanently close-down a number of prisons in response to these moves. Begin all when I say: “Enough is enough. We have money for our Books for Prisoners There are two opposing schools-of- program. thought on the issue of drugs, crime, and with the older, dilapidated prisons—but don’t public safety in California. On one side are stop there. The sweetheart deals the CCPOA End the Three Strikes laws: This received for generous campaign contributions MIM on the bipartisan proponents of the drug war campaign is actively fighting the need to be identified and undone. These are repressive California laws, but similar and prison industrialism. They are dogmatic Prisons & Prisoners in their support for all manners of unforgiving inexcusable quid pro quos. laws exist in other states. Write to us Case in point, CDC overtime: Recalled MIM seeks to build public opinion to request a petition to collect criminal justice precepts, no matter how ill- conceived or ineffective. These advocates of Governor Gray Davis was unconditionally against Amerika’s criminal injustice sys- signatures. Send articles and heavy-handed punishments are well-funded indebted to the CCPOA for million in tem, and to eventually replace the bour- information on three strike laws. campaign contributions. In addition to giving and lead by the California Correctional Peace geois injustice system with proletarian jus- Shut Down the Control Units: Across Officers Association (CCPOA). They are the guards a $1 billion pay raise in 2002, he tice. The bourgeois injustice system im- the country there are a growing number brilliant in their tactics by investing in restricted a warden’s power to discipline guards who abuse the process of calling in of prison control units. These are candidates on both sides of the political prisons and executes a disproportionately permanently designated prisons or cells spectrum. With their annual $20 million war sick. The CDC was already a state agency large and growing number of oppressed chest, they have no equal. depending heavily on overtime. Davis allowed in prisons that lock prisoners up in the CDC to become even more so dependent people while letting the biggest mass mur- On the other side of the debate are the anti- solitary or small group confinement for on overtime by knowingly providing rank- derers — the imperialists and their lack- 22 or more hours a day with no drug war, pro-human rights opponents of the American prison phenomenon—i.e., those of and-file guards the power to write their own eys — roam free. Imperialism is not op- congregate dining, exercise or other rules. Because the union runs corrections, us locked-up, our loved ones, and a very small posed to murder or theft, it only insists that services, and virtually no programs for not upper echelon administrators, chronic number of dedicated prisoner-advocates. Our these crimes be committed in the interests prisoners. Prisoners are placed in allies are generally volunteer activists who overtime abuses result in the department going over budget by half a billion dollars a control units for extended periods of operate on shoestring budgets. of the bourgeoisie. time. These units cause both mental and On its face, the CCPOA is simply a union year. This is how a prison guard is able to “All U.S. citizens are criminals— earn a salary of over $100,000. physical problems for prisoners. looking out for the interests of their accomplices and accessories to the crimes Write to us to request a petition to While the Schwarzenegger administration constituents. However, their successes have of U.$. oppression globally until the day collect signatures. Get your created a power-vacuum. Corrections is an talks about inmate population cuts and prison industry lavishly rewarded for a generation closures, California is the recipient of a U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S. organization to sign the statement skewed state government. And the guard’s of miserable recidivism rates, scandals, and citizens should start from the point of view demanding control units be shut down. power-base is still unmatched. A whole Send us information about where there controversies. They have been allowed to that they are reforming criminals.” expand and grow despite their failures. generation of CCPOA-owned lawmakers are are control units in your state. Include still in Sacramento waiting to do the guard’s MIM does not advocate that all the names of the prisons as well as the The contemporary criminal justice ideology of punishment over rehabilitation relieves bidding. prisoners go free today; we have a number of control unit beds/cells in prison administrators from the burden of being It is not my position that corrections is the more effective program for fighting each prison if that is known. Send us only problem plaguing our society. Nor do I required to manage in a results-oriented crime as was demonstrated in China anti-control unit artwork. atmosphere. This has allowed the prison attempt to diminish society’s justifiable MIM’s Re-Lease on Life Program: system to concentrate its resources on their concern with public safety. But the prior to the restoration of capitalism correctional special interests have been a This program provides support for our guards, as opposed to the inmates. there in 1976. We say that all prisoners corrupting influence for so