■ S T O N A I ^ FEDERAL ÌEGISTE 1934 ^ VOLUME 22 NUMBER 225 Washington, Wednesday, November 20, 1957 as appears by ___ 1_____ No. ,____ ____ ___ _ TITLE 46— SHIPPING Issued a t ________ _ 19 ___ _ surrendered9 CONTENTS Chapter II— Federal Maritime Board, -------------------------------------; that I am a citi- Give cause of surrender) Agricultural Marketing Service Pas® Maritime Administration, Depart­ zen of the United States of America by birth, Rules and regulations: ment of Commerce having been born a t _________ __________ Cucumbers grown in Florida; (City) (State) limitation of shipments_____ 9251 Subchapfer B— Regulations Affecting Maritime o n ------------------------- (or)7 by naturaliza- Carriers and Related Activities (Date of birth) Agriculture Department [Gen. Order 61,2d Revision, Supp. 2] tion before the ____________________ for See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ (Name of court) Part 221—Documentation, T ransfer or ice; Commodity Stabilization Charter of Vessels (District, county, or State) Service; Farmers Home Ad­ o n -----------;------------------ having been Issued ministration. CITIZENSHIP DECLARATIONS BY OWNERS OR (Date naturalized) Civil Aeronautics Administra­ MORTGAGEES OF VESSELS OF UNITED Naturalization Certificate No. ___________ ; STATES tion that the president and trustees of said bank Rules and regulations: Section 221.11 is hereby supplemented are citizens of the United States of America; Standard instrument approach by adding the following paragraph (e) that said bank has no managing directors, at the end thereof: the duties of managing directors being ex­ procedures; alterations_____ 9251 ercised by said trustees; that said bank is Civil Aeronautics Board (e) Form MA-4561 for execution by anot authorized to issue stock; that the entire corporation (specifically applicable to voting power and control of said bank is Notices : mutual savings banks) not authorized vested in the Board of Trustees free from Hearings, etc.: to issue capital stock but in which the any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of Administrator of Civil Aero­ voting power is exercised by its members, any person not a citizen of the United States; nautics v. Orville J. Feroe. 9264 shall read as follows: that through no contract or understanding California Air Charter, Inc_ 9264 is it so arranged that any of the voting power Capital gains proceeding____ 9264 Form MA-4561 of said bank may be exercised, directly or t Quaker City Airways, Inc___ 9264 (11/57) indirectly, in behalf of any person who is not a citizen of the United States of America; Southeastern Alaska; addi­ U. S. Department of Commerce, Maritime that by no means whatsoever is the control tional air service_________ 9264 Administration of any interest in said bank conferred upon Commerce Department OWNER OR MORTGAGEE OF VESSEL or permitted to be exercised by any person who is not a citizen of the United States of See also Civil Aeronautics Admin­ (Section 40, Shipping Act, 1916, as amended) America. istration; Federal Maritime U. S. C., Title 46, Sec. 838, 40 Stat. 902, Board; Maritime Administra­ 62 Stat. 212 (Signature) tion. Notices: DECLARATION OF OFFICER OF MUTUAL SAVINGS (Date) BANK* Lundell, Arvid O.; state­ If more than one vessel is involved, only one ment of financial interests I — --------- - o f --------------- declare that form of declaration need be filed if by a (amended) __________ ____ 9263 I am1 --------------of th e 2 __*______ _ a cor­ notation inserted in the clause immediately Wilson, George L.; statement of poration organized under the laws of the prior to the clause about the citizenship of changes in financial interests. 9263 State o f ------------ - with offices at *_______ ; declarant, appropriate reference is made to that said corporation is the owner (or)* a schedule added to said declaration, in Commodity Stabilization Service mortgagee of the vessel, or part thereof, or which schedule shall be inserted the name Interest therein,4 called_______ o f _________ Rules and regulations: official num ber______-, gross________ , and data of each additional vessel as re­ Marketing quotas; holding of net --------- -—, built5 in 19___ _ a t ______ _ quired for the first vessel, owned by or under referenda; miscellaneous mortgage to the party on behalf of whom said amendments____________ ___ 9250 declaration is made. ‘This declaration is to be taken whenever Farmers Home Administration any bill of sale, mortgage, hypothecation, or Penalty for false statement. Section 40, Notices : conveyance of any vessel, or part thereof, or Shipping Act, 1916, as amended, provides Deputy and Assistant Adminis­ interest therein, is presented by a corpora­ “Whoever knowingly makes any false state­ tion to any collector of customs for recording. trators; delegation and as­ ment of a material fact in any such declara­ signment of authorities 9263 1 Insert “President" or