Washington, Wednesday, November 20, 1957

as appears by ___ 1_____ No. ,______TITLE 46— SHIPPING Issued a t ______19 ___ _ surrendered9 CONTENTS Chapter II— Federal Maritime Board, ------; that I am a citi- Give cause of surrender) Agricultural Marketing Service Pas® Maritime Administration, Depart­ zen of the United States of America by birth, Rules and regulations: ment of Commerce having been born a t ______Cucumbers grown in Florida; (City) (State) limitation of shipments_____ 9251 Subchapfer B— Regulations Affecting Maritime o n ------(or)7 by naturaliza- Carriers and Related Activities (Date of birth) Agriculture Department [Gen. Order 61,2d Revision, Supp. 2] tion before the ______for See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ (Name of court) Part 221—Documentation, T ransfer or ice; Commodity Stabilization Charter of Vessels (District, county, or State) Service; Farmers Home Ad­ o n ------;------having been Issued ministration. CITIZENSHIP DECLARATIONS BY OWNERS OR (Date naturalized) Civil Aeronautics Administra­ MORTGAGEES OF VESSELS OF UNITED Naturalization Certificate No. ______; STATES tion that the president and trustees of said bank Rules and regulations: Section 221.11 is hereby supplemented are citizens of the United States of America; Standard instrument approach by adding the following paragraph (e) that said bank has no managing directors, at the end thereof: the duties of managing directors being ex­ procedures; alterations_____ 9251 ercised by said trustees; that said bank is Civil Aeronautics Board (e) Form MA-4561 for execution by anot authorized to issue stock; that the entire corporation (specifically applicable to voting power and control of said bank is Notices : mutual savings banks) not authorized vested in the Board of Trustees free from Hearings, etc.: to issue capital stock but in which the any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of Administrator of Civil Aero­ voting power is exercised by its members, any person not a citizen of the United States; nautics v. Orville J. Feroe. 9264 shall read as follows: that through no contract or understanding California Air Charter, Inc_ 9264 is it so arranged that any of the voting power Capital gains proceeding____ 9264 Form MA-4561 of said bank may be exercised, directly or t Quaker City Airways, Inc___ 9264 (11/57) indirectly, in behalf of any person who is not a citizen of the United States of America; Southeastern Alaska; addi­ U. S. Department of Commerce, Maritime that by no means whatsoever is the control tional air service______9264 Administration of any interest in said bank conferred upon Commerce Department OWNER OR MORTGAGEE OF VESSEL or permitted to be exercised by any person who is not a citizen of the United States of See also Civil Aeronautics Admin­ (Section 40, Shipping Act, 1916, as amended) America. istration; Federal Maritime U. S. C., Title 46, Sec. 838, 40 Stat. 902, Board; Maritime Administra­ 62 Stat. 212 (Signature) tion. Notices: DECLARATION OF OFFICER OF MUTUAL SAVINGS (Date) BANK* Lundell, Arvid O.; state­ If more than one vessel is involved, only one ment of financial interests I — ------o f ------declare that form of declaration need be filed if by a (amended) ______9263 I am1 ------of th e 2 __*______a cor­ notation inserted in the clause immediately Wilson, George L.; statement of poration organized under the laws of the prior to the clause about the citizenship of changes in financial interests. 9263 State o f ------with offices at *______; declarant, appropriate reference is made to that said corporation is the owner (or)* a schedule added to said declaration, in Commodity Stabilization Service mortgagee of the vessel, or part thereof, or which schedule shall be inserted the name Interest therein,4 called______o f ______Rules and regulations: official num ber______-, gross______, and data of each additional vessel as re­ Marketing quotas; holding of net ------—, built5 in 19___ _ a t ______quired for the first vessel, owned by or under referenda; miscellaneous mortgage to the party on behalf of whom said amendments______9250 declaration is made. ‘This declaration is to be taken whenever Farmers Home Administration any bill of sale, mortgage, hypothecation, or Penalty for false statement. Section 40, Notices : conveyance of any vessel, or part thereof, or Shipping Act, 1916, as amended, provides Deputy and Assistant Adminis­ interest therein, is presented by a corpora­ “Whoever knowingly makes any false state­ tion to any collector of customs for recording. trators; delegation and as­ ment of a material fact in any such declara­ signment of authorities 9263 1 Insert “President" or any other duly au­ tion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and thorized official thereof, as the case may be. 2 Insert full corporate name of bank. Federal Communications Com­ 1 Insert business address of bank. * I. e., document now surrendered, or mission ‘ Strike out word or expression-not appro­ document last surrendered heretofore (U. S. Notices: priate. C., Title 46, Sec. 808). Hearings, etc.: B Insert other means whereby vessel became ’ Strike out reference to naturalization if American Telephone and entitled to American registry, when appro­ party is a native-born citizen. Telegraph Co. and Western priate. (Continued on next page) Union Telegraph Co______9264 9249 9250 RULES AND REGULATIONS

CONTENTS— Continued subject to a fine of not more than $5,000, or / m \ to Imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.” Federal Maritime Board— Con. Pa8® Notices: (Sec. 204, 46 Stat. 1987, as amended; 46 FEDERA^pEGISTER U. S. C. 1114) \ rOtyTtO* l»34 ^ Japan-Atlantic and Gulf Freight Conference (member Dated: November 15, 1957. lines) ; agreement filed for approval ______9263 By order of the Acting Maritime Ad­ ministrator. Federal Power Commission Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, G eo. A. Viehmann, and days following official Federal holidays, Notices: Assistant Secretary. by the Federal Register Division, National Hearings, etc. : [F. R. Doc. 57-9608; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Cumberland and Allegheny 8:53 a. m.] ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Gas Co______9268 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Meredith and Co. et al_____ 9267 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Moffitt, Mrs. Tom J., et al____ 9266 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Northern Natural Gas Co___ 9269 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Chapter VII— Commodity Stabilization mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Northern Natural Gas Co. et the President. Distribution is made only by al------9268 Service (Farm Marketing Quotas the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Transcontinental Gas Pipe and Acreage Allotments), Depart­ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Line Corp. et al______9267 ment of Agriculture The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Interior Department mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 [1022-1 Arndt. 4] per month or $15.00 per year, payable in See Land Management Bureau; advance. The charge for individual copies Reclamation Bureau. Part 717—Holding of R eferenda on (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Interstate Commerce Commis­ Marketing Quotas the size of the issue. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent sion MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS of Documents, directly to the Government Notices: Basis and purpose. The amendments Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Fourth section applications for contained herein are issued pursuant to The regulatory material appearing herein relief______9278 the provisions of the Agricultural Ad­ Is keyed to the Code o f F ederal R egulations, Motor carrier applications____ 9270 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant justment Act of 1938, as amended, and to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Land Management Bureau the provisions of the Agricultural Act of amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Notices: 1956, for the purpose of amending eral R egulations Is sold by the Superin­ Proposed withdrawal and reser­ §§717.1 and 717.3 of the regulations tendent of Documents. Prices of books and vation of lands: governing the holding of referenda on pocket supplements vary. Colorado______9262 marketing quotas contained in §§717.1 There are no restrictions on the re­ Idaho (2 documents)___ 9261,9262 to 717.14, inclusive (21 F. R. 3960, 4799, publication of material appearing in the 8793; 22 F. R. 2982) . Prior to preparing F ederal R egister, or the C ode o f F ederal Maritime Administration R egulations. these amendments, public notice, in­ Rules and regulations: cluding the text of the proposed amend­ Citizenship declarations by own­ ments, was published in the F ederal ers or mortgagees of vessels R egister (22 F. R. 8154) in accordance of the United States______9249 with the provisions of the Administrative CFR SUPPLEMENTS Reclamation Bureau Procedure Act (5 U. S. C. 1003). The Notices: data, views, and recommendations per­ The following is now available: Riverton Project, Wyoming; an­ taining to these amendments which were Title 3, 1943-1948 Compilation nual water rental charges___ 9262 submitted pursuant to such notice have been duly considered within the limits ($7.00) Securities and Exchange Com­ permitted by the Agricultural Adjust­ mission All pocket supplements and revised books ment Act of 1938, as amended, and the as of January 1, 1957, have been pre­ Notices : Agricultural Act of 1956. Some changes viously announced except Titles 1—3 and Big Ute Uranium Corp.; order have been made in language in these the supplement to the General Index. temporarily suspending ex­ amendments from that contained in the emption, statement of reasons public notice, but the only change in Order from Superintendent of Documents, therefor and opportunity for substance which has been made is to Government Printing Office, Washington hearing______9269 add a provision to § 717.3 (a) (4) to 25, D. C. make eligible to vote in the wheat refer­ CODIFICATION GUIDE endum on any crop of wheat any pro­ ducer who has on file with respect to A numerical list of the parts of the Code the immediately preceding crop of wheat CONTENTS— Continued of Federal Regulations affected by documents an application for exemption from mar­ published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Federal Communications Com- Pas® opposed to final actions, are identified as keting quota obligations where all the such. wheat will be used on the farm as feed, mission— Continued seed, or food, if the exemption has be­ Notices—Continued Title 7 Pag® come null and void prior to the date of Hearings, etc.—Continued Chapter VII: the referendum because of a violation of Oregon Radio, Inc____ .____ 9265 Part 717______9250 any condition of the exemption. Sacramento Telecasters, Inc. Chapter IX: In order that these amendments may (KBET-TV)______9265 Part 1015______9251 be in effect for the referenda on upland St. Anthony Television Corp. cotton and extra long staple cotton to and WTVJ, Inc______9265 Title 14 be held on December 10,1957, it is neces­ Rules and regulations: Chapter II: sary to waive the 30-day effective date industrial, scientific, and medi­ Part 609____ 9251 provision of the Administrative Proce­ cal service______9255 Title 46 dure Act. Accordingly these amend­ Federal Maritime Board Chapter II: ments shall become effective upon Part 221____ I______9249 publication in the F ederal R egister. Citizenship declarations by owners The regulations governing the holding or mortgagees of vessels of the Title 47 of referenda on marketing quotas are United States (see Maritime Ad­ Chapter I: hereby amended in the following re­ ministration) . Part 18______9255 spects: Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9251

1. Section 717.1 (h) is amended to sharecropper. A landlord of a standing become effective in order to effectuate the read as follows: rent, cash rent, or fixed rent tenant shall declared policy of the act is insufficient, (h) Engaged in the production. The not be eligible. A person who obtained (ii) more orderly marketing in the pub­ term “engaged in the production” shall a rice allotment with respect to the crop lic interest, than would otherwise pre­ include planting a crop even though the of rice harvested immediately prior to vail, will be promoted by regulating the crop is not harvested if such failure to the referendum as a new producer under shipment of cucumbers, in the manner harvest is not caused by the neglect of applicable regulations and did not plant set forth below, on and after the effec­ the farmer. A person shall be deemed any of such rice allotment shall not be tive date of this amendment, (iii) com­ to be engaged in the production of a eligible to vote in the referendum. pliance with this amendment will not commodity in any year to the extent of (6) Peanuts. Farmers eligible to Vote require any special preparation on the the acreage of the commodity in which in a referendum with respect to peanuts part of handlers which cannot be com­ he would have shared as landlord, tenant, will be those farmers who were engaged pleted by the effective date, and (iv) in­ or sharecropper, if the commodity had in the production of more than one acre formation regarding the committee’s been produced on acreage deemed to of peanuts for nuts on a farm in the cal­ recommendations has been made avail­ have been devoted in such year to the endar year in which the referendum is able to producers and handlers in the production of the commodity under sec­ held, as owner-operator, cash tenant, production area. tion 377 of the Agricultural Adjustment standing rent or fixed rent tenant, land­ Order, as amended. The provisions of Act of 1938 or section 106 (a) or 112 (2) lord of a share tenant, share tenant, or § 1015.301 (b) (1) (22 F. R. 8976) are of the Soil Bank Act, and applicable sharecropper. A landlord of a standing hereby amended as follows: regulations issued thereunder. rent, cash rent, or fixed rent tenant shall not be eligible to vote in a referendum. (b) Order. During the period from November 10,1957, through December 15, 2. Section 717.3 (a) (4), (5) and (6) (Sec. 375, 52 Stat. 66, as amended; 7 U. S. C. is amended to read as follows: 1957, the following regulations shall be 1375. Interpret or apply secs. 312, 336, 343, effective with respect to all varieties of (4). Wheat. A person shall be eligible 354, 358, 377, 52 Stat. 46, 55, 56, 61, as amended; 55 Stat. 88; 70 Stat. 206, as cucumbers grown in the production area: to vote in a referendum with respect to amended; secs. 106, 112, 70 Stat. 191, 195; (1) No person shall handle any cu­ wheat marketing quotas for any market­ 7 U. S. C. 1312, 1336, 1343, 1354, 1358, 1377, cumbers, except for conversion into ing year if during the calendar year in 1824, 1836) pickles or relishes; unless such cucumbers which such marketing year begins such meet the requirements of U. S. Fancy, person will be engaged as owner, oper­ Done at Washington, D. C., this 14th day of November 1957. Witness my U. S. No. 1, U. S. No. 1 Small, or U. S. ator, cash tenant, standing rent or fixed No. 1 Large: Provided, That during the rent tenant, landlord of a share tenant hand and the seal of the Department of Agriculture. period from November 20, 1957 through or sharecropper in the production of December 1, 1957, both dates inclusive, more than 15 acres of wheat for harvest [seal] T rue D. Morse, no person shall handle any cucumbers as grain on a farm located in an area Acting Secretary. unless such cucumbers also are not larger not designated at the time of the than 2 Ye inches in diameter. referendum as being outside the com­ [P. R. Doc. 57-9611; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; mercial wheat-producing area for such 8:54 a. m.] (Sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended; 7 U. S. C. marketing year. Wheat acreage for 608c) harvest as grain shall include acreage Dated: November 15, 1957, to become which will be deemed tjo have been de­ effective November 20,1957. voted to the production of wheat under Chapter IX— Agricultural Marketing section 377 of the Agricultural Adjust­ { seal] s . R. S mith, Service (Marketing Agreements and Director, ment Act of 1938 or section 106 (a) or Orders), Department of Agriculture 112 (2) of the Soil Bank Act. If a wheat Fruit and Vegetable Division. acreage allotment in excess of fifteen [1015.301 Amdt. 31 [P. R. Doc. 57-9610; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; 8:54 a.m.] acres is established for a farm it shall be P art 1015—Cucumbers G rown in presumed that more than fifteen acres F lorida of wheat will be produced for harvest as grain in the year for which the allotment LIMITATION OF SHIPMENTS TITLE 14— CIVIL AVIATION is established. Na person who signs a Findings. 1. Pursuant to Marketing Chapter II— Civil Aeronautics Admin­ form MQ-32 Wheat, Application for Agreement No. 118 and Order No. 115 istration, Department of Commerce Exemption from Provisions of Wheat (22 F. R. 6083) regulating the handling Marketing Quota Obligations under the of cucumbers grown in Florida, effective [Amdt. 43] Provisions of Public Law 85-203, for any under the applicable provisions of the farm with respect to any crop of wheat Part 609—S tandard I nstrument Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act Approach P rocedures which is filed with and approved by the of 1937, as amended (48 Stat. 31, as county committee shall be eligible to vote amended; 7 U. S. C. 601 et seq.; 68 Stat. procedure alterations in the referendum on the next succeeding 906,1047), and upon the basis of the rec­ crop of wheat, unless prior to the date The standard instrument approach ommendation and information submit­ procedures appearing hereinafter are of the referendum such application is ted by the Florida Cucumber Committee, adopted to become effective when indi­ cancelled of the exemption becomes null established pursuant to said marketing and void because of a violation of any cated in order to promote safety. Com­ agreement and order, and upon other pliance with the notice, procedures, and condition thereof. A landlord of a stand­ available information, it is hereby found ing rent, cash rent, or fixed rent tenant effective date provisions of section 4 that the amendment to the limitation of of the Administrative Procedure Act shall not be eligible to vote in a shipments, as hereinafter provided, will referendum. would be impracticable and contrary to tend to effectuate the declared policy of the public interest, and therefore is not (5) Rice. Farmers eligible to vote inthe act. • required. a referendum with respect to rice will be 2. It is hereby found that it is imprac­ Part 609 is amended as follows: those farmers who, in the continental ticable, unnecessary, and contrary to the United States and with respect to the public interest to give preliminary notice No te: Where the general classification crop of rice harvested immediately pre­ (L/JdPR, ADP, VOR, TerVOR, VOR/DME, and engage in public rule making pro­ ILS, or RADAR), location, and procedure ceding the date of the referendum, en­ cedure, and that good cause exists for number (if any) of any procedure In the gaged in the production of irrigated rice, not postponing the effective date of this amendments which follow, are identical with or engaged in the production of more amendment for 30 days or any other pe­ an existing procedure, that procedure is to than three acres of non-irrigated rice on riod beyond the date hereinafter speci­ be substituted for the existing one, as of the a farm, as owner-operator, cash tenant, fied (5 U. S. C. 1001 et seq.) in that (i) effective date given, to the extent that it standing rent or fixed rent tenant, land­ the time intervening between the date differs from the existing procedure; where a lord of a share tenant, share tenant (in­ when information upon which this procedure is cancelled, the existing procedure cluding an irrigation company furnish­ is revoked; new procedures are to be placed amendment is based became available in appropriate alphabetical sequence within ing water for a share of the crop), or and the time when this amendment must the section amended. 9252 RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The automatic direction finding procedures prescribed in § 609.100 (b) are amended to read in part:

ADF Standard I nstrument Approach P rocedure Bearings, headings, courses and radials are magnetic. Elevations and altitudes are in feet MSL. Ceilings are in feet above airport elevation. Distances are in nautical miles unless otherwise indicated, except visibilities which are in statute “ lies. - _,rIw t it shall be in accordance with the following instrument approach procedure,

Ceiling and visibility minimums Transition

2-engine or less More than Minimum 2-engine, Course and Condition From— T o - altitude more than distance (feet) 65 knots More than 65 knots or less 65 knots

Direct. 2500 T-dn...... 300-1 300-1 Int AVP VOR R-215 and 285 brag to HZL HZL MH (Final). C-d...... 600-1 600-1 MH. C-n...... 600-2 600-2 S^d-27...... 600-1 600-1 S-n-27...... 600-1# 600-1# A-dn______NA NA .

Procedure turn North side of crs, 105 Outbnd, 285 Inbnd, 3500' within 10 mi. Minimum altitude over facility on final approach crs, 2500'. ^visual ^ “ i i t S m b S S S S S t to authorized landing minimums or if landing not accomplished within 4.1 mi, make 180» left climbing turn to 4000', return to MH and hold on 105® brag from MH. _ ' NoTES^Locai weather^ancf wice com plications on Î22.8 available 08:00-Sunset. ATC communications with Wilkes-Barre Approach Control. City, Hazleton; State, Pa.; Airport Name, Hazleton; Elev., 1602'; Fac. Class, MH; Ident., HZL; Procedure No. 1, Arndt. Prig.; Eff. Date, 7 Dec. 57______

2500 T-dn...... 300-1 300-1 200-# RFD L FR ...... *— 2500 C-dn______400-1 600-1 500-1# JVL V O R ...... —...... — 2000 S-dn-36...... 400-1 400-1 400-1 Int JVL VOR 223 R and 090 Brag to “H”.... 2000 A-dn...... 800-2 800-2 800-2 Int 054 Brg to RFD LFR and 090 Brg to 2000 Int 314' Brg to RFD LFR and 270 Brg to RKF RBn______.... ------Direct______“H”.

Procedure turn E side of crs, 182 Outbnd, 002 Inbnd, 2000' within 10 miles. Minimum altitude over facility on final approach crs, 1500'. I t to authorized landing minimums or if landing not accomplished, within 4.7 miles make right turn, climb to 2000' proceed to RFD “H”. City, Rockford; State, 111.; Airport Name, Greater Rockford; Elev., 734'; Fac. Class,H;Ident., RKF; Procedure No. 1, Arndt. 1; Eff. Date, 7 Dec. 57; Sup. Arndt. No. 1; Dated,

2. The terminal very high frequency omnirange (TerVOR) procedures prescribed in § 609.200 are amended to read in part:

T erminal VOR Standard Instrument Approach P rocedure Bearings, headings, courses and radials are magnetic. Elevations and altitudes are in feet MSL. Ceilings are in feet above airport elevation. Distances are in nautical miles unless otherwise lo cated , ^Sductedat the below named airport, it shall be in accordance with the following instrument approach procedure

Transition Celling and visibility minimums

2-engine or less More than Minimum Course and 2-engine, T o - altitude Condition more than From— distance (feet) 65 knots More than 65 knots or less 65 knots

1500 T -dn...... 300-1 300-1 200-# LaGuardia LFR— . 1500 C-dn______600-1 600-1 600-1^4 New Rochelle RBn. 1500 S-dn-4...... 600-1 600-1 600-1 Glen Cove RBn----- 1500 A-dn______800-2 800-2 800-2 Mitchel LFR ------IP J,-VOR ______Direct______.... 2500 Paterson RBn...... 1500 Scotland RBn------IDL-VOR...... Direct______...

Terminal Area Radar Transition Aiutuues: an “ T r ' ...... Procedure turn E side of crs, 240 Outbnd, 060 Inbnd, 1300' within 10 miles. Minimum altitude, over facility on final approach crs, 600. landing minimum, ol II todlng not acmmpllahed » la in 0 mite,, make a right climbing turn to 1600' and proceed to Lido RBn .and hold SW. Contact Idlewild Approach Control for further instructions Caution: Straight-in landing minimums do not provide standard clearance over 278 stack 1.7 mi BSE of airport. City, New York; State, N. Y.; Airport Name, International; Elev., 12'; Fa°j0C14asfj^ e°d^ 1I^ ty’5I7DL: Procedure No> TerV0R-4' 4; Eft‘ Date*7 DeC' 87; SuP' Am

ILS Standard I nstrument Approach P rocedure Bearings, headings, courses and radials are magnetic. Elevations and altitudes are in feet MSL. Ceilings are in feet above airport elevation. Distances are in nautical miles unless otherwise indicated, except visibilities which are in statute miles. If an instrument approach procedure of the above type is conducted at the below named airport, it shall be in accordance with the following instrument approach procedure, unless an approach is conducted in accordance with a different procedure for such airport authorized by the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. Initial approaches shall be made over specified routes. Minimum altitudes shall correspond with those established for en route operation in the particular area or as set forth below.