long something comrades who have been recently Points to consider: are political prisoners because under - From 1984 to 1994, twenty-one state drastic needs to be done. As an inmate I’ve released from the prison system, to help lived under the reign of the CCPOA for over the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all prisons were built and only one state them meet their basic needs and also half a decade as a nonviolent three strikes imprisonment is substantively continue with their revolutionary university. - College fees are raised every year and drug offender. I see firsthand what society political. It is our responsibility to organizing on the outside. We need cannot. I see an army of overpaid correctional education budgets for students K-12 always funds, housing, and job resources. We officers absolutely bloated on government exert revolutionary leadership and get hit hard. conduct political agitation and also need prisoner’s input on the - Prison guards are paid better than all state funds. They own this state and think it’s funny. They need to be placed on half rations, following survey questions: educators, including tenured CSU professors. organization among prisoners — - Prison vocational classes were virtually not us. whose material conditions make them 1. What are the biggest challenges eliminated when the CDC had to lay- off California inmates as a demographic have nothing else to give. We are forced to spend an overwhelmingly revolutionary you face being released from prison? workers. It was determined that correctional 2. How can these problems be educators—CDC employees who actually the rest of our lives in these Gulags of pillaged group. Some prisoners should and will provide a meaningful service—not guards, humanity. The guards have taken in all. It is work on self-criticism under a future addressed? through mismanagement and greed that a $5.3 were expendable. 3. What are the important elements billion state agency looks to the inmate dictatorship of the proletariat in those of a successful release program? - The CCPOA negotiated a 34 percent pay cases in which prisoners really did do raise in 2002 when the state was in the middle population when pressured by the legislature to trim costs. They extort us—we are the of a fiscal crisis. something wrong by proletarian As far as corrections go, the CDC is too economic hostages. All the money we receive standards. from our loved ones and the collect-only MIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 11 nothing more to give. You’ve taken it all. Give support is needed. Due to them getting suspicious of my political It’s proof that the system is doing its job quite some of it back and leave us alone.” When Constant in the Struggle, activism. My mail is not being stopped but well actually. looking for some other miserable demographic - A New York Prisoner, March 2004 they are reading it. I am currently in the Just how bizarre is this idea, you ask? I to demonize—the prisoncrat should simply MIM responds: The points on process of attempting to challenge them in don’t have all the answers but I’ve come to look in the mirror. communication and leadership both bring up their policy relating mail. see a few reasons why this type of prison -A California Prisoner, January 2004 questions of organization and security. The Currently I am in the administrative system would be desirable. It lowers the fact is that comrades behind bars generally segregation in Correctional Training Facility. unemployment rate. Consider that crime/ have to rely on U.$. mail to communicate with I have been passing out information in hopes prisoners create jobs: police, lawyers, judges, Short term USW goals those on the outside. Without any direct to rally prisoners to get involved. I have prosecutors, clerks, prison guards, prison Greetings Comrades, contact there is always a limit to the amount reached another person and am talking with medical personnel, prison administration, etc. Here are a few suggestions for short term of trust on either end. This is unavoidable. If others, exchanging essays and thoughts. Sine Consider, also, that people in prison are not goals: a comrade steps up as a leader in a prison I am kept off the mainlines I do not know if counted when unemployment statistics are 1. In order to double MIM subscribers in where there is no USW leadership, they there are other MIM activists in this prison. I collected. It creates a scapegoat class for the prisons, get other prison publications to run automatically become the leadership. This is am kept off the main line because they have rich people and politicians to focus blame free ads for MIM’s Books for Prisoners just how things develop. Being a leader does set me up and labeled me a “gang” associate. upon for the ills of society so that they can programs. We can establish a reciprocal not grant anyone information that will make The administration has been corrupted and maintain power and control. Consider that relationship with these other prison them a danger to our organizing. abuses authority since the 50s, working hand poverty and racism, the lack of education publications, as well as other free book There is always a threat of MIM/USW being in hand with fascist groups and other groups (academic and education-vocational) and programs (Lucy Parsons Center