TMA401/MMA400 at Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg

A Companion to the textbook

Peter Kumlin

2019 ii iii Preface

During the last years I have given a course in Functional Analysis for the master programs at Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg based on the textbook Hilbert Spaces with Applications, 3rd ed. by L.Debnath and P.Mikusinski. Pre- viously the book Applied Functional Analysis by D.H.Griffel was used and there is a vast literature on the subject. One nice recent book is Functional Analysis - Entering by Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen. It should be noted that a (the) graduate course in functional analysis given at the department is based on Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and their Applications by G.B.Folland. The overlap between the two courses is substantial. These notes serve as a complement to the textbook [2]. The first chapter is an introduction to the course. Here we start out with a differential equation, reformulate it as an integral equation and prove the existence/uniqueness of solutions from scratch. The purpose is to motivate the different notions that will be discussed during the course. The second chapter treats fixed point theory more ambitiously than that in [2]. Although the results hold for complete metric spaces we formulate the theorems for Banach spaces. Chapter three gives a short survey on Lebesgue integration, based on measure theory in the spirit of Follands book. The fourth chapter is devoted to spectral theory and finally chapter five treats boundary value problems in one dimension. A description, a course diary, for the course given the first study period during fall 2018 makes up chapter six and the final chapter is a collection of exercises. A reference list is found at the end of the document. Exercises and Theorems in this text refer to exercises and theorems in this document. These notes coincides with the material [K] on the course homepage. Gothenburg May 2019 Peter Kumlin iv Contents

1 Introduction 1

2 Fixed point theory 11 2.1 Introduction ...... 11 2.2 Banach’s fixed point theorem ...... 13 2.3 Brouwer and Schauder fixed point theorems ...... 20 2.4 Continuity and applications ...... 24 2.5 Some more fixed point theorems ...... 29

3 Lp-spaces 33 3.1 Introduction ...... 33 3.2 Lebesgue measure on Rn ...... 36 3.3 Lebesgue measurable functions ...... 38 3.4 Integrals and convergence theorems ...... 40 3.5 Lp–spaces, Hölder’s and Young’s inequalities ...... 44

4 Spectral theory 47 4.1 Introduction ...... 47

5 Ordinary differential equations 61 5.1 Introduction ...... 61 5.2 Existence of Green’s functions ...... 61


5.3 Spectral theory for ordinary differential equations ...... 68

6 What happened the year 2018/2019? A course diary 73

7 Exercises 89 7.1 Vector spaces ...... 89 7.2 Normed spaces ...... 93 7.3 Banach spaces ...... 98 7.4 Fixed point techniques ...... 112 7.5 Hilbert spaces ...... 124 7.6 Linear operators on Hilbert spaces ...... 131 7.7 Ordinary differential equations ...... 150 7.8 Calculus of variation ...... 158 Chapter 1


Functional analysis is one of the major fields of mathematics from the twentieth century. Early pioneers were Fredholm (a swede) and Volterra (an italian). Important mathemati- cian in the development were Hilbert (a german) and Riesz (a hungarian). And most importantly Stefan Banach (a pole) whose book Théorie des opérations linéares from 1932 is a cornerstone. Many more names could and should be mentioned but the ones given above will appear in the course. As a motivating example we discuss a problem from differential equations. Looking at the problem in retrospect we can easily identify many of the different notions that appear in course and also get a sense for the corresponding definitions as being "natural". So now let us roll up our sleeves and start with the calculations. Consider the differential equation

f 00(x) + f(x) = g(x) (1.1) in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 with the solution satisfying the boundary conditions

f(0) = 1, f 0(0) = 0.

The problem itself is of no special interest and will only serve as a testing ground for our ideas. Here we first think of g(x) as a given continuous function on the interval x ∈ [0, 1]. If g = 0 we know from our first calculus class that

f(x) = A cos x + B sin x is a solution to the differential equation, where A, B are arbitrary constants. To treat the case with an arbitrary function g(x) we apply the method of variations of constants. If you are not familiar with the method it does not matter since this is the only time when we will use it. Set f(x) = A(x) cos x + B(x) sin x (1.2)

1 2 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION and differentiate. We get f 0(x) = A0(x) cos x + B0(x) sin x − A(x) sin x + B(x) cos x. Assume (and this is part of the method) that A0(x) cos x + B0(x) sin x = 0, x ∈ [0, 1]. Differentiate once more. This gives f 00(x) = −A(x) cos x − B(x) sin x − A0(x) sin x + B0(x) cos x. Hence (1.2) satisfies (1.1) if −A0(x) sin x + B0(x) cos x = g(x), x ∈ [0, 1]. We now solve  0 0  A (x) cos x + B (x) sin x = 0  −A0(x) sin x + B0(x) cos x = g(x) This together with the boundary conditions give us

 0  A (x) = −g(x) sin x    0  B (x) = g(x) cos x   A(0) = 1 (= f(0))    B(0) = 0 (= f 0(0)) We conclude that  A(x) = A(0) + R x A0(t) dt = 1 + R x(−g(t) sin t) dt  0 0  R x 0 R x B(x) = B(0) + 0 B (t) dt = 0 g(t) cos t dt which finally implies that Z x f(x) = cos x + sin(x − t)g(t) dt. (1.3) 0 You can easily check that this function f(x) satisfies the differential equation and the imposed boundary conditions. (1.3) is a reformulation of the differential equation with the boundary conditions. To push things further consider the case with g(x) = k(x)f(x), x ∈ [0, 1]. Here k is assumed to be a known continuous function on [0, 1]. The solution formula above implies Z x f(x) = cos x + sin(x − t)k(t)f(t) dt. (1.4) 0 3

(1.4) is a reformulation of the differential equation with the boundary conditions, i.e. the boundary value problem, as an integral equation. Note that now the function f appears on both sides. Here comes a main idea.

Pick any f0(x) ∈ C([0, 1]). C([0, 1]) denotes the set of all continuous functions on [0, 1]. Set  R x f1(x) = cos x + sin(x − t)k(t)f0(t) dt  0   R x f2(x) = cos x + 0 sin(x − t)k(t)f1(t) dt    ... i.e. Z x fn(x) = cos x + sin(x − t)k(t)fn−1(t) dt n = 1, 2, 3,... 0

Observe that all fn: s are continuous functions on I. To simplify notations set u(x) = cos x and Z x Kv(x) = sin(x − t)k(t)v(t) dt, v ∈ C([0, 1]), x ∈ [0, 1]. 0 Then equation (1.4) takes the form f = u + Kf.

∞ Consider the sequence (fn)n=0 where

fn = u + Kfn−1, n = 1, 2, 3,...

Hope: fn "tends to" a continuous function f and Kfn "tends to" Kf as n → ∞. Here we have to make "tends to", which we denote by →, precise. The wishful thinking is illustrated by the diagram fn = u + Kfn−1

↓ ↓ (1.5)

f = u + Kf The limit function f will be a solution to our problem. To proceed we recall some basic facts from first year calculus courses.

∞ Definition 1.0.1. We say that a sequence (vn)n=1 of continuous functions on I = [0, 1] converges uniformly on I if

max |vn(x) − vm(x)| → 0, as n, m → ∞ (1.6) x∈I i.e. if for all  > 0 there exists N such that

max |vn(x) − vm(x)| < , for all n, m ≥ N. x∈I 4 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION

∞ Lemma 1.0.1. Suppose that (vn)n=1 converges uniformly on I. Then there exists a con- tinuous function v on I such that

max |vn(x) − v(x)| → 0, as n, m → ∞. (1.7) x∈I

Moreover we set khk = maxx∈I |h(x)| for every h ∈ C(I). Then (1.6) and (1.7) can be written as kvn − vmk → 0, as n, m → ∞ and kv − vnk → 0, as n → ∞

Back to our problem above: The question is now whether

kfn − fmk → 0, as n, m → ∞

or not? Does this depend on the choice of f0? To settle that question note that with notations from above

K(v + w) = Kv + Kw for all v, w ∈ C(I),

where v + w is the (continuous!) function that is defined by (v + w)(x) = v(x) + w(x) for x ∈ I (and also K(v + w) continuous). Moreover we set

Knv = K(Kn−1v), for all v ∈ C(I) and n = 2, 3, 4,...

Then we get f1 = u + Kf0

2 f2 = u + Kf1 = u + K(u + Kf0) = u + Ku + K f0


2 n−1 n fn = u + Ku + K u + ... + K u + K f0 Assume n > m. We obtain

m n−1 n m fn − fm = K u + ... + K u + K f0 − K f0.

From the triangle inequality for real numbers we get

kv + wk ≤ kvk + kwk

We also have k − vk = kvk. This gives

m n−1 n m n−1 l n m kfn−fmk ≤ kK uk+...+kK uk+kK f0k+k−K f0k = Σl=mkK uk+kK f0k+kK f0k. 5

If ∞ l Σl=1kK vk < ∞ for every v ∈ C(I), (1.8) then kfn − fmk → 0, as n, m → ∞. Asssume that (1.8) holds for the moment. Then we can conclude that

• there exists a f ∈ C(I) such that kfn −fk → 0 as n → ∞ (which we denote fn → f)

• kKfn − Kfk → 0 as n → ∞ since:

For x ∈ [0, 1] R x |Kfn(x) − Kf(x)| = | 0 sin(x − t)k(t)(fn(t) − f(t)) dt| ≤ R x ≤ 0 | sin(t − x)| · |k(t)| · |(fn − f)(t)| dt ≤ kkk kfn − fkx so kKfn − Kfk ≤ kkk kfn − fk → 0 as n → ∞. We have found yet another property of K namely

kKvk ≤ Mkvk for all v ∈ C(I)

(with M = kkk)

• The diagram (1.5) is proven to hold!

We can conclude, provided (1.8) holds, that the problem

 00  f + f = kf, x ∈ I (1.9)  f(0) = 1, f 0(0) = 0

R x reformulated as the integral equation f(x) = cos x + 0 sin(x − t)k(t)f(t) dt has a solution. It remains to show that (1.8) holds. Fix a v ∈ C(I). For x ∈ I we get R x R x |Kv(x)| = | 0 sin(x − t)k(t)v(t) dt| ≤ 0 kkk kvk dt = kkk kvkx

2 R x R x |K v(x)| = | 0 sin(x − t)k(t)Kv(t) dt| ≤ 0 kkk|Kv(t)| dt ≤

R x 2 2 x2 ≤ 0 kkk kvkt dt = kkk kvk · 2 By induction we get xn |Knv(x)| ≤ kkknkvk · n = 1, 2, 3,... n! 6 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION

and hence kkkl kvk Σ∞ kKlvk ≤ Σ∞ ≤ ekkk · kvk < ∞. l=1 l=1 l! Claim: f = u + Kf has a unique continuous solution f Assume that there are two solutions f, f˜. Set v = f − f˜. Then it holds that

v = Kf − Kf˜ = K(f − f˜) = Kv and so v = Kv = K2v = ... = Klv l = 1, 2, 3,... But then ∞ l Σl=1kK vk < ∞ implies that kvk = 0, i.e. v(x) = 0, x ∈ I. Hence f = f˜ and the solution is unique. Reconsidering the calculations above we have more ore less proved the following result with our bare hands. Theorem 1.0.1. Consider the integral equation Z x f(x) = u(x) + k(x, t)f(t) dt, x ∈ [0, 1] = I, (1.10) 0 where u ∈ C(I) and k ∈ C(I × I). Then there exists a unique f ∈ C(I) satisfying (1.10).

With the same technology we can prove Theorem 1.0.2. Consider the integral equation

Z 1 f(x) = u(x) + k(x, t)f(t) dt, x ∈ [0, 1] = I, (1.11) 0 where u ∈ C(I) and k ∈ C(I × I) with

max |k(x, t)| < 1. (x,t)∈I×I

Then there exists a unique f ∈ C(I) satisfying (1.11).

The integral equation in the first theorem is called a Volterra integral equation and the one in the second theorem is called a Fredholm integral equation. We will come back to these integral equations later in the course. It was indicated in the beginning that this introductory example would serve as a test bench for different notions that will appear in the course. A quick odyssey through these notions involves 7

vector space: C([0, 1]) with the operations addition and multiplication by scalars, defined by  (u + v)(x) = u(x) + v(x), x ∈ [0, 1] (λu)(x) = λu(x), x ∈ [0, 1] for u, v ∈ C([0, 1]) and scalars λ, defines a vector space. Note that u + v and λu are continuous functions.

norm on a vector space: kuk = maxx∈I |u(x)| defines a norm on the vector space C([0, 1]). The norm gives a way to measure distance between the elements in the vector space. It also has properties (triangle inequality and scaling) related to the two operations (addition and multiplication by scalars) on the vector space. However a vector space can be equipped with many different norms. Once we have a norm we can talk about the notions of convergence and continuity (with respect to the particular norm). When we talk about real-valued continuous functions on the interval [0, 1] we con- sider R as a vector space (with the obvious definitions of addition and multiplication by scalars) and with the norm given by the absolute value | · | for real numbers.

∞ Cauchy sequence on a normed space: (fn)n=1 defined in the example above is a Cauchy sequence in the vector space C([0, 1]) with the max-norm. In general, a Cauchy se- ∞ quence in a is a sequence (un)n=1 such that

kun − umk → 0 as n, m → ∞.

Banach space: C([0, 1]) with the max-norm is a since for every Cauchy ∞ sequence (un)n=1 in C([0, 1]) there exists a u ∈ C([0, 1]) such that kun → uk → 0 as n → ∞, in other words "every Cauchy sequence converges". This is the defining property for Banach spaces. We observe that the real numbers with the norm given by the absolute value is a Banach space!

linear mappings between vector spaces: K is a linear mapping from C([0, 1]) into itself since  K(u + v) = Ku + Kv K(λu) = λKu hold for all u, v ∈ C([0, 1]) and scalars λ. bounded linear mappings: K is a bounded linear mapping if there exists a constant M such that kKuk ≤ Mkuk, for all u ∈ C([0, 1]). :

kKk = inf{M > 0 : kKuk ≤ Mkuk, for all u ∈ C([0, 1])}

The bounded linear mappings between normed spaces form in a natural way a vector space in itself and the operator norm is a norm on this vector space. Note here that 8 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION

the norm signs kKk and kKuk have different meanings, they are norms on different vetor spaces. When there is any risk of misinterpretation we will use different norm- signs. fixed point theorems: To find or prove the existence of a solution to the problem f = T (f), where T is a mapping (not necessarily linear as in our example) from a (closed) set F in a Banach space E into itself (i.e. F ), we can sometimes proceed as follows: Pick a f0 ∈ F and then form the sequence of iterates fn+1 = T (fn), n = 1, 2, 3,... ∞ This gives a solution f as the limit element of (fn)n=0 if T satisfies kT (g) − T (h)k ≤ ckg − hk all g, h ∈ F

for some constant 0 < c < 1. This is called Banach’s fixed point theorem and will be used frequently. Green’s function: In our problem we have the linear differential operator d L = ( )2 + 1, dx acting on twice continuously differentiable functions on I = [0, 1], and with the homogeneous boundary conditions

f(0) = f 0(1) = 0.

(The reason for the function u(x) = cos x that appears in the solution formula is to compensate for the inhomogeneity in the boundary conditions) We have that the solution to the problem  Lf = h, on I f(0) = f 0(1) = 0 can be written as Z 1 f(x) = g(x, t)h(t) dt, x ∈ I. 0 Here the Green’s function g is given by g(x, t) = sin(x − t)χ(x, t) where  1 x > t χ(x, t) = 0 x < t

We end this section with some well-known Basic facts about R:

1. R is a vector space with the operations addition (usual addition) and multiplication by scalar (usual multiplication). Moreover R is a field with an order relation and satisfies a completeness axiom e.g. the supremum axiom. This can be stated as "every upper bounded subset A of R has a least upper bound", denoted sup A. 9

2. |x|, x ∈ R, the absolute value or modulus of x defines a norm on R.

∞ 3. (R, | · |) is a Banach space, i.e. for every sequence (xn)n=1 such that

|xn − xm| → ∞ as n, m → ∞

∞ (i.e. (xn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in (R, | · |)) there exist a x ∈ R such that

|xn − x| → ∞ as n → ∞.

This is the same as saying that xn converges to x (as n → ∞). To see this we observe that the supremum axiom is equivalent to the axiom "every ∞ bounded monotone sequence converges". It is easy to see that if (xn)n=1 is increasing ∞ then it converges to sup{xn : n = 1, 2, 3,...} and if (xn)n=1 is decreasing then it converges to − sup{−xn : n = 1, 2, 3,...} = inf{xn : n = 1, 2, 3,...}. We observe that

∞ • if (xn)n=1 is an arbitrary sequence in R then it contains a monotone subsequence. To see this we can argue as follows. Call xn a peak if xn ≥ xm for all indices m > n. Now if there are infinitely many peaks then they form a decreasing sequence. If there are only finitely many peaks then for any xm with all peaks xn having n < m there exists m˜ > m such that xm˜ > xm. Thus there exists a ∞ (strictly) increasing subsequence of (xn)n=1. ∞ • if (xn)n=1 is bounded sequence then it contains a converging subsequence. This is called Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem. This follows easily from the obser- vations above. ∞ • if (xn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in a normed space (E, k·k) that has a converging ∞ ∞ subsequence (xnk )k=1 then (xn)n=1 converges.

To seee this we note that if xnk → x in (E, k · k) then

kxn − xk ≤ kxn − xnk k + kxnk − xk → 0 as n, k → ∞

and so xn → x in (E, k · k). ∞ • if (xn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in a normed space (E, k · k) then

(a) supn=1,2,3,... kxnk < ∞, ∞ (b) (kxnk)n=1 converges in (R, | · |). This last statement follows from |kxnk − kxmk| ≤ kxn − xmk and the fact that (R, | · |) is a Banach space. 10 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Chapter 2

Fixed point theory

2.1 Introduction

This section contains topics from nonlinear functional analysis. By this we mean that the mappings that appear are not assumed to be linear unless explicitly stated to be so. Generally the problem is to solve equations of the form

T (u) = v,

where T : X → Y is a mapping between Banach spaces X and Y . Here v ∈ Y is given and we look for solutions in X or some subset of X. For linear mappings T we can often find a formula for the inverse operator. The solution has to be uniquely defined in this case. To exemplify consider the boundary value problems

 (n) (n−1) 0 T (u) = u + an−1u + ... + a1u + a0u = v, in I homogeneous boundary values on ∂I

The solutions are obtained as convolutions of the Green’s function for the problem with the right hand side v of the differential equation. However if T is a nonlinear mapping then, in general, we can not find a formula representing the solution/solutions. This is also the case when X = Y . We can no longer prove the existence of a solution just by explicitly writing down the inverse operator, but we have rely on mapping properties of T to prove the existence of a solution. It might be the case that there are several solutions. In connection with integral equations for instance we have X = Y and the mapping T takes often the form T (u) = u + G(u),


i.e. T is a perturbation of the identity mapping. The problem can be formulated as

u = H(u),

where H(u) = v − G(u). We suppress the variable v and consider H as a function of u with v as a parameter. The problem to find a solution is then equivalent to find a fixed point of H, i.e. an element u0 ∈ X such that

u0 = H(u0).

We recall that if G is linear and small in the sense that the operator norm of G is less than 1 then the mapping T −1 is a welldefined bounded linear mapping and can be obtained as a Neumann series, see Chapter 4. The fixed point results that will be discussed here are of two types. The first type deals with contractions and are referred to as metric fixed point theorems. One example of such a theorem is the Banach’s fixed point theorem. The second type deals with compact mappings. Those are called topological fixed point theorems and are more involved. Names associated with such results are Brouwer and Schauder. First let us consider a well-known example. Assume that

f : [0, 1] → [0, 1]

is a continuous function. Then there exists a x0 ∈ [0, 1] such that f(x0) = x0. This is a consequence of the theorem saying that every real-valued continuous function attains every intermediary value between any two given values and is based on the fact that

1. [0, 1] is a connected closed (i.e. a compact1 and convex) subset in a Banach space, here R, and that

2. f is a continuous function.

To prove the existence of a fixed point for f we usually define the function g(x) = x − f(x) on the interval [0, 1] and observe that g is a continuous function satisfying g(0) ≤ 0 ≤ g(1). We can then conclude that there is a x0 ∈ [0, 1] such that g(x0) = 0. This example can be considered as the 1-dimensional version of Brouwer fixed point theorem. One feature here is that the method is not constructive, i.e. the position of the fixed point is not given by the method. Nor does the method yield that the fixed point is unique, which indeed is sound since there can be any number of fixed points for f. To get some information on the position of one fixed point we can use the strategy of repeatedly bisecting intervals into pieces as follows: Assume that g(0) < 0 < g(1), since otherwise we already have one 1 1 1 fixed point, and consider the subintervals [0, 2 ] and [ 2 , 1]. If g( 2 ) = 0 we have one fixed

1 x cf. g : (0, 1) → (0, 1) with g(x) = 2 . 2.2. BANACH’S FIXED POINT THEOREM 13

1 1 1 point namely x0 = 2 . If g( 2 ) > 0 or g( 2 ) < 0 we can apply the procedure to the the 1 1 restriction of the function g to the subintervals [0, 2 ] and [ 2 , 1] respectively. In this way we either find a fixed point as an end point of an interval or we find an infinite set of nested shrinking intervals that all contains a fixed point. For the later case we can for any  > 0 find an interval of length less than  that contains a fixed point. We also note that this argument proves the intermediary value theorem provided we have that R is a complete normed space, i.e. a Banach space. Compare the argument above with the proof of Baire’s theorem.

2.2 Banach’s fixed point theorem

First we look at the problem to find a fixed point for a real-valued continuous function f : R → R in the spirit of Banach’s fixed point theorem. We then need f to be a contraction meaning that there exists a positive real number c less than 1 such that for any pair x, y of points the distance between the images under f of these points is smaller by a factor c than the distance between the points x and y. In formulas this means

|f(x) − f(y)| ≤ c|x − y|

for arbitrary x, y ∈ R. The conclusion from Banach fixed point theorem is that there is a unique fixed point for f. This can be found as follows: With notation from Banach’s fixed n ∞ n point theorem fix any element z ∈ R and then form the sequence (T (z))n=1. T denotes the operator obtained by composing T with itself n times, i.e. T n = T ◦ T ◦ ... ◦ T . The | {z } n elements sequence is converging geometrically with the fixed point as the limit point. We first state and prove some general observations.

Lemma 2.2.1. Let T be a continuous mapping on a Banach space X. Then the following statements hold true:

1. If there exist x, y ∈ X such that

lim T n(x) = y n→∞

then y is a fixed point for T , i.e. T (y) = y.

2. If T (X) is a compact set in X and for each  > 0 there exists a x ∈ X such that

kT (x) − xk < 

then T has a fixed point. 14 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY

n Proof. Set yn = T (x), n = 1, 2,.... If T is a continuous mapping then

T (y) = T ( lim yn) = lim T (yn) = lim yn+1 = y, n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ which proves the first statement.

Assume that the assumptions of 2) are satisfied. Then for n = 1, 2,... there are xn ∈ X such that 1 kT (x ) − x k < . (2.1) n n n ∞ T (X) is a compact set which implies that there exits a convergent subsequence (T (xnk ))k=1 ∞ of (T (xn))n=1. Call the limit point x. Then x is a fixed point for T since also the sequence ∞ (xnk )k=1 converges to x according to (2.1) and T is continuous.

We now formulate one of the main theorems. Theorem 2.2.1 (Banach’s fixed point theorem). Let T be a contraction on a Banach space X. Then T has a unique fixed point.

Proof. Fix an arbitrary element z ∈ X and consider the sequence

n ∞ (T (z))n=1. n Set zn = T (z) for n = 1, 2,.... We note that

kzn − zmk ≤ kzn − zn−1k + ... + kzm+1 − zmk =

= kT (zn−1) − T (zn−2)k + ... + kT (zm) − T (zm−1)k ≤

≤ ckzn−1 − zn−2k + ... + ckzm − zm−1k ≤ ... ≤

cm ≤ (cn−1 + cn−2 + . . . cm)kz − zk ≤ kz − zk, 1 1 − c 1 where we (without loss of generality) have assumed n > m ≥ 1. This yields ∞ kzn − zmk → 0 as n, m → ∞ and hence (zn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence. Since X is a Banach space the sequence converges, i.e. there is a x0 ∈ X such that zn → x0 as n → ∞. x0 will be a fixed point for T since

kT (x0) − x0k ≤ kT (x0) − T (zn)k + kzn+1 − x0k ≤ ckx0 − znk + kzn+1 − x0k where the LHS is independent of n and the RHS tends to 0 as n → ∞. The uniqueness follows from the contraction property for T . If x0 6= y0 both are fixed points of T then we get kx0 − y0k = kT (x0) − T (y0)k ≤ ckx0 − y0k < kx0 − y0k which results in a contradiction. 2.2. BANACH’S FIXED POINT THEOREM 15

From the proof we see that

n ∞ 1. the sequence (T (z))n=1 converges to the unique fixed point independently of the choice of z.

2. for an arbitrary element x ∈ X we have 1 kx − x k ≤ kx − T (x)k, 0 1 − c

where x0 denotes the fixed point of T , since

kx − x0k ≤ kx − T (x)k + kT (x) − T (x0)k ≤ kx − T (x)k + ckx − x0k.

Banach’s fixed point theorem can be generalized in the following way.

Theorem 2.2.2. Let T be a mapping on a Banach space X such that T N is a contraction on X for some positive integer N. Then T has a unique fixed point.

It is not necessary to assume that T is continuous.

Proof. Banach’s fixed point theorem implies that there exists a unique fixed point for T N . Call this element x0. Now just note that

N N kT (x0) − x0k = kT (T (x0)) − T (x0)k ≤ ckT (x0) − x0k

implies that T (x0) = x0 since 0 < c < 1. The uniqueness is clear since a fixed point for T is also a fixed point for T N .

Note that the conclusion of the previous theorem remains true if T : F → F , where F is a closed set in the Banach space X, and T N is a contraction on F for some positive integer N. Note that there is no assumption on F to be compact and/or convex. We summerize the previous results in the following theorem.

Theorem 2.2.3. Let X be a Banach space and T : F → F , where F is a closed set in X. Moreover assume that T N is a contraction on F for some positive integer N. Then

1. T has a unique fixed point x¯ ∈ F , and

2. for every x0 ∈ F xn → x¯ in X,

where xn+1 = T (xn) for n = 0, 1, 2,... 16 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY

nN The last part follows from the fact that T (x0) → x¯ in X as n → ∞ for every x0 ∈ F . In particular xk+nN → x¯ in X (as n → ∞) for k = 0, 1,...,N − 1. which implies xn → x¯ in X.

Our next result shows that the fixed point depends continuously on a parameter if the mapping T also depends continuously on the parameter. More precisely we have Theorem 2.2.4. Let X be a Banach space and Y a normed space. Let T : X × Y → X be a continuous mapping. Assume that T is a contraction on X uniformly in Y , that is, there is a c < 1 such that

kT (x1, y) − T (x2, y)k ≤ ckx1 − x2k for all x1, x2 ∈ X, y ∈ Y. Then for every fixed y ∈ Y , the mapping x 7→ T (x, y) has a unique fixed point g(y) ∈ X and the mapping y 7→ g(y) is continuous from Y to X.

Notice that if T : X × Y → X is continuous in Y and is a contraction on X uniformly in Y then T is continuous on X × Y .

Proof. From Banach’s fixed point theorem it follows that g(y) is uniquely defined for all y ∈ Y . It remains to prove the continuity of g. For y, y¯ ∈ Y we have kg(y) − g(¯y)k = kT (g(y), y) − T (g(¯y), y¯)k ≤

≤ kT (g(y), y) − T (g(¯y), y)k + kT (g(¯y), y) − T (g(¯y), y¯)k ≤

≤ ckg(y) − g(¯y)k + kT (g(¯y), y) − T (g(¯y), y¯)k which implies that 1 kg(y) − g(¯y)k ≤ kT (g(¯y), y) − T (g(¯y), y¯)k. 1 − c The RHS tends to 0 as y → y¯ and the continuity of g is proven.

Before we turn to some examples we squeeze in a generalization of Banach’s fixed point theorem due to Boyd-Wong. Theorem 2.2.5. Let X be a Banach space and T : X → X. Assume there exists a continuous function φ : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) such that φ(r) < r if 0 < r and kT (x) − T (y)k ≤ φ(kx − yk) for all x, y ∈ X.

n ∞ Then T has a unique fixed point x¯. Moreover for any x0 ∈ X the sequence (T (x0))n=1 converges to x¯. 2.2. BANACH’S FIXED POINT THEOREM 17

Note that Banach’s fixed point theorem corresponds to φ(r) = cr for 0 ≤ r.

Proof. The uniqueness of the fixed point is obvious. To prove the existence fix a x0 ∈ X. n ∞ We will prove the that (T (x0))n=1 is a Cauchy sequence. For n = 1, 2, 3,... set xn+1 = T (xn) and an = kxn − xn−1k.

It is clear that an+1 ≤ φ(an) so an converges monotonically to some a ≥ 0. From the ∞ continuity of φ we get a ≤ φ(a) and hence a = 0. If (xn)n=1 is not a Cauchy sequence then there exists an  > 0 and integers mk > nk ≥ k for every positive integer k such that

bk ≡ kxmk − xnk k ≥  all k = 1, 2, 3,...

In addition by choosing the smallest possible mk we may assume

kxmk−1 − xnk k < . Therefore

 ≤ bk ≤ kxmk − xmk−1k + kxmk−1 − xnk k < amk +  implying that bk →  as k → ∞. Moreover

bk ≤ kxmk − xmk+1k + kxmk+1 − xnk+1k + kxnk+1 − xnk k ≤ amk+1 + φ(bk) + ank+1

n ∞ and taking the limit as k → ∞ we get  ≤ φ(). Contradiction! Hence (T (x0))n=1 is a Cauchy sequence.

We end this section by two examples. For the first one compare with the introductory example in the first section. Example: Let K(x, y) be a continuous real-valued function for 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1 and let v(x) be a continuous real function for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Then there is a unique continuous real function z(x) such that Z x z(x) = v(x) + K(x, y)z(y) dy, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 0 To prove this we consider the Banach space C([0, 1]) with the sup-norm and define the integral operator L : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) by Z x Lz(x) = K(x, y)z(y) dy. 0 n Clearly L will be an integral operator on C([0, 1]) given by a kernel function Kn(x, y). To find this function set K1(x, y) = K(x, y) and assume that Kn(x, y) is known. Then we obtain Z x Z x Z t n+1 n (L z)(x) = K(x, t)(L z)(t) dt = K(x, t) Kn(t, y)z(y) dy dt = 0 0 0 18 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY

Z x Z x Z x = ( K(x, t)Kn(t, y) dt)z(y) dy = Kn+1(x, y)z(y) dy. 0 y 0 Hence Z x Kn+1(x, y) = K(x, t)Kn(t, y) dt, 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1. y The function K(x, y) is continuous on the compact set {(x, y) : 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1} and so it is bounded, say |K(x, y)| ≤ M for all 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1. Then again by induction we see that M n|x − y|n−1 |K (x, y)| ≤ n (n − 1)! for all 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1. Indeed if this holds for n then for 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1 Z x M n|t − y|n−1 M n+1|x − y|n |Kn+1(x, y)| ≤ M dt = . y (n − 1)! n! Hence if N is sufficiently large we have 1 |K (x, y)| ≤ N 2 for 0 ≤ y ≤ x ≤ 1 and so Z x N 1 |(L z)(x)| ≤ |KN (x, y)| |z(y)| dy ≤ kzk, 0 2 i.e. 1 kLN k ≤ . 2 We now define T : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) by T z = v + Lz. This gives

N N−1 k N T z = (Σk=0 L )v + L z, which yields that T N is a contraction on C([0, 1]). By Theorem 2.2 the mapping T has a unique fixed point.

Example: Let K(x, y) and f(y, z) be continuous real-valued functions for 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1 and z ∈ R. Moreover let v(x) be a continuous real function for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Assume that

|f(y, z1) − f(y, z2)| ≤ N|z1 − z2|

for all 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 and z1, z2 ∈ R and some N > 0. Our claim is that there exists a unique continuous function z(x) on 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 such that Z x z(x) = v(x) + K(x, y)f(y, z(y)) dy. 0 2.2. BANACH’S FIXED POINT THEOREM 19

As above we define L : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) by

Z x Lz(x) = K(x, y)f(y, z(y)) dy 0 and show that the map T : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]), given by

T (z) = v + Lz

has a unique fixed point. Here comes a nice trick! For a > 0 we introduce a new norm k · ka on C([0, 1]): Z 1 −ay kzka = e |z(y)| dy. 0 1 Then k · ka is indeed a norm on C([0, 1]) which is equivalent to the L norm. Set Xa = ˜ ˜ 1 (C([0, 1]), k·ka) and let Xa be the completion of Xa. Clearly Xa is the vector space L ([0, 1]) ˜ ˜ ˜ with the norm k · ka, and L extends to a map L : Xa → Xa given by the formula for L. Furthermore with M = max |K(x, y)| 0≤x,y≤1 ˜ we have for z1, z2 ∈ Xa

Z 1 Z y ˜ ˜ −ay kLz1 − Lz2ka = e | K(y, t)(f(t, z1(t)) − f(t, z2(t))) dt| dy ≤ 0 0

Z 1 Z y Z 1 Z 1 −ay −ay ≤ MN e |z1(t) − z2(t)| dt dy = MN e |z1(t) − z2(t)| dy dt = 0 0 0 t Z 1 e−at − e−a MN = MN |z1(t) − z2(t)| dt ≤ kz1 − z2ka. 0 a a This shows that for a > MN the map

˜ ˜ ˜ L : Xa → Xa ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ is a contraction and so is T = v + L. It easily follows that T maps Xa into Xa, so the unique fixed point belongs to C([0, 1]), and is also the unique fixed point for T . A more straight-forward version of the trick above is to equip C([0, 1]) with the norm

−ax |z|a = sup |e z(x)| x∈[0,1] with a large enough, which is equivalent to the standard sup-norm on C([0, 1]). The reader is asked to check that the calculations above go through, i.e. L will be a contraction in ˜ (C([0, 1]), | · |a). An advantage here is that we do not need to consider any completion Xa. 20 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY 2.3 Brouwer and Schauder fixed point theorems

We begin by formulating Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. Theorem 2.3.1 (Brouwer’s fixed point theorem). Assume that K is a compact convex subset of Rn and that T : K → K is a continuous mapping. Then T has a fixed point in K.

Observe that it does not follow from Brouwer fixed point theorem that the fixed point is unique. Consider for instance the identity operator on a compact convex set K in Rn for which every x ∈ K is a fixed point. Example 1: Take a street map for Goteborg and place it on the floor of a lecture room at Chalmers, say room MVF31. Then there will be a point on the map that coincides with the corresponding point in Goteborg. This follows from both Banach’s fixed point theorem and Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, where the former theorem also gives that the point is unique. Prove this to yourself!