Transition Ceiling and visibility minimums

2-engine or less Minimum More than From— Course and 2-engine, T o - distance altitude Condition (feet) 65 knots More than more than or less 65 knots 65 knots

BIL VOR...... LOM______5300 T-dn» 300-1 300-1 200-)$ BIL LFR...... LOM______., 5300. fj-dn 400-1 500-1 500-1)$ ParkCitvFM...... LOM...... 5300 S-dn-9#: Lavina FM ______LOM______6000 ILS 200-)$ 2004$ 200-)$ ADF...... 400-1 400-1 400-1 A-dn: ILS ______600-2 600-2 600-2 ADF...... 800-2 800-2 800-2

•Takeoff below 300-1 prohibited on all runways except 9-27. #409-1 required with glide slope inoperative. Procedure turn S side of crs, 275 Outbnd, 095 Inbnd, 5300' within 10 miles. NA beyond 10 miles. Minimum altitude at O. S. int inbound, 5000' ILS; minimum altitude over LOM inbnd final 4800' ADF. Altitude of G. S. and distance to approach end of my at OM 4965—4.0; at MM 3815—0.6. If visual contact not established upon descent to authorized landing minimums or if landing not accomplished within 4.0 miles of LOM, climb to 5200' on E crs BIL-LFR within 20 miles. Caution: Standard clearance Over obstructions not provided on ADF final approach (terrain 3805' MSL at BIL VOR). 4183' msl tower 2.7 mi SE of airport. City, Billings; State, Mont.; Airport Name, Logan Field; Elev., 3612^; Fac. Class, ILS-BIL; Ident., LOM-BI; Procedure No. ILS-9, Amdt. 3, Comb ILS-ADF- Eft. Date "7 Dec. 57; Sup. Amdt. No. 2; Dated, 7 Sept. 57

FNO L FR ______LOM...... Direct 1700 T-dn .... 300-1 300-1 200-)$ FNO VOR ______LOM...... Direct 1700 C-dn . 500-1 500-1 500-1)$ Bowles Int fLFR)______LOM...... Direct 1700 S-dn-29# : Fowler Int (VHF). •______LOM...... Direct 1700 ILS...... 200-)$ 200-)$ 200-)$ ADF...... 400-1 400-1 400-1 A-dn: ILS ##...... !.. 600-2 600-2 600-2 ADF______800-2 800-2 800-2

#400-94 required with glide slope inoperative. 400-1 required when only localizer and either the outer marker or outer compass locator operative. ##800-2 alternate landing minimums with any regular component of ILS inoperative. Procedure turn S side of crs, 109 Outbnd, 289 Inbnd, 1700' within 10 miles of LOM. Beyond 10 mi NA. (Nonstandard for more favorable terrain ) Minimum altitude at G. ». int inbnd, 1700' ILS, minimum altitude over LOM inbnd final 1000' ADF. Altitude of G. S. and distance to approach end of rny ât OM 1400—3.8, at MM 535—0.6. If visual contact not established upon descent to authorized landing minimums or if landing not accomplished within 3.8 miles after passing LOM (ADF), climb to 1500' on course of 289, turn left and climb to 2000' on W crs of FNO LFR within 20 miles, or climb to 2000' on R-270 FNO within 20 miles. City, Fresno; State, Calif.; Airport Name, Air Terminal; Elev. 331'; Fac. Class, ILS-FNO; Ident., LOM-FN; Procedure No. ILS-29, Amdt. 7, Comb. ILS-ADF; Eft. Date 19 Dec. 57; Sup. Amdt. No. 6; Dated, 16 Mar. 57

LAN VOR______Grand Ledge In t______2000 T-dn 300-1 300-1 200-)$ LAN LFR...... Grand Ledge Int 2200 C-dn 400-1 500-1 500-1)$ Int W crs LAN ILS and LAN R-293...... Grand Ledge Int (Final)__ ...... 1500 S-dn-9 .. 400-1 400-1 400-1 LAN LOM_____ Grand Ledge Int ...... 2400 800-2 800-2 800-2

Procedure turn S side W crs, 273 Outbnd, 093 Inbnd, 2000' within 10 miles. No Glide Slope, altitude over Grand Ledge Int 1500'. No Outer Marker, distance to appr end of my 093—4.3; no Middle Marker. If visual contact not established Upon descent to authorized landing minimums or if landing not accomplished within 4.3 miles of Grand Ledge Int, climb to 2400' on vront crs ILS, proceed to LOM or, when directed by ATC: (1) make left turn climbing to 2000' on NW crs LAN LFR within 20 miles. N ote: Grand Ledge Int: Int W crs LAN ILS and R-360 LAN. Procedure NA unless aircraft equipped to receive ILS and VOR simultaneously. 300-1 required for take-off on NW-SE runway. City, Lansing; State, Mich.; Airport Name, Capital City; Elev., 858'; Fac. Class, ILS; Ident., ILAN; Procedure No. ILS-9, Amdt. 2; Eff. Date, 7 Dec. 57; Sud. Amdt No. 1; Dated, 29 Oct. 55

Monroe L FR ____ . . . . . LOM ___ 1300 T-dn Monroe VOR___ _ LOM______1400 400-1 5ÖÖ-1 500-1)$ S-dn-4: ILS#...... 30044 30044 300-94 ADF...... 400-1 400-1 400-1 A-dn: ILS...... 600-2 600-2 600-2 ADF...... 800-2 800-2 800-2

#400^4 required when glide slope not utilized. Procedure turn S side of SW crs, 218 Outbnd, 038 Inbnd, 1400' within 10 mi. Beyond 10 mi NA. Minimum altitude at glide slope int inbnd, 1300' ILS; over LOM inbnd final 800' ADF. Altitude of glide slope and distance to approach end of runway at OM 1300—4.2; at MM 275—0.5. KT If visual contact not established upon descent to authorized landing minimums or if landing not accomplished within 4.2 mi after passing LOM (ADF). climb to 1400' on NE crs ILS (038) within 10 mi. Caution: 850' TV antenna 3.5 ml WNW of airport. No approach lights. Air C arrier N ote: N o reduction in take-off minimums on cargo and ferry flights authorized on runway 4, 9,13,31 and 35. City, Monroe; State, La.; Airport Name, Selman Field; Elev., 79'; Fac. Class, ILS-IMLV; Ident., LOM-ML; Procedure No. ILS-4, Amdt. 2, Comb. ILS-ADF; Eft. Date 7 Dec. 57; Sup. Amdt. No. 1; Dated, 29 Jan. 55. 9254 RULES AND REGULATIONS

IL S Standard I nstrument Approach P rocedure— C ontinu ed

Transition Celling and visibility minimums

2-engine or less More than Course and Condition From— T o - distance altitude more than (feet) 65 knots More than 65 knots or less 65 knots

T6M (Final) ______Direct______1000 T-dn#______300-1 300-1 200-34 Direct______1400 C-dn...... 500-1 500-1 600-134 S-dn-4*: Radar terminal area transitions: Within 25 mi...... 2500 ILS...... 200-Vi 200-34 200-34 Within 15 mi____ 1500 ADF...... 400-1 400-1 400-1 A-dn: TT.fi . . . . 600-2 600-2 600-2 ADF 800-2 800-2 800-2

•Runwav 4 nnlv-200-W or runway visual range of 2600': provided, that approaches conducted on the basis of reported runway visual range shall be governed by the follow- n w ^ m m n o r^ n ts^ th e a ^ T O a c h llS s and high tatensity runway lights shall be in normal operation and (2) descent below the authorized landing minimum altitude of ll^m sfshall notbe made unless (a) visual contact with the approach lights has been established or (b) the aircraft Is clear of clouds. (3) Both compass locators required to °#Runway 4 only—runway visual range of 2600' may be utilized in lieu of 200-34 when 200-J4 Is authorized. Procedure turn S side SW crs ILS, 223 Outbnd, 043 Inbnd, 1200' within 10 mi of LOM Minimum altitude at glide slope int inbnd, 1000'. Minimum altitude over LOM inbnd final, 700 ADF. H vkual S a c ! “ ir tiS to d tocUngm!ntaums oMf t a K not accomplished within 2.5 miles (ADF), climb to 500' on NE crs ILS or bearing 043° from the LOM, make a climbing right turn to 1600' and proceed to the Lido MHW and hold SW Contact Idlewild approach control for further instructions. C aution: Circling landing minimums do not provide std clmc over arpt cont twr and stack 278 1.7 mi SSL rny IK. City, New York; State, N. Y.; Airport Name, International; Elev^, ^ IDL’ Procedure No< ILS-4’ 15, Date> 7 Dec> 57>

1900 T-dn*...... 300-1 300-1 200-34 Syracuse LFB______i------1900 C-dn__ ...... #600-1 700-1 700-1)4 Syracuse VOR------— D irect..-.______#2500 S-dn-28: Sherrill VHF Int via crs 310— ------1900 ILS...... 200-34 200-34 200-J4 Int E crs Syracuse LFR and brng 335° to A D F ____ #600-1 700-1 700-1 LOM. #3000 A-dn______800-2 800-2 800-2 Munnsville Int via crs 328°------3000 Fabius Int-.------LOM ______Direct______——

*600-1 required for take-off to SE. - . ^Standard clearance not provided over 836' radio mast. 1.1 mi SL of airport. .-AA. « . u #M?CTinterception of localizer crs inbnd, descent on glide slope to cross the outer marker at 1600' on final approach is authorized. Procedure turn N side E crs, 098 Outbnd, 278lnbnd, 1600' within 10 miles. a Minimum Altitude at Q, S. int inbnd 1600' ILS, n ^ m u m altitude over LOMinbnd final 1100 ADF. f “mS u S ^ filV d ln , not »ccmplisM -i.Mn U m to M f, P»s>IPg LOM (ADF), dlmb to.2000-Oh

W CA ibLCabr1br ^NOTK^NoredacTionIn minimum, or sliding scale authorised for take-off to the 8E. City, Syra« State. H. Y.; Airport Name. Banc«*; ^ ^

4. The radar procedures prescribed in § 609.500 are amended to read in part: R adar Standard Instrument A pproach P rocedure Bearings, headings, courses and radials are magnetic. Elevations and altitudes are In feet, MSL. Ceilings are In feet above airport elevation. Distances are In nautical miles unless otherwise indicated, except “ i®' 5tS™,ort dt shall be in accordance with the following Instrument procedure, unless an approach is conducted If a radar mstniment approach approaches shall be made over specified routes. Mini- in accordance with a different procedure for such airport authorizedby tne Ad , narticular area or as set forth below. Positive identification must be established with mum ®hallFromeS a 1 « » n ^ ^ h ^ ^ ^ ^ a f a ^ t t o r i r e d ^ S l t o g u S f i ta u n ^ the instructions of the radar controller are mandatory except when. (A) visual con- the radar controller. From initial contact witn' fadarto nnai auiuorereu | mlnlnmW or (B) at pilot's discretion if it appears desirable to discontinue the approach, tact established on final aPPro^ ai | ®/„tbn^ ® ^ ^ ^ r ? 0tflnalaDD^ e h a misred approach shall be executed as provided below when (A) communication on final approach f f . p p £ « h ; (B) M l by rod« .»«trollor; (O) vbua. contort b not established ufxm descent to authorized landing minimums; or (D) if landing is not accomplished. ______

Transition Ceiling and visibility minimums

2-engine or less More than Minimum 2-engine, Course and altitude Condition From— To— distance mpre than (feet) 65 knots More than 65 knots or less 65 knots

Within 25 ml____ 3000 Precision approach 0... Within 15 mi...... 2200 070- S-dn9. 200-34 200-34 200-34 A-dn 9. 600-2 600-2 600-2 Surveillance approach T-dn.__ 300-1 300-1 200-)4 C-dn*.„. 400-1 500-1 500-1)4 C-dn-15. 500-1 600-1 500-1)4 S-dn*— , 400-1 400-1 400-1 S-dn-15.. 500-1 500-1 500-1 % A-dn— 800-2 800-2 800-2

Radar terminal area transition altitudes—all bearings are from radar site with sector azimuths progressing clockwise. •Runways 27, ^ , 3 9 _ _ dps- nt to authorized landing minimums or if landing not accomplished 9R and 8, climb to 3000' and proceed to Conyers Int via E « J^ . ^ P t o c t n o t « U U M u p ^ d w ^ t WRmnmzea , right and proceed to ATL VOR or proceed on SE crs of ATL LFR within 20 mi.; 27L, i l ! c lim b t 3 ^ ' Ï Ï proceed to C h a tta S h le ta t v iiW ere ILS, or turn left and proceed on SW ere of ATL LFR within 20’miles. City, Atlanta; State, Ga.; Airport Name, Atlanta; E lev, 1024'; Fao. Class, Atlanta; Plenty Radar; Procedure No. 1, Arndt. 3; Eft. Date, 7 Deo. 57; Sup. Arndt. No. 2; Dated, Wednesday, »November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9255

R adar Standard I nstrument Approach P rocedure— C ontinu ed

Transition Ceiling and visibility minimums

2-engine or less Minimum More than From— T o - Course and 2-engine, distance altitude Condition (feet) 65 knots More than more than or less 65 knots 65 knots All.directions...... 2500 Droach E of NE-SW crs of LQA-LFR___ Radar site______.___ 1500 S-dn-4*...... 200-H 20046 200-16 C-dn-all 400-1 500-1 500-1Ï6 600-2 600-2 600-2 A-dn-all 800-2 800-2 800-2 T -dn#...... 300-1 300-1 20046

inor- or runwa7 y'sual raP®s 0{_3®W» provided, that approaches conducted on the basis of reported runway visual range shall be governed by the follow- J}%; ^ ^ pP.r®acfl llghts and high intensity runway lights shall be in normal operation and (2) descent below the authorized landing minimum altitude of operSivehfOTRVR 2TO0,d 1 (a) vlsual contact with the approach lights has been established or (b) the aircraft is clear of clouds. (3) Both compass locators required to be #Runway 4 only—runway visual range of 2600' may be utilized in lieu of 20046 when 20046 is authorized, to 15W and pr<£eed t^LW ^M HW and° hold SW t0 authorized landlng “^ “»uins 0r if landing not accomplished climb to 500' on heading of 043, make a climbing right turn Contact Idlewild approach control for further instructions. Caution: Ceiling mlnimums do not provide standard clearance over 278' stack 1.7 mi SSE of Runway 4R and .165' airport control tower. City, New York; State, N. Y.; Airport Name, International; Elev., 12'; Fac. Class, Idlewild; Ident., Radar; Procedure No. 1, Arndt. 9; Eff. Date, 7 Dec 57; Sup Arndt No 8- Dated, 12 Oct. 57 These procedures shall become effective on the dates indicated on the procedures. (Sec. 205, 52 Stat. 984, as amended; 49 U. S. C. 425. Interpret or apply sec. 601, 52 Stat. 1007, as amended; 49 U. S. C. 551) [SEAL] W i l l i a m B . D a v i s , Acting Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. O c t o b e r 31, 1957. [P. R. Doc. 57-9225; Piled, Nov. 19,1957; 9:13 a. m.]

TITLE 47— TELECOMMUNI­ Sec. and foreign radio communication and 18.43 Applications for station licenses. CATION 18.44 Pull information. further provides, in part, that no person 18.45 License period. shall use or operate apparatus for the Chapter I— Federal Communications 18.46 Renewal of license. transmission of energy, communications, Commission 18.47 Station license, posting of. or signals by radio when the effects of 18.48 Operator requirements. such operation extend beyond state lines Part 18—I ndustrial, S cientific, and 18.49 Cessation of operation pursuant to or cause interference with the transmis­ Medical S ervice license. sion or reception of energy, communica­ 18.51 Existing equipment. recapitulation of part tions, or signals, of any interstate or for­ Subpart E— Ultrasonic Equipment eign character by radio, except under Because of the number of outstanding and in accordance with the Communica­ amendments to Part 18 since it was last 18.70 Operation without a license. 18.71 Technical limitations. tions Act and a license granted under the published in the F ederal R egister (Sep­ 18.72 Type approval. provisions of that act. The operation in tember 12, 1953, 18 F. R. 5490), Part 18 18.73 Identification of type approved the * industrial, scientific and medical is recapitulated as of November 1, 1957, equipment. service of medical diathermy equip­ to read as set forth below. 18.74 Effect of certificate of type approval. ment, industrial heating equipment and 18.75 Changes in type approved equipment. F ederal Communications miscellaneous equipment of a type which 18.76 Withdrawal of certificate of type ap­ emits radio frequency energy upon fre- Commission, proval. [seal] Mary Jane Morris, 18.77 Measurement of field intensity. quëncies within the radio spectrum con­ Secretary. 18."8 Location of equipment. stitutes a serious source of interference 18.79 [Reserved.] to authorized radio communication serv­ Subpart A— General Sec. 18.80 Certification attesting compliance ices operating upon the channels of in­ 18.1 Statement of basis and purpose. with rules. terstate and foreign communication 18.2 Definitions. 18.81 Renewal of certification. unless precautions are taken, which will 18.3 When license is required. 18.82 Certification after maintenance prevent the creation of any substantial work. amount of such interference. 18.4 Pull information; inspection by 18.84 Effective date. Commission representatives. (b) The following rules and regula­ 18.5 Radio frequency stabilized arc weld­ Subpart F— Industrial Heating Equipment tions are designed to have a twofold ers. 18.101 Operation without a license. effect: 18.6 ISM frequencies and frequency toler­ 18.102 Technical limitations. - (1) They set forth thé conditions un­ ances. der which the operation of the equip­ 18.7 Operation on microwave frequencies. 18.103 Certification of industrial heating 18.8 Interference from ISM equipment. equipment. ment in question is not regarded as a 18.104 Location of certificate. cause of interference to the authorized Subpart B— Medical Diathermy Equipment 18.105 Inspection of industrial heating radio communication services and is equipment. therefore not required to be operated 18.11 Operation on assigned frequencies. 18.106 Renewal of certificate. 18.12 Operation on unassigned frequencies, 18.107 Measurement of field strength. ^ pursuant to license under the Communi­ 18.13 Measurement of field intensity. 18.108 Location of equipment. cations Act. 18.14 Submission of equipment for type (2) They provide a procedure for the approval tests. Authority: §§ 18.1 to 18.108 issued under licensing of medical diathermy, indus­ 18.15 Effect of certificate of type approval. sec. 4, 48 Stat. 1066, as amended; 47 U. S. C. 18.16 Withdrawal of certificate of type 154. Interpret or apply secs. 301, 303, 48 trial heating and miscellaneous equip­ approval. Stat. 1081, 1082, as amended; 47 U. S C 301 ment which in operation constitute a 303. ‘ ’ source of interference to authorized com­ Subpart C— Miscellaneous Equipment SUBPART A— GENERAL munication services, directly affect the 18.31 Miscellaneous equipment. control of the Federal Government over § 18.1 Statement of basis and pur­ the channels of interstate and foreign Subpart D— Operation for Which a License is pose. (a) Section 301 of the Communi­ radio communication, and are therefore Required cations Act of 1934, as amended, provides required to be licensed. 18.41 When a license is required. for the control by the Federal Govern­ 18.42 Showing required. § 18.2 Definitions. For purposes of ment over all the channels of interstate the provisions of this part the following 9256 RULES AND REGULATIONS definitions in the industrial, scientific, promptly furnish the Commission with $ 18.0 ISM frequencies and frequency and medical service shall be applicable: such information as may be requested tolerances. The following frequencies (a) “Radio frequency energy” shall in­ concerning the operation of such equip­ are allocated for use by ISM equipment clude electromagnetic energy generated ment. The premises in which medical with the tolerance limits specified: at any frequency in the radio spectrum diathermy, industrial heating, or miscel­ Frequency . between 10 kilocycles and 30,000 mega­ laneous equipment are operated, and any ISM frequency: tolerance cycles. license or certification required hereby, 13,560 kc______±6.78 kc (b) “Medical diathermy equipment” shall be available for inspection by rep­ 27,120 kc______±160.00 kc resentatives of the Commission at all 40,680 kc______±20.00 kc shall include any apparatus (other than 915 Me2______±25 Me surgical diathermy apparatus designed reasonable hours. 2450 Me *______±50 Me for intermittent operation with low pow­ § 18.5 Radio frequency stabilized 5850 Me 2_____...... ±75 Me er) which utilizes a radio frequency arc welders, (a) The requirements of 18,000 Me 2______±150 Me oscillator or any other type of radio fre­ this part with respect to electric arc 1 By public notice and order dated Decem­ quency generator and transmits radio welding devices using radio frequency ber 26, 1946, the Commission announced the frequency energy used for therapeutic energy is suspended until action is com­ availability of this frequency for ISM pur­ purposes. pleted in the Docket No. 11467 proceed­ poses. It was expressly stated in the said (c) “Industrial heating equipment” ing with respect to these devices: Pro­ public notice and order that use of this fre­ shall include any apparatus which uti­ quency would be governed by the conditions vided, That, in the event of interference set forth in that order which conditions are lizes à radio frequency oscillator or any from electric arc welding devices using stated in § 18.7. other type of radio frequency generator radio frequency energy to any author­ 2 By public notice and order dated May 15, and transmits radio frequency energy ized radio service, steps to remedy such 1947, the Commission announced the avail­ used for or in connection with industrial interference shall promptly be taken ability of this frequency for ISM purposes. heating operations utilized in a manu­ (except that, in case of interference to It was expressly stated in the said public facturing or production process. receivers arising from direct interme­ notice and order that use of this frequency (d) Miscellaneous equipment shall in­ would be governed by the conditions set diate frequency pickup by such receivers forth in the Commission’s order of December clude apparatus other than that defined of the fundamental frequency emissions 26,1946, which conditions are stated in § 18.7. in or excepted by paragraphs (b) and of certified electric arc welding equip­ (c) of this section in which radio fre­ ment using radio frequency energy, this § 18.7 Operation on microwave fre­ quency energy is applied to materials to provision with respect to interference quencies. Except for industrial heating produce physical, biological, or chem­ shall not apply): And further provided, equipment which is regulated by §§ 18.101 ical effects such as heating, ionization of however, That equipment manufactured through 18.108 inclusive, other ISM gases, mechanical vibrations, hair re­ after September 1, 1952 shall be subject equipment may be operated on the moval and acceleration of charged par­ to the same technical limitations and microwave ISM frequencies (915 Me, ticles which do not involve communica­ standards as set forth for industrial 2450 Me, 5850 Me and 18,000 Me) subject tions or the use of radio receiving equip­ heating equipment in §§ 18.101 to 18.108, to the following conditions: ment. inclusive, except that such equipment (a) The emission of radio frequency (e) Ultrasonic equipment is a special need not be operated within a shielded energy resulting from such operation type of miscellaneous equipmènt which room or space but in lieu thereof shall shall be on the particular frequency and includes any apparatus which generates be operated with sufficient shielding to must not exceed tolerance limits asso­ radio frequency energy on frequencies limit the radiation to the value pre­ ciated with each such frequency as set above 20 kc and utilizes that energy to scribed in § 18.102: And further pro­ forth in § 18.6. excite or drive an electro-mechanical vided, That radio frequency stabilized (b) The energy radiated and the band­ transducer for the production and trans­ electric arc welding equipment designed width of emissions shall be reduced to mission of ultrasonic energy for indus­ for operation on ISM frequencies may the greatest extent practicable. trial, scientific, medical or other pur­ be type approved and operated in ac­ (c) No harmful interference shall be poses. cordance with the provisions of § 18.31 caused to authorized communication (f) “Industrial, scientific and medical (c): And further provided, That broad services from spurious or harmonic equipment” (ISM Equipment). Devices band type of emissions from arc welding radiation. In the event of such harmful which use Hertzian waves for industrial, equipment shall be measured by an in­ interference, operation of the ISM equip­ scientific, medical or other purposes in­ strument having performance charac­ ment causing such harmful interference cluding the transfer of energy, by radio teristics similar to the “Proposed Ameri­ shall cease and shall not be resumed until and which are neither used nor intended can Standards Specification for a Radio steps necessary to eliminate such inter­ to be used for radiocommunication. ference have been taken. (g) “Harmful interference”. Any ra­ Noise Meter—0.15 to 25 Megacycles/ diation or induction which endangers second” dated March 1950, published by § 18.8 Interference from ISM equip­ the functioning of a radio-navigation the American Standards Association ment. (a) Subject to the exceptions in service or of a safety service, or obstructs, Committee on Radio Electrical Coordi­ paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section or repeatedly interrupts a radio service nation C63. Quasi-peak values of field and irrespective of whether the equip­ operating in accordance with the regu­ strength shall be measured and used in ment otherwise complies with the rules lations in Part 2 of this chapter. determining compliance with § 18.102. in this part, the operator of ISM equip­ (h) “ISM frequency”. A frequency Instruments not having characteristics ment that causes harmful interference assigned by this part for the use of ISM similar to the above-mentioned stand­ to any authorized radio service shall equipment. A specified tolerance is as­ ards may be used provided suitable cor­ promptly take steps as may be necessary sociated with each ISM frequency. (See to remedy the interference. § 18.6). relation factors are used to adjust the field strength readings to values which (b) The provisions of paragraph (a) § 18.3 When license is required. Any would be obtained with an instrument of this section shall not apply in the medical diathermy equipment, industrial having the desired characteristics. case of interference to an authorized heating equipment or miscellaneous (b) The certification required byradio station operating on an ISM fre­ equipment which complies with the pro­ quency (including tolerance). visions of this part may be operated § 18.101 may be based upon field strength measurements made by the manufac­ (c) The provisions of paragraph (a) without a station license. A license is re­ of this section shall not apply in the quired for any such equipment operated turer of the equipment at locations other otherwise. than the one where the equipment is in case of interference to a receiver arising from direct intermediate frequency pick­ § 18.4 Full information; inspection by use provided such certification includes a statement by the operator of the by the receiver of the fundamental Commission representatives. Upon re­ frequency emissions of ISM equipment quest by the Commission the owner or equipment that the equipment covered operator of any medical diathermy thereby has been installed and is being operating on an ISM frequency (includ­ equipment, industrial heating equip­ operated in conformity to the instruc­ ing tolerance) and otherwise complying ment. or miscellaneous equipment shall tions issued by the manufacturer. with the requirements of this part. Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9257