Bookstore, misrepresented, but the best way to combat of inmates to oppress other inmates and make unemployment are the root cause of crime. Books Through Bars, Books to Prisoners, that is through our newspaper and other money out of the deal. Since I started doing Yet we blame the criminal instead of the Open Door Books, etc.), by offering to run constant communication with the masses as my own thing and educating myself the conditions that created the crime/criminal. We free ads for them in our publications. Also we to what we are about. The same thing can administration has labeled me a threat to the do little to correct either. The prison system may be able to establish like relationships happen on the streets where anyone could institution and keeps me segregated from is a tool to control certain racial minorities in with companies that offer services to prisoners pick up a stack of MIM Notes and claim to other inmates. our society, as well as the poor. selling audio tapes, electronics, clothes, etc. represent the party. But if they are spreading Social change happened within the penal If this idea still seems bizarre, consider the specifically geared towards prison disinformation, a look at our paper or webpage institutions a long time ago. The fact that millions of dollars are made from the populations. These companies are based in will demonstrate this to the masses. So our administration was no longer in control. So cheap labor of prisoners. Just think of what different states and serve different prisoners best assurance of preventing misleadership they made laws and rules to punish anyone would happen if the state really started to nationwide, which would be good for MIM. is build our presence among the masses by who attempts to open the eyes of other rehabilitate prisoners instead of just 2. The idea of producing pamphlets is very spreading the paper and linking up leaders inmates. They have created a system that warehousing them? Obviously, they would good. I believe that any USW leader at any who do represent us. racially profiles you. Automatically you are come out of prison looking for a job rather facility should have the responsibility of The question of a more secure/faster being discriminated for your race and than looking to pull a job and would be less soliciting articles for these pamphlets on communication also opens us up to punished. They call this “population control.” likely to return to prison. This would mean specific(relevant) topics. Creating a title and disinformation campaigns by the pigs. While Then they have created a special set of that California would have to stop building table of contents page, as well as editing said we certainly encourage USW leaders to officers to monitor your activities. If you are prisons and start closing them down. This articles. This solicitation of articles (and also communicate however they best can, the best seen or believed to be working to undermine would mean finding another purpose for those artwork) can be an aspect of specific USW way to do so is through MIM and by writing the administration’s efforts to drag the people closed prisons. It seems to me that a lot of study groups, or any mandatory reading that for Under Lock and Key. That way we can be through the mud, then you are scooped off people have a vested interest in seeing that the USW leader may establish for supporters. accountable for where the information is the mainline and placed in SHUs for “security rehabilitation does not take place behind This will give supporters more of an active coming from. reasons” to protect the interest of “penal prison walls. role. Leaders may even be able to use the With the pamphlets that prisoners are corrections.” Dostoevsky got it right when he said, “The submission of articles to be included in creating, we can do dedicated issues of The administration is attempting to win the degree of civilization can be judged by pamphlets as a reward each month for those Under Lock and Key in MIM Notes rather trust of the inmates by creating a committee entering its prisons.” Prisons have been supporters who show most devotion, thus than printing these up separately, when that the inmates vote for you and then you renamed and are now called “correctional creating an incentive. Competition of this appropriate. can work with the administration to “attempt” facilities” because of the rehabilitation which caliber could prove beneficial. MIM looks to get our programs listed in to come to terms with regards to “conditions is supposed to go on inside. Then when the 3. I believe that solidifying USW leaders in resource directories wherever we can. Most of confinement” and other “privileges and public looks at the high recidivism rate or each state is a process that should move organizations that provide programs for incentives.” But a lot of the inmates see hears stories about parolees committing new forward with a degree of caution. Many of prisoners do not have publications, so there through their attempts to cloud inmates into crimes, they are led to believe that these leaders may very well have ulterior is no opportunity for ad exchanges. And there thinking they are in control of their time. A lot rehabilitation is a failure. That it isn’t possible. motives, and be using MIM (USW) as a are already organizations out there doing a of inmates have been