Example 2: Let Tα denote the rotation α degrees around the center for a closed disc K of radius 1. Then Brouwer’s fixed point theorem gives the existence of a fixed point for Tα (of course it is overkill to use a fixed point theorem to see that) while Banach’s fixed 2 point theorem cannot be applied directly since Tα is not a contraction. It is obvious that the center of K is a fixed point but Brouwer’s fixed point theorem also tells us that it is not possible to compose the rotation with a continuous deformation of the disc into itself in such a way that the composed mapping has no fixed point. We note that

• (generalization of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem): If there exists a homeomorphism, i.e. a continuous bijection with continuous inverse, between a compact convex set K in Rn and a set K˜ , call the homeomorphism ϕ, and T˜ : K˜ → K˜ is a continuous mapping then T˜ has a fixed point. To see this consider the mapping T = ϕ−1 ◦ T˜ ◦ ϕ. Exercise: Prove that T˜ has a fixed point. • it is enough to prove Brouwer fixed point theorem in the case K = B(0, 1), where B(a, r) = {x ∈ Rn : kx − ak < r}.

There are many proofs for Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, both analytical, topological and also combinatorial. One starting point for a proof could be the following. Assume that

2Assume that the disc has its center at the origin in Rn. Apply Banach’s fixed point theorem to the 1 operators Tn = (1 − n )T, n = 1, 2,.... We obtain a sequence of fixed points xn to Tn such that 1 kT (x ) − x k ≤ , n = 1, 2, 3,.... n n n The result follows from Theorem 1.1 above. 2.3. BROUWER AND SCHAUDER FIXED POINT THEOREMS 21

K = B(0, 1) and that T has no fixed point. Define the mapping A : B(0, 1) → B(0, 1) as follows: For every inner point x in B(0, 1) let x˜ denote the point on the boundary ∂B(0, 1) that is the intersection of the ray from T (x) through x and the boundary ∂B(0, 1). The ray is always well-defined since T has no fixed point. Now set  x˜ if x ∈ B(0, 1) A(x) = x if x ∈ ∂B(0, 1)

Then A is a continuous mapping from B(0, 1) into ∂B(0, 1) (verify this!) such that A|∂B(0,1) = I|∂B(0,1). The challenge to show that T has no fixed point is now reformu- lated as to show that there is no continuous mapping A : B(0, 1) → ∂B(0, 1) such that A|∂B(0,1) = I|∂B(0,1). The fact that there is no such mapping is deep but never the less intuitively obvious. Consider, for n = 2, an elastic membrane fixed on a circular frame. The existence of a mapping A implies that it should be possible to deform the membrane continuously in such a way that it in the end coincides with the frame without being fractured. For fixed x ∈ B(0, 1) the mapping t 7→ (1 − t)x + tA(x), t ∈ [0, 1] describes how this point on the membrane is moved from x at t = 0 to A(x) ∈ ∂B(0, 1) at t = 1, under the deformation. Do not forget that the membrane should be fixed at the frame ∂B(0, 1)!!! A beautiful proof based on Sperner’s lemma (from 1928) will be indicated in the Exercises, see Chapter 6. Brouwer’s fixed point theorem was stated and first proven during the first decade of the twentieth century. We present Perron’s theorem as an application of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. Schauder’s fixed point theorem will be applied in the context of nonlinear differential/integral equa- tions to prove the existence of solutions. Theorem 2.3.2 (Perron’s theorem). Let A be a real n × n–matrix with positive entries. Then there exists a positive eigenvalue for the linear mapping given by the matrix A, with an eigenvector with positive entries

To prove Perron’s theorem let K denote the set

n {(x1, . . . , xn): xi ≥ 0 all i, Σi=1xi = 1}

and define T (x) = Ax/kAxkl 1 for x ∈ K. Apply Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. In a finite-dimensional normed space compactness is equivalent to closedness and bounded- ness. This is not the case in an infinite-dimensional normed space. The following example due to Kakutani should be compared to the next fixed point theorem due to Schauder. Example: Let B denote the closed unit ball in l 2(Z), where l 2(Z) consists of all elements ∞ 2 1 x = (. . . , x−1, x0, x1 ...) such that kxk = (Σn=−∞|xn| ) 2 < ∞. It is clear that B is convex 22 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY

2 and bounded. Let z be the element in l (Z) that satisfies z0 = 1 and zn = 0 for n 6= 0 and let S denote the shift operator defined by (S(x))n = xn−1 for n ∈ Z. Set

T : l 2(Z) → l 2(Z),

where T (x) = S(x) + (1 − kxk)z. For x ∈ B we have kT (x)k ≤ kS(x)k + (1 − kxk) = 1, i.e. T (x) ∈ B. But T has no fixed point x in B since then

(T (x))n = xn−1, n 6= 0

and (T (x))0 = x−1 + (1 − kxk),

which implies that x0 = x1 = ... = xn = ... and x−1 = x−2 = ... = x−n = .... This implies that x = 0 since x ∈ l 2(Z). We get a contradiction since 0 is not a fixed point. From this example we see that a generalization of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem to infinite- dimensional spaces should have the assumption that T (K) is a compact set. We next formulate two versions of Schauder’s fixed point theorem. Theorem 2.3.3 (Schauder’s fixed point theorem). Assume that K is a convex compact set in a Banach space X and that T : K → K is a continuous mapping. Then T has a fixed point.

For applications the following generalization proves to be useful. Theorem 2.3.4 (generalization of Schauder’s fixed point theorem). Let F be a closed convex set in a Banach space X and assume that T : F → F is a continuous mapping such that T (F ) is a relatively compact subset of F . Then T has a fixed point.

3 We recall that a set K1 ⊂ X is compact if every sequence in K1 has a convergent sub- sequence in K1. Moreover we say that K2 ⊂ X is relatively compact if every sequence in K2 has a subsequence that converges in X. The limit element of the converging sequence belongs to K2. The set K2 being relatively compact implies that K2 is a compact set. Also an arbitrary subset of a compact set is relatively compact.

3This definition of compactness and relative compactness is sometimes referred to as sequential com- pactness and sequential relatively compactness in the literature. The words compactness and relatively compactness are then reserved to mean the following: A set K in a normed space is called compact if for each open cover of K there is a finite subcover. An open cover of K is a collection of open sets Oλ, λ ∈ Λ, whose union contains K as a subset. A finite subcover is a finite subset of {Oλ}λ∈Λ whose union also contains the set K. It can be shown that for metric spaces X the notions sequentially compact and compact are equivalent. 2.3. BROUWER AND SCHAUDER FIXED POINT THEOREMS 23

To prove Schauder’s fixed point theorem we will make use of some new concepts and facts for compact sets. We say that the convex hull of a set F , denoted by co F , is the set defined by \ H. F ⊂H,H convex

By a convex combination of the elements x1, x2, . . . , xn we mean a linear combination n n Σi=1λixn, where all λi ≥ 0 and Σi=1λi = 1. An –net is a subset F of F with the property that for each x ∈ F there exists a y ∈ F such that kx − yk < . Proposition 2.3.1. The following statements are true:

1. A set F is relatively compact iff for each  > 0 there exists a finite –net. 2. A set K is compact iff it is closed and for every  > 0 there exists a finite –net. 3. The set co F is the same as the set of all convex combination of finitely many ele- ments in F . 4. The convex hull of a finite set is compact. 5. K compact set implies that co K is compact.

The proof is left as an exercise. Here the last statement is not so easy to establish. The proof of Schauder’s fixed point theorem is quite easy to prove compared to Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. Actually by an approximation procedure one can apply Brouwer’s fixed point theorem to get the result in Schauder’s theorem.

Proof. (of the Schauder theorems) The second Schauder theorem is a consequence of the first one. To see this assume that the hypothesis of the second theorem are satisfied. It then follows that the closure of co T (F ) is compact. Call this set K. We see that K ⊂ F since F is closed and convex. Moreover T : K → K is continuous. Hence the second theorem follows from the first theorem. It remains to prove the first theorem. This will be done by approximating the compact set K by convex compact sets Kn, n = 1, 2,... in finite-dimensional spaces and approximating the mapping T by continuous mappings Tn : Kn → Kn, where the approximation becomes better and better for larger n. Brouwer’s fixed point theorem gives a sequence of fixed

points (xn) for the sequence (Tn), from which a converging subsequence of points (xnk ) can be extracted. The limit element of this sequence will be a fixed point for T .

Here comes the details. For every positive integer n we define mappings Pn, called Schauder projections, as follows: The compactness of K implies that there are finitely many elements x1, . . . , xk ∈ K such that k [ 1 K ⊂ B(x , ). i n i=1 24 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY

Set 1 f (x) = max(0, − kx − x k), i = 1, . . . , k. i n i k For every x ∈ K there exists an i such that fi(x) > 0. This implies that Σi=1fi(x) > 0 for all x ∈ K. Set Kn = co{x1, . . . , xk} and

k Σi=1fi(x)xi Pn(x) = k , x ∈ K. Σi=1fi(x)

1 Here Pn(x) ∈ Kn and kPn(x) − xk < n holds for every x ∈ K. Finally we define Tn =

PnT |Kn . We can now apply Brouwer’s theorem to every mapping

Tn : Kn → Kn, n = 1, 2,...

This yields a sequence of fixed points x˜n for Tn, i.e.

PnT (˜xn) =x ˜n, and hence we get 1 kT (˜x ) − x˜ k < . n n n Schauder’s theorem now follows from Lemma 1.1.

2.4 Continuity and applications

To apply the fixed point theorems above some results for continuous functions will often be used.

Theorem 2.4.1. Assume that T is a continuous mapping between two Banach spaces X and Y . Then the following statements are true:

1. If K is a compact set in X then T (K) is a compact set in Y .

2. If Y = R then T attains its maximum and its minimum on every compact set K in X, i.e. there are x0, x1 ∈ K such that

sup f(x) = T (x0) = max T (x) x∈K x∈K

and inf T (x) = T (x1) = min T (x). x∈K x∈K 3. T is uniformly continuous on every compact set in X. 2.4. CONTINUITY AND APPLICATIONS 25

The different notions of continuity that will be used are the following: Let T : X → Y be a mapping between two Banach spaces. Then T is called continuous if for every x ∈ X and each  > 0 there exists a δ = δ(x, ) > 0 such that for every y ∈ X ky − xkX < δ ⇒ kT (y) − T (x)kY < . uniformly continuous on A, where A ⊂ X, if for every  > 0 there exists a δ = δ() > 0 such that for every x, y ∈ A we have

ky − xkX < δ ⇒ kT (y) − T (x)kY < .

If Tλ : X → Y , λ ∈ Λ is a set of mappings (finitely many or infinitely many) between two Banach spaces then these are called equicontinuous on A, where A ⊂ X, if for every  > 0 there exists a δ = δ() > 0 such that for every pair of elements x, y ∈ A and every λ ∈ Λ we have

ky − xkX < δ ⇒ kTλ(y) − Tλ(x)kY < .

Proof. (of Theorem 2.4.1) To prove statement 1) let T : X → Y be a continuous mapping and K a compact set in X. Pick an arbitrary sequence (yn) ⊂ T (K). Then there exists a sequence (xn) in K such that T (xn) = yn for all n. The sequence (xn) might not be uniquely determined since T is not assumed to be injective. But since K is a compact set there exists a convergent subsequence (xnk ) of (xn) in K, i.e. there is an element x ∈ K such that xnk → x as k → ∞. Moreover since T is continuous we have

xnk → x ⇒ ynk = T (xnk ) → T (x) ∈ T (K). This proves 1). The proof of statement 2) is left as an exercise. To prove statement 3) assume that K is a compact set of X and that T : X → Y is continuous. Moreover assume that T is not uniformly continuous on K. Then there exists an  > 0 such that for all positive integers n there are points xn, yn ∈ K such that 1 ky − x k < (2.2) n n X n and kT (yn) − T (xn)kY ≥ . (2.3)

But K is a compact set and so there exists a convergent subsequence (xnk ) of (xn), i.e. for some x ∈ K we have xnk → x. From (2.2) it follows that ynk → x since we have

kynk − xkX ≤ kynk − xnk kX + kxnk − xkX .

Moreover T is continuous and so T (xnk ) → T (x) and T (ynk ) → T (x). This gives a contradiction of (2.3). The statement 3) is proved. 26 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY

Remark 2.4.1. It A ∈ B(X,Y ) where X and Y are normed spaces then A is uniformly continuous on X.

The Banach spaces that will be used in applications are C(A) and Lp(A), 1 ≤ p < ∞. Here A stands for different subsets of Rn for n ≥ 1. Of course the norms should be the proper ones e.g. the sup-norm should be used for C(A). We tacitly understand that the proper norm is used unless something else is stated. In the context of Schauder’s fixed point theorem it is important to be able to conclude whether or not a subset of C(A) or Lp(A) is compact. Example: Let S be the set {f ∈ C([0, 1]) : f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, kfk ≤ 1} and the operator T defined by T (f)(x) = f(x2), x ∈ [0, 1]. The norm k · k is the max-norm. It is easy to show that S is a closed bounded convex set in C([0, 1]) and that T is a continuous mapping. Moreover it is straight-forward to show that T has no fixed point in S. The conclusion is thus that S is not a compact set in C([0, 1]). Our next result gives a characterization of the compact sets in C(A).

Theorem 2.4.2 (Arzela-Ascoli theorem). Assume that K is a compact set in Rn, n ≥ 1 (e.g. K = [0, 1] ⊂ R). Then a set S ⊂ C(K) is relatively compact in C(K) iff the functions in S are uniformly bounded and equicontinuous on K.

To say that the functions in S are uniformly bounded means that there exists a M > 0 such that kfk = sup |f(x)| ≤ M all f ∈ S. x∈K To say that the functions in S are equicontinuous on K means that for every  > 0 there exists an δ > 0 such that for every x, y ∈ K and every f ∈ S we have

|x − y| < δ ⇒ |f(x) − f(y)| < .

The Arzela-Ascoli theorem can be generalized to the whole of Rn if we assume that the functions uniformly tends to 0 at infinity i.e. as |x| → ∞. We give the main steps in a proof of the Arzela-Ascoli theorem above.

• Show that there exits a countable dense set {x1, x2, x3, . . . , xn,... } in K (follows from K being compact and hence has a finite -net for all  > 0)

∞ • Consider an arbitrary sequence (fn)n=1 in S. From the boundedness of the se- ∞ ∞ ∞ quence (fn)n=1 we can find a subsequence (fn,1)n=1 of (fn)n=1 such that the sequence ∞ (fn(x1))n=1 converges in R if the functions are real-valued. Inductively we can for a ∞ ∞ subsequence (fn,k)n=1 of (fn)n=1 that converges at x1, x2, . . . , xk find a subsequence ∞ ∞ (fn,k+1)n=1 of (fn,k)n=1 that also converges at xk+1 in R. 2.4. CONTINUITY AND APPLICATIONS 27

∞ ∞ • Define the subsequence (gn)n=1 of (fn)n=1 by gn = fn,n, n = 1, 2, 3,..., i.e. we consider the diagonal sequence. This sequence converges at every xk, k = 1, 2, 3,....

∞ • From the equicontinuity of S we can prove that that the sequence (gn)n=1 converges in S ⊂ C(K).

• These steps show the "if"-part of the Arzela-Ascoli theorem. The "only if"-part of the theorem is easy to prove.

Next we formulate a criteria for compactness for sets of Lp-functions.

Theorem 2.4.3 (Riesz, Kolmogorov). Assume that 1 ≤ p < ∞ and that S ⊂ Lp(Rn). Then S is relatively compact in Lp(Rn) iff the following conditions are satisfied:

p n 1. S is a bounded set in L (R ), i.e. there exists a M > 0 such that kfkLp ≤ M for all f ∈ S,

R p 2. limx→0 Rn |f(y + x) − f(y)| dy = 0 uniformly in S, i.e. for every  > 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that Z |x| < δ and f ∈ S ⇒ ( |f(y + x) − f(y)|p dy)1/p < , Rn

R p 1/p 3. limR→∞ kfkLp(Rn\B(0,R)) = limR→∞( |x|>R |f(x)| dx) = 0 uniformly in S, i.e. for every  > 0 there exists a ω > 0 such that Z R > ω och f ∈ S ⇒ ( |f(x)|p dx)1/p < . |x|>R

The above results can be found in most textbooks on functional analysis. We are now ready to apply Schauder’s theorem. Note the difference between Schauder’s theorem and Banach’s theorem, namely to apply Banach’s theorem we have to show that a mapping is “sufficiently small”, while to apply Schauder’s theorem we have to prove that a mapping is compact. This means, in the C(A) or Lp case, that we have to show that the image set for the mapping consists of more “regular” functions. Example (an integral equation of Hammerstein-type): Assume that K(x, y) is a continuous function for 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1 and that f(y, z) is a bounded continuous function for 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 and z ∈ R. Then the equation

Z 1 z(x) = K(x, y)f(y, z(y)) dy 0 has a solution z ∈ C([0, 1]). 28 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY

We want to prove that T has a fixed point where

Z 1 (T (z))(x) = K(x, y)f(y, z(y)) dy. 0 To show this we will apply the generalization of Schauder’s fixed point theorem. We will choose a closed convex subset S ⊂ C([0, 1]) such that the mapping T : S → C([0, 1]) is continuous and such that the image set T (S) is relatively compact in C([0, 1]). First we observe that T maps continuous functions to continuous functions, i.e. that we have T (C([0, 1])) ⊂ C([0, 1]). This is seen as follows: From the hypothesis there exists a B > 0 such that

|f(y, z)| ≤ B if (y, z) ∈ [0, 1] × R.

Moreover K(x, y) is continuous on the compact set [0, 1] × [0, 1] and hence K is uniformly continuous on [0, 1] × [0, 1]. Fix an  > 0. Then there exists a δ > 0 such that  |K(x, y) − K(˜x, y˜)| < if |(x, y) − (˜x, y˜)| < δ. B Consequently for any z ∈ C([0, 1]) we have

Z 1 |(T (z))(x) − (T (z))(˜x)| = | (K(x, y) − K(˜x, y))f(y, z(y)) dy| ≤ 0 Z 1 Z 1 ≤ |K(x, y) − K(˜x, y)||f(y, z(y))| dy ≤ B |K(x, y) − K(˜x, y)| dy <  0 0 provided |x − x˜| < δ. This shows that T (z) ∈ C([0, 1]). A natural choice for the closed convex set S is

S = {z ∈ C([0, 1]) : kzk ≤ D},

where D > 0 is a constant that should be chosen such that T (S) ⊂ S. We note that since K is continuous on the compact set [0, 1] × [0, 1] there exists an A > 0 such that

|K(x, y)| ≤ A if (x, y) ∈ [0, 1] × [0, 1].

This implies that

Z 1 Z 1 |(T (z))(x)| = | K(x, y)f(y, z(y)) dy| ≤ |K(x, y)||f(y, z(y))| dy ≤ AB 0 0 for z ∈ C([0, 1]). Hence we get kT (z)k ≤ D 2.5. SOME MORE FIXED POINT THEOREMS 29 provided we choose D ≥ AB. Set D = AB. With this choice for S we get T (S) ⊂ S. To apply Schauder’s theorem we have to show that T (S) is relatively compact in C([0, 1]) and that T is continuous on S. The relatively compactness is consequence of Arzela-Ascoli theorem once we have shown that T (S) is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous on S. We have above verified that T (C([0, 1])) is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous on S. It remains to prove that T : S → T (S) is continuous. From the definition of S it follows that |z(x)| ≤ D for all x ∈ [0, 1] for all z ∈ S. The continuity of f(y, z) on the compact set [0, 1]×[−D,D] implies that f is uniformly continuous on [0, 1]×[−D,D]. Fix an arbitrary  > 0. Then there exists a δ > 0 such that  |f(y, z) − f(˜y, z˜)| < if |(y, z) − (˜y, z˜)| < δ. A

Hence for arbitrary z1, z2 ∈ S with kz1 − z2k < δ we have Z 1 kT (z1) − T (z2)k = sup | K(x, y)(f(y, z1(y)) − f(y, z2(y))) dy| ≤ x∈[0,1] 0 Z 1 ≤ sup |K(x, y)||(f(y, z1(y)) − f(y, z2(y)))| dy ≤ x∈[0,1] 0 Z 1 ≤ A |(f(y, z1(y)) − f(y, z2(y)))| dy < . 0 Now we have shown that T is continuous on S. Schauder’s fixed point theorem implies that the equation z = T (z) has at least one solution.

2.5 Some more fixed point theorems

We end this chapter with some additional fixed point theorems. The first one, Schae- fer’s fixed point theorem, is a version of Schauder’s theorem. Sometimes it is called the Leray-Schauder principle and is an example of the mathematical principle saying ”apriori estimates implies existence”. The second one, Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem, is a mix of Banach’s and Schauder’s fixed point theorems. Theorem 2.5.1 (Schaefer’s fixed point theorem). Assume that X is a Banach space and that T : X → X is a continuous compact4 mapping. Moreover assume that the set [ {x ∈ X : x = λT (x)} 0≤λ≤1

4 ∞ T is a compact mapping if (T (xn))n=1 has a convergent subsequence for every bounded sequence ∞ (xn)n=1 in X. Usually by a compact (or completely continuous) mapping one means a continuous mapping with the property above. For linear mappings the continuity follows from this property but it is not true in general for nonlinear mappings. 30 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY

is bounded. Then T has a fixed point.

Proof. Assume that the mapping T satisfies the hypothesis in the theorem. Pick a R > 0 such that x = λT (x) and 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 implies that kxk < R. Define the mapping T˜ : X → X as follows:

 T (x) if kT (x)k ≤ R  T˜(x) =  R kT (x)k T (x) if kT (x)k > R

This implies that T˜ : X → X is a . To show this take a bounded sequence ∞ ∞ (xn)n=1 in X. Then there exists a subsequence (xnk )k=1 such that kT (xnk )k < R for all ˜ ∞ k or kT (xnk )k ≥ R for all k. In the first case (T (xnk ))k=1 has a convergent subsequence ˜ since T (xnk ) = T (xnk ) and T is a compact mapping. In the second case we get that ∞ ∞ (T (xnk ))k=1 has a convergent subsequence, denote it by (T (xl))l=1 for convenience. But ∞ then it follows that also (kT (xl)k)l=1 converges, where also kT (xl)k ≥ R for all l. Hence ˜ R we have T (xl) = T (xl). kT (xl)k Set K = co T˜(B(0,R)). Here K is convex (it is the closed convex hull of a set), compact (the convex hull of a compact set is compact and T˜ is a compact mapping) subset of X such that

T˜ : K → K. ˜ Schauder’s fixed point theorem implies that T has a fixed point x0 ∈ K. But x0 is a fixed point for T if kT (x0)k ≤ R. Assume that kT (x0)k > R. This yields a contradiction since ˜ R x0 = T (x0) = λT (x0), where λ = ∈ (0, 1), since according to the hypothesis of the kT (x0)k theorem it should follow that kT (x0)k = kx0k < R. This proves the theorem.

Note that to apply Schaefer’s theorem we do not need to prove that a certain set is convex or compact. The problem is reformulated as to show a certain a priori estimate for the operator T .

Theorem 2.5.2 (Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem). Assume that F is a closed bounded convex subset of a Banach space X. Furthermore assume that T1 and T2 are mappings from F into X such that

1. T1(x) + T2(y) ∈ F for all x, y ∈ F , 2.5. SOME MORE FIXED POINT THEOREMS 31

2. T1 is a contraction,

3. T2 is continuous and compact.

Then T1 + T2 has a fixed point in F .

Proof. Assume that the mappings T1,T2 satisfies the hypothesis of the theorem. In partic- ular there exists a c ∈ (0, 1) such that

kT1(x) − T1(y)k ≤ ckx − yk, x, y ∈ F.

This yields

k(I − T1)(x) − (I − T1)(z)k ≥ kx − zk − kT1(x) − T1(z)k ≥ (1 − c)kx − zk


k(I − T1)(x) − (I − T1)(z)k ≤ kx − zk + kT1(x) − T1(z)k ≤ (1 + c)kx − zk.

−1 Consequently I − T1 : F → (I − T1)(F ) is a homeomorphism, and (I − T1) exists as a continuous mapping from (I − T1)(F ). Furthermore we note that for each y ∈ F the equation x = T1(x) + T2(y) has a unique solution x ∈ F according to Banach’s fixed point theorem. From this we −1 conclude that T2(y) ∈ (I − T1)(F ) for every y ∈ F and also that (I − T1) T2 : F → F is a well-defined continuous mapping. Since T2 is a compact mapping it follows that −1 (I −T1) T2 : F → F is a compact mapping. Finally the generalization of Schauder’s fixed point theorem yields the conclusion of the theorem.

We recommend anyone interested in fixed point theorems to consult the books [11] and [5] where additional results and many more references can be found. 32 CHAPTER 2. FIXED POINT THEORY Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction

A common feature for the important results in this course – Banach’s fixed point theorem, Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, Schauder’s fixed point theorem, Hilbert-Schmidt theorem and others – is that the mappings that appear should be defined on complete normed spaces = Banach spaces. The completeness is crucial and the theorems would no longer be true without the assumption on completeness. A technique often used to prove existence of a solution to a problem (and also to find the solution) is to find solutions to approximate problems and by improving the approximations it can sometimes be possible to obtain a sequence of approximative solutions that forms a Cauchy sequence in a proper space. A solution to the original problem can then be obtained as the limit of the Cauchy sequence provided the space is a Banach space. An example of a function space that often appears is the vector space of all continuous functions defined on Rn or some “nice”1 subset Ω of Rn, with pointwise defined addition and multiplication by scalars. We note the if C(Ω) is equipped with the sup-norm, i.e.

kfk = sup |f(t)|, f ∈ C(Ω), t∈Ω then the normed space (C(Ω), k · k) becomes a Banach space. But if C(Ω) is supplied with the norm Z kfk1 = |f(t)| dt, f ∈ C(Ω), Ω then (C(Ω), k · k1) is a normed space but not a Banach space. See for instance example 1 below. The set Ω is supposed to be a compact subset of Rn so all integrals are finite. It is a pity that (C(Ω), k · k1) is not a Banach space since the norm k · k1 gives a natural measure

1We assume that Ω is compact and equal to the closure of its interior.


of size. If f is a density function then kfk1 corresponds to the total mass. Moreover in physics the integral Z 2 1/2 kfk2 = ( |f(t)| dt) , f ∈ C(Ω). Ω measures the “energy” of a system described by f. In general it is natural to consider norms Z p 1/p kfkp = ( |f(t)| dt) , f ∈ C(Ω), Ω where p ∈ [1, ∞). To see that these expressions really define norm functions the same technique that was used to prove the corresponding statements for the sequence spaces l p can be used. Example 1: Consider the set Ω = [0, 1] ⊂ R and define

 1 0 t ∈ [0, 2 )  1 1 1 1 fn(t) = 2n(t − 2 ) t ∈ [ 2 , 2 + 2n )  1 1 1 t ∈ [ 2 + 2n , 1]

for n = 1, 2,... Sketch the graph for fn here!

∞ We see that (fn)n=1 defines a Cauchy sequence in the normed space (C[0, 1], k k1) since

1 1 Z 2 + 2 min(n,m) kfn − fmk1 = |fn(t) − fm(t)| dt 1 2 1 ≤ → 0, n, m → ∞. 2 min(n, m)

However there is no continuous function f such that fn → f in (C[0, 1], k k1). Prove this! ∞ On the other hand the sequence (fn)n=1 converges pointwise to h given by  1 0 t ∈ [0, 2 ] h(t) = 1 . 1 t ∈ ( 2 , 1] h is not continuous but still Riemann integrable and satisfies

lim kfn − hk1 = 0. n→∞ 3.1. INTRODUCTION 35

The fact that the function h above is Riemann integrable might suggest that

(Riemann integrable functions, k · k1) (3.1)

is a Banach space. It is clear that linear combinations of Riemann integrable functions are Riemann integrable and that also products of Riemann integrable functions are Riemann integrable2. However Riemann integrable functions are not closed under pointwise limits as seen from the following example.

Example 2: Let Ω denote the interval [0, 1] and let {r1, r2, r3,...} be an enumeration of all rational numbers in the interval [0, 1]. For n = 1, 2,... define  1 t ∈ {r1, . . . , rn} fn(t) = χ{r1,...,rn}(t) = . 0 t 6∈ {r1, . . . , rn}

Moreover set  1 t ∈ {r1, r2, r3,...} f(t) = χ{r1,r2,r3,...}(t) = . 0 t 6∈ {r1, r2, r3,...} ∞ We note that fn is Riemann integrable for every n and that (fn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in the normed space (Riemann integrable functions, k·k1), but the pointwise limit function f is not Riemann integrable. Prove this! Here should also be observed that k·k1 cannot see the difference between fn for any n and 0. Here 0 denotes the function that is pointwise 0 for all x ∈ [0, 1]. For k · k1 to be a norm for the Riemann integrable functions we have to identify fn and 0 for all n. So if we want to have a Banach space containing all Riemann integrable functions we ought accept f as an element in that space since it is the pointwise limit of the sequence (fn(x)) (we have 0 ≤ fn(x) ↑ f(x) ≤ 1 for all x ∈ [0, 1]). In applications it will be important for us to have strong convergence theorems of the form Z Z ” lim fn dx = lim fn dx ”. n→∞ n→∞

If this holds for the functions considered above we note that f 6= 0 but neither the less we have kf − 0k1 = 0. We can not detect the difference between f and 0 measuring with the k · k1–norm and have to identify these functions. We will say say that the functions differs on a set of measure 0. This identification also has to be done for Riemann integrable functions for k · k1 to be a norm.

Considering the k · kp–norms, 1 ≤ p < ∞ in general, it can be observed that only for p = 2 the norm is a Hilbert space norm, i.e. there can be defined an inner product h·, ·i on the vector space in such a way that kxk = phx, xi for all x holds true. Neither the sup-norm can be connected with an inner product. The Hilbert space structure will be important to

2If f is Riemann integrable then so is f 2 and if both f and g are Riemann integrable then so is fg since 1 2 2 fg = 4 ((f + g) − (f − g) ). 36 CHAPTER 3. LP -SPACES us in connection with spectral theory in chapter 4 in [2]. The problem is now to extend the normed space (C(Ω), k · kp) to a Banach space. The method to complete the normed space that is discussed in section 4 chapter 1 in [2] has the disadvantage that the properties of the elements in the completion can be hard to read off and it is not obvious that the elements are "pointwise defined functions". However let us quickly remind ourself of the constuction for a completion of a normed space that is given in [2]: Given a normed space (E, k·k) let E˜ be the set of all equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences in E, denoted [(xn)]∼, where

∞ ∞ (xn)n=1 ∼ (yn)n=1 if lim kxn − ynk = 0. n→∞

We will below make a quick gallop through the landscape of Lebegue integration with stops at measurable sets, measurable functions, Lebesgue integrals, convergence theorems and Lp–spaces. Some ideas for the proofs will be sketched. For those who are interested in a thorough treatment we refer to the books by Folland [3] (textbook on graduate level), Rudin [9] (also a graduate level textbook), Rudin [10] (a more elementary book), Apostol [1] (has been used for undergraduate courses at GU) or why not Hörmander [7]. The presentations differ slightly but most are based on measure theory.

3.2 Lebesgue measure on Rn

In measure theory we want to generalize the concept of length of an interval in R, area of a rectangle in R2 and so on to a wider class of sets. The ultimate goal is to assign a measure to as many sets as possible where the measure has to satisfy certain natural conditions. If all intervals [a, b] ⊂ R, a < b (as well as the intervals [a, b), (a, b], (a, b)) should have the measure b − a then there are subsets of the real numbers that are impossible to assign a measure to3. This is hard to prove and is based on the axiom of choice4. First let us see for which subsets of a an arbitrary set X it would be natural to be able to assign measure to. Intuitively it is natural that given countable many sets, where all have a well-defined measures, all sets that can be obtained by countably many applications with the set operations union, intersection and complement should also be possible to assign a measure to. This motivates the following definition.

Definition 3.2.1. A set M of subsets of X is called a σ–algebra if

3A well-known example of this is due to Vitali. Even more striking is the following example in R3 by Banach and Tarski and which only involves finite additivity. They proved: The unit ball in R3 can be decomposed into a finite number of pieces which may be reassembled, using only translation and rotation, to form 2 disjoint copies of the unit ball 4 The axiom of choice says that for every class of non-empty sets Eλ, λ ∈ Λ, there exists a set consisting of one element from every set Eλ. 3.2. LEBESGUE MEASURE ON RN 37

1. ∅ ∈ M

2. E ∈ M implies X \ E ∈ M

S∞ 3. E1,E2,... ∈ M implies n=1 En ∈ M

A set in M is called a measurable set. Let Bn denote the smallest σ–algebra that contains all open sets in Rn. This is called the Borel σ–algebra. For simplicity we restrict to the case n = 1 but what is said holds true for general n. There exists such a smallest σ–algebra, since the intersection of any collection of σ–algebras is a σ–algebra, and all the intervals of the four types above are contained here. Given a σ–algebra M we can talk about a measure µ on M. A measure should satisfy the properties encoded in the next definition.

Definition 3.2.2. A measure µ on the σ–algebra M is a mapping

µ : M → [0, +∞] such that

1. µ(∅) = 0

S∞ ∞ 2. E1,E2,... ∈ M mutually disjoint sets implies µ( n=1 En) = Σn=1µ(En)

The property 2. is called countable additivity for measures and is a key property when defining Lebesgue integrals. The main question is now whether it is possible to prove the existence of a unique measure on the Borel σ–algebra with the property that all intervals with end points at a and b has the measure |b − a|. The answer is yes and this measure is called the Borel measure. This is the foundation on which the Lp-theory rests. The Lebesgue measure is obtained by completing the Borel measure in the following sense.

Definition 3.2.3. Let µ be a measure on a σ–algebra M. Then there exists a σ–algebra M¯ and a well-defined measure µ¯ : M¯ → [0, +∞] such that E ∈ M¯ iff E = A S B, where A ∈ M and B ⊂ C ∈ M with µ(C) = 0, and µ¯(E) = µ(A).

What has been done is to add all subsets of measurable sets with measure 0 in such a way that also M¯ becomes a σ–algebra. Note that it follows from the definition that if ¯ A, B ∈ M, A ⊂ B, then we have µ(A) ≤ µ(B). We call B1 the Lebesgue σ–algebra on R and denote it by L1 and the completed Borel measure on L1 denoted m is called the Lebesgue measure. We mentioned above that there are subsets of R that are not Lebesgue measurable. The following result can be proved. 38 CHAPTER 3. LP -SPACES

Theorem 3.2.1 (Approximation). Let E ⊂ R be Lebesgue measurable. Then we have

m(E) = inf{m(U): E ⊂ U, U open} = sup{m(K): K ⊂ E,K compact}.

Moreover if m(E) < ∞ then for every  > 0 there exists an open set A consisting of finitely many open intervals such that [ m((E \ A) (A \ E)) < .

What has been said about R is true for Rn, n = 2, 3,..., provided intervals are replaced by n rectangles parallel to the axis etc. By Ln = L we denote the Lebesgue σ–algebra on R , i.e. the completed Borel σ–algebra Bn, and the approximation theorem above corresponds to a natural generalization for Rn.