SUBPART B— MEDICAL DIATHERMY EQUIPMENT or a dated certificate or name plate of the (c) The certification required In para­ § 18.11 Operation on assigned fre­ manufacturer of the equipment, setting graph (b) of this section shall be re­ quencies. A station license is not re­ forth the general conditions under which newed every three years: Provided, That quired for the operation of medical such equipment should be operated and such certification shall be renewed for diathermy equipment on assigned fre­ certifying that the equipment involved particular equipment by such earlier quencies provided such operation meets may reasonably be expected to meet the date as the Commission may specify if the following conditions: requirements of this section for a period the Commission has reason to believe (a) Such operation must conform to of at least three years under the described that the operation of such equipment the general conditions of operation set conditions of operation. The certifica­ may be inconsistent with the provisions out in the guarantee or certificate re­ tion required by this section shall de­ of this part or a source of interference quired by paragraphs (e) and (d) of this scribe with certainty the apparatus to radio communication. section. Operation must be confined to covered thereby, and shall include a brief § 18.13 Measurement of field inten­ one or more of the frequencies hereafter statement of the engineering tests upon sity. Measurements to determine the set forth: which such certification is based and the field intensity of radio frequency energy Frequency results thereof. Field intensity measure­ generated by medical diathermy equip­ ISM frequency: tolerance ments in such tests shall be made in ac­ 13,560 kc______±6.78 kc. cordance with § 18.13. ment shall be made in accordance with 27,120 kc______±160.00 kc. (e) No regular renewal of certificationstandard engineering procedures and 40,680 kc______±20.00 kc. Is required for equipment covered in shall include the following: 915 Me *______±25 Me. (a) An approved type of field inten­ 2450 Me1______±50 Me. paragraph fc) of this section. The cer­ tification required in paragraph (d) of sity meter using loop pickup shall be 5850 Me 2______±75 Me. used for measurements on frequencies 18,000 Me2______± 1 5 0 Me. this section shall be renewed at intervals of three years. Notwithstanding the below and including 18 Me., and such a 1 By public notice and order dated De­ meter with a doublet antenna shall be cember 26, 1946, the Commission announced above provisions with respect to renewal used for measurements for frequencies the availability of this frequency for ISM of certification, the certification required above 18 Me. Appropriate techniques purposes. It was expressly stated in the said by paragraph (c) or (d) of this section shall be resorted to for measurements in public notice and order that use of this fre­ shall be renewed for particular equip­ quency would be governed by the conditions ment by such date as the Commission the microwave region of the spectrum. set forth in that order which conditions are may specify if the Commission has (b) The field intensity at 1,000 feet stated in § 18.7. • reason to believe that the operation of from the medical diathermy equipment, 2 By public notice and order dated May 15, such equipment may be inconsistent with or at any other point at which it becomes 1947, the Commission announced the avail­ necessary to determine such intensity ability of this frequency for ISM purposes. provisions of this part or the source of interference to radio communication. shall be determined by measurements at It was expressly stated in the said public approximately 100-foot intervals along 5 notice and order that use of this frequency § 18.12 Operation on unassigned fre­ would be governed by the conditions set radials approximately 72° apart, pro­ forth in the Commission’s order of Decem­ quencies. A station license is not re­ vided that additional measurements ber 26, 1946, which conditions are stated in quired for the operation of medical shall be taken when necessary in par­ § 18.7. diathermy equipment on frequencies ticular cases. An average curve shall be other than those specified in § 18.11 (a) drawn through the points obtained for (b) Such operation may be without provided such operation is in accordance each radial and then either (1) the field regard to the type or power of emissions with the general conditions of operation intensity at 1,000 feet taken from the being radiated. Spurious and harmonic set out in the certification required in curve or (2) the curve extended to the radiations on frequencies other than paragraph (b) of this section, and meets 1,000-foot point to obtain the field in­ those specified above shall be suppressed the following conditions: tensity at that point. If points of meas­ so that* such radiations do not exceed a (a) The equipment used in such op­ urement along a radial are such that strength of 25 microvolts per meter at a eration shall be provided with a rectified marked changes of field intensity over distance of 1,000 feet or more from the and filtered plate power supply, power short distances are noted because of medical diathermy equipment causing line filters and shall be provided with standing waves, multipaths, etc., con­ such radiations. sufficient shielding so that the emission tinuous measurements shall be made (C) With respect to equipment for of radio frequency energy generated by along any such radial at points 100 feet which type approval has been received such operation, including spurious and apart in order to obtain average values from the Commission in accordance with harmonic emissions, shall not exceed a for such points. §§ 18.14 to 18.16, inclusive, there shall strength of fifteen microvolts per meter (c) The field intensities specified in be affixed to each unit of equipment at a distance of 1,000 feet or more from this section refer to the maximum field operated in accordance with paragraphs the medical diathermy equipment on intensity regardless of polarization, (a) and (b) of this section, or posted in frequencies other than those specified in measured at a height of 12 feet above the the room in which such operation occurs, § 18.11 (a) under any conditions of oper­ immediate terrain or at such lower a dated certificate of a competent en­ ation. height at which the field intensity may gineer, or a dated certificate or name (b) There shall be affixed to each unit exceed that at 12 feet. plate of the manufacturer of the equip­ of equipment so operated, or posted in (d) If due to the location of equip­ ment, setting forth the P. C. C. type ap­ the room in which such operation oc­ ment in a large city, or for some other proval number for such equipment, the curs, a dated certification of a competent general conditions under which such reason, measurements as outlined above engineer, or a dated certificate or name are impractical because of shadows or equipment should be operated, and cer­ plate of the manufacturer of the equip­ shielding of large buildings or other ob­ tifying that the equipment involved may ment setting forth the general condi­ jects, every effort should be made to reasonably be expected to meet the re­ tions under which such equipment quirements of this section under the de­ obtain necessary measurements at clear should be operated and certifying that locations such as atop adjacent build­ scribed conditions of operation for a under the described conditions of oper­ Period of at least three years. The cer­ ings, etc., with the measurements cor­ tification required in this section shall ation the requirements of this section rected to the height specified in para­ describe with certainty the apparatus may reasonably be expected to be met graph (c) of this section in accordance for a period of at least three years. The with best available engineering informa­ covered thereby. tion. (d) The owners or operators of equip­certification required by this section ment which has not received type ap­ shall describe with certainty the equip­ § 18.14 Submission of equipment for proval but which is manufactured for ment covered thereby, and shall include type approval tests, (a) Manufacturers operation without a license and designed a brief statement of the engineering tests of medical diathermy equipment de­ to meet the technical requirements set upon which the certification is based and signed to operate on the frequencies forth under paragraphs (a) and (b) of the results thereof. Field intensity specified in § 18.11 (a) may submit units this section shall have posted in the room measurements in such tests shall be of such equipment to this Commission in which such equipment is operated a made in accordance with the provisions for type approval upon the grant of re­ dated certificate of a competent engineer, of § 18.13. quest therefor made in writing by the No. 225— -2 9258 RULES AND REGULATIONS manufacturer to the Secretary of the equipment is properly constructed, main­ are grouped within a circle of 200 feet Commission. Such a request will not be tained and operated, and no change radius or less, the several units may, at granted unless at least 5 units of the whatsoever is made in the construction the election of the certifying engineer, model to be submitted are scheduled for of equipment sold under the Certificate be considered as a single unit, the loca­ manufacture and the manufacturer of Type Approval issued by the Commis­ tion of which will be the center of the agrees to bear all forwarding and return sion except on specific approval by the smallest enclosing circle : Provided, how­ charges in connection with the shipment Commission to any changes made. ever, That if the certification includes of the unit to be tested between the Fed­ more than one unit, the distance of 1,000 eral Communications Commission, Lab­ § 18.16 Withdrawal of certificate of feet at which the maximum permissible oratory Division, Laurel, Maryland, and type approval, (a) A certificate of type radiation is determined shall be de­ the manufacturer. approval may be withdrawn if the type creased by an amount equivalent to the of equipment for which it was issued radius of the circle encompassing the (b) Any such equipment which is sub­proves defective in service and under mitted will be tested and a certificate several units. usual conditions of maintenance and (e) It shall be the responsibility of the of type approval will be issued to the operation such equipment cannot be re­ manufacturer for each type of equip­ operator to have the equipment recerti­ lied on to meet the conditions set forth fied when changes have been made that ment which meets the following tests: in this part for the operation of the type (1) The frequency at all times during might increase the radiation beyond the of equipment involved, or if any change specified limits. the tests below shall be maintained whatsoever is made in the construction within 70% of the tolerance specified of equipment sold under the certificate SUBPART D— OPERATION FOR WHICH A LICENSE in § 18.11 Ca). of type approval issued by the Commis­ IS REQUIRED (1) From a cold start the machine will sion, without the specific prior approval § 18.41 When a license is required. be operated continuously at full load for of the Commission. 6 hours, except that machines classified (a) No medical diathermy equipment, (b) The procedure for withdrawal of industrial heating equipment or miscel­ as portable will be subject to a 2 horn: a certificate of type approval shall be test. laneous equipment which does not com­ the same as that prescribed for revoca­ ply with this part shall be operated (ii) From a cold start the machine tion of a radio station license pursuant will be operated at no load for 5 minutes except pursuant to a station license is­ to the provisions of the Communications sued by the Commission authorizing such and then the frequency deviation deter* Act of 1934, as amended. mined over a normal treatment cycle. operation. (c) In the case of withdrawal of a (b) Whenever the Commission on A treatment cycle will be simulated by certificate of type approval the manu­ artificial varying loads and varying set­ complaint or on its own motion deter­ facturer shall make no further sale of mines that medical diathermy equip­ tings of the resonance and other operat­ equipment under such certificate. ing controls. Similar treatment cycle ment, industrial heating equipment or (d) When a certificate of type ap­ miscellaneous equipment is not in fact tests will be conducted after periods of proval has been withdrawn for unau­ continuous full load operations up to six operating in compliance with the pro­ thorized changes or for failure to comply visions of this part and so advises hours (2 hours for portable operation) with* technical requirements, the Com­ to determine the maximum deviation. the operator of such equipment, further mission will consider that fact in de­ operation of such equipment without a The number of such tests normally will termining whether the manufacturer in be determined by the results of test (i) : station license shall be unlawful unless question is eligible to receive any new within 10 days of the receipt of such Provided, however, That equipment de­ certificate of type approval. signed to operate on the frequencies set notice, or within such further time as the forth in § 18.11 (a) may be granted type SUBPART C— MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Commission may for good cause allow, approval regardless of frequency stabil­ the operator of such equipment shall file § 18.31 Miscellaneous equipment, (a) with the Commission a certificate of a ity, provided such equipment meets the The operation without a license of mis­ other requirements hereof and contains competent engineer stating that the cellaneous equipment, as defined in equipment is now capable of complying a power cut-off mechanism which is ef­ §18.2 (d), generating radio frequency fective in rendering the machine inoper­ power of 500 watts or less, shall be in with the requirements of the rules. ative when the deviation from the as­ compliance with the provisions of this § 18.42 Showing required. A station signed frequency exceeds 70 percent of part for medical diathermy apparatus. license for the operation of medical dia­ the tolerance provided for. (b) Operation of such equipment gen­ thermy equipment, industrial heating (2) The equipment must be designed erating radiofrequency power in excess equipment or miscellaneous equipment to prevent the emission of spurious and of 500 watts shall be in compliance with will be granted upon proper application harmonic radiations to the extent re­ the requirements for medical diathermy therefor in accordance with the provi­ quired in § 18.11 (b). apparatus except that the maximum ra­ sions of this part and a showing that in (3) The electrical and mechanical diated field permitted shall be increased the light of the following considerations components of the machine and their as the square root of the ratio of the the public interest, convenience, and ne­ installation must be such as to give rea­ generated power to 500 watts: Provided, cessity would be served by such a grant: sonable assurance of compliance with the That the radiated field shall in no case (a) The purpose for which the equip­ requirements of permissible frequency exceed the fields permitted industrial ment sought to be licensed will be used; tolerance for at least 5 years. heating apparatus: And provided fur­ (b) the reasons why the equipment in­ (4) In the case of withdrawal of a cer­ ther, That equipment used in predom­ volved may not be operated in compli­ tificate of type approval as hereinafter inantly residential areas and operating ance with the provisions of this part for provided for the manufacturer shall on frequencies below 1,000 Me. shall not the operation of âuch equipment without make no further sale of equipment under be permitted the increase in field with a license; and (c) the nature and extent such certificate. power as indicated in this paragraph, of interference, that may be caused to No te: Medical diathermy equipment oper­ but shall be subject to the restrictions authorized communication services by ated on 915 Me, 2450 Me, 5850 Me or 18,000 contained in this paragraph for dia­ the operation of such equipment. Me, will he eligible for type approval upon a thermy equipment. determination by the Laboratory Division of § 18.43 Applications for station li­ (c) Miscellaneous equipment, as de­ censes. Each applicant for a station compliance with the requirements of the fined in § 18.2 (d), may be type approved Commission’s public notice and order of license authorizing the operation of med­ December 26, 1946, which requirements are under'procedures similar to that for dia­ ical diathermy, industrial heating equip­ set forth in § 18.7. thermy equipment with such changes in ment, or miscellaneous equipment, or the above procedure as may be required requesting the modification or renewal § 18.15 Effect of certificate of type ap­ because of the nature of the particular proval. A certificate of type approval equipment involved. of such a license, shall file with the Com­ constitutes a recognition that on the (d) For the purpose of field intensity mission in Washington, D. C„ three basis of the tests made the equipment measurements, the location of the mis­ copies of each application on the ap­ appears to have the capability of func­ cellaneous equipment may be considered propriate form designated by the Com­ tioning in accordance with the provisions to be the actual physical location of such mission and a like number of any ex­ of § 18.11 (a) and (b) provided such equipment or, where several such units hibits and other papers incorporated Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9259

therein and made a part thereof. Only SUBPART E— ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT “Military Specification for Interference Measurement” MIL-I-16910 (SHIPS) dated the original copy need be sworn to. Ap­ § 18.70 Operation without a license. plication for a license shall be made up January 14, 1952, available from the Com­ Ultrasonic equipment may be operated manding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, Scotia, on the appropriate form prescribed by without a license: Provided, The design 2, New York. Note that this procedure calls the Commission, and separate applica­ and operation complies with the techni­ for grounding the equipment under test, tion should be made for each unit of cal limitations for such equipment: And whereas these rules call for measurements equipment for which a license is sought. provided further, That the equipment with the equipment both grounded and un­ Application for modification or renewal has been type approved by the Commis­ grounded. of a license shall also be upon appropri­ sion or has been certificated pursuant to § 18.72 Type approval, (a) Manu­ ate form prescribed by the Commission. the requirements of §§ 18.70 to 18.84 and facturers of ultrasonic equipment desir­ § 18.44 Full information. Each ap­ the certificate is attached to the equip­ ing to obtain type approval for their plication for a license authorizing the ment or is prominently posted in the equipment may request permission to operation of medical diathermy, indus­ room in which the equipment is being submit such equipment to the Commis­ trial heating equipment or miscellane­ operated; except that ultrasonic equip­ sion for testing by following the proce­ ous equipment shall contain full and ment operating on frequencies below 90 dure set out in Part 2 of this chapter. complete information concerning all kc and generating less than 500 watts of The request shall include a statement matters and things required to be dis­ radio frequency power may be operated that at least 5 units of the model to be closed by the application form. without license, type approval or certifi­ submitted are scheduled for manu­ cation, if such equipment complies with § 18.45 License period. Each station facture. all other applicable provisions of §§ 18.70 (b) To be acceptable for type approval, license authorizing the operation of med­ to 18.84. ical diathermy, industrial equipment or ultrasonic equipment must meet the fol­ miscellaneous equipment will expire at § 18.71 Technical limitations, (a) lowing requirements: the hour of 3 a. m. and will be issued for Ultrasonic equipment shall be designed (1) The equipment must comply with a normal license period of five years or and constructed in accordance with good the technical limitations for ultrasonic such other period as the Commission engineering practice with sufficient equipment. may specify upon consideration of the shielding and filtering to provide ade­ (2) The design and construction of facts in a particular case. Each such quate suppression of emissions on fre­ the equipment must give reasonable as­ license shall be nontransferable. quencies outside the ISM frequency surance of compliance with the rules in bands. this part for at least 5 years under nor­ § 18.46 Renewal of license. Unless (b) Except for ultrasonic measure­ mal operation and with average mainte­ otherwise directed or permitted by the ment equipment that operates over a nance. Commission, applications for renewal of continuous band of frequencies, the (c) Additional rules relative to type a station license for the operation of fundamental frequency of operation approval will be found in Part 2 of this medical diathermy, industrial heating shall fall outside the frequency bands chapter. equipment or miscellaneous equipment 490-510 kc, 2170-2194 kc, and 8354-8374 shall be filed with the Commission upon § 18.73 Identification of type approved kc. equipment, (a) Equipment for which a prescribed forms at least 60 days prior to (c) The varying conditions under the expiration date of such license. certificate of type approval has been which ultrasonic equipment is operated issued shall be identified by the insertion § 18.47 Station license, rposting of. shall not result in radiation exceeding of the PCC Type Approval Number on The original of each station license the following limits: the nameplate of the equipment. shall be posted in the room in which the (b) In addition to the nameplate, the Dis­ equipment is operated. Licenses cover­ Frequency tance Field manufacturer shall furnish each user of ing equipment not used in a fixed place type approved equipment a certificate shall be attached to the equipment itself. Feet itv/m 2400 setting forth the conditions under which Up to and including 490 kc.. 1,000 § 18.48 Operator requir e'm ents. Frequency in kc such equipment shall be operated. Equipment for which a station license is 24000 § 18.74 Effect of certificate of type issued pursuant to the provisions of this Over 490 kc up to and in­ 100 cluding 1600 kc. Frequency in kc approval. A certificate of type approval part may be operated by persons who do issued by the Commission constitutes a Over 1600 kc exclusive of fre­ 100 16. not hold an operator license or permit quencies in the ISM fre­ recognition that, on the basis of the tests issued by this agency. quency bands. made, the equipment appears to be capa­ § 18.49 Cessation of operation pur­ ble of complying with the technical limi­ suant to license. 'I f any equipment for (d) The operation of ultrasonic equip­ tations in the rules in this part, provided which a license has been issued hereun­ ment on frequencies below 490 kc using such equipment is properly installed, der shall cease to be operated pursuant radio frequency power in excess of 500 maintained and operated, and no change to such license, or is transferred, sold, watts shall be in compliance with the whatsoever is made in the construction assigned, leased, loaned, stolen, de­ requirements of this section except that of equipment sold under the certificate stroyed, or otherwise removed from the the maximum radiated field permitted of type approval except on specific prior possession of the licensee) the licensee may be increased as the square root of approval by the Commission to any shall within five days of such occurrance the ratio of the generated radio fre­ changes made. notify the Commission thereof and, quency power ,to 500 watts: Provided, § 18.75 Changes in type approved where possible, include in such notifica­ That the radiated field shall in no case equipment. No changes whatsoever may tion the name and address of the re­ exceed the field permitted industrial be made in ultrasonic equipment for cipient of such equipment. heating equipment: And provided fur­ which a certificate of type approval has ther, That equipment used in predomi­ § 18.51 Existing equipment. The pro­ been issued except on specific prior nantly residential areas shall not be per­ approval by the Commission. visions of this part shall not be applica­ mitted the increase in field with power ble until June 30,1954 to epilation equip­ as indicated in this paragraph. § 18.76 Withdrawal of certificate of ment, which uses radio frequency energy, (e) On any frequency above 490 kc, type approval, (a) A certificate of type manufactured before December 31, 1950, the radio frequency voltage appearing approval may be withdrawn if the type and shall not be applicable until Decem­ on each power line shall not exceed 200 of equipment for which it was issued ber 31, 1955 for such equipment manu­ proves defective in service and under factured between December 31, 1950 and microvolts. On any frequency below 490 June 30, 1953 : Provided, That the fore­ kc, the radio frequency voltage appear­ usual conditions of maintenance and going provisions of this section shall be ing on each power line shall not exceed operation such equipment cannot be re­ applicable only if such steps as may be 1000 microvolts. Measurement shall be lied on to meet the conditions set forth necessary are promptly taken to elimi­ made from each power line to ground in this part for the operation of the type nate interference to authorized radio with the equipment itself both grounded of equipment involved, or if any change services resulting from the operation of and ungrounded. whatsoever is made in the construction % equipment manufactured prior to the Note: One method of making conducted of equipment sold under the certificate respective dates set forth in this section. Interference measurements is described in of type approval issued by the Commis- 9260 RULES AND REGULATIONS sion, without the specific prior approval manufacturer of the ultrasonic equip­ The design and operation of the equip­ of the Commission. ment. ment complies with the technical limita­ (b) The procedure for withdrawal of (c) The certification may be executed tions in this part for such equipment: the certificate of type approval shall be by any engineer skilled in making and And provided further, That the equip- * the same as that prescribed for revoca­ interpreting field intensity measure­ ment has been certificated pursuant to tion of a radio station license pursuant ments. The Commission may require the requirements of this part. to the provisions of the Communications such engineer to present proof of his § 18.102 Technical limitations, (a) Act of 1934, as amended. qualifications to make such measure­ Industrial heating equipment shall be (c) In the case of withdrawal of a ments. designed and constructed in accordance certificate of type approval the manu­ (d) The certification shall contain the with good engineering practice with facturer shall make no further sale of following information: sufficient shielding and filtering to meet equipment under such certificate. (1) Type and serial number, or other the requirements of this part. (d) When a certificate of type ap­ positive identification of the ultrasonic (b) Industrial h ating equipment may proval has been withdrawn for unau­ equipment being certificated. be operated on any frequency except thorized changes or for failure to comply (2) Conditions under which the cer­ frequencies in the bands 490-510 kc, with technical requirements, the Com­ tificated equipment shall be operated. 2170-2194 kc, and 8354-8374 kc. Equip­ mission will consider that fact in deter­ (3) Brief description of the engineer­ ment operating on an ISM frequency mining whether the manufacturer in ing tests and a summary of the measured may be operated with unlimited radi­ question is eligible to receive any new data upon which the certification is ation on that frequency. Equipment certificate of type approval. based. operated on other frequencies must sup­ (4) If the radio frequency voltage on § 18.77 Measurement of field inten­ press radiation on the fundamental the power line is not measured, a state­ carrier frequency as well as other fre­ sity. Measurements to determine the ment that, based on an inspection of the field intensity of radio frequency energy quencies as required by this part. equipment and study of such test data (c) Industrial heating equipment de­ including both fundamental and spuri­ and specifications as may be furnished ous (including harmonic) emissions, signed for operation on an ISM frequency by the manufacturer, the equipment can shall be adjusted to operate as close to generated by the ultrasonic equipment reasonably be expected to meet the re­ shall be made in accordance with stand­ that ISM frequency as practicable. quirements for radio frequency voltage (d) Radiation of radio frequency ard engineering procedures and shall on the power lines. include the following: energy from any industrial heating (5) A statement certifying that under equipment on any frequency below 5775 (a) A field intensity meter using loop the described condition of operation, the pickup shall be used for measurements Me, except ISM frequencies, shall be sup­ certificated equipment may reasonably pressed so that the radiated field strength on frequencies up to and including 18 be expected to meet the requirements of Me, and such a meter with a doublet does not exceed 10 microvolts per meter the rules in this part. This statement at a distance of one mile or more from antenna shall be used for measurements shall include the period of time over on frequencies above 18 Me. the equipment. which the equipment may reasonably be (e) Radiation of radio frequency (b) The radiation shall be determined expected to comply with the rules in this along at least 5 radiais approximately energy from any industrial heating part. equipment on any frequency above 5775 72° apart. A smooth curve shall be (6) Date the measurements were drawn through the measurements when Me, except ISM frequencies, shall be re­ made. duced to the greatest extent practicable. plotted and the value of field intensity (7) Date of certification. determined from these curves. (8) Signature of certifying engineer. Note: The Commission will establish defi­ nite radiation limits for these frequencies as § 18.78 Location of equipment. For (9) Name and address of employer of soon as information regarding equipment the purpose of measurements required certifying engineer, if any. operating on these frequencies becomes in order to execute a certification of § 18.81 Renewal of certification. The available. compliance, the location of the ultra­ certification required by §§ 18.70 to 18.84 sonic equipment may be considered to (f) Filtering between the industrial does not require renewal. However, heating equipment and power lines must be the actual physical location of the when the Commission has reason to be­ equipment, or, where several such units be provided to the extent necessary to lieve that operation of the equipment prevent the radiation of. energy from are grouped within a circle of 200 feet concerned may be inconsistent with radius or less, the several units may at power lines on frequencies other than §§ 18.70 to 18.84, it may require a new ISM frequencies with a field strength in the election of the certifying engineer certification based on a new set of meas­ be considered as a single unit, located at excess of 10 microvolts per meter at a the center of the smallest enclosing urements. distance of one mile or more from the circle. If the certification includes sev­ § 18.82 Certification after mainte­ industrial heating equipment and at a eral units treated as one equipment, the nance work. It shall be the responsibil­ distance of 50 feet from the power line. distance of 1,000 feet at which the maxi­ ity of the operator of the ultrasonic § 18.103 Certification of industrial mum permissible radiation is determined equipment to have such equipment re­ heating equipment, (a) The certificate shall be decreased by the radius of the certificated when changes have been required by this part shall be executed smallest circle that encloses the several made that might increase the radiated or by an engineer skilled in making and units. conducted interference beyond the limits interpreting field strength measure­ specified in §§ 18.70 to 18.84. § 18.79 [Reserved] ments. The Commission may require such engineer to provide proof of his § 18.80 Certification attesting com­ § 18.84 Effective date, (a) All ultra­ sonic equipment manufactured on or qualifications. pliance with rules, (a) A certification (b) The certificate may be issued on attesting compliance with the rules in after July 1, 1955 must comply .with the rules in §§ 18.70 to 18.84. the basis of field strength measurements this part may be affixed or posted for made at the point of use or on the, basis any ultrasonic equipment. (b) Ultrasonic equipment manufac­ tured prior to July 1, 1955, may be uti­ of field strength measurements made on (b) The certification shall be based a prototype. on an- inspection of the equipment and lized until July 1, 1965, providing it complies either with the rules in §§ 18.70 (c) The certificate for equipment measurements taken at the place of use measured at the location where the after the ultrasonic equipment has been to 18.84 or with the rules for miscellane­ ous equipment in § 18.31. After July 1» equipment is in use shall contain the assembled and is ready for operation: following information: Provided however, That the certifying 1965, all such equipment must comply with the rules in §§ 18.70 to 18.84. (1) Type and serial number, or other engineer may, in lieu of measuring the positive identification, of the industrial radio frequency voltage on the power SUBPART F— INDUSTRIAL HEATING EQUIPMENT heating equipment being certificated. lines, base the certification on specifica­ (2) Conditions under which the cer­ tions for the power line filter and test § 18.101 Operation without a license. Industrial heating equipment may be tificated equipment shall be operated data regarding the radio frequency volt­ and maintained. age on the power lines furnished by the operated without a license: Provided. Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9261 (3) Brief description of the engineer­ (b) The renewal of the certificate necessary, the average curve shall be ing tests and a summary of the measured shall be based on measurements made at extended to show the extrapolated field data upon which the certificate is based. the point of installation. strength at one mile. In these cases where it is impractical to conduct meas­ (4) Date the measurements were § 18.107 Measurement of field made. urements along the radial of maximum strength. Measurements to determine radiation a sufficient number of field (5) A statement certifying that the the field strength of radio frequency en­ subject equipment does meet and may strength measurements shall be made to ergy generated by industrial heating clearly indicate the magnitude of the reasonably be expected to continue to equipment shall be made in accordance meet the requirements of this part. radiation field in the sector containing with standard engineering procedures the lobe of maximum radiation. (6) Date of certification; and shall include the following: (7) Signature of certifying engineer. (d) Where there is evidence of radia­ (a) "A loop antenna shall be used for tion from power lines, field strength (8) Name and address of employer of measurements on frequencies below 18 certifying engineer, if any. measurements shall be made at not less Me, and a doublet antenna shall be used than three points along the power line (d) The certificate for equipmentfor measurements on frequencies above measured at a location other than where located approximately l .mile from the 30 Me. Either a loop or doublet antenna location of the industrial heating equip­ the equipment is in use shall contain shall be used on frequencies between 18 the information required by subpara­ ment causing such radiation and to in­ Me and 30 Me. Appropriate techniques clude a length of power line not less than graphs (1) through (8) of paragraph (c) shall be resorted to for measurements in of this section plus the following: 500 feet. One point of measurement the microwave region of thè spectrum. shall lie within the 1-mile distance and (1) Detailed installation instructions- (b) Prior to the determination of the which will insure that the equipment the others beyond. At each of these maximum field strength at one mile, a points at least three measurements of complies with the radiation limitations sufficient number of measurements shall in this part. field strength shall be made along a line be made in the vicinity of thé industrial normal to the power line and out to a (2) A statement, signed by the per­ heating equipment^ to enable plotting of son responsible for the operation of the distance from the power line not exceed­ the polar radiation pattern and to as­ ing 50 feet measured horizontally along equipment, attesting that the equipment sure the correct determination of the has been installed in conformity with the ground from a point directly below major lobes. Where conditions permit, the outermost conductor. the installation instructions in this cer­ these measurements shall be made at tificate. (e) The field strengths specified herein intervals of not more than 20 degrees in refer to the maximum field strengths, § 18.104 Location of certificate. In azimuth directions and at distances not regardless of polarization, measured at a general the certificate shall be attached exceeding 1,000 feet from the location of height of 12 feet above the immediate to the equipment. Alternatively the the equipment. The measurements so terrain or at such lower height at which certificate may be placed at any loca­ obtained shall be reduced to equivalent the field strengths may exceed that at tion where it will be conveniently avail­ field strength at 1,000 feet. 12 feet. Measurements made at fre­ able for inspection by authorized repre­ (c) The field strength measurements quencies below 18 Me may be made at sentatives of the Commission, provided for the maximum field strength at one any convenient height. there is attached to the equipment a mile shall be made along the radial cor­ notice stating where the certificate is responding to the lobe of maximum ra­ . § 18.108 Location of equipment. For located. diation as determined from the polar the purpose of measurements required radiation pattern. Sufficient measure­ in order to execute a certification of com­ § 18.105 Inspection of industrial heat­ ments shall be made along radiais ex­ pliance, the location of the industrial ing equipment. (a) Industrial heating tending through all lobes which are heating equipment may be considered to equipment shall be periodically inspected within 15 db of the apparent maximum be the actual physical location of the in order to reaffirm the validity of the lobe, as determined in paragraph (b) of equipment, or, where several such units certificate required by this part. this section to assure that the assumed are grouped within a circle of 500 feet (b) Inspection shall be made at lobe of greatest field strength is in fact radius or less, the several units may, at sufficiently frequent intervals to insure the maximum lobe. If two or more lobes the election of the certifying engineer, that each industrial heating equipment of radiation of approximately the same be considered as a single unit, located at is installed, maintained, and operated strength are present, measurements to the center of the smallest enclosing cir­ in a manner that provides compliance determine field strength shall be made cle. If the certification includes several with the provisions of this part. along the several radiais for such lobes. units treated as one equipment, the dis­ (c) A log shall be maintained of the Where possible, field strength measure­ tance of one mile at which the maximum inspections made. The inspector shall ments shall be made along each radial permissible radiation is determined shall enter a brief note of his findings and at intervals of not greater than 500 feet be reduced by the radius of the smallest shall date and sign each entry. and an average curve drawn for meas­ circle that encloses the several units. (d) The log shall be maintained at ured field strength in microvolts per [F. R. Doc. 57-9598; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; the same location as the certificate. - meter versus distance in feet.. Where 8:50 a. m.] (e) The inspector shall require the equipment to be recertificated pursuant to the requirements of this part if he determines, as a result of his inspection, that such action is necessary in order to NOTICES assure compliance with this part. § 18.106 Renewal of certificate, (a) The certificate required to be exhibited DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For a period of thirty days from the by this part shall be renewed: date of publication of this notice, persons (1) When changes have been made Bureau of Land Management having cause may present their objec­ that might increase the radiated inter­ tions in writing to the undersigned offi­ I daho cial of the Bureau of Land Management, ference beyond the limits specified in Department of the Interior, P. O. Box this part. NOTICE OF PROPOSED WITHDRAWAL AND (2) When the inspector has deter­ RESERVATION OF LANDS 2237, Boise, Idaho. mined that such action is necessary to If circumstances warrant it, a public N ovember 7, 1957. hearing will be held at a convenient time assure compliance with the requirements The Department of Agriculture has and place, which will be announced. of this part. filed an application, Serial No. Idaho The determination of the Secretary on (3) When required by the Commis­ 07978, for the withdrawal of the lands the application will be published in the sion because it has reason to believe that described below, from all forms of ap­ F ederal R egister. A separate notice will operation of the equipment concerned propriation. under the General Mining be sent to each interested party of record. may be inconsistent with the require­ Laws. The applicant desires the land for The lands involved in the application ments of this part. a recreation area. are: 9262 NOTICES