scared for life and will But the truth of the matter is that no valid means of garnering support for gangs, or non- good job compiling comprehensive resource never put their trust in the penal efforts are being made to bring about revolutionary organizations. I believe that lists for prisoners. Rather than duplicating administration, they just literally raped, killed rehabilitation. From what I’ve seen, MIM should put more emphasis on this work we refer our comrades to directories and extorted from inmates. rehabilitation did not fail, it was not achieved establishing some sort of criteria in deciding like the one put out by the Prison Activist The inmates who are made aware of this because the system isn’t interested in its USW leaders and not just allot those Resource Center. and continue to do their own program are set rehabilitating anyone. Most prison programs positions to anyone who wants one. up and labeled members or associates of look good on paper but have little or no 4. I believe that a secure line of Corcoran cuts gangs such as I have been. And they are kept rehabilitation value. The only valid communication must be established between in segregation: it’s just a tool that is utilized rehabilitation program the prison system ever USW leaders in each prison in specific states. education and visits by the administration to down play any had was the college program which Due to security issues, it’s nearly impossible Let me share or expose a little bite about person who tries to spread truth and keep significantly lowered the recidivism rate. In for USW leaders to share ideas (even if they them away from other inmates so that one 1992, this program was taken away from know each others identity). And this line of Corcoran state prison on this four yard 180. This might help United Struggle from Within can not expose their true intentions. prisoners. The saddest aspect of this whole communication is also in regards to USW -a California prisoner, November 2003 matter is that prisoners are not only receptive leaders and MIM contacts, as well as the (USW). About one year ago they took the education and trades classes. A education to rehabilitation efforts and programs, but people at RAIL that you (MIM) urge them to they are anxious—even desperate—for them. work with. How can they be worked with when channel is on television three hours a day Designing failures: but what about those inmates without a TV? Instead of rehabilitation, they go through they’re not even known to USW leaders? By rehabilitation in dehumanization and when finally released establishing this secure line of They took one and a half days of our visits because they put level two prisoners in the back into society, they are in worse shape communication, it will allow USW to be more prison than when they first entered prison. well organized and its coordinated works with gym on the same yard as us, and we can’t come in contact with those inmates. So we When I first reached prison, I didn’t The system can judge its success by how RAIL to be more stable. understand why so many people come back quickly the released return to prison. Its 5. In identifying ways that like have to suffer because these penitentiaries are over crowded. That’s just a few of many after being here so many years. Now that I’ve failures are those that some how manage to organizations, or individuals on the outside been here a few years, I find that I know a beat the odds to become law-abiding can support our battles, we have to first things wrong around here in Corcoran. - a California prisoner, March 2004 great deal about this system but have no productive members of society. establish ways to be notified (in real time) as understanding as to why it’s allowed to - A California Prisoner, April 2004 to what those battles are, specifically. This function as it does. I’ve just recently come to goes to establishing a real line of California segregates accept the bizarre idea that the prison system communication between USW leaders is not a failure. That it’s doing what it has themselves, and USW leaders and MIM and activists been fine tuned to do: create failures by RAIL- allowing everyone to be on the same I have received your recent letter. The insuring that a large majority of those released page... But communication is important so that letters are being funneled through mail room from prison will eventually return. The high we’ll all know what battles are being fought to the records department and then to my recidivism rate is not an indication of failure. at a particular time, and exactly what kind of counselor Dixon who most likely over reads. NotasMIM Notes 302 • May 15, 2004 • Page 12 Rojas mayo 15, 2004, Nº 302 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista Gratis Las prisiones de Tejas retienen comida, ayuda médica No nos sorprende que los presos paguen agua estancada. Las paredes están cubiertas pasan por alto dicha parte de la sección 13.” han hecho la prueba. Hombre, en este lugar desproporcionadamente cuando los de insectos muertos. El agua gotea entre las Nuestros camaradas de Tejas también nos se aplica la Ley de Herodes: o te chingas o te presupuestos estatales de muchos estados grietas de las paredes quebradas. No nos han dicho los servicios médicos han sido jodes. en el país sufren grandísimas insuficiencias. dan los 20 