3.3 Lebesgue measurable functions

We will now consider functions f that takes values in R¯ = R S{±∞} where we define 0·∞ = 0. What has to be avoided is undefined expressions like ∞−∞. In this section every function takes values in R¯. We say that the function f : Rn → R¯ is Lebesgue measurable if f −1([a, ∞)) ∈ L for every a ∈ R. Here f −1(U) denotes the set {x ∈ Rn : f(x) ∈ U}, i.e. the inverse image of U under f. From this definition it follows that f −1(E) ∈ L for every Borel set E but also that all functions that can be formed using the operations

+ · sup inf lim sup lim inf n=1,2,... n=1,2,... n=1,2,... n=1,2,... on Lebesgue measurable functions are Lebesgue measurable. More precisely, given Lebesgue measurable functions f, g, fn, n = 1, 2,... then the functions

1. f + g, fg, λf, where λ ∈ R

2. max(f, g), min(f, g)

3. supn=1,2,... fn, infn=1,2,... fn

4. lim supn→∞ fn ≡ limk→∞ supn≥k fn, lim infn→∞ fn ≡ limk→∞ infn≥k fn

are also Lebesgue measurable. It can be shown that every continuous function is Lebesgue measurable! The most important examples of Lebesgue measurable functions are the so called simple functions that are given by finite linear combinations of characteristic functions for Lebesgue measurable sets, i.e. functions of the form


where χE(t) = 1 if t ∈ E and = 0 if t 6∈ E. We assume that λi 6= λj for i 6= j. Check for yourself that the simple functions are Lebesgue measurable. The key property for the simple functions is the following observation.

Theorem 3.3.1 (Approximation). Let f : Rn → [0, ∞] be a Lebesgue measurable function. Then there exists a sequence of simple functions φn, n = 1, 2,... such that

1. 0 ≤ φ1 ≤ φ2 ≤ φ3 ≤ ...

n 2. limn→∞ φn(t) = f(t) for all t ∈ R

n 3. φn converges uniformly to f on each set A ⊂ R where f is bounded.

We note that the limit function for an increasing sequence of simple functions is also Lebesgue measurable. But also converse, i.e. that every Lebesgue measurable function (bounded below) can be obtained as the limit function for an increasing sequence of simple functions. The proof for the theorem is quite simple. Set

22n−1 −n n φ = Σ k2 χ k + 2 χ , n k=0 En Fn where k −1 −n −n En = f ((k2 , (k + 1)2 ]) and −1 n Fn = f ((2 , ∞]). for n = 1, 2,.... For an f of your choice draw the graphs for φn! Next we introduce the term almost everywhere, abbreviated a.e., which means every- where except on a set of measure 0. To say that the functions f and g are equal a.e. means that the set where the functions differ must not be empty but have to have the Lebesgue measure 0. In the same way fn → f pointwise a.e. means that the set where we do not have convergence is a 0–set. Since every subset of a 0–set is a 0–set we get

1. f Lebesgue measurable and f = g a.e. implies that g is Lebesgue measurable.

2. fn, n = 1, 2,..., Lebesgue measurable and fn → f pointwise a.e. implies that f is Lebesgue measurable.

Finally f : Rn → C is called Lebesgue measurable if both Ref and Imf are Lebesgue measurable. This is the same as saying that f −1(U) ∈ L for every open set U in C. 40 CHAPTER 3. LP -SPACES 3.4 Integrals and convergence theorems

A complex-valued function f can uniquely be written as a sum of its real- and imaginary part f = Ref + i Imf, where Ref and Imf are real-valued. Both these functions can be written as a sum of the positive and the negative part of f. If f is real-valued we denote

f + = max(f, 0) and f − = max(−f, 0). Hence we get f = f + − f − (and |f| = f + + f −). Since we want the integral operator Z f 7→ f dm

(not yet defined) to be linear on Lebesgue integrable functions we must have Z Z Z Z Z f dm = (Ref)+ dm − (Ref)− dm + i( (Imf)+ dm − (Ref)− dm).

So it is enough to define Z f dm

for all Lebesgue measurable functions f : Rn → [0, ∞]. This will be done in two steps.

N Step 1 For f = Σn=1λnχEn , i.e. for a simple function f, we set Z N f dm = Σn=1λnm(En).

Step 2 If f is a Lebesgue measurable function we set Z Z f dm = sup{ φ dm : φ simple function, 0 ≤ φ ≤ f}.

It can quite easily be shown that the integral is well-defined. The integral can attain the value +∞ since we have not assumed any size condition for f. We let L+ denote the set of all real Lebesgue measurable functions that takes values in [0, ∞]. From the definition it follows that f, g ∈ L+ and f ≤ g implies Z Z f dm ≤ g dm. 3.4. INTEGRALS AND CONVERGENCE THEOREMS 41

Moreover we let L1 denote the set of all Lebesgue measurable functions f : Rn → C for which Z Z Z Z max{ Ref + dm, Ref − dm, Imf + dm, Imf − dm} < ∞.

This is equivalent to Z |f| dm < ∞.

Moreover we note that Z Z | f dm| ≤ |f| dm.

Finally we define Z Z f dm = fχE dm, E for E a Lebesgue measurable set in Rn. The question is then: What is the difference between the Lebesgue integral and the Riemann integral? The answer sits in the definitions. Let us for the moment assume that f is real-valued and takes its values in [0,M] for some M > 0. Remember that the definition of the Riemann integral is based on splitting the x–axis into a union of tiny disjoint intervals I . Set M = sup f and m = inf f. We get k k Ik k Ik Z f dx ≈ ΣkMk|Ik|

provided ΣkMk|Ik| ≈ Σkmk|Ik|, where |Ik| denotes the length of the interval Ik. By the notation ≈ we mean that the difference tends to 0 as supk |Ik| → 0. To have this we need f to be almost constant on every interval Ik (i.e. Mk − mk ≈ 0) or that the number of all intervals for which this is not true (i.e. Mk − mk 6≈ 0) is small. Another way to phrase it is that f should be continuous except for a small set of points with Lebesgue measure 0. Using our special lingo we say that f is Riemann integrable if the set where f is discontinuous is a set of Lebesgue measure 0. In the previous example with f = χQ T[0,1] the set of points of discontinuity is the whole interval [0, 1] which has Lebesgue measure equal to 1 and not 0. The definition of the Lebesgue integral is based on splitting the y–axis into small intervals k −n −n In = [k2 , (k + 1)2 ). Here n indicates how fine the decomposition is, more precisely 2−n is the length of the intervals. Comparing with the definition for simple functions (we assume that f is non-negative and M < 2n) we have Z −n k f dm ≈ Σkk2 m(En),

−n k where we observe that |f −φn| ≤ 2 on En. See page 39. For the sum to have a meaning it k is needed that m(En) and m(Fn) are well-defined, which is guaranteed by the assumption 42 CHAPTER 3. LP -SPACES

that f is Lebesgue measurable. If we return to the function f = χQ T[0,1] we see that f is 0 except at the rational points in the interval [0, 1], which is equal to {r1, r2,...}. But every set {rn} is Lebesgue measurable with the measure 0 and a countable union of 0–sets is a 0–set. Hence we have R f dm = 0. We observe that every continuous function which is different from 0 only in a compact subset of Rn is Riemann integrable, that each Riemann integrable function (with finite k · k1–norm) is Lebesgue integrable and Z Z f(x) dx = f dm. Rn Here the LHS denotes the Riemann integral for f and the RHS denotes the Lebesgue integral for f. Below we list some theorems that will become important to us for applications. It is important to note that the Lebesgue integral is an extension for the Riemann integral with 1 the properties we wanted: powerful convergence theorems and the function space (L , k·k1) is complete.

∞ + Theorem 3.4.1 (Lebesgue’s monotone convergence theorem). Let (fn)n=1 ⊂ L be a monotone increasing sequence of functions. Then we have Z Z lim fn dm = lim fn dm. n→∞ n→∞

∞ + Theorem 3.4.2 (Fatou’s lemma). Let (fn)n=1 ⊂ L be a sequence of functions. Then we have Z Z lim inf fn dm ≤ lim inf fn dm. n→∞ n→∞

∞ Theorem 3.4.3 (Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem). Assume that (fn)n=1 is a sequence of complex-valued Lebesgue measurable functions such that limn→∞ fn = f a.e. Moreover assume that there exists a Lebesgue measurable function g such that

1 |fn| ≤ g ∈ L all n.

Then we have f ∈ L1 and Z Z lim fn dm = f dm. n→∞ Theorem 3.4.4 (Differentiation under the integral sign). Assume that

f(t, x): Rn × [a, b] → C and that f(·, x): Rn → C is a L1–function for each x ∈ [a, b]. Set F (x) = R f(t, x) dm(t). 3.4. INTEGRALS AND CONVERGENCE THEOREMS 43

• Assume that there exists a g ∈ L1 such that

|f(t, x)| ≤ g(t) all t, x.

Then we have lim F (x) = F (x0) x→x0 provided lim f(t, x) = f(t, x0) all t. x→x0 ∂f • Assume that exists and that there is a g ∈ L1 such that ∂x ∂f | (t, x)| ≤ g(t) all t, x. ∂x Then F is differentiable and Z ∂f F 0(x) = (t, x) dm(t). ∂x

We now assume that n = 1 and recall that a real function is continuously differentiable iff Z x f(x) = g(t) dt a where g is a continuous real function. Furthermore we have f 0 = g. What can be said about the function Z x g(t) dt a where g ∈ L1? To answer this question we introduce the definition of absolutely continuous function. We say that the real function f is absolutely continuous if for every  > 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that Σ|bn − an| < δ implies that Σ|f(bn) − f(an)| < . In particular this means that f is continuous and moreover uniformly continuous on the set where it is defined. Σ ... stands for the sum for a finite series.

R x 5 Theorem 3.4.5. A real function f(x) is given by a g dm, where g is a locally Lebesgue integrable function, iff f is absolutely continuous. In that case we have f 0 = g a.e..

5 1 Lloc is defined below. 44 CHAPTER 3. LP -SPACES

From calculus course we remember that multiple Riemann integrals can be calculated by repeated integration. Is this still true for multiple Lebesgue integrals? The answer is contained in the following result.

Theorem 3.4.6 (Fubini–Tonelli’s theorem). Assume that f(·, ·) is Lebesgue measurable and that one of the following conditions are satisfied:

1. (Tonelli) f ≥ 0

2. (Fubini) one of the integrals R |f(x, y)| dm(x, y), R (R |f(x, y)| dm(y)) dm(x) and R (R |f(x, y)| dm(x)) dm(y) is finite.

Then the functions f(·, y), f(x, ·), R f(·, y) dm(y) and R f(x, ·) dm(x) are Lebesgue mea- surable and Z Z Z Z Z f(x, y) dm(x, y) = ( f(x, y) dm(y)) dm(x) = ( f(x, y) dm(x)) dm(y).

3.5 Lp–spaces, Hölder’s and Young’s inequalities

For Lebesgue measurable functions f we define Z p 1/p kfkp = ( |f| dm) , p ∈ [1, ∞)


kfk∞ = ess sup |f|. Here ess sup for real-valued non-negative functions f denotes the quantity

ess supf = inf{k : k ≥ f a.e.}.

We now define the Lp–space as the set of all Lebesgue measurable functions such that kfkp < ∞. This is valid for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ and we see that

p • kf − gkp = 0 iff f = g a.e. Functions in L are identified if they are equal a.e.

• f ∈ Lp implies that |f| < ∞ a.e.

∞ • f ∈ L and f continuous implies that kfk∞ = sup |f|. If f is not continuous then we obtain that the set of all x where f(x) > kfk∞ is a 0–set. 3.5. LP –SPACES, HÖLDER’S AND YOUNG’S INEQUALITIES 45

We claim that k · kp really defines a norm. If p = 1, ∞ this is trivial. For p ∈ (1, ∞) it is a consequence of Hölder’s inequality

kfgk1 ≤ kfkp kgkq, 1 1 where + = 1, p > 1. This is established with a similar technique to that which was p q used for proving the corresponding statement for the sequence space l p. This yields the Minkowski’s inequality kf + gkp ≤ kfkp + kgkp for p ∈ (1, ∞).

p p We have now defined L as a normed space. The notations Lloc denotes the set of all p Lebesgue measurable functions f for which fχE ∈ L for all compact Lebesgue measurable sets E in Rn.

p Theorem 3.5.1. L with the norm k · kp is a Banach space for p ∈ [1, ∞]. It is separable ∞ p (there exists a countable dense set) for p ∈ [1, ∞). If (fn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in L ∞ for p ∈ [1, ∞) there exists a subsequence (fnk )k=1 that converges pointwise a.e.

Try to prove this!! Let f be a complex-valued function on Rn. The closure of the set {x : f(x) 6= 0} is ∞ called the support for f. Moreover we let C0 denote the set of all infinitely continuously differentiable functions with compact support. Theorem 3.5.2. For p ∈ [1, ∞) we have

1. Lp T { simple functions }

∞ 2. C0 are both dense in Lp.

Finally we give some inequalities that can come in handy in many calculations. Theorem 3.5.3 (Young’s inequality). Assume that k : Rn×Rn → C is Lebesgue measurable and that Z Z max(sup |k(x, y)| dm(y), sup |k(x, y)| dm(x)) = M < ∞. x y If f ∈ Lp for some p ∈ [1, ∞] then Z F (x) = k(x, y)f(y) dm(y) belongs to Lp and kF kp ≤ Mkfkp. 46 CHAPTER 3. LP -SPACES

Theorem 3.5.4 (Chebyshev’s inequality). Let f ∈ Lp, p ∈ [1, ∞) and α > 0 be given. Then we have kfk m({x : |f(x)| > α}) ≤ ( p )p. α

Looking back we note that the Lebesgue integrable functions can be very wild but at the same time there are continuous nice functions that are close to these wild beasts in Lp-norm. Often in applications we want to prove that a certain function, appearing as a solution to some say integral equation, is continuous but from the first consideration we just obtain it as an element in Lp. However the continuity property for the function can then be established from the specific problem. What the Lp–theory has contributed with is the existence of a function that can be proven to have some good properties. Chapter 4

Spectral theory

4.1 Introduction

In this course we focus on equations of the form

Af = g, (4.1)

where A is a linear mapping, typically an integral operator, and g is a given element in some normed space which “almost everytime” in text is a Banach space. The type of questions one usually and naturally poses are:

1. Is there a solution to Af = g and, if so is it unique?

2. If the RHS g is slightly perturbed, i.e. data g˜ is chosen close to g, will the solution f˜ to Af˜ =g ˜ be close to f?

3. If the operator A˜ is a good approximation of the operator A will the solution f˜ to A˜f˜ = g be a good approximation for f to Af = g?

These questions will be made more precise and to some extent answered below. One direct way to proceed is to try to calculate the “inverse operator” A−1 and obtain f from the expression f = A−1g. Earlier we have seen examples of this for the case where A is a small perturbation of the identity mapping on a Banach space X, more precisely for A = I + B with kBk < 1. Here the inverse operator A−1 is given by the Neumann series

∞ n n Σn=0(−1) B ,


(B0 should be interpreted as I). We showed that if B ∈ B(X,X), where X is a Banach ∞ n n space, then we got C ≡ Σn=0(−1) B ∈ B(X,X) and

• (I + B)C = C(I + B) = IX

1 • kCk ≤ 1−kBk

A useful reformulation ot this result is the following.

Theorem 4.1.1. Assume A ∈ B(X,X) where X is a Banach space and

kI − Ak < 1.


1. A is invertible

−1 ∞ n 2. A = Σn=0(I − A)

−1 1 3. kA k ≤ 1−kI−Ak .

Sometimes we are able to prove the existence and uniqueness for solutions to equations Af = g in Banach spaces X without being able to explicitly calculate the solution. An example is as follows: Assume there exists a family {At}t∈[0,1] of bounded linear operators on a Banach space that satisfies the following conditions: There exists a positive constant C such that

1. kfk ≤ CkAtfk for all t ∈ [0, 1] and all f ∈ X

2. kAtf − Asfk ≤ C|t − s| kfk for all t, s ∈ [0, 1] and all f ∈ X

3. A0 is an invertible operator on X, where the inverse is a bounded linear operator on X.

Then we can conclude that also A1 is an invertible operator on X, where the inverse is a bounded linear operator on X. This is a general method and is referred to as the method of continuity. The idea here is that A1 is a perturbation of the “nice” invertible operator A0, where the perturbation is controlled by conditions 1 and 2 above. The proof of the statement, essentially that A1 is surjective, is given below. Before we proceed let us make a clarification concerning the use of different notions. When we talk about an operator A we do not a priori assume that A is linear (even if it is a mapping between two vector spaces) though it is so in most applications. 4.1. INTRODUCTION 49

What do we mean by an “inverse operator”? If we consider A as a mapping X → Y it is enough for A to be injective, i.e. A(x) = A(y) implies x = y, for A−1 to be defined as a mapping R(A) → X. Here R(A) = {y ∈ Y : y = A(x) for some x ∈ X} is a subset of Y . The injectivity implies that the equation (7.1) has at most one solution, viz. if g ∈ R(A) there exists a unique solution otherwise there is no solution. Moreover if A is surjective, i.e. R(A) = Y , then the equation has a unique solution f for every g ∈ Y . So if we consider A in the category of mappings we say that A−1, called the inverse mapping to A, exists if the equation (7.1) has a unique solution for every RHS, i.e. A−1(f) = g. However if X and Y are normed spaces and A is a bounded linear mapping we could look for a mapping B such that

AB = IR(A),BA = IX with the additional properties to be linear (which actually is automatic, check it!) and bounded. Hence if we view A in the category of bounded linear operators we call a bounded linear mapping B satisfying the conditions above the inverse operator to A. Also in this case we could have that A is surjective, i.e. R(A) = Y . In particular this is natural to assume in the case X = Y if we view the operator A as an element in B(X,X) where X is a Banach space. We observe that the space B(X,X), for short denoted by B(X), is not just a Banach space but also a , i.e. there is a multiplication defined in B(X) given by composition of operators

ST (x) = S(T x)

which satisfies the norm inequality

kST k ≤ kSkkT k.

The inverse operator for A, provided A is surjective, is the inverse element to A in the Banach algebra B(X). In connection with the Neumann series technique let us consider the following example. Set X = Y = P([0, 1]) and x Ap(x) = (1 − )p(x), x ∈ [0, 1]. 2 Moreover assume that X and Y are equipped with the L2–norm. This means that the normed spaces (X, k · k2) and (Y, k · k2) are not Banach spaces. If we complete the normed space we obtain the Banach space L2([0, 1]). The question is whether A is invertible or not? First we note that A is injective, i.e. Ap = Aq implies p = q. This is straight-forward since Ap = Aq in Y means that Ap(x) = Aq(x) for all x ∈ [0, 1] and hence p(x) = q(x) for all x ∈ [0, 1], i.e. p = q in X. But A is not surjective since R(A) consists of all restrictions of polynomials with a zero at x = 2 to the interval [0, 1]. This shows that A : X → R(A) 50 CHAPTER 4. SPECTRAL THEORY

has an inverse mapping. Moreover we note that A is a bounded linear mapping from x into Y with the operator norm given by

Z 1 x 2 1 kAk = sup ( |(1 − ) p(x)| dx) 2 = 1. p∈P([0,1]) 0 2 kpk2=1

Prove this! A question is now if A has an inverse operator. Since A is given as a mul- tiplication mapping it is clear that the inverse mapping also is given by a multiplication 2 −1 mapping where the multiplier is 2−x . We obtain A : R(A) → P([0, 1]) as a bounded linear mapping with the operator norm

Z 1 −1 2 2 1 kA k = sup ( |( ) p(x)| dx) 2 = 2. p∈R(A) 0 2 − x kpk2=1

Prove also this! If we extend A to all of L2([0, 1]), call this extension A˜, which can be done uniquely since the polynomials in P([0, 1]) are dense in L2([0, 1]) and A is a bounded linear operator on P([0, 1]), we observe that kI − A˜k < 1, where k · k denote the operator norm on L2([0, 1]), since Z 1 x 1 Z 1 | f(x)|2 dx ≤ |f(x)|2 dx, 0 2 4 0 and hence 1 k(I − A˜)fk ≤ kfk. 2 ∞ ˜ n From this we get that the Neumann series Σn=0(I − A) gives an expression for the inverse mapping to A˜, since A˜ can be written as A˜ = I − (I − A˜) on L2([0, 1]). It is no surprise that x 2 A˜−1p(x) = Σ∞ (I − A˜)np(x) = Σ∞ ( )np(x) = p(x). n=0 n=0 2 2 − x ˜ −1 −1 Observe that (A|P([0,1])) = A . The Neumann series applied to an element of R(A) yields a polynomial, but to make sure that the series converges we need to consider the series in a Banach space and not just a normed space. Moreover we see that A˜−1 is a on the whole of L2([0, 1]) with the norm kA˜−1k = 2 but A−1 is not a bounded operator on the whole of P([0, 1]) and this despite the fact ˜ kI − AkX→Y ≤ kI − AkL2→L2 < 1.

Below we present some observations that are related to the notions inverse mapping/inverse operator.

• We first consider mappings on vector spaces. The following holds true. 4.1. INTRODUCTION 51

Theorem 4.1.2. Assume that E is a finite-dimensional vector space and that A : E → E is a linear mapping. Then the following statements are equivalent:

1. A is bijective 2. A is injective, i.e. N (A) = {0} 3. A is surjective, i.e. R(A) = E

Note that this is not true for infinite-dimensional vector spaces, which is shown by the following example. Set E = C([0, 1]) and Z x Af(x) = f(t) dt, x ∈ [0, 1]. 0 Prove that A is injective but not surjective!

• From now on we only consider linear mappings X → Y where X and Y are Banach spaces. We recall that

– A is continuous at x0 ∈ X implies that A is continuous on X – A is continuous iff A is a bounded mapping.

It can be shown, not without some effort, that there are linear mappings A : X → X that are not bounded, i.e. the linearity and the mapping property A(X) ⊂ X is not enough for A to be a bounded operator. This has some relevance when returning to the stability-question 2 in the introduction, i.e. whether the fact that A : X → Y is a bijective bounded linear operator implies that there exists a constant C such that

kf − f˜k ≤ Ckg − g˜k,

for all g, g˜ ∈ Y where Af = g and Af˜ =g ˜? The answer is given by Theorem 4.1.3 (Inverse mapping theorem). Assume that A : X → Y is a bijective bounded linear mapping from the Banach space X onto the Banach space Y . Then the mapping A−1 exists as a bounded linear mapping from Y onto X.

The answer to the question above is yes! Often the inverse mapping theorem is given as a corollary to the open mapping the- orem, that also can be proved using Baire’s theorem style argument1. We formulate the theorem without proof.

1Among the famous theorems in functional analysis we have Baire’s Theorem, Open Mapping Theorem, Banach-Steinhaus Theorem, Closed Graph Theorem and Hahn-Banach Theorem. For completeness we state these theorems in the normed space setting. 52 CHAPTER 4. SPECTRAL THEORY

Theorem 4.1.10 (Open mapping theorem). Assume that A : X → Y is a surjective bounded linear mapping from the Banach space X onto the Banach space Y . Then A maps open sets in X onto open sets in Y .

Recall that a mapping A : X → Y is continuous iff the set A−1(U) is open in X for

Theorem 4.1.4 (Baire’s Theorem). Assume that X is a Banach space and Un, n = 1, 2, 3,..., are open dense subsets in X. Then \ Un n=1,2,3,... is dense in X.

To state the theorem differently we say that a set E ⊂ X is nowhere dense if E does not contain any open ball in X.

Theorem 4.1.5 (Baire’s Theorem(other version)). Assume that X is a Banach space. Then X is not a countable union of nowhere dense sets.

A piece of terminology: A set is called meager or of first category if it is a union of countably many nowhere dense sets. Such a set is "small" in this sense. The Open Mapping Theorem is stated above in the text.

Theorem 4.1.6 (Banach-Steinhaus Theorem/Uniform Boundedness Principle). Assume that X is a Ba- nach space, Y is a normed space and A ⊂ B(X,Y ). Moreover assume that

sup kT (x)k < ∞ for all x ∈ X. T ∈A Then sup kT k < ∞. T ∈A One can also prove

Theorem 4.1.7 (Condensation of singularities theorem). Assume that X is a Banach space, Y is a normed space and A ⊂ B(X,Y ). Moreover assume that there exists a x0 ∈ X such that

sup kT (x0)k = ∞. T ∈A Then the set {x ∈ X : sup kT (x)k = ∞} T ∈A is not meager.

Hence if the Uniform Boundedness Principle fails for an A then it "really fails". See chapter 6 week 3 for a proof of Banach-Steinhaus Theorem where the first step of the proof has the flavor Baire’s Theorem. Furthermore we have

Theorem 4.1.8 (Closed Graph Theorem). Assume that X,Y are Banach spaces and T : X → Y is linear. Then T is a bounded linear mapping if and only if

G(T ) = {(x, T (x)) : x ∈ X}

is a closed subspace of X × Y . 4.1. INTRODUCTION 53

every open set U in Y . Remark 4.1.1. Let X = C([0, 1]) equipped with the max-norm k · k and let

Y = {g ∈ X : g differentiable with g0 ∈ X and g(0) = 0}

also given with the max-norm. Define the linear operator A : X → Y by Z x A(f)(x) = f(t) dt. 0 Here A is bounded since Z x Z 1 |f(x)| ≤ |f(t)| dt ≤ kfk dt = kfk. 0 0 If g ∈ Y then Z x Z x g(x) = g(0) + g0(t) dt = g0(t) dt = A(g0)(x) 0 0 and hence A is surjective. Moreover we note that if A(f) = A(g) then Z x Z x f(t) dt = g(t) dt for all x ∈ [0, 1] 0 0 Here X × Y is defined by X × Y = {(x, y): x ∈ X, y ∈ Y } with coordinatewise defined vector space structure and norm

k(x, y)kX×Y = kxkX + kykY .

Clearly G(T ) is a subspace of X × Y when T : X → Y is linear. The merit of the theorem is that to show that T is bounded it is enough to prove the implication

xn → x in X,T (xn) → y in Y ⇒ T (x) = y

and not xn → x in X ⇒ T (xn) → T (x) in Y. Finally

Theorem 4.1.9 (Hahn-Banach Theorem). Assume X is a real/complex normed space and V is an arbi- trary subspace of X. Then every bounded linear functional

f : V → R/C

can be extended to a bounded linear functional

F : X → R/C

with kF k = kfk.

For the proof of this theorem the axiom of choice is needed. 54 CHAPTER 4. SPECTRAL THEORY

and differentiation gives f = g. We have that A is an invertible mapping. This mapping is given by differentiation but it is not bounded. To see this consider fn(x) = 0 sin(nx) for n = 1, 2, 3,... Here kfnk = 1 for all n but kfnk = n. In this example the normed space Y is not a Banach space.

It has been shown, using Neumann series, that the equation Af = g is uniquely solvable if A = I − T and kT k < 1. However this is a serious restriction. We want to solve equations where T is not a small perturbation of the identity mapping. To do this we will, as for the finite-dimensional case, study the equation

(λI − T )f = g where λ is a complex parameter. In this context concepts like spectrum, resolvent and resolvent set are introduced. A more extensive treatment can be found in the books [4], [8] and [10]. The first two books are on the same level as the textbook. Assume that X is a complex normed space and that T : D(T ) → X is a bounded linear mapping with D(T ) ⊆ X. Often we have D(T ) = X.

Definition 4.1.1. The resolvent set for T , denoted ρ(T ), consists of all complex numbers λ ∈ C for which (T − λI)−1 exists as an inverse operator on all of X. The mapping ρ(T ) 3 λ 7→ (λI − T )−1 is called the resolvent for T .

It follows from the definition that λ ∈ ρ(T ) implies that N (T − λI) = {0} and that R(T − λI) = X.

Definition 4.1.2. The spectrum for T , denoted by σ(T ), is the set C \ ρ(T ). This set is the union of the three mutually disjoint subsets σp(T ), σc(T ) and σr(T ). These are called the point spectrum, the continuous spectrum and the residual spectrum respectively and are defined by the properties

• λ ∈ σp(T ) if N (T − λI) 6= {0}. Here λ is called an eigenvalue for T and a v ∈ N (T − λI) \{0} is called an eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue λ;

−1 • λ ∈ σc(T ) if N (T − λI) = {0} and R(T − λI) is dense in X but (T − λI) is not a bounded operator;

• λ ∈ σr(T ) if N (T − λI) = {0} but R(T − λI) is not dense in X.


1. Assume that T : X → X is a linear mapping on a finite-dimensional normed space X. Then we have σ(T ) = σp(T ) and the spectrum consists of finitely many elements. 4.1. INTRODUCTION 55

2. Consider the linear mapping T : l 2 → l 2 defined by

(x1, x2, x3,...) 7→ (0, x1, x2,...)

T is a so called right shift operator. Then we have 0 ∈ σ(T ) \ σp(T ).

From now on we assume that T is a bounded linear operator. Theorem 4.1.11. The resolvent set is an open set.

Proof. (a sketch) We note that

• if A : X → X is a bounded linear operator with kAk < 1 then (I − A)−1 exists as an inverse operator on all of X and

(I − A)−1 = I + A + A2 + A3 + ···

(Neumann series)

• if λ0 ∈ ρ(T ) we have the formula

−1 T − λI = (T − λ0)(I − (λ − λ0)(T − λ0I) ).

Combining these observations we obtain the result.

In this context we give a proof for the method of continuity. Condition 1 implies that all At, t ∈ [0, 1], are injective. Assuming that At has an inverse operator defined on all of X we can write the operator As as

−1 As = At(I + At (As − At)).

−1 Hence it follows that As is invertible if kAt (As − At)k < 1. But now condition 1 implies −1 that kAt k ≤ C and condition 2 implies kAs − Atk ≤ C|s − t|. This yields that

−1 −1 kAt (As − At)k ≤ kAt k kAs − Atk < 1 provided 1 |s − t| < . C2 Take a finite sequence of points tn, 0 = t1 < t2 < . . . < tn < tn+1 < . . . < tN = 1, such that 1 max |tn+1 − tn| < . n=1,2,...,N−1 C2

The argument above shows that Atn+1 is invertible if Atn is invertible and hence the in- vertibility of A0 implies the invertibility of A1. (Invertibility of an operator B means that B−1 exists as an inverse operator and B is surjective.) 56 CHAPTER 4. SPECTRAL THEORY

Theorem 4.1.12. The spectrum σ(T ) belongs to the disc

{λ ∈ C : |λ| ≤ kT k}

in the complex plane.

Proof. Exercise! Theorem 4.1.13. The spectrum σ(T ) is non-empty.

The proof can be based on Liouville’s Theorem, well-known from courses in complex anal- ysis, but is omitted.

Definition 4.1.3. The approximate point spectrum to T , denoted by σa(T ), consists ∞ of all λ ∈ C for which there exists a sequence (xn)n=1 in X, with kxnk = 1 such that

lim k(T − λI)xnk = 0. n→∞

The following result summarizes the important properties for the approximate point spec- trum. Theorem 4.1.14. Assume that T is a bounded operator on X. Then we have:

1. σa(T ) is a closed non-empty subset of σ(T ); S 2. σp(T ) σc(T ) ⊂ σa(T );

3. the boundary of σ(T ) is a subset of σa(T );

From now on we assume that the linear operator T is compact and that X is a Banach ∞ space. An operator T is called compact on X if for every bounded sequence (xn)n=1 in X ∞ there exists a convergent subsequence of (T xn)n=1 in X. Using Riesz’ Lemma (see chapter 7.2) together with a lot of hard work one can show the following theorem that usually is called Fredholm’s alternative. Theorem 4.1.15 (Fredholm’s alternative). Let T be a compact linear operator on a Banach space X and let λ ∈ C \{0}. Then one of the statements below hold true:

1. the homogeneous equation T x − λx = 0 has non-trivial solutions x ∈ X 2. for every y ∈ X the equation T x − λx = y has a unique solution x ∈ X. 4.1. INTRODUCTION 57

In the second case the operator (T − λI)−1 exists as a bounded operator.

Example: Consider the Volterra equation Z x f(x) = g(x) + K(x, y)f(y) dy 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 where K is a continuous function for 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1. Show that for every g ∈ C([0, 1]) there exists a f ∈ C([0, 1]) that solves the equation. From Fredholm’s alternative with X = C([0, 1]) it is enough to show that N (T − I) = {0}, where T is the compact (show this using for instance Arzela-Ascoli Theorem) operator Z x T f(x) = K(x, y)f(y) dy 0 on C([0, 1]). We will show that Z x f(x) = K(x, y)f(y) dy 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 0 implies that f = 0. Set M = max0≤x,y≤1 |K(x, y)| and Z x φ(x) = |f(y)| dy 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 0 It follows that φ is differentiable and

φ0(x) = |f(x)| ≤ Mφ(x) 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and hence (φ(x)e−Mx)0 ≤ 0 and finally

0 ≤ φ(x) ≤ φ(0)e−Mx 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.

But φ(0) = 0 and the desired conclusion follows. Moreover the following result holds.

Theorem 4.1.16 (Riesz-Schauder Theorem). Assume that T : X → X is a compact linear operator on a Banach space X. Then the following statements hold true:

1. σp(T ) is countable, can be finite or even empty;

2. λ = 0 is the only clustering point for the set σp(T ); 3. λ is an eigenvalue if λ ∈ σ(T ) \{0};

4. X infinite-dimensional space implies that 0 ∈ σ(T ) ; 58 CHAPTER 4. SPECTRAL THEORY

5. For λ 6= 0 the subspaces R((T − λI)r) are closed and the subspaces N ((T − λI)r) are finite-dimensional for r = 1, 2, 3,...;

6. For λ 6= 0 there exists a non-negative integer r, depending on λ, such that M X = N ((T − λ)r) R((T − λ)r)

and N ((T − λI)r) = N ((T − λI)r+1) = N ((T − λI)r+2) = ··· and R((T − λI)r) = R((T − λI)r+1) = R((T − λI)r+2) = ··· . Moreover if r > 0 it holds that

N (I) ⊂ N ((T − λI)1) ⊂ · · · ⊂ N ((T − λI)r)

and R(I) ⊃ R((T − λI)1) ⊃ · · · ⊃ R((T − λI)r), where ⊂ and ⊃ here denotes proper subset.

7. For λ 6= 0 it holds that2

R(T − λI) = N (T ∗ − λI)⊥.

The last statement in the theorem has a meaning to us if X is a Hilbert space (the “Riesz part” of the theorem) but it is also possible to assign a meaning to the concept adjoint operator in a Banach space and to the “orthogonal complement” that usually is called the set of annihilators (the “Schauder part” of the theorem is the generalisation to arbitrary Banach spaces). It should be noted that the definition of adjoint operator on a Banach space differs slightly from the Hilbert space case but just up to an isometry. For those who are interested we refer to [4], [8] and [10]. If we use the last part of Riesz-Schauder’s Theorem we can make Fredholm’s alternative a bit more precise.

Theorem 4.1.17 (Fredholm’s alternative). Let T be a compact linear operator on a Banach space X and let λ 6= 0. Then it holds that T x−λx = y has a solution iff3 y ∈ N (T ∗ −λI)⊥.

2There is a difference here compared to when X is a Hilbert space which depends on the definition of adjoint operator. If we use our standard definition from [2] the relation should be

R(T − λI) = N (T ∗ − λI)⊥.