any other duly au­ tion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and thorized official thereof, as the case may be. 2 Insert full corporate name of bank. Federal Communications Com­ 1 Insert business address of bank. * I. e., document now surrendered, or mission ‘ Strike out word or expression-not appro­ document last surrendered heretofore (U. S. Notices: priate. C., Title 46, Sec. 808). Hearings, etc.: B Insert other means whereby vessel became ’ Strike out reference to naturalization if American Telephone and entitled to American registry, when appro­ party is a native-born citizen. Telegraph Co. and Western priate. (Continued on next page) Union Telegraph Co______ 9264 9249 9250 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued subject to a fine of not more than $5,000, or / m \ to Imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.” Federal Maritime Board— Con. Pa8® Notices: (Sec. 204, 46 Stat. 1987, as amended; 46 FEDERA^pEGISTER U. S. C. 1114) \ rOtyTtO* l»34 ^ Japan-Atlantic and Gulf Freight Conference (member Dated: November 15, 1957. lines) ; agreement filed for approval _________________ 9263 By order of the Acting Maritime Ad­ ministrator. Federal Power Commission Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, G eo. A. Viehmann, and days following official Federal holidays, Notices: Assistant Secretary. by the Federal Register Division, National Hearings, etc. : [F. R. Doc. 57-9608; Filed, Nov. 19, 1957; Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Cumberland and Allegheny 8:53 a. m.] ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Gas Co_____________ 9268 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Meredith and Co. et al_____ 9267 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Moffitt, Mrs. Tom J., et al____ 9266 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Northern Natural Gas Co___ 9269 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Chapter VII— Commodity Stabilization mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Northern Natural Gas Co. et the President. Distribution is made only by al------------------------- 9268 Service (Farm Marketing Quotas the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Transcontinental Gas Pipe and Acreage Allotments), Depart­ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Line Corp. et al__________ 9267 ment of Agriculture The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Interior Department mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 [1022-1 Arndt. 4] per month or $15.00 per year, payable in See Land Management Bureau; advance. The charge for individual copies Reclamation Bureau. Part 717—Holding of R eferenda on (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Interstate Commerce Commis­ Marketing Quotas the size of the issue. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent sion MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS of Documents, directly to the Government Notices: Basis and purpose. The amendments Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Fourth section applications for contained herein are issued pursuant to The regulatory material appearing herein relief____ _________________ 9278 the provisions of the Agricultural Ad­ Is keyed to the Code o f F ederal R egulations, Motor carrier applications____ 9270 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant justment Act of 1938, as amended, and to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Land Management Bureau the provisions of the Agricultural Act of amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Notices: 1956, for the purpose of amending eral R egulations Is sold by the Superin­ Proposed withdrawal and reser­ §§717.1 and 717.3 of the regulations tendent of Documents. Prices of books and vation of lands: governing the holding of referenda on pocket supplements vary. Colorado_____ ____________ 9262 marketing quotas contained in §§717.1 There are no restrictions on the re­ Idaho (2 documents)___ 9261,9262 to 717.14, inclusive (21 F. R. 3960, 4799, publication of material appearing in the 8793; 22 F. R. 2982) . Prior to preparing F ederal R egister, or the C ode o f F ederal Maritime Administration R egulations. these amendments, public notice, in­ Rules and regulations: cluding the text of the proposed amend­ Citizenship declarations by own­ ments, was published in the F ederal ers or mortgagees of vessels R egister (22 F. R. 8154) in accordance of the United States_______ 9249 with the provisions of the Administrative CFR SUPPLEMENTS Reclamation Bureau Procedure Act (5 U. S. C. 1003). The Notices: data, views, and recommendations per­ The following is now available: Riverton Project, Wyoming; an­ taining to these amendments which were Title 3, 1943-1948 Compilation nual water rental charges___ 9262 submitted pursuant to such notice have been duly
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