minutos que tenemos garantizados retenidos a causa de los problemas A los activistas que luchan contra el sistema El MIM ha recibido muchas cartas de para comer y las bandejas y los tenedores de presupuestarios. “Han eliminado a los carcelario no les sorprende el hecho de que presos en el estado de Tejas indicando que plástico están bien sucios, con restos de trabajadores médicos y han despedido al los recortes presupuestarios sean dirigidos este estado se ha empeñado viciosamente en comida pegados desde hace dos o tres días. técnico del laboratorio. Pasará mucho tiempo contra la población más pobre del estado, eliminar los servicios básicos de comida y Además, siempre se les acaba comida y no antes de que los presos tengan acceso a pero este hecho debería darnos rabia a todos. ayuda médica para poder ahorrar dinero. Un hay hielo en el comedor...” pruebas de SIDA, hepatitis y otros análisis Les pedimos a todos nuestros lectores que activista que lucha contra el sistema carcelario Mientras los presos pasan hambre y siguen de sangre. Yo sigo esperando una prueba de se involucren en nuestras campañas en contra de Tejas nos informa que “muchas prisiones trabajando gratis por largas horas, los sangre para saber si sufro de una úlcera o no. de las injusticias del sistema carcelario sólo ofrecen dos comidas diarias mientras que guardianes siguen viviendo una buena vida. Ya llevo tres semanas esperando y aún no me estadounidense. en otras cárceles se reduce el tamaño y el Según el informe del activista, “el hambre contenido calórico de lo que consumen los nunca llega al comedor de los guardianes. presos diariamente.” Ahí nunca faltan sopas, ensaladas, huevos, “Educación no Encarcelación” Un preso nos escribe: “Las cosas han carne, condimentos, helado, tortas, pasteles Traducido por Células de Estudio para la Pedimos que el dinero no se use para la empeorado desde la última vez que les escribí. y una gran variedad de otros postres que Liberación de Aztlán y América Latina. Aquí en el TDCJ (Departamento de Justicia provienen gratis en cantidades ilimitadas para represión y que se invierta en las necesidades Las unidades de máxima seguridad son básicas”(1). Criminal de Tejas) se ha retenido la comida. ser distribuidos entre los 40 mil empleados cárceles especiales dentro de una cárcel En nuestro último informe también dijimos Al principio hemos oído varios rumores al del TDCJ.” Y como el comedor de guardianes diseñadas para impedir la organización de los respecto, pero ahora los rumores se han hecho queda abierto las 24 horas todos los días del que “el impacto principal de tal campaña sólo presos. será fuerte en conjunto con nuestros realidad. El postre se ha retenido tres veces año, “algunos de los guardianes van a comer En California, el MIM y la LRAI están esfuerzos para que el dinero no sólo se use por semana y ahora la cárcel produce su ahí en sus días libres para no tener que pagar llevando a cabo una lucha prolongada para propio almíbar. ¡Guácala! Además, ahora nos por su comida en algún restaurante o para no de otra forma sino para que también podamos cerrar las unidades de máxima seguridad. decidir cómo utilizarlo.” dan el desayuno en una bolsita de papel. Pero tener que cocinar en casa.” Éstas representan un ejemplo de las De las más de 200 personas que participaron lo más diabólico que se ha ingeniado el TDCJ Resulta que la dieta especial de los condiciones más bárbaras que existen en el es la violación de nuestros derechos guardianes es una violación de la ley estatal. en la manifestación en el palacio municipal sistema carcelario de EE.UU. de Oakland el día 19 de noviembre, casi todos religiosos. Ahora por razones presupuestarias El activista nos cuenta que la “sección 13 En nuestras presentaciones abordamos el venían de dos pequeños colegios no nos permiten mantener una dieta sin carne dice que el TDCJ puede proveer comida a los tema de dichas cárceles rindiéndoles a los de puerco. Los musulmanes y otros que no guardianes sólo después de que se hayan independientes: La Academia de las Calles y estudiantes testimonios de abusos y la Escuela para la Justicia Social. Estos comen carne de puerco no tienen la opción satisfecho las necesidades de los presos.” privación sensorial que sufren los presos. colegios existen dentro del sistema escolar de sustituir la carne de puerco por otro tipo Pero las necesidades de los presos nunca se Muchos de los estudiantes reconocieron que de comida (como frijoles, queso o pan). El satisfacen porque a ellos nunca les toca la público pero su organización y currículos son estas condiciones no tendrían ningún independientes, como si fueran colegios menú general se aplica a todos los presos. El variedad de comida que se les da a los beneficio social cuando los presos salieran “Charter” (colegios que reciben fondos lema del TDCJ es: “Si no te gusta, no te lo guardianes. Los guardias reciben lo mejor de libres. comas.” todo y a los presos les tocan restos y migajas. especiales (estatales) y operan bajo reglas Muchos estudiantes también reconocieron diferentes a las de los demás colegios del Un camarada de otra unidad nos cuenta La sección 13 también estipula que la comida paralelos entre sus vidas y las acusaciones distrito escolar). Aunque son parte del que “el comedor está muy sucio. Yo no trabajo que reciben los presos debe ser la misma en contra de “pandilleros” que