3If X is a Hilbert space and the usual definition for adjoint operator is used the relation should be y ∈ N (T ∗ − λI)⊥. 4.1. INTRODUCTION 59

Now let X = H be a Hilbert space and T a compact linear operator on H. If T is self- adjoint we obtain the counterpart to Fredholm’s alternative that is given in the textbook [2] theorem 5.2.6, which using Hilbert space notations can be written as

R(T − I) = N (T − I)⊥.

For the case with self-adjoint compact operators on Hilbert spaces the integer r in Theorem 4.1.16 will be equal to 1. In connection with n × n–matrices and their eigenvalues this corresponds to the fact that the algebraic multiplicity and the geometric multiplicity are equal for eigenvalues to hermitian matrices.

Let us very briefly indicate the Banach space case.

∗ For arbitrary Banach spaces X we set X = B(X, C), considered as a Banach space with the norm given by the operator norm k · kX→C. Let T be a bounded linear mapping from the Banach space X into the Banach space Y . We define the mapping T ∗ : Y ∗ → X∗ using the relation

(T ∗y∗)(x) = y∗(T x) alla y ∈ Y ∗, x ∈ X.

∗ ∗ ∗ It is easy to show that T is a bounded linear mapping with kT kY ∗→X∗ = kT kY →X . For sets A ⊂ X and B ⊂ X in a Banach space X we set A⊥ = {x∗ ∈ X∗ : x∗(x) = 0 alla x ∈ A} and B⊥ = {x ∈ X : x∗(x) = 0 alla x∗ ∈ A}.

Here A⊥ and B⊥ become closed subspaces in X∗ and X respectively. We detect a difference in the definition compared to the orthogonal complement for a set A in a Hilbert space! The following result can be proved (we recognise it for the case X = Cn,Y = Cm and T given by a m × n–matrix).

Theorem 4.1.18. Assume that X and Y are Banach spaces and that T ∈ B(X,Y ). Then it holds that

R(T ) = N (T ∗)⊥.

If R(T ) = R(T ) it holds that R(T ∗) = N (T )⊥

and R(T ∗) = R(T ∗).

For T in Theorem 4.1.18 it is true that if T is compact then T ∗ is also compact (the converse is also true). T being compact also implies that R(T − λI) is closed (compare [?] section 1.6). Theorem 4.1.18 implies that

R(T − λI) = N (T ∗ − λI)⊥

and R(T ∗ − λI) = N (T − λI)⊥.

Finally we refer to the textbook [2] for the spectral theory for compact self-adjoint opera- tors. 60 CHAPTER 4. SPECTRAL THEORY Chapter 5

Ordinary differential equations

5.1 Introduction

Let c0, . . . , cn ∈ C(I) be fixed, where I = [a, b], n ≥ 2 and

cn(x) 6= 0, for all x ∈ I.


(n) n Lu = cnu + ... + c0u, u ∈ C (I).

The aim of this note is to show that the differential operator L with proper homogeneous boundary conditions has a so called Green’s function. This means that the solution can be written as an integral with the Green’s function appearing as the kernel function. Moreover we show that provided the operator L is symmetric the solution has a spectral decomposition. This follows from the spectral theorem for compact self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces ([2] Theorem 4.10.2).

5.2 Existence of Green’s functions

Our first result is the following fundamental existence theorem for ordinary differential equations.

n Theorem 5.2.1. Assume t0 ∈ I and ξ = (ξ1, . . . , ξn) ∈ C . Then for every f ∈ C(I) there n 0 (n−1) exists a unique u ∈ C (I) such that Lu = f and (u(t0), u (t0), . . . , u (t0)) = ξ.


0 (n−1) Proof. Set y1 = u, y2 = u , . . . , yn = u . The equation Lu = f is equivalent to  y0 = y  1 2  .  . 0 yn−1 = yn    y0 = − c0 y − ... − cn−1 y + 1 f n cn 1 cn n cn

or, using the vector notation y = (y1, . . . , yn),

y0 = F (t, y), t ∈ I

for a vector-valued function F . This function satisfies a so called Lipschitz condition

|F (t, y) − F (t, z)| ≤ K|y − z|, t ∈ I, y, z ∈ Rn,

0 (n−1) for some K ∈ R. Moreover note that the condition (u(t0), u (t0), . . . , u (t0)) = ξ can be written y(t0) = ξ. Picard’s existence theorem ([2] theorem 5.2.5, see also chapter 6 week 3) in vector form yields the result.

We introduce the notation

N (L) = {u ∈ Cn(I); Lu = 0}.

Clearly N (L) is a subspace of Cn(I) since L is a linear operator. Corollary 5.2.1. dim N (L) = n.

Proof. Let t0 ∈ I be fixed and define

(n−1) T u = (u(t0), . . . , u (t0)), u ∈ N (L).

The linear mapping T : N (L) → Cn is a bijection from the previous theorem with the range Cn. Hence we get dim N (L) = dim Cn = n.

For arbitrary functions u1, . . . , un ∈ N (L) we define the Wronskian for u1, . . . , un by

u1(t) u2(t) . . . un(t)

u0 (t) u0 (t) u0 (t) 1 2 n W (t) = . . . , t ∈ I. . . . (n−1) (n−1) (n−1) u1 (t) u2 (t) un (t) Theorem 5.2.2. The following conditions are equivalent:

1. W (t) 6= 0 for all t ∈ I. 5.2. EXISTENCE OF GREEN’S FUNCTIONS 63

2. W (t0) 6= 0 for some t0 ∈ I.

3. u1, . . . , un is a basis for the vector space N (L).

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2): trivial. (2) ⇒ (3): Take an u ∈ N (L). Since dim N (L) = n it is enough to show that u is a linear combination of u1, . . . , un.

Assume that t0 ∈ I is fixed and that W (t0) 6= 0. From courses in linear algebra we know n that there exist α1, . . . , αn ∈ C such that n X (n−1) (n−1) αk(uk(t0), . . . , uk (t0)) = (u(t0), . . . , u (t0)). k=1

Pn The function v = 1 αkuk ∈ N (L) satisfies the relation (n−1) (n−1) (v(t0), . . . , v (t0)) = (u(t0), . . . , u (t0))

and by Theorem 5.2.1 we have v = u. Hence it follows that u ∈ span {u1, . . . , un}. (3) ⇒ (1): Let t ∈ I be arbitrary. We will show that W (t) 6= 0. It is enough to show that the columns in the determinant W (t) are linearly independent.

n Assume that α1, . . . , αn ∈ C and that n X (n−1) αk(uk(t), . . . , uk (t)) = (0, 0,..., 0). k=1

Pn (n−1) The function v = 1 αkuk ∈ N (L) satisfies v(t) = ... = v (t) = 0 and is equal to the Pn zero function by Theorem 5.2.1. However from 1 αkuk = 0 it follows that α1 = ... = αn = 0. Hence the columns in the determinant W (t) are linearly independent.

From now on we use the following notation:

αij, βij, i = 0, . . . , n − 1, j = 1, . . . , n are complex numbers and

n−1 X (i) (i) Rju = [αiju (a) + βiju (b)], j = 1, . . . , n. i=0 are boundary operators. Moreover we set

Ru = (R1u, . . . , Rnu)


and n L0u = Lu, u ∈ CR(I). Theorem 5.2.3. The following conditions are equivalent:

n 1. The mapping L0 : CR(I) → C(I) is a bijection.

2. det{Rjuk}1≤j,k≤n 6= 0 for every (alternatively for some) basis u1, . . . , un i N (L).

Proof. (1) ⇒ (2): If the determinant in (2) is zero then there are α1, . . . , αn ∈ C not all equal to zero such that n X αkRjuk = 0, j = 1, . . . , n. k=1 Pn The function v = 1 αkuk satisfies Lv = 0 together with Rv = 0. This yields a contradic- tion since v 6= 0 and L0v = 0. (2) ⇒ (1): Take an arbitrary f ∈ C(I). It remains to prove that the equation

 Lu = f Ru = 0

is uniquely solvable. Set w = u − v, where v ∈ Cn(I) satisfies Lv = f (Theorem 5.2.1), we obtain the equivalent equation  Lw = 0 Rw = −Rv. Pn With the ansatz w = 1 αkuk the determinant condition in (2) gives the existence of a unique solution.

Now let u1, . . . , un be a basis for the vector space N (L) and set

n X e(x, t) = ak(t)uk(x) k=1 where a1(t), . . . , an(t) are chosen such that

( (k) ex (t, t) = 0, k = 0, 1, . . . , n − 2 (n−1) ex (t, t) = 1/cn(t).

Note that the functions a1(t), . . . , an(t) are continuous in t due to Cramer’s rule. Also observe that for fixed t ∈ I the function u(x) = e(x, t) is the unique solution to the equation  Lu = 0 (n−2) (n−1) u(t) = ... = u (t) = 0, u (t) = 1/cn(t). 5.2. EXISTENCE OF GREEN’S FUNCTIONS 65

The function e(x, t), (x, t) ∈ I × I, is called the fundamental solution to the operator L. This function is of interest in connection with boundary value problems that we will discuss next.

Theorem 5.2.4. Let u1, . . . , un be a basis for N (L) such that

det{Rjuk}1≤j,k≤n 6= 0

−1 and set G = L0 . Then there exists a unique continuous function g(x, t), (x, t) ∈ I × I, such that Z (Gf)(x) = g(x, t)f(t)dt. I This is called the Green’s function g and can be constructed as follows:

1. Set e˜(x, t) = θ(x − t)e(x, t), where θ is the Heaviside’s function and e(x, t) is the fundamental solution to L

2. Determine b1, . . . , bn ∈ C(I) such that the function

n X g(x, t) =e ˜(x, t) + bk(t)uk(x) k=1

satisfies R(g(·, t)) = 0, a < t < b.

Proof. First set Z u˜(x) = e˜(x, t)f(t)dt, I i.e. Z x u˜(x) = e(x, t)f(t)dt. a Repeated differentiations yield

Z x 0 0 u˜ (x) = ex(x, t)f(t)dt + e(x, x) f(x) a | {z } =0 Z x 00 00 0 u˜ (x) = ex(x, t)f(t)dt + ex(x, x) f(x) a | {z } =0 . . Z x (n−1) (n−1) (n−2) u˜ (x) = ex (x, t)f(t)dt + e (x, x) f(x) a | {z } =0 66 CHAPTER 5. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS

and Z x 1 u˜(n)(x) = e(n)(x, t)f(t)dt + f(x). a cn(x) From this we conclude Lu˜ = f. The function Z u(x) = g(x, t)f(t)dt I satisfies the equation Lu = f since

n X Z u(x) =u ˜(x) + uk(x) bk(t)f(t)dt. k=1 I Finally we observe that Z b− Ru = R(g(·, t)) f(t)dt a+ | {z } =0 which proves the existence of a continuous Green´s function. To show uniqueness assume the existence of two Green´s functions g(x, t), g˜(x, t). Then

Z b (g(x, t) − g˜(x, t))f(t) dt = 0, x ∈ [a, b] a holds for all f ∈ C([a, b]) and the conclusion follows.

The function g in Theorem 5.2.4 is called the Green’s function for the boundary value problem  Lu = f Ru = 0.

Problem 1: Determine the Green’s function for the boundary value problem

 −((1 + x)u0(x))0 = f(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u0(0) = 0, u(1) = 0.

Solution: The functions u1(x) = 1 and u2(x) = ln(1 + x) form a basis for the solutions to the homogeneous equation −((1 + x)u0(x))0 = 0. Note that

u0 (0) u0 (0) 0 1 1 2 = = −1 6= 0. u1(1) u2(1) 1 ln 2 so there exists a Green’s function. The fundamental solution e(x, t) = a1(t)u1(x) + a2(t)u2(x) is given by e(x, t) = a1(t) + a2(t) ln(1 + x) 5.2. EXISTENCE OF GREEN’S FUNCTIONS 67

0 1 and the constraints e(t, t) = 0, ex(t, t) = − 1+t easily yield e(x, t) = ln(1 + t) − ln(1 + x).

The Green’s function takes the form

g(x, t) = θ(x − t)(ln(1 + t) − ln(1 + x)) + b1(t) + b2(t) ln(1 + x) where  0 gx(0, t) = 0 g(1, t) = 0, for 0 < t < 1. Hence we get  b2(t) = 0 ln(1 + t) − ln 2 + b1(t) + b2(t) ln 2 = 0 from which we obtain 2 b (t) = ln , b (t) = 0. 1 1 + t 2 This finally gives 1 + t 2 g(x, t) = θ(x − t) ln + ln . 1 + x 1 + t

Problem 2: Assume that λ ∈ C and f ∈ C([0, 1]). Show that the equation

 u00(x) + u0(x) + λ|u(x)| = f(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = u(1) = 0, u ∈ C2([0, 1])

has a unique solution for |λ| < e(e − 1). Solution: We first determine the Green’s function for the equation

 u00 + u0 = F (x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = u(1) = 0.

−x The functions u1(x) = 1 and u2(x) = e form a basis for the solutions to the homogeneous equation u00 + u0 = 0. With our standard notation we get

e(x, t) = 1 − et−x

and et − e e − et g(x, t) = θ(x − t)(1 − et−x) + + e−x. e − 1 e − 1 Note that et − e t > x ⇒ g(x, t) = (1 − e−x) ≤ 0 e − 1 68 CHAPTER 5. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS

and et − 1 t ≤ x ⇒ g(x, t) = (1 − e1−x) ≤ 0 e − 1 which implies g ≤ 0. For every u ∈ C([0, 1]) define Z 1 (T u)(x) = g(x, t)(f(t) − λ|u(t)|)dt, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 0 and observe that T maps C([0, 1]) into {u ∈ C2([0, 1]); u(0) = u(1) = 0}. The equation in problem 2 has therefore a unique solution iff T has a unique fixed point. For u, v ∈ C([0, 1]) it holds that Z 1 |(T u)(x) − (T v)(x)| = | g(x, t)(λ|v(t)| − λ|u(t)|)dt| ≤ 0 Z 1 ≤ |λ| (−g(x, t))||v(t)| − |u(t)||dt ≤ |λ|j(x)ku − vk, 0 where k · k denotes the max-norm for C([0, 1]) and Z 1 j(x) = − g(x, t)dt. 0 Since j(0) = j(1) = 0 and j00 + j0 = −1 it follows that e e j(x) = − x − e−x e − 1 e − 1 and  e  1  1 max j = j ln = + ln 1 − ≤ [0,1] e − 1 e − 1 e 1 1 1 ≤ − = . e − 1 e e(e − 1) We conclude that |λ| kT u − T vk ≤ ku − vk e(e − 1) and Banach’s fixed point theorem (see chapter 2) implies that T has a unique fixed point for |λ| < e(e − 1).

5.3 Spectral theory for ordinary differential equations

n The linear mapping L0 : CR(I) → C(I) is called symmetric if n hL0u, vi = hu, L0vi, all u, v ∈ CR(I), 5.3. SPECTRAL THEORY FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 69

where the inner product is given by the inner product in L2(I) Z b hf, hi = f(x)h(x)dx. a

Provided that L0 is a bijection and g is the Green’s function for the boundary value problem  Lu = f , Ru = 0 we define Z b (Gf)(x) = g(x, t)f(t)dt, f ∈ C(I) a and Z b (Gf˜ )(x) = g(x, t)f(t) dt, f ∈ L2(I). a

Theorem 5.3.1. Assume that L0 is a bijection. Then the following conditions are equiv- alent:

1. L0 is symmetric 2. G˜ is self-adjoint 3. g(x, t) = g(t, x), x, t ∈ I.

Proof. (1) ⇔ (2): L0 is symmetric iff

hL0Gf, Ghi = hGf, L0Ghi, f, h ∈ C(I) which is the same as hf, Ghi = hGf, hi, f, h ∈ C(I). This is equivalent to hf, Gh˜ i = hGf,˜ hi, f, h ∈ L2(I) since C(I) is dense in L2(I) and G˜ is a bounded linear operator on L2(I) ([2] example ˜ 4.2.4) whose restriction to C(I) is equal to G. L0 being symmetric is thus equivalent to G being self-adjoint. (2) ⇔ (3): We first observe that Z b (G˜∗f)(x) = g(t, x)f(t)dt a ([2] example 4.4.6). This implies that G˜ = G˜∗ iff Z b (g(x, t) − g(t, x))f(t)dt = 0, f ∈ L2(I). a Since g is continuous this means that g(x, t) − g(t, x) = 0 for all x, t ∈ I and so g(x, t) = g(t, x) for all x, t ∈ I. 70 CHAPTER 5. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS

Example 1: Consider the boundary value problem

 −u00 = f(x) u(0) = u(1) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.

00 This means that Lu = −u ,R1u = u(0) and R2u = u(1). The operator L0 is symmetric since Z 1 Z 1 00  0 1 0 ¯0 hL0u, vi = −u vdx¯ = − u v¯ 0 + u v dx = {Rv = 0} = 0 0

0 0 0 0 = hu , v i = hv , u i = {Ru = 0} = hL0v, ui = hu, L0vi

2 for all u, v ∈ CR([0, 1]). This fact also follows from Theorem 5.3.1 by checking that L0 is a bijection and that the Green’s function is given by

 t(1 − x), 0 ≤ t < x ≤ 1 g(x, t) = (1 − t)x, 0 ≤ x ≤ t ≤ 1.

It easily follows that g(x, t) = g(t, x). The details are left as an exercise.

Theorem 5.3.2. Assume that L0 is symmetric and is a bijection. Then the following statements are true:

˜ 1. 0 is not an eigenvalue for L0 nor for G.

2. f is an eigenfunction for L0 corresponding to the eigenvalue µ iff f is an eigenfunction for G˜ corresponding to the eigenvalue 1/µ.

Proof. (1): N (L0) = {0} implies that L0 has no eigenfunction corresponding to an eigen- value zero. Now assume that f ∈ N (G˜). We will show that f = 0. For this take an arbitrary n φ ∈ CR(I). We obtain ˜ ˜ 0 =h0,L0φi = hGf, L0φi = hf, GL0φi =

=hf, GL0φi = hf, φi.

n 2 Since CR(I) is dense in L (I) we can conclude that f = 0. (2): ⇒) From ˜ 0 6= f = G(L0f) = G(µf) = µGf = µGf it follows that f is an eigenfunction to G˜ corresponding to the eigenvalue 1/µ. 5.3. SPECTRAL THEORY FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 71

⇐) We have Z b 1 g(x, t)f(t)dt = f(x) a.e. in I. a µ Setting Z b h(x) = µ g(x, t)f(t)dt, x ∈ I a it follows from Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem (see Chapter 3) that h ∈ C(I). Moreover we have h(x) = f(x) a.e. in I and Z b h(x) = µ g(x, t)h(t)dt, x ∈ I, a 1 and hence we get Gh = µ h. This yields  1  1 h = L (Gh) = L h = L h. 0 0 µ µ 0 n Since h 6= 0 in CR(I), h is an eigenfunction to L0 corresponding to the eigenvalue µ. Thus 2 h, which is equal to f in L (I), is an eigenfunction to L0 corresponding to the eigenvalue µ. This is the proper interpretation of the formulation in Theorem 5.3.2 and the proof of the theorem is complete. ∞ Theorem 5.3.3. Assume that L0 is symmetric and is a bijection. Moreover let (µn)1 ∞ denote the eigenvalues for L0 counted with multiplicity and assume that (en)1 is a corre- ∞ 2 sponding sequence of orthonormal eigenfunctions. Then (en)1 is an ON-basis for L (I) and the solution to the equation  Lu = f , Ru = 0 where f ∈ C(I), is given by ∞ X 1 u = hf, e ie (in L2(I)). µ n n 1 n

Proof. The operator G˜ is compact ([2] example 4.8.4) and the Hilbert-Schmidt theorem ∞ ([2] theorem 4.10.1) and Theorem 5.3.2 implies that (en)1 is a complete ON-sequence for L2(I). (This also shows that L2(I) is a separable Hilbert space.) From ∞ X f = hf, enien 1 in L2(I), Theorem 5.3.2 2) now implies that ∞ ∞ X X 1 u = Gf = Gf˜ = hf, e iGe˜ = hf, e ie n n µ n n 1 1 n in L2(I). 72 CHAPTER 5. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS

Example 2: Consider the boundary value problem

 −u00 = f(x) u(0) = u(1) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.

Example 1 shows that the corresponding operator L0 is symmetric and is a bijection. The eigenfunctions for L0 are obtained as the non-trivial solutions to the equation  −e00(x) = µe(x) e(0) = e(1) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1

A√ simple calculation gives en(x) = A sin nπx, where A 6= 0 and n = 1, 2,.... The sequence ∞ 2 ( 2 sin nπx)1 is therefore an ON-basis for L ([0, 1]). Example 3: Wirtinger’s inequality states that Z 1 Z 1 |u0(x)|2dx ≥ π2 |u(x)|2dx 0 0 for all u ∈ C1([0, 1]) that satisfies u(0) = u(1) = 0. To show this we first let ∞ √ X 2 u(x) = an 2 sin nπx (in L ([0, 1])) 1 where Z 1 √ an = u(x) 2 sin nπxdx. 0 Furthermore we have Z 1 √ h √ i1 u0(x) 2 cos nπxdx = u(x) 2 cos nπx + 0 0 Z 1 √ + nπ u(x) 2 sin nπxdx = nπan 0 √ ∞ and using the fact that the sequence ( 2 cos nπx)1 is an ON sequence, Bessel’s inequality ([2] theorem 3.4.9) yields the estimate

Z 1 ∞ 0 2 X 2 2 2 |u (x)| dx ≥ n π |an| 0 1 where the RHS is greater than or equal to

∞ Z 1 2 X 2 2 2 π |an| = π |u(x)| dx. 1 0 This gives one proof for Wirtinger’s inequality. Chapter 6

What happened the year 2018/2019? A course diary

We briefly describe what was discussed in the lectures during the seven weeks of the course. The material was updated every week.

Week 1 Discussion of introductory example, see chapter 1. Definition of real/complex vector space, remark on existence of unique zero vector and inverse vectors, example of real vector spaces (sequence spaces and function spaces). Hölder and Minkowski inequalities. Introducing (the to all students very well-known concepts) linear combi- nation, linear independence, span of a set, (vector space-) basis (= Hamel basis) with examples. All vector spaces have basis (using Axiom of choice/Zorn’s lemma; it was not proven but stated). Introducing norms on vector spaces with examples, equiv- alent norms, convergence of sequences in normed spaces, showed that C([0, 1]) can be equipped with norms that are not equivalent. Stated and proved that all norms on finite-dimensional vector spaces are equivalent. One proof of this is supplied be- low. Also mentioned that all infinite-dimensional vector spaces can be equipped with non-equivalent norms (easy to prove once we have a Hamel basis).

Theorem 6.0.1. Suppose E is a vector space with dim(E) < ∞. Then all norms on E are equivalent.

Proof: We observe that the relation that two norms are equivalent is transitive (is an equivalence relation) , so it is enough to show that an arbitrary norm k · k on E is equivalent to a fixed norm k · k∗ on E. Let x1, x2, . . . , xn, where n = dim(E), be a basis for E. This means that for every x ∈ E there are uniquely defined scalars αk(x), k = 1, 2, . . . , n, such that

x = α1(x)x1 + α2(x)x2 + ... + αn(x)xn.


Set kxk∗ = |α1(x)| + |α2(x)| + ... |αn(x)| for x ∈ E. Claim: k · k∗ defines a norm on E It is easy to prove that the three axioms for being a norm are satisfied (and is left as an exercise). We note that

n kxk = kα1(x)x1 + α2(x)x2 + ... + αn(x)xnk ≤ Σk=1|αk(x)| kxkk ≤ βkxk∗,

where β = maxk=1,2,...,n kxkk > 0. Hence we have proven that

kxk ≤ βkxk∗ for all x ∈ E.

It remains to prove that there exists an α > 0 such that

αkxk∗ ≤ kxk for all x ∈ E. (6.1)

Let us argue by contradiction. Assume that (6.1) is false. Then there exists a ∞ sequence (ym)m=1 such that 1 ky k > ky k for m = 1, 2,... m m ∗ m

WLOG we can assume kymk∗ = 1 for all m (note that in general αk(λx) = λαk(x) for scalars λ, x ∈ E and k = 1, 2, . . . , n. Hence ym can be replaced by λym for proper choice of λ). Now set

(m) (m) (m) am = (α1 , α2 , . . . , αn ), m = 1, 2, 3,...,

where (m) αk(ym) = αk , k = 1, 2, . . . , n, m = 1, 2, 3,... (m) Since |α1 | ≤ 1, m = 1, 2, 3,... we conclude from Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem that (m) ∞ (m) ∞ there exists a converging subsequence, denoted (α1,1 )m=1, of (α1 )m=1. Call the limit element α¯1. Now consider the sequence formed by the second coordinate in

(m) (m) (m) am,1 = (α1,1 , α2,1 , . . . , αn,1 ), m = 1, 2, 3,...,

(m) ∞ (m) i.e. (α2,1 )m=1. Since |α2,1 | ≤ 1, m = 1, 2, 3,... we conclude from Bolzano- (m) ∞ Weierstrass theorem that there exists a converging subsequence, denoted (α2,2 )m=1, (m) ∞ of (α2,1 )m=1. Call the limit element α¯2. We proceed inductively. After n steps we have a sequence

(m) (m) (m) am,n = (α1,n , α2,n , . . . , αn,n ), m = 1, 2, 3,...,

where we have that (m) αl,n → α¯l, m → ∞ 75

for l = 1, 2, . . . , n. Set

(m) (m) (m) zm = α1,n x1 + α2,n x2 + ... + αn,n xn, m = 1, 2, 3,...

We have that each zm is equal to a yl for some l ≥ m and hence

kzmk → 0 as m → ∞.

Moreover set z¯ =α ¯1x1 +α ¯2x2 + ... +α ¯nxn. We have

kz¯k ≤ kz¯ − zmk + kzmk =

(m) (m) (m) = k(¯α1 − α1,n )x1 + (¯α2 − α2,n )x2 + ... + (¯αn − αn,n )xnk + kzmk ≤ (m) (m) (m) ≤ |α¯1 − α1,n | kx1k + |α¯2 − α2,n | kx2k + ... + |α¯n − αn,n | kxnk + kzmk → 0 as m → ∞. Hence kz¯k = 0 and

0 =α ¯1x1 +α ¯2x2 + ... +α ¯nxn with |α¯1| + |α¯2| + ... + |α¯n| = 1.

This contradicts the assumption that x1, x2, . . . , xn is a basis for E since there must be an α¯k that is non-zero. We conclude that (6.1) above must hold. The theorem is proven. 

We see in the proof that one difficulty is to find a suitable notation for subsequences of subsequences of ... of sequences. In general, if we have a sequence an, n = 1, 2, 3,...,

a subsequence can be denoted by ank , k = 1, 2, 3,... Here nk, k = 1, 2, 3,... is an increasing sequence of positive integers. This mean that every element in the latter sequence appears in the first one and in the same order as there. If we want to denote a subsequence of an , k = 1, 2, 3,... we could write an , l = 1, 2, 3,... but k kl that is not very efficient, in particular if we want to continue to extract subsequences.

We can write an,1, n = 1, 2, 3,... instead of ank , k = 1, 2, 3,... and correspondingly an,2, n = 1, 2, 3,... for an , l = 1, 2, 3,... and so on. The second subindex indicates kl which generation of taking subsequences we are considering.

Week 2 Definition and discussion of the topological concepts: open set/closed set and closure of a set, bounded/dense/compact sets. The theorem stating that all closed bounded sets in a normed space are compact is a characterisation of finite-dimensiona- lity for normed spaces was stated and proved. Convergent sequences and Cauchy sequences were treated and Banach spaces were introduced. Example of Banach spaces and non-Banach spaces where given. It was proved in detail that C([0, 1]) with max-norm and lp, 1 ≤ p < ∞ with the standard lp-norm were Banach spaces. Also converging series and absolutely converging series in normed spaces were treated. 76 CHAPTER 6. WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR 2018/2019? A COURSE DIARY

Mappings between normed spaces – continuity, linearity, bounded linear mappings and how these properties for mappings are related was discussed. We introduced operator-norm for bounded linear mappings and showed that this was a norm for the vector space of all bounded linear mappings between two normed spaces E1,E2 which we denote B(E1,E2). We also proved that this normed space is a Banach space given that the target space E2 is a Banach space. Examples/exercises on bounded linear mappings were discussed. Exercise 7.4:14 was taken as an introduction to the Banach’s fixed point theorem and Theorems 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 were stated and proved.

Week 3 We stated and proved the Banach-Steinhaus theorem (uniform boundedness prin- ciple). Since the proof differs from the one in [2] we supply the proof presented at the lecture below. The rest of the week was focused on fixed point theory. Exercise 7.4:6 was discussed and Theorem 2.2.4 wa stated and proved. The example on pages 18-19 was treated. Brouwer’s and Schauder’s fixed point theorems were stated. Exercise 7.4:17 was solved. In this context the Arzela-Ascoli theorem was stated together with a generalization of Schauder’s fixed point theorem suited for applications. The example on pages 27-29 was treated. Proofs of Schauder’s fixed point theorem and Arzela-Ascoli theorem were given. Finally Krasnoselskii’s fixed point thereom was stated and exercise 7.4:16 was formulated. Due to lack of time a solution was just sketched. A more extensive solution is given below. Moreover there is a proof below for Picard’s existence theorem for solutions to initial value problems. It resembles the proof of the statement in the example on pages 18-19.

Here is a proof of Banach-Steinhaus theorem (uniform boundedness principle).

Theorem 6.0.2. Assume that (E1, k · k1) is a Banach space and that (E2, k · k2) is a normed space. Moreover assume that

sup kT (x)k2 < ∞ for all x ∈ E1. T ∈F Then sup kT k < ∞. T ∈F

Proof: The proof is split in two steps. Step 1 : We prove the theorem under the assumption

∃x0 ∈ E1 ∃r > 0 ∃M > 0 ∀x ∈ B(x0, r) ∀T ∈ F : kT (x)k2 ≤ M. (6.2)

Fix an arbitrary T ∈ F. For x ∈ E1 with kxk1 ≤ r we have

kT (x)k2 = kT (x0 + x − x0)k2 = kT (x0 + x) − T (x0)k2 ≤ 77

≤ kT (x0 + x)k2 + kT (x0)k2 ≤ 2M where we used the linearity of T . Hence for x 6= 0 it follows that r r 2M ≥ kT ( x)k2 = kT (x)k2 kxk1 kxk1 where the linearity of T is used. Thus

2M kT (x)k ≤ kxk all x ∈ E . 2 r 1 1 We conclude that sup kT k < ∞. T ∈F Step 2 : Remains to prove that assumption (6.2) is true. We argue by contradiction. So assume that the negation of the statement (6.2) is true. Hence

∀x0 ∈ E1 ∀r > 0 ∀M > 0 ∃x ∈ B(x0, r) ∃T ∈ F : kT (x)k2 > M.

This statement is equivalent to

∀x0 ∈ E1 ∀r > 0 ∀M > 0 ∃x ∈ B(x0, r) ∃T ∈ F : kT (x)k2 > M (6.3) since

B(x0, r1) ⊂ B(x0, r2) ⊂ B(x0, r2) ⊂ B(x0, r3) for all r1 < r2 < r3.

∞ The idea is to find a Cauchy sequence (xn)n=1 in E1 (which converges since E1 is a ∞ Banach space) and a sequence (Tn)n=1 in F such that Tn(xn) > n for n = 1, 2, 3,... and also Tn(x) > n for the limit element x. This yields a contradiction to the hypothesis of the theorem.

From (6.3) it follows that there exists a x1 ∈ B(0, 1) and T1 ∈ F such that kT1(x1)k2 > 1 1. Since T1 is bounded linear and hence continuous there exists 0 < r1 < 2 such that kT1(x)k2 > 1 for all x ∈ B(x1, r1) and B(x1, r1) ⊂ B(0, 1).

In the same way it follows from (6.3) that there exists a x2 ∈ B(x1, r1) and T2 ∈ F such that kT2(x2)k2 > 2. Moreover since T2 is bounded linear it follows that there 1 2 exists 0 < r2 < ( 2 ) such that kT2(x)k2 > 2 for all x ∈ B(x2, r2) and B(x2, r2) ⊂ ∞ B(x1, r1). Proceed inductively. We obtain a sequence (xn)n=1 in E1 and a sequence ∞ ∞ (Tn)n=1 in F and (rn)n=1 in (0, ∞) such that for n = 1, 2, 3,...

• kTnxk2 > n for all x ∈ B(xn, rn)

• B(xn, rn) ⊂ B(xn−1, rn−1) 1 n • 0 < rn < ( 2 ) 78 CHAPTER 6. WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR 2018/2019? A COURSE DIARY

∞ We conclude that (xn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in E1 since for n > m 1 kx − x k < r < ( )m → 0 as n, m → ∞. n m 1 m 2

∞ Since (E1, k · k1) is a Banach space the sequence (xn)n=1 converges. Call the limit x. Here x ∈ B(xn, rn) ⊂ B(xn−1, rn−1) for all n and hence

kTn−1(x)k2 > n − 1 n = 2, 3,...

and so

sup kT (x)k2 ≥ sup kTn(x)k2 = ∞. T ∈F n=1,2,3,... This is a contradiction to the hypothesis and the assumption (6.3) is false. The theorem is proved. 

The Banach-Steinhaus theorem will be used later several times in the course. Here we just give a corollary to the theorem.

Corollary 6.0.1. Let E1 be a Banach space and E2 a normed space. Moreover let ∞ (Tn)n=1 be a sequence in B(E1,E2) such that

T (x) ≡ lim Tn(x) exists for all x ∈ E1. n→∞


T ∈ B(E1,E2).

To sketch the proof, note that T inherits the property of being linear from that for ∞ all Tn. Since (Tn(x))n=1 converges in E2 for all x ∈ E1 it is a bounded sequence for all x and hence by the Banach-Steinhaus theorem supn kTnk < ∞. This implies that T is bounded liner mapping since for x ∈ E1

kT (x)k = k lim Tn(x)k = lim kTn(x)k ≤ sup kTnk kxk. n→∞ n→∞ n

Exercise 7.4.16 Show that the equation

Z 1 1 2 1 1 u(x) = (x + (u(x)) ) + |x − u(y)| 2 dy, x ∈ [0, 1] 3 3 0

has a solution u ∈ C([0, 1]) satisfying

0 ≤ u(x) ≤ 1 for x ∈ [0, 1]. 79

Solution: (Application of Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem)

Set F = {u ∈ C([0, 1]) : 0 ≤ u(x) ≤ 1, x ∈ [0, 1]}. F is a closed, bounded, convex subset in the Banach space (C([0, 1]), k · k) where kfk = maxx∈[0,1] |f(x)|. Furthermore set 1 T (u)(x) = (x + (u(x))2) 1 3 and 1 1 Z 1 T2(u)(x) = |x − u(y)| 2 dy. 3 0 It follows that

1. T1(u) + T2(v) ∈ F for every u, v ∈ F

2. T1 : F → F is a contraction on F since for every u, v ∈ F and x ∈ [0, 1] we have 1 1 |T (u)(x) − T (v)(x)| = |(u(x))2 − (v(x))2| = |u(x) + v(x)| · |u(x) − v(x)| 1 1 3 3 which implies 2 kT (u) − T (v)k ≤ ku − vk. 1 1 3

3. T2 : F → F continuous and T2(F ) relatively compact. To see this we can first observe that √ √ √ a + b ≥ a + b for all a, b ≥ 0. This implies that

1 1 1 ||x − u(y)| 2 − |x − v(y)| 2 | ≤ |u(y) − v(y)| 2

and 1 1 1 ||x − u(y)| 2 − |y − u(y)| 2 | ≤ |x − y| 2 . From this we obtain 1 kT (u) − T (v)k ≤ pku − vk for all u, v ∈ F 2 2 3 and 1 |T (u)(x) − T (u)(˜x)| ≤ p|x − x˜| for all u ∈ F and x, x˜ ∈ [0, 1]. 2 2 3

The first inequality of last ones show that T2 : F → F is continuous. The last inequality show that the functions in T2(F ) are equicontinuous on [0, 1]. This together with the fact that the functions in T2(F ) are uniformly bounded implies that T2(F ) relatively compact which follows from Arzela-Ascoli theorem. 80 CHAPTER 6. WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR 2018/2019? A COURSE DIARY

The existence of a fixed point for T1 + T2 now follows directly from Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem.