K anikstj National F orest an application, Serial Colorado 018352, Lime Creek Campground BOISE MERIDIAN, IDAHO for withdrawal of the lands described T 8 S R 83 W below, from location and entry under Sec.1 7 , Nwpwy4, Ny2sy2sw4. Dickensheet Bridge Recreation Area the. General Mining Laws, subject to Forks Campground T. 59 N., R. 4 W.. existing valid claims. Sec. 19, Lot 8; The applicant desires the land for use T. 8 S., R. 83 W., Sec. 20, Lot 2. as picnic grounds, campgrounds and rec­ Sec. 21, SE4 NW1 4 . Containing 19.53 acres. reation areas. North Fork Campground For a period of thirty (30) days from J. R. P enny, T. 8 S., R. 83 W., the date of publication of this notice, Sec. 24, S4N E 4N W 4, Ny2SE4NW 4. State Supervisor. persons having cause may present their [F. R. Doc. 57-9592; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; objections in writing to the undersigned Chapman Recreation Area 8:48 a. m.] official of the Bureau of Land Manage­ T. 8 S., R. 83 W., ment, Department of the Interior, 339 Sec. 27, sy2SEi4SWi4. Sy2SE 4SE4; New Custom House, P. O. Box 1018, Den­ Sec. 34, NE1 4 , E1/2 NW14, Ny2SEy4 , SE4 ver 1, Colorado. SE4; I daho Sec. 35, Wy2NWi4, NW 4SW 4, Ny2SW4 If circumstances warrant it, a public sw»4. NOTICE OP PROPOSED WITHDRAWAL AND hearing will be held at a convenient time RESERVATION OP LANDS and place, whieh will be announced. Highland Campground N ovember 8, 1957. The determination of the Secretary on T. 10 S., R. 85 W., the application will be published in the Sec. 35, lot 2 and lot 5 and W 4SE4» less The Department of Agriculture has patented HES 112 and HES 113. filed an application, Serial No. Idaho F ederal R egister. A separate notice 07510, for the withdrawal of the lands will be sent to each interested party of Difficult Campground described below, from all forms of appro­ record. T. 10 S., R. 84 W., priation under the General Mining Laws, The lands included in the application Sec. 33, NE4NW 4, NW 4NE4. are: subject to existing valid claims. The Aspen Park Campground applicant desires the land for a recrea­ Six t h P rincipal M eridian, Colorado T. 10 S., R. 84 W., tion area. WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST For a period of thirty days from the Sec. 28, NW4 SW1 4 . date of publication of this notice, persons North Fork White River Campground Maroon Lake Campground having cause may present their objec­ T. 1 N., R. 89 W., T. 11 S., R. 86 W„ tions in writing to the undersigned offi­ Sec. 18, lot 1 (NW4NW4), HES 142 (NW4 Sec. 13, Ny2, Ny2SW»4. NW'4). cial of the Bureau of Land Management, Crater Lake Campground Department of the Interior, P. O. Box T. 1 N„ R. 90 W., 2237, Boise, Idaho. Sec. 13, HES 142, HES 145 (Ny2 ) y T. 11 S., R. 86 W., Sec. 14, HES 145 (Sy2NE4 , Ny2SE 4 , NE»4 Sec. 23, NW 4. If circumstances warrant it, a public s w y 4), lot i (SW14NE14). hearing will be held at a convenient time Total acreage is approximately 2683.55 and place, which will be announced. Heart Lake Recreation Area acres. The determination of the Secretary on T. 3 S., R. 89 W., Lowell M. P uckett, the application will be published in the Sec. 26, wy2Ey2NEi4 , W4NE4, Ey2 NW*4. State Supervisor. F ederal R egister. A separate notice will Three Forks Campground be sent to each interested party of record. [F. R. Doc. 57-9583; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; T. 3 S., R. 92 W., 8:49 a. m.] The lands involved in the applicatiori Sec. 26, SW14 NW1 4 , NWy4SWi4; are; Sec. 27, SE4 NE4 . B oise National F orest Spruce Picnic Ground BOISE MERIDIAN, IDAHO T. 3 S., R. 92 W„ Bureau of Reclamation Sage Hen Reservoir Recreation Area Sec. 26, SW4 SW1 4 ; [No. 37] T. 11 N..R. 2. E., Sec. 35, NW14 NW4 . Sec. 2: Lots 1, 2, 3,4.; Little Box Cqnyon Campground R iverton P roject, W yoming Sec. 3: Lot 1. T. 12 N., R. 2 E., T. 3 S., R. 92 W., PUBLIC NOTICE OF ANNUAL WATER Sec. 34: SE%NE&, Ei/2SE^; Sec. 23, SE4SW 4; RENTAL CHARGES se c . 3 5 : Ny2Ny2, Ey2Ey2SEi4NE^, w y2 Sec. 26.NE4NW 4. October 31, 1957. NE % S W 1/4 NE ]/4, NW ^SW ^NE^, Ny2 Dowd Campground s e v 4n w i/4, Ny2sw^Nwi4, wy2SEy4 1. Water rental. Irrigation water s w >/4n w i/4, swy4swy4Nwi/4, e »/2n e % T. 5 S., R. 81 W., will be furnished upon a rental basis SE14, Ey2wy2NEi4SE^, wy2Ey2Nw^ Sec. 21, lot 6 (NE4 NE1 4 ). during the irrigation season of 1958 and SW 14, W y 2 NW SW Y t , SE&SE14, Eya Homestake Campground thereafter, until further notice, to the s w 14s e *4, Ey2wy2swi/4SE^, wy2swy4 irrigable lands described in Public SW 1 4 SE 1 4 , . E 1/2S E ^ S E 1 4 SW 1 4 , s w y 4 T. 6 8., R. 80 W., Notice No. 28 for the North Pavillion s e *4 s e yi s w 4 , s y2 s w 4 s e 4 s w 14, s e 4 Sec. 30, S-1/2 NE1 4 SE1 4 . area, and Public Notice No. 30 for the s e 4 s w *4s w 14, w y 2e y2s w y 4s w 14, w y 2 Homsilver Campground North Portal area, Riverton Project, S W 14 S W 4 . Wyoming. Sec. 3 6 : NW14NW14, SW 4 NW 4 , N W 4 T. 6 S., R. 80 W., SW4. Sec. 30, SE4 SE1 4 ; 2. Charges and terms of payment. Sec. 31, NEJ4 NE4 . A minimum water rental charge shall Total area: 728.59 acres. Fulford Campground be payable for irrigable lands described J. R. P enny, in Public Notices Nos. 28 and 30, State Supervisor. T. 6 S., R. 83 W., whether water is used or not. Such Sec. 35, SE4 NE14 , E4SW4NE4. minimum charge need not be paid in [F. R. Doc. 57-9593; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; 8:49 a.m.] Fulford Cave any year for any acreage which the Riverton Project Manager certifies to T. 6 S., R. 83 W., be temporarily nonirrigable during Sec. 36, NW»4NW»4. such year due to seepage, land subsid­ Colorado Gypsum Campground ence, shallow or impermeable soils, or excessive amounts of salts. Payment NOTICE OP PROPOSED WITHDRAWAL AND T. 6 S., R. 85 W., Sec. 15, sy 2NW!4. of the minimum water rental charge RESERVATION OF LANDS will entitle the water user to two acre- N ovember 12, 1957. Grizzly Creek Picnic Ground feet of water per irrigable acre. The The United States Forest Service of T. 6 S., R. 88 W., minimum charge shall be payable in the Department of Agriculture has filed Sec. 5, lots 7, 8 (Sy2NW4). advance on January 1 of each year, and Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9263 no water will be furnished until such 7. Public Notices Nos. 28 and 30, sup­ basic agreement of that conference (No. charge is paid in full. Charges for wa­ plemented. This notice supersedes Pub­ 3103, as amended) to exclude member ter furnished in excess of two acre- lic Notice No. 36 and supplements lines’ own branch offices from the provi­ feet per irrigable acre shall be payable subparagraphs 24 (b) and 24 (c) of sion limiting member lines to only one on January 1 for water furnished dur­ Public Notice No. 28, and subparagraphs office of their own or one agent or sub­ ing the preceding year. 25 (b) and 25 (c) of Public Notice No. agent at any one port in Japan, Okinawa The minimum water rental charge 30, Riverton Project. * or Korea. for lands in the North Pavillion area Interested parties may inspect this described in Public Notice No. 28 and F. M. Clinton, Regional Director. agreement and obtain copies thereof at for lands in the North Portal area de­ the Regulation Office, Federal Maritime scribed in Public Notice No. 30 shall be [F. R. Doc. 57-9584; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; 8:46 a. m.] Board, Washington, D. C., and may sub­ $2.80 per irrigable acre. Water in ad­ mit, within 20 days after publication of dition to two acre-feet per irrigable this notice in the F ederal R egister, acre, if available, shall be furnished at DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE written statements with reference to the the rate of $1.40 per acre-foot. agreement and their position as to ap­ 3. Water for other lands. Irrigation Farmers Home Administration proval, disapproval, or modification, water, when available, will also be fur­ together with request for hearing should nished at the rates described in Para­ D eputy Administrator and Assistant such hearing be desired. graph 2, to other lands in the North Administrator (P rogram) Dated: November 15,1957. Pavilhon and North Portal areas upon DELEGATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF the filing each year of a temporary water AUTHORITIES By order of the Federal Maritime rental application covering such other Board. lands. The approval of a water rental I. Pursuant to authority contained in G eo. A. Viehmann, application for these lands shall not be paragraph 116 of Title 9 of the Adminis­ Assistant Secretary. deemed to constitute an action leading to trative Regulations of the Department a continuing right to receive water in of Agriculture and section 116 of the [F. R. Doc. 57-9609; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; subsequent years. The application for order of the Acting Secretary of Agri­ 8:54 a. m.] water on othér lands can be made at any culture dated December 24,1953 £J9 F. R. time during the irrigation year. At the 74), there hereby are delegated and as­ time of application, the water rental signed to the position of Deputy Admin­ charge is due without application of the istrator and to the position of Assistant Office of thé Secretary Administrator (Program), subject to the discounts or penalties prescribed in George L. Wilson paragraph 5, and no water will be de­ general direction and supervision of the livered until all charges have been paid Administrator, all authorities, powers, STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL in full. functions, and duties that have been and INTERESTS 4. Abnormal precipitation. In the that hereafter may be vested in the Sec­ In accordance with the requirements event the recorded total precipitation at retary of Agriculture and delegated and of section 710 (b) (6) of the Defense Pavillion from January 1 to September assigned to the Administrator, with re­ Production Act of 1950, as amended, and 38 varies from the 37-year average of spect to: Executive Order 10647 of November 28, 7.76 inches (1919-55) by more than one A. Loan making, servicing, collection 1955, the following changes have taken inch, the 2.0 acre-foot per irrigable acre and liquidation, except the approval of place in my financial interests as re­ water allowance for the minimum water any loan which will cause the total prin­ ported in the F ederal R egister of May charge will be adjusted. If the 9-month cipal outstanding indebtedness of a bor­ 5, 1956, 21 F. R. 3030; November 1, 1956, total precipitation is less than 6.76 rower for all loans from the Farmers 21 F. R. 8372; May 14,1957,22 F, R. 3396: inches, the water allowance for the mini­ Home Administration to exceed $50,000. B. The disposal of surplus property A. Deletions: Long Island Lighting. mum water charge will be increased by B. Additions: Charles Pfizer, Dictaphone, 0.2 foot for each inch that precipitation under the jurisdiction of the Farmers Phillips Petroleum. during this period is below the average of Home Administration which the Secre­ 7.76 inches. If the actual precipitation tary of Agriculture is now or hereafter This statement is made as of October exceeds the average for the 9-month pe­ authorized to dispose of by the Adminis­ 20, 1957. riod by more than one inch, the water trator of the General Services Admin­ George L. W ilson. allowance will be reduced by 0.1 foot for istration. N ovember 12, 1957. each inch of such excess above the aver­ II. This order supersedes the order of age of 7.76 inches. the Administrator dated February 7, [F. R. Doc. 57-9582; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; 5. Discounts and penalties. If pay­ 1955 (20 F. R. 903) and the order of the 8:45 a. m.] ment of the minimum charge is made Acting Administrator dated January 25, on or before December 31, a discount of 1956 (21F.R. 686). 5 percent of such charge will be allowed. Dated: November 13, 1957. If payment of the charge for additional Arvid O. Lundell water is made on or before December 31 [seal] K. 1?. Hansen, AMENDED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL of the year in which used, a discount Administrator, INTERESTS Farrriers Home Administration. of 5 percent of such charge will be al­ Statement of changes in financial in­ lowed. If payment of the minimum [F. R. Doc. 57-9595; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; terests as required by section 710 (b) (6) charge is not made by April 1 of each 8:49 a. m.] year, and if payment for additional water of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as furnished to any lands is not made by amended. April 1, subsequent to the year in which DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE The following amended list replaces such additional water is delivered, there that published in the F ederal R egister shall be added on the following day a Federal Maritime Board of November 5,1957; 22 F. R. 8884-5: A m en d ed L is t Penalty of one-half of one percent of the M ember Lines of J apan-A tlantic and amount unpaid, and the same penalty * Gulf F reight Conference STATEMENT OP FINANCIAL INTERESTS shall be added on the first day of each NOTICE OF AGREEMENT FILED FOR APPROVAL Alloy steels. calendar month thereafter so long as American Machine and Foundry. such default shall continue, and no water Notice is hereby given that the follow­ Atomic Development Mutual Fund. will be delivered until all charges and ing described agreement has been filed Bachmann Uxbridge (Amerace Corp.). Penalties have been paid in full. with the Board for approval pursuant to Canada General Fund. 6 ..Place of payment. Payment of wa­ section 15 of the Shipping Act, 1916, (39 Century Shares Trust. ter rental charges shall be made at the Chrysler Corporation. Stat. 733,46 U. S. C. 814) : Coins and Stamps, Inc.—Michigan. Bureau of Reclamation Office in River­ Agreement No. 3103-8, "between the Colonial Broach and Machine Company. ton, Wyoming, or mailed to the Bureau member lines of the Japan-Atlantic and Consumers Power—Michigan. of Reclamation, Riverton, Wyoming. Gulf Freight Conference, modifies the Detroit Bank. 9264 NOTICES

Detroit Edison. Dated at Washington, D. C., November Commerce Building, Constitution Ave­ Detroit Tap and Tool. 14, 1957. nue, between 14th and 15th Streets NW., Elco Corporation. Washington, D. C., before Examiner Equity Corporation. [ seal] F rancis W. B rown, Ex-Cell-O Corporation. Chief Examiner. Herbert K. Bryan. Ford Motor Company. Dated at Washington, D. C., November Fargo Oil. [F. R. Doc. 57-9604; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; Grosse Point« Restaurant Company— 8:52 a.m.} 14,1957. . Michigan. [seal] F rancis W. B rown, Lake Shore Engineering—Michigan. Chief Examiner. National Bank of Detroit. National City Lines. [Docket No. 5081 et al.] [F. R. Doc. 57-9607; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; New Method Steel Stamps, Inc. 8:53 a. m.] Peoples State Bank of Hamtramck— Additional Air S ervice in Michigan. S outheastern Alaska Royalite Company Limited. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Raytheon Corporation. notice of oral argument Standard Products. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the COMMISSION Sater Products. provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act of Snyder Tool & Engineering. [Docket Nos. 11645, 11646; FCC 57M-1124] Studebaker-Packard. 1938, as amended, that oral argument in Tan-D Corporation—Michigan. the above-entitled proceeding is assigned American T elephone and T elegraph Co. Tennessee Gas Transmission. to be held on December 5, 1957, at 10:00 and W estern U nion T elegraph Co. Transcontinental Gas & Pipe Line Corp. a. m., e. s. t., in Room 5042,. Commerce Montana-Wyoming Gas Pipeline. Building, 14th Street and Constitution ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING Highland Plastics—Michigan. Avenue NW., Washington, D. C., before In the matter of American Telephone United Park City Mines. the Board. W. J. R. Radio Station—Detroit. and Telegraph Company, Docket No. Bank Accounts. ■ Dated at Washington, D. C„ November 11645; charges, classifications, regula­ Municipal Bonds, School and Turnpike 14,1957. tions and practices for and in connection Revenue. with private line services and channels. Jagarbo Hunting Club, Inc.—Michigan. [ seal] F rancis W. B rown, The . Western Union Telegraph Com­ Chief Examiner. This statement is made as of October pany, Docket No. 11646; charges, classifi­ 29, 1957. [F. R. Doc. 57-9605; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; cations, regulations and practices for and 8:52 a. m.] in connection with Domestic Leased Arvid O. Lundell. Facility Service. N ovember 12,1957. The Hearing Examiner having under consideration a motion filed November [F. R. Doc. 57-9581; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; [Docket No. SR-2253] 8:45 a. m.] 7, 1957, on behalf of the General Serv­ Administrator of Civic Aeronautics ices Administration, requesting post­ v. Orville J. F eroe ponement of the hearing from December CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD 16, 1957, to January 27, 1958, and state­ NOTICE OF ORAL ARGUMENT ments filed November 12,1957, on behalf [Docket No. 7902] James T. Pyle, Administrator of Civil of the respondents AT&T and Western Union agreeing to the postponement, re­ Capital Gains P roceeding Aeronautics, complainant v. Orville J. Feroe, Respondent; Docket No. SR-2253. questing that the date for serving copies NOTICE OP ORAL ARGUMENT Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the of the written testimony and exhibits by the respondents be extended from Notice is hereby given, pursuant to provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, that oral argument November 15 to December 9, 1957, and the provisions of the Civil Aeronautics requesting that the date for the notifi­ Act of 1938, as amended, that oral argu­ in the above-entitled proceeding is as­ signed to be held on December 10, 1957, cation to the respondents of requests for ment in the above-entitled proceeding additional information be extended from is assigned to be held on December 12, at 10; 00 a. m., e. s. t., in Room 5042, Commerce Building, Constitution Ave­ November 29, 1957, to January 3, 1958; 1957, at 10: 0Q a. m., e. s. t., in Room 5042, and Commerce Building, Constitution Ave­ nue, between 14th and 15th Streets NW., Washington, D. C., before the Board. It appearing that, a possible conflict nue, between 14th and 15th Streets NW., with another hearing (Docket No. 12194) Washington, D. C., before the Board. Counsel for Orville J. Feroe has been allotted 30 minutes; and the Adminis­ in which the parties here pleading are Dated at Washington, D. C., November trator 30 minutes to be presented in that involved led them and Bureau to agree 14, 1957. order. Counsel for the respondent may to seek a postponement of the pro­ cedural schedule above referred to; and [ seal] F rancis W. B rown, reserve one-quarter of his allotted time for rebuttal. It further appearing that the Novem­ Chief Examiner. ber 15 date for submission of the written [F. R. Doc. 57-9603; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; Dated at Washington, D. C„ November testimony and exhibits requires immedi­ 8:52 a. m.] 15, 1957. ate consideration of, and notified action [seal] F rancis W. B rown, upon, the pending motion as permitted Chief Examiner. in § 1.745 of the Commission’s rules, and that the granting of the pending requests [Docket No. 8679] [F. R. Doc. 57-9606; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; 8:53 a. m.] will conduce to the orderly dispatch of the Commission’s business; Quaker City Airways, Inc. Now, therefore, it is ordered, This 13th NOTICE OF ORAL ARGUMENT day of November 1957, that the above [Docket No. 8619] motion is granted, and that the Order In the matter of the revocation of In­ After Second Prehearing Conference as terim Operating Authorization No. 34 California Air Charter, Inc. ; amended is modified to provide that: issued to Quaker City Airways, Inc. Enforcement P roceeding (1) The respondents’ written testimony Notice is hereby given that oral argu­ ment in the above-entitled proceeding is NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF HEARING and exhibits shall be notified to the assigned to be held on December 3, 1957, Notice is hereby given that the hear­ other parties on or before December 9, at 10: 00 a. mv e.s. t., in Room 5042, Com­ ing in the above-indicated proceeding 1957; (2) additional information requests merce Building, 14th Street and Consti­ now assigned to be held November 19, shall be notified to the respondents on tution Avenue NW., Washington, D. C., 1957, is hereby postponed until December or before January 3, 1958; and (3) the before the Board. 2,1957, at 10 a. m., e. s, t., in Room 5132, hearing of evidence shall be commenced Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9265

