The Edwardian Theatre: Essays on Performance and the Stage Edited by Michael R
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-45375-2 - The Edwardian Theatre: Essays on Performance and the Stage Edited by Michael R. Booth, Joel H. Kaplan Index More information Index Page numbers in bold type refer to illustrations. Abercrombie, Lascelles 29 theatre societies 133-5 Abrahams, Morris 215 women 62, 67, 137-40 actor-managers 157-8 Austin, Charles 69 actors Authors' Producing Society 170 and cinema 228-9 'autumn drama' 222-3, 22^» 233~~4 and critics 154, 155-6, 162-3 avant-garde movement 130—3 Jewish 205-6 Axelrad, Maurice 205 off-stage 144 Actresses' Franchise League (AFL) 104, Bailey, Peter x, 3-4, 36-55, 75, 79, 120, 170, 173, 192 121, 171 Adcock, A. St John 28 Balfour, Arthur, Earl 140 Adler, Jacob 205, 208-9 Bandmann-Palmer, Millicent 118 Ainley, Henry 144 bankers 112-14 Albert and Edmonds 96 Barker, Harley Granville see Granville Alexander, Sir George 139, 143, 144 Barker, Harley Allan, Maud 79 Barnes, Kenneth 187 Allen, Harry 96 Barrett, Wilson 162 Allen Theatres Company 122 Barrie, J. M. 12, 21, 22, 23-4, 25-7 Alving, Oswald 172 Baylis, Lilian 117, 118 Angyalfi, Arthur 94 Beatie, May 100 Antoine, Andre 134, 142 Beerbohm, Max 152, 161, 162 Archer, William 7, 148, 153, 155, 156-9, on Barrie 26 163 on musical comedy 44, 54 on musical comedy 3, 36, 47, 48, 53-4, on other critics 155, 156 55 on Christabel Pankhurst 186 on national theatre 20 on pantomime 25 on realism 16-18 Ben Hur 226-7 art 130-2 Bennett, Arnold 180, 189 Ashwell, Lena 118, 119, 126, 170 Benrhardt, Sarah 196, 228 audiences 6, 27-8, 130-46 Bensusan, Inez 170, 172 attendances 148-50 Beringer, Esme 108, 177 and avant-garde movement 130-3 Berman, Russell 131 and critics 154, 155, 157 Besant, Walter 201 dress of 137-40, 143-4, 2l2 Birkin, Andrew 25 intellectualization of 136-7, 140-2 Bjornson, B.
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