Finally we state and give a proof for Picard’s existence result for solutions to initial value problems. Theorem 6.0.3. Let k · k be any norm on Rn and let T > 0. Assume that g ∈ C([0,T ] × Rn; Rn) and that there exists a γ > 0 such that kg(t, v) − g(t, w)k ≤ γkv − wk for all t ∈ [0,T ] and v, w ∈ Rn.

n Let u0 ∈ R . Then the initial value problem  u0(t) = g(t, u(t)), t ∈ [0,T ] (6.4) u(0) = u0 has a unique solution u ∈ C([0,T ]; Rn).

We note that (6.4) is a system of 1:st order differential equations, that the interval ˜ ˜ 1 [0,T ] can be replaced by any interval [t0, T ] for any t0 < T and that 0 0 0 0 T u (t) = [u1(t) u2(t) . . . un(t)] . A general n-order differential equation u(n)(t) = f(t, u(t), . . . , u(n−1))(t) can be written as a system of 1:st order differential equations by setting  u1(t) = u(t)  0  u2(t) = u (t) ...  (n−1)  un(t) = u (t) With T u(t) = [u1(t) u2(t) . . . un(t)] the equation takes the form u0(t) = Au(t) + [0 0 . . . f(t, u(t))]T , where  0 1 0 ... 0   0 0 1 ... 0    A =  ...  .    0 0 0 ... 1  0 0 0 ... 0 1T in the expression below stands for taking the transpose of the matrix. 81

Proof: (somewhat sketchy) The proof is done in three steps. Step 1 : We observe that if u ∈ C([0,T ]; Rn) solves Z t u(t) = u0 + g(s, u(s)) ds, t ∈ [0,T ] 0 then u ∈ C1([0,T ]; Rn) and is a solution to the IVP (6.4), and conversely. Step 2 : We observe that C([0,T ]; Rn) is a Banach space with the norm ||| · ||| : C([0,T ]; Rn) 3 v 7→ sup e−γtkv(t)k. t∈[0,T ] The mapping F : C([0,T ]; Rn) → C([0,T ]; Rn) defined by Z t F(v)(t) = u0 + g(s, v(s)) ds, t ∈ [0,T ] 0 is a contraction with respect to the norm ||| · ||| since Z t (F(v) − F(w))(t) = eγs · e−γs · (g(s, v(s)) − g(s, w(s)) ds 0 and hence Z t k(F(v) − F(w))(t)k ≤ (∗) ≤ eγs ds · sup e−γskg(s, v(s) − g(s, w(s))k ≤ 0 s∈[0,T ] | {z } ≤γ|||v−w||| ≤ eγt(1 − e−γT )|||v − w|||. Here we have used a generalization of the triangle inequality for norms at (∗) when moving the norm inside the integral. Banach’s fixed point theorem implies that there exists a unique u ∈ C([0,T ]; Rn) such that Z t u(t) = F(u)(t) = u0 + g(s, u(s)) ds, t ∈ [0,T ]. 0

Step 3 : From Step 1 the conclusion of the theorem follows. 

Week 4 Brouwer’s fixed point theorem was proved in a special case (n = 2) using Sperner’s lemma. See Exercise 7.4:43-44. The notion of completion of a normed space was discussed in general and applied in the context of Lp-spaces. More precisely, the p Banach space (L (R), k · kLp ) (1 ≤ p < ∞) was considered as the completion of the normed space (C0(R), k · kLp ), where C0(R) denotes the vector space of all continuous functions on R with compact support. The support of a function f is the closure of the set {x ∈ R : f(x) 6= 0}. Here we note that 82 CHAPTER 6. WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR 2018/2019? A COURSE DIARY

p • C0(R) i dense in L (R),

• if a function f in C0(R) is changed on a countable set or more general a 0-set the new function is an element in Lp(R) that is actually identified with f in Lp(R), • Holder’s and Minkowski’s inequalities are valid for "Lp(R)-functions", i.e.

1 1 kfgk 1 ≤ kfk p kgk q where 1 < p < ∞ and + = 1, L L L p q and kf + gkLp ≤ kfkLp + kgkLp where 1 ≤ p < ∞.

Given the notion of L1(R)-functions we obtain the Lebesgue measure of subset A ⊂ R, denoted µ(A), by kχAkL1 where

 1 x ∈ A χ (x) = A 0 x 6∈ A

We obtain for intervals I (open closed or clopen), that µ(I) is equal to the length of I. Moreover the rules for Lebesgue measures in the notes below can be derived. In the lecture notes below Lebesgue integrable functions were instead introduced starting from measure theory. 2 Introduced inner product spaces with examples (l , h·, ·il2 ) and (C([0, 1]), h·, ·iL2 ). Stated and proved Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and that the induced norm kxk = phx, xi is a norm that satisfies the parallelogram law. Used this to give exam- ples of non-inner product spaces. Introduced the polarization identity and gave consequences. Defined orthogonality and ON-sequence. Stated and proved the Pythagorean theorem, Bessel’s equality and inequality. Defined the notion of Hilbert space. Defined strong and weak convergence and relations between these notions of convergence. Stated and proved that a weakly converging sequence in a Hilbert space is bounded. Definition of orthogonal complement. Stated and showed that for any subset A in a Hilbert space A⊥ is a closed subspace. Stated the orthogonal projection theorem. Finally the problems of the first handin was discussed.

Week 5 The Orthogonal projection theorem was proved. We showed that A⊥⊥ = SpanA for any subset A of a Hilbert space. Riesz representation theorem was stated, proved and discussed. Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure was given. It was shown ∞ that for an ON-sequence (xn)n=1 in a Hilbert space E,

∞ ∞ 2 Σn=1αnxn ∈ E iff (αn)n=1 ∈ l .

∞ Exercise 7.5:46 was discussed. Definition of ON-basis. Proved that if (xn)n=1 is an ON-sequence in a Hilbert space (E, h·, ·i) then the following statements are equivalent: 83

∞ • (xn)n=1 is a complete ON-sequence

• Span{xn : n = 1, 2, 3,...} is dense in E • Parseval’s formula • For every x, y ∈ E ∞ hx, yi = Σn=1hx, xnihy, xni

• hx, xni = 0 for all n implies x = 0 Defined the concept of separable Hilbert space and showed that such a space has a countable dense subset. Trigonometric Fourier series were mentioned. Linear bounded operators on a Banach (e.g. Hilbert) space were defined. The stan- dard example with an integral operator on L2([0, 1]) with continuous kernel function k was discussed. It was shown that the operator norm for the integral operator is bounded above by the L2-norm of the function k. Composition of bounded linear operators A, B was defined and it was proved that kABk ≤ kAk kBk It was proven that there can be no bounded linear operators A, B on any normed space satisfying AB − BA = I, where I(x) = x for all x. Lax-Milgram’s theorem was stated and proved. The concept of adjoint operator to a bounded linear operator in a Hilbert space was discussed including elementary properties. The adjoint operator for our standard example was calculated. The notion of self-adjoint operator was introduced and it was stated and proved that for a self-adjoint operator A the operator norm is (also) given by kAk = sup |hA(x), xi| kxk=1 Proved that for A ∈ B(E,E) for Hilbert space E 1. R(A)⊥ = N (A∗) 2. R(A) = N (A∗)⊥ We observed that for any A ∈ B(E,E) where E is a Banach space •R(A) is a subspace in E, not necessarily closed 2 1 1 (cf E = l with A(x1, x2, . . . , xn,...) = (x1, 2 x2,..., n xn,...)) •N (A) is a closed subspace in E

Week 6 Definition of compact (linear) operators on Banach/Hilbert spaces and basic properties for these, stated and proved that the compact linear operators on a Ba- nach space form a closed subspace in the vector space of bounded linear operators 84 CHAPTER 6. WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR 2018/2019? A COURSE DIARY

on the Banach space with the operator norm. We showed that compact operators improves convergence in the Hilbert space setting (a weakly converging sequence is mapped by the compact operator to a strongly converging sequence). Moreover we showed that finite-rank operators are compact and that every compact operator in a Hilbert space can be approximated by finite-rank operators (not true for Ba- nach spaces in general!!!). We also discussed that our "standard integral operator on L2([0, 1]) with continuous kernel function" is compact. Orthogonal projection oper- ators were introduced. The notions of eigenvalue/eigenfunction was introduced and basic properties for these were discussed. It was stated and proved that a compact self-adjoint operator A has an eigenvalue λ with |λ| = kAk. Hilbert-Schmidt theo- rem/spectral theorem for compact self-adjoint operators was stated and proved. The spectrum for an bounded liner operator was defined and basic properties were dis- cussed, e.g. the Neumann-series lemma. Properties for the spectrum for a compact operator on a Banach/Hilbert space were discussed.

Week 7 Fredholm Alternative was stated for compact self-adjoint operators in separable Hilbert spaces E. We proved that that the spectrum σ(A) for a ∈ B(E,E) is a closed subset of C contained in the closure of the open ball B(0, kAk). We noted that a necessary condition for (λI − A)−1 ∈ B(E,E) is that the mapping

λI − A : E → E is a bijection.

Here we recalled Banach’s inverse mapping theorem (chapter 4 Theorem 4.1.2) stating that "if E is a Banach space and B ∈ B(E,E) is a bijection then B−1 ∈ B(E,E)". Hence if λ ∈ σ(A) then

λI − A : E → E is not a bijection.

This means that either

• λI − A is not injective, i.e. there exists a x 6= 0 such that (λI − A)(x) = 0, i.e. λ is an eigenvalue of A, or • λI − A is injective but not surjective. This corresponds to the continuous spec- trum and the residual spectrum.

We stated the Fredholm alternative for compact operators in Banach spaces, more precisely: Assume (X, k·k) is a Banach space and A ∈ K(X,X) (same definition as for compact operators in Hilbert spaces). Then one of the statements 1. and 2. hold true:

1. (I + A)(x) = 0 has a non-trivial solution x, 2. (I + A)(x) = y has a unique solution x for every y ∈ X. 85

The Riesz-Fredholm properties (Banach space version): Assume A ∈ K(X,X) where (X, k · k) is a Banach space. Then • dim N (I + A) < ∞, •R(I + A) closed set in X, • N(I + A) = {0} ⇔ R(I + A) = X. was stated (but not proved). Finally we stated the Riesz-Fredholm properties for infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces: Assume that A ∈ K(E,E) where (E, k · k) is a Hilbert space. Then 1. dim N (I + A) < ∞, 2. R(I + A) closed set in E, 3. N(I + A) = {0} ⇔ R(I + A) = E. 4. dim N (I + A) = dim N (I + A∗) 5. 0 ∈ σ(A) 6. λ ∈ σ(A) \{0} ⇒ λ is an eigenvalue of A 7. one of the cases holds (a) σ(A) = {0}, (b) σ(A) \{0} is a finite set, (c) σ(A) \{0} is a sequence converging to 0. Here statement 1. and 2. were proven before. For 5. to see that A−1 6∈ B(E,E) note ∞ that if (xn)n=1 is an ON-sequence in then xn * 0 in E and A(xn) → 0 in E since −1 A is compact. xn = A A(xn) gives the desired contradiction. For the benefit of the reader we supply proofs for statements 3. and 4.

Proof: (Proof of 3.) Assume that R(I + A) = E, i.e. (I + A)(x) = y has a solution for every y ∈ E. To get a contradiction assume that ∃x1 6= 0 :(I + A)(x1) = 0. Then ∃x2 ∈ E :(I + A)(x2) = x1 and inductively ∃xk ∈ E :(I + A)(xk) = xk−1 for k = 3, 4,... Note that we have

k−1 0 6= x1 = (I + A)(x2) = ... = (I + A) (xk) = ... and 2 k 0 = (I + A)(x1) = (I + A) (x2) = ... = (I + A) (xk) = .... We also observe that

k k−1 xk ∈ N ((I + A) ) \N ((I + A) ) 86 CHAPTER 6. WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR 2018/2019? A COURSE DIARY

and that all N ((I + A)k) are closed subspaces in E. Here we apply Riesz’ lemma (Y proper closed subspace in a Banach space E ⇒ there exists x ∈ E 1 such that kx − yk > 2 for all y ∈ Y and kxk = 1). It follows that for k = 2, 3, 4,... 1 ∃y ∈ N((I + A)k), ky k = 1 such that ky − xk ≥ for all x ∈ N((I + A)k−1). k k k 2

1 Claim: kA(yn) − A(ym)k ≥ 2 for all n > m. This follows from

A(yn) − A(ym) = (I + A)(yn) − (I + A)(ym) − ym + yn

where the first three terms belongs to N ((I + A)n−1) and hence the claim follows. ∞ But A ∈ K(E,E) and this gives a contradiction since (A(yn))n=1 has no converging subsequence. On the contrary assume N (I + A) = {0}. By Orthogonal Projection Theorem we have E = N (I + A) ⊕ R(I + A∗). This implies that (I + A∗)(x) = y is solvable for every y ∈ E and hence N (I + A∗) = {0} from the argument above. By OPT we get ∗ E = N (I + A ) ⊕ R(I + A) and so R(I + A) = E. The statement 3. is proved. 

Proof: (Proof of 4.) Since A and A∗ are compact operators we know that dim N (I+ A) and dim N (I + A∗) are finite. Set

m∗ = dim N (I + A∗)

and m = dim N (I + A). ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ with an ON-basis v1, v2, . . . , vm∗ for N (I + A ) and v1, v2, . . . , vm for N (I + A). Assume that m∗ > m: Set m ∗ T (u) = (I + A)(u) + Σj=1hu, vjivj for u ∈ E. (6.5) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Note that h(I + A)(u), vj i = hu, (I + A )(vj )i = 0 for j = 1, 2, . . . , m and u ∈ E. This yields  hu, v i j = 1, 2, . . . , m hT (u), v∗i = j j 0 j = m + 1, . . . , m∗

Claim: N (T ) = {0} We see that

⊥ T (u) = 0 ⇒ hu, vji = 0, j = 1, 2, . . . , m ⇒ u ∈ N (I + A) .

From (6.5) we conclude u ∈ N (I + A) and hence u = 0. 87

The operator T has the form I + A˜ where A˜ ∈ K(E,E). This gives E = R(T ). Note ∗ ∗ that vm+1 6∈ R(T ) since if T (u) = vm+1 then

∗ 2 ∗ 1 = kvm+1k = hT (u), vm+1i = 0.

This gives a contradiction and we can conclude that m∗ ≤ m. Since S∗∗ = S for every S ∈ B(E,E) the argument above implies that m ≤ m∗. We have proven that ∗ m = m . 

Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations were discussed. Method for calculating the Green’s function was given. Application of Hilbert-Schmidt theo- rem to symmetric linear differential operators on intervals and with "sound" bound- ary conditions were given. The method of continuity (in spectral theory) was stated and proved. 88 CHAPTER 6. WHAT HAPPENED THE YEAR 2018/2019? A COURSE DIARY Chapter 7


This is a collection of problems that has appeared in the course. Some of them has been given on written examinations during the last years. Some of them has appeared as homework assignments.

7.1 Vector spaces

Key words: vector space, linear combination, linear independence, basis, dimension

1. Check if the following sets with the proposed addition ⊕ and multiplication by scalar defines vector spaces:

(a) E = R+ ≡ {x ∈ R : x > 0} and F = R with

x ⊕ y = xy for all x, y ∈ E

and α x = xα for all α ∈ F, x ∈ E. (b) E = C and F = C with

x ⊕ y = x + y for all x, y ∈ E

and αx = (Re α)x for all α ∈ F, x ∈ E.

2. Let x be an element of a vector space and λ a scalar. Show that

(a) 0x = 0


(b) (−1)x = −x (c) λ 6= 0 and λx = 0 implies x = 0 (d) x 6= 0 and λx = 0 implies λ = 0

3. Let E be a vector space such that there exist a basis with finitely many vectors. Show that the dimension of E is uniquely defined.

4. Let x1, . . . , xn be a basis for a complex vector space E. Find a basis for E as a real vector space.

5. Let x1, . . . , xn be a set of linearly dependent vectors in a complex vector space E. Is this set linearly dependent in E if E is regarded as a real vector space?

nx 6. Show that the functions fn(x) = e , n = 1, 2,..., defined on R are linearly indepen- dent.

7. Show that the functions fn(x) = cos nx, n = 1, 2,..., defined on [−π, π] are linearly independent.

2 3 1 8. Show that the vectors xα = (1, α, α , α ,...), α ∈ (0, 1), in l are linearly independent. 9. In C([−1, 1]) consider the sets U and V consisting of odd and even functions in C([−1, 1]) respectively. Show that U and V are subspaces and that U T V = {0}. Show that every f ∈ C([−1, 1]) can be written in the form f = f1 + f2, where f1 ∈ U and f2 ∈ V , and that this decomposition is unique. 10. Let E = C([0, 1]). Show that

(a) if ak, k = 1, . . . , n are n distinct points in [0, 1] then the functions

x 7→ |x − ak|, k = 1, . . . , n

are linearly independent on E, (b) the function (x, y) 7→ |x − y| on [0, 1] × [0, 1] cannot be written as a finite sum

n Σi=1vi(x)wi(y),

where vi, wi ∈ E, i = 1, . . . , n. 11. Prove that the vector space C([0, 1]) has infinite dimension.

12. Prove that the vector space C∞(R) has infinite dimension.

13. Prove that the vector spaces lp are infinite-dimensional for p ∈ [1, ∞). 7.1. VECTOR SPACES 91

0 ∞ 14. Let l consist of all sequences (xn)n=1, xn ∈ R, where at most finitely many xn:s are different from 0. Show that l0 is a vector space with the usual addition and multiplication with scalar operations for sequence spaces. Also give a basis for l0.

15. Let F be a subspace of a vector space E. The coset of an element x ∈ E with respect to F is denoted by x + F and is defined to be the set

x + F = {x + y : y ∈ F }.

Show that under the algebraic operations

(x + F ) + (y + F ) = (x + y) + F

α(x + F ) = αx + F these cosets constitute the elements of a vector space. This vector space is called the quotient space of E by F and is denoted by E/F . Its dimension is called the codimension of F and is denoted by codim F . Now let E = R3 and F = {(0, 0, z): z ∈ R}. Find

(a) E/F (b) E/E (c) E/{0}

16. Show that C([c, d]) is a subspace of C([a, b]) (in a natural way) if [c, d] ⊂ [a, b].

17. Assume M and N are subspaces of a vector space V . When is M S N a subspace?

18. Let T : E → F be a linear mapping from the vector space E into the vector space F . Show that N (T ) = {x ∈ E : T (x) = 0} and R(T ) = {T (x) ∈ F : x ∈ E} are vector spaces.

19. Show that linear mappings preserve linear dependence.

20. Let T be a linear bijection between two vector spaces E and F . Assume that E is finite-dimensional. Show that also F is finite-dimensional and that dim E = dim F .

21. The convex hull of a set S, denoted co S, is defined as the intersection of all convex sets containing S.

(a) Show that co S is convex. (b) If S ⊂ R and R convex, show that co S ⊂ R.

(c) A convex combination of elements x1, . . . , xn of a vector space is a linear combination Σaixi with ai ≥ 0 for each i and Σai = 1. If R is a convex set, show that any convex combination of a finite number of elements of R belongs to R. 92 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

(d) Show that for any set S, co S equals the set of all convex combinations of finitely many elements of S.

Recommended exercises: 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 18 7.2. NORMED SPACES 93 7.2 Normed spaces

Key words: norm, convergence in normed space, equivalence of norms, open/closed ball, open/closed set, closure of set, dense subset, compact set

1. Show that in any normed space (a) a convergent sequence has a unique limit;

(b) if xn → x and yn → y then xn + yn → x + y;

(c) if xn → x and λn → λ (λn, λ are scalars) then λnxn → λx. 2. Let E be a normed space. Prove that

kxk ≤ max(kx − yk, kx + yk), x, y ∈ E.

Give an example of a normed space E and an x ∈ E, such that equality occurs for a suitable y 6= 0.

∞ 3. Assume that (xn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in a normed space, i.e. kxn − xmk → 0 as n, m → ∞. Show that

(a) supn kxnk < ∞, ∞ (b) (kxnk)n=1 converges in (R, | · |).

4. Let X be a vector space and let kxk and kxk∗, x ∈ X, be two norms on X. Is max(kxk, kxk∗) a norm on X? Is min(kxk, kxk∗) a norm on X?

5. Let x1, . . . , xn be linearly independent vectors in a normed space E. Show that there exists a c > 0 such that

kα1x1 + ... + αnxnk ≥ c(|α1| + ... + |αn|),

for all scalars αi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Conclude from this that any two norms on E are equivalent, if E is finite dimensional. 6. Show that equivalent norms define the same opens sets and Cauchy sequences.

7. Show that the norms k k1 and k k∞ are not equivalent in the vector space C([0, 1]) where Z 1 kfk1 = |f(t)| dt 0 and kfk∞ = max |f(t)| t∈[0,1] for f ∈ C([0, 1]). 94 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

8. Given a set X. A function d : X × X → [0, ∞) is called a metric on X if d satisfies the conditions

(a) d(x, y) = 0 iff x = y (b) d(x, y) = d(y, x) for all x, y ∈ X (c) d(x, y) ≤ d(x, z) + d(z, y) for all x, y, z ∈ X

Show that if E is a vector space with norm k · k then

d(x, y) = kx − yk x, y ∈ E

defines a metric on E.

9. Let (X, d) be a metric space. Show that d1 given by d(x, y) d (x, y) = for x, y ∈ X 1 1 + d(x, y)

is a metric on X. Show that the metrics d and d1 yield the same open sets. 10. Give an example of a metric on a vector space that is not given by a norm.

11. Show that the open balls B(x, r) in a normed space are open sets. Also show that the closed balls are closed sets.

12. A subset A of a vector space E is called convex if

αx + (1 − α)y ∈ A for all x, y ∈ A, α ∈ [0, 1].

If E is a normed space show that the closed and open unit balls B¯(0, 1) and B(0, 1) are convex.

13. Set φ : R2 → [0, ∞), where

φ(x, y) = (p|x| + p|y|)2.

Show that φ does not define a norm in R2.

14. Let U be a bounded open convex and symmetric (i.e. U = (−1)U) set in R2 containing the origin and set k(x, y)k = inf{λ > 0 : (x, y) ∈ λU}, where λU = {(λx, λy):(x, y) ∈ U} for λ ∈ R. Show that k k defines a norm on R2. Conclude that all norms on R2 are given in this way.

p 15. Find a sequence (x1, x2,...) such that xn → 0 as n → ∞ but is not in any l , where p 1 1 ≤ p < ∞. Find a sequence (x1, x2,...) which is in l with p > 1 but not in l . Is l p \ l q = ∅ if p > q? 7.2. NORMED SPACES 95

16. Give an example of a subspace in l 2 that is not closed.

17. Let 1 ≤ r < p < 2r and assume that the sequence (x1, x2,...) satisfies

∞ p Σn=1n|xn| < ∞.

r Show that (x1, x2,...) ∈ l . 18. Show that ∞ xn lim Σn=1 = 0 j→∞ j + n 2 for all (x1, x2,...) ∈ l .

19. Let f(x) = sin x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Find a sequence of polynomials pn(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, n ∈ N of degree n, which converges to f in C([0, 1]).

20. Show that every continuous function f on [0, 1] can be uniformly approximated by polynomials, i.e. for each  > 0 there is a polynomial p such that

max |f(t) − p(t)| < . t∈[0,1]

This statement is known as the Weierstrass approximation theorem1.

21. Show that if A is dense in B and B is dense in C then A is dense in C.

22. Prove or disprove: if A is dense in B then for any set C, A T C is dense in B T C.

23. Let E be a normed space. E is called separable if there exists a countable dense subset in E. Show that

(a) R is separable (b) l p is separable for p ∈ [1, ∞) (c) l ∞ is not separable2 (d) C([0, 1]) is separable

∞ 24. Let E be a normed space and (xn)n=1 a countable dense subset in E. Given  > 0 show that ∞ [ E \{0} ⊂ B(xn, kxnk). n=1 1Hint: One way to prove the claim is to use the so called Bernstein polynomials, more precisely set

 n  k B f(x) = Σn xk(1 − x)n−kf( ), x ∈ [0, 1], n = 1, 2,... n k=0 k n

Show that Bnf → f in C([0, 1]) as n → ∞. 2Assume that it is separable and construct a function that has l ∞-distance ≥ 1 to each function in the supposed countable dense set. 96 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

25. Show that every finite set is compact.

n ¯ T 26. Show that R and B(0, 1) {(x1, . . . , xn): x1 < 1/2} are not compact sets using the definition of compactness.

27. Construct a set in R2 which has finite area but is not relatively compact. Generalize to Rn.

28. Prove that any finite-dimensional subspace of a normed linear space is closed.

29. If S is a relatively compact set, prove that its convex hull is relatively compact3.

30. (Riesz lemma) Suppose E is a normed space and let F be a proper closed subspace of E. Furthermore let  be a given positive real number. Show that there is a vector x1 ∈ E such that kx1k = 1 and ky − x1k > 1 −  for every y ∈ F . 31. Let E be a normed space. Show that the unit sphere {x ∈ E; kxk = 1} is compact if and only if E is of finite dimension.

32. Let F be a closed subspace of a normed space E, where k · k denotes the norm. Show that k · k0 defines a norm on the quotient space E/F if

kx˜k0 = inf kxk. x∈x˜

33. Let T be a mapping on a real normed space X satisfying

T (x + y) = T (x) + T (y) for all x, y ∈ X.

Show that T (λx) = λT (x) for all λ ∈ R and x ∈ X if T is continuous.

34. Let T : X → X be a mapping (not necessary linear) on a normed space X. Moreover assume that there are real constants C, α, where α > 1, such that

kT (x) − T (y)k ≤ Ckx − ykα, for all x, y ∈ X.

Show that there exists a z ∈ X such that T (x) = z for all x ∈ X.

35. Let (E, k · k) be a normed space with a subspace Y . Show that Y is a subspace of E.

1 ∞ 36. Consider l = {x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn,...): kxkl 1 = Σn=1|xn| < ∞}. Show that

1 1 (a) there is a set {xn : n = 1, 2,...} such that {xn : n = 1, 2,...} = l , i.e. l is separable

3See chapter 2 Proposition 2.3.1 7.2. NORMED SPACES 97

2 3 (b) the set {xα : α ∈ (0, 1)}, where xα = (1, α, α , α ,...), is linearly independent, i.e. there is a set with uncountably many elements that is linearly independent

37. (a) Let x = (x1, x2, x3, . . . , xn,...), y = (y1, y2, y3, . . . , yn,...) and z = (z1, z2, z3, . . . , zn,...) be sequences of complex numbers. Let p, q, r > 1 and assume that 1 1 1 + + = 1. p q r Show that ∞ Σn=1|xnynzn| ≤ kxklp kyklq kzklr .

(b) Let x = (x1, x2, x3, . . . , xn,...), y = (y1, y2, y3, . . . , yn,...) be sequences complex numbers that satisfies ∞ α β Σn=1|xn| |yn| < ∞ for (α, β) = (4, 2), (8, 0) and (0, 8). Is it then true that

∞ 5 2 Σn=1|xn| |yn| < ∞?

∞ 38. Let (xn)n=1 be a converging sequence in a normed space (E, k · k). Call the limit x. Set x + 2x + 3x + . . . nx y = 1 2 3 n , n = 1, 2, 3,... n n2 ∞ Prove that (yn)n=1 converges in (E, k · k) and find the limit. 39. Let Y be a finite-dimensional subspace of an infinite-dimensional normed space E. Show that Y is closed in E.

∞ 40. Let X be a normed space, (xn)n=1 a sequence in X and x an element in X. Assume ∞ ∞ ∞ that every subsequence (yn)n=1 of (xn)n=1 has a subsequence (zn)n=1 such that zn → x. Show that xn → x. 41. Show that the interior of any compact set in an ∞–dimensional normed space is empty.

Recommended exercises: 1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 16, 18, 31, 33, 34 98 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES 7.3 Banach spaces

Key words: Cauchy sequence, complete space, Banach space, convergent/absolutely conver- gent series, linear mapping, null space of a linear mapping, range and graph of a mapping, continuous mapping, bounded linear mapping, completion of a normed space, Lp-spaces

1. Prove that convergence in L2([0, 1]) implies convergence in L1([0, 1]).

2. For any n ∈ Z+ set  √ 1 n 0 ≤ x ≤ n fn(x) = 1 0 n < x ≤ 1. 1 2 Prove that fn → 0 in L ([0, 1]) but not in L ([0, 1]).

3. Let f ∈ L1(R). Can we conclude that f(x) → 0 for |x| → ∞? Can we find a, b ∈ R such that |f(x)| ≤ b for |x| ≥ a?

4. Which of the following sequences of real functions (n ∈ N)

1 (a) fn = n χ(0,n)

(b) fn = χ(n,n+1)

(c) fn = nχ 1 [0, n ] k k (d) fn = χ[j2−k,(j+1)2−k] where 0 ≤ j < 2 and n = j + 2 converges to the 0-function

(a) uniformly on R (b) point-wise on R (c) almost everywhere on R (d) in L1(R).

Which of these modes of convergence implies which others?

5. Let f ∈ Lp(R) for p ∈ [1, ∞) and λ > 0. Prove the inequality

kfk |{x ∈ R : |f(x)| > λ}| ≤ ( p )p, λ where |A| denotes the (Lebesgue) measure of the set A ⊂ R.

6. Let f ∈ C[0, 1]. Show that

kfkp → kfk∞ for p → ∞. 7.3. BANACH SPACES 99

7. Consider the set of all rational numbers p/q ∈ (0, 1) with denominator q ≤ n; call them rn1, rn2, . . . , rnK (where K depends on n). Define a function gn by

K gn(x) = Σi=1φn(x − rni),

n −n −n where φn(u) = 1 − e u for |u| ≤ e , φn(u) = 0 for |u| > e . Sketch the graph of R 1 2 gn. Show that gn ∈ C([0, 1]), 0 |gn| dx → 0 as n → ∞, and and gn(x) → χQ(x) for rational x.

∞ 8. Show that if (xn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence and has a convergent subsequence then ∞ (xn)n=1 is convergent.

∞ 9. Assume that (xn)n=1 is a sequence in a Banach space such that for any  > 0 there is ∞ ∞ a convergent sequence (yn)n=1 such that kyn − xnk <  for all n. Prove that (xn)n=1 is convergent. Give an example to show that the statement becomes false if Banach space is replaced by normed space.

∞ ∞ 10. Let lc denote the vector space with all convergent sequences (xn)n=1 of complex numbers equipped with the norm

∞ ∞ k(xn)n=1klc = sup |xn|. n

∞ Show that the space lc is complete.

1 ∞ ∞ 1 11. Consider the vector space l and set kxk∗ = 2|Σn=1xn| + Σn=2(1 + n )|xn| for x = 1 1 (x1, x2, . . . , xn,...) ∈ l . Show that kxk∗ defines a norm on l and that the vector space l 1 is a Banach space with this norm. Is this norm equivalent to the standard norm kxkl 1 ?

1 12. Define C2 ([0, 1]) to be the space of continuously differentiable functions on [0, 1], with R 1 2 0 2 1/2 norm kfk = ( 0 (|f| + |f | ) dx) . Show that this is a proper definition of norm. Is this normed space complete?

13. What conditions must the function r satisfy in order that

kfk = sup{|f(x)r(x)| : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1}

should define a norm on the vector space C([0, 1])?

14. Let BC([0, ∞)) be the set of continuous bounded functions for x ≥ 0. Show that for R ∞ −ax 2 1/2 each a > 0, kfka = ( 0 e |f(x)| dx) defines a norm on BC([0, ∞)), and k · ka is not equivalent to k · kb if 0 < b < a. What about the case a = 0? 15. Show that every finite-dimensional normed space is complete.

sin kx ∞ 16. Set fk(x) = k2 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, k ∈ Z+. Prove that the series Σk=1fk converges in C([0, 1]). 100 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

n n+1 n 2n 17. Set for any n ∈ Z+, fn(x) = x − x and gn(x) = x − x if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Is any of ∞ ∞ the sequences (fn)n=1 and (gn)n=1 convergent in C([0, 1])?

−n 18. Let M = {f ∈ C([0, 1]) : f(2 ) = 0 all n ∈ Z+}. Prove that M is a closed subset of C([0, 1]).

∞ ∞ −n ∞ ∞ 19. Let M = {(xn)n=1 ∈ c0 :Σn=12 xn = 0} ⊂ c0 ≡ {(xn)n=1 ∈ l : limn→∞ xn = 0}. Show that M is a closed subspace in c0.

20. Let E denote a normed space of finite dimension and let e1, . . . , en be a basis of E. Set n n f(x) = Σk=1xkek, x = (x1, . . . , xk) ∈ R . Show that f is continuous. Conclude from this that any two norms on E are equiv- alent.

21. Let E be a normed space and assume that E 6= {0}. Prove that there do not exist bounded linear operators A and B on E such that AB − BA = I.

22. Set (Ax)(t) = x0(t) and (Bx)(t) = tx(t), 0 < t < 1, for x ∈ C∞(]0, 1[). Prove that AB − BA = I. Is it possible to find a norm on C∞(]0, 1[) such that A and B are bounded operators with respect to this norm4?

23. Let E and F be normed spaces and T : E → F a continuous mapping. Show that the T (A) is compact in F if A is a compact set in E.

24. Let T : E → R be a continuous mapping from a normed space E. Moreover let A be a compact set in E. Show that T attains its maximum and minimum on A.

25. Let A : X → X be a continuous mapping and assume Ax 6= 0 for all x ∈ X. Show that the mapping B : x 7→ Ax/kAxk is continuous on X.

26. Find the norm of the linear functional

(x, y) 7→ x − 7y

on R2 with respect to the norms l p for p = 1, 2 and ∞.

27. For what values of the constant a does Z 1 u 7→ xau(x) dx 0 define a mapping C([0, 1]) → C? For what values of a does it define a mapping L2([0, 1]) → C?