se usan para para el Departamento de Sanidad pero si ese comida que reciben todos los empleados. Los sistema estos colegios, sin embargo, parecen meter a gente en las unidades de máxima ser una fuente progresista y productiva entre fuera el caso, calificaría muy bajo al comedor. directores de las prisiones siempre creen que seguridad. Un estudiante dijo que sólo los estudiantes de Oakland. No sabemos En la entrada del comedor hay charcos de la ley no se les aplica a ellos y, por lo tanto, bastaba que tres personas vestidas del mismo mucho sobre sus programas, pero los color se juntaran en una esquina para que la estudiantes que asistieron a la conferencia y policía los molestara. Muchos otros contaron en particular los que expresaron sus opiniones que la policía de la ciudad de Oakland siempre desde el escenario, pasaron todo el día ¿Que es el MIM? usa violencia excesiva como, por ejemplo, el hablando en contra de la violencia policial, el El Movimiento Internacionalista Maoísta (MIM) es un partido revolucionario apuntar el barril de una pistolas contra la sistema carcelario y hasta en contra de los comunista que ejerce el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo. El MIM es una organización cabeza de un detenido. demás colegios del distrito de Oakland. Durante la manifestación subsiguiente, un internacionalista que trabaja desde el punto de vista del proletariado del Tercer Mundo; Los líderes estudiantiles de este invitado retomó este tema mencionando las movimiento saben reconocer las relaciones es por esto que sus miembros no son amerikanos sino ciudadanos del mundo. leyes contra la vagancia y la holgazanería que entre el sistema carcelario, el capitalismo y El MIM lucha para acabar con la opresión de todos los grupos sobre cualquier otro, existen en la ciudad de Oakland. Dijo que cientos de años de opresión. Y casi todos naciones por naciones, clases por clases, y géneros por géneros. La revolución es una estas leyes equivalen a la reacción del estado los estudiantes con los que hablamos realidad para los Estados Unidos mientras su ejército continúa extendiendose en su frente a la liberación de esclavos africanos sostienen una opinión negativa sobre el esfuerzo por asegurar la hegemonía mundial. que dio como resultado una creación de una sistema carcelario. Pero cuando les El MIM difiere de otros partidos en tres puntos basicos: (1) El MIM sostiene que ola superflua de fuerza laboral desperdiciada preguntamos cuál sería la solución al después que el proletariado conquiste el poder estatal, existira aún el potencial para una en EE.UU. Una estudiante de la preparatoria problema de crímenes violentos, no supieron restauración de tipo capitalista, bajo la dirección de una burguesía nueva dentro del contó que en su escuela ella había sido responder. La mayoría opina que los seres mismo partido comunista. En el caso de la Unión Soviética, la burguesía se apoderó del castigada de una manera injusta por discutir humanos seguirán violando y asesinando y gobierno después de la muerte de Stalin, en 1953; y en China después de la muerte de temas políticos. Además mencionó el hecho que así son las cosas. Esto parece ser el de que el año pasado el distrito escolar pidió Mao y del derrocamiento de la llamada “banda de los cuatro’ en 1976. (2) El MIM obstáculo mas grande para desencadenar un ayuda al servicio secreto para investigar el poderoso movimiento de jóvenes para sostiene que la Revolución Cultural en China es la fase ms avanzada a la que llegó el caso de dos estudiantes que habían dicho transformar la sociedad. Cuando las Panteras comunismo en la historia. (3) El MIM afirma que la clase trabajadora blanca de los que George Bush estaba loco. Negras demostraron que el pueblo podía EE.UU. es primordialmente, una élite trabajadora no revolucionaria en el presente. Es Tomando en cuenta las pláticas y las llevar a cabo el cambio, el apoyo que por esto que no es el principal vehículo para avanzar el Maoísmo en este país. manifestaciones en las que participamos, recibieron de su comunidad aumentó El MIM acepta como miembro a cualquier individuo que esté de acuerdo con estos podemos concluir con confianza que esta muchísimo. Debemos seguir el ejemplo de tres puntos basicos, y que acepte al centralismo democrtico, el método de gobierno por semana valió la pena. Apoyamos a los las Panteras Negras para organizar al pueblo la mayoría en lo que se refiere a cuestiones de línea del partido. El MIM es un partido jóvenes de las naciones oprimidas en sirviéndole bajo una estrategia que haga clandestino que no publica los nombres de sus miembros para evitar la represión estatal California y respaldamos su demanda de que posible un cambio general del sistema. dirigida históricamente contra los movimientos revolucionarios comunistas, y anti- el dinero que hoy se usa para mandarlos a la Fuentes consultadas: 1. MIM Notes 286, imperialistas. Si Ud. desea una suscripción para cualquiera de nuestros periódicos o cárcel se use para educarlos. Como dijimos Septiembre 1, 2003. en julio en nuestro informe sobre el foro libros teóricos, en español o en inglés, por favor mandar dinero en efectivo o un cheque educativo en Oakland: “El contenido al nombre de MIM a esta dirección: revolucionario de esta campaña proviene del MIM • P.O. Box 29670 • Los Angeles CA 90029-0670 carácter de clase de los involucrados.