State of Conservation of World Heritage Properties in Europe SECTION II thus defined on the basis of criteria I and III and UNITED KINGDOM ultimately criterion II. In this connection ICOMOS would like to recall that already in the 12th century Stonehenge, Avebury and Stonehenge was considered as one of the wonders of the world by the chroniclers Henry de Huntington Associated Sites and Geoffrey de Monmouth and that in the 17th century, Stonehenge was the focus of a study by Brief description the great architect Inigo Jones. Stonehenge and Avebury, in Wiltshire, are among The early and unwavering interest for this the most famous groups of megaliths in the world. megalithic ensemble which serves as a benchmark, The two sanctuaries consist of circles of menhirs has left its mark upon historiography, the evolution arranged in a pattern whose astronomical of architectural theories and the progress of significance is still being explored. These holy prehistoric sciences. places and the nearby Neolithic sites are an incomparable testimony to prehistoric times. Committee Decision Bureau (1986): The Bureau requested the United 1. Introduction Kingdom authorities to study possible solution to the problem of the A 344 main road crossing the Year(s) of Inscription 1986 avenue at Stonehenge (detour, digging of a tunnel, Agency responsible for site management etc.). It would be desirable for the Committee to be informed of the progress of these studies at its next • Mailing Address(es) meeting. English Heritage - Stonehenge The Close 65 Committee (1986): The Committee noted with SP1 2EN Salisbury satisfaction the assurances provided by the Wiltshire authorities of the United Kingdom that the closure United Kingdom of the road which crosses the avenue at e-mail:
[email protected] Stonehenge was receiving serious consideration as part of the overall plans for the future management website: of the site.