at 10:00 a. m. on Monday, January 27, It further appearing that upon due sent evidence on the issues specified in 1958, at Washington, D. C. consideration of the above-captioned ap­ this order. plications, the amendments thereto and Released: November 14, 1957. the replies to the above letters, the Com­ Released: November 15,1957. F ederal Communications mission finds that pursuant to section By direction of the Commission. , Commission, 309 (b) of the Communications Act of F ederal Communications [seal] Mary J ane Morris, 1934, as amended, a hearing is necessary; Secretary. that St. Anthony Television Corporation Commission, [seal] Mary J ane Morris, [F. R. Doc. 57-9599; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; is legally qualified to construct, own and Secretary. 8:50 a. m.] operate the proposed television broad­ cast station; and is technically so quali­ [F. R. Doc. 57-9601; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; fied except as to issue “1” below; and 8:51 a. m.] that WTVJ, Inc. is legally, financially [Docket No. 12217; FCC 57M-1126] and otherwise qualified to construct, own Orégon R adio, Inc. and operate the proposed television broadcast station and is technically so [Docket No. 12250; FCO 57-1244] order continuing hearing qualified except as to issue “1” below; S acramento T elecasters, I nc. (KBET- In re application of Oregon Radio, Inc., , It is ordered, That pursuant to sec­ TV) Salem, Oregon, Docket No. 12217, File tion 309 (b) of the Communications Act No. BMPCT-4564; for extension of time of 1934, as amended, the above-captioned order designating application for to complete construction of Television applications of St. Anthony Television HEARING ON STATED ISSUES Station KSLM-TV. Corporation and WTVJ, Inc. are desig­ In re application of Sacramento Tele­ It is ordered, This 13th day of Novem­ nated for hearing ih a consolidated pro­ ber 1957, that, upon request of the ap­ casters, Inc. ' (KBET-TV), Sacramento, ceeding at a time and place to be speci­ California, Docket No. 12250, File No. plicant and with the acquiescence of the fied in., a subsequent order upon the Commission’s Broadcast Bureau, the BMPCT-2633; for modification of con­ following issues: struction permit. hearing in the above-entitled matter 1. To determine whether the antenna which is presently scheduled for Novem­ systems and sites proposed by St. An­ At a session of the Federal Communi­ ber 25, 1957, is hereby rescheduled to thony Television Corporation and WTVJ, cations Commission held at its offices in commence at 10:00 a. m., December 2, Inc. would constitute hazards to air navi­ Washington, D. C., on the 13th day of 1957, in the Commission’s offices at gation. November 1957; Washington, D. C. The Commission having under con­ 2. To determine the financial qualifi­ sideration (a) the above-entitled appli­ Released: November 14, 1957. cations of St. Anthony Television Corpo­ cation filed on November 26, 1954, and ration to construct, own and operate the granted without hearing on December 9, F ederal Communications proposed television broadcast station. Commission, 1954; (b) a petition to Stay the effective 3. To determine on a comparative date of the grant,, to designate the appli­ [seal] M ary J ane Morris, basis which of the operations proposed Secretary. cation for hearing, and for other relief, in the above-captioned applications filed on January 13, 1955, pursuant to [P. R. Doc. 57-9600; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; would better serve the public interest, section 405 of the Communications Act 8:51 a. m.l convenience and necessity in the light of of 1934, as amended, by McClatchy the record made with respect to the sig­ Broadcasting Company (hereinafter Mc­ nificant differences between the appli­ cants as to: Clatchy) , licensee of Radio Station [Docket Nos. 12248, 12249; FCC 57-1243] KFBK, Sacramento, California; (c) the (a) The background and experience of Commission’s Memorandum Opinion and St. Anthony T elevision Corp. and each having a bearing on its ability to Order released March 18, 1955 (FCC 55- WTVJ, I nc. own and operate the proposed television broadcast station. 318) denying said petition on the ORDER DESIGNATING APPLICATIONS FOR CON­ (b) The proposals of each with respect grounds that McClatchy had no stand­ SOLIDATED HEARING ON STATED ISSU ES ing under section 405 of the Communica­ to the management and operation of the tions Act to seek reconsideration or the In re applications of: St. Anthony television broadcast station. other relief requested; that allegations Television Corporation, Houma, Louisi­ (c) The programming service pro­ by McClatchy, relating to false presenta­ ana, Docket No. 12248, File No. BPCT- posed in each of the above-captioned applications. tions made by the applicant (Telecast­ 2328; WTVJ, Inc., Houma, Louisiana, ers), were unfounded; and that a grant Docket No. 12249, File No. BPCT-2354; 4. To determine in the light of the evi­ of the subject modification application for construction permit for a new dence adduced pursuant to the foregoing would not adversely affect the interests television broadcast station. issues, which of the applications, if of McClatchy with respect to its appli­ At a session of the Federal Communi­ either, should be granted. cation for Channel 10 in Sacramento; cations Commission held at its offices in It is further ordered, That the issues (d) the decision issued on October 18, Washington, D. C.. on the 13th day of in the above-entitled proceeding may be November 1957; 1956, by the United States Court of Ap­ enlarged by the Examiner on his own peals for the District of Columbia Circuit The Commission, having under con­ motion or on petition properly filed by a in McClatchy Broadcasting Company v. sideration the above-captioned applica­ party to the proceeding and upon a suf­ Federal Communications Commission, tions, each requesting a construction ficient allegation of facts in support 99 U. S. App. D. C. 199, 239 F. 2d 19, Cert, Permit for a new television broadcast thereof, by the addition of the following den. 353 U. S. 918, rehg. den. 353 U. S. station to operate on Channel 11 in issue: To determine whether the funds Houma, Louisiana; and 952; (e) a petition filed by McClatchy on available to the applicants will give rea­ September 6, 1957, requesting the Com­ It appearing that the above-captioned sonable assurance that the proposals set mission to adopt and include in its order applications are mutually exclusive, in forth in the application will be effectu­ of designation for hearing on remand the that operation by more than one of the ated. issues requested in its petition; the re­ applicants, as proposed, would result ‘in It is further ordered, That to avail sponse thereto by Telecasters; Mc­ mutually destructive interference; and Clatchy’s reply thereto; and (f) amotion It-further appearing that pursuant to themselves of the opportunity to be heard, St. Anthony Television Corpora­ to strike McClatchy’s petition for inclu­ section 309 (b) of the Communications sion of issues from Dockets Numbers Act of 1934, as amended, the above- tion and WTVJ, Inc., pursuant to § 1.387 of the Commission’s rules, in person or 9013 and 10298, filed by Telecasters on named applicants were advised by letters September 26, 1957; an opposition of the fact that their applications were by attorney, shall within 20 days of the thereto by McClatchy; and Telecasters' mutually exclusive, of the necessity for mailing of this Order file with the Com­ reply thereto ; and a hearing, and of all objections to their mission, in triplicate, a written appear­ It appearing that, by the aforemen­ applications, and were given an oppor­ ance stating an intention to appear on tunity to reply; and tioned decision, the United States Court the date fixed for the hearing and pre­ of Appeals for the District of Columbia No. 225----- 3 9266 NOTICES

Circuit reversed the Commission’s Order captioned application for modification of (c) The appearances of the parties in­ denying McClatchy’s aforementioned pe­ construction permit by Sacramento Tele­ tending to participate in the above hear­ tition, and remanded the case to the casters, Inc. ing shall be filed not later than November Commission for hearing “to decide 2. To determine the nature and extent 27,1957. whether to set aside either the modified of the change in coverage which would Released: November 15,1957. grant to Telecasters, or the modification result from operation pursuant to the and the original grant as well, and, in modified construction permit.1 F ederal Communications either event, to consider what other ac­ 3. To determine whether the filing of Commission, tion thereafter would be appropriate”; the above-captioned application for [seal] Mary Jane Morris, and modification of construction permit Secretary. It further appearing that in the inter­ raises a question of the good faith of [F. R. Doc. 57-9602; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; est of orderly and expeditious Commis­ Sacramento Telecasters, Inc., in view of 8:52 a. m.] sion process, the hearing on the remand the amendment of its original applica­ should be directed initially to the de­ tion as to antenna height and the result termination of whether the grant of the of its stipulation in the comparative FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION modification application would serve the hearing (Dockets Nos. 9013 and 10298) [ Docket No. G-13705 ] public interest, convenience, and neces­ that there was no substantial difference sity; and in coverage between the two proposals, Mrs. T om J. Moffitt et al. It further appearing that the hearing and in view of the evidence adduced ORDER FOR HEARING AND SUSPENDING issues specified hereinbelow accord with under issues 1 and 2 above. PROPOSED CHANGE IN RATE the decision of the Court of Appeals as 4. To determine whether Sacramento to the matters to be considered in a hear­ Telecasters, Inc., made false representa­ N ovember 13,1957. ing on the modification application and tions to the people in the area to be Mrs. Tom J. Moffitt, et al., (Moffitt) , also incorporate, in substance, such is­ served by its proposed station with re­ on October 14,1957, tendered for filing a sues requested by McClatchy as relate spect to the service that will be rendered proposed change in her presently effec­ to Telecasters’ modification application; by the station under the modification tive rate schedule for the sale of natural and proposal. gas subject to the jurisdiction of the It further appearing that McClatchy’s 5. To determine whether Sacramento Commission.1 The proposed change, petition requesting inclusion of issues Telecasters, Inc., made false representa­ which constitutes an increased rate and should be granted only insofar as the tions to the people in the area to be charge, is contained in the following des­ issues set forth therein relate to the served by its proposed station with re­ ignated filing: above-entitled application for modifica­ spect to the service that will be rendered Description: Notice of change, undated. tion of construction permit; and by the station under the modification Purchaser: Louisiana Nevada Transit Com­ It further appearing that McClatchy proposal. pany. has requested oral argument on its pe­ 6. To determine whether William P. Rate schedule designation: Supplement No. tition for inclusion of the issues specified Wright, president of Sacramento Tele­ 7 to Moffltt’s FPC Gas Rate Schedule No. 1. by it, and that no useful purpose would casters, Inc., made false representations Effective date: November 14, 1957 (effec­ be served by granting such request; and to the Commission in his affidavit dated tive date is the first day after expiration of It further appearing that the motion January 20,1955. the required thirty days’ notice). of Telecasters to strike McClatchy’s pe­ 7. To determine in light of the evi­ In support of the proposed rate in­ tition requesting inclusion of issues from dence adduced under the foregoing issues crease, Moffitt states, that the increased Dockpts Numbers 9013 and 10298 should and the record made with respect there­ price is a matter of contractual obligation be granted since the proceedings therein to, whether the grant of the application arrived at by arm’s-length bargaining in are not under consideration by the Com­ of Sacramento Telecasters, Inc., for good faith. mission at this time; and modification of its construction permit, The increased rate and charge so pro­ It further appearing that McClatchy would serve the public interest, con­ posed has not been shown to be justified, has made no showing of irreparable in­ venience, and necessity.* and may be unjust, unreasonable, unduly jury to it or the public with respect to It is further ordered, That the burden discriminatory, or preferential, or other­ any construction or operation pursuant of proceeding with the introduction of wise unlawful. to the modified construction permit evidence and the burden of proof as to The Commission finds: pending the outcome of the hearing ; and issues 1 and 2 above shall be on Sacra­ (1) The proposed change in rates filed that a stay of the grant of the above- mento Telecasters, Inc., and that the by Moffitt should be accepted condition­ captioned application pending a deci­ burdens as to issues 3, 4, 5, and 6 above ally pending the final determination in sion on the hearing would deprive the shall be on McClatchy Broadcasting the consolidated proceedings, inclusive of public of an existing television broadcast Company. Docket No. G-9086,\of the issue whether service, and would serve no useful pur­ It is further ordered, That petitioner, Cotton Valley Operators Committee pose at this stage of the proceedings ; McClatchy Broadcasting Company, and should be required to file its gas sales It is ordered, That McClatchy’s re­ the Chief of the Broadcast Bureau are contract with Louisiana Nevada Transit quests for a stay of the grant of the hereby made 'parties to the proceedings Company as a rate schedule in lieu of above-captioned application and for oral herein and that: filings by Moffitt, and others. argument on its petition for inclusion of (a) The hearing on the above issues (2) It is necessary and proper in the issues are denied; shall commence at a date to be specified public interest and to aid in the enforce­ It is further ordered, That the petition in a subsequent order, before an Exam­ ment of the provisions of the Natural of McClatchy for inclusion of issues is iner to be specified at a later date. Gas Act that the Commission enter upon granted with respect to those issues (b) The parties to the proceeding a hearing concerning the lawfulness of therein which, in substance, are specified herein shall have fifteen (15) days after the said proposed change, and that the hereinbelow, and is denied in all other the issuance of the Examiner’s decision above-designated supplement be sus­ respects; to file exceptions thereto and seven (7) pended and the use thereof deferred as It is further ordered, That the motion days thereafter to file replies to any such hereinafter ordered. of Telecasters to strike the petition of exceptions. The Commission orders: McClatchy for inclusion of issues from (A) The proposed change in rates filed Dockets Numbers 9013 and 10298 is 1 In connection with the evidentiary show­ by Moffitt is accepted conditionally, granted; ing to be made under this issue, attention is pending the final determination in the It is further ordered, That the above- called to the Commission’s Memorandum consolidated proceedings, inclusive of entitled application is designated for Opinion and Order in Docket No. 10968, etc., (FCC 57-1212), released November 8, 1957. - Docket No. G-9086, of the issue whether evidentiary hearing at the offices of the s The Commission will decide, in the light Cotton Valley Operators Committee Commission in Washington, D. C., on the of the record and decision in this hearing, following issues: what further action, if any, would be appro­ 1 Present rate previously suspended and is 1. To determine the facts and circum­ priate with respect to the original grant made in effect subject to refund in Docket No. stances leading to the filing of the above- to Telecasters-on October 4,1954. G-8819. Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9267

I should be required to file its gas sales The increased rate and charge so pro­ state commerce for resale, as hereinafter I contract with Louisiana Nevada Transit posed has not been shown to be justified, described, subject to the jurisdiction of I Company as a rate schedule in lieu of and may be unjust, unreasonable, un­ the Commission, all as more fully rep­ I filings of that contract by Moffitt, as duly discriminatory, or preferential, or resented in the respective applications I well as by others. otherwise unlawful. which are on file with the Commission (B) Pursuant to the authority of the The Commission finds: It is necessary and open to public inspection. I Natural Gas Act, particularly sections 4 and proper in the public interest and to On February 8, 1956, Transco filed in I and 15 thereof, the Commission’s rules of aid in the enforcement of the provisions Docket No. G-9961 an application for a I practice and procedure, and the regula- of the Natural Gas Apt that the Com­ certificate of public convenience and I tions under the Natural Gas Act (18 CFR mission enter upon a hearing concerning necessity authorizing the construction I Chapter I), a public hearing be held the lawfulness of the said proposed and operation of two 4-inch supply lat­ I upon a date to be fixed by notice from change, and that the above-designated eral pipelines, together with two meter I the Secretary concerning the lawfulness supplement be suspended and the use stations and appurtenant facilities. One I of the proposed increased rate and thereof deferred as hereinafter ordered. of the proposed laterals will extend from I charge. The Commission orders: the terminus of Transco’s 6-inch lateral (C) Pending such hearing and deci- (A) Pursuant to the authority of the pipeline in Bear Field, Beauregard Par­ ■ sion thereon, said supplement be and it Natural Gas Act, particularly sections 4 ish, Louisiana, approximately 2.37 miles | is hereby suspended and the use thereof and 15 thereof, the Commission’s rules to Transco’s proposed meter .station in I deferred until April 14, 1958, and until of practice and procedure, and the regu­ the Cowpen Creek Field, Beauregard I such further time as it is made effective lations under the Natural Gas Act (18 Parish. The other proposed lateral will [ in the manner prescribed by the Natural CFR, Chapter I ), a public hearing be held extend approximately 0.59 miles from a I Gas Act. upon a date to be fixed by notice from point of connection on Transco’s exist­ (D> Neither the supplement hereby the Secretary concerning the lawfulness ing main transmission line in Allen I suspended nor the rate schedule sought of the proposed increased rate and Parish, Louisiana, to Transco’s proposed I to be altered thereby shall be. changed charge. meter station in the Kinder Field, Allen I until this proceeding has been disposed (B) Pending such hearing and deci­ Parish, Louisiana. The proposed facili­ [ of, or until the period of suspension has sion thereon, said supplement is hereby ties will enable Transco to receive gas I expired, unless otherwise ordered by the suspended and the use thereof deferred from Sun, Crow and Walker from the K Commission. until April 14, 1958, and until such Cowpen Creek and Kinder Fields. The (E) Interested State commissions may further time as it is made effective in the estimated total cost of the proposed fa­ I participate as provided by §§ 1.8 and 1.37 manner prescribed by the Natural Gas cilities is $94,000. The cost is to be fi­ I (f) of the Commission’s rules of practice Act. nanced from company funds. I and procedure (18 CFR 1.8 and 1.37 (f)). (C) Neither the supplement herefiy On February 23, April 23, and June 14, suspended, nor the rate schedule sought 1956, Sun, Walker, and Crow, in Docket By the Commission. to be altered thereby, shall be changed Nos. G-9989, 10297 and 10572, respec­ [seal] J oseph H. Gutride, until this proceeding has been disposed tively, filed separate applications for cer­ Secretary. of or until the period of suspension has tificates authorizing the sale of natural I [P. R. Doc. 57-9585; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; expired, unless otherwise ordered by the gas in interstate commerce to Transco 8:46 a. m.] Commission. for resale from their respective interests (D) Interested State commissions may in the Cowpen Creek and Kinder Fields. participate as provided by §§ 1.8 and 1.37 SUn proposes to sell its gas under a basic (f ) of the Commission’s rules of practice gas sales contract dated December 29, t Docket No. G-13706] and procedure (18 CFR 1.8 and 1.37 (f) ). 1956, Walker under a ratification agree­ By the Commission. ment dated March 9, 1956, and Crow Meredith and Co. et al. under a ratification agreement dated order for hearing and suspending [seal] J oseph H. Gutride, May 3, 1956, to said basic contract, all proposed change in rate Secretary. between the respective parties and Transco. N ovember 13,1957. [F. R. Doc. 57-9586; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; 8:46 a. m.] These related matters should be heard Meredith and Company (Operator) et on a consolidated record and disposed of al., on October 14, 1957, tendered for as promptly as possible under the appli­ filing a proposed change in its presently cable rules and regulations and to that effective rate schedule1 for the sale of [Docket No. G-9961 etc.] end: natural gas subject to the jurisdiction Take further notice that, pursuant to of the Commission. The proposed T ranscontinental. Gas P ipe Line Corp. the authority contained in and subject change, which constitutes an increased etal. to the jurisdiction conferred upon the rate and charge, is contained in the Federal Power Commission by sections 7 following designated filing: NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS AND DATE OF HEARING and 15 of the Natural Gas Act, and the Description: Notice of change, undated. Commission’s rules of practice and pro­ Purchaser: Texas Eastern Transmission N ovember 14,1957. cedure, a hearing will be held on Decem­ Corporation. In the matters of Trancontinental ber 23, 1957, at 9:30 a. m., e. s. t., in a Rate schedule designation: Supplement Gas Pipe Line Corporation, Docket No. Hearing Room of the Federal Power No. 3 to Meredith’s FPC Gas Rate Schedule No. 3. G-9961 ; Sun Oil Company (Gulf Coast Commission, 441 G Street NW., Wash­ Effective date: November 14,1957 (effective Division), Docket No. G-9989 ; Willard E. ington, D. C., concerning the matters in­ date is the first day after expiration of the Walker, Docket No. G-10297; David volved in and the issues presented by required thirty days’ notice). Crow, Trustee, Docket. No. G-10572. such applications: Provided, however, Take notice that Transcontinental Gas That the Commission may, after a non- In support of the proposed rate in­ Pipe Line Corporation (Transco), a Del­ contested hearing, dispose of the pro­ crease, Meredith cites the contract pro­ aware corporation with its principal ceedings pursuant to the provisions of visions therefore and states that such place of business in Houston, Texas, and § 1.30 (c) (1) or (2) of the Commission’s provisions resulted from arm’s-length Sun, Oil Company (Sun), Willard E. rules of practice and procedure. Under bargaining and that the increase provi­ Walker, (Walker) and David Crow, Trus­ the procedure herein provided for, unless sions are common in long-term contracts otherwise advised, it will be unnecessary and provide protection to seller against tee (Crow), Independent producers, filed inflation. applications as indicated above, for cer­ for Applicants to appear or be repre­ tificates of public convenience and neces­ sented at the hearing. 1 Meredith previously proposed an increase sity, pursuant to section 7 of th& Natural Protests or petitions to intervene may under the same rate schedule which was sus­ Gas Act, authorizing the construction be filed with the Federal Power Commis­ pended until April 1, 1957 in Docket No. and operation of facilities necessary for sion, Washington 25, D. C., in accordance 0-11362, but was never made effective sub­ receiving and transporting natural gas with the rules of practice and procedure ject to refund. and for the sale of natural gas in inter­ (18 CFR 1.8 or 1.10) on or before Decem- 9268 NOTICES ber 9, 1957. Failure of any party to Northern states that the estimated Shell’s application lists the perceritum of ] appear at and participate in the hearing total initial cost of all the above facilities interest of all the co-owners in the two j shall be construed as waiver of and con­ is $367,400, which cost will be financed units in which it is the operator. currence in omission herein of the inter­ out of cash on hand and cash generated Each of the gas sales contracts involved mediate decision procedure in cases from operations. herein contains similar terms and pro- I where a request therefor is made. Northern also states that in addition to visions and extends to July 1, 1977. Ex- | hibit A to each contract lists the acreage [seal] J oseph H. Gutride, the above facilities it proposes to con­ Secretary. struct and operate additional field lines dedicated thereunder to Northern. and meter stations in the subject areas Producer’s facilities consist of cus­ [F. R. Doc. 57-9588; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; to connect additional wells as they are tomary lease equipment. Proposed de­ 8:47 a. m.] completed. liveries will be made at the metering Also take notice that the following re­ facilities to be installed by Northern in lated producer applications have been each of the units involved herein. Northern alleges that it will transport [Docket No. G-13041 etc.] filed covering the above sales to North­ ern: the gas received from the Producer Ap­ N orthern Natural Gas Co. et al. plicants commingled with its other gas supplies for sale in other states. NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS AND DATE OF Docket Applicant Date filed Contract No. date Northern indicates that no additional HEARING markets are proposed to be served by it ] N ovember 14, 1957. G-12743 Huber____ June 17,1957 May 7,1957 other than those previously authorized j G-12802 United_____ June 27,1957 May 15,1957 by the Commission. In the matters of Northern Natural G-12821 Magnolia___ June 28,1957 Apr. 17,1957 Gas Company, Docket No. G-13041; J. M. G-12966 Keating____ July 29,1957 May 24,1957 These related matters should be heard I as on a consolidated record and disposed of Huber Corporation, Docket No. G-12743 ; amended United Producing Company, Inc., Docket Sept. 3,1957 as promptly as possible under the appli- I No. G-12802; Magnolia Petroleum Com­ G-13127 Oklahoma cable rules and regulations and to that Natural___ Aug. 23,1957 July 9,1957 pany, Docket No. G-12821 ; Keating Drill­ G-13295 Shell...... Sept. 19,1957 Aug. 26,1957 end: ing Company, Operator, et al., Docket G-13363 Shell...... Oct. 7,1957 July 9,1957 Take further notice, that, pursuant to No. G-12966; Oklahoma Natural Gas the authority contained in and subject Company, Docket No. G-13127; Shell Oil Each of the above producers except ta the jurisdiction conferred upon the | Company, Docket No. G-13295; Shell Oil Keating and Shell (in Docket No. Federal Power Commission by sections Company, Operator, and Agent for G-13363) filed their respective applica­ 7 and 15 of the Natural Gas Act, and the Simon Lebow, Docket No. G-13363. tions to cover only their own interests in Commission’s rules of practice and pro- ] Take notice that on August 12, 1957, the leases involved which have been cedure, a hearing will be held on De­ Northern Natural Gas Company (North­ unitized, since each of such producers cember 9, 1957, at 9:30 a. m., e. s. t., in ] ern) , a Delaware corporation having its has its own separate contract with a hearing room of the Federal Power j principal place of business at Omaha, Northern. Commission, 441 G Street NW., Wash- 1 Nebraska, filed in Docket No. G-13041 an Keating, in Docket No. G-12966, as ington, D. C., concerning the matters in- 1 application, as supplemented September Operator of five units in the Northeast volved in and the issues presented by ] 17 and October 14, 1957, for a certificate Gate area, filed on its own behalf and such applications: Provided, however, of public convenience and necessity on behalf of the following co-owners, all That the Commission may, after a non- authorizing the construction and oper­ of whom, together with Keating, are sig­ contested hearing, dispose of the pro- 1 ation of : natory seller parties to the same gas ceedings pursuant to the provisions of (1) Approximately 13.3 miles of field sales contract with Northern dated May § 1.30 (c) (1) or (2) of the Commission’s lines varying in diameter from 4 to 8 24, 1957, namely, Oklahoma Contracting rules of practice and procedure. Under inches, to extend from a proposed de­ Co., Midwest Oil Corporation, Cities the procedure herein provided for, unless hydration plant to be installed by North­ Service Oil Company, Bryon W. Beebe, otherwise advised it will be unnecessary ern on its existing 30-inch transmission T. A. Hester and M. W. Stapes. Exhibit for Applicants herein listed to appear or pipeline in Beaver County, Oklahoma, at 4 to Keating’s application shows the per- be represented at the hearing. a point approximately 30.6 miles up­ centum of interest of all the co-owners Protests or petitions to intervene may stream from its existing Beaver Com­ in the five units in which it is the oper­ be filed with the Federal Power Com­ pressor Station, to five wells in the ator. Keating is also filing as agent for mission, Washington 25, D. C., in ac­ Northeast Gate Lake area in Harper State Fuel’s interest in one of the afore­ cordance with the rules of practice and County, Oklahoma, together with meter­ said units. State Fuel is a sole signa­ procedure (18 CFR 1.8 or 1.10) on or ing facilities, in order to purchase and tory seller party to a separate gas sales before December 5, 1957. Failure of any receive natural gas produced in the contract with Northern dated May 6, party to appear at and participate in Northeast Gate Lake area by J. M. Huber 1957. Cities Service Oil Company has a the hearing shall be construed as waiver Corporation (Huber), State Fuel Supply possible reversionary interest Jn the of and concurrence in omission herein Company (State Fuel), Magnolia Pe­ leases comprising said units. With re­ of the intermediate decision procedure troleum Company (Magnolia), Keating spect to the East Glenwood area, Keat­ in cases where a request therefor is made. Drilling Company, Operator (Keating), ing is a non-operator and is filing for its [seal] J oseph H. Gutride, et al., and Shell Oil Company (Shell) . own interest and the interests of Bryon Secretary. (2) Northern further proposes to con­ W. Beebe, M. W. Stapes and T. A. Hes­ struct and operate approximately 5.3 ter, the only signatory parties, together [F. R. Doc. 57-9589; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; miles of field lines varying in diameter with Keating, to the contract involved 8:47 a.m.] from 4 to 6 inches to extend from its herein owning interests in the East Glen­ aforementioned proposed dehydration wood area. plant to two completed wells in the South Shell in Docket No. G-13363 filed on [Docket No. G—11731] Glenwood area, Beaver County, Okla­ its own behalf as Operator of two units homa, together with three meter sta­ in the South Glenwood area, and as Cumberland and Allegheny Gas Cd. tions in order to purchase and receive agent for Simon Lebow, a co-owner of natural gas produced in the South Glen­ one of the units. Simon Lebow adopted NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND DATE OF wood area by United Producing Com­ the gas sales contract dated July 9,1957, HEARING pany, Inc. (United), Keating, Oklahoma executed by and between Northern and N ovember 14,1957. Natural Gas Company (Oklahoma Nat­ Shell under an adoption agreement dated Take notice that Cumberland and Al­ ural), Shell, Operator, et al., and Provi­ September 12, 1957, executed by and be­ legheny Gas Company (Applicant), a dent Royalties Corporation (Provident) .l tween Northern and Simon Lebow. West Virginia corporation and a sub­ 1 To date, Provident, a nonoperating party to a contract with Northern, has made sidiary of The Columbia Gas System, working interest owner in one of the leases no certificate or rate filings covering its In­ Inc., having its principal place of busi­ involved herein and a sole signatory seller terest in the gas to he sold from said lease. ness at 800 Union Trust Building, Pitts- Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9269 burgh, Pennsylvania, filed on January [Docket No. G-13116] mission’s rules of practice and procedure,

