MapMapa of województwa warmińsko-Mazurskie warmińsko-mazurskiego Voivodeship BRANIEWO GoŁDAP BartoszycE ELBLĄG wĘGorzEWO LidzBark warMiński kĘtrzyn GiŻYCKO oLECKO MrĄGOWO EŁk oLsztyn ostróda iŁawa Pisz szczytno RUS LT nowE MIASTO LUBAWSKIE nidzica PL DZIAŁDOWO Bartoszyce worth seeing E n t e r t a i n m e n t p a r k s , and vicinity play centres, skate parks 1. the castle Hill in dzikowo iławeckie 3. dirt cycling path Barto ie, szyce ławeck ek GPS: 54°19’36.4”N 20°24’37.9”E ul. Bohaterów Warszawy, 11-200 Bartoszyce , Górowo I tyn Bisz Góra Zamkowa (Castle Hill) is located approx. tel. +48 89 762 98 71 (BOSiR office) popol, Sę 2 km north of Dzikowo Iławeckie. It is the highest
[email protected] point (215.60 m) in the Górowskie Heights. At the foot of Castle Hill there is a 3-km long The dirt cycling path is located in a public educational trail with a shelter. park, which includes, among others, table tennis and tables for playing chess and checkers. RUSSIAN FEDERATION 4. Bajkolandia Play centre ul. Sikorskiego 6, 11-200 Bartoszyce RUSSIAN FEDERATION tel. +48 602 329 319 1 Żywkowo Dzikowo 16 Open: daily 11:00–19:00. Iławeckie Kamińsk 5 5. rope Park Górowo Iławeckie 51 Liski Sępopol 6 9 13 14 12 Kamińsk, 11-220 Górowo Iławeckie 512 512 tel. +48 89 761 13 22 (GOK office) 512 BARTOSZYCE 2. the devil’s stone
[email protected] braniewski 511 3 4 7 8 15 ul.