4Hint: Show that AnB − BAn = nAn−1 for n = 1, 2,... 7.3. BANACH SPACES 101

28. Show that the equation

 R +∞ −|x−y| (Af)(x) = −∞ f(y)e dy, x ∈ R f ∈ L2(R)

defines a bounded linear operator A on L2(R). 29. Prove that any linear mapping from a finite-dimensional vector space into an arbitrary vector space must be continuous. 30. Let E be a normed space and L a linear functional on E. Furthermore, suppose there is a unit vector x0 ∈ E such that kx0 − yk ≥ 1 for every y ∈ N (L). Prove that |Lx0| = kLk.

n m 31. Find all linear mappings of C into C for n, m ∈ Z+. 32. Let A, B be two linear operators defined on a vector space E. Show that E must be infinite-dimensional if AB = I 6= BA, where I denotes the identity mapping on E. Give an example of such operators A and B on a vector space E.

33. Let E be a vector space and f : E → R a linear mapping. Suppose x0 ∈ E and f(x0) 6= 0. Prove that any x ∈ E may be written as x = y + αx0, where α is a scalar and y ∈ N (f). Show that this representation is unique. 34. Let f and g be two functionals on a vector space such that N (g) ⊂ N (f). Prove that f = αg, where α is a scalar. 35. Show that for any linear operator A on a n-dimensional vector space E, there are scalars α0, . . . , αn2 , not all of them zero, such that

n2 k Σk=0αkA is the zero operator. 36. Let B and C be linear operators on a finite-dimensional vector space E and suppose N (B) ⊂ N (C). Show that there is a linear operator A on E such that C = AB. 37. Let E be a vector space of finite dimension and suppose A : E → E is a linear operator. Prove that N (A) = {0} if and only if R(A) = E. Show that this is not true for vector spaces of infinite dimension. 38. Let E be a real normed space and let T : E → R be a linear functional. Assume that N (T ) 6= E. Show that for all x ∈ E |T x| inf kx − yk = . y∈N (T ) kT k 102 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

39. Show that the operator T on C([0, 1]), where

(T f)(t) = tf(t), t ∈ [0, 1],

is a bounded linear operator on C([0, 1]).

40. Let An, A, Bn,B be bounded linear operators on a Banach space X. Show that An → A and Bn → B in B(X,X) implies AnBn → AB in B(X,X).

41. Let A : X → X be a bounded linear operator on a Banach space X. Show that ∞ 1 n A Σn=0 n! A converges in B(X,X). Denote its sum by e . Show that for any integer n > 0, (eA)n = enA. Show that eO = I where O is the zero operator. Show that eA is always invertible (even if A is not) and its inverse operator is e−A. Show that if AB = BA, then eA+B = eAeB. Show that eA+B = eAeB is not true in general.

42. Let A, B be invertible bounded linear operators on a Banach space X with

kB−1kkA − Bk < 1.

Show that if  Ax = b By = b then kB−1kkA − Bk kx − yk ≤ kyk. 1 − kB−1kkA − Bk Moreover also show that kB−1k2kA − Bk kx − yk ≤ kbk. 1 − kB−1kkA − Bk

43. Let T be a bounded linear operator from a normed space E onto a normed space F . Assume that there is a constant C > 0 such that

kT xk ≥ Ckxk

for all x ∈ E. Show that the inverse operator T −1 : F → E exists as a mapping and is a bounded linear operator.

44. Let T : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) be defined by

Z t (T f)(t) = f(s) ds. 0

−1 −1 −1 Find R(T ) and T : R(T ) → C([0, 1]) satisfying T T = IC([0,1]). Is T linear and bounded? 7.3. BANACH SPACES 103

45. The operator A : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) is defined by the equation

Z t (Af)(t) = f(t) + f(s) ds 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. 0

Prove that N (A) = {0} and R(A) = C([0, 1]). Finally determine the inverse A−1 of A and show that A−1 is a bounded operator.

46. Let A be an r × n-matrix with real entries. Consider A as a linear mapping from Rn into Rr. Calculate or give an upper bound for the operator norm of A in

(a) B(l 1, l 1) (b) B(l ∞, l ∞)

47. Let F be a subspace of a vector space E and let f be a functional on E such that f(F ) is not the whole scalar field of E. Show that f(x) = 0 for all x ∈ F .

R π 48. Let k ∈ Z+ and set Lk(f) = 0 f(t) sin kt dt for all f ∈ C([0, π]). Prove that kLkk = 2 for all k.

49. Let Z 1/2 Z 1 Lf = f(t) dt − f(t) dt, f ∈ C([0, 1]). 0 1/2 Prove that kLk = 1. Prove that there does not exist any f ∈ C([0, 1]) such that kfk = 1 and |Lf| = 1.

50. Let E be a normed space and A : E → C a bounded linear functional. Suppose there exists a vector x0 ∈ E such that kx0k = 1 and kx0 − xk ≥ 1 for all x ∈ N (A). Show R 1/2 R 1 that |Ax0| = kAk. Moreover, let F = {x ∈ C([0, 1]) : 0 x(t) dt = 1/2 x(t) dt}. Show that if x0 ∈ C([0, 1]) and kx − x0k ≥ 1 for all x ∈ F then kx0k > 1.

51. Show that Z 1 1 L(f) = √ f(x) dx 0 x defines a bounded linear functional on C([0, 1]).

52. Show that Z 1 1 L(f) = √ f(x) dx 3 0 x defines a bounded linear functional on L2([0, 1]).

2 53. Let T be defined by T (x) = (x2, x3, . . . , xn+1,...) for all x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn,...) ∈ l . Show that T ∈ B(l 2, l 2) and calculate kT k. 104 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

54. Let f(x) be a complex-valued function on R+ = {x : x > 0} and let Lf be the function defined on R+ by Z ∞ Lf(x) = f(y)e−xy dy. 0 5 2 2 √ Show that L is a bounded linear mapping L (R+) → L (R+) with kLk ≤ π. Show 6 p p that L is not a bounded linear mapping L (R+) → L (R+) for p 6= 2. 55. (Non-orthogonal projections) A bounded linear operator P on a Banach space X will be called a projector7 if P 2 = P . (a) Show that I − P is a projector if P is. Show that if x ∈ R(P ) then P x = x, and if x ∈ R(I − P ) then P x = 0. (b) Show that for any projector P on a Banach space X, the range R(P ) of P is a closed subspace, and is therefore itself a Banach space. (c) Show that any x ∈ X can be uniquely expressed in the form x = u + v with u ∈ R(P ) and v ∈ R(I − P ). 56. Let T be a linear mapping from a normed space V into a normed space W . Show that the range R(T ) is a subspace of W . Show that the null-space (or kernel) N (T ) is a subspace of V . If T is bounded, is it true that T (V ) and/or N (T ) is closed?

(n) (n) p (n) 57. Show that if (x1 , x2 ,...) → (x1, x2,...) in l , then xk → xk in R for all k ∈ N. If (n) (n) (n) p xk → xk in R for all k ∈ N, is it true that (x1 , x2 ,...) → (x1, x2,...) in l ? 58. Let T be the linear mapping from C∞(R) into itself given by T f = f 0. Show that T is surjective. Is T injective? 59. Consider the mapping T from C[0, 1] into itself, given by Z t T f(t) = f(s) ds. 0 We assume that C[0, 1] is equipped with the sup-norm. Show that T is bounded and find kT k. Show that T is injective and find T −1 : T (C[0, 1]) → C[0, 1]. Is T −1 bounded? 60. Let T be a linear operator T : L2(R) → L2(R) satisfying that f ≥ 0 implies that T f ≥ 0. Show that kT (|f|)k ≥ kT fk for all f ∈ L2(R). Show that T is bounded.

5Hint: write f(y)e−yx = (f(y)e−yx/2y1/4)(e−yx/2y−1/4) and use Hölder’s inequality. 6Hint: Try f(x) = e−ax 7Compare projections that are self-adjoint and satisfies P 2 = P . By projection we mean orthogonal projection. 7.3. BANACH SPACES 105

2 61. Define, for h ∈ R, the operator τh on L (R) by

τhf(x) = f(x − h).

Show that τh is bounded. 62. Let V be a Banach space and let T ∈ B(V,V ) such that T −1 exists and belongs to B(V,V ). Show that if kT k ≤ 1 and kT −1k ≤ 1, then

kT k = kT −1k = 1,

and kT fk = kfk for all f ∈ V .

63. Consider the operator 1 Z x f(t) Af(x) = √ √ dt, x ∈ [0, 1] π 0 x − t whenever this expression makes sense. Show that Af ∈ L∞[0, 1] if f ∈ Lp[0, 1], p > 2. Find the operator B = A2, i.e. find the kernel k(x, t) such that Z x Bf(x) = k(x, t)f(t) dt 0 for f ∈ Lp[0, 1], p > 2. Show that B : Lp[0, 1] → L∞[0, 1], 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ is bounded. Solve the equation (I − A)f(x) = 1 formally by a Neumann series, and express f as

f(x) = g(x) + Ah(x)

where g and h are known functions. Insert and show that this formal solution is a solution.

∞ ∞ ∞ 64. Let l = {x ∈ R : supn |xn| < ∞} and c = {x ∈ l : limn→∞ xn exists} be real vector spaces with the addition and multiplication as in R∞. Let both l ∞ and c be

equipped with the norm kxk∞ = supn |xn|. Show that (a) l ∞ and c are Banach spaces 1 n p p ∞ (b) kxk∞ = limn→∞(limp→∞(Σk=1|xn| ) ) for x ∈ l . 65. Let (E, k · k) be a normed space. Let B(a; r) denote the open ball in E around a ∈ E with radius r > 0. Prove that

(a) B(a; r) = {x ∈ E : kx − ak ≤ r} for each a ∈ E and r > 0, (b) if B(a; r) ⊂ B(b; s) then r ≤ s and ka − bk ≤ s − r, 106 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

(c) and, if (E, k · k) is a Banach space, then every nested sequence of nonempty closed balls (i.e. closures of open balls) has nonempty intersection.

66. Let C1([0, 1]) be the vector space of all continuously differentiable functions f : [0, 1] → R. Show that

(a) C1([0, 1]) with the norm kfk + kf 0k is a Banach space, (b) C1([0, 1]) with the norm kfk is not a Banach space.

Here kfk denotes maxx∈[0,1] |f(x)|. 67. Let T : C([0, 1]) → R be defined by T f = f(1). Show that

(a) T is continuous if C([0, 1]) equipped with the norm kfk = maxx∈[0,1] |f(x)|, 1 1 R p p (b) T is not continuous if C([0, 1]) equipped with the norm kfkp = ( 0 |f(t)| dt) , where 1 ≤ p < ∞.

68. Let 1 < p < ∞ and let the subspace A ⊂ l p be defined by

p 1 ∞ A = {x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn,...) ∈ l : x ∈ l and Σn=1xn = 0}.

Show that k·k p A l = l p.

∞ ∞ 69. Let l = {x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn,...) ∈ R : supn=1,2,... |xn| < ∞} be the vector space ∞ ∞ with norm kxk = supn=1,2,... |xn|. Prove that T : l → l defined by x + x x + x + ... + x T (x , x , . . . , x ,...) = (x , 1 2 ,..., 1 2 n ,...) 1 2 n 1 2 n is a bounded linear mapping on l ∞ and calculate kT k.

∞ 70. Let l be the subspace of the bounded sequences x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn,...) in the vector space R∞ equipped with the norm

kxk = sup |xn|. n=1,2,3,...

Moreover let c denote the set of converging sequences x in l ∞. Show that c is a closed subspace of l ∞ and that it is nowhere dense in l ∞.

71. Assume that T is a continuous mapping from the normed space (E, k k) into itself. Moreover assume that

T (x + y) = T (x) + T (y) for all x, y ∈ E.

Show that T is a linear mapping. 7.3. BANACH SPACES 107

72. Consider the normed space C([0, 1]) with norm kfk = maxx∈[0,1] |f(x)|. Show that (a) M is not an open set (b) M is a closed set

where M = {f ∈ C([0, 1]) : f is an increasing function}.

73. Let E denote the real vector space C([0, 1]) equipped with the norm kfk = maxx∈[0,1] |f(x)| and let T : E → E be a linear mapping. Assume that T f(x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ [0, 1] provided f(x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ [0, 1]. Show that

(a) T is continuous

(b) kT k = supx∈[0,1] T 1(x) where 1 denotes the constant function taking the value 1. R 1 xt (c) Let U : E → E be defined by Uf(x) = 0 e f(t) dt and the sequence Un : E → E, n = 1, 2, 3,... be defined by

Z 1 k n (tx) Unf(x) = Σk=0 f(t) dt. 0 k!

Prove that kUn − Uk → 0.

∞ ∞ 74. Let l be the (real) vector space of all bounded sequences in R with norm kxkl∞ = ∞ supn=1,2,3,... |xn|, where x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn,...). Show that (l , k · kl∞ ) is a Banach space. Moreover define 1 1 T : l∞ → C([− , ]) 2 2 by ∞ n T (x)(t) = Σn=1xnt . 1 1 Show that T is linear and continuous. Here C([− 2 , 2 ]) is equipped with the max- norm.

75. Let T : E → E be a bounded linear mapping on a normed space E and set N (T ) = {x ∈ E : T (x) = 0}. Then we know that N (T ) is closed in E. If S : E → E is a linear mapping where N (S) is closed in E, does it follow that S is continuous? What could be said if S˜ : E → C is a linear mapping where N (S˜) is closed in E, is S˜ continuous?

76. Let T : E → E be a bounded linear mapping on a Banach space E. Prove that the ∞ 1 n 0 series Σn=0 n! T converges in B(E,E) (Here T = I where I is the identity mapping on E). Why not call the limit eT . Is eT invertible?

77. Let C2([0, 1]) be the vector space of all twice continuously differentiable functions f : [0, 1] → R. Show that 108 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

(a) C2([0, 1]) with the norm kfk + kf 0k + kf 00k is a Banach space, (b) C2([0, 1]) with the norm kfk is not a Banach space.

Here kfk denotes maxx∈[0,1] |f(x)|. 78. Show that the mapping A : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) given by Z x Z 1 A(f)(x) = f(y) dy − f(y) dy, x ∈ [0, 1] 0 x is a bounded linear mapping and calculate the operator norm kAk.

79. Let x = (x1, x2, x3,...) be a sequence of non-negative real number and assume that 1 < p < ∞. Moreover assume that

∞ q Σn=1|xnyn| < ∞ for all y = (y1, y2, y3,...) ∈ l 1 1 8 p where p + q = 1. Show that x ∈ l . 80. (a) Let X be a Banach space and T : X → X a bounded linear mapping. Assume that there exists a C > 0 such that kxk ≤ CkT (x)k for all x ∈ X. Show that R(T ) a closed subspace of X. (b) Set X = l∞ with the the standard norm

k(x1, x2, . . . , xn,...)kl∞ = sup |xn|. n=1,2,... Let x x x T ((x , x , . . . , x ,...)) = ( 1 , 2 ,..., n ,...). 1 2 n 1 2 n Show that T is a bounded linear operator on l∞ and that

∞ R(T ) = {x ∈ l : sup |n xn| < ∞}. n=1,2,...

∞ Show that there exists an y = (y1, y2, y3,...) ∈ l such that y 6∈ R(T ) but

∞ R(T ) 3 yN → y in l where y1 y2 yN yN = ( , √ ,..., √ , 0, 0,...) for N = 1, 2, 3,..., 1 2 N i.e. R(T ) is not a closed subspace of l∞.

8Hint: Might be helpful to consider mappings

q N l 3 y 7→ Σn=1xnyn ∈ R,N = 1, 2, 3,.... 7.3. BANACH SPACES 109

81. Let Pn denote the vector space of all polynomials of degree at most n on R, where n is a positive integer. Set

n kpk = Σk=0|p(k)|, p ∈ Pn.

Show that (Pn, k · k) is a Banach space.

∞ 82. Let xn ∈ R for n = 1, 2, 3,.... Assume that (xn)n=1 has no cluster point and that ∞ 1 xn 6= xm for n 6= m. Moreover assume that and (cn)n=1 ∈ l . Let C(R) denote the vector space of all bounded continuous functions on R with norm kfk = supx∈R |f(x)|. Finally let L denote the functional on C(R) defined by

∞ L(f) = Σn=1 cnf(xn), f ∈ C(R). Calculate kLk.

83. Let T 6= 0 be a linear functional on a normed space X. Prove that the following statements are equivalent:

(a) T is continuous (b) N (T ) is a proper closed subspace of X (c) N (T ) is not dense in X

84. Let a(x) be a continuous complex-valued function on [0, 1] and define A : L2([0, 1]) → L2([0, 1]) by A(f)(x) = a(x)f(x), x ∈ [0, 1]. Show that A is a bounded linear operator on L2([0, 1]) and calculate kAk.

85. Let X and Y be normed spaces with dim X < ∞. Show that every linear mapping C : X → Y is continuous.

kxk ≤ CkT (x)k for all x ∈ X. Show that Im T , that is the range of T , is also a Banach space, and hence in particular a closed subspace of Y .

p q 86. Let 1 < p < ∞ and q = p−1 . Show that for every y = (y1, y2, y3,...) ∈ l the mapping ∞ fy given by fy(x) = Σn=1xnyn, x = (x1, x2, x3,...), defines a bounded linear mapping p l → C. Calculate the operator norm for fy. Finally show that for every bounded p q linear mapping f : l → C there exists a y ∈ l such that f = fy. 87. Show that it is impossible to equip C([0, 1]) with an inner product in such a way that the norm induced by the inner product is equal to the standard norm kfk = maxx∈[0,1] |f(x)| for f ∈ C([0, 1]). 88. Prove the following statements: 110 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

(a) For p, r ∈ [1, ∞) and f ∈ C([0, 1] × [0, 1]) define

Z 1 Z 1 p r 1 kfkLr,p = ( ( |f(x, y)| dy) p dx) r . 0 0

Then k · kLr,p defines a norm on C([0, 1] × [0, 1]). (b) For p ∈ (0, ∞) and f ∈ C([0, 1]) define

Z 1 p 1 kfkLp = ( |f(x)| dx) p . 0

9 If k · kLp defines a norm on C([0, 1]) then p ≥ 1.

89. Consider the linear mapping S : l 2 → l 2 defined by

S(x1, x2, x3,...) = (x2, x3, x4,...).

n Is S injective? Is S surjective? Calculate the limits limn→∞ kS xkl 2 , where 2 n x = (x1, x2, x3,...) ∈ l , and limn→∞ kS k.

2 x1 x2 xn 90. For x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn,...) ∈ l set T (x) = ( 1 , 2 ,..., n ,...). Show that T is a bounded linear operator on l 2 (with the standard norm on l 2), calculate kT k and decide whether R(T ), the range of T , is a closed set in l 2 or not.

91. Let M be a dense (not necessarily countable) subset of a Banach space X. Show10

that for every x ∈ X \{0} there are xk ∈ M such that

∞ x = Σk=1xk

and 3kxk kx k ≤ , k = 1, 2, 3,... k 2k 92. Let k ∈ C([0, 1] × [0, 1]). Show that

Z 1 T f(x) = k(x, y)f(y) dy 0 defines a bounded linear operator on C([0, 1]) and that

Z 1 kT k = sup |k(x, y)| dy. x∈[0,1] 0 9Hint: The inequality (a + b)p < ap + bp for a, b > 0 and 0 < p < 1 might be useful. 10 1 Hint: Show that the xk:s can be choosen such that kx − (x1 + x2 + ... + xk)k ≤ 2k . 7.3. BANACH SPACES 111

93. Define T : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) by

Z 1 f(y) T f(x) = dy, x ∈ [0, 1]. 0 1 + x + y

Here the vector space C([0, 1]) is equipped with the standard norm kfk = max0≤x≤1 |f(x)|. Show that T is a bounded linear mapping11 on C([0, 1]) and calculate kT k. Is there a function f 6= 0 such that kT fk = kT k · kfk? For given g ∈ C([0, 1]), does the equation

f = g + T f

have a unique solution?

94. Let l 1 denote the standard vector space but now with the norm

n k(x1, x2, . . . , xn,...)k∗ = sup |Σk=1xk|. n=1,2,...

1 1 Show that k · k∗ indeed is a norm on l and show that (l , k · k∗) is not a Banach space.

95. For n = 1, 2, 3,... let Tn : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) be defined by

1+ 1 (Tnf)(x) = f(x n ), x ∈ [0, 1],

where C([0, 1]) is equipped with the max-norm. Prove that

(a) Tnf → f in C([0, 1]) as n → ∞, and

(b) kTn − Ik = 2 for all n. Here I denotes the identity operator on C([0, 1]). 96. Let a > 0. For f ∈ C([0, 1]) set

|||f||| = min{kfk, kfk∗},

R 1 where kfk = max0≤t≤1 |f(t)| and kfk∗ = a 0 |f(t)| dt. Give a necessary and sufficient condition on a for ||| · ||| to be a norm on C([0, 1]).

Recommended exercises: 11, 17, 21, 40, 45, 60, 64, 66, 72, 73

11You should also prove that T f ∈ C([0, 1]) for f ∈ C([0, 1]). 112 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES 7.4 Fixed point techniques

Key words: contractions, Banach’s fixed point theorem, Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, Schauder’s fixed point theorem

1. Show that the Banach fixed point theorem is valid for metric spaces (X, d) as follows: Let (X, d) be a complete12 metric space and let F be a closed set in X. Assume that T : F → F is a contraction mapping on F . Then T has a unique fixed point.

2. Consider the metric space (X, d), where X = [1, ∞) and d the usual distance. Let T : X → X be given by x 1 T (x) = + . 2 x Show that T is a contraction and find the minimal contraction constant. Find also the fixed point.

3. Let T be a mapping from a metric space (X, d) into itself such that

d(T (x),T (y)) < d(x, y)

for all x, y ∈ X, x 6= y. Show that T has at most one fixed point. Show13 that T not necessarily have a fixed point.

4. A mapping T : R → R satisfies a Lipschitz-condition with constant k if

|T (x) − T (y)| ≤ k|x − y|

for all x, y ∈ R.

(a) Is T a contraction? (b) If T is a C1–function with bounded derivative, show that T satisfies a Lipschitz- condition. (c) If T satisfies a Lipschitz-condition, is T then a C1-function with bounded deriva- tive? (d) Assume that |T (x) − T (y)| ≤ k|x − y|α for some α > 1. Show that T is a constant.

5. Let X be a Banach space and let T,S be two mappings from X into X (not necessarily linear). Assume that TS = ST and that T has a unique fixed point. Show that S has a fixed point. What can be said if T has more than one fixed point?

12see footnote to Baire’s theorem below 13 1 Hint: e.g. consider T (x) = x + x for x ∈ [1, ∞). 7.4. FIXED POINT TECHNIQUES 113

6. Let F be a compact set in a normed space X and let T : F → F have the property

kT (x) − T (y)k < kx − yk, all x 6= y ∈ F.

n ∞ Show that T has a unique fixed point. Also show that (T (x0))n=1 converges to the fixed point for every x0 ∈ F . 7. Let X be a Banach space and T a mapping on X satisfying

kT (x) − T (y)k ≥ Kkx − yk all x, y ∈ X,

where K > 1. Assume that T (X) = X. Show that T has a unique fixed point.

8. We consider the vector space Rn with l 1-norm and a mapping T : Rn → Rn given n by T x = Cx + b, where C = (cij) is an n × n-matrix and b ∈ R . Show that T is a contraction if n Σi=1|cij| < 1 for all j = 1, 2, . . . , n. If we instead use the l 2-norm, show that T is a contraction if

n n 2 Σi=1Σj=1|cij| < 1.

9. Use Banach fixed point theorem to find a root (given to four decimal places) of the equation x2 − sin2 x − 1 = 0 √ in the interval [1, 2]. q √ 10. Suppose 0 < L < ( 5 − 1)/2. Show that there exists a unique u ∈ C([0, 1]) such that Z L u(x) = p1 + (x − y)2 cos(u(y)) dy + sin(e−x), 0 ≤ x ≤ L. 0 11. Show that the equation Z p u(x) = p1 + (x − y)2 cos u(y) dy + sin(πe−4x2 ) 0 has a unique solution in C([0, p]) for p > 0 small enough. Give an upper estimate on p?

12. Suppose λ ∈ C. Solve the equation

 R 1 u(x) − λ 0 xyu(y) dy = f(x) 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u ∈ C([0, 1])

where f ∈ C([0, 1]) is a given function. 114 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

13. Suppose λ ∈ C. Solve the equation  R x u(x) − λ 0 xyu(y) dy = f(x) 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u ∈ C([0, 1])

where f ∈ C([0, 1]) is a given function.

14. Suppose f ∈ C([0, 1]). Prove that the following equation possesses a unique solution where  R 1−x u(x) − 5 0 u(y) min(x, y) dy = f(x) 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u ∈ C([0, 1]).

15. Let P be the set of all ordered pairs f = (f1, f2) of real-valued continuous functions on [0, 1]. Show that P is a Banach space if we define addition and scalar multiplication in the obvious way, and define kfkP = max{kf1k∞, kf2k∞}. Show that the coupled integral equations  1 u(x) = λ R exy u(y) dy  0 1+u2(y)+v2(y)

 R 1 xy u(y)v(y)  v(x) = µ 0 e 1+u2(y)+v2(y) dy have no nontrivial solutions if |λ| < 1/2e and |µ| < 1/e.

16. Consider the equation14

Z 1 3u(x) = x + (u(x))2 + |x − u(y)|1/2 dy. 0 Show that it has a continuous solution u satisfying 0 ≤ u(x) ≤ 1 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.

17. Let S be the set {f ∈ C([0, 1]) : kfk∞ ≤ 1, f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1} and the operator T : S → S defined by (T f)(x) = f(x2). Show that S is a closed bounded convex set and that T is a continuous operator with no fixed point.

18. Let c0 denote the vector space

∞ ∞ c0 = {(xn)n=1 ∈ l : lim xn = 0} n→∞ with the norm ∞ k(xn)n=1kc0 = max |xn|. n ∞ ∞ Define T : c0 → c0 by T ((xn)n=1) = (zn)n=1, where

 1 ∞ z1 = 2 (1 + k(xn)n=1k) −n zn = (1 − 2 )xn−1, n ≥ 2

14Hint: Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem 7.4. FIXED POINT TECHNIQUES 115

Show that T maps the closed unit ball in c0 into itself and that

kT (x) − T (y)k < kx − yk

for all x, y, x 6= y, in the unit ball in c0. Moreover, show that T have no fixed points in the unit ball in c0. 19. Let T denote the mapping (x, y) 7→ (x + y, y − (x + y)3) on R2. Show that T is an odd mapping, i.e. T (−x, −y) = −T (x, y), and that (0, 0) is the only fixed point of T . Moreover show that (2, −4) and (−2, 4) are fixed points of T 2. Can T be a contraction?

20. T denote the mapping (x, y) 7→ (y1/3, x1/3) on R2. What are the fixed points of T ? What happens when you iterate, starting from various places in R2 (find out by numerical experiments)? In what regions is T a contraction?

21. Let T be a contraction on a Banach space E, i.e.

kT x − T yk ≤ αkx − yk

for all x, y ∈ E for some α ∈ (0, 1), and assume that S is a mapping on E such that kT x − Sxk ≤ λ for all x ∈ E for some constant λ > 0. Show that

1 − αn kT nx − Snxk ≤ λ 1 − α

for n ∈ Z+. Show that if S has a fixed point y then 1 kx − yk ≤ λ , 1 − α

n where x is the unique fixed point for T . Finally show that if yn = S y0 then 1 kx − y k ≤ (λ + αnky − Sy k), n 1 − α 0 0 provided x is the fixed point for T . What is the significance of this formula in applications?

22. Consider the equation

Z 1 x(t) − µ k(t, s)x(s) ds = v(t), t ∈ [0, 1], (7.1) 0 where k ∈ C([0, 1] × [0, 1]) and v ∈ C([0, 1]). Moreover assume that

max |k(t, s)| ≤ c. (t,s)∈[0,1]×[0,1] 116 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

Show that (7.1) has a unique solution x ∈ C([0, 1]) provided |µ|c < 1 using the iterative sequence Z 1 xn+1(t) = v(t) + µ k(t, s)xn(s) ds. (7.2) 0 Next set Z 1 Sx(t) = k(t, s)x(s) ds 0 and zn+1 = µSzn.

Choosing x0 = v show that (7.2) yields the so called Neumann series

2 2 3 3 x = lim xn = v + µSv + µ S v + µ S v + ... n→∞ Show that in the Neumann series we can write Z 1 n S v(t) = k(n)(t, s)v(s) ds, n = 1, 2, 3,... 0

where the so called iterated kernel k(n) is given by Z 1 Z 1 k(n)(t, s) = ··· k(t, t1)k(t1, t2) ··· k(tn−1, s) dt1 ··· dtn−1. 0 0 Show that the solution of (7.1) can be written Z 1 x(t) = v(t) + µ k˜(t, s, µ)v(s) ds 0 where ˜ ∞ j k(t, s, µ) = Σj=0µ k(j+1)(t, s). 23. Use the methods in the above problem to solve Z 1 x(t) − µ cx(s) ds = v(t), t ∈ [0, 1] 0 where c is a constant. 24. (a) A nonlinear version of the Volterra operator is defined as follows: (Lu)(x) = R x 0 K(x, y)f(y, u(y)) dy where K and f are continuous functions, and |f(y, u) − f(x, v)| ≤ N|u−v| for all u, v, x, y where N is a constant. Then L maps C([0,T ]) into itself for any T > 0. Give an example to show that L is not a contraction on C([0,T ]) with the usual norm kuk = sup |u(x)|. −ax (b) Show that for any a > 0, kuka = sup{e |u(x)| : 0 ≤ x ≤ T } defines a norm on C([0,T ]) which is equivalent to the usual norm. Deduce that C([0,T ]) with the norm k · ka is a Banach space. 7.4. FIXED POINT TECHNIQUES 117

(c) Set M = max{|K(x, y)| : 0 ≤ x, y ≤ T }. Show that

−aT kLu − Lvka ≤ MN/a(1 − e )ku − vka

for all u, v ∈ C([0,T ]). Deduce that for any T > 0 the integral equation u = Lu + g, where g is a given continuous function, has a unique solution.

25. Let f : R → R be a C1-mapping and assume that |f 0(x)| ≤ c < 1 for all x ∈ R. Show that g : R → R is surjective , where g(x) = x + f(x).

26. Let X and Y be Banach spaces and let T : X → Y be a mapping having the following property: There exists a number C > 0 such that for any x, y ∈ X we have

|T (x + y) − T (x) − T (y)| ≤ C.

(a) Show that there exists a unique additive15mapping16 S : X → Y such that T −S is bounded in the sup-norm. (b) If T is continuous, prove that S is continuous and linear.

27. (Newton’s iteration) Let f be a real C2-function on an interval [a, b], and let ξ ∈ (a, b) be a simple zero of f. Show that Newton’s method

f(xn) xn+1 = T (xn) ≡ xn − 0 f (xn) is a contraction in some neighborhood of ξ.

28. (Halley’s iteration) In 1694 Edmund Halley, well-known for first computing the orbit of the Halley comet, presented the following algorithm for computing roots of a polynomial. Show that if f is a real C3-function on an interval [a, b], and if ξ ∈ (a, b) is a simple zero of f then the algorithm

f(xn) xn+1 = T (xn) ≡ xn − 00 0 f (xn)f(xn) f (x ) − 0 n f (xn) is a contraction in some neighborhood of ξ.

29. For each of the following sets give an example of a continuous mapping of the set into itself that has no fixed points:

(a) the real line R

15S additive means that S(x + y) = S(x) + S(y) for all x, y ∈ X. 16 1 n Hint: Show that S(x) = limn→∞ 2n T (2 x) does the job. 118 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

(b) the interval (0, 1] (c) the set [0, 1] S[2, 3] 30. Give an example of a mapping of the closed interval [0, 1] into itself that has no fixed points (and hence is not continuous). 31. Let f : S1 → R be a continuous function, where S1 denotes the unit circle centered at the origin. Show that there is an x ∈ S1 such that f(x) = f(−x). This result is called the Borsuk-Ulam theorem for the circle. 32. Let A and B be two bounded plane figures. Show that there is a line dividing each into two parts of equal area. 33. Let K be a closed disc in the plane R2 and let C be its boundary circle. Assume 2 that the function f is a continuous mapping K → R such that f|C = I and that g is a continuous mapping K → K. Show that there is a point p ∈ K such that f(p) = g(p). 34. Prove Baire’s theorem [ Let X be a complete17 metric space.

∞ T∞ (a) If {Un}n=1 is a sequence of open dense subsets of X, then n=1 Un is dense in X. (b) X is not a countable union of nowhere dense sets.] 35. Use Baire’s theorem to show the existence of f ∈ C([0, 1]) that is nowhere differen- tiable. [Hint: Consider the sets En of all f ∈ C([0, 1]) for which there exists x0 ∈ [0, 1] (depending on f) such that

|f(x) − f(x0)| ≤ n|x − x0|

for all x ∈ [0, 1]. Show that En is nowhere dense in C([0, 1]).] 36. Prove Banach-Steinhaus theorem [Suppose X is a Banach space and Y is a normed space and that A ⊂ B(X,Y ). Moreover assume that sup kT xk < ∞ for all x ∈ X. T ∈A Then sup kT k < ∞.] T ∈A 17For the definition of a metric space X with metric d see exercise 6 in the section ”normed spaces”. We say that a set A ⊂ X is open if for each x ∈ A there is an r > 0 such that {y ∈ X : d(x, y) < r} ⊂ A.A set B ⊂ X is closed if its complement Bc is an open set. Given a subset E of X. The intersection of all closed sets in X containing E is a closed set, is called the closure of E and is denoted E. The union of all open sets in X contained in E is an open set, is called the interior of E and is denoted by E0. We say that a set E in X is dense in X if E = X and we say that E is nowhere dense if (E)0 = ∅. Finally, a metric space is called complete if for each sequence {xn} ⊂ X such that d(xn, xm) → 0 as n, m → ∞ there exists an x such that d(xn, x) → 0 as n → ∞. 7.4. FIXED POINT TECHNIQUES 119

37. Use Banach-Steinhaus theorem18 to show the existence of a continuous function on [−π, π] such that its Fourier series diverges at 0.

38. Prove Perron’s theorem, i.e. prove that an n×n-matrix, whose elements are all pos- itive, has at least one positive eigenvalue and that the elements of the corresponding eigenvector are all positive.

39. A linear integral operator with a positive kernel is a natural analogue of the posi- tive matrix in Perron’s theorem. Use Schauder’s theorem to prove that an integral operator with positive continuous kernel has a positive eigenvalue.

40. Let T : B¯(0, 1) → B¯(0, 1) where B¯(0, 1) is the closed unit ball in Rn centered at the origin. Assume that |T (x) − T (y)| ≤ |x − y| for all x, y ∈ B¯(0, 1) where | · | denotes the Euclidean distance. Show that T has a fixed point using

(a) Brouwder’s fixed point theorem (b) Banach’s contraction theorem19

41. Prove Arzela-Ascoli’s theorem [Let A ⊂ C([0, 1]). It follows that that A is com- pact if and only if

(a) (uniform boundedness) there exists an M < ∞ such that

sup |f(x)| ≤ M x∈[0,1], f∈A

and (b) (equicontinuity) for all  > 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that

|f(x) − f(y)| < 

for all x, y ∈ [0, 1] with |x − y| < δ and all f ∈ A.]

42. Let M be a bounded set in C([0, 1],not necessarily compact. Show that the set of all R x functions F (x) = 0 f(t) dt with f ∈ M is relatively compact.

43. Prove Sperner’s lemma [Let ∆ be a closed triangle with vertices v1, v2, v3 and let τ be a triangulation of ∆. This means that τ = {∆i}i∈I where ∆i are closed triangles with the properties S (a) ∆ = i∈I ∆i

18 Hint: Let Tnf denote the n–th partial sum of the Fourier series of f. 19 1 Hint: Consider Tn = (1 − n )T . 120 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

(b) For every i, j ∈ I, i 6= j, we have

 ∅ or \  ∆i ∆j = common vertex or  common side

Moreover let V denote the set of all vertices of the triangles ∆i and let c : V → {1, 2, 3} be a function that satisfies the following conditions:

(a) c(vi) = i for i = 1, 2, 3 T (b) v ∈ V vivj ∈ {i, j} for i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3} where vivj denotes the line segment between vi and vj.

Then there exists a triangle ∆i such that the vertices of the triangle take different values.]

44. Prove Brouwer’s fixed point theorem in a special case20 (n=2): Let T : K → K be 3 3 a continuous mapping where K denotes the set {(x1, x2, x3) ∈ R :Σi=1xi = 1, xi ≥ 0 all i}. Then T has a fixed point.

∞ ∞ ∞ 45. Let (an)n=1 be a bounded sequence, i.e. (an)n=1 ∈ l . Show, by using Banach’s 21 ∞ fixed point theorem , that there exists a bounded sequence (xn)n=1 that solves the equations

xn−1 + 4xn + xn+1 = an, n = 1, 2,...,

where x0 = 1.

46. Define T as Z x T f(x) = sin(y)f(y) dy, x ∈ [0, 2π], 0 where f ∈ C([0, 2π]). Calculate the operator norm kT k, where T is considered as a linear operator on (C([0, 2π]), kfk = max0≤x≤2π |f(x)|). Show that the equation

5f(x) + |x − π| = T f(x), x ∈ [0, 2π]

has a unique solution f ∈ C([0, 2π]) and calculate the solution.

20Consider a sequence of finer and finer triangulations of K and make use of the function c : K → {1, 2, 3} defined by c(x) = min{i :(T (x))i < xi} where x = (x1, x2, x3). Note that the function c is well-defined provided T has no fixed point, and apply Sperner’s lemma. 21Consider the mapping 1 x 7→ (a − x − x ), n = 1, 2 .... n 4 n n−1 n+1 7.4. FIXED POINT TECHNIQUES 121

47. Let T : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) be defined by Z x T f(x) = f(t) dt, x ∈ [0, 1], 0 where C([0, 1]) is equipped with the max-norm. Show that

(a) T is not a contraction, (b) T has a unique fixed point, (c) T 2 is a contraction, and n ∞ (d) what could be said about the convergence of the sequence of iterates (T f)n=1 for a general f ∈ C([0, 1])? Prove your statement.

48. Assume that T is a mapping on a Banach space X and that T N is a contraction for some positive integer N. Show that

(a) T has a unique fixed point n ∞ (b) (T (x))n=1 converges to the fixed point for each x ∈ X (c) T does not need to be continuous, for instance by considering the following example: Set X = R and

 1 x rational T (x) = 0 x irrational

and N = 2.

49. Let X be a Banach space and let T : X → X be a contraction on X. Moreover ∞ assume that (Tn)n=1 is a sequence of mappings X → X such that

lim sup kTn(x) − T (x)k = 0. n→∞ x∈X

Assume that for each n there exists at least one xn ∈ X such that Tn(xn) = xn. Show ∞ that the sequence (xn)n=1 converges. What can be said about the limit element? 50. Let g ∈ L2([0, 1]) be a fixed function and consider the equation

Z 1 (x + 1) tf(t) dt = f(x) + g(x), x ∈ [0, 1] 0 for f ∈ L2([0, 1]). Show that this equation has a unique solution.

51. Set Ω = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : |x| ≤ 1, |y| ≤ 1}. Assume f, g :Ω → R are continuous and satisfy  f(−1, y) < 0, f(1, y) > 0 all |y| ≤ 1, g(x, −1) < 0, g(x, 1) > 0 all |x| ≤ 1. 122 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

Show22 that there exists a (¯x, y¯) ∈ Ω such that

f(¯x, y¯) = 0 = g(¯x, y¯).

52. Let M be a dense set in [0, 1] and let fn : [0, 1] → R, n = 1, 2, 3,..., be a sequence of continuously differentiable functions that satisfies

0 sup |fn(x)| ≤ 1, n = 1, 2, 3,... x∈[0,1]

∞ Show that the sequence (fn)n=1 converges in (C([0, 1]), k·k), where kfk = supx∈[0,1] |f(x)|, if limn→∞ fn(x) exists for every x ∈ M.

53. Let T : {x ∈ Rn : kxk ≤ 1} → Rn be a continuous mapping. Moreover assume that hT (x), xi > 0 for all x with kxk = 1. Here h·, ·i denotes the standard inner product on n 23 n R with the induced norm k · k. Prove that there exists a x0 ∈ {x ∈ R : kxk ≤ 1} such that T (x0) = 0.

∞ n 54. Let (E, k·k) be a Banach space and T ∈ B(E,E) with the property Σn=1kT (x)k < ∞ for all x ∈ E. Let x0, y ∈ E and set xn+1 = y + T (xn), n = 0, 1, 2,.... Show that

∞ (a) (xn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in E, and that (b) there is a unique x ∈ E such that x = y + T (x).

Moreover show that if kT k < 1 then the equation x = y + T (x) has a unique solution x ∈ E for every y ∈ E.

∞ 55. Let (fn)n=1 be a sequence in C([0, 1]) such that |fn(x)| ≤ 1 for all n. Show that there ∞ ∞ exists a g ∈ C([0, 1]) and a subsequence (fnk )k=1 of (fn)n=1 such that

Z 1 sin(x2+y) lim sup | e fnk (y) dy − g(x)| = 0. k→∞ x∈[0,1] 0

56. (a) State and prove (a version of) Banach’s fixed point theorem. ∞ (b) Let (Fn)n=1 be a sequence of contractions on a Banach space X. Moreover assume that Fn(x) → F (x) uniformly on X, where F is a mapping on X, and let xn denote fixed points for the mappings Fn, n = 1, 2, 3,.... Show that if xn → x0 or F (xn) → x0 in X then x0 is a fixed point for F .

57. Let K be a compact set in a Banach space X. Show that the closure of the convex hull of K is compact.

22Hint: Show that there exists an  > 0 such that H :Ω → Ω where H(x, y) = (x, y) − (f(x, y), g(x, y)). 23Hint: Consider the mapping G(x) = x −  T (x) for some properly choosen  > 0. 7.4. FIXED POINT TECHNIQUES 123

58. Consider the equation Z x Z y f(x, y) = 1 + ( f(u, v) du) dv, 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1. 0 0 Show that

(a) there exists at most one continuous solution f, (b) there exists a continuous solution f.

Recommended exercises: 3, 6, 7, 10, 14, 16, 17, 42, 43, 44, 47, 53 124 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES 7.5 Hilbert spaces

Key words: inner product, inner product space, polarization identity, Hilbert space, orthog- onality, strong/weak convergence, orthonormal sequence, Gram–Schmidt orthonormaliza- tion process, complete sequence, orthogonal complement, convex set, orthogonal projection and decomposition, separable Hilbert space (notation: →w is the same as *)

1. Let z1, . . . , zn be complex numbers. Show that √ |z1 + ... + zn| ≤ nk(z1, . . . , zn)k.

2. Let x, y be vectors in a complex vector space with inner product, and assume that

kx + yk2 = kxk2 + kyk2.

Does this imply that hx, yi = 0?

3. Let H be a Hilbert space. Show that

kx − zk = kx − yk + ky − zk

if and only if y = αx + (1 − α)z for some α ∈ [0, 1].

4. Let k · k denote the norm in a Hilbert space. Prove that

kx + yk kx − yk ≤ kxk2 + kyk2

and kx + yk2 − kx − yk2 ≤ 4kxk kyk.

5. Let E be an inner product space. Show that for x, y ∈ E, x ⊥ y if and only if kαx + βyk2 = kαxk2 + kβyk2 for all scalars α and β.

6. Show that C([0, 1]) (equipped with the sup-norm) is not an inner product space.

7. Prove that any complex Banach space with norm k · k satisfying the parallelogram law is a Hilbert space with the inner product

1 hx, yi = [kx + yk2 − kx − yk2 + ikx + iyk2 − ikx − iyk2], 4 and kxk2 = hx, xi. 7.5. HILBERT SPACES 125

8. Let x1, x2, . . . , xN be linearly independent vectors in an inner product space, with  n + 1  N = . Show that there are orthonormal vectors y , y , . . . , y such that 2 1 2 n

yi = Σj∈Ai λjxj, i = 1, 2, . . . , n,

where A1,A2,...,An are disjoint subsets of {1, 2,...,N}.

9. Let T : E → E be a bounded linear operator on a complex inner product space. Show that T = 0 if hT x, xi = 0 for all x ∈ E. Show that this does not hold in the case of real inner product spaces.

10. Suppose xn → x and yn → y in a Hilbert space H and αn → α in C. Prove that

(a) xn + yn → x + y

(b) αnxn → αx

(c) hxn, yni → hx, yi

(d) kxnk → kxk

w w 11. Suppose xn → x and yn → y in a Hilbert space H and αn → α in C. Prove or disprove that

w (a) xn + yn → x + y w (b) αnxn → αx

(c) hxn, yni → hx, yi

(d) kxnk → kxk

∞ ∞ 12. Let (en)n=1 be an ON-basis for H. Assume that the sequence (fn)n=1 in H satisfies ⊥ the conditions kfnk = 1 and fn ∈ {e1, e2, . . . , en} for n = 1, 2,.... Show that w fn → 0.

w 24 13. Suppose xn → x in a Hilbert space H. Show that there is a positive constant M such that

sup kxnk ≤ M. n

∞ 14. Let (xn)n=1 be a bounded sequence, i.e. supn kxnk ≤ M, in a separable Hilbert space ∞ H. Show that there is a subsequence (xnk )k=1 and an x ∈ H such that

w xnk → x.

What happens if H is not separable?

24Hint: Use Banach-Steinhaus theorem above 126 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

w ∞ 15. Suppose xn → x in a Hilbert space H. Show that there exists a subsequence (xnk )k=1 ∞ of (xn)n=1 such that 1 Σm x → x i H, m k=1 nk då m → ∞.

16. Consider Rn as a Hilbert space with the standard inner product and the corresponding norm, i.e. the Euclidean metric. Assume that S is a closed convex set in Rn and that for each x ∈ Rn there exists a unique y ∈ S such that

kx − yk = sup kx − zk. z∈S

Show that S consists of a single element.

n 17. Let (ek)k=1 be a sequence of vectors in a Hilbert space H. Assume that kekk = 1 for all k. Show25 that

1 n 2 2 n 2 2 Σk=1|hx, eki| ≤ kxk (1 + (Σk,l=1|hek, eli| ) ) k6=l

n for all x ∈ H. Note that if (ek)k=1 is an ON-sequence in H then the statement is called Bessel’s inequality.

∞ 18. Assume that M is a closed subspace of a Hilbert space H. Let {xn}n=1 be a sequence converging to x in H. Moreover let xn = yn + zn, n = 1, 2,..., be the orthogonal ⊥ decomposition of xn with yn ∈ M and zn ∈ M . Show that yn converges to y and zn converges to z where x = y + z is the orthogonal decomposition of x.

19. Consider the inner product space X of the vector space C([0, 1]) with the inner 2 1 product of L ([0, 1]). Set S = {f ∈ C([0, 1]) : f(x) = 0 for x ∈ [0, 2 ]}. Show that S is a closed subspace of X and calculate S⊥. Is X = S + S⊥?

20. What is the orthogonal complement of all even functions in L2([−1, 1])?

∞ 2 ⊥ ⊥⊥ 21. Let M be the subset {(xn)n=1 : x2n = 0 for all n ∈ Z+} in l . Give M and M . 22. Let A be a subset of a Hilbert space. Show that

A⊥⊥ = SpanA.

23. Let A and B, ∅= 6 A ⊂ B, be subsets of an inner product space. Show that

(a) B⊥ ⊂ A⊥ (b) A⊥⊥⊥ = A⊥.

25 2 Hint: Note that Σ|hx, eki| = hx, Σhx, ekieki. 7.5. HILBERT SPACES 127

24. Let M 6= ∅ be a subset of a Hilbert space H. Show that Span M is dense in H if and only if M ⊥ = {0}. By the span of a set A we mean all finite linear combinations of the elements in the set A.

∞ 25. Let (xn)n=1 be a complete orthonormal sequence in a Hilbert space H. Show that

∞ hx, yi = Σn=1hx, xnihy, xni

for all x, y ∈ H. Also show that the reverse implication is true.

∞ ∞ 26. Let (xn)n=1 be an orthonormal sequence in a Hilbert space H. Show that (xn)n=1 is ∞ complete if and only if the closure of the span of (xn)n=1 equals H.

∞ 27. If (xn)n=1 is a complete orthonormal set for a vector subspace S of a Hilbert space H, then any x ∈ S can be expressed in the form x = Σcnxn. Conversely, if y = Σcnxn, does if follow that y ∈ S? What happens if S is a Hilbert subspace of H?

28. Given a convergent infinite series, one cannot in general rearrange the terms; if the sequence (vn) is a rearrangement of a series (un), and Σun = U, then Σvn need not equal U, unless Σun converges absolutely. However, prove that if (en) is a complete orthonormal set and (fn) is a sequence obtained by arranging (en) in a different order, then (fn) is a complete orthonormal set, and therefore the series x = Σhx, enien can be rearranged.

29. (A space with no complete ON sequence) The set of all periodic functions R → C is clearly not a vector space. But if we consider the set M of functions which are sums and products of finitely many periodic functions, we obtain a vector space. The elements of M are called almost-periodic functions. It can be proved that for any f, g ∈ M, 1 Z T lim ( f(t)g(t) dt) T →∞ 2T −T exists and defines an inner product on M. Verify that any two members of the family of functions eiat, where a is real, are orthogonal in the inner product space M. Deduce that M has no countable basis.

30. Find an orthonormal basis of the subspace Span{1 + x, 1 − x} of L2([0, 1]).

31. Let P and Q denote orthogonal projections onto two subspaces in a Hilbert space. Prove that kP − Qk ≤ 1.

32. Suppose S is a closed convex subset of a Hilbert space H and let PS denote the orthogonal projection onto S, i.e. for any x ∈ H, PS(x) denotes the point in S, which is nearest to x. Prove that

kPS(x) − PS(y)k ≤ kx − yk for all x, y ∈ H. 128 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

n 33. In the vector space R use the norm kuk = Σ|ui|. Let x = (1, −1, 0,..., 0) and let E be the subspace {(t, t, 0,..., 0) : t ∈ R}. Setting yt = (t, t, 0,..., 0) for the elements of E, show that all yt with |t| ≤ 1 have the same distance from x, and are closer to x than any yt with |t| > 1. This shows that the best approximation in a subspace can be non-unique in normed spaces, though in Hilbert spaces they are unique. Deduce that the norm Σ|ui| cannot be obtained from any inner product. 34. Let H = {f ∈ L2([0, 1]) : f 0 ∈ L2([0, 1])}, and for f, g ∈ H define

Z 1 hf, gi = f(0)g(0) + f 0(s)g0(s) ds. 0 Take L2 here to be the space of real functions. Show that H is a Hilbert space. For each t ∈ [0, 1] define a function Rt ∈ H by Rt(s) = 1 + min(s, t), where min(s, t) denotes the smaller of s and t. Show that hf, Rti = f(t) for all f ∈ H. Now consider the following problem in approximation theory. The interval [0, 1] is divided into subintervals given by numbers 0 = t1 < t2 < . . . < tn = 1. Given a function f, we wish to approximate it by a piecewise linear function F which is linear in each subinterval. Show that the set of all such functions F is the subspace spanned

by {Rti : i = 1, 2, . . . , n}. Show that the best piecewise linear approximation to f in the sense of the norm corresponding to the above inner product in H is the piecewise linear function F which equals f at the points ti.

∞ 2 35. Let (un)n=1 be an orthonormal sequence in L ([0, 1]). Show that the sequence is an orthonormal basis if Z x ∞ 2 Σn=1| un(t) dt| = x, for all x ∈ [0, 1]. 0

36. Let (E, k · k) be a normed space. Set

 x if kxk ≤ 1,  T (x) =  1 kxk x if kxk > 1. (a) Show that kT (x) − T (˜x)k ≤ 2kx − x˜k for all x, x˜ ∈ E. (b) Show that the constant 2 cannot be improved in general. Take E = R2 with k · k = k · kl1 . (c) What can be said if E is a Hilbert space with the norm given by the inner product?

∞ ∞ 37. Let (en)n=1 be an ON-basis for a Hilbert space H. Assume that (fn)n=1 is an ON- sequence in H that satisfies

∞ 2 Σn=1ken − fnk < 1. (7.3) 7.5. HILBERT SPACES 129

∞ Show that (fn)n=1 is an ON-basis for H. What can be said if (1) is replaced by

∞ 2 Σn=1ken − fnk < ∞.

38. Let Y1,Y2,Y3,... be closed subspaces of the Hilbert space H, where Yi ⊥ Yj for all T∞ ⊥ i 6= j and i=1 Yi = {0}. Show that for every v ∈ H there are uniquely defined ∞ yi ∈ Yi, i = 1, 2, 3,... , such that v = Σi=1yi in H.

∞ 39. Let (xn)n=1 be a bounded sequence in a Hilbert space E. Show that there exists a ∞ ∞ subsequence (xnk )k=1 of (xn)n=1 that converges weakly in E.

∞ 40. Let (xn)n=1 be a weakly converging sequence in a Hilbert space E. Show that

sup kxnk < ∞. n=1,2,3,...

∞ Also show that if x denotes the weak limit af the sequence (xn)n=1 than

kxk ≤ lim inf kxkk. n→∞ k≥n

2 41. Let E = {x = (x1, x2, x3,...) ∈ l : xk 6= 0 only for finitely many k} equipped with 2 ∞ ⊥ the usual l inner product. Set M = {x ∈ E :Σn=1xn = 0}. Determine M and M . 42. Let M be a dense subspace of a separable Hilbert space H. Prove that H has an ON-basis consisting of elements in M.

∞ 43. Let (en)n=1 be an ON-basis in a Hilbert space H and set fn = en+1 − en for n = 1, 2, 3,... Show that Span{fn : n = 1, 2, 3,...} is dense in H.

44. Let Cn, n = 1, 2, 3,..., be a sequence of closed convex subsets in a Hilbert space H. Moreover assume that C1 ⊃ C2 ⊃ ... ⊃ Cn ⊃ ... and that ∞ \ C = Cn 6= ∅. n=1

For x 6∈ C, let xn ∈ Cn be defined by

kx − xnk = inf kx − yk y∈Cn

for n = 1, 2, 3,.... Show that xn → x˜ in H and give a geometric interpretation of x˜. 45. Let E be a Hilbert space with inner product h·, ·i and corresponding norm k · k. Assume that N is a positive integer and α ∈ C with α2 6= 1 and αN = 1. Show that 1 hx, yi = ΣN kx + αnyk2αn. N n=1 130 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

∞ 46. Let (en)n=1 be an ON-basis in a complex Hilbert space H with norm k · k. Assume ∞ that (fn)n=1 is a sequence in H with the properties

(a) supn=1,2,3,... kfnk < ∞ ⊥ (b) fn ∈ {e1, e2, . . . , en} for all n.

∞ Show that (fn)n=1 converges weakly in H.

∞ 47. Let K be a compact set in a Hilbert space H. Let (en)n=1 be an orthonormal sequence in H. Given any  > 0 show that there is an integer N such that

∞ kΣn=mhx, enienk <  for all x ∈ K and for all m ≥ N.

∞ 2 48. Show that Y = {x = (xn)n=1 ∈ l : x2k+1 = 0, k = 0, 1, 2,...} is a closed subspace of l 2 and find Y ⊥.

49. Let E be an inner product space and let λ > 0. Prove that 1 |hx, yi| ≤ λkxk + kyk, x, y ∈ E. 4λ

50. Let H be a complex Hilbert space and let V be a dense subspace. Show that for each x ∈ H, {x}⊥ T V is dense in {x}⊥.

Recommended exercises: 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 22, 37, 43, 46 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 131 7.6 Linear operators on Hilbert spaces

Key words: bilinear functional, quadratic form, coercive functional, adjoint operator, self- adjoint operator, inverse operator, , isometric operator, unitary opera- tor, positive operator, projection operator, compact operator, finite-dimensional operator, eigenvalues/eigenvectors, resolvent, spectrum, unbounded operators

1. Let A be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H and assume that R(A) = H. Show that A : H → R(A) is an invertible mapping.

2. Assume that An → A in B(H,H), where H is a Hilbert space. Show that A is self-adjoint if all An are self-adjoint. 3. Let A be a linear compact operator on a Hilbert space H. Prove that I + A is a compact operator if and only if H is finite-dimensional. 4. Let B be a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space. Prove that R(B)⊥ = N (B∗) and R(B) = N (B∗)⊥. 5. Let A be a compact linear operator on a Hilbert space H. Prove that R(I − A) is a closed subspace26 of H. 6. Let A be a compact linear operator on a Hilbert space. Prove that R(I − A) = N (I − A∗)⊥.

w 7. Assume that xn → x in a Hilbert space H. Moreover assume that A : H → H is a w bounded linear mapping. Does it follow that Axn → Ax? 8. Show that for every compact operator A on a Hilbert space H there exists a sequence ∞ (An)n=1 in B(H,H) such that dim R(An) < ∞ for n = 1, 2,... and An → A in B(H,H). 9. Show that the integral operator on L2([0, 1]) with kernel K satisfying Z 1 Z 1 |K(x, y)|2 dxdy < ∞ 0 0 is compact27.

26 ⊥ Hint: Let y ∈ H and suppose xn − Axn → y. Show that one can pick xn to belong to N (I − A) for every n. Show that {xn} must be bounded. 27 ˜ n ˜ Hint: Approximate K by K(x, y) = Σi,j=1pi(x)qj(y). Alternatively approximate K by continuous K and use Arzela-Ascoli’s theorem. 132 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

10. (a) Suppose f ∈ L1(R) and set

Z ∞ (Ag)(t) = g(s)f(t − s) ds, g ∈ L2(R). −∞

Prove that A defines a bounded linear operator on L2(R) with an operator norm ≤ kfk1. (b) Suppose h > 0 and set

1 Z t+h (Bg)(t) = g(s) ds, g ∈ L2(R). 2h t−h

Prove that B defines a bounded linear operator on L2(R) with norm 1.

11. Let k ∈ L2([0, π] × [0, π]) and consider the linear mapping

T : L2([0, π]) → L2([0, π])

given by Z π T f(x) = k(x, y)f(y) dy, x ∈ [0, π] 0 for f ∈ L2([0, π]). One standard estimate for the operator norm for T is

kT k ≤ kkkL2([0,π]×[0,π]).

Prove28 that also the following estimate is true:

π π Z 1 Z 1 kT k ≤ (sup |k(x, y)| dy) 2 (sup |k(x, y)| dx) 2 . x 0 y 0

Finally apply these two estimates to the kernel function k(x, y) = cos(x − y), i.e. calculate the two upper bounds for the operator norm.

12. Set (Ag)(t) = tg(t), g ∈ L2([0, 1]). Prove that A defines a linear bounded self-adjoint operator on L2([0, 1]) without eigenfunctions.

29 2 13. Find a mapping f : [0, 1] → L ([0, 1]) such that f(t1) 6= f(t2) for all t1 6= t2 and such that the vectors f(t1)−f(t2) and f(t3)−f(t4) are orthogonal for all t1 < t2 < t3 < t4.

28 c 2 1 2 Apply the formula kgk = supkhk=1 |hg, hi| to T f. Also the estimate ab ≤ 2 a + 2c b for all a, b ∈ R and c > 0 can come in handy. 29Hint: Let f(t) be the characteristic function for the set [0, t] for t ∈ [0, 1]. 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 133

14. The operator A on L2([0, 1]) is defined by Z x (Af)(x) = f(y) dy, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 0 Find A∗.

15. Show that an operator of rank n can have at most n eigenvalues.

16. Set Z ∞ g(s) 2 (Ag)(t) = 2 ds, g ∈ L (R). −∞ 1 + (t − s) Prove that A defines a linear bounded and self-adjoint operator on L2(R). Finally prove that A is not a compact operator.

17. Set Z π (T f)(x) = sin(x + y)f(y) dy, 0 ≤ x ≤ π. 0 Find the norm of T regarded as an operator on

(a) the Banach space C([0, π]) (b) the Hilbert space L2([0, π]).

18. Give an example of a non-self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H whose range is H and which is not invertible.

19. Let Tn : E → H, n = 1, 2,..., be a sequence of bounded linear operators from a normed space E into a Hilbert space H. We say that

∞ (a) (Tn)n=1 is convergent in B(E,H) (or convergent in norm in B(E,H) or uniformly ∞ operator convergent) if (Tn)n=1 is convergent in B(E,H); ∞ ∞ (b) (Tn)n=1 is strongly operator convergent if (Tn(x))n=1 converges in H for all x ∈ E; ∞ ∞ (c) (Tn)n=1 is weakly operator convergent if (Tn(x))n=1 converges weakly in H for all x ∈ E.

2 Show that a) ⇒ b) ⇒ c). Moreover, let An,Bn be operators on l defined by

An((x1, x2,...)) = ( 0,..., 0 , xn+1, xn+2,...) | {z } n positions

and Bn((x1, x2,...)) = ( 0,..., 0 , x1, x2,...). | {z } n positions In what modes do these sequences of operators converge? 134 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

20. A bounded linear operator A on a Hilbert space H is called unitary if A∗A = AA∗ = I. Show that if A is unitary then kAxk = kxk for all x ∈ H, i.e. unitary operators do not change lengths. Deduce that all eigenvalues of unitary operators have modulus 1, and eigenvectors belonging to different eigenvalues are orthogonal. Show that all unitary operators are invertible. If B is a self-adjoint operator, show that eiB is unitary. 21. A bounded linear operator A on a Hilbert space H is called a Hilbert-Schmidt 2 operator if the series Σij|hAei, fji| converges whenever (ei) and (fj) are orthonormal 2 bases for the Hilbert space H. Show that this sum equals ΣikAeik , and deduce that it is independent of the choice of bases (ei) and (fj). Show that the set of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on a given Hilbert space H is a 2 1/2 vector space, and that kAkHS = (ΣikAeik ) is a norm on that space. Show that kAkHS ≥ kAk where kAk is the usual operator norm. Give an example in which kAkHS > kAk.

If A and B are Hilbert-Schmidt operators, show that ΣhAei, Beii converges absolutely for every orthonormal basis (ei), and is independent of the choice of (ei). Show that one can define an inner product [A, B] on the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on H by [A, B] = ΣhAei, Beii. If A and B are integral operators on L2([0, 1]) with continuous kernels K and L respectively, show that they are Hilbert-Schmidt operators, and ZZ [A, B] = K(s, t)L(s, t) dsdt.

22. A bounded linear operator A on a Hilbert space is called normal if it commutes with its adjoint, AA∗ = A∗A. Every self-adjoint operator is obviously normal. (a) Show that if the function K(x, y) satisfies K(x, y) = K(y, x), then for any real R 1 d, the operator u 7→ du + i 0 K(x, y)u(y) dy on the complex Hilbert space L2([0, 1]) is normal. (b) Show that if B,C are commuting self-adjoint operators, then B + iC is normal. (c) Prove the converse of (b), i.e. for any normal operator A, there are self-adjoint commuting operators B,C such that A = B + iC. 23. Show that a compact normal operator has a complete set of orthogonal eigenvectors.

24. Given an infinite matrix of numbers kij, i, j = 1, 2 ..., we say that the double series 2 2 Σij|kij| converges if for each i the series Σj|kij| converges to a number Li such that 2 ΣiLi converges, and for each j the series Σi|kij| converges to a number Mj such that 2 ΣjMj converges. If Σij|kij| converges and kij = kji for all i, j, we define an operator 2 ∞ K on the space l by (Kx)i = Σj=1kijxj. Show that K is a compact self-adjoint operator l 2 → l 2, and write out what the spectral theorem says in this case. 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 135

2 25. Let (pi) and (qi) be two complete orthonormal sets for L ([0, 1]). Let H be the space of square-integrable functions of two variables on the square 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1, with inner R 1 R 1 product 0 0 f(x, y)g(x, y) dxdy.

(a) Show that the set of functions pi(x)qj(y) is orthonormal in H. R 1 R 1 (b) Show that if φ ∈ H and 0 0 φ(x, y)pi(x)qj(y) dxdy = 0 for all i, j, then φ = 0.

(c) The set of functions pi(x)qj(y) is labeled by two integers and is therefore count- able, and can be arranged in a sequence. Prove that this sequence is a complete orthonormal sequence.

R 1 R 1 2 26. Given a function K such that K(x, y) = K(y, x) and 0 0 |K(x, y)| dxdy exists, let λi and φi be the eigenvalues and orthonormal eigenfunctions of the integral operator on L2([0, 1]) whose kernel is K. Show that

K(x, y) = Σiλiφi(x)φi(y),

the convergence being with respect to the norm in the space H in the previous problem. Show also that

Z 1 Z 1 2 2 |K(x, y)| dxdy = Σi|λi| . 0 0

27. K : R2 → C is a piecewise continuous function, and K(x, y) = K(y, x). The in- 2 tegral operator A on L ([0, 1]) with kernel K has eigenvalues λi and orthonormal eigenfunctions φi.

(a) Show that the series Σcnφn(x) converges absolutely and uniformly if the con- 2 stants satisfy Σ|cn/λn| < ∞.

(b) Show that if f is in the range of A, then the series Σhf, φniφn(x) converges ab- solutely and uniformly to f on [0, 1]. Is this still true if we remove the condition that f lies in the range of A?

28. Above it was shown that the eigenvalues λi of an integral operator with square- 2 integrable kernel are such that Σ|λi| converges. Is this true for compact self-adjoint operators in general?

29. Let T be the linear mapping on L2([0, 1]) defined by

Z 1 T f(x) = (x + y)f(y) dy, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 0 Show that T is bounded and calculate kT k.

30. Let H be a Hilbert space. Prove or disprove the statement: Every bounded linear mapping on H preserves orthogonality. 136 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

31. Let X be a separable Hilbert space and T : X → X a compact linear operator. Show that T can be approximated by finite rank operators in B(H), i.e. there exist a sequence of finite rank operators Tn on H such that Tn → T in operator norm.

∞ 32. Let (en)n=1 be an ON-basis for a Hilbert space H and assume that T : H → H is a bounded linear operator on H such that

∞ 2 Σn=1kT enk < ∞.

∞ Show that if (fn)n=1 is another ON-basis for H then

∞ 2 ∞ 2 Σn=1kT fnk = Σn=1kT enk .

Moreover show that 2 ∞ 2 kT k ≤ Σn=1kT enk .

2 33. Set R+ = {x ∈ R : x ≥ 0}. For f ∈ L (R+) define

1 Z x Mf(x) = f(t) dt, x > 0. x 0 Show that 2 2 M : L (R+) → L (R+)

2 is a bounded linear mapping on L (R+), calculate the operator norm of I − M and, finally, determine the adjoint operator of M. Here I denotes the identity operator 2 on L (R+).

34. Let X be a Banach space and T : X → X a compact30 linear operator. Show that there exists a constant C such that for every y ∈ R(I + T ) there exists a x ∈ X with y = (I + T )x such that kxk ≤ Ckyk.

35. Let an, n = 1, 2, 3,... be non-negative reals and set

2 ∞ C = {x ∈ l : x = (xn)n=1, |xn| ≤ an all n}.

2 Show that if C is a compact subset in l then an → 0 as n → ∞. For what sequences ∞ (an)n=1 is C compact?

2 R x 36. Let T be defined on L ([0, 1]) by T f(x) = 0 f(y) dy. Show that T is a compact operator on L2([0, 1]) with σ(T ) = {0}. In particular prove that T has no eigenvalues 6= 0.

30Exactly the same definition as for a linear operator on a Hilbert space 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 137

37. Let A be the linear mapping on L2([0, 1]) defined by

Z 1 Af(x) = (x − y)2f(y) dy, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 0 Calculate

(a) A∗ (b) kAk.

38. Let T be a positive, self-adjoint, compact operator on a Hilbert space H. Show that

hT x, xin ≤ hT nx, xi · hx, xi2(n−1),

for all positive integers n and all x ∈ H.

39. Let A be the linear mapping on L2([0, 1]) defined by

Z 1 Af(x) = (x − y)f(y) dy, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 0 Calculate

(a) A∗A (b) kAk.

40. Let T be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H. Assume that T n is compact for some integer n ≥ 2. Prove that T is compact.

41. Let H be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space and let T : H → C be a bounded linear functional 6= 0. Calculate the dimension for the subspace N (T )⊥ of H. Give an example of a Hilbert space H and a functional T as above.

42. Let T be a self-adjoint, positive, compact operator on a Hilbert space H with kT k ≤ 1. Give an estimate31 for k3T 4 − 20T 3 + T 2k.

∞ 43. Let S be a dense subset in a Banach space X. Moreover let (Tn)n=1 be a sequence of linear operators on X. Assume that

(a) limn→∞ Tn x exists for every x ∈ S and

31Better than the trivial estimate

k3T 4 − 20T 3 + T 2k ≤ 3kT k4 + 20kT k3 + kT k2 ≤ 24. 138 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

(b) there exists a C > 0 such that

kTn xk ≤ Ckxk for all n and all x ∈ X.

Show that limn→∞ Tn x exists for every x ∈ X.

2 44. For x = (. . . , x−2, x−1, x0, x1, x2,...) ∈ l define  xn+1 + 2xn−1 + 10xn, n = 2k, k ∈ Z (T x)n = . 2xn+1 + xn−1 + 10xn, n = 2k + 1, k ∈ Z Which of the statements below hold true? (a) T is a bounded linear operator on l 2 (b) T is self-adjoint (c) T is an invertible operator32. 45. Let T be a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space H where dim R(T ) = 1. Show that for every y ∈ R(T ), y 6= 0, there exists a uniquely defined x ∈ H such that T z = hz, xiy, z ∈ H. Moreover show that kT k = kxk · kyk. Apply this fact for calculating the operator norm for the mapping Z 1 T f(t) = et−sf(s) ds, f ∈ L2[0, 1]. 0

46. Set Z π Au(x) = ex+y cos(x + y)u(y) dy, x ∈ [0, π]. 0 Calculate the operator norm for A and see if A is a compact operator on the Banach space (a) C[0, π], (b) L2[0, π]. 47. Let T be a normal linear operator on a Hilbert space H, i.e. T is a bounded linear operator that commutes with its adjoint operator T ∗, more precisely TT ∗ = T ∗T. Show that 32i.e. T −1 ∈ B(l 2). 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 139

(a) kT xk = kT ∗xk for all x ∈ H; (b) λ is an eigenvalue with the eigenvector x for T iff λ is an eigenvalue with the eigenvector x for T ∗. 48. Let h ∈ C([0, 1] × [0, 1]) be a real-valued function such that h(x, y) = h(y, x) > 0 for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]. Set Z 1 T f(x) = h(x, y)f(y) dy, x ∈ [0, 1] 0 for f ∈ L2([0, 1]). Show that the bounded linear operator T on L2([0, 1]) has an eigenvalue λ = kT k which is simple. 49. For u ∈ C[0, 1] set Z 1−x (Au)(x) = |x − y|u(y) dy, x ∈ [0, 1]. 0 Show that A is a bounded linear operator on the Banach space C[0, 1] and calculate the operator norm kAk. 50. Let H be a complex Hilbert space and A a bounded linear operator on H with the property hAx, xi ∈ R for all x ∈ H. Prove that A is self-adjoint. 51. Calculate the operator norm for A : C[0, π] → C[0, π] defined by Z π (Af)(x) = (1 + ei(x−y))f(y) dy. 0 Also calculate the operator norm for B : L2[0, π] → L2[0, π] defined by Z π (Bf)(x) = (1 + ei(x−y))f(y) dy. 0 The functions are complex-valued.

∞ 52. Let T be defined for x = (xn)n=1 by

(T x)n = nxn, n = 1, 2,... Show that D(T ) = {x ∈ l 2 : T x ∈ l 2} is a dense subset in l 2 and that T is a bounded 33 2 2 2 2 operator in l , i.e. xn ∈ l for n = 1, 2,..., xn → y i l , T xn → z i l implies that y ∈ D(T ) and T y = z.

33Use e.g. the fact that T is a symmetric operator. 140 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

53. Consider the integral operator Z 2π Af(x) = cos(x − y)f(y) dy, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π. 0 Show that A defines a bounded linear operator on the Banach spaces (real-valued functions) (a) C[0, 2π] (b) L2[0, 2π]. Also calculate the operator norm kAk for one of these spaces. 54. Consider the mapping 1 1 1 (x , x , x ,...) 7→ (x , (x + x ), (x + x + x ),..., (x + x + . . . x ),...). 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 n 1 2 n Show that this is a bounded linear mapping on l 2 that is not surjective. 55. Let T be a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space H with kT k = 1. Assume ∗ that there exists a x0 ∈ H such that T x0 = x0. Show that we have T x0 = x0. 56. Suppose T : H → H, (H, h·, ·i) is a Hilbert space, is a linear mapping that satisfies

hT (x), yi = hx, T (y)i for all x, y ∈ H.

Prove that T is a continuous mapping34. 57. Set Z π A(f)(x) = cos(x − y) f(y) dy, 0 ≤ x ≤ π. 0 Find the operator norm of A regarded as an operator on (a) the Banach space C([0, π]), (b) the Hilbert space L2([0, π]). 58. Let E be a complex Hilbert space. Show that

|||A||| = sup |hA(x), xi| for A ∈ B(E,E) kxk=1

defines a norm on B(E,E). Show that this norm is equivalent to the operator norm

kAk = sup kA(x)k for A ∈ B(E,E). kxk=1 Determine whether this true for real vector spaces E or not.

34Hint: Apply Banach-Steinhaus theorem. 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 141

59. Let A ∈ K(E,E) where E is a Hilbert space, i.e. A is a linear compact operator. Show that R(I + A) is a closed subspace in E where I denotes the identity operator on E.

∞ 60. Let (xn)n=1 be an ON-basis for a Hilbert space E. Set

∞ A(x) = Σn=2hx, xnixn−1 for all x ∈ E. Determine the spectrum σ(A). 61. Let E be a complex Hilbert space and let A ∈ B(E,E) with

hA(x), xi ∈ R for all x ∈ E.

Show that A is self-adjoint.

∞ 62. Let E be a Hilbert space with an ON-basis (en)n=1 and let A be a bounded linear mapping from E into E such that

∞ 2 Σn=1kA(en)k < ∞.

∞ Show that if (fn)n=1 is an other ON-basis for E then

∞ 2 ∞ 2 Σn=1kA(en)k = Σn=1kA(fn)k . Moreover show that 1 ∞ 2 2 kAk ≤ (Σn=1kA(en)k ) .

∞ ∞ 63. Let E be a complex Hilbert space with a complete ON-sequence (en)n=1. Let (αn)n=1 be a sequence of complex numbers and set

∞ A(x) = Σn=1αnhx, enien, x ∈ E.

∞ Give necessary and sufficient conditions on the sequence (αn)n=1 such that (a) A(x) ∈ E for every x ∈ E,

(b) A ∈ B(E,E) and give an expression for kAk in terms of the αn:s, (c) A self-adjoint, (d) A ∈ K(E,E) (i.e. A compact), (e) A 1-1. All statements in the five cases must be proved.

∞ 64. Let (xn)n=1 be an ON-basis for a Hilbert space E. Set

∞ A(x) = Σn=2hx, xnixn−1 for all x ∈ E. Determine the spectrum σ(A). 142 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

65. Let E be a complex Hilbert space and let A ∈ B(E,E) with

hA(x), xi ∈ R for all x ∈ E.

Show that A is self-adjoint.

66. Show35 that the integral operator A : C([0, 1]) → C([0, 1]) defined by

Z 1 A(f)(x) = k(x, y)f(y) dy, x ∈ [0, 1], 0 where k(x, y) ∈ C([0, 1] × [0, 1]) is strictly positive, has a positive eigenvalue with an strictly positive eigenfunction.

67. Let E be the Hilbert space l 2 with the standard inner product. For each

2 x = (x1, x2, x3, . . . , xn,...) ∈ l

consider the right and left shift operators

Srx = (0, x1, x2, x3, . . . , xn,...)

and Slx = (x2, x3, . . . , xn,...) respectively. Then

(a) determine the operator norms kSrk and kSlk and whether any of Sr,Sl is/are compact,

(b) show that Sr has no eigenvalues,

(c) show that σ(Sr) = [−1, 1],

(d) show that every λ ∈ (−1, 1) is an eigenvalue for Sl and determine the corre- sponding eigenspace and

(e) prove that σ(Sl) = [−1, 1]. 68. (a) Let E be a Hilbert space. Give the definition of a compact operator A on E. (b) Let A be a bounded linear operator a Hilbert space E. Show that A is a compact operator if A∗A is a compact operator on E.

69. Let X,Y be Banach spaces. We say that Tn → T uniformly if kTn − T k → 0 as n → ∞ where k · k denotes the operator norm in B(X,Y ). Moreover we say that Tn → T strongly if Tnx → T x in Y for every x ∈ X. Show that (a) uniform convergence in B(X,Y ) implies strong convergence in B(X,Y ), and

35Hint: Use Schauder’s fixed point theorem 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 143

(b) give an example of a sequence Tn ∈ B(E,E), where E is a Hilbert space, that converges strongly but not uniformly in B(E,E).

70. For f ∈ L2(R) set Z ∞ 1 T f(x) = e−|x−t|f(t) dt, x ∈ R. −∞ 2 Show that

(a) T f ∈ L2(R) for f ∈ L2(R) (b) T ∈ B(L2(R)) with kT k ≤ 1 R ∞ R ∞ 1 −|x−t| 2 36 (c) −∞ −∞ | 2 e | dtdx = ∞ . 71. Let H be the Hilbert space and P,Q be two orthogonal projections on H. Show37 that if P + Q is an orthogonal projection then

P (H) ⊥ Q(H).

72. Let (X, k·kX ), (Y, k·kY ) and (Z, k·kZ ) be Banach spaces. Assume that K ∈ K(X,Y ). Moreover assume that A ∈ B(Y,Z) and that A is injective. Show that for every  > 0 there exists a real number C > 0 such that for all x ∈ X

kK(x)kY ≤ kxkX + CkAK(x)kZ .

73. Let X be a Banach space and A : X → X a bounded linear operator with kAnk < 1 for some positive integer n. Show that I − A is a bijection and that its inverse (I − A)−1 : X → X is continuous.

74. Let T be the linear operator on L2([0, 1]) defined by

Z 1 T f(x) = (x + y)f(y) dy, x ∈ [0, 1]. 0 Show that T is bounded and calculate kT k.

75. Let E be a Hilbert space and A : E → E a bounded linear and self-adjoint operator that satisfies A3 = A2. Show that A is an orthogonal projection operator.

76. Let E be a separable Hilbert space and A : E → E a linear compact operator. Show that for every  > 0 there exists a finite-rank operator B such that kA − Bk < .

77. Let X be a Banach space and K : X → X a linear compact operator. Show that if I − K is injective then I − K is surjective.

36This means that T is not a Hilbert-Schmidt operator but this concept was only discussed in class and is not given in the literature for the course. 37Also the converse is true. 144 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

78. Set Z ∞ f(y) 2 T f(x) = 2 dy, f ∈ L (R). −∞ 1 + (x − y) Prove that T defines a bounded linear self-adjoint operator on L2(R). Show that T is not a compact operator.

∞ 79. Assume that (en)n=1 is a complete ON-sequence on a Hilbert space E and that ∞ (αn)n=1 is a bounded sequence of complex numbers. Set ∞ A(x) = Σn=1αnhx, enien, x ∈ E. You may assume without proof that A defines a bounded linear operator on E. (a) Calculate the eigenvalues for A ∞ (b) Give a necessary and sufficient conditions on (αn)n=1 for A to be onto (=sur- jective) and prove your statement. ∞ (c) Give an example of (αn)n=1 with the property that R(A) is a dense proper subspace of E. Prove your statement. 80. Set Z 1 Af(x) = sinh(x − t)f(t) dt, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 0 Show that A is a linear bounded and compact operator on the Banach spaces (a) C([0, 1]) (b) L2([0, 1]) respectively (with the standard norms). Also calculate the operator norms. 81. For f ∈ L2([0, 1]) and x ∈ [0, 1] set Z 1 A(f)(x) = (x − y)f(y) dy. 0 Show that (a) A(f) ∈ L2([0, 1]) for f ∈ L2([0, 1]) (b) A is a bounded linear operator on L2([0, 1]), and (c) calculate kAk and also (d) k(A − √1 I)10k where I denotes the identity operator on L2. 2 3 82. Let Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 M = {f ∈ L2([0, 1]) : f(x) dx = xf(x) dx = x2f(x) dx = 0}. 0 0 0 Given h ∈ L2([0, 1]) find a formula for the function in M which is closest to h (in the L2([0, 1])-norm). 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 145

83. Assume that k : [0, ∞) → R is a continuous function with

Z ∞ |k(y)| dy < ∞. 0 Set Z ∞ Kf(x) = k(x + y)f(y) dy, x ∈ [0, ∞). 0 Show that K is a bounded linear operator on L2([0, ∞)). Also show that K is compact.

84. Let H be a Hilbert space and T a compact self-adjoint operator on H with a complete ∞ ∞ ON-sequence (en)n=1 of eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalues (λn)n=1. Show that if λ 6= 0 and λ 6= λn, n = 1, 2, 3,... then λI − T is invertible and

−1 1 ∞ λn (λI − T ) (x) = (x + Σn=1 hx, enien), x ∈ H. λ λ − λn

2 85. Set E = {x = (x1, x2, . . . , xk,...) ∈ l : xk 6= 0 only for finitely many k} with h·, ·iE = h·, ·il2 . Moreover set 1 F = {x = (x , x , . . . , x ,...) ∈ E :Σ∞ x = 0}. 1 2 k k=1 k k Show that

(a) F is a proper subspace of E (b) F is a closed set in E (c) F ⊥ = {0}

How does this result agree with Riesz representation theorem?

86. Let A be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H and let λ ∈ C. Show that λ 6∈ σ(A) if and only if there exists a C > 0 such that

kxk ≤ CkAx − λxk all x ∈ H.

∞ 87. Let (en)n=1 be an ON-basis in a Hilbert space H and set   f0 = e1 fk = e2k+1 k > 0  fk = e−2k k < 0

∞ ∞ Define S by S(Σk=−∞akfk) = Σk=−∞akfk+1). Show that S is a well-defined bounded linear mapping on H, calculate kSk and show that S has no eigenvalues. 146 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

88. Let k be a non-zero continuous function on [−π, π] and define the operator T ∈ B(L2([−π, π])) by T f(x) = k(x)f(x). Show that T is not compact.

89. Let k(x, y) ∈ C([0, 1] × [0, 1]) and define

Z 1 Af(x) = k(x, y)f(y) dy, x ∈ [0, 1]. 0

Show that A is a compact operator on L2([0, 1]) and also on C([0, 1]).

90. Set Z 2π Af(x) = sin2(x − t)f(t) dt, x ∈ [0, 2π]. 0 Show that A is a linear bounded and compact operator on the Banach space L2([0, 2π]). Calculate the operator norm kAk.

91. Set Z 1−x T f(x) = f(y) dy, f ∈ C([0, 1]) 0 for x ∈ [0, 1]. Prove that

(a) T defines a linear bounded and compact38 operator on C([0, 1]) (with the uni- form norm), and (b) calculate39 σ(T ) and the eigenvalues of T .

∞ ∞ 92. Let (xn)n=1 be an ON-sequence in a Hilbert space H and let (cn)n=1 be a sequence of complex numbers. Define T by

∞ T (x) = Σn=1cnhx, xnixn, x ∈ H.

∞ Give necessary and sufficient conditions on (cn)n=1 for T to be a well-defined bounded ∞ linear operator on H. Moreover give necessary and sufficient conditions on (cn)n=1 for T to be a compact operator on H. Prove your statements.

93. Let A be a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space H and let λ ∈ C. Show that λ 6∈ σ(A) if and only if there exists a C > 0 such that

kxk ≤ CkAx − λxk all x ∈ H.

38The definition of a compact operator on a Banach space is word by word the same as the definition of a compact operator on a Hilbert space. 39 You may assume that σ(T ) \{0} ⊂ σp(T ) for a compact operator on a Banach space which indeed is true. 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 147

94. For f ∈ L2([0, 1]) set

Z 1 1 T f(x) = f(t) dt, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. √ x x + t

Show that T is a bounded linear operator on L2([0, 1]) and calculate T ∗. Is T a compact operator?

2 R 1 95. Set M = {f ∈ L (0, 1) : 0 f(x) dx = 1}. Show that (a) M is a closed convex subset of L2(0, 1),

(b) M has a unique element fM with minimal norm. Calculate this element.

Finally, what can be said (concerning the statements (a) and (b) above) if L2(0, 1) is replaced by L1(0, 1)?

96. Consider the set Z 1 M = {f ∈ L2([−1, 1]) : f(t) dt = 0} −1 in L2([−1, 1]) (with the standard inner product). Show that M is closed, find M ⊥ and calculate the distance of g(t) to M for g(t) = t2.

97. Define the notion of a compact operator on a Hilbert space H. Show that AB is a compact operator on H if one of the operators is compact and the other is a bounded linear operator on H. Can the last statement be reversed, i.e. given two bounded linear operators A and B such that AB is compact, must one of the operators A, B be compact?

∞ 98. Let H be a Hilbert space with a complete ON-sequence (en)n=1 and let T be a bounded linear operator on H such that

∞ 2 Σn=1kT (en)k < ∞.

Show that ∞ 2 ∞ 2 Σn=1kT (en)k = Σn=1kT (fn)k ∞ holds for every complete ON-sequence (fn)n=1. 99. Let H be a Hilbert space. Assume that 0 6= a ∈ H. Show that

|hx, ai| = inf kx − yk. kak y∈{a}⊥

Moreover calculate x inf ke − f(x)kL2 . 2 R 1 f∈L ([0,1]) with 0 f(x) dx=0 148 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

100. Let T be defined on L2([0, 1]) by

Z x T f(x) = f(y) dy. 0

Show that T ∈ B(L2([0, 1]),L2([0, 1])). Calculate T ∗. Show that T is a compact operator on L2([0, 1]). Prove that σ(T ) = {0}.

101. Let H be a complex Hilbert space and let T be a self-adjoint operator that satisfies hT (x), xi ≥ 0 for all x ∈ H. Show that

|hT (x), yi|2 ≤ |hT (x), xi| · |hT (y), yi|

for all x, y ∈ H.

102. Let f ∈ L2(R). Define for positive integers n

1 x a (x) = f(x − n), b (x) = √ f( ). n n n n

∞ ∞ 2 Show that the sequences (an)n=1 and (bn)n=1 converge weakly to 0 in L (R). 103. Let H = L2([0, 1]) and consider the operator √ T f(x) = 3xf(x3).

Show that T ∈ B(H) and find kT k. Show that T −1 exists and that T −1 ∈ B(H). Determine T −1g(y) for g ∈ H and find kT −1k. Show that σ(T ) ⊂ {λ ∈ C : |λ| = kT k}.

∞ ∞ 104. Let H be a Hilbert space with an ON-basis (xn)n=1. Let (yn)n=1 be a linearly inde- pendent set, i.e. no yn lies in the closure of the span of the other ym:s, such that

∞ 2 Σn=1kxn − ynk < ∞.

∞ Show that every x ∈ H can be written uniquely as a linear combination Σn=1anyn. Use e.g. the following route to prove the statement: For n = 1, 2,... set αn = hx, xni and define T : H → H by ∞ T (x) = Σn=1αnyn. Show that the series above converges by considering T (x) − x = (T − I)(x). Show that T −I is a bounded linear mapping that is compact. Show that NT = {0}. Then conclude that T = I + (T − I) has the range H.

105. Let H be a complex Hilbert space and let T ∈ B(H,H). Show that the closure of R(I + T ∗T ) is equal to H. 7.6. LINEAR OPERATORS ON HILBERT SPACES 149

106. Set Z 1−x T f(x) = f(y) dy, f ∈ C([0, 1]) 0 for x ∈ [0, 1]. Prove that

(a) T defines a linear bounded and compact40 operator on C([0, 1]) (with the uni- form norm), and (b) calculate41 σ(T ) and the eigenvalues of T .

107. Let I denote the identity operator.

(a) Let X be a Banach space and let T ∈ B(X,X) with kT k < 1. Show that (I + T )−1 exists as a bounded linear operator on X. (b) Let H be a Hilbert space and assume that S ∈ B(H,H) satisfies hS(x), xi ≥ 0 for all x ∈ H. Show that (I + S)−1 exists as a bounded linear operator on H.

108. Let H be a Hilbert space and let T ∈ B(H,H). Assume that T 6= 0 and T 2 = T . Prove that the following statements are equivalent:

(a) T is an orthogonal projection (b) N (T ) = R(T )⊥ (c) hT (x), xi ≥ 0 for all x ∈ H.

∞ 109. Let (xn)n=1 be a bounded sequence in a Hilbert space H. Moreover let A : H → H ∗ ∞ be a bounded linear mapping. Show that if (A Axn)n=1 converges in H then also ∞ (Axn)n=1 converges in H.

Recommended exercises: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 14, 16, 17, 32, 37, 85

40The definition of a compact operator on a Banach space is word by word the same as the definition of a compact operator on a Hilbert space. 41 You may assume that σ(T ) \{0} ⊂ σp(T ) for a compact operator on a Banach space which indeed is true. 150 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES 7.7 Ordinary differential equations

Key words:Green’s function, symmetric operators

1. Calculate the Green’s functions for the boundary value problems ( u00(x) + u(x) = f(x) a) π  π u0(0) = u0 = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 2  u00(x) = f(x) b) u(0) − 2u(1) = u0(0) − 2u0(1) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1  u00(x) + u(x) = f(x) c) u(0) = u0(0) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ T ( 1 u(4)(x) = f(x) d) 6 u(0) = u0(0) = u(1) = u0(1) = 0  u(4)(x) = f(x) e) u(0) = u00(0) = u(1) = u00(1) = 0

2. Show that (using the notations from ”A note on ordinary differential equations”) the boundary value problem  Lu = f Ru = c is uniquely solvable for every f ∈ Cn(I) and c ∈ Cn iff

det{Rjuk}1≤j,k≤n 6= 0.

3. Show that the Green’s function g(x, t) in Example 1 on page 9 in ”A note on ordinary differential equations” satisfies g(x, t) = g(t, x) and hence the operator G˜ : L2([0, 1]) → L2([0, 1]) defined by

Z 1 (Gf˜ )(x) = g(x, t)f(t)dt, 0 is self-adjoint.

4. Show that the problem

 00 ix 1 u (x) + u(x) = e + 2 Re u(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2 u0(0) = u0(π/2) = 0, u ∈ C2([0, π/2])

has a unique solution. 7.7. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 151

(4) 5. Set (Lu)(x) = u (x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Show that L0 is symmetric if 0 0 (a) R1u = u(0),R2u = u (0),R3u = u(1),R4u = u (1) 00 00 (b) R1u = u(0),R2u = u (0),R3u = u(1),R4u = u (1).

00 6. Assume that (Lu)(x) = −u (x) + u(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and that R1u = u(0) − u(1) and 0 0 R2u = u (0) − u (1). Show that

(a) L0 is bijective

(b) L0 has both 1- and 2-dimensional eigenspaces. 7. Assume that (Lu)(x) = (p(x)u0(x))0 − q(x)u(x), a ≤ x ≤ b, where p ∈ C1(I) and q ∈ C(I) are real-valued and p(x) > 0, a ≤ x ≤ b. Moreover assume that

0 R1u = α11u(a) + α21u (a) and 0 R2u = β12u(b) + β22u (b) 2 2 where (α11, α21) ∈ R \{0} and (β12, β22) ∈ R \{0}. Show that L0 is symmetric. 8. Assume that the integral operator Z b (Qf)(x) = q(x, y)f(y)dy, a ≤ x ≤ b, a 2 2 ∞ defined on L (I) with an L - kernel q is self-adjoint and has the eigenvalues (λi)1 , ∞ counted with multiplicity, and corresponding eigenfunctions (ei)1 . (a) Use Bessel’s inequality to show that

∞ Z b X 2 2 2 λi |ei(x)| ≤ |q(x, y)| dy. 1 a

(b) Show that ∞ Z b Z b X 2 2 λi ≤ |q(x, y)| dxdy. 1 a a (c) Show that ∞ X 2 q(x, y) = λiei(x)ei(y) i L (I × I). 1 9. Prove that ∞ X 2  1  1 min(x, y) = sin n + πx sin n + πy (n + 1 )2π2 2 2 n=0 2 in L2([0, 1] × [0, 1]). 152 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

10. Show that the series in Theorem 1.7 in ”A note on ordinary differential equations” converges uniformly to u.

11. Prove that there is no function u defined in the interval [0, 1] such that

 xu0(x) + u(x) = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = 1.

12. Prove the existence of solutions u of the following boundary value problem

 −u00(x) = 3(1 + u2(x)), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = u(1) = 0, u ∈ C2([0, 1]).

13. Prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the following boundary value problem  u(x)  −u00(x) = 7 + sin(πx), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 1 + u2(x)  u(0) = u(1) = 0, u ∈ C2([0, 1]).

14. Prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the following boundary value problem  4u00(x) = |x + u(x)|, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) − 2u(1) = u0(0) − 2u0(1) = 0, u ∈ C2([0, 1]).

15. Let λ ∈ R be different from 0.

(a) Solve the equation ( 1 |u0(x)|2 + u00(x) = 1, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 λ u(−1) = u(1) = 0, u ∈ C2([0, 1]).

(b) Let u(x) = u(x, λ) be the solution in part (a). Calculate limλ→±∞ u(x, λ). 16. Show that the following boundary value problem  u(x) π  u00(x) + u(x) = , 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 + u2(x) 2  π 2 π u(0) = u( 2 ) = 0, u ∈ C ([0, 2 ])

17. Show that the following boundary value problem (almost the same as problem 1)  u(x) π  u00(x) + u(x) = λ , 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 + u2(x) 2  π 2 π u(0) = u( 2 ) = 0, u ∈ C ([0, 2 ]) has a solution for all λ ∈ R. 7.7. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 153

18. Prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the following boundary value problem  u00(x) + u0(x) = arctan u(x2), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = u(1) = 0, u ∈ C2([0, 1]) 19. Consider the differential equation  −u00 = λeu, 0 < x < 1, u(0) = u(1) = 0. (a) Formulate the boundary value problem as a fixed point problem u = T u, where T is an integral operator.

(b) Set B = {u ∈ C([0, 1]) : kuk∞ ≤ 1}. Show that T maps B into itself provided 0 < λ < λ0 for λ0 sufficiently small. Give a numerical value on λ0. (c) Show that the differential equation is uniquely solvable in B with λ chosen as in (b). 20. Show that there exists a unique C2-function u(x) defined on [0, 1] with u(0) = u(1) = 0 such that u00(x) − cos2 u(x) = 1, x ∈ [0, 1]. 21. Show that there exists a unique C2-function u(x) defined on [0, 1] such that u(0) − 2u(1) = u0(0) − 2u0(1) = 0 and 4u00(x) − |u(x) + x| = 0, x ∈ [0, 1]. 22. Show that there exists a unique C2-function u(x) defined on [0, 1] such that u(0) = u0(0) = 0 and 1 u00(x) − u(x) + (1 + u(x2)) = 0, x ∈ [0, 1]. 2 2 π 0 23. Show that there exists a unique C -function u(x) defined on [0, 2 ] such that u (0) = 0 π u ( 2 ) = 0 and 1 1 π u00(x) + u(x) = sin u( x2), x ∈ [0, ]. 2 2 2 24. Let H be a Hilbert space. Apply the spectral theorem to find a H-valued solution u(t) to the initial value problem  du  (t) + Au(t) = 0, t > 0,  dt  u(0) = u0 ∈ H, where A is a compact self-adjoint positive operator on H. Show that

ku(t)k ≤ ku0k, t ≥ 0. 154 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

25. Let f ∈ C([0, 1]) and λ ∈ R. Show that the equation

 u00(x) + u0(x) + λ|u(x)| = f(x), x ∈ [0, 1] u(0) = u(1) = 0, u ∈ C2([0, 1])

has a unique solution provided |λ| is small enough. q √ 26. Suppose 0 < L < ( 5 − 1)/2. Show that the equation

Z L f(x) − p1 + (x − y)2 cos(f(y)) dy = sin(ex), x ∈ [0,L] 0 has a unique solution f ∈ C([0,L]).

27. Analyse existence and uniqueness for solutions to the following BVP:

 u00(x) + u(x) = λ arctan(u(x2)), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = 0, u(1) = 1, u ∈ C2([0, 1])

Here λ is a real number and all functions are real-valued. What can be said for different values of λ?

28. Analyse existence and uniqueness for solutions to the following BVP:

 u00(x) + u(x) = λ arctan(u(x2)), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = 0, u(1) = 1, u ∈ C2([0, 1])

Here λ is a real number and all functions are real-valued. What can be said for different values of λ?

29. Let f ∈ C([0, 1]) and λ ∈ R with |λ| < e(e − 1). Show that the boundary value problem  00 0  u + u + λ|u(x)| = f(x), x ∈ [0, 1]  u(0) = u(1) = 0 has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]).

30. Let f ∈ C([0, 1]) and λ ∈ R with |λ| < 8. Show that the boundary value problem

 00 p 2  u − λ 1 + |u(x)| = f(x), x ∈ [0, 1]  u(0) = u(1) = 0

has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]). 7.7. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 155

1 31. Let f ∈ C([0, 1]) and λ ∈ R with |λ| < e−2 . Show that the boundary value problem

 00 0 2  u (x) + 2u (x) + u(x) + λ sin (u(x)) = f(x), x ∈ [0, 1]  u(0) = u(1) = 0

has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]). 32. Show that the BVP  |u(x)|  (exu0(x))0 + = 0, x ∈ [0, 1]  3 + (u(x))2   u(0) + u0(0) = 0, u(1) − u0(1) = 0

has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]). 33. Show that the BVP

 00  u (x) + u(x) + λ cos(1 + u(x)) = 0, x ∈ [0, 1]  u(0) = u0(0) = 0

has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]) for |λ| < ,  small. Give an upper bound on . 34. Show that the BVP  1  5u00 + = 1, x ∈ [0, 1]  1 + u4(x)   u(0) = 0, u(1) = 0 has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]). 35. Show that the BVP ( 1 u00(x) + 2u0(x) + u(x) = sin2(u(x)), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 2 u(0) = u(1) = 0

has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]). 36. Show that the BVP  u00(x) + sin2(u(x)) = 1, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = u(1) = 0

has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]).

d 2 2 37. Consider the differential operator L = ( dx ) defined on C ([0, 1]) with boundary conditions u(0) = u0(1) and u0(0) = u(1). Calculate 156 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES

(a) the corresponding Green´s function g(x, t), and (b) prove that the boundary value problem

 00 p 2  u (x) = sin( |u(x )| + 1), x ∈ [0, 1],

 u(0) = u0(1), u0(0) = u(1)

has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]). 38. Show that the BVP  u(x) π  u00(x) + u(x) = , 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 + (u(x))2 2  π u(0) = u( 2 ) = 0 has a unique solution u ∈ C2([0, 1]). 39. Consider the following boundary value problem

 00  (Lu)(x) ≡ u (x) = f(x, u(x)), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, u(0) = u(1) = 1,  u ∈ C2([0, 1]). (a) Calculate the Green’s function (b) Calculate the eigenfunctions for the differential operator L with the boundary conditions above. What could be said about the sequence of all eigenfunctions? (c) Show that the boundary value problem has a unique solution for f(x, u) = u 15x 1+u2 . item Show that the boundary value problem  u00(x) + 2 + 1 = 0, x ∈ [0, 1],  1+u2(x) u(0) = u(1) = 0,  u ∈ C2([0, 1]). has a unique solution u. 40. Prove the existence and uniqueness of solution to the following boundary value prob- lem:  u00(x) + u0(x) = arctan u(x2), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = 2u(1) = 2, u ∈ C2([0, 1]) 41. Let H be a complex Hilbert space and let T be a self-adjoint operator that satisfies hT (x), xi ≥ 0 for all x ∈ H. Show that |hT (x), yi|2 ≤ |hT (x), xi| · |hT (y), yi| for all x, y ∈ H. 7.7. ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 157

42. Prove the existence and uniqueness of solution to the following boundary value prob- lem:  u00(x) + u0(x) = arctan u(x(1 − x)), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 u(0) = 2, u(1) = 1, u ∈ C2([0, 1])

d 2 43. Consider the differential operator L = ( dx ) + 1 on C([0, π]) with homogeneous 0 boundary conditions R1u = u (0) = 0,R2u = u(π) = 0. (a) Calculate the Green’s function g(x, t).

(b) Is L with the boundary conditions R1,R2 (denoted by L0 in the lecture notes) symmetric?

(c) Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the operator L0. (d) Give the solution to

 u00(x) + u(x) = f ∈ C([0, π]) u0(0) = u(π) = 0

in terms of • the Green’s function, and • the spectral theorem representation respectively.

Recommended exercises: 12, 14, 25, 43 158 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES 7.8 Calculus of variation

Key words: Gateaux derivative, Fréchet derivative, convex functions, stationary point, Euler-Lagrange equation, variational problems with constraints

R b 0 1 T 1. Show that if h ∈ C([a, b]) and a h(x)v (x) dx = 0 for all v ∈ C ([a, b]) {v(a) = v(b) = 0} then h = constant on [a, b].

R b m T (k) 2. Let m ∈ N. Show that if g ∈ C([a, b]) and a g(x)v(x) dx = 0 for all v ∈ C ([a, b]) {v (a) = v(k)(b) = 0 k = 0, 1, . . . , m} then g = 0 on [a, b]. 3. Set E = C1([a, b]) and let δI(y; v) denote the (Gateaux–)variation 1 dI(y; v) = lim (I(y + v) − I(y)), →0  where y, v ∈ E. Calculate δI(y; v) for

R b 3 0 2 (a) I(y) = a ((y(x)) + x(y (x)) ) dx R b x 0 4 0 2 (b) I(y) = a (e y(x) − 3(y (x)) ) dx + 2(y (a)) R b R b 0 2 (c) I(y) = a y(x) dx/ a (1 + (y (x)) ) dx 4. Give the Euler-Lagrange equation for F (x, y, z) = 2xy − y2 + 3zy2, (x, y, z) ∈ R3. Find the stationary solutions for F above on D = C1([0, 1]) T{y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1}. 5. Assume f : Rn → R is differentiable. Show that f(tx + (1 − t)y) ≤ tf(x) + (1 − t)f(y) for all x, y ∈ Rn, t ∈ (0, 1), i.e. f is a convex function, if and only if f(x) ≥ f(y) + ∇f(y) · (x − y)) for all x, y ∈ Rn. (7.4) Moreover interpret (7.4) geometrically. 6. Let I : D → R be a functional defined on a subset D of a vector space. We say that I is convex on D if I(y + v) − I(y) ≥ δI(y; v) for all y, v ∈ D. Now set D = C1([a, b]) T{y(a) = α, y(b) = β} for α, β ∈ R. Moreover, assume that F ∈ C2([a, b] × R2) and that F (x, ·, ·): R2 → R is a convex function for all R b 0 x ∈ [a, b]. Show that I(y) = a F (x, y(x), y (x)) dx is convex on D and that y0 ∈ D is a minimizer on D provided

d 0 0 0 0 F 0 F (x, y (x), y (x)) = F (x, y (x), y (x)) for x ∈ (a, b). dx y 0 0 y 0 0 7.8. CALCULUS OF VARIATION 159

7. Let D be a subset of a vector space and let I,G1,...,GN be functionals defined on D. Show that if there are some constants λ1, . . . , λN and a vector y0 ∈ D such that ˜ y0 is a minimizer of I ≡ I + λ1G1 + ... + λN GN on D then y0 is a minimizer of I on T D {y ∈ D : Gj(y) = Gj(y0), j = 1,...,N}.

R 1 0 2 1 T 8. Minimize I(y) = 0 (y (x)) dx on D = C ([0, 1]) {y(0) = y(1) = 0} when restricted 1 R 1 2 to the set {y ∈ C ([0, 1]) : G(y) ≡ 0 (y(x)) dx = 1}. 9. Consider the minimizing problem

inf IF (y), y∈D

2 T 0 0 where D = C ([a, b]) {y(a) = α1, y (a) = α2, y(b) = β1, y (b) = β2} for α1, α2, β1, β2 ∈ R, F ∈ C3([a, b] × R3) and

Z b 0 00 IF (y) = F (x, y(x), y (x), y (x)) dx. a

Give a necessary condition (= Euler-Lagrange equation) on y0 to be a minimizer on D.

10. Consider the functional I : C1([a, b]) T{y(a) = α, y(b) = β} → R, where I(y) = R b 0 a F (y(x), y (x)) dx and α, β ∈ R. Assume that y0 is a minimizer on D. Show that

0 0 0 0 F (y0(x), y0(x)) − y0(x)Fy0 (y0(x), y0(x)) = constant

on (a, b). 160 CHAPTER 7. EXERCISES Bibliography

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