14,1957 an application, pursuant to sec­ N o r t h e r n N a t u r a l G a s C o . a hearing will be held on December 10, tion 7 of the Natural Gas Act, for a 1957 at 9:30 a. m., e. s. t., in a Hearing certificate of public convenience and NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND DATE OF Room of the Federal Power Commission, necessity authorizing the construction OF HEARING 441 G Street NW., Washington, D. C., and operation of certain natural gas N o v e m b e r 14, 1957. concerning the matters involved in and facilities, as hereinafter described, in Take notice that on August 22, 1957, the issues presented by such application : order to sell and deliver natural gas Northern Natural Gas Company (Ap­ Provided, however, That the Commission from an existing transmission line for plicant), a Delaware corporation, hav­ may, after a non-contested hearing, dis­ industrial service to Tygart Moulding ing its principal place of business in pose of the proceedings pursuant to the Corporation (Tygart) at Beverly, Ran­ Omaha, Nebraska, filed in Docket No. provisions of § 1.30 (c) (1) or (2) of the dolph County, West Virginia, all as more G-13116, an application, pursuant to Commission’s rules of practice and pro­ fully described in the application, which section 7 (c) of the Natural Gas Act cedure. Under the procedure herein pro­ is on file with the Commission and open for a certificate of public convenience vided for, unless otherwise advised, it will for public inspection. and necessity, authorizing it to trans­ be unnecessary for Applicant to appear Applicant proposes to construct and port and receive into its main pipeline or be represented at the hearing. operate a tap, regulating and measuring system natural gas which it will pur­ Protests or petitions to intervene may equipment and 300 feet of 11/2-inch serv­ chase from independent producers lo­ be filed with the Federal Power Commis­ ice line on its 3-inch transmission line cated in areas adjacent to its existing sion, Washington 25, D. C., in accordance No. 8067 near Beverly, Randolph County, pipeline transportation system from with the rules of practice and procedure West Virginia to connect with Tygart’s time to time during the balance of 1957 (18 CFR 1.8 or 1.10) on or before Decem­ lumber drying kilns. Applicant alleges and the calendar year 1958,^11 as more ber 5, 1957. Failure of any party to ap­ that Tygart desires to use natural gas fully set forth in the application which pear at and participate in the hearing because of the economies and conven­ is on file with the Commission and open shall be construed as waiver of and con­ ience involved instead of liquefied pe­ to public inspection. currence in omission herein of the inter­ troleum gas which it was currently using Applicant states that supplies of mediate decision procedure in cases at the time of the filing of the application natural gas are available from numer­ where a request therefor is made. herein. ous relatively small producing areas [ s e a l ] J o s e p h H. G u t r i d e , Tygart’s annual gas requirements are which are located adjacent to Appli­ Secretary.' • estimated at 20,000 Mcf and its maxi­ cant’s pipeline system in the producing mum day gas requirements are estimated [F. R. Doc. 57-9591; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; states of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. 8:48 a. m.] at 60 Mcf. The volumes of gas which Applicant in­ Applicant estimates the total cost of its proposed facilities will be $2,400, tends to purchase in these areas will become a part of Applicant’s overall gas SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE which will be financed from funds on supply and such purchases are not con­ hand. tingent upon any expansion of its main COMMISSION This matter is one that should be disposed of as promptly as possible under line system. [File No. 24SF-2190] the applicable rules and regulations and Applicant submits a budget estimate of to that end: ' proposed construction of facilities to be B ig U t e U r a n i u m C o r p . undertaken by it in the sum of approxi­ Take further notice that, pursuant to mately $1,500,00(1 for the last half of o r d e r temporarily s u s p e n d i n g e x e m p ­ the authority contained in and subject 1957 and approximately $4,500,000 for t i o n , STATEMENT OF REASONS THEREFOR, to the jurisdiction conferred upon the AND NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING Federal Power Commission by sections 7 the year 1958. It appears that the au­ thorization sought by the application will N o v e m b e r 13, 1957. and 15 of the Natural Gas Act, and the eliminate numerous certificate filings by Commission’s rules of practice and pro­ I. Big Ute Uranium Corporation, 139 cedure, a hearing will be held on Decem­ Applicant during the balance of 1957 and North Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada, ber 16, 1957, at 9:30 a. m., e. s. t., in a in 1958 for the sole purpose of installing filed with the Commission on October 28, Hearing Room of the Federal Power facilities to attach new supplies of gas to 1955 a notification on Form 1-A and an Commission, 441 G Street NW., Washing­ its system although expansions of its offering circular relative to a proposed ton, D. C., concerning: the matters in­ over-all facilities are not involved. The offering of 3,000,000 shares at 10tf per volved in and the issues presented by proposal will further enable independ­ share, for the purpose of obtaining an such application: Provided, however, ent producers to commence deliveries exemption from the registration require­ That the Commission may, after a non- promptly, after they receive authoriza­ ments of the Securities Act of 1933, as contested hearing dispose of the proceed­ tion to sell natural gas from the Com­ amended, pursuant to the provisions of ings pursuant to the provisions of § 1.30 mission, and as soon as necessary facili­ section 3 (b) thereof and Regulation A (c) (l) or (2) of the Commission’s rules ties can be installed, without waiting for promulgated thereunder. of practice and procedure. Under the Applicant to prepare application for and II. The Commission having reasonable procedure herein provided for, unless receive certificate authorizations for fa­ grounds to believe that: cilities to connect such available supplies. A. The notification and offering cir­ otherwise advised, it will be unnecessary Applicant further states that it does for Applicant to appear or be represented cular contained untrue statements of at the hearing. not intend to utilize the authorization material facts, failed to reflect material sought herein for the extension of facili­ changes which have occurred in the Protests or petitions to intervene may ties into any new producing areas where affairs of the corporation, and omits to be filed with the Federal Power Commis­ the cost of such extension and related state material facts necessary in order to sion, Washington 25, D. C., in accordance facilities is in excess of $500,000. make the statements made in the light of with the rules of practice and procedure Applicant proposes to finance its proj­ (18 CFR 1.8 or 1.10) on or before Decem­ the circumstances under which they ect, as the need arises, from cash on hand were made not misleading, particularly ber 4, 1957. Failure of any party to ap­ and from funds generated through in that: pear at and participate in the hearing operations. shall be construed as waiver of and con­ 1. The notification and offering circu­ This matter is one that should be dis­ lar represented that the issuer’s promot­ currence in omission herein of the inter­ posed of as promptly as possible under ers had conveyed their interests in thg mediate decision procedure in cases the applicable rules and regulations, and described properties (White Silica Sands, where a request therefor is made. to that end: Red Butte Group and Ute Group claim) [ s e a l ] J o s e p h H . G u t r i d e , Take further notice that, pursuant to to the issuer in consideration of stock Secretary. the authority contained in and subject to and monies which were to be paid out the jurisdiction conferred upon the Fed­ of the proceeds of the offering, whereas [P- R. Doc. 57-9590; Filed, Nov. 19; 1957; eral Power Commission by sections 7 and the promoters had failed to make these 8:48 a.m.] 15 of the Natural Gas Act, and the Com- alleged conveyances and the issuer held 9270 NOTICES no title or interest in any of the de­ Applications Assigned for Oral H earing sives, household goods as defined by the scribed properties. or P re-H earing Conference Commission, commodities in bulk and 2. The offering circular failed to dis­ commodities requiring special equip­ close that the alleged corporate proper­ MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY ment, between Los Angeles, Calif., and ties, White Silica Sands and Red Butte No. MC 730 (Sub No. 109), filed August Hope, Ariz., over U. S. Highway 60, serv­ Group, were lost in a law suit brought 26, 1957, PACIFIC INTERMOUNTAIN ing no intermediate points, as an alter­ against the corporation’s President in EXPRESS CO., a Corporation, 299 nate route for operating convenience December 1955. Adeline Street, Oakland, Calif. For only, in connection with applicant’s au­ 3. The offering circular failed to dis­ authority to operate as a common car­ thorized regular route operations (a) close that the issuer obtained new prop­ rier, over irregular routes, transporting; between Los Angeles and Needles, Calif.; erties for a consideration of $5,000, which Petroleum and petroleum products, in (b) between Los Angeles and St. George, properties were subsequently lost when bulk, in tank vehicles, from Gallup, N. Utah; and (c) between Las Vegas, Nev., it was discovered that the seller held no Mex., and points in New Mexico within and Phoenix, Ariz. Applicant is author­ title to the purchased properties. 25 miles thereof, to points in Arizona. ized to transport similar commodities in 4. The offering circular represented Applicant is authorized to conduct Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. that no officers of the issuer would re­ similar operations in California, Arizona, HEARING: January 29, 1958, at the ceive compensation in the early stage of Utah, Nevada, Washington, Montana, Arizona Corporation Commission, Phoe­ the issuer’s operations, whereas the Oregon, and Idaho. nix, Ariz., before Joint Board No. 47, or, treasurer of the corporation was and did HEARING: January 30, 1958, at the if the Joint Board waives its right to continue to receive a salary of $500 a Arizona Corporation Commission, participate, before Examiner F. Roy month throughout the offering. Phoenix, Ariz., before Joint Board No. Linn. B. The use of the offering circular did 129, or, if the Joint Board waives its No. MC 52858 (Sub No. 69) , filed Au­ operate as a fraud and deceit upon the right to participate, before Examiner F. gust 14, 1957, CONVOY COMPANY, a purchasers. Roy Linn. Corporation, 3900 N o r th w e st Yeon C. The terms 'and conditions of Reg­ No. MC 29988 (Sub No. 67), file'd Sep­ Avenue, Portland 10, Oreg. Applicant’s ulation A have not been complied with tember 23, 1957, DENVER CHICAGO attorney: Marvin Handler, 465 Califor­ in that the issuer has wilfully failed to TRUCKING COMPANY, INC., 2501 nia Street, San Francisco 4, Calif. For file Form 2-A reports of sales as required Blake Street, Denver, Colo. Applicant’s authority to operate as a common car­ by Rule 224 of Regulation A and has attorney: David Axelrod, 39 South La rier, over irregular routes, transporting: ignored requests by the Commission’s Salle Street, Chicago 3, 111. For author­ Trucks, truck tractors and truck chassis, staff for such reports. ity to operate as a common carrier, and todies for such vehicles, and trailers III. It is ordered, Pursuant to Ruletransporting: General commodities, ex­ and semi-trailers when being transported 223 (a) of the general rules and regula­ cept livestock, gasoline and other liquids for delivery with a truck or truck tractor, tions under the Securities Act of 1933, in bulk, automobiles, coal, sand and in secondary movements, in truckaway as amended, that the exemption under gravel, and Portland cement, serving the service, between points in Colorado, Regulation A be, and it hereby is, site of the Sperry Phoenix Company, Di­ Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, temporarily suspended. vision of the Sperry Rand Corporation Nevada, Idaho, and Washington, except Notice is hereby given, that any person plant located at Deer Valley Road and that no service is proposed westbound having any interest in the matter may 19th Avenue, Phoenix, Ariz. (approxi­ on new trucks from that part of Colorado file with the Secretary of the Commis­ mately 10 miles north of Phoenix, Ariz.)., on and south of U. S. Highway 50 and sion a written request for a hearing; as an off-route point in connection with on and east of U. S. Highway 285, to that, within twenty days after receipt applicant’s presently authorized regular points in New Mexico and Arizona. Ap­ of such request, the Commission will, or route operations to and from Phoenix. plicant is authorized to transport similar at any time upon its own motion may, Applicant is authorized to conduct oper­ commodities in Arizona, Arkansas, Cali­ set the matter down for hearing at a ations in Colorado, Washington, Utah, fornia, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, place to be designated by the Commis­ Illinois, Missouri, Arizona, California, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, sion for the purpose of determining New York, Connecticut, Indiana, New Nevada, North Dakota, New Mexico, whether this order of suspension should Jersey, New Mexico, Kansas, Oregon, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, be vacated or made permanent, without Idaho, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Massachu­ Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. prejudice, however, to the consideration setts, Ohio, Nebraska, Rhode Island, HEARING: February 3,1958, in Room and presentation of additional matters Wyoming, and Michigan. 226, Old Mint Building, Fifth and Mis­ at the hearing; and the notice of the N o te: Applicant’s presently authorized sion Streets, San Francisco, Calif., before time and place of said hearing will be operations to and from Phoenix are: (1) be­ Examiner F. Roy Linn. promptly given by the Commission. tween Denver, Colo., and Tucson, Ariz.; (2) to No. MC 52858 (Sub No. 71) , filed Au­ and from the Reynolds Aluminum plant near gust 14, 1957, CONVOY COMPANY, a By the Commission. Phoenix; (3) all intermediate points on ap­ Corporation, 3900 Northwest Yeon Ave­ [seal] Orval L. DuB ois, plicant’s regular route in New Mexico over nue, Portland 10, Oreg. Applicant’s at­ U. S. Highways 85 and 66 and New Mexico Secretary. , for delivery only restricted to torney: Marvin Handler, 465 California [P. R. Doc. 57-9587; Piled, Nov. 19, 1957; traffic moving from Phoenix, Ariz., and empty Street, San Francisco 4, Calif. For au­ 8:47 a. m.] containers and skids used in the transporta­ thority to operate as a common carrier, tion of these commodities on return to over irregular routes, transporting: Phoenix; and (4) between Tucson, Ariz., and Trucks, truck tractors and truck chassis, INTERSTATE COMMERCE Mesa, Ariz., and between junction Arizona and bodies for such vehicles, and trailers Highways 84 and 87 near Picacho; and junc­ and semi-trailers when being transported COMMISSION tion Arizona Highways 187 and 87 New Olberg, Ariz. for delivery with a truck or truck tractor, [Notice 191] in secondary movements, in truckaway service, between points in California,^ on Motor Carrier Applications HEARING: January 30, 1958, at the Arizona Corporation Commission, Phoe­ the one hand, and, on the other, points N ovember 15, 1957. nix, Ariz., before Joint Board No. 240, or, in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, The following applications are gov­ if the Joint Board waives its right to New Mexico, and Nevada, except that no erned by the Interstate Commerce Com­ participate, before Examiner F. Roy service is proposed (a) between, points in mission’s special rules governing notice Linn. Los Angeles County, on the one hand, of filing of applications by motor car­ No. MC 44605 (Sub No. 6), filed Sep­ and, on the other, points in Nevada, riers of property or passengers and by tember 30, 1957, MILNE TRUCK LINES, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona; (b) be­ brokers under sections 206, 209, and 211 INC., 1000 South Third West Street, Salt tween San Francisco and Oakland, Calif., of the Interstate Commerce Act and cer­ Lake City, Utah. Applicant’s attorney: and Reno, Nev.; (c) between San Fran­ tain other procedural matters with re­ David F. Anderson, 623 Continental cisco and Oakland, Calif., and points in spect thereto (49 CFR 1.241), Bank Building, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. Arizona and Utah; and (d) for the trans­ All hearings will be called at 9:30 For authority to operate as a common portation of new trucks westbound from o’clock a. m., United States Standard carrier, transporting: General com­ that part of Colorado on and south of Time, unless otherwise specified. modities, except Class A and B explo­ U. S. Highway 50 and on and east of Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9271

U. S. Highway 285 to points in Califor­ Highway 14 to Sunbury, thence along cation in which time any persons who nia, nor from San Leandro, Calif., and U. S. Highway 122 to Hamburg, thence may have been prejudiced by the failure points within twenty miles thereof, to along U. S. to the Pennsyl­ of the revised notice to clearly state the points in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Ari­ vania-New Jersey State line, including authority sought may file an appropri­ zona, New Mexico, and Nevada, nor from all points on the indicated portions of the ate petition for further hearing. Salt Lake City, Utah, to San Leandro, highways specified. Applicant is author­ No. MC 107527 (Sub No. 35), filed Calif., and points within twenty miles ized to transport other commodities in September 26, 1957, POST TRANSPOR­ thereof. Applicant is authorized to . Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, TATION COMPANY, a Corporation, 3152 transport, similar commodities in Ari­ New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsyl­ East 26th Street, Los Angeles 23, Calif. zona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, vania, and Vermont. For authority to operate as a contract Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, HEARING: December 20, 1957, at 346 carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Da­ Broadway, New York, N. Y., before Ex­ ing: Soda ash, in bulk, in covered hop­ kota, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, aminer James I. Carr. per vehicles, from Westend, Calif., to South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, No. MC 84428 (Sub No. 14), filed No­ Grants, N. Mex., and points within and Wyoming. vember 1, 1957, CHESTER JACKSON twenty-five miles thereof. Applicant is HEARING: February 3, 1958, in Room CO., a Corporation, 478 Schuyler Avenue, authorized to conduct operations in Ari­ 226, Old Mint Building, Fifth and Mis­ Kearny, N. J. Applicant’s representa­ zona, California, Idaho, Montana, sion Streets, San Francisco, Calif., before tive: A. David Millner, 1060 Broad Street, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. Examiner F. Roy Linn. Newark 2, N. J. For authority to oper­ HEARING: February 7, 1958, in Room No. MC 65451 (Sub No. 18), filed June ate as a common carrier, over irregular 226, Old Mint Building, Fifth and Mis­ 21, 1957, ALABAM FREIGHT LINES, routes, transporting: Nitric acid, in tank sion Streets, San Francisco, Calif., be­ 546 West Madison Street, Phoenix, Ariz. vehicles of 3,000 to 3,600 gallon capacity, fore Joint Board No. 167, or, if the Joint For authority to operate as a common from points within five miles of Parlin, Board waives its right to participate, carrier, over regular routes, transport­ N. J., not including Parlin, to points in before Examiner F. Roy Linn. ing: General commodities, except those Connecticut and Massachusetts on and No. MC 109126 (Sub No. 6), filed of unusual value, Class A and B explo­ west of U. S. Highway 5, those in that August 21, 1957, LA SALLE TRUCKING sives, household goods as defined by the portion of New York on and east of a COMPANY, a Corporation, 2317 Newton Commission, commodities in bulk, and line beginning at the Pennsylvania-New Avenue, P. O. Box 13037, San Diego 13, commodities requiring special equip­ York State line and extending along U. S. Calif. Applicant’s attorney: Phil Jacob­ ment, between points in Arizona as fol­ Highway 15 to Corning, N. Y., thence son, 510 West Sixth Street, Suite 723, Los lows: (1) from Ashurst southeast over along New York Highway 414 to Wolcott, Angeles 14, Calif.-For authority to U. S. approximately two (2) N. Y., thence along unnumbered highway operate as a common carrier, over ir­ miles to junction unnumbered highway to Lake Ontario, thence along Lake On­ regular routes, transporting: Liquid and thence over unnumbered highway in tario to Oswego, N. Y., thence on and petroleum products, in bulk, in tank a westerly direction to Klondyke; (2) south of a line beginning at Oswego and trucks and trailers, from points in Im­ from Cutter, Ariz., over U. S. Highway extending east along U. S. Highway 104 perial County excluding Niland, Calif., to 70 in a westerly direction approximately to Mexico, N. Y., thence along New York ports of entry on the International two (2) miles to junction Arizona High­ Highway 69 to Rome, N. Y., thence along Boundary between the United States and way 77, and thence over Arizona High­ New York Highway 46-A to Floyd, N. Y., Mexico at Calexico, Texalje, and Andrade, way 77 to Christmas; (3) from Superior, thence along New York Highway 365 to Calif., and San Luis, Ariz., for delivery over Arizona Highway 177 to Inspiration Barneveld, N. Y., thence along New York into lower California, Mexico. Applicant Mine; and return over the afore-de­ Highway 28 to Poland, N. Y., thence along is authorized to conduct regular route scribed routes, serving all intermediate New York Highway 8 to Hague, N. Y., and operations in California, and irregular points; (4) from the junction Arizona thence along New York -N to route operations in Arizona and Highway 69 and Black Canyon cutoff Ticonderoga, N. Y., and those in Pennsyl­ California. southeast of Cordes, over Black-Canyon vania on and east of U. S. Highway 15. HEARING: January 20, 1958, at the cutoff to Camp Verde, and return over Applicant is authorized to transport sim­ Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., be­ the same route, as an alternate route for ilar commodities in Connecticut, Mary­ fore Joint Board No. 47, or if the Joint operating convenience only serving no land, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Board waives its right to participate, intermediate points. Applicant is au­ York, and Pennsylvania. before Examiner F. Roy Linn. thorized to conduct operations .in Ari­ HEARING: December 19, 1957, at 346 No. MC 109584 (Sub No. 35), filed July zona, New Mexico, and Texas. Broadway, New York, N. Y., before Ex­ 29, 1957, ARIZONA-PACIFIC TANK HEARING: January 27, 1958, at the aminer James I. Carr. LINES, 717 North 21st Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona Corporation Commission, Phoe­ No. MC 103066 (Sub No. 12) (Re­ Ariz. Applicant's attorney: R. Y. nix, Ariz., before Joint Board No. 240, or, vision), filed March 18, 1957, VAN Schureman, 639 South Spring Street, Los if the Joint Board waives its right to- STONE, doing business as STONE Angeles 14, Calif. For authority to oper­ participate, before Examiner F. Roy ■TRUCKING CO., P. O. Box 2014, 1516 ate as a common carrier, over irregular Linn. West 49th Street, Tulsa, Okla. Appli­ routes, transporting: Wine, in bulk, in No. MC 80428 (Sub No. 25), filed Oc­ cant’s attorney: W, T. Brunson, 508 tank vehicles, from points in California tober 30, 1957, H. LEON McBRIDE, Leonhardt Building, Oklahoma City 2, to Phoenix and Tucson, Ariz.; contami­ PRANK McBRIDE AND H. LEON Mc­ Okla. This is a third publication which nated shipments of wine, on return. Ap­ BRIDE, JR., doing business as H. L. corrects a portion of the revised notice plicant is authorized to transport wine & F. McBRIDE, Main Street, Goshen, of the subject application published in from Fresno, Calif., to Phoenix, Ariz., N. Y. Applicant’s attorney: Martin Wer­ the F ederal R egister issue of September and Gallup, N. Mex. No duplicate au­ ner, 295 Madison Avenue, New York 17, 25, 1957, at page 7621. Through inad­ thority is sought by this application. N- Y. For authority to operate as a vertence the referred-to notice omitted HEARING: January 22, 1958, at the common carrier, over irregular routes, the states of New Mexico and Utah ap­ Arizona Corporation Commission, Phoe­ transporting: Feed, In bulk, from plied for in item (1) of the publication nix, Ariz., before Joint Board No. 47, or, Howells, N. Y., to points in New Jersey, in the route description of the subject if the Joint Board waives its right to Connecticut, those in Massachusetts on application. Correctly set forth, the ter­ participate, before Examiner F. Roy and west of a line beginning at the Mas­ ritory in route (1) of the territorial Linn. sachusetts-New Hampshire State line description reads: between points in Ari­ No. MC 109772 (Sub No. 13) , filed Oc­ and extending southerly along Massa­ zona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. tober 16,1957,7101 East Slauson, Los An­ chusetts to Leominster, At a hearing held on November 4, 1957, geles, Calif. Applicant’s attorney: Phil thence along Massachusetts before Examiner Allen W. Hagerty, at Jacobson, 510 West Sixth Street, Suite to the Massachusetts-Connecticut State Albuquerque, N. Mex., evidence was re­ 723, Los Angeles, Calif. For authority to hne, and those in Pennsylvania on, east ceived in support of the application as operate as a common carrier, over irreg­ and north of a line beginning at the New filed. The Examiner’s Report and Rec­ ular routes, transporting: New and used t 1“^-Pennsylvania State line and ex­ ommended Order will not be served until motor vehicles, not including trailers, in tending southerly along Pennsylvania a lapse of thirty days after this publi­ secondary movements and in truckaway 9272 NOTICES service, between points in Arizona, Ne­ route (1) between Seattle, Wash., and Long Beach 1, Calif. Applicant’s attor­ vada, New Mexico and Utah. Applicant Bremerton, Wash., over U. S. Highway ney: Warren N. Grossman, 727 West is authorized to transport similar com­ 99 to Tacoma, Wash., thence over Ta­ Seventh Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. modities in Arizona, California, Colorado, coma Narrows Bridge and Washington For authority to operate as a common Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Highway 14 to junction Washington carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Highway 21, thence over Washington ing: Hydrogen peroxide, in specially Wyoming. Highway 21 to Bremerton, Wash., and constructed, shipper-owned tank trail­ No te: Duplicating authority should be return over the same route, serving no ers, from Port Hueneme, Calif., to the eliminated. intermediate points. Applicant is au­ site of the Rocket Dyne Division of North thorized to conduct operations in Oregon American Aviation, Inc., located approxi­ HEARING: January 16, 1958, at the and Washington. mately 2 miles southeast of Santa Su- Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., be­ HEARING: Remains as assigned De­ sana, Calif., and from the site of the fore Examiner F. Roy Linn. cember 4, 1957, in Room 231, Federal Rocket Dyne Division of North American No. MC 111860 (Sub No. 2), filed Oc­ Office Building, First and Marion Streets, Aviation, Inc., located approximately 2 tober 21, 1957, CAROL TRANSPORTA­ Seattle, Wash., before Joint Board No. miles southeast of Santa Susana, Calif., TION CO., a Corporation, foot of 80, or, if the Joint Board waives its to points in Arizona, Nevada, and New Henderson Street, Jersey City, N. J. Ap­ right to participate, before Examiner Mexico with California origin point plicant’s representative: Bert Collins, Michael B. Driscoll. of movement loaded. Shipper-owned 140 Cedar Street, New York 6, N. Y. No. MC 114290 (Sub No. 1), filed June empty tank trailers, on return. Appli­ For authority to operate as a contract 17, 1957, EXLEY EXPRESS, INC., 2204 cant is authorized to transport road oils carrier, over irregular routes, ^ trans­ Southeast Eighth Avenue, Portland 14, and liquid asphalts in bulk between porting: The commodities, classified as Oreg. Applicant’s attorney: James T. points in Arizona and specified points in meats, meat products, and meat by­ Johnson, 1111 Northern Life Tower, California and Nevada. products in the appendix to the report Seattle 1, Wash. For authority to op­ HEARING: January 21, 1958, at the in Modification of Permits-Packing erate as a common carrier, over irregular Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., be­ House Products, 46 M. C. C. 23, from routes, transporting: Processed fruits fore Examiner F. Roy Linn. New York, N. Y., to points in Bergen, and vegetables and commodities requir­ No. MC 114953 (Sub No. 4), filed Au­ Passaic, Hudson, Essex, Union, Morris, ing refrigeration, from points in Yakima gust 30, 1957, LAMB TRANSPORTA­ Middlesex, and Monmouth Counties, and Benton Counties, Wash., and from TION COMPANY, a Corporation, P. O. N. J. Salem, West Salem, Hillsboro, Woodburn, Box 850, 22422 South Alameda Street, N o te: Applicant is autiiorized to trans­ and Eugene, Oreg., to San Francisco, Long Beach 1, Calif. Applicant’s at­ port the same commodities from Jersey Oakland, Sacramento, Stockton, Fresno, torney: Warren N. Grossman, 727 West City, N. J., to the same destination territory Bakersfield, and points in Los Angeles Seventh Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. and merely seeks authority in this appli­ County, Calif. From points in Alameda, For authority to operate as a common cation to broaden its base area to continue carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ serving the same shippers now served from Contra Costa, Fresno, Los Angeles, Or­ Jersey City, N. J. ange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Ber­ ing: Fluid synthetic cracking catalyst, nardino, San Francisco, San Joaquin, in closed hopper trailers, from South HEARING: December 19, 1957, at 346 San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Gate, Calif., to Ciniza, N. Mex. (approxi­ Broadway, New York, N. Y., before Santa Cruz, Stanislaus, and Ventura mately 18 miles east of Gallup, N. Mex.). Examiner James I. Carr. Counties, Calif., to Ashland, Medford, Rejected, returned and refused ship­ No. MC 113129 (Sub No. 1) (CLARI­ Eugene, Salem, and Portland, Oreg., and ments of the above-described commodity, FICATION), published issue October 30, Seattle, Tacoma, Yakima, and Spokane, on return. Applicant is authorized to 1957, at page 8757, filed August 16, 1957, Wash. transport road oils and liquid asphalts SEXTON-CLARKE AUTO FREIGHT, HEARING: January 13, 1958, at the between points in Arizona, California, INC., 1206 Sheldon Boulevard, Bremer­ Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., and Nevada. ton, Wash. Applicant’s attorney: Carl A. before Joint Board No. 5, or, if the Joint HEARING: January 21, 1957, at the Johnson, 400 Central Building, Seattle 4, Board waives its right to participate, Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., be­ Wash. For authority to operate as a before Examiner F. Roy Linn. fore Joint Board No. 167, or, if the Joint common carrier, over regular and irreg­ No. MC ,114364 (Sub No. 27) (COR­ Board waives its right to participate, be­ ular routes, transporting: General com­ RECTION), published issue October 30, fore Examiner F. Roy Linn. modities, except those of unusual value, 1957, at page 8758, filed May 3, 1957, No. MC 116062 (Sub No. 10); filed Class A and B explosives, household WRIGHT MOTOR LINES, INC., 16th May 27, 1957, CALIFORNIA EXPRESS, goods as defined by the Commission, and Elm Streets, Rocky Ford, Colo. Ap­ INC., 1701 Vinewood, Fort Worth, Tex. commodities in bulk, and those requir­ plicant’s attorney: Marion F. Jones, Applicant’s attorney: John W. Carlisle, ing special equipment, (1) between Ta­ Suite 526 Denham Building, Denver 2, 422 Perry Brooks Building, Austin, Tex. coma, Wash., and Bremerton, Wash., in Colo. For authority to operate as a For authority to operate as a common connection with applicant’s authorized common carrier, over irregular routes, carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ regular-route operations, as follows: transporting: Sugar, from Swink, Colo., ing: Wine, in bulk, in tank vehicles, from points between Tacoma, Wash., and Port to points in New Mexico; and petroleum points in California to points in Arizona. Orchard, Wash., on and within a five products, in containers, and lubricating HEARING: January 23, 1958, at the mile radius west of Washington High­ oil, in bulk, from Kansas City, Kans., A rizona Corporation Commission, way 14, but excluding points on Wash­ and Ponca City, Okla., to Glen Canyon Phoenix, Ariz., before Joint Board No. ington Highway 14B west of Purdy, Dam Site, Ariz., including points in Ari­ 47, or, if the Joint Board waives its right Wash.; and points east of Washington zona within 50 miles of said Dam Site. to participate, before Examiner F. Roy Highway 14 within the area bounded by Applicant is authorized to transport Linn. Sinclair Inlet and Rich Passage on the similar commodities in Arkansas, Colo­ No. MC 116084 (Sub No. 4), filed Sep­ North and West passage and the Nar­ rado, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, tember 18, 1957, CAPITOL TANK LINE, rows on the East; and (2) in connection New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, INC., 3743 East Florence Avenue, Bell, with applicant’s authorized regular route Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. Calif. Applicant’s attorney: Ivan Mc- operations between Seattle, Wash., and Whinney, 639 South Spring Street, Los N ote : This corrected notice removes the Bremerton, Wash., and between Tacoma, restriction “in hulk” as pertains to the trans­ Angeles 14, Calif. For authority to oper­ Wash., and Bremerton, Wash., as fol­ portation of sugar. ate as a common carrier, over irregular lows: all points in Kitsap County, Wash., routes, transporting: Chemicals and except point on Bainbridge Island. Ir­ HEARING: Remains as assigned De­ wine, in bulk, in tank vehicles, between cember 16, 1957, at the New Customs points in .California, on the one hand, regular route, non scheduled service as House, Denver, Colo., before Examiner follows: (1) between Bremerton, Wash., and, on the "other, points in Illinois, Frank R. Saltzman. Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, and points in Kitsap County, Wash., ex­ No. MC 114953 (Sub No. 3), filed Au­ Nebraska, and Wisconsin. cept points on Bainbridge Island, and gust 21, 1957, LAMB TRANSPORTA­ HEARING: January 17, 1958, at the between points in Kitsap County, except TION COMPANY, a Corporation, P. O. Federal Building, Los Angeles* Calif., be­ points on Bainbridge Island. Alternate Box 850, 22422 South Alameda Street, fore Examiner F. Roy Linn. Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9273

No. MC 116367 (Sub No. 1), filed Oc­ over California Highway 152 to Gilroy, thence north over Pacific Gas and Elec- tober 28, 1957, EMIL KLEIN, doing busi­ Calif., thence over U. S. Highway 101 to trict Company private right-of-way to ness as MIRO’S EXPRESS, 43-21 161 San Francisco Harbor (also from junc­ Caribou Power House, serving no inter­ Street, Flushing 58, N. Y. Applicant’s tion U. S. Highway 101 and California mediate points; (3) From Rogers Flat, attorney: Edward M. Alfano, 36 West Highway 152 over U. S. Highway 101 to Calif., to Yellow Creek Power House, at 44th Street, New York 36, N. Y. For au­ San Jose, Calif., thence over California Belden, Calif., as follows: From Rogers thority to operate as a common carrier, Highway 17 to junction U. S. Highway Flat over Alternate U. S. Highway over irregular routes, transporting: Bag-' 40, thence over U. S. to San 40 to Belden, thence over Pacific Gas and gage, between New York, N. Y., and Francisco Harbor). From Pomona over Electric Company private right-of-way points in Nassau and Westchester Coun­ the above-specified route to San Jose, to Yellow Creek Power House, serving no ties, N. Y., on the one hand, and, on the Calif., thence over California Highway 17 intermediate points; (4) From Rogers other, points in Delaware, Essex, Frank­ to Oakland Harbor. From Pomona over Flat, Calif., to Butte Valley Power House lin, Greene, Sullivan and Ulster Coun­ the above-specified route to San Jose, near Prattsville, Calif., as follows-: From ties, N. Y., and points in Monroe, Pike, thence over California Highway 17 to Rogers Flat over Alternate U. S. High­ and Wayne Counties, Pa. Alameda. Paper mill supplies, damaged, way 40 to junction California Highway HEARING: December 20, 1957, at 346 refused, returned and rejected shipments 89, thence over California to Broadway, New York, N. Y., before Ex­ of paper and paper products, and empty Prattsville, thence over Pacific Gas and aminer James I. Carr. containers or other such incidental facil­ Electric Company private right-of-way No. MC 116572, filed April 8, 1957, ities (not specified) used in transporting to Butte Valley Power House, serving no CECIL PAYNE SUPPLY COMPANY, paper and paper products, from the intermediate points; (5) From Crescent INC., 1140 West Prince Road, Tucson, above-named destination points over the Mills, Calif., to Caribou Power House, Ariz. Applicant’s attorney: Richard regulaf routes specified above to Pomona, Calif., as follows: From Crescent Mills Minne, 914 Title & Trust Building, Calif. Serving no intermediate points over California Highway 89 to junction Phoenix, Ariz. For authority to operate on the above-specified routes. IRREGU­ Alternate U. S. Highway 40, thence over as a contract carrier, over irregular LAR ROUTES: Paper and paper prod­ Alternate U. S. Highway 40 to Howell routes, transporting: Timber for mines ucts, from Pomona, Calif., to Los Angeles Junction, Calif., thence north over and mining facilities, from points in Harbor and Long Beach Harbor, Calif., Pacific Gas and Electric Company pri­ Oregon and California, to points in Ari­ through San Bernardino, Orange, and vate right-of-way to Caribou Power zona and New Mexico, together with Los Angeles Counties, Calif.; and paper House, serving no intermediate points; motion to dismiss for the reason and mill supplies, damaged, refused, returned (6) From Crescent Mills, Calif., to Yellow upon the ground that the operations of and rejected shipments of paper and Creek Power House at Belden, Calif., as the applicant are such that the Commis­ paper products, and empty containers or follows: From Crescent Mills over Cali­ sion has no jurisdiction over them. Any other such incidental facilities, (not spec­ fornia Highway 89 to Junction Alternate interested person may obtain a copy of ified) used in transporting paper, paper U. S. Highway 40, thence over Alternate the motion, upon request, from appli­ products, on return movements. Appli­ U. S. Highway 40 to Belden, thence over cant’s attorney and replies thereto filed cant holds common carrier authority in Pacific Gas and Electric Company pri­ by a protestant will be considered if filed Certificate No. MC 96646 in the name of vate rfght-of-way to Yellow Creek Power with the Commission within 40 days W. E. BILL ROGERS, doing business as House, serving no intermediate points; after date of publication of this notice ROGERS TRUCKING COMPANY, to (7) From Crescent Mills, Calif., to Butte in the F ederal R egister. RESTRIC­ transport wrapping paper, from Pomona, Valley Power House, Calif., as follows: TION: Above applied-for authority to be Calif., to the ports of Long Beach and From Crescent Mills over California restricted to points located off rail lines. Wilmington, Calif., as restricted therein. Highway 89 to Prattsville (approxi­ HEARING: January 28, 1958, at the Applicant states he does not desire to mately sixteen miles north of Crescent Arizona Corporation Commission, Phoe­ perform dual operations, and if the con­ Mills), thence over Pacific Gas and Elec­ nix, Ariz,, before Examiner F. Roy Linn. tract carrier operations herein sought tric Company private right-of-way to No. MC 116824 (Sub No. 1), filed Sep­ are authorized, applicant will immedi­ Butte Valley Power House, serving no tember 9, 1957, R. C. CHIPMAN, doing ately request revocation of the Certifi­ intermediate points; and (8) From Ches­ business as CHIPMAN TRUCK COM­ cate. ter, Calif., to Butte Valley Power House, PANY, 22606 South Alameda Street, HEARING: January 20, 1958, at the Calif., as follows:- From Chester over Long Beach, Calif. For authority to Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., be­ California Highway 36 to junction Pa­ operate as a common carrier, over irreg­ fore Joint Board No. 75, or, if the Joint cific Gas and Electric Company private ular routes, transporting: Dodecyl ben­ Board waives its right to participate, be­ right-of-way approximately three miles zene sulfonic acid, in bulk, in insulated, fore Examiner F. Roy Linn. south of Chester), thence over said pri­ stainless steel tank vehicles, from South No. MC 116881, filed August 19, 1957, vate right-of-way to Butte Valley Power Gate, Calif., to storage tank located near C. H. MILLER, doing business as C. H. House, serving no intermediate points. Henderson, Nev. (approximately 5.3 MILLER TRANSPORTATION, P. O. OVER IRREGULAR ROUTES: Wood miles northeast of intersection of U. S. Box 1027, Oroville, Calif. Applicant’s molding and lumber, finished and rough, Highway 466 with Nevada , representative: Pete H. Dawson, Suite from points in Butte and Plumas Coun­ then 0.2 mile east of Nevada Highway 306, 717 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. For authority to operate as a ties, Calif., to San Francisco and Oak­ common carrier, over regular routes, land, Calif. Applicant states he pro­ HEARING: January 21, 1958, at the poses to transport Empty containers or Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., be­ transporting: Generators, turbines, and fore Joint Board No. 78, or, if the Joint generator and turbine parts, (1) From other such incidental facilities (not spec­ Board waives its right to participate, Rogers Flat, Calif, (between Tobin and ified) used in transporting the com­ before Examiner F. Roy Linn. Belden, Calif.) to Poe Power House, ap­ modities specified above on return. w No. MC 116860, filed August 6,1957, W. proximately six miles southeast of Jarbo NOTE: Applicant states that under Routes B- ROGERS, doing business as ROGERS Pass, Calif., as follows : from Rogers Flat 1 to 8, inclusive, over regular routes, these TRUCKING CO., 4051 East Grand Ave­ over Alternate U. S. Highway 40 to junc­ shipments •will' move from rail-sidings to nue, Pomona, Calif. Applicant’s repre­ tion Butte County Road, approximately the origin points named to the various sentative: Cromwell Warner, 404 Yar­ one mile south of Jarbo Pass, thence over power houses. Over irregular routes, ap­ Butte County Road, approximately one plicant states that Wood molding and lum­ mouth Road, Palos Verdes Estates, Calif. ber will move from mills at origin points For authority to operate as a contract mile, to Pacific Gas and Electric Com­ to the docks at San Francisco and Oakland carrier, over regular and irregular routes, pany private right-of-way, thence over for export. transporting: REGULAR ROUTES: said private right-of-way to Poe Power Paper and paper products, from Pomona, House, serving no intermediate points; HEARING: February 5,1958, in Room Calif., to San Francisco, Oakland and (2) From Rogers Flat, Calif., to Caribou 226, Old Mint Building, Fifth and Mis­ Alameda Harbors, Calif. From Pomona Power House, Calif., as follows: From sion Streets, San Francisco, Calif., before over U. S, Highway 99 to junction Cali­ Rogers Flat over Alternate U. S. Highway Joint Board No. 75, or, if the Joint Board fornia Highway 152 near Chowchilla, 40 to Howell Junction (approximately waives its right to participate, before Calif. (Chowchilla Junction), thence three miles northeast of Belden, Calif., Examiner F. Roy Linn. No. 225—" 4 9274 NOTICES

No. MC 116939, filed September 18, ber and boards, rough or surfaced), and gers and their baggage, in special op­ 1957, M. L. AXELROD AND M. A. FOR­ plywood, from points in Humbolt County, erations, in round-trip sightseeing and MAN^ a partnership/ doing business as Calif., to Eureka, Fields Landing, and pleasure tours, beginning and ending at A & F TRUCKING SERVICE, 235 Bent­ San Francisco, and points in San Mateo points in Atlantic County, N. J., and ley Avenue, Los Angeles 49, Calif, and Santa Clara Counties, Calif. extending to points in Pennsylvania, Applicant’s attorney: Jack Oliver Gold­ HEARING: February 6,1958, in Room New York, Delaware, Maryland, Vir­ smith, 901 Builders Exchange Building, 226, Old Mint Building, Fifth and Mis­ ginia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Mas­ 656 South Los Angeles Street, Los An­ sion Streets, San Francisco, Calif., be­ sachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, geles 14, Calif. For authority to op­ fore Joint Board No. 75, or, if the Joint Maine, and the District of Columbia. erate as a contract carrier, over Board waives its right to participate, be­ Applicant is authorized to conduct op­ irregular routes, transporting: Con­ fore Examiner F. Roy Linn. erations in New York, New Jersey, Penn­ duits or pipe, and cement, containing sylvania, the District of Columbia, asbestos fiber, from points in Los An­ MOTOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS Virginia, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, geles County, Calif., to points in No. MC 3647 (Sub No. 226), filed Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hamp­ Arizona. October 16, 1957, PUBLIC SERVICE shire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. HEARING: January 20, 1958, at the COORDINATED TRANSPORT, a Cor­ HEARING: January 27, 1958, at the Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., poration, 180 Boyden Avenue, Maple­ Penn Atlantic Hotel, 1219 Bacharach before Joint Board No. 47, or, if the wood, N. J. Applicant’s attorney: Fred­ Boulevard, Atlantic City, N. J., before Joint Board waives its right to partici­ erick M. Broadfoot, Law Department, Examiner James I. Carr. pate, before Examiner F. Roy Linn. Public Service Coordinated Transport, No. MC 58915 (Sub No. 34), filed Oc­ No. MC 116950, filed September 24, (same address as applicant). For au­ tober 8, 1957, LINCOLN TRANSIT CO., 1957, JOSEPH L. DRAKE, 499 North thority to operate as a common carrier, INC., U. S. 46, East Paterson, N. J. Ap­ Delaware, Chandler, Ariz. Applicant’s over irregular routes, transporting: Pas­ plicant’s attorney: Robert E. Goldstein, attorney: Nathan Holt, 410 Luhrs sengers and their baggage, in special 24 West 40th Street, New York 18, N. Y. Tower, Phoenix, Ariz. For authority to operations, in round-trip sightseeing and For authority to operate as a common operate as a contract carrier, over pleasure tours, beginning and ending at carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ irregular routes, transporting: Dry fer­ points in Cape May County, N. J., and ing: Passengers and their baggage, in tilizers, in bags or in bulk, and insecti­ extending to points in Pennsylvania, special operations, in round trip sight­ cides, in bags or in drums, from New York, Delaware, Maryland, Vir­ seeing and pleasure tours, beginning and Chandler, Ariz., to points in San Ber­ ginia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Mas­ ending at points in Cape May County, nardino, Ventura, Imperial, Riverside, sachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, N. J., and extending to points in Penn­ San Diego, Orange, Kern and Los An­ Maine, and the District of Columbia. sylvania, New York, Delaware, Maryland, geles Counties, Calif. Dry fertilizers, in Applicant is authorized to conduct opera­ Virginia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, bags or in bulk, and insecticides, in bags tions in New York; New Jersey, Pennsyl­ Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ver­ or in drums, from points in San Diego vania, the District of Columbia, Virginia, mont, Maine, and the District of Colum­ and Los Angeles Counties, Calif., to Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Mary­ bia. Applicant is authorized to conduct points in Arizona. land, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, operations in New Jersey and New York. HEARING: January 29, 1958, at Rhode Island, and Vermont. HEARING: January 27, 1958, at the the Arizona Corporation Commission, HEARING: January 27, 1958, at the Penn Atlantic Hotel, 1219 Bacharach Phoenix, Ariz., before Joint Board No. Penn Atlantic Hotel, 1219 Bacharach Boulevard, Atlantic City, N. J., before 47, or, if the Joint Board waives its right Boulevard, Atlantic City, N. J., before Examiner James I. Carr. to participate, before Examiner F. Roy Examiner James L Carr. No. MC 58915 (Sub No. 35), filed Octo­ Linn. No. MC 3647 (Sub No. 227), filed Oc­ ber 8, 1957, LINCOLN TRANSIT CO., No. MC 116980, filed October 14, 1957, tober 16, 1957, PUBLIC SERVICE CO­ INC., U. S. 46, East Paterson, N. J. Ap­ F. P. NEILSON, WILLIS F. NEILSON, ORDINATED TRANSPORT, a corpora­ plicant’s attorney: Robert E. Goldstein, IVAN R. NEILSON AND LARS P. NEIL­ tion, 180 Boyden Avenue, Maplewood, 24 West 40th Street, New York 18, N. Y. SON, doing business as ARIZONA SALES N. J. Applicant’s attorney: Frederick For authority to operate as a common COMPANY, P. O. Box 787, 116 West M. Broadfoot, Law Department, Public carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ Fourth Avenue, Mesa, Ariz. Applicant’s Service Coordinated Transport, (same ing: Passengers arid their baggage, in attorney: James F. Haythornewhite, 703 address as applicant). For authority to special operations, in round trip sight­ Luhrs Tower, Phoenix, Ariz. For author­ operate as a common carrier, over irreg­ seeing and pleasure tours, beginning and ity to operate as a contract carrier, over ular routes, transporting: Passengers ending at points in Atlantic County, irregular routes, transporting: Chemical and their baggage, in special operations, N. J., and extending to points in Penn­ fertilizers, bulk and sacked, from points in round-trip sightseeing and pleasure sylvania, New York, Delaware, Maryland, in Salt Lake and Utah Counties, Utah, tours, beginning and ending at points Virginia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and those in Los Angeles, San Diego, in Ocean County, N. J., and extending to Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ver­ Ventura, and San Bernardino Counties, points in Pennsylvania, New York, Dela­ mont, Maine, and the District of Co­ Calif., to points in Maricopa, Pinal, Co­ ware, Maryland, Virginia, Connecticut, lumbia. Applicant is authorized to chise, Yuma, Pima and Graham Coun­ Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New conduct operations in New Jersey and ties, Ariz., and empty containers or other Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and the New York. such incidental facilities (not specified) District of Columbia. Applicant is au­ HEARING: January 27, 1958, at the used in transporting the commodities thorized to conduct operations in New Penn Atlantic Hotel, 1219 Bacharach specified in this application, from points York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the Dis­ Boulevard, Atlantic City, N. J., before in the above-specified Counties in Ari­ trict of Columbia, Virginia, Connecticut, "Examiner James I. Carr. zona to points in the above-designated Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachu­ No. MC 58915 (Sub No. 36), filed Octo­ Counties in Utah and California. setts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and ber 8, 1957, LINCOLN TRANSIT CO., HEARING: January 31, 1958, at the Vermont. INC., U. S, 46, East Paterson, N. J. Ap­ Arizona Corporation Commission, Phoe­ HEARING: January 27, 1958, at the plicant’s attorney: Robert E. Goldstein, nix, Ariz., before Joint Board No. 398, or, Penn Atlantic Hotel, 1219 Bacharach 24 West 40th Street, New York 18, N. Y. if the Joint Board waives its right to par­ Boulevard, Atlantic City, N. J., before For authority to operate as a common ticipate, before Examiner F. Roy Linn. Examiner James I. Carr. carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ No. MC 117015, filed October 29, 1957, No. MC 3647 (Sub No. 228), filed ing: Passengers and their baggage, in JOE F. COSTA, doing business as JOE F. October 16, 1957, PUBLIC SERVICE CO­ special operations, in round trip sight­ COSTA TRUCKING COMPANY, South ORDINATED TRANSPORT, a Corpora­ tion, 180 Boyden Avenue, Maplewood, seeing and pleasure tours, beginning and G Street, Areata, Calif. Applicant’s N. J. Applicant’s attorney: Frederick M. ending at points in Ocean County, N. J., representative: Pete H. Dawson, Suite Broadfoot, Law Department, Public and extending to points in Pennsylvania, 306 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. Service Coordinated Transport, (same New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, For authority to operate as a common address as applicant). For authority Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachu­ carrier, over irregular routes, transport­ to operate as a common carrier, over setts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, ing: Lumber (including dimension lum­ irregular routes, transporting: Passen­ and the District of Columbia. Applicant Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9275

is authorized to conduct operations in to Forest City, and return over the same ton, Tex. Applicant’s attorney: Edwin New Jersey and New York. route, serving no intermediate points; N. Bell, 1600 Esperson Building, Houston HEARING: January 27, 1958, at the (3) between Spartanburg, S. C., and 2, Tex. For authority to operate as a Penn Atlantic Hotel, 1219 Bacharach Rutherfordton, N. C., over U. S. High­ common carrier, over regular routes, Boulevard, Atlantic City, N. J., before way 221, serving no intermediate points; transporting: General commodities, in­ Examiner James I, Carr. (4) between Shelby, N. C., and Gaffney, cluding air freight having a prior or S. C., from Shelby over North Carolina subsequent movement by air, but ex­ P etition Highway 18 to its junction with South cluding commodities of unusual value, No. MC 42148, THOMAS BOYD, 114 Carolina Highway 18, thence over South Class A and B explosives, household West Turner Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Carolina Highway 18 to Gaffney, and goods as defined by the Commission, Applicant’s representative : Jacob Polin, return over the same route, serving no commodities in bulk and those requiring Practitioner, P. O. Box 317, Bala-Cyn- intermediate points; (5) between the special equipment, (a) over a reroute wyd, Pa. Petition (J) for waiver of Rule junction of U. S. Highways 311 and 220 between Harlingen, Tex., and Lantana, 101 (e) of General Rules of Practice to (approximately four miles north of Ashe- Tex.: from Harlingen over Texas Farm permit filing of Reconsideration Petition boro, N. C.), and Greensboro, N. C., over Route 1595 to intersection unnumbered and (2) for Reconsideration of applica­ U. S. Highway 220, serving no inter­ county road just west of Arroyo Colorado tion and clarification of commodity de­ mediate points; (6) between Asheboro, bridge, thence -over unnumbered county scription in certificate. By virtue of N. C., and Durham, N. C., from Asheboro road to intersection of Texas Highway Certificate dated February 8, 1941, peti­ over U. S. Highway 64 to Pittsboro, N. C., 345, thence over applicant’s authorized tioner holds authority to transport Mill thence over U. S. Highway 15 to Durham, route over Texas Highway 345 to Lan­ machinery and equipment over irregular and return over the same route, serving tana, and return over the same route, routes, between points in New Jersey, no intermediate points; (7) between serving no intermediate points which ap­ Maryland, and New York, and those in Perry, Fla., and Quitman, Ga., over U. S. plicant is not now authorized to serve, that part of Pennsylvania east of a line Highway 221, serving no intermediate and (b) between Harlingen, Tex., and beginning at the Pennsylvania-New York points; (8) between Gainesville, Fla., and Brownsville, Tex.: from Harlingen over State line near Millerton, Pa., and ex­ Trenton, Fla., over Florida Highway 26, U. S. to intersection Texas tending in a southerly direction through serving no intermediate points; (9) be­ Farm Road 511, thence over Texas Farm Williamsport, Pa., to the Pennsylvania- tween Glen St. Marys, Fla., and Val­ Road 511 to intersection Texas Farm Maryland State line near West Manheim, dosta, Ga., from Glen St. Marys over Road 1846 (formerly unnumbered county Pa. An Order of the Commission dated Florida Highway 125 to Eddy, thence road), thence over applicant’s author­ April 27,1953, effective June 4,1953, pro­ over Florida to its junction ized route over Texas Farm Road 1846 vides, with respect to the authority to with Georgia Highway 94, thence over to Brownsville (closed door), and return transport mill machinery and equipment, Georgia Highway 94 to Valdosta, and re­ over the same route, serving no inter­ particularly as to whether “winches” is turn over the same route, serving no mediate points, as an alternate route in one of the numerous items included in intermediate points; (10) between connection with applicant’s authorized said term, that applicant is hereby noti­ Columbus, Ga., and Macon, Ga., over regular route operations betw een fied that the operating authority to U. S. , serving no inter­ McAllen, Tex., and Brownsville, Tex., in transport mill machinery and equipment, mediate points; (11) between junction Certificate MC 30319 (Sub No. 27) dated as specified in Certificate No. MC 42148 is of U. S. Highway 29 and North Carolina August 17, 1953. for the purpose of clarification, cpnstrued Highway 49 (approximately seven miles No te: In connection with (a) above ap­ to include, among other articles, winches, north of Charlotte, N, C.) and4;he junc­ plicant seeks a reroute between Harlingen ! provided the winches, when transported, tion of North Carolina Highways 49 and and Lantana, Tex., paralleling rail line of had been used or are intended for ulti­ 8 (approximately three miles north of its affiliate (Texas and New Orleans Railroad mate use in or by a mill. Petitioner New London, N. C.), over North Caro­ Company), in lieu of authorized circuitous seeks in lieu of the commodity descrip­ lina Highway 49, serving no intermediate route via Rio Hondo as described in segment points; and (12) between Lake City, Fla., of authorized operations in Certificate MC tion above a description reading; com- 30319 (Sub No. 27) between McAllen and I modities, the transportation of which be­ and Archer, Fla., over U. S. Highway 41, Brownsville, Tex., for the. reasons more cause of size or weight requires the use serving no intermediate points. All of specifically set forth in its application. Ap­ | cf special equipment, and of related ma­ the above described routes are to be used plication does not seek to serve any new or chinery parts and related contractors’ as alternate routes, for operating additional points. materials and supplies when their trans- convenience only, in connection with applicant’s authorized regular route No. MC 30824 (Sub No. 14), filed No­ , portation is incidental to the transporta­ vember 7,1957, AALCO EXPRESS COM­ tion by applicant of commodities which operations. Applicant is authorized to transport the commodities specified in PANY, INC., 3514 Page Boulevard, St. : by reason of size or weight require spe­ Louis 6, Mo. Applicant’s attorney: cial equipment, in the territory described Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Caro­ above. lina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Ernest A. Brooks II, 1301 Ambassador -No. MC 2998 (Sub No. 19), filed Novem­ Building, St. Louis 1, Mo. For authority I Applications in W hich H andling With­ ber 1, 1957, WOLVERINE EXPRESS, to operate as a common carrier, over out Oral Hearing is R equested INCORPORATED, 701 Erie Avenue, Mus­ irregular routes, transporting: Uncrated commercial refrigeration cases, which motor carriers of property kegon, Mich. Applicant’s representa­ tive: James F. Nolan, 1901 Train Avenue, because of size, weight and shape, re­ j No. MC ,2900 (Sub No. 93), filed Cleveland, Ohio. For authority to oper­ quire the use of special equipment and j November 4, 1957, GREAT SOUTHERN ate as a common carrier, transporting: special handling and related parts and TRUCKING COMPANY, a Corporation, General commodities, except those of equipment when moving in conjunction 2050 Kings Road, P. O. Box 2408, Jack­ unusual value, Class A and B explosives, with uncrated commercial refrigeration sonville, Fla. For authority to operate household goods as defined by the Com­ cases, from St. Louis, Mo., to all points I as a common carrier, transporting: Gen­ mission, commodities in bulk, livestock, in the United States, and empty con­ eral commodities, including Class A and and those requiring special equipment, tainers or other such incidental facilities \B explosives, but excluding commodities serving the site of General Motors, Euclid (not specified) used in transporting the of unusual value, household goods as de­ Division Plant, located near Darrow- commodities specified in this application fined by the Commission, commodities in ville, Summit County, Ohio, as an off- on return. bulk, commodities requiring special route point in connection with appli­ No. MC 60012 (Sub No. 38), filed No­ equipment and those injurious or con­ cant’s authorized regular route opera­ vember 1, 1957, RIO GRANDE MOTOR taminating to other lading, (1) between tions to and from the Commercial Zone WAY, INC., 775 Wazee Street, Denver, Hendersonville, N. C., and Spartanburg, of Cleveland, Ohio. Applicant is author­ Colo. Applicant’s attorney: Marion R. I.”• over U. S. Highway 176, serving no ized to transport similar commodities in Smyser, 604 Grande Building, Denver, intermediate points; (2) between Spar- Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Colo. For authority to operate as a jtanburg, s. C., and Forest City, N. C., No. MC 30319 (Sub No. 88), filed No­ common carrier, over regular routes, 1 ^oni Spartanburg over U. S. Highway vember 7, 1957, SOUTHERN PACIFIC transporting: General commodities, in­ 221 to junction with U. S. Highway TRANSPORT COMPANY, a Corpora­ cluding commodities in hulk, commodi­ |221-A, thence over U. S. Highway 221-A tion, 810 North San Jacinto Street, Hous­ ties requiring special equipment and 9276 NOTICES

Class A and B explosives, but excepting thority to operate as a common carrier MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY commodities of unusual value, and over regular routes transporting: Pas­ household goods as defined by the Com­ sengers and their baggage, and express, No. MC-F 6756. Authority sought for mission, between Grand Valley, Colo., newspapers and mail in the same vehicle control by JAR CORPORATION, 3401 and the site of the Union Oil Company’s with passehgers, (a) between the Ne- Main Highway, Miami, Fla., of GREAT shale oil plant at Parachute Creek (in vada-California State Line east of Lake­ SOUTHERN TRUCKING COMPANY, Garfield County), Colo., from Grand side, and Sacramento: From the point 2050 Kings Road, Jacksonville, Fla., T Valley over unnumbered county highway where U. S. Highway 50 intersects the ■S. C. MOTOR FREIGHT LINES, INC.,' which extends in a northwesterly direc­ Nevada-California State Line, over U. S. 400 Pickney Street, Houston, Tex., and tion for a distance of approximately Highway 50 to junction unnumbered MILLER MOTOR LINE OF NORTH fifteen miles to the site of the Union Oil highway southeast of Folsom (East Fol­ CAROLINA, INC., J. ARCHER CANNON, Company’s shale oil plant at Parachute som Junction), thence over unnum­ JR., SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, Greens­ Creek, and return over the same route, bered highway via Folsom and Nimbus boro, N. C., and for acquisition by JAMES serving all intermediate points. Appli­ to junction U. S. Highway 50 southeast A. RYDER, also of Miami, Fla., of con­ cant is authorized to transport similar of Nimbus (West Folsom Junction), trol of GREAT SOUTHERN TRUCKING commodities in Colorado a n d New thence over U. S. Highway 50 to Sacra­ COMPANY, T. S. C. MOTOR FREIGHT Mexico. mento, serving all intermediate points. LINES, INC., AND MILLER MOTOR No. MC 61403 (Sub No. 23), filed Oc­ (Connects with Nevada route 4.); and LINE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. tober 30, 1957, ROBINSON TRANSFER (b) between Stewart Junction and the through the acquisition by JAR COR­ MOTOR LINES, INC., Wilcox Drive, Nevada-California State Line east of PORATION. Applicants’ attorney: Eu­ Kingsport, Tenn. Applicant’s attorney: Lakeside, Calif.: From the junction of gene T. Liipfert, 2001 Massachusetts 5. S. Eisen, 140 Cedar Street, New York U. S. Highway 50 and U. S. Highway 395 Avenue, NW., Washington 6, D. C. 6, N. Y. For authority to operate as a (Stewart Junction), over U. S. Highway Operating rights sought to be controlled: common carrier, over irregular routes, 50 to the Nevada-California State Line, GREAT SOUTHERN TRUCKING COM­ transporting: Chemicals, in bulk, in tank serving all intermediate points. (Con­ PANY: Operates as a common carrier of vehicles, from Cranston, R. I., to Old nects with California route 70.) General commodities, with certain ex­ Hickory, Tenn. ceptions, including household goods and No te: Applicant presently holds the au­ commodities in bulk, over specified reg­ No. MC 87514 (Sub No. 12), filed No­ thority applied for above in Certificate No. vember 5, 1957, NICHOLAS TUSO, 1501 (Sub No. 138), the authority in (a) ular routes, serving certain intermediate JR., doing business as INTER-STATE being shown on Page 17, and (b) on Page 51 and off-route points, principally in the TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, P. O. thereof. The authority in (a) contains the States of Alabama, Georgia, South Caro­ Box 55, Third and Chestnut Avenue, following restriction: Regular service is au­ lina, North Carolina, Florida, and Vir­ Vineland, N. J. Applicant’s attorney: thorized to be conducted between the ginia; and over irregular routes in North Wilmer A. Hill, Transportation Build­ Nevada-California State Line and Placerville Carolina and Virginia; and over various during the season extending approximately specified alternate routes for operating! ing, Washington 6, D. C, For authority' from June 10 to September 10 of each year. to operate as a contract carrier, over Service is authorized to be conducted in convenience in connection with its reg­ irregular routes, transporting: Petro­ special operations only during that part of ular route operations. T. S. C. MOTOR leum and petroleum products, in bulk, the year when regular service is not per­ FREIGHT LINES, INC. operates as a in tank vehicles, from Tullytown, Pa., formed; and the authority in (b) contains common carrier of General commodities, to points, in New Jersey. Applicant is the following restriction: Regular service is with certain exceptions, including house­ authorized to transport petroleum prod­ authorized to be operated during the season hold goods and commodities in bulk, and ucts in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and extending approximately from June 10 to of malt beverages, bags and bagging, New Jersey. September 10 of each year. Service is au­ agricultural commodities, canned goods, thorized to be conducted in special opera­ No. MC 113082 (Sub No. 4), filed No­ tions during that part of the year when dried fruit, petroleum products, cotton, vember 5, 1957, CLARK STOOKES- regular service is not performed. Applicant roofing, lard and sugar, over specified BERRY, Milton, Iowa. Applicant’s rep­ states the purpose of this application is to regular routes, serving certain interme­ resentative: William A. Landau, 1307 change summer-season operating authority diate and off-route points, principally in East Walnut Street, Des Moines 16, to all-year operating authority between the States of Alabama, Louisiana, Texas Iowa. For authority to operate as a Placerville, Calif., and Stewart Junction, Nev. and Mississippi; and over irregular contract carrier, over irregular routes, No. MC 67024 (Sub No. 24), filed Octo­ routes in Texas and Louisiana; and Gov­ transporting: Used wire "bottle-carrying ber 8, 1957, SERVICE COACH LINE, ernment-owned compressed gas trailers, crates and wire baskets, for recondition­ INC., 1010 East Lafayette Street, c/o empty or loaded, with compressed gases ing, from points in Arkansas, Colorado, Tamiami Trail Tours, Inc., P. O. Box other than liquidised petroleum gas, be­ Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, 2938, Tampa, Fla. For authority to op­ tween the points and over the regular Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ne­ erate as a common carrier, over a regular and alternate routes, and to, from and braska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsyl­ route, transporting: Passengers and their between the points, and over the irregu­ vania, South Dakota, Tennessee, West baggage, express, mail and newspapers, lar routes, in the State of Texas, as au­ Virginia, and Wisconsin to Keosauqua, in the same vehicle with passengers, be­ thorized in MC 106977 Sub 2. MILLER Iowa. Applicant is authorized to trans­ tween junction U. S. and MOTOR LINE OF NORTH CAROLINA, port wire bottle-carrying crates and wire Georgia Highway 88 (2 miles east of INC., is a common carrier of a wide va­ baskets from Keosauqua, Iowa to each Hephzibah, Ga.), and Statesboro, Ga., riety of commodities in bulk, in tank ve­ of the above destination States and to from the junction of U. S. Highway 25 hicles, including but not limited to Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee; and Georgia Highway 88 over U. S. High­ petroleum products, liquid chemicals, and used wire bottle-carrying crates and way 25 to Statesboro, and return over and vegetable oils, from, to, and between wire baskets from points in Oklahoma, to the same route, serving all intermediate varying points and areas in the States Keosauqua, Iowa, and another com­ points. Applicant is authorized to con­ of North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, modity in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minne­ duct operations in Georgia and Florida. South Carolina, Tennessee, West Vir­ sota, Missouri, and Wisconsin. ginia, Maryland, Alabama, Florida, pplications nder ections and N o te: Applicant states the proposed trans­ A U S 5 Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, New portation is for Barker Equipment Co. 210a (b) Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Arkan­ sas, Kentucky, District of Columbia, Mis­ MOTOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS The following applications are gov­ erned by the Interstate Commerce Com­ souri, Ohio, and Texas. JAR CORPO­ No. MC 1501 (Sub No. 139), filed No­ mission’s special rules governing notice RATION holds no authority from this vember 4, 1957, THE GREYHOUND of filing of applications by motor car­ Commission^ but is affiliated with RY­ CORPORATION, 2600 Board of Trade riers of property or passengers under DER SYSTEM, INC., which in turn owns Building, Chicago 4, 111. Applicant’s section 5 (2) an(T210a (b) of the Inter­ all the capital stock of GREAT SOUTH­ attorney: Earl A. Bagby, Western Grey­ state Commerce Act and certain other ERN TRUCKING COMPANY, T. S. C. hound Lines, Market and Fremont procedural matters with respect thereto MOTOR FREIGHT LINES, INC., and Streets, San Francisco 5, Calif. -For au- • (49 CFR 1.240). MILLER MOTOR LINE OF NORTH Wednesday, November 20, 1957 FEDERAL REGISTER 9277 CAROLINA, INC. The application is 548 Ann Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., of the No. MC-F 6762. Authority sought for accompanied with a motion to dismiss operating rights and property of RICH­ purchase by FRANK COSGROVE for lack of jurisdiction. Application has ARD S. ZIEGENFUS, R. D. No. 1, Palm- TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, INC., not been filed for temporary authority erton, Pa. Applicants' attorney: James 393 Mystic Avenue, Medford, Mass., of under section 210a (b). K. Peck, 811 Pennsylvania Power and the operating rights and property of NO. MC-P 6757. Authority sought Light Building, Scranton, Pa. Operat­ DAWNE TRANSPORTATION COM­ for purchase by UNITED STATES VAN ing rights sought to be purchased: Coal, PANY, INC., 11 Pemberton Square, Room LINES, INC., 3340 North Mannheim as a common carrier, over irregular 609, Boston, Mass., and for acquisition Road, Franklin Park, 111., of the operat­ routes, from Hazleton, Pa., points in by FRANK M. J. COSGROVE AND ing rights of OLIVER W. SILFVAST, Luzerne County within 5 miles of Hazle­ CHARLES E. DEMERS, both of Medford, DANIEL D. DAVIDOFF AND ADOLPH ton, and points in Northumberland and Mass., of control of such rights and prop­ G. PHPPO, doing business as DEAL ¡Schuylkill Counties, Pa., to Palisades erty through the purchase. Applicants’ TRANSFER AND FUEL, 312 North Di­ Park, Harrison, and Jersey City, N. J., attorney: Mary E. Kelley, 84 State vision, Kellogg, Idaho, and for acquisi­ and points in Mercer and Somerset Street, Boston, Mass. Operating rights tion by ARCHIBALD H. STEVENS, 121 Counties, N. J. Vendee is authorized to sought to be purchased: Packing house South Niagara, Saginaw, Mich., HAZEL operate as a common carrier in New products, as defined by the Commission, H. STEVENS, also of Franklin Park, York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. groceries, chemicals and sparkler bottles, 111., and ALLEN A. METCALF, SR., Application has not been filed for tem­ as a common carrier, over a regular AND ALLEN A. METCALF, JR., both of porary authority under section 210a (b). route, between New York, N. Y. and Bos­ 1255 East Highway 36, St. Paul, Minn., No. MC-F 6761. Authority sought for ton, Mass., serving certain intermediate of control of such rights through the purchase by GRUBB MOTOR LINES, and off-route points; chemicals, turpen­ purchase. Applicants’ attorney: Ra­ INC., P. O. Box 567, Lexington, N. C. of tine, linseed oil, and casein, over irregu­ mon S. Regan, 2255 Penobscot Building, the operating rights and property of lar routes, from Stoneham, Mass., to Detroit 26, Mich. Operating rights BYRD MOTOR LINE, INCORPORATED, points in Providence County, R. I., and sought to be purchased: Household P. O. Box 441, Lexington, N. C. and for certain points in New Hampshire. Ven­ goods, as defined by the Commission, as acquisition by J. C. GLOSSON AND A. dee is authorized to operate as a com­ a common carrier, over irregular H. ALEXANDER, both of Lexington, mon carrier in Massachusetts, Vermont, routes, between points in Shoshone N. C. of control of such rights and prop­ New York, New Hampshire, Virginia, County, Idaho, on the one hand, and, erty through the purchase. Applicants' Tennessee, Hlinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michi­ on the other, points in that part of attorney: Harry F. Gillis, 801 Mills Build­ gan, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Montana on and west of the 109th ing, Washington 6, D. C. Operating Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. Meridian, those in that part of Idaho rights sought to be purchased: New fur­ Application has been filed for temporary north of the south boundary of Idaho niture, as a common carrier, over irreg­ authority under section 210a (b). County, Idaho, those in that part of ular routes, from points in North Caro­ No. MC-F 6763. Authority sought for Washington east of the Cascade range lina which are more than 10 miles but purchase by FOGARTY BROS. TRANS­ of mountains, and those in that part of within 25 miles of High Point, N. C. to FER, INC., 1103 Cumberland Avenue, Oregon north of a line beginning at points in Alabama, Connecticut, Dela­ Tampa, Fla., of a portion of the oper­ Ontario, Oreg., and extending west to ware, District of Columbia, Florida, ating rights of MOELLER TRANSFER Bend and Eugene, Oreg., to the Pacific Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, AND STORAGE CO., 210 Coosa Street, Ocean including the points named. Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missis­ Montgomery, Ala., and for acquisition by Vendee is authorized to operate as a sippi, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Penn­ J. E. FOGARTY AND JERRY E. common carrier in all States in the sylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vir­ FOGARTY, both of Tampa, Fla., of con­ United States and the District of Colum­ ginia, and West Virginia; from Mebane trol of such rights through the pur­ bia, except the States of Maine, Vermont, and Hillsboro, N. C., to points in Ala­ chase. Applicants’ attorney: Edgar New Hampshire, Mississippi, Alabama, bama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, ex­ Watkins, 919 Munsey Building, Wash­ New Mexico, and Nevada. Application cept those in the Chicago, 111., commer­ ington 4, D. C. Operating rights sought has not been filed for temporary author­ cial zone, Kentucky, Louisiana, certain to be purchased: Household goods, as ity under section 210a (b). points in Michigan, Mississippi, New defined by the Commission, as a common No. MC-F 6758. Authority sought for York, except those in the New York, N. Y., carrier, over irregular routes, between Purchase by UNITED STATES VAN commercial zone, South Carolina, and points in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, LINES, INC., 3340 North Mannheim Tennessee; from High Point, N. C., and Missouri, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Road, Franklin Park, 111., of the oper­ points within 10 miles thereof to points Mississippi; between points in Alabama ating rights of PORTLAND MOVING & in Alabama, Connecticut, District of on the one hand, and, on the other, STORAGE CO., 800 Southeast Haw- Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, In­ points in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, | thorne Boulevard, Portland, Oreg., and diana, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana,' North Carolina, South Carolina, and f°r acquisition by ARCHIBALD H. Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, New Maryland. Vendee is authorized to oper­ i STEVENS, 121 South Niagara, Saginaw, Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, ate as a common carrier in Florida, Mich., HAZEL H. STEVENS, also of South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Georgia, South Carolina, North Caro­ ! Franklin Park, Hi., and ALLEN A. MET­ West Virginia; rejected shipments of new lina, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Ken­ CALF, SR, AND ALLEN A. METCALF, furniture from the above destination tucky, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, j JR., both of 1255 East Highway 36, St. points to the above origin points; canned Illinois, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Dela­ Paul, Minn., of control of such rights citrus fruits and canned citrus juices, ware, New Jersey, New York, Connecti­ [ through the purchase. Applicants’ at­ from Plant City and Frostproof, Fla., cut, District of Columbia, Michigan, Wis­ torney: Ramon S. Regan, 2255 Penobscot to certain points in North Carolina; consin, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Building, Detroit 26, Mich. Operating Veneer, from Piqua, Ohio, and Edinburg, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, rights sought to be purchased: House- Ind., to Galax and Pulaski, Va., and cer­ New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Rhode Is­ hold goods, as defined by the Commis- tain points in North Carolina; from land, Texas, Vermont, Iowa, Nebraska, S10n. as a common carrier, over irregular Louisville, Ky„ to certain points in North and Minnesota. Application has not I routes, between points in Oregon on the Carolina; from Lawrenceburg, Greens- been filed for temporary authority under | hand, and, on the other, points in burg and Nashville, Ind., to Lexington, section 210a (b). Washington. Vendee is authorized to N. C. Vendee is authorized to operate as MOTOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS operate as a common carrier in all States a common carrier in Virginia, North 1? “te United States and the District of Carolina, New York, Maryland, New No. MC-F 6759. Authority sought for ^olumbia, except the States of Maine, purchase by NORTHEASTERN MIS­ Vermont, New Hampshire, Mississippi, Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, District* SOURI GREYHOUND LINES, INC., 500 Alabama, New Mexico, and Nevada. Ap­ of Columbia, Tennessee, South Carolina, South Washington Street, Mexico, Mo., plication has not been filed for tempo- Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Ohio, Rhode of portions of the operating rights of (1) ary authority under section 210a (b). Island, and Massachusetts. Application THE GREYHOUND CORPORATION, NO. MC-F 6760. Authority sought has not been filed for temporary au­ 2600 Board of Trade Building, Chicago 10r Purchase by CLAUDE S. CYPHERS. thority under section 210a (b), 4. 111., and (2) SOUTHWESTERN 9278 NOTICES

GREYHOUND LINES, INC., 210 East from the date of publication of this FSA No. 34300: Fire brick and Ninth Street, Fort Worth 2, Tex., and for notice in the F ederal R egister. shapes—Worcester, Mass., to Arkansas acquisition by SOUTHWESTERN LONG-AND-SHORT HAUL points. Filed by F. C. Kratzmeir, Agent GREYHOUND LINES, INC., of control (SWFB No. B-7154), for interested rail of such rights through the purchase. FSA No. 34298: Cement and clinkers— carriers. Rates on silicon carbide fire Applicants’ attorneys: Crouch, Crouch Pennsylvania points to North Judson, brick and fire brick shapes, straight or and Spangler, Citizens National Bank Ind. Filed by O. E. Schultz, Agent (ER mixed carloads from Worcester, Mass., Building, Harrisonville, Mo. Operating No. 2410), for interested rail carriers. to Jones Mills and Gum Springs, Ark. rights sought to be purchased: Passen­ Rates on cement, common, hydraulic, Grounds for relief: Modified short-line gers and their baggage, and express, mail masonry, mortar, natural or Portland, distance formula. and newspapers, as a common carrier, carloads, and clinker, carloads from over regular routes, (1) between Louisi­ Chapman, Coplay, Martins Creek, North­ Tariff: Supplement 109 to Agent ana, Mo., and Springfield, 111., and (2) ampton, and 15 other specified points Kratzmeir’s tariff I. C. C. 4178. between Kingdom City, Mo., and Louisi­ in the-Lehigh, Pa., cement district sub­ FSA No. 34301: Silica—Illinois points ana, Mo. Vendee is authorized to oper­ ject laB ath, Pa., basis of rates to North to points in the South. Filed by O. W. ate as a common carrier in Missouri. Judson, Ind. South, Jr., Agent (SFA No_ A3560), for Application has not been filed for tem­ Grounds for relief: Short-line distance interested rail carriers. Rates on silica, porary authority under section 210a (b). formula. ground or pulverized, carloads, from Tariff: Supplement 4 to Agent H. R. By the Commission. Elco, Tamms and Olive Branch, 111., to Hinsch’s tariff I. C. C. 4788. specified points in Alabama, Florida, [seal] H arold D. McCoy, FSA No. 34299: Coal—Tennessee points Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Secretary. to Lamberts Point, Va. Filed by The Southern Railway Company, for itself Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. [P. R. Doc. 57-9597; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; Grounds for relief: Short-line distance 8:49 a. m.] (No. 128-A), and the Norfolk and West­ ern Railway Company. Rates on coal, formula. carloads from Elk Valley, Newcomb, Tip- Tariff: Supplement 130 to Agent Span- rell, and Wooldridge, Tenn., to Lamberts inger’s tariff I. C. C. 1469. F ourth Section Applications for Relief Point, Va., for export. By the Commission. November 15, 1957. Grounds for relief: Market competi­ Protests to the granting of an applica­ tion and origin group relations. [seal] Harold D. McCoy, tion must be prepared in accordance with Tariff: Supplement 29 to Southern Secretary. Rule 40 of the general rules of practice Railway Company’s tariff I. C. C. [P. R. Doc. 57-9596; Piled, Nov. 19, 1957; (49 CFR 1.40) and filed within 15 days A-11352. 8